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नोद्विजन्ते नरान्दृष्ट्वा वधस्याकोविदाश्शुभाः।।घृतपिण्डोपमान् स्थूलांस्तान्द्विजान्भक्षयिष्यथः। | Not knowing that they may be killed, the innocent creatures will not be scared of human beings. Both of you can kill and eat the fat birds comparable to balls of ghee. |
इति तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा राजा तेषां मनःप्रियं।अजानन्निव जिज्ञासुरिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।। | Having heard them king Dasaratha, pretending as though he was not aware of their hearts desire but was now wishing to ascertain it, spoke these words |
मुनयश्च महात्मानो वसन्त्यस्मि शिलोच्चये।अयं वासो भवेत्तावदत्र सौम्य रमेमहि।। | Great sages reside on this high mountain. Let it be our habitation and let us enjoy our life here, O handsome one |
ते भवन्तो मतिश्रेष्ठा बलवन्तो मनस्विनः।।प्रेषिताः कपिराजेन देवैरपि दुरासदाः। | Indeed, you monkeys are very wise, strong and sensitive. The king of monkeys has sent you on this mission. You cannot be conquered even by gods. |
नानामृगगणद्वीपितरर्क्ष्वृक्षगणैर्वुतः।अदुष्टैर्भात्ययं शैलो बहुपक्षिसमायुतः।। | This mount Chitrakuta is swarmed by flocks of birds and herds of several kinds of animals like tigers, panthers and bears of every kind giving up their cruel nature. |
संहृत्य च भुजौ श्रीमांस्तथैव च शिरोधराम्।तेजः सत्त्वं तथा वीर्यमाविवेश स वीर्यवान्।। | The glorious and courageous Hanuman his head and shoulders contracted, summoned up all his energy and vigour. |
कङ्कालं मुसलं घोरं कापालमथ कङ्कणम्।धारयन्त्यसुरा यानि ददाम्येतानि सर्वशः।। | I shall grant all these weapons, the dreadful kankala, pestle kapala and kankana used by asuras. |
जातमिष्टमपत्यं मे त्वमद्यानुपमं भुवि।दत्तमिष्टमधीतं च मया पुरुषसत्तम।। | O best of men I have obtained now a progeny of my liking in you and you have no equal on earth. I have given gifts, performed rituals and also studied the Vedas . |
यस्याः पुत्रसहस्रैस्तु कृत्स्नं व्याप्तमिदं जगत्।तां दृष्ट्वा रुदतीं शक्रो न सुतान्मन्यते परम्।। | The wishfulfilling cow Kamadhenu had innumerable sons spread all over the world. When Indra saw that Kamadhenu too was weeping for her sons, he concluded there is no one greater than a son. |
तच्छ्रुत्वा भरतस्तेषां वचनं साधुसम्मतम्। सैन्यानुवाच सर्वांस्तानमित्रबलमर्दनः।। | Having heard these words acceptable to the pious, Bharata, the crusher of enemy forces, addressed the entire army |
तस्य वानर राजस्य श्रुत्वा वायुसुतो वचः।दिक्षु सर्वासु विक्रान्तान्प्रेषयामास वानरान्।। | Having heard Sugrivas command, Hanuman, son of the Windgod, sent powerful monkeys in all directions. |
निश्श्रेयसफलावेवधर्मार्थावितरावपि ।अधर्मानर्थयोःप्राप्तिःफलं च प्रत्यवायिकम् ।। | " All virtues and worldly pleasures and even otherwise give only benefit. But if done with disinterest and unrighteousness it can give a result which is other than prosperity." |
तमुवाचाथ सुग्रीवस्सप्त सालानिमान्पुरा।एवमेकैकशो वाली विव्याथाथ स चासकृत्।। | Then Sugriva told Lakshmana that earlier Vali had split through these seven Sala trees one after the other, several times. |
उक्तश्च मधुरां वाणीं तया स मदनार्दितः।।सीतया तव किं कार्यं महेन्द्रसमविक्रमः। | "She spoke sweetly to Ravana, who was tormented by the god of love saying, For what purpose do you desire Sita? You are equal to Mahendra in might. |
धर्मज्ञा श्श्रुतिमन्तोऽपि छिन्नधर्मार्थसंशयाः।यतयो वीर मुह्यन्ति शोकसम्मूढचेतसः।। | O heroic one even learned ascetics who are well versed in ethics and scriptures and who are free from doubts with regard to dharma and artha, are deluded by grief. |
तच्चास्यबलमादास्येबलेनमहतावृतः ।उदितस्सविताकालेनक्षत्राणामिवप्रभाम् ।। | "Surrounded by a huge army I will split up his army like the morning Sun splits up stars with his radiance." |
पुनर्मार्गामहै शैलान्कन्दरांश्च दरीस्तथा।काननानि च शून्यानि गिरिप्रस्रवणानि च।। | Once again let us explore the mountains, caverns, forests, desolate places and mountain streams. |
तदद्यविपुलंवीरदुःखमिन्द्रजिताकृतम् ।कर्मणाव्यपनेष्यामितस्मादुत्तिष्ठराघव ।। | "Get up, heroic Raghava! I will get rid of the agony caused to you by Indrajith, by the action." |
एवं पापसमाचारस्सज्जनप्रतिबाधक:।।पौराणामहिते युक्त: पुत्रो निर्वासित: पुरात्। | Thus this son inclined towards evil and formenting the good citizens was banished of the king from the capital for his indulgence in malevolent acts. |
तेषु तेषु महार्हेषु भवनेषु महायशाः।गृहेष्वृद्धिमतामृद्धिं ददाह स महाकपिः।। | Moving among those highly luxurious mansions the glorious Vanara burnt away the wealth of all the rich demons. |
अब्रवीच्च स तान्सर्वान् बलमुख्यान् महाबलः ।रावणःप्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यंपुत्रव्यसनकर्शितः ।। | Ravana, endowed with mighty prowess, shrunken on account of his son, greeting all the army chiefs with folded hands spoke as follows. |
इतिप्रतिसमादिष्टौराक्षसौशुकसारणौ ।हरिरूपधरौवीरौप्रविष्टौवानरंबलम् ।। | Having accepted the order, both the Rakshasa heroes, Suka and Saarana took the form of Vanaras and entered the Vanara army. |
सतांश्रुत्वाविशालाक्षी: प्रवृत्तिंराक्षसाधिपः ।एषमन्त्रयतेसर्वैस्सचिवैस्सहरावणः ।। | "O Broadeyed Sita! On hearing the news of Rama crossing Rakshasa king is holding consultation with ministers about what to do." |
आददेनिशितंशूलंवेगाच्छत्रुनिबर्हणम् ।सर्वकालायसंदीप्तंतप्तकाञ्चनभूषणम् ।। | The destroyer of enemies, hurriedly seized a whetted flaming iron dart, embellished with polished gold. |
रामो दाशरथिर्नाम प्रविष्टो दण्डकावनम्।लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा वैदेह्या चापि भार्यया।। | "Dasarathas son called Rama accompanied by his brother Lakshmana and his wife Vaidehi entered Dandaka forest. |
रामोऽपि परमां पूजां गौतमस्य महामुने:।सकाशाद्विधिवत्प्राप्य जगाम मिथिलां तत:।। | Having received due hospitality from the great ascetic Gautama Rama also set out towards Mithila. Thus ends the fortyninth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki. |
एतच्छ्रुत्वायमाकारंभजतेभरतस्ततः ।स च तेवेदितव्यःस्यात्सर्वंयच्छापिमांप्रति ।। | "Listening to Bharata, and seeing his form, expression on hearing this news and knowing his intent, checking all this you may return to me." |
तत्र केचिद्द्रुतं जग्मुरुत्पेतुश्च तथापरे ।केचित्किलकिलां चक्रुर्वानरा वनगोचराः ।। | Being vanaras some went swiftly, some jumped, and some others made sound kila kilathe usual sounds of monkeys while they went. |
आजगाममुहूर्तेनराक्षसैःपरिवारितः ।।ततोमाल्यवतासार्थंक्रियामेवचकारसः । | Surrounded by Rakshasas, in a short time he returned with Malyavan Maternal uncle of Ravana and Vibheeshana initiated the task. |
आत्मकामा सदा चण्डी क्रोधना प्राज्ञमानिनी।अरोगा चापि मे माता कैकेयी किमुवाच ह।। | And what about my mother Kaikeyi, ever intent on her own wellbeing, wrathful, irascible and proud of her intelligence? Is she maintaining sound health? |
अगरूणां च मुख्यानां वनान्युपवनानि च।तक्कोलानां च जात्यानां फलानां च सुगन्धिनाम्।। | He saw very fine aguru trees in the forest as well as pleasuregroves of takkola fruits, fragrant trees of a fine variety and fragrant nutmegs. |
ततस्त्वं प्राप्स्यसे पुत्र निरयं लोकविश्रुतम्।ब्रह्महत्यामिवाधर्मात्समुद्र स्सरितां पतिः।। | O son you will then fall into hell. As wellknown in the world, the ocean, the lord of rivers, incurred the guilt of slaying a brahmin through unrighteous conduct. |
तौ तु तत्र स्थितौ दृष्ट्वा भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।बाहुपाशपरिक्षिप्तौ कबन्धो वाक्यमब्रवीत्।। | Kabandha saw the brothers, Rama and Lakshmana, stand there bound by the shackles of his arms and said |
तां दृष्ट्वा राघव: क्रुद्धां विकृतां विकृताननाम्।प्रमाणेनातिवृद्धां च लक्ष्मणं सोऽभ्यभाषत।। | Filled with wrath Rama saw Tataka, disfigured with a distorted face and gigantic in size. Turning to Lakshmana he said |
भिद्यतां भक्ष्यतां वापि शरीरं विसृजाम्यहम्।न चाप्यहं चिरं दुःखं सहेयं प्रियवर्जिता।। | "I will give up my body. Break me into pieces or eat me up. I cannot bear the sorrow of separation from my dear Rama any longer. |
रामोऽप्युत्थाप्य राजानं कैकेय्याभिप्रचोदितः।कशयेवाहतो वाजी वनं गन्तुं कृतत्वरः।। | Rama lifted up the king and, urged by Kaikeyi, hastened to depart for the forest like a horse flogged by a whip. |
रथनेमिस्वनस्तत्रधनुषश्चापिनिस्वसत् ।।शङ्खभेरीमृदङ्गानांबभूवतुमुलःस्वनः । | Then came out tumultuous sounds of clutter of chariots, bows, conches, kettle drums and tom toms. |
स हत्वा राक्षसान् सर्वान् यज्ञघ्नान् रघुनन्दन:।ऋषिभि: पूजितस्तत्र यथेन्द्रो विजये पुरा।। | Having killed the rakshasas, obstructors of sacrifices, Rama was worshipped by the hermits like Indra was honoured in the past when he was victorious. |
कामं लोकास्त्रयस्सेन्द्रास्ससुरासुरमानवाः।।भवतामग्रतः स्थातुं न पर्याप्ता रणाजिरे। | "Even Indra, suras, asuras and humans and the three worlds together are incompetent to stand before you in a battlefield. |
गम्यतां सत्कृतो रामस्सभार्यस्सहलक्ष्मणः।। प्रवेश्यतां समीपं मे किं चासौ न प्रवेशितः। | Go quickly and with due hospitality conduct Rama, his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana into my presence. Why was he not ushered in so long? |
वृतंवानरकोटीभिस्ससुग्रीवंसलक्ष्मणम् ।पश्यकैश्चिदहोभिस्त्वंराघवंनिहतंमया ।। | "Indeed, in a short while crores of Vanaras, Sugriva and also Lakshmana and Raghava will be killed by me. Oh!" |
स नियुक्तस्ततस्तेन सम्प्रहृष्टतनूरुहः।प्रणम्य शिरसा देव्यै सीतायै प्रत्यभाषत।। | Having been asked by Jambavan and others Hanuman with horripilations all over his body, bowed down and saluted in the direction of queen Sita and began |
सुकेतोरपि धर्मात्मा देवरातो महाबल:।देवरातस्य राजर्षेर्बृहद्रथ इति स्मृत:।। | Suketus son was the righteous and powerful Devarata, father of Brihadradha. |
यदिमांप्रतियुध्येरन्देवगन्धर्वदानवाः ।नैवसीतांप्रदास्यामिसर्वलोकभयादपि ।। | "Even if Devas, Gandharvas and Danavas come to wage war with me and even if I have threats from all worlds, I will not give away Sita." |
तं शब्दमवसुप्तस्तु जटायुरथ शुश्रुवे।निरीक्ष्य रावणं क्षिप्रं वैदेहीं च ददर्श सः।। | While reposing, Jatayu heard the cry and at once looked up and saw Ravana and Vaidehi. |
हर्म्यप्रासादसम्बाधां नानारत्नविभूषिताम्।द्रक्ष्यसि त्वं पुरीं लङ्कां विनष्टां मैथिलीकृते।। | You will see the city of Lanka dotted with magnificent royal mansions embellished with different kinds of gems ruined for the sake of Sita. |
एतस्मिन्नन्तरेरामःप्रत्यबुध्यतवीर्यवान् ।स्थिरत्वात्सत्त्वयोगाच्चशरैस्सन्दानितोऽपिसन् ।। | In the meantime, Rama, although bound, being a man of fortitude established in spiritual discipline, returned to consciousness. |
ऋतुस्नातां सतीं भार्यामृतुकालानुरोधिनीम्।अतिवर्तेत दुष्टात्मा यस्यार्योऽनुमते गतः।। | May the one who counselled the exile of my esteemed brother acquire the sin in the same way as a wickedminded person who neglects his chaste wife observing the menstrual period unfavourable for conception and had bathed after menstruation acquires |
तामभिक्रम्य सङ्कृद्धा वेपमानां समन्ततः।।भृशं संलिलिहुर्दीप्तान् प्रलम्बान् दशनच्छदान्। | Sita was trembling in fear. The enraged ogresses went on licking their lips hanging, again and again. |
तानहं समतिक्रान्ता राम त्वा पूर्वदर्शनात्।।समुपेतास्मि भावेन भर्तारं पुरुषोत्तमम्। | Setting them aside, I came here, as soon as I saw you. You are the finest among men and I am here wishing you to be my husband. |
बाहुंचास्यसनिस्त्रिंशमाजघान स मुष्टिना ।वालिपुत्रस्यघातेन स पपातक्षितावसिः ।। | Angada hit the shoulder of Prajaghna which held the sword, with his fist. By that blow the sword got broken and dropped down |
नानाप्रहरणाः क्षिप्रमितो गच्छत सत्वराः।जनस्थानं हतस्थानं भूतपूर्वं खरालयम्।। | Armed with different weapons, proceed at once to Janasthana where Khara lived and died. |
शाद्वलेषु यथा शिश्ये वनान्ते वनगोचर।कुथास्तरणतल्पेषु किं स्यात्सुखतरं ततः।। | O rover of the forest I will feel happier when I sleep on the meadows of tender green grass on the outskirts of the forest than when I sleep on the couch spread with carpets. |
रोमभिर्निचितैस्तीक्ष्णैर्महागिरिमिवोछ्रितम्।नीलमेघनिभं रौद्रं मेघस्तनितनिस्वनम्।। | With sharp bristled hair all over the body, he was a mammoth figure who looked like a mountain resembling a dark cloud with his voice like the thunder. |
तत: परमसत्कारं सुमते: प्राप्य राघवौ।।उष्य तत्र निशामेकां जग्मतुर्मिथिलां तत: । | The descendants of Raghu Rama and Lakshmana having received great honour from Sumati, stayed there one night and thereafter set out for Mithila. |
अहमिक्ष्वाकुनाथेन सगरेण विवर्धितः।इक्ष्वाकुसचिवश्चायं नावसीदितुमर्हति।। | I expanded on account of a scion of the Ikshvaku race Sagara and I should not do anything to make him Hanuman suffer since he is the minister helping the Ikshvaku race. |
धूतपापा: पुनस्तेन तोयेनाथ सुभास्वता।।पुनराकाशमाविश्य स्वान् लोकान् प्रतिपेदिरे। | Cleansed of their sins by the sparkling waters, they ascended through the sky once again to their own celestial worlds. |
महाह्रदमिवाक्षोभ्यं सुपर्णेन हृतोरगम्।रामेण रहितं वेश्म वैदेह्या लक्ष्मणेन च।। | The palace without Rama, Lakshmana and Sita, stood like a vast, unperturbed lake with serpents snatched away by Suparna Garuda. |
आप्तयज्ञहरं क्रूरं ब्रह्मघ्नं दुष्टचारिणम्।कर्कशं निरनुक्रोशं प्रजानामहिते रतम्।। | He disrupted sacrifices at the final stage. He killed brahmins. He was ruthless, harsh, and merciless. He was involved in activities against human welfare. |
तत्र पञ्चजनं हत्वा हयग्रीवं च दानवम्।आजहार ततश्चक्रं शङ्खं च पुरुषोत्तमः।। | It was there that the Supreme Lord Visnu, having slain Hayagriva and Panchajanam, recovered the discus and conch for himself. |
तेन चापस्वनेनाथ सुग्रीवः प्लवगाधिपः।विज्ञायाऽगमनं त्रस्त स्सञ्चचाल वरासनात्।। | Then, sensing the arrival of Lakshmana, by the sound of his bow string, Sugriva the lord of vanaras, alighted at once from the throne. |
विभिन्नशिरसस्तस्यबहुसुस्रावशोणितम् ।शरीरादपिसुस्रावगिरेःप्रस्रवणंयथा ।। | From his shattered head much blood flowed from all over the body just as a spring from a mountain. |
तदिदं वैष्णवं राम पितृपैतामहं महत्।क्षत्रधर्मं पुरस्कृत्य गृह्णीष्व धनुरुत्तमम्।। | Respect the duties of a kshatriya, O Rama Take hold of this great, uncommon bow of Visnu inherited by me from my father and forefathers. |
अङ्गदस्त्वानयेन्माल्यं वस्त्राणि विविधानि च।घृतं तैलमथो गन्धान्यच्चात्र समनन्तर।। | Let Angada for his part collect garlands of many kinds, clothes, clarified butter, oil, fragrants and all that is required to be procured. |
ते वयं कपिराजस्य सर्वे वचनकारिणः।।कृतां संस्थामतिक्रान्ता भयात्प्रायमुपास्महे। | Because of the fear of king Sugriva all of us have decided to stay here fasting unto death,since we have exceeded the time fixed for us to find Sita. |
वसन्तं भ्रातुरर्थाय शत्रुघ्नो माऽनुवत्स्यति।लक्ष्मणेन सहत्वार्यो ह्ययोध्यां पालयिष्यति।। | As I live in the forest on behalf of my brother Rama, Satrughna will live with me. My esteemed brother Rama will rule Ayodhya along with Lakshmana. |
दृढभक्ति स्स्थिरप्रज्ञो नासद्ग्राही न दुर्वचाः।
निस्तन्द्रिरप्रमत्तश्च स्वदोषपरदोषवित्।।
| He was firm in his devotion and steady in intellect. He accepted nothing ignoble nor used bad words. He was not swayed by emotions or prone to idleness. He knew his faults as well as of others. |
सौवर्णैराजतैस्ताम्रैर्देशे देशे च धातुभिः।गवाक्षिता इवाभान्ति गजाः परमभक्तिभिः।। | These mountains, with streaks of minerals like gold, silver and copper forming decorative designs, look beautiful like colourful windows, and appear like huge elephants. |
भावमस्यतुविज्ञायतत्त्वतस्त्वंकरिष्यसि ।यदिदुष्टोनदुष्टोवाबुद्धिपूर्वंनरर्षभ ।। | "O Best of kings After truly ascertaining Vibheeshanas intention whether he is wicked or not, you may act wisely said Mainda." |
तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा निस्सृतोऽहं नृपालया।।अनुयातश्च मां तूर्णमयं भ्राता सुदारुणः। | On hearing his words I came out of the royal abode quickly, followed by this wicked brother. |
एवं वीर्यो महातेजा विश्वामित्रो महायशाः।न रामगमने राजन् संशयं कर्तुमर्हसि।। | Such is the prowess of Viswamitra who is a highly effulgent and highly renowned sage. O King in sending Rama, you need not entertain any doubt. |
ततस्ताभ्यां कुमाराभ्यामास्थित: स गजोत्तमः।।सीतया च विशालाक्ष्या लङ्काया उपरिस्थितः। | "Then the excellent elephant was seen halted in the city of Lanka with both princes and the largeeyed Sita mounted on the elephant. |
ततश्शिष्यादुपश्रुत्य प्राप्तं रामं सलक्ष्मणम्।। वैदेहीं च महाभागामिदं वचनमब्रवीत्। | Having heard from the disciple about the arrival of Rama, Lakshmana and great daughter of the king of Videha the sage said |
पूर्वं राजर्षिशब्देन तपसा द्योतितप्रभः।ब्रह्मर्षित्वमनुप्राप्त: पूज्योऽसि बहुधा मया।। | Earlier you were rajarshi, a warrior sage. By your austerities you have obtained the brilliance that lends radiance even to the Sun and the Moon you have gained the status of a brahmrshi. In several ways you are worthy of my worship. |
नास्य देवा न गन्धर्वा नासुरा न च राक्षसा:।कर्तुमारोपणं शक्ता न कथञ्चन मानुषा:।। | Neither devas, nor gandharvas, nor asuras nor human, are capable of stringing the bow by any means. |
तत्रेषूपलयन्त्राणिबलवन्तिमहान्तिच ।आगतंपरसैन्यंतैस्तत्रप्रतिनिवार्यते ।। | "The doors are fitted with powerful machines which retaliate by discharging darts and stones on the enemys army and kill them." |
तास्सर्वाहनुमन्गृह्वक्षिप्रमागन्तुमर्हसि ।आश्वासयहरीन् प्राणैर्योज्यगन्धवहात्मज ।। | "Hanuman, taking the four herbs you, the son of wind god ought to return immediately with the speed of wind, to unite the life of the monkeys and reassure." |
स वाजिभिश्चतुर्भिस्तुबाणैश्चनिशितैर्युतः ।आरोपितमहाचापश्शुशुभेस्यन्दनोत्तमः ।। | Drawn by horses, fitted with sharp mighty bows, the chariot was shining exquisitely and looked charming. |
भवत्वविधवा भूमि स्समग्रा पतिना त्वया।शशिना विमलेनेव शारदी रजनी यथा।। | Like an autumnal night with the immaculate Moon, let this entire earth cease to be a widow by securing you as her lord. |
कच्चित्ते कुशलं राजन् कच्चिद्धर्मेण रञ्जयन्।प्रजा: पालयसे वीर राजवृत्तेन धार्मिक।। | "O King, is it all well with you? O righteous one O heroic one are you ruling your subjects in accordance with the duties enjoined upon the king? Do you rule them in conformity with the code of moralit in order to make them happy. |
यथा हि मे वनस्यास्य ज्ञाताः पथि सहस्रशः।।सन्नताः फलभारेण पुष्पभारेण च द्रुमाः। | This is the glade we were told about with thousands of trees drooping down with abundant fruits and flowers. |
मम भक्षः प्रदिष्टस्त्वमीश्वरैर्वानरर्षभ।अहं त्वां भक्षयिष्यामि प्रविशेदं ममाननम्।। | "O bull among vanaras the lords of the universe have provided you as food for me. I will eat you. Enter my mouth". |
तटाकमिव तं दृष्ट्वा रामः कुड्मलपङ्कजम्।।वानराणां महत्सैन्यं सुग्रीवे प्रीतिमानभूत्। | Rama was pleased on beholding the great army of monkeys standing, resembling a pond full of lotus buds. |
ततो हलहलाशब्दस्सुमहान्समपद्यत।रथैरश्वैर्गजैश्चापि जनानामुपगच्छताम्।। | As they invitees began arriving on chariots, horses and elephants, there arose a great tumult. |
तिष्ठवाकिंमहाराजश्रमे णतववानरान् ।अयमेकोमहाबाहुरिन्द्रजित्क्षपयिष्यति ।। | "Oh great king, you stay here calmly. Why exert yourself? This strong armed Indrajith alone can destroy those Vanaras." |
भार्या तस्योत्तमा लोके सीता नाम सुमध्यमा।श्यामा समविभक्ताङ्गी स्त्रीरत्नं रत्नभूषिता।। | Rama has a wife in this world, by name, Sita, who is beautiful, has a slender waist and a wellformed body. Adorned with gems, she is a jewel among women, |
रथानश्वान् द्रुमैश्शैलैस्तेप्रचिक्षिपुराहवे ।शरौघैःप्रतिचिच्छेदतान्यूपाक्षोनिशाचरः ।। | In that war the Vanaras hurled trees, rocks on chariots and horses and Yupaksha encountered them and tore them. |
सा नूनं तरुणी श्यामा सुकुमारी सुखोचिता।कथमुष्णं च शीतं च मैथिली प्रसहिष्यते।। | How can the daughter of Mithila Sita who in the prime of her life, accustomed to comforts, endure heat and cold indeed? |
तदिदंनस्त्वयाकार्यंकृतंधर्मभृतांवर ।।निहतोरावणोरामप्रहृष्टोदिवमाक्रम । | "Rama you are the supreme and upholder of dharma. The purpose for which you are born has been accomplished. Ravana is killed. You return to your abode happily." |
कर्मणा केन केनासि कापथं प्रतिपादितः।सुखसुप्तस्य ते राजन् प्रहृतं केन मूर्धनि।। | By whose action have you been led into this wrong direction? Who has hit you on your forehead while you were sleeping comfortably? |
न च जातु न हिंस्युस्त्वां घोरा लक्ष्मणसायकाः ।अपवृत्तं जिघांसन्तो महावेगा दुरासदाः । ।। | In Progress |
तमरिघ्नं कृतात्मानं क्षिप्रं द्रक्ष्यसि राघवम्।लक्ष्मणं च धनुष्पाणिं लङ्काद्वारमुपागतम्।। | "Very soon you would see the slayer of foes, who is an accomplished wielder of the bow Rama along with Lakshmana at the entrance of Lanka. |
तं हि चिन्तयमानाया श्शोकोऽयं हृदि वर्धते।नदीनामिव वेगेन समुद्रसलिलं महत्।। | As I think of Rama, my heart swells with sorrow just as the ocean rises with rushing rivers. |
दुर्वृत्तमपि कः पुत्रं त्यजेद्भुवि विचक्षणः।कश्च प्रव्राज्यमानो वा नासूयेत्पितरं सुतः।। | Which clearsighted man in this world, will abandon his son even if he is of evil conduct? Which son will not get angry with his father when he is banished? |
यदि वा मन्यसे वीर वसैकाहमरिन्दम।कस्मिंश्चित्संवृते देशे विक्रान्तश्श्वो गमिष्यसि।। | O crusher of enemies O brave Hanuman I wish you rest for a while in a secluded place around here and leave tomorrow . |
तस्यायमाश्रम: पुण्यस्तस्येमे मुनय: पुरा।शिष्या धर्मपरा नित्यं तेषां पापं न विद्यते।। | This holy hermitage belongs to Kama. These ascetics are his disciples. They are always righteous and are free from sin. |
राघवस्य प्रमत्तस्य रक्षसा कामरूपिणा।
रावणेन प्रमथ्याहमानीता क्रोशती बलात्।।
| When Rama was engaged in deer hunt and I was screaming, I was brought forcibly by Ravana who can assume any form at his will. |
न कर्ता कस्यचित्कश्चिन्नियोगे चापिनेश्वरः।स्वभावे वर्तते लोकस्तस्य कालः परायण।। | No one can control anothers action. No one including God can be the agent of action. No one has the power to entrust duty to others. This entire world is governed by ones own nature. Nature in turn is governed by Time fate. |
भरतस्याथ पक्ष्यो वा यो वाऽस्य हितमिच्छति।सर्वानेतान्वधिष्यामि मृदुर्हि परिभूयते।। | I shall slay all of them who support Bharata and those who seek his prosperity. A gentleman is treated with disgrace indeed. |
अथ वर्षशते पूर्णे तपसाऽराधितो मुनि:।सगराय वरं प्रादाद्भृगुस्सत्यवतां वर:।। | When Sagara completed a hundred years in austerities, highly pleased by his performance, ascetic Bhrugu, the best among the truthful granted him a boon. |
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