[ { "question": "What is the nutritional value of SKU ABCD1234?", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "Can you provide customer reviews for product EFGH5678?", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "What is the sales revenue for the last quarter and the feedback from customers during that period?", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "Based on the recent sales data, what are the common issues faced by customers?", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "List the ingredients and their proportions in product IJKL9101.", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "What are the latest comments on our new marketing campaign?", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "Summarize the quarterly sales and the most common customer complaints.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "Using the sales data, identify trends and provide related customer feedback.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What is the inventory status of item MNOP2345?", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "Provide recent testimonials for our flagship product.", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "Analyze the sales performance and summarize customer feedback for Q1.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "Find the sales data and corresponding user reviews for the past month.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What are the top selling products in the last month?", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "Show me the user feedback for the new feature released last week.", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "Get the latest sales figures and user feedback for the new product line.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What are the sales metrics and customer comments for the holiday season?", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What is the nutritional value of SKU QRST3456?", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "Can you provide customer reviews for product UVWX7890?", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "What is the sales revenue for the last quarter and the feedback from customers during that period?", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "Based on the recent sales data, what are the common issues faced by customers?", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "List the ingredients and their proportions in product YZAB1122.", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "What are the latest comments on our new marketing campaign?", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "Summarize the quarterly sales and the most common customer complaints.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "Using the sales data, identify trends and provide related customer feedback.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What is the inventory status of item CDEF3345?", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "Provide recent testimonials for our flagship product.", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "Analyze the sales performance and summarize customer feedback for Q1.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "Find the sales data and corresponding user reviews for the past month.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What are the top selling products in the last month?", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "Show me the user feedback for the new feature released last week.", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "Get the latest sales figures and user feedback for the new product line.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What are the sales metrics and customer comments for the holiday season?", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What is the nutritional value of SKU GHIJ4567?", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "Can you provide customer reviews for product KLMN8901?", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "What is the sales revenue for the last quarter and the feedback from customers during that period?", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "Based on the recent sales data, what are the common issues faced by customers?", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "List the ingredients and their proportions in product OPQR2233.", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "What are the latest comments on our new marketing campaign?", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "Summarize the quarterly sales and the most common customer complaints.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "Using the sales data, identify trends and provide related customer feedback.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What is the inventory status of item STUV4455?", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "Provide recent testimonials for our flagship product.", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "Analyze the sales performance and summarize customer feedback for Q1.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "Find the sales data and corresponding user reviews for the past month.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What are the top selling products in the last month?", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "Show me the user feedback for the new feature released last week.", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "Get the latest sales figures and user feedback for the new product line.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What are the sales metrics and customer comments for the holiday season?", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What is the nutritional value of SKU WXYZ5678?", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "Can you provide customer reviews for product ABCD9102?", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "What is the sales revenue for the last quarter and the feedback from customers during that period?", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "Based on the recent sales data, what are the common issues faced by customers?", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "List the ingredients and their proportions in product EFGH3344.", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "What are the latest comments on our new marketing campaign?", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "Summarize the quarterly sales and the most common customer complaints.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "Using the sales data, identify trends and provide related customer feedback.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What is the inventory status of item IJKL5566?", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "Provide recent testimonials for our flagship product.", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "Analyze the sales performance and summarize customer feedback for Q1.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "Find the sales data and corresponding user reviews for the past month.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What are the top selling products in the last month?", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "Show me the user feedback for the new feature released last week.", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "Get the latest sales figures and user feedback for the new product line.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What are the sales metrics and customer comments for the holiday season?", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What is the nutritional value of SKU MNOP6789?", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "Can you provide customer reviews for product QRST1123?", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "What is the sales revenue for the last quarter and the feedback from customers during that period?", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "Based on the recent sales data, what are the common issues faced by customers?", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "List the ingredients and their proportions in product UVWX4455.", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "What are the latest comments on our new marketing campaign?", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "Summarize the quarterly sales and the most common customer complaints.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "Using the sales data, identify trends and provide related customer feedback.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What is the inventory status of item YZAB6677?", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "Provide recent testimonials for our flagship product.", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "Analyze the sales performance and summarize customer feedback for Q1.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "Find the sales data and corresponding user reviews for the past month.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What are the top selling products in the last month?", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "Show me the user feedback for the new feature released last week.", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "Get the latest sales figures and user feedback for the new product line.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What are the sales metrics and customer comments for the holiday season?", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What is the nutritional value of SKU CDEF7890?", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "Can you provide customer reviews for product GHIJ2233?", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "What is the sales revenue for the last quarter and the feedback from customers during that period?", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "Based on the recent sales data, what are the common issues faced by customers?", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "List the ingredients and their proportions in product KLMN5566.", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "What are the latest comments on our new marketing campaign?", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "Summarize the quarterly sales and the most common customer complaints.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "Using the sales data, identify trends and provide related customer feedback.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What is the inventory status of item OPQR7788?", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "Provide recent testimonials for our flagship product.", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "Analyze the sales performance and summarize customer feedback for Q1.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "Find the sales data and corresponding user reviews for the past month.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What are the top selling products in the last month?", "category": "structured" }, { "question": "Show me the user feedback for the new feature released last week.", "category": "unstructured" }, { "question": "Get the latest sales figures and user feedback for the new product line.", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" }, { "question": "What are the sales metrics and customer comments for the holiday season?", "category": "structured_then_unstructured" } ]