text,labels,label_name COPYRIGHT AFX News and AFX Financial News Logo are registered trademarks of AFX News Limited,1,neutral Satama and Trainers ' House will remain as names and independent brands of the business areas .,1,neutral Prices and delivery volumes of broadband products decreased significantly in 2005 .,0,negative "When open next year , it will be the largest facility in the world to produce diesel fuel from renewable feedstock such as palm oil and animal fat .",2,positive The tower 's engineers have created an 18 degree westward lean - four times the inclination on the Leaning Tower of Pisa - using diagrid structures that are aligned geometrically using Tekla Structures BIM ( Building Information Modeling ) software .,1,neutral "A purchase agreement for 7,200 tons of gasoline with delivery at the Hamina terminal , Finland , was signed with Neste Oil OYj at the average Platts index for this September plus eight US dollars per month .",2,positive "In addition , the company will reduce a maximum of ten jobs .",0,negative Changes to the as-built models from the design were communicated to the subcontractors to accommodate them into the steel and GRC fabrication process .,1,neutral "The sale , comprising the margarine business in Finland and Poland , follows the approval of the Polish competition authorities earlier in October .",1,neutral Ponsse projects the forest machine markets to improve more than expected in 2010 from the previous year .,2,positive The financial details of the transaction were not disclosed .,1,neutral "In accordance with our strategy , we strengthened our local presence by establishing a representative office in South Africa in October .",2,positive The handset maker did not disclose any financial details .,1,neutral The Kyroskoski investment is to be completed in late 2011 and the +_+Ænekoski investment in the spring of 2012 .,1,neutral The Group 's order portfolio decreased from EUR 42.9 mn in 9-2007 to EUR 33.3 mn in 2-2008 .,0,negative "The most interesting export markets will be Russia , the Baltic countries and Scandinavia .",1,neutral "`` The acquisition of Sampo Bank makes strategic sense for DB , '' says Lindsey Liddell , director of Fitch Ratings 's Financial Institutions Group .",2,positive "HELSINKI AFX - Cargotec said it has bought a 95 pct stake in Indital Construction Machinery Ltd , a Bangalore-based company that makes fork lift trucks and mobile cranes , for an undisclosed sum .",1,neutral The company has 120 employees and annual sales of approximately EUR16m .,1,neutral Metso said it has won an order worth around 40 mln eur to supply a kraftliner board machine to China 's Lee & Man Paper Co. .,2,positive It delivers a different user experience and enables us to widen the market we can address . '',2,positive "HUHTAMAKI OYJ STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE , 16.9.2008 AT 13.32 Huhtamaki 's Capital Markets Day for institutional investors and analysts is held in Espoo , September 16 , 2008 starting at 13.30 pm Finnish time .",1,neutral "Ixonos estimates that it will hire 20 specialists in mechanical engineering , electronics design , and R&D for its new unit in Jyvaeskylae by the end of 2009 .",2,positive Alma Media 's net sales in 2009 totalled MEUR 307.8 with an operating margin of 13.5 per cent .,1,neutral The iPad application joins the iPhone app as part of Monster 's range of mobile applications for job hunting .,1,neutral No service pricing details were disclosed .,1,neutral Profit for the period increased from EUR 2.9 mn to EUR 10.5 mn .,2,positive "( ADP News ) - Nov 28 , 2008 - Finnish power-supply solutions provider Efore Oyj ( OMX : EFO1V ) announced today the launch of OPUS DC , the latest power system in its OPUS product line .",2,positive One of my colleagues summed up the E7 quite aptly when he remarked : `` Fantastic hardware .,2,positive "Kesko Agro Eesti , the retailer and wholesaler of grain , agricultural and warehousing machinery and accessories , had net sales of 81 million euros in 2007 , an increase by one-tenth over the preceding year .",2,positive "Sponda is a property investment company , specialising in commercial properties in the largest cities in Finland and Russia .",1,neutral "With the measures , Suominen Corporation aims to ensure the competitiveness of the Flexible Packaging business in the long term .",2,positive "Solvay S.A. has engaged Poyry to provide project management , engineering , procurement , and site services for a hydrogen peroxide production plant to be built by a Solvay-BASF joint venture at BASF 's Zandvliet site , Belgium .",1,neutral An earn-out payment of up to 4.0 mln euro ( $ 5.3 mln ) can also be paid depending on Intellibis financial performance in 2007 .,1,neutral The EPS outlook was increased by 5.6 pct for 2007 and 7.0 pct for 2008 .,2,positive "Metsaliitto will sell 1.1 million B shares of Neomarkka , accounting for about 18.3 pct of Neomarkka 's equity and about 12.7 pct of the voting rights .",1,neutral "Ragutis , which is based in Lithuania 's second-largest city Kaunas , boosted its sales last year 22.3 per cent to 36.4 million liters .",2,positive "Cost savings will then rise to some 20 mln eur a year from 2007 , OKO said .",2,positive "According to the company , the lay-offs will be temporary .",1,neutral "The purchase price will be paid in cash upon the closure of the transaction , scheduled for April 1 , 2009 .",1,neutral "In November , the Finnish government decreased its ownership in the company further to 31.1 percent from 38 percent .",1,neutral "Finnish holding company Panostaja Oyj said on June 12 , 2007 it has signed a letter of intent to acquire local Lahden Lampokasittely Oy and Heatmasters Oy , active in the heat treatment of metals , for a total 3.1 mln euro ( $ 4.1 mln ) .",1,neutral "Member of the HK Ruokatalo Group in Finland , Scan , is launching a joint venture slaughterhouse with Team Ugglarp in Sk+_ne , southern Sweden .",1,neutral "In July-September 2009 , Konecranes ' sales decreased to EUR 368.7 mn from EUR 520.4 mn in July-September 2008 .",0,negative "However , the total orders received will still be above last year s levels .",2,positive "The upgrade is intended to raise the network capacity from 450 MHz to 630 MHz in several cities , enabling bi-directional services for digital television as well as broadband data .",2,positive "Raisio 's bid to buy Glisten is a `` win-win '' deal for both companies , the chairman of the UK snacks firm told just-food today 10 February .",2,positive `` Rapala is excited to be partnering with RBFF and other industry leaders on this holiday promotion . '',1,neutral These savings will have full impact as of the beginning of 2007 .,1,neutral One of the largest projects of the magazine division of SanomaWSOY - Sanoma Magazines International in 2006 became launch of the Russian magazine Gloriya .,1,neutral "Net income from life insurance doubled to EUR 6.8 mn from EUR 3.2 mn , and net income from non-life insurance rose to EUR 5.2 mn from EUR 1.5 mn in the corresponding period in 2009 .",2,positive The administrators have indicated a need for 900 job cuts at the Irish insurer over the next 15 months .,0,negative "However , the bottom-line result improved thanks to positive financial items .",2,positive Finnish aluminium products manufacturer Nordic Aluminium Plc ( OMX Helsinki : NOA1V ) reported on Monday ( 18 August ) an operating profit of EUR7 .9 m on net sales of EUR55 .2 m for the period January-June 2008 .,1,neutral "It operates under three distinct brands : United Supermarkets , Market Street and United Supermercado .",1,neutral "The 10,000-odd square metre plot that Stockmann has bought for the Nevsky Center shopping center is located on Nevsky Prospect , St Petersburg 's high street , next to the Vosstaniya Square underground station , in the immediate vicinity of Moscow Station .",1,neutral "According to Swedish authorities , traces of the very toxic osmium tetroxide have been found on the coast of Per+Æmeri , the Northernmost part of the Gulf of Bothnia .",0,negative "The iTunes-based material will be accessible on Windows-based or Macintosh computers and transferable to portable devices , including Apple 's iPods .",2,positive Queen Elizabeth to meet Joe Biden in person after G-7,1,neutral `` The new unit is a major investment in the Finnish media scene .,1,neutral "Finnish Food Workers ' Union SEL plans to hasten its collective bargaining with a two-day strike that would begin on 7 April 2010 , in Finland .",0,negative "561,470 new shares under 2003 option rights plan Packaging company Huhtamaki Oyj reported on Monday that a total of 561,470 new shares of the company have been issued based on share subscriptions under its 2003 option rights plan .",1,neutral "Sarantel , based in Wellingborough , UK , designs high-performance antennas for portable wireless devices .",1,neutral "As of August 2008 , Glaston 's North Asian sales and service region is upgraded to a new market area , North Asia .",1,neutral Two other sites will be included later on .,1,neutral Olli-Pekka Laine has been appointed as the Chairman and Erkki Pehu-Lehtonen as the Vice Chairman of the Board .,1,neutral "ADPnews - Sep 28 , 2009 - Finnish silicon wafers maker Okmetic Oyj HEL : OKM1V said it will reduce the number of its clerical workers by 22 worldwide as a result of personnel negotiations completed today .",0,negative "Operating profit for the 12-month period decreased from EUR17 .9 m while net sales increased from EUR58 .3 m , as compared to 2007 .",0,negative Possible personnel reductions concern approximately 104 people .,0,negative "Sampo Bank 's market share of lending was 13.6 % , down from 14.4 % in the first quarter of 2008 .",0,negative "Also Finnish Industry Investment , a government-owned investment company , will participate in the project .",1,neutral "Furthermore , efficiency improvement measures initiated earlier are now bearing fruit , '' CEO Jan Lang said .",2,positive "According to L+Ænnen Tehtaat 's CEO Matti Karppinen , the company aims to deliver fish products to its customers a day earlier than it currently does .",1,neutral "Tallink Silja attributes the significant drop to problems with the booking system that was taken into operation in October , the sale of trailer ferry ` Sky Wind ' and the route between Stockholm and Riga , which has won passengers from the Helsinki-Stockholm route .",0,negative China's births may fall below 10m annually in next five years,1,neutral "Furthermore , sales of new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in the country declined by 5.4 % year-on-year last month .",0,negative "Operating profit totalled EUR 1.22 mn , down from EUR 3.56 mn in the first quarter of 2008 .",0,negative Active shipping is essential for Finland .,1,neutral "Metso expects its net sales to increase by about 10 % in 2008 , at comparable exchange rates .",2,positive "In the Baltic countries , sales fell by 40.2 % , and in Russia , by 23.2 % in terms of euros , and by 10.7 % in terms of local currency .",0,negative Finnish elevators and escalators maker KONE Corporation said on Tuesday ( 18 March ) that it has received a major order from Sir Robert McAlpine to supply all elevators and escalators for the Watermark Place project in the City of London .,2,positive "Under the agreement , Japrotek will deliver nine storage tanks in the volume range of 1,000 cu m to 3,000 cu m with included agitators .",1,neutral "Tectia Corporation HEL : TEC1V , a provider of real-time security solutions , today announced that it has appointed LAN2LAN , a provider of IT services in the UK , to distribute its data security and manage file transfer software .",2,positive "In the first nine months of 2010 , the company 's net loss narrowed to EUR 415,000 from EUR 7.4 million for the corresponding period of 2009 .",2,positive It will combine and renew the contents and functionality of the current systems for funding and online service as well as their maintenance .,2,positive The price will be specified at the completion date .,1,neutral "The approximately 20,000 dwt vessel has been ordered from India .",1,neutral "The Group 's turnover in 2006 was EUR 39.2 million , and operating profit was EUR 3.9 million .",1,neutral "`` They would invest not only in the physical infrastructure , but would also provide know-how for managing and developing science and technology parks , '' said Sunrise Valley director Andrius Bagdonas .",2,positive We do hope that this will in the future turn out to be a novel method for the prevention of alcohol and tobacco smoking associated oral cancers .,1,neutral "While I cant understand what theyre saying , its impressive to watch him hit that ball at those speeds .",1,neutral "Glaston 's share GLA1V is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki , Mid Cap List .",1,neutral "To choose BasWare as the tools for our Financial Service seemed like a natural continuation of our cooperation '' , says Tommi Leskinen , Financial Applications Manager , Neste Oil Corporation .",1,neutral Full-year operating result for 2008 was 3.6 million negative .,0,negative "Approximately SEK 166 million in repayments has been demanded for overcharging in the Stockholm area , with the remaining SEK 87 million taken from the Western coast , the inspectorate said .",1,neutral "The company said that the operations will be sold to a newly established company , CPS GmbH , where the present management of the plastics business is a co-owner .",1,neutral Commission income rose by 25.7 % to EUR 16.1 mn from EUR 12.8 mn in 2004 .,2,positive "Motorola , the world 's second-largest maker of cell phones , unveiled the new phone Tuesday in a bid to resurrect its ailing handset business .",1,neutral "( ADP News ) - Finnish handling systems provider Cargotec Oyj ( HEL : CGCBV ) announced on Friday it won orders worth EUR 10 million ( USD 13.2 m ) to deliver linkspans to Jordan , Morocco and Ireland .",2,positive "We also strengthen our existing partnership with Cybercom '' , says Teleste CTO Esko Myllyla .",2,positive The company is also featured in the Ethibel Pioneer Investment Register and included in Innovest 's Global 100 list of the world 's most sustainable corporations .,2,positive "According to Pietinalho , doctors should motivate their patients who smoke every time they visit their doctors .",1,neutral The continued operations mean the structure after the restructuring of the Aspocomp group including Aspocomp Oulu and the headquarter operations .,1,neutral "Finnish IT solutions provider Affecto Oyj HEL : AFE1V said today its slipped to a net loss of EUR 115,000 USD 152,000 in the second quarter of 2010 from a profit of EUR 845,000 in the corresponding period a year earlier .",0,negative Olvi has posted a strong set of figures for the first six months of this year .,2,positive "According to business media reports , Usmanov planned to transfer his MegaFon stake to the state-controlled Svyazinvest , in exchange for a stake in the merged RosTelecom .",1,neutral Aspokem posted an operating profit of 2.7 mln euro ( $ 3.5 mln ) and net sales of 89.1 mln euro ( $ 116.8 mln ) in 2006 .,1,neutral Finnish Bank of +_land reports its operating profit rose to EUR 21.3 mn in the second quarter of 2009 from EUR 6.1 mn in the corresponding period in 2008 .,2,positive Being successful requires providing a level of quality that satisfies our customers and partners .,1,neutral Peer Peugeot fell 0.81 pct as its sales rose only 6.3 pct from the same period last year .,0,negative Thailand says its tourism industry may not recover until 2026. ,0,negative at 9:00 EET Alma Media 's Annual Report for 2009 is scheduled to be published in calendar week 9 .,1,neutral "As a result of the negotiations , the amount of employment contracts to be terminated is 13 .",0,negative "GeoSentric is acquiring extra financing by issuing a maximum of 220,000 new shares and a convertible bond with subscription rights for 880,000 shares , which have been fully subscribed .",1,neutral The company intends to raise production capacity in 2006 .,2,positive Net sales in 2007 are expected to be 10 % up on 2006 .,2,positive The Group 's business is balanced by its broad portfolio of sports and presence in all major markets .,2,positive "Currently , the company uses eight similar reach stackers and four empty container handlers by Konecranes .",1,neutral ASSA ABLOY Kaupthing Bank gave a ` neutral ' recommendation and a share price target of 174 crowns $ 24.7 - 19 euro on Swedish lock maker Assa Abloy AB .,1,neutral Our purchase to pay solutions enable companies to gain visibility and control over business-critical financial processes .,1,neutral The transaction included also the transfer of the lease agreement concerning manufacturing premises and employment agreements related to these operations .,1,neutral The stock rose for a second day on Wednesday bringing its two-day rise to GBX12 .0 or 2.0 % .,2,positive ABN : 59 087 901 620 now represent 5.10 % of the voting rights and share capital of Citycon Oyj .,1,neutral UPM-Kymmene said its has ` not indicated any interest in any domestic consolidations ' .,1,neutral "Failures by UK agencies contributed to deaths in Fishmongersâ€?Hall attack, jury finds. ",0,negative The order is a follow-on to an 11 mln euro ( $ 16.1 mln ) deal made in July 2007 .,1,neutral The aim is to convert the plants into flexible manufacturers of new and technologically demanding products .,2,positive Airline and bank websites go down in another major internet failure. ,0,negative The fair value of investment properties was EUR 2 251.0 ( 1 281.4 ) million .,1,neutral Delivery is due in the second half of 2011 .,1,neutral The deal will have no significant effect on the acquiring company 's equity ratio .,1,neutral The companies expect the first orders already in 2011 .,2,positive "The contract also includes cutting and edging wagon parts at Ruukki 's steel service centres in Seinajoki and Raahe , from where they will be delivered to VR for welding and assembly .",1,neutral "ADPnews - Aug 3 , 2009 - Finnish media group Ilkka-Yhtyma Oyj HEL : ILK2S said today its net profit fell 45 % on the year to EUR 5.9 million USD 8.4 m in the first half of 2009 .",0,negative Bertrand Sciard has been the vice chairman of the board of directors of Aldata Solution since April 2007 .,1,neutral "Operating profit for the 12-month period decreased from EUR5 .4 m while net sales increased from EUR62 .0 m , as compared to the financial year 2004 .",0,negative "Last week , the Finnish metals and technology group announced plans to sell more than 80 percent of its technology unit to further the company 's strategic goal of becoming the world 's largest stainless steel maker .",2,positive Basware finances the acquisition with a bank loan .,1,neutral "The share capital of Alma Media Corporation business ID 1944757-4 is EUR 44,767,513.80 and it is divided into 74,612,523 shares .",1,neutral Viking Line and STX Finland said on Monday that there were plans to build a 240 million euro ferry that would be launched on the Turku-Stockholm route in spring 2013 .,1,neutral "Also , it is bringing in `` the right kind of people '' to upgrade its human resources .",2,positive "LONDON ( AFX ) - Intertek Group PLC , a testing and inspection company , said its commercial and electrical division has bought Finland-based company Natlabs Oy from Etteplan Oyj for 1.3 mln eur in cash .",1,neutral "The Finland-based company says it will move into an existing 260,000-square-foot facility in September .",1,neutral The value of the firm 's forestry holdings increased by SEK 3.6 bn .,2,positive Outotec 's net profit for the second quarter of 2007 jumped to 16.8 mln euro ( $ 23.1 mln ) from 4.6 mln euro ( $ 6.3 mln ) a year ago .,2,positive NYC comedy club owner on struggling to reopen. ,0,negative "Established in 1987 , the SRV Group is a private Finnish construction concern with operations in Finland , the Baltic countries and Russia .",1,neutral The company will enhance the GPRS capability in the existing 12 IDEA telecom service areas and add 10 more service areas to its network .,2,positive Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo was elected as vice chairman of the Board .,1,neutral "The company has also supplied more than 200 MW of power generating equipment for a number of projects in Papua New Guinea , including 12 engines of the Wartsila 32 type to Lihir Gold .",1,neutral "Nokia bought Chicago-based Navteq in 2008 , acquiring a maps database to compete with Google s maps as well as with navigation device companies such as TomTom NV and Garmin Ltd. .",2,positive "It also includes the installation of new equipment , training and start-up services , as well as service work of the shoe press delivered by Vaahto in 2001 .",1,neutral "In the Czech Republic , the smaller profiling unit at Ostrava will be closed and the machinery will be gradually relocated to Ruukki 's bigger plants in Hungary , Poland and Romania by the end of the first quarter of 2009 .",1,neutral The order for plywood mill machinery and equipment announced by Finnish Raute in September 2006 will be delivered to Thebault Plyland in France .,1,neutral "Customers wave cards in front of the reader to make payments , similar to `` touch and go '' cards used in transport systems .",1,neutral The credit covers approximately 70 % of the ship 's price .,1,neutral "Virala Oy Ab was allocated by the Board of Directors an amount of EUR 1,9 million which is EUR 0,25 million lower than maximum announced on 12/30/2010 .",1,neutral The value of the deal has not been disclosed .,1,neutral "The segment has an annual revenue of approximately EUR400m , the company said .",1,neutral Ramirent s Danish subsidiary Ramirent A-S has today signed an agreement to acquire the business assets of the machinery rental company Jydsk Materiel Udlejning located in West Jutland .,2,positive Operating profit rose to EUR 3.11 mn from EUR 1.22 mn in the corresponding period in 2009 .,2,positive "Teleste 's hybrid TV solution includes components for the whole process of delivering video services to consumers from content acquisition and service creation to delivery through a range of access solutions , including HFC ( hybrid fibre-coaxial ) , xDSL , EttH , and FttH .",1,neutral Pretax profit rose to EUR 0.6 mn from EUR 0.4 mn in the corresponding period in 2005 .,2,positive "Raute reported a loss per share of EUR0 .86 for the first half of 2009 , against EPS of EUR0 .74 in the corresponding period of 2008 .",0,negative "Trading code : ELI1V Number of shares : 99,483 Price-share : Gratuitous After the transfer , Elisa holds a total of 10,435,023 own shares .",1,neutral "However , the proportion of the paid standing orders grew in 2009 .",2,positive "The GeoSolutions technology will leverage Benefon 's GPS solutions by providing Location Based Search Technology , a Communities Platform , location relevant multimedia content and a new and powerful commercial model .",2,positive "SDM offers general rental equipment , aluminium scaffolding , power generator and hoists to customers in the construction sector .",1,neutral Operating cash flow after investments totalled EUR 61.3 mn compared to EUR 75.3 mn in the corresponding period in 2007 .,0,negative The company closed last year with a turnover of about four million euros .,1,neutral "Finnish property investor Sponda said it has agreed a 100 mln eur , five-year mln credit facility with Swedbank and a 50 mln eur , seven-year facility with OKO Bank .",1,neutral Sanoma announced the Stock Option Scheme 2008 on 19 December 2008 .,1,neutral Danske Bank is Denmark 's largest bank with 3.5 million customers .,1,neutral Financial terms were n't disclosed .,1,neutral "Additionally , the company will terminate a maximum nine salaried and senior salaried employees ' employment contracts .",0,negative The order is related to renewing the network of the telecommunications operator .,1,neutral The plant is expected to enter commercial operation by mid-2009 .,1,neutral "Tiimari , the Finnish retailer , reported to have geenrated quarterly revenues totalling EUR 1.3 mn in the 4th quarter 2009 , up from EUR 0.3 mn loss in 2008 .",2,positive "If needed , she provides also further information on ferry connections and hotels .",1,neutral "In the Baltic countries , Atria 's target is organic growth .",1,neutral China's banking regulator warns of global asset bubble risks. ,0,negative - Cash flow from operating activities before investments was EUR 7.6 million EUR 2.5 million .,1,neutral L&T also acquired a 50 pct stake in local sector company Salvor Oy at the beginning of September 2007 .,1,neutral The share subscription period for stock options 2007A is between 1 April 2010 and 31 March 2012 .,1,neutral "Following the impact , the Altima hit a utility pole , causing a live electric line to fall onto the roadway .",1,neutral Mr Jortikka is president of the base metal division of Outotec Oyj in Finland and is on the executive committee of Outotec .,1,neutral "In the fourth quarter of 2008 , net sales decreased to EUR 121.4 mn from EUR 165.5 mn in the fourth quarter of 2007 .",0,negative "In a release on Oct. 28 , Peab said the two businesses will continue to be conducted under the brands Cliffton and Stockholm Entreprenad , both part of the Peab Group .",1,neutral "The company 's US subsidiary Vaisala Inc. acquires Aviation Systems Maintenance , Inc ASMI , a Kansas , U.S. based airport service company with over 2.6 million USD net sales in 2008 .",1,neutral Kone shares dropped 4.1 percent to x20ac 43 US$ 55.77 in Helsinki .,0,negative Currently Alfred A Palmberg is putting the finishing touches to one of Finland 's biggest ever re-plumbing and bathroom refurbishment projects also in the district of Vuosaari .,1,neutral "The company 's net profit amounted to EE 55.5 mn , which was 36 % more than in 2004 .",2,positive "---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- Munich , 14 January 2008 : BAVARIA Industriekapital AG closed the acquisition of Elcoteq Communications Technology GmbH in Offenburg , Germany , with the approval of the",1,neutral `` Our customer has been satisfied with Basware Invoice Automation solution and extends the implementation to new geographies .,2,positive Nokia will certainly disagree with Qualcomm 's views on the patent situation .,0,negative `` People who enjoy mobile games are often the same customers who enjoy experimenting with new mobile services and content .,1,neutral "Operating profit totaled EUR 9.4 mn , down from EUR 11.7 mn in 2004 .",0,negative 1 November 2010 - Finnish textile and clothing company Marimekko Oyj ( HEL : MMO1V ) announced on Friday the opening of its first concept store in Seoul in cooperation with Japanese sector player Look Inc ( TYO : 8029 ) .,2,positive Metso Paper 's delivery will comprise an Advantage DCT 200 tissue machine including quality control and distributed control systems ( QCS-DCS ) .,1,neutral "Kesko 's car import and retailing business , VV-Auto , saw sales grow by 17.1 pct .",2,positive "This order , when delivered , will bring the total output of electricity in Italy generated by Wartsila equipment to more than 1,300 MW .",1,neutral M-real will start statutory employer-employee negotiations at the +_+Ænekoski board mill that concern about 130 people .,1,neutral Ixonos will finance the acquisition through a 3.8 mln euro $ 5.2 mln loan .,1,neutral "The previously concluded adaptation measures , concerning other staff , were adequate for the time being , and the planning operations continue as before at the plant , the company said .",2,positive `` Serving customers locally is one of the cornerstones of customer focus for us .,1,neutral "The ship cranes , which will be manufactured by MacGREGOR 's partner plants in China , will be delivered between 2008-2010 for vessels ordered by Chinese COSCO , German Peter Dohle and Hong Kong based Cido Shipping .",1,neutral "The chain posted sales of 298 million euros for full 2005 , a rise of 19.5 percent , year-on-year .",2,positive "The company is owned by the State of Finland and the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company EADS N.V. Tekla is an international software company that provides solutions for building and construction , energy distribution and municipalities .",1,neutral Elcoteq has a proven track record in electronics manufacturing services ( EMS ) and a global factory network coupled with modern manufacturing equipment and consistent systems and processes .,2,positive "A In August 2007 , Latvijas Finieris ordered all production lines for a new green veneer mill to be built in Ukmerge , central Lithuania .",1,neutral "Net cash flow from operating activities was a negative EUR 3.1 mn , compared to EUR 23.3 mn in the corresponding period in 2009 .",0,negative "Net cash from operating activities was a negative EUR 0.3 mn , compared to EUR 30.9 mn in 2009 .",0,negative "`` The change will optimize the operational efficiencies of our growing business , '' said Julia Prohaska , director of marketing communications for Fiskars .",2,positive "In a release , the Company said that Vocollect T2 customers in North America can now take advantage of its Voice Directed Warehousing solution and increase warehouse efficiency and productivity gains at a discounted price .",2,positive We offer our customers solutions based on renewable raw materials .,1,neutral "In Finland , the city of Forssa has said it will not pay compensation to food industry companies HK Ruokatalo and Atria for the lye leak into tap water that occurred in March 2008 .",0,negative Each share is entitled to one vote .,1,neutral Operating profit excluding restructuring costs grew to EUR 44.5 million from EUR 31.7 million while operating profit including restructuring costs showed even larger growth to EUR 38.5 million from EUR 7.4 million .,2,positive "Takoma will carry out the transaction by acquiring the entire share capital of Moventas Parkano Oy , which runs the factory in Parkano , southern Finland .",1,neutral "Former Boston police commissioner warns of ‘very steep, high ratesâ€?of violence this summer. ",0,negative "As earlier reported , Nokian Tyres is building a plant in the town of Vsevolozhsk in Russia 's Leningrad Region with an annual production capacity of 4 million tires .",1,neutral "In the second quarter of 2010 , Raute 's net loss narrowed to EUR 123,000 from EUR 1.5 million in the same period of 2009 .",2,positive UK failing to plan for impact of climate change despite warnings. ,0,negative "According to M-real 's CEO , Mikko Helander , this transaction will enable the company to proceed swiftly with its restructuring program .",2,positive "Revenue in July to September grew 14 percent to ( EURO ) 467 million from a year earlier , the company said Thursday .",2,positive The situation of coated magazine printing paper will continue to be weak .,0,negative The first charging stations will be made available already in 2008 and a whole network is to be ready in 2010 .,1,neutral Componenta will also offer a five-year subordinated loan for subscription by the public .,1,neutral The contract value amounts to EUR 2.4 million .,1,neutral "Yesterday , Legrand issued its E300 million fixed rate deal maturing 2017 .",1,neutral `` Marimekko aims to expand its distribution network primarily by increasing the number of concept stores and shop-in-shops .,1,neutral "`` P&O Ferries now has a very efficient and powerful vessel for its Dover to Calais route , '' head of the shipbuilder 's Rauma yard , Timo Suistio , said .",2,positive "Finnish software company QPR Software Plc ( OMX Helsinki : QPR1V ) reported on Thursday ( 23 October ) an operating profit of EUR63 ,000 on net sales of EUR1 .5 m for the third quarter 2008 .",1,neutral "We now have both the opportunity and the responsibility to create a new journalistic culture to serve the readers of Alma Media 's newspapers , `` says Hannu Ollikainen , head of the new Helsinki desk .",1,neutral "Kiosk and cinema operations have suffered , in particular .",0,negative "The portfolio comprises of 118,000 m2 of leasable space with a vacancy rate of roughly 5 % , let to around 140 tenants of which two of the largest are the Swedish government and Ericsson .",1,neutral "Clothing retail chain Sepp+Æl+Æ 's sales increased by 8 % to EUR 155.2 mn , and operating profit rose to EUR 31.1 mn from EUR 17.1 mn in 2004 .",2,positive The phones are targeted at first time users in growth markets .,1,neutral Rautaruukki said construction group YIT has awarded it a 2.5 mln eur contract to supply the steel structures for a new bridge spanning the Kemijoki river in Northern Finland .,2,positive No financial details were provided .,1,neutral Changes to the as-built models from the design were communicated to the subcontractors to accommodate them into the steel and GRC glass reinforced concrete fabrication process .,1,neutral Their offering also covers localisation services related to production transfer to the Finnish company 's customers that already have production in Asian market or have made the decision to transfer production there .,1,neutral Last year 's third quarter result had been burdened by costs stemming from restructuring in the US .,0,negative "In addition , nine fixed-term employment contracts will not be extended and two people will leave the company under pension arrangements .",1,neutral COMPTEL CORPORATION Sami Ervio President and CEO Distribution : NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Major media Comptel Dynamic OSS solutions enable telecom service providers to deliver services flexibly and charge them effectively .,1,neutral facades in Riga 8 March 2010 - Finnish construction company YIT Oyj HEL : YTY1V said today that it will build the frame and the facades in a tower construction project in Riga .,1,neutral "In December , Amer announced the dismissal of CEO Roger Talermo , who had headed the company since 2006 .",1,neutral "Slower population growth, ageing need not be alarming: economists",1,neutral QPR product family is fully compatible with Microsoft 's Windows 7 operating system .,1,neutral "NORDIC BUSINESS REPORT-17 January 2006-Efore Plc inaugurates new plant in Estonia -_ 1998-2006 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD Finnish power electronics manufacturer Efore Plc said on Tuesday ( 17 January ) that it was inaugurating its new plant in Parnu , Estonia .",1,neutral "According to Eijkens , a publisher can do much more than just publish colourful books : a publisher can provide value added to information by individualising it .",1,neutral "The payment date is March 25 , 2010 .",1,neutral "Finnish GeoSentric , a developer and provider of solutions , products , and technologies for location based services , has preliminary agreed on a EUR 6mn short-term funding with its leading investor .",2,positive The net sales decreased to EUR 49.8 million from EUR 59.9 million .,0,negative "Following the acquisitions , Panostaja will establish a new business unit which will focus on heat treatment of metals .",1,neutral "The airline was targeting travel agents , tour operators and travel management companies to raise awareness first before targeting consumers , he added .",1,neutral E 's building system service had revenue of EUR 355 mln in 2007 .,1,neutral The stock rose for a third day on Tuesday bringing its three-day rise to GBX10 .50 or 1.8 % .,2,positive "The planned facility , estimated to cost around $ 814 million , would be the largest biodiesel plant in the world , and use palm oil certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil ( RSPO ) .",2,positive Raffles Equities Ltd became a substantial holder in Archer Exploration Ltd on January 12 with 11.7 million shares ( 18.2 pc ) .,1,neutral Uber to buy remaining stake in online grocer Cornershop,1,neutral The ore body is sufficient to support anticipated production for at least 46 years .,1,neutral "Sanoma Learning & Literature , offering print and digital learning materials , is present in eleven countries .",1,neutral "Finnish energy company Fortum Oyj said on November 13 , 2007 it was granted an environmental permit to build a biofuel-fired combined heat and power CHP plant in Vartan harbor in eastern Stockholm .",2,positive "Comparable net sales are expected to increase more than 10 % in 2008 , in line with group target .",2,positive Net sales in 2007 totalled EUR 329 million and the operating margin was above 19 % .,1,neutral "ADP News - Nov 13 , 2008 - Finnish printed circuit board PCB maker Aspocomp Group Oyj OMX : ACG1V said today that its net loss narrowed to EUR 2 million USD 2.5 m in the first nine months of 2008 from EUR 57",2,positive "Please inform IR Johanna Koskinen of your participation no later than 20 April at 10 a.m. A telephone conference for financial analysts and investors , conducted in English , will begin at 3:00 p.m. Finnish time ( EET ) .",1,neutral Tekla Structures 16 is ` all about you and your team ' and compatible with the Windows 7 operating system .,1,neutral "EQ Bank forecasts Olvi 's net sales at EUR 67mn in the second quarter of 2009 , and operating profit at EUR 6.4 mn .",1,neutral CapMan made its initial investment in OneMed in June 2006 .,1,neutral 27 January 2011 - Finnish IT solutions provider Affecto Oyj ( HEL : AFE1V ) said today it has won a EUR1 .2 m ( USD1 .6 m ) contract from state-owned Lithuanian Social Insurance Institution ( SODRA ) .,2,positive "In Middle East & North Africa , Tecnotree has grown considerably in the recent years .",2,positive An Android app will be coming soon .,1,neutral UNC Charlotte would also deploy SSH Tectia Connector to enable secure application connectivity .,1,neutral "Componenta is a metal sector company with international operations and production plants located in Finland , the Netherlands , Sweden and Turkey .",1,neutral "In a note to clients published , the Dutch broker described the company 's third quarter results as ` soft ' , although it also noted that Elcoteq retained its guidance , dealers said .",1,neutral Finnish paints and coatings company Tikkurila Oyj ( HEL : TIK1V ) announced today the launch of Tikkurila ProHouse method for protection of wooden surfaces via treatment with Ultra Pro waterborne products .,1,neutral "Pretax loss totalled EUR 49.9 mn , compared to a loss of EUR 15.4 mn in the corresponding period in 2008 .",0,negative Atria will also buy the shares of Kauhajoen Teurastamokiinteistot Oy (Kauhajoki slaughterhouse property)from Itikka Co-operative .,1,neutral "With the new arrangement , customer responsibilities will become mainly regional .",1,neutral "In Finland , the five largest brands control 90 % of the beer market .",1,neutral "Finnish electronics contract manufacturer Scanfil had net sales of EUR 52.2 mn in the first quarter of 2007 , down from EUR 60.1 mn a year before .",0,negative "However , the company saw its net profit for the third quarter down to EUR 1.4 million from EUR 1.5 million for the corresponding period of 2009 .",0,negative "`` Beyond the improved voice capabilities , customers now have a streamlined way to comply with recalls and other traceability requirements , providing them with a competitive advantage .",2,positive "YIT lodged counter claims against Neste Oil totaling some EUR25m , primarily based on work carried out under the contract and additional costs incurred due to prolongation of the project .",0,negative One of the challenges in the oil production in the North Sea is scale formation that can plug pipelines and halt production .,0,negative "In Q1 of 2009 , Bank of +_land 's net interest income weakened by 10 % to EUR 9.1 mn .",0,negative Finnish forest industry group Stora Enso Oyj issued on Thursday ( 20 March ) a profit warning for the first quarter 2008 .,0,negative Nokia was up 0.12 pct to 16.70 eur after kicking off the morning in negative territory .,2,positive "As a result of the negotiations , the company will terminate total 5 employment contracts .",0,negative "According to ACNielsen 's ScanTrack study for the period week 10 of 2005 to week 9 of 2006 , Coca-Cola is the market leader in soft drinks in Finland .",2,positive Finnish Outotec has been awarded a contract to supply a new zinc roaster with gas cleaning and sulphuric acid plant for the OZK Kardzhali zinc smelter in Bulgaria .,2,positive "Mr. Mika Korpinen , APAC Vice President for Comptel concludes : `` Comptel is once again demonstrating the importance of providing reliable delivery and enabling time-to-market .",1,neutral "Both operating profit and net sales for the six-month period increased , respectively from EUR7 .5 m and EUR655 .5 m , as compared to the corresponding period in 2005 .",2,positive "HELSINKI (Thomson Financial)- Kemira GrowHow swung into profit in its first quarter earnings on improved sales , especially in its fertilizer business in Europe , which is normally stronger during the first quarter .",2,positive "Russian export duties will activate harvesting in Finland , and sales in Russia will increase also .",2,positive The second-quarter net sales are expected to be on par with the first quarter of 2009 .,1,neutral "Jul. 18 -- Police are looking for a man who they say terrorized three males at gunpoint on East Maple Avenue this afternoon , shooting one of them and kidnapping another .",0,negative Sports equipment sales also progressed well owing to the prolonged winter season .,2,positive "She will succeed Krister Kylas , who has decided to leave TeliaSonera .",1,neutral "Both operating profit and net sales for the three-month period increased , respectively from EUR15 .1 m and EUR131 .5 m , as compared to the corresponding period in 2005 .",2,positive "Finnish industrial investor Panostaja Oyj OMX Helsinki : PNAAS OMX Helsinki : PNABS said on Friday 11 July that it has signed a deal to acquire the entire share capital of Kospa Oy , the manufacturer of waste disposal equipment .",2,positive "The contracts between Raute Corporation and Muling Kemian Wood Products Co. , Ltd. , which were announced on 3 November 2010 , have taken effect .",1,neutral "The major part of the deliveries include different AC and CXE amplifier solutions and products by Belgian DINH Telecom , a broadband solutions company acquired by Teleste in the spring of 2007 .",1,neutral "It is positive that the company it recruited Harri Koponen as CEO , according to Affarsvarlden .",1,neutral YIT says the acquisition is a part of its strategy for expansion in Central and Eastern European markets .,2,positive Eurozone business growth at 15-year high as demand unleashed,2,positive "To showcase our end-to-end capabilities at the Mobile World Congress , we arranged an internal MeeGo application development competition to entice developers to create new applications .",1,neutral `` Our approach is very much to only use raw materials that are produced in line with the principles of sustainable development .,1,neutral This transaction will also rationalize our pulp and paper industry related solutions .,2,positive 10 February 2011 - Finnish media company Sanoma Oyj HEL : SAA1V said yesterday its 2010 net profit almost tripled to EUR297 .3 m from EUR107 .1 m for 2009 and announced a proposal for a raised payout .,2,positive "S&P 500 Hits Another Record, Boosted by Bank Stress Tests, Infrastructure Deal; Dow Outperforms NASDAQ",2,positive "Finnish Scanfil , a systems supplier and contract manufacturer to the communications sector and the electronics industry , reports its net sales totalled EUR 94.7 mn in the first half of 2010 , down from EUR 99.5 mn in the first half of 2009 .",0,negative "mr Bakman sees also expansion options on the Tallinn-Helisnki link , claiming however , that operating the link with only a single ship is not enough .",1,neutral "Furthermore , Novator Finland Oy has entered into a securities lending agreement , whereby Novator Finland Oy will hold directly the same amount of shares that are underlying of the OMX market forwards from May 23 through May 26 , 2008 .",2,positive "ITG 's share in the deal is estimated at some 500,000 euro $ 627,000 .",1,neutral "China Unicom , NYSE : CHU , HKSE : 0762 , and SHSE : 600050 , the second largest mobile carrier in the country .",1,neutral "UPM-Kymmene Corp. , the world 's largest maker of magazine paper , on Tuesday reported a 19-percent profit drop as lower paper prices , higher costs and a strong euro hurt revenue .",0,negative `` BG Crane has been a strong partner for Hiab in Australia for many years .,1,neutral Another noticeable thing is that the search for Tata and Airtel brands was mostly related to ` broadband connections ' .,1,neutral Arena Partners Oy is a development company for electronic business .,1,neutral "The machine will have an annual production capacity of 200,000 tonnes of super-calendered magazine paper and other paper grades based on recovered fiber , Stora Enso said .",1,neutral "The previously concluded adaptation measures concerning the other personnel are adequate for the time being , Raute said .",2,positive SCANIA Morgan Stanley lifted the share target on Swedish heavy-duty truck and bus maker Scania AB to 330 crowns ( $ 42.4 - 35.2 euro ) from 310 crowns ( $ 39.8 - 33.1 euro ) .,2,positive All rights reserved .,1,neutral "`` Nokia 's Calling All Innovators Africa competition has been specifically launched to enable developers to create locally relevant , best-of-breed mobile applications . ''",2,positive "`` Because we 're a pension insurance company , we 're required to diversify and not put too much in one asset class .",1,neutral Operating profit fell to EUR 6.2 mn from EUR 8.5 mn in the third quarter of 2007 .,0,negative Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed .,1,neutral Both the net sales and operating profit were record high in the company 's history .,2,positive "The Nokia Music Store begins trading on Tuesday , selling singles and albums as well as live music streaming .",1,neutral "Through the Nordic Exchange , OMX offers access to approximately 80 percent of the Nordic and Baltic securities market .",1,neutral Finnish Bore that is owned by the Rettig family has grown recently through the acquisition of smaller shipping companies .,2,positive "The first four of the new shop-in-shops will be opened this spring : on Madison Avenue in New York as well as in Chicago , Los Angeles and San Francisco .",1,neutral "Thanks to its extensive industry and operations experience , Cybercom offers strategic and technological expertise to these markets : telecom , industry , media , public sector , retail , and banking and financial services .",1,neutral "The Annual Report will be sent automatically to shareholders holding at least 2,000 Sampo plc shares .",1,neutral "The firm 's UK head office is in Rugby Road , Lutterworth .",1,neutral Finnish Cargotec has been awarded a significant order for a total of 292 Hiab loader cranes by BAE Systems in the US .,2,positive "As a result , the Russia 's import restrictions on Finnish dairy companies will be canceled on 6 August 2010 .",2,positive Managing Director Timo Kohtam+Æki of Lemmink+Æinen Infra nevertheless points out the continued need for infrastructure construction in the Baltic markets .,1,neutral "Finnish bank Pohjola Bank Plc HEL : POH1S said today that it will issue a EUR 40 million USD 51.2 m index-linked bond , Pohjola Tutkimuksen Tahdet VIII-2010 Pohjola Research Stars VIII-2010 , on October 27 , 2010 .",1,neutral Quality chargers under CHARGZ brand are sold in selected retail stores and other sales locations world-wide .,1,neutral "Tyrvaan Sanomat , published twice a week by Tyrvaan Sanomat Oy , appears in Sastamala and Kiikoinen .",1,neutral Sanoma Magazines International will invite other shareholders holding approximately 15 % of the shares to sell their shares .,1,neutral "The metal has gained 41 percent this year as demand from China , the world 's largest user , increased .",2,positive Amanda Capital has investments in 22 private equity funds and in over 200 unquoted companies mainly in Europe .,1,neutral "The operations to be sold include manufacturing units in Finland , France , Poland and Turkey , as well as sales units in Germany and Lithuania .",1,neutral Vacon 's cash flow from operations grew to EUR 37.1 mn from EUR 21.9 mn a year ago .,2,positive "`` In terms of profitability and earnings 2007 was the best year in our history , '' Chief Executive Veli-Matti Mattila said .",2,positive "Kai Tulonen , Chief Technology Officer , SysOpen Digia says : `` Mobility Business Suite represents a significant milestone in the company 's offering to the telecommunications industry .",2,positive Vacon 's office will support its customers in Brazil and South America .,1,neutral "HK Ruokatalo produces many turkey products , such as cold cuts .",1,neutral "Finnish Bank of +_land reports operating profit of EUR 2.2 mn in the first quarter of 2010 , down from EUR 6.3 mn in the corresponding period in 2009 .",0,negative It is now the leading private road ambulance service company in Finland .,2,positive "Nevertheless , its market share rose to 49.14 percent from 48.51 percent a year earlier .",2,positive The airline 's share price closed down slightly at ( x20ac ) 12.51 ( $ 15US .74 ) in Helsinki .,0,negative The arrival of digital currencies is getting closer,1,neutral "The financial impact is estimated to be an annual improvement of EUR2 .0 m in the division 's results , as of fiscal year 2008 .",2,positive "The Marubeni Group focuses on creating `` value chain '' from upstream to downstream , encompassing a wide variety of business fields , including oil & gas , metals , mineral resources , foods , pulp & paper and chemicals , among others .",1,neutral "The Internal Revenue Service sees about 20 percent of all taxpayers wait until the last two weeks to file , with about 40 million returns filed in April .",1,neutral "Creating interfaces that are more similar to interactions in the real world can enable experiences that are more natural and intuitive , in the same way that modern games and movies are more immersive through the use of realistic 3-D graphics .",1,neutral The agreement includes the entire process of managing Mercator 's supply chain in all regions where the company is currently present .,1,neutral "3 January 2011 - Scandinavian lenders Sampo Bank ( HEL : SAMAS ) , Pohjola Bank ( HEL : POH1S ) and Svenska Handelsbanken ( STO : SHB A ) have provided a EUR160m ( USD213m ) line of credit to Lemminkainen Oyj ( HEL : LEM1S ) , the Finnish construction firm said on Friday .",1,neutral The representative body of Swedish Meats approved an improved offer from Finnish HK Ruokatalo to acquire the company .,2,positive "Profit before taxes amounted to EUR 56.5 mn , down from EUR 232.9 mn a year ago .",0,negative "The contract covers turnkey deliveries to all five airports operated by the authority -- John F Kennedy , LaGuardia , Newark , Teterboro and Stewart International .",1,neutral "Sales in Finland decreased by 10.5 % in January , while sales outside Finland dropped by 17 % .",0,negative "In January-September 2007 , operating profit totaled EUR 20.5 mn .",1,neutral `` With this new version it is very important for us to introduce a BIM process that is based on the detailed building information model .,1,neutral "Okmetic closed its plant in Espoo in early 2004 , and all production lines from the site were moved to Okmetic 's plants in Vantaa , Finland and Texas , USA .",1,neutral "On preliminary estimate , the hotel will operate under the brand Novotel .",1,neutral The operating margin came down to 2.4 % from 5.7 % .,0,negative "Suominen Corporation estimates that the cost-cutting program that started in autumn 2005 , higher sales prices , and expected growth in volume of Wet Wipes , will make the company 's operations more profitable .",2,positive "`` We are happy to be working with Rapala to encourage boaters and anglers to introduce newcomers to the sport , '' said RBFF President & CEO Frank Peterson .",2,positive "The company will use the money for product development and research activities through 2013 in its key markets Finland , Germany , Italy and France .",1,neutral "Pioneer Library System was one of 127 libraries , municipalities , arts , culture and higher education and science organizations to have been awarded grants to participate in The Big Read , the largest federal reading program in U.S. history .",2,positive "`` This is a significant milestone for Benefon , helping us to secure critical USP 's for our personal navigation product roadmap for 2007 and beyond , '' commented Simon Button , Chief Technology Officer at Benefon .",2,positive It was decided that the auditors are reimbursed according to invoice .,1,neutral "In addition , the contract includes modification of the effluent treatment plant at Follum .",1,neutral The proposal of the shareholders to elect Mr. Hannu Krogerus to the Board is based on his long and unrivalled experience and knowledge of all matters related to Elcoteq .,1,neutral "( ADPnews ) - Feb 3 , 2010 - Finland-based steel maker Rautaruukki Oyj ( HEL : RTRKS ) , or Ruukki , said today it slipped to a larger-than-expected pretax loss of EUR 46 million ( USD 64.5 m ) in the fourth quarter of 2009 from a",0,negative "NAVTEQ has a commanding lead in installed map data systems in North American vehicles and may be the leader in turn-by-turn navigation data offered by services such as OnStar in North America , said analyst Phil Magney of Telematics Research Group in Minnetonka , Minn. .",2,positive "In the beginning of this year , Wartsila had secured an order to deliver four gas-fuelled main engines and propulsion machinery for the same vessel .",2,positive FINANCING OF ASPOCOMP 'S GROWTH Aspocomp is aggressively pursuing its growth strategy by increasingly focusing on technologically more demanding HDI printed circuit boards PCBs .,2,positive "The OMX Nordic 40 ( OMXN40 ) index , comprising the 40 most traded Nordic stocks on the Nasdaq OMX exchange , closed up 0.43 % at 1,138.84 points on Wednesday .",2,positive The shares carry a right to dividend and other shareholder rights as from their registration with the Finnish Trade Register .,1,neutral "Operating profit totaled EUR 37,7 mn , up slightly from EUR 37.2 mn in the corresponding period in 2006 .",2,positive Metsa-Botnia will sell 82.1 % of its stake in the Uruguayan companies and Metsaliitto -- 5.5 % .,1,neutral At CapMan Haavisto will be responsible for Group Finances and Accounting and IT .,1,neutral "Previously , the company expected its 2008 financial performance to remain at the same level as in 2008 .",1,neutral "The transaction will have a positive impact of around EUR2m on earnings , which Ruukki will recognize during the fourth quarter of this year .",2,positive The company said shareholders will be able to vote on the agreement at an EGM scheduled for later this month .,1,neutral Marimekko is considering further measures in the matter .,1,neutral "Finnish Kemira 's net sales EUR decreased to EUR 1,259.6 mn in January-June 2009 from EUR 1,425.1 mn in January-June 2008 .",0,negative "Swedbank Hypotek - Is to issue a benchmark , fixed rate covered deal in Euros , maturing January 2010 .",1,neutral Ruukki Group calculates that it has lost EUR 4mn in the failed project .,0,negative It is the first application in the market for invoice and purchase requisition approval with a mobile device .,1,neutral "Key shareholders of Finnish IT services provider TietoEnator Oyj on Friday rejected a hostile EUR1 .08 billion $ 1.67 billion offer from buyout shop Nordic Capital , giving new life to a possible counter offer from Blackstone Group LP and Norwegian telecom Telenor ASA .",2,positive "CS Cabot exports 55 % of its production mainly to Goodyear , Bridgestone and Michelin plants in Poland , as well as to Germany 's Michelin or Italy 's Pirelli through the company 's logistics center in Paris , Stefan said .",1,neutral "The government started the sell-off last month , putting an 8 percent stake in TeliaSonera on the auction bloc .",1,neutral The announced restructuring will significantly decrease the Company 's indebtedness .,2,positive "wins 98 % acceptance 23 December 2009 - Finnish industrial machinery company Metso Oyj ( HEL : MEO1V ) said today it will complete its takeover offer for textile company Tamfelt Oyj Abp ( HEL : TAFKS ) , after acquiring 98 % of its shares and votes .",1,neutral The combined capital of these funds is expected to be EUR 100mn-150mn .,1,neutral "The product advisory does not apply to any other Nokia-branded battery , the company said .",1,neutral Also the development of online businesses will continue .,1,neutral The total value of the contract is some EUR 8 million .,1,neutral Sales of security and system packaging increased slightly .,2,positive Diluted earnings per share ( EPS ) fell to EUR 0.63 from EUR 1.71 .,0,negative GE is building the facility with wind power developer Invenergy Wind LLC .,1,neutral A new production line is being completed for the contract production of hormone treatments .,2,positive Shareholders of Rakvere Lihakombinaat decided in favor of the buyout of minority shares in mid-July .,2,positive "The Lemminkainen Group , headquartered in Helsinki , Finland , operates in all sectors of the construction industry : civil engineering , building contracting , technical building services and the building materials industry .",1,neutral "Biohit Oyj develops , manufactures and markets liquid handling products and diagnostic test systems for use in research , healthcare and industrial laboratories .",1,neutral "- The Group 's sales during the period were EUR 37.5 million ( EUR 48.2 million , 1-9/2008 ) and result before taxes was a loss of EUR -3.5 ( +1.2 ) million .",0,negative Operating profit margin increased from 11.2 % to 11.7 % .,2,positive The volumes are expected to increase during the next few years .,2,positive "Cargotec Corporation , Press Release , August 26 , 2008 at 10 a.m. Finnish time Cargotec 's MacGREGOR business area providing marine cargo handling and offshore load handling solutions has received significant offshore crane retrofit order .",2,positive "Dolce & Gabbana has asked the European Union to declare Marimekko Corporation 's `` Unikko '' floral pattern trademark invalid , in a continuing dispute between the two companies .",0,negative These moderate but significant changes resulted in a significant 24-32 % reduction in the estimated CVD risk .,2,positive Country : ; Germany Sector : Construction-Real Estate ; Machinery-Engineering Target : Caverion GmbH Buyer : YIT Oyj Deal size in USD : 90.3 m Type : Corporate acquisition Status : Agreed,1,neutral The Oxyview Pulse Oximeter is a common device to check patient blood-oxygen saturation level and pulse rate .,1,neutral "Comparable operating profit totaled EUR 4.7 mn , down from EUR 5.1 mn in the corresponding period in 2005 , representing 7.4 % of net sales .",0,negative "Jensen , Njastein and Mike Critch , the head of Dovre North America business unit , will report to Toivola .",1,neutral The contract includes an option to deliver an additional 75 ASCs in the next phases of the project .,1,neutral Scanfil issued a profit warning on 10 April 2006 .,0,negative The union filed a grievance over the company 's overtime assignment policies .,0,negative "The connectivity unit has more than 100 e-invoice customers , and the number of annual transactions stands at nearly one million .",1,neutral "Janis Arbidans , CEO of YIT Celtnieciba , said the company was focusing on housing and real estate development market .",1,neutral Elcoteq has a global network of After Market Service sites which have a long experience in serving Consumer Electronics and Systems Solutions customers .,1,neutral `` The trend in the sports and leisure markets was favorable in the first months of the year .,2,positive "The total delivery volume of paper businesses in 2010 was 1,155,000 tonnes , up from 1,132,000 tonnes in 2009 .",2,positive "In the building and home improvement trade , sales decreased by 6.3 % , totalling EUR 154.1 mn .",0,negative The effect of the savings will be noticeable from the beginning of 2010 .,1,neutral Below are unaudited consolidated results for Aspocomp Group under IFRS reporting standards .,1,neutral "CHS Expo Freight is a major Finnish fair , exhibition and culture logistics company that provides logistics services to various events by land , air and sea .",1,neutral "Profit before taxes was EUR 5.4 mn , up from EUR 3.6 mn a year earlier .",2,positive Operating profit for continuing operations fell to EUR 48.3 mn from EUR 72.4 mn in the first half of 2007 .,0,negative AffectoGenimap builds highly customised IT solutions for its customers in Finland and the Baltic countries .,1,neutral "All the ferries had run into trouble just outside the Stockholm archipelago , made up of more than 20,000 islands .",0,negative "Renzo Piano 's building design will be a wonderful addition to London 's skyline , '' says Noud Veeger , EVP and Area Director for Central and North Europe at KONE .",2,positive Poyry is a global expert in consulting and engineering .,1,neutral "The corresponding increase in the share capital due to these subscriptions with the warrants , in total EUR 1,860.74 , was registered with the Finnish Trade Register on January 4 , 2008 .",1,neutral Cash Flow from Operations for the most recent quarter also reached a eight year low .,0,negative "In January-September 2010 , Fiskars ' net profit went up by 14 % year-on-year to EUR 65.4 million and net sales to EUR 525.3 million from EUR 487.7 million .",2,positive Amazon wants to make your life easier. Here's how it's changing grocery shopping,2,positive "ADP News - May 29 , 2009 - Bank of America BofA downgraded today its ratings on Swedish-Finnish paper maker Stora Enso Oyj HEL : STERV and on Finnish sector player UPM-Kymmene Oyj HEL : UPM1V to `` underperf",0,negative "The orders consist in total of over 1,600 panels of lift-away weatherdeck hatch covers and they will be delivered for container vessels with capacities ranging from 2,000 to 13,300 TEUs .",1,neutral "New Chairman of the Board of Directors , Mr Chaim Katzman , will give a presentation and answer questions .",1,neutral "Meanwhile , Nokia said that it will be able to deliver a complete range of services from deployment operations to consulting and integration to managed services as a result of the buyout .",2,positive "Rapala VMC Corporation STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE October 10 , 2008 at 11.45 am Kaupthing Bank Oyj ( `` Kapthing '' ) has informed Rapala VMC Corporation ( `` Rapala '' ) that it has interrupted the liquidity providing for Rapala 's share for the time being .",0,negative The objective of the planned measures is to achieve significant savings in the next few years .,2,positive "have notified that as a result of the Company issuing 14,432,000 new shares in the directed offering , the joint holdings of Pequot has decreased below 1-10 to 9.63 % of total number of shares and votes in the Company .",0,negative "At 10.58 am , Outokumpu declined 2.74 pct to 24.87 eur , while the OMX Helsinki 25 was 0.55 pct higher at 2,825.14 and the OMX Helsinki added 0.64 pct to 9,386.89 .",1,neutral The stock was hit by the profit warning of Finnish rival Rautaruukki Oyj ( OMX : RTRKS ) .,0,negative The company has an annual turnover of EUR32 .8 m.,1,neutral "Myllykoski , with one paper plant in Finland , one in the US and three in Germany , had revenues of EUR286m in the first half of 2010 and an operating loss of EUR12m , Reuters said .",0,negative Juha Haapakoski will continue as Editor-in-Chief with budget responsibility also with the new publisher .,1,neutral "Operating margin , however , slipped to 14.4 % from 15.1 % , dragged down by a poor performance in enterprise solutions .",0,negative "Re-use back into PET bottles has also steadily increased and the rate of use in strapping tape has picked up again after a dip in 2005 , Petcore said previously .",2,positive "A total of 15,000 new Citycon shares with a nominal value of EUR 1.35 per share were subscribed between 17 and 23 March 2006 exercising the A-B-C options based on the company 's stock option plan 1999 .",1,neutral "The company is in charge of all natural gas storage activities in France , Great Britain , and Germany .",1,neutral "EPS for the quarter was EUR0 .00 , as compared with EUR0 .01 in the third quarter of 2008 , representing a Group net sales for the third quarter were EUR15 .3 m , up by 2.8 % as compared with EUR14 .9 m in the third quarter of 2008 .",2,positive Customers in a wide range of industries use our stainless steel and services worldwide .,1,neutral It 's not .,1,neutral Finnish Cargotec 's Kalmar has received a significant order from the US Department of Defense .,2,positive It will also strengthen Ruukki 's offshore business .,2,positive "Net sales went up by 1 % year-on-year to EUR 29 million , affected by the business acquisitions , realized during the previous financial period , the effect of which was EUR 5.1 million on the review period .",2,positive "Operating profit totalled EUR 7.0 mn , up from a loss of EUR 4.0 mn in the second quarter of 2009 .",2,positive The move was triggered by weak demand for forestry equipment and the uncertain market situation .,0,negative As an overall effect of the above-mentioned measures Glaston will recognize non-recurring expenses of EUR 12 million in the fourth quarter of 2008 .,1,neutral Currently more than 100 of Global Fortune 500 companies are using SSH security solutions .,1,neutral "Excluding non-recurring items , pre-tax profit surged 45 % to EUR80m .",2,positive "The company 's annual loss amounted to EEK 18mn , compared to a profit of EEK 7.3 mn in 2008 .",0,negative Operating profit in the fourth quarter fell to EUR33m from EUR39m a year earlier .,0,negative Stora Enso 's third-quarter pre-tax profit doubled to EUR 197mn .,2,positive "Incap Contract Manufacturing Services Pvt Ltd , a subsidiary of Incap Corporation of Finland , is acquiring the manufacturing unit of the TVS Electronic Ltd at Tumkur , near Bangalore , for Rs40 crore .",1,neutral The company also said that it will sell approximately 150 hectares of land to the city of Valkeakoski by the end of the year a part of its `` From job to job '' program .,1,neutral "We know that it exists , '' Artemyev said .",1,neutral The transaction is planned to be financed with a EUR40m market-based loan granted by Standard Chartered Bank Hong Kong .,1,neutral Bank risk officers put climate at top of agenda,1,neutral The shipyard hopes the regional government in Andalusia can offer its some form of financial support .,1,neutral "Based on the first quarter result , existing order backlog and new order prospects , the company expects that full-year sales will contract by 25 % from 2008 , the gross margin will stay at a healthy level , and the operating profit margin will be lower than in 2008 due to lower sales volume .",0,negative "The Annual Report contains the financial statements , the consolidated financial statements , the report by the Board of Directors and the auditor 's report .",1,neutral Finnish consumer packaging manufacturer Huhtamaki Oyj said it swung to a net profit of 84.1 mln euro $ 105.6 mln in the first nine months of 2006 from a net loss of 2.6 mln euro $ 3.3 mln in the same period of 2005 .,2,positive ND = Not disclosed .,1,neutral "Previously , the company anticipated its operating profit to improve over the same period .",2,positive The opening of the portal is part of the expansion strategy of Alma Media 's Marketplaces business unit .,1,neutral The duration of the lay-offs per employee will vary from one to six weeks .,1,neutral "October-December sales were 302 mln eur , or a 25.3 pct increase year on year .",2,positive "Operating profit for the three-month period increased from EUR1 .2 m , while revenue increased from EUR20 .2 m , as compared to the corresponding period in 2005 .",2,positive The new activity will incur an investment of about 5 MEUR .,1,neutral cents Recognize potential partnerships and suppliers .,1,neutral TeliaSonera said about $ 100 million will be invested in the next year in the region to bring mobile coverage to about 90 % of Nepal s population .,2,positive "is planning to expand its product portfolio in the harbor segment , chief executive Pekka Lundmark told Financial Times Deutschland .",2,positive "Loss after financial items totalled EUR 9.7 mn , compared to a profit of EUR 1.3 mn in the corresponding period in 2008 .",0,negative "`` We love Activision 's fresh , colorful approach to Rapala : We Fish , '' said Kelly Brockpahler , Rapala .",2,positive "Thanks to the internet , consumers compare products more than previously and Finnish companies are not competitive .",0,negative Russia wants to utilise its huge forest reserves in a very different way from what has been done so far .,1,neutral "An estimated 30 pct of mobile calls are made from the home , and France Telecom hopes that 15 pct of its Orange clients will sign up for the service by the end of 2008 .",1,neutral The value of the contracts is about EUR 3.3 mn .,1,neutral "Order intake , on the other hand , is expected to be stronger than in 2007 .",2,positive "Due to the rapid decrease in net sales , personnel reductions have been carried out on a wider scale than initially expected .",0,negative "The order includes a log handling line , peeling line and drying line for the production of parquet base layer veneer for Plyfa 's Hassela mill , central Sweden .",1,neutral Finnish insurance company Fennia and Kesko Group are ending their loyal customer cooperation .,0,negative "The international electronic industry company Elcoteq has laid off tens of employees from its Tallinn facility ; contrary to earlier layoffs the company contracted the ranks of its office workers , the daily Postimees reported .",0,negative