diff --git "a/chat.csv" "b/chat.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/chat.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,6356 @@ +input,response + I am sorry to hear about this trouble you are running into. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA," I set up a paypal account before i was 18. Fair play, my bad. Was wondering if i could shut down the account so i can restart it now im 18?" +" Sadly we cannot close this account until you are 18, but we can close this account once you are 18 and you can op... https://t.co/hIEXXEzY1f", I am 18 +" I'm sorry to hear of any frustration. I have answered your DM, please check your messages. ^IN", Replied. +" Hey there, we've responded to your DM, so please message us back whenever you get the chance! ^EL", Replied :) +" Hi there! A typical refund takes 3-5 business days to complete, but depending on your card issuer it may take up ... https://t.co/HAqrNEB1Rp", One of my refund request has been active for a week and the money still has not been put on my card. + We're sorry to hear you've had a poor experience. Please send us a DM with your email address and any details of the issue. Thank you. ^TB, __email__ +" Hello! we sent you a message with more information, so that we can further assist you. Please check your DM's. ^JDG", I did send a screenshot +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thank you for your patience. ^ES", Can you please open my account so I can transfer the money in there and close the account. +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thank you for your patience. ^ES", Ok but will someone please resolve this issue. +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/uHPYUDqQCR", Done! + Hey there! Please send us an email at __email__! :) ^HYC, Thanks! :) + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the receipt you are referring to. I will be happy to help. ^BV, Ok I’ll send you a DM now +" Hi there, we have reached out to you through DM. ^SK", Did she send nudes xx +" Wenn du diesbezüglich eine Überprüfung wünschst, kann ich diese gern für dich veranlassen. ^BL", Bin grade auf der Autobahn unterwegs. Melde mich später dazu. +" Hi, vielleicht bestand in der Vergangenheit ein PayPal-Konto mit dieser E-Mail-Adresse. Gern kannst du uns diese ... https://t.co/C0qkRIndnU", Es bestand nie ein Konto mit dieser E-Mail-Adresse. +" Bonsoir à vous, nous sommes à votre disposition. Afin de vous aider, merci de venir en privé muni de votre adresse email PayPal et plus de détails concernant votre demande ^LT"," Nous comprenons que la réponse apportée à votre requête ne soit pas celle que vous attendiez. Nous espérons néanmoins que vous comprendrez que notre décision a été prise en accord avec les Conditions d'utilisation PayPal. Pour plus d'informations,voici ... https://t.co/x2nDZBsHGy" +" Bonsoir à vous, nous sommes à votre disposition. Afin de vous aider, merci de venir en privé muni de votre adresse email PayPal et plus de détails concernant votre demande ^LT", Obligé de mettre du fb ads et twitter pour avoir des gens chez vous c’est malheureux +" Bonsoir à vous, nous sommes à votre disposition. Afin de vous aider, merci de venir en privé muni de votre adresse email PayPal et plus de détails concernant votre demande ^LT", Le client reçois l’article mais nous on prend 16€ de frais de dossiers. Vous êtes en train de vous auto détruire. +" Bonsoir à vous, nous sommes à votre disposition. Afin de vous aider, merci de venir en privé muni de votre adresse email PayPal et plus de détails concernant votre demande ^LT", Rapide comme réponse. Malheureusement je stop avec vous. Vous rendez vraiment ouf à être à 100% derrières les clients + Hey! Send me a DM with your PP email and any other details about this. I'm happy to help. ^MB, MB -- just sent a a DM. Thank you. I hope you can help. + I'm glad you reached out about a refund you're expecting! Please send me a DM of the transaction in question. I want to help! ^KT, I have pmd you its very confusing + I'm sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with our service! If you have any concerns about your account or ... https://t.co/160tq39vkA, The issue is with one of your vendors’ sites that has been holding a duplicate charge against my av for five days despite voids + Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about the issue. I'm happy to help! :)! ^ALF," done, thanks" + We have responded to your dm. Please check your messages.," Just did,thanks for your quick response." + Hi there! Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! ^AAR, I deleted and readdrd the card. No time to wait three days for help. + Hi Meghan! Please send us a DM regarding your concern. We'll be more than happy to assist you there. ^HZ, Just sent a DM. Thank you! + Hey there! Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate it and are glad we were able to help! :) ^KE, Paypal is all u need + Hey there! Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate it and are glad we were able to help! :) ^KE, When paypal replies faster than any guy + We also recommend contacting the merchant to make sure any duplicate orders are canceled. Sorry for any frustration. ^DD," Only two total orders, but 4 charges (each has a duplicate charge)." + Thanks for that info. Please contact the merchant to cancel the duplicate orders. ^DD," As I said, there are no duplicate orders. Just duplicate charges." +" Duplicate charges can be very frustrating. We recommend disputing the duplicate charge, here's how: https://t.co/j41XVpLI1t. ^DD", Happened a second time. Seems to be a problem with using the app to pay through the app. Keeps looping payment. +" Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM with a screenshot, so I can help you out? ^IT", Have sent dm +" Hi, we are sorry for any inconvenience. Please send us DM with your PayPal email address so that we can further assist you. ^IA"," Hi, your staff refunded him. Called again & another, this time helpful staff refunded me. Thanks" + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, Everything is sorted now. Thank u + Se mudar de ideia... estou por aqui. Excelente feriado.," Se eu mudar de ideia, vou ter de ir atrás de outro perfil da paypal, depois outro, um pra cada demanda... Brr, deus me livre." +" oxi... é só mandar dm pros seus dados não ficarem expostos publicamente. A gente trabalha com segurança, então nã... https://t.co/odCnWx7Aoz"," O problema não é DM, é repassar meu problema adiante. Por favor, não me contatem mais. Quando eu disse que desisti, é porque quero distância" + oxi! mas a gente atende em português sim. Aqui oh o/, Então por favor me digam como recuperar minha senha sem precisar responder qual meu brinquedo de pelúcia favorito + Sorry to hear this! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address for further assistance. ^VM, __email__ +" Guten Morgen, schön, dass auch du dir ein sicheres Passwort erstellen möchtest. Es klappt allerdings auch sehr gut mit weniger als 20 Zeichen, sein PayPal-Konto vor Attacken zu schützen. ^SL"," Joa, im Zweifel lassen wir das dann ein Gericht entscheiden, sowas diskutiere ich doch nicht auf Twitter. :-P" +" Bonjour à vous, selon votre capture d'écran, il s'agit en effet d'un faux email qui n'a pas été envoyé par nos services. Je vous conseille de nous le transférer à l'adresse suivante : __email__. Voici aussi un lien qui peut vous aider : https://t.co/zcupANK3Bn ^EM", Merci pour votre réponse ! À bientôt +" Bonjour à vous, nous vous remercions de nous avoir contactés. Nous sommes navrés que vous soyez dans une telle situation.Vous êtes éligible au remboursement si la commande reçu n'est pas conforme à la description. Voici un lien utile: ... https://t.co/8PluR5uBAe", Merci + melhores clientes <3, mercado pago so gosta de bloqueiar as contas quando tao com dinheiro e ainda so libera com 90 dias +" Hi, eine Abbuchung kann u. U. bis zu 2 Bankarbeitstage dauern. Je nachdem auch, um wieviel Uhr die Abbuchung eingeleitet wurde. Ich kann dich hier nur noch um ein bisschen Geduld bitten. In Kürze solltest du über den Betrag auf dem Bankkonto verfügen können. ^SL", Habe am 28.11 um 18 uhr ca eine email bekommen das das geld jetzt abgebucht wurde ja heute ist der 30.11 also 2 tage her und wo ist das geld ? + Das tut mir leid zu hören. Ist es gestern noch angekommen? ^SL, Nein laut dem Telefonat heute ging das geld erst am 30.11 raus ja und in meiner emaiö steht das dauert 1 bis 2 tage heute ist tag 1 fast Rum dann mal Montag schauen hoffentlich da + Bitte entschuldige die kleine Verzögerung. Ich wünsche dir schon mal einen schönen Start ins Wochenende. ^SL, Kein Problem hoffe dann das es Montag da ist .. Danke gleichfalls + Danke dir. ^SL, Can u help me with my problem please +" Hi, Sicherheit steht bei uns an oberster Stelle. Daher kann es durchaus in Einzelfällen zu einer Sicherheitsüberprüfung beim Einloggen kommen. Du solltest dann die Wahl haben zwischen einem Anruf und SMS. Sorry für die Unannehmlichkeiten. ^SL", Check DMs +" Hi, Sicherheit steht bei uns an oberster Stelle. Daher kann es durchaus in Einzelfällen zu einer Sicherheitsüberprüfung beim Einloggen kommen. Du solltest dann die Wahl haben zwischen einem Anruf und SMS. Sorry für die Unannehmlichkeiten. ^SL"," Würde wohl gehen, wenn man eine Mobilnummer angeben könnte. Geht aber nicht, da ich mich ja nicht mal mehr einloggen kann. Die Festnetznummer haben wir seit Jahren nicht mehr." + Merci de passer par DM et de nous fournir votre adresse email ^SB, C'est fait 😊 +" Salut Océane ! Si le remboursement est crédité sur votre solde PayPal, vous pouvez l'utiliser pour vos paiements en ligne ou le virer gratuitement sur un compte bancaire. Voici comment procéder : https://t.co/A17p2oFSs4 ^SB"," Merci beaucoup! Seul probleme : le remboursement apparait dans ""activités "" mais pas dans le ""solde paypal""..." +" Bonjour à vous et merci pour votre vigilance envers ce genre d'emails. En effet, selon l'adresse email que vous m'avez transmise, il s'agit bien d'un email frauduleux. Il ne faut jamais communiquer votre mot de passe par email. Voici un lien utile pour ... https://t.co/ZEqbFXT2HW", Merci beaucoup ! +" Bonjour à vous, nous restons toujours à votre entière disposition en cas de besoin :). Bonne après-midi et bon weekend ! ^EM", Can you please help me +" Bonjour à vous, nous restons toujours à votre entière disposition en cas de besoin :). Bonne après-midi et bon weekend ! ^EM", Plz help me + Hi Lucy! Please delete those tweets as they contain your private information and we do not want that on social media. Feel free to send me a DM if you need further assistance. :) ^JMR, How do I delete? unfortunately I do not know how.. +" Hola. Lamentamos lo sucedido. Con gusto podremos revisar, envíanos un DM con más detalles. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Acaban de contestarme, gracias :)" +" Hi I can see why this would be concerning! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR"," You will definitely get them, thank you." +" I'm sorry to hear about the long wait time. We do take these types of problems very seriously. If you still need help with this, please send me a DM with your PayPal email address and some more information so that I can look into this for you. ^NEM"," Pretty sad it took this long to get a response from you. Twitter used to be THE best way of working with PP. Looks like that's gone, too." + We are sorry about this. Please know that we respond to messages in the order we received them which can cause a delay due to the high volume of message me receive. Not to worry as we are here to assist you further once you send us a DM. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA," If it takes you over 24 hours, you obviously need a new system or more help. It used to be WAY better." +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Recibimos tu DM, el cual ha sido contestado por un especialista, ¡buen día! ^DG", Hello dm me + Are you referring to payment holds? I am sorry if you find this inconvenient but eventually you should graduate from the holds program and they will be much more scarce than they are now. ^YG, Plus I'm certain that it is illegal under eu directives to do that + Are you referring to payment holds? I am sorry if you find this inconvenient but eventually you should graduate from the holds program and they will be much more scarce than they are now. ^YG, Well I would not mind it but it's constant even once I take it out to my bank it's 3 days. Imagine going into a bank to take your money out to be told it's 3 days before you can have it +" Are you stating that it takes 3 days for withdrawn funds to make it through to your bank account? If so, this isn't our funds availability system. We do this to make sure that there are no serious issues with the withdrawal. ^YG", It's this as well but it's every single time it never used to be it used to be within 2 hours and it still says it can be 2 hours on the site I'm sick of it there are no problems clearly I've withdraw n loads of money in the past it's an excuse to make interest in not a retard +" I apologize for the delay! It'd be my pleasure to address any concerns you may have, so please send me a DM with your PayPal email, country, and more information about your situation. ^KR", Are you referring to payment holds? I am sorry if you find this inconvenient but eventually you should graduate from the holds program and they will be much more scarce than they are now. ^YG +" Hello. If you could send me a DM with your PayPal email, I'd be happy to further assist you with this. Thanks! ^FM", I got the money yesterday. Thank you though! + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK," https://t.co/EvcfHj0FK1 + +PP-006-293-263-276 has been closed because invalid tracking +Best regards" +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", I sent a complaint in to you and it was ignored clearly not happy to help! + Hello there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, I have done. +" Hi John. We apologize for the delay in getting back to you. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN"," Thanks, . Unfortunately, the money that was refunded was promptly stolen again through . Seems like there are some significant security lapses." +" Hello Mia. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you would like to further discuss the status of your case, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN"," Is it going to change anything? The case is closed the money is gone, I doubt I will ever see it again. I will just get excuses for the shady decision and I seriously can pass on that." +" Hey Coral! I can help you out right here, just send me a DM. ^DP"," Thanks, I sent you a DM" +" Hi Betsy, sorry about any inconvenience regarding this matter. To better assist you, please send us a DM with a screenshot of the transaction details page and your PayPal email. We will do our best to help! ^DC", its okay i’ve disputed it with my bank and they’ve blocked PayPal + We're happy to look into this! Please send us a private message with your email address and the details for further assistance. ^EB," Still haven’t been helped....very DISPLEASED with this overall customer service with both y’all and the sellers. Don’t even use eBay that much, but best BELIEVE I’m DONE after this." + We're happy to look into this! Please send us a private message with your email address and the details for further assistance. ^EB," I just want my money back. I payed money for a defective charger, and no one has been of help AT ALL." +" If the transaction was processed as a PayPal guest (they acted as merchant processors for the card you used, etc) a refund on the same transaction ends up back with them. , can you help? ^TL", We're happy to look into this! Please send us a private message with your email address and the details for further assistance. ^EB + Hey there. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV, All that you guys did was force EA to return my game...🤦‍♀️ That’s not what I wanted...Now I don’t have The Sims Cats and Dogs because PayPal performed an unauthorized refund transaction—AND on top of this I am STILL out $90.19!!! 😡 +" Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! We are sorry to hear that you are experiencing this issue with changing your name. If you need any assistance with this, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country your account is registered ... https://t.co/v0hUyZpJiG", Please help me + We are sorry to hear this. Is this affecting your ability to use the app? If so please send us a DM and we would be happy to help. ^HW, Ehm no... it’s more like a visual glitch that looks just not good... you see 👇🏻 https://t.co/pyRrb3XbEI +" Hi there Joe, I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with your pending payments! I'd be happy to help clear up any confusion you may have, simply DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening. :) Thanks! ^EHMB", Ach is 2-3 business days. That means PayPal is sitting and earning money on my deposit instead of transferring it to me. That’s not right. Alas nothing I can do about it. PayPal is in control. + Hi there! My sincerest apologies for the long wait time. Please send in a DM regarding your concern and I'll be more than happy to assist you. ^HZ, After an hour and a bit Its been sorted I think + That would be the best course of action. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. ^ACT," Do you take criticism here? +PayPal support is trash. You'd do a great service to many people by having text based support, this is just worthless. I'll just solve this myself somehow, as I usually do. Have a good day/night" + Hello! Could you please DM us your PayPal email address along with a description of your problem? We'd be happy to help assist you there. Thanks! ^ACT," are you going to tell me to call the support Hotline? + +just tell me now so I know if I can ignore you, no offense" + Hi Martin! I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble with this. Please send me a DM for further assistance. ^DT, Send me a dm please + Hey! How can I help you? ^DP, Please Hurry up with . what's taking so Long? + I am sorry to hear about this trouble with your refund. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA, Sent + I am sorry to hear about this trouble with an item you haven't received. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA, I have sent you a DM with additional screenshots +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", It’s fixed + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! We are sorry to hear that you are having trouble making this purchase and we would be more than happy to help Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the error message you refere... https://t.co/OxlZjxW5jE," Thanks. Things ended up working out in the non-instant way with deposit and withdrawal, so I’m all set." + Hey there. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV, Reply please +" Hey, that's great news. I will pass on your feedback. Have a great weekend. ^DK", You too. + Do you mean when you issue a refund? The fee is cancelled if you send a refund. Feel free to send us a DM if you have any more questions :) ^SML, Ok thank you +" Hi there, I am sorry for the delay in replying to you. I have just sent you a DM. ^DK", I’ve been waiting 3 weeks and you’re still ignoring my dm’s whilst sending me threatening messages about my account +" Hallo, tut mir leid, dass du Probleme beim Bezahlen hast. Bekommst du eine Fehlermeldung? Wenn ja, was besagt diese genau? ^FV", Wir konnten leider Ihre Zahlung nicht abschließen oder keine Abbuchungsvereinbarung für zukünftige Zahlungen einrichten. +" Hallo, ich kann nachvollziehen, dass du nicht so lange warten möchtest. Hast du denn die Sendungsnummer in den Transaktionsdetails hinterlegt? Wurde die Ware von deinem Kunden im PayPal-Konto als erhalten markiert? ^FV"," Ja die Sendeverfolgungsnummer ist hinterlegt. Der Käufer hat mit der Postiven eBay-Bewertung den Erhalt bestätigt ""Alles super und in guter Qualität"" Ich denke das spricht für sich. Ist es nicht möglich das Geld heute schon ""Verfügbar"" zu machen? Ich bin drauf angewiesen. MfG" +" Ich kann das gerne für dich prüfen lassen, ob eine Vorab.-Freigabe möglich ist. Versprechen kann ich leider nichts. Sende mir am besten deine registrierte E-Mail-Adresse, damit ich es entsprechend weiterleiten kann. ^FV", Jetzt steht dort das am 28.11 freigegeben wird. Nochmals: Ich kann darauf NICHT warten. Ich benötige es dringend! Es ist MEIN Geld und es steht mir zu! Sorry aber nach dieser Geschichte werde ich wohl endgültig lebewohl zu PayPal sagen - GEHT GAR NICHT !!!! +" Hi there, we are sorry to see this has happened. If you could please send a DM with your PayPal email address and details of the change of name request. Thanks - ^MD", Great - Just sent a DM - thanks for responding. +" Bonjour à vous, je suis à votre disposition :). Serait-il possible de me communiquer votre adresse email pour que je puisse vous aider ? ^EM"," Bonjour, je vous l'ai envoyé en DM. Merci :)" + We appreciate you bringing this to our attention. Can you DM your email address and some additional details so we can investigate please? ^DD, Please DM an email address I can send an email over to you or if you have a contact number please DM me +" Hi Dan, we are sorry to hear this has happened. If you could please send a DM with your Paypal registered email address and details of the issue at hand. Thanks - ^MD", All sorted now but thank you +" Hallo, gesendete Zahlungen können, ähnlich wie Überweisungen, nicht abgebrochen werden. Eine Ausnahme wäre eine Zahlung, die an eine nicht vorhandene E-Mail-Adresse gesendet wurde. Diese könnte in den Transaktionsdetails abgebrochen werden. ^WD"," Das war aber eines der Hauptargumente,PP zu benutzen.Dann brauche ich ja PP nicht mehr." +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and a copy of that request. We would be happy to help. :) ^HW"," I have done just that, will await your response! Thanks." +" Bonjour à vous, désolés d'apprendre votre mécontentement :(. Nous sommes disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez que l'on vérifie ceci ensemble. Merci de nous communiquer l'adresse email liée au compte PayPal ^EM", Je parle en général. Votre service de litige inadmissible pour les personnes qui reçoivent des donations qui doivent payé des frais a leur plein gré C'est pas un cas particulier plutôt une généralité. +" Nous vous comprenons parfaitement :). En fait, chaque paiement reçu est soumis à des frais de réception ^EM", vous pouver prendre 2 minute pour prendre ma demande en dm svp merci +" Nous vous comprenons parfaitement :). En fait, chaque paiement reçu est soumis à des frais de réception ^EM", Non vous comprenez pas . Un don c'est un don . Ce n'est pas une opération classique vendeur acheteur . Je parle à 1 stagiaire ? +" Hi there, thank you for contacting PayPal via Twitter. Our apologies for the delay in response. Please DM us with your PayPal email address, your country of residence, and a screenshot of the pending transaction. We are here to help. Thank you! ^AC", I understand your pain now they don't even reply to me anymore because I complained too much probably... +" Salut Nathan ! Nous sommes dispos par DM si vous avez une question. Pour appeler nos services depuis l'étranger, voici le numéro : +353 1 436 9005 (des frais d'appel international peuvent s'appliquer) ^SB"," Jai essayé ce numéro mais il ne passe pas justement, on peut passer en dm pour régler mon problème ?😊" +" Bonjour à vous, vous pouvez nous appeler gratuitement depuis un fixe sur le 0800942890. Sachez aussi que vous pouvez venir en DM muni de votre adresse email, nous ferons le nécessaire pour vois aider😉 ^LiB"," Merci beaucoup, le numéro me suffisait 😊" +" Bonjour à vous, merci de nous expliquer votre demande en privé. Nous serons heureux de vous aider. N'hésitez pas à fournir en plus votre adresse email PayPal ^AM", Pas envie de me faire bloquer mon compte ^^ +" Hello, Shelby. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. We would recommend clearing the cache and cookies from your web browser settings or trying a different web browser to see if you are met with different results. If not,... https://t.co/IFs3T9nXVP", I just did what you said with no change +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? :) Thanks! ^EHMB", It's all fixed now thank you. +" Hi Marita. Unfortunately, we are unaware of any plans to introduce PayPal.me within Kenya at this time. However, we are constantly looking for ways to expand our product and service availability globally, and will make sure to keep the public updated in... https://t.co/Y1EhRMgyyL", https://t.co/OiOsvbGvFF +" Hello Francis, I understand you want to know about the instant transfer option. In the Philippines all transfers to cards can take up to 7 business days to be completed. There is no option in Philippine accounts to have this process speed up. All bank t... https://t.co/5CO0TpFFZ8", Thanks ... I was doing bank transfer for years now.. Maybe it is not possible yet in our country to do the instant transfer. +" Hey there! Thanks for reaching out to us about this. If you still need help, please send us a DM and I'll be happy to assist you with this! ^SB", Why a DM? +" Hi Sam. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN"," Oh, I've asked for assistance, the door, firmly shut. Pressured to make full payment, made a small one to slow down inevitable credit agency, was told I will be still be hounded! BIG PHONE CALL BUDGET for collections ZERO for FRAUD/CASE TEAM. #coveryourownass" + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that your account is registered in and we'll get this figured out together! Thanks. ^AMC," Thanks. This would be great if you will help me. 3,4 months are really very long period and still issue is not resolved. My paypal id is - __email__, registered in India." +" Hi Vinay! Could you please send us a DM with that information? You can send us a direct message from our profile. I don't suggest providing your email through a public tweet, could you remove your last tweet for security reasons? ^SML", It would be highly appreciated if you could resolve my issue. +" Hi Vinay! Could you please send us a DM with that information? You can send us a direct message from our profile. I don't suggest providing your email through a public tweet, could you remove your last tweet for security reasons? ^SML", Sent you the details of the issue in DM. +" Hi Vinay! Could you please send us a DM with that information? You can send us a direct message from our profile. I don't suggest providing your email through a public tweet, could you remove your last tweet for security reasons? ^SML", I was not sending message to you because I was waiting reply from as I have given 1 week time by customer care. +" Hello Alberto, I understand how upsetting it is to not be able to purchase a game using your PayPal account. Please send me a DM so I can further assist you if you still need help. I look forward to hearing from you soon. ^BB", Thanks for the reply. After two days of errors at the end worked yesterday. I guess it was a bug 🐛 in the PlayStation store :) +" Excellent, Alberto! I'm glad you were able to get the payment made. Have a wonderful day and thank you for being a loyal PayPal customer. ^BB", Can you dm me please PayPal + Respondemos :), Obrigado 💚 + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the transactions you are referring to. I will be happy to help. ^BV, Hopefully got it sorted with person the money went to 👍🏻 +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Lamento que a tu hermana no se le esté otorgando el descuento que comentas. Por cuestiones de seguridad, dile a tu hermana que nos contacte, para asistirla ^DG Diana", Va gracias + chama a gente em dm? Te ajudaremos o/, Agora que a promoção já foi não vai adiantar de muita coisa kkkk +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thank you for your patience. ^ES"," Thank you for responding, i sent back more details" + Great! Please check your DM again. ^ES, I have responded with the requested info. Thank you for your patience! +" We're very sorry to hear about this. If you send us a DM, we'd be more than happy to investigate this further. ^JMG", Fine done + Hi there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, No point rang u yesterday but I stil want to know why I can’t use bank account on PayPal .... they told me my account is fine and it can’t be cuz I cannot use my bank account option +" Hello, Thank you for reaching out. I understand you encountered an illegitimate email sent out pretending to be PayPal. Please forward this to us at __email__. We will be happy to further investigate. We appreciate you bringing this to our attent... https://t.co/cO6GAPfyQX", Already did forward :) + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this if you're still running into trouble - I'll be happy to help. ^KK, I suppose I’ll receive a DM from you again around 11.30pm like last time. + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this if you're still running into trouble - I'll be happy to help. ^KK, seriously. Don’t message me an odd response privately and then ignore. After all that was to be expected. + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this if you're still running into trouble - I'll be happy to help. ^KK, messaged you + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this if you're still running into trouble - I'll be happy to help. ^KK, im now on hold again. 25 minutes so far. Racking up my phone bill. Still no access to my funds. and PayPal don’t email back. Ever + Hello there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the error message so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," Thank you for providing that. If you would, please send us a DM regarding this issue. From there, we'll be happy to help! ^JGP" + Hello there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the error message so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Kindly check DM +" Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM with a screenshot, so I can help? ^IT", I need to speak to someone right now. This outstanding amount rubbish is still going on and I've got stuff to pay for. Beyond a joke. +" I apologize for the delay, but thank you for your patience! It'd be my pleasure to help you, so please send me a DM with your PayPal email, the country your account is registered in, and more information on your situation. ^KR", LET'S GO +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thank you for your patience. ^ES", Can you respond to mine now please? +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details and your PayPal email address, so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", I’m having the same problem 🙄 +" Hi! This is definitely a fake email. Please forward it to __email__, and our teams will look into it. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. ^ES", Thanks for your reply. Will do. +" We're sorry to hear about your tough time. If you want to send us a DM with your PayPal email address and any further information you can provide, we'd be happy to review the situation and lend assistance. ^RJM", ..I can't wait 21 days for my payments to clear :0( https://t.co/HoygK4GYOm +" We're sorry to hear about your tough time. If you want to send us a DM with your PayPal email address and any further information you can provide, we'd be happy to review the situation and lend assistance. ^RJM", ..I'm poor cold and hungry ..I sold something to help me ..and despite being a trusted customer ..you held the payment as pending ..I had to cancel the sale :0( +" We're sorry to hear about your tough time. If you want to send us a DM with your PayPal email address and any further information you can provide, we'd be happy to review the situation and lend assistance. ^RJM", ..your staff told me I had to prove the thing I was selling was mine to sell ..I'm a good customer who doesn't like being treated like a criminal .. +" We're sorry to hear about your tough time. If you want to send us a DM with your PayPal email address and any further information you can provide, we'd be happy to review the situation and lend assistance. ^RJM", ..it doesn't help in any way to send me a link explain why you're withholding my money ..and you know it ..if you're putting yourself up as help ...help! + Thank you for that example. Could you send an email with more information (an email to their PayPal account would be very helpful) to __email__? That email leads to our team that deals with violations of our Acceptable Use Policy. ^SML, Will do. + Hi Kim! I'm sorry you feel this way. Could you send us a DM regarding the site you suspect to be scamming our customers? We'd be happy to look into it further! ^SML," Scam: https://t.co/N2QZOF7RNY + +Real: https://t.co/GzvhZwhh5X" + Hi Kim! I'm sorry you feel this way. Could you send us a DM regarding the site you suspect to be scamming our customers? We'd be happy to look into it further! ^SML, The Paypal imprimatur lends credibility to a site that charged me $159.17 for about $60.00 worth of tickets - and identifies its site as Jefferson TheaterBoxoffice https://t.co/6cyXdbko62 + Sorry about any frustration regarding your refund but we are here to help. Please send us a DM with a screenshot of the refund details page and your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^DC, Hi can someone look at this please my payment has been in an account for a week and this is not on +" Hi! Check your DM's, we went ahead and replied to your there. :) ^CD"," If I prepaid a certain amount of gas but didn’t pump it all, it goes back into the card right? Using PayPal credit." +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Por favor envíanos un DM, para asistirte, con tu consulta. Saludos ^DG", Gracias pero ya lo resolví en su call center. +" Hello! So sorry to hear that. If you still need assistance with your PayPal account, please send us a DM. ^GR"," Thanks for your help for your help lifting lock on my . Phew, let's not do that again. Woulda lost ebay sale money. :(" + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! We would be more than happy to clarify the status of this refund for you. P... https://t.co/iWtXEs6NgA, slowest reply in the history of the world goes to... +" Hey, ? Do you have any options for this member? They never got their T-shirt, but it's out of our coverage window. ^L", Hey there! We'd be happy to help. :) Please send a DM with your email and details so we can look into this. ^ANM +" Kein Problem, dafür sind wir doch da. :) Manchmal kann es sein, dass unser Sicherheitssystem eine Lastschrift nic... https://t.co/oDBuROMZ7P"," Ich kann auch nicht zahlen. Kommt die selbe Fehlermeldung, ich bitte um Hilfe." + Wir haben auf deine DM geantwortet. ^FV," Entschuldigung falls ich euch nochmal nerven muss aber das Zahlen funktioniert nicht , jetzt ist alles bestätigt aber da kommt dann das. https://t.co/n9KVBllcrf" + Du kannst die E-Mail direkt über dein PayPal-Konto senden. Dazu rechts oben auf das Glockensymbol drücken und dan... https://t.co/oDBuROMZ7P," Ich denke das die Mail mit dem Problem nicht wirklich verstanden wurde, darin heißt es das i. ein Problem mit zu vielen versuchen sei!" +" Hallo, tut mir leid, dass du Probleme beim Verifizieren deines Bankkontos hast. Wenn es hier einen technischen Fe... https://t.co/oDBuROMZ7P", An welche Mail-Adresse genau das Sie sie bekommen und die Email Adresse mit der das Konto gemacht wurde? + Bonjour à vous et navrés de l'apprendre. votre remboursement est effectué selon le mode de paiement utilisé. Si v... https://t.co/CbCOSlCnnD," Confirmation de l'arnaque, m'a bloqué. On va pas en rester la ;)" + Hello! Just send you a DM. ^ML, Sent you another DM. + tô até emocionado *_* https://t.co/xcoAy8h4zu, E nós ansiosos... 😆 https://t.co/IKjm4ngT8h + #tamojunto <3 https://t.co/xcoAy8h4zu, Em breve mais juntos ainda! + Estamos de braços abertos \o/ https://t.co/xcoAy8h4zu," Já estamos em processo de integração, aguardem que os Ninjas terão mais uma novidade! 🤜🤛 #TamoJunto " + Vem nimim o/," Eita, chamando na chincha assim? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" +" Hi there! I've just sent you a DM, please take a look. ^GH", hi I did +" Hello, do you have some questions about PayPal? If so, please send me a Direct Message with your PayPal email add... https://t.co/FPWL9X8LNU", I dmed u +" I can't speak to 's verification process, as they're a separate company, but they'll be able to help with that! ^K"," Hello, do you have some questions about PayPal? If so, please send me a Direct Message with your PayPal email add... https://t.co/FPWL9X8LNU" + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK," what and why do I need to dm? Screenshots are more than clear. fix your site, test it and let me know. thank you." +" Based on the information that you've provided, I believe that the issue is likely on your end of things - if you'... https://t.co/7PrOhYgCuw"," You misunderstood. There are at least 5 alternatives to paypal on every site, I found 2 bugs on your site and reported it to you." + We have sent you a dm. Please check your messages.," Can you check our message, too? please." + Hi! Please send me a DM! ^RA ^RA, Have sent a message +" Hi, we appreciate your patience as we've been working through our messages. I'm afraid you couldn't receive our response in DM. ^IA", Apologies - could you please resend?? Thanks +" Hello! We'd love to address any inquiries you may have, so don't hesitate to send us a DM if you have questions. :) ^KR", You can't answer that here? +" I sincerely apologize about that! We don't have something similar on our site, but you might be interested in https://t.co/zKb8t118g4. ^KR", Would love to actually see something for Puerto Rico (the United States) on 's site like there was for Mexico. 👍 + Hey there! I'm sorry for the wait. I've responded to your DM! ^SML, I have replied back please check +" Hello David, I understand how upsetting it is to run into an error while trying to enter tracking information to ... https://t.co/kQKvSz3TTC"," i'm good now. i called in and requested a call back. an hour later they did, and your site resolved itself by then" + I'm sorry to hear that you're running into issues with your account! Please send me a DM with a screenshot of the... https://t.co/WMDUdO7Ogz, can you help me in the dm ? + Sorry to keep you waiting. I just replied to your DM. ^CG, Waiting for my reply +" Hey there! Please give us a call at +66 2787 3409 9:00 am-5:00 am, Monday to Friday (Thailand time). :) ^HYC"," Alright, I’ll call you this coming Monday," +" Hey there, we're sorry for the delay! It is recommended that the customer uses a PayPal account that's specifical... https://t.co/GMaQnwzLSu", What's the best phone number to call you from Thailand? + Quer bom que deu certo o/ Qualquer coisa é só chamar., Valeu! O// + Hi! I'm sorry you're having trouble! Can you please send us a DM with some more info? I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF," Hello ALF, I have send a DM" + Hello and thank you for reaching out! I am so sorry to hear that you are having those issues. Please send me a dm... https://t.co/0RmpPYCFXu," Thanks for following up. I was repeatedly getting a 500 Server Error yesterday, but it seems to have since been resolved." + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. I will be happy to help. ^BV, It's for PayPal manager not pay pal + fica triste não. A gente tá aqui pra conversar e dar carinho <3," que lindo mozao, to sempre aqui pra te lembrar da nossa relação também, tá? aqui tá nossa música https://t.co/qbPBvjaeOz" +" poxa, mo, não achei muito romântica essa não ='( Que tal essa? https://t.co/tRwEBaqOIf"," eu amo vc, o deboche em forma de empresa" + Vixi... sem previsão por enquanto., eu to muito triste + pagamentos pessoais ainda não estão habilitados em contas brasileiras., e vai habilita quando? + pagamentos pessoais ainda não estão habilitados em contas brasileiras., hello paypal i need your help and assistance please respond to my dm +" We are glad to hear you were observant and did not click any links. Thank you again, Arran. Have a great day! :) ^GAA", Have a great day also x +" Hey there, Arran. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We can confirm these emails are in fact fake and ... https://t.co/qhkoA7Q5z8", No I also double check the email address etc before clicking on links associated with any of my accounts. Thanks will forward + We apologize for the delay! Please check your DMs for an update. ^AP, i replied again +" Hi there, +In general withdrawals take 3-5 working days although the funds can appear earlier. +^ZT"," The other week it went through instantly, today its not, can I ask why??" + Thank you for reaching out and sorry for the delay. Please check your DM's I sent you a message. ^JDG, Replied +" Hello, Nate. We understand how concerning this can be. We recommend giving us a call as a guest. This will allow ... https://t.co/lMx9xAEWzG", when i call the answering machine says my card is wrong +" Hello, Nate. We understand how concerning this can be. We recommend giving us a call as a guest. This will allow ... https://t.co/lMx9xAEWzG", so i cant even get a call thru smh +" Hello and my apologies for this system error. Please send me a DM with more information, so I can assist you further. ^JDG", it's fine now. Just thought it was funny. Thanks for the help though. + Please send us a DM with your email address and clarification on the issue you are having. ^GAA, just did + If you could DM us we would be happy to help you further with this. ^ZT," I solved the issue with a password reset. More than anything, I was trying to help PayPal by pointing out a flaw in the sign-up process." +" Hey there, Roberto. Sorry for the confusion, the password requirements do have to be between 8-20 characters in l... https://t.co/NjtvYHgBdH"," Yes, but my point is this is not mentioned or enforced when signing-up. I am allowed to create a new account with a 40 character password, however it fails later when I try to log-in. https://t.co/boQZXY20Xm" +" Hello there, Owen. Thank you for reaching out. Our site is currently up and running. If you are having issues ple... https://t.co/Io4q9ChuNy", Great. Thanks! It was a carrier issue. +" Hi there. We have sent you a DM. Please check, when you have the chance. :) ^NR", Not anymore. +" Hi there. We have replied to your DMs. Please check, when you have the chance. Thanks! ^NR", PLZ check dms i reply quick + Perfekt. Ich habe es schon weitergeletet. :) ^FV, Vielen Dank :) +" Hallo, gerne kann ich deinen Fall nochmal an die Fachabteilung weiterleiten. Diese würden sich dann per E-Mail bei dir melden. ^FV"," Das wäre super, ja!" + Thanks! I just responded. :) ^ALF, Hi! Can you check your DMs? + Nous restons à votre entière disposition pour vous aider. Bonne journée !, Merci à vous aussi !! +" Si vous avez utilisé la carte bancaire, il faut compter 5 jours ouvrés pour que le crédit soit visible sur votre ... https://t.co/MGZq5m4ICz", Oui c'était ma CB merci ! +" Bonjour à vous, vos remboursements sont effectués selon le mode de paiement utilisé. Voici un lien utile qui peut... https://t.co/MGZq5m4ICz", Ça ok ! Merci :) et sur le délai vous avez une idee ou pas ? Car du coup j'attends le crédit sur mon compte avant de repasser la commande ! +" Sorry for any confusion. Refunds to a card can take up to 30 days, but usually arrive sooner than that. ^DD cc ", But your chargeback team said they are not going to put the funds back. https://t.co/2vvRKRTHmk + I am sorry for this trouble you are having with these funds being sent to you. Please send me a DM and I will be happy to help you. ^GA, You haven't quite understood but I've sent a dm to you just now + Hi! Sorry for the delay! Can you please send us a DM with more information? :) ^ALF, can I send you a DM if you don't follow me? +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can assi... https://t.co/JhntWfVLId", DM sent. +" Hey there, sorry for the delay in responding to your tweet! :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we ca... https://t.co/penMnZjwr5"," Done, thanks." +" Hey there, sorry for the delay in responding to your tweet! :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we ca... https://t.co/penMnZjwr5", Still no response received to my DM. +" Hey there, sorry for the delay in responding to your tweet! :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we ca... https://t.co/penMnZjwr5", Still waiting. + Hi there! Thanks for reaching out! This is our requirement for security purposes. :) ^AAR," that after changing my password (which i initially thought was the entire password i input), it was truncated to 20 characters" + Hi there! Thanks for reaching out! This is our requirement for security purposes. :) ^AAR," i'm not going to argue for why a longer password would still be fine, but i'll let you know that it took me a long while to figure out (1/2)" + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that. Are you still not able to log in? ^AAR, I am now. Thanks for getting back a whole day later.... +" Hi there Beckie, +If you could DM us we would be happy to help you out. ^ZT"," all sorted, just got my refund, #thankgodforpaypal" + Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. Send us a DM for further assistance. ^ML, I was able to work it out. Thanks!n +" Hi there. If you are still experiencing this issue, please send us a DM, so we can further assist. Thank you. ^NR"," I paid for the item on my laptop instead, but thanks for asking" +" Hi there! If you are still unable to send us an email, can you please send us a DM? We'd be happy to help! ^NR", dm sent! + Hey! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC, When will I get my money??? + I am sorry for this problem you are running into. I responded to your DM and I can help you through there. ^GA, My mind is limited +" Hi, thanks for reaching out. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and further information. We're happy to help! ^RJM", Email sent! +" Hey there! I know it can be concerning to receive an email like this, but I'm here to help. Please refer to the f... https://t.co/zXcPJDqBTM", Thanks guys! + Thank you for reaching out about an issue with receiving payments! Please send me a DM with a screenshot of the e... https://t.co/8eYjNA3vCT, Thanks for the reply . The issue was promptly resolved by Nanzy from PayPal. Thanks again :) +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? :) Thanks! ^EHMB"," Actually I fixed the problem my self, quite oddly. PW reset after login caused that message. Forgotten pw reset made things work again." + Hey there! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country... https://t.co/hVhMKqZpsa," I'm from Venezuela and i need send my purchase to an address in Florida. +This is my problem. + +my pp email is: __email__" + You're welcome! Have a great rest of your day. ^BC," Done! Thank you, you too! ☺️" + Hello Shauneen! Thanks for sending that over to us. We can confirm that this is a fake email. I would recommend f... https://t.co/gl6GVlbLUr," Ok no problem, I will do - thanks!" + The fee for transactions to be covered by Buyer/Seller Protection in South Africa is 3.4% + $0.30 USD for the tra... https://t.co/65Jit9DZGE, please check my dm + Hi Christina! That's not an email from us. Please forward it to __email__ so our teams could look into it further. ^SML, Are you sure? Because one of your employees said it was +" Hi, it shouldn't be. Please let us know in a DM if you're having problems connecting still! ^JW", What’s the times for EST? +" Hi, it shouldn't be. Please let us know in a DM if you're having problems connecting still! ^JW", Hi! I'm still waiting for a reply! I've sent you a direct message days ago! Please respond. +" Hi Michael, do you mind also sending a screenshot to us via a DM? ^JW", Not at all. Done. +" Hi Michael, it is probably a fake text. Please screenshot it and send it as an attachment in an email to spoof... https://t.co/822xDZ95y7", I'll do that but it was definitely from 729725 +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of what you're seeing? ... https://t.co/C7zRO3FgyG", Done! +" Hi, I'd be happy to clear up why you were charged a fee. You should be able to find the answer here: https://t.co/ZfyJWUhJqP. :) ^EHMB"," Took a peek, still unsure why charged." + Thanks! :) ^ALF, Sent u a dm + Sorry for the wait. We've responded to your DM. ^TM, Sent u a dm + Hi! Can you please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more information? I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF, just did +" Hi! Thank you for reaching out. To clarify, 100% of your donation to Topos by PayPal will go towards earthquake relief efforts. ^VM", https://t.co/BfPuITmTKA + Hi! I can see how it's frustrating to not be able to do this. Could you DM us with your PayPal email? Thank you for reaching out. ^ES, I see you continue to ignore me whilst answering people who asked a question days later than I did. Nice one hope you guys are proud +" We are sorry to hear about your negative experience. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a ... https://t.co/YZ6SMsvQuh", ^HW I'm located in Australia. Can you please email me __email__ Prefer not give PayPam account details here +" Your security is definitely my top priority! In order for me to assist you further with this, please send me a DM... https://t.co/YZ6SMsvQuh", My wife’s account and now mine have had issues. Hers is limited with no validity and mine still can’t transfer funds or make purchases . You service reps either hang up on me or do not respond + Hi there! Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I do want to inform you that this was not sent by PayPal... https://t.co/WPZH3PuDKU, thanks! Also got an email this morning from a scammer. Looks like they're really trying. Any idea how they managed to get my no? + Hi! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC, I've replied 🤚🏽 +" Hi there. If they cannot accept a payment, you may be able to cancel it. You can see how to do that here: https://t.co/cX5ax5bQwv. ^NR", Could u please answer the DM +" Hi there. If they cannot accept a payment, you may be able to cancel it. You can see how to do that here: https://t.co/cX5ax5bQwv. ^NR"," Hi! Can't see ""unclaimed"" or ""cancel"" anywhere - just says money sent. What can I do?" +" Hi there. If they cannot accept a payment, you may be able to cancel it. You can see how to do that here: https://t.co/cX5ax5bQwv. ^NR", please check my dm + Me da gusto que tu asunto ya fue solucionado. Sigue disfrutando de nuestros servicios. ¡Buen día! ^LR, Hasta ahora con ustedes un servicio de 10. Excelente todo. +" It can take 2 hours, but can take up to 72 hours. There is a strong chance that your withdrawal was processed in ... https://t.co/igwQta6DPH https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", It’s taken over 72 hours to be able to withdrawal the money all together. I am beyond sick. +" If you can send us a DM with a screenshot of the error message, as well as your PayPal email address, we would be... https://t.co/igwQta6DPH https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", I’ve DM’d you + Hi there! Thank you for reaching out. Please send us a DM so we can further assist you with this issue. ^YR, Will do thanks +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? I'm... https://t.co/Exff7JBDXS", Thank you but sorted it now. Thanks :) + Thank you for your efforts. We're glad to have been of assistance. ^RJM, Solve my issue and refund my customer asap. + Please check your DMs for updates regarding your inquiry. ^RJM, Don’t send me auto messages. That doesn’t solve my problem. Maybe you should read my messages first instead of sending auto messages. +" The messages sent to you here are not automatic, nor are they copy and paste. Direct all inquiries to DM for further assistance. ^RJM", You are sending my e-mail auto messages that doesn’t solve my issue. + Please check your DM for an update regarding your inquiry. Thanks! ^RJM, I already send you dm so many times. + Transactions from your bank usually take 5-7 business days to complete. It should be charged during that timeframe. :) ^CD," Okay ill keep an eye out thank you, just didn't wanna spend it become overdrawn" + Hi! Sorry to hear about your issue here! Can you DM me your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the issue you are seeing? ^CD, There's no issue like a error code it just hasn't come out my bank account and its been 4 days + Hi there. Could you please send us a DM explaining your situation in a little more detail? ^CD," No. As stated 2FA was broken, it works now. but I'm very sick of this." +" Hi there! Sometimes our email teams get backed up when we have a lot of contacts. I can help you here though, please send me a DM! ^RA"," I understand! Good news is, the issue has resolved itself. :)" + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, I sent you a DM + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. I will be happy to help. ^BV ^BV, My PayPal mail is __email__. And what is dm? Country is Kazakhstan. Thanks. + Hey there! I'm sorry you're having a problem with our service. Please send us a DM if you'd like help here! ^SML, Already talked it out on the phone. Just typical Paypal gross incompetence. +" Thank you for reaching out! In this case, could you please send us a DM? From there, we'll be happy to help. Thanks for your patience! ^JGP", I have messaged you + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. I will be happy to help. ^BV," Sent you her details this morning, please follow up like you implied you would." + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, Just seen this dm'ing you now + Thank you for letting us know of this. Please forward these emails to __email__ so our security team can review them. ^IN, Thank you PayPal ! + Definitely not ours. Please forward it to __email__ so that we can archive it. Thank you so much for letting us know! :) ^RA, No worries RA. I'll forward it now. Have a good day 👍🏻 +" Hello! Sorry for the delay. I suggest that you run an antivirus software on your computer, and try clearing your ... https://t.co/saUKGwXT7Y"," The problem is not my computer, & antivirus is unrelated. Your DNS server redirects https://t.co/Un7jwVvciQ to the 3rd party akadns server" + File a dispute! Here's how: https://t.co/KqYYDR79oz :) ^RA, Thank you. Will give them a few more days before going this route. + File a dispute! Here's how: https://t.co/KqYYDR79oz :) ^RA," There is only one option ""unauthorized activity"". Problem is I paid someone and they have not met their requirements" +" Ben, please send me a DM! :) ^RA"," Righto ... will do. +/bdt" +" Ben, please send me a DM! :) ^RA"," Replied and FWDed +cheers +/bdt" + Hi Nixy! This is not an email from us. Please forward it to __email__ so our teams could look into it :) ^SML, Thanks so much! + Hi there! Thanks for bringing this matter to our attention. Please forward that email to __email__ so that we can review it. :) ^KK, Mail forwarded to the mentioned email id. +" Hey, thanks for reaching out. In this case, I'd advise you to call us for assistance. Here's a local number: https://t.co/cieOFTIoQI. ^AL", Thank you :) +" Guten Morgen, leider können wir nicht bei jeder Zahlung jede Zahlungsoption anbieten. Vermutlich hat das Sicherhe... https://t.co/6zRYle3Xi2", Nachdem ihr ewig zum antworten braucht hab ich es schon geschafft (Cookies gelöscht und erneut versucht). Danke trotzdem :) + Sorry to keep you waiting. I just replied to your DM. ^CG, I replied to yall + Thanks for reaching out. Please send a DM with your PayPal email address and country. Is this happening for every purchase? ^IN, I have messaged but no reply +" We have responded, please refer to your DM's for more details. :) ^GAA", Replied. Do check + Hey there. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV, Replied. Please help! +" Hi Adelmo. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you could please send us a DM, we'd be glad to assist you with this issue. ^MN", Issue solved. Thanks. +" Hello there! Sorry for the delayed response, but I just replied to your DM. Thanks for your patience! :) ^SB", Thank you x +" Hello Benjamin! We're sorry for the trouble. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC", Can you reply to me please +" Hello Benjamin! We're sorry for the trouble. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC", Dm sent. + Hi Julie! Can you please DM us with your PayPal email address? Thanks! ^YG, Hi. Just wondering why you need my email address? X +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, PayPal is not yet available in Bangladesh. However, we ar... https://t.co/0c9m0oyxZL"," I knew, its launching 19th October in Bangladesh. Is this info is wrong?" +" Hi there, +We apologize that your payment was denied. If you could DM us we would be happy to take a look at what happened. ^ZT"," Apparently, no you weren't. https://t.co/KaybZoZ93N" + I'm sorry to hear of any frustration. Please send a DM with your PayPal email and your country. I'd be happy to help. ^IN, Apparently your security is awful enough that resetting the password bypasses the phone verification. Well done mates. + An sich nicht. Ist dir so etwas passiert? ^SL, Schau mal :D +" Guten Morgen, ganz verschiedene. Ein negativer Kontostand z. B. Kannst du dich noch einloggen oder klappt auch das nicht mehr? ^SL"," Kann man aufgrund des Geschlechts, des Aussehens oder der politischen Einstellung gesperrt werden?" + If it is a promotion you received from PayPal then you would have to contact to get that reissued to you. ^BB," We're sorry to hear that you're experiencing difficulties. Please, DM us your email address and we'll be happy to help. Thank you! ^MH" +" Hi there, no known issues at the moment. We are happy to help you here with any questions you may have. Just DM us. ^PL", DM with details sent +" Hi there, no known issues at the moment. We are happy to help you here with any questions you may have. Just DM us. ^PL", thank you for your prompt reply. I will dm now. + Good eye! That definitely isn't a PayPal email. You can go ahead and forward the email to __email__. For m... https://t.co/Hv5oYYugzm, Please reply to my DM's +" Bonjour à vous, nous venons de vous répondre en DM. ^AG", Je vous ai répondu en DM ;D +" Bonjour à vous, merci de nous expliquer votre demande davantage muni de votre adresse email en DM. ^AG"," Sur ma #tl, j'ai vu 2 problèmes #paypal à 15 minutes d'intervalle +c'est tout +bonne journée :)" +" Hola, tenemos entendido que uno de nuestros ejecutivos ya atendió tu DM recibido. Por favor avísanos si no es así. ^J", Gracias! +" Hi there, can you send us a private message with your email address and we can have it looked into for you. ^RD"," Ooh, done. Thanks!" +" Hallo, in der Regel sollte die Antwort innerhalb von 24-48 Stunden erfolgen. Wenn du uns via DM deine im Konto hi... https://t.co/O2NhDUUfS7"," Vielen Dank, ihr habt Post (da der Fall jetzt schon eine Weile läuft)." + Hi there Melissa! Go ahead and give us a call at 0800-358-7911 and we can take care of this for you! :) ^CD, Thank you! Have a good day 😊 +" Hey, gesagt - getan. ^SL", +1 +" Hallo, sorry zu hören, dass der Rückversand so teuer ist. Kennst du denn schon unsere Rücksendekostenerstattung? https://t.co/pKJ6WgdIO1 ^WD"," Hallo, kannte ich bisher nicht. Nein. Haben mir die Kollegen, mit welchen ich diskutieren musste nicht gesagt. Mein Fall wurde daraufhin einfach geschlossen. +Schade..." +" Hi, We are sorry for the delay. We have responded to your DM. Thanks ^SLS", Bit late now considering it’s sorted. Pathetic service as usual! +" Hi there, we've responded to your DM, so please get back to us whenever you can! ^EL", Thanks! I replied. +" Hi! Have you filed a dispute? If not you can read how to do that here: https://t.co/0MsmBWf9Pt. If you have any questions, please DM us with your PayPal email and country. :) ^ALF", I don’t know if I can since I canceled my paypalaccount. I’m sorry but I don’t trust you anymore. You used an old credit card. I don’t know why you approved the sale with an old card number. +" Hi James, this sounds a bit concerning but we are here to help. To better assist you please send us a screenshot of the transaction details you are referring to and we will investigate further. ^DC"," My bank reversed the charges, I was told this was a pre-authorized by PayPal lol now I’ve got a permanent block on all things PayPal" +" Thanks for letting us know that you disputed the charge. It sounds as though someone used your financial information without permission, but the steps you've taken were the best approach! If you have other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to send us a DM. ^KR", I sent a private message will you respond please +" Hello! Thank you for bringing this to our attention! This email does not seem to be coming from us. Please send this email to __email__ in order for our team to take a look at it. Once you have send that in, delete it from your inbox. Here is a h... https://t.co/WNbwUMtDVC"," Thanks, I knew it wasn't from you :) had already sent to spoof and deleted! Just thought the fake site was really convincing looking, other than the URL." +" Hola, por favor envíanos una copia del mensaje recibido a __email__ para que lo podamos revisar. En el siguiente enlace encontraras más información sobre posibles correos sospechosos https://t.co/PvmEmMWoC6. Envíanos un DM para más información. ^W https://t.co/MbymXmIruK", https://t.co/tD032BgLPO +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW"," I did better and called. I was told nothing you guys could do:( I have to wait 180 days to get the $ I earned and my account is banned:( No warnings, no debt, no complaints, and I get my funds frozen even if buyers confirm:( I cannot even pay the ebay fees from sales also:*(" + Hey there. I am so sorry for this situation. If you would like to send me a DM I would be more than happy to help you. ^HYC, Any chance of answering my dm +" I apologize for the delay! It'd be my pleasure to help you with this, so please send me a DM with your PayPal email and country so that I can assist you further. ^KR", Done +" I am sorry to hear about this trouble with the hold times over the phone. If you would like, I can help you through DM. Please send me a message and I will be there. ^GA", That would be great but the DM option disappears when I select your account? +" Hey there, really sorry to hear about the delay you've experienced! :( Can you please send us a DM? This way, we can try to make sure that this issue is resolved in a timely manner. Thanks! ^AI"," Sure, thanks for the reply :) will DM now" +" Hey there, deeply sorry for the delay in responding to your DM. :( We have recently responded back to your most-recent DM. Whenever possible, please reach back out to us for further assistance. Thanks! ^AI", i stealcant make payment how am i ment to print postage for ebay order and buy package suppler plz sort this out + Hello Jay! Can you please send me a DM regarding what you need help with? Thanks! ^YG, Sorted. But it took me 3 phone calls and about 45 min total. Do better. + Hi Olly! Good catch! It does look like this is fake. Please forward this to __email__ and we will investigate further to prevent it in the future. ^DC, oke +" Kabum, chama a gente em dm, amorzão? Vamos resolver esse lance do Edu o/", Oh seus lindos! Se vcs resolverem eu fico muito agradecido! Só quero meu fone da +" I'm sorry to hear of your recent bad experience with our services! Your satisfaction if very important to us. If you'd like, you can send me a DM with details of the issue you're running into, and I'd be happy to help. :) ^KT"," I finally spoke to two guys, for some reason the reader only works with an iOS beta and your app doesn’t recognize the reader in 11.1.2 though phone & reader see other. So I’ve to use an iOS beta to use the reader where it works without an issue." + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response as I can understand how important it is to be able to access your funds. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. I will be happy to help. ^BV," No worries, issue was solved :)" +" I am sorry to hear about this trouble with your cards. Sadly we do not have a service to assign any names for them. I am sorry for the inconvenience. If you need anything, please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA", It was more of a suggestion /) +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of that error message. We would be happy to help. ^HW", Ive already solved this by the time youd replied + Please check your DM for our response! We apologize for the delay. ^HW, too laaaate! +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help.! ^HW"," Don’t worry, it’s sorted, I’m in the uk. But it’s not practical to block all outgoing card transactions because one inbound exceeds some level. The outgoing debit card transactions didn’t suddenly become risky. It sends a “we don’t care about your bills” message." + Thanks for bringing this to our attention! Please send me a DM with screenshots of these emails so that I can take a look at them for you. ^KR," Sure, I’ll dm them now." +" Hey! If you got an email from us saying that we're sending them out, you should get the new card within 7-14 business days. ^DP", Thank you! I haven’t received one yet. Guess I’ll be on the next wave. +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. We will be happy to assist you with this. Please send us a DM with your email address and a screenshot of the issue. :) ^GAA", I have taken care of it thank you anyway +" You're very welcome and it was a pleasure assisting! Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns, and I hope that you have a fantastic day. :) ^RW", Thank you and you as well + Hi there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," thanks for replying! am out right now, will follow up when i get back to my computer" + Hello Margot. I understand your feelings right now. Can you please DM us the PayPal email address associated with these unauthorized purchases along with a description of what had happened? Thanks! ^YG, It has been sorted through my son’s a/c but I seriously question why it happened again AFTER he reported it. It is being refunded within 10 business days (?) +" Hi there Margot, +We do apologize for this and we're glad to hear it's been sorted. If you would like any additional information we'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. ^ZT"," Yes - why were further fraudulent transactions allowed AFTER my son reported the issue. This has cost me overdrawn interest, possible “bounced” transactions AND impacted on our credit rating without cause. NOT HAPPY at all" +" Hi Margot! I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you and your son. Please send us a DM regarding this, so I can have our specialists look into this further. Thank you. ^HZ"," Hi i have messaged you, havent got a reply, sadly." +" I am sorry to hear about this trouble over the phones. If you would like, please send me a DM and I can help you through there. ^GA", its been a day fuck you + Hi there! Please check your inbox as we responded to your DM. ^JMG, dm please +" Hey! Send me a DM with some more details about this payment, along with your PP email. I'm happy to help you. :) ^MB", Withdrawal will be made to your balance within 2 hours? Im still waiting! Wont be using paypap to sell anything again thats for sure! + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. I will be happy to help. ^BV, Don’t worry it was a bank issue. Thanks. +" Hey there, sorry for the delay! When customers receive emails or notifications like this, it's always good to check your PayPal account to see if this is a legitimate transaction. In most cases, this transaction would not be in the account, which means ... https://t.co/0kQic5mRYX", I know it was a fake 😝 was just making you guys aware of a new(?) scam that’s going around 👌🏼 +" Hey Ammar! You should only be charged 18% on the fees for that particular transaction, not the total amount. Have a look at our user agreement for more information on the matter: https://t.co/u0gJ7LTp3P ^DP"," Thank you. Does the above apply if I am receiving the amount thru PayPal in my Indian Bank account? That is when amount comes as in INR from CitiBank, the partner bank of in India?" +" Hey Ammar! You should only be charged 18% on the fees for that particular transaction, not the total amount. Have a look at our user agreement for more information on the matter: https://t.co/u0gJ7LTp3P ^DP", Hello! Could you please send us a DM with clarification on your question? Thank you. :) ^VM + Hello! Could you please send us a DM with clarification on your question? Thank you. :) ^VM, I have sent you a DM. A quick reply would be highly appreciated. Thank you +" I sincerely apologize about the delay! I want to make sure that you get this resolved so please send me a DM with your PayPal email, country, and more information about your situation. ^KR", Wow it's only taken you over 2 days to respond to someone losing 6k. What a joke! +" Great catch Jamillah, that's not from us! Go ahead and forward the message to ‘7726' (which is the keys for SPAM on most phones). Thanks! ^JMR", greaat thank you. + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and an explanation of the issue that you are having. I will be happy to help. ^BV, Just proved my point that it takes you days to get back to anyone ??? +" THis isn't the experience we want for our customers, and we will be happy to look into your concerns. Please, send us a DM including your email address and tell us how we can help. Thank you! ^MH", And just where do I send a DM to you.?... + Hello! Could you please DM us your PayPal email address along with a description of your problem? We'd be happy to help assist you there. Thanks! ^ACT, I thought you all responded 24/7. I sent that message yesterday :-) +" Great question! That would appear to be a spoof text message, and not from us. If you could please forward that text to 62226 and add the word spoof to the beginning of the message, we'll work on getting that shut down. Thanks! ^AS", Many thanks. +" Hey Stephen! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Spot on about the domain. When you get the chance, please send these screenshots out to __email__ so we can have a look into it. ^DP", Really nice work here. Reassuring to see such a proactive approach to these phishing campaigns https://t.co/1tpdDsNy9Z + Hey there. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV," I sent you a DM, don't know whether you received it!" +" Hey! If you could send us a DM with some more details about this, we will be happy to help! ^DR", haven't received a response +" Guten Morgen, wenn du per E-Mail aufgefordert wirst, dein Passwort zu ändern, so findest du dazu auch einen Vermerk im PayPal-Konto. Hast du dich dort mal eingeloggt und nachgeschaut? Es gibt durchaus eine solche E-Mail von uns. Vorsicht, dass es keine ... https://t.co/vzHgZOvBCB", Ich habe mich nach Erhalt der Mail im Paypal Konto eingeloggt und sollte das Passwort ändern. Habe extra keinen Link aus der Mail angeklickt. +" Hallo, wann hast du das letzte Mal probiert, das Bankkonto zu entfernen? Wenn z. B. noch Lastschriften offen sind, die insgesamt bis zu 8 Bankarbeitstage dauern können, dann kann es durchaus zu dieser Fehlermeldung kommen. ^SL"," Ist eben nicht der Fall, da lief nur Spotify und das ist schon Wochen her. Innerhalb von 10 Tagen 5 mal probiert." + Sehr gut. ^SL," Kann man mittlerweile auch eine Kreditkarte als Standard bzw bevorzugtes Zahlungsmittel wählen, auch wenn ein Bankkonto hinterlegt ist? Oder muss man dann jedes Mal manuell umstellen? Habe vor Jahren aus diesem nervigen Grund mein Bankkonto aus meinem Paypalkonto entfernt." +" Hello, I am so sorry for the delay in replying to you. I have just sent you a DM. ^DK", help + Hola lamentamos lo sucedido por favor reenvía el correo sospechoso a __email__ Gracias ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," Enviado, muchas gracias." +" Hi there, thank you for reaching out. We are sorry to hear that this has occurred. For further assistance, please send us a DM. Thank you in advance. ^AC", Can you please help me + Hello Alvin! I just responded to your DM. ^HZ, Please answer me! + Hello Alvin! I just responded to your DM. ^HZ, Hello HZ! Thanks for the speedy response! Just seen it and responded as well. + Hi there! We've responded to your DM. ^HZ," Your people are just closing the case by stating that it is not unauthorised transaction. +I am keep telling them i do not know card holder and transaction which was done through my paypal. But ur team just keep closing the case and not listening to me. Its really pathetic" + Hey there! We have responded to your DM. Please check it as soon as you can! ^IT, I did now respond bak +" Hi there! We're sorry about the trouble with logging in to your account. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it by going to https://t.co/3YYfH6qhLX, clicking on ‘log in’ in the upper right hand corner, selecting ‘forgot your email or pass... https://t.co/IasTNBAfdh", Hey check dma +" Thanks for letting us know about your situation! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email, country, and more information about your issue. I'd be more than happy to help you further. ^KR", All sorted sorted it all out. +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. We will be happy to assist you with this. Please send us a DM with your email address and a screenshot of the refund you are referring to. :) ^GAA"," I just did +Let's get this resolved" + Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. Please DM us for further assistance. ^AIM, Our Zambian PayPal accounts are not able to receive funds. We are only able to send money to other PayPal accounts not based in Zambia. This leaves so much to be desired. + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that your account is registered in and we'll get this figured out together! Thank you. ^AMC, dm sent +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. We will be happy to assist you with this. Please send us a DM with your email address and the location your account is registered in. :) ^GAA", Done +" Hey there! Sorry for the late reply, but if you still need help, please send us a DM and I'll be happy to assist you to the best of my abilities! ^SB"," Ooo PayPal ur Ice fucking cold, replying to this guy on Luna’s tweet and not replying to Luna 😂" +" Hello! Thanks for reaching out to us about a return shipping refund. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC"," Your ""protection"" on eBay purchases is a joke. I will no longer buy on eBay for this reason. Paypal did not protect me...." +" Hello! Thanks for reaching out to us about a return shipping refund. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC"," Your not going to refund me. And, I don't want to hide my convo in DM. You screwed me! I paid $15 to return a defective product." + We do apologize for the delay but you have my assurance that we'll respond to your inquiry right away. Please send us a DM to get started. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, It doesn’t matter now I needed it before 11am yesterday + Hello there! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and inquiry so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Your a day late +" Hi! I see how it's concerning to have a payment on hold. Could you DM us with a screenshot of the payment? Also, is there a dispute open that's related to this payment? Thank you for reaching out. ^ES", Yes it's from eBay they said it was broken but they are now ignoring my emails as I've asked for proof to send to royal mail +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. We will be happy to assist you with this. Please send us a DM with your email address and a screenshot of the issue. :) ^GAA", Thanks - two days ago and still waiting for resolve + Check your DM's we replied there. :) ^CD, Ty.. I answered and I am waiting for the reply thanks again! +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you can send us a DM with some clarification about what you found confusing, we would be happy to assist you. Looking forward to hearing from you! ^RR https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", A delayed reaction is a perfect representation of your company. Just suggestion is to simplify your softwar + Hi! Thanks for reaching out. Could you send us a DM with a description of the issue? I'm happy to help you. ^ES, Scusi ma gli 1.50 che vi prendete per confermare la carta verranno rimborsati? +" Hello Alysha, thank you for reaching out. As long as the information entered during check out matches your PayPal account you should not have any issues. if you have any other questions please send us a DM and we will be happy to help. ^DC", Everything matches except the name on the vendor billing address (which hopefully shouldn't matter since the payment was through you guys and that name is correct). I will just wait and see if it goes through. Vendor said they can't change the name. +" Hello Aman. If you could send us a DM with a full screenshot of the email, I'd be happy to further assist you with this. Thanks! ^FM", Just did 👍 +" Hi there, +We apologize for the delay in getting back to you. If you cloud forward the email to __email__ and then delete the original from your account we'd take over the rest. ^ZT", Sorry. Already deleted. But I'll know where to send it next time. +" No worries, Pedro! We are glad that you know where to send those emails now. Here is a helpful link with more information on how to identify emails that are not from PayPal: https://t.co/dVoKcOUDbh. Have a great day! :) ^LAR", hi please check my DM +" No worries, Pedro! We are glad that you know where to send those emails now. Here is a helpful link with more information on how to identify emails that are not from PayPal: https://t.co/dVoKcOUDbh. Have a great day! :) ^LAR", Thanks. I don't like lingering dodgy e mails. +" Hello there, sorry to hear about this issue. To better assist you please send us a DM with any screenshots you have of the issue and your PayPal email address. We will do our best to help. ^DC", I can’t email you screenshot of the app as it crashes and closes as soon as I open it. I need to return the card reader. +" Thank you for reaching out! We currently have this option available to our users. If you'd like, please send us a DM for more information. Thanks! ^JGP"," Thanks for getting back, the feature was actually turned on but it never asked me to use it. Reconfigured, working now. Thanks !!!" +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Lamentamos el inconveniente. Envíanos un mensaje directo para poder asistirte. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," No puedo creer lo frustrante que es esto yo antes hace meses tenia problemas con mi cuenta que ya fue solucionado de tanto reclamar, pero ahora recien me responden cuando antes yo enviaba tweets y nada .. Por ahora no tengo problemas solo hablo en general" +" Hello, I can confirm this is not legitimate. Please forward this to __email__ and then remove it. I appreciate it! ^AL", Done and done + Hi Mike! Unfortunately our security key isn't available in every country as of right now. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. I have submitted your feedback so we could look into expanding the service. ^SML, DM ME NOW PLEASE DM!!!!😡 + Hi Mike! Unfortunately our security key isn't available in every country as of right now. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. I have submitted your feedback so we could look into expanding the service. ^SML, DM ME NOW!!! + Hi Mike! Unfortunately our security key isn't available in every country as of right now. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. I have submitted your feedback so we could look into expanding the service. ^SML, Not even in the US? + Hi Mike! Unfortunately our security key isn't available in every country as of right now. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. I have submitted your feedback so we could look into expanding the service. ^SML, DM ME ITS AN EMERGENCY! + Hi Mike! Unfortunately our security key isn't available in every country as of right now. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. I have submitted your feedback so we could look into expanding the service. ^SML, DM ME + Hi Mike! Unfortunately our security key isn't available in every country as of right now. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. I have submitted your feedback so we could look into expanding the service. ^SML, Dm + We do for US PayPal account holders. Please refer to the following link: https://t.co/2iasfE4QLM ^AMC, Thank you! +" Hello, I've sent a reply to the DMs you've sent us. Let me know if you'd like further assistance. ^AL", Please check mine too ASAP +" Hello, I've sent a reply to the DMs you've sent us. Let me know if you'd like further assistance. ^AL", Your service is terrible responding to a tweet a day after +" Hello, I've sent a reply to the DMs you've sent us. Let me know if you'd like further assistance. ^AL", DM PLEASE +" Hi there, we are sorry this has happened. Can you please send a DM with your email address and details of the payment. You can report unauthorised activity to the account Resolution Centre. Please also make sure you change your password.Thanks - ^MD"," nah fam, just ban h3h3's account again." +" Hi Emily, sorry to hear your buyer is running into trouble. Have you been in contact with PayPal to see if they can take a look at the error code? You can reach them here using the handle ^SB", Hi there. Thanks for looping us in. Please send us a private message with your email address and we'll be happy to look into this. ^NM + Hi there. Thanks for looping us in. Please send us a private message with your email address and we'll be happy to look into this. ^NM," thanks, I actually just resolved by phone. apparently an older PayPal account was linked to my eBay, even though my dashboard showed a newer account. I re-activated the old account and that solved it." + I do not believe we sent this. As you can see the sender does not address you by your first and last name which is a huge indicator of fraud. I hope this has helped! Enjoy the rest of your day. :) ^YG, Dm + Hi there! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I've replied to your DM. ^AAR, DM ME PLEASE + Hi there! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I've replied to your DM. ^AAR, DM + I am sorry to hear about these scam emails you are running into. Please send me screenshots of these emails through DM and I can help you further. ^GA, I have sent you a DM with a screen shot of the latest email i had + Hello! Our sincere apologies for the delay. Please DM us with your PayPal email and further details for help! ^AIM, Thanks for your reply but I have the funds now x +" Hi Michelle! I'm sorry to hear that. To better assist you, can you send us a DM? ^AAR", Dm + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, Dm +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. The payment process begins automatically once a transaction has been initiated, even if the transaction has been cancelled. However, because it was cancelled, the funds should ... https://t.co/5M4gioKeCO https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Hi and thank you R. Yes, I was informed about this yesterday on the phone. I'll have to see about any inconveniences, hopefully there won't be any!" +" Hello. If you could send a DM with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the payment in question, I'd be happy to further assist you. Thanks! ^FM", I’ll wait till I check my bank statement in few days time it’s only the weekend so might not have been processed yet. I’ll keep you informed +" Hello. We are very sorry about the delay for we are receiving a lot of inquiries at this time. If you could send us a DM with your PayPal email, we'd be happy to escalate your situation to an account specialist :). ^FM", Dm sent +" Hey there! I'm sorry to hear you're running into problems transferring money. If you're still having this problem, please send us a DM with more details and we would be happy to help! ^SML", Bit late. Thanks for nothing. +" Hey there! I'm sorry to hear you're running into problems transferring money. If you're still having this problem, please send us a DM with more details and we would be happy to help! ^SML", STOP IGNORING ME DM! +" Hello Stacy. If you could send a DM with your PayPal email and more details regarding this, I'd be happy to help. Thanks! ^FM", I don’t have a support issue. I was promoting your service. +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^IVS", Thank you. I sent another question in DM +" Hi there! Unfortunately, Amazon does not support PayPal. I'm sorry :( ^MB", WHAAT IS THIS 1997????! + Hey there! If you received an email from that email address it's definitely fake. Please forward it to __email__ so our teams could look into it. Thank you for reporting this! ^SML," Thanks for that, WHAT? why don't you report it to your people? I've report it to you & https://t.co/qV8Stzkx7u that's enough! 😁" +" Hey Paula! Sorry to hear about the hold. I'll be happy to help, just send me a DM. ^DP", Why does PayPal not investigate properly before they refund? PayPal refunded the buyer who was a vacant building and left the seller hanging and still hasn’t refunded the PayPal fees! + We're sorry to hear that. We'd love to see what options we have to help out. Please send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal account and some details of how we can help. ^TM, .Just credit my account with my money you con artist cunts. +" We don't have any details regarding the issue you're facing. If you'd like to send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal account and some details of what's going on, we'd be happy to take a look at what options we have to help out. ^TM", .Of course you don’t. You money grabbing bastards.. +" Sounds good. If you need us, our offer still stands. Have a nice day :) ^TM", Massive lols. You unprofessional dickheads. + That's certainly not what we like to hear. We're sorry your experience was less than a pleasant one. Please send us a DM with your email address and we'll see what we can do to help resolve the situation. ^TB, I DMd you guys. + Thank you for contacting PayPal. We have replied to your DM. Have a nice day. ^JP, DM PLEASE + Thank you for contacting PayPal. We have replied to your DM. Have a nice day. ^JP, DM + Thank you for your patience. Please check your DM's! - CS," Wow, 30 hours. Ridiculous!" +" Hello James, I'm sorry to hear of this suspicious situation. Please send a DM with a screenshot of the email you received so that I can look into this. ^IN", Ok I'll send it now. Thanks +" Hi there! Unfortunately, at this time you cannot use Payoneer accounts with PayPal, as Payoneer is a virtual bank account and therefore does not meet the requirements to be added to a PayPal account. I apologize for the inconvenience! ^KK", That's Noted. Thank You + I'm sorry to hear of any frustration. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the emails you are receiving. I'm happy to help. ^IN, Sent it over. +" I'm sorry to hear of the troubles reaching us. If you have any questions, feel free to send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal account and some details of how we can help. ^TM", All sorted now..... was not an issue related to your service. But thanks for replying :) +" Hello, Jo. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you can send us a DM with some clarification about the issue, as well as your PayPal email address, we would be happy to assist you. Looking forward to hearing from you! ^RR https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", I replied. Let me see what you got on this +" Oh no, I'm so sorry that this happened! :( I am glad to see that you were able to file a dispute. We'll do what we can! In the mean time, please send over any information that you have to __email__ so that this can be investigated further. Thank you! ^AK"," Will do, thank you!" +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you can send us a DM with a screenshot of the transfer, as well as your PayPal email address, we would be happy to assist you in getting this sorted out. Looking forward to hearing from you! ^RR https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", __email__ + Thank you for this! Please make sure you send us a DM with a screenshot of the transaction you are having issues with. ^YR, The problem with the merchant tried to communicate with him without the benefit of sending him an email was not answered +" Well, that's not what we want to hear. If there is something we can help you with, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and further information about the situation. We're happy to review this matter further. ^RJM", doing that now + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about these worrying emails. Please send us a DM with screenshots of the emails and we'll determine whether it's from us or whether action should be done. ^SML, Thanks I'll DM them over now. I have got three in total. +" Hello, Angela. Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP", Ok thank you! Will do! + Hey there. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV, Dm +" Hello! So sorry for the wait. For further assistance with your PayPal account, please send us a DM. ^GR"," lol I don't need help, just pointing out your website links are busted" + Alright! Thank you for the feedback. Have a nice day and thank you for being a PayPal customer! :) ^GR, no worries fam. +" Hi there! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email, country, and screenshot of the error. Thanks! ^AAR", Check DM + Hi Tomas! I'm sorry for the wait but thank you for your patience. Could you please send me a DM with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the transaction? I'd be happy to help from there! ^AAH," Hi i have messaged you, havent got a reply, sadly." + Hi Samantha! I know how concerning it can be to receive a potentially fake email. Please send us a DM with a screenshot of the email and we'll be happy to assist you! ^TRM, Thank you I’ll do that now. + Bonjour à vous et navrés pour la réponse tardive. Nous vous invitons à venir en DM muni de votre adresse email pour vous aider. ^AG, Ça ne doit pas venir de vous mais de la comme d’habitude +" Hi there, sorry to hear you are having such issues with this. If you would like to DM us your PayPal registered email address we can have this followed up on for you. ^PL", I DM'd you again right now. Thanks for looking into it pal +" Hi there, sorry to hear you are having such issues with this. If you would like to DM us your PayPal registered email address we can have this followed up on for you. ^PL", I already wrote you a DM with my email. +" Hey! I can confirm that this email was not sent by us. If you could please forward this to __email__, we'd be happy to look into things. Thank you! ^MB"," Done + +Thanks" + Hello! Our sincere apologies for the delay. Please DM us with your PayPal email and further details for help! ^AIM, Thanks but I was able to make the payment the next day. Guess there was a server issue on your end at that time? +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Por favor revisa el siguiente enlace para más detalles. Si tienes preguntas adicionales, por favor envíanos un mensaje directo. Saludos. ^LR https://t.co/oZjSfSOy5J", Gracias +" Hi - just checking in! If you need further assistance, please let us know! :) ^IVS"," Hey, I got this working, thank you very much!" + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK," No worries! I already got a response from the on-site support and it should be cleared up, thanks anyway though!" +" Here's information regarding the Access card, at this time it is only available by invitation: https://t.co/VhJDjZjmWE ^IN", Oh ok and is there a criteria to get a invite or is it just random +" At this time, please send a DM with your PayPal email address so I can send this question to the correct department. ^IN", Ok I have sent it +" I apologize for the inconvenience, Lee. The PayPal cards are only available in the U.S. at this time. ^IN", What about the access card people I know in the UK have them +" Hello Lee, thank you for reaching out. You can apply for a card here: https://t.co/P4fsVFdZFK ^IN", It says this page does not exist is this for the UK + Sorry to hear this. If you would like assistance with your PayPal account please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^VM, I have DM'd you +" Hello, thank you for reaching out. Please send a DM with a screenshot of the email, I'm happy to look into this for you and let you know! ^IN", Thank you. I’ve DM’d a screenshot of the email to you now +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out to PayPal. I'm sorry to hear about the issue you've encountered. Please DM me your PayPal email, country, and a screenshot of the webpage so I can see what's going on. ^SE", It’s on mobile - just try to log in to an account and transfer funds out. The page doesn’t render +" I see. I would suggest clear the cache of the app. If you're using your mobile browser I suggest clearing the cache of your browser. If the issue continues, please DM me a screenshot of the page, your PayPal email, and country. ^SE", Has it been fixed? + Hello Aaron! You can report any user you feel is violating our Terms of Service by sending a message to __email__. ^BC," I've requested a refund from him as I paid for goods/services and they haven't arrived, he's also ignoring all emails asking for proof of postage. What happens if he doesn't respond to you?" +" Hey Lauren! Those probably aren't from us. If you get any more of those, please forward them over to __email__ so we can have a look at it. ^DP", From this account https://t.co/BbfHsSnwlD + Hi there! Please send me a DM! :) ^RA," I did it on my phone in the end, thanks anyway" +" Hello! Thanks for reaching out to us. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC", Solved +" Hey Jeroen! Sorry to hear about this. I'll be happy to help, just send me a DM. ^DP"," My issue has been resolved. My account got unverified, sending money from my linked bank account resolved the issue. + +Might be worth putting a message on the window thing. There was no indication that that was the cause." + Hey there! Sorry for the delay. Thanks for reaching out. We've replied to your DM. ^CRG, Replied! +" Hello, Jonathan. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. We understand how disconcerting this can be! If you can send us a DM with your PayPal email address, we would be happy to assist you with this. Looking forward to hearing from you! ^RR https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," I eventually got through after TWO HOURS on hold. Problem is being resolved. As someone who has six figures running through PayPal every year as a business owner, I expect faster service. Unacceptable." +" We're sorry to hear of the frustration. Captcha's aren't something we have control of. If you're trying to access your account using a VPN or a service to hide your IP or accessing your account from a new device, it might require the code as an extra fo... https://t.co/kh5We0pQBH"," No..why would i do that, in usuing my phone ONLY" +" Hi there! Do you mean you sent money through PayPal but you didn't see it charge your bank? If you used an Instant transfer, we sent the money while waiting for the funds to process from your bank. Send us a DM if you have any questions! ^SML"," Thanks! Will check during the week. Assume because it was after business hours on Friday, added to the delay." + Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP, my email is __email__ +" Hallo, in der Regel kann eine Rückzahlung bis zu 8 Bankarbeitstage dauern, da die ursprüngliche Lastschrift komplett verbucht werden muss. Danach ist das Geld als Guthaben verfügbar. ^FV"," Alles klar, vielen Dank für die Info!" + If there is anything else we can help you with please send us a DM. ^RD, Thank You so much +" Hi there, we appreciate your interest, however at this time there are no plans for PayPal to be available in Pakistan. Should this change in the future we will let you know. ^RD", Thank You for replying. I really need PayPal services. Can you please mention why PayPal is not starting their services in Pakistan. It's been 10 years since I am waiting for PayPal. Thank You +" Hello, I'm so sorry to hear about your recent experience. Please send me a Direct Message with your PayPal email address, as well as the specific details of the transaction in question, and I'll be happy to take a further look into the matter on your behalf. Thanks! ^RW", My bank sent a payment that was to smart connect instead it was sent to my paypal business debit card I have been bounced around and nobody seems to be able to find the money where do I send an email to in order to give you full details? +" Hello, I'm so sorry to hear about your recent experience. Please send me a Direct Message with your PayPal email address, as well as the specific details of the transaction in question, and I'll be happy to take a further look into the matter on your behalf. Thanks! ^RW", When do you plan on responding???? +" Hello, I'm so sorry to hear about your recent experience. Please send me a Direct Message with your PayPal email address, as well as the specific details of the transaction in question, and I'll be happy to take a further look into the matter on your behalf. Thanks! ^RW"," My eBay listing have been sold and delivered, I’m trying to figure how long y’all will have the funds on hold" +" Hello, I'm so sorry to hear about your recent experience. Please send me a Direct Message with your PayPal email address, as well as the specific details of the transaction in question, and I'll be happy to take a further look into the matter on your behalf. Thanks! ^RW", Where did you go? + Hello! I've responded to your DM. ^HZ, Okay +" Tut uns leid, dass es nicht geklappt hat. Alternativ kannst du es auch mit einer Bezahlung mittels Guthaben probieren. Das funktioniert meist besser. Wir hoffen, dass es beim nächsten Mal besser klappt. Falls du unsere Unterstützung dann dabei brauchst, melde dich bei uns. ^FV"," Wie soll das besser funktionieren, wenn das Weiterleiten von der DB-Seite zu paypal schon nicht klappt?" +" Okay, ich dachte es liegt an deinem PayPal-Konto. Falls aber die DB-Seite Probleme beim Weiterleiten hat, dann solltest du dich auf jeden Fall bei der DB melden, damit das Problem behoben werden kann. ^FV"," Weitergeleitet wird, aber paypal nimmt das Password nicht - nach dem zweiten Versuch heißt es, der Kauf habe nicht abgewickelt werden können. Das würde wohl mit einem Guthaben nicht anders sein." +" Hallo, sorry zu hören, dass Probleme mit der Zahlung hattest. Hat es denn zwischenzeitlich noch geklappt? ^WD"," Wußte nicht, was ich noch versuchen sollte - habe das Problem anders lösen müssen. Vermutlich hätte ich den Computer noch neu starten sollen, aber mal ehrlich- so geht's doch nicht. Muß Alternative suchen. Sorry." + Thanks for reaching out to us. We're sorry for any frustration this may have caused. Here's some things to try: https://t.co/KEajmipCLe, You're a bit late - it was resolved 2 days ago! Thanks for your speedy assistance. +" Hey there. I apologize for this. Were you able to get through to us over the phone? If not, is there anything I can do? Please DM me with this issue. ^HYC", yeah bro we good 🤞🏾 +" Hello Zelda, I'm glad that your issue is resolved. Have a wonderful day and thank you for being a loyal PayPal customer. ^BB", It’s not resolved haha + Hello! I have sent you a DM regarding this matter. Enjoy the rest of your day. ^YG, Thankyou! + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this delay. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response! ^LAR," Thanks, it's already been resolved!" + Hi! Please check your most recent DM. ^AMC, I have. And replied. +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you are still experiencing this issue. ^CG", I can login to my paypal app now..it brings up keyboard one so I can enter code thanks +" Bonjour à vous, nous comprenons votre mécontentement. Nous sommes disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez que l'on vérifie tout ceci ensemble. Merci de nous fournir votre adresse email ^LT", Oui pour que vous me dites d’appeler le service client ? Mdr laissez moi rire +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW"," Have done, thank you" +" Hey there, we're sorry for the delay! If you could please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and any additional details on the situation, then we'll be able to assist you further. Thanks for reaching out to us ^EL", I have sent information requested. + Hi Santos! Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you. Please send us a DM regarding your concern and we'll be more than happy to assist you. ^HZ," I have cancelled subscription with them since January, my account shows that every month from February 2017 to August 2017 they had to refund my monies. +Now they charge me again Oct and November without my authority and I don’t get response from them" + Bonsoir à vous et navrés d'apprendre cela. Nous sommes disponibles en DM si vous souhaitez nous faire part de votre expérience. ^AG," Vous n'êtes quand même pas en train de dire que vous ignorez que votre plateforme sert aux arnaques les plus diverses, quand même?" +" I understand your concern. By sending us a DM, I'd be able to escalate your case to one of our specialists. They'll then look into your issue and assist you. ^HZ"," I just sent you a DM. I hope this is more helpful than the 6 or 7 phone calls, and the email correspondence-- all of which have just shuttled me back and forth, offering conflicting information-- and ultimately saying that it's not your problem." + Hi Tim! Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you. Please send us a DM regarding your concern and we'll be more than happy to assist you. ^HZ, My concern is that your company has been giving me the runaround for two months. I’ve already explained the situation to 5 of your coworkers. What can you do to help me? + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM so I can help out? ^IT, Hi already solved... thanks but it was strange as both mobile devices werent able to proceed with “transfer” money.. something went wrong with graphic & screen orientation + Good catch! Please forward it to __email__ so that we can archive it. Thank you so much! :) ^RA, I deleted it. I provided the information in the pictures. I’m sure if you send the tweet to your spoof people they can handle it. I’ve done my part. + encaminha esse email pra __email__ por favor? Ele é falso mesmo =S, Ok. Enviei agora todas as mensagens + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble with a transaction. Please send me a DM for further assistance. ^DT, Sent! I appreciate the offer of help. +" Hey there! We appreciate your interest in bringing this product to the UK. Rest assured, we're always working dil... https://t.co/WbVJfGHYN8", Thank you + Hi Kaya! I'm sorry to hear that. Can you DM us with screenshots of the email? ^AAR, DM button not available at the moment? +" I'm glad it's working again. I've responded to your DM, and thanks for reaching out! ^ES", Can I get a response to my DM please +" Hi! I see how this is frustrating. If you need help, please DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the error. Thanks! ^ES", It's working for me now :/ DM'd the message and a few more details though. +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of what you're seeing? ... https://t.co/kym5x2py9f", I have now sorted it via PayPal helpline thanks +" Hello, do you have some questions about PayPal? If so, please send me a Direct Message with your PayPal email add... https://t.co/H89s7nz6s2"," I don't even have a PayPal account, could I follow and DM you here?" +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Por favor visita este enlace: https://t.co/uZJ9q6KICW Si tienes más dudas, envíanos un DM. ¡Saludos! ^DG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Gracias por su pronta respuesta +" Hello Kim. If you could send us a DM with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the withdrawal, I'd be happy to further assist you with this. Thanks! ^FM", Thanks but its not going to help just given up on paypal never get the same story twice + Awesome - please DM us regarding this issue and I'll be happy to help. :) ^KK, Do you have a problem with your compturs at the moment or im be lied to + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that your account is registered in and we'll get this figured out together! Thanks. ^AMC, Yes Australia please set free my money + Thank you for letting us know about this. Please send us a DM if you need any further help. :) ^JMR," Sure, no problem. Also, just to be clear, this was on a desktop, not a mobile." +" Hi there. We're sorry for the delay in getting back to you. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN"," Hi - I've sent you a DM, I would appreciate it if someone could get back to me promptly! Thank you" +" Hey there, Bethany! We have received and replied to your DM. Please check your messages as soon as you get a chance. ^BC", Thanks + Hell there - We would love to help. If you need any further assistance please DM us with your PayPal email.," Well, hell. Thanks a lot. It is a long article, so some help would be nice." + Can you please send your question to our DM's?, I don't have any questions. I think you've replied to the wrong person. You replied to my retweet of an ecommerce article. +" Hi there! In order for us to get this fixed please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you a... https://t.co/2W5cUlsNXi", Dm sent + Thank you. Please check your inbox for a response to your DM. ^VM, I've sent another question to your dm + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response! ^LAR, Sent a DM + Thanks for reaching out! Please send me a DM so that we can further assist you with your issue. ^KR, DMed. Thanks! +" Hi! I see how this is concerning, and I'm here to help. Could you DM us with a description of the issue? Thank you. ^ES"," About a week ago my brother got on and played minecraft with his friend, His friend wanted to buy a resource pack. . My little brother gave him 14$ . My paypal email: __email__ + +And his email is : __email__" +" Hey Holly. Thanks for contacting us. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN", having the same issue +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out to PayPal. I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing issues. Please DM me your PayPal email and country so I can further assist you. ^SE", I have sent you a DM thanks +" Hi Betty. Thanks for reaching out to us and for bringing this to our attention. If you could please send us a DM, we'd be glad to assist you with this issue. ^MN", the money has cleared now so its okay but thanks anyway +" Hi there Mateo, I am so sorry to hear this happened! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? :) Thanks! ^EHMB", Message sent. Hoping you can be more helpful then the support members I have spoken to previously. + Hi! I have replied to your DM. Take a look at your earliest convenience. :) ^JMR, I️ responded. Thanks! +" Hey there! I apologize for the delay, but it'd be my pleasure to address your inquiry. Please send me a DM when it's most convenient to you so that I can assist you further. ^KR", I dmed tou +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I'm sorry to hear this happened, and I'd be happy to help you! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? Thanks! ^EHMB"," Thanks for reply, i have sent you DM. I hope i will get respond with resolution. As basic problem of is not responding and do nothing of customer requests or complaints" +" Hey there, deeply sorry for the delayed responses. :( We have recently responded back to your most-recent DM, so whenever possible, please respond back for further assistance. Thanks! ^AI"," Thanks for update, i will wait for response from specialist. Having said don't trust PayPal India as they have never responded in past" +" Hey there, deeply sorry for the delayed responses. :( We have recently responded back to your most-recent DM, so whenever possible, please respond back for further assistance. Thanks! ^AI"," Cn u please tell about the how GST 18 % will be applied on the paypal amount we will receive in India , Suppose if i work as a freelancer and get paid $100 dollars then how much charge will be applied on it and how much I will get in hand" +" Thank you for your patience, and I appreciate you reaching out to us. I've responded to your DM and I look forward to working with you to resolve the issue. ^TB"," Thanks for response, replied to your DM." +" Hallo, tut mir leid, dass es bei dir Probleme mit dem Käuferschutz gab. Hast du denn ein Sendungsnachweis für die Rücksendung? Gerne kannst du uns deine registrierte E-Mail-Adresse in einer DM senden, damit wir es prüfen lassen können. ^FV"," Die Unterlagen sind inzwischen entsorgt, das war in 2010, verjährt aber nicht vergessen. ;) +So etwas brennt sich halt in mein Elefantengedächtnis, dennoch danke für die Rückmeldung." +" Hallo, tut mir leid, dass es Probleme bei der Zahlung gibt. Hast du es schon mit einem anderen Browser probiert bzw. ""Cache und Cookies"" gelöscht? Hast du dich auch mal an Spotify gewendet, denn es hört sich nach einem technischen Fehler auf deren Seite an. ^FV"," Spotify hat sich jetzt bei mir gemeldet, dennoch danke für die Tipps! Meine Freunde haben genau das selbe Problem wie ich, denke auch, dass es sich hier um ein technischen Fehler handelt." + Das klingt sehr danach. Gerne doch. Konnte eine Lösung gefunden werden? ^FV, Ja :) +" Bonjour Ilyas, je vous remercie de nous avoir contactés. Si jamais vous avez un problème d'accès, veuillez nous avoir en DM muni de votre adresse email. Nous ferons le nécessaire ensemble ^LiB", Au top l'assistance 💪💪💪💪 +" Hi, I'm sorry to hear you are having an issue. What is it that's not working for you? Maybe we can help. ^RM"," I need your help to solve this problem, no one answer DM https://t.co/fuDNJU6tws" +" Bonjour Charly, l'option d'envoi d'argent via messenger par PayPal n'est disponible que sur le marché américain. Nous espérons étendre cette fonctionnalité dans le futur :). ^EM", J’espère aussi ;) (D'où l'utilisation du futur de l'indicatif dans mon tweet) + Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. I replied to your DM. ^AAR, Thanks 🙂 +" Bonjour Benjamin, nous sommes disponible par DM si vous souhaitez que l'on vérifie ceci ensemble ^SB ^SB", Je vous ai répondu ;) +" Salut Bertrand, navrés d'apprendre que vous avez des soucis pour enregistrer le compte bancaire. Merci de passer par DM et de nous fournir votre adresse email ^SB", C'est déjà fait il y a plusieurs mois. Vous ne reconnaissiez pas les IBAN et visiblement c'est toujours le cas. Faut il recommencer tout le cirque en DM ? en pense quoi ? +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez que l'on vérifie ceci ensemble. Merci de nous communiquer l'adresse email liée au compte PayPal ^EM", Hello please give me my money .. i have allrdy waiting 8months +" Bonjour Chloé, nous comprenons votre mécontentement. Il se peut que votre amie ait sélectionné un envoi d'agrent commercial au lieu de passer par un paiement entre proches. Pour ce type de transaction PayPal applique des frais de 3.4%+0.25 EUR ^SK"," Bonjour, je vais lui indiquer, pourrais-je avoir le remboursement de ces frais si mon amie vous contacte ? Merci" + Hi! Could you please send us a DM with some more information about your issue? I'm happy to help! ^ALF," It’s not really an issue, just think that you should be able pay by debit card as well as transfer from bank" +" No worries. I completely understand the concern. Due to current banking mandates, we're unfortunately unable to o... https://t.co/3vDW9gbNbr"," I understand, just seems odd that I can’t do it online but can if I call the customer contact centre" + Hi there! We are sorry for the delay in getting back to you. We have replied to your DM :) ^MR, Yes you have 6 days later. Is this your typical #customerservice time range? 6 days?? It certainly is far from prompt +" Bonjour à vous, merci pour votre confiance😊 Soyez toujours le bienvenu ! ^LiB"," Sur internet, je paie l'intégralité de mes achats avec votre solution. Cette fidélité dure depuis au moins 3 ans ! J'achète sur un site seulement si il propose #Paypal !" +" Hey there, Zoe! Could you please send us a DM along with your PayPal email address? Thanks! ^ACT"," Ok have done that, thank you" + Hi! Can you please send us a DM with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the payment? I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF," Thanks, just sent you a DM :)" + Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. Send us a DM for further assistance. ^ML, It's working again now but thank you + Hello. If you feel like you have received a fake or spoof email please send us a DM with a screenshot of it and w... https://t.co/NLEbznGGI6, Yes I recieved a text today. I knew it was a hacker but not impressed at them having access to my number https://t.co/UcAkezZJOb +" Hey Nicole! Sorry to hear about your experiences with our services :( I'll be happy to help, just send me a DM. ^DP", The issue has been resolved thank you +" Bonjour à vous, nous vous remercions pour l’intérêt que vous portez à PayPal :). Toutefois, PayPal peut envoyer de temps à autre des offres marketing pour ses clients. Si vous avez un compte PayPal, n'hésitez pas à jeter un coup d’œil sur votre adresse ... https://t.co/7MBk1exDV4"," coucou le bot, va te faire. bisous bon noel." +" Hey! Give us a call at 888-221-1161, we'd be happy to help get you back into your account. :) ^MB", I'm out of the country :( any other way to change my number? +" Hi Ann, thank you for reaching out to us and sorry about any negative experience. To better assist you please send us a DM with a screenshot of the issue you are seeing and your PayPal email address. We will be happy to help! ^DC", Messaged you. +" I have responded to your DM, Bobby. ^YG", Thanks. + Hello there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, It’s all good now. But you might want to rethink that recorded message operating system +" Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Please send us a DM, so we can assist you further. ^AAR", Done thank you +" Hey Declan, please send me a DM! ^RA", I've already spent 3 hours on the phone to get it sorted...so I better get my money + I am sorry for this trouble with your purchases. Please send me a DM and I will be happy to help you further. Thank you! ^GA," All good, thanks!" +" Hey Sam! Sorry to hear about that. I'll be happy to help, just send me a DM. ^DP", I finally got someone to help. + Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. Send us a DM for further assistance. ^ML, Thanks for your response. I have sent the details over DM. + Hello! Please check your DM for a response from us. Thank you. ^YG, send back ! Thanks for your reply ❤️ + I am sorry to hear about this trouble with your order. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA, I have messaged you. Please say you will help! + Hi there! Could you please provide us with your PayPal email address along with a description of your problem in ... https://t.co/dbP9uCgxfE, Thanks it's working now + Já está bloqueado., Acabei de receber outro pedido + Thank you for reaching out. Please send me a DM with your PayPal email address so that I can assist you further! :) ^KR, This seems to have fixed itself in the time since I sent this tweet. Thanks anyway! +" I'm sorry to hear of any issues, I've answered your DM. Please check your messages. ^IN", Sent you the details. If we can get on call that would be great. + I'm sorry to hear of any frustration. Please send a DM and I'd be happy to answer any questions. ^IN, There is no questions to ask. You have my money being held hostage for a 180 day hold which is illegal is California. Release it! +" Hey there, Paul. We understand how concerning this can be. We recommend giving us a call as a guest. This will al... https://t.co/G0e7eaJOZ3", Thanks for getting back. I've managed to sort it now. + Sounds good! Please do not hesitate to reach back out if you need further assistance. Have a great weekend! ^AC, Thanks! You to 🙂 + Sounds good! Please do not hesitate to reach back out if you need further assistance. Have a great weekend! ^AC, Guys? + Sounds good! Please do not hesitate to reach back out if you need further assistance. Have a great weekend! ^AC," , did the things they had to do, also topped-up my account with €150,- (but as I a chargeback on my debit card)" +" If your issue has been resolved by Nike, there is no need to clarify for us. However, if you still have any quest... https://t.co/Sz3ZLZpGzm", It still needs to be resolved but I’ll give them some time 👍🏻 + Hello. We understand this can be a confusing situation and we would be happy to clarify. Can you please send us a... https://t.co/Sz3ZLZpGzm," Thanks! already did take action, do I still need to clarify?" +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and for sending us a DM. We were able to send you a response. ^RR", I SENT ANOTHER!! +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and for sending us a DM. We were able to send you a response. ^RR", I replied!! +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and for sending us a DM. We were able to send you a response. ^RR", Sent another!! + I saw your DM and replied to it. So go ahead and check your DM's! :) ^CD, I replied back as well haha + I'd be happy to help. Please send a DM with a screenshot of the email receipt for the payment. ^IN, I called instead. Wasn't fun. Your setup is awful for those who pay without creating an account + Thanks for reaching out! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and more information about your issue. I'd be happy to help. ^KR," Thanks for answering! I got an email yesterday that it was resolved though, so thanks a lot! And I guess I got worried too fast haha" +" Hi, nein, für alle Gutscheine gibt es den Käuferschutz nicht. Ist es ein Gutschein für ein spezielles Produkt, dann ja. Ist es jedoch ein Gutschein, der beliebig eingesetzt werden kann (Geldäquivalent), so greift der Käuferschutz nicht. ^SL", Z.B. Gutschein für ? Käuferschutz oder nicht ? Danke :-) +" Hi Tom, we are sorry to hear you are having such difficulties. If you could please send a Private Message with your PayPal registered email address and details of the form you are having an issue with. Thanks", Done. +" Bonjour à vous, navrée que vous ayez rencontré un souci pour effectuer votre paiement :(. Je vous prie de me communiquer votre adresse email afin que je puisse vous aider ^EM", Veilliez me dm stp +" Hi Nabeen, thanks for the tweet. Please check your DMs, we've just responded to you there! ^JW", Thank you. +" Tudo bem contigo? Esse e-mail não é nosso =S Pode, por favor, encaminhá-lo para __email__?"," Ok, enviarei!" +" Hi, I am sorry for the delay in replying to you. I have just sent you a DM. ^DK", I guess your twitter support is just as slow as the phone support lmao + Hi! I see how this is frustrating. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the payment? Thank you. ^ES, Check it + Hi Harry! I'm sorry to hear about your poor experience. Please contact Venmo at https://t.co/Tj8Ax43hC6 for any assistance. ^SML," Account still frozen, law enforcement is now working on case. Venmo customer support, no help." +" Hello, I understand how upsetting it can be to have a scammer take money from you. If you need any help with the ... https://t.co/UJC40NtB5C", not from me but thank you lol +" Hey there! There is no charge to upgrade your account to the standard business account. However, we do have some ... https://t.co/TcvJra5O9y", OK thanks much. Does the PayPal invoicing work w/ the no fee biz account? +" There is no extra fee to use the invoice option however, the seller will always be charged 2.9% + $0.30 of the transaction. ^HYC", Gotcha. OK & thanks. You've been very helpful. +" Hello there, Juan. We are sorry to hear about your dissatisfaction. If you would like assistance, please send us ... https://t.co/mdkY1DcHT8", __email__... +" Hello there, Juan. We are sorry to hear about your dissatisfaction. If you would like assistance, please send us ... https://t.co/mdkY1DcHT8"," yes please contact me + +__email__" + PayPal is not currently available in Bangladesh and we don’t have news to share right now regarding future plans.... https://t.co/qz5o8RmTcR, but we need Paypal not xoom. +" Hi there! All you need to do to reach out to us is send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you a... https://t.co/uj7QBdn2pI", __email__ my email address I would like to speak with someone please + Hi there! Can you DM us about the issue you're encountering? ^AAR," It took 10 minutes for me to speak to a human, everytime I tried to navigate to ""pending payments"" it gave me a different page.. I still" + We apologize for any frustration this may have caused. Please check your DMs for an update. ^AP," +I did dm you, you told me basically to fuck off and that you're not going to help me at all. I literally did nothing wrong fucku" + Please DM with your email and we'll be happy to look. Don't respond to as they are not associated with PayPal.^MH, I have an issue with my account + Hi Robert! There aren't any issues with the PayPal.me link and Google Chrome. I'd recommend clearing your cache a... https://t.co/1MmoTKprwz, #👍 + Apologies for the delayed response. If you still need assistance please DM us. ^VM, Can u reply + Hey there! Sorry to hear that you've been having these issues. We're happy to clarify. We've responded to your DM! ^CRG, Check your dm pls + Hi! I see how this is concerning. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the transaction in PayPal? Thanks. ^ES, Have done + Hi! I see how this is concerning. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the transaction in PayPal? Thanks. ^ES," No one answering to my DM so going to sneak in here, how do you change the donate button to English when viewed by other people" + Hi! I'm sorry to hear about the trouble with this. Could you DM us with your PayPal email? I'm happy to help! ^ES," Hi, I just sent you a DM." +" Hi! I can see how this is frustrating. If you still need help, feel free to DM us with a description of the issue. Thanks! ^ES", I've already emailed. Was supposed to get a response within 24 hours. Didn't happen. I want my funds released to use them. Simple as that. + Okay! Thanks for clarifying. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the transaction? Thanks! ^ES, It's fine. Eventually you'll release my funds and I'll buy what I want. A 21 day wait is an absolute joke though. +" Здравствуйте, ! Напишите нам приватное сообщение, и мы постараемся вам помочь или проконсультировать по вашей проблеме.", Спасибо за заботу. Проблем у меня теперь нет. Три недели назад вывел деньги и закрыл счёт в + Hi! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC," Thanks, I've replied" +" Hello there, Lucy. We would be happy to further assist you. Please send us a DM with a screenshot of the transact... https://t.co/JsypOTUZa7"," Thanks, I've DM-ed you." + I apologize about that! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and more information about your issue. I'll do my best to help. ^KR, I have DM'd you. Thanks! + Hi there. We've responded to your DM. :) ^NM, Respond to dm please + Hi there. We've responded to your DM. :) ^NM, Respond to dm plz + Sorry for the delay! Please check your DMs for an update. ^AP, Thank You +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^IVS", I sent the dm back please respond + Hey there! This is definitely a concerning situation. Could you please send us a DM? We'd be happy to help you. ^ACT, I got it all figured out already +" Hey there, Matt! Please send us DM along with your PayPal email address and we'd be happy to help you out. ^ACT", Done. #Help + Hi there! I am sorry to hear you are receiving scam emails. :( Please forward all scam related emails to spoof... https://t.co/sOgL8VkRa4, Is that the correct email spoof... ? + Happy to help! Have a great day. ^ES," Hi sent dm, got response in spanish, i dont speak sanish. Can i get some help as this was few hours ago......" +" Hi! I see how it's important to pay. If you need help, DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the error that you see. ^ES", Thank you. I have paid via their MyAccounts page but easier on Telstra app. I'll see what happens next month. Cheers. +" Hey there! Sorry for the delay - at this time, Venmo users and PayPal users will not be able to link their accounts. ^KK", Ok thanks. +" I am sorry that you are running into this error when you try to send money. If you want, please DM me and I can help you. ^GA", its cool you guys can just keep the 500 in my balance to ive called and tried to many times its pointless +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you can send us a DM with some cl... https://t.co/cQFkWUnmMa https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," I figured it out on my own, thanks." +" Guten Morgen, was genau klappt denn nicht? Bekommst du eine Fehlermeldung? ^SL"," Hab gestern schon mit dem Support Telefoniert und alles geklärt, Danke trotzdem :)" +" Hello Pam! We're sorry about the trouble getting that updated. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC"," Thanks, it seems like I was able to resolve with the last call" +" Hello, thanks for reaching out to us. Our site isn't currently down, so if you need help let us know. ^AL", it doesn't open from desktop and mobile. Also with some different internet access (different wifi or mobile carrier). Why? https://t.co/mJHgBUijaU + I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^IVS ^IVS, Ok so I have to call the support to be able to delete my bank account and credit card. Nice. Who is the timezone of the opening hours? +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of what you're seeing? ... https://t.co/XbDReV8UaY", Done. Email and screenshots sent. + Hello! Our sincere apologies for the delay in our response. We have recently responded to your DM. Please check y... https://t.co/ujfqIlXlZt, Reply to mine while you're at it! I've been waiting since Thursday! +" Hi there, we are available through DM. If can send us details around what is happening we'll reach out to you directly. ^SK", Least your getting a reply!! I’m still waiting since yesterday!! + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, Funny how all you ever get from you ***t*rds is sorry this sorry that. Incompetent doesn't even cut it + Hi! I just sent you a DM! Please check your messages when you have time. :) ^ALF," least your getting a response, i've needed help since yesterday and still wont respond!!!" + Hi! I just sent you a DM so please kindly check your messages when you have the chance. :) ^ALF, Your not gonna check on sh!t. You all don't care about how your practices effect people. +" Hi there, we have responded to your DM. Thanks, ^SK", But you haven't responded to mine and I've sent DM's two days ago +" Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that. Please send me a DM, so I can provide the following steps. ^AAR", could you please respond to my DM ASWELL please +" Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that. Please send me a DM, so I can provide the following steps. ^AAR"," Yes, and can you respond to mine also. >24hrs now" +" Hello Donna, I understand how upsetting it can be to not receive a refund for an item that was sent back. In orde... https://t.co/wrA2EKlR5c", Thank you - I have received now + Hi! I see how this is frustrating. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the error that you see? Thank you! ^ES, sent a DM over +" Bonjour à vous, merci de nous expliquer votre demande davantage en DM muni de votre adresse email. ^AG", J'apprécierais si tu repondais a mon message... + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. I will be happy to help. ^BV, __email__ + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country tha... https://t.co/8XQgMUSW8l, I solved the problem. Just change from firefox and IE to chrome. Everything work fine +" Hi there Carmen! Sorry to hear about your issue. If you follow us, we can take care of this over DM! ^CD", I've emailed and called several times already...still no resolution! + Hi! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC, See yours if allowed + Estamos conversando pelo FB Leo ;), <3 + Estamos conversando pelo FB Leo ;), Até que horas é o suporte? +" Thank you for reaching out! Please send us a DM regarding this issue. From there, we'll be more than happy to help. ^JGP", I closed my account your service is ridiculously archaic. Cash app is better. + Hello there! Sorry to hear this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further. ^AOA," Yes! Paypal removed funds from my account, 3x189.53 and 1x 179.99 $ +I tried to make a purchase at ebay, since I got an error from paypalpage" +" Thank you for reaching out with that great question! When you send a refund, all fees are refunded except the 30 cent fee. ^JDG"," Thanks, please explain the 30 cent fee?" + What country are you in? ^DP, RF +" Hi there! Sorry for the delay. If you're still in need of assistance, feel free to send us a DM! ^KK", Sorted it now thanks! Took me a 30 minute phone call to you 🙄 My bank account wasn’t set up properly. Wish I knew that- Googled for ages + Hello! I'm sorry for the wait. I've just responded to your DM - I look forward to speaking with you! ^KK," Yep, just sent a reply..." + Hi! Thanks for getting back to us. Could you send us a DM with details about the issue? I'm happy to help you. Thank you! ^ES, What is DM?? +" Hello Liyan! We're sorry about the trouble with your account. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC", __email__ +" Apologies for the delay Ellie, we have responded to your DM. ^SK"," Same here. Love seeing other people get helped, but I get ignored" +" Apologies for the delay Ellie, we have responded to your DM. ^SK", fancy replying to me? +" Apologies for the delay Ellie, we have responded to your DM. ^SK", I DMed you +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^EHMB", Glad you’re getting some help. I’ve been ignored for the past 14 hours +" Hallo, okay, sofern wir dich noch unterstützen können, melde dich bei uns. ^FV", nichts mehr verwalten. Mein Konto ist 9 Jahre alt... +" Hallo, okay, sofern wir dich noch unterstützen können, melde dich bei uns. ^FV"," Ich geb's auf. Abos/Händlerabbuchungen gehen nicht (s. o.), https://t.co/oc4BhGmEMB leitet mich auf die Hauptseite weiter, also kann ich" +" Hallo, tut mir leid, dass es noch nicht geklappt hat. Hast du es denn schon mit einer Guthabenzahlung probiert? ^FV"," In den letzten Wochen mehrmals, und die Option Guthaben zu benutzen stand mir nie zu Verfügung (siehe zweites Bild oben)." +" Okay, das steht auch so nicht zur Verfügung. Du musst hier erst Geld auf das PayPal-Konto laden. Geld aufladen is... https://t.co/J6kGV7aaP1", https://t.co/jxGkj6xkJy +" Hast du mal Cache und Cookies gelöscht, ehe du es nochmal probiert hast? Wäre einen Versuch wert. ^SL", Werde wohl nochmal Geld einzahlen und schauen was passiert. +" Hast du mal Cache und Cookies gelöscht, ehe du es nochmal probiert hast? Wäre einen Versuch wert. ^SL"," Bringt nix. 9 Jahre altes Konto, zig Zahlungen pro Monat und jetzt gehen automatische Händlerabbuchungen nicht mehr. Freut mich." +" Hallo, es kann verschiedene Gründe haben, warum es plötzlich mit der Händlerabbuchung nicht mehr klappt. Es wird ... https://t.co/J6kGV7aaP1"," Hab Geld eingezahlt, gebracht hats aber nix. Verlangt weiterhin ein Bankkonto der eine KK, Guthaben lässt sich nicht benutzen." + Ja. Leider ist es nicht in jedem Falle möglich. Alternativen wie Guthaben oder Kreditkarte helfen da sehr gut weiter. ^SL, Dann muss ich ab heute jedes mal drauf hoffen das ich mit PayPal zahlen kann die weil keine Kreditkarte und das andere zu lang dauert +" Guten Morgen, es kann mit unserem Sicherheitsprogramm zusammenhängen. Hast du es mal mit einer Alternative probie... https://t.co/dWKitCIrzK", Ich hatte vorher gut haben drauf gehabt und sonst hatte es vorher auch immer geklappt mit Lastschrift verfahren +" Bonjour à vous, merci de nous avoir contacté. Nous venons de répondre à votre demande par DM ^SB", I linked my credit card to my PayPal account 16 hours ago but until now i cant send any payments can you please help +" Hallo, wir haben auf deine DM geantwortet. ^FV", Paypal are you going to answer or just ignore me??? +" Bonjour Alexis, nous sommes attachés à satisfaire nos clients. Nous vous prions de venir en DM munie de votre adresse email. Nous sommes là pour vous aider ^CM"," Pas de problème avec paypal, c'est le paiement direct CB sur le site de qui était HS." + Thanks for reaching out. If you could please send me a DM with your PayPal email address and some more informatio... https://t.co/yzJlwBTpG3, Could you follow me + A gente tá aqui. Vem cá! https://t.co/AwV5sqBWc0, É só responder a minha dm. +" Mô, tá pra chegar, fica de olho <3", Omgg!! Obrigada!!! ❤️ minhas compras do ebay +" Hallo, aktuell sind uns keine Probleme dazu bekannt. Hast du denn Probleme dich einzuloggen? ^FV"," Danke der Nachfrage. Inzwischen in allen browsern. Kennt man ja, daß die Sicherheitsupdates so etwas verursachen. Reicht mir jetzt aber." +" Hallo, danke für die Infos. Bekommst du eine Fehlermeldung beim Einloggen? Wenn ja, was besagt diese genau? ^FV"," ""Die Transaktion kann nicht abgeschlossen werden."" - Ich vermute, es liegt am Router - habe neu gestartet, kann mich nun einloggen; ist aber" +" Ja, das kannst du gerne machen. Manchmal können Zahlungen von unserem Sicherheitssystem abgelehnt werden. Alterna... https://t.co/mi8W9HNv3q", please check my email and DM +" Ja, das kannst du gerne machen. Manchmal können Zahlungen von unserem Sicherheitssystem abgelehnt werden. Alterna... https://t.co/mi8W9HNv3q", Danke für den Hinweis! +" Ja, das kannst du gerne machen. Manchmal können Zahlungen von unserem Sicherheitssystem abgelehnt werden. Alterna... https://t.co/mi8W9HNv3q"," So, hat wieder funktioniert! Also: bitte nicht vergessen, das Callcenter zu informieren: 1. Schritt: Router neu starten! (Neues PW erst, wenn das nicht funktioniert! - Danke nochmal!)" + Gerne doch. :) ^FV, Hello respond to my dm please. + Gerne doch. :) ^FV, please check my email and DM +" Hey, freut uns zu hören! Vielen Dank für dein Feedback dazu. :) ^WD", Immer gerne! + Hey Jesus! I am sorry about your recent experiences. Can you please DM us with specifics regarding this matter? Thanks! ^YG," HI YG, thanks for your replay - the problem was already solve, one of your coworker write back with a nice solution. :)" + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! We are sorry to hear that you are experiencing this issue and would be happ... https://t.co/m1dKi0peok, Thanks. I tried it again this morning and it worked ok. +" =O mas, mas. Que que eu fiz? Manda dm pra gente ter dr?", tá tudo bem já mozao 💙 +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes navrés d'apprendre que votre compte est restreint. Veuillez nous communiquer votre ad... https://t.co/Y7alTAAdtQ", Can I please get some support jeeez +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes navrés d'apprendre que votre compte est restreint. Veuillez nous communiquer votre ad... https://t.co/Y7alTAAdtQ"," Bonjour , le problème a été réglé merci" +" Hi there, please send me a DM with your account email address and country of residence. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR"," Check your DM please, thanks" +" Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Can you DM us with your PayPal email, country, and any other details? ^AAR"," __email__ +saudi arabia" +" Hi Danny, once you select a link name, it is yours forever. We apologize but we'd be unable to change that for you. ^JW"," So sad, thanks anyway" + If you cannot locate the number please send us a DM along with your email and country your account is registered ... https://t.co/Gm0MzBX3nY," I made payment through other means. Thanks, but no thanks." +" Hello there, Meruem. Thank you for reaching out. I understand how concerning this can be. I would recommend givin... https://t.co/Gm0MzBX3nY"," You have 2 links that don't work. +One for email. One to call you. +I'll use other means." + Sorry for any frustration. We've responded to your DM. ^TM, I ask if you all are going to call me + Hi again! We are sorry to hear about this inconvenience. Please send us a DM and we would be happy to assist! Thanks. ^AC, Somehow I doubt a DM will remove your asinine requirement to send in a photocopy of my ID. … + Hello! I am sorry about your experience. Can you DM us a description of what's going on? Thanks! ^YG," What’s going on? +You have an unnecessarily tedious system in place for a routine account update. It’s easier to create a new account…insane." +" Hi there, +if you could DM us your PayPal email address we would be happy to help you out. ^ZT"," Still no reply!! There are no open cases at the resolution Centre, but I still can't access my PayPal account!!" + Hey there! I have replied to your DM. ^MB, Hi thanks for finally replying - and saying in a DM I've been assigned someone - its been two days and nobody has been assigned. + Hey there! I have replied to your DM. ^MB," This is literally the most unhelpful customer service I've ever experienced. Once my limits are lifted, I'm leaving PayPal. Terrible." + Hello. We have responded to your DM and look forward to hearing from you. ^NK," Purchases less than $ 99 are executed +Purchases over $ 99 payments are suspended +Why ? How can I buy iPhone?" + We're truly sorry to hear you've had a negative experience and we'll be happy to help. Thank you for your DM. Ple... https://t.co/RFSPvZSt5y, DM sent. Let's see how truly sorry you are by actually resolving my issue instead of sending me a form letter that addresses nothing. + Hi there! I'm sorry for the delay. I replied to your DM! ^AAR, No you haven't!! You've asked me what was wrong? If you read through the history it'll tell you. Not inspiring confidence +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^EHMB"," case PP-006-264-990-725. +Please" +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^EHMB"," Erm... Yeah, smiley faces just aren't making it better. I just want an answer to my question." + Please check your messages at your earliest convenience. :) ^JMR, Thanks JMR :) +" Hi there, +We use your card as an additional verification step. If you have more questions feel free to DM us. ^ZT"," Yeah, that’s a problem for me as I don’t have a credit card and was excited to think I could use PayPal to shop online without one. Wrong😑😞" + Hey there! I would be happy to help you with this question if you could just send me a DM regarding this topic. :) ^HYC," Thanks for your reply, but I resolved this this morning with a phone call." + Hi! I know this important to get the refund. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the refund? Thanks! ^ES," it has been taken care of by your staff, calls were backed up yesterday but we sorted everything out. thank you" +" Hi there, +If you could DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT", Don’t DM them. They aren’t going to help you. They are just going to reiterate the reason why your account was locked and pretend to care + Please check your inbox for a response. ^VM, Thank you I appreciate it! + We're glad to help! ^AAR, Wish I could get some help but I’m just getting ignored + I am sorry for this trouble with your hold. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA, I've sent a message. Please respond asap. + Hi there! I'm sorry you're running into a problem making your purchase. Could you send us a DM? We'll help! ^SML, I fixed it + Is it a legal name? ^HYC," in my first tweet i stated that it was my new legal name via court orders, so yes it's a legal name." +" Hi there, I'm sorry to hear this is occurring to you! :( Could you DM us with your PayPal email address and detai... https://t.co/LDfThkiZiS", i sent the DM i hope this situation can be resolved +" You are able to change your full name, however you will need to send in documentation. That link I gave you shoul... https://t.co/LDfThkiZiS", i sent in full documentation and the person even had it in front of them and insisted i could not so i was just curious is all + Hey there! Here's how to change your name on your account: https://t.co/8kS6ksL0eb. If you have any further quest... https://t.co/LDfThkiZiS, i asked because when i called in i was told by an employee that i was not allowed to change my full name and only my last one + You are so welcome! :D ^RA, https://t.co/vN22PqjjR1 + Hi! Please send me a DM. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR," I'm late to post this, but a BIG thank you to for fixing my problem 👏🏆" +" Hey there, send me a DM with some more details about the transfer, along with your PP email. I'm happy to help! ^MB", It went thru last night. Thank you. +" Hi, we apologize we didn't see your region in your bio. This feature is not supported in Morocco at the moment. ^JW", Really! so to secure my account i should get a green card -_- this isnt fair paypal ! +" Hi Med, great question. Here's how to use a mobile phone to register for the PayPal security key: +1.Log into PayP... https://t.co/HViEAkgHMg", Already tried that there is no option called Security key and please make sure you tell your phone supprt about it cause they dont know 2FA! https://t.co/trhcHYwHKr +" Hey! Send me a DM with some more information about this, along with your PP email. I am happy to help you. ^MB"," done... let's hope you take a read and I don't recieve a computerised/generic, unhelpful reply" +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can assi... https://t.co/DXtzvCaOiX"," Thanks, but it appears like I can access my account now" + I am sorry for the delay. I have replied to your DM and I can help you through there. ^GA, So i'm still waiting for help DM's +" Hi there. Thanks for contacting us. If you could please send us a DM, we'd be glad to take a look into this issue. ^MN", I've sent a DM as requested +" Guten Morgen, in welchem Zusammenhang steht die Aussage? ^SL", Jemand hat meine Mail-Adresse für eine Gast-Zahlung verwendet. + Refunds depend on what was used for the original transaction. Please take a look at a this link for more informat... https://t.co/4u9mCQjJFI, all My payments are pending 6 days 😠 + Hola lamentamos lo sucedido por favor envía un DM y con gusto podremos revisarlo. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," Listo, gracias!" + Hola lamentamos lo sucedido por favor envía un DM y con gusto podremos revisarlo. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Qué es un DM? + Thank you for reaching out! Can you please send us a DM with more information about what is happening? Thanks! ^NEM, It's a complex query - asking for a colleague. It was the contact form she was using and getting no response - can I have an actual email address or phone number please? + Hi there! This definitely looks like a fake email. Good eye! Please forward the message to __email__ and t... https://t.co/PM5sOnfgQU, done +" Hey there, we responded to your DM please check it for more details. :) ^GAA", you guys haven’t responded to my dms + Sorry for the wait. We've responded to your DM. ^TM," I'd love a response too, please." + Hi! Thanks for reaching out to us. Please DM us with a screenshot of the text for further assistance. ^VM, Can you follow so I can send a pic please +" Hello, thanks for reaching out to us. Feel free to send us a DM with any issue you may be having. ^AL"," Done, thanks" + We have responded to your dm. Please check your messages. , You have gone silent again.. What's the problem? + We have responded to your dm. Please check your messages. , I am still following because the notification says you have sent me an email and yet i cant see it..i am not amused at all +" Hi Jane, we have reached out to you through direct message. ^SK", ok +" Hi Jane, we have reached out to you through direct message. ^SK", i feel disappointed on my account i hope it will be fix my bussiness all salar was there please help to get back normal run my account +" Hi Alex. Thanks for contacting us. If you could please send us a DM, we'd be glad to assist you with this issue. ^MN"," Seemed to be a temporary issue, thank you though!" + Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Can you DM us with details of the issue? ^AAR, It was denied. I haven’t even looked at the email today because it’s been THAT kind of day. Lol +" I'm sorry you've had a negative experience. If you'd like assistance with your transfer denial, please send us a DM. ^AL", Will do. + Hello! Can you please DM me your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the message you are receiving after the login fails? Thanks! ^YG, This would have been helpful last night. The issue has since been resolved. +" Hey! Sorry to hear your funds are on hold. I'll be happy to help, just send me a DM. ^DP"," Hello, I sent you dm but my problem is not solved yet. No reply from your side." + Hello. Sorry for the delay. We've responded to your DM. ^NM, please check dm + Hi again. Could you send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the transaction? Thanks! ^CD, I just DM’d the information +" Hi there, thanks for reaching out to PayPal Social Customer Care. Fees for using debit and credit cards are typic... https://t.co/uwjS2UbMV7", I used the same card info last month & didn’t pay a fee!! +" Hey there! I'm sorry you are having troubles with this. Try adding the new address first, setting it to your prim... https://t.co/PuO8NTiGE1", I linked my credit card to my PayPal account 16 hours ago but until now i cant send any payments can you please help + Hi there! We apologize but we are unable to DM you directly. However if you send us a DM we would be happy to help! ^HW, Well? + Hello! Just sent you a DM. ^ML, check dm pls +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you are still in need of assistance with your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG", its all good. talked to someone on the phone. just a problem with my bank + Send us a DM! :) ^RA," will do, thanks." +" Oh dear. No, this is not from us and if you still have it, please forward it to __email__. Thank you! ^MH", Already done! Thanks :3 + Hola. Nos gustaría revisar lo sucedido. Por favor envíanos un DM para poderte asistir mejor. ^LS, Ya lo esta checando mi banco. +" Hm, magst du uns in einer privaten Nachricht deine hinterlegte E-Mail-Adresse geben, damit wir das prüfen lassen ... https://t.co/kchIZ7x3VY", Mach ich danke. +" Hi, welche Meldung bekommst du denn? An sich lässt sich das am schnellsten und einfachsten mit der Hotline klären... https://t.co/kchIZ7x3VY"," ""Bestätigen Sie Ihre Identität, damit Sie Ihr Konto weiterhin nutzen können"" wenn ich versuche auf weiter zu klicken passiert nichts :)" + I am glad you were able to login. Have a great day! ^GA," Having trouble with my account as well but am being ignored. Alas, in terms of support, 'PayPal support' seems much left to be desired!!" +" I am sorry for this trouble with accessing your account. If you would like, please DM me and I can help you further. ^GA", I got the SMS and managed to login after 3-4 minutes! I shouldn’t wait that long to login into my account. Thx anyway. +" I am sorry for this trouble with accessing your account. If you would like, please DM me and I can help you further. ^GA"," So, when do i get a reply on my Tweets or DM's i'm wondering?" +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have... https://t.co/I2lXj6iERj", I did +" Hi there! Unfortunately, at this time you'll need to be over 18 in order to use PayPal. I apologize for the inconvenience! :( ^KK"," You don't understand i am one the ownes of a multi million dollar company, can we please work something out" +" Hi Blair, we'd like to help. Please send us a direct message here with the email address linked to your account &... https://t.co/IogNGwH5nY", Love how this guy gets a reply after an hour on 2... I’m still for a reply 14 Hours later... been scammed and revived no support... + I am sorry for this delay. I responded to your DM and I can help you through there. ^GA, I sent screenshots on DM please check them + Sorry to hear this! Please DM us for further assistance. ^VM," I have just DM you, kindly check" +" I am sorry for this trouble with your account. If you would like, please DM me and I will be happy to help you further. ^GA"," So I dm'ed and after 3 hours still no solution, nor a qualified answer. I also asked them how many levels of support they have 🙄" + Hello! We have received and replied to your DM. Please check your inbox as soon as you get the chance. ^BC," Yes, thanks a lot, you wrote the DM and I wrote I the tweet at the same time xD. Will keep an eye on DM and emails." +" If you change your mind, our offer still stands. ^TM"," Am unable to receive and transact with my account, help....." + We're sorry to hear that. It sounds like you've had a negative experience. Please send us a DM with the email add... https://t.co/XH0kJblVHj, Ova wit. See me + Hi Chris! It looks like it might be a guard rail. You can find information about that here: ... https://t.co/W2qz9qPMmd, Looks about right. Thanks! +" Hello, thank you for contacting PayPal customer support. If you are having an issue with your PayPal account plea... https://t.co/W2qz9qPMmd", I think the thread is quite clear. I have a train-related question and was told you could help. Thanks in advance. +" Hello, sorry for the delay! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look! ^GH", Check dms!!! + Hi Tracy! I'm sorry to hear that. Can you send us a DM with a screenshot of one of the emails? We'd be happy to help! ^SML, Thank you. I have sent you the info +" Hi Helen! You're right, this isn't from us. Could you forward it to __email__ so our team could look into it? We appreciate it! ^SML", Sure! Done. + Hi Ikechukwu - Please DM me with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of this transaction so I can help you further. ^NEM, I don't know anything about PayPal you guys deduct my account +" Hey there, Emma. We are sorry to hear about this. We would be happy to help you with this. Please send us a DM wi... https://t.co/M4rHFYuRGv"," Hey, DM'd." + Hey there. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV, After centuries!! I replied to u! +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thanks for your patience. ^ES"," Well, I’ve replied to ur DM! I wish I don’t have to wait for another 7 hours for someone to reply to me!!" + So sorry for the wait! I know that this can be frustrating. I've responded to your DM again. ^ES, Ooh yes!! U responded saying that i have to call! Why did u ask for the screenshots though!! +" Hey there! For assistance with your dispute, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC", I have DM'd....pls respond +" Bonsoir à vous, merci de nous expliquer davantage votre demande en privé. Nous serons heureux de vous aider ^AM", Hi ! Is it possible to have an official statement from regarding the hidden metadata package in your Fraud Tools SDK? +" Bonsoir à vous, merci de nous expliquer davantage votre demande en privé. Nous serons heureux de vous aider ^AM"," bah mon grand c'est à qu'il faut donner les info +Ou à " +" Parfait, nous restons à votre disposition en cas de besoin. Passez une bonne soirée 😊 ^AM", Merci a vous aussi ;) +" Bonsoir à vous, merci de nous expliquer davantage votre demande en privé. Nous serons heureux de vous aider 😊. N'hésitez pas à fournir en plus votre adresse email PayPal pour voir cela ensemble ^AM", merci de m'avoir répondue le pb est résolut je vous ais appelé finalement :) + I'm sorry to hear that you're having a bad experience with our services! Please send me a DM with any relevant de... https://t.co/DSgdFlifCP, Hilarious. +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^IVS", Any chance at all of some input on this? TEN days now with no assistance really isn't good enough. + Check https://t.co/oi3J6KorMc to link both accounts and reach Paypal on for any questions on your PayPal account ^AH," Hi , please send us a DM if you have any questions about your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^LB" +" Bonjour à vous, je vous remercie de nous avoir contactés et d'avoir choisi PayPal pour vos paiements en ligne 😊. En fait, si jamais vous ne recevez pas votre objet, je vous confirme que vous êtes couvert pour le montant total de la transaction. Je vous... https://t.co/tvShzyIjg4", Mais si je le reçoit et que c’est une contrefaçons ? +" Bonjour à vous, je vous remercie de nous avoir contactés et d'avoir choisi PayPal pour vos paiements en ligne 😊. En fait, si jamais vous ne recevez pas votre objet, je vous confirme que vous êtes couvert pour le montant total de la transaction. Je vous... https://t.co/tvShzyIjg4"," En effet, PayPal vous couvre gratuitement pour la non réception et la non conformité. Référez-vous au lien envoyer sur le message précédent pour avoir plus de détails ^CM" + Hi there! Please send me a DM if you need assistance. I'm happy to help! ^JMR, I might do that but I am tweeting between projects right now. + I apologize for that! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and your issue so that I can further assist you. :) ^KR, okay! +" Hola, de antemano lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Envíanos un mensaje directo para poder asistirte. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", ya lo hice y no me dan solución. Igual les enviaré otro. + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out. We've replied to your DM. ^CRG, Reply back! I need answers + Great! Please check the DM again. ^ES," Thanks, done and responded" +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thanks for your patience! ^ES"," Hi, thanks for the response. I have responded too, kindly check the DM" +" Hey, I understand how frustrating it is to have a payment on hold. Here is some more info and how to get your fun... https://t.co/QNqUkrRE4U", The buyer has collected item and left feedback so money now please +" Hey, I understand how frustrating it is to have a payment on hold. Here is some more info and how to get your fun... https://t.co/QNqUkrRE4U", its infact just out of order you wouldn't go to Asda do your shopping and hold the payment until you were satisfied with the food would you? + Hey there! Can you send us a DM? We'd be happy to help answer any questions you may have. ^ACT, But u idiots need to resolve my issue first. Y r u keeping me hanging? +" Hi there, I am sorry for the delay in replying to you. I have just sent you a DM. ^DK", I have been waiting for a reply since yesterday yet this user gets a reply in 1 hour? How does your system work + Sorry to hear this. If you still need assistance with your account please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^VM, I want to raise a complaint. So u can tell me how I do that!! + Hey there! Please send all suspicious emails to __email__. Thank you very much! ^ACT," Have done so, many thanks" +" Hey Bradley, please send us a DM if you are in need of any assistance with your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG", How about you guys actually reply this time? You guys really seem to care-less about the people who contribute to your company. + Hi. Please give us a call to help verify your information and gain access back into your account. Thanks! ^TH ^TH, Do you have a free help line? + Hi there. Could you send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the issue you are seeing? Thank you! ^CD, My only issue is that your fees are outrageous + We would be more than happy to explain everything to you in a DM. Go ahead and send us one and we will look into this! ^CD, Pass. I hate using paypal and will probably stop. +" Hey, I've responded to your DM. Please take a look for further assistance. ^SE", just responded! + Hola. Por favor envíanos una copia de ese mensaje a __email__. Agradecemos tu colaboración. ^LS, Hecho 👍🏻 +" Hi there, thank you for contacting PayPal via Twitter. Please DM us with your PayPal email address, your country ... https://t.co/QzE0eJqmCZ", The problem fixed itself. Got an email last night notifying my statement was available and was able to see it in my account and pay it. + I'm happy to see that we were able to assist you in the matter. Feel free to reach out to us again if you have an... https://t.co/Qrnaf0y7t3, okay i will for sure since you guys are able to help so fast thank you again 😊 + Hello there! I'm very sorry to hear you experienced this. Please send us a DM with more details and provide the e... https://t.co/Qrnaf0y7t3, i did and you guys did get back to me thank you for the help https://t.co/q0pb15djeS + Hello there! I'm very sorry to hear you experienced this. Please send us a DM with more details and provide the e... https://t.co/Qrnaf0y7t3, hey y u guys don't attend to mails or tweets + Hello there! I'm very sorry to hear you experienced this. Please send us a DM with more details and provide the e... https://t.co/Qrnaf0y7t3, PayPal plz check DM +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you still need help with your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG", DM sent but not had any response? +" Hey there, Jonesy! We have received and replied to your DM. Please check your inbox as soon as you get the chance. ^BC", still no response to my Dm. please response. +" Hey there, Jonesy! We have received and replied to your DM. Please check your inbox as soon as you get the chance. ^BC", Thanks replied +" Hola, lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Por favor envía el correo que recibiste a __email__ para revisarlo. En el siguiente enlace encontraras más información sobre posibles correos sospechosos. https://t.co/A3l53LPvGH. Envíanos un DM para más información. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Enviado al email. +" Hey! Typically, F&F payments with your bank shouldn't have fees. Please DM me for further assistance! ^DP", Will do. +" I'm very sorry to hear that. For assistance, please send us a DM and we'll be happy to let you know how to report this. ^AL"," I've reported it in my resolution center but I need the money back tomorrow, not in 7 days. Can this be done?!" +" Unfortunately, with issues like this an investigation needs to be done before we're able to take action. That may not be possible. ^AL"," Ok well if a company signed me up to a free trial and told me I wouldn't be billed after, but then billed me anyway, will I get it back?" +" I can't say for sure. If you have proof of where it says that, you would be more likely to get that refunded. ^AL", Yeah I have a message they sent me directly on here stating I would not be charged +" Hello, I've sent a reply to the DMs you've sent us. Let me know if you'd like further assistance. ^AL", Thanks so much for getting back to me! +" Hey! I'll be happy to help, please send me a DM. ^DP", Idk if it sent + It doesn't look like we've received anything. Please try again! ^GH, why i still didnt get any response???? + It doesn't look like we've received anything. Please try again! ^GH, Can you see it in the tweet above? I'm on the pc and sent it from my iphone. Thanks! +" Hey there, please report this text by forwarding it to 7726. ^CG", Thanks +" Ja, das kann durchaus ein Faktor sein, weswegen unser Sicherheitssystem sensibel reagiert. ^SL", Super und was können wir dagegen tun? Ohne mobile Nutzbarkeit macht das PayPal-Konzept ja wenig Sinn + Das mag sein. Aber Sicherheit hat bei uns oberste Priorität. ^SL," Auch wenn sie den User aktiv behindert? Ich meine ich bin ja kein Krimineller, ich will einfach nur in *meinen eigenen* Account rein..." +" Gerade bei wechselnden IP-Adressen müssen wir sicherstellen, dass sich auch wirklich nur der Kontoinhaber Zutritt zum Konto verschafft. ^SL"," Stimmt. Aber warum bekommen meine 3 Mailprovider, mein Server-Host, div. Shops, die Post und sogar *meine Bank* das hin und ihr nicht?" +" Gerade bei wechselnden IP-Adressen müssen wir sicherstellen, dass sich auch wirklich nur der Kontoinhaber Zutritt zum Konto verschafft. ^SL"," Zur Verdeutlichung: Stell‘ dir vor, deine EC geht nur am Automaten zuhause um die Ecke - bei Nutzung woanders sperrt die Bank dein Konto..." +" Guten Morgen, inwiefern wirst du ausgesperrt? Was ist passiert? ^SL", Euer Sicherheitssystem scheint mir nicht zu trauen-routinemäßig wechselnde IPs führen regelmäßig zum Ausschluss (auch mobil in der App) 🤔👎🏼 +" Hey Namra, thanks for reaching out. Sorry to hear your payment is still pending. I'll be happy to help, just send me a DM! ^DP", Does it usually take this long for the transaction to clear through? + I am sorry for my delay. I responded to your DM and I will be happy to help you through there. ^GA, Thank you. I sent you more details about the issue and how it should be fixed. Please check again + Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Please forward this message to __email__ and we can take car... https://t.co/3duKHb4lrr, Just did. Thank you so much + There actually is a place you can send those! You can forward those over to __email__ for us to have a look at it. ^DP, Thanks. Will do! Couldn’t find it on the website. +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out. At this time, we only provide support in Chinese, English, French, German, J... https://t.co/d5Y20Oq8aL"," Hi, I was complaining about the fact that there seems to be no way to contact you about scamming attempts with fake PayPal emails." +" I apologize for that experience. Will you please send me a DM, so I can help? Thank you in advance! ^JDG"," Your website is STILL not working. Tracking numbers not transferring, probably no notification to buyers. Why did you change it, Rubbish." + Hello and I am so sorry to hear about the issue you've had with those tracking numbers not transferring. Please s... https://t.co/IVJpsn32of," Thanks I did speak to a PayPal agent today. Not sure she knew what I was talking about. Between your page redesign & eBay's HUB, its a mess" + Hello and I am so sorry to hear about the issue you've had with those tracking numbers not transferring. Please s... https://t.co/IVJpsn32of, How long will it take you to fix this. It worked for years and now YOU'VE FUCKED IT UP. Ridiculous. +" Tá bem, amor a gente divide <3 Manda DM pra gente Carlos. Vamos verificar o que houve.", hi is it possible you can help me? PayPal is asking me to confirm my card and that a 4 digit code has been sent but it hasn't been sent +" Mas como assim?! E todo amor, esforço, carinho, história? Não vale a pena trocar tudo isso por uma aventura (que nem respondeu ¬_¬).", O mandou um recado pra quem cobra taxa em todas as transações: https://t.co/cJk2SE9zkZ +" Mas como assim?! E todo amor, esforço, carinho, história? Não vale a pena trocar tudo isso por uma aventura (que nem respondeu ¬_¬).", kkkkkkkkkkjj vdd +" Ohhh Melissa :) É não.Você deve considerar a tarifa que cobramos de 4,5% para conversão da moeda nessa cotação. A... https://t.co/DQ6zEME5Tm", isso é um abuso. pode entrar + Nous présentons nos excuses pour le délai d'attente. Nous comptons sur votre compréhension et votre coopération ^EM," Possible de venir en DM, de prendre mon numéro et de m’appeler ?" +" Hey Cameron, please send us a DM for further assistance. We're happy to help. ^CG", Turns out there’s nothing to do. I read the new terms of service. You added a new $2.99 fee for Friends and Family to the US. Which sucks. + Hi there! Thank you for reaching out. Can you please send us a DM so we can further assist you with this issue. ^YR, DM sent. +" Hi there. We have sent you a DM. Please check, when you have the chance. Thanks! ^NR", Responded + Hello there! We are sorry to hear this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA, Will do! Thank you! + Hello there! We are sorry to hear this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA, look at my dm :/ +" Hello! Our sincere apologies for the delay, Sahar. Please DM us with your PayPal email and further details for help! ^AIM"," Thank you, I rang the help line and got onto my account :)" +" Hi there, Alice, we're very sorry for the delay. We have sent you a DM. Please check, when you have the chance. Thank you! ^NR", I’ve escalated this to a complaint now your lack of contact is ridiculous + Hello there! Thanks for reaching out. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA, I’m still waiting + Hello there! Thanks for reaching out. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA, All twitter communication has stopped and I’m still receiving these emails. +" Hi there, +If you're having an issue sending a donation feel free to DM us and we'll be happy to help you out. ^ZT", Please respond to me at the massage + Und geantwortet. ^SL, Hab noch was hinzugefügt +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and for sending us a DM. We were able to send you a response. ^RR", Seen. Thanks. +" Of course, you're very welcome and thank you for forwarding the email! :) Have a great rest of your day! ^NK"," No problem, you too NK!😎" + Hello. Thank you for bringing this email to our attention and for checking in with us about it. You are absolutel... https://t.co/pq8p7KM8Nc," Ok thank you, I did check on your website to read up on spoof emails to make sure it was fake. Thank you, I’ll forward the email now." +" Hi, we'd be happy to assist if you'd like to DM your email address registered on your account.", please check dm + Hey! Please check for a DM. Thanks. ^AMC, Please check DM + Hey! Please check for a DM. Thanks. ^AMC, Sent you another DM. + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country tha... https://t.co/QSz6wHAOMP, Sent :) Please check. +" Oh wow! You are quite the problem solver. We are happy to hear that, enjoy the rest of your night! :) ^LAR", Haha. Thanks. You as well! + Hi there! We am sorry to hear about the trouble you are currently having. This sounds quite frustrating. Please s... https://t.co/bq6OT0kdw7, I got it solved already. Thanks +" chamem em dm, meu amores <3", oloko <3 + é o que?, O shit! Fui descoberto! + ainda bem que sei que a contas aqui estão super seguras e que você não conseguiria acessar a de outra pessoa \o/, Mas se eu tiver a senha e o email da conta? AHusahsuahs +" ah mas só se o dono da conta te deu né, lindo?"," Tenho uma grande experiência com haker e se eu, conseguir ter o acesso ao banco de dados de vocês" + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. I will be happy to help. ^BV, Just sent a dm +" Bonjour Djony, si le compte a été restreint de manière permanente, il faut compter entre 30 et 180 pour accéder au solde. ^DW", Et ya une raison que mon comte sois restreint ? Car c’est cool de fermer mon compte mais faudrait une raison j’ai ma carte bloqué maintenant + Ce n'est pas toujours possible de fournir une raison précise par sécurité. Vous ne pourrez plus utiliser la carte dans notre système. ^DW, Donc vous fermer mon compte avec de l’argent dedans sans raison alors que j’ai jamais eu de soucis et que vos collègues* +" Hola, por favor envíanos un mensaje directo para poder resolver esta situación lo antes posible. ^LR", check DM please +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Aún no hemos recibido tu DM. Por favor envíalo de nuevo. ¡Saludos! ^LR"," ya lo envié , muchas gracias" +" Thanks for clarifying that, Jon. If you sent out an email in regards to this issue, our representatives should be... https://t.co/p8ZXXV3ynw", You literally stole money from me and won't respond to my emails. +" Hi Jon. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN", I sent you an email. Two of them. + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! We are sorry to hear about this fraud issue and we would be more than happy... https://t.co/DfaJIHSs6h, I've been back and forth with you guys for a month and you haven't helped credit my account. I've already got the work around. + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! We are sorry to hear about this fraud issue and we would be more than happy... https://t.co/DfaJIHSs6h, I got cheated out of my money using your service and haven't heard a word in response from you guys. I won't be using again. +" We're sorry for any frustration this has caused. If you haven't already, please send us a Direct Message with the... https://t.co/biA4odgYXU", I'm pretty sure my DM isn't going to have your engineers change your website. Or make it better. +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( We have recently sent you a DM regarding this issue. Ple... https://t.co/FsFSimEXdd"," Replied, Please see DM" + Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. Send us a DM for further assistance. ^ML, Be wary of Netbet. Due diligence required as they do not pay out. Check social media for history of issues with regards to + Hey John! Send me a DM with a screenshot of the email you received. I'm happy to take a look. :) ^MB, Hi sorry I've already forwarded the email to the Spoof email address. Thank you anyway. 👍 +" Hello! So sorry for the delay. Did you still need assistance? If so, please send us a DM. ^GR", I actually got help this morning! Thank you :) + Hello! I'm sorry for the wait. I've just responded to your DM - I look forward to speaking with you! ^KK," Again, pls :)" + Hi there. Thanks for contacting us. We recently responded to your previous message. Please check your DM's. ^MN, Ok. Thnx. + Hi there. Thanks for contacting us. We recently responded to your previous message. Please check your DM's. ^MN," Cdnt find anything at all! +Pls retweet asap! Thnx!" +" We're sorry to hear about this recent experience. If you can DM your email address and the details, our teams wou... https://t.co/H83Pa8jnPu"," __email__ +Cannat renew my new forgotten password during months. +Nor cancelled my account either. Have a list 2 pay by PayPal" + Hi there! It can take up to 10 business days for bank transfers to complete depending on your location. If it has... https://t.co/EGY8fuJv7p, DM sent. + Hello Lee! I'm sorry to hear you're having problems. Please DM me with some details on how I can help! ^GH, Trying to contact someone to unlock an a/c your on screen instructions make no sense? Who can I call and not wait 45 mins then get cut off? +" I'm glad you reached out! At this time, we do not offer our services in Bangladesh, though we're always looking t... https://t.co/OKCoWtG6J1", When PayPal Service Start Bangladesh ??????????🤑🤑🤑 +" I'm glad you reached out! At this time, we do not offer our services in Bangladesh, though we're always looking t... https://t.co/OKCoWtG6J1", Actually what’s going on? BD govt.officials are already advertising that PayPal is coming toBD! +" I'm glad you reached out! At this time, we do not offer our services in Bangladesh, though we're always looking t... https://t.co/OKCoWtG6J1", Any Date ? +" I'm glad you reached out! At this time, we do not offer our services in Bangladesh, though we're always looking t... https://t.co/OKCoWtG6J1", How bangladesh govt. Announced it +" I'm glad you reached out! At this time, we do not offer our services in Bangladesh, though we're always looking t... https://t.co/OKCoWtG6J1"," Junaid Palok, how you announced that Paypal is coming to Bangladesh?" +" I'm glad you reached out! At this time, we do not offer our services in Bangladesh, though we're always looking t... https://t.co/OKCoWtG6J1"," I am Also sure, You are offering from 19th October . We cant wait ..." +" I'm glad you reached out! At this time, we do not offer our services in Bangladesh, though we're always looking t... https://t.co/OKCoWtG6J1", We should wait till 19th October +" I'm glad you reached out! At this time, we do not offer our services in Bangladesh, though we're always looking t... https://t.co/OKCoWtG6J1", people are getting confused. kindly clarify the issue. +" I'm glad you reached out! At this time, we do not offer our services in Bangladesh, though we're always looking t... https://t.co/OKCoWtG6J1", Why you are not offering your service in Bangladesh Boss!!! We the people of BD are eagerly waiting for your great service!!! BTW Thanks! +" I'm glad you reached out! At this time, we do not offer our services in Bangladesh, though we're always looking t... https://t.co/OKCoWtG6J1"," I understand that you are not offering service yet, but are you going to offer from 19th October? this is what we are hearing!" +" I'm glad you reached out! At this time, we do not offer our services in Bangladesh, though we're always looking t... https://t.co/OKCoWtG6J1", What's the problem with PayPal to start their services in Bangladesh? Day by day our freelancers growing up doing well :) +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Por favor envíanos un mensaje directo para asistirte con tu asunto. ¡Saludos! ^LR", Gracias +" (2/2)available quickly if you ship w/tracking. You may have listed the wrong PayPal address. , can you help? ^B"," Oh no! From your description, it sounds as though the incorrect email address for your PayPal account was entered... https://t.co/EqENIzyJAX" +" Oh no! From your description, it sounds as though the incorrect email address for your PayPal account was entered... https://t.co/EqENIzyJAX", please check dm +" Oh no! From your description, it sounds as though the incorrect email address for your PayPal account was entered... https://t.co/EqENIzyJAX", I changed it but it didn't help. +" Hi there, thank you for reaching out. We appreciate your feedback. For further assistance, please send us a DM. Thanks! ^AC"," You can assist me, and the rest of your customers by removing the character limit" + Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Can you please send us a DM with details of the issue you're encountering? ^AAR," It’s good, but it’s not quite right. think they’re after you!." + Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. Send us a DM for further assistance. ^ML, Check dm +" Hey there, Tommy! We have received and replied to your DM. Please check your inbox as soon as possible. ^BC", My account doesn't buy more than $40 in one deal. + We have gone ahead and sent you another DM. Please check your inbox. ^BC," please check my email and DM its been a long time , why you are not responsding, so poor customer support!!!" +" Gracias por enviarnos tu DM, un asesor estará atendiendo tu mensaje. Gracias tu paciencia. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Vale gracias +" Gracias por enviarnos tu DM, un asesor estará atendiendo tu mensaje. Gracias tu paciencia. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Podria contestar porfavor + tem sim =) É só esperar um pouquinho.," ok, estou no aguardo... mesmo em uma demora kk :/" +" Hi, I'm sorry to hear that this is occurring to you! :( Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details ... https://t.co/lyTvdXNpzi", It's fixed now..somehow. + Hi! Please check for a DM. Thanks. ^AMC, I sent one back. Thanks + Hi. I see how this is frustrating. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and details about the issue? Thanks! ^ES, I figured it out. That is kind of a big functionality to put multiple levels down though. +" Hi Orun, I'd be more than happy to address your concerns via DM. I look forward to hearing from you! :) ^EHMB"," Not really a concern specific to me, just a bug. Fix it if you want, not spending my time on it. Just marked as spam." + Sorry to hear this! Send us a DM with your issue and we will gladly assist you. :) ^CD," Ive sent many dm's, and they've been ignored. As well as mobile support emails." + Hi! Check your messages whenever you get a chance. I've replied to your DM. :) ^JMR, I sent a reply + Sorry to hear about this! Send us a DM with your PayPal email and we can gladly further assist you. :) ^CD, I waited the 24hrs unfortunately and the money was put back into my PayPal account instead of my card that I waited 24hrs to be reviewed. +" Hey! Send me a DM about this, along with your PP email address. I'm happy to help get this figured out. ^MB"," Solved two hours ago, slowpoke." +" Hi! I'm sorry for the trouble, and I've responded to your DM. Thanks for your patience. ^ES", thanks you guys are kind :) +" Hi, I see how this is concerning. Could you DM us with a description of the issue? I'm here to help you. Thanks! ^ES"," C) On hold for hours, then you don't call back as you said. +D) I NEED proof of fraud case and rule in my favor to attempt to resolve the hundreds in overdraft fees incurred due to the fraud and account close. HELP!!!!!!!!!" +" Hi, I see how this is concerning. Could you DM us with a description of the issue? I'm here to help you. Thanks! ^ES"," A) I have spoken to PayPal several times and the fraudulent charges were cancelled in my account, but not before they maxxed out my connected bank accounts. +B) Despite the times I've lodged complaints, there is no record in the resolution center." +" Hey Antoine, sorry you're having trouble getting your money. For assistance, send us a DM with your PayPal email and a screenshot. ^AL", I moved my money to my card payed the extra to be done fast and it's been pending for 8 hours smh you guaranteed 30 minutes +" Thank you for reaching out! Could you please send us a DM regarding this issue? From there, we'll be happy to help. Thanks! ^JGP", Sent you guys a DM! +" I'm really sorry to hear that Myke. For assistance, send us a DM with the email address and any additional information. ^AL"," Thanks, we managed to find the phone number so thankfully all sorted now 👍" +" Hi there, thanks for reaching out to PayPal Social Customer Care. From your screenshot, the message and number do... https://t.co/UaBaUczh1D", Thank you guys!! +" Hi there, we have replied to your DM for further assistance. :) ^DC", check again ^KC + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that. Can you send us a DM with details of the issue? ^AAR, send a DM too I guess :) + I apologize for that! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and more information about your issue. I'll do my best to help. ^KR," I had to call again and they finally called me back, thanks" + Hello. We are very sorry to hear about this situation and we are happy to hear that you gave us a call so we can ... https://t.co/3TNroxlFhT, somehow you decided to deny my claim. K... +" Bonjour à vous, veuillez nous expliquer votre demande en DM muni de votre adresse email ^AG", Téléphone beaucoup plus efficace que Twitter. Problème résolu en quelques minutes +" Guten Morgen, was ist denn passiert? Um was für einen Fall geht es denn? Kannst du mir bitte mehr Infos geben? ^FV", please check my DM +" Guten Morgen, was ist denn passiert? Um was für einen Fall geht es denn? Kannst du mir bitte mehr Infos geben? ^FV"," Ist etwas albern, wenn ihr auf ""Ich habe dort nie bestellt"" antwortet ""Aber Sie müssen zahlen."" Muss ich nicht, ich habe ja nichts gekauft." +" Guten Morgen, was ist denn passiert? Um was für einen Fall geht es denn? Kannst du mir bitte mehr Infos geben? ^FV", Habe über eine von mir nicht genutzte Mail-Adresse eine Rechnung von euch bekommen und trotz rechtzeitigem Hinweis schickt ihr Mahnungen. +" Vielen Dank für die Infos. Demnach gehe ich davon aus, dass du das PayPal-Konto nicht erstellt hast. Ist denn dei... https://t.co/onyHlPxw7O"," Es gibt kein PayPal-Konto. Ist eine Direktüberweisung, oder wie ihr das nennt." +" Vielen Dank für die Infos. Demnach gehe ich davon aus, dass du das PayPal-Konto nicht erstellt hast. Ist denn dei... https://t.co/onyHlPxw7O"," Ihr habt die Adresse, meines Namensvetters, an die der Laubbläser geliefert wurde. Versucht doch mal da, euer Geld einzutreiben." +" Es klingt nach einem Gastkonto, welches auf deinen Namen eröffnet wurde. Steht auf den Mahnungen dein Name? Hast ... https://t.co/onyHlPxw7O"," Wenn ihr einen Monat lang nicht auf einen gemeldeten Betrug reagiert, könnt ihr nicht mir die Schuld geben." +" Vielen Dank für die Infos. Leider hatte ich vergessen dir mitzuteilen, dass du niemals eine E-Mail-Adresse öffent... https://t.co/onyHlPxw7O", Oder auf irgend eine meiner Mails. +" Vielen Dank für die Infos. Leider hatte ich vergessen dir mitzuteilen, dass du niemals eine E-Mail-Adresse öffent... https://t.co/onyHlPxw7O"," Warum habt ihr mir das auf meine Beschwerde hin nicht mitgeteilt? Bitte sag deine Kollegen, dass sie bitte auf meine letze Mail antworten." +" Hi there! We would be happy to help you get this sorted. Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", It’s sorted thank you! +" That's great to hear! If you have any future questions or concerns, don't hesitate to let us know and we'll be more than happy to help! :) ^SB", I DM’ed you guys +" Hello Kelli! Thanks for reaching out to us about this refund, as we're more than happy to help. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC"," just dm’d you, thank you" +" Hello! Our sincere apologies for the delay, George. Please DM us with your PayPal email and further details for help! ^AIM", Not a problem! Issue resolved through email but page still doesn’t load. will send details. Thank you! +" Hi there, we have responded to your DM.", please response to my email and dm + Sorry to keep you waiting. I just answered your DM! ^CG, Thank you. 😉 + I am sorry for this trouble with your account. Please send me a DM and I will be happy to help you. ^GA, Checkdm +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you are in need of any assistance with your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG", I have. Your response time is horrible ☹ +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^IVS", Chek dm +" I am sorry for this trouble over the phones. If you would like, please DM me and I can help you further. Thank you! ^GA"," Sorry, I already switched to using stripe. :)" + Can you please provide me with your account email before I escalate you? Thank you! ^AB, Check your msg +" Hey there, we are sorry to hear that you have a bad experience using PayPal. Please send us a DM so we can help y... https://t.co/lxL5b3PAfw", I did tho +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you are in need of any assistance with your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG"," Yes I just want to close my account and leave. +Without hassle!" + Hi there! Thank you for reaching out. Please make sure to send us a DM so we can go ahead and assist you further. ^YR, Just noticed you replied to me. Sorry. I have done now +" Hi, apologies for the delay. We have responded to your DM. ^RD", why i didnt receive any response to my email to my dm? please response +" Hi there, please DM us with the payment details, we can look into this. ^IA", Done! +" Hi there, please DM us with the payment details, we can look into this. ^IA", No response? 4 hours and still waiting? +" Hi there, thanks for reaching out. Could you DM us with your inquiry and we'll be happy to help? Thanks in advance. + +^AC", Thank you. Your representative did help me confirming that the payment cannot be canceled if BA doesn't void it. Can u contact BA directly? +" We would recommend you reach out to BA and have them void the payment. Could you DM us about this inquiry? Thanks. + +^AC"," Sorry, no Twitter for a while. I did email your CRM team, they've been great. BA was unresponsive but 30 days later payment has been voided." + Hi! We do offer services in Suriname. You can visit our site at https://t.co/6YCBEld8YZ ^SML, Yeah but transferring from PayPal to my bank account ? + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. I will be happy to help. ^BV, Thank you. Have just sent a message now. +" Hallo, woran liegt es denn, dass du dich nicht einloggen kannst? Hast du das richtige Passwort eingegeben? ^FV"," Wäre es möglich, über DM's zu schreiben?" +" Hey there, we are sorry about the delayed response. We have sent you a DM. Thanks", please response to my DM and email +" Nous nous excusons de ne pas bien assimiler votre demande. En effet, pour activer la clé de sécurité PayPal, il e... https://t.co/ekUIWl4mLT"," Ok, dommage (je préfère avec l'application :P ). +Merci pour votre réponse. + +Et pas de soucis pour l’assimilation, le système 1/" +" Bonjour à vous, le seul moyen de signaler les emails frauduleux, c'est de les transférer à l'adresse que nous vou... https://t.co/ekUIWl4mLT"," Mon Tweet n'est pas en lien avec le précédent... Je demande juste s'il est possible de sécuriser mon compte via 2FA sans utilisé les SMS..," +" Bonjour à vous, le seul moyen de signaler les emails frauduleux, c'est de les transférer à l'adresse que nous vou... https://t.co/ekUIWl4mLT"," Rein avoir avec ma question... +La mail frauduleux à bien été transmis. Je n'ai pas eux de problème car je suis prudent" +" Hello, this sounds like a billing agreement. Here is how you can cancel one: https://t.co/czEDQLw3DI. Please DM i... https://t.co/syRHGObPIE", Thank you. :-) + We're glad you're enjoying our new feature! Thank you for spreading the word. :) ^TB, Hi PayPal it would be great if you would answer my DMs +" Of course! Enjoy the rest of your day, Keith. ^YG", i still didnt get any response. +" Of course! Enjoy the rest of your day, Keith. ^YG"," Hello, can you DM me? " +" Hello, we've answered your DM. ^FV", why i still didnt get any response???? + There is usually a standard 2.9% + $0.30 fee. You can find more information at the bottom of our page where it says Fees. ^YG, Thanks. + There is usually a standard 2.9% + $0.30 fee. You can find more information at the bottom of our page where it says Fees. ^YG, please help me. please response to my DM and email + The only one who can mark it as a good is the buyer during checkout. Please have them do this when they make the payment. ^YG, Thank you. What is the fee for this? As I know PayPal take a few with this. + You have the buyer purchase the item as Goods and Services rather than as a Personal payment. You yourself don't ... https://t.co/4ty981D2JT, I don't see any option to make it goods as I send the request. It only gives me personal option. (Using the android app) + Hi Keith. Transactions sent as goods and services are eligible for protection. Have the payment sent that way and you'll be good to go! ^CD, How do I select it as goods? +" Hi there, thank you for reaching out. We are sorry to hear about this double charge. Please send us a DM for further assisatnce. ^AC", Already opened a dispute with . They said they’d sort it out with you since your phone support is unresponsive. +" Das kann ich verstehen. Ich werde es mal intern weitergeben. Hast du die 0,10 EUR per Überweisung eingezahlt? Bit... https://t.co/0zOlhYGujX", Ja habe ich per Überweisung eingezahlt. Die müsste am Montag morgen direkt raus sein. Dann warte ich mal ab ob die morgen ankommt +" Hallo, manchmal das System eine weitere Sicherheit wie z. B. eine Kreditkarte oder ein weiteres Bankkonto verlang... https://t.co/0zOlhYGujX"," Dazu hätte ich noch eine Frage, ich habe mir gestern 0,10 Euro auf mein PayPal Konto überwiesen diese sind aber noch nicht angekommen." +" Hallo, manchmal das System eine weitere Sicherheit wie z. B. eine Kreditkarte oder ein weiteres Bankkonto verlang... https://t.co/0zOlhYGujX"," Ja, das stimmt. Nur wenn man viele davon in seinem PayPal Konto hat wäre es trotzdem leichter diese anhand eines Tags zuzuordnen." +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Sí, puedes recargar tu saldo PayPal por medio de Nubi. Por favor revisa el sigu... https://t.co/tYufwtvGei", gracias! +" Hey, I've responded to your DM. Please take a look for further assistance regarding your inquiry. ^SE", It's been 1hr 30mins since you said you where getting me an account specialist. Where is he exactly? + Hello. Replied to your DM. Please respond at your earliest convenience :) . ^FM, U responded hella late +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Por favor visita este enlace: https://t.co/d8PsRsRYCP Dale clic en “Rembolso” Saludos. ^DG https://t.co/MbymXmIruK", Ya lo solicite en su momento y ya pasaron 15 días y seguimos sin reembolso.... +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Por favor visita este enlace: https://t.co/d8PsRsRYCP Dale clic en “Rembolso” Saludos. ^DG https://t.co/MbymXmIruK", please response to my DM and email + Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Can you send us a DM with details of your inquiry? ^AAR," I'm mocking your occasional website bugs, I'm not in need of customer support." + Hi! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and country. We're happy to help! ^ALF, Lol took u long enough eventually got the call + Hi there! Thank you for reaching out. Can you please send us a DM so we can further assist you with this issue. ^YR, please response to my DM and email + Hello. Sorry for the delay. We recently responded to your previous message. Please check your DM's. ^MN, Check it again + Hey there! I'm sorry about this. :( Please DM me with more details on this issue. ^HYC, This issue looks solved. Thanks +" Hello. I'm sorry for the inconvenience you've had with that scam. If you could DM me with your PayPal email, I'd ... https://t.co/ShWangKtdG"," DM’d, thanks!" +" Hey there! I'm sorry about this. However, some merchants don't offer this feature which is why it would not show up on the website. ^HYC", That’s not what I am talking about. Fashion nova had the option of pay after delivery now it’s no longer an option +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you have any questions regarding a transaction. We're happy to help. ^CG"," Will surely do next time, but all sorted for now :)" + Hi there! Sorry for the inconveniences. Could you please send me a DM so I can assist you with your payment? ^JMG, Nothing wrong it takes to long for the money to come out your account because you pay the company and then take it off me 4 days later + Hi Rhys! Please forward that and the number it came from to __email__ so we can archive it. Thank you for letting us know! :) ^RA," Will do, strange tho because it doesn't have a number all details are blank. https://t.co/NUxeRWscrl" + We're so glad we could be useful! :) ^RA, why is PayPal customer service so lousy they’re extremely slow who would want to deal with this company❓🤡 +" You're right, definitely a scam! Please forward that to __email__ so that we can archive it. Thank you so much! :) ^RA", Will do. Sending it now. Thank you 😊 +" Hello, I have answered you DM. Please check for more details. Thank you. ^BB", paypal don't use this company they do not protect you I lost over £200 because of them and my hermes use your credit card +" Hello, I have answered you DM. Please check for more details. Thank you. ^BB", don't protect you only use your credit card I lost over £200 and they done nothing thanks to rogue courier my hermes +" Hi there, thank you for contacting PayPal via Twitter. We are sorry to hear about this issue. Please DM us with y... https://t.co/79icdJFhqH", dmed you the details +" Hi! If you need help with anything, feel free to DM us with a description of the issue. Thanks for reaching out. ^ES", Oh no...I was hoping to win a raffle from and get the invoice for the item. No issue at all!Thanks for the help anyway!! +" Hello and I am so sorry to hear about that experience. Please send me a DM, so that I can work with you further on this. ^JDG"," Unfortunately, this type of conduct is part of the culture at paypal. They have training sessions for new hires to teach hardcore tactics." + I've answered your DM regarding the situation. Please check your messages. ^IN, Thanks but my payments are still on hold after 14 days despite me providing tracking numbers & 100% positive feedback on Ebay. Not impressed + é só esperar um pouquinho. A gente responde o mais rápido possível por ordem de chegada ;D, Agora infelizmente não adianta mais. Tinha urgência pq precisava comprar o meu ingresso pra ver o mozão agora já foi 😭😭😭 +" Hi, I'm sorry to hear that this is occurring to you! :( Can you DM us with details about what's happening? I'm happy to help. Thanks! ^AAC"," I was able to send to a UK PayPal account, but not to a Colombia account. Weird." + Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. Send us a DM for further assistance. ^ML," Hi guys, was re-directed to change my PW due to unusual activity. Can’t log in through my browser but I can through the app." + Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP, All fixed now. Thanks 🙌 + Hi there! Please send us a DM with your account email address and any helpful screenshots. Thanks! ^JMR, Done! + Hi Dylan. If you click unsubscribe you will not receive any newsletters anymore. Hope this helps! ^YG, The UI isn’t clear. From this screen it is not clear if I will be subscribed to the other options if I don’t check them as well. + Hi Dylan. If you click unsubscribe you will not receive any newsletters anymore. Hope this helps! ^YG, It looks like that I am already subscribed to them (I shouldn’t be) because why else would they be on the screen? +" That is true, Dylan. ^YG"," Just trying to point out an area you can improve, it must cause issues for others too" +" That is true, Dylan. ^YG"," I’m not subscribed to those lists - I never receive those emails so this suggests I might add myself to them, it really should be clearer" + Please send me a DM! ^RA, No. + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. I will be happy to help. ^BV, I did that as well but my email-address should be as well linked to the request number claim and that makes this a strange question. +" Hey Grant, please send us a DM if you are in need of any assistance with a dispute. We're happy to help. ^CG", Why you guys not answering mine..? +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you are in need of any assistance with your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG", Oh really? You can do something that months of emais and condescending phone calls didn't already? +" Hello there, Samir! Could you please send us a DM along with your PayPal email address? We'd be happy to help you. ^ACT", Thank you have spoken to your team over the phone all sorted + I can see how important this is for you so allow me to help. Can you please DM me more details regarding this case? Thanks! ^YG, Can you have a look ? + I can see how important this is for you so allow me to help. Can you please DM me more details regarding this case? Thanks! ^YG, PayPal discussed with Viagogo.comand closed my claim in favour of https://t.co/4YPJgycuvP #viagogo + I can see how important this is for you so allow me to help. Can you please DM me more details regarding this case? Thanks! ^YG," Please check https://t.co/4YPJgycuvP Facebook page! It’s only complaints ! This website is a Scam! Look on Twitter, same!" + I can see how important this is for you so allow me to help. Can you please DM me more details regarding this case? Thanks! ^YG," When We go on https://t.co/RoptFm7S4e, it’s all about buyers protection! Well ... in reality, it appears that I was not protected !" + I can see how important this is for you so allow me to help. Can you please DM me more details regarding this case? Thanks! ^YG," From discussing with Friends, credit card provide a good protection against fraudulent websites . I was expecting the same from PayPal" +" Hi there, +We apologize for the delay in getting back to you. If you could DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT", ok dm-ing right now + Hello there! If you need assistance please feel free to send us a DM with your email and details of the situation. :) ^GAA, Ok grax +" Hi there, +We apologize for the delay in getting back to you. If you could DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT"," i have an issue with this case PP-006-239-023-314, +my client is complying though i paid for his assignment,please respond concerning this" +" Hi there, we'd be happy to assist if you'd like to DM your email address and the details of what is happening. ^IA", Sent +" Hey Elizabeth, sorry for the delay. At this time, we have not been having any issues with our system. If you are still experiencing issues placing your order, please send us a DM. We're happy to help. ^CG"," No problem, thanks for reply, still have issues. DM sent." +" Hey Seth, please send us a DM if you are in need of assistance with this issue. We're happy to help. ^CG"," Thanks for responding 48 hours later (barely longer than I was on hold with your “customer service.”) You’re able to take fees with lightning speed. Anyway, don’t worry about it - switching to Apple Pay." + Hi. Please check your most recent DM. Thank you. ^AMC, I have replied 🙂 +" Hello Karl! We're so sorry about the wait time for that response. For assistance, please send us a DM with an explanation of the issue. ^BC"," If you check the messages you'll see that I did that on 3rd November, and many times since. Paypal has not responded to my query or my official complaint, but has frozen my royalties. No-one should risk using Paypal for business when this can happen." + Hey there! I'm sorry you are having issues logging into your account. :( In order to get you back into your account we will need to verify some personal information over the phone. Please give us a call and a phone agent will be able to further assist y... https://t.co/3L53Q2gHg1," i'm don't used cell phone number in paypal account, only i'm used only e-mail an my email ""__email__"" don't have access to portal +please fix problem." +" I'm sorry about this. However, in order to get your account issue situated you would need to give us a call. ^HYC", this number : 00 1 402-935-2050 + Here is the phone number for your region: 800-975-345 from Monday to Friday 8:00 to 20:30 for any kind of request and Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 to 18:30 for any kind of request. ^HYC," this number for italy but i can't speak italian, Is it possible to move from the Italian portal to the other portal?" + Could you please DM me? ^HYC, yes sure +" Hello, we provide German and English support on Twitter. We’ve already answered your DM. ^FV", why i still didnt get any response???? +" Hello, Nil. Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP", Why? I'm not asking about anything in my account in particular... I just want to know why paypal.me service still not available in Brazil!?? +" Hi there, +We apologize for the delay in getting back to you. If you could DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT", The compliance department not responding timely is intentional. +" Hi there, +If you can DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT"," The problem was resolved, no thanks to PayPal. In the future it might be nice to cancel money you send if it hasn't been collected, yet." +" Please DM us for further assistance with this matter, Diego. I'll be happy to help! :) ^KK", Go ahead and dm me then +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes disponibles par DM et nous venons de répondre à votre demande :) ^SB", oui merci pour les infos +" Hi! Apologies for any confusion, but refunds are never sent to bank accounts. Please take a look at a this link f... https://t.co/81OBNSkPPL", ????? it says on the refund it's being directed to my debit card which i used to pay for the item through????? so what is the truth???? +" Hi there, thank you for reaching out to us regarding this case. To better assist you, send us a DM with a screens... https://t.co/utsQQSWpE8", Ok dm sent +" Hi there, thank you for reaching out to us regarding this case. To better assist you, send us a DM with a screens... https://t.co/utsQQSWpE8", Sent DM. Still need help with same issue +" Hallo, hast du es denn schon einmal mit einem anderen Browser versucht? Auch das Löschen von Cache und Cookies könnte helfen. ^WD", Probier ich mal aus! Danke! + Ist das jedes Mal der Fall? ^SL," Das mit der Voreinstellung erwähne ich nur, weil das eine vielleicht mit dem anderen zusammenhängt." +" Hey, inwiefern? Was ist deine Erfahrung? ^SL"," Hallo, ja, ich verstehe nur nicht, was die Checkbox soll, wenn ich sie bei jeder Transaktion anklicken und mich einloggen muss..." +" Hey, I'm sorry to hear that. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and any additional info. ^AL"," Fortunately Ita been resolved, but you guys should really have a cancel option. It would avoid waiting 30 mins on the phone." +" Bonjour à vous, veuillez nous expliquer votre demande davantage en DM mini de votre adresse email pour vous aider ^AG", Lol j'ai pas de demande. Je vous dis merci 😂 +" Bonjour à vous, nous venons de vous répondre en DM :). ^AG", Je vous ai envoyé la suite +" Although we can't take action, will be happy to help! ^B"," Hi there. If you need any help on the PayPal side of things, please send us a DM with your email address and addi... https://t.co/LrkVn55gso" + Hi there! I've replied your DM. :) ^AAR," please check my email and DM its been a long time ," +" For further assistance, please send us a DM with your email address and details of your issue. Thank you! ^AC"," please check my email and DM its been a long time ," +" Hey, Mark. We are sorry to hear about the wait time you experienced on the phone. A high volume of contacts can c... https://t.co/lPd7WshTzT", That length of wait time is common for customers. +" Hello, I've sent a reply to the DMs you've sent us. Let me know if you'd like further assistance. ^AL", I did send all the required details. +" Bonjour à vous, ravis de l'apprendre. nous restons à votre disposition en cas de besoin ^AM", please check my email and DM +" Bonjour à vous, ravis de l'apprendre. nous restons à votre disposition en cas de besoin ^AM", Jpp paypal qui passe par la +" Bonjour à vous, ravis de l'apprendre. nous restons à votre disposition en cas de besoin ^AM", Rendez moi mes frais de dossier bande de fils de pute +" Bonjour à vous, ravis de l'apprendre. nous restons à votre disposition en cas de besoin ^AM", xDDDD +" Bonjour à vous, ravis de l'apprendre. nous restons à votre disposition en cas de besoin ^AM", Vous êtes adoorables les amis ❤ +" Bonjour à vous, ravis de l'apprendre. nous restons à votre disposition en cas de besoin ^AM", Moyen d'avoir un quart de votre capital ? bande de pd +" Bonjour à vous, ravis de l'apprendre. nous restons à votre disposition en cas de besoin ^AM", vous pouvez donner 100000__credit_card__€ :3 +" Hey, I've repsonded to your DM. Please take a look for further assistance. ^SE", Don't use support on here. Terrible service. Still waiting for help from the 5th. Disgraceful how they treat their customers +" Hi Zoe! What seems to be going on, is there anything we can help you with? ^HZ", I don't have a PayPal and there are no people here and you're with ! I don't want to go near ! + What country did you make your PayPal account in? This insures I give you the correct number. ^ML," please check my email and DM its been a long time , why you are not responsding, so poor customer support!!!" +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. Please send us a DM and with more details and we will be glad assist! ^IVS", The details in the picture I tagged you in is alk I have. The person asks for people to send them money in exchange for child pornography + We greatly appreciate your diligence with this issue! We're aware of this and are taking appropriate actions to resolve this situation. ^KR, if they used any real information on their account I hope you turn it over to the authorities + Hello! We are sorry to hear this. Please send us a DM so we may be able to further assist you. ^GV, You aren't sorry you don't care about his struggles. You don't care about mines. I b tree never see you all in public + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that. Can you DM us with details of the issue? ^AAR," please check my email and DM its been a long time , why you are not responsding," +" Hey there, we've responded to your DM, so please message us back whenever you can. ^EL"," please check my email and DM its been a long time , why you are not responsding," +" Hey there, we've responded to your DM, so please message us back whenever you can. ^EL", Okay + Hi William! I'm sorry for the delay. I replied to your DM. :) ^AAR," please check my email and DM its been a long time , why you are not responsding," +" Hi Tyler. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN"," please check my email and DM its been a long time , why you are not responsding, so poor customer support!!!" +" Hello, I have responded to your DM. Please check when you have a chance! ^IVS", Thanks. 😊 +" Hello, I have responded to your DM. Please check when you have a chance! ^IVS", You all are gonna get yours real soon! 😉😉 +" Hey there, we're sorry for the delay and we're here to help! If you could please send us a DM with your PayPal em... https://t.co/MhcBkiZJva", I figured it out thank you! + Hello there! Sorry to hear this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA, Answer me on dm please! + Hello thank you for messaging us about this. If you could DM us we would be happy to help with the confusion. ^ZT, Pretty sure its not my confusion.. But I'll send you a DM of my statement.. + Hi there! Go ahead and check your DM's we replied to you there! ^CD, Thanks for the reply but now no one is responding via DM either. What kind of customer service is this?? + Hello. So sorry to hear that! Did you need assistance with your PayPal account? If so please send us a DM. ^GR," Hello, I finally got my funds. A whole week later. SAD!" +" Hi there, sorry about any issue. To better assist you please send us a DM. We will be happy to help! ^DC"," thank you for the reply, but i was able to resolve my issue with a few phone calls. Thanks anyway!" +" Hi there! In order to better assist you please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, and the country you a... https://t.co/3M8DeKAEgO"," It’s __email__, Northern Ireland UK thanks M" +" Sorry for the delayed response! If you still need help with this, please send me a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that you are located in. Thanks! ^MT", I sent the money to someone and gave it back to me but I did not receive money in my card ? What's a problem! +" Hello, Sara. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. We are currently responding to a large number of messages, but we appreciate your patience. Do you still need assistance? If so, please send us a DM with some clarificati... https://t.co/Ttm7WahlP4 https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Thanks for responding. It was fixed in the end last night but took an hour of being on hold over two calls! + Hello! Thanks for reaching out! PayPal customers can only add local numbers. If you have any further questions please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^VM," I don't have any further questions, I just think it's a ridiculous rule in a global world. Having a certain passport doesn't mean I reside in or spend a great deal of time in that country." + Sorry to hear this. If you would like any assistance please DM us with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the transaction you're referring to. ^VM, Thank you for your reply it all seems to of been sorted. have been fantastic in their response. +" Bonjour Djony, je remonte votre demande au service concerné qui prendra en charge votre demande ^AM", Sa fait la 3 ièm fois qu’ont me dit sa et jamais de réponse +" as gente cobra 4,5¢ sobre a cotação do dia pelo serviços de conversão ;D"," Absurdo, vem " + We're sorry to hear about this recent experience. Please check your DMs for an update. ^AP, please help me + Hola envíanos un DM y con gusto podremos revisarlo. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," Buena tarde, tengo un problema similar. Ya les envié DM" + Hola envíanos un DM y con gusto podremos revisarlo. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Excelente servicio. Ya quedo arreglada mi situacion en menos de 1hr. + Please forward that email to __email__ and delete it from your inbox. Thanks so much for your help in kee... https://t.co/0QnyrUqjba, PayPal please help me. You haven’t answered my tweets or Dm. + Thanks for letting us know! Please forward the email to __email__. Kindly delete the screenshot as it cont... https://t.co/VtwpX91N5a, Thank you! I will do + You're welcome! Have a wonderful day. :) ^JMG, You too! Thanks for acting so promptly and for providing the email address. I've forwarded on the two emails - I've had another! 🤔 + Please check your DM for our response and thanks for your patience! ^HW," Please check your DM for my response too. +i am located in the USA and I have sent my paypal email to your DM. +Pls treat ASAP...Thank you" + Please check your DM for our response :) ^HW, Thank you :-) +" Sorry about any negative experience, Tom. If you need assistance send us a DM and we will be happy to help. ^DC", just put the £20 u took back im my account would b the decent thing to do ygm xx +" Hi there, sorry about any issue regarding this claim. To better assist you please send us a DM. We will be happy to help! ^DC"," All sorted. Your guidance and communications for this sort of dispute could be a lot clearer, though!" +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Envíanos un DM, para asistirte. Saludos ^DG", Gracias! Lo espero + It sounds like you may be running into our Security System when trying to send a payment. We'd be... https://t.co/vZiUOaCZyQ, I would suggest it's easier to buy heroin and inject it and probably preferred to being involved with PayPal. + It sounds like you may be running into our Security System when trying to send a payment. We'd be... https://t.co/vZiUOaCZyQ, Ah ha ha any excuse to hold on to a few quid PayPal pay pig + Try this link for instrucitons https://t.co/KJ7twOEH7S Sorry about the time spent on the phone! ^MW cc ," and a deathly silence descends. Tumbleweed floats past me. The clock ticks mournfully and life, pauses..." + Hi! Sorry there's a problem! Please DM us with your PayPal email and we'll check things out! Thanks! ^MW cc , How do I send a DM? And do I want to? Just spent an exhausting hour on to your Phllipines and (closed) UK outposts + Thank you for your patience. We have responded to you via DM. Thank you for using PayPal. ^TB," Maybe you could respond to mine, been waiting 2 days" +" Hi! Sorry about the delay, I have responded to your DM. :) ^JMR", Thanks I responded back with screenshot thanks + Hey there! Could you please send us a DM along with your PayPal email address? We'd be happy to help you. ^ACT, Thanks I just sent one. + I'm sorry to hear that this happened! Please DM me with some more details! ^GH," My money showed up, so everything is fine now. Thanks." + Hello! Please send us a DM with some more details! ^GH, What is DM? + Hey! Send me a DM with some more information if you still need assistance with your refund. I'm happy to help you! ^MB," Thank you, I called Paypal call centre, managed to get past your IVF to find a very help peep and my refund has been authorised" +" Hey there, Olly. We have responded to your message regarding this situation. Please refer to your DM's for details. ^GAA"," Hey there, GAA. Fuck off. ^Olly" + Hello Steven! Have you received your refund yet? ^GH, Says it has been done but still havent recieved it on card + We have read and replied to your DM! ^YR, I’ve replied to your DM - please reply back +" Hello. Sorry about the delay. If you could send us a DM with your PayPal email and screenshots of the issue, I'd be happy to look into this for you :) . ^FM"," This was genuine praise, specifically the new feature where I can withdraw to my bank account in 30 minutes for just $0.25, not have to wait 1 day as was the system before." + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the transaction your are referring to. I will be happy to help. ^BV,"I suspect it would have been better if you, , had said “transaction [you] are referring” instead." +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of what you're seeing? :) Thanks! ^EHMB"," Considering it took you so long to reply, I had to resort to phoning your customer service line..." + Sorry to keep you waiting. I just answered your DM. ^CG," Ok, thank you." +" Hey Luke, we're sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM if you are in need of any assistance with your account. We're happy to help. ^CG", waiting to be reviewed after reaching out via facebook. + Hi there - Thanks for reaching out! This definitely looks like a fake email. Good eye! Please forward the message to __email__ and then delete the message from your inbox. Thanks! ^MT," Sorry, I deleted it shortly after sending you the screenshot. If it happens again, I'll be sure to forward it as recommended. Much appreciated!" + I'm glad to hear that! :) Have a great day. ^KK, And yourself. + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, Seems to be ok now. Thanks +" Hallo, du kannst den Empfang der ""monatlichen Kontoübersicht"" direkt am unteren Ende der Mail deaktivieren. ^WD"," Eben nicht, das gilt nur für Werbung, die Kontoübersicht ist aber offiziell ""werbefrei""." +" Du musst einfach den Haken bei ""Neues von PayPal"" entfernen. Es kann bis zu 10 Tage dauern, ehe diese Einstellung wirksam wird. ^WD https://t.co/Kp6GRVEfj2"," ""Neues von Paypal"" ist nicht aktiviert, und es sieht anders aus bei mir. https://t.co/KYGUgsq5cw" +" Oh, ok. Sorry, das hatte ich falsch verstanden. In diesem Fall kannst du den Brief ja einfach dem Mülleimer zuführen. :) ^WD"," Lieber wäre es mir, ihr würdet so einen Müll gar nicht erst produzieren. Aber gut. Konto wird gelöscht. Ist der einfachste Weg." +" Hallo, sorry zu hören, dass du von der Mail genervt bist. Du kannst im Konto unter Einstellungen die Optionen zum Mailempfang anpassen. ^WD", Keine Mail. Post. Ein Brief. Papier. +" Hallo, das ist in der Tat so gewollt. Dies hat Sicherheitshintergründe. Wenn du dich ausloggst siehst du nur eine... https://t.co/IoWfPc36f4", Danke. Könnt Ihr die Sicherheitsgründer näher erläutern? Das erschließt sich mir leider nicht. +" Hallo, das ist in der Tat so gewollt. Dies hat Sicherheitshintergründe. Wenn du dich ausloggst siehst du nur eine... https://t.co/IoWfPc36f4"," Hi, hab Cookies und Cache geleert, dennoch kommt diese Fehlermeldung. Hatte ich vorher nie. Was kann ich noch machen?" + Hi there! I'm so sorry to her that. Please send us a DM with details of the issue? ^AAR," won't release my money and I live in Puerto Rico. I was told by a customer service rep ""not our issue sir we have our policies""" +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble, but I'd be happy to help in any way I can! ... https://t.co/oWRDIcG1by"," Already filed a claim and it was deny! Spotify, Navient Loans and my bank helped me... Meanwhile y'all refused to fix the problem. smh." + Hi there! An agent should be contacting you shortly. Thank you for your patience. ^AAR, No one has answered until now!!!! + Hi there! An agent should be contacting you shortly. Thank you for your patience. ^AAR, Hello + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, Sent. +" Hi there, +If you could DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT", yall kidding me +" I am sorry for the trouble you have run into. If you would like any further help, please send me a DM. ^GA", I have..... #noreply + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Please send us a DM with some more details about this! ^GH, Any chance you could reply to the DM I’ve sent asking specifically what you need? Rather than leaving me to guess!! + Please check your inbox! ^GH," And again, the trail goes cold...." +" Hello! I'm sorry to hear you're having issues. If you'd like help from us, please send us a DM with your PayPal email and additional details of your struggle. ^AL", Actually I think I got it taken care of last night. All seems good now! + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK," Thank you, just sent!" + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Please send us a DM with some more details about this! ^GH, A DM???? What is that??? + A DM is a Direct Message through Twitter so that we can help resolve any problems you may be having privately. Fo... https://t.co/GZskuJa33y https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," PP006256188825 paid for golf clubs on Flight on Oct18. Monarch went bust, no flight." + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Please send us a DM with some more details! ^GH, I have bills to pay + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Please send us a DM with some more details! ^GH, Will do as soon we get the chance because this nightmare has to end + Hi! I'm sorry to hear about the trouble with this. Could you DM us with your PayPal email? I'm here to help. Thank you! ^ES, I advise looking at the thread and investigating all chargebacks from the fraudster rather than sending me the generic shovel above. +" We apologize but in order to further investigate for you, sending us a DM will allow us to better identify the pr... https://t.co/ZzqibsJCSH"," Okay, DM’ed" + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Please send us a DM with some more details about this! ^GH, Will do. + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Please send us a DM with some more details about this!! ^GH, Just sent a DM! Thank you again. + Sounds like we need to take a closer look at this situation. Can you follow us and DM your email address please? ^DD, reply t + Sounds like we need to take a closer look at this situation. Can you follow us and DM your email address please? ^DD, reply to my DM! + Hello! I can assure you that this email is fake - please forward it to __email__. Thank you! :) ^KK, The email has been forwarded. +" Hello John. As per our policies, you actually have to be 18 and over to create an account. Thank you for asking! ^FM"," Ah, all righty - that’s what I was thinking. I just wanted to clarify to make sure, thanks! :)" +" Hi there! I'm sorry to hear this has happened with your account. If you still need help, feel free to send us a DM! ^SML"," Okay, I appreciate the offer. Thank you" +" Hi there! I'm sorry to hear this has happened with your account. If you still need help, feel free to send us a DM! ^SML", I just received an email stating that my account had no unauthorized user. That is a total lie. PP-1-716344 I need to speak to someone now + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, DM'd thanks + Hello Derek. I'm sorry to hear about the inconvenience you've been experiencing. If you could send me a DM with y... https://t.co/lbep2u9dDB, I called customer service today and they removed for me over the phone. + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, done + Hey there! We have responded to your DM. Please check it as soon as you can! ^IT, I dmed you back + Hey there! We have responded to your DM. Please check it as soon as you can! ^IT," Can u reply now, this has been a joke" + Hi there! You can find accepted cards per country here: https://t.co/SexcKd9CVf. Send us a DM if you have any questions! ^SML, Seems my debit card can't be accepted for online services even after activation +" Bonjour Céline, veuillez nous expliquer votre demande davantage en DM muni de votre adresse email pour vous aider ^AG", reply to my dm its urgent +" Bonjour Céline, veuillez nous expliquer votre demande davantage en DM muni de votre adresse email pour vous aider ^AG", D'accord! Merci! :) +" Hi Mark, we are sorry to hear this has happened. We have responded to your DM. Thanks - ^MD", Wld love it if you guys picked up the phone.. been on hold a while & wld like to get this resolved. Its a bigger mess than just this. Thanks + Great! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week. ^KT, Unreal! Wont reply to my tweets or DMs. Trying to make payments and it keeps declining despite paying with paypal balance! Been trying 3 day +" Hello, I understand how upsetting it is to get a fake e-mail to your account. You can forward the e-mail over to ... https://t.co/eBZkzU48eW", Many thanks will do it now 👍 + Hello Maryam! Our sincerest apologies for the troubles you've been through. We've responded to your DM. ^HZ, Thanks for replying i sent u a DM aswell + Hey there! I apologize for the inconveniences this has caused. Could you please send us a DM so we can assist you with calling in? ^JMG, Done +" Thanks for reaching out about scheduling a payment. At this time, our system does not allow single future payment... https://t.co/NIMuLdSiOp", Thanks for the prompt reply! +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Por favor envíanos un mensaje directo para asistirte con el asunto. ¡Saludos! ^LR", Buenos días ya se los mande por MD +" Aún no hemos recibido tu DM, por favor envíalo nuevamente. ^LR"," Ya lo mandé nuevamente, pero los encontré por teléfono y listo, ya me están atendiendo. Muchas gracias" + For for the delay in response! We have responded to your DM. Please check your inbox. Thanks! ^AC, Unreal! Wont reply to my tweets or DMs. Trying to make payments and it keeps declining despite paying with paypal balance! Been trying 3 day +" When you can, please delete the screenshot on your tweet. If you need anything else, please send a DM. Thank you! ^GA"," Why? There’s no info! + +Can you please allow naming of accounts! + +It’s like playing credit roulette making a purchase with you guys." +" When you can, please delete the screenshot on your tweet. If you need anything else, please send a DM. Thank you! ^GA", lol!! There's no PII onnit!! Sheesh + Hey there! I'm so sorry to hear this. :( Please send me a DM with your PayPal email address and country and I wil... https://t.co/oINY3a1KlG, Scuse the delay. Lots warned me it was a scam & had same thing so I deleted! +" Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM, so I can help you out? ^IT", Yes I will send now! + Hi there! I'm sorry for the delay. Here's a link with information on how refunds are credited: https://t.co/AjJ58AxijA. ^DT, u guys usually refund it quick don’t know why it’s taking longer this time + Hi! Can you please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about your issue? We're happy to help! :) ^ALF, Is real? + Sorry to hear this! If you still need assistance please DM us with your PayPal email address. ^VM, I got it to work finally. Whatever was wrong was fixed. Thanks! +" Hi there, thank you for contacting PayPal via Twitter. Please DM us with your PayPal email address, your country ... https://t.co/O2LmLXZkND", please check dm + Hi there! Thank you for reaching out. Please make sure to send us a DM so we can further assist you. ^YR," Lol, even your Twitter account takes more than a day 🙄 Solved my problem by taking my business elsewhere." + Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address and country of residence if you still need help. :) ^JMR, Done +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? :) Thanks! ^EHMB", Thank you Paypal but its sorted now... Must of just been something odd happening on their site. + I apologize for the inconvenience this may be causing you. Please check your DM for further assistance. ^SP," It's working now, that is twice in one week your site and service we're down." + 誤解させてしまい申し訳ありません。支払いだけの為に弊社決済をご利用されるのであれば、アカウント作成後、クレジットカードやデビットカードを登録いただきご使用ください。PayPal Social Media.," +わかりました。 +ご丁寧にありがとうございます。" + お問い合わせいただき誠にありがとうございます。日本のアカウントの場合、残高かクレジットカード、デビットカードからの支払いになります。決済で受け取った資金を残高に反映させるためには、本人確認手続きをお取りする必要があります。PayPal Social Media.," +商品を購入するために、VプリカをPayPalの残高に反映する際に本人確認手続きが必要ということですか? + +PayPal登録から、商品購入の支払いまでにクレジットカードやデビットカードがなくても大丈夫なのでしょうか?" +" Guten Morgen, wie sieht es denn heute aus? Hat es inzwischen noch geklappt? Konntest du die Einzahlung noch abschließen? Sorry dafür. ^SL", Morgen! Hat alles super geklappt. Trotzdem danke euch :) + Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR," can u help me +When I received the money back https://t.co/f9TNHl5HsT" + Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR, Unreal! Wont reply to my tweets or DMs. Trying to make payments and it keeps declining despite paying with paypal balance! Been trying 3 day + Hi there! Can you please send us a DM so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR, for sure and thanks for getting back to me! + Hey there. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV, Help + Hey! I have sent you a DM. :) ^MB, check again + Hey! I have sent you a DM. :) ^MB, Unreal! Wont reply to my tweets or DMs. Trying to make payments and it keeps declining despite paying with paypal balance! Been trying 3 day + Hi! Please send me a DM. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR, Unreal! Wont reply to my tweets or DMs. Trying to make payments and it keeps declining despite paying with paypal balance! Been trying 3 day +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out to PayPal. Please send us a DM along with your PayPal email for further assistance. ^SE", It’s okay I’ve received it now thanks +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out to PayPal. Please send us a DM along with your PayPal email for further assistance. ^SE", Unreal! Wont reply to my tweets or DMs. Trying to make payments and it keeps declining despite paying with paypal balance! Been trying 3 day + I'm happy to hear that! I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. ^SE, Unreal! Wont reply to my tweets or DMs. Trying to make payments and it keeps declining despite paying with paypal balance! Been trying 3 day +" Hey there, send me a DM with some more details and your PP email. I'm happy to help you out! ^MB", Unreal! Wont reply to my tweets or DMs. Trying to make payments and it keeps declining despite paying with paypal balance! Been trying 3 day +" Hi Charlie, sorry to hear this. We have responded to your DM. ^SK", Can you help me???? + We are sorry to hear this. Send us a dm with your email address and concerns. We'd be happy to look into this., Please do..this’ll be the 5th time since August I’ve tried to sort this and been very patient..it’s getting a bit silly now + We can definitely help with that. Here's how to cancel an unclaimed payment sent to a bad email address: https://t.co/pqy8CcLV9m. ^DD, Thank you. +" Oi! + +Vamos responder ;) + +Obrigado", Não responderam... +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^IVS", Unreal! Wont reply to my tweets or DMs. Trying to make payments and it keeps declining despite paying with paypal balance! Been trying 3 day + Hola estamos disponible en DM si necesitas de nuestra ayuda. Gracias ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," De ustedes si tengo contraseña, pero en mi cuenta no y no me responden" + Hola estamos disponible en DM si necesitas de nuestra ayuda. Gracias ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Unreal! Wont reply to my tweets or DMs. Trying to make payments and it keeps declining despite paying with paypal balance! Been trying 3 day +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Lamentamos lo que comentas, envíanos un DM, para entender tu inconveniente. Saludos ^DG", Ya me lo han reembolsado. Gracias por vuestra preocupación. Tienen un servicio muy profesional. + Hola. Por favor envíanos un DM para poderte asistirte mejor. ^LS," ya les envie otro DM haber si ya me contestan por que el otro no me l contestaron y siugo sin poder entrar a mi cuenta y me urge, ME URGE!!!" + Hola. Por favor envíanos un DM para poderte asistirte mejor. ^LS, ok ahorita lo mando +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR"," All sorted now, thanks for coming back to me" + Hi! Sorry about the delay! I just responded to your DMs! Please check your messages when you have a chance. :) ^ALF, I've sent you a dm + Hi! Sorry about the delay! I just responded to your DMs! Please check your messages when you have a chance. :) ^ALF, Please respond to my dm + Hey there! We responded to your DM. Please delete your tweet as it contains personal information. ^JMG, not yet responded to +" Oiê, Manda dm pra gente? Ajudaremos."," Já consegui! Acho que era problema no servidor, continuei tentando e foi! Obrigada!" +" Hi there. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN", Thank you please look up the account with these numbers all information enclosed with the paypal folder VV44REXUK (KMM126053092V92033L0KM) +" Bonjour Frédérique, merci de nous avoir contactés. Selon la capture d’écran l'email ne provient pas de PayPal. Lo... https://t.co/1Y0eli7GrV"," bonjour, on dirait bien pourtant ! https://t.co/I3ZHyVirnb" + We're sorry to hear about this recent experience and would be happy to help! Please check your DMs for an update. ^AP, 😂🤣😅😂🤣😶🤔😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 + We're sorry to hear about this recent experience and would be happy to help! Please check your DMs for an update. ^AP, they aren't really sorry they dont give a fuck +" Hi there. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you could please send us a DM, we'd be glad to further assist you with this issue. ^MN", Done + Hello. We have responded to your DM and we greatly appreciate your patience. ^NK, I linked my credit card to my PayPal account 16 hours ago but until now i cant send any payments can you please help +" Hey, es kann durchaus mit unserem Sicherheitsprogramm zusammenhängen, dass du die Meldung bekommst. Hast du es al... https://t.co/UAxEmsoudH", Ne habe ich nicht damit versucht... heißt das jetzt das ich jedes mal guthaben auf mein paypal konto laden muss ? +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Lamentamos lo sucedido, por favor envíanos un DM, para revisar tu situación, saludos. ^DG", Ya. Pero eso que ustedes hacen al mentir es un fraude. + Please check your DMs for updates regarding your inquiry. Thanks! ^RJM," Replied to your DM, please respond when you have a chance. I would appreciate not waiting as long as last time." + Please check your DMs for updates regarding your inquiry. Thanks! ^RJM," Replied to your DM, reply ASAP." + Thanks for reaching out. Please check your DMs for further assistance. ^RJM," I can guarantee I am getting ignored despite how urgent this situation is. Ugh, 3 whole days I've been trying to get you guys to fix this." +" If you would like assistance with trying to get this resolved for you, please send us a DM at your earliest convenience. ^HW", I was on the phone with you for over one hour yesterday… All your service consultants did was transfer me told me supervisors were not avail + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. I will be happy to help. ^BV, Just did +" Hi there, +If you can DM us we'd be happy to help you file a dispute. ^ZT", I just messaged you +" Hey Elli, send me some more details about this, along with your PP email. I'm happy to help. ^MB", I've sent you a DM. +" Hi there, +If you could DM us we may be able to help you out. ^ZT", I’m not sure how you can help. Thought that was just the cost of doing business on ebay and PayPal now + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. I will be happy to help. ^BV, Impressive. +" Thanks for reaching out. Often times, reports can take between 48 to 72 hours before they are ready to download. ... https://t.co/NHYVZUbafq"," That's not been my experience in the last 8 years. A few hours maybe, but it's 36 hours later and it still hasn't processed. Sigh..." + I am sorry to hear about this claim. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA, Sorted now thank you - just sad I had to resort to tweeting to get a response from them. +" Please send me a DM with a clarification on the issue, I definitely want to help! ^KT", Cause i signed up 5 min ago - before it shut off. +" Please send me a DM with a clarification on the issue, I definitely want to help! ^KT", there is no account barely +" Please send me a DM with a clarification on the issue, I definitely want to help! ^KT", it kicked me out. (of my password) + I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble. Please send me a DM if you still need help! ^JMR, Gave up & paid with card! No idea if it was the Lego site or my account. Will find out next time I try to use! +" Hi, sorry to hear that! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? :) Thanks! ^EHMB"," Hi there - it’s not mis-firing, it’s just that the system is slow and doesn’t let you use google authenticate so enough hassle to avoid 😳" + I do sincerely apologize for the inconvenience the security feature caused you. I greatly appreciate your input. ... https://t.co/etim3rGBlL, No worries :) +" Hey Adam, send me some more details about this, along with your PP email. I'm happy to help you. ^MB", If you look at my file you can read all of the notes... __email__ +" Hi, I know that this is frustrating, and I've responded to your DM. Thanks for reaching out. ^ES"," Would appreciate if you responded to mine aswell, thanks!" + Hello - We apologize about the issues you're experiencing. If you still need help please DM us with your PayPal email and country., luckily it's been resolved now ..thanks anyway +" Hallo, zusätzlich zur erhaltenen E-Mail kannst du diese Änderungen auch direkt im PayPal-Konto einsehen. Dafür di... https://t.co/H5mtzz0Pzs", Genau sowas habe ich gesucht. Herzlichen Dank! +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thanks for reaching out. ^ES", Responded to your dm again! + Hi! I know it's important to get this money. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the funds? Thanks! ^ES, Thanks. Will DM imminently. + I'm sorry about that! Try sending us a DM now. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR, Perfect will do that now thanks + Dann konnten wir den Punkt ja jetzt klären. Sehr gut. :) ^SL," Ich kann mir bloß nicht vorstellen, wie PayPal ein Verbot von Surcharges durchsetzen wird. Kommt das Verbot weltweit?" +" Hallo, hier findest du eine kurze Zusammenfassung zu allen Änderungen, die im Januar 2018 in Kraft treten: ... https://t.co/Bm4juByptK"," Das habe ich gelesen, daher kommt ja meine Frage. :-)" + Thanks for the information! Can you please send me a DM with the information so I can help you further? ^IT," I mean, i personally am all good, i just think that email looks pretty bad" + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM with your PayPal email address and the country your account is in? ^IT, Someone mistakenly used my email to create an account back in September in singapore. I live in the US. They still have not changed email. + No problem Thanks for reaching out. We appreciate your patience in these matters! ^CRG, You’ve be brilliant thank you once again 👏 + Thank you for your response. Our UK phone agents can be reached at 0800 358 7911 during the hours of 8am to 8:30p... https://t.co/4MGQlN79zf, Thank you very much +" Hi there, thank you for reaching out to us! Where are you located? We want to ensure that we are providing you wi... https://t.co/4MGQlN79zf", I have a antivirus company taking £50 a year of me for a pc I no longer have and collecting money through PayPal +" Hi there, +If you could DM us we may be able to help you out. ^ZT"," Hi, yes, will send a DM. Thanks for reply." +" Hello, Jessica. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. We would recommend reaching... https://t.co/8t2gExePUe https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", This is frustrating and why it sucks dealing with third party companies. +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thank you for your patience. ^ES", Cheers ES ;-) + Hey there! Please check your inbox. We responded to your DM. ^JMG, Thanks i've deleted the conversation + Hey there! Please check your inbox. We responded to your DM. ^JMG," Good morning, I added the English screenshots which you asked for!" +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thank you for your patience. ^ES"," Hi thanks, I will delete the bank account then and add another, because it's for a long time now. I've send you a last question" + Great! I've responded to your DM again :) ^ES, Thanks for the answer I have enough info ! + Great! I've responded to your DM again :) ^ES, Me too. Thanks + Hey. I've sent you a DM. Please get back to me at your earliest convenience. Thanks! ^FM, Answer my dm PLEASE its an emergency +" Hey there, send me a DM with some more details about this. I'm happy to help! ^MB", I have messaged +" Olá! + +O que aconteceu? chame a gente por DM por favor", Deveriam prezar melhor seus novos clientes. Oferecer um serviço de confiança é o mínimo. Não recomendo +" Olá! + +O que aconteceu? chame a gente por DM por favor", Aconteceu que vocês dão prioridade para os clientes mais antigos que dão golpes em clientes mais recentes! Q nem imaginam q isso é possível. +" Olá! + +O que aconteceu? chame a gente por DM por favor"," Deveriam ser mais preparados para esse tipo de situação, que após eu pesquisar descobri que é bem comum acontecer isso no paypal." + Hi there. We've responded to your most recent DM. ^NM, eh? + Hi there. We've responded to your most recent DM. ^NM, What was the response? Post it here 😏 + Hi there. We've responded to your most recent DM. ^NM," WhT did u say PayPal, we r dying to know" + Hi there. We've responded to your most recent DM. ^NM," Fix this shit stat, can't & ever catch a break?" + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Please send us a DM with screenshots and some more details about this! ^GH," DM’d you, thanks" +" Hi, yes please forward them to __email__! ^JW", Thank you + Hello there! Sorry to hear this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA, Im just waiting for you to conclude your investigation so i canget my stolen 358 dollars back! :) + Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP, I just sent you a dm. 😊 thank you + Hello! I've responded to your DM. ^HZ, Thank you for your prompt response 😁 +" Hey there! For this one, please file a dispute with us. Here's the link for the how-to: https://t.co/mOfZEssQ16. ^JMG", can you help because for some reason it keeps leading me to a page where i have to contact the seller rather than you +" Hey there, please send us a DM for further assistance with your refund. We're happy to help. ^CG", That's it there now thanks for your help 👍🏽 + Hi! I see how this is frustrating. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the withdraw? Thank you. ^ES, thanks.. got it na. But the amount is almost half. I think the bank charge me more. +" Hi there, thank you for contacting PayPal via Twitter. Our apologies for the delay! Please DM us with your PayPal... https://t.co/1bRwrBKfXJ", y'all are 17 hours late + Hey. Sorry for the delay. Here's our customer service number for your region: 0800 358 7911 (8am to 8.30pm Monday... https://t.co/GP5hdaZ5WT," Thanks for confirming, we’re working with them to solve the problem." + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. This is quite frustrating! Please send us a DM so we can assist you further. ^LAR," I did do this morning, had no response since" + ご連絡いただき、ありがとうございます。お問い合わせがあれば、ご質問内容をお知らせいただけますでしょうか。よろしくお願いします。PayPal Social Media, 何でもないです,私も日本語が話せることだけですよ。^_^ 你識唔識講廣東話?:o) + Hi there! If you have any questions or concerns please send us a DM and we will be happy to help. ^DC, Sure. Thanks + Hello. I'm very sorry to hear about this :( . If you could send me your PayPal email and screenshots of the trans... https://t.co/L3PH7f4TJa, I will send you the details in DM +" Hi! I know it's frustrating to wait. If you need help, please DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the payment. Thank you. ^ES", __email__ https://t.co/UxedY9A502 + Hi Danisha! Please follow the steps outlined in this article: https://t.co/EeNBVEB6LZ. Hope this helps! ^YG, thank u + Hi Cody. I am sorry about any inconveniences you may have experienced. Can you please DM me the details? Thanks! ^YG, sent +" Hello, I've sent a reply to the DMs you've sent us. Let me know if you'd like further assistance. ^AL", thanks?! So should be Monday?! I understand but inconvenienced +" Hello, I've sent a reply to the DMs you've sent us. Let me know if you'd like further assistance. ^AL", can you guys please reply to my dm?! +" Hi there! I'm sorry for the delay - if you're still in need of help with anything, feel free to DM us. I'm happy to help. ^KK", Thanks. +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Envía un DM, con gusto te asistiremos ^DG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," creo el problema es de nunca me llegó el correo de confrimación con la ""promo""" +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Envía un DM, con gusto te asistiremos ^DG", Listo + I am sorry for this trouble with your account. I replied to your DM and I can help you through there. ^GA, Please take a look at the DM and reply when you can. Thank you. +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you are still in need of assistance with your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG", Ok I'll send one right now +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", Hey can you also help me out? I got locked out of my account for no reason. It's been a week. I need the money in it for rent +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", ........help ethan too +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR"," lol respond to Ethan first scumbags, honestly what a shitty company" +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR"," heyy help dont play dumb we know you watching, so help them out!!! they are good people!" +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", PayPal is trash. +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", How about helping Ethan..? +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", This is the most ironic tweet ever... wow +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", You are ignoring issue +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR"," Yeah, but like help everyone." +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", hope you contacted the original poster. before you screw another seller over. +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", Yes. Why not also help Ethan. +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR"," Or, you know, help ya boi Ethan" +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", Wow that's sad... +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", Holy shit this is embarrassing +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR"," What the fuck, PayPal?? Try helping out first, you're obviously aware of the problem if you're here." +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", Are you reading this thread? Why not reply to the original issue as well posted by ? +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", Boi you’re gonna respond to this random but not Ethan? +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR"," Help first. He's the guy most boned here, and the one you're apparently ignoring." +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", HELP ETHAN FIRST +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", HELP ETHAN BRO WTF +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", #UnbanTeddysPaypal +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR"," Seriously, you have no accessible customer service by email, but have a fucking friendly next door twitter manager. Only those who make the problem public matter?" +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR"," How to ruin your PR, by PayPal + +Step one, ignore an influential creator. + +Step two, help someone else instead. + +PayPal 👌👌👌" +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", Why on earth would you not help Ethan but reply 2 someone else in the same thread of him complaining about your lack of response? +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", Shouldn't you be helping the content creator that attracts potential users too? +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", lmao so you're gonna help him but not +" Hi Ahmed! We offer services in Egypt, you can visit the site at https://t.co/T6HcXqmhj5. Send us a DM if you have questions! ^SML", would you start service in BD? + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country tha... https://t.co/Irj2eA5FaE, ...will do ...good to get something other than a brick wall + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country tha... https://t.co/Irj2eA5FaE, .....trying to check between PayPal and Telstra ....between two rocks and a hard place! + Hi! Can you please DM us with your concerns regarding your PayPal account? Thanks! ^YG, Haha the concerns are pretty obvious. +" I am sorry to hear about this payment. If you need any help, please feel free to contact PayPal. ^GA"," It's the principle, if everyone did it, it would add up to a lot of pennies/pounds. I'd be happy for it to go to charity." + Hello! Can you please DM me with the details regarding this matter? Thanks! ^YG, Just update the app for iPhone X. The X doesn’t have Touch ID. +" I am sorry to hear about these long hold times. If you would like, please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA", You guys need more people to answer the phone. +" Hey! Send me a DM with your PP email, and a screenshot of what you are seeing on the app. Thanks! ^MB", Sent +" Hey Ernesto, please forward this to us at __email__ so that we can investigate it. We appreciate it! ^CG"," I'm going to forward the email, thanks" + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this if you still need assistance and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, cut the western shit + Hey Charlie. Sorry to hear about these charges. If you could send a DM with your PayPal email and a screenshot of... https://t.co/OI2sdRN1uP," I have sent in a copy of Donation update page, so you can see if you can help. Please Paypal consider returning the charges." + Hi Stella! I'm sorry to hear you're running into this issue. Could you send us a DM with any helpful screenshots? ^SML, Hi Stella +" Hi there! I'm sorry to hear you ran into this. If you need help with confirming your card, feel free to send us a DM! ^SML", Nope the 6 digit number worked well. +" Hello! I've responded to your DM, please take a look! ^GH"," Hi there, I need support. You said the money would clear today and it hasn’t. I need support as a matter of urgency " +" Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response, and I'm sorry to hear about this. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK", I don't think you can help to be honest as it says pending. Something about 21days? But every time people buy from me it goes straight + We have replied to your DM. Have a nice day. ^JP, Replied back to you with screenshots of original transaction +" Hi Dom, thanks for bringing this to our attention. Please send us a DM about this, we'll be happy to help! ^JW", 72hours my ass it’s been a week now and still nothing +" If you have any additional questions for us, please feel free to respond to our last DM. ^TM", cómo confirmar identidad para iniciar sesión si se cambió de numero celular? + Hi Elise! I'm sorry to hear you're running into this. Could you send us a DM with the email it was sent from? ^SML, Please let me know if you need any further assistance. ^SLS +" Bonjour à vous, Votre remboursement est effectué selon le mode de paiement utilisé. Si vous avez utilisé votre ca... https://t.co/WSQm2TgzWn", D’accord parfait merci 🙏🏽 +" Hello Charlotte, I understand how important it is to be able to show evidence for your case. Please send me a DM ... https://t.co/2LZXwHbKRL", can you email me and I can reply with pictures? __email__ + Hola. No hemos recibido tu DM hasta el momento. Por favor asegúrate de enviarlo haciendo clic abajo. ^LS https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Ya lo envie espero respuesta por favor! + Hola. Envíanos un DM con los detalles de lo que sucede cuando intentas ingresar y con gusto te podremos asistir. ^LS, Bueno y cuando carajos me van a responder el DM? ya estamos a 5 de Noviembre y sin respuesta y sin usar mi PayPal que estafa es esta? + Hello there! Please send us a DM with a screenshot of the email you received so we can look further into the issue for you. :) ^AOA, I have forwarded the email to your team + Doesn't look like it's from us. Please forward it to __email__ so that we can archive it. Thank you so much! :) ^RA, Will do! +" Hey Damian, please send us a DM if you have any concerns regarding your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG", I've been on the phone to you today and that's not the way I felt ... + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM so I can help you out? ^IT, Think we sorted it out. Says it's pending and takes 2 days to clear + Doesn't look like it's from us. Please forward it to __email__ so that we can archive it. Thank you so much! :) ^RA, Will do! + Thanks for helping to make PayPal a safer place for all our users! Have a nice day! ^SB, Not a problem. And you too 😆 + Hey there! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Please forward the email to __email__ and our teams ... https://t.co/FlFqyTslC8, Just sent it now.thanks +" Hi Aspa, I'm sorry to hear this! Please send me a DM. :) ^RA", DM? +" Hey Aspa. Yes. If you could please send us a Direct Message over Twitter, we should be able to further assist you. ^MN", I'm quite new in twitter sorry. How do I send the direct message? +" No worries. :) In order to send us a DM, you can complete the steps in the following link: https://t.co/KJ7twOEH7S ^MN", ok! I've just dent it! + Thanks for being patient with us. We've responded to your DM. ^TM, Received. Thanks for your support. + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this major inconvenience. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! ... https://t.co/TPoPKAGTJ0, Can't Dm you as your not following me.... + Hey there! We have responded to your DM. Please check it as soon as you can! ^IT, Thank you 😊👍🏼 + Hey there! We have responded to your DM. Please check it as soon as you can! ^IT, I’ve sent another DM... still no money 🤔 + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM with a screenshot of the transfer? ^IT, Message sent 👍🏼 +" Hello Paul, I understand how important it is to get your issue resolved as soon as possible. At this time I do no... https://t.co/2FQYA0VSs3", Done + Hola. Por favor envíanos un DM para poderte asistir mejor. ^LS https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, acabo de escribirles! + Hola. Por favor envíanos un DM para poderte asistir mejor. ^LS https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Les mandé un DM ayer... pero aún no me responden! + Hi! Can you please send us a DM with some more info? I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF," I don't have any more info. I'm trying to pay for something that only uses PayPal, and I keep getting this page." + Hi! I'm sorry about that! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about the issue. I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF," Thanks for your reply. Spoke with a live rep who is assisting. But that 30 min wait, tho...yikes!!!" + Hi there! Please send us a DM right away with a screenshot of the email. We'll look into it right away! ^SML, The same email... https://t.co/UVWs7X28ez + Hi there! Please send us a DM right away with a screenshot of the email. We'll look into it right away! ^SML, Thank you...hope you can do something about it..tks.. https://t.co/fEEPO8m5vW + That isn't a real email from us. Please forward it to __email__ so our teams can look into it further. It'... https://t.co/9TkX3OMYi0, Great..thank you... + Hi Byron! I'm sorry to hear you've had a negative experience with a purchase. Please send us a DM if you'd like help here ^SML, DM sent. +" It's possible a duplicate receipt was sent out. I would check your account Activity to be sure. If you need help, just send us a DM! :) ^ALF"," Cheers PayPal, all is good on the activity 👍" + Hi! We'll be ready to take your DM. Please provide your PayPal email address along with a description of the problem. Thanks! ^ACT, Sent!😁 +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us today! We would recommend giving us a call to resolve this, as we are una... https://t.co/Y1ignICaSh", this isnt the issue as the phone is verified and the money has been on hold + We understand that you've had a negative experience and want to help. We continue to await your response to our D... https://t.co/3dsiGKNkvs, Your fcking ceos need to deal with this right now. I am tired of talking to another person that the most the can do is file a report + We understand that you've had a negative experience and want to help. We continue to await your response to our D... https://t.co/3dsiGKNkvs, I have another item that someone already just bid but now i am hesitant to ship it cuz it looks like the same type of scammers with very high feedbacks and transactions no negative once +" Hi Sasa, sorry to hear that you feel that way. Please send us a DM about how you think we can improve, we'll be happy to hear you out! ^JW", like you did anything different so far?! You didn't even let me close my account and I'm not planning to use your services #sadtimes + Hello! We've responded to your DM. Please check your messages and get back to us there. Thank you! ^ANM," yeah got reply after 7 days 🤔 but issue still same, very frustrated moment for me. Kindly fix this issue on priority basis" + Hello! We've responded to your DM. Please check your messages and get back to us there. Thank you! ^ANM, check DM please + Hello! We've responded to your DM. Please check your messages and get back to us there. Thank you! ^ANM, check dm please + Hello! We've responded to your DM. Please check your messages and get back to us there. Thank you! ^ANM, Please Check DM i have send screenshots of our acc + Hello! We've responded to your DM. Please check your messages and get back to us there. Thank you! ^ANM, i have explain in dm what paypal doing with us check please + Hello! We've responded to your DM. Please check your messages and get back to us there. Thank you! ^ANM, check dm please issue still same not see any progres from paypal seems they on holiday that why issue is sill same after 15 days😪 + Hello! We've responded to your DM. Please check your messages and get back to us there. Thank you! ^ANM," check dm sir, same old issues we face" + Hello! We've responded to your DM. Please check your messages and get back to us there. Thank you! ^ANM, hi i have do same what you ask but still issue remain same + Please your question in English so we can assist you. Thanks! ^LAR, answer me plz + Hey there! I would be happy to help! It sounds like there may be a technical issue. The best solution is to clear... https://t.co/OeZMaYtHH7," Are you sure it's a tech issue? Occurs on Firefox, private mode, mobile web. Only started after redesign introducing ""PP Instant Transfer""." +" ¡Hola! Nos encantaría ayudar, pero, es el comercio quien decide los métodos de pago que van a aceptar. Saludos ^J", Pero ya lo hace en USA pero no en Spain 😪 +" Hello Yorkie, thank you for bringing this e-mail to my attention. Please forward the e-mail over to my team at sp... https://t.co/Ebrd1Oe6tg", Done :) + I have sent you a DM! ^YG, Got that +" Hi Gnu! I have sent you a DM, please check it out. :) ^YG", Received. Still no ETA provided. + Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. You may be able to use PayPal if you see this option during checkout. ^DT, how do I start + Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. You may be able to use PayPal if you see this option during checkout. ^DT, can I add my verve card? +" Hi Rafael. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN", Thanks. DM with some issue… greetings… + chama a gente em dm? Te ajudaremos o/, Kd ajuda? +" Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that! Please DM us for further assistance - I'll be happy to help. ^KK", Ok + Here's an article that tell's you how you can send us additional documentation: https://t.co/kqLwqMIJEk. Please s... https://t.co/mMjFQgCRUI, The steps don’t match up to the current website + Here's an article that tell's you how you can send us additional documentation: https://t.co/kqLwqMIJEk. Please s... https://t.co/mMjFQgCRUI, Thank you +" Hi! You can open a dispute by going into the resolution center and click, 'Dispute a transaction"". DM us if you need help. Thanks! ^ES", I’ve already disputed it but they aren’t reporting to PayPal that they received my package instead they are asking me to close the case -.- + Hi there. The old card will expire in about 60 days after chip card has been sent. Hope this helps! ^LB, So despite my card expiring April 2018 it now expires in less than 2 months? That's crap! + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, Thanks will DM now + Sorry if you have yet to receive a response! Follow and DM me your PayPal email and situation so I can help. :) ^DJ, I have sent you a message +" Hi there! Sorry for the delay - if you're in need of assistance with anything, feel free to DM us. I'll be happy to help. ^KK"," Hi! Imagine 4-8 weeks with your bank account blocked, i always thought that's what Paypal wanted to be. Maybe you can speed things up? thx" +" Hello! That email does not appear to be from us, and we recommend that you forward that email to __email__ Thank you. ^AMC"," Okay, thank you!" + Please check your DMs for further assistance. ^RJM, Please check your DMs for further GIFs indicating we've given further assistance and got no reply. +" Hi, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and any information you can provide. We'd be happy to review the situation. ^RJM", Just DM'd your team. + Send us a DM so we can assist you further. Thanks! ^LAR, Why dont you guys answer mine? + Send us a DM so we can assist you further. Thanks! ^LAR, still got nowhere with this. are ignoring me now. Anyone know about marketplaces? + Hola envíanos un DM con tu correo electrónico y más detalles sobre lo sucedido. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Es con un pedido en la tienda de Microsoft. Dicen que tienen problemas con vosotros que no estáis aceptando sus cobros. Es cierto? + Thanks for the heads up. We've responded to your DM. ^TM, Thank you. I replied already just now. + Sorry to hear that Annie. Send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the invoice. :) ^CD," I think it's been taken care of, but thanks!" + ¡Hola! por favor envíanos un DM con tu correo electrónico registrado a PayPal y podremos brindarte ayuda personalizada. Gracias ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Ya pude asociar mi tarjeta y estoy esperando el código. Pero ahora no puedo verificar/confirmar mi número celular. No me llega el SMS. + Hi! I know this is frustrating. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the error? Thank you! ^ES, I already completed my order using a Firefox and it didn't error like it did in Chrome. I will screen shot if it ever does it again. +" Hi there, +If you can DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT", Thank you. DM is on your way. + I'm glad to hear you had a great experience. Please send me a DM if you need anything else. :) ^JMR, Thank you. I have made a big boo boo but hope to sort it with Maura tomorrow 😊 +" Hey Poonam, PayPal is not down right now. Please send us a DM if you are still experiencing this issue. We're happy to help out. ^CG", That's okay. I'm all good now. :) +" Hi! You can find the phone number to contact us by going to https://t.co/3YYfH6qhLX, clicking the flag at the bot... https://t.co/To2RMBGakz", Never mind. Just got the email about my claim. Thank you for the reply 😁 +" Hello! So sorry for the delay. Please send us a DM, so we can better assist you. ^GR", It’s fine I managed to figure it out! Thanks! +" Hello! So sorry to hear that. Can you please send us a DM, so we can better assist you? ^GR", Sure + Thanks for reaching out. Please send a DM with the details of the issue and I'd be happy to help! ^IN, CAnt dm! + Hey there! Please send me a DM and I will be happy to help you further! :) ^HYC," Thanks, Gage with the phone support got back and helped me out. I was on the phone on hold for almost 3 hours but he got. Thanks though" + Hi there! I replied to your DM. ^AAR, no +" Hi Gaz, thanks for letting us know that you believe you're email address has been used to create an account. Plea... https://t.co/ShHy9Vom3Z"," Hi, I've DMed you a few time, no reply... can we resolve this ASAP please I've been trying for months now. #fraud" +" Hi Gaz, thanks for letting us know that you believe you're email address has been used to create an account. Plea... https://t.co/ShHy9Vom3Z", DM sent. +" Hallo, in der Regel dauert eine Abbuchung zum Bankkonto 1-3 Werktage (Montag - Freitag). ^WD"," alles klar, vielen Dank:)" + estamos conversando contigo em dm ;D, grata. +" Du müsstest uns eine DM senden können, wenn du uns folgst. ^WD"," Ja, jetzt hat es geklappt. DM abgeschickt" + We're sorry to hear that. We've responded to your DM. ^TM, check your DM I lost my customers and many orders what can i say to customer +" Hi there! Do you need help with your account? If so, please send us a DM so we can further assist you. ^YR", I need help with my account can I dm you? + Hi Joel! I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble with a transaction. Please send me a DM with you PayPal em... https://t.co/GcrAyyqyJv, need u to follow me +" Hello, I'm so sorry to hear you are having issues logging into your account. Please send me a DM, so I can further assist. ^JDG", i was able to login but i hop that this does not happen again +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^IVS", Still no help + Hi there! We've sent you a DM. Please take a moment to look at it. Thanks! ^ACT, I responded thanks. + Hi! Can you please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info? I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF, Done :) + Hi there. We're sorry for your concern about a claim. Be sure to check your email account for information on how to learn more. ^LB, I checked my email and it only said it wasn’t deemed unauthorized + Thanks. The email should have information on how to request information about the investigation that you may find helpful. ^LB," that email contained almost no information, you are not very helpful" +" Hey there, Tungy. We are sorry to hear about your experience. If you would like us to assist you please send us a... https://t.co/rBL7QjTJzO", I'm not entering my twitter details into a site I dont know. Ive just received reply #5 and your csr yet again did not address my question. + Hi there. Thanks for contacting us. We recently responded to your previous message. Please check your DM's. ^MN," Thx, dm already replied" + Hello! We definitely want to help! Please DM us your email and details and we'll look into this. Thanks! :) ^ANM, ok! + Hello! We definitely want to help! Please DM us your email and details and we'll look into this. Thanks! :) ^ANM, How? 😂 + We are sorry to hear of the unauthorized activity. You may report unauthorized payments in the Resolution Center.... https://t.co/ywT3HGd2Jq, Can you please reply to my Message. + I have responded to your DM. Please take a look when you have the chance. ^NEM, YOU GUYS ARE RUBBISH + I have sent you a DM! :) ^YG, Thank you! + Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Please send me a DM and I'll be glad to assist you. ^DT, It’s sorted now thank you. + Hello! Can you please DM the details of what information you are receiving from the other person's account? Thanks! ^YG, I'll be more than happy to once I'm off from work. +" Hi! I see how it's frustrating to have this happen. Withdraws can take up to 3-5 business days to complete. If you need help, DM us :) ^ES"," Nah it takes less than 2 minutes normally, this is over £200 - bit more interest to be gained?! Is there a way to cancel the transfer?" + Hi there Bella! Please send me a DM! ^RA, I've had the same problem a week ago and still hasn't been sorted + Hello Sara! Have you tried calling our customer support and having them confirm your identity? ^YG, Thanks for the tip. Will give it a try! + This tends to happen when we do not know exactly when your funds are going to be released. Hope this helps! ^YG, Thank you + Hi Daniel! Please note that we release funds 3 days after confirmed delivery if tracking is provided and 21 days if it is not. Thanks! ^YG," So what does December 31st, 1969 have to do with that?" + Hi! Can you please send us a DM with your PayPal email and country? I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF, Hi already dm! +" Hi, please check your DMs. You should see a response from us! ^JW", Please check your DMs! +" Hey Tina! Sorry to hear about this. I'll be happy to help, just send me a DM! ^DP", I have just sent the DM please get this sorted today. I’ve done what you asked me to do 3 weeks ago!! +" Hey Tina! Sorry to hear about this. I'll be happy to help, just send me a DM! ^DP", I take it I’m just going to be completely ignored now? I’ve sent a complaint email and nothing back from that either! +" Hi there, I am so sorry for the delay in replying to you. I have just sent you a DM. ^DK", It seems I’m not the only one who struggles with you guys. Maybe you should have a better complaints department who actually are willing to help people? https://t.co/eaLyKZE0Dy + Hi Joanne! My sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this has caused you. Please send us a DM regarding your c... https://t.co/nPjpik0Klj, All resolved and very SWIFTLY TOO ! ❤️❤️👍👍 + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that you're having issues. Please DM me more information about this situation so I can further assess this! ^GH, Don´t worry!I call your support center and they help me!Thx +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can prov... https://t.co/Pvh1adQtGM"," I have already spoken to you guys, it's who needs to get on the ball" +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", Hi. Its sorted now. Thanks. + Hey there! Sorry to hear that you've been experiencing this. Please send us a DM with the email address linked to... https://t.co/IBUPvSDEPT," Yeah, I’ve spent enough time on the phone with you. Honestly, I hope no one uses your service again. You DO NOT protect your customers." + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, DM sent. Thx + Hey! Please send me a DM including your PayPal email address and the country your account is associated with. I'd be happy to help! (: ^RS, Help me get my money back that you lost. +" Hello, Samantha. Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP", Dear please help me cancel my subscription!! +" Hola, de antemano lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Envíanos un mensaje directo para revisar la situación más a fondo. ^W https://t.co/MbymXmIruK"," Sorry for hijacking, but can you reply to my DM please, its urgent" +" Hallo, es kann sich nur um eine technische Störung handeln. Hast du schon versucht, einen Käuferschutzfall bei PayPal zu eröffnen? ^SL", Gelistet ist dann aber dennoch kein Konflikt https://t.co/A7Y5wlk09r +" Hallo, es kann sich nur um eine technische Störung handeln. Hast du schon versucht, einen Käuferschutzfall bei PayPal zu eröffnen? ^SL"," Ja, dann passiert das hier https://t.co/LLKIGymJTB" +" Hi! We haven't put out any official announcements about our availability in Bangladesh. If we do, it'll be through our website. :) ^ALF", Why do you guys pick and choose who you respond to? You have a job that requires you respond to all of your customers! +" Bonjour à vous, nous regrettons d'apprendre que vous n'avez pas eu de réponse au téléphone :(. Veuillez nous expl... https://t.co/ryJdpFVTim", La sécurité a bon dos!Dans la vie comme sur les honnêtes gens sont emmerdés à cause des 0.1% qui fraudent!Rendez moi mes sous! +" Hola, de antemano lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Envíanos un mensaje directo y con gusto te asistimos. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", ¿qué podemos hacer si un comercio se desquita por una queja? canceló mi cuenta después de una disputa + Hi there. We're sorry to hear you're having trouble getting through. Please send us a DM with your email address ... https://t.co/Ohae5NWRxd, Sent. +" Hey Ariful, PayPal is not currently available in Bangladesh and we don’t have news to share right now regarding f... https://t.co/M6pRio0Fbf", many many thanks for your valuable reply😀 + Hello and sorry to hear that you are having issues with getting into your account. Please send me a DM with more ... https://t.co/yWiQHrBqMN, Follow back so I can DM + Hey! PayPal is not currently available in Bangladesh and we don’t have news to share right now regarding future p... https://t.co/9ilxOOHKqM, Thank you so much! +" Hey! I'm sorry to hear about this, could you send me a DM with some more details, along with your PP email? I'm happy to help you! ^MB", DM MY BAD +" Hey! I'm sorry to hear about this, could you send me a DM with some more details, along with your PP email? I'm happy to help you! ^MB", I already responded to the email +" Hey there, we're sorry for the delay and we're here to help! If you could please send us a DM with your PayPal em... https://t.co/3IDOHLa7Z6", Where my milli dollars 💵 + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! We would be happy to provide further clarification regarding our fees. Plea... https://t.co/NRAmvz43YV," $2.99 CAD flat rate fee to send money from Canada to the US/Europe. Unfair imo., since it's free for US accounts to send money to Canada." +" Hello there, Malik. We are sorry to hear about your card being rejected when using PayPal. For further assistance... https://t.co/FSjFLN8UNe", What? +" Hello! I'm sorry to hear that you're getting these emails. Upon review, this does not appear to be an email from ... https://t.co/u3xj1Q3Yci", Aye +" Bonjour à vous, nous nous excusons pour la mauvaise information que vous avez eu :(. En fait, lorsque vous receve... https://t.co/7krVam4azh", Ce n'est en rien une mauvaise info. Quand j'appelle le service tel ils ont mon dossier en réf. Votre politique encourage les arnaques... +" Dans le cas de réception d'un colis plein de cailloux, PayPal ne demande pas le retour de l'article. Nous traiton... https://t.co/xrpwKb7Ry7", Je viens d'appeler le service client qui m'a confirmé que si je reçois des cailloux je dois payer les frais pour le renvoyer +" Dans le cas de réception d'un colis plein de cailloux, PayPal ne demande pas le retour de l'article. Nous traiton... https://t.co/xrpwKb7Ry7", C'est pourtant la même situation. Le vendeur a envoyé un produit ne correspondant pas à la description. Il est illogique de faire payer 1/2 +" Lorsque nous vous demandons de renvoyer l’objet à votre vendeur, les frais d’expédition sont effectivement à votr... https://t.co/xrpwKb7Ry7", Imaginons que le vendeur m'envoie 2kg de cailloux. Est-ce normal pour que ça soit à l'acheteur de payer les frais de retour !? +" Lorsque nous vous demandons de renvoyer l’objet à votre vendeur, les frais d’expédition sont effectivement à votr... https://t.co/xrpwKb7Ry7", Cela fait suite à l'absence de réponse du vendeur... + Bonjour à vous et nous sommes navrés d'apprendre que vous ayez reçu un objet non conforme à la description :(. Da... https://t.co/xrpwKb7Ry7, Bjr pourquoi n'est-ce pas au vendeur de prendre en charge les frais de transport pour le retour d'un objet NON CONFORME À LA DESCRIPTION ? +" Bonjour à vous, nous comprenons à quel point vous avez besoin de votre argent. Dans le but de créer une communaut... https://t.co/Y3Pudx6DBN"," C'est avec qu'il faut régler votre contentieux, c'est lui qui subit votre incompétence, moi, je ne fais que la relayer.." +" Buen día. Si deseas asistencia de nuestra parte, por favor envíanos un mensaje directo. ¡Saludos! ^LR", Voy a esperar respuesta de mi banco que por lo que leí en el foro de PayPal es problema de ellos. ¡Gracias por la atención! + Hi there. We apologize if you've recently had issues while using your PayPal account. If you are currently in nee... https://t.co/57Fi8NG0hH, Yup I’ve been trying to get help for the past 12 hours from these guys +" Hey! I can confirm that this email was not sent by us. If you could please forward this to __email__, we'd... https://t.co/zzJjukz5WJ", Done + Hi there. Sorry to hear about all this! Transfers take 5-7 business days because that is the standard bank proces... https://t.co/F9y4ZLEm4h," But you have already removed the money from my account two days ago so it's not the bank holding it, it's you." +" Hey Zack. If you could please send us a DM with your PayPal email, and country, I'd be happy to further assist you. Thanks! ^FM", Ok. Sending PM now +" Hi Jamie, sorry to hear about the trouble with that dispute. Please include your email address in a DM, we'll be ... https://t.co/dZ9rNpjv8h", Done i have sent the proof that is needed also to you + Hey Lavender. Could you send us a DM with your PayPal email and country? This way I'd be able to further assist y... https://t.co/P2HyGu1HYV," Okay, sure." + Hi! I know it's important to cancel this. You can do this using the instructions on this link: https://t.co/ZQaRVhZ1kP. Thank you! ^ES, Thanks you so much + Hello there! Please forward any fake PayPal emails to __email__ so that our fraud team can take a look at ... https://t.co/9IHtlXWWZg, Sent! +" Hey Nicola, thanks for reaching out to us. Please send us a screenshot of that email via DM, as well as your PayPal email address. ^AL", Thanks! I've DM'd you 😊 +" Hola, lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Por favor reenvía el correo a __email__. Envíanos un DM para más información. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Qué buen servicio +" Bonjour Cédric, nous comprenons votre point de vue et nous sommes à votre disposition. Merci de nous expliquer da... https://t.co/nj0YGUeeJP", PayPal ne veut pas annuler le virement de mon compte chèque à mon compte PayPal. PayPal m'oblige à attendre 8 à 10 jours !!! +" Bonjour Cédric, nous comprenons votre point de vue et nous sommes à votre disposition. Merci de nous expliquer da... https://t.co/nj0YGUeeJP"," Il n’y aura pas de prochaine fois !! Dès que j’aurai mon argent et que je l’aurai retiré de mon compte PayPal , je supprimerai mon compte !!" +" Bonjour Cédric, nous comprenons à quel point il est important pour vous de recevoir votre argent. Une fois initié... https://t.co/nj0YGUeeJP", Le site Paypal me dit que les fonds seront présent aujourd’hui le 19 octobre et ce n’est pas le cas !!! = menteur et voleur !!! +" Bonjour Marine, merci de nous expliquer votre demande en privé ça nous fera plaisir de vous aider. N'hésitez pas ... https://t.co/jyovesmq7b", faudrai répondre 😏 +" Hello there, Heath. If you need assistance, please send us a DM with your email and details of the issue you are ... https://t.co/Hu3b51uttE", Problem was solved the next day! You're customer service is always amazing I guess I can't have it available 24/7 via phone ;) +" Hey there! Sorry to hear that you've been experiencing these issues. Rest assured, we are more than happy to help... https://t.co/1HMd8n6XXR", Done. Thanks. +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you can send us a DM with a scree... https://t.co/d0FoPYoT8a https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", You all are despicable + Hi Charlie! Our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this has caused you. Please send us a DM regarding your... https://t.co/u5Z0JPGRn5, hopefully you can help since the team is impossible to reach! + I apologize for that! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and more information about your issue. I'll do my best to help! ^KR, Glad you’re getting some help. I’ve been ignored for the past 14 hours +" HI there, thank you for reaching out. We are sorry to hear about the long hold times. For further assistance, please DM us. Thank you! ^AC", Glad you’re getting some help. I’ve been ignored for the past 14 hours +" Hey! I can confirm that this message was not sent by us. If you could please send this to __email__, we'd ... https://t.co/xm94ngS2H2", Thank you! I shall do that now. +" Hey! I can confirm that this email was not sent by us. If you could please forward this to __email__, we'd... https://t.co/JxkXoZpNQk", Have done thank you ! + We apologize for the inconveniences this may cause you. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address so we can assist you further. ^SP, Glad you’re getting some help. I’ve been ignored for the past 14 hours +" Bonjour à vous, désolés que vous vous êtes retrouvé dans une telle situation. Merci de nous expliquer davantage v... https://t.co/XhTupCam0V", de 1 je suis obligé de rembourser et de 2 ce n'est pas la même carte mère que je lui avais vendu qui me reviens. +" Bonjour à vous, désolés que vous vous êtes retrouvé dans une telle situation. Merci de nous expliquer davantage v... https://t.co/XhTupCam0V"," Donc ,j'ai un litige ,je dois rembourser et je récupère pas ce que j'ai vendu.. +Et l'acheteur fait la tombe, il ne répond pas au mail." +" Bonjour à vous, désolés que vous vous êtes retrouvé dans une telle situation. Merci de nous expliquer davantage v... https://t.co/XhTupCam0V"," dossier :PP-006-147-786-233 +Je vend du matos a une personne, et au bout de 14 jours il ouvre un litige. On me renvoie les produit expédier" + Hi! PayPal is not currently available in Bangladesh and we don’t have news to share right now regarding future pl... https://t.co/pvGvoSxeZ3," Are you really sure because government in Bangladesh is heavily promoting that PayPal is going to start its operation from 19th Oct, 2017?" +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? I'm... https://t.co/WbfH8sQnCR", According to I’m still a Virgin. Can you please help?! + Hello and thank you for your feedback. You should be able to email us through your Secure Message Center in your ... https://t.co/IVWNoUe3I2, 2 DM's sent thank you 😊 + Hello and thank you for reaching out. I am so sorry to hear about the difficulty you've had with this claim. Plea... https://t.co/pBrIgTJwAn," Just sent you a DM here, thanks. Will post an update if my problem is sorted." + Hello and thank you for reaching out. I am so sorry to hear about the difficulty you've had with this claim. Plea... https://t.co/pBrIgTJwAn," I will not stop until you review your decision, this is an absolute joke. Your buyer protection is a JOKE. Absolutely gutted!!" + Hello and thank you for reaching out. I am so sorry to hear about the difficulty you've had with this claim. Plea... https://t.co/pBrIgTJwAn," disgraceful service, I will make sure to tell everyone about your methods and won't be using you again." + Hello and thank you for reaching out. I am so sorry to hear about the difficulty you've had with this claim. Plea... https://t.co/pBrIgTJwAn, 7th email I receive telling me you cannot review your decision when I sent you all the proofs to show you that I'm in the right here. +" Hello Sam, thank you for contacting PayPal. If you need help with your PayPal account please send me a DM with a ... https://t.co/cL27Rag3Wl", WTH +" Hello Sam, thank you for contacting PayPal. If you need help with your PayPal account please send me a DM with a ... https://t.co/cL27Rag3Wl", Haha! Is your support account actually just an automated response by any chance? #Fail +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you are in need of any assistance with a payment on your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG", Nobody's sending a DM. You all are very buyer friendly but screw sellers. What goes around comes around. +" Hello, Bailey. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you can send us a DM with... https://t.co/PA61uXldsV https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", I called y’all. Problems resolved. + Hi there. We try to put all payments through the most recent conversion rates at that time and you can find more ... https://t.co/6UkqSVqena, Why did you add the 2.99 fee? A lot of the time we only want to send a couple dollars to friends to send a mail... 3 dollars on top of that? +" Hi there! In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the coun... https://t.co/9uLn4JCxSi", I did +" I'm really sorry to hear this happened to you. I sent a reply to the DMs you sent us, feel free to contact us there for assistance. ^AL", I have sent you the info you required and it's disgusting even after the seller has said myhermes has taken responsibility +" I'm really sorry to hear this happened to you. I sent a reply to the DMs you sent us, feel free to contact us there for assistance. ^AL", I still haven’t had a reply from anyone regarding this +" Hello Jim, thanks for reaching out to us. We don't have control over when a retailer wouldn't accept us, you'll need to ask them. ^AL", Thanks. They said it was a requirement of yours but I thought that sounded odd. I'll go back to them. +" Hey! It's possible to open a dispute, but it's unlikely that it'll be ruled in your favor. Especially if the sell... https://t.co/WRQmI55ol2"," Thanks, I am the seller and I fulfilled the order." +" Hey! It's possible to open a dispute, but it's unlikely that it'll be ruled in your favor. Especially if the sell... https://t.co/WRQmI55ol2", seems like you were off on this one. + You're welcome. Feel free to send us a DM if you have any further concerns. Thank you for your patience. Have a lovely day! ^AOA, Thanks! You too! + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear what you've been through. Please send us a DM regarding your concern and we'll be happy to help.^HZ," Hi, i'm travelling and can't log in to my account. When i select to receive call on my number nothing happens. How can i recover it?" +" Rapaaaz, a gente tem um serviço de atendimento campeão + tecnologia de ponta, tudo pra garantir facilidade e segurança nas compras/vendas o/", Qual a taxa pra transferência ? +" Buen día. Lamentamos el inconveniente. Si deseas asistencia de nuestra parte, por favor envíanos un mensaje directo. ¡Saludos! ^LR", Unreal! Wont reply to my tweets or DMs. Trying to make payments and it keeps declining despite paying with paypal balance! Been trying 3 day +" Buen día. Lamentamos el inconveniente. Si deseas asistencia de nuestra parte, por favor envíanos un mensaje directo. ¡Saludos! ^LR"," Me contestaron tres cuartos de hora después, diciendo que por culpa del huracán en Irlanda están liados... En qué afecta? Solo es curiosidad" +" Bonjour à vous, navrés d’apprendre que votre compte PayPal soit bloqué. Nous remontons votre souci au service con... https://t.co/YyO5ucnx1v", reply to my dm its urgent + Our apologies about any negative experience. We have replied to your DM for further assistance and we will do our... https://t.co/Lk2tXMVlB5, reply to my dm please + Our apologies about any negative experience. We have replied to your DM for further assistance and we will do our... https://t.co/Lk2tXMVlB5, Unreal! Wont reply to my tweets or DMs. Trying to make payments and it keeps declining despite paying with paypal balance! Been trying 3 day +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( We have recently sent you a DM regarding this issue. Whe... https://t.co/2l83Onntxf", Unreal! Wont reply to my tweets or DMs. Trying to make payments and it keeps declining despite paying with paypal balance! Been trying 3 day + Hey there! Feel free to send us a DM with more details about what I can assist you with today and I'll be more than happy to help! :) ^SB, sent! + Hey there! Feel free to send us a DM with more details about what I can assist you with today and I'll be more than happy to help! :) ^SB, Unreal! Wont reply to my tweets or DMs. Trying to make payments and it keeps declining despite paying with paypal balance! Been trying 3 day + Sure thing! Please send us a private message with your PayPal email address and a description of the problem. We are happy to help! ^RJM, Unreal! Wont reply to my tweets or DMs. Trying to make payments and it keeps declining despite paying with paypal balance! Been trying 3 day + Hello there. We understand how concerning this can be. Please send us a DM with your email address and a screensh... https://t.co/qjyEAGSiWl, Unreal! Wont reply to my tweets or DMs. Trying to make payments and it keeps declining despite paying with paypal balance! Been trying 3 day +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out to PayPal. Please send me a DM with your PayPal email & a screenshot of the er... https://t.co/fPfIOBNK6Y", Unreal! Wont reply to my tweets or DMs. Trying to make payments and it keeps declining despite paying with paypal balance! Been trying 3 day +" We're here to help! Let's take a look. Please follow us, then DM your email address and details on how we can assist. ^DD cc ", Unreal! Wont reply to my tweets or DMs. Trying to make payments and it keeps declining despite paying with paypal balance! Been trying 3 day +" Hey there! I know that this email can be concerning, but please send us a DM with more details and a screenshot o... https://t.co/joB5DxSerj", Unreal! Wont reply to my tweets or DMs. Trying to make payments and it keeps declining despite paying with paypal balance! Been trying 3 day +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of what you're seeing? ... https://t.co/dbv8cP5Deb", Unreal! Wont reply to my tweets or DMs. Trying to make payments and it keeps declining despite paying with paypal balance! Been trying 3 day +" We're glad you reached out about our fees! Please send me a DM with your questions and concerns, I'd be more than... https://t.co/UrbIXGlTAQ", Why are you replying to everyone but me i need urgent help and you've ignored me for 5 days +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. YES! you can recover an old account as long all you need to do is give u... https://t.co/IYYqB7axBX"," Hello...pardon,i have not quite understood your reply,kindly come again..thanks" +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", Reply to my DM I've been trying to contact you for 3 days! 3 WHOLE DAYS! Thanks for the great customer support!!!!!!! (SARCASM)))))) +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", Reply to my DM I've been trying to contact you for 3 days! 3 WHOLE DAYS! Thanks for the great customer support!!!!!!! (SARCASM))))))))))))) +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", Reply to my DM I've been trying to contact you for 3 days! 3 WHOLE DAYS! Thanks for the great customer support!!!!!!! (SARCASM)))))))))) +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", Reply to my DM I've been trying to contact you for 3 days! 3 WHOLE DAYS! Thanks for the great customer support!!!!!!! (SARCASM))))))))))) +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", Reply to my DM I've been trying to contact you for 3 days! 3 WHOLE DAYS! Thanks for the great customer support!!!!!!! (SARCASM)))))))))))))) +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", Reply to my DM I've been trying to contact you for 3 days! 3 WHOLE DAYS! Thanks for the great customer support!!!!!!! (SARCASM))))))))) +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", Reply to my DM I've been trying to contact you for 3 days! 3 WHOLE DAYS! Thanks for the great customer support!!!!!!! (SARCASM)))))))) +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", Reply to my DM I've been trying to contact you for 3 days! 3 WHOLE DAYS! Thanks for the great customer support!!!!!!! (SARCASM))))))) +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", Reply to my DM I've been trying to contact you for 3 days! 3 WHOLE DAYS! Thanks for the great customer support!!!!!!! (SARCASM)))))))))))) +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", Reply to my DM I've been trying to contact you for 3 days! 3 WHOLE DAYS! Thanks for the great customer support!!!!!!! (SARCASM)))) +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", Reply to my DM I've been trying to contact you for 3 days! 3 WHOLE DAYS! Thanks for the great customer support!!!!!!! (SARCASM))) +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", Reply to my DM I've been trying to contact you for 3 days! 3 WHOLE DAYS! Thanks for the great customer support!!!!!!! (SARCASM)) +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", Reply to my DM I've been trying to contact you for 3 days! 3 WHOLE DAYS! Thanks for the great customer support!!!!!!! (SARCASM) + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country tha... https://t.co/aJodpSOtnh, STILL NO RESPONSE!! #poorcustomerservice + Hey! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that ... https://t.co/OgKZR7ZsT3, for real? okay perfect +" Hi there! In order to help you out better please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are... https://t.co/mAxk1jvEjW", Ha lol + You may also report unauthorized payments in the Resolution Center. Here's how: https://t.co/Kma0NqP0nw. To preve... https://t.co/D9YHBYrF4i, Replied to your DM +" Not sure, but we'd be happy to have a look into this further if you'd like to DM your email address. Thanks again! ^AS", Done + We're sorry to hear you're having trouble adding a bank. If you'd like to send us a private message with your ema... https://t.co/v11DPLD4GA, Why can't I add a ISD denominated bank account that is domiciled in New Zealand? Not exactly a rare use case... +" Bonjour à vous, navrée d'apprendre que votre compte PayPal ait été piraté :(. Vous pouvez venir par DM muni de votre adresse email ^EM", Vous avez juste 48h de retard + It's definitely a concern that you're unable to access your PayPal account! Please send me a DM with a screensho... https://t.co/oDtUzyvMoW," Thanks for the reply, ended up being an issue on the website I was trying to purchase from. So has been solved." + Hi Matthew! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you through social media. Look ... https://t.co/N6mgkPF0IU, Regarding my query I have sent you a DM. + Hi Matthew! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you through social media. Look ... https://t.co/N6mgkPF0IU, Why am I waiting all afternoon for a withdrawal to go into my bank account when it usually only takes a matter of minutes? +" Hey John. We're sorry for the bad service you've been experiencing. If you'd like, you can send us a DM with more... https://t.co/iQW7DhbuLu", DM sent + PayPal is not currently available in Bangladesh and we don’t have news to share right now regarding future plans.... https://t.co/p4H0d7coR5, Thanks +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of what you're seeing? ... https://t.co/7C5BC6EX7D", You all seriously got karma coming if you don't change your practices. +" We would be more than happy to assist you. Please send us a DM along with your email, so we can help you out with your pending payment. ^AB", I’m having this issue today. I’ve never had a pending payment before. When someone sends me money through PayPal get it straight away 🤔 +" Hello there, Robyn. We are sorry to hear about your experience. If you would like us to further assist you please... https://t.co/kHzgKrQCaL"," I think it's too little too late. tell me, should a product be refunded by the seller after the buyer has had it for 3months?" +" Hi! At this time, withdraws cannot be canceled on our end. You ask your bank and see if they can do anything to reverse this. Thanks! ^ES", Hey Could you reply to my tweet? I've been waiting a while and I need the problem resolved. +" Buen día, lamentamos lo sucedido. Envía un mensaje privado con más detalles de lo sucedido y con gusto podremos revisarlo. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", ya lo envie + Hi there! My sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Please send us a DM regarding yo... https://t.co/PulP9X380z," No, sorry. Every time I DM you, you tell me there's nothing you can do. It's an ongoing issue that yourselves and exploit" + Hi there. We're sorry to hear this issue hasn't been resolved. Please send us a DM with your email address and a ... https://t.co/JvEaCeDj0i, please look at my dm + Hello! Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you. Please send us a DM regarding your conc... https://t.co/0lvFQpyIV1, Thank you. The DM has been sent. + Hello- I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble setting up an account. Please send me a DM with your PayPal ... https://t.co/FKSNwSe0no, please look at my dm + Hi Robert! I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble with a shipping address. Please send me a DM with your P... https://t.co/SDhKvkr3XW, What is a DM? I will be happy to have a telephone conversation with you to discuss the issue. Let me know how you would like to proceed +" I'm sorry for any confusion. A DM would be a direct message that you can send on your Twitter account. Also, you ... https://t.co/SDhKvkr3XW"," Do you want to discuss this with me by phone or not? If so, please let me know how we can set this up. And please, no PayPal lingo." +" Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! If there is a problem with a transaction in your PayPal account, please sen... https://t.co/HbOTW0gpZX"," That’s the strange thing, PayPal account shows 1 transaction but Amex shows 2 debits. Amex are sorting it with you 😊. Thanks." + Hello. We are sorry to hear that you have been on hold for this long. We can assure you that we assist customers ... https://t.co/JT9OFb85AR," Last BS answer was that , one of the largest banks in the world, doesn't allow me to enter a routing # for my U.S. banking account. BS!" + Hello. We are sorry to hear that you have been on hold for this long. We can assure you that we assist customers ... https://t.co/JT9OFb85AR, This seems like the only way I'm going to get anything done. I'm tired of being put off by PayPal. Three times I've receive different answer + Hello. We are sorry to hear that you have been on hold for this long. We can assure you that we assist customers ... https://t.co/JT9OFb85AR, I won't quietly DM you so that you save face. PayPal simply HAS to do better if they're going to be linked to companies like + Hello. We are sorry to hear that you have been on hold for this long. We can assure you that we assist customers ... https://t.co/JT9OFb85AR, And this was after I'd been twice before told it COULD be done! + Hello. We are sorry to hear that you have been on hold for this long. We can assure you that we assist customers ... https://t.co/JT9OFb85AR, It's like no one knows what they're doing. And THEN I'm put on hold indefinitely. Why does no one have a consistent answer? + Hi there! Our sincerest apologies for inconvenience this has caused you. In order to assist you with your concern... https://t.co/JT9OFb85AR, I'll probably get a response faster via email as opposed to the HORRIBLE phone support. + I completely understand. You can email our agents at __email__. ^HZ, See? Able to talk to me and assist without using face-saving DM... +" Hey! Send me a DM with some more details, a screenshot of the transaction details, and your PP email. I'm happy to help you, Alice! ^MB", DM'd :) +" Hello Sam, sorry to hear about this issue. To look into this, please send us a DM with a screenshot of the issue and your PayPal email. ^DC", It got fixed this morning +" Hi there, I'm sorry about this. Please send me a DM with your account email address and country of residence. I'm happy to help! :) ^JMR", Thanks man. I've sent a DM. +" Hello, +I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble receiving money. Please send me a DM with your PayPal email ... https://t.co/yyygXc8xaO"," Sent a dm already, please attend to this ASAP it’s been 3days there about now" +" Hello there, we're just checking in to see if you had any further questions or concerns. We'd be happy to help! ^AH"," Don't worry about it. We will let the small claims court handle it. PayPal have cost me enough money, time they're held accountable for it." + Thanks for reaching out. Please send a DM with a screenshot of the issue you are running into. I'd be happy to help with this. ^IN," I have, thankyou!" +" Hallo, sorry zu hören. Was genau ist denn los? Wenn du magst, sende uns gern weitere Details dazu via DM. ^WD", Hab ich +" Hi, We would require legal documentation to verify the name change on your PayPal Account. If you need any furthe... https://t.co/nPtnYUadSW"," I haven't heard back yet, but I'm wondering why I have to supply legal documentation to have Paypal use my prefered name, rather than the name I was born with? I don't answer to my birthname, why should I be forced to use it on Paypal?" +" Bonjour à vous, merci de nous expliquer votre demande en privé. Ça nous fera plaisir de vous aider. N'hésitez pas... https://t.co/QpMlhqeRDS", Merci je vous ai répondue. + Hola. Por favor envíanos un DM para poderte asistir de forma personalizada. ^LS https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Si no respondes + Hey there! We have responded to your DM. Please check it as soon as you can! ^IT, Thanks! I've sent a response back via DM. +" Bonjour à vous, merci de nous avoir contactés :). PayPal ne vous oblige jamais à fournir votre pièce d'identité p... https://t.co/CM6N0BtKFu"," Merci. C’est bien ça, mais certains vendeurs comme les #galeriesLafayette l’impose sans vergogne et #SAV" + Sorry for the frustration with our holds policy. Please follow and DM me your PayPal email and situation so I can... https://t.co/FRoN4nY6Ql, check your DM because this needs to be sorted ASAP ‼️‼️ + Hi there! I'm sorry you've run into a poor experience with our service. Feel free to send us a DM if you would still like assistance! We'd be happy to help! ^SML, After charging so much amount you are saying sorry ? Really your support team is terrible. I would give Minus star +" Aún no hemos recibido tu mensaje directo. Si necesitas ayuda, estamos disponibles en DM. Buen día. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Ni lo vais a recibir. Como te decía, el caso está abierto en mis mensajes, en ""ayuda"", de mi pre-ex-cuenta de PayPal y ya fue atendido." +" Hola, de antemano lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Envíanos un mensaje directo para poder asistirte. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Ya llevo días con una consulta abierta sobre este tema en mi futura ex-cuenta de PayPal. Gracias por hacer tu trabajo como CM. +" Hi there! Since you are in a different country, you would need to close your French account and create one regist... https://t.co/zzXXsLfudG"," Really!? That's so totally annoying, especially since the interface is in German now. Come on guys, it's just a phone number…" +" Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I apologize for the delay, but have now sent you a message with mor... https://t.co/FTCTceHHK5", Thank you - have replied back. + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of... https://t.co/KA3biSWm9z, Thanks + Hello Ben- I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble setting up a business account. Please send me a DM with ... https://t.co/wtlR7VgqgX, I'm I going to get help? +" Thank you for all your patience! I've just responded to your DM, please check your inbox at your earliest convenience. ^KT", DM +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out to PayPal. I'd be happy to help. Please send me your PayPal email & the countr... https://t.co/g8F2ndhTw2", thank you for the reply but i done it now thank you +" Hey there, I'd be happy to help you with your issue. Please send me your PayPal email & a brief description of your issue. ^SE", I sent you a DM. +" Hi there, thank you for reaching out! We do offer 2 Factor Authentication through SMS as well as other participat... https://t.co/VFi3H9NiSy"," I mean core PayPal, not Braintree. Looks like SMS is the only option. Is that right?" +" Thank you for your response. You are correct. At this time, we only offer SMS but we appreciate your feedback. ^AC", Bummer. SMS isn't secure enough. I hope y'all do better - this is my money. +" Hey Diane. If you could DM me a screenshot of the scam you're seeing, I'd be happy to verify this for you. Thanks... https://t.co/s8zfvARhsR", Thanks but I don't know how to DM and can't do screen shot as ad seems to have disappeared. I can send you a confirmation of your invoice +" Hi there, thank you for reaching out! Did you receive an email from this address? Please DM us with your PayPal e... https://t.co/q9m0S0MaCH", https://t.co/7oDUgZWJYM +" Hi there, thank you for reaching out! Did you receive an email from this address? Please DM us with your PayPal e... https://t.co/q9m0S0MaCH", Please I want to close the final PayPal account +" Hallo, sorry zu hören, dass du Schwierigkeiten mit der Kreditkarte hast. Was genau versuchst du denn zu tun? Du k... https://t.co/KhJ0UONjvV"," Nur Adresse ändern, es kam aber die CC kann nicht genutzt werden oder so. Gleichesals ich sie neu anlegen wollte. Das System ist schrott" +" Oh, wie ärgerlich. Wenn ich dich richtig verstanden habe, hast du bereits versucht, die Karte zu löschen und danach erneut hinzuzufügen? ^WD", Zum hinzufügen von Bankkonto sollen IBAN 3-8 & Bankleitzahl 8 Ziffern eingegeben. Das ist nicht möglich oder verstehe ich was falsch? +" Oh, wie ärgerlich. Wenn ich dich richtig verstanden habe, hast du bereits versucht, die Karte zu löschen und danach erneut hinzuzufügen? ^WD"," Genau, hab's aber jetzt wieder versucht & es hat geklappt. Da hatte sich wohl was verschluckt. Trotzdem die Bankkonto Angaben sind quatsch" +" Wenn du auf ""IBAN eingeben"" klickst, bekommst du die Eingabemaske für die komplette IBAN angezeigt. ^WD https://t.co/fY6xbAVh39"," Alles klar, ist mir leider nicht aufgefallen. Danke für den Tipp, ich probiere es gleich aus." +" Hi! If you need assistance with anything, DM us with your PayPal email and a description of the issue. I'm happy to help. Thanks! ^ES", Lmao 😂 + Hello. If there is a problem with making a payment using your PayPal account please send us a DM and we will be happy to assist you. ^NK," Only CC, no PayPal on checkout. https://t.co/Zf1sbo1jXN" +" We apologize about the confusion. We would be happy to help, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^CRF https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," I Did that now - your exchange rate was 10 times higher than it should be, seller got what I bought for $8 , I was withdrawn 428 DKR ☹️" + Hi there! We're happy to know you are interested in our services. PayPal currently does not offer their services ... https://t.co/6ClV4TjROG," Purchases less than $ 99 are executed +Purchases over $ 99 payments are suspended +Why ? How can I buy iPhone?😡" +" Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! Unfortunately, we cannot confirm or deny this yet until PayPal rolls out an... https://t.co/zhJceO4346"," Purchases less than $ 99 are executed +Purchases over $ 99 payments are suspended +Why ? How can I buy iPhone?" + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! We are very sorry to hear that you had a negative customer service experien... https://t.co/CLXXOysGCL, Thanks refund has been sorted now. Shame normal refund appeal procedure didn't work properly. We had to call up as refund wasn't processed +" Hi Julia, sorry to hear about that experience with our resolution center. Please send us a DM with more informati... https://t.co/x9ujsJ7MCp", The DM was sent but your lack of response is part of my issues with your customer service units. +" Hello. I apologize for inconvenience you're experiencing. If you could send me your PayPal email and country, I'd... https://t.co/bJPvx0IWgj"," how about your ""get back to you as soon as possible"". already a week has passed." +" I am sorry for this trouble you are having with your refund. When you can, please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA", I’ve just sent you a DM. Thank you +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. We look over documents in the order they are received and will process y... https://t.co/TWeQ43qTCe"," So are you 2 years behind then? Because my initial request was 2 years ago, and the second last month?!" + Hey. I'm sorry for the inconvenience you're experiencing. If could DM me with your PayPal email and screenshots o... https://t.co/9SngHt3QTt, It's fine. 'Buyer' says a person with autism got a hold of their credit card & started buying stuff. Don't mind the return but not my fault. +" Hi, I'm sorry to hear that this occurred! :( Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what'... https://t.co/FoiigazMDH"," All good now, refund has been processed. Only wished they did this without a dispute being raised. Its poor management." +" Hello Charles, I understand how important it is to get a transaction cancelled that was sent to the wrong number.... https://t.co/nyZt3IGsYX", I was buying orange airtime through Mpesa via paybill no. 220220 hence I provided the ref no. LJK6RW9WUG for reversal +" Hello, I understand how upsetting it can be to have an unauthorized charge on your account. If it is found that t... https://t.co/DIQ7UMYnhW"," Problem is, I think I was decieved into giving my AUTH. I didn't intent to purchase a plan." +" I'm sorry to hear this happened. Have you already opened a case for it through PayPal? If not, we could help if you send us a DM ^SML"," Yes I have opened a case. But the resolution date is sometime in Dec., I need my money back sooner than that. I will DM you with the deets" +" Hello there, Ingrid. We are sorry to hear about your experience. If you require further assistance please send us... https://t.co/MLYiEsnIRx"," No thanks, I managed to edit one faulty URL, so could continue. It may be your mails to people located in Germany specifically. Check it 👍" +" Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this. Please send me a DM with your email address, and any screenshots that may be helpful. Thanks! ^JMR", It's been resolved. Thank you! + We're sorry to hear that you've been having difficulty in getting the answers you need regarding your account. If... https://t.co/YMBgoLDCJH, BBB isn't gonna help we all have tried that. You have to fight PayPal with fire. That's the only thing they understand. The gloves are off +" Hello there, we are sorry to hear about your situation. Please send us a DM with a screenshot of the transaction.... https://t.co/bNspHWRWGg", I have sent a DM. + Hey there. I am sorry to hear about this issue. The time that it takes for the funds to be withdrawn is based off... https://t.co/4RTmVWFClE, It took about 24hrs in the end. I guess your warning was a worst case scenario? + Hey there. I am sorry to hear about this issue. The time that it takes for the funds to be withdrawn is based off... https://t.co/4RTmVWFClE," But I feel obliged to point out, bitcoin transactions usually happen in less than an hour, so blockchains obviously are better" + Hey there. I am sorry to hear about this issue. The time that it takes for the funds to be withdrawn is based off... https://t.co/4RTmVWFClE," you could be right. I added another account, , and the money arrived in under three hours this time. Odd!" + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! If you have experienced a problem trying to make a payment using your PayPa... https://t.co/RxZy4q7yPx," It's been corrected I just sent a check to PayPal. Just a hassle, but love you. https://t.co/RsRTgmERMv" + Hello! I'm sorry to hear about this issue logging in. Please give us a call so that a phone agent can help you re... https://t.co/Eam2ynPyXZ, That's another issue. Im here in the Philippines and i dont have access to call international numbers.. +" Hi there. If you believe your are receiving messages from scammers, please forward this to __email__. Than... https://t.co/bcBKF3mk1Y","I suppose it could have been better if you, , had posted “believe [you] are receiving” instead." + Hello Joanalee! I'm sorry to hear about these issues! Please DM me with some more details so that I can further assess this situation. ^GH, I live in Puerto Rico and they are holding my money. I literally have nothing. They have even went so far as to accuse me of being a fraud. + We're truly sorry to hear this and thank you for the DM. Please be sure to include your email address and more ab... https://t.co/4Z3nd0PQJC, __email__ + I am sorry for this email. Please send it to __email__ and we can take care of it. DM me and I can help yo... https://t.co/CPrqhLLMCX," No need to apologise guys, just wanted to let y'all know the email 😉👍 I'll forward it to the email you said when I get on laptop later 😀" + Hi - Please DM us with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the hold you are referring to so that we can help you further? ^NEM, It’s been taken care of. I didn’t realize it would take you guys so longer to respond to a tweet. + Estamos aqui pra garantir que compradores e vendedores façam suas transações com toda a segurança. Nosso time est... https://t.co/gW82Ts45vs, Paypal é furada! + Estamos aqui pra garantir que compradores e vendedores façam suas transações com toda a segurança. Nosso time est... https://t.co/gW82Ts45vs," Mas nao garantiram a minha. Abri algumas disputas e tinha razão, mas preferiram me bloquear." +" Hi! I'm sorry to hear that this is going on. Please DM me with some more details about this situation, and screenshots if possible! ^GH"," Until now +My problem has not been resolved" + Hello. I'm very sorry for the delay :( . If you could DM me with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the error ... https://t.co/gpTEh2J702, I’ve replied to the dm please fix soon +" Hi! I'm very sorry to hear about the hold time. I know these are annoying. I've responded to your DM, and thanks for your patience. ^ES", all My payments are pending 6 days 😠 +" Hi! I'm very sorry to hear about the hold time. I know these are annoying. I've responded to your DM, and thanks for your patience. ^ES", all My payments are pending why 6 days +" Hi! I'm very sorry to hear about the hold time. I know these are annoying. I've responded to your DM, and thanks for your patience. ^ES", Bit late now +" Hi, I'm sorry to hear that this occurred! :( Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what'... https://t.co/cRDcRrgfOU"," I already did, you say you will ask to someone else. Then nobody answered anymore. How can I contact with paypal (DM is not working)? Thanks" +" Bonjour à vous, il est possible d'envoyer de l'argent depuis un compte PayPal sénégalais vers un compte PayPal f... https://t.co/GRmkPbMwLQ", OK merci +" Bonjour à vous, il est possible d'envoyer de l'argent depuis un compte PayPal sénégalais vers un compte PayPal f... https://t.co/GRmkPbMwLQ", please check dm +" Hey there! I truly apologize for the inconvenience. However, we would be more than happy to help you. Send us a D... https://t.co/r83LV9tGAO", This how garbage your service is. I tweeted at you over 2 days ago. Pay Pal is garbage + Hey there! Sorry to hear that. Would you mind sending us a DM with a screenshot of the payment and the country yo... https://t.co/IFyvH8gzoS, Hi there. All sorted now. Had to use the website though. Seems cancelling payments on the Android app is not possible. +" Hello, thank you for contacting PayPal customer support. If you are having issues with your PayPal account please... https://t.co/AjLVDCAj24", Thanks Robotro! +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? I'm... https://t.co/mv972HfhRl", unfortunately the length of the can't be shared on twitter +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? I'm... https://t.co/mv972HfhRl"," + +Got a long mail from paypal" +" In a Direct Message you can post longer messages, also if you need to share an email please screenshot it. I will be glad to help! ^IVS", okay. I will do that right away + We appreciate your ideas and are always looking for ways to improve the customer experience. Please leave feedbac... https://t.co/0AUbdhNCog, Of course PayPal will still see but idk if I want the merchant as I have no idea who they are. + We appreciate your ideas and are always looking for ways to improve the customer experience. Please leave feedbac... https://t.co/0AUbdhNCog, So my idea is to block merchants from seeing the names of people. I buy things online and I’d like for people not to be able to see my name. +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's ha... https://t.co/g8CTrJWiHr", 2 phone calls to Paypal over this stuff 9 days of waiting. 2 hours on hold altogether just so I can pay 6 cents +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's ha... https://t.co/g8CTrJWiHr", since the call center is completely incompetent. If you can't I am going to try and find some other service to do business with. +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's ha... https://t.co/g8CTrJWiHr"," Ultimately I have been hung up on, passed around like a bowl at a homeless shelter and ignored. I really hope you can help me-" +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's ha... https://t.co/g8CTrJWiHr"," AND on top of that, I can't even work around the problem because both of my E-mails are associated with an existing account now." +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's ha... https://t.co/g8CTrJWiHr", and on top of that I can't even use the account I probably shouldn't have even bothered with in the first place +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's ha... https://t.co/g8CTrJWiHr", Now it just won't let me sign into it because its deleted and it won't let me use the E-mail it says its still in use. +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's ha... https://t.co/g8CTrJWiHr", Well I needed a business account so I deleted this one which is __email__ to remake it as a business one. +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's ha... https://t.co/g8CTrJWiHr", The second account I have had as a temporary account while Pay Pal went mad over 6 cents which I only didn't pay because 6 cents +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's ha... https://t.co/g8CTrJWiHr", that is the issue with account #1 which the email is __email__ +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's ha... https://t.co/g8CTrJWiHr", they said it would take 3 to 6 business days for it to unlock which is horse shit. Well its been 6 days and still no access +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's ha... https://t.co/g8CTrJWiHr"," ""I don't know why you where transferred here lemme transfer you"" so I finally after an hour got the right person and payed it off" +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's ha... https://t.co/g8CTrJWiHr", So I called the HORRIBLE helpline and after an hour of being on hold and three transfers from people saying +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's ha... https://t.co/g8CTrJWiHr", But I wanted access to it again. I guess I owed 6 cents on the account from 3 years ago and the account was locked. +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's ha... https://t.co/g8CTrJWiHr", Hi so I am having issues with my account well two of them actually. So the first one I haven't used in forever but +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's ha... https://t.co/g8CTrJWiHr", You have got to be f kidding me? I would litterally take about anything instead of at the moment. the hell? + Hello. We are sorry to hear that you such a negative experience calling in about this issue. We would be more tha... https://t.co/RaearBAfVO," please check my email and DM its been a long time , why you are not responsding, so poor customer support!!!" +" Guten Morgen, so ganz grundlos sperren wir an sich keine Konten. Du solltest aber in der Zwischenzeit eine E-Mail... https://t.co/G5QD4049qu"," Ich habe eine Email bekommen, die mir aber nicht hilft. Bei Konfliktlösung steht nichts außer das mit 180 Tage... Komme also nicht weiter" +" Hallo, hast du es denn schon telefonisch beim Kundensupport probiert? Wie schon von meiner Kollegin angemerkt, wi... https://t.co/G5QD4049qu", why i still didnt get any response???? +" Bonjour à vous, désolés d'apprendre que vous rencontriez un souci concernant un débit inconnu. Si vous remarquez ... https://t.co/4iCv5jO75h"," Je suis entrain de vous appeler, mais toujours en attente" + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Please send us a DM with some more details about this! ^GH, Sent +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes navrés d'apprendre que vous ne pouvez pas gérer les adresses de livraison. Voici un l... https://t.co/S8RCzFwTkz", Adresse principale oui. Et les adresses de livraison (adresses cadeau) cachées? Pourquoi ne pas en laisser la gestion à vos utilisateurs? +" En effet, vous pouvez gérer vous même les adresses cadeaux. Pour cela connectez vous à votre compte PayPal, ensui... https://t.co/S8RCzFwTkz"," Ceci montre l""Adresse principale, Adresse de facturation"". Pas les adresses cadeau (autres adresses entrées lors d'une commande) > CACHÉES." + Il va falloir dans votre cas de nous envoyer une demande par email nous autorisant à modifier ou à supprimer les adresses cadeaux. ^AG, C'est déjà fait merci :) Je repose la question : pourquoi ne pas laisser leur gestion à vos utilisateurs? Ou pourquoi n'y ai-je pas accès? +" We're sorry to hear you've had a poor experience, and we want to help. Please send us a DM with your email and details of the issue. ^TB https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Then please help. I’ve DM’ed but no response, sent another with more evidence of the issues." +" We're sorry to hear you've had a poor experience, and we want to help. Please send us a DM with your email and details of the issue. ^TB https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Ok give up bored of waiting, its midnight.Delighted you’re making huge profits & “Putting customers first in everything we do”" + Thanks! Please forward suspicious emails to __email__. You can read about spotting fake emails here: https://t.co/FM7r6d612J. :) ^ALF, Will do! Thankyou! + We're sorry to hear of the frustration. We'd love to hear details of the situation and see what options we have t... https://t.co/v146ml7lTo, Why do you tell a merchant they can refund then force chargebacks? So can earn $$ from companies that trust them #paypalruinslives + We're sorry to hear of the frustration. We'd love to hear details of the situation and see what options we have t... https://t.co/v146ml7lTo, asks 4 details & says 'sorry' thanks 4 the feedback #paypalruinslives #noresolve takes no responsibility for stealing and lieing +" Hi, sorry we kept you waiting. We'd be happy to assist if you'd like to DM your email address and the details of what is happening. ^IA", why no response to my email and to my DM? +" Guten Morgen, sorry, dass du etwas Probleme beim Zahlen hast. Hintergrund kann sein, dass noch Lastschriften bei ... https://t.co/wGyoABcVKh", Ahso aus diesem Grund klappt es nicht. Ne leider konnte ich die Zahlung nicht durchführen. Muss wohl auf eine andere Zahlungsart wechseln +" Hello, it seems you have an issue with a refund. Can you see the refund in your PayPal account? Is it still ""open... https://t.co/wKZLRpGhQF", REFUND MY MONEY RIGHT NOW!!!!! +" Hello, it seems you have an issue with a refund. Can you see the refund in your PayPal account? Is it still ""open... https://t.co/wKZLRpGhQF"," Why the hell is it that when I have to pay, you take my money immediately but when I am due a refund you take “up to 8days” what the hell??" +" Hello, it seems you have an issue with a refund. Can you see the refund in your PayPal account? Is it still ""open... https://t.co/wKZLRpGhQF", I AM BEYOND UPSET. I DEMAND MY MONEY NOW. IF ANYONE IS READING THIS AND THINKING ABOUT SIGNING UP WITH PAYPAL. FORGET IT. YOU’LL BE SCREWED + Actually when you pay something with PayPal we don’t receive immediately your money. It will be taken from your b... https://t.co/wKZLRpGhQF, AND THEN IF COURSE THE SAFEST THING IS TO IGNORE YOUR CUSTOMERS. + Actually when you pay something with PayPal we don’t receive immediately your money. It will be taken from your b... https://t.co/wKZLRpGhQF, WELL PUT IT BACK RIGHT NOW DAMN IT. + Actually when you pay something with PayPal we don’t receive immediately your money. It will be taken from your b... https://t.co/wKZLRpGhQF, I AM TIRED OF EXCUSES I NEED MY MONEY REFUND NOW I AM STRANDED IN MADRID I NEED TO BUY A BUS TICKED AND YOU HAVE TIED UP ALL MY MONEY. + Actually when you pay something with PayPal we don’t receive immediately your money. It will be taken from your b... https://t.co/wKZLRpGhQF, ALL I GET FROM YOU PEOPLE IS STUPID EXCUSES AND RUN AROUND STUPID ANSWERS. IS THIS HOW YOU TREAT YOUR CUSTOMERS??? ITS DISGUSTING. +" It’s not an excuse. That are, as I already mentioned, internal bank timeframes. I can understand that you are ups... https://t.co/wKZLRpGhQF", Then it’s magic that my money disappears instantly but takes 8 freaking days to put back. Google wallet is instant in both directions + We apologize for the delay. Please check your DMs for an update! ^AP, How can I change the date of birth of a wrong event +" Hey Vitalik, if you could send us a Direct Message with your PayPal registered email address. I would also ask yo... https://t.co/Byfvhps7dP", please i need response. + I am sorry for this trouble with your unauthorized payment. Please DM me and I will be here to help you. ^GA," Yoooohooooo! DM'd you. Still waiting for you to ""be here.""" +" Hey. Sorry for the delay. If you could provide me with your PayPal email and more details regarding your issue, I... https://t.co/clbR1k2SK8", please response to my DM and email +" Hey. Sorry for the delay. If you could provide me with your PayPal email and more details regarding your issue, I... https://t.co/clbR1k2SK8", I'll dm you +" I'm very sorry for the inconvenience! I just responded to your DM, so kindly check your messages when you have a chance. Thanks! :) ^ALF", please response to my DM and email +" Thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, there is not currently a way to change this setting within the app. Th... https://t.co/N8oirBne3M", Can you all make it so date and time are independent of account location or just code it to be part of a user’s computer settings? + Hello Tony. I'm very sorry to hear about this :( . If you could DM me with your PayPal email and perhaps screensh... https://t.co/0z7G6nNvOs, please response to my DM and email +" Because appearances can be deceiving, we want out spoof team to check the background coding to verify if it is co... https://t.co/1BHYHZ17WH", Right ok no prob + Hi there! I would forward the email to __email__ just to be sure. :) If you have any further questions ple... https://t.co/1BHYHZ17WH, Can you not tell me whether it is genuine or not though? +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out to PayPal. Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and the country your account is registered in. ^SE", Sent ! Thanks. +" Hello there! I know that this situation can be concerning, but please send us a DM with more details and I'll be happy to help! :) ^SB", DM sent +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. At this time this is how our system is designed, though thank you for th... https://t.co/pJj70s2SwL"," Okaaaay, but that's not the reason, that's the cause. Can you please explain?" +" Hello, I am sorry about any inconvenience this has caused. Here is how you can get to your notification preferenc... https://t.co/C34LRqQCbX"," The phone call was really bad, but even have to click over the ads every time I use PP is annoying. Considering switching to !!" + Hello- Thanks for reaching out. Here's a link regarding PayPal fees: https://t.co/ZfyJWUhJqP. If you need further... https://t.co/KvVG0F5fjj, Thank you for disclosed Paypal fees. +" Hi, I see how it's frustrating to have the wrong card charged. If you need help, feel free to DM us with your PayPal email. Thanks! ^ES", Hey remember that time you charged the wrong card without asking me and then failed to help me in anyway what so ever? That was fun! + We appreciate you bringing this to our attention! We'll certainly have this looked into on our end. In the meanti... https://t.co/jGpJTAdPPR, Okay thank you. + We're sorry for any frustration the hold has caused. It sounds like your experiencing Funds Availability holds. T... https://t.co/3chjiGUzna," I appreciate the reply and I can delete all of the tweets I’ve sent to get someone to reply, but I did what I was supposed to & id like my $" +" We can understand that. Just as an FYI, we respond to our customers in the order received. Sending Tweets at diff... https://t.co/3chjiHcaeI", Ugh + Did you need some additional help? We're more than happy to help out! Just send us a DM with the email address re... https://t.co/3chjiHcaeI, I sent a DM about an hour ago with my situation. Any help is appreciated. +" Hey there! Sorry to hear that. Rest assured, we would be happy to clarify. Please send us a DM with the email add... https://t.co/P1Z33BJOgo"," I just did DM you,please let me know asap Thanks in advance." +" Hi Miguel, thank you for bringing this to our attention. To take a look into this, please send us a DM with a scr... https://t.co/5OEhNop8rI", please check my dm. its 3 days and no response +" Hi Miguel, thank you for bringing this to our attention. To take a look into this, please send us a DM with a scr... https://t.co/5OEhNop8rI", Ok sent. Hope you don't send me anymore broken links. +" Sorry about any confusion regarding this matter. In these cases, contacting the seller is always the first option... https://t.co/yL7ndPg3Dk"," Hi, I have contacted the seller and they told me to open a case to get my refund. eBay sends me to you to do that, you send me to eBay!" +" Thanks for reaching out, the refund would depend on the funding source of the original purchase. Please send a DM... https://t.co/36WIcuugBv", please check dm + Hello. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you've been experiencing. Please go ahead and send us a DM and... https://t.co/IFHRmYNPuq, Can I get a response to my issue? It's been like 7 days since they said an account specialist will get back with you. + Hello. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you've been experiencing. Please go ahead and send us a DM and... https://t.co/IFHRmYNPuq, you just showed everyone that you are IGNORING LOL how is your customer service? lol #wtf #customerservice + Hi there! It doesn't look like an email from us. Please forward it to __email__ so our team can investigate further! ^SML, please check my DM to you. still no response +" Hello there, Jonah. We will be happy to help you. Please send us a DM with your email address and details of the ... https://t.co/38JX4g1Ooj"," wow, 8hours to get a response! Is that within your SLA???? #FAIL" + Sorry about that. Rest assured that we respond to our messages in the order they are received. If you still need ... https://t.co/38JX4g1Ooj, Nope. moved my account to the competition + Sorry about that. Rest assured that we respond to our messages in the order they are received. If you still need ... https://t.co/38JX4g1Ooj," please check my email and DM its been a long time ," +" Hi! Please DM me a screenshot so that I can take a look. Additionally, go ahead and forward the email to __email__. Thanks! ^JMR"," Hi, I've send the DM and will send an email. Thanx for your support!" +" Bonjour à vous, vous pouvez contacter notre Service clientèle par email ou par téléphone. Vous êtes invité à vous... https://t.co/nzA6Kf3cOO", why i still didnt get any response???? +" We've responded to your DM and look forward to working with you directly. Thank you for reaching out, and thank you for using PayPal. ^TB", where is the help? 👀👀👀👀👀 4 years for a simple change??? You people handle money... #trash #fraud #newyork #bank #smallbiz +" Bonjour à vous, vos remboursements sont effectués selon le mode de paiement utilisé. Si vous avez utilisé le comp... https://t.co/4zoN28FSxH"," Ok, merci pr la réponse. J'ai fait un règlement direct PayPal: marchandise non dispo dc rmbt. C'était le 17/10. Pkoi dois-je attendre 7/11 ?" +" Auf jeden Fall den negativen Kontostand begleichen. Gerne kannst du auch gleich etwas mehr Geld einzahlen, dann s... https://t.co/GugxHlScNw", Hä? Nun habt ihr das selbst noch einmal (automatisiert und erfolgreich) eingezogen. Wieso schreibt ihr mir hier was anderes?! o.O +" Manchmal kann es sein, dass unser System automatisch versucht nochmal den negativen Kontostand auszugleichen. Tut... https://t.co/GugxHlScNw"," Kein Ding. Man darf mal falsch liegen. Das Problem, dass ich sehe ist, dass das erneute Einziehen nicht im Vorhinein kommuniziert wurde." + Ich kann dich verstehen. Es ist allerdings ein automatisierter Prozess. Sofern dieser fehlschlägt sollten keine w... https://t.co/GugxHlScNw," Das mag ja sein, dass das automatisiert passiert. Aber dann schreibt das doch in die (erste) Mail. Oder ins Konto. >:-/" +" Hallo, es kann durchaus sein, dass zukünftig auch weitere Bezahlungen aufgrund der fehlerhaften Abbuchung nicht f... https://t.co/GugxHlScNw", Aha. Die Nachricht bekomme ich so aber nicht. Also erstmal das entstandenen Minus ausgleichen und weitersehen? Oder wie?! +" You are welcome, Sarah. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. If you ever receive a suspicious email you ... https://t.co/gJCpBQYyPQ", please check my email and DM +" Good eye, Sarah! That definitely isn't a PayPal email. You can go ahead and forward the email to __email__... https://t.co/gJCpBQYyPQ", Thank you!!! I was thinking it couldn’t be because I wasn’t notified about declining as everything has gone through each time 🙄😏 + Hello. We are sorry to hear that you have been on hold for this long. We can assure you that we assist customers ... https://t.co/SitTh43FAK," please check my email and DM its been a long time ," +" Hey there! I know how frustrating this situation can be, so please feel free to send us a DM with more details an... https://t.co/IP03mBPhxE"," please check my email and DM its been a long time , why you are not responsding," +" Hi Anthony. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you could please send us a DM, we'd be glad to take a look into this issue for you. ^MN", please response to my DM and email +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have... https://t.co/nQokiXiFM0", I just sent u +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have... https://t.co/nQokiXiFM0"," I already did, plz check and do the needful as I have a lot of items to pay for" +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have... https://t.co/nQokiXiFM0", Your company sucks + Sorry about any trouble regarding this matter. To better assist you please send us a DM with a screenshot of the ... https://t.co/9uoPqP4N7L, I've sent you a DM with the details. +" Hey there! That definitely sounds concerning, Neil. Could you please send us a DM along with your PayPal email address? Thanks! ^ACT", Hi. Managed to sort out the issue. Rang this morning. Thanks +" I'm sorry to hear of any frustration, Scott. Please send a DM with your PayPal email address and screenshots/details of the issue. ^IN"," I can't access my acct as it's connected to my old phone number from 2 years ago, CANNOT make contact with anyone. I'll send DM." +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have... https://t.co/zyugnr8y2Q"," Unfortunately it happens often, specially with international businesses dealing with not basic corporate structures. Will DM" + Hi Rebecca. Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you. We're also very sorry to hear you'... https://t.co/KgLassX6m8," please check my email and DM its been a long time , why you are not responsding, so poor customer support!!!" +" When we say anywhere up to 7 business days, this is a range and would include any time frame lower than this whic... https://t.co/X8KyUTtoRC"," please check my email and DM its been a long time , why you are not responsding, so poor customer support!!!" +" Hello! Generally, withdrawals can take anywhere up to 7 business days to process through to your bank account. If... https://t.co/X8KyUTtoRC", So why does it take less time to go from PayPal to my bank account? +" Hello! Generally, withdrawals can take anywhere up to 7 business days to process through to your bank account. If... https://t.co/X8KyUTtoRC"," please check my email and DM its been a long time , why you are not responsding," +" Hello, I'm so sorry for the delayed response and to hear about your recent experience. Please send me a Direct M... https://t.co/jzW5coSlNy"," please check my email and DM its been a long time , why you are not responsding, so poor customer support!!!" +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out to PayPal. I'd be happy to help you out. In order for me to do so, I ask that ... https://t.co/NabwuphjMP"," please check my email and DM its been a long time , why you are not responsding, so poor customer support!!!" +" Hello, I am sorry this has happened. Please DM us with your PayPal email and details about this unauthorized tran... https://t.co/UAguCfFOxf"," please check my email and DM its been a long time , why you are not responsding, so poor customer support!!!" +" Hallo, wenn du diese Meldung bekommen hast, dann wurde uns der Einzug verweigert. Manchmal lehnt auch die Hausban... https://t.co/U0hbZzV03e"," Nein es hat bis jetzt immer ohne Probleme funktioniert, auch wenn noch Daueraufträge kommen. Ich finds lächerlich, dass ich 3€ extra (1/2)" + Hola estamos disponible en DM si necesitas de nuestra ayuda. Gracias ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Muchas gracias primeramente lo checare con porque considero que ellos me den solución ya que se está cobrando la suscripción +" Bonjour à vous, si votre transfert d'argent est toujours en attente, il se peut que la transaction soit en cours ... https://t.co/ERc8Nnp7wi", REPLY TO ME +" Bonjour à vous, si votre transfert d'argent est toujours en attente, il se peut que la transaction soit en cours ... https://t.co/ERc8Nnp7wi", Pourtant j'ai déjà été prélevé sur mon compte le 24 octobre. + Hello we are sorry to hear about this issue and we would be happy to help. Please send us a DM with your PayPal e... https://t.co/0LxnutM5nq, .Well I guess you know the problem with the outrageous exchangs rates from $ - DKK froom 18the. Still havent seen any corporate info on that + Hello there! Could you please send us a DM along with your PayPal email address? We'd be happy to help you there. Thanks! ^ACT," Thanks, done." +" Hallo, sorry, dass die Zahlung nicht durchgegangen ist. Was ist denn der aktuelle Stand? Hast du es alternativ sc... https://t.co/mTu57sRR1N"," Ok, jetzt hat es funktioniert. Keine Ahnung, woran es jetzt gelegen hatte." +" Hola. SI tuviste problemas con el producto que recibiste, puedes abrir una reclamación siguiendo los pasos indica... https://t.co/WrhYF14fD9"," Desde 2009 estoy en , he descubierto que estoy absolutamente indefensa." + Hi there! In order to better assist you please send us the screenshot in a DM with your PayPal email address and ... https://t.co/1ar6KtubdH, All I was wanting was a simple yes or no.... I use my account regularly so don’t see why my account would be limited. + Hi! This certainly doesn't sound like the kind of experience PayPal wants for customers! We'd be happy to help... https://t.co/HhUiLK5YFy," no disrespect to you and I am glad paypal have replied to sort it, they don’t bother with the average client I avoid if poss" + Hey there! I'm sorry for the delay. Please send me a DM with more information on this refund and I will be more t... https://t.co/t0XsHoaiig, Done +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of what you're seeing? :) Thanks! ^EHMB", done! + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! We're sorry to hear you are having trouble accessing your account. This is ... https://t.co/AMzzuztEMA," Ok, I shall do that. Thank you!" +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Podemos ver que tu mensaje privado ha sido respondido. Si necesitas algo más, envíanos un DM, buen día ^DG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Ya hable y siguen sin arreglarlo.. +" Hey there, sorry for the delay! If you could please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot ... https://t.co/EyesyBaapF", Have sent you a dm with screen shot . + Hello and thank you for reaching out. I am sorry to hear about those issues you've encountered and would love to ... https://t.co/N5O5zCMsCK, Please provide some kind of medium (email or whatever) so that I can share the whole thing... Thanks! + Hello and thank you for reaching out. I am sorry to hear about those issues you've encountered and would love to ... https://t.co/N5O5zCMsCK, I figured out something that can bypass the mobile verification process simply! I can't say all the things with limited words... +" Hi there! In order to help you get this resolved please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country ... https://t.co/rkIdqZnG7K", Thank you but it’s been resolved now. +" When you can, please delete these screenshots and send them to me through DM. This way we can keep your info private. Thank you! ^GA"," Will do, thanks" +" Hello, I understand how upsetting it can be to not have your call answered in a timely manner. Proving you with e... https://t.co/3Y5UKLj0MN", Ty but I waited for the callback and issue was resolved +" Hi Nanette - I'm sorry to hear about your negative experience with us. :( If you're still in need of help, feel free to DM us. ^KK", Thanks. Finally got a woman who was able to help. +" Thank you for reaching out! I apologize for this inconvenience, but please send us a DM regarding this issue. Fro... https://t.co/ud4r5Sh5rc", Well I’ve called many times from abroad and been referred to your external contract invigilators who have not yet come up with a solution +" Thank you for reaching out! I apologize for this inconvenience, but please send us a DM regarding this issue. Fro... https://t.co/ud4r5Sh5rc", All details are already in your DM the thread is there + It typically takes 24-72 hours for a credit to be applied to a balance. It should show by now. Please send a DM if still an issue. :) ^TB," Thank you! Another issue, it didn’t update my payment due, still shows £130 on 17th November even after paying £100 into it" + We have responded to your dm. Please check your messages., LMAOOOOO THIS WAS 9 DAYS AGO YOU RETARDS +" Buen día, uno de nuestros asesores estará atendiendo tu DM. Gracias por tu paciencia. ^J ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", it's been 4 days and yet I haven't got any help! My money was supposed to be eligible for early release on Oct 16 & nothing help? + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out. I replied to your DM. ^AAR, it's been 4 days and yet I haven't got any help! My money was supposed to be eligible for early release on Oct 16 & nothing help? + Hello - I am sorry about the delay with resolving your issue. Please send a DM with your PayPal email and further clarification. ^CRF https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," Hi, turns out this is a bug in a PayPal system - your ticket # is CSTS2434. Website payments are showing to customers as 'eBay payments'." +" Hi Richard, great question. Personal payments typically complete instantly but payments for goods and services ma... https://t.co/RPGdEH1VcH"," How about you get back to me, for real." +" Hi, I'm sorry to hear that this occurred! :( Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what'... https://t.co/DkAlCJp29e", It's working properly now. I think your site was just temporarily down. +" Hi, sorry to hear about that transaction Kelli. You are completely protected from transactions like this. Please ... https://t.co/jA1yq4fUEX", Thank you +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of what you're seeing? :) Thanks! ^EHMB"," Solved! thank you for responding, thanks for the good service" +" Hello! So sorry to hear that. For further assistance with your PayPal account, please send us a DM. ^GR", I did that weeks ago and still had no reply from Paypal. I have now raised a formal complaint and not heard anything from that either. My income has been locked away for nearly a month by Paypal. The account is in my name. +" Hey there, deeply sorry to hear about the current situation. :( Please note that we have recently responded to your most-recent DM sent, so whenever possible, please double-check the messages sent to have this issue resolved. Thanks! ^AI"," Unfortunately it is impossible to do what the message told me (attached). Paypal won't let me transfer any of my money out, spend it, or close the account. That is my whole problem. https://t.co/KCtQYefBku" +" Hi Hugh, thank you for reaching out to us and sorry about any inconvenience. To better assist you please send us a DM with a screenshot of the refund you are referring to and your PayPal email. We will do our best to help! ^DC", Are you going to repond to my DM? + You're definitely right about that. This matter has our full attention. ^RJM," Well you're certainly doing more about him on your service than is doing about him on theirs. And don't even get me started about this guy on , they actually enable his behaviour by giving him a platform to promote his support of pedophilia. 🤬" + You're definitely right about that. This matter has our full attention. ^RJM," Went and checked Amos Yee's PayPal link, and I see you've taken it down, thank you for taking swift action against him! Definitely doing more to help the situation than and ! Amos Yee is promoting pedophilia, but good to know that won't tolerate it! 😀" + We assure you that we will look into this matter and take all appropriate actions. Thank you for reaching out to us and bringing this to our attention. ^RJM," Please do, you have NO idea how many videos are being made about that piece of shit on YouTube about how he's supporting pedophilia. He links DIRECTLY to your service on his videos, I don't think you want PayPal represented like that." + Hi there! My sincerest apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you. Please send in a DM regarding your co... https://t.co/xHBALUEoKN, Someone replied to a complaint via the online message centre and has sorted it now. Thanks + Hi! I see how this is concerning. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of your recent PayPal activity? Thank you. ^ES," All sorted! Appeared today as a deficit in PayPal, so I've pulled the cash over." + Thank you for bringing this to our attention. What happens when you attempt to forward the email? For further ass... https://t.co/mo4Y9G6hew," Thank you for the reply. I forward the message, the “send” in top right corner greys out so I cant send it to you." + Hello. Could you please DM us with screenshots of what you're seeing when you try to send that email? Thanks! ^FM, Have sent via DM. +" Hello! Sorry for the delayed response. If you're still experiencing this issue, please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK"," Not only is this still happening, but I'm not the only person experiencing this issue. Fix it IMMEDIATELY. https://t.co/Hd9Jtnj6QR" + Hey there! If you move to a different country you will need to open up a new PayPal account in that country. :) ^HYC https://t.co/xl6AKYTqxJ," Cool, thanks. I'll let me friend know." +" Hello, thanks for reaching out. A goods and services payment for tickets should be covered under our policy. ^IN", Even if I buy from a person (reseller with no license) and not from a second market company? Thank you for answering + I'm sorry to hear about your poor experience with our system. Have you tried opening a dispute through PayPal? Yo... https://t.co/LCXQkTdeGw," No I haven't, I was hoping an email to PayPal would work, I'm signed in to twitter, now you want me to sign in to PayPal through twitter" + I'm sorry to hear about your poor experience with our system. Have you tried opening a dispute through PayPal? Yo... https://t.co/LCXQkTdeGw," Excuse me for being thick, but this is exactly my point about not being user friendly. Why not reply to my message In pp saying you can help" + Unfortunately we can't access your PayPal account to send you any messages when you contact us through Twitter fo... https://t.co/LCXQkTdeGw," Off to bed, will continue tomorrow. I would prefer to sign into my PayPal account." +" Hi Richard! I'm sorry to hear you ran into this. If you'd like any help with us here, feel free to send us a DM! ^SML", I would like help but the PayPal system is so convoluted and user unfriendly it discourages seeking assistance. 1/2 +" I am sorry to hear about your previous experience. If you still need help, please send me a DM with your PayPal e... https://t.co/FpvYrgcLn0", you are strangling my cash flow. Causing relationship problems with suppliers. And getting me bank charges. Painful + Hi Darren! We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. Please send us a DM regarding your c... https://t.co/FpvYrgcLn0," And now. Finally funds are available, not transferring into my bank. Yet you pay eBay/ Facebook immediately :( :(" + Hi Darren! We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. Please send us a DM regarding your c... https://t.co/FpvYrgcLn0, I'll d.m what do you need to know ? +" Sure, if you can please let us know what seems to be the issue with your payments. And also include your PayPal e... https://t.co/FpvYrgcLn0"," Having my money on hold. Then once cleared, 3 days to reach my bank is my ""issue"" cash flow nightmare" +" I am sorry to hear about this. For any fake emails that you receive, you can forward them to __email__ and... https://t.co/gFWFYBE2OW", I don't have paypal +" I see, I'm sorry for the trouble this may have caused. I'll submit this feedback as well so we can look into improving the service! ^SML", ok you da best :) +" I'm sorry to hear you feel this way! I've submitted the feedback. If you want help here, feel free to send us a DM! ^SML", It's really just the fact that I had to personally reach out to a person who I sent funds to accidentally. +" I am sorry to hear about the problems you are having with your account. If you want some help, please just send m... https://t.co/GisvZwrWMS", Over 2 days since I DM. Still not so much as an acknowledgement #PayPalCrap #PayPalCon +" I am sorry to hear about the problems you are having with your account. If you want some help, please just send m... https://t.co/GisvZwrWMS", I replied 4 hours ago and still haven't had so much as an acknowledgement. #PayPalCon #PayPalCrap +" I am sorry to hear about the problems you are having with your account. If you want some help, please just send m... https://t.co/GisvZwrWMS", JUST SPOKEN 2 UNHELPFUL PERSON EVER!I'VE BEEN A CUSTOMER 14 YEARS!U CAN ACCESS UK PASSPORT AGENCY DATABASE. HOW?HOW THAT'S LAWFUL. +" I am sorry to hear about the problems you are having with your account. If you want some help, please just send m... https://t.co/GisvZwrWMS", I replied eight and a half hours ago (8.5) and still haven't had so much as an acknowledgement #PayPalCrap #PayPalCon +" I am sorry to hear about the problems you are having with your account. If you want some help, please just send m... https://t.co/GisvZwrWMS", I replied 7 (SEVEN) hours ago and still haven't had so much as an acknowledgement #PayPalCrap #PayPalCon + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response! ^LAR," Thanks! DM sent, thanks in advance :)" +" Hi Lukas, thank you for reaching out to us and sorry about any inconvenience. Transfers usually take 3-5 business... https://t.co/hXy7H6cr7X", Once my bank verifies will the money deposit in? It said it deposited but I still haven’t received the two deposits form you guy to verify +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez nous faire part de votre expérience. Merci de no... https://t.co/XohcoqETos", Pourquoi ne pas dire publiquement que vous vous êtes fait piraté les mots de passe de nos comptes ? Mon affaire concerne 68000 dogecoin +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez nous faire part de votre expérience. Merci de no... https://t.co/XohcoqETos"," J reviendrais jamais sur PayPal et ebay les comptes ne sont plus sécurisés , profitez bien de l'argent volé c vous qui avez clos le dossier" +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez nous faire part de votre expérience. Merci de no... https://t.co/XohcoqETos"," Je vais pas vous expliquer 1000x mon problème , il est évident que et ne sont plus sécurisés , 150euros de volés c deja trop" +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez nous faire part de votre expérience. Merci de no... https://t.co/XohcoqETos"," Et même si vous me remboursez je ne suis pas un cas isolé , des centaines de gens parlent de cas similaires , des millions de compte piratés" +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez nous faire part de votre expérience. Merci de no... https://t.co/XohcoqETos"," Le seul moyen de me faire revenir et redonner confiance en ebay et PayPal serait que vous utilisiez le système blockchain, renseignez vous" +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez nous faire part de votre expérience. Merci de no... https://t.co/XohcoqETos"," Si seulement vous aviez le système blockchain ca ne serait pas arrivé ,et mon vol a été vérifié par des milliers d'ordinateurs, #AidonsNous" +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez nous faire part de votre expérience. Merci de no... https://t.co/XohcoqETos"," Je n'ai aucune idée 💡 d'où viens vos failles de sécurités mais vu ce qui m'est arrivé il y en a , et sur ebay aussi , pensez à la blockchain" +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez nous faire part de votre expérience. Merci de no... https://t.co/XohcoqETos", Nos mots de passe sont compromis sur votre site et sur ebay >> compte supprimés >> confiance = 0 +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez nous faire part de votre expérience. Merci de no... https://t.co/XohcoqETos"," Quand on se fait escroquer plus de 150euros par vos services et que vous remboursez pas , la confiance est morte . #BoycottPaypal" + Nous comprenons votre déception et nous vous assurons de toute notre compréhension face à votre mécontentement. P... https://t.co/XohcoqETos," Je comprend votre réponse ! La j'ai trop d'émotion 10 ans que j'avais pas vu ma famille , vous avez toute les infos , soyez heureux 😊" +" Bonjour Max, Nous sommes navrés d'aprendre cela. Nous sommes disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez que l'on vérifi... https://t.co/nARJmUyRdl", C'est fait +" Bonjour Max, Nous sommes navrés d'aprendre cela. Nous sommes disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez que l'on vérifi... https://t.co/nARJmUyRdl", J'ai pas eu de retour de votre part. Est ce normal ? +" Hi there, Eugene. We are sorry to hear about the long hold times. Were you able to reach an agent? For further as... https://t.co/G5T6WwbW4z", I did though I still have some unanswered questions. + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response. ^GV, Just sent a dm +" I'm glad you reached out! Please send me a DM with further details on your inquiry, I'd be more than happy to assist you further! ^KT", It’s cool +" Hello there, Fiona. We are sorry to hear about this. Can you please send us a DM with a screenshot of the email? ... https://t.co/EnDr9L7gZ3", will do. +" Hello, I know that getting your password changed is important, I am sorry for the long wait as we are having a hi... https://t.co/uBU3Z5Svqh"," really? I waited for 18min on the phone, I tweet and you answer me to hold on 10 hours later? I dont own the Phone Company!" +" Hello, I know that getting your password changed is important, I am sorry for the long wait as we are having a hi... https://t.co/uBU3Z5Svqh"," Your chatbot is less than eficient people. Do something about it, cause I had no problem to get the phone picked in the neg balance line." +" Hey, thanks for reaching out. Please send me your PayPal email and the country your account is registered to so I... https://t.co/86LotY2nBt", __email__ / India +" Our apologies for the confusion! Can you send us a DM with this information, as well as a screenshot of the Resol... https://t.co/KPQ7iKTOGy https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Sent you a DM with more details +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. We will be happy to assist you with this. Please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/p33EYgglOz", Thanks for prompt reply. I sent a DM back 🤗 +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. We will be happy to assist you with this. Please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/p33EYgglOz"," Hey, can someone get back to me urgently please? Thanks" +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. We will be happy to assist you with this. Please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/p33EYgglOz", What's the best number to reach you on as you are not getting back to me +" Hey there, it can take 3-5 business days for your funds to appear in your bank account. Send us a DM if you have ... https://t.co/G2XcKsw3o7", thanks paypal! v convenient 10/10 would recommend +" Hi there, Thank you for contacting us via Twitter. Please DM your email address and we would be happy to discuss this with you. ^SLS", Sent +" Hallo, da es mit einer Lastschrift eingezogen wurde, kann es bis zu 8 Bankarbeitstage dauern bis der Betrag tatsä... https://t.co/U0hbZzV03e", Es wurde jetzt eingezogen aber mein PayPal ist immernoch im Minus? https://t.co/TEPhCCd9YZ +" I'm sorry to hear that you've been having trouble accessing your account! At this time, the most secure way to go... https://t.co/SIqRuPOvgQ", Still having problems! Sent a DM! +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes navrés d'apprendre que vous avez un problème de connexion à votre compte PayPal. Nous... https://t.co/3l85in25OD", bonjour quel sont les tarifs d'appels svp ? +" Hallo, verstehe ich richtig, dass du eine unautorisierte Zahlung erhalten hast und diese nun von dir an den Käufe... https://t.co/67upEPqvIE"," Genau diese meine ich. Mir geht's gar nicht um 35Cent, eher ums Prinzip. Ich als Privatverk. kann am wenigsten dafür, zahle aber die 1/2" +" Bonjour à vous, nous comprenons votre mécontentement et nous aimerions pouvoir vous aider. Nous sommes disponible... https://t.co/eO1UdkSocI", du surhumain vos services ne comprennent pas et me renvoient les mm mails sans fin et moi les même pièces sans fin +" Bonjour à vous, nous comprenons votre mécontentement et nous aimerions pouvoir vous aider. Nous sommes disponible... https://t.co/eO1UdkSocI", effectivement je suis agacée de la situation . a savoir que j ai dépasser le plafond de 2500 mon compte est mis à mon nom marital et la cni +" Bonjour à vous, nous comprenons votre mécontentement et nous aimerions pouvoir vous aider. Nous sommes disponible... https://t.co/eO1UdkSocI", jamais eu aucun problème.nulle part sauf la avec.vous . ce n est pas comme si j étais une truand une fausse personne avec des faux papiers +" Bonjour à vous, nous comprenons votre mécontentement et nous aimerions pouvoir vous aider. Nous sommes disponible... https://t.co/eO1UdkSocI", hallucinant et moi dans tout cela mes sous ...... c est comme si qu' ils sont perdus. j ai demandé qu' ils clôturent le compte et en ouvre +" Bonjour à vous, nous comprenons votre mécontentement et nous aimerions pouvoir vous aider. Nous sommes disponible... https://t.co/eO1UdkSocI", je ne peux absolument pas me servir de mes fonds alors que je ne demande qu' une simple chose +" Bonjour à vous, nous comprenons votre mécontentement et nous aimerions pouvoir vous aider. Nous sommes disponible... https://t.co/eO1UdkSocI", restera à mon nom de jeune fille durant des semaines à fournir diverses pièces officielles rien ne convient +" Bonjour à vous, nous comprenons votre mécontentement et nous aimerions pouvoir vous aider. Nous sommes disponible... https://t.co/eO1UdkSocI", non je suis une personne excédée de se combats je me sens comme don Quichotte +" Bonjour à vous, nous comprenons votre mécontentement et nous aimerions pouvoir vous aider. Nous sommes disponible... https://t.co/eO1UdkSocI", un à mon nom.de jeune.fille +" Bonjour à vous, nous comprenons votre mécontentement et nous aimerions pouvoir vous aider. Nous sommes disponible... https://t.co/eO1UdkSocI", changer mon nom marital à mon nom de jeune fille mais non apparemment cela relève de n incroyable +" Hola, lamentamos lo sucedido. Por favor envíanos un mensaje directo con tu correo electrónico y más información al respecto. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Ya mandé DM. Espero que me respondan con solidez y coherencia, no como lo hacen desde el ctro. de mensajes de la página. Saludos." + Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about the issue. I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF," Hi, I’m not the one who needs help, my hosting company might ;)" +" Bonjour à vous, nous aimerions vous aider. Nous vous invitons de venir en MD muni de votre adresse email pour mie... https://t.co/wGxoH3h1h4"," Très bien, c'est fait" +" Bonjour et navrés d'apprendre cela. Si nous pouvons vous aider, n'hésitez pas à nous envoyer un DM et nous reviendrons vers vous. ^FB", nous voulons motiver les acheteurs à ne PLUS payer par nous préférons leur faire une remise vous abusez 😡😡😡😡😡 +" You can email us, but calling the most effective. You don't have to call our AU branch, your local office should be able to help you. ^DP", How can I email you without an email address to send to? You don't list any on your website that I can see. +" Hello Paul- I understand your concern this. In this case, I recommend that you give us a call. We'll be able to l... https://t.co/vsaKHsfnTt", I'm not going to incur costs calling an international number to correct a mistake your customer has made. Why can't I email you? +" Sorry to hear about this, Jack. To better assist you please send us a DM with screenshots of the issue you are se... https://t.co/o0AxbMkbjt"," Like last time, the problem was resolved in the morning. It was just frustrating to have to use a credit card last night when I had a GC :(" + Hello! Thanks for sending that over to us. We can confirm that this is a phishing email. We would recommend forwa... https://t.co/SS69LE4OtE, Thanks guys have forward the email :) +" Hey there, we are sorry to hear that you are having issues logging into our app. We know how important it is for ... https://t.co/abESyg5rBY", Already had your tech team but they ovs don't care. Make a https://t.co/VZrvaAEZmx email and try and login via the app +" Hello, Martin. Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP", Sent +" Hello, Martin. Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP", I'll send it now +" Thank you for providing that information for me. From the screenshot provided, this does not appear to be a messa... https://t.co/eq3lSWrM3P", Thanks for letting me know! +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/7tdHOe45Zm", Ok... + Hi there! Please forward that email to __email__ and delete it from your inbox. Thanks for your help in k... https://t.co/afgEwdcbVJ, Will do. Thanks for your help with this. + Hello and thank you for reaching out. I am so sorry that you are having issues with lifting your limit. Please se... https://t.co/DRe1GsKVM6, Thanks. Someone just replied with the info I need. +" Hey there, we're sorry for the delay and we're here to help! If you could please send us a DM with your PayPal em... https://t.co/EvdZ2dj6uu", I've sent it + We are sorry to hear tat you are having issues with the Resolution Center. In order for us to help get this resol... https://t.co/dIv4bzREcP, I have already raised support tickets about this over recent weeks but none have been answered. I will send a DM now. + I'm glad you reached out about your funds! I know how important it is that you are able to retrieve your money wh... https://t.co/VyMliygPv6," I have done everything asked, and still one week later they are holding onto my hard-earned money" + Hey there! Please check your DM . :) ^KE, DM did not answer my question. SORT IT OUT +" Hi there, I'm glad you reached out! In order for me to assist you further with your question about this refund, p... https://t.co/0X5A6GWFjM", All set! +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR"," Hi JMR, thanks for your prompt revert. Have DM'd you my query/details. Please do urgently help me. Thank you." +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have... https://t.co/vaGg6hmvbZ", Yes this person on skype told me he would give me something if I send him $50. He said send it as friends and family then I did +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", Kindly check your dm + I apologize for this inconvenience. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address so we may further assist you with this matter. ^SP, NVM now it's working again. Was there an issue with the site? +" It wasn't a known issue. We appreciate you bringing it to our attention. If you face this issue again, please send us a DM. ^SP", Can do thanks + Hello Isaiah. Sorry to hear about the inconvenience you've been experiencing. Could you DM me with screenshots of... https://t.co/oKdrb6mA6J, https://t.co/o0gD9o30Xj + Hello Jacint. Sorry to hear about the inconvenience you're experiencing. If you could DM me with your PayPal emai... https://t.co/DRQ811m8MV, Thanks. It is fixed now. +" Hi, I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble reaching us! :( Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and deta... https://t.co/eMA6jvZCSs", The donations came through & Posted 2 our acct 2day! THANK YOU! +" Hi, es ist leider nicht möglich, eine Zahlungsmethode zu wechseln, wenn die Zahlung bereits ausgeführt und bearbe... https://t.co/s2soy2AqgG", Leider nicht. Das Problem ist nur das PayPal ein sehr altes Konto genommen hat welches ich eigentlich schon seit einiger Zeit löschen wollte +" Hm, du könntest den Empfänger bitten, die Zahlung rückzuerstatten, damit du sie mit dem neuen Konto senden kannst... https://t.co/s2soy2AqgG", Hm jo da bin ich gerade dran. Allerdings wäre da noch das Problem mit dem Konto welches ja immer noch als Standart Methode existiert. +" Hast du eine Fehlermeldung bekommen, als du es löschen wolltest? An sich kann das auch der Kundendienst für dich ... https://t.co/s2soy2AqgG", Ja es kam immer der Hinweis das noch eine Transaktion offen sei und das obwohl ich es ja schon seit Monaten nicht mehr benutzt hab. +" Bonjour Elise, nous comprenons votre déception et nous vous assurons de toute notre compréhension face à votre mé... https://t.co/CIojHhZ6fd"," Je l’espère en effet car depuis des semaines je n’ai pas été en contact avec une seule personne de chez vous capable de me répondre correctement, de comprendre le problème et/ou de répondre tout court !" +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. We will be happy to assist you with this. Please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/E9Uj7PxvXi"," FIVE HOURS LATER you get back to me, when your system said four (4) times you'd call back in 10 minutes??? I spoke to a human rep finally..." +" Bonjour à vous, merci de nous expliquer davantage votre demande en privé. Nous serons heureux de vous aider. N'hé... https://t.co/O1sXqTVUC8", D’accord + Hi Randy! Can you please DM telling me whether or not you have a bank attached to your PayPal account? Thanks! ^YG," Hello there, no response for days, I have my card linked to paypal" +" Hello, John. Thank you for reaching out to us. We apologize for the frustration this situation has caused for you... https://t.co/R80kYk1Ste https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Sorry doesn’t cut it. Was left stranded at gas station-had to sleep in car. Have health issues. You endangered my life. Had Travel Alert set + Hi there! Thank you for reaching out. Please make sure to send us a DM so we can further assist you. ^YR, Happy to keep it public. Already raised ticket a week ago and promises broken your side. + I am sorry about any inconvenience this has caused. Can you DM me your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the transaction details? ^YG, Okay I DM'd the screenshots and email. + I am sorry about any inconvenience this has caused. Can you DM me your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the transaction details? ^YG, I can in just a moment yes I can. +" I'm sorry to hear that your account is not working properly! In order for me to assist you further with this, ple... https://t.co/dkOHbkv5ll", my phone doesn’t do screen shots. +" Hey there, we've responded to your DM, so please message us back whenever you get the chance. ^EL", I did + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! We understand how confusing it can be when a transfer from your bank to you... https://t.co/COu3Z90Op3," If I knew what instant transfer payments were I’d use them, funnily enough they aren’t a thing on your wonderful app" + We apologize for the confusion. Please send us a DM if you would instructions on how to initiate an instant transfer payment. ^NK, Problem is I’m waiting for this other payment from almost a week ago to go in? I don’t need an instant payment + Hello! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the email you received. I'd be happy to look into this for you! ^KR, Why can’t you address my issue? Am I not a priority like other customers? 😬 +" Hello, Steffen. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. At this time, there are no ... https://t.co/MQGADEPbGy", Thanks for getting back to me. Its not an inconvenience. Bitcoin + Paypal seems like the ultimate combination tho. Dream team. +" Hello, Terri! Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. Good catch! :) You can also c... https://t.co/k9lPgLQIsG", Sent! Thank you +" Hi! I see how it's frustrating to wait for your funds. If you need help, please DM us with your PayPal email address. Thank you! ^ES", This is precisely why no one trusts . +" Hi! I see how it's frustrating to wait for your funds. If you need help, please DM us with your PayPal email address. Thank you! ^ES"," I provided & verified an address, but your site STILL won’t mail me a check." +" Hi! I see how it's frustrating to wait for your funds. If you need help, please DM us with your PayPal email address. Thank you! ^ES"," Well, wouldn’t it be nice to respond to the existing customer service request #VV44REXUS instead?" +" Hello StarFred, thank you for contacting PayPal customer support. If you are having issues with your PayPal accou... https://t.co/e8MbjFB29a", Unban Ethan and Hila first. +" Hello StarFred, thank you for contacting PayPal customer support. If you are having issues with your PayPal accou... https://t.co/e8MbjFB29a", Is this satire? + We have replied to your DM. Have a nice day. ^JP, 72h with the same issue is this how you support your legit business partners? With #cryptocurrency behind your back? +" Hey there! For assistance with your account, all you need to do is send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC"," DM’d you. Really need a reply, been ignored on support for 2 weeks!!" +" Hello Mini, I understand how important it is to regain access to your PayPal account. Since you do not have the p... https://t.co/duA3beQq7z", Is the phone line free? I am from EU so i wouldnt like to pay absurd amounts of money to get my access back. +" Hey there, we are sorry to hear that you were charged even after you canceled the subscription. No worries, Here... https://t.co/1gwlVRT41V"," life is complete, paypal responded🤙🏻" +" Hi Adam, we believe what you received is a Phishing email. Phishing emails look like emails sent from PayPal and ... https://t.co/jIRrOmzTMP"," I didnt received it, im informing you that i found phishing domain. Forward this please to your security team and take it down." + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country tha... https://t.co/eNEbIRLocF, Apart from having to reconnect Bluetooth on every shift change that is. + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country tha... https://t.co/eNEbIRLocF," I share the card reader with someone else on Android, I’m on iOS - is that anything to do with it ? Didn’t used to be an issue." + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country tha... https://t.co/eNEbIRLocF, My PayPal email address is __email__ and I’m in the uk + Hi Ricky! That's a great question. Please send us a DM about this issue. This way we'll be able to discuss accoun... https://t.co/iststwBZj3, Sent +" Hi there, I'm glad you reached out! In order for me to assist you further with your question regarding a pending ... https://t.co/V2L049309t", You could have just said “DM us” instead of cross posting a link... + Hey there! PayPal does have the PayPal Business Debit MasterCard that you may be eligible to apply for. If you'd ... https://t.co/AlOlVzSfFr, Yo so uh I hate to be a uh wet blanket but that's not a debit card :( +" Hi Christopher, sorry to hear about that issue with getting you're invoice paid over a mobile device. Not all fea... https://t.co/EnBMsLVBjS", Thank You for the response! On the invoice amount page just have a “Pay Now” button. That would be excellent. +" Hello Samantha! Did you receive an item significantly not as described? If so, then please DM us with further details for assistance. ^AIM"," It’s not PayPals fault, it’s the sellers in China advertising clothing that look nothing like the actual item advertised, happens a lot." +" Hey there, this doesn't sound like an email from us. Please forward this email to __email__ so that we can investigate. Thanks! ^CG"," will do, thank you!" + Hello! Could you please DM us your PayPal email address along with a description of your problem? We'd be happy t... https://t.co/HfFQQIryVF," All sent. +Thank you." + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response! ^LAR, sent you a DM. Please do look into it as soon as possible. + We're sorry to hear of the troubles reaching us. Please DM us the email address registered to your PayPal account... https://t.co/j4GFdG8vvr, Finally got through on the phone and took care of it after an hour... you guys have been fucking awful latley + We're sorry to hear there's been an issue. Please send us a DM with your email address and any pertinent details. Thank you. ^TB, After 5 days.. L + Hey there! Sorry to hear that. Would you mind sending us a DM with the country your PayPal account is registered ... https://t.co/OSukWrVROa," DM sent, thanks a lot!!!" +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out to PayPal. Please DM me a screenshot of the email & your country so I can poin... https://t.co/QhoDZZA3bG", https://t.co/d8dS0WEdIP +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out to PayPal. Please DM me a screenshot of the email & your country so I can poin... https://t.co/QhoDZZA3bG"," that is the email I got, the thing is, the email address I use all the time is not bloccked, but an old one is, from years ago. that's fine." +" Hi, sorry to see that you're having connectivity issues. That appears to be an error on that merchant's website. ... https://t.co/tOFaUGoYJf", That's the page I'm taken to when I try and make a payment on my PayPal Smart Connect. + Hey there! Looks like it is a fake email. Please send it to __email__ then delete it from your inbox. If y... https://t.co/wCojDSxQ43, Thanks! Sorted 🙏🏻 + Hello! Just sent you a DM. ^ML, Tracking numbers are still not transferring from PayPal and items sold are not hi-lighted so you cant check what you're posting. 3 weeks on + Hello! We apologize that you are running into this issue. Please check your most recent DM. ^GV," Since October 18th +I lost a discount coupon and eBay Bucks from eBay site +Because of the paypal Pending my payments +why ?" +" Guten Morgen, unsere AGB werden in regelmäßigen Abständen aktualisiert, um sie der aktuellen Lage bzw. (neuen) Produkten anzupassen. ^SL", Interessant. +" Hi Dean, Thank you for contacting us via Twitter. If you receive a payment and withdraw it to your bank account i... https://t.co/vJycNfFfw6", It says 0-3 days but is there any way this can be done quicker? I'm not too keen on sending the item without the money clearing +" Hi Dean, Thank you for contacting us via Twitter. If you receive a payment and withdraw it to your bank account i... https://t.co/vJycNfFfw6"," Unfortunately we cannot manual remove a pending withdrawal, it will be released once it has cleared our internal security system. ^SLS" +" Unfortunately we cannot manual remove a pending withdrawal, it will be released once it has cleared our internal security system. ^SLS", Will it clear earlier than 3 days? What if it doesn't? Am I still protected to send the goods before clearing? +" Unfortunately we cannot manual remove a pending withdrawal, it will be released once it has cleared our internal security system. ^SLS"," Yes, the payment may complete within 72 hours. You are still covered under the Seller Protection policy providing... https://t.co/vJycNfFfw6" +" Hallo, monatliche Zahlungen und Abos sollten eigentlich automatisch abgebucht werden. Falls dies nicht klappt, wi... https://t.co/BCA9NDLSnU", die 2. Abbuchung scheint auch durchgegangen zu sein. Aber ich schick euch jetzt mal per DM meine Emailadresse. Danke! +" Ok, gern. Ich nehme an, bei dieser Transaktion handelt es sich um eine sogenannte Autorisierung. Hierbei autorisi... https://t.co/BCA9NDLSnU"," Ah ja, ok. Das hört sich danach an, meine Anfrage bei Sky hat auch keine Zahlungsprobleme ergeben. Alles so verwirrend 🙈" +" Hey there, Sharrol! For assistance with this situation, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC", What is a dm +" Hey there, Deepika! We have received and replied to your DM. Please check your messages as soon as possible. ^BC", replied to u... but stilll worst experience..u know what If I would have known this then I would not have done this paypal thing +" Bonjour Ludovic, navrés d'apprendre votre mécontentement :(. Nous sommes disponibles par DM pour que l'on puisse ... https://t.co/yv2d7M1yYJ", Et donc ? + We are not the bots you are looking for. Only human beings helping people out here on Twitter! Please check your DMs for assistance. ^RJM, You ain't optimus prime! + We are not the bots you are looking for. Only human beings helping people out here on Twitter! Please check your DMs for assistance. ^RJM, Yes you are not bots but humans who lick buyers and let them do anything with sellers. +" Bonsoir Leslie, nous sommes disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez que l'on vérifie ceci ensemble. Merci de nous co... https://t.co/zdKGFaKa5S", Dm envoyé merci + We're sorry to hear you've had a poor experience with PayPal. Please send us a DM with your email address and we'll try to help. ^TB, I have been shocking how fraudsters are registering similar domains to yours and extracting money from people +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening or s... https://t.co/vaxNfODdWE", That’s 5 hours too late. #FAIL +" Hello , Thank you for reaching out. We have reviewed the information you provided and can confirm that this is no... https://t.co/mrZDXDysX1", Will do +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez que l'on vérifie ceci ensemble. Merci de nous fo... https://t.co/21oHKRCX07"," Bonsoir, merci mais j’ai reçu une annulation de paiement. Ça fait un peu flipper quand même" +" Hi there! In order to receive a payment, you need to create a PayPal account. You can make a payment to a merchan... https://t.co/I7TMhRrOWT", yes but if I have received a payement before to create a paypal account? +" Hey there, to ensure that this issue is resolved in a timely manner, could you send us a DM, so that we can have ... https://t.co/I7TMhRrOWT"," done, i send you a dm :)" +" Hallo, sorry zu hören, dass du von der monatlichen Infomail zur Kontoübersicht genervt bist. Du kannst den Empfan... https://t.co/tnzagI0L4b https://t.co/v568gBbW8S", Aber danke für die Anteilnahme. +" Hallo, sorry zu hören, dass du von der monatlichen Infomail zur Kontoübersicht genervt bist. Du kannst den Empfan... https://t.co/tnzagI0L4b https://t.co/v568gBbW8S"," Auf EMail URLs klicke ich grds. nicht und unter https://t.co/6zXjDh228T ist es nicht ersichtlich, wie man das ausschaltet." +" Hallo, sorry zu hören, dass du von der monatlichen Infomail zur Kontoübersicht genervt bist. Du kannst den Empfan... https://t.co/tnzagI0L4b https://t.co/v568gBbW8S"," Dann kann ich dir nur empfehlen, es über den entsprechenden Link zu machen. Da die Mail definitiv von uns ist, ka... https://t.co/tnzagI0L4b" +" Hey, wahlweise kannst du direkt im Konto unter ""Benachrichtigungen"" das Häkchen bei ""Neues von PayPal"" entfernen. :) ^WD"," Sie meinen diesen ""nicht abstellbaren"" Haken? https://t.co/N3jPEP4Yds" +" Diese Mails würden unter ""Newsletter und Werbeaktionen"" fallen. Dort ist ja das Häkchen bereits entfernt. :) ^WD", Genau. Und das war es auch schon vor Jahren. Ergo: Ich kann es nicht abschalten. +" Dann kann ich dir nur empfehlen, es über den entsprechenden Link zu machen. Da die Mail definitiv von uns ist, ka... https://t.co/tnzagI0L4b"," Dieser Link lenkt mich nach Anmeldung nur auf meine Kontoseite (https://t.co/w2RNNnUXT8), wo ich - wie wir bereits feststellen - das nicht abschalten kann." +" Thanks for reaching out to us with your question. If a new card has not arrived, you should use your current card. Enjoy your trip! ^LB", Thanks!! +" I'm sorry to hear about this. If you'd like some help, please send me a DM with your PayPal email address and som... https://t.co/M4Or0tYvFC"," If you would like assistance with this, please send me a DM with your PayPal email address and some more information. ^NEM https://t.co/MbymXn02mi" +" I'm sorry to hear about this. If you'd like some help, please send me a DM with your PayPal email address and som... https://t.co/M4Or0tYvFC"," + +I already contacted PayPal, + +They don't want to know about it +Apparently it's my fault for not reporting it soon enough." +" I'm sorry to hear about this. If you'd like some help, please send me a DM with your PayPal email address and som... https://t.co/M4Or0tYvFC"," + +Ive already contacted your company + +Over last 10 years + +2 x Laptops +2 x Phones +1 x £100 capacitor + +Never delivered." +" I'm sorry to hear about this. If you'd like some help, please send me a DM with your PayPal email address and som... https://t.co/M4Or0tYvFC"," Transfered money to a friend and it's still saying 'Payment Pending' for some reason, money in my account, and his account is active.." + Hello there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," + +We will never use PayPal again. + +#BDSBigCorps" + Hello there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," + +I've used your service since it started, + +Myself and my partner are over £1200 out of pocket. + +YOU DIDNT WANT TO KNOW" + Hello there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," + +I've already done that, + +I did it each time it happened + +You didn't want to know because delivery took over thirty days." + Hi Mark! Please send me a DM! ^RA, Done + Hi Mark! Please send me a DM! ^RA," Hi, I have done this, but have had no reply or update." + Hi Shane! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response! ^LAR, No assist needed. It's a broad issue that would affect anyone and everyone. +" I'm sorry to hear of any frustration. At this time, please send a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the issue. ^IN"," 👎🏼👎🏼 Emailing didn’t help, CALLING was handled extremely unprofessional and rude. YALL SUCK!" +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have... https://t.co/aSXV7tNmjk", In a word no! +" You can reach us at 0800-358-7911, but I'm also happy to help! Just send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info. :) ^ALF", Thanks +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", Already dealt with +" Hi there, +We're sorry to hear that you're having an issue with a dispute. If you can DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT"," I have sent you guys email messages of proof, and tracking. I have called paypal to explain what happened. Was told to take him to court!?" +" Hi there, +We're sorry to hear that you're having an issue with a dispute. If you can DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT", You guys refunded buyer without my item even being returned! This is crazy My life was ruined yet I did everything right! No clue what to do +" Hi there, +We're sorry to hear that you're having an issue with a dispute. If you can DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT", Your Fraud manger already told me I have to take the buyer to small claims court:( Said paypal does not follow ebay guidelines on sales! +" Hi there, +We're sorry to hear that you're having an issue with a dispute. If you can DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT"," Fraud manger was Rick-45529. He did not care about tracking/ proof or that my listing states ""No refunds or returns after payment is made""" +" Hi there, +We're sorry to hear that you're having an issue with a dispute. If you can DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT", I have messaged you in DM and gave info needed. Was told support would contact me soon. That was 2 days ago:*( +" Hi there, +We understand your issue and we will be sure to get your suggestion to the appropriate people. Have a great day! :) ^ZT", Thanks so much ! Have a good day too :) + Hi there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," Hi ^JMG, already tried to get my account reinstated. Turned down. Just spreading the word about my horrible experience. Have a great day" +" Hey there! You can send money to someone who does not have a PayPal account. However, in order for them to claim ... https://t.co/Yn4wYm9Ns3", Thanks! +" Hi Catherine, we are truly sorry about any negative experience but we appreciate your patience. If you still need... https://t.co/H0lFiLysQi"," Why yes. I do, thanks. Because after 3.5 HOURS total and being left on hold for over 1 BY A SUPERVISOR, I just hung up, . https://t.co/SsOKPYuDZl" +" Hi there, it looks like this is fake. Please forward it to __email__ and we will be happy to investigate further. :) ^DC", Thank you. I will do that. I have been receiving many of them. + Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about the issue. I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF, Spent my balance and closed my account. PayPal customer service is a waste of time and useless +" Hola, lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Si necesitas ayuda de nuestra parte, envíanos un DM. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Gracias, en realidad creo es tema de pues ni haciendo el cargo a la tarjeta ni por paypal lo acepta, lo malo es que no contestan" +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thanks for your patience. ^ES", Just trying to follow up. Never got a response from specialist. +" Hi there. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you could please send us a DM, we'd be glad to take a look into this issue. ^MN", Thanks DM'd you +" Hi! At this time, we don't have information about plans to update this, but we appreciate feedback! If you need anything, DM us! Thanks. ^ES", Ah ok!I hope you soon consider updating your password and two factor auth. policies since security should be a first priority👌🏼 #CyberAware +" Hello, I understand how important it is to get a refund that your are owed. Please send me a DM so I can further ... https://t.co/d4JJZ1xsCD","I declare the status update by you, , erroneous; it should be “refund that [you] are owed” instead." +" Hello, I understand how important it is to get your issue resolved in a timely manner. I hate to hear that your i... https://t.co/g56ITPSIzE"," whats the point now idc bout that paypal, i just made a new one." + Hi there! I apologize for the delay and the frustration you have experienced. I do hope your frustration hasn't r... https://t.co/TCBEqM5Uh5, Fingers crossed that can help me because owned has robbed me of 60% of an expensive subscription! + Super! Nous sommes content d'apprendre la résolution de votre demande et resterons à votre disposition si vous avez des questions :). ^AG, Merci à vous ! + Bonjour à vous et navrés d'apprendre que vous ayez un souci concernant un paiement :(. Merci de venir en DM muni de votre adresse email. ^AG," J'ai normalement résolu le problème avec la personne, (double paiement pour cause de carte invalide puis paiement passé)." + ¡Hola! por favor envíanos un DM con tu correo electrónico registrado y más detalles. Uno de nuestros asesores podrá ayudar. Gracias ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Hola. Ya he solucionado el problema. Muchas gracias de todas formas! +" Hallo, tut mir leid, dass es anscheinend zu Verzögerungen kommt. Was ist denn genau vorgefallen? Gab es unautoris... https://t.co/owuDMiUvfV"," Keine Abbuchungen, aber meine E-Mail wurde missbraucht. Anscheinend gibt es keinerlei Mail-Authentifizierung (sprich Double-Opt-In)." +" Hallo, tut mir leid, dass du Probleme beim Bezahlen hast. Bekommst du eine Fehlermeldung? Falls ja, was besagt di... https://t.co/KsDiJZvHMn", Das mit dem Guthaben habe ich noch nicht probiert da das überall sonst ja auch funktioniert. Nur beim Verbinden mit dem Nintendo-Konto nicht +" Okay, vielen Dank für die Infos. Du solltest es auf jeden Fall mal mit einer Guthabenaufladung probieren. Es hört... https://t.co/KsDiJZvHMn", Finde das sehr merkwürdig da ich da ja nicht mal eine Zahlung tätige sondern nur das Konto verbinden möchte. Naja ich werde es probieren... +" Hey Kate, sorry you're having issues logging on. For assistance, please send us a screenshot of the issue and your email PayPal email. ^AL", https://t.co/NiZwLqXbDU + Hey there! Sorry to hear that. Please send us a DM with the email address linked to your PayPal account and the c... https://t.co/1ejF6LtjrR, I solved the issue by using Safari; the issue happened in Chrome (in case it's an ongoing issue for users!) + At this time we are not able to offer out services in Bangladesh. We are always working to expand out services an... https://t.co/2AtEO2jIoc," পেপাল বাংলাদেশে পরিক্ষামুলক যাত্রা শুরু করেছে, কি থাকছে কি থাকছেনা সুবিধা A to Z এমন প্রচার করেছে টেলিভিশন গুলো! +https://t.co/pfFetBTdo5" +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out! We have recently sent you a DM. Whenever possible, please message us back and... https://t.co/sentQJHWtj", yes thank you + Hi! I can see how this is frustrating. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the error? Thanks! ^ES," Thank you much! Derrick got back to me by email today and send link to the button factory directly, so that's working. Thank you!" +" uai.. eu só não tinha entendido mesmo. rs! A gente atualiza o dólar 2x ao dia, mas é importante lembrar cobramos ... https://t.co/aYvJceyL6C", grosso. vamo fecha? + Hello. We are sorry to hear you are unable to make this purchase with your PayPal account and we would be happy t... https://t.co/DDpX4y1KBO, it was an issue as they have now confirmed this. +" Hello there, Isaac. We are sorry to hear about this. If you would like more information please send us a DM with your email address. ^GAA", The email address is __email__. Please push the payment through YESTERDAY so the merchant can ship the equipment YESTERDAY!!! +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes heureux d'apprendre que votre problème a été résolu :). Nous restons à entière disposition en cas de besoin. ^EM", Tu gères EM 👌 + We apologize for the delay in response. We have been receiving a large amount of contacts recently and we're work... https://t.co/JE3F1Lzof7," Thank you guys for finally responding, I replied to you guys dm" + Hello Heather. We are very sorry to hear about these unauthorized transactions and we would be happy to help. Can... https://t.co/BNkto7uNqM, you may have resolved the dispute but you've not lifted the restrictions on my account to access my money! + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country tha... https://t.co/lCE9J9zutC," Keep it, I can't be arsed for the sake of a quid. I'll just close my account like I planned." +" Hi Kamron, sorry to hear of the trouble with getting a hold of us. We hadn't heard back from you after our last D... https://t.co/9VoCPyApgm", It's been months nobody seems to care I can't get stuff done. It really pisses me off +" Hi Kamron, sorry to hear of the trouble with getting a hold of us. We hadn't heard back from you after our last D... https://t.co/9VoCPyApgm", forget it... I've waited too long so now I am looking for #alternatives. I am offended how my problem is treated as insignificant to u guys +" Hi there, thank you for reaching out. Please send us a DM for further assistance. Additionally, please remove the... https://t.co/f8XShaNvJG", please look at my dm + We apologize for the delay. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address if you're still waiting for your money. Thank you. ^SP, I’m no longer waiting on my money but it took a day instead of 30 minutes. + I'm sorry to hear you had to wait longer than expected. It usually takes 3 - 5 business days to transfer money fr... https://t.co/dpmADHC4Sb, I was transferring it from PayPal to bank account. Charged 0.25 for 30 minute delivery. Wasn’t 30 minutes. +" Hello Rae, I understand how confusing it can be to have funds placed on hold in your PayPal account. Holds are of... https://t.co/wuMqVcjGFY", You don't understand her frustration or pain. One day you will. When it happens to you it won't be so pretty + Thanks for reaching out! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and more information about your issue. I'd be happy to help. ^KR," The retailer has responded to me now, but thank you for the reply." +" Hi there, sorry to hear about the trouble with your account. Please include your email address in a DM, we'll be ... https://t.co/GQHPYk6CIe"," Thank you, I will send it to you right now!" +" You can see all of your transaction through the Activity page. If you need help finding it or anything else, please DM me. Thank you! ^GA", I have accessed that page. I have not succeeded in finding the total amount of money I have ever received via the platform as I wanted +" Thanks for reaching out! I apologize for the delayed response, but could you please send us a DM? From there, we'll be happy to help! ^JGP", Y'all too late now 😑😑😑 +" I'm sorry to hear of any frustration, Elliot. Please send a DM with your PayPal email, country, and a screenshot of the issue. ^IN", I have Dmd you however I have no reply ✌🏼 +" Hey there, so sorry to hear about the current situation. :( We have recently sent you a response via DM, so pleas... https://t.co/IUrAkCLAkM", I'd really appreciate it if you actually replied to the messages I've sent via your message centre about my account ✌🏼 +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of what you're seeing? :) Thanks! ^EHMB"," this shows my email address and what it shows for the other person , my email is (__email__) https://t.co/VlzDxwww2z" +" Hi there - Thanks for reaching out! Please forward the message to __email__, so we can verify if it is a r... https://t.co/COUDKemfGv", No need I know it’s fake. I don’t have a paypal account +" Sounds good! Please still forward it to __email__ if possible, so we can prevent phishing emails like this... https://t.co/COUDKemfGv", I usually do. Been getting them for years +" I'm sorry to hear that, please DM me your email address, and the email address you're receiving these messages fr... https://t.co/COUDKemfGv", Just sent DM +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of your Resolution Center? :) Thanks! ^EHMB"," Hi +still no answer, any update please + +thanks" +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of your Resolution Center? :) Thanks! ^EHMB"," Hi,here is my paypal: __email__ +i really hope that you will finally help me solve this issue.it's been more than 1 month now https://t.co/EdV6LukH9G" +" Credit card refund time frames are dictated by the credit card companies, not PayPal. Please contact your card issuer for more info. ^DD", Contacted them. They said paypal haven't had no contact. +" Bonsoir à vous, navrés que vous rencontriez des soucis pour ajouter le compte bancaire. Nous sommes disponibles p... https://t.co/HdAauUwJ29", DM effectué + Hello! Our sincere apologies that we were unable to address your concerns sooner. Please know that this is a defi... https://t.co/Uz9LsUURTV, I just did thanks for the reply +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of what you're seeing? ... https://t.co/dA3ZRuJnaV", Less gray hairs tho plz. Thanks. +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of what you're seeing? ... https://t.co/dA3ZRuJnaV", But my issue was resolved and I was very satisfied with the level of help provided by those I spoke with. +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of what you're seeing? ... https://t.co/dA3ZRuJnaV", Hey after 2 hours I finally got to speak with a customer representative. Your automated system is just so upsetting to deal with +" Hi Tobia, thanks for that feedback regarding our password setup. At this time our security system caps passwords ... https://t.co/nbFOOXQkDi", Do you have anything to share about letting users set up Two-Factor Authentication via app (instead of via SMS)? +" Hi Tobia, we currently do not have any updates about that! Please see this page for some additional information a... https://t.co/nbFOOXQkDi"," Frankly I'm a bit disappointed. Bye, 😕" +" I am glad your issue got resolved, this sounds like it a web issue. Just in case I recommend you clear cached and... https://t.co/XLgC60umgi"," It was not a ""web issue"", it was an issue with your service, and suggesting I clear my cache 24hrs after it started working is pointless." +" Good question. Yes, you can open an account without a card. However, it may be more difficult to use if it's not verified with a card. ^DD", But it doesn't work... It says you need to link a card before sending or receiving money +" Hello, I am sorry that you have had a negative experience. Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and scree... https://t.co/s7giAqB08t"," its ok, there is no need for anything else.. this happened multiple times and never got solved." +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you can send us a DM with some cl... https://t.co/USzLLezQsB https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", //I’ve already fixed that! That was a simple wrong! Thank you so much guys! Nace work! // + Hi Caitlin! I'm sorry to hear that. Could you send us a DM with a screenshot of what you're running into? I'd be happy to help! ^SML, I will end PayPal I swear to god. This is unacceptable on every level now +" Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you can send us a DM with some clarifica... https://t.co/nnv36aqaeQ https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", if I don't get my money I will lose the plot +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about your inquiry? I'm happy to help. :) Thanks! ^AAC", No its just a idea that i suggest you look into i know you can deposit money via connecting a bank account but... what about credit cards? + Hi there! We know that having funds on hold can be frustrating but we will be happy to help. Please send us a DM ... https://t.co/mfXsz5jSel, its actually unlawful and deeply dishonest its not frustrating its a major issue. +" Hey there! I'm sorry to hear that you were experiencing this. If you still need help, please send us a DM with mo... https://t.co/AKKUQNI25K"," Thanks, I eventually figured it out" + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country tha... https://t.co/Ut8qFuCHfy," I called your support line already and was told my ""thinking was non linear"". Already have a complaint in the works. Have the employees #" +" Hello and I am so sorry to see that your funds aren't there. Would you please send me a DM with more information,... https://t.co/wQODYeCrjc", Took that long for a reply I've spent hours sorting it myself + Hello and I am sorry to hear that you are having issues with making a payment. Can you please send me a DM with m... https://t.co/WEeImgowPy, ok + I am sorry to hear that. If there is anything we can try to assist you with please send us a DM with your PayPal ... https://t.co/PXBMzBfWhN," there is nothing to DM; you froze my ebay transactions and made linking to accounts a nightmare. i only need one account now, MY #BTC WALLET" + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response! ^LAR, Looks like it was fixed overnight. +" Hi Michael, sorry to hear of that trouble you previously experienced with your account. Please include your email... https://t.co/DuFrkiSQND", DM sent. + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response! ^LAR, Just did send a DM. Thanks LAR. Hope to hear feedback soon. +" I apologize for any frustration. At this time, the fee would not typically be this high but $0.01 cannot be split into smaller amounts. ^IN", Then don't take anything... it really is that simple. + I can assure you that PayPal is not doing this - it sounds like this is likely an issue with the device that you're using. :) ^KK," You can assure me all you want, but I can assure you that you don't know what you are talking about. Have your tech people explain it to you" +" Hello! We're sorry about the trouble getting that payment through. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC", Have done +" Hello, I am sorry for any issues you may have experienced. Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and scree... https://t.co/wuy6uaBhE2", $64.94 credit to __email__. Merchandise was returned. Seller issued credit to Papal. Credit has not been applied. +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes désolés de l'apprendre :(. Merci de venir par DM muni de l'adresse email rattachée à ... https://t.co/jZ3wShXVBQ"," Bonjour, j'ai envoyé un dm :)" +" Hi, wenn es ausstehende Forderungen gibt, so kann es durchaus passieren, dass wir diese bei der Schufa eintragen ... https://t.co/Gf10tzt6h1"," naja, bleibt ja nur drin bis es ausgeglichen ist - also in 14 Tagen dann bezahlt ist" +" Hey, das tut mir leid zu hören. Leider können wir nicht jede Zahlungsmöglichkeit bei jeder Zahlung anbieten. Hast... https://t.co/dFuyF0veHH"," Es wird ja angeboten, aber es geht trotzdem nicht. 🤔" +" Hi Shannon, we are sorry to hear that you are having an issue paying on the app with 2FA. We'd be happy to have t... https://t.co/fDOb9PatvC", Thanks! I sent you info in a DAM. +" Hi, I believe what you received is a Phishing email. Phishing emails look like emails sent from PayPal and typica... https://t.co/HjyexRLDC6", Yeah had a few now didn’t click the link deleted it + Hey! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that ... https://t.co/XmcYhLC85D," No need, thanks. I managed to get sorted." +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of what you're seeing? ... https://t.co/BZz9Qz5uFY", have done so. +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? I'm... https://t.co/R43LAY7qKg", Thanks will do +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, PayPal is not yet available in Bangladesh. However, we ar... https://t.co/aPv4wRP1gJ", fyi +" Hello. So sorry to hear that. Did you need assistance with your PayPal account? If so, please send us a DM. ^GR", I spoke to numerous of people and my problem was never solved. + Hi there! We are sorry to hear that you are having issues with your Banner. In order to try and better assist you... https://t.co/6EP6yxqxMJ, Answer my dm please + Hi there! We are sorry to hear that you are having issues with your Banner. In order to try and better assist you... https://t.co/6EP6yxqxMJ, What are you talking about? The banner ad you have in the app keeps turning my music off whenever the banner shows up. + This might be happening because the add is trying run and so your phone is turning your music app off so the musi... https://t.co/6EP6yxqxMJ," Okay, cool. Other than apologizing, how is this being fixed? Will the ad be removed from the rotation? Why does it even have music anyway?" + This might be happening because the add is trying run and so your phone is turning your music app off so the musi... https://t.co/6EP6yxqxMJ," Other than apologizing, how is this being fixed? Will the ad be removed from the rotation? Why does it even have music anyway? " + This might be happening because the add is trying run and so your phone is turning your music app off so the musi... https://t.co/6EP6yxqxMJ," Okay, cool. Other than apologizing, how is this being fixed? Will the ad be removed from the rotation? Why does it even have music anyway?" +" Hi there, sorry to hear that! Please send us a DM with a screenshot of the transaction you are referring to and y... https://t.co/KEVAfpAZAu"," It's still occurring with all other transactions. People need to delete and add their phone number again. +Not really customer friendly." +" Hello and I am so sorry to hear about your experience. If you still need assistance, I'd be more than happy to as... https://t.co/ffONa5AaZJ", you are a disgusting company +" Hello and I am so sorry to hear about your experience. If you still need assistance, I'd be more than happy to as... https://t.co/ffONa5AaZJ", do you help sellers from buyer that try rip you off? +" Hello and I am so sorry to hear about your experience. If you still need assistance, I'd be more than happy to as... https://t.co/ffONa5AaZJ"," been a customer for over 10 years, 4000$ this yr, you screwed me out 100...it principal now... https://t.co/xPeSnMluIb" +" Hello and I am so sorry to hear about your experience. If you still need assistance, I'd be more than happy to as... https://t.co/ffONa5AaZJ"," i get no help, im changing to google +Carla 41062 ID number plus many others horrible service" +" Hey there, we're sorry for the delay and we're here to help! If you could please send us a DM with your PayPal em... https://t.co/gPAHSSTmbW", already got it to work last night. thanks for the late response. +" Hi there, we're so sorry about this negative experience. If you need assistance still, please send us a DM and we... https://t.co/FZkdw0gQUp"," Sorry not been on TW, no help required thanks, I just accepted I'd paid the money and it didn't matter that they didn't send the product" +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, PayPal is not yet available in Bangladesh. However, we ar... https://t.co/Jau5bnUUVV"," well, thanks for the information." +" Bonjour à vous, nous n'avons aucun moyen de vérifier l'état des colis reçus par nos utilisateurs dans le cadre d'... https://t.co/6wOUBX6krz", arnaque paypal #arnaque #escroc #paypal + Hi there! Thank you for reaching out. Please make sure to send us a DM so we can further assist you. ^YR, d AskPayPal unfortunately the money has not yet been credited as PayPal advised it would. +" Hi there! I understand that this is frustrating. Can you send me a DM, so I can assist you better? ^AAR", d have used d for direct but is that not working? +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. We will be happy to assist you with this. Please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/9FTgUFv6Zr", My email is __email__ we have few things to discuss before. feel fee to mail me so we can start discussion. +" Hey there! Generally, withdrawals can take anywhere up to 7 business days to process through. Some may process fa... https://t.co/M8GVoYuMrn"," No it’s never taken that long in the 2 years I’ve been using it, it’s always been instant. A transfer I did Friday has just arrived in my bank account. What interest scam are you pulling by withholding my money so long." +" I am sorry for the inconvenience, but am glad that we could keep you secure. ^JDG", This is the most useless customer service exchange I've ever had. Thanks for nothing. +" I am sorry for the inconvenience, but am glad that we could keep you secure. ^JDG", No resolution to this then? Literally have not cleared anything up. It has been 7 days since I tried to withdraw funds. + Hello and thank you for asking that great question. Please know that all transactions must meet standard banking ... https://t.co/aLpacl8IKJ, What is the point of your service if it takes ages every single time I want to use it? Useless. +" Hi there, +If you could DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT", We r in DM since 1 week and no solution was provided. Anyone shall know that you place blocks on accounts linked to bank account and verified. We r ready to provide any info but #Paypal just wont say us which one ! + I am sorry for the trouble this has caused. Please DM me and I can help you through this. ^GA, What am I supposed to DM about? U mean you just want me to not talk publicly about the fraudulent credit service you set up without consent? + I'm sorry to hear of this experience! I know that it can be concerning when you receive a phone call and are not ... https://t.co/skJ0SjRf96," They refused to leave a number. That was part of the problem. They wouldn’t leave a number, then after 10mins of searching for a number..." +" Due to our strict privacy policy we are unable to discuss account specifics through social media. In general, as ... https://t.co/skJ0SjRf96"," I’m not asking you to discuss anything on here, I am asking that if you phone me and ask me to call, at least know why when I do." +" I am sorry to hear about this trouble with the phone lines. If you would like, please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA"," Can U tell me why they phoned? Because having been on hold for 5 minutes, your customer service agent said she had no idea why I was called" +" Hello and thank you for bringing that to our attention. Can you please send me a DM with the email content, so I ... https://t.co/6C9srcWgrj", How do I DM you? +" Hey there, if you could send us a DM with your PayPal email address and additional details on the situation, then... https://t.co/D1vGVxdqzQ", I requested 250 pounds from my account. +" Hey there, if you could send us a DM with your PayPal email address and additional details on the situation, then... https://t.co/D1vGVxdqzQ", Thank you. It’s __email__. +" You- sorry, your friend could always use a voice changer. ^ZT", Very good plan indeed. I don't see why you're getting a lot of hate for this advert. +" Hi there Nicholas, +You can always file a claim but you'll probably have better luck just giving them a call. ^ZT"," It'll be a bit awkward talking to my boss though. Sorry, my friends boss." +" Hi there! Once you create a PayPal.me link, you are unable to change it. We apologize for any inconvenience. ^HW", Omg- are you able to delete your link and make a new one without deleting the account? + I am sorry to hear about this payment with the promotion and the payment. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA, Already resolved with help from team + Doesn't look like it's from us! Please forward it to __email__ so that we can archive it. Thank you so much! :) ^RA," That doesn't explain why u stopped calling me ""Dear""" +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/eFUiEG9kqy"," Thank you very much, your awesome head office helped resolve the situation!" +" The Tools header displays different options based previous activity of the account. For others, there are multiple drop-downs. :) ^TB"," OH awesome, good to know, thanks!" + I am sorry to hear about the trouble with these emails. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA, https://t.co/ZSs6exS4L5 READ THIS AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! + We have responded to your DM. Please check your inbox. Thanks! ^AC, I responded to the DM! :-) + We're sorry to hear that you feel this way. Please send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal ... https://t.co/6mTogO82UE, I get promised a fix the next day everyday for an entire month now. + We're sorry to hear that you feel this way. Please send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal ... https://t.co/6mTogO82UE," Was making. “It’s called hard work” you are holding $8,000 from me of my hard earned money. I have a team to pay and bills to pay as well." + We're sorry to hear that you feel this way. Please send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal ... https://t.co/6mTogO82UE, I’ve called everyday and sent emails hourly lol. You guys have restricted me from my account for a month because it seemed odd how much I + We appreciate you reaching out and can understand your frustration. If you can send us a DM with your email addre... https://t.co/t59Gyixh5W," Thanks, will DM you now" + Hi there- Can you please DM us with further information on the issue? We would love to help! :) ^KE, I’m fine now thanks + I'm glad to hear that! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week. ^KT, You as Well ❤️ + We're sorry to hear about this situation & would be happy to look into this for you. Please DM the details for further assistance. ^EB ^EB," Also for the record, just so we're 100% clear and open and transparent, I'm drafting this as my next article both my #influencer website and my #personal Blog as there must be tens of millions of SCAM payments charged by for in-game scam billing out there." + We're sorry to hear about this situation & would be happy to look into this for you. Please DM the details for further assistance. ^EB ^EB," Curiously just for the record, has in fact refunded 100% of every other in-game scam payment Paypal processed for mobile phone games WITHOUT QUESTION.. but in this case, it seems like Paypal is powerless against in efforts to reverse SCAM fraud in-game billing?" + We're sorry to hear about this situation & would be happy to look into this for you. Please DM the details for further assistance. ^EB ^EB," sure.. I submitted requests through your platform for EVERY SINGLE $29 scam payment you processed for them in-game, and you knocked EVERY SINGLE ONE BACK with essentially ""it's Microsoft.. you're fucked.."" - but sure, why not, will DM, let's try again ;-)" + Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Here's a link with steps on how to remove a withdrawal limit: https://t.co/BHEraqdCKi. ^DT, Thanks for not listening. I did all these steps and still can’t withdraw my money...... + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! We are sorry to hear you are having trouble changing your address and we wo... https://t.co/33QC8ISrvg, Sent a dm thanks + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble with this transaction. Please send me a DM with your PayP... https://t.co/sYMSh1QwFT," will i get assistance if I sub-tweet? +please assist with the issue I sent in the DM" + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that! Can you send us a DM with details of the issue? ^AAR, They saying because I sold Bitcoin. Well its not clear anywhere and its linked through eBay. + Hello. I definitely see how that's concerning. Could you DM us with your PayPal email? I'm here to help. Thanks you! ^ES, Its __email__ you need to make it clear to everyone. PayPal does not like Bitcoin. +" Hi Laura. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN", No need of more “assistance” from y’all since the only solution you provided was to close my account 👍🏻👍🏻 + I'm sorry to hear of your bad experience! Please let me know over DM if you'd like any further assistance. ^KT," Lol just make it easier for people to change their name on Paypal. It shouldn't require more ID than my bank needs. And a preferred name option would be ideal, for people who haven't yet legally changed their name." + Hello! Please check your most recent DM. ^GV, Hey please check your most recent DMs from me :( + Hello there! We are sorry to hear this. We have responded to your DM. ^AOA," I sent in my info, I have not yet got a response. Please assist, thank you :)" + Hi there! I have just responded to your DM. ^DT, Thanks 👍🏼 +" Hey there, we're sorry for the delay! Forwarding that email to __email__ allows us to investigate furthe... https://t.co/2BP2viGart", Still waiting for a reply +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out to PayPal. Please DM me your PayPal email, the country your account is registe... https://t.co/KHzTJjwnrQ"," Done, thanks." + Hi there- Can you please DM us with your PayPal email address and further information on the issue? We would love to help! :)! ^KE, Thank you for ignoring my messages. + Hey there! We have responded to your DM. Please check it as soon as you can! ^IT, Yes I responded + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM so I can help you? ^IT, Will do. Thanks for the reply + Hi there. Sorry for the delay in our response. We've received and responded to your DM. ^NM, Awesome! Thank you. +" Hello! Thanks for reaching out to us. For assistance with this, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC", Maybe you could help me with this too? I sent to you all the info hours ago +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out to PayPal. Please DM me your country so we can get this taken care of. :) ^SE", Canada! + Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP, HEEEEYY i've been waiting 6 hours for a answer can someone help me pls ? Still waiting in dm (portuguese support) +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^IVS ^IVS", Hi. Still no response from a 'specialist'. Can you follow up please? +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^IVS ^IVS", Pm + Hello Kelly! Can you please DM me your PayPal email address and a description of what had happened? Thanks! ^YG," No need, but thank you! Your colleagues have sorted it all out for me this morning and my money has been refunded 🙌🏻" + That is great to hear! Enjoy the rest of your day. :) ^YG," You too, thanks!" + Hello Erwann! If you are still experiencing this issue can you please DM me your PayPal email address and a desc... https://t.co/LkBSL9X4SN," It's ok now, thanks!" +" Hey there, our apologies for the delay in responding to your request. :( If possible, please send us a DM, so tha... https://t.co/eHpSwjcn32"," It's fine now, I eventually got it sorted out." + Hey there! Sorry to hear that. We would be more than glad to clarify this situation for you. Please send us a DM ... https://t.co/IQyNe1ehGW," I've managed to speak with your phone support and they are investigating. I'll DM if I don't hear from them in a couple of days. But I do question how sensible the procedure is, generally speaking. You should always give a reason if you close an account." +" Sounds good! Thank you for your feedback, we will definitely keep that in mind. ^LAR", please check DM + Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP," The problem has already been solved, but thanks anyway. Just try to be a bit more present around here. It was a long story to solve it. xx" + I am sorry to hear that rachel! Could you send us a DM with a screenshot of the transaction? ^CD, DMed you! + I am sorry to hear that rachel! Could you send us a DM with a screenshot of the transaction? ^CD, DMED you! + Hey there! Sorry to hear that. Please send us a DM with the email address linked to your PayPal account ad the co... https://t.co/Byp0UW4xmm, ANSWER ME ON DMS PLEASE EMERGENCY + I'm sorry for the delay. I have responded to your DM. Please check this when you have a chance. ^NEM, Have done 🙂 + Hello! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and your country. It'd be my pleasure to look into this for you! ^KR," Thanks, I will do that now." +" I'm sorry to hear this! If you ever need help, feel free to DM us. Have a great day. ^ES", I just hope I can log in again when I get home. +" Hi! I know this is concerning. DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the error? Also, are you trying to pay or login? Thanks! ^ES", I was trying to log in to pay. I gave up. +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of what you're seeing? :) Thanks! ^EHMB"," done," +" Hi! I'm sorry to hear about your experience. If you still need help, feel free to DM us with a description of the issue. Thank you. ^ES", Uh no it's okay keep the money 👌🏻 I'm done using paypal ✌🏻 + Hi! I know it's important to get this money. Could you DM us with some more details? I'm happy to help. Thanks! ^ES, you guys fixed it !! +" We apologize for your experience, and we'll be happy to look into this for you. Please DM your email address and the details. Thank you. ^MH", Paypal is still holding my funds after the 180 days limitations for what reason... Paypal told me that i can withdraw now but i am trying to withdraw to my bank account and it does not work ... Help Need Immediately . +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes navrés d'apprendre cela :(. Est-ce que la personne a fait un litige ou bien une oppos... https://t.co/Jlvsh2hoPP", Je vous ai répondu en MP à tout en suite :) + Hey. We are sorry to hear what has happened here. Would it be possible for you to send us a DM with more information and we can help? ^DR," sure, happy to send it again.. have ZERO faith that you'll be able to fix it, but I'm more than happy to give you the opportunity to resolve it.. until then though you are BLACKLISTED globally in my world.. 100% and entirely, not a single cent through PayPal form ANY of my cpnys" + Hey there! We have received and replied to your DM. Please check your messages as soon as you get a chance. ^BC, Please check my reply +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes à votre entière disposition. Merci de venir en DM muni de votre adresse email PayPal ... https://t.co/HXNiqeJ4ca"," Pas moyen de vous dm, est ce que vous pouvez me suivre svp ?" + estamos contigo em dm ;D, No meu dm nem tuites vocês respondem ... +" Hello, I'm so sorry to hear about your recent experience. At this time we have not received any reports of our s... https://t.co/q9GoI7Ckko", Check your dm as it's making me worry + We have responded to your dm. Please check your messages., Please check dm + Please check your messages for a response from us., waiting for a DM reply... + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response! ^AAR," Already had a PayPal DM chat Monday (friendly, though ultimately unhelpful) and a phone chat today. + +Apparently there is currently no way to transfer my PayPal balance to my bank account. I was told it’s due to a “system issue” that has been going on for some time." + We received your DMs and we'll reply back shortly. :) ^DD, . ty😍 + 🤜🤛 !!!!!," Cara, que felicidade!" + Aí Sim !!!!!!! :), 🤜🤛 +" Hi, I am sorry that this has happened. Please DM us with your PayPal email address and I can get you assistance! ^IVS"," Still. Trash. Your email department is not helpful at all. The culprit was still stealing money, but since I put a stop payment on my bank account the charges wouldn't complete, Now says that I (the victim) owe you guys money. GTFOH." +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/fivHl2iRZ7", It's been resolved +" Hi! We're available in Nigeria! If you need help creating an account, please sends us a DM. :) ^ALF", Thanks. I have customers with debit naira cards who cant use your site. Please advice. + Please send us a DM for additional help. :) ^ALF, I will. I work in a bank in Nigeria and have had customers complain. Ill engage them and DM you + We will be glad to help you once you are able to! ^IVS, My friend called & said they're doing maintenance? And will be up hopefully in the next business day? + Unfortunately since the social media customer service division is completely independent from our phone customer ... https://t.co/xbed3Y3GVx," Oh okay, I understand now. Thank you. I can wait for it to be back up & working." + Okay sounds good! Have a great rest of your day :) ^NK, Ty you too :) +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening or s... https://t.co/xbed3Y3GVx", I'll do it right after work. Thanks + Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response! ^AAR," I’ll DM you thanks, i think my friend needed your help too, I’m pretty sure he’ll dm you as well" +" We're sorry to hear of the trouble! If you'd like to DM the details, we'd be happy to see how we can assist! ^EB"," You have an extremely high currency conversion rate (USD -> SAR), the issue is that it is always the default! This is hight than all banks!" + Hello. We are sorry to hear that you have been on hold for this long. We can assure you that we assist customers ... https://t.co/nTAdji4XDO," Longer than usual I understand, but 4 hours and then I finally just hung up. Don't you think that's ridiculous?" +" Yes certainly but please understand that as we head into the holiday season, our customer contact volume increase... https://t.co/nTAdji4XDO", return to tell me the hold would be long. +" Yes certainly but please understand that as we head into the holiday season, our customer contact volume increase... https://t.co/nTAdji4XDO", Please don't act like my anger is unreasonable. PayPal messed up. You can't convince me my call wasn't forgotten. +" Yes certainly but please understand that as we head into the holiday season, our customer contact volume increase... https://t.co/nTAdji4XDO", The one hour hold that they didn't actually call me back for. +" Yes certainly but please understand that as we head into the holiday season, our customer contact volume increase... https://t.co/nTAdji4XDO", Then when I called from a different phone it told me only an hour wait. While I was 2 hours in to my hold. +" Yes certainly but please understand that as we head into the holiday season, our customer contact volume increase... https://t.co/nTAdji4XDO", Perhaps seasonal help should be hired then. PayPal told me they lost my money and then put me on hold for 4 hours. The rep didn't even... + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that we didn't get back to you fast enough. Please send us a DM with some more details about this! ^GH, Freelancer deducted a pre approved payment from my PayPal which I reverted from freelancer but still I didnt get money in my PayPal +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR"," Thank you, will be sending one now." + Hello! Could you please DM us your PayPal email address along with a description of your problem? We'd be happy t... https://t.co/5WMK13v6ft, Ref above:Just want to know Q1 if we can pay frm existing paypal balsnce? Q2 is trxn wirh/without GST + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Please send us a DM with some more details about the problems you are experiencing. ^GH," Hi, It's all been resolved. Thank you though." + Hello. We understand how frustrating it can be having to wait several days before an eCheck is deposited into you... https://t.co/MRWggN0Bzm, Then if that's the case I'll never be doing this through a bank again. Anything that takes 6-8 days should even be an option. + Hello. We understand how frustrating it can be having to wait several days before an eCheck is deposited into you... https://t.co/MRWggN0Bzm," My bank also doesn't take 6 days to hold a cheque," + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! We are sorry to hear you are experiencing this issue and would be more than... https://t.co/QKgtOZSekk, Thanks for getting back to me your support team was able to fix the issue. + I'm glad you reached out about issues that you're running into with our website! In order for me to assist you fu... https://t.co/ra01FtmD8E, I told you my ID #. I told you the issue. I feel like that's fair.. release my money please + I'm glad you reached out about issues that you're running into with our website! In order for me to assist you fu... https://t.co/ra01FtmD8E, That's not my job thats ur job im not doing all that +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/5lYbY7SyeJ"," Hi, I’ve raised a complaint in the meantime, so an update on this would be good as it’s been a few weeks." + Hello. We've sent you a DM. Please take a moment and look at it. Thanks! ^ACT, because am African you cant reply my issue you fucked up #racistpaypall customer care style up +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR"," Actually it was resolved, but thank you very much." + Thank you so much for your feedback. We are always working to improve our services. have a great day! :) ^HW, is this a bot? lool + Thank you so much for your feedback. We are always working to improve our services. have a great day! :) ^HW," My pleasure. I think Hyperledger is and will be the most successful contender for AI, Big Data, Machine Learning, Payments, and everything else related with blockchain in the future. + +Check and this: https://t.co/isuk4LGgGw + +Partnering for purpose! Best regards." + Thank you so much for your feedback. We are always working to improve our services. have a great day! :) ^HW, if do that they will double his capital and we will be rich and all will be Happy :) +" Hola, envíanos un mensaje privado con tu correo electrónico y detalles sobre lo sucedido. Uno de nuestros asesores podrá ayudarte. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Ya entendí porque se tardan 3 meses en tramitar un pago... 6 días y no pueden responder un DM... que ineficiencia !! + I've replied to your DM. Please check this when you have the chance. ^NEM," just replied, thank you!!" + Hi there. Sorry about any negative experience. If you still need assistance please send us a DM and we will do our best to help. :) ^DC," ok, you used to provide English speaking agents who were eager to help. Now you end up in India or somewhere else where English is not spoken or understood and you have to spend 10 minutes trying to get them to understand what you are saying. I have wasted enough time on this" +" Hi John, sorry about any inconvenience. If you need assistance please send us a DM and we will do our best to help. ^DC", Messaged. +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR"," Hi, why don't answer? I already sent you a DM" + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about the error you are coming across! If you are having issues with your PayPal a... https://t.co/WKE3tOsDG3," hello, can I get some assistance?" + We're sorry to hear you've had a poor experience. Please send us a DM with the details of the issue. You should... https://t.co/XltOptE8fr," Thank You. The issue is we received payment in our PayPal account. First two payment credited to our Bank account. Rest didn't. Chasing customer support (US and India) from last 4 months, didn't get any solution." +" Hi, sorry for the delay. Can you please provide a screen-shot? Thank you ^AT", See attachment. users are able to create account form Pakistan but it address changes to other country http://t.co/CASldMAUxe + Merci de nous communiquer votre adresse email et les raisons de votre contact ;) ^FB, could you please help me too? +" I am sorry for the confusion with this email. If you would like, please DM me and I can help you there or where you can email us. ^GA", #Paypal its been two days since I have been sending you guys DM and yet everytime a new guy replies and does nothing. Any real help? +" Hello, Nilesh. We definitely apologize for the confusion! We are only able to discuss more general concerns over ... https://t.co/4f7dtRysqQ"," The same issue is back again when I did shopping on https://t.co/z4Ep7fQovj +Have provided all the info and done everything what Paypal advisor asked. +Why no resolution when its Paypal's fault?" + Hola. Por favor envíanos un DM y con gusto te podremos asistir. ^LS, rispondete anche a me? è da stamattina che scrivo +" Bonjour Rémi, vos remboursements sont effectués selon le mode de paiement utilisé. Voici un lien utile qui peut ... https://t.co/eHGi5w4zOv"," Je sais cela, on m'indique que le remboursement est fait sur mon compte en banque via ma CB mais cela fait déjà 4 jours et toujours rien en vu... Ce n'est pas une grosse somme mais quand même !!!" +" Hi, this is a fake email. Please forward it to __email__ and our team can look into it. Thank you for reaching out! ^ES"," Hello, for your review. #phishing https://t.co/iFttGukNuS" + Hello there! Please check your inbox. We responded to your DM. ^JMG, thanks for contacting..please check the dm. +" Hi there! We're sorry to hear your purchase hasn't gone as planned. Please send us DM regarding your concern, and... https://t.co/wu4B4iSqOg"," I sent a refund request out ages ago and you ""couldn't help me""" + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, Sent a message + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! We are sorry to hear that you are having trouble opening a dispute and we w... https://t.co/cRURZE6gGl, Hi guys thanks! I've sent a message relating to the same claim. I'm sure you're very busy but would appreciate your help in me keeping this claim up to date :) + Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more if you need help! :) ^ALF, My resolution claim was disregarded though I was charged for a service I canceled. Had I used a credit card it would have been reversed by now. + Please send us a DM if you need additional help! :) ^ALF, DMs sent +" Hi, thanks for showing interest in PayPal! We do offer our services in Ukraine. Here's our Ukrainian site: https://t.co/LmDIybIuJ6. ^JMG", So... nothing has changed. I can only send money but not to sell. That’s convenient. 😒 +" I'm sorry to hear about all of this. If you need any help from PayPal, please send me a DM with your PayPal email... https://t.co/kOzOhhpMwV", Need you to follow me back xx + Hi there. Sorry for the delay. We've responded to your DM. ^NM," ""The seller has not yet responded. If they don't respond within (1) calendar days, we will automatically close the claim the following day. Please allow the additional day for the seller to respond."" + +That was 3 days ago, on top of the previous 5 weeks! https://t.co/OTwf5Sfo8Y" +" Hi! You can set up a PayPal.me link, and here is more information: https://t.co/6LXmZt9rv0 If you have additional... https://t.co/oIYesgGBMl", Thanks for your help. Unfortunately this does only work if the other person has a paypal.me link. But I guess this is best approach right now. Any plans on adding a widget to iOS? + Hey there! I apologize for this inconvenience. Transferring funds form your bank to your PayPal account can take ... https://t.co/wLr2kjJVHI, Resolved + Thank you for reaching out to PayPal customer support! I'm sorry to hear that you're dissatisfied with out servic... https://t.co/rJwjPTjAq2, Your days are numbered. + Hey there. I apologize for the delay. Please send me a DM with a detailed response of the issue and I would be happy to help. :) ^HYC, I have replied with dm 4 times + Our sincerest apologies for the delay Mike. We've responded to your DM. ^HZ, I have just responded and await your reply. Thank you! + I've replied to your DM. Please check this when you have a chance! :) ^NEM, Just have Thanks +" Bonjour à vous, navrés que vous ayez un souci pour passer votre commande :(. Nous sommes disponibles par DM si vo... https://t.co/wNzPx0wVAc", J’ai pu régler le problème merci 😊 + Hi! Please send us a DM if you still need help! :) ^ALF, https://t.co/KyBhoBEVM7 + Hi there! We have responded to your DM. Please check your inbox. Thanks! ^AC, please check dm + Hi there! We have responded to your DM. Please check your inbox. Thanks! ^AC, Kindly look at my response in the DM + I am sorry to hear about this trouble with this watch payment. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA, The issue is an order of wrist watch from SHARP WATCHES which is a fraud. Pls help refund my money. My order no is 2564. Thanks. + I am sorry to hear about this trouble with this watch payment. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA, I can't send DM because we are not following each other. Pls help rectify the issue on time. + I have followed you. Please try to send me a message again and I can help with this refund. ^GA, I ordered for the said wrist watch on 28th Oct 17 from Sharp watches paid shipping fee of 9.86$. My order no is 2564. #Refund. + Can you please DM us this or is it still not possible? ^YG," I have exceeded my friends followers, I can't follow anybody again. Pls how can we communicate? Let resolve it once and for all." +" Actually, I might be able to help you publicly. After requesting a refund from the seller you can file a dispute ... https://t.co/HXUKaRyj6H", Pls help me resolve and refund my money on order that was not supplied from Sharp Watches. I'm getting worried.#Refund + Hello Falola - We would love to help. Can you please DM us with your PayPal email?, Which other medium can we communicate since I can't follow people again on twitter? Pls help resolve this issue. Thanks. + Hello sorry that you can't DM us. You could send us a email from your message center on your PayPal account. ^CRF, Ok I will do that now. + Hello there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," Actually it finally went through so all is good! I was just worried cuz its normally quicker, thank you though!" +" Sorry to hear about that. Refunds take a little longer because of bank processing times. Rest assured though, you will see it soon! ^CD", ok thanks +" Hello, Katina. If you can send us a DM with an explanation of the situation, as well as your PayPal email address... https://t.co/tTg0ioeuIU https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Customer service explained that it's now your policy to HOLD funds 1 - 21 days. + +I've thrown up already but THANKS for reminding me of the injustice, interest stealing & other sanctioned theft by withholding." +" Hi James, sorry to hear of the trouble. If you do not have enough money in your balance to issue a refund you wil... https://t.co/8QI0fuiVHI", thats the problem I am literally refunding from a pending balance that i got and it was the exact same ammount + Hey there! Sorry to hear that. Please send us a DM with the country your PayPal account is registered in and the ... https://t.co/zvO2oVwR7k, Its solved now. Thanks for getting back to me. +" Hey! Send me a DM with some more details, a screenshot of this error, along with your PP email. I'm happy to help. ^MB", Fixed. + Hey there! I'm very sorry to hear that you're having trouble contacting us. Please send us a DM with more details... https://t.co/Z38w0VfSIA, Thanks.. got it worked this morning +" Hey there! Sorry to hear that you've been having password issues. Rest assured, we are more than happy to help. W... https://t.co/xciNHVBDaE", Done. + I am sorry to hear about this trouble with your bank. I have replied to your DM and I can help you through there. ^GA, Thanks for replying so fast +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^EHMB", Cant access any form of paypal through my phone. Friend got on my account with his computer but no web or app from my phone https://t.co/xZykjbu5rR + Hi! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that y... https://t.co/BdN6xEvj9m, Really? I have emailed you 9 times. You dm me not the other way around!! + Hi Victor! My sincerest apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you. Please send us a DM regarding your c... https://t.co/yq9Ml5IiHq," Thanks. It appears to be fixed, and was able to clear up the additional transactions, but it would be nice if reps and the system handled this better." + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response! ^AAR, Supervisor Nick talked to me and he apologized for any inconvenience. He didn't know why no one responded to my email but he said he would pass on my feedback. The email support did get back but they weren't helpful. Either way Nick took care of it. Thank you for responding! + Hey there! There is not an issue at the moment. Please DM me and I would be happy to assist you. ^HYC, It’s fixed now! Thank you anyway :) +" Hi there. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN", 🙌🏼 + Hi Siân! I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing issues with making payments. Please send us a DM regarding your co... https://t.co/QP9hdZMhKy, Thanks PayPal but sadly it’s ’s issue and not yours - they’ve taken payments by PayPal off their app for some reason! +" Hello, apologies for the delay. I've responded to your DM. Thanks! ^RW"," Thank you a lot, alteast i see a ray of hope now, atleast you forwarded my concern for review. Once again, i operate a clean paypal business with 100% customer satisfaction and 0 issues to paypal (complains and disputes). Looking forward for review. Thank you Dan for a chance." + We have responded to your dm. Please check your messages. ," (2/3) i though paypal take care of these sellers. Do you know how difficult is to keep you paypal account clean? there are cases when i took the loses to keep my customer happy so that they wont raise issues in PP. And PP want to kill my business on 'presumptions', please help." + We have responded to your dm. Please check your messages. ," Dan please have a look personally, i am a working mom and they just limited me because they think i am a potential threat. I maintain excellent seller record with 0 disputes and chargeback and they have no reason for limitation, apart from what they 'think' could be a threat HELP" + We have responded to your dm. Please check your messages. ," your DM does not solves the issue, as per your DM, you limited me because i have maintained excellent record with 0 chargebacks and 0 disputes in over 164 transactions, maintaining a clear seller records is risk to paypal? i need a solid reason, your DM doesn't have any reasons." +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of what you're seeing? :) Thanks! ^EHMB"," you were way too slow, I've asked the merchant for a refund and I got it" +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. We are sorry to hear about this and will be happy to assist you further.... https://t.co/PStUfuXLpZ", No you won’t I’ve been through this shit with 7 of your employees! And no one will do anything. I lost my phone and the money!! + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response. ^AAR," So you told me to wait just ""a few more days"". We're now over a week later and I'm still presented with the dreaded countdown clock to ""account restriction"" every time I log in or receive a payment." + Hi Amy! Can you please DM me your PayPal email address and a more detailed account of what had happened? Thanks! ^YG, DM sent + I'm sorry to hear of any frustration. Please send a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the issue. ^IN, i did...i got a robot answer back with info that had nothing to do with my problem at all... + Hello! Can you please DM me your PayPal email address along with a detailed description as to what the problem wa... https://t.co/Z9XGjyRAkZ," Never mind... I had to refund that transfer with the issue. +Q: If I have my main currency set as USD. Does that mean that any money in any currency sent to me is converted to USD on my PayPal account automatically?" +" Hi, we're sorry to hear about this issue receiving IPNs from your site. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email for assistance. ^RJM", I just found out that they (the pings) ARE delivered but with a delay. Some of them arrived 30 min - 1 hour later. So the issue is half resolved. + Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. I've replied to your DM! ^AAR, Thanks + Hi there! Please check your inbox. We responded to your DM. ^JMG, Check Dm Again please + Hello! I can confirm that this email is fake - please forward it to __email__. Thank you! :) ^KK, Sorry a 10 hour response time has meant I deleted the screen shot! #poorcustomerservice + Hello Dabo. Thanks for reaching out. If you could send me a DM with your PayPal email and more details regarding ... https://t.co/087vKHW6GT, I created an account but still can't renew my bein account. Can u please assist? +" Thanks for reaching out! Could you please send us a DM regarding this issue? From there, we'll be happy to help! ^JGP", Absolutely. +" I've just responded to your DM, please take a look! ^GH"," Thanks, I responded!" +" Hi there, Leah! Good eye at spotting this email! You're good to sent this to __email__ and delete this ema... https://t.co/jf8vqg5dnr", Done ✅ thanks! + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that. Can you DM us with details of the issue you're encountering? ^AAR, I was in contact with your support team and they told me there was nothing they could do as it didn't seem suspicious.. do you send... +" We're sorry to hear this, but respect your decision. Please know that we are here to help via DM if you change your mind in the future. ^EB"," Yeah okay, whatever 🙄🙄" +" We are sorry to hear that you've had this experience, and would like to review the situation further to see how we can help. Please DM your account email address for further assistance. ^EB"," I've already called twice, wrote an email and tweeted you a hundred times, & NOW you wanna reply? Naw. I've already cancelled my acct." +" Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Are you still encountering a delay? If you are, can you please send me a DM so I can help out? ^IT"," OK +Didn't re-open yet" + Pouvez-vous nous suivre SVP? ^FB, c'est fait +" Salut Simon! Nous n'avons reçu aucun DM pour le moment sur AskPayPal, mais n'hésitez pas pour toute question ou discussion, nous sommes là! :) ^FB", vos dm sont fermés +" Bonjour Simon, pour des raison de sécurité merci de supprimer votre adresse email. Nous remontons votre demande au service adéquat qui vous prendra en charge ^AM", c'est fais mais vous devriez ouvrir vos dm c''est sera plus facile pour les gens +" Bonjour Simon, merci de nous avoir contactés. Merci de m'envoyer votre adresse email pour que puisse vous aider ^AM", __email__ +" I have sent you a DM regarding this matter, Gary! :) ^YG", Replied👌🏼 + Hi! I see how it's frustrating to have a negative balance. Could you DM us with your PayPal email? Thanks so much! ^ES, thank you SO much. i just sent you a DM. i don’t understand why i have a negative balance +" Hi Freddie! Thanks for letting us know about this. If you're in need of assistance, feel free to DM us. ^KK", In process of emailing to PayPal all proof of orders from website with IP-log-ins and email notifications. + Please check your DM for our response! Thanks! ^HW, I left my response again as well. + Hi! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more information about the issue. I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF, how are the earnings reports looking? +" Hi there, can you please DM us your PayPal registered email address so we can have this looked in to for you. ^PL"," Thank you very much for the fast reply and help, I appreciate it! I will DM you with the details. Take care and have a great night! :)" +" Bonjour à vous, merci de nous expliquer davantage votre demande. Nous serons heureux de vous aider ^AM", Si c'est un mail certifié ou une tentative de phising + Hello! Can you please DM me your PayPal email address and a more detailed description of what is going on? Thanks! ^YG," Kindly check DM, thanks" +" Hey! Sorry to hear multiple payments were sent. I'll be happy to help, just send me a DM. ^DP", Thank you ! The problem was solved ! 5⭐️ ! +" Hey Noel! Sorry to hear about that. If you still need help, please send me a DM! ^DP", A day later? + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this. Please send me a DM if you still need assistance. I'm happy to help! ^JMR," After a few minutes, the site started working again. Thanks for the response, though. ☺" +" Bonjour à vous, nous vous prions de nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée . Nous vous prions de venir en DM munie de votre adresse email en expliquant la situation pour plus de vérification ^CM"," Merci, c'est fait" + Hey! Send me a DM with your PP email and a screenshot of the transaction details. I'm happy to help you. :) ^MB, Thank you so much! +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Por favor envíanos un DM, para asistirte. ^DG", Ya lo hice +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^EHMB"," I appreciate that and I've responded to the DM, I still have some concerns." +" Hi, if you need some help with your account please feel free to DM:) We're here to help. ^RM", Will do! +" Danke für deine Rückmeldung. Da ich keinen Zugriff auf PayPal-Konten habe, möchte ich dich bitten telefonisch Kon... https://t.co/hioZ33ETz4"," Alles klar, ich werde ich mal machen., Ich danke ^^" +" Hi, worum geht’s denn? Ich kann dein Anliegen direkt weiterleiten oder im Idealfall die Frage sogar selbst beantworten. ^BL"," Geht darum, ich habe mir etwas bestellt, was ich schon seit mehreren Monaten abbezahle über euch, hab aber leider keinen Zahlungsplan(mehr) und würde gern wissen, wie hoch der Restbetrag noch ist. Im PaypalKonto selber finde ich es nicht." + We are sorry that you feel this way and we will pass your feedback on regarding your experience. Information rega... https://t.co/gHmxCwPWln, Are you not obliged to make customers aware of this at the point they notify you of a wish to make a complaint? +" Hi, sorry we kept you waiting. If you still need help, please send us a DM with your email address & the details of what is happening. ^IA"," I've expressed dissatisfaction >10x. You've not informed me of complaints procedure once, let alone acknowledged my complaint. You've had ample opportunity to fix this. If you wnt details, jst lk at the probably inadequate notes on file. I'm now in the process of writing to FOS." +" Hi, was ist denn passiert? In der Regel können Einschränkungen auch wieder aufgehoben werden und du hast anschlie... https://t.co/4A1p5EzduP", Mein Accoung wurde gar nicht richtig gesperrt sondern mein komplettes Paypal Guthaben wurde mit entzogen und auf -8 Euro gesenkt. +" Hi, wie ist denn der aktuelle Stand? Kann ich noch etwas für dich tun? ^BL"," Was war da los am 10.11.? Es gab keinerlei Info und die Business-Hotline macht auch schon dicht. Wir haben keine Zahlungseingangsbestätigungen bekommen, obwohl die Waren bezahlt waren." + I'm sorry to hear of any frustration. Please send a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the pending refund. ^IN, Guys PLEASE respond to my DMs. I have been waiting for a good while now and no update + I'm sorry to hear of any frustration. Please send a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the pending refund. ^IN, PLEASE RESPOND + Please call us! Our phone team can help you regain access. You can reach us at 0800-358-7911. :) ^ALF, I tried you close at half 8 + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. I will be happy to help. ^BV, PayPal. Complicit in fraud since 1998... +" Hi there, thank for reaching out! I understand how worrisome fake emails can be and would like to thank you for b... https://t.co/ufH2eRDX1u"," Thanks for getting back. I have forwarded the email to you. However, I immediately received an auto email back saying it was blocked as it contained ‘malicious content’ for some reason. I’ve since deleted the scam email to prevent it causing issues. Thanks, ^TM" + Hey there. Thank you for reaching out to us! We actually offer our PayPal Access card! To find out more informati... https://t.co/La70yyUoPE, Is it business only? +" Hello Carlos, protecting you and your money is my number one priority. Please check your DMs for more information. Thank you. ^BB", Surprising PayPal answer was make a claim in a Police Station + Hello! I can confirm that this email is fake - please forward it to __email__. Thank you! :) ^KK," Just done it, thanks" + Hi! I know this is concerning. DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the error you see when you try to link it? Thanks! ^ES, It was a phone call not an email. The error message was that my card number was already in use by another PayPal account + Hey there. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV, I have replied. Thanks + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. I will be happy to help. ^BV, I'll leave this one to as it is her account :) + Hello! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look! ^GH, all My payments are pending why ?😠 + Sorry to hear about the extended hold time. If you still need help please DM us your PayPal email address. ^DD cc , https://t.co/olP4KRnkyG +" Hello Deaks, I understand how upsetting it can be to not have your call answered in a timely manner. Providing yo... https://t.co/jOmN7wbTj6"," Sorted now, after been on hold for nearly an hour! Thanks though 👍🏼" + PayPal is available to use for merchant purchases in India. If you are having issues completing a payment please ... https://t.co/UTrU6lYH62," For Merchant purchases, Indians have many other things besides you. If you have launched it only for Merchant purchases, then it would be better not to launch it at all. Give Indians something they don't already have.Otherwise it's just a futile attempt to get the market. Bye." + I apologize for the miscommunication. You can use PayPal to pay any merchant that accepts us. Whether or not PayP... https://t.co/UTrU6lYH62, please also start the concept of #Cashback offers and #discount offers so your services become common and popular ! Indians like to bargain a lot including #discounts and #Cashback offers +" Salut Julius, navrés pour la réponse tardive. Nous sommes disponibles par DM si vous avez des questions, merci de... https://t.co/WPasWIM7jw"," c'est bon, ça devait être un bug temporaire - merci !" + Hi! I see how it's frustrating to experience this. Could you DM us with a screenshot of the limitations? I'm here to help. Thanks! ^ES," You guys suck!!! More than 5 months I submitted the info you requested yet no response? You screw us over yet we have to call your customer service - pass the cost on to the customer!!! For #horrible #CustomerService, you guys take the cake, baker, bakery and all!" + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM so I can help out? ^IT, Don’t worry lads +" Hi, I am sorry that this is happening. Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happ... https://t.co/btL4m7UtK7", No !!! I don’t have a paypal account - so no PayPal email +" Hi Joyce, Apologies for the delayed response. We would like to assist you in resolving this issue and cease contacts if you do not owe any funds to PayPal. We understand you do not have a registered PayPal account with us, can you please DM your email a... https://t.co/btL4m7UtK7", REPLY TK YOUR DM +" Hi Joyce, Apologies for the delayed response. We would like to assist you in resolving this issue and cease contacts if you do not owe any funds to PayPal. We understand you do not have a registered PayPal account with us, can you please DM your email a... https://t.co/btL4m7UtK7"," Good day, have a concern regarding a claim please reply to my DM." + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Please send us a DM with some more details about this! ^GH, Received 10 calls made 4 calls 4 emails later -shocking! Advisor says I’m focusing on wrong thing - I don’t have a paypal acct =no debt !!! +" Hello Joey, I hate to hear that you are not happy with your PayPal account. Please send me a DM so I can assist y... https://t.co/OonRZnlqKl", paypal sucks +" Hi there, I'm glad you reached out! It's very important that any issues are resolved in a timely manner. Please send me a DM with a screenshot of the issue along with your PayPal email address so that I can assist you further. Thanks!! ^KT", Just dm’d +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. Yes you may link a debit card to make payments! It is now available for ... https://t.co/nGcX4GoHZg", So can we use our debit card to make any payment via PayPal to an individual too ? +" Yes, that's right. You should be able to make payments to individuals with your debit card. ^DP"," Also, why can't Indians use PayPal account balance to make payments ?" +" Yes, that's right. You should be able to make payments to individuals with your debit card. ^DP", There is a 3.5% fee that credit card companies charge on top of prevailing exchange rate. That applies for debit cards too. This doesn't happen with other e-wallets + Hi there! The only way you can send payments is by using a credit or debit card. ^GV, Are you guys trying to work something out with RBI regarding this funding issue so that PayPal can truly serve as a competitive e-wallet ? +" Thanks for reaching out to us. As the full email is not visible, we are unable to confirm this. However, here is ... https://t.co/6JSsXGoQLj"," Perfect thanks, definitely a fake email" +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening or s... https://t.co/zrfpZj8qGn", It actually appeared earlier this afternoon guess there was just a long delay but thanx for reaching out. +" Hey there! Sorry for the delayed response, but I just replied to your DM. Thanks for your patience! ^SB", I would love a reply I've been waiting for months +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening or s... https://t.co/1j5OvSNPGk"," It says my paypal account is closed, and I have lost my email address and pwd. Should I go ahead and setup a new a/c with the email address __email__? Thank you. Pls advise." + Did you close your account? Please send a direct message with your old PayPal email address and your country. ^IN," I did not close my account. I do not have access (I don't know) my old paypal email address. Country is presently india. Can I set up a new paypal account? +__email__ +Thank you." +" Thanks for this information. If you don't remember your account information, you can either call us to try to reg... https://t.co/1j5OvSNPGk https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," I'll try registering anew in 24 hours. Thank you very much. I lost my old email address probably to hackers/phishing, so now I have a new email address at gmail." + Please have Nailya send us a DM from her Twitter account for further assistance with this issue. ^RJM," When Nailya contacts you, please be sure to ask her about the Nicky cancer scam and also ask her where in Russia the donated funds are going." +" Thanks for reaching out. While we can not assist Nailya through your inquiry, please have her reach out to us for further assistance. ^RJM", Thank you we would like some help in resolving this issue ASAP. +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thank you for your patience. ^ES", Love how you’ve responded to everyone but me. PayPal you are really testing my patience now. Will someone answer my dm!!! +" Hello Sarah, thank you for reaching out and for your patience. Can you please send me a DM with a screenshot of t... https://t.co/A0QRidP6Sb", Sent. Thank you +" Hi there, we are sorry to hear your mum has had this experience. We'd like to help & will be sure t... https://t.co/OHsitbxJOc", So I've been requested again for information? You ain't responded / fulfilled investigation to this issue? I'm currently waiting a response + Hey! Apologies for the delayed response :/ We're sorry to hear that this has happened. If you still need help (more), all My payments are pending why ?😠 + Hello there! We have responded to your DM. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA," Thank you. A lot of your support agents replied to my inquiry, they told me to wait till November 2 the latest. Then we can investigate." +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thank you for your patience. ^ES", This is about you holding £63 for an item I sold which the buyer has received!!! +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thank you for your patience. ^ES", I haven’t sent a dm + Please send us a direct message so we can further assist you., Sent it + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM so I can help out? ^IT, Think ive figured it. It wont connect to my app unless i go into settings/bluetooth & tell it to connect to the card reader - seems to work when i do that. Bit frustrating! +" Hi! I know that these holds can be frustrating, and sorry for the trouble. If you need any assistance, feel free to DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the transaction. Thanks! ^ES", Frustrating! Feel like I am being conned. You have finally released my money now and I will not be in a hurry to continue using you. +" Hola, estamos disponible en DM para aclarar tus dudas. ¡Saludos! ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", all My payments are pending why ?😠 +" Hi David, apologies for the delay. We have reached out to you through DM just now. ^SK", 1 week to respond. amazing customer service 💪🏽 + Hola envía un DM y uno de nuestros ejecutivos podrá brindarte ayuda personalizada. Gracias ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Listo. Muchas gracias + Hi Steve! This definitely sounds concerning. We are sorry you are going through this hassle! Please send us a DM ... https://t.co/cwMYGDldfl, I got it solved. I closed my PayPal account. Thanks +" Hello, I'm so sorry to hear about your recent experience. Please send me a Direct Message with your PayPal email... https://t.co/Dpf2dYtyND", Sent. I expect a quick response. +" Hello, I'm so sorry to hear about your recent experience. Please send me a Direct Message with your PayPal email... https://t.co/Dpf2dYtyND", What a surprise. No one has responded. +" Thanks for reaching out. PayPal.me did experience an outage yesterday, but this it should be back up and running ... https://t.co/uABZzIkvVN", Yeah it's fine now 😃 +" Olá! + +Por favor chame a gente em DM por favor + +Obrigado +Gabriel"," Olhem as DMs então, pois já chamei dia 10, e estou esperando até agora!" + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response! ^LAR!, Now it working fine. That day u r server was down. Site not opened. + Absolutely! You can also read more about spotting fake emails here: https://t.co/G1LTUFle7N and here: https://t.co/FM7r6d612J. :) ^ALF, Thanks guys 😁 + Hello Dam - We would love to help you. Can you please send us a DM with your PayPal email? ^CRF, Not terribly helpful now you’ve already resolved the problem at your end :) + Hello. We have responded to your DM and we look forward to hearing from you. ^NK," You actually going to bother to reply to tweet, emails or DM’s? Tweeted you earlier this morning and my money still not showing up in account and still no answers or replies" + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! We would be more than happy to help you with this issue. Please just send u... https://t.co/cNKUbbC6hI, Thank you I’ve just done it + Hi Latrice! I'm sorry to hear that. Can you send me a DM with details of the issue you're encountering? ^AAR, Actually the issue has been solved! Thanks!!! + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and an explanation ... https://t.co/X8KlaVwzEK, - Close this guys account down!! He's using your service to commit fraud!! DM me for more info!! Read about him here https://t.co/I0bRgjTkfh #ReactNative #firebase #javascript #javascript30 #react #UI #UX #uidesign #iosdevelopers #AndroidDev +" Hi! I'm so sorry for the delay! If you still need help, please send us a DM! :) ^ALF", Thanks! All got sorted yesterday and the lady was really helpful! Great service as always 😊 + Hello Gemma. Sorry to hear about this. If you could send me a DM with your PayPal email and screenshots of the re... https://t.co/vGJaF9MdCI, DM u + Hello Gemma. Sorry to hear about this. If you could send me a DM with your PayPal email and screenshots of the re... https://t.co/vGJaF9MdCI, ??? +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? I'm... https://t.co/I91CS036cd", This was sorted by .All is well. + Awesome! Have a great day! :) ^HYC, Thanks.. +" As far as I know, https://t.co/zEiauL8O0J should be up and running. I would recommend trying it again. If you are... https://t.co/szfHzbrmDa", Yesterday was not working. Up now… +" Hello Keilly, I am sorry about the wait time you experienced. Were you able to contact a representative? ^YG"," Yes, after over an hour. Terrible." +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/ZBpWnCUDyE"," Thank you for your offer to help, I have sent you a DM with my information." +" I can see that it was down yesterday, however, everything should be okay today. :) ^YG", you'd be great the day after an emergency! 🙄 + I've replied to your DM! ^RA, I still have not heard from anyone. + I am sorry to hear about this trouble with accessing your account. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA, They won’t reply for a week though 🙃 +" Hi Alice, We are sorry for the delay. We have responded to your DM. Thanks ^SLS", You’re still failing to reply + Hey there! I am sorry about the delay. Please send me a DM and I would be more than happy to further assist you. :) ^HYC, Thanks..the issue got resolved today morning.thanks + Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about the issue. I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF, Replied! + Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. Send us a DM for further assistance. ^ML, How exactly? Can't DM you can I? + Hey there! Please send me a DM with a screenshot of the error message you are receiving and your PayPal email add... https://t.co/XFEeTaT91L, Is it a problem that the message is in German? +" Hey there, deeply sorry to hear about the delay that you have been experiencing. :( If possible, could you send u... https://t.co/Pu0R9PuTSi", Shame that you are not deeply sorry about all of my DM’s that you have ignored 🙄 +" Hi there again! If you need help with your PayPal account, please send us a DM for further assistance. ^HW", I'm not the one who needs assistance. It's +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/LzhkJwWWXe", Heeeey + Sorry for the delay! We have responded to your DM with an update. Thanks! ^EB, Thanks so much for the update! + I am sorry to hear about this trouble with your login. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA," Ehen! No need for that. Nigerians just want to be able to use your platform like every other country. Fix that, please." +" Hey there, Sára. When your account is upgraded you will get notification in the secure message of your PayPal acc... https://t.co/h024zmiamx", how do I access the secure message area? + Hello - We would love to help. Can you please DM us? ^CRF, please check my dm +" I am sorry to hear about this bill. If you ever need help with PayPal, please feel free to message me. ^GA"," onone wants to solve the issue, including HK, is clueless and gives different answers & tax avoidance is there spirit has washed its hand saying we are involved, this utterly shameful and deceitful behavior" + Hola. Por el momento no emitimos tarjetas para ningún país en Latinoamérica. Puedes usar tu tarjeta emitida por u... https://t.co/ygJLshMipw, gracias +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Podemos ver que tu mensaje directo ya está siendo atendido. ^W", Enviarme un mensaje por medio del sistema de PayPal repitiéndome lo que ya me dijeron por DM no significa estar siendo atendido. El mensaje no resuelve el problema. +" Hi there, could you send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the error? ^CD"," thanx but Ur employee slready told me that I am wrong! and Ur side is working .... well after 8h should be, right?" +" I'm sorry to hear about this frustrating situation. Please send a DM with your PayPal email address, your country... https://t.co/SaGxBQ6GhV"," thanks, I have now." + Hi! I know it's important to get this information. Could you please send us a DM? Thank you for reaching out. ^ES, Ok + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response! ^LAR!," Cheers, got It sorted via website" +" Typically a card can be added to a second account after deleted from the first. If not, please DM us, and we'll try to help. ^TB", Sending DM. + Hello! We have responded to your DM. Please check your inbox. Thanks! ^AC, Alright thanks + Hey there! I would be happy to help! Can you please send me a DM with more information? ^IT," The moneys in now but, it’s a bit strange." + Hello Rob! Our sincere apologies to hear this. Please DM us with your PayPal email and with further details for assistance! ^AIM, same here! Transfer under review! Wish I would’ve done bank account. +" Hey, I've responded to your DM. Please take a look for further assistance with your issue. ^SE", sent you a dm. +" Hi, das klingt seltsam. Gern lasse ich dein Anliegen von der Fachabteilung prüfen. Kannst du mir hierfür eventuell deine bei PayPal hintelregte E-Mail-Adresse in einer DN zusenden? ^BL"," Bestens, danke. Nachricht ist unterwegs." +" Danke für deine Rückmeldung, ich habe die Kollegen gebeten sich der Sache anzunehmen. ^BL"," Hallo, leider besteht der Support darauf, die Gebühr von mir fordern zu dürfen. Laut AGB Artikel 3.2, besteht aber kein Käuferschutz für Spenden. Ich fordere daher sowohl Gebühr als auch Spende zurück!" +" Bonjour à vous, vous pouvez appeler notre service en cliquant sur la rubrique ""Aide et contact"" en bas de la page... https://t.co/SP8DDglbaN"," please check my email and DM its been a long time ," +" Oi Ana! + +Vamos te ajudar =D + +Por favor chame a gente em DM + +Obrigado", Please respond to my DM or tweet.....I have been on the phone for over 20mins to Paypal and no one is picking up neither are they telling me how long my call wait time. +" I'm happy to hear that! If there is any other way that I can be of assistance to you here, please let me know. ^AP", Can you please reply to my tweet as not heard anything back and can't speak to a human at ya call centre! +" Hey there Andrew, please send me a DM! ^RA", I did just now + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, Sent one. + Hey there! Sorry for the delay. Thanks for reaching out. We've replied to your DM. ^CRG," Thanks for the reply. My issue is not yet resolved, please check my DM and help." + Hey there! Sorry for the delay. Thanks for reaching out. We've replied to your DM. ^CRG," Thanks , my issue is still unresolved.. Pls look into it" +" Hello there, Chris. We are sorry to hear about this situation. Transfers typically take 3-5 business days to proc... https://t.co/YwRlywAKka"," Yeah, yeah. It takes that long because the money is parked in an account somewhere earning interest for someone. Trust me, I've learned." +" Hello! Our sincere apologies for the delay, Nathan. Please DM us with your PayPal email and further details for help! ^AIM", But like your customer service teams ain't it +" Hello! Our sincere apologies for the delay, Nathan. Please DM us with your PayPal email and further details for help! ^AIM", Well I'm my account won't be resolved as your refusing to remove any limitations on it so you can point blank fuck off + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM with more information? ^IT, Sure thing! + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, Can you reply please +" I've just replied to your DM, please check your inbox at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your patience! ^KT", Replied +" Hey Karl! Sorry to hear about that. I'll be happy to help, just send me a DM. ^DP", thanks! + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear this happened. Could you send us a DM with how it appears? Thank you for your patience! ^SML, It fixed itself! Thx for getting back to me so fast ! +" Hey! Sorry to hear that you're having issues with our site. I'll be happy to help, just send me a DM. ^DP", Issue resolved. Thanks for replying. Appreciated! #GreatWork + I'm glad to hear it! Have a great day. ^DP, You too. Thanks + Andrei our sincerest apologies for the trouble. We've responded to your DM. ^HZ, thank you so much! + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. I will be happy to help. ^BV," Don't worry, sorted know! Think it was just Black Friday rush!" + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! We can help you out in any of the languages listed in our bio. Can you please resend you message in one of those languages? Thanks! ^IT," Of course! I have a pending payment made on Saturday, no apparent reason since my card is loaded. I also contacted Epoch, they refused to help. I don't know what happened, but my money is gone" + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM along with your PayPal email address so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response. ^GV," Sure, go check, I answered you privately!" +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Por favor envía el correo que recibiste a __email__ para revisarlo. Envíanos un DM para mas información. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Vale perfecto lo voy a mandar +" Hola, de antemano lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Envíanos un mensaje directo para poder asistirte. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Gracias . Escribiendo +" Hey there, we've responded to your DM, so please get back to us at your nearest convenience! ^EL", It would be good if you have a toll free support number +" Hola, de antemano lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Envíanos un mensaje directo y con gusto te asistimos. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Ojo aquí +" Hi Jeff. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. If you could please send us a DM, we'd be glad to assist you. ^MN", I've sent a DM. Thanks for your help. +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Por favor revisa si tienes algún cargo en tu cuenta PayPal, de ser así, envíanos un DM, para asistirte personalmente. ^DG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Enterado + Hello there! I'm very sorry to hear that you are experiencing this. Please send us a DM including your email address more details and I'll be more than happy to help! ^SB," Hello there, I will do now. Thank you very much. Sandy" + Hello there - We would love to assist you. If you need any further assistance please DM with your PayPal email., Yes I have done that. +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( We have recently sent you a DM regarding this particular situation. Whenever possible, please respond back so that we can provide additional assistance. Thanks! ^AI", I done it that should say +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( We have recently sent you a DM regarding this particular situation. Whenever possible, please respond back so that we can provide additional assistance. Thanks! ^AI", I don’t it thanks. I also replied and asked another question +" Hey there, deeply sorry for the delay in responding to your request. :( We have recently sent you a DM regarding this particular issue. Please respond back to the DM whenever possible. Thanks! ^AI"," Do I have to wait 24H aswell? Cause then ill go do something else, instead of waiting for a reply" + Hi! I'm sorry to hear about the trouble with that transfer. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a description of the issue? Thanks! ^ES, This is not a legitimate issue but I appreciate your concern. +" Hello Rob! We're so sorry about that hold time, and would love to help you out. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC", I just sent a DM. I hope I don't have to wait as long this time for a reply +" Hello Rob! We're so sorry about that hold time, and would love to help you out. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC", on hold again 30m+ why is this happening?!!!!! +" Hello Craig! Thanks for reaching out to us. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC", wanted to let you know that several hours later yesterday I tried again and was able to add 2FA to my account. thanks for the response tho + Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with the email address in question and we will be happy to help. ^JP, Thank you for your reply I have private messaged you now. + Hello Christopher -We would love to help. If you need any assistance please DM us with your PayPal email. ^CRF," You already took the money and closed the case. Your position is clear. As long as you don't lose money, there isn't a problem right?" + Can you Please DM us? We would love to assist you!," When you completed the charge back after you closed the case I didn't even get a reason or message. I send a tweet, now you want to talk." +" Hey there, deeply sorry for the delay in responding to your initial request. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can provide you with the information needed to have access to the payment on your PayPal account in a timely manner. Thanks! ^AI", Sorry doesn’t cut it. After a very angry 25min phone call to your call centre I finally got access to MY MONEY. What you are doing is corrupt and if I had the time I would investigate further and expose. +" I understand that delays can be frustrating. With the holiday season approaching, we are getting a higher volume of contacts and we are trying to get to everyone as quickly as we can. I appreciate your patience, and I'm glad our phone team was able to g... https://t.co/mdqiMfJ6wc", please response to my dm. i cant transfer my fund for almost 2 days. +" I understand that delays can be frustrating. With the holiday season approaching, we are getting a higher volume of contacts and we are trying to get to everyone as quickly as we can. I appreciate your patience, and I'm glad our phone team was able to g... https://t.co/mdqiMfJ6wc", I achieved resolution. Me. Not your phone team. Me! It only got resolved the way I wanted to because I fought and fought and wouldn’t accept the BS they were giving me!!!! should be looking into your corrupt behaviour. 👎🏻 +" Hola. Si intentas asociar la tarjet esta no esta activa aun, nuestra plaforma la rechazara. Te aconsejo que esperes a que la tarjeta este activa para asociarla. Envianos un DM si tienes mas preguntas. ^LS"," Claro, pero como me dicen que tengo que actualizar ANTES de que venza, por eso preguntaba si la activo en diciembre y la otra ya esta vencida quizás me haga algún problema por eso, en fin. Gracias" + Hey there! Could you please send me a DM regarding this issue? We are now following you. :) ^HYC, Could you answer to me too please? +" Hey there, I apologize for this inconvenience. Please send me a DM so that I can help you with this issue. Thank you! :) ^HYC", Not an issue now but you might consider that circumstance. The phone shouldn’t be the only way to verify ID. + Hey there. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV, Thank you. Replied you back. +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", Resolved already +" Hello Amy. If you could send a DM with your PayPal email and perhaps a screenshot of the email you were sent, I'd be happy to further assist you with this. Thanks! ^FM", DMed you thanks +" Hi, We are sorry for the delay. We have responded to your DM! Thanks ^SLS"," Hi, it’s asking for a “street number” but I live in the U.K. and we don’t have street numbers, how do I solve this issue?" + Hast du eventuell etwas verkauft und es wurde ein Käuferschutzfall eröffnet? ^BL, Hm könnte sein aber wie kann dadurch mein Paypal Guthaben in negative fallen? +" Hi! I see how it's frustrating to pay twice for this, and I'm here to help you. Could you DM us with a screenshot of these charges in your PayPal? Thanks for reaching out. ^ES", Sent! Thanks! + I am happy to hear that your issue has been resolved. Thank you for being a valued member of the PayPal community. I hope you have a great day! ^BV, Thank you 😊 + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this inconvenience. Let's get this sorted out! Please send us a DM to assist you further. Thanks! ^LAR, Done. +" Hello! Our sincere apologies for the delay in our response. We have recently responded to your DM, so please check your inbox at the earliest of your convenience. We're here to help! ^AIM", Thx. I have done. +" This certainly sounds serious, and we'd like to see what we can do to help. Please send us a DM with your email address and any other details of the issue that may be pertinent. Thank you in advance for anything you're willing to provide. ^TB"," Sent DMs, need response NOW on the first one. or we're gonna get charged overdraft, interest and late fees." + Hey there. I am sorry to hear about this issue. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. I will be happy to help. ^BV," I wouldn´t call it an issue, just a step backwards in the features. The 2 Reasons for using Paypal over just using credit card number at a website were: +1) security +2) control +of one´s payments. Now you are effectively removing the second one." +" Hola, envía un DM con más detalles sobre lo sucedido y con gusto podremos brindarte ayuda personalizada. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Help me + Doesn't sound like it's from us! Please forward it to __email__ so that we can archive it. Thank you so much! :) ^RA, 👍🏻 +" Hello and thank you for reaching out. If your are locked out of your account you will need to call. Please DM me more information including your country, so I can get you the right number to reach us at. ^JDG",I note that it would have been better if had posted “If [you] are locked” instead. ‘You’ are rather than ‘your’ are. +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", This isn't payments from a PayPal account. It's payments to different PayPal accounts from our company Amex card. +" Du kannst uns hier bei Twitter in einer DN deine bei PayPal hinterlegte E-Mail-Adresse nennen. Gern lassen wir anschließend deine Angelegenheit von der Fachabteilung prüfen. Ein paar Infos müsstest du mir allerdings noch geben, damit ich weiß wer dir weiterhelfen kann. ^BL"," Super, Danke!" +" Hi, was ist denn passiert? Hast du uns hier bei Twitter kontaktiert? ^BL"," Ich hab ein Problem mit meinem Konto, dass ich gerne lösen würde. Das basiert auf meiner eigenen Schusseligkeit,nur wäre es schön, wenn wir das so schnell es geht beheben können. :/ Wie kommt man am besten mit euch in Kontakt?Die Nachrichtenfunktion hat bisher nie funktioniert" +" Hi, du kannst dich mit solchen Dingen gern an uns wenden. Was ist denn los? ^BL"," Na ja. Die Seite hetzt und verleumdet. Der Betreiber wird von Strafverfolgungsbehörden gesucht, und auf der Seite steht stolz ""Unterstützt von Paypal"". +Muss das sein? Macht ihr euch damit nicht mitschuldig?" + Danke für den Hinweis. Gern leite ich die entsprechende Seite an unsere Fachabteilung zur Überprüfung weiter. Kannst du mir die Details bitte in einer DN zusenden? ^BL," Hier alle Infos dazu: +https://t.co/WSaPfwZvDZ" + Danke für den Hinweis. Gern leite ich die entsprechende Seite an unsere Fachabteilung zur Überprüfung weiter. Kannst du mir die Details bitte in einer DN zusenden? ^BL, Erledigt. 🙋 +" Bonjour à vous, merci de nous expliquer davantage votre demande en privé. Nous serons heureux de vous aider. N'hésitez pas à fournir votre adresse email PayPal ^AM", voilà je vous ai envoyé un mp + Excusez-nous pour l'erreur :(. Voici le lien qui peut vous aider https://t.co/KGL5mrMjX8 ^EM, merci! ;) +" Bonjour à vous, navrés pour la réponse tardive :(. Puisque vous avez ouvert un nouveau compte PayPal pour votre association, il vous est effet possible de demander un tarif préférentiel. Voici un lien utile : https://t.co/T4KImWVc5O ^EM", Excusez-nous pour l'erreur :(. Voici le lien qui peut vous aider https://t.co/KGL5mrMjX8 ^EM +" Bonjour à vous, navrés pour la réponse tardive :(. Puisque vous avez ouvert un nouveau compte PayPal pour votre association, il vous est effet possible de demander un tarif préférentiel. Voici un lien utile : https://t.co/T4KImWVc5O ^EM"," bonjour, merci mais votre lien dirige vers la page d’accueil de paypal..." +" Hi, we have responded to you via DM. ^PL"," There is no solution yet , Please contact me via mail for documents which you need" +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes disponibles par DM. Merci de nous expliquer davantage la demande et de nous fournir votre adresse email s'il vous plaît ^LiB"," Bonjour, je vous ai renvoyé la demande en FR" +" Bonjour à vous, navrés pour la réponse tardive :(. Si vous avez de l'argent disponible sur votre solde PayPal, il n'est pas obligatoire d'avoir une carte bancaire enregistrée. ^EM", Ah d'accord je voie mais cependant je n'arrive pas à utiliser cet argent pour payer quelque chose sur Google Play +" Bonjour à vous ! Certaines transactions peuvent être mises en attente durant 21 jours afin de garantir l'expédition rapide des objets et ainsi éviter les dossiers de litiges. Pour recevoir vos fonds rapidement, voici un lien utile : ... https://t.co/s5PnOtFbp2"," Sauf que là c’est juste un virement pour un remboursement, ça ne dépend d’aucun colis" +" We would be happy to have this matter investigated further but would need to communicate with you directly to help troubleshoot this issue. If you change your mind, filing a ticket allows us to work with you to have this issue resolved. Thank you! ^AP", please check my dm + Hello! Can you DM me a screenshot of the issues you are having? Thanks! ^YG, please check my dm + Напишите нам Direct Message без использования ненормативной лексики и мы вас проконсультируем. - Евгений, please check my dm +" Oi Matheus, tudo bem ? + +Chame a gente em DM por favor ;) + +Obrigado"," Eu to de boa PayPal! Ah não ser minha conta perdida com 500 reais, mas ta tudo de boa. Relaxa!" +" Hi John. Thanks for contacting us. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN", Thanks. Got the refund from the vendor so it all worked out favorably! + Hello Kels - We would love to help you. Can you please send us a DM with your PayPal email? ^CRF, yupp +" I'm sorry to hear about the problems you are having with getting in contact with us. If you would like some help, please send me a DM with your PayPal email address and some more information about what is going on. I'd be happy to look into it for you! :) ^NEM", please check my dm +" Hey there, deeply sorry to hear about the current situation that you are experiencing. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have this issue resolved in a timely manner. Thanks! ^AI", please check my dm +" Hey there, deeply sorry to hear about the current situation that you are experiencing. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have this issue resolved in a timely manner. Thanks! ^AI", All fixed now thanks + Hello! If you are still experiencing difficulties can you DM me a screenshot of the message you are receiving? Thanks! ^YG, That is great to hear! Enjoy the rest of your day. :) ^YG + Hello! If you are still experiencing difficulties can you DM me a screenshot of the message you are receiving? Thanks! ^YG, I'm good now thanks + That is great to hear! Enjoy the rest of your day. :) ^YG, Can you reply to my DM please? I’ve been waiting since Saturday 😞 + Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about the issue. I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF, __email__ - I paid $3k for a trip to PR which was hit by a hurricane and the trip was cancelled. I paid $1k in February and 7 payments of $285.71. Now PayPal is only willing to put in a dispute for my 2 of my payments. +" We apologize for the delay in getting back to you. In order to get some more information about PayPal Working Capitol, please reach out to them directly at the following link: https://t.co/qpTAT4rPfP. Have a wonderful Thursday! ^HW"," that didn't answer my question at all or help me at all. You literally just linked me to the working capital page. Not to mention you called it working capitol when it's clearly capital. Every time I apply, the amount offered changes. Why? Simple answer." + Hello there - We would love to help. Can you please send us a DM with your PayPal email?, it was someone else. here's his account... but he's on gab so https://t.co/hLZKvxNlUB +" You're right, this is definitely a scam email. Please forward it to __email__ so that we can take care of it. We appreciate you helping us keep the PayPal community safe! :) ^NEM"," This is the second one I've had, do you know why there's been more scam emails recently?" +" Hi Adam, sorry to hear about this! Please send us a DM with a screenshot of what you see and we will be happy to help! ^DC"," Will do, thanks DC!" + Hi there. Thank you for showing interest in our services. Rest assured that we are always looking for ways to expand and will keep our sites updated with any changes in the future. Thank you for your patience. ^DC, i hope you guys end up striking a deal with us! i really like paypal and would be so happy with the ease of having it in my home country. thank you! + I am sorry to hear about this trouble with this payment. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA, Thanks. Have done so. +" Hi there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and country so we can assist you, ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", DM sent. +" Hi there, +If you could DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT"," bahasa indonesia, bisa ?" +" Hi there, our apologies about any inconvenience. At this time, this page only supports English. If you have any questions please send us your inquiry in English through DM and we will be happy to help. Thank you! ^DC", okay +" Hi Agus! Are you still in need of assistance? If you are, please send us a DM regarding your concern and we'll be more than happy to help. ^HZ", I am please see DM +" Hi there - I apologize for the delayed response, and I'm sorry to hear about this situation. I recommend that you have your friend reach out to us directly here - we'll be glad to do what we can to help. ^KK", Thank you for responding and shall be reaching out to you he been fighting this issue and has a family to support so however you can help would be most appreciated. + I can assure you that we'll do whatever we can to help. :) Have a great day! ^KK," Hi, my friend asked me to contact . He advised me that you would help me with my debt of $5K due to chargebacks from scammers on . All chargebacks were decided in the scammer’s favor with 100% proof provided. Hope you can help." + I can assure you that we'll do whatever we can to help. :) Have a great day! ^KK, He sent you a message just waiting for a reply thanks + Hi! Thank you for reaching out and I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and country and we'd be happy to get this figured out. ^AAH," Hi, I have sent you my PayPal email and country via DM. Please see. Hope you can help. Thanks" +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR"," Too late, works again. Thanks" +" Hi! Sorry to hear about the trouble with this. I am not able to call you, but I can help you over DMs. Feel free to DM us with a description of the issue. Thank you for reaching out. ^ES", 24 hours too late +" Hi there, +If you could DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT", lol y'all late on every front lol +" Hi there John, +We're sorry to hear about this. If you could DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT", How do I do that - I'm a technofobe so don't understand stand how these sites work +" We have provided a link to send a DM in this tweet. If you can send that over to us with a description of the situation, as well as your PayPal email address, we would be happy to assist you. :) ^RR https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Sorry been very busy - basically if you look at my account you will see I paid an Isabel 530 euro for a product that we never received. I have called your support line but not very helpful or supportive. As you will see from my account I basically only pay Lebara in Spain when I +" Hola, te invitamos a nuestro sitio oficial para PayPal Guatemala. https://t.co/2lIssUuwyl saludos ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", gracias! Lo que quería decir es que sea posible pasar dinero de paypal a cuentas bancarias en Guatemala :) +" Siempre estamos buscando formas de ampliar nuestros servicios, pero por el momento no tenemos una actualización. ^J"," ok gracias, ojalá la tengan pronto!" +" Hey there, I'm sorry to hear that you are having issues logging into your account, please send a DM for further instruction. :) ^JMR", Done + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV, Hi I've replied and awaiting a response. Thanks +" Hi there, Ruby. Good eye on spotting this error. After looking at your screenshot, it also looks like that email address is not associated with us officially. So you can disregard this. Have a wonderful rest of your day! ^NR", glad to know that the official paypal team knows how days work XD +" Hey William! Sorry to hear about this, I'll be happy to help, just send me a DM. ^DP"," Ive spoke to 18 people at over the last 4 days, its been a list of lies, deceit and BS from every one of them, i honestly would trust PayPal to help" + Hello there! We are sorry to hear this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA, You're a little late here. That was yesterday. +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. If you need us to assist you with this. Please send us a DM with your email address and a screenshot of the transaction. :)! ^GAA", Thank you. You should have all the information you need in the DMs. I have an open unresolved case regarding this in paypal +" Hey there, sorry for the delay! If you could please provide us with your PayPal email address and any additional information on the dispute, then we'll be able to assist you further. Thanks for reaching out to us! ^EL"," As yet no word on refund, have emailed through PayPal and the media which sale was advertised. Unlikely to hear back from him now as seems to have cut communications." + Hello and thank you for reaching out. Please know that only unclaimed transactions are able to be cancelled once pending. I apologize for any inconvenience. ^JDG, I was able to cancel it right away on the website. Just not through the app. +" Hey there. In order for someone to send a refund they only need to select the transaction they wish to refund from their activity log and then click on refund. They should not need your name, just your email address. If you have any other questions, jus... https://t.co/jfP229GQ6k", Thank you thats what I thought. + Hello! Could you please DM us your PayPal email address along with a description of your problem? We'd be happy to help assist you there. Thanks! ^ACT, No worries! I have managed to find what I was looking for ☺️ +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Podemos ver que tu mensaje directo ya está siendo atendido. ^W", Gracias. Te mande mensaje Directo. + Hi John! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us if you're still experiencing issues with this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK," No longer seeing it, and I only see a single transaction in the account activity in the app. I kept getting the push notifications for about an hour but they've ceased." + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK," Ok awesome, can you look into it?" + Hello. I'm very sorry to hear about this and I would be more than happy to help in any way that I can. To ensure that you get the best assistance specific to your issue I have escalated your case to an account specialist who will be able to assist you as soon as they can. ^NK, What should i do for now? + Hello. I'm very sorry to hear about this and I would be more than happy to help in any way that I can. To ensure that you get the best assistance specific to your issue I have escalated your case to an account specialist who will be able to assist you as soon as they can. ^NK, no help at all +" Sorry to hear about this, were you able to get your password changed? ^CD"," I did, but also - why do you insist on a 20 character password only?" +" We like to keep passwords that length in order to ensure account security, as it is our number one priority. :) ^CD"," Will you ever increase the character count? Or introduce 2FA/ U2F for extra, extra security?" + We are always looking for ways to expand our security! ^CD, Well hopefully you implement those security measures soon; since I’d rather not have some random person gallivanting with my money/ details. + Hello! Just responded to your DM. ^ML, I just replied please see it thanks + Hello! I'm sorry for the wait. I've just responded to your DM - I look forward to speaking with you! ^KK, hello can you please reply to my dm. + Hello! I'm sorry for the wait. I've just responded to your DM - I look forward to speaking with you! ^KK, sent you another question to dm. + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM so I can help you out? ^IT," Thanks for getting back to me, I found the buried link 😁" + Hello! Just sent you a DM. ^ML, Ok + Hey there! We have responded to your DM. Please check it as soon as you can! ^IT, Thank you! +" Hello Warren! Thanks for reaching out to us. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC", Have sent you a DM with the email address +" Hello! Thanks for reaching out to us. For assistance with your payment, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC", I've sent a DM :) +" Great, we will continue this conversation through DM. :) ^GAA"," just thought id leave an update here. +after my Paypal getting hacked.. +^GAA from here on twitter and Renzo from the Solutions Department both helped me restore account and get my money back in less than 72 hrs. +Thank you! 👍" +" Hey there, we responded to your DM, please review your message for more details! :) ^GAA", done. +" Hi there. We know holds can be frustrating, but we'll be happy to help. Please send us a private message with your email address and any additional information you have. We'll respond as soon as possible. ^NM"," And hearing ""I feel your pain"" is not helpful, by the way. Not at all. You know what would be helpful? Release MY money." +" Hi there. We know holds can be frustrating, but we'll be happy to help. Please send us a private message with your email address and any additional information you have. We'll respond as soon as possible. ^NM"," Same thing just happened to me. Six years, no issues, have billed the same vendor twice a month during that time. Not to mention the mind blowing frustration of trying to talk to a human being in customer service. Will be closing my PayPal account. Not worth the hassle." +" Hi there, +Please DM us and we'll help you regain access to your account. ^ZT", Already opened cases! A day late too. Smh + Hello. We are sorry to hear about your dissatisfaction and we would be more than happy to help in any way that we can. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and more details about what the issue seems to be. We'll get back to you as soon as we can. ^NK, Amen. Disappointed in PayPal right now and will be leaving after six years. + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, Thanks a lot! I'll send a DM ASAP. + Hello there! Thanks for reaching out. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA, Can u help me in PM? +" Hi there Christina, we're very sorry you're having this hassle, but if you could please send us ... https://t.co/Nn5X7t6uv4", Thanks but this was taken care of months ago. +" Hello Christina, sorry to hear about this negative experiences and our apologies for the delay. ... https://t.co/Nn5X7t6uv4",. If paypal was sorry my money would be found. + Just checking in! If you still need assistance please send us a DM. ^DC, Solved thanks +" Bonjour à vous, on reste à votre disposition en cas de besoin. Passez une bonne journée 😊 ^AM"," Bonjour +Process fait, tout a été envoyé +En attente d'une réponse positive https://t.co/cMui2vAUF1" +" Bonjour à vous, merci de nous avoir contactés. Paypal vous offre la protection gratuite de vos achats en ligne ainsi que le remboursement des frais de retour. Le montant maximum de remboursement par réclamation est de 30 €. Voici un lien utile : https://t.co/LA2OMNHtAu ^LT", Merci je vais y jeter un œil ! 🤓 +" Hello Ayano! Thanks for reaching out to us. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC", Ok +" Hi Mark. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN", DMed you an update from the sender. Your help would be greatly appreciated... we seem to be getting nowhere! +" Hi Mark. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN", Did anything happen? I was told it was being escalated 2 days ago. I still can't use my account! Not at all happy. +" Hi Mark. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN", Have done. This is dragging on and really needs to be sorted. Both parties have agreed what should be done... we're just waiting for you! +" Hey there, we have responded to your DM. Please check it for more details! :) ^GAA", Responded. +" Hi! I see how this is frustrating. If you need help, could you DM us with more details about the situation? Thank you. ^ES"," Thank you, have DMed" + Hello! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and your country. It'd be my pleasure to assist you with this issue! ^KR, Just done it there. Thanks +" Bonjour à vous, Nous comprenons à quel point vous avez besoin de votre argent. D'habitude, le virement sur un compte bancaire peut prendre 1 à 2 jours ouvrés. Seulement, nous n'avons pas la main pour accélérer ces délais puisque ce sont des délais inter... https://t.co/DimeTQiFue", Merci de votre réponse 😊 Suis-je en droit de me poser des questions lorsqu’au bout de 5 jours le virement est encore en attente ? +" Hi there, thank you for your message. We do not verify every account annually, but sometimes we just need to verify some extra details depending on the case! If you want to send us a DM we will be happy to help. ^MR", I had already sent the details in DM & spoke to customer services but no body tells why do you need extra information from me even every detail is same. +" Bonjour à vous, veuillez nous expliquer votre demande davantage en DM muni de votre adresse email. ^AG"," Ce n'est pas un cas particulier, mais une campagne de Phishing au nom de Paypal" + Hey there! We have responded to your DM. Please check it as soon as you can! ^IT, Dms +" I'd recommend removing your email address from public Twitter and sending us this message over DM instead. Also, have you tried clearing your cache/cookies to see if that helps? Attempting this on a desktop may also help. If not, call us at: 0800 265 9239. ^AL", thank you. I removed the tweet with the mail address. thx. used the wrong shortcake... +" I'd recommend removing your email address from public Twitter and sending us this message over DM instead. Also, have you tried clearing your cache/cookies to see if that helps? Attempting this on a desktop may also help. If not, call us at: 0800 265 9239. ^AL", I logged in in an incognito browser window and it helped. Thx. + Hey there. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV, Can you please replay to me !!! I buy once from britstore and you charge me 6 time same amount same order. !! + Hola. Por favor envíanos un DM para poder revisar la situación. ^LS https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, please response to my DM +" Hola, lamentamos lo sucedido. Envíanos un DM y con gusto podremos bríndate atención personalizada. ^ J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", en ningun lugar de la pagina de Interjet especifica con que tarjeta relacionada a Paypal se tiene que realizar la operación... ademas de fallas en e sistema de a la hora de hacerlo. https://t.co/fuQNLNgocq +" Hey there, deeply sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have this issue resolved in a timely manner. Thanks! ^AI", Dm please +" Hey there, deeply sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have this issue resolved in a timely manner. Thanks! ^AI", please response to my DM + Hi! I see how this is frustrating. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the withdraw? Thank you. ^ES, Done thanks + Sorry to hear about this Ian. Send us a DM and we can gladly assist you. :) ^CD," I've had an email saying my password was changed (not by me) then couldn't log on, I've since changed it myself.. do I need do anything now?" +" I see how this is concerning, and I've responded to your DM again. Thank you! ^ES"," 4 to 8 weeks to investigate a complaint? Do they go through hundreds of ""checks"" too," +" I see how this is concerning, and I've responded to your DM again. Thank you! ^ES", Your complaints process takes even longer than your account verification + Hi! I see how this is concerning. Could you DM us with a screenshot of the email? Thank you. ^ES, Have done ✅ + Hi! Sorry about the trouble with contacting us. Could you DM us with screenshot of the email? Thank you. ^ES," thanks for your reply, ive DM the screenshot" +" You can reach us at 1-800-419-9833 any time between 9:00 AM IST to 9:00 PM IST, Monday to Sunday. ^DC", What information do I need to keep ready when I call? +" Hi Larkins, no worries! Since you don't have the same phone number we will simply need you to give us a call. We will validate your identity and help you regain access. If you have any questions please send us a DM. Thank you! ^DC", Where do I call you? +" Thanks for reaching out. After an account is closed, we archive the account information in a secure database for compliance and regulation purposes. ^NEM", I asked how long you would store it. +" Hi James. At this time, we'd recommend taking a look at our Privacy Policy in the following link: https://t.co/c4wBbFMLC6 + +If you have any further privacy questions though, please feel free to contact our team here: https://t.co/c3RnnqknnP ^MN", Right. Why can’t you just tell me the answer? + Hey there! I'm sorry to hear that this happened. Please send us a DM with more details and I'll be happy to help! ^SB, Done +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you can send us a DM with some clarification about the PayPal card you are referring to, as well as your PayPal email address, we would be happy to assist you. Looking forwa... https://t.co/ZCMKot41Cv https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Isn't creating an ""exit"" for a user a part of basic system design and a top level user flow? Unless of course, PayPal uses #darkpatterns to get the job done...then it makes absolute and complete sense." +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you can send us a DM with some clarification about the PayPal card you are referring to, as well as your PayPal email address, we would be happy to assist you. Looking forwa... https://t.co/ZCMKot41Cv https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," The UX problems with the PayPal website are long, most cataloged. I believe I've been clear enough. You only have one place you're able to set your ""PAYPAL BALANCE"" as your preferred payment method. Once done, there is no way for the user to undo the action." +" Hello! Thank you for diligently bringing this to our attention. From what you described above, it sounds like the message you received is most likely fraudulent. Please DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the message for further assistance. Thank you. ^AIM", That’s what I thought. Will DM you now. + Hello! I've just responded to your DM. ^HZ," Paypal gdpm pls see my message ,pls hlp this problem" + It can take a few hours to a few days for the payment to be seen in your card statement. Send me a DM if you have any more questions! ^IT, I have the same issue but I got refunded again and agin bc mistakes on my end ^ but i dont quite understand why im still being deducted an extra $25 more than what I was already charged for even tho i got refunded? this is upsetting. +" Hi Nathan! If you made the original payment with a credit/debit card, the refund will be directly credited to your card. It won't go in your PayPal balance. If you have any more questions, please feel free to send us a DM and we'll be more than happy to help. ^HZ", It hasn’t been relayed though. +" Nous n'avons pas la main pour annuler une transaction en statut terminé. Cependant, nous vous offrons un programme de protection totalement gratuit en ouvrant un litige. ^AG", Et puis le litige va durer combien de temps? donc là vous le dire que mon argent est perdu c’est ça ? +" Bonsoir à vous, nous comprenons que c'est décevant de ne pas recevoir votre commande. Pour avoir une explication, contactez votre vendeur. Nous vous conseillons d'ouvrir un litige. Voici comment faire : https://t.co/UTJSNUf7qu. ^AG"," Bonsoir, j’ai déjà contacté mon vendeur et j’attends une réponse mais comme je suis passé par Paypal pour le paiement je voulais savoir s’il y avait possibilité pour un remboursement." + Hey there! We have responded to your DM. Please check it as soon as you can! ^IT, alright thanks + bom final de semana e bom feriado <3," Bom fim de semana também, mas na minha cidade não é feriado 😒 https://t.co/p9JNPvbZhK" + https://t.co/VxZE4EScDt," Bom feriado pra vcs né +Única cidade do litoral de São Paulo que não será feriado haha https://t.co/F1zXelevYM" + Obrigada <3," De nada 🤜🤛 +É nóis" + https://t.co/Q08TxntcWU, Caraio ri demais com esse gif 😂😂😂 https://t.co/2cmaHz1MJj + https://t.co/ttnQqyWlr6," Eita hehe mas aí complica pro meu lado +Amo meu pequeno 😍❤" + mas ele te faz rir como eu? https://t.co/2QLPrt2avN https://t.co/e2xs3MPJJ7, https://t.co/1fCuJAER4F + mas ele te faz rir como eu? https://t.co/2QLPrt2avN https://t.co/e2xs3MPJJ7, Faz sim graças a Deus ❤😍👨‍❤️‍👨 + mas entendo. O é lindão *_*, Você ó ❤❤❤❤❤ + mas entendo. O é lindão *_*," Lindão? Ele é perfeito 😍 +Melhor namorado ❤👨‍❤️‍👨 https://t.co/s0EDXawEH7" + ownnnnn <3 que lindos! hihihihi https://t.co/W6cEtEuvpy, Obrigado 👨‍❤️‍👨❤✌🏼 https://t.co/9Za1OIqcef + https://t.co/LwQCUlxEgP," Aaah 😍❣ +#LoveWins 🌈❣👨‍❤️‍👨💏👭" + <3 <3 <3 <3," #LoveWins 🌈❤ +Obrigado mesmo ❤👨‍❤️‍👨 https://t.co/gFJ8emRpfE" + tá doendo muito. to me sentindo usado. https://t.co/vsj1fKx2CE," Fica assim não +Cê vai achar alguém bacana 😏 https://t.co/70p8VZCtdM" + ahuwhauwhua eu também \o/, Haha ainda tô rindo + fomos feitos um pro outro <3," Quantas declarações haha +Fiquei confuso https://t.co/fpJkMw44zQ" + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM so I can help out? ^IT, I've been already helped sorting out this problem through phone. Anyway you should prevent https://t.co/gWza1quKCk from using your payment platform. Lots of people have been ripped off by that ecommerce. Thanks! + Hi there! I understand how frustrating this can be. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address so we may further assist you with this matter. ^SP, Message sent! Thank you! +" HI there, +If you could DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT", Done + Thanks for reaching out to us. We'll be sure to reach out to your daughter as soon as possible. ^RJM, You said that earlier. This is an emergency. You said you would send a link for her to upload a police report. You did not. She is in a foreign country and was a victim. We need your help. #CustomerService +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? :) Thanks! ^EHMB"," Thanks just sent you a message. Hope you can see it soon," +" Hello! So sorry to hear that. For assistance with your PayPal account, please send us a DM. ^GR"," Thanks for replying, good news it is all sorted now. Must of been delayed a day returning to my bank. ☺️" + I'm sorry to hear of any frustration. Please send a DM with your PayPal email address and the details of the situation. ^IN, It’s okay. I gave up and used the Royal Mail website instead. +" Sorry to keep you waiting, Jonah. I just replied to your DM. ^CG", #paypal blocked me on FB for posting what they did to me on their page after ive used their service since 1998 #areyouserious? +" Sorry to keep you waiting, Jonah. I just replied to your DM. ^CG"," i need a fix tonight. ive waited for you guys to mess this up for over 3 months. i dont need a ""someone will contact you"" bs response" +" Sorry to keep you waiting, Jonah. I just replied to your DM. ^CG", i got blocked from your FB page because i posted my story. great way to treat someone who has used PP since 1998 +" Sorry to keep you waiting, Jonah. I just replied to your DM. ^CG", you're actually ignoring me and doing the same nonsense that will result in no help #paypal #paypalisawful +" :( If your payments to Patreon are processed through us, and you need any assistance, please let us know. ^MH", Not for Patreon. But I did have a PayPal business account that couldn't verify (web form always errors). Phone support cldn't help. Gave up. + Hello there! We are sorry to hear this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA," Ok, I will send you a DM." +" Hello, I'd be happy to help. Please send a DM with information about the situation. ^IN", Done +" Hi, I see how this is concerning. Could you DM us with a screenshot of those emails? Thank you. ^ES", I have sent direct messages through and had no reply... +" Hey, please send us a DM for further assistance. ^CG", You haven’t even helped me yet +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you can send us a DM with a screenshot of the transaction details for the payment from your PayPal account, as well as your PayPal email address? We would be happy to assist... https://t.co/9vXgsqjp7m https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Sent an email but it’s sorted now thank you +" Parfait ! pour que je puisse aviser le service concerné, il va falloir venir en DM muni de votre adresse email PayPal ^LT", C’est fait :) +" Bonsoir à vous, merci de nous avoir contactés. Il se peut que votre compte bancaire soit la source d'approvisionnement principale pour vos paiements. Envoyez -nous un email depuis l''onglet ""Aide et Contact"" en bas de la page PayPal pour que nous puissi... https://t.co/j4kFLnEBbK", Merci de votre réponse. Je viens de vous envoye un mail :) + Hey there! I am so sorry for the delay. Please DM me! ^HYC," Hey, the panic is off. What it was, was I changed phones, moved the app over and it was requesting bank details BUT not accepting them. Son number three took over and said “come here old man” and as if by magic - “it’s done Dad”. Sorry for raising panic." + Hi there! I'm sorry for the delay. I replied to your DM! ^AAR, the same applies to eBay!!!! #terrible #unhelpful + Hi there! I'm sorry for the delay. I replied to your DM! ^AAR, No you haven’t. And the delay is unacceptable! Please reply to my DM with a response that actually helps your customer! +" Hi! I just responded to your recent DM! If you have any additional questions, just let me know! :) ^ALF", Thanks. I have. From eBay too! +" Please ignore the previous response you have received. That account is not affiliated with PayPal and has been reported accordingly. We are unaware of any recent outages, but would be happy to help you with any questions. Please DM us if you'd like our assistance. Thanks. ^TB"," hi pls help, respond to my DM regarding a claim." +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us. We apologize for the frustration this has caused for you! At this time, calling in to our Debit Card phone support is the only way to get to the bottom of this, as we don't have access to this information from ou... https://t.co/61b5p14DCo"," 24 hours later doesn’t help me anyway. After 3 hours and 56 minutes, I finally talked to a person yesterday." +" Hello! Thanks for reaching out to us. I'm sorry to hear you're having this issue, I know that must be concerning. For help, please send us a DM with your PayPal email and additional information. ^AL", Hey PayPal. When are you going to reply to my DM that I sent 2 days ago. + Hey Alex! I can definitely see how this may be concerning. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and I would be more than happy to look into it for you! ^SML, Hey PayPal. When are you going to reply to my DM that I sent 2 days ago. +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening or screenshots of the issue? I'm happy to help. :) Thanks! ^IVS", Hey PayPal. When are you going to reply to my DM that I sent 2 days ago. + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the transaction you are referring to. I will be happy to help. ^BV, Hellloooo!!!! I have heard nothing about my case 😢😢 + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the transaction you are referring to. I will be happy to help. ^BV," Have sent a DM with Photos + +Many thanks" +" Of course! Thanks again for reaching out to us, and for being a valued PayPal customer. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day! ^RR", Cheers RR 👊🏽 +" We definitely apologize for the inconvenience, but there is no way to speed this up. However, we would keep in mind that you do not need to have funds in your PayPal balance to complete a transaction. Funds can be pulled directly from your bank account ... https://t.co/mBAq27PoO3 https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Balls! Shifted all the € from my bank into PP Not to worry, thx all the same." +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. It can take 5-7 business days to add funds from a bank account to your PayPal account. :) ^RR"," Arghhhhg!!! Is there any way to speed this up? The money has left my bank. Looking to score a limited time Black Friday deal, items are in the checkout!" +" Hi Keri, thank you for reaching out to us and I am sorry about any negative experience. To better assist you please send us a DM with a screenshot of the full transaction details and your PayPal email address. We will be happy to help. ^DC"," Same issue, still waiting and need the money today!" +" Hi Keri, thank you for reaching out to us and I am sorry about any negative experience. To better assist you please send us a DM with a screenshot of the full transaction details and your PayPal email address. We will be happy to help. ^DC"," Thanks so much for your help in resolving this issue, . I received my funds today. I appreciate it." +" Hi Jordan! Unfortunately the selling and buying of Bitcoin through PayPal is using your business in PayPal to operate as a currency exchange, which is against our Acceptable Use Policy. You can see our Acceptable Use Policy here: https://t.co/lWxdtWqjyO. ^SML", Appreciate the response! + Hi there! We can only link it for you if you give us a call. Please let me know your country if you'd like me to provide a number. You can send us a DM if you have any other questions or concerns! ^SML, Nigeria. The card is Gtbank issued. + Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address for further assistance. ^VM," thanks for getting back to me. Do you need to follow me, before I can DM you?" +" Hello Kevin, thanks for reaching out to us. I'm sorry if our password character limit is inconvenient for you. I've made an internal note of your feedback. If you need more help, send us a DM. ^AL", How you wish you could just tell some customers to..... https://t.co/4MG21Te4UV + Hi there! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address so we may further assist you with this matter. ^SP, I’ve sent you a DM + I am sorry to hear about this trouble with your payment. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA," Managed to get it to go through after the third attempt, but was still a bit weird. Oh well all sorted now :) Thanks!" +" Hallo, wir haben auf deine DM geantwortet. ^FV", Dann bitte nochmal! :) +" Bonjour à vous, merci de venir en DM muni de votre adresse email. Nous verrons cela ensemble ^CM"," Merci ! +C'est fait ^_^" +" Obrigado! +Iremos responder sua DM :)", No aguardo :) + Hi! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that your account is registered in and we'll get this figured out together! Thanks. ^AMC, Y'all clearly didn't read the tweet +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help.! ^HW", I have done this twice already to no avail. I have absolutely no trust in PayPal anymore. Please check your DM for ANOTHER full explanation. + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM so I can help? ^IT, I’m from Brazil and have already talked to the customer service! But that’s really strange having the account hacked and cancelled. + Glad you were able to get this resolved! Have a great day! ^IT, https://t.co/qZhhD26iFm +" We are sorry to hear this. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", Check dm +" We are sorry to hear this. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", Not using Paypal anymore. + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that. Can you express your complaint to me? I will do my best to address it in the best way and find a solution for you. ^AAR," Buyer brought something from me of eBay, claimed they had been hacked and you have given there money back. I’m now out of pocket from loss of postage. Seems a little unfair and your website is useless at making a complaint." +" Thank you for that additional information. As a seller myself, I can understand how upsetting this situation would be. For me to best assist you, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, your country of residence, and any relevant screenshots... https://t.co/tYBZOjDoQk", Ok who shall I send it to so you get it? +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", Your sorry? I bet you are damn cowards. Your day is gonna come. +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to PayPal customer support. At this time Arabic is not a supported language, but if you need help with your account I can assist you in English, German, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, French, Japanese, or Portuguese. Thank you. ^BB", Welcome paypal + Hi! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that your account is registered in and we'll get this figured out together! Thanks. ^AMC, Just Dm'd you + Hola. Por favor envíanos un DM para perderte asistir mejor. ^LS https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, OR CALL ME at 980 229 2479 + Hola. Por favor envíanos un DM para perderte asistir mejor. ^LS https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, . RSVP APPRECIATED!! + Hola. Por favor envíanos un DM para perderte asistir mejor. ^LS https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, I need to reset my.password & transfer my feedback to https://t.co/PLzTkL7biH acct.!!! + Oh no! We're sorry to hear that there's been a bad experience. :( Please DM us with your PayPal email and details on the issue! #heretohelp, Apparently not sorry enough to fix it. +" Hey Brian! I'll be happy to help you out, just send me a DM. ^DP"," Sent, thank you!" + We are always happy to help! I apologize for the typo. :) ^IN," Lol! No worries! Typos happen. I have been a member of paypal for years & Rarely have any issues, but when I do, you guys are always friendly and helpful! The issue is always fixed in about 12-24hrs! But this time you guys saw the urgency & it was immediatly fixed! 😀" +" I'm sorry to hear of any frustration at this time. Please send a DM with your PayPal email address, your country, and more information about the gift card. I'm happy to help. ^IN", The problem fixed itself after some time... +" Hello! Our sincere apologies for the delay. We have recently responded to your DM, so please check your inbox. We're here to help, Bob! ^AIM"," I have checked my inbox, I reply almost instant to your messages, but you seem to take ages to reply. Can you just focus on my issue for a few minutes and reply to my DMs in time so we solve this ASAP?" +" Hello! Our sincere apologies for the delay. We have recently responded to your DM, so please check your inbox. We're here to help, Bob! ^AIM"," You sent me this in your DM ""I will now proceed to escalate your concerns to a specialist for optimal assistance. A specialist will get back to you as soon as possible."" + +Because I don't see you replying by DM could you tell me here how soon ""as soon as possible"" is for you?" + Hi! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC, Thanks + Hi! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC," Been two days since the last DM, have there been any updates? Thanks" + Thanks so much for your feedback! We are always working to improve out features and site and have noted your suggestion. Have a great day! ^HW, Please reply my message ASAP before my phone dies please please +" I'm sorry to hear of any fraudulent charges. Please send a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of this charge, I'm happy to help! ^IN"," Thanks, IN... already filed a case through the PayPal website. Assuming it's best to let that run its course rather than have multiple filings!" +" I'm glad to hear that the issued has been resolved, Monojit. Have a wonderful day and thank you for being a valued PayPal customer. ^BB", Just wanted to know if it's possible to link a bank account held in Australia for payments from Indian customers. I'm not trying to circumvent any system here but it's just something I'd like to commit into my knowledge. Much thanks. + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Banks can only be added to an account from the same country. I recommend working with your bank to transfer money from your Australian bank account. ^IT, I kind of guesstimated that. Thank you for the reply. Good day! +" Hello Monojit, I understand how upsetting it can be to sell an item only to have a charge back filed against you. All charge back claims are looked into and if you need help with a claim that has been filed against you please send me a DM so I can further assist. Thank you. ^BB", We settled it. We just mentioned you to highlight our good-standing. Regards. + Hi there! Thank you for reaching out. Please make sure to send us a DM so we can further assist you. ^YR, no i've taken out all my funds screw this +" Thank you for reaching out! Please send us a DM regarding this issue. From there, we'll be happy to help. ^JGP", It’s all done now thank you :) +" Hey! A bank/card would make things a lot easier, but it's not required. ^DP", How so? +" It takes less work to send payments. Our system will automatically withdraw funds from your bank/card when you make payments. Additionally, having a bank/card linked can get you verified. Have a look at this for more info: https://t.co/qgbbY73EVT. ^DP", You suck +" Hi Matt, sorry to hear about that trouble. Please include your email address in a DM, we'll be happy to assist you further! ^JW", I sent a DM a few hours ago. Can you please reply? +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", I have spent the last 4’phone calls to you people and the same response! Fuck you paypal for holding my money. +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", Can you reply to me please!!!!!!! +" Hi Chris, sorry to hear about the trouble with that user. Please send us more information about your specific situation in a DM, we'll be happy to assist you further! ^JW", If you check her/his account they are selling tickets asking for £20 deposits but there are not tickets. There account must be showing this. I raised a complaint on PayPal but you can see on here what’s happening + Please send a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of this page. ^IN, Didn't get a screenshot but next time I'll capture and follow up. +" I'm sorry to hear of any frustration, Sean. Please send a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the emails you are receiving about your account. I'd be happy to help through DMs. ^IN", It's not an email. It's a web page that appears when checking out. I can't get around it. +" Hi Mamta, can you clarify what you mean by GST in a direct message, we'll be happy to assist you further! ^JW", Stop ignoring me +" Hi Mamta, can you clarify what you mean by GST in a direct message, we'll be happy to assist you further! ^JW", GST is indian tax form +" Hi Mamta, can you clarify what you mean by GST in a direct message, we'll be happy to assist you further! ^JW", Why paypal transaction will deduct for receiving payment in wallet. That is 18% plus paypal fee of 4% according amount. This is wrong to have normal transactions. It's just a wallet to exchange foreign money then provide same service as usual you were +" Currrently, the GST fee that is charged is not 18% of the total transaction price but rather, it is 18% of the fee charged by PayPal on a payment that you receive. This is a fee that we are required to charge due to the financial regulations in your re... https://t.co/qNRaGJcQFB", Thanks for your kind acknowledgement. Will not use paypal more! + Hi! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC, i call you guys and got it sorted out. thanks. +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", No comment on limited time period to file a complaint? Has it changed? As it has been such a long time I do not have email address since I have switched to gmail. But I did give you my country and seller’s country & I gave the circumstances. +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", It happened about 10 yrs ago. Filed claim with both PayPal and eBay. I lived in West Palm Beach Florida and seller was in England. Seller said pkg on way. Never got it. Waiting for pkg put over 30 day limit for claim. Stopped with both PayPal and eBay as unreliable. + Hola. Agradecemos tu colaboración al reportar el mensaje falso que recibiste. Por favor reenvíalo a __email__. ^LS https://t.co/5dHfvthPpc," De acuerdo, así haré. Contribuyamos entre todos a impedir que se lleven a cabo estafas informáticas." +" Hola. Todo indica que has recibido un mensaje falso. Por favor revisa el enlace que te envío abajo. ^LS +https://t.co/YzTIDunYts", Muchísimas gracias! 👍😉 +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", Done! Thank you! +" Hello, I've sent a reply to the DMs you've sent us. Let me know if you'd like further assistance. ^AL", I replied with the info you requested +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out to PayPal. Please send me your PayPal email, country, and a screenshot of the error message you are encountering so I can help. :) ^SE"," __email__, philippines. https://t.co/EgAfHn0NvO" +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out to PayPal. Please send me your PayPal email, country, and a screenshot of the error message you are encountering so I can help. :) ^SE"," I’ve already sent you a private message regarding my issue. Kindly check it, I need your help." +" Hello, I've sent a reply to the DMs you've sent us. Let me know if you'd like further assistance. ^AL", I replied! +" We're sorry to hear that your husband's account has been used without his authorization. We absolutely want to help. Please send us a DM with any applicable information about this issue, and we'll try to respond as quickly as possible. Thank you. ^TB", 4 days later??? Seriously??? We closed said account & hopefully get the $ back. Calling got me nowhere either. I expect better of PayPal😣 + We're sorry to hear the delay in our response caused additional concern. We try to respond to each of our customers in the order in which the Tweet or message was sent. Please feel free to reach back out in the future if you'd like us to try and help. ^TB, I refuse to unload on you as it’s not your fault. I just find it a tad absurd that this goes on & the responses I’ve gotten are puke-worthy. That’s all I’m going to say on this matter. Thanks for trying but the company as a whole needs to do better. Take care. +" Hello Nick, sorry you're having trouble with our fees. We'll be happy to help explain that. For assistance, please send us a DM with an example in a screenshot, as well as your PayPal email address. ^AL", Please DM me! I DM you guys 10 hours ago. + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, I sent a message with my situation. +" Hey Sam! I'm sorry for the wait, and I'm sorry to hear about the wait to get someone over phone. If you would still like assistance, feel free to send us a DM and we'd be happy to help! ^SML", Swift customer service isn’t your strong point it seems. I’ve closed my account. I won’t be re-opening it. + We're sorry to hear of the trouble accessing your account. Please send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal account. We can see what options we have to help out. ^TM, Thank you :) + We're sorry to hear of the trouble accessing your account. Please send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal account. We can see what options we have to help out. ^TM, I have not received a response to my DM. Did you receive it? + We're sorry to hear of the trouble accessing your account. Please send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal account. We can see what options we have to help out. ^TM," Dear PayPal, you have replied to my tweet but haven't actually helped or replied to me in the DM that I sent to you. Could I please get help on my issue?" +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening or screenshots of the issue? I'm happy to help. :) Thanks!! ^IVS", It's all sorted now! I was just being impatient 😅 + Hey there! I'm sorry for the wait. I've responded to your DM! ^SML, Replied with the requested info. Thank you! +" We have responded, please check your DM's for more detail. ^GAA"," Excellent support and super fast, thank you!" + Hi there! Please send me a screenshot of the email and I can confirm it for you! :) ^RA, https://t.co/NMzMqQvcV8 + Hi there! Please send me a screenshot of the email and I can confirm it for you! :) ^RA, Is it a phishing email as I thought? +" Hey there, thanks for pointing this out to us. It appears the email you've received is a phishing email. Please DM your country so we can get this sent to the right team. ^SE", Thank you I just have + Great! Thanks for keeping us in the loop! ^SE, No problem +" Hi Jo! I'm sorry to hear about that. If there was a problem with the purchase, you can open a dispute by following these steps: https://t.co/vUSiJ7EGGc. Please send us a DM if you have any more questions! ^SML", Thanks all sorted now. Appreciate ypu getting back to me though 👍🏻 + Hey there! I'm sorry to hear you're running into this problem. Could you send us a DM with your PayPal email? We'd be happy to help! ^SML, Sure thank you!! +" Yeah that email doesn't look like it's from us. You can also tell because the grammar isn't quite right, nor is the address from a PayPal domain. Please forward it to __email__ so that we can archive it. Thank you so much! :) ^RA", Will do. Thanks +" Hello Josh, sorry to hear you're having trouble logging on. In cases like this we generally have our customers give us a call. Here is a link you can use to find a local number: https://t.co/cieOFTIoQI. ^AL", Thanks! + We're sorry for the wait. We've responded to your DM. ^TM," replied, please check thanks" + We're sorry for the wait. We've responded to your DM. ^TM," hi I uploaded another file for my claim, please check my DM. Thanks" +" Hi! I see how this is concerning. If you still need help with this, feel free to DM us with your PayPal email? Thank you. ^ES", You had IP addresses of the person who accessed the content and downloaded it. You could have easily checked those against the purchase IP. I have no idea if this was done as your ridiculous system provides no information to the seller. Very unimpressed. Probably dropping PayPal. +" Hi! I see how this is concerning. If you still need help with this, feel free to DM us with your PayPal email? Thank you. ^ES"," I've already worked with someone over the phone, and gone through the appeal process. You guys still issued a refund to the user, and gave me ABSOLUTELY ZERO information other than a broken link to ""seller protection"" which apparently I did not qualify for." +" Guten Morgen, vielen Dank für den Hinweis mit der Phishing-E-Mail. Die wurde tatsächlich nicht von uns verschickt. Gut aufgepasst! Daher gilt für alle: Keinesfalls darauf reagieren! Du kannst sie gern an __email__ weiterleiten, damit wir den Link sperren können. ^SL", Leider wurde meine Mail von eurem Server abgelehnt. +" Guten Morgen, vielen Dank für den Hinweis mit der Phishing-E-Mail. Die wurde tatsächlich nicht von uns verschickt. Gut aufgepasst! Daher gilt für alle: Keinesfalls darauf reagieren! Du kannst sie gern an __email__ weiterleiten, damit wir den Link sperren können. ^SL"," Danke. Falls ich sie nicht schon gelöscht habe, werde ich sie an euch weiterleiten." +" Hallo, wir könnten dir bei vielem weiterhelfen und dich mit Infos versorgen, jedoch müssen wir beim Thema Technik/Integration leider passen und würden dich deshalb gern und vertrauensvoll an die Kollegen vom technischen Support verweisen. Du erreichst s... https://t.co/LbhmeKZDXV"," Hab ich gemacht. Antwort: PayPal hat vor einer Woche entschieden, die Funktion nur noch für Geschäftskonten anzubieten, ohne eine Erklärung." +" Once we receive a DM with your email address via Twitter we will be more than happy to help, William. ^RD"," Basic answer is PayPal CEO is not prepared to answer a share holder, doesn’t bold well" + I can see from your previous messages that we have asked to several times since September to send us a DM so we can help you. We have not received a DM to date. ^RD," I’ve seen several DMs two you have replied to, would you like me to prove that PayPal have lied about this as well, #CustomerService #paypalfail" +" Hi there, we're sorry to hear your experience has not been good. Can you send us a DM with your email address and we can have it looked into for you. ^RD"," I messaged your ceo is he incapable of responding, does PayPal care so little about customers that the person supposedly in charge can’t deal with the business anymore ?" +" Oi Alessandro, tudo bem ? + +Qual o email de sua conta PayPal ? +e numero desta conta bancária ? + +Obrigado +Gabriel", vou manda por mensagem +" Thanks for the update! I've just sent a reply to the previous DM, please check your inbox at your earliest convenience. ^KT", I haven’t received a message in my DM’s if possible could you please resend it? +" Thanks for reaching out about your received payments! If you're still running into issues with receiving payments, please send me a DM with additional details. I definitely want to help! ^KT", Oh I️ figured it out it was my email + Hello Harry! I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble with this. I have just responded to your DM. ^DT, Thank you for the help mate just replied +" Hey! Send me a DM with a screenshot of the transaction details of this payment, along with your PP email. I'm happy to help you. ^MB", done +" Oi! + +Por favor chame a gente em DM ;) + +Obrigado", Fiz outra conta! 😄 +" Hi there John, I apologize that you've been getting these unsolicited emails. The only time that we give customer... https://t.co/K8US8cDa6W"," Yeah, I know, but they could pass it on to anybody, thus the phish that I get to my address. Please consider allowing separate email addresses, one that you use to communicate with me, and another that you pass on to vendors." + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that. Can you send us a DM with details of the inquiry? ^AAR, Don't worry. Already fixed through your support telephone. Thanks +" Hi! I'm sorry, but I had trouble sending the DM. Can you please send us a DM with your country? I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF"," Sorry, I forgot to follow. You can DM me now. I am from Kenya. Thank you" +" Hi there, we have responded to your DM. ^RD", I sent a reply +" Bonjour à vous, nous comprenons que c'est décevant d'avoir reçu un service non conforme. Heureusement, vous avez utilisé PayPal comme mode de paiement. Nous vous offrons un programme de protection totalement gratuit en ouvrant un litige. Voici comment f... https://t.co/rxanyR2tPr", Justement le service n’est pas la hauteur d’un je serais rebourse dans les 48 h déjà passé en litige de l’autre on me demande des justificatifs après je serais pas remboursé en plus de ce on me raccroche au nez Le service PayPal n’est plus comme j’avais connue ..👎👎 +" Hey there, Holden! We have received and replied to your DM. Please check your messages as soon as you get a chance. ^BC", Thank you! + Hi there- Can you please DM us with further information on the issue? We would love to help! :) ^KE, Sure Thing + The easiest thing to do from here is withdraw the money to your bank. You can then withdraw the money from your bank using an atm card. :) ^CD, Hi. I can’t. Don’t have a bank. +" Hi! I can see how this is frustrating, and I'm here to help. Could you please DM us with your PayPal email? Thank you for reaching out. ^ES", I have DM’d you. Thanks + We apologize for this inconvenience. We have responded to your DM. Please check it at your earliest convenience. ^SP," Thanks Paypal, I seen that and was actually just relaying the info back to . They are the ones that haven't updated my support ticket since Thursday when I last replied." + We apologize for the delay. Please check your DM at your earliest convenience. ^SP," Oh gosh thank you, been having issues getting ahold of you guys. +Replied to it!" + Hello there - We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and inquiry so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, There’s nothing to fix just not happy with the charges plus eBay fees eventually your kill your business getting too greedy +" Hello! Thanks for reaching out to us. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC", __email__ + Hey there! Sorry for the delay. Thanks for reaching out. We've replied to your DM. ^CRG, Any danger of you replying to mine? Or are you just going to ignore that too? 🤦🏻‍♀️ +" Hi! I know it's important to keep track of your refund, and I'm here to help you. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the refund? Just to check, do you originally pay using a card or bank? Thank you. ^ES"," Thanks, its come through now, must’ve taken a few days to clear 😁" +" Hi! I know it's frustrating to run into this, and I'm here to help you. If you need assistance, please DM us with your PayPal email. Thank you! ^ES", Fuck off and die you cunts +" Thank you for reaching out, it's definitely important that you know what options are available to you in this situation! At this time, the option to block requests is not available. Please rest assured however, that you can choose to cancel or ignore th... https://t.co/9Z2hFuLMjW"," Whilst cancelling and ignoring a couple of requests is fine, I’m receiving 25-30 a day from 1 specific email address plus others from another account." +" Hello, thanks for reaching out to us. I'm sorry to hear you're having and issue with a pending balance., I know that must be concerning. For help, please send us a DM with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the transaction. ^AL"," Done, thank you" +" I'm sorry to hear of any frustration, Jason. Please send a DM with your PayPal email address, your country, and a information about this payment along with the tracking for the item. I'm happy to help! ^IN", I’ve responded via DM and still haven’t heard a response...are you still there? + I'm sorry to hear of any frustration. Please send a DM with your PayPal email address and any information you are comfortable with sharing regarding the name change. I'd be happy to help. ^IN," Thank you, I’ve sent the email and a copy of the judgement and my new id with my new legal name." + Sorry to keep you waiting. I just answered your DM. ^CG, Thank you +" Hi there, we have responded to you via DM. ^PL", U have not +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you are in need of any assistance with your Paypal account. We're happy to help. ^CG"," Thanks, hopefully these messages to you won’t get ignored also⭐️" +" Hey Andy, we're sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM if you are still in need of assistance with your PayPal account. ^CG", Just dm’d please respond in the next 2 hours + Hi there! We are sorry to hear that this happened to you. Please make sure to send us a DM so we can further assist you. ^YR," I’ve been hung up on by your support 3 times, no response to an email and haven’t heard back on Twitter. Can you please help?" + Hola. ¿Qué clase de tarjeta estas intentando utilizar? ^LS, La compra fue hace una semana. Con una city Banamex + Hola. ¿Qué tipo de tarjeta estas tratando de utilizar? ^LS," Visa y mastercard. Ya para que, ya pasó el buen fin. Pésimo su sistema." + Nous venons de répondre à votre demande par DM ^CM, 1 mois et demi plus tard ... tres bon temps de reaction ... Heureusement que a la CAF on ne met pas autant de temps que vous ... + We'd be more than happy to help out! Just send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal account and some details of how we can help. ^TM, I have the same issues.. +" Hi, we are sorry for any inconvenience, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address so that we can further assist you. ^IA", I wish they had a chat option :( +" Hallo, wie kann ich dich denn unterstützen? ^FV", Hat sich geklärt danke +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW"," Thank you, I hope the issue of your customer support being 100% unresponsive is going to get fixed. I've sent you DM. Have a nice day." +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", Months after my account got blocked for no reason & over 10 days after the public promise of fixing my problem: still nothing. Could you please really try and do something to fix this? + Salut Dorian ! On est disponibles par DM si vous avez une question précise ^SB," Pas de question pour ma part, seulement un rapport sur ce que vous êtes censés traquer" +" Bonsoir à vous ! On est disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez que l'on vérifie ceci ensemble, merci de nous expliquer davantage votre demande ^SB", Mais... ok +" Hi, we are sorry for any inconvenience, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address so that we can further assist you. ^IA", you are lucky for me they are holding them for 20 days so good luck +" Bonsoir Damien, On est disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez que l'on vérifie ceci ensemble. Merci de nous communiquer votre adresse email ^SB", Bonsoir comme d’habitude vous allez vérifie et me dire de patiente. Je suis pris en otage je n’ai plus l’objet (téléphone) et pas l’argent que vous bloque 😡 #escro +" Hello Mark. Sorry for the delay. If you could send a DM with screenshots of the issue, I'd be happy to further assist you with this. Thanks! ^FM", I’ve done this already 😫🙄 + Hello Paul! I can see how concerning this may be for you. I can assure you that the Note 8 is compatible with PayPal Here. If you are experiencing issue please let me know. Enjoy the rest of your day. ^YG, Ah no issues just checking as thinking of switching to PayPal thanks for responce + Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about the issue. I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF," to buy another one,what exactly am i meant to clean my teeth with?you might not like to clean your teeth for 8+ days,but i do!" + Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about the issue. I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF," this is the latest Ebay/Paypal bullshit,bought an electric toothbrush less than a month ago,now wont take a charge so is useless,1st off have to wait 8 days for my initial claim via Ebay,then another 72 hrs to wait and see if Ebay decide in my favour or not,so unless i fork out" + Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about the issue. I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF," note to everyone,Ebay is cheap for a reason,its all crap!" + Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about the issue. I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF," ive already had all the 'im happy to help' bullshit,actually,all you were happy to do is find in favour of the seller whilst im stuck with a defective item,and currently in the process of my 2nd claim for something else,and no doubt that will go exactly the same way!" +" Hello, apologies for the delay. I've responded to your DM. Thanks! ^RW", We responded to your DM and truly hoping that you or someone can remedy this ongoing issue as this should not be as big of a problem as it has turned out to be. +" Hi there. If you already sent us a DM, we'll respond as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience. ^LB"," Hi there, ""Response, as soon as possible, paitence"" passed more than one month and you're still saying same things. Sorry but no more patience." + Hey! I've replied to your DM. :) ^MB," Hey, I sent a reply back! Thanks for replying by the way" + Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about the issue. I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF," Thanks, sent." +" I am sorry for the late response. Due the holidays approaching we are running into a high number of contacts, but we will always answer your questions. If you need anything else, please send me a DM. ^GA"," Ok, thank you ☺" + I am sorry to hear about this trouble you are running into with calling us. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA, Only a day too late. Dont worry about it. ☹ +" Hey Luis, that error means that your PayPal payment couldn't be validated - I would contact to see what they recommend to get that fixed! ^BB"," Hello, do you have some questions about PayPal? If so, please send me a Direct Message with your PayPal email address and some details on how I can assist you. Thanks! ^RW" +" Hi there, sorry for the delay! After looking over the screenshot, we have come to the conclusion that this email was not sent by us. This is obvious because of the impersonal greeting. If our customers would like to know more on how to identify these fa... https://t.co/eNHQ5qCVz5", Thought not. Thank you :) + Hello! Can you please send me a DM with your inquiry? Thanks! ^YG," Why? I was replying to the previous tweet, not asking PayPal for help" + Hello Jessica! Can you please DM me your PayPal email address and screenshot of the payments you are referring to? Thanks! ^YG, Thank you ! They actually called me back yesterday and got me all squared away! Great customer service!!! I really appreciate it!! +" Por nada. Cualquier cosa, estamos disponibles en DM. Que tengas un excelente día. ^W", Gracias. Buen día también para vosotros 😊 +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Por favor envía el correo que recibiste para revisión a __email__. En el siguiente enlace encontraras más información sobre posibles correos sospechosos https://t.co/A3l53LPvGH. Envíanos un DM para más información. ^W", Enviado. Gracias. +" Hello and thank you for reaching out. Please send me a DM with more information, so that I can further assist you. I'm happy to help. ^JDG", still no response again been over a day + I have sent you a DM regarding this matter! :) ^YG, Thanx just recived. + Hello Jane! Can you please send me a DM with a description of what you are going through? Thanks! ^YG, All seems to be well now - of course I had to prove a dozen times I wasn’t a robot - but ok now - thanks! + I'm sorry to hear about this. :( Please have your nephew reach out to us directly so that we can look into it. Thanks! ^JMR, They already have! They asked for help and were declined + I apologize. Could you please try to send us another DM so we can assist you today? ^HW, This is you not replying to my dm https://t.co/xqK8du2KZr + Please check your DM for our response! ^HW, I did thank you +" Hey Charlotte, sorry to hear about your experience :(. If you still need help, please send me a DM! ^DP", Apparently they're looking into it. I hope they are because he was extremely rude with no customer service skills! + I am sorry to hear about these funds that are still on hold. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA, Just a scam to hold your money and make money on interest THEIVES +" Hi there, +If you could DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT"," i sent you a dm, it's very important" +" We offer our sincere apologies for your experience, and will be happy to look into this. Please DM us your email address and the details. Thank you. ^MH", Sure. + precisamos pensar nos preparativos que não sou desses que fica enrolando por anos não!," KKKKKKKKKKKK GENTE, VAMOS FAZER O CASAMENTO DO ANO" + Hi there! I'm sorry for the delay! I replied to your DM. ^AAR, Great I’ve responded +" Hi there, +We're sorry about your previous experience with us. If you could DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT", Thank you! I've already raised a complaint about my shabby treatment. Hopefully I'll have a reply before I start collection my pension! I don't know what you have to hide that we customers can't find someone to write to directly. It's so RyanAir/Ebay/Microsoft/Apple! +" Hi there, +We're sorry about your previous experience with us. If you could DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT"," Complaint set in via email form (very untrustworthy and customer avoiding) and also directly to contact emails. Not had even an acknowledgement, let alone a reply in almost a week. Heaven help me if I was trying to access MY money (which I was, hence the complaint!)" + We're definitely not in the business of looting our customers! Please slide into our DMs with your PayPal email address and additional details so that we can review and correct this matter. ^RJM, Thank you will be sliding now 🙏🏽🤙🏽 + We're definitely not in the business of looting our customers! Please slide into our DMs with your PayPal email address and additional details so that we can review and correct this matter. ^RJM, Lmao when PayPal lets it go down in the dm + We're definitely not in the business of looting our customers! Please slide into our DMs with your PayPal email address and additional details so that we can review and correct this matter. ^RJM, Looting/holding....not releasing my money for 180 days seems like this to me! +" Hello Salah, thanks for reaching out to us. If you go to your account settings (gear icon), there should be a a place where it says when you joined. You can also give us a call: https://t.co/cieOFTIoQI. ^AL"," thank you, but i couldnt see this piece of information at my business profile page https://t.co/KykSI4MIWf +this is my first Q, the second is how can i get a full transaction report from the first date of creation untill now. the reporting system doesnt allow more than 2 years." +" Hi! I know it's important to get this information, and I'm here to help. Could you DM us a screenshot of what you see on your business profile page? Thank you! ^ES", https://t.co/jE6AN3pWxi +" Hello, I've sent a reply to the DMs you've sent us. Let me know if you'd like further assistance. ^AL", Hi well yes please because your reply says you'd asked the specific team but not heard back yet with the solution? +" That's a good question, Dylan. We'd love to look into this with you and see what options we have for resolution. Please send us a DM with your email address, and any details of the issue that may be pertinent. Thank you in advance for anything you're willing to send. ^TB", Thanks. Sent a DM :) + Hi there. Here's some helpful information about the PayPal Access card and it includes the best telephone number to call: https://t.co/nn65VEJpjX. You should be able to reach the right people at 0845 505 8801. Thanks! ^LB," I got told by ^TB to DM you, so that's what i've done. I ordered my card on 10/10/2017 and i still haven't got it. Details are in DMs" + Hi there. Here's some helpful information about the PayPal Access card and it includes the best telephone number to call: https://t.co/nn65VEJpjX. You should be able to reach the right people at 0845 505 8801. Thanks! ^LB," FCA regulations effective 26 October 2015 have banned the use of premium rate 084, 087 or 09 numbers." +" That's right, you should be good to go! ^CD", That’s good to know :) thank you for replying PayPal + I does not look like you are being scammed here. :) ^CD, You mean it’s just a update? It’s not something to worry about? +" Guten Morgen, das tut mir leid zu hören. Wie es scheint, hat unser Sicherheitsprogramm bzw. eine Einstellung im PayPal-Konto die Zahlung verhindert. Wenn das passiert, bietet es alternativ andere Zahlungsmöglichkeiten an, z. B. Guthaben oder eine Kredit... https://t.co/RU0xq2oxDi", Es ist Konto und Kreditkarte hinterlegt. 🤷‍♂️ + Dann könnte es auch mit dieser automatischen Zahlung zusammenhängen. Hast du dich mal bei unserer kostenlosen Hotline unter 0800-7234500 gemeldet? Geht in der Regel am schnellsten. Du kannst mir auch gern deine hinterlegte E-Mail-Adresse geben (als priv... https://t.co/RU0xq2oxDi, Sie haben eine DM mit Bildern. ;) +" Hi, We responded to your DM yesterday. Please review and reply back to the question asked. Thanks ^SLS"," No question asked yesterday in my DM," +" Hi, We responded to your DM yesterday. Please review and reply back to the question asked. Thanks ^SLS"," Hi Kevin, please follow us on Twitter for DM purposes. Thanks ^SLS" +" Hi Kevin, please follow us on Twitter for DM purposes. Thanks ^SLS"," So where is the question you asked yesterday then, didn’t have to follow two weeks ago to get a reply, just want to know why there is a 34 day gap between my two claims yet they were put in same time" +" Hi, das ist aber eigenartig. Ist das heute noch immer so der Fall? ^SL"," Moin, +Habe vor 30 Minuten 10 SMS´s bekommen jetzt geht wieder alles." +" Bonjour Yannik, nous vous remercions de nous avoir contactés concernant votre remboursement en attente. Un remboursement peut prendre certains délais si le paiement intial est approvisionné par compte bancaire. Afin que nous puissions vérifier cela ense... https://t.co/SkIIAGLd6G", Dm envoyer +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes attachés à satisfaire tous nos clients 😊. Visiblement, ce n'est pas une adresse email PayPal, pour nous aider à faire plus d'investigations, je vous invite à nous envoyer l'email à : __email__ ou __email__. Notre ... https://t.co/drjKXVxfJR", D'accord merci bien. J'ai bien envoyer l'E-mail. Merci. ^^ + te ajudaremos o/ manda dm?," Opa, mando sim" +" Hi there. Thanks for reaching out to us and for bringing this to our attention. If you could please send us a DM, we'd be glad to take a look into this issue. ^MN"," just replied, if you can check it out" +" Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM with a screenshot of the payment, so I can help? ^IT", Hi your Dm is not working for me + Thanks for reaching out! It's definitely important that the fees are being charged fairly and as promised. Please send me a DM with a screenshot of the issue along with your PayPal email address so that I can assist you further. Thanks! ^KT, email is __email__ or __email__ ... we've been turning over more than $2500 for many months ... but fees always stayed the same + No problem! We will be here for you and be more than happy to assist you. ^GV, what do you mean assist? you can look into the account en pay the fees back ... don't know what I need assistance for +" Hey! Refunds take 5-7 business days to complete. If you used your bank for the initial payment, the refund will be applied to your PayPal balance. ^MB", Thank you + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, Unfortunately several hours later I got it resolved.... + Please check your DMs for further assistance with this issue. ^RJM," Hi, I sent you another message. I need some help." +" Hi I'm sorry to hear about this! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", YOU r about 1 day to late already sorted +" Deeply sorry for the delay that you had experienced to have this issue resolved, Luke. :( If you encounter any issues in the future, please let us know as soon as possible. Thanks and have a great day! ^AI", That it? I've been on hold already 3 hours today. +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening or screenshots of the issue? I'm happy to help! ^IVS", i wonder if they'll reply to you noah seeing as I'm still waiting on a reply to my dm's... +" Hi Courtney! I'm sorry that your payment has been pending. :( Can you send me your PayPal email address and more details about the payment itself? If you have a screenshot of the transaction details, that'll be a big help. Thanks! ^MT", I sent you a message +" I'm sorry for any confusion. This sounds like a feature that we offer. Just go to your activity log, set the dates you're searching for, and in the ""Search activities"" search field, you can enter an email address, then just hit search. If you're referri... https://t.co/KKIXykz9j6"," Ahhh...perfect!! Just did it, and it is what I am looking for. Thank you!! Hmmm...maybe you should have a talk with “Jay.” That was the time of my call, and spent half an hour w him. Thank you for ur help! #CyberMonday #resolved https://t.co/77MA6TXXAE" + I'm sorry to hear that. Can you send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal account? We can have the call reviewed and make sure Jay has the correct information. ^TM," Sure! I’ll have a staff of mine take care of it right away. Thank you for your help, and thanks to Twitter!! 😆🙌🙏" + If you follow us we will be able to DM you Paul. :) ^CD, following already +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. That is not an email address that PayPal uses, please report any messages you recieve from this address to __email__. Here is how you can spot fake emails: https://t.co/L8luXffvxk . ^IVS", Fuck +" Hey there! We're so sorry you feel this way. Don't worry, we have received and replied to your DM and look forward to getting this resolved. Please check your messages as soon as you get a chance. ^BC", No your guys do not acting as middle man....You support all the scammer in internet + Hey! I have replied to your DM. ^MB," Thanks, so satisfying" +" Buen día. Si deseas asistencia de nuestra parte, por favor envíanos un mensaje directo. Saludos. ^LR"," Yo llamé para eliminar absolutamente todas las asociaciones activas de mi cuenta paypal, pero aún así no funciona, pero hace un año con la otra cuenta interbank si funcionaba la transferencia" +" Buen día. Si deseas asistencia de nuestra parte, por favor envíanos un mensaje directo. Saludos. ^LR"," Paypal me dice que si se encuentra asociada sin problemas, pero no puedo hacer la transferencia desde interbank porque no aparece activado el botón de Retirar Fondos..." +" Buen día. Si deseas asistencia de nuestra parte, por favor envíanos un mensaje directo. Saludos. ^LR"," Gracias! Pero en paypal me dicen que es problema del banco y no de la plataforma de ustedes. El banco le echa la culpa a paypal, en fin. El problema es que mi cuenta paypal estaba asociada a una cuenta interbank hace un año, y ahora estoy tratando de asociarla a otra" +" Oh no... If you still have this email, would you mind to forward it to __email__? Doing so allows us to investigate the email and shut down the URL's. Thank you so much for reporting it to us. ^MH", You bet. Stay tuned. + Hey there! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Please send us a DM with this information and we'll be more than happy to further assist with this situation. ^CRG, These two accts have all the info. This guy is using a dying girl's picture saying it's his daughter & asking to donate to is PayPal account. He knows we're on to him but he's telling people we're the leftists & not to believe us. He's asked me for $ too. + Hey there! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Please send us a DM with this information and we'll be more than happy to further assist with this situation. ^CRG, Thks for responding & I've tagged ppl who are aware of this guy with over 150k followers. The info you need is on their pages. Ppl who have donated have reached out & then blocked by this guy. He's a convicted felon too. 🙏 +" So sorry to hear that. For further assistance, please send us a DM. ^GR", Well that was a waste of time. Thanks for stealing my cash and not resolving the problem.#BoycottPayPal +" Hello! So sorry for the delay. Please check your messages, we sent you a DM. ^GR", Ok +" Hi there, +If you could DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT", I sent a ticket +" Hi Gabe! I'm really sorry for the wait for a response. If you still have a question or if you're having any problems with your PayPal account, feel free to send us a DM. ^SML", i dm'd please respond i do not want to wait another day +" Hi Gabe! I'm really sorry for the wait for a response. If you still have a question or if you're having any problems with your PayPal account, feel free to send us a DM. ^SML", okay +" I suggest making sure your account is verified, here's how: https://t.co/l19MfcQ30m + +If this doesn't work, I suggest waiting 24-48 hours. I apologize for the inconvenience this is causing. ^IN", That's fine + Sorry for the wait. We've responded to your DM. ^TM, Read again + Hey there! I'm sorry for the wait. I've responded to your DM! ^SML, Yeah I have responded with the requested proof +" I'm sorry to hear of any frustration, Kirsty. If you want me to look into these emails, please send a DM with screenshots of the email receipts and I'd be happy to help. ^IN"," It’s okay, I get this woman’s emails all the time! It’s gmail’s fault not PayPal’s :)" +" Hi Blair, Thank you for contacting us via Twitter. Is there anything we can help you with? If so, please share your email and summary of the issue and we will be happy to advise. ^SLS", Please PM your email address and we can look into this for you. Thanks ^SLS +" Hi Blair, Thank you for contacting us via Twitter. Is there anything we can help you with? If so, please share your email and summary of the issue and we will be happy to advise. ^SLS"," Yes, want to file a formal complaint against a PayPal employee. Called tonight and I was left on hold for 1.5 hours - no one ever came to the phone. Why would you do that?" +" Hallo, Sicherheit steht bei uns an erster Stelle. Daher kann es durchaus passieren, dass ein PayPal-Konto vorübergehend eingeschränkt wird, wenn Ungereimtheiten auffallen. War das bei dir vielleicht der Fall? Aber schön zu lesen, dass es wiederhergestellt werden konnte. ^SL"," Ja. Und zwar während fast 2 Monaten! Ohne jegliche Erklräung, was denn die Ungereimtheiten gewesen sein sollten. Weder während noch nach der Untersuchung. Und ohne abschliessende Entschuldigung. Das halte ich nicht für normal." +" Es tut mir leid, dass du so im Dunklen gelassen wurdest. Wichtig ist, dass du dein PayPal-Konto wieder nutzen kannst. ^SL"," Ja, ich werde die paar hundert Franken, die aktuell drauf sind, möglichst bald ausgeben und danach das Konto unverzüglich schliessen." +" Guten Morgen, was ist denn passiert? Gibst du uns mehr Details bitte? ^SL", Ihr habt euch den Fall schon angeschaut und an eure Käuferschutz-Abteilung (schon mal ein sehr bezeichnender Name) weitergeleitet - die genauso unlogisch argumentieren wie vorher. Daher meine Frage: Warum schützt Paypal die Käufer mehr als die Verkäufer? +" Daher auch nochmal meine Frage: Gibst du uns mehr Details? Ohne zu wissen, was passiert ist, lässt es sich schlecht argumentieren. ^SL"," Außerdem habe ich euch den Fall letztens geschildert. Ihr habt uns dann an euer Beschwerde Center verwiesen, wo man nicht Mal auf deren Mails antworten kann..." +" Daher auch nochmal meine Frage: Gibst du uns mehr Details? Ohne zu wissen, was passiert ist, lässt es sich schlecht argumentieren. ^SL"," Groß argumentieren möchte ich auch gar nicht mehr. Wenn uns eine Digitalfirma wie PayPal allein schon ein so stümperhaftes Beschwerdeformular schickt, was man dann ausdrucken muss, unterschreiben und wieder einscannen, merkt man, wie wichtig man als Verkäufer genommen wird." +" Guten Morgen, was genau meinst du? Sorry fürs Nachfragen. ^SL"," Ich wollte 79,99 USD in Euro umrechnen, aber der Umrechner meinte, dass es 79,99 Euro sind und nicht Dollar (denk ich mal)." +" Hm, sehr eigenartig. Kannst du uns einen Screenshot von der Anzeige (mit den 79,99) per PN schicken, damit wir das weiterleiten können? Dabei bitte aus Datenschutzgründen persönliche Daten ausschwärzen. ^SL", Der Umrechnungsrechner war bei euch auf der Webseite. Von dem hab ich euch ja bereits ein Screenshot hier geschickt. +" Ja, im Screenshot werden nur leider nicht die 79,99 dargestellt. Daher meine Bitte. ^SL", Ach so. Es war mit denen genau dasselbe. Die 10 gedachten USD waren nur für den Screenshot. + Hast du mal den Link probiert? ^SL," Der Link/Rechner geht, aber der, wo bei Guthaben -> Währungen verwalten ist, geht nicht." + Ich habe es entsprechend aufgenommen und an die Kollegen weitergeleitet. Könntest du uns in einer privaten Nachricht deine hinterlegte E-Mail-Adresse geben? ^SL," Die, welche bei euch hinterlegt ist? Für was braucht ihr die?" + Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. I replied to your DM. ^AAR, If you find em let me know! lol + Hello Sharon. Can you send me a DM regarding what had happened? Thanks! ^YG," Actually, no I can’t wasted over two months of my life on this and you never backed me up you backed up your fraudulent seller so bye-bye" +" Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Please send us a DM, so we can assist you further. :) ^AAR", Im sorted thank you! Spoke to very helpful Phoebe yesterday! +" Hi Scott. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you would like to further discuss the status of your case, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN", Sent + Hi there! I'm sorry for the delay. I replied to your DM. ^AAR, Thank you. Sent you a DM too. +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", Issue was resolved. My complaint is about your ridiculous hold time and claims of convenience during said hold time. +" Bonsoir à vous, nous sommes navrés de l'apprendre. Nous tenons à vous informer que les paiements entre proches sont pour des raisons personnelles, familiales et qu'ils ne sont pas soumis à la protection des achats. ^AG"," Bon au moins j'ai eu une réponse c'est déjà ça, merci quand même" +" If you change your mind, our teams would be happy to assist you further here! :) ^AP"," Spoken to you three times now, no one has helped." +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW"," You’re not sorry! +But I’m very much enjoying replying to the Resolution Centre with utter nonsense to get my automated responses! Does PayPal employ actual people?" + I can assure you that I am a real person. Responding to the automated system will likely prevent you from getting a real response to your issue. If you would like assistance please send us a DM. Thanks! ^HW," I don’t understand why you have a system to deal with serious concerns but when I’m asked to update the situation only automated responses are sent from a bot! + +And you claim to care about customers 😂" +" While you are in the queue, the auto-response helps to troubleshoot the more common issues that you may experience. However once an agent is available, we are happy to help further. Additionally you can DM us to receive assistance. :) ^HW", So want to try again explaining how your system serves any purpose? And why do you treat customers with such contempt? +" While you are in the queue, the auto-response helps to troubleshoot the more common issues that you may experience. However once an agent is available, we are happy to help further. Additionally you can DM us to receive assistance. :) ^HW"," You’re missing the point (good work PayPal 👍) + +I have serious issue. PayPal dealt with it via bots. I escalated to an appeal. I’m “reassured PayPal takes my complaint seriously”...by a bot + +Meanwhile fraud is being committed, PayPal are acting illegally, & a bot doesn’t help" +" I understand how concerning this has been, and apologize that the bot was unhelpful in your situation. I would be more than happy to assist you with these issues via DM in order to protect your account's privacy and security. ^HW", No thanks. I’m enjoying seeing how many messages I can get up to before a human at PayPal acknowledges me via the portal you’ve specifically created for complaints + Merci pour ces informations et pour votre retour. Je transmets de suite votre demande au service approprié ^LiB, Merci pour votre réactivité ! + We can understand your frustration! Please check your DMs for an update. ^AP," No you dont, you havent understood since May. I have been trying to solve this problem for months." + Hello! Could you please DM us your PayPal email address along with a description of your problem? We'd be happy to help assist you there. Thanks! ^ACT," not when this reply comes a whole day and a half later then when I had the issue. +#DoBetter" + Hello there! Sorry to hear about any negative experience but we will be happy to help! Please send us a DM with more details about your inquiry and your PayPal email address so we can further assist. Thank you for your patience. ^DC, I actually got a reply this morning. Finally! yay! Thank you :) +" I am sorry to hear about this trouble you are running into with these hold times. If you would like, please send me a DM and I can help you through there. ^GA", That was one day ago. I waited and finally got an answer after 32m on hold. I appreciate your reply nonetheless. Have a great day. + Excellent! Thank you for being smart and checking everything before sending out your items. :) ^RA, Just a shame that we know other people may not cotton on to it until it's too late +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening or screenshots of the issue? I'm happy to help. Thanks! ^IVS", Hahaha heheh heh. +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening or screenshots of the issue? I'm happy to help. Thanks! ^IVS", Done ✅ thanks 🙏🏻 +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening or screenshots of the issue? I'm happy to help. Thanks! ^IVS", Any news? +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW"," Thanks I have done so again, the first time I DMed my issue I was asked to call a number which happens to be India customer care who said they can’t help me here and asked me to call US customer care in PST timing but I get a 1 hour wait time 😕" +" Hey there, really sorry to hear about the current situation. :( Can you please send us a DM? This way, we can try to take care of your issue in a timely manner. Thanks! ^AI", They said to me that I have to go on a computer and fix it my end as they can’t take my card details etc but I don’t have a computer! +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR"," hi, I send you message thru DM. Please check, thank you! :-)" +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", I can‘t send a DM because you don‘t follow me back. :-) And I wouldn‘t send all the info here. Maybe my email: ganesha(dot)siwi(at)yahoo(dot)com + Sorry for the wait! I have sent you a DM regarding this matter. ^YG, Thank you. I have replied back. + Hi there! Please send me a DM! :) ^RA, I just did. + I'm so sorry for the delay! I just responded to your DM! Please check your messages when you have a chance. :) ^ALF, Appreciate it. Replied to you there +" Hey there, sorry for the delay! If the email addressed you by an email address instead of your name, then the notification is considered to be a fake. The following link will provide information on how to identify these fake emails in the future: ... https://t.co/LjPBcBVTuE"," Hi, yes it was addressed to my email address. It said Dear customer, then below that my email address. I did think that it was a bit strange. Thankfully I didn't open the link they sent either." + Thank you for being so vigilant! Please be sure to forward that email to forward it to __email__ so a specialist can review its legitimacy. Thank you! ^AC," Thank you, I have forwarded it on, hopefully it will get found" +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. We will be happy to assist you with this. Please send us a DM with your email address and a screenshot of the issue. :) ^GAA", 4 days later does me no good. +" Hi I am sorry to hear about this! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR"," A phenomenal employee named Brennan was able to efficiently and accurately assist me. After 2 hours on the phone, I was fortunate to have him pick up my call and resolve the issue within 15 minutes. You need more Brennans in the office." +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. We will be happy to assist you with this. Please send us a DM with your email address. :) ^GAA", I already contacted phone support yesterday you're a bit late... +" Hola, por favor envíanos una copia del mensaje recibido a __email__ para que lo podamos revisar. En el siguiente enlace encontraras información sobre posibles correos sospechosos https://t.co/fOGkkhiAkn. Envíanos un DM para más información. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Listo. Les envié una copia. Saludos! +" I sincerely apologize for the delay! I'd be more than happy to look into this for you, so please send me a DM with your PayPal email, country, and a screenshot of what you see when you click on one of these pending payments in your PayPal Activity. ^KR", The payment has completed now so the pending status has gone. I have tried to resolve this a few times through your contact PayPal facility but I just receive stock responses. I will DM my PayPal email and country and hopefully you will be able to see on my account activity. +" Apologies for the delay Sam, we have reached out to you through DM. ^SK", Read my DM please + Salut à vous! On peut discuter bien sûr. C'est en rapport avec l'opposition de paiement c'est bien ça? ^FB, Oui c'est réglé du coup... x) + Hi there. Sorry to hear that you are experiencing difficulties on your account. Can you provide more information to us in a DM and we can help? ^DR," Thank you, I have sent a DM." +" vamos descobrir o que há o/ + +Chama em dm?", que alívio 😅 pensei que nunca conseguiria resolver isso mds +" Salut à vous! Ce sont des dons, donations virtuelles donc qui ne sont pas éligibles de base à la protection des vendeurs: https://t.co/DAupSz8PLA Plus d'infos via ce lien: ^FB", Ah donc c'est normal ok ... xD + Hi there! Please send us a DM along with your PayPal email address so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response. ^GV, 💀 +" Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! At this time, we accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover cards in your region. ^IT", But why my first national bank card doesn't work it's a gold check card visa an it doesn't work why it's FNB + Hi there- Can you please DM us with further information on the issue? We would love to help! :) ^KE, ok +" Hola, el correo tiene indicaciones de ser falso. Por favor reenvíalo a __email__ nuestro equipo interno se encargará de darle seguimiento. Gracias ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Hombre igual se lo podíais mandar vosotros, no?. El q me pidáis que lo mande yo es mucho abusar, ya os he dicho que os están haciendo phising. Qué más queréis!!" + Good catch! This is not from us. Can you please forward a copy to us at __email__ for further review? ^EB, Have done ☺️ +" Bonsoir à vous, nous sommes navrés d'apprendre cela. Nous vous invitons à venir en DM muni de votre adresse email pour vous aider. ^AG", Je n'ai pas encore eu de réponse de votre part + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM along with your PayPal email address so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response. ^GV, Finally a response +" Oh no! We're sorry we've made you feel this way, and would like to know more about what happened to cause this. Would you mind DMing us with the details? ^EB", Yes I will +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out to PayPal. Please DM me your PayPal email, country, and a screenshot of the error message you are encountering so I can help. ^SE", I found a workaround on the site to do what I need. Thx + We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience while we work through our messages. Please send us a dm with your Paypal email and concerns. We'd be happy to look into this., ok just dmed + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that. Can you please send me a DM with details of the issue? Look forward to your response. ^AAR, Just sent a PM with my reference number. +" Hey there! My apologies for any frustration this situation may have caused you, but if there is anything I can assist you with today, please do not hesitate to send us a DM and I'll be more than happy to help! ^SB", All sorted +" Hi there! I know it's important to get this information, and I'm sorry about the frustration with the receipts. Could you send us DM? I'll be happy to help you with this. Thank you. ^ES", My problem is that I do NOT want to be asked to get receipts with Facebook Messenger. I'm tired of it delaying my orders asking me to sign up to get receipts that way. I want to know how to opt out of that offer all the time. +" Hello Jako! Thanks for reaching out to us, and we're sorry about the trouble with that claim. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC", Phoned the customer support and it is all sorted now + I sincerely apologize for the delay and for the frustration this situation has caused! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and more information about your issue. It'd be my pleasure to help. ^KR," Thanks ^KR, have just shot you a DM now. Appreciate you following up, hoping we can get it nailed asap :)" + Hey there! Please send me a DM with your issue and I will be more than happy to assist you! :) ^HYC, Has been solved. But didnt like that he hang up on me 👿👿👿 + Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. Send us a DM for further assistance. ^ML," done, thanks" +" Hello Adrian. Are you trying to automatically add funds to your balance? If so, please send me a DM with more details regarding this. Thanks! ^FM", Yes! +" I appreciate you bringing this matter to our attention. In order to have this matter investigated further, I recommend filing a ticket with our support teams here: https://t.co/afRhBk5OSb. Once filed, our teams will work with you directly to have this matter resolved. ^AP"," Im just bringing it to your attention. Fixing it or not is your choice, it's your customers that you are preventing from using your service." + Sounds good! Let me know if you have any questions. ^DP, So my student doesn’t have a PayPal account? At least not for the email he said he used to purchase. +" Hey Ashley! Sorry to hear about that. If you still need assistance, please send me a DM! ^DP", My student just got home. We’re gonna get online and file the claim here in a minute. +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you can send us a DM with a screenshot of the email you have received, as well as the sender's details for the email, we would be happy to assist you. Looking forward to hearing from you! ^RR https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Hey PayPal. When are you going to reply to my DM that I sent 2 days ago. +" Our apologies for the confusion! There is a chance that the funds weren't available in the preferred payment method to complete the payment. For further questions, feel free to send us a DM! :) ^RR https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," I checked and made sure that the card I used had the funds, and it had double the amount available. Instead, it ignored that source and used my bank account" +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you can send us a DM with some clarification about the situation, as well as your PayPal email address, we would be happy to assist you with this. ^RR https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," I resolved the issue myself by working overtime to make up the money taken from my checking account, though I am confused as to why the payment methods I selected were ignored" +" Hello, I understand how upsetting it can be to not have your share button anymore. If the share button is linked with your Twitch account than you would need to contact Twitch for assistance, but if the share button is linked to your PayPal account plea... https://t.co/2dZWMQBGu1", oh I mean I was counting on twitch to reply but k that’s cool too +" Hi there, thank you for reaching out to PayPal via Twitter. We are sorry to hear about the negative experience. For assistance with this issue, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, your country of residence, and a screenshot of the paymen... https://t.co/mze6gAxjHk", Thank you very much. I have just sent everything you requested via DM. +" Hello Ellen, I understand how time consuming it can be to have to login with each purchase. When an address is different the system wants to confirm that you are making the purchase this is done in an attempt to protect you and your account. Many people... https://t.co/LaEhiKYNjz"," During my job on a regular basis, & you are massively behind the times. I know what systems you do use & don't use. Don't assume my account is safe just because the correct password was used. This isn't the 90s." +" Hello Ellen, I understand how time consuming it can be to have to login with each purchase. When an address is different the system wants to confirm that you are making the purchase this is done in an attempt to protect you and your account. Many people... https://t.co/LaEhiKYNjz"," Address, order stuff for themselves & you'd be OK with that because you think the password is the main security feature?! You need to get with it when it comes to fraud & prevention measures. I know exactly what's out there & what banks use, I also speak to your fraud dept..." +" Hello Ellen, I understand how time consuming it can be to have to login with each purchase. When an address is different the system wants to confirm that you are making the purchase this is done in an attempt to protect you and your account. Many people... https://t.co/LaEhiKYNjz"," Heat to work. So please explain this. I can only assume your systems aren't sophisticated enough to detect device ID patterns & changes, which is actually quite concerning. Because someone could in fact steal my password & log into a new device at a new location, change an..." +" Hello Ellen, I understand how time consuming it can be to have to login with each purchase. When an address is different the system wants to confirm that you are making the purchase this is done in an attempt to protect you and your account. Many people... https://t.co/LaEhiKYNjz"," My account for years now as it's family, I just don't post to it very often. The device I always use also has fingerprint recognition to log into my PayPal account so it can't be anyone else, can it? Even if someone cut my finger off it wouldn't work. Needs to detect body..." +" Hello Ellen, I understand how time consuming it can be to have to login with each purchase. When an address is different the system wants to confirm that you are making the purchase this is done in an attempt to protect you and your account. Many people... https://t.co/LaEhiKYNjz"," Funnily enough I'm a fraud investigator & I know exactly how fraud happens. What I'd like to know is why your 'prevention' measures can't detect that I'm using the EXACT same device I've always used, on the EXACT same IP address at my home, the different address has been on..." + Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about the issue. I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF," I still need help, nothings been fixed." + Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about the issue. I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF," Sent over that DM - gave some more details, check it! Thanks!" +" Thanks for reaching out about an issue you've been having with sending invoices! Please send me a DM with additional details along with your PayPal email address. If possible, a screenshot of one of the invoices would be helpful as well. I definitely wa... https://t.co/7EvCbD451U", I'll DM now thanks! +" Sadly we cannot close this account until you are 18, but we can close this account once you are 18 and you can op... https://t.co/hIEXXEzY1f"," I set up a paypal account before i was 18. Fair play, my bad. Was wondering if i could shut down the account so i can restart it now im 18?" + Sorry for the confusion. Please DM me and I can help you. ^GA, I am 18 + I am sorry to hear about this trouble with accessing your account. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA, Been locked out of my account for 2 hrs. 2 different agents have “reset my account for me” & still no dice as soon as they get off phone +" Hello, I'm sorry to hear you're having an issue with a refund For help, please send us a DM with your PayPal emai... https://t.co/HAqrNEB1Rp", One of my refund request has been active for a week and the money still has not been put on my card. + We recommend deleting the Tweet that contains your email address as social media isn't a secure place to provide ... https://t.co/teRYJdoNJS, __email__ + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Please send us a DM with some more details about this! ^GH," never offer any solution and thus has been happening for years. Then I call customer service, which isn't even open 24/7, and I've (2/3)" +" Hello! we sent you a message with more information, so that we can further assist you. Please check your DM's. ^JDG", Can you please open my account so I can transfer the money in there and close the account. + Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP, literally why is this such a hassle? Literally no one else I have asked has had them done to them. + We have replied to your DM. Have a nice day. ^JP, Done! +" Glad we could resolve this, have a wonderful day! ^GH", Thanks! :) +" Hello William, thanks for reaching out. Please send a DM with your PayPal email and country. I'd be happy to help. ^IN", I am new to Pay Pal could tell how to put money in to my account. Also how can I get a Pay Pal card. + Apologies for the delayed response. Please check your inbox. ^VM," Having trouble recovering password. Followed instructions, and still doesn't work." + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the receipt you are referring to. I will be happy to help. ^BV, I’ll send the screenshot now via DM. +" Hallo, sofern PayPal genutzt wird, wird der Bezahlprozess im Vorfeld offengelegt und die Funktionen und Richtlinien aufgezeigt. PayPal hat keine Einsicht in ein Bankkonto und daher können wir auch nicht wissen wie viel du auf deinem Bankkonto hast. Sofe... https://t.co/xVG63db1fI", Die machen sich lieber ihrer Taschen auf Kosten anderer voll und unterstützen einen noch bewusst tiefer zu schlittern. Und danach lassen Sie einen fallen. Wie kann sowas überhaupt in Deutschland geduldet werden? Ist Profit mehr wert als die Gesundheit? +" Hola, de antemano lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Envíanos un mensaje directo y con gusto te asistimos. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," En día 17 no daba la opción de meses, dijeron checa con banamex, llamo y me dicen ntp nosotros parcializamos la compra. Hoy llame otra vez y resulta q no aplica la devolución de un mes." + Hi there- Can you please DM us with further information on the issue? We would love to help! :) ^KE, ask paypal and they dont bother responding +" Hey, perfekt. Danke dir fürs Bescheid geben. :) ^SL", Ja es hat mit der App funktioniert. 😊 + Dann erstmal gute Fahrt und bis später. ^BL, Bin grade auf der Autobahn unterwegs. Melde mich später dazu. +" Wenn du diesbezüglich eine Überprüfung wünschst, kann ich diese gern für dich veranlassen. ^BL", Es bestand nie ein Konto mit dieser E-Mail-Adresse. +" Hi, vielleicht bestand in der Vergangenheit ein PayPal-Konto mit dieser E-Mail-Adresse. Gern kannst du uns diese ... https://t.co/C0qkRIndnU", So ein Amateur-Verein. :-( +" Hi there, apologies for the delay. We have reached out to you through DM. ^SK"," But Honestly I Absolutely Love Paypal ,i Love You Guys ,you Are Amazing But I Do Think Your Systems Broke" + I'm glad you reached out to PayPal customer support! Are you having issues with your PayPal account or a recent transaction? Please send me a DM with a screenshot of the issue along with your PayPal email address. Any additional information would be hel... https://t.co/cKxBWOM3d1, Not just us - looks like they are at 34 clubs this weekend! Loads of places at £49.99. Hopefully will be able to refund customers. +" Bonsoir à vous, nous sommes à votre disposition. Afin de vous aider, merci de venir en privé muni de votre adresse email PayPal et plus de détails concernant votre demande ^LT", Ce moment gênant quand tu te fais litige 😎 +" Hi there. Thanks for reaching out to us and for bringing this to our attention. After taking a look at this email, we can confirm that it was not sent by us. + +If you could please forward this email to __email__ , it would be really appreciated. I... https://t.co/v6BjKgb9IJ", Panic password change done haha + We have received your dm and will respond shortly., MB -- just sent a a DM. Thank you. I hope you can help. + Please check your DM for our response! ^HW, I have pmd you its very confusing + Hi Heather! Please send us a DM with details of the issue. ^AAR, The issue is with one of your vendors’ sites that has been holding a duplicate charge against my av for five days despite voids + Thanks for letting us know! We have responded to your DM. Please check your inbox. Thanks! ^AC," done, thanks" + Thanks Meghan! ^HZ, Just sent a DM. Thank you! + Hi Meghan! Please send us a DM regarding your concern. We'll be more than happy to assist you there. ^HZ, Can someone help me with this? + Thanks for that info. Please contact the merchant to cancel the duplicate orders. ^DD," Only two total orders, but 4 charges (each has a duplicate charge)." + We also recommend contacting the merchant to make sure any duplicate orders are canceled. Sorry for any frustration. ^DD, Happened a second time. Seems to be a problem with using the app to pay through the app. Keeps looping payment. +" I have responded to your DM, Wilson. :) ^DT", Have sent dm +" Hi there. We're glad to hear the issue is resolved. If you need any help in the future, don't hesitate to send us a DM. ^NM"," Hi, your staff refunded him. Called again & another, this time helpful staff refunded me. Thanks" + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, I'd really like to get this fixed. +" I'm glad to hear that, Michelle! Have a great day. :) ^KK", Everything is sorted now. Thank u +" Hello! Please send me a DM with more information about your issue, your PayPal email, and your country. It'd be my pleasure to look into this for you! ^KR", I have confirmed my new card and it won't let buy thing still? How do I fix this? + Se mudar de ideia... estou por aqui. Excelente feriado.," O problema não é DM, é repassar meu problema adiante. Por favor, não me contatem mais. Quando eu disse que desisti, é porque quero distância" +" oxi... é só mandar dm pros seus dados não ficarem expostos publicamente. A gente trabalha com segurança, então nã... https://t.co/odCnWx7Aoz"," Não continuem jogando a responsabilidade do trabalho de atendimento de vocês pra mim, eu já desisti de vocês, caso não tenham entendido. Bye" + ahh a gente te ajuda a recuperar. Chama em dm indicando o e-mail da sua conta? Vamos gerar uma senha provisória., Então por favor me digam como recuperar minha senha sem precisar responder qual meu brinquedo de pelúcia favorito + oxi! mas a gente atende em português sim. Aqui oh o/, Esses gringo hein. Ticonta... Não há o que não haja. +" Hallo, okay, dannn schonmal ein schönes Wochenende. :) ^FV"," Joa, im Zweifel lassen wir das dann ein Gericht entscheiden, sowas diskutiere ich doch nicht auf Twitter. :-P" +" Hi there, I am so sorry for the delay in replying to you. I have just sent you a DM. ^DK", Hi still haven’t heard anything. You allowed the customer to win and they have damaged the phone I sold to them. Thanks! + Merci à vous. Â votre disposition😉 ^LiB, Merci + Das tut mir leid zu hören. Ist es gestern noch angekommen? ^SL, Habe am 28.11 um 18 uhr ca eine email bekommen das das geld jetzt abgebucht wurde ja heute ist der 30.11 also 2 tage her und wo ist das geld ? + Bitte entschuldige die kleine Verzögerung. Ich wünsche dir schon mal einen schönen Start ins Wochenende. ^SL, Nein laut dem Telefonat heute ging das geld erst am 30.11 raus ja und in meiner emaiö steht das dauert 1 bis 2 tage heute ist tag 1 fast Rum dann mal Montag schauen hoffentlich da + Danke dir. ^SL, Kein Problem hoffe dann das es Montag da ist .. Danke gleichfalls + estamos contigo lá em dm ;D, rapido preciso pagar uma pessoa +" Hm, in dem Fall bleibt leider nur der Anruf bei unserer kostenlosen Hotline (0800-7234500). Zusammen lässt sich das sicher schnell klären, so dass du dich wieder einloggen und dein PayPal-Konto nutzen kannst. ^SL"," Würde wohl gehen, wenn man eine Mobilnummer angeben könnte. Geht aber nicht, da ich mich ja nicht mal mehr einloggen kann. Die Festnetznummer haben wir seit Jahren nicht mehr." + Merci de passer par DM et de nous fournir votre adresse email ^SB," Merci beaucoup! Seul probleme : le remboursement apparait dans ""activités "" mais pas dans le ""solde paypal""..." +" Bonjour à vous, nous restons toujours à votre entière disposition en cas de besoin :). Bonne après-midi et bon weekend ! ^EM", Merci beaucoup ! +" Hi! No worries! It appears that your tweets have been deleted. If you still need help, please send us a DM. :) ^ALF", How do I delete? unfortunately I do not know how.. +" Hola. Lamentamos lo sucedido. Con gusto podremos revisar, envíanos un DM con más detalles. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Lo hice y hace 48h y nadie me contesta... por telefono lo intente 2 veces y estuve en espera mas de 10 minutos y finalmente colge. + Hi there! Once you DM us will be able to assist further. :) ^KE," You will definitely get them, thank you." + We are sorry about this. Please know that we respond to messages in the order we received them which can cause a delay due to the high volume of message me receive. Not to worry as we are here to assist you further once you send us a DM. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA," Pretty sad it took this long to get a response from you. Twitter used to be THE best way of working with PP. Looks like that's gone, too." +" Hey there, we deeply apologize for the delay in responding to your request. :( We have recently responded back to your most-recent DM. Whenever possible, please respond back for additional assistance. Thanks! ^AI", i’m getting frustrated i really need to sort this out can you guys please help me +" Hi Steven. We're sorry for the delay in getting back to you. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN", + Hi Dylan! I've responded to your DM. ^HZ, Hello dm me +" Are you stating that it takes 3 days for withdrawn funds to make it through to your bank account? If so, this isn't our funds availability system. We do this to make sure that there are no serious issues with the withdrawal. ^YG", Plus I'm certain that it is illegal under eu directives to do that + I do not believe we make money from the funds that we hold in our system. The fees that are applied at checkout are how we obtain our revenue. ^YG, It's this as well but it's every single time it never used to be it used to be within 2 hours and it still says it can be 2 hours on the site I'm sick of it there are no problems clearly I've withdraw n loads of money in the past it's an excuse to make interest in not a retard +" I apologize for the delay! It'd be my pleasure to address any concerns you may have, so please send me a DM with your PayPal email, country, and more information about your situation. ^KR", from now on will be my business payment method and i wont accept paypal unless its sorted + I'm so glad to hear that! Have a great day! :) ^ALF, I got the money yesterday. Thank you though! +" Thank you for this, Richard. To better assist you please send us a DM with more details about this matter and your PayPal email address. We will be happy to help. ^DC"," https://t.co/EvcfHj0FK1 + +PP-006-293-263-276 has been closed because invalid tracking +Best regards" + Sorry about any negative experience. If you would still like assistance please send us that DM and we will do our best to assist. ^DC, I sent a complaint in to you and it was ignored clearly not happy to help! +" Hey there John, we are deeply sorry to hear about the current situation at-hand! :( Can you please send us a DM? This way, we can try to make sure that this issue is resolved in a timely manner. Thanks! ^AI"," Thanks, . Unfortunately, the money that was refunded was promptly stolen again through . Seems like there are some significant security lapses." +" I apologize but at this time this page is only able to offer support in English. If you could please rephrase your question into English, I would be happy to help. Thanks so much for your understanding! ^HW", السلام عليكم انا مشترك في القنوات الرياضيه وباقي على انتهاء الاشتراك اكثر من شهرين وطلعلي عطل فني وهذا رقم البطاقه 7010920440 + I am sorry to hear about this trouble with your transfer. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA, Trying transfer cash what the matter with your sever +" Hi there. We have sent you a DM. Please check, when you have the chance. Thanks! ^NR"," Thanks for your help, it was really helpful!" + Hello. We've sent you a DM. Please take a moment to look at it. Thanks! ^ACT," #paypalwoes read my DM & fix your system. I have provided all the info. Sent msg in your ""secure msging system"" where robots reply." +" Sorry to hear about this wait time, James. If you still need assistance please send us a DM with more details and we will be happy to help. ^DC", Currently at over 30 mins. +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^IVS"," Thanks, I sent you a DM" + Hello there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, How dare i request my own money that you have charged me to handle. No reason for a 72 hour delay to give me MY money into my own bank. Bunch of incompetent script reading robots in the call centre as well. No rational explanation. Crooks +" I'm so sorry to hear about the fraudulent charge you saw on your account. Was everything taken care of? If not, please send me a DM with your PayPal email address and some more information so that I can look into this for you. ^NEM", Best time for it now I’ve finished my Xmas shopping!!!! + Hey there. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV," Still haven’t been helped....very DISPLEASED with this overall customer service with both y’all and the sellers. Don’t even use eBay that much, but best BELIEVE I’m DONE after this." + Hey there. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV, Really? Seriously? 😒😤 What a joke... + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! We are sorry to hear that you have not received a response from our email team yet. We can assure you that we assist customers as soon as we can in the order that they contact us but the hold time might be longer th... https://t.co/tco33Z3OOE," Hi, can someone look into my last message please! Thanks" +" I'm happy to know your issue has been successfully resolved, even though you were inconvenienced with the wait time. If you ever have any more questions or concerns, please feel free to ask us. We're always happy to help! ^HZ", After an hour and a bit Its been sorted I think + Hello there! Thanks for reaching out. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA, Hey have you changed your policies lately? + Hello there! We are sorry for the delay. We have responded to your DM. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA," Why? You don't answer DM, even when you asked for DM! Shocking" +" Hi there, I am sorry for the delay in replying to you. I have just sent you a DM. ^DK"," Why? You don't answer DM, even when you asked for DM! Shocking" +" Hi there Sunnie, please send us a DM! ^RA", + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, Canadian funds filtered into USA is bad so we are Red Thursday warning customers to not buy anything today. +" We are always happy to take feedback provided by our users. You can do this by going to https://t.co/zryF4hmu43 then clicking on ""Feedback"" at the bottom. I hope this helps. ^ACT"," Do you take criticism here? +PayPal support is trash. You'd do a great service to many people by having text based support, this is just worthless. I'll just solve this myself somehow, as I usually do. Have a good day/night" + That would be the best course of action. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. ^ACT," are you going to tell me to call the support Hotline? + +just tell me now so I know if I can ignore you, no offense" +" Hi there, +We're very sorry that you had to deal with this for so long. If you could DM us your email address we will be happy to help you out. ^ZT", Even heartless offered me assistance immediately rather than drawing out the process for three months. + Hello! I'm sorry for the wait. I've just responded to your DM - I look forward to speaking with you! ^KK, Send me a dm please +" I'm sorry to hear that you're unhappy with our services! In order for me to assist you further with your issue, please send me a DM with a screenshot of the error message along with your PayPal email address. Thank you for all your patience! ^KT"," ""the phone is not registered in your name"" okay??? I'm part of a family plan, just like I'm sure thousands of your customers are. Give me my money" +" Thanks for reaching out! If you need some help, please send me a DM with your PayPal email address and a description of what is going on so that I can look into this for you. ^NEM", Please Hurry up with . what's taking so Long? + Hello! I'm sorry for the wait. I've just responded to your DM - I look forward to speaking with you! ^KK," I have about 4.5 Cad on my account and 10 more coming. I have 1 transaction on that account. Now I can't log in because it says it can't recognize it is me. I have no way of doing or changing anything on that account, my phone number for example( I changed my phone number)." + I am sorry to hear about this trouble with this payment. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA, If paypal not solve charge back contact your bank and open VISA charge back. 😁 + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! We are sorry to hear that you are having trouble making this purchase and we would be more than happy to help Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the error message you refere... https://t.co/OxlZjxW5jE," OK, did it. says ""Sorry, we are not able to process your request. Please try again later.""" + Hi there! That doesn't look to be from us. Please forward it to __email__. We appreciate your caution. ^ACT, + Please check your DM for our response! ^HW, 1/2 So I've just spoken to Linda in Disputes...she connected me to after they are closed and now will not take my call. Agents in CS will not connect me and are rude. You still have not refunded my money and are saying it is at fault... + Do you mean when you issue a refund? The fee is cancelled if you send a refund. Feel free to send us a DM if you have any more questions :) ^SML," I believe that is all taken care of now. Now a different buyer wants to cancel his order (of the same thing). I'm going to make him sweat a little, but I guess I have to do it. Will I get a credit back on my fees again?" + Danke für die Infos. Das kann verschiedene Gründe haben. Bei Abbuchungsvereinbarungen ist unser System sehr sensibel. Ist denn dein hinterlegtes Bankkonto bestätigt? Hast du eventuell noch offene Lastschriften? Lastschriften können bis zu 8 Bankarbeitst... https://t.co/P9BkFN9nPW, Wir konnten leider Ihre Zahlung nicht abschließen oder keine Abbuchungsvereinbarung für zukünftige Zahlungen einrichten. +" Ich kann das gerne für dich prüfen lassen, ob eine Vorab.-Freigabe möglich ist. Versprechen kann ich leider nichts. Sende mir am besten deine registrierte E-Mail-Adresse, damit ich es entsprechend weiterleiten kann. ^FV"," Ja die Sendeverfolgungsnummer ist hinterlegt. Der Käufer hat mit der Postiven eBay-Bewertung den Erhalt bestätigt ""Alles super und in guter Qualität"" Ich denke das spricht für sich. Ist es nicht möglich das Geld heute schon ""Verfügbar"" zu machen? Ich bin drauf angewiesen. MfG" +" Hi there, we have received your message and it will be answered soon. We aim to answer all queries in the order they come in, so we are fair to all customers and do apologise for any delays in our responses. Thanks - ^MD", Great - Just sent a DM - thanks for responding. + Hi there! We have replied to your DM. ^MR, Can you pick this up? +" Hi there, thank you for contacting PayPal via Twitter. We would be more than happy to help! Please DM us with your PayPal email address, your country of residence, and a screenshot of the issue. Thank you! ^AC", can you help out with this? eBay don't have a clue what pay after delivery is and haven't answered my problem at all + Please DM your email address so we can assist. :) ^DD, Please DM an email address I can send an email over to you or if you have a contact number please DM me +" Hi Dan, we are sorry to hear this has happened. If you could please send a DM with your Paypal registered email address and details of the issue at hand. Thanks - ^MD", Not had a reply yet from #askpaypal yet again mate. Would love this to go in one of your papers mate + We're glad to hear it! Have a wonderful day. :) ^AIM, Sorryyyy! It's sorted now. Enjoy your weekend 🍳 +" Hallo, es gibt durchaus noch andere Vorteile, wie z.B. die Schnelligkeit, die Sicherheit bei bestimmten Fällen und die unkomplizierte Verwendung. ^FV"," Das war aber eines der Hauptargumente,PP zu benutzen.Dann brauche ich ja PP nicht mehr." + Hi Amanda! I've just responded to your DM. ^HZ," I have done just that, will await your response! Thanks." +" Nous vous comprenons parfaitement :). En fait, chaque paiement reçu est soumis à des frais de réception ^EM", Je parle en général. Votre service de litige inadmissible pour les personnes qui reçoivent des donations qui doivent payé des frais a leur plein gré C'est pas un cas particulier plutôt une généralité. +" Bonjour à vous, nous proposons effectivement une tarification spéciale seulement pour les associations caritatives. Si vous gérez un organisme à but non lucratif, vous pouvez demander à bénéficier de cette tarification spéciale de 1,4 % + 0,25 EUR pour ... https://t.co/WY0tCDhdpS", Non vous comprenez pas . Un don c'est un don . Ce n'est pas une opération classique vendeur acheteur . Je parle à 1 stagiaire ? +" Bonjour à vous, désolés d'apprendre votre mécontentement :(. Nous sommes disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez que l'on vérifie ceci ensemble. Merci de nous communiquer l'adresse email liée au compte PayPal ^EM"," Au lieu de poster des vidéos sponsorisés de merde , commencé par trouver une solution pour les streamers sur twitch qui mange des litiges Paypal. Avec vos commissions a 16e par transaction . Merci ." + Hello. We are sorry to hear about this situation and would be happy to help. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the transaction in your PayPal account. Please click on the transaction before taking the screenshot so w... https://t.co/1mrvl7PHlt, I also haven’t received mine 😤 + Oui bien sur ! Merci de nous fournir votre adresse email 😃 ^SB," Jai essayé ce numéro mais il ne passe pas justement, on peut passer en dm pour régler mon problème ?😊" +" Hey there, we have responded to your DM. Please refer to that for more details regarding your issue. :) ^GAA", https://t.co/z9DtHO4wCe +" Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM with more information, so I can help out? ^IT", I can't seem to find any emails from eBay or PayPal for that transaction so I guess I might just be out of luck. +" Hey, we responded to your DM. Please check your messages for more information! :) ^GAA", Reply to my Dm +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. We are sorry to hear about your situation. We will be happy to assist you if you need any help. Please send us a DM with your email address and a screenshot of the issue. :) ^GAA", Poor customer service and nobody knows nothing +" Bonjour à vous, nous restons à votre disposition en cas de besoin. Passez ne bonne soirée 😊 ^AM"," Merci beaucoup, le numéro me suffisait 😊" +" Bonjour à vous, merci de nous expliquer votre demande en privé. Nous serons heureux de vous aider. N'hésitez pas à fournir en plus votre adresse email PayPal ^AM", Ce moment genant ou tu prends 40milles litiges pour des produits virtuel/immateriel que tu peux pas gagner alors que les mecs sont 100% en tord 😁 +" We would also recommend trying to access PayPal from a desktop computer. If you are still running into this issue, we would recommend reaching out to your internet service provider. ^RR https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", I just did what you said with no change +" Hello, Shelby. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. We would recommend clearing the cache and cookies from your web browser settings or trying a different web browser to see if you are met with different results. If not,... https://t.co/IFs3T9nXVP", https://t.co/PSJdv1G3wH + Always happy to help! :) Have a great day! ^EHMB, It's all fixed now thank you. + Thanks! ^VM, See dm for further information. +" Hi there! We apologize for the inconveniences. To better assist you, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the payment. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", The worst thing is this is for the same damn service. Which I've now paid for 2.5 times. (Until the refund comes through). + Thank you for your understanding! Rest assured that we will keep our sites updated with any changes in the future. Have a nice day. :) ^DC, Thanks ... I was doing bank transfer for years now.. Maybe it is not possible yet in our country to do the instant transfer. +" You should have the option to to upload further details about this case within the Resolution Center of your PayPal account. If you are not seeing this option or if you need further assistance, sending us a DM will allow me to better address your specific concerns. :) ^SB", Why a DM? + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that your account is registered in and we'll get this figured out together! Thanks. ^AMC," From reading that it should work in Ireland, yes?" +" Hi Sam. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN"," It seem's PayPals fraud team are underpaid, undervalued and set ridiculous time targets....as a victim of PayPal fraud, caused by an automated case closure procedure, I feel like encourage their fraudsters..." + Hi! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC, Hey sent u 2 dm's + I apologize for the delay! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and the country your account is registered in. It'd be my pleasure to assist you with this issue. ^KR, Hello🙄 +" Hello there! We apologize for the inconveniences. To better assist you, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country your account is registered in. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Hello ??? +" Hi Vinay! Could you please send us a DM with that information? You can send us a direct message from our profile. I don't suggest providing your email through a public tweet, could you remove your last tweet for security reasons? ^SML"," Thanks. This would be great if you will help me. 3,4 months are really very long period and still issue is not resolved. My paypal id is - __email__, registered in India." +" Excellent, Alberto! I'm glad you were able to get the payment made. Have a wonderful day and thank you for being a loyal PayPal customer. ^BB", Thanks for the reply. After two days of errors at the end worked yesterday. I guess it was a bug 🐛 in the PlayStation store :) +" Hello Alberto, I understand how upsetting it is to not be able to purchase a game using your PayPal account. Please send me a DM so I can further assist you if you still need help. I look forward to hearing from you soon. ^BB", I'm using Spanish PS account with spanish PayPal account. Working nicely until last week. Now so many errors in the JS console. Most likely a bug on their side. They missed it 🤷‍♂️ found some cheaper alternatives anyway. +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and for sending us a DM. We were able to send you a response. Looking forward to hearing from you! ^RR https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", This is unbelievable I hope you can help me. +" Hey there! I'm sorry to hear that your withdrawal is taking longer than expected to process, but please send us a DM with more details and I'll be happy to help! ^SB", I requested to withdraw money from my account Monday and it still hasn't gone in +" Hi David. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Based on your screenshot, we can confirm that this message is not from us. + +At this time, we would recommend sending this image to __email__ . If you need any further assistance though, please... https://t.co/ZRzCM8gETO", Didn't think of that. Doh !! https://t.co/usUDBMhfKs +" Sounds good, Amy. If you need any further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us. :) ^MN", Hopefully got it sorted with person the money went to 👍🏻 +" Oi Fab, boa tarde + +Por favor chame a gente em DM + +Obrigado", Não é 5% extra e sim só 5%. Quero dividir uma 1070 que comprei e não tô conseguindo +" De nada, saludos ^DG", Va gracias + chama a gente em dm? Te ajudaremos o/," Nem tentem usar o Paypal. Tentei pegar a 1050ti na promoção e tentei pagar via Paypal,cheguei até a última etapa da compra e confirmei. Na kabum nem sequer tem um pedido meu registrado. Totalmente desfuncional o método do PayPal." +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Por favor envíanos un DM, para asistirte con detalles del inconveniente. Saludos ^DG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", una ayudita por aquí! +" Hello, Kimberly. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you believe a user is in violation of our Acceptable Use Policy, you can forward all relevant information to __email__. Thank you for bringing this to our attention! ^RR"," hey +This is a SCAM. These fraudsters used to use " + Great! Please check your DM again. ^ES," Thank you for responding, i sent back more details" +" We're very sorry to hear about this. If you send us a DM, we'd be more than happy to investigate this further. ^JMG", No point rang u yesterday but I stil want to know why I can’t use bank account on PayPal .... they told me my account is fine and it can’t be cuz I cannot use my bank account option + Hi there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country your account is registered in so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," I DM'd my eBay details to you some time ago, I wonder if you could let me know whether you were able to resolve my problem? I'm needing to dispatch a parcel asap and am unable to pay for my delivery due to this issue. Thanks." + Thank you for doing so! We will look into this and get back to you as soon as we can :) . ^FM, Already did forward :) + Hi there! Please send a DM and I'll be happy to help with your question. :) ^MT, Any chance to get a response? Thanks in advance. +" Hi there! We apologize for the inconveniences. To better assist you, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the full details of your inquiry. Also, please delete your tweet as it contains personal information. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Im from Canada and have paypal. For over a year i was paying out more then i made . then i finally started making big bucks. So averaging about 30,000 a day pp mastercard to which has 79,000. of my money but no card, or access. __email__ its quickly heading to legal" + Hello there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the error message so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," Hi, I'm trying to add my card but it's telling me it's declined to try another one.. Please help." +" Hello. Adam. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. At this time, we do not offer support in this language on this Twitter page. If you can translate your message to English in a DM, we would be happy to assist you. Our ap... https://t.co/HY8RVwuZxX https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Kiedyś tweetnołem coś pochlebnego o i pewna dziewczyna od nich napisała do mnie czy mogą wykorzystać ten tweet w kampaniach jako rekomendacje - początkowo się zgodziłem, ale jak dostałem na maila szczegóły to załamka...🤦‍♂️" +" Hi! I see how this is frustrating, and I'm here to help. Could you DM us with a screenshot of the limits and a screenshot of what you see when you click on the ""why"" button? Thank you for reaching out. ^ES", actually ive realised it's my old paypal account but ive got some money in there from a refund i want to be able to put into the account i can actually use! can someone please help? +" Hey there! If you send us a DM with a screenshot of the message, we'll help out as quickly as we can! ^IT", I need to speak to someone right now. This outstanding amount rubbish is still going on and I've got stuff to pay for. Beyond a joke. + Hello! I'm sorry for the wait. I've just responded to your DM - I look forward to speaking with you! ^KK, Okay mistress +" Hello, Jared. Thank you for reaching out to us, and for sending us a DM. We are responding to our messages in the order that receive them, but we were able to send you a response. Looking forward to hearing from you! ^RR https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Can you respond to mine now please? +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thank you for your patience. ^ES", I’m having the same problem 🙄 +" Hi there - It sounds like you might need help with a dispute. If you haven't been able to get this resolved with the seller, please escalate this to a claim: https://t.co/hjd7BORDLw. If you need any further help, please send a DM with your PayPal email ... https://t.co/VkUwvk4UQB", ik he was going to make one with co.uk then was like i will do weebly... +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Envíanos un mensaje directo y con gusto te brindaremos asistencia. ¡Buen día! ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Mi recomendacion es no llegar a una cifra grande de dinero gastatelo nose que le pasa a paypal que tambien me handa limitando XD + Happy belated Thanksgiving to you too. We hope yours was filled with happiness. ^NR, Happy thanksgiving to you too dear paypal + Happy to help! Have a great day. ^ES, Thanks for your reply. Will do. +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out to us and sorry about any inconvenience. To better assist you please send us a DM with more details about your inquiry and your PayPal email address. We will do our best to help. ^DC", We have already reported and taken them down once. They just put I️t back up. What should we do about that? Can’t you cut them off? + Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have replied to your DM for further assistance. ^DC, I just wrote you guys a message +" Hi there. We have sent you a DM. Please check, when you have the chance. Thanks! ^NR"," I tried to transfer money from my paypal account to my bank account and it didn’t work, even I tried to add money from my bank to paypal and still the same problem. what should i do?" +" We're sorry to hear about your tough time. If you want to send us a DM with your PayPal email address and any further information you can provide, we'd be happy to review the situation and lend assistance. ^RJM", ..they've suddenly started making all payments in 'pending' ...for goodness knows how long ..I'm am sooo screwed +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have... https://t.co/0atq2DQCZO", They said I’ll need to talk to PayPal because it’s not an issue on their end. Where is my money PayPal? + Thank you for that example. Could you send an email with more information (an email to their PayPal account would be very helpful) to __email__? That email leads to our team that deals with violations of our Acceptable Use Policy. ^SML," Scam: https://t.co/N2QZOF7RNY + +Real: https://t.co/GzvhZwhh5X" +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^EHMB", Hi can someone look at this please my payment has been in an account for a week and this is not on +" Hello Mikey! For assistance with this, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC"," If I prepaid a certain amount of gas but didn’t pump it all, it goes back into the card right? Using PayPal credit." + Hi there! Could you please send us a DM along with your PayPal email address? We'd be happy to help you. ^ACT, I've tried on 3 devices by the way. +" Muchas gracias por tu tiempo en informarnos, buen día ^DG", Gracias pero ya lo resolví en su call center. +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Por favor envíanos un DM, para asistirte, con tu consulta. Saludos ^DG", I send you a DM a feew minutos before. +" Hi there! Sorry for the delay - if you're in need of assistance with anything, feel free to let us know. ^KK", This is going well..... + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! We would be more than happy to clarify the status of this refund for you. P... https://t.co/iWtXEs6NgA," Hi, ive issued a refund on ebay through paypal and its been 3 days and it is still not complete https://t.co/JLlNRZpvgX" +" Sorry for the delayed response! We try our best to answer questions as we get them, and if you DM us, we'd be happy to help you! ^EHMB", slowest reply in the history of the world goes to... +" Hallo, wir haben auf deine DM geantwortet. ^FV"," Ich kann auch nicht zahlen. Kommt die selbe Fehlermeldung, ich bitte um Hilfe." +" Kein Problem, dafür sind wir doch da. :) Manchmal kann es sein, dass unser Sicherheitssystem eine Lastschrift nic... https://t.co/oDBuROMZ7P"," Entschuldigung falls ich euch nochmal nerven muss aber das Zahlen funktioniert nicht , jetzt ist alles bestätigt aber da kommt dann das. https://t.co/n9KVBllcrf" + Wir haben auf deine DM geantwortet. ^FV," Ich denke das die Mail mit dem Problem nicht wirklich verstanden wurde, darin heißt es das i. ein Problem mit zu vielen versuchen sei!" + Du kannst die E-Mail direkt über dein PayPal-Konto senden. Dazu rechts oben auf das Glockensymbol drücken und dan... https://t.co/oDBuROMZ7P, An welche Mail-Adresse genau das Sie sie bekommen und die Email Adresse mit der das Konto gemacht wurde? +" Hallo, tut mir leid, dass du Probleme beim Verifizieren deines Bankkontos hast. Wenn es hier einen technischen Fe... https://t.co/oDBuROMZ7P", Jemand da? :( + Veuillez nous expliquer votre demande en DM muni de votre adresse email pour vous aider. ^AG," Confirmation de l'arnaque, m'a bloqué. On va pas en rester la ;)" + Bonjour à vous et navrés de l'apprendre. votre remboursement est effectué selon le mode de paiement utilisé. Si v... https://t.co/CbCOSlCnnD, D'ailleurs toujours pas reçu mon remboursement... + Hello! Just send you a DM. ^ML, Sent you a DM :D + tô até emocionado *_* https://t.co/xcoAy8h4zu, Em breve mais juntos ainda! + #tamojunto <3 https://t.co/xcoAy8h4zu," Já estamos em processo de integração, aguardem que os Ninjas terão mais uma novidade! 🤜🤛 #TamoJunto " + Estamos de braços abertos \o/ https://t.co/xcoAy8h4zu," Eita, chamando na chincha assim? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" +" Hi there! I've just sent you a DM, please take a look. ^GH", lol I was talking to still waiting for their response to my dm! +" Based on the information that you've provided, I believe that the issue is likely on your end of things - if you'... https://t.co/7PrOhYgCuw"," what and why do I need to dm? Screenshots are more than clear. fix your site, test it and let me know. thank you." + Thanks for letting us know about this - we appreciate the feedback! Have a great day. ^KK," Or don't, whatever. It is up to your customer support and development teams. Thank you and good day." + We have sent you a dm. Please check your messages., ikr +" Hi, we appreciate your patience as we've been working through our messages. I'm afraid you couldn't receive our response in DM. ^IA", Have sent a message + We have responded to your DM! Check your messages. ^LAR, Apologies - could you please resend?? Thanks +" I sincerely apologize about that! We don't have something similar on our site, but you might be interested in https://t.co/zKb8t118g4. ^KR", You can't answer that here? +" Hello! We'd love to address any inquiries you may have, so don't hesitate to send us a DM if you have questions. :) ^KR", Is there something similar for Puerto Rico? + Hola lamentamos lo sucedido por favor envía un DM y con gusto podremos revisarlo. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Ok necesito ayuda con unos movimientos que mande por accidente y los necesito de vuelta +" Hi there, I'm sorry to hear you haven't gotten an answer yet from us! Please DM us with your PayPal email address... https://t.co/b3ES5AQ0lO"," I have, i tried just yesterday and still nothing. /:" + I've gone ahead and responded to your DM. Please take a look when you have the opportunity! ^JGP, Check dm +" Hi Chris, if you need assistance please send us a DM with more details and we will be happy to help. :) ^DC", Yes mate + Hey there! I'm sorry for the wait. I've responded to your DM! ^SML, I cannot confirm my debit card with PayPal even after getting code twice and charged me 2 times in my online statement please help me out + I'm so glad to hear that! Have a great day! :) ^ALF," i'm good now. i called in and requested a call back. an hour later they did, and your site resolved itself by then" +" Hello David, I understand how upsetting it is to run into an error while trying to enter tracking information to ... https://t.co/kQKvSz3TTC", any ideas? 1 hour wait when trying to call in + Sorry to keep you waiting. I just replied to your DM. ^CG, can you help me in the dm ? +" Hi there, thank you for contacting PayPal via Twitter. We are so sorry to hear about the negative experience. We ... https://t.co/vk0LJkjs96", some1 hacked into my eBay/PayPal and when I phoned the answer was can’t help u& accused me Shocking customer services + Hi! I have sent you a DM. ^MB, I need to pay for a phone on ebay but it's not working and asking me to contact Paypal support. +" Hey there! Please give us a call at +66 2787 3409 9:00 am-5:00 am, Monday to Friday (Thailand time). :) ^HYC", What's the best phone number to call you from Thailand? + Hey Ryan! We have sent you a DM regarding your inquiries. ^YG, + <3, Valeu! O// + Quer bom que deu certo o/ Qualquer coisa é só chamar.," Obrigado pelo retorno! +Consegui aqui! Por algum motivo bizarro, meu CPF estava desatualizado XD +Thx" + Hello! I've responded to your DM. ^HZ," Hello ALF, I have send a DM" +" Sorry for the delay! We've had a recent increase in messages, but I'm glad to hear that everything was resolved! :) ^ALF", Thank you for the swift reply (lol). Navigating your automated phone call man was a challenge but I succeeded. + I'm glad to hear that this was resolved for you! I hope you have a great rest of your day. ^JDG," Thanks for following up. I was repeatedly getting a 500 Server Error yesterday, but it seems to have since been resolved." + Hey there! We'd be happy to help. :) Please send a DM with your email and details. Thank you! ^ANM, +" Okay, that is fine. Please send us a DM and explain what the issue is. Please also send your PayPal email address in the DM. ^BV", It's for PayPal manager not pay pal +" Hey! I'm sorry for the late reply, send me a DM if you are still looking for some assistance! I'm happy to help you out. ^MB", away with it +" poxa, mo, não achei muito romântica essa não ='( Que tal essa? https://t.co/tRwEBaqOIf"," que lindo mozao, to sempre aqui pra te lembrar da nossa relação também, tá? aqui tá nossa música https://t.co/qbPBvjaeOz" + ahhh eu te amo muito mais. Coisa linda! <3," eu amo vc, o deboche em forma de empresa" + fica triste não. A gente tá aqui pra conversar e dar carinho <3, eu to muito triste + Vixi... sem previsão por enquanto., e vai habilita quando? +" We are glad to hear you were observant and did not click any links. Thank you again, Arran. Have a great day! :) ^GAA", The email they used is linked to some hotel/B&B kind of thing based in Zambia and has a Facebook page ha. + Hello there! We've sent you a DM. Please take a moment to look at it. Thanks! ^ACT, Following up + Excellent! We've responded to your DM. :) ^AP, i replied again +" Olly, all funds take this standard time to process. In some cases it can go through right away or need more time ... https://t.co/6M3uYuQqI8"," The other week it went through instantly, today its not, can I ask why??" + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. I will be happy to help. ^BV,"My fave part is that I was told it's about trust, on 's part, which is kinda funny since they just lost 100% of my trust." + Please send us a DM with your email address and clarification on the issue you are having. ^GAA, when i call the answering machine says my card is wrong +" That is great to know, Ron! Enjoy the rest of your day. :) ^YG", it's fine now. Just thought it was funny. Thanks for the help though. +" Thank you, we got it and replied. Please check your DM for more details. ^GAA", just did + Please send us a DM with your email address and clarification on the issue you are having. ^GAA, so i cant even get a call thru smh + Oh ok. Thank you for letting us know. We do apologize that you ran into this issue initially. ^ZT," I solved the issue with a password reset. More than anything, I was trying to help PayPal by pointing out a flaw in the sign-up process." + If you could DM us we would be happy to help you further with this. ^ZT," Yes, but my point is this is not mentioned or enforced when signing-up. I am allowed to create a new account with a 40 character password, however it fails later when I try to log-in. https://t.co/boQZXY20Xm" +" Hey there, Roberto. Sorry for the confusion, the password requirements do have to be between 8-20 characters in l... https://t.co/NjtvYHgBdH","So lets me create a 31 character long password when signing up, however when I try to log in it fails. When I reset the password, it says the pass must be 8-20 characters in length..." +" No problem, Owen. Have a great day! :) ^GAA", Great. Thanks! It was a carrier issue. + Gerne doch. :) ^FV, Vielen Dank :) + Perfekt. Ich habe es schon weitergeletet. :) ^FV," Das wäre super, ja!" +" Guten Morgen, wir haben auf deine DM geantwortet. ^FV", ???????????????????? +" Hey there, so sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, can you send us a DM so that we can assi... https://t.co/1bfvYtD3qw", A case was opened on Apparently there is a loophole that means the seller is not protected! Since then I’ve heard horror stories. + Thanks! I just responded. :) ^ALF, Hi! I sent you a DM about some questions that I have.Please respond.Thank you. + Nous restons à votre entière disposition pour vous aider. Bonne journée !, Oui c'était ma CB merci ! +" Si vous avez utilisé la carte bancaire, il faut compter 5 jours ouvrés pour que le crédit soit visible sur votre ... https://t.co/MGZq5m4ICz", Ça ok ! Merci :) et sur le délai vous avez une idee ou pas ? Car du coup j'attends le crédit sur mon compte avant de repasser la commande ! +" Bonjour à vous, vos remboursements sont effectués selon le mode de paiement utilisé. Voici un lien utile qui peut... https://t.co/MGZq5m4ICz", Ils viennent de le faire +" Hello there! Sorry for the delayed response, but I just replied to your DM. Thanks for your patience! :) ^SB", You haven't quite understood but I've sent a dm to you just now +" Great news! We followed you back, so please DM us with some more details! ^GH", can I send you a DM if you don't follow me? + Hello! Please check your most recent DM. ^GV, DM sent. +" Hello. So sorry to hear that. If you still need assistance with your PayPal account, please send us a DM. ^GR", After supplying all req docs & 6hrs of calls stlll limiting our account! Really bad CRM won’t use again! + I am sorry for the trouble you have with this reset. Just know this is for security purposes to keep accounts sec... https://t.co/UT06qWDCHA," that after changing my password (which i initially thought was the entire password i input), it was truncated to 20 characters" + Hey! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC, 1-800-419-9833 - customer service number doesn’t work ? +" We're glad to hear that, Beckie! Have a great rest of your day. ^BC"," all sorted, just got my refund, #thankgodforpaypal" + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK," also 24 hours since i sent this message, i uploaded all the documents weeks ago please can i get this resolved" + Hello! I'm sorry for the wait. I've just responded to your DM - I look forward to speaking with you! ^KK, he took 250$ + Hey there! I'm sorry for the wait. I've responded to your DM! ^SML, Please help me with my problem I already dm y'all :-( +" Hello, please check your DMs for more information. :). ^BB", dm sent! + Hey! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC, My mind is limited + I am sorry for this problem you are running into. I responded to your DM and I can help you through there. ^GA, help me please + Excellent. Please review your DMs for a response. :) ^RJM, Email sent! +" Hi, thanks for reaching out. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and further information. We're happy to help! ^RJM", And I have been receiving plenty of fake PayPal emails. I have reported two of them to your spoof[]paypal[.]com account. + Sounds good! Have a great day! :) ^EHMB," Actually I fixed the problem my self, quite oddly. PW reset after login caused that message. Forgotten pw reset made things work again." +" Hi! In order to better assist you, please send us a DM. Thank you Kevin. :) ^AMC"," I'm from Venezuela and i need send my purchase to an address in Florida. +This is my problem. + +my pp email is: __email__" + Hey there! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country... https://t.co/hVhMKqZpsa," Really bad and awfull experience +Please help me" + You're welcome! Have a great rest of your day. ^BC," Ok no problem, I will do - thanks!" + Hi! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC, please check my dm + I'm sorry for the confusion! This is possibly a real email. Could you check which email it was sent from? ^SML, Are you sure? Because one of your employees said it was +" Hi, it shouldn't be. Please let us know in a DM if you're having problems connecting still! ^JW", Is PayPal down right now? + It is a known issue. A ticket has been submitted to have this corrected. Thank you Michael! ^JW, Not at all. Done. +" Hi Michael, do you mind also sending a screenshot to us via a DM? ^JW", I'll do that but it was definitely from 729725 +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^IVS ^IVS", Done! +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of what you're seeing? ... https://t.co/C7zRO3FgyG"," Took a peek, still unsure why charged." + Sorry for the wait. We've responded to your DM. ^TM, Sent u a dm + Thanks for the update. We've responded to your DM. ^TM, Sent u a dm + Thanks! :) ^ALF, just did + Hi! Can you please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more information? I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF, I cant make changes in my ebay and I can't receive a money transfer!!!! #help + Hi! I'm sorry but we're unable to offer support in Arabic on this page. :( Please send us a DM with a translation... https://t.co/uuE50zDyqp, استاذي انا اشتركت ولكن لم تشتغل معي فطلبو مني الاتصال بكم +" Hi! Thank you for reaching out. To clarify, 100% of your donation to Topos by PayPal will go towards earthquake relief efforts. ^VM", every penny counts +" Hi there, we have responded to your messages via DM. ^PL", I see you continue to ignore me whilst answering people who asked a question days later than I did. Nice one hope you guys are proud +" Hi there, sorry to hear this. Please DM your PayPal registered email address so we can have this looked in to for you. ^PL", My favorite part about receiving this information on a Sunday is that their customer service number isn't open on the weekends. https://t.co/FQcb7a4mlL +" Your security is definitely my top priority! In order for me to assist you further with this, please send me a DM... https://t.co/YZ6SMsvQuh", ^HW I'm located in Australia. Can you please email me __email__ Prefer not give PayPam account details here + Hi! I'm sorry to hear about this. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a description of the issue when you try to pay or transfer? ^ES, My wife’s account and now mine have had issues. Hers is limited with no validity and mine still can’t transfer funds or make purchases . You service reps either hang up on me or do not respond +" Hi there! I hope you're having a good day. Scammers have different ways to get information. For example, they can... https://t.co/WPZH3PuDKU", thanks! Also got an email this morning from a scammer. Looks like they're really trying. Any idea how they managed to get my no? + Hi! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC, Could u please answer the DM + Me da gusto que tu asunto ya fue solucionado. Sigue disfrutando de nuestros servicios. ¡Buen día! ^LR, A mí ayer me pasó algo desagradable. Pero viendo hoy en ya me regresaron lo del viaje. Hasta eso dieron una solución. +" Hi! I know this message is frustrating. If you need help, DM us with your PayPal email and a description of the issue. Thanks! ^ES", Aaah crap there’s actually no “I don’t want to please bugger off” button. +" If you can send us a DM with a screenshot of the error message, as well as your PayPal email address, we would be... https://t.co/igwQta6DPH https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", It’s taken over 72 hours to be able to withdrawal the money all together. I am beyond sick. + Thank you. We were able to send you a response! ^RR, I’ve DM’d you + Awesome! :) If you need help with anything just DM us. Have a wonderful day! ^AAC, Thank you but sorted it now. Thanks :) + Please check your DMs for updates regarding your inquiry. ^RJM, Solve my issue and refund my customer asap. +" The messages sent to you here are not automatic, nor are they copy and paste. Direct all inquiries to DM for further assistance. ^RJM", Don’t send me auto messages. That doesn’t solve my problem. Maybe you should read my messages first instead of sending auto messages. + Hello! Just sent you a DM. ^ML, Lol they ain't even real people + Thank you for your efforts. We're glad to have been of assistance. ^RJM, I already send you dm so many times. + Please check your DM for an update regarding your inquiry. Thanks! ^RJM, Yes I asked Its been 3 days I am trying to refund + Transactions from your bank usually take 5-7 business days to complete. It should be charged during that timeframe. :) ^CD, There's no issue like a error code it just hasn't come out my bank account and its been 4 days + Awesome! Have a wonderful rest of your day. :) ^RA," I understand! Good news is, the issue has resolved itself. :)" + Thanks for your patience as we've been working through our messages. A DM is a direct message on Twitter. You can... https://t.co/kJTbsMEkFM, My PayPal mail is __email__. And what is dm? Country is Kazakhstan. Thanks. + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, send them money for something. But I used a gift option? and they didn't send me the item. I made a mistake? Thanks + I've sent a reply to the DM you've sent us. Let me know if you'd like further assistance. ^AL," Got sent money using mobile number, clicked on link In text I got, signed in but money still isn’t in my account." +" Hi Nikki, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns we can assist you with or address via DM! ^JW", a number of stores quoting the same thing recently. Making me doubt PayPal which is a shame as it’s the earliest form of payment + We are always happy to help ^IN, Thank you PayPal ! + Thanks! You too. :) ^RA, No worries RA. I'll forward it now. Have a good day 👍🏻 + Definitely not ours. Please forward it to __email__ so that we can archive it. Thank you so much for letting us know! :) ^RA, You'll notice the misspelling of 'department' at the bottom of the email. Morons 😂 + Please feel free to DM us regarding this - I'll be happy to help you out. ^KK," The problem is not my computer, & antivirus is unrelated. Your DNS server redirects https://t.co/Un7jwVvciQ to the 3rd party akadns server" +" Hello! Sorry for the delay. I suggest that you run an antivirus software on your computer, and try clearing your ... https://t.co/saUKGwXT7Y", 2 of 2 problem is caused by PayPal site sending me to 3rd party site: https://t.co/G80KzfxZvo ? What private info are you sharing with them? + Please send me a DM with your PayPal email address and some more information so that I can help! ^NEM https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Made several attempts at contacting over last 8 weeks and been ignored. +" Ben, please send me a DM! :) ^RA"," p.s. You harvest spoofs? I'd happily FWD it to someone. +Spooked me the amount was precisely the same! +""You sent a payment of $199.99 USD""" +" Hi there, we'd be happy to help if you can DM us here with the email address linked to your account and further d... https://t.co/bmafngKy1s", hey why is my money still on hold? +" Awesome, thank you! Have a great day. :) ^KK", Mail forwarded to the mentioned email id. +" No problem, and enjoy the rest of your day. ^AL", Thank you :) + Sehr gut gemacht. :) ^SL, Nachdem ihr ewig zum antworten braucht hab ich es schon geschafft (Cookies gelöscht und erneut versucht). Danke trotzdem :) +" Guten Morgen, leider können wir nicht bei jeder Zahlung jede Zahlungsoption anbieten. Vermutlich hat das Sicherhe... https://t.co/6zRYle3Xi2", Hätte aber lieber gerne BANKEINZUG als Zahlungsmethode. + Please check your inbox! ^GH, I replied to yall +" Please check your inbox, I've just replied to you! ^GH", I have messaged but no reply + We have responded and will continue the conversation through DM! :) ^GAA, Replied. Do check +" We have responded, please refer to your DM's for more details. :) ^GAA", Replied. Please help! + Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. Send us a DM for further assistance. ^ML, where are elon musk & peter thiel(paypal founders)? i need my money to go from an old email to a new email & nobody can fix this - so simple https://t.co/C9jkuE7cvw + Hi! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC, how is this true when my brother's account just had 15 fraudulent transactions in ebay? mode of payment is paypal. this is very frustrating! + Hello Sarah. I'm very sorry to hear about this. If you could send a DM with your PayPal email and screenshots of ... https://t.co/N0WhRM05bb, Try getting a refund via PayPal never answer phones nor emails been waiting since August!!! + =O como assim? manda dm pra gente checar isso?,"felizmente paga em dólares. infelizmente o ainda não transferiu meu pagamento, proletariado não tem felicidade." +" Hello there! Sorry for the delayed response, but I just replied to your DM. Thanks for your patience! :) ^SB", I've DM'd you the information +" Hello Benjamin! We're sorry for the trouble. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC", +" Just for documentation purposes, Julie. I hope to hear from you soon! ^YG", Hi. Just wondering why you need my email address? X + At this moment we are not aware of any launching in Bangladesh. If it becomes available we will be sure to let everyone know. ^GAA," I knew, its launching 19th October in Bangladesh. Is this info is wrong?" +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, PayPal is not yet available in Bangladesh. However, we ar... https://t.co/0c9m0oyxZL"," I hope this isn't another joke/novel on about #Paypal. +cc: " + Hi! I see how it's frustrating to have that notification. Could you DM us with your PayPal email? Thanks for reaching out. ^ES," glad to know it's not just me. I've sent the necessary docs...a few emails and only received 2 automated ""have you checked our FAQ"" replies" +" Hello! So sorry to hear that. If you need assistance with your PayPal account, please send us a DM. ^GR", اطالب بي ان بتبديل الجهاز فورا +" Hi! I see how this is frustrating. If you still need assistance, feel free to DM us a description of the issue? Thanks! ^ES", I cannot believe Paypal was incorporated 15 years ago just to prank call me +" I'm sorry to hear of any issues, please send a DM with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the issue. I'd be happy to help. ^IN", For sure as far as business goes PayPal for the win. +" Hi there, +We apologize that your payment was denied. If you could DM us we would be happy to take a look at what happened. ^ZT"," Or at the very least, make it clear for everyone why transfers are denied so we don't miss out on important payments b/c of your dumb flags." + Hello there! We have responded to your DM. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA, Need help with something + We are glad to hear this was resolved Crystyl. ^SK, Thanks but it was all resolved very quickly over the phone today. Now I’m a happy customer 😀 + An sich nicht. Ist dir so etwas passiert? ^SL," Kann man aufgrund des Geschlechts, des Aussehens oder der politischen Einstellung gesperrt werden?" +" Bonjour à vous, nous venons de vous répondre en DM. ^AG", Je vous est DM. +" Parfait, nous restons à votre disposition en cas de besoin ^AM"," Sur ma #tl, j'ai vu 2 problèmes #paypal à 15 minutes d'intervalle +c'est tout +bonne journée :)" + Thank you for your patience. We have responded to your DM and look forward to hearing from you. ^NK," Hey , as u told me i explaine the situation in DM please check it out +Thanks" + Danke. Bereits gelesen und beantwortet. :) ^WD," Vielen Dank, ihr habt Post (da der Fall jetzt schon eine Weile läuft)." +" Of course, you're very welcome! Thank you and have a great rest of your day as well! :) ^NK", Thank you! Have a good day 😊 + Thank you for reaching out and I apologize for the delayed response! Could you please send us a DM regarding this issue? Thanks! ^JGP, thanks for not helping +" Hi, wir haben dir auf deine DM geantwortet. ^SL", +1 +" Das tut mir leid. :( Wenn du uns via DM deine im Konto hinterlegte E-Mail-Adresse nennst, lassen wir es gern noch einmal genauer prüfen. Vielleicht finden wir ja noch eine Lösung. :) ^WD"," Hallo, kannte ich bisher nicht. Nein. Haben mir die Kollegen, mit welchen ich diskutieren musste nicht gesagt. Mein Fall wurde daraufhin einfach geschlossen. +Schade..." +" Thanks for letting us know that you disputed the charge. It sounds as though someone used your financial information without permission, but the steps you've taken were the best approach! If you have other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to send us a DM. ^KR"," My bank reversed the charges, I was told this was a pre-authorized by PayPal lol now I’ve got a permanent block on all things PayPal" +" Hello there! Thank you for your interest in using PayPal. PayPal is an online payment processor. To learn more, please visit this page: https://t.co/vKBlTX3feV. ^JMG", What is this paypal?what is all about? + Sorry to hear about this! Please check your DMs as we have replied with further assistance. Thank you for your patience. ^DC," Hello - my account is locked and i can't seem to get back in. I had an email earlier that on reflection seems a bit dogey asking me to verify my personal details then bank account. I stopped at 'bank account' and tried to log in normally, but am now having these problems. Help!" +" That's great news! I appreciate your diligence in getting this reported, and I hope you have a wonderful day! :) ^NEM"," Thanks, I knew it wasn't from you :) had already sent to spoof and deleted! Just thought the fake site was really convincing looking, other than the URL." + You're welcome! Glad you think so! :) ^RA, Thank you! This is awesome! +" Hello, than you for reaching out to us. That is not one of our addresses, here is how you can check an email to see if it is fake in the future: https://t.co/L8luXffvxk. Please report this by forwarding it to __email__, thank you! ^IVS", I never click on a bastard PayPal email. They are the worst! +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", This is worse then them letting someone steal 1gi from me cause he wanted refund. All my sales have been confirmed and good feedback yet they do this. They also will not let me use funds to pay off paypal credit so its gonna collect interest. I feel soo scammed + Hello there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and inquiry so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Just got off the phone with them though +" Hi there, we're sorry for the delay! The holiday season is coming around and we've got lots of messages to get through, so it may take a bit to get to some customers! If you could please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and any information yo... https://t.co/mLymBsh5Rl", Didn't think so. Thanks +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", Customer Services Dept #Paypal https://t.co/maBhQxElso +" Thank you for the feedback! I'm very sorry to hear that you've been unhappy with our services. If you'd like, I'd be happy to go over the issue with you over DM! If you have an affected transaction, please send me a screenshot along with your PayPal em... https://t.co/T6XCroVVOy"," haha, yeah.. they owe lots of taxes on all these fraudulent gains!" + Hi there! Please check your inbox as we responded to your DM. ^JMG, Any chance of answering my dm + Sorry about any inconvenience this ordeal may I have caused. Enjoy the rest of your day. ^YG, Sorted. But it took me 3 phone calls and about 45 min total. Do better. +" Kabum, chama a gente em dm, amorzão? Vamos resolver esse lance do Edu o/"," Tipo, eles não identificaram o pagamento, o diz que tá tudo certo e tem que falar com a ...daí a Kabum diz que o PayPal não passou o pagamento... foda" + Hi there! Please check your inbox as we responded to your DM. ^JMG," Please answer this urgently, I've gotten no response when trying to call your customer service as well!" +" I see, I'm very glad to hear that you were able find a resolution on using your reader! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week. :) ^KT"," I finally spoke to two guys, for some reason the reader only works with an iOS beta and your app doesn’t recognize the reader in 11.1.2 though phone & reader see other. So I’ve to use an iOS beta to use the reader where it works without an issue." + I am happy to hear that your issue has been resolved. Thank you for being a valued member of the PayPal community. I hope you have a great day! ^BV," No worries, issue was solved :)" +" Thank you for letting me know. I have marked your comment as feedback. If you need anything else, please feel free to send us a DM. ^GA", It was more of a suggestion /) +" We apologize for the delay, but glad to hear this was resolved. Have a good day! ^HW", Ive already solved this by the time youd replied +" Thanks so much for your feedback, we are always working to improve our services with our customers help. Have a great day! ^HW"," Don’t worry, it’s sorted, I’m in the uk. But it’s not practical to block all outgoing card transactions because one inbound exceeds some level. The outgoing debit card transactions didn’t suddenly become risky. It sends a “we don’t care about your bills” message." +" Great, glad to hear you were able to get the issue resolved. Have a great day! :) ^GAA", I have taken care of it thank you anyway + Hi there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi,"the label printer worked great but now it's trying to print literally everything including packing slips at label printer size + + send help" +" Hi there Margot, +We do apologize for this and we're glad to hear it's been sorted. If you would like any additional information we'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. ^ZT", It has been sorted through my son’s a/c but I seriously question why it happened again AFTER he reported it. It is being refunded within 10 business days (?) +" Hi Margot! I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you and your son. Please send us a DM regarding this, so I can have our specialists look into this further. Thank you. ^HZ"," Yes - why were further fraudulent transactions allowed AFTER my son reported the issue. This has cost me overdrawn interest, possible “bounced” transactions AND impacted on our credit rating without cause. NOT HAPPY at all" + Hello there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the payment so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, You let business send faulty merchandise and not protect the consumer with a refund +" I've answered your DM, please check your messages. ^IN", dm please + Hi there! Please check your inbox as we responded to your DM. ^JMG, ??? +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", I GOT STUCK TALKING TO AN OPTUS ROBOT FOR 30 MINUTES AND THEN GOT TOLD THE TRANSACTION NEVER REACHED THEM SO PAYPAL IS JUST HOLDING ONTO MY $30 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE + Hi! I have replied to your DM. Thanks! ^JMR," Hello PayPal am really frustrated and disappointed, for almost 24 hrs you don't reply. Am from Kenya and I can't withdraw from PayPal to equity. The bank says error is from your side. Kindly help email; __email__" +" Glad to hear this was resolved, Sawyer! :) If you encounter any issues in the future, please let us know. Thanks and have a great day! ^AI", Don’t worry it was a bank issue. Thanks. +" We appreciate your efforts, and we'll be sure to look further into this. Thanks for reaching out to us! ^EL", I know it was a fake 😝 was just making you guys aware of a new(?) scam that’s going around 👌🏼 +" We under understand how concerning this can be. If you need additional support or any questions, then please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. Thank you. ^AMC", Wow it's only taken you over 2 days to respond to someone losing 6k. What a joke! +" Great catch Jamillah, that's not from us! Go ahead and forward the message to ‘7726' (which is the keys for SPAM on most phones). Thanks! ^JMR", ??? Pleasee answer this😊 +" I apologize for how long you had to wait. If you still need assistance, just send us a DM explaining the issue and we will be happy to help. ^BV", Just proved my point that it takes you days to get back to anyone ??? +" Great question! If you open our Twitter page , you will see two options; Tweet to and Message. Message will allow you to Direct Message us (DM). We look forward to assisting you. ^MH", And just where do I send a DM to you.?... +" Hi there, +We apologize for the delay in getting back to you. If you could DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT", Still waiting for an answer here... +" Stephanie, we are glad to hear you resolved the issue! :) We do typically respond as quick as possible. However, we are experiencing a high volume of contacts that has us slightly delayed. We apologize for the inconvenience. Have a great evening! :) ^GAA", I thought you all responded 24/7. I sent that message yesterday :-) + Hey there. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV," Hi I sent you a message yesterday asking for help, is anyone going to reply? I have tried to contact Paypal in a number of ways this week but am being totally ignored. Is it really meant to be this difficult to resolve a problem?" +" Hey Stephen! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Spot on about the domain. When you get the chance, please send these screenshots out to __email__ so we can have a look into it. ^DP",This link takes you to the following not-too-shabby fake site. Note the dodgy domain name. A legit domain name always ends after the TLD (i.e. .com or .co.uk). Here the game is given away by the .wgg8... subtle enough to fool https://t.co/ykTmfh4Ps3 + Hi! I have received your DM and sent u a reply. :) ^JMR," I sent you a DM, don't know whether you received it!" + Hey there. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV, haven't received a response +" Hm, eigenartig. Gern kannst du uns in einer privaten Nachricht deine hinterlegte E-Mail-Adresse schicken. Dann lassen wir mal prüfen, was da los ist. ^SL"," Ist eben nicht der Fall, da lief nur Spotify und das ist schon Wochen her. Innerhalb von 10 Tagen 5 mal probiert." +" Hi there, thank you for reaching out. We are sorry to hear that this has occurred. For further assistance, please send us a DM. Thank you in advance. ^AC", But on the real. WHY does change your shipping address on newegg to your billing address AFTER you put in you shipping on + Hi! I have sent you a DM regarding this matter. Sorry about the wait :(. ^YG, I was on hold for half an hour yesterday and when I finally reached someone they were absolutely useless. Might as well have been speaking another language. +" Hi there, thank you for contacting PayPal via Twitter. Please DM us with your PayPal email address, your country of residence, and a screenshot of the issue. We are here to help. Thank you! ^AC", I’m trying to delete my account so I can change countries & I was asked to contact you first. Please assist. +" Hey there! Thanks for reaching out to us about this. If you feel that this email is suspicious in any way, please refer to the following link for more details: https://t.co/obnOm7Ep2Q. + +If there's anything else I can help you with today, please feel free to send us a DM! :) ^SB", + Hola lamentamos lo sucedido. Por favor envía un DM y con gusto podremos ayudarte. Gracias ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, mi cuenta no acepta mi tarjeta. ¡Ayuda! + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that your account is registered in and we'll get this figured out together! Thank you. ^AMC, ?? + Hi there! We've responded to your DM. ^HZ," Transaction ID: +9TF54317AC900271A & 3FK74575HL7783041 +I will be into trouble because of above transaction. I m not the card owner used for transaction and do not know more, if there will be any legal activity on me, u will be responsible. U r having worst service ." + Hey there! We have responded to your DM. Please check it as soon as you can! ^IT, Hey check dma +" Great, we will get this resolved soon! Please check your DM's. :) ^GAA"," I just did +Let's get this resolved" +" Our sincere apologies for the inconvenience. As it stands, we don't currently offer nor are there known plans to provide that service within your region yet. If we do expand our services, then you'll be notified right away by email. ^AIM", Our Zambian PayPal accounts are not able to receive funds. We are only able to send money to other PayPal accounts not based in Zambia. This leaves so much to be desired. + Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. Please DM us for further assistance. ^AIM, When is the receiving feature coming to Zambia? +" Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email, country, and screenshot of the pending refund. Looking forward to your response. ^AAR"," Help, please. Thanks." +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. We will be happy to assist you with this. Please send us a DM with your email address and a screenshot of the issue. :) ^GAA"," Turn they put me on hold for an hour now ""waiting for a supv""" +" Hey there, I'm sorry to hear about your issues. I'd be happy to help you. Please send me your PayPal email, country, and a brief description of your issue so I can help. ^SE", I'm not alone. No one can solve the problem for 4 months. Or doesn't want. Each new support mngr says new reasons and they are always different. And no one has said the real one yet. Just spend more time than you need to copypaste a standard answer. Solve the problem. +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. We will be happy to assist you with this. Please send us a DM with your email address and a screenshot of the issue. :) ^GAA", + Hello there! Please check your inbox as we responded to your DM. ^JMG," Contacted but they can’t do anything, haven’t got a reply tho" + Hi there! I'm sorry for the delay. I've replied to your DM. ^AAR, If i can how ? +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. We will be happy to assist you with this. Please send us a DM with your email address and the location your account is registered in. :) ^GAA", ??? +" I sincerely apologize about that! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email, country, and more information about what happened so that I can further assist you. ^KR", This also pertains to EVERY banking institution on the planet. + Hi there! I'm sorry for the delay. I've replied to your DM. ^AAR, Bump? Any answers? +" Hey there! Sorry for the late reply, but if you still need help, please send us a DM and I'll be happy to assist you to the best of my abilities! ^SB", I mean. I withdrew money from my PayPal account to my real bank account. Never saw it in my bank account and isn't in my PayPal. +" Hey there, Jay! We have received and replied to your DM. Please check your messages as soon as you get a chance. ^BC"," i provided all the documents they wanted and it’s been 20+ days and nothing happened and i just???? have no clue what to do, i need paypal to take commissions" + Hello there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the payment so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Try to make a payment for something through pp. Says it's gunna take 4 days. Cancel payment. Speak to PayPal to make sure payment doesn't come out. They tell me it won't. They literally promise. Pay for item through other means. PayPal charge me anyway. Bank fees. Hell on. +" Hello! Sorry for the wait, we're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that your account is registered in and we'll get this figured out together! Thank you. ^AMC", By then I should have a debit card for the account I want to use and won't need to bother with bloody useless PayPal. +" Hello! Sorry for the wait, and we're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that your account is registered in and we'll get this figured out together! Thank you. ^AMC", this shows how irresponsible you are.. You can't even respond to the customer queries +" Hello! Thanks for reaching out to us about your charge-back, as we're so sorry to hear about this situation. For assistance, please send us a DM. ^BC", Did the buyer ask for a address change? This is what happened to me for a $420 item. They did absolutely nothing to help. Zero communication + Hey there! We have responded to your DM. Please check it as soon as you can! ^IT, I DMd but last time no one ever responded +" I can absolutely understand the frustration over your return shipping costs! If you would like assistance with this, please send us a DM. Otherwise, you're free to visit our Return Shipping Page to determine your eligibility: https://t.co/OlYlKQ9frZ. ^BC"," Your ""protection"" on eBay purchases is a joke. I will no longer buy on eBay for this reason. Paypal did not protect me...." + Hi there! We have responded to your DM. Thank you for your patience. ^AC,"Second day passed and no contact from PayPal support, i just lold my account has accessed unauthorized and nobody do anything. I’m thinking ti not use PayPal anymore and i want the money that was stolen back " + We do apologize for the delay but you have my assurance that we'll respond to your inquiry right away. Please send us a DM to get started. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Your a day late + I can certainly see how that's frustrating. Could you DM us with a screenshot of this payment? I'm happy to help. ^ES, Yes it's from eBay they said it was broken but they are now ignoring my emails as I've asked for proof to send to royal mail + Hello! Sorry for the wait. We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that your account is registered in and we'll get this figured out together! Thank you. ^AMC, Thanks - two days ago and still waiting for resolve + Hello there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and inquiry so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," and can you help with this please, my eBay account got hacked and money was taken direct from my PayPal..paypal have closed the case saying no fraudulent action has happened but my money was taken automatically from the hack?!?" +" Thanks for sharing your concerns with us! It'd be my pleasure to look into this for you, so please send me a DM with your PayPal email, country, and a screenshot of what you see when you click on this refund in your PayPal Activity, ^KR", (Funds not in wallet?) + We're sorry for the wait. We've responded to your DM. ^TM, I also told them that the product was a faulty battery which was illegal to ship to the UK from Ireland and provided poof but the told me to return it anyway +" Thank you for reaching out! Could you please send us a DM regarding this issue? From there, we'll be happy to help! ^JGP", Can y’all help me get a refund I was scammed + Hello there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and inquiry so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, I got scammed for £10 reported it and got a email saying I need to sort it with the person who scammed me when I have no way of contacting them due to them blocking all contact with me + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that your account is registered in and we'll get this figured out together! Thank you. ^AMC, Scusi ma gli 1.50 che vi prendete per confermare la carta verranno rimborsati? +" Hola, de antemano lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Envíanos un mensaje directo y con gusto te asistimos. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Oigan, nadie responde. Llevo 10 esperando en línea al 01800 de “servicio al cliente”" +" It shouldn't be a problem. If you have any difficulties, feel free to reach back out to us and we will be happy to help! :) ^DC", Everything matches except the name on the vendor billing address (which hopefully shouldn't matter since the payment was through you guys and that name is correct). I will just wait and see if it goes through. Vendor said they can't change the name. +" We're sorry to hear that. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal account and some details of how we can help. ^TM"," Your chargeback system fucking sucks, get it together you inbreds.." +" No worries, Pedro! We are glad that you know where to send those emails now. Here is a helpful link with more information on how to identify emails that are not from PayPal: https://t.co/dVoKcOUDbh. Have a great day! :) ^LAR", Sorry. Already deleted. But I'll know where to send it next time. + Hey there. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV, hi please check my DM + Oh wow! This sounds like such a frustrating experience. Please send us a DM so we can further assist you with this. Thanks! ^LAR, I can’t email you screenshot of the app as it crashes and closes as soon as I open it. I need to return the card reader. + Great! We are glad the issue has been resolved. Thank you for being a valued PayPal member. Have a lovely day! :) ^AOA," Thanks for getting back, the feature was actually turned on but it never asked me to use it. Reconfigured, working now. Thanks !!!" +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Lamentamos el inconveniente. Envíanos un mensaje directo para poder asistirte. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Dejen de chingar y solucionen los problemas con las cuentas limitadas y los problemas que no se pueden enviar los pagos por su sistema ! +" Thank you, and have a great day Alfie. ^AL", Done and done + We do for US PayPal account holders. Please refer to the following link: https://t.co/2iasfE4QLM ^AMC, Not even in the US? + You're welcome. We're glad to help! ^AAR, Thank you! +" We're sorry to hear that you've been having trouble with your account. If you'd like to follow and DM your email and the specifics of what's happening, we'll be happy to see what we can do to provide a more amicable outcome. Thanks! ^AS"," Also, your link that lets me upload pictures isn't working. " + We're sorry for the wait. Please send us a DM with the email address registered to your account and some details of how we can help. ^TM, Your service is terrible responding to a tweet a day after +" Hey there! Thank you for reaching out to us about this and sorry for the delayed response. If you still need help, please send is a DM and I'll be happy to help! ^SB",shoutout to & for stopping this but can u pls cancel the order now +" Bonjour Thomas, nous avons répondu à votre message privé. Passez un bon weekend ^AM", + Hi. Please check your most recent DM. Thank you. ^AMC, I can't withdraw because my account is not verified and the verification does not work... Now what do i do? https://t.co/x96xsqfqZE +" Hi there! Although we are always are looking to expand our services, we are not offering this to Canada at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. ^ACT", Lots of Canadians would love to donate to local charities. Will you be adding Canadian organizations to the Giving Fund? +" Hi there! We'd be happy to help you create an account. Please head over to https://t.co/zryF4hmu43. If you need any additional help, please send us a DM. Thanks! ^ACT", I am asking about availability. Thanks for the headsup! 😀🎅🤠 + Hi Kenneth! My sincerest apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you.I understand you're experiencing issues with confirming your bank account. Please send in a DM regarding your concern and I'll be more than happy to help you. ^HZ, Service and responsiveness just don't seem to be part of the ethos. +" Hola, gracias por escribir. Dime, ¿cómo te puedo ayudar? ^DG", Ignorando al USUARIO.... + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK," Dean, I read the rationale for PayPal retaining funds but I have sold many items on eBay & have an excellent rating. I would have preferred bank account credit but purchaser chose PayPal" + Hey there that is a great question! Can you please send us a DM at your earliest convenience so we can further assist. ^AB, 🤔 + We're glad to hear it as that's fantastic news! :) We hope you have a lovely day. ^AIM, Thanks for your reply but I have the funds now x + Hello! Thank you for reaching out. Please send us a DM in English for further assistance. Thank you as we're here to help! ^AIM, الاشتراك عندي وقف ممكن التواصل علئ الخاص +" If you need any help, please send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal account and some details of how we can help. I recommend deleting the screenshot of the email address. For our customers privacy and security, we never recommend ... https://t.co/foszZmpnJ5", i did +" I've answered your DM, please check your messages. ^IN", DMs please. +" Hello! Apologies for the delay in our response, but we're happy to help! Here's some information on where your refund will go: https://t.co/JuAdlbFZq6. If you need more help with this, please send us a DM including your email address and more details on the payment. ^AK", Pooooo I want my moneysssssss +" Hi Michelle! I'm sorry to hear that. To better assist you, can you send us a DM? ^AAR", What is the best way to speak to you without having to ring international number? I need this resolved + Of course! We're glad to hear you were able to get to the bottom of this over the phone. We hope you enjoy the rest of your day! :) ^RR," Hi and thank you R. Yes, I was informed about this yesterday on the phone. I'll have to see about any inconveniences, hopefully there won't be any!" + Oh no! We're sorry to hear of the unauthorized account activity. We can help out! Please send us a DM with the email address registered to her account. ^TM," Well, turns out it was cologne and some kind of Gift sets... Not nail polish. Cindy was freaking out and thought it was nail polish based on the thumbnail pictures." + Hey there! I'm sorry for the wait. I've responded to your DM! ^SML, please help me remove my paypal limitation + No problem. Hope to hear from you soon! ^FM, I’ll wait till I check my bank statement in few days time it’s only the weekend so might not have been processed yet. I’ll keep you informed +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. At this time, all payments are subject to a review, but we are unable to expedite this process. We apologize for the inconvenience this causes for you! ^RR"," The answer I've received from your support team is that the United States Government intercepted my transaction and is reviewing it. + +This raises many concerns. + +Primarily: How does the US Government flag transactions? Do you have an agreement to let them monitor my activity? https://t.co/hRIDC5az5H" + Sorry for the confusion. Thank you so much. Have a great day. ^FM, I don’t have a support issue. I was promoting your service. +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^IVS", Thank you. I sent another question in DM + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, you guys stole my money. +" Hi there! Unfortunately, Amazon does not support PayPal. I'm sorry :( ^MB"," Can you, Amazon? Or you can’t?" +" I'm sorry to hear of the frustration. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal account and some details of the refund that was issued. We can look into this. ^TM", Why does PayPal not investigate properly before they refund? PayPal refunded the buyer who was a vacant building and left the seller hanging and still hasn’t refunded the PayPal fees! +" We don't have any details regarding the issue you're facing. If you'd like to send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal account and some details of what's going on, we'd be happy to take a look at what options we have to help out. ^TM", .Just credit my account with my money you con artist cunts. + This is the first we're hearing of it. We're here to help if you'd like to send us a DM. ^TM, .Of course you don’t. You money grabbing bastards.. +" Sounds good. If you need us, our offer still stands. Have a nice day :) ^TM", .ill take it up with my bank then shall I? You amateur blaming school leaning coward blaming children wankstains +" Thank you for your message, Mike. We have responded to your DM. We look forward to working with you to try to identify and potentially resolve the issue. ^TB", I DMd you guys. + I'm sorry to hear of the concern this has caused. Please send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal account. We can look into this. ^TM, How does one’s euro balance suddenly and silently become converted into sterling? Is there a tendency here to do unnecessary multiple conversions because fees are revenue? Need to know the answer before I publish. + I'm sorry to hear of any frustration. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the emails you are receiving. I'm happy to help. ^IN," They aren't, because I always go onto paypal to check and it's legit them spamming me for info I've already given :L" + No problem! I'm glad everything has been resolved. We're here if you need us :) ^TM, All sorted now..... was not an issue related to your service. But thanks for replying :) +" I'm sorry to hear of the troubles reaching us. If you have any questions, feel free to send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal account and some details of how we can help. ^TM"," i tried to but no answer, your phones are clogged and my friend has still not had her evoucher..... tempted to call and stop payment." +" Oh no, I'm so sorry that this happened! :( I am glad to see that you were able to file a dispute. We'll do what we can! In the mean time, please send over any information that you have to __email__ so that this can be investigated further. Thank you! ^AK", No problem! I’ll be doing another one for december scammers be darned! Thanks for following :) 🙏 🙏 🙏 + Thank you for this! Please make sure you send us a DM with a screenshot of the transaction you are having issues with. ^YR, __email__ + Hey there! We have responded to your DM. Please check it as soon as you can! ^IT, Thanks I'll DM them over now. I have got three in total. + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about these worrying emails. Please send us a DM with screenshots of the emails and we'll determine whether it's from us or whether action should be done. ^SML, Had two of these emails today? Any response to my earlier tweet?? +" No problem, Angela. Have a nice day! ^JP", Ok thank you! Will do! +" Hello, Angela. Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP", 2/2 I tried to log into my PayPal app my password had been changed! Have reset it now but please help!!! + Hey there. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV, ? + Alright! Thank you for the feedback. Have a nice day and thank you for being a PayPal customer! :) ^GR," lol I don't need help, just pointing out your website links are busted" + Hey there! I'm sorry for the wait. I've responded to your DM! ^SML, ?????? + Hey Alex. Can you please DM me your PayPal email address and some more information regarding your issue? I would be happy to help you out. ^EJ, I sold some xbox live digital codes on ebay & when buyer paid me thru pay pay I sent the codes to buyer. Come to find out buyer was a bad guy and paypal did chargeback on my funds. I did nothing wrong to be losing money. Please help + Hello. Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP, Went straight to the store bc it’s a gift. Like honestly just switch them and call it a day now this will haunt me + Hey there! We have responded to your DM. Please check it as soon as you can! ^IT, Check DM +" Hi there, thank you for contacting PayPal via Twitter. We are sorry to hear that you were unable to connect with a phone agent. For assistance, please DM us with your PayPal email address, your country of residence, and a screenshot of the transaction. ... https://t.co/wIsfsw4z4r", Do you have a phone number? Not finding a customer service number and keeps disconnecting me before I can speak to a human. If I have to I will file a dispute. Didn't want to have to do that.. +" Hi there, thank you for contacting PayPal via Twitter. Please DM us with your PayPal email address, your country of residence, and a screenshot of the issue. We are here to help. Thank you! ^AC", They’re the worst they won’t correct to my married name on anything +" That's fantastic news, Banu! We're glad to hear it. :) We hope you have a lovely day. ^AIM", Thanks but I was able to make the payment the next day. Guess there was a server issue on your end at that time? + Hey there! I'm sorry to hear that. Would you mind sending us a DM with a screenshot of the email you received? We would be more than happy to help clarify this for you. ^CRG, Both emails about transactions off my accounts that have been declined but I’m not entirely sure they’re real +" Hi there, we'd be happy to assist if you'd like to send us a DM your email address and the details of what is happening. ^IA"," If we are at the center of everything, why when we follow all your rules do you tell us too bad, we don’t care!!" +" Hello. Thank you for reaching back out to us, and for sending us a DM. We were able to send you a response. ^RR", 460$ https://t.co/fL1YQDBDp5 + Gracias a ti. Buen día. ^LR, Gracias + I'm glad to hear that! Have a great day. :) ^KK," No worries! I already got a response from the on-site support and it should be cleared up, thanks anyway though!" +" When sending a personal payment with PayPal credit, a debit, or credit card, the standard processing fee of 2.9% + $0.30 applies. Only personal transactions funded by your bank or PayPal balance are fee free. Read more about PayPal fees here: https://t.co/w8rzx7bh1C ^RJM"," I’m not using an outside credit card, I’m using PayPal Credit, which is like PayPal’s version of a credit card. They haven’t charged a fee when I’ve used it to make purchases online before, so that’s why I’m confused about the fee being charged to send money via friends/family" +" Hello. Thank you for reaching back out to us, and for sending us a DM. We were able to send you a response. ^RR", can you please answer my dm +" Hey! I'm sorry to hear about this :( Send me a DM with some details about your issue, along with your PP email. I'm happy to help. ^MB", How about FUCK YOUR TWITTER. Answer a CALL. +" At this time, please send a DM with your PayPal email address so I can send this question to the correct department. ^IN", Oh ok and is there a criteria to get a invite or is it just random +" Here's information regarding the Access card, at this time it is only available by invitation: https://t.co/VhJDjZjmWE ^IN", What about the access card people I know in the UK have them +" I apologize for the inconvenience, Lee. The PayPal cards are only available in the U.S. at this time. ^IN", It says this page does not exist is this for the UK +" I see. I would suggest clear the cache of the app. If you're using your mobile browser I suggest clearing the cache of your browser. If the issue continues, please DM me a screenshot of the page, your PayPal email, and country. ^SE", It’s on mobile - just try to log in to an account and transfer funds out. The page doesn’t render +" I would like to see if this issue is reoccurring. Please attempt to complete your action after clearing out the cache. If the issue continues, please DM me your PayPal email and a screenshot of the page. ^SE", Has it been fixed? +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out to PayPal. I'm sorry to hear about the issue you've encountered. Please DM me your PayPal email, country, and a screenshot of the webpage so I can see what's going on. ^SE", *iphone 7 + Thanks for reaching out! I've gone ahead and responded to your DM. Please take a look when you have the opportunity! ^JGP, Dm please +" For assistance with your dispute, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC"," I've requested a refund from him as I paid for goods/services and they haven't arrived, he's also ignoring all emails asking for proof of postage. What happens if he doesn't respond to you?" + Hello Aaron! You can report any user you feel is violating our Terms of Service by sending a message to __email__. ^BC, You need to add a report seller button to your app. He contacted me though PayPal and offered me the lens again. I said yes. He's also done this with other buyers and his feedback is now negative. Or put a limit on new sellers item prices. Just hope protection works. + I'm glad to hear it! Have a wonderful rest of your day. :) ^RA," I did it on my phone in the end, thanks anyway" + Hi there! Please send me a DM! :) ^RA, Thanks Dan I'll try it out in a bit! +" Hello, thanks for reaching out to PayPal customer support. If you need help with your account, please send a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot along with a description of this issue. I'm happy to help with any questions. ^IN", please help + We're so glad to hear you were able to get that resolved! Have a great rest of your day. ^BC, Solved + Hey there! We have responded to your DM. Please check it as soon as you can! ^IT, What neglect I can not withdraw my money Do you see I waited 10 days and more and I can not withdraw my money + Thanks for the feedback! Glad to hear this has already been resolved. ^DP," My issue has been resolved. My account got unverified, sending money from my linked bank account resolved the issue. + +Might be worth putting a message on the window thing. There was no indication that that was the cause." +" Hello! Our sincere apologies for the delay in our response, Al. Please DM us with your PayPal email and further details for help! ^AIM"," Support has claimed is ""holding my money"". PayPal says you have my money and gave me the seller side transaction ID,which I sent to support. Who are not responding again. All I know is, I don't have my money or my download and you guys are very slow to respond." +" Hello, Jonathan. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. We understand how disconcerting this can be! If you can send us a DM with your PayPal email address, we would be happy to assist you with this. Looking forward to hearing from you! ^RR https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Now on hold for almost an hour. + Hello Stuart! Thank you for being a loyal user of PayPal as I understand that you've been using our services for over 10 years. Our sincere apologies for the ill experience you've received. Please DM us with your PayPal email and further details for help! ^AIM," Welp, payment denied again today at . Something's messed up with your tech/system, . Dat's all folks. B'bye ." + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this if you're still in need of assistance and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, What can I do to get access to my account? I have been waiting on the phone for over an hour!!! +" Hello. We would recommend giving us a call, so our phone support can assist you in getting to the bottom of this. If you can send us a DM with the name of the country in which your PayPal account was created, we would be happy to provide you with the co... https://t.co/GQMX0LWUk2 https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Kkk +" No problem! Yep, that would probably delay the charge. Have a great rest of your weekend :) ^SML"," Thanks! Will check during the week. Assume because it was after business hours on Friday, added to the delay." +" Hi there! I'm sorry to hear you've run into this poor experience with your purchase. If you'd like any more help from us, please send us a DM and we'd be happy to help. ^SML"," this is also your fault, this #was a way for our customers to pay #nomore Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!" +" I'm sorry to hear of any frustration, Linsi. Please send a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the issue. I'd be happy to help. ^IN", Yes! I also didn’t get a response from this tweet! They literally stop responding when I say their response didn’t answer my original question. +" Thank you for reaching out to us here on our Twitter page. We are happy to answer your PayPal questions, but at this time customer support is only offered in English. Please send us a new message with your inquiries in English and your registered email ... https://t.co/dgq8eD0kGR"," Чудіки, де ?" + Do you need assistance with anything? I'm happy to help over DMs. ^IN, my email is __email__ +" Hey there, we are sorry to hear that you have not received your refund. So we can further assist you, can you please send us a DM with your account email and screenshot of the transaction? ^AB", the refund is from steam +" Hey Chris! Sorry to hear about this. I'll be happy to help, just send me a DM! ^DP"," , you guys are pretty useless at providing REAL people to talk to on the phone. Account hacked again today. A person making payments on their , account. , " +" Hello, I can confirm this is not legitimate. Please forward this to __email__ and then remove it from your inbox. I appreciate it! ^AL", I know right? Good thing they still don't know how to spell because the typos are a quick giveaway + Immer wieder gern. :) ^FV," Alles klar, vielen Dank für die Info!" + We have responded to your dm. Please check your messages. ^LJ, A response would be greatly appreciated! told me that it was y’all that was keeping my money from me. Please give me my money so I can pay what I owe and I’ll move on from using your service. Thank you #ebay #paypal +" Hi William, firstly I am sorry for the delayed response. Here are some reasons for such holds https://t.co/ETtpEpMusJ. Thanks", ? + If there is anything else we can help you with please send us a DM. ^RD, Thank You for replying. I really need PayPal services. Can you please mention why PayPal is not starting their services in Pakistan. It's been 10 years since I am waiting for PayPal. Thank You +" Bonjour Bruce, nous sommes heureux de savoir que vous êtes satisfait de nos services :). Nous restons à votre entière disposition en cas de besoin. Bonne journée ! ^EM", des que je peux je regle avec paypal c'est mieux que une banque je suis depuis une dizaine d'année chez vous et c'est toujours du bonheur et serieux et je vous fait de la pub merci a l'equipe + Hi! We have replied to your DM. :) ^JMR," My eBay listing have been sold and delivered, I’m trying to figure how long y’all will have the funds on hold" +" Maravilha! + +Muito obrigado!"," Deu tudo certo sim, obrigado" + Hello! I've responded to your DM. ^HZ, I just yesterday open account and after 5 minutes just i got blocked i don't know why!???? +" Okay, ich dachte es liegt an deinem PayPal-Konto. Falls aber die DB-Seite Probleme beim Weiterleiten hat, dann solltest du dich auf jeden Fall bei der DB melden, damit das Problem behoben werden kann. ^FV"," Wie soll das besser funktionieren, wenn das Weiterleiten von der DB-Seite zu paypal schon nicht klappt?" +" Hallo, tut mir leid, dass du immer noch Probleme mit der Bezahlung hast. Gerne kannst du uns deine registrierte E-Mail-Adresse in einer DM senden, dann können wir es genauer prüfen lassen. ^FV"," Weitergeleitet wird, aber paypal nimmt das Password nicht - nach dem zweiten Versuch heißt es, der Kauf habe nicht abgewickelt werden können. Das würde wohl mit einem Guthaben nicht anders sein." +" Tut uns leid, dass es nicht geklappt hat. Alternativ kannst du es auch mit einer Bezahlung mittels Guthaben probieren. Das funktioniert meist besser. Wir hoffen, dass es beim nächsten Mal besser klappt. Falls du unsere Unterstützung dann dabei brauchst, melde dich bei uns. ^FV"," Wußte nicht, was ich noch versuchen sollte - habe das Problem anders lösen müssen. Vermutlich hätte ich den Computer noch neu starten sollen, aber mal ehrlich- so geht's doch nicht. Muß Alternative suchen. Sorry." + Glad you were able to get through! Have a great day! ^IT, yeah bro we good 🤞🏾 +" Hello Zelda, I'm glad that your issue is resolved. Have a wonderful day and thank you for being a loyal PayPal customer. ^BB", Thankyou! + Hola lamentamos lo sucedido por favor envía un DM y con gusto podremos revisarlo. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, ¿Qué solución te dieron? Tengo el mismo problema + We're happy to hear that! Have an amazing day! ^AAR," Thanks, it's already been resolved!" + We are so glad to hear that. Thank you for keeping us updated on the situation. Have a wonderful day! ^AC, I can login to my paypal app now..it brings up keyboard one so I can enter code thanks +" Hello. I'm sorry to hear about this. If you could provide me with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the transaction, I'd be happy to further assist you. Thanks! ^FM"," 2 calls to and one to and got the ‘can’t do nothin’. Girl, Stam, laughed at me." +" Bonjour à vous, nous comprenons votre mécontentement. Nous sommes disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez que l'on vérifie tout ceci ensemble. Merci de nous fournir votre adresse email ^LT"," Allez bande d’escroc vous l’avez restreint plus de 3 comptes avec 100€ dessus, des que j’ai assez d’argent pour un avocat je vous finis" + Hello Lolly! I've responded to your DM. ^HZ," Have done, thank you" +" Thanks! I've just responded to your DM, please check your inbox at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your patience! ^KT", I have sent information requested. + Hi Santos! Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you. Please send us a DM regarding your concern and we'll be more than happy to assist you. ^HZ, They have AWFUL customer service + Bonsoir à vous et navrés d'apprendre cela. Nous sommes disponibles en DM si vous souhaitez nous faire part de votre expérience. ^AG, Ce moment gênant où tu réalises que tout ton budget pour gérer les problèmes de litiges qui pourrissent ta plateforme est passé dans une pub à la con #paypal #BusinessModelDeMerde #PayeTonIlePourLesRiches +" Hey there! I apologize for the delayed response - if you're in need of assistance with anything, feel free to DM us! I'll be happy to help. ^KK"," I like how the bot rolls up with an automatic 'personal dispute/tech support' message. + +Mates, this is a policy question - not something a single person can feed you info about. Maybe look into that as well?" + Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about the issue. I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF, How about we talk about the fund freezing policy you're currently rolling out for people who sell services that require a waiting period? Commission artists will be leaving you in droves. Myself included. +" I understand your concern. By sending us a DM, I'd be able to escalate your case to one of our specialists. They'll then look into your issue and assist you. ^HZ", My concern is that your company has been giving me the runaround for two months. I’ve already explained the situation to 5 of your coworkers. What can you do to help me? + Hi Tim! Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you. Please send us a DM regarding your concern and we'll be more than happy to assist you. ^HZ," I just sent you an email. I look forward to you helping me resolve this, and recover the money stolen from my account." +" Hey there, sorry to hear about your billing issues! I'd be happy to help.:) Please DM me your PayPal email and a brief description of your issue so I can further assist you. ^SE", We can do it! I was able to get into one of my accounts and download everything. The other account remains a mystery but I'm hoping to hear back from ! + We apologize for the delay. Please check your DM for further assistance in this matter. ^SP," I don't know what is going on at PayPal. My account was limited on the 13th Nov. Then after a 5 hour wait, I spoke to someone today who said it was sorted, then I just go to withdraw MY money and you've blocked me again.What do I have to do to get my cash?" +" Hi AbdullahI appreciate you taking the time to reach out to us. Can you please send us a DM of your message in English? We currently provide support in English. Once you've resent the message, I'll be more than happy to assist you. :) ^HZ", ارسلت لكم على الخاص مشكلتي ورقم البطاقة ممكن تردون +" Glad you were able to get the money sent! Usually, restarting your device, or re-installing the app can fix this. Have a great day! ^IT", Hi already solved... thanks but it was strange as both mobile devices werent able to proceed with “transfer” money.. something went wrong with graphic & screen orientation + Alright! Have a great rest of your day. ^BC, I deleted it. I provided the information in the pictures. I’m sure if you send the tweet to your spoof people they can handle it. I’ve done my part. +" Bonsoir Naash, merci de nous avoir contactés. Nous vous demandons de bien vouloir nous joindre en privé muni de votre adresse email afin que nous puissions vous aider ^LiB", débloquer mon compte zebi + Muito obrigado por enviar, Ok. Enviei agora todas as mensagens + No problem. We're more than happy to help. Have a great day! ^CRG, Thank you + Hi! Sorry about the delay. Please send me a DM if you still need assistance. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR, + Hello Kaya! You can certainly DM us. ^ML, DM button not available at the moment? +" I'm glad it's working again. I've responded to your DM, and thanks for reaching out! ^ES", It's working for me now :/ DM'd the message and a few more details though. + Hey there! We've responded to your DM - please check your messages so that we can assist. Thank you! ^ANM," You can only dream, especially when are involved" + You're welcome! ^IVS, I have now sorted it via PayPal helpline thanks + Hello! I can assure you that this email is fake - please forward it to __email__. Thank you! :) ^KK, trying to confirm it this is a genuine email and not a scam? Says my last transaction was declined but I haven't tried using PP recently + Hi there! Please send us a DM in English regarding your concern. We'll then be more than happy to assist you. ^HZ, جدد لي الباقة الرياضية ب١٦٠ ريال +" Hi there! I just sent you a DM, please take a look! ^GH", Read DMs? + Hi there! Please send us a DM in English regarding your concern. We'll then be more than happy to assist you. Thanks! ^HZ, سلامات ٩٤ ريال وأعطيه ١٦٠ صاحي + Hey Ari! I just responded to your DM. :) ^DT," I don't even have a PayPal account, could I follow and DM you here?" +" Hello, do you have some questions about PayPal? If so, please send me a Direct Message with your PayPal email add... https://t.co/H89s7nz6s2", Please tweet and our team will be happy to help. +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Por favor visita este enlace: https://t.co/uZJ9q6KICW Si tienes más dudas, envíanos un DM. ¡Saludos! ^DG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Hay manera de donar vía + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM along with your PayPal email address so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response. ^GV, all my money was in there too 🙃 +" I'm very sorry about this :( . If it has been more then 5-7 business days since the withdrawal, you can let us know and we can look further into this for you! ^FM", Thanks but its not going to help just given up on paypal never get the same story twice +" Hello Kim. If you could send us a DM with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the withdrawal, I'd be happy to further assist you with this. Thanks! ^FM", Do you have a problem with your compturs at the moment or im be lied to + Awesome - please DM us regarding this issue and I'll be happy to help. :) ^KK, Yes Australia please set free my money + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that your account is registered in and we'll get this figured out together! Thanks. ^AMC, Whats going at paypal waiting sice 10am for my money to be put into my bank but say computer is down now after 11pm dam bad +" Hi Krista. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN", + You're welcome! ^BC, Thanks + Can you please send your question to our DM's?," Well, hell. Thanks a lot. It is a long article, so some help would be nice." + Thank you. Please check your inbox for a response to your DM. ^VM, Dm sent +" When you can, please delete your tweets with your email. I do not want your information to get out. Please send me a DM with the emails and the troubles with this payment and I can help you further. ^GA"," About a week ago my brother got on and played minecraft with his friend, His friend wanted to buy a resource pack. . My little brother gave him 14$ . My paypal email: __email__ + +And his email is : __email__" +" In addition, please remove the screenshot you've sent in as it contains private information that I would like to keep secure. ^SE", I have sent a DM with my details and a screenshot of a purchase that has just gone through. + Hey there! Please check your DM . :) ^KE, I have sent you a DM thanks + Hi Hunter! I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble with this. Please send me a DM so that I can assist you further. ^DT," What this means for me is that I have figure out what automatic payments I have set up, delete my entire account, and start over from scratch. I found this out after calling because online support wasted several months of my time. Thanks a bunch!" +" Hey there, deeply sorry for the delay in responding. :( We have recently replied back to your most-recent DM, so please reach back out whenever possible to have the issue fixed. Thanks! ^AI", Sooooo +" We're glad that you were able to receive your funds, Betty. :) If you ever need us in the future, you're welcome to reach out. Have a wonderful rest of your day! ^MN", the money has cleared now so its okay but thanks anyway +" Hola, envíanos un DM y con gusto podremos ayudarte. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Pero puedo hacer la transferencia sin una tarjeta de banco? +" Hi! I see how this is a concerning matter, and I'm here to help you. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the payment that you are referring to? This will help me to find a solution for you. Thank you. ^ES"," There are real problems on your platform that you NEED to fix. Not start fucking around with a system that barely works in the first place! If you don't want to lose a large amount of your customers to newer sites, you had better have plans. Smh." + Thanks for sending us a DM Mateo! I've responded to it. ^HZ, Message sent. Hoping you can be more helpful then the support members I have spoken to previously. +" Hey there, deeply sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have this issue resolved in a timely manner. Thanks! ^AI", Password changed...i didn’t do it. Call to close the account...1 day later money is transferred from my bank to that account...how? +" Aún no hemos recibido tu mensaje directo. Si necesitas ayuda de nuestra parte, estamos disponibles en DM. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Este es el otro, ¿Así como recomiendas a una empresa? Acaban de hackear uber, me piden número de tarjeta y mi identificación ¿ ya tampoco es seguro? https://t.co/jRlTIuaiq9" +" Hey there, deeply sorry for the delayed responses. :( We have recently responded back to your most-recent DM, so whenever possible, please respond back for further assistance. Thanks! ^AI"," Thanks for reply, i have sent you DM. I hope i will get respond with resolution. As basic problem of is not responding and do nothing of customer requests or complaints" +" Thank you for your patience, and I appreciate you reaching out to us. I've responded to your DM and I look forward to working with you to resolve the issue. ^TB"," Thanks for update, i will wait for response from specialist. Having said don't trust PayPal India as they have never responded in past" +" Gerne doch. Ok, das kann ich verstehen, dass die Unterlagen mittlerweile entsorgt sind. Falls nochmal etwas in der Art vorfällt, melde dich bei uns. Damit wir auch andere Erfahrungen in dein Elafantengedächtnis einbrennen können. :) ^FV"," Die Unterlagen sind inzwischen entsorgt, das war in 2010, verjährt aber nicht vergessen. ;) +So etwas brennt sich halt in mein Elefantengedächtnis, dennoch danke für die Rückmeldung." + Das klingt sehr danach. Gerne doch. Konnte eine Lösung gefunden werden? ^FV," Spotify hat sich jetzt bei mir gemeldet, dennoch danke für die Tipps! Meine Freunde haben genau das selbe Problem wie ich, denke auch, dass es sich hier um ein technischen Fehler handelt." +" Super, das freut mich sehr. Falls noch etwas ist, melde dich bei uns. ^FV", Ja :) +" Bonjour Ilyas, je vous remercie de nous avoir contactés. Si jamais vous avez un problème d'accès, veuillez nous avoir en DM muni de votre adresse email. Nous ferons le nécessaire ensemble ^LiB", Ce moment gênant où tu ne te rappelles plus de tes codes et que c'est une vraie galère pour les récupérer car tu ne te souviens plus des réponses des questions secrètes 🤔 +" Hola, por favor envía tus detalles en DM y con gusto podremos revisarlo. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Pss Pss Mainkra :v +" Hi there! If you are in need of assistance, please send us a DM! Thanks. ^LAR", I heard they withholding money +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez que l'on vérifie ceci ensemble. Merci de nous communiquer l'adresse email liée au compte PayPal ^EM"," Bonjour , certains de nos clients utilisent Paypal sans problème. Pouvez-vous nous indiquer via DM votre email Paypal + nom de votre société + n° téléphone ?" + Nous souhaitons vous aider à ce propos. Merci de venir en DM munie de votre adresse email PayPal ^SK," Bonjour, je vais lui indiquer, pourrais-je avoir le remboursement de ces frais si mon amie vous contacte ? Merci" +" Bonjour à vous, nous regrettons que vous ayez rencontré ce problème et nous sommes là pour vous aider. Afin de vérifier cela ensemble, veuillez me communiquer votre adresse email et plus de détails en privé ^LT", Moi on ne m'a pas rembourser un article payer par PayPal retourner dans les règles pour pouvoir avoir un remboursement PayPal donc dans l'histoire j'ai perdu plus de 100 euro donc PayPal n'est pas sérieux + Thank you for your patience. We've responded to your DM and look forward to working with you. ^TB, Send multiple tweets and a DM to you about some help. No answer. Please respond. Thanks. +" No worries. I completely understand the concern. Due to current banking mandates, we're unfortunately unable to o... https://t.co/3vDW9gbNbr"," It’s not really an issue, just think that you should be able pay by debit card as well as transfer from bank" + Merci😄 ^LiB," Sur internet, je paie l'intégralité de mes achats avec votre solution. Cette fidélité dure depuis au moins 3 ans ! J'achète sur un site seulement si il propose #Paypal !" + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. I will be happy to help. ^BV ^BV, seriously.. whats wrong?? https://t.co/ITjOyKcqhD +" I am sorry for this trouble you are having with this payment. If you would like, please DM me and I will be happy to help. ^GA", It’s under review. But is requiring our client to say they’re happy with our work. Awkward—even though client is understanding. + Hello. If you feel like you have received a fake or spoof email please send us a DM with a screenshot of it and w... https://t.co/NLEbznGGI6, The address used for this paypal emails is Pay.Pal rather than paypal. I received an email like this just before Christmas + Glad to hear that your issue was resolved! Have a wonderful day! ^GH, The issue has been resolved thank you +" Bonjour à vous, nous vous remercions pour l’intérêt que vous portez à PayPal :). Toutefois, PayPal peut envoyer de temps à autre des offres marketing pour ses clients. Si vous avez un compte PayPal, n'hésitez pas à jeter un coup d’œil sur votre adresse ... https://t.co/7MBk1exDV4"," sympa, je sais pas paypal vous avez pas les moyens plutôt de vous occuper de ceux qui n'auront pas de cadeaux du tout? et peu importe le contenu, me semblait que cette fête était celle de la famille et du partage et non de qui à la plus grosse ..." +" Bonjour à vous. Nous sommes vraiment désolés que nos frais vous paraissent élevés. Les frais PayPal sont de 3.4 % et de 0.25 eur de frais fixe. Voici un lien utile :https://t.co/ooWyMniHXv. Si, vous voulez que l'on en disucte davantage, veuillez venir e... https://t.co/WqjcGJOYhN", Des frais en moyenne de 4% restent inadmissibles. + Please check your DM for our response! Thanks for your patience! :) ^HW, I'm having troubles when paying on https://t.co/OdVsr35Fas. +" Unfortunately, in order to update your number, you'll need to call in to PayPal Phone Support. To get the number ... https://t.co/m5HbqFDEYj", I'm out of the country :( any other way to change my number? + Hey there! Could you please send us a DM please? We'd be happy to help you. ^ACT, purchase possibility without leaving the game. + Hello there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, I just want to speak to a human 🤯🤯🤯 + Soyez toujours la bienvenue! Excellente soirée😊 ^LiB, merci PayPal d’avoir résolu le problème 🙏🏻 + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear this. Can you please DM us with the details? ^AAR," At the VERY least, we should be able to reopen or open new. Seller said I would get shipping confirmation. Never did." +" Hey Declan, please send me a DM! ^RA", They were as useful as a knitted condom! + I am sorry to hear about this trouble with your account. I have replied to your DM and I can help you through there. ^GA, They message back quick usually + Hey. Just responded to your DM. Please get back to me as soon as you can! ^FM, I just DM'd as well. + Hi there! Thank you for reaching out. Please make sure to send us a DM so we can further assist you with this issue. ^YR, Plus my account has been verified and everything + Hello! Please check your DM for a response from us. Thank you. ^YG, Turkey please??? 😢😢😢 + I'm glad you were able to get this resolved. Have a great rest of your week! :) ^DT, Thanks it's working now + Hi! Check your messages at your earliest convenience. I've replied to your DM. Thanks! :) ^JMR, Any chance ????? +" Hi there, If you give us a call we should be able to reset your password. Please DM us and we can give you the correct number ^ZT"," so, I tried to create another account but the e-mail exist already. How can I recovery it or confirm my account by SMS etc #heretohelp" +" Hey TJ! Sorry to hear that your funds are on hold. I'll be happy to help you out, just send me a DM. ^DP"," That’s how I’m getting paid for my design stuff. Logos, graphics, etc." + chama a gente em dm pra pegarmos os detalhes?, Acabei de receber outro pedido + Já está bloqueado.," Agora são 2 problemas, um mandei por DM pro . O outro é que to recebendo spam de um tal de ESB DIVULGAÇÕES. Não tem como bloquear?" + I'm glad to hear that! I hope you have a great rest of your day. :) ^KR, This seems to have fixed itself in the time since I sent this tweet. Thanks anyway! + Thank you for reaching out. Please send me a DM with your PayPal email address so that I can assist you further! :) ^KR," Tried Chrome, Firefox, Safari." + I'm sorry to hear of any frustration. Please send a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the issue. ^IN, any advice? Ur website says they're waivering 180 days - their customer service disagrees fiercely! Any advice? +" Hola, de antemano lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Envíanos un mensaje directo y con gusto te asistimos. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Hoy me llegaron 11 cargos PP a mi tarjeta y mi cuenta la cancelé en febrero. Quién me puede resolver? +" In order for us to assist you with this issue, please send us a DM so we can delve into this matter further and g... https://t.co/pdX5qrKgfV", There is no questions to ask. You have my money being held hostage for a 180 day hold which is illegal is California. Release it! + I'm sorry to hear of any frustration. Please send a DM and I'd be happy to answer any questions. ^IN, Ya after 180 days they give it back. That’s half a year of then keeping my money. Interest free + Great to hear! Enjoy the rest of your day. ^YG, Thanks for getting back. I've managed to sort it now. + Sounds good! Please do not hesitate to reach back out if you need further assistance. Have a great weekend! ^AC, It still needs to be resolved but I’ll give them some time 👍🏻 +" If your issue has been resolved by Nike, there is no need to clarify for us. However, if you still have any quest... https://t.co/Sz3ZLZpGzm"," Thanks! already did take action, do I still need to clarify?" +" Hi there, we have replied to your DMs for further assistance! ^DC"," access being limited, asked for personal info and CC info. Went to PayPal through google and logged in, nothing was wrong (2/2)" +" Hi there! I responded to your DM, please check your inbox. ^GH", Sent you a message and no replay for about one hour + I saw your DM and replied to it. So go ahead and check your DM's! :) ^CD, I replied!! +" Hello, Max. Thank you for reaching out to us, and for sending us a DM. We were able to send you a response. :) ^RR", still dont get answer +" Hey there Alex, please send us a DM! ^RA", Yeah any advice here would be good! I don’t really want to lose money and get slammed with a chargeback fee! + It's no problem at all! I'm just happy to hear that your issue was resolved. :) I hope you have a great rest of your day! ^KR," Thanks for answering! I got an email yesterday that it was resolved though, so thanks a lot! And I guess I got worried too fast haha" +" Hi Lauren, sorry for the delay. We have responded to your DM! Thanks ^SLS", And PayPal ruled in her favour cause of that fake tracking number 🤦🏽‍♀️😩 +" Bonjour à vous, merci de nous avoir contactés. Envoyez-nous votre adresse email PayPal en privé pour voir cela ensemble ^AM", Y a moyen de faire quelque chose quand même ? Merci ! +" Wichtig ist, dass du mit dem Gutschein innerhalb von McFit nicht mehrere Dinge kaufen kannst, sondern dass er speziell auf eine Sache ausgestellt ist, z. B. Drinks, Mitgliedschaft, etc. ^SL", Z.B. Gutschein für ? Käuferschutz oder nicht ? Danke :-) +" Wenn der Gutschein speziell auf McFit ausgestellt ist, sollte der Käuferschutz greifen. ^SL", Z.B. Gutschein für ? Käuferschutz oder nicht ? Danke :-) +" Hi Tom, We have received your message and it will be answered soon. We aim to answer all queries in the order they come in, so we are fair to all customers and apologise for any delays in our responses. Thanks", Done. +" Bonjour à vous, navrés pour la réponse tardive :(. Pour pouvoir vous aider, merci de nous fournir votre adresse email par DM ^EM", Veilliez me dm stp + o/," Ok, enviarei!" +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thanks for your patience. ^ES", I guess your twitter support is just as slow as the phone support lmao +" Hi, I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble! Please DM us your PayPal email address and screenshots of what you're seeing? :) Thanks! ^EHMB", why am I not allowed to pay for an item in eBay. I was told by cust support that it's because my account is 2 days old. Lame!!! +" I've responded to your DM, and thanks for your patience :) ^ES", Check it + I'm sorry to hear that you're encountering problems with our service. Please send us a DM with some more details! ^GH, I've been having issues with PayPal for well over a week now + estamos lá na dm contigo ;D, Falei lá! +" There is no extra fee to use the invoice option however, the seller will always be charged 2.9% + $0.30 of the transaction. ^HYC", OK thanks much. Does the PayPal invoicing work w/ the no fee biz account? + Yes of course! Have a great rest of your day! :) ^HYC, Gotcha. OK & thanks. You've been very helpful. +" Hello! Thank you for getting back to us, but please delete both of the messages above for your security. Please s... https://t.co/mdkY1DcHT8", __email__... +" Hello, thank you for your interest in PayPal. At this time we do not offer service in your country. For more info... https://t.co/qz5o8RmTcR", but we need Paypal not xoom. + Hey there! Thank you for reaching out! Please DM me. :) ^HYC, __email__ my email address I would like to speak with someone please +" Can you DM us with your PayPal email, country, and screenshots of the transaction? I'd be more than happy to assist you! ^AAR", Haven't been able to paysome one as it is stuck in pending + Hi there! I'm sorry that you're experiencing this. Can you DM us with details of the issue you're encountering? ^AAR," Hey been on hold for a manager, can’t waste more time on this. Incredible... #poorservice #badcustomerservice #badservice https://t.co/gvt4rmxESJ" + We're sorry to hear that you feel that way. :( We've sent another DM with additional information. ^AP," +I did dm you, you told me basically to fuck off and that you're not going to help me at all. I literally did nothing wrong fucku" + Hey! I just sent you a DM. Please check your inbox! ^DP, I need an urgent response please as this is affecting my business + Hi Keia! Can you please send us a DM regarding your concern? We'll be more than happy to assist you then. ^HZ, Hey PayPal any chance you could help with my earlier request? +" If you have any more questions Robert, please feel free to send us a DM. We'll be happy to assist you. ^HZ", #👍 + Hey there! Sorry to hear that you've been having these issues. We're happy to clarify. We've responded to your DM! ^CRG, Can u reply + Hello Sana! I just responded to your DM's. ^HZ, Check your dm pls +" Hi there, we're sorry for the delay and we're here to help. If you could please provide us with your PayPal email... https://t.co/9adzXz2XQ2"," Access Denied +You don't have permission to access ""https://t.co/ZAYAeQ3phk"" on this server. is not how you do business" + Great! I've responded to your DM :) ^ES, Have done + Hi! I see how this is concerning. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the transaction in PayPal? Thanks. ^ES, I've contacted them and haven't heard anything yet :( just want to get it sorted due to it being a part of my student loan + Hello and thank you for reaching out. I am sorry to hear about this situation and would love to assist. Please se... https://t.co/pcMScsVzgM," I’ve done both with no solution. Unfortunately, I thought the payment was pending on the shipment. Bad communication by " + Great! I've responded to your DM :) ^ES," Hi, I just sent you a DM." + Hi! I'm sorry to hear about the trouble with this. Could you DM us with your PayPal email? I'm happy to help! ^ES," ...the newest phone. So how about easing up, Paypal? Yeah, my iPod is 3 years old. It still works. I like it. LEAVE THE APP ALONE." + Okay! Thanks for clarifying. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the transaction? Thanks! ^ES, I've already emailed. Was supposed to get a response within 24 hours. Didn't happen. I want my funds released to use them. Simple as that. +" I know it's inconvenient to wait, and I apologize for the trouble. Thanks for your patience! ^ES", It's fine. Eventually you'll release my funds and I'll buy what I want. A 21 day wait is an absolute joke though. + Hi! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC," Thanks, I've DM-ed you." + Hi! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC, I have DM'd you. Thanks! + Sorry for the delay! Please check your DMs for an update. ^AP, Respond to dm plz + Hi there. We've responded to your DM. :) ^NM, I sent the dm back please respond +" The email is, __email__. :) ^HYC", Is that the correct email spoof... ? + We have replied to your DM. Have a nice day. ^JP," Hi sent dm, got response in spanish, i dont speak sanish. Can i get some help as this was few hours ago......" + Happy to help! Have a great day. ^ES, Thank you. I have paid via their MyAccounts page but easier on Telstra app. I'll see what happens next month. Cheers. + Hey there! Could you please send us a DM? We'd be happy to help you. ^ACT," Ask for help on Twitter, since it seems that’s a better way to reach support than emails! Looking forward to a response!" + No problem - have a great day. :) ^KK, Ok thanks. + Hi there! Thank you for reaching out. Please send us a DM so we can further assist you. ^YR, Get through and refuse to give you money +" I am sorry that you are running into this error when you try to send money. If you want, please DM me and I can help you. ^GA", keep in mind iv been on the phone with you guys 4 time within 3 days 1 hour long calls each time fuck shitty paypal +" Ah, perfekt. :) Danke dir für die schnelle Rückmeldung. ^SL"," Hab gestern schon mit dem Support Telefoniert und alles geklärt, Danke trotzdem :)" +" I'm so glad to hear that, Pam! Have a lovely rest of your day. ^BC"," Thanks, it seems like I was able to resolve with the last call" +" Hi there. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you could please send us a DM, we'd be glad to assist you with this issue. ^MN", this url https://t.co/iyxv10472N return error 400 +" Hi there! Our site is not currently experiencing issues. Try using a different browser and network, you should be able to log in after! ^CD", it doesn't open from desktop and mobile. Also with some different internet access (different wifi or mobile carrier). Why? https://t.co/mJHgBUijaU + I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^IVS ^IVS, Done. Email and screenshots sent. +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of what you're seeing? ... https://t.co/XbDReV8UaY"," Ok thanks, so 2010 😊" +" Hi there, I am sorry for the delay in replying to you. I have just sent you a DM. ^DK", Reply to mine while you're at it! I've been waiting since Thursday! + Great! Please check your DMs for an update. ^AP, Re-send please +" Bonjour à vous, voici quelques conseils si vous avez des doutes avant de procéder à votre vente : https://t.co/DcDTntFiyj ^DW", on peux passer par vous pr vérifier si c'est un arnaqueur vu qu'il y a son PayPal ? + Hi! I just sent you a DM so please kindly check your messages when you have the chance. :) ^ALF, the sale that I made an hour later went straight through... +" Hey there, I'm sorry to hear of any frustration. At this time, we haven't' received your DMs. Please click on the... https://t.co/RqgDhIUGyW", But you haven't responded to mine and I've sent DM's two days ago +" Bonjour Jérémy, nous sommes disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez que l'on vérifie cela ensemble ^SB"," Erghhhh, c'est moi qui ai besoin d'aide cette fois-ci 😂 - possible de DM ?" +" Bonjour Lea, nous nous excusons encore une fois pour la gêne occasionnée. Nous restons toujours à votre entière d... https://t.co/x8TxqGg0Ag", J’ai attendu 1h et demi la dernière fois mais ils ont très très bien fait leur taff après et très rapidement +" Hi there. We have sent you a DM. Please check, when you have the chance. Thanks! ^NR", could you please respond to my DM ASWELL please +" Hey Mary, we have already responded to your message. Please check your DM's for more detail. :) ^GAA"," Yes, and can you respond to mine also. >24hrs now" + Glad to hear that your issue was resolved. Have a great day! :) ^AI, Thank you - I have received now +" Hello Donna, I understand how upsetting it can be to not receive a refund for an item that was sent back. In orde... https://t.co/wrA2EKlR5c", To clarify I have proof of return and also proof they received my item but they’re giving me the run around +" Bonjour à vous, veuillez nous expliquer votre demande davantage en DM muni de votre adresse email ^AG", Non art + Hello! Just sent you a DM. ^ML," my acc was hacked, the intruder moved to add his email as a primary email in my Paypal account. He changed the logins. Kindly help" + Hello! Just sent you a DM. ^ML, sent a DM over + Hi there! Thank you for reaching out to us. If you need assistance please send us a DM and we will be happy to help! ^DC, Pm me sir + Hi there! I'm sorry for the delay. I have sent you a DM. Please check that. :) ^HYC, J'apprécierais si tu repondais a mon message... +" Bonjour à vous, merci de nous expliquer votre demande davantage en DM muni de votre adresse email. ^AG", Ouai jmen suis rendu compte du coup j'ai contacté askpaypal + Hello! Please check your most recent DM. ^GV, __email__ +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^AAC", Please reply to my DM +" Hello, I know how frustrating it can be to use new systems. Please check your DMs for more information. Have a great day. ^BB", and have now sent a DM and expect answer quickly please. thanks. +" Hi, I'm sorry for the delayed response! :( I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. Thanks! ^AAC", Thanks for the speedy response +" Carmen, if you follow us we will be able to take of this over DM! :) ^CD", I've emailed and called several times already...still no resolution! + Hi! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC," Salam Alaikoum .. I have a valid account and a balance, but when I enter to buy in the BBC Sport say Add a card .. Knowing I have..." +" That would work! Or, if you've had your name legally changed and have updated documents, we can change the name for you. :) ^RA", Can you close the account with your dead name and open a new one? +" Hey there, we are sorry to hear about your situation. If you would like further assistance, please send us a DM w... https://t.co/6mKTWQX7pS", contacted #Paypal regarding this issue--- They send me an automated reponse to my email. + Good question! The 30 cents is a fixed fee that is non refundable. Please refer to our user agreement for more i... https://t.co/5ErRYCpGZw," Thanks, please explain the 30 cent fee?" +" Hey there Jen, please send me a DM! ^RA"," Credit limit is 1,000 and it says more then that now with the 23 bucks" + What country are you in? ^DP, tell me you number if you company actual smart +" Sorry to hear that. If you ever do need help, you know where to find us! :) ^GR", Sorted it now thanks! Took me a 30 minute phone call to you 🙄 My bank account wasn’t set up properly. Wish I knew that- Googled for ages +" I'm sorry for the poor experience you've had getting in touch with us. If you still need help, feel free to send us a DM ^SML", #fallshopping I love to shop when PayPal let's me spend my own money +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you are in need of any assistance. We're happy to help. ^CG"," ""I will try and contact paypal"" + +If you're unable to contact your payment processor easily, they obviously don't care about your business." + Thanks for letting us know. We really appreciate it! ^KK, PaypalThe email id used to send this mail is __email__ just in case you wiah to take any action... + Hi! Thanks for getting back to us. Could you send us a DM with details about the issue? I'm happy to help you. Thank you! ^ES, __email__ +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^EHMB", fancy replying to me? +" Hallo, tut mir leid, dass es noch nicht geklappt hat. Hast du es denn schon mit einer Guthabenzahlung probiert? ^FV", nichts mehr verwalten. Mein Konto ist 9 Jahre alt... +" Okay, das steht auch so nicht zur Verfügung. Du musst hier erst Geld auf das PayPal-Konto laden. Geld aufladen is... https://t.co/J6kGV7aaP1", zur* +" Hallo, wie schon beschrieben, ist bei Händlervereinbarungen das System sehr sensibel. Hast du etwas mehr als den ... https://t.co/J6kGV7aaP1", https://t.co/jxGkj6xkJy +" Hallo, okay, sofern wir dich noch unterstützen können, melde dich bei uns. ^FV", Werde wohl nochmal Geld einzahlen und schauen was passiert. +" Hast du mal Cache und Cookies gelöscht, ehe du es nochmal probiert hast? Wäre einen Versuch wert. ^SL"," Hab Geld eingezahlt, gebracht hats aber nix. Verlangt weiterhin ein Bankkonto der eine KK, Guthaben lässt sich nicht benutzen." + Hi Matilda! My sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this has caused you. Please send us a DM regarding your ... https://t.co/eveqLSuUa4, case timed out while waiting for the seller. The seller took my money and then screwed me over on the returns process. And you do nothing??! +" Ist nicht gesagt, mit der Zeit wird sicher auch das Lastschriftverfahren wieder angeboten. Einen genauen Zeitpunk... https://t.co/dWKitCIrzK", Dann muss ich ab heute jedes mal drauf hoffen das ich mit PayPal zahlen kann die weil keine Kreditkarte und das andere zu lang dauert + Ja. Leider ist es nicht in jedem Falle möglich. Alternativen wie Guthaben oder Kreditkarte helfen da sehr gut weiter. ^SL, Ich hatte vorher gut haben drauf gehabt und sonst hatte es vorher auch immer geklappt mit Lastschrift verfahren + Apologies for the delayed response. Please check your inbox. ^VM, Paypal are you going to answer or just ignore me??? + Génial ! Nous vous remercions pour votre confiance et votre fidélité. Nous resterons toujours à votre entière disposition en cas de besoin 😊 ^CM," Pas de problème avec paypal, c'est le paiement direct CB sur le site de qui était HS." +" Bonjour Alexis, nous sommes attachés à satisfaire nos clients. Nous vous prions de venir en DM munie de votre adresse email. Nous sommes là pour vous aider ^CM", Paiement par CB impossible… à la rescousse. + A gente tá aqui. Vem cá! https://t.co/AwV5sqBWc0," essa hora n tem ngm lá, vao responder só de manha" + ^_^, Omgg!! Obrigada!!! ❤️ minhas compras do ebay +" Hallo, danke für die Infos. Bekommst du eine Fehlermeldung beim Einloggen? Wenn ja, was besagt diese genau? ^FV"," Danke der Nachfrage. Inzwischen in allen browsern. Kennt man ja, daß die Sicherheitsupdates so etwas verursachen. Reicht mir jetzt aber." +" Ja, das kannst du gerne machen. Manchmal können Zahlungen von unserem Sicherheitssystem abgelehnt werden. Alterna... https://t.co/mi8W9HNv3q"," nicht klar, ob das auch funktioniert, wenn ich die nächste Fahrkarte kaufen will (in ca. zwei Wochen). Melde mich dann & berichte. Danke!!" + Gerne doch. :) ^FV, Danke für den Hinweis! + Please check your DM for our response. :) ^HW, Hello respond to my dm please. +" Hey, freut uns zu hören! Vielen Dank für dein Feedback dazu. :) ^WD"," So, hat wieder funktioniert! Also: bitte nicht vergessen, das Callcenter zu informieren: 1. Schritt: Router neu starten! (Neues PW erst, wenn das nicht funktioniert! - Danke nochmal!)" +" Hallo, aktuell sind uns keine Probleme dazu bekannt. Hast du denn Probleme dich einzuloggen? ^FV","Vielleicht liegt es aber auch an , wenn immer mehr Leute Probleme haben, sich dort einzuloggen." + That's great to hear! Enjoy the rest of your day. ^YG," HI YG, thanks for your replay - the problem was already solve, one of your coworker write back with a nice solution. :)" + Hi there! I've replied to your DM. ^RA, اتصلت برقم الدعم الفني ومافي احد يرد كذلك ارجو الرد للضروره +" Hi there Tiffany! If you still need assistance with this issue, please send us a DM along with your PayPal email address. We'd be happy to help you. ^ACT", thanks and I hope so too! + Glad to hear this! We appreciate your patience and hope you enjoy the rest of your day! ^DC, Thanks. I tried it again this morning and it worked ok. + ufaaaaaaaaa <3 te amo!, tá tudo bem já mozao 💙 + Hi there! I'm sorry for the delay. I've replied to your DM. ^AAR, Can I please get some support jeeez + Thank you for your response. Please send us a DM for further assistance. Thank you! ^AC," __email__ +saudi arabia" +" Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Can you DM us with your PayPal email, country, and any other details? ^AAR", I want to unlink ebay with paypal + Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. Send us a DM for further assistance. ^ML," Can we talk in private chat? +I would be so thankful" +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Por favor envíanos un DM, para asistirte personalmente. ¡Saludos! ^DG"," No, si ya me imagino." +" Hello! We can definitely see how concerning this is. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC", Y'all took my Patreon money - which wasn't much - & then y'all overdraw my god damn bank account? I'm furious. +" Hi, if you require further assistance please send us a DM. :) ^RJM", ممكن خاص + Hello! I'm sorry for the wait. I've just responded to your DM - I look forward to speaking with you! ^KK, PayPal I need to create an account here in Nigeria ....but it's been tough since I've been trying.....can I get some direction? Thanks + Hi there! If you need assistance please send me a DM. :) ^JMR, not even a like ? +" If you could also DM me with screenshots of the limitation you're seeing, that'd be even better. Thanks! ^FM", That's way always use crypto instead of fucking +" Hello. I apologize for inconvenience you're experiencing. If you could send me your PayPal email and country, I'd... https://t.co/bJPvx0IWgj", That's way always use crypto instead of fucking + No problem. Have a great day! :) ^GAA," I made payment through other means. Thanks, but no thanks." + If you cannot locate the number please send us a DM along with your email and country your account is registered ... https://t.co/Gm0MzBX3nY," You have 2 links that don't work. +One for email. One to call you. +I'll use other means." +" Hello there, Meruem. Thank you for reaching out. I understand how concerning this can be. I would recommend givin... https://t.co/Gm0MzBX3nY", Great job https://t.co/ve0Q79Pxob + Hi again! We are sorry to hear about this inconvenience. Please send us a DM and we would be happy to assist! Thanks. ^AC," What’s going on? +You have an unnecessarily tedious system in place for a routine account update. It’s easier to create a new account…insane." + Hey there! I have replied to your DM. ^MB," Yeah, I'm not tech shy, I understand how things work - this is just bad customer service. Moving to different option when I can." +" Hi there. Thanks for contacting us. If you could please send us a DM, we'd be glad to take a look into this issue. ^MN", Hello +" Hey there! I sent you a DM, please check that! :) ^HYC", I couldn't understand. I mean can we use it to send and receive payments with people who are using Paypal? + Hello. We have responded to your DM and look forward to hearing from you. ^NK, Sent you a DM and you still haven’t responded. It’s been a week since I’ve had issues with my PayPal & no one is helping??? +" Hi Jacklynn, we have responded to your Message. Thanks - ^MD", DM sent. Let's see how truly sorry you are by actually resolving my issue instead of sending me a form letter that addresses nothing. +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^EHMB", No you haven't!! You've asked me what was wrong? If you read through the history it'll tell you. Not inspiring confidence +" No problem, Thijs. Have a great day! ^NEM", Thanks JMR :) + Please check your messages at your earliest convenience. :) ^JMR, Hi there! Could you help me out please? Thanks :) + Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Can you send us a DM? :) ^AAR, Hey When will you enable two-factor for our account ?? example authy or app PayPal + Hey there! I have sent you a DM. :) ^MB, Oh good! +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^EHMB", hello? +" Hi! I'm sorry for the trouble, and I've responded to your DM. Thanks for your patience! ^ES", I was just on the phone with PayPal customer service fror 36 minutes and they couldn't figure it out. My 48 hours to ship is almost up + If you could DM us we'd be happy to help you more directly. ^ZT," Yeah, that’s a problem for me as I don’t have a credit card and was excited to think I could use PayPal to shop online without one. Wrong😑😞" + Awesome! I'm glad this issue was resolved! :) ^HYC," Thanks for your reply, but I resolved this this morning with a phone call." + Hey there! I would be happy to help you with this question if you could just send me a DM regarding this topic. :) ^HYC," regarding 0% PayPal credit monthly instalments, can you pay back more before the end of period without penalty?" + I'm happy to hear this! Have a great day. ^ES," it has been taken care of by your staff, calls were backed up yesterday but we sorted everything out. thank you" + Sorry to see this! Please DM us for further assistance. ^VM," But this is just another channel you're going to ignore. My Paypal feed is broken, your customer support platform is broken ... what next?" + Thanks for reaching out. Please check your inbox for a response. ^VM, Please respond to my DM 😩 + I'm glad to hear that! I'm sorry for the wait. Have a great rest of your day! ^SML, I fixed it +" Hi there, I'm sorry to hear this is occurring to you! :( Could you DM us with your PayPal email address and detai... https://t.co/LDfThkiZiS"," in my first tweet i stated that it was my new legal name via court orders, so yes it's a legal name." + Is it a legal name? ^HYC, i sent in full documentation and the person even had it in front of them and insisted i could not so i was just curious is all +" You are able to change your full name, however you will need to send in documentation. That link I gave you shoul... https://t.co/LDfThkiZiS", i asked because when i called in i was told by an employee that i was not allowed to change my full name and only my last one + Hello Jo! Our sincerest apologies for the delay. We received your DM's and have responded to them. ^HZ," Hello! Please can you help, I’m not getting any response by tweet or DM" + You are so welcome! :D ^RA," I'm late to post this, but a BIG thank you to for fixing my problem 👏🏆" + Hi! Please send me a DM. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR,9/11 I look into initiating a refund through . Adobe Rep says that’s all I can do. + That's great to hear! If you need anything in the future feel free to message us again. ^ZT, It went thru last night. Thank you. +" Hi, we apologize we didn't see your region in your bio. This feature is not supported in Morocco at the moment. ^JW", Already tried that there is no option called Security key and please make sure you tell your phone supprt about it cause they dont know 2FA! https://t.co/trhcHYwHKr + Hi Georgia! I'm sorry for the delay. I replied to your DM. ^AAR," done... let's hope you take a read and I don't recieve a computerised/generic, unhelpful reply" + Awesome! Have a great day! :) ^HYC," Thanks, but it appears like I can access my account now" +" Ist natürlich nicht schön, aber kein Weltuntergang. Du kannst uns gern in einer DM die genutzte E-Mail-Adresse ge... https://t.co/iGBY3AsO04", Jemand hat meine Mail-Adresse für eine Gast-Zahlung verwendet. +" Guten Morgen, in welchem Zusammenhang steht die Aussage? ^SL","Es erleichtert vielleicht die Sache, daß ich gar keinen Paypal-account habe. " +" Bonjour à vous, Nous espérons que vous votre demande soit résolue. ^AG", Sa à l'air résolu :) Mais bizarre ! +" Hello, I've sent a reply to the DMs you've sent us. Let me know if you'd like further assistance. ^AL", all My payments are pending 6 days 😠 +" Hey there! You can send me a DM, message us through your Secure Message Center in your PayPal account, or give us... https://t.co/KO91RZdAom", It's a complex query - asking for a colleague. It was the contact form she was using and getting no response - can I have an actual email address or phone number please? + Any financial that you see that is available when you are trying to transfer to your bank is one that is eligible. :) ^CD, Instant Transfer anywhere. Any idea what I'm to be looking for here? + Great! :) Thanks for your help! ^EHMB, done + Apologies for the delayed response. Please check your inbox. ^VM, you guys haven’t responded to my dms +" Hi there, +We apologize for the delays in response. If you can DM us we'd be happy to help. ^ZT", Any danger ? +" Hi there, +If you need any help feel free to DM us. ^ZT", Tweet since I gave my details no spam emails 😁 +" Hi there, +If you can DM us we may be able to help you out ^ZT", ??? + We're sorry for any frustration this has caused. We've responded to your DM with some additional details. CC: ^TM, I am still following because the notification says you have sent me an email and yet i cant see it..i am not amused at all +" Bonjour à vous, nos sommes ravis de l'apprendre. Passez un bon weekend ^AM"," Bonjour , le problème a été réglé merci" + oiii o/ manda dm indicando o e-mail da sua conta?, aloooo help me ajudem por favor +" We're glad to hear the issue was resolved, Alex. If you ever need our assistance, feel free to reach out. Have a great rest of your day! ^MN"," Seemed to be a temporary issue, thank you though!" +" Hi Alex. Thanks for contacting us. If you could please send us a DM, we'd be glad to assist you with this issue. ^MN", Now this error message? https://t.co/0JjMY0vJjk + Hello! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and your country. It'd be my pleasure to assist you with this issue! ^KR," When it offers me another way, that way is to phone the same number and quote the number. Not much help." +" I'm sorry you've had a negative experience. If you'd like assistance with your transfer denial, please send us a DM. ^AL", It was denied. I haven’t even looked at the email today because it’s been THAT kind of day. Lol + Hi! We've sent you a DM. Please take a moment to look at it. Thanks! ^ACT, can you dm me please i have a problem with my paypal account + Hello. We have responded to your DM and look forward to hearing from you. ^NK," My payment will not go through , it keeps saying ""return to merchant """ + I am glad to hear this was resolved! We were experiencing technical difficulties for a short period of time yesterday. ^YG, This would have been helpful last night. The issue has since been resolved. +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and for sending us a DM. We were able to send you a response. ^RR", Could you reply to my message? Thanks. +" Hi there. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you could please send us a DM, we'd be glad to assist you with this issue. ^MN", Any assistance? +" Hey! Sorry to hear your funds are on hold. I'll be happy to help, just send me a DM. ^DP", waiting for your reply.. +" Hi! Go ahead and check your DM's, we replied to you there. :) ^CD", I just DM’d the information + Hi again. Could you send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the transaction? Thanks! ^CD, I used the same card info last month & didn’t pay a fee!! +" Hey! Could you please send me a DM with some more details, along with your PP email? I'm happy to help. ^MB", Hello? + Hi! Please forward these spoof emails to __email__ so that we can archive and investigate them :) ^RA, Sexy time 🤣🤣🤣 +" Hey there! Sorry to hear that. Rest assured, we're more than glad to help. We've responded to your DM. ^CRG", I linked my credit card to my PayPal account 16 hours ago but until now i cant send any payments can you please help +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you are still in need of assistance with your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG", was the same thing with BB&T +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you are still in need of assistance with this order. We're happy to help. ^CG", can you do something about a company I used PayPal to pay with only to never receive my pizza? Can u take it higher?basically fraud + Hey there! I'm sorry for the delay. Please send me a DM and I will be more than happy to help you with this issue. ^HYC, Ignored as always. Not even surprised. -_- +" Oh dear. No, this is not from us and if you still have it, please forward it to __email__. Thank you! ^MH"," even if someth like this seems legit,always tread carefully! I almost never click links in emails and instead log in normally to investigate" + Gerne. ^SL, Mach ich danke. +" Hm, magst du uns in einer privaten Nachricht deine hinterlegte E-Mail-Adresse geben, damit wir das prüfen lassen ... https://t.co/kchIZ7x3VY"," ""Bestätigen Sie Ihre Identität, damit Sie Ihr Konto weiterhin nutzen können"" wenn ich versuche auf weiter zu klicken passiert nichts :)" +" Hi, welche Meldung bekommst du denn? An sich lässt sich das am schnellsten und einfachsten mit der Hotline klären... https://t.co/kchIZ7x3VY"," holy shit!!! +ich versteh das voll nich ich kann klicken was ich will nix geht eh 😂😂" + I am glad you were able to login. Have a great day! ^GA, I got the SMS and managed to login after 3-4 minutes! I shouldn’t wait that long to login into my account. Thx anyway. +" I am sorry for this trouble with accessing your account. If you would like, please DM me and I can help you further. ^GA", … Twitter have better 2 factor auth than you. They don’t even handle my money or have my credit card information. + Hello! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC, I did +" That's great to hear and we wish you all the best. But at this time, according to PayPal policy in order to creat... https://t.co/gbGX03cPRN"," You don't understand i am one the ownes of a multi million dollar company, can we please work something out" +" Hey! I am so sorry you are in this situation. I sent you a DM, please check that. ^HYC", Love how this guy gets a reply after an hour on 2... I’m still for a reply 14 Hours later... been scammed and revived no support... +" Hi Blair, we'd like to help. Please send us a direct message here with the email address linked to your account &... https://t.co/IogNGwH5nY", Your customer service assured me I had up to 6 months to provide proof of residence which I don't have as a nomadic online teacher. B +" I am sorry you were on hold for so long. If you would like, please DM me and I can help you further. ^GA", Really? Well then I’ll have to come up w Plan B +" Hey, I would be happy to help! Can you please send me a DM with some more information? ^IT", Your #systemfails on multiple counts. 2nd time in two years issue occurred. It's like the dark ages when dealing with this part of your site +" Hi! If you have any questions with PayPal, please feel free to send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA"," I'm kinda curious, what happened with PayPal? I've never commissioned something but I was thinking in doing it in the near future." +" Hey there! For assistance with these inquiries, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC", and how much the recommended min&max amount at the beginning transaction? thank you + Hey there! Can you please DM us for further assistance? Thank you. :) ^KE, Thx +" Hey there, this doesn't look like it's from us. Please forward this message to 7726 to report it as spam. ^CG", https://t.co/aHlaaLteiV +" Hi Alice, I'm sorry to hear this has happened in your account. Please send us a DM if you would like assistance resolving this! ^SML", What?!! + You're welcome:) I'm happy I could help. ^RM," ^RM from support, I owe you a beer if we ever meet in person. Thanks for caring you'll deserve employee of the month title👍" +" I am sorry for this trouble with your account. If you would like, please DM me and I will be happy to help you further. ^GA"," And now you want me to create a new account, so give me a spare .com address. " +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you are still in need of assistance. We're happy to help. ^CG", Are you hearing me? +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you are in need of any assistance with your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG"," Am unable to receive and transact with my account, help....." +" If you change your mind, our offer still stands. ^TM", Ova wit. See me + Hey there! We are happy to assist you. Can you please DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of the process? ^KE, Complete. Just a blank page. Can you help please? 3/3 + No problem! We're all experts on trains here at PayPal (not really). Feel free to track on back to us for more assistance. ^AL, Looks about right. Thanks! + Hi Chris! It looks like it might be a guard rail. You can find information about that here: ... https://t.co/W2qz9qPMmd, I think the thread is quite clear. I have a train-related question and was told you could help. Thanks in advance. +" Hello, thank you for contacting PayPal customer support. If you are having an issue with your PayPal account plea... https://t.co/W2qz9qPMmd", can you explain this? +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^AAC", Just sent DM plesse help ASAP thanks ! + Hi Saintly - Please DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of what you are seeing so I can help you further! ^NEM, my old phone number. i don't use that anymore. what can i do to access my account? + Of course! Please send us a DM for further assistance. ^VM," Hey PayPal, welcome to the inquiry. My issue isn't on the eBay end; can you help me?" + Thank you! We really appreciate it. Have a great rest of your day :) ^SML, Sure! Done. + Hi! Please send us a direct message for further assistance. ^VM, I don't know anything about PayPal you guys deduct my account + Hi Ikechukwu - Please DM me with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of this transaction so I can help you further. ^NEM, I don't know how you guys debited me from my account without me doing any transactions is unfair +" Hey, I would be happy to help you. Can you please send me a DM with some more information? ^IT", can I get my $5 back or what + Hello! Please check your most recent DM. ^GV," Hey, DM'd." + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK," why is my pay pal account closed and i have not even used it to send money or receive, i just opened it about two weeks ago? why why why why" +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thanks for your patience. ^ES"," What i can assure you, that ur SLA is horrible! No one is helping!!" + So sorry for the wait! I know that this can be frustrating. I've responded to your DM again. ^ES," Well, I’ve replied to ur DM! I wish I don’t have to wait for another 7 hours for someone to reply to me!!" +" Hello Natalie! Thanks for reaching out to us. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC", Please can you reply to my messages this is really bad customer service +" Parfait, nous restons à votre disposition en cas de besoin. Passez une bonne soirée 😊 ^AM", merci de m'avoir répondue le pb est résolut je vous ais appelé finalement :) +" Bonsoir à vous, merci de nous expliquer davantage votre demande en privé. Nous serons heureux de vous aider 😊. N'hésitez pas à fournir en plus votre adresse email PayPal pour voir cela ensemble ^AM", Jai un gros problème chez vous la + Our apologies for the difficulty you've experienced. I've responded to your DM. Please check your messages. ^SC, Hilarious. +" We would be happy to assist you, please send us a DM so we can help you with your withdrawal issues. ^AB", ??? +" Hi, I'm sorry to hear that this is occurring to you! :( Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details ... https://t.co/LjJg5DHEby", Back ton one.... thank you guys really efficient. For how many weeks I have to complain to have my money back?? + Aún no hemos recibido tu mensaje directo. Quedamos a tu espera y con gusto te asistimos ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, ya lo hice y no me dan solución. Igual les enviaré otro. +" Hola, de antemano lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Envíanos un mensaje directo para poder asistirte. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", pues que no puedo comprar nada para gastarme el saldo que tengo en y no me dan ninguna solución + Hi there! I'm sorry for the delay. I replied to your DM. ^AAR, Reply back! I need answers + Great! Please check the DM again. ^ES," Hi, thanks for the response. I have responded too, kindly check the DM" + Hi there! I understand that this could be frustrating. Please send us a DM so we can further assist you. ^AAR, The buyer has collected item and left feedback so money now please +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^EHMB", I have been waiting for a reply since yesterday yet this user gets a reply in 1 hour? How does your system work + You can file a complaint by following the steps here: https://t.co/f8UE51bpUj. If you have any further questions please DM us. ^VM, I want to raise a complaint. So u can tell me how I do that!! +" We appreciate your cooperation. :) If you ever need our assistance, you're welcome to contact us. Have a great rest of your day! ^MN"," Have done so, many thanks" + Thank you for your patience. We've responded to your DM and look forward to hearing back from you. ^TB, —and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. +" Hey Bradley, please send us a DM if you are in need of any assistance with your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG", Absolutely absurd. This is why Bitcoin is a better currency. I’ll be moving there for any online transactions now. + We do! Call us at 1-800-419-9833. We look forward to hearing from you. :) ^CD, Do you have a free help line? + We would be more than happy to explain everything to you in a DM. Go ahead and send us one and we will look into this! ^CD, My only issue is that your fees are outrageous +" Hi Paul, sorry to hear of the trouble. We've just responded to your DM! ^JW", Just had the same problem!! :( + We are glad to hear that! Thank you for keeping us updated on the situation. Have a wonderful day! ^AC, The problem fixed itself. Got an email last night notifying my statement was available and was able to see it in my account and pay it. +" Hi there, thank you for contacting PayPal via Twitter. Please DM us with your PayPal email address, your country ... https://t.co/QzE0eJqmCZ", notgood.jpg https://t.co/T89SScpeQF + You're very welcome! Have a great day! :) ^ALF, okay i will for sure since you guys are able to help so fast thank you again 😊 + I'm happy to see that we were able to assist you in the matter. Feel free to reach out to us again if you have an... https://t.co/Qrnaf0y7t3, i did and you guys did get back to me thank you for the help https://t.co/q0pb15djeS + Hey there! I'm sorry for the wait. I've responded to you DM! ^SML, any help? +" Hey there, Jonesy! We have received and replied to your DM. Please check your inbox as soon as you get the chance. ^BC", DM sent but not had any response? +" Hey! Typically, F&F payments with your bank shouldn't have fees. Please DM me for further assistance! ^DP", ???? + We're glad the issue has been resolved! Please feel free to send us a message in the future if we can help. :) ^TB,"I win this round. Thanks, ! https://t.co/WGvRconYI7" +" Hey Sean, please send us a DM if you are still in need of assistance with your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG"," Make my money available, it's mine ! £164.02 being held for no reason. Very frustrating and causing me stress. Sean Gethings" +" Unfortunately, with issues like this an investigation needs to be done before we're able to take action. That may not be possible. ^AL"," I've reported it in my resolution center but I need the money back tomorrow, not in 7 days. Can this be done?!" +" I can't say for sure. If you have proof of where it says that, you would be more likely to get that refunded. ^AL"," Ok well if a company signed me up to a free trial and told me I wouldn't be billed after, but then billed me anyway, will I get it back?" +" I'd recommend uploading that to your resolution center, along with your case. Thank you for your cooperation. ^AL", Yeah I have a message they sent me directly on here stating I would not be charged + It doesn't look like we've received anything. Please try again! ^GH, Idk if it sent +" Hello, I will be glad to get you help with this. Please try again to DM us with your PayPal email. Thank you! ^IVS"," All our packing slips show details of repayment to #WorkingCapital - eBay, Shopify - anywhere they used PayPal. It's unprofessional for us" +" We're sorry we couldn't respond quicker, but we're glad the issue has been resolved! Please reach back out to us anytime. :) ^TB", Too late now. We figured it out! + We're here to help if you'd like to send us a DM with your email address. ^TM, on 4-10-17 I reached out 2 all of U even PR & Exec the same email 7 days in a row#noresponse #wedeservebetter #paypalruinslives +" I am sorry to hear about this trouble with your funds. When you can, please DM me and I can help you further. ^GA", Fair enough + Das mag sein. Aber Sicherheit hat bei uns oberste Priorität. ^SL, Super und was können wir dagegen tun? Ohne mobile Nutzbarkeit macht das PayPal-Konzept ja wenig Sinn +" Gerade bei wechselnden IP-Adressen müssen wir sicherstellen, dass sich auch wirklich nur der Kontoinhaber Zutritt zum Konto verschafft. ^SL"," Auch wenn sie den User aktiv behindert? Ich meine ich bin ja kein Krimineller, ich will einfach nur in *meinen eigenen* Account rein..." + Man kann und sollte Äpfel nicht mit Birnen vergleichen. ^SL," Zur Verdeutlichung: Stell‘ dir vor, deine EC geht nur am Automaten zuhause um die Ecke - bei Nutzung woanders sperrt die Bank dein Konto..." +" Ja, das kann durchaus ein Faktor sein, weswegen unser Sicherheitssystem sensibel reagiert. ^SL", Euer Sicherheitssystem scheint mir nicht zu trauen-routinemäßig wechselnde IPs führen regelmäßig zum Ausschluss (auch mobil in der App) 🤔👎🏼 +" Hey, wir haben dir auf deine private Nachricht geantwortet. :) ^SL", ne will mit Eshop guthaben aufladen. Mit paypal halt bezahlen aber das geht nicht :c +" No, two weeks is a bit much. The recipient may have an unconfirmed email or your bank/card hasn't processed it. P... https://t.co/QQ1WjKFNmZ", Does it usually take this long for the transaction to clear through? + I am sorry for my delay. I responded to your DM and I will be happy to help you through there. ^GA, Thank you for such a great customer support 😡 it's been a week since I sent you a message on Facebook & Twitter to fix my issue +" Hello, I understand how upsetting it is when you cannot move money into the account of your choice. Please send m... https://t.co/CiEriSOMHM",All I want is to move money so I can actually eat today but nope. PayPal refuses to work so tanks for letting me starve again + You're welcome! I hope you have a great rest of your day. ^GA, Just did. Thank you so much +" Thank you, we really appreciate your cooperation with us! ^HZ", Thanks. Will do! Couldn’t find it on the website. + There actually is a place you can send those! You can forward those over to __email__ for us to have a look at it. ^DP," Hi, I was complaining about the fact that there seems to be no way to contact you about scamming attempts with fake PayPal emails." +" I apologize for that experience. Will you please send me a DM, so I can help? Thank you in advance! ^JDG"," Thanks I did speak to a PayPal agent today. Not sure she knew what I was talking about. Between your page redesign & eBay's HUB, its a mess" + Hello and I am so sorry to hear about the issue you've had with those tracking numbers not transferring. Please s... https://t.co/IVJpsn32of," why not fix your web pages. Tracking not working correctly, not linking to eBay. Item links don't work, all randomly. It's annoying." + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, And won’t let me access my account from China so my hands are tied and my buyers on aren’t up for this... +" Hey there, please send us a DM for further assistance. We're happy to help. ^CG", hi is it possible you can help me? PayPal is asking me to confirm my card and that a 4 digit code has been sent but it hasn't been sent +" Tá bem, amor a gente divide <3 Manda DM pra gente Carlos. Vamos verificar o que houve."," Tenho 2 reais no PayPal,Que não consigo transferir pra ngm,os 2 São legais,Mas acho o Picpay Mais fácil de Usar,melhor para transferências" +" Adoramos <3 Mas a nos deu a dica. Temos o amor dos clientes e somos líderes mundiais em pagamentos, então... https://t.co/eVUM2LV02S", O mandou um recado pra quem cobra taxa em todas as transações: https://t.co/cJk2SE9zkZ +" Mas como assim?! E todo amor, esforço, carinho, história? Não vale a pena trocar tudo isso por uma aventura (que nem respondeu ¬_¬).", isso é um abuso. pode entrar +" Yeah, that email isn't from us. Please forward that message to __email__ so that we can archive it. Thanks! :) ^RA", Except you assume users read. They don't. +" Hi there, +If you need any help with your account feel free to DM us. ^ZT", دفعت يوم السبت الماضي باي بال وكل شيء تمام، بنك الانماء + Hi! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC, Why you don't answer?? + Hello there! We are sorry to hear this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA, my PayPal balance is now on zero and the money isn't in my account either (2/2) +" We're glad to hear it, Sahar! That's fantastic news. :) Have a lovely day. ^AIM"," Thank you, I rang the help line and got onto my account :)" +" Hello, I understand how important it is to make sure that all transactions that are appearing on your account were actually made by you. You can see what information was given to PayPal about the transaction by clicking on the transaction in your PayPal... https://t.co/1b0FmRYvIR"," Your the only company I have anything set up to do with DD PP Sar, yet you only took my sub last week, just incase it is you that has made an error I have decided to cancel my subs with you via my account until further notice..." +" I am sorry to hear about your account and this transaction. If you would like, please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA", That feels much better +" Hi there, thank you for getting in touch with us. To better assist you please send us a DM with more details about your inquiry and we will be happy to help! ^DC",And of course I can't actually open another Paypal account bcs both my email addresses are already used in my French account. what can I do? (cf. tweets above) +" Hi there, Alice, we're very sorry for the delay. We have sent you a DM. Please check, when you have the chance. Thank you! ^NR", I’m still waiting +" Hello. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. At this time, we have responded to your previous message. Please check your DM's. ^MN", Please respond to me at the massage +" Hi there, +If you're having an issue sending a donation feel free to DM us and we'll be happy to help you out. ^ZT", Trying to DM you but can’t. I want to make a donation. +" Of course, you're very welcome and thank you for forwarding the email! :) Have a great rest of your day! ^NK"," Ok thank you, I did check on your website to read up on spoof emails to make sure it was fake. Thank you, I’ll forward the email now." + Hello. Thank you for bringing this email to our attention and for checking in with us about it. You are absolutel... https://t.co/pq8p7KM8Nc, I’m slightly confused as I’ve never had this before and was hoping you could help + Hey! Please check for a DM. Thanks. ^AMC, Sent :) Please check. +" Oh wow! You are quite the problem solver. We are happy to hear that, enjoy the rest of your night! :) ^LAR", I got it solved already. Thanks +" chamem em dm, meu amores <3", eh + ainda bem que sei que a contas aqui estão super seguras e que você não conseguiria acessar a de outra pessoa \o/, O shit! Fui descoberto! + que descaramento! Não tem vergonha de falar um negocio desses na minha cara?, O shit! Fui descoberto! +" ah mas só se o dono da conta te deu né, lindo?", Mas se eu tiver a senha e o email da conta? AHusahsuahs + é o que?," Foi mal ai, tava precisando de money emprestado e acabei roubando a conta de uns negos ai.." + Hey! I have replied to your DM. :) ^MB, Can I get help ? + Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP," If you follow me, I can tell you who Maria is. I'm sure you know her. Perhaps you could join forces." +" Guten Morgen, Datenschutz besteht bei uns immer und jederzeit. In welchem Zusammenhang stellst du die Frage? ^SL", und wie alt ist bei ihnen der datenschutz ? 1 monat ? 1 minute ? +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details of your question, so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR"," MasterCard, by the way!" + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. I will be happy to help. ^BV, I’ve been losing money and. It even knowing it + Ce n'est pas toujours possible de fournir une raison précise par sécurité. Vous ne pourrez plus utiliser la carte dans notre système. ^DW, Et ya une raison que mon comte sois restreint ? Car c’est cool de fermer mon compte mais faudrait une raison j’ai ma carte bloqué maintenant +" Hola, por favor envíanos un mensaje directo para poder resolver esta situación lo antes posible. ^LR"," Llegaremos hasta el final, cueste lo que cueste. ." + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this negative experience. Please send us a DM for further assistance. Thanks! ^AC, they told me two different times my money would come in. and ain’t neither times right. +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/p8ZXXV3ynw", You literally stole money from me and won't respond to my emails. +" Thanks for clarifying that, Jon. If you sent out an email in regards to this issue, our representatives should be... https://t.co/p8ZXXV3ynw", I sent you an email. Two of them. + We are sorry to hear about this. If you would like any further assistance please send us a DM and we will get bac... https://t.co/DfaJIHSs6h, I've been back and forth with you guys for a month and you haven't helped credit my account. I've already got the work around. + We can certainly understand why you would feel the way you do about this situation. We appreciate your feedback and will pass it up., I'm pretty sure my DM isn't going to have your engineers change your website. Or make it better. +" We're sorry for any frustration this has caused. If you haven't already, please send us a Direct Message with the... https://t.co/biA4odgYXU"," I like, I dont know, VIEW AND VERIFY THE ADDRESS ON THE STAMP YOU ARE ABOUT TO BUY AND PRINT" + Hi again! Sorry for the delay. Please check your inbox at your earliest convenience. ^AC," Replied, Please see DM" + Hi! Please send us a DM if you need assistance. We're happy to help! ^JMR, No. I keep getting spam emails but the Withdrawal to does not work. Been reported and needs resolving. + Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. Send us a DM for further assistance. ^ML, No. Please do something to resolve this. + Perfect! Thank you. :) ^MB, Hi sorry I've already forwarded the email to the Spoof email address. Thank you anyway. 👍 + We're glad to hear that! We hope you have a great rest of your day. :) ^KR, I actually got help this morning! Thank you :) + Hi there. Thanks for contacting us. We recently responded to your previous message. Please check your DM's. ^MN," __email__ +Cannat renew my new forgotten password during months. +Nor cancelled my account either. Have a list 2 pay by PayPal" + Hello Tim- Thanks for reaching out. Please send me a DM with details on your inquiry so that I can assist you further. ^DT," e.g. $10 AUD, $12.56 USD, $1349.99 MXN? + +I do purchases in diff currencies and would save me from second guessing my buys. + +#ttrttpt" + Hello! I'm sorry for the wait. I've just responded to your DM - I look forward to speaking with you! ^KK, DM sent. + Hi there! It can take up to 10 business days for bank transfers to complete depending on your location. If it has... https://t.co/EGY8fuJv7p, Hi. We have no direct arrangements with PayPal and receive the funds through its local partners. Please check with PayPal. Thank you. + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. I will be happy to help. ^BV, Trying to contact someone to unlock an a/c your on screen instructions make no sense? Who can I call and not wait 45 mins then get cut off? +" Hello there! Sorry for the delayed response, but I just replied to your DM. Thanks for your patience! ^SB", When PayPal Service Start Bangladesh ??????????🤑🤑🤑 + Hello! Please check your inbox. We responded to your DM. :) ^JMG, i also sent a dm on my info +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^IVS", sent a private message.. please help + Hi! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC, I want to change the date of birth in PayPal Disputes? + Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Can you please send us a DM with details of the issue you're encountering? ^AAR, Oo if only they had webchat or a call back option? 🤷‍♂️ + Hello! Just sent you a DM. ^ML, Check dm + We have gone ahead and sent you another DM. Please check your inbox. ^BC, What do you mean ? +" That's good to hear, Sandy. Please let me know if I can assist you with anything else. ^DT", It's fixed now..somehow. + Hi! I've responded to your DM. Thanks! ^ES, I sent one back. Thanks + Sorry to hear about this! If you would like further assistance please DM us! ^VM, Why a withdrawal pending after 60 hours? This is not right you have no right to do this. eBay should stop using you - it’s wrong. + Hi! I'm sorry for the inconveniences. Could you please send us DM so we can assist you with your chargeback? ^JMG," They don't help, I was and many others on eBay from a buyer they don't want to know and send your item tracked in future. #chargeback" + Hi Tim! I'm sorry to hear about this. Please send me a DM if you still need assistance. ^JMR, Call dropped at 57 mins +" Happy to hear this is resolved! I've marked your comments for review. We appreciated your input, and thanks for reaching out. ^ES", I figured it out. That is kind of a big functionality to put multiple levels down though. +" Hi Orun, I'd be more than happy to address your concerns via DM. I look forward to hearing from you! :) ^EHMB", Here to help? + Hi! I'm sorry to hear about the trouble. Could you DM us with a description of the issue? I'm happy to help. Thank you. ^ES, Oh hell no! PayPal better fix this for you! +" Hi! Thanks for reaching out. If you need help with anything, please DM us with a description of the issue. Thanks! ^ES", £72 + I would be happy to work with you further on what may have happened here if you send me a DM. I apologize for thi... https://t.co/6NyRs5HH1M, I waited the 24hrs unfortunately and the money was put back into my PayPal account instead of my card that I waited 24hrs to be reviewed. +" Our apologies for the delay in responding, but we're happy to hear that you were able to get this taken care of! ^AS"," Solved two hours ago, slowpoke." + Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Can you send us a DM with details of the issue? ^AAR, Can you please have ppl in customer service that speaks decent English PLEASE. Not great just decent + I'm sorry you're going through this! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email for more help. ^ALF," C) On hold for hours, then you don't call back as you said. +D) I NEED proof of fraud case and rule in my favor to attempt to resolve the hundreds in overdraft fees incurred due to the fraud and account close. HELP!!!!!!!!!" + Very sorry to hear this! Please DM us with your PayPal email address for further assistance. ^VM, Let's see what happens if I get an actual agent on the phone. +" Hi Blake, sorry about any inconvenience but if you still need assistance please send us a DM and we will be happy to help! ^DC", did I do it right? + Please check your DMs for updates regarding your inquiry. ^RJM," I have balance in my account, when I make payment or send money I get this msg: ""Sorry, we can’t complete your purchase.." +" Hello Jim, thanks for reaching out to us. Yes, we'd be happy to help. Please send us a DM with your question. ^AL", Did it go through? + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that. Can you send us a DM with details of the issue? ^AAR, When it was supposed to be transferred out of my PAYPAL account. Since your service wouldn't connect to my bank. I'm pissed. + I've gone ahead and responded to your DM. Please take a look when you have the opportunity. Thanks! ^JGP, Sent you guys a DM! + No problem! Have a wonderful rest of your day! ^NR, Thank you guys!! + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that. Can you send us a DM with details of the issue? ^AAR, Gooooood luck +" Oh okay, sounds good! Enjoy the rest of your day. ^AL"," I had to call again and they finally called me back, thanks" + I'm sorry to hear of any frustration. Please send a DM with your PayPal email address and screenshots of the situation. ^IN, This is all because my PayPal app wouldn't let me make a payment by the usual due date because it told me I didn't owe anything. Lol + Hi Matthew! I'm sorry to hear you're having troubles with a payment. Please send us a DM if you'd like any help! ^SML," Hi i am having the same problem with all our accounts too, unable to pay via " + Hello there! Please send us a DM so we can assist you further. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, somehow you decided to deny my claim. K... + Hello. We are very sorry to hear about this situation and we are happy to hear that you gave us a call so we can ... https://t.co/3TNroxlFhT, yeah they got straight into PayPal and opskins. I've never even logged into any of my emails on my pc. +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes heureux d'apprendre que votre souci a été résolu. Nous sommes à votre disposition par... https://t.co/xFoUpOOXJA", Téléphone beaucoup plus efficace que Twitter. Problème résolu en quelques minutes +" Bonjour à vous, veuillez nous expliquer votre demande en DM muni de votre adresse email ^AG", Pareil. Rien ne bouge +" Vielen Dank für die Infos. Demnach gehe ich davon aus, dass du das PayPal-Konto nicht erstellt hast. Ist denn dei... https://t.co/onyHlPxw7O"," Ist etwas albern, wenn ihr auf ""Ich habe dort nie bestellt"" antwortet ""Aber Sie müssen zahlen."" Muss ich nicht, ich habe ja nichts gekauft." +" Es klingt nach einem Gastkonto, welches auf deinen Namen eröffnet wurde. Steht auf den Mahnungen dein Name? Hast ... https://t.co/onyHlPxw7O"," Ihr habt die Adresse, meines Namensvetters, an die der Laubbläser geliefert wurde. Versucht doch mal da, euer Geld einzutreiben." +" Vielen Dank für die Infos. Leider hatte ich vergessen dir mitzuteilen, dass du niemals eine E-Mail-Adresse öffent... https://t.co/onyHlPxw7O"," Wenn ihr einen Monat lang nicht auf einen gemeldeten Betrug reagiert, könnt ihr nicht mir die Schuld geben." + Hast du angerufen? Eventuell ist der Sachverhalt nicht genau bei den Kollegen angekommen. Ich gebe es gerne an di... https://t.co/onyHlPxw7O, Oder auf irgend eine meiner Mails. +" That's great to hear! If you have any future questions or concerns, don't hesitate to let us know and we'll be more than happy to help! :) ^SB", It’s sorted thank you! + Please check your DM for our response! ^HW, I DM’ed you guys + You're welcome! ^BC," just dm’d you, thank you" + Sure thing George! ^HZ, Not a problem! Issue resolved through email but page still doesn’t load. will send details. Thank you! +" Sorry to keep you waiting, James. I just answered your DMs. ^CG", Not only that but I delivered the product which in this case was a design. + Bonjour à vous et navrés d'apprendre cela. Veuillez nous expliquer davantage votre demande en DM muni de votre adresse email ^AG, Ce mec est un fake il m'as arnaquer sachez le si vous voulez des prévues venez DM +" Hello and thank you for reaching out! If you still need assistance, please DM with more information. ^JDG"," Mara, thank you for your assistance👍" +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^IVS", I have. Your response time is horrible ☹ + Can you please provide me with your account email before I escalate you? Thank you! ^AB, I did tho +" Thank you for sending us a DM, I'm going to escalate your message to a specialist, so they can assist you with th... https://t.co/lxL5b3PAfw", I did tho +" Hey there, we are sorry to hear that you have a bad experience using PayPal. Please send us a DM so we can help y... https://t.co/lxL5b3PAfw", +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you are in need of any assistance with your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG"," ...until you ask for ""further verification"", complex PWs etc. +Then you can't even close your account...& lose all deposit! +Bad deal, avoid!" +" Hi Julia. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you could please send us a DM, we'd be glad to assist you. ^MN", My purchases on eBay fails and I get in trouble +" Hi Daniel. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you could please send us a DM, we'd be glad to assist you with this issue. ^MN", Help please... +" Hi there, please DM us with the payment details, we can look into this. ^IA", it. I can DM the payment reference? 2/2 +" We would recommend you reach out to BA and have them void the payment. Could you DM us about this inquiry? Thanks. + +^AC", Thank you. Your representative did help me confirming that the payment cannot be canceled if BA doesn't void it. Can u contact BA directly? + Hello! We're glad to hear that you've been assisted as that's wonderful news. :) Have a good day! ^AIM," Sorry, no Twitter for a while. I did email your CRM team, they've been great. BA was unresponsive but 30 days later payment has been voided." +" I'm sorry, it looks like we only offer the service to send money. If you have any more questions, feel free to DM us ^SML", Yeah but transferring from PayPal to my bank account ? + Hi! We do offer services in Suriname. You can visit our site at https://t.co/6YCBEld8YZ ^SML, Does this work in Suriname? + We have responded to your DM! Check your messages. ^LAR, Thank you. Have just sent a message now. + Gerne doch. Melde dich einfach per DM bei mir. ^FV," Wäre es möglich, über DM's zu schreiben?" + Merci à vous. Nous resterons à votre disposition en cas de besoin :) ^AG," n'a juste pas créé de nouvelle conversation alors que j'ai bien écrit un nouveau tweet et pas répondu au précédent ;) + +Bonne semaine +2/2" +" Nous nous excusons de ne pas bien assimiler votre demande. En effet, pour activer la clé de sécurité PayPal, il e... https://t.co/ekUIWl4mLT"," Mon Tweet n'est pas en lien avec le précédent... Je demande juste s'il est possible de sécuriser mon compte via 2FA sans utilisé les SMS..," +" Of course, you're very welcome! Have a great rest of your day! :) ^NK", Thank you. :-) +" Hello, we've answered your DM. ^FV"," Hello, can you DM me? " +" Of course! Enjoy the rest of your day, Keith. ^YG", Thanks. + There is usually a standard 2.9% + $0.30 fee. You can find more information at the bottom of our page where it says Fees. ^YG, Thank you. What is the fee for this? As I know PayPal take a few with this. + The only one who can mark it as a good is the buyer during checkout. Please have them do this when they make the payment. ^YG, I don't see any option to make it goods as I send the request. It only gives me personal option. (Using the android app) + You have the buyer purchase the item as Goods and Services rather than as a Personal payment. You yourself don't ... https://t.co/4ty981D2JT, How do I select it as goods? +" Okay, thank you for keeping us updated, Devon. Have a wonderful day! ^AC", Already opened a dispute with . They said they’d sort it out with you since your phone support is unresponsive. +" Hi, I see how this is concerning. If you need help with this, feel free to DM us with your PayPal email address. Thanks! ^ES", And knowing that the thief actually went has me fuming +" Genau. Falls nicht, melde dich bitte am Donnerstag bei mir. ^FV", Ja habe ich per Überweisung eingezahlt. Die müsste am Montag morgen direkt raus sein. Dann warte ich mal ab ob die morgen ankommt +" Das kann ich verstehen. Ich werde es mal intern weitergeben. Hast du die 0,10 EUR per Überweisung eingezahlt? Bit... https://t.co/0zOlhYGujX"," Dazu hätte ich noch eine Frage, ich habe mir gestern 0,10 Euro auf mein PayPal Konto überwiesen diese sind aber noch nicht angekommen." + Es un placer asistirte. Sigue disfrutando de nuestros servicios. ¡Buen día! ^LR, gracias! +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Sí, puedes recargar tu saldo PayPal por medio de Nubi. Por favor revisa el sigu... https://t.co/tYufwtvGei"," gracias! y desde una cuenta nubi, ¿puedo enviar dinero a una cuenta PayPal?" +" Hey, I've responded to your DM. Please take a look for further assistance regarding your inquiry. ^SE", Reply? + Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Can you send us a DM with details of your inquiry? ^AAR, ayy send me $5 im tryna see some __email__ +" Por favor envíanos un DM, para continuar con este tema, Saludos ^DG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Ya lo solicite en su momento y ya pasaron 15 días y seguimos sin reembolso.... +" I apologize for the delay, and I'm very happy that you received your call! Thank you so much for your patience. Have a great day! :) ^ALF", Lol took u long enough eventually got the call + Hello. Sorry for the delay. We recently responded to your previous message. Please check your DM's. ^MN, it is really urgent and I’d appreciate if you can do this fast +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out to us. We're happy here everything was resolved. Thanks for being a part of the PayPal family. :) ^SE", This issue looks solved. Thanks +" Hey there, sorry for the delay. I just sent you a DM. ^CG", Kindly reply my message thanks + Hello! Just sent you a DM. ^ML," DM’d, thanks!" + Could you please DM me? ^HYC, That’s not what I am talking about. Fashion nova had the option of pay after delivery now it’s no longer an option + We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM if you need any further assistance. ^CRF, Karma's too real to trip. Just funny. +" Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us. At this time, we have responded to your previous message. Please check your DM's. ^MN", Check your dm. I have an issue with oct 14 transfer. LEGIT ASAP. + Hey! Sorry to hear that you're dissatisfied with our services. Please send me a DM! ^DP, Hello. I will like to make a complaint +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you are in need of any assistance with your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG", Yet I can't link my Master card with . It's like detest #Nigerians +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you have any questions regarding a transaction. We're happy to help. ^CG", Oh because I've been asked to pay £2 more than the order + Yeah that's definitely sketchy. Send it over and we can still take a look! Thanks again. :) ^RA," Will do, strange tho because it doesn't have a number all details are blank. https://t.co/NUxeRWscrl" + Hi! Sorry for the wait. I know it's important to get the card. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a description of the issue? ^ES, why is PayPal customer service so lousy they’re extremely slow who would want to deal with this company❓🤡 + We're so glad we could be useful! :) ^RA, another genius service from the best. + I would love to help you resolve this issue. Can you DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the error. ^CRF," Don’t think so, no money gone just the account is locked" + No problem! Thank you! :) ^RA, Will do. Sending it now. Thank you 😊 +" You're right, definitely a scam! Please forward that to __email__ so that we can archive it. Thank you so much! :) ^RA", Hilariously i have never bought from Pandora so it straight away made me suspicious. They clearly judged me wrong 😂 +" Hello, I have answered you DM. Please check for more details. Thank you. ^BB", dmed you the details + Hi! I see how this is concerning. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and some details about the situation? Thank you! ^ES, I've suffererd huge fraud by one of your account holders. Although they've refunded me PayPal need to take action & eliminate this scam +" Glad to hear your friend got her money, Kristen. Have a great day! :) ^GAA", Jk my bff got her money thank u + Desculpa a demora :( As vezes pode levar mais tempo por aqui mesmo. Em casos urgentes o nosso atendimento fica di... https://t.co/WujlwFzb5C, Agora infelizmente não adianta mais. Tinha urgência pq precisava comprar o meu ingresso pra ver o mozão agora já foi 😭😭😭 + é só esperar um pouquinho. A gente responde o mais rápido possível por ordem de chegada ;D, sigo sem nenhum retorno de vocês... + I would be happy to help you! Could you DM us about this error message? ^AAC," I was able to send to a UK PayPal account, but not to a Colombia account. Weird." + Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP," Hi guys, was re-directed to change my PW due to unusual activity. Can’t log in through my browser but I can through the app." + We're glad that you were able to get this resolved and we hope you have a wonderful week! ^EL, All fixed now. Thanks 🙌 +" I am sorry, I misinterpreted your last question. You need to select the checkbox next to the feature you would li... https://t.co/M6VQbgUjmf", The UI isn’t clear. From this screen it is not clear if I will be subscribed to the other options if I don’t check them as well. +" That is true, Dylan. ^YG", It looks like that I am already subscribed to them (I shouldn’t be) because why else would they be on the screen? + Sorry about the confusion! I hope this didn't prove to be too much of a nuisance. ^YG," Just trying to point out an area you can improve, it must cause issues for others too" + Please send me a DM! ^RA, You never seem to answer the question on your ‘way below average’ exchange rates? +" I am so glad to hear that, Samir. Thank you for letting us know. Have a wonderful day! ^AC", Thank you have spoken to your team over the phone all sorted +" Hi there, +If you could DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT", And this is what I see. There is no option to change from goods and services. https://t.co/LCVNTipwZI +" Matt, please send us a DM (or have your wife send us one)! ^RA"," Wife's PayPal hacked during labour, helpline not manned on weekends and does not work when hacker cancels ur account. Account not regonised" + Hello there! If you need assistance please feel free to send us a DM with your email and details of the situation. :) ^GAA, Hello Paypal +" We would be happy to assist you with this. Please send us a DM, at your earliest convince. ^AB https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," i have an issue with this case PP-006-239-023-314, +my client is complying though i paid for his assignment,please respond concerning this" + Sorry to keep you waiting. I just replied to your DM. ^CG, please check DM i have an issue + Hi. Please check your most recent DM. Thank you. ^AMC, Please can you reply to my DM? +" Hello Karl! We're so sorry about the wait time for that response. For assistance, please send us a DM with an explanation of the issue. ^BC"," How come, weeks after putting in a complaint about #Paypal, no Paypal staff have responded? Not much to be thankful for with such terrible customer service." +" I'm sorry about this. However, in order to get your account issue situated you would need to give us a call. ^HYC"," i'm don't used cell phone number in paypal account, only i'm used only e-mail an my email ""__email__"" don't have access to portal +please fix problem." + Here is the phone number for your region: 800-975-345 from Monday to Friday 8:00 to 20:30 for any kind of request and Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 to 18:30 for any kind of request. ^HYC, this number : 00 1 402-935-2050 + Could you please DM me? ^HYC," this number for italy but i can't speak italian, Is it possible to move from the Italian portal to the other portal?" + Hi Rob! Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you. Please send us a DM regarding your concern and we'll be more than happy to assist you. ^HZ, Well we are now 8 hours into this quick security check 😒 +" Hi Claire! Please send us a DM regarding your concern, and we'll be more than happy to assist you. ^HZ","So are just ignoring my emails and have sent me a gift card instead of a refund, they are breaking distance selling laws. Who do I go to? Can help if I used them?" + Thanks for reaching out and showing your interest in PayPal.me. At this time we do not offer that service in Braz... https://t.co/EjtX6i7E8J, Why? I'm not asking about anything in my account in particular... I just want to know why paypal.me service still not available in Brazil!?? + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, *SECURITY RISK* Action needed NOW!!!! + Hi there! Thanks for letting us know about this - I'm submitting your comments as feedback. We really appreciate the input. :) ^KK, Glad I'm not missing something obvious. First world problems for sure but it's completely ridiculous. +" Hello, I've sent a reply to the DM you sent. Let me know if you need more assistance. ^AL", want to access my account.Have email and password.i'm currently in spain and paypal wants to confirm by phone num I no longer have access to + お問い合わせいただきありがとうございます。お客様のアカウントを確認させていただいた上で対応させていただきますので誠にお手数ではありますが、ご登録メールアドレスをDMにてお知らせいただけますでしょうか。よろしくお願いします。PayPal Social Media,"  ご連絡いただきましてありがとうございます。 +本件、日本のサポートチームに連絡済みですので、大変お手数ですが、 再度ご連絡いただければ幸いです。専門のスタッフが対応いたします。どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。" + N’hésitez pas à nous relancer si vous avez d'autres questions.on après-midi :) ^SB, oui merci pour les infos + If you used a card for the original transaction it will go back to the card. ^VM ^VM, ????? it says on the refund it's being directed to my debit card which i used to pay for the item through????? so what is the truth???? +" Sorry for the delay, Jason. I've replied to your DM! ^RA", Never answer messages #smh + Hi there. At this time we have not received any confirmation or updates about our services launching in Banglades... https://t.co/3WXtCkbXbS," Hey. some Bangladeshi newspaper published, will lunch in 19 October 2017. Is it true?" +" Ok, super. Wir drücken die Daumen, dass es dann wie gewünscht klappt. :) ^WD", Probier ich mal aus! Danke! +" Hallo, hast du es denn schon einmal mit einem anderen Browser versucht? Auch das Löschen von Cache und Cookies könnte helfen. ^WD"," Das mit der Voreinstellung erwähne ich nur, weil das eine vielleicht mit dem anderen zusammenhängt." + Ist das jedes Mal der Fall? ^SL," Wenn gecheckt, soll sie ja genau das beim nächsten Mal verhindern, wenn ich das richtig verstanden hab?" +" I'm glad to hear you got it resolved. I've made a note of your feedback internally, thank you for your cooperation. Have a good day. ^AL"," Fortunately Ita been resolved, but you guys should really have a cancel option. It would avoid waiting 30 mins on the phone." + Merci à vous et bonne journée :) ^AG, Lol j'ai pas de demande. Je vous dis merci 😂 + Hi there! I've replied your DM. :) ^AAR, Hi there I have replied to your dm +" For further assistance, please send us a DM with your email address and details of your issue. Thank you! ^AC", That's really bad + Hello! I'm sorry for the wait. I've just responded to your DM - I look forward to speaking with you! ^KK, I’m having the same fuxjin problem +" Bonjour à vous, nous vous invitons à nous envoyer votre adresse email PayPal en privé pour pouvoir vous aider ^AM", https://t.co/Z5VTiJBRty +" Bonjour à vous, nous ferons de notre mieux pour satisfaire vos attentes ^AM", https://t.co/FM4SJkL0uX +" Amanda, please send us a DM! ^RA", Signed! + Buen día. Podemos ver que tu DM ya fue atendido. ¡Gracias! ^LR," Encima no puedo ni si quiera recuperar mi cuenta, genial el metodo de seguridad de proteccion de cuentas eh? " + We greatly appreciate your diligence with this issue! We're aware of this and are taking appropriate actions to resolve this situation. ^KR, The details in the picture I tagged you in is alk I have. The person asks for people to send them money in exchange for child pornography +" Hey there, we've responded to your DM, so please message us back whenever you can. ^EL", I will Stephen thank you 😘 +" Hi Tyler. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN", man just give me my money fr + I'm so glad to hear that! We're always here if you need us! :) ^ALF, I figured it out thank you! + Hola. Por favor envíanos un DM para poderte asistir mejor. ^LS, No puedo ingresar a mi cuenta y marca error al intentar ingresar con mi correo ayuda :( +" Hey there! I'm sorry this took so long. :( However, I am glad you received your funds. ^HYC"," Hello, I finally got my funds. A whole week later. SAD!" + Hello. So sorry to hear that! Did you need assistance with your PayPal account? If so please send us a DM. ^GR, Why don't you reply to tweets and DMs? Used the withdrawal service Wednesday last week. Am yet to receive money in my account!!! + Hi! I'm happy to hear this. Have a great day. ^ES," thank you for the reply, but i was able to resolve my issue with a few phone calls. Thanks anyway!" + Hi! Thanks for sending that. Could you send us a direct message? I'll be happy to help you there. ^ES," It’s __email__, Northern Ireland UK thanks M" +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you can send us a DM with some clarification about the situation, as well as your PayPal email address, we would be happy to assist you with this. Looking forward to hearing from you! ^RR https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", is there like a specific time I have to wait after charging my paypall account so I can use it as a foreign currency? Since i just charged my account and now it stopped working +" Sorry for the delayed response! If you still need help with this, please send me a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that you are located in. Thanks! ^MT", https://t.co/lALbezeGCp +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you are in need of any assistance with your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG"," But you have the option to pay via paypal but it forces a CC, just seems odd since it redirects to PP in another window.. Oh well" + Hey there! I am so sorry about this situation. Please send me a DM regarding this issue and I would be more than happy to help you with this. ^HYC, Paypal is refusing to help until I send them a tracking number for an item that was fucking collected. +" You're welcome! We're sorry to hear you had to wait on the phone for this amount of time, but we're glad to hear that you were able to get this resolved! ^RR", Thanks for responding. It was fixed in the end last night but took an hour of being on hold over two calls! + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK,If I can't pay my freaking tickets tomorrow! This is all your fault 😭 I have to see my boys up close 😭😭😭🙈💔 +" Hi there, apologies for the delay. We have responded to your DM just now. ^SK", If you make it so i can recieve money again i can pay it off straight away +" Hey there, sorry for the delay in responding. :( We have recently sent you a DM regarding this particular issue. ... https://t.co/WQh1kt3KVY", 70 Days and still counting what happened to good service #PayPal #poorcustomerservice I use to love and recommend this company :-( + We have responded to your dm. Please check your messages., please help me + Agradecemos tus comentarios y estamos a tus órdenes. ¡Saludos! ^J, Excelente servicio. Ya quedo arreglada mi situacion en menos de 1hr. + Hola envíanos un DM y con gusto podremos revisarlo. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Orden 014000644398 el sistema no me dio opcion para ingresar el codigo promocional! Como cancelo la orden ? + You're welcome! Have a wonderful day. :) ^JMG, Thank you! I will do + Hello! Just sent you a DM. ^ML, Can you reply to my dm please? + Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. Send us a DM for further assistance. ^ML, Hello can I get a response? I’ve spoken to your customer service team too and they weren’t any help either. So could this be looked in ASAP + Hi! Please send me a DM. :) ^RA, Can you help? +" Hi, I have sent you a DM regarding this matter. Sorry for the wait. :( ^YG", I've never felt so powerless + Glad to hear this has been sorted. We have taken note of your feedback and will review it for our services int he... https://t.co/t97XEWF7S1," All sorted. Your guidance and communications for this sort of dispute could be a lot clearer, though!" +" Hi there, sorry about any issue regarding this claim. To better assist you please send us a DM. We will be happy to help! ^DC", No; (some of) my customers are. +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Envíanos un DM, para asistirte. Saludos ^DG"," Ya pregunté, Vic. Espero me respondan pronto. Seguro es solo ajustarle a algo :3" +" Hey! Sorry to hear that your transfer got delayed. I'll be happy to help, just sent me a DM. ^DP", +" Hello and sorry about the wait. I sent you a message, so we can work on this further. Please check your DM's. ^JDG", + It sounds like you may be running into our Security System when trying to send a payment. We'd be... https://t.co/vZiUOaCZyQ," and a deathly silence descends. Tumbleweed floats past me. The clock ticks mournfully and life, pauses..." + Try this link for instrucitons https://t.co/KJ7twOEH7S Sorry about the time spent on the phone! ^MW cc , For no logical reason I'm delisted or delimited or limited or whatever cyber-corporate jargon you've constructed + Hi! Sorry there's a problem! Please DM us with your PayPal email and we'll check things out! Thanks! ^MW cc , Who is in charge of consumer affairs at Paypal? We need to talk! +" Hi there, +We're sorry it took so long to get back to you. Please check your DMs ^ZT", Yeah sound. Can you reply to me or what + Please check your DM for our response. :) ^HW, Problems are when you try and get a refund 😠 + Hello there! We've sent you a DM. Please take a moment to look at it. Thanks! ^ACT," Hi, I’m having trouble logging into my PayPal account. I don’t remember my password, and I’ve tried resetting it but, this shows up. https://t.co/eM6uKr2toF" + Glad to hear this was resolved. Have a wonderful day! ^GH," My money showed up, so everything is fine now. Thanks." + I'm sorry to hear about this issue. Please send us a DM with some more details! ^GH," Please remove the ""Pay with PayPal"" link - it no longer works. There are plenty of big name payment providers that still work." + I'm sorry to hear about this! Please DM me with some more details! ^GH,Argh now the emails are here but the codes are blank. Help me ! + A DM is a Direct Message through Twitter. Please send us a Direct Message at your earliest convenience. Thanks! ^AC https://t.co/0ZJZVreEjV, What is DM? + Glad to hear this has been resolved! Have a wonderful day! ^GH," Thank you, I called Paypal call centre, managed to get past your IVF to find a very help peep and my refund has been authorised" +" Bonjour à vous, veuillez nous expliquer votre demande davantage en DM muni de votre adresse email ^AG", Jte jure + Hey there! I'm sorry for the wait. I've responded to your DM! ^SML, yo i need help i dmed you guys + Hello there! We are sorry to hear this. We have responded to your DM. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA, Need some help!! No one at customer service is answering been on hold for almost 40 min +" Hi Matthew! Thank you! :) I'll go ahead and submit the feedback, it's nice to know what we're doing right so far. Have a great rest of your weekend! ^SML"," This was genuine praise, specifically the new feature where I can withdraw to my bank account in 30 minutes for just $0.25, not have to wait 1 day as was the system before." + Thank you for bringing this to our attention! We apologize for that minor error. We will definitely be on the lookout for that! :) ^LAR,"I suspect it would have been better if you, , had said “transaction [you] are referring” instead." + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the transaction your are referring to. I will be happy to help. ^BV," I've already been told that the order I placed (with payment showing as pending at ) doesn't exist. + +I've moved on. + +Hey there - how you doin'? https://t.co/03dq0WPYRM" +" Sorry about that, but I'm glad you got your issue resolved! :) ^EHMB"," Considering it took you so long to reply, I had to resort to phoning your customer service line..." + Sorry to keep you waiting. I just answered your DM. ^CG," Hey, i sent a dm, apparently i was wrong in the dm, someone charged back a payment & it limited my account, the problem is i had money in there i need. Could i get it transferred? Thanks!" +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", What the fuck is going on with ?! I keep stuck in the processing screen every time! + Thanks for letting us know. Have a nice day. ^CG, waiting to be reviewed after reaching out via facebook. +" Hey Luke, we're sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM if you are in need of any assistance with your account. We're happy to help. ^CG"," Over 2 hours now, great customer service." +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Por favor envíanos un DM, para asistirte personalmente. Saludos ^DG"," una pregunta, uds, tienen conocimiento porq en colombia retienen el dinero pagado por transacciones ??? #colombia" + I'm glad to hear that! :) Have a great day. ^KK, Seems to be ok now. Thanks +" Du musst einfach den Haken bei ""Neues von PayPal"" entfernen. Es kann bis zu 10 Tage dauern, ehe diese Einstellung wirksam wird. ^WD https://t.co/Kp6GRVEfj2"," Eben nicht, das gilt nur für Werbung, die Kontoübersicht ist aber offiziell ""werbefrei""." +" Kann ich nachvollziehen. Wenn du uns deine im Konto hinterlegte E-Mail-Adresse via DM schickst, lassen wir es gern mal genauer prüfen. ^WD"," Gerade in Zeiten von Phishing und co bedarf es so einer nutzlosen, belanglosen Mail nicht. Siehe auch https://t.co/hzr6hyLn0K" +" Das ist natürlich schade. :/ Aber letztendlich ist es ja deine freie Entscheidung, ob du PayPal nutzen möchtest oder nicht. ^WD"," Lieber wäre es mir, ihr würdet so einen Müll gar nicht erst produzieren. Aber gut. Konto wird gelöscht. Ist der einfachste Weg." +" Oh, ok. Sorry, das hatte ich falsch verstanden. In diesem Fall kannst du den Brief ja einfach dem Mülleimer zuführen. :) ^WD", Keine Mail. Post. Ein Brief. Papier. + That's great! Feel free to contact us back if you have any other questions or concerns. :) ^DD, adding for further assistance. + continuamos contigo em mensagem privada., Sem mencionar que há dias tento um contato com vocês pelo Twitter e quando responder é com apelidos e emojis. Cadê seriedade? + Gerne doch. Leider kann ich aus Sicherheitsgründen dir dazu keine weiteren Infos geben. Ich hoffe du kannst das nachvollziehen. ^FV, Danke. Könnt Ihr die Sicherheitsgründer näher erläutern? Das erschließt sich mir leider nicht. +" Hallo, das ist in der Tat so gewollt. Dies hat Sicherheitshintergründe. Wenn du dich ausloggst siehst du nur eine... https://t.co/IoWfPc36f4"," Kann PayPal mir bitte diese Fehlermeldung erklären? +(Aktivitäten -> Nachname -> ""Rückzahlung"" -> Fehler) +Warum? *kopfkratz* https://t.co/JuroP9nzzu" + Hi there! I'm so sorry to her that. Please send us a DM with details of the issue? ^AAR," Already filed a claim and it was deny! Spotify, Navient Loans and my bank helped me... Meanwhile y'all refused to fix the problem. smh." +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble, but I'd be happy to help in any way I can! ... https://t.co/oWRDIcG1by", y'all really ain't shit. after this im done using your services. +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can get ... https://t.co/iROriKuJmy",1 week until the lawyer +" Hello, thanks for reaching out. If there is anything you need help with, please send a DM! ^IN"," My last email was a response from my complaint, which was literally a copy and paste of the last response #paypalfail #lovemagicfm" +" Hi there, +Please check your DMs for our response. ^ZT", Either my account is no longer secure or you guys have a data breach! +" Hi there, +We do apologize that you're having issues disputing charges. If you DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT", I have two charges I want to dispute but it is a complicated mess. I don't understand why I can't report it directly from my #PayPal app. + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Please send us a DM with some more details about this! ^GH, I have..... #noreply + Please check your inbox! ^GH, Any chance you could reply to the DM I’ve sent asking specifically what you need? Rather than leaving me to guess!! +" I am sorry for the trouble you have run into. If you would like any further help, please send me a DM. ^GA"," Thanks, i will. It's interesting, u respond 2 the tweet that includes the media.. but not the other..... https://t.co/wp3SkDCmok" + Sorry to hear this! Please DM us with your PayPal email address for assistance. ^VM," When i enter the 4 digit code sent to my mail, it keeps asking me to confirm the account after a few minutes" +" Oh okay, sounds good! Have a wonderful holiday season. ^AL", Actually I think I got it taken care of last night. All seems good now! + Hello! I'm sorry for the wait. I've just responded to your DM - I look forward to speaking with you! ^KK, It's actually mad + A DM is a Direct Message through Twitter so that we can help resolve any problems you may be having privately. Fo... https://t.co/GZskuJa33y https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, A DM???? What is that??? +" If you can follow us, Dave, I can send you a DM so that we can get this resolved for you. Please follow us when y... https://t.co/GZskuJa33y"," PP006256188825 paid for golf clubs on Flight on Oct18. Monarch went bust, no flight." + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Please send us a DM with some more details! ^GH, Getting an NSF fee which is promised to us but never paid. Who do we need to talk to to get this sorted + I am sorry for this trouble with the phones and the dispute. Please send me a DM and I will be happy to help you further. ^GA, I wouldn’t need to call if the dispute resolution email requesting immediate “action” was actually reflected on your website. But no. + I am sorry for these charges in your account. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA," I tried disputing the charge from May 1st of this year, but I never received a response" +" We apologize but in order to further investigate for you, sending us a DM will allow us to better identify the pr... https://t.co/ZzqibsJCSH", I advise looking at the thread and investigating all chargebacks from the fraudster rather than sending me the generic shovel above. + Hi! I'm sorry to hear about the trouble with this. Could you DM us with your PayPal email? I'm here to help. Thank you! ^ES, Can see are keeping quiet on responding to this. And taking forever on the multiple chargeback disputes too. 10/10. +" I am sorry for this trouble over the phones. If you would like further help, please send me a DM. ^GA", Just took 3 days to speek to a human on service phone number! Robot kepted saying didn't recognise mobile number and had no account! 👎👎👎 +" Hey, thanks so much for that! I've just gotten back to you! ^GH", Just sent a DM! Thank you again. +" Hi there, If you would like to report a user you can do so here. https://t.co/PB8caBgB2g ^ZT", How about closing down https://t.co/vtfiWaz3Rt it is sex work catfish account using Instagram and against your TOS + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Please send us a DM with some more details about this! ^GH, I cannot send money from my account +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^AAC"," Every time I exit the app and re-enter it, it asks me to login and 2 factor authenticate again, even though I did it 5 times already. WTF?" + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Please send us a DM with some more details about this!! ^GH, But ive never signed up to anything like this before so fraud!! Im going into my bank today to get my refund +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thanks for your patience. ^ES", Same thing happened to me🤦🏾 + Hey. Just replied to your DM. Please get back to us as soon possible :) . ^FM, *IGNORING +" Thank you for doing that, Andrew! Have a great day. ^KK", The email has been forwarded. + No problem. Have a wonderful day! ^FM," Ah, all righty - that’s what I was thinking. I just wanted to clarify to make sure, thanks! :)" + Glad to hear that this has been fixed! Have a great day! ^IT, I called customer service today and they removed for me over the phone. + Hey there! We have responded to your DM. Please check it as soon as you can! ^IT, even emailed them yesterday or day before and they haven’t bothered. shit customer care. +" Hello. Thanks for reaching out us. If you could please send us a DM, we'd be glad to take a look into this issue. ^MN", Seems my debit card can't be accepted for online services even after activation + Hi Anne! I'm sorry to hear you've run into this experience. Please send us a DM if you'd like any more help! ^SML, I feel totally in the dark about what to do and as I said PayPal were supposed to phone me yesterday and haven’t. +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks ^AAC", Can i have a response please? + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Please send us a DM with some more details about this! ^GH, Wld love it if you guys picked up the phone.. been on hold a while & wld like to get this resolved. Its a bigger mess than just this. Thanks + Great! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week. ^KT, Many thanks will do it now 👍 + Hello Maryam! Our sincerest apologies for the troubles you've been through. We've responded to your DM. ^HZ, Done +" Bonjour à vous, merci de nous expliquer davantage votre demande. Nous serons heureux de vous aider ^AM", Contacte pour régler le problème avec eux 😊 + No problem! Have a wonderful day! ^NEM, Thanks for the prompt reply! +" Aún no hemos recibido tu DM, por favor envíalo nuevamente. ^LR", Buenos días ya se los mande por MD + Por favor utiliza el siguiente enlace para enviarnos el DM. ^LR https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," Ya lo mandé nuevamente, pero los encontré por teléfono y listo, ya me están atendiendo. Muchas gracias" +" I am sorry for this trouble you have with these payments. When you can, please DM me and I will be here to help. ^GA"," That's poor customer service, - No matter the issue, good communication is a must!" + Hi there! Thank you for reaching out. Please make sure you send us a DM so we can further assist you with this issue. ^YR, Guess you need to work on your UI. Nowhere evident to select friends and family in the app. Shouldn't automatically be goods or services. + Hi there. Sorry for the delay. We've responded to your DM. ^NM, We DMing dead people +" Thank you for letting me know. If you have any other trouble, please send me a DM. Have a great day! ^GA", Scuse the delay. Lots warned me it was a scam & had same thing so I deleted! + Hello! Thank you for getting back to us. Please DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the refund in qu... https://t.co/SepSQtt582, u guys usually refund it quick don’t know why it’s taking longer this time +" Hi! I am sorry to hear about this, please send me a DM with your account email address and country of residence. Thank you! ^JMR", [5/5] …So I just wanna get back in to PayPal acct. I called to verify some way other'n divulging cell#. Online WOULDN'T verify ANY other way +" Hello! Unfortunately Nigerian accounts cannot receive payments. If you have any further questions, please send us a DM. ^VM", Please how do I receive payments in Nigeria through Paypal? + Glad to hear that this was resolved! Have a wonderful day. :) ^VM, I got it to work finally. Whatever was wrong was fixed. Thanks! + Hi! Thank you for reaching out. For further assistance please DM us with your PayPal email address. ^VM, + Hi there. Sorry for the delay. We've responded to your DM. ^NM, please check dm +" Hello! Our sincere apologies for the delay, Richard. Please DM us with your PayPal email and further details for help! ^AIM", To my PayPal so why would my payment get declined? 2/2 + Always glad to help! :) Have a great day! ^EHMB, Thank you Paypal but its sorted now... Must of just been something odd happening on their site. +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? :) Thanks! ^EHMB", Trying to resume subscription and its saying unable... Needs card details but ive always used paypal on fightpass? + I'm glad it's working for you now. Thanks for taking the time in letting us know about this. ^SP," It's working now, that is twice in one week your site and service we're down." + Hello! Sorry to hear this. If you would like assistance with your PayPal account please DM us with your PayPal email address. ^VM, Mine done the Samething + 誤解させてしまい申し訳ありません。支払いだけの為に弊社決済をご利用されるのであれば、アカウント作成後、クレジットカードやデビットカードを登録いただきご使用ください。PayPal Social Media.," +商品を購入するために、VプリカをPayPalの残高に反映する際に本人確認手続きが必要ということですか? + +PayPal登録から、商品購入の支払いまでにクレジットカードやデビットカードがなくても大丈夫なのでしょうか?" + Sehr gut. :) ^SL, Morgen! Hat alles super geklappt. Trotzdem danke euch :) + I'm happy to hear that! I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. ^SE, It’s okay I’ve received it now thanks +" Hi Charlie, sorry to hear this. We have responded to your DM. ^SK", Please do..this’ll be the 5th time since August I’ve tried to sort this and been very patient..it’s getting a bit silly now + You're welcome. :) ^DD, Thank you. +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^IVS", . + Hola estamos disponible en DM si necesitas de nuestra ayuda. Gracias ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," No puedo acceder a mi cuenta, ayuda olvide mi contraseña" +" Estupendo me da mucho gusto que tu asunto se haya resuelto, ¡que tengas un bello día! ^DG", Ya me lo han reembolsado. Gracias por vuestra preocupación. Tienen un servicio muy profesional. +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Podemos ver que tu mensaje ya ha sido contestado por un asesor, ¡buen día! ^DG"," ya les envie otro DM haber si ya me contestan por que el otro no me l contestaron y siugo sin poder entrar a mi cuenta y me urge, ME URGE!!!" + Hola. Por favor envíanos un DM para poderte asistirte mejor. ^LS," No puedo entrar a mi cuenta, me dice ""Lo sentimos pero no hemos podido confirmar su identidad"" me urge entrar a mi cuenta," + We are glad everything is resolved. If you need any further assistance please DM us.," All sorted now, thanks for coming back to me" + ah que maravilha <3 Qlk coisa é só chamar.," Já consegui! Acho que era problema no servidor, continuei tentando e foi! Obrigada!" +" Oiê, Manda dm pra gente? Ajudaremos."," Estou nesse loop há 84 anos, ME DEIXEM GASTAR https://t.co/dvaEQFsQC6" +" Hey there, thanks for reaching back out. To make sure that your issue is resolved in a timely manner, could you s... https://t.co/I3KHbd0FBg", Thank you please look up the account with these numbers all information enclosed with the paypal folder VV44REXUK (KMM126053092V92033L0KM) + Merci de nous envoyer votre adresse email PayPal en privé pour voir cela ensemble ^AM," bonjour, on dirait bien pourtant ! https://t.co/I3ZHyVirnb" + We're sorry to hear about this recent experience and would be happy to help! Please check your DMs for an update. ^AP," Can anyone help with a Paypal nightmare I am currently involved in? +Have waited for days to hear back and still nothing except $800 poorer." +" Hey, es ist so, dass im Hintergrund jeder Zahlung unser Sicherheitssystem läuft, das jede Zahlung separat prüft u... https://t.co/UAxEmsoudH", Ne habe ich nicht damit versucht... heißt das jetzt das ich jedes mal guthaben auf mein paypal konto laden muss ? +" Hi Carla, please DM me! ^RA", is there a paypal now? why I didn't received my money from paypal to bank. pls I need your help. +" Hi there! I have just followed you. Also, I have provided a link for you to send me a DM. ^DT https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Please follow back +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with details about what's happening? I'm happy to help. :) Thanks! ^IVS ^IVS"," As for Paypal, I've not heard back since submitting the documents the other day, after following everything have said." +" Hey there, I'm sorry to hear about this. Please send me a DM if you still need assistance, Thanks! ^JMR ^JMR", 20 minutes waiting for phone! + Please check your DMs for updates regarding your inquiry. Thanks! ^RJM," I can guarantee I am getting ignored despite how urgent this situation is. Ugh, 3 whole days I've been trying to get you guys to fix this." +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I'm sorry for any issues you may be having, please DM us and I will be glad to provide help! ^IVS", The new Resolution Center and the new Multi-Order Shipping page are both worthless. They simply do not work. Get rid of them or fix them. +" I'm so sorry to hear that. If you send us a DM, we would be happy to assist you as best we can over social media to get this resolved. ^HW", I was on the phone with you for over one hour yesterday… All your service consultants did was transfer me told me supervisors were not avail + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Please send us a DM with some more details about this! ^GH," ...and: you've just made me miss an event. Thanks, PayPal! Worst. Payment. System. Ever." +" Hey Elli, send me some more details about this, along with your PP email. I'm happy to help. ^MB", 13/He sent it to who decided that even though it wasn't what I'd paid for/he'd only spent a few hours on it he could keep my money. + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Please send us a DM with some more details about this! ^GH," That's not been my experience in the last 8 years. A few hours maybe, but it's 36 hours later and it still hasn't processed. Sigh..." + Please send us a DM if you are in need of any assistance with your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG, If I fucking lose £81 because you're service is fucking cancer I am going to lose my shit + Hey there! I'm sorry for the delay. I have DM'd you. Please check that. :) ^HYC, your customer service SUCKS! Still no one replied to my DM. + I am glad everything is settled. I hope you have a great rest of your day! ^GA, Sorted now thank you - just sad I had to resort to tweeting to get a response from them. + Hi there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," It's it's a pisstake. I need that money and it might not seem a lot but when you've been off work, ill, it really is." + It's definitely important that you have access to your account! Please send me a direct message so that I can ass... https://t.co/dkOHbkv5ll, Cause i signed up 5 min ago - before it shut off. +" Please send me a DM with a clarification on the issue, I definitely want to help! ^KT", can you resummarize the account so i can log back in their. (Delete it put me back on their) +" Hi Trish, please send me a DM! ^RA", my PayPal was hacked and I can’t get a real person to help me. I’m so furious. + Hello! We've sent you a DM. Please take a moment to look at it. Thanks! ^ACT, You guys are terreble at customer services + Hey there! I'm sorry to hear that you were having so much trouble with this purchase. :( If you have any future q... https://t.co/e8nEg7xcDA, Gave up & paid with card! No idea if it was the Lego site or my account. Will find out next time I try to use! + I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble. Please send me a DM if you still need help! ^JMR, Why can't I use PatPal on the Lego site? Says I can but goes round in circles! + I do sincerely apologize for the inconvenience the security feature caused you. I greatly appreciate your input. ... https://t.co/etim3rGBlL," Hi there - it’s not mis-firing, it’s just that the system is slow and doesn’t let you use google authenticate so enough hassle to avoid 😳" + I am sorry to hear about this trouble sending funds. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA, And? +" Hi Adam, sorry for the delay. Please send us a DM and include your email address, we'll be happy to assist you further! ^JW", Please :) + Glad to hear that this has been resolved. Have a wonderful day! ^GH, luckily it's been resolved now ..thanks anyway + Sehr gerne. :) ^SL, Genau sowas habe ich gesucht. Herzlichen Dank! +" Du kannst Online-Banking nutzen, es ist aber keine Voraussetzung. ^SL", oder muss Onlinebanking auf der Bank aktiviert werden um Paypal zu nutzen? hab dazu noch nichts gefunden... + Hi! I'm sorry to hear about the trouble. Could you DM us with a description of the issue? I'm happy to help. Thanks! ^ES, chat on the downdetector page is saying paypal have said on facebook it's due to weather in ireland but no confirmation + I apologize for that! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and your country. It'd be our pleasure to help! :) ^KR," let me print my label. It shows I've paid for it, though. Help?" +" Hey there! Sorry for the delayed response, but I just replied to your DM. Thanks for your patience! :) ^SB", Check your messages. + Dann konnten wir den Punkt ja jetzt klären. Sehr gut. :) ^SL," Das habe ich gelesen, daher kommt ja meine Frage. :-)" +" Thanks for letting us know! If you would like further help, please send us a DM. Otherwise, please forward this e... https://t.co/QJAfAZC9OY"," I mean, i personally am all good, i just think that email looks pretty bad" + Thanks for the information! Can you please send me a DM with the information so I can help you further? ^IT, Someone mistakenly used my email to create an account back in September in singapore. I live in the US. They still have not changed email. + No problem Thanks for reaching out. We appreciate your patience in these matters! ^CRG, Thank you very much + Thank you for your response. Our UK phone agents can be reached at 0800 358 7911 during the hours of 8am to 8:30p... https://t.co/4MGQlN79zf, I have a antivirus company taking £50 a year of me for a pc I no longer have and collecting money through PayPal +" Hi there, thank you for reaching out to us! Where are you located? We want to ensure that we are providing you wi... https://t.co/4MGQlN79zf", Need to speak to PayPal is there a number u can give me plz 👍 +" Hi there, +If you could DM us we may be able to help you out. ^ZT", My wife is now nearly £300 out of pocket and some scumbag is walking round with a nice free pushchair. Would love an explanation. +" Hi there, sorry to hear this is happening! To report this activity, please follow these steps: https://t.co/VKnFhDSj8n. Thanks! ^EHMB", It's a weapon pack in a call of duty game I've never owned. Sold the Xbox a year ago too! +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you can send us a DM with your Pa... https://t.co/SD3xevu02I https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Thank u very very much. 💜 + Hello! I'm sorry for the wait. I've just responded to your DM - I look forward to speaking with you! ^KK," Hello I'm trying to verify my PayPal it now says ""checking"" on my back account.What does this mean?Thanks" +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thank you for your patience. ^ES"," Good morning, I added the English screenshots which you asked for!" + Great! I've responded to your DM again :) ^ES," Hi thanks, I will delete the bank account then and add another, because it's for a long time now. I've send you a last question" + Happy to help! Thank you for taking the time to contact us. ^ES, Thanks for the answer I have enough info ! + Hey there! Please check your inbox. We responded to your DM. ^JMG," Hi PayPal, did you have a chance to look at my DM. Many thanks!" + Hi there. We have responded to your DM now. Thank you. ^DR, I have messaged +" Hello! So sorry to hear that. Are you still experiencing issues? If so, please send us a DM. ^GR", I’m having such issues with this new feature! 😡 + Hello! So sorry to hear that. Please send us a DM for further assistance. ^GR, Same error. +" Oi + +Chame em DM que a gente te ajuda ;)"," Liguei no suporte, apenas conseguiam dizer que “não é culpa do PayPal”" + Se precisar estamos por aqui :), tentei usar por um tempo mas teve tanta gente me falando pra não usar q eu desisti 😩 + estamos contigo em dm =), Deveriam prezar melhor seus novos clientes. Oferecer um serviço de confiança é o mínimo. Não recomendo + Hey there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address so we can assist you. ^JMG," . I was referred to some group of hackers. who through them I picked up western union mtcn on $25000. +Contact cyberjavec for help." + Hi there. We've responded to your most recent DM. ^NM," This has been going on for a week, its not our first response, we've tried everything. This is all we see on our paypal account. https://t.co/dYHOQBDouW" + Please check your DM for our response! ^HW," DM’d you, thanks" + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Please send us a DM with screenshots and some more details about this! ^GH," 2/2 I’m worried it’ll go through as well and I’ll be charged 2 times for 1 order, I don’t understand why it says I placed the same order?" + We're sorry to hear your claim appeal was denied. We've responded to your DM. ^TM," magic ability to tell if a rim will hold air without putting a tire on it. Or, in your words, ""altering it"". 9_9" +" Hey Jane, please send us a DM if you are still experiencing this issue. We're happy to help. ^CG", Yes having login problems from our site too. any updates? +" If you have a case open, our team should be working on getting your issue resolved. If you have any further conce... https://t.co/VwPFjprXxc https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Im just waiting for you to conclude your investigation so i canget my stolen 358 dollars back! :) + Hello! I've responded to your DM. ^HZ, I just sent you a dm. 😊 thank you + Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP, È una settimana che aspetto di fare un ordine +" Hi there! We do and if you have a question, please send us a DM, so that we may try to assist. Thanks! ^NR", Do these guys even have customer services?? +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR"," , a service i told ebay not to link to, but it did anyway. I do not have the phone number that was linked to my PayPal anymore, and its(2/3)" + Sorry to hear about this but no need to worry. We have replied to your DMs for further assistance. ^DC, Please check your DM! + Indeed. ^RJM, Good luck Isaac! Hope they’re in touch now +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? I'm... https://t.co/1yLHU2sQjP", can you help because for some reason it keeps leading me to a page where i have to contact the seller rather than you + Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP," Any luck so far? The problem still continue for us, and no update from PayPal." + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, Case found against me. Seller provided tracking info. Parcel arrived. Plastic beads approx 10p value. PayPal fine with this? +" Hey Genn. If you could send me a DM with your PayPal email and country, I'd be happy to further assist you. Thanks! ^FM", Any work around for this? +" Bonjour à vous, merci de nous expliquer davantage votre demande en privé. Nous serons heureux de vous aider ^AM", envoie un message à . Ce genre de trucs se règlent easy normalement + No problem! Glad to hear you're in the process of resolving your issue. Hope you have a wonderful day :) . ^FM," Thanks for confirming, we’re working with them to solve the problem." + Please check your DM for our response :) ^HW," I did do this morning, had no response since" +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you are in need of assistance with your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG", I'm not sure if it's charged my card yet or not (can't check while i'm at work!). I was going to call them when I get home. + ご連絡ありがとうございます。こちらへのお問い合わせは、日本語もしくは英語でお願いします。PayPal Social Media, 何でもないです,私も日本語が話せることだけですよ。^_^ 你識唔識講廣東話?:o) +" Hey Matt, sorry to keep you waiting. Please send us a DM if you are still experiencing this issue. We're happy to help. ^CG", It's been 7 some hours like this... no statement from ... + Thanks so much! Have a great day! ^HW, I will send you the details in DM + Hello! Please send us a DM with this information so we can better assist you. We would appreciate it. Thank you. ^AMC, __email__ https://t.co/UxedY9A502 + Please check your DM for our response! ^HW, Reminder!. + No problem :). Enjoy the rest of your day! ^YG, thank u +" Hi there! I'm sorry for the delay - if you're still in need of help with anything, feel free to DM us. I'm happy to help. ^KK", I ought to kick her ass for that. +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you are still in need of assistance with your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG", Hey can you also help me out? I got locked out of my account for no reason. It's been a week. I need the money in it for rent +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR"," I got paid via PayPal for working a convention; paid extra to transfer money, they froze it, I called to verify ID, they said ""oh well""." + Hi! Can you please DM us with your concerns regarding your PayPal account? Thanks! ^YG," I know. There all the way down here in the comments and have said nothing about Ethan, wow. I'm going to cancel my PayPal account." +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of the affected transac... https://t.co/LGnCj9fVxB"," It's the principle, if everyone did it, it would add up to a lot of pennies/pounds. I'd be happy for it to go to charity." +" Thanks for bringing this to our attention! If you need any further assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. Have a nice day! :) ^SB", Just update the app for iPhone X. The X doesn’t have Touch ID. + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that. Please send us a DM so we can further assist you. ^AAR," I'll spend an hour on the phone with them only to be told: ""it's a random hold"" " +" Hey Adam, please send us a DM for further assistance with this issue. ^CG", Or not. Somehow you think i recieved a flight from a company in liquidation. Idiots + No problem Charlie. We have received your DM. Please get back to us so we can further assist you! ^FM," I have sent in a copy of Donation update page, so you can see if you can help. Please Paypal consider returning the charges." +" Ah, no worries - I can certainly help you with that! :) ^KK", Into pending + We have replied to your DM. Have a nice day. ^JP, Sent a lot of details about the refund transaction that seems to have failed due to the previously mentioned issue + Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. Send us a DM for further assistance. ^ML, I am unable to open a case with eBay since paypal has opened a case. Appreciate if you could get my refund ASAP. are too slow. + Merci à vous :). Nous resterons à votre disposition en cas de besoin ^AG, D’accord parfait merci 🙏🏽 +" Unfortunately, that won't work. You'll need to send us a DM. I apologize, but thank you for your understanding. ^JGP", can you email me and I can reply with pictures? __email__ + Hola. No hemos recibido tu DM hasta el momento. Por favor asegúrate de enviarlo haciendo clic abajo. ^LS https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Bueno y cuando carajos me van a responder el DM? ya estamos a 5 de Noviembre y sin respuesta y sin usar mi PayPal que estafa es esta? + Hola. Envíanos un DM con los detalles de lo que sucede cuando intentas ingresar y con gusto te podremos asistir. ^LS, No puedo entrar a mi cuenta y ustedes no me ayudan. Que mierda! +" Thank you, Bethany! We will respond to you with our findings as soon as possible. Have a wonderful rest of your day! ^NR", I have forwarded the email to your team + Glad you were able to get it sorted out! Have a great day! ^IT, Think we sorted it out. Says it's pending and takes 2 days to clear +" Hey Tina, please send us a DM for further assistance with your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG"," can’t cancel my own a/c without your permission. You’re holding my data against my will, and never informed me of attempted hack!" + Thanks for helping to make PayPal a safer place for all our users! Have a nice day! ^SB, Just sent it now.thanks +" Hey William, please send us a DM for further assistance with this transaction. We're happy to help. ^CG"," I've had nothing but trouble with Customer Service, who is placing the blame on me for something they did. This is infuriating!" +" Hey Aspa. Yes. If you could please send us a Direct Message over Twitter, we should be able to further assist you. ^MN", DM? +" No worries. :) In order to send us a DM, you can complete the steps in the following link: https://t.co/KJ7twOEH7S ^MN", I'm quite new in twitter sorry. How do I send the direct message? + Hello. We recently responded to your previous message. Please check your DM's. ^MN, ok! I've just dent it! + Thanks for being patient with us. We've responded to your DM. ^TM," No worries... + +I got a personal message from PayPal directly from the site itself. Here is the screenshot. https://t.co/guE1rgFPRS" +" If you need any help with PayPal, please just send me a DM with your PayPal email address and some more information so that I can help! ^NEM", Yes yes! Individuals can receive payment via Paypal in there personal account. The only thing they cant claim GST. + Sorry about that! We have followed you back! :) ^LAR, Can't Dm you as your not following me.... + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this major inconvenience. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! ... https://t.co/TPoPKAGTJ0, STILL WAITING 😠 + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear this. Please send me a DM! ^RA, I'm gonna ik + Hello! Just sent you a DM. ^ML, I’ve sent another DM... still no money 🤔 + Hey there! We have responded to your DM. Please check it as soon as you can! ^IT, Message sent 👍🏼 +" Thank you for sending the DM, Paul. Please check your DMs for a response. ^BB", Done + Podemos ver que tu DM ya está siendo atendido. ^LS, Les mandé un DM ayer... pero aún no me responden! + That's okay! I'm still happy to help you over DM. :) ^ALF," I don't have any more info. I'm trying to pay for something that only uses PayPal, and I keep getting this page." + I'm so sorry for the wait. Thanks for your continued patience! :) ^ALF," Thanks for your reply. Spoke with a live rep who is assisting. But that 30 min wait, tho...yikes!!!" + That isn't a real email from us. Please forward it to __email__ so our teams can look into it further. It'... https://t.co/9TkX3OMYi0, Thank you...hope you can do something about it..tks.. https://t.co/fEEPO8m5vW +" No problem, thank you for reporting this! We appreciate it! ^SML", Great..thank you... +" Thanks. I've just responded to your DM, please check your inbox at your earliest convenience! ^KT", DM sent. + I'm so glad to hear that! Have a great day! :) ^ALF," Cheers PayPal, all is good on the activity 👍" + Hello. We're responding to your DMs. Thanks for the heads up. ^ACT, Sent!😁 + Sorry to keep you waiting. I just replied to your DM. ^CG, I dm you guys for help. Please respond + We have received your DMs and were able to send you a response. Looking forward to hearing from you! ^RR https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, this isnt the issue as the phone is verified and the money has been on hold +" We sent you a DM regarding this issue. If you have any questions, please reply back to our DM, thank you. ^DD", Your fcking ceos need to deal with this right now. I am tired of talking to another person that the most the can do is file a report + We understand that you've had a negative experience and want to help. We continue to await your response to our D... https://t.co/3dsiGKNkvs, I just want my $217 back how fckng hard is that? Worst customer service reps been passed around still no resolution + Hi there. We've responded to your most recent DM. ^NM, hi i have do same what you ask but still issue remain same +" Bonjour Justine, ça nous fait vraiment plaisir de l'apprendre. Nous restons à votre disposition en cas de besoin ^AM","Suite et fin ! J’ai été totalement remboursée suite à une réclamation . Ils ont été très réactif et m’ont sauvé sur ce coup 👌🏼Maintenant j’attend mon nouveau reflex, commandé sur un autre site évidemment 😊" +" Please, send us a DM including your email address and we'll be happy to assist. Thank you! ^MH", adding for further assistance. + Please your question in English so we can assist you. Thanks! ^LAR, ارجو الرد +" In order to assist you further, please send me a DM with a screenshot of the error you're receiving along with yo... https://t.co/OeZMaYtHH7"," Are you sure it's a tech issue? Occurs on Firefox, private mode, mobile web. Only started after redesign introducing ""PP Instant Transfer""." +" Great! Thank you again for bringing this to our attention, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week! ^KT", Done :) + I have sent you a DM! ^YG, Received. Still no ETA provided. + Hello! Please check your most recent DM. ^GV, Hey please help me. I already sent a DM + Please add your PayPal as one of your payment methods for Google. Here's the link to the how-to: https://t.co/lyyXlkGXv1. ^JMG, how do I start +" Here's the link for adding a card to your account: https://t.co/VnHO7Tdcew. If you have any other inquiries, please send us a DM. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", can I add my verve card? +" I've just responded to your DM, please check your inbox at your earliest convenience! ^KT", Can you answer my DM please +" Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that! Please DM us for further assistance - I'll be happy to help. ^KK", The steps don’t match up to the current website + Here's an article that tell's you how you can send us additional documentation: https://t.co/kqLwqMIJEk. Please s... https://t.co/mMjFQgCRUI, I’ve already disputed it but they aren’t reporting to PayPal that they received my package instead they are asking me to close the case -.- + Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Please send me a DM if you need further assistance. ^DT, thanks - sorted + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, I gotta talk to the bank? The fuck? + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, Do you know why on earth this one is taking so long? + I am sorry to hear about the problems you've been having with your account. Please send me a DM with your PayPal ... https://t.co/EqBilHhz7H," Hi! Imagine 4-8 weeks with your bank account blocked, i always thought that's what Paypal wanted to be. Maybe you can speed things up? thx" +" Hi there! Sorry for the delay - if you're in need of assistance with anything, feel free to DM us. I'll be happy to help. ^KK"," and answering a customer message with sending a standard FAQ is bad service, as is announcing 4-8 weeks (!) for solving the issue #noservice" + Please check your DMs for further assistance. ^RJM, Just DM'd your team. + Send us a DM so we can assist you further. Thanks! ^LAR, You don't follow me so i can't DM you. Please mail me at __email__ + Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address and country of residence. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR, To connect I bank account to pay pal dose it have to be a checking or a savings account or don't it matter dose any one know + Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. Send us a DM for further assistance. ^ML, Like don't you need to have a master card credit card to get this? Or can you get it without the master card? + Envía un DM por favor y podremos brindarte ayuda personalizada. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Es con un pedido en la tienda de Microsoft. Dicen que tienen problemas con vosotros que no estáis aceptando sus cobros. Es cierto? + Hola estamos disponible en DM si necesitas de nuestra ayuda. Gracias ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Mañana se cumple un mes desde que compre y aun no me llega mi producto. Creo tendré que meter devolución directamente con +" Hello! For more information on our Buyer Protection Policy, please visit https://t.co/RKP4oTytcn. ^KR", Does this apply to gaming? + Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Please send me a DM so that I can assist you further. ^DT," However I have the required funds for the purchase and I have a verified bank account, so why is there a block in my way?" + Estaremos disponible en DM si tienes otras dudas. Gracias ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Ya pude asociar mi tarjeta y estoy esperando el código. Pero ahora no puedo verificar/confirmar mi número celular. No me llega el SMS. +" Hi there, +We have been seeing this issue with some older accounts. Please DM us and we'll be happy to help. ^ZT", “try our new instant transaction for a $0.25 fee!” yet y’all don’t even give me the option to choose it +" Hi there, +We're sorry to hear that you're still having this issue. Please DM us and we'll be happy to help. ^ZT", I’ve called twice and have been told that it‘s a bug in your system that’s been fixed… but I’m still unable to withdraw my PayPal balance. + Oh okay! We are happy to hear that your issue was resolved. Have a great day! ^LAR, That's okay. I'm all good now. :) + Happy to help! Have a great day. ^ES, Never mind. Just got the email about my claim. Thank you for the reply 😁 + Okay great. Have a good day! :) ^HYC," Thanks, Gage with the phone support got back and helped me out. I was on the phone on hold for almost 3 hours but he got. Thanks though" +" Sehr gern, nichts zu danken. :) Falls du wieder einmal Fragen oder Feedback hast, lass es uns bitte wissen. ^WD"," alles klar, vielen Dank:)" + We're apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM and so we can assist you with this dispute. ^JMG,"So yeah, not gonna dick around with on this one. Looks like will need to be my hero here." + Yes! Please feel free to DM us if you need any assistance. :) ^VM, I need help with my account can I dm you? +" Hi there! Do you need help with your account? If so, please send us a DM so we can further assist you. ^YR", 145 +" Hey there, we're sorry for the delay! What can we help you with? ^EL", Help me +" I just followed you, Joel. ^DT", need u to follow me + Glad to hear it! I suggest making sure your number is updated to prevent this in the future. I hope you have a wo... https://t.co/kxydjOpA8D, i was able to login but i hop that this does not happen again + Thanks! :) ^ALF, Done :) + Thanks. The email should have information on how to request information about the investigation that you may find helpful. ^LB, I checked my email and it only said it wasn’t deemed unauthorized + We're sorry. We want to ensure your information is private so we're limited on what we can discuss on social media. ^LB," that email contained almost no information, you are not very helpful" + Hi there. We're sorry for your concern about a claim. Be sure to check your email account for information on how to learn more. ^LB, $300 down the drain + Hey there! Could you please send us a DM? We'd be happy to help. ^ACT," Nah, I don't buy skins." +" We understand the concern. If you do need us to help you, feel free to reach out through DM. Have a great day! :) ^GAA", Again. This is absolutely the worst customer service I have ever received +" Hey there, Tungy. We are sorry to hear about your experience. If you would like us to assist you please send us a... https://t.co/rBL7QjTJzO", I have dealt with a lot of poor customer service in my time but none as lazy and incompetent as you. You should be ashamed of your CSRs + Hello! We've sent you a DM. Please take a moment to look at it. Thanks! ^ACT, How does me purchasing an online course set off ur shit system saying the transaction has to be reviewed? Fuck y’all https://t.co/6vMX43sefz +" Hey Anahita! Sorry to hear you're having issues with our services. I'll be happy to help, just send me a DM. ^DP"," Someone sent me $ on it & I'm tryna transfer it into my bank account but it keeps showing me ""Generic Error"" popup. WTF does that even mean" + I have responded to your DM. :) ^YG, No problem withdrawing MY MONEY from PayPal account but this time says pending security reason. Don't know if 3-4day deposit. I sent u a DM + Hi there! We have replied to your DMs for further assistance. Thank you for your patience. ^DC, Can you please reply to my Message. +" Sadly I cannot initiate the DM, but if you send me one I will be happy to help you. ^GA", STILL waiting for a reply!!! +" I'm glad you were able to get this resolved, Adam. Have a wonderful day! ^DT", It’s sorted now thank you. + Hi there! We've sent you a DM. Please take a moment to look at it. Thanks! ^ACT, Hello can you tell me how I cancel a withdraw so I can send it to the right card without fuss please + I am sorry to hear about this text message. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA, guys hello???? + Hello! Can you please DM the details of what information you are receiving from the other person's account? Thanks! ^YG," Jeez. I'm just wondering why i get emails for other purchases, even after updating my information and changing my pw" + Hi there! There is no way to cancel this transfer. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. ^AAR," Nah it takes less than 2 minutes normally, this is over £200 - bit more interest to be gained?! Is there a way to cancel the transfer?" + Hey Dustin! Sorry to hear that. Are you still having issues? ^DP, I have a problem with reaching your site. +" Of course, you're very welcome! Have a great rest of your day! :) ^NK", Thanks for the tip. Will give it a try! +" No problem! Enjoy the rest of your day, Daniel. ^YG", Thank you + This tends to happen when we do not know exactly when your funds are going to be released. Hope this helps! ^YG," So what does December 31st, 1969 have to do with that?" + Hey there! Please send us a DM! ^RA," that's a fucking gumball guys, come on" +" Hi there, I am so sorry for the delay in replying to you. I have just sent you a DM. ^DK", I take it I’m just going to be completely ignored now? I’ve sent a complaint email and nothing back from that either! +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? I'm... https://t.co/JIkT62mF91", I cannot get the payment to work... it's stuck on a $0.00 donation :( cc (I tried Chrome + Firefox) + Hey there! I'm sorry to hear that you've been experiencing this. Please send us a DM including the email address ... https://t.co/6utmGVbYng, PayPal stealu may money is no fun (sad crying emoji) +" Hello Hayley, I understand how important it is to get funds that are sent to you credited to your account. Please... https://t.co/UnbRuMvzfE", I’d appreciate receiving the money I’m owed that come out of my friends account and also with my friend not receiving my money +" Hey there! My sincere apologies! Can you DM us with your PayPal email, and a screenshot of the error message you're encountering? ^AAR"," I've never had a problem with PayPal before. I've had an account with them since 2006. Seems like shit has changed recently, though." + Hi Wayne! My sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this has caused you. Please send us a DM regarding your co... https://t.co/PIdUvAZIGk, Buyer opened up“item not received” case 12HRS after item bought.. found in their favor & told me to next time accept request 2 cancel + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country tha... https://t.co/YfiEPR0pKh," like I can't change the +44 into my own country code. Is there any solution? If so, I'd love to hear it! :)" + Hi! I see how this is frustrating. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of any errors that you see when you add it? ^ES, I still cant put my bank on my paypal as its linked to a previous account from years ago. + I apologize for that! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and more information about your issue. I'll do my best to help. ^KR, I get shut down by all reps they don't call back and when they do there's an error I've been waiting all day pls help I want my car to drive +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you please send us a DM, so that we c... https://t.co/6yg3Pir4w8"," If someone disputes a donation or somethong, it falls back on you. Did some research recently" +" Hello! Thanks for letting us know. If you have any future questions or concerns, please feel free to send us a DM for further help! :) ^SB", Hi. Its sorted now. Thanks. + Hey there! Sorry to hear that you've been experiencing this. Please send us a DM with the email address linked to... https://t.co/IBUPvSDEPT, They are false advertising + Thanks for reaching out! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and more information about your issue. I'd be happy to help. ^KR, But BML call center staff informed me minutes ago the fee is charged by Paypal. Why is that? +" We're sorry for any frustration you have experienced. If you haven't already, please send us a DM with the email ... https://t.co/KFGSxb7li7"," ... can also decide to hold your money without explanation for minimum half a year and longer if they decide to ignore you.. Or they shut down your account... $CIF #ICO might change all that ;-) + +#NoMoreFees! #altcoin #crypto #bitcoin" + Hey there! I would be happy to help! Can you please send me a DM so I can help you out? ^IT, It’s well known you like to pretend it’s due to security etc but load of tosh really 3 days to do security on £45 in 2017!! Don’t think so!! + Thanks for letting us know! I have responded to your DM. Please check this when you have a chance! :) ^NEM, DM sent. Thx +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^IVS", any help at all would be nice. + Hey! Please send me a DM including your PayPal email address and the country your account is associated with. I'd be happy to help! (: ^RS, Dear please help me cancel my subscription!! +" Hello, Samantha. Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP", Can you help please +" Hola, de antemano lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Envíanos un mensaje directo para revisar la situación más a fondo. ^W https://t.co/MbymXmIruK"," Igual pasó conmigo: mis tarjetas de Inbursa, Bancomer y Banorte fueron tomadas por una cuenta de PayPal" +" Ok, magst du uns in einer privaten Nachricht deine hinterlegte E-Mail-Adresse geben? Dann können die Kollegen prüfen, was da los ist. ^SL", Gelistet ist dann aber dennoch kein Konflikt https://t.co/A7Y5wlk09r +" Hallo, es kann sich nur um eine technische Störung handeln. Hast du schon versucht, einen Käuferschutzfall bei PayPal zu eröffnen? ^SL", Was sagt dazu? Anträge zu werden bei mir nicht angenommen... +" Par mesure de sécurité, nous ne pouvons pas cliquer sur le lien :(. Merci de nous envoyer votre demande par email... https://t.co/z3MK1AY6WU", Voila :) merci <3 https://t.co/FAw2xtS64g + Hi Lloyd! My sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Please send us a DM regarding yo... https://t.co/ohLf3pYMPq, Malware. Your account has been hacked. +" Bonjour Jordan, nous nous excusons pour cette gêne occasionnée. Merci de nous expliquer davantage votre demande e... https://t.co/ryJdpFVTim", La sécurité a bon dos!Dans la vie comme sur les honnêtes gens sont emmerdés à cause des 0.1% qui fraudent!Rendez moi mes sous! + Sure! Please DM me your PayPal email address and screenshots of your account activity so I can further assess the situation! ^GH, could you confirm if this is a official email or not please? + Hello! This does not appear to be from us. Please do not click any links or enter any information within that ema... https://t.co/MEDqJNFofE, When you click the link mine asks me for all my address and bank details https://t.co/KFKX8GY25y +" A gente foi marcado rsrsrsrs Acho que é pra ajudar com a senha :) Manda DM por favor e ajudamos com isso. A senha, não a placa."," eu n tinha que te responder nada, tu disse que ia chegar aqui ué, eu tava em casa no horario combinado. puto! bgs" +" Lamentamos tu situación. Si necesitas ayuda con tu cuenta PayPal, por favor envíanos un mensaje directo. Buen día. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Tengo semanas escribiendo, me pidieron fotos de mi tarjeta y de mi id por ambos lados, parece más fraude que ayuda" + Hi there. We're sorry to hear you're having trouble getting through. Please send us a DM with your email address ... https://t.co/Ohae5NWRxd," I know this as I phoned eBay afterwards and it was perfectly fine, I need someone to deal with my issue and I can't speak to anyone." +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out to us here and showing your interest in PayPal! At this time we do not offer s... https://t.co/IbLETvg9Yd", I would prefer to do #FallShopping in Pakistan. So ? + Hola lamentamos el inconveniente. Envía un DM y con gusto podremos asistirte de forma personalizada. Gracias ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," Paypal, realizaron un pgonque yo noanurorice ni realice con micuenta, quiero mi dinero de regres" + Hi! Sorry about the delay. Please send me a DM with your account email address and country of residence. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR, Thanks for the speedy response. on the ball with customer service +" Hey! Send me a DM with some more details, any screenshots that may be helpful, along with your PayPal email. I'm happy to help! ^MB", I can't pay with my account??? + Hi there! I am sorry about this scam. :( Thank you for letting us know about this. Please make sure to send any s... https://t.co/dj5wrFjZTc, I just sent it to you 👍 I get paid with PayPal & I'm a massive Netflix fan so this was a really plausible scam for me!! +" Hey there! I'm sorry to hear you are having trouble with your account. Unfortunately, there is no other way to verify your account. :( ^HYC", im out of a job rn and have no real reason to make a bank account + Hi there! Could you please remove that screenshot and send us a DM along with your PayPal email address? Thank you! ^ACT, Why am I getting that? +" Hello! I saw that you were in the UK. If so, please forward the fake email to __email__. Sorry for the mistake! ^GH", Aye +" Hello! I'm sorry to hear that you're getting these emails. Upon review, this does not appear to be an email from ... https://t.co/u3xj1Q3Yci", The email address for “PayPal” wasn’t even a pay pal one and then it took me through 3 websites before loading to pay pal nah dodgy +" Bonjour à vous, nous comprenons que c'est décevant de ne pas recevoir votre colis. En tant que société en ligne, ... https://t.co/yUMQ9twI4Y", Parce que MOI je n'ai RIEN signé et RIEN reçu ! +" Bonjour à vous, nous nous excusons pour la mauvaise information que vous avez eu :(. En fait, lorsque vous receve... https://t.co/7krVam4azh", des acheteurs pour des transactions de petit montant et qui pourront donc continuer leurs trafics ainsi. Cela est dommage de votre part... +" Dans le cas de réception d'un colis plein de cailloux, PayPal ne demande pas le retour de l'article. Nous traiton... https://t.co/xrpwKb7Ry7", Imaginons que le vendeur m'envoie 2kg de cailloux. Est-ce normal pour que ça soit à l'acheteur de payer les frais de retour !? +" Lorsque nous vous demandons de renvoyer l’objet à votre vendeur, les frais d’expédition sont effectivement à votr... https://t.co/xrpwKb7Ry7", Bjr pourquoi n'est-ce pas au vendeur de prendre en charge les frais de transport pour le retour d'un objet NON CONFORME À LA DESCRIPTION ? + Bonjour à vous et nous sommes navrés d'apprendre que vous ayez reçu un objet non conforme à la description :(. Da... https://t.co/xrpwKb7Ry7," Car dépenser 15€ de frais de port pour un objet payé 30€ et qui en réalité coûte 15€ car fausse description, est-ce équitable pour ?" +" Buen día. Si deseas asistencia de nuestra parte, por favor envíanos un mensaje directo. ¡Saludos! ^LR"," Fui a sucursal y adquirí una tarjeta, ahora al querer vincular con me dice ""tarjeta declinada por el emisor"" ¿a qué se debe?" + Hey. I apologize for the wait. You can send us a DM with your question and we'd be more then happy to help. Thanks for reaching out! ^FM, Sent an email with a query - no reply and was on hold for 5 mins today. What is the best way to follow up? + Hi. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the transaction that you are strugglin... https://t.co/F9y4ZLEm4h," But you have already removed the money from my account two days ago so it's not the bank holding it, it's you." +" Hola, de antemano lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Envíanos un mensaje directo y con gusto te asistimos. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Esos $200.00 fueron porque cobraron de más? 😮 porque creo que me sucedió lo mismo 😬 +" Hey James, I'm sorry to hear about this. :( Send me a DM with some details about your issues logging in, along wi... https://t.co/EsN0zeuzoL"," is it possible for me to issue a refund with diff. payment method than method paid? cust. paid w PayPal, PayPal locked my acc. CC?💳" + Hey Lavender. Could you send us a DM with your PayPal email and country? This way I'd be able to further assist y... https://t.co/P2HyGu1HYV," These are international customers, I cannot expect to have more than one paypal account just for shipping and handling." + Hey there! I'm so sorry for the delayed response. Please send me a DM with your PayPal email address and country ... https://t.co/JknMi5oJZb, Anything? Anything at all? There has literally been no response from PayPal about this incident and I've tried multiple channels. +" Hi, I'm sorry to hear that this occurred! :( Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what'... https://t.co/dcfLYBTY7k", How do they fix account hacking? +" If you need any assistance from PayPal, please send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal acco... https://t.co/GC4KBZmjPN", https://t.co/PCGh3fEf10 +" Hi! Check your messages, I've sent a reply to your DM. :) ^JMR", I tried calling last night and my wait time was an hour and 53 minutes?! +" Yes of course, we'd be happy to help! :) Please send us a DM and tell us what the issue is and we will get back t... https://t.co/NSsLKnCLdD", Hey can I have some help? +" Bonjour Cédric, nous comprenons à quel point il est important pour vous de recevoir votre argent. Une fois initié... https://t.co/nj0YGUeeJP", PayPal ne veut pas annuler le virement de mon compte chèque à mon compte PayPal. PayPal m'oblige à attendre 8 à 10 jours !!! + Here's how to add your card to your PayPal account: https://t.co/N0NRAoXvdQ. Let us know if you have any other questions :) ^DD, You welcome. Enjoy the rest of your day. + Hi there. We're sorry to hear you experinced a technical issue with our Multi Order Shipping system. It sounds li... https://t.co/AvTaPn1Hkc, Worked on Firefox + I'm sorry to hear of any frustration. Please send a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the issue so I can help. ^IN, Utterly useless non caring individuals at PayPal be warned people. They won't help not interested was scammed for £500. Very rude staff +" Hello there, Kate. We apologize for the wait on the phone. When there is a high volume of contacts calling in the... https://t.co/IuJNTsQfnv"," Hung up after 45 minutes, disgraceful customer service." +" Hi Jina! Our sincerest apologies for the long hold time. Please send us a DM regarding your concern, and we'll be happy to help you. ^HZ", Hi I'm still waiting + Hi there. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. We recently responded to your previous message. Please check your DM's. ^MN, Will it take as long clearing into winners account as it it does when I withdraw my own money?!? Or how long it takes you cs to respond?🤔 +" Thank you for reaching out about this. This text does not appear to be from PayPal, please report this to spoof... https://t.co/k1quW6BUSd", Is it? + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country tha... https://t.co/I9lbpJ2H8d," 1h50 I gave in, got too much mate" +" I'm sorry for the delay in response, Chris. Please send a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot or d... https://t.co/ErYYhXofCm"," Still nothing, and still no answer on their customer service line... All I want to do is reset a password but it says I need to call!" +" Hi Clive. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you currently need assistance with your PayPal account, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN", Yeah coach! + Hi Charlie! Our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this has caused you. Please send us a DM regarding your... https://t.co/u5Z0JPGRn5," show me proof that my account i was waiting for approval for was used for ANY transaction, let alone an adult service." + Hello Pippy! I'm sorry for the waith. Please DM us your PayPal email and screenshots of the transaction so I can further assess this! ^GH, or can you help? +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes navrés d'apprendre votre mécontentement quant à la décision de clôture de votre dossi... https://t.co/RsnuthtryT"," Donc ,j'ai un litige ,je dois rembourser et je récupère pas ce que j'ai vendu.. +Et l'acheteur fait la tombe, il ne répond pas au mail." + Hi there. We're sorry to hear you're having trouble getting help. This is definitely not the kind of experience w... https://t.co/vmwMQqoF9g, Still on hold. Total call time so far is an hour and 35 minutes. It's almost like your support team doesn't want to talk to me. +" Hello Lindley, thank you for contacting PayPal customer support. If you need help with your PayPal account please... https://t.co/lFkqeXthpJ", £200 +" Hello, I apologize for the delay as we are experiencing a higher volume in contacts than usual. I sent you a DM w... https://t.co/QtkZOpqMUy"," No reply on twitter, no reply on facebook, and I can`t get anyone to answer the phone. How can I reach you guys?" +" Hey! Sorry for the wait. If you need help, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a summary of how we can help. Thanks! ^TH", £106 +" Hello and sorry for the delay. I sent you a message with more information. Also, here's that number if you still ... https://t.co/lJze1WYXn1"," Hi, it usually takes few minutes to withdraw money from my account but now it still pending for long time. Have you got a UK customer service number to call?" + Hi there! My sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this has caused you. Please send us a DM and we'll be more... https://t.co/EkswKmvtAD, 128 USD was lost in NSF charges that shouldn't have happened in the first place + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country tha... https://t.co/Rd2q71UE08, We've replied to your DM & are looking into your pre-order right now. We'll be back in touch in a few moments. + Hi Nate! My sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this has caused you. Please send us a DM regarding your con... https://t.co/DEmYVhD3W5," Presented by PayPal, the company that likes to take my money for basically nothing" +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? I'm... https://t.co/WbfH8sQnCR", Fuckkkk halp +" Hello and thank you for reaching out. Please send me a DM with more information, so that I can further assist you... https://t.co/dZlDbUtv5p", Over the years I've lost roughly £150 due to sellers not shipping goods and then you refusing to refund as it's a day or 2 over 30days. + Hello and thank you for reaching out. I am so sorry to hear about the difficulty you've had with this claim. Plea... https://t.co/pBrIgTJwAn, I really hope so :-( so so disappointed so far... +" Hello Sam, thank you for contacting PayPal. If you need help with your PayPal account please send me a DM with a ... https://t.co/cL27Rag3Wl", £345 #OldPoundCoin +" Hello Lydia, thank you for contacting PayPal customer support. If you are having issues with your PayPal account ... https://t.co/gKXsCLnyyL", £203 +" If this merchant is violating our acceptable use policy, please send an email to __email__ with as... https://t.co/CWXPWSSTQu", Still taking preorders for #zxvega's that dont exist for Summer 2017 delivery & claiming in stock! Isn't that against your T&C's ? https://t.co/5O2dkv8ofQ +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you are in need of any assistance with a payment on your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG"," Paypal holding my money pending an ""investigation"" as to where i got it from 😩 yyyyy" +" Hello, Arleen. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. We were able to send a respo... https://t.co/2iWphotoGS", Still waiting +" Hello and thank you for reaching out, I am sorry to hear about your experience, and want to help keep you secure.... https://t.co/EB9PMhj6Sw"," Their support is unable to read basic account history, detail, or show any compassion. (but don’t ""Ask"" anything hard)" +" Hello, thank you for reaching out. Before an account is closed, we always have a customer clear out the balance. ... https://t.co/LRQKWFxo8r", please respond + Hello and thank you for reaching out. I'm happy to help you with withdrawing your funds. Please DM me your countr... https://t.co/JcqENr85CN, Can I Transfer Indonesia Bank? +" We're glad to hear that, Bailey! Thanks again for reaching out to us, and for being a valued PayPal customer. We ... https://t.co/PA61uXldsV", I called y’all. Problems resolved. +" Hello, Bailey. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you can send us a DM with... https://t.co/PA61uXldsV https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", How am I supposed to buy supplies to complete transactions when y’all don’t give me my money??? + Hello! Our sincere apologies for the delay in our response. Please DM us with your PayPal email for further assis... https://t.co/uix5bcEVGh," I've emailed you, called and waited 20 minutes on hold with no response. It's been a week with no response. Wtf" +" Hey, sorry you're having delays with your withdraw. It can take up to 3-5 business days, I apologize if that's inconvenient. ^AL", I usually get my money in 24hrs like I'm supposed because it's an online bank account. What gives? + Hello! Our sincere apologies for the delay in our response. Please DM us with your PayPal email address for furth... https://t.co/0gMGp8hJuP, They then tell me to log into their website... But ive been unable to get a password recovery email for years. +" Hi there! We are happy to answer your PayPal questions, but at this time customer support is only offered in Engl... https://t.co/4dc21hk9ac", لوسمحت + We are sorry to hear about this mix up. In order to better assist you please send us a DM with that email address... https://t.co/6KrbTliIBu, please I keep getting their order receipts +" Hey there, this is not a real email from PayPal. Please forward this email to __email__ so that we can inv... https://t.co/jPhyKFfOoT", Sender’s info is questionable. Hmmmm https://t.co/FE584ZedKZ + You're welcome. Feel free to send us a DM if you have any further concerns. Thank you for your patience. Have a lovely day! ^AOA," Thanks, I am the seller and I fulfilled the order." +" Hey! It's possible to open a dispute, but it's unlikely that it'll be ruled in your favor. Especially if the sell... https://t.co/WRQmI55ol2","you gotta be kidding me. you can't request a paypal dispute because you want to cancel a order that was already shipped. right, ?" +" Bonjour à vous, en effet, les délais de virement dépendent de la banque. les dates de compensation réelles dépend... https://t.co/Phk3fV7BfK", Les délais de virement dépendent de la banque émettrice. Ils sont généralement de un à trois jours ouvrés (samedi et dimanche exclus). +" Pra quem recebe pagamentos nacionais a tarifa é de 4,99% + R$0,60 pra cada transação. Para internacionais a tarif... https://t.co/40EO8WEuk6", Qual a taxa pra transferência ? +" Rapaaaz, a gente tem um serviço de atendimento campeão + tecnologia de ponta, tudo pra garantir facilidade e segurança nas compras/vendas o/", Taxa de transferência deles é mt alta 😞 +" If you have any questions regarding that transaction we would be happy to take a look. Just follow, then DM your email address please. ^DD", Reminds me of the interest rate when you borrow money from the mafia. +" Bonjour à vous,désolés pour l'attente.C'est important de répondre dans le Gestionnaire de litiges si vous ne l'avez pas encore fait. ^DW", ?? +" I've just responded to your DM, please check your inbox at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your patience! ^KT"," Useless service , sent them info they wanted, nothing. Who wants to do business with #PayPalUK when they just freeze your account?" +" Hey there! I know that this email can be concerning, but please send us a DM with more details and a screenshot o... https://t.co/joB5DxSerj", I never made such a request or reported any issues with my card that would warrant such action. Please help me understand what’s going on. +" We're glad you reached out about our fees! Please send me a DM with your questions and concerns, I'd be more than... https://t.co/UrbIXGlTAQ"," ka bhi kuch kro !! + +current exchange rate 1$=64.77 INR +Current paypal paying rate 1$=62.72 INR + fee + +:(" +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. YES! you can recover an old account as long all you need to do is give u... https://t.co/IYYqB7axBX"," Can i recover my account,havent used it for a while?" +" Hello Paustin, I hate to hear that your issue was not resolved by the phone agents. Please send me a DM so I can ... https://t.co/1tWAwEaX5z", Their telephone support was absolutely useless. Couldn't find email couldn't find card number couldn't find transaction number or ss # + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country tha... https://t.co/aJodpSOtnh, sellers check your activity/all transactions/reversals tab paypal with ebay collusion are hiding from you +" Hi there! In order to better assist you please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the screenshot of the... https://t.co/dzENElXLjg", Thanks is this your website https://t.co/OmuKW4K11B … as myself and family just got this as a text? please confirm identity. +" Hi there! In order to help you out better please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are... https://t.co/mAxk1jvEjW", £82 +" Hey Manuel, please send us a DM so that we can answer any questions that you have about withdrawing to your bank. We're happy to help. ^CG", Hello...can the currency be changed when transferring to a local bank? + I apologize for that! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and more information about your issue. I'll do my best to help. ^KR, I’m still on hold. +" Hello. Sorry for the delay. Are you still having trouble getting into the PayPal app? If so, please send us a DM ... https://t.co/9gl2T1XIJy", https://t.co/9xy4TdW0fI +" Hi there, sorry to hear about this situation. To better assist you please send us a DM with a screenshot of the t... https://t.co/LGjIJHPWeY", It really isn't and the shitty part is losing $200 I don't have when all I got was 300 from him so I'm cucked of $500 just cause of an ass +" Hi there, thank you for reaching out. If you need assistance, please send us a DM with more details and we will be happy to help. ^DC", 😡 +" Hi there, thank you for reaching out to us and sorry to hear about this issue. To better assist you, please send ... https://t.co/BymQO45mmo"," not able to pay yet...and like you said-NO UPDATE FROM PAYPAL. very professional, " +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out to us and sorry about any trouble. To better assist you please send us a ... https://t.co/i2srgFfxSO"," Strange that instead of replying with the answer, others are liking and having same issue. You might as well close down " +" Hi there, thank you for reaching out to us and sorry about any inconvenience. To better assist you please send us... https://t.co/y76LzE3S8l", Because I worked before +" Bonjour à vous, navrés que vous rencontriez un souci pour ajouter votre compte bancaire :(. Par mesures de sécuri... https://t.co/rGJhUzwcdc", Ah j'y connais rien ^^ c'est pour du paiement en ligne. +" Not sure, but we'd be happy to have a look into this further if you'd like to DM your email address. Thanks again! ^AS", Why can't I add a ISD denominated bank account that is domiciled in New Zealand? Not exactly a rare use case... + We're sorry to hear you're having trouble adding a bank. If you'd like to send us a private message with your ema... https://t.co/v11DPLD4GA, In NZ +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes vraiment désolés pour cette réponse tardive :(. On en discute par DM et on voit comment on peut résoudre ça? ^EM", Vous avez juste 48h de retard +" Glad to hear that the issue was resolved! :) +If there are any further issues, don't hesitate to reach out to us v... https://t.co/oDtUzyvMoW"," Thanks for the reply, ended up being an issue on the website I was trying to purchase from. So has been solved." + Thank you for reaching out about the payments and 2FA issue you're running into! I definitely want to get this fi... https://t.co/ap9nmUHrQj, Any chance we can get an adult to help here? Broken all day! https://t.co/522hDd7DPl +" Buen día, lamentamos lo sucedido. Envía un mensaje privado con más detalles de lo sucedido y con gusto podremos revisarlo. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", no se porque le hacen esas cosas a la gente :C + Hello Scott! Our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this has caused you. Please send us a DM regarding you... https://t.co/MlDkBKUpKx, Bet you still won’t release the money for 7 days.... + Hi there! Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you. Please send us a DM regarding your c... https://t.co/iaf10kXIZc," This kind of thing REALLY gets my OCD going, and it's not fun" +" I'm sorry for any confusion. A DM would be a direct message that you can send on your Twitter account. Also, you ... https://t.co/SDhKvkr3XW", What is a DM? I will be happy to have a telephone conversation with you to discuss the issue. Let me know how you would like to proceed + I believe that we can resolve this here. I have included a link for you to send me a direct message. ^DT https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," Do you want to discuss this with me by phone or not? If so, please let me know how we can set this up. And please, no PayPal lingo." + Glad to hear that. Please feel free to DM us if you need any help. Have a nice day! ^JP," That’s the strange thing, PayPal account shows 1 transaction but Amex shows 2 debits. Amex are sorting it with you 😊. Thanks." +" Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! If there is a problem with a transaction in your PayPal account, please sen... https://t.co/HbOTW0gpZX", Same here. Common problem from 12th and 13th October. I’ve phoned Amex to sort with PayPal +" Hello abdullah, thank you for contacting PayPal customer support. On Twitter the only languages that are supporte... https://t.co/3Cr5SqLdVr", اريد رابط تجديد بنظام اقساط 6 شهور باقة كاملة وهاذا رقم الكرت 7007075893 رقم الهاتف 00966580300907 + Hi there! Our sincerest apologies for inconvenience this has caused you. In order to assist you with your concern... https://t.co/JT9OFb85AR, I won't quietly DM you so that you save face. PayPal simply HAS to do better if they're going to be linked to companies like + I completely understand. You can email our agents at __email__. ^HZ, I'll probably get a response faster via email as opposed to the HORRIBLE phone support. + Hello. We are sorry to hear that you have been on hold for this long. We can assure you that we assist customers ... https://t.co/JT9OFb85AR, An issue that's been going on since August and get different answers every time. I can't possibly be the only person with this issue. +" Hello, apologies for the delay. I've responded to your DM. Thanks! ^RW"," I haven't heard back yet, but I'm wondering why I have to supply legal documentation to have Paypal use my prefered name, rather than the name I was born with? I don't answer to my birthname, why should I be forced to use it on Paypal?" +" Hallo, wenn das Bankkonto noch als alternative Zahlungsmethode (beispielsweise bei einem Abo oder einer wiederkeh... https://t.co/yKImeenmfQ", (2) bankverbindung nicht entfernen. von dem alten konto kann aber kein geld mehr eingezogen werden! wie kann ich dieses konto löschen?! +" Bonjour à vous, merci de nous expliquer votre demande en privé. Ça nous fera plaisir de vous aider. N'hésitez pas... https://t.co/QpMlhqeRDS", Y'a moyen d'avoir quelqu'un ou pas ?! Ou faut demander en anglais... +" Buen día, uno de nuestros asesores estará atendiendo tu DM. Gracias por tu paciencia. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Si no respondes + Hola. Por favor envíanos un DM para poderte asistir de forma personalizada. ^LS https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Qué bien gestionan los de PayPal no saben leer documentos 😂😂😂 + Please check your DM! :) ^YG, Thanks! I've sent a response back via DM. +" Bonjour à vous, merci de nous avoir contactés :). PayPal ne vous oblige jamais à fournir votre pièce d'identité p... https://t.co/CM6N0BtKFu", 24 heures d’echanges absurde. Les consommateurs sont en droit de savoir avant d’acheter en ligne chez vous. + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! We would be more than happy to help you with this issue. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country your account is registered in and we will get back to you as soon as we can. ^NK," How many have been told, “Get a new card number, another, inactive, account has your card number already associated with it. Banks recycle card numbers, so an old (inactive) Pay Pal acct can cause your card to be rejected by Pay Pal,” FDICgov " + Hi there! I'm sorry you've run into a poor experience with our service. Feel free to send us a DM if you would still like assistance! We'd be happy to help! ^SML, They removed my link bank account without notifying me and charging so much money for fail transaction. it is your strategy to earn money ? +" Aún no hemos recibido tu mensaje directo. Si necesitas ayuda, estamos disponibles en DM. Buen día. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Ya llevo días con una consulta abierta sobre este tema en mi futura ex-cuenta de PayPal. Gracias por hacer tu trabajo como CM. +" Hola, de antemano lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Envíanos un mensaje directo para poder asistirte. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Si, y tienen sus condiciones. Abusivas. Así que tú hazte un favor: usa otras plataformas. Hay más y mejores. #NoUsesEBAY" +" Sorry about any inconvenience, Olivier. Since different regions have different regulations, you would need an acc... https://t.co/zzXXsLfudG"," Really!? That's so totally annoying, especially since the interface is in German now. Come on guys, it's just a phone number…" + Hello and thank you for bringing that to our attention. Here's some more information on what to do when you recie... https://t.co/p8wyGtZpR8, Lots of email scams about PayPal transactions. Anyone else received them? + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of... https://t.co/KA3biSWm9z," I haven’t received the money for an item that has been refunded by seller, contacted you twice and no reply 🤔" + Thank you for bringing this to our attention and for your feedback. I am happy to assist and have sent you a DM with more information. ^JDG, Can't remove the old bank accounts either. YOU NEED TO FIX YOUR SHIT. IT'S BROKEN. It was broken 6 months ago. A year ago. Etc. FIX IT. + Hi there. Sorry for the delay in our response. We've responded to your DM. ^NM, I'm I going to get help? + Awesome! Have a great day. :) ^HYC, thank you for the reply but i done it now thank you +" Hey there, we're sorry for the delay! You can tell this is a fake email because of the impersonal, generic greeti... https://t.co/pIhBWTIPhd", https://t.co/dhWF9dLFNo +" Hi there, thank you for reaching out! We apologize for the delay in response. Please DM us for further assistance. Thanks! ^AC", Is it possible to get help? +" Hi there, thank you for reaching out to us. We are sorry to hear about this negative experience; however, we woul... https://t.co/irME99My6M", but says PayPal confirmed the payment once. who do i contact? +" Thank you for your response. You are correct. At this time, we only offer SMS but we appreciate your feedback. ^AC"," I mean core PayPal, not Braintree. Looks like SMS is the only option. Is that right?" + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Here is a link with information on how to send a DM: ... https://t.co/s8zfvARhsR, Thanks but I don't know how to DM and can't do screen shot as ad seems to have disappeared. I can send you a confirmation of your invoice +" Hi there, thank you for contacting PayPal via Twitter. We apologize for the delay in response. Please DM us with ... https://t.co/gh2LZrtYel", ...yet it was so easy for you to debit my account. +" Oh, wie ärgerlich. Wenn ich dich richtig verstanden habe, hast du bereits versucht, die Karte zu löschen und danach erneut hinzuzufügen? ^WD"," Nur Adresse ändern, es kam aber die CC kann nicht genutzt werden oder so. Gleichesals ich sie neu anlegen wollte. Das System ist schrott" +" Du hast die Möglichkeit, die Bankverbindung entweder durch Eingabe der IBAN oder anhand von Kontonummer/Bankleitzahl hinzuzufügen. ^WD", Zum hinzufügen von Bankkonto sollen IBAN 3-8 & Bankleitzahl 8 Ziffern eingegeben. Das ist nicht möglich oder verstehe ich was falsch? +" Wenn du auf ""IBAN eingeben"" klickst, bekommst du die Eingabemaske für die komplette IBAN angezeigt. ^WD https://t.co/fY6xbAVh39", Zum hinzufügen von Bankkonto sollen IBAN 3-8 & Bankleitzahl 8 Ziffern eingegeben. Das ist nicht möglich oder verstehe ich was falsch? + Kein Ding. Versuche es einfach mal so. Dann müsste es klappen. :) ^WD," Alles klar, ist mir leider nicht aufgefallen. Danke für den Tipp, ich probiere es gleich aus." +" Super, freut mich zu hören, dass es jetzt geklappt hat. Was genau meinst du denn mit ""Bankkonto-Angaben""? ^WD"," Genau, hab's aber jetzt wieder versucht & es hat geklappt. Da hatte sich wohl was verschluckt. Trotzdem die Bankkonto Angaben sind quatsch" +" Hallo, sorry zu hören, dass du Schwierigkeiten beim Senden der Zahlung hast. Es ist so, dass im Hintergrund jeder... https://t.co/3hMI29oSXt"," Jetzt ist bloß die Frage: Warum kann ich nicht bezahlen, wenn ihr sogar schon so schlau seit und wisst, dass das Bankkonte existiert?" + That's definitely a fake PayPal email. Please forward it to __email__ and then delete it. https://t.co/g8dXWVIdsc ^DD," Hi , please tweet and a member of our team will be able to help you with the email you've received." + Good question! That's the wholesale exchange rate. For more info about our rate please visit https://t.co/Z1jNz4UVBx. ^DD," Hi Matt, please tweet and a member of our team will be able to help out." +" Hi! If you need assistance with anything, DM us with your PayPal email and a description of the issue. I'm happy to help. Thanks! ^ES", And that's why I'm broke. Thanks... I think... +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, please send us a DM, so that we can assist ... https://t.co/hYQdElIniW", That transaction has been disputed online. I explained over the phone that i’d prefer to keep my money. Changed many passwords. +" Hello, if you are having any issues with your PayPal account please send me a DM with any details so I can further assist. Thank you. ^BB", Sooooo...? + Hello. If there is a problem with making a payment using your PayPal account please send us a DM and we will be happy to assist you. ^NK, How come we can't pay with ? +" Hello, I'm glad to hear that the refund has been issued. Most refund are able to be completed within a PayPal acc... https://t.co/CLXXOysGCL", Thanks refund has been sorted now. Shame normal refund appeal procedure didn't work properly. We had to call up as refund wasn't processed +" Hey, Yolis. I am a human and would be happy to help you. If you want assistance please send a DM with your email ... https://t.co/6mKTWQX7pS"," paypal does not have humans working customer service, I contacted them via email 3 times, and 3 times I received AUTOMATED response." +" Hey there! I apologize for any inconvenience this situation may have caused you. If you still need assistance, pl... https://t.co/O8EBhV6fwT", Fed up with this shoddy service +" Hi there, Jason, thank you for contacting PayPal via Twitter. We are sorry to hear about this negative experience... https://t.co/CZwVejaDJd", Blocked me after I used my account in Japan. doesn't support NZ Dollars and Japanese Yen yet. +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? I'm... https://t.co/xQZRBJfFfL", It’s a joke!!! If I forget to check and use PayPal it sometimes goes through in my name and I’ve had issues collecting parcels 😡😡 +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. We look over documents in the order they are received and will process y... https://t.co/TWeQ43qTCe"," Hi, I've twice sent documentation asking you to change my surname & it's not been done, who can I email directly to sort this?" +" I am sorry for this trouble you are having with these funds. If you would like, please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA"," Yep, just happened. Whew" +" I'm glad everything was sorted out! If you wish to leave feedback for us, there is a ""feedback"" option at the bottom of our website. ^AAC"," All good now, refund has been processed. Only wished they did this without a dispute being raised. Its poor management." +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? I'm... https://t.co/nyZt3IGsYX", I was buying orange airtime through Mpesa via paybill no. 220220 hence I provided the ref no. LJK6RW9WUG for reversal +" I'm sorry to hear this happened. Have you already opened a case for it through PayPal? If not, we could help if you send us a DM ^SML"," Problem is, I think I was decieved into giving my AUTH. I didn't intent to purchase a plan." + Thank you for reaching out to PayPal customer support! Do you have any questions regarding your PayPal account or... https://t.co/9M8t9sijKm, My favorite is while waiting for class to start 🎒📕📖 +" Hey there, sorry for the delay! If you could please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and any additiona... https://t.co/7VqvwjHc7n", It’s what everybody uses unfortunately. (At least the artists I like to commission and when I would get a payout from a viral video) +" Hello there, Jade. Thank you for reaching out. I understand how concerning this can be. I would recommend giving ... https://t.co/dv7L950oCC", But it also asked for a code to be sent to a phone number that is on the account but I no longer have access to that phone number 2/2 +" Hola, de antemano lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Envíanos un mensaje directo y con gusto te asistimos. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Me cancelan el pedido 49018754 sin darme explicaciones porque y se quedan con mi dinero + We are happy to here this! Have a great day. :) ^GAA, It's been resolved. Thank you! +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", My sister just started her new job and SHE NEEDS THE CAR TO DRIVE THERE. +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", I love PayPal but that honestly I think it's wrong you shouldn't stop people from printing labels + We are sorry to hear this was a hassle but we are glad to hear it has been resolved! We love you too! :) ^NK," It's been corrected I just sent a check to PayPal. Just a hassle, but love you. https://t.co/RsRTgmERMv" + Hello! I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with this Please DM me with some more details so I can further assess this! ^GH," Is there any single reason how is this solution good for user (buyer or seller) ?? + #Paypal" +" I'm sorry to hear that! At this time, this is the only way for us to confirm your identity. I apologize for the inconvenience! ^GH", That's another issue. Im here in the Philippines and i dont have access to call international numbers.. +" At your earliest convenience, please delete your Tweet containing your email address and send it and information ... https://t.co/4Z3nd0PQJC", __email__ +" I'm sorry for the delay in responding, but we must answer our customer contacts in the order they are received. Thanks for reaching out! ^GH", get it together + Hello! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look! ^GH, get it together + Hello! I'm sorry to hear about this. Please DM me your PayPal email and some more details so I can further assess this situation! ^GH, Still waiting +" Hey, we would be happy to help out! Just send us a DM with some more information, and we will help you as soon as possible. ^IT", Well u r useful. +" Hey, thanks for reaching out! I can confirm that this is not from us. Feel free to send it to __email__, delete and disregard it. ^IT", https://t.co/UzJ9yDmnPv + Hi - Please DM us with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the hold you are referring to so that we can help you further? ^NEM, Please resolve ASAP. My PayPal is used frequently because of the safety it provides but this inconvenience makes me rethink this service + Estamos aqui pra garantir que compradores e vendedores façam suas transações com toda a segurança. Nosso time est... https://t.co/gW82Ts45vs, Eu não preciso mais ficar de olho em Paypal. Só preciso alertar ao máximo de pessoas para os bloqueios e altas taxas +" Hi! I'm sorry to hear that this is going on. Please DM me with some more details about this situation, and screenshots if possible! ^GH"," On Chrome, I keep getting a ""something went wrong on our end"" when I click to confirm I'm not a robot..." +" Sorry about any negative experience, if you would like you can give us a call. If you would still like assistance... https://t.co/cRDcRrgfOU"," I already did, you say you will ask to someone else. Then nobody answered anymore. How can I contact with paypal (DM is not working)? Thanks" +" Hello, I understand how upsetting it is to not have easy access to an agent. It sounds like you are running into ... https://t.co/bI6UnJici5"," It's so hard to get to a rep, luckily once you do they're super understanding. Just a bitch to get past the bots" +" Hello, I understand how important it is to get your funds sent to your bank as soon as possible. From the screens... https://t.co/tbmHSIgSDk", :( https://t.co/Ese77QKSXy + We're glad you were able to get this issue resolved. Our apologies for the delayed response. Thanks for reaching ... https://t.co/IFyvH8gzoS, Hi there. All sorted now. Had to use the website though. Seems cancelling payments on the Android app is not possible. +" Hey there, we are sorry to hear that you are having a hard time trying to get into contact with us. Please send ... https://t.co/XgDE158l0G", difficult to contact paypal regarding the payment issue +" You are speaking to a live agent, but in order to assist you I must have you send me a DM. I want to help you wit... https://t.co/AjLVDCAj24", Thanks Robotro! +" In a Direct Message you can post longer messages, also if you need to share an email please screenshot it. I will be glad to help! ^IVS", unfortunately the length of the can't be shared on twitter +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? I'm... https://t.co/mv972HfhRl", I have a problem with my PayPal account + Hey there. I am sorry to hear about this issue. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and I will be happy to help. ^BV," does even allow begging? I got hit once because I had a donate button, this surely isn't allowed...?" + Hello. We are sorry to hear that you such a negative experience calling in about this issue. We would be more tha... https://t.co/RaearBAfVO, since the call center is completely incompetent. If you can't I am going to try and find some other service to do business with. + Hi Timmy - I'm sorry to hear about your negative experience with us. :( Your frustration is completely understand... https://t.co/PuO6GCtUeJ, Total time: 1 hour 16 minutes. https://t.co/0vdZwb0wb4 +" Hallo, hast du es denn schon telefonisch beim Kundensupport probiert? Wie schon von meiner Kollegin angemerkt, wi... https://t.co/G5QD4049qu"," Ich habe eine Email bekommen, die mir aber nicht hilft. Bei Konfliktlösung steht nichts außer das mit 180 Tage... Komme also nicht weiter" + Nous sommes navrés que vous n'ayez toujours pas pu nous joindre par téléphone :(. Vous pouvez réessayer ultérieur... https://t.co/4iCv5jO75h," Je suis entrain de vous appeler, mais toujours en attente" + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this situation. Please send us a DM with some more details about this! ^GH, Please don’t give me some meaningless comment about you taking security seriously. I just want the issue resolved without being passed about +" En effet, vous pouvez gérer vous même les adresses cadeaux. Pour cela connectez vous à votre compte PayPal, ensui... https://t.co/S8RCzFwTkz", Adresse principale oui. Et les adresses de livraison (adresses cadeau) cachées? Pourquoi ne pas en laisser la gestion à vos utilisateurs? + Il va falloir dans votre cas de nous envoyer une demande par email nous autorisant à modifier ou à supprimer les adresses cadeaux. ^AG," Ceci montre l""Adresse principale, Adresse de facturation"". Pas les adresses cadeau (autres adresses entrées lors d'une commande) > CACHÉES." + Nous nous excusons pour la gène occasionnée et nous remontons votre demande au service adéquat qui prendra votre demande en charge. ^AG, C'est déjà fait merci :) Je repose la question : pourquoi ne pas laisser leur gestion à vos utilisateurs? Ou pourquoi n'y ai-je pas accès? +" Bonjour à vous, félicitation pour votre vigilance. Nos services de prévention contre la fraude travaillent 24h/24... https://t.co/ekUIWl4mLT"," En attendant que ça soit corrigé, voici le-dit mail 😉 + +Bonne fin de journée (ou bon début de semaine si vous lisez ça lundi xD) https://t.co/iwvnVUATSg" +" Hi, I'm truly sorry to hear that this occurred to you! :( Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and detail... https://t.co/vKLP3lJTZK", We got hosed by a company we were buying goods from and they denied the claim. It’s hilariously bad. +" Hi! If you are still encountering issues, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and screenshot of th... https://t.co/yMDWcKAAEk"," Fella just told me on the phone! I just +Transferred on the PayPal app and it worked! +Might be the PayPal here app on iOS? " + Hi! I'm sorry to hear there is potential fraud and I’m glad you contacted us. Please make sure you update your pa... https://t.co/o1urLWCErK," Won't tell me what it's for, and won't let me dispute the transaction. I want my fucking money back I didn't just give $10 to u greedy fucks" +" We're sorry to hear you've had a poor experience, and we want to help. Please send us a DM with your email and details of the issue. ^TB https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Not surprised, you care only for large corporations & have no care for your customers. Glad your rolling in money whilst I’m out of pocket!" + Estamos contigo em DM ;)," Acabei de enviar todos os detalhes por DM, como orientado. Espero que possam me ajudar. Obrigado pelo retorno." +" Hello Carleen, it sounds like you may be having an issue with your PayPal account. Making sure your experience wi... https://t.co/tUw47cN4Du", I would not worry about it. You are a day late. + Das ist auch möglich oder du zahlst vorher Geld auf dein PayPal-Konto ein. Damit funktioniert es meist besser. Ge... https://t.co/wGyoABcVKh, Ahso aus diesem Grund klappt es nicht. Ne leider konnte ich die Zahlung nicht durchführen. Muss wohl auf eine andere Zahlungsart wechseln + Actually when you pay something with PayPal we don’t receive immediately your money. It will be taken from your b... https://t.co/wKZLRpGhQF, I AM BEYOND UPSET. I DEMAND MY MONEY NOW. IF ANYONE IS READING THIS AND THINKING ABOUT SIGNING UP WITH PAYPAL. FORGET IT. YOU’LL BE SCREWED +" It’s not an excuse. That are, as I already mentioned, internal bank timeframes. I can understand that you are ups... https://t.co/wKZLRpGhQF", AND THEN IF COURSE THE SAFEST THING IS TO IGNORE YOUR CUSTOMERS. + Hey there. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV, How can I change the date of birth of a wrong event +" Hey Vitalik, if you could send us a Direct Message with your PayPal registered email address. I would also ask yo... https://t.co/Byfvhps7dP"," I need Help200$ please Visa Card __credit_card__ sos made in Ukraine, Evropa help me....I'm invalid" + Hi! I'm so sorry for the delay! I just responded to your DM. ^ALF," Yoooohooooo! DM'd you. Still waiting for you to ""be here.""" + I am sorry for this trouble with your unauthorized payment. Please DM me and I will be here to help you. ^GA, That's great news!! [insert eyeroll] I have just submitted my third request for a refund for an unauthorized charge. https://t.co/XnUZnghLcK +" I deeply apologize for this inconvenience. :( This information has been passed on to our feedback team, and we wi... https://t.co/N8oirBne3M"," I don’t see why things like language, date and time can’t be independent of where somebody lives. It makes sense to respect settings." +" Thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, there is not currently a way to change this setting within the app. Th... https://t.co/N8oirBne3M"," Your app overrides my preferences. If I wanted ‘Month Day, Year’ and AM/PM time, I would have chosen it in my settings. Please fix." +" Hello. Sorry to hear you're having the same issue. If you'd like, you can DM me with your PayPal email and I'd be... https://t.co/BFlFhuSKbj"," BROOO I had the same issue, they are no help, and told me that it was a problem with my bank" +" Hi there. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you could please send us a DM, we'd be glad to take a deeper look into this issue. ^MN", Why are you allowing this website to operate using your payment gateway when you recently banned it in the UK? +" Because appearances can be deceiving, we want out spoof team to check the background coding to verify if it is co... https://t.co/1BHYHZ17WH", Can you not tell me whether it is genuine or not though? + Hi there! I would forward the email to __email__ just to be sure. :) If you have any further questions ple... https://t.co/1BHYHZ17WH, That looks real too though https://t.co/M8Sq0n59e6 +" Hi there. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us ... https://t.co/kQpzP7S4UF", أرجو الاتصال علي في أسرع وقت +" Hi there - This is definitely not something you should be dealing with first thing in the morning, we are here t... https://t.co/7diHsdn3g0"," dude, it does sock. Not really something i wanna deal with first thing in the morning" +" We can understand that. Just as an FYI, we respond to our customers in the order received. Sending Tweets at diff... https://t.co/3chjiHcaeI"," I appreciate the reply and I can delete all of the tweets I’ve sent to get someone to reply, but I did what I was supposed to & id like my $" + Did you need some additional help? We're more than happy to help out! Just send us a DM with the email address re... https://t.co/3chjiHcaeI, Ugh + We're sorry for any frustration the hold has caused. It sounds like your experiencing Funds Availability holds. T... https://t.co/3chjiGUzna, https://t.co/6wJBoD73hz + Sorry to hear about this Rachel! For further assistance please send us a DM with these transaction's details scre... https://t.co/5IGGhyGqQc," Nothing has come out of my Paypal account, but 3 payments out of my bank account starting with ""PayPal *{insert random name}""" +" Hey there! Thanks for reaching out. As it stands, we currently do not offer PayPal in Turkey. However, we're alwa... https://t.co/xIQxCr42AX"," you still have no plan to come back to Turkey, please?" + Hello. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you've been experiencing. Please go ahead and send us a DM and... https://t.co/IFHRmYNPuq," support is the worst. I disputed a charge, they messed up the paperwork and couldn't document it properly. Did a chargeback instead." + Sorry about that. Rest assured that we respond to our messages in the order they are received. If you still need ... https://t.co/38JX4g1Ooj," wow, 8hours to get a response! Is that within your SLA???? #FAIL" + I apologize for the delay in response. Please send a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the re... https://t.co/xuOwaPM59h, Thanks for the fast reply....my bank account is empty now! +" Good eye Stefan, that's not from us! Go ahead and forward the message to ‘7726' (which is the keys for SPAM on most phones). Thanks! ^JMR"," Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is! Feel like telling them might make the difference for someone else though!" +" We are always looking to update and improve our service. In some cases, bugs can be worked out by using the class... https://t.co/kKbUEUhrrw",And why does have a modern website and classic website that seem to function independently of each other? +" Hello! Our sincere apologies for the delay. We have recently responded to your DM, so please check your inbox. We're here to help! ^AIM", Can you please respond to my DM +" Bonjour à vous, vous pouvez contacter notre Service clientèle par email ou par téléphone. Vous êtes invité à vous... https://t.co/nzA6Kf3cOO", merci frero +" Lorsque la transaction est remboursée avant que l'argent ne soit compensé sur votre compte bancaire, il faut pati... https://t.co/4zoN28FSxH", https://t.co/C9z657KnlN +" Manchmal kann es sein, dass unser System automatisch versucht nochmal den negativen Kontostand auszugleichen. Tut... https://t.co/GugxHlScNw", Hä? Nun habt ihr das selbst noch einmal (automatisiert und erfolgreich) eingezogen. Wieso schreibt ihr mir hier was anderes?! o.O + Ich kann dich verstehen. Es ist allerdings ein automatisierter Prozess. Sofern dieser fehlschlägt sollten keine w... https://t.co/GugxHlScNw," Kein Ding. Man darf mal falsch liegen. Das Problem, dass ich sehe ist, dass das erneute Einziehen nicht im Vorhinein kommuniziert wurde." +" Ich kann deinen Unmut nachvollziehen. Es wird in den AGB darauf hingewiesen. Danke für den Tipp, ich werde es gerne intern weitergeben. ^FV"," Das mag ja sein, dass das automatisiert passiert. Aber dann schreibt das doch in die (erste) Mail. Oder ins Konto. >:-/" +" Auf jeden Fall den negativen Kontostand begleichen. Gerne kannst du auch gleich etwas mehr Geld einzahlen, dann s... https://t.co/GugxHlScNw", Aha. Die Nachricht bekomme ich so aber nicht. Also erstmal das entstandenen Minus ausgleichen und weitersehen? Oder wie?! +" You are welcome, Sarah. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. If you ever receive a suspicious email you ... https://t.co/gJCpBQYyPQ", Thank you!!! I was thinking it couldn’t be because I wasn’t notified about declining as everything has gone through each time 🙄😏 +" Hey there! I know how frustrating this situation can be, so please feel free to send us a DM with more details an... https://t.co/IP03mBPhxE", I sold 2 items on eBay and they both are there and I haven’t received the money because it’s still in pending + It appears that the original DM that you had sent us is not appearing in our history. To better answer this quest... https://t.co/nQokiXiFM0," I already did, plz check and do the needful as I have a lot of items to pay for" +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have... https://t.co/nQokiXiFM0"," Im receiving (unable to process you're payment) message over and over again, what is the problem, have to pay for many items need ur support" + Sorry about any trouble regarding this matter. To better assist you please send us a DM with a screenshot of the ... https://t.co/9uoPqP4N7L, please address this issue. +" I'm sorry to hear of any frustration, Scott. Please send a DM with your PayPal email address and screenshots/details of the issue. ^IN"," Can't see the ""Guest"" option. I'll get my mrs to try it on her paypal acct later. If not then I'll miss this yrs event,done the last 2 tho" + Hello- Sorry about the payment issue you're experiencing. Can you please DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the error? ^CRF, anyone else having trouble at the checkout? #monki #monkiworld #paypal +" Hello and my apologies for the wait. I have replied to your DM with more information, so that we can work on this together. ^JDG", if u could take time to read and reply to my dm it'd be much appreciated. +" When we say anywhere up to 7 business days, this is a range and would include any time frame lower than this whic... https://t.co/X8KyUTtoRC", So why does it take less time to go from PayPal to my bank account? +" Hi Mindy.We're sorry to hear that you've had a hard time receiving assistance. If you still need help, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN"," Appalling customer service. Withholding a payment for 21 days for no apparent reason, not returning phone calls. Not responding to emails." +" Hi there. We're sorry if this issue has caused you any kind of inconvenience, and thank you for your feedback. By... https://t.co/5GJGdldlrr", should have been brought to my attention sooner. +" Ich kann deinen Unmut verstehen, aber uns wurde der Einzug von deiner Bank verweigert. Wenn dies passiert, werden... https://t.co/U0hbZzV03e"," zahlen muss, nur weil es diesmal nicht geklappt hat. (2/2)" +" Hola, lamentamos lo sucedido. Envía un DM con tu correo electrónico y más detalles al respecto. Saludos ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", +" Bonjour à vous, merci pour cette précision :). En fait, le délai d'un ajout de fonds depuis votre compte bancaire... https://t.co/ERc8Nnp7wi", Pourtant j'ai déjà été prélevé sur mon compte le 24 octobre. +" In order to help you with this issue, you will need to send a DM. Please remove the screenshot as social media is... https://t.co/0LxnutM5nq", .Well I guess you know the problem with the outrageous exchangs rates from $ - DKK froom 18the. Still havent seen any corporate info on that + Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us about this! You are absolutely right to be suspicious about this text as ... https://t.co/yQfFe8w85t, Hi pls can someone come back to me on this ? +" Hallo, sorry, dass die Zahlung nicht durchgegangen ist. Was ist denn der aktuelle Stand? Hast du es alternativ sc... https://t.co/mTu57sRR1N"," Hi, hab Cookies und Cache geleert, dennoch kommt diese Fehlermeldung. Hatte ich vorher nie. Was kann ich noch machen?" +" Freut mich, dass es geklappt hat. Manchmal können auch noch nicht verbuchte Lastschriften ein Grund dafür sein. F... https://t.co/mTu57sRR1N"," Ok, jetzt hat es funktioniert. Keine Ahnung, woran es jetzt gelegen hatte." + For the security of your account we are not able to access your profile through social media. If your account is ... https://t.co/1ar6KtubdH, All I was wanting was a simple yes or no.... I use my account regularly so don’t see why my account would be limited. +" Hola, lamentamos lo sucedido, por favor envía tu correo electrónico en DM. Gracias ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Espero la respuesta de #HeretoHelp 🙃 + Hey there! I'm sorry for the delay. Please send me a DM with more information on this refund and I will be more t... https://t.co/t0XsHoaiig, No rush with the reply yeah.....👀🤔 + No problem. We appreciate your patience in these matters! ^CRG," Ok, I shall do that. Thank you!" +" Hi there! :) You can reach us at: https://t.co/gy7aOXI9dg, or by DMing this page! Glad to help you! ^EHMB", #phishing #fraud +" Hello and sorry to hear about the issue you are having with that payment. Please send me a DM, so that I can work... https://t.co/vBbzRVOrNp", Update theres still about 5k~ of mine floating around in the virtual world or PayPal. Lol. No worries McDonald's dollar menu is totally fine + I'm sorry to hear that you're unhappy with our services! I'd be happy to address your concerns if you want to sen... https://t.co/wWi8RgrPj0," Definitely not, I'd never use your rip-off services again. Charge me 3.5% simply for receiving funds Are you fecking kidding me #useyourbank" + Hey there! I would be happy to help! Can you please send me a DM with more information? DMs can have as many characters as needed. ^IT https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Please provide some kind of medium (email or whatever) so that I can share the whole thing... Thanks! + Thank you for reaching out about withdrawing funds! I know how important it is that you're able to withdraw your ... https://t.co/5seJP5hxN6, any update +" Bonjour à vous, merci de nous expliquer davanage votre demande en privé. N'hésitez pas à fournir en plus votre adresse email PayPal ^AM", et de 2 quand je veux envoyer de l'argent ca annule pour aucune raison .... donc merci la prochaine fois ca sera plus paypal + Hi there! Thank you for reaching out. We understand that this issue is very important. Please make sure to send u... https://t.co/d0SeqWaKIt," it looks like the problem is that we can't change our names on the bank account/debit card, even after we've updated our legal names" + Have a great day! ^HW, Thank you but it’s been resolved now. +" When you can, please delete these screenshots and send them to me through DM. This way we can keep your info private. Thank you! ^GA"," It's quite badly spelt, and I know Paypal wouldn't send a link." + I'm glad that the phone agents were able to help you. Have a wonderful day and thank you for being a valued PayPal customer. ^BB, Ty but I waited for the callback and issue was resolved +" Hello, I understand how upsetting it can be to not have your call answered in a timely manner. Proving you with e... https://t.co/3Y5UKLj0MN", 50 minute hold time!? Are you serious +" Hi Nanette - I'm sorry to hear about your negative experience with us. :( If you're still in need of help, feel free to DM us. ^KK", still holding +" Hi Kiran, We are unable to view the previous DM's you have sent regarding this issue. Please DM your email addres... https://t.co/ud4r5Sh5rc", All details are already in your DM the thread is there +" Hi there Jason, if you could DM us again we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT"," Thank you! Another issue, it didn’t update my payment due, still shows £130 on 17th November even after paying £100 into it" + It typically takes 24-72 hours for a credit to be applied to a balance. It should show by now. Please send a DM if still an issue. :) ^TB," Sent DM several days ago, but no reply :(" +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. Can you pleas DM us with more details about this issue. We will be glad to assist! ^IVS", +" We're sorry to hear there was an issue with your account. If you'd like us to take a look, please send a DM with your email. :) ^TB"," Because I wasn’t contacted in over a month, and had to find out why I couldn’t log in for so long when I called today (after sending emails)" + We have responded to your dm. Please check your messages., thoughts? + We apologize for keeping you waiting! Please check your DMs for an update. ^AP, Are you suggesting I send furry smut to the account to elicit a response because I'm about 2 steps away from trying it. +" No problem at all, I'm glad everything is working! :) If you have any other questions, please let me know by sending me a DM. Thanks! ^AAC", It's working properly now. I think your site was just temporarily down. +" Hi, I'm sorry you're having trouble! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? :) Thanks! ^EHMB", Then leave it for me to manually transfer the money. Leaving me with a dead debit card till the balance is back to $0 in 3 to 5 business days. That completely blows my mind! +" Hi, I'm sorry to hear that this occurred! :( Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what'... https://t.co/UToxMFjgwA", This just seems so stupid to me. Who else does online payments that can be trusted? We're tempted to close our PayPal accounts completely. +" Hi there! I totally understand how frustrating holds can be! For why your funds are on hold, click here: ... https://t.co/orJncc6MRx", Hellooooo????????????? + Just checking in to see if you still need assistance! Please send us a DM regarding this issue and we'll be happy to help! ^JGP, Thank you +" Hi, sorry to hear about that transaction Kelli. You are completely protected from transactions like this. Please ... https://t.co/jA1yq4fUEX", Hello???? + Hi! I know it's important to change this. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the error that you see? Thanks! ^ES, a different card. How am I supposed to change my password? Thanks +" Hey there, deeply sorry to hear about the current situation. :( Please note that we have recently responded to your most-recent DM sent, so whenever possible, please double-check the messages sent to have this issue resolved. Thanks! ^AI", I did that weeks ago and still had no reply from Paypal. I have now raised a formal complaint and not heard anything from that either. My income has been locked away for nearly a month by Paypal. The account is in my name. +" Hello! So sorry to hear that. For further assistance with your PayPal account, please send us a DM. ^GR"," I would #SeizeTheSeason is you hadn't locked my account due to a problem on your part. Still locked a month later, Customer Services have yet to even reply." +" Hi there! We've received your DM, so please check your inbox for our reply when it's most convenient to you. :) ^KR",hi + Sorry to keep you waiting. I just replied to your DM. ^CG," reply to mine as well, thanks" + Hello there! We have responded to your DM. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA, Are you going to repond to my DM? + You're definitely right about that. This matter has our full attention. ^RJM," Please do, you have NO idea how many videos are being made about that piece of shit on YouTube about how he's supporting pedophilia. He links DIRECTLY to your service on his videos, I don't think you want PayPal represented like that." + Great! We are glad the issue has been resolved. Thank you for your patience. Have a great day! ^AOA, Someone replied to a complaint via the online message centre and has sorted it now. Thanks + Hi! I'm sorry to hear about the trouble with this matter. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a description of the issue? I'm happy to help. Thank you for reaching out. ^ES, On hold again for 30 mins after the last staff member hung up on my as I wouldn't accept no for an answer. I asked to speak to a manager and he said it would have to go through disputes and would take 72hours. + Hi! I see how this is concerning. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of your recent PayPal activity? Thank you. ^ES," Ah, sorry. - can you please advise? Should I transfer amount into PayPal to cover my bounce? Or is there a better option?" + Hello. Could you please DM us with screenshots of what you're seeing when you try to send that email? Thanks! ^FM," Thank you for the reply. I forward the message, the “send” in top right corner greys out so I cant send it to you." +" Hi there! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any additional ... https://t.co/WKkff6D5ck", Help! + I'm sorry to hear about this! Please feel free to send us a DM for assistance. ^KK," Not only is this still happening, but I'm not the only person experiencing this issue. Fix it IMMEDIATELY. https://t.co/Hd9Jtnj6QR" +" Hello! Sorry for the delayed response. If you're still experiencing this issue, please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK", Fix this right now. Any delay is absolutely unacceptable. + Have a great day! ^HYC," Cool, thanks. I'll let me friend know." +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Si deseas asistencia de nuestra parte, por favor envíanos un mensaje directo. ¡Saludos! ^LR", Cuando termina la promocion? + Hello. Thanks for reaching out. If you could resend that DM with your PayPal email and screenshots of the email y... https://t.co/tj3UIsVuey, My apologies if that was unclear. Trying to go through their channels is posing some technical hurdles that should be fixed for future users +" Yes, just make sure that the payment is sent as goods and services and not friends and family as personal payments are not covered. ^IN", Even if I buy from a person (reseller with no license) and not from a second market company? Thank you for answering +" Hello, thanks for reaching out. A goods and services payment for tickets should be covered under our policy. ^IN", Is buying from a ticket reseller considered prohibited activity on PayPal’s Acceptable Use Policy? Does it qualify for purchase protection? https://t.co/D1DcU0EQly + Unfortunately we can't access your PayPal account to send you any messages when you contact us through Twitter fo... https://t.co/LCXQkTdeGw," Excuse me for being thick, but this is exactly my point about not being user friendly. Why not reply to my message In pp saying you can help" +" No problem, thank you for your patience! Have a great night! ^SML"," Off to bed, will continue tomorrow. I would prefer to sign into my PayPal account." + I'm sorry to hear about your poor experience with our system. Have you tried opening a dispute through PayPal? Yo... https://t.co/LCXQkTdeGw," Payment to EFLdigital, who refuse to refund." +" Hi Richard! I'm sorry to hear you ran into this. If you'd like any help with us here, feel free to send us a DM! ^SML", But PayPal won't help you get a refund for a sneaky auto renewal despite being within 14 day cooling off period. Remote and menu driven. + Hi Darren! We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. Please send us a DM regarding your c... https://t.co/FpvYrgcLn0, you are strangling my cash flow. Causing relationship problems with suppliers. And getting me bank charges. Painful +" Sure, if you can please let us know what seems to be the issue with your payments. And also include your PayPal e... https://t.co/FpvYrgcLn0", I'll d.m what do you need to know ? + Okay. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that your account is registered in ... https://t.co/FpvYrgcLn0," Having my money on hold. Then once cleared, 3 days to reach my bank is my ""issue"" cash flow nightmare" +" We are sorry to hear that you are having issues. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM w... https://t.co/oAAIirZvq6", Its 10 pound you liars 😪😡😂 +" I see, I'm sorry for the trouble this may have caused. I'll submit this feedback as well so we can look into improving the service! ^SML", There should be a layer to quickly refund my transaction without having to track someone down to personally send it back +" Thank you! I've just responded to your DM, please check your inbox at your earliest convenience. ^KT"," Thanks! DM sent, thanks in advance :)" +" Yes, the transfer will come in once your bank sends it to us. The deposits to confirm your bank also take a few b... https://t.co/hXy7H6cr7X", Once my bank verifies will the money deposit in? It said it deposited but I still haven’t received the two deposits form you guy to verify +" Bonjour à vous, navrés que vous n'ayez toujours pas reçu de réponse à votre réclamation :(. nous sommes disponibl... https://t.co/egZIFZ4AUu"," Plus de nouvelle de votre part, il faut attendre encore ? Merci" + Nous comprenons votre déception et nous vous assurons de toute notre compréhension face à votre mécontentement. P... https://t.co/XohcoqETos," Le seul moyen de me faire revenir et redonner confiance en ebay et PayPal serait que vous utilisiez le système blockchain, renseignez vous" +" We're sorry to hear that you feel this way. If there is anything that we can assist you with here, please send us... https://t.co/apKyn4mL3Z", PayPal let an overseas scammer steal $300 from me a long time ago. They don't give a shit about their sellers. Now I record everything. + Oh okay! We would be happy to help you out with those. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and any questions you have. ^BC, I did though I still have some unanswered questions. +" Hi! I'm sorry to hear about your negative experience. If you still need assistance, DM us with a description of the issue. Thanks! ^ES", I think I'm actually going to stop using this company after that! Friggin ridiculous! Anyone know a better service?? +" Hi there! In order to help you get back into your account please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the... https://t.co/FOHmWiUSu9", I got a new phone number and can't login into my account +" Hey there! My apologies for any frustration this has caused you. If you still need help, please send us DM with m... https://t.co/17Irx69Kkv",…and then put it back on right when I had almost no money in my account mere HOURS before I got paid. +" Hey there! I would be happy to help! Can you please send me a DM with more information in English, as we don't su... https://t.co/gd0E7EVsYZ", الو + Hello! Please check your most recent DM. ^GV, Just sent a dm + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country tha... https://t.co/rcgsV0SAPB, I mistakenly transferred £80 to my paypal over a week ago and still can’t get it back !!! Pending +" I'm glad you reached out! Please send me a DM with further details on your inquiry, I'd be more than happy to assist you further! ^KT", is this you + Hey there! Thank you for bringing this text message to our attention. Please send us a DM and I'll be happy to pr... https://t.co/Sbx9aXjHsT, yeah didn't think so but worth checking! +" Our apologies for the confusion! Can you send us a DM with this information, as well as a screenshot of the Resol... https://t.co/KPQ7iKTOGy https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", __email__ / India + Hey there! We apologize for the inconveniences this has caused. Please send us a DM with the country your account... https://t.co/MiCcO7PRa9 https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, I can't find request payment on my PayPal account +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? I'm... https://t.co/75F5rkUX0G"," I hope so, thanks for the input." +" Hey there, so sorry for the delay in responding to your request. :( We have recently sent you a DM regarding this... https://t.co/oHmQIepMyd", https://t.co/1mSeFWlw6e +" Oh no! If you're concerned there's an issue with your PayPal account because of this, please send us a DM. We'll be happy to help! ^MH", My enormous contribution set off all the alarms 🤣 + I apologize for that! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and more information about your issue. I'll do my best to help. ^KR, Safer than these platforms apparently. And when I void a check it doesn’t work... +" Hi there, Thank you for contacting us via Twitter. Please DM your email address and we would be happy to discuss this with you. ^SLS", I'm expecting a 80% increase and have an issue with the money being held. Can this be fixed or should I used another program? +" Das ist doch schon mal gut. Wie schon gesagt, kann eine Lastschrift bis zu 8 Bankarbeitstage dauern, bis diese ko... https://t.co/U0hbZzV03e", Es wurde jetzt eingezogen aber mein PayPal ist immernoch im Minus? https://t.co/TEPhCCd9YZ + Nous vous informons que c'est un numéro gratuit depuis une ligne fixe en France. Pour connaitre les tarifs des ap... https://t.co/3l85in25OD, bonjour quel sont les tarifs d'appels svp ? + In der Regel sollte die Gebühr bei einem unerlaubten Kontozugriff komplett erstattet werden. Ich gebe es mal an d... https://t.co/67upEPqvIE," Gebühr trotzdem. Fair wäre diese von PayPal oder Käufer zu tragen. 2/2 + +#feedback" + That sounds frustrating. Here's how to dispute the transaction if you don't receive the item: https://t.co/2PDZ7CwyPP. ^DD, Awesome! We have it here and we will reach out shortly! -Ann +" Hey Ashley! Sorry to hear about that. If you still need assistance, please send me a DM! ^DP", DM sent. +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes attachés à satisfaire nos clients. Nous comprenons parfaitement votre situation et no... https://t.co/eO1UdkSocI", non je suis une personne excédée de se combats je me sens comme don Quichotte +" Hi there, if there is something we can help you with can you send us a private message with your email address and more information. ^RD", If only it was just as easy to withdraw money from your PayPal account. You should be investigated! + Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about the issue. I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF," Looking within the online community for a solution to this, I've seen the issue posted before by other Kenyans but never resolved." +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", Dm + I'm sorry to hear of any frustration. This sounds like a difficult situation. Please send a DM with all the infor... https://t.co/yH2kEW817J, So has a support link for double charges coz it’s a normal practice to bill a closed acct & not mail statements?We need more regs!/5 + If you go to our secure messaging center on our website there should be a place where you can email us directly. Hope this helps! :) ^YG, How can I email you without an email address to send to? You don't list any on your website that I can see. +" You can email us, but calling the most effective. You don't have to call our AU branch, your local office should be able to help you. ^DP", I'm not going to incur costs calling an international number to correct a mistake your customer has made. Why can't I email you? + Hi there. We're sorry to hear about this wait time. Please send us a DM with your email address and a description... https://t.co/fHdiQyu8Fy, Mateeeeeee 😡😡😡 https://t.co/hEfZgo71Lu + You're welcome! Have a great day. :) ^BC, Thanks guys have forward the email :) + Hello- I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble with this transaction. Please send me a DM with your PayPal ... https://t.co/zNmKpvfKf8, come on lads why the fuck did you take £50 out of my bank when I ONLY SENT £50 ONCE +" We're sorry to hear about the frustration, and we'd be happy to help. Please DM us your email and details so we can assist. Thanks! ^ANM", You make the insertion fee visible + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response. ^AAR, My card is linked to my address & all I am trying to do is buy 99 pence case from ebay getting delivered to same address. + Hi there! We are sorry to hear you are having issues with your accpunt. Please send us a DM along with your PayPa... https://t.co/kwG4KnY6V0, what about when you actually have a problem with your account? Like the other 167 hours of the week? +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/7tdHOe45Zm", No idea... +" Hello, we're so sorry to hear about your recent experience. Please send me a Direct Message with your PayPal ema... https://t.co/zgK0qEcSxV", sorry about the app issues man. what’s your grailed username? we’re gonna look into it + Hi Ollie! Can you send me a DM with your PayPal email address and a more detailed explanation of what you were trying to do? Thanks! ^YG, Tell me I'm wrong . I'll bring Darth Vader down to the Maidstone game anyway 😂 https://t.co/Rw0ZlwUCIq +" Hello and I am so sorry to hear to hear that you are encountering. Please send me a DM, so that I can work on this further with you. ^JDG", And the back button is broken throughout those pages + Hey there! Please check your DM . :) ^KE," I have done everything asked, and still one week later they are holding onto my hard-earned money" +" Hi there, I'm glad you reached out! Do you have a concern or question you would like addressed? If so, please sen... https://t.co/Tb8UVGpNvk", he pays for illegal things with paypal + Hello! Could you please DM us your PayPal email address along with a description of your problem? We'd be happy t... https://t.co/5LZQ3B9a26, I have money on my PayPal and yet I am unable to make transactions- they're all getting declined. subscription cancelled +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any other screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", https://t.co/AOZRXYOdtr +" Hey, thanks for reaching out to PayPal. I'd be happy to help you. Please send me your PayPal email and the countr... https://t.co/XbEzZ1yEXp", and then you closed it?!?! I've reported this to the police as it's clearly fraud. Please can you help me get my money back??? +" Hi there. It looks like our internal system is denying the payment for security reasons. If you would like more info, send us a DM. :) ^CD", + I'm sorry to hear about the problems with your account. Please send me a DM with your PayPal email address and a ... https://t.co/ublLwlBbEt, Someone on YouTube is going to steal this and make it in their new clickbait “Storytime” videos. +" It wasn't a known issue. We appreciate you bringing it to our attention. If you face this issue again, please send us a DM. ^SP", NVM now it's working again. Was there an issue with the site? + Hello Jacint. Sorry to hear about the inconvenience you're experiencing. If you could DM me with your PayPal emai... https://t.co/DRQ811m8MV," They ask you to send documents, but you cannot send them an email. + +Meanwhile there’s $1400 on my account I cannot access. Thanks " + Hello. We have responded to your DM and we look forward to hearing from you. ^NK, I dm but nobody answered or read +" Hola, por favor envía el correo que recibiste a __email__. Envíanos un DM, si necesitas más información. ^W", entren en Otro navegador y verifiquen en la Pag oficial. https://t.co/eydbCglYkM + Hey there! I'm sorry for the bad experience. Can you DM us with details of the issue? ^AAR, I don’t know if I will use them anymore. +" Hm, du könntest den Empfänger bitten, die Zahlung rückzuerstatten, damit du sie mit dem neuen Konto senden kannst... https://t.co/s2soy2AqgG", Leider nicht. Das Problem ist nur das PayPal ein sehr altes Konto genommen hat welches ich eigentlich schon seit einiger Zeit löschen wollte +" Hast du eine Fehlermeldung bekommen, als du es löschen wolltest? An sich kann das auch der Kundendienst für dich ... https://t.co/s2soy2AqgG", Obwohl ich dieses schon seit Monaten nich mehr benutzt habe (da ich es ja aufgelöst habe) kann ich es nicht löschen? :( +" Es ginge rein technisch nicht. Solang Transaktionen offen sind, geht das Konto nicht zu löschen. Danach sollte es... https://t.co/s2soy2AqgG", Ich nehme an es wäre allerdings besser es jetzt erstmal nicht zu löschen bis die Transaktion mit dem Konto fehlgeschlagen ist? +" Hi, es ist leider nicht möglich, eine Zahlungsmethode zu wechseln, wenn die Zahlung bereits ausgeführt und bearbe... https://t.co/s2soy2AqgG"," das falsche Bankkonto genommen, könntet ihr das fix ändern ;)? (2/2)" +" Bonjour à vous, et merci de nous avoir contacté. Afin que nous puissions au mieux traiter votre demande nous vous... https://t.co/DQm5pmVeAA"," Intéressant, on se base sur quoi maintenant ?" +" We apologize for the delay in your call back, Jeff. It was likely due to a high volume of customers that were ahe... https://t.co/E9Uj7PxvXi"," FIVE HOURS LATER you get back to me, when your system said four (4) times you'd call back in 10 minutes??? I spoke to a human rep finally..." +" Hi, die Transaktion konnte voraussichtlich nicht durchgeführt werden, Kannst du uns deine bei PayPal hinterlegte ... https://t.co/xkVh59hiNq https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," ..nicht mehr zugeordnet werden, wird der Betrag als Guthaben im PayPal-Konto verbucht?" + Hi Jordan! Thanks for reaching out. Can you DM us with details of the refund? ^AAR, ?? +" We apologize but we are unable to DM you directly, this is why we previously requested you send us a DM for furth... https://t.co/Qy0xbejt1x"," It's fixed now, what caused the problem, please reply me in DM, thanks." +" Hi Randy, we haven't received any Direct Message from you. Please let us know when you're able to send us that DM... https://t.co/DCMBiaNmXA"," Hello there, no response for days, I have my card linked to paypal" +" In order to assist you with the issue, we'd need your email and other details. For your safety, this is better sent via DM. Thank you. ^TB", Happy to keep it public. Already raised ticket a week ago and promises broken your side. +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/EbqImg0Ohn", transaction fee by my bank. why did this happen if I used the australian paypal website? 2/2 + I'm sorry to hear that you have been waiting so long for help. Please send me a DM with your PayPal email address... https://t.co/XJMo95nq2O, why 24 hours !? this is not rught + Hello there! We apologize for the inconveniences this has caused. Please send us a DM and we'd be happy to assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, It was a vital question about a broken part of Paypal. +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/6rLdiJXOaW", Hello I'm travelling around Asia and I have an issue with my Paypal account. Can we talk through DM?? + Hi there. We're sorry to hear about this recent interaction. This isn't the kind of experience we like to hear ab... https://t.co/JYh93yVy7q, + We apologize for the confusion. Please send us a DM if you would instructions on how to initiate an instant transfer payment. ^NK," If I knew what instant transfer payments were I’d use them, funnily enough they aren’t a thing on your wonderful app" +" Unfortunately, this process cannot be sped up. Once the funds clear from your bank account into your PayPal balan... https://t.co/COu3Z90Op3", Problem is I’m waiting for this other payment from almost a week ago to go in? I don’t need an instant payment +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details, your PayPal email address, and country so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR"," thank you, i've already sent an email yesterday" + Hey there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM with your email address so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," Your ‘could be covered’ cost me, as a seller, £1100. Even though I had proof of postage and delivery." + Of course! Thank you for the suggestion. You can definitely submit this to our website by clicking 'Feedback' at ... https://t.co/MQGADEPbGy, Thanks for getting back to me. Its not an inconvenience. Bitcoin + Paypal seems like the ultimate combination tho. Dream team. + Hello Orlando. Sorry to hear about this. If you could send me a DM with your PayPal email and a screenshot of thi... https://t.co/8LaUuaXDaX," Somebody scammed me, he paid for more than 20 hours of my services and 15 days later file a complain, now i lost that money+ your chargeback" +" Awesome! Thanks again for reaching out to us, and for being a valued PayPal customer. We hope you enjoy the rest of your day! :) ^RR", Sent! Thank you +" Hello, Terri! Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. Good catch! :) You can also c... https://t.co/k9lPgLQIsG", Hmmmm I see a spelling mistake! It’s not real +" Hi! I see how it's frustrating to wait for your funds. If you need help, please DM us with your PayPal email address. Thank you! ^ES","But also made me link a credit card just so I could “verify” an address. However, we can see how well that worked." +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you can send us a DM with your Pa... https://t.co/31cNLMXoYD https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," It's been two weeks! I had to contact PayPal to get the refund escalated now, so they have to reach in & reverse the transaction themselves😭" +" Hello StarFred, thank you for contacting PayPal customer support. If you are having issues with your PayPal accou... https://t.co/e8MbjFB29a"," Yeah, but like help everyone." +" Hi there! If you still have your issue, can you please send us a DM with more details and your PayPal email addre... https://t.co/weBvZj4YrR"," That is just plainly bs, i had an issue with paypal email them and they never responded pretty shitty service not going to use it ever again" +" Hi there, thanks for reaching out to PayPal Social Customer Care. If you were sent a payment via PayPal and have ... https://t.co/7KOBWQbDR4", My bank account? + Hello there! We have responded to your DM. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA," DM’d you. Really need a reply, been ignored on support for 2 weeks!!" +" Hi Tony, thank you for reaching out to us. If you need assistance, please send us a DM with more details and we will be happy to help. ^DC", After 3 business days called and still can't get a definitive answer. This case is clear-cut and should be close in my favor + Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Can you send us a DM with details of your inquiry so we can provide further assistance? :) ^AAR, Hello? + I am sorry to hear about these long hold times. I have replied to your DM and I can help you through there if you would like. ^GA, 4.5 hours later. Finally on the phone. no help. Afternoon wasted. +" Hey there, we understand that you are quite unsatisfied with our customer service. Please send us a DM at your ea... https://t.co/CbkAjtWauo", FYI! +" Excellent question, Mini. Many of the phone numbers for customer service are local numbers and PayPal does not ch... https://t.co/duA3beQq7z", Is the phone line free? I am from EU so i wouldnt like to pay absurd amounts of money to get my access back. +" Hi there, sorry to hear you're frustrated! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's ... https://t.co/5JOyeVcybR", Shame they don’t understand the meaning of customer service and are happy to keep your money for days but still take their cut!!!!!! +" Hey there, we are sorry to hear that you were charged even after you canceled the subscription. No worries, Here... https://t.co/1gwlVRT41V", a subscription that I cancelled but still went through +" Hey there, that is a great question. Usually money goes straight into the recipient's PayPal. However, there are ... https://t.co/K2RUlNft9i https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Does the money go immediately into the persons pay pal or does it take a few days? +" Hi there Annie, I'm glad you're being cautious with this situation. It's always better to be safe rather than sor... https://t.co/1nLxO029gR"," Through pay pal which is fine, but can he then like take the money back or is this a safe way? Would it help if I had the parcel tracked?" + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding the issue that you're running into and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, How to renewwwwwwwwww how many time need to keep message u !!! +" Hello, Stephanie. Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP", I’d like to know how to take a person off your account without having to spend hours on the phone like I did last time I tried. +" Hi there! :) Unfortunately, we only support English on this page. I understand this is inconvenient, so thank you... https://t.co/7cBXPjFNt4", عندي مشكله القنوات كلها تعمل الا حقت الاطفال وش الحل؟ + Hey there. Please send all suspicious emails to __email__ and we will take a look into this further. Thank... https://t.co/dIE8KC9i9Z," I didnt received it, im informing you that i found phishing domain. Forward this please to your security team and take it down." +" Hi there! Please send us a DM (a private message through Twitter) with that information, and I suggest removing t... https://t.co/eNEbIRLocF", My PayPal email address is __email__ and I’m in the uk + Hola. Por favor llámanos directamente al 01-800-925-0308 (México) para poderte asistir con la recuperación del ac... https://t.co/EleHU1L6hj, cómo confirmar identidad para iniciar sesión si se cambió de numero celular? + Hey there! Thanks for your response. Please send us a DM with more details and we will be more than happy to provide further assistance. ^SB, https://t.co/G8OmMY2Ybu +" Hello Tyler, I understand how confusing it can be to see a date in the past. From the screenshot it looks like yo... https://t.co/tpstzZt28X", I wasn’t even born than 🤔 my mother wasn’t even born yet 😂 +" Hello, thank you for contacting PayPal customer support. I see you have contacted me in Arabic, but at this time ... https://t.co/DwYEpG9UKP", اشتركت معاكم برسوم ١٥٠٠ ريال و لكن تم الحظر بدون مبرر والان اكثر من شهر مماطلة لفك الحظر الغير قانوني . + Hello! Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Please delete the message above containing your email addres... https://t.co/qtbJT1Nhia," each year,i hope paypal can give me justice and my money back,my paypal email:__email__,please do some research." +" Our apologies for the ill experience you've had. Please know that you can dispute transactions as ""Significantly ... https://t.co/ruu7PTBdgv"," It’s not PayPals fault, it’s the sellers in China advertising clothing that look nothing like the actual item advertised, happens a lot." +" Hello Samantha! Did you receive an item significantly not as described? If so, then please DM us with further details for assistance. ^AIM"," It’s shit from China thats the problem, half the things on ebay come from China...i wouldn’t expect anything less! They never match the pic!" +" Hello, Emiliano. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you believe a user does... https://t.co/FnDIu8qAUS", https://t.co/U4g9lYXZte + Hello! Could you please DM us your PayPal email address along with a description of your problem? We'd be happy t... https://t.co/ueEbkEIA17," Reported bug to ebay, they kept saying contact PayPal, despite the desktop workflow *working* in the end, but with a weird workflow." +" Hi Michael, sorry to hear about that trouble with getting money into your account. Please send us a DM and includ... https://t.co/L0yHIlG45g", I'm blocked can't see what they've put + We have received your DM and have responded. Please take a moment to look at it. Thanks! ^ACT," All sent. +Thank you." +" Hello, thank you for sending the DM. I have replied to your DM so please check there for more information. Thank you. ^BB", sent you a DM. Please do look into it as soon as possible. +" Hello Abdullah, I understand how upsetting it can be to get e-mails for an account that is not yours. Please send... https://t.co/PSwg2DHcwV", Kindly respond and solve my problem + We're sorry to hear of the troubles reaching us. Please DM us the email address registered to your PayPal account... https://t.co/j4GFdG8vvr," If I don’t hear back this afternoon, I will be contacting my lawyer to resolve it by my own means" +" Hey there - thank you for being a vigilant customer. It appears the email was not sent by us, please do not click... https://t.co/QhoDZZA3bG"," that is the email I got, the thing is, the email address I use all the time is not bloccked, but an old one is, from years ago. that's fine." +" In that case, I recommend reaching out to that department directly at 866-571-3012, M-Sa (4am-10pm PDT) and Su (7am-7pm PDT). :) ^ALF", That's the page I'm taken to when I try and make a payment on my PayPal Smart Connect. + Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. Send us a DM for further assistance. ^ML," very disappointed, I sent a payment to a wrong email and they won't do anything to help reverse or cancel it." + Hello! We apologize that you are running into this issue. Please check your most recent DM. ^GV, me too + I'm more than happy to help resolve the issue. Could you send us a quick DM with your PayPal email and some more info? :) ^ALF," Allowing fraudulent charges on an expired card is NOT protection, guys! Not answering the phone is crap customer service, too." + Hello. Please be aware that at this time we only support English on this page. If you could rephrase your issue i... https://t.co/rzVpaTwodK, جربتها من اجل تفعيل باقة completولكن تم اقتطاع 300 دولار و تم تفعيل 6 اضهر فقط +" Hello, Simon. Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP", Why can’t I log into the app. Why won’t you respond to my emails. Can’t get past this screen on phone https://t.co/8Gizny3GY4 +" Hello, Dario. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. Can you send us a DM with som... https://t.co/QZQgovoyWe https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", ...the speak to an agent option I've been disconnected every single time. An hour later I'm frustrated and no closer to getting help. + Hey! Sorry to hear of your frustration. Please DM us with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of your Reso... https://t.co/LqKVrrfZdZ," I implement in all my invoices, once something is sent, its out of my hands. It’s problem after that. Yet, refunded her anyway" +" I am sorry for this limitation you are having with your account. When you can, please DM me and I will be happy to help you further. ^GA"," Sorry to chase, but I need to know soon as I have eBay auctions finishing soon and eBay is saying I can't accept payments!" +" Hi Dean, Thank you for contacting us via Twitter. If you receive a payment and withdraw it to your bank account i... https://t.co/vJycNfFfw6", I don't want to send the product if the money is still pending. It usually withdraws money to my bank account instantly? +" Ok, gern. Ich nehme an, bei dieser Transaktion handelt es sich um eine sogenannte Autorisierung. Hierbei autorisi... https://t.co/BCA9NDLSnU", die 2. Abbuchung scheint auch durchgegangen zu sein. Aber ich schick euch jetzt mal per DM meine Emailadresse. Danke! +" It just means Direct Message, and is the private messaging system Twitter offers between users. ^BC", What is a dm + Sorry to hear about this! To look into this please send us a DM with a screenshot of the issue and your PayPal em... https://t.co/Xvy0krTRn7, Please fix this and soon + Por favor envía un DM con tu correo electrónico registrado a PayPal y podremos brindarte ayuda personalizada. Gracias ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," Siempre ocurre lo mismo. Para cobrar están todos listos, pero para devolver el dinero... Son 10€, pero son MIS 10€." + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your account. Please send me a DM so that I can assist you further. ^DT, Why am I locked out in the first place? I logged in from another country. Why? Well because I'm a dual-resident that travels. Simple. +" Hello, I am glad you are being safe! If you are ever unsure about the legitimacy of a message please let us know ... https://t.co/Oc27PBkZyn", yeah I deleted the dm's and it came as report as spam + Thanks for reaching out to us here and showing your interest in PayPal. At this time we do not offer service in y... https://t.co/jAjxCJW4T1, When do you wish to consider my country for having a PayPal card + Hey! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that ... https://t.co/AQVZO83cml, 3/3: the documents can't be more than 6 months old.Does expect me to renew my passpord and id card before time just to unblock this? +" I'm glad you reached out! In order for me to assist you further with your concern, please send me a DM with a scr... https://t.co/ULR5XoIBvf", Refund now received. Thank you Genes Reunited. Still waiting to hear from Pay Pal how to make sure cannot happen again +" We have been having a high amount of contacts, I am sorry for the late response. I will be glad to help if you still have an issue! ^IVS", That’s 5 hours too late. #FAIL + I'm sorry to hear this. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address so we may further assist you with this matter. ^SP, Can anyone update us please? It still doesn't work + Hey! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that ... https://t.co/TdEBB8B37D, I tried on Amazon and my payment was denied. I assume it was because there wasn’t enough in my balance. + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! Please keep in mind that Western Union is a completely separate online paym... https://t.co/r5tve3Werq, Can You Transfer Money Through With A PayPal Currency + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! We are sorry to hear about this situation and we would be more than happy t... https://t.co/1DpplpjSjv, If my account really is gone what the fuck happens to my money? + Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. Send us a DM fro further assistance ^ML, Your Merchant svc rep says I need to submit a ticket? I don't think so! Fix your system! +" Hi Megan, please send us a DM! ^RA", 100% truuueee +" Si vous souhaitez avoir plus de détails concernant ce prélèvement, nous vous conseillons de nous appeler. Pour ce... https://t.co/21oHKRCX07"," Bonsoir, merci mais j’ai reçu une annulation de paiement. Ça fait un peu flipper quand même" +" Hey there, to ensure that this issue is resolved in a timely manner, could you send us a DM, so that we can have ... https://t.co/I7TMhRrOWT", yes but if I have received a payement before to create a paypal account? + Hello. We've sent you a DM. Please take a moment to look at it. Thanks! ^ACT," done, i send you a dm :)" +" Hey, wahlweise kannst du direkt im Konto unter ""Benachrichtigungen"" das Häkchen bei ""Neues von PayPal"" entfernen. :) ^WD", Aber danke für die Anteilnahme. +" Diese Mails würden unter ""Newsletter und Werbeaktionen"" fallen. Dort ist ja das Häkchen bereits entfernt. :) ^WD"," Sie meinen diesen ""nicht abstellbaren"" Haken? https://t.co/N3jPEP4Yds" +" Hm, seltsam. Wenn du uns via DM deine im Konto hinterlegte E-Mail-Adresse schickst, lassen wir es gern mal intern überprüfen. ^WD"," Dieser Link lenkt mich nach Anmeldung nur auf meine Kontoseite (https://t.co/w2RNNnUXT8), wo ich - wie wir bereits feststellen - das nicht abschalten kann." +" I'm sorry to hear about this. If you'd like some help, please send me a DM with your PayPal email address and som... https://t.co/M4Or0tYvFC"," + +We will never use PayPal again. + +#BDSBigCorps" + Hello there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," + +Total bullshit,I've never received a single penny refund +Many undelivered items over the years +I won't be using PayPal again" + Hi Mark! Please send me a DM! ^RA," Transfered money to a friend and it's still saying 'Payment Pending' for some reason, money in my account, and his account is active.." +" Hello there! Sorry for the delayed response, but I just replied to your DM. Thanks for your patience! :) ^SB"," Hi, I have done this, but have had no reply or update." + I'm so sorry about that! I'm happy to help you here on Twitter if you'd like! Can you send me a DM with your Pay... https://t.co/dNxqb2i9ZN," 👎🏼👎🏼 Emailing didn’t help, CALLING was handled extremely unprofessional and rude. YALL SUCK!" + Please send me a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the email you received so that I can help you with this. ^NEM, Every time I receive that email I think that someone else has been using my account and go into panic mode +" If there are any issues that you experience through your PayPal account, or if you would like any assistance in t... https://t.co/aSXV7tNmjk", In a word no! + You're welcome! Have a good night! :) ^HYC, Thanks! +" Hi Catherine, we are truly sorry about any negative experience but we appreciate your patience. If you still need... https://t.co/H0lFiLysQi",Must continue to post so I️ can relive the memories for years to come. And share. do you think the supervisor has forgotten me? https://t.co/GzNiVKeh2C +" Bonjour à vous, navrés de l'apprendre. Merci de nous envoyer votre adresse email PayPal en privé pour remonter vo... https://t.co/tVB87U2dSY", Il y a un message d'erreur qui apparaît sur notre site quand les clients payent avec vous ! Que se passe-t-il ? Pq ne l'arrangez vous pas ? +" We are so sorry to hear about this negative experience. For assistance with your account, please send us a DM. We... https://t.co/zykCrCE4DQ", Spent my balance and closed my account. PayPal customer service is a waste of time and useless + Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about the issue. I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF, I did trust them until they won't let me withdraw my money.... fumming + Hi! I see how this is concerning. Could you send us a DM? I will be happy to help you. Thank you! ^ES, Just don’t want his private financial details to be compromised. + Hi! I see how this is concerning. Could you DM us with your PayPal email address? Thank you. ^ES," Ok, thanks, I contacted and asked them to investigate as it highlights a potential security issue with their account interface." +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^IVS ^IVS", I'll pop by if it means you'll let me withdraw my money. +" Nuevamente lamentamos el inconveniente. Estaremos disponibles en DM, cualquier cosa. ¡Saludos! ^W"," Gracias, en realidad creo es tema de pues ni haciendo el cargo a la tarjeta ni por paypal lo acepta, lo malo es que no contestan" +" Hola, lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Si necesitas ayuda de nuestra parte, envíanos un DM. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," ya me ayudó a revisar mi tarjeta hicimos pruebas y ni siquiera llega el cobro ""previo"" que hacen al pedir servicio" +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thanks for your patience. ^ES", Thanks DM'd you +" Hi! I can see how this is frustrating. If you need assistance with the dispute, feel free to DM us with your PayPal email. Thanks! ^ES", I lost $800 just because the buyer doesn’t recognize the transaction after I uploaded shipping record! Hilarious! https://t.co/njpMYiT9Kq +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out to PayPal. Please DM me your PayPal email & a screenshot of any error messages... https://t.co/4jCCo68R5b", Erh? Hello? why no response? + Thanks for reaching out! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and more information about your issue. I'd be happy to help. ^KR," Dear I have asked your orders from 17 November 2016 +So far I haven't heard anything?!?!" + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! At this time this page only offers customer support in English. Please send... https://t.co/S1WZlOfTZY, يابي ان نحن نعاني منكم +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. I am sorry for any negative experience you have had. Can you DM us with ... https://t.co/F7obMBiJst", Please respond ASAP your 96628322 number amount returned quickly. + I am sorry to hear that. We try our best to reach out to all our customers in a timely manner. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. ^YG," whats the point now idc bout that paypal, i just made a new one." +" Hello, I understand how important it is to get your issue resolved in a timely manner. I hate to hear that your i... https://t.co/g56ITPSIzE", they r just gonna ignore u like what they did to me + Super! Nous sommes content d'apprendre la résolution de votre demande et resterons à votre disposition si vous avez des questions :). ^AG," J'ai normalement résolu le problème avec la personne, (double paiement pour cause de carte invalide puis paiement passé)." +" Ich kann deinen Unmut verstehen. Ich kann das gerne prüfen lassen, wenn du mir in einer DM deine registrierte E-Mail-Adresse sendest. ^FV", Von den wütenden Mails von eBay Kunden ganz zu schweigen. Alles mit meinem Namen versteht sich. +" Okay, vielen Dank für die Infos. Du solltest es auf jeden Fall mal mit einer Guthabenaufladung probieren. Es hört... https://t.co/KsDiJZvHMn", Das mit dem Guthaben habe ich noch nicht probiert da das überall sonst ja auch funktioniert. Nur beim Verbinden mit dem Nintendo-Konto nicht + Kann ich verstehen. Allerdings wird im Hintergrund eine Zahlungsvereinbarung mit dem Händler geschlossen. Probier... https://t.co/KsDiJZvHMn, Finde das sehr merkwürdig da ich da ja nicht mal eine Zahlung tätige sondern nur das Konto verbinden möchte. Naja ich werde es probieren... +" Hi there, Kate! I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems logging in. Your best option is to give us a call s... https://t.co/v382vZgudy", https://t.co/NiZwLqXbDU +" Hi! I apologize, but I'm unable to communicate in Arabic. Could you please send us a DM with an English translation? I'm happy to help! ^ALF", ارجو الر + I am sorry to hear that you are having issues getting a refund. If we can be of any help please send us a DM with... https://t.co/TLUpeX3aus, I booked with on 1/1/17- currently they are saying that they won't refund because this is more than 180 days ago- is this right? +" Hi there, we're sorry for the delay and we're here to help! If you could please send us a DM with the email addre... https://t.co/Cjw0bg0VCn"," ""please respond to this email"" looks further down ""dont respond to this email"" what do i actually do here ?" +" I am sorry for this trouble with your card. When you can, please delete the picture off public Twitter and send i... https://t.co/U2TS7HxGXk", Okay + Happy to hear this! Have a great day. ^ES," Thank you much! Derrick got back to me by email today and send link to the button factory directly, so that's working. Thank you!" + Hi! I see how this is concerning. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of those transactions? Thank you! ^ES, When there should only be one +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. I will be glad to assist you, though we only offer support in English. P... https://t.co/0vsLf5BK5S", تم السداد لكن الى الان لم يتفعل الاشتراك + I am sorry to hear your funds are being converted automatically. In order to better assist you please send us a D... https://t.co/uAEByiLxTq, How can I stop autoconverting please? +" Hey, Josh. We are sorry to hear about your experience. If you need further assistance, please send us a DM with y... https://t.co/LyxlV82Mj1", They did this to me both before and during FixSmart as well. Never could resolve it. I expect the same this time. It’s crazy. + Thank you for updating us about this. We hope they are able to resolve this issue and please let us know if any f... https://t.co/DDpX4y1KBO, it was an issue as they have now confirmed this. + Hello Isaac! Thanks for providing your email address. Please send us a DM regarding your concern. This way we'll ... https://t.co/oHrNGhK41U, The email address is __email__. Please push the payment through YESTERDAY so the merchant can ship the equipment YESTERDAY!!! + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country tha... https://t.co/lCE9J9zutC," That code won't show up on statement for a couple of days so deleted card, will I get small charge back?" +" Hi, I'm sorry you're having this issue! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the deta... https://t.co/qzeaTX5baf", +" Hi Promoth! Go ahead and check your DM's, I replied there! :) ^CD", Please Answer to me PayPal starting to Bangladesh now? + Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP, I've tweeted you guys twice about a problem I have and no response still??????? Hello PayPal???? +" Hi there! Unfortunately, this page does not support Spanish as a language. I recommend reaching out to the Spanis... https://t.co/oGvBL1pZwF"," Qué dices, ?" + I'm sorry to hear you had to wait longer than expected. It usually takes 3 - 5 business days to transfer money fr... https://t.co/dpmADHC4Sb, I’m no longer waiting on my money but it took a day instead of 30 minutes. +" Hello, I understand how upsetting it can be to have a fee charged and not receive the money in the time frame exp... https://t.co/dpmADHC4Sb", I was transferring it from PayPal to bank account. Charged 0.25 for 30 minute delivery. Wasn’t 30 minutes. +" I am sorry to hear about this trouble you have had with this transfer. If you need any further help, please DM me and I can help. ^GA"," nah, i should have asked for the ticket first." +" Hi there, sorry to hear about the trouble with your account. Please include your email address in a DM, we'll be ... https://t.co/GQHPYk6CIe"," Lol who knows, they've certainly taken their cut of my money as it is over the years" + We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that your ... https://t.co/QpdpbjKxqf, I have accessed that page. I have not succeeded in finding the total amount of money I have ever received via the platform as I wanted +" You can see all of your transaction through the Activity page. If you need help finding it or anything else, please DM me. Thank you! ^GA", How can I view all the amount of money I have ever received via Paypal? + I am sorry to hear about this trouble with uploading this file. Please send me a DM with you PayPal email address... https://t.co/TyVaR1OrCA," Still broken ... Click ""attach file"" ... shows (8%) upload, then stalls there, and finally shows this screen. https://t.co/rzi729GSa7" + Our sincerest apologies for the delay in getting back to you. Our queues have been pretty backed up lately. If yo... https://t.co/RS9zE0Nprx, Y'all too late now 😑😑😑 + Hey there! Could you please send us a DM along with your PayPal email address? We'd be happy to help you further there. Thanks! ^ACT," Hi! Can't see ""unclaimed"" or ""cancel"" anywhere - just says money sent. What can I do?" +" Hey there, so sorry to hear about the current situation. :( We have recently sent you a response via DM, so pleas... https://t.co/IUrAkCLAkM", I have Dmd you however I have no reply ✌🏼 +" I'm sorry to hear of any frustration, Elliot. Please send a DM with your PayPal email, country, and a screenshot of the issue. ^IN", That's new to me but I love it 😂 +" Thank you for the information, but I recommend deleting your previous post, and moving this conversation to DM, s... https://t.co/biLIXGXrXp"," this shows my email address and what it shows for the other person , my email is (__email__) https://t.co/VlzDxwww2z" +" Sounds good! Please still forward it to __email__ if possible, so we can prevent phishing emails like this... https://t.co/COUDKemfGv", No need I know it’s fake. I don’t have a paypal account +" I'm sorry to hear that, please DM me your email address, and the email address you're receiving these messages fr... https://t.co/COUDKemfGv", I usually do. Been getting them for years +" Hello, I'm so sorry to hear about your recent experience. Please send me a Direct Message with your PayPal email... https://t.co/tpDIkBRgpI", #PayPal should be embarrassed for not knowing their policies! How is it fair that you get penalised for their mistakes. Surely Paypal can play back the recorderd conversations. They should do the right thing and admit fault. They take fees from us & provide substandard service. +" Hallo, tut mir leid, dass der Fall gegen dich entschieden wurde. Falls du unzufrieden damit bist, kannst du uns g... https://t.co/9BSmvNiMEs"," Kann doch nicht sein, dass ich dann mein Geld nicht wieder bekomme" + Hi James! My sincerest apologies for any inconvenience you've been through. Please send us a DM regarding your co... https://t.co/B10LPByNfM, Nothing but scam artist !!! + Hello. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have notified the relevant team about this. Please let us... https://t.co/IU7oEaL0l5, Just instruct your communication partner to only use links to your own domain. +" Hi there, thank you for reaching out. At this time, this page only supports English. Please send us a DM with you... https://t.co/K2fvrGtrKF", عندي مشكلة في الاشتراك الخدمة مش شغالة من يومين ؟؟ +" Hi Tobia, we currently do not have any updates about that! Please see this page for some additional information a... https://t.co/nbFOOXQkDi", Do you have anything to share about letting users set up Two-Factor Authentication via app (instead of via SMS)? +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. Just to clarify, do you need assista... https://t.co/hiyMzcNVjv https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", I got nothing + We're sorry to hear of the emails you're receiving. Can you please send us a DM with the email address you're rec... https://t.co/DuOBFtm4gi," Instead, I will do nothing and the will do nothing and UK companies will continue to ignore the law and send spam to UK residents." +" I am glad your issue got resolved, this sounds like it a web issue. Just in case I recommend you clear cached and... https://t.co/XLgC60umgi"," Never mind, it came back up after ~10 minutes." +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thanks for reaching out. ^ES"," what those are a real thing............hahahahahahah lol.....Jking man has always been the sh*t, Never let me down anyway...👏👏👏👏🍻🍻" +" When you can, please delete the tweet with your phone number. We cannot call you, but I can still help through DM... https://t.co/YijiB7FrZU", + 57 312 686 7286 please call me +" Since your bio mentions France, that is our French support number. It is in local time. I hope this helps! ^IVS", Contact. Support. Please. (Sic) https://t.co/pkEmu6rvQV +" Hello, Sara. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you can send us a DM with s... https://t.co/jCwDgWsYnl https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Did Paypal change the %? It was 5% now I realize is 6.45% and I was not informed. tks +" Oh, good! We're glad to hear that! :) Thanks again for reaching out to us, and for being a valued PayPal customer... https://t.co/USzLLezQsB", //I’ve already fixed that! That was a simple wrong! Thank you so much guys! Nace work! // +" Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you can send us a DM with some clarifica... https://t.co/nnv36aqaeQ https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", please help. +" Hola, para protección de nuestros usuarios es importante que tu cuenta este verificada. Si tienes más dudas envíanos un DM. ¡Saludos! ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Claro, tienes algo que decir al repecto?" + Hey there! My apologies for the confusion this may have caused you. Please send us a DM and I'll be happy to prov... https://t.co/PlprnaJbTB, I thought it would’ve been in there as long as it was transferred before 10-11PM :( +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? I'm... https://t.co/ups1K4mTme"," . I can find another address listed, but that's not the one I want to delete. It's the only one on the list." +" Hello Mokhlas, thank you for contacting PayPal customer support. On this Facebook page support is only provided i... https://t.co/PIxBNjtj5R", لهذا بعد اليوم لا انصح احد بالتعامل مع هذه الشركه مطلقا للاسف اثبتوا لي انهم شركه فاشله برغم النجاح الي حصلت عليه من يوم ما فتحت + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country tha... https://t.co/Ut8qFuCHfy," (""It's my money and I need it now!!!"")" +" Hey there! Sorry to hear that. If you are looking to open a dispute, please DM us with the email address linked t... https://t.co/aKIklTp16d"," Heads up if this doesn't get fixed by me getting the crates I order or a full refund, then the charges need disputed" +" I apologize or the delay, as we do answer messages in the order they are received and are experiencing a high vol... https://t.co/wQODYeCrjc", Took that long for a reply I've spent hours sorting it myself +" Hello and I am so sorry to see that your funds aren't there. Would you please send me a DM with more information,... https://t.co/wQODYeCrjc", ??? + Hello and I am sorry to hear that you are having issues with making a payment. Can you please send me a DM with m... https://t.co/WEeImgowPy, + Hey! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that ... https://t.co/tSqOthq4hr, A lot of activity so close together. I don't have any cards registered on my account. Can you please help? + Hey there. I am sorry to hear about this issue. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and I will be happy to help. ^BV, Sidenote - the gentleman who took my payment was unable to update my email address to evan.com ; am I able to use that email ❓ + Hello! Our sincere apologies for the delay in our response. We have recently responded to your DM. Please check y... https://t.co/z3MK1AY6WU, 😘 +" In this case, make sure to send the payment as goods and services and not friends and family. From there, if some... https://t.co/2wCLTlmHm1", - has scammed me? + Oh okay! We are happy to hear that your issue has been resolved. Thank you for bringing this to our attention though! Have a great day. ^LAR, Looks like it was fixed overnight. + I can assure you that PayPal is not doing this - it sounds like this is likely an issue with the device that you're using. :) ^KK," My question is not how to fix anything. Question is why is paypal doing this, and what private information is being disclosed to 3rd party" +" Hello, I'm sorry to hear you're having that issue. For help, please send us a DM with your PayPal email and a screenshot of that. ^AL", What's the best way of contacting PayPal to discuss this further? +" Hello Simon, thanks for reaching out about this suspicious email. Please forward it to __email__ so our se... https://t.co/SscqNRtOEj", Looks it. The email address is a big giveaway for a start. I never click these sort of things anyway. I go straight to the PayPal app or site directly + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response! ^LAR, Because I was hoping they’d sort it by now so I could watch the game I’ve followed since 85. + Thanks for reaching out about this suspicious email. Please forward it to __email__ and our security team will take care of it. ^IN, Â +" Hi there! Our sincerest apologies for the delayed response. Please send us a DM regarding your concern, and we'll... https://t.co/wEPIhpUX8j", y’all don’t want to tweet now? + I am sorry you are having this trouble with your card. I replied to your DM and I can help you further there. Thank you! ^GA," Real PayPal emails will ALWAYS use your first and last name when addressing you, not your email as shown." +" Hi there! Can you please send us a DM with more details and your PayPal email address, so that we may try to assist? Thank you! ^NR", I sent a message on there website and I got a silly reply from them giving me a step by step on how to add a debit/credit card on! +" Hi Keegan, sorry to hear about the trouble with lifting those limits. Please send us a DM and include your email ... https://t.co/ZXc2zKQOLr"," Especially awesome since I can't do anything until I do. Great site design guys, really nailing it." +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of your Resolution Center? :) Thanks! ^EHMB", but ive never used it before +" Hello, If you are having any issue with a purchase that was made using your PayPal account please send me a DM so I can further assist. ^BB", smh +" Hello, Matt. We apologize for the frustration this situation has caused for you! If you can send us a DM with you... https://t.co/IVwv3JkoSW https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Nope..... just hopeless, imagine seeing a fraudulent transaction and not being able to even report it straight away..woeful" +" If you are needing assistance with your account, please send us a DM with your PayPal email and more information about the issue. ^RJM", FACTS CUZ OWES ME MONEY +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes désolés de l'apprendre :(. Merci de venir par DM muni de l'adresse email rattachée à ... https://t.co/jZ3wShXVBQ", J'ai besoin de ses PRODUITS et via le site le payement est tout le temps refusé à cause de votre mise en attente !! + Es kann auch durchaus länger dauern. Schau doch mal auf der Schufa-Webseite. Dort gibt es viele interessante Info... https://t.co/Gf10tzt6h1," naja, bleibt ja nur drin bis es ausgeglichen ist - also in 14 Tagen dann bezahlt ist" +" Vom Händler angeboten, ja. Aber dennoch läuft unser Sicherheitsprogramm und lässt in Einzelfällen das Lastschrift... https://t.co/dFuyF0veHH"," Es wird ja angeboten, aber es geht trotzdem nicht. 🤔" +" Hi Shannon, we are sorry to hear that you are having an issue paying on the app with 2FA. We'd be happy to have t... https://t.co/fDOb9PatvC"," So I can't buy anything via your app if I wanna pay w/ PayPal bc I have 2fa turned on. When it asks for code, it says ""something went wrong""" + Good eye! That definitely isn't a PayPal email. You can go ahead and forward the email to __email__. For m... https://t.co/Sfmehmu0co, I Just received this email is it from you guys or spam? As it looks bit funny to me. Let me know plz and thank you 4 your services 👍 https://t.co/uYeoiZD89O +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, can you send us a DM, so that we can have t... https://t.co/jRWFNTwswN", Lol boy pay pal ass + Thank you for reaching out about your email being used on another account! I know how frustrating it can be when ... https://t.co/zgx3jCC2OU, And all your communication options require logging in to an account I don’t have. + Hey there! I'm sorry to hear that this transfer was taking longer than expected. Please send us a DM with more de... https://t.co/dhQzuRG1G5, Okay not really but seriously it said it takes like 30 mins for it to transfer and its been about 2 almost 3 days 🙄🙄 + Hi! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that y... https://t.co/xgDyhj3evk, Glad they opened a dispute for you. Do you have any advice for me? + Hello! I'm sorry to hear that you had a bad experience! Please DM me some more information so I can assess this further! ^GH, I have been trying to speak to someone today instead of your automated service about a seller supplying me with counterfeit- fake goods !!! + Hey! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that ... https://t.co/BXgmRRnSHu, Facebook already scanned phone without permission why would I want them anywhere near my account details??? +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of what you're seeing? ... https://t.co/BZz9Qz5uFY", probably should have sent this to too. + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. This is definitely inconvenient! Please send us a DM so we can assist ... https://t.co/o7jGHD0WHX, I'm running a business. This is unacceptable! + We apologize for the negative experience. If you would like further assistance please send us a DM. ^GR, I spoke to numerous of people and my problem was never solved. + This might be happening because the add is trying run and so your phone is turning your music app off so the musi... https://t.co/6EP6yxqxMJ, What are you talking about? The banner ad you have in the app keeps turning my music off whenever the banner shows up. +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out! If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have this issue resolved ... https://t.co/1pYEu7ua4I", They did have something set up online but not sure if still there + Hey! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country that ... https://t.co/iNFAdHl9mD, Why did it convert to AUD without permission? +" Hi there, thank you for reaching out and bringing this to our attention. To better assist you, please send us a D... https://t.co/ILW8FyUePN", I want to know why Dio is a flagged word +" I'm sorry to hear that you've had a bad experience with our services! If you'd like, it would be my pleasure to a... https://t.co/gc54HpuNlz", No thanks. Pay pal is scam. I went with a outside merchant account for my ebay site. No more worries about freezes that are unethical + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country tha... https://t.co/HXMjn0YWsL, how do i cancel this order???? + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! If there is an issue with making a purchase using your PayPal account pleas... https://t.co/VLFxtbRiPc," Well, wound up with tickets off to the side, but I guess at least I have them? Those center mid ones were totally going to be mine though! 😭" +" Hi there, thank you for bringing this to our attention. If you still need assistance please send us a DM with a s... https://t.co/lms9rKVYDP", They down for everyone it seems + Bonjour à vous. Nous sommes disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez nous faire part de votre expérience.Veuillez nou... https://t.co/z9Ni3xOtkZ, arnaque paypal #arnaque #escroc #paypal +" Hi there! I understand that this is frustrating. Can you send me a DM, so I can assist you better? ^AAR", d AskPayPal unfortunately the money has not yet been credited as PayPal advised it would. +" Please, try again. If it's still not working, let me know. ^AAR", d have used d for direct but is that not working? + Hey there! We have received and replied to your DM. Please check your messages as soon as you get a chance. ^BC, i literally have $94 in return charge fees because i didn’t know my uber account was still tied to your service. so please refund me the $94 thanks + Hello Moeez - We would love to help. Can you please DM us with your PayPal email?, No resolution to this then? Literally have not cleared anything up. It has been 7 days since I tried to withdraw funds. +" I am sorry for the inconvenience, but am glad that we could keep you secure. ^JDG", What is the point of your service if it takes ages every single time I want to use it? Useless. +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", I got charged 4k for a breathing treatment. A breathing treatment! I was sent home four hours later. + I'm sorry to hear of this experience! I know that it can be concerning when you receive a phone call and are not ... https://t.co/skJ0SjRf96, I just want to know why they phoned me this time. +" Due to our strict privacy policy we are unable to discuss account specifics through social media. In general, as ... https://t.co/skJ0SjRf96", They kept me on the phone for 10 mins and then admitted they didn’t know why they called + I am sorry for the trouble this has caused. Please DM me and I can help you through this. ^GA," Can U tell me why they phoned? Because having been on hold for 5 minutes, your customer service agent said she had no idea why I was called" +" I am sorry to hear about this trouble with the phone lines. If you would like, please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA"," If you want to contact me, don’t wait for me to call back, at least call the right number. No desire to use your fraudulent service anyway" +" You can DM us, by going to our Twitter page and clicking ""Send a private message "" on our pinned tweet. :) ^JDG", How do I DM you? +" We'd really like to help you, but for security reasons, can you please send us a DM? ^EL", I requested 250 pounds from my account. +" Hey there, if you could send us a DM with your PayPal email address and additional details on the situation, then... https://t.co/D1vGVxdqzQ", Why does it take days to get money from paypal supposed to be instant +" You- sorry, your friend could always use a voice changer. ^ZT"," It'll be a bit awkward talking to my boss though. Sorry, my friends boss." +" Hi there Nicholas, +You can always file a claim but you'll probably have better luck just giving them a call. ^ZT"," If I've ordered a Domino's Pizza and it's not as described, can I make a claim then? Asking for a friend." +" In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you ar... https://t.co/n3c8rRisfn", Omg- are you able to delete your link and make a new one without deleting the account? +" I am glad everything is okay. If you ever need anything, please feel free to reach out to us. ^GA", Already resolved with help from team +" Excellent, we're delighted to hear that! Please let us know if there is ever anything else we can assist you with... https://t.co/eFUiEG9kqy"," Thank you very much, your awesome head office helped resolve the situation!" +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", + Hello! Could you please DM us your PayPal email address along with a description of your problem? We'd be happy t... https://t.co/QU4KBPLhgP, Due to a company who now could careless about customer satisfaction. +" Sure thing, Martin. Keep taking great photos. Thanks for reaching out, and thank you for using PayPal! ^TB"," OH awesome, good to know, thanks!" + Hi there- Can you please DM us with further information on the issue? We would love to help! :)! ^KE, Please? +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening or s... https://t.co/xHJy5fUUii", both) + Hello there! Please send us a DM! ^RA, that when you fucking billed me everything was down in puerto rico and y'all don't give a fuck cos all you fucking care about is the cash + Thank you! :) ^ALF, I responded to the DM! :-) + We understand resolving a restriction can be a frustrating process. Please send us a DM with the email address on... https://t.co/6mTogO82UE, I get promised a fix the next day everyday for an entire month now. + Excellent! We look forward to receiving your DM with the details. :) ^AP," Thanks, will DM you now" + I'm glad to hear that! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week. ^KT, I’m fine now thanks + We're sorry to hear about this situation & would be happy to look into this for you. Please DM the details for further assistance. ^EB ^EB," tell my freak'in bank account mate.. + +the instantly got powered off and put back in the packaging never to be turned back on. + +blacklisted Microsoft on my Paypal account + +have disconnected from ALL bank accounts and cards + +loath them both massively now !" + Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP," I keep getting ""we're experiencing technical difficulties"" after doing one." + I'm sorry for any confusion. Please send me a DM for further assistance. ^DT, Thanks for not listening. I did all these steps and still can’t withdraw my money...... + Hey there! We have responded to your DM and look forward to hearing from you. ^NK, Sent a dm thanks + Hello - We would love to assist you. If you have any questions please DM us with your PayPal email and your country., I would like to order something but I also don't if you're not going to get your money omg +" Hello Jaynath, I understand how important it is to regain access to your PayPal account. Since the number on your... https://t.co/xnFCfAYw1R", Can you hlp me 2 recover password. Am not using the old phone number + Hi there! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Can you please send us a DM with a screenshot of the email? ^AAR, ??????? + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM so I can help out? ^IT, + Hello. I definitely see how that's concerning. Could you DM us with your PayPal email? I'm here to help. Thanks you! ^ES, They saying because I sold Bitcoin. Well its not clear anywhere and its linked through eBay. +" Hi! Please delete the tweets with your email address. We want to make sure that information remains private, so please send us a DM. ^ALF", Its __email__ you need to make it clear to everyone. PayPal does not like Bitcoin. + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that! Can you send us a DM with details of the issue? ^AAR," PayPal holding my $20,000 ransom for 180 days. I have kids to feed. 15 yrs working you suddenly close my account. Where did trust go" + Hi there! I'm replied to your DM's. Thanks for your patience. ^AAR, Wow this tweet is 13 hours ago. Still no reply. +" Hey Laura. Sorry to hear about that. If you would still like further assistance with this, you can go ahead and s... https://t.co/42m89Kvgy6", No need of more “assistance” from y’all since the only solution you provided was to close my account 👍🏻👍🏻 +" We appreciate your feedback, as we're always looking for ways to improve our service. Thanks for reaching out, again! ^CRG"," Lol just make it easier for people to change their name on Paypal. It shouldn't require more ID than my bank needs. And a preferred name option would be ideal, for people who haven't yet legally changed their name." + I'm sorry to hear of your bad experience! Please let me know over DM if you'd like any further assistance. ^KT, Update: they finally emailed saying they'd changed the name about an hour after I'd complained and tweeted this + Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Please send us a DM with details of the issue you're encountering! ^AAR," just $1 someone scammed me out of $200 trying to get cash back doesn't care ;(" +" I know that it can be concerning when a process is different from what you're used to! If you'd like, please send... https://t.co/M8GVoYuMrn", I just did a small transfer like you said & it was instant. Don’t understand why using the PayPal Here app is taking days then. Oh & if is reading this it’s about time you created the main PayPal app for the iPad too & not just the iPhone. + Hello! Please check your most recent DM. ^GV," I sent in my info, I have not yet got a response. Please assist, thank you :)" +" Hi! I'm sorry to hear about the issue with processing payments. If you need help with this, DM us with more details. Thanks! ^ES", Yeah of course! Maximise the most you can for the cause! +" Hi there! In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the coun... https://t.co/hXye1XbdKD", So it might be £1567.68 through Paypal which is still amazing but trying to donate £2000 with GiftAid first + Hi there- Can you please DM us with further information on the issue? We would love to help! :)! ^KE, So can we pay indian #Paypal account with other indian paypal account? Or is it just for merchant payments?? +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have... https://t.co/jFlavfWIcM", If only it was that simple + Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. Send us a DM for further assistance. ^ML," why you send me email on not exist account, can you explain? https://t.co/I2WYGINn2y" + You are welcome. :) ^NM, Awesome! Thank you. +" Hello, I understand how important it is to make sure that a payment is legit. All that is needed to send money to... https://t.co/wYFsURSOse", Fuck up mate +" Hello! Did you need assistance with your PayPal account? If so, please send us a DM. ^GR", Yes David +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. I will be glad to assist you, though we only offer support in English. L... https://t.co/YxAqMm0FB1", Jgn kawan paypal. +" Hey there! I can confirm that this email is not from us. When sending an email, we don't include any links. With ... https://t.co/nF1MrhrFB6", Canada! + Hello! Sorry for the delay in replying! Please check your DMs and let us know if you have other questions. Thanks! ^MW, Pm + Hello! Could you please DM us your PayPal email address along with a description of your problem? We'd be happy t... https://t.co/CI2KLJSlBt, Why are other people getting reply backs but not me? + That is great to hear. Enjoy the rest of your day! :) ^YG," No need, but thank you! Your colleagues have sorted it all out for me this morning and my money has been refunded 🙌🏻" + I am sorry to hear about this trouble with the cross border fee. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA," I've always done family/friend pay so Unnerving ate the fee. +It used to be just $0.30 + 2.9% now across borders (I'm Canadian) it's $3 + $0.30 + 2.9% +Unnerving will still eat the fee, but now bitch about it until it feels normal." + That is great to hear! Enjoy the rest of your day. :) ^YG," It's ok now, thanks!" +" Glad to hear that. :) +If you encounter any issues in the future, please let us know. Thanks and have a great day! ^AI"," It's fine now, I eventually got it sorted out." +" Hi there Jake, +We apologize for the delay in getting back to you. Please DM us and we'll be happy to help you out. ^ZT", Please help me! +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. We will be happy to assist you with this. Please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/25pON8ZP2G"," for sure, DM away!" +" Sounds good! Thank you for your feedback, we will definitely keep that in mind. ^LAR"," I've managed to speak with your phone support and they are investigating. I'll DM if I don't hear from them in a couple of days. But I do question how sensible the procedure is, generally speaking. You should always give a reason if you close an account." + Hi there! I'm sorry for the delay. I've replied to your DM! ^AAR, please check DM + Hey there! Sorry to hear that. We would be more than glad to clarify this situation for you. Please send us a DM ... https://t.co/IQyNe1ehGW," luckily, my account only had £8 on it. But I wonder what credibility a behaviour like this lends to businesses who might want to use PayPal to receive payments, knowing their account might be closed with no further communication possible." +" Hi John, there was a mass text sent out that was not from PayPal. Go ahead and look into your account, and as lon... https://t.co/Bm4R0V5Ljq"," To be honest, I ignored the text message as there was no way to tell it wasn't spam or a virus" + Hey! Check your DM's we replied to you there. :) ^CD, Can anyone answer me i ask for help like 7 hours again too :( +" Hello! For assistance with your PayPal account, please send us a DM. ^GR", Any help?? +" I'm sorry to hear this! If you ever need help, feel free to DM us. Have a great day. ^ES", I was trying to log in to pay. I gave up. +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? :) Thanks! ^EHMB", Any chance of you stop emailing me about updates + Hola. Envíanos un DM con los detalles y con gusto te podremos asistir. ^LS https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," el dinero que sea, es dinero y no tienen por que hacerme ningún maldito cargo" + Hi! I'm sorry to heat this. Please DM us with your PayPal email. We're happy to help you. Thank you. ^ES," someone else besides my brother was currently on my 2nd account junkrat and ""ironically it was in the same exact game vs me."" i am reporting this. btw." + Happy to hear this! Have a great day. ^ES, you guys fixed it !! + Hello. Very sorry to hear about the inconvenience you've been experiencing. If you could send a DM with your PayP... https://t.co/jWV3pNLfvs, Can you give me the details of someone at your Sydney office who can deal with this matter as it’s been nearly 6 months and I’m over the + Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about the issue. I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF, . How can you help? You can tell you pals over at to make refunded money available immediately to the purchaser instead of being held hostage while the transaction clears ... +" Hallo, sorry zu hören, dass du Probleme mit einer Bestellung hast. Wenn du uns per DM deine im Konto hinterlegte ... https://t.co/aVRQm74U3h"," Der #käuferschutz ist NICHS wert...man wird beschissen von vorne bis hinten und kann nichts tun, sondern muss brav zahlen, für etwas, was man nicht bekommen hat." + Bonjour à vous et désolés de ne pouvoir vous répondre que maintenant :(. Je vous confirme que cette adresse n'est... https://t.co/BBcwxD6DVk, Coucou 👋 + I've gone ahead and responded to your DM. Please take a look when you have the opportunity! Thanks for your patience. ^JGP, Please check my reply + Hey there! We have received and replied to your DM. Please check your messages as soon as you get a chance. ^BC, Please check my DM +" Bonsoir à vous ! Par mesure de sécurité, nous ne pouvons pas cliquer sur le lien reçu. Serait-il possible de passer par DM ? ^SB", Merci pr votre disponibilité 😒 https://t.co/VVtLsLp7Uu + Hi there. We're sorry to hear your account has been limited. Please send us a private message with your email add... https://t.co/5ycS4MjHEP, U motherfuckers limited my account behind bitcoin sales wen ebay allows it...paypal is trash + We have responded to your dm. Please check your messages., Check your dm as it's making me worry + Please check your messages for a response from us., Please check dm +" Hello, Jen. Thank you for reaching out to us, and for sending us a DM. We were able to send you a response. ^RR https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", waiting for a DM reply... +" Hello, I'm so sorry to hear about your recent experience. At this time we have not received any reports of our s... https://t.co/q9GoI7Ckko", So pay pal down then +" Hey there, we have responded to your DM regarding this issue. Please check it for more details! :) ^GAA", Is the online site down I am asking for the 5th time? +" I understand that this is frustrating. Please send me a DM, so I can help you out further. ^AAR"," Already had a PayPal DM chat Monday (friendly, though ultimately unhelpful) and a phone chat today. + +Apparently there is currently no way to transfer my PayPal balance to my bank account. I was told it’s due to a “system issue” that has been going on for some time." + \o/," Opa, já deu certo aqui queridos. :)" + We understand that this can be frustrating and have since sent you a DM with additional information. ^AP, Madam pls encourage self employment by ensuring Nigerians are not discriminated against by from receiving funds + Sorry about any negative experience. Please know that these time frames are in place based on banking and region ... https://t.co/2Mi9RkBSXB, I talked someone into using PayPal for a transfer and it’s caused me nothing but grief and embarrassment. Now I’m stuck with you holding the money for a week! A joke!!! + Em Reais :), Mas o saldo na conta tem que ser em real ou pode ser em dolar? + Please check your DM for our response! ^HW, PLEASE CAN YOU HELP ME + We received your DMs and we'll reply back shortly. :) ^DD, . please check inbox +" Oi! + +Se o saldo estiver em Reais, pode comprar :) + +Obrigado!"," Se vocês liberarem apenas o saldo do Paypal eu só compro Kabum, mas se for apenas pra usar o cartão de credito desisto." +" Oi Victor! +Saldo só se for em Reais :)", mas dá pra usar saldo na conta ou o paypal só vai servir como ponte pro cartão de crédito? + :)," Cara, que felicidade!" + 🤜🤛 !!!!!, 🤜🤛 +" Oi! + +Somente em Reais ;) + +Obrigado!"," Se eu tiver dólares na minha conta paypal, vou conseguir comprar aí na Kabum?" +" Ashlee, we definitely understand your frustration. If you want us to further assist you please send us a DM with your email address. ^GAA"," Still. Trash. Your email department is not helpful at all. The culprit was still stealing money, but since I put a stop payment on my bank account the charges wouldn't complete, Now says that I (the victim) owe you guys money. GTFOH." + Glad to hear! Have a great day. ^HW, It's been resolved +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/rIqXLufNvC"," I just signed up today but you have not sent me the activation link.my email, __email__" + Please send us a DM for additional help. :) ^ALF, Thanks. I have customers with debit naira cards who cant use your site. Please advice. +" Hi! We're available in Nigeria! If you need help creating an account, please sends us a DM. :) ^ALF", Why are Nigerians blocked from using PAYPAL + Unfortunately since the social media customer service division is completely independent from our phone customer ... https://t.co/xbed3Y3GVx, My friend called & said they're doing maintenance? And will be up hopefully in the next business day? + Okay sounds good! Have a great rest of your day :) ^NK," Oh okay, I understand now. Thank you. I can wait for it to be back up & working." + We will be glad to help you once you are able to! ^IVS, I'll do it right after work. Thanks +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/mJ8IbAVFfP", They actually changed me 7 times! Help +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/TjudocDfSg", What is it +" Hi! I see how this is concerning, and I'm here to help you. Could you DM us with your PayPal email? Thank you. ^ES", I’m banned from PayPal and made a fake account and use it daily. Fuck em. + Hey Peggy! Can you please email __email__ with this info so that we can look into this? Thanks! ^YG, Maybe can answer this??? + Great. Thank you for your patience. :) ^AAR," I’ll DM you thanks, i think my friend needed your help too, I’m pretty sure he’ll dm you as well" +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have... https://t.co/gJEDevHpDb", ? + Hi Alex. We're sorry to hear that you've had such a hard time receiving help with this issue. If you are still in... https://t.co/DcbRO53osP," Just in case it wasn't clear, ^^was sarcastic. I'm not thrilled with this customer support in light of my account being hacked at all. Not one bit. #paypal #paypalcustomerservice #paypalsucks" + Are you referring to payments sent or received into your account? There may be additional options available if yo... https://t.co/R57BQNTo6P," You have an extremely high currency conversion rate (USD -> SAR), the issue is that it is always the default! This is hight than all banks!" +" We're sorry to hear of the trouble! If you'd like to DM the details, we'd be happy to see how we can assist! ^EB", Hey : Lower the rate or STOP IT! + Hello. We are sorry to hear that you have been on hold for this long. We can assure you that we assist customers ... https://t.co/nTAdji4XDO, I was actually just complaining about customer service. You guys are better than theirs +" Yes certainly but please understand that as we head into the holiday season, our customer contact volume increase... https://t.co/nTAdji4XDO"," Longer than usual I understand, but 4 hours and then I finally just hung up. Don't you think that's ridiculous?" + We truly are sorry to hear about this Erin. We absolutely do not want customers to have this kind of experience w... https://t.co/nTAdji4XDO, The one hour hold that they didn't actually call me back for. + Hi there! We're sorry to hear that. Can you please send us a DM so we can further assist you? ^AAR, Freelancer deducted a pre approved payment from my PayPal which I reverted from freelancer but still I didnt get money in my PayPal + Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP," No longer able to login on iphone, impossible to click OK on the captcha... https://t.co/zT7GKmWfUF" +" You should be able to pay with your PayPal balance, however you are able to use a card or bank too. As for your s... https://t.co/5WMK13v6ft", Ref above:Just want to know Q1 if we can pay frm existing paypal balsnce? Q2 is trxn wirh/without GST + Hello! Could you please DM us your PayPal email address along with a description of your problem? We'd be happy t... https://t.co/5WMK13v6ft, Does this mean we can pay frm ecisting paypal balance? with or without GST + Glad to hear this has been taken care of. Have a wonderful day! ^GH," Hi, It's all been resolved. Thank you though." +" Excellent, we are delighted to hear that! Please let us know if there is ever anything else we can assist you wit... https://t.co/QKgtOZSekk", Thanks for getting back to me your support team was able to fix the issue. + I am sorry to hear about transferring your funds. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA," i'm not too worried about it, but i'm just trying to figure out why they ask me for a bank account now & never have before." + We love you too! :) ^EHMB, I love PayPal cuz it’s sage & easy. Have used since initial days. + Hello there. We will be happy to assist you with this. Please send us a DM with your email address and a screenshot of the issue. :) ^GAA, I told you my ID #. I told you the issue. I feel like that's fair.. release my money please +" At this time PayPal does not offer its service to Iraq. We are always working to expand our services, but I am un... https://t.co/eWEqgkxwBn", can you please saport iraq +" Hey there, if you could please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and any additional details on the tran... https://t.co/oIz7qbcvK9", i'm literally like on what basis can it be rejected when I DIDN'T EVEN MAKE THE PURCHASE WTF + Hello. We've sent you a DM. Please take a moment and look at it. Thanks! ^ACT, help + Thank you so much for your feedback. We are always working to improve our services. have a great day! :) ^HW, Will PayPal partner with Stellar? It would make cross-border payments in seconds for a fraction of a penny via Hyperledger. Something to keep in mind... + I am sorry to hear about this trouble with our phone lines. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA," I've tried to call again to have this problem resolved and was told, once again, that I would receive a call back in 30-40 minutes. WILL SOMEONE PLEASE CALL ME TO RESOLVE THIS PROBLEM. This is getting ridiculous." +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. We will be happy to assist you with this. Please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/jTMbCdPWIU", Unless your account gets hacked - 3 emails sent but no reply from PayPal - disgraceful !!!! + Hi there! We've sent you a DM. Please take a moment to look at it. Thanks! ^ACT, is anyone there? + Sorry about any confusion. To reach our US office please reach us at 1-888-221-1161. If you need any further assi... https://t.co/OrEELoZW2I," ok, you used to provide English speaking agents who were eager to help. Now you end up in India or somewhere else where English is not spoken or understood and you have to spend 10 minutes trying to get them to understand what you are saying. I have wasted enough time on this" +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/cRFH01EPEo", I feel your pain!! I have a payment pending from over a month ago that’s their issue and I still don’t have my money!!! There useless!! + I am sorry to hear about this trouble with adding your bank account. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA," köszi a tippet, ott is írok nekik!" +" Hello! So sorry for the delay. Please check your messages, we sent you a DM. ^GR"," Hi, why don't answer? I already sent you a DM" +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thank you for your patience. ^ES"," hello, can I get some assistance?" +" In order to assist you with your request, you would have to send us a DM first. I'll include the link here to make this easier. ^TB https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Thank You. The issue is we received payment in our PayPal account. First two payment credited to our Bank account. Rest didn't. Chasing customer support (US and India) from last 4 months, didn't get any solution." +" Hello. Sorry for the wait. Please send us a DM with more details regarding your issue, and I'd be happy to help. Thanks! ^FM"," Hello paypal..... +We All Waiting for paypal," +" Hello, Nilesh. We definitely apologize for the confusion! We are only able to discuss more general concerns over ... https://t.co/4f7dtRysqQ", Devious ways of #paypal. When agents have been instructed to not to help customers. See snapshots. https://t.co/g9ESX5hoVh +" Hi there, I am sorry for the delay in replying to you. I have just sent you a DM. ^DK"," The same issue is back again when I did shopping on https://t.co/z4Ep7fQovj +Have provided all the info and done everything what Paypal advisor asked. +Why no resolution when its Paypal's fault?" + Eita... por enquanto nem temos previsão disso =S, Vai aceitar #bitcoin quando ? +" Si vous avez utilisé votre carte, le crédit est effectué sur cette même carte. Selon l'émetteur de votre carte, l... https://t.co/eHGi5wmbd5"," Je sais cela, on m'indique que le remboursement est fait sur mon compte en banque via ma CB mais cela fait déjà 4 jours et toujours rien en vu... Ce n'est pas une grosse somme mais quand même !!!" +" Hola, agradecemos tu paciencia uno de nuestros asesores te estará contactando. Saludos. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Ya van 2 horas sin contestar. Servicio de atención al cliente de lujo. + :), Assim fica até mais fácil para os ninjas usar na BlackFriday + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, Eventhough I have evidence that I'm entitled to a refund +" Hi there! We're sorry to hear your purchase hasn't gone as planned. Please send us DM regarding your concern, and... https://t.co/wu4B4iSqOg", What the hell am I supposed to do? + Please send us a DM if you need additional help! :) ^ALF, My resolution claim was disregarded though I was charged for a service I canceled. Had I used a credit card it would have been reversed by now. + Thanks! ^ALF, DMs sent + Hi! I see how this is concerning. Could you please DM us with a description of the issue? Thank you. ^ES, So... nothing has changed. I can only send money but not to sell. That’s convenient. 😒 +" We have recently followed you. When you have the chance, send me a DM! :) ^NEM https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Need you to follow me back xx +" I'm sorry to hear about all of this. If you need any help from PayPal, please send me a DM with your PayPal email... https://t.co/kOzOhhpMwV", Tricked into something and scammed. Bye bye to your customers👋🏽 + I'm glad you reached out about your issues with our security! It's definitely important that you feel safe using ... https://t.co/vUfycsYHnF," Also, 's text e-mails could be a bit better when it comes to good security practices. You don't even call me by name in text/plain. https://t.co/1vurTA7bqx" + Hello! The sender only needs a PayPal account in order to send you money through your PayPal.Me link. We're alway... https://t.co/oIYesgGBMl, Thanks for your help. Unfortunately this does only work if the other person has a paypal.me link. But I guess this is best approach right now. Any plans on adding a widget to iOS? + Awesome! Have a great day! :) ^HYC, Resolved +" Hey there, we have responded to your DM. Please check your messages for more detail! :) ^GAA", I have replied with dm 4 times +" Bonjour à vous, ravis d'apprendre que votre demande est bien résolue. Nous restons à votre disposition en cas de besoin ^AM", J’ai pu régler le problème merci 😊 + Hi there! I just sent a response. :) ^ALF, please check dm + I have followed you. Please try to send me a message again and I can help with this refund. ^GA, The issue is an order of wrist watch from SHARP WATCHES which is a fraud. Pls help refund my money. My order no is 2564. Thanks. + Can you please DM us this or is it still not possible? ^YG, I ordered for the said wrist watch on 28th Oct 17 from Sharp watches paid shipping fee of 9.86$. My order no is 2564. #Refund. +" Actually, I might be able to help you publicly. After requesting a refund from the seller you can file a dispute ... https://t.co/HXUKaRyj6H"," I have exceeded my friends followers, I can't follow anybody again. Pls how can we communicate? Let resolve it once and for all." + Hello Falola - We would love to help. Can you please DM us with your PayPal email?, Pls help me resolve and refund my money on order that was not supplied from Sharp Watches. I'm getting worried.#Refund + Hello sorry that you can't DM us. You could send us a email from your message center on your PayPal account. ^CRF, Which other medium can we communicate since I can't follow people again on twitter? Pls help resolve this issue. Thanks. +" I am sorry to hear about this trouble with your account. If you would like, please send me a DM and I can help you with this issue. ^GA"," Im not sure... Ive never heard of that. But, this is something that has prevented me from wanting to stream and receive donations... :(" + Thank you for reaching out! Please check your inbox for a response to your DM. ^VM, Can you check my DM? +" Hey Jeremy. If you could send me a DM, I'd be happy to further assist you with this. Please include your PayPal email in the DM. Thanks! ^FM", + You're welcome! We're happy to know that your inquiry is resolved. ^JMG," Actually it finally went through so all is good! I was just worried cuz its normally quicker, thank you though!" +" Hi there. If you need assistance regarding this matter, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^SP", Not good. Interestingly my business address got updated earlier this week. I hadn’t supplied any new addresses. +" Hey there! Send me a DM with some more info, a screenshot of the transaction details, along with your PP email. I'm happy to help! ^MB", Is there any help here?? +" Hi Chris, thanks for bringing this to our attention. Please delete the posts containing your personal information... https://t.co/NCyftjE7KW", I was just denied a DEBIT card to spend my own money from because someone else is using my social security number with a DIFFERENT name. I don't want credit! got.it right. Delete my file. Cash only. https://t.co/VqnX9wQ9mr +" Hi Vince! Sorry for the delay - if you wouldn't mind sending us a DM with some clarification on this, I'll be happy to help. :) ^KK", Will they appear like personal payments in the account or goods and services? +" Hi James, thanks for letting us know. Please send us a DM and include your email address in the message. ^JW", thats the problem I am literally refunding from a pending balance that i got and it was the exact same ammount +" We're glad you were able to get this issue resolved. We apologize for the delay, but truly appreciate your patien... https://t.co/zvO2oVOrYS", Its solved now. Thanks for getting back to me. +" I'm happy to hear that, Stan! ^MB", Fixed. +" I'm sorry about the delay, but I'm so glad to hear that it's been resolved! Have a great day! :) ^ALF", Thanks.. got it worked this morning +" We apologize, but we cannot initiate DM's from our end. We'd appreciate it if you can DM us. Thank you. ^ES https://t.co/BdN6xEvj9m", Really? I have emailed you 9 times. You dm me not the other way around!! + I'm happy to know your issue has been successfully resolved! I understand you concern and have duly noted your fe... https://t.co/yq9Ml5IiHq," Thanks. It appears to be fixed, and was able to clear up the additional transactions, but it would be nice if reps and the system handled this better." +" Hello, Nicole. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you can send us a DM with... https://t.co/DU5IcFBjbo https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Down here. Three diff people. Three diff phones. Three diff locations. Can’t load web or app. But PayPal still says no problem with them. +" Hello. Thanks for your positive feedback :) . If you ever need help with anything, you can go ahead and DM us. Have a great day! ^FM", This is interesting ... I really like this idea + You're welcome! Have a great day! :) ^HYC, It’s fixed now! Thank you anyway :) +" Oh I see. Well if you ever need any assistance let us know, and we'll be at your service! ^HZ", Thanks PayPal but sadly it’s ’s issue and not yours - they’ve taken payments by PayPal off their app for some reason! + Hey there! We have responded to your DM. Please check it as soon as you can! ^IT," Can’t claim 💵 friend sent, because my NL-based account won’t accept US number (mine) he sent it to. He’s been charged already tho https://t.co/YQeXKNEHFe" +" Hello, apologies for the delay. I've responded to your DM. Thanks! ^RW"," (2/3) i though paypal take care of these sellers. Do you know how difficult is to keep you paypal account clean? there are cases when i took the loses to keep my customer happy so that they wont raise issues in PP. And PP want to kill my business on 'presumptions', please help." +" I am sorry for the delay but I am glad to hear you received your refund. If you need anything in the future, please feel free to reach out to us. ^GA"," you were way too slow, I've asked the merchant for a refund and I got it" + I apologize for the inconvenience. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address so we may further assist you with this matter. ^SP, The sender used paypal + Hi Amy! Can you please DM me your PayPal email address and a more detailed account of what had happened? Thanks! ^YG, Tried to order one but I found this on my app. #WTFPayPal?! 😕 https://t.co/KDDnyv2Y2e +" I'm sorry about that. Please send a DM to me on Twitter, I'd be happy to help. ^IN", i did...i got a robot answer back with info that had nothing to do with my problem at all... +" That is a great question. That would be correct, the currency would be converted to USD automatically. ^AB"," Never mind... I had to refund that transfer with the issue. +Q: If I have my main currency set as USD. Does that mean that any money in any currency sent to me is converted to USD on my PayPal account automatically?" + Excellent. We're sure it will be completely resolved soon. ^RJM, I just found out that they (the pings) ARE delivered but with a delay. Some of them arrived 30 min - 1 hour later. So the issue is half resolved. + Please check your DMs for updates concerning your inquiry. ^RJM," Still no response from you guys, would appreciate the help....." + Olá Ninjas! qualquer coisa estamos por aqui!, Agora você pode aproveitar fera! ;) +" Hello! Our apologies about the confusion. With Pay After Delivery, you can pay after the allotted days or sooner ... https://t.co/Hc00wUo2nU", like am i paying after delivery or am i paying now?... 🤔 + Hello! We're more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country tha... https://t.co/IsI06GD5b4, Can we add amount from credit card and transfer it to 🏛️ + Our apologies for the trouble you've been through Paul. We've responded to your DM. ^HZ, Same. Can't open website. Can't log into app. And they don't reply. +" Also, I'd recommend removing the screenshot you sent containing personal information. ^AL", +" Hello, thanks for reaching out to us. Sorry you're having trouble. For assistance with filing this dispute, send us a DM. Thanks! ^AL", +" I do apologize for the delayed response, Neil. If you're in need of assistance with anything else, feel free to let me know! ^KK", Sorry a 10 hour response time has meant I deleted the screen shot! #poorcustomerservice + Hello Dabo. Thanks for reaching out. If you could send me a DM with your PayPal email and more details regarding ... https://t.co/087vKHW6GT, How can i renew? + Hello! I'm sorry for the wait. I've just responded to your DM - I look forward to speaking with you! ^KK, Sent a Dm please reply. Need help :( +" Hi there. We have sent you a DM. Please check, when you have the chance. Thanks! ^NR",And still ignoring my DM's 😊 + No problem. Have a wonderful day! ^FM, Thanks + Let's get this figured out. Please send me a DM with details of the issue! :) ^AAR, Do you send random people money in Taiwan and India? Because to me that's suspicious. + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that. Can you DM us with details of the issue you're encountering? ^AAR, are you friggin' kidding me?! I'm sick of it. Account deleted. I don't deserve my money being stolen. I've been a loyal customer. +" We're sorry to hear this, but respect your decision. Please know that we are here to help via DM if you change your mind in the future. ^EB"," I've already called twice, wrote an email and tweeted you a hundred times, & NOW you wanna reply? Naw. I've already cancelled my acct." + Pouvez-vous nous suivre SVP? ^FB, vos dm sont fermés +" Salut Simon! Nous n'avons reçu aucun DM pour le moment sur AskPayPal, mais n'hésitez pas pour toute question ou discussion, nous sommes là! :) ^FB", c'est fais mais vous devriez ouvrir vos dm c''est sera plus facile pour les gens +" Bonjour Simon, pour des raison de sécurité merci de supprimer votre adresse email. Nous remontons votre demande au service adéquat qui vous prendra en charge ^AM", __email__ + Hi! I see how it's frustrating to have a negative balance. Could you DM us with your PayPal email? Thanks so much! ^ES, (2/2) my identity so if that doesn’t fix it i’m calling up paypal to yell during their business hours 🙃 + Very sorry to hear this! If you would still like assistance please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^VM, Can y'all update y'all system.i mean the site has been down for two days... +" Hello! If you would like assistance with your PayPal account please DM us. Also, please delete your pictures as t... https://t.co/DT6q6jpNLp", https://t.co/du4LNzPSkL +" Awesome, thank you for doing that. We really appreciate it! Have a great evening. :) ^KK", In process of emailing to PayPal all proof of orders from website with IP-log-ins and email notifications. +" Hey there, I have just sent you a DM. ^DK", Thanks. +" Bonjour à vous, nous vous félicitons pour votre vigilance. Nous vous confirmons que ce n'est pas PayPal qui vous ... https://t.co/I6hb28nABC", Si c'est un mail certifié ou une tentative de phising +" Bonjour à vous, merci de nous expliquer davantage votre demande pour pouvoir vous aider ^AM"," Au fait, vous en êtes où pour le paiement de votre amende ?" + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that. Can you DM us with details of the issue? ^AAR," Every time I enter the Capture it states: ""We're sorry, something went wrong on our end. Please try again."" + +Please assist me with this." + Hi! Can you please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info? I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF, I cant link my mastercard to my account. asked me to contact to link it manually. Please help + Hi! Can you please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info? I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF, It's only £75? I could understand if it's a few thousand. + Hello! Can you please DM me your PayPal email address and a more detailed description of what is going on? Thanks! ^YG, But haven't heard from you and cannot access my account features. I've provided proof that you needed so i require feedback ASAP + I'm glad to hear that! Have a great day. ^DP, Thank you ! The problem was solved ! 5⭐️ ! +" Hey Sarah, I apologize for the delay. We've replied to your DM! ^RA"," You are ignoring my messages. + What's going on . + I messaged you 2 days ago." + Glad to hear this was resolved. Have a wonderful day! ^GH," After a few minutes, the site started working again. Thanks for the response, though. ☺" +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes attachés à satisfaire nos clients. Nous comprenons parfaitement votre situation et nous souhaitons vous aider. Nous vous prions de venir en DM munie de votre adresse email ^CM"," ne gelez plus les comptes parce qu'ils font trop de bénéfices, et débrouillez-vous plutôt pour qu'on puisse transférer l'argent d'AdSense directement sur Paypal ..." +" Hey! Sorry to hear your payments aren't going through. I'll be happy to help, just send me a DM. ^DP", + Hi there! Do you need assistance? Please send me a DM. I'm happy to help! ^JMR, Still worthless +" Gracias por la información, tu mensaje será contestado a la brevedad posible. Saludos ^DG", Ya lo hice +" Olá! +É só chamar em DM que a gente te ajuda ;)", Oi! Manda uma mensagem pro que eles vão te ajudar melhor por lá ���️ +" Hi, if you need some help with your account please feel free to DM:) We're here to help. ^RM", Thank you. <3 +" Immer gern, hab noch einen schönen Tag. ^BL"," Alles klar, ich werde ich mal machen., Ich danke ^^" +" Danke für deine Rückmeldung. Da ich keinen Zugriff auf PayPal-Konten habe, möchte ich dich bitten telefonisch Kon... https://t.co/hioZ33ETz4"," Geht darum, ich habe mir etwas bestellt, was ich schon seit mehreren Monaten abbezahle über euch, hab aber leider keinen Zahlungsplan(mehr) und würde gern wissen, wie hoch der Restbetrag noch ist. Im PaypalKonto selber finde ich es nicht." + We are sorry that you feel this way and we will pass your feedback on regarding your experience. Information rega... https://t.co/gHmxCwPWln," I've expressed dissatisfaction >10x. You've not informed me of complaints procedure once, let alone acknowledged my complaint. You've had ample opportunity to fix this. If you wnt details, jst lk at the probably inadequate notes on file. I'm now in the process of writing to FOS." +" Hi, sorry we kept you waiting. If you still need help, please send us a DM with your email address & the details of what is happening. ^IA", why aren't you handling my complaint properly? You're right? #likepullingteeth + Das ist seltsam. Hast du eine E-Mail mit Infos erhalten oder in letzter Zeit etwas verkauft? Ich kann deinen Fall... https://t.co/4A1p5EzduP, Mein Accoung wurde gar nicht richtig gesperrt sondern mein komplettes Paypal Guthaben wurde mit entzogen und auf -8 Euro gesenkt. + Die Kollegen sind Werktags von 09:00 bis 17:30 Uhr für dich da und unter folgender E-Mail erreichbar: __email__. Gab es vielleicht Schwierigkeiten mit deiner E-Mail-Adresse? ^BL," Was war da los am 10.11.? Es gab keinerlei Info und die Business-Hotline macht auch schon dicht. Wir haben keine Zahlungseingangsbestätigungen bekommen, obwohl die Waren bezahlt waren." +" Hi, wie ist denn der aktuelle Stand? Kann ich noch etwas für dich tun? ^BL"," Wir arbeiten die Bestellungen manuell ab. Brauchen pro Bestellung circa 5-7 Minuten. Also bis zu 1,5h circa.." +" Sorry to hear you're experiencing difficulties. Please, DM us your email address and let us know when you first s... https://t.co/ONefHVTkiv", adding for further assistance. + Hey there! I'm sorry for the wait. I've responded to your DM! ^SML, I send you a dm. Please answer +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out to us! Please DM me any details you have on this situation so I can point you ... https://t.co/BuzNYOjlIq", ban this guy's he's selling stolen accounts + Thank you! Please include it to the email if not there already. Please remove the tweet because it is considered ... https://t.co/ksouATBB3o, Also this is where he lives https://t.co/UIwRy3aKyj +" Hi there! I'm sorry to hear about this issue. Feel free to send us a DM regarding this, and I'll be happy to help. :) ^KK"," Hi , I've tried adding my N26 black MasterCard to my PayPal account, but the interface says it won't accept the request. Can you help please ?" +" Sorry about that! Unfortunately the issue you're running into can only be resolved by our phone team, so you'll need to call back. :( ^ALF", I tried you close at half 8 +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you are in need of any assistance with your account. We're happy to help. ^CG", Turns out it's just y'all taking forever 🙂🙂🙂 now I gotta wait for like 8 more emails before I can actual reset my account +" Thank you for keeping us updated, Tom. I am glad to hear that this email has been deleted. If you should receive ... https://t.co/ufH2eRDX1u"," Thanks for getting back. I have forwarded the email to you. However, I immediately received an auto email back saying it was blocked as it contained ‘malicious content’ for some reason. I’ve since deleted the scam email to prevent it causing issues. Thanks, ^TM" +" If you have any other questions, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and I will be happy to help. ^BV", Is it business only? +" Hello Eziechina, I understand how upsetting it can be when your card keeps getting rejected. Please send me a DM ... https://t.co/gzUn2PdE5i"," Good evening, have been trying to link my card to my Paypal account but it keep on rejecting it. what should i do? its a UBA MasterCard." +" Thanks for doing that! Have a great day, Dylan. ^KK"," Just done it, thanks" +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out to PayPal. Please send me your PayPal email, country, & a screenshot of your l... https://t.co/8TPlBRzXw0", Hello? + I am sorry to hear about this issue. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and I will be happy to help. ^BV, It was a phone call not an email. The error message was that my card number was already in use by another PayPal account + Hey there. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV, I sent a DM! Please reply ASAP + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. I will be happy to help. ^BV," Main issue right now is that the account is locked, and are REALLY anal about people signing up before they were 18" +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^EHMB", case # PP006137914398 your rep misled customer about shipping cost reimbursement LIAR +" Hola, gracias por contactarnos. Envíanos un mensaje directo y con gusto te asistimos. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Esto se regresa en crédito PayPal o directamente se descuenta del precio de venta? + Sorry to hear about the extended hold time. If you still need help please DM us your PayPal email address. ^DD cc , how to handle credit card fraud of those with no PayPal account More than 27 minutes waiting on phone +" Great, we are glad to hear you were able to get help! Hope you have a great day. :) ^GAA"," Sorted now, after been on hold for nearly an hour! Thanks though 👍🏼" + I apologize for the miscommunication. You can use PayPal to pay any merchant that accepts us. Whether or not PayP... https://t.co/UTrU6lYH62," For Merchant purchases, Indians have many other things besides you. If you have launched it only for Merchant purchases, then it would be better not to launch it at all. Give Indians something they don't already have.Otherwise it's just a futile attempt to get the market. Bye." + PayPal is available to use for merchant purchases in India. If you are having issues completing a payment please ... https://t.co/UTrU6lYH62," In UK/US, PayPal is a payment method on Google Play. Can I buy apps, music & other digital contents from Google Play with PayPal in India ? If not, please work on this." +" Salut à vous ! On est disponibles par DM si vous souhaitez que l'on vérifie ceci ensemble, merci de nous fournir votre adresse email ^SB", + Super ! Nous sommes heureux d'apprendre que le problème est résolu. N'hésitez pas à revenir vers nous si vous ave... https://t.co/WPasWIM7jw," c'est bon, ça devait être un bug temporaire - merci !" + Sorry for any inconvenience. There's a known issue occurring with PayPal.me and we're working to resolve it as soon as possible. ^DD, https://t.co/lTJaH8D8d7 + Thank you for sending us a DM. We have sent you a response. Thank you! ^AC," You guys suck!!! More than 5 months I submitted the info you requested yet no response? You screw us over yet we have to call your customer service - pass the cost on to the customer!!! For #horrible #CustomerService, you guys take the cake, baker, bakery and all!" + Hola lamentamos el inconveniente. Permítenos revisar envía un DM con tu correo electrónico y más detalles sobre lo sucedido. Gracias ^J ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," Me ofrecen el reeembolso de 10€ de un producto que no es lo que compré, si pago (yo) un envío a china que cuesta 65€!" + Glad you were able to figure this out! Have a great day! ^IT, Don’t worry lads +" Hi Joyce, Apologies for the delayed response. We would like to assist you in resolving this issue and cease contacts if you do not owe any funds to PayPal. We understand you do not have a registered PayPal account with us, can you please DM your email a... https://t.co/btL4m7UtK7", No !!! I don’t have a paypal account - so no PayPal email +" Hi, I am sorry that this is happening. Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happ... https://t.co/btL4m7UtK7", Received 10 calls made 4 calls 4 emails later -shocking! Advisor says I’m focusing on wrong thing - I don’t have a paypal acct =no debt !!! + Hey there! We have received and replied to your DM. Please check your messages as soon as you get a chance. ^BC, Just dm’d + Hi there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, And I got scammed for the fourth time +" Yes, that's right. You should be able to make payments to individuals with your debit card. ^DP", So can we use our debit card to make any payment via PayPal to an individual too ? + Hi there! The only way you can send payments is by using a credit or debit card. ^GV," Also, why can't Indians use PayPal account balance to make payments ?" +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. Yes you may link a debit card to make payments! It is now available for ... https://t.co/nGcX4GoHZg", Can Indians link their debit card to make payment via PayPal ? +" Oi! + +Por favor chame a gente em DM por favor + +Obrigado", Sim parece que o paypal faz isso pra receber os 20 reais que a gente ainda TEM QUE PAGAR pq o fdp pediu chargeback! hahahaha paypal é um lixo + não é possível disputar uma doação feita com a gente. Manda dm indicando o e-mail da sua conta? Vamos checar o que houve., Isso é um bagulho que todo mundo reclama do paypal. eles dão reembolso por donate. outros serviços (tipo ) nunca vi ninguém reclamar isso. pq tem a política q doação não tem reembolso. + Hello there! Thank you for reaching out to us about this. Please send us a DM including the email address associa... https://t.co/onasgVZ0Js, + Thanks again for checking with us. Please don't hesitate to contact us if any questions arise. We are here to help. :)," Perfect thanks, definitely a fake email" + You're welcome! ^IVS, It actually appeared earlier this afternoon guess there was just a long delay but thanx for reaching out. +" Hi there. We have sent you a DM. Please check, when you have the chance. Thanks! ^NR", Good day. I have sent you a message. I hope I can get a reply any time soon. Thanks +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", I would love a reply I've been waiting for months + Did you close your account? Please send a direct message with your old PayPal email address and your country. ^IN," It says my paypal account is closed, and I have lost my email address and pwd. Should I go ahead and setup a new a/c with the email address __email__? Thank you. Pls advise." +" Thanks for this information. If you don't remember your account information, you can either call us to try to reg... https://t.co/1j5OvSNPGk https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," I did not close my account. I do not have access (I don't know) my old paypal email address. Country is presently india. Can I set up a new paypal account? +__email__ +Thank you." +" Alright, I'm glad I could help! Please let me know if you need anything else. I hope you have a wonderful day! :) ^NEM"," I'll try registering anew in 24 hours. Thank you very much. I lost my old email address probably to hackers/phishing, so now I have a new email address at gmail." + Please have Nailya send us a DM from her Twitter account for further assistance with this issue. ^RJM, Thank you we would like some help in resolving this issue ASAP. + Hola. Por favor envíanos un DM y con gusto podremos revisar más detalle lo que ha sucedido. ^LS https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Ya marque a servicio al cliente por un cargo que el producto ya no llegó y solo me pasan con la contestadora +" Hi there, we are sorry to hear your mum has had this experience. We'd like to help & will be sure t... https://t.co/OHsitbxJOc", o know your very busy But when you get this feel free to share absolutely everywhere x +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^IVS ^IVS"," I sent you another PM AskPayPal. Please help, I don't know who's telling the truth anymore. My money has not been received by remittance" +" Hi there, apologies for the delay. We have reached out to you through DM. ^SK"," I tried, but when you call PayPal, you get a special code to tell them. I tried it with English number and it didn't work. +Anyway, somebody asnwered me and said he would fix my account today. Let's hope I will finally able to use my account" +" Apologies for the delay Alice, we have reached out to you through DM. ^SK", my outgoing payments have been blocked and I'm unable to run my business! + Please send us a direct message so we can further assist you., I haven’t sent a dm + Glad to hear that it works! Have a great day! ^IT, Think ive figured it. It wont connect to my app unless i go into settings/bluetooth & tell it to connect to the card reader - seems to work when i do that. Bit frustrating! + Thank you for reaching out. I've gone ahead and responded to your DM. Please take a look when you have the opportunity! Thanks for your patience. ^JGP, Me too 😔 + Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of your resolution center. We will be happy to help. ^NK, I still can't withdraw money. The code hasn't been sent to my statement. Please confirm next steps +" Hello Iain, I'm glad to hear that you are able to use PayPal.me again. Have a wonderful day and thank you for being a loyal PayPal customer. ^BB", Yeah it's fine now 😃 +" Olá! + +Por favor chame a gente em DM por favor + +Obrigado +Gabriel", já enviei e estou sendo ignorado até então. + Thank you for clarifying this for us. We are happy it is working for you. Have a great day! ^LAR, Now it working fine. That day u r server was down. Site not opened. + You're very welcome! Thanks for keeping a lookout! :) ^ALF, Thanks guys 😁 +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/nKp6s2fhq7"," and the site is broken all over with crazy UX flaws. e.g. field validation, without telling what the mistake is, come on you surely have money to hire a UX designer?" +" Bonjour à vous, nous venons de vous répondre en DM ^AG", Non pas moyen en cas de transferts entre proche... :/ +" Hey there! I apologize for the delay. Are you still having issues with your account? If so, please send me a DM a... https://t.co/aIBTsmmJjr"," thanks, it’s reassuring to hear you’re not the only one!" + Thanks! We've responded to your DM with further information! :) ^NK, Thank you I’ve just done it +" Hey Alex, I have sent you a DM regarding this matter! ^YG", Sent a dm! +" That is great to hear! Enjoy the rest of your day, Latrice. :) ^YG", Actually the issue has been solved! Thanks!!! +" Hello Edd. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN"," Rescued the one order thanks to eBay! I might need a massive favour though, can I message?" + Hello Regan! Can you please DM me your PayPal email address along with a description of what's going on? Thanks! ^YG, - Close this guys account down!! He's using your service to commit fraud!! DM me for more info!! Read about him here https://t.co/I0bRgjTkfh #ReactNative #firebase #javascript #javascript30 #react #UI #UX #uidesign #iosdevelopers #AndroidDev + I'm so happy to hear that! We're always happy to help. Have an amazing day! :) ^ALF, Thanks! All got sorted yesterday and the lady was really helpful! Great service as always 😊 + Hello Tom. Sorry for the delay. Please be aware that PayPal.me is up and running as of now! If you're still havin... https://t.co/IbWTVL7Qds," Down for me too. Surprised there aren't more complaints. Regional issue, maybe?" + Awesome! Have a great day! :) ^HYC, This was sorted by .All is well. +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening? I'm... https://t.co/I91CS036cd"," Thankyou.. +i appreciate." + I'm glad it's working now! Thanks for letting me know about the outage. I hope you have a wonderful day! :) ^NEM, Yesterday was not working. Up now… + Please check your DM for our response! ^HW," Thank you for your offer to help, I have sent you a DM with my information." +" Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address, country of residence, and any applicable screenshots. I'm happy to help. :) ^JMR", The SMS messages came through at 1:30am. 5 hours after I requested them. How is that acceptable +" Hi Alice, We are sorry for the delay. We have responded to your DM. Thanks ^SLS", They won’t reply for a week though 🙃 + Hi! Yesterday there was a known issue with being able to access PayPal.me links. It has been corrected and you sh... https://t.co/XwfKeQCaLO," Hi, try refreshing, I contacted PayPal earlier, lots of people having problems with PayPal.Me today. Please get it fixed " + I am glad this was resolved. I hope you have a great day! :) ^HYC, Thanks..the issue got resolved today morning.thanks + estamos contigo em dm," Não estou pedindo nenhum favor, estou apenas tentando usar o meu dinheiro que foi confiado ao PayPal, e o que acontece? Sou impedido de usar meu próprio dinheiro." + Hello. Sorry about the delay. If you could send me a DM with your PayPal email and more details regarding the iss... https://t.co/iMhPs3Mrb9, plz + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this and the inconvenience it is causing for your clients. Please send us a ... https://t.co/os3ilTNdFc, I think paypal in general is having issues today. Clients can't make payments to my accounts.... +" Tap the envelope icon. ... +Tap the message icon to create a new message. +In the address box, enter the name(s) or... https://t.co/XFEeTaT91L", How exactly? Can't DM you can I? + Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us. Send us a DM for further assistance. ^ML, Is it a problem that the message is in German? + I am sorry to hear about this trouble over the phones. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA, Paypal. What fresh hell it is dealing with customer support. need to speak with someone and each time it rings it disconnects. +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening or s... https://t.co/QZjq216456"," lmao true + +what i really want to know is if i close my account, can i reuse my paypal.me link on a different account" +" Hi, I am sorry for any trouble you have been experiencing. Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and detai... https://t.co/hmvAj6H3Rc"," I mean, at this point you are just wasting my time. I explained the situation, it’s very common and easy to understand, if you can’t deal with this it means your service is a joke and it’s definitely the last time you get any money from me." + Hello! Could you please DM us your PayPal email address along with a description of your problem? We'd be happy t... https://t.co/IgsQudtyxL," I mean this is extreme for a transaction to go through (which it should have!), produce a record locator, and then have it canceled *after* right, ?" +" Hi there, we recommend reaching out to ebay who can clarify this for you. ^RD"," Is there a way for buyers and sellers to both use EBay without the payment ever touching PayPal? and I were wondering about this. I remembered your “racket” comment, but realized I never followed up to clarify." +" Hi there again! If you need help with your PayPal account, please send us a DM for further assistance. ^HW", Weeeeaak +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/LzhkJwWWXe"," Why you sooo salty thooo? + +Let my sister make an account plz https://t.co/cmhBaYA7F5" + Sorry about the wait :(. I have sent you a DM regarding your concerns. ^YG, Fair. But I don't sell counterfeits + We're always happy to help. Please don't hesitate to reach back out if you have any questions in the future. :) ^TB, Thanks so much for the update! + Hello! Could you please DM us your PayPal email address along with a screenshot of the email? We'd be happy to he... https://t.co/REB4kW6SAE, Had the same email 3 times today + Hello there - We would love to help. If you need any assistance please DM us with your PayPal email.," Could you try doing the transaction in Ghana? I've found that more financial services can serve Ghana. It's a headache, but you can fly there from Nigeria relatively easily (I know it costs, but it may be an option)" + I am sorry to hear about this trouble with your login. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA, Can't even remember my password because of this +" Hey there, deeply sorry to hear about the delay that you have been experiencing. :( If possible, could you send u... https://t.co/OP76XLlDiF", *sigh* Just tried calling again. Now there’s a wait of 31-50 minutes. This is ridiculous. I’ll have waited 3 hours by the time I get called back (if I get called back at all) +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your ... https://t.co/3L8SMC2GSU"," someone sent me 60 dollars, and it took, I think 60 cents." + Hello - We would love to help. Can you please DM us? ^CRF, how do I access the secure message area? + Hello there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the pending charges so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, I’ve also got 3 x £1 pending charges on my PayPal account from Uber and no doughnuts. can you please remove these charges. + Hi there! We're sorry for the trouble. Could you please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the pending charges so we can assist you? ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi," Me too, what a joke this turned out to be!!" +" Hello, Russell. Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP", I’ve also got 15 £1 pending charges on my paypal account from uber and no doughnuts. Great job guys! can you please remove these charges +" Hey there, we responded to your message. Please check your DM's for more details! :) ^GAA", I have PayPal account with __email__ and I can’t access it each time I provide my password. It says it can’t confirm it’s me. And offers no help to send a reset link or code. +" Please send a DM with your PayPal email address, your country, and a screenshot of the issue. I'd be happy to help. ^IN"," onone wants to solve the issue, including HK, is clueless and gives different answers & tax avoidance is there spirit has washed its hand saying we are involved, this utterly shameful and deceitful behavior" + Thank you for contacting PayPal. We have replied to your DM. Have a nice day. ^JP, Buyer got money back and I still do not have the item returned to me. Tracking shows that it is not even going to arrive until later today. Wow. So against your written policy. So unethical. Social media needs to hear about your breach of contractual statements. +" Thank you for your response, Ismail. We truly appreciate your feedback. For further assistance, please send us a DM. Thank you! ^AC", It is one of the most reputed and most of the people use paypals rather than making a payment directly from their cards. +" Ho there, can you send us a DM with your email address and we can have it looked into for you. ^RD"," Hey, It’s good you’re here. Have downloaded the app. Could you pls help guide how to choose currency. Currently it is showing USD. Many thanks." +" Hi there, can you send us a DM with your email address and we can have it looked into for you. ^RD"," Hey, It’s good you’re here. Have downloaded the app. Could you pls help guide how to choose currency. Currently it is showing USD. Many thanks." + Hey there! I would be happy to help! Can you please send me a DM with more information? ^IT, Heelllllloooooooooo?????????? +" Glad this worked out! This is just a visual bug, and has no impact on the actual release time. Have a great day! ^IT"," The moneys in now but, it’s a bit strange." +" Hey, I've responded to your DM. Please take a look for further assistance with your issue. ^SE", same here! Transfer under review! Wish I would’ve done bank account. +" Danke für deine Rückmeldung, ich habe die Kollegen gebeten sich der Sache anzunehmen. ^BL"," Bestens, danke. Nachricht ist unterwegs." +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening or screenshots of the issue? I'm happy to help. :) Thanks! ^IVS", We have the same problem! Not fixed yet! :-( please!! fix it! +" Bonjour à vous, navrés d'apprendre que vous avez perdu l'accès à votre compte. Pour des raisons de sécurité merci de nous appeler gratuitement depuis une ligne fixe au 0800 942 890 (en France ou sous Aide & Contact). On vous apportera de l'aide pour accéder au compte ^AM", J’ai besoin de votre assistance svp +" I'm happy to hear that! If there is any other way that I can be of assistance to you here, please let me know. ^AP", Please respond to my DM or tweet.....I have been on the phone for over 20mins to Paypal and no one is picking up neither are they telling me how long my call wait time. + Hey there! Sorry for the delay. Thanks for reaching out. We've replied to your DM. ^CRG, multiple request calls and emails still issue is unresolved. 455215928 & 5110820 - pls look into this. +" Hi David! I'm sorry to hear you're running into this error. If you'd like any help here, please send us a DM! ^SML", I have tried to fund my account as payment was rejected but still paid and got this error. Never had an issue before. https://t.co/oWY1uyNQOo + Hey there! We have responded to your DM. Please check it as soon as you can! ^IT, Sure thing! +" I've just replied to your DM, please check your inbox at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your patience! ^KT", Can you reply please + Hello! I'm sorry for the wait. I've just responded to your DM - I look forward to speaking with you! ^KK," Yeah, no thanks. I have messaged you. Very let down by you recently PayPal. I await a reply" + Hello. We have responded to your DM and we look forward to hearing from you. ^NK," I found that the status is not yet done, how can i know if the payment is refunded to my acconut? could u please help?" + Hey there. Feel free to send me a DM and I will be happy to review this issue for you. ^HYC, yall some bitches bruh i just wanna transfer this money +" Hey Karl! Sorry to hear about that. I'll be happy to help, just send me a DM. ^DP"," Constantly loading / looping, no content shows up" + That is great! Have a great rest of your day. :) ^GV, It fixed itself! Thx for getting back to me so fast ! + Sorry to keep you waiting. I just replied to your DM. ^CG, guess not + I'm glad to hear it! Have a great day. ^DP, Issue resolved. Thanks for replying. Appreciated! #GreatWork +" Hey! Sorry to hear that you're having issues with our site. I'll be happy to help, just send me a DM. ^DP", https://t.co/vcVlDBg70M + Hi there! Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response! ^LAR, it either lists the city name twice or makes the apartment number disappear completely once you've filled in all the fields idk tbh + Andrei our sincerest apologies for the trouble. We've responded to your DM. ^HZ," Would be great if PayPal wouldn't hijack my funds and had proper support! 3 messages - 3 days - NO REPLY. Called Support, Contacted - everything takes DAYS. Keep getting request for proof of address - provided since Nov. 6. Please help & improve support!" +" Hey there! If you have further questions or concerns about linking your bank to your PayPal account, please feel free to send us a DM and I'll be more than happy to help! ^SB", How do iGet my Routing no for my account 1179726316 +" Hi Nick, just got to your first message. Please send me a DM! :) ^RA", Hello . I’m sorry to pester but can you please comment on my earlier tweet about a buyer claiming to have been told by your customer services that it will take a month before his hacked account is able to pay for an item he won from me on eBay? + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM along with your PayPal email address so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response. ^GV," Of course! I have a pending payment made on Saturday, no apparent reason since my card is loaded. I also contacted Epoch, they refused to help. I don't know what happened, but my money is gone" + Hello! Please check your most recent DM. ^GV," Sure, go check, I answered you privately!" + Avísanos si llegas a necesitar alguna otra cosa. Estaremos disponibles en DM. Buen día. ^W, Jaja lo que es de uno es de uno fonsete ;) + Hi there- Can you please DM us with further information on the issue? We would love to help! :) ^KE," is worse, they have a limit but don't tell you and if you exceed it (no validation) you simply cannot login again" +" Hi there. We're sorry to hear you're having trouble accessing our website. Please send us a DM with your email address, and we'll be happy to help. ^NM"," Ready to file class action lawsuit because we cant access our funds, your site is down" +" Sorry to hear that your PayPal Here scanner isn't turning on! If you send us a DM, we can help you out! ^IT", you have to follow me to exchange DM's. but the problem is that my paypal here card reader wont power up. I know the battery had charge in it. i've tried the pressing the reset button to no avail. + Hello Leanna! We're glad you were able to locate that. Have a great rest of your day. ^BC," Nevermind, I've found the email address and forwarded it now" +" Hola, lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Envíanos un mensaje directo para poder asistirte. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Me gasté dos SMS, mi tiempo y mi paciencia del día de hoy. +Al CM de PayPal: si me preguntas qué pasó, aquí está el hilo y creo que todo está clarito." +" Hola, de antemano lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Envíanos un mensaje directo y con gusto te asistimos. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Qué raro. Yo recuerdo que no tuve problemas. :/ +Igual y a esperar un rato en lo que llega el sms." + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response. ^GV, Thanks for the speedy reply + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, Is it safe to use my paypal or what? + Hi Melissa! My sincerest apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you. Please send us a DM regarding your concern and we'll be more than happy to assist you. ^HZ," Well they have replied to be before on here if not I’ll phone them tomorrow and resolve this, they are quick to take the money out of our bank but can’t actually pay the actual person" +" Un placer asistirte, que tengas un bello día ^DG", Enterado + Hi there! Please send us a DM so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response. ^GV, My country of over 150 million people with less criminals than USA +" I am sorry for this trouble with this donation. When you can, please send me a DM with your PayPal email and I can help you further. ^GA", Same ones from six months ago. +" Hey there, deeply sorry to hear about the current situation that you are facing. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have this issue resolved in a timely manner. Thanks! ^AI"," Mine were all in the same minute. Most didn't show up on the credit card site when I checked 15 mins later. One showed a charge and a refund, but card is acting like it is out of credit. If not resolved soon will call bank and see" +" Hey there, thanks for bringing this to our attention. If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have this issue resolved in a timely manner. Thanks! ^AI", please see above tweet and link. Illegal iptv streaming service using PayPal for payments. +" Okay, no worries! Have a great day. ^ES", This is not a legitimate issue but I appreciate your concern. + Hi! I'm sorry to hear about the trouble with that transfer. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a description of the issue? Thanks! ^ES, I'm sad this tweet didn't get more attention. +" Hi Ryan. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN", Awful customer service too! +" Hi! I'm happy to hear this is resolved, and have a great day. ^ES", wanted to let you know that several hours later yesterday I tried again and was able to add 2FA to my account. thanks for the response tho + Can you Please DM us? We would love to assist you!," You already took the money and closed the case. Your position is clear. As long as you don't lose money, there isn't a problem right?" +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and more details about this issue? I'm happy to help. :) Thanks! ^IVS", ^ please answer too +" I understand that delays can be frustrating. With the holiday season approaching, we are getting a higher volume of contacts and we are trying to get to everyone as quickly as we can. I appreciate your patience, and I'm glad our phone team was able to g... https://t.co/mdqiMfJ6wc", Sorry doesn’t cut it. After a very angry 25min phone call to your call centre I finally got access to MY MONEY. What you are doing is corrupt and if I had the time I would investigate further and expose. +" Hey there, deeply sorry for the delay in responding to your initial request. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can provide you with the information needed to have access to the payment on your PayPal account in a timely manner. Thanks! ^AI", I’ve tried contacting and they’re not responding 🤬 +" Hey there, deeply sorry to hear about the current situation you have been experiencing. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have this issue resolved in a timely manner. Thanks! ^AI", pricks + Hello there - If you need any assistance please DM us. We would love to help., Just don’t even reply to they are all socialists + Please check your inbox for a response to your DM. ^VM, Could you answer to me too please? + Hey there! Thank you for reaching out. Please send us a DM with more information on this issue and we will be more than happy to look into this for you. :) ^HYC, Please Dm + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out. Would you mind sending us a DM with the country your PayPal account is registered in and the email address linked to your PayPal account? ^CRG, Are you doing any giveaways this year + Hello there - We would love to help. Please DM us with your PayPal email. ^CRF," def getMoney(user): + account=user + while account > 0 + takeTheMonies() + print(""everything is fine"") +def main(user): + getMoney(user) +main(AllanJude)" +" Hi there! :) Are you having trouble withdrawing your funds? If so, please DM me your country, plus a screenshot of the error you're receiving. Thanks, I look forward to hearing from you! ^EHMB"," Paypal should be able to send and deposit funds direct to receiver's mobile phone telephone number account , bank account & Debit/Credit Cards" +" Hola, lamentamos cualquier inconveniente. Si necesitas ayuda de nuestra parte, envíanos un DM. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Las tarjetas de prepago son para las cuentas de EEUU (no se si en españa tambien), yo hice cuenta en argentina de donde soy, el metodo de paypal es con tarjeta de credito que no tengo, asi que seria practicamente lo mismo que comprarlo desde la Store" +" Hello, so sorry to hear that. For assistance with your PayPal account, please send us a DM. ^GR", I've been boycotting PayPal for a long time. They've stolen about $2800 from me and I've read many other major cases of such. Also they're not considered a bank so they aren't held accountable by banking laws. I've been into the appeal process but they'll use any excuse to ruin U + I apologize for that! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and more information about your issue. I'll do my best to help. ^KR, *bank account. Btw this has been happening everytime for 2 week +" Hi, We are sorry for the delay. We have responded to your DM! Thanks ^SLS", please help :( + Das freut mich zu hören! Hab noch einen schönen Tag. ^BL," Nein, mir wurden über 100€ zurückerstattet." + Öffnet ein Käufer einen Konflikt wird der Kaufbetrag zwischen den Parteien einbehalten. Hierdurch kann ein PayPal-Konto vorrübergehend einen Negativsaldo aufweisen. Ich würde deine Angelegenheit daher gerne von den Kollegen in der Fachabteilung prüfen l... https://t.co/4A1p5EzduP, Hm könnte sein aber wie kann dadurch mein Paypal Guthaben in negative fallen? + Hast du eventuell etwas verkauft und es wurde ein Käuferschutzfall eröffnet? ^BL, die sind halt kompetent haben meinen Account mit über 500 Euro auf einfach gesperrt und kurz danach das Geld entzogen +" Hello Aoife! Thanks for reaching out to us. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC"," still no reply, email, or confirmation, help please!" +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thank you for your patience. ^ES", Sent! Thanks! +" Hello! Our sincere apologies for the delay in our response. We have recently responded to your DM, so please check your inbox at the earliest of your convenience. We're here to help! ^AIM", Guys. Pls take me out of this. I'm only concerned with how to fix my issue just for now. <3 + Hey there! I have replied to your DM! :) ^HYC," The error looks like this. I thought that this was supposed to be the ""Safer, Easier Way to Pay"" cc: https://t.co/3NqFmQ6ssZ" +" Okay, I am submitting this as content feedback. Here is a link to an article on how to cancel a billing agreement. https://t.co/12fAuJV6Cc ^BV"," I wouldn´t call it an issue, just a step backwards in the features. The 2 Reasons for using Paypal over just using credit card number at a website were: +1) security +2) control +of one´s payments. Now you are effectively removing the second one." + Hello and I am so sorry to hear that you are having issues. Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and more information. This is so I can further assist you. ^JDG, literally the worst company of all time +" Hola, envía un DM con más detalles sobre lo sucedido y con gusto podremos brindarte ayuda personalizada. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Ya le echaron la bolita a , entre uno y otro mejor me olvido de esa plata." + Doesn't sound like it's from us! Please forward it to __email__ so that we can archive it. Thank you so much! :) ^RA, hiya - the wife has received an email from __email__ - im going to assume this is a scam but just wanted to check ? +" Hey there. I am sorry for the delayed response. If you need any assistance, just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and an explanation of what you need help with. ^BV"," Idk why I tweeted on you but no reply, why?" +" Thanks for reaching out! Since these payments aren't on a PayPal account, I would recommend reaching out to your card provider to see if they can shed some light on these charges and help you dispute them if necessary. They should be able to tell you wh... https://t.co/F4wMdwxen9", This isn't payments from a PayPal account. It's payments to different PayPal accounts from our company Amex card. + Hello! Could you please DM us your PayPal email address along with a description of your problem? We'd be happy to help assist you there. Thanks! ^ACT, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER answered but put me on hold for like 20 minutes???? might as well just hung up on me straight than making me wait 🤬🤬 + Immer gern! ^BL," Super, Danke!" +" Du kannst uns hier bei Twitter in einer DN deine bei PayPal hinterlegte E-Mail-Adresse nennen. Gern lassen wir anschließend deine Angelegenheit von der Fachabteilung prüfen. Ein paar Infos müsstest du mir allerdings noch geben, damit ich weiß wer dir weiterhelfen kann. ^BL"," Ich hab ein Problem mit meinem Konto, dass ich gerne lösen würde. Das basiert auf meiner eigenen Schusseligkeit,nur wäre es schön, wenn wir das so schnell es geht beheben können. :/ Wie kommt man am besten mit euch in Kontakt?Die Nachrichtenfunktion hat bisher nie funktioniert" + Danke für den Hinweis. Gern leite ich die entsprechende Seite an unsere Fachabteilung zur Überprüfung weiter. Kannst du mir die Details bitte in einer DN zusenden? ^BL," Na ja. Die Seite hetzt und verleumdet. Der Betreiber wird von Strafverfolgungsbehörden gesucht, und auf der Seite steht stolz ""Unterstützt von Paypal"". +Muss das sein? Macht ihr euch damit nicht mitschuldig?" + Du hast eine Antwort auf deine DN erhalten. ^BL, Erledigt. 🙋 +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes à votre disposition. Veuillez nous expliquer votre demande davantage muni de votre adresse email en DM pour vous aider. ^AG", Youhou deja remboursé d’une partie et le reste est en cours. Ca va vite +" Bonjour à vous, merci de nous expliquer davantage votre demande en privé. Nous serons heureux de vous aider. N'hésitez pas à fournir votre adresse email PayPal ^AM", finalement le plus drole c etait de capter à quel point elle était gêné et mal-alaise la pauvre choupette + Nous restons toujours à votre entière disposition pour vous aider :). Bonne journée ! ^EM, merci! ;) + ah =( estamos contigo em dm., noa precisa já perdi a compra + <3," Tudo bem. +Consegui resolver numa ligação ontem, agora estou seguindo os procedimentos. + +Grato pela atenção. 😀" +" Bonjour à vous, navrés pour la réponse tardive :(. Si vous avez de l'argent disponible sur votre solde PayPal, il n'est pas obligatoire d'avoir une carte bancaire enregistrée. ^EM", hum oke mais est ce qu'il faut une carte bancaire ou pas? car j'en ai pas j'ai de l'argent sur mon compte mais pas de carte donc c'est peut-être ca + Merci de passer par DM et de nous fournir l'adresse email pour plus de vérifications ^SB," Sauf que là c’est juste un virement pour un remboursement, ça ne dépend d’aucun colis" + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear this! Can you please send us a DM with details? ^AAR," URGENT someone has got into my mums eBay account and bid on a phone for a lot of money, seller has opened case saying we haven't paid, please help how do we sort" + Obrigado ;)," Demoraram... Tudo resolvido, mas obrigado pela atenção de toda forma." + Hello! I have sent you a DM regarding this matter. ^YG, Lies !! https://t.co/uJeENdRkMT +" Oi Matheus, tudo bem ? + +Chame a gente em DM por favor ;) + +Obrigado", Eles pelo menos me respondem rápido +" Oi! + +Estamos em DM com vc ;) + +Obrigado +Gabriel", Tem 2 dias que eu tô tentando e nada.. + Hello there - We would love to help. Can you please send us a DM with your PayPal email?, I give for the delight in knowing I made someone else's moment better. Their smiles make me smile #SiezeTheSeason + Hello I have sent you a DM regarding this matter! ^YG, __email__ - I paid $3k for a trip to PR which was hit by a hurricane and the trip was cancelled. I paid $1k in February and 7 payments of $285.71. Now PayPal is only willing to put in a dispute for my 2 of my payments. + Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about the issue. I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF," I CAN NOT STAND , they never protect you or your money. Out of $3000.00 you'll only refund $571. Ummmmm Nooooo..... I PAID $3000.00!!!! And the seller is not disputing the refund... Ughhhh... https://t.co/528bmMjviE" + Hi again! Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK," that didn't answer my question at all or help me at all. You literally just linked me to the working capital page. Not to mention you called it working capitol when it's clearly capital. Every time I apply, the amount offered changes. Why? Simple answer." +" We apologize for the delay in getting back to you. In order to get some more information about PayPal Working Capitol, please reach out to them directly at the following link: https://t.co/qpTAT4rPfP. Have a wonderful Thursday! ^HW"," Thanks for the timely response, PayPal. Very much appreciated. (Sarcasm)" +" Unfortunately, they will have to contact us directly :(. Please let them know this so that we may get this resolved. ^YG", it was someone else. here's his account... but he's on gab so https://t.co/hLZKvxNlUB + Hi! I'm so sorry for the delay! I just responded to your DM! Please check your messages when you have a chance. :) ^ALF," should answer everyone straight away, sick of talking to robots, even if you try to respond to a real persons email, it never let's you, great customer care paypal, good stuff👍" + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM so I can help you out? ^IT, I've been waiting three weeks for you to transfer money to my account. Is there a phone number I can call? No one answered my request. +" Hey there, sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have this issue resolved in a timely manner. Thanks! ^AI", Please reply to mine ... + I am sorry to hear about this double payment in your account. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA, hello??? +" With the holiday season approaching, often times scammer tend to take advantage of unsuspecting people. We recommend to keep a look out for any suspicious emails and never click on any links or enter any personal information. If you are ever in doubt, f... https://t.co/IhFdY09iuH"," This is the second one I've had, do you know why there's been more scam emails recently?" + Hey there. I am sorry to hear about this issue. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. I will be happy to help. ^BV, I have called three or four times today. I made the purchase it didn’t go through I didn’t receive an itinerary number but you guys took my money. And was able to verify. All the money I had for hotel and now I have nothing. Spoken to John Kayla Andrew 1/4 + Please check your DM for our response! ^HW, Respond to mine frauds +" Hey there. Thank you for reaching out to us. If you need any assistance, just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a explanation of the problem that you are facing. I will be happy to help. ^BV"," listen, please do it." +" Hi there, our apologies about any inconvenience. At this time, this page only supports English. If you have any questions please send us your inquiry in English through DM and we will be happy to help. Thank you! ^DC"," bahasa indonesia, bisa ?" +" Hi Agus! Are you still in need of assistance? If you are, please send us a DM regarding your concern and we'll be more than happy to help. ^HZ", okay +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", Please be careful and ensure your friends and family are more educated about this. It can and does happen to the best of us. + I can assure you that we'll do whatever we can to help. :) Have a great day! ^KK, Thank you for responding and shall be reaching out to you he been fighting this issue and has a family to support so however you can help would be most appreciated. + Hi! Thank you for reaching out and I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and country and we'd be happy to get this figured out. ^AAH," Hi, my friend asked me to contact . He advised me that you would help me with my debt of $5K due to chargebacks from scammers on . All chargebacks were decided in the scammer’s favor with 100% proof provided. Hope you can help." + Glad it went through! Have a great day! ^IT," Too late, works again. Thanks" +" Hi! Sorry to hear about the trouble with this. I am not able to call you, but I can help you over DMs. Feel free to DM us with a description of the issue. Thank you for reaching out. ^ES", Will you phone me? And I don't mean a stupid computer +" We have provided a link to send a DM in this tweet. If you can send that over to us with a description of the situation, as well as your PayPal email address, we would be happy to assist you. :) ^RR https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", How do I do that - I'm a technofobe so don't understand stand how these sites work +" Siempre estamos buscando formas de ampliar nuestros servicios, pero por el momento no tenemos una actualización. ^J", gracias! Lo que quería decir es que sea posible pasar dinero de paypal a cuentas bancarias en Guatemala :) +" Hello and I am so sorry to see that you are experiencing this issue. Please DM me your PayPal email, so that I can assist you further. ^JDG", 30 of the same notification +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW"," my online banking was hacked a few weeks ago and although I've added my new account to my profile, I cannot stop payments from going to the old account which is preventing that old bank account from closing - i'm so tired of dealing with this, please help." + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV, It's amazing I get a quicker response from than #service + Hey there. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV," Thanks for your help* + +*sarcasm" + Hey there. Sorry for the delayed response. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the transaction that you are referring to. I will be happy to help. ^BV," Yeah I’m having trouble too, sent money from my bank to pp a couple of weeks ago and still hasn’t transferred yet. :/" + We are sorry for the delay. Definitely feel free to reach out if you ever need assistance. Have a great day! ^AOA, You're a little late here. That was yesterday. +" I am sorry to hear about these held funds. If you would like, please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA", Oh weird?? I would definitely call them for that +" Hi there, we are trying to respond to all our members messages as quickly as we possibly can. I apologize for the wait, but we are doing our best to get to your message as soon as we possibly can. Thank you for your patience. ^NR", I have no message from you mafks. +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. If you need us to assist you with this. Please send us a DM with your email address and a screenshot of the transaction. :)! ^GAA", You said it yourself i sent you a pic of the part i needed. This the email. I dont get the misunderstanding. https://t.co/EfBzK9f1xn +" Hello and sorry to hear that you are having issues with your funds pending. Please send me a DM with more information, so I can further assist you. ^JDG", How long did it take them after you emailed to clear the pending status? I’m thinking once venmo starts doing auto transfer I’m just gonna stick with that + Hi there! Please send us a DM! ^RA, When will I be able to change my legal name? +" Thank you for the feedback. I am sorry that issue occurred. I am glad to hear that this was resolved, nonetheless. ^JDG", I was able to cancel it right away on the website. Just not through the app. + Of course! It was our pleasure to assist you. We are glad you double checked! That is always a good thing! Have a great day. ^LAR, Thank you thats what I thought. +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and screenshots of the transaction in question? :) Thanks! ^EHMB"," Me, refreshing PayPal and seeing the money that will save me from insolvency as 'pending' for 4 days straight https://t.co/AvKjdyuBtU" + Hi! Please send me a DM with your account email address and country of residence. Thanks! ^JMR, +" Good to hear, Grace! We hope you have a wonderful rest of the day! :^) ^ACT", No worries! I have managed to find what I was looking for ☺️ +" Hi there. From the screenshot that you provided, this email does look fake and is spam as it does not address you by your name and it's details request info through a link. Good eye on spotting this! For future reference, you can use the article on this... https://t.co/bkSaj3xnBY", https://t.co/7pV21Rrunr +" Again, we definitely apologize for the inconvenience this causes for you! You can definitely reach out to your em... https://t.co/XmJy8cZk2V https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", I'm sorry ... you are telling me to use another email address?! The address someone ELSE is using is MINE & has been for 8 years. #notright +" Thanks for letting us know. If you could please DM me with your PayPal email address and country so that I can record this was occurring, that would be much appreciated. ^NEM"," No longer seeing it, and I only see a single transaction in the account activity in the app. I kept getting the push notifications for about an hour but they've ceased." +" I am sorry to hear about this trouble with this payment. If you would like, please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA", initially sided with the buyer even though I have full legal proof of the order address and shipment?? https://t.co/oJf46Q3BME + I've submitted your comments as feedback for our development team to look into - we really appreciate you letting us know about this. :) ^KK," Ok awesome, can you look into it?" + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, I just got another one. Please tell me I’m not getting charged each time. I’m really worried. + Hello. I'm very sorry to hear about this and I would be more than happy to help in any way that I can. To ensure that you get the best assistance specific to your issue I have escalated your case to an account specialist who will be able to assist you as soon as they can. ^NK, what now??????? +" We like to keep passwords that length in order to ensure account security, as it is our number one priority. :) ^CD"," I did, but also - why do you insist on a 20 character password only?" + We are always looking for ways to expand our security! ^CD," Will you ever increase the character count? Or introduce 2FA/ U2F for extra, extra security?" +" Sorry to hear about this, were you able to get your password changed? ^CD"," When typing a password that isn’t within you rules, could you please put the error message ‘your p/w doesn’t adhere to the rules’?" + Thank you. We have responded as well and look forward to further assisting you with this situation. ^NK, I just replied please see it thanks + Glad you were able to find it! Have a great day! ^IT," Thanks for getting back to me, I found the buried link 😁" + We have received and replied to your DM. Please check your messages as soon as you get a chance. ^BC, Have sent you a DM with the email address +" Hello Warren! Thanks for reaching out to us. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC", can you help? +" Great, we will continue this conversation through DM. :) ^GAA", done. +" Hi there. We know holds can be frustrating, but we'll be happy to help. Please send us a private message with your email address and any additional information you have. We'll respond as soon as possible. ^NM", + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us if you're in need of assistance with anything PayPal related - I'll be happy to help! ^KK, Mine aint been working for months 🙃 help please + We do apologize for the delay in responding. If you need anything else please DM us. ^ZT, Already opened cases! A day late too. Smh +" We appreciate the request, but that's not something we can facilitate via social media. If you'd like us to help with an account issue, please send us a DM. We'd be happy to look into the issue with you. :) ^TB", I also like to receive a call from Executive Services to correct a mistake +" Hey there, we responded to your DM please check your message for details! :) ^GAA", What the actual fuck???? + Hello there! Thanks for reaching out. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA, Do u have Twitter support? +" Hi there Christina, we're very sorry you're having this hassle, but if you could please send us ... https://t.co/Nn5X7t6uv4",. If paypal was sorry my money would be found. + Just checking in! If you still need assistance please send us a DM. ^DC,. If paypal was sorry my money would be found. +" Bonjour à vous, on reste à votre disposition en cas de besoin. Passez une bonne journée 😊 ^AM", Merci je vais y jeter un œil ! 🤓 +" Hi Mark. Thanks for reaching out to us. If you are currently in need of assistance, please feel free to send us a DM. ^MN"," Why is there not a means for the person making the dispute to say ""oh, my bad... I remember this payment, now! Let it go through!""?" +" Hey there, we have responded to your DM. Please check it for more details! :) ^GAA", I sent a DM to you. + Perfect! I've responded to your DM :) ^ES," Thank you, have DMed" +" Bonjour Jonathan, je suis à votre disposition. Il semble que vous rencontriez des difficultés pour utiliser le compte PayPal suite à une restriction placée. Je remonte votre demande au service approprié qui vous prendra en charge ^SK", Réglons les problèmes là ! 😂😂 +" Nous sommes attachés à satisfaire nos clients. Pour plus de détails, nous vous prions de venir en DM munie de votre adresse email ou le numéro de votre transaction ^LT", Merci de votre réponse 😊 Suis-je en droit de me poser des questions lorsqu’au bout de 5 jours le virement est encore en attente ? +" Hello, do you have some questions about PayPal? If so, please send me a Direct Message with your PayPal email address and some details on how I can assist you. Thanks! ^RW"," Hi Jason, thanks for your message. Please tweet and a member of our team will be able to assist you with any questions you have." +" Muito obrigado!!!! + +Conte sempre com a gente!! + +Um abraço!", Problema resolvido e atendimento de cinema. +" Hi there, if this is in relation to the recent announcement involving the Synchrony Bank. This will only affect our PayPal Credit product. - ^MD", Will this be simply for the credit or will it effect the working capital for businesses? By effect I mean will we be able to borrow larger amounts? +" No problem Robert, and have a great day. :) ^AL", thank you. I removed the tweet with the mail address. thx. used the wrong shortcake... +" Hey there. I am so sorry about this. As it is the holiday season we are starting to have an increased number of contacts which is why it took longer than expected. Is this an issue that I can help you with? If so, please DM me your PayPal email address ... https://t.co/owHUE47Cxe", 3 GodDamn Hours And 15 Minutes !!!! https://t.co/ATEvbavasg + I apologize for the delay in response as we are working through our messages. I am sorry to hear of the trouble you are experiencing with the PayPal account. I will escalate this. Please try to log in. Let me know if you receive any error messages. ^ITE, 3 GodDamn Hours And 15 Minutes !!!! https://t.co/ATEvbavasg +" Hola, lamentamos lo sucedido. Envíanos un DM y con gusto podremos bríndate atención personalizada. ^ J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Hola, acabo de pagar con en el website de esperando que me cargaran a 18 msi como esta anunciado en la promoción y no fue asi. Me pueden ayudar?" +" Hey there, deeply sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have this issue resolved in a timely manner. Thanks! ^AI", DIZ PRA MIM QUE VAI DAR PRA COMPRAR COM SALDO EM REAL SEM TER CARTAO VINCULADO NA CONTA POR FAVOR +" Hi! I've responded to your DM, and thank you for your patience. ^ES", Done thanks + Hi! I see how this is frustrating. Could you DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the withdraw? Thank you. ^ES, You're so inconsistent with withdrawals it's ridiculous +" Hi, thank you for getting back to us. I'm sorry to hear this, please send us a DM for further assistance. ^YQ"," I've had an email saying my password was changed (not by me) then couldn't log on, I've since changed it myself.. do I need do anything now?" +" I see how this is concerning, and I've responded to your DM again. Thank you! ^ES", Guess I'll eat grass for the next few days + Hello! Please check your most recent DM. :) ^GV, Have done ✅ + Hi! I see how this is concerning. Could you DM us with a screenshot of the email? Thank you. ^ES, I got an email from during the night addressed to someone else. How does that even happen by accident?? + Hey there! I sent you a DM regarding your message! ^HYC," thanks for your reply, ive DM the screenshot" +" Our phone support will inform you of the needed information, but we would recommend simply having your email address ready. ^RR", What information do I need to keep ready when I call? +" You can reach us at 1-800-419-9833 any time between 9:00 AM IST to 9:00 PM IST, Monday to Sunday. ^DC", Where do I call you? +" Hi James. At this time, we'd recommend taking a look at our Privacy Policy in the following link: https://t.co/c4wBbFMLC6 + +If you have any further privacy questions though, please feel free to contact our team here: https://t.co/c3RnnqknnP ^MN", I asked how long you would store it. +" Thanks for reaching out. After an account is closed, we archive the account information in a secure database for compliance and regulation purposes. ^NEM", Ahem? + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM so I can help out? ^IT," I was attempting to verify my debit card. Paypal took Php300.00 from me in 15 minutes as I inputted codes that ""did not work"". Please explain to me why the codes you sent me were invalid. I also hope for a refund to the cash you took from me." + Hello. We have responded to your DM and we look forward to hearing from you. ^NK, I do do upfront payment. +" Hello! Thank you for diligently bringing this to our attention. From what you described above, it sounds like the message you received is most likely fraudulent. Please DM us with your PayPal email and a screenshot of the message for further assistance. Thank you. ^AIM"," I just got an email saying I had to confirm my account or else it’d be suspended, but the link seemed to go through a LOT of other sites. Is this legit or a scam from hackers posing as yourselves?" + Hi there. We'd be happy to help. Please send us a DM with your email address and any additional details you have. Thanks in advance! ^NM, Is this a PayPal credit card? Because we do not currently accept PayPal for Nitro. :o + Hello! I've just responded to your DM. ^HZ," Paypal,how to confirm card,when will be the code release?why cant withdraw our money?" + Thanks for reaching out. Please check your inbox for a response. ^VM, Please? + It can take a few hours to a few days for the payment to be seen in your card statement. Send me a DM if you have any more questions! ^IT, It hasn’t been relayed though. +" En effet, un litige dure 20 jours. Cependant, vous pouvez le transformer en réclamation en tout moment. Ainsi, vous faites intervenir PayPal pour trancher entre vous et le vendeur. Rassurez-vous, votre argent n'est jamais perdu avec PayPal. ^AG", Et puis le litige va durer combien de temps? donc là vous le dire que mon argent est perdu c’est ça ? +" Nous n'avons pas la main pour annuler une transaction en statut terminé. Cependant, nous vous offrons un programme de protection totalement gratuit en ouvrant un litige. ^AG"," Bonsoir, j’ai déjà contacté mon vendeur et j’attends une réponse mais comme je suis passé par Paypal pour le paiement je voulais savoir s’il y avait possibilité pour un remboursement." + Hi! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC," Help, not rep. Duh." +" Hello! Our sincere apologies for the delay. We have recently responded to your DM, so please check your inbox. We're here to help! ^AIM", Try . It's probably a confirm bank account nonsense. + Glad we were able to help! Have a great day! ^IT, alright thanks + https://t.co/VxZE4EScDt," Bom fim de semana também, mas na minha cidade não é feriado 😒 https://t.co/p9JNPvbZhK" + Obrigada <3," Bom feriado pra vcs né +Única cidade do litoral de São Paulo que não será feriado haha https://t.co/F1zXelevYM" + https://t.co/Q08TxntcWU," Bom feriado pra vcs né +Única cidade do litoral de São Paulo que não será feriado haha https://t.co/F1zXelevYM" + https://t.co/ttnQqyWlr6, Caraio ri demais com esse gif 😂😂😂 https://t.co/2cmaHz1MJj + casa comigo?, Caraio ri demais com esse gif 😂😂😂 https://t.co/2cmaHz1MJj + ahuwhauwhua eu também \o/, Caraio ri demais com esse gif 😂😂😂 https://t.co/2cmaHz1MJj + mas ele te faz rir como eu? https://t.co/2QLPrt2avN https://t.co/e2xs3MPJJ7," Eita hehe mas aí complica pro meu lado +Amo meu pequeno 😍❤" + mas entendo. O é lindão *_*, https://t.co/1fCuJAER4F + tá doendo muito. to me sentindo usado. https://t.co/vsj1fKx2CE, https://t.co/1fCuJAER4F + ownnnnn <3 que lindos! hihihihi https://t.co/W6cEtEuvpy, Você ó ❤❤❤❤❤ + https://t.co/LwQCUlxEgP, Obrigado 👨‍❤️‍👨❤✌🏼 https://t.co/9Za1OIqcef + <3 <3 <3 <3," Aaah 😍❣ +#LoveWins 🌈❣👨‍❤️‍👨💏👭" + melhores clientes <3 https://t.co/d0lsWzYqeE," #LoveWins 🌈❤ +Obrigado mesmo ❤👨‍❤️‍👨 https://t.co/gFJ8emRpfE" + fomos feitos um pro outro <3, Haha ainda tô rindo + bom final de semana e bom feriado <3, Muito obrigado 💜 https://t.co/OEmXuTearz + Hi! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC, please response to my DM +" Hi Himanshu, thanks for bringing that to our attention. Please send us a DM with more information about that link that hasn't been working, we'll do our best to help you with a temporary workaround to that link! ^JW", link doesn't work +" Hello Lorna. I'm very sorry to hear about this. If you could send me a DM with your PayPal email and screenshots of the transaction in question, I'd be happy to help. Thanks! ^FM"," So basically what I am saying is, PayPal are going back on their agreement saying that I am not getting my money back!" + Hi there! I understand how frustrating this can be. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address so we may further assist you with this matter. ^SP, Fucking men dude 😂 + We are awaiting a response from at this time. We understand your concern and will be working directly with her to resolve this inquiry. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. ^RJM, You said that earlier. This is an emergency. You said you would send a link for her to upload a police report. You did not. She is in a foreign country and was a victim. We need your help. #CustomerService + Hey there! Please send us a DM with the email address linked to your PayPal account and the country your PayPal account is registered in. We would be more than happy to help. ^CRG, I’ve locked myself out of my account can you help? Thanks + We're so glad this was resolved for you. Have a great day! ^HW," Thanks for replying, good news it is all sorted now. Must of been delayed a day returning to my bank. ☺️" +" Sorry to keep you waiting, Pedro. I just replied to your DM. ^CG", Absolute disgrace of service! Paypal used to be good but now it's a shame to Fintech industry. It's neither fast or convenient anymore! + We can help with that as well. Please DM the email address and the details.We'll look into it for you. ^MH, Not for Patreon. But I did have a PayPal business account that couldn't verify (web form always errors). Phone support cldn't help. Gave up. +" :( If your payments to Patreon are processed through us, and you need any assistance, please let us know. ^MH"," I made a donation on Patreon. Patreon thinks it is ""fraudulent activity"". Patreon is LITERALLY a donations website 🤦‍♂️ https://t.co/SxdtGulfzE" +" Dave, please check your DMs for a response! Thank you for your patience. ^YG", I have sent direct messages through and had no reply... +" Hi, I see how this is concerning. Could you DM us with a screenshot of those emails? Thank you. ^ES", not requested! Totally a lot of money. I've called my bank and they can't see any money being requested to be taken.. WHAT IS GOING ON!? +" Hello! For assistance with your PayPal account, please send us a DM. ^GR", Me too! I'm glad I'm not the only one... please fix asap! +" Hello! So sorry to hear that. For further assistance with your PayPal account, please send us a DM. ^GR", Can anyone recommend a service that allows for 1) receiving international payments for invoices +2) sending int'l money with low fees? +" Oh, good! We're glad to hear that. Thanks again for reaching out to us, and for being a valued PayPal customer. We hope you enjoy the rest of your day! ^RR", Sent an email but it’s sorted now thank you +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. If you can send us a DM with a screenshot of the transaction details for the payment from your PayPal account, as well as your PayPal email address? We would be happy to assist... https://t.co/9vXgsqjp7m https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Can you PLEASE release my money?? This is a total joke + Hi Victoria. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. We recently responded to your previous message. Please check your DM's. ^MN, please dont ignore me xxxxxx +" Hola, agradecemos tu preferencia. Que sigas disfrutando de nuestros servicios. ¡Saludos! ^W", Por eso AMO paypal!!! Si el comercio no lo tiene prefiero no comprar! 😊 #lomaximo + Hey there! Could you please send me a DM with your PayPal email address and country of origin? Thank you! ^HYC, ? + Aí Sim!!!!!, Agora sim vou gastar uma grana na Já pode reservar meu Xbox One X! 😍 +" Parfait ! pour que je puisse aviser le service concerné, il va falloir venir en DM muni de votre adresse email PayPal ^LT", Merci de votre réponse. Je viens de vous envoye un mail :) + Haha! I am so glad this was resolved. Please reach back out if there are any further issues. Have a great day! :) ^HYC," Hey, the panic is off. What it was, was I changed phones, moved the app over and it was requesting bank details BUT not accepting them. Son number three took over and said “come here old man” and as if by magic - “it’s done Dad”. Sorry for raising panic." + Hi there! I'm sorry for the delay. I replied to your DM! ^AAR, Replies?! #Ridiculousness #dreadfulService +" Hi! I just responded to your recent DM! If you have any additional questions, just let me know! :) ^ALF", the same applies to eBay!!!! #terrible #unhelpful +" We apologize for the delay! We are currently responding to a large number of messages, but we're glad to hear you were able to get in touch with someone over the phone. We hope you enjoy the rest of your day! ^RR"," 24 hours later doesn’t help me anyway. After 3 hours and 56 minutes, I finally talked to a person yesterday." +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. I am sorry about any issues you have run in to. Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening or screenshots of the issue? I'm happy to help. :) Thanks! ^IVS"," I knew it happened to those with payments over $1,000 but it just happened to me today for the first time for a monthly payment of $100. It’s crippling for commission based work." +" Of course! Thanks again for reaching out to us, and for being a valued PayPal customer. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day! ^RR"," Balls! Shifted all the € from my bank into PP Not to worry, thx all the same." +" We definitely apologize for the inconvenience, but there is no way to speed this up. However, we would keep in mind that you do not need to have funds in your PayPal balance to complete a transaction. Funds can be pulled directly from your bank account ... https://t.co/mBAq27PoO3 https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Arghhhhg!!! Is there any way to speed this up? The money has left my bank. Looking to score a limited time Black Friday deal, items are in the checkout!" +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. It can take 5-7 business days to add funds from a bank account to your PayPal account. :) ^RR", International. It’s a German banking address. (And thanks for getting back to me!🐙) + Sorry to hear this Paul. Please note that standard withdrawals to your bank account take 3-5 business days to complete. :) ^CD," Same issue, still waiting and need the money today!" +" Hi Keri, thank you for reaching out to us and I am sorry about any negative experience. To better assist you please send us a DM with a screenshot of the full transaction details and your PayPal email address. We will be happy to help. ^DC"," It’s infuriating. I’m curious that it happened to you today also. Did they do that to everyone? What gives, ? You need money so you’re keeping all the money that was paid out today??" +" I am sorry for this trouble you are running into. If you ever need help with PayPal, please feel free to DM me. ^GA", Hello ! I am sorry I have no idea how to do that with Paypal. If you cannot cancel we can give you back the money... + Hey there! I'm sorry for the wait. I've responded to your DM! ^SML, Also sent you a DM about this with screenshot but no response +" Hello Vilius, sorry you're having trouble with our currency conversion. If you need assitsance from PayPal, let us know over DM. I'd also recommend that you remove the screenshot you sent, as it contains personal information. ^AL"," And since my card is British, from , you are pushing dollars and euros to be converted to £. And I've estimated once that forgetting to turn your conversion off would cost me ~4%. In this case, around 2€!" + No problem! Thank you for your patience for a response. Have a great day! ^SML, Appreciate the response! + Hi Peggy! I'm sorry to hear you're also running into this issue. Feel free to send us a DM if you would like additional assistance through here. ^SML," I am getting the same exact message. I called, emailed, got 2 callbacks which hung up on me after saying ""the system is having a problem. Good bye."" and the only email I have received is a prewritten advice email, and I've already done or tried to do all the things they advise." +" Hi Cody! We can't look into your account through Twitter for security reasons, but if you have any PayPal questions we'd be happy to help. Please send us a DM if you'd like any help here! ^SML", Can u look at my account +" You can give us a call at 1-402-517-4519, and the service hours are Monday through Friday 8AM to 430PM local time. Please send us a DM if this doesn't help or if you have more questions. ^SML", Nigeria. The card is Gtbank issued. + You've been followed just in case. ^VM," thanks for getting back to me. Do you need to follow me, before I can DM you?" + Hello there! Thanks for reaching out. Please send us a DM so we can assist you further. Thank you for your patience. ^AOA, I'm getting Thank you for purchase Digital Marketing. (Document No : __credit_card__) receipts. Please help! It's not me! + Glad we could help! :) ^CD," Thanks so much for your help in resolving this issue, . I received my funds today. I appreciate it." + Hi! Please check you most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC," Seems to have resolved, cheers" +" Hello Steven, I'm happy to hear that you were able to get the payment to go through. Have a wonderful day and thank you for being a loyal PayPal customer. ^BB"," Managed to get it to go through after the third attempt, but was still a bit weird. Oh well all sorted now :) Thanks!" +" Hallo, wir haben nochmals auf deine DM geantwortet. ^FV", Dann bitte nochmal! :) +" Hallo, wir haben auf deine DM geantwortet. ^FV"," Dazu kommt noch, dass ich andere davor warne." +" Hi, we have just responded to your DMs. Apologies again for the delay. ^PL"," This lack of response is absolutely unsatisfactory, especially for a service that handles money." +" Hi there, we have responded to you via DM. Apologies again for the delay. ^PL"," Hi, I’m not getting a response via DM! Will you accept a bank statement in my maiden name as proof of address?" +" Buen día, estamos a tus ordenes envíanos un DM y con gusto podremos ayudarte. Saludos ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Ya va casi un mes sin respuesta de su parte, presenté un reclamo en " +" Hello, apologies for the delay. I've responded to your DM. Thanks! ^RW"," +Why are you not attending to my account issue for the past 2 weeks nor check your DM? +Reference ID: PP-006-248-400-189 https://t.co/7sKtWgmpjd" +" Hi there, apologies for the delay. We have responded to your DM. ^SK"," My account becomes restricted tomorrow, could you guys please check the DM?" +" Hi! At this time, I do not have any information about when or if this will become available. However, thanks for reaching out to us! We always appreciate input. ^ES", When comes paysafe +" Thank you for reaching out to PayPal customer support! It's important that you know what options you have with your payment holds. If you have any concerns or questions regarding your account or transactions, please send me a DM with further details. I want to help! :) ^KT", I love square! I wish more customers would choose it +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW"," May I ask what website you bought the drone from? Surely they are responsible for the refund? I would always recommend using a credit card for electrical purchases over £100, then you're covered by section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act." +" Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Please send us a DM with your inquiry in English. Additionally, please delete these post as it appears it may have some personal information. Thank you in advance. ^AC", أودّ تجديد الاشتراك شهري رقم البطاقه 42712402702 +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", If my payment got held on you I'd be happy to pay you another way. Let me you if want to swap it! + Glad you were able to get this resolved! Have a great day! ^IT, I’m from Brazil and have already talked to the customer service! But that’s really strange having the account hacked and cancelled. +" Thank you for reaching out, Joseph! I'm sorry for any inconveniences, but the processing time is 3 to 5 business days. If you have any further questions, please send us a DM. From there, we'll be happy to help! ^JGP", XD +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help.! ^HW", Is it so? Do you have some links or something where I could check it out :o I thought you still need to get clearance for it from the authorities even if you provide rewards +" Thank you for that additional information. As a seller myself, I can understand how upsetting this situation would be. For me to best assist you, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, your country of residence, and any relevant screenshots... https://t.co/tYBZOjDoQk"," Buyer brought something from me of eBay, claimed they had been hacked and you have given there money back. I’m now out of pocket from loss of postage. Seems a little unfair and your website is useless at making a complaint." + Simply send a DM to this twitter account () and I would be happy to assist you in the direct message format. Thank you. ^AC, Ok who shall I send it to so you get it? +" Hello, thank you for reaching out to PayPal customer support. At this time Arabic is not a supported language, but if you need help with your account I can assist you in English, German, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, French, Japanese, or Portuguese. Thank you. ^BB", ردو ع الخاص +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", I don't know anyone that's gotten money back from PayPal. I try to avoid them after losing a few thousand +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", Thank you. Yes the same happened with me. Very strange 🤔 + Hola. Por favor envíanos un DM para poderte asistir mejor. ^LS https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, No puedo hacer la compra por qué podré hacer? + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! We can help you in any of the eight languages listed in our profile. Can you send me a DM in one of those languages if you need help? ^IT, سلام +" Hey, I have sent you a DM! ^MB", OR CALL ME at 980 229 2479 + Hola. Por favor envíanos un DM para perderte asistir mejor. ^LS https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Eso espero. Ni al caso lo que sucedió. Fue ilógico + Oh no! We're sorry to hear that there's been a bad experience. :( Please DM us with your PayPal email and details on the issue! #heretohelp, PayPal screwed me out of $400. +" Great, I am glad the issue was resolved! If you ever need assistance with your PayPal account, you know where to find us! :) ^GR", The problem fixed itself after some time... +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. We will be happy to assist you with this. Please send us a DM with your email address and a screenshot of the issue. :) ^GAA"," I'm not sure why invoices suddenly activate this policy, maybe because it starts with a seller asking you for money, they want to be sure it's legit and doesn't cause claims? Idkfs, tho. I would just say if u need the money asap, don't make an invoice for it?" + Hi! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC," Just trying to get my phone registered for two factor verification and he said to me why would I need that and then proceeded to skirt around the issue, not help and then hang up!" + Hey there! We have responded to your DM. Please check it as soon as you can! ^IT, Please reply my message ASAP before my phone dies please please +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW"," I would say you received a completely different item as well, drones are controllable, if its not, then its not what you paid for, so its a different item." +" I'm sorry to hear of any fraudulent charges. Please send a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of this charge, I'm happy to help! ^IN"," Glad to hear it. I filed a case right away... so far, nothing but an automated reply, but I didn't expect instantaneous resolution." +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", Thank you! I planned to call them today to fact check + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Banks can only be added to an account from the same country. I recommend working with your bank to transfer money from your Australian bank account. ^IT, I don't think I'm going to get a yes cuz of the international federal laws but maybe we could but that's just wishful thinking. Never mind and sorry for asking unnecessary questions. Good day! +" I'm glad to hear that the issued has been resolved, Monojit. Have a wonderful day and thank you for being a valued PayPal customer. ^BB", We settled it. We just mentioned you to highlight our good-standing. Regards. +" It takes less work to send payments. Our system will automatically withdraw funds from your bank/card when you make payments. Additionally, having a bank/card linked can get you verified. Have a look at this for more info: https://t.co/qgbbY73EVT. ^DP", How so? +" Hey! A bank/card would make things a lot easier, but it's not required. ^DP", Do I have to have a bank account or credit card to fully use my PayPal? +" Hi there, thank you for reaching out to PayPal via Twitter. We are sorry to hear about this. For further assistance, please send us a DM. Thank you! ^AC", I lost 10 + Please check your DM for our response! ^HW, I sent a DM a few hours ago. Can you please reply? +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. We will be happy to assist you with this. Please send us a DM with your email address and a screenshot of the issue. :)! ^GAA", still on hold well over an hour and a half I'm getting charges that are not mine they're coming in and you guys aren't answering your freaking phones! +" Hi Chris, sorry to hear about the trouble with that user. Please send us more information about your specific situation in a DM, we'll be happy to assist you further! ^JW", stop this person doing any more damage to people taking money Emma Jackson __email__ + Please send a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of this page. ^IN, It's not an email. It's a web page that appears when checking out. I can't get around it. +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", Always fuckin up somebody money i swear dont use there service + Hola. Por favor envíanos un DM para poder asistirte mejor. ^LS https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Antier lo intente y paso esto: https://t.co/hkddCpqxkZ +" Currrently, the GST fee that is charged is not 18% of the total transaction price but rather, it is 18% of the fee charged by PayPal on a payment that you receive. This is a fee that we are required to charge due to the financial regulations in your re... https://t.co/qNRaGJcQFB", GST is indian tax form + Hi! Please check your most recent DM. Thanks. ^AMC, very much so +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", Agreed. PayPal does suck. Seller on ebay screwed me for approximately $125. PayPal was no help in recovering money. + That's a wonderful idea! We hope you spread some holiday cheer with your giving. Have a great day! ^HW," I give because I was down and out once and people helped me, so I'm passing it on." + Por nada. ^LS, Muchísimas gracias! 👍😉 + Please check your DM for our response! ^HW, Done! Thank you! +" Hello, I've sent a reply to the DMs you've sent us. Let me know if you'd like further assistance. ^AL", Check my DM please +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW"," It's still stupid. needs to stop making these new policies that hurt legitimate customers and small time businesses. Honestly I've had enough, and they just shot themselves in the foot. There has to be a better way to pay, maybe Google Wallet or something." + We're sorry to hear the delay in our response caused additional concern. We try to respond to each of our customers in the order in which the Tweet or message was sent. Please feel free to reach back out in the future if you'd like us to try and help. ^TB, 4 days later??? Seriously??? We closed said account & hopefully get the $ back. Calling got me nowhere either. I expect better of PayPal😣 + Hey there. We have seen your DM and have replied. Looking forward to helping you out. ^BV, Please DM me! I DM you guys 10 hours ago. +" Hello Nick, sorry you're having trouble with our fees. We'll be happy to help explain that. For assistance, please send us a DM with an example in a screenshot, as well as your PayPal email address. ^AL", Why do I get charged fees when I move money to friends/relations accounts £1:12 here 87p there..always happens but my partner and friends never have this problem!? It’s only small amounts but over time it adds up. Thanks! #paypalfees + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK," I decided to use paypal and see how it goes, expected a clean and fast transaction because my bank was verified..... that was 4 days ago." +" Sorry to hear it, Sam. If you need assistance, please feel free to DM us. Hope you have a great day! :) ^GAA", Swift customer service isn’t your strong point it seems. I’ve closed my account. I won’t be re-opening it. +" Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response, and I'm sorry to hear about your negative experience with us. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help you out with this. ^KK", was on hold over 1.5 hours then told there's nothing you can do because the amount is still pending...ok so we'll let someone take 6 grand out first before you take action?! pathetic security and customer service!! + Hi there. We have responded to your DM now. Thanks. ^DR," Dear PayPal, you have replied to my tweet but haven't actually helped or replied to me in the DM that I sent to you. Could I please get help on my issue?" + We're sorry to hear of the trouble accessing your account. Please send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal account. We can see what options we have to help out. ^TM," Even if I get two security checks through without timeout, it tells me that ""something went wrong"" and to ""try again"". Also, your helpdesk site won't let me do anything but call you unless I log in, which I can't do. I need my account unlocked please." +" Oh okay, glad to hear it! Have a good day. :) ^AL", It's all sorted now! I was just being impatient 😅 + Sorry about any concern regarding this matter. To better assist you please send us a DM with the transaction details page you are referring to and your PayPal email address. We will be happy to help. ^DC," In fact, there isn't even a balance that says '0', the balance field has just completely disappeared. Help?? https://t.co/3c4ZcCodr6" +" We have responded, please check your DM's for more detail. ^GAA", Replied with the requested info. Thank you! +" You're very welcome, we are happy we could help! :) ^GAA"," Excellent support and super fast, thank you!" + Hey there! I'm sorry for the wait. I've responded to your DM! ^SML, Kindly reply to my DM. +" Hey there, thanks for pointing this out to us. It appears the email you've received is a phishing email. Please DM your country so we can get this sent to the right team. ^SE", Is it a phishing email as I thought? + Great! Thanks for keeping us in the loop! ^SE, Thank you I just have +" Hello Chris, I'm sorry to hear of any issue. At this time, I'm not aware of any issues. Please send a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the issue. I'm happy to help with the situation. ^IN", Any response please? + Our apologies about any inconvenience! We have replied to your DMs for further assistance. ^DC, Check your DMs + We're sorry for the wait. We've responded to your DM. ^TM, sent you Dm with case id and email address. + Dann hat dieser den Betrug vermutlich schon erkannt und wollte die Weiterleitung möglicher Malware verhindern. Also einfach nur aus dem Postfach löschen. Danke aber für den Versuch. :) ^SL, Leider wurde meine Mail von eurem Server abgelehnt. +" Sorry, I sent you the wrong link previously, it should be https://t.co/uqyfZYnLcp. Thanks"," When you check the address for “__email__,” you get this email address. https://t.co/rHuBWZys9u" +" Hi Kristina, thank you for reporting this email. If you could please forward it to __email__ for verification or __email__ if you are sure it is a phishing email. You will find more information on phishing emails here https://t.co/T5p4Y5CY0l. Thanks"," When you check the address for “__email__,” you get this email address. https://t.co/rHuBWZys9u" +" Oh, das ist natürlich ärgerlich. Tut mir leid zu hören. In diesem Fall kann ich leider auch nichts weiter tun. :/ ^WD"," Hab ich gemacht. Antwort: PayPal hat vor einer Woche entschieden, die Funktion nur noch für Geschäftskonten anzubieten, ohne eine Erklärung." +" Once we receive a DM with your email address via Twitter we will be more than happy to help, William. ^RD"," I’ve seen several DMs two you have replied to, would you like me to prove that PayPal have lied about this as well, #CustomerService #paypalfail" + I can see from your previous messages that we have asked to several times since September to send us a DM so we can help you. We have not received a DM to date. ^RD," I messaged your ceo is he incapable of responding, does PayPal care so little about customers that the person supposedly in charge can’t deal with the business anymore ?" +" Hey there! We realize you never got our last DM, so we sent you another one. Please check it out when it's most convenient to you. ^KR", I haven’t received a message in my DM’s if possible could you please resend it? +" Thanks for reaching out about your received payments! If you're still running into issues with receiving payments, please send me a DM with additional details. I definitely want to help! ^KT", WHAT ugh also i never confirmed my email so i wSNT receiving payments... +" Hello there, thank you for reaching out. We will be happy to assist you with this. Please send us a DM with your email address and a screenshot of the issue. :) ^GAA"," Why did you restrict my account, when I used a prepaid visa? Is it because of my conservatism?" + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK," Thanks for scam! + +I contact if you don’t Go in dm" + Hola. Por favor envíanos un DM para poderte asistir mejor. ^LS https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, https://t.co/l5H0bDcSYG +" Hi here! I apologize for the delayed response, and I'm sorry that you were on hold for so long. :( If you're still in need of assistance, feel free to DM us. I'll be happy to help. ^KK",Fuck y’all https://t.co/5E4zrSzNS6 + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK," Nope no case number, I've called and emailed and they just keep telling me to submit my documents. Never get any kind of confirmation, never get any help past ""do it again"" paypal is being beyond useless" +" Hey there, deeply sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have this issue resolved in a timely manner. Thanks! ^AI"," Is perfectly fine with known scammers using their platform to perpetuate their scamming, even when they've been presented with evidence proving is a scammer from MULTIPLE people. She'll just use account if hers is fried anyway." +" You're welcome, Jose. Have an amazing day! ^AAR", Don't worry. Already fixed through your support telephone. Thanks + Hey there! I apologize for any frustration this situation has caused you thus far. Please send us a DM and include the email address associated with your PayPal account and I will be happy to assist you to the best of my abilities! ^SB," This is happening with at least 5 different companies that I have made purchases with this method before. In many cases, these are subscriptions (for example, to ) that have after MONTHS of processing payments without issue, have suddenly stopped working." +" Nous sommes navrés d'apprendre cela. En tant que société en ligne, nous n'avons aucun moyen de vérifier les colis reçus par nos utilisateurs. Nous demandons dans certains cas un document officiel pour nous aider à poursuivre notre étude. Nous comptons sur votre compréhension. ^AG", Justement le service n’est pas la hauteur d’un je serais rebourse dans les 48 h déjà passé en litige de l’autre on me demande des justificatifs après je serais pas remboursé en plus de ce on me raccroche au nez Le service PayPal n’est plus comme j’avais connue ..👎👎 +" Hey there, Holden! We have received and replied to your DM. Please check your messages as soon as you get a chance. ^BC"," It says: ""Sorry, we can’t complete your purchase at this time. Please return to the merchant and choose another way to pay.""" + Send us a DM and we can further assist. ^CD, Hi. I can’t. Don’t have a bank. + I have responded to your DM. Please check this when you have a chance. :) ^NEM, I have DM’d you. Thanks + Thanks for clarifying for us. ^SP," Thanks Paypal, I seen that and was actually just relaying the info back to . They are the ones that haven't updated my support ticket since Thursday when I last replied." + We apologize for this inconvenience. We have responded to your DM. Please check it at your earliest convenience. ^SP," I haven't received an answer to my support ticket since Thursday. said to me ""Since an order is not appearing, it seems that the issue is with the merchant. "" What am I supposed to do at this point? Both of you say it's a problem with the other. :(" + I apologize for that! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and more information about your issue. I'll do my best to help. ^KR, Paypal .. bunch of crooks leave well alone !!!!! + Hello there - We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and inquiry so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Hate the way eBay and PayPal hold you to ransom with was another option so expensive to try and sell without losing money +" In order to further assist you, please send us a DM and a brief description of the issue. Thank you. ^YR", __email__ +" Hello! Thanks for reaching out to us. For assistance, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address. ^BC", When adding a new card on the website... Says the issuer declines + I apologize for the delay. It seems that this email you received wasn't sent by us. You can go ahead and forward this email to __email__. Thank you. ^SP, +" Hey! If you need assistance with this, send me a DM with some more details, along with your PP email. I'm happy to help you! ^MB", Tried to buy a present last night and transaction has been frozen. Thanks a bunch! + Hi there! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address so we may further assist you with this matter. ^SP, Why do you take so much money for just moving money. +" Hi Ziya, thanks for reaching out to us. We're sorry you're running into this situation. Please send us a DM with your email address so we can help. ^LB"," for you to finalise it as I am going no where with the seller, even though I canceled item right after purchase, so not dispatched." + We are glad to hear that! Thank you for keeping us updated on the situation. Have a wonderful day! ^AC," Thanks, its come through now, must’ve taken a few days to clear 😁" +" Hi! I know it's frustrating to run into this, and I'm here to help you. If you need assistance, please DM us with your PayPal email. Thank you! ^ES", Dirty scamming bastards. Never ever use PayPal for large transactions. Paypal can decide to close your account and force you to wait 180 days for YOUR money. +" Hello! So sorry to hear that! For further assistance with your PayPal account, please send us a DM. ^GR", That's two of us. Been told a pack of lies from the start. + Thank you for contacting PayPal. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and we will be happy to help. ^JP, I’ve sold a few items on eBay for the first time. How long should the funds stay ‘pending’ before i can draw them down to my account? + Hi there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, What sort of message would you like us to send you? + I'm sorry that you are still having trouble with this. I recommend giving us a call so that we can assist you with this further. ^DT," Whilst cancelling and ignoring a couple of requests is fine, I’m receiving 25-30 a day from 1 specific email address plus others from another account." +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out to us. I've responded to your DM. Please take a look for further assistance with your inquiry. ^SE", Check your DMs + Thanks for reaching out! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and more information about your issue. I'd be happy to help. ^KR, hello?? +" Sorry to keep you waiting, I just replied to your DM! ^CG", definitely! considering its so say the safest way to send money online and then when your account gets hacked they arent interested +" Hey there, please send us a DM if you are in need of any assistance with your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG"," I promise , I'll never betray you again. Sorry 😭" +" Hey Kelly, please send us a DM if you are in need of any assistance with your PayPal account. We're happy to help. ^CG", Yeah paypals great if you want a fraudster to use your account to buy stuff. Dont even go there. Secure NOT!! 😠 + Sorry to keep you waiting. I just answered your DM. ^CG, The annoying part is that I've gotten nothing in return from PayPal. I want this fixed and my phone number disconnected. +" Great advice, Holly. Please forward any suspicious emails to __email__ and we will investigate further to prevent these in the future. Thank you! ^DC", how can i forward the email to you so i can be sure it wasn’t sent by you/someone hasn’t spent money on my account? + I have sent you a DM regarding this matter! ^YG, Just dm’d please respond in the next 2 hours +" Hey there! Thanks for reaching out. As it stands, we only provide support on this Twitter page in Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian & Spanish. Once you send me your query in one of these languages, we are more than happy to... https://t.co/b3n5d0UlkM", ולמה לא לפתוח שם חשבון? שם בארהב +" We're sorry to hear that you're having trouble with this chargeback. :( If you'd like to follow and DM your email and the specifics, we'll get back to you just as soon as we can. Thanks! ^AS", I'm also passionate about charity. But i can't give back because I was overcharged by . Can someone at help me out so I can help out great causes? +" Hi Cynthia, We are sorry for the delay. We have responded to your DM. Thanks ^SLS"," I’ve been hung up on by your support 3 times, no response to an email and haven’t heard back on Twitter. Can you please help?" + Por favor envíanos un DM para perderte asistir mejor. ^LS https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, La compra fue hace una semana. Con una city Banamex + Hola. ¿Qué tipo de tarjeta estas tratando de utilizar? ^LS, Pues que mal. Volveré a esperar otro de msi. Porque si quiero comprar como mínimo 6 plateras. Ni hablae + Hola. Efectivamente la opción de retirar hacia una tarjeta no está disponible. Para retirar tu saldo debes asociar la información de tu cuenta bancaria (clabe interbancaria) a tu cuenta PayPal. Envíanos un DM si tienes más preguntas. ^LS," Solo me dice que se puede pasar el dinero a un banco, pero no a mi tarjeta, ayuda" +" Hi there, thank you for bringing this to our attention and sorry about any inconvenience. To better assist you please send us more details about this and your PayPal email address over DM and we will be happy to help! ^DC", lol wait i put in a different amount and it warned me about a different payment i made on a different date?? THIS DOESNT MAKE SESE https://t.co/Pz4vjwXYW8 + We'd be more than happy to help out! Just send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal account and some details of how we can help. ^TM," Paypal donations are processed by Paypal. We do not handle nor process the money. If you require further assistance with Paypal donations, I suggest you contact them as soon as possible. I hope this answers your quesiton." +" Okay, freut mich zu hören. Falls noch etwas ist, melde dich bei mir. ^FV", Hat sich geklärt danke + Salut Dorian ! On est disponibles par DM si vous avez une question précise ^SB, Attention car là leur siège c'est Labège tout entier +" If there's anything we can do to help, please let us know. ^DD"," If you are using your debit card and its not being accepted please DM your full name, sort code and postcode. I will look into that further. SG https://t.co/BbmcXsMXyM" +" Hello Mark. Sorry for the delay. If you could send a DM with screenshots of the issue, I'd be happy to further assist you with this. Thanks! ^FM", And you'll just ignore it....? Nearly been 24 hours since my DM and 6 hours since my mention... + Hi! Thank you so much for reaching out! I'm so glad to hear that our phone team was able to help! Have a great day! :) ^ALF," i have the issue again and not help from ebay at all in 5 hours, very rude blaming me, call payal and they had notes from previous and helped in 3 mins..i get more help from paypal in 3 mins then 5 hours with time to find new place to buy ????" + That's definitely not from us! We'll always address you by your name. Please forward it to __email__. You can read more about spotting fake emails here: https://t.co/FM7r6d612J. Thanks for keeping an eye out! :) ^ALF, +" Hey there, deeply sorry to hear about the current situation. :( If possible, could you send us a DM, so that we can have this issue resolved in a timely manner. Thanks! ^AI", And your “buyer protection” is bullshit +" Hi! I'm so sorry you've had a negative experience with us. If there's anything I can do, please send us a DM with some more information. I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF", Scammers use skrill instead- they freeze your account to '' confirm your identity '' when in actual fact they want to take your money unless you prepare filing a lawsuit DO NOT TRUST! +" Thank you for reaching out. We are happy to answer your PayPal questions, but at this time customer support is only offered in English. Please send us a DM message with your inquiries in English and your registered email address so that we can assist you. ^GV", LKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK +" Glad to hear, Paul. Let me know any inquiries you have! ^YG", Ah no issues just checking as thinking of switching to PayPal thanks for responce + Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about the issue. I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF," paypal,what a bunch of wankers,along with Ebay!absolutely fine until you get a problem with a purchase then an absolute nightmare!" + eu dou o/ Chama a gente na dm?," Alô, , dá uma ajuda pro nosso amigo! 😊" +" Hi! I'm sorry we don't have cash payout currently! We're always trying to expand our services, and your feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks for reaching out! :) ^ALF", And I was told that I cannot speak to anyone local in the US..so outsources their call centers in order to pay ppl in dirt and still takes advantage of customers who use the service +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW"," Whatever you do, don't leave any money on your PayPal account...pp will find a trumped up reason to freeze it. Not to be trusted." + Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about the issue. I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF," when I use PayPal I keep being double charged for items, why does this keep happening?" +" I am sorry for the late response. Due the holidays approaching we are running into a high number of contacts, but we will always answer your questions. If you need anything else, please send me a DM. ^GA", Only a day too late. Dont worry about it. ☹ +" Hey! If you still need assistance with this, send me a DM with some more details, and your PP email. I'm happy to help. ^MB", usually someone who charges back donates for attention with the intention of taking the money back +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", Exactly. I donate for your attention lol but also to support you because you're awesome. Id never ask for it back. It's your money. + Hey there. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a further description of the issue and I will be happy to help you! ^HYC, who charge backed ?? + We're glad that your question was answered and we hope you have a nice week! ^EL, Thought not. Thank you :) + Thanks for the patience! I just sent a response! :) ^ALF, At least Alf loves us. https://t.co/mxEH2qTmjO + Hello! Can you please send me a DM with your inquiry? Thanks! ^YG, I have a business account with PayPal and so far none of this holds true for me yet. Wondering if this is a personal account thing? +" Hi! I'm so sorry to hear about your negative experience! If you'd still like some help from me, please send us a DM. :) ^ALF"," It seems like it's hit or miss with their customer support. The big things though count. Through them refusing to give me tax forms for the IRS when the IRS audited me for income to this latest issue with preferred payment methods, I'm done with them." + That is great to hear! Enjoy the rest of your day. ^YG, Thank you ! They actually called me back yesterday and got me all squared away! Great customer service!!! I really appreciate it!! +" Por nada. Cualquier cosa, estamos disponibles en DM. Que tengas un excelente día. ^W", Enviado. Gracias. +" Hello and thank you for reaching out. Please send me a DM with more information, so that I can further assist you. I'm happy to help. ^JDG", Help ??? + We are always working to improve our system and thank you for your feedback! ^HW," I cannot believe you continue to offer this risky buying option that does not need a password, and cannot be reversed on phone/ tablet if selected in error " + That is great to hear! I am sorry about any inconveniences you experienced along the way :( . Enjoy the rest of your day! ^YG, All seems to be well now - of course I had to prove a dozen times I wasn’t a robot - but ok now - thanks! +" Hey there, I'm sorry to hear about this. :( Send me a DM with your PP email, I'm happy to help you! ^MB", Just a money transaction platform I guess. I’ll check that one out you’ve reccomended! 👍🏻 + Hey guys! Our spoof/phishing team will look it over from here. Thanks for bringing this to our attention and have a great day! ^DP, Already done + I apologize. Could you please try to send us another DM so we can assist you today? ^HW, Can guarantee you haven’t responded + Hello! I've replied to your DM. :) ^RA, hahahahaha i’ve been caught 😂😂 + Please refresh your browser and check again for our response! :) ^HW," Guessing you haven’t sent it yet, because there’s nothing there" +" We offer our sincere apologies for your experience, and will be happy to look into this. Please DM us your email address and the details. Thank you. ^MH","We're FED UP with the way treats their business customers. It's annoying. We've lost over £17,000 due to PayPal's mistakes within the past 2 years alone!" + preciso convidar pelo menos os meus 5 milhões de fãs do facebook =O," KKKKKKKKKKKK GENTE, VAMOS FAZER O CASAMENTO DO ANO" + Hey there. I apologize for this situation. Please send me a DM with details of this issue and your PayPal email address and I would be happy to help you! ^HYC," Complaint set in via email form (very untrustworthy and customer avoiding) and also directly to contact emails. Not had even an acknowledgement, let alone a reply in almost a week. Heaven help me if I was trying to access MY money (which I was, hence the complaint!)" +" Hi! I know it's important to get this information, and I'm here to help. Could you DM us a screenshot of what you see on your business profile page? Thank you! ^ES"," thank you, but i couldnt see this piece of information at my business profile page https://t.co/KykSI4MIWf +this is my first Q, the second is how can i get a full transaction report from the first date of creation untill now. the reporting system doesnt allow more than 2 years." +" Hi Salah! I hope you're having a great day. You should have received an email, please check your inbox. :) ^AAR", https://t.co/jE6AN3pWxi + Hi there. Here's some helpful information about the PayPal Access card and it includes the best telephone number to call: https://t.co/nn65VEJpjX. You should be able to reach the right people at 0845 505 8801. Thanks! ^LB, Thanks. Sent a DM :) +" Glad to hear it worked out, Amir! ^CD"," Many thanks, it is done, it was supplier mistake, he sent like for different charge account so the money appeared in another account." +" Hi Brett, for more information on our 2FA set up please follow this link: https://t.co/S0gZAeP7yC . If you have any other questions feel free to send us a DM and we will be happy to help. ^DC", Well 2FA for Steam is through Steam Guard which should always be on given how much value is in it. Paypal is a text though. +" That's right, you should be good to go! ^CD", You mean it’s just a update? It’s not something to worry about? +" Guten Morgen, wir haben dir privat geantwortet. ^SL", Slowly bei + Danke dafür. :) ^SL, Sie haben eine DM mit Bildern. ;) + We're sorry but we cannot provide any information publicly. We have sent you a new DM. ^SLS," So where is the question you asked yesterday then, didn’t have to follow two weeks ago to get a reply, just want to know why there is a 34 day gap between my two claims yet they were put in same time" +" Oh, gleich 10. :/ Aber ganz lieben Dank für deine schnelle Rückmeldung. :) ^SL"," Moin, +Habe vor 30 Minuten 10 SMS´s bekommen jetzt geht wieder alles." + Génial ! Je reste à votre entière disposition en cas de besoin 😉. Excellente soirée ^CM, D'accord merci bien. J'ai bien envoyer l'E-mail. Merci. ^^ +" I'm sorry to hear about this situation! :( If you're in need of assistance with anything, please feel free to DM us. I'll be happy to do whatever I can to help. ^KK", They charged me for a few orders that they wouldn’t let thru then told me I’d have to wait til Thursday for it. Called the bank n paid $30 for a stop payment on the transactions +" We're sorry to hear this! If you can DM your email address and the details, our teams would be happy to assist you further here. ^AP", Actual joke of a company I can’t believe they’re still a business when they treat customers like shit +" Hi! I'm so sorry you had a negative experience, but I'm glad that your issue has been resolved! If you need additional help, please send us a DM. Thanks! :) ^ALF", My issue was that they keep charging my old bank for 2 dollars I didnt have one day and im like negative 200 because of it. I just got off the phone with them and they finally fixed the issue. They waved me the 2 the dollars I owe them 2 weeks ago lol fucking hell +" Hey there! I'm very sorry to hear that you experienced some trouble when trying to call us for further assistance. If you still need help, please send us a DM and I'll be more than happy to assist you! ^SB"," And each time I speak to someone they tell me different things, there's no consistency at all" +" Hey there! I'm very sorry to hear that your money was on hold for longer than expected, but I am here to help! Please send us a DM with further details and I'll be happy to assist you further. ^SB", Hay PayPal weres my money that should clear on 26th sat waiting like a idiot me thinks you hold funds to in a holding account so company get interest on it +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! I've responded to your DM. Please take a look when you get the chance. :) Thanks! ^IVS ^IVS", https://t.co/RJLUXoh3o2 + Hello Dirk! Please send me a DM for further assistance. ^DT, email is __email__ or __email__ ... we've been turning over more than $2500 for many months ... but fees always stayed the same + No problem! We will be here for you and be more than happy to assist you. ^GV, email is __email__ or __email__ ... we've been turning over more than $2500 for many months ... but fees always stayed the same +" Hey Charlie, I've sent you a DM. :) ^MB", Could I have a response ASAP please? + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM so I can help out? ^IT, Are you going to answer me ?? + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM so I can help? ^IT, My Credit Card ( Taswaq )Shop from Al Rajhi Bank Can I link it to the PayPal account? +" I'm sorry that I wasn't able to help you out, but I'm glad to hear that you were able to get things resolved, Robert! Have a lovely day. ^KK", Unfortunately several hours later I got it resolved.... + Hey! Send me a DM if you are still in need of some assistance with your PayPal balance. I'm happy to help! ^MB, 6 MONTHS WTF +" Deeply sorry for the delay that you had experienced to have this issue resolved, Luke. :( If you encounter any issues in the future, please let us know as soon as possible. Thanks and have a great day! ^AI", YOU r about 1 day to late already sorted +" Hi there, I'm glad you reached out! In order for me to assist you further with this, please send me a DM with a screenshot of what you're seeing and any additional details. I definitely want to help you get this figured out for you! ^KT", account is not approved not statement from and not change my business name with dead delay +" Hi there, I have received and replied to your message. Thanks! ^JMR", i wonder if they'll reply to you noah seeing as I'm still waiting on a reply to my dm's... + Hello! I'm sorry for the delayed response. Please DM us regarding this and I'll be happy to help. ^KK, 🤔 + Thank you for the feedback! I am happy to send this to the proper department. Have a great week! :) ^JMR," It looks like a filter/sort for the table, not a standalone dropdown." + I'm sorry to hear that. Can you send us a DM with the email address registered to your PayPal account? We can have the call reviewed and make sure Jay has the correct information. ^TM," Ahhh...perfect!! Just did it, and it is what I am looking for. Thank you!! Hmmm...maybe you should have a talk with “Jay.” That was the time of my call, and spent half an hour w him. Thank you for ur help! #CyberMonday #resolved https://t.co/77MA6TXXAE" + No problem! I'm happy to help out! ^TM," Sure! I’ll have a staff of mine take care of it right away. Thank you for your help, and thanks to Twitter!! 😆🙌🙏" +" I'm sorry for any confusion. This sounds like a feature that we offer. Just go to your activity log, set the dates you're searching for, and in the ""Search activities"" search field, you can enter an email address, then just hit search. If you're referri... https://t.co/KKIXykz9j6"," Search all payments for a specific email address. It should be a few lines of simple codes, and it shouldn’t take more than a few days to add, test and go live. As users we need it. #CyberMonday +https://t.co/2EvdcXz7vY" + If you follow us we will be able to DM you Paul. :) ^CD, follow me so I can DM you + Please DM us if you need any help. What did the false email ask you to do? ^IVS, Fuck + You're Welcome! I hope you have a great day. ^CRF," Thanks, so satisfying" + Lamentamos el inconveniente. Estamos disponibles en DM si deseas asistencia de nuestra parte. ^LR," Yo llamé para eliminar absolutamente todas las asociaciones activas de mi cuenta paypal, pero aún así no funciona, pero hace un año con la otra cuenta interbank si funcionaba la transferencia" + Hola. Por favor envíanos un DM para poderte asistir mejor. ^LS," Tampoco.. creo que eso torna la operación imposible, es verdad?" +" You're awesome and thank you again. If you ever need assistance or need to report something to us, we're always happy to help! ^MH", You bet. Stay tuned. + Hey there! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Please send us a DM with this information and we'll be more than happy to further assist with this situation. ^CRG," If u look at the top of the page it lists, Home, Moments, Notifications & Messages! Go to Moments section & it gives u the opportunity to create a Moment. We can expose him & what he's doing. Everyone on Twitter using checks Moments since it gives the latest news." +" Hello, we're sorry to hear of this situation and we'd certainly like to review this matter. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and any additional information about the transactions that you can provide. We look forward to your contact. ^RJM"," I politely asked for AUD$228 of stolen fraudulent in-game fees back, and f*cking simply said ""no we can't do that"" - so I've blacklisted ALL of those scamming brands for now.. and explained to my kids why these scammers make billions.." +" Hi there, thank you for getting in touch with us. If you need assistance with your account please send us a DM and we will be happy to help. ^DC", DM me + Oh ok. If you would like more help don't hesitate to message us. :) ^ZT, I sent a ticket +" Hi there, +If you could DM us we'd be happy to help you out. ^ZT", Google stole $17 from me this week +" Hi there, +If you could DM us we'd be happy to help you out with this. ^ZT", What the fuck +" Hi there, thank you for getting in touch with us. If there is a limitation on the account it means that there are certain restrictions on actions that can be taken with the account. You can see more details about them in your resolution center if you ha... https://t.co/XtyOUi6d6a", What does PayPal limited mean? +" Hi Gabe! I'm really sorry for the wait for a response. If you still have a question or if you're having any problems with your PayPal account, feel free to send us a DM. ^SML", hello? i asked this yesterday and still haven't gotten a response +" I suggest making sure your account is verified, here's how: https://t.co/l19MfcQ30m + +If this doesn't work, I suggest waiting 24-48 hours. I apologize for the inconvenience this is causing. ^IN", Sent a another dm please reply + Sorry for the wait. We've responded to your DM. ^TM," ):: still same i wait over 48 hours lol. We’re reviewing your documents + +Thanks for checking in with us. Your documents are still being reviewed. We’ll email you when your identity has been verified. __email__" +" Es tut mir leid, dass du so im Dunklen gelassen wurdest. Wichtig ist, dass du dein PayPal-Konto wieder nutzen kannst. ^SL"," Ja. Und zwar während fast 2 Monaten! Ohne jegliche Erklräung, was denn die Ungereimtheiten gewesen sein sollten. Weder während noch nach der Untersuchung. Und ohne abschliessende Entschuldigung. Das halte ich nicht für normal." +" Das wäre sehr schade, aber ich kann deinen Ärger sehr gut nachvollziehen. ^SL"," Ja, ich werde die paar hundert Franken, die aktuell drauf sind, möglichst bald ausgeben und danach das Konto unverzüglich schliessen." +" Daher auch nochmal meine Frage: Gibst du uns mehr Details? Ohne zu wissen, was passiert ist, lässt es sich schlecht argumentieren. ^SL", Ihr habt euch den Fall schon angeschaut und an eure Käuferschutz-Abteilung (schon mal ein sehr bezeichnender Name) weitergeleitet - die genauso unlogisch argumentieren wie vorher. Daher meine Frage: Warum schützt Paypal die Käufer mehr als die Verkäufer? +" Hm, sehr eigenartig. Kannst du uns einen Screenshot von der Anzeige (mit den 79,99) per PN schicken, damit wir das weiterleiten können? Dabei bitte aus Datenschutzgründen persönliche Daten ausschwärzen. ^SL"," Ich wollte 79,99 USD in Euro umrechnen, aber der Umrechner meinte, dass es 79,99 Euro sind und nicht Dollar (denk ich mal)." + Kannst du dich bitte mal in dein PayPal-Konto einloggen und folgenden Link probieren: https://t.co/76MccQzZ9k? SL, Der Umrechnungsrechner war bei euch auf der Webseite. Von dem hab ich euch ja bereits ein Screenshot hier geschickt. +" Ja, im Screenshot werden nur leider nicht die 79,99 dargestellt. Daher meine Bitte. ^SL", Der Umrechnungsrechner war bei euch auf der Webseite. Von dem hab ich euch ja bereits ein Screenshot hier geschickt. + Hast du mal den Link probiert? ^SL, Ach so. Es war mit denen genau dasselbe. Die 10 gedachten USD waren nur für den Screenshot. + Ich habe es entsprechend aufgenommen und an die Kollegen weitergeleitet. Könntest du uns in einer privaten Nachricht deine hinterlegte E-Mail-Adresse geben? ^SL," Der Link/Rechner geht, aber der, wo bei Guthaben -> Währungen verwalten ist, geht nicht." + Damit wir intern schauen können. ^SL," Die, welche bei euch hinterlegt ist? Für was braucht ihr die?" +" Hi, we are sorry for any inconvenience, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address so that we can further assist you. ^IA"," Sent all of it in on the 19th first, then again more documents on the 22nd :( Really annoying to deal with" + Hey there. If you have any concerns please send me a DM and I would be more than happy to help you out! ^HYC, That's interesting because I was on the phone with Argos Customer service yesterday and they confirmed there is a known issue and many people have complained. So which one is it? said it's not a PayPal issue. +" Sorry to hear about any negative experience, Nando. If you would still like assistance please send us a DM with more details about the matter and we will do our best to help. Thank you for your patience. ^DC"," DM you didn't help, I am done It is Ok take my money, after all I am the little guy and I am supposed to loose not eBay or paypal and a fraudulent vendor. Thank you the minimum you can do is penalized the vendor “finedayshop” their false advertising practices." +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes navrés d'apprendre que votre transaction s'est mal deroulée. Afin que nous puissions voir cela de prés, nous vous invitons à venir en DM muni de votre adresse email ^LiB", Et en plus je vous doit des sous au final nn mais oublié une carte bleu et ces tout vous servez a quoi quand on envois un colis avec toute les preuve et que finalement vous avez plus votre objet ni l'argent ???? Pfffff dessus + I'm happy to hear that! Have a great day! ^AAR, Im sorted thank you! Spoke to very helpful Phoebe yesterday! + Please check your DM for our response! ^HW," Seriously, I just hope everything will turn out fine, because that was an entire summer of hard work.... I'm trying my best to stay calm right now, waiting for an answer from ..." +" Oi! + +Te respondemos em DM :)"," é canal brasileiro? Preciso saber como faço para transferir um crédito existente na minha conta PayPal. Quando clico em transferência diz que não tem nada, mas tem saldo lá" +" Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that. Can you please send us a DM, so we can assist you further? I look forward to your response. ^AAR", Still waiting.. https://t.co/hxEiMF8AMO +" Hey there, deeply sorry for the delay in responding to your request. :( We have recently responded to your most-recent DM, so whenever possible, please respond back for further assistance. Thanks! ^AI", Hello my account is limited befor 8month please give me my money dont cheat :( +" Hello. I have gone ahead and sent you a DM, please get back to me at your earliest convenience :) . ^FM", Could you check your inbox for DM and please reply + Hey there! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and details of the transaction so that we can further assist you! :) ^HYC, The refund is from + Malheureusement il n'est pas possible d'appliquer la Protection des achats pour un paiement 'entre proches'. Ceci est indiqué lors de l'envoi d'argent. C'est important donc de choisir 'biens et services' pour un achat. Merci pour votre compréhension. À votre service :). ^AG," Bon au moins j'ai eu une réponse c'est déjà ça, merci quand même" + We're sorry to hear that but would be happy to have a closer look. Feel free to DM your email address and the details. ^AP," Spoken to you three times now, no one has helped." +" If you change your mind, our teams would be happy to assist you further here! :) ^AP"," None of you have helped on the phone, I doubt you'll do it on Twitter." +" Bonsoir à vous et merci de nous avoir contactés. L'ajout de fonds est soumis à certains délais. Afin que nous puissions voir cela davantage avec vous, veuillez venir en DM muni de votre adresse email ^LiB", Ouais j’ai fais un virement sur mon solde Paypal l’argent a était prit sur mon compte bancaire mais mon solde Paypal et tjr à 0€ donc bon + Hello! I have sent you a DM regarding this matter. Hope this helps! :) ^YG, ^^^^ + I can assure you that I am a real person. Responding to the automated system will likely prevent you from getting a real response to your issue. If you would like assistance please send us a DM. Thanks! ^HW," You’re not sorry! +But I’m very much enjoying replying to the Resolution Centre with utter nonsense to get my automated responses! Does PayPal employ actual people?" +" While you are in the queue, the auto-response helps to troubleshoot the more common issues that you may experience. However once an agent is available, we are happy to help further. Additionally you can DM us to receive assistance. :) ^HW"," I don’t understand why you have a system to deal with serious concerns but when I’m asked to update the situation only automated responses are sent from a bot! + +And you claim to care about customers 😂" +" I understand how concerning this has been, and apologize that the bot was unhelpful in your situation. I would be more than happy to assist you with these issues via DM in order to protect your account's privacy and security. ^HW", So want to try again explaining how your system serves any purpose? And why do you treat customers with such contempt? +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", Yes! I love JV! +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out! At this time, we would like to clarify that PayPal is currently available in Tunisia, and if you are having issues in setting up your account, then please send us a DM for further assistance. Thanks! ^AI", We need paypal in tunisia so much + We apologize for the ongoing frustration. Please check your DMs for another update. ^AP," No you dont, you havent understood since May. I have been trying to solve this problem for months." + We apologize for the delayed response. Please send us a DM if you need assistance. Thanks. ^ACT," not when this reply comes a whole day and a half later then when I had the issue. +#DoBetter" + Glad to hear that! Hope you enjoy the rest of your day. :) ^DC, I actually got a reply this morning. Finally! yay! Thank you :) +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", Our agency has had the same simple issue for SIX MONTHS with no help. + I am sorry to hear about this trouble with this payment. Please send me a DM and I can help you further. ^GA, Oh and on a hunch checked my account sure enough you doubled charged my account. Absolute bullshit. This is exactly why I've never used your service. + Hi there Martin! Please send us a DM and I'll be happy to help. :) ^RA, https://t.co/9Q9kUxrRKN + I am glad you were able to gain help. Thank you and I hope you have a great day as well! Please feel free to DM me if you need anythign else. ^GA ^GA, That was one day ago. I waited and finally got an answer after 32m on hold. I appreciate your reply nonetheless. Have a great day. +" Sorry about any inconvenience, Morgan but we appreciate your patience in the matter. We have replied to your DMs for further assistance if necessary. ^DC"," Update: an hour and 34 minutes later, and I'll get an email in 2-3 business days. Wow! Technology is so crazy." +" Hi, thanks for reaching out! Can you DM us with your PayPal email address and details about what's happening or screenshots of the issue? I'm happy to help. Thanks! ^IVS", Same thing just happened to me... #whatajoke + Hi! We apologize for the trouble this caused. I've responded to your DM. ^HZ," Thanks I have done so again, the first time I DMed my issue I was asked to call a number which happens to be India customer care who said they can’t help me here and asked me to call US customer care in PST timing but I get a 1 hour wait time 😕" + Lamentamos lo sucedido. Envíanos más detalles en DM. ^J https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Así como con su 10% con +" I'm sorry to hear of any frustration. I've sent you a DM, please check your messages. ^IN"," I also tried removing and readding my bank, and now it says please try again later. + +I know you used to be able to transfer funds to your debit card, now you cant?" + Hi! Thanks for reaching out! Please send us a DM with your PayPal email and some more info about the issue. I'm happy to help! :) ^ALF," I have a donation page setup for credit card transactions -- but now you *have* to create a PayPal account to finish the process. I don't know how long this has been the case, but I don't think we'll be putting up with it after this." +" My apologies for the delayed response, I'm glad you reached out about a refund sent to your locked PayPal account! In order for me to assist you further with this, please send me a DM with a screenshot of the issue along with your PayPal email address. Thanks! ^KT"," You just gonna keep that £200 to yourself, ?" +" We are sorry to hear this is happening. In order for us to help get this resolved, please send us a DM with your PayPal email address, the country you are located in, and any more information about the issue. We would be happy to help. ^HW", Same here... https://t.co/fDwkBbeLW9 +" Hey there, we're sorry for the delay and we're here to help! If you could please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and any additional details on the situation, then we'll be able to assist you further. Thanks for reaching out to us! ^EL", Been on hold for over 15 minutes. +" Hi there, +If you could DM us we'd be happy to help you out with this. ^ZT",Just ordered another product from to the value of £179.99 with the same account as an experiment and low and behold it went through fine. Read on a few other forums that they've tried to fob other customers who used PayPal with this fabricated excuse. + Thank you for being so vigilant! Please be sure to forward that email to forward it to __email__ so a specialist can review its legitimacy. Thank you! ^AC," Hi, yes it was addressed to my email address. It said Dear customer, then below that my email address. I did think that it was a bit strange. Thankfully I didn't open the link they sent either." + Thank you for doing that for us! Have a wonderful day. :) ^AC," Thank you, I have forwarded it on, hopefully it will get found" + Hey there - We would love to help. If still you need any assistance please DM us with your PayPal email. ^CRF, 4 days later does me no good. + I am so glad to hear that this phone agent was able to resolve your issue. Thank you for keeping us updated here. Have a wonderful day! ^AC," A phenomenal employee named Brennan was able to efficiently and accurately assist me. After 2 hours on the phone, I was fortunate to have him pick up my call and resolve the issue within 15 minutes. You need more Brennans in the office." +" Hi there, +We do apologize that you received fake emails. This is an ongoing issue but if you ever receive an email that you're suspicious of feel free to message us. Additionally if you send us a DM we'll be happy to show you how to identify fake emails. ^ZT", Transactions *** + We have replied to your DM. Have a nice day. ^JP, Sent a dm last night but no response yet. Any chance someone could have a look for me please? + We have responded to your DM! Check your messages. ^LAR ^LAR, Dm please +" Hola, por favor envíanos una copia del mensaje recibido a __email__ para que lo podamos revisar. En el siguiente enlace encontraras información sobre posibles correos sospechosos https://t.co/fOGkkhiAkn. Envíanos un DM para más información. ^W https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," Éste acaba de llegar, de https://t.co/zxiBRnvpzs" +" I sincerely apologize for the delay! I'd be more than happy to look into this for you, so please send me a DM with your PayPal email, country, and a screenshot of what you see when you click on one of these pending payments in your PayPal Activity. ^KR", Thanks for replying. The payment completed around 10pm last night. It is a issue but I just get a stock response everytime I ask if there's a problem. Nobody else I know has every transaction reviewed. +" Nickel! Désolé, du retard en tout cas! Si il y a autre chose que l'on puisse faire, faîtes-nous signe ^FB", Oui c'est réglé du coup... x) +" Hi there, we have received your message and it will be answered soon. We aim to answer all queries in the order they come in so we are fair to all customers and do apologise for any delays in our responses. Thanks - ^MD"," Thank you, I have sent a DM." + Hi there. Sorry to hear that you are experiencing difficulties on your account. Can you provide more information to us in a DM and we can help? ^DR," It's one of those things where they say 'simply go here and click this', but you go there and there's nothing to click." + Salut à vous! Nous restons très sécurisé; on vous invite en revanche à faire attention à vos mots de passe ou vos appareils. Il n'est pas possible d'accéder à un compte PayPal sans mot de passe. Pour les paiements: https://t.co/f9vbqQmmxo ^FB, Paypal site non sécurisé pour les paiements sur consoles je le suis fait pirater résultat - 270e ba peut être falloir faire quelque chose pour remédié à cela +" Salut à vous! Ce sont des dons, donations virtuelles donc qui ne sont pas éligibles de base à la protection des vendeurs: https://t.co/DAupSz8PLA Plus d'infos via ce lien: ^FB", Par contre la protection contre les litiges avec les dons sur twitch on en parle de la protection? Kappa + Hey there! I'm sorry about this. Please send me a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the issue you are encountering so that I can further assist you. ^HYC, But why my first national bank card doesn't work it's a gold check card visa an it doesn't work why it's FNB + Hey there! We have responded to your DM. Please check it as soon as you can! ^IT, Please.. + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM so I can help? ^IT, Hello??????? + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM along with your PayPal email address so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response. ^GV," I just added my debit and that doesn't work either. I guess the store card validation is completed broken again where it thinks valid cards aren't? + +You guys should fix that if you want the $ for the games in my cart. + +sigh" +" Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Anthony. Please review your DMs as we have replied for further assistance. ^DC"," It’s annoying, doesn’t seem to care about the problem" + Hi there- Can you please DM us with further information on the issue? We would love to help! :) ^KE, ☝🏻 + Thank you! :D ^EB, Have done ☺️ + Hi there! We are sorry to hear about this. Please send us a DM along with your PayPal email address so we can assist you further! Looking forward to your response. ^GV, Long story short I had to sell my last Antminer L3+ cause lost my place due to other endeavors I was in have to still sue some peeps for that money now within days of receiving those funds trying to make some BTC flips got blindsided so it’s been Like Lemony Snicket’s for me past + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM so I can help? ^IT," probably just going to bite the gorram bullet, ugh. It shouldnt take an act of congress..." + I'm happy to hear that. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. (: ^SE, I found a workaround on the site to do what I need. Thx +" Hi there, We are happy to hear that you are starting to sell. Send us a dm with your PayPal email and questions. We'd be happy to assist.", Can you explain more? I am getting ready to sell on eBay / PayPal in the next couple days + We have responded to your dm. Please check your messages., ok just dmed + Hello! Please check your most recent DM. ^GV, Yeah pretty much but the docs provided shows like everything from agreement me and up to date customers ID also selfie of customer holding ID so they cannot claim it wasn’t them at ALL curbing fraudulent transactions from the platform +" Hi there! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send us DM. We'll be more than happy to help. ^HZ", Yet you still can’t add a paypal account to a playstation account. Hmmm? + Thank you. We will check and respond as soon as possible., sent dm 3 days ago no reply + Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that. Can you please send me a DM with details of the issue? Look forward to your response. ^AAR, I want want to transfer money into my bank so I can buy my tickets for before they got up in price again.😭 +" If there's any way that we can be of assistance to you here, feel free to send us a DM with the details. :) ^AP", Please direct message us with transaction details if you would like us to assist. + We are sorry to hear about the trouble with an unauthorized payment. Please send us a dm with your email address and concerns. We'd be happy to help. Please remove the screenshots as they contain personal information which is not secure for Twitter., the seller isn't helping either https://t.co/J76oN4o4g4 + Hi there! Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you. Please send us a DM regarding your concern and we'll be more than happy to help. ^HZ, me and my buddy Keemstar we’re trying to buy some earlier and we used code keem but PayPal checkout wasn’t working? +" Hey there! My apologies for any frustration this situation may have caused you, but if there is anything I can assist you with today, please do not hesitate to send us a DM and I'll be more than happy to help! ^SB", Yeah will have to do that tomorrow I'd say. Nothing worse than those calls +" Bonjour à vous, avec Paypal vous êtes bien protégé pendant 180 jours même si le vendeur vous dit le contraire 😉. Nous vous offrons un programme de protection gratuit pour tous vos paiements commerciaux qui vous permet de signaler un litige si jamais vo... https://t.co/olMSxjMJQ6", a l obligation d accepter votre décision en cas de litige et qu on doit passer par vous et non par eux pour ouvrir une réclamation en cas de problème avec la vente quand on paye avec paypal . Merci de revenir vers moi au plus vite . Cordialement + <3," Mandei uma mensagem lá, obrigado 😊" +" Bonjour à vous, navrés d'apprendre votre mécontentement :(. Pour des raisons de confidentialité, nous ne pouvons pas communiquer des informations précises relatives à un compte PayPal sur les réseaux sociaux. Par contre, notre Service clientèle est à vo... https://t.co/jUs3AJI7LF", Ce serait bien si pouvait me confirmer que mon compte est bien fermé. +" Hey there. I'm sorry you are running into this issue. This is a Facebook issue. Please reach out to Facebook in order to have this option removed. Thank you, have a great day! ^HYC", My problem is that I do NOT want to be asked to get receipts with Facebook Messenger. I'm tired of it delaying my orders asking me to sign up to get receipts that way. I want to know how to opt out of that offer all the time. + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM so I can help? ^IT," The alternative is to print a form then FAX it to them. Oh, let me go fire up my machine in the office next to the typewriter." +" Hi there- If your friend needs assistance, can he please DM us with further information on the issue? We would love to help! :) ^KE", Any help? + Hey there! Thanks for reaching out! Can you please send me a DM so I can help out? ^IT," can you take this to devteam? + +i got this when going back w/ browser navigation after canceling a pre-approved transaction" + I sincerely apologize for the delay and for the frustration this situation has caused! Please send me a DM with your PayPal email and more information about your issue. It'd be my pleasure to help. ^KR, I’d really appreciate some assistance as soon as possible. Posting this on social media is my very last resort +" Hey there, thanks for reaching out! We can reach out through various places to make sure that any and all questions are answered in a timely manner. If you are having an issue with your PayPal account, please let us know through a DM for assistance. Thanks! ^AI", you can comment here as well.!? 🙂 + Hello - We would love to help you. Can you please send a DM with your PayPal email? ^CRF," The worst customer service I have ever experienced, what is the point of you having a twitter page?" +" Hello, I understand how important it is to be able to move your money into the account of your choice. If the bank is a South African bank than you are unable to withdraw funds to this account due to the fact that South African banks do not meet PayPal'... https://t.co/dKRbpJWKfZ"," Not what I can or can not do, WHY? +As in like WHY can I not withdraw funds from my PayPal acc to my account ?" +" It is very rare that we send an email with links, but as a general rule; if it's important enough for an email, then there will be record of it in the PayPal account without having to use any links. If you still have this, please forward it to __email__. Thank you! ^MH", Absolutely spam! Anything that gets u to click a link in the email and give ur information will b spam 💜 + Hi! It's not ours. Please forward that email to __email__ so that we can archive it. :) Thank you! ^RA," I get email from ""PayPaI +__email__ +Email'" + Hi Al! We currently do not accept cryptocurrency at this time. I'm sorry for any inconveniences but we'll let you know if this changes! ^AAH, You invested in any cryptocurrency? + Hey there! I'm sorry you are having issues logging into your account. :( In order to get you back into your account we will need to verify some personal information over the phone. Please give us a call and a phone agent will be able to further assist y... https://t.co/BPQReNypxZ, Now I'm trying to order my boyfriend's xmas present & the website will only let you pay with paypal. FUMING. +" Hello. If you could send me a DM with your PayPal email, I'd be happy to further assist you with this. Thanks! ^FM", I need help with PayPal Digital Gifts order.. please reach out to me + Hello! Could you please DM us your PayPal email address along with a description of your problem? We'd be happy to help assist you there. Thanks! ^ACT, Come dm plz + Hello. We are sorry to hear about this situation and we would be more than happy to help your father lift this limitation from his account. Please ask him to send us a DM with his PayPal email address and the country his account is registered in and we ... https://t.co/lTQIJS8GhB," The funniest thing, it's the second time that you're blocking my dad's account. Last time he had to upload the scans of his passport, credit cards and utility bills to keep using his account. And he only uses PayPal to buy stuff online, i.e. he doesn't send or receive money." + Hello. Thanks for reaching out to us! We understand this issue can be concerning and we would be more than happy to help. Please just send us a DM with your PayPal email address and a screenshot of the transaction in your PayPal account. We will get bac... https://t.co/3ACGIdiKve, I bought a fursuit 3 weeks ago and I’ve been waiting for the money to clear on the sellers end so they can ship the thing. It’s so nerve wracking :/ +" If you don't mind, let's continue this over DM. ^DP", This is what he received: https://t.co/pgxacUT9Cy + Sounds good! Let me know if you have any questions. ^DP, My student just got home. We’re gonna get online and file the claim here in a minute. +" Bonjour Vincent, Il se peut que votre paiement est suspendu par mesure de sécurité. Dans le but de créer une communauté de paiement en ligne plus sécurisée, certaines transactions restent en attente durant 21 jours. Pour débloquer rapidement l'argent, n... https://t.co/eRo1rh7Osr", qui bloque les paiements alors que tout est verifier +" Hello, Joshua. Thank you for reaching out to us, and sorry for the delayed response. Do you still need assistance? If so, can you send us a DM with some clarification about the situation, we would be happy to assist you. ^RR https://t.co/MbymXn02mi",Thanks for caring your tech support called me the guinea pig and thanked me for acknowledging problem + Hello! Apologies for the delay in responding to your DMs! We have sent you a reply and we will assist further if needed. Thanks! ^MW, Dm'd you guys. It's been a day but I havent heard anything from y'all. +" There is also a chance that our security system may have prevented you from using this card when completing the payment. If you would like speak with us about this further, please send us a DM. ^RR https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," I checked and made sure that the card I used had the funds, and it had double the amount available. Instead, it ignored that source and used my bank account" +" Our apologies for the confusion! There is a chance that the funds weren't available in the preferred payment method to complete the payment. For further questions, feel free to send us a DM! :) ^RR https://t.co/MbymXn02mi"," I resolved the issue myself by working overtime to make up the money taken from my checking account, though I am confused as to why the payment methods I selected were ignored" +" Hello, I understand how upsetting it can be to not have your share button anymore. If the share button is linked with your Twitch account than you would need to contact Twitch for assistance, but if the share button is linked to your PayPal account plea... https://t.co/2dZWMQBGu1", speaking of paypal any reason why my share button suddenly doesnt show up when subbing with paypal? +" Hi there, thank you for reaching out to PayPal via Twitter. We truly appreciate your feedback as we are always looking for ways to improve our services. If you have any other tips for us to look into, please send us a DM and we would be happy to forward... https://t.co/JPfnCnJHGO"," Ah that´s a good conclusion, one more... I would actually love to like Paypal but it seems they make sure it still does not work as it should after all those years. https://t.co/77vjwJr0s9" +" Hello. Thank you for reaching out to us. We definitely apologize for the frustration this has caused for you! If you can send us a DM with a screenshot of the transaction details for the payment, as well as your PayPal email address, we would be happy to assist you. ^RR https://t.co/MbymXn02mi", Yeah I'm just going to use Squarecash from now on. I'm sure their customer support would be nicer too lol + Hey sorry to hear about that. Please send me a DM and I'll be happy to help! ^DP, how the hell am i supposed to call y'all when... wait for it... phone signals and reception are TERRIBLE AF. +" Thank you for your response, Ellen. Please limit your post so that all post can be handled in an a timely manner. All the feature that PayPal provides are geared toward protecting you and your account. The password is not the only security measure that ... https://t.co/LaEhiKYNjz"," During my job on a regular basis, & you are massively behind the times. I know what systems you do use & don't use. Don't assume my account is safe just because the correct password was used. This isn't the 90s." +" The services we offer vary worldwide. In some countries, our customers can’t receive money in their PayPal accounts. +To view the services available in your country, go to the PayPal website, click the flag at the bottom of the page, and then click ""See ... https://t.co/GM470Xh2Pl", One can only send money from Nigeria via PayPal and not receive. Why is that? +" Bonjour à vous, nous sommes à votre disposition. Effectivement, vous pouvez approvisionner gratuitement votre solde PayPal à partir d'un compte bancaire enregistré à votre nom dans l'un des pays de la zone SEPA. Voici un lien utile : https://t.co/4RBMfSrOYZ ^LT"," Si tu peux tu fait un virement bancaire c’est ce que j’avais fait, tu fait ajouter de l’argent t’auras le rib de ton PayPal qui commence par DE...et tu fait un virement depuis ta banque." + Hi there - We're here to help! Please ask your friend to send us a DM with their PayPal email address and inquiry. You have my assurance that we will respond as soon as we can. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Excuse me could you help my friend out? + Hello there! We apologize for the inconveniences. Please send us a DM with your PayPal email address and the country your account is registered in so we can assist you. ^JMG https://t.co/MbymXn02mi, Yall take mad long to answer :/ +" Thanks for reaching out to us, truly sorry for the obvious frustration this has caused. While PayPal has a dispute process in place to try and find an amicable solution for all parties involved, it is possible that a buyer can contact their funding sour... https://t.co/dfkciBvgBX"," his bank apparently this time 🤷‍♂️ and now i have a negative balance after paying some bills...cuz you know, once a case is settled, I've never seen it get opened again" +" Hello Faye, I'm sorry to hear of any frustration. Please send a DM with more information about the purchase, I'd be happy to help! ^IN",Any chance of some help + Hello! Just sent you a DM. ^ML, How would I do that I can't even use it