{"gender":"female","en":"What's she doing?!\"","es":"Preguntan \"\u00bfqu\u00e9 est\u00e1 haciendo?, \u00bfqu\u00e9 est\u00e1 haciendo?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"You'll end up buying, this is called an N95 mask.","es":"Terminar\u00e1n comprando, esto se llama una m\u00e1scara N95."} {"gender":"male","en":"Computer voices are sometimes not very sophisticated, but with my computer, I can communicate more widely than ever before.","es":"Las voces computarizadas a veces no son muy sofisticadas. pero con mi computador puedo comunicarme m\u00e1s ampliamente que nunca antes."} {"gender":"female","en":"So we said to her, \"What else could we do for you?\" She said, \"Well, Eve, if you gave me some money, I could open a house and girls could run away, and they could be saved.\"","es":"As\u00ed que entonces le dijimos, \u201cAgnes, \u00bfqu\u00e9 m\u00e1s podemos hacer por ti?\u201d, y ella dijo, \u201cBueno, Eve, si me dieras un poco de dinero, podr\u00eda abrir una casa y la ni\u00f1as podr\u00edan huir y podr\u00edan salvarse.\u201d"} {"gender":"male","en":"So life might be insignificant in size, but it is not insignificant in time.","es":"La vida podr\u00eda ser insignificante en cuanto al tama\u00f1o, pero no insignificante respecto al tiempo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, some of that sprang from our work.","es":"Bueno, algo de eso sali\u00f3 de nuestro trabajo."} {"gender":"female","en":"He pulled in every favor he could, and got a pass into the World Trade Center site, where he photographed for nine months almost every day.","es":"Pidi\u00f3 todo tipo de favores y consigui\u00f3 el pase para el World Trade Center, donde tom\u00f3 fotograf\u00edas durante nueve meses a diario."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And they gave me, like, a little plastic Ziploc bag of a small amount of powder.","es":"Y me dieron una peque\u00f1a bolsa de pl\u00e1stico que ten\u00eda una peque\u00f1a cantidad de polvo."} {"gender":"female","en":"We notice when those laws are broken and there's some of kind of ramification or punishment.","es":"Sabemos que cuando se quiebra la ley, hay una penalidad como consecuencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"But if you prime them experimentally by thinking we're coming apart, people are getting more different, then they get more racist, homophobic, they want to kick out the deviants.","es":"Pero si experimentalmente se hace pensar que nos venimos abajo, que la gente es cada vez m\u00e1s diferente, entonces son m\u00e1s racistas, hom\u00f3fobos y quieren echar a los desviados."} {"gender":"female","en":"They became human.","es":"Eran humanos."} {"gender":"female","en":"It became so big that it went from online to the streets of my hometown, where we would do rallies and strikes trying to change the policies in Pakistan for women's support.","es":"Lleg\u00f3 a ser tan grande que pas\u00f3 de estar en l\u00ednea a estar las calles de mi ciudad natal, donde hac\u00edamos m\u00edtines y huelgas intentando cambiar las pol\u00edticas en Pakist\u00e1n para apoyar a las mujeres."} {"gender":"male","en":"You cannot deal with a city if it's not socially integrated.","es":"No puedes tratar con una ciudad si no est\u00e1 socialmente integrada."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm leaving.\"","es":"Me voy\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, I'm screaming at a bag of chips, , and we're blasting it with so much light, we literally melted the first bag we tried this on.","es":"Quiero decir, estoy gritando a una bolsa de papas fritas, y la bombardeamos con tanta luz que, literalmente, la bolsa con la que lo intentamos, se derriti\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think it'll all pay off in the end.","es":"Y creo que al final todo dar\u00e1 su fruto."} {"gender":"female","en":"As telecoms sector grew, housing and construction, and I could go on and on.","es":"A medida que las telecomunicaciones crec\u00edan, tambi\u00e9n lo hac\u00edan la vivienda y la construcci\u00f3n. Y podr\u00eda seguir."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They stimulated her gums with a toothpick, to see if that was doing it. No. It was the whole, you know, motion.","es":"Le estimularon las enc\u00edas con un palillo para ver si eso provocaba algo, no, era \u00fanicamente el movimiento."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now I've found him and I want my recipe back, and I want everyone to stop making chop suey, or pay me for the right to do the same.","es":"Ahora he venido y lo he encontrado, y quiero que me regresen mi receta, y que todos dejen de preparar chop suey, o que me paguen por el derecho de prepararlo.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"Around the world, people love.","es":"En todo el mundo las personas aman."} {"gender":"female","en":"IW: We run a pilot village, home of 800 families.","es":"IW: Iniciamos una villa piloto, el hogar de 800 familias."} {"gender":"female","en":"And if you look even closer, you'll see, in that limestone, there are little shells and little skeletons that are piled upon each other.","es":"Y si miran a\u00fan m\u00e1s cerca, ver\u00e1n, en esa caliza, que hay peque\u00f1as conchas y peque\u00f1os esqueletos que est\u00e1n apilados unos sobre otros."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The hum is not power and the hum is not work-specific.","es":"El zumbido no es el poder y no depende del trabajo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And they'd been working on furniture before.","es":"Y ellos hab\u00edan estado trabajando en muebles anteriormente."} {"gender":"female","en":"The most amazing region that's been found yet is this one right here in turquoise.","es":"La regi\u00f3n m\u00e1s incre\u00edble que se ha encontrado es esta de aqu\u00ed en turquesa."} {"gender":"male","en":"But many years ago, we took the worst land in Zimbabwe, where I offered a \u00a35 note in a hundred-mile drive if somebody could find one grass in a hundred-mile drive, and on that, we trebled the stocking rate, the number of animals, in the first year with no feeding, just by the movement, mimicking nature, and using a sigmoid curve, that principle.","es":"Pero hace muchos a\u00f1os, tomamos la peor tierra en Zimbabue, donde ofrec\u00ed dar un billete de \u00a35 si en una distancia de cien millas, si alguien pod\u00eda encontrar hierba en una distancia de cien millas y en eso, se triplic\u00f3 la carga ganadera, el n\u00famero de animales, en el primer a\u00f1o sin alimentaci\u00f3n, s\u00f3lo con el movimiento, imitando a la naturaleza y utilizando una curva sigmoidea, ese principio."} {"gender":"female","en":"So grandpa ran up with his shovel to rescue the poor dog.","es":"Mi abuelo corri\u00f3 con la pala para rescatarlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So in a sense, my long-term goal at this point is to not only bring back those animals and the grassland they made, which could be a climate stabilization system over the long run, but even the mammoths there in the background that are part of the story.","es":"As\u00ed que en un modo, mi plan a largo plazo no es solo reintroducir esos animales y las praderas que produc\u00edan, que pudiera ser un sistema de estabilizaci\u00f3n clim\u00e1tica a largo plazo, sino tambi\u00e9n a los mamuts, que est\u00e1n en el fondo, y son parte de esta historia."} {"gender":"female","en":"One thing is for sure, that no refugee would be on those dangerous boats if they could thrive where they are.","es":"Algo es seguro, ning\u00fan refugiado estar\u00eda en esos botes peligrosos si pudieran prosperar donde est\u00e1n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Instead of building a park as a complement to future development, why don't we reverse that equation and build a small but very high-quality public open space first, and see if that made a difference.","es":"En lugar de construir un parque como complemento al desarrollo futuro, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 no invertir la ecuaci\u00f3n y hacer, primero, un espacio p\u00fablico abierto peque\u00f1o, pero de gran calidad, y ver si eso marcaba la diferencia?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Pretty weird, right?","es":"Bastante raro, \u00bfverdad?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They can seem isolating and inward.","es":"Pueden parecer que a\u00edslan y guardan."} {"gender":"female","en":"What we did, Betty Rapacholi, who was one of my students, and I, was actually to give the babies two bowls of food: one bowl of raw broccoli and one bowl of delicious goldfish crackers.","es":"Lo que hicimos mi alumna Betty Rapacholi y yo, fue dar a los a beb\u00e9s dos recipientes con comida: uno de br\u00f3coli crudo y otro de pececitos salados deliciosos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I can hello okay.","es":"Y puedo holaok."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But then they would have to drive back into the city to test those samples in their central lab.","es":"Pero entonces deber\u00e1n volver a la ciudad para analizara las muestras en su laboratorio central."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What's so good out there?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 hay tan bueno all\u00e1 afuera?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The hum would not come back.","es":"El zumbido no iba a o\u00edrse, no volv\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, what's interesting in all of this is the state, in all these examples, was doing so much more than just fixing market failures.","es":"Lo interesante de todo esto es que el Estado, en todos estos ejemplos, hizo mucho m\u00e1s que simplemente solucionar las fallas del mercado."} {"gender":"female","en":"The fact is, people can become very efficient at using bad design, and so even if the change is good for them in the long run, it's still incredibly frustrating when it happens, and this is particularly true with user-generated content platforms, because people can rightfully claim a sense of ownership.","es":"El hecho es que la gente puede llegar a ser muy eficiente en el uso de un mal dise\u00f1o, y aunque el cambio les sirva en el largo plazo, a\u00fan as\u00ed, es muy frustrante cuando sucede, y esto es particularmente cierto con plataformas de contenido generado por los usuarios, porque la gente puede reclamar con raz\u00f3n un sentido de propiedad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"\"Don't talk to strangers.\"","es":"\"No hables con extra\u00f1os\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"The net action of many of these on that long strand is to fold it into something like a rectangle.","es":"La acci\u00f3n neta de varios de estos ganchos en la hebra larga es que lo pliega en un tipo de rect\u00e1ngulo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let me criticize this thing.","es":"Vamos a criticar esto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"How many of you out there suffer from, yes.","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1ntos de ustedes sufren de lo mismo? S\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't think the decline of Western civilization is inevitable, because I don't think history operates in this kind of life-cycle model, beautifully illustrated by Thomas Cole's \"Course of Empire\" paintings.","es":"No creo que la ca\u00edda de la civilizaci\u00f3n occidental sea inevitable, porque no creo que la historia funcione en este tipo de modelos de vida c\u00edclicos, las hermosamente ilustradas pinturas de Tomas Cole \"Curso del Imperio\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"I hear a few yellow.","es":"Oigo unos pocos amarillos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now some of our audience members also tell us about some of the positive things that are happening in their communities, and many of them are banding together to take control of some of the vacant lots, and they're starting community gardens, which are creating a great sense of community stewardship, but they're very, very clear to tell us that this is not enough, that they want to see their neighborhoods return to the way that their grandparents had found them.","es":"Ahora, algunos de los miembros de nuestra audiencia tambi\u00e9n nos contaron algunas de las cosas positivas que est\u00e1n sucediendo en sus comunidades, y muchos se est\u00e1n reuniendo para tomar control de algunos lotes vacantes, y est\u00e1n empezando huertas comunitarias, creando un gran sentido de administraci\u00f3n en la comunidad, pero son muy, muy claros en contarnos que esto no es suficiente, que quieren volver a sus vecindarios a la forma en que sus abuelos los hab\u00edan encontrado."} {"gender":"female","en":"Ninety percent cut down on their minutes.","es":"El 90 % redujo sus minutos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I would like to conclude on what this means for the whole species.","es":"Me gustar\u00eda concluir con lo que esto significa para toda la especie."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so I started a collaboration with this person, Michael Zasloff and Thomas Fishbein, to look at the microbes that colonized these ilea after they were transplanted into a recipient.","es":"As\u00ed que empec\u00e9 a trabajar con ellos, Michael Zasloff y Thomas Fishbein, a revisar los microbios que viv\u00edan en el \u00edleon despu\u00e9s de haberlo trasplantado al receptor."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now if you are one of those who does not accept the evidence for biological evolution, this would be a very good time to turn off your hearing aid, take out your personal communications device, I give you permission, and perhaps take another look at Kathryn Schultz's book on being wrong, because nothing in the rest of this talk is going to make any sense whatsoever to you.","es":"Ahora bien, si son de esas personas que no aceptan la evidencia de la evoluci\u00f3n biol\u00f3gica \u00e9ste ser\u00eda un buen momento para apagar los aud\u00edfonos, apartar los dispositivos de comunicaci\u00f3n personal -les doy permiso- y, tal vez, releer el libro de Kathryn Schultz sobre estar equivocados porque, sino, nada del resto de esta charla va a tener el m\u00ednimo sentido para ustedes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And when he got to be a grown man, he decided he wanted to go into music.","es":"Y cuando lleg\u00f3 a ser un hombre adulto decidi\u00f3 dedicarse a la m\u00fasica."} {"gender":"male","en":"And because I had 70 percent of my body burned, it would take about an hour.","es":"Como ten\u00eda el 70 por ciento de mi cuerpo quemado, esto tomaba cerca de una hora."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then, in a way, I knew that they had always been there.","es":"Y entonces, de alg\u00fan modo, supe que siempre hab\u00edan estado all\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"There are instructions which say, \"I'm an object.","es":"Hay instrucciones que dicen, \"Soy un objeto."} {"gender":"female","en":"They mean it and they believe it.","es":"Lo dicen y lo creen."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I can tell you, in a G-Zero world, all three of those things are increasingly not true, and so failed states, terrorism, refugees and the rest.","es":"Yo les garantizo que un mundo G cero, estas tres cosas son cada vez menos ciertas, y por eso hay estados fallidos, terrorismo, refugiados y dem\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"Today, seven months later, I can share two things about my second home with you.","es":"Hoy, siete meses m\u00e1s tarde, puedo compartir con Uds. dos cosas sobre mi segundo hogar."} {"gender":"male","en":"It turns out that there are remarkable signs of progress out there, often in the most unexpected places, and they've convinced me that our great global challenges may not be so unsolvable after all.","es":"Resulta que hay notables se\u00f1ales de progreso en el mundo, a menudo en los lugares m\u00e1s inesperados, y me han convencido de que nuestros grandes desaf\u00edos globales pueden no ser tan irresolubles despu\u00e9s de todo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So first it looked the sun had a little notch in its edge, and then that notch grew larger and larger, turning the sun into a crescent.","es":"Primero parec\u00eda que el sol ten\u00eda un punto en un borde, luego ese punto creci\u00f3 m\u00e1s y m\u00e1s, d\u00e1ndole al sol forma de luna creciente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Let's say, for example, we find out in certain areas of Africa that babies are dying because of a bacterial infection transferred from the mother to the baby, known as Group B streptococcus. In the absence of treatment, mom has a seven times higher chance that her next baby will die.","es":"Digamos, por ejemplo, que nos encontramos con que en algunas zonas de \u00c1frica los beb\u00e9s est\u00e1n muriendo por una infecci\u00f3n bacteriana transferida de la madre al beb\u00e9, y conocida como el estreptococo del grupo B. En ausencia de un tratamiento adecuado, la madre tiene 7 veces m\u00e1s riesgo de que su pr\u00f3ximo hijo muera."} {"gender":"male","en":"It took a long time to persuade them to talk to me, and once they agreed, they were so full of their story that they couldn't stop telling it, and the first weekend I spent with them, the first of many, I recorded more than 20 hours of conversation.","es":"Llev\u00f3 mucho tiempo persuadirlos para que hablaran conmigo, y una vez persuadidos, estaban tan cargados de su historia que no pod\u00edan dejar de hablar de eso. El primer fin de semana que pas\u00e9 con ellos, el primero de muchos, grab\u00e9 m\u00e1s de 20 horas de conversaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That planet, after all, supports our living bodies our whole lives.","es":"Ese planeta, despu\u00e9s de todo, mantiene a nuestros cuerpos vivos y toda nuestra vida."} {"gender":"female","en":"Even with market, which is about chance, randomness, we think we can predict rationally where it's going.","es":"Incluso en el mercado, que depende del azar, que es aleatorio, pensamos que podemos predecir racionalmente lo que ocurre."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's these random few people.","es":"Estas pocas personas al azar."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"You want me to deliver human rights throughout my global supply chain.","es":"\"Quieres que respete los Derechos Humanos en la cadena mundial de suministro."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was extraordinary to see, for example, old women telling me the stories of when they were five years old and literally ripped away from their parents, like this lady here.","es":"Fue extraordinario ver, por ejemplo, ancianas cont\u00e1ndome historias de cuando ten\u00edan cinco a\u00f1os y literalmente fueron arrancadas de sus padres, como esta se\u00f1ora de aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let me introduce you to the Beery twins, diagnosed with cerebral palsy at the age of two.","es":"Perm\u00edtanme presentarles a los gemelos Beery, diagnosticados con par\u00e1lisis cerebral a los 2 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Siphumeze Khundayi: Hi, guys.","es":"Siphumeze Khundayi: Hola chicos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I really believe that these spaces, these communities, have become for a new generation of learners, the kind of communities, the kind of cartographic communities that I had when I was in high school, and then again when I was in college.","es":"Realmente creo que estos espacios, estas comunidades, se han convertido en una nueva generaci\u00f3n de estudiantes, el tipo de comunidades, el tipo de comunidades cartogr\u00e1ficas que ten\u00eda cuando estaba en secundaria, y luego otra vez en la universidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"On the right, you see it looks very ugly, the cells continue to grow, the normal ones stop.","es":"En la derecha, tiene un aspecto muy desagradable, las c\u00e9lulas contin\u00faan creciendo, las normales se detienen."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This means how much you interact with people as you move through your day.","es":"Esto significa cu\u00e1nto se interact\u00faa con gente a trav\u00e9s de su d\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"So amongst Hannah's many impressive experiments, this is one of my favorites.","es":"Y de entre la gran cantidad de impresionantes experimentos de Hannah, este es uno de mis favoritos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now we could compute something related to this, let's say the GDP of Spain divided by, I don't know, the, hmmm let's say the revenue of Microsoft. The idea is that we can just type this in, this kind of question in, however we think of it.","es":"Ahora podr\u00edamos computar algo relacionado con esto, digamos el PBI de Espa\u00f1a dividido por, no s\u00e9, el ehm digamos las ganancias de Microsoft. la idea es que podamos tan solo escribir esto aqu\u00ed esta pregunta en la forma que la pensemos."} {"gender":"male","en":"On that cover you see Batman, Superman and a fully-clothed Wonder Woman with our Saudi member of The 99, our Emirati member and our Libyan member.","es":"En ella van a ver a Batman, Superman, y a la Mujer Maravilla totalmente vestida con nuestro miembro saudita de Los 99, nuestro miembro de Emiratos y el liban\u00e9s."} {"gender":"female","en":"And last is that we're more connected now to more people on the planet than ever before, except for if you're sitting next to someone.","es":"Y por \u00faltimo ahora estamos mucho m\u00e1s conectados con la gente del planeta que nunca antes, a menos que esa persona ya estaba sentada a tu lado."} {"gender":"male","en":"In four months of training, I was able to hold my breath for over seven minutes.","es":"Tras cuatro meses de entrenamiento, consegu\u00ed aguantar hasta m\u00e1s de siete minutos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now within that framework, we can obviously experience regret about a lot of different things.","es":"Y dentro de ese marco, podemos, por supuesto, sentir remordimiento por much\u00edsimas cosas diferentes."} {"gender":"male","en":"OK, what I'm going to try and do, is to square in my head a five-digit number requiring a 10-digit calculator.","es":"Vale. Lo que voy a intentar hacer ahora es elevar al cuadrado de cabeza un n\u00famero de 5 d\u00edgitos, por eso necesitamos una calculadora de 10 d\u00edgitos."} {"gender":"male","en":"But this distinction between focusing on ourselves and focusing on others is one that I encourage us all to pay attention to.","es":"Pero esta distinci\u00f3n entre centrarnos en nosotros mismos y centrarnos en otros, es a la que los animo a prestar atenci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We removed all the bones at the right side of his face, his eye, his nose, the skull bones, the facial skin, and reconstructed him with tissue from the back.","es":"Quitamos todos los huesos del lado derecho del rostro ojos, nariz, huesos del cr\u00e1neo, piel de la cara, y lo reconstruimos con tejido de la espalda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Heart disease kills people, often very quickly.","es":"Las enfermedades card\u00edacas matan, a menudo con mucha rapidez."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's why I'm very enamored of yin-yang views of human nature and left-right, that each side is right about certain things, but then it goes blind to other things.","es":"Por eso estoy enamorado de la perspectiva yin-yang de la naturaleza humana y de izquierda y derecha, que cada lado tiene raz\u00f3n sobre ciertas cosas, pero luego se ciegan ante otras."} {"gender":"female","en":"In our current population, HeForShe is about moving the 3.2 billion men, one man at a time, across that line, so that ultimately, men can stand alongside women and be on the right side of history, making gender equality a reality in the 21st century.","es":"En nuestra poblaci\u00f3n actual, HeForShe trata de c\u00f3mo mover a los 3200 millones de hombres, un hombre cada vez, a trav\u00e9s de esa l\u00ednea, para que, al final, los hombres est\u00e9n junto a las mujeres en el lado correcto de la historia, logrando que la igualdad de g\u00e9nero sea una realidad en el siglo XXI."} {"gender":"female","en":"What this mother, and the 800 people who speak Koro in the world, understands is that, to preserve this language, they need to speak it to the babies.","es":"Lo que esta madre -y las 800 personas que hablan koro en el mundo- entiende es que, para preservar este idioma, tienen que habl\u00e1rselo a sus beb\u00e9s."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, what it says to me then is that it's not really, the problem isn't really the stories that are being told or which stories are being told, the problem really is the terms of humanity that we're willing to bring to complicate every story, and that's really what it's all about.","es":"Entonces lo que esto me dice, por lo tanto, es que no es realmente el problema no es realmente las historias que est\u00e1n siendo contadas o qu\u00e9 historias est\u00e1n siendo contadas; el problema realmente son las condiciones de humanidad que est\u00e1bamos dispuestos a traer para complicar cada historia, y es eso realmente de lo que se trata."} {"gender":"female","en":"They go to the clinics, because they want to cure their immediate symptoms, and they will find somebody to talk to and discuss these issues and talk about what is burdening them and find solutions, develop their resources, learn tools to solve their family conflicts and gain some confidence in the future.","es":"Ellos van a las cl\u00ednicas porque quieren curar sus s\u00edntomas inmediatos y van a encontrar a alguien con quien hablar y discutir estos temas y hablar de sus pesares y encontrar soluciones, desarrollar sus recursos, buscar herramientas para resolver conflictos familiares y recobrar algo de confianza en el futuro."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we didn't use a radar; we built a black box that was looking for electrical signals, electronic communication.","es":"Pero, no us\u00e1bamos radares; constru\u00edamos una caja negra que buscaba se\u00f1ales el\u00e9ctricas, de comunicaci\u00f3n electr\u00f3nica."} {"gender":"male","en":"I made a whole installation out of blue tape, blue painters' tape.","es":"Hice toda una instalaci\u00f3n de cinta azul, cinta azul para enmascarillar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And, of course, if you look at today's situation of the indicators in these countries, it is clear that, especially their poor groups of the population, are living worse and worse because of the crisis they are facing.","es":"Y, por supuesto, si nos fijamos en la situaci\u00f3n de hoy de los indicadores de estos pa\u00edses, es evidente que, especialmente sus grupos pobres de la poblaci\u00f3n, est\u00e1n viviendo cada vez peor debido a la crisis que enfrentan."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, I lead a team at Google that works on machine intelligence; in other words, the engineering discipline of making computers and devices able to do some of the things that brains do.","es":"Coordino un equipo de Google que trabaja en inteligencia artificial; es decir, en la disciplina de ingenier\u00eda para fabricar computadoras y dispositivos capaces de hacer algunas cosas que hacen los cerebros."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm delighted to be here.","es":"Estoy contento de estar aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"I will demonstrate for you now 10 years of accumulated model knowledge, because unlike cardiothoracic surgeons, it can just be distilled right now.","es":"Voy a demostrarles todo lo que aprend\u00ed en 10 a\u00f1os como modelo, ya que, a diferencia de la cirug\u00eda cardiotor\u00e1cica, puede resumirse ahora mismo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And what drove him to spend the hundreds of hours of practice this must have taken?","es":"\u00bfY que lo llev\u00f3 a pasar las cientos de horas de pr\u00e1ctica que esto debe haber llevado?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So obviously, we can do better, and we want to do better, and we're all trying to be green.","es":"As\u00ed que, obviamente, podemos hacerlo mejor, y queremos hacerlo mejor, y todos tratamos de ser ecologistas."} {"gender":"male","en":"We ensure that we start reviewing the antidepressants that this patient has been taking, and we finally conclude that as soon as Erica, that was her name, 26-year-old, as soon as Erica is ready to be released from the ER, she should come directly to me with her mother, and I will evaluate and establish what can be done.","es":"Nos aseguramos de comenzar a revisar los antidepresivos que este paciente hab\u00eda estado tomando, y finalmente concluimos que tan pronto como \u00c9rica, ese era su nombre, de 26 a\u00f1os, que tan pronto como \u00c9rica estuviera lista para salir de Urgencias, deber\u00eda venir directamente a m\u00ed con su madre, y la evaluar\u00eda y establecer\u00eda lo que se pod\u00eda hacer."} {"gender":"male","en":"Actually, I'm even here speaking as a middle class white man.","es":"En realidad, estoy hablando como un hombre blanco de clase media."} {"gender":"female","en":"Then she looked at me in the eyes and she said, \"And mommy, I was so proud to say that you were my mom.\"","es":"Entonces ella me mir\u00f3 a los ojos y dijo: \"Y, mami, estaba muy orgullosa de decir que eras mi madre\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"We have the individual power to go, \"This is what I want to do.\"","es":"Tenemos el poder individual para decir: \u201cEsto es lo que quiero hacer.\u201d"} {"gender":"female","en":"In Haiti alone, about 30 million trees are cut down every year.","es":"Solo en Hait\u00ed, alrededor de 30 millones de \u00e1rboles se talan cada a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I want to get that message over, that what we need to do is think about ourselves as things that we can shape, and channel and change.","es":"Quiero hacer llegar ese mensaje, que lo que tenemos que hacer es pensar en nosotros mismos como entes que podemos dar forma, canalizar y cambiar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now during that time, those 17 years, I walked and I played the banjo and I painted and I wrote in my journal, and I tried to study the environment by reading books.","es":"Ahora, durante ese tiempo - esos 17 a\u00f1os - camin\u00e9 y toqu\u00e9 el banjo y pint\u00e9 y escrib\u00ed mi diario y trat\u00e9 de estudiar el medio ambiente mediante la lectura de libros."} {"gender":"male","en":"See here the face of the Madonna of the Chair that when just shining a UV light on it you suddenly see another, different lady, aged lady, I should rather say.","es":"Vean aqu\u00ed el rostro de la Virgen de la Silla al exponerla a la luz ultravioleta de pronto se ve otra dama diferente, dir\u00eda m\u00e1s bien, una se\u00f1ora de edad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Language is kind of exclusive to our species, anyway.","es":"De todos modos, el lenguaje no es algo destinado a los de nuestra especie."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to be sharing with you how, four years ago, I almost died, found out I was, in fact, already almost dead, and what I then found out about what's called the e-Patient movement.","es":"Voy a compartir con ustedes, c\u00f3mo, hace cuatro a\u00f1os, casi muero. C\u00f3mo me d\u00ed cuenta que me estaba muriendo. Y c\u00f3mo descubr\u00ed entonces el llamado movimiento de e-Patients."} {"gender":"female","en":"He said, \"Most of us don't listen with the intent to understand.","es":"Dijo: \"Muchos de nosotros no escuchamos con la intenci\u00f3n de entender."} {"gender":"female","en":"Other parts of the world have been hit by storms in even more devastating ways.","es":"Otras partes del mundo se han visto afectadas por tormentas de forma incluso m\u00e1s devastadora."} {"gender":"male","en":"I want to talk about toys, and the power that I see inherent in them.","es":"Quiero hablar de juguetes, y el poder inherente que veo en ellos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And what I'm going to do is to show you pretty much what's here.","es":"Lo que voy hacer es mostrarle lo que tenemos aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"How many children will you get?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1ntos ni\u00f1os van a ingresar?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Or maybe the workplace of your friends, here we're forward thinking.","es":"O tal vez el lugar de trabajo de sus amigos; aqu\u00ed estamos pensando en el futuro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And if you start with the randomness, that becomes less likely, and your problem-solving becomes more robust.","es":"Y si uno empieza con aleatoriedad, eso se vuelve menos probable, y la resoluci\u00f3n del problema se vuelve m\u00e1s robusta."} {"gender":"male","en":"Very often when I meet someone and they learn this about me, there's a certain kind of awkwardness.","es":"Muy a menudo, cuando conozco a alguien y conocen esta faceta de m\u00ed se produce cierta incomodidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I wonder, billions of us now have this powerful tool right at our fingertips.","es":"As\u00ed que pienso, miles de millones de personas tienen esta herramienta tan potente en sus manos."} {"gender":"male","en":"In high school, I took a bus to school an hour each way every day.","es":"En el instituto cog\u00eda un autob\u00fas hacia la escuela de una hora el viaje cada d\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, fast-forward to today.","es":"Avancemos a la actualidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"That's what I thought.","es":"Eso es lo que yo pensaba."} {"gender":"male","en":"Veronica was the 17th patient out of my 26-patient day at that clinic in South Central Los Angeles.","es":"Ver\u00f3nica era mi paciente n\u00famero 17 en un d\u00eda en el que tuve 26 pacientes, en esa cl\u00ednica del sur de Los \u00c1ngeles."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a little piano circuit right in here, and this is an ordinary paintbrush that I smashed it together with.","es":"Este es un peque\u00f1o circuito de piano, y este es un pincel com\u00fan que yo mezcl\u00e9 uno con otro."} {"gender":"male","en":"When I was growing up, I really liked playing hide-and-seek a lot.","es":"De ni\u00f1o me gustaba mucho jugar al escondite."} {"gender":"male","en":"And under what situations, when, would we see this pattern of results where the passenger is going to show better, more favorable outcomes, compared to the driver?","es":"Y, \u00bfbajo qu\u00e9 situaciones, ver\u00edamos este patr\u00f3n de resultados en el que quien cede el control tiene mejores resultados, m\u00e1s favorables, que quien tiene el control?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Cartwright argued in the 1850s that slavery was beneficial for black people for medical reasons.","es":"Cartwright argumentaba en los a\u00f1os 1850 que la esclavitud era beneficiosa para las personas negras por razones m\u00e9dicas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'm smiling, sort of forced, I think, because the girl I had, boy, she was gone.","es":"Y estoy sonriendo, obligadamente, supongo, porque la chica que ten\u00eda, cielos, se hab\u00eda ido."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, that's just a rock in the hillside.","es":"Asi, eso es solamente una roca en la ladera."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, I wrote a book on my research. And it turned out to be quite fun in two ways.","es":"As\u00ed que escrib\u00ed un libro sobre mi investigaci\u00f3n y result\u00f3 ser bastante divertido. En dos aspectos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Those are ways to engage and excite us about your content.","es":"Son maneras de enganchar y entusiasmarnos con su contenido."} {"gender":"male","en":"A study by a US national newspaper estimated that in the United States, up to 30 percent of all surgical procedures, including stent and pacemaker implantations, hip replacements and uterus removals, were conducted although other nonsurgical treatment options had not been fully exploited by the physician in charge.","es":"Un estudio de un peri\u00f3dico estadounidense estim\u00f3 que en EE. UU. hasta el 30 % de todos procedimientos quir\u00fargicos, incluyendo implantaciones de pr\u00f3tesis y marcapasos, reemplazos de cadera y extirpaciones de \u00fatero se llevaron a cabo sin antes analizar otras opciones no quir\u00fargicas por el m\u00e9dico encargado de hacerlas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He was like, \"Be careful going down this path.","es":"Me dijo, \"Ten cuidado si sigues por este camino."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And you know what?","es":"\u00bfY saben qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"female","en":"There's a fuzzy category called multicultural literature in which all authors from outside the Western world are lumped together.","es":"Hay una confusa categor\u00eda llamada literatura multicultural en la cual los autores de fuera del mundo occidental son puestos juntos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Video: Three, two, one, go!","es":"Video: 3, 2, 1, ahora!"} {"gender":"male","en":"I thought everyone would want these.","es":"Pensaba que todo el mundo querr\u00eda tener uno."} {"gender":"male","en":"You have to have that level of freedom, and so I'm often asked that, you know, is there a, kind of, utopian or, is there a utopian tendency to Second Life and things like it, that you would create a world that has a grand scheme to it?","es":"Tienes que tener ese nivel de libertad. A menudo me preguntan si hay algo de utop\u00eda si Second Life tiende a ser ut\u00f3pica y cosas as\u00ed por el hecho de crear un mundo con un gran esquema determinado."} {"gender":"male","en":"I had to write five pages a day towards papers or I would have to give up five dollars.","es":"O escrib\u00eda cada d\u00eda 5 p\u00e1ginas acad\u00e9micas o tendr\u00eda que deshacerme de 5 d\u00f3lares."} {"gender":"male","en":"I counted the number of bricks and now I'm multiplying.\" Well, , I hadn't thought of that one.","es":"Cont\u00e9 el n\u00famero de ladrillos y ahora los estoy multiplicando\" Bueno, --No hab\u00eda pensando en esa."} {"gender":"female","en":"So it was, I mean, I'm getting goose bumps just talking about it. It was a tremendously emotional event, and it's something that I will personally never forget, and you shouldn't either.","es":"Aquello fue -quiero decir, se me est\u00e1 poniendo la piel de gallina s\u00f3lo de hablar de ello-, fue un acontecimiento tremendamente emotivo, y es algo que yo personalmente nunca olvidar\u00e9, y no deber\u00edan olvidarlo tampoco."} {"gender":"female","en":"When I asked people their associations with the wheelchair, they used words like \"limitation,\" \"fear,\" \"pity\" and \"restriction.\"","es":"Cuando preguntaba a la gente qu\u00e9 asociaciones hac\u00eda con la silla de ruedas, asociaban palabras como \"limitaci\u00f3n\", \"miedo\", \"l\u00e1stima\" y \"restricci\u00f3n\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"See how it constantly logs every resident of our neighborhood; logging the kids who play football in the no-ballgame area and marking them as statutory nuisances.","es":"Vean c\u00f3mo registra constantemente a cada residente del vecindario; a los ni\u00f1os que juegan al f\u00fatbol en el \u00e1rea prohibida para jugar con la pelota por no ajustarse a los niveles reglamentarios."} {"gender":"female","en":"They were able to launch new programs, fundraise.","es":"Pudieron lanzar nuevos programas, recaudar fondos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The stories started pouring out.","es":"La historia comenz\u00f3 a salir de a poco."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"A lot of people in this room make a good living pushing them around.","es":"Un mont\u00f3n de gente en esta sala se gana la vida jugando con ellos."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"Needed more knowledge and more understanding.\"","es":"\"Se necesita m\u00e1s conocimiento y comprensi\u00f3n.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"So, tragically, my father died at a young age, 30 years ago at the age of 57, what happens to be how old I am right now, and when he died in the middle of my medical and graduate studies, You see, I actually got around it by doing medicine and anthropology.","es":"Tr\u00e1gicamente, mi padre muri\u00f3 a una edad temprana, hace 30 a\u00f1os, a sus 57, la edad que yo tengo ahora, y muere mientras yo estaba a mitad de mis estudios de medicina y continu\u00e9, hasta graduarme de medicina y antropolog\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's all inside of us.","es":"Est\u00e1 en nuestro interior."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"One that was published recently by David Keith at Harvard is to take chalk and put dust up into the stratosphere, where it reflects off sunlight.","es":"Una propuesta publicada por David Keith en Harvard es colocar polvo de caliza en la estrat\u00f3sfera, donde se refleja la luz solar."} {"gender":"male","en":"I did all this stuff.","es":"Hice todo eso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They resisted environmental improvement.","es":"Se resisten a mejorar el medio ambiente."} {"gender":"female","en":"My mother had been celebrating my birthday with me, without me.","es":"Mi madre hab\u00eda estado clebrando mi cumplea\u00f1os conmigo, sin m\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's whatever takes my fancy, really.","es":"Es lo que atrape mi imaginaci\u00f3n, en verdad."} {"gender":"male","en":"One of the great things was that my father was an avid golfer, but he was lefty.","es":"Mi padre era un \u00e1vido golfista, y eso una gran cosa, pero era zurdo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And under 100 percent sea ice in the dead of winter, bowhead whales are singing.","es":"Y bajo todo este hielo marino, en pleno invierno, las ballenas boreales cantan."} {"gender":"male","en":"I found other reference.","es":"Encontr\u00e9 otras referencias."} {"gender":"male","en":"And other people would draw stick figures or smiley faces.","es":"Y otras personas que dibujaron personas a rayas o caritas sonrientes."} {"gender":"female","en":"But recently I did spend three months in bed, wanting to die.","es":"Pero recientemente estuve 3 meses en cama, esperando morir."} {"gender":"male","en":"So this is a case of actually adapting something, or maybe stealing something, and then turning it into a musical notation.","es":"As\u00ed que este es un caso de adaptar algo, o tal vez robarse algo para, a continuaci\u00f3n, convertirlo en una notaci\u00f3n musical."} {"gender":"male","en":"FN: I always had a passion for alternative vehicles.","es":"FN: Siempre tuve pasi\u00f3n por veh\u00edculos alternativos."} {"gender":"male","en":"About a year ago, my colleagues and I had a radical idea.","es":"Hace un a\u00f1o, mis colegas y yo tuvimos una idea radical."} {"gender":"female","en":"And there's schools and clinics and shops.","es":"Y hay escuelas, cl\u00ednicas y comercios."} {"gender":"female","en":"That is a nice sideline of open government.","es":"\u00c9sa es una gran actividad complementaria del gobierno abierto."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we looked through the file, a piece of paper in the file had a number on it.","es":"As\u00ed que dimos un vistazo al archivo, encontramos un trocito de papel con un n\u00famero."} {"gender":"male","en":"One of the people I met with there was a news editor, and we're talking as a drone is flying above him, and this is what he had to say. \"This is just another sign of the coldhearted cruel Israelis and Americans, who are cowards because they send out machines to fight us.","es":"All\u00e1 conoc\u00ed a un editor de noticias. Mientras habl\u00e1bamos, un avi\u00f3n no tripulado volaba sobre nosotros, y dijo esto al respecto: \"Esto es otra muestra m\u00e1s de la insensibilidad de los israel\u00edes y los americanos, que son cobardes porque env\u00edan m\u00e1quinas para luchar contra nosotros."} {"gender":"female","en":"We know the emotions and moods of men and women are more similar than different, so let's walk away from the tired old PMS myth of women as witches and embrace the reality of high emotional and professional functioning the great majority of women live every day.","es":"Sabemos que las emociones y el humor de hombres y mujeres son m\u00e1s parecidos que diferentes, as\u00ed que dejemos el cansino y anticuado mito del SPM sobre las mujeres-brujas y acojamos la realidad de una actividad altamente emotiva y profesional desempe\u00f1ada por la mayor\u00eda de las mujeres cada d\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The sun was blazing during the day.","es":"El sol ard\u00eda durante el d\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"You'll see that the photographer, of course, was not inside the cage here, so clearly the biologist is a little smarter than the photographer I guess.","es":"Pueden ver que el fot\u00f3grafo, por supuesto, no estaba dentro de la jaula aqu\u00ed, as\u00ed que claramente el bi\u00f3logo es un poco m\u00e1s listo que el fot\u00f3grafo supongo."} {"gender":"female","en":"This really touched me.","es":"Realmente me conmovi\u00f3."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Ninety-eight percent of United States corporations right now have sexual harassment training policies.","es":"El 98 % de las corporaciones de EE.UU. en este momento tienen pol\u00edticas educativas en acoso sexual."} {"gender":"male","en":"Bottom line: you and I are in this together.\"","es":"En s\u00edntesis: t\u00fa y yo estamos juntos en esto\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And for the public, medical illustrations may only be encountered passively on the walls of a doctor's office.","es":"Y para el p\u00fablico, las ilustraciones m\u00e9dicas pueden encontrarse de forma pasiva en las paredes de la oficina de un m\u00e9dico."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now in order to consider this, I first need to give you a crash course in how the brain works.","es":"Ahora, con el objetivo de reflexionar sobre esto, necesito primero darles un curso intensivo sobre c\u00f3mo funciona el cerebro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"These jetted, Earth-pointed, hyperactive and supermassive black holes are called blazars, or blazing quasars.","es":"A estos agujeros negros a chorro, que apuntan a la Tierra, supermasivos e hiperactivos, se los denomina blazares o cu\u00e1sares ardientes."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think they\u2019re two quite different modes: divergence and convergence.","es":"Creo que son dos modos muy diferentes, Divergencia y convergencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'd been trained that the way you distribute technology within international development is always consultant-based.","es":"Me hab\u00edan entrenado para pensar que la forma de distribuir tecnolog\u00eda en equipos internacionales siempre es mediante consultor\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"Or it might mean scrolling down a little further online to find a film by a female director.","es":"O quiz\u00e1 signifique buscar un poco m\u00e1s en l\u00ednea para encontrar un film de una directora."} {"gender":"female","en":"Upon working with the plastic, after about the first eight years, some of my work started to fissure and break down into smaller little bits of plastic.","es":"Al trabajar con pl\u00e1stico, despu\u00e9s de los primeros 8 a\u00f1os, algunas obras comenzaron a agrietarse y a reducirse a peque\u00f1os pedazos de pl\u00e1stico."} {"gender":"female","en":"And this is the space in action.","es":"Y este es el espacio de acci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Theories can be shared, and you don't have to be a professor with multiple degrees to have your ideas valued.","es":"Las teor\u00edas se comparten y uno no tiene que ser profesor con muchos t\u00edtulos para tener ideas valiosas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Who are you breathing with?","es":"\u00bfCon qui\u00e9n est\u00e1n respirando?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So in a lot of ways, Romo is like a pet that has a mind of his own.","es":"As\u00ed que de muchas maneras, Romo es como una mascota que tiene su propia mente."} {"gender":"female","en":"And we were really excited. And then we were really skeptical, because it was too good to be true.","es":"Est\u00e1bamos muy entusiasmadas pero tambi\u00e9n muy esc\u00e9pticas Era demasiado bueno pare ser cierto."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm talking about mindful eating: learning to understand your body's signals so that you eat when you're hungry and stop when you're full, because a lot of weight gain boils down to eating when you're not hungry.","es":"Estoy hablando de comer conscientemente: aprender a entender las se\u00f1ales de tu cuerpo y comer cuando tienes hambre y parar cuando est\u00e1s lleno, porque gran parte del exceso de peso se reduce a los momentos en que uno come sin tener hambre."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I would tell people, \"Why do I go to Kiribati?","es":"Y yo les dec\u00eda: \"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 voy a Kiribati?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"It was simply to encourage the inoculation of children by, not only making it a social event, I think good use of behavioral economics in that, if you turn up with several other mothers to have your child inoculated, your sense of confidence is much greater than if you turn up alone.","es":"Era simplemente fomentar la vacunaci\u00f3n de ni\u00f1os a trav\u00e9s de, no solo hacerlo un evento social; creo que este es un buen uso de la psico-econom\u00eda, si llegas a una reuni\u00f3n con varias madres para tener a tus hijos vacunados, tu sentido de la confianza es mucho m\u00e1s grande que si aparaces sola."} {"gender":"female","en":"At our time in history, these images are out of place.","es":"En esta \u00e9poca, estas im\u00e1genes son inaceptables."} {"gender":"female","en":"Also, you can't save, fix or rescue any of them or get anyone sober.","es":"Adem\u00e1s, no puede guardar, arreglar o rescatar a ninguno de ellos o conseguir que alguno est\u00e9 sobrio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But you learn lessons from these things that happen to you.","es":"Pero aprendes lecciones de lo que te ocurre."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Yes?","es":"\u00bfS\u00ed?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I walked underneath it for the first time. As I watched the wind's choreography unfold, I felt sheltered and, at the same time, connected to limitless sky.","es":"Pas\u00e9 por debajo por primera vez escuchando la coreograf\u00eda del viento y me sent\u00ed protegida y al mismo tiempo conectada con el inmenso cielo."} {"gender":"female","en":"In January of 2009, I was informed that I had handled a fraudulent transaction unknowingly at the bank where I worked.","es":"En enero de 2009, me informaron de haber gestionado una transacci\u00f3n fraudulenta sin saberlo en el banco donde trabajaba."} {"gender":"female","en":"I recited a cheer along with everybody else.","es":"Lo mostr\u00e9 junto a las dem\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"They didn't take people out in the sunshine where you begin to feel better.","es":"No sacaban a la gente al sol, cando empezaban a sentirse mejor."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The hard-to-reach location also prevents the doctor from surgically removing it, as is routinely done for breast cancer, for example.","es":"Adem\u00e1s, su posici\u00f3n dif\u00edcil de alcanzar impide al cirujano una extirpaci\u00f3n quir\u00fargica, algo rutinario por ejemplo para el c\u00e1ncer de mama."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You'll take a tutorial and you'll start work.","es":"Ver\u00e1n el tutorial y empezar\u00e1n a trabajar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They're why stock investors hold onto losing stocks longer, because they're evaluating them in relative terms.","es":"Por esto los inversores se aferran a las acciones a la baja por m\u00e1s tiempo pues las est\u00e1n evaluando en t\u00e9rminos relativos."} {"gender":"female","en":"We need to change how we actually go about managing these resources.","es":"Tenemos que cambiar la forma de gestionar estos recursos."} {"gender":"female","en":"So in a daf-2 mutant, you see that I have the X drawn here through the receptor.","es":"As\u00ed que en un mutante daf-2 ven que tengo la X dibujada aqu\u00ed a trav\u00e9s del receptor."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I had been waiting my whole life for strangers to come up and ask me that question.","es":"Hab\u00eda esperado toda la vida que unos extra\u00f1os me hicieran esa pregunta."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"You're really good.","es":"\"Eres realmente bueno."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, thank you for your attention.","es":"Bueno, gracias por su atenci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"In the same sense we are now, today, in the minicomputer era of digital fabrication.","es":"En el mismo sentido estamos ahora, hoy, en la era del minicomputador de la fabricaci\u00f3n digital."} {"gender":"female","en":"The United States has put four rovers on Mars since the mid-1990s, and I have been privileged enough to work on three of them.","es":"EE.UU. envi\u00f3 cuatro veh\u00edculos a Marte desde mediados de los 90 y tuve el privilegio de trabajar en tres de ellos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They're parodied, sometimes even demonized in the media for their kind of typical teenage behavior.","es":"Son parodiados, a veces incluso demonizados en los medios por su t\u00edpico comportamiento adolescente."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think it's a great, it's a celebration.","es":"Creo que es genial. Es una celebraci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But there's a fix for this.","es":"Pero hay una soluci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Case in point: A couple months ago, if you saw the New York City Marathon, I guarantee you, you saw something that no one has ever seen before.","es":"Un caso: hace dos meses, si vieron el marat\u00f3n de Nueva York, les aseguro que vieron algo jam\u00e1s visto."} {"gender":"male","en":"People started to learn about things, and when they did, the institutions of feudal society appeared to be stalled, or frozen, or failing.","es":"La gente empez\u00f3 a aprender acerca de las cosas y cuando lo hicieron, las instituciones de la sociedad feudal se estancaron o en su defecto se congelaron."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, the evidence is, unfortunately, ample.","es":"Bueno, la evidencia es, por desgracia, amplia."} {"gender":"female","en":"That, I think, is movement.","es":"Eso, yo creo, es movimiento."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And after a few years, you can remove some of those shade trees.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de unos a\u00f1os, puedes quitar algunos de esos \u00e1rboles de sombra."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But what we really want to know is what happens to these emergent properties when we kick the system?","es":"Pero lo que queremos saber es \u00bfqu\u00e9 pasa con todas esas propiedades emergentes cuando pateamos el sistema?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I thought I'd tell you a little about what I like to write.","es":"Pens\u00e9 en contarles algo de lo que me gusta escribir."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We can do this.\"","es":"Podemos hacerlo\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"Exhibiting Pac-Man and Tetris alongside Picasso and Van Gogh\", They're two floors away.","es":"\"Exhibir el Pac-Man y el Tetris junto a Picasso y Van Gogh\" Est\u00e1n a dos pisos de distancia."} {"gender":"male","en":"Video: DM: And now I'll attach the filter to the bass for some more expression.","es":"Video: DM: Y ahora conectar\u00e9 el filtro al bajo para conseguir m\u00e1s expresi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We sat back, and we waited for the rocket ship to blast off.","es":"Nos sentamos, y esper\u00e1bamos a que despegara el cohete."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You must have taken tea in the morning.","es":"Se habr\u00e1n tomado un t\u00e9 por la ma\u00f1ana."} {"gender":"female","en":"I asked him how long he had been addicted, and he said, \"30 years.\"","es":"Le pregunt\u00e9 cu\u00e1nto tiempo hab\u00eda sido adicto, y \u00e9l dijo: \"30 a\u00f1os\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's unbelievable.","es":"Es incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'll begin with mechanical interface.","es":"Comenzar\u00e9 con la interfaz mec\u00e1nica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He gave us a challenge that would have been incredible just a few years earlier.","es":"Lanz\u00f3 un desaf\u00edo que habr\u00eda sido incre\u00edble solo unos a\u00f1os antes."} {"gender":"male","en":"I wanted to find a way to also use existing infrastructure to receive data from our Li-Fi lights.","es":"Yo quer\u00eda encontrar una manera de usar tambi\u00e9n la infraestructura existente para recibir los datos de nuestras luces Li-Fi."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"His corneas would go to Schepens Eye Research Institute, which is part of Harvard Medical School, and his retinas would go to the University of Pennsylvania.","es":"Sus c\u00f3rneas al Instituto de Investigaci\u00f3n Ocular Schepens que es parte de la Escuela de Medicina de Harvard, y sus retinas a la Universidad de Pennsylvania."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so some of the things that we're thinking of, and many other people in the field are thinking of, are actually developing materials for that.","es":"Entonces algunas cosas que pensamos y muchos otras personas del medio piensan tambi\u00e9n, es desarrollar materiales para eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I don't think this is a very helpful way of looking at it.","es":"Pero yo no creo que esto sea una forma muy \u00fatil de verlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't know whether the other people all were honest or whether they also said a little bit higher or lower than what they did because it's anonymous.","es":"No s\u00e9 si acaso las otras personas fueron honestas, o acaso dijeron un poco m\u00e1s o un poco menos de lo que hicieron porque es an\u00f3nimo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, why I'm telling you this, you know, maybe, you know, whoever is sitting next to you can change your whole life, it's possible.","es":"As\u00ed, mientras estoy contando esto, quiz\u00e1, ya saben, quien se sienta a tu lado puede cambiar tu vida entera. Es posible."} {"gender":"female","en":"We were part of decision making.","es":"Tom\u00e1bamos decisiones."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't know.","es":"No lo s\u00e9."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so as people get healthier, they also get wealthier.","es":"Y as\u00ed, mientras la gente se vuelve m\u00e1s saludable, tambi\u00e9n se vuelven m\u00e1s ricos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I would submit to you that all of these things are not only possible, they're being done right now, and that it's a darn good thing.","es":"Yo les dir\u00eda que todas estas cosas no s\u00f3lo son posibles, se est\u00e1n haciendo en este momento, y eso es algo muy bueno."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is really my flesh.","es":"Este es my tejido."} {"gender":"female","en":"Green roofs also retain up to 75 percent of rainfall, so they reduce a city's need to fund costly end-of-pipe solutions, which, incidentally, are often located in environmental justice communities like mine.","es":"Estos techos adem\u00e1s retienen el 75% del agua de lluvia de modo que reducen la necesidad de la ciudad de pagar costosos desag\u00fces que por lo general se encuentran en comunidades de justicia ecol\u00f3gica como la m\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"But meanwhile, teaching people, especially kids, how to use technology to improve their lives and to self-regulate needs to be part of digital literacy.","es":"Pero mientras tanto, ense\u00f1ar a las personas, especialmente a los ni\u00f1os, a usar la tecnolog\u00eda para mejorar sus vidas y para autorregularse debe ser parte de la alfabetizaci\u00f3n digital."} {"gender":"male","en":"Back in 1980 when comedian Richard Pryor accidentally set himself on fire during a freebasing accident, I was in Los Angeles the day after it happened and then I was in Washington D.C. two days after that. And I heard the exact same punchline on both coasts, something about the Ignited Negro College Fund.","es":"En los a\u00f1os 80 cuando el comediante Richard Pryor se prendi\u00f3 fuego por accidente cuando purificaba drogas, yo estaba en Los \u00c1ngeles el d\u00eda que eso pas\u00f3 y dos d\u00edas despu\u00e9s estaba en Washington D.C. y escuch\u00e9 exactamente el mismo chiste en la costa este: Fondo Universitario para Negros Incendiados ."} {"gender":"female","en":"Buildings are colonized by airborne microbes that enter through windows and through mechanical ventilation systems.","es":"Los edificios est\u00e1n colonizados por microbios a\u00e9reos que entran por las ventanas y a trav\u00e9s de los sistemas mec\u00e1nicos de ventilaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Just to give you an example: this is the exhibition, Humble Masterpieces, as it was at MoMA in 2004.","es":"S\u00f3lo para darles un ejemplo: esta es la exposici\u00f3n \"Modestas Obras Maestras\" presentada en el Moma en 2004."} {"gender":"male","en":"The last time the rich world got serious about developing another region was in the late 1940s.","es":"La \u00faltima vez que el mundo rico se puso serio para desarrollar otra regi\u00f3n fue a finales de los a\u00f1os 40."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When kids play tea party, or they play cops and robbers, they\u2019re following a script that they\u2019ve agreed to. And it\u2019s this code negotiation that leads to productive play.","es":"Cuando los ni\u00f1os juegan a las casitas, o a polic\u00edas y ladrones siguen un gu\u00ed\u00f3n que han acordado y esta negociaci\u00f3n de un c\u00f3digo les lleva a un juego productivo."} {"gender":"female","en":"She slowly slid down my body and ended up where my vagina is.","es":"Baj\u00f3 lentamente por mi cuerpo hasta llegar adonde est\u00e1 mi vagina."} {"gender":"male","en":"But this only works if one last thing is true, which is that Nancy needs to know that if something is truly important, John can still interrupt.","es":"Pero esto solo funciona, si una cosa se cumple. y es que Nancy tiene que saber que si algo es verdaderamente importante, John todav\u00eda puede interrumpir."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, describe to us this Bullrun program where it's alleged that the NSA specifically weakened security in order to get the type of access that you've spoken of.","es":"O sea, descr\u00edbenos este programa Bullrun en el que se afirma que la NSA espec\u00edficamente debilitaba la seguridad para obtener el tipo de acceso del que hablabas."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I think what's new is that we now have the capacity to communicate instantaneously across frontiers right across the world.","es":"Pero creo que lo nuevo es que ahora nosotros tenemos la capacidad de comunicarnos instant\u00e1neamente cruzando fronteras por todo el mundo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But this time, the predator sneaks in a reply that cleverly mimics exactly what the other female just said.","es":"Pero esta vez, la depredadora cuela una respuesta que imita a la perfecci\u00f3n lo que la otra hembra acaba de decir."} {"gender":"male","en":"And a few months before that, there was a white American guy in Austin, Texas who flew his airplane into the IRS building, and I happened to be in Austin that day doing a stand-up comedy show.","es":"Y unos meses antes de eso, un tipo blanco estadounidense, en Austin, Texas, estrell\u00f3 su avi\u00f3n contra el edificio del IRS y, por casualidad, yo estaba en Austin ese d\u00eda haciendo una comedia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So they made a calculated risk.","es":"As\u00ed que tomaron un riesgo calculado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Who would go for bananas?","es":"\u00bfQui\u00e9nes se comer\u00edan las bananas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Everybody: I am my connectome.","es":"Todo el mundo: soy mi conectoma."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, for thousands of years, we have been studying the cosmos, we've been wondering about our place in the universe.","es":"Hemos estado estudiando el cosmos desde hace miles de a\u00f1os, y nos hemos estado preguntando acerca de nuestro lugar en el universo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I blush whenever I show this.","es":"Me ruborizo siempre que muestro esto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"A lot of us in here have made that decision, and it is really pretty easy.","es":"Muchos de nosotros aqu\u00ed adentro hemos tomado esa decisi\u00f3n y realmente es muy f\u00e1cil."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now when we come to the period after the Second World War, unintended consequences get even more interesting.","es":"Ahora bien, cuando llegamos al per\u00edodo de posguerra, las consecuencias imprevistas se tornan a\u00fan m\u00e1s interesantes."} {"gender":"male","en":"They want to be part of that flow of information.","es":"Quieren ser parte de ese flujo de informaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"But now I was about to embark on the most creative project that any of us could ever do: that of rebuilding a life.","es":"Pero ahora estaba a punto de embarcarme en el proyecto m\u00e1s creativo que cualquiera pueda hacer: el de reconstruir una vida."} {"gender":"female","en":"As Wael Ghonim, the Google-Egyptian-executive by day, secret-Facebook-activist by night, famously said to CNN after Mubarak stepped down, \"If you want to liberate a society, just give them the Internet.\"","es":"Como Wael Ghonim, el ejecutivo egipcio de Google de d\u00eda, y activista secreto de Facebook de noche, famosamente dijo en CNN luego de la renuncia de Mubarak, \"Si quieres liberar a una sociedad, simplemente dales Internet\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well a good place to start is with waste. It certainly doesn't cost as much as oil, and it's plentiful, as I hope that you've been able to see from the photographs.","es":"Comenzar por los desechos fue una buena idea ya que no cuestan como el petr\u00f3leo y son abundantes, como deben haber visto en las fotograf\u00edas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The pain disappeared for seven months.","es":"El dolor desapareci\u00f3 durante 7 meses."} {"gender":"male","en":"So over here, you can see how the computer understands the environment, and because you cannot see the vibration, we actually put red LED's on the driver so that you can see what's happening.","es":"Aqu\u00ed se puede ver c\u00f3mo es que el computador comprende el ambiente. Y como no se puede ver la vibraci\u00f3n, pusimos LEDs sobre el conductor, para ver lo que est\u00e1 pasando."} {"gender":"female","en":"If you look at management theory these days, it used to be that our ideal leader sounded something like General Patton, right?","es":"Si vemos lo que sol\u00eda ser el l\u00edder ideal en la teor\u00eda de gesti\u00f3n, era alguien como el general Patton, \u00bfs\u00ed?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm not sure that's wise, given the importance of the problem, but there's now the geoengineering discussion about: Should that be in the back pocket in case things happen faster, or this innovation goes a lot slower than we expect?","es":"No estoy seguro que esa sea la opci\u00f3n dada la importancia del problema, pero existe ahora la discusi\u00f3n sobre geo-ingenier\u00eda sobre, si deber\u00edamos tenerla lista en nuestro manga en caso que las cosas ocurran m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido, o que la innovaci\u00f3n sea mucho m\u00e1s lenta de lo que se esperaba."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It is the spectrum of a planet like Earth, showing a presence of nitrogen dioxide, as a clear signal of life, and oxygen and ozone.","es":"Este es el espectro de un planeta similar a la Tierra, que muestra la presencia de di\u00f3xido de nitr\u00f3geno, como indicio irrebatible de vida, ox\u00edgeno y ozono."} {"gender":"female","en":"So please, the next time you go to a concert, just allow your body to open up, allow your body to be this resonating chamber.","es":"As\u00ed que por favor, la pr\u00f3xima vez que vayan a un concierto, s\u00f3lo permitan a su cuerpo abrirse, permitan a su cuerpo ser la c\u00e1mara de resonancia."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, I think that we should look at these animals, and we can learn from them how to treat our own diseases.","es":"Ahora, creo que deber\u00edamos estudiar estos animales, y aprender de ellos para tratar nuestras propias enfermedades."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is him embracing his grandmother-in-law.","es":"Este es \u00e9l abrazando a su abuela pol\u00edtica."} {"gender":"female","en":"Across the globe, throughout the ages, our basic needs are just the same, aren't they?\"","es":"En el mundo entero, en todas las \u00e9pocas nuestras necesidades b\u00e1sicas son las mismas, \u00bfcierto?\u201d"} {"gender":"female","en":"It's our job to wake people up, to pull them out of their apathy and into the anguish, and to insist that we do what we don't want to do and see what we do not want to see.","es":"Es nuestro trabajo despertar a la gente, para sacarlos de su apat\u00eda y exponerlos a la angustia, insistir en que hagamos lo que no queremos hacer y veamos lo que no queremos ver."} {"gender":"female","en":"Virtually every country and city across Central and South America is in trouble.","es":"Pr\u00e1cticamente todos los pa\u00edses y ciudades de Centro y Sur Am\u00e9rica est\u00e1 en problemas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to pop in at the start of the game. And you actually start this game in a drop of water, as a very, very small single-cell creature, and right off the bat you basically just have to live, survive, reproduce.","es":"Voy a saltar el inicio del juego, y pueden comenzar este juego como en una gota de agua, como una criatura unicelular muy peque\u00f1a, y, b\u00e1sicamente s\u00f3lo debes vivir, sobrevivir, reproducirte."} {"gender":"male","en":"My neighbor, the NSA. And you just told us about my neighbor, the spies and the informant from East Germany.","es":"Mi vecino, la NSA Y t\u00fa nos acabas de hablar acerca de mi vecino, los esp\u00edas e informantes de la Alemania Oriental."} {"gender":"female","en":"But there were these beautiful details, even if I talked to 20 goat herders in a row, and some days that's what happened, these beautiful details of life change that were meaningful to them.","es":"Y eran estos hermosos detalles, incluso si hablaba con 20 pastores seguidos -y algunos d\u00edas pasaba eso- estos hermosos detalles de transformaci\u00f3n eran lo m\u00e1s valioso para ellos."} {"gender":"male","en":"It seemed to be about right, but I couldn't quite tell.","es":"Parec\u00eda estar bastante bien, pero no pod\u00eda confirmarlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was listed on the online biography that said I was a design missionary.","es":"Estaba incluido en la biograf\u00eda en l\u00ednea que dec\u00eda que yo era un misionero del dise\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"Why is it that Mayank, this young boy that I met in India, isn't washing his hands?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 Mayank, este ni\u00f1o que conoc\u00ed en India, no se lava las manos?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And this actually posed an immediate challenge for us, because the street furniture had not yet arrived.","es":"Y en realidad esto nos planteaba un desaf\u00edo inmediato, porque a\u00fan no hab\u00eda llegado el mobiliario urbano."} {"gender":"female","en":"NM: You want to or no?","es":"NM: \u00bfQuieres o no?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Now \u2014 Now I don't know how many people you know that go into a deep channel of water that they know has a crocodile in it to come and help you, but for Solly, it was as natural as breathing.","es":"Ahora \u2014aplausos\u2014 Ahora no s\u00e9 cu\u00e1nta gente conocen capaz de entrar en un canal profundo de agua que saben que hay un cocodrilo para ir en su ayuda, pero para Solly, era tan natural como respirar."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we set up a projector on a wall out in the parking lot outside of his hospital.","es":"Y colocamos un proyector sobre una pared del estacionamiento de afuera del hospital."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, I booked myself a flight to Boston in '95, 19 years old and definitely the dark horse candidate at this race.","es":"As\u00ed, en 1995, cuando ten\u00eda 19 a\u00f1os de edad, vol\u00e9 a Boston, y definitivamente yo era la competidora desconoc\u00edda de la carrera."} {"gender":"male","en":"Even when you're standing in front of a megaphone, it's pretty much every direction.","es":"Incluso cuando est\u00e1s enfrente de un meg\u00e1fono, es en casi todas las direcciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"I said it because it sounded like the right thing to say to people who had served overseas.","es":"La dec\u00eda porque parec\u00eda correcto dec\u00edrsela a aqu\u00e9llos que combatieron el extranjero."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now there are two things that are really interesting about this.","es":"Ahora, hay dos cosas realmente interesantes al respecto."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think the law would be a really good thing to keep.","es":"Yo creo que ser\u00eda un cosa buena mantener la ley."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, it's hard to do that, so we had to create the technologies.","es":"Bueno, es dif\u00edcil hacerlo, por lo que tuvimos que crear la tecnolog\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"For that matter, it's removing every single inconvenience in my life that I could possibly think of.","es":"Por eso elimina cada inconveniente de mi vida que pudiese imaginar."} {"gender":"male","en":"LM: What I know from, he's working really hard in his lab and coming up with crazy stuff.","es":"LM: S\u00e9 que est\u00e1 trabajando muy arduamente en su laboratorio y viene con cosas locas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we decided to grasp at those, to clutch at those straws, if I may use that word, if only to make the justice system work, and work for all.","es":"Y decidimos aferrarnos a ellos, --a ese clavo ardiendo, por as\u00ed decirlo-- con tal de que el sistema judicial funcionara, y que funcionara para todos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I assessed how long they were going to stay and how much it would take to feed them.","es":"Estim\u00e9 cu\u00e1nto tiempo estar\u00edan all\u00ed y cu\u00e1nto costar\u00eda alimentarlos."} {"gender":"female","en":"We know that there must be a lot of high-energy electrons in the plane to produce the synchrotron radiation that we see, and we think they're produced by supernova remnants, but there don't seem to be enough.","es":"Sabemos que debe haber gran cantidad de electrones de alta energ\u00eda en el plano para producir la radiaci\u00f3n de sincrotr\u00f3n que vemos, y creemos que son producidos por remanentes de supernova, pero all\u00ed no parece ser suficiente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Under a tree she saw a woman meditating furiously.","es":"Debajo de un \u00e1rbol vio a una mujer que meditaba intensamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't take the same history.","es":"No es la misma historia."} {"gender":"male","en":"But, as a cancer doc, this is what I see.","es":"Pero, como m\u00e9dico de c\u00e1ncer, esto es lo que veo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I like earrings.\"","es":"Y me gustan los pendientes\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"I then went on wondering whether I could actually replace her image, so I got a look-alike of Diana and posed her in the right positions and angles and created something that was in, or existed in, the public imagination.","es":"Y luego comenc\u00e9 a preguntarme si era realmente capaz de reemplazar su imagen. Entonces consegu\u00ed una doble de Diana, y la hice posar en los \u00e1ngulos y posiciones correctas, y cre\u00e9 algo que ya estaba, o exist\u00eda, en el imaginario colectivo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Arousal is still good because you are over-challenged there.","es":"La motivaci\u00f3n es a\u00fan buena porque tu estas sobre-desaf\u00edado all\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What happened is, you saw so many deaths that you are dying.","es":"Lo que pas\u00f3 es que viste tantas muertes que ahora te est\u00e1s muriendo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in the middle is the minister of Ethiopian tourism, who came to visit the National Museum of Ethiopia while I was working there.","es":"En medio est\u00e1 el ministerio del turismo et\u00edope, que vino a visitar al museo nacional de Etiop\u00eda mientras estaba trabajando all\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here is some nectar from my film.","es":"As\u00ed que aqu\u00ed les muestro algo de n\u00e9ctar de mi pel\u00edcula."} {"gender":"female","en":"We've created a 360-degree model of education.","es":"Hemos creado un modelo de 360 \u200b\u200bgrados de la educaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And here's the more important part: What did we have before?","es":"Y aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 la parte m\u00e1s importante: \u00bfQu\u00e9 ten\u00edamos antes?"} {"gender":"male","en":"A syringe with some inert, a couple CCs of some inert something, and you inject this into a patient Well this is such a powerful image in their mind, it's so much stronger than the white pill. It's a really, this graph, well I'll show it to you some other time when we have slides. The point is the white pill is not as good as the blue pill is not as good as the capsule is not as good as the needle.","es":"Una jeringa con algo inerte- un par de CCs de algo inerte, e inyectas esto al paciente \u00e9sta es una imagen muy poderosa en su mente, esto es mucho m\u00e1s fuerte que cualquier p\u00edldora blanca, realmente lo es, \u00e9sta gr\u00e1fica, bueno se las ense\u00f1ar\u00e9 en otro momento cuando tenga las diapositivas, el punto es que la p\u00edldora blanca no es tan buena como la p\u00edldora azul, y \u00e9sta no es tan buena como la c\u00e1psula y \u00e9sta no es tan buena como la aguja. y ninguna realmente tiene alguna cualidad farmac\u00e9utica."} {"gender":"female","en":"I often had to take care of patients with head trauma.","es":"A menudo ten\u00eda que cuidar de pacientes con trauma craneal."} {"gender":"male","en":"So my last piece of advice is to think younger.","es":"Y mi \u00faltimo consejo es pensar m\u00e1s joven."} {"gender":"male","en":"But what about oil?","es":"Pero \u00bfqu\u00e9 hay del petr\u00f3leo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's never easy because, of course, whenever I do I spend much of it worried about all the extra stuff that's going to crash down on me the following day.","es":"Y nunca es f\u00e1cil porque, claro, si lo hago, paso gran parte del tiempo preocupado por las cosas extra que se me vendr\u00e1n encima al d\u00eda siguiente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Or no matter what happens, they find a way to be happy or excited.","es":". O, no importa qu\u00e9 pase, consiguen una forma de estar felices y emocionados."} {"gender":"male","en":"The op center had found him and they had a match.","es":"El centro de operaciones lo hab\u00eda identificado."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I proposed that governments create new reform zones big enough to hold cities and gave them a name: charter cities.","es":"As\u00ed que propuse que los gobiernos creasen nuevas zonas de reforma suficientemente grandes para contener ciudades y les di un nombre: ciudades bajo estatuto."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I'm a doctor, but I kind of slipped sideways into research, and now I'm an epidemiologist.","es":"Bien, soy doctor, pero me inclin\u00e9 hacia la investigaci\u00f3n y ahora soy epidemi\u00f3logo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so the core idea here was to hit the reset button and regenerate an ecology over time that was regenerative and cleaning and productive.","es":"Entonces la idea central aqu\u00ed era oprimir el bot\u00f3n de reinicio y regresar a una ecolog\u00eda que con el tiempo fuera regenerativa, limpia y productiva."} {"gender":"male","en":"I might want to watch how much dessert I have at lunch, for example.","es":"Podr\u00eda querer controlar el postre del intervalo de almuerzo, por ejemplo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So on the left is the encoder alone, and on the right is from an actual blind retina, so the encoder and the transducer. But the key one really is the encoder alone, because we can team up the encoder with the different transducer.","es":"A la izquierda est\u00e1 el del codificador solo, y a la derecha, el de una retina ciega, con el codificador y el transductor El elemento clave es el codificador solo, porque se puede conectar con un transductor diferente."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, this was the contents page originally.","es":"Este era el \u00edndice original."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They had a journal, a slick journal, a \"Journal of Historical Review.\" One filled with papers, footnote-laden papers.","es":"Publicaban una revista una revista seria. La \"Revista para la revisi\u00f3n hist\u00f3rica\", repleta de art\u00edculos serios con muchas notas a pie de p\u00e1gina."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I'm a mom myself, and at that moment, I was struck by the image of these women dealing with a child with a condition very difficult to deal with, often without help.","es":"Soy mam\u00e1 y en ese momento me llam\u00f3 la atenci\u00f3n la imagen de estas mujeres tratando con un ni\u00f1o con una afecci\u00f3n muy dif\u00edcil de tratar, a menudo sin ayuda."} {"gender":"male","en":"So you wonder, what if cities could give to their pedestrians what we take for granted as we now go between cities?","es":"As\u00ed que te preguntas, \u00bfy si las ciudades pudieran dar a sus peatones lo que damos por sentado cuando vamos de una ciudad a otra?"} {"gender":"female","en":"What resources and expertise do you bring to the table?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 recursos y experiencia aportan Uds.?"} {"gender":"male","en":"One cannot contribute unless one feels secure, one feels big, one feels: I have enough.","es":"Uno no puede contribuir a menos que se sienta seguro, uno se sienta grande, uno siente: \"Tengo suficiente\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Swarm technology.","es":"Tecnolog\u00eda de enjambre."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But one of the questions is, this should be, to you, how come there are so many galaxies?","es":"Pero una de las preguntas es, y deber\u00eda serla para ustedes, \u00bfC\u00f3mo es que hay tantas galaxias?"} {"gender":"female","en":"What they didn't understand was that that type of hostility did not fight religious extremism, it bred religious extremism.","es":"Lo que ellos no entend\u00edan es que ese tipo de hostilidad no luchaba contra el extremismo religioso, sino generaba extremismo religioso."} {"gender":"male","en":"PJC: So when Tyrone tells me that the placenta is an ancient organ, I'm thinking, how do I demonstrate that?","es":"PJC: As\u00ed, como dice Tyrone, la placenta es un \u00f3rgano antiguo. Pienso \u00bfc\u00f3mo puedo demostrarlo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"What's the evidence of wiping out?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la evidencia de su malestar social?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's a frog.","es":"Es una rana."} {"gender":"male","en":"CA: And then the only recourse is some form of forced migration.","es":"CA: Y entonces el \u00fanico recurso es alg\u00fan tipo de migraci\u00f3n forzada."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And we need to solve all of it, not just the most extremes.","es":"Y es necesario resolverlo a fondo, no solo los casos m\u00e1s extremos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So the next time you see someone with an intellectual disability, I hope you will see their ability.","es":"As\u00ed que la pr\u00f3xima vez que vean a alguien con discapacidad intelectual, espero vean su capacidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, the reason we were able to come up with this is two key ideas: One is that this is similar to a cryogenic Dewar, something you'd keep liquid nitrogen or liquid helium in.","es":"Ahora, existen dos ideas claves con las que pudimos obtener esto. Una es que esto es similar a un termo criog\u00e9nico, algo dentro de lo que mantendr\u00edas nitr\u00f3geno l\u00edquido o helio l\u00edquido."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So, between 1931 and 1939, they raised rates by some 448 percent, until the broadcasters finally got together and said, okay, enough of this.","es":"As\u00ed, entre 1931 y 1939 aumentaron las tasas alrededor de 448%, hasta que finalmente los radiodifusores se reunieron y dijeron, bien, no m\u00e1s de esto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It is how our kids think. It is what your kids are as they increasingly understand digital technologies and their relationship to themselves.","es":"Es como nuestros hijos piensan; es lo que sus hijos son a medida que comprenden las tecnolog\u00edas digitales y su relaci\u00f3n con ellos mismos."} {"gender":"female","en":"MW: In the years that we have been campaigning, we have learned a lot.","es":"MW: En los a\u00f1os que hemos hecho la campa\u00f1a, hemos aprendido mucho."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I wanted to be an entrepreneur, so I didn't. But it has always been my dream to actually teach something.","es":"Pero yo quer\u00eda ser empresario, as\u00ed que no me hice maestro, no obstante siempre so\u00f1\u00e9 con ense\u00f1ar algo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I think that we can develop some tools to do so.","es":"Y creo que podemos desarrollar algunas herramientas para lograrlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'll see you next week.","es":"Nos vemos la semana que viene."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Life will change.","es":"Mi vida no va ser la misma."} {"gender":"male","en":"I appreciate that.","es":"Se lo agradezco."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is, I think, a very illustrative image of what I try to say, that the beautiful dynamics of sun, bringing these into the building, creates a quality of our built environment that truly enhances our lives.","es":"Creo que esta es una imagen muy ilustrativa de lo que trato de decir: que la hermosa din\u00e1mica del sol al incorporar esto a la construcci\u00f3n crea una calidad en nuestro entorno construido que de verdad mejora nuestras vidas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But what does marketing really entail that would make a sanitation solution get a result in diarrhea?","es":"Pero, \u00bfqu\u00e9 har\u00eda de la comercializaci\u00f3n una soluci\u00f3n sanitaria frente a la diarrea?"} {"gender":"male","en":"When I bring the 10 living and self-moving benches in the exhibition room, John was just beside me, and was like, \"Hmm.","es":"Cuando llev\u00e9 los 10 esca\u00f1os vivientes a la sala de exposici\u00f3n, John estaba junto a m\u00ed pensativo , \"Emm, Emm.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"So here's why I'm convinced that we collectively have the power to make sustainable investing the new normal.","es":"Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 por lo que estoy convencida que colectivamente tenemos el poder de hacer de las inversiones sustentables lo com\u00fan."} {"gender":"female","en":"How many people knew the founders of Facebook and Google before their faces were on a magazine cover?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1nta gente conoc\u00eda a los fundadores de Facebook y Google antes de que sus caras aparecieran en la portada de una revista?"} {"gender":"male","en":"\"Dear Drugsheaven,\" I wrote, via the internal emailing system that's also encrypted, of course.","es":"\"Estimado Drugsheaven\", escrib\u00ed v\u00eda correo electr\u00f3nico interno tambi\u00e9n encriptado, por supuesto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Those are two very different entities, the experiencing self and the remembering self, and getting confused between them is part of the mess about the notion of happiness.","es":"Estas son dos entidades muy diferentes, el yo que tiene experiencias y el yo que tiene recuerdos y confundirse entre ellos es parte de la problem\u00e1tica de la noci\u00f3n de felicidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"I ate jars of pureed macaroni and beef.","es":"Com\u00eda olladas de pur\u00e9 de macarrones y carne."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'll talk first as an astronomer, and then as a worried member of the human race.","es":"Primero hablar\u00e9 como astr\u00f3nomo, y luego como miembro preocupado de la raza humana."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In 2005, our prime minister was assassinated, and the country came to a complete standstill, so we organized a five-kilometer United We Run campaign.","es":"En 2005, nuestro primer ministro fue asesinado, y el pa\u00eds qued\u00f3 totalmente paralizado, por lo que organizamos una campa\u00f1a de 5 kil\u00f3metros llamada \"Unidos corremos\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"If we looked in the visible, we wouldn't even know they were there, and they're thousands of times larger than the host galaxy.","es":"Si nos fijamos en lo visible, ni siquiera sab\u00edamos que estaban all\u00ed, y son miles de veces m\u00e1s grandes que la galaxia anfitriona."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They said, \"They have become really deep thinkers and so on and so forth.","es":"Dec\u00edan: \"Se han vuelto grandes pensadores\" y cosas por el estilo."} {"gender":"female","en":"In Turkey, I watched four young college students organize a countrywide citizen journalism network called 140Journos that became the central hub for uncensored news in the country.","es":"En Turqu\u00eda, he visto c\u00f3mo 4 estudiantes universitarios organizaron una red nacional de periodistas llamada 140Journos que se convirti\u00f3 en el centro de atenci\u00f3n de las noticias sin censura en el pa\u00eds."} {"gender":"female","en":"It won't.","es":"No ser\u00e1 posible."} {"gender":"female","en":"And surely, at three and four years old, I was listening to the soothing sound of her voice, but I think I was also getting my first lesson in activist work.","es":"Y por supuesto que a los tres o cuatro a\u00f1os de edad, estaba escuchando el suave sonido de su voz. Pero pienso que tambi\u00e9n estaba tomando mi primera lecci\u00f3n como activista."} {"gender":"female","en":"Total silence.","es":"Silencio total."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is a kind of wild nature right under our nose, that we don't even notice.","es":"Es una especie de naturaleza salvaje justo debajo de nuestra nariz, que ni siquiera notamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Ravi said, \"I believe in the law, I do, but it's not getting us far enough.\"","es":"Ravi dijo: \"Creo en la ley, lo hago, pero no nos lleva lo suficientemente lejos\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I really, strongly believe in the power of the small story, because it is so difficult to do humanitarian work at a global scale.","es":"Creo firmemente en el poder de las peque\u00f1as historias, porque es muy dif\u00edcil hacer trabajo humanitario a escala mundial."} {"gender":"female","en":"Pushed by my own experience, as I was not allowed initially to pursue my higher education, I decided to explore and document stories of other women who changed their lives through education, while exposing and questioning the barriers they face.","es":"Movida por mi propia experiencia, al no permitirseme inicialmente continuar con mi educaci\u00f3n superior, decid\u00ed explorar y documentar historias de otras mujeres quienes cambiaron sus vidas mediante su educaci\u00f3n. Mientras expon\u00edan y cuestionaban las barreras a las que ellas se enfrentaban."} {"gender":"male","en":"This clearly devastated me, and I couldn't help but wonder about the fate of my old friends, the winged bulls, and the fate of the many, many heritage sites all over the world.","es":"Esto me dej\u00f3 realmente deshecho y no pude dejar de pensar en el destino de mis viejos amigos, los toros alados, y el destino de los tantos y tantos sitios patrimoniales de todo el mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Love them.","es":"Los amamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"You say where you're from, and I say, \"Oh, yeah.\"","es":"Dices de d\u00f3nde eres, y yo digo: \"Ah, claro\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"The hum is the electricity that comes from being excited by life.","es":"El zumbido es la energ\u00eda que nace del entusiasmo por la vida."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Moving meerkats are like random particles whose unique rule is one of alignment.","es":"Las suricatas en movimiento son como part\u00edculas aleatorias cuya \u00fanica regla es la de alineaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"We need to think about how to open up the API of government, and the way that we're going to do that, the next great superpower is going to be the one who can successfully combine the hierarchy of institution, because we have to maintain those public values, we have to coordinate the flow, but with the diversity and the pulsating life and the chaos and the excitement of networks, all of us working together to build these new innovations on top of our institutions, to engage in the practice of governance.","es":"Necesitamos pensar en c\u00f3mo abrir la interfaz del gobierno. Y para hacerlo, el pr\u00f3ximo superpoder ser\u00e1 aquel que pueda combinar exitosamente la jerarqu\u00eda institucional, porque debemos mantener dichos valores p\u00fablicos, debemos coordinar el flujo con la diversidad, la vitalidad, el caos y la emoci\u00f3n de las redes, Debemoss trabajar en conjunto para construir e innovar, a partir de nuestras instituciones. Debemos involucrarnos en la tarea de gobernar."} {"gender":"female","en":"Her name was Chapungu.","es":"Su nombre era Chapungu."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's nuts.","es":"Es alucinante."} {"gender":"male","en":"I know all these statistics because I study global migration patterns.","es":"Conozco todas estas estad\u00edsticas porque estudio los patrones de migraci\u00f3n global."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, I've gained some insight into this.","es":"Estuve pensando en esto."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, is that a fairy tale or a living nightmare?","es":"\u00bfEs un cuento o una pesadilla?"} {"gender":"female","en":"How much?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1nto?"} {"gender":"female","en":"There are very industrious experiments being built on Earth, one called LIGO, which will detect deviations in the squeezing and stretching of space at less than the fraction of a nucleus of an atom over four kilometers.","es":"Hay experimentos muy laboriosos desarroll\u00e1ndose en la Tierra -uno se llama LIGO- que va a detectar desviaciones en la contracci\u00f3n y expansi\u00f3n del espacio en menos de una fracci\u00f3n del n\u00facleo de un \u00e1tomo a m\u00e1s de 4 kil\u00f3metros."} {"gender":"male","en":"We were piloted, I could say, by a highly autocratic stateswoman, but who also had an incredible passion for environment.","es":"Fuimos dirigidos, podr\u00eda decir, por una l\u00edder my autocr\u00e1tica, pero que tambi\u00e9n ten\u00eda una incre\u00edble pasi\u00f3n por el medioambiente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Nonetheless I was really excited about it, because in all the other classes that I had, we didn't even have that conversation.","es":"Sin embargo, me entusiasmaba, porque en el resto de las clases ni hab\u00edamos tenido esa conversaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"I'm aware of this custom.","es":"\"Conozco esta costumbre.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"So, so, because I have nothing to show, nothing to say, we shall try to speak about something else.","es":"Pero, Aunque no tengo nada que mostrar, nada que decir trataremos de hablar sobre otra cosa."} {"gender":"male","en":"And my mind started racing, \"Puerto Rico? What do I know about Puerto Rico?\"","es":"Y empec\u00e9 a pensar: \"Puerto Rico, \u00bfqu\u00e9 s\u00e9 sobre Puerto Rico?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"One of the reasons NEOWISE is so valuable is that it sees the sky in the thermal infrared.","es":"Una raz\u00f3n por la que NEOWISE es tan valioso, es porque percibe el cielo en infrarrojo t\u00e9rmico."} {"gender":"female","en":"We can unlearn looking down on ourselves.","es":"Podemos desaprender a menospreciarnos."} {"gender":"female","en":"I really love cheese sandwiches.\"","es":"Me encantan los s\u00e1ndwiches de queso.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"The women wept this year.","es":"Las mujeres lloraron este a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And we named it Imawar\u00ec Yeuta. That means, in the Pem\u00f3n indigenous language, \"The House of the Gods.\"","es":"Lo nombramos Imawar\u00ec Yeuta que en lengua ind\u00edgena pem\u00f3n significa \"La Casa de los Dioses\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's the end.","es":"Y ese es el fin."} {"gender":"male","en":"I believe movement is the most important function of the brain, don't let anyone tell you that it's not true.","es":"Creo que el movimiento es la funci\u00f3n m\u00e1s importante del cerebro, y que nadie les diga lo contrario."} {"gender":"male","en":"The next morning, I woke up and, I asked for tea.","es":"A la ma\u00f1ana siguiente, me despert\u00e9 y ped\u00ed un t\u00e9."} {"gender":"female","en":"He governs the places.","es":"\u00c9l gobierna estos lugares."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the things that relate to Ford enter its orbit and swirl around it.","es":"Y las cosas relacionadas con Ford ingresar\u00e1n en su orbita y girar\u00e1n a su alrededor."} {"gender":"female","en":"And they started laughing as the boat capsized and sank.","es":"Y comenzaron a re\u00edrse conforme el bote zozobraba y se hund\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He wrote the history of the Peloponnesian Wars.","es":"Escribi\u00f3 \"Historia de la guerra del Peloponeso\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And yet, I would like to think that I am more than my genes.","es":"Y, sin embargo, me gustar\u00eda pensar que soy m\u00e1s que mis genes."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's only slightly bigger than Germany.","es":"Es solo un poco m\u00e1s grande que Alemania."} {"gender":"male","en":"But of course, it's not a number, it is the people, it is a community that inhabits the building, and in order to both comprehend this, but also script this architecture, we identified five characters, hypothetical characters, and we followed them throughout their day in a life in this building, thought of where they would meet, what they would experience.","es":"Pero, claro, no es un n\u00famero, son las personas, es una comunidad que habita el edificio, y para entenderlo, pero tambi\u00e9n para guionar esta arquitectura, identificamos cinco personajes, personajes hipot\u00e9ticos, y los seguimos durante todo un d\u00eda en la vida de este edificio, pensamos d\u00f3nde se reunir\u00edan, qu\u00e9 experimentar\u00edan."} {"gender":"female","en":"These syndromes collectively have suggested for a long time that the mind is divvied up into distinct components, but the effort to discover those components has jumped to warp speed with the invention of brain imaging technology, especially MRI.","es":"Estos s\u00edndromes colectivamente han sugerido durante mucho tiempo que la mente est\u00e1 repartida en distintos componentes, pero el esfuerzo para descubrir esos componentes ha ido a mucha mayor velocidad con la invenci\u00f3n de la tecnolog\u00eda de im\u00e1genes cerebrales, especialmente la imagen por resonancia magn\u00e9tica ."} {"gender":"male","en":"Lisa Mallette: Oh my God.","es":"Lisa Mallette: Por Dios."} {"gender":"female","en":"And that's the primary thing that I work on with my team in my lab.","es":"Y eso es lo principal en que trabajo con mi equipo en mi laboratorio."} {"gender":"female","en":"I wanted to hide from the judgement of my family, who I knew would never speak to me again, people whose thoughts and opinions had meant everything to me.","es":"Quer\u00eda esconderme del juicio de mi familia, que sab\u00eda no me hablar\u00edan nunca m\u00e1s personas cuyos pensamientos y opiniones significaron todo para m\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Kathy knew he was going to propose, and she could barely contain her excitement.","es":"Kathy sab\u00eda que \u00e9l le propondr\u00eda matrimonio, y no pod\u00eda contenerse de la emoci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here's my first question.","es":"Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 mi primera pregunta."} {"gender":"female","en":"So these are just a few of what are commonly known as smart materials.","es":"Estos son s\u00f3lo algunos de los com\u00fanmente llamados materiales inteligentes."} {"gender":"female","en":"She imagines a facility where the family could come and lay their dead loved one in a nutrient-rich mixture that would, in four-to-six weeks, reduce the body, bones and all, to soil.","es":"Ella imagina una instalaci\u00f3n donde la familia podr\u00eda ir a poner a su muerto amado en una mezcla rica en nutrientes que, de cuatro a seis semanas, reducir\u00eda los huesos del cuerpo y todo a tierra."} {"gender":"male","en":"Some 74 percent of people received the data.","es":"El 74% de las personas recibi\u00f3 los datos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I lived totally inside photography doing long term projects, and I want to show you just a few pictures of, again, you'll see inside the social projects, that I went to, I published many books on these photographs, but I'll just show you a few ones now.","es":"Viv\u00ed totalmente dentro de la fotograf\u00eda haciendo proyectos a largo plazo y quiero mostrarles solo unas pocas fotograf\u00edas de, nuevamente, ver\u00e1n dentro de los proyectos sociales, all\u00e1 donde fui, publiqu\u00e9 muchos libros sobre estas fotograf\u00edas, pero solo les mostrar\u00e9 unas pocas ahora."} {"gender":"female","en":"There's Indian Chinese food, Korean Chinese food, Japanese Chinese food, where they take the bao, the little buns, and make them into pizza versions. And they totally randomly take Chinese noodle dishes, and just ramenize them.","es":"Hay comida Indo-China, comida Coreano-China, comida Japonesa-China, donde toman el \"bao\", los peque\u00f1os panecillos, y los hacen como una versi\u00f3n de pizza, y toman y ellos, como que totalmente al azar, toman platos de fideos chinos, y simplemente los hacen como Ramen."} {"gender":"female","en":"We noted resonances characteristic of electrically charged gasses like the solar wind.","es":"Percibimos resonancias caracter\u00edsticas de los gases cargados el\u00e9ctricamente como el viento solar."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I was very impressed with the leaders of my town who were speaking very highly against the caste system and untouchability and talking of Gandhian ideals.","es":"As\u00ed que me impresion\u00f3 ver a los l\u00edderes de la comunidad pronunciarse contra el sistema de castas intocables y hablando de las ideas de Gandhi."} {"gender":"female","en":"She's a social worker in Orange County, California, who returned to work in a social services organization after a 25-year career break.","es":"Es una trabajadora social de Orange County, California, que regres\u00f3 a trabajar en una organizaci\u00f3n de servicio social tras una pausa en su carrera de 25 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"I read a diary of this poor senator who just keeps coming back, \"Still on this subject.\"","es":"Le\u00ed el diario de un pobre senador, y siempre escrib\u00eda: \"todav\u00eda con este tema\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"We've been looking specifically at the kinds of digital platforms that have enabled us to take our possessions, those things that used to be very restricted to us and to our friends in our houses, and to make them available to people we don't know.","es":"Hemos estado buscando espec\u00edficamente en las clases de plataformas digitales que nos han permitido tomar nuestras posesiones, aquellas cosas que sol\u00edan estar muy restringidas a nosotros y nuestros amigos en nuestras casas, y ponerlas a disposici\u00f3n de la gente que no conocemos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the unleaded automotive fuel that we use is both cheaper and better for the environment than traditional avgas.","es":"El combustible de autom\u00f3vil que usamos es m\u00e1s econ\u00f3mico y mejor para el ambiente que el que tradicionalmente se usa en aviones."} {"gender":"male","en":"Or even in the Swiss office of Google, which perhaps has the most wacky ideas of all.","es":"O incluso como la oficina suiza de Google, donde quiz\u00e1s tienen las ideas m\u00e1s locas de todas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so, I began to think about, well, maybe that's just a random sample.","es":"Por eso comenc\u00e9 a pensar, quiz\u00e1s se trata de s\u00f3lo un ejemplo casual."} {"gender":"female","en":"And they were off-time and off-key.","es":"Y estaban fuera de tiempo y apagados."} {"gender":"male","en":"Yeah, last night I forgot that.","es":"S\u00ed, anoche lo olvid\u00e9."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now we've never seen a shadow like this of a black hole, but black holes can be heard, even if they're not seen.","es":"Nunca hemos visto una sombra como \u00e9sta de un agujero negro, pero los agujeros negros pueden o\u00edrse a\u00fan cuando no puedan verse."} {"gender":"female","en":"And in this slide you see the neurons and the synapses of the brain don't form.","es":"En esta imagen se ve que las neuronas y las sinapsis del cerebro no llegan a formarse."} {"gender":"male","en":"Yeah.","es":"Si."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now is this a new idea?","es":"Ahora, \u00bfes esta una idea nueva?"} {"gender":"female","en":"\"Well, what my sister meant\", they look at each other, it's a knowing glance, \"God, she's crazy!\"","es":"\"Pues, lo que quiso decir mi hermana\", se ven a los ojos, una mirada de entendimiento, \"\u00a1Dios, est\u00e1 loca!\""} {"gender":"male","en":"But he is working to keep his CD4 count high and his viral level low so he can make his life better.","es":"Pero esta trabajando para manter su cuenta de CD4 alta y su nivel viral bajo asi puede hacer su vida mejor."} {"gender":"male","en":"It carves up the history of life, and gives us the differences that we see in the dinosaur world towards the end, right before the bolide impact.","es":"Traza la historia de la vida, y nos da las diferencias que vemos en el mundo de los dinosaurios hacia el final, justo antes del impacto del meteoro."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now Damien knows all about condoms, but he doesn't sell them.","es":"Ahora Damien sabe todo sobre condones pero no los vende."} {"gender":"male","en":"My story of Nigeria growing up was very different from the story I encountered in prison, and I had no language for it.","es":"Mi historia creciendo en Nigeria fue muy diferente de la historia que encontr\u00e9 en prisi\u00f3n, y yo no ten\u00eda lenguaje para eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I find this very much disturbing when we're talking about what's going on right and wrong with democracy these days.","es":"Y esto me parece muy inquietante al hablar de lo bueno y malo de la actual democracia."} {"gender":"female","en":"Or they say, \"That sounds totally horrifying.","es":"O dicen: \"Suena horrible."} {"gender":"male","en":"That one took me approximately six weeks.","es":"Ese me llev\u00f3 cerca de seis semanas."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was like, \"What does that mean?\"","es":"\"\u00bfY eso?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And two months later I was teaching a class.","es":"Y dos meses m\u00e1s tarde, estaba dando una clase."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And America is still paying the price for the botched emancipation of 1865.","es":"Y Am\u00e9rica a\u00fan est\u00e1 pagando el precio de la fallida emancipaci\u00f3n de 1865."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So the Spelling Spider is a cousin of the spelling bee. But it's much more connected to the Web.","es":"La ara\u00f1a ortogr\u00e1fica es prima de la abeja ortogr\u00e1fica. Pero est\u00e1 mucho m\u00e1s pegada a la Red."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, you know, and I have lots of wonderful-looking friends.","es":"Bueno, yo tengo muchos amigos bien parecidos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Actually, probably about 15,000 children are being trained as we speak.","es":"En realidad aproximadamente 15,000 ni\u00f1os se entrenan mientras hablamos."} {"gender":"female","en":"My head was too full of noise, too full of orange trees and law memos I could not write and mass murders I knew I would be responsible for.","es":"Mi cabeza estaba llena de ruidos, de naranjos, y memos legales que no pod\u00eda escribir y asesinatos en masa de los que sab\u00eda ser\u00eda responsable."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The shield laws are our laws, pretty much a patchwork of state laws, that prevent a journalist from having to betray a source.","es":"Las \"Leyes escudo\" son nuestras leyes, realmente un mosaico de leyes estatales, que impiden que un periodista deba revelar una fuente ."} {"gender":"female","en":"So fetuses are even learning about the particular language that's spoken in the world that they'll be born into.","es":"Los fetos aprenden el idioma particular que se habla en el mundo en el que nacer\u00e1n."} {"gender":"male","en":"I guess we seem to be doing at least a few things right.","es":"Creo que estamos haciendo algunas cosas bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"They're what I'm calling here the \"gerontology approach\" and the \"geriatrics approach.\"","es":"Est\u00e1n lo que llamo el enfoque gerontol\u00f3gico y el enfoque geri\u00e1trico."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's exotic, it's alien, but yet strangely Earth-like, and having Earth-like geological formations and a tremendous geographical diversity, and is a fascinating world whose only rival in the solar system for complexity and richness is the Earth itself.","es":"Es ex\u00f3tico, es alien\u00edgena, pero es tambi\u00e9n extra\u00f1amente similar a la Tierra, y teniendo formaciones geol\u00f3gicas similares a la tierra y una gran diversidad geogr\u00e1fica, y es un mundo fascinante que tiene como rival \u00fanico en el sistema solar en complejidad y riqueza es la misma Tierra."} {"gender":"female","en":"I grew up with the sounds of war, the staccato sounds of gunfire, the wrenching booms of explosions, ominous drones of jets flying overhead and the wailing warning sounds of sirens.","es":"Crec\u00ed con los sonidos de la guerra: los sonidos entrecortados de los disparos, los estruendos desgarradores de las explosiones, los zumbidos siniestros del sobrevuelo de aviones y el lamento de las alertas de las sirenas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I promise.","es":"Lo prometo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I would never talk to a friend.","es":"Nunca podr\u00eda hablar con un amigo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, you need to read the details of your mammography report.","es":"Bueno, hay que leer los detalles del informe mamogr\u00e1fico."} {"gender":"female","en":"Even Siri was actually funded by DARPA.","es":"Incluso Siri fue financiado por DARPA."} {"gender":"male","en":"That seems so preventable not because I was an expert in criminal law, but because it was common sense.","es":"Parece tan evitable no porque yo fuera un experto en derecho penal, sino porque era de sentido com\u00fan."} {"gender":"female","en":"It can be incremental, or it can be breakthrough.","es":"Puede ser incremental o disruptiva."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I went out there and made it to the Big East, which was sort of the championship race at the end of the season. It was really, really hot.","es":"Y as\u00ed logr\u00e9 y me dirig\u00ed al Este el cual era algo as\u00ed como una carrera de campeonato al final de la temporada, y realmente hac\u00eda mucho calor."} {"gender":"male","en":"I will get more attention.","es":"Conseguir\u00e9 m\u00e1s atenci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the legacy of that is a system that we were designing: an entirely sealed system to grow plants to grow on Mars.","es":"Y el legado de esto es un sistema que est\u00e1bamos dise\u00f1ando. Un sistema totalmente sellado para cultivar plantas en Marte."} {"gender":"male","en":"Like I think we really put up with a lot of crap with our computers.","es":"Digo, pienso que aguantamos muchas tonter\u00edas de nuestras computadoras."} {"gender":"male","en":"So sometimes I get invited to give weird talks.","es":"A veces me invitan a dar charlas extra\u00f1as."} {"gender":"male","en":"I grew up in Oakland, California, with my mother and members of my immediate family addicted to crack cocaine.","es":"Crec\u00ed en Oakland, California, con mi madre y y familiares cercanos adictos a la coca\u00edna."} {"gender":"male","en":"We begin to opt out.","es":"Decidimos ignorarlas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's what I want to focus on, the one who takes the best part of the meat.","es":"Y eso es en lo que quiero centrarme el que toma la mejor parte de la carne."} {"gender":"male","en":"Can I confront my coworker who keeps stepping on my toes?","es":"\u00bfPuedo llamar la atenci\u00f3n del compa\u00f1ero de trabajo cuando se mete en mis asuntos?"} {"gender":"female","en":"This is the front of the brain, the back of brain with the spinal cord hanging down, and this is how it would be positioned inside of my head.","es":"Esta es la parte frontal del cerebro, la parte posterior con la m\u00e9dula espinal colgando y \u00e9sta es la ubicaci\u00f3n en el interior de la cabeza."} {"gender":"female","en":"The third multipotentialite superpower is adaptability; that is, the ability to morph into whatever you need to be in a given situation.","es":"El tercer superpoder multipotencial es la adaptabilidad. Es decir, la capacidad de transformarse en cualquier cosa que se necesite en una situaci\u00f3n dada."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"BG: Thank you.","es":"BG: Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"Late that night, I heard my mother begging my father, \"Please do something Ramu.","es":"M\u00e1s tarde esa noche, escuch\u00e9 a mi madre rogar a mi padre, Por favor, haz algo, Ramu."} {"gender":"female","en":"Feminist psychologists like Joan Chrisler have suggested that taking on the label of PMS allows women to express emotions that would otherwise be considered unladylike.","es":"Psic\u00f3logas feministas como Joan Chrisler han sugerido que con la etiqueta del SPM se pueden expresar de una forma que, que de otra manera, podr\u00eda considerarse impropia de se\u00f1oras."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's like that initial stage is over, oneness: infancy, unformed, primitive.","es":"Ese estado inicial tiene un fin, esa unicidad: la primera infancia, ese estado sin forma y primitivo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So my collaborator Erez and I were considering the following fact: that two kings separated by centuries will speak a very different language.","es":"Erez, mi colaborador, y yo consideramos el siguiente hecho: que dos reyes separados por siglos hablar\u00edan un idioma muy diferente."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I connect them with the services that they need once they're released from jail and prison so they can make a positive transition back into society.","es":"As\u00ed que les conecto con los servicios que necesitan una vez que son liberados de la c\u00e1rcel y de la prisi\u00f3n para que puedan hacer una transici\u00f3n positiva a la sociedad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They also recalled how some paths smelled and sounded.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n recordaron los olores y sonidos de algunos caminos."} {"gender":"female","en":"This idea is not new.","es":"La idea no es nueva."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's a space where citizens can voice their discontent and show their power.","es":"Es un espacio donde los ciudadanos pueden expresar su descontento y demostrar su poder."} {"gender":"female","en":"So it means young couples will have to support four parents who have a life expectancy of 73 years old.","es":"Eso significa que las parejas j\u00f3venes tendr\u00e1n que ayudar a cuatro padres que tienen expectativas de vida de 73 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"We are participating in the degradation of humans.","es":"Estamos participando en la degradaci\u00f3n de humanos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"People were incredibly drawn.","es":"La gente se sent\u00eda atra\u00edda."} {"gender":"female","en":"Audience: Show me the data!","es":"P\u00fabico: \u00a1Mu\u00e9streme los datos!"} {"gender":"female","en":"We were asking: What are some of the unintended consequences of linking our genetics to health care?","es":"Nos est\u00e1bamos preguntando cu\u00e1les son algunas de las consecuencias no deseadas de vincular nuestra gen\u00e9tica al cuidado de la salud."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's bigger than the anti-apartheid movement.","es":"Es m\u00e1s grande que el movimiento anti-apartheid."} {"gender":"female","en":"Do you know how hard that is to avoid when you actually work at Facebook?","es":"\u00bfSaben lo dif\u00edcil que es evitar esto cuando en realidad trabajas en Facebook?"} {"gender":"female","en":"He doesn't remember if he stole my chocolate bar, but he remembers the year of release for every song on my iPod, conversations we had when he was four, weeing on my arm on the first ever episode of Teletubbies, and Lady Gaga's birthday.","es":"No recuerda si me rob\u00f3 mi chocolatina, pero recuerda el a\u00f1o en que sali\u00f3 cada una de las canciones de mi iPod, conversaciones que mantuvimos cuando ten\u00eda 4 a\u00f1os, hacerse pip\u00ed en mi brazo durante el primer episodio de los Teletubbies y el cumplea\u00f1os de Lady Gaga."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Wow, this is bright.","es":"\u00a1Guau! Esto es brillante."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They control the conversation.","es":"Controlan la conversaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"The protagonists of this story are a young woman, Rose Mapendo, and her children.","es":"Las protagonistas de esta historia son una mujer joven, Rose Mapendo, y sus hijos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've spent the last two years trying to deconstruct the American public school system, to either fix it or replace it.","es":"He pasado los \u00faltimos dos a\u00f1os tratando de deconstruir el sistema americano de escuelas p\u00fablicas, para arreglarlo o reemplazarlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here we are at the orbit of Uranus.","es":"Aqu\u00ed estamos en la \u00f3rbita de Urano."} {"gender":"female","en":"They'd rotate who'd cleaned and who'd watch the kids.","es":"Se rotaban qui\u00e9n limpiar\u00eda y qui\u00e9n cuidar\u00eda a los ni\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"He said what scientists do when a paradigm fails is, guess what, they carry on as if nothing had happened.","es":"DIjo que lo que hacen los cient\u00edficos cuando falla un paradigma, es, adivinen, continuar como si nada pasara."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because when policies and infrastructure fail, this is what happens on a daily basis.","es":"Porque cuando fallan las pol\u00edticas y la infraestructura, eso es lo que sucede a diario."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's really too boring whether you feel like this or like that, or what, you know, and the more you focus on how you feel, by the way, the worse it gets.","es":"Es realmente muy aburrido sentirse as\u00ed, de esa u otra manera. Ya saben, y mientras m\u00e1s te enfocas en c\u00f3mo te sientes, por cierto, se siente peor."} {"gender":"female","en":"Life necessitates a universal world, however, we believe in the security of having a local identity.","es":"La vida necesita un mundo universal y, sin embargo, creemos en la seguridad de una identidad local."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now what does that mean?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 quiere decir eso?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And I said, \"So, you believe the Native Americans are descended from a people who were totally evil?\"","es":"Y dije, \"Entonces, ustedes creen que los nativos americanos descienden de unas personas que eran totalmente malas?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"So I'll just give you one example, and that is in vitro fertilization.","es":"Les dar\u00e9 un ejemplo, y es de la fertilizaci\u00f3n in vitro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's not parents' fault that they harbor feelings of favoritism.","es":"No es culpa de los padres que alberguen sentimientos de favoritismo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I can feel the skin.","es":"As\u00ed puedo sentir la piel."} {"gender":"male","en":"Still in his mid-50s, he suffered severe osteoarthritis.","es":"Todav\u00eda en sus cincuentas sufri\u00f3 una osteoartritis severa."} {"gender":"female","en":"So thank you very much.","es":"As\u00ed que, muchas gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"All this time you're really, hunger is a hard thing to think about, because what we think about is eating.","es":"Usualmente, cuando se piensa acerca de la hambruna, es dif\u00edcil ya que tendemos a pensar en comer."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was gasping for air.","es":"Me faltaba el aire."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's where we find Islamic majority.","es":"Ah\u00ed es donde se encuentra la mayor\u00eda isl\u00e1mica."} {"gender":"female","en":"And what's happened in the past year alone is the dairy industry, where this card's used for milk and yogurt and eggs and hummus, the dairy industry has gone up 30 percent.","es":"Y lo que sucedi\u00f3 con la industria l\u00e1ctea, solo el a\u00f1o pasado, donde se usa la tarjeta para leche, yogurt, huevos y fertilizantes, es que esa industria creci\u00f3 en 30 %."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'll lead you through, to see how this happens.","es":"Os lo ense\u00f1ar\u00e9 para que ve\u00e1is como funciona."} {"gender":"male","en":"So these are some of the pictures that, in fact, I used when I testified, but more importantly were, to me as a scientist, are those readings, the photometer readings, which I can then convert into actual predictions of the visual capability of the human eye under those circumstances, and from my readings that I recorded at the scene under the same solar and lunar conditions at the same time, so on and so forth, right, I could predict that there would be no reliable color perception, which is crucial for face recognition, and that there would be only scotopic vision, which means there would be very little resolution, what we call boundary or edge detection, and that furthermore, because the eyes would have been totally dilated under this light, the depth of field, the distance at which you can focus and see details, would have been less than 18 inches away.","es":"As\u00ed que estos son algunos de los cuadros que, de hecho, us\u00e9 cuando testifiqu\u00e9; pero lo m\u00e1s importante era, para m\u00ed como cient\u00edfico, aquellas lecturas, las lecturas del fot\u00f3metro, que luego se pueden convertir en predicciones reales de la capacidad visual del ojo humano en esas circunstancias. Y de mis lecturas registradas en el lugar en las mismas condiciones solares y lunares a la misma hora, etc. pude predecir que no hab\u00eda ninguna percepci\u00f3n fiable del color, lo que resulta crucial para el reconocimiento facial, y que hab\u00eda solamente visi\u00f3n escot\u00f3pica, lo que significa que hab\u00eda una resoluci\u00f3n muy baja, lo que llamamos l\u00edmite de la detecci\u00f3n de bordes, y que, adem\u00e1s, debido a que los ojos habr\u00edan estado totalmente dilatados bajo esta luz, la profundidad de campo, la distancia a la que se puede enfocar y ver los detalles, hubiera sido inferior a 18 cm de distancia."} {"gender":"female","en":"And this is one of the blackout spaces where there's a video piece that became totally not useful.","es":"Y \u00e9ste es uno de los espacios a oscuras donde hab\u00eda una obra en video que se volvi\u00f3 completamente in\u00fatil."} {"gender":"female","en":"French parents were more likely to say things like, \"Noah was here for so little time, but he taught us so much.","es":"Era m\u00e1s probable que los padres franceses dijeran cosas como: \"Noah estuvo aqu\u00ed por tan poco tiempo pero nos ense\u00f1\u00f3 tanto.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"Radiant, as in self-sustaining.","es":"Radiante, como autosuficiente."} {"gender":"female","en":"You're going to do this out loud, as fast as you can, starting with 996.","es":"Van a hacer esto en voz alta tan r\u00e1pido como puedan, empezando por 996."} {"gender":"female","en":"We know that trees are static entities when we look at their trunks.","es":"Sabemos que los \u00e1rboles son entidades est\u00e1ticas con s\u00f3lo mirar sus troncos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And they had a canary hung inside the thing to make sure the Germans weren't going to use gas.","es":"Y llevaban un canario en el interior para asegurarse de que los alemanes no usasen gas."} {"gender":"female","en":"I embody the central paradox.","es":"Yo personifico la gran paradoja."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I think what we're seeing now, increasingly, is a divide in all the Western democracies between the people who want to stop at nation, the people who are more parochial, and I don't mean that in a bad way, people who have much more of a sense of being rooted, they care about their town, their community and their nation.","es":"Pero creo que lo que vemos ahora cada vez m\u00e1s, es una brecha en todas las democracias occidentales entre las personas que quieren parar en la naci\u00f3n, las personas que son m\u00e1s comunales, \u2014y no me refiero a esto como mala opci\u00f3n\u2014 las personas que tienen m\u00e1s sentido de arraigo, que se preocupan por su ciudad, su comunidad y su naci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"I love this term.","es":"Me encanta este t\u00e9rmino."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I went back and became an academic at Melbourne's Monash University, and for those 25 years, tape recorders were everything to me.","es":"Bueno, volv\u00ed y me convert\u00ed en un acad\u00e9mico en la Universidad Monash de Melbourne, y por esos 25 a\u00f1os, las grabadoras eran todo para m\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"Three years ago, I was standing about a hundred yards from Chernobyl nuclear reactor number four.","es":"Hace tres a\u00f1os, me encontraba a unos 100 metros del reactor n\u00famero 4 de Chern\u00f3bil."} {"gender":"female","en":"They could present that certificate to a prospective employer and get a better job, and we know many students who did.","es":"Lo pod\u00edan presentar a un posible empleador para obtener un mejor empleo, y conocemos a muchos que lo hicieron."} {"gender":"male","en":"And space is a great example of that.","es":"Y el espacio es un gran ejemplo de esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"I want to introduce the creators, Alex and Daniel, who created this video.","es":"Quiero presentarles a los creadores, Alex y Daniel, ellos crearon el video."} {"gender":"male","en":"Tom Otterness contributed, Maira Kalman contributed and it became this cathartic experience for us.","es":"Tom Otterness contribuy\u00f3, Maira Kalman contribuy\u00f3 y se convirti\u00f3 en una experiencia cat\u00e1rtica para nosotros."} {"gender":"female","en":"When we compare those hundred years of video, we're comparing it against millions of reference files in our database.","es":"Al comparar esos cientos de a\u00f1os de video, los comparamos con millones de archivos en nuestra base de datos."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, when I look at creativity, I also think that it is this sense or this inability to repress, my looking at associations in practically anything in life.","es":"As\u00ed que cuando miro a la creatividad, creo que es tambi\u00e9n este sentido o esta incapacidad para reprimir mi mirada asoci\u00e1ndola a pr\u00e1cticamente cualquier cosa en mi vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the first idea I got was to use fire, because I thought lions were scared of fire.","es":"Mi primera idea fue usar fuego, porque pens\u00e9 que a los leones les daba miedo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You have about 30,000 genes.","es":"Usted tiene unos 30.000 genes."} {"gender":"female","en":"I could have easily made it into a projection, or a Google Glass, or something like that.","es":"Yo pod\u00eda haber hecho una proyecci\u00f3n o usar Google Glass, o algo as\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"So what comes next?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfqu\u00e9 viene despu\u00e9s?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean you probably saw these headlines.","es":"Supongo que ya habr\u00e1n le\u00eddo estos titulares."} {"gender":"female","en":"The third thing was loss-making enterprises.","es":"Lo tercero son las empresas deficitarias."} {"gender":"female","en":"I've spent most of my career studying this phenomenon called bioluminescence.","es":"Pas\u00e9 la mayor parte de mi carrera estudiando este fen\u00f3meno llamado bioluminiscencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"The first two are the MacroBot and DeciBot.","es":"Los primeros dos son el MacroBot y el DeciBot."} {"gender":"male","en":"The jumpmasters start to check the door.","es":"El maestro de salto empieza a revisar la puerta."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's the embrace of loss, the oldest and most constant of human experiences.","es":"Hay que aceptar la p\u00e9rdida, la experiencia humana m\u00e1s antigua y constante."} {"gender":"male","en":"It says, I'll put on the voice, \"In summary, your Majesty, the failure to foresee the timing, extent and severity of the crisis was due to the lack of creativity and the number of bright minds,\" or something like that.","es":"Y dice as\u00ed, Voy a poner la voz, \"En resumen, su Majestad, el fallo en prevenir el tiempo, alcance y severidad de la crisis se debi\u00f3 a la falta de creatividad y al n\u00famero de mentes brillantes\", o algo por el estilo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Malawi is one of the poorest countries, very poor, where gender equality is questionable.","es":"Malaui es uno de los pa\u00edses m\u00e1s pobres, muy pobre, y donde la igualdad de g\u00e9nero es cuestionable."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And the latest prediction of the UN puts that population number, by the end of this century, at 11 billion, which means that we are going to need a lot more protein.","es":"Y la \u00faltima predicci\u00f3n de la ONU pone n\u00famero a esa poblaci\u00f3n, a finales de este siglo, 11 000 millones, lo que significa que necesitaremos mucha m\u00e1s prote\u00edna."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's very simple.","es":"Es muy simple."} {"gender":"female","en":"And using this intense study of individuals, we find that it's not one particular generation that's doing better than the others, but the same individuals over time come to report relatively greater positive experience.","es":"A la luz de los estudios sobre estos individuos, descubrimos que no se trataba de una generaci\u00f3n en particular que fuese mejor que las otras sino que los mismos individuos ten\u00edan experiencias relativamente mejores con el paso del tiempo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Africa will continue to rise.","es":"\u00c1frica seguir\u00e1 creciendo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The phone rings anyway, he's called to the palazzo.","es":"Suena el tel\u00e9fono - le llaman de palacio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And beyond medicine, biofabrication can be a humane, sustainable and scalable new industry.","es":"Y m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de la medicina, la biofabricaci\u00f3n puede ser una industria nueva que es humanitaria, sostenible y escalable."} {"gender":"female","en":"But it begins with a journey that I myself have made, asking hard questions of received wisdoms in sexual life.","es":"Pero comienza con un viaje que yo ya he hecho, cuestionar duramente las creencias heredadas sobre la vida sexual."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the GDP in Africa is not making much progress.","es":"Y el PBI de \u00c1frica no est\u00e1 progresando mucho."} {"gender":"male","en":"Asking for your bank details.","es":"Pidi\u00e9ndote la informaci\u00f3n de tu banco."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's been pounded for a billion years with a lot of energy to make it have all that energy contained in it.","es":"Ha sido acu\u00f1ado por mucha energ\u00eda durante mil millones de a\u00f1os para lograr que tenga toda esa energ\u00eda contenida en el."} {"gender":"male","en":"I started taking a look as well at different perimeters, because you can choose what you want to pull out from the data.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n empec\u00e9 a mirar diferentes par\u00e1metros, porque pueden elegir qu\u00e9 quieren obtener de los datos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, I guess my theme on this is this guy lived his life to the fullest, he absolutely did.","es":"Creo que lo que quiero decir con esto es que este tipo vivi\u00f3 su vida al m\u00e1ximo, con absoluta plenitud."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In Sweden, opinion surveys show that significantly more people want sex workers to be arrested now than before the law was brought in.","es":"En Suecia, las encuestas de opini\u00f3n muestran que muchas m\u00e1s personas quieren que se arreste a profesionales del sexo que antes de adoptar la ley."} {"gender":"female","en":"I write numeric models that run on supercomputers.","es":"Yo escribo modelos num\u00e9ricos que funcionan en super computadoras."} {"gender":"female","en":"Humans live 400 years now, and we still die.","es":"Los humanos vivimos hasta 400 a\u00f1os, y seguimos muriendo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"I tell her story to everyone because she represents one of millions of HIV\/AIDS orphans.","es":"Le cuento su historia a todo el mundo porque ella representa uno de los millones de hu\u00e9rfanos del VIH\/SIDA."} {"gender":"male","en":"And as teachers, after you get all the answers, you like to give them the correct answer.","es":"Y como profesores, siempre consigues todas las respuestas, quieres darles la respuesta correcta."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I pulled out my little PDA, and I said, \"Okay, let's look up my appointments for September 12th.\"","es":"Saqu\u00e9 mi peque\u00f1o asistente digital y le dije: \"Bueno, veamos mis citas del 12 de septiembre\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Always before I'd thought of it as a portrait of a girl. Now I began to think of it as a portrait of a relationship.","es":"Siempre pens\u00e9 que era el retrato de una ni\u00f1a; ahora creo que es el retrato de una relaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But we can get started by designing clothes with their death in mind.","es":"Pero podemos empezar dise\u00f1ando prendas con la idea de que alguna vez les llegar\u00e1 su fin."} {"gender":"female","en":"I held two assumptions: One, that poor people are poor in part because they're uneducated and don't make good choices; two is that we then need people like me to figure out what they need and get it to them.","es":"Ten\u00eda dos supuestos: uno, que los pobres son pobres en parte porque no tienen educaci\u00f3n y no toman buenas decisiones; dos, es que necesitan gente como yo para saber qu\u00e9 necesitan y consegu\u00edrselos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, Sylvia Earle turned me on to this exact same coral.","es":"Sylvia Earle me indujo a estudiar este mismo coral."} {"gender":"female","en":"The biggest penis-to-body-size ratio in the animal kingdom actually belongs to the meager beach barnacle, and this video is actually showing you what the human penis would look like if it were the same size as that of a barnacle.","es":"El mayor pene en proporci\u00f3n al cuerpo en el reino animal pertenece en realidad al percebe magro de playa y este video muestra en realidad c\u00f3mos ser\u00eda el pene humano si fuera del mismo tama\u00f1o que el de un percebe."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is what I say.","es":"Esto es lo que les pido."} {"gender":"male","en":"I still make lots of stupid mistakes, but I'm incredibly good at apologizing now, and at acknowledging what somebody was right about.","es":"Todav\u00eda cometo muchos errores est\u00fapidos, pero ahora soy muy bueno disculp\u00e1ndome, y reconociendo que alguien ten\u00eda raz\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"In liquids, they can cruise and cuddle and link up to form molecules.","es":"En los l\u00edquidos, pueden cruzarse y abrazarse y se unen para formar mol\u00e9culas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I thought, in two days' time, I was going to do this swim across the North Pole.","es":"Y pens\u00e9, en dos d\u00edas voy a hacer este nado a trav\u00e9s del Polo Norte."} {"gender":"female","en":"It doesn't work all the time.","es":"No funciona todo el tiempo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Even Nicole Kidman doesn't wake up in the morning glamorous.","es":"Incluso Nicole Kidman no se levanta por la ma\u00f1ana glamurosa."} {"gender":"female","en":"That was a turning point for my life.","es":"Eso fue un un momento decisivo para mi vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I got in the water with them, and I was amazed at how curious they were.","es":"Y me met\u00ed al agua con ellas, y me fascin\u00f3 lo curiosas que eran."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you ask, what is the big difference between women and men physiologically?","es":"Si me preguntan: \u00bfcu\u00e1l es la gran diferencia entre un hombre y una mujer en t\u00e9rminos fisiol\u00f3gicos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, I love this species despite the fact that it tried to kill us, and that's because this species in Madagascar, its closest relatives are 6,000 kilometers away, cavefishes in Australia.","es":"En fin, a pesar de que intentara matarnos, le tengo cari\u00f1o a esta especie porque estos peces de Madagascar tienen a sus parientes m\u00e1s cercanos a 6 000 km., en una cueva en Australia."} {"gender":"female","en":"ST: So for the moment, we can't really say if it's just the running itself, but we think that anything that indeed will increase the production, or moving the blood flow to the brain, should be beneficial.","es":"ST: De momento, no podemos decir realmente si es solo correr, pero creemos que cualquier cosa que aumente la producci\u00f3n o mueva el flujo sangu\u00edneo al cerebro deber\u00eda ser beneficiosa."} {"gender":"female","en":"We are talking about the high seas.","es":"Estamos hablando sobre alta mar."} {"gender":"female","en":"So that's the part that is modular in the system; everything else stays the same.","es":"Esa es la parte modular del sistema; todo lo dem\u00e1s queda igual."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you were black, it was a summer of hate.","es":"Si eras negro, era un verano de odio."} {"gender":"male","en":"The guy who I interviewed who owns them did say that he's gotten a lot of pleasure out of them, so","es":"Asegur\u00f3 el due\u00f1o de estos palos en la entrevista que los palos le han hecho muy feliz, as\u00ed que"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If one kid plays \"store,\" and another one\u2019s playing \"house,\" then the whole kind of play falls down.","es":"Si uno juega a las tiendas y otro a las casitas, todo el juego se viene abajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'll never forget the day I was called in by a member of top management and told to stop associating with any known or suspected environmentalists.","es":"Nunca olvidar\u00e9 el d\u00eda en que me llamaron de la alta direcci\u00f3n para decirme que dejara de reunirme con los que fueran o se sospechara que fueran ambientalistas."} {"gender":"male","en":"There were other moments like that, very few moments of silence.","es":"Hubo otros momentos como \u00e9sos, muy pocos momentos de silencio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So imagine that you make a solution full of this sticky material and inject it into the veins of someone who has cancer, everything's going to get lit up.","es":"As\u00ed que imaginen que tienen una soluci\u00f3n repleta de este material pegajoso y se la inyectan en las venas de alguien con c\u00e1ncer, todo quedar\u00e1 pintado."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm not saying that's a bad idea; we just need to understand the numbers.","es":"Y no estoy diciendo que sea mala idea. S\u00f3lo necesitamos entender los n\u00fameros."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's what I do. I interview and do portraits.","es":"Eso es lo que hago, entrevisto y hago retratos."} {"gender":"male","en":"This would be, again, a very low-cost solution if implemented from the start, low cost, pleasant transit with natural sunlight.","es":"Repito, ser\u00eda un soluci\u00f3n de muy bajo costo si la aplicamos desde el principio. Un transporte agradable, de bajo costo y con luz natural."} {"gender":"male","en":"So let me fast-forward through the rest of my day.","es":"Voy a ir r\u00e1pidamente por el resto de mi d\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Eventually, after a period of six months of brutal war and a toll rate of almost 50,000 dead, we managed to liberate our country and to topple the tyrant.","es":"Finalmente, despu\u00e9s de un per\u00edodo de seis meses de guerra brutal y unas p\u00e9rdidas de aproximadamente 50 mil muertos, logramos liberar nuestro pa\u00eds y derrocar al tirano."} {"gender":"male","en":"What would I be? Me! If Emma never rescued me? What would I be? What would I be?","es":"\u00a1De m\u00ed! \u00bfSi Emma nunca me hubiera rescatado a m\u00ed? \u00bfQu\u00e9 ser\u00eda de m\u00ed? \u00bfQu\u00e9 ser\u00eda de m\u00ed?"} {"gender":"male","en":"It is so massive that the light passing through it is being bent, it's being distorted by the extreme gravity of this cluster.","es":"Es tan grande que la luz que pasa a trav\u00e9s de \u00e9l se dobla, se distorsiona por la enorme gravedad de este c\u00famulo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I love that number.","es":"Me encanta ese n\u00famero."} {"gender":"male","en":"You remember that I told you, when I received the farm from my parents that was my paradise, that was the farm.","es":"Recuerdan que les dije, que cuando recib\u00ed la granja de mis padres ese era mi para\u00edso, esa era la granja."} {"gender":"female","en":"So that is where, for me, I understood that objectivity means giving all sides an equal hearing and talking to all sides, but not treating all sides equally, not creating a forced moral equivalence or a factual equivalence.","es":"As\u00ed es que para m\u00ed, comprend\u00ed que la objetividad significa darle a todos los lados una voz y hablar con ambos lados, pero no tratar a todos los lados por igual, no crear una equivalencia moral forzada o una equivalencia f\u00e1ctica."} {"gender":"male","en":"I had just dropped out of Stanford University, and I went from Tunis to Kisangani to Cairo and learned how to live on 10 dollars a day.","es":"Acababa de dejar la Universidad de Stanford; fui de T\u00fanez a Kisangani, hasta El Cairo y aprend\u00ed a vivir con 10 d\u00f3lares por d\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"I led a five-year National Geographic expedition, the Sustainable Seas expeditions, using these little subs. They're so simple to drive that even a scientist can do it.","es":"Conduje una expedici\u00f3n de cinco a\u00f1os para National Geographic, las Expediciones Sustainable Seas, usando estos peque\u00f1os submarinos, que son tan simples de conducir que hasta un cient\u00edfico lo puede hacer."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's in Manhattan. You're in Central Park, it's kind of irrelevant, but the cable looks one-dimensional from a distant viewpoint, but you and I all know that it does have some thickness.","es":"Est\u00e1n en Manhattan, en Central Park, es irrelevante, el cable parece unidimensional visto de lejos, pero todos sabemos que el cable tiene espesor."} {"gender":"male","en":"Your power determines your range.","es":"Tu poder determina los l\u00edmites."} {"gender":"female","en":"Love makes us crazy, and it makes us sick.","es":"El amor nos enloquece, y nos enferma."} {"gender":"female","en":"Then these farmers can still replant and can get a harvest this season.\"","es":"As\u00ed los agricultores podr\u00e1n volver a plantar y tendr\u00e1n una cosecha esta temporada\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And she said, \"Well, now that I can walk again, I can go back and complete my studies.\"","es":"Y dijo: \"Bueno, ahora que puedo andar de nuevo, puedo regresar y terminar mis estudios\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"You're talking about your bridges, your pipelines, your ports, wiped out.","es":"Estamos hablando de puentes, oleoductos, puertos; devastaci\u00f3n total."} {"gender":"female","en":"MB: I love that, yes.","es":"MB: Me encanta eso, s\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I saw this person across the street, and I was thinking, \"Oh great, black guy.\"","es":"Y vi a esta persona al otro lado de la calle, y pensaba, \"Oh bien, un negro\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"For example, true story: Just a few weeks ago, this cab driver, upon finding out that a friend and I were in town for a game developers' conference, turned around and said, and I quote, \"I hate games.","es":"Por ejemplo, una historia ver\u00eddica: hace pocas semanas, este taxista, al enterarse de que mi amigo y yo est\u00e1bamos en la ciudad para una conferencia de desarrolladores de juegos, se dio vuelta y dijo, cito: \"Odio los juegos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They wrote almost 1,000 pages on the topic, and all of those pages were reviewed by another 400-plus scientists and reviewers from 113 countries.","es":"Escribieron casi mil p\u00e1ginas sobre el tema. Y todas esas p\u00e1ginas fueron revisadas por m\u00e1s de otros 400 cient\u00edficos y revisores, de 113 pa\u00edses."} {"gender":"female","en":"Around the same time I was writing this paper, I met with a colleague of mine, Jason Wright, and he was also writing a paper on Kepler data.","es":"Casi al mismo tiempo que yo escrib\u00eda este art\u00edculo, me encontr\u00e9 con un colega m\u00edo, Jason Wright, que tambi\u00e9n estaba escribiendo un art\u00edculo sobre datos de Kepler."} {"gender":"female","en":"We call it rocketcam.","es":"La llamamos, la \"rocketcam\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Percy Spencer was a physicist working on radar during World War II, when he noticed the magnetron was melting his chocolate bar.","es":"El f\u00edsico Percy Spencer investigaba sobre el radar durante la 2\u00aa Guerra Mundial, cuando not\u00f3 que el magnetr\u00f3n derret\u00eda su barra de chocolate."} {"gender":"female","en":"When my principal goes to a meeting at headquarters, these are exactly the things which are discussed.\"","es":"Cuando mi director asiste a una reuni\u00f3n en la sede, estas son exactamente las cosas que se discuten\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, that fascinated me endlessly as a child, but what fascinates me even more today as an economist is that some of these same differences carry through to how languages speak about time.","es":"Eso me fascin\u00f3 infinitamente cuando era ni\u00f1o, pero lo que me fascina a\u00fan m\u00e1s hoy como economista es que algunas de estas mismas diferencias se mantienen en la manera en que los idiomas se refieren al tiempo."} {"gender":"female","en":"The first time, nothing will happen, because the system has no idea how he thinks about \"pull.\"","es":"La primera vez, nada va a suceder, porque el sistema no tiene idea de como \u00e9l imagina \"atraer\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"We cannot believe that they have our best interests at heart.","es":"No podemos creer que ellos saben lo que nos conviene."} {"gender":"female","en":"And we heard from Sunitha yesterday, and Kavita about what we do to girls.","es":"Y como escuchamos de Sunitha ayer. y Kavita acerca de lo que hacemos a las chicas."} {"gender":"female","en":"I've been temporarily detained.","es":"He estado detenida temporalmente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I finally decided I needed to lose weight, and I knew I could because I'd done it so many times before, so I simply stopped eating as much.","es":"Bueno, finalmente resolv\u00ed que necesitaba perder peso, y sab\u00eda que pod\u00eda lograrlo, lo hab\u00eda hecho tantas veces antes, as\u00ed que simplemente dej\u00e9 de comer tanto."} {"gender":"female","en":"It appears that this ideology was actually very efficient in pacifying us as political and social thinkers.","es":"Aparentemente esta ideolog\u00eda fue en realidad muy eficiente para pacificarnos como pensadores pol\u00edticos y sociales."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm sure many of you know the feeling.","es":"Seguramente muchos entiendan la frustraci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Tendai Mugwagwa: My name is Tendai Mugwagwa.","es":"Tendai Mugwagwa: Mi nombre es Tendai Mugwagwa."} {"gender":"female","en":"Stay with me.","es":"Qu\u00e9date."} {"gender":"female","en":"Today, I, as the mother of a six-year-old, walk into Barnes and Noble, and see this.","es":"Como madre de un ni\u00f1o de 6 a\u00f1os, hoy d\u00eda entro a Barnes y Noble y veo esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I've found that if you're a theater person, you have outdoor street theater festivals.","es":"As\u00ed que si he visto que eres una persona de teatro, tienes que actuar en los festivales de teatro al aire libre."} {"gender":"male","en":"The last one I thought was really, really cool, and I just had to show it to you, it's probably not something that you're going to lose sleep over like the cars or the defibrillators, but it's stealing keystrokes.","es":"Finalmente, el \u00faltimo caso es algo que creo que es algo genial, y ten\u00eda que mostr\u00e1rselos, probablemente no es algo por lo que Uds. dejar\u00e1n de dormir como los autos o los desfibriladores, pero est\u00e1 robando tecleadas."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's protecting five World Heritage sites.","es":"Es la protecci\u00f3n de 5 sitios del Patrimonio Mundial."} {"gender":"female","en":"So to paraphrase Marx: Women make change, but not in circumstances of their own choosing.","es":"As\u00ed que, parafraseando a Marx: Las mujeres hacen el cambio, pero no en circunstancias de su elecci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Divisions along religious lines are deepening, and we're doubting more and more how much we have in common.","es":"Las divisiones religiosas se est\u00e1n profundizando, y estamos dudando m\u00e1s y m\u00e1s de cu\u00e1nto tenemos en com\u00fan."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's spacial modulation, these are the only technical terms, I'm not going into details, but this is how we enabled that light source to transmit data.","es":"Y es de modulaci\u00f3n espacial son t\u00e9rminos t\u00e9cnicos, no voy a entrar en detalles pero es la forma en que hemos habilitado a esa fuente de luz para transmitir datos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"No one knows who or what he is.","es":"Nadie sabe qui\u00e9n o qu\u00e9 es."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When they came for victims in the night, did you sleep through it or were you roused?","es":"Cuando vinieron a buscar v\u00edctimas en la noche, \u00bfdorm\u00edas o te despertaste?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They have infused societies with kindness, and we have really felt that as woman after woman has stood on this stage in the past day and a half.","es":"Han infundido la bondad en las sociedades y es lo que realmente hemos sentido a medida que una mujer tras otra se ha parado en este escenario en este \u00faltimo d\u00eda y medio."} {"gender":"female","en":"Tan Le: Okay, so let's choose \"pull.\"","es":"Tan Le: Bien. Elijo entonces \"atraer\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"These fossils were deposited in a river system. The river system was also home to a giant, car-sized coelacanth, a monster sawfish, and the skies over the river system were filled with pterosaurs, flying reptiles.","es":"Estos f\u00f3siles fueron depositados en un sistema ribere\u00f1o, que tambi\u00e9n fue hogar del celacanto gigante, del tama\u00f1o de un autom\u00f3vil, del pez sierra monstruoso, y sus cielos estaban cubiertos de pterosaurios, unos reptiles voladores."} {"gender":"male","en":"I want to repeat that part: The Lakota defeat the US army. 1868: The second Fort Laramie Treaty clearly guarantees the sovereignty of the Great Sioux Nation and the Lakotas' ownership of the sacred Black Hills.","es":"Quiero repetir esa parte. Los lakota derrotaron al ej\u00e9rcito de EE.UU. 1868: el segundo tratado de Fort Laramie garantiza claramente la soberan\u00eda de la Gran Naci\u00f3n Sioux y la propiedad lakota de las sagradas Black Hills."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So it's a very solid, very well thought-out, very well grounded system, and it was a bottom-up system, and that was very important with this work, from the bottom up to secure this.","es":"Es algo muy s\u00f3lido, muy bien pensado, un sistema bien conectado a tierra. Y fue un sistema de abajo hacia arriba y eso fue muy importante en este trabajo, de abajo hacia arriba para asegurar esto."} {"gender":"female","en":"It diminishes attention's power.","es":"Disminuye el poder de atenci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"The drastic difference and rigor between these two English classes angered me and spurred questions like, \"Where did all these white people come from?\"","es":"La diferencia dr\u00e1stica y el rigor entre estas dos clases de ingl\u00e9s me enojaron y provocaron preguntas como: \"\u00bfDe d\u00f3nde son todos estos blancos?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"So yeah, it was difficult to explain, but there was a grassroots movement.","es":"Aunque s\u00ed, era dif\u00edcil de explicar, pero hab\u00eda un movimiento de bases."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's a really poor area. I represent Northern Kenya: the most nomadic, remote areas you can even find.","es":"Yo represento al norte de Kenya, es una zona muy pobre una de las m\u00e1s remotas y con m\u00e1s n\u00f3madas que puedes encontrar."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what I'm suggesting is maybe we have the cause and effect wrong on obesity and insulin resistance.","es":"Lo que estoy sugiriendo es que tal vez tengamos la causa y el efecto err\u00f3neos sobre la resistencia a la insulina y la obesidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"All that I ask from you is not to worry about me.\"","es":"Lo \u00fanico que les pido es que no se preocupen por m\u00ed\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, personally I've seen a lot of this struggle with data myself, because I work in computational genetics, which is also a field where lots of very smart people are using unimaginable amounts of data to make pretty serious decisions like deciding on a cancer therapy or developing a drug.","es":"En lo personal, yo mismo he visto esta lucha con los datos, porque trabajo en gen\u00e9tica computacional, un campo en el que hay mucha gente muy inteligente que usa cantidades inimaginables de datos para tomar decisiones muy serias, como decidir sobre un tratamiento de c\u00e1ncer o el desarrollo de un f\u00e1rmaco."} {"gender":"male","en":"I couldn't come up with anything.","es":"No se me ocurr\u00eda nada."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we can think more about things like street grids.","es":"As\u00ed que podemos pensar m\u00e1s en cosas como las cuadr\u00edculas de las calles."} {"gender":"male","en":"Which leads me to think that neither geography nor national character, popular explanations for this kind of thing, are really significant.","es":"Lo que me lleva a pensar que ni la geograf\u00eda ni el car\u00e1cter nacional, que son explicaciones populares para este tipo de suceso, sean en verdad significativas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Do you understand what I'm saying to you?\"","es":"\u00bfEntienden lo que estoy diciendo?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"\"How does he or she feel about all of this?\"","es":"\"\u00bfC\u00f3mo se siente \u00e9l o ella acerca de todo esto?\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I hope that someday we'll all live together in peace and respecting each other.","es":"Y espero que alg\u00fan d\u00eda vivamos todos juntos en paz y respet\u00e1ndonos unos a otros."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And he is English.","es":"Y \u00e9l es ingl\u00e9s."} {"gender":"male","en":"When I run it through my lab, this heat-mapping shows everything is intelligible.","es":"Cuando las paso por mi laboratorio este mapa de calor muestra todo lo que es inteligible."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We've got to get governments, private institutions and security companies willing to share information at speed.","es":"Tenemos que conseguir que los gobiernos, las instituciones privadas y las empresas de seguridad est\u00e9n dispuestas a compartir informaci\u00f3n de manera r\u00e1pida."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They'll just get you thinking about the things they want you to think about, and more importantly, not thinking about things they don't want you to think about.","es":"Sencillamente nos hacen pensar lo que quieren que pensemos, y lo m\u00e1s importante, que no pensemos en lo que no quieren que pensemos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Think about that.","es":"Pensad en ello."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then on the right is what I refer to as a footnote panel.","es":"Y luego a la derecha est\u00e1 a lo que me refiero como un panel de notas al pie de p\u00e1gina."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Our new French CEO believed in the power of positive PR","es":"Nuestro nuevo director general franc\u00e9s cree en el poder de las relaciones p\u00fablicas positivas"} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm talking about fully autonomous robotic weapons that make lethal decisions about human beings all on their own.","es":"Estoy hablando de armas rob\u00f3ticas totalmente aut\u00f3nomas que toman decisiones letales sobre seres humanos por su propia cuenta."} {"gender":"male","en":"So where would you put your brain on this scale?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfD\u00f3nde ubicar\u00edas tu cerebro en esta escala?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I know exactly how he did it; I've seen the drawings.","es":"S\u00e9 exactamente c\u00f3mo lo hizo, he visto los dibujos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Here's two creatures who've never heard of Euclid's parallel postulate, didn't know it was impossible to violate, and they're simply getting on with it.","es":"Aqu\u00ed hay dos criaturas que nunca oyeron del postulado de las paralelas euclidianas-- que no sab\u00edan que era imposible de violar y simplemente continuaron con eso."} {"gender":"female","en":"Which is weird, because the data doesn't bear that out.","es":"Lo cual ya es extra\u00f1o, porque los datos no muestran eso."} {"gender":"female","en":"I watched her realize that, by putting the things that she knows to be true into the work she's doing, she can create poems that only Charlotte can write, about eyeballs and elevators and Dora the Explorer.","es":"La vi descubrir que al poner las cosas que sabe que son ciertas en el trabajo que est\u00e1 haciendo, puede crear poes\u00edas que s\u00f3lo Charlotte puede escribir, sobre los globos oculares y los ascensores y Dora la Exploradora."} {"gender":"male","en":"It drives better than I could drive on this imagery, using deep learning.","es":"Se maneja mejor de lo que yo podr\u00eda manejar con estas im\u00e1genes, usando aprendizaje profundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Here are just some pictures of the factory.","es":"Ac\u00e1 hay solo algunas fotos de la f\u00e1brica."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I believe it's every bit as iconic and emblematic of who we are as a country as any of these other wildernesses.","es":"Pero creo que es tan ic\u00f3nico y emblem\u00e1tico de lo que nos define como pa\u00eds como cualquiera de estas otras naturalezas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm also going to steal a little quote out of \"Little Prince.\"","es":"Tambi\u00e9n voy a robar una peque\u00f1a cita de \"El Principito\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"The Green School effect, we don't know what it is.","es":"El efecto de la Escuela Verde, a\u00fan no lo conocemos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I took 16 iPod Nanos and made a kind of a Nano fish, basically.","es":"Tom\u00e9 16 iPod Nano e hice una especie de pez Nano, b\u00e1sicamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"I go running across campus quick as I can.","es":"Voy corriendo por el campus tan r\u00e1pido como puedo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if it were not for these places that show hope, I don't think I could continue doing this job.","es":"Y de no ser por estos lugares que despiertan esperanza, creo que no podr\u00eda continuar haciendo este trabajo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They're really mad. Why have you taken our apple?","es":"Pero est\u00e1n muy enojados \u00bfPor qu\u00e9 nos quitaron nuestra manzana?"} {"gender":"male","en":"We need leadership training, because, for example, when a professional coach or a manager of a baseball team or a football team, and I work extensively in that realm as well, makes a sexist comment, makes a homophobic statement, makes a racist comment, there will be discussions on the sports blogs and in sports talk radio.","es":"Necesitamos entrenamiento en liderazgo, porque, por ejemplo, cuando un entrenador profesional o un directivo de un equipo de b\u00e9isbol o de f\u00fatbol \u2014y trabajo extensamente en esta esfera tambi\u00e9n\u2014 hace un comentario sexista, hace una afirmaci\u00f3n homof\u00f3bica, hace un comentario racista, habr\u00e1 discusiones en los blogs de deportes y en programas radiales de deportes."} {"gender":"female","en":"But more importantly, I think it's important also coming from the background I come from, by background I mean not ethnic, but more academic and entrepreneurial, to be there, to be that role model for that little girl growing in my village to say, \"Yes, it's possible.\"","es":"Pero lo m\u00e1s importante es, considerando mis or\u00edgenes, por origen me refiero no al \u00e9tnico, sino m\u00e1s bien acad\u00e9mico y empresarial, llegar ah\u00ed, ser ese modelo para esa ni\u00f1a que crece en mi pueblo decir: \"S\u00ed, es posible\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You know way more than any of us.","es":"Usted sabe mucho m\u00e1s que nosotros."} {"gender":"female","en":"My father worked as a policeman in the city.","es":"Mi padre trabajaba como polic\u00eda en la ciudad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We want a temporary use permit for the clock, eventually, 10,000-year temporary use permit.","es":"Quer\u00edamos un permiso temporario para el reloj, un permiso temporario de 10 mil a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"A poetic image for a story on Tolstoy, by Sam Abell.","es":"Una imagen po\u00e9tica para una historia sobre Tolstoi, por Sam Abell."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"These are national stores of wealth that countries keep to protect themselves against currency crises.","es":"Se trata de reservas nacionales de riqueza que los pa\u00edses se reservan para protegerse de las crisis monetarias."} {"gender":"male","en":"Deforestation was growing fast and accelerating at the end of the '90s and the beginning of the 2000s.","es":"La deforestaci\u00f3n se expandi\u00f3 y aument\u00f3 su tasa a finales de los a\u00f1os 90 y al principio del siglo XXI."} {"gender":"female","en":"I figured I'd have to do that ad, because I'm an entrepreneur, and \"entrepreneur\" says \"somebody who does what they want to do, because they're not broke enough that they have to get a real job.\"","es":"Le hago propaganda porque soy una empresaria; porque el empresario dice que es alguien que hace lo que quiere hacer porque tiene suficiente dinero como para no tener un trabajo de verdad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is a window display.","es":"Y esto es un escaparate."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think something happens.","es":"Creo que algo pasa."} {"gender":"male","en":"I tell you, Jews have been scattered and dispersed and exiled for 2,000 years.","es":"Los jud\u00edos estuvimos dispersados y en el exilio durante 2000 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"We have a noble path to curing the disease, patients and doctors alike, but there doesn't seem to be a noble path to dying.","es":"Tenemos un camino noble para curar la enfermedad, pacientes y m\u00e9dicos por igual, pero no parece ser un noble camino para morir."} {"gender":"female","en":"And not only that, what had happened was that it changed the whole role of the music institutions throughout the United Kingdom.","es":"Y no s\u00f3lo eso; lo que hab\u00eda sucedido cambi\u00f3 completamente el rol de las instituciones de m\u00fasica en todo el Reino Unido."} {"gender":"male","en":"By leading a movement and making change.","es":"Lo hace liderando un movimiento. Haciendo un cambio."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is their track: we deployed the tag off of Tokyo, and the Mola in one month kind of got into the Kuroshio Current off of Japan and foraged there.","es":"Este es su trayecto: desplegamos la etiqueta en la costa de Tokyo, y el Mola en un mes, m\u00e1s o menos se meti\u00f3 en la corriente Kuroshio en la costa del Jap\u00f3n, y estuvo merodeando ah\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to take you on a 16-minute trip on 72 percent of the planet, so buckle up. OK.","es":"Voy a llevarles en un viaje de 16 minutos por el 72% del planeta, as\u00ed que abr\u00f3chense los cinturones."} {"gender":"female","en":"I only need two things.","es":"S\u00f3lo necesito dos cosas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now that might be the end of the story, Okay, we just replace it all with conventional renewables, but I think, actually, there's more to the story than that.","es":"Ahora eso podr\u00eda ser el final de la historia. Bien, pues podemos reemplazarlo todo con renovables convencionales pero pienso, que hay m\u00e1s que eso en la historia."} {"gender":"female","en":"You've made no secret of that.","es":"No lo has ocultado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But half aren't, and weak ties are how you get yourself into that group.","es":"Pero la otra mitad no, y los v\u00ednculos d\u00e9biles son la forma de colarte a este grupo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I would say that, at the moment, the alternative is unimaginable.","es":"Y dir\u00e9 que, en este momento, la alternativa es inimaginable."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"First of all, it's been fantastic being here over these past few days.","es":"Siento que, antes que nada, ha sido fant\u00e1stico estar aqu\u00ed durante estos d\u00edas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've described not just a once-in-a-civilization business opportunity, but one of the most profound transitions in the history of our species.","es":"No se trata de una \u00fanica oportunidad comercial para una civilizaci\u00f3n, sino de una de las transiciones m\u00e1s profundas de nuestra historia."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I go to those shops, if there are any, or out to the fields to see what they can get, and they cannot obtain the nutrition.","es":"Y voy a esas tiendas, si las hay, o voy al campo a ver qu\u00e9 les puedo conseguir, y no hay nada nutritivo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I design reading programs for preschoolers.","es":"Dise\u00f1o programas de lectura para ni\u00f1os en preescolar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"\"You should aim to be successful, but not too successful, otherwise you would threaten the man.\"","es":"\"Puedes intentar tener \u00e9xito, pero no demasiado, de lo contrario ser\u00edas una amenaza para el hombre\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to pause here and bring in something I saw in November last year at Wall Street.","es":"Me detendr\u00e9 aqu\u00ed para mostrarles algo que vi en noviembre del a\u00f1o pasado en Wall Street."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's several examples up on the screen of situations where doctors are looking to implant devices inside of people, and all of these devices now, it's standard that they communicate wirelessly, and I think this is great, but without a full understanding of trustworthy computing, and without understanding what attackers can do and the security risks from the beginning, there's a lot of danger in this.","es":"En la pantalla hay varios ejemplos de situaciones en donde los m\u00e9dicos est\u00e1n observando los implantes dentro de las personas, y para todos estos dispositivos ahora, es un est\u00e1ndar que se puedan comunicar inal\u00e1mbricamente, y creo que esto es estupendo, pero sin un completo entendimiento de la inform\u00e1tica fiable, y sin entender desde un inicio lo que los atacantes pueden hacer y los riesgos de la seguridad, hay mucho peligro en esto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Certainly not sustainable.","es":"Ciertamente no sostenible."} {"gender":"male","en":"I spent about a week in this Dinka cattle camp on the banks of the Nile in South Sudan.","es":"Pas\u00e9 una semana en este campo de ganado de la etnia dinka sobre las m\u00e1rgenes del Nilo en Sud\u00e1n del Sur."} {"gender":"female","en":"The best image I know of this is from 650 years ago. It's Ambrogio Lorenzetti's \"Allegory of Good Government.\"","es":"El mejor ejemplo que conozco es de hace 650 a\u00f1os, la \"Alegor\u00eda del buen gobierno\" de Ambrogio Lorenzetti."} {"gender":"male","en":"I come from a family of five brothers, all scientists and engineers.","es":"Vengo de una familia de cinco hermanos, todos cient\u00edficos e ingenieros."} {"gender":"female","en":"When it comes to brutal murderers who post their beheading videos, the Internet has created a new kind of crowd.","es":"Cuando se trata de asesinos brutales que publican sus videos decapitaci\u00f3n, Internet ha creado un nuevo tipo de p\u00fablico."} {"gender":"female","en":"Similarly, as you start feeling like it's your body, you start noticing things like, \"Oh, my robot is kind of short.\"","es":"De forma similar a como uno siente que es su cuerpo, uno comienzas a notar cosas como, \"Oh, mi robot es bajito\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Since then, we got about 50 million dollars in stimulus package money to come and get here.","es":"Desde entonces obtuvimos cerca de 50 millones de d\u00f3lares en paquete de est\u00edmulo para venir y llegar hasta aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"I fell in love with the way things moved, so I started to explore motion by making little flipbooks.","es":"Me enamor\u00e9 de c\u00f3mo las cosas se mueven y comenc\u00e9 a explorar el movimiento haciendo folioscopios."} {"gender":"female","en":"The 60 content teachers in Manaus work with over 2,200 tutoring teachers in those communities to customize lesson plans to the context and time.","es":"Los 60 profesores de contenido en Manaos trabajan con m\u00e1s de 2200 profesores de tutor\u00eda en esas comunidades para personalizar sus clases al contexto y el tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"But the volumes are much larger than ever.","es":"Pero los vol\u00famenes son m\u00e1s grandes que nunca."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"She became the one she was waiting for.","es":"Ella se convirti\u00f3 en la \u00fanica que estaba esperando."} {"gender":"female","en":"In ASL, by playing around with these different grammatical parameters, you can express different ideas.","es":"En ASL, al usar estos diferentes par\u00e1metros gramaticales, se pueden expresar diferentes ideas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So is it me particularly that you would choose to deny the right to housing, the right to adopt children, the right to marriage, the freedom to shop here, live here, buy here?","es":"As\u00ed que me parece importante, que pudieran elegir el negar el derecho de vivienda, el derecho de adoptar ni\u00f1os, el derecho al matrimonio, a la libertad de comprar, vivir aqu\u00ed, comprar aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, it turns out that we do have something just like that: our gut, or rather, its microbes.","es":"Bueno, resulta que tenemos algo as\u00ed: el intestino, o mejor dicho, sus microbios."} {"gender":"female","en":"And, needless to say, thank God I wasn't using a thesaurus back then.","es":"Y, de m\u00e1s est\u00e1 decirlo, gracias a Dios que yo no usaba un tesauro en ese entonces."} {"gender":"male","en":"The LEGO Group has become an extraordinary global company.","es":"El Grupo Lego se ha convertido en una extraordinaria empresa global."} {"gender":"female","en":"I suddenly understood that the crisis in my body was the crisis in the world, and it wasn't happening later, it was happening now.","es":"Comprend\u00ed, de pronto, que la crisis en mi cuerpo era la crisis del mundo, no es que ocurrir\u00eda m\u00e1s tarde; sino que estaba ocurriendo ahora."} {"gender":"female","en":"I've guessed you've already noticed this by now.","es":"Supongo que ya lo habr\u00e1n notado."} {"gender":"female","en":"It puts us at the edge of our seats, because we're one moment from that contact, through which that man will discover his purpose, leap up and take his place at the pinnacle of creation.","es":"Nos pone en el borde de nuestros asientos porque estamos a un momento de ese contacto, a trav\u00e9s del cual ese hombre descubrir\u00e1 su prop\u00f3sito, saltar\u00e1 y tomar\u00e1 su lugar en el pin\u00e1culo de la creaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And today, some of the most transformative changes in cities are happening in these public spaces.","es":"Hoy en d\u00eda, algunos de los cambios m\u00e1s transformadores de las ciudades se dan en los espacios p\u00fablicos."} {"gender":"female","en":"So he invented a cost-free solar lamp.","es":"As\u00ed que invent\u00f3 una linterna solar que no gasta."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, then I got to thinking: This scientific paradigm of mine suggests something different, and, by the way, I've now got huge computation capabilities in Mathematica, and I'm a CEO with some worldly resources to do large, seemingly crazy, projects, So I decided to just try to see how much of the systematic knowledge that's out there in the world we could make computable.","es":"Bien, eso me hizo pensar: Este paradigma cient\u00edfico m\u00edo sugiere algo distinto. Y, dicho sea de paso, ahora tengo inmensas capacidades computacionales en Mathematica, y soy un CEO con recursos en el mundo para realizar proyectos aparentemente locos. As\u00ed que decid\u00ed simplemente intentarlo y ver cu\u00e1nto conocimiento sistem\u00e1tico que se encuentra en el mundo podemos hacer computable."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is Shivdutt Yadav, and he's from Uttar Pradesh, India.","es":"Este es Shivdutt Yadav, y es de Uttar Pradesh, India."} {"gender":"female","en":"I wasn't quite sure what I was looking at.","es":"No estaba muy segura de qu\u00e9 estaba viendo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here's when the Virgin Mary made her appearance on a cheese sandwich, which I got to actually hold in a Las Vegas casino, of course, this being America.","es":"Aqu\u00ed la Virgen Mar\u00eda hizo su aparicion en un s\u00e1ndwich de queso que incluso pude sostener en un casino en las Vegas Claro, esto es Estados Unidos"} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm going to start with how I started with this concept seven years ago, when Princess Diana died.","es":"Por eso comenzar\u00e9 con c\u00f3mo empec\u00e9 con este concepto siete a\u00f1os atr\u00e1s, cuando la princesa Diana muri\u00f3."} {"gender":"female","en":"Why isn't my face being detected?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no se detecta mi rostro?"} {"gender":"female","en":"The sciences, to me, are manifestations of our attempt to express or share our understanding, our experience, to influence the universe external to ourselves.","es":"Las ciencias, para m\u00ed, son manifestaciones de nuestro esfuerzo por expresar o compartir nuestro entendimiento, nuestra experiencia, influir en el universo externo a nosotros."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is still not really ideal for research, though, because it's not entirely clear where all of these passwords came from, or exactly what policies were in effect when people created these passwords.","es":"Sin embargo, esto todav\u00eda no es realmente ideal para una investigaci\u00f3n, porque no es del todo claro de d\u00f3nde proceden todas estas contrase\u00f1as, o qu\u00e9 pol\u00edticas concretas estaban en efecto cuando las personas crearon esas contrase\u00f1as."} {"gender":"female","en":"RP: So now, Samantha can say this.","es":"RP: As\u00ed que ahora, Samantha puede decir esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"I can connect any one of you by six degrees of separation to the Al-Shabaab militia in Somalia.","es":"Puedo conectar a cualquiera de ustedes por seis grados de separaci\u00f3n con la milicia Al-Shabaab de Somalia."} {"gender":"female","en":"So why wouldn't we celebrate and elevate these change makers and job creators rather than overlook them?","es":"\u00bfAs\u00ed que por qu\u00e9 no podr\u00edamos celebrar y elevar a estas creadoras de cambios y empleos en lugar de pasarlas por alto?"} {"gender":"female","en":"We just keep moving, and Mitch, you know, I tell Moon all the time, \"You did a good thing,\" but Mitch did one bigger than you and better than you.","es":"Seguimos movi\u00e9ndonos, y Mitch, ya sabes, le digo a Moon todo el tiempo, \"Hiciste algo bueno\", pero Mitch hizo algo m\u00e1s grande que t\u00fa y mejor que t\u00fa."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm sitting here making grunting sounds basically, and hopefully constructing a similar messy, confused idea in your head that bears some analogy to it.","es":"Estoy aqu\u00ed sentado emitiendo unos gru\u00f1idos y, con suerte, construyendo una idea similar, vaga y confusa, en sus cabezas que guarda cierta analog\u00eda con la m\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"So around the turn of the last century, I started to think, \"Wouldn't it be wonderful if one could take this logic and turn it upside down?\"","es":"As\u00ed que a fines del siglo pasado, empec\u00e9 a pensar que ser\u00eda maravilloso tomar esta l\u00f3gica y poder revertirla."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I think a much bigger problem with this is that this logic, that we should be dropping iPods not bombs, I mean, it would make a fascinating title for Thomas Friedman's new book.","es":"Pero creo que el mayor problema es que esta l\u00f3gica, que deber\u00edamos lanzar iPods y no bombas, ser\u00eda un t\u00edtulo fascinante para el nuevo libro de Thomas Friedman."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I was saying to him, \"You know, the first airplane went 100 feet in 1903.","es":"Pero le estaba diciendo, \"Sabes, el primer avion vol\u00f3 30 metros en 1903."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I do go often into the diary and check if I wanted to change something about the situation. If it's, see it for a long enough time, I actually do something about it.","es":"Y s\u00ed, frecuentemente voy a mi diario y reviso si quiero cambiar algo de la situaci\u00f3n Si es lo veo por un periodo largo de tiempo, y realmente hago algo al respecto."} {"gender":"male","en":"But if you want weight, you need to go down here to the chest.","es":"Pero si quieren peso, tienen que ir aqu\u00ed abajo en el pecho."} {"gender":"male","en":"They've done incredible stuff, unbelievable stuff.","es":"Han hecho cosas incre\u00edbles."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So this is the specimen coming out now.","es":"Esta es la muestra que sale ahora."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's just not possible for one person to take in the amount, the volume of information, and analyze it to make good decisions.","es":"No es posible para una sola persona absorber una gran cantidad de informaci\u00f3n y analizarla para tomar buenas decisiones."} {"gender":"female","en":"But even I, in my mulishness, even I have brushed up against that thing, at times.","es":"Pero a\u00fan yo, en mi mulismo, a\u00fan yo me he rozado contra esa cosa, a veces."} {"gender":"female","en":"These particular people, rather than getting AK-47s, or weapons of mass destruction, or machetes, in the spirit of the warrior, have gone into the center, the heart of pain, of loss.","es":"Estas peculiares personas, en lugar de conseguir AK-47s o armas de destruccion masiva o machetes, en el espiritu del guerrero, han llegado al centro, al corazon del dolor, de la perdida."} {"gender":"female","en":"Hundreds of Haitian graduates had to pick up the pieces, overcome their own heartbreak, and then pick up the burden of building a new public health system for Haiti.","es":"Cientos de graduados haitianos tuvieron que recomenzar sus vidas, superando su propio dolor, para luego empezar a construir un nuevo sistema de salud p\u00fablica para Hait\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"OK, but, what makes it so mind-blowing?","es":"Bien, pero \u00bfqu\u00e9 lo hace tan impresionante?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, smell was the hardest of the senses to crack, and the Nobel Prize awarded to Richard Axel and Linda Buck was only awarded in 2004 for their discovery of how smell works.","es":"El olfato fue el m\u00e1s dif\u00edcil de los sentidos de descifrar, y el Premio Nobel otorgado a Richard Axel y Linda Buck en 2004, fue por descubrir c\u00f3mo funciona el sentido del olfato."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then, we are miserable, and we are looking for purpose and meaning, and then we feel vulnerable, so then we have a couple of beers and a banana nut muffin.","es":"Y luego nos sentimos miserables y vamos buscando finalidad y sentido y luego nos sentimos vulnerables y nos tomamos un par de cervezas y un panecillo de pl\u00e1tano."} {"gender":"female","en":"Then they strapped my legs and arms to the metal bed with thick leather straps.","es":"Me ataron las piernas y brazos a la cama de metal con gruesas correas de cuero."} {"gender":"male","en":"And she said, \"Tell all the nurses that I have Charles Bonnet syndrome.\"","es":"Y me dijo: \"D\u00edgale a todas las enfermeras que tengo el s\u00edndrome de Charles Bonnet.\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This argument of course, shoots itself in the foot. Any designer capable of designing something really complex has to be even more complex himself, and that's before we even start on the other things he's expected to do, like forgive sins, bless marriages, listen to prayers, favor our side in a war, disapprove of our sex lives, and so on.","es":"Por supuesto, este argumento se dispara a si mismo en el pie, cualquier dise\u00f1ador capaz de dise\u00f1ar algo verdaderamente complejo.. tiene que ser mucho m\u00e1s complejo en si mismo, y eso es antes de que empecemos a considerar las otras cosas que se espera que \u00e9l haga, como perdonar pecados, bendecir bodas, escuchar oraciones, apoyar nuestro lado en una guerra, desaprobar nuestras vidas sexuales y dem\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"Come with me.","es":"Vengan conmigo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I also realized that I wasn't the first person to think that this place was really special.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n me di cuenta de que no fui la primera persona en pensar que este lugar era realmente especial."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"How cheap?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1n barato?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I say, \"Do you really think so?","es":"Yo digo: \"\u00bfDe verdad lo crees?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I joked with them that some might only have heard of me from rap songs.","es":"Brome\u00e9 con ellos acerca de que solo algunos habr\u00edan o\u00eddo hablar de m\u00ed a trav\u00e9s de canciones de rap."} {"gender":"female","en":"What you find at the store at the corner, without going to any kind of fancy store, is the kind of refined design that makes everybody think that we are all so sophisticated.","es":"Lo que consigues en la tienda de la esquina, sin ir a ning\u00fan tipo de almac\u00e9n lujoso, es la clase de dise\u00f1o refinado que hace que todo el mundo piense que todos somos muy sofisticados."} {"gender":"female","en":"The extent of the clear-cutting was alarming, and I soon found myself conflicted by my part in it.","es":"La extenci\u00f3n de la tala de claros era alarmante, y me sent\u00ed en conflicto por mi participaci\u00f3n en ello."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Somehow or other, maybe one swallowed another; we'll never know exactly why, but once they got a membrane around them, they were all in the same membrane, now all the wealth-created division of labor, all the greatness created by cooperation, stays locked inside the membrane and we've got a superorganism.","es":"De una u otra manera una vez que tuvieron una membrana alrededor, estaban todas en la misma membrana, ahora toda la divisi\u00f3n de labor creada por la riqueza, toda la grandeza creada por la cooperaci\u00f3n, queda encerrada dentro de la membrana y tenemos un superorganismo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I need your help.","es":"Necesito su ayuda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We silence them.","es":"Las acallamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Am I sitting down in a steakhouse to a 16-ounce portion of this?","es":"\u00bfEstoy en un asador comiendo una porci\u00f3n de 450 gramos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I simply assembled the discoveries of other men behind whom were centuries of work.","es":"Simplemente junt\u00e9 los descubrimientos de otros hombres que trabajaron en eso durante siglos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Wipe it up, throw it away.","es":"Limpiarla y desecharla."} {"gender":"male","en":"With all apologies to my friend Matthieu Ricard, a shopping mall full of Zen monks is not going to be particularly profitable, because they don't want stuff enough.","es":"Con mis disculpas a Matthieu Ricard un centro comercial lleno de monjes Zen no ser\u00e1 particularmente productivo porque ellos no quieren cosas lo suficiente."} {"gender":"female","en":"But nonetheless, I find myself thinking about those emails every time I reflect back on the bias and prejudice that I've faced in my life, or when there's another hate crime or a senseless tragedy that underscores the disheartening sense that our differences might be insurmountable.","es":"Sin embargo, me pongo a pensar en esos correos electr\u00f3nicos cada vez que reflexiono sobre los prejuicios y los preconceptos que tuve que enfrentar en mi vida, o cuando se produce otro crimen por odio o una tragedia sin sentido que ponen de manifiesto la desalentadora sensaci\u00f3n de que nuestras diferencias parecer\u00edan insuperables."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I said, \"Yeah, I'll leave it here for two months.","es":"Yo dije: \"S\u00ed, se las voy a dejar durante 2 meses."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well how did that happen?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo sucedi\u00f3 eso?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And the problem is that they can become biased, because you learn to over-use some of them and under-use the others.","es":"Y el problema es que pueden volverse \u00absesgadas\u00bb, porque uno aprende a usar mucho algunas de ellas y muy demasiado poco las otras."} {"gender":"male","en":"A person who is self-centered, secluded, excluded, someone who doesn't participate or even examine public affairs.","es":"Una persona que es egoc\u00e9ntrica, aislada, excluida, alguien que no participa o incluso no examina asuntos p\u00fablicos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I will use it for all the jumps.","es":"Lo voy a usar para todos los saltos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And he asked me several questions, of which many were, \"Why?","es":"Y me hizo varias preguntas, de las cuales muchas fueron, \"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"Do you want to do dialysis in a clinic or at home?","es":"\u00bfQuieren la di\u00e1lisis en una cl\u00ednica o en casa?"} {"gender":"female","en":"So in closing I would offer you this: The planet is our canoe, and we are the voyagers.","es":"As\u00ed que para concluir me gustar\u00eda decir que el planeta es nuestra canoa y nosotros somos los viajeros."} {"gender":"female","en":"And let's agree to take action today to agree that US audiences and global viewers demand and deserve more.","es":"Y acordemos tomar acci\u00f3n hoy para aceptar que las audiencias de EE. UU. y del mundo exigen y merecen m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"They deserve a hand.","es":"S\u00ed Merecen mucho apoyo."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is about the heart rate of a healthy 16-year-old.","es":"Este es m\u00e1s o menos el ritmo card\u00edaco de alguien sano de 16 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"Sometimes, it's all at once.","es":"A veces es todo de una vez."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that's ironic to me, because depression is one of the best documented problems we have in the world, yet it's one of the least discussed.","es":"Y me resulta ir\u00f3nico porque la depresi\u00f3n es uno de los problemas mejor documentados del mundo, y aun as\u00ed, es uno de los menos analizados."} {"gender":"male","en":"There was a co-creation, a huge co-creation, with vendors and suppliers.","es":"Hubo colaboraci\u00f3n, una enorme colaboraci\u00f3n con vendedores y proveedores."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You score as many runs as you can.","es":"Anotar tantas carreras como puedas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Twentysomethings are like airplanes just leaving LAX, bound for somewhere west.","es":"Los veintea\u00f1eros son como aviones que salen del aeropuerto de Los \u00c1ngeles, que salen a alg\u00fan lugar del oeste."} {"gender":"female","en":"I've got a white-knuckle grip on the door.","es":"Tengo los nudillos blancos del apret\u00f3n a la puerta."} {"gender":"female","en":"Bonobos are built slightly smaller than the chimpanzee.","es":"Los bonobo son ligeramente m\u00e1s peque\u00f1os que los chimpanc\u00e9s."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that gave them the opportunity to compassionately sit down with him and have a very difficult discussion, which basically amounted to, \"Hey, we know you're sincere, and what that means is, you do hear something in your head.\"","es":"Eso les dio la oportunidad de sentarse con \u00e9l con compasi\u00f3n y tener una discusi\u00f3n dif\u00edcil, que b\u00e1sicamente se redujo a: \"Oiga, sabemos que Ud. es sincero, y eso significa, que s\u00ed escucha algo en su cabeza\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is all happening automatically in the simulation.","es":"Esto est\u00e1 pasando en la simulaci\u00f3n de forma autom\u00e1tica."} {"gender":"female","en":"So the most dramatic retrofits are really those in the next category, the next strategy: redevelopment.","es":"Las remodelaciones m\u00e1s espectaculares son en realidad las de la pr\u00f3xima categor\u00eda la pr\u00f3xima estrategia, volver a construir."} {"gender":"male","en":"Oh my goodness me, there it was loud and clear, surely.","es":"\u00a1Ay, Dios m\u00edo!, eso fue alto y claro, sin duda."} {"gender":"male","en":"I came home to my wife and I said, \"I created a character after you.\"","es":"Llegue a casa y le dije a mi esposa: \"he creado un personaje a partir de ti\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, also, back to the sort of big brands: labeling, I said earlier, is an absolute farce and has got to be sorted.","es":"Ahora, de vuelta con las grandes marcas, el etiquetado, como dij\u00e9 antes, es una absoluta farsa, y se tiene que arreglar."} {"gender":"female","en":"The idea here is for you to be able to connect anywhere.","es":"La idea es estar conectado en cualquier lugar."} {"gender":"male","en":"We're going to kind of go in a different direction right now. I hope you all realize that.","es":"Aunque hoy tomaremos una perspectiva diferente, espero que lo noten."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think there is really something in that articulation that is quite nice.","es":"Creo que hay algo en esa articulaci\u00f3n, que es bastante simp\u00e1tico."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, that was told to be a bad idea 10 times, they went ahead and did it anyway.","es":"Quiero decir, se dijo 10 veces que ser\u00eda una mala idea, pero de todas maneras siguieron adelante y lo hicieron."} {"gender":"female","en":"Not on creating a vision.","es":"No en crear una visi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We are all living together on a single planet, which is threatened by our own actions.","es":"Estamos viviendo juntos en un solo planeta amenazado por nuestras propias acciones."} {"gender":"female","en":"So they would reach out to me and they would say, \"Cheyenne, how did you do that natural hairstyle that I saw you with the other day?","es":"Me escrib\u00edan y me preguntaban, \"Cheyenne, \u00bfc\u00f3mo te hiciste ese peinado natural con el que te vi el otro d\u00eda?\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Even our nearest star, the Sun, its emissions suffer the tyranny of light speed.","es":"A\u00fan, nuestra estrella m\u00e1s cercana, el Sol, sus emisiones sufren de la tiran\u00eda de la velocidad de la luz."} {"gender":"female","en":"You're not allowed to write about anything that has to do with video games. These topics are banned.","es":"No se permite escribir nada que tenga que ver con los videojuegos; esos temas est\u00e1n prohibidos."} {"gender":"male","en":"On this piece of paper is the history the way I learned it from my Lakota friends and family.","es":"En este papel est\u00e1 la historia como la he aprendido de mi familia y amigos lakota."} {"gender":"female","en":"Why?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Everybody underestimates how often they laugh, and you're doing something, when you laugh with people, that's actually letting you access a really ancient evolutionary system that mammals have evolved to make and maintain social bonds, and clearly to regulate emotions, to make ourselves feel better.","es":"Todos subestimamos todo lo que re\u00edmos y hacemos algo al re\u00edr con la gente, nos permite acceder a un sistema evolutivo muy antiguo que los mam\u00edferos hemos evolucionado para crear y mantener v\u00ednculos sociales claramente para regular emociones, que nos hagan sentir mejor."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And before long, they think, \"Jeez, this is kind of historic.","es":"Es grandioso\". Y pronto piensan: \"Esto es hist\u00f3rico."} {"gender":"male","en":"But anyway, I think that we were really excited by the things that inFORM allowed us to do.","es":"Como sea, pienso que nos entusiasmaron mucho las cosas que nos permiti\u00f3 hacer inFORM."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's wonderful to touch.","es":"Es una sensaci\u00f3n estupenda."} {"gender":"male","en":"For better or for worse, that's what I'm going to be known as, as the guy who knew a lot of weird stuff.","es":"Para bien o para mal, as\u00ed se me recordar\u00e1, como el tipo que sab\u00eda muchas cosas raras."} {"gender":"male","en":"For hundreds of dollars, I've developed a system that exceeds the sensitivity of detectors that are hundreds of thousands of dollars.","es":"Por unos cientos de d\u00f3lares, desarroll\u00e9 un sistema que supera la sensibilidad de detectores de cientos de miles de d\u00f3lares."} {"gender":"male","en":"Of course it does if you live there.","es":"Y por supuesto que es igual si vives en el pasado."} {"gender":"female","en":"He was 11 years old, and I met him exactly four months after his accident.","es":"Ten\u00eda 11 a\u00f1os de edad, y me encontr\u00e9 con \u00e9l exactamente 4 meses despu\u00e9s de su accidente."} {"gender":"female","en":"My favorite quote is, \"All it takes for evil to prevail is for a few good men and women to do nothing.\"","es":"Mi cita preferida es: \"Todo lo que hace falta para que triunfe el mal es que unos pocos buenos hombres y mujeres no hagan nada\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I grow seven kinds of mint in my class.","es":"Cultivo siete clases de menta en mi aula."} {"gender":"female","en":"We weren't very creative at the time we started these studies, so we just called it a token.","es":"No eramos muy creativos al momento de iniciar estos estudios, as\u00ed que s\u00edmplemente la llamamos \"ficha\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"As the teller of the tale and the audience, we know just what details to include, to dig that knife in. Right?","es":"Siendo a la vez narradores y audiencia, sabemos exactamente qu\u00e9 detalles incluir, para clavar el cuchillo, \u00bfno?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I think it's really important to make the point that actually you know, this isn't something which is going to do everything on its own.","es":"Bueno, creo que es muy importante aclarar que en realidad esto no es algo que va a hacer todo por s\u00ed mismo."} {"gender":"female","en":"One of them ended up with Beatrice's parents, and that goat had twins.","es":"Una de ellas acab\u00f3 en lo de los padres de Beatrice. Y esa cabra tuvo mellizas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to show you many different kinds of pieces, and there's no real connection between one or the other, except that they sort of come out of my brain, and they're all different sort of thoughts that are triggered by looking at life, and seeing nature and seeing objects, and just having kind of playful random thoughts about things.","es":"Voy a mostrarles diferentes clases de piezas donde no hay una conexi\u00f3n real entre una y otra excepto que ellas salen de mi cerebro y todas son diferentes clases de pensamientos detonados al mirar la vida, ver la naturaleza y observar los objetos manteniendo pensamientos juguetones y aleatorios sobre las cosas."} {"gender":"female","en":"I now cover Syria, and I started reporting it because I believed that it needs to be done.","es":"Ahora estoy cubriendo Siria, y comenc\u00e9 a reportar desde ah\u00ed porque cre\u00ed que era necesario."} {"gender":"female","en":"In order for a place to give, its architecture should be giving, too.","es":"Para que un lugar pueda dar algo, tambi\u00e9n su arquitectura deber\u00eda dar."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"No need for birth control, Doc, are you sure about that?\"","es":"\"Doctor, \u00bfest\u00e1 seguro de que no necesito alg\u00fan m\u00e9todo anticonceptivo?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And what we discovered was that our plan to have the cars do almost all the driving and just hand over to the users in case of emergency was a really bad plan.","es":"Y descubrimos que nuestro plan de tener autos que se condujeran solos y solo pasaran el control al usuario en caso de emergencia era un plan realmente malo."} {"gender":"male","en":"But if you're still in pain in six months' or six years' time, it's because these circuits are producing pain that's no longer helping you.","es":"Pero si todav\u00eda sientes dolor en seis meses o en seis a\u00f1os, es porque estos circuitos est\u00e1n produciendo dolor que te sigue molestando."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But like any long length of charged wire, it also inadvertently became an antenna.","es":"Pero como toda extensi\u00f3n de cable cargado, se convirti\u00f3, sin darse cuenta, en antena."} {"gender":"female","en":"I had become the enemy.","es":"Me hab\u00eda convertido en el enemigo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now I don't mean actual asteroids made of rock and metal.","es":"Ahora, no me refiero a asteroides hechos de piedra y metal."} {"gender":"male","en":"I went to another leader and his wife told me, \"Okay, you go, he will definitely join.\"","es":"Fui a otro l\u00edder y su esposa me dijo: \"Est\u00e1 bien, vete que seguro que acude\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Dylan, on the right, 3 out of 10.","es":"Dylan, a la derecha, 3 de 10."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Why hadn't tool designers thought of this before?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 los dise\u00f1adores de herramientas no hab\u00edan pensado en esto antes?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that sequence was especially difficult.","es":"Esa secuencia fue especialmente dif\u00edcil."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's a deep resistance because using these tools forces us to confront that we're not a system, forces us to behave with a different set of values.","es":"Hay una profunda resistencia porque el uso de estas herramientas nos obliga a enfrentar el hecho de que no somos un sistema, nos obliga a actuar con un conjunto diferente de valores."} {"gender":"male","en":"The next semester, I joined advanced English.","es":"Al siguiente semestre, fui a la clase de ingl\u00e9s \"avanzado\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"You need to have children to survive. You need to get out of the deepest poverty so children are not of importance for work in the family.","es":"Se necesita tener ni\u00f1os que sobrevivan, salir de la pobreza m\u00e1s profunda para que los ni\u00f1os ya no tengan que trabajar para sustentar la familia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"For instance, there's eBird, where amateur birdwatchers can upload information about their bird sightings.","es":"Por ejemplo, en el eBird, donde observadores de aves aficionados pueden subir informaci\u00f3n sobre las aves que han visto."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I started to cry.","es":"Y me puse a llorar."} {"gender":"female","en":"And this basically means that there is an increase in ocean acidity.","es":"Y esto significa b\u00e1sicamente que hay un aumento en la acidez del oc\u00e9ano."} {"gender":"male","en":"They're not just possible; they're critical.","es":"No s\u00f3lo son posibles, son algo vital."} {"gender":"female","en":"This nearly drove mathematicians bonkers because, like you, they're sitting there feeling bamboozled.","es":"Esto casi vuelve locos a los matem\u00e1ticos porque, como ustedes, est\u00e1n all\u00ed sentados sinti\u00e9ndose enga\u00f1ados."} {"gender":"female","en":"But being a caregiver for a partner that maybe has dementia can be a very lonely place.","es":"Pero ser cuidador de un compa\u00f1ero que tal vez tiene demencia puede ser un lugar muy solitario."} {"gender":"male","en":"I remember when I was a boy in school, my teacher assigned us this classic civics assignment where you take a sheet of paper and you write a member of your government.","es":"Recuerdo que de ni\u00f1o en la escuela el profesor nos dio la cl\u00e1sica tarea c\u00edvica en la que uno escrib\u00eda una carta para un funcionario del gobierno."} {"gender":"female","en":"I guess what I want to say to everybody here, and I know that you guys know a lot about this issue, is that this is a huge problem in the oceans, but this is a problem that we've created as consumers and we can solve.","es":"Supongo que lo que quiero decir a los presentes, y s\u00e9 que ustedes saben mucho de este tema, es que este es un gran problema en los oc\u00e9anos, pero es un problema que hemos creado como consumidores y podemos resolverlo."} {"gender":"female","en":"My clearest memory is standing in the empty hallway outside the fifth grade classrooms waiting for Vicky to come out of the bathroom, and I have a clipboard and a pen and a survey I've made up, asking about shampoo preferences, like I'm doing a study for science class or something.","es":"El recuerdo m\u00e1s v\u00edvido que tengo es el de estar parada en el pasillo vac\u00edo afuera de las aulas de quinto grado esperando a que Vicky saliera del ba\u00f1o. Yo ten\u00eda un bloc y un bol\u00edgrafo para hacer una encuesta que invent\u00e9 sobre las preferencias en el uso de champ\u00faes, una especie de investigaci\u00f3n para la clase de ciencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"You're less likely to have door screens or window screens.","es":"Es menos probable que tengan mosquiteros en las puertas o en las ventana."} {"gender":"female","en":"So how does this even work?","es":"\u00bfY c\u00f3mo funciona esto?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I was going to work on international development, and then I took a turn and ended up here.","es":"Pensaba trabajar en desarrollo internacional. Pero mi vida dio un giro y termin\u00e9 aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"And an hour or two later, if I saw her, she'd come over to me and say, \"Bryan, do you still feel me hugging you?\"","es":"Una o dos horas despu\u00e9s, volv\u00eda a mirarla, se me acercaba y me dec\u00eda, \"Bryan, \u00bftodav\u00eda sientes mi abrazo?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"That may sound disappointing, but I actually find it exhilarating, because it means there are so many tantalizing unknowns to work on.","es":"Eso puede sonar decepcionante, pero en realidad lo encuentro estimulante, porque significa que hay muchas inc\u00f3gnitas incitantes en las que trabajar."} {"gender":"female","en":"That's not possible.","es":"Eso es imposible."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think it's like this, that everyone is aware that there are countries and there are areas where girls have great difficulties. They are stopped when they go to school, and it's disgusting.","es":"Creo que todo el mundo es consciente de que hay pa\u00edses y ciertas regiones, en donde las chicas tienen grandes problemas, no pueden ir a la escuela. y es horrible."} {"gender":"female","en":"Take a look at this, this is a room full of young men and my husband, Bill.","es":"Observen esto. Esta sala llena de hombres j\u00f3venes y mi esposo, Bill."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that's how this was done.","es":"As\u00ed es como se hizo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I love vodka!\"","es":"\u00a1Me encanta!\""} {"gender":"male","en":"Every middle schooler in the United States, my 12-year-old daughter included, learns that there are three branches of government, the legislative, the executive and the judicial branch.","es":"Cada uno de los estudiantes de secundaria en EE. UU., e incluyo a mi hija de 12 a\u00f1os, aprende que hay 3 ramas de gobierno: el legislativo, el ejecutivo, y el judicial."} {"gender":"male","en":"We took a lot of meetings and we seriously considered it.","es":"Tuvimos muchas juntas y lo consideramos muy seriamente."} {"gender":"female","en":"And part of why it was doing this was because most of the images I had given it were positive images. That's because people tend to share positive images when they talk about their experiences.","es":"Y en parte la raz\u00f3n del porqu\u00e9 hac\u00eda esto era porque la mayor\u00eda de las im\u00e1genes que le hab\u00eda dado eran im\u00e1genes positivas, Eso es porque la gente tiende a compartir im\u00e1genes positivas cuando hablan de sus experiencias."} {"gender":"male","en":"The effort to do that almost broke the organization.","es":"Al intentarlo casi llevaron al organismo a la quiebra."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"You should invest in my company \"","es":"\"Inviertan en mi empresa porque es muy buena\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"They opened up 300 of those lines for Egyptians to use, serving slow but sweet Internet connection for Egyptians.","es":"Abrieron 300 de esas l\u00edneas para que las usaran los egipcios, brindando una conexi\u00f3n a Internet lenta pero dulce para los egipcios."} {"gender":"female","en":"Kenong and I were amazed and excited that a single gene could have this dramatic effect.","es":"Kenong y yo est\u00e1bamos maravillados y entusiasmados que un simple gen pudiera tener este efecto dram\u00e1tico."} {"gender":"male","en":"An object devoid of intent, it's random, it's imitative, it repels us.","es":"Un objeto sin intenci\u00f3n es aleatorio, es imitaci\u00f3n, nos repele."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was as far removed from the world of civil society diplomacy as you can imagine.","es":"Estaba tan alejada del mundo de la diplomacia de la sociedad civil como se puedan imaginar."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then, lo and behold, there's another group answering these kids who may be in America, or maybe this is a group in Israel, saying, \"Yeah, you did it a little bit wrong.","es":"Y luego, qui\u00e9n lo dir\u00eda, est\u00e1 este otro grupo respondi\u00e9ndole a estos ni\u00f1os que podr\u00edan estar en EEUU, o tal vez sea un grupo en Israel, diciendo \"S\u00ed, se equivocaron un poco."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because it's important to the atmospheric system, we go to all lengths to study this thing.","es":"Y porque es importante para el sistema atmosf\u00e9rico, hacemos todo lo posible por estudiarla."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's, a lot of them are never, have never been published before, and basically, I've interpreted the different quotes.","es":"Y son, muchos de ellos, son in\u00e9ditos y, en resumen, he interpretado las diferentes citas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It will go, bind to the cancer.","es":"El marcador se une al c\u00e1ncer."} {"gender":"female","en":"By empowering choice, we can create a culture of opportunity.","es":"Permitiendo la elecci\u00f3n, podemos crear una cultura de oportunidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"The blue dots are the sites that I've actually navigated directly to.","es":"Los puntos azules son los sitios que s\u00ed he navegado directamente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Without frames that allow us to see how social problems impact all the members of a targeted group, many will fall through the cracks of our movements, left to suffer in virtual isolation.","es":"Sin marcos que nos permitan ver c\u00f3mo repercuten los problemas sociales en todos los miembros de un grupo determinado, muchos caer\u00e1n en la invisibilidad de nuestros movimientos, solas frente al sufrimiento del aislamiento virtual."} {"gender":"male","en":"I raised my sons there.","es":"Cri\u00e9 a mis hijos ah\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"A few hours later, it had gone up to 23.6 million dollars, plus shipping and handling.","es":"Unas horas m\u00e1s tarde, subi\u00f3 a 23,6 millones de d\u00f3lares, m\u00e1s gastos de env\u00edo."} {"gender":"male","en":"When I go out to direct a film, every day we prepare too much, we think too much.","es":"Cuando voy a dirigir una pel\u00edcula nos preparamos mucho cada d\u00eda, pensamos mucho."} {"gender":"female","en":"I am talking about threats that are so severe or pervasive that they literally get under our skin and change our physiology: things like abuse or neglect, or growing up with a parent who struggles with mental illness or substance dependence.","es":"Estoy hablando de amenazas tan graves y prolongadas que literalmente influyen en nuestro cuerpo y cambian nuestra fisiolog\u00eda: cosas el abuso o el abandono, o crecer con un padre que sufre una enfermedad mental o lucha con la adicci\u00f3n a las drogas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But there's a roadblock that you can't get past.","es":"Pero hay un obst\u00e1culo que no podemos superar."} {"gender":"female","en":"The restaurant has been a bridge.","es":"El restaurante ha sido un puente."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think we all, if we don't look at the data, we underestimate the tremendous change in Asia, which was in social change before we saw the economic change.","es":"Creo que todos al no observar los datos desestimamos el tremendo cambio producido en Asia, donde ya se estaba produciendo un cambio social antes de que vi\u00e9ramos el cambio econ\u00f3mico."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's the tale of the potential human beings have to work together.","es":"Es sobre el potencial en el que tienen que trabajar juntos los seres humanos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And here we are at 2010, average life expectancy of a child born today, age 79, and we are not done yet.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed estamos en 2010, la esperanza de vida de un ni\u00f1o nacido hoy es de 79 a\u00f1os, y eso no es todo."} {"gender":"female","en":"To fund their research, they apply for public and private grants and after the research is finished, they write a paper about their findings.","es":"Para financiarla, solicitan subvenciones p\u00fablicas y privadas. Una vez terminada la investigaci\u00f3n, escriben un trabajo sobre los hallazgos obtenidos."} {"gender":"male","en":"But the caves I want to share with you today are made completely of ice, specifically glacier ice that's formed in the side of the tallest mountain in the state of Oregon, called Mount Hood.","es":"Pero las cuevas que hoy quiero compartir con Uds. son totalmente de hielo, en especial del hielo glaciar que se forma en la ladera de la monta\u00f1a m\u00e1s alta del estado de Oreg\u00f3n, llamada Monte Hood."} {"gender":"female","en":"In this case, I'm showing you Marble Madness, which is a beautiful game in which the controller is a big sphere that vibrates with you, so you have a sphere that's moving in this landscape, and the sphere, the controller itself, gives you a sense of the movement.","es":"En este caso, estoy mostrando el Marble Madness, que es un juego hermoso en el que el mando es una gran esfera que vibra contigo, para tener una esfera que se mueve en este paisaje, y la esfera, el mando en s\u00ed mismo, te da una sensaci\u00f3n de movimiento."} {"gender":"female","en":"After about three days, the bubbles will appear on the surface of the liquid.","es":"En unos 3 d\u00edas aparecer\u00e1n las burbujas en la superficie del l\u00edquido."} {"gender":"male","en":"But we have to have these priority changes, we have to have infrastructure to go with this.","es":"Pero tenemos que tener estos cambios, tenemos que tener la infraestructura para llevar esto a cabo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Think about artists, not as content providers, though they can be brilliant at that, but, again, as real catalysts.","es":"Piensen en los artistas no como proveedores de contenido, aunque pueden ser brillantes en eso, sino, nuevamente, como catalizadores efectivos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Over the last hundred and fifty years or so, science has kind of blurred this distinction between non-living and living systems, and now we consider that there may be a kind of continuum that exists between the two.","es":"Durante los \u00faltimos 150 a\u00f1os m\u00e1s o menos, la ciencia casi ha borrado esta distinci\u00f3n entre sistemas vivos y no vivos, y ahora consideramos que podr\u00eda existir una continuidad entre ambos."} {"gender":"female","en":"There are quite a lot of my colleagues and other scientists who would say that it's now too late to avoid a two-degree warming.","es":"Hay bastantes de mis colegas y otros cient\u00edficos que dir\u00edan que ya es muy tarde para evitar un calentamiento de 2 grados."} {"gender":"female","en":"No. There will still be paper dictionaries.","es":"No. Seguir\u00e1n siendo diccionarios en papel."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We developed these novel actuators for the joints, so it's compliant.","es":"Hemos desarrollado estos nuevos actuadores para articulaciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because the solutions seem so far in the past, I needed nothing short of a time machine to access them.","es":"Porque la soluci\u00f3n parece tan lejana en el pasado, que necesitaba nada menos que una m\u00e1quina del tiempo para llegar a ella."} {"gender":"female","en":"If we look at biology, and many of you probably don't know, I was a biology major before I went into architecture, the human skin is the organ that naturally regulates the temperature in the body, and it's a fantastic thing.","es":"Si observamos la biolog\u00eda, \u2014y quiz\u00e1 algunos no saben que estudi\u00e9 biolog\u00eda antes de entrar a arquitectura\u2014 vemos que la piel humana es el \u00f3rgano que regula naturalmente la temperatura del cuerpo, y eso es fant\u00e1stico."} {"gender":"male","en":"Two elements that worked for me here are, the first is 90 percent, I learned, of head and neck pain is through muscular-skeletal imbalance.","es":"Dos elementos que me sirvieron en esto fueron, primero, que el 90% del dolor de cabeza y cuello se debe a un desequilibrio muscoesquel\u00e9tico."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, I have just an average memory.","es":"En realidad, tengo una memoria promedio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But we have a full-scale model in storage at the NASA Langley Research Center.","es":"Tenemos un modelo a escala natural guardado en el Centro de Investigaciones Langley de la NASA."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let's increase the languages they crawl from seven to 70, or more.","es":"Aumentemos las lenguas en los que busca de siete a 70 o m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"I actually pay someone to scrub my social media feeds, attempting to spare my brain the daily iterations of the trauma of hate speech.","es":"De hecho, pago a alguien para que limpie mis redes sociales, para intentar liberar mi cerebro de las interacciones diarias del trauma de la incitaci\u00f3n al odio."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, these are three spectragrams.","es":"Estos son tres espectrogramas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Scientists added a single gene that codes for a protein represented by this orange ball that feeds back on itself to keep cranking out more of that protein.","es":"Los cient\u00edficos a\u00f1adieron un gen que codifica una prote\u00edna, representada aqu\u00ed por esta bola naranja, que se alimenta de s\u00ed misma para seguir produciendo m\u00e1s prote\u00edna."} {"gender":"male","en":"So again I am a believer in the radical architecture.","es":"De modo que, de nuevo, soy un creyente en la arquitectura radical."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So five percent flat, 44 percent of upside.","es":"As\u00ed que 5 % tarifa plana, y 44 % de alza."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It also means how people can get access and do things that will affect their community, and this is an example.","es":"Pero tambi\u00e9n significa c\u00f3mo la gente puede tener acceso y hacer cosas que afectar\u00e1n a su comunidad, y este es un ejemplo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I know I have. You wake up and as you're emerging into consciousness, you feel this horrible dread, you know, this real wretchedness, and immediately, your mind starts to race.","es":"Uno se despierta y mientras recobra la consciencia, siente ese horrible pavor, ya saben, esa desdicha, e inmediatamente la mente se empieza a acelerar."} {"gender":"female","en":"When children do experiments we call it \"getting into everything\" or else \"playing.\"","es":"Cuando los ni\u00f1os experimentan, lo llamamos: \"meterse en todo\" o bien: \"jugar\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a new experience.","es":"Es una experiencia nueva."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'd like to tell you the story of a consulting firm that helps their clients dramatically improve their profitability.","es":"Me gustar\u00eda contarles la historia de una consultor\u00eda que ayuda a sus clientes a mejorar dr\u00e1sticamente su rentabilidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"He stands there, and he looks across at the island, Sado.","es":"Se queda inm\u00f3vil y mira hacia la isla Sado."} {"gender":"male","en":"As I said, the existing treatment requires the heart-lung bypass machine, and it requires a total body cooling.","es":"El tratamiento existente requiere, como ya he dicho, el m\u00e1quina de baip\u00e1s de coraz\u00f3n y pulmones y requiere un enfriamiento total del cuerpo."} {"gender":"male","en":"We look at that, we say, \"That's beautiful, but can I just have the first half of the equation, please?","es":"Miramos eso, decimos: \"Es hermoso, pero \u00bfpuedo tener la primera mitad de la ecuaci\u00f3n, por favor?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And I'm going to focus on two key ingredients that usually get left out of the history books.","es":"Y voy a concentrarme en dos ingredientes claves frecuentemente dejados de lado en los libros de historia."} {"gender":"male","en":"And as I finish my talk, I'd just like to ask each and every single one of you here, wonderful thinkers, changemakers, innovators, the wonderful global citizens we have at TED, just remember the words of Martin Luther King.","es":"Para terminar mi charla, quisiera pedirles a todos y cada uno de Uds. aqu\u00ed, pensadores maravillosos, agentes de cambio, innovadores, los maravillosos ciudadanos globales que tenemos en TED, que recuerden las palabras de Martin Luther King."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then our job as roboticists was to replicate that in our robot.","es":"Nuestro trabajo como robotistas fue replicarlo en nuestro robot."} {"gender":"female","en":"So we were given our first task. We were going to plan an event called the Rescue of Joseph Kony's Child Soldiers where participants would come in a hundred cities worldwide and rally in their city center until a celebrity or a political figure came and used their voice on behalf of these child soldiers, and at that point each city was \"rescued.\"","es":"Nos dieron nuestra primera tarea: Ten\u00edamos que planificar un evento llamado \"Rescate de los ni\u00f1os soldados de Joseph Kony\", en el que los participantes, en cien ciudades de todo el mundo, salieran en manifestaci\u00f3n hasta que alg\u00fan personaje importante se presentara y se comprometiera con esos ni\u00f1os soldados. En ese momento, esa ciudad se consideraba \"rescatada\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"The problem we had with STriDER I is, it was just too heavy in the body.","es":"El problema que tuvimos con STriDER I es que ten\u00eda un cuerpo demasiado pesado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But we're not producing the extra mathematics students to fill these new roles.","es":"Pero no estamos produciendo m\u00e1s estudiantes de matem\u00e1ticas para estos nuevos roles."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was like, \"Couldn't publish what?\"","es":"Yo le pregunt\u00e9: \"\u00bfPublicar qu\u00e9?\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And perhaps most obviously, but also most importantly, and the path to concepts that we've heard about kind of illustrates this, it needs infrastructure that can supply an uninterrupted source of electricity, of compressed oxygen, and other medical supplies that are so critical to the functioning of this machine.","es":"Y tal vez, lo m\u00e1s obvio, y quiz\u00e1 lo m\u00e1s importante \u2013adem\u00e1s de ser la forma de ilustrar los conceptos de los que hemos o\u00eddo hablar\u2013 es que necesita una infraestructura que le suministre una fuente ininterrumpida de electricidad, oxigeno comprimido y otros suministros m\u00e9dicos cr\u00edticos para el funcionamiento de esta m\u00e1quina."} {"gender":"female","en":"I also had my first taste of cultural stereotypes there.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n tuve mi primer contacto con estereotipos culturales all\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"And once I got on the flight, he patted me on the back and wished me well, and I thanked him so much.","es":"Cuando sub\u00ed a mi vuelo, me palme\u00f3 en la espalda, y dese\u00f3 que me fuera bien, y yo le agradec\u00ed mucho."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was also evident that they had no idea that there was a landscape of opportunity that existed beyond their neighborhood.","es":"Era evidente tambi\u00e9n que no ten\u00edan idea que hab\u00eda un horizonte de oportunidades que exist\u00eda m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de su vecindario."} {"gender":"male","en":"I did another story on marine debris.","es":"Escrib\u00ed otra historia sobre desechos marinos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Our hands are amazing instruments.","es":"Las manos son instrumentos maravillosos."} {"gender":"male","en":"You go up to the \"File\" menu and you choose \"New.\"","es":"Vas al menu Archivo y escojes Nuevo, bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"Mallory postulated that there is something in man that responds to the challenge of the mountain, and I wonder if that's the case whether there's something in the challenge itself, in the endeavor, and particularly in the big, unfinished, chunky challenges that face humanity that call out to us, and in my experience that's certainly the case.","es":"Mallory postul\u00f3 que hay algo en el hombre que responde al desaf\u00edo de la monta\u00f1a, y me pregunto si este es el caso donde hay algo en el desaf\u00edo mismo, en el esfuerzo, y en particular en los grandes, inconclusos, voluminosos desaf\u00edos que enfrenta la humanidad y nos convocan y, en mi experiencia, \u00e9ste es ciertamente el caso."} {"gender":"female","en":"But we all know that social change is not going to come from just knowing more information, but from doing something with it.","es":"Pero, todos sabemos que el cambio social no va a ser el resultado solo de tener m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n, sino de hacer algo con ella."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"At least you don't have to pay for hospital parking anymore.\"","es":"\"Al menos ya no seguir\u00e1s pagando el estacionamiento en el hospital\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Your parents may not have planned you, but I believe God did.","es":"Puede que tus padres no te hayan planeado, pero creo que Dios s\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"But what about the Christians and the Muslims and the atheists that I grew up with?","es":"Pero \u00bfy los cristianos, y los musulmanes y los ateos con los que crec\u00ed?"} {"gender":"male","en":"In South Africa, in Cape Town, the local community of Philippi offered me the only concrete wall of the slum.","es":"En Sud\u00e1frica, en Ciudad del Cabo, la comunidad filipa local me ofreci\u00f3 el \u00fanico muro de hormig\u00f3n de un barrio marginal."} {"gender":"female","en":"Remember fire?","es":"\u00bfRecuerdan el fuego?"} {"gender":"female","en":"It was humiliating.","es":"Fue humillante."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the posture of ladies who are not blogging; this is the posture of ladies who are blogging. This is the natural posture of a man sitting, squatting for ventilation purposes.","es":"Esta es la postura de las damas que no est\u00e1n blogueando; esta es la postura de las damas que est\u00e1n blogueando. Esta es la postura natural de un hombre sentado, agachado por razones de ventilaci\u00f3n. Y esta es la postura de un hombre de pie."} {"gender":"female","en":"But when Sarah Jones told me we was gonna come up here, I was like, betch, you know what I'm saying, TED is real fly, I got a whole lot of dope, you know what I'm saying, shit going on and everything, but she was like, yeah, we're going to have to answer, like, some random questions, just like, and I was like, what the hell is that?","es":"Pero cuando Sarah Jones me dijo que iba a venir aqu\u00ed, Yo estaba como, ya saben, TED es un vuelo, obtuve gran cantidad de droga, Ud. sabe lo que digo, mierda sucede y todo, pero ella era como, wow, vamos a tener que responder, algunas preguntas al azar. Me gusta, y \u00bfqu\u00e9 diablos es eso?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm a molecular biologist by training, and I've seen a lot of these kinds of drawings.","es":"Soy bioqu\u00edmica molecular de formaci\u00f3n, y he visto muchos de estos dibujos."} {"gender":"female","en":"I mean, imagine what it would be like to really understand the mind of another intelligent species on the planet.","es":"Es decir, imaginen lo que ser\u00eda realmente entender la mente de otra especie inteligente en el planeta."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you're a senior person at UNESCO and someone says, \"So what are you doing to eradicate world poverty?\" you're not really confident standing up there saying, \"I've got it cracked; it's the lentils,\" are you?","es":"Si tienes un alto cargo de la UNESCO y alguien dice, \"As\u00ed que, \u00bfqu\u00e9 est\u00e1is haciendo para erradicar la pobreza en el mundo?\" no te setir\u00edas confiado en tan alta responsabilidad diciendo, \"Encontr\u00e9 la respuesta. Son las lentejas\" \u00bfno?"} {"gender":"male","en":"We have all read about the arrest of your partner, David Miranda in London, and other difficulties, but I assume that in terms of personal engagement and risk, that the pressure on you is not that easy to take on the biggest sovereign organizations in the world.","es":"Todos hemos le\u00eddo acerca de la detenci\u00f3n de tu socio, David Miranda en Londres, y otras dificultades, pero supongo que en t\u00e9rminos de compromiso personal y el riesgo, de que la presi\u00f3n sobre tu persona no es tan f\u00e1cil de asumir para las mayores organizaciones soberanas en el mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"This short fiction piece by Martin Amis starts out, \"On September 11, 2001, he opened his eyes at 4 a.m. in Portland, Maine, and Mohamed Atta's last day began.\" For a time that I find to be the most placid and uneventful hour of the day, four in the morning sure gets an awful lot of bad press, across a lot of different media from a lot of big names.","es":"Esta peque\u00f1a pieza de ficci\u00f3n de Martin Amis empieza as\u00ed: \" El 11 de Septiembre de 2001, \u00e9l abri\u00f3 sus ojos a las 4 a.m en Portland, Maine y el \u00faltimo d\u00eda de Mohamed Atta comenz\u00f3\" Para una hora que considero la m\u00e1s pl\u00e1cida y la m\u00e1s calma del d\u00eda, las 4 de la ma\u00f1ana seguro tiene muy mala prensa en diferentes medios y seg\u00fan grandes autores."} {"gender":"female","en":"We need to focus on reducing the oil.","es":"Necesitamos concentrarnos en disminuir el petr\u00f3leo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here he is, one little guy, black jeans and stuff, on a totally empty stage.","es":"Ah\u00ed est\u00e1. Un hombrecillo, tejanos negros y tal, un escenario completamente vac\u00edo."} {"gender":"male","en":"But about five days later back in Atlanta, I received an email from Glenn Thomas, one of my people in the California meeting.","es":"Llev\u00e1ndolos y muchas veces sin saber si estaba conectando. pero, unos cinco d\u00edas m\u00e1s tarde, de vuelta en Atlanta, Recib\u00ed un email de Glenn Thomas, una de las personas en la reuni\u00f3n de California."} {"gender":"female","en":"I lost and got airlifted.","es":"Perd\u00ed y fui transportada por aire."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So take a look at that animal.","es":"Miren ese animal."} {"gender":"female","en":"That's why you have the Raspyni Brothers whacking Richard in the genital area.","es":"Es por eso que est\u00e1n los Hermanos Raspyni golpeando a Richard en su \u00e1rea genital."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I thought to myself, I need to survive.","es":"As\u00ed que pens\u00e9 que necesitaba sobrevivir."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm like, \"What?","es":"Y yo dije, \"\u00bfQu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And it was time for us to go in and give it a go.","es":"Y era el momento para que ingresemos y hagamos el intento."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's my story.","es":"Esa es mi historia."} {"gender":"female","en":"They were facing so many problems with their families and their communities who seemed to care more about their honor and their reputation than the happiness and the lives of their own kids.","es":"Se enfrentaban a problemas con sus familias y comunidades a las que parec\u00eda importarles m\u00e1s su honor y su reputaci\u00f3n que la felicidad y la vida de sus propios hijos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And as that's happened, people have been leaving behind footprints, footprints that tell stories of their moments of self-expression.","es":"Y a medida de que sucedi\u00f3, la gente ha dejado huellas, huellas que narran historias de sus momentos de expresi\u00f3n personal."} {"gender":"male","en":"This discourages the sort of reasoning citizenship it seems to me that we want to have.","es":"Y esto nos aleja de cualquier acercamiento juicioso que en mi opini\u00f3n deber\u00edamos tener."} {"gender":"female","en":"I say that, for thousands of years, women have lived, exemplified, met in intimacy, the archetype of Avalokitesvara, of Kuan-Yin, she who perceives the cries of suffering in the world.","es":"Digo que, por miles de a\u00f1os, ha habido mujeres, ejemplificando, conociendo \u00edntimamente, el arquetipo de Avalokiteshvara, de Kuan-Yin, ella que percibe el llanto y el sufrimiento en el mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Personal greatness.","es":"La excelencia personal."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"A piece, an essence, of who they are.","es":"Un poco, una muestra, de qui\u00e9nes son."} {"gender":"male","en":"These include heavier brows, thinner cheeks and bigger, squared-off jaws.","es":"Estas incluyen cejas m\u00e1s pobladas, mejillas m\u00e1s delgadas y mand\u00edbulas m\u00e1s grandes y cuadradas."} {"gender":"female","en":"I see a giant candy-colored monument to our collective panic, and it makes me want to know, why is it that raising our children is associated with so much anguish and so much confusion?","es":"Veo un monumento color golosina a nuestro p\u00e1nico colectivo que me hace querer saber: \u00bfPor qu\u00e9 criar a nuestros hijos est\u00e1 asociado con tanta angustia y con tanta confusi\u00f3n?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So I want to start this talk by showing y'all a photo, and it's a photo many of you have probably seen before.","es":"Quiero comenzar esta charla ense\u00f1\u00e1ndoles una foto que muchos probablemente han visto antes."} {"gender":"female","en":"We are doing the same with the insurance sector.","es":"Estamos haciendo lo mismo con el sector de las aseguradoras."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm saying that the rate of improvement of those therapies will be enough.","es":"Estoy diciendo que con la tasa de mejoramiento de esas terapias bastar\u00e1."} {"gender":"female","en":"This isn't right.\"","es":"Esto no est\u00e1 bien.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"Do you let them die?","es":"\u00bfLes dejas morir?"} {"gender":"male","en":"At the same time, we also had lots of parents, rich people, who had computers, and who used to tell me, \"You know, my son, I think he's gifted, because he does wonderful things with computers.","es":"Al mismo tiempo, muchos padres, gente adinerada con computadoras, me sol\u00edan decir: \"Ya sabes, mi hijo, creo que es superdotado, porque hace maravillas con las computadoras."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We have a bias when it comes to people we're close to.","es":"Tenemos un prejuicio cuando tratamos con personas cercanas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"A huge shopping revolution is happening in China right now.","es":"En China est\u00e1 ocurriendo actualmente una enorme revoluci\u00f3n de las compras."} {"gender":"male","en":"What's next for us?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es nuestro siguiente paso?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I feel that there are some things that are getting in the way.","es":"Siento que hay algunas cosas que se interponen en el camino."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's an aerobic process, so it requires oxygen, and it requires plenty of moisture as well.","es":"Es un proceso aer\u00f3bico, por lo que requiere ox\u00edgeno, y tambi\u00e9n requiere mucha humedad."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"And, baby,\" I'll tell her, don't keep your nose up in the air like that.","es":"\"Y, cari\u00f1o\", voy a decirle, no lleves la nariz levantada en el aire."} {"gender":"female","en":"You don't see the blogger, you don't see the Harvard-educated lawyer, the vibrant person, you know?","es":"No ven a la blogera, no ven a la abogada educada en Harvard, la persona vibrante, \u00bfsaben?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And firefly light first originated in these juveniles.","es":"Y la luz de las luci\u00e9rnagas apareci\u00f3 en esta etapa de juventud."} {"gender":"male","en":"The police response to a community in mourning was to use force to impose fear: fear of militarized police, imprisonment, fines.","es":"La polic\u00eda, ante una comunidad en luto, respondi\u00f3 con el uso de la fuerza para infundir miedo: a una fuerza militarizada, al encarcelamiento, a las multas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Here we see, it says on the top, \"Families in the world by income,\" and we have the street represented just beneath it, you can see.","es":"Aqu\u00ed vemos, dice en la parte superior, \"Familias en el mundo por ingresos\" y tenemos la calle representada justo debajo, como pueden ver."} {"gender":"male","en":"And what I now present to you is an excerpt from a book in progress.","es":"Lo que voy a presentarles es un extracto de un libro que estoy escribiendo."} {"gender":"female","en":"She runs a successful web development company and employs several people.","es":"Dirige una exitosa empresa de desarrollo web y tiene contratadas a varias personas."} {"gender":"female","en":"I spent two nights in the hospital recovering from trauma and injuries.","es":"Pas\u00e9 2 noches en el hospital recuper\u00e1ndome de traumatismos y lesiones."} {"gender":"male","en":"She said, \"It's over.\" When I finished that night, she called him and left a message at the top of the World Trade Center where he worked, saying, \"I love you, I want you to know I want to marry you.","es":"Ella le dijo \"Se acab\u00f3\" Cuando termin\u00e9 esa noche, ella lo llam\u00f3 y le dej\u00f3 un mensaje, es una historia verdadera-- en la punta del World Trade Center donde \u00e9l trabajaba. Dec\u00eda \"Cari\u00f1o, te amo, s\u00f3lo quiero que sepas que me quiero casar contigo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So having seen this work, worked a little bit on this, this is where I came in. And I decided to create a system that has all the properties that are necessary to see, in fact, the evolution of complexity, more and more complex problems constantly evolving.","es":"Habiendo visto su trabajo y trabajado un poco en eso, es cuando llego yo y decido crear un sistema con las propiedades necesarias para ver la evoluci\u00f3n de la complejidad, problemas m\u00e1s complejos que evolucionan constantemente."} {"gender":"male","en":"I hit \"refresh.\"","es":"Aprieto \"Actualizar\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Think about it, solar power used to be uncommon and unaffordable.","es":"Piensen, la energ\u00eda solar sol\u00eda ser rara y cara."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The first was just the screen.","es":"As\u00ed que lo primero fue s\u00f3lo la pantalla."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, here's another reason.","es":"Hay otra raz\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"I took a stand, paid half a grand!","es":"\u00a1Tom\u00e9 una decisi\u00f3n, pagu\u00e9 500!"} {"gender":"female","en":"\"Good morning, ma'am.\"","es":"\"Buenos d\u00edas se\u00f1ora\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And all of us need policies that protect us from exploitation by employers and financial institutions.","es":"Y nosotros necesitamos pol\u00edticas que nos protejan de la explotaci\u00f3n de los empleadores y las instituciones financieras."} {"gender":"female","en":"Simply put, we haven't found a way to use space sustainably yet.","es":"Hemos usado el espacio de forma poco sustentable."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is at least 100 times bigger.","es":"Aunque este es al menos 100 veces mayor."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"Why should aging well mean struggling to look and move like younger versions of ourselves?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 envejecer bien deber\u00eda implicar la lucha por vernos y movernos como versiones m\u00e1s j\u00f3venes de nosotros mismos?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Ooh, ooh.","es":"Uuh, uuh."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Sunil: Wait. ______ .","es":"Sunil: Espera. ______ ."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm quite an experienced manager of systems as a pilot, but this is, really, You need fluidity, you need to be agile and also to adapt really fast.","es":"Porque es Tengo experiencia en manejar sistemas como piloto pero en realidad se requiere fluidez. Tienes que mantenerte \u00e1gil y adaptarte con gran rapidez."} {"gender":"female","en":"Yes, trees are the foundation of forests, but a forest is much more than what you see, and today I want to change the way you think about forests.","es":"S\u00ed, los \u00e1rboles son la base de los bosques, pero un bosque es mucho m\u00e1s de lo que ven, y hoy quiero cambiar su percepci\u00f3n de los bosques."} {"gender":"male","en":"I had never been surrounded by so many azungu, white people.","es":"Nunca hab\u00eda estado rodeado de tantos \"azungu\", o sea hombres blancos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then I began to ask the reverse question.","es":"Y entonces empec\u00e9 a hacer la pregunta inversa."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then I started thinking, would it be possible to hook up a heart\/lung bypass machine and have a surgery where it was a tube going into my artery, and then appear to not breathe while they were oxygenating my blood?","es":"Luego empec\u00e9 a pensar: \u00bfSer\u00eda posible conectar una m\u00e1quina de bypass cardiorespiratorio e implantarme un tubo en una arteria, para que pareciese que no respiraba mientras me oxigenaban la sangre?"} {"gender":"female","en":"So we literally could not know how they're going to cope.","es":"As\u00ed que literalmente no podr\u00eda saber c\u00f3mo van a hacer frente."} {"gender":"male","en":"But the same may not be true if we're talking about nonmaterial goods and social practices such as teaching and learning or engaging together in civic life.","es":"Pero lo mismo puede no ser verdad si estamos hablando de bienes inmateriales y de pr\u00e1cticas sociales como la ense\u00f1anza y el aprendizaje o la participaci\u00f3n en la vida c\u00edvica."} {"gender":"female","en":"I said, \"What's going on?\"","es":"Y yo dije, \u00bfQu\u00e9 pasa aqu\u00ed?\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"But I'm going to use tools and ideas that are familiar to economists to think about a problem that's more traditionally part of public health and epidemiology.","es":"Pero si voy a usar herrmanientas e ideas que son familliares a los economistas para pensar acerca un problema que es m\u00e1s tradicionalmente un asunto de salud p\u00fablica y epidemiolog\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was telling the humans what to do, telling the robots what to do and keeping track of thousands of individual components.","es":"Le dec\u00eda a los humanos qu\u00e9 hacer, y a los robots qu\u00e9 hacer y llevaba registro de miles de componentes individuales."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I think that most alarming of all of it is seeing this rising animosity on both sides.","es":"Y creo que lo m\u00e1s alarmante es la creciente hostilidad de ambas partes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And she said, \"Please, God, let them rescue me.\"","es":"Y dijo: \"Por favor, Dios, que me rescaten\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a target in the thalamus.","es":"Es un punto en el t\u00e1lamo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And if you think you have to get involved in something, even if it's an emergency, try finding an activist group or an NGO, and obtain the full support of the academic community, whatever that means, before you get involved.","es":"Y si piensan que tienen que involucrarse en algo, incluso si es una emergencia, traten de encontrar un grupo de activistas o una ONG, y obtengan el apoyo total de la comunidad acad\u00e9mica, lo que quiera que esto signifique, antes de involucrarse."} {"gender":"male","en":"And there's about 130 million people in migration trying to get into urban centers at all times, and in the next 10 to 15 years, are expecting another 400 to 500 million people to migrate into the urban centers like Shanghai and the manufacturing centers.","es":"Y hay unos 130 millones de inmigrantes intentando llegar a los centros urbanos todo el tiempo. Y entre los pr\u00f3ximos 10 a 15 a\u00f1os, se esperan otros 400 \u00f3 500 millones de personas que migrar\u00e1n a los centros urbanos como Shanghai y a los centros industriales."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I came up with a new method a couple of years ago I call DNA origami that's so easy you could do it at home in your kitchen and design the stuff on a laptop.","es":"As\u00ed que se me ocurri\u00f3 un nuevo m\u00e9todo hace un par de a\u00f1os lo llamo origami de ADN es tan facil que lo pueden hacer en la cocina de sus casas y dise\u00f1arlo en una laptop."} {"gender":"female","en":"He kind of got this confused look on his face, and he said \"But we love them.\"","es":"Con una mirada confundida en su cara dijo: \"Pero los amamos\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's got three consequences.","es":"Tiene tres consecuencias."} {"gender":"female","en":"More appropriately, some of my collaborators at UCT, Jennifer Thomson, Suhail Rafudeen, have spearheaded that approach and I'm going to show you some data soon.","es":"M\u00e1s precisamente, algunos de mis colaboradores en la UCT, Jennifer Thomson, Suhail Rafudeen, han encabezado este enfoque y voy a mostrarles algunos datos pronto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Believe it or not, you come across some C.O.s on Rikers Island that'll fight you one-on-one.","es":"Aunque no lo crean, te encuentras con algunos guardias en Rikers Island con los cuales luchar uno-a-uno."} {"gender":"female","en":"Streets are some of the most valuable resources that a city has, and yet it's an asset that's largely hidden in plain sight.","es":"Las calles son unos de los recursos m\u00e1s valiosos que tiene una ciudad, y sin embargo es un bien que en gran parte se pasa por alto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We kill using long lines, with baited hooks every few feet that may stretch for 50 miles or more.","es":"Matamos usando hilos largos, con ganchos con carnadas separados por unos pocos pies de distancia y que se pueden extender por 50 millas o m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"So it does make a huge difference.","es":"Hace una gran diferencia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, a great way to boost social resilience is gratitude.","es":"Una excelente manera de potenciar la resiliencia social es la gratitud."} {"gender":"female","en":"Like, the quotation I'm wearing is from, like, Gloria Steinem, and, like, I'm named Bella for, like, Bella Abzug, who's, like, obviously, like, a really important feminist from, like, history, and like, I just think that those women, like, really represent, like, that you can, like, be vital and, like, amazing, like, a-mazing, and you don't have to wear, like, an Eileen Fisher caftan, just to, like, prove that you are a feminist.","es":"Al igual, la cita que llevo puesta es de, Gloria Steinem, y yo me llamo Bella por Bella Abzug, que es, obviamente, una importante feminista, en la historia, y al igual que, solo creo que esas mujeres, realmente representan, que puedes, ser vital y, al igual, incre\u00edble, genial, y no tienes que vestirte con, un caft\u00e1n Eileen Fisher, solo para probar que eres feminista."} {"gender":"female","en":"Penicillin began the antibiotic era in 1943.","es":"La penicilina inaugur\u00f3 la era antibi\u00f3tica en 1943."} {"gender":"female","en":"This was a seminal event in the civil rights movement and it's where African-Americans called for both civil and economic justice.","es":"Este fue un evento seminal en el movimiento por los derechos civiles donde los afroamericanos exig\u00edan justicia civil y econ\u00f3mica."} {"gender":"male","en":"I hope you notice the coincidence here.","es":"Espero que hayan notado la coincidencia aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I believe Costa Rica can be an inspiration to others, as we did last year when we disclosed that for so many days we were not using any fossil fuels in order to generate all our electricity.","es":"Creo que Costa Rica puede ser una inspiraci\u00f3n para los dem\u00e1s, como hicimos el a\u00f1o pasado, cuando divulgamos los d\u00edas que tenemos sin usar ning\u00fan combustible f\u00f3sil para generar toda la electricidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"China solves it by an edict.","es":"China lo resuelve mediante un decreto."} {"gender":"male","en":"I am both a magician and a New York Times crossword puzzle constructor, which basically means I've taken the world's two nerdiest hobbies and combined them into one career.","es":"Soy a la vez un mago y creador de crucigramas del New York Times, lo que en resumen significa que tom\u00e9 dos aficiones obsesivas del mundo y las combin\u00e9 en una carrera."} {"gender":"male","en":"Feynman's scientific style was always to look for the simplest, most elementary solution to a problem that was possible.","es":"El estilo cient\u00edfico de Feynman consist\u00eda en buscar lo m\u00e1s sencillo, la soluci\u00f3n m\u00e1s elemental posible para cada problema."} {"gender":"female","en":"We started finding engraved inscriptions.","es":"Empezamos a encontrar inscripciones gravadas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Therefore we will fundamentally rethink the way we look at the environment, the way we look at energy, the way we create whole new paradigms of development.","es":"Vamos a repensar la forma en que miramos el medioambiente, la forma en que concebimos la energ\u00eda, la manera en que creamos nuevos paradigmas de desarrollo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well here's the late, great Jerry Andrus' \"impossible crate\" illusion in 3D, in which Jerry is standing inside the impossible crate.","es":"Pero aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 el difunto Jerry Andrus con la ilusi\u00f3n del \"caj\u00f3n imposible\" en 3D y Jerry est\u00e1 de pie dentro del caj\u00f3n imposible."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then to my new project, the one I'm doing now here in Brazil, named \"H\u00edbridos.\"","es":"A mi nuevo proyecto, que estoy haciendo aqu\u00ed en Brasil, llamado \"H\u00edbridos\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"But I like it: \"no-nothingism.\"","es":"Pero me gusta: \"no-nadismo\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"What was happening was the option that was useless, in the middle, was useless in the sense that nobody wanted it. But it wasn't useless in the sense that it helped people figure out what they wanted.","es":"Lo que estaba pasando era que la opci\u00f3n que era in\u00fatil, la de en medio, era in\u00fatil en el sentido de que nadie la quer\u00eda, pero no era in\u00fatil en el sentido de que le serv\u00eda a la gente para figurarse que era lo que quer\u00edan."} {"gender":"male","en":"However, I will show to you now that we do not need to go to Mars to explore alien worlds.","es":"Sin embargo, voy a demostrarles que no necesitamos ir a Marte para explorar mundos alien\u00edgenas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And this is actually a real photograph of Earth taken by the Voyager 1 spacecraft, four billion miles away.","es":"Y esta es realmente una foto real de la Tierra tomada por la nave espacial Voyager 1, 6,4 mil millones de km de distancia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Because it wanted to move.","es":"Porque quer\u00eda moverse."} {"gender":"female","en":"And she said, \"Well, I think it's too late.\"","es":"Y me contest\u00f3: \"Bueno, creo que ya es demasiado tarde\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's a big community; such a big community, in fact, that our annual gathering is the largest scientific meeting in the world.","es":"Es una gran comunidad. Una comunidad tan grande, de hecho, que nuestro encuentro anual es la reuni\u00f3n cient\u00edfica m\u00e1s grande del mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I thought long and hard, and I stood here two days ago, and I had my test run, and I had my cards and my clicker in my hands and my pictures were on the screen, and I had my three lessons, and I started presenting them, and I had this very odd out-of-body experience.","es":"As\u00ed que reflexion\u00e9 por mucho tiempo y aqu\u00ed estaba de pie hace 2 d\u00edas, y ense\u00f1\u00e9 un poco, ten\u00eda mis apuntes, el mando en la mano las fotos en la pantalla, ten\u00eda mis 3 lecciones preparadas, empec\u00e9 a presentarlas, y tuve la extra\u00f1a sensaci\u00f3n de salir de mi cuerpo."} {"gender":"male","en":"They have to deal with things like toxins and pharmaceuticals that are flushed out into the ocean, and maybe even affecting their reproduction.","es":"Tienen que lidiar con cosas como toxinas y f\u00e1rmacos que son tirados al oc\u00e9ano, y pueden haber estado afectando su reproducci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's like they're saying that \"You don't look right, so I guess I have the right to disrespect you.\"","es":"Es como si pensaran: \"No tienes buena pinta, as\u00ed que tengo derecho a faltarte el respeto\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's nothing I can do as a cartoonist.","es":"No hay nada que pueda yo hacer como caricaturista."} {"gender":"male","en":"And as I got older, I continued.","es":"Y a medida que fui creciendo continu\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"And my personal dream is for kids to take this and explore and see the wonders out there and be inspired, as I was as a kid, to pursue STEM education and to pursue a dream in space exploration.","es":"Mi sue\u00f1o personal es que los ni\u00f1os usen esto para explorar y ver las maravillas que hay all\u00ed y sean inspirados, como lo fui yo de ni\u00f1o, a estudiar ciencia e ingenier\u00eda y a perseguir un sue\u00f1o en la exploraci\u00f3n espacial."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I want to go beyond the story, and go to something more.","es":"Y quiero ir mas alla de la historia, e ir hacia algo mas."} {"gender":"female","en":"But how does it impact ordinary Americans?","es":"Pero \u00bfc\u00f3mo impacta a cualquier estadounidense?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's exactly what you see here.","es":"Eso es exactamente lo que ven aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"They want to ask me something.","es":"Quieren preguntarme algo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I then compare my information to the things I find on the Internet, satellite images, weather data from weather stations as well as offshore buoys.","es":"Luego comparo mi informaci\u00f3n con lo que encuentro en Internet; im\u00e1genes satelitales, datos de estaciones meteorol\u00f3gicas y de boyas de alta mar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Tamil is a south Indian language, and I said, can Tamil-speaking children in a south Indian village learn the biotechnology of DNA replication in English from a streetside computer?","es":"El tamil es una lengua aut\u00f3ctona del sur y dije: \u00bfpueden los ni\u00f1os de lengua tamil en una aldea del sur de India aprender la biotecnolog\u00eda de la replicaci\u00f3n del ADN en ingl\u00e9s mediante una computadora puesta en la calle?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Indeed, I was the youngest member of any delegation in the 1980 convention that elected Ronald Reagan to be the Republican nominee for president.","es":"De hecho, fui el miembro m\u00e1s joven de cualquier delegaci\u00f3n en la convenci\u00f3n de 1980 que eligi\u00f3 a Ronald Reagan como candidato republicano a la presidencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"This isn't my last time here.","es":"Esta no es mi \u00faltima vez aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"I can play with a violin bow.","es":"Puedo tocar con un arco de viol\u00edn."} {"gender":"female","en":"I am here for you,\" we can transform insecurity into security.","es":"Aqu\u00ed estoy para ti\", podemos transformar la inseguridad en seguridad."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I will come to that later on.","es":"Pero llegar\u00e9 a eso m\u00e1s adelante."} {"gender":"female","en":"These health sector leaders have pulled off an incredible feat in Afghanistan.","es":"Estos l\u00edderes han llevado a cabo una gran haza\u00f1a en Afganist\u00e1n."} {"gender":"male","en":"They're still new species, because I had a video camera instead of my net, so they're still waiting down there for someone to go find them.","es":"Todav\u00eda son nuevas porque en este buceo ten\u00eda mi c\u00e1mara en vez de mi red as\u00ed que a\u00fan est\u00e1n esperando que alguien baje y los encuentre."} {"gender":"male","en":"And what we tried with the pig was external electrodes on the skin, like you see in an emergency room, and I'm going to show you why they don't work very well.","es":"Y lo que intentamos con el cerdo fueron electrodos externos en la piel, como ven en una sala de emergencia, y les voy a mostrar por qu\u00e9 no andan bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it was something called EcoRock.","es":"Y era algo llamado \"EcoRock\" ."} {"gender":"female","en":"But the computer vision part that showed who is approaching, in which mood, we are still working on that part.","es":"Pero la parte de visi\u00f3n asistida por computador que indica quien se acerca y con qu\u00e9 estado de \u00e1nimo; todav\u00eda trabajamos en esto."} {"gender":"female","en":"There might be a way to somehow mitigate some of the risk involved, and this is a very appealing story, because falling in love feels amazing, but it's also terrifying.","es":"Puede haber una forma para de alg\u00fan modo mitigar algo del riesgo impl\u00edcito, y \u00e9sta es una historia muy atrayente, porque enamorarse nos hace sentir maravillosamente, pero tambi\u00e9n es aterrador."} {"gender":"female","en":"And what is it specifically about creative ventures that seems to make us really nervous about each other's mental health in a way that other careers kind of don't do, you know?","es":"Ya saben, y que es eso que espec\u00edficamente tienen las carreras creativos que aparentemente nos pone realmente nerviosos sobre la salud mental de los dem\u00e1s de una manera que otras carreras no lo hacen, \u00bfsaben?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I think those are deforming effects, and worst of all, it seems to prevent things like negotiation or deliberation or compromise or collaboration.","es":"Creo que esos son efectos deformantes y lo peor de todo, parecen impedir cosas como la negociaci\u00f3n, la deliberaci\u00f3n, el compromiso o la colaboraci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And there really wasn't much to do there for the summer, except get beaten up by my sister or read books.","es":"Y realmente no habia mucho para hacer all\u00ec en el verano excepto ser golpeado por mi hermana o leer libros."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, when I went to college, I found myself making fairly complicated, fragile machines.","es":"Ahora, cuando fui al colegio me encontr\u00e9 haciendo m\u00e1quinas algo complicadas y fr\u00e1giles."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Here's why: as long as the United States is out of the world system, it's not a closed system.","es":"He aqu\u00ed por qu\u00e9: en tanto Estados Unidos est\u00e9 fuera del sistema mundial, no es un sistema cerrado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"How did you then make the decision and assume the responsibilities of running a newspaper, especially in such times of conflict?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo es entonces que tomaste la decisi\u00f3n de asumir la responsabilidad de dirigir un peri\u00f3dico, sobre todo en esta \u00e9poca de conflicto?"} {"gender":"male","en":"TC: Jeff and I dance partner dancing all the time with women and men and we love it.","es":"TC: Jeff y yo bailamos en pareja todo el tiempo con mujeres y hombres y nos encanta."} {"gender":"female","en":"So in my lab, we're interested in the social brain, that is the network of brain regions that we use to understand other people and to interact with other people.","es":"En mi laboratorio, nos interesa el cerebro social, es decir, la red de regiones cerebrales usadas para entender e interactuar con otras personas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I know, because I've interviewed about 1,000 lottery buyers over the years.","es":"Lo s\u00e9, porque he entrevistado cerca de 1,000 compradores de billetes de loter\u00eda a trav\u00e9s de los a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So it's been ruled by a king and a royal family in line with their tradition, for a very long time.","es":"Ha sido gobernado por un rey y una familia real de acuerdo con su tradici\u00f3n, por un largo tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's those who start with \"why\" that have the ability to inspire those around them or find others who inspire them.","es":"Y son los que comienzan con el \"\u00bfpor qu\u00e9?\" que tienen la habilidad de inspirar a quienes los rodean o de encontrar a otros que los inspiren."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it shows the first time an organ was ever transplanted.","es":"Y muestra la primera vez que se trasplant\u00f3 un \u00f3rgano."} {"gender":"female","en":"I know a family who have a son and a daughter, both of whom are brilliant at school, who are wonderful, lovely children.","es":"Conozco a una familia con un hijo y una hija, ambos brillantes en la escuela, son maravillosos, ni\u00f1os encantadores."} {"gender":"female","en":"Her name is Elle, and she hates the rain.","es":"Se llama Elle, y odia la lluvia."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this person, Mr. Ubirajara. We were talking about, my friends in Brazil, how we scale up this model in China and Brazil.","es":"Y esta persona, el sr. Ubirajara, hablamos, mis amigos de Brasil, sobre c\u00f3mo desarrollar este modelo en China y Brasil."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"\"Travel the world and have lots of kids.\"","es":"\"Viajemos por el mundo y tengamos un mont\u00f3n de hijos\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"They could have done not so good work, because they realized people were just shredding it.","es":"Pudieron haber realizado un trabajo mediocre, porque se dieron cuenta que las personas tiraban su trabajo a la trituradora."} {"gender":"female","en":"I want to talk about penguins today. But first, I want to start by saying that we need a new operating system, for the oceans and for the Earth.","es":"Hoy les quiero hablar sobre los ping\u00fcinos, pero antes, quiero comenzar cont\u00e1ndoles que necesitamos un nuevo sistema operativo para los oc\u00e9anos y para la Tierra."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Recently, diving off, in the Gulf of Mexico, finding pools of water, this time not upside down, right side up.","es":"Recientemente, sumergi\u00e9ndonos en el Golfo de M\u00e9jico, buscando pozas de agua esta vez no lo de abajo arriba, el lado correcto arriba."} {"gender":"female","en":"And he leaned towards me and he whispered, \"None.\"","es":"Y se inclin\u00f3 hacia m\u00ed y susurr\u00f3: \"Ninguna\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"There are some encouraging signs.","es":"Hay indicios alentadores."} {"gender":"female","en":"Certain themes keep coming up: justice, loyalty, violence, death, political and social issues, freedom.","es":"Ciertas tem\u00e1ticas se repiten: justicia, lealtad, violencia, muerte, asuntos pol\u00edticos y sociales, libertad."} {"gender":"female","en":"You know, there's not that many good painters.","es":"Como saben, no existen tantos buenos pintores."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now I start the world.","es":"Ahora \"enciendo\" el mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"There is some good news.","es":"Existen algunas buenas nuevas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, if I hadn't paid attention to embodied energy, it would have taken us over 50 years to break even compared to the upgraded house.","es":"Ahora si no le hubiera puesto atenci\u00f3n a la energ\u00eda incorporada, nos hubiera tomado m\u00e1s de 50 a\u00f1os para la rentabilidad comparada a la casa mejorada."} {"gender":"female","en":"I thought so.","es":"Yo pensaba que s\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"If I give a woman with breast cancer a drug called Taxol every three weeks, which is the standard, about 40 percent of women with metastatic cancer have a great response to that drug.","es":"Si yo doy a una mujer con c\u00e1ncer de mamas un medicamento llamado Taxol cada tres semanas, algo est\u00e1ndar, m\u00e1s o menos un 40% de las mujeres con c\u00e1ncer metast\u00e1sico responden muy bien a ese medicamento."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then, of course, there's Narcissus.","es":"Y luego, por supuesto, est\u00e1 Narciso."} {"gender":"female","en":"You see, researchers have coined this term \"color blindness\" to describe a learned behavior where we pretend that we don't notice race.","es":"Ver\u00e1n, los investigadores han acu\u00f1ado el t\u00e9rmino \"ceguera al color\" para describir un comportamiento aprendido en el que hacemos como que no percibimos la raza."} {"gender":"male","en":"I need to do the same thing.\"","es":"Tengo que hacer lo mismo\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"No, liespotters are armed with scientific knowledge of how to spot deception.","es":"No, los detectores de mentiras est\u00e1n armados con conocimientos cient\u00edficos sobre c\u00f3mo detectar el enga\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"I wanted to abandon my post.","es":"Yo quer\u00eda abandonar mi puesto."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'll bet you'll be able to come along on this.","es":"Apostar\u00e9 a que saldr\u00e1n adelante con esto."} {"gender":"female","en":"And, the following year, set out on the second stage of the Pacific, from Hawaii down to Tarawa.","es":"Y, al a\u00f1o siguiente, embarqu\u00e9 en la segunda etapa de la traves\u00eda del Pac\u00edfico de Hawaii a Tarawa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It makes him so sick, he has to quit it, yet still he lives on.","es":"Lo puso tan enfermo, que tuvo que renunciar sin embargo, sigui\u00f3 vivo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There is a very personal price to public humiliation, and the growth of the internet has jacked up that price.","es":"Hay un precio muy personal por la humillaci\u00f3n p\u00fablica, y el crecimiento de Internet ha aumentado ese precio."} {"gender":"female","en":"Whilst I was at Philips, we discussed this idea of a maybe technology, something that wasn't either switched on or off, but in between.","es":"Cuando estaba en Philips, discutimos esta idea de una tecnolog\u00eda posible que no estuviera encendida o apagada, sino que fuese algo intermedio."} {"gender":"female","en":"We seem to have totally forgotten that there is such a thing as global commons: air, water, forests and biodiversity.","es":"Parece que hemos olvidado totalmente que existen los bienes comunes mundiales: el aire, el agua, los bosques y la biodiversidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I took my bee arena down to a small school in Devon, and the aim of this was to not just get the kids to see science differently, but, through the process of science, to see themselves differently. Right?","es":"Llev\u00e9 mi equipo a una peque\u00f1a escuela de Devon, y el objetivo era no s\u00f3lo hacer que los ni\u00f1os vean la ciencia de otra manera, sino que, mediante el proceso cient\u00edfico, se vean a s\u00ed mismos de modo diferente, \u00bfs\u00ed?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The word came to you; you make these predictions all the time.","es":"La palabra te llego, y estas haciendo estas predicciones todo el tiempo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the snippets of halting English were exchanged between people who had one thing in common: They were starting again.","es":"Y los fragmentos de Ingl\u00e9s entrecortado se intercambiaban entre la gente que ten\u00eda una cosa en com\u00fan: estaban empezando de nuevo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And the journey started, funny enough, with a TED conference attendee, Chee Pearlman, who hopefully is in the audience somewhere today.","es":"Y el viaje comenz\u00f3, sorprendentemente, con un asistente a TED, Chee Pearlman, que espero est\u00e9 entre el p\u00fablico hoy."} {"gender":"male","en":"We don't know, maybe Mr. Klee was probably in a hurry, I mean, , maybe he had to catch a plane, or something.","es":"No sabemos si quiz\u00e1s el Se\u00f1or Klee estaba apurado, quiero decir Quiz\u00e1s se le estaba yendo el avi\u00f3n o algo as\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"It was a punishment for daring to challenge the society's rules.","es":"Era un castigo por atreverme a desafiar las normas de la sociedad."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't think so.","es":"No lo creo."} {"gender":"female","en":"This record is replicated on every computer that uses the network.","es":"El registro se copia en cada ordenador que utiliza la red."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I mean programmable materials that build themselves.","es":"Me refiero a materiales programables que se construyan solos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I know firsthand how life-altering treatment can be, and I'm keenly aware of the emotional havoc that cancer can wreak on a family, which in our case included our two young daughters.","es":"S\u00e9 de antemano cu\u00e1nto puede el tratamiento alterar nuestras vidas, y soy profundamente consciente de los estragos emocionales que el c\u00e1ncer puede afectar a una familia. En nuestro caso, eso incluy\u00f3 nuestras dos j\u00f3venes hijas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because I challenge you to think of an effective, efficient, sustainable solution to climate change if we don't have crop diversity.","es":"Porque les desaf\u00edo a pensar en una respuesta eficaz, eficiente, sostenible soluci\u00f3n al cambio clim\u00e1tico, si no tenemos la diversidad de cultivos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And Freud in part reflects the anatomy of the human emotion system, which is that we have both a positive and a negative system, and our negative system is extremely sensitive.","es":"Y Freud en parte refleja la anatom\u00eda del sistema emocional humano - que tenemos un sistema positivo y uno negativo, y que nuestro sistema negativo es extremadamente sensible."} {"gender":"male","en":"They, in fact, told me three weeks.","es":"De hecho, me dijeron tres semanas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, both my parents were Christians.","es":"Mis padres eran cristianos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the big challenge was how to understand the meaning of the symptom in this specific cultural context.","es":"Y el gran reto fue comprender el significado del s\u00edntoma en este contexto cultural espec\u00edfico."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, you know, I think the answer is very simple: working with Nature, working with this tool set that we now understand, is the next step in humankind's evolution. And all I can tell you is, stay healthy for 20 years.","es":"Bueno, saben, creo que la respuesta en muy sencilla. Trabajar con la Naturaleza, con este conjunto de herramientas que ahora entendemos, es el siguiente paso en la evoluci\u00f3n de la humanidad y todo lo que puedo decires es mantenganse sanos por 20 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"I say we can't afford not to.","es":"Yo digo que no podemos permitirnos no hacerlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"She gave this to me to put on my desk for personal health, because at the time, I was working on my first real business.","es":"Me dej\u00f3 esto para poner en mi escritorio y ayudarme con mi salud personal, porque en ese momento, yo estaba trabajando en mi primer negocio de verdad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that doesn't seem entirely fair.","es":"Eso no parece del todo justo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I also wanted to go see Central Command, which was 10 minutes away. And that way, I could get access to how this news was being created, on the Arab side, reaching the Arab world, and on the US and Western side, reaching the US.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n quer\u00eda visitar Central Command, que quedaba a 10 minutos de distancia, y as\u00ed podr\u00eda acceder a ver c\u00f3mo se creaban las noticias desde el lado \u00e1rabe para el mundo \u00e1rabe, y desde el lado occidental para los EEUU."} {"gender":"female","en":"Who said this so beautifully was Mahatma Gandhi, 75 years ago, when he spoke about bread.","es":"Quien dijo esto de manera tan hermosa fue Mahatma Gandhi, hace 75 a\u00f1os, cuando habl\u00f3 sobre el pan."} {"gender":"male","en":"I said, \"What are you going to do now?\"","es":"Le pregunt\u00e9: \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 har\u00e1s ahora?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"Two breast cancer organizations, Breast Cancer Action and FORCE, had organized a demonstration on the courthouse steps.","es":"Dos organizaciones de c\u00e1ncer de mama, \"Breast Cancer Action\" y \"FORCE\", hab\u00edan organizado una manifestaci\u00f3n ah\u00ed en los escalones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, here's one possibility.","es":"Bueno, esta es una posibilidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I think it supremely illustrates the premise of this Blue Zone project.","es":"Y creo que ilustra perfectamente la premisa de este proyecto de \"Zona azules\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I stood by his side as his community isolated him, but our love never wavered.","es":"Me qued\u00e9 a su lado mientras la comunidad lo aisl\u00f3, pero nuestro amor nunca vacil\u00f3."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I'm not asking you to take any crazy risks.","es":"Y les pido que asuman riesgos locos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think it's not the only ingredient in design, but possibly the most important.","es":"Creo que no es el \u00fanico ingrediente en el dise\u00f1o, pero posiblemente sea el m\u00e1s importante."} {"gender":"male","en":"So our energy future is not fate, but choice, and that choice is very flexible.","es":"Nuestro futuro energ\u00e9tico no est\u00e1 dado por el destino, sino por una elecci\u00f3n, y esa elecci\u00f3n es muy flexible."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so we can feel unfinished.","es":"Y tenemos la sensaci\u00f3n de estar \u201cinconclusos\u201d."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We started having open and frank conversations about what we were experiencing.","es":"Empezamos a tener conversaciones abiertas y sinceras sobre lo que nos pasaba."} {"gender":"male","en":"All of a sudden, there are going to be massive regulatory changes and massive issues associated with conflict and massive issues associated with security and privacy.","es":"Repentinamente, habr\u00e1 cambios regulatorios masivos y temas masivos asociados con el conflicto y temas masivos asociados con la seguridad y la privacidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's just that when we agree about our hallucinations, we call that reality.","es":"Es solo que cuando estamos de acuerdo sobre nuestras alucinaciones, lo llamamos realidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'm often asked, \"Why do you think so many people have read this?","es":"Y me preguntan con mucha frequencia, \u00bfPor qu\u00e9 crees que tanta gente ha leido tu libro?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And one boy was thinking out loud, holding the apple. And he said, \"I won't put this one up there with the others. He's not part of my family.","es":"Y un ni\u00f1o que pensaba en voz alta, mientras sosten\u00eda la manzana, dijo: \"No la pondr\u00eda arriba con las otras, no es parte de mi familia."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think Yamaha does a really good job of teaching us how to compose.","es":"Pienso que Yamaha hace, realmente, un muy buen trabajo de ense\u00f1arnos como componer."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Tony Blair being used as a mounting block, and Rumsfeld and Bush laughing with some Abu Ghraib photos behind, and the seriousness, or the intellect, of Bush.","es":"Tony Blair siendo utilizado como un banco de montura. Y Rumsfeld y Bush riendose con algunas fotos de Abu Ghraib detr\u00e1s, y la seriedad, o intelecto, de Bush."} {"gender":"male","en":"They've got an apple here from South Africa.","es":"Tienen aqu\u00ed una manzana de Sud\u00e1frica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is the evolution of religion that's been going on for thousands of years, and he's just the latest brilliant practitioner of it.","es":"Esta es la evoluci\u00f3n de las religiones que ha estado llev\u00e1ndose a cabo durante miles de a\u00f1os, y este es el mas reciente ejemplo de esta pr\u00e1ctica."} {"gender":"female","en":"What I'm going to argue today is that having good judgment, making accurate predictions, making good decisions, is mostly about which mindset you're in.","es":"Lo que voy a argumentar hoy es que tener buen juicio predecir con precisi\u00f3n, decidir correctamente depende de qu\u00e9 actitud se tenga."} {"gender":"male","en":"I punched every touch tone I was told, but I've still spent 18 hours on hold.","es":"Ya he presionado cada tecla que me han indicado. Y a\u00fan as\u00ed he pasado 18 horas en espera."} {"gender":"female","en":"And these two compounds have increased the resistance of those seedlings to future stresses.","es":"Estos dos compuestos incrementaron la resistencia de las pl\u00e1ntulas a la tensi\u00f3n futura."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And then once it's learned this it spreads in geometric proportion across a population.","es":"Y una vez que lo aprende esto se extiende en proporciones geom\u00e9tricas por una poblaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Man: Enormous.","es":"\"Enorme"} {"gender":"female","en":"The problem, though, is that Malam Yahaya doesn't speak English and neither did I speak Hausa.","es":"Sin embargo, el problema es que Malam Yahaya no habla ingl\u00e9s y yo tampoco hablo hausa."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because big sisters are always supposed to support their little sisters.","es":"Porque se espera que las hermanas mayores siempre apoyen a las hermanas menores."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, they have a host star just like we have a sun, and so if they were able to capture more energy from this star, then that would solve their energy needs.","es":"Ellos tienen una estrella madre al igual que nosotros tenemos el sol, y si fuesen capaces de capturar m\u00e1s energ\u00eda de esta estrella, entonces eso resolver\u00eda sus necesidades energ\u00e9ticas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Before they went through the social stress test, they were taught to rethink their stress response as helpful.","es":"Antes de que tuvieran la prueba de estr\u00e9s social, les ense\u00f1aron a repensar su respuesta al estr\u00e9s como provechosa."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm on the ground, and I look up, and there's this kid peddling away in the getaway vehicle, which is my bike, and he's about 11 or 12 years old, and I'm on the floor, and I'm crying because I saved a lot of money for that bike, and I'm crying and I stand up and I start screaming.","es":"Estoy en el suelo, y miro hacia arriba, y veo a este ni\u00f1o que parte pedaleando en mi bicicleta, \u00e9l tiene unos 11 o 12 a\u00f1os, y yo estoy en el suelo, lloro porque ahorr\u00e9 mucho dinero para esa bici, estoy llorando y me levanto y empiezo a gritar."} {"gender":"female","en":"One thing we have to keep in mind is really, we are at the very beginning of a huge transformation.","es":"Algo que debemos tener en cuenta es realmente, estamos en el comienzo de una gran transformaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's almost my name.","es":"Es casi mi nombre."} {"gender":"male","en":"At the height of the crisis, when we were told that 1.4 million people could be infected, when we were told that most of them would die, when we had nearly lost all hope, I remember standing with a group of health workers in the rainforest where an outbreak had just happened.","es":"A estas alturas de la crisis, nos dijeron que podr\u00edan estar infectadas 1,4 millones de personas cuando nos dijeron que la mayor\u00eda de ellos se morir\u00eda, cuando hab\u00edamos perdido casi toda esperanza, recuerdo estar con un grupo de asistentes de salud en la selva donde acababa de producirse un brote."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You get grassroots solutions, things that work for people who have no capital or limited access.","es":"Se obtienen soluciones locales, cosas que funcionan para la gente que carece de capital o tiene un acceso limitado."} {"gender":"male","en":"JU: I think in five years time when you buy a computer, you'll get this.","es":"JU: Pienso que en cinco a\u00f1os cuando compres un ordenador, obtendr\u00e1s esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I swallowed their insults along with their slurs.","es":"Y me tragu\u00e9 sus insultos junto con sus afrentes."} {"gender":"male","en":"What my dad was saying is that we've all been assigned ranges and roles in this world.","es":"Lo que estaba diciendo mi padre es que cada uno tiene una funci\u00f3n y diferentes l\u00edmites en este mundo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, what exactly is resilience, and how do you develop it?","es":"Pero, \u00bfqu\u00e9 es exactamente la resiliencia y c\u00f3mo se desarrolla?"} {"gender":"female","en":"My grandfather was an extraordinary man for his time.","es":"Mi abuelo era un hombre extraordinario para su tiempo."} {"gender":"female","en":"After a counseling session, a woman said to me, \"Because you have felt me, I can feel myself again, and I want to participate again in my family life.\"","es":"Despu\u00e9s de una sesi\u00f3n de orientaci\u00f3n una mujer me dijo: \"Gracias a que me sentiste, yo puedo volver a sentirme, y quiero participar nuevamente en mi vida familiar\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Next, I do 57 squared, which is 3,249, so I can say, three billion.","es":"Seguimos, el cuadrado de 57, es 3.249, as\u00ed que podemos decir, mil millones."} {"gender":"female","en":"I need to talk to him, see if he's OK.\"","es":"Necesito hablar y ver si est\u00e1 bien\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I am harvesting the wheat, in order to make the dough. And then of course I have to milk the goats and feed the goats in order to make the cheese. It took me four months in Biosphere 2 to make a pizza. Here in Biosphere 1, well it takes me about two minutes, because I pick up the phone and I call and say, \"Hey, can you deliver the pizza?\"","es":"Entonces estoy cosechando el trigo, para poder hacer la masa Y, por supuesto tengo que orde\u00f1ar las cabras y alimentar a las cabras para poder hacer el queso Me tard\u00f3 cuatro meses en Biosphere 2 preparar la pizza Aqu\u00ed en Biosphere 1, bueno, me toma unos dos minutos Porque levanto el tel\u00e9fono y llamo para decir, \"Hey, pueden enviarme una pizza?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And now the dog's really happy.","es":"Y ahora el perro es realmente feliz."} {"gender":"female","en":"But I want you to consider a different metaphor.","es":"Pero quiero que consideren una met\u00e1fora diferente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It is estimated that all kinds of illegal wildlife trade in Brazil withdraw from nature almost 38 million animals every year, a business worth almost two billion dollars.","es":"Se calcula que, entre todos los comercios ilegales de la fauna brasile\u00f1a, se sustraen de la naturaleza unos 38 millones de animales por a\u00f1o, un negocio que equivale a 2 mil millones de d\u00f3lares."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"These are spaces for survivors of violence.","es":"Espacios para los supervivientes de violencia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"My love is like twelve Ethiopian goats standing still in the morning light.","es":"Mi amor es como doce cabras et\u00edopes paradas quietas en la luz de la ma\u00f1ana."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, we certainly try.","es":"Bueno, ciertamente lo intentamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, why mycelium?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 el micelio?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Orange, good.","es":"Naranja, bien."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It will never be a blockbuster.","es":"Nunca ser\u00e1 un \u00e9xito de taquilla."} {"gender":"female","en":"You just have to always adjust to what's happening and realize you'll have bummer notes come here and there and listen to it, adjust it, and just move on, or else you'll get too tied up and go crazy. Like me.","es":"Uno tiene que ajustarse siempre a lo que sucede y darse cuenta que saldr\u00e1n notas improvisadas aqu\u00ed y all\u00e1 y escucharlas, ajustarlas y seguir adelante o, si no, uno se pone muy tenso y enloquece, como yo."} {"gender":"male","en":"The FBI's training documents on eco-terrorism are not about violence, they're about public relations.","es":"Los documentos de formaci\u00f3n del FBI sobre ecoterrorismo no son sobre violencia, sino sobre relaciones p\u00fablicas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But in fact, they found something very surprising.","es":"Pero, de hecho, hallaron algo sorprendente."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I said, \"I'm 28 years old and I live in hotels, and I'm not married.\"","es":"Y le contest\u00e9: \"Tengo 28 a\u00f1os, vivo en hoteles y no estoy casado\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm not going to do that, but I will tell you this: urban agriculture has Detroit thinking about its city now in a different way, a city that can be both urban and rural.","es":"No voy a hacer eso, pero dir\u00e9 lo siguiente: la agricultura urbana hace que Detroit piense en su ciudad de una manera diferente, una ciudad que puede ser tanto urbana como rural."} {"gender":"female","en":"The subjects I documented ranged from feuding families in Brazil to victims of genocide in Bosnia to the first woman to hijack an airplane and the living dead in India.","es":"Los temas que document\u00e9 iban desde pugnas familiares en Brasil. a v\u00edctimas del genocidio en Bosnia a la primera mujer que secuestr\u00f3 un avi\u00f3n y los muertos vivientes en la India."} {"gender":"male","en":"By the way, that's \"Sputnik.\" I ran it last year.","es":"A prop\u00f3sito, esa es \"Sputnik,\" la present\u00e9 el a\u00f1o pasado."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was having lunch with him just a few minutes ago, and a Nigerian journalist comes, and this will only make sense if you've ever watched a James Bond movie, and a Nigerian journalist comes up to him and goes, \"Aha, we meet again, Mr. Bond!\"","es":"Estaba almorzando con \u00e9l tan s\u00f3lo hace unos minutos, y llega un periodista nigeriano, y \u00e9sto s\u00f3lo va a tener sentido si alguna vez han visto una pel\u00edcula de James Bond, y un periodista nigeriano se le aproxima y le dice: \"Aj\u00e1, \u00a1nos vemos de nuevo Sr. Bond!\""} {"gender":"male","en":"I started teaching people how to turn rejections into opportunities.","es":"Empec\u00e9 a ense\u00f1ar a la gente a convertir rechazos en oportunidades."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Maybe they decided to pick you last for basketball or everything.","es":"Tal vez fuiste el \u00faltimo que decidieron escoger para baloncesto o para todo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Most importantly, they offer us, once again, a chance to just decompose in a hole in the ground.","es":"M\u00e1s importante, nos ofrecen, una vez m\u00e1s, una oportunidad de descomponernos en un agujero en la tierra."} {"gender":"female","en":"And what have we just learned in the last few weeks?","es":"\u00bfY que aprendimos en las \u00faltimas semanas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Think of a hamster in the pocket.","es":"Imaginen un h\u00e1mster en el bolsillo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I've always wanted to be a mother.","es":"Siempre he querido ser madre."} {"gender":"female","en":"That begs the question: What if the algorithms are wrong?","es":"Eso plantea una pregunta: \u00bfQu\u00e9 pasa si los algoritmos se equivocan?"} {"gender":"female","en":"So bacteria always control pathogenicity with quorum sensing.","es":"Las bacterias siempre controlan su patogenicidad con detecci\u00f3n de qu\u00f3rum."} {"gender":"male","en":"Life\u2019s complicated; we want to figure out what\u2019s going on around us very quickly.","es":"La vida es complicada. Queremos saber qu\u00e9 est\u00e1 pasando a nuestro alrededor r\u00e1pidamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Some of the best interviews I ever scored during my trip were on the golf courses.","es":"Algunas de mis mejores entrevistas sucedieron en campos de golf."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I don't think anything you're saying is that these are evil people.","es":"Y no creo que est\u00e9s diciendo que sean personas malvadas."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"You're always talking to nice people, except when you went to the White House.\" \"Ma, don't start!\"","es":"\"Siempre est\u00e1s hablando con gente linda, exepto cuando fuiste a la Casa Blanca --\" \" 'Am\u00e1, no empieces!\""} {"gender":"male","en":"This is another story of tech-determinism?","es":"\u00bfEs otra historia de tecnodeterminismo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"If it is I have to go to court personally, I will do that.","es":"Si es que tengo que ir al tribunal personalmente, lo har\u00e9."} {"gender":"female","en":"I want you to true your wheels: be honest about the praise that you need to hear.","es":"Quiero que \"rectifiquen\" sus ruedas: sean honestos con los elogios que necesitan escuchar."} {"gender":"female","en":"We could make a very long list, but obviously Nelson Mandela, emerging from 17 years of hard physical labor, 23 years of imprisonment, with this amazing ability to forgive, so that he could lead his nation out the evil regime of apartheid without a bloodbath.","es":"Podr\u00edamos hacer una lista muy larga, pero obviamente Nelson Mandela saliendo de 17 a\u00f1os de trabajos forzados, 23 a\u00f1os de prisi\u00f3n, con esta asombrosa capacidad de perdonar de manera de poder liderar su naci\u00f3n fuera del cruel regimen del apartheid sin ning\u00fan masacre."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, we don't know about any life beyond Earth, but I'm going to suggest to you that that's going to change rather soon, and part of the reason, in fact, the majority of the reason why I think that's going to change is that the equipment's getting better.","es":"De hecho, no sabemos si hay vida m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de la Tierra, pero quiero se\u00f1alarles que esto va a cambiar m\u00e1s bien pronto, y parte de la raz\u00f3n por la cual creo que va a cambiar es, de hecho, que el instrumental est\u00e1 mejorando."} {"gender":"male","en":"I plan to finish this project in the next 30 to 40 years.","es":"Planeo terminar este proyecto en los pr\u00f3ximos 30 o 40 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"So how are we supposed to live with this?","es":"Entonces \u00bfc\u00f3mo vivir con esto?"} {"gender":"female","en":"This is a dream of the ages.","es":"Este ha sido el sue\u00f1o por siglos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Slowly but surely, it lifted.","es":"Poco a poco ese sentimiento se fue disipando."} {"gender":"female","en":"I invite you to talk about this with me further, and in the meantime, I wish you luck.","es":"Los invito a seguir hablando de esto conmigo y, mientras tanto, les deseo suerte."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"Globalization, and that's fine.","es":"Es la globalizaci\u00f3n y est\u00e1 bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"I took him to Los Angeles to meet a foundation officer looking for support for monies to protect their culture.","es":"Lo llev\u00e9 a Los \u00c1ngeles para reunirse con un empleado de una fundaci\u00f3n en busca de fondos para proteger su cultura."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so these days I try to learn from my grandfather's example in my own way.","es":"Y as\u00ed estos d\u00edas intento aprender del ejemplo de mi abuelo a mi manera."} {"gender":"female","en":"But that means that two-thirds of how well we do in the third act, we can do something about.","es":"Pero eso significa que dos tercios de nuestro \u00e9xito en el tercer acto depende de nosotros mismos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to take you around now to the other side of the track.","es":"Ahora los llevar\u00e9 al otro lado de la pista."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's the case of Michael.","es":"Es el caso de Michael."} {"gender":"male","en":"As you can see, I can use the same two-fingered gestures to go down and go in really seamlessly.","es":"Pero como pueden ver, puedo usar los mismos gestos con dos dedos para bajar y acercarme a la perfecci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Chris Anderson: Thank you so much for that.","es":"Chris Anderson: Muchas gracias por eso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We did that in most of the places.","es":"Hicimos eso en la mayor\u00eda de los lugares."} {"gender":"male","en":"I couldn't see a twitch of his eyebrow.","es":"No se v\u00eda ni una contracci\u00f3n de ceja."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"I feel like I had been held underwater, and someone finally reached down and pulled my head up so I could breathe.\"","es":"Me sent\u00eda como si hubiera estado bajo el agua y alguien finalmente viniera a rescatarme y me sacara de all\u00ed para que pudiera respirar\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's delicious, right?","es":"Es deliciosa, \u00bfcierto?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There is a whole wave of people, funeral directors, designers, environmentalists, trying to come up with a more eco-friendly way of death.","es":"Hay toda una serie de gente - directores de funerarias, dise\u00f1adores, ambientalistas - que tratan de llegar a una manera de morir m\u00e1s ecol\u00f3gica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's a space you enter inside yourself and with another, or others.","es":"Es un espacio al que entras dentro de ti mismo y con otro, u otros."} {"gender":"male","en":"On a single breath, swim with me in deep, into one of the largest and densest schools of fish I have ever encountered.","es":"Respiren profundamente y buceen conmigo entre uno de los bancos de peces m\u00e1s grandes y m\u00e1s densos que haya conocido."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It says, \"No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings.\"","es":"Dice: \"Ning\u00fan problema del destino humano est\u00e1 m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de los seres humanos\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And for me, as a service provider, I would never be able to provide you a car for an hour if the transaction cost was anything.","es":"Y para m\u00ed, como proveedor de un servicio, No me hubiera sido posible rentar un autom\u00f3vil por una hora si existiera un costo en esta operaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm one of 11 brothers and sisters from Lakefield, Ontario, an hour and a half northeast of Toronto, and we grew up on a farm.","es":"Soy uno de 11 hermanos y hermanas, soy de Lakefield, Ontario, a una hora y media al noreste de Toronto, y crecimos en una granja."} {"gender":"male","en":"And he referred me to this lovely quote from the Japanese \"Essays in Idleness\" from the 14th century, in which the essayist wrote, \"In everything, uniformity is undesirable.","es":"Y me remiti\u00f3 a esta encantadora cita de los \"Ensayos en ociosidad\", japoneses, del siglo catorce. En los cuales, el ensayista escribi\u00f3: \"En todo, la uniformidad es indeseable."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We wanted to know how the authorities would respond on the actual day, June 17, when women go out and drive.","es":"Quer\u00edamos saber c\u00f3mo responder\u00edan las autoridades en ese d\u00eda, 17 de junio, cuando las mujeres salieran a conducir."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is what happens every year.","es":"Esto es lo que pasa cada a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So you can imagine, if you are in the middle of a tense cabinet meeting, and he had hundreds of these stories, you would have to relax.","es":"As\u00ed que pod\u00e9is imaginaros, si est\u00e1is a mitad de una tensa reuni\u00f3n del gabinete de gobierno, y \u00e9l tuviera cientos de estas historias, tendr\u00edais que relajaros."} {"gender":"male","en":"In those individuals with schizophrenia, much of the time, they were awake during the night phase and then they were asleep during the day.","es":"En aquellos individuos con esquizofrenia, gran parte del tiempo, estaban despiertos durante la fase de noche y luego estaban dormidos durante el d\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"And here, that's one of my favorites.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed, este es uno de mis favoritos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He said, \"No problem.","es":"\u00c9l dijo: \"No hay problema."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because this is what we want.","es":"Porque esto es lo que queremos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was reminded of a common response through history of how you build a solid Adam II, how you build a depth of character.","es":"Record\u00e9 una respuesta usual a trav\u00e9s de la historia de c\u00f3mo construir un s\u00f3lido Ad\u00e1n 2, c\u00f3mo construir profundidad de car\u00e1cter."} {"gender":"female","en":"KB: Thank you so much.","es":"KB: Muchas gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"The idea that all the math, science and code I had been learning could come together to create these worlds and characters and stories I connected with, was pure magic for me.","es":"La idea de que toda la matem\u00e1tica, la ciencia y la programaci\u00f3n que yo hab\u00eda aprendido podr\u00edan servir para crear estos mundos y personajes y las historias con las que las rodeamos era pura magia para m\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Doug Dietz is a technical person. He designs large medical imaging equipment.","es":"Doug Dietz es un t\u00e9cnico que dise\u0144a instrumental de imaginolog\u00eda m\u00e9dica, esos grandes equipos m\u00e9dicos de imagen."} {"gender":"male","en":"Found one of his dirigibles that had enough dimensions so I could actually use it as a scale that I would then juxtapose with some of the things in Rome.","es":"Y encontr\u00e9 uno de sus dirigibles, de dimensiones suficientes para usarlo como una especie de escala que podr\u00eda yuxtaponerse a algunos edificios de Roma."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can expect to see Wolfram Alpha technology showing up in more and more places, working both with this kind of public data, like on the website, and with private knowledge for people and companies and so on.","es":"Ustedes pueden esperar ver m\u00e1s de la tecnolog\u00eda de Wolfram Alpha apareciendo en m\u00e1s y m\u00e1s lugares, trabajando tanto con este tipo de datos p\u00fablicos, como en el sitio web, y con datos privados para clientes y compa\u00f1\u00edas y dem\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"As it went off, I took off and safely got to the other side.","es":"Cuando son\u00f3, arranqu\u00e9 y llegu\u00e9 seguro al otro lado."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, if you go out to sea on a ship or on a cruise ship, and look up to the funnel, you'll see very black smoke.","es":"Bueno, si salen al mar en un barco o en un crucero, y miran la chimenea, ver\u00e1n un humo muy negro."} {"gender":"female","en":"When they finish high school, I will send them to America to study there.","es":"Cuando terminen la secundaria los mandar\u00e9 a Am\u00e9rica a estudiar."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it is essential to balance, to wisdom and to actually the future of all of us.","es":"Y que es esencial para el equilibrio, la sabidur\u00eda, y de hecho para el futuro de todos nosotros."} {"gender":"male","en":"I started at the time in the digital film and music label collection Petites Plan\u00e8tes, which was also an homage to French filmmaker Chris Marker.","es":"Empec\u00e9 bajo la marca de la colecci\u00f3n de pel\u00edculas y m\u00fasica digital Petites Plan\u00e8tes, que fue tambi\u00e9n un homenaje al cineasta franc\u00e9s Chris Marker."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here is another obvious thing that we would do, typically, if I was going to show that these microscopes are robust, is go to the third floor and drop it from the floor itself.","es":"Aqu\u00ed vemos otra cosa obvia que hicimos t\u00edpicamente para demostrar que estos microscopios son robustos, fuimos al tercer piso y lo dejamos caer al suelo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I recall how bold and hopeful it felt, even as some of her therapists said that my expectations were way too high, that she would never be able to hit those tiny targets.","es":"Y recuerdo lo audaz y esperanzada que me sent\u00ed, a\u00fan si algunos terapeutas dijeron que mis expectativas eran demasiado altas, que Fiona nunca podr\u00eda presionar esos objetivos diminutos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it made me think.","es":"Y me hizo pensar."} {"gender":"female","en":"Chris Anderson: One, one to two.","es":"Chris Anderson: Uno, uno o dos."} {"gender":"female","en":"These two environments are totally different, but not only that, they're both utterly hostile.","es":"Estos dos ambientes son totalmente diferentes, pero no s\u00f3lo eso, ambos son extremadamente hostiles."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Then we like to take things apart.","es":"Y despu\u00e9s nos gusta desarmar cosas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Except that this was a community of groundbreaking women who came together, first to become teammates, then friends, and then family, in the least likely of places: on the Special Operations battlefield.","es":"Salvo que este era una comunidad de mujeres pioneras que se aliaron-- primero para ser compa\u00f1eras, despu\u00e9s amigas, y despu\u00e9s familia-- en el menos propicio de los lugares: en el campo de batalla de Operaciones Especiales."} {"gender":"male","en":"My best memories of the outbreak center on those many people who survived the disease, but I cannot forget the hard-working nurses, doctors, volunteers and staff who risked their own safety in service of humanity.","es":"Mis mejores recuerdos del brote est\u00e1n en todas esas personas que sobrevivieron a la enfermedad, sin olvidar a los dedicados enfermeros, m\u00e9dicos, voluntarios y dem\u00e1s gente del personal que pusieron en riesgo su propia seguridad al servicio de la humanidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's a picture of me.","es":"Esa es mi foto."} {"gender":"male","en":"In the 1990s, my company created the long-distance AIDSRide bicycle journeys, and the 60 mile-long breast cancer three-day walks, and over the course of nine years, we had 182,000 ordinary heroes participate, and they raised a total of 581 million dollars.","es":"En los a\u00f1os 90 mi compa\u00f1\u00eda cre\u00f3 paseos en bicicleta para la lucha contra el sida, SIDAbicis y caminatas de 100 Km por 3 d\u00edas contra el c\u00e1ncer de mama, y a lo largo de 9 a\u00f1os, participaron 182 mil h\u00e9roes ordinarios y recaudamos un total de 581 millones de d\u00f3lares."} {"gender":"male","en":"I have Charles Bonnet syndrome.\"","es":"Tengo el s\u00edndrome de Charles Bonnet.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"Last year, I got a chance to watch the new \"Star Wars\" movie, which was fantastic, but one thing kept bugging me.","es":"El a\u00f1o pasado fui a ver la nueva pel\u00edcula de \"Star Wars\", que fue fant\u00e1stica, pero una cosa no paraba de molestarme."} {"gender":"female","en":"I had a vision of 10 girls sitting in a cabin cozily reading books in their matching nightgowns.","es":"Imaginaba a 10 chicas sentadas en el interior de una caba\u00f1a leyendo libros c\u00f3modamente todas con camisones id\u00e9nticos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And you have to do that investigative work.","es":"Por tanto, debes investigar."} {"gender":"female","en":"So some of you may know about the chemical Bisphenol A, BPA.","es":"Algunos deben conocer el qu\u00edmico Bisfenol A, BPA."} {"gender":"female","en":"In 1950, if you suggested your grandmother be incinerated after she died, you'd probably be kicked from the family deathbed.","es":"En 1950, si propon\u00edan incinerar a la abuela tras su muerte, probablemente te apartaban de su lecho de muerte."} {"gender":"male","en":"And, of course, bad for me personally.","es":"Y, por supuesto, malo para mi personalmente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And what he discovered was something that they hadn't seen initially in the quantitative data.","es":"Y Grant descubri\u00f3 algo que no vieron inicialmente en los datos cuantitativos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we've done a lot of analysis of the verbal reports in these experiments.","es":"Analizamos las explicaciones que dan los participantes."} {"gender":"female","en":"And where the fungal cells interact with the root cells, there's a trade of carbon for nutrients, and that fungus gets those nutrients by growing through the soil and coating every soil particle.","es":"Donde las c\u00e9lulas f\u00fangicas interact\u00faan con las c\u00e9lulas ra\u00edz, hay un intercambio de carbono por nutrientes, y el hongo obtiene esos nutrientes al crecer en la tierra y recubrir cada part\u00edcula de tierra."} {"gender":"female","en":"Or a person who fits in badly.","es":"O una persona que se adapta mal."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a series of lamps I made.","es":"Esta es una seria de l\u00e1mparas que hice."} {"gender":"male","en":"And what we need to do is reconnect with those really primal parts of ourselves and make some decisions and say, \"You know, I think I would like to put CDs across the wall there. What do you think, honey?\"","es":"Y lo que tenemos que hacer es reconectar con aquellas partes primarias nuestras y tomar algunas decisiones, por ejemplo: \"Creo que me gustar\u00edan algunos CD en la pared \u00bfqu\u00e9 te parece, cari\u00f1o?\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"So this is now supposed to be my bacterial cell.","es":"Se supone que esto es mi celula bacteriana."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in fact, my friend and IDEO founder, David Kelley, who\u2019s out there somewhere, studied under him at Stanford.","es":"Por cierto, mi amigo y fundador de IDEO, David Kelley, que est\u00e1 por ah\u00ed, en alguna parte, fue alumno suyo en Stanford."} {"gender":"female","en":"Alone, a single drop of water can't do much, but when many drops come together, they can sustain life on our planet.","es":"Por s\u00ed solo, una sola gota de agua no puede hacer mucho, pero cuando muchas gotas se juntan, pueden mantener la vida en nuestro planeta."} {"gender":"male","en":"Right? When I got these results, I started talking to doctors, and they told me not to tell anyone, and my reaction is, \"Is that going to help anyone cure me when I get the disease?\"","es":"Cuando obtuve estos resultados, comenc\u00e9 a consultar m\u00e9dicos, y me dijeron que no le contara a nadie, y mi reacci\u00f3n fue \"\u00bfAyudar\u00e1 eso a que alguien me cure cuando tenga la enfermedad?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"I had turned 12 that year and had reached the age of accountability.","es":"Cumpl\u00eda 12 ese a\u00f1o y hab\u00eda alcanzado la edad de la conciencia moral."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The same techniques we use to build silicon computer memories, we can use here.","es":"Las mismas t\u00e9cnicas que usamos para construir memorias de computadora de silicio, las podemos usar para esto."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I began reading everything that I could get my hands on about how exposure to adversity affects the developing brains and bodies of children.","es":"As\u00ed que empec\u00e9 a leer todo lo que pude sobre c\u00f3mo el estar expuesto a la adversidad afecta el cerebro y el cuerpo en desarrollo de estos ni\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"The economy grows, government accumulates more resources, and the government can invest in infrastructure, rather than infrastructure being a cause for economic growth.","es":"La econom\u00eda crece, el gobierno acumula m\u00e1s recursos y puede invertir en infraestructura en vez de ser la infraestructura la causa del crecimiento econ\u00f3mico."} {"gender":"female","en":"Maybe the problem was with the basic assumption that all brains are made in the same way.","es":"Quiz\u00e1s el problema estaba en la suposici\u00f3n b\u00e1sica de que todos los cerebros estaban hechos del mismo modo."} {"gender":"male","en":"At this point, I became a little concerned.","es":"En este punto, me preocup\u00e9 un poco."} {"gender":"male","en":"How should we think of this?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 deber\u00edamos pensar de esto?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I play and I play until I begin to wonder why we ever stop playing in the first place.","es":"Juego y juego hasta que empiezo a preguntarme por qu\u00e9 dejamos de jugar en primer lugar."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I was hooked again on the importance of what I did.","es":"Y me enganch\u00e9 de nuevo en la importancia de lo que hac\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"But in the South, we love a good story.","es":"Pero en el sur, nos encanta una buena historia."} {"gender":"male","en":"And he makes it worse by saying, \"Actually, I don't have a place.\"","es":"Y me lo pone m\u00e1s dif\u00edcil al decir: \"En realidad, no tengo lugar alguno\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In other words, we're oblivious to the ecological and public health and social and economic justice consequences of the things we buy and use.","es":"En otras palabras, somos ajenos a las consecuencias ecol\u00f3gicas, de salud p\u00fablica, sociales y de justicia econ\u00f3mica de las cosas que compramos y usamos."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's very, very, very detailed inside with the design.","es":"Es muy, muy, muy detallado el dise\u00f1o por dentro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"These researchers concluded that the vast majority of death and disability from war happens after the cessation of conflict.","es":"Estos investigadores concluyeron que la mayor\u00eda de las muertes y discapacidades ocasionadas por la guerra suceden luego de finalizado el conflicto."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, because they are so non-interactive, they will actually escape the detector, so their signature will be missing energy, OK.","es":"Como interact\u00faan tan poco en realidad escapar\u00e1n del detector, as\u00ed que su rastro ser\u00e1 una falta de energ\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"Right?","es":"\u00bfDe acuerdo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"But then you look at that already minuscule water and sanitation budget, and 75 to 90 percent of it will go on clean water supply, which is great; we all need water.","es":"Pero cuando ven a ese ya min\u00fasculo presupuesto para agua y saneamiento y de un 75 % a 90 % ir\u00e1 al suministro de agua potable, lo que es genial, todos necesitamos agua."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So what are the five miracles needed for autonomous vehicles?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1les son los cinco milagros necesarios para los veh\u00edculos aut\u00f3nomos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"This is amazing, I think.","es":"Me parece fant\u00e1stico."} {"gender":"male","en":"On the other hand, I didn't know anything about this. OK?","es":"Por otra parte, yo no sab\u00eda nada de todo esto, \u00bfde acuerdo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"To borrow from the writings of a spider named Charlotte, silk is terrific.","es":"Tomando prestado de los escritos de una ara\u00f1a llamada Charlotte, la seda es genial."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you ask how is power distributed in the world today, it's distributed much like a three-dimensional chess game.","es":"Si uno quiere saber c\u00f3mo se distribuye el poder en el mundo de hoy, se distribuye como un ajedrez tridimensional."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When researchers talk about social hubs, what makes a social hub so special is you can't choose; you can't predict who you're going to meet in that place.","es":"Cuando los investigadores hablan de centros sociales, lo que hace que un centro social sea tan especial es que uno no puede elegir; no se puede predecir con qui\u00e9n se encontrar\u00e1 uno en ese lugar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Take the example of England and the United States.","es":"Tomemos el ejemplo de Inglaterra y los Estados Unidos."} {"gender":"female","en":"My father, who I've been talking about, died of AIDS in 1999.","es":"Mi padre, de quien he estado hablando, muri\u00f3 de SIDA en 1999."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's kind of hypnotic.","es":"Es algo hipn\u00f3tico."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think it's important to kind of look at these pictures of the birds and understand what happens to us.","es":"Pienso que es importante que miremos estas fotos de los p\u00e1jaros y entendamos lo que nos sucede."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well I, like a lot of us, spend a lot of time complaining about how hard it is to make people change, and I don't think we should fuss about it.","es":"Bueno, yo como muchos, paso mucho tiempo quej\u00e1ndome de lo dif\u00edcil que es hacer que la gente cambie, y no creo que tengamos que preocuparnos por eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"They went far beyond that 1900 banker.","es":"Superaron por mucho al banquero de 1900."} {"gender":"female","en":"Workers outside of the sex sector, if they try and resist their treatment, they risk deportation.","es":"Los trabajadores fuera del sector del sexo si lo intentan y se resisten a ese tratamiento, pueden ser deportados."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because it doesn't look like Chinese food to them.","es":"Porque no se ve como comida china para ellos."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was interested in the idea of why and how I could create a new story, a new narrative in art history and a new narrative in the world.","es":"Estaba interesada en la idea de por qu\u00e9 y c\u00f3mo podr\u00eda yo crear una nueva historia, una nueva narrativa en la historia del arte y una nueva narrativa en el mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I love this picture.","es":"Me encanta esta foto."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here's the second iteration, and the third, fourth and so on.","es":"Asi que aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 la segunda iteraci\u00f3n, y la tercera, la cuarta, y as\u00ed sucesivamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think there's something really interesting to watching people as they go through this creative toil, something we can all relate to, this creative process of trying to come up with something from nothing.","es":"Creo que hay algo realmente interesante al ver a la gente a medida que avanzan a trav\u00e9s de este trabajo creativo; algo que todos podemos comprender, este proceso creativo de tratar de obtener algo partiendo de nada."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"\"End with an inspiring call to action.\"","es":"\"Concluye animando a la acci\u00f3n\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Maybe \"It's great to collaborate,\" or \"That's what friends are for.\"","es":"Tal vez \"es genial colaborar\" o \"Para eso est\u00e1n los amigos\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I open my new book, \"The Sibling Effect,\" on a Saturday morning, not long before this picture was taken, when the three older brothers decided that it might be a very good idea to lock the younger brother in a fuse cabinet in our playroom.","es":"Abro mi nuevo libro, \"El efecto fraternal\", en un s\u00e1bado por la ma\u00f1ana, poco tiempo antes de esa foto, cuando los tres hermanos mayores decidieron que ser\u00eda una buena idea encerrar al hermano menor en la caja de fusibles del sal\u00f3n de juegos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"One of them falls to the ground.","es":"Uno de ellos cae al suelo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I want to make this point by showing you two examples of design coming from a sense of economy, very, very clear limits.","es":"Y quiero destacar este punto para mostrarles dos ejemplos de dise\u00f1o provenientes de un sentido de econom\u00eda, muy, muy claros l\u00edmites."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now there is another one.","es":"Ahora, he aqu\u00ed otro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's more of a two-way radio.","es":"Es m\u00e1s como un radio de doble-v\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"You have Noah and his Ark and the flood.","es":"Est\u00e1 No\u00e9 y su Arca en el diluvio."} {"gender":"female","en":"Probably, like, none.","es":"Probablemente cero."} {"gender":"female","en":"There's a lot of love in these passwords.","es":"Hay mucho amor en estas contrase\u00f1as."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it said it's a subjective, unwelcome feeling of a lack or loss of companionship.","es":"Y dijo que es una sensaci\u00f3n subjetiva, no bienvenida, de una falta o p\u00e9rdida de compa\u00f1erismo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I came in one morning and checked the previous night's work. And I got excited.","es":"Al llegar una ma\u00f1ana comprob\u00e9 el trabajo de la noche anterior y me emocion\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"I tell you this: that's something which some research engineer like me would concoct, not a real designer of good equipment. We want to have some people, who really know how to do this, perform human engineering studies to develop the optimum design for the portable device for treating migraine headaches.","es":"Les digo esto: eso es algo que algunos ingenieros investigadores como yo armar\u00edamos, no lo que har\u00eda un verdadero dise\u00f1ador de buenos equipos. Queremos que algunas personas, que realmente saben c\u00f3mo hacerlo, hagan estudios de ingenier\u00eda ergon\u00f3mica y desarrollen el dise\u00f1o \u00f3ptimo para el dispositivo port\u00e1til para tratar los dolores de la migra\u00f1a."} {"gender":"female","en":"I find a really good time to do this is Friday afternoons.","es":"Un buen momento para hacerlo es el viernes por la tarde."} {"gender":"female","en":"So what about treatment?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfy el tratamiento?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Stimulation coming in through my sensory systems felt like pure pain.","es":"Los est\u00edmulos que ingresaban a trav\u00e9s de mis sistemas sensoriales me causaban puro dolor."} {"gender":"male","en":"I became a speechwriter for the British Foreign Secretary.","es":"Escrib\u00eda los discursos para el Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores brit\u00e1nico."} {"gender":"female","en":"That's fair.","es":"Era normal."} {"gender":"male","en":"But most probably, I did something like that.","es":"Pero probablemente hice algo as\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"This performance, maybe 10 or 15 years ago, nothing would have happened.","es":"En esta actuaci\u00f3n, tal vez 10 o 15 a\u00f1os atr\u00e1s, quiz\u00e1 no habr\u00eda pasado nada."} {"gender":"male","en":"He said, \"I'm going to go to Belgium. There's a woman there that I fancy.","es":"\u00c9l: \"Ir\u00e9 a B\u00e9lgica porque hay una mujer all\u00ed que me gusta."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So it was easy, so we were suddenly left with nothing, because the guerrilla were spreading the word that all of those things are done because if they don't do it, they're in danger.","es":"As\u00ed que era f\u00e1cil, y de pronto nos quedamos sin nada, porque en la guerrilla se corri\u00f3 la voz de que todas esas cosas las hacen porque si no, corren peligro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that they were definitely capable of diffusing it non-aggressively.","es":"Y que eran capaces de dispersarla sin agresividad."} {"gender":"male","en":"I guess the story actually has to start maybe back in the the 1960s, when I was seven or eight years old, watching Jacques Cousteau documentaries on the living room floor with my mask and flippers on.","es":"Supongo que tengo que empezar retrocediendo a los a\u00f1os 60, cuando ten\u00eda 7 u 8 a\u00f1os, y ve\u00eda documentales de Jacques Cousteau en la sala de estar con mis gafas y aletas puestas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, social isolation is the public health risk of our time.","es":"Ahora es el aislamiento social el riesgo para la salud p\u00fablica de nuestro tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that fascinated me, because I'd been messing around with a camera most of my life.","es":"Y eso me fascin\u00f3 porque hab\u00eda estado jugando con una c\u00e1mara gran parte de mi vida."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What might be the benefits of, say, a base hit?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1les podr\u00edan ser los beneficios de tal \u00e9xito?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's simply what I did.","es":"Y eso es simplemente lo que hice."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And this gives us a much better gauge of what's happening underwater with regard to climate change-related issues, and how the dynamics of that affect us here on land.","es":"Y esto nos da una mejor medida de lo que pasa bajo el agua respecto al cambio clim\u00e1tico, y c\u00f3mo las din\u00e1micas de eso nos afectan en la tierra."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we placed electrodes in area 25, and in the top scan you see before the operation, area 25, the sadness area is red hot, and the frontal lobes are shut down in blue, and then, after three months of continuous stimulation, 24 hours a day, or six months of continuous stimulation, we have a complete reversal of this.","es":"Y colocamos electrodos en el \u00e1rea 25, en el escaneo de arriba se puede ver antes de la operaci\u00f3n, el \u00e1rea 25, la tristeza, est\u00e1 en rojo ardiente, y los l\u00f3bulos frontales apagados se muestran en azul, y luego, despu\u00e9s de tres meses de estimulaci\u00f3n continua 24 horas al d\u00eda, o seis meses de estimulaci\u00f3n continua, tenemos una inversi\u00f3n de esto."} {"gender":"female","en":"Please look at me.\"","es":"Por favor, m\u00edrame\u00bb."} {"gender":"female","en":"But being a vagina warrior, she kept going, and she kept committing herself to transforming consciousness.","es":"Pero, guerrera de la vagina que es, ella sigui\u00f3. Y sigui\u00f3 comprometi\u00e9ndose a transformar conciencias."} {"gender":"female","en":"How do you turn a park into a place that people want to be?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo conviertes un parque en un lugar donde la gente quiere estar?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Let's take a look.","es":"Echemos un vistazo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But you go and look to the center of the galaxy, it's thousands of years ago.","es":"Pero si vas y miras al centro de la galaxia, eso ocurri\u00f3 hace miles de a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"Where is Olu from?","es":"\u00bfDe d\u00f3nde es Olu?"} {"gender":"male","en":"This is Toby Ord. He's a research fellow in philosophy at the University of Oxford.","es":"\u00c9l es Toby Ord. Es un colega investigador en filosof\u00eda de la Universidad de Oxford."} {"gender":"female","en":"And they're actually starting to incorporate this in their own investing behavior.","es":"Y en realidad est\u00e1n comenzando a incorporar esto en su propio comportamiento de inversi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"I had made friends with coral colonies, totally a normal thing to do.","es":"Me hab\u00eda hecho amiga de las colonias de coral, algo muy normal de hacer."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It says exactly the same thing: Poor kids lose ground in the summertime.","es":"Dice exactamente lo mismo: Los ni\u00f1os pobres pierden terreno en el verano."} {"gender":"female","en":"I did an advertising campaign for Schweppes, which is Coca-Cola, and so that was very interesting in terms of the legalities.","es":"No sabes si son reales o no. Hice una campa\u00f1a publicitaria para Schweppes, que es Coca-Cola, y fue muy interesante en t\u00e9rminos legales."} {"gender":"male","en":"Science was there first.","es":"La ciencia estaba all\u00ed primero."} {"gender":"male","en":"But that black line shows what a food supply should be in a country if they allow for a good, stable, secure, nutritional diet for every person in that country.","es":"La l\u00ednea negra muestra cu\u00e1l deber\u00eda ser la provisi\u00f3n de alimentos para un pa\u00eds con una dieta nutricional buena, estable y segura para todos sus habitantes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We can bring to an end the bloodiest century that humanity has ever known.","es":"Podemos poner fin al siglo m\u00e1s sangriento que jam\u00e1s haya conocido la humanidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"OK, so I'm going to name some names.","es":"Dir\u00e9 algunos nombres."} {"gender":"female","en":"PR: Thank you very much. I appreciate it.","es":"PR: Muchas gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"So she really just completely ignored me most of the time.","es":"As\u00ed que ella s\u00f3lo me ignoraba casi todo el tiempo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is how we see a rainforest, in kaleidoscopic color that tells us that there are many species living with one another.","es":"As\u00ed es como se ve una selva tropical, en colores caleidosc\u00f3picos que nos dicen que hay muchas especies cohabitando."} {"gender":"female","en":"So his choice was either to accept that dirty needle or not to get high.","es":"Entonces su elecci\u00f3n era aceptar esa sucia aguja o no drogarse."} {"gender":"female","en":"The process goes something like this.","es":"El proceso es algo como esto."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was born and raised here in India, and I learned from an early age to be deeply suspicious of the aunties and uncles who would bend down, pat us on the head and then say to my parents with no problem at all, \"Poor things.","es":"Yo nac\u00ed y crec\u00ed aqu\u00ed en la India, y aprend\u00ed desde temprana edad a sospechar profundamente de las t\u00edas y t\u00edos que se agachaban, nos acariciaban la cabeza y les dec\u00edan a mis padres sin ning\u00fan problema en absoluto, \"Pobres."} {"gender":"female","en":"We live in an age when knowledge of emotions is an extremely important commodity, where emotions are used to explain many things, exploited by our politicians, manipulated by algorithms.","es":"Vivimos una \u00e9poca en que el conocimiento de las emociones es una mercanc\u00eda sumamente importante, en que las emociones se utilizan para explicar muchas cosas, son explotadas por los pol\u00edticos, y manipuladas por los algoritmos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I stunk at sports.","es":"Era p\u00e9simo para los deportes."} {"gender":"male","en":"We're certainly going to be looking at more.","es":"Sin duda incorporaremos m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"And quite frankly, I think if Colonel Sanders was to be careful how he worded it, he could actually advertise an extra piece.","es":"Francamente, creo que si el Coronel Sanders fuese cuidadoso en la forma de anunciarlo podr\u00eda ofrecer una presa extra."} {"gender":"female","en":"In fact, growing up in Tasmania, it always was incredibly exciting when we got a chance to see a Tasmanian devil in the wild.","es":"De hecho, crec\u00ed en Tasmania, y siempre nos resultaba muy emocionante llegar a ver un demonio de Tasmania en estado natural."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I'll teach you guys how to do it right now.","es":"Y les ense\u00f1ar\u00e9 c\u00f3mo hacerlo ahora mismo."} {"gender":"male","en":"People sometimes think that 100 percent's going to be hard, and we've had the conversation in the business.","es":"La gente algunas veces piensa que el 100% ser\u00eda dif\u00edcil; hemos tenido esa discusi\u00f3n en las empresas."} {"gender":"female","en":"The perception of director or a leader is inconsistent with the perception of a woman.","es":"La percepci\u00f3n del director o del l\u00edder es inconsistente con la percepci\u00f3n de una mujer."} {"gender":"male","en":"I know this, I work with men, and I've been working with tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of men for many decades now.","es":"S\u00e9 esto. Trabajo con hombres, y he estado trabajando con decenas de miles, cientos de miles de hombres desde hace muchas d\u00e9cadas."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I just copied and pasted from my r\u00e9sum\u00e9.","es":"As\u00ed que, simplemente, copi\u00e9 y pegu\u00e9 de mi curr\u00edculum."} {"gender":"female","en":"So in terms of action, I think that it is awesome to sit here and be able to listen to you all, and to have our minds open and shift, but that's not going to get black people free.","es":"En t\u00e9rminos de acci\u00f3n, creo que es incre\u00edble sentarse aqu\u00ed y poder escucharlas a Uds., y tener nuestras mentes abiertas y flexibles, pero eso no va a liberar a las personas negras."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You could do the same with a space spray.","es":"Uno puede hacer lo mismo con un aerosol."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because the temes are selfish replicators and they don't care about us, or our planet, or anything else.","es":"Porque los temes son replicadores ego\u00edstas y no les importamos nosotros, ni el planeta, ni ninguna otra cosa."} {"gender":"female","en":"LS: One, two, three, go!","es":"LS: Uno, dos, tres, \u00a1ya!"} {"gender":"male","en":"Which brings me back to where I began.","es":"Lo que me lleva de vuelta a donde empec\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, one thing I found early on, when I started doing computer games, is that I could create puzzles that will alter your perception.","es":"Entonces, una cosa que descubr\u00ed muy temprano, cuando empec\u00e9 a hacer juegos para computadora es que pod\u00eda crear puzzles que alteraran la percepci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"I said, \"Amy, wait.","es":"Le dije: \"Amy, Amy, espera."} {"gender":"male","en":"The case went on for two years; I think he's still appealing the case.","es":"El caso siguio por dos a\u00f1os. Creo que \u00e9l a\u00fan est\u00e1 apelando la sentencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"Three fires together, that's a lot of flames.","es":"Tres fuegos juntos, eso son muchas llamas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then I realized that these individuals would be connected into foursomes with other pairs of people nearby.","es":"Y despu\u00e9s me di cuenta que estos individuos se conectar\u00edan de a cuatro con otros pares de personas cercanas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Go along with the video.","es":"Sigan el v\u00eddeo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I stole essays. I cheated on exams.","es":"Rob\u00e9 ensayos. Hice trampa en los ex\u00e1menes."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I don't mean automated machines.","es":"Y no me refiero a m\u00e1quinas automatizadas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We use technology to define ourselves by sharing our thoughts and feelings even as we're having them.","es":"Usamos la tecnolog\u00eda para definirnos, compartiendo pensamientos y sentimientos, inclusio cuando los estamos teniendo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I have to tell you, as a former publisher of hobbyist magazines, I find this strangely beautiful.","es":"Y debo decirles, como ex-editor de revistas de aficionados, me parece curiosamente bello."} {"gender":"female","en":"My office was just a few blocks away.","es":"Mi oficina estaba a unas pocas cuadras."} {"gender":"male","en":"But then my life changed.","es":"Pero entonces mi vida cambi\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let me conduct you.","es":"D\u00e9jenme dirigirles a ustedes."} {"gender":"male","en":"As before, we've got a problem, we've got to start working on this, we've got to do something, and what's wrong with you people that you don't see my threat?","es":"Al igual que antes, tenemos un problema, tenemos que empezar a trabajar en esto, tenemos que hacer algo, y, \u00bfqu\u00e9 les pasa a Uds. que no ven mi amenaza?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Let me get this back.","es":"D\u00e9mosles espacio."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what I'm saying is, we need to make an electronic version of that, but with one tiny, tiny change, which is that it'll only show you the British passport if I've actually got one.","es":"Lo que digo es que necesitamos hacer una versi\u00f3n electr\u00f3nica de eso, pero con un peque\u00f1\u00edsimo cambio, que es que s\u00f3lo mostrar\u00e1 el pasaporte si Ud. en realidad tiene uno."} {"gender":"female","en":"And between companies like SpaceX and NASA and all of the international space agencies of the world, we hope to do that in the next few decades.","es":"Y entre compa\u00f1\u00edas como SpaceX y la NASA y todas las agencias espaciales internacionales del mundo, esperamos lograrlo en las pr\u00f3ximas d\u00e9cadas."} {"gender":"male","en":"In the studio we do a lot of experiments. I would consider the studio more like a laboratory.","es":"En el estudio realizamos un buen n\u00famero de experimentos Considerar\u00eda el estudio como un laboratorio."} {"gender":"male","en":"So you are under tremendous pressure because I don't give you instruction, and yet, you have to guess my mind.","es":"As\u00ed que est\u00e1s bajo una tremenda presi\u00f3n porque no te doy la orden, y a\u00fan as\u00ed, debes leerme la mente."} {"gender":"female","en":"I see it when I stand on a stage in a bluegrass festival in east Virginia and I look out at the sea of lawn chairs and I bust out into a song in Chinese.","es":"Lo veo cuando en el escenario de un festival de bluegrass en Virginia Oriental miro el mar de sillas del p\u00fablico y de repente empiezo a cantar una canci\u00f3n en chino."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, in 2003, I started to make my way around Los Angeles to talk about the idea of a pro-social media company and I was met with a lot of encouragement.","es":"As\u00ed que en el 2003, comenc\u00e9 a dar vueltas por Los Angeles para hablar de la idea de una compa\u00f1\u00eda de medios pro-social y recib\u00ed mucho est\u00edmulo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because it's true.","es":"Porque es cierto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Even in North Korea, I was an F student. And I barely finished elementary school.","es":"Incluso en Corea del Norte, era un estudiante de F. Y apenas termin\u00e9 la escuela primaria."} {"gender":"male","en":"And as you can see, my aorta dilated progressively, and I got closer and closer to the point where surgery was going to be necessary.","es":"Y como pueden ver mi aorta se dilataba progresivamente y me acercaba m\u00e1s y m\u00e1s al momento en donde iba a requerir cirug\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"So we need the solutions and these people, playing the game, they are trying out different kinds of solutions.","es":"As\u00ed que necesitamos soluciones y estas personas, los jugadores, est\u00e1n probando diferentes tipos de soluciones."} {"gender":"female","en":"So this suggests that, instead of telling people that they need to put all these symbols and numbers and crazy things into their passwords, we might be better off just telling people to have long passwords.","es":"As\u00ed que esto sugiere que, en lugar de decirle a la gente que necesitan poner todos estos s\u00edmbolos y n\u00fameros y cosas locas en sus contrase\u00f1as, podr\u00edamos mejorar simplemente diciendo a la gente que tengan contrase\u00f1as largas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So, one way you can test is just look at all diarrheal bacteria, and see whether or not the ones that tend to be more transmitted by water, tend to be more harmful.","es":"As\u00ed, una manera de verificarlo es tomar todas las bacterias que producen diarrea, y ver si aquellas que tienden a transmitirse en el agua, tienden a ser m\u00e1s letales."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's three light years' worth of DNA, so we're not going to do this.","es":"Eso son tres a\u00f1os luz de ADN, as\u00ed que no lo haremos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I love it because each day I decide, sometimes gamely, and sometimes against the moment's reason, to cleave to the reasons for living.","es":"La quiero porque todos los d\u00edas decido, a veces con valent\u00eda y otras veces contra l\u00f3gicas inesperadas, agarrarme fuerte a los motivos para vivir."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it is a traditional building material.","es":"Y es un material de construcci\u00f3n tradicional."} {"gender":"female","en":"So why does good sex so often fade?","es":"As\u00ed que, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 el buen sexo a menudo se desvanece?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So we've made some progress, partially because I was president and so forth, , but in the last 15 years, there's been no progress made, so it's been just about 23 or 24 percent difference for the last 15 years.","es":"As\u00ed que hemos progresado, en parte porque yo fui presidente, etc. pero en los \u00faltimos 15 a\u00f1os no ha habido avances, la diferencia ha sido de 23 o 24 % en los \u00faltimos 15 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"This was a pure O2 static apnea record that Guinness had set the world record at 13 minutes.","es":"Esto era un r\u00e9cord de apnea est\u00e1tica con O2 puro que Guinness hab\u00eda establecido en 13 minutos."} {"gender":"female","en":"SW: I'm number one at losing too, so you know, that's all I can say.","es":"SW: Soy la n\u00famero uno perdiendo, lo sabes, eso es todo lo que puedo decir."} {"gender":"female","en":"He never lost consciousness.","es":"Nunca perdi\u00f3 la conciencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"I am an emotional creature.","es":"Soy una criatura emocional."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, religious ritual and rites were essentially designed to serve the function of the anniversary, to be a container in which we would hold on to the remnants of that sacred, revelatory encounter that birthed the religion in the first place.","es":"Pues bien, el ritual religioso y los ritos se crearon fundamentalmente para servir a la funci\u00f3n del aniversario, para ser un recipiente en el que nos gustar\u00eda aferrarnos a los restos de ese encuentro sagrado, revelador que dieron nacimiento a la religi\u00f3n en su principio."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because functionality defines environmental impact, and I said earlier that the designers always ask me for the eco-materials.","es":"Porque la funcionalidad determina el impacto medio ambiental y les cont\u00e9 que los dise\u00f1adores siempre me piden materiales ecol\u00f3gicos."} {"gender":"male","en":"The result was that I found stuck outside my office a huge crowd of people, this is actually a photograph taken in Libya but I saw the same scene in Iraq of people standing outside screaming for the elections, and when I went out and said, \"What is wrong with the interim provincial council?","es":"El resultado fue que encontr\u00e9 contra mi oficina a una gran multitud de personas \u2014esta es en realidad una foto tomada en Libia pero ve\u00eda la misma escena en Irak\u2014 de personas permanentemente afuera, gritando por elecciones, y cuando sal\u00ed y dije, \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 est\u00e1 mal con el consejo interino provincial?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's scary.","es":"Da miedo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And if you don't have skepticism and humility, then it's a really short journey to go from reformer to autocrat, and I think you only have to read \"Animal Farm\" to get that message about how power corrupts people.","es":"Y si no tienes escepticismo y humildad, hay un corto camino entre reformador y aut\u00f3crata, y solo hay que leer \"Rebeli\u00f3n en la granja\" para ver que el poder corrompe a la gente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Yes, I'm dancing, but they, Oh my God, not even at my wedding.","es":"S\u00ed, estoy bailando, pero ellas Dios m\u00edo, ni siquiera en mi boda."} {"gender":"male","en":"Just like on my real desk, I can, let me just grab these guys, I can turn things into piles instead of just the folders that we have.","es":"Igual que en mi escritorio real, Puedo dejen que selecciono esto puedo apilar cosas, en vez de usar las tradicionales carpetas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You can get this chart, free.","es":"Pueden obtener esta gr\u00e1fica gratuitamente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We then take the cells, the vascular cells, blood vessel cells, we perfuse the vascular tree with the patient's own cells.","es":"Luego tomamos las c\u00e9lulas, las c\u00e9lulas vasculares, c\u00e9lulas de los vasos sangu\u00edneos, bombeamos el \u00e1rbol vascular con las c\u00e9lulas del propio paciente."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I was surprised to discover, actually, that that was not right, that the negative impact of a taker on a culture is usually double to triple the positive impact of a giver.","es":"Pero me sorprendi\u00f3 descubrir que en realidad eso funcionaba, que el impacto negativo de un oportunista en una cultura es en general el doble o el triple del impacto positivo de un altruista."} {"gender":"female","en":"You're right.","es":"Tienes raz\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"But I think there's something else going on.","es":"Pero creo que hay algo m\u00e1s en juego."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you, Chris.","es":"Gracias, Chris."} {"gender":"female","en":"And although it may seem inevitable, that what the public wants is watches and websites and widgets, maybe we could give a bit of thought to cork and light and hacky sacks.","es":"Y aunque pueda parecer inevitable que lo que el p\u00fablico quiere son relojes, webs y aparatitos, quiz\u00e1s podr\u00edamos pensar en corcho, luz y pelotitas de ropa."} {"gender":"male","en":"One day, my daughter Tybee, Tybee came to me, and she said, \"I have so much love for you in my body, daddy, I can't stop giving you hugs and kisses.","es":"Un d\u00eda mi hija Tybee vino hacia m\u00ed y me dijo: \"tengo tanto amor para ti en mi cuerpo, papi, que no puedo parar de abrazarte y besarte."} {"gender":"female","en":"These laws ensure that people living with HIV and those at greatest risk are protected from violence and discrimination and that they get access to prevention and to treatment.","es":"Esas leyes garantizan que los infectados por el VIH y las personas en mayor riesgo sean protegidos contra la violencia y la discriminaci\u00f3n, y que tengan acceso a la prevenci\u00f3n y al tratamiento."} {"gender":"male","en":"She reminds me that physical presence is important and that play is not a luxury, but a necessity.","es":"Ella me recuerda que la presencia f\u00edsica es importante y que el juego no es un lujo, sino una necesidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"Of course, though, it was such a functional, comfortable garment that it was very rapidly adopted by workmen everywhere.","es":"Pero claro, es una prenda tan funcional y c\u00f3moda que fue adoptada enseguida por obreros en todas partes."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I said, \"Thank you for being here.\"","es":"\"Y yo dije, \"\"Gracias por estar aqu\u00ed\"\".\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If we can teach our kids to be entrepreneurial, the ones that show the traits to be, like we teach the ones who have science gifts to go on in science, what if we saw the ones with entrepreneurial traits and taught them to be entrepreneurs?","es":"Si podemos ense\u00f1arles a nuestros ni\u00f1os a ser emprendedores, a los que muestren esos rasgos, as\u00ed como ense\u00f1amos a los dotados en ciencia que sigan con la ciencia. \u00bfQu\u00e9 tal si vi\u00e9semos los que tuviesen rasgos emprendedores y les ense\u00f1\u00e1semos a ser emprendedores?"} {"gender":"male","en":"They launched it in August of last year; they already have nearly four million registered users, that's critical mass.","es":"Lo lanzaron en agosto del a\u00f1o pasado; ya tienen cerca de 4 millones de usuarios registrados, eso es masa cr\u00edtica."} {"gender":"male","en":"Blue-collar yacht club, where you can join, but you've got to work in the boatyard as condition of membership.","es":"Un club n\u00e1utico obrero, en el que te puedes dar de alta, a cambio de trabajar en el astillero, como condici\u00f3n de admisi\u00f3n como socio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It has a plain high collar, detachable sleeves and intricate buttons of twisted silk thread, set close together so that the fit is snug.","es":"Tiene un cuello alto llano, mangas desmontables y botones intrincados de hilo trenzado de seda, puestos uno junto a otro para que quede ajustado."} {"gender":"male","en":"I also think it's not that unlikely that governments might start taking an interest in genetic modification.","es":"Tampoco creo que sea improbable que los gobiernos puedan empezar a interesarse en la modificaci\u00f3n gen\u00e9tica."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now actually, this is quite crude in comparison to our regular inner ear.","es":"Realmente es bastante tosco en comparaci\u00f3n con nuestro o\u00eddo interno."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They want somebody to go up a ladder and change a light bulb, or to be there when they come out of hospital.","es":"Quiere a alguien que suba una escalera y cambie una bombilla, o que est\u00e9 cuando salen del hospital."} {"gender":"female","en":"What kind of rituals are these?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 tipo de rituales son?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, I don't mean to suggest that it's only wealthy people who show these patterns of behavior.","es":"No quiero sugerir que solo la gente adinerada es la que muestra estos patrones de comportamiento."} {"gender":"female","en":"So it has a history of about 200 years.","es":"Por lo tanto, tiene una historia de unos 200 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In Jenipher's case, she communicated with 89 different individuals, which showed a nine percent increase in her repayment.","es":"En el caso de Jenipher, se comunicaba con 89 personas diferentes, lo que mostr\u00f3 un 9 % de aumento en su reembolso."} {"gender":"female","en":"And yet despite this, hardly any of us have ever heard space.","es":"Y a\u00fan a pesar de esto, casi nadie ha o\u00eddo alguna vez el espacio."} {"gender":"female","en":"But in the meantime, perhaps you're wondering, who is this game designer to be talking to us about deathbed regrets?","es":"Pero mientras tanto, quiz\u00e1 se estar\u00e1n preguntando, \u00bfqui\u00e9n es esta dise\u00f1adora que nos est\u00e1 hablando de lamentos en el lecho de muerte?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And that can last for the rest of your life.","es":"Esto puede durar por el resto de la vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here I can tell a story of Africans making movies like I do, and actually I felt this was an inspiration for me.","es":"Aqu\u00ed puedo contar una historia de africanos que hacen pel\u00edculas, como yo, y sent\u00ed de verdad que esta era una inspiraci\u00f3n para m\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Wrestling belonged to me and my dad, you know?","es":"La lucha nos pertenec\u00eda a m\u00ed y a mi pap\u00e1, \u00bfsaben?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And that creates some new blocks for you, and also creates a little scoreboard that keeps track of the score, so each time I click on \"change score,\" it increments the score.","es":"Y eso crea unos nuevos bloques para ustedes y tambi\u00e9n crea un peque\u00f1o marcador que lleva la cuenta del puntaje, as\u00ed que cada vez que haga clic en \"cambiar puntaje\", lo aumentar\u00e1."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What they've done is they've shifted their operations.","es":"Lo que han hecho es que han cambiado las operaciones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"By the end of March the LHC will be intact again.","es":"A finales de marzo el LHC estar\u00e1 como nuevo otra vez."} {"gender":"female","en":"You have to blow out the match before the forest catches fire.","es":"Hay que apagar el f\u00f3sforo antes de que se incendie el bosque."} {"gender":"female","en":"AM: So, these are the sprint legs, and I can put my other","es":"AM: Y, \u00e9stas son las piernas para velocidad, y yo puedo ponerme la otra"} {"gender":"female","en":"I've been fascinated by how nature makes materials, and there's a lot of secrets to how they do such an exquisite job.","es":"Estoy fascinada por la manera en la que la naturaleza hace materiales y hay mucha secuencia en c\u00f3mo hacen un trabajo tan exquisito."} {"gender":"male","en":"And here is a puzzle based on color mixing.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 un puzzle basado en la mezcla de colores."} {"gender":"male","en":"I taped it to the top left hand of my table, and as you can see, it's still there.","es":"I lo pegu\u00e9 con cinta, arriba a la izquierda de mi mesa, y como pueden ver, a\u00fan est\u00e1 all\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let me mention three reasons why it's too simple.","es":"Perm\u00edtanme mencionar 3 razones por las que es demasiado simple."} {"gender":"female","en":"We bought medical dictionaries and scientific textbooks and read everything we could get our hands on.","es":"Compramos diccionarios m\u00e9dicos y libros de texto cient\u00edficos para leerlo todo."} {"gender":"female","en":"When you have a patent, you can exclude anyone else from making, from producing or making low-cost versions, for example, available of those medications.","es":"Cuando tienes una patente, puedes impedir a cualquiera hacerla, desde producirla hasta hacer una versi\u00f3n de bajo costo, por ejemplo, disponible de estos medicamentos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I put these all back, by the way.","es":"Devolv\u00ed todo, por cierto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Whereas now, second gear, it's like Africa had first gear, now they go into second gear.","es":"Y ahora, en segunda marcha, es como si \u00c1frica hubiera estado en primera y ahora pasara a segunda."} {"gender":"male","en":"So it comes down to this: trying our best is not good enough.","es":"Y todo se reduce a esto: dar lo mejor de nosotros no es lo suficientemente bueno."} {"gender":"female","en":"You've never seen black this black.","es":"Nunca hemos visto un negro tan negro."} {"gender":"male","en":"So when Mahari was leaving my office, I worried that he might need something more specific to combat the challenges that he mentioned to me.","es":"As\u00ed, cuando Mahari se fue de mi oficina, me preocupaba que pudiera necesitar algo m\u00e1s espec\u00edfico para combatir los desaf\u00edos que me mencion\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's the pinnacle, it's the final product that the universe has produced.","es":"Es el pin\u00e1culo, el producto final que el universo ha producido."} {"gender":"female","en":"Nobody know it's happening.","es":"Nadie sabe lo que est\u00e1 sucediendo."} {"gender":"female","en":"As they were speeding off, a woman came out and said, \"Hey! That's my kid's bike!\"","es":"A medida que aceleraban, una mujer sali\u00f3 y dijo, \"\u00a1Eh, esa es la bicicleta de mi hijo!\""} {"gender":"male","en":"I love it down here.","es":"Me encanta aqu\u00ed abajo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And then the big political and economic question of the 21st century will be, \"What do we need humans for?\", or at least, \"What do we need so many humans for?\"","es":"Y entonces la gran pregunta pol\u00edtica y econ\u00f3mica del siglo XXI ser\u00e1 \"\u00bfPara qu\u00e9 necesitamos a los humanos?\" O al menos \"\u00bfPara qu\u00e9 necesitamos a tantos humanos?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"From little huts to elaborate bridges like this one in Java, bamboo has been in use across the tropical regions of the world for literally tens of thousands of years.","es":"Desde peque\u00f1as caba\u00f1as hasta en puentes complejos como este en Java, el bamb\u00fa se ha empleado en todas las regiones tropicales del mundo durante, literalmente, decenas de miles de a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"And colony collapse disorder is not the only thing affecting honeybees.","es":"El s\u00edndrome de colapso de la colonia no es lo \u00fanico que afecta a las abejas."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, where are we?","es":"As\u00ed que, \u00bfd\u00f3nde estamos?"} {"gender":"female","en":"But the real failure was that there were plenty of men for me to date.","es":"Pero la verdadera falla era que hab\u00edan muchos hombres con quienes pod\u00edas salir."} {"gender":"female","en":"We know that black women express their individuality and experience feelings of empowerment by experimenting with different hairstyles regularly.","es":"Sabemos que las mujeres negras expresan su individualidad y se sienten empoderadas al experimentar de manera frecuente con diferentes estilos de peinado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We did hundreds of necropsies, and over a third had polluted plastic fragments in their stomachs.","es":"Realizamos cientos de necropsias, y un tercio tuvo en sus est\u00f3magos estos fragmentos pl\u00e1sticos t\u00f3xicos."} {"gender":"female","en":"They would come into the emergency room with what the police would call \"a lovers' quarrel,\" and I would see a woman who was beaten, I would see a broken nose and a fractured wrist and swollen eyes.","es":"Ellas llegaban a las salas de emergencia a lo que la polic\u00eda llamaba 'pelea de amantes'; donde yo hubiera visto una mujer que fue golpeada, yo hubiera visto una nariz rota y una mu\u00f1eca quebrada y ojos hinchados."} {"gender":"female","en":"There is a word, an Igbo word, that I think about whenever I think about the power structures of the world, and it is \"nkali.\" It's a noun that loosely translates to \"to be greater than another.\"","es":"Hay una palabra del idioma igbo, que recuerdo cada vez que pienso sobre las estructuras de poder en el mundo y es \"nkali\", es un sustantivo cuya traducci\u00f3n es \"ser m\u00e1s grande que el otro\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"A trillion.","es":"Un bill\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And occasionally, there are disasters.","es":"Y en ocasiones hay desastres."} {"gender":"male","en":"CR: Yeah. And then there's a privacy side of it.","es":"CR: Y luego est\u00e1 el \u00e1ngulo de la privacidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm going to tell you a little secret.","es":"Les voy a contar un peque\u00f1o secreto."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I don't know, No, just this?","es":"As\u00ed que no s\u00e9 \u00bfEs solo esto?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I lived in New York for 10 years, and I am a big fan of \"Sex and the City.\"","es":"Viv\u00ed en Nueva York durante 10 a\u00f1os, y soy una gran fan de \"Sexo en Nueva York\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Imagine that you're one of these three friends who come to a river.","es":"Imaginen que son uno de estos 3 amigos que van al r\u00edo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In Wisconsin, a defendant was sentenced to six years in prison for evading the police.","es":"En Wisconsin, un acusado fue condenado a seis a\u00f1os de prisi\u00f3n por escaparse de la polic\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"You will never be pleasantly surprised, because your expectations, my expectations, have gone through the roof.","es":"Nunca recibir\u00e1s una sorpresa placentera porque tus expectativas, mis expectativas, se fueran por arriba del techo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So that's the first big problem.","es":"As\u00ed que ese es el primer gran problema."} {"gender":"female","en":"But I am very proud of my students.","es":"Pero estoy muy orgullosa de mis estudiantes."} {"gender":"male","en":"And he said, \"Well, you may have a new car, but I'll tell you what you don't have, a job.\"","es":"Y \u00e9l dijo: \"Ud. puede que tenga un auto nuevo, pero le dir\u00e9 que no tiene trabajo\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank the macroalgae.","es":"Agrad\u00e9zcanselo a las macroalgas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I began to hallucinate so hard that the buildings that were behind me started to look like big animal heads.","es":"Llegu\u00e9 a alucinar tanto que los edificios a mi alrededor empezaban a verse como grandes cabezas de animales."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm an underwater explorer, more specifically a cave diver.","es":"Soy exploradora submarina, m\u00e1s espec\u00edficamente: buceadora de cavernas."} {"gender":"male","en":"However, the media is not telling us the whole truth.","es":"Sin embargo, los medios no nos dicen toda la verdad."} {"gender":"female","en":"To be able to change fences and window guards into flowers, it's fantastic.","es":"Poder cambiar las cercas y los protectores de ventanas por flores, es fant\u00e1stico."} {"gender":"male","en":"I have 12 of these.","es":"Tengo 12 gr\u00e1ficos."} {"gender":"male","en":"When I was a diplomat negotiating the disarmament treaties with the Soviet Union in Geneva in the 1970s, we succeeded because we understood we shared a destiny with them.","es":"Cuando era diplom\u00e1tico logramos exitosamente la negociaci\u00f3n de tratados de desarme con la Uni\u00f3n Sovi\u00e9tica, en G\u00e9nova en 1970, porque comprendimos que compart\u00edamos un destino con ellos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I was luck enough to capture one of these when we were on a trawling expedition off the northwest coast of Africa for \"Blue Planet,\" for the deep portion of \"Blue Planet.\"","es":"Y tuve la suerte de capturar uno de esos cuando est\u00e1bamos en una expedici\u00f3n con pesca de arrastre en la costa noroeste de \u00c1frica para \"Blue Planet\", para la parte de las profundidades en \"Blue Planet\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"My mother was on the line to tell me that doctors had found a lump in his stomach, terminal cancer, she told me, and he had been given only three weeks to live.","es":"Era mi madre para decirme que los m\u00e9dicos le hab\u00edan encontrado un bulto en el est\u00f3mago, c\u00e1ncer terminal, me dijo, y le hab\u00edan dado solo tres semanas de vida."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So again, we're sent back to the idea of ultraprecise control: Could we dial in information precisely where we want it to go?","es":"De nuevo, volvemos a la idea del control ultra-preciso. \u00bfPodemos direccionar la informaci\u00f3n hacia donde queremos que vaya?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Probably because they had all the fun and I didn't, you know.","es":"Probablemente porque ellos hab\u00edan disfrutado de toda la diversi\u00f3n y yo no, sab\u00e9is."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, this huge floating ice shelf the size of Alaska comes from West Antarctica.","es":"Esta plataforma enorme de hielo flotante del tama\u00f1o de Alaska proviene de la Ant\u00e1rtida Occidental."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You never know what strikes the fancy of whom, but everybody is perfectly willing to believe the car changed the world.","es":"Nunca sabes lo que le llama la atenci\u00f3n a cada persona, pero todo el mundo acepta sin problemas que el coche cambi\u00f3 el mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"They knew it was dangerous.","es":"Sab\u00edan que era peligroso."} {"gender":"male","en":"We're going to talk, my, a new lecture, just for TED, and I'm going show you some illusions that we've created for TED, and I'm going to try to relate this to happiness.","es":"Vamos a hablar - de mi - nueva conferencia, s\u00f3lo para TED. Les voy a mostrar algunas ilusiones que he creado para TED y voy a tratar de relacionar esto con la felicidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"But also, because I didn't know how to apply the things I learned in the military to a civilian context.","es":"Pero tambi\u00e9n, porque no sab\u00eda c\u00f3mo aplicar las cosas que aprend\u00ed en el ej\u00e9rcito en un contexto civil."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then you'll hear people say, \"Well, it doesn't really matter where I am, as long as it's early in the morning or late at night or on the weekends.\"","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n escucho a la gente decir: \"Bueno, en realidad no importa d\u00f3nde est\u00e9 mientras que sea muy temprano por la ma\u00f1ana, o muy tarde por la noche, o el fin de semana\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, there we are.","es":"Me refiero a que, aqu\u00ed lo tenemos."} {"gender":"female","en":"So we need new stories, new heroes and new tools.","es":"Necesitamos nuevas historias, nuevos h\u00e9roes y nuevas herramientas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, because I know, I assume that answers my question.","es":"Ahora, porque yo s\u00e9, Ok, supongo que eso contesta mi pregunta."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We work with them both to understand the situation on the ground and which images are missing to describe it, who are the ones that are influencing the situation, and when to release the material to advance the struggle.","es":"Trabajamos con ellos tanto para entender la situaci\u00f3n en las ubicaciones y cu\u00e1les im\u00e1genes faltan para describirlas, qui\u00e9nes est\u00e1n influenciando la situaci\u00f3n, y cu\u00e1ndo liberar el material para avanzar en la lucha."} {"gender":"female","en":"I wish someone had told me that back when I was 13.","es":"Ojal\u00e1 alguien me hubiera dicho esto cuando ten\u00eda 13 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"Just like genome mixes the study of all the genes, proteomics is the study of all the proteins.","es":"As\u00ed como el genoma mezcla el estudio de todos los genes, la prote\u00f3mica es el estudio de todas las prote\u00ednas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I've committed my life as researcher and activist to fighting the inclusion crisis in Hollywood.","es":"Y he dedicado mi vida como investigadora y activista a luchar contra la crisis de inclusi\u00f3n en Hollywood."} {"gender":"female","en":"Qualitatively and quantitatively, they choose exactly the same way as people, when tested in the same thing.","es":"Cualitativamente y cuantitativamente, eligieron exactamente de la misma manera que la gente, al ser testeados."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is increasingly what we're starting to see on the Web in a bunch of interesting ways, most of which weren't around, actually, except in very experimental things, when I was writing \"Emergence\" and when the book came out.","es":"Y esto es cada vez m\u00e1s lo que estamos comenzando a ver en la Web de muchas e interesantes maneras. Muchas de las cuales no figuraban, m\u00e1s que de manera experimental, en el momento en que yo estaba escribiendo \"Emergence\" y despu\u00e9s en su lanzamiento."} {"gender":"female","en":"And sometimes if I have too much coffee, then my vibrato gets out of hand.","es":"A veces, si tomo demasiado caf\u00e9, el vibrato se me va de las manos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we had very strong leadership, very good vision and a lot of science, a lot of lawyers involved.","es":"Hubo un liderazgo muy fuerte, una muy buena visi\u00f3n, y mucha ciencia, muchos abogados involucrados."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You won't find it.","es":"No la encontrar\u00e1n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And in fact, and maybe you've heard this, neurochemically speaking, going through a breakup is a lot like going through cocaine withdrawal, which I find reassuring.","es":"Y de hecho - y tal vez han o\u00eddo esto - neuroqu\u00edmicamente hablando, pasar por una ruptura es como pasar por la desintoxicaci\u00f3n de coca\u00edna, que encuentro tranquilizador."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to lead an expedition to the Sahara to dig up Africa's largest neolithic site.","es":"Voy a dirigir una expedici\u00f3n al Sahara para excavar el sitio Neolitico m\u00e1s grande de \u00c1frica."} {"gender":"male","en":"Guy: I don't know how receptive people are going to be to it, though.","es":"Guy: Sin embargo, no s\u00e9 cu\u00e1n receptiva va a ser la gente a eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"I hope you guys recognize it.","es":"Espero que la reconozcan."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm marrying a woman.","es":"Me caso con una mujer."} {"gender":"female","en":"We can share our experiences with technology and how it concerns us and how it excites us. We can discuss what we love.","es":"Podemos compartir nuestras experiencias con la tecnolog\u00eda, c\u00f3mo nos concierne y c\u00f3mo nos entusiasma Podemos discutir sobre lo que amamos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because it was when that happened with this walk-and-talk idea that things became doable and sustainable and viable.","es":"Porque fue cuando eso ocurri\u00f3 con esta idea de caminar y platicar que las cosas se volvieron realizables, sostenibles y viables."} {"gender":"female","en":"There are over 40,000 described species of spiders.","es":"Hay m\u00e1s de 40.000 especies de ara\u00f1as descritas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now I was a comparative literature major in college, which is like an English major, only instead of being stuck studying Chaucer for three months, we got to read great literature in translation from around the world.","es":"Estudi\u00e9 literatura comparada en la universidad, que es como estudiar literatura inglesa, s\u00f3lo que en lugar de estudiar a Chaucer durante tres meses, tuvimos que leer las traducciones de grandes obras de todo el mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"They were prepared.","es":"Estaban preparados."} {"gender":"male","en":"The captain waved me over.","es":"El capit\u00e1n me hizo un adem\u00e1n."} {"gender":"female","en":"On 9\/11, Joel wasn't in New York.","es":"El 11-S Joel no estaba en Nueva York."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Many were bulldozed under at the time of the accident, but a few are left like this, kind of silent vestiges to the tragedy.","es":"Muchas fueron derribadas en el momento del accidente, pero otras quedaron as\u00ed, como silenciosos vestigios de la tragedia."} {"gender":"female","en":"SW: Yeah.","es":"SW: Yeah."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in the case of Jane, hopefully, two.","es":"Y, en el caso de Jane, esperemos que dos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Just consider this: Five million nights have been booked on Airbnb in the past six months alone.","es":"Consideren esto: hay cinco millones de noches reservadas en Airbnb solo en los \u00faltimos seis meses."} {"gender":"female","en":"And there's also up and down trends within some of these dips, almost like several independent events were superimposed on top of each other.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n hay tendencias hacia arriba y abajo en algunas de estas ca\u00eddas, como si superpusieran varios eventos independientes."} {"gender":"female","en":"I often called them gentlemen, which made them giggle.","es":"A menudo los llamaba caballeros, algo que les hac\u00eda re\u00edr."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's in stark contrast to the taken-for-granted water supplies that we regularly drink all the time.","es":"Y eso contrasta con lo que se da por sentado sobre el suministro de agua que bebemos todo el tiempo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Developed countries recognize that they have a real, important responsibility not only just to manage their CO2 emissions and some of the degradation that they're contributing to the world, but also as trendsetters in R&D. And so they have to come to the table as well.","es":"Los pa\u00edses desarrollados reconocen que tienen una responsabilidad importante no solo de controlar sus emisiones de CO2 y a parte de la degradaci\u00f3n a la que contribuyen en el mundo sino tambi\u00e9n la de marcar tendencia en I+D. As\u00ed que tienen que discutir eso tambi\u00e9n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Isn't that a wonderful thought, that there could be such a thing as a best idea anybody ever had?","es":"\u00bfNo es un pensamiento maravilloso, que pueda existir tal cosa como la mejor idea que alguien haya tenido?"} {"gender":"female","en":"They told me a list of inspirations: blogs, celebrity news, fashion information.","es":"Y me enumeraron varias inspiraciones: blogs, noticias de celebridades, informaci\u00f3n de moda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And we were able to cross this line, called the uncanny valley, in terms of, artificial intelligence terms.","es":"Y logramos atravesar esta l\u00ednea, llamada 'el valle misterioso', en t\u00e9rminos de inteligencia artificial."} {"gender":"male","en":"I call these technical fixes sandbag strategies. So you know there's a storm coming, the levee is broken, no one's put any money into it, you surround your home with sandbags. And guess what?","es":"Y llamo a estas soluciones t\u00e9cnicas las estrategias del saco de arena; ya saben, se acerca una tormenta, el dique se rompe, nadie se ocupa de arreglarlo, uno protege su casa con sacos de arena y \u00bfadivinen qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"male","en":"There was pride in a room where net worth and assets under management surpassed half a trillion dollars.","es":"Hab\u00eda orgullo en ese sal\u00f3n donde el patrimonio neto y sus activos administrados sobrepasaban los 500 billones de d\u00f3lares."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's a favorite period of time to study in Egypt, because it teaches us so much about how we can survive and thrive after great disasters.","es":"Es un per\u00edodo favorito para estudiar en Egipto porque nos ense\u00f1a mucho sobre c\u00f3mo podemos sobrevivir y prosperar tras grandes desastres."} {"gender":"female","en":"She was actually sexually assaulted in boot camp and went on to co-organize a group called the Service Women's Action Network.","es":"Pero fue violada en el campamento de inducci\u00f3n y comenz\u00f3 un grupo de apoyo llamado \"Red de Acci\u00f3n de Mujeres en Servicio.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"We've written a number of things on the role of Gaia hypothesis, whether or not you could consider Earth as a single entity in any meaningful scientific sense, and then, as an outgrowth of that, I worked on the environmental consequences of nuclear war.","es":"Hemos escrito varias cosas sobre el rol de la hipot\u00e9sis de Gaia - si podemos o no considerar a la Tierra como una sola entidad en cualquier forma que tenga significado cient\u00edfico, y luego, a partir de ello, trabaj\u00e9 en las consecuencias ambientales de la guerra nuclear."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"JS: Copyright policy isn't just about how to incentivize the production of a certain kind of artistic commodity; it's about what level of control we're going to permit to be exercised over our social realities, social realities that are now inevitably permeated by pop culture.","es":"JS: La pol\u00edtica de propiedad intelectual no es s\u00f3lo c\u00f3mo incentivar la producci\u00f3n de un cierto tipo de mercanc\u00eda art\u00edstica; se trata del nivel de control que vamos a permitir que se ejerza sobre nuestras realidades sociales; realidades sociales que ahora son inevitablemente permeadas por la cultura pop."} {"gender":"male","en":"I know that many people here have been splendidly speaking about the digital world and the possibility for cooperation, but seen what the digital world has done to American politics these days?","es":"S\u00e9 que mucha gente aqu\u00ed ha estado hablando espl\u00e9ndidamente sobre el mundo digital y la posibilidad de cooperaci\u00f3n, \u00bfpero han visto lo que el mundo digital le ha hecho a la pol\u00edtica estadounidense estos d\u00edas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"My third story is perhaps even more remarkable and, I should say, has never been shown to the public until today.","es":"Mi tercera historia es quiz\u00e1s a\u00fan m\u00e1s notable, y, debo decir, nunca se ha mostrado en p\u00fablico, hasta hoy."} {"gender":"female","en":"It might seem curious given that I spend a lot of my life on the stage.","es":"Podr\u00eda parecer algo curioso ya que me paso gran parte de mi vida en el escenario."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's doing what a healthy coral does.","es":"Hace lo que un coral con buena salud debe hacer."} {"gender":"female","en":"In Japan, the University of Nagoya is building, as part of their HeForShe commitments, what will become one of Japan's leading gender-research centers.","es":"En Jap\u00f3n, la Universidad de Nagoya est\u00e1 creando, como parte de sus compromisos para HeForShe, lo que ser\u00e1 uno de los centros de investigaci\u00f3n de g\u00e9nero l\u00edder en Jap\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We made sure that we produced some things ourselves.","es":"Nos aseguramos de que producir cosas por nosotros mismos."} {"gender":"female","en":"But I want to talk a little bit about happiness, and the relationship to this whole vagina journey, because it has been an extraordinary journey that began eight years ago.","es":"Pero quiero hablar un poco sobre la felicidad y su relaci\u00f3n con este viaje de la vagina porque ha sido un viaje extraordinario que comenz\u00f3 hace ocho a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"If you just had paper or plastic, obviously reusable is far more beneficial, then the paper is worse, and the paper is worse because it weighs four to 10 times more than the plastic, and when we actually compare, from a life cycle perspective, a kilo of plastic and a kilo of paper, the paper is far better, but the functionality of a plastic or a paper bag to carry your groceries home is not done with a kilo of each material.","es":"Si solo tienen papel o pl\u00e1stico --es obvio que si es reutilizable mucho mejor-- entonces el papel es peor. Y el papel es peor porque pesa entre 4 y 10 veces m\u00e1s que el pl\u00e1stico. Y si los comparamos desde el punto de vista del ciclo de vida, un kilo de pl\u00e1stico y un kilo de papel, el papel es mucho mejor, pero la funcionalidad de una bolsa de pl\u00e1stico o una de papel para llevar nuestras compras a casa no la da un kilo de cada material."} {"gender":"male","en":"I sat down.","es":"Me sent\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"Do you need that much or do you need more?","es":"\u00bfNecesitan m\u00e1s o menos?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So, it's an unusual building for a public library, obviously.","es":"Es un edificio inusual para una biblioteca p\u00fablica. obviamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you ask what kind of a situation is conducive to people becoming friends and allies, the technical answer is a non-zero-sum situation.","es":"Si se preguntan cu\u00e1l tipo de situaci\u00f3n lleva a que las personas se conviertan en amigas y aliadas, la respuesta t\u00e9cnica es: una situaci\u00f3n de suma no nula."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And you need to know that Danny's clock is to be kept accurate by a ray of sunshine, that perfect noon hitting it every sunny day, and the pulse of heat from that sets off a solar trigger which resets the clock to make it perfectly accurate.","es":"Y tienen que saber que el reloj de Danny ser\u00e1 preciso gracias a un rayo de sol que justo al mediod\u00eda con su pulso de calor configura un disparador solar que blanquea el reloj para hacerlo totalmente preciso."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because, again, I'm trying to get energy solved for America. And anything American will work for me.","es":"Porque, de nuevo, estoy tratando de resolver la obtenci\u00f3n de energ\u00eda para los EE.UU. Y todo lo estadounidense funcionar\u00e1 para mi."} {"gender":"female","en":"And they wait until pretty much everybody's gone.","es":"Esperan hasta que todos los dem\u00e1s se hayan ido."} {"gender":"female","en":"No one's role was too small; everyone's role was vital.","es":"Ning\u00fan rol era peque\u00f1o; todos eran esenciales."} {"gender":"female","en":"That satellite tag will now have your shark phone home and send in a message.","es":"Esa etiqueta satelital har\u00e1 que el tibur\u00f3n llame a casa y env\u00ede un mensaje."} {"gender":"male","en":"There are other companies that will place a camera like this \u2014 this has nothing to do with Facebook \u2014 they take your picture, they tie it to the social media, they figure out you really like to wear black dresses, so maybe the person in the store comes up and says, \"Hey, we've got five black dresses that would just look great on you.\"","es":"Hay otras compa\u00f1\u00edas que colocar\u00e1n una c\u00e1mara -\u2015esto no tiene nada que ver con Facebook\u2015- sacar\u00e1n una foto, que enlazan a los medios sociales, averiguan que realmente te gusta llevar vestidos negros, as\u00ed que tal vez el dependiente viene y dice: \"Oye, tenemos cinco vestidos negros que se ver\u00edan muy bien en Ud.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"Take it apart with your kid, or send him to my school, and we'll take it apart with them.","es":"Des\u00e1rmelo con su hijo, o env\u00edelo a mi escuela y lo desarmaremos con ellos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And perhaps above all, to encourage a sensitivity about uncompassionate speaking, so that because people have this Charter, whatever their beliefs or lack of them, they feel empowered to challenge uncompassionate speech, disdainful remarks from their religious leaders, their political leaders, from the captains of industry.","es":"Y quiz\u00e1 sobre todo, promover que seamos sensibles acerca del hablar no compasivo. Y que al tener esta carta, la gente, sin importar sus creencias o la falta de ellas, se sienta m\u00e1s capaz de enfrentar discursos no compasivos, o expresiones de desd\u00e9n de sus l\u00edderes religiosos, sus l\u00edderes pol\u00edticos, de los capitanes de la industria."} {"gender":"female","en":"We had somebody from public health.","es":"Tuvimos a alguien de salud p\u00fablica."} {"gender":"male","en":"At one point, my father gave up on me.","es":"En un momento, mi padre se rindi\u00f3 conmigo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Otodo Gbame, a hundred-year-old fishing village with a population about three-quarters that of Monaco and similar potential for beachfront luxury, was one of the first to be targeted.","es":"Otodo Gbame, un pueblo de pescadores de 100 a\u00f1os de antig\u00fcedad con una poblaci\u00f3n de aproximadamente tres cuartos de la de M\u00f3naco y potencial similar para el lujo frente al mar fue uno de los primeros blancos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So it's a force, that is the most powerful force that has been unleashed on this planet, and in such a degree, that I think it's become who we are.","es":"As\u00ed que es una fuerza que resulta ser la m\u00e1s poderosa que se haya generado en el planeta. Hasta tal grado que creo que se ha convertido en lo que somos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So isn't it amazing how much control the attackers can get with such a simple operation?","es":"\u00bfNo es incre\u00edble cu\u00e1nto control pueden conseguir los atacantes con tan solo una simple operaci\u00f3n?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We can also integrate all kinds of advanced technology through this process.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n podemos integrar toda clases de tecnolog\u00eda avanzada a trav\u00e9s de este proceso."} {"gender":"male","en":"Extroverts, for example, I find intriguing.","es":"Los extrovertidos, por ejemplo, me parecen intrigantes."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the hashtag became a campaign.","es":"Y el hashtag se convirti\u00f3 en una campa\u00f1a."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean some stepping stone, some specific conditions that made universal gravitation not impossible to conceive.","es":"Quiero decir, alg\u00fan paso intermedio, unas condiciones espec\u00edficas que hicieran que la gravitaci\u00f3n universal no fuera imposible de concebir."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So between each runner, now we will have a new dedicated athlete, clearly dedicated to taking the baton from one runner, and passing it to the next runner.","es":"As\u00ed que entre cada corredor, ahora tendremos un nuevo atleta dedicado, claramente dedicado a tomar el testigo de un corredor, y pasarlo al siguiente corredor."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, speaking of walls, I want to share with you the story of one wall in Cairo.","es":"Y, hablando de muros, quiero compartir con Uds. la historia de un muro de El Cairo."} {"gender":"female","en":"She walks 50 blocks to and from work every day just to avoid spending money on bus fare.","es":"Caminaba 50 cuadras al trabajo todos los d\u00edas, ida y vuelta, para no gastar en autob\u00fas."} {"gender":"female","en":"So in this ambition to capture songs from the universe, we turn our focus to black holes and the promise they have, because black holes can bang on space-time like mallets on a drum and have a very characteristic song, which I'd like to play for you, some of our predictions for what that song will be like.","es":"As\u00ed, en esta ambici\u00f3n por captar canciones del Universo dirigimos nuestra atenci\u00f3n a los agujeros negros y a la promesa que representan; porque los agujeros negros pueden golpear el espacio-tiempo como mazas sobre un tambor y producir una canci\u00f3n muy caracter\u00edstica. Me gustar\u00eda reproducirles algunas de nuestras predicciones de c\u00f3mo ser\u00eda esa canci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"We have no idea the mechanism.","es":"No tenemos idea del mecanismo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so this put me on a quest for justness, and what justness means to me is using laws for their intended purpose, which is to protect.","es":"Esto me llev\u00f3 a la b\u00fasqueda de justicia, y lo que significa para m\u00ed justicia es usar las leyes para la finalidad prevista, que es proteger."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You can't wash the blood, you never can wash shame off the wars.","es":"No se puede lavar la sangre, nunca se logra lavar la verg\u00fcenza de las guerras."} {"gender":"female","en":"There was no software that could extrude these complex net forms and model them with gravity.","es":"No hab\u00eda software que pudiera conformar estas complicadas redes y modelarlas con la gravedad."} {"gender":"female","en":"Most of what they said to her when she was outside began with, \"Be careful,\" \"Watch out,\" or \"No.\" Now, my friends were not bad parents.","es":"La mayor parte de lo que le dec\u00edan cuando iba a salir era, \"Ten cuidado\", \"Cuidado,\" o \"No\" Mis amigos no eran malos padres."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You got it? You got it?","es":"\u00bfEntendieron?"} {"gender":"female","en":"We are missing the story of Fareeda, a music teacher, a piano teacher, in Sarajevo, who made sure that she kept the music school open every single day in the four years of besiege in Sarajevo and walked to that school, despite the snipers shooting at that school and at her, and kept the piano, the violin, the cello playing the whole duration of the war, with students wearing their gloves and hats and coats.","es":"Nos perdemos la historia de Fareeda una profesora de m\u00fasica, profesora de piano de Sarajevo, que se asegur\u00f3 de seguir con la escuela de m\u00fasica abierta todos los d\u00edas durante los 4 a\u00f1os del sitio a Sarajevo. Iba a la escuela a pesar de los disparos de francotiradores, hacia la escuela y hacia ella, y sigui\u00f3 tocando el piano, el viol\u00edn y el violonchelo durante toda la guerra con estudiantes de guante, sombrero y abrigo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"\"No!","es":"\"\u00a1No!"} {"gender":"male","en":"That has a certain kind of balance to it, which is all about plumb.","es":"Tiene cierto tipo de equilibrio. Es todo una cuesti\u00f3n de peso."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I spent a lot of my early career trying to figure out how insect wings generate enough force to keep the flies in the air.","es":"Pas\u00e9 mucho tiempo al principio de mi carrera intentando averiguar como las alas de los insectos generan suficiente fuerza como para mantener las moscas en el aire."} {"gender":"male","en":"And every time, daily, after we have meeting, what compromise we have, whatever, I go, I write a short email, send it.","es":"Y cada vez, diariamente, despu\u00e9s de tener la reuni\u00f3n, el compromiso al que hab\u00edamos llegado, lo que fuera, iba, escrib\u00eda un email corto, y lo enviaba."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This was a very widely reported incident in Telford and Shropshire in March this year.","es":"Este fue un incidente muy ampliamente reportado en Telford y Shropshire en marzo de este a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I tried really hard to stop it, but I couldn't, because it had a life of its own.","es":"Y lo intent\u00e9 todo lo posible detenerla, pero no pude, porque ten\u00eda vida propia."} {"gender":"female","en":"Scientists collect evidence in many different ways, but however they collect it, they have to subject it to scrutiny.","es":"Los cient\u00edficos recolectan evidencias de muchas maneras diferentes, pero sea lo que sea que recolectan tienen que llevarlo al escrutinio."} {"gender":"male","en":"The problem is, I don't think these projections are accurate.","es":"El problema es que no creo que sean exactas."} {"gender":"male","en":"But the kids six to 12 years old are surfing the Internet in Spanish and in local languages, so the children grow up with access to information, with a window into the rest of the world.","es":"Pero estos ni\u00f1os de seis a 12 a\u00f1os est\u00e1n navegando en Internet en espa\u00f1ol y en su lengua local, de modo que crecen con acceso a informaci\u00f3n, con una ventana al resto del mundo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And, of course if you can build mice molars in Petri dishes, you can grow human molars in Petri dishes.","es":"Y, claro que si pueden construir muelas de rat\u00f3n en platos de laboratorio, pueden crecer muelas humanas en platos de laboratorio."} {"gender":"male","en":"If I start the little game here that the kids have done, it'll crash the space ship.","es":"Si arranco este jueguito que los ni\u00f1os hicieron, chocar\u00e1 la nave espacial."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was at a wall.\"","es":"Estaba contra un muro\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"We've got this giant fusion generator in the sky called the sun, and we just need to tap a little bit of that energy for purposes of human civilization.","es":"Tenemos ese reactor de fusi\u00f3n natural en el cielo que es el Sol. Solo tenemos que atrapar un poco de esa energ\u00eda para servirnos de ella."} {"gender":"male","en":"I said, \"I want to live and dig wells for five years.\"","es":"Le dije: \"Quiero vivir cavando pozos durante 5 a\u00f1os\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"I truly believe, to create women leaders, there's only one thing you have to do: Just let them know that they have what it takes to be a leader.","es":"Sinceramente, creo, que para crear mujeres l\u00edderes, hay que hacer una cosa: Simplemente hacerles saber que tienen lo que se necesita para ser una l\u00edderes."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because like Marianne, we all want to bring every good thing to our children.","es":"Porque al igual que Marianne, todos queremos todo lo mejor para nuestros hijos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It had to be run in different languages.","es":"Tuvo que ser gobernado en distintos idiomas."} {"gender":"male","en":"You know, looking at the name tags to see who can help me with my dream, sometimes looking right through one another's humanity.","es":"Ya saben, mientras buscamos a aquellos que pueden ayudarnos con nuestro sue\u00f1o, a veces lo que no vemos es la humanidad del otro."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"I guess we girls are just socialized to be these docile creatures who don't express our wants or needs.\"","es":"\"Creo que a las chicas nos socializan para ser criaturas d\u00f3ciles que no expresamos nuestros deseos o necesidades\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"A windshield coating is going to give you about 110 degrees.","es":"En un parabrisas va a ser a unos 110 grados."} {"gender":"female","en":"They say, \"Malaria is a normal problem of life.\"","es":"Dicen: \"La malaria es un problema normal en la vida\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But the good news is that becoming aware of the optimism bias does not shatter the illusion.","es":"Pero la buena noticia es que ser consciente de la predisposici\u00f3n al optimismo no destruye la ilusi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But our hard work paid off.","es":"Pero nuestro esfuerzo vali\u00f3 la pena."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think one of the things I am passionate about, my grandparents work, I'm passionate about my work, but on top of all that I'm passionate about a holistic vision of design, where design is a life skill, not a professional skill.","es":"Creo que una de las cosas que m\u00e1s me apasiona es el trabajo de mis abuelos. Me apasiona mi trabajo. Pero m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de eso, me apasiona la visi\u00f3n hol\u00edstica del dise\u00f1o, donde el dise\u00f1o es una herramienta de vida, no una herramienta profesional."} {"gender":"male","en":"Reaching success, I was pretty good at coming up with good ideas.","es":"Mientras buscaba el \u00e9xito, era bastante bueno en crear buenas ideas."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's one of the things I find most fascinating about studying our deep history.","es":"Es una de las cosas que me parece m\u00e1s fascinante, sobre el estudio de nuestra historia profunda."} {"gender":"female","en":"And they will stay there.","es":"Y se quedar\u00e1n all\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"Should be a frog!\"","es":"\u00a1Deber\u00eda ser un sapo!\""} {"gender":"female","en":"And at the same time, you have a number that you can call to get more information on commuting, or a low-interest loan on a different kind of car, or whatever it is you're going to need to actually reduce your gasoline dependence.","es":"Y, al mismo tiempo, uno tiene un n\u00famero al cual llamar para conseguir m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n sobre formas de desplazamiento, o sobre pr\u00e9stamo a bajo inter\u00e9s para un coche diferente, o lo que sea que vaya a necesitar para reducir la dependencia al combustible."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now for me, task shifting is an idea with truly global significance, because even though it has arisen out of the situation of the lack of resources that you find in developing countries, I think it has a lot of significance for better-resourced countries as well.","es":"Para m\u00ed, la delegaci\u00f3n de tareas es una idea con una relevancia realmente mundial porque, aunque han surgido del problema de la falta de recursos que existen en los pa\u00edses en v\u00eda de desarrollo, tambi\u00e9n es muy importante para los pa\u00edses con mejores recursos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, my case was that my father received death threats in 1980.","es":"Ahora, en mi caso, mi padre recibi\u00f3 amenazas de muerte en 1980."} {"gender":"male","en":"I can't even set it on fire, they took my cigarette lighter!","es":"Ni siquiera puedo quemarlos, \u00a1se llevaron mi encendedor!"} {"gender":"female","en":"And I founded International Bridges to Justice which has a specific mission of ending torture as an investigative tool and implementing due process rights in the 93 countries by placing trained lawyers at an early stage in police stations and in courtrooms.","es":"Y entonces fund\u00e9 la International Bridges to Justice cuya misi\u00f3n espec\u00edfica es acabar con la tortura como medio investigativo y aplicar las debidas garant\u00edas procesales en estos 93 pa\u00edses, mandando abogados capacitados a las comisar\u00edas y a los tribunales desde una fase inicial."} {"gender":"female","en":"And while we were doing it, I realized that there weren't a lot of businesses that were viable and started by women, and so maybe I should try to run a business, too.","es":"Y mientras hac\u00edamos eso, me d\u00ed cuenta de que no hab\u00edan muchos negocios que fueran viables y establecidos por mujeres, y que tal vez tambi\u00e9n deber\u00eda intentar manejar un negocio."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it is important.","es":"Y es importante."} {"gender":"female","en":"He's actually here today.","es":"De hecho \u00e9l esta aqu\u00ed hoy."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"My ability to think and write have not been affected.","es":"Mis capacidades de pensar y escribir no han sido afectadas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that's why they didn't live very long.","es":"Y por eso no viv\u00edan demasiado."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I wasn't always an old guy.","es":"No siempre fui un tipo grande."} {"gender":"male","en":"By giving away our TEDx brand, we suddenly have a thousand-plus live experiments in the art of spreading ideas.","es":"Al permitir el uso de nuestra marca TEDx, de repente tenemos m\u00e1s de 1.000 experimentos en vivo del arte de difundir ideas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"And they're understanding more about quantum mathematics.","es":"Y est\u00e1n comprendiendo m\u00e1s acerca de la matem\u00e1tica cu\u00e1ntica."} {"gender":"female","en":"It changes the way you frame your own experience, it changes the way you think about your perpetrator, it means that if you do come forward, you'll have someone else's back and they'll have yours.","es":"Cambia la forma de entender nuestra experiencia, la manera de ver al agresor. Significa que si uno declara tendr\u00e1 el apoyo de alguien y que se le devolver\u00e1 este apoyo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I know it's very dangerous, maybe, sometimes in the first 12 weeks or so, so I had a lot of questions.","es":"S\u00e9 que es muy peligroso, a veces en las primeras 12 semanas m\u00e1s o menos, as\u00ed que estaba llena de preguntas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And Gene turns around and says, \"We're not going to make it.\"","es":"Y Gene me mir\u00f3 y dijo: \"No vamos a lograrlo.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"Younger people don't. The remaining value of older people that I'll mention involves recognizing that while there are many things that older people can no longer do, there are other things that they can do better than younger people.","es":"Los m\u00e1s j\u00f3venes no. El \u00faltimo valor de los viejos que mencionar\u00e9, tiene que ver con el reconocimiento de que si bien hay muchas cosas que los viejos ya no pueden hacer, hay otras que pueden hacer mejor que la gente m\u00e1s joven."} {"gender":"female","en":"What does anyone mean when they talk about real security?","es":"Que es lo que quieren decir cuando hablan acerca de verdadera seguridad?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, look out even further than we've just been, I mean from here, with a telescope, and you'll see things that look like stars, they're called quasars.","es":"Miremos a\u00fan m\u00e1s lejos de donde reci\u00e9n estuvimos, Desde aqu\u00ed, con un telescopio, ver\u00e1n cosas que parecen estrellas. Se las llama quasares."} {"gender":"female","en":"A massive expansion of rural health centers placed roughly 80 percent of the population less than a two-hour walk from these facilities, a truly remarkable accomplishment.","es":"Una expansi\u00f3n masiva de centros de salud rurales para m\u00e1s o menos 80 % de la poblaci\u00f3n a menos de una a dos horas a pie de sus instalaciones, un logro verdaderamente notable."} {"gender":"female","en":"That's five years later.","es":"Ah\u00ed est\u00e1 cinco a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"On Wednesday, David Christian explained to us what a tiny instant the human race represents in the time-span of the universe.","es":"El mi\u00e9rcoles, David Christian nos explicaba que la raza humana representa un breve instante en la vida del Universo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so I think the tempting analogy for the boom-bust that we just went through with the Internet is a gold rush.","es":"Por ello pienso que una atractiva analog\u00eda al boom y ca\u00edda que reci\u00e9n experimentamos con Internet es la de una fiebre del oro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Tools also have consequences.","es":"Las herramientas tambi\u00e9n tienen consecuencias."} {"gender":"female","en":"No, sweetheart, I said, I'm ready when you are.","es":"No, cari\u00f1o, dije: que estoy lista cuando quieras."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I, And I genuinely thought my activation days were over, OK?","es":"Y yo Pens\u00e9 realmente que mis d\u00edas de activismo hab\u00edan terminado."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, I was introduced as the former Governor of Michigan, but actually I'm a scientist.","es":"Bueno, me presentaron como la exgobernadora de Michigan, pero en realidad soy cient\u00edfica."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it has made me a healthier person.","es":"Esto me ha hecho una persona m\u00e1s saludable."} {"gender":"male","en":"This comes out repeatedly, again, again, again. And that was one of my major discoveries, to find that these islands were the same as the whole big thing, more or less.","es":"Aparece esto una y otra vez Y \u00e9se fue uno de mis m\u00e1s grandes descubrimientos, descubrir que estas islas son pr\u00e1cticamente id\u00e9nticas al todo que las engloba."} {"gender":"male","en":"I sometimes get out of balance.","es":"En ocasiones me siento desequilibrado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We then managed to set up a war crimes tribunal to deal specifically with those kinds of issues.","es":"Luego logramos establecer un tribunal de cr\u00edmenes para tratar espec\u00edficamente ese tipo de temas."} {"gender":"male","en":"We knew that 210 million women were saying they wanted access to contraceptives, even the contraceptives we have here in the United States, and we weren't providing them because of the political controversy in our country, and to me that was just a crime, and I kept looking around trying to find the person that would get this back on the global stage, and I finally realized I just had to do it.","es":"Sab\u00edamos que 210 millones de mujeres dec\u00edan que quer\u00edan acceso a los anticonceptivos, incluso a los anticonceptivos que tenemos aqu\u00ed en EE.UU., y no se los est\u00e1bamos proveyendo, por la controversia pol\u00edtica en nuestro pa\u00eds, y para m\u00ed eso era un crimen, y segu\u00eda buscando por todos lados encontrar a la persona que regresara esto al escenario mundial, y finalmente me di cuenta de que ten\u00eda que hacerlo yo."} {"gender":"female","en":"For me, it was a yearlong street fight.","es":"Para m\u00ed fue una lucha callejera que dur\u00f3 un a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"You've got to pay attention.","es":"Tienes que prestar atenci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now I like to point out that we were on that list with a lot of really cool places.","es":"Quiero se\u00f1alar que est\u00e1bamos en esa lista junto con muchos lugares geniales."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, one day, I was working with my computer to ask it what it thought about a trip to Australia.","es":"Un d\u00eda trabajando con mi computadora le pregunt\u00e9 qu\u00e9 pensaba acerca de un viaje a Australia."} {"gender":"female","en":"Even people were playing it for terminal diagnoses like ALS.","es":"Incluso pacientes terminales con esclerosis lateral amiotr\u00f3fica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You don't know what's going to happen.","es":"No sabes lo que pasar\u00e1."} {"gender":"female","en":"Some of my oldest experimental plantations are now over 30 years old.","es":"Algunas de mis plantaciones experimentales tienen m\u00e1s de 30 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"Of course, we all know as educators that students don't learn by sitting and passively watching videos.","es":"Por supuesto, como educadores sabemos que no se aprende viendo videos de forma pasiva."} {"gender":"male","en":"And even more so than that, as you see people, especially today, who inspire you, who are doing things where you say \"Oh God, what Jeff is doing, I want to be like him.\"","es":"Y a\u00fan m\u00e1s que eso, conforme se ve a la gente, sobre todo hoy, qui\u00e9n te inspira, qui\u00e9n hace cosas que uno dice \"Dios, lo que hace Jeff, quiero ser como \u00e9l\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I hate that.","es":"Odio eso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"RF: And they do really well at grabbing onto surfaces with these claws.","es":"RF: Y se adhieren muy bien a las superficies con estas garras."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This, for example, is a pair of rhinoceros taking a cooling bath on a hot summer day in the lowlands of Nepal.","es":"Esto, por ejemplo, es un par de rinocerontes que toman un ba\u00f1o refrescante en un d\u00eda caluroso de verano en las tierras bajas de Nepal."} {"gender":"female","en":"We also find that people are more averse to losing than they are happy to gain.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n sabemos que la p\u00e9rdida genera m\u00e1s aversi\u00f3n que la felicidad de ganar."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think it's the first step toward that.","es":"Creo que es el primer paso hacia ello."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Think about it.","es":"Pi\u00e9nsenlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Until finally, after about eight minutes and 40 seconds or so, we are finally at exactly the right altitude, exactly the right speed, the right direction, the engine shut off, and we're weightless.","es":"Hasta que por fin, despu\u00e9s de cerca de 8 minutos y 40 segundos m\u00e1s o menos, por fin estamos exactamente a la altura correcta, exactamente la velocidad adecuada, la direcci\u00f3n correcta, el motor apagado, y estamos sin peso."} {"gender":"female","en":"Clear as yesterday, like it just happened.","es":"Como si fuera ayer, como si reci\u00e9n hubiese ocurrido."} {"gender":"female","en":"Audience: No. Susan Blackmore: Someone says no, very loudly, from over there.","es":"Audiencia: No. Susan Blackmore: Alguien dijo no, muy fuerte, por all\u00e1."} {"gender":"female","en":"I want that.","es":"Quiero eso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But the key here is that it is not tagged as a Parkinson's patient product.","es":"Lo importante aqu\u00ed es que no es solo un producto para pacientes de Parkinson."} {"gender":"female","en":"There are only a couple hundred of us space archaeologists around the world.","es":"Hay solo un par de cientos de arque\u00f3logos espaciales en el mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I photographed Ron at a baseball field because he had been drafted to the Oakland A's to play professional baseball just before his conviction.","es":"Fotografi\u00e9 a Ron en un campo de b\u00e9isbol porque hab\u00eda sido contratado por los Oakland A's para jugar b\u00e9isbol profesional justo antes de su condena."} {"gender":"female","en":"And what it basically implies is that, in houses now, we don't need drapes or shutters or blinds anymore because we can sheath the building with these things, as well as control the amount of air conditioning you need inside that building.","es":"Esto quiere decir b\u00e1sicamente que, en las casas de ahora, ya no necesitemos cortinas, persianas ni celos\u00edas porque es posible cubrir el edificio con estas cosas, as\u00ed como controlar la cantidad de aire acondicionado necesario en el edificio."} {"gender":"female","en":"The really strange part is that, at three and a half, just before I was going to school, my parents made a bizarre, unusual and incredibly brave decision.","es":"La parte realmente extra\u00f1a es que, a los 3 a\u00f1os y medio, justo antes de comenzar la escuela, mis padres tomaron una decisi\u00f3n rara, inusual y extraordinariamente valiente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"My mother, a clinical psychotherapist, would occasionally see patients at home in the evening.","es":"Mi madre, psic\u00f3loga cl\u00ednica, a veces atend\u00eda pacientes en casa por las tardes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The battle against malaria is being won, with deaths from malaria down 27 percent, according to the latest World Bank data.","es":"Se est\u00e1 ganando la batalla contra la malaria, ya que las muertes disminuyeron un 27% de acuerdo con la \u00faltima informaci\u00f3n del Banco Mundial."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We don't do those things anymore.","es":"Ya no hacemos esas cosas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And one of the exceptions, the interesting exception, is when you can show to people that there might be some self-interest in them making that leap of faith and changing a little bit.","es":"Y una de las excepciones, la excepci\u00f3n interesante, es cuando podemos mostrarle a las personas que puede haber un poco de inter\u00e9s propio en dar ese salto de fe y cambiar un poco."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean global warming certainly is a massive threat to mankind and we are putting a lot of time and energy into, A, trying to come up with alternative fuels and, B, you know, we just launched this prize, which is really a prize in case we don't get an answer on alternative fuels, in case we don't actually manage to get the carbon emissions cut down quickly, and in case we go through the tipping point. We need to try to encourage people to come up with a way of extracting carbon out of the Earth's atmosphere.","es":"El calentamiento global es desde luego una amenaza enorme para la humanidad. y estamos poniendo mucho tiempo y energ\u00eda en ello A, intentar sacar combustibles alternativos y B, acabamos de lanzar este premio, que es un premio de verdad en caso de que no obtengamos respuesta acerca de los combustibles alternativos, en caso de que no consigamos que las emisiones de carbono desciendan r\u00e1pidamente y en caso de que lleguemos a una situaci\u00f3n l\u00edmite, necesitamos animar a la gente a que busque una manera de extraer carbono de la atm\u00f3sfera de la tierra."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't think so.","es":"No lo creo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, c\u00e8ilidh first of all is Gaelic for party, but kitchen party in Cape Breton is very common, and basically somebody drops into the house, and no matter what house you go to in Cape Breton, there's a fiddle there, guaranteed, and I'd say, well there's first of all more fiddlers per capita in Cape Breton than anywhere in the world, so ten chances to one, the fellow who walked in the door could play it, so you'd have someone come into the house, you'd invite them to play a tune, and lo and behold a little party would start up and somebody would dance, and somebody would sing, and all that sort of thing, so it was a wonderful, wonderful way to grow up, and that is where my beginnings in music come from: my surroundings, my family, just my bloodline in itself, and, oh, I've done lots of things with my music.","es":"Bien, c\u00e9ilidh en ga\u00e9lico significa fiesta, pero una fiesta en la cocina en el Cabo Bret\u00f3n es algo muy com\u00fan, b\u00e1sicamente alguien llega a tu casa, y no importa en qu\u00e9 casa est\u00e1s, en el Cabo Bret\u00f3n siempre hay un viol\u00edn, es m\u00e1s, les aseguro que ante todo, hay m\u00e1s violinistas por habitante en el Cabo Bret\u00f3n que en cualquier parte del mundo, as\u00ed que, muy probablemente, cualquiera que pasara por tu casa lo sab\u00eda tocar. Entonces alguien ven\u00eda a casa, lo invitabas a tocar una canci\u00f3n y listo, comenzaba una peque\u00f1a fiesta y alguien se pon\u00eda a bailar, otro comenzaba a cantar, y as\u00ed sucesivamente. Fue un modo maravilloso de crecer, y es de ah\u00ed que vienen mis primeros pasos en la m\u00fasica: mis alrededores, mi familia, mi propia descendencia, y oh, he hecho muchas cosas con mi m\u00fasica."} {"gender":"male","en":"In 10th grade, my regular English class read short stories and did spelling tests.","es":"En 10\u00ba, mi clase de ingl\u00e9s le\u00eda relatos cortos y hac\u00eda pruebas de ortograf\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"Reminds me of another set of threes that my dad tried to get across to us: Don't whine.","es":"Esto me recuerda otra tercia de consejos que mi padre quiso transmitirnos."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is pattern thinking.","es":"Esto es el pensamiento en patrones."} {"gender":"female","en":"It was amazing to see how people were moved by this film.","es":"Fue asombroso ver c\u00f3mo esta pel\u00edcula impact\u00f3 a la gente."} {"gender":"female","en":"Our NSF-funded work found that it could be warm enough for open water from many types of atmospheres and orientations of its orbit.","es":"Nuestro trabajo financiado por la NSF encontr\u00f3 que podr\u00eda ser lo suficientemente caliente para aguas abiertas para muchos tipos de ambientes y orientaciones de su \u00f3rbita."} {"gender":"female","en":"And everywhere I look, you know, we're buffeted by it.","es":"Y a donde sea que mire, nos zarandean con eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I used my powers of deduction and recognized that chardonnay and sauvignon blanc were two separate types of white wine, and so I told her that I would take the chardonnay, because frankly that was the easiest one to pronounce for me.","es":"Pero us\u00e9 mis poderes de deducci\u00f3n y reconoc\u00ed que Chardonnay y Sauvignon Blanc eran dos tipos diferentes de vino blanco, as\u00ed que le dije que tomar\u00eda Chardonnay, porque francamente era m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil de pronunciar para m\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"I always add humans to any technical, if you're drawing a technical diagram, put a human in it.","es":"Yo siempre pongo humanos en lo t\u00e9cnico si dibujamos diagramas t\u00e9cnicos, pongamos humanos en ellos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, why is there that stop sign in each direction?","es":"Quiero decir, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 hay una se\u00f1al de Pare en cada direcci\u00f3n?"} {"gender":"male","en":"The old-fashioned lightbulbs, the incandescent bulbs, I'm not going to ask for a show of hands of how many of you still have them in your homes, wasting energy every time you switch them on, change them after this, or whether we have them on the stage here at TED or not, but those old incandescent light bulbs really should have been sold as heaters.","es":"Las antiguas bombillas, las incandescentes -no voy a pedir que levanten las manos los que a\u00fan las tienen en sus casas y desperdician energ\u00eda cada vez que encienden la luz- Cambi\u00e9moslas despu\u00e9s de esto, -tanto si las tenemos aqu\u00ed en el escenario de TED o no- pero esas antiguas bombillas incandescentes en realidad deber\u00edan haberse vendido como calefactores."} {"gender":"female","en":"Intolerance, exclusion and revenge became the icons of the of the revolution.","es":"La intolerancia, la exclusi\u00f3n y la venganza se convirtieron en los \u00edconos de las consecuencias de la revoluci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Three: this is a good road in, right near where our factory is located.","es":"Tres: esta es una buena calle, muy cerca de nuestra f\u00e1brica."} {"gender":"male","en":"He said, \"Just, just get in the back.\"","es":"Dijo, \"Sube, sube atr\u00e1s.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"How do you know what would have happened without the aid?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo saber lo que hubiera sucedido sin la ayuda?"} {"gender":"female","en":"It takes a long time for the muscle to contract, and a very short time for the limb to fly out.","es":"El m\u00fasculo se contrae en un tiempo largo y la garra vuela en un tiempo muy corto."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I have to warn you, some of you might find them quite explicit.","es":"Y debo de advertirles, algunos de Uds. los encontrar\u00e1n muy expl\u00edcitos."} {"gender":"female","en":"A few things to consider are having examples, stories and analogies.","es":"Algo para considerar es usar ejemplos, historias y analog\u00edas."} {"gender":"female","en":"It doesn't have a logo.","es":"No un logotipo!"} {"gender":"male","en":"I took pictures of everybody's hands, because I think you can often tell a lot about somebody from how their hands look.","es":"Tom\u00e9 fotos de las manos de todos, porque creo que a menudo se puede decir mucho de alguien por c\u00f3mo se ven sus manos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the movie is called \"The Greatest Movie Ever Sold.\"","es":"Y la pel\u00edcula se llama \"La pel\u00edcula m\u00e1s grande jam\u00e1s vendida\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And she said, \"Dr. Coles, I am not talking; I'm praying.\"","es":"Y ella dijo: \"Dr. Coles, no estoy hablando; Estoy orando\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Had a baby.","es":"Tuvieron una beb\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"So programming is the way I think we should be doing that.","es":"La programaci\u00f3n es la manera en que creo deber\u00edamos hacerlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"His formula, I've learned, involved two parts.","es":"Su f\u00f3rmula que he aprendido, constaba de dos partes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And so in the second flight, we were able to get three minutes of fully aerodynamic control of the vehicle before we lost it.","es":"De tal modo que en el segundo vuelo pudimos llegar a 3 minutos con control aerodin\u00e1mico total del veh\u00edculo antes de perderlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"That I'm this uber-endurance guy?","es":"\u00bfQue soy el tipo m\u00e1s resistente?"} {"gender":"male","en":"There are, I don't know, some lessons from all of this, personal and political, and in a way, they're the same thing.","es":"Se pueden obtener, no s\u00e9, algunas lecciones de todo esto, personal- y pol\u00edticamente; y, de cierto modo, son la misma cosa."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's very easy for some people to look at these correctional officers as the good guys and the inmates as the bad guys, or vice versa for some, but it's a little more than that.","es":"Es muy f\u00e1cil para algunas personas mirar a estos oficiales penitenciarios como a los buenos y a los internos como a los malos, o viceversa para algunos, pero hay m\u00e1s que eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"I said, \"No, I've got the best eduction. It made me think. And I wanted to give something back in my own way.\"","es":"Le dije: \"No, tengo la mejor educaci\u00f3n, eso me hizo pensar, y quisiera retribuir algo a mi manera\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Over the coming months, I learned to breathe on my own, then to sit and to stand and to walk.","es":"En los meses siguientes, aprend\u00ed a respirar por m\u00ed mismo, luego a sentarme, a pararme y a caminar."} {"gender":"female","en":"I believe that everyday soundscape can be the most unexpected inspiration for songwriting, and to look at this idea a little bit more closely, I'm going to talk today about three things: nature, language and silence, or rather, the impossibility of true silence.","es":"Creo que todo sonido cotidiano puede ser la inspiraci\u00f3n m\u00e1s inesperada para escribir canciones, y detallar\u00e9 esta idea un poco m\u00e1s. Voy a hablar hoy sobre tres cosas: la naturaleza, el lenguaje y el silencio, o m\u00e1s bien, de la imposibilidad del verdadero silencio."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in fact that model means that the challenge for new power is: how do you use institutional power without being institutionalized?","es":"De hecho, ese modelo significa que el desaf\u00edo del nuevo poder es \u00bfc\u00f3mo usar el poder institucional sin estar institucionalizado?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Otherwise, really, I'm just foisting on them my exhaustion or my distractedness, which is no blessing at all.","es":"De lo contrario, realmente, solo les comparto mi agotamiento o mis distracciones, que no son ningunas bendiciones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Samantha: This voice is only for me.","es":"Samantha: Esta voz es s\u00f3lo para m\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think it's really interesting to look at agriculture from these two sides.","es":"Creo que es muy interesante mirar la agricultura desde estos dos lados."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He has to rewind the tape.","es":"Tiene que retroceder la cinta."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's the idea I'm trying to illustrate.","es":"Y esa es la idea que trato de ilustrar."} {"gender":"female","en":"And we're at the trainee warm-up track, which is a few blocks away from the Olympic stadium.","es":"Y yo estaba haciendo calentamientos en el estadio de pr\u00e1cticas, estiramientos para las competencias en las que iba a participar, este lugar estaba a unas cuadras del estadio Ol\u00edmpico."} {"gender":"male","en":"We were kids.","es":"Somos ni\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"So let's start with Sunday.","es":"Comencemos con el domingo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And around the world, satellites and warning systems are saving lives in flood-prone areas such as Bangladesh.","es":"Y en todo el mundo, sat\u00e9lites y sistemas de advertencia salvan vidas en \u00e1reas propensas a inundarse como Bangladesh."} {"gender":"female","en":"So if we look at the very first end of what is, at the very end of what is was the very first time that people actually clapped and roared really loud.","es":"Y si miramos el primer extremo de lo que es, al final de lo que fue la primera vez que la gente aplaudi\u00f3 y rugi\u00f3 realmente fuerte."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, I was fascinated, but at the same time, skeptical.","es":"Yo estaba fascinado pero a la vez, esc\u00e9ptico."} {"gender":"female","en":"Second: adjustability.","es":"Segundo: la ajustabilidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"It didn't speak language, but it didn't matter.","es":"No hablaba el idioma, pero no importaba."} {"gender":"male","en":"Sometimes I bring up the topic of flags, and people are like, \"I don't care about flags,\" and then we start talking about flags, and trust me, 100 percent of people care about flags.","es":"A veces hablo de banderas y la gente dice algo as\u00ed: \"No me interesan las banderas\". y empezamos a hablar sobre banderas y, cr\u00e9anme, al 100 % de las personas les importan las banderas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So when a person goes blind, what we used to call their visual cortex gets taken over by other things, by touch, by hearing, by vocabulary.","es":"Cuando una persona queda ciega, lo que llamamos corteza visual es ocupada por el tacto, el o\u00eddo, el vocabulario."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I looked down at this Sculpey, and I thought, maybe, yeah, maybe I could make my own dodo skull.","es":"Y mir\u00e9 al Sculpey y pens\u00e9 que quiz\u00e1s, si, quiz\u00e1s podr\u00eda hacer mi propio cr\u00e1neo de dodo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Where can I get one?\"","es":"\u00bfD\u00f3nde puedo comprarme uno?\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The most reliable wealth is found in relationship.","es":"La riqueza m\u00e1s fiable se encuentra en la relaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think it is absolutely the case that traditional models of economic growth are not working the way we would like them to.","es":"Creo que ocurre que los modelos tradicionales de crecimiento econ\u00f3mico no funcionan como nos gustar\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, we've seen good results so far.","es":"Hemos visto buenos resultados hasta ahora."} {"gender":"female","en":"The ice flows in complex ways.","es":"El hielo fluye de manera compleja."} {"gender":"female","en":"This all started as a love story.","es":"Todo empez\u00f3 con una historia de amor."} {"gender":"male","en":"He told me that our democracy is a people's democracy, and it can be as great as the people can be, but it is also as fallible as people are.","es":"Me dijo que nuestra democracia, es de la gente, y puede ser tan grandiosa como puede ser la gente, pero es tambi\u00e9n tan falible como lo son las personas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I've already hinted what that something is.","es":"Y ya he dado algunas pistas sobre qu\u00e9 es ese algo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I actually went and sat in on her class.","es":"En realidad s\u00ed fui a su clase."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in terms of experience of capitalism, there are two aspects that the rest of the globe experiences.","es":"Y en t\u00e9rminos de experiencia de capitalismo, hay dos aspectos que el resto del mundo experimenta."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I want to thank her today.","es":"Y hoy quiero darle las gracias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We use techniques from the computer chip manufacturing industry to make these structures at a scale relevant to both the cells and their environment.","es":"Usamos tecnolog\u00eda de la industria de chips para computadores para fabricar estas estructuras a escala que sean relevantes para las c\u00e9lulas y para el ambiente."} {"gender":"female","en":"I have to do a little bit more background reading, but I think this will be the largest amount of force produced by an animal of a given, per body mass.","es":"Tengo que documentarme un poco m\u00e1s pero pienso que esta ser\u00e1 la cantidad m\u00e1s grande de fuerza producida por un animal por unidad de masa corporal."} {"gender":"male","en":"Likewise, if you have the artificial valve option, you're committed to antibiotic therapy whenever you have any intrusive medical treatment, even trips to the dentist require that you take antibiotics, in case you get an internal infection on the valve.","es":"Asimismo, si tienen la opci\u00f3n de v\u00e1lvula artificial, est\u00e1n comprometidos a una terapia antibi\u00f3tica absolutamente siempre que tengan cualquier tratamiento m\u00e9dico intrusivo. Incluso visitas al dentista requieren que tomen antibi\u00f3ticos, en caso de contraer una infecci\u00f3n interna en la v\u00e1lvula."} {"gender":"female","en":"I like to think of it as a mesh of civilizations, in which the strands of different cultures are intertwined.","es":"Me gusta imaginarlo como una malla de civilizaciones en la cual los hilos de culturas diferentes se mezclan."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was hoping to hear a few gasps at least.","es":"Esperaba escuchar por lo menos unas risas con este comentario."} {"gender":"male","en":"So these are all nice representations, but I want to go a little bit further and just play more with this number.","es":"Son todas lindas representaciones, pero quisiera ir un poquito m\u00e1s lejos y jugar un poco m\u00e1s con este n\u00famero."} {"gender":"male","en":"So my interest in my lab is sensory substitution for the deaf, and this is a project I've undertaken with a graduate student in my lab, Scott Novich, who is spearheading this for his thesis.","es":"Por eso el inter\u00e9s de mi laboratorio es la \"sustituci\u00f3n sensorial\" en sordos, y este es el proyecto que realizamos con un estudiante de posgrado en mi laboratorio, Scott Novich, que encabeza esto en su tesis."} {"gender":"female","en":"The blood drains from her face.","es":"Se puso p\u00e1lida como un papel."} {"gender":"female","en":"So then I had my new idea: Why not engage people like me in sport?","es":"Y entonces se me ocurri\u00f3 mi nueva idea: \u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no involucrar a gente como yo en el deporte?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I said, \"You won't believe the children who told me and where they're from.\"","es":"Y yo: \"No creer\u00e1s qu\u00e9 ni\u00f1os me lo dijeron y de d\u00f3nde son\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"If she does it again tomorrow, I'm going to throw myself off this building and kill myself.\"","es":"Si lo hace de nuevo ma\u00f1ana, voy a aventarme desde este edificio y me voy a matar\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The Internet starts with mathematics, it starts with binary.","es":"Internet surge de la matem\u00e1tica. Nace de lo binario."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, cells are happily functioning in our bodies.","es":"Las c\u00e9lulas est\u00e1n felices trabajando en el cuerpo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't know why.","es":"No s\u00e9 por qu\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"Buildings are becoming bundles of services.","es":"Los edificios se est\u00e1n convirtiendo en paquetes de servicios."} {"gender":"male","en":"Without you, I'm just a guy talking to an empty room, and I spent a lot of time last week doing that, and it's not the same as this.","es":"Sin Uds., soy un tipo hablando en una sala vac\u00eda, y pas\u00e9 mucho tiempo haci\u00e9ndolo, la semana pasada y no es lo mismo que esto."} {"gender":"female","en":"I don't want to get there only to feel like I'm not supposed to be here.","es":"No quiero llegar y sentirme en el lugar equivocado."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I thought about this child's toy, hence, the title of my talk, and I wondered if you could use the same physics that makes that thing spin 'round in the child's radiometer, to levitate particles into the upper atmosphere and make them stay there.","es":"Y pens\u00e9 en este juguete \u2013 de ah\u00ed el t\u00edtulo de mi charla \u2013 \u2013 y me pregunt\u00e9 si ser\u00eda posible usar la misma f\u00edsica que hace girar las aspas de ese radi\u00f3metro para hacer levitar part\u00edculas hasta la parte alta de la atm\u00f3sfera y hacer que se queden all\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"He say, 'You've got to help me.'","es":"Dice, tienes que ayudarme."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I think there's something really poetic about using nuclear power to propel us to the stars, because the stars are giant fusion reactors.","es":"Pienso que hay algo realmente po\u00e9tico en usar energ\u00eda nuclear para propulsarnos a las estrellas, porque las estrellas son enormes reactores de fusi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the yellow line is the number of injuries, which has remained essentially flat.","es":"Y la l\u00ednea amarilla es el n\u00famero de lesiones, que ha permanecido esencialmente plana."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There's Working Films and there's Current TV, which is an incredible platform for people around the world to be able to put their, Yeah, it's amazing.","es":"Existe Working Films y existe Current TV, que es una plataforma incre\u00edble para que gente alrededor del mundo pueda poner sus-- s\u00ed, es incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to tell you the genuine mainstream answer to your question, which I happen to agree with, which is that, no, aging is not a product of selection, evolution; is simply a product of evolutionary neglect.","es":"Voy a darle la verdadera respuesta mayoritaria a su pregunta, con la cual concuerdo. Y es, no, envejecer no es un producto de la selecci\u00f3n; la evoluci\u00f3n es simplemente un producto de negligencia evolutiva."} {"gender":"male","en":"Number two, I'll miss a letter from the IRS, and I'll get audited or raided or shut down or some such.","es":"Y dos, perder\u00e9 una carta de la agencia tributaria, me auditar\u00e1n o en una redada cerrar\u00e1n mi negocio."} {"gender":"male","en":"Around the height of the Nazi period, he started repeating the verse, \"First they came for the communists, and I did nothing, did not speak out because I was not a communist.","es":"En la \u00e9poca nazi, empez\u00f3 a repetir: \"Primero vinieron por los comunistas, y no me import\u00f3, porque yo no era comunista."} {"gender":"male","en":"But if I do this with amnesiac patients, they don't have a clue.","es":"Pero si lo haces con pacientes amn\u00e9sicos, no tienen idea."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was more like, \"Look, I've been working on this for half a year, I'd love to have comments.\"","es":"Era m\u00e1s como, \"Mira, he estado trabajando en esto durante medio a\u00f1o, me gustar\u00eda tener comentarios\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"GK: I know that.","es":"GK: Lo s\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"And they're not necessarily, you know, great ways of looking at the entire world.","es":"Y ellos no tienen necesariamente, ustedes saben, grandes formas de observar el mundo entero."} {"gender":"female","en":"I need that hum.","es":"Necesito ese zumbido."} {"gender":"female","en":"Art, music are considered therapy and mediums of expression.","es":"El arte y la m\u00fasica son considerados como terapia y medios de expresi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And under stress, it's even worse, we mind-wander more powerfully and more often.","es":"Y bajo estr\u00e9s, es a\u00fan peor pensamos que nos dispersamos con m\u00e1s fuerza y \u200b\u200bm\u00e1s a menudo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Could I go there?","es":"\u00bfPodr\u00eda ir ah\u00ed?"} {"gender":"male","en":"We almost lost her a couple of times, and I was there with my brother every day.","es":"Casi la perdimos un par de veces y ah\u00ed estaba yo con mi hermano cada d\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"Most poachers, like my father, were people from our own community.","es":"Muchos furtivos, como mi padre, eran gente de nuestra propia comunidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"But that only blew out 500 million. I think it's closer to a billion.","es":"Pero eso s\u00f3lo hizo volar 500 millones; creo que es cercano a los mil millones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We're not just emitting it at each other to show that we like each other, we're making ourselves feel better together.","es":"No solo la emitimos unos a otros para mostrar aprecio mutuo, sino que buscamos sentirnos mejor juntos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Intersectionality seemed to do it for me.","es":"La interseccionalidad es lo que para m\u00ed aplicaba."} {"gender":"male","en":"All of a sudden, two parents run up and grab him, and they put him on their shoulders, and they're dragging him like this, totally limp.","es":"De repente, dos padres lo alzan y lo agarran, y lo ponen sobre sus hombros, y lo llevan as\u00ed, totalmente fl\u00e1cido."} {"gender":"male","en":"And my argument that the only way for us to teach creativity is by teaching children perspectives at the earliest stage.","es":"Mi idea es que la \u00fanica manera que tenemos de ense\u00f1ar creatividad es mediante la ense\u00f1anza de perspectivas a los ni\u00f1os desde la m\u00e1s temprana infancia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"No, no just kidding.","es":"No, no, s\u00f3lo bromeo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And here, we're putting in a y that says, \"me,\" my own face parameters.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed ponemos en Y una que dice \"yo\", mis propios par\u00e1metros cara."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Bear in mind, ladies and gents, this was 1960.","es":"Tengan presente, damas y caballeros, esto es 1960."} {"gender":"female","en":"So the reason there's a time difference on Mars right now, from the time that we're at is because the Martian day is longer than the Earth day.","es":"La raz\u00f3n por la que existe una diferencia de hora con Marte ahora mismo, con respecto a nuestro horario, es que el d\u00eda marciano es m\u00e1s largo que el terrestre."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But his party won two major elections within a year of the Gezi protests with comfortable margins.","es":"Pero su partido gan\u00f3 dos elecciones importantes un a\u00f1o despu\u00e9s de las protestas en Gezi, con una ventaja considerable."} {"gender":"male","en":"I would love to build this one day and perhaps I'd like to build it also out of flour, sugar, polymer, wood chips, I don't know, human hair.","es":"Desear\u00eda construirlo un d\u00eda. Y quiz\u00e1s, tambi\u00e9n querr\u00eda construirlo de harina, az\u00facar, pol\u00edmero, virutas de madera, No s\u00e9, cabello humano."} {"gender":"male","en":"In the '60s I started working with paper furniture and made a bunch of stuff that was very successful in Bloomingdale's. We even made flooring, walls and everything, out of cardboard.","es":"En los a\u00f1os 60 comenc\u00e9 a trabajar con muebles de papel e hice muchas cosas que tuvieron mucho \u00e9xito en Bloomingdale's. Hicimos pisos, paredes y de todo, con cart\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I would like to first of all thank Sarah Jones for putting all of the pressure on the only Arab who she brought with her to be last today.","es":"Y quiero antes que todo agradecer a Sarah Jones por poner toda la presi\u00f3n sobre la \u00fanica \u00e1rabe que trajo con ella de ser la \u00faltima del d\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's the default piece that matters.","es":"Es el cifrado por omisi\u00f3n lo que cuenta."} {"gender":"male","en":"Language is one of the only things that we truly share, and I sometimes used this joint inheritance to obfuscate and deflect and justify myself; to re-brand what was good for me as something appearing good for us both, when I threw around terms like \"the sharing economy,\" and \"disruption\" and \"global resourcing.\"","es":"El lenguaje es una de las \u00fanicas cosas que realmente compartimos, y a veces us\u00e9 esta herencia conjunta para confundir, desviar y justificarme; volver a la marca de lo que era bueno para m\u00ed como algo que es bueno para los dos, cuando me aboco a t\u00e9rminos como \"econom\u00eda compartida\", \"ruptura\" y \"gesti\u00f3n mundial de recursos globales\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"We have relief.","es":"Tenemos alivio."} {"gender":"female","en":"He's walking back to feed his chicks.","es":"Viene de vuelta para alimentar a sus polluelos."} {"gender":"female","en":"It turns out an unlikely community of some 200 people are living inside the zone.","es":"Resulta que una comunidad poco com\u00fan de unas 200 personas vive dentro de la Zona."} {"gender":"female","en":"I suppose it's fair to say that I am interested in the invention of self or selves.","es":"Y supongo que es justo mencionar que estoy interesada en la invenci\u00f3n del ser o seres."} {"gender":"female","en":"They start in the lower corner, breaking away from the ground, struggling and trying to rise.","es":"Comienza en la esquina inferior, separ\u00e1ndose del suelo, empuj\u00e1ndose y tratando de elevarse."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let me just go down a very few abuses of women that concern me most, and I'll be fairly brief, because I have a limited amount of time, as you know.","es":"Detallar\u00e9 algunos otros abusos a mujeres que me preocupan m\u00e1s y ser\u00e9 muy breve porque tengo un tiempo limitado, como saben."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Not only that, but they were ingesting their neighbors' shit.","es":"No solo eso, sino que estuvieron ingiriendo el excremento de sus vecinos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Genes send the instructions to make proteins.","es":"Los genes env\u00edan instrucciones para crear prote\u00ednas."} {"gender":"female","en":"More than 90 percent of our non-teaching staff are all parents and extended families.","es":"M\u00e1s del 90 por ciento de nuestro personal no docente son todos padres y del clan familiar."} {"gender":"male","en":"As we think about this, probably it's better to actually go a little deeper into one particular disorder, and that would be schizophrenia, because I think that's a good case for helping to understand why thinking of this as a brain disorder matters.","es":"Teniendo en cuenta esto, probablemente sea mejor profundizar en un trastorno en particular, que ser\u00eda la esquizofrenia, porque creo que es un buen ejemplo para ayudar a entender por qu\u00e9 es importante considerarla como un trastorno cerebral."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think we could roll the tape, admin.","es":"Pienso que podr\u00edamos pasar la cinta, admin."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"These conditions are highly rare.","es":"Estas condiciones son muy raras."} {"gender":"male","en":"We need employers to let go of outdated hiring practices and embrace new ways of identifying and cultivating talent, and candidates can help by learning to tell their story in powerful and compelling ways.","es":"Necesitamos que los empleadores abandonen las pr\u00e1cticas anticuadas y adopten nuevas formas de identificar y cultivar el talento, y los candidatos pueden ayudar aprendiendo a contar su historia de una forma fuerte y atractiva."} {"gender":"female","en":"One answer lies deep in our cultural history.","es":"Una respuesta reside en nuestra historia cultural."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What can we do to create shared prosperity?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 podemos hacer para crear prosperidad compartida?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Take this sophomore at the Ivy League college who told me, \"I come from a long line of smart, strong women.","es":"Veamos esta estudiante de 2\u00ba a\u00f1o en una universidad de prestigio quien me dijo: \"Vengo de una larga l\u00ednea de mujeres inteligentes y fuertes."} {"gender":"female","en":"What percentage of infected people were killed by it?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 porcentaje de gente infectada muri\u00f3 por \u00e9l?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And some of you might even know people who are benefiting from these very new ways of treating cancer.","es":"Y algunos de Uds. incluso podr\u00edan conocer a personas que se est\u00e1n beneficiando de estas muy nuevas formas de tratar el c\u00e1ncer."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So you have less waste, and the waste that you have is not as environmental malign as it is with cow dung.","es":"Hay menos desperdicio, y el que hay no es tan perjudicial para el medio ambiente como el esti\u00e9rcol de vaca."} {"gender":"male","en":"I say, if you want to make something dirt cheap, make it out of dirt, preferably dirt that's locally sourced.","es":"Yo digo, si quieren hacer algo muy barato, h\u00e1ganlo con la basura, preferiblemente basura de origen local."} {"gender":"female","en":"I signed up for something called the Personal Genome Project.","es":"Me inscrib\u00ed en algo llamado el Proyecto del Genoma Personal."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"For instance, imagine if your perfect partner appeared during your first 37 percent.","es":"Por ejemplo, imaginen que su pareja perfecta apareci\u00f3 en el primer 37 %."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I handed out these postcards randomly on the streets of Washington, D.C., not knowing what to expect.","es":"Y entregu\u00e9 estas postales al azar por las calles de Washington, D.C., sin saber qu\u00e9 suceder\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so I'm not saying these guys aren't liable to answer questions, I'm just saying that, when you focus on whether they are or are not a bunch of greedy bastards, you don't actually get around to the point of making laws that are either going to either change the way they operate, or you're going to get around to really reducing the amount of oil and reducing our dependence on oil.","es":"No quiero decir que no son responsables de responder a estas preguntas, s\u00f3lo estoy diciendo que si uno se centra en si son o no pedazos de bastardos avariciosos realmente no est\u00e1 yendo al grano de hacer que las leyes lleguen a cambiar la forma en que operan o llegar al punto de reducir realmente la cantidad de petr\u00f3leo y nuestra dependencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"But here's a problem.","es":"Pero aqu\u00ed hay un problema."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Some of these are swollen lymph nodes that look a little larger than others.","es":"Algunas de estas son ganglios linf\u00e1ticos inflamados que se ven un poco m\u00e1s grandes que otros."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think this is a very old human desire.","es":"Pienso que es un deseo humano muy antiguo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Someone would arrive at my profile with the usual rage and scorn, I would respond with a custom mix of Bible verses, pop culture references and smiley faces.","es":"A quien llegara a mi perfil con la habitual ira y desd\u00e9n, le respond\u00eda con una mezcla de vers\u00edculos, referencias de cultura pop y caritas sonrientes."} {"gender":"female","en":"So in the district court the government submitted a brief on Myriad's side.","es":"En el tribunal de distrito el gobierno entreg\u00f3 un informe apoyando a Myriad."} {"gender":"female","en":"Yet as much as I love stories, recently, I've also begun to think that they lose their magic if and when a story is seen as more than a story.","es":"Sin embargo, por m\u00e1s que ame los cuentos, recientemente, empec\u00e9 a pensar que estas pierden su magia siempre y cuando un cuento sea visto como m\u00e1s que un cuento."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, why would we spend so much time on something so small?","es":"Ahora, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 pasamos tanto tiempo en algo tan peque\u00f1o?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And I found the answer, and it changed my life, and I want to share it with you.","es":"Y encontr\u00e9 la respuesta que cambi\u00f3 mi vida, que quiero compartir con Uds."} {"gender":"male","en":"In the age of globalization, we moved on.","es":"En la era de la globalizaci\u00f3n hemos avanzado."} {"gender":"male","en":"So the problem is: as you add more features, where are they going to go?","es":"As\u00ed que el problema es, que si agregas mas funciones \u00bfD\u00f3nde las vas a poner?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, maybe not. Because the Social Progress Index also has some very good news.","es":"Bueno, tal vez no. Debido a que el \u00cdndice de Progreso Social tambi\u00e9n tiene muy buenas noticias."} {"gender":"female","en":"If I play, for example, holding the stick, where literally I do not let go of the stick, you'll experience quite a lot of shock coming up through the arm.","es":"Si yo toco, por ejemplo, sosteniendo la baqueta - en caso de que, literalmente, no me suelte de ella \u2013 voy a experimentar una gran cantidad de sacudidas subiendo a trav\u00e9s del brazo."} {"gender":"male","en":"We have used our brains to fashion ever more amazing technologies.","es":"Hemos usado el cerebro para elaborar tecnolog\u00edas cada vez m\u00e1s asombrosas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so, none of those approaches worked, so we took a different approach, a bigger approach, looked at our street differently.","es":"Y as\u00ed, ninguno de esos enfoques funcion\u00f3. Entonces tomamos un enfoque diferente, una visi\u00f3n mayor, mirando nuestra calle de forma nueva."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Six months later, she comes back with acute myeloid leukemia.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de 6 meses, regresa con leucemia mieloide aguda."} {"gender":"male","en":"We need better places in this country.","es":"Necesitamos mejores lugares en este pa\u00eds."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the sad truth is, we weren't always like this.","es":"Y la triste verdad es que no hemos sido siempre as\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I can hear the sound.","es":"Pero puedo o\u00edr el audio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There's no waste.","es":"No hay desperdicio."} {"gender":"female","en":"In those ecosystems, they take carbon and recycle it into the nutrients needed for those ecosystems.","es":"En esos ecosistemas, toman el carbono y lo reciclan, convirti\u00e9ndolo en los nutrientes necesarios en esos ecosistemas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And now look at this: not friendly.","es":"Y miren ahora, nada amistoso."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I looked at other ways of making plastic.","es":"As\u00ed que busqu\u00e9 otras maneras de hacer pl\u00e1stico."} {"gender":"male","en":"They made me examine things about my life that I hadn't considered.","es":"Me hicieron repensar cosas de mi vida por primera vez."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, at the time I hadn't met Stacey, and I thought this was some sort of wealthy oil tycoon and I'd struck it rich, but it was only later that I found out she'd actually taken out a loan to make this happen.","es":"Por aquel entonces, no conoc\u00eda a Stacey y pens\u00e9 que se trataba de alg\u00fan magnate del petr\u00f3leo y que iba a enriquecerme pero despu\u00e9s me enter\u00e9 de que ella hab\u00eda solicitado un pr\u00e9stamo bancario para poder costear aquello."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then there was me, the Iranian-American of the group.","es":"Y luego yo, el irano-estadounidense del grupo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Anyway, I just wanted to sort of point out the way that we handle it.","es":"Como sea, s\u00f3lo quer\u00eda contarles c\u00f3mo lo manejamos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"People were eating boxed lunches on roundtop tables, and there was a sad band playing music, or a band playing sad music, probably both.","es":"La gente com\u00eda comida envasada en mesas redondas y hab\u00eda una banda triste que tocaba m\u00fasica o una banda que tocaba m\u00fasica triste, probablemente ambas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is what I missed with Warby Parker.","es":"Y esto es lo que me perd\u00ed con Warby Parker."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was on my way out, and before I could make it to my car, two police cars pulled up to block my exit, and an officer approached me from behind.","es":"Iba de salida, y antes de llegar a mi auto, dos autos se detuvieron para bloquear mi salida, y un oficial se me acerc\u00f3 por detr\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in my game, that means you overgesticulate.","es":"Y, como director, eso significa sobre gesticular."} {"gender":"female","en":"And when I say code, I do literally mean code.","es":"Digo c\u00f3digo en sentido literal."} {"gender":"male","en":"Governments should recognize that small remittances are not money laundering.","es":"Los gobiernos deben reconocer que las remesas peque\u00f1as no son lavado de dinero."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I talk to him.","es":"Y hablo con \u00e9l."} {"gender":"female","en":"We're not trying to tell them who they ought to be.","es":"No estamos tratando de decirles lo que deber\u00edan ser."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then this guy, Duke \"The Dumpster\" Droese, stole my entire shtick.","es":"Y entonces este tipo, Duke \"Contenedor\" Droese, rob\u00f3 todo mi n\u00famero."} {"gender":"female","en":"But with that topic, I also recognized that I was going to have to face my worst fear: the brown men with beards.","es":"Pero si entraba en ese tema, sab\u00eda que me iba a tener que enfrentar a mi mayor miedo: los morenos con barba."} {"gender":"female","en":"It is not a sprint.","es":"No es un esprint."} {"gender":"female","en":"For special occasions, he would wear proper pants.","es":"Para ocasiones especiales, usaba pantalones adecuados."} {"gender":"male","en":"I created a company in America called Gonofone, which in Bengali means \"people's phone.\"","es":"Cre\u00e9 una empresa en EE.UU. llamada Gonofone, que en bengal\u00ed significa \"el tel\u00e9fono de la gente\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In the past 10 years, five million people have died due to a war in the east.","es":"En los \u00faltimos 10 a\u00f1os han muerto 5 millones de personas por la guerra del este."} {"gender":"female","en":"I want to dedicate this talk and that poem to Constance Malcolm.","es":"Quiero dedicar esta charla y este poema a Constance Malcolm."} {"gender":"male","en":"I hope that you will find it as fascinating to read about traditional societies as I found it to live in those societies.","es":"Espero que les resulte tan fascinante leer acerca de las sociedades tradicionales como a m\u00ed me resulta vivir en ellas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, I have a friend who, about a year ago, messaged me that he was really isolated and depressed.","es":"Tengo un amigo que, hace un a\u00f1o, me envi\u00f3 un mensaje diciendo que estaba muy deprimido y aislado."} {"gender":"male","en":"It drives me nuts that most people don't seem to know this news.","es":"Y me molesta much\u00edsimo ver que mucha gente a\u00fan no se ha enterado de esta noticia."} {"gender":"female","en":"Secondly, the biggest obstacle standing in our way may actually just be in our heads.","es":"Adem\u00e1s, el mayor obst\u00e1culo que se pone en nuestro camino puede que est\u00e9 solo en nuestra cabeza."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And his first hire was a legal services attorney to represent the patients.","es":"Y su primera contrataci\u00f3n fue un abogado de servicios legales para representar a los pacientes."} {"gender":"female","en":"We are, in effect, with climate change, conducting a completely uncontrolled experiment with our planet.","es":"En efecto, a trav\u00e9s del cambio clim\u00e1tico estamos experimentando de manera incontrolable con nuestro planeta."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then five days later, I received the news that I had breast cancer.","es":"Y luego, cinco d\u00edas m\u00e1s tarde, recib\u00ed la noticia de que yo ten\u00eda c\u00e1ncer de seno."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's a young dolphin named Bayley.","es":"Es una delf\u00edn llamada Bayley."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if we want computers to relate to us and help amplify our creative abilities, I feel that we'll need to start thinking about how to make computers be intuitive.","es":"Si queremos que se relacionen con nosotros y ayudan a amplificar habilidades creativas, necesitamos empezar a pensar c\u00f3mo hacer que sean intuitivos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I says, \"I enjoyed your film.","es":"Yo digo: \"Me gust\u00f3 mucho tu pel\u00edcula."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But she knew.","es":"Pero ella sab\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"Is it possible to see something that, by definition, is impossible to see?","es":"\u00bfEs posible ver algo que es, por definici\u00f3n, imposible de ver?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to let him, in this very short clip, describe his impressions of the therapy in his own words.","es":"Dejar\u00e9 que \u00e9l, en este video describa sus opiniones de la terapia con sus propias palabras."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The filtering ability of the brain is indeed a key for attention, which is missing in some people, for example in people with ADHD.","es":"La capacidad de filtrar que tiene el cerebro es clave para la atenci\u00f3n, pero es algo ausente en algunas personas; por ejemplo, en personas que tienen TDAH."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so if they don't have 70, 80 percent of a grade, they don't stay, which is probably the reason why I haven't been CEO for more than 10 years.","es":"Y si no tienen un 70 u 80 % de aprobaci\u00f3n, no permanecen. Quiz\u00e1 sea la raz\u00f3n por la que yo no soy el CEO desde hace m\u00e1s de 10 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"So to sum up: Twenty years ago, I had a college adviser tell me, when I went to the college and said, \"I'm kind of interested in anatomy,\" they said, \"Anatomy's a dead science.\"","es":"As\u00ed que, en resumen: Hace 20 a\u00f1os, uno de mis tutores me dijo, cuando fui a la universidad y le dije, \"Estoy bastante interesada en anatom\u00eda\" me contest\u00f3, \"La anatom\u00eda es una ciencia muerta\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"You see, the principles of fairness were taught to me at an early age, and unbeknownst to me, it would be the most important lesson that I carried with me to the Newark Municipal Court bench.","es":"Ya ven, los principios de la equidad me los ense\u00f1aron a una corta edad, e inconscientemente fue la lecci\u00f3n m\u00e1s importante que llev\u00e9 conmigo al banco de la corte municipal de Newark."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then we have to say, \"How was your day?","es":"Y entonces tenemos que decir, \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 tal tu d\u00eda?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Like I'll read that one of the two attributes of matter in the Newtonian universe, there are two attributes of matter in the Newtonian universe, one is space occupancy.","es":"Como leer que uno de los dos atributos de la materia en el universo de Newton, hay dos atributos de la materia en el universo de Newton: uno es la ocupaci\u00f3n de espacio."} {"gender":"male","en":"It actually took me three years to get that footage.","es":"Me llev\u00f3 tres a\u00f1os conseguir esa grabaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"These become forthright in places we need to protect.","es":"Estos se convierten directamente en lugares a proteger."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I think that this is a conversation that happens far too infrequently.","es":"Y creo que esa conversaci\u00f3n sucede con muy poca frecuencia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There will be more congestion.","es":"Habr\u00e1 m\u00e1s embotellamientos."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's like a sports event.","es":"Es como un evento deportivo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And he invited us in particular because we have a very specific type of design process, one that results in appropriate design solutions in places that don't usually have access to design services or creative capital.","es":"Y nos invit\u00f3, en particular, porque nosotros tenemos un proceso de dise\u00f1o muy espec\u00edfico que da lugar a soluciones de dise\u00f1o adecuadas en lugares que normalmente no tienen acceso al dise\u00f1o de servicios o al capital creativo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Another rather large investigation is around world diplomacy.","es":"Otra investigaci\u00f3n bastante amplia es la de la diplomacia mundial."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is where I'm coming from.","es":"De ah\u00ed vengo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I don't believe for a minute she has been out and not been stopped.","es":"No creo ni por un minuto que ha estado en las calles y a\u00fan no la han detenido."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I went to the library and I looked at the first cover drawn by Rea Irvin in 1925, a dandy looking at a butterfly through his monocle, and we call it Eustace Tilley.","es":"As\u00ed que fui a la biblioteca y mir\u00e9 la primera portada dibujada por Rea Irvin en 1925, un dandy mirando una mariposa a trav\u00e9s de su mon\u00f3culo, y lo llamamos Eustace Tilley."} {"gender":"male","en":"What I've realized is what my grandfather did for me when I was a kid, everyone has access to now.","es":"De lo que me di cuenta es que lo que hizo mi abuelo por m\u00ed cuando era un ni\u00f1o, est\u00e1 masificado hoy d\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And Darwin, of course, argued that evolution is a natural state. It is a natural state in everything that is alive, including hominids.","es":"Darwin, por supuesto, argument\u00f3 que la evoluci\u00f3n es un estado natural, es un estado natural en todo lo que est\u00e1 vivo, incluyendo a los hom\u00ednidos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Kids were so cruel.","es":"Los chicos eran muy crueles."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Not protecting anyone against invaders or occupiers; not bringing relief to the oppressed.","es":"No proteg\u00edan a nadie contra los invasores o los ocupantes; no ayudaban a los oprimidos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Absolutely it's making a difference.","es":"Por supuesto que s\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"She had this amazing box that she carried and it had a torso of a woman's body in it, a half a torso, and she would teach people, everywhere she went, what a healthy vagina looked like and what a mutilated vagina looked like.","es":"Llevaba consigo esta sorprendente caja donde ten\u00eda el torso del cuerpo de una mujer, la mitad del torso, y ella ensenaba a todas las personas, dondequiera que fuera, como lucia una vagina saludable y como era una vagina mutilada."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"SP: Today is sport.","es":"Pink: Hoy es un deporte."} {"gender":"male","en":"So if you want to maximize the happiness of the two selves, you are going to end up doing very different things.","es":"As\u00ed que si deseas maximizar la felicidad de los dos yos, terminar\u00e1s haciendo cosas muy diferentes."} {"gender":"female","en":"Neurologist: One, two, three.","es":"Neur\u00f3logo: Uno, dos, tres."} {"gender":"female","en":"Actually, I didn't see anyone.","es":"En realidad, yo no vi a nadie."} {"gender":"male","en":"I know what it is, but I don't actually know what it means.","es":"Yo s\u00e9 lo que es, pero en realidad no s\u00e9 lo que significa."} {"gender":"female","en":"So what I mean is that Western and African diplomats, United Nations peacekeepers, donors, the staff of most nongovernmental organizations that work with the resolution of conflict, they all share a specific way of seeing the world.","es":"Lo que quiero decir es que los diplom\u00e1ticos occidentales y africanos, las fuerzas de paz de Naciones Unidas, los donantes, los empleados de la mayor\u00eda de las organizaciones no gubernamentales que trabajan en la resoluci\u00f3n de conflictos; comparten todos una manera peculiar de ver el mundo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it brings me to my last category of hope, and we've heard about this so much in the last two days: this indomitable human spirit.","es":"Y me lleva a mi \u00faltima categor\u00eda de la esperanza, y hemos o\u00eddo hablar tanto de \u00e9sto en los \u00faltimos dos d\u00edas: este indomable esp\u00edritu humano."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, that was my idea that I was going to try to get across to the youngsters.","es":"Bueno, esa era mi idea y quer\u00eda tratar de hacerla llegar a los j\u00f3venes."} {"gender":"male","en":"There is a price for this type of life.","es":"Hay un precio para este tipo de vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a chemistry experiment where I've made a crystal garden.","es":"Es un experimento qu\u00edmico en el que he hecho un jard\u00edn de cristales."} {"gender":"male","en":"That was just my one thing, I said we had to have something that drops on people's heads.","es":"Esta fue mi contribuci\u00f3n, Dije que quer\u00eda que le cayera algo a la gente en la cabeza."} {"gender":"female","en":"I tell them I'm ambitious for their future, and I think they can be happy and do great things.","es":"Les digo que soy ambiciosa para su futuro, y que creo que pueden ser felices y hacer grandes cosas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Almost every year we have these landslides, which are terrible.","es":"Casi cada a\u00f1o tenemos estos desprendimientos de tierra, que son terribles."} {"gender":"male","en":"How do you deal with the industry?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo lidiar con la industria?"} {"gender":"female","en":"So the same Guardian rebuts, \"Are video games art: the debate that shouldn't be.","es":"El mismo Guardian lo refuta, \"\u00bfLos video juegos son arte?: el debate que ni deber\u00eda existir."} {"gender":"male","en":"This boy here in the middle of central India, this is in a Rajasthan village, where the children recorded their own music and then played it back to each other and in the process, they've enjoyed themselves thoroughly.","es":"Este ni\u00f1o en medio de India central esto es en un pueblo de Rajast\u00e1n, donde los ni\u00f1os grabaron su propia m\u00fasica y luego la tocan unos a otros, y, durante el proceso, ellos mismos han disfrutado a fondo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Farmers there cannot afford the seed.","es":"Ah\u00ed los agricultores no pueden costear las semillas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Not really.","es":"En realidad no."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"Let's just consider that done for.\"","es":"\"Pensemos en acabar con eso\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Parents text and do email at breakfast and at dinner while their children complain about not having their parents' full attention.","es":"Los padres mandan SMS o correos en el desayuno y la cena, mientras que sus hijos se quejan por no tener la completa atenci\u00f3n de sus pap\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"I haven't created it, and it's not happening by accident.","es":"No lo he inventado yo, ni pasa por accidente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It can be put down on any substrate whatsoever.","es":"Se puede aplicar a cualquier tipo de sustrato."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You've created your own rules, in which women and children are getting a different sense of security.","es":"Han creado sus propias reglas en las que mujeres y ni\u00f1os encuentran un sentido diferente de seguridad."} {"gender":"female","en":"But if your goal is no longer to direct the traffic, but maybe to count the cars that go by, then more eyeballs are better.","es":"Pero si la meta ya no es dirigir el tr\u00e1fico, sino tal vez contar los autos que pasan, entonces cu\u00e1ntos m\u00e1s ojos mejor."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now 150 years ago, anatomists described very, very carefully, here is a model of a wall of a gut.","es":"Hace 150 a\u00f1os, los anatomistas describieron minuciosamente este es un modelo de la pared intestinal."} {"gender":"female","en":"And there I got a gigantic one, and the control over there, the blue one, has got a really small one.","es":"Y all\u00ed tengo una gigante y la de control por all\u00ed, la de azul, tiene una realmente peque\u00f1a."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, her colleague suddenly got much more interested than I had any right to expect and went on and said, \"What does he model?\"","es":"Bueno, su compa\u00f1era s\u00fabitamente se interes\u00f3 mucho m\u00e1s de lo que cab\u00eda esperar y sigui\u00f3 preguntando: \u201c\u00bfQu\u00e9 es lo que modela?\u201d"} {"gender":"male","en":"I was more concerned with touching the screen on my Apple than actually feeding him one.","es":"Yo me preocupaba m\u00e1s por mi aparato de la manzana que por darle una a \u00e9l esa ma\u00f1ana."} {"gender":"female","en":"People have been using media to talk about sex for a long time.","es":"La gente ha utilizado los medios para hablar sobre sexo durante mucho tiempo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Woman: I'm alright, thank you.","es":"Mujer: Estoy bien, gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"The importance of basking sharks to the coast communities is recognized through the language.","es":"La importancia de los tiburones peregrinos para las comunidades costeras se refleja en el idioma."} {"gender":"male","en":"So now it's able to train with just this little piece on the back. I can wear it around.","es":"Ahora puedo entrenarlo con este peque\u00f1o aparato en la espalda que puedo llevar conmigo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now I'm an economist, I'm not a doctor, but I see the God complex around me all the time in my fellow economists.","es":"Yo soy economista, no soy m\u00e9dico, pero puedo ver que me rodea el complejo de Dios todo el tiempo, en mis colegas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's kind of like Google Earth in reverse.","es":"Es una especie de Google Earth a la inversa."} {"gender":"female","en":"I dedicated my presidency to having a space for those who felt marginalized on the island of Ireland, and bringing together communities from Northern Ireland with those from the Republic, trying to build peace.","es":"Dediqu\u00e9 mi mandato a abrir espacios para quienes se sent\u00edan marginados en la isla de Irlanda, y a reunir comunidades del norte del pa\u00eds con otras de la Rep\u00fablica, tratando de construir la paz."} {"gender":"female","en":"TKM: So, you think you know about sex.","es":"TKM: Uds. creen que saben de sexo."} {"gender":"male","en":"You make X amount per widget.","es":"Ganan X dinero por aparato."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We've had HBO here this morning.","es":"Estuvo gente de HBO aqu\u00ed esta ma\u00f1ana."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The reality totally contradicted initial perceptions of this planet.","es":"La realidad contradice totalmente las percepciones iniciales de este planeta."} {"gender":"male","en":"So those studies are pretty well done at this point.","es":"Esos estudios ya est\u00e1n bastante listos en este momento."} {"gender":"female","en":"Vidal embodies the story of so many of our underprivileged children who are struggling to survive, which is why we must make education a priority.","es":"Vidal encarna la historia de muchos ni\u00f1os sin privilegios que luchan por sobrevivir, por eso debemos hacer de la educaci\u00f3n una prioridad."} {"gender":"male","en":"I can't be bothered with you right now.","es":"No puedo perder tiempo contigo ahora."} {"gender":"female","en":"That's how we create a community where everybody, especially young black men, can thrive.","es":"As\u00ed es como creamos una comunidad donde todo el mundo, especialmente los j\u00f3venes negros, puedan prosperar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So to harness the power of these supportive communities in a new way and to allow entrepreneurs to decide for themselves exactly what that financial exchange should look like, exactly what fits them and the people around them, this week actually, we're quietly doing a launch of Profounder, which is a crowd funding platform for small businesses to raise what they need through investments from their friends and family.","es":"Entonces, para aprovechar el poder de estas comunidades de apoyo de una nueva manera y para permitirle a los emprendedores decidir por s\u00ed mismos exactamente c\u00f3mo quieren que sea su transacci\u00f3n financiera, qu\u00e9 es apropiado para ellos y para la gente que los rodea, esta semana estamos, discretamente, lanzando Profounder, que es una plataforma que agrupa fondos colectivos para que los peque\u00f1os negocios puedan recaudar lo que necesitan a trav\u00e9s de inversiones de sus familiares y amigos."} {"gender":"female","en":"You'd end up with a perpetual motion machine for gene editing.","es":"Se logra una m\u00e1quina de movimiento perpetuo para editar genes."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, today I'm happy to see that the idea of an intelligent assistant is mainstream.","es":"Hoy estoy feliz de ver que la idea de un asistente inteligente es corriente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We got past the janitor.","es":"Superamos la fase con el conserje."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm really glad we're here.","es":"Estoy muy contento de que estemos aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And the only way to film that is a shoot from the air.","es":"La \u00fanica manera de filmarlo es con una toma a\u00e9rea."} {"gender":"male","en":"That one is somewhere along this settling-down period.","es":"Una est\u00e1 en alg\u00fan estado de este proceso de decantaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So you can imagine a sort of new manner of living with a new relationship with the water, and also a hybridizing of recreational and science programs in terms of monitoring.","es":"Imaginen una nueva forma de vivir, una nueva relaci\u00f3n con el agua y tambi\u00e9n un programa h\u00edbrido cient\u00edfico y recreacional con funciones de monitoreo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'd like to switch now from this local, familiar, coastal environment to a much broader world of the baleen whales and the open ocean.","es":"Me gustar\u00eda pasar ahora de este entorno local familiar, costero, al mundo mucho m\u00e1s amplio de los misticetos y el oc\u00e9ano abierto."} {"gender":"female","en":"In 2009, the U.N. has declared it to be the International Year of Astronomy, a global festival to help us residents of Earth rediscover our cosmic origins and our place in the universe.","es":"En 2009, la O.N.U ha declarado que \u00e9ste sea el A\u00f1o Internacional de la Astronom\u00eda, un festejo mundial que nos ayudar\u00e1 a los residentes de la Tierra a re-descubrir nuestros or\u00edgenes c\u00f3smicos y nuestro lugar en el Universo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And out on the street, I ran into a group of rough men standing beside their bicycle rickshaws.","es":"Y en la calle, me encontr\u00e9 con un grupo de hombres rudos de pie junto a sus bicicletas rickshaws."} {"gender":"female","en":"Celine is a housewife and lives in a rural district of Cameroon in west Central Africa.","es":"Celine es ama de casa en un distrito rural de Camer\u00fan, en el oeste del \u00c1frica central."} {"gender":"female","en":"So there's something about aging that's kind of universal.","es":"As\u00ed que hay algo en el envejecimiento que es universal."} {"gender":"male","en":"We've been engineering them with an engineer named Eric Karsh who works with me on it, and we've been doing this new work because there are new wood products out there for us to use, and we call them mass timber panels.","es":"Hemos hecho dise\u00f1os con un ingeniero llamado Eric Karsh que trabaja conmigo. Hacemos este nuevo trabajo porque hay nuevos productos disponibles que llamamos \"paneles masivos de madera\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I learned what opportunity cost is.","es":"Pero aprend\u00ed lo que es el costo de oportunidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And once they thought about that, the networks they generated completely differed.","es":"Y cuando pensaron en eso, las redes que generaron difer\u00edan completamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, the child is given treatment.","es":"As\u00ed que, el ni\u00f1o fue tratado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"With perfectly trimmed cuticles, dressed in something suitable.","es":"Con cut\u00edculas perfectamente recortadas, vestido adecuadamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Video: Actor: Clean coal, you've heard a lot about it.","es":"Video: Actor: Carb\u00f3n limpio, ya han escuchado mucho hablar de \u00e9l."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'm tired of living like this, going into town after town with people standing around on corners with holes where eyes used to be, their spirits damaged.","es":"Y estoy cansado de vivir as\u00ed, yendo de ciudad en ciudad con gente parada en las esquinas con agujeros donde sus ojos sol\u00edan estar, su esp\u00edritus quebrados."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I think that's true.","es":"Y creo que eso es cierto."} {"gender":"female","en":"Woman: There is no Paradise!","es":"Mujer: \u00a1No hay Para\u00edso!"} {"gender":"male","en":"Along the way, with the help and guidance of my district attorney, my supervisor and judges, I learned the power of the prosecutor to change lives instead of ruining them.","es":"Con el tiempo, con la ayuda y el asesoramiento de mi fiscal, mi supervisor y los jueces, comprend\u00ed el poder del fiscal de cambiar vidas en lugar de arruinarlas."} {"gender":"male","en":"We just made those openings of such a scale that they could work as elevated squares, outdoor spaces throughout the entire height of the building.","es":"Solo hicimos esas aperturas de una dimensi\u00f3n tal que funcionasen como plazas elevadas, espacios exteriores de encuentro distribuidos a lo alto del edificio."} {"gender":"female","en":"It primes you to do things that strengthen close relationships.","es":"Nos prepara para hacer las cosas que fortalecen las relaciones cercanas."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think Andrew pretty well covered that, so I will move to the third point, which is that markets alone also are not going to solve the problems of poverty.","es":"Creo que Andrew cubri\u00f3 esto bastante bien, as\u00ed que voy a cuntinuar al tercer punto que es que los mercados s\u00f3los tampoco van a resolver los problemas de la pobreza."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I started right away.","es":"Empec\u00e9 de inmediato."} {"gender":"male","en":"Perhaps my parents could have found out and could have helped.","es":"Tal vez mis padres pudieran haberlo descubierto y me habr\u00edan ayudado."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, Ma was trying to explain something to me about Grandma and when they grew up, but I couldn't pay attention to her because I was five years old, and I was petrified.","es":"Ma estaba tratando de explicarme algo sobre la abuela y cuando eran peque\u00f1os, pero no pod\u00eda prestarle atenci\u00f3n porque yo ten\u00eda cinco a\u00f1os y estaba petrificado."} {"gender":"female","en":"About 60 years later, my grandfather, Oludotun Adekunle Kukoyi, also arrived in Lagos.","es":"Aproximadamente 60 a\u00f1os m\u00e1s tarde, mi abuelo, Oludotun Adekunle Kukoyi, tambi\u00e9n lleg\u00f3 a Lagos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, the best example I know is a study of 79,000 men followed over 20 years, in which it was found that men who consumed cooked tomatoes two to three times a week, had up to a 50 percent reduction in their risk of developing prostate cancer.","es":"Bueno, el mejor ejemplo que conozco es un estudio de 79.000 hombres, seguidos durante 20 a\u00f1os, en el que se encontr\u00f3 que los hombres que consumen tomates cocidos dos o tres veces a la semana ten\u00edan una reducci\u00f3n de hasta un 50% en el riesgo de desarrollar c\u00e1ncer de pr\u00f3stata."} {"gender":"female","en":"They were really works of art containing their thoughts and feelings throughout the treatment.","es":"Eran verdaderas obras de arte que contenian sus pensamientos y sentimientos a lo largo del tratamiento."} {"gender":"female","en":"Today I have just one request.","es":"Hoy tengo una \u00fanica petici\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Can you try a subtle smile to see if the computer can recognize?","es":"\u00bfPuedes intentar una sonrisa sutil para ver si la computadora la reconoce?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But of course, this luxury was not available to everybody.","es":"Pero, por supuesto, este lujo no estaba disponible para todo el mundo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We'll find some camels.\"","es":"Encontraremos algunos camellos\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And we'll fly it, we hope, with the same success that we had last night when we did the practice.","es":"Y lo volaremos, esperamos, con el mismo \u00e9xito que hemos tenido anoche cuando hicimos la pr\u00e1ctica."} {"gender":"female","en":"But it's not just about the stories we like versus the stories we choose to ignore.","es":"Pero no es una cuesti\u00f3n solo de las historias que nos gustan versus las historias que elegimos ignorar."} {"gender":"male","en":"My roommates wouldn't touch anything of mine, and they wouldn't eat anything I had cooked.","es":"Mis compa\u00f1eros no quer\u00edan tocar nada m\u00edo y no quer\u00edan comer lo que cocinaba."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm always puzzled to have pride in your national or ethnic identity, pride in the accident of birth from a warm and cozy womb, belief in your superiority because of the accident of birth.","es":"Siempre me desoriento frente al orgullo que muestran en su identidad nacional o \u00e9tnica, al orgullo por un nacimiento casual en un \u00fatero c\u00e1lido y c\u00f3modo, que les hace creer en una superioridad por el hecho de haber nacido."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, to effectively preserve health, people will need to be willing to share their health data on a constant basis, so that the health care system understands early enough if any assistance with regard to their health is needed.","es":"Ahora, para preservar la salud de manera efectiva, la gente tendr\u00e1 que estar dispuesta a compartir sus datos sanitarios de forma constante, para que el sistema de salud identifique con antelaci\u00f3n si existe la necesidad de asistencia sanitaria."} {"gender":"female","en":"The amazing thing I've found is nothing can change on a big scale without the determination of a leader.","es":"Es interesante lo que he descubierto; que no puede haber cambios a gran escala sin la determinaci\u00f3n de un l\u00edder."} {"gender":"male","en":"Come talk to me about it, I'll fill in some of the details if you want.","es":"Pasen a hablar conmigo. Les comento los detalles si les interesan."} {"gender":"female","en":"But what inspired me most about the circular economy was its ability to inspire young people.","es":"Pero lo que m\u00e1s que inspir\u00f3 de la econom\u00eda circular fue su habilidad para inspirar a los j\u00f3venes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And so we made the sacrifice.","es":"Y as\u00ed que hicimos el sacrificio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Muchas Gracias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The reason that children with these kinds of bodies, whether it's dwarfism, or it's conjoined twinning, or it's an intersex type, are often \"normalized\" by surgeons is not because it actually leaves them better off in terms of physical health.","es":"La raz\u00f3n por la que ni\u00f1os con este tipo de cuerpos -ya sean enanos, gemelos siameses, o intersexuales- se someten a cirug\u00edas normalizadoras no es para poder gozar de una mejor salud f\u00edsica."} {"gender":"male","en":"I have talked about it a million times, but it's unbelievable. In the upper right of that picture on the left is almost the Mississippi Delta, and the lower left of that picture is the Texas-Mexico border.","es":"He hablado millones de veces, pero es incre\u00edble, En la parte superior derecha de la foto de la izquierda est\u00e1 el delta del Mississippi, y en la parte inferior izquierda la frontera con M\u00e9xico, en Texas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Guys, I can see this guy in front me in full 3D.","es":"Chicos, puedo verlo delante de m\u00ed en 3D."} {"gender":"male","en":"When I was 14, I was asked to seriously consider a career path.","es":"Cuando ten\u00eda 14 a\u00f1os, me pidieron que considerara seriamente una carrera."} {"gender":"male","en":"We will have two balloons for each of my test jumps, and two balloons for the main jump, because they notoriously tear on takeoff.","es":"Tendremos dos globos para cada uno de mis saltos de prueba. Y dos globos para el salto principal porque ellos se rompen notoriamente en el despegue."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I got interested in this because it seemed to me that it was an obvious question.","es":"Bueno, me interes\u00e9 en esto porque me pareci\u00f3 que era una pregunta obvia."} {"gender":"female","en":"BMA has expanded.","es":"La AMB se ha expandido."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think it's not good, but that's my view.","es":"Creo que no es bueno, pero ah\u00ed est\u00e1, ese es mi punto de vista."} {"gender":"female","en":"To move, to let loose, to express.","es":"Para moverse, dar rienda suelta, para expresarse."} {"gender":"male","en":"I enrolled myself in something called \"sexual surrogacy therapy,\" in which people I was encouraged to call doctors prescribed what I was encouraged to call exercises with women I was encouraged to call surrogates, who were not exactly prostitutes but who were also not exactly anything else.","es":"Me inscrib\u00ed en algo llamado terapia de sustituci\u00f3n sexual, donde personas que se hac\u00edan llamar doctores recetaban lo que me hac\u00edan llamar ejercicios con mujeres que me hac\u00edan llamar sustitutas, que no eran precisamente prostitutas pero no eran exactamente otra cosa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The people on the tracks just continued to watch them.","es":"Las personas en las v\u00edas seguian observ\u00e1ndolos."} {"gender":"female","en":"When someone is in an extremely suicidal state, they are in a stage four medical health emergency.","es":"Cuando alguien est\u00e1 en un estado extremadamente suicida, est\u00e1 en una etapa cuatro de emergencia m\u00e9dica de salud."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They look at how all the diverse parts of the ecosystem are interconnected, and it's actually this balance, this web of life, that sustains life.","es":"Observan c\u00f3mo se interconectan todas las diversas partes del ecosistema, y de hecho es este equilibrio, esta red de la vida, que sustenta la vida."} {"gender":"female","en":"So this is where the tar sands live, under one of the last magnificent Boreal forests.","es":"Aqu\u00ed es donde reposan las arenas de alquitr\u00e1n bajo uno de los \u00faltimos esplendorosos bosques boreales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The treasury was bursting with money.","es":"Hacienda estaba llena de dinero."} {"gender":"male","en":"A lot of complexity, a lot is happening just in this 30-year period that includes the obesity epidemic.","es":"Matrimonios y divorcios amistades y enemistades mucha complejidad, est\u00e1n sucediendo muchas cosas s\u00f3lo en este per\u00edodo de 30 a\u00f1os que incluye la epidemia de obesidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"The moon sees somebody that I don't see.","es":"La luna ve a alguien a quien no veo."} {"gender":"male","en":"We think we're now at 95 percent accuracy when it comes to drone strikes.","es":"Creemos que tienen un 95% de precisi\u00f3n en los ataques."} {"gender":"female","en":"Those things to me are never going to change.","es":"Para m\u00ed, esas cosas nunca cambiar\u00e1n."} {"gender":"male","en":"I nervously peered over the side of the bed to see what had befallen my fallen sister and saw that she had landed painfully on her hands and knees on all fours on the ground.","es":"Yo, muy nervioso, me asom\u00e9 para ver lo que hab\u00eda ca\u00eddo: mi hermana. Y la vi que sobre sus manos y rodillas, en las cuatro, en el piso."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so this is what we did, we gave the monkeys choices between guys who were safe, they did the same thing every time, or guys who were risky, they did things differently half the time.","es":"Y eso es lo que hicimos, les dimos opciones a los monos entre sujetos que eran confiables --que hac\u00edan lo mismo cada vez-- o con sujetos que eran un riesgo --que hac\u00edan las cosas de modo diferente la mitad de las veces."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what are these characteristics that I'm talking about?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfcu\u00e1les son las caracter\u00edsticas de las que hablo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And yet, I persist in this quixotic endeavor.","es":"Y, sin embargo, persisto en este empe\u00f1o quijotesco."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is essentially what we are doing at these moments when we need our networks the most.","es":"Esto es esencialmente lo que estamos haciendo en estos momentos cuando m\u00e1s necesitamos nuestras redes."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't think anyone would say yes.","es":"No creo que alguien diga que s\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Medical marijuana's risks, we know a lot about the risks of recreational use, we know next to nothing about the risks of medical marijuana.","es":"La marihuana medicinal sabemos mucho sobre los riegos del uso recreativo, pero no sabemos nada de los riesgos de su uso medicinal."} {"gender":"male","en":"The average man that might say, I'm against the abuse of women and girls quietly accepts the privileged position that we occupy, and this is very similar to what I knew when I was a child, when separate but equal had existed.","es":"El hombre medio que piensa levantarse en contra del maltrato a las mujeres y ni\u00f1as acepta en silencio los privilegios que le brinda la posici\u00f3n que ocupa, y esto se parece mucho a lo que yo sab\u00eda de ni\u00f1o, cuando exist\u00eda la idea de separados pero iguales."} {"gender":"male","en":"Imagine I added a choice to the set that nobody wanted.","es":"Ahora imaginen que agrego una opci\u00f3n al paquete que nadie quer\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"But excessive reliance on incentives demoralizes professional activity in two senses of that word.","es":"Pero la dependencia excesiva de los incentivos desmoraliza la actividad profesional en dos sentidos de ese concepto."} {"gender":"female","en":"Eliminating excuses at every turn became my primary responsibility.","es":"Eliminar las excusas en cada paso se convirti\u00f3 en mi principal responsabilidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I'm going to give you a list of abilities and characteristics, and I want you to think for each of these abilities where you stand relative to the rest of the population.","es":"Les doy una lista de habilidades y caracter\u00edsticas, y quiero que piensen en cada una de ellas, d\u00f3nde est\u00e1n situados en relaci\u00f3n al resto de la poblaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"I will keep doing it.","es":"Seguir\u00e9 haci\u00e9ndolo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Are you most worried about the quality of that time, rather than quantity?","es":"\u00bfLes preocupar\u00eda m\u00e1s la calidad o la duraci\u00f3n del tiempo pasado as\u00ed?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They would say, \"What is this?\"","es":"Y dec\u00edan: \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 es esto?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"Through his eyes, we knew when he needed to hear again, \"It is all set, Jim.","es":"A trav\u00e9s de sus ojos sab\u00edamos cuando necesitaba o\u00edr nuevamente, \"Tranquilo Jim."} {"gender":"female","en":"Then, we tried our combination superweapon.","es":"Entonces probamos la combinaci\u00f3n de nuestra s\u00faper-arma."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that 20 percent will be used up by things going on in poor countries, still some agriculture; hopefully, we will have cleaned up forestry, cement.","es":"Y ese 20 % ser\u00e1 utilizado por necesidades en pa\u00edses pobres como la agricultura. Ojal\u00e1 hayamos limpiado la forestaci\u00f3n y el cemento."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm not an immigrant, refugee or exile, they ask me why I do this, but the commute between languages gives me the chance to recreate myself.","es":"No soy una inmigrante, refugiada o exiliada. Me preguntan que por qu\u00e9 lo hago. Pero el conmutar entre los idiomas me da la oportunidad de recrearme a m\u00ed misma."} {"gender":"female","en":"But just if you take malaria out, deaths from everything else go down.","es":"Pero con s\u00f3lo erradicar la malaria, las muertes disminuyen."} {"gender":"female","en":"Copy editors, too, have a code; we don't advertise our oversights.","es":"Y los correctores tienen su c\u00f3digo tambi\u00e9n; no anunciamos nuestros descuidos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And it looks like this.","es":"Y se parece a esto."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I also think leadership looks like everybody in this audience showing up for black lives.","es":"Y pienso, tambi\u00e9n, que el liderazgo se parece a este p\u00fablico que se ocupa de las vidas negras."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And why is that?","es":"\u00bfY por qu\u00e9 es eso?"} {"gender":"female","en":"About 80 percent of those microbloggers are young people, under 30 years old.","es":"Cerca del 80% de esos microbloggers son j\u00f3venes, menores de 30 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"And there was a pretty big section of that pie chart, about 40 percent, 40 percent was labeled \"neonatal.\"","es":"Y un gran segmento del diagrama, aproximadamente el 40 %, con la indicaci\u00f3n \"neonatal\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what I plan to do with this technology is to actually take the current state of the technology and build an HIV kit in a microfluidic system. So, with one microfluidic chip, which is the size of an iPhone, you can actually diagnose 100 patients at the same time.","es":"As\u00ed que lo que planeo hacer con esta tecnolog\u00eda es tomar el actual estado de la misma y construir un kit con la prueba del SIDA en un sistema de micro fluido; entonces, con un s\u00f3lo chip de micro fluido, que tiene el tama\u00f1o de un iPhone, se pueden diagnosticar 100 pacientes a la vez."} {"gender":"female","en":"And Nairobi, the major business hub, was rated 177th on the quality of living index.","es":"Y Nairobi, el principal centro econ\u00f3mico, ocupaba el puesto 177 en el \u00edndice de calidad de vida."} {"gender":"female","en":"Say 99.999 percent of tweets pose no risk to anyone.","es":"Digamos que el 99,999 % de los tuits no supone riesgo para nadie."} {"gender":"female","en":"Queer Africans continue to exist, even though queerness is now criminalized in most parts of the continent.","es":"Los queer africanos siguen existiendo, aunque la intolerancia es ahora un crimen en la mayor parte del continente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Baseball is filled with some amazing statistics.","es":"El b\u00e9isbol est\u00e1 lleno de estad\u00edsticas sorprendentes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And yet these are the very qualities for which men and women have been honored throughout the generations.","es":"Y a\u00fan por las cualidades precisas por las que hombres y mujeres han sido honrados a trav\u00e9s de las generaciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think there's a number of pillars to success.","es":"Creo que hay una serie de pilares para el \u00e9xito."} {"gender":"female","en":"But what struck me about them was that whenever her husband changed the baby's diaper, she said \"thank you\" to him.","es":"Pero lo que me llama la atenci\u00f3n de ellos es que cada vez que su marido cambiaba el pa\u00f1al del beb\u00e9, ella le dec\u00eda \"gracias\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He said he was conscious of working within constraints, but not of making compromises.","es":"Dijo que era consciente que trabajaba dentro de las restricciones, pero no de hacer compromisos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Pro-voice focuses that conversation on human experience and it makes support and respect possible for all.","es":"Pro-Voice centra esa conversaci\u00f3n en la experiencia humana y hace del apoyo y el respeto algo posible para todos."} {"gender":"male","en":"What do I take from this?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 sacamos de esto?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I want you to examine the shard of glass.","es":"Quiero que examines el fragmento de vidrio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's not cheating.","es":"No es hacer trampa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"She's got front seat in a Greek tragedy.","es":"Tiene el asiento frontal en una tragedia griega."} {"gender":"female","en":"Here's Fiverr.com.","es":"Ah\u00ed est\u00e1 Fiverr.com."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I want to tell you, I think it's an important topic that we need to care about.","es":"Pero quiero decirles que creo que es un tema importante del que tenemos que ocuparnos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We're putting them together in unusual ways, and this is taking us into the ocean realm like never before.","es":"Las estamos ensamblando de formas inusuales y esto nos est\u00e1 acercando el reino marino como nunca antes."} {"gender":"female","en":"But I really hope that you will all think of ways that you can look long-term at things like the food system and make change.","es":"Realmente espero que todos pensemos de una forma que puedan mirar a largo plazo temas como el sistema de alimentos y hacer cambios."} {"gender":"female","en":"LT: And you know one of you is going to go soon.","es":"LT: Y ya saben una de Uds. ya se va pronto."} {"gender":"female","en":"Does it have a digit?","es":"\u00bfTiene alg\u00fan d\u00edgito?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Couldn't do it by conventional genetics, but just scanning it we began to find genes for autism.","es":"No lo pod\u00edan hacer por gen\u00e9tica convencional, pero s\u00f3lo explor\u00e1ndolo empezamos a encontrar genes para el autismo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I had to bring it in.","es":"Tuve que traerlo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Instead of the eyes focusing in and having that social connection, looking at the mouth, looking at the nose, looking off in another direction, but not again socially connecting, and being able to do this on a very large scale, screen infants, screen children for autism, through something very robust, very reliable, is going to be very helpful to us in terms of being able to intervene at an early stage when we can have the greatest impact.","es":"En lugar de enfocar los ojos y tener esa conexi\u00f3n social, mirando la boca, mirando la nariz, mirando en otra direcci\u00f3n, pero nuevamente sin conexi\u00f3n social, y siendo capaces de hacer esto en una escala muy grande, examinando a los beb\u00e9s, a los ni\u00f1os por autismo, a trav\u00e9s de algo muy robusto y confiable, ser\u00e1 muy \u00fatil para nosotros para poder intervenir en una etapa temprana cuando podemos tener mayor impacto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"No one has to green-light your idea.","es":"No pidan permiso para expresar sus ideas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But although we only collect light at a few telescope locations, as the Earth rotates, we get to see other new measurements.","es":"Pero aunque s\u00f3lo capturemos luz desde unas pocas ubicaciones, mientras la Tierra rota, podemos observar otras nuevas medidas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Man 2: I got you.","es":"Man 2: Te sigo."} {"gender":"female","en":"But what I've learned is this: children don't stop dying just because we the adults can't comprehend the injustice of losing them.","es":"Pero he aprendido esto: los ni\u00f1os no dejan de morir solo porque los adultos no podamos comprender la injusticia de perderlos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And yet, there is this disconnect.","es":"Y aun as\u00ed, existe esta desconexi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Nick: Oh, well, my paper just got accepted.","es":"Nick: Oh, mi art\u00edculo acaba de ser aceptado."} {"gender":"male","en":"For those of you in the audience who know, you roll your eyes and say, yup, I know all about it.","es":"Para quienes en la audiencia lo sepan, abran sus ojos y digan, yep. Ya lo s\u00e9."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In fact, the winners have to pay their own way to come to the Ig Nobel ceremony, which most of them do.","es":"De hecho, los ganadores tienen que pagar su propio boleto para venir a la ceremonia Ig Nobel. La mayor\u00eda de ellos lo hacen."} {"gender":"female","en":"What's worse is when we experience stress.","es":"Lo peor es cuando experimentamos estr\u00e9s."} {"gender":"male","en":"It will only show you that I'm over 18 if I actually am over 18.","es":"Mostrar\u00e1 que tengo m\u00e1s de 18 si realmente los tengo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is mobile food. British are very good at that. Fish and chips in newspaper, the Cornish Pasty, the pie, the sandwich.","es":"Esto es comida m\u00f3vil y los brit\u00e1nicos somos muy buenos para eso, pescado y patatas envuelta en peri\u00f3dico, la empanada de Cornualles el pastel, el s\u00e1ndwich."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In many ways, we've been taught to think that the real question is: Do people deserve to die for the crimes they've committed?","es":"En cierto sentido nos han ensa\u00f1ado a pensar que la pregunta final es, \u00bflas personas merecen morir por los crimenes cometidos?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We hoped maybe 20 people would show up.","es":"Esper\u00e1bamos que, quiz\u00e1s, vendr\u00edan 20 personas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't really need to comment on this.","es":"Pues con este no te digo nada."} {"gender":"male","en":"Something happened while I was studying in the seminary and training to be a priest.","es":"Algo pas\u00f3 cuando estudiaba en el seminario y me formaba para sacerdote."} {"gender":"male","en":"So again, that's simplifying complexity.","es":"As\u00ed que de nuevo, eso es simplificar la complejidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was at the University of Chicago, in my third year, and I was in my third year because the University of Chicago let you in after two years of high school.","es":"Estaba en la Universidad de Chicago, en mi tercer a\u00f1o, y estaba en mi tercer a\u00f1o porque la Universidad de Chicago te permite entrar despu\u00e9s de dos a\u00f1os de bachillerato."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"And gender equality, it's like a tide, it would lift all boats, not just women.","es":"Y la igualdad de g\u00e9nero, es como una marea alzar\u00eda todos los botes, no solo a mujeres."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't believe that chemicals are unnatural.","es":"No creo que los qu\u00edmicos sean antinaturales."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what I did was I sorted all this stuff by zip code.","es":"Clasifiqu\u00e9 todo esto por c\u00f3digo postal."} {"gender":"male","en":"Ominous music playing in the background, beads of sweat pouring down the surgeon's face.","es":"M\u00fasica inquietante de fondo y gotas de sudor por el rostro del cirujano."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, we may laugh, but Chris here is actually making up to 5,000 dollars a month running errands around his life.","es":"Nosotros podremos re\u00edrnos, pero Chris est\u00e1 ganando unos 5000 d\u00f3lares por mes haciendo encargos como medio de vida."} {"gender":"female","en":"People in my family were experiencing it.","es":"La gente en mi familia lo experimentaba."} {"gender":"female","en":"And in ways both big and small, the narrative of the victim shapes the way we see women.","es":"Y en formas grandes y peque\u00f1as, el relato de la v\u00edctima modela la forma en que vemos a las mujeres."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't want to romanticize poverty. I just want to suggest that this informal urbanization is not just the image of precariousness, that informality here, the informal, is really a set of socioeconomic and political procedures that we could translate as artists, that this is about a bottom-up urbanization that performs.","es":"No quiero idealizar la pobreza. solo quiero sugerir que esta urbanizaci\u00f3n informal no solo es imagen de precariedad, esta informalidad, lo informal, es en realidad un conjunto de procedimientos socioecon\u00f3micos y pol\u00edticos que podr\u00edamos traducir como artistas, pues es una urbanizaci\u00f3n de abajo hacia arriba la que act\u00faa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"All start overage and under-credit.","es":"Todos comenzaron atrasados en edad y con cr\u00e9ditos insuficientes."} {"gender":"male","en":"If we believe something like this, we must let go of the puppet-master completely, take our leave of the almighty controller, abandon traditional models.","es":"Si creemos algo as\u00ed, debemos dejar la idea del titiritero completamente, dejar la idea del controlador todopoderoso, abandonar los modelos tradicionales."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I was the product of a working-class community.","es":"Y fui producto de una comunidad de clase trabajadora."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was a place where nothing very much had happened.","es":"Era un lugar donde apenas hab\u00eda pasado nada."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'd like to see it, to give guidelines as to how to interpret the Scriptures, these texts that are being abused.","es":"Me gustar\u00eda verlo como unas directrices sobre c\u00f3mo interpretar las escrituras, estos textos de los que se abusa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So he's really responsible for a lot of what we consider modern in dictionaries today.","es":"As\u00ed que \u00e9l es el responsable de mucho de lo que consideramos moderno en los diccionarios hoy."} {"gender":"female","en":"But they lie way below the cortex, way below the limbic system where we feel our emotions, generate our emotions.","es":"Pero se encuentran muy por debajo de la corteza, muy por debajo del sistema l\u00edmbico en el que sentimos las emociones, donde generamos las emociones."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I had a really quite happy life at Indiana.","es":"Asi que tuve una vida bastante feliz en Indiana."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And I, oh, gosh.","es":"Y yo oh, dios."} {"gender":"female","en":"And although they've been getting a lot of crap lately due to methane emissions and climate change, I hope that I can redeem their reputation in part by showing you how incredibly important they are in solving one of the world's biggest problems: food security.","es":"Y a pesar de que han recibido mucha basura \u00faltimamente por las emisiones de metano y el cambio clim\u00e1tico, espero poder cambiar su reputaci\u00f3n mostrando lo incre\u00edblemente importantes que son para resolver uno de los problemas m\u00e1s grandes del mundo: la seguridad alimentaria."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let's take a quick look.","es":"Echemos un r\u00e1pido vistazo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And my response to that is this: \"I don't have the luxury of being angry, and I also know the consequences of being enraged.\"","es":"Y mi respuesta a eso es esta: \"No tengo el lujo de enojarme, y tambi\u00e9n s\u00e9 las consecuencias si me enojo\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And now we have the fact that we're converting more and more of our American soldiers that we would send into harm's way into machines, and so we may take those already lowering bars to war and drop them to the ground.","es":"Y ahora hay que considerar que cada vez m\u00e1s estamos reemplazando nuestros soldados americanos que mandar\u00edamos al peligro por m\u00e1quinas, y as\u00ed poder superar los obst\u00e1culos que quedan en la guerra y hacerlos caer al suelo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I've even seen it used for a chicken coop.","es":"Incluso he visto que se usa como gallinero."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is terribly important, because the diagrams in the manuscript are the unique source for the diagrams that Archimedes drew in the sand in the fourth century B.C. And there we are, I can give them to you.","es":"Y esto es muy importante, porque los diagramas en el manuscrito son la \u00fanica fuente de los diagramas que Arqu\u00edmedes dibuj\u00f3 en la arena en el siglo IV a.C. Y aqu\u00ed est\u00e1, se los puedo mostrar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"As we become parents, we pass it on to our children, and so it goes.","es":"Cuando nos volvemos padres, se lo pasamos a nuestros hijos, y as\u00ed contin\u00faa."} {"gender":"male","en":"But this is how I get to that object.","es":"Pero as\u00ed es como llego a aquel objeto."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was going to be The Garbage Man.","es":"Iba a ser El Hombre Basura."} {"gender":"female","en":"Here, she's used a pump to bring some of that water back to the ice sheet's surface.","es":"Aqu\u00ed, ha usado una bomba para sacar un poco de esta agua a la superficie del manto de hielo."} {"gender":"female","en":"PM: Now I'm going to show you a video of an actual grieving mother, Erin Runnion, confronting her daughter's murderer and torturer in court.","es":"PM: Ahora les mostrar\u00e9 un video de una madre verdaderamente afligida, Erin Runnion, enfrentando al asesino de su hija en el juicio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They can have loads of sex.","es":"Pod\u00edan tener mucho sexo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I never knew what a coral could do when it was given a chance to thrive.","es":"Nunca sab\u00eda lo que un coral pod\u00eda hacer si ten\u00eda la oportunidad de prosperar."} {"gender":"male","en":"And they've been dogging me for a year.","es":"Y me han perseguido durante un a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"But we talked for the rest of the flight, and we got to know each other, our families, sports, work, and when we landed, he said, \"Michele, I noticed someone put your bag up.","es":"Pero hablamos durante el resto del vuelo, nos conocimos, sobre nuestras familias, deportes, trabajo, y cuando aterrizamos, me dijo, \"Michelle, not\u00e9 que alguien subi\u00f3 tu bolso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Every year in the United States alone, 2,077,000 couples make a legal and spiritual decision to spend the rest of their lives together, And not to have sex with anyone else. Ever.","es":"Cada a\u00f1o solo en Estados Unidos 2 077 000 parejas toman la decisi\u00f3n legal y espiritual de pasar el resto de su vida juntos y de no tener sexo con nadie m\u00e1s, jam\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"Yeah, that comforted us a bit.","es":"Eso nos hac\u00eda sentir un poco mejor."} {"gender":"female","en":"We had actually suspected for some time that Lassa and Ebola were more widespread than thought, and we thought it could one day come to Kenema.","es":"Hab\u00edamos sospechado alg\u00fan tiempo que el virus de Lassa y \u00c9bola estaban m\u00e1s extendidos de lo pensado, y cre\u00edamos que alg\u00fan d\u00eda podr\u00eda llegar a Kenema."} {"gender":"male","en":"There are several reasons why this is interesting and one of them, of course, is time travel.","es":"Hay muchas razones por las que esto es interesante y una de ellas, por supuesto, es el viaje en el tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Alejandro Aravena: I don't know if you were able to read the subtitles, but you can tell from the body language that participatory design is not a hippie, romantic, let's-all-dream-together-about- the-future-of-the-city kind of thing.","es":"Alejandro Aravena: Yo no s\u00e9 si lograron leer los subt\u00edtulos pero es evidente por el lenguaje corporal que el dise\u00f1o participativo no es algo hippie, rom\u00e1ntico del tipo so\u00f1emos todos juntos el futuro de la ciudad."} {"gender":"female","en":"That's kind of rude.","es":"Eso ser\u00eda grosero."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And after that, the males all die.","es":"Y despu\u00e9s de esto, todos los machos mueren."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's how it is for many in my home country, Colombia.","es":"Esto es as\u00ed para muchas personas en mi pa\u00eds natal: Colombia."} {"gender":"female","en":"So we take that periosteum layer and we developed a way to inject underneath it a liquid that then, within 30 seconds, would turn into quite a rigid gel and can actually lift the periosteum away from the bone. So it creates, in essence, an artificial cavity that is right next to both the bone but also this really rich layer of stem cells.","es":"As\u00ed tomamos esa capa de periostio y desarrollamos una forma de inyectarle por debajo un l\u00edquido que luego de 30 segundos, se convierte en una gel r\u00edgida, que puede levantar el periostio y separarlo del hueso As\u00ed en esencia se crea una cavidad artificial que est\u00e1 justo a un lado del hueso que tambi\u00e9n tiene una capa abundante en c\u00e9lulas madre."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's called the WorldWide Telescope, and I want to thank TED and Microsoft for allowing me to bring it to your attention.","es":"Se llama WorldWide Telescope y quiero agradecer a TED y a Microsoft por permitirme mostr\u00e1rselo a ustedes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The drive to do things cause they matter.","es":"La fuerza para hacer cosas porque importan."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The legendary and notorious FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover believed, or wanted to believe, that the Civil Rights Movement was a Soviet communist plot intended to destabilize the American government.","es":"El legendario y notorio director del FBI J. Edgar Hoover cre\u00eda, o quer\u00eda creer, que el Movimiento de Derechos Civiles era un complot comunista sovi\u00e9tico que iba a desestabilizar al gobierno de EE. UU."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think if you give them the right levers, they can move mountains.","es":"Creo que si se les da las palancas adecuadas, pueden mover monta\u00f1as."} {"gender":"female","en":"SK: Or even the idea that the nipple deserves the same treatment that a DJ gives his deck when he's trying to turn up the volume.","es":"SK: O incluso la idea de que el pez\u00f3n merece el mismo tratamiento que un DJ manejando las perillas de su equipo para subir el volumen."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now clearly, frittatas are considered political by the MTA. Either that, or the mere mention of Muslims in a positive light was considered political, but it isn't.","es":"Ser\u00e1 porque la MTA considera que la tortilla tiene un contenido pol\u00edtico o ser\u00e1 la mera menci\u00f3n en una mirada positiva de los musulmanes; De todos modos no es as\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I need a volunteer.","es":"Para esto necesito un voluntario."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Because this dragonfly has a rather amazing story to tell.","es":"Porque esta lib\u00e9lula tiene una historia bastante incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"female","en":"But I was very lucky to have been brought up in Kenya, essentially accompanying my parents to Lake Turkana in search of human remains.","es":"Tuve mucha suerte de haber crecido en Kenya, esencialmente acompa\u00f1ando a mis padres a Lago Turkana en busca de restos humanos."} {"gender":"male","en":"But fundamentally, all of this work is not enough. Unless we change the way that we view people with addiction in the United States.","es":"Pero en realidad, todo este trabajo no es suficiente si no cambiamos la manera de ver la dependencia en EE. UU."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We have to do our work on ourself, be intentional about that, and make those discoveries.","es":"Tenemos que hacer nuestro trabajo en nosotros, ser intencionales en ello, y hacer esos descubrimientos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And here, I use optimism as a very simple word, but let's understand it in its broader sense.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed, uso el optimismo como una palabra muy simple, pero vamos a entenderla en su sentido m\u00e1s amplio."} {"gender":"female","en":"But it's not just for small transactions.","es":"Pero no es solo para peque\u00f1as transacciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"So from this experience of my recovery, I want to share four particular aspects, I call them the four C's of consciousness, that helped me grow my potential mind back towards the actual mind that I work with every day.","es":"As\u00ed que desde la experiencia de mi recuperaci\u00f3n, quiero compartir cuatro aspectos particulares. Los llamo las cuatro C de la conciencia que me ayudaron a desarrollar mi mente potencial y transformarla en la mente real con la que trabajo cada d\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"RO: Cutting hair.","es":"Cortando cabello."} {"gender":"female","en":"They know this is the mass audience of the future; they need to figure it out.","es":"Saben que son las audiencias del futuro. Tienen que hacerse una idea."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You don't hear much about the 11-year-old victim, except that she wore clothes that were a little old for her and she wore makeup.","es":"No se ve mucho sobre la v\u00edctima de 11 a\u00f1os, salvo que usaba ropas que eran un poco viejas para ella y que ten\u00eda maquillaje."} {"gender":"female","en":"So right now, what I'm asking you to do, I'm asking you to show courage.","es":"As\u00ed que ahora mismo, les pido que lo hagan: les pido que muestren coraje."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We hope to aid this fight for economic freedom by building world-class businesses, creating indigenous wealth, providing jobs that we so desperately need, and hopefully helping achieve this. Africa shall rise.","es":"Esperamos ayudar a esta lucha por la libertad econ\u00f3mica mediante la creaci\u00f3n de empresas de clase mundial, mediante la creaci\u00f3n de riqueza aut\u00f3ctona, proporcionando empleo que necesitamos tan desesperadamente. Y espero que ayudando a lograr este objetivo, \u00c1frica se levantar\u00e1."} {"gender":"female","en":"It can lead to higher blood pressure, higher levels of depression, and actually aligned to mortality rates that might be more associated with alcohol abuse or smoking cigarettes.","es":"Puede llevar a una presi\u00f3n sangu\u00ednea m\u00e1s alta, niveles m\u00e1s altos de depresi\u00f3n, y, en realidad, est\u00e1 alineado con las tasas de mortalidad que podr\u00edan estar m\u00e1s vinculadas a la dependencia de alcohol o nicotina."} {"gender":"male","en":"In many communities, people had to worry about being lynched.","es":"En muchas comunidades la gente ten\u00eda miedo de ser linchados."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The data is then sent on a cellular network to well-equipped hospitals hundreds of miles away for analysis.","es":"Los datos se env\u00edan entonces a una red celular a hospitales bien equipados, a cientos de km de distancia para el an\u00e1lisis."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so all of a sudden, a poem appeared in the papers in Baghdad comparing me to many things, but among them an \"unparalleled serpent.\"","es":"Y de repente aparece un poema en la prensa de Bagdad compar\u00e1ndome con muchas cosas pero entre tantas con una serpiente sin precedentes."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if I wanted to buy her a lunchbox, she wasn't on it, and if I wanted to buy her a t-shirt, she wasn't on it.","es":"Si quer\u00eda comprarle una fiambrera, no hab\u00eda de Gamora, y si quer\u00eda comprarle una camiseta, no hab\u00eda de Gamora."} {"gender":"male","en":"You want to go and interview yourself some corporate psychopaths.\"","es":"\u00bfQuieres ir a entrevistar t\u00fa mismo a psic\u00f3patas empresariales?\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Kids need opportunities to lead and succeed.","es":"Los ni\u00f1os necesitan oportunidades para liderar y tener \u00e9xito."} {"gender":"male","en":"For instance, five squared would be?","es":"Por ejemplo, cinco elevado al cuadrado, \u00bfser\u00eda?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And the floor that you walk on, can it affect the way that you walk?","es":"Y el suelo que pisas, \u00bfpuede afectar la forma en que caminas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And to my horror, not only had I written it, but I had sent it to court.","es":"Para mi horror, no solo la hab\u00eda redactado, sino la hab\u00eda enviado a la corte."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Because there was some interesting things you had to do to figure out how to make balloons possible, they didn't have to be tethered.","es":"Porque creo que atravesaste unos momentos interesantes \u00bfno? D\u00f3nde tuviste que investigar c\u00f3mo hacer los globos. Que no ten\u00edan que estar atados."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so they make him say sorry.","es":"Le hacen decir que lo siente."} {"gender":"female","en":"For me it came very early.","es":"A m\u00ed me lleg\u00f3 muy temprano."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's not how it works.","es":"No es as\u00ed como funciona."} {"gender":"male","en":"RB: Well, there's, I mean there's a lot of issues.","es":"RB: Bueno, hay, Existen muchos temas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that is exactly why I created the Plastic Bank.","es":"Y esa es exactamente la raz\u00f3n por la que cre\u00e9 \"Plastic Bank\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Today, three in four Kenyans use mobile money, which is basically a bank account that can run on any cell phone.","es":"Hoy en d\u00eda, 3 de cada 4 keniatas usa dinero en el celular, que b\u00e1sicamente es una cuenta de banco que se lleva en cualquier tel\u00e9fono celular."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here we have \"Day and Night.\"","es":"Aqu\u00ed tenemos \"D\u00eda y Noche\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"I don't think it's an unattainable, harmonious utopia, I think the opposite of polarity is duality.","es":"No creo que se trata de una utop\u00eda inalcanzable y armoniosa, Creo que lo contrario de la polaridad es la dualidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's another one of those categories where maybe there's not a lot of competition.","es":"Es una de esas categor\u00edas en las que no hay mucha competencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"My first exhibition in the United States was at the Sesquicentennial exhibition in 1926, that the Hungarian government sent one of my hand-drawn pieces as part of the exhibit.","es":"Mi primera exhibici\u00f3n en los Estados Unidos de Am\u00e9rica fue en la cent\u00e9sima quincuag\u00e9sima exhibici\u00f3n en 1926, a la que el gobierno h\u00fangaro envi\u00f3 una de mis piezas pintadas a mano como parte de la exhibici\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think I only heard five numbers.","es":"AB: Creo que s\u00f3lo he escuchado cinco n\u00fameros."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So depending on your politics, you might think that affirmative action is either a wise or an unwise way to promote diversity in the workplace or the classroom.","es":"As\u00ed que dependiendo de su pol\u00edtica, se podr\u00eda pensar que la acci\u00f3n afirmativa es sabia o una forma prudente para promover la diversidad en el trabajo o en el aula."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm a people person.","es":"Soy una persona sociable."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if you think about it, all we're really doing here is taking the same content and the same format, and bringing it out to more students, which is great, don't get me wrong, that is really great, but the teaching method is still more or less the same, no real innovation there.","es":"Y, si lo piensan, seguimos entregando los mismos contenidos y el mismo formato, a muchos m\u00e1s estudiantes, algo genial, no me malinterpreten, es algo realmente genial, pero el m\u00e9todo de ense\u00f1anza sigue siendo m\u00e1s o menos el mismo, sin una innovaci\u00f3n real."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They're working with communities to develop innovative building solutions and processes, as K\u00e9r\u00e9 and his team have.","es":"Est\u00e1n trabajando con comunidades para desarrollar soluciones y procesos innovadores en construcci\u00f3n, al igual que K\u00e9r\u00e9 y su equipo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And currently, we're doing a clinical trial in collaboration with the German Cancer Research Center with 200 women for breast cancer.","es":"Y actualmente, estamos haciendo un ensayo cl\u00ednico en colaboraci\u00f3n con el Centro Alem\u00e1n de Investigaci\u00f3n del C\u00e1ncer con 200 mujeres para el c\u00e1ncer de mama."} {"gender":"male","en":"He's pulling up on a rope.","es":"Est\u00e1 tirando de una cuerda."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, we got people to sign, \"I understand that this short survey falls under the MIT Honor Code.\"","es":"As\u00ed que hicimos que la gente lo firmara, \"Acepto que esta breve encuesta se rige bajo el C\u00f3digo de Honor del MIT.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is a question we need to ask ourselves.","es":"Es una pregunta que tenemos que hacernos."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is my baseline: This is the Mediterranean coast with no fish, bare rock and lots of sea urchins that like to eat the algae.","es":"Esta es mi l\u00ednea base. Esta es la costa mediterr\u00e1nea sin peces, roca desnuda y un mont\u00f3n de erizos de mar a los que les gusta comer algas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Since World War II, we have been systematically eliminating many of the flowering plants that bees need for their survival.","es":"Desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial, hemos eliminado sistem\u00e1ticamente muchas de las plantas con flores que las abejas necesitan para su supervivencia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So what we did is we took a moment in time from these recordings and asked, what was the retina seeing at that moment?","es":"Lo que hicimos fue tomar un momento de esas grabaciones y preguntarnos, \u00bfqu\u00e9 ve\u00eda la retina en ese momento?"} {"gender":"female","en":"The fossilized pollen was not of savanna vegetation.","es":"El polen fosilizado no pertenec\u00eda a la vegetaci\u00f3n de sabana."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, the Internet uses an algorithm to regulate the flow of data that's very similar to the one that the harvester ants are using to regulate the flow of foragers.","es":"Internet usa un algoritmo para regular el flujo de datos, que es muy similar al que usan las hormigas para regular el flujo de las que buscan comida."} {"gender":"male","en":"You're an astronaut, a hero, and I'm from New Jersey, so, I'm just going to show you some footage.","es":"T\u00fa eres un astronauta, un h\u00e9roe, y yo solo vengo de Nueva Jersey ybueno Solo te voy a mostrar unas secuencias."} {"gender":"male","en":"To get the clearest picture of these lives, we don't just send them questionnaires.","es":"Para obtener la imagen m\u00e1s clara de estas vidas, no solo enviamos cuestionarios."} {"gender":"female","en":"We're struck.","es":"Estamos impresionados."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"For some people it's speaking at a school board meeting.","es":"Para algunos puede ser tener que hablar en la junta de la escuela."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it's just another place from which to observe, and the understanding that there are no absolute, all-knowing insiders.","es":"Es s\u00f3lo otro lugar para observar y entender que no existen privilegiados que todo lo saben."} {"gender":"male","en":"So this is when I ran out of my idealism and decided to quit my NGO job and actually study how the Internet could impede democratization.","es":"Fue entonces cuando perd\u00ed mis ideales, decid\u00ed dejar mi trabajo en la ONG y estudiar c\u00f3mo Internet puede impedir la democratizaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Unlike a normal frog, which lays its eggs in the water and goes away and wishes its froglets well, this frog swallowed its fertilized eggs, swallowed them into the stomach, where it should be having food, didn't digest the eggs, and turned its stomach into a uterus.","es":"A diferencia de una rana normal, que coloca sus huevos en el agua y se va dese\u00e1ndoles suerte a sus ranitas, esta rana tragaba sus huevos fertilizados, los tragaba en el est\u00f3mago donde deber\u00eda tener comida, no diger\u00eda los huevos, y transformaba su est\u00f3mago en un \u00fatero."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And also it takes them forever to act on cells.","es":"Y duran eternidades en actuar en las c\u00e9lulas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Audience member 3: Yes it is.","es":"Miembro del p\u00fablico 3: S\u00ed, lo es."} {"gender":"female","en":"But there's another reason: We get distracted.","es":"Pero hay otra raz\u00f3n: Que nos distraemos."} {"gender":"female","en":"All of these parts are part of our life support system.","es":"Todas estas partes son parte de nuestro sistema de soporte de vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"RP: I love pretzels.","es":"Jugador rico: Me encantan los pretzels."} {"gender":"male","en":"For example, supposing I was a writer, say, for a newspaper or for a magazine.","es":"Por ejemplo, suponiendo que yo fuese escritor, pongamos, para un peri\u00f3dico o revista."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Or take the battle in Afghanistan.","es":"O miremos la batalla de Afganist\u00e1n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When their kids were five and two, Carol had a stroke and a brain tumor and died suddenly.","es":"Cuando sus hijos ten\u00edan 5 y 2 a\u00f1os Carol tuvo un derrame y un tumor cerebral y muri\u00f3 repentinamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is actually the first picture I took in the book.","es":"En realidad es la primera foto del libro."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now we have Wikipedia.","es":"Ahora tenemos Wikipedia."} {"gender":"female","en":"So if you think from the perspective of early metastatic cancer cells as they're out searching around for the resources that they need, if those resources are clustered, they're likely to use interactions for recruitment, and if we can figure out how cancer cells are recruiting, then maybe we could set traps to catch them before they become established.","es":"Si piensan desde la perspectiva de las c\u00e9lulas iniciales cancer\u00edgenas metast\u00e1sicas que est\u00e1n fuera buscando los recursos que necesitan, si esos recursos est\u00e1n agrupados, probablemente usar\u00e1n interacciones para reclutar, y si podemos averiguar c\u00f3mo reclutan estas c\u00e9lulas, quiz\u00e1 podr\u00edamos ponerles trampas, atraparlas antes de que se establezcan."} {"gender":"male","en":"Might its bitter burning have been what made me a poet?","es":"\u00bfPudo su ardiente amargura haberme transformado en poeta?"} {"gender":"female","en":"My grandpa was somewhere between a vanilla and strawberry yogurt tone, like my uncle and my cousin.","es":"Mi abuelo estaba entre un tono vainilla y el tono del yogur de fresa, como mi t\u00edo y mi primo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Okay?","es":"\u00bfBien?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I can give scholarships to all the girls, you know, if they work hard and stay in school.","es":"Puedo dar becas a todas las ni\u00f1as\". Si trabajan mucho y permanecen en la escuela."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've swum in that river.\"","es":"Yo me ba\u00f1\u00e9 en ese r\u00edo.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"At that time, the defense of my country was about one thing and one thing only: how strong was our army, how strong was our air force, how strong was our navy and how strong were our allies.","es":"En ese momento, la defensa de mi pa\u00eds era por una sola cosa: el poder\u00edo de nuestro ej\u00e9rcito, de nuestra fuerza a\u00e9rea, nuestra armada y de nuestros aliados."} {"gender":"male","en":"We start with an observation which, in my mind, has become clearer and clearer in the past few years, that any personal information can become sensitive information.","es":"Empecemos con un verdad que, en mi opini\u00f3n, se ha hecho cada vez m\u00e1s evidente en los \u00faltimos a\u00f1os: toda informaci\u00f3n personal puede volverse sensible."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm making a narrative; I'm making several narratives.","es":"Estoy creando una narrativa; estoy creando varias narrativas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I got up the next morning, went to the computer and looked at the results, and was hoping for something that walked in a straight line, like I've just demonstrated, and this is what I got instead.","es":"Cuando me levant\u00e9 a la ma\u00f1ana siguiente fui a la computadora y me fij\u00e9 en los resultados, y esperaba que hubiera algo que caminara en l\u00ednea recta, tal como les acabo de demostrar, Pero en cambio esto fue lo que vi."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In fact, it's hard.","es":"De hecho, es dif\u00edcil."} {"gender":"female","en":"Rwanda itself was not seen as newsworthy, and amazingly, genocide itself was not seen as newsworthy.","es":"Ruanda misma no fue vista como digna de ser noticia, e incre\u00edblemente, el genocidio mismo tampoco fue visto como digno de ser noticia."} {"gender":"male","en":"Everybody understood that when we lose somebody, the winners are not gloating.","es":"Todos comprendimos que cuando perdemos a alguien, los ganadores no est\u00e1n contentos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Yes.","es":"S\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we talked a lot about how I was going to get him a camera and would return and we could start to teach him photography.","es":"Y hablamos mucho sobre c\u00f3mo iba a conseguirle una c\u00e1mara y regresar\u00eda y comenzar\u00eda a ense\u00f1arle fotograf\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you were lucky there was a public phone hanging in the corridor or somewhere.","es":"Si ten\u00eda suerte hab\u00eda un tel\u00e9fono p\u00fablico colgado en el corredor o en alguna parte."} {"gender":"female","en":"The brain develops in response to experience and to stimulation.","es":"El cerebro se desarrolla reaccionando a experiencias y a est\u00edmulos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I found it fascinating that the social responsibility team was not formed as part of some grand corporate strategy. It was two persons saying, \"Let's do this,\" and the company said, \"Yes.\"","es":"Y hall\u00e9 fascinante que el equipo de responsabilidad social no se formara como una gran estrategia corporativa Naci\u00f3 de dos personas que dijeron: \"hagamos esto\", y la empresa dijo: \"S\u00ed\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"I only knew I wanted to make pretty creations that were safe for the environment and I wanted to give back.","es":"Solo sab\u00eda que quer\u00eda crear cosas lindas que no fueran da\u00f1inas para el medio ambiente y quer\u00eda retribuir a la comunidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"I left him there.","es":"Le abandon\u00e9 all\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well for the sake of time, I want to focus on just three strategies.","es":"Bien, por cuestiones de tiempo quiero centrarme s\u00f3lo en tres estrategias."} {"gender":"male","en":"We can look at all 10 million synapses now.","es":"Podemos mirar todas las 10 millones de sinapsis actualmente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They want to go in and out of all the places they are because the thing that matters most to them is control over where they put their attention.","es":"Quieren entrar y salir de todos los lugares donde est\u00e1n porque lo que m\u00e1s les interesa es controlar el foco de su atenci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Was that essential to sort of maintain the quality of what was being built?","es":"\u00bfEra esencial para mantener la especie de calidad de lo que estabas construyendo?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So those are not her pearl earrings.","es":"As\u00ed que no son suyos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's the moment where all the pieces come together, and suddenly the world comes to life as if it's an actual place that exists.","es":"Es el momento en el que todas las piezas encajan y de repente este mundo cobra vida como si fuera un mundo real que existe."} {"gender":"female","en":"So there was a community that didn't, the Korean-Americans, whose stores had been burned to the ground.","es":"Hab\u00eda una comunidad que no compart\u00eda la alegr\u00eda \u2013 los coreanoestadounidenses, cuyas tiendas se hab\u00edan quemado hasta los cimientos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"\"Henry.\"","es":"\"Henry\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And they actually illuminate your way through the rest of the book.","es":"Y, de verdad, iluminan tu camino en lo que resta del libro."} {"gender":"male","en":"And my ideas are, in my head, anyway, they're very logical and relate to what's going on and problem solving for clients.","es":"Y mis ideas son, en mi cabeza, por lo menos, son muy l\u00f3gicas y se relacionan con lo que est\u00e1 pasando y con la resoluci\u00f3n de problemas de los clientes."} {"gender":"female","en":"So imagine how quick that thing is in real life.","es":"Imaginen cu\u00e1n r\u00e1pido es en realidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"Not the International Monetary Fund.","es":"No el Fondo Monetario Internacional."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's actually this little piece up here on the top.","es":"De hecho es esta peque\u00f1a pieza de aqu\u00ed arriba."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is a cancer surgery.","es":"\u00c9sta es una cirug\u00eda de c\u00e1ncer."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"With human innovation, we can make nonviolent struggle more powerful than the newest and latest technologies of war.","es":"Con la ayuda de la innovaci\u00f3n podemos darle a la lucha no violenta m\u00e1s alcance que las \u00faltimas tecnolog\u00edas de guerra."} {"gender":"male","en":"We are mammals.","es":"Somos mam\u00edferos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Again, this is using the front loader that you'll see in a second, and I want to play you a video of the actual launch.","es":"Este usa el cargador frontal que ver\u00e1n en un segundo, y quiero mostrar un video del lanzamiento real."} {"gender":"male","en":"And all I've got is a box of slides.\"","es":"Y lo \u00fanico que tengo son unas diapositivas.\u201d"} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a painting from Magritte, in the museum in Holland that I love so much.","es":"Esta es una pintura de Magritte de un museo holand\u00e9s que me gusta mucho."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm a writer, and I've been watching people with the slide shows and scientists and bankers, and I've been feeling a bit like a gangsta rapper at a bar mitzvah.","es":"Yo soy escritor y he estado observando gente hacer presentaciones a cient\u00edficos y banqueros, y he estado sinti\u00e9ndome un poco como un rapero criminal en un bar mitzvah."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"She's like, \"It's not?","es":"Y ella dice: \"\u00bfNo lo es?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And she was this wild mix of Martha Stewart, and what we know as G.I. Jane.","es":"Y era una mezcla salvaje entre Martha Steward, y la teniente O'Neil."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it's used by aerospace and automotive.","es":"Se usa en la industria aeroespacial y automotriz."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I don't mean chewing the crabs.","es":"Y no me refiero a masticar los cangrejos."} {"gender":"male","en":"After the War of Independence, my father was put in prison for two and a half years, and I used to visit him every week in prison, and homeschooled myself.","es":"Tras la Guerra de Independencia, mi padre fue enviado a la c\u00e1rcel durante 2 a\u00f1os y medio. Sol\u00eda ir a visitarlo una vez a la semana y estudiaba solo en casa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He relapsed a little bit, they gave him a series of treatments, and he was essentially cured.","es":"Tuvo algunas reca\u00eddas, le dieron una serie de tratamientos y, escencialmente, se cur\u00f3."} {"gender":"female","en":"SW: Yes, thank you.","es":"SW: S\u00ed, gracias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Our culture is obsessed with perfection and with hiding problems.","es":"Nuestra cultura est\u00e1 obsesionada con la perfecci\u00f3n y con ocultar los problemas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Again, a remarkable person.","es":"Otra vez, una persona destacable."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Two, and it was two of spades, right?","es":"Dos y era dos de espadas \u00bfcorrecto?"} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a need for power, and they're willing to go through this massive transformation, on this scale, to get that power.","es":"Esto es una necesidad de poder, y son capaces de pasar por esta transformaci\u00f3n masiva, a esta escala, para obtener ese poder."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm one of the organizers of TEDxKibera.","es":"Soy uno de los organizadores de TEDxKibera."} {"gender":"male","en":"Could I have the second little video clip?","es":"\u00bfPodr\u00edan poner el segundo v\u00eddeo clip?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And again, as you have just said, it was a very interesting scenario because it was a scenario where they wanted to have somebody who was credible, had this political neutrality and at the same time, was for a minority because Islam is a minority religion in Mauritius, because in Mauritius, we stratify people's origins by virtue of their religious belief.","es":"Y nuevamente, como acabas de decir, fue un escenario muy interesante porque era un escenario en el que quer\u00edan tener a alguien que fuera cre\u00edble, que tuviera neutralidad pol\u00edtica y que, al mismo tiempo, fuera parte de una minor\u00eda porque el islam es una religi\u00f3n minoritaria en Mauricio, porque en Mauricio estratificamos los or\u00edgenes de las personas en virtud de su creencia religiosa."} {"gender":"female","en":"But Polly had given me a very special gift: the knowledge that I wasn't alone and the realization that abortion was something that we can talk about.","es":"Pero Polly me dio un regalo muy especial: el saber que no estaba sola y el darme cuenta de que el aborto era algo de lo que pod\u00edamos hablar."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, just think of the early 1960's in China.","es":"Piensen en los principios de los 60 en China."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'd go up and learn these old songs from her.","es":"Yo iba y aprend\u00eda de ella estas antiguas canciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is being run out in the sun, and now I want to show you what the actual thing looks like.","es":"Esto est\u00e1 trabajando en el sol, y ahora quiero ahora mostrarles como se ve el dise\u00f1o actual."} {"gender":"female","en":"And Aicha started, and she said, \"I don't know if my son is guilty or innocent, but I want to tell you how sorry I am for what happened to your families.","es":"Y Aicha empez\u00f3 diciendo: \"No s\u00e9 si mi hijo es culpable o inocente, pero quiero decirles cu\u00e1nto siento lo que les ha pasado a sus familias."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then I thought, that's too complicated.","es":"Y pens\u00e9, eso es demasiado complicado."} {"gender":"male","en":"I called it the shotglass.","es":"Yo la llamo copita."} {"gender":"male","en":"On the right-hand side, input is a 1 output, which goes up.","es":"En el lado derecho, la entrada es y la salida es 1, va para arriba."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then I want to tell you that this is a map.","es":"Y quiero decirles que esto es un mapa."} {"gender":"female","en":"Take your skin color, and celebrate it.","es":"Tomen su color de piel, y cel\u00e9brenlo."} {"gender":"female","en":"That was probably the first movement that got global attention thanks to the Internet.","es":"Esa fue probablemente la primera revuelta que recibi\u00f3 atenci\u00f3n mundial gracias a Internet."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"AG: Okay, that's a fourth hypothesis.","es":"AG: Bien, esa es su cuarta hip\u00f3tesis."} {"gender":"male","en":"So the most wonderful thing, I think, about this whole debate about power laws and software that could change it is the fact that we're having the conversation.","es":"Pienso que lo m\u00e1s maravilloso de todo este debate sobre las leyes de poder y el software que puede modificarlas es el hecho de estar teniendo la conversaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's, and I'm going to be fair to the statisticians who talked this morning, not almost 1.5 million people a week, but almost 1.4 million people a week but I'm a journalist, and we exaggerate, so almost 1.5 million people a week, close to 70 million people a year.","es":"Y voy a ser justo con los estadistas que hablaron esta ma\u00f1ana, no son casi 1.5 millones de personas por semana, pero si casi 1.4 millones de personas por semana; pero yo soy un periodista, y nosotros exageramos, as\u00ed que son casi 1.5 millones por semana, cercano a 70 millones de personas al a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"I want to know that you have commitment.","es":"Quiero saber que est\u00e1n comprometidos."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"I thought you might say that, so I did one other experiment.","es":"Dijo: \"Como sab\u00eda que lo dir\u00edas, hice otro experimento."} {"gender":"male","en":"And, being a pastor, I started reading the Bible.","es":"Y ya que soy un pastor, l\u00f3gicamente empec\u00e9 a leer la Biblia."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think that we should be proud of it.","es":"Creo que debemos estar orgullosos de eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a reflex of wire walkers.","es":"Es un reflejo de los que caminamos por la cuerda."} {"gender":"male","en":"I love video games.","es":"Me encantan los videojuegos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I said to the psychiatrist, 'I get sexual pleasure from crashing cars into walls.'\"","es":"As\u00ed que dije al psiquiatra, 'Tengo placer sexual al estrellar autos contra las paredes\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We have a bit of a love\/hate thing going on.","es":"Tenemos una relaci\u00f3n de amor\/odio."} {"gender":"male","en":"So now I'm not specifying a single ratio anymore to fold it, but instead I'm establishing a rule, I'm establishing a link between a property of a surface and how that surface is folded.","es":"As\u00ed que ahora no especifico una \u00fanica proporci\u00f3n para doblarla, sino que establezco una regla, un enlace entre una propiedad de una superficie y c\u00f3mo \u00e9sta se dobla."} {"gender":"male","en":"We identified 10 of the biggest challenges in the world, and I will just briefly read them: climate change, communicable diseases, conflicts, education, financial instability, governance and corruption, malnutrition and hunger, population migration, sanitation and water, and subsidies and trade barriers.","es":"Hemos identificado los 10 desaf\u00edos m\u00e1s grandes del mundo, y s\u00f3lo los leer\u00e9 brevemente. Cambio clim\u00e1tico, enfermedades contagiosas, conflictos, educaci\u00f3n, inestabilidad financiera, gobernabilidad y corrupci\u00f3n, malnutrici\u00f3n y hambruna, migraci\u00f3n poblacional, saneamiento y agua, y subsidios y barreras comerciales."} {"gender":"female","en":"Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old Black boy, a Black child, reminded me reminded us how little this nation actually values Black life.","es":"Trayvon Martin, un ni\u00f1o negro de 17 a\u00f1os, un ni\u00f1o negro, me record\u00f3, nos record\u00f3 lo poco que esta naci\u00f3n valora las vidas de la gente negra."} {"gender":"female","en":"In the private sector, when you squeeze that kind of additional value out of a fixed-cost investment, it's called a billion-dollar company.","es":"En el sector privado, cuando se extrae esa clase de valor adicional de una inversi\u00f3n de costo fijo, se habla de una compa\u00f1\u00eda de miles de millones de d\u00f3lares."} {"gender":"male","en":"The price of gold, an asset thought to protect against inflation, did jump, but investors bought other assets that offered little protection from inflation.","es":"El precio del oro, un activo que se cre\u00eda protegido contra la inflaci\u00f3n, se dispar\u00f3. Pero los inversores compraron otros activos que ofrecen poca protecci\u00f3n contra la inflaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then I became aware that my body was, in many ways, a living example of what war does to somebody.","es":"Y luego me di cuenta de que mi cuerpo era, en muchos sentidos, un ejemplo viviente de lo que la guerra hace a las personas."} {"gender":"male","en":"My friends and I took our bicycles and invited political leaders.","es":"Mis amigos y yo tomamos las bicicletas e invitamos a los l\u00edderes pol\u00edticos."} {"gender":"female","en":"But then, in the '90s, something began to unravel.","es":"Pero, en los 90, algo comenz\u00f3 a descubrirse."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And she realized that with that great fortune comes great responsibility.","es":"Y se dio cuenta que con esa gran suerte viene una gran responsabilidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"Her picture will be with me forever.","es":"Su imagen estar\u00e1 conmigo para siempre."} {"gender":"male","en":"I remember being told to walk out into the middle of a street in Banff, Alberta.","es":"Recuerdo que me hicieron caminar por el medio de una calle en Banff, Alberta, porque hab\u00eda tirado una moneda en la calle."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And in fact, we had a second temperature shift, confirmed with a pregnancy test that were indeed pregnant with our first child, very exciting.","es":"Y de hecho, tuvimos un segundo cambio, que junto con la prueba de embarazo, indicaba que est\u00e1bamos de verdad, embarazados por primera vez. Muy emocionante."} {"gender":"male","en":"Sometimes the patients were a little bit reluctant to go through this because, you can tell that the holes are made partially and then, I think, there was some trepanation, and then they left very quickly and it was only a partial hole, and we know they survived these procedures.","es":"A veces los pacientes se opon\u00edan un poco al procedimiento porque, como pueden ver los hoyos se hac\u00edan parcialmente y luego, creo, que hab\u00eda algo de trepanaci\u00f3n, y luego sal\u00edan muy r\u00e1pido y solo era un hoyo parcial, y sabemos que sobreviv\u00edan al procedimiento."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thirty-five years ago, when I would have been graduating from high school, they told us that 40,000 kids every day died because of poverty.","es":"Hace 35 a\u00f1os, cuando me estaba graduando de secundaria, nos dijeron que 40 000 ni\u00f1os mor\u00edan cada d\u00eda por la pobreza."} {"gender":"male","en":"But this was, I admit, all an accident.","es":"Pero esto fue, tengo que admitir, un accidente."} {"gender":"male","en":"I went to the statistical authority of Qatar, to their webpage, It's a very good webpage. I recommend it, and I looked up, oh yeah, you can have lots of fun here, and provided free of charge, I found Qatar's social trends.","es":"Consult\u00e9 la p\u00e1gina web de la autoridad estad\u00edstica de Qatar \u2014es una excelente p\u00e1gina, se las recomiendo\u2014 y empec\u00e9 a buscar \u2014\u00a1oh! s\u00ed, pueden divertirse mucho aqu\u00ed\u2014 y encontr\u00e9 gratis las tendencias sociales en Qatar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Joseph: I was born in 1986.","es":"Joseph: nac\u00ed en 1986."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Fight back? Give in?","es":"\u00bfPelear? \u00bfRendirse?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We know what fairness and justice and opportunity look like.","es":"Sabemos qu\u00e9 aspecto tienen la justicia y la oportunidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, a really lot of it.","es":"Digo, realmente much\u00edsimo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Do you trust teachers?","es":"\u00bfConf\u00eda en los maestros?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The third one was held in 1993.","es":"La tercera se celebr\u00f3 en 1993."} {"gender":"female","en":"Machine intelligence is here.","es":"La inteligencia artificial est\u00e1 aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"That this woman is in England, and she lives, she lived, a life where she was talking about what she was doing.","es":"Esta mujer estaba en Inglaterra y vive, mejor dicho, vivi\u00f3, una vida donde pudo hablar sobre ella - y lo que ella hac\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"So they decided, I didn't know this, again, I found this out later, that the only thing that could be done was for this 43-year-old man to have a prefrontal lobotomy.","es":"As\u00ed que decidieron nuevamente, yo no sab\u00eda esto, me enter\u00e9 despu\u00e9s que lo \u00fanico que se pod\u00eda hacer para este hombre de 43 a\u00f1os era tener una lobotom\u00eda prefrontal."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"Maybe on paper our company is worth less to Wall Street, but I can tell you it's worth more.","es":"\"Tal vez nuestra compa\u00f1\u00eda valga menos en Wall Street, pero yo te puedo decir que vale m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so where there is water, there is a very high chance of our kind of life.","es":"Por lo que, donde hay agua, hay una alta probabilidad de que exista nuestro tipo de vida."} {"gender":"female","en":"Of the tumors that we found, mammography found only 25 percent of those tumors.","es":"De los tumores que nosotros hab\u00edamos descubierto, las mamograf\u00edas detectaron s\u00f3lo el 25%."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a famous bridge in Europe. It's in Bosnia-Herzegovina.","es":"Este es un puente famoso en Europa, en Bosnia-Herzegovina."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I can tell you without fear of contradiction that hasn't happened anywhere else on the planet.","es":"Y se los puedo decir sin miedo a contradecirme, que eso no ha pasado en ning\u00fan otro lugar del planeta."} {"gender":"female","en":"So the millennials are fantastic; they want connection, engagement.","es":"La generaci\u00f3n milenio es fant\u00e1stica; quiere conexi\u00f3n, compromiso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And then she said, \"Oh.","es":"Entonces me dijo: \"Ah."} {"gender":"female","en":"I thought, \"Well, could I design an alternative to this, other than building a prettier prison?\"","es":"Pens\u00e9, \"\u00bfPodr\u00eda dise\u00f1ar una alternativa a esto m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de dise\u00f1ar una prisi\u00f3n m\u00e1s bonita?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"So when I started my business, I knew two things: All of my items had to be eco-friendly, and 10 to 20 percent of the profits I made went to local and global charities and environmental organizations.","es":"As\u00ed que cuando comenc\u00e9 mi negocio sab\u00eda dos cosas: que toda mi mercanc\u00eda ten\u00eda que ser ecol\u00f3gica y que el 10-20% de las ganancias ir\u00eda a organizaciones caritativas locales y mundiales y del medio ambiente."} {"gender":"female","en":"But sometimes, it feels like people go a little overboard and they start telling us how we're going to feel.","es":"Pero a veces, se siente como si la gente se sobreactuara un poco ya que empieza a decirnos c\u00f3mo nos vamos a sentir."} {"gender":"male","en":"For example, they charged Saudi foreign fighters substantially more than Libyans, money that would have otherwise gone to al Qaeda.","es":"Por ejemplo, a los combatientes sauditas les cobraban considerablemente m\u00e1s que a los libios; dinero que de otra manera habr\u00eda sido para Al Qaeda."} {"gender":"female","en":"I don't see it.\"","es":"Yo no lo veo\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Ted was a motorcycle racer, but in 1978 he had a car accident and lost his sight, which is devastating if you're trying to ride motorbikes.","es":"Ted era un piloto de motos, pero en 1978 tuvo un accidente en coche y perdi\u00f3 la vista, lo que es devastador si est\u00e1s tratando de montar motos."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is about tough policing, equal policing.","es":"Se trata de una polic\u00eda dura, de una polic\u00eda igualitaria."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But race is a bad proxy.","es":"Pero la raza es un mal intermediario."} {"gender":"female","en":"RD: Well look, our singular mission is the creation and prevention of strategic surprise.","es":"RD: Pues mira. Nuestra misi\u00f3n particular es la creaci\u00f3n y la prevenci\u00f3n de las sorpresas estrat\u00e9gicas."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a so-called tail-sitter.","es":"Esta es una llamada \"tail-sitter\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"The loss of the World War II generation, \"The Greatest Generation,\" is huge.","es":"La p\u00e9rdida de la generaci\u00f3n de la 2\u00aa Guerra Mundial, \"La gran generaci\u00f3n\", es enorme."} {"gender":"female","en":"And we now know that ship noise increases levels of stress hormones in whales and can disrupt feeding behavior.","es":"Y ahora sabemos que el ruido del barco aumenta los niveles de hormonas de estr\u00e9s en las ballenas y puede alterar los patrones de alimentaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"The size of the natural group, the natural community of Homo sapiens, is not more than 150 individuals, and everything beyond that is really based on all kinds of imaginary stories and large-scale institutions, and I think that we can find a way, again, based on a biological understanding of our species, to weave the two together and to understand that today in the 21st century, we need both the global level and the local community.","es":"El tama\u00f1o de un grupo natural, la comunidad natural del Homo sapiens, no consta de m\u00e1s de 150 individuos, y todo lo que est\u00e1 m\u00e1s all\u00e1 realmente est\u00e1 basado en muchas historias imaginarias e instituciones de gran tama\u00f1o. Creo que podemos encontrar una manera, nuevamente, bas\u00e1ndonos en un entendimiento biol\u00f3gico de nuestra especie, de entretejer las dos y entender que hoy en el siglo XXI, necesitamos tanto el nivel global como la comunidad local."} {"gender":"female","en":"So basically, if this response happens infrequently: super-necessary for my well-being and survival.","es":"As\u00ed, si esta respuesta se produce pocas veces, es s\u00faper necesaria para mi bienestar y supervivencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I'm doing it now, and I'm going to tell you about it.","es":"Pero ya lo estoy haciendo, y les voy a platicar al respecto."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's what I've been doing for 20 years, using DNA sequencing, collecting samples from various places, including the human body, reading the DNA sequence and then using that DNA sequencing to tell us about the microbes that are in a particular place.","es":"Y eso es lo que he venido haciendo por 20 a\u00f1os, usando la descodificaci\u00f3n del ADN, recolectando muestras de varios lugares, incluyendo el cuerpo humano, leyendo el c\u00f3digo del ADN y despu\u00e9s usando ese c\u00f3digo para ver qu\u00e9 nos dice acerca de los microbios que hay en una parte espec\u00edfica."} {"gender":"male","en":"When the Havasupai found out, they sued successfully for $700,000, and they banned ASU from conducting research on their reservation.","es":"Cuando los havasupai lo descubrieron, ganaron una demanda por USD 700 000, y se prohibi\u00f3 a la universidad realizar investigaciones en la reserva."} {"gender":"female","en":"SW: Well, I was looking for another handicap, so no. GK: Did you play differently that game, knowing you were pregnant?","es":"SW: Bueno, estaba buscando otra desventaja GK: \u00bfJugaste diferente a ese juego, sabiendo que estabas embarazada?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And not only that, when I was eight I became a child soldier.","es":"Y no s\u00f3lo eso, cuando ten\u00eda ocho a\u00f1os, me volv\u00ed un ni\u00f1o soldado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Those who are interested in poetry, the poem is \"A Shropshire Lad\" written by A.E. Housman.","es":"A los que les interesa la poes\u00eda, el poema se llama \u201cUn muchacho de Shropshire\u201d, escrito por A.E. Housman."} {"gender":"female","en":"And with sword in her hand and fire in her eyes, she led them where no one else would.","es":"Y con la espada en la mano y fuego en sus ojos, ella los condujo a donde nadie m\u00e1s lo har\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the bacteria are feeding on the sugar nutrients in the liquid.","es":"Y que las bacterias se est\u00e1n nutriendo de los az\u00facares del l\u00edquido."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"How do we mimic the way trust is built face-to-face online?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo podemos imitar la manera en que la confianza se construye cara a cara, en un ambiente virtual?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And if the numbers \u2014 there are a million views and it's being used by all these companies \u2014 aren't enough proof that we have a global problem with meetings, there are the many, many thousands of comments posted online after the video went up.","es":"Y si los n\u00fameros \u2014un mill\u00f3n de visualizaciones y todas esas empresas\u2014 no son prueba suficiente de que reuniones son un problema global, hay a\u00fan muchos miles de comentarios publicados en l\u00ednea despu\u00e9s de que el v\u00eddeo hubiese sido publicado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Unresolved boundary issues, squabbles over oil revenues, the ongoing conflict in Darfur, escalating tribal violence in the south and generally weak state capacity across all of Sudan complete a very depressing picture of the state of affairs in Africa's largest country.","es":"Problemas de l\u00edmites no resueltos, disputas por ingresos petroleros, el actual conflicto en Darfur, la escalada de violencia tribal en el sur y, en general, una d\u00e9bil capacidad del Estado en todo Sud\u00e1n completan un cuadro muy deprimente del estado de cosas en el pa\u00eds m\u00e1s extenso de \u00c1frica."} {"gender":"female","en":"The philosophy is very simple. We do not believe in violence.","es":"La filosof\u00eda es muy sencilla: No creemos en la violencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was actually really excited.","es":"De hecho yo estaba muy entusiasmada."} {"gender":"female","en":"The revolution in education is happening in our schools, with adults who provide love, structure, support and knowledge.","es":"La revoluci\u00f3n en la educaci\u00f3n est\u00e1 ocurriendo en nuestras escuelas, con adultos que dan amor, estructura, soporte y conocimiento."} {"gender":"female","en":"First, how does attention control our perception?","es":"Primero, \u00bfc\u00f3mo controla la atenci\u00f3n nuestra percepci\u00f3n?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Let's see, I'd say about three or four percent.","es":"Veamos, dir\u00eda que cerca de un tres por ciento."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what I can show you here is how the variability of the movement will evolve if I choose that way.","es":"Lo que puedo mostrarles aqu\u00ed es c\u00f3mo la variabilidad del movimiento evolucionar\u00e1 si escojo esa manera."} {"gender":"female","en":"Okay.","es":"Est\u00e1 bien."} {"gender":"female","en":"Here are a few.","es":"Aqu\u00ed presento algunas."} {"gender":"female","en":"The problem is, of course, that, as we begin to look at all that commonality, we have to begin to question why we maintain certain divisions.","es":"El problema es, por supuesto, que a medida que miramos las coincidencias tenemos que empezar a preguntarnos por qu\u00e9 mantenemos ciertas divisiones."} {"gender":"female","en":"It took 158 days to get a new electric connection.","es":"Llevaba 158 d\u00edas obtener una nueva conexi\u00f3n el\u00e9ctrica."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I spent a long, long time thinking about it.","es":"As\u00ed que dediqu\u00e9 mucho, mucho tiempo a darle vueltas a esa pregunta."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the thing I realized that really blew my mind is, almost everything we think we know about addiction is wrong, and if we start to absorb the new evidence about addiction, I think we're going to have to change a lot more than our drug policies.","es":"Lo que aprend\u00ed y que cambi\u00f3 mi forma de pensar es, que casi todo lo que creemos saber sobre la adicci\u00f3n esta mal, y si empezamos a asimilar la nueva evidencia sobre la adicci\u00f3n, creo que tendr\u00edamos que cambiar m\u00e1s, que nuestras pol\u00edticas de drogas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm afraid that a lot of people take that sentiment to mean that we don't have to do the sorts of things that Al Gore is trying so hard to get us to do.","es":"Me temo que mucha gente puede usar ese sentimiento para hacernos creer que no tenemos que hacer las cosas que Al Gore trata desesperadamente que hagamos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Great!","es":"\u00a1Estupendo!"} {"gender":"female","en":"It might have been a single paragraph that was missing, or yet, even more subtle than that, a single letter, one out of three billion letters that was changed, that was altered, yet had profound effects in terms of how the brain functions and affects behavior.","es":"Podr\u00eda haber sido un solo p\u00e1rrafo que le faltaba, o incluso, m\u00e1s sutil que eso, una sola letra, una en tres mil millones de letras que se cambi\u00f3, que se alter\u00f3 pero que tuvo profundos efectos en t\u00e9rminos del funcionamiento cerebral y que afecta el comportamiento."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The problem is that we can create these large reserves only in places where there are no people, where there is no social conflict, where the political cost is really low and the economic cost is also low.","es":"El problema es que podemos crear estas grandes reservas s\u00f3lo en lugares donde no hay gente, donde no hay conflicto social, donde el costo pol\u00edtico es muy bajo, y los costos econ\u00f3micos tambi\u00e9n son bajos."} {"gender":"female","en":"So before going to law school in China I bought a banjo, I threw it in my little red truck and I traveled down through Appalachia and I learned a bunch of old American songs, and I ended up in Kentucky at the International Bluegrass Music Association Convention.","es":"As\u00ed que antes de ir a la facultad de derecho en China, compr\u00e9 un banjo, lo puse en mi camioneta roja y cruc\u00e9 los Apalaches y aprend\u00ed muchas viejas canciones de EE.UU., hasta que termin\u00e9 en Kentucky en la Convenci\u00f3n Internacional de la Asociaci\u00f3n de M\u00fasica Bluegrass."} {"gender":"female","en":"I can't tell you how many blocks I walked, in sweltering summers, in freezing winters, year after year, just so I could get to understand the DNA of each neighborhood and know what each street felt like.","es":"No se imaginan cu\u00e1ntas cuadras camin\u00e9, en veranos sofocantes, en inviernos helados, a\u00f1o tras a\u00f1o, solo para poder entender el ADN de cada barrio y saber c\u00f3mo se viv\u00eda en cada calle."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because, come to think about it, do you really want air-conditioning, or is it a cooler room that you want?","es":"Porque piensen en lo siguiente: \u00bfQuieren realmente aire acondicionado o una habitaci\u00f3n m\u00e1s fresca?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Whether or not you're in my business, you have surely heard or read of the decline of the thing called the three-camera sitcom and the rise of reality TV.","es":"Sea que est\u00e9n o no en este negocio, seguramente han o\u00eddo o le\u00eddo de la disminuci\u00f3n de comedias de situaci\u00f3n de 3 c\u00e1maras y del aumento de programas de telerrealidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"And what I want to show you is that in regenerative medicine, we've really shifted away from that idea of taking a bioinert material.","es":"Y lo que quiero mostrarles es que, en medicina regenerativa, ya nos alejamos de esa idea de tomar un material bioinerte."} {"gender":"female","en":"We have come for economic and educational opportunity.","es":"Hemos alcanzado oportunidades econ\u00f3micas y educativas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"My dog is in fact a malamute.","es":"Mi perro es de hecho un malamute."} {"gender":"female","en":"You're lying there, you're looking at the picture, and you're in this machine, and you're calculating what went wrong.","es":"Ustedes saben, est\u00e1n acostados, mirando una fotograf\u00eda, y est\u00e1 en esta m\u00e1quina, y trata de calcular, usted sabe, qu\u00e9 sucedi\u00f3 mal."} {"gender":"male","en":"So you could call it a kind of double life, both knowing and not knowing, and often this is reinforced by others, my family or community, agreeing not to raise this tricky topic. Finally, identity.","es":"Entonces podr\u00edas llamarlo una especie de doble vida, sabiendo y sin saber, y a menudo esto es reforzado por otros, mi familia o comunidad, acordando no plantear este tema complicado Finalmente, identidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, it turns out he was the son of my friend, Adalberto, from 1974, who had been killed by the FARC. And I said, \"Danilo, you won't remember this, but when you were an infant, I carried you on my back, up and down the mountains.\"","es":"Bueno, resulta que \u00e9l era hijo de mi amigo, Aroberto*, de 1974, quien fue asesinado por las FARC, y le dije: \"Danilo, no creo que lo recuerdes, pero cuando eras un ni\u00f1o, te llevaba en mi espalda de arriba a abajo en las monta\u00f1as.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"Which one do you choose if you want to do the right thing by the environment?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l elegir\u00edan para hacer lo mejor por el medio ambiente?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Because I'm older now than George Burns was when he said, \"At my age, I don't even buy green bananas.\"","es":"Pues soy m\u00e1s vieja que George Burns cuando dijo: \"A mi edad, ni siquiera compro pl\u00e1tanos verdes\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let me just show you one thing.","es":"D\u00e9jenme mostrarles algo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When Andrew taught the Machine Learning class to the general public, it had 100,000 people registered.","es":"Cuando Andrew ofreci\u00f3 la clase al p\u00fablico, se registraron 100 000 personas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I used to teach my students that there are some things, you know, computers just aren't good at, like driving a car through traffic.","es":"Yo sol\u00eda ense\u00f1ar a mis alumnos que hay algunas cosas, saben, en las que las computadoras no son buenas, como conducir un coche a trav\u00e9s del tr\u00e1fico."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"What?\" she wanted to know.","es":"\"\u00bfC\u00f3mo qu\u00e9?\" quer\u00eda saber."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's more curiosity.","es":"Es m\u00e1s la curiosidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"And around eight o'clock he sort of sneaks away from his oven, cleans his hands from the flour and calls his wife.","es":"Y alrededor de las ocho \u00e9l abandona sigilosamente su horno, se limpia sus manos de la harina, y llama a su esposa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's a crisis.","es":"Eso es la crisis."} {"gender":"female","en":"I do spend a lot of time on my work.","es":"Le dedico un mont\u00f3n de tiempo a mi trabajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Penelope Jagessar Chaffer: I was going to ask if there's a doctor in the house.","es":"Penelope Jagessar Chaffer: Estaba por preguntar si hay un m\u00e9dico en la sala."} {"gender":"female","en":"The act of making is a social activity.","es":"El acto de decidir es una actividad social."} {"gender":"female","en":"I don't really know what's going on in this picture, because I find it weird and slightly creepy.","es":"Realmente no s\u00e9 qu\u00e9 est\u00e1 pasando en esta foto, porque me parece raro y un poco espeluznante."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I was trained as a historian.","es":"Me form\u00e9 como historiador."} {"gender":"female","en":"That symbolizes this sense of being safe and at home.","es":"Simboliza el sentimiento de estar en casa y a salvo."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, the top 20 percent of our population own close to 90 percent of the total wealth in this country.","es":"De hecho, el 20 % de la poblaci\u00f3n posee cerca del 90 % de la riqueza total en este pa\u00eds."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I want you to forget all of that.","es":"As\u00ed que, quiero que olviden todo eso."} {"gender":"female","en":"Or I hope you know them.","es":"O espero que los conozcan."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think morality is much more than what I've been talking about, but it would be impossible without these ingredients that we find in other primates, which are empathy and consolation, pro-social tendencies and reciprocity and a sense of fairness.","es":"Creo que la moral es mucho m\u00e1s que lo que he dicho hasta ahora, pero ser\u00eda imposible sin esos ingredientes que encontramos en otros primates, que son empat\u00eda y consolaci\u00f3n, tendencias prosociales, reciprocidad y sentido de equidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm kind of cheating with this next artist since Raqs Media Collective are really three artists working together.","es":"Con el siguiente artista estoy haciendo trampa puesto que Raqs Media Collective son en realidad tres artistas que trabajan juntos."} {"gender":"male","en":"But we sat down, and he had a Caribbean friend with him, talking some old time talk, and my father would look at me, and he looked at me as if I would miraculously disappear as I had arisen.","es":"Pero nos sentamos, y \u00e9l estaba con un amigo del Caribe, hablando de viejos tiempos, y mi padre me miraba, y \u00e9l me mir\u00f3 como si yo fuera a desaparecer milagrosamente tal y como hab\u00eda aparecido."} {"gender":"female","en":"Serendipity is when you find things you weren't looking for, because finding what you are looking for is so damned difficult.","es":"La serendipia es cuando encuentras algo que no buscabas porque encontrar lo que buscas es terriblemente dif\u00edcil."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's apparently, I don't know, on the record somewhere.","es":"Al parecer, no lo s\u00e9, est\u00e1 registrado en alg\u00fan lado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He didn't expect to come home from work to the Middle Passage, but there it goes.","es":"\u00c9l no esperaba volver del trabajo a la Traves\u00eda del Atl\u00e1ntico, pero as\u00ed fue."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They accused him of paying off the judges.","es":"Le acusaron de sobornar a los jueces."} {"gender":"female","en":"Not out of malice or greed, just trying to make sure that you get something to work for you so you can move on.","es":"No por malicia ni codicia, solo para asegurarse de tener algo que les d\u00e9 resultado para poder avanzar."} {"gender":"female","en":"We didn't patent the gene in your body, we patented an isolated gene.\"","es":"No patentamos el gen de tu cuerpo, patentamos el gen aislado\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"With that, I would like to just say that Jack Lord said this almost 10 years ago.","es":"Con eso, me gustar\u00eda decir que jack Lord dijo esto hace casi 10 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think we'd all agree that children are the most important people in the world and the most vulnerable.","es":"Creo que todos creemos que los ni\u00f1os son lo m\u00e1s importante en el mundo y lo m\u00e1s vulnerable."} {"gender":"male","en":"Repetition creates pattern.","es":"Las repeticiones crean motivos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And these will be some simple design qualities and they will also be some qualities of, if you will, the intelligence of interaction.","es":"Y estas pueden ser simples cualidades de dise\u00f1o y tambi\u00e9n podr\u00edan ser cualidades de, si lo quieren ver as\u00ed, la inteligencia de la interacci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, I looked further into it, found as many articles as I could, and it was amazing, because it turned out that it was very rare.","es":"As\u00ed que segu\u00ed ahondando en el tema, encontr\u00e9 tantos art\u00edculos como pude, y era sorprendente, porque result\u00f3 que era muy raro."} {"gender":"male","en":"How do you put simple disruptive technologies, and the first of five phrases that I'm going to talk about in this talk?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo se incluyen tecnolog\u00edas disruptivas en la primera de las cinco frases de las que voy a hablar?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Many organizations are offering these online courses to students all over the world, in the millions, for free.","es":"Muchas organizaciones ofrecen estos cursos por Internet a millones de estudiantes de todo el mundo, gratis."} {"gender":"female","en":"I mean the world where advanced building materials means cement roofing tiles that are made by hand, and where, when you work 10 hours a day, you're still only earning 60 dollars in a month.","es":"Me refiero al mundo donde los materiales de construcci\u00f3n avanzados son las tejas de cemento hechas a mano, y donde, cuando trabajan diez horas al d\u00eda, siguen ganando solo 60 d\u00f3lares al mes."} {"gender":"male","en":"The Ansari X PRIZE was my solution, reading about Lindbergh for creating the vehicles to get us there.","es":"El PREMIO X de Ansari fue la soluci\u00f3n que se me ocurri\u00f3, mientras le\u00eda sobre Lindbergh, para crear los veh\u00edculos que nos llevar\u00e1n all\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Three years to find 42 supernovae by searching through tens of thousands of galaxies.","es":"Tres a\u00f1os para encontrar 42 supernovas buscando en decenas de miles de galaxias."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was born like that.","es":"Nac\u00ed de esa forma."} {"gender":"female","en":"Be a good person.","es":"Sean buenas personas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now you are just looking at about 7.4 billion people with the map drawn in proportion to those people.","es":"Ahora solo est\u00e1n mirando a los 7400 millones de personas donde el mapa refleja la proporci\u00f3n entre ellas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because a confident fat woman is almost unthinkable.","es":"Porque una gorda con autoestima es casi impensable."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the hatch is closed, and suddenly, what has been a lifetime of both dreams and denial is becoming real, something that I dreamed about, in fact, that I chose to do when I was nine years old, is now suddenly within not too many minutes of actually happening.","es":"Se cierra la escotilla y, de repente, toda una vida de sue\u00f1os y negaciones se vuelve real, algo que so\u00f1\u00e9, de hecho, algo que eleg\u00ed a los 9 a\u00f1os, de pronto ahora est\u00e1 a unos minutos de ocurrir de verdad."} {"gender":"male","en":"CA: Thank you Rod Beckstrom.","es":"CA: Gracias Rod Beckstrom."} {"gender":"female","en":"And this way of thinking is known as fatphobia.","es":"Y esta forma de pensar se conoce como gordofobia."} {"gender":"male","en":"And of course, I fell in love with them.","es":"Por supuesto, me encantaron."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But bias creeps in more insidiously in what we choose to study and how we choose to study it.","es":"Pero, insidiosamente, los prejuicios se asoman en lo que elegimos estudiar y en la manera en que elegimos estudiarlo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And sometimes I tell them the whole truth, which is that he died when I was a kid.","es":"Y a veces les digo toda la verdad, que muri\u00f3 cuando era ni\u00f1a."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I'm going to paint solar systems on the backs of her hands so she has to learn the entire universe before she can say, \"Oh, I know that like the back of my hand.\"","es":"Y voy a pintar los sistemas solares en las palmas de sus manos, para que tenga que aprender todo el universo antes que pueda decir, \"Oh, conozco eso como la palma de mi mano\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"First, one of the main reasons for the continuation of violence in Congo is fundamentally local, and when I say local, I really mean at the level of the individual, the family, the clan, the municipality, the community, the district, sometimes the ethnic group.","es":"En primer lugar, una de las principales razones de la violencia continuada en Congo es b\u00e1sicamente la realidad a nivel local, y, cuando digo local, me refiero al individuo, la familia, el clan, el municipio, la comunidad, el barrio, a veces, el grupo \u00e9tnico."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"We should give food to the hungry. We should deliver medicines to those who are ill. We should send peacekeeping troops to serve those who are facing a civil war.","es":"Debemos alimentar al hambriento, debemos dar medicina a los enfermos, debemos enviar tropas que mantengan la paz para servir a los que se enfrentan a una guerra civil."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm telling you, crossing these things with 170-pound sled, that sled may as well have weighed 1,700 pounds, because that's what it felt like.","es":"Puedo decirles que cruzar esas cosas con un trineo de 77 kilos, hac\u00eda como si el trineo pesase 770 kilos, porque as\u00ed era como se sent\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"The last chapter in my book is called \"The Gift of a Good Start.\"","es":"El \u00faltimo cap\u00edtulo de mi libro se llama \"El regalo de un buen comienzo\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Wait a minute, it's just in that state, we have a long way to go.","es":"Esperen un minuto, ahora est\u00e1 en este estado, tenemos un largo camino que recorrer."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, the course I was and am teaching is called Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience - I. It's 25 lectures full of all sorts of facts, it uses this giant book called \"Principles of Neural Science\" by three famous neuroscientists.","es":"Pues bien, el curso que estaba y estoy ense\u00f1ando se llama Neurociencia Celular y Molecular - I. Son 25 conferencias llenas de todo tipo de hechos, se utiliza este libro gigante llamado \"Principios de Neurociencia\" escrito por tres neur\u00f3logos famosos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"From one to five, girls die at a 50 percent higher mortality rate than boys, in all of India.","es":"De uno a cinco las ni\u00f1as mueren a una tasa 50% m\u00e1s alta que los ni\u00f1os, en toda India."} {"gender":"male","en":"I will show you, in the next video, can you start it, please?, that very heavy loads can be moved.","es":"Y les mostrar\u00e9 en el siguiente video, \u00bfpuede comenzarlo, por favor?, que se pueden mover cargas muy pesadas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's not their role; they're supposed to read what we write.","es":"Ese no es su rol; se supone que deben leer lo que escribimos nosotros."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this was the first time I worked with nature, rather than against it.","es":"Y esta fue la primera vez que trabaj\u00e9 con la naturaleza, en lugar de combatirla."} {"gender":"female","en":"And all the while, I listened to my voices, with whom I'd finally learned to live with peace and respect and which in turn reflected a growing sense of compassion, acceptance and respect towards myself.","es":"Y durante todo el tiempo, escuchaba mis voces, con las que finalmente aprend\u00ed a vivir con paz y respeto y que a su vez refleja una creciente sensaci\u00f3n de compasi\u00f3n, aceptaci\u00f3n y respeto hacia m\u00ed misma."} {"gender":"female","en":"Maybe you're a Roman foot soldier or a medieval archer or maybe you're a Zulu warrior.","es":"Un soldado romano o un arquero medieval o quiz\u00e1s un guerrero zul\u00fa."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then I took it back to the printers and showed them what I've done, and they were like, \"Of course you can do that.","es":"Volv\u00ed a ver a los impresores y les mostr\u00e9 lo que hab\u00eda hecho. Dijeron, \"Claro que se puede hacer."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Dream with us.","es":"Sue\u00f1en con nosotros."} {"gender":"male","en":"When PayPal was first starting as a business, their biggest challenge was not, \"How do I send money back and forth online?\" It was, \"How do I do that without being defrauded by organized crime?\"","es":"En los inicios de la compa\u00f1\u00eda \u00abPayPal\u00bb, su mayor desaf\u00edo no fue: c\u00f3mo enviar y recibir dinero en l\u00ednea, sino c\u00f3mo enviarlo sin ser estafado por el crimen organizado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And it excludes most of the nature that most people can visit and have a relationship with, including only nature that children cannot touch.","es":"Y que excluye la mayor parte de lo que la mayor\u00eda de la gente puede visitar y relacionarse, incluyendo solo la naturaleza que los ni\u00f1os no pueden tocar."} {"gender":"male","en":"What am I doing?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 estoy haciendo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"So today I'm going to take you on a voyage to cast light on some of the outdated myths and legends and assumptions that have kept us as the true stakeholders in the high seas in the dark.","es":"As\u00ed que hoy voy a llevarlos en un viaje para echar luz sobre algunos mitos obsoletos, leyendas y asunciones que nos han mantenido a nosotros -los verdaderamente interesados en el alta mar- en la oscuridad."} {"gender":"male","en":"No plankton means no fish.","es":"Sin plancton no hay peces."} {"gender":"male","en":"BG: Oh yeah.","es":"BG: Claro que s\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"I march down hallways cleaned up after me every day by regular janitors, but I never have the decency to honor their names.","es":"Camino por pasillos que limpian para m\u00ed todos los d\u00edas los conserjes habituales, pero nunca he tenido la decencia de honrar sus nombres."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't want to give you the idea that synchrony is always a good idea.","es":"No quiero darles la idea de que la sincron\u00eda es siempre una buena idea."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It has 10 variations.","es":"Tiene 10 variaciones."} {"gender":"female","en":"And now, maybe, we can go back to the bigger question that I started with at the beginning.","es":"Y ahora, tal vez, nosotros podemos volver a la gran pregunta con la que inici\u00e9 al principio."} {"gender":"male","en":"I realized that in a world crowded with variation and contradiction, foolish preachers, only foolish preachers like I used to be, see no paradox in the myths and fictions they use to assert authenticity.","es":"Me di cuenta de que en un mundo atestado de diferencias y contradicci\u00f3n, los predicadores insensatos, solo los predicadores insensatos como sol\u00eda ser yo, no ven la iron\u00eda en los mitos y las ficciones que utilizan para afirmar legitimidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"If so, I haven't yet spotted it.","es":"Si es as\u00ed, todav\u00eda no me he percatado."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can't just go around going, \"Oh, I'm going to put some triangles in a circle and they're going to be symmetrical.","es":"No puedes ir por all\u00ed diciendo: Ay, voy a poner unos tri\u00e1ngulos en un c\u00edrculo y van a ser sim\u00e9tricos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here's a picture of us.","es":"Esta es una foto con nosotros."} {"gender":"female","en":"And they listened to whatever the experts said and took their advice, however right or wrong.","es":"Escuchaban lo que dec\u00edan los expertos y segu\u00edan su consejo fuese correcto o incorrecto."} {"gender":"male","en":"But when I chose a career as an adult, it was filmmaking.","es":"Aunque cuando eleg\u00ed una profesi\u00f3n, como adulto, fue la de director."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He wrote what would later be known as the Bible of Pain.","es":"Escribi\u00f3 lo que despu\u00e9s se conocer\u00eda como la Biblia del Dolor."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here is my well-loved iPhone.","es":"Este es mi amado iPhone."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm really inspired by my sister.","es":"Realmente estoy inspirada por mi hermana."} {"gender":"male","en":"The answer is yes, and for the first time, it's my pleasure to be able to share two examples.","es":"La respuesta es: s\u00ed y, por primera vez, es un placer para m\u00ed poder contarles dos ejemplos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I learned about engineering and how things worked, not at school but by taking apart and studying these fabulously complex devices.","es":"Aprend\u00ed ingenier\u00eda y c\u00f3mo funcionaban las cosas, no en la escuela sino desarmando y estudiando estos objetos fabulosamente complejos."} {"gender":"female","en":"How you think and how you act can transform your experience of stress.","es":"Nuestra manera de pensar y actuar puede transformar nuestra experiencia ante el estr\u00e9s."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"All along, all fantasy books have always had maps, but these maps have been static.","es":"En todo libro de fantas\u00eda siempre ha habido mapas pero han sido mapas est\u00e1ticos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's a stronger risk factor than having a mother or a sister with breast cancer.","es":"Es un factor de riesgo m\u00e1s alto que el hecho de tener una madre o hermana con c\u00e1ncer de mama."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so I was sitting in this restaurant, waiting for a man to come by who obviously would have some difficulty I don't know what I had in my mind.","es":"Y ah\u00ed estaba yo sentada en un restaurante esperando a que el hombre llegara que obviamente estar\u00eda con alguna dificultad no s\u00e9 lo que ten\u00eda en mi mente."} {"gender":"female","en":"When kids get to be in third or fourth grade, you might see that this kid's going to be a visual thinker, drawing in perspective.","es":"Ahora, cuando vienen los ni\u00f1os de tercer o cuarto grado uno puede ver que este ni\u00f1o va a ser un pensador visual que dibuja en perspectiva."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Let's get a bit of that poo in there.","es":"Pongamos un poco de este esti\u00e9rcol ah\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then also we had the human habitat of course, with the laboratories, and all of that.","es":"Y despu\u00e9s, por supuesto, ten\u00edamos el h\u00e1bitat humano, con los laboratorios y todo eso."} {"gender":"female","en":"We consolidated them from 89 to 25 banks by requiring that they increase their capital, share capital.","es":"Los consolidamos de 89 a 25 bancos requiriendo que aumentaran su capital, capital compartido."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It is a censorship-free world visited by anonymous users.","es":"Es un mundo libre de censura visitado por usuarios an\u00f3nimos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I see an entire weekend.","es":"Veo un fin de semana entero."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Narrator: Never use writing of any kind. TK: Because you can't read that at a distance.","es":"No se deben usar letras Porque no es posible leerlas desde lejos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But it doesn't have to be this way.","es":"Pero no tiene por qu\u00e9 ser as\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"My colleagues and I believe we have a new window to get mosquitoes out of the valley. But perhaps the fact that mosquitoes eat blood, human blood, is the reason they are the most dangerous animal on earth.","es":"Mis colegas y yo creemos que tenemos una nueva ventana para sacar mosquitos del valle Y tal vez porque los mosquitos comen sangre, sangre humana, es la raz\u00f3n por la cual son el animal m\u00e1s peligroso en la tierra."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There's three big answers.","es":"Hay tres grandes respuestas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"AB: Yes?","es":"AB: \u00bfS\u00ed?"} {"gender":"female","en":"You've probably heard about it.","es":"Probablemente han o\u00eddo hablar de ello."} {"gender":"male","en":"And my father came out, he was so proud.","es":"Y mi padre vino, estaba tan orgulloso."} {"gender":"female","en":"But the hardest nights of my life have stuck with me, impacting who I am and what I do.","es":"Pero las noches m\u00e1s dif\u00edciles de mi vida han quedado conmigo, impactando en lo que soy y lo que hago."} {"gender":"male","en":"For a moment, the entire crowd had forgotten their differences.","es":"Por un momento, toda la muchedumbre hab\u00eda olvidado sus diferencias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We have the science and technology.","es":"Tenemos la ciencia y la tecnolog\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's the thing I want you to think about them.","es":"Eso es lo que quiero que piensen de ellos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Maybe a few of those will work out.","es":"Quiz\u00e1s algunas de ellas funcionaran."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I'm doing her because I think we think of risk, at a conference like this, as a good thing.","es":"Sin embargo sigo represent\u00e1ndola porque seg\u00fan mi modo de ver en una conferencia de este tipo deber\u00edamos conceptualizar el riesgo como algo bueno."} {"gender":"male","en":"I want to give you an example.","es":"Quiero dar un ejemplo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Its origins are located in Russia.","es":"Sus or\u00edgenes se remontan a Rusia."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, as it turns out, there is an algorithm for love.","es":"Pues, resulta que existe un algoritmo para el amor."} {"gender":"male","en":"But it's critically important because perception and regulation of the internal state of the body, well, that's what keeps us alive.","es":"Pero es muy importante porque la percepci\u00f3n y la regulaci\u00f3n del estado interno del cuerpo Bueno, eso es lo que nos mantiene vivos"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There must be a better way.","es":"Debe haber otra forma."} {"gender":"male","en":"So David Obura, a coral reef biologist, and I went to Tarawa, and we presented for two hours on the amazing findings of the Phoenix Islands.","es":"As\u00ed que con David Obura, un bi\u00f3logo de arrecifes, fuimos a Tarawa y disertamos durante dos horas sobre los hallazgos sorprendentes de las Islas F\u00e9nix."} {"gender":"female","en":"And in that spirit, I want to spring on you all a pop quiz.","es":"Por eso quiero plantearles una pregunta."} {"gender":"male","en":"Both of my parents were African-American.","es":"Mis padres eran afroamericanos."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I particularly am really excited about using this technology in online worlds, like there, for example, that Tom Melcher has shown us.","es":"Pero estoy particularmente entusiasmado por usar esta tecnolog\u00eda en mundos virtuales, como por ejemplo, lo que Tom Melcher nos mostr\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now I am afraid of people.","es":"Ahora tengo miedo de la gente."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the guy will tell the story as he turns the pages.","es":"Y la persona contar\u00e1 la historia mientras pasa las p\u00e1ginas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, neurons, like trees, can grow new branches, and they can lose old ones.","es":"Bueno, las neuronas, como los \u00e1rboles, pueden tener nuevas ramas y perder otras."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let me explain.","es":"Me explico."} {"gender":"male","en":"Maybe a decade, according to my friends in Detroit.","es":"Quiz\u00e1s una d\u00e9cada, seg\u00fan mis amigos de Detroit."} {"gender":"female","en":"They have no more covers, no more portraits except for a couple.","es":"No hay m\u00e1s t\u00fanicas, no m\u00e1s retratos, excepto por un par."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We need to ensure that these wetlands and forests that are our best and greatest and most critical defense against global warming are protected, and we are not releasing that carbon bomb into the atmosphere.","es":"Necesitamos asegurar que estos pantanos y bosques los cuales constituyen nuestra mejor y m\u00e1s grandiosa y crucial defensa contra el calentamiento global sean protegidos, y que no estemos liberando aquella bomba de carbono hacia la atm\u00f3sfera."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Gamma is a German company that manufactures surveillance software and sells it only to governments.","es":"Gamma es una empresa alemana que fabrica software de vigilancia y lo vende s\u00f3lo a gobiernos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I set up Kanchi, because my organization was always going to be named after my elephant, because disability is like the elephant in the room.","es":"Y la llam\u00e9 Kanchi porque mi organizaci\u00f3n siempre ser\u00e1 llamada como mi elefante, porque la discapacidad es como el elefante en una habitaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We're the first organization dedicated to providing cash transfers to the poor.","es":"Somos la primera organizaci\u00f3n dedicada a promover la transferencia de efectivo a los pobres."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We found out that we could go to the source rock, which were the carboniferous shales in the basins.","es":"Nos dimos cuenta que pod\u00edamos ir a la roca generadora, que eran los esquistos carbon\u00edferos en las cuencas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it took 25 years until another city which is Bogota, and they did a very good job.","es":"Y tard\u00f3 25 a\u00f1os hasta que otra ciudad, la cual es Bogot\u00e1, y ellos hicieron muy buen trabajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I said, \"Solomon, I'm concerned about security.","es":"Dije: \"Salom\u00f3n, estoy preocupado por la seguridad."} {"gender":"female","en":"But first, a bit more background.","es":"Pero antes, un poco m\u00e1s de historia."} {"gender":"female","en":"And in the year that she had the jeep, she saved 4,500 girls from being cut.","es":"Y en el a\u00f1o que tuvo el Jeep, salv\u00f3 a 4.500 ni\u00f1as de ser cortadas."} {"gender":"female","en":"The top 200 will allow you to comprehend 40 percent of basic literature, enough to read road signs, restaurant menus, to understand the basic idea of the web pages or the newspapers.","es":"Los primeros 200 les permitir\u00e1n comprender el 40% de la literatura b\u00e1sica, lo suficiente para leer se\u00f1ales de tr\u00e1nsito, men\u00fas de restaurantes, entender la idea b\u00e1sica de las p\u00e1ginas web o los peri\u00f3dicos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Nowhere in the world do women earn the same as men.","es":"En ninguna parte del mundo las mujeres ganan lo mismo que los hombres."} {"gender":"female","en":"So for the partner who had the affair, for Nick, one thing is to end the affair, but the other is the essential, important act of expressing guilt and remorse for hurting his wife.","es":"As\u00ed, para la pareja que tuvo la aventura, para Nick, una cosa es terminar la aventura, pero lo otro es el acto esencial, e importante de expresar culpa y remordimiento por herir a su esposa."} {"gender":"female","en":"And this plane, the model BAe-146, which was run by FAAM, normally flies 120 to 130 people, so maybe you took a similar aircraft to get here today.","es":"Y este avi\u00f3n, modelo BA146, operado por FAAM, normalmente vuela entre 120 y 130 personas. Quiz\u00e1s tomaron un avi\u00f3n similar para llegar hoy aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the day before the actual ceremony happens, we were dancing, having excitement, and through all the night we did not sleep.","es":"Y el d\u00eda anterior a la ceremonia, est\u00e1bamos bailando, divirti\u00e9ndonos, y esa noche no dormimos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Here's some reconstructions of some of the fossils that have been found from Lake Turkana.","es":"Aqu\u00ed hay algunos f\u00f3siles reconstruidos que fueron encontrados en Lago Turkana."} {"gender":"male","en":"I only know nine Lovegroves, two of which are my parents.","es":"S\u00f3lo conozco a nueve Lovegroves, dos de los cuales son mis padres."} {"gender":"male","en":"CA: Now, when we talked last week, you talked about some other trait that you have, which I found really interesting.","es":"CA: Cuando hablamos la semana pasada, hablaste de alg\u00fan otro rasgo que tienes, que me pareci\u00f3 muy interesante."} {"gender":"female","en":"And my favorite scene, three tunas going into the Gulf of Mexico.","es":"Y mi escena favorita: tres atunes entran en el Golfo de M\u00e9xico."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"CA: Some people are furious at what you've done.","es":"CA: Algunas personas est\u00e1n furiosas con lo que hiciste."} {"gender":"female","en":"The world will say to you, \"What are you going to do?\"","es":"El mundo te dir\u00e1: \"\u00bfY t\u00fa, qu\u00e9 vas a hacer?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"Lots of people are terrified to step into leadership because of how much scrutiny they receive and how brutal we are with leaders.","es":"Mucha gente est\u00e1 aterrorizada de saltar al liderazgo por el escrutinio excesivo que reciben y por lo brutales que somos con los l\u00edderes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So Netflix was like, \"Oh. This is a new insight.\"","es":"As\u00ed que Netflix dijo: \"Ah, esto es nuevo\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a group in New York called the Coalition for a Smoke-free Environment, asked me to do these posters.","es":"Este es un grupo de Nueva York llamado \"Coalici\u00f3n para un Ambiente Sin Humo\"; me pidieron hacer estos carteles."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm, The first time you do something, it's science.","es":"Yo La primera vez que haces algo es ciencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, now we're going to the Bahamas to meet a remarkable group of dolphins that I've been working with in the wild for the last 28 years.","es":"Bien, ahora vamos a las Bahamas a conocer un grupo notable de delfines con los que he estado trabajando en su h\u00e1bitat durante los \u00faltimos 28 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So was it possible their telomeres were worn down as well?","es":"\u00bfEra posible que sus tel\u00f3meros tambi\u00e9n estuvieran desgastados?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The design is different every year.","es":"El dise\u00f1o es diferente cada a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm standing in front of you today in all humility, wanting to share with you my journey of the last six years in the field of service and education.","es":"Hoy me encuentro ante ustedes con toda humildad queriendo compartirles mi experiencia de los \u00faltimos 6 a\u00f1os en el campo del servicio, y la educaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"You had to work within specific height and width parameters.","es":"Hab\u00eda que trabajar en los par\u00e1metros de altura y anchura espec\u00edficos."} {"gender":"female","en":"In Houston, we're trying to figure out what to do with that Enron Stadium thing.","es":"En Houston, tratamos de averiguar qu\u00e9 hacer respecto al asunto del estadio Enron."} {"gender":"female","en":"That health that you're working on cannot be sustainable without infrastructure.","es":"La sanidad no se mantendr\u00e1 si no tenemos infraestructuras."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, to give you a specific hypothetical example, let's say my friend Laura hypothetically uploads a picture of me from a drunken night of karaoke.","es":"Ahora, para darles un ejemplo hipot\u00e9tico espec\u00edfico, digamos que mi amiga Laura hipot\u00e9ticamente sube una foto m\u00eda de una noche de borrachera en un karaoke."} {"gender":"male","en":"Even the men inside the way they look at me touch my body, rub against me, grab me, and now, as I sit in my seat I only wish my mind was full of thoughts for my day, my dreams, my children at school, but instead I worry about the moment when we will arrive and I will be violated again.","es":"Hasta los hombres adentro la manera en que me ven en que tocan mi cuerpo, se frotan contra m\u00ed, me agarran y ahora, al sentarme solo quisiera tener la mente llena de ideas sobre mi d\u00eda, mis sue\u00f1os, mis ni\u00f1os en la escuela, pero en vez de eso me preocupa que llegue el momento y me violen otra vez."} {"gender":"female","en":"Most have families who could be caring for them if they had the right support.","es":"La mayor\u00eda tiene familias que podr\u00edan cuidar de ellos si tuvieran el apoyo adecuado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And at lunch on Saturday, we opened the '47.","es":"Y el s\u00e1bado, durante un almuerzo, abrimos la reserva del 47."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"You Love Your iPhone.","es":"\"Am\u00e1s a tu iPhone."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Just an extraordinary, terrifying scene.","es":"Fue un evento terrible."} {"gender":"male","en":"The other thing it shows you is that, although there's this beautiful forest of coral, there are no fish in that picture.","es":"La otra cosa que te muestra es que, aunque existe este bello bosque de coral, no hay peces en la foto."} {"gender":"male","en":"This was a situation that traditional aid agencies had never before encountered.","es":"Era una situaci\u00f3n que las agencias de ayuda tradicionales nunca antes hab\u00edan experimentado."} {"gender":"male","en":"And of course, in a way, when I say romance, I mean in part the aesthetics of that whole situation.","es":"Y por supuesto, de alguna manera, cuando digo romance, me refiero, en parte, al aspecto est\u00e9tico que rodea a toda esta situaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Yeah, you did.","es":"S\u00ed, t\u00fa."} {"gender":"male","en":"The robotic arm that you see moving here 30 days later, after the first video that I showed to you, is under the control of Aurora's brain and is moving the cursor to get to the target.","es":"El brazo rob\u00f3tico que ven movi\u00e9ndose aqu\u00ed, 30 d\u00edas despu\u00e9s del primer video que les mostr\u00e9, est\u00e1 bajo el control del cerebro de Aurora, y ella mueve el cursor para alcanzar el objetivo."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the first ever such experiment, sort of the optical equivalent of Galvani's.","es":"Este es el primer experimento en su tipo, una especie de equivalente \u00f3ptico del de Galvani."} {"gender":"female","en":"So a few years later, and it's now 1997, and I'm in Angola undercover investigating blood diamonds.","es":"Un par de a\u00f1os m\u00e1s tarde, ya por 1997, estaba en Angola investigando de manera encubierta los diamantes de sangre."} {"gender":"female","en":"My only weapon was my notebook and my Leica.","es":"Mi \u00fanicas armas eran mi cuaderno y mi Leica."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the SSRIs, they are better than the drugs that came before them, but they still have a lot of side effects, including weight gain, insomnia, suicidality, and they take a really long time to work, something like four to six weeks in a lot of patients.","es":"Los ISRS, son mejores que las medicinas anteriores, pero a\u00fan tienen muchos efectos secundarios, incluyendo aumento de peso, insomnio, tendencias suicidas, y tardan mucho tiempo en hacer efecto, entre 4 y 6 semanas en muchos pacientes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that imperfect, chaotic, turbulent surface is what told the story.","es":"Y que la superficie imperfecta, ca\u00f3tica y turbulenta es la historia que se contaba."} {"gender":"male","en":"I captured this live from my laptop in a cafe called Earth Matters on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, where I live, and it was done as a collaborative project with the Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art for an exhibit on comparative cosmology.","es":"Lo captur\u00e9 en vivo con mi port\u00e1til en un caf\u00e9 llamado Earth Matters en el Lower East Side de Manhattan, donde vivo. Esto se hizo como proyecto colaborativo con el Museo Rubin de Arte Himalaya para una exposici\u00f3n sobre cosmolog\u00eda comparada."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I've never had to buy any china since.","es":"As\u00ed que no he tenido que volver a comprar vajilla china."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We really wanted to bring out our absolute dependence on this master sense, and maybe share our kind of sensibility with our other senses.","es":"En verdad, deseabamos resaltar nuestra dependencia absoluta en este sentido maestro, y quiz\u00e1s compartir nuestra sensibilidad con nuestros dem\u00e1s sentidos."} {"gender":"male","en":"He was excited, and he was inclined to accept the offer. But as a negotiations researcher, I insisted he make a counteroffer, and I helped him craft the perfect one.","es":"Estaba encantado y dispuesto a aceptarla pero como analista de negocios le insist\u00ed en que hiciera una contraoferta y le ayud\u00e9 a proponer una perfecta."} {"gender":"female","en":"My interests were scientific, the market was commercial, things such as payroll, which I found rather boring.","es":"Mis intereses eran cient\u00edficos, el mercado era comercial; cosas como la n\u00f3mina, me parec\u00edan bastante aburridas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Same in Poland: plus 13, up to 35 percent raise of circulation after three years.","es":"Lo mismo en Polonia: 13% m\u00e1s, hasta un 35% de incremento de circulaci\u00f3n luego de tres a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And balancing them all in the middle is this notion of compassion, which has to be there, if you like, at our very roots.","es":"Equilibrar todas las cosas en un punto medio es la noci\u00f3n de la compasi\u00f3n, que debe existir, por as\u00ed decirlo, en nuestras propias ra\u00edces."} {"gender":"female","en":"People that don't play a lot of action games, that don't actually spend a lot of time in front of screens, have normal, or what we call corrective-to-normal vision.","es":"La gente que no juega tanto a juegos de acci\u00f3n, que no pasan mucho tiempo delante de pantallas, tiene visi\u00f3n normal, o lo que llamamos visi\u00f3n normal a correctiva."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"A similar demographic of women in Jennie's area who gave birth at the same hospital her clients did were three times more likely to give birth to a baby below a healthy weight.","es":"Una demograf\u00eda similar a la de las mujeres de la zona de Jennie que dieron a luz en el mismo hospital que sus clientes fueron tres veces m\u00e1s propensas al parto de un beb\u00e9 saludable por debajo del peso."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is extremely difficult to do.","es":"Esto es extremadamente dif\u00edcil de hacer."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, what do you do?","es":"Es decir, \u00bfqu\u00e9 hay que hacer?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We have a new vaccine, we have new resolve, and we have new tactics.","es":"Tenemos una nueva vacuna, tenemos una nueva resoluci\u00f3n y tambi\u00e9n una t\u00e1ctica nueva."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And so we needed grants.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n requer\u00eda avales."} {"gender":"male","en":"I got very nervous, no rope, no safety line, the whole world is moving around me, and I thought, \"I'm in trouble.\"","es":"Me puse muy nervioso, no ten\u00eda cuerda de seguridad, y todo el mundo se mov\u00eda a mi alrededor- entonces pens\u00e9: \"Estoy en problemas\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it was with great delight that we found young people up and down the country explaining with authority what filibustering was and why the Lords might defy their bedtime on a point of principle.","es":"Y fue muy grato descubrir que la gente joven de todo el pa\u00eds explicaba con autoridad qu\u00e9 significaba el filibusterismo y porqu\u00e9 los Lores pod\u00edan desafiar su tiempo de sue\u00f1o por cuesti\u00f3n de principio."} {"gender":"male","en":"I need to explain a little bit about monsoons.","es":"Necesito explicar un poco lo de los monzones."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, what we call our governments are vampire states.","es":"De hecho, lo que, lo que llamamos a nuestros gobiernos es estados vampiro."} {"gender":"female","en":"So let me tell you about a Hollywood party I went to a couple years back, and I met this up-and-coming actress, and we were soon talking about something that we both felt passionately about: public art.","es":"As\u00ed que d\u00e9jenme contarles acerca de una fiesta de Hollywood a la que fui hace unos a\u00f1os, y me encontr\u00e9 con esta prometedora actriz, y est\u00e1bamos pronto hablando de algo sobre lo que las dos nos sent\u00edamos apasionadas: el arte p\u00fablico."} {"gender":"male","en":"Wow.","es":"\u00a1Guau!"} {"gender":"female","en":"This is the sign TO-LOOK-AT.","es":"Esta es la se\u00f1al \"f\u00edjate en eso\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And so you see a net force away from the sun.","es":"Y as\u00ed existe una fuerza neta que se aleja del sol."} {"gender":"female","en":"That was a huge eureka moment for us.","es":"Ese fue el gran momento eureka para nosotros."} {"gender":"female","en":"But I don't always know the degree to which a changing context","es":"Pero no siempre conozco el grado en el que un contexto cambiante empieza en cierta forma a cambiar"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You can see the baton left his hand.","es":"Pueden ver que deja la batuta."} {"gender":"male","en":"Where is the will?","es":"\u00bfD\u00f3nde est\u00e1 el testamento?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Do you have a memory like that that you can feel in your body right now?","es":"\u00bfTienen alg\u00fan recuerdo as\u00ed, que pueden sentir en su cuerpo ahora mismo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I said, \"Hi, Hesa.\"","es":"Dije, \"Hola Hesa\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Look next time you get these catalogs in your mail, you can usually figure out where they hid the cord.","es":"La pr\u00f3xima vez que reciban estos cat\u00e1logos en el correo imag\u00ednense d\u00f3nde ocultan los cables."} {"gender":"male","en":"Just imagine spending from right now until sometime in June in the place that I described to you a few moments ago.","es":"Imaginen pasarlo desde hoy hasta Junio en ese lugar que les describ\u00ed hace un rato."} {"gender":"female","en":"And his answer astounded me.","es":"Y su respuesta me sorprendi\u00f3."} {"gender":"female","en":"They are the invisible engineers that control the chemistry of the ocean and therefore, what creatures can live there, whether or not it's safe for us to swim there and all of the other characteristics we sense with our eyes, noses and taste buds.","es":"Son los ingenieros invisibles que controlan la qu\u00edmica del oc\u00e9ano y por lo tanto, qu\u00e9 criaturas pueden vivir all\u00ed, si es seguro para nosotros nadar all\u00ed y todas las otras cosas que percibimos con nuestros ojos, narices y papilas gustativas."} {"gender":"female","en":"We need to help to lift them out of poverty.","es":"Debemos ayudarlos a elevarse por encima de la pobreza."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He wants to build, create, create companies, create innovation.","es":"Quiere construir, crear, fundar empresas, crear innovaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Logical, but not necessarily true.","es":"L\u00f3gico, pero no necesariamente verdadero."} {"gender":"female","en":"The solvents in them do that very efficiently.","es":"Los solventes contenidos en ellos lo hacen muy eficientemente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Other countries pop into view that you, perhaps, weren't considering, and American drops into eighth.","es":"Otros pa\u00edses que, tal vez, no se consideraban, saltan a la vista y EEUU desciende al octavo puesto."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I thought, in the beginning, I studied this bird for a couple of years, that, well, shouldn't the brain of this bird be damaged?","es":"Estudi\u00e9 esta ave un par de a\u00f1os y pens\u00e9: \u00bfno deber\u00eda tener da\u00f1os cerebrales?"} {"gender":"female","en":"We must also raise our sons differently.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n debemos educar a nuestros hijos de forma diferente."} {"gender":"female","en":"And these people have been so inspiring.","es":"Y esta gente ha sido muy inspiradora."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've flown all over the world, and nothing can really compare to the cultural diversity of Africa.","es":"Vol\u00e9 por todo el mundo, pero nada se compara con la diversidad cultural de \u00c1frica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"BBM: Well, people of Iran, this is what many of you are going to evolve to want, and we could get there a lot sooner, and you would suffer a lot less trouble from economic sanctions, and we would suffer a lot less fear of the use of military force on our end, and the world would be a better place.","es":"BBM: Bueno, gente de Ir\u00e1n, eso es lo que muchos de ustedes van a querer, y podemos llegar ah\u00ed mucho mas r\u00e1pido, y tendr\u00edan much\u00edsimos menos problemas por sanciones econ\u00f3micas, y nosotros tendr\u00edamos mucho menos temor de que se usara la fuerza militar en contra nuestra, y el mundo ser\u00eda un mejor lugar."} {"gender":"male","en":"A few years ago, I came up with a way to study people's happiness moment to moment as they're going about their daily lives on a massive scale all over the world, something we'd never been able to do before.","es":"Hace unos a\u00f1os se me ocurri\u00f3 una manera de estudiar la felicidad de las personas en cada momento de sus vida cotidianas a escala masiva en todo el mundo, algo que nunca hubi\u00e9ramos podido realizar antes."} {"gender":"female","en":"And sometimes I would loan him money from my after-school or summer jobs, and he always had the great intention of paying me back with interest, of course, after he hit it big.","es":"Y a veces yo le prestaba dinero de los trabajos que hac\u00eda luego de la escuela, o en verano, y \u00e9l siempre ten\u00eda la mejor intenci\u00f3n de pagarme con intereses, por supuesto, despu\u00e9s de que ganara el gran premio."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I got out of the truck and I got to work.","es":"Me baj\u00e9 de la camioneta y me puse a trabajar."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I picked up the business section of the newspaper.","es":"As\u00ed que me puse a leer la secci\u00f3n de econom\u00eda del peri\u00f3dico."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"New parents are astonished by the rapidity of this learning.","es":"Los padres se asombran por la rapidez del aprendizaje."} {"gender":"male","en":"And not only is mobile the gold of today, I don't believe that the gold is under the ground.","es":"No solo creo que los m\u00f3viles sean el oro actual, no creo que exista oro bajo tierra."} {"gender":"male","en":"Good, then I shall attempt the impossible, or at least the improbable.","es":"Muy bien. Entonces voy a intentar lo imposible o, al menos, lo improbable."} {"gender":"male","en":"Every time a country started talking about it, like Germany, America, wherever, a page on Facebook popped up with the same logo with the same stories, so at the beginning we had \"Iran-Loves-Israel,\" which is an Iranian sitting in Tehran, saying, \"Okay, Israel loves Iran? I give you Iran-Loves-Israel.\"","es":"Cada vez que un pa\u00eds empezaba a hablar de ello, como Alemania, EE.UU., donde fuese, surg\u00eda una p\u00e1gina de Facebook con el mismo logo con las mismas historias, as\u00ed que al principio ten\u00edamos \"Ir\u00e1n-ama-a-Israel\", que es de un iran\u00ed en Teher\u00e1n que piensa: \"Bien, \u00bfIsrael ama a Ir\u00e1n?, pues aqu\u00ed tienes: Ir\u00e1n-ama-a-Israel\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We are seeing men sign up from every single walk of life, and from every single corner in the world, from the United Nations' own Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to the Secretary-Generals of NATO and the EU Council, from the prime minister of Bhutan to the president of Sierra Leone.","es":"Observamos c\u00f3mo hombres de todos los \u00e1mbitos y de todos los rincones del mundo se adhieren, desde el propio Secretario General, Ban Ki-moon de la ONU a los Secretarios Generales de la OTAN y el Consejo de la UE, desde el primer ministro de But\u00e1n hasta el presidente de Sierra Leona."} {"gender":"male","en":"And just think about how better my life would have been if these nurses would have been willing to check their intuition, and how everything would have been better if we just start doing more systematic experimentation of our intuitions.","es":"S\u00f3lo piensen cu\u00e1n mejor habr\u00eda sido my vida si estas enfermeras hubiesen estado dispuestas a comprobar su intuici\u00f3n, y c\u00f3mo todo habr\u00eda sido mejor si s\u00f3lo empezamos a hacer una experimentaci\u00f3n m\u00e1s sistematizada de nuestras intuiciones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"My mother was completely absorbent.","es":"Mi madre era completamente absorbente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"How did he not know, it's what we've all forgotten, that we're not the first ones to build.","es":"Como es que no sab\u00eda, es lo que todos hemos olvidado, que no somos los primeros en construir."} {"gender":"male","en":"And suddenly, like a ton of bricks hit me, I became very confused with who I'd been for the last eight years.","es":"De pronto, me qued\u00e9 en shock, Estaba muy confundido con qui\u00e9n hab\u00eda sido los \u00faltimos ocho a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'd like to convince you that the universe has a soundtrack and that soundtrack is played on space itself, because space can wobble like a drum.","es":"Me gustar\u00eda convencerlos de que el Universo tiene una banda sonora que suena en el propio espacio. Porque el espacio puede redoblar como un tambor."} {"gender":"male","en":"But one time I was in Oakland walking along Broadway, and came to a corner.","es":"Una vez estuve en Oakland caminando por Broadway y llegu\u00e9 a una esquina."} {"gender":"female","en":"Arches with stained glass, even more glamorous.","es":"Los arcos con vitrales son a\u00fan m\u00e1s glamurosos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think beyond the icons, I think another really cool domain for this software, I think it applies to more than just icons and your desktop, but browsing photographs.","es":"M\u00e1s all\u00e1 de los \u00edconos, creo que otro \u00e1rea de aplicaci\u00f3n para este software creo que es aplicable a m\u00e1s cosas adem\u00e1s de los \u00edconos y el escritorio es la navegaci\u00f3n de fotos."} {"gender":"male","en":"TG: I believe that beauty is a basic service.","es":"TG: Yo creo que la belleza es un servicio b\u00e1sico."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, after searching high and low for several months, I discovered that there was a type of molecule called a Borane which has exactly the same vibration.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de buscar por todas partes durante varios meses, descubr\u00ed que hab\u00eda un tipo de mol\u00e9cula llamada borano que tiene exactamente la misma vibraci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now in medical science, we don't want to know, necessarily, just how cancer works, we want to know how your cancer is different from my cancer.","es":"Ahora en la ciencia m\u00e9dica, no queremos saber necesariamente c\u00f3mo funciona el c\u00e1ncer, queremos saber c\u00f3mo tu c\u00e1ncer es diferente de mi c\u00e1ncer."} {"gender":"female","en":"African farmers only use some 22 kilograms of fertilizer per hectare, compared to 144 in Asia.","es":"Los granjeros africanos s\u00f3lo utilizan aproximadamente 22 kilos de fertilizantes por hect\u00e1rea, comparado con los 144 de Asia."} {"gender":"male","en":"From what I've seen, this is only the beginning.","es":"Por lo que hemos visto, esto es s\u00f3lo el principio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It can change your workflow, actually, it can change everything in your company; it can turn your company upside down.","es":"Puede cambiar tu flujo de trabajo en realidad puede cambiar todo en tu empresa; puede volver tu empresa cabeza abajo."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"Did I really screw up there?\"","es":"\u00bfMe equivoqu\u00e9 en eso?"} {"gender":"female","en":"This is a billboard that says: \"Welcome to the birthplace of General Tso.\"","es":"Este es un anuncio que dice: \"Bienvenido al lugar de nacimiento del General Tso.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"But let's be frank.","es":"Pero seamos sinceros."} {"gender":"female","en":"He was ousted last year, but we've seen recently that the problems have persisted.","es":"Lo echaron el a\u00f1o pasado, pero hemos visto que hace poco los problemas han continuado."} {"gender":"female","en":"What troubled me was that this top-down approach is still around.","es":". Lo que me preocup\u00f3 es que esta visi\u00f3n de arriba hacia abajo a\u00fan est\u00e1 presente."} {"gender":"female","en":"He suffered from hallucinations.","es":"Ten\u00eda alucinaciones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Sometimes we make food, too.","es":"A veces preparamos la comida, tambi\u00e9n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Some of the firemen told me that they were also inspired to do better because they were so pleased to get thank-yous rather than brick bats.","es":"Algunos de los bomberos me dicen que se sintieron inspirados a hacerlo mejor porque les complac\u00eda recibir agradecimientos en vez de bates de ladrillo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We made the drawings of the fish and the scales.","es":"Hicimos los dibujos de peces y de escamas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I can remember someone saying this to me, with her eyes shining with enthusiasm at this wonderful confirmation of her faith and the goodness of God.","es":"Puedo recordar a alguien diciendome esto, con sus ojos brillantes y llenos de entusiasmo ante esta grandiosa confirmaci\u00f3n de su fe y la bondad de Dios."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is modifying IBM equipment, which is the origins of the whole data-processing industry, later at IBM.","es":"Este es un equipo IBM modificado, que origin\u00f3 toda la industria de proceso de datos, luego en IBM."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Flattering, that.","es":"Favorecedor, eso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The answer is: we can't.","es":"La respuesta es: no podemos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Due to some slip-ups, he managed to escape dressed as a woman and ran from London back to Nigeria where, according to our constitution, those in office as governors, president, as in many countries, have immunity and cannot be prosecuted.","es":"Debido a varios errores, logr\u00f3 escapar vestido de mujer, huy\u00f3 de Londres y volvi\u00f3 a Nigeria donde, de acuerdo a la constituci\u00f3n, aquellos en un cargo como los gobernadores, presidente, as\u00ed como en muchos pa\u00edses, tienen inmunidad y no pueden ser procesados."} {"gender":"male","en":"And as an artist, I feel that access to one's intuition, your unconscious knowing, is what helps us create amazing things.","es":"Y como artista, siento el acceso a la propia intuici\u00f3n, el conocimiento inconsciente, que nos ayuda a crear cosas maravillosas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's a really scary thought, that one game dynamic can change things so powerfully.","es":"Ese es realmente un pensamiento aterrador: que una din\u00e1mica de juego pueda cambiar cosas de manera tan poderosa."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's a pretty soft landing.","es":"Es un aterrizaje bastante suave."} {"gender":"male","en":"But now I'm older, and you know what I tell them?","es":"Pero ahora soy mayor, \u00bfy saben lo que les digo ahora?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And they expect these people who work for them to do great work, I would hope, at least.","es":"Y esperan que estas personas que trabajan para ellos hagan un gran trabajo; al menos yo lo esperar\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"No one made my grandmother wear white.","es":"Nadie la oblig\u00f3 a vestir de blanco."} {"gender":"female","en":"The first is that the babies are listening intently to us, and they're taking statistics as they listen to us talk, they're taking statistics.","es":"La primera es que los beb\u00e9s nos est\u00e1n escuchando atentamente tomando estad\u00edsticas a medida que nos escuchan hablar, est\u00e1n calculando estad\u00edsticas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Her mother the queen said, \"Hai, don't whistle.\"","es":"Su madre, la reina, dec\u00eda: \"\u00a1Ay, no silbes!\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Coming to our group up here, similar shoes, Jordan, US.","es":"Viniendo a nuestro grupo aqu\u00ed, zapatos similares, Jordania, EE. UU."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, why would neuroscientists say that we don't just construct, we reconstruct?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 dicen los neurocient\u00edficos que no nos limitamos a construir, sino que reconstruimos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I slept on the floor and I ate takeout, and I asked people to call me and share a story with me about a life-changing moment.","es":"Dorm\u00ed en el suelo com\u00ed comida para llevar, y le ped\u00ed a la gente que me llame y comparta una historia conmigo sobre un momento que les haya cambiado la vida."} {"gender":"female","en":"It was usually too hot, too stuffy or just too smelly, and my father would not let us use the air conditioner.","es":"Por lo general estaba muy caliente, sofocaba o simplemente ten\u00eda mal olor, y mi padre no nos dejaba usar el aire acondicionado."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I was almost impeached in the process.","es":"Y casi fui desacreditado en el proceso."} {"gender":"female","en":"Why do people spend an average of 15 to 30 percent more when they use an ATM card or a credit card as opposed to cash?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 raz\u00f3n la gente gasta 15% a 30% m\u00e1s en promedio cuando usa tarjetas de d\u00e9bito o cr\u00e9dito, que cuando usa efectivo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And really, this is the reason I came here tonight.","es":"Y de verdad, esta es la raz\u00f3n por la que vine aqu\u00ed esta noche."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It comes completely conscious.","es":"Viene completamente consciente."} {"gender":"female","en":"It turns out, most people over 50 feel better, are less stressed, less hostile, less anxious.","es":"Resulta que la mayor\u00eda de las personas mayores de 50 a\u00f1os se sienten mejor, tienen menos estr\u00e9s, son menos hostiles, menos ansiosas."} {"gender":"female","en":"One woman called Olivia, after describing how she was attacked by someone she had trusted and cared about for a long time, said, \"I've read many of the stories posted here, and I feel hopeful that if so many women can move forward, then I can, too.","es":"Una mujer llamada Olivia, despu\u00e9s de describir c\u00f3mo fue agredida por alguien en qui\u00e9n confiaba desde hac\u00eda tiempo, dijo: \"He le\u00eddo muchas de las historias publicadas, y tengo la esperanza de que si tantas mujeres pueden seguir adelante, yo tambi\u00e9n."} {"gender":"male","en":"I had to teach myself everything from sales, marketing, strategy, even a little programming, on my own.","es":"Tuve que aprender todo por mi cuenta: ventas, marketing, estrategia, incluso un poco de programaci\u00f3n, yo solo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Do I have a chase boat?","es":"\u00bfTengo un bote de rescate?"} {"gender":"female","en":"The difference between arts and sciences is not analytical versus intuitive. Right?","es":"La diferencia entre las artes y las ciencias no es anal\u00edtica versus intuitiva, \u00bfcierto?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Their doctors are targeted, are killed; they're on the run.","es":"Los m\u00e9dicos se convierten en el blanco, son asesinados; huyen."} {"gender":"male","en":"I pick up the Jewish holy book of the Torah, its longest chapter, it's on the Sabbath.","es":"Tomamos el libro sagrado de los jud\u00edos, la Tor\u00e1; el cap\u00edtulo m\u00e1s largo es sobre el sabbath."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'll perform just an excerpt of \"Aphasia\" for you here.","es":"Y ahora voy a interpretar solo un fragmento de \u00abAfasia\u00bb para ustedes."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in fact I think that's going to be a lot sooner than that.","es":"Y, de hecho, pienso que eso ocurrir\u00e1 mucho antes."} {"gender":"female","en":"She took it as a joke, and the moment passed.","es":"Se lo tom\u00f3 a broma y el momento pas\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then Apple released the Alex voice, which was the best I'd heard.","es":"Entonces Apple lanz\u00f3 la voz 'Alex' que era la mejor que hab\u00eda escuchado."} {"gender":"female","en":"I guess one part of me has always been a nomad, physically and spiritually.","es":"Creo que una parte de mi siempre ha sido n\u00f3mada, f\u00edsica y espiritualmente."} {"gender":"female","en":"But then the next moment, I could hear it.","es":"Pero en el momento siguiente pod\u00eda o\u00edrlo."} {"gender":"female","en":"This face-to-face contact provides stunning benefits, yet now almost a quarter of the population says they have no one to talk to.","es":"Este contacto cara a cara ofrece impresionantes beneficios, pero ahora casi un cuarto de la poblaci\u00f3n dice que no tienen con qui\u00e9n hablar."} {"gender":"female","en":"So a lot has changed since that night in 2008 when I felt torn in half.","es":"As\u00ed que muchas cosas han cambiado desde aquella noche de 2008 cuando me sent\u00eda desgarrada."} {"gender":"male","en":"I picked this up at MIT.","es":"Lo obtuve en el MIT."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it's a responsive system that's trained on actual weather.","es":"Y es un sistema receptivo que ha sido capacitado en un ambiente real."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And this immediately cheers him up, as his courage is stimulated to rise to the occasion.","es":"Y esto inmediatamente levanta su \u00e1nimo, a la vez que su valent\u00eda es estimulada a estar a la altura de las circumstancias."} {"gender":"female","en":"On the left are one or more portrait panels in which I systematically order the members of a given bloodline.","es":"A la izquierda hay uno o m\u00e1s paneles con retratos en el que sistem\u00e1ticamente ordeno a los miembros de un linaje determinado."} {"gender":"female","en":"So this was the model which actually came out, very amazing.","es":"Este fue el modelo que, en realidad, funcion\u00f3, sorprendente."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, even in the '80s, we took pictures of the Earth in the ultraviolet using NASA's Dynamic Explorer spacecraft.","es":"Bueno, ya en los a\u00f1os 80, tomamos im\u00e1genes de la Tierra en ultravioleta con la nave espacial Dynamic Explorer de la NASA."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I'm beginning to suspect that our specialization is beginning to impede our progress at best, and at worst, is leading us astray.","es":"Por eso empiezo a sospechar que nuestra especializaci\u00f3n empieza como m\u00ednimo a impedir nuestro progreso, y en el peor de los casos, nos est\u00e1 desviando."} {"gender":"female","en":"Should I speak up for myself, or will the power of my words be reduced to: \"She's angry\"?","es":"\u00bfDebo hablar por m\u00ed, o el poder de mis palabras se reducir\u00e1 a: \"est\u00e1 enojada\"?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Physically it was hard, but emotionally it was worse.","es":"F\u00edsicamente era dif\u00edcil, emocionalmente fue peor."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let me tell you a story.","es":"Les cuento una historia."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now one other thing women like my grandma do in Turkey is to cover mirrors with velvet or to hang them on the walls with their backs facing out.","es":"Otra cosa que mujeres como mi abuela hacen en Turqu\u00eda es cubrir los espejos con terciopleo o colgarlos en las paredes de espalda hacia afuera."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'd teach myself how to want things, how to stand up, how to ask for them.","es":"Me autoense\u00f1ar\u00eda c\u00f3mo querer las cosas, c\u00f3mo ponerse de pie, c\u00f3mo pedirlas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Dr. Paul Thomas grows truffles for a living.","es":"El Dr. Paul Thomas cultiva trufas para ganarse la vida."} {"gender":"female","en":"It was open to the public at the end of last month, and Jovita was there giving interviews and being very fancy.","es":"Se abri\u00f3 al p\u00fablico a finales del mes pasado, y Jovita estaba presente, dando entrevistas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So Peru doesn't just have Machu Picchu.","es":"Per\u00fa no solo tiene Machupicchu."} {"gender":"male","en":"But this worker felt guilty for being more productive, and asked why, he said, \"I know I'm doing wrong. I'm taking away the work of another man.\"","es":"Pero esta persona sent\u00eda culpa por ser m\u00e1s productiva, y lo explic\u00f3 diciendo: \"S\u00e9 que estoy haciendo lo incorrecto; le estoy quitando trabajo a otra persona\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so that gives me an opportunity, because every design show that I curate kind of looks at a different world.","es":"Y eso me brinda una oportunidad, porque cada muestra de dise\u00f1o que organizo, en cierto modo, explora un mundo diferente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So can we get you to do useful work for those 10 seconds?","es":"\u00bfPodemos hacerles hacer algo beneficioso en esos 10 segundos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I was there, too, with a film crew.","es":"Yo estaba all\u00ed, tambi\u00e9n, con un equipo de filmaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The kids are using them on the tablet.","es":"Los ni\u00f1os los ven en la tableta."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They're built on the hills, inland from the beaches in Rio, and you can see that the houses are just cantilevered over the natural obstructions.","es":"Est\u00e1n construidos en las lomas, tierra adentro de las playas de Rio, y uno puede ver que las casas est\u00e1n sostenidas a forma de balc\u00f3n sobre obstrucciones naturales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now those of you who have been to Istanbul have probably seen Topkapi Palace, which was the residence of Ottoman sultans for more than 400 years.","es":"Ahora, aquellos de ustedes que han estado en Estambul probablemente han visto el Palacio Topkapi, el cual era la residencia de los sultanes Otomanos por m\u00e1s de 400 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In health care, for example, we don't just rely on doctors to serve patients.","es":"En el cuidado de la salud, por ejemplo, no solo dependemos de los m\u00e9dicos para atender a los pacientes."} {"gender":"female","en":"Times Square is now one of the top 10 retail locations on the planet.","es":"Times Square es ahora uno de los 10 mejores puntos de venta en el planeta."} {"gender":"female","en":"Or, if you'd gone blind, you could see.\"","es":"O si te quedaste ciego, puedes ver.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"I thought I was very clever.","es":"Yo pensaba que era muy inteligente\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so what I'd suggest is what I call Independent Service Authorities.","es":"Lo que yo sugerir\u00eda es lo que denomino Autoridades de Servicio Independientes."} {"gender":"female","en":"Facts about Muslims: Muslims invented the concept of a hospital.","es":"Datos sobre los musulmanes: inventaron la idea del hospital."} {"gender":"male","en":"So one night I'm sitting up there, at 2 a.m. at night, and I think there's this question from a student from Pakistan, and he asked a question, and I said, okay, let me go and type up an answer, I don't type all that fast, and I begin typing up the answer, and before I can finish, another student from Egypt popped in with an answer, not quite right, so I'm fixing the answer, and before I can finish, a student from the U.S. had popped in with a different answer.","es":"Y una noche yo estaba ah\u00ed sentado, a las 2 de la madrugada, y llega una pregunta de un alumno de Pakist\u00e1n. Hace la pregunta y digo, bien, bien, ya escribo la respuesta, pero yo no escribo muy r\u00e1pido y cuando empec\u00e9 a digitarla las respuesta, antes de terminar, otro estudiante de Egipto apareci\u00f3 con una respuesta no del todo correcta. As\u00ed que me pongo a arreglarla y antes de que termine, un alumno de EE.UU ya hab\u00eda aparecido con otra respuesta."} {"gender":"male","en":"This foul-mouthed account followed the daily activities of the race, providing commentary as it went.","es":"Esta cuenta malhablada segu\u00eda las actividades diarias de la campa\u00f1a y comentaba lo ocurrido."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, his farm is incredible.","es":"Quiero decir, su granja es incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"female","en":"Instead of having a tray with two peas, I was hoping that they would go into the kitchen cabinet or the mother's handbag and do their museum-quality design collection on a tray.","es":"En lugar de tener una bandeja con dos guisantes, yo estaba esperando que fueran al gabinete de la cocina, o al bolso de la madre, e hicieran su colecci\u00f3n de dise\u00f1o con calidad muse\u00edstica en una bandeja."} {"gender":"male","en":"The potential to take advantage of solar energy there is unbelievable, and I'm really excited to talk more about finding ways we can help with that.","es":"Es casi incre\u00edble el potencial para aprovechar la energ\u00eda solar all\u00ed, y estoy realmente emocionado de hablar m\u00e1s acerca de encontrar formas en las que podemos ayudar con eso."} {"gender":"female","en":"No one will ever pay you what you're worth. No one will ever pay you what you're worth.","es":"Nadie le pagar\u00e1 jam\u00e1s lo que Ud. vale. Nadie le pagar\u00e1 jam\u00e1s lo que Ud. vale."} {"gender":"female","en":"It doesn't get anybody to do anything with that data to change lives, to solve problems, and it doesn't change government.","es":"No obliga a nadie a hacer nada con esa informaci\u00f3n para cambiar vidas o resolver problemas; no cambia al gobierno."} {"gender":"male","en":"I do now, after learning about all the quantum stuff.","es":"Ahora si que le veo sentido, despu\u00e9s de aprender toda la cu\u00e1ntica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What does it mean?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 significa?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm not saying that they can't live a beautiful, wonderful life.","es":"No digo que no puedan vivir una vida hermosa y maravillosa."} {"gender":"male","en":"There was basically a factory of industrial machines.","es":"Era b\u00e1sicamente una f\u00e1brica de m\u00e1quinas industriales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And we have a situation today which is incredible.","es":"Y hoy vemos una situaci\u00f3n incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"female","en":"And that is how Humanae was born.","es":"Y as\u00ed es como naci\u00f3 Humanae."} {"gender":"female","en":"The Dutch girls said that their doctors, teachers and parents talked to them candidly, from an early age, about sex, pleasure and the importance of mutual trust.","es":"Las chicas holandesas dijeron que sus m\u00e9dicos, maestros y padres les hablaron con franqueza, desde una temprana edad, sobre el sexo, el placer y la importancia de la confianza mutua."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now we had to start changing these people and converting them from using that for a livelihood, to getting something else.","es":"As\u00ed que ten\u00edamos que cambiar a esa gente y ese modo de vida por algo diferente."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I was still concerned, so I said, \"You know what, I'm not going to do it.\"","es":"Pero yo segu\u00eda preocupado, y le dije, \"Sabes, no voy a hacerlo.\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Because, you see, the kind of work that went into organizing all those daunting, tedious logistical tasks did not just take care of those tasks, they also created the kind of organization that could think together collectively and make hard decisions together, create consensus and innovate, and maybe even more crucially, keep going together through differences.","es":"Porque, como se puede ver el trabajo que se invirti\u00f3 en la organizaci\u00f3n durante todas esas tareas log\u00edsticas, desalentadoras y aburridas, no solo cumpli\u00f3 con su prop\u00f3sito sino que tambi\u00e9n cre\u00f3 un tipo de organizaci\u00f3n que pod\u00eda pensar en equipo y tomar decisiones dif\u00edciles juntos, llegar a un consenso e innovar, y tal vez incluso, lo esencial, continuar juntos a pesar de las diferencias encontradas por el camino."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is the great frontier.","es":"Esta es la gran frontera."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"Yes, I was very angry.\"","es":"\"S\u00ed, lo estaba\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Karl Marx saw this as the tragedy of capitalism, the alienation of the worker from the product of his labor.","es":"Karl Marx vio esto como la tragedia del capitalismo, la alienaci\u00f3n del obrero por el producto de su trabajo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"At NASA, you have to have good acronyms.","es":"En la NASA, se deben tener buenos acr\u00f3nimos."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm not asking people to share nicely in the sandpit.","es":"No pido que la gente comparta sin problemas en el arenero."} {"gender":"female","en":"Totally ineffective.","es":"Totalmente ineficaz."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was a guest student during one month of a public health course.","es":"Fui estudiante de intercambio por un mes de un curso de salud p\u00fablica."} {"gender":"female","en":"So the following episode happened the seventh week of my first semester of my first year at Yale Law School.","es":"El siguiente episodio ocurri\u00f3 la s\u00e9ptima semana del primer semestre de mi primer a\u00f1o en la facultad de derecho de Yale."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so, on my 27th birthday I decided, because I argued so much and I talk so much, that I was going to stop speaking for just one day, one day, to give it a rest.","es":"Y as\u00ed, en mi cumplea\u00f1os n\u00famero 27 decid\u00ed, porque discut\u00eda mucho y hablaba tanta, ven, que iba a dejar de hablar por un solo d\u00eda - un d\u00eda - para darle un descanso."} {"gender":"male","en":"That idea started to dawn on me in early 2011 when I was covering a protest in S\u00e3o Paulo.","es":"Esta idea se me ocurri\u00f3 por primera vez a principios de 2011 cuando estaba cubriendo una protesta en S\u00e3o Paulo."} {"gender":"male","en":"He co-wrote a mockumentary about failed superheroes called \"Super-Has-Beens.\"","es":"Colabor\u00f3 como autor en un documental de broma sobre superh\u00e9roes fracasados llamado \"Super-Han-Sidos\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And the World Health Organization predicts by the year 2020 that depression will be the second largest cause of disability.","es":"Y la Organizaci\u00f3n Mundial de la Salud predice que para el a\u00f1o 2020 la depresi\u00f3n ser\u00e1 la segunda mayor causa de discapacidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I also want to share this one.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n quiero compartir esta."} {"gender":"female","en":"We are radiating thermal energy away into space, and we can see this in the infrared.","es":"Estamos emitiendo energ\u00eda t\u00e9rmica hacia el espacio, y podemos ver esto en el infrarrojo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, my favorite story is this gentleman who looks down at his phone and realizes the battery is low, so he turns around like this in the car and digs around in his backpack, pulls out his laptop, puts it on the seat, goes in the back again, digs around, pulls out the charging cable for his phone, futzes around, puts it into the laptop, puts it on the phone.","es":"Mi historia favorita es la de este caballero que mira el tel\u00e9fono y se da cuenta de que la bater\u00eda est\u00e1 baja, se da vuelta as\u00ed en el auto y busca en su mochila, saca su laptop, la coloca en el asiento, gira hacia atr\u00e1s otra vez, hurga en la mochila, saca el cargador de su tel\u00e9fono, lo conecta en el laptop y al tel\u00e9fono."} {"gender":"female","en":"We tell the whole story, we explain who the people are, how we feel about them; we spell out all the inside jokes.","es":"Les contamos toda la historia, explicamos qui\u00e9nes son las personas, c\u00f3mo nos hacen sentir; deletreamos todos los chistes internos."} {"gender":"female","en":"He had a personality that was perfectionistic and self-reliant, and that made him less likely to seek help from others.","es":"Ten\u00eda una personalidad perfeccionista y autosuficiente que hac\u00eda menos probable que buscase ayuda en otros."} {"gender":"male","en":"We have a function here, I can tell the world, \"Stay where you are.\"","es":"Tenemos una funci\u00f3n aqu\u00ed, puedo decirle al mundo \"qu\u00e9date donde est\u00e1s\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"I know that I'm not my body. And I also know that you're not yours.","es":"S\u00e9 que no soy mi cuerpo, y tambi\u00e9n s\u00e9 que no eres el tuyo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I had this huge closet full of clothes, and I could only wear a third of it at any one time, and only I knew which part of the closet I could wear.","es":"Ten\u00eda un armario enorme lleno de ropa, solo pod\u00eda usar un tercio de ella en cualquier momento, y solo yo sab\u00eda cu\u00e1l parte del armario pod\u00eda usar."} {"gender":"female","en":"I didn't know if I could do that and preserve my art.","es":"Yo no sab\u00eda si podr\u00eda hacerlo sin alterar mi arte."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Raise your hand.","es":"Levanten la mano."} {"gender":"female","en":"Yes.","es":"S\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Nine out of 10 Japanese students say that it depends on my own investment, on my own effort, and that tells you a lot about the system that is around them.","es":"9 de cada 10 estudiantes japoneses dijeron que depend\u00eda de su propia inversi\u00f3n, de su propio esfuerzo, y esto dice mucho del sistema que los rodea."} {"gender":"female","en":"Here's my right hemisphere.","es":"Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 mi hemisferio derecho."} {"gender":"male","en":"I did the sleep thing, I went to bed, I laid down, but I didn't really sleep.\"","es":"Cumpl\u00ed el ritual del sue\u00f1o: fui a la cama, me acost\u00e9, pero realmente no dorm\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Making systems work is the great task of my generation of physicians and scientists.","es":"Hacer que los sistemas funcionen es la gran tarea de mi generaci\u00f3n de m\u00e9dicos y cient\u00edficos."} {"gender":"female","en":"So what I'm first going to show you is air that we sampled outside of the building.","es":"As\u00ed que lo primero que les voy a ense\u00f1ar son las muestras de aire que tomamos en el exterior del edificio."} {"gender":"male","en":"And one day I go to the airport to meet my father, and as I walk up this grassy slope from the car park to the terminal building, I'm stopped by two soldiers wielding AK-47 assault weapons.","es":"Un d\u00eda voy al aeropuerto a buscar a mi padre, y conforme subo por una pendiente de pasto desde el estacionamiento hasta el edificio terminal, me paran dos soldados que llevan rifles AK-47."} {"gender":"female","en":"Embrace that responsibility, because it is the path to a healthier body, a more just and informed legal system, and a more flexible and potent emotional life.","es":"Abrazar esa responsabilidad porque es el camino hacia un cuerpo m\u00e1s sano, un sistema legal m\u00e1s justo e informado, y una vida emocional m\u00e1s flexible y poderosa."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I understood the vital importance of self-knowledge, political awareness and the necessity for a deep and wide understanding of our commitments and our actions, how they affect others.","es":"As\u00ed que comprend\u00ed la importancia vital del autoconocimiento, de la conciencia pol\u00edtica y de la necesidad de una profunda y amplia comprensi\u00f3n de nuestros compromisos y nuestras acciones, y de c\u00f3mo afectan a los dem\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"I train by saying yes to whatever comes my way: drama, comedy, tragedy, love, death, losses.","es":"Entreno diciendo s\u00ed a lo que venga: drama, comedia, tragedia, amor, odio, p\u00e9rdidas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He told us, \"Be easy to manage.\"","es":"\u00c9l nos dijo, \"Sea f\u00e1cil de manejar\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's no reason why we can't dramatically improve the livability and creativity of cities like they've done in Melbourne with the laneways while at the same time dramatically reducing CO2 and energy.","es":"No hay ninguna raz\u00f3n por la que no podemos mejorar dr\u00e1sticamente la habitabilidad y la creatividad de las ciudades como lo han hecho en Melbourne con los carriles, mientras al mismo tiempo, se reduce considerablemente el CO2 y la energ\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So now people say, \"You take these happy pills, and do you feel happy?\"","es":"Y despu\u00e9s te dicen: \u00ab\u00bfTom\u00e1s estas pastillas y entonces eres feliz?\u00bb."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And guess what?","es":"\u00bfY adivina qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I knew that these printers were much cheaper and much more accessible than the ones we used at my internship.","es":"Sab\u00eda que estas impresoras eran mucho m\u00e1s econ\u00f3micas y mucho m\u00e1s accesible que las que usamos en mi pasant\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was a city so long ago that it was still called Peking.","es":"Era una ciudad hace tanto tiempo que todav\u00eda se llamaba Pek\u00edn."} {"gender":"female","en":"The last question of the assignment is: how do you plan to use your life to positively impact other people?","es":"La \u00faltima pregunta de la tarea es: \u00bfc\u00f3mo piensas usar tu vida para cambiar positivamente la de otros?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And in both of those cases, what I did was I took the melody and the phrasing of those words and phrases and I turned them into musical parts to use in these short compositions.","es":"En ambos casos, lo que hice fue tomar la melod\u00eda y la redacci\u00f3n de esas palabras y frases y les di la vuelta en partes musicales para su uso en estas composiciones cortas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I think nature wants to express itself in the sense that we are nature, humans are of the universe.","es":"Y creo que la Naturaleza desea expresarse en el sentido de que somos Naturaleza. Los humanos somos del Universo."} {"gender":"female","en":"They have launched a divestment campaign that has now convinced, I think, 55 universities in 22 states to divest their holdings of stocks with regard to companies doing business in Sudan.","es":"Se ha establecido una campa\u00f1a de desinversi\u00f3n que ya ha convencido, pienso, unas 55 universidades en 22 estados de retirar sus acciones en la bolsa con relaci\u00f3n con compa\u00f1ias que hacen negocios en Sudan."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, I've had two examples I want to quickly share with you of this kind of care customization on my own journey.","es":"Hay dos ejemplos que quiero compartir r\u00e1pidamente de esta atenci\u00f3n personalizada en mi propio viaje."} {"gender":"female","en":"So it's fair to assume that it works both ways, diversity driving innovation and innovation driving diversity.","es":"Es razonable creer que funciona en ambas direcciones: la diversidad conduce a la innovaci\u00f3n y viceversa."} {"gender":"female","en":"Basically, I want to end with my vision for Africa, you know?","es":"Simplemente, quiero terminar con mi visi\u00f3n de \u00c1frica, \u00bfsaben?"} {"gender":"male","en":"One in eight remain hungry.","es":"1 de cada 8 a\u00fan est\u00e1n hambrientos."} {"gender":"female","en":"People leading meaningful lives, he's found, tend to tell stories about their lives defined by redemption, growth and love.","es":"Las personas con vidas significativas, dice McAdams, tienden a contar historias sobre sus vidas definidas por la redenci\u00f3n, el crecimiento y el amor."} {"gender":"male","en":"So my colleague and wife, Karen Wynn, at Yale has done a series of studies with babies where she exposes babies to puppets, and the puppets have certain food preferences.","es":"Mi colega y esposa, Karen Wynn, en Yale hizo una serie de estudios con beb\u00e9s. Les dio t\u00edteres a los beb\u00e9s, y los t\u00edteres ten\u00edan ciertas preferencias alimenticias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What is it about Superman?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 pasa con Superman?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And in Code For America, we really try to embody the spirit of Ben Franklin.","es":"Y en \u00abCode for America\u00bb, nos proponemos encarnar ese esp\u00edritu de Ben Franklin."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But both views are dead wrong.","es":"Pero ambos puntos de vista est\u00e1n totalmente equivocados."} {"gender":"male","en":"When my parents bought my sister and I our first Nintendo, whatever inherent addictive quality this early interactive electronic entertainment possessed quickly took hold of me. At some point something clicked.","es":"Cuando mis padres compraron el primer Nintendo a mi hermana y a m\u00ed, cualquiera sea el ingrediente adictivo que este entretenimiento electronico interactivo pose\u00eda, rapidamente tom\u00f3 control de mi En algun punto algo cambi\u00f3."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think we need to take pages of their book and see.","es":"Creo que tenemos que tomar p\u00e1ginas de sus libros y leerlas."} {"gender":"female","en":"His eyes were open and he was looking at me, and I said, \"Hi, Dad!\" and he said, \"Hiya, Beth.\"","es":"Sus ojos estaban abiertos y me estaba mirando, y dije: \"\u00a1Hola, pap\u00e1!\" y \u00e9l dijo: \"Hiya, Beth\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So, everybody ready? OK? Off you go. Okay.","es":"Entonces, \u00bftodos listos? \u00bfs\u00ed? adelante, pues."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm going to give you a little side view here.","es":"Les voy a mostrar la vista de costado por aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"She is a now-homeless woman whose surname means, \"the world is blind.\"","es":"Es una mujer ahora sin hogar cuyo apellido significa, \"el mundo es ciego\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I have a passion for images and for words. I love pun and the relation to the unconscious.","es":"Siento pasi\u00f3n por las im\u00e1genes y las palabras, por los juegos de palabras y su relaci\u00f3n con el inconsciente."} {"gender":"female","en":"He said the big breakthroughs are what happen when what is suddenly possible meets what is desperately necessary.","es":"Dijo que las grandes innovaciones ocurren cuando lo que de repente es posible encuentra lo desesperadamente necesario."} {"gender":"female","en":"And he didn't look at me.","es":"Y no lo hace."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm in love with the old-growth forest, and I'm a patriotic American because we have those.","es":"Amo al bosque nativo y soy un patriota estadounidense porque los tenemos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was a young drug dealer with a quick temper and a semi-automatic pistol.","es":"Yo era un joven traficante de drogas con muy mal car\u00e1cter y una pistola semiautom\u00e1tica."} {"gender":"female","en":"And just when you think these stories are fading into history, and that we've gotten over them, they pop up in the strangest places.","es":"Y ya cuando uno piensa que estas ideas se est\u00e1n desvaneciendo en la historia y que ya han sido superadas, reaparecen en los lugares m\u00e1s extra\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"And this is something that's, I think, in the news a lot these days.","es":"Y esto es algo que se oye, creo, mucho en las noticias estos d\u00edas."} {"gender":"male","en":"A colleague of mine removed a tumor from a patient's limb.","es":"Un colega extirp\u00f3 un tumor de la extremidad de un paciente."} {"gender":"female","en":"The teachers are back inside classrooms, they're teaching.","es":"Los maestros est\u00e1n dentro de las aulas, est\u00e1n ense\u00f1ando."} {"gender":"female","en":"Here was a woman who had worked in Darfur, seeing things that no human being should see.","es":"Esta es una mujer que trabajaba en Darfur y ve\u00eda cosas que ning\u00fan humano deber\u00eda ver."} {"gender":"female","en":"On the contrary, it takes about 250 people four to five years, to make one of those movies.","es":"Al contrario, requiere cerca de 250 personas, durante 4 o 5 a\u00f1os, hacer una de esas pel\u00edculas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It turns out to be a fairly simple and small list, and we have gone in the relatively primitive technology direction.","es":"Result\u00f3 ser una lista sencilla y corta, y hemos ido en la direcci\u00f3n de tecnolog\u00edas relativamente primitivas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm a savant, or more precisely, a high-functioning autistic savant.","es":"Soy un savant, o m\u00e1s exactamente, un autista savant de alto rendimiento."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean think of it, when Antonio Damasio asks about your self-image, do you think about the bacteria?","es":"Digo, piensen cuando Antonio Damasio les plantea lo de la auto-imagen \u00bfpiensan en las bacterias?"} {"gender":"male","en":"She asked me what I did for a living, and I told her, I work with utilities to help people save energy.","es":"Me pregunt\u00f3 a qu\u00e9 me dedicaba, y le dije: trabajo con empresas de servicios p\u00fablicos, ayudo a la gente a ahorrar energ\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"And not just that.","es":"Y no solo eso."} {"gender":"female","en":"We can add more families, and we can see kitchen sinks, or maybe living rooms.","es":"Podemos agregar m\u00e1s familias, y podemos ver los fregaderos de la cocina, o tal vez las salas de estar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So that's good, because that's a terrible, 2133.","es":"Eso es bueno, porque es terrible"} {"gender":"male","en":"The second pattern I observe is the need for remembrance.","es":"El segundo patr\u00f3n que vi es la necesidad de saber que se nos recordar\u00e1."} {"gender":"male","en":"I didn't take it personally, but, I just, I had, I naively had thought, until this surfing experience started me into the 17th century, I'd thought that's just the way people thought, and everybody did, and they recognized reality by what they could see or touch or feel or hear.","es":"No lo tom\u00e9 como algo personal, pero, Yo solo, hab\u00eda, hab\u00eda pensado ingenuamente, hasta que esta experiencia de surfeo me introdujo en el siglo 17, Yo pensaba que es exactamente como la gente piensa, y todos lo hac\u00edan, y reconoc\u00edan la realidad por lo que pod\u00edan ver o tocar o escuchar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So like Fox Mulder on \"X-Files,\" who wants to believe in UFOs?","es":"Como Fox Mulder en \"Expediente X\" \u00bfqui\u00e9n quiere creen en los OVNIs?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And in this meeting, it went on for weeks in the press, two weeks where there was huge discussion.","es":"Y ese encuentro estuvo en los medios durante semanas , dos semanas de grandes discusiones."} {"gender":"female","en":"If you ask me explicitly, I would say, \"Female pilot: awesome.\"","es":"Si me preguntan expl\u00edcitamente, dir\u00e9: \"Piloto femenino: impresionante\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"On December 12, 2015, in Paris, under the United Nations, 195 governments got together and unanimously, if you've worked with governments, you know how difficult that is, unanimously decided to intentionally change the course of the global economy in order to protect the most vulnerable and improve the life of all of us.","es":"El 12 de diciembre de 2015, en Par\u00eds, bajo las Naciones Unidas, 195 gobiernos se reunieron y por unanimidad --si han trabajado con gobiernos, sabr\u00e1n lo dif\u00edcil que es eso-- decidieron por unanimidad cambiar intencionadamente el curso de la econom\u00eda global con el fin de proteger a los m\u00e1s vulnerables y mejorar la vida de todos nosotros."} {"gender":"female","en":"There must be a camera over there,\" and they start poking your face.","es":"Debe haber una c\u00e1mara all\u00ed\". Y comienzan a hurgar la cara."} {"gender":"male","en":"I asked if there was any message he wanted to give people.","es":"Pregunt\u00e9 si hab\u00eda alg\u00fan mensaje que quisiera dar a la gente."} {"gender":"female","en":"She is now an integral member of our family, having been with us since Alia was six months old.","es":"Ella es ahora un miembro integral de la familia, ha estado con nosotros desde que Alia ten\u00eda seis meses."} {"gender":"male","en":"Ah yes, a table.","es":"Ah, s\u00ed, una mesa."} {"gender":"female","en":"You'll need to turn their most powerful asset, an open mind, into their greatest vulnerability.","es":"Hay que hacer que su activo m\u00e1s poderoso, una mente abierta, se convierta en su mayor vulnerabilidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"Elliott told me later she wrote the whole thing with her thumbs.","es":"Elliott me dijo despu\u00e9s que escribi\u00f3 todo con sus pulgares."} {"gender":"male","en":"And each gene gives us a fingerprint.","es":"Y cada gen deja una huella."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Difficult, eh?","es":"Dif\u00edcil, \u00bfcierto?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The flowers are named after him, the mountains are carved with his slogans.","es":"Las flores reciben su nombre, en las monta\u00f1as est\u00e1n talladas sus consignas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Or he was what he claimed to be.","es":"O era quien \u00c9l afirmaba ser."} {"gender":"male","en":"And as a chemist, one of the things I wanted to ask my research group a couple of years ago is, could we make a really cool universal chemistry set?","es":"Y, como qu\u00edmico, una de las cosas que mi grupo de investigaci\u00f3n quer\u00eda responder un par de a\u00f1os atr\u00e1s era: \u00bfpodemos hacer un juego universal de qu\u00edmica de verdad genial?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And we see here a photograph with a head.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed vemos una fotograf\u00eda con una cabeza."} {"gender":"female","en":"The press wrote about her death in rather, I felt, pornographic ways, like, \"Which bit of artery left which bit of body?\" and \"How did she die in the back of the car?\", and I was intrigued by this sort of mass voyeurism, so I made these rather gory images.","es":"La prensa escribi\u00f3 sobre su muerte de una manera, que yo sent\u00ed por momentos, pornogr\u00e1fica, como: qu\u00e9 pedazo de arter\u00eda se desprendi\u00f3 de qu\u00e9 pedazo del cuerpo, y c\u00f3mo muri\u00f3 en el asiento trasero del coche. Estaba intrigada por esta especie de voyerismo masivo. Entonces hice estas im\u00e1genes m\u00e1s bien sangrientas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Trade has increased.","es":"El comercio ha crecido."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So what we want are studies in real human people.","es":"Queremos estudios hechos en humanos reales."} {"gender":"female","en":"No! No!","es":"\u00a1No! \u00a1No!"} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'll get to the solution.","es":"Les hablar\u00e9 de la soluci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Imagine now taking an astrophysically realistic situation, imagine two black holes that have lived a long life together.","es":"Imaginen ahora una situaci\u00f3n astrof\u00edsica realista: imaginen dos agujeros negros que han vivido una larga vida juntos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And most importantly to them, how would others view them?","es":"Y lo que era m\u00e1s importante para ellas, \u00bfc\u00f3mo las ver\u00edan los dem\u00e1s?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And during my PhD, I wanted to know exactly what chemicals from our skin African malaria mosquitoes use to track us down at night.","es":"Durante mi doctorado, quise saber exactamente qu\u00e9 qu\u00edmicos de nuestra piel usaban los mosquitos, los africanos transmisores de paludismo, para encontrarnos en la oscuridad."} {"gender":"male","en":"You know, ratings in the 70s on a 100-point scale.","es":"Ya saben, calificaciones en los 70s en una escala de 100 puntos."} {"gender":"female","en":"My fascination with giant clams got me started on conservation research to fill in the knowledge gaps on their ecology and behavior.","es":"Mi fascinaci\u00f3n por las ostras gigantes me llev\u00f3 a investigar su conservaci\u00f3n, para cubrir la falta de conocimiento sobre su ecolog\u00eda y comportamiento."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, what's more likely: that extraterrestrial intelligences or multi-dimensional beings travel across vast distances of interstellar space to leave a crop circle in Farmer Bob's field in Puckerbrush, Kansas to promote skeptic.com, our web page? Or is it more likely that a reader of \"Skeptic\" did this with Photoshop?","es":"Me refiero a, \u00bfqu\u00e9 es m\u00e1s probable? \u00bfQue inteligencias extraterrestres o seres multidimensionales hayan viajado la vastedad del espacio interestelar para dejar una marca en las cosechas en el la granja de Bob en Puckerbrush, Kansas para promover Skeptic.com, nuestro sitio web? \u00bfo es m\u00e1s probable que un lector de Skeptic haya hecho esto con Photoshop?"} {"gender":"female","en":"So now put yourself in a city center.","es":"P\u00f3nganse en el centro de la ciudad."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I said, \"Do you pray?\"","es":"Les dije: \"\u00bfRezan?\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Traffic will be functionally exuberant.","es":"El tr\u00e1fico ser\u00eda funcionalmente exuberante."} {"gender":"female","en":"That is, I'm not a clinician, I'm a comparative biologist who studies anatomy.","es":"Es decir, no soy m\u00e9dico, soy una bi\u00f3loga comparativa que estudia anatom\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"And religious doctrines are meant to be summons to action; you only understand them when you put them into practice.","es":"Las doctrinas religiosas pretenden ser llamamientos a la acci\u00f3n; s\u00f3lo las comprendes al ponerlas en pr\u00e1ctica."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I said to her, \"I don't understand why you're not a feminist, because, you know, you live in America.\"","es":"Y yo le dije: \"No entiendo por qu\u00e9 no es Ud. feminista, porque, ya sabe, vive en EE.UU.\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's those Bulgakov themes, it's that picture of Jesus and the Devil hand in hand in Gethsemane walking into the moonlight.","es":"Como los motivos de Bulgakov, la imagen de Jes\u00fas y el demonio de la mano en Getseman\u00ed, a la luz de la luna."} {"gender":"male","en":"And one of the stories he told me so often when I was a young boy was of the first British atomic bomb test.","es":"Y una de las historias que me contaba seguido cuando era un ni\u00f1o fue sobre la primera prueba Brit\u00e1nica de la bomba at\u00f3mica."} {"gender":"male","en":"I have a couple of ideas to begin with.","es":"Tengo un par de ideas para comenzar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Stevens saves that sonically odd word \"meditation\" for the end.","es":"Stevens guarda para el final la palabra de sonido extra\u00f1o \"meditaci\u00f3n\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I went back to grad school in architecture and city planning, developed this interest in infrastructure, and in 1999 came up with an idea for my thesis project: the adaptation of an obsolete loop of old railroad circling downtown as a new infrastructure for urban revitalization.","es":"Volv\u00ed a la escuela de posgrado en arquitectura y planificaci\u00f3n de ciudad, desarroll\u00e9 este inter\u00e9s en infraestructura, y en 1999 tuve una idea para mi proyecto de tesis: la adaptaci\u00f3n del circuito obsoleto de la vieja v\u00eda f\u00e9rrea que rodea el centro como una nueva infraestructura para la revitalizaci\u00f3n urbana."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now I spoke to one of these Carders who we'll call RedBrigade, although that wasn't even his proper nickname, but I promised I wouldn't reveal who he was.","es":"Yo habl\u00e9 con uno de estos Carders; a quien llamaremos RedBrigade -ni siquiera era ese su apodo- pero promet\u00ed que no revelar\u00eda qui\u00e9n era."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Just like someone took a remote control and pushed the mute button.","es":"Igual que cuando pulsamos el bot\u00f3n de silencio del mando a distancia."} {"gender":"male","en":"And into the silence, I said, \"I'd be happy to speak at your school, but that's not a wellness week, that's a sickness week.","es":"En medio del silencio, dije: \"Me encantar\u00eda hablar aqu\u00ed, pero esa no es una semana de bienestar, sino de malestar."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think in the year 2016, this hierarchical geography was shattered to pieces.","es":"Creo que en 2016 esta geograf\u00eda jer\u00e1rquica se hizo a\u00f1icos."} {"gender":"female","en":"They're kept in bare cells like this for 23 hours a day.","es":"Se los encierra en celdas vac\u00edas como \u00e9sta durante 23 horas por d\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"Hi. I'm going to talk to you today about laughter, and I just want to start by thinking about the first time I can ever remember noticing laughter.","es":"Hola, hoy hablar\u00e9 de la risa y quiero empezar reflexionando sobre la primera vez que recuerdo haber descubierto la risa."} {"gender":"female","en":"The blade fell, the head fell into a basket, out of sight immediately, and they called out, \"Give me back my gallows, give me back my wooden gallows.\"","es":"La hoja cay\u00f3, la cabeza cay\u00f3 en una cesta en seguida fuera de la vista y gritaron, \"Devu\u00e9lveme mis horca, devu\u00e9lveme mis horca de madera\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this young child who'd taken about an inch and a half out of her leg with no antiseptic, and that young boy who was a child soldier, who told me he'd killed people, he was about 12, these things made me realize that this was not a film that I could just stop.","es":"Y a ese ni\u00f1o a quien le hab\u00edan quitado unos cent\u00edmetros de su pierna sin antis\u00e9pticos y ese muchacho que era un ni\u00f1o soldado, que me dijo que hab\u00eda matado gente -ten\u00eda 12 a\u00f1os- estas cosas me hicieron dar cuenta que este no era un film que pudiera detener."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"BL: These worms have no digestive system. They have no mouth. But they have two types of gill structures. One for extracting oxygen out of the deep-sea water, another one which houses this chemosynthetic bacteria, which takes the hydrothermal fluid, that hot water that you saw coming out of the bottom, and converts that into simple sugars that the tube worm can digest.","es":"BL: Estas lombrices no tienen sistema digestivo, no tienen boca, pero tienen dos tipos de branquias: una sirve para extraer ox\u00edgeno del agua marina a estas profundidades y la otra hospeda a un tipo de bacteria quimiosint\u00e9tica, que toma el fluido hidrot\u00e9rmico, esa agua caliente que vieron salir del suelo y la convierte en az\u00facares simples que la lombriz tubo puede digerir."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Let's have a look.","es":"Veamos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And in six months they can become solar engineers.","es":"Y en 6 meses pueden convertirse en ingenieras solares."} {"gender":"male","en":"Indeed, Mickey Mouse himself, of course, as \"Steamboat Willie,\" is a remix of the then, very dominant, very popular \"Steamboat Bill\" by Buster Keaton.","es":"De hecho, el mismo rat\u00f3n Mickey, claro, como \"Steamboat Willie\" es un remix del entonces, muy dominante, muy popular \"Steamboat Bill\" de Buster Keaton."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm asking about our human ancestry, things that we would recognize as being like us if they were sitting here in the room.","es":"Estoy preguntando sobre nuestros ancestros humanos, seres que reconocer\u00edamos como \"nosotros\" si estuvieran sentados en este cuarto."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I did go out, and I did this picture of grasses coming through in the spring, along a roadside. This rebirth of grass.","es":"Y sal\u00ed fuera e hice esta imagen de hierba brotando en primavera, al lado de un camino Este renacimento de la hierba."} {"gender":"male","en":"A lot of us men are really good at making friends, and talking, just not about anything real.","es":"Muchos de nosotros hombres somos muy buenos haciendo amigos y hablando simplemente sobre nada real."} {"gender":"male","en":"Some great people have come up through our ranks.","es":"Salieron grandes personas de all\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"Huh!","es":"\u00a1Ja!"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Which is impossible.","es":"Lo cual es imposible."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Fear is set in Light Helvetica, so it's not too stressful, and if you set it in Ultra Light Helvetica, it's like, \"Oh, fear, who cares?\"","es":"El miedo est\u00e1 escrito en Light Helvetica, para que no resalte demasiado y si se escribe en Ultra Light Helvetica, es como, \"Oh, miedo, \u00bfa qui\u00e9n le importa?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"With a big boyish smile he says, \"I'm so happy. I love her.","es":"Con una gran sonrisa juvenil dice: \"Estoy tan feliz, la amo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the gut is a silent voice, it's going more for feelings.","es":"El intestino es una voz silenciosa. Va m\u00e1s por las sensaciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"How easy for me to tell him what he should do.","es":"Pero que facil es para m\u00ed decirle qu\u00e9 hacer."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now I'm going to show you this in 3D.","es":"Ahora les voy a mostrar esto en 3D."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so there was a great curiosity in my soul when I went to go visit a TED by the name of Dr. Sylvia Earle.","es":"Y con gran curiosidad en mi alma fui a visitar a un ganador del premio TED la Dra. Sylvia Earle."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's when the potential of these tools can become a reality.","es":"Es entonces cuando el potencial de estas herramientas puede convertirse en realidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"Why did he die and I lived?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 muri\u00f3 \u00e9l y yo no?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Isn't that terrific?","es":"\u00bfNo es incre\u00edble?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's how we learn about what works.","es":"As\u00ed es como aprendemos de algo que funciona."} {"gender":"female","en":"I find a lot of people have difficulty doing that.","es":"Encuentro mucha gente con dificultades para hacer eso."} {"gender":"female","en":"And words and enthusiasm actually happen to be the recipe for lexicography.","es":"Y las palabras y el entusiasmo, de hecho, son la receta para la lexicograf\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There's also something a little farther out, called the Oort cloud. There are about 100,000 balls of ice and rock, comets, really, out there, that are 50 miles in diameter or more, and they regularly take a little spin, in towards the Sun and pass reasonably close to us.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n hay algo un poco m\u00e1s distante llamado la Nube de Oort Hay unas 100,000 bolas de hielo y roca, cometas, realmente, ah\u00ed afuera, que tienen 50 millas de di\u00e1metro o m\u00e1s, y con frecuencia se dan una vuelta hacia el sol y pasan razonablemente cerca de nosotros."} {"gender":"female","en":"Everything is intense to me, the way I walk in the street, the way my momma wakes me up, the way it's unbearable when I lose, the way I hear bad news.","es":"Todo me parece intenso, la manera en que camino por la calle, la forma en que mami me despierta, la manera en que no soporto perder, mi manera de escuchar malas noticias."} {"gender":"male","en":"Other people started to believe in what we were doing, and actually offered us hangar space, donated hangar space to us.","es":"Otras personas comenzaron a creer en lo que hacemos, nos ofrecieron espacio en un hangar, nos donaron ese espacio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Born in Meridian, Idaho.","es":"Oriundo de Meridian, Idaho."} {"gender":"male","en":"These are just recently shot, I just came back about a month ago, so you're the first ones to be seeing these, these new factory pictures I've taken.","es":"Estas son recientes, he vuelto hace un mes, as\u00ed que sois los primeros en ver, estas nuevas fotos de f\u00e1bricas que he sacado."} {"gender":"female","en":"Yet as astronomers, we study a wider range of light and we depend on other methods to do that.","es":"Sin embargo, los astr\u00f3nomos, estudiamos una gama m\u00e1s amplia de la luz y dependemos de otros m\u00e9todos para hacerlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"But then, when we will have it back, you do this.","es":"Pero entonces, cuando los tengamos de vuelta, t\u00fa haces esto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So when you think of it at that point, all walls collapse.","es":"Si piensan en ello, en este punto, las barreras desaparecen."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, I had to use my legs to hold my feet into the straps that were loose, which was a real problem for me.","es":"Pero ten\u00eda que hacer fuerza para mantener los pies en las correas medio sueltas, lo cu\u00e1l fue un gran problema para mi."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm now supporting Stewart's position, softly, from a risk-management standpoint, agreeing that the risks of overheating the planet outweigh the risk of nuclear incident, which certainly is possible and is a very real problem.","es":"Ahora apoyo la posici\u00f3n de Stewart. suavemente, desde un punto de vista de gesti\u00f3n de riesgos, estando de acuerdo en que los riesgos del recalentamiento del planeta superan el riesgo de un incidente nuclear lo cual ciertamente es posible y un problema muy real."} {"gender":"female","en":"I've started and run businesses because invention is a joy, and because working alongside brilliant, creative people is its own reward.","es":"Empec\u00e9 a administrar empresas porque la inventiva es una alegr\u00eda, y porque trabajar junto a personas brillantes y creativas es en s\u00ed una recompensa."} {"gender":"female","en":"But then, living in two extremes between the traditions of my culture, of my village, and then modern education in my school wasn't easy.","es":"Pero viviendo en 2 extremos entre las tradiciones de mi cultura, de mi pueblo, y la educaci\u00f3n moderna en mi escuela no fue f\u00e1cil."} {"gender":"male","en":"What do they have in common?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 tienen en com\u00fan?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I wanted to show the slide, this slide, I think, is the most important one any of you will see, ever, because, , it shows nature versus humans, and goes from 1850 to 2050. And so, the year 2000, you see there. And this is the weight of all air and land vertebrates.","es":"Quiero ense\u00f1aros la diapositiva, esta diapositiva, creo, es la m\u00e1s importante que ver\u00e9is nunca, porque muestra la naturaleza contra los humanos, y va desde 1850 al 2050, y por ello, el a\u00f1o 2000, lo veis all\u00ed, y este es el peso de todos los vertebrados a\u00e9reos y terrestres."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you for asking a question that I can answer with an uncontroversial answer.","es":"Gracias por hacer una pregunta que puedo responder con una respuesta no controvertida."} {"gender":"female","en":"So they're going to start by guessing \"password,\" and then they'll guess \"I love you,\" and \"monkey,\" and \"12345678,\" because these are the passwords that are most likely for people to have.","es":"As\u00ed que empezaremos adivinando \"contrase\u00f1a\" y luego \"Te amo\" y \"mono\" y \"12345678\", porque estas son las contrase\u00f1as que con mayor probabilidad tiene la gente."} {"gender":"female","en":"By liking that Facebook page, or by sharing this piece of personal information, you've now improved my ability to predict whether or not you're using drugs or whether or not you get along well in the workplace.","es":"Al darle \"me gusta\" a esa p\u00e1gina en Facebook, o al compartir esa informaci\u00f3n personal, mejoraste mi capacidad de predecir si usas drogas o si te llevas bien en el trabajo."} {"gender":"female","en":"So you've got this massive mismatch; everyone knows that if they share they're going to get HIV, but they're all sharing anyway.","es":"Entonces se obtiene esta masiva disparidad. Todos saben que si comparten se van a contagiar de VIH, pero todos comparten de todos modos."} {"gender":"male","en":"The alternative, of course, is our most walkable city, and I like to say, you know, this is a Rothko, and this is a Seurat.","es":"La alternativa es, sin duda, una ciudad m\u00e1s peatonal, y me gusta decir que este es un Rothko, y este un Seurat."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because I wanted him to feel like this was all being done very much above board.","es":"Porque quer\u00eda que \u00e9l sintiera que est\u00e1bamos haciendo todo legal y correctamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"I certainly think that my client shouldn't have been executed, but what I would like to do today instead is talk about the death penalty in a way I've never done before, in a way that is entirely noncontroversial.","es":"Claro que creo que mi cliente no debi\u00f3 haber sido ejecutado. En vez de eso, me gustar\u00eda hablarles de la pena de muerte como no lo he hecho antes; de una manera que no suscite controversia."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's really important to look at the Moon.","es":"Es muy importante mirar la luna."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And it was through our research to understand the activity of this protein, Cas9, that we realized that we could harness its function as a genetic engineering technology, a way for scientists to delete or insert specific bits of DNA into cells with incredible precision, that would offer opportunities to do things that really haven't been possible in the past.","es":"Y fue por nuestra investigaci\u00f3n para entender la actividad de esta prote\u00edna, Cas9, que descubrimos que pod\u00edamos aprovechar su funci\u00f3n como una tecnolog\u00eda de ingenier\u00eda gen\u00e9tica. Una forma para que los cient\u00edficos eliminen o inserten bits espec\u00edficos de ADN en c\u00e9lulas con incre\u00edble precisi\u00f3n, lo que ofrecer\u00eda oportunidades para hacer cosas que realmente no fueron posibles en el pasado."} {"gender":"female","en":"That meant we could access all the information we wanted, when we wanted it, anytime, anywhere. And when the story broke in January 1998, it broke online.","es":"Eso signific\u00f3 que se pod\u00eda acceder a toda la informaci\u00f3n deseada, en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar, y cuando la historia estall\u00f3 en enero de 1998, emergi\u00f3 en l\u00ednea."} {"gender":"female","en":"And he looked at me, and I smiled, and then I saw the tears start welling up in his eyes. And he wasn't going to blink.","es":"Me mir\u00f3 y yo sonre\u00ed. Entonces sus ojos se comenzaron a llenar de lagrimas, y no parpadeaba."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is a TriStar, and so they let Natasha actually sit in the jump seat.","es":"Este es un Tri-Star y dejaron que Natasha se sentara en la cabina."} {"gender":"male","en":"Day to Night is about all the things, it's like a compilation of all the things I love about the medium of photography.","es":"Del d\u00eda a la noche trata de todas las cosas, es como una recopilaci\u00f3n de todas las cosas que amo acerca de la fotograf\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"In 1970, the dam bursts.","es":"En 1970 ese esquema se desploma."} {"gender":"female","en":"Basically, they were making fun of them for being trailer trash or white trash.","es":"B\u00e1sicamente, s\u00e9 que se burlaban de ellas por ser \"basura de remolque\" o \"basura blanca\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so, I'm here to tell you, you don't need a computer to actually have a spell.","es":"Entonces, estoy aqu\u00ed para decirles que no necesitan una computadora para hacer un hechizo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Every parent in this audience knows the joy and excitement of picking a new baby's name.","es":"Cada padre del p\u00fablico conoce la alegr\u00eda y la emoci\u00f3n de elegir el nombre de un reci\u00e9n nacido."} {"gender":"male","en":"You know, you're not there just to pass on received information.","es":"Uno no est\u00e1 all\u00ed solo para transmitir la informaci\u00f3n recibida."} {"gender":"male","en":"I thought it was surprising how all of these families had all of these children with all of these problems, problems that they mostly would have done anything to avoid, and that they had all found so much meaning in that experience of parenting.","es":"Pens\u00e9 que era sorprendente c\u00f3mo todas estas familias ten\u00edan todos estos ni\u00f1os con todos estos problemas, problemas que en su mayor\u00eda habr\u00edan hecho cualquier cosa para evitar, y que todos hab\u00edan encontrado mucho sentido en esa experiencia de ser padres."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is why they have fireworks in the summer.","es":"Por eso ellos lanzan fuegos artificiales en verano."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so, I run on these, and have shocked half the world on these.","es":"Y as\u00ed, yo corro con ellas, y asombr\u00e9 a la mitad del mundo us\u00e1ndolas."} {"gender":"male","en":"It starts with a foundation, basic skills.","es":"Se comienza con lo fundamental, las habilidades b\u00e1sicas."} {"gender":"male","en":"But for us, I want to talk about three factors today.","es":"Pero en nuestro caso, quiero hablar de tres factores."} {"gender":"female","en":"We're in a dangerous cycle.","es":"Estamos en un ciclo peligroso."} {"gender":"male","en":"You had a bell, so if anything went wrong \u2014 \u2014 or the machine needed the attendant to come to it, there was a bell it could ring.","es":"Ten\u00eda un timbre, as\u00ed que si algo sal\u00eda mal \u2014 \u2014 o si la m\u00e1quina necesitaba que viniera el operador, hab\u00eda una timbre que se pod\u00eda usar para llamar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Anyway, this is a lady creature.","es":"De todos modos tambi\u00e9n una especie de mujer-criatura."} {"gender":"female","en":"But we've put a long-life battery backup on here.","es":"Pero pusimos una bater\u00eda de larga duraci\u00f3n de soporte aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"What I think these pictures demonstrate is that we do believe in something bigger than ourselves.","es":"Lo que pienso que estas fotos demuestran es que s\u00ed creemos en algo mucho m\u00e1s grande que nosotros mismos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, along with this ability to plant memories and control behavior obviously come some important ethical issues, like, when should we use this mind technology?","es":"Bien, a la par de esta habilidad para implantar recuerdos y controlar el comportamiento, obviamente vienen algunos asuntos \u00e9ticos importantes, como, \u00bfcu\u00e1ndo deber\u00edamos usar esta tecnolog\u00eda en la mente?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Buttons, snaps, zippers, hook-and-eyes were a challenge for almost everybody.","es":"Botones, broches, cremalleras, ganchos, eran un desaf\u00edo para casi todos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"What would you do here?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 har\u00eda?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And I thought to myself, in the middle of the night, in the middle of the Atlantic, what in the world could be wrong in Washington?","es":"Y pens\u00e9 hacia adentro, en medio de la noche, en medio del Atl\u00e1ntico, \u00bfqu\u00e9 en el mundo podr\u00eda estar mal en Washington?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Now we're all born with spirit, all of us, but sometimes it gets tamped down beneath the challenges of life, violence, abuse, neglect.","es":"Todos nacemos con el esp\u00edritu, todos, pero a veces decae por los retos de la vida, la violencia, el maltrato, la negligencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's the teaching hospital for Harvard, one of the best hospitals in the country.","es":"Es la cl\u00ednica universitaria de la U. de Harvard uno de los mejores hospitales del pa\u00eds."} {"gender":"female","en":"I made a booking, and weeks later, my friend Chris and my mom drove me out to the airport, all 80 pounds of me covered in a plaster body cast in a baggy pair of overalls.","es":"Hice una reserva y semanas m\u00e1s tarde mi amigo Chris y mi mam\u00e1 me llevaron al aeropuerto, todos mis 36 kilos cubiertos en una f\u00e9rula de yeso en un par de anchos de overoles."} {"gender":"male","en":"Brandi Carlile: Have you ever wandered lonely through the woods? And everything there feels just as it should You're part of the life there You're part of something good If you've ever wandered lonely through the woods Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh If you've ever wandered lonely through the woods Have you ever stared into a starry sky? Lying on your back, you're asking why What's the purpose? I wonder, who am I? If you've ever stared into a starry sky Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Aah, ah, aah Ah, oh, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh Have you ever stared into a starry sky? Have you ever been out walking in the snow? Tried to get back where you were before You always end up Not knowing where to go If you've ever been out walking in the snow Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Aah, ah, aah, ah, aah Ah, ah, oh, ah, ah, oh, ah Oh, ah, ah, ah Ah, ah, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh If you'd ever been out walking you would know Paul Nicklen: Thank you very much.","es":"Brandi Carlile: \u00bfAnduviste alguna vez solo por el bosque? Y todo all\u00ed era como debiera ser Eras all\u00ed parte de la vida Eras parte de algo bueno Si has andado solo por el bosque Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Si has andado solo por el bosque \u00bfViste alguna vez un cielo estrellado? Recostado de espalda, uno se pregunta \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el prop\u00f3sito? Me pregunto: \u00bfQui\u00e9n soy? Si viste un cielo estrellado Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Aah, ah, aah Ah, oh, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh \u00bfHas visto alguna vez un cielo estrellado? \u00bfHas salido alguna vez a caminar en la nieve? \u00bfTrataste de volver al punto de partida? T\u00fa siempre terminas sin saber a d\u00f3nde ir si alguna vez has salido a caminar en la nieve Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Aah, ah, aah, ah, aah Ah, ah, oh, ah, ah, oh, ah Oh, ah, ah, ah Ah, ah, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh Si alguna vez saliste a caminar, lo sabr\u00e1s Paul Nicklen: Muchas gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm sorry. If you're getting queasy, look away, don't look at the thing. People in the back or people on video years from now watching this will go, \"Well yeah, that looks kind of neat in some sort of effect there, but if it were real he would be, see there's a hole there and a hole there, if it were real he would be bleeding. Well let me work up some blood for you. Yes, there it is. Normally now, I would take the needle out. I would clean off my arm, and I would show you that there are no wounds.","es":"Lo siento, si se est\u00e1n mareando miren para otro lado. no miren \u00e9sto, la gente all\u00e1 atr\u00e1s o la gente que vea el video dir\u00e1, \"bueno, se ve bien el efecto,\" pero si fuera real \u00e9l har\u00eda esto f\u00edjense que hay un hueco aqu\u00ed y otro all\u00ed, si fuera real estar\u00eda sangrando. bueno, d\u00e9jenme mostrarles un poco de sangre. S\u00ed, ah\u00ed est\u00e1. Normalmente, ahora estar\u00eda sacando la aguja, limpiar\u00eda mi brazo y les mostrar\u00eda que no hay heridas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And we were the first non-Muslims to teach in the state schools there in Kuwait.","es":"Fuimos los primeros no-musulmanes que dimos clases en los colegios p\u00fablicos de Kuwait."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Part of it's on the outside, and it's catching the hormone as it comes by in green.","es":"Una parte est\u00e1 en el exterior, y est\u00e1 atrapando a la hormona cuando pasa en verde."} {"gender":"female","en":"But when most of us have bits of time, what do we do?","es":"Pero cuando muchos de nosotros tenemos poco tiempo, \u00bfqu\u00e9 hacemos?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We use now some type of technologies, where for solid organs, for example, like the liver, what we do is we take discard livers.","es":"Usamos un tipo de tecnolog\u00eda para \u00f3rganos s\u00f3lidos, por ejemplo, como el h\u00edgado en la que usamos h\u00edgados descartables."} {"gender":"female","en":"Yeah, she knows I'm here.","es":"S\u00ed, ella sabe que estoy aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"Discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life.","es":"La aflicci\u00f3n es la tarifa de entrada a una vida significativa."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's glamorous movie stars, like Marlene Dietrich.","es":"Estrellas de cine glamurosas, como Marlene Dietrich."} {"gender":"female","en":"Ralph Waldo Emerson called him \"A man who does not offend by superiority.\" But then we hit the 20th century, and we entered a new culture that historians call the culture of personality.","es":"Ralph Waldo Emerson lo llam\u00f3 \"Un hombre que no se ofende ante la superioridad\" Y entonces en el siglo XX entramos en una nueva cultura que los historiadores llaman la cultura de la personalidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"People and systems count on our silence to keep us exactly where we are.","es":"Las personas y sistemas cuentan con nuestro silencio para mantenernos exactamente donde estamos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now what?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfqu\u00e9 hacemos?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Clearly this led to patent wars breaking out all over the globe.","es":"Claramente esto condujo a guerras de patentes por todo el mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"We think that it's a hotel, a hotel with lots of rats.","es":"Cre\u00edamos que era un hotel, un hotel lleno de ratas."} {"gender":"female","en":"There's a group of people in Kenya.","es":"Hay un grupo de personas en Kenia."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean that I could think how foolish it was to say to this crying nine-year-old boy, \"You're the man of the house now.\"","es":"Quiero decir, darme cuenta de lo rid\u00edculo que fue decir a un ni\u00f1o de 9 a\u00f1os, llorando, que ahora es el hombre de la casa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"My generation really, sadly, is not going to change the numbers at the top.","es":"Mi generaci\u00f3n en realidad, tristemente, no va a cambiar los n\u00fameros de la cima."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They will be operating on a multi-product, made-to-order basis.","es":"Operar\u00e1n con base en el multi-producto, hecho a medida."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"No, don't, why are we here today?","es":"\"No, no, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 estamos aqu\u00ed hoy?"} {"gender":"female","en":"The director had a vision for this scene based on some wonderful footage of jellyfish in the South Pacific.","es":"El director ten\u00eda su visi\u00f3n para esta escena basada en algunos videos maravillosos de medusas del Pac\u00edfico Sur."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, I came up with my own.","es":"As\u00ed que invent\u00e9 mi propia soluci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I swam across the lake.","es":"Y nad\u00e9 a trav\u00e9s del lago."} {"gender":"male","en":"And still, there are people in the UK saying, \"That external aortic root, it will never work, you know.\"","es":"Y a\u00fan as\u00ed, hay gente en el Reino Unido diciendo: \"S\u00ed, esa ra\u00edz a\u00f3rtica externa, sabes, nunca va a funcionar\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I wonder what our world will look like when our clothes will be digital, just like this skirt is.","es":"Y me pregunto qu\u00e9 aspecto tendr\u00e1 nuestro mundo cuando la ropa sea digital, como lo es esta falda."} {"gender":"female","en":"You see what looks like little Medusa heads coming out.","es":"Vean que parece como una peque\u00f1a cabeza de Medusa que sale."} {"gender":"female","en":"You will teach him how to love himself because you love yourself.","es":"Uds. le ense\u00f1ar\u00e1n a amarse a s\u00ed mismo, porque Uds. se aman a s\u00ed mismos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In San Francisco, before uberPOOL, we had, well, everybody would take their car wherever the heck they wanted.","es":"En San Francisco, antes de uberPOOL, tuvimos bueno, todo el mundo tendr\u00eda su coche donde diablos quisiera."} {"gender":"male","en":"I am here because there is still a big problem with the way many people see individuals with intellectual disabilities, or, too often, how they don't see them at all.","es":"Estoy aqu\u00ed porque todav\u00eda hay un gran problema con la forma en que muchos ven a la gente con discapacidad intelectual, o, con demasiada frecuencia, no los ven en absoluto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then she came up and said, \"They ask me why I teach, and I reply, 'Where could I find such splendid company?'","es":"Luego se levanto y dijo, \"Me preguntan que por qu\u00e9 ense\u00f1o y yo respondo, '\u00bfD\u00f3nde puedo encontrar tan espl\u00e9ndida compa\u00f1\u00eda?'"} {"gender":"female","en":"We choose if we need to make a turn.","es":"Elegimos si necesitamos dar un giro."} {"gender":"male","en":"Testing the device on a number of patients made me realize that I needed to invent solutions for people who didn't want to wear socks to sleep at night.","es":"Probar el dispositivo en un n\u00famero de pacientes me hizo dar cuenta de que necesitaba inventar soluciones para personas que no quer\u00edan usar los calcetines de noche."} {"gender":"male","en":"Maybe my experience with the WWE wasn't ideal.","es":"Tal vez mi experiencia con la WWE no fue ideal."} {"gender":"female","en":"So Susan Boyle was saying that, 80,000 live audience sang together.","es":"Y a medida que Susan Boyule cantaba eso una audiencia de 80.000 personas cant\u00f3 con ella."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let's see, let's, oh, who stole my Rice Krispies?","es":"Veamos, vamos a, oh, \u00bfqui\u00e9n se llev\u00f3 mis Rice Krispies?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So many movies, so many kids, we all sort of dream about exploring space.","es":"Hay tantas pel\u00edculas, tantos ni\u00f1os, todos en cierto modo so\u00f1amos con viajar al espacio."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I think it has all sorts of profound implications.","es":"Bien, creo que tiene consecuencias profundas."} {"gender":"female","en":"In the worst cases, there are simply not enough jobs in the public health sector, where most poor people are treated, not enough political will, not enough resources, not enough anything \u2014 just too many patients with no care.","es":"En el peor de los casos, simplemente no hay suficientes empleos en el sector p\u00fablico, donde se atiende a la mayor\u00eda de los pobres: no hay suficiente voluntad pol\u00edtica, no hay suficientes recursos, no hay suficiente de nada, solo demasiados pacientes sin atenci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And sure they look silly.","es":"Y seguro que parecen tontos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I do not know, but I hope that I will live to see that day, because finding an entire human connectome is one of the greatest technological challenges of all time.","es":"No lo s\u00e9, pero espero vivir para ver ese d\u00eda. Porque hallar un conectoma humano entero es uno de los desaf\u00edos tecnol\u00f3gicos m\u00e1s grandes de todos los tiempos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it stays with the idea that I am this body, I am this physical organism.","es":"Y se basa en la idea de que soy este cuerpo, soy este organismo f\u00edsico."} {"gender":"female","en":"In the footnote panel that accompanies this work I photographed an official Adolph Hitler postage stamp and an imitation of that stamp produced by British Intelligence with Hans Frank's image on it.","es":"En el panel de notas que acompa\u00f1a a este trabajo, fotografi\u00e9 un sello oficial de Adolph Hitler y una imitaci\u00f3n de ese sello producido por la Inteligencia brit\u00e1nica con la imagen de Hans Frank."} {"gender":"male","en":"I got a bit of gray hair, started to dress in black like a true architect.","es":"Me salieron canas, empec\u00e9 a vestirme de negro como un verdadero arquitecto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Enzymes, those workhorses of life, the catalysts of chemical reactions, enzymes are biomolecules that speed up chemical reactions in living cells, by many, many orders of magnitude.","es":"Las enzimas, los caballos de batalla de la vida, los catalizadores de las reacciones qu\u00edmicas, son biomol\u00e9culas que aceleran las reacciones qu\u00edmicas en las c\u00e9lulas vivas, en muchos \u00f3rdenes de magnitud."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Population growth + meat consumption + dairy consumption + energy costs + bioenergy production = stress on natural resources.","es":"Aumento de la poblaci\u00f3n + consumo de carne + consumo de leche + costos energ\u00e9ticos + producci\u00f3n de bioenerg\u00eda = estr\u00e9s de los recursos naturales."} {"gender":"female","en":"Antiquated zoning and land-use regulations are still used to this day to continue putting polluting facilities in my neighborhood.","es":"A\u00fan hoy se usan legislaciones anticuadas sobre el uso de la tierra para que sigan existiendo las instalaciones contaminantes en mi barrio."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I built model airplanes.","es":"Por lo que comenc\u00e9 a construir modelos de aeroplanos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And when I say manipulated, I'm talking about in a Darwinian sense, right?","es":"Y cuando digo manipulado, lo digo en sentido darwinista, \u00bfcorrecto?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, I think this maybe isn't a very useful way of thinking.","es":"Ahora, creo que tal vez no es una forma muy \u00fatil de pensar."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then I'd sell 50 at a time of all the crappy ones.","es":"Y luego vender\u00eda 50 juntas de las baqueteadas."} {"gender":"female","en":"The project's also made a big difference in the lives of the retouchers.","es":"Este proyecto tambi\u00e9n marc\u00f3 una gran diferencia en la vida de los retocadores."} {"gender":"female","en":"I first heard these words when I was just six years old, and I was completely inspired.","es":"La primera vez que o\u00ed estas palabras cuando ten\u00eda solo 6 a\u00f1os, me inspiraron completamente."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I'm trying to this day to articulate the sense of empowerment and responsibility that I feel for the place that I live based simply on this small act of participation.","es":"Y todav\u00eda sigo tratando de expresar esa sensaci\u00f3n de poder y responsabilidad que siento por el lugar en el que vivo basado simplemente en este peque\u00f1o acto de participaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you want to get at the big part, I mean from a public health level, where my training is, you're looking at behavioral issues. You're looking at things where people are actually given information, and they're not following through with it.","es":"Si quieres llegar a la mayor\u00eda, me refiero al nivel de la salud p\u00fablica, en donde me entren\u00e9, ves problemas de comportamiento, ves que se le da informaci\u00f3n a la gente, y no la siguen."} {"gender":"male","en":"The stark reality hit me that I was going to spend the rest of my life locked inside myself, totally alone.","es":"La cruda realidad me golpe\u00f3 al imaginar que iba a pasar el resto de mi vida encerrado en m\u00ed mismo, totalmente solo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Here were have on the left, the Internet and on the right, the root apparatus.","es":"Aqu\u00ed, a la izquierda, tenemos Internet y, a la derecha, el aparato de la ra\u00edz."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now what are the implications of that?","es":"\u00bfY cu\u00e1les son las repercusiones al respecto?"} {"gender":"female","en":"There is some kind of shift inside me when the work gets good.","es":"Hay un cambio en mi cabeza cuando el trabajo se vuelve interesante."} {"gender":"female","en":"The UAW, who represented the workers, said they would offer unprecedented concessions, sacrifices to just keep those jobs in Greenville.","es":"La UAW, que representaba a los trabajadores, dijo que iba a ofrecer concesiones sin precedentes, sacrificios para mantener esos trabajos en Greenville."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It did not start that trend.","es":"No comenz\u00f3 esa tendencia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"With this event, a new era in Native American history began. Everything can be measured before Wounded Knee and after, because it was in this moment, with the fingers on the triggers of the Hotchkiss guns, that the US government openly declared its position on Native rights.","es":"Este evento marca una nueva era en la historia de los ind\u00edgenas de EE.UU. Todo se puede medir antes y despu\u00e9s de Wounded Knee. Porque fue en este momento con los dedos en el gatillo de los ca\u00f1ones Hotchkiss que el gobierno de EE.UU. declar\u00f3 abiertamente su posici\u00f3n en derechos abor\u00edgenes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's about one-seventh the width of a human hair.","es":"Eso es cerca de un s\u00e9ptimo del ancho de un cabello humano."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now I'm going to show you a three-year-old who got the same puzzle.","es":"Ahora voy a mostrar a un ni\u00f1o de tres a\u00f1os de edad a quien se le someti\u00f3 a la misma adivinanza."} {"gender":"female","en":"For example, the camera on your laptop is at the top of the screen, so for example, when you're looking into the screen, you're not actually making eye contact.","es":"Por ejemplo, la c\u00e1mara en la computadora port\u00e1til est\u00e1 en la tapa de la pantalla, por ejemplo, cuando uno mira en la pantalla, uno no hace realmente contacto visual."} {"gender":"female","en":"We keep focusing on the end results or test results, and getting frustrated.","es":"Nos centramos en los resultados finales o los resultados de la evaluaci\u00f3n y frustrarnos."} {"gender":"female","en":"If people with disabilities are allowed into the scientific field, an explosion, a huge titanic burst of knowledge will take place, I am sure.","es":"Si a las personas con discapacidad se les permite acceder al campo cient\u00edfico, suceder\u00e1 una enorme y tit\u00e1nica explosi\u00f3n de conocimientos. Estoy segura."} {"gender":"male","en":"OK, so it's called linked data.","es":"Bien, entonces los llamamos datos enlazados."} {"gender":"female","en":"They know.","es":"Ellos ya los saben."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In other words, what are the costs of doing business as usual?","es":"Es decir: \u00bfcu\u00e1l es el costo de hacer negocios como siempre?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So I got in the PhD program in biophysics. I was like, I'm studying brains now. Well, I want to study theory.","es":"As\u00ed que entr\u00e9 - al doctorado en Biof\u00edsica, y pens\u00e9, bien, Ya estoy estudiando cerebros, y dije, bien, quiero estudiar teor\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But claiming these spaces for public use was not simple, and it's even harder to keep them that way.","es":"Pero recuperar estos espacios para el uso p\u00fablico no fue sencillo y es a\u00fan m\u00e1s dif\u00edcil mantenerlos as\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is my shout-out to men: we need you in this fight.","es":"Este es mi llamamiento a los hombres: les necesitamos en esta pelea."} {"gender":"female","en":"So rather than viewing their former regimes as generous if overprotective fathers, they viewed them as essentially prison wardens.","es":"Y en vez de ver a los antiguos reg\u00edmenes como padres generosos y quiz\u00e1 sobreprotectores, los ve\u00edan como guardias de prisi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Notice how the quad lost altitude when I put this glass of water on it.","es":"Observen c\u00f3mo el quad pierde altitud cuando pongo esta copa con agua sobre \u00e9l."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It doesn't pass any standards.","es":"No cumple con normativa alguna."} {"gender":"female","en":"Brenda Palms-Farber was hired to help ex-convicts reenter society and keep them from going back into prison.","es":"Brenda Palms-Farber fue contratada para ayudar a los ex-presidiarios a reinsertarse en la sociedad y evitar que regresen a prisi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"All we know is, soon after the dingoes were brought in, thylacines were extinct in the Australian mainland, and after that they only survived in Tasmania.","es":"Todo lo que sabemos es que, tan pronto como aparecieron los dingos, los tilacinos se extinguieron del continente australiano y despu\u00e9s solo sobrevivieron en Tasmania."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In 2009, the surveillance systems that Google and Microsoft built into their networks, the systems that they use to respond to lawful surveillance requests from the police, those systems were compromised by the Chinese government, because the Chinese government wanted to figure out which of their own agents the US government was monitoring. By the same token, in 2004, the surveillance system built into the network of Vodafone Greece, Greece's largest telephone company, was compromised by an unknown entity, and that feature, the surveillance feature, was used to wiretap the Greek Prime Minister and members of the Greek cabinet.","es":"En 2009, los sistemas de vigilancia que Google y Microsoft integraron en sus redes --sistemas que usan para responder solicitudes legales de vigilancia de la polic\u00eda-- fueron puestos a prueba por el gobierno chino, porque el gobierno chino quer\u00eda averiguar cu\u00e1les de sus propios agentes eran monitoreados por el gobierno de EE.UU. Por la misma raz\u00f3n, en 2004, el sistema de vigilancia integrado en la red de Vodafone Grecia --la mayor telef\u00f3nica de Grecia-- fue puesto a prueba por una entidad desconocida, y ese mismo servicio de vigilancia se us\u00f3 para vigilar al primer ministro griego y a miembros del gabinete griego."} {"gender":"male","en":"What I mean by that is that in some parts of the world, the government plays a key role in the development of technology.","es":"Lo que quiero decir con eso es que en algunas partes del mundo, el gobierno juega un papel clave en el desarrollo de la tecnolog\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"They're doing it in a very simple way, by calling their mom from work, by IMing from their office to their friends, by texting under the desk.","es":"Lo est\u00e1n haciendo de una manera muy simple, llamando a su madre del trabajo, por Mensajes Instant\u00e1neos desde su oficina a sus amigos, por mensajes de texto debajo del escritorio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There's no petitions that you can sign to be against short-termism.","es":"Nada de reunir firmas para estar en contra de la visi\u00f3n a corto plazo."} {"gender":"female","en":"It takes the codes of behavior and the codes of dress, and it makes it unexpected, and that's what elicits a laugh.","es":"Toma los c\u00f3digos de conducta y los c\u00f3digos de vestir y los convierte en lo inesperado, y eso es lo que provoca la risa."} {"gender":"male","en":"And suddenly, out of nowhere, the police pounced on me like hungry lions.","es":"Y de repente, de la nada, la polic\u00eda se abalanz\u00f3 sobre m\u00ed como leones hambrientos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now when this law first passed, the world's hottest MP3 player could hold just 10 songs.","es":"Cuando se aprob\u00f3 esta ley, el mejor reproductor de MP3 s\u00f3lo reproduc\u00eda 10 canciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"Peter Diamandis: So those are just a few of the clips I collected over the last six months, could have easily been the last six days or the last six years.","es":"Peter Diamandis: Estos son s\u00f3lo algunos de los clips que consegu\u00ed en los \u00faltimos seis meses. Tranquilamente podr\u00edan ser de los \u00faltimos 6 d\u00edas o de los \u00faltimos 6 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"What's the potential impact on a patient's ability to see?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el impacto potencial en la capacidad de ver de un paciente?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Man 2: OK. Narrator: It falls to Paul to cover its eyes.","es":"\"OK\" \"Le toca a Paul cubrir sus ojos\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I want to just conclude this by just giving you some information.","es":"Y quiero concluir d\u00e1ndoles un poco de informaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"So the animators were heavily dependent on the binoculars to sell his acting and emotions.","es":"As\u00ed que los animadores depend\u00edan much\u00edsimo de los prism\u00e1ticos para expresar sus acciones y emociones."} {"gender":"female","en":"We are always doing things we like in our life.","es":"Siempre hacemos cosas que nos gustan en la vida."} {"gender":"female","en":"Correct the other direction now, it's OK.","es":"Corrige ahora en la otra direcci\u00f3n, est\u00e1 bien."} {"gender":"female","en":"So what have we done about it?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 hemos hecho al respecto?"} {"gender":"female","en":"But it turns out, when you look overall at what people regret in life, you know what, our financial decisions don't even rank.","es":"Pero resulta que cuando se observa en general lo que la gente lamenta en la vida, saben una cosa, nuestras decisiones financieras ni siquiera clasifican."} {"gender":"male","en":"Tourists in glass-bottomed boats would be viewing the drowned towers of Miami through 150 feet of tropical water.","es":"Los turistas podr\u00edan observar las torres de Miami sumergidas desde barcos con fondo de cristal a trav\u00e9s de 46 metros de agua tropical."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'll do 57,000 squared, plus 683 squared, plus 57,000 times 683 times two.","es":"El cuadrado de 57.000, m\u00e1s el cuadrado de 683, m\u00e1s 57.000 por 683 por 2."} {"gender":"male","en":"But if we look at companies like PUMA, Jochen Zeitz, their CEO and chairman, once challenged me at a function, saying that he's going to implement my project before I finish it.","es":"Pero si vemos compa\u00f1\u00edas como PUMA -Jochen Zeits, su director ejecutivo y presidente, una vez me desafi\u00f3 diciendo que implementar\u00eda mi proyecto antes de que lo terminara."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We need to cultivate algorithm suspicion, scrutiny and investigation.","es":"Necesitamos fomentar un algoritmo de sospecha, escrutinio e investigaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I teach my students a different schema.","es":"As\u00ed que ense\u00f1o a mis estudiantes un esquema diferente."} {"gender":"female","en":"Put that at the heart of your school culture, and you will create a different generation.","es":"Pongan eso en el coraz\u00f3n de la cultura escolar y crear\u00e1n una generaci\u00f3n diferente."} {"gender":"female","en":"And that is the story of an aid worker in Darfur.","es":"Y es la historia de una trabajadora humanitaria en Darfur."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It doesn't mean we all have to end up in the same place.","es":"No significa que todos tengamos que terminar en el mismo lugar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It takes five of those to offset one negative interaction, and gratitude in particular, free, available globally any time, anywhere, to anyone in any dialect, it fires the pregenual anterior cingulate, a watershed part of the brain that floods it with great, good stuff.","es":"Se necesitan cinco para contrarrestar una negativa, y la gratitud en particular-- libre, disponible globalmente en cualquier momento y sitio, para cualquiera en cualquier dialecto-- quema la anterior corteza cingular, la parte divisoria del cerebro que se inunda de cosas buenas y estupendas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the roads leading up from them to Cheapside, which was the main market, were also grain markets.","es":"Las carreteras que part\u00edan desde ellos hacia Cheapside, el mercado principal, eran tambi\u00e9n mercados de cereal."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is \"all day.\"","es":"Esto es \"todo el d\u00eda\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So that's great.","es":"Es genial."} {"gender":"female","en":"You don't know it yet, but you have the ability to reinvent yourself endlessly.","es":"T\u00fa no lo sabes todav\u00eda, pero tienes la capacidad de reinventarte sin fin."} {"gender":"male","en":"We know from asking people from China to the U.S. that the vast majority of people care about sustainability after the day-to-day issues, the day-to-day issues of, how do I get my kids to school?","es":"Por preguntar a la gente, desde China hasta los EE.UU., sabemos que la mayor\u00eda de las personas se preocupa por la sostenibilidad despu\u00e9s de los problemas cotidianos, los del d\u00eda a d\u00eda, de \u00bfc\u00f3mo llevar a mis hijos a la escuela?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The first was that, after years of keeping inflation under control, central banks were trusted to take the money-printing away if inflation became a threat.","es":"El primero fue, despu\u00e9s de a\u00f1os de mantener la inflaci\u00f3n bajo control, a los bancos centrales se les confi\u00f3 retirar dinero impreso de la circulaci\u00f3n si la inflaci\u00f3n se convert\u00eda en una amenaza."} {"gender":"female","en":"We can hang out.\"","es":"\u00bfQuedamos?\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The craniomandibular system is critical to that.","es":"El sistema cr\u00e1neo-mandibular es crucial en esto."} {"gender":"female","en":"And women can be heroes, too.","es":"Y las mujeres pueden ser h\u00e9roes, tambi\u00e9n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And actually, it's the model that we expect to work for delivering anesthesia in these environments.","es":"Y realmente, es sobre este modelo que esperamos trabajar para llevar anestesia a estos lugares."} {"gender":"male","en":"But it realized quickly that it had to have this conversation first with its own staff.","es":"Pero r\u00e1pidamente se dio cuenta de que primero deb\u00eda tener esta conversaci\u00f3n con su propio personal."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the detector then transmits the image to the computer.","es":"Y el detector transmite luego la imagen al ordenador."} {"gender":"female","en":"The chances of getting so many of those vertical columns where every species has a C or every species has a T, by random chance, are infinitesimal.","es":"Las posibilidades de obtener tantas de esas columnas verticales donde cada especie tiene una C o cada especie tiene una T, por azar, son infinitesimales."} {"gender":"female","en":"The girls are brought up to be mothers.","es":"Las ni\u00f1as, para ser madres."} {"gender":"female","en":"Let's imagine that your amyloid plaques have reached that tipping point.","es":"Imaginemos que sus placas amiloides han llegado a ese punto cr\u00edtico."} {"gender":"female","en":"In addition, the revenue generated from that charcoal is 260 million dollars.","es":"Adem\u00e1s, los ingresos generados por ese carb\u00f3n son de 260 millones de d\u00f3lares."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When we think of games, there's all kinds of things.","es":"Si pensamos en los juegos, los hay de todo tipo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you want to be an aspiring teacher in urban education, you've got to leave the confines of that university and go into the hood.","es":"Si quieren ser un profesor aspirante en la educaci\u00f3n urbana, tienen que salir de los confines de esa universidad y pasear por el vecindario."} {"gender":"male","en":"Him giving me respect?","es":"\u00bfQue \u00e9l me tenga respeto?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Wrestling with unfamiliar ideas can help clarify your own thinking.","es":"Luchar con ideas poco familiares ayuda a clarificar tu propio pensamiento."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so what we've been able to do is to give these virulent infections, but we give them in conjunction with our anti-quorum-sensing molecules. So these are molecules that look kind of like the real thing, but they're a little different, which I've depicted on this slide.","es":"Lo que hemos sido capaces de hacer es generar estas infecciones virulentas, pero las generamos en conjunto con nuestras mol\u00e9culas anti-detecci\u00f3n de qu\u00f3rum, as\u00ed que estas son mol\u00e9culas que se parecen a las reales, pero son un poco diferentes, lo que he representado en esta diapositiva."} {"gender":"male","en":"I congratulate both of you.","es":"Os felicito."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Their achievements, intellectually and scientifically, are extraordinary, and they are so relevant for these times that we are in when we are riding out storms.","es":"Sus logros, intelectuales y cient\u00edficos, son extraordinarios y a la vez muy importantes para los tiempos que corren, en los que estamos capeando el temporal."} {"gender":"male","en":"More.","es":"M\u00e1s."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now the Army teaches you to do five points of performance, the toes of your feet, your calves, your thighs, your buttocks and your push-up muscles.","es":"La Armada te ense\u00f1a a hacer cinco pasos: los dedos de tus pies, tus pantorrillas, tus caderas, tus gl\u00fateos y tus m\u00fasculos superiores."} {"gender":"female","en":"One of the policemen says to me, \"Look, I just deliver the message and then I leave.\"","es":"Uno de los polic\u00edas me dijo: \"Yo solo entrego el informe y luego me voy\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Who do you trust?","es":"\u00bfEn qui\u00e9n conf\u00edan?"} {"gender":"male","en":"But after we disbursed the loans, I remember a trip in Uganda where I found newly built schools without textbooks or teachers, new health clinics without drugs, and the poor once again without any voice or recourse.","es":"Sin embargo, despu\u00e9s de que hayan sido efectuados, volv\u00ed a viajar a Uganda y me encontr\u00e9 con escuelas reci\u00e9n construidas, pero sin libros de texto, ni maestros. Hab\u00edan nuevos centros de salud, pero sin medicinas y los pobres no contaban con voz ni recursos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And in order to have that continuing education, we need to anchor it to cutting-edge research in both the life sciences and the social sciences, because we need to recognize that too often historical traumas and implicit biases sit in the space between a new mother and her clinician.","es":"Y para tener esa educaci\u00f3n continua, debemos anclarla a la investigaci\u00f3n de vanguardia tanto en ciencias de la vida como en ciencias sociales, porque tenemos que reconocer que muy a menudo los traumas hist\u00f3ricos y los sesgos impl\u00edcitos se interponen entre una madre primeriza y su m\u00e9dico."} {"gender":"female","en":"And my students hate this, but you know what I do?","es":"Y mis estudiantes odian esto, pero \u00bfsaben lo que hago?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I think we have the opportunity to one-up the Greeks.","es":"Creo que tenemos la oportunidad de hacerlo mejor que los griegos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And look, the price point is better.","es":"Y miren, lo mejor es el precio."} {"gender":"male","en":"HK: Oh, that's a difficult question, but if you ask me, and if I answer honestly, I would give him the asylum, because I think it was really brave what he did, and he destroyed his whole life and his family and everything.","es":"HK: Oh, esa es una pregunta dif\u00edcil, pero si me preguntas y te respondo honestamente, le dar\u00eda asilo porque creo que lo que hizo fue muy valiente, y que destruy\u00f3 toda su vida, su familia, todo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Meanwhile, back in New York, no one told Carl Norden that his bombsight was used over Hiroshima.","es":"Mientras tanto, en Nueva York, nadie le dijo a Carl Norden que su visor se hab\u00eda usado en Hiroshima."} {"gender":"female","en":"We got a pool. We filled it with milk.","es":"Llenamos una peque\u00f1a tina con leche."} {"gender":"male","en":"Is there some humongous problem that we cannot yet get computers to solve, yet we can split into tiny 10-second chunks such that each time somebody solves a CAPTCHA, they solve a little bit of this problem?","es":"Dicho de otro modo, \u00bfexiste alg\u00fan problema gigantesco que las computadoras a\u00fan no puedan resolver pero que podamos dividir en pedacitos de 10 segundos de modo que cada vez que alguien resuelva un captcha resuelva un pedacito de ese problema?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And so I did.","es":"Y as\u00ed lo hice."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"EV: Nick is approaching. Looks so happy.","es":"Se acerca Nick, parece muy contento."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I wanted to know more. So I studied forestry.","es":"Quer\u00eda saber m\u00e1s, as\u00ed que estudi\u00e9 silvicultura."} {"gender":"male","en":"If I want to create an artificially intelligent legal assistant, I will teach it some corpus of law but at the same time I am fusing with it the sense of mercy and justice that is part of that law.","es":"Si quiero crear un asistente legal con inteligencia artificial, le ense\u00f1ar\u00eda algo del corpus legislativo combinando al mismo tiempo el sentido de la piedad y la justicia que tambi\u00e9n son parte de la ley."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Can we see that image?","es":"\u00bfPodemos ver la imagen?"} {"gender":"male","en":"For instance, sexually transmitted diseases will spread across sexual ties.","es":"Por ejemplo, las enfermedades de transmisi\u00f3n sexual se esparcir\u00e1n por los v\u00ednculos sexuales."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, I'm a sailor, obviously.","es":"Ahora, es claro que soy un navegante."} {"gender":"male","en":"And they may well ask, why climb the highest mountain?","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n podr\u00edan preguntar, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 escalar la monta\u00f1a m\u00e1s alta?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I showed a Norman Rockwell painting before, and this one, I grew up with, looking at constantly.","es":"Antes les mostr\u00e9 una pintura de Norman Rockwell; yo crec\u00ed mirando esta pintura constantemente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Good taste is much bigger than this.","es":"El buen gusto es mucho m\u00e1s grande que esto."} {"gender":"female","en":"Low-income citizens often use emergency-room visits as primary care.","es":"Los ciudadanos con bajos recursos frecuentemente visitan las salas de emergencia como consultorios de atenci\u00f3n primaria."} {"gender":"female","en":"And let me take a pause in this story right here and ask the question: why do refugees like Doaa take these kinds of risks?","es":"Y perm\u00edtanme hacer una pausa en esta historia y preguntarles: \u00bfPor qu\u00e9 los refugiados como Doaa asumen estos riesgos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"This is where we stand today.","es":"Esa es la situaci\u00f3n actual."} {"gender":"female","en":"Recently, a friend posed a question: If there were a pill I could take that would instantly cure me, would I take it?","es":"Recientemente, un amigo plante\u00f3 una pregunta: \u00bfSi hubiese una p\u00edldora que pudiese tomar que me curar\u00eda instant\u00e1neamente, la tomar\u00eda?"} {"gender":"female","en":"We should see something fantastic, right?","es":"Debemos ver algo fant\u00e1stico, \u00bfverdad?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Then after many years of work, the river with clean water, uncovered.","es":"Luego, despu\u00e9s de muchos a\u00f1os de trabajo, el r\u00edo con agua limpia y descubierto."} {"gender":"female","en":"Otherwise, that little girl isn't going to look like that little girl anymore, and surely that's as tragic as having the photo damaged.","es":"De otro modo, esa ni\u00f1ita no tendr\u00eda el aspecto de ella misma, y eso ser\u00eda tan tr\u00e1gico como tener la foto estropeada."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Basically they were able to light a 60 watt light bulb at a distance of about two meters.","es":"B\u00e1sicamente lograron encender una ampolleta de 60 watios a una distancia aproximada de 2 metros."} {"gender":"male","en":"That must be acknowledged, and they can't be swept aside, even with the best of intents.","es":"Esto tiene que ser reconocido, y no se pueden dejar de lado ni con la mejor de las intenciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"I dreamt I would leave this town, and just like those ships, once they were launched, I'd never come back.","es":"So\u00f1aba con dejar este pueblo y, al igual que esas naves, una vez que me lanzara, nunca regresar\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"What you're seeing here is the surface of our skin, and I'm going to superimpose on that some bacteria in the air above the skin.","es":"Lo que ven aqu\u00ed es la superficie de nuestra piel y voy a ponerle bacterias al aire que est\u00e1 sobre la piel."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was total oblivion.","es":"Fue un olvido total."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm like, I don't want to write this anymore.","es":"Ya no quer\u00eda escribir el blog, y lentamente lo elimin\u00e9."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But if you do engage in mindfulness practice, the more you do, the more you benefit.","es":"Pero si se dedica a la pr\u00e1ctica de la atenci\u00f3n plena, cuanto m\u00e1s lo hace, m\u00e1s se beneficia."} {"gender":"female","en":"You know the story, right?","es":"Conocen la historia, \u00bfno?"} {"gender":"female","en":"That's a good call, let's not examine it too closely.","es":"Lo ha hecho bien, no hace falta revisarlo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And in contrast with the industrial revolution, the titans of our new economy aren't creating that many new jobs.","es":"Y a diferencia de la Revoluci\u00f3n Industrial, los titanes de nuestra nueva econom\u00eda no est\u00e1n creando muchos empleos nuevos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I hope you invested, if you can't invest in your own thing, why should I?","es":"Espero que inviertan personalmente. Porque yo voy detr\u00e1s. Si no invierten en su proyecto, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 hacerlo yo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And then they started crime mapping.","es":"Luego empezaron a cartografiar la criminalidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We call it The Nightwatchman.","es":"Le llamaremos Vigilante Nocturno."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the situation that irked me and mystified me the most was his use of a landline telephone.","es":"Y lo que m\u00e1s me fastidiaba y me desconcertaba era c\u00f3mo utilizaba el tel\u00e9fono fijo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Crops and livestock are being brought to market.","es":"Los cultivos y el ganado llevados al mercado."} {"gender":"male","en":"I had to sit down and make lists, because I was ready to go; I was ready to check out of this world.","es":"Ten\u00eda que sentarme y hacer listas, porque estaba preparado para irme; estaba listo para salir de este mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"This video is a prime example of making the invisible visible.","es":"Este video es un excelente ejemplo de hacer visible lo invisible."} {"gender":"male","en":"So nuclear seems like a pretty good option, but there's this big problem with it, which all of you, I'm sure, are aware of, which is that people really don't like it.","es":"As\u00ed que la energ\u00eda nuclear parece una muy buena opci\u00f3n, pero tiene un gran problema, del que todos Uds., estoy seguro, son conscientes y es que a la gente no le gusta."} {"gender":"female","en":"And they'd be like, \"Our husbands beat us.\"","es":"Y ellas: \"Nuestros maridos nos golpearon\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"The glaciers are actually leaving us. They're both shrinking and retreating, and some of them have disappeared altogether.","es":"Los glaciares nos est\u00e1n abandonando, est\u00e1n retrocediendo y reduci\u00e9ndose, y alguno de ellos han desaparecido por completo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you take 10,000 people at random, 9,999 have something in common: their interests in business lie on or near the Earth's surface.","es":"Si tomas 10000 personas al azar, 9999 tienen algo en com\u00fan. sus intereses en negocios yacen sobre o cerca de la superficie de la Tierra."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"The Impossibility of February\" is that February's a really wretched month in New York and the images for me conjure up these really awful things. Well, not so awful.","es":"La imposibilidad de febrero, es que en realidad febrero en Nueva York es un mes miserable y para mi evoca im\u00e1genes de cosas terribles, en realidad terribles bueno, no tan terribles."} {"gender":"female","en":"And if you look at the tissues of the animal, they're starting to deteriorate.","es":"Y si observan los tejidos del animal, se est\u00e1n comenzando a deteriorar."} {"gender":"male","en":"I will start at 1858.","es":"Empezar\u00e9 en 1858."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We had excitement.","es":"Tuvimos emoci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"If you have been through a devastating time in your life, if you have lost someone or something you really care about, how would you continue to cope?","es":"Si has pasado por un momento devastador en tu vida, si has perdido a alguien o algo que realmente te importa, \u00bfc\u00f3mo podr\u00edas continuar enfrent\u00e1ndolo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Now most people, when they think about what is smart and what is dumb, I think have in mind a picture roughly like this.","es":"Cuando la mayor\u00eda de la gente piensa en lo inteligente o lo tonto creo que tienen en mente una imagen m\u00e1s o menos as\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"Don't get your help and goodness all over everybody.","es":"No dar ayuda y bondad a todo el mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Here's a really good example of how a very tiny design element can make a big impact.","es":"He aqu\u00ed un buen ejemplo de c\u00f3mo un elemento de dise\u00f1o muy peque\u00f1o puede tener un gran impacto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Russian nuclear launch key: The one on the top is the picture of the one I found on eBay; the one on the bottom is the one I made for myself, because I couldn't afford the one on eBay.","es":"Llaves de lanzamiento nucleares rusas. La que ven arriba es la imagen que encontr\u00e9 en eBay; la que ven debajo es la que me constru\u00ed porque no pod\u00eda pagar la de eBay."} {"gender":"female","en":"They take real-time data and immediately feed it back into the product.","es":"Ellos toman datos en tiempo real e inmediatamente los incorporan al producto."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a bit scary, I know.","es":"Es un poco alarmante, lo s\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'm going to just demo this for you real quick.","es":"Demostrar\u00e9 esto muy r\u00e1pidamente."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so when it comes time when we find gases in exoplanet atmospheres that we won't know if they're being produced by intelligent aliens or by trees, or a swamp, or even just by simple, single-celled microbial life.","es":"Y as\u00ed, al toparnos con los gases en atm\u00f3sferas de exoplanetas que no sabemos si los producen extraterrestres inteligentes o \u00e1rboles, o un pantano, o incluso solo vida microbiana simple, unicelular."} {"gender":"male","en":"And former countries, I say former, because none of them really came through this summer, there was a big difference between getting a head of state to have a photo opportunity, make a press release. So we went to smaller ones.","es":"Y pa\u00edses anteriores - Digo anteriores, porque ninguno de ellos pasaron realmente por este verano. Hay una enorme diferencia entre reunirse con un jefe de estado para tener la oportunidad de fotografiarte, hacer una conferencia de prensa, asi que fuimos a los peque\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"I can't define where I begin and where I end, because the atoms and the molecules of my arm blended with the atoms and molecules of the wall.","es":"No pod\u00eda definir d\u00f3nde comenzaba y d\u00f3nde terminaba porque los \u00e1tomos y las mol\u00e9culas de mi brazo se mezclaban con los \u00e1tomos y mol\u00e9culas de la pared."} {"gender":"male","en":"My brother sent me a text message, an SMS, it was a quote from the \"Simpsons.\"","es":"Mi hermano me mand\u00f3 un mensaje de texto, un SMS, era --- era una cita de los Simpsons."} {"gender":"male","en":"We have the animals that are able to live and to sense, and on the top of the pyramid, there is the man.","es":"Tenemos a los animales, que son capaces de vivir y de sentir, y, en la cima de la pir\u00e1mide, est\u00e1 el Hombre."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So if you actually do the research, you find out that in the world there are about 50,000 different types of spiders, and there are about two dozen that are venomous out of 50,000.","es":"Si investigan, descubrir\u00e1n que en el mundo hay unos 50 000 tipos diferentes de ara\u00f1as, y hay unas dos docenas que son venenosas de las 50 000."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So by 1985, each of those red bombs up here is equivalent of a thousands warheads, the world had 65,000 nuclear warheads, and seven members of something that came to be known as the \"nuclear club.\"","es":"As\u00ed, hasta 1985, cada una de estas bombas rojas de aqu\u00ed arriba es equivalente a miles de cabezas nucleares. El mundo ten\u00eda 65.000 cabezas nucleares, y siete miembros de algo que vino a llamarse \"El Club Nuclear\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Some people are choosing to share homes not with family, but with other people who understand the health and economic benefits of daily community.","es":"Algunas personas optan por compartir hogares no con familiares, sino con otras personas que entienden los beneficios econ\u00f3micos y para la salud de la comunidad diaria."} {"gender":"male","en":"And as a matter of fact, if I went to the store, as I did, and looked at the display, you would find a small picture of Gamora right here, but if you look at any of the actual merchandise on that shelf, Gamora is not on any of it.","es":"Y, de hecho, si iba a la tienda, como lo hice, y observaba el expositor, se ve\u00eda una imagen peque\u00f1a de Gamora aqu\u00ed, pero en los productos en esa estanter\u00eda, no aparece Gamora en ninguno."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, I wasn't aware of any problems in America. In fact, seriously.","es":"De hecho, no era consciente de ninguno de los problemas de EE.UU. De hecho en serio."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because I had finally gotten the freedom that I so longed for.","es":"Porque finalmente hab\u00eda obtenido la libertad que tanto anhelaba."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then they used public records for the next five years to find out who died.","es":"Y luego usaron los registros p\u00fablicos de los siguientes cinco a\u00f1os para averiguar qui\u00e9n hab\u00eda muerto."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I'm here to say, as a professor of mathematics, that very few people actually use calculus in a conscious, meaningful way, in their day-to-day lives.","es":"Pero estoy aqu\u00ed para decir, como profesor de matem\u00e1ticas, que muy poca gente usa el c\u00e1lculo de manera consciente y relevante en su vida diaria."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The cortisol shoots up, the limbic system gets fired, we lose productivity at work.","es":"El cortisol se dispara, el sistema l\u00edmbico se acelera y perdemos productividad en el trabajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I make the argument that we reframe teacher education, that we could focus on content, and that's fine, and we could focus on theories, and that's fine, but content and theories with the absence of the magic of teaching and learning means nothing.","es":"As\u00ed que sostengo que redefinamos la formaci\u00f3n docente, que pudi\u00e9ramos centrarnos en el contenido, y eso est\u00e1 bien, y pudi\u00e9ramos centrarnos en las teor\u00edas, y eso est\u00e1 bien; pero el contenido y las teor\u00edas carentes de la magia de la ense\u00f1anza y del aprendizaje no significan nada."} {"gender":"male","en":"Sanford Meisner was my Uncle Artie yelling silently to himself, \"Something's always wrong when nothing's always right.\"","es":"Sanford Meisner fue mi T\u00edo Artie gritando en silencio para s\u00ed: \"Siempre algo est\u00e1 mal, si nunca nada est\u00e1 bien\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"But if I had to put it in a nutshell these days, I sort of feel that globalization has taken us by surprise, and we've been slow to respond to it.","es":"Pero si tuviera que decirlo en pocas palabras, actualmente, siento que la globalizaci\u00f3n nos ha tomado por sorpresa, y hemos respondido con lentitud."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Then, once they are done with the training, they come back a few days later and they are tested again on a similar type of mental rotation task.","es":"Entonces, una vez que han terminado el entrenamiento, regresan unos d\u00edas despues y son examinados de nuevo con un tipo similar de tarea de rotaci\u00f3n mental."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think philosophically, that was one of the most important papers that we've ever done because it showed how dynamic life was.","es":"Creo que, filos\u00f3ficamente, fue uno de los art\u00edculos m\u00e1s importantes que alguna vez hemos realizado porque demostraba cu\u00e1n din\u00e1mica era la vida."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Admit it.","es":"Adm\u00edtanlo."} {"gender":"female","en":"There are of course other technical details to the blockchain, but at its core, that's how it works.","es":"Por supuesto, hay m\u00e1s detalles t\u00e9cnicos en la cadena de bloques, pero esencialmente, as\u00ed es como funciona."} {"gender":"male","en":"They cannot prevent this.","es":"No pueden evitarlo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"But there's always a need for resources close by.","es":"Pero siempre hay una necesidad de recursos en alg\u00fan lugar cercano."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And they are exaggerated, and especially things we're afraid of.","es":"Y se exageran, sobre todo las cosas que nos dan miedo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Long ago in Europe, ancient people also entered these underground worlds.","es":"Hace mucho tiempo en Europa, los pueblos antiguos tambi\u00e9n entraron a estos mundos subterr\u00e1neos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Like a gymnast, I started to move beyond the rigidity of denial into what I've now come to call emotional agility.","es":"Como una gimnasta, empec\u00e9 a ir m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de la rigidez de la negaci\u00f3n a lo que ahora he venido a llamar la agilidad emocional."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So back to Joburg, which is sometimes called Egoli, which means City of Gold.","es":"Volvamos a Joburgo, a veces llamada Egoli, que significa Ciudad de Oro."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now we do daydreaming in 11:30 with 55 seconds left. But let's take the idea further.","es":"Ahora so\u00f1aremos a las 11:30, quedan 55 segundos Pero llevemos la idea m\u00e1s all\u00e1."} {"gender":"female","en":"I hope to work with you to explore the new era, and the next time that I'm on this stage, through technology and innovation, I will be able to walk up here all by myself.","es":"Espero trabajar con Uds. para explorar esta nueva era y la pr\u00f3xima vez que est\u00e9 en un escenario espero, gracias a la tecnolog\u00eda y la innovaci\u00f3n, ser capaz de llegar hasta aqu\u00ed por mi misma."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"My dad has Alzheimer's disease.","es":"Mi padre tiene Alzheimer."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Not such a big one.","es":"No es tan grande."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Just fold up the wings and keep going.","es":"Simplemente doblas las alas y sigues andando."} {"gender":"male","en":"And he would say, listen, I know I gave you that huge pill, that complicated, hard-to-swallow pill before, but now I've got one that's so potent, that is really tiny and small and almost invisible. It's almost like this thing here, which you can't even see.\"","es":"Y dec\u00eda: s\u00e9 que te di una pastilla enorme, esa pastilla, complicada, dif\u00edcil de tragar, pero ahora tengo una que es tan potente, que es realmente peque\u00f1a y casi invisible, es casi como esta de aqu\u00ed, que ni siquiera puedes ver'."} {"gender":"female","en":"At ages 29 and 27, they declare they are happy and healthy despite having manifestations of PXE in their skin and eyes and arteries.","es":"Con 29 y 27 a\u00f1os, se autodeclaran felices y sanos a pesar de vivir con la PXE en su piel, sus ojos y sus arterias."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm a digital immigrant.","es":"Soy un inmigrante digital."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the attitudes there were terrible.","es":"Y las actitudes all\u00ed eran terribles."} {"gender":"male","en":"I haven't seen any women's hands up.","es":"No No he visto la mano de ninguna dama."} {"gender":"male","en":"It really became a moment of clarification for me that we need to first be limited in order to become limitless.","es":"Fue muy esclarecedor para m\u00ed entender que es necesario primero tener limitaciones para luego sortear los l\u00edmites."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But there are a lot of similarities.","es":"Pero hay muchas similitudes."} {"gender":"male","en":"But as I was sorting through the endless racks of clothes at these thrift stores, I started to ask myself, what happens to all the clothes that I don't buy? The stuff that isn't really cool or trendy but kind of just sits there and rots away at these secondhand stores.","es":"Pero mientras miraba esa cantidad interminable de ropa en estas tiendas de segunda mano, me empec\u00e9 a preguntar: \u00bfAd\u00f3nde va a parar toda la ropa que no compro, las cosas que ya no est\u00e1n de moda y quedan all\u00ed, arruin\u00e1ndose en estas tiendas de segunda mano?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Now Ted was a New Yorker, an all-around theater guy, and he was a self-taught illustrator and musician.","es":"Ted era neoyorquino, un muchacho del teatro y fue ilustrador y m\u00fasico autodidacta."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We had found in a poll that 96 percent of Americans believe it important to reduce the influence of money in politics.","es":"Mediante una encuesta vimos que el 96 % de los estadounidenses creen importante reducir la influencia del dinero en la pol\u00edtica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You know, the server is in the cats' hands, so even that, when the Netizens criticize the local government, the local government has not any access to the data in Beijing.","es":"Ya saben, el servidor est\u00e1 en manos del gato central, as\u00ed que incluso cuando los cibernautas critican a un gobierno local, este no tiene ning\u00fan acceso a los datos en Beijing."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's in that context that I work.","es":"Es en ese contexto en el que trabajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's going on kind of like that. So what is the difference, then, between the way I believe science is pursued and the way it seems to be perceived?","es":"Y est\u00e1 pasando un poco as\u00ed. As\u00ed que, \u00bfcu\u00e1l es la diferencia, entonces, entre la manera en que creo que la ciencia es perseguida y la forma en la que parece ser percibida?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm telling you where I need your help.","es":"Te estoy diciendo d\u00f3nde necesito tu ayuda."} {"gender":"female","en":"So what we tend to do when it comes to power is that we complement the other's nonverbals.","es":"Si se trata de poder, tenemos la tendencia a complementar los gestos no verbales de los otros."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It basically said this: \"Before you bail on religion, why don't we come together this Friday night and see what we might make of our own Jewish inheritance?\"","es":"B\u00e1sicamente dec\u00eda lo siguiente: \"Antes de rescatar la religi\u00f3n, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 no nos reunimos esta noche de viernes y vemos lo que podemos hacer con nuestra propia herencia jud\u00eda?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"We can look at all their velocities and we can build a model that predicts what is the likelihood that this shot would go in under these circumstances?","es":"Podemos ver todas sus velocidades y construir un modelo que prediga la probabilidad de que este disparo vaya en estas circunstancias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And now, together, what we can see on this ocean of color that's temperature, we can see ten-day worms of makos and salmon sharks.","es":"Y ahora, juntos, lo que podemos ver en este oc\u00e9ano de color que representan distintas temperaturas podemos ver \"gusanos\" de 10 d\u00edas de marrajos y tiburones salm\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"We have the power to do that.","es":"Tenemos el poder de hacerlo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, on my first day in DC, my first day in government, I walked into the office and they handed me a laptop.","es":"Mi primer d\u00eda en Washington DC, mi primer d\u00eda en el gobierno, entr\u00e9 en la oficina y me entregaron una laptop."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And no one wanted to be responsible for it.","es":"Nadie asum\u00eda la responsabilidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"Over the course of two and a half months I lost my spleen, my kidneys, the hearing in my left ear and both of my legs below the knee.","es":"Durante los siguientes 2 meses y medio, perd\u00ed el bazo, los ri\u00f1ones, la audici\u00f3n en el o\u00eddo izquierdo y las dos piernas por debajo de la rodilla."} {"gender":"female","en":"Leymah and her sisters had had enough.","es":"Layma y sus hermanas ya hab\u00edan tenido suficiente."} {"gender":"male","en":"He lost his community.","es":"Perdi\u00f3 a su comunidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, Arafat used to get a percentage of the smuggling of hashish from Bek\u00e1a Valley, which is the valley between Lebanon and Syria.","es":"Arafat obten\u00eda un porcentaje del tr\u00e1fico de hach\u00eds del Valle de Bek\u00e1a, que se encuentra entre el L\u00edbano y Siria."} {"gender":"female","en":"And soon I moved a bit further and started to look at the whole picture of our body and health.","es":"Y pronto avanc\u00e9 y comenc\u00e9 a tener una visi\u00f3n completa de nuestro cuerpo y salud."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we believe that these responses in higher-order areas are induced or become similar across listeners because of the meaning conveyed by the speaker, and not by words or sound.","es":"Y creemos que estas reacciones en \u00e1reas importantes son inducidas o se parecen entre los oyentes por el significado transmitido por el orador, y no por palabras o sonidos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And there's a lot out there that we can't see, in practice or even in principle.","es":"Y hay mucho por ah\u00ed que no podemos ver en la pr\u00e1ctica, ni siquiera en principio."} {"gender":"female","en":"And all the girlies, girlies running, running, running, everybody except for my daughter, who was just standing at the starting line, just waving, because she didn't know she was supposed to run.","es":"Y todas las ni\u00f1itas corr\u00edan, corr\u00edan y corr\u00edan. Todas, menos mi hija, que estaba simplemente parada en la l\u00ednea de salida, saludando, porque no sab\u00eda que se supon\u00eda que deb\u00eda correr."} {"gender":"male","en":"I started experimenting with other subjects, among them, for example, pronunciation.","es":"Empec\u00e9 a experimentar con otras materias, entre ellas, por ejemplo, la pronunciaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And finally I ended up encountering psychology by chance. I was at a ski resort in Switzerland without any money to actually enjoy myself, because the snow had melted and I didn't have money to go to a movie. But I found that on the, I read in the newspapers that there was to be a presentation by someone in a place that I'd seen in the center of Zurich, and it was about flying saucers he was going to talk.","es":"Finalmente encontr\u00e9 la Psicolog\u00eda de casualidad En realidad Yo estaba en un Hotel para Esquiadores en Suiza sin dinero basicamente para divertirme all\u00ed, pues la nieve estaba derriti\u00e9ndose No ten\u00eda dinero ni para ir al cine, pero encontr\u00e9 en el, Le\u00ed en los diarios que hab\u00eda una charla de alguien en un lugar que hab\u00eda conocido en el centro de Zurich y que se iba hablar sobre platillos voladores."} {"gender":"female","en":"We all hate.","es":"Todos odiamos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"She said, \"I am a retired Navy pilot.\"","es":"Ella dijo: \"Soy un piloto retirada de la Armada\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to show you some stuff that not only has not been declassified, but has now been reclassified.","es":"Les monstrar\u00e9 algunas de las cosas que no s\u00f3lo han sido des-clasificadas, sino que han vuelto a ser re-clasificadas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Dictionaries are a wonderful guide and resource, but there is no objective dictionary authority out there that is the final arbiter about what words mean.","es":"Los diccionarios son una fuente y gu\u00eda maravillosa, pero no existen autoridades objetivas en los diccionarios que sean los \u00e1rbitros finales que decidan el significado de las palabras."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so what I'd like to do, and I know that this is for some of you of more immediate nature, I've got a couple years here, is to be able to tell parents and grandparents when I'm asked, it is safe and healthy for your children to engage in these activities.","es":"Y lo que me gustar\u00eda hacer, y s\u00e9 que para algunos podr\u00eda ser m\u00e1s inmediato, tengo un par de a\u00f1os, es ser capaz de decir a los padres y abuelos cuando me preguntan, que es seguro y saludable para sus hijos participar en estas actividades."} {"gender":"female","en":"Imagine the insights that you can gain from this kind of second sight.","es":"Imaginen las ideas que pueden sacar de esta suerte de segunda mirada."} {"gender":"male","en":"You all probably intended to wake up, I don't know, 6:30, 7 a.m.","es":"Todos vosotros probablemente pretend\u00e9is levantaros a no s\u00e9, a las 6:30 o a las 7 de la ma\u00f1ana."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I would say that the small stuff counts.","es":"Y yo dir\u00eda que las cosas peque\u00f1as cuentan."} {"gender":"female","en":"It was not the kind of outfit that I normally wear, but it was far from the Michelin Man suit that I had anticipated.","es":"No era el tipo de atuendo que normalmente uso, pero era muy distinto que el traje del Hombre Michelin que yo anticipaba."} {"gender":"male","en":"I call the first four needs the needs of the personality. The last two are the needs of the spirit.","es":"Pero las dos \u00faltimas, las cuatro primeras se llaman necesidades de la personalidad, como yo les digo, las dos \u00faltimas son necesidades del esp\u00edritu."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Show us, let us sign.\"","es":"Ind\u00edquennos, d\u00e9jennos firmar\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And here's what the story is. Is it because women don't look like men, they don't look like that male-pattern heart disease that we've spent the last 50 years understanding and getting really good diagnostics and really good therapeutics, and therefore, they're not recognized for their heart disease.","es":"Y la historia es as\u00ed: acaso es porque las mujeres no se parecen a los hombres, que los patrones de enfermedades card\u00edacas no son como los masculinos, que son los que hemos estado estudiando durante los \u00faltimos 50 a\u00f1os, de los cuales hemos obtenido diagn\u00f3sticos precisos y muy buenos tratamientos, que por ende, no reconocemos sus enfermedades card\u00edacas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Take Mexico, for example.","es":"Por ejemplo, M\u00e9xico."} {"gender":"female","en":"Something that was gentle to the planet?","es":"\u00bfAlgo que mime el planeta?"} {"gender":"female","en":"We need those things too, but we're also bumping up against their limits.","es":"Necesitamos de eso tambi\u00e9n pero tambi\u00e9n estamos chocando contra sus l\u00edmites."} {"gender":"male","en":"As many of you know, there's something about becoming a parent that concentrates the mind on long-term problems like climate change.","es":"Como muchos de Uds. sabr\u00e1n, cuando uno es padre, piensa en los problemas a largo plazo, como el cambio clim\u00e1tico."} {"gender":"female","en":"There's no way to assess the magnitude of a tragedy like Columbine, especially when it can be a blueprint for other shooters who go on to commit atrocities of their own.","es":"No hay manera de evaluar la magnitud de una tragedia como la de Columbine, sobre todo cuando puede ser un modelo para otros tiroteadores que siguen cometiendo sus propias atrocidades."} {"gender":"male","en":"But if I wanted you to look at my right hand, then I look at it, too.","es":"Pero si quiero que miren a mi mano derecha entonces tambi\u00e9n la miro, ven."} {"gender":"male","en":"Last night at Chagrin Fall, a newspaperman and a television guy said, \"That evening, when a service was held at the Riverside Church, we carried it on our station in this city. It was,\" he said, \"one of the most powerful moments of life together.","es":"\u00daltima noche en las cataratas de Chagrin, un reportero y comentarista de televisi\u00f3n dijo esa noche, cuando trasladamos el servicio religioso de Riverside a la estaci\u00f3n de nuestra ciudad: \"Fue uno de los momentos m\u00e1s poderosos de nuestras vidas."} {"gender":"female","en":"If the monster wants you, the monster's gonna get you.","es":"Si el monstruo va a por ti, te alcanzar\u00e1."} {"gender":"male","en":"And as we were talking with them, a number of myths were dispelled about them with us.","es":"Y al hablar con ellos, una serie de mitos fueron cayendo poco a poco."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm not an environmentalist.","es":"No soy ambientalista."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I want to challenge that.","es":"Pero no lo acepto."} {"gender":"female","en":"The story of Chapungu and Rhodes in the same space and time asks important questions related to gender, power, self-representation, history making and repatriation.","es":"La historia de Chapungu y Rhodes en el mismo espacio y tiempo levanta preguntas importantes sobre el g\u00e9nero, el poder, la autorepresentaci\u00f3n, la forma de hacer historia y la repatriaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"These are not environments where you can build export manufacturing.","es":"Estos no son entornos donde se puede construir manufactura de exportaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Jennie's waiting room feels more like your aunt's living room than a clinic.","es":"La sala de espera de Jennie en la consulta es m\u00e1s el sal\u00f3n de tu t\u00eda que una cl\u00ednica."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is not the opening scene of a zombie apocalypse movie.","es":"Esta no es la primera escena de una pel\u00edcula de zombis apocal\u00edptica."} {"gender":"male","en":"You see, I do this so that my students understand that when I'm training them to drive a car and I say, \"Clear every intersection,\" they understand that I mean every traffic signal, every cross street, every side street, every parking lot, every dirt road, every crosswalk, every intersection without fail.","es":"Hago esto para que mis alumnos entiendan que cuando los entreno para conducir un auto y digo \"Limpien cada intersecci\u00f3n\" entiendan que me refiero a cada se\u00f1al de tr\u00e1fico, a cada cruce de calles, cada calle lateral, cada estacionamiento, cada camino de tierra, cada paso de peatones, cada intersecci\u00f3n, sin falla."} {"gender":"male","en":"This was my first sunburn.","es":"Esta es mi primera exposici\u00f3n al sol."} {"gender":"male","en":"Remember, I study deception.","es":"Recuerden, yo estudio el enga\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"And what that means is that when you have conversations with that friend, the US government may be collecting that information.","es":"Eso implica que cuando converse con su amigo el gobierno de EE."} {"gender":"male","en":"We have to resort to experimental methods to answer this, and so what we can do is actually bring people into the lab and disgust them and compare them to a control group that hasn't been disgusted.","es":"Tenemos que recurrir a m\u00e9todos experimentales para responder a esto, as\u00ed que lo que podemos hacer es traer a la gente al laboratorio y provocarles asco y compararlos con un grupo control que no ha sentido asco."} {"gender":"female","en":"Her poetry is about women, and the life of women in society.","es":"Su poesia es acerca de las mujeres, y la vida de las mujeres en la sociedad."} {"gender":"female","en":"And in the morning, her mom taught us how to try to make tortillas and wanted to give me a Bible, and she took me aside and she said to me in her broken English, \"Your music has helped my daughter so much.","es":"Y en la ma\u00f1ana, su mam\u00e1 nos ense\u00f1\u00f3 c\u00f3mo tratar de hacer tortillas y quer\u00eda darme una Biblia, y me llev\u00f3 aparte y me dijo en su pobre ingl\u00e9s, \"Su m\u00fasica ha ayudado tanto a mi hija."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So it's not that they didn't learn at all, they did, but much, much less than when we gave them positive information about the future.","es":"Y no es que no hayan aprendido en absoluto; lo hicieron, pero mucho, mucho menos que cuando les dimos informaci\u00f3n positiva acerca de su futuro."} {"gender":"male","en":"They spent the 1990s working the messy scene between globalized parts of the world What I call the core and the gap.","es":"Pasaron los 90s trabajando en los lugares complejos entre las partes globalizadas del mundo. Lo que llamo el n\u00facleo y la brecha."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And your coach said age is always important, but in tennis it's very important, but he has no doubt that you're coming back.","es":"Y tu entrenador dijo que la edad es siempre importante, y en el tenis es muy importante, pero \u00e9l no tiene dudas de que volver\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"I wouldn't be standing here today if it wasn't for extreme radical collaboration.","es":"Yo no estar\u00eda hoy aqu\u00ed si no fuera por esa colaboraci\u00f3n radical."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, I'll never forget being in one of the Exhale counselor meetings, listening to a volunteer talk about how she was getting a lot of calls from Christian women who were talking about God.","es":"Nunca se me olvidar\u00e1 la vez que estaba en una reuni\u00f3n de Exhale escuchando a un voluntario hablar de la cantidad de llamadas que recib\u00eda de mujeres cristianas que hablaban de Dios."} {"gender":"female","en":"And what metastases are is when the tumor, when a piece, breaks off and travels through the blood stream and goes to a different organ.","es":"Y lo que las met\u00e1stasis son es cuando el tumor, cuando una pieza, se separa y viaja a trav\u00e9s del torrente sangu\u00edneo y va a un \u00f3rgano diferente."} {"gender":"female","en":"The third is stay calm.","es":"El tercero es mantener la calma."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He has a selective one, though.","es":"Sin embargo, es una memoria selectiva."} {"gender":"male","en":"So then I repeated this experiment a bunch of times, and one time something very interesting happened.","es":"Repet\u00ed este experimento muchas veces y una vez ocurri\u00f3 algo muy interesante."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the idea is that what's true for a person will also be true for the white rat.","es":"Y la idea es que lo que es v\u00e1lido para una persona tambi\u00e9n es cierto para la rata blanca."} {"gender":"female","en":"Over time, this data is getting captured on our phones, and it provides a really rich picture of a person's life.","es":"Con el tiempo, estos datos se capturaron con los m\u00f3viles y proveen una foto muy rica de la vida de la persona."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Where to start with?","es":"\u00bfPor d\u00f3nde empezar?"} {"gender":"female","en":"You may never have heard of Kenema, Sierra Leone or Arua, Nigeria.","es":"Quiz\u00e1 nunca hayan o\u00eddo hablar de Kenema, en Sierra Leona, o de Arua, en Nigeria."} {"gender":"male","en":"And he started to talk about that, and later on he invited me to his house, and I met his wife who was from Massachusetts, and he and she had exactly the relationship of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.","es":"Y entonces empez\u00f3 a hablar de ello, y tiempo despu\u00e9s me invit\u00f3 a su casa, y conoc\u00ed a su mujer, quien era de Massachusetts, y \u00e9l y ella ten\u00edan exactamente el tipo de relaci\u00f3n de Thomas Jefferson y John Adams."} {"gender":"female","en":"Instead of the National School Lunch Program being under the USDA, I think it should be under CDC.","es":"En vez de estar bajo el USDA, creo que el Programa Nacional de Almuerzos Escolares deber\u00eda estar bajo CDC."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm a West Sider.","es":"Soy del oeste."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Who here believes they're at the bottom 25 percent?","es":"\u00bfQui\u00e9nes de los presentes creen estar por debajo del 25%?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And over the course of this experiment, these stars have moved a tremendous amount.","es":"En el curso de este experimento, estas estrellas se han movido mucho."} {"gender":"male","en":"Which African country do you want me to wire all my money to?","es":"\u00bfA qu\u00e9 pa\u00eds africano quieres que transfiera todo mi dinero?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Finally, he stopped and led me into a hut, which consisted of just one tiny room.","es":"Al final, se detuvo y me llev\u00f3 a una caba\u00f1a, que ten\u00eda solo una peque\u00f1a habitaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the way we'll make energy in the future is not from resource, it's really from knowledge.","es":"Y la forma en que haremos energ\u00eda en el futuro no es a partir del recurso, sino realmente del conocimiento."} {"gender":"female","en":"It was a story that began as a miracle and ended as a memorial.","es":"Era una historia que comenz\u00f3 como un milagro y termin\u00f3 como una conmemoraci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"They made amends, archenemies became soul mates and Stephanie died in Brooke's arms, and here's our takeaway.","es":"Hicieron las paces, las archienemigas se hicieron almas gemelas y Stephanie muri\u00f3 en brazos de Brooke, y aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 el mensaje."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So because we landed in August and his kids didn't have to go back to school until September, they actually went on to Mars time with him for one month.","es":"Como aterrizamos en agosto y sus hijos no volv\u00edan a la escuela hasta septiembre, ellos se acoplaron a la hora de Marte con \u00e9l por un mes."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I want to tell you about the life cycle of a colony.","es":"Entonces quiero contarles sobre el ciclo de vida de las colonias."} {"gender":"male","en":"And under the microscope, you can see hundreds of these brown-stained blood vessels, capillaries that are feeding cancer cells, bringing oxygen and nutrients.","es":"Y bajo el microscopio, uno puede ver cientos de estos vasos sangu\u00edneos como manchas marrones, capilares que alimentan las c\u00e9lulas del c\u00e1ncer, que les llevan ox\u00edgeno y nutrientes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Just quick refresher, it's D-Y-K-E.","es":"Tortillera con \"ll\" y no con \"y\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"We don't know where the structure is.","es":"No sabemos d\u00f3nde est\u00e1 la estructura."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so through a process of selection evolution, we went from being able to have a virus that made a crummy battery to a virus that made a good battery to a virus that made a record-breaking, high-powered battery that's all made at room temperature, basically at the benchtop.","es":"Y a trav\u00e9s del proceso de selecci\u00f3n-evoluci\u00f3n, vamos desde un virus que fabrica una bater\u00eda sencilla hasta un virus que hace una buena bater\u00eda y hasta un virus que hace una bater\u00eda de alta potencia capaz de romper records hecha totalmente a temperatura ambiente, b\u00e1sicamente en la mesa del laboratorio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So video is pervasive throughout our society.","es":"As\u00ed que el videojuego avasalla a nuestra sociedad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Do you really have hope?\"","es":"\u00bfRealmente tienes esperanza?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"Forty percent of them have gained even more.","es":"Un 40 % de ellos han ganado a\u00fan m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"And we watched them and I'm so thankful, because she's just like, \"Wow!","es":"Y los vemos y de pronto estoy tan agradecida, porque ella reacciona as\u00ed: \"\u00a1Huy!"} {"gender":"female","en":"It seems like we want it both ways: we want love to feel like madness, and we want it to last an entire lifetime.","es":"Parece que lo queremos en ambos sentidos: queremos que el amor sea una locura, y que dure toda una vida."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Can you talk about what that means?","es":"\u00bfPuedes decirnos qu\u00e9 significa eso?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Or the Gallup Poll that showed that seven in 10 Americans believed that a nuclear war would happen, and that at least 50 percent of our population was going to be killed.","es":"O la encuesta Gallup mostrando que 7 de cada 10 estadounidenses cre\u00edan que una guerra at\u00f3mica era posible y que al menos el 50% de nuestra poblaci\u00f3n iba a ser aniquilada."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, even in basalt surfaces in lava-tube caves, which are a by-product of volcanic activity, we find these walls totally covered, in many cases, by these beautiful, glistening silver walls, or shiny pink or shiny red or shiny gold.","es":"Bueno, incluso en las superficies de basalto de cavernas de tubos volc\u00e1nicos que son un subproducto de la actividad volc\u00e1nica, encontramos estas paredes, en muchos casos, totalmente cubiertas, por estas bellas y brillantes paredes plateadas, o rosadas, rojizas o doradas, todas brillantes."} {"gender":"female","en":"So what we were thinking is, there's a tremendous need for bone repair, of course, but this iliac crest-type approach really has a lot of limitations to it, and could we perhaps recreate the generation of bone within the body on demand and then be able to transplant it without these very, very painful aftereffects that you would have with the iliac crest harvest?","es":"Por eso, lo que pensamos es que ciertamente hay una gran necesidad de reparar el hueso, pero este tipo de t\u00e9cnica de la cresta il\u00edaca realmente tiene muchas limitaciones. \u00bfAcaso no podr\u00edamos recrear la generaci\u00f3n de hueso dentro del cuerpo a pedido, para luego poder transplantarlo evitando estos efectos posteriores tan dolorosos que se tendr\u00edan con la extracci\u00f3n de hueso de la cresta il\u00edaca?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"She is the only girl among boys, and is barely missing her female cousins and friends, who are inside the home instead of the school, because they are not allowed to get an education alongside boys.","es":"Es la \u00fanica ni\u00f1a entre puros varones y apenas extra\u00f1a a sus primas y amigas que est\u00e1n dentro de sus casas, en vez de estar en la escuela porque a ellas no se les permite recibir educaci\u00f3n cerca de los varones."} {"gender":"male","en":"But we can change all those things I mentioned.","es":"Pero podemos cambiar todas las cosas que mencion\u00e9."} {"gender":"female","en":"But I don't engage in serious arguments.","es":"Pero yo no participo en discusiones serias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Couldn't actually turn back very much, because if you were king a thousand years ago, while it still took hours and hours and weeks and weeks to traverse your own country, there wasn't much you were in charge of.","es":"En realidad no pudo hacer cambiar el sentido de casi nada, porque si eras rey hace mil a\u00f1os, mientras tardabas horas y horas y semanas y m\u00e1s semanas en atravesar tu propio pa\u00eds, no te hac\u00edas cargo de mucho."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It didn't feel right.","es":"No me parec\u00eda correcto."} {"gender":"female","en":"In our initial trial, over 300 doctors have taken the total transparency pledge.","es":"En la primera ronda, m\u00e1s de 300 m\u00e9dicos hicieron la promesa de transparencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"Einstein, did you hear whispers?","es":"Einstein \u00bflos o\u00edste?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm opening a space for you to put in another layer of interpretation.\"","es":"Estoy abriendo un espacio para que ustedes a\u00f1adan otra capa de interpretaci\u00f3n\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"But I do think that there's a lot of interesting European television out there.","es":"Pero s\u00ed creo que hay TV europea muy interesante."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, if you can trigger the Lazarus reflex in a dead person, why not the orgasm reflex?","es":"Si se puede disparar el reflejo de L\u00e1zaro en una persona muerta \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 no el reflejo del orgasmo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Other subjects came up almost never, including living conditions that to me looked close to prison life: 10 or 15 workers in one room, 50 people sharing a single bathroom, days and nights ruled by the factory clock.","es":"Otros temas no salieron casi nunca, incluyendo las condiciones de vida que me parec\u00edan cercanas a la vida en prisi\u00f3n: 10 \u00f3 15 trabajadores en una habitaci\u00f3n, 50 personas compartiendo un \u00fanico ba\u00f1o, d\u00edas y noches regidos por el reloj de la f\u00e1brica."} {"gender":"male","en":"Climate change has affected the world for a long period of time, and gradually, the forests disappeared, the country began to dry out, and the number of kinds of thylacines began to decline, until by five million years ago, only one left.","es":"El cambio clim\u00e1tico ha afectado al mundo por un largo periodo de tiempo y gradualmente los bosques desaparecieron, el pa\u00eds se comenz\u00f3 a secar y el n\u00famero de tipos de tilacino comenz\u00f3 a declinar, hasta que 5 millones de a\u00f1os atr\u00e1s solo qued\u00f3 uno."} {"gender":"female","en":"But what's unusual about the Costa Rica Dome is, in fact, it's not a permanent place.","es":"Pero lo inusual del Domo de Costa Rica es que, de hecho, no es un lugar permanente."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that, to me, that personal experience was the first time in my life that the mindset I grew up with was changed.","es":"Y eso, para m\u00ed, esa experiencia personal, fue la primera vez en mi vida en la que la mentalidad con la que crec\u00ed cambi\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"So the optimistic note, great point that I want to leave you with is that the plain facts of the machine age are becoming clear, and I have every confidence that we're going to use them to chart a good course into the challenging, abundant economy that we're creating.","es":"Asi que la nota optimista, el gran secreto con el que quiero dejarlos es que los hechos tajantes de la nueva era de la m\u00e1quina se estan volviendo claros, y que conf\u00edo plenamente en que los usaremos para trazar un buen curso para la desafiante, y abundante econom\u00eda que estamos creando."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we encouraged people to experiment outrageously with kindness.","es":"Anim\u00e1bamos a la gente a experimentar una bondad inusitada."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We need more than that.","es":"Necesitamos mucho m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I came back to Newcastle with these results and decided that there was something happening here that definitely was getting very serious.","es":"As\u00ed que volv\u00ed a Newcastle con estos resultados y decid\u00ed que estaba pasando algo aqu\u00ed que sin duda era muy importante."} {"gender":"male","en":"If I look at my own life, I'm born in 1962 in Austria. If I would have been born a hundred years earlier, the big decisions in my life would have been made for me, meaning I would have stayed in the town that I was born in; I would have very much likely entered the same profession that my dad did; and I would have very much likely married a woman that my mom had selected.","es":"Si observo mi propia vida, nac\u00ed en Austria, en 1962, Si hubiera nacido 100 a\u00f1os antes, las grandes decisiones de mi vida habr\u00edan sido tomadas en mi lugar, es decir, me hubiera quedado en la ciudad en que nac\u00ed; habr\u00eda sido muy probable que hubiese seguido la misma profesi\u00f3n que ten\u00eda mi padre; y probablemente me hubiera casado con una mujer elegida por mi madre."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What has the War on Drugs done to the world?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 trajo al mundo la guerra contra las drogas?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's self-inspired.","es":"Estoy auto, est\u00e1 auto-inspirado."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now this is a very early finding and we don't yet know whether it has relevance to clinical care.","es":"Este es un hallazgo muy prematuro y a\u00fan no sabemos si tiene relevancia en el cuidado cl\u00ednico."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I said to him what I was doing, that I was going to go study architecture because it was art and mathematics put together. He said to me something that just went completely over my head.","es":"Y le dije lo que estaba haciendo, que iba a estudiar arquitectura porque era unir las artes con las matem\u00e1ticas El me dijo algo que reson\u00f3 completamente en mi cabeza."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We need to check that the temperature has cooled to below 30 degrees C. And then we're ready to add the living organism.","es":"Tenemos que verificar que la temperatura est\u00e9 por debajo de los 30\u00baC. En ese punto podemos agregar los organismos vivos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I'm going to be really honest with you.","es":"Y les ser\u00e9 muy sincera."} {"gender":"female","en":"This drill ship is capable of drilling thousands of meters underneath the ocean, and the mud comes up in sequential cores, one after the other, long, long cores that look like this.","es":"Este barco de perforaci\u00f3n puede perforar miles de metros debajo del oc\u00e9ano, y el barro aparece en n\u00facleos secuenciales, uno despu\u00e9s de otro, n\u00facleos largos, largos que se ven as\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it's not surprising that religion, too, has been affected by this violent ethos.","es":"No sorprende que tambi\u00e9n la religi\u00f3n se haya visto afectada por este esp\u00edritu violento."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I present myself as Exhibit A, a kind of reformed and rehabilitated speed-aholic.","es":"Y me presento como la Muestra A, una especie de adicto a la velocidad rehabilitado."} {"gender":"female","en":"You can still remember my name.","es":"A\u00fan puedes recordar mi nombre."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And others fly today like echoes of the past.","es":"Y otras vuelan hoy como ecos del pasado."} {"gender":"female","en":"Today, I'm working to complete my PhD in education, which will allow me to gain a management position in the school system, and I will be able to make more decisions and play a pivotal role in the system.","es":"Hoy en d\u00eda estoy trabajando en terminar mi doctorado en educaci\u00f3n, lo que me permitir\u00e1 ganar un puesto de gesti\u00f3n en el sistema educativo, y as\u00ed podr\u00e9 tomar m\u00e1s decisiones y jugar un papel importante en el sistema."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now little fishes and invertebrates aren't the only things we see down there.","es":"Y peque\u00f1os peces e invertebrados no son las \u00fanicas cosas que vemos all\u00e1 abajo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And all of this matters greatly, because public safety to me is the most important function of government.","es":"Y todo esto importa mucho, porque la seguridad p\u00fablica para m\u00ed es la funci\u00f3n m\u00e1s importante del gobierno."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The queen just lays the eggs.","es":"La reina solo pone los huevos."} {"gender":"female","en":"But she told me, \"Mom, you don't have to worry about boys because I don't like them.\" And I said, \"Yes, men can be difficult, but all women have to get used to that.\" She said, \"No Mom.","es":"Pero ella me dijo, \"Mam\u00e1, no tienes que preocuparte por chicos porque no me gustan\" Y le dije, \"S\u00ed, los hombres pueden ser dif\u00edciles, pero todas las mujeres deben acostumbrarse a eso\" Ella dijo, \"No mam\u00e1."} {"gender":"female","en":"So in October 2011, I registered my blog, ayearofreadingtheworld.com, and I posted a short appeal online.","es":"As\u00ed, en octubre de 2011, registr\u00e9 mi blog, ayearofreadingtheworld.com, y publiqu\u00e9 una corta petici\u00f3n en l\u00ednea."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is the complication.","es":"Esta es la complicaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"First, narratives tend to be too simple, for the point of a narrative is to strip it away, not just into 18 minutes, but most narratives you can present in a sentence or two.","es":"Primero, las narrativas suelen ser demasiado simples, pues el punto de una narraci\u00f3n es despojarla, no solo en 18 minutos, pues la mayor\u00eda de las narrativas pueden presentarse en una oraci\u00f3n o dos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Just like we have different colored eyes and hair, we metabolize drugs differently based on the variation in our genomes.","es":"Al igual que nuestros ojos y pelo son de diferentes colores, tambi\u00e9n la manera de metabolizar los medicamentos debido a la variaci\u00f3n gen\u00f3mica."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to read this because I want to get these names right.","es":"Voy a leer esto porque quiero decir bien los nombres."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"See what happens here.","es":"Vean lo que ocurre aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"I took an architectural rule about function and form and translated it into newspaper content and design.","es":"Tom\u00e9 una regla arquitect\u00f3nica sobre funci\u00f3n y forma y la traduje al contenido y dise\u00f1o del peri\u00f3dico."} {"gender":"female","en":"It needs an extremely well-trained anesthesiologist with years of training with complex machines to help her monitor the flows of the gas and keep her patients safe and anesthetized throughout the surgery.","es":"Necesita un anestesi\u00f3logo bien capacitado con a\u00f1os de pr\u00e1ctica con m\u00e1quinas complejas que le permitan monitorizar los flujos de gases y tener a sus pacientes seguros y anestesiados durante toda la cirug\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Applied Minds has enough play money that we can go and just work on something without getting anybody's funding or permission or anything.","es":"Applied Minds tiene suficiente dinero como para simplemente ir y trabajar en algo sin recibir fondos ni permiso de nadie ni nada por el estilo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And every kid, you know, as a teenager, has got his bedroom he retreats to, but I wanted my door, I thought it would be cool if my door went up rather than opened, like on Star Trek.","es":"Ya saben, todo chico de adolescente tiene un dormitorio donde se refugia, pero yo quer\u00eda que mi puerta, pens\u00e9 que ser\u00eda estupendo si mi puerta fuera hacia arriba en vez de abrirse, como en Star Trek."} {"gender":"female","en":"He's five years old, super adorable.","es":"Tiene cinco a\u00f1os, s\u00faper adorable."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And, of course, all of this then leads to a vicious cycle and you can't raise a lot of chicks.","es":"Y, por supuesto, esto conduce a un c\u00edrculo vicioso y as\u00ed no se pueden criar muchos polluelos."} {"gender":"female","en":"If we change these things, if we pay attention to these things, and we reengage boys in their learning, they will leave the elementary schools saying, \"I'm smart.\"","es":"Si cambiamos estas cosas, si prestamos atenci\u00f3n a estas cosas, y volvemos a cautivar a los ni\u00f1os en su aprendizaje van a dejar la primaria diciendo: \"soy inteligente\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think of myself as an industrial designer.","es":"Pienso en m\u00ed mismo como un dise\u00f1ador industrial."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm only showing the top 500 most popular Wikipedia pages right here.","es":"Solo estoy mostrando las 500 p\u00e1ginas mas populares de Wikipedia."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's a remarkable statistic.","es":"Es una estad\u00edstica notable."} {"gender":"female","en":"If a girl goes into an encounter hoping that it won't hurt, wanting to feel close to her partner and expecting him to have an orgasm, she'll be satisfied if those criteria are met.","es":"Si una chica entra en un encuentro con la esperanza de que no va a doler, esperando estar cerca de su pareja y esperando a que \u00e9l tenga un orgasmo, ella obtendr\u00e1 satisfacci\u00f3n, si esos criterios se cumplen."} {"gender":"female","en":"Do you look me up and down, wondering how hot I must get or if my husband has forced me to wear this outfit?","es":"\u00bfMe mira de arriba abajo, pregunt\u00e1ndose el calor que paso, o si mi marido me obliga a llevar este traje?"} {"gender":"female","en":"It's an issue for anybody who's building or creating something that you think is going to be amazing and will let people do awesome things.","es":"Es un problema para cualquiera que est\u00e9 construyendo o creando algo que uno cree que ser\u00e1 incre\u00edble y le permitir\u00e1 a la gente hacer cosas impresionantes."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we accelerate the pistons with steam, that takes a little bit of time, but then, bang! you hit the piston, and, baff!, all the energy is done instantly, down instantly to the liquid, and that compresses the plasma much faster.","es":"Aceleramos los pistones con vapor, eso lleva un poco de tiempo, pero luego, \u00a1bang! pulsas el pist\u00f3n, y, \u00a1bingo!, toda la energ\u00eda se genera instant\u00e1neamente, desciende al instante al l\u00edquido, y comprime el plasma mucho m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When asked about the sentence, 'I only had a moment to peruse the manual quickly,' 66 percent of the Panel found it unacceptable in 1988, 58 percent in 1999, and 48 percent in 2011.\"","es":"Cuando se preguntaba acerca de la oraci\u00f3n: 'I only had a moment to peruse the manual quickly\", el 66 % del Panel de Uso lo consider\u00f3 inaceptable in 1988, el 58 % en 1999 y el 48 % en el 2011\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You want to pave new neural roads.","es":"Quieren crear nuevas carreteras neuronales."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's people wandering around in packs, not thinking for themselves, seized by this mob mentality trying to spread their disease and destroy society.","es":"Hay gente vagando en grupos, sin pensar por s\u00ed mismos, siguiendo la ideolog\u00eda de la masa intentando extender su enfermedad y destruir a la sociedad."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'd just like to show you a little footage of what he did back then.","es":"Y qusiera mostrarles unas secuencias de lo que \u00e9l hizo entonces."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it read: \"One unknown estimated female.\"","es":"Y pon\u00eda: \"Desconocido probablemente mujer.\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They always think that the physicists are in their lab and they're working hard, but nothing is happening.","es":"Siempre piensan que los f\u00edsicos est\u00e1n en su laboratorio y que est\u00e1n trabajando duro, pero no pasa nada."} {"gender":"male","en":"We are here today. We have our digital technology.","es":"Estamos hoy aqu\u00ed, con nuestra tecnolog\u00eda digital."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then they submit to me maybe 9,000 answers.","es":"Recibo 9000 proyectos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What are we doing?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 estamos haciendo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Their vision is really, really good.","es":"Su visi\u00f3n es realmente, realmente buena."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was faced with an organized defamation campaign in the local media combined with false rumors shared in family gatherings, in the streets and in schools.","es":"Afront\u00e9 una campa\u00f1a organizada de difamaciones en los medios de comunicaci\u00f3n locales combinado con falsos rumores que se extend\u00edan entre mi familia, las calles y en las escuelas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We're dealing with living systems; we're dealing with systems that evolve.","es":"Estamos tratando a sistemas vivientes, estamos tratando a sistemas que evolucionan."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Talk about a sweet beginning.","es":"Esto habla de un buen comienzo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"How to distribute it between pedestrians, bicycles, public transport and cars?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo distribuirlo entre peatones, bicicletas, transporte p\u00fablico y autos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Everything is affected.","es":"Todo lo afecta."} {"gender":"female","en":"I do, too.","es":"Yo tambi\u00e9n."} {"gender":"female","en":"If you enjoy a beer from your local microbrewery, a product of microbes.","es":"Si toman una cerveza en su cervecer\u00eda m\u00e1s cercana, es un producto de los microbios."} {"gender":"female","en":"And that fear is understandable, because we live in a very heteronormative and geneticized society, a world that still believes that true families consist of one mom, one dad and their genetically related children.","es":"Ese miedo es comprensible, pues vivimos en una sociedad muy heteronormativa y genetista; un mundo que todav\u00eda cree que una verdadera familia consiste en una madre, un padre y sus hijos relacionados gen\u00e9ticamente."} {"gender":"female","en":"A three degree centigrade climate change rise that will result in 50 percent species extinction.","es":"Un aumento de tres grados cent\u00edgrados en la temperatura que resultar\u00e1 en la extinci\u00f3n del 50 por ciento de las especies."} {"gender":"female","en":"We devise agronomic algorithms which tell us how much rainfall a crop needs and when.","es":"Ideamos algoritmos agron\u00f3micos que nos dicen cu\u00e1nta lluvia necesita un cultivo y cu\u00e1ndo."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's an economy and culture called collaborative consumption, and, through it, people like Sebastian are becoming micro-entrepreneurs.","es":"Es una econom\u00eda y una cultura llamada consumo colaborativo, donde personas como Sebastian pueden volverse microempresarios."} {"gender":"female","en":"So what we thought is if we could rally a million of their mothers 82 percent of Black women are over a healthy weight right now.","es":"As\u00ed que pensamos que era mejor poder reunir un mill\u00f3n de madres, porque un 82 % de las mujeres negras tienen sobrepeso."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then, right about here, he has the star moment, and that something we'll always remember.","es":"Y luego, justo aqu\u00ed, \u00e9l tiene el momento estelar, y ese algo que siempre recordaremos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, we can see the working of the mind in the logic of behaviors.","es":"Bueno, podemos ver el funcionamiento de la mente en la l\u00f3gica de los comportamientos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Hong Kong I refer to as a kind of analog experience in a digital age, because you always have a point of reference.","es":"Refiero a Hong Kong como una clase de experiencia an\u00e1loga en la era digital porque siempre tendr\u00e1n un punto de referencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"And very quickly, we also realized what we were doing for one disease, we should do for all diseases.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n nos dimos cuenta r\u00e1pidamente de que lo que logr\u00e1bamos hacer para esta enfermedad se deb\u00eda hacer para todas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And my childhood is more hick than I could ever possibly relate to you, and also more intellectual than you would ever expect.","es":"Mi infancia es m\u00e1s pueblerina de lo que podr\u00eda explicarles, y tambi\u00e9n m\u00e1s intelectual de lo que jam\u00e1s podr\u00edan imaginar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There would be nowhere to turn.","es":"No habr\u00eda hacia d\u00f3nde mirar."} {"gender":"female","en":"But then I would become interested in something else, something totally unrelated, and I would dive into that, and become all-consumed, and I'd be like, \"Yes!","es":"Pero entonces me intereso por otra cosa, algo totalmente diferente, y me sumerjo en ello, y me dejo absorber y siento \"\u00a1S\u00ed!"} {"gender":"female","en":"Yeah, that's a story you want to tell at your kid's wedding reception.","es":"S\u00ed. Esta es una historia querr\u00eda contar en la fiesta de matrimonio de mis hijos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And just like any population, most of the people live to be about 70 or 80, but some live to be 90 or 100.","es":"Y, como cualquier poblaci\u00f3n, la mayor\u00eda de las personas viv\u00edan entre 70 y 80 a\u00f1os, pero algunas viv\u00edan hasta 90 o 100."} {"gender":"female","en":"Are you ready to make the match?","es":"\u00bfEst\u00e1n a la altura de este desaf\u00edo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I will tell you what I did after I learned all this.","es":"Les dir\u00e9 lo que hice tras haber aprendido todo esto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"For fear of disagreement, we shrink from these questions.","es":"Por temor al desacuerdo, evadimos estas preguntas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Okay, and this is a D.J. turntable.","es":"OK, y esta es una tornamesa de DJ."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I thought, Thank you.","es":"Y pens\u00e9: \"Gracias\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a great example of kind of a mobility parkway, a superhighway for joggers and bicyclists, where you can go from one end of the city to the other without crossing the street, and they also have bike-sharing, which I'll get into in a minute.","es":"Es un gran ejemplo de un tipo de autopista de movilidad, una supercarretera para corredores y ciclistas donde se puede ir desde un extremo de la ciudad al otro sin cruzar una calle y tambi\u00e9n puede tener bicicletas compartidas, que mostrar\u00e9 en un minuto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then she took me to see a film that I really didn't want to see.","es":"Cierto d\u00eda, ella me llev\u00f3 a ver una pel\u00edcula que yo ni siquiera quer\u00eda ver."} {"gender":"male","en":"He wanted me to go to a private school, and he gave me an option.","es":"El quer\u00eda que yo fuera a una escuela privada, y me dio una opci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And being English, when I first heard that I thought, \"What a load of cock.\"","es":"Y, siendo Ingl\u00e9s, cuando por primera vez escuch\u00e9 eso, pens\u00e9, \"Que mont\u00f3n de basura.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's been amazing, because the series was so welcomed into the reading lives of children, and they sent me the most amazing letters and cards and artwork.","es":"Y ha sido incre\u00edble, porque la serie fue muy bienvenida en las vidas de lectura de los ni\u00f1os, y me enviaron cartas de lo m\u00e1s sorprendentes y tarjetas y obras de arte."} {"gender":"male","en":"Blood test results are this great source of information.","es":"Los ex\u00e1menes de sangre son una gran fuente de informaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Or if he was running around with a visibly broken leg laughing, and his friends are going, \"Heinrich, I think we need to go to the hospital now,\" that also wouldn't be funny.","es":"Tampoco si corriese por all\u00ed riendo con una fractura expuesta, y sus amigos dijeran: \"Heinrich, creo que tenemos que ir al hospital ahora\", eso tampoco ser\u00eda gracioso."} {"gender":"female","en":"For the past decade or so, a massive urbanization and development have let us witness a lot of reports on the forced demolition of private property.","es":"En la \u00faltima d\u00e9cada un desarrollo y una urbanizaci\u00f3n masivos nos han permitido presenciar muchos informes de la demolici\u00f3n forzada de la propiedad privada."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a construction helmet that I received two years ago at the groundbreaking of the largest project I, and my firm, have ever been involved in.","es":"Este es un casco de construcci\u00f3n que recib\u00ed hace dos a\u00f1os en el inicio de obra del proyecto m\u00e1s grande en el que mi firma y yo hayamos participado."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here he is, this shepherd, experienced in the use of a devastating weapon, up against this lumbering giant weighed down by a hundred pounds of armor and these incredibly heavy weapons that are useful only in short-range combat.","es":"As\u00ed que aqu\u00ed tenemos a este pastor, experimentado en el uso de un arma mortal, contra este pesado gigante lastrado por una armadura de casi 50 kilos, y esas armas incre\u00edblemente pesadas que solo son \u00fatiles en combates en distancias cortas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'd like to take you to another world.","es":"Me gustar\u00eda transportarlos a otro mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"We stopped planting cover crops.","es":"Dejamos de plantar cultivos de cobertura."} {"gender":"male","en":"You sit in a gas station all day, you see lots of morality and immorality, let me tell you.","es":"En una gasolinera todo el d\u00eda uno ve mucha moralidad e inmoralidad, cr\u00e9anme."} {"gender":"male","en":"I also think it's interesting that there's been less coverage of this issue in the United States.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n veo interesante que ha habido menos cobertura sobre este tema en EE. UU."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is live HIV virus at Harvard Medical School, who is working with the U.S. Government to develop sterilizing immunity.","es":"Esto es virus VIH vivo en la facultad de medicina de Harvard, que trabaja junto al Gobierno de EE.UU. en el desarrollo de inmunidad de esterilizaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"That first three years, OK, that was just what we couldn't solve for.","es":"Esos primeros tres a\u00f1os, bien, no hab\u00eda forma de evitarlos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Once upon a time, the world was a big, dysfunctional family.","es":"\ufeff\u00c9rase una vez, el mundo era una grande y disfuncional familia."} {"gender":"male","en":"Boulders, rocks, if anything, it looks more like the Half Dome in Yosemite than anything else.","es":"Rocas, piedras, se parece m\u00e1s al domo de Yosemite que a otra cosa."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's the unexpected things that you devise later on you never could have predicted.","es":"Son las cosas inesperadas que dise\u00f1as m\u00e1s adelante que nunca podr\u00edas haber predicho."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And then we have to ask: Who should be responsible for them?","es":"Y tenemos que preguntarnos: \u00bfQui\u00e9n debe ser responsable de ellas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And to prove it, she says, \"The exact size and shape of these tabletops is the same, and I'm going to prove it to you.\"","es":"Y para probarlo, dice ella, el tama\u00f1o y la forma de estos tableros es id\u00e9ntica, y se los voy a probar."} {"gender":"male","en":"It took me several such incidents to figure out what I was supposed to do.","es":"Pasaron varios de estos incidentes hasta que me di cuenta qu\u00e9 ten\u00eda que hacer."} {"gender":"male","en":"Good decisions can bring good results, striking results, quickly.","es":"Las buenas decisiones suelen traer buenos resultados, resultados sorprendentes y muy r\u00e1pidamente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"People hadn't seen the disease before; health workers hadn't seen the disease before.","es":"La gente no hab\u00eda visto la enfermedad antes; y tampoco los trabajadores de la salud."} {"gender":"female","en":"The 30Project.org is launched and I've gathered a coalition of a few organizations to start.","es":"Ya se ha presentado el 30Proyect.org y he juntado una coalici\u00f3n de algunas organizaciones para empezar."} {"gender":"female","en":"I simultaneously compare variations between the gamma ray light data and the visible light data from day to day and year to year, to better localize these gamma ray blobs.","es":"Comparo simult\u00e1neamente variaciones entre los datos de la luz de rayos gamma y los datos de la luz visible de d\u00eda a d\u00eda y de a\u00f1o a a\u00f1o, para ubicar mejor esas manchas de rayos gamma."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"For example, ship captains needed to know information about the tides in order to safely dock at ports.","es":"Por ejemplo, los capitanes de los barcos ten\u00edan que tener informaci\u00f3n acerca de las mareas con el fin de atracar con seguridad en los puertos."} {"gender":"female","en":"The daughter at the time was 12 when he painted the painting.","es":"Su hija ten\u00eda 12 a\u00f1os cuando pint\u00f3 el cuadro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When we look at foreign terrorist fighters, we see young men with the wind in their hair out in the desert and women going to join them to have nuptials out in the sunset.","es":"Cuando vemos a los combatientes terroristas extranjeros, vemos a j\u00f3venes con cabellos ondeados al viento en el desierto y a las mujeres que se les unen para casarse en el atardecer."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We build a bigger machine.","es":"Construimos una m\u00e1quina m\u00e1s grande."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"As you know, there's another speaker here with us that works in your same field.","es":"Como sabes, hay otra oradora aqu\u00ed que trabaja en tu mismo campo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Anonymous companies have even come to light in the recent revolution in the Ukraine.","es":"Las sociedades an\u00f3nimas tambi\u00e9n han salido a la luz en la reciente revoluci\u00f3n en Ucrania."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And some of those we wanted to transfer to the icons in our system.","es":"Y quer\u00edamos transferir algunas de esas propiedades a nuestro sistema de \u00edconos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm a geologist by training. But I love that.","es":"Ya s\u00e9. Soy ge\u00f3logo de formaci\u00f3n; pero eso me encanta."} {"gender":"female","en":"Yet we spend 75 billion, that's b for billion, dollars a year on state and local corrections costs.","es":"Sin embargo, gastamos 75 mil millones, s\u00ed dije mil millones, de d\u00f3lares al a\u00f1o en correccionales locales y estatales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So this is altogether really, really interesting.","es":"As\u00ed que esto es en conjunto muy, muy interesante."} {"gender":"male","en":"And at the same time, I think creating these types of instruments asks a question about the role of technology, and its place for how we make music.","es":"Y, al mismo tiempo, pienso que crear este tipo de instrumentos indaga en el rol de la tecnolog\u00eda y su lugar en la forma en que hacemos m\u00fasica."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's our trailer, because I know, obviously you guys are busy, many of you may not have had a chance to see it.","es":"Es como un trailer ya que obviamente est\u00e1 muy ocupados y otros no han tenido la oportunidad de verlo."} {"gender":"female","en":"This picture doesn't exactly show the plastics that I would like it to show, because I haven't been out there myself.","es":"Esta foto no muestra exactamente los pl\u00e1sticos que me gustar\u00eda que muestre porque no he estado all\u00ed en persona."} {"gender":"female","en":"I could tell you what these four types of strength are, but I'd rather you experience them firsthand. I'd rather we all start building them up together right now.","es":"Les dir\u00e9 cu\u00e1les son esas cuatro fortalezas, pero preferir\u00eda que las experimentaran directamente, preferir\u00eda que comenz\u00e1ramos ahora a construirlas juntos."} {"gender":"male","en":"She helped me to understand how deeply our country has been affected by land mines and by war.","es":"Ella me ayud\u00f3 a entender lo mucho que hab\u00eda sido afectado nuestro pa\u00eds por la guerra y las minas antipersona."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Because in agriculture, if you had 10 kids and you grow up a little bit earlier and you work a little bit harder, you could produce about five times more wealth, on average, than your neighbor.","es":"Porque en agricultura, si ten\u00edas 10 hijos y te despertabas un poquito m\u00e1s temprano y trabajabas un poquito m\u00e1s duro, pod\u00edas llegar a producir, en promedio como cinco veces m\u00e1s riqueza que tu vecino."} {"gender":"female","en":"But the parents in the room know that texting is actually the best way to communicate with your kids.","es":"Pero los padres aqu\u00ed presentes saben que enviar textos es, en efecto, la mejor manera de comunicarse con los hijos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I could make David Mamet psychoanalyze my attack on dialogue, Stanislavski be as if he were Bruce Lee kicking your roster of talentless students up and down Crenshaw.","es":"Podr\u00eda hacer que David Mamet psicoanalizara mi ataque sobre el di\u00e1logo, Stanislavski fue como un Bruce Lee que patea tu lista de estudiantes sin talento arriba y abajo de Crenshaw."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's like a wireless accelerometer, pedometer.","es":"Es como un aceler\u00f3metro o un pod\u00f3metro inal\u00e1mbrico."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, you heard that I got a speeding ticket while I was researching my book on the benefits of slowness, and that's true, but that's not all of it.","es":"Escucharon que recib\u00ed una multa por exceso de velocidad mientras estaba investigando para mi libro sobre los beneficios de la lentitud, y eso es verdad, pero eso no es todo."} {"gender":"female","en":"First time I got to go to a camp with my sister, I was abused.","es":"La primera vez que fui a un campamento con mi hermana, me maltrataron."} {"gender":"male","en":"The project I'm going to tell you about is called the World Peace Game, and essentially it is also an empty space.","es":"El proyecto del que les voy a hablar se llama el juego de la paz mundial, y b\u00e1sicamente tambi\u00e9n es un espacio vac\u00edo."} {"gender":"male","en":"If I'm honest, this isn't why I went into it.","es":"Para ser honesto, no es la raz\u00f3n por la que me involucr\u00e9."} {"gender":"female","en":"I want to tell you a personal story about why this matters a lot to me.","es":"Quiero contarles una historia personal de porque esto importa tanto para m\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"Did I eat too late or something?\"","es":"\u00bfCom\u00ed demasiado tarde o algo as\u00ed?\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"They ran the code.","es":"Ejecutaron el c\u00f3digo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And time is what builds value.","es":"El tiempo construye valor."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And it turns out the web is awash with this sort of evidence that supports this sort of thinking.","es":"Y resulta que la p\u00e1gina est\u00e1 repleta de pruebas que respaldan esta idea."} {"gender":"male","en":"Interviewer: Well, at last the simulated bridge is finished, and I can make it wobble.","es":"Reportero: Bien, al fin el simulador del puente est\u00e1 terminado, y podemos hacerlo bambolearse."} {"gender":"female","en":"Algorithmic bias, like human bias, results in unfairness.","es":"El sesgo algor\u00edtmico, como el humano, se traduce en injusticia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's not possible.","es":"Eso no es posible."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"An awful lot of kids, sorry, thank you, One estimate in America currently is that something like 10 percent of kids, getting on that way, are being diagnosed with various conditions under the broad title of attention deficit disorder.","es":"Una gran cantidad de ni\u00f1os Lo siento, gracias. \u2014\u2014 Se estima que en Estados Unidos, actualmente alrededor de a un 10 % de los ni\u00f1os, se los diagnostica con varios trastornos bajo un t\u00edtulo amplio de des\u00f3rdenes de d\u00e9ficit de atenci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"So in 1965, I went to what was called the worst Bihar famine in India, and I saw starvation, death, people dying of hunger, for the first time.","es":"As\u00ed, en 1965, fui a lo que se denomin\u00f3 la peor hambruna de Bihar, en la India, y por primera vez vi hambre, muerte, personas que mor\u00edan de hambre."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And these genes are activated mainly by estrogen.","es":"Y estos genes se activan principalmente por el estr\u00f3geno."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"How to do it?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo hacerlo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"But wood is the material that I love the most, and I'm going to tell you the story about wood.","es":"Pero la madera es el material que m\u00e1s me gusta. Voy a contartes la historia de la madera."} {"gender":"female","en":"You know, that ham butt is delicious!","es":"Ya saben, \u00a1esa cola del jam\u00f3n es muy rica!"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So clearly playing those action games doesn't lead to attention problems.","es":"De modo que jugar a esos juegos de acci\u00f3n claramente no llevan a problemas de atenci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm 14 years old, and when I was 13, I convinced one of the largest toy companies, toymakers, in the world, Hasbro, to change the way that they marketed one of their most best-selling products.","es":"Cuando ten\u00eda 13, convenc\u00ed a uno de los mayores fabricantes de juguetes, en el mundo, Hasbro, de cambiar la forma en que vend\u00edan uno de sus productos m\u00e1s vendidos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I have a laptop in front of me. You're looking at me and at this.","es":"Tengo un port\u00e1til delante, pero me est\u00e1n mirando, y ven esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here are the facts: 65 million people displaced from their homes by violence and persecution last year.","es":"He aqu\u00ed las cifras: el a\u00f1o pasado, 65 millones de personas fueron desplazadas de sus hogares por la violencia y la persecuci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's something I haven't shown yet, and it's like a preview, I guess, of my upcoming show, what I have so far.","es":"Es algo que no he mostrado antes, es como una vista previa, supongo, de mi pr\u00f3xima exposici\u00f3n, lo que tengo hasta ahora."} {"gender":"male","en":"The only place you ever have to write your name on the back is in America. Whenever I go to America, and I have to pay with a magstripe on the back of the card, I always sign it \"Carlos Tethers\" anyway, just as a security mechanism, because if a transaction ever gets disputed, and it comes back and it says \"Dave Birch,\" I know it must have been a criminal, because I would never sign it \"Dave Birch.\"","es":"El \u00fanico sitio donde Ud. tiene que escribir el nombre por el momento, es en EE.UU. Y si voy a EE.UU. y tengo que pagar con una tarjeta de banda magn\u00e9tica, siempre firmo como Carlos Tethers, por seguridad, porque si dudo de alguna transacci\u00f3n y el recibo por detr\u00e1s dice Dave Birch, se que debi\u00f3 haber sido un criminal, porque yo nunca firmar\u00eda como Dave Birch."} {"gender":"female","en":"I suppose it's there to tell you that somebody's cleaned the place, and it's all lovely.","es":"Supongo que est\u00e1 all\u00ed para decirles que alguien limpi\u00f3 el lugar y est\u00e1 todo agradable."} {"gender":"male","en":"The world is so complicated, there is so much data, things are changing so fast, that this thing that evolved on the African savanna tens of thousands of years ago, to cope with a particular environment, a particular volume of information and data, it just can't handle the realities of the 21st century, and the only thing that may be able to handle it is big-data algorithms.","es":"El mundo es tan complicado, hay tantos datos, las cosas est\u00e1n cambiando tan r\u00e1pido, que esto que evolucion\u00f3 en la sabana africana decenas de miles de a\u00f1os atr\u00e1s, para hacerle frente a su entorno, a un volumen espec\u00edfico de datos e informaci\u00f3n, simplemente no pueda encargarse de las realidades del siglo XXI, y lo \u00fanico que quiz\u00e1s las pueda manejar sean los algoritmos de datos masivos."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's linked to my unconscious, my guesses of what others are choosing, or what is a socially embraced choice.","es":"Est\u00e1n ligadas a mi inconsciente, a lo que otros est\u00e1n eligiendo, o a elecciones socialmente aceptadas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Coming back to gold very quickly, I wanted to search for gold and see how the machine tagged all the gold.","es":"Volviendo al oro muy r\u00e1pidamente, quer\u00eda buscar el oro y ver c\u00f3mo la m\u00e1quina etiquetaba todo el oro."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I want to show you a clip of the film now.","es":"Les quiero mostrar un clip de v\u00eddeo."} {"gender":"female","en":"But in order to enter and to stay these migrants had to pass a few tests.","es":"Sin embargo, para ingresar y quedarse estos emigrantes ten\u00edan que pasar algunas pruebas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So far, I've only talked about what's happening in the listener's brain, in your brain, when you're listening to talks.","es":"Hasta aqu\u00ed, s\u00f3lo he hablado sobre lo que sucede en el cerebro del oyente, en sus cerebros, cuando escuchan alguna charla."} {"gender":"female","en":"Be seated. You're fine.","es":"Qu\u00e9dense sentados tranquilos."} {"gender":"female","en":"A parade of government subsidies is going to propose big-box and stadium developments in the South Bronx, but there is scant coordination between city agencies on how to deal with the cumulative effects of increased traffic, pollution, solid waste and the impacts on open space.","es":"Se destina una enorme cantidad de subsidios gubernamentales para la construcci\u00f3n de hipermercados y estadios en el sur del Bronx. Pero hay una coordinaci\u00f3n deficiente entre las agencias de la ciudad para tratar los efectos del aumento de tr\u00e1nsito, contaminaci\u00f3n y residuos s\u00f3lidos y el impacto en el aire."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I remember very distinctly a couple of days after my arrival, I went up to a feeding clinic.","es":"Y recuerdo muy claramente un par de d\u00edas tras mi llegada, fui a una cl\u00ednica de alimentaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Actually, life forms produce things that kill themselves.","es":"En realidad, las formas de vida producen cosas que se matan as\u00ed mismas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is a SOLE in Newcastle.","es":"Este es el SOLE en Newcastle."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if that can be our generation's enduring legacy, that we took responsibility for the thinking that had been handed down to us, that we revisited it, we revised it, and we reinvented the whole way humanity thinks about changing things, forever, for everyone, well, I thought I would let the kids sum up what that would be.","es":"Y si ese puede ser el legado duradero de nuestra generaci\u00f3n, que asumimos la responsabilidad por el pensamiento que nos fue heredado, al que volvimos, revisamos, y reinventamos por completo la forma en que la humanidad piensa en c\u00f3mo cambiar las cosas para siempre, para todos, bueno, creo que dejar\u00e9 que los chicos resuman c\u00f3mo ser\u00eda eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"We see, \"I just feel like I'm not going to have fun if it's not the both of us.\"","es":"Podemos ver, \"Simplemente siento que no me voy a divertir si no estamos los dos.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"So basically I'm in a wheelchair most of the time.","es":"B\u00e1sicamente, estoy en una silla de ruedas la mayor parte del tiempo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Typically, these things are put in the ground.","es":"Normalmente, estas cosas se ponen en el suelo."} {"gender":"female","en":"But I, too, wanted to do everything I could to help, so I wanted to try everything.","es":"Pero yo tambi\u00e9n quer\u00eda hacer todo lo posible para ayudar, as\u00ed que quer\u00eda probar todo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Why is it that women are, on the one hand, viciously oppressed by cultural practices, and yet at the same time, are the preservers of cultures in most societies?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 es que las mujeres son, por una parte, cruelmente oprimidas por pr\u00e1cticas culturales, y sin embargo, al mismo tiempo, son quienes preservan la cultura en la mayor\u00eda de las sociedades?"} {"gender":"female","en":"The first one was rather limited in scope.","es":"La primera fue un poco limitada en alcance."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, when I saw \"Supersize Me,\" I starting thinking of saying, What would happen if an individual had 31 days nonstop Fox News?","es":"De hecho, cuando vi \u201cS\u00faper eng\u00f3rdame\u201d, empec\u00e9 a pensar \u00bfqu\u00e9 pasar\u00eda si alguien pasase 31 d\u00edas ininterrumpidos con noticias de la cadena Fox?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I witnessed how these critical challenges contributed to an already polarized Egyptian society, but this is not just about Egypt.","es":"He presenciado c\u00f3mo estos importantes retos agravaban a una sociedad egipcia ya polarizada, pero esto no es solo sobre Egipto."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we decided the only way forward was to actually synthesize this chromosome so we could vary the components to ask some of these most fundamental questions.","es":"Por lo tanto, decidimos que la \u00fanica manera de avanzar era sintetizar de verdad este cromosoma para que pudi\u00e9semos variar sus componentes y poder plantearnos algunas de estas preguntas m\u00e1s fundamentales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Yes.","es":"S\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"So nature doesn't create waste doesn't create waste as such.","es":"La Naturaleza no genera residuos; no genera residuos como tales."} {"gender":"female","en":"These were some of the first acquisitions that really introduced the idea of interaction design to the public.","es":"Estas fueron algunas de las primeras adquisiciones que realmente introdujeron la idea de dise\u00f1o interactivo al p\u00fablico."} {"gender":"male","en":"And she actually, of course, I'm here, she passes.","es":"Y finalmente ella, es obvio, estoy aqu\u00ed, ella pas\u00f3."} {"gender":"female","en":"And all day she walked around only in her underwear.","es":"Todo el tiempo deambulaba en ropa interior."} {"gender":"male","en":"I have a couple that are trending.","es":"Tengo un par que son populares."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Titus was a restaurant manager.","es":"Titus dirig\u00eda un restaurante."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We need water.","es":"Necesitamos agua."} {"gender":"female","en":"Do we have family in the neighborhood?","es":"\u00bfTenemos familia en el barrio?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Certainly not. We cannot be grateful for violence, for war, for oppression, for exploitation.","es":"Ciertamente no. No podemos estar agradecidos por la violencia, la guerra, la opresi\u00f3n, la explotaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so, in conclusion, I've talked about what seems the future of war, but notice that I've only used real world examples and you've only seen real world pictures and videos.","es":"Por \u00faltimo, he hablado de lo que parece ser el futuro de la guerra, pero tengan en cuenta que solo he usado ejemplos del mundo real y que solo han visto fotos y videos reales."} {"gender":"female","en":"All they have to do is exist.","es":"Todo lo que tienen que hacer es existir."} {"gender":"female","en":"Why is that?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 ocurre esto?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Back then, they made fortune cookies using very much the similar kind of irons that we saw back in Kyoto.","es":"En esos tiempos, de hecho, ellos hac\u00edan galletas de la fortuna usando planchas muy similares a las que vimos en Kyoto."} {"gender":"female","en":"You are.","es":"Es uno."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's true what they say, and I didn't believe it until it happened to me.","es":"Es verdad lo que dicen, y no lo cre\u00ed hasta que me ocurri\u00f3 a mi."} {"gender":"male","en":"Almost all patients are incurable.\"","es":"Casi todos los casos son incurables\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Why are we offering only handcuffs, jail time and this fugitive existence?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 les ofrecemos solamente esposas, c\u00e1rcel y una existencia fugitiva?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I was asked to do a building, and I was given all the artifacts of clothing and drawings.","es":"Me pidieron que hiciera un edificio, y me dieron todas las prendas de vestir y los dibujos."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, collectively, now we think we have enough evidence to say that neurogenesis is a target of choice if we want to improve memory formation or mood, or even prevent the decline associated with aging, or associated with stress.","es":"As\u00ed, colectivamente, ahora creemos tener evidencias suficientes para decir que la neurog\u00e9nesis es el objetivo primordial si queremos mejorar la formaci\u00f3n de la memoria o el \u00e1nimo, o incluso prevenir el deterioro asociado al envejecimiento, o asociado al estr\u00e9s."} {"gender":"female","en":"When we met her three years ago, we said, \"What could V-Day do for you?\"","es":"Cuando la conocimos hace tres a\u00f1os, dijimos, \u201c\u00bfQu\u00e9 podr\u00eda hacer el D\u00eda-V por ti?\u201d"} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, when I use the term \"miracle,\" I don't mean something that's impossible.","es":"Cuando utilizo la palabra milagro, no quiero decir algo que sea imposible."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He did not think so, however, but his coworkers did an intervention and they said, \"You are going to rehab, or you will be fired and you will die.\"","es":"\u00c9l no opinaba lo mismo, pero sus compa\u00f1eros le dijeron claramente: \"Vas a desintoxicarte o te despediremos y morir\u00e1s\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Just as autism is a spectrum, there's a spectrum of etiologies, a spectrum of causes.","es":"As\u00ed como el autismo es un espectro, hay un espectro de etiolog\u00edas, un espectro de causas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They're completely anonymous, as it were.","es":"Tal parece que de verdad son completamente an\u00f3nimos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And why is it true?","es":"Y, por qu\u00e9 es esto cierto?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Linguists talk about metaphors as having entailments, which is essentially a way of considering all the implications of, or ideas contained within, a given metaphor.","es":"Los ling\u00fcistas hablan de met\u00e1foras como que tienen implicaciones, que es esencialmente una forma de considerar todas las implicaciones, o ideas contenidas dentro de una met\u00e1fora dada."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The Germans were embedded in this mountain hillside, rocky hillside, in impregnable caves, and three allied battalions had been pounding away at it for six months, and they were stalemated.","es":"Los alemanes estaban apertrechados en la ladera de una monta\u00f1a, una ladera rocosa, con trincheras inexpugnables. Tres batallones aliados hab\u00edan estado intentando por 6 meses, y estaban estancados."} {"gender":"female","en":"Six of eight Atlas rockets blew up on the pad.","es":"6 de 8 cohetes Atlas estallaron en su plataforma."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, I would say this. First of all, you know what you can do.","es":"Bueno, en primer lugar les dir\u00eda que Uds. saben lo que pueden hacer."} {"gender":"male","en":"And let's do it soon.","es":"Y hag\u00e1moslo pronto."} {"gender":"female","en":"I remember being on a plane going from Kenya to South Africa, and I had no idea where I was. I didn't know where I was going, where I'd come from, and I panicked. I had a total anxiety attack.","es":"Recuerdo que me encontraba en un avion de Kenia a Sudafrica, y no tenia idea de donde me encontraba No sabia a donde iba, de donde venia, y entre en panico, tuve una ataque de ansiedad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You took public transport to come here, or maybe used your private car.","es":"Us\u00f3 el transporte p\u00fabico para llegar aqu\u00ed, o quiz\u00e1s su propio auto."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's kind of natural that we would think it was the best tool. But, you know, there's a comedian who said, \"Well, who's telling me that consciousness is so good and so important?","es":"Y en cierto sentido es natural que pensemos que es la mejor herramienta, pero saben, un c\u00f3mico dijo: \"Bueno, \u00bfqui\u00e9n me dice que la consciencia es tan buena y tan importante?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So the cow, basically, eats three basic things in their feed: corn, beets, and barley, and so what I do is I actually challenge my staff with these crazy, wild ideas.","es":"B\u00e1sicamente, la vaca come tres cosas en su alimentaci\u00f3n: ma\u00edz, remolacha y cebada, por eso yo desaf\u00edo a mi personal con estas ideas locas."} {"gender":"male","en":"These are some climbers reaching the top of the icefall just at sun-up.","es":"Unos escaladores llegando su cima justo con la puesta del sol."} {"gender":"female","en":"But misidentifying a suspected criminal is no laughing matter, nor is breaching civil liberties.","es":"Pero identificar mal a un sospechoso no es un tema para re\u00edrse, tampoco lo es violar la libertad civil."} {"gender":"male","en":"The Highline is an old, elevated rail line that runs for a mile and a half right through Manhattan.","es":"La High Line es una vieja l\u00ednea de tren en altura que va por el medio de Manhattan m\u00e1s de 2 kil\u00f3metros."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You know, we have Victorian design with an engine on it. That's all!","es":"Ya saben, tenemos un dise\u00f1o victoriano con motor, \u00a1nada m\u00e1s!"} {"gender":"male","en":"I started to have favorite colors, and I started to dream in colors.","es":"Comenc\u00e9 a tener colores favoritos, y empec\u00e9 a so\u00f1ar a colores."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we go layer by layer through the organ, analyzing each layer as we go through the organ, and we then are able to send that information, as you see here, through the computer and actually design the organ for the patient.","es":"Vamos capa por capa a trav\u00e9s del \u00f3rgano, analizando cada capa a medida que recorremos el \u00f3rgano. Y luego podemos enviar esa informaci\u00f3n, como ven aqu\u00ed, a la computadora y dise\u00f1ar el \u00f3rgano para el paciente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"LC: After the heat shield has been jettisoned and the legs are deployed, the next step is to have the radar system begin to detect how far Phoenix really is from the ground.","es":"LC: Despu\u00e9s de expulsar el escudo y que las piernas se desplieguen, el siguiente paso es preparar al sistema de radar para detectar qu\u00e9 tan lejos est\u00e1 Phoenix del suelo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So wherever you are in the world, the next time you find that there's some natural curiosity you have that is being piqued, and it's about something you care about, and you have some crazy or bold ideas, and perhaps it's outside the realm of your expertise, ask yourself this: Why not?","es":"Donde sea que est\u00e9n en el mundo, la pr\u00f3xima vez que encuentren que hay alguna necesidad natural que est\u00e1 siendo vapuleada, y se trata de algo que les importa, y tienen ideas locas o audaces, y tal vez est\u00e1 fuera del \u00e1mbito de su experiencia, preg\u00fantense : \u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And it was, I was following all the rules.","es":"Y fue, yo segu\u00eda todas las reglas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Health Leads too recruits competitively, trains intensively, coaches professionally, demands significant time, builds a cohesive team and measures results, a kind of Teach for America for healthcare.","es":"Health Leads tambi\u00e9n recluta competitivamente, entrena intensamente, dirige profesionalmente, demanda tiempo significativo, construye un equipo cohesionado y mide resultados, una especie de \u201cTeach for America\u201d de la salud."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was released after nine days.","es":"Me soltaron a los 9 d\u00edas."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think if somebody really was drowning, she'd save them.","es":"Y creo que si alguien se estuviese ahogando, ella lo salvar\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It has all kinds of things in it that are very, very particular that are the results of the specifics of Christian history, and one thing that's at the heart of it, one thing that's at the heart of most understandings of Christianity, which is the result of the specific history of Christianity, is that it's an extremely creedal religion.","es":"Tiene montones de cosas que son realmente muy particulares, derivadas de los detalles de la historia cristiana, y algo que es fundamental, crucial para gran parte de la comprensi\u00f3n del Cristianismo, y que es el resultado de la historia espec\u00edfica del Cristianismo, es que es una religi\u00f3n muy de credo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And when I was little, I took it as the greatest compliment in the world that she would say that about parenting my brother and me.","es":"De ni\u00f1o tomaba eso como el mayor cumplido del mundo al decirlo en relaci\u00f3n a m\u00ed y mi hermano."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When a dragonfly flutters by, you may not realize, but it's the greatest flier in nature.","es":"Cuando una lib\u00e9lula revolotea, puede ser que no se den cuenta, pero es la mejor voladora de la naturaleza."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I think reason is not just some neutral tool to help you get whatever you want.","es":"As\u00ed que creo que la raz\u00f3n no es solamente una herramienta neutral para conseguir lo que quieren."} {"gender":"female","en":"What's actually the scope of the problem?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es en realidad el alcance del problema?"} {"gender":"female","en":"This is actually an endangered species.","es":"Es realmente una especie en peligro de extinci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"They couldn't believe that speaking from the position of authority like two professors we were, we would take chance seriously.","es":"No pod\u00edan creer que viniendo de la posici\u00f3n de autoridad que tenemos como profesores, tomar\u00edamos la casualidad seriamente."} {"gender":"female","en":"So we started a nonprofit foundation.","es":"As\u00ed que cre\u00e9 una fundaci\u00f3n sin \u00e1nimo de lucro."} {"gender":"male","en":"Imagine all of you, for 20 days now, went off and used heroin three times a day.","es":"Imaginen que Uds., por 20 d\u00edas, usaron hero\u00edna tres veces al d\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"I notice that MBA students really exhibit the full range of power nonverbals.","es":"Noto que los estudiantes de administraci\u00f3n muestran toda la gama de expresiones no verbales de poder."} {"gender":"female","en":"They get returned, and when they get returned, here on a NASA numerical ocean you can see bluefin in blue go across their corridor, returning to the Western Pacific.","es":"Y regresan, y cuando lo hacen, aqu\u00ed en un oc\u00e9ano num\u00e9rico de la NASA puede verse al at\u00fan rojo, en azul, atravesar su corredor regresando al Pac\u00edfico Occidental."} {"gender":"male","en":"And my reward for surviving it was to go back for four more months of chemo.","es":"Y mi recompensa por sobrevivir fue volver a quimio otros cuatro meses m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"That doesn't sound like that much when you think about it.","es":"Eso no suena a mucho cuando piensas sobre esto."} {"gender":"female","en":"Milk is why mammals suck.","es":"Los mam\u00edferos succionamos en busca de leche."} {"gender":"female","en":"CP is not genetic.","es":"La P. C. no es gen\u00e9tica."} {"gender":"male","en":"So now, I have one last thought, which is that it really makes a difference what we say, the words that come out of our mouth.","es":"Y ahora tengo una \u00faltima reflexi\u00f3n, y es que realmente marca una diferencia aquello que decimos. Las palabras que salen de nuestra boca."} {"gender":"male","en":"From my experience, and from what I've heard from Congressional insiders, most of the people going to Congress are good, hard-working, intelligent people who really want to solve problems, but once they get there, they find that they are forced to play a game that rewards hyper-partisanship and that punishes independent thinking.","es":"En mi experiencia y de lo que he o\u00eddo de personas de adentro del Congreso, la mayor\u00eda de la gente que va al Congreso son buenas, trabajadoras inteligentes que realmente quieren resolver problemas, pero una vez que llegan ah\u00ed, se encuentran con que son forzados a jugar un juego que recompensa el hiper-partidismo y que castiga el pensamiento independiente."} {"gender":"female","en":"It means so very much to us.\"","es":"Significa tanto para nosotros\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Delivering ultraconvenience is not just something nice to have.","es":"La ultraconveniencia no es solo algo agradable a ofrecer."} {"gender":"female","en":"No, not as I expected.","es":"No, no como lo esperaba."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I love sake and Kobe and all that stuff.","es":"Y a m\u00ed me encanta el sake, el kobe y todo eso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was so exciting.","es":"Estaba tan emocionado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Edison may not have been a nice person, he did a lot of things, he was maybe not so intellectual, not so visionary.","es":"Edison pudo no haber sido una buena persona, que hizo un mont\u00f3n de cosas \u00e9l no era quiz\u00e1 tan intelectual, no era tan visionario."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I was trying to figure all that out, and I felt a little confused, and I said so on my blog, and I said that I wanted to start a website for teenage girls that was not this kind of one-dimensional strong character empowerment thing because I think one thing that can be very alienating about a misconception of feminism is that girls then think that to be a feminist, they have to live up to being perfectly consistent in your beliefs, never being insecure, never having doubts, having all of the answers.","es":"As\u00ed que estaba tratando de entender todo esto, y me sent\u00eda un poco confundida, y lo escrib\u00ed en mi blog, y escrib\u00ed que quer\u00eda empezar una p\u00e1gina para chicas adolescentes que no fuera del tipo de personaje femenino fuerte pero uni-dimensional porque una cosa que puede ser muy alienante respecto al concepto err\u00f3neo del feminismo es que las chicas, para ser feministas, tienen que vivir siendo perfectamente coherentes en sus creencias, jam\u00e1s siendo inseguras, jam\u00e1s teniendo dudas, sabiendo todas las respuestas."} {"gender":"male","en":"One of my favorite shows as a kid was \"The Six Million Dollar Man,\" and this is a little bit closer to the 240-dollar man or so, but, At any rate, I would normally feel very self-conscious and geeky wearing this around, but a few days ago I saw one world-renowned statistician swallowing swords on stage here, so I figure it's OK amongst this group.","es":"Uno de mis programas favoritos era \"El Hombre Nuclear,\" y esto es un poco parecido, pero m\u00e1s barato, Normalmente soy muy auto-consciente, y un poco extra\u00f1o, usando esto, pero, hace unos d\u00edas vi a un renombrado estad\u00edstico tragando espadas aqu\u00ed, As\u00ed que pens\u00e9 que ser\u00eda aceptado en el grupo."} {"gender":"female","en":"But here's the thing, our desire to bring every good thing to our children is a force for good throughout the world.","es":"Pero aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 el punto, nuestro deseo de darles lo mejor a nuestros hijos es una fuerza para el bien en el mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"We still need to complete the screening study using the low dose, and then our findings will need to be replicated at other institutions, and this could take five or more years.","es":"Todav\u00eda tenemos que terminar el estudio de detecci\u00f3n con dosis bajas, y luego los hallazgos tendr\u00e1n que ser replicados en otras instituciones. Y esto podr\u00eda llevar 5 a\u00f1os o m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"Girls face issues, difficult issues, at the community level every day.","es":"Las ni\u00f1as se enfrentan con estos problemas y asuntos dif\u00edciles a nivel comunitario todos los d\u00edas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I want to talk a little bit about the obesity epidemic, because it really is a problem.","es":"Quiero hablar sobre la epidemia de laobesidad, pues es un verdadero problema."} {"gender":"male","en":"I put him here to remind us, I would not want anyone to leave the room thinking that we do not need capable, competent militaries who can create real military effect.","es":"Escog\u00ed su foto para acordarnos, no quisiera que nadie se vaya hoy pensando que no necesitamos soldados capaces y competentes que puedan crear un efecto militar real."} {"gender":"male","en":"And eventually, they will listen.","es":"Y, finalmente, van a escuchar."} {"gender":"female","en":"That is great.","es":"Genial."} {"gender":"female","en":"Prices for ARVs, the drugs needed to treat HIV, cost about 12,000 per patient per year.","es":"Los precios de los antirretrovirales, necesarios para tratar el HIV, costaban cerca de 12 000 d\u00f3lares por paciente al a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"YNH: Yeah, I think with climate change, at first sight, it's quite surprising that there is a very close correlation between nationalism and climate change.","es":"YNH: S\u00ed, con respecto al cambio clim\u00e1tico, a primera vista, es bastante sorprendente que haya una correlaci\u00f3n muy cercana entre el nacionalismo y el cambio clim\u00e1tico."} {"gender":"female","en":"And here I am with a pregnant woman, who is HIV positive and we're smiling, both of us are smiling, because we're very confident, because we know that that young woman is receiving treatment so her life can be extended to take care of the baby she's about to give birth to.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed estoy con una embarazada que es VIH positiva y estamos sonriendo, ambas estamos sonriendo, porque confiamos, porque sabemos que las mujeres j\u00f3venes reciben tratamiento y as\u00ed pueden extender su vida para cuidar al beb\u00e9 que est\u00e1 a punto de dar a luz."} {"gender":"female","en":"He created this strange distance, this shock, that made people realize how gorgeous formally, and also important functionally, design pieces were.","es":"Cre\u00f3 esta distancia extra\u00f1a, este choque, que hizo que la gente se diera cuenta de lo magn\u00edficamente formales y funcionalmente importantes que son las piezas de dise\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"New medical technologies like x-ray machines were invented. And because they were so big and expensive, we needed large, centralized buildings to keep them in, and they became our modern hospitals.","es":"Se inventaron nuevas tecnolog\u00edas como los rayos X. Y como las m\u00e1quinas eran tan grandes y costosas, se necesitaban grandes edificios centralizados que se convirtieron en los hospitales modernos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So they tell you where it is, the prices, the address, the phone number, etc. Then you get to their political articles.","es":"Por eso nos dice d\u00f3nde est\u00e1, los precios, la direcci\u00f3n, el n\u00famero de tel\u00e9fono, etc. Luego uno pasa a los art\u00edculos pol\u00edticos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Within four years we would be blowing everyone in the world away.","es":"En cuatro a\u00f1os podr\u00edamos superar a cualquiera en el mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I have to trust the orchestra, and, even more crucially, I have to trust myself.","es":"Tengo que confiar en la orquesta y, m\u00e1s importante a\u00fan, tengo que confiar en m\u00ed mismo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It became much harder for them to socialize, much harder for them to cooperate.","es":"Se les hizo mucho m\u00e1s dif\u00edcil socializar, m\u00e1s dif\u00edcil cooperar entre s\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm going to quote a molecular biologist, Sydney Brenner, who's 70 years old, so he can say this.","es":"Voy a citar a un bi\u00f3logo molecular, Sydney Brenner, que tiene 70 a\u00f1os y puede decir esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Martin Short is one of my all-time favorite actors.","es":"Martin Short es uno de mis actores favoritos de todos los tiempos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I propose we have a Trump number, and the Trump number is the ratio of this man's behavioral repertoire to the number of neurons in his brain.","es":"Lo que propongo es tener un 'n\u00famero Trump', y el 'n\u00famero Trump' es la relaci\u00f3n entre el repertorio conductual de este hombre y la cantidad de neuronas de su cerebro."} {"gender":"male","en":"Anytime we're basically using our brain but not doing a lot of mechanics, those are the things that will happen first.","es":"Donde sea que estemos usando nuestro cerebro, pero no haya mucha mec\u00e1nica. \u00c9stas son las cosas que van a suceder primero."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then I took another photo and another photo and another photo.","es":"Luego tom\u00e9 otra foto y luego otra y otra m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"They shape their lives according to the narrative of your life, as I did with my father and my mother, perhaps, and maybe Bageye did with his father.","es":"Dan forma a sus vidas de acuerdo con el relato de la vida de uno, como lo hice yo con mi padre y con mi madre, tal vez, y tal vez Bageye lo hizo con su padre."} {"gender":"female","en":"So in this case, in the last week actually, I've just designed a petri dish that is engineered to produce a bespoke print on a whole garment.","es":"De manera que, en este caso,, en la \u00faltima semana, en realidad, dise\u00f1\u00e9 una placa de Petri pensada para producir un estampado personalizado sobre una prenda completa."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'm here to help.\"","es":"Y estoy ac\u00e1 para ayudarlo\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, I'm going to try a trick, and recreate an experiment from this morning.","es":"Ahora, voy a tratar de realizar un truco, y recrear un experimento de esta ma\u00f1ana."} {"gender":"female","en":"In Argentina, an open-source platform called DemocracyOS is bringing participation to parliaments and political parties.","es":"En Argentina, una plataforma de c\u00f3digo abierto llamada DemocracyOS est\u00e1 ayudando al parlamento y a los partidos pol\u00edticos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We watched as he turned that company into a global dynamo of I.T. innovation.","es":"Vimos c\u00f3mo convirti\u00f3 esa empresa en un d\u00ednamo mundial de innovaci\u00f3n en TI."} {"gender":"male","en":"Everybody focuses on the things that kill us, and that's what I was focusing on.","es":"Todo el mundo se centra en las cosas que nos matan, y es en lo que yo me hab\u00eda centrado."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've been doing that for about 10 years.","es":"He hecho esto desde hace ya casi 10 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"If our children are not in our classrooms, how will they learn?","es":"Si los ni\u00f1os no est\u00e1n en las aulas, \u00bfc\u00f3mo aprender\u00e1n?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide.","es":"La enfermedad del coraz\u00f3n es la principal causa de muerte en el mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"You can't not know who you are, so you cling to hard-matter identity.","es":"No puedes no saber quien eres, asi que te aferras a una identidad dura."} {"gender":"female","en":"We know very well what the hoodie has come to signify in the past few years in the United States. When Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old African-American kid, was shot by a neighborhood vigilante, and Million Hoodie Marches happened all over the United States, in which people wore hoodies with the hood up and marched in the streets against this kind of prejudice.","es":"Sabemos muy bien lo que ha significado la capucha en los \u00faltimos a\u00f1os en EE.UU. Cuando Trayvon Martin, un chico afroestadounidense de 17 a\u00f1os, fue asesinado por un miembro de una patrulla vecinal, hubo manifestaciones \"Million Hoodie Marches\" por todo Estados Unidos, en las cuales las personas llevaban prendas con capuchas y desfilaron por las calles en contra a ese tipo de prejuicio."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've traveled the whole length and breadth of this country.","es":"He viajado a lo largo y ancho de este pa\u00eds."} {"gender":"female","en":"Doctors Without Borders is in Liberia because Liberia still doesn't really have a functioning health system, 11 years later.","es":"M\u00e9dicos Sin Fronteras se encuentra en Liberia porque Liberia a\u00fan no tiene un sistema de salud en funcionamiento, 11 a\u00f1os m\u00e1s tarde."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's my feeling.","es":"Esa es mi sensaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so, out of the blue, I decided to write to the lead imaging scientist on the Archimedes palimpsest project, Professor Roger Easton, with a plan and a plea.","es":"Y as\u00ed, inesperadamente, decid\u00ed escribir al cient\u00edfico l\u00edder del proyecto de escaneo del palimpsesto de Arqu\u00edmedes, el profesor Roger Easton, con un plan y una s\u00faplica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's dark. High noon on Titan is as dark as deep earth twilight on the Earth.","es":"Est\u00e1 oscuro -el mediod\u00eda de Tit\u00e1n es como un crep\u00fasculo oscuro en la Tierra."} {"gender":"female","en":"It affects every area of your life, and this happened to me because I was born a girl in the wrong place.","es":"Afecta todos los aspectos de la vida y esto me pas\u00f3 porque nac\u00ed mujer en el lugar equivocado."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I've been working for about a decade now on finding other ways to change people's relationship to the future self without using commitment devices.","es":"Llevo trabajando durante unos 10 a\u00f1os buscando otras maneras de cambiar la relaci\u00f3n con el futuro de uno mismo, sin usar mecanismos de compromiso."} {"gender":"male","en":"And my definition of a theory is, it\u2019s not just something that you teach people; it\u2019s labor saving.","es":"Y mi definici\u00f3n de una teor\u00eda es que no solo es algo que le ense\u00f1as a la gente; ahorra trabajo."} {"gender":"female","en":"If we can die in a way that is more humble and self-aware, I believe that we stand a chance.","es":"Si podemos morir de una manera m\u00e1s humilde y autoconsciente, creo que tenemos una oportunidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, it has its pluses and minuses.","es":"Tiene sus m\u00e1s y sus menos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, book writing is the same thing.","es":"As\u00ed, la escritura de un libro es lo mismo."} {"gender":"female","en":"But you also have to provide usable evidence that you are trustworthy.","es":"Pero tambi\u00e9n debes aportar pruebas fehacientes de que eres digno de confianza."} {"gender":"female","en":"And apparently, that was because men played it differently, presumably better, presumably.","es":"Al parecer, eso se deb\u00eda a que los hombres tocaban de manera diferente, presumiblemente mejor, presumiblemente."} {"gender":"female","en":"How often are there errors, and for whom does this model fail?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 frecuencia tienen los errores y con qui\u00e9nes falla?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And if the title \"Searching for Armillaria Death Rings,\" sounds ominous, it is.","es":"Y si el t\u00edtulo \"Buscando los anillos de la muerte de la armillaria\" suena siniestro, lo es."} {"gender":"female","en":"You place it in a music hall, it all of a sudden becomes a musical score.","es":"Si se la coloca en un teatro musical de repente se transforma en una partitura."} {"gender":"male","en":"And a light bulb went off, which was, first, that I didn't actually have to do the writing myself, I could find writers.","es":"Y se encendi\u00f3 la l\u00e1mpara, que fue primero, que no necesitaba escribir yo, pod\u00eda encontrar escritores."} {"gender":"male","en":"And there are two billion children in the world.","es":"Y hay 2000 millones de ni\u00f1os en el mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because your choice now is either I use my own needle now, or I could share a needle now and get a disease that's going to possibly kill me 10 years from now, or I could use my own needle now and go to jail tomorrow.","es":"Porque ahora tu opci\u00f3n es, Uso mi aguja ahora, o podr\u00eda compartir una aguja ahora y adquirir una enfermedad que me matara posiblemente en 10 a\u00f1os m\u00e1s, o usar mi propia aguja ahora e ir a la c\u00e1rcel ma\u00f1ana."} {"gender":"female","en":"After a pause, the waiter said, \"One does not put sugar in green tea.\"","es":"Despu\u00e9s de una pausa, el mesero dijo, \"No se le pone az\u00facar al t\u00e9 verde.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I think, probably, the oldest version of this is probably the sexual division of labor.","es":"Bueno, creo que, probablemente, la m\u00e1s versi\u00f3n antigua de esto es la divisi\u00f3n sexual del trabajo."} {"gender":"female","en":"This means that there's a lot of room to grow, and students are constantly being challenged.","es":"Es decir, tener mucho espacio para crecer, a los estudiantes se los desaf\u00eda todo el tiempo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And women's professional tennis, there were nine of us who signed a one-dollar contract in 1970, now remember, the match is in '73.","es":"Y en el tenis profesional femenino, nueve de nosotras firm\u00f3 un contrato de un d\u00f3lar en 1970. Ahora recuerda que el partido fue en el 73."} {"gender":"male","en":"Immediately, I was struck by an incredible sense of fear, of confusion, of vulnerability, like anybody would.","es":"Inmediatamente, me sobrevino una incre\u00edble sensaci\u00f3n de miedo, confusi\u00f3n, vulnerabilidad, como a cualquiera."} {"gender":"male","en":"If this was a war with two disparate sides, I, by default, fell on team gay, because I certainly wasn't 100 percent straight.","es":"Si esta era una guerra con dos lados desiguales, entonces yo, por defecto, caer\u00eda en el equipo gay porque ciertamente yo no era 100 % hetero."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"CA: How old are you?","es":"CA: \u00bfCuantos a\u00f1os tienes?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So, I was in the hospital for a long time.","es":"Estuve hospitalizado por mucho tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And yes, we need a new kind of empathy.","es":"Y s\u00ed, necesitamos un nuevo tipo de empat\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"Second, it would enable lifelong learning.","es":"Segundo, permitir\u00eda el aprendizaje continuo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I've just started a three-year think tank for autism.","es":"Cre\u00e9 una usina de pensamiento de 3 a\u00f1os para autismo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then I showed him this weird data that our citizen scientists had found, and he said to me, \"Aw crap, Tabby.","es":"Le mostr\u00e9 los datos que los voluntarios cient\u00edficos hab\u00edan encontrado, y me dijo: \"Tonter\u00edas, Tabby."} {"gender":"female","en":"I attended boarding school and college in New England, studied abroad in Chile and returned to the Bronx to be a middle school teacher.","es":"Fui a un internado y a la universidad de Nueva Inglaterra, y estudi\u00e9 en el extranjero, en Chile; y regres\u00e9 al Bronx para trabajar de maestra de secundaria."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But for that to happen, Mars needed to be habitable at the time when conditions were right.","es":"Pero para que eso suceda, Marte tuvo que ser habitable cuando las condiciones eran las adecuadas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And so we were working to sequester carbon.","es":"Y entonces est\u00e1bamos trabajando para \"secuestrar\" el carbono."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You can't cure or prevent what you don't know is there.","es":"No puedes curar o prevenir lo que no sabes que est\u00e1 ah\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"MM: I support George Bush.","es":"M: Yo estoy de acuerdo con George Bush."} {"gender":"male","en":"Around these four are usually a group of about 16 children, who are also advising, usually wrongly, about everything that's going on on the computer.","es":"En torno a estos cuatro, hay normalmente un grupo de unos 16 ni\u00f1os que tambi\u00e9n est\u00e1n aconsejando, generalmente de manera err\u00f3nea, sobre todo lo que pasa en el computador."} {"gender":"male","en":"And he took skin cells, healthy skin and cancerous bone marrow, and sequenced the whole genomes of both of them in a couple of weeks, no big deal.","es":"\u00c9l secuenci\u00f3, tom\u00f3 biopsias de la piel sana, y de la m\u00e9dula \u00f3sea cancerosa, y secuenci\u00f3 los genomas de ambos en un par de semanas y no pas\u00f3 nada."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They know that others have minds.","es":"Saben que los dem\u00e1s tienen mentes."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's emotional contagion that takes place in human populations.","es":"Hay un contagio emocional que se produce en las poblaciones humanas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Two hundred strong, they're coming back to the United States energized, and also dissatisfied.","es":"Doscientos regresan a Estados Unidos llenos de energ\u00eda, y tambi\u00e9n insatisfechos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you, Sebastian Thrun.","es":"Gracias, Sebastian Thrun."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Do it at the high school level.","es":"H\u00e1ganlo en el \u00e1mbito de la educaci\u00f3n secundaria."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But it is changing the equation of what's rational in sexual decision-making.","es":"Pero est\u00e1 cambiando la ecuaci\u00f3n de que es racional en la toma de decisi\u00f3n sexual."} {"gender":"female","en":"But then he created a second group of the individually most productive chickens, you could call them superchickens, and he put them together in a superflock, and each generation, he selected only the most productive for breeding.","es":"Pero luego cre\u00f3 un segundo grupo de gallinas que en forma individual eran las m\u00e1s productivas --llam\u00e9moslas supergallinas-- y las puso juntas en un supergrupo, y en cada generaci\u00f3n, seleccion\u00f3 solo las m\u00e1s productivas para la cr\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"Firstly I'm going to show you the transparency.","es":"En primer lugar, voy a mostrarles la transparencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, my colleague, June Cohen, has taken to calling it \"radical openness,\" because it works for us each time.","es":"De hecho, mi colega June Cohen la llama \"apertura radical\" porque siempre nos funciona."} {"gender":"male","en":"But this is also the thing that brings the chaos back, and this is Git's second big innovation.","es":"Pero esto es tambi\u00e9n lo que trae nuevamente el caos, y esta es la segunda gran innovaci\u00f3n de Git."} {"gender":"female","en":"In fact, the current estimates are that there are 200 to 400 different genes that can cause autism.","es":"De hecho, las estimaciones actuales son que hay entre 200 y 400 genes diferentes que pueden causar autismo."} {"gender":"female","en":"The daffodils were blooming, but the referees were not blowing the whistle when I was telling them to.","es":"Los narcisos florec\u00edan pero los \u00e1rbitros no pitaban cuando yo se lo dec\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"You might think, well, this is just a problem just with antibiotics and with bacteria, but it turns out that we have the exact same identical problem in many other fields as well, with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, which is a serious problem in India and South Africa.","es":"Tal vez piensen, bueno, es solo un problema que se da entre el antibi\u00f3tico y la bacteria, pero resulta que tenemos exactamente el mismo problema en muchos otros campos, con la tuberculosis resistente a medicamentos m\u00faltiples , un serio problema en India y en Sud\u00e1frica."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've had one of my assistants run the numbers.","es":"Puse a uno de mis asistentes a hacer los n\u00fameros."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Went to the roof, and all the women said, \"Clear out.","es":"Fuimos a la azotea y las mujeres dijeron: \"L\u00e1rguense."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I should say, for some of our foreign visitors: Doctor Who is the greatest living scientist in England, and a beacon of truth and enlightenment to all of us.","es":"Yo deber\u00eda decir, para nuestros visitantes for\u00e1neos, que el Doctor Who es el cient\u00edfico Brit\u00e1nico vivo m\u00e1s grande, y un modelo de verdad y esclarecimiento para todos nosotros."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"CA: Right.","es":"CA: Cierto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And so the bizarre result of this is that most of our popular culture is actually based on these presumptions about our demographics.","es":"Y esto da como extra\u00f1o resultado que gran parte de nuestra cultura popular se base en realidad en estas presunciones demogr\u00e1ficas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't know.","es":"No lo s\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's an application that I think will be useful for artists, multimedia artists in particular.","es":"Se trata de una aplicaci\u00f3n que creo que ser\u00e1 \u00fatil para los artistas, en particular para los artistas multimedia."} {"gender":"female","en":"SM: Going back to straddling between East and West, last month we had our second Doha Tribeca Film Festival here in Doha.","es":"SM: Volviendo al equilibrio entre Oriente y Occidente, el mes pasado se celebr\u00f3 el segundo Festival de Cine Doha Tribeca aqu\u00ed en Doha."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We've lost a whole family.","es":"Hemos perdido a una familia completa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Your mind will try to tell you they were perfect.","es":"Nuestra mente nos dir\u00e1 que la otra persona era perfecta."} {"gender":"female","en":"And he's like, \"Yassmin, I don't know how you can surf with all that gear you've got on, and I don't know any women-only beaches.\"","es":"Y me dec\u00eda: \"Yassmin, no s\u00e9 c\u00f3mo vas a surfear con todo esa equipo que llevas, Y no conozco ninguna playa solo para mujeres\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'd been there twice, and I was terribly afraid that I was going to die.","es":"Yo hab\u00eda estado ah\u00ed dos veces, y estaba terriblemente asustado de morir."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Not only can they do it very well, they do it in a sort of lazy way.","es":"No solo lo hacen muy bien, lo hacen con una especie de pereza."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now there is still a big problem, in my opinion. Ideas relating to finance, economics, politics, society, are very often tainted by people's personal ideologies.","es":"Pero, en mi opini\u00f3n, todav\u00eda hay un gran problema: las ideas relacionadas con finanzas, econom\u00eda, pol\u00edtica y sociedad a menudo est\u00e1n contaminadas con las ideolog\u00edas personales de la gente."} {"gender":"male","en":"He said, \"It was like a light that went on in our lives, it brought us hope.\"","es":"Dec\u00eda que era como una luz que se encendi\u00f3 en nuestras vidas. Nos trajo esperanza."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In Oaxaca, in Mexico, the teachers' movement organized a protest after the president pushed down very undemocratic reforms.","es":"En Oaxaca, M\u00e9xico, el Movimiento Magisterial organiz\u00f3 una manifestaci\u00f3n despu\u00e9s de que el presidente impusiera unas reformas muy poco democr\u00e1ticas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, when the baby gets the toy, he's going to have a choice.","es":"Cuando el beb\u00e9 recibe el juguete, optar\u00e1 por una alternativa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is a connection that most people aren\u2019t pursuing right now, but which we\u2019re fascinated by.","es":"Y esta es una conexi\u00f3n que la mayor\u00eda no est\u00e1 investigando en este momento, pero de la cual estamos fascinados."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In the pen beside him is Jasmine.","es":"En el establo de al lado est\u00e1 Jasmine."} {"gender":"male","en":"I would argue no. I would argue that there are some very real challenges to new power in this nascent phase.","es":"Yo dir\u00eda que no. Dir\u00eda que hay verdaderos desaf\u00edos al nuevo el poder en esta fase incipiente."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is Richard Kelly who was born 100 years ago, which is the reason I bring him up now, because it's kind of an anniversary year.","es":"Es Richard Kelly; naci\u00f3 hace 100 a\u00f1os, raz\u00f3n por la cual lo saco a relucir dado que es un a\u00f1o de aniversario."} {"gender":"male","en":"All that savage grandeur, the steely glinting hooves, the eruptions driven from the creature's mighty innards, breath stopped, heart stopped, nostrils madly flared, I didn't know if I wanted to break him, or be him.","es":"Toda esa grandeza salvaje, los f\u00e9rreos y destellantes cascos, las erupciones que surg\u00edan de las poderosas tripas de la criatura, sin respirar, coraz\u00f3n quieto, fosas nasales abiertas en furia, yo no sab\u00eda si quer\u00eda domarlo, o ser \u00e9l."} {"gender":"male","en":"We can click on this and we see this iconic image of Betty Ford kissing her husband's coffin.","es":"Podemos hacer clic sobre esta y vemos la imagen ic\u00f3nica de Betty Ford besando el ata\u00fad de su esposo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I had not taken any biology, even in college, so I had to go from a biology textbook to a college-level textbook and then medical textbook and the journal articles, back and forth, and eventually I knew enough to think that it might be possible that somebody could find a cure.","es":"Nunca estudi\u00e9 biolog\u00eda, ni siquiera en la universidad, as\u00ed que tuve que aprender desde el principio, hasta llegar a textos de nivel universitario, libros de especialidad m\u00e9dica, art\u00edculos de revistas y, finalmente, sab\u00eda lo suficiente para creer que es posible encontrar una cura."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a product I just found out.","es":"Es un producto que descubr\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We now have the opportunity to unlock even greater equality if we make social change a priority and not an afterthought.","es":"Ahora tenemos la oportunidad de generar una igualdad a\u00fan m\u00e1s grande si hacemos del cambio social una prioridad y no solo un pensamiento."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It would filter out women because they do not look like people who were successful in the past.","es":"Filtrar\u00eda a las mujeres ya que no parecen ser personas que hayan tenido \u00e9xito en el pasado."} {"gender":"female","en":"And what I learned very quickly is that we weren't doing a good job.","es":"Y lo que aprend\u00ed muy r\u00e1pidamente es que no est\u00e1bamos haciendo un buen trabajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now I started this from a point of view that it has to be something that scales en masse.","es":"De modo que comenc\u00e9 con el punto de vista que debe ser algo que escale masivamente."} {"gender":"female","en":"So she created a support group for parents like her.","es":"As\u00ed, cre\u00f3 un grupo de apoyo para padres como ella."} {"gender":"male","en":"So it's a real challenge.","es":"As\u00ed que es un verdadero desaf\u00edo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Or I can say","es":"O puedo decir"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"After thousands of resends in relay, the child was found, and we witnessed the reunion of the family through microblogging.","es":"Luego de miles de relevos por turnos encontraron al ni\u00f1o y presenciamos el reencuentro de la familia mediante el microblogging."} {"gender":"female","en":"We made a video game that's hard to play.","es":"Hicimos un videojuego que es duro de jugar."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"The god Indra has sinned, in that he has sinned against a Brahmin.","es":"\"El dios Indra ha pecado. Ha pecado contraun Brahm\u00e1n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Why not just let businesses compete?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no dejar que las empresas compitan?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So, you had to program it, and there were great programming, like, tutorials, like this.","es":"As\u00ed que ten\u00edas que programarla, y exist\u00edan grandes programadores, como tutoriales, igual a \u00e9ste."} {"gender":"male","en":"Like 99 percent of all the animals that have once lived, they go extinct, likely due to a warming climate and fast-encroaching dense forests that are migrating north, and also, as the late, great Paul Martin once put it, probably Pleistocene overkill, so the large game hunters that took them down.","es":"Como el 99% de todos los animales que alguna vez han existido, se extinguen, probablemente debido al cambio clim\u00e1tico y a los densos bosques de crecimiento r\u00e1pido que est\u00e1n migrando al norte, y tambi\u00e9n, como el fallecido y gran Paul Martin una vez lo dijo, probablemente una sobre caza en el Pleistoceno, as\u00ed que los cazadores de caza mayor acabaron con ellos."} {"gender":"male","en":"The NE square in the middle, actually, NE, CH and QRE, those are three different theories of Nash equilibrium and others, tells you what the theory predicts, which is that they should match 50-50, because if you play left too much, for example, I can exploit that if I'm the mismatcher by then playing right.","es":"El cuadrante NE en el centro \u2014realmente NE, CH y QRE\u2014 son tres diferentes teor\u00edas del equilibrio de Nash, y otros, lo que predice la teor\u00eda, que es que deben coincidir 50-50, porque si juegas izquierda demasiado, por ejemplo, puedo aprovechar si soy la 'mismatcher' jugando a la derecha."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I have no responsibility to anyone but myself and the subjects.","es":"Por eso no tengo responsabilidad con nadie m\u00e1s que conmigo mismo y con los sujetos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because I think when the book first came out, many people thought, well, this is a really important handbook for young women on their way up.","es":"Porque creo que cuando el libro sali\u00f3, mucha gente pens\u00f3, bueno, esto es un manual muy importante para las mujeres j\u00f3venes."} {"gender":"female","en":"That was fall of '95. But then, by the time that winter was rolling around, he said, \"You know, you're good enough.","es":"Pero esto fue en el oto\u00f1o de 1995, y para entonces, el invierno ya hab\u00eda comenzado, \u00e9l me dec\u00eda, \"Sabes, eres suficientemente buena."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, you want to hear the reason, but you don't want to be able to relate to it.","es":"Es decir, quieres o\u00edr la raz\u00f3n, pero no quieres poder identificarte con ella."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, what if I wasn't nice after all? I was really just a hateful monster.","es":"Entonces, \u00bfy si yo no era tan buena a fin de cuentas y era en realidad un monstruo lleno de odio?"} {"gender":"male","en":"From Morocco to Lesotho, young people are rising up against entrenched monarchies: in Egypt and Sudan, against brutal dictatorships; in Uganda and Ethiopia, against powerful militarized states with quasi-democratic veneers; in South Africa, where this image was taken, and Burundi, against democratically elected leaders who have done little to improve the conditions for ordinary people.","es":"Desde Marruecos a Lesoto, los j\u00f3venes se levantan contra las monarqu\u00edas atrincheradas: en Egipto y en Sud\u00e1n, contra las salvajes dictaduras; en Uganda y en Etiop\u00eda, contra los poderosos estados militarizados con la fachada cuasi-democr\u00e1tica; En Sud\u00e1frica, donde se tom\u00f3 esta foto, y en Burundi, contra los l\u00edderes elegidos en democracia que no han hecho casi nada para mejorar las condiciones de la gente."} {"gender":"male","en":"In the original photograph, I'm being held up by my father, Bageye, but when my parents separated, my mother excised him from all aspects of our lives.","es":"En la fotograf\u00eda original, me sosten\u00eda mi padre, Bageye, pero al separarse mis padres, mi madre lo extirp\u00f3 de todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And Parag Shah, another engineer, from Mumbai, has unbundled our projects into smaller, more manageable bites that he now serves in his pioneering do-it-yourself computer science program.","es":"Y Parag Shah, otro ingeniero, de Mumbai, desagreg\u00f3 nuestros proyectos en partes m\u00e1s peque\u00f1as y manejables que ahora ofrece en su programa aficionado de ciencias de la computaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"The cheapest, most secure barrel of oil there is is the one not used through efficiencies.","es":"El barril de petr\u00f3leo m\u00e1s econ\u00f3mico y m\u00e1s seguro que hay es el que no se utiliza gracias a las eficiencias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And about seven years before you're about to die, there's a spike.","es":"Y alrededor de siete a\u00f1os antes de morir, hay un pico."} {"gender":"female","en":"But most importantly, I felt valued and embraced.","es":"Pero lo m\u00e1s importante es que me sent\u00eda valorada y aceptada."} {"gender":"male","en":"I say \"path\" deliberately, because I don't think we're there yet, but it is hard to avoid the conclusion that this is our direction of travel.","es":"Y digo \"camino\" a prop\u00f3sito porque no creo que hayamos llegado, pero no podemos negar que vamos en esa direcci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I just want to welcome all of you onto the ride.","es":"As\u00ed que quiero invitarlos a participar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"HK: Yay.","es":"HK: \u00a1Muy bien!"} {"gender":"female","en":"And on a factual basis, over 80 percent of the U.S.'s most popular shows are exported around the world.","es":"Se sabe por datos objetivos que m\u00e1s del 80 % de los programas m\u00e1s populares de los EE. UU. se exportan a todo el mundo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He doesn't have that community anymore.","es":"Ya no pertenece a esa comunidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"Was I an aunt?","es":"\u00bfEra yo una t\u00eda?"} {"gender":"male","en":"There are these services that transcribe your voicemail into text. And they send it either to your email or as text messages to your phone.","es":"Existen estos servicios que transcriben su correo de voz a texto y lo env\u00edan a su correo electr\u00f3nico o como mensaje de texto a su tel\u00e9fono."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We can increase it a bit at the expense of rainforests, but there's a limitation very soon.","es":"Podemos aumentarlas un poco a expensas de las selvas tropicales, pero pronto tenemos otro l\u00edmite."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now what's interesting is, of course, that we're still using 80 million pounds of atrazine, the number one contaminant in drinking water, that does the opposite, turns on aromatase, increases estrogen and promotes tumors in rats and is associated with tumors, breast cancer, in humans.","es":"Naturalmente, llama la atenci\u00f3n que todav\u00eda estemos usando unas 40.000 toneladas de atrazina, el contaminante n\u00famero uno del agua para beber, que da resultados negativos: se transforma en aromatasa, aumenta el estr\u00f3geno, promueve tumores en ratas y est\u00e1 asociado con tumores en humanos, c\u00e1ncer de seno."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Neurologist: Nothing?","es":"Neur\u00f3logo: \u00bfNada?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's my new life.","es":"As\u00ed es mi nueva vida."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's where world peace begins.","es":"Es donde comienza la paz mundial."} {"gender":"male","en":"Maybe this is something unique about diarrhea.","es":"Quiz\u00e1 esto es algo \u00fanico sobre la diarrea."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I can now tell you with absolute certainty that an appearance on Oprah Winfrey will sell 10,000 CDs.","es":"Y ahora les puedo decir con toda certeza que aparecer en Oprah Winfrey vende 10.000 CDs."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It is so powerful that we only need tiny amounts.","es":"Es tan poderoso que solo necesitamos usarlo en cantidades m\u00ednimas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And that's because it's hard on your bodies, it's hard on your families.","es":"Y es porque es dif\u00edcil para el cuerpo, es dif\u00edcil para la familia."} {"gender":"male","en":"This changes all rules.","es":"Esto cambia todas las reglas."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's a story about a woman named Emma.","es":"Es una historia sobre una mujer llamada Emma."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Which, incidentally, is only a third correct.","es":"Lo cual, por cierto, es correcto solo una 1\/3 parte."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because we actually created a reality where six months later, I find myself in a Russian submersible two and a half miles down in the north Atlantic, looking at the real Titanic through a view port. Not a movie, not HD, for real.","es":"Porque de hecho creamos una realidad donde seis meses despu\u00e9s me encontraba en un sumergible ruso dos millas y media bajo el agua al norte del Atl\u00e1ntico, observando el verdadero Titanic a trav\u00e9s de una ventana, no en una pel\u00edcula, no en HD, de verdad."} {"gender":"male","en":"If I come over here, He's smart.","es":"Si voy para ac\u00e1 Es inteligente."} {"gender":"female","en":"And recently they've asked us to expand the courts and build a park on the site.","es":"Y recientemente nos han pedido expandir la cancha y construir un parque en el sitio."} {"gender":"female","en":"And while sitting in class learning about post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD for short, my mission to help service members who suffered like my grandfather began to take form.","es":"Y, al aprender en clase sobre el trastorno por estr\u00e9s postraum\u00e1tico, o TEPT, mi misi\u00f3n de ayudar a militares que han sufrido como mi abuelo comenz\u00f3 a tomar forma."} {"gender":"male","en":"I told him the name of that man.","es":"Le dije el nombre de aquel hombre."} {"gender":"female","en":"The next concern was whether I would walk again, because I was paralyzed from the waist down.","es":"La siguiente preocupaci\u00f3n era si volver\u00eda a caminar, porque estaba paralizada de la cintura hacia abajo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If we add to that the many of us here now who are more productive because they have a pair of glasses, then almost one in five Indians will require eye care, a staggering 200 million people.","es":"Si a ese numero le a\u00f1adimos todos aqu\u00ed presentes que somos mas productivos por tener un par de gafas, resulta que casi uno de cada cinco indios necesitara atenci\u00f3n oftalmol\u00f3gica, un impresionante numero de 200 millones de personas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So this is all done in the last two years.","es":"Esto es todo lo que se ha hecho en los \u00faltimos dos a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"The way the cost of what I squander, what is lost, if ever I forget that you will someday come and live here too.\" Well, every day of my life since, \"Tomorrow's Child\" has spoken to me with one simple but profound message, which I presume to share with you.","es":"La manera que el costo de lo que desperdici\u00f3, lo que se pierde, si llego a olvidarme que tu alg\u00fan d\u00eda vendr\u00e1s y vivir\u00e1s aqu\u00ed tambi\u00e9n\" Bueno, cada d\u00eda de mi vida desde que \"El ni\u00f1o del ma\u00f1ana\" me ha hablado con un mensaje simple pero profundo, que supongo compartir con ustedes."} {"gender":"female","en":"Throughout the world, and throughout conflict zones, this common culture shapes the intervener's understanding of the causes of violence as something that is primarily located in the national and international spheres.","es":"En todo el mundo y en todas las zonas de conflicto, esta cultura com\u00fan mediatiza la comprensi\u00f3n de los que intervienen sobre las causas de la violencia como algo fundamentalmente ubicado en los \u00e1mbitos nacionales e internacionales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Some argue that today our schools are now more segregated than they ever were before we tried to desegregate them in the first place.","es":"Algunos argumentan que hoy, las escuelas est\u00e1n a\u00fan m\u00e1s segregadas que antes de los primeros intentos de de-segregaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Look at \"cerebral cortex,\" look at \"brain stem,\" look at \"body,\" and you get the picture of the interconnectivity in which you have the brain stem providing the grounding for the self in a very tight interconnection with the body.","es":"Observen \u201cla corteza cerebral\u201d y \u201cel tronco encef\u00e1lico\u201d, observen \u201cel cuerpo\u201d, y obtendr\u00e1n la interconexi\u00f3n, mediante la cual el tronco encef\u00e1lico provee de base al s\u00ed mismo, en una estrecha interconexi\u00f3n con el cuerpo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Really messed with my head, but I'll get into that later.","es":"Algo que realmente me afect\u00f3 pero m\u00e1s detalles m\u00e1s adelante."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now there are still many problems.","es":"A\u00fan hay muchos problemas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Computer: Like. Freestyler: I'm like some kind of extraterrestrial, celestial scene Back in the days, I used to sit in pyramids and meditate With two microphones, Computer: Head hovering over my head See if I could still listen, spittin' off the sound See what you grinning I teach the children in the back of the classroom About the message of apocalyptical Computer: Not. Not really though, 'cause I've got to keep it simple instrumental Detrimental playing Super Mario boxes hip hop Computer: Stop. CL: It's an incredible thing that's taking place.","es":"Rapero: Soy \u00abcomo\u00bb una especie de escena celestial o un extraterrestre Meditando en las pir\u00e1mides sol\u00eda pasar los d\u00edas Con dos micr\u00f3fonos rondando en mi \u00abcabeza\u00bb A ver si todav\u00eda canto mi melod\u00eda Te veo sonriente Ense\u00f1o a los ni\u00f1os del fondo de la clase el mensaje apocal\u00edptico \u00abNo\u00bb el de verdad, uno mucho m\u00e1s simple instrumental perjudicial, jugando a S\u00faper Mario cajas hip hop CL: De nuevo, lo que est\u00e1 sucediendo es algo incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"female","en":"These are two robots that live in my home.","es":"Estos son dos robots que viven en mi casa."} {"gender":"female","en":"So over the past several years I've been continuing to explore this interpersonal dimension of robots, now at the media lab with my own team of incredibly talented students.","es":"As\u00ed que en los \u00faltimos a\u00f1os continu\u00e9 explorando esta dimensi\u00f3n interpersonal de los robots, ahora en el Media Lab con mi propio equipo de estudiantes muy talentosos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So maybe I'll do that with this short video.","es":"Tal vez lo har\u00e9 con este breve video."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, that's a term coined by the Institute of Medicine.","es":"Se trata de un t\u00e9rmino acu\u00f1ado por el Instituto de Medicina."} {"gender":"male","en":"My faith has constantly lifted up the ideal, and challenged me when I fell beneath it.","es":"Mi fe ha elevado este ideal constantemente y me ha desafiado cuando he ca\u00eddo por debajo de \u00e9l."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What does it say here?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 dice aqu\u00ed?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And I want to explain it to you now because this is a very special day.","es":"Y quiero explic\u00e1rselo ahora, porque este es un d\u00eda muy especial."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So what do you do?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfqu\u00e9 har\u00eda?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Not just because it's the right thing to do, but because integration systematically combats hate.","es":"No solo porque es lo que se debe hacer, sino porque la integraci\u00f3n combate el odio sistem\u00e1ticamente."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thanks to the help of professor Eric Rouiller, we worked with monkeys.","es":"Gracias a la ayuda del profesor Eric Rouiller, trabajamos con monos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And, you know, I'm most popular on college and university campuses.","es":"Y, saben, soy m\u00e1s popular en la escuela o el campus universitario."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, faking your brain going wrong is evidence that your brain has gone wrong.","es":"As\u00ed que fingir que tu cerebro no funciona bien es la evidencia de que el cerebro funciona mal."} {"gender":"male","en":"But then I stopped, because I figured, \"Oh, you know, I made it.","es":"Pero entonces me detuve, porque pens\u00e9, \"Oh \u00bfsabes? lo logr\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so what I did is I took it, I translated it into English, and I stuck it up for my friends to use.","es":"Lo que hice fue tomarlo, lo traduje al ingl\u00e9s, y lo sub\u00ed para que mis amigos lo usaran."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That was essential for advancing treatment for HIV in the late 1980s.","es":"Eso fue esencial para avanzar en el tratamiento del VIH a finales de los 80."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And they were also allowed to continue to use drugs and to drink, just like we can in our homes.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n se les permiti\u00f3 continuar usando drogas y bebiendo, como nosotros en nuestros hogares."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is back to what I was telling you at the beginning about skull fracture.","es":"Se trata de lo que mencionaba al principio sobre la fractura de cr\u00e1neo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And here she relates, in the documentary film \"Afghan Star,\" how her friends urged her not to do this and told her that she was leaving them for democracy.","es":"Y aqui ella relata, en el documental Estrella Afgana, como sus amigos le pidieron que no lo hiciera y le dijeron que los estaba dejando por la democracia."} {"gender":"male","en":"The way I describe this best, I've found, is to say that we're all used to two-by-four construction when we think about wood. That's what people jump to as a conclusion.","es":"Me parece que la mejor forma de decirlo es: usualmente hablamos de madera en medidas de 5 x 10 cm. As\u00ed es la conclusi\u00f3n a la que salta la gente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There's a reason: over hundreds of thousands of years we've learned that when the birds are singing, things are safe.","es":"Existe una raz\u00f3n para eso. A lo largo de ciento de miles de a\u00f1os hemos aprendido que cuando los p\u00e1jaros cantan, todo est\u00e1 en calma."} {"gender":"female","en":"No, I don't do that, and I don't want any of you to do that.","es":"No, no hago eso, y no quiero que ninguna de Uds. lo haga."} {"gender":"male","en":"I guess he didn't read Vitruvius.","es":"Supongo que no ley\u00f3 Vitruvio."} {"gender":"male","en":"ES: When we think about in terms of how far we can go, I think that's a question that's really only limited by what we're willing to put into it.","es":"ES: Pensando en t\u00e9rminos de qu\u00e9 tan lejos podemos ir, creo que es una pregunta que solo est\u00e1 limitada por lo que queremos poner dentro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Firstly, sex work is and always has been a survival strategy for all kinds of unpopular minority groups: people of color, migrants, people with disabilities, LGBTQ people, particularly trans women.","es":"Primero, el trabajo sexual es y siempre ha sido una estrategia de supervivencia para todo tipo de grupos minoritarios e impopulares: las personas de color, los migrantes, personas con discapacidad, personas LGBTQ, en particular las mujeres trans."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, a few minutes later, she goes to the corner of the room, and she finds a tiny little piece of candy, an M&M. So I could not attract her attention, but something, a thing, did.","es":"Minutos despu\u00e9s, se va a la esquina de la habitaci\u00f3n, y encuentra una peque\u00f1a golosina, un M&M. No pude atraer su atenci\u00f3n, pero algo, un objeto, lo hizo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think we're last because, and this is going to be drastic to some of you, because we are handicapping ourselves.","es":"Creo que somos los \u00faltimos porque -esto va a ser dr\u00e1stico para algunos de Uds- porque nos ponemos en desventaja."} {"gender":"female","en":"I've had the opportunity to work with Oakland Avenue Farms in hosting Detroit-grown and made farm-to-table dinners.","es":"He tenido la oportunidad de trabajar con Oakland Avenue Farms como anfitriona de cenas cultivadas en Detroit y cultivadas en la granja."} {"gender":"female","en":"I wasn't raised with wealth or resources or any social standing to speak of.","es":"No fui criada con riquezas ni con recursos ni con ninguna posici\u00f3n social de la cual hablar."} {"gender":"male","en":"For a while I was an interface designer.","es":"Fui dise\u00f1ador de interfaces por un tiempo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Of course, our emotions don't just change across time, they also change from place to place.","es":"Est\u00e1 claro que nuestras emociones no s\u00f3lo cambian con el tiempo, tambi\u00e9n cambian de un sitio a otro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There is no \"Find Terrorist\" button, and the more data we integrate from a vast variety of sources across a wide variety of data formats from very disparate systems, the less effective data mining can be.","es":"No existe un bot\u00f3n que diga \u00abEncontrar Terrorista\u00bb, y mientras m\u00e1s datos integremos de una amplia variedad de fuentes y sobre una gran variedad de formatos de sistemas muy dispares, menos efectiva ser\u00e1 la miner\u00eda de datos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I know what I want and I do it.","es":"Se lo que quiero y lo que hago."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I started to notice a few things that make epic wins so possible in online worlds.","es":"Y comenc\u00e9 a observar algunas cosas que hacen posible el triunfo \u00e9pico en los mundos online."} {"gender":"male","en":"This particular shrimp, we've dubbed it the Jurassic shrimp, it's thought to have gone extinct 50 years ago, at least it was, until the census discovered it was living and doing just fine off the coast of Australia.","es":"Este camar\u00f3n particular, apodado el camar\u00f3n del Jur\u00e1sico, se supon\u00eda extinguido hace 50 a\u00f1os, al menos lo estaba hasta que el Censo descubri\u00f3 que viv\u00eda muy bien frente a la costa de Australia."} {"gender":"male","en":"It\u2019s only 500 miles.","es":"Est\u00e1 a s\u00f3lo 500 millas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And at the time, Nokia was one of the largest cell phone companies in the world, dominating emerging markets like China, Mexico and India, all places where I had done a lot of research on how low-income people use technology.","es":"En esa \u00e9poca, Nokia era una de las empresas m\u00e1s grandes del mundo, dominaba los mercados emergentes como China, M\u00e9xico e India todos sitios que yo hab\u00eda investigado bastante la forma de uso de tecnolog\u00eda de perfiles de bajos ingresos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you so much, my fellow citizens.","es":"Much\u00edsimas gracias, conciudadanos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We believe there is a unified theory underlying all the regularities.","es":"Creemos que hay una teor\u00eda unificada tras todas las regularidades."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was quiet because I had not come for truth.","es":"Me qued\u00e9 callado, porque no hab\u00eda venido por la verdad."} {"gender":"male","en":"Purpose: the yearning to do what we do in the service of something larger than ourselves.","es":"Prop\u00f3sito, la intenci\u00f3n de hacer lo que hacemos al servicio de algo m\u00e1s grande que nosotros mismos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Don't check, OK?","es":"No vigilen, \u00bfs\u00ed?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now none of these solutions, the prescription pad, the electronic medical record, the waiting room, the army of college students, are perfect.","es":"Ahora bien, ninguna de estas soluciones: el talonario de prescripciones, la historia cl\u00ednica electr\u00f3nica, la sala de espera, el ej\u00e9rcito de estudiantes universitarios, es perfecta."} {"gender":"male","en":"I went down and, \"Where's my son?\"","es":"Baj\u00e9 y dije: \"\u00bfD\u00f3nde est\u00e1 mi hijo?\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"For example, one thing your sugars are telling us is your blood type.","es":"Por ejemplo, nos informan el grupo sangu\u00edneo."} {"gender":"female","en":"On that day, I happened to be having a meeting with my supervisors, and they told me that the statue was going to fall on that day.","es":"Ese d\u00eda, ten\u00eda una reuni\u00f3n con mis supervisores, y me dijeron que ese mismo d\u00eda iban a quitar la estatua."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's Monday morning.","es":"Es lunes por la ma\u00f1ana."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, my favorite example of color bravery is a guy named John Skipper.","es":"Ahora, mi ejemplo favorito de la valent\u00eda de color es un tipo llamado John Skipper."} {"gender":"female","en":"Boy: It's lighting up. So when you put four.","es":"Ni\u00f1o: \"Se enciende cuando pones 4\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And they had been referred to peacemaking to heal their relationship after a history of family abuse, sexual abuse and other issues that they'd been having in their own family and the community.","es":"Y se les recomend\u00f3 la pacificaci\u00f3n para reparar su relaci\u00f3n tras una historia de abuso familiar, abuso sexual, y otros problemas que ten\u00edan en su familia y en la comunidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"I fell in love with penguins, and it certainly has changed the rest of my life.","es":"Me enamor\u00e9 de los ping\u00fcinos, y eso ciertamente ha cambiado el resto de mi vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was detained for 12 days, blindfolded, handcuffed.","es":"Estuve 12 d\u00edas detenido, con los ojos vendados, esposado."} {"gender":"female","en":"And they showed us a range ways that light can work with simple senses and physical objects to really bring the Internet to life, to make it tangible.","es":"Y nos mostraron de varias maneras c\u00f3mo la luz puede trabajar con los sentidos simples y objetos f\u00edsicos para traer de verdad Internet a la vida, para hacerlo tangible."} {"gender":"female","en":"So what do I say when he says, \"What do you want me to do?\"","es":"As\u00ed que qu\u00e9 decir cuando dice: \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 quiere que haga?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, it's just a losing proposition. So there's a useful stereotype about students that I see, a useful stereotype about you all.","es":"Quiero decir, es simplemente un caso perdido Hay un estereotipo muy \u00fatil acerca de los estudiantes que me encuentro, un estereotipo \u00fatil acerca de todos ustedes."} {"gender":"male","en":"But it has a terrible catch, and the catch is that this system is destined to collapse.","es":"Pero hay un problema, y es que el sistema est\u00e1 destinado a colapsar."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can maybe see the effect better if it's reduced.","es":"Pueden tal vez ver mejor el efecto si se reduce."} {"gender":"female","en":"These processes are too small to be seen directly, even with the best microscopes, so animations like this provide a really powerful way of visualizing a hypothesis.","es":"Estos procesos son muy peque\u00f1os como para verse directamente, incluso con los mejores microscopios. Animaciones como estas son una forma poderosa de visualizar una hip\u00f3tesis."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The other thing about the Gulf that is important is that there are a lot of animals that concentrate in the Gulf at certain parts of the year.","es":"La otra cosa acerca del Golfo que es importante es que hay muchos animales que se concentran en el Golfo en ciertas partes del a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And then we need to pair those medical people with the military. taking advantage of the military's ability to move fast, do logistics and secure areas.","es":"Y luego hay que equiparar estos m\u00e9dicos con los militares, y beneficiarse de la capacidad de estos para moverse r\u00e1pidamente, hacer log\u00edstica y tener \u00e1reas seguras."} {"gender":"female","en":"So this is my niece, Charlotte.","es":"As\u00ed que esta es mi sobrina, Charlotte."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's many investors, entrepreneurs in this room.","es":"Hay muchos inversores y emprendedores en esta sala."} {"gender":"male","en":"I profoundly believe that the power of food has a primal place in our homes that binds us to the best bits of life.","es":"Creo firmemente que el poder de la alimentaci\u00f3n tiene un lugar preponderante en nuestros hogares que nos une a las mejores cosas de la vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I want to talk a little bit about seeing the world from a totally unique point of view, and this world I'm going to talk about is the micro world.","es":"Quiero hablar un poco sobre ver el mundo desde un punto de vista totalmente \u00fanico, y este mundo del que voy a hablar es el mundo microsc\u00f3pico."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I can't see myself going into a state prison in New Jersey and making such a proposition, but this being Israel, the warden somehow made it happen.","es":"Y no me veo yendo a una prisi\u00f3n de Nueva Jersey a hacer tal proposici\u00f3n, pero siendo esto Israel, el director de alguna forma lo hizo posible."} {"gender":"female","en":"It won't melt, because microwaves, or radar, pass straight through the ice without interacting.","es":"No se derretir\u00e1, porque las microondas o el radar atraviesan directamente el hielo sin interactuar con \u00e9l."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'm going to show you a bunch of dead ends, basically.","es":"Y voy a mostrarles un mont\u00f3n de callejones sin salida."} {"gender":"female","en":"It makes you think there's something magic about history to keep your father's attention.","es":"Te hace pensar que hay algo m\u00e1gico sobre la historia para mantener la atenci\u00f3n de tu padre."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The interesting question is, which?","es":"La pregunta interesante es, \u00bfcu\u00e1l?"} {"gender":"female","en":"There is all kinds of things we can do.","es":"Hay muchas cosas de todo tipo que podemos hacer."} {"gender":"male","en":"Having put the product into practice, we are actually now on the verge of selling the product onto a multinational to take it to the retail market, and one question I have for the audience today is, on the gravel roads of Limpopo, with an allowance of 50 rand a week, I came up with a way for the world not to bathe.","es":"Luego de poner el producto en pr\u00e1ctica, ahora en realidad estamos por vender el producto a una multinacional para llevarlo al mercado minorista, y una pregunta que tengo hoy para la audiencia es: en los caminos de grava de Limpopo, con una asignaci\u00f3n de 50 rand por semana, se me ocurri\u00f3 una manera de evitar que el mundo se ba\u00f1e."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've heard some fantastic musicians this morning, and I am very confident that I could in no way be as good as them.","es":"He escuchado a m\u00fasicos fant\u00e1sticos esta ma\u00f1ana, y estoy segur\u00edsimo de que no podr\u00eda jam\u00e1s ser tan bueno como ellos."} {"gender":"male","en":"28 great, big, powerful yaks carrying all the equipment up onto this mountain, I don't just have my Speedo, but there's a big film crew who then send all the images around the world.","es":"28 yaks grandes y poderosos subiendo todo el equipo a esta monta\u00f1a, no llevo solamente mi Speedo. Sino que hay un gran equipo de filmaci\u00f3n que luego env\u00edan las im\u00e1genes por todo el mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"CA: I still just want to draw out on this issue.","es":"Quiero continuar a\u00fan con este tema."} {"gender":"male","en":"Culture is an organic term, isn't it?","es":"Cultura es un t\u00e9rmino org\u00e1nico, \u00bfno?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is fantastic.","es":"Esto es fant\u00e1stico."} {"gender":"male","en":"Obviously, from extraterrestrials.","es":"Extraterrestres, obviamente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So it suggests that the momentum is shifting.","es":"Por lo tanto, sugiere que la inercia est\u00e1 cambiando."} {"gender":"female","en":"That's a good signal.","es":"Esa es una buena se\u00f1al."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then somebody else said, well, what if the star had already formed planets, and two of these planets had collided, similar to the Earth-Moon forming event.","es":"Y entonces otro dijo: \u00bfqu\u00e9 pasar\u00eda si la estrella tuviera planetas ya formados, y dos de estos planetas hubieran colisionado, similar a la formaci\u00f3n de la Tierra-Luna."} {"gender":"female","en":"A marriage can be a good thing; it can be a source of joy and love and mutual support.","es":"Un matrimonio puede ser algo bueno; puede ser una fuente de alegr\u00eda, amor y apoyo mutuo."} {"gender":"male","en":"My hobby had become a habit, and my habit gave me possibly the world's most eclectic Netflix queue.","es":"Mi hobby se hab\u00eda convertido en un h\u00e1bito, y mi costumbre me dio, posiblemente, la m\u00e1s ecl\u00e9ctica cola de Netflix."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The melting glaciers in Greenland are one of the largest contributing factors to rising sea levels, which have already begun to drown some of our world's lowest-lying islands.","es":"El deshielo de glaciares en Groenlandia es uno de los mayores factores de incremento del nivel del mar, que ya empez\u00f3 a inundar algunas de las islas m\u00e1s bajas del mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I have no idea who he is.","es":"No tengo idea de qui\u00e9n es."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's called the streaming trials.","es":"A eso le llaman pruebas de 'separaci\u00f3n en grupos' ."} {"gender":"female","en":"If it is indeed the case that our attention is the brain's boss, is it a good boss?","es":"Si es cierto que nuestra atenci\u00f3n es la jefa del cerebro, \u00bfes una buena jefa?"} {"gender":"male","en":"People knew my name, like, And sometimes I had to step back and just chill, and, like, take everything in.","es":"La gente sab\u00eda mi nombre Y a veces ten\u00eda que detenerme, y solo relajarme, y asimilar todo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I have a trigger here, trigger here, here, here.","es":"Tengo un pulsador aqu\u00ed, otro aqu\u00ed, aqu\u00ed, aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so a punch card can hold about 80 characters, and you can fit about 2,000 or so cards into a box, and you put them in, say, my home region of New England, it would cover the entire region up to a depth of a little less than five kilometers, which is about three times deeper than the glaciers during the last ice age about 20,000 years ago.","es":"Una tarjeta perforada puede contener alrededor de 80 caracteres, y pueden caber alrededor de m\u00e1s o menos 2000 tarjetas en una caja, y se ponen en, digamos, mi tierra natal, Nueva Inglaterra, cubrir\u00eda la regi\u00f3n por completo hasta una profundidad de un poco menos de cinco kil\u00f3metros, casi 3 veces m\u00e1s profundo que los glaciares durante la \u00faltima era de hielo hace unos 20 000 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, actually, he tried making it compulsory.","es":"Entonces intent\u00f3 hacerlo obligatorio."} {"gender":"female","en":"I also became really, really good at failing.","es":"Y me volv\u00ed muy, muy buena en fracasar."} {"gender":"female","en":"They ask us questions like, \"Why do we have to follow rules?\"","es":"Ellos nos hacen preguntas como: \"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 tenemos que seguir las reglas?\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Soon after I returned from Beijing, I leapt at the chance to work for this wonderful organization, founded by women, to support women's rights organizations around the globe.","es":"Poco despu\u00e9s de que regres\u00e9 de Pek\u00edn, aprovech\u00e9 la oportunidad de trabajar para esta organizaci\u00f3n maravillosa, fundada por mujeres, para apoyar a organizaciones de derechos de las mujeres alrededor del mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Is there any benefit of offering them mindfulness training?","es":"\u00bfHay alg\u00fan beneficio al ofrecerles entrenamiento de conciencia plena?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And back to the yew here.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed volvemos al tejo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Instead, we find it very easy to think in very relative terms as options change from one time to another.","es":"En cambio, nos es muy f\u00e1cil pensar en t\u00e9rminos relativos como si las opciones cambiaran de una vez a la otra."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I've come to understand that \"normal\" has a lot to do with expectations.","es":"Y he llegado a comprender que \"normal\" tiene mucho que ver con las expectativas."} {"gender":"female","en":"We use our products in non-English languages to make sure that they work just as well.","es":"Usamos nuestros productos en varios idiomas para asegurarnos de que funcionan igual de bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"A colleague of mine was recording in the American Midwest around this pond that had been formed maybe 16,000 years ago at the end of the last ice age.","es":"Un colega m\u00edo estaba grabando en el medio oeste estadounidense cerca al estanque que se form\u00f3 tal vez hace 16 000 a\u00f1os al final de la \u00faltima era de hielo."} {"gender":"female","en":"But why has it taken so long?","es":"Pero \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 ha demorado tanto?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And, you know, they had lots, just lots of stuff in there that you didn't need, I thought.","es":"Y ten\u00edan montones de cosas dentro, que en mi opini\u00f3n no necesitabas."} {"gender":"female","en":"These are the guys that did the project in the first place, 50 years ago.","es":"\u00c9stos son los tipos que hicieron el proyecto inicial, hace 50 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"I mean, the question here is, here we are, arguably the most intelligent being that's ever walked planet Earth, with this extraordinary brain, capable of the kind of technology that is so well illustrated by these TED Conferences, and yet we're destroying the only home we have.","es":"Quiero decir, la cuesti\u00f3n que est\u00e1 aqu\u00ed, es que aqu\u00ed estamos nosotros, probablemente el ser m\u00e1s inteligente que jam\u00e1s haya caminado sobre el planeta Tierra, con este cerebro extraordinario, capaz del tipo de tecnolog\u00eda que est\u00e1 tan bien ilustrada en estas conferencias TED. Y a\u00fan as\u00ed estamos destruyendo el \u00fanico hogar que tenemos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is what I'm trying to explain has happened to us in the 21st century.","es":"Y esto es lo que estoy tratando de explicarles que nos ha pasado en el siglo 21."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm here today because I think we actually need hackers.","es":"Estoy aqu\u00ed hoy porque pienso que realmente necesitamos hackers."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So, that's a start, and we've heard of all their other initiatives.","es":"Eso es un inicio y ya hemos escuchado de todas sus otras iniciativas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Whether it's training for a marathon, picking up an old hobby, or learning a new skill, for most people, self-transformation projects occupy a very positive emotional space.","es":"Ya sea entrenar para un marat\u00f3n, retomar un antiguo hobby, o aprender una nueva habilidad, para la mayor\u00eda, los proyectos de autotransformaci\u00f3n ocupan un espacio emocional muy positivo."} {"gender":"male","en":"GB: Well I think we can persuade people that what is necessary for Britain's long-term interests, what is necessary for America's long-term interests, is proper engagement with the rest of the world, and taking the action that is necessary.","es":"GB: Bien, pienso que podemos persuadir a la gente de que lo necesario a largo plazo para el inter\u00e9s de Gran Breta\u00f1a, para el inter\u00e9s de EE.UU., es un compromiso de verdad con el mundo y realizar la acci\u00f3n necesaria."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, don't worry, and because, while I think it's kind of funny that right now, you know, many of us may be thinking, \"Well, I'd rather be like pond scum,\"","es":"Pero, no se preocupen, y aunque creo que es gracioso que ahora mismo, muchos podemos pensar, bueno, prefiero ser como una escoria de estanque."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a student of mine who had done a Ph.D. called \"Backseat Driver.\"","es":"Este es un estudiante m\u00edo que hab\u00eda hecho una tesis llamada \"Conductor de asiento trasero\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, what is the beauty in it?","es":"\u00bfD\u00f3nde est\u00e1 la belleza?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm here to tell you that many, many Muslims believe, the vast majority, in fact, in fact I think I would go so far as to say that many Muslims in Saudi Arabia believe that the core values of Islam, namely acknowledgement of God's sovereignty and basic human equality before God, are themselves compatible with liberty, equality and free political choice.","es":"Estoy aqu\u00ed para decirles que muchos, muchos Musulmanes creen- de hecho la gran mayor\u00eda- y creo que ir\u00eda tan lejos como hasta decir que muchos Musulmanes de la Arabia Saudita creen que los valores fundamentales del Islam, a saber, el reconocimiento de la soberan\u00eda de Dios y la igualdad humana b\u00e1sica frente a Dios, son por s\u00ed mismas compatibles con la libertad, igualdad y la elecci\u00f3n pol\u00edtica libre."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And Copenhagen, although it's a dense city, is not dense compared with the really dense cities.","es":"Y si bien Copenhague es una ciudad densa, no lo es tanto comparado con ciudades realmente densas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And this is called the James Webb Space Telescope, and that will launch in 2018, and that's what we're going to do, we're going to look at a special kind of planet called transient exoplanets, and that will be our first shot at studying small planets for gases that might indicate the planet is habitable.","es":"Se llama Telescopio Espacial James Webb, y se pondr\u00e1 en marcha en 2018, y eso es lo que vamos a hacer, miraremos un tipo especial de planeta llamados exoplanetas transitorios, y ser\u00e1 nuestra primera oportunidad de estudiar planetas peque\u00f1os para gases que podr\u00edan indicar si el planeta es habitable."} {"gender":"female","en":"They stood for weeks, first just 10, then 20, then 50, then hundreds of women, wearing white, singing, dancing, saying they were out for peace.","es":"Se pararon ah\u00ed por semanas, primero 10, luego 20, luego 50, despu\u00e9s cientos de mujeres vestidas de blanco, cantando, bailando, diciendo que estaban buscando la paz."} {"gender":"female","en":"And if you said, \"Stop, little pot, stop,\" it would stop.","es":"Si le dices \"para, peque\u00f1a olla, para\", va a parar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is good information to have, and it's not that complicated.","es":"Es bueno tener esta informaci\u00f3n, y no es tan complicado."} {"gender":"female","en":"I teach at the Science Leadership Academy, which is a partnership school between the Franklin Institute and the school district of Philadelphia.","es":"Ense\u00f1o en la Academia de Ciencias de Liderazgo, que es una sociedad educativa entre el Instituto Franklin y el distrito escolar de Filadelfia."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm not going to tell you the damage that that money has done.","es":"No les contar\u00e9 respecto al da\u00f1o que aquel dinero ha causado."} {"gender":"male","en":"How do we go from the metaphor to something more practical that we can really use every day?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo pasamos de la met\u00e1fora a algo m\u00e1s pr\u00e1ctico que podamos en verdad usar cada d\u00eda?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So what could we do with this?","es":"Y entonces, \u00bfqu\u00e9 podemos hacer con esto?"} {"gender":"female","en":"The Near Westside Peacemaking Project is complete.","es":"El Centro de Construcci\u00f3n de Paz de Near Westside est\u00e1 terminado."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so in order for that to happen, we needed to get the village elders together, we needed to get the tribal leaders together, the religious leaders.","es":"Y para que eso sucediera, necesit\u00e1bamos reunir a los ancianos, necesit\u00e1bamos reunir a los l\u00edderes tribales, los l\u00edderes religiosos."} {"gender":"male","en":"The analogy for me is Alaska.","es":"Para m\u00ed, la analog\u00eda perfecta es Alaska."} {"gender":"male","en":"See, they asked me what I wanted to be, then told me what not to be.","es":"Vean, me preguntaron qu\u00e9 quer\u00eda ser, y entonces me dijeron qu\u00e9 no ser."} {"gender":"male","en":"So initially, when we started our research, we went and met several executives, and we asked them, \"What do you think? Will India go from being a favored destination for software services and back office services to a destination for innovation?\"","es":"Entonces cuando empezamos nuestra investigaci\u00f3n, nos reunimos con varios ejecutivos para preguntarles: \u00bfqu\u00e9 opinan, \u00bfpasar\u00e1 la India de ser un destino favorecido de servicios de software y de oficina a un destino de innovaci\u00f3n?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And what we try to do, in our own way, is to make sense of how each of us, each of you, is, in certain respects, like all other people, like some other people and like no other person.","es":"Y lo que intentamos hacer, a nuestro modo, es descubrir c\u00f3mo cada uno de nosotros, cada uno de Uds., es, en ciertos aspectos, como el resto de las personas, o como algunas de ellas, pero no es igual a otro."} {"gender":"male","en":"I started to speak with the community, and I could convince everybody, and we could start to work.","es":"Empec\u00e9 a hablar con la comunidad, y pude convencerlos, y pudimos empezar a trabajar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Our most recent move is the Paris treaty, and the resulting climate agreements that are being ratified by nations around the world.","es":"El Acuerdo de Par\u00eds es nuestra \u00faltima iniciativa y los consiguientes tratados sobre el clima que est\u00e1n adoptando muchos pa\u00edses del mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So it made a very low pass, just a few hundred kilometers above the surface.","es":"Hizo una pasada a muy baja altura, a unos pocos cientos de kil\u00f3metros sobre la superficie."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because I know what one language looks like, I can recognize other languages even when I'm not familiar with them.","es":"Dado que s\u00e9 c\u00f3mo se ve un idioma, puedo reconocer otros idiomas incluso si no me resultan familiares."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so what was happening had to be astrophysical, meaning that something in space was getting in the way and blocking starlight.","es":"Y as\u00ed lo que estaba pasando ten\u00eda que ser astrof\u00edsico, lo que significa que algo en el espacio estaba en el camino bloqueando la luz estelar."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was born with amazing parents, I was given an education and had the blessing of migrating to Australia.","es":"Nac\u00ed con unos padres incre\u00edbles, me dieron una educaci\u00f3n y tuve la suerte de emigrar a Australia."} {"gender":"female","en":"We can't decrease wind speeds or keep subarctic animals from migrating north, but we can work on local solutions to reducing human-caused underwater noise.","es":"No podemos disminuir la velocidad del viento, ni impedir que los animales sub\u00e1rticos migren al norte, pero podemos trabajar en soluciones locales como reducir el ruido subacu\u00e1tico causado por el humano."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, I leave that one up to you to judge.","es":"Bueno, voy a dejar que ustedes juzguen."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What happened is the Kosi River jumped its banks, and for reference, the scale bar here is 40 miles. This river moved over 30 miles very abruptly.","es":"El r\u00edo Kosi se desbord\u00f3, a modo de referencia, la escala aqu\u00ed es de 64 km. Este r\u00edo se movi\u00f3 m\u00e1s de 48 km, muy abruptamente."} {"gender":"female","en":"Whether or not you think it's likely to be successful sort of depends on what you think about the chances of life in the universe.","es":"Si piensan o no que podr\u00edamos tener \u00e9xito, de alguna forma depende en qu\u00e9 es lo que piensan sobre la posibilidad de que haya vida en el universo."} {"gender":"female","en":"But one of them was to maintain the economic order of the South, which required not just a supply of cheap labor but an oversupply of cheap labor to work at the will of the land.","es":"Pero una de ellas era mantener el orden econ\u00f3mico del sur, lo que requer\u00eda no solo un suministro de mano de obra barata sino un exceso de mano de obra barata para trabajar a voluntad la tierra."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And users, as we know, are worth a lot of money.","es":"Y los usuarios, como sabemos, valen mucho dinero."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I undertook this for two reasons. The first was that I grew up with no religion at all.","es":"Y me embarqu\u00e9 en esto por dos razones, la primera era que hab\u00eda crecido sin religi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's not surprising, if you think about the basket case that is the E.U. I think there was a Gallup survey out recently that said something like, in America, trust in banks is at an all-time low, it's something like 21 percent.","es":"Y, no sorprende, si piensan en el caso desesperante de la UE. Creo que recientemente hubo una encuesta de Gallup que dijo que en EE.UU. la confianza en los bancos siempre es baja, como del 21 %."} {"gender":"male","en":"What I'm going to try and do now is to square, in my head, four two-digit numbers faster than they can do on their calculators, even using the shortcut method.","es":"Lo que voy a hacer ahora es elevar al cuadrado, mentalmente, cuatro n\u00fameros de dos d\u00edgitos, y ser\u00e9 m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido que ellos con las calculadoras, incluso si emplean el atajo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's really important.","es":"Es realmente importante."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, the good news.","es":"Ahora, las buenas noticias."} {"gender":"male","en":"I struggled.","es":"Me cost\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we're not just investing in the kids.","es":"Y no solo estamos invirtiendo en los ni\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"Do you ever think about how important the oceans are in our daily lives?","es":"\u00bfAlguna vez pensaron en la importancia de los oc\u00e9anos en nuestra vida cotidiana?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So, over the next minute, you'll see all of those that prefer to stick with the crowd because eventually they would be ridiculed for not joining in. And that's how you make a movement.","es":"En el pr\u00f3ximo minuto ver\u00e9is todos los que prefieren seguir con la multitud porque eventualmente ser\u00edan ridiculizados por no unirse, y as\u00ed es como se hace un movimiento."} {"gender":"female","en":"She's my friend, Dr. Shirin Ebadi, the first Muslim woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.","es":"Es mi amiga, la Dra. Shirin Ebadi, la primera musulmana que recibi\u00f3 un Premio Nobel de la Paz."} {"gender":"male","en":"We were reading everything and we had to come to a conclusion of how are we going to structure our work?","es":"Le\u00edamos de todo \u00bfy ten\u00edamos que llegar a una conclusi\u00f3n sobre c\u00f3mo estructurar nuestro trabajo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So I came to this conclusion that ET should reach the underprivileged first, not the other way about.","es":"As\u00ed que llegu\u00e9 a esta conclusi\u00f3n, que la TE deber\u00eda llegar a los menos privilegiados en primer lugar, no al rev\u00e9s."} {"gender":"female","en":"And we as citizens, as we go through this experience of the kind of, the crisis of confidence, crisis of competence, crisis of legitimacy, I think there's a temptation to pull back from the world and say, ah, Katrina, Iraq, we don't know what we're doing.","es":"Y nosotros como ciudadanos, mientras vayamos viviendo esta experiencia, especie de crisis de confidencialidad, de competencia, de legitimidad, pienso que hay una tentaci\u00f3n por retirarnos del mundo y decir, \u00a1Ah, Katrina, Irak! No sabemos lo que estamos haciendo."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's our Employees of the Month, including Genghis Khan, Charles Dickens.","es":"Entre nuestros Empleados del Mes est\u00e1n Genghis Khan y Charles Dickens."} {"gender":"male","en":"As a leader, you don't make plans to leave your island, your home, and so I've been asked on a number of occasions, \"So how do you feel?\"","es":"Como l\u00edder, no haces planes para dejar tu isla, tu casa, y me han preguntado en varias ocasiones, \"\u00bfC\u00f3mo te sientes?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"And it's my job, as Commissioner for Competition, to make sure that companies who do business in Europe live by those rules.","es":"Y ese es mi trabajo, como Comisaria de Competencia, el garantizar que las empresas que negocian en Europa se atengan a esas reglas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Psychologists tell us that the more we learn about what's broken in our world, the less likely we are to do anything.","es":"Los psic\u00f3logos dicen que cuanto m\u00e1s sabemos de lo malo en nuestro mundo, menos estamos dispuestos a hacer algo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And somebody took the pistol and bullet and put it against my temple.","es":"Y alguien tom\u00f3 la pistola y la bala y me la puso en la sien."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm not so sure, and I actually work for a place called the Centre for Stories.","es":"No estoy tan segura, y trabajo para un lugar llamado Centro de Historias."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, when I think of the future, I never see myself moving forward in time.","es":"Bueno, cuando pienso en el futuro, nunca me veo movi\u00e9ndome hacia adelante en el tiempo."} {"gender":"female","en":"But this is my daughter, Lauren, my remarkable daughter, my borderline Asperger's kid.","es":"Pero \u00e9sta es mi hija Lauren, mi extraordinaria hija, mi hija que tiene s\u00edntomas leves de Asperger."} {"gender":"female","en":"OK, now, that's an incredibly hopeful message for us humans to be receiving from pond scum, because it turns out that as we humans age, our telomeres do shorten, and remarkably, that shortening is aging us.","es":"Ese es un mensaje incre\u00edblemente esperanzador que nosotros, los humanos, recibimos de la escoria del estanque, porque resulta que conforme los humanos envejecemos, nuestros tel\u00f3meros se acortan, y notablemente, ese acortamiento nos est\u00e1 envejeciendo."} {"gender":"male","en":"No particular amount of capital to invest, of the sort that for a physical network you might need for trucks and people and a hub to move packages around overnight.","es":"Ning\u00fan capital para invertir, en una red f\u00edsica donde posiblemente se necesitara camiones y personal y un centro para mover paquetes durante la noche."} {"gender":"male","en":"And their interaction gets documented and stored in a searchable database.","es":"Y su interacci\u00f3n estar\u00e1 documentada y guardada en una base de datos de b\u00fasqueda."} {"gender":"male","en":"So last that we went there, I wasn't even born yet, and we only spent about three days there.","es":"La \u00faltima vez que fuimos all\u00ed, yo ni siquiera hab\u00eda nacido a\u00fan, y solo pasamos unos tres d\u00edas all\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"And for all of my growing up I fished on the shores of Connecticut, and these are the creatures that I saw on a regular basis.","es":"Y al crecer pescaba en las costas de Connecticut, y estas son las criaturas que ve\u00eda regularmente."} {"gender":"female","en":"And one example that I do a lot with introverts, but with lots of people, is make gifts for people in power, so not be outside screaming at them, but to give them something like a bespoke handkerchief saying, \"Don't blow it.","es":"Y un ejemplo de lo que hago mucho con introvertidos, pero con mucha gente, es hacer regalos para las personas en el poder, as\u00ed que no te quedes afuera grit\u00e1ndoles, sino que dales algo as\u00ed como un pa\u00f1uelo a medida diciendo: \"No lo arruines."} {"gender":"male","en":"And, so there, that's the end of all my wishes.","es":"Y, as\u00ed, este es el \u00faltimo de mis deseos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I was a little slow, and I did not trust technology, and when they first came out with those new contraptions, these tellers that you put in a card and they give you money, I was like, \"There's no way that machine is going to count that money right.","es":"Era un poco lento, y no confiaba en la tecnolog\u00eda, y cuando salieron con los nuevos artilugios, estos cajeros en los que pones una tarjeta y te dan el dinero, yo pensaba, \"De ninguna manera esa m\u00e1quina va a contar bien el dinero."} {"gender":"female","en":"We can rewind the mind to the past to reflect on events that have already happened, right?","es":"Podemos rebobinar la mente hacia el pasado para reflexionar sobre eventos ya ocurridos, \u00bfverdad?"} {"gender":"male","en":"In their bids to kill, I got the police on standby, and they came that fateful morning to come and kill the child.","es":"Una vez que se ofrecieron a matar, alert\u00e9 a la polic\u00eda. y vinieron aquella fat\u00eddica ma\u00f1ana a matar al ni\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"What the Actor does with this information depends on its policy, which is stored in the strengths of the connection, between the odor detectors and the motors that power the fly's evasive actions.","es":"Lo que hace el actor con esta informaci\u00f3n depende de su pol\u00edtica que se almacena en los puntos fuertes de la conexi\u00f3n, entre los detectores de olores y los motores que alimentan las acciones evasivas de la mosca."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"These guys are New World primates, which means they broke off from the human branch about 35 million years ago.","es":"Estos muchacos son primates del Nuevo Mundo, lo que significa que se desprendieron de la rama humana m\u00e1s o menos 35 millones de a\u00f1os atr\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"This was a matchmaking, thanks to a couple of TEDsters, Sun , Cheryl Heller and Andrew Zolli, who connected me with this amazing African woman.","es":"Fue un emparejamiento, gracias a dos personas de TED: Cheryl Heller y Andrew Zolli, que nos conectaron con esta incre\u00edble mujer africana."} {"gender":"female","en":"And he said, \"Look, you can get into Harvard, you're that good, OK?","es":"Y me dijo, mira, t\u00fa puedes entrar a Harvard, as\u00ed de buena eres, \u00bfde acuerdo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And we all do it no matter how powerful you are.","es":"Y todos lo hacemos es igual lo poderosos que seamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"He actually called me a meddling kid the other day.","es":"Me llam\u00f3 ni\u00f1o chismoso el otro d\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was born premature.","es":"Nac\u00ed prematuro."} {"gender":"male","en":"OK, over there on the aisle.","es":"Muy bien, usted, el del pasillo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But not a word about the rapists who are still right there in the community.","es":"Pero ni una palabra sobre el violador que todav\u00eda est\u00e1 por ah\u00ed en la comunidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"It is compassion, says the Buddha, which brings you to Nirvana.","es":"Seg\u00fan Buda, es la compasi\u00f3n lo que conduce al Nirvana."} {"gender":"male","en":"I say here that Newton did a lot of things that year: gravity, the laws of motion, the calculus, white light composed of all the colors of the rainbow.","es":"Aqu\u00ed digo que Newton hizo muchas cosas ese a\u00f1o: la gravedad, las leyes del movimiento, el c\u00e1lculo, la luz blanca compuesta por todos los colores del arco\u00edris."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And the leader that came to mind was Nelson Mandela. Because Nelson Mandela, as he took over power as the first democratically-elected president of South Africa, faced a situation of a country that could have slid into the abyss of chaos.","es":"Y el l\u00edder que vino a mi mente fue Nelson Mandela Porque Nelson Mandela, cuando tom\u00f3 el poder como el primer presidente electo democr\u00e1ticamente de Sud\u00e1frica, afront\u00f3 la situaci\u00f3n de un pa\u00eds que pudo haberse deslizado hasta el abismo del caos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let me give you an example: a huge power project, 300 million dollars, to be built smack into one of the most vulnerable, and one of the most beautiful, areas of western Kenya.","es":"Dejenme darles un ejemplo. Un proyecto el\u00e9ctrico inmenso, de 300 millones de d\u00f3lares, que ser\u00eda edificado justo en el medio una de las m\u00e1s vulnerables, y una de las m\u00e1s bellas \u00e1reas de Kenia occidental."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But we'd also see something very, very surprising.","es":"Pero ver\u00edamos algo muy, muy sorprendente."} {"gender":"male","en":"But if I asked all of you in this room, who here has paid money to go to a cinema and be entertained by a Hollywood war movie, most of you would probably raise your hands.","es":"Pero si les pregunto a todos en este lugar, \u00bfqui\u00e9nes de Uds. han pagado para ir al cine y entretenerse con una pel\u00edcula b\u00e9lica de Hollywood?, es posible que muchos de Uds. levanten la mano."} {"gender":"male","en":"And when I look out in the future, I can't imagine a world, 500 years from now, where we don't have robots everywhere. Assuming, despite all the dire predictions from many people about our future, assuming we're still around, I can't imagine the world not being populated with robots.","es":"Y cuando miro hacia el futuro, no puedo imaginarme un mundo, 500 a\u00f1os a partir de ahora, en el cual no tengamos robots por todas partes, suponiendo que, a pesar de todas las espantosas predicciones que mucha gente hace sobre nuestro futuro, suponiendo que todav\u00eda estemos por aqu\u00ed, no puedo imaginar el mundo no estando poblado por robots."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Here's how it works.","es":"As\u00ed es c\u00f3mo funciona."} {"gender":"female","en":"And his design skills, improbable though it sounds, would be essential in enabling him to do so.","es":"Y sus habilidades de dise\u00f1o, aunque suene poco probable, fueron esenciales para lograr que lo hiciera."} {"gender":"male","en":"What am I doing with the architecture?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 estoy haciendo con la arquitectura?"} {"gender":"female","en":"They don't ask for help.","es":"Ellos no piden ayuda."} {"gender":"male","en":"I can still see Hillary doing the shots of rye, dribbling down her chin, with the steel workers.","es":"Veo a Hillary con los tragos de whisky, que le escurren por el ment\u00f3n con los obreros."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a song I did for the New York Times website as a music video.","es":"Esta es una canci\u00f3n que hice para el sitio web del New York Times como video de m\u00fasica."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, here's my dad: he's a scientist, he's an engineer and he's a military contractor. So, he has four kids, right?","es":"As\u00ed que ah\u00ed estaba mi pap\u00e1: \u00e9l es un cient\u00edfico, \u00e9l es un ingeniero y \u00e9l es un contratista militar. Que ten\u00eda cuatro hijos, \u00bfsaben?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And they decided in 1990 that they wanted to start training the local entrepreneurs, giving them small loans.","es":"Y, en 1990, decidieron comenzar a entrenar a los emprendedores locales d\u00e1ndoles peque\u00f1os pr\u00e9stamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's pretty simple.","es":"Es muy simple."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So what do you do?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfqu\u00e9 hacer?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And most people knock them down when they're small.","es":"La mayor\u00eda de gente los tiran cuando son peque\u00f1os."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's up to us to keep it that way.","es":"De nosotros depende mantenerla as\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"I'm helping the North Korean people.\"","es":"\"Estoy ayudando al pueblo norcoreano\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, the options are, I'd say, these three: power renewables, and recognizing that they need to be close to country-sized; other people's renewables, so we could go back and talk very politely to the people in the top left-hand side of the diagram and say, \"Uh, we don't want renewables in our backyard, but, um, please could we put them in yours instead?\"","es":"Bien, las opciones son, dir\u00eda, estas tres: fuentes renovables de energ\u00eda, reconociendo que necesitan ser casi del tama\u00f1o de un pa\u00eds; energ\u00edas renovables de otros pueblos, as\u00ed podr\u00edamos volver y hablar muy amablemente al pueblo de la parte superior izquierda del diagrama y decir: \"No queremos las energ\u00edas renovables en nuestro patio, \u00bfpero, por favor, podr\u00edamos ponernos en el suyo?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"And this is a syndrome called androgen insensitivity syndrome.","es":"Es el s\u00edndrome de insensibilidad a los andr\u00f3genos."} {"gender":"male","en":"But it was how Bob announced the program that mattered so much.","es":"Pero fue la manera en que Bob anunci\u00f3 el programa lo que le importaba tanto."} {"gender":"female","en":"And you know?","es":"\u00bfY saben?"} {"gender":"female","en":"This is a picture of Titan, backlit by the Sun, with the rings as a beautiful backdrop.","es":"Esta es una imagen de Tit\u00e1n retroiluminada por el sol, con los anillos de Saturno de fondo."} {"gender":"male","en":"These record downpours are creating historic floods and mudslides.","es":"Estas lluvias de r\u00e9cords hist\u00f3ricos crean inundaciones y deslizamientos de tierra."} {"gender":"female","en":"Why?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Jenesis is an absolutely brilliant young lady.","es":"G\u00e9nesis es una joven absolutamente brillante."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"No person fleeing war or persecution should have to die crossing a sea to reach safety.","es":"Ninguna persona que huye de la guerra o de la persecuci\u00f3n deber\u00eda morir cruzando el mar para alcanzar la seguridad."} {"gender":"female","en":"And they said, \"It's unlimited, it's unlimited.\"","es":"Y ellos dec\u00edan, \"Es ilimitado, es ilimitado\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"It means that our hearts have turned to stone.","es":"Significa que nuestros corazones se han vuelto de piedra."} {"gender":"female","en":"Maybe we wouldn't buy light fittings, but we'd pay for the service of light, and the manufacturers would recover the materials and change the light fittings when we had more efficient products.","es":"Tal vez no comprar\u00edamos portal\u00e1mparas, sino pagar\u00edamos por el servicio de luz, y los fabricantes recuperar\u00edan los materiales y cambiar\u00edan los portal\u00e1mparas cu\u00e1ndo tuvi\u00e9ramos productos m\u00e1s eficientes."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to just focus on two.","es":"Voy a centrarme solo en dos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I was certain that's what my life would be.","es":"Estaba seguro que dedicar\u00eda mi vida a eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"Tony told me that he started Harlem Grown with money from his pension, after 20 years as a cab driver.","es":"Tony me cont\u00f3 que empez\u00f3 Harlem Grown con dinero de su pensi\u00f3n, despu\u00e9s de 20 a\u00f1os como taxista."} {"gender":"female","en":"I mean, the world seems so strange.","es":"Quiero decir, el mundo parece muy extra\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the key question for me was to ask Peter, has it changed?","es":"Y la pregunta clave para m\u00ed fue preguntarle a Peter, \u00bfha cambiado?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I am proud to say that I'm doing my part in ending FGM.","es":"Me enorgullece decir que estoy haciendo mi parte para terminar con la MGF."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, after coming to London, I did eventually resume my music career.","es":"Una vez en Londres, retom\u00e9 mi carrera musical."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, let me close my comments by telling you that whenever I feel something very deeply, it usually takes the form of verse.","es":"Y perm\u00edtanme acabar mis comentarios cont\u00e1ndoles que cuando siento algo muy profundamente, normalmente toma la forma de un verso."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so it all started several years ago, late one night when I was sitting on the subway, riding home, and I was thinking. And I tend to be a person who thinks too much and talks too little.","es":"Todo empez\u00f3 hace unos a\u00f1os, una noche, al regresar a casa en el subterr\u00e1neo, mientras pensaba porque soy una persona que piensa mucho y habla poco."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so your body heats up in anticipation of housing this new little fertilized egg.","es":"Entonces su cuerpo se calienta anticip\u00e1ndose para albergar este nuevo \u00f3vulo fecundado."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've talked to them. I've seen them in those agonizing moments when they were scared to death.","es":"He hablado con ellas. he visto en esos momentos agonizantes cuando estaban asusutados de la muerte."} {"gender":"female","en":"Roots make a firm foundation.","es":"Las Ra\u00edces hacen una base s\u00f3lida."} {"gender":"female","en":"We're going to hear from two people who are on the sharp end of the law.","es":"Vamos a escuchar a dos personas que se encuentran m\u00e1s afectadas por la ley."} {"gender":"female","en":"But I'm glad I did, because by that time, you start developing a crocodile skin, especially when you're a woman in the lab doing different things.","es":"Pero estoy contenta de haberlo hecho, porque a esa altura comienzas a tener el cuero m\u00e1s duro especialmente siendo mujer en el laboratorio haciendo cosas diferentes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In Philadelphia we have a one-to-one laptop program, so the kids are bringing in laptops with them everyday, taking them home, getting access to information.","es":"En Filadelfia tenemos un programa de una laptop por alumno, o sea que cada uno se lleva su laptop todos los d\u00edas, se la lleva a casa para acceder a la informaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now to bring back to life the memory of that day, I remember that the Red Sox had just won, it was a green spring day, perfect for going up and down the river and then maybe going to the North End to get some cannolis, justsaying.","es":"Ahora para traer de vuelta a la vida el recuerdo de ese d\u00eda, recuerdo que los Red Sox hab\u00edan ganado, era un d\u00eda de primavera verde, perfecto para subir y bajar por el r\u00edo y luego quiz\u00e1 ir al extremo norte para conseguir algunos cannoli, justsaying."} {"gender":"female","en":"In both Chinese and Native folk, I sense this inherent sound of longing and holding onto the past, an emotion that greatly drives the music I create today.","es":"Tanto en el folk ind\u00edgena como en el chino percibo este sonido inherente de anhelo y de aferrarse al pasado, una emoci\u00f3n que da un fuerte impulso a la m\u00fasica que creo hoy en d\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"What do foxes and immune cells have in common?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 tienen en com\u00fan los zorros y las c\u00e9lulas inmunitarias?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Can you see your zodiac sign there?","es":"\u00bfPueden identificar su signo esn esta imagen?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I said, \"Yes, honey, I love TED Talks.\"","es":"Le dije, \"S\u00ed coraz\u00f3n, me gustan las charlas de TED\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, here on the internet you have three major ones.","es":"As\u00ed pues, aqu\u00ed en Internet est\u00e1n las tres m\u00e1s importantes."} {"gender":"male","en":"CA: No, no, no, but now, these are all very single-domain things.","es":"CA: No, no, no, pero estas cosas son de un campo muy limitado."} {"gender":"female","en":"The Brazilian police kills thousands of people every year.","es":"La Polic\u00eda de Brasil cada a\u00f1o mata a miles de personas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We have half the number of managed hives in the United States now compared to 1945.","es":"Tenemos la mitad del n\u00famero de colmenas comerciales en los EE.UU. hoy, en comparaci\u00f3n con 1945."} {"gender":"male","en":"But what I can tell you is that our radio strategy was working.","es":"Pero lo que puedo decir es que nuestra estrategia de radio funcionaba."} {"gender":"male","en":"My parents migrated from India to West Africa in the 1970s, and I had the privilege of growing up there.","es":"Mis padres migraron de India a \u00c1frica occidental en los a\u00f1os 70, y tuve el privilegio de crecer all\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"Let me tell you a little bit about this chemistry of oil.","es":"Perm\u00edtanme decirles algo acerca de esta qu\u00edmica del petr\u00f3leo."} {"gender":"female","en":"The former overlords should have had an advantage.","es":"Los antiguos dominadores ten\u00edan una ventaja."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There's nothing wrong with big, crazy challenges.","es":"No hay nada malo en los desaf\u00edos grandes y locos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"She's partially blind, her husband can't work, she's got seven kids.","es":"Es parcialmente ciega, su marido no puede trabajar, tiene siete hijos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Against all odds, we'd been able to drive ahead of the record within that depression.","es":"Contra todo pron\u00f3stico, logramos batir el r\u00e9cord dentro de aquel cicl\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"It was true of AIDS.","es":"Era verdad con el SIDA."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, one recent discovery that has been made by researchers in Italy, in Parma, by Giacomo Rizzolatti and his colleagues, is a group of neurons called mirror neurons, which are on the front of the brain in the frontal lobes.","es":"Bien, un descubrimiento reciente realizado por investigadores de Italia, en Parma, por Giacomo Rizzolatti y sus colegas, es un grupo de neuronas llamadas neuronas espejo, que se encuentran en la parte anterior del cerebro en los l\u00f3bulos frontales."} {"gender":"male","en":"He could come over and help me.\"","es":"\u00c9l podr\u00eda venir en mi ayuda\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I immediately grabbed for my thermometer, and the average temperatures in the river were 86 degrees C. This is not quite the 100-degree C boiling but definitely close enough.","es":"Inmediatamente agarr\u00e9 mi term\u00f3metro, y la temperatura promedia en el r\u00edo era de 86 \u00ba C. No exactamente los 100 \u00ba C de ebullici\u00f3n pero definitivamente bastante cerca."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, the first set of pathologies, they end up in the stick man on his icon, but the rest of them are really what's important here.","es":"Entonces, el primer set de patologias, terminan en este hombre en su icono, Pero el resto de ellos son los que realmente son los importantes aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"He has turned off his cell phone, his laptop, his pager, his alarm clock.","es":"Ha apagado su tel\u00e9fono celular, su laptop, su buscapersonas, su despertador."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.","es":"Muchas, muchas gracias. Gracias. Muchas gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"I started talking to neuroscientists and cognitive psychologists, and what they told me was fascinating.","es":"Empec\u00e9 a hablar con neurocient\u00edficos y psic\u00f3logos cognitivos, y me dijeron algo fascinante."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so I want you to meet Jacqueline, my namesake, 21 years old.","es":"Y as\u00ed, quiero que conozcan a Jacqueline, mi tocaya, de 21 a\u00f1os de edad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Are they of the same nationality as you?","es":"\u00bfEs de la misma nacionalidad suya?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Go back to this image of the axe and the mouse, and ask yourself: \"Who made them and for who?\"","es":"Volvamos a esta imagen del hacha y del mouse, y preg\u00fantense: \"\u00bfQui\u00e9n los hizo y para qui\u00e9n?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"This is phenomenal bandwidth.","es":"Un ancho de banda incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now I'm going to the TED Wish, is that okay?","es":"Y ahora voy con mi deseo TED - \u00bfpuedo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I want to get a new job.","es":"Quiero conseguir un nuevo trabajo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"BG: Despite all this, and despite the aggressiveness of the discussion, you seem to be remaining quite pro-European.","es":"BG: A pesar de todo esto, y a pesar de la agresividad de la discusi\u00f3n, pareces bastante proeuropeo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So finally, they put her at the edge of the village in a hut.","es":"As\u00ed que finalmente la dejaron al borde de la aldea en una choza."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We did condom demonstrations.","es":"Hicimos demostraciones del uso de preservativos."} {"gender":"female","en":"How about getting older?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 hay sobre envejecer?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So, that's that process there.","es":"Entonces, \u00e9ste es el proceso."} {"gender":"male","en":"I still have all my fingers, it's cool.","es":"Todav\u00eda tengo mis dedos, no pasa nada."} {"gender":"female","en":"In truth, liberal arts education no longer exists, at least genuine liberal arts education, in this country.","es":"En realidad, la educaci\u00f3n de las artes liberales ya no existe, por lo menos no la educaci\u00f3n genu\u00edna de artes liberales, en este pa\u00eds."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a terrible thing, this oil is going to hurt the people in the Gulf.\"","es":"Es algo horrible que el petr\u00f3leo vaya a da\u00f1ar a la gente del Golfo\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"Who's disabled now?\"","es":"\"\u00bfQui\u00e9n es discapacitado ahora?\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The places you go on vacation are places you can walk.","es":"Elegimos lugares de vacaciones para poder pasear."} {"gender":"female","en":"However, bit by bit, the euphoria of the elections, and of the revolution as a whole, was fading out, for every day we were waking up to the news of violence.","es":"Sin embargo, poco a poco, la euforia de las elecciones y la revoluci\u00f3n como un todo, fueron desapareciendo; todos los d\u00edas encontr\u00e1bamos noticias de violencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"Our first response was to try to change drivers' behavior, so we developed speed limits and enforced them through fines.","es":"La primera reacci\u00f3n fue tratar de cambiar el comportamiento del conductor, as\u00ed desarrollamos l\u00edmites de velocidad haci\u00e9ndolos efectivos a trav\u00e9s de multas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I believe the social progress is fantastic and meaningful and wonderful, and I think the same thing about the medical progress.","es":"Creo que el progreso social es fant\u00e1stico, importante y maravilloso, y pienso lo mismo del progreso m\u00e9dico."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And through playing music and talking about music, this man had transformed from the paranoid, disturbed man that had just come from walking the streets of downtown Los Angeles to the charming, erudite, brilliant, Juilliard-trained musician.","es":"Y a trav\u00e9s de tocar m\u00fasica y hablar de m\u00fasica este hombre se transform\u00f3 del hombre paranoico perturbado que hab\u00eda venido de caminar las calles del centro de Los Angeles al encantador, erudito, brillante m\u00fasico educado en Julliard."} {"gender":"male","en":"So the first thing I thought was, \"How can I amplify something as simple as: comfortable with my own body?\"","es":"As\u00ed que lo primero que pens\u00e9 fue: \"\u00bfC\u00f3mo potenciar algo tan simple como estar c\u00f3modo con mi propio cuerpo?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, you are on the tundra hunting with the clan leader.","es":"Ahora t\u00fa mismo est\u00e1s en la tundra cazando con el l\u00edder del clan."} {"gender":"male","en":"So computers can now generate; they can come up with their own solutions to our well-defined problems.","es":"Ahora las computadoras pueden generar. Pueden brindar sus propias soluciones para nuestros problemas bien definidos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We will see it in Brazil after the impeachment and when we finally see a new legitimate president elected there.","es":"Lo veremos en Brasil tras el juicio pol\u00edtico y cuando al fin veamos un presidente leg\u00edtimo all\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is one of the reasons why government statistics are often better than private statistics.","es":"Esta es una de las tres razones por las que las estad\u00edsticas gubernamentales son mejores que las privadas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And a similar analysis, I think, can apply to the potential awkwardness of a sexual solicitation, and other cases where plausible deniability is an asset.","es":"Y un an\u00e1lisis similar, pienso, puede aplicarse a la potencial incomodidad de un requerimiento sexual, y otros casos en los que un rechazo veros\u00edmil es ventajoso."} {"gender":"female","en":"Years after that, he was teaching the racquetball teachers.","es":"A\u00f1os despu\u00e9s de eso, estaba ense\u00f1ando a los profesores de racquetball."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here's what I call Martian alphabet. Just like your alphabet, A is A, B is B, C is C. Different shapes for different phonemes, right?","es":"Aqu\u00ed tenemos lo que llamo alfabeto marciano, igual que el alfabeto normal, A es A, B es B, C es C, distintas formas para distintos fonemas \u00bfcorrecto?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And I think if we phrase that lesson, it's something like this: Don't assume that what we currently think is out there is the full story.","es":"Y creo que, si tuvi\u00e9ramos que ponerlo en palabras, ser\u00eda algo as\u00ed: No supongan que todo lo que vemos es la historia completa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, some people who think they're right-handed are genetically left-handed.","es":"Algunas personas que creen ser diestras son gen\u00e9ticamente zurdas."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a picture of a sunset on Mars taken by NASA's Curiosity rover in 2013.","es":"Esta es una imagen de una puesta de sol en Marte tomada por el rover Curiosity de la NASA en 2013."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Tumor cells can travel through the blood vessels.","es":"Las c\u00e9lulas de un tumor pueden viajar a trav\u00e9s de los vasos sangu\u00edneos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"One of those cities is called Washington, and the other is called Beijing.","es":"Una de esas ciudades se llama Washington, la otra Beijing."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Let's look at a basic comparison.","es":"Veamos una comparaci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica."} {"gender":"male","en":"But then I stopped because I figured, \"Hey, I'm good enough. I don't need to improve any more.\"","es":"Pero entonces me detuve porque cre\u00ed, \"Hey, soy suficientemente bueno, no necesito mejorar m\u00e1s.\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And we can do it with other things.","es":"Y lo podemos hacer con otras cosas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'm not talking about all comedy here, because, clearly, there's plenty of humor that colors safely within the lines of what we already think and feel.","es":"No estoy hablando de toda la comedia, porque claro que hay mucho humor que da sabor a eso que ya sentimos y pensamos."} {"gender":"female","en":"We wanted to redesign the modem for the developing world, for our context, and for our reality.","es":"Quisimos redise\u00f1ar el m\u00f3dem para los pa\u00edses en desarrollo, para nuestro contexto, y para nuestra realidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"You could go to any housing project, for example, like the one that was down the street from my church, and you would walk in, and it would be like a ghost town, because the parents wouldn't allow their kids to come out and play, even in the summertime, because of the violence.","es":"Si ibas a cualquier barrio de viviendas subvencionadas como, por ejemplo, el que estaba en la misma calle de mi iglesia, y te adentrabas en \u00e9l, era una ciudad fantasma, porque los padres no dejaban a sus hijos salir a jugar, incluso en verano, debido a la violencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"All the proteins changed, the membranes changed; when we read the genetic code, it's exactly what we had transferred in.","es":"Todas las prote\u00ednas cambiaron, las membranas cambiaron y cuando leemos el c\u00f3digo gen\u00e9tico, \u00e9ste es exactamente el que hab\u00edamos transferido."} {"gender":"male","en":"Sweet.","es":"Que dulce."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And when?","es":"\u00bfY cu\u00e1ndo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'm sure those architects are inspired, as I am, by what surrounds us, by nature.","es":"Y estoy seguro que esos arquitectos se inspiraron como yo, por lo que nos rodea, por la Naturaleza."} {"gender":"female","en":"Here is what I mean: We could prove that in just one year, we saved more than 5,000 lives.","es":"Esto es lo que quiero decir: pudimos probar que en solo un a\u00f1o, hemos salvado m\u00e1s de 5000 vidas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You'll get proteins in any kind of food anyway.","es":"Las prote\u00ednas se pueden obtener de otro tipo de alimentos."} {"gender":"female","en":"With the exception perhaps of a massive earthquake, we're protected from real awe.","es":"Con la excepci\u00f3n quiz\u00e1s de un terremoto, estamos protegidos de asombro real."} {"gender":"male","en":"I can get really excited by using volume.","es":"Puedo conseguir realmente excitaci\u00f3n con el uso de volumen."} {"gender":"male","en":"But we basically want a diversity of activities the players can play through this. I want to be able to play \"The Day the Earth Stood Still,\" \"2001: A Space Odyssey,\" \"Star Trek,\" \"War Of the Worlds.\" Now, as we pull away from this world, we're going to keep pulling away from the star now. One of the things that always frustrated me about astronomy when I was a kid is how it was always presented so two-dimensionally and so static.","es":"Pero b\u00e1sicamente quiero una diversidad de actividades que se pueda jugar, B\u00e1sicamente quiero poder jugar, \"El D\u00eda en que Paralizaron la Tierra\" \"2001: Una Odisea Espacial\" \"Viaje a las Estrellas\" \"La Guerra de los Mundos\" Nos alejamos de este mundo, no alejaremos de la estrella, una de las cosas que siempre me frustraba de la astronom\u00eda cuando era ni\u00f1o es c\u00f3mo se presenta siempre bi-dimensionalmente y tan est\u00e1tica."} {"gender":"male","en":"What's your name?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es su nombre?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's tough.","es":"Es complejo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Belinda's a Circle member, and she was going into hospital for a hip operation, so she called her local Circle to say they wouldn't see her for a bit.","es":"Belinda es miembro del \"C\u00edrculo\" y fue al hospital para una operaci\u00f3n de cadera, as\u00ed que llam\u00f3 a su c\u00edrculo local para decir que no la ver\u00edan por un tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And by my reckoning, that is not a good thing.","es":"Y seg\u00fan mis c\u00e1lculos, eso no es algo bueno."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Africa has six of the world's largest refugee centers.","es":"\u00c1frica tiene seis de los centros de refugiados m\u00e1s grandes del mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I decided to pull the white-power music from the inventory when I became too embarrassed to sell it in front of my new friends.","es":"Decid\u00eda retirar a m\u00fasica de supremac\u00eda blanca del inventario cuando se volvi\u00f3 muy vergonzoso venderla frente a mis nuevos amigos."} {"gender":"male","en":"It just becomes intolerable.","es":"Simplemente se vuelve intolerable."} {"gender":"male","en":"But then my mother said to me, \"I hear you've been going around talking about psychopathic killers.","es":"Pero luego, mi madre me dijo: \"He o\u00eddo que has ido por ah\u00ed hablando de asesinos psic\u00f3patas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And it's not good news. NASA informed us six months ago that the Western Antarctic Ice Shelf is now disintegrating.","es":"Y no es una buena noticia; NASA nos dijo hace 6 meses ya que la capa de hielo de la Ant\u00e1rtida Occidental se est\u00e1 desmoronando."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"All the green Latin American countries are moving towards smaller families.","es":"Todos los pa\u00edses en verde de Am\u00e9rica Latina tienden a constituir familias m\u00e1s peque\u00f1as."} {"gender":"female","en":"There have been many other exhibitions in the meantime, but I don't want to focus on my shows.","es":"Han habido muchas otras exposiciones en el \u00ednterin, pero no quiero concentrarme en mis muestras."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, don't get me wrong.","es":"Lo digo en serio, no me mal interpreten."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It is being Beyonc\u00e9.","es":"Es ser Beyonc\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"Am I scaring you yet?","es":"\u00bfYa tienen algo de miedo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Innovation revenue is the share of revenues they've made from new products and services in the last three years, meaning we did not ask them how many creative ideas they have, but rather if these ideas translate into products and services that really make the company more successful today and tomorrow.","es":"El ingreso por innovaci\u00f3n es la ganancia que genera los nuevos productos y servicios vendidos en los \u00faltimos 3 a\u00f1os, es decir, no les preguntamos cu\u00e1ntas ideas creativas ten\u00edan, sino m\u00e1s bien si dichas ideas se traduc\u00edan en productos y servicios que hac\u00edan a la empresa m\u00e1s pr\u00f3spera hoy y ma\u00f1ana."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"I'm convinced,\" I told a German official with the World Bank, \"that it would be impossible for them to be bribed if they worked in Germany, in a German administration, just as I am convinced that if you put German officials from the German administration in those holes, they would be bribed just the same.\"","es":"\"Estoy convencido\", le dije al oficial alem\u00e1n del Banco Mundial, \"de que les ser\u00eda imposible ser sobornados si trabajaran en Alemania, en una administraci\u00f3n alemana, as\u00ed como estoy convencido de que si ponen oficiales alemanes de la administraci\u00f3n alemana en esos agujeros ser\u00e1n sobornados de la misma manera\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And we had GDP grow from an average of 2.3 percent the previous decade to about 6.5 percent now.","es":"Hicimos crecer el PIB de una media de 2.3 por ciento la d\u00e9cada anterior hasta el 6.5 por ciento ahora."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so what happened was that I started just becoming an editorial illustrator through, you know, sheer whatever, sheer ignorance.","es":"Entonces lo que pas\u00f3 es que empec\u00e9 a convertirme en una ilustradora de editoriales, por pura, ya sabes, pura lo que sea, pura ignorancia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We don't have the luxury of letting go of the past.","es":"No nos damos el lujo de dejar atr\u00e1s el pasado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now I come back to the idea of the new social enterprise that I'm exploring.","es":"Ahora regreso a la idea de la nueva empresa social que estoy explorando."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then there are certain conceptual things that can also benefit from hand calculating, but I think they're relatively small in number.","es":"Y luego hay ciertas aspectos conceptuales que pueden beneficiarse del c\u00e1lculo a mano pero creo que son relativamente pocos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Sometimes I get mean tweets and hate mail.","es":"A veces recibo tuits e e-mails llenos de odio y amenazas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I got hired to produce the result now.","es":"Porque para eso me contrataron. Ahora tengo que producir el resultado."} {"gender":"male","en":"The very next day, I had to wear them to school, come what may.","es":"Al d\u00eda siguiente, decid\u00ed usarlos e irme as\u00ed a la escuela, pasara lo que pasara."} {"gender":"male","en":"And here's the front door of this facility.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 la puerta principal de la construcci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Not the stories that we're being brainwashed to believe.","es":"No las historias que nos incitan a creer."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's what I want to get to.","es":"Ah\u00ed es a donde quiero llegar."} {"gender":"female","en":"We know that we can cryopreserve them, we can use them later on.","es":"Sabemos que es posible cultivarlas y conservarlas para usarlas despu\u00e9s."} {"gender":"female","en":"My seduction into the world of fireflies began when I was back in graduate school.","es":"Mi atracci\u00f3n por el mundo de las luci\u00e9rnagas empez\u00f3 cuando estaba haciendo el doctorado."} {"gender":"female","en":"What does that mean?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 significa eso?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"\"No.\"","es":"\"No.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And so I'm encouraged by the peaceful revolutionaries I've heard on this stage.","es":"Me motivan los revolucionarios pacifistas que he escuchado en este escenario."} {"gender":"male","en":"Nothing whatsoever worked until a few years ago, my six-year-old daughters were looking at this wheelchair catalog that I had, and they said, \"Oh, Dad! Dad!","es":"Nada funcion\u00f3 en absoluto hasta hace unos a\u00f1os, mis hijas de seis a\u00f1os viendo el cat\u00e1logo de sillas de rueda dijeron: \"\u00a1Pap\u00e1, pap\u00e1!"} {"gender":"female","en":"So who were they?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfqui\u00e9nes eran?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Of course, they're not gone.","es":"Por supuesto, a\u00fan no se van."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And so what happens is, every morning when the sun comes up, the squid goes back to sleep, it buries itself in the sand, and it's got a pump that's attached to its circadian rhythm. And when the sun comes up, it pumps out, like, 95 percent of the bacteria.","es":"As\u00ed que lo que ocurre es que cada ma\u00f1ana cuando sale el sol el calamar vuelve a dormir, se entierra en la arena, y tiene una bomba que est\u00e1 ligada a su ritmo circadiano, y cuando sale el sol, bombea alrededor del 95 por ciento de las bacterias."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, Safe is the last exhibition that I did at MoMA and it ended at the beginning of last year. It was about design that deals with safety and deals with protection.","es":"As\u00ed que \"Seguro\" es la \u00faltima exposici\u00f3n que hice en MoMA. Y termin\u00f3 a comienzos del a\u00f1o pasado, y fue sobre el dise\u00f1o que lidia con seguridad, y lidia con protecci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Just thinking my way through problems doesn't work.","es":"Simplemente pensar en soluciones no me funcionaba."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You need to increase the quanitity of power so that you can empower everybody to use their judgment, their intelligence.","es":"Se necesita aumentar la cantidad de energ\u00eda as\u00ed que se puede empoderar a todo el mundo para que usen su juicio, su inteligencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I thought it was worth a chance, he thought it was worth a chance, and so we got up on the stage, and we had an hour conversation about his life, and after that a woman rushed up to me, essentially did, and she said, \"Where did you train as a doctor?\"","es":"Y yo pens\u00e9 que merec\u00eda intentarse, el pens\u00f3 que val\u00eda la pena intentarlo, y as\u00ed nos subimos al escenario, y tuvimos una conversaci\u00f3n de una hora sobre su vida, y despu\u00e9s de eso una mujer corri\u00f3 hacia m\u00ed, esencialmente eso hizo, y me dijo, \"\u00bfD\u00f3nde se educ\u00f3 usted como m\u00e9dico?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"She's the self-declared mayor of Kapavati village, population eight.","es":"Ella es la autonombrada alcaldesa de la aldea de Kapavati, de 8 habitantes."} {"gender":"male","en":"I say, \"Oh, no, I continue.\"","es":"Dije, no, contin\u00fao."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then there's Al Gore.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n est\u00e1 Al Gore."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't. We've got to make this economic so that all people and all nations make the right outcome, the profitable outcome, and therefore the likely outcome.","es":"Yo no. Tenemos que hacer \u00e9sto econ\u00f3mico, para que toda la gente y todas las naciones hagan lo conveniente, lo lucrativo y por consiguiente, el resultado esperado."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it's exceedingly likely that anything I write from this point forward is going to be judged by the world as the work that came after the freakish success of my last book, right?","es":"Y es extremadamente posible que cualquier cosa que escriba de ahora en adelante sea juzgada por el mundo como el trabajo que vino despu\u00e9s del extra\u00f1o \u00e9xito de mi libro pasado, \u00bfverdad?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And I looked at her, and I said, \"Mommy, I can see you're upset, and I'm going to work harder.\"","es":"Yo la mir\u00e9 y le dije: \"Mami, entiendo que est\u00e9s molesta y voy a esforzarme m\u00e1s\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'd always wanted to be a fighter pilot when I was a boy.","es":"Y siempre quise ser un piloto de combate cuando era ni\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"The average teenager sends 3,339 text messages a month, unless she's a girl, then it's closer to 4,000.","es":"El adolescente promedio env\u00eda 3339 mensajes por mes si no es una chica; en ese caso, env\u00eda casi 4000."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because therein lies the mystery of eroticism.","es":"Porque ah\u00ed radica el misterio del erotismo."} {"gender":"female","en":"They have eyes, they can distinguish between light and dark, but they mostly work by smell.","es":"Tienen ojos, pueden distinguir entre la luz y la oscuridad, pero normalmente trabajan por medio del olfato."} {"gender":"female","en":"You have to unleash the talents and passions of many people and you have to harness them into a work that is actually useful.","es":"Hay que dar rienda suelta a los talentos y las pasiones de muchas personas y aprovecharlos para que el trabajo sea \u00fatil."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm doing weight-bearing exercise, so that I have the muscle strength so that when I start to wither, I have more time that I can still move around.","es":"Hago ejercicio con pesas, de modo que tenga la fuerza f\u00edsica para que, cuando empiece a atrofiarme, disponga de m\u00e1s tiempo de movilidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, that is knowledge.","es":"Eso es conocimiento."} {"gender":"male","en":"We have international treaties that recognize that refugees are a shared responsibility, and yet we accept that tiny Lebanon hosts more Syrians than the whole of Europe combined.","es":"Tenemos tratados internacionales que reconocen que los refugiados son una responsabilidad compartida, y aun as\u00ed aceptamos que el peque\u00f1o L\u00edbano albergue m\u00e1s sirios que toda Europa en su conjunto."} {"gender":"female","en":"That's what I've learned the most in the last few years.","es":"Ese es mi mejor aprendizaje en los \u00faltimos a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"In 2014, over 54 percent of the world population was living in cities, and I can bet you that so many of these people have thought of how they would do things differently, like if I only had the tools to change things in my city, what would I do?","es":"En el 2014 m\u00e1s del 54 % de la poblaci\u00f3n mundial viv\u00eda en ciudades, y puedo apostarles que muchas de estas personas han pensado en qu\u00e9 har\u00edan diferente. Es decir, si yo tuviera las herramientas para cambiar las cosas en mi ciudad, \u00bfqu\u00e9 har\u00eda yo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"There are different ways to approach evolutionary medicine, and one way is to extract human DNA from ancient bones.","es":"Hay varias maneras de estudiar la medicina evolutiva, una de ellas es extrayendo ADN humano de huesos antiguos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They also wore body armor.","es":"Y llevaban chaleco antibalas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so it's not just big data that causes challenges of interpretation, because let's face it, we human beings have a very rich history of taking any amount of data, no matter how small, and screwing it up.","es":"No son solo los datos masivos los que producen retos de interpretaci\u00f3n, porque enfrent\u00e9moslo, los humanos tenemos una historia muy rica de tomar una cantidad de datos, no importa lo peque\u00f1a, y arruinarlo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I want to make this world good.","es":"Quiero que este mundo sea bueno."} {"gender":"female","en":"Sometimes they asked for a specific health issue to be fixed, but more often than not, they just asked for good health in general.","es":"Algunos pidieron solucionar un tema espec\u00edfico de salud, pero, a grandes rasgos, pidieron salud en general."} {"gender":"female","en":"I mean, imagine yourself here in this room, if you were suddenly plunged into blackness, with your only job to find the exit, sometimes swimming through these large spaces, and at other times crawling beneath the seats, following a thin guideline, just waiting for the life support to provide your very next breath.","es":"Quiero decir, imaginen aqu\u00ed en esta sala, si de repente qued\u00e1ramos sumidos en la oscuridad, con la \u00fanica misi\u00f3n de encontrar la salida, a veces nadando en grandes espacios, y en otros momentos arrastr\u00e1ndonos bajo los asientos, siguiendo una delgada gu\u00eda, esperando el soporte vital para la siguiente respiraci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I think the CEO basically did not understand the importance of meaning.","es":"Y creo b\u00e1sicamente que el presidente no entendi\u00f3 la importancia de lo que tiene sentido."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's what's called a spirit line, a deliberate flaw in the pattern to give the weaver or maker a way out, but also a reason to continue making work.","es":"Es lo que se llama una l\u00ednea de esp\u00edritu, un error deliberado en el patr\u00f3n para mostrar el creador o al tejedor, pero tambi\u00e9n una raz\u00f3n para seguir trabajando."} {"gender":"female","en":"If our sample is cherry-picked in some way, say, we poll only urban voters, or say, in our clinical trials for treatments for heart disease, we include only men, the results may not generalize to the broader population.","es":"Si la muestra es seleccionada de alguna manera --por ejemplo, un sondeo a solo votantes urbanos, o, en un ensayo cl\u00ednico de tratamientos para enfermedades del coraz\u00f3n, solo incluimos hombres-- los resultados no pueden generalizarse a la poblaci\u00f3n en general."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to get vacuums and furnaces and drag stuff out of the ground and get things hot and poison and pollute But I got this hard thing!\"","es":"Utilizar\u00e9 bombas de vac\u00edo y hornos, extraer\u00e9 materiales de la tierra, calentar\u00e9 y envenenar\u00e9 cosas y contaminar\u00e9, pero lograr\u00e9 crear algo duro."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's out of your control.","es":"Se va de control."} {"gender":"female","en":"Fossil sites run up and down both lengths of that lake basin, which represents some 20,000 square miles.","es":"Los sitios f\u00f3siles van de arriba a abajo a ambos lados de la cuenca del lago, que representa unas 20 000 millas cuadradas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think it really is transparency and secrecy.","es":"Creo que se trata de la transparencia y lo secreto."} {"gender":"male","en":"I notice a slick of blood in the water around me that gets washed downstream.","es":"Not\u00e9 una mancha de sangre en el agua alrededor m\u00edo que se desvanec\u00eda aguas abajo."} {"gender":"female","en":"How do I handle this there?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo manejo eso ah\u00ed?"} {"gender":"female","en":"In other words, use that fixation in order to motivate that kid, that's one of the things we need to do.","es":"En otras palabras, usar esa fijaci\u00f3n para motivar a ese ni\u00f1o, esa es una de las cosas que tenemos que hacer."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It is a gamma-ray light curve.","es":"Es una curva de luz de rayos gamma."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the scout may hope to learn that, say, there's a bridge in a convenient location across a river.","es":"Quiz\u00e1s desea averiguar si hay un puente que convenientemente cruce un r\u00edo."} {"gender":"male","en":"The children became the parents to the parent.","es":"Los ni\u00f1os se convirtieron en los padres de los padres."} {"gender":"female","en":"The other girl is my little sister.","es":"La otra chica es mi hermana peque\u00f1a."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I was one of them, and it's your local friendly Stanford football team.","es":"Bueno, yo era uno de ellos, y el amistoso equipo local de rugby de Stanford."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It will create a huge macroeconomic shift.","es":"Se producir\u00e1 un gran cambio macroecon\u00f3mico."} {"gender":"female","en":"But when I tell people about these appalling statistics, I'm usually met with an assumption that it's about either poverty or lack of access to care.","es":"Pero al hablar a la gente de estas estad\u00edsticas atroces, me topo, normalmente, con una presunci\u00f3n de que es o por la pobreza o la falta de acceso a cuidados."} {"gender":"male","en":"As I walked around this morning, I noticed most of the buildings were huge mirrors reflecting the sun back into the desert.","es":"Al caminar en la ma\u00f1ana, me di cuenta de que los edificios eran espejos que reflejaban el sol de nuevo al desierto."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the Dutch, they always go and they realize, I'm right!","es":"y los Holandeses, siempre dicen y ellos se dan cuenta, que tengo raz\u00f3n!"} {"gender":"male","en":"She, people like her, her ancestors, have not had the best experiences at the hands of doctors and the hospital or insurance companies.","es":"Ella, gente como ella, sus antepasados, no han tenido las mejor experiencias en las manos de doctores y hospitales o compa\u00f1\u00edas de seguros."} {"gender":"female","en":"After the announcement, pretty quickly, colleagues started leaving the team, and soon, we were left in a small group, all pretty much sharing the same attitude of, \"I'm going to be the last person leaving the ship.\"","es":"Despu\u00e9s del anuncio, inmediatamente, los colegas comenzaron a dejar el equipo, y pronto, nos quedamos un grupo peque\u00f1o, todos compartiendo la misma actitud: \"Voy a ser la \u00faltima persona que abandone la nave\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"You all got it right.","es":"Todos acertaron."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We also know a lot about how information spreads through networks.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n sabemos mucho sobre c\u00f3mo se difunde la informaci\u00f3n por las redes."} {"gender":"female","en":"My mother's love of photography propelled her to the most remote regions of the earth, and my family and I were fortunate enough to join and support her on these adventures.","es":"El amor de mi madre por la fotograf\u00eda la impuls\u00f3 a visitar las regiones m\u00e1s remotas de la Tierra, y mi familia y yo tuvimos la suerte de poder acompa\u00f1arla y apoyarla en estas aventuras."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's great because if I don't let Jim, and people like Jim, to express their points of view, our relationship wouldn't be the same.","es":"Y es genial porque si no dejo a Jim, y a otros como Jim, expresar sus puntos de vista, nuestra relaci\u00f3n no ser\u00eda la misma."} {"gender":"male","en":"I swam as hard as I could for five minutes.","es":"Nade lo mas fuerte que pude por cinco minutos."} {"gender":"male","en":"You'll see a lot of people in my photographs today. I've become very close with them, and they've welcomed me like family.","es":"Hoy van a ver muchas personas en mis fotograf\u00edas, he logrado una relaci\u00f3n estrecha con ellos; soy como de la familia."} {"gender":"female","en":"My knees still buckle every time I get on a stage.","es":"Mis rodillas siguen afloj\u00e1ndose cada vez que subo al escenario."} {"gender":"female","en":"And God did lead them.","es":"Y Dios los gui\u00f3."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it is the first time that I have been confronted with someone who doesn't like me simply because of what I represent.","es":"Y es la primera vez que confront\u00e9 con alguien a quien no le gusto simplemente por lo que represento."} {"gender":"female","en":"No other animal cooks its food.","es":"Ning\u00fan otro animal cocina sus alimentos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Climate change and decreases in sea ice are also altering the underwater soundscape of the Arctic.","es":"El cambio clim\u00e1tico y la disminuci\u00f3n del hielo mar\u00edtimo tambi\u00e9n est\u00e1n alterando el paisaje sonoro subacu\u00e1tico del \u00c1rtico."} {"gender":"female","en":"They're a little burned out.","es":"Est\u00e1n un poco exhaustos."} {"gender":"female","en":"I looked down on my reality.","es":"Menospreciaba mi realidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"I climbed there this past summer.","es":"El pasado verano escal\u00e9 all\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because we have this thing called privacy, and if you really think that you have nothing to hide, please make sure that's the first thing you tell me, because then I know that I should not trust you with any secrets, because obviously you can't keep a secret.","es":"Porque tenemos esta cosa llamada privacidad, y si realmente creen que no tienen nada que esconder, por favor, aseg\u00farense de que sea lo primero que me dicen, porque entonces sabr\u00e9 que no debo confiarles ning\u00fan secreto, porque obviamente no pueden guardar un secreto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You have to have dosimeter at all times, clicking away, you have to have a government minder, and there's draconian radiation rules and constant contamination monitoring.","es":"Tienes que medir continuamente la radiaci\u00f3n, has de tener un escolta del gobierno, y hay reglas draconianas sobre radiaci\u00f3n y un control constante de la contaminaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, in January, 2011, the revolution started, and life stopped for 18 days, and on the 12th of February, we naively celebrated on the streets of Cairo, believing that the revolution had succeeded.","es":"En enero de 2011 comenz\u00f3 la revoluci\u00f3n y la vida se detuvo durante 18 d\u00edas. El 12 de febrero ingenuamente celebramos en las calles de El Cairo creyendo que hab\u00eda triunfado la revoluci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"I googled \"autistic people are \" and the top result was \"demons.\"","es":"Busqu\u00e9 en Google \"los autistas son..\". y el primer resultado fue \"agresivos\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it was also the beginning of our discontent, because if you wanted to distill all of our experience since the Paleolithic, it would come down to two words: how and why.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n fue el comienzo de nuestro descontento, pues si quisi\u00e9ramos destilar toda nuestra experiencia desde el Paleol\u00edtico, se reducir\u00eda a dos palabras: C\u00f3mo y Por qu\u00e9."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm serious.","es":"Lo digo en serio."} {"gender":"male","en":"And now I'm going to fill it with oxygen and whiskey.","es":"Y ahora voy a llenarlo con ox\u00edgeno y whisky."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Alright, where are we going with this?","es":"Muy bien, \u00bfa d\u00f3nde nos lleva todo esto?"} {"gender":"female","en":"They all took on a couple of short stories from this collection, stuck to their word, sent their translations back to me, and within six weeks, I had the entire book to read.","es":"Todos tomaron un par de historias cortas de esta colecci\u00f3n, trabajaron, me enviaron sus traducciones, y al cabo de seis semanas, ten\u00eda todo el libro para leer."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what we do in my lab is we tempt people with virtue and vice by using money.","es":"En mi laboratorio tentamos a las personas con dinero hacia el vicio y la virtud."} {"gender":"female","en":"IA: Aww, thank you.","es":"IA: Ahh, gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"And we are high taxpayer.","es":"Y pagamos impuestos muy altos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, if you were to go to a darker part of the sky, a nice dark site, perhaps in the desert, you might see the center of our Milky Way galaxy spread out before you, hundreds of billions of stars.","es":"Ahora bien, si se van a una parte m\u00e1s oscura del cielo, un buen sitio oscuro, tal vez en el desierto, es posible que vean el centro de la V\u00eda L\u00e1ctea despleg\u00e1ndose ante Uds., cientos de miles de millones de estrellas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've actually started what we think is the world's first fully digital, fully self-contributed, unlimited in scope, global in participation, ethically approved clinical research study where you contribute the data.","es":"Incluso he comenzado lo que creemos que es el primer estudio cl\u00ednico investigativo totalmente digital, totalmente auto aportado, de alcance ilimitado, global en participaci\u00f3n, \u00e9ticamente aprobado donde Uds. contribuyen con los datos."} {"gender":"male","en":"The upstreamists are the health care professionals who know that health does begin where we live and work and play, but beyond that awareness, is able to mobilize the resources to create the system in their clinics and in their hospitals that really does start to approach that, to connect people to the resources they need outside the four walls of the clinic.","es":"Estos son los profesionales de la salud que saben que la salud comienza donde vivimos, trabajamos y jugamos. Pero adem\u00e1s de tener ese conocimiento, pueden movilizar los recursos para crear el sistema en sus cl\u00ednicas y hospitales, que realmente comience a conectar a la gente con los recursos que necesitan fuera de las 4 paredes de la cl\u00ednica."} {"gender":"female","en":"We bring people onto the farm, we have folks sitting around a table, because we want to change people's relationship to food.","es":"Traemos gente a la granja, tenemos personas sentadas alrededor de una mesa, porque queremos cambiar la relaci\u00f3n de las personas con la comida."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Basta!, as the Italians would say.","es":"\u00a1Basta!-- como dir\u00edan los italianos."} {"gender":"male","en":"In my country, I have seen how the council of Islamist groups and Christian groups came together, not as a government initiative, but they came together on their own initiative to establish contact and dialogue in times where things were pretty low-key tension.","es":"En mi pa\u00eds, presenci\u00e9 c\u00f3mo el consejo de los grupos islamistas y el de los grupos cristianos se reun\u00edan, no por iniciativa del gobierno, sino por iniciativa propia para establecer contacto y di\u00e1logo en un momento en el que la tensi\u00f3n era bastante moderada."} {"gender":"female","en":"After three days, she did an unthinkable thing.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de tres d\u00edas, ella hizo lo impensable."} {"gender":"female","en":"And we wanted to know whether people would actually behave the same way with their real passwords.","es":"Y lo que quer\u00edamos saber es si la gente en realidad se comportar\u00eda de la misma forma con sus contrase\u00f1as reales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"She hopes it will be used for early intervention.","es":"Ella espera que se use para la intervenci\u00f3n temprana."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's very ironic.","es":"Es muy ir\u00f3nico."} {"gender":"female","en":"So what we're trying to do right now is to understand the environmental and cellular signals that switch on these genes in resurrection plants, to mimic the process in crops.","es":"Lo que estamos tratando de hacer ahora es entender las se\u00f1ales ambientales y celulares que activan estos genes en plantas de resurrecci\u00f3n, para imitar el proceso en los cultivos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And BP was hardly our first experience of this in recent years.","es":"Y la de BP no fue la primera experiencia en esta materia, en a\u00f1os recientes."} {"gender":"female","en":"But most of us don't want to acknowledge death, we don't want to plan for it, and we don't want to discuss it with the most important people in our lives.","es":"Pero la mayor\u00eda no queremos aceptar la muerte, no queremos hacer planes para cuando suceda, y no queremos hablarlo con las personas m\u00e1s importantes de nuestra vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, architects have been thinking about these ideas for a long time.","es":"Es decir, los arquitectos han estado pensando acerca de estas ideas durante mucho tiempo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm on a remote island in Micronesia.","es":"Me encuentro en una isla remota de Micronesia."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's a lot of pressure, trying to be that perfect family behind that white picket fence.","es":"Es mucha presi\u00f3n, tratar de ser esa familia perfecta detr\u00e1s de la cerca blanca."} {"gender":"female","en":"That was nearly 14,000 babies.","es":"Eso supusieron casi 14 000 beb\u00e9s."} {"gender":"female","en":"Google has made available transit data API.","es":"Google hizo posible la informaci\u00f3n \"transit\" API."} {"gender":"male","en":"I want to just say, so this is Jack, Nick and Louie.","es":"Dir\u00e9 eso nom\u00e1s Bueno estos son Jack, Nick y Louie."} {"gender":"male","en":"As I was walking out of his bedroom, he said, \"Dad?\"","es":"Cuando estaba saliendo de su habitaci\u00f3n me dijo: \"\u00bfPapi?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"See, today we're all so afraid of that word failure, but the truth is, we need to fail.","es":"Hoy todos tememos tanto el fracaso de la palabra, pero la verdad es que tenemos que fracasar."} {"gender":"male","en":"They are like roundabouts or traffic jams or gridlock in conversation.","es":"Son rotondas o atascos de tr\u00e1fico o puntos muertos en la conversaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so now, over the next 19 months, I shifted, and I transcended from being a drug sergeant, ready to retire as a drug sergeant, and went from level to level to level, until I find myself as a district commander, commander of the worst district in Baltimore city.","es":"Y ahora, unos 19 meses despu\u00e9s, he pasado de ser un sargento de drogas, preparado para jubilarme, he pasado de una fase a otra, hasta que me vi como inspector de distrito. Inspector del peor distrito de Baltimore."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Miss!\"","es":"\u00a1Se\u00f1orita!\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"This means that they can live anywhere on this planet, and they can eat whatever food is around them.","es":"Esto significa que pueden vivir en cualquier parte del planeta, y pueden comer cualquier alimento que est\u00e9 a su alrededor."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I've just chosen a few of them here.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed he elegido s\u00f3lo algunos de ellos."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"Queerer than we can suppose\" comes from J.B.S. Haldane, the famous biologist, who said, \"Now, my own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose.","es":"\"M\u00e1s raro de lo que podemos suponer\" proviene de J.B.S. Haldane, el famoso bi\u00f3logo, quien dijo, \"Mi sospecha personal es que el universo no s\u00f3lo es m\u00e1s raro de lo que suponemos, sino m\u00e1s raro de lo que podemos suponer."} {"gender":"female","en":"We are ordinary people attempting to do extraordinary things, and so we need to be supported in that way.","es":"Somos gente com\u00fan que trata de hacer cosas poco comunes, por eso necesitamos apoyo."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, yes, there is hope, and where is the hope?","es":"Entonces, s\u00ed, hay esperanza, y \u00bfd\u00f3nde est\u00e1?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Finger, finger, finger, finger, finger, finger, finger, finger.","es":"Dedo, dedo, dedo, dedo, dedo, dedo, dedo, dedo."} {"gender":"male","en":"We also know that people are much more likely to invest in themselves if they believe that their community is willing to invest in them first.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n sabemos que la gente es m\u00e1s propensa a invertir en s\u00ed misma si cree que su comunidad desea invertir en ellos primero."} {"gender":"female","en":"My confession is this: I am a health psychologist, and my mission is to help people be happier and healthier.","es":"Mi confesi\u00f3n es esta: soy psic\u00f3loga de la salud y mi misi\u00f3n es ayudar a la gente a ser m\u00e1s feliz y saludable."} {"gender":"female","en":"Ilkka Hanski was an ecologist in Finland, and he did this experiment himself.","es":"Ilkka Hanski era un ecologista en Finlandia e hizo este experimento."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You see here the work of Ben Fry.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed ven el trabajo de Ben Fry."} {"gender":"female","en":"Let me show you.","es":"Voy a mostrarles."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now we have an architecture that connects a city to the natural world in a very direct and immediate way.","es":"Ahora tenemos una arquitectura que conecta a una ciudad con el mundo natural de un modo directo e inmediato."} {"gender":"male","en":"So again we persisted, and Foster's Brewing came to the party and gave us our first ever sponsorship, and that was enough for me to quit my job, I did consulting on the side.","es":"As\u00ed que de nuevo persistimos, y Foster's Brewing se uni\u00f3 a la fiesta y nos dio nuestro primer patrocinio, que fue suficiente para dejar mi trabajo, hice consultor\u00eda en paralelo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'll zoom in a little bit.","es":"Lo ampliar\u00e9 un poco."} {"gender":"female","en":"Lesson learned.","es":"Lecci\u00f3n aprendida."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, within my immediate social circle of the people who support me, who enrich my life, at least two are foreign-born.","es":"De hecho, en mi c\u00edrculo social inmediato de las personas que me apoyan, que enriquecen mi vida, al menos dos son nacidos en el extranjero."} {"gender":"female","en":"For every hacker that's trying to steal your identity there's one that's building a tool that will help you find your loved ones after a disaster or to monitor environmental quality after an oil spill.","es":"Por cada hacker que trata de robarte la identidad hay otro que est\u00e1 construyendo una herramienta que te va a ayudar a encontrar a tus seres queridos tras una cat\u00e1strofe o a medir la calidad del medio ambiente tras un derrame de petr\u00f3leo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We have corporate funding now that, when it goes to support the arts, it almost requires that the product be part of the picture that the artist draws.","es":"Hoy tenemos financiaci\u00f3n corporativa que, cuando va a alguna compa\u00f1\u00eda, cuando apoya a las artes, casi que es necesario que el producto sea parte de la pintura que el artista pinte."} {"gender":"male","en":"I used a lot of computer cooling fans and just kind of put them together and see what happens.","es":"Us\u00e9 muchos ventiladores de PC, los junt\u00e9 para ver qu\u00e9 pasaba."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think it will be more if we keep burning fossil fuels, perhaps even five meters, which is 18 feet, this century or shortly thereafter.","es":"Creo que ser\u00e1 m\u00e1s que eso si seguimos quemando combustibles f\u00f3siles; quiz\u00e1 lleguemos a 5 metros, 18 pies, en este siglo o poco despu\u00e9s."} {"gender":"male","en":"My daughter never wears a watch, my daughter Kate, who's 20. She doesn't see the point.","es":"Mi hija, Kate, que tiene 20 a\u00f1os, nunca us\u00f3 un reloj, Ella no ve el prop\u00f3sito."} {"gender":"male","en":"So for example, one is to get rid of my real estate problem and get better signals.","es":"Por ejemplo, queremos resolver el problema de espacio y obtener mejores se\u00f1ales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You can vary enormously.","es":"Hay mucha variedad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Markus Fischer: Yeah, sure.","es":"Markus Fischer: S\u00ed, claro."} {"gender":"male","en":"Only, I think it's quite a big blow again.","es":"S\u00f3lo que creo que es un gran golpe."} {"gender":"female","en":"Murderers are known to leak sadness.","es":"Se sabe que los asesinos revelan tristeza."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we've been planting stuff for 11,000 years.","es":"Entonces hemos estado plantando cosas por once mil a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"You had to wait until they were finished, so of course, what we would do is we'd get on the piano and you wouldn't even get off to eat, because you wouldn't want to give it up to your brother or sister, and they'd wait and wait and wait, and it'd be midnight and you'd be still sitting there on the piano, but it was their way to get us to practice.","es":"Ten\u00edas que esperar a que terminara, as\u00ed que por su puesto, lo que hac\u00edamos era sentarnos al piano y no nos quit\u00e1bamos ni para comer, porque no quer\u00edas dej\u00e1rselo a tu hermano o hermana, y los dem\u00e1s esperaban y esperaban, y te daba la medianoche y segu\u00edas sentado al piano, pero era su manera de hacernos practicar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Over time, these tiny threads form in the liquid into layers and produce a mat on the surface.","es":"Con el tiempo, estos diminutos filamentos forman capas en el l\u00edquido y producen una capa en la superficie."} {"gender":"female","en":"It also has a very low carbon footprint.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n tiene un bajo impacto de carbono."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We calculated on the one hand how much energy a primate gets per day from eating raw foods, and on the other hand, how much energy a body of a certain size costs and how much energy a brain of a certain number of neurons costs, and we looked for the combinations of body size and number of brain neurons that a primate could afford if it ate a certain number of hours per day.","es":"Por un lado, calculamos cu\u00e1nta energ\u00eda obtiene un primate diariamente comiendo comida cruda, y por el otro, cu\u00e1nta energ\u00eda utiliza un cuerpo de determinado tama\u00f1o y cu\u00e1nta energ\u00eda utiliza un cerebro con un determinado n\u00famero de neuronas, y observamos las combinaciones de tama\u00f1o de cuerpo y de n\u00famero de neuronas en el cerebro que un primate pod\u00eda disponer si comiera una determinada cantidad de horas por d\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"BG: I would like your comment on something that was in newspapers this morning.","es":"BG: Me gustar\u00eda saber su opini\u00f3n sobre algo de los peri\u00f3dicos de esta ma\u00f1ana."} {"gender":"female","en":"Programmable money democratizes money.","es":"El dinero programable democratiza el dinero."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm like, living in a science fiction movie.","es":"Estoy como si estuviera viviendo una pel\u00edcula de ciencia ficci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"We want to know about what other people do, we're interested in it.","es":"Queremos saber lo que hacen otras personas, estamos muy interesados en ello."} {"gender":"female","en":"Yes?","es":"\u00bfS\u00ed?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What we can see with great sharpness and clarity and accuracy is the equivalent of the surface area of our thumb on our outstretched arm.","es":"Lo que podemos ver con gran nitidez, claridad y precisi\u00f3n es equivalente a la superficie de nuestro pulgar teniendo el brazo extendido."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so, for my Ph.D. at the MIT Media Lab, I designed custom prosthetic sockets quickly and cheaply that are more comfortable than conventional prostheses.","es":"Entonces, para mi doctorado en el Media Lab del MIT, dise\u00f1\u00e9 encajes ortop\u00e9dicos a medida, r\u00e1pidos y econ\u00f3micos, que son m\u00e1s c\u00f3modos que las pr\u00f3tesis convencionales."} {"gender":"male","en":"We married.","es":"Nos casamos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you can get a hashtag trending on Twitter, or chum the waters with fake news directed to audiences primed to receive it, or drive journalists to dissect terabytes of email for a cent of impropriety, all tactics used in Russian operations, then you've got a shot at effectively camouflaging your operations in the mind of your target.","es":"Si puede hacer que una etiqueta sea tendencia en Twitter, o agitar las aguas con noticias falsas dirigidas a un p\u00fablico preparado para recibirlas, o llevar a periodistas a diseccionar terabytes de emails por un c\u00e9ntimo de indecencia, todas las t\u00e1cticas usadas en las operaciones rusas, entonces uno tiene la oportunidad de camuflar eficazmente sus operaciones en la mente de su objetivo."} {"gender":"male","en":"We've been friends for a long time.","es":"Hemos sido amigos desde hace mucho tiempo."} {"gender":"female","en":"In those moments, my son places his hand on my cheek and says, \"Dance time, mommy?\"","es":"En esos momentos, mi hijo pone su mano en mi mejilla y dice: \"\u00bfHora de baile, mami?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And we lived overseas, we lived in South Korea where my dad was working, where there was only one English language TV channel.","es":"Y viv\u00edamos en el extranjero, en Corea del Sur, donde trabajaba mi pap\u00e1, donde solamente hab\u00eda un canal de TV en lengua inglesa."} {"gender":"male","en":"I have absolutely no interest in producing a building that just accommodates X, Y and Z function. What I'm interested in are how these ideas participate in the educational process of young people.","es":"No me interesa para nada construir un edificio que contenga las funciones X, Y y Z. Lo que me interesa es c\u00f3mo estas ideas juegan en el proceso educativo de la gente joven."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's just like that.","es":"As\u00ed de simple."} {"gender":"female","en":"If she still likes him, they'll strike up a conversation.","es":"Si a ella le sigue gustando, entablar\u00e1n una conversaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm showing you the number of 15- to 24-year-olds in various parts of the world, and the blue line is the one I want you to focus on for a second.","es":"Este es el n\u00famero de personas de entre 15 y 24 a\u00f1os en varias partes del mundo, y quiero que se concentren por un segundo en la l\u00ednea azul."} {"gender":"female","en":"I want to walk you through it, it's pretty astounding.","es":"Quiero guiarles a trav\u00e9s de eso, que es bastante asombroso."} {"gender":"female","en":"So the question becomes, What drives men's support for women's rights?","es":"Y la pregunta ser\u00eda: \u00bfQu\u00e9 motiva el apoyo de los hombres hacia los derechos de las mujeres?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Because our business has refused to use science.","es":"Porque nuestra profesi\u00f3n se niega a usar la ciencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was a beautiful robotic suit made by Ekso Bionics, but it wasn't inspired by her body.","es":"Era un bonito traje robotizado hecho por Ekso Bionics, pero no hab\u00eda sido inspirado por su cuerpo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Dozens of projects give us an inkling of what they're capable of doing.","es":"Decenas de proyectos nos dan una idea de lo que son capaces de hacer."} {"gender":"male","en":"I say, \"I'm gonna not eat my breakfast.\"","es":"Dije: \"No voy a desayunar.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"Now if I were to come to you face-to-face and come this close to you, you would feel threatened.","es":"Si yo viniera y me pongo cara a cara as\u00ed cerca se sentir\u00edan amenazados."} {"gender":"female","en":"So we decided to create a comic book, where the cartoon characters would enact these stories and educate girls about menstruation in a fun and engaging way.","es":"As\u00ed que decidimos crear un c\u00f3mic, donde los personajes de dibujos animados promulgaran estas historias y educaran sobre la menstruaci\u00f3n a las ni\u00f1as de manera divertida y atractiva."} {"gender":"male","en":"They just have to get their work done.","es":"S\u00f3lo tienen que hacer su trabajo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And we also would be well informed to reach out to the people who do that work and get their expertise on how do we think about, how do we create systems around sustainability that perhaps take us from curbside recycling, which is a remarkable success across 40 years, across the United States and countries around the world, and lift us up to a broader horizon where we're looking at other forms of waste that could be lessened from manufacturing and industrial sources.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n estar\u00edamos bien informados si nos acerc\u00e1ramos a los que hacen ese trabajo y aprendi\u00e9ramos su experiencia sobre c\u00f3mo pensar acerca de c\u00f3mo crear sistemas sustentables para tal vez abandonar la recolecci\u00f3n residencial de reciclables, que es un \u00e9xito notable a lo largo de 40 a\u00f1os, a lo largo de los EE. UU. y pa\u00edses de todo el mundo, y nos eleva a un horizonte m\u00e1s amplio donde buscamos otras formas de residuos que podr\u00edan disminuir de fuentes industriales y de manufactura."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, we decided that what we like to do is take just a bit of that mammary gland, which is called an \"acinus,\" where there are all these little things inside the breast where the milk goes, and the end of the nipple comes through that little tube when the baby sucks.","es":"Lo que decidimos hacer fue coger s\u00f3lo una parte de esa gl\u00e1ndula mamaria, llamada \u00abacino\u00bb, donde se encuentran todas estas cositas dentro de la mama donde se encuentra la leche, y la punta del pez\u00f3n es el extremo de ese peque\u00f1o tubo por el que el beb\u00e9 succiona."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Malaria kills almost 900,000 people every year, most of them in Sub-Saharan Africa, most of them under five.","es":"La Malaria mata a casi 900.000 personas cada a\u00f1o, la mayor\u00eda de ellos en \u00c1frica subsahariana, la mayor\u00eda de ellos menores de cinco a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'd like you to imagine that that's a blackboard, and I just used some chalk on there.","es":"Y me gustar\u00eda que se imaginaran que esto es una pizarra, y que he usado tiza sobre ella."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I know what you're thinking here.","es":"Yo s\u00e9 lo que ustedes est\u00e1n pensando ahora."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In 1991, this cholera organism got into Lima, Peru, and within two months it had spread to the neighboring areas.","es":"En 1991 este organismo del c\u00f3lera se introdujo en Lima, Per\u00fa, y en dos meses se hab\u00eda propagado a las \u00e1reas vecinas."} {"gender":"female","en":"he was ready to tell.","es":"estaba listo para dec\u00edrmelo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And nobody calls me Nicky and nobody calls Richard Ricky, so nobody knew who she was talking about.","es":"Y nadie me dice Nicky y nadie le dice Ricky a Richard, as\u00ed que nadie sab\u00eda de qui\u00e9nes estaba hablando."} {"gender":"female","en":"And there are just so many stars and so many planets out there, that surely, there must be life somewhere out there.","es":"Y hay tantas estrellas y tantos planetas ah\u00ed fuera, que sin duda, en alg\u00fan lugar, tiene que haber vida."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is quite a good way of doing it.","es":"Y esta es una buena manera de hacerlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I can see his hands reaching out, and I can see his face in terror, looking at me, saying, \"Help me, Dad.\"","es":"Puedo ver sus manos estir\u00e1ndose hacia mi, y puedo ver su cara de terror, mir\u00e1ndome y diciendo, \"Ay\u00fadame pap\u00e1.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And again, my question is, what does technology want?","es":"Y de nuevo, mi pregunta es, \u00bfqu\u00e9 quiere la tecnolog\u00eda?"} {"gender":"male","en":"OK, I look forward to a new \"capitalist's space race,\" let's call it.","es":"Ok, yo anhelo una nueva carrera espacial capitalista, llamemosle as\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"He's cofounder and director, and he wanted, Ola told me we have to be more systematic when we fight devastating ignorance.","es":"\u00c9l es cofundador y director y quer\u00eda, Ola me dijo, que fu\u00e9ramos m\u00e1s sistem\u00e1ticos al luchar contra la ignorancia devastadora."} {"gender":"female","en":"So we call for that 100 percent renewable economy in a hurry, but we went further.","es":"Exigimos a la brevedad que la econom\u00eda sea 100 % renovable, pero fuimos m\u00e1s lejos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Another thing that we're looking at and asking people to think about is we've added a fourth R onto the front of the \"Reduce, Reuse, Recycle,\" three R's, and that is refuse.","es":"Otra cosa que observamos y por eso le pedimos a la gente que reflexione es en agregar una cuarta R al principio de las tres R: Reducir, Reusar, Reciclar y es Rechazar."} {"gender":"female","en":"But if a little girl leads, she's bossy.","es":"Pero si una ni\u00f1a manda, es una \"mandona\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"PostSecret.com is the most visited advertisement-free blog in the world.","es":"PostSecret.com es el blog libre de publicidad m\u00e1s visitado en el mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to ask you to go ahead and put a blindfold on.","es":"Te voy a pedir que te pongas una venda."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I thought, \"If I lose, it's going to put women back 50 years, at least.\"","es":"Y pensaba: \"Si pierdo, esto pondr\u00e1 a la mujer 50 a\u00f1os atr\u00e1s, por lo menos\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"So there's other, maybe more personal reasons, to care about bees.","es":"Hay otras razones, tal vez m\u00e1s personales, para preocuparse por las abejas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And we can use that same pulse, now applied to the RTPJ, to ask if we can change people's moral judgments.","es":"Y podemos usar ese mismo impulso, aplicado a la uni\u00f3n temporoparietal derecha, para saber si podemos cambiar los juicios morales de las personas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And now we're trying to work with them to be accredited, which is really important, and we went back to the last AGM this June and we had these amazing one-to-one discussions with the board members, who told us how much they loved their hankies and how it really moved them, what we were doing, and they all told us that if we were standing outside screaming at them and not being gentle in our protest, they wouldn't have even listened to us, never mind had those discussions with us.","es":"Y ahora estamos tratando de trabajar con ellos para que est\u00e9n acreditados, que es realmente importante, y volvimos a la \u00faltima junta general este junio y tuvimos incre\u00edbles conversaciones uno a uno con los miembros de la junta, que nos dijeron cu\u00e1nto les gustaban sus pa\u00f1uelos y c\u00f3mo realmente los conmovi\u00f3, lo que est\u00e1bamos haciendo, y todos nos dijeron que si hubi\u00e9ramos estado afuera grit\u00e1ndoles y no nuestra gentil protesta, ni siquiera nos habr\u00edan escuchado, ni pensar esas conversaciones con nosotros."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I said I'd talk about two windows on human nature, the cognitive machinery with which we conceptualize the world, and now I'm going to say a few words about the relationship types that govern human social interaction, again, as reflected in language.","es":"Bien, dije que hablar\u00eda sobre dos ventanas a la naturaleza humana: los mecanismos cognitivos con los que conceptualizamos el mundo, y ahora voy a hablar un poco sobre los tipos de relaciones que gobiernan la interacci\u00f3n social humana de nuevo, tal y como se reflejan en el lenguaje."} {"gender":"female","en":"In terms of invention, I'd like to tell you the tale of one of my favorite projects.","es":"En cuanto a inventos, quiero contarles la historia de uno de mis proyectos favoritos."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's become food self-sufficient.","es":"Se ha convertido en autosuficiente en alimentos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"A Facebook page can become the hub of a massive mobilization.","es":"Una p\u00e1gina de Facebook puede convertirse en un medio de movilizaci\u00f3n de masas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What if aliens came to Lagos, Nigeria?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 pasa si los extraterrestres llegan a Lagos, Nigeria?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The high speed was 16 kilocycles.","es":"La velocidad alta era 16 kilociclos."} {"gender":"male","en":"BC: Thank you.","es":"BC: Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"You've got to come up and see them.","es":"Ustedes tienen que verlas de cerca."} {"gender":"female","en":"I want to carry in my heart forever the key word of the Olympics: passion.","es":"Quiero llevar en mi coraz\u00f3n para siempre la palabra clave de las Olimpiadas: pasi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In the Book of Exodus alone, there are 16 references to smiting, which is the word that the Bible uses for the vengeance of an angry God.","es":"En el Libro del \u00c9xodo solo, hay 16 referencias a \"smiting\", que es la palabra que usa la Biblia para la venganza de un Dios enojado."} {"gender":"female","en":"And while I'm okay now, I wouldn't wish this gift for you.","es":"Y si bien ahora estoy bien, no les deseo este regalo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Maybe I'm just eternally optimistic, but I hope I never lose this hope, and I invite you to take this same attitude when people share their outer beliefs with you.","es":"Quiz\u00e1 sea una eterna optimista, pero espero nunca perder esta esperanza, los invito a adoptar esta misma actitud cuando la gente comparta sus creencias externas con Uds."} {"gender":"female","en":"This monster with big tentacles.","es":"Este monstruo con grandes tent\u00e1culos."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I also wanted to follow the hundreds of arcane and obscure laws that are in the Bible.","es":"Pero tambi\u00e9n quise seguir los cientos de leyes oscuras y desconocidas que est\u00e1n en la Biblia."} {"gender":"male","en":"There are generalists and also specialists in the field of aerodynamics, in the field of building gliders.","es":"All\u00ed hab\u00eda generalistas y tambi\u00e9n especialistas en el campo de la aerodin\u00e1mica y de la construcci\u00f3n de planeadores."} {"gender":"female","en":"But it also speaks to the panic, the literal terror, that the fear of fat can evoke.","es":"Pero tambi\u00e9n habla del p\u00e1nico, del terror literal, que el miedo a la gordura puede evocar."} {"gender":"male","en":"We have to invest in transformations capability, moving from crisis into innovation and the ability to rise after a crisis, and of course to adapt to unavoidable change.","es":"Tenemos que invertir en la capacidad de transformaci\u00f3n, pasando de la crisis a la innovaci\u00f3n, y en la capacidad de levantarse despu\u00e9s de una crisis, y, por supuesto, de adaptarse al cambio inevitable."} {"gender":"male","en":"You should understand that Veronica, like a lot of patients that I have the privilege of caring for, is a dignified person, a formidable presence, a personality that's larger than life, but here she was doubled over in pain sitting on my exam table.","es":"Sepan que Ver\u00f3nica, como muchos pacientes que he tenido el privilegio de atender, es una persona digna, con una gran presencia, una personalidad radiante, pero all\u00ed estaba, doblada por el dolor, sentada en mi cama de examinaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Today, things are a lot more subtle.\"","es":"Hoy, las cosas son mucho m\u00e1s sutiles.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"You know, it doesn't really have any value to a family with malaria except that it helps prevent malaria.","es":"Realmente no tiene ning\u00fan valor para una familia con malaria excepto que ayuda a prevenir la malaria."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But in doing so, we're ignoring the best source of new technology on this planet.","es":"Pero al hacerlo, estamos ignorando la mejor fuente de nueva tecnolog\u00eda del planeta."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't believe in a life or history written as decision \"A\" led to consequence \"B\" led to consequence \"C\", these neat narratives that we're presented with, and that perhaps we encourage in each other.","es":"No creo en una vida o historia escrita en que la decisi\u00f3n A tuvo la consecuencia B que a la vez llev\u00f3 a la consecuencia C; estas historias ordenadas que nos presentan, y que tal vez alentamos unos a otros."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Did you notice you have pornography in the Pope's chapel?\"","es":"\u00bfHan notado que tienen pornograf\u00eda en la capilla del papa?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"I have to simplify this thing.","es":"Tengo que simplificar esto."} {"gender":"female","en":"The approach worked.","es":"El enfoque funciona."} {"gender":"female","en":"So if we can focus the design mind on creating positive, reinforcing relationships in architecture and through architecture, I believe we can do much more than create individual buildings.","es":"As\u00ed que si nos podemos centrar en la mente del dise\u00f1o en la creaci\u00f3n y reforzamiento de relaciones positivas en la arquitectura y a trav\u00e9s de la arquitectura, creo que podemos hacer mucho m\u00e1s que hacer edificios individuales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And yes, we have developed more selective drugs, but it's still a challenge to get them into the tumor, and they end up accumulating in the other organs as well or passing through your urine, which is a total waste.","es":"Y s\u00ed, hemos desarrollado f\u00e1rmacos m\u00e1s selectivos, pero sigue siendo un desaf\u00edo hacer que lleguen al tumor, y acaban acumul\u00e1ndose en otros \u00f3rganos tambi\u00e9n o diluy\u00e9ndose en la orina, lo cual es un desperdicio total."} {"gender":"female","en":"A recent global survey found that 73 percent of the top media-management jobs are still held by men.","es":"Una encuesta global reciente encontr\u00f3 que el 73 % de los mandos altos en empleos de gerencia de medios son ocupadas por hombres."} {"gender":"male","en":"One day soon after that, it was a Friday, at the end of the day, I went down, I was going down to the subway.","es":"Un d\u00eda pr\u00f3ximo a eso, era un viernes, al final del d\u00eda, baj\u00e9, iba al tren subterr\u00e1neo."} {"gender":"female","en":"It doesn't so much have a flavor, but it does give your body a really subtle kind of boost of energy.","es":"No tiene tanto sabor, pero le da al cuerpo un sutil aumento de energ\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"But the pizza is delicious.","es":"Pero la pizza estaba riqu\u00edsima."} {"gender":"female","en":"Where music has rhythm, we have routines and habits, things that help us to remember what to do and to stay on track, and to just keep going.","es":"Donde la m\u00fasica tiene ritmo, tenemos rutinas y h\u00e1bitos, cosas que nos ayudan a recordar qu\u00e9 hacer para mantenernos en el buen camino, y simplemente seguir adelante."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When that doesn't work, when it turns out those people have all the same facts that we do and they still disagree with us, then we move on to a second assumption, which is that they're idiots.","es":"Cuando eso no funciona cuando resulta que esa gente tiene los mismos hechos que nosotros y sigue en desacuerdo entonces pasamos a una segunda suposici\u00f3n y es que son todos unos idiotas."} {"gender":"female","en":"My mother died in gynecology complication, so I decided to become a gynecology specialist.","es":"Mi madre muri\u00f3 por una complicaci\u00f3n ginecol\u00f3gica por eso decid\u00ed ser especialista en ginecolog\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"And he put a lie to the notion that you have to be positive to live a long life.","es":"Y \u00e9l plant\u00f3 como falsedad la noci\u00f3n de que tienes que ser positivo para vivir una vida larga."} {"gender":"female","en":"Athena's father grew up in the West Bank and moved to Chicago, where he met her mother.","es":"El padre de Athena se cri\u00f3 en Cisjordania y se traslad\u00f3 a Chicago, donde conoci\u00f3 a su madre."} {"gender":"female","en":"Which is why I say it's a social justice issue.","es":"Es esta la raz\u00f3n por la cual yo digo que es un asunto de justicia social."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"To do that we'll probably need much more sophisticated technology than we have today.","es":"Para hacer eso necesitaremos tecnolog\u00eda mucho m\u00e1s sofisticada de la que tenemos hoy."} {"gender":"female","en":"NSA's Skynet machine learning algorithm has possibly aided in the deaths of thousands of civilians in Pakistan from misreading cellular device metadata.","es":"El algoritmo \"Skynet\" de la Agencia Nacional de Seguridad quiz\u00e1 haya contribuido a miles de muertes de civiles en Pakist\u00e1n por malinterpretar metadatos de aparatos m\u00f3viles."} {"gender":"female","en":"We might not know what they meant, but the people of the time certainly did.","es":"No sabemos qu\u00e9 quer\u00edan decir, pero la gente de la \u00e9poca, sin duda lo sab\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then the traffic in those roads would be the hiring policies and the other practices that ran through those roads.","es":"Y el tr\u00e1fico en esas carreteras ser\u00edan las pol\u00edticas de contrataci\u00f3n y las otras pr\u00e1cticas que suced\u00edan en esas carreteras."} {"gender":"female","en":"We're tagging on the California coast, and we're tagging over in Taiwan and Japan.","es":"Estamos etiquetando en la costa de California, y estamos etiquetando en Taiwan y Jap\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"They would dress the robots.","es":"Los visten."} {"gender":"female","en":"Seen from another point of view, it gives quite a different impression.","es":"Visto desde otro \u00e1ngulo, brinda una impresi\u00f3n muy distinta."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I think over the last year, we've seen the companies that are named on the PRISM slides take great strides to do that, and I encourage them to continue.","es":"Creo que el a\u00f1o pasado vimos a las empresas que est\u00e1n nombradas en las diapositivas de PRISM hacer grandes esfuerzos en ese sentido, y las animo a que lo sigan haciendo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Ok, this is not an ideal situation, because it's getting the echo from the hall and stuff.","es":"Bien, este no es el escenario ideal. por el eco del teatro y el ruido."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Would you set up a factory in sub-Sahara in the mid-1970s?","es":"\u00bfPondr\u00edan una f\u00e1brica all\u00ed a mediados de los 70?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He shares it unconditionally and he shares it regardless.","es":"Lo comparte incondicionalmente pase lo que pase."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Bayard was an out gay man, and he's considered one of the most brilliant strategists of the civil rights movement.","es":"Bayard era un conocido gay, y es considerado uno de los estrategas m\u00e1s brillantes del movimiento de derechos civiles."} {"gender":"male","en":"I see it as kind of a book in three dimensions.","es":"Yo lo veo como un libro en 3 dimensiones."} {"gender":"male","en":"Is this the right interpretation of evolutionary theory?","es":"\u00bfEs esa una correcta interpretaci\u00f3n de la teor\u00eda evolutiva?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We use \"release early, release often\" on our software. And we take a different risk approach.","es":"Usamos \"lanzar pronto, lanzar frecuente\" en nuestro software Y le dimos un enfoque de riesgo diferente."} {"gender":"male","en":"And therefore, she took a short cut down Inverleith Row to arrive here.","es":"Entonces, debi\u00f3 tomar un atajo en Inverleith Row para llegar aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the irony for me was of course, I didn't do that for the sake of science progress. I just do that to make money.","es":"Y lo ir\u00f3nico para m\u00ed fue, por supuesto, que no lo hice por el progreso cient\u00edfico, sino porque necesitaba dinero."} {"gender":"female","en":"In the greenroom, I received my uniform.","es":"En la sala verde recib\u00ed mi uniforme."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But also, most importantly, all the invisible people behind TED that you just see flitting around the whole place that have made sort of this space for such a diverse and robust conversation.","es":"Pero tambi\u00e9n, m\u00e1s importante, a toda la gente invisible aqu\u00ed atr\u00e1s que ven moviliz\u00e1ndose por todo el lugar que como que han hecho este espacio para una conversaci\u00f3n tan diversa y robusta."} {"gender":"male","en":"We use it for everything from Skype to the search for extraterrestrial life.","es":"Lo usamos para todo, para Skype para la b\u00fasqueda de vida extraterrestre."} {"gender":"female","en":"Then I would finally be able to explain to my mother my art with real numbers.","es":"Entonces finalmente ser\u00eda capaz de explicarle a mi madre mi arte con n\u00fameros reales."} {"gender":"female","en":"My solution was a pair of safety glasses that were engineered to visually alert the user to pitch changes in the tool, before the human ear could pick it up.","es":"Mi soluci\u00f3n fue un par de gafas de seguridad dise\u00f1adas para alertar al usuario visualmente del cambio de tono en la herramienta, antes de que el o\u00eddo humano pueda percibirlo."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"Well, what do you want to write?","es":"\"Muy bien. \u00bfQu\u00e9 quieres escribir?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So I said, okay.","es":"As\u00ed que dije, bien."} {"gender":"female","en":"You manage, the village manages these warehouses.","es":"Uds. los administran\". La aldea maneja esos bancos de alimentos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Knowing that there's so much around us we can't see forever changes our understanding of the world, and by looking at unseen worlds, we recognize that we exist in the living universe, and this new perspective creates wonder and inspires us to become explorers in our own backyards.","es":"Sabiendo que hay tanto a nuestro alrededor que podemos ver que esto cambia por siempre nuestro entendimiento del mundo y al ver los mundos invisibles, reconocemos que existimos en el universo viviente, y esta nueva perspectiva crea maravillas y nos inspira a convertirnos en exploradores en nuestros propios jardines."} {"gender":"male","en":"And note what I said: \"when,\" not \"if.\"","es":"Dense cuenta que dije \"cuando\" no \"si\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"I ask him what he thinks we should do, given the bombardment of local media interview requests.","es":"Le pregunt\u00e9 qu\u00e9 pensaba que deb\u00edamos hacer, dado el bombardeo de peticiones de entrevistas de los medios locales."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this energy, according to Einstein, exerts a push on the universe.","es":"Y, seg\u00fan Einstein, esta energ\u00eda ejerce presi\u00f3n sobre el Universo."} {"gender":"female","en":"In snowy North America, ours were rituals of the global South.","es":"En los nevados EE.UU., nuestros rituales eran del Sur global."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Yeah, he's a big one.","es":"S\u00ed, es uno grande\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And they adopted a very interesting approach to education, which was they were going to take me to a school that they can barely afford.","es":"Y tomaron una actitud bastante interesante sobre mi educaci\u00f3n, la cual fue que ellos me iban a llevar a una escuela que apenas pod\u00edan pagar."} {"gender":"male","en":"And what I experienced, what they experience every day, hundreds of thousands of people like Robin, was really amazing.","es":"Lo que experiment\u00e9, lo que ellos viven cada d\u00eda, cientos de miles de personas como Robin, es estupendo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I usually say to people, when they say, \"What do you do?\"","es":"Generalmente contesto a la gente, cuando me preguntan, \"Qu\u00e9 es lo que haces?"} {"gender":"female","en":"That's because it's a GMO: a genetically modified organism.","es":"Porque es un OMG: un organismo modificado gen\u00e9ticamente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He's an explorer, an anthropologist, a sociologist, a psychologist and a statistician.","es":"Es explorador, antrop\u00f3logo, soci\u00f3logo, psic\u00f3logo y estad\u00edstico."} {"gender":"female","en":"What would knowing whether or not we were still together really tell them?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo saber si seguir\u00edamos juntos o no, y adem\u00e1s dec\u00edrselo?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And he just got it right, and now he starts walking.","es":"Y \u00e9l lo hizo bien y ahora empieza a caminar."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I started doubting myself and wondering what was the real purpose of this whole project?","es":"As\u00ed que empec\u00e9 a dudar de m\u00ed mismo y a preguntarme cu\u00e1l era el verdadero prop\u00f3sito de todo este proyecto."} {"gender":"female","en":"Undaunted, I try a different angle.","es":"Bloqueada por esas palabras, pruebo con un \u00e1ngulo diferente."} {"gender":"female","en":"Are you being friendly?","es":"\u00bfEst\u00e1 siendo amable?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Because, I mean, the great thing about money is that people can use it to buy things they need instead of things that self-appointed experts think they need.","es":"Porque lo importante del dinero es que la gente puede usarlo para comprar lo que les hace falta en lugar de las cosas que dictaminen expertos que nadie necesita."} {"gender":"female","en":"And people would often write off someone who's nonverbal, but that's silly, because my little brother and sister are the best siblings that you could ever hope for.","es":"Y la gente a menudo descarta a los que no tienen lenguaje verbal, pero es una tonter\u00eda, porque mi hermano y hermana peque\u00f1os son los mejores hermanos que podr\u00edan imaginar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is John Sosoka.","es":"\u00c9ste es John Sosoka."} {"gender":"male","en":"Somebody somewhere, a group of people, starts clapping in rhythm with my steps.","es":"Alguien, en alguna parte, un grupo de gente, empieza a dar palmas al ritmo de mis pasos."} {"gender":"female","en":"It isn't about enormously extending human lifespan or immortality.","es":"No se trata de extender enormemente la vida humana o la inmortalidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, would that this were just about Sarah Palin and her reality TV show.","es":"Ojal\u00e1 esto fuera solo de Sarah Palin y su programa de telerrealidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"Frantz Fanon, who was a psychiatrist from Martinique, said, \"Each generation must, out of relative obscurity, discover its mission and fulfill or betray it.\"","es":"Frantz Fanon, un psiquiatra de la Martinica, dijo: \"Cada generaci\u00f3n debe, de la relativa oscuridad, descubrir su misi\u00f3n y satisfacerla o traicionarla\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, I shelved it, and I made this other movie about a big ship that sinks.","es":"Por lo que lo aplac\u00e9, e hice esta otra pel\u00edcula sobre un gran barco que se hunde."} {"gender":"male","en":"But also not everyone wants to live in a city, certainly not a city like New York.","es":"Pero sin duda no todo el mundo quiere vivir en una ciudad, sin duda no en una ciudad como Nueva York."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now while I was writing about this, I came upon a book called \"Man's Search for Meaning\" by Viktor Frankl.","es":"Ahora bien, mientras escrib\u00eda esto, encontr\u00e9 un libro llamado \u201cEl hombre en busca de sentido\u201d de Viktor Frankl."} {"gender":"female","en":"I don't give a damn about democracy and liberty.","es":"Me importa un bledo la democracia y la libertad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was not the savanna, it was not the water, it was this!\"","es":"No fue la sabana, no fue el agua, fue esto!\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's just the United States.","es":"Eso es para los Estados Unidos \u00fanicamente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is a moment, one moment captured across multiple cameras.","es":"Este es un momento capturado a trav\u00e9s de m\u00faltiples c\u00e1maras."} {"gender":"female","en":"As witness to their passage, they left behind mysterious engravings and paintings, like this panel of humans, triangles and zigzags from Ojo Guare\u00f1a in Spain.","es":"Como testimonio de su paso, dejaron grabados misteriosos y pinturas, como este grupo de personas, tri\u00e1ngulos y zigzags del Ojo Guare\u00f1a en Espa\u00f1a."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I learned this for the first time about 10 years ago when I did my first study on gender role in G-rated films.","es":"Aprend\u00ed esto por primera vez hace unos 10 a\u00f1os cuando hice mi primer estudio sobre rol de g\u00e9nero en filmes para todas las edades."} {"gender":"female","en":"Reuters now integrates African blogs into their coverage of Africa.","es":"Reuters ahora integra blogs africanos en sus coberturas de \u00c1frica."} {"gender":"male","en":"You don't need to have my grandfather, though you wish you had.","es":"No necesitan a mi abuelo, aunque ya quisieran."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Man: Okay.","es":"Hombre: Muy bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"Finally, I came to know it is a special cellulose derived from a pinewood, but even after that, you need a multimillion-dollar plant like this to process that material.","es":"Finalmente, supe que es una celulosa especial derivada de una madera de pino, pero a\u00fan as\u00ed, se requiere una planta multimillonaria como esta para procesar ese material."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm aware that before, death was in the neighborhood.","es":"Soy consciente de que antes, la muerte estaba en el barrio."} {"gender":"male","en":"To conclude, we've got a lot of questions to ask, and like I said, we'll ask questions here, not answer them.","es":"Para terminar, tenemos muchas preguntas que hacernos. Y como dije antes, vamos a plantear preguntas, no a responderlas."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"Oh, this means you're coming to the luncheon.\"","es":"\"Eso significa que vendr\u00e1s a la cena\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so I make these creative decisions and can execute them in a much, much simpler way.","es":"Entonces tomo decisiones creativas y las ejecuto de manera mucho m\u00e1s simple."} {"gender":"female","en":"The ignorance surrounding my disease has been a choice, a choice made by the institutions that were supposed to protect us.","es":"La ignorancia que envuelve mi enfermedad hab\u00eda sido una elecci\u00f3n, una elecci\u00f3n de las instituciones que se supon\u00eda que deb\u00edan protegernos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Everyone in this room, everyone across Canada, everyone listening to this presentation has a role to play and, I think, a responsibility.","es":"Todos en este sal\u00f3n, cada uno a lo ancho de Canad\u00e1, cada uno de los que est\u00e1 escuchando esta presentaci\u00f3n tiene un rol que desempe\u00f1ar y, creo, una responsabilidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"That's what it means to be a Sikh: S-i-k-h.","es":"Eso es lo que significa ser un sikh: Sikh."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I'm here to tell you that technologies are more malleable than that.","es":"Pero estoy aqu\u00ed para decirles que las tecnolog\u00edas son m\u00e1s maleables que eso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, here's the bad news.","es":"Ahora, las malas noticias."} {"gender":"female","en":"These needs must be prioritized by NGO workers, policy makers, the WHO, the UNHCR and every single one of us in whatever capacity it is that we function in our society.","es":"Estas necesidades deben ser priorizadas por las ONG's, los responsables pol\u00edticos, la OMS, el ACNUR y cada uno de nosotros en nuestras \u00e1reas de impacto dentro de nuestra sociedad."} {"gender":"female","en":"Goodbye, Mahatma Gandhi.","es":"Adi\u00f3s, Mahatma Gandhi."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We have a buffer of time and space between us and the people whose ideas we find so frustrating.","es":"Tenemos un amortiguador de tiempo y espacio entre nosotros y la gente cuyas ideas nos frustran."} {"gender":"male","en":"Rather than using it for my computer, I actually opened it.","es":"En vez de usarlo en mi computador, lo abr\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"In person, fireflies are charming.","es":"De cerca, las luci\u00e9rnagas son fascinantes."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the flagship target there was to halve the proportion of people living in poverty by 2015.","es":"El buque insignia fue que hab\u00eda que bajar a la mitad la proporci\u00f3n de personas que viv\u00edan en la pobreza para el a\u00f1o 2015."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And there's some younger clones dotting the landscape behind it.","es":"Y hay algunos clones m\u00e1s j\u00f3venes salpicando el paisaje por detr\u00e1s."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's not just a whole lot of other plants.","es":"No s\u00f3lo es un mont\u00f3n de otras plantas."} {"gender":"male","en":"We were curious, as curious as you would have been if I had shown you this picture in 1980.","es":"Ten\u00edamos curiosidad, tan curiosos como lo habr\u00edan estado Uds., si hubieran visto esta imagen en 1980."} {"gender":"male","en":"They were barefoot, and with each step their toes sank into the muck sending hundreds of flies scattering from the rancid pile.","es":"Estaban descalzos, y cada paso sus dedos se hund\u00edan en la porquer\u00eda desplazando cientos de moscas de la rancia pila."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well we think that insulin and IGF-1 hormones are hormones that are particularly active under favorable conditions, in the good times, when food is plentiful and there's not a lot of stress in the environment.","es":"Bueno, pensamos que las hormonas insulina e IGF-1 est\u00e1n particularmente activas bajo condiciones favorables -en los buenos tiempos- cuando la comida es abundante y no hay estr\u00e9s ambiental."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what this is, is a kind of a sketch, an application sketch I wrote in Python.","es":"Esto es una especie de boceto, un esbozo de una aplicaci\u00f3n que escrib\u00ed en Python."} {"gender":"female","en":"To build an algorithm you need two things: you need data, what happened in the past, and a definition of success, the thing you're looking for and often hoping for.","es":"Un algoritmo necesita dos cosas: datos ocurridos en el pasado y una definici\u00f3n del \u00e9xito; esto es, lo que uno quiere y lo que desea."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Okay, so let's review: a farm that doesn't feed its animals, and a farm that measures its success on the health of its predators.","es":"Bien, repasemos. Un criadero que no alimenta a sus animales, y un criadero que mide su \u00e9xito en la salud de sus depredadores."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I got the list; I made the call.","es":"Me dio la lista; hice la llamada."} {"gender":"male","en":"But my argument is, \"What's wrong with cafeterias?\"","es":"Pero mi argumento es: \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 hay de malo en las cafeter\u00edas?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"And they would chase them down the hallway.","es":"Y los persegu\u00edan por el pasillo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've seen this video, but I still don't know if it's going to end right.","es":"He visto este video, pero no s\u00e9 si va a terminar bien."} {"gender":"female","en":"Therefore, in the Dollar Street material, we have tagged this image not only as her wall, which it is, but also as her toothpaste, because that is also what she uses it for.","es":"Por lo tanto, en el material de Dollar Street, hemos etiquetado esta imagen no solo como su pared, que es, pero tambi\u00e9n como su pasta de dientes, porque tambi\u00e9n es para lo que ella la usa."} {"gender":"male","en":"As he said, I was co-inventor of the Furby.","es":"Como han dicho, fui co-inventor del Furby."} {"gender":"male","en":"Where am I going?\"","es":"\u00bfPara d\u00f3nde voy?"} {"gender":"female","en":"The things is, we deal with them, too.","es":"La verdad es que tambi\u00e9n lidiamos con ellas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And you can see the architectural masterpiece that it is.","es":"Y all\u00ed se puede admirar la obra maestra arquitect\u00f3nica que es."} {"gender":"male","en":"So when I was talking in \"Emergence,\" I talked about the limitations of the one-way linking architecture that, basically, you could link to somebody else but they wouldn't necessarily know that you were pointing to them.","es":"Entonces cuando yo hablaba en \"Emergence\" hablaba de las limitaciones de la arquitectura unidireccional de los v\u00ednculos en la que b\u00e1sicamente uno puede hacer v\u00ednculo hacia cualquier lugar pero los destinatarios no necesariamente sabr\u00e1n que uno los est\u00e1 apuntando."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, I can't tell you that any of this stuff will work.","es":"No puedo decirles que estas cosas funcionar\u00e1n."} {"gender":"female","en":"I mean, we've tried a lot of approaches to social justice, like war and competitive ice dancing.","es":"Es decir, hemos intentado diversas aproximaciones a la justicia social como la guerra y los concursos de danza sobre hielo, sin \u00e9xito."} {"gender":"male","en":"But having said that, then we come to what I call as ideas in progress.","es":"Pero dicho esto pasamos a lo que denomino ideas en curso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That all changed with one incident.","es":"Pero todo cambi\u00f3 con un incidente."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I'm on a mission to change that.","es":"Mi misi\u00f3n es cambiar esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if you take me and a chimpanzee and put us together on some lonely island, and we had to struggle for survival to see who survives better, I would definitely place my bet on the chimpanzee, not on myself.","es":"Y si nos llevaran a un chimpanc\u00e9 y a m\u00ed juntos a una isla desierta y tuvi\u00e9semos que luchar por sobrevivir para ver qui\u00e9n lo hace mejor, desde luego yo apostar\u00eda por el chimpanc\u00e9 y no por m\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"She accused her mother of sexual abuse based on a repressed memory.","es":"Ella acusaba a su madre de abuso sexual basada en un recuerdo reprimido."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here it is.","es":"Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so your heart starts to pound, Your pupils dilate, your airways open up, and you are ready to either fight that bear or run from the bear.","es":"El coraz\u00f3n empieza a latir con fuerza, se dilatan las pupilas, se abren v\u00edas respiratorias y est\u00e1n listos tanto para luchar con el oso o huir de \u00e9l\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm talking about all those well-paid professionals with excellent r\u00e9sum\u00e9s who earn their money doing strategic transactor peer-to-peer meetings while brainstorming the value add-on of disruptive co-creation in the network society.","es":"Estoy hablando de todos estos profesionales bien pagados y con curr\u00edculos excelentes que ganan su dinero en reuniones estrat\u00e9gicas y transacciones personalizadas durante una tormenta de ideas que a\u00f1ade un valor suplementario a la co-creaci\u00f3n disruptiva de una sociedad en redes."} {"gender":"female","en":"Crater Lake in southern Oregon, which is my closest national park, is a beautiful example of a landscape that seems to be coming out of the past.","es":"El lago Crater en el sur de Oreg\u00f3n, que es el parque nacional m\u00e1s cercano, es un bello ejemplo de un paisaje que parece salir del pasado."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"Commercial\" used to be an adjective and now it's a noun.","es":"\"Comercial\" era un adjetivo y ahora es un sustantivo."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is Lafayette Avenue, and that's redesigned by Mathews Nielsen Landscape Architects.","es":"Esta es Lafayette Avenue y aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 redise\u00f1ada por los arquitectos Matthews-Nielsen."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because these Row-bots at the moment, this Row-bot I've got here, it contains motors, it contains wires, it contains components which themselves are not biodegradable.","es":"Porque, de momento, estos Row-bots, \u00e9ste que tengo aqu\u00ed, contiene motores, contiene cables, contiene componentes que no son biodegradables."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And we asked other people, how fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other?","es":"Y a otros les preguntamos, \u00bfQue tan r\u00e1pido iban los autos cuando se estrellaron?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Perhaps sitting there, you had a little tingle of a desire for an emotion one eminent French sociologist called \"ilinx,\" the delirium that comes with minor acts of chaos.","es":"Quiz\u00e1 Uds. mismos, all\u00ed sentados, sintieron el cosquilleo de ese impulso por experimentar una emoci\u00f3n que un destacado soci\u00f3logo franc\u00e9s denomin\u00f3 \"ilinx\", para designar el delirio que sobreviene en una situaci\u00f3n de caos menor."} {"gender":"female","en":"What has been my challenge?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l ha sido mi desaf\u00edo?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Then, when you get a headache, you take a sip of this water, and, voila!, it is gone.","es":"Y despu\u00e9s, cuando tengamos dolor de cabeza, tomamos un sorbo de esta agua y \u00a1voil\u00e0! Desapareci\u00f3."} {"gender":"female","en":"Looks beautiful, right?","es":"Se ve hermoso, \u00bfverdad?"} {"gender":"male","en":"That's me on the internet.","es":"Ese soy yo en Internet."} {"gender":"female","en":"A blood vessel exploded in the left half of my brain. And in the course of four hours, I watched my brain completely deteriorate in its ability to process all information.","es":"Un vaso sangu\u00edneo explot\u00f3 en la parte izquierda de mi cerebro y en el curso de cuatro horas, vi c\u00f3mo mi cerebro se deterioraba en su capacidad de procesar todo tipo de informaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Must have been a very interesting day in the Shoemaker house. \"Mom, I want to make maps.\" \"That's wonderful Eugene.","es":"Debi\u00f3 haber sido un d\u00eda bastante interesante en la casa de los Shoemaker. Mam\u00e1, quiero hacer mapas. \u00a1Eso es maravilloso Eugene!"} {"gender":"male","en":"And most people, both within and outside the organized church, still have a picture of a celestial controller, a rule maker, a policeman in the sky who orders everything, and causes everything to happen.","es":"Y la mayor\u00eda, tanto dentro como fuera de la iglesia organizada, todav\u00eda tienen la imagen de un controlador celestial, un hacedor de reglas, un polic\u00eda en el cielo que ordena todo, y hace que todo pase."} {"gender":"female","en":"On this day she needed help, and she came to court.","es":"En ese d\u00eda ella necesitaba ayuda, y ella vino a la corte."} {"gender":"male","en":"I want to thank her too.","es":"Quiero agradecerle a ella tambi\u00e9n."} {"gender":"female","en":"What else does our sea blindness mask?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 m\u00e1s oculta nuestra ignorancia sobre el mar?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If our communities are broken, don't let the lawyers that you elect fix them with outdated, inefficient, expensive methods.","es":"Si nuestras comunidades est\u00e1n rotas, no dejen que los juristas que elijan las arreglen con m\u00e9todos obsoletos, caros e ineficientes."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the email I'm getting a lot today is about frustration.","es":"Y el mensaje que recibo a menudo es de acerca de la frustraci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And when you think about this, you think about what is required to make handwashing a daily habit, it requires sustained funding to refine this behavior.","es":"Y cuando uno piensa en esto, si piensa en lo que se necesita para hacer del lavado de manos un h\u00e1bito diario, lo que se necesita financiaci\u00f3n sostenida para afianzar este comportamiento."} {"gender":"female","en":"You behave in a committed way, and then you begin to understand the truths of religion.","es":"Se act\u00faa de forma comprometida y luego se empiezan a comprender las verdades de la religi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"I can imagine some people here are actually thinking, \"Women too do sef.\"","es":"Me puedo imaginar que algunas personas aqu\u00ed, en realidad, piensan: \"Las mujeres tambi\u00e9n lo hacen\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"My friend Chris, who I just showed you a picture of, had been battling mental illness for some time.","es":"Mi amigo Chris, de quien acabo de mostrarles una foto, sufr\u00eda una enfermedad mental desde hac\u00eda un tiempo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I mean, what does this have to do with technology, entertainment and design?","es":"Quiero decir \u00bfqu\u00e9 tiene que ver \u00e9sto con la tecnolog\u00eda, el entretenimiento y el dise\u00f1o?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So, As a magician, I try to show things to people that seem impossible.","es":"Como mago, intento mostrar a la gente cosas que parecen imposibles."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think there's a better solution.","es":"Creo que hay una mejor soluci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"From my family looking in from outside, what they're trying to figure out is a different kind of existential question, which is, how far is it going to be possible to bridge from the comatose potential mind that they're looking at to an actual mind, which I define simply as the functioning of the brain that is remaining inside my head.","es":"Mi familia que mira desde afuera, est\u00e1 tratando de entender una pregunta existencial diferente: \u00bfcu\u00e1n lejos ser\u00e1 posible llegar desde la mente comatosa potencial que vemos a una mente real que simplemente defino como el funcionamiento del cerebro que a\u00fan persiste dentro de mi cabeza?"} {"gender":"female","en":"We'd already set up this kind of capacity for Lassa virus, we knew how to do it, the team is outstanding.","es":"Ya hab\u00edamos configurado esto para el virus de Lassa, sab\u00edamos c\u00f3mo hacerlo, el equipo era excepcional."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now both of these options, the boy genius and the scammer, are going to make you vastly overconfident and therefore more prone to taking even bigger risks in the future.","es":"Y las dos opciones \u2013 el ni\u00f1o prodigio y el estafador \u2013 producen demasiada auto confianza y por tanto, lo hacen m\u00e1s propenso a tomar mayores riesgos en el futuro."} {"gender":"male","en":"I flew here yesterday.","es":"Vol\u00e9 ayer para ac\u00e1."} {"gender":"female","en":"In 2012, the Year of the Dragon, the birthrate in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan increased by five percent.","es":"En 2012, el a\u00f1o del Drag\u00f3n, el \u00edndice de natalidad en China, Hong Kong y Taiwan increment\u00f3 en un 5 %."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so, I remember that my first major piece of software was on a direct copy of then-Aldus PageMaker.","es":"Y recuerdo que mi primer sistema importante fue una copia directa de \"Aldus PageMaker\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And all I can say is that I know that all too well.","es":"Y todo lo que puedo responder es que lo s\u00e9 demasiado bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"Good relationships, bad relationships, annoying relationships, agnostic relationships, and what I'm going to do is focus on the central piece of an interaction that goes on in a relationship.","es":"Buenas relaciones, malas relaciones, relaciones pesadas, relaciones agn\u00f3sticas, y lo que voy a hacer es enfocarme en el eje central de la interacci\u00f3n que sucede en una relaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Today, he holds a master's degree, and his daughters each have degrees from Cornell and Harvard.","es":"Ha acabado un m\u00e1ster y sus hijas se graduaron en Cornell y Harvard."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I took him into a safe place.","es":"As\u00ed, lo lleve a un lugar seguro."} {"gender":"male","en":"If I couldn't sell all four, I could at least get one.","es":"Si no pod\u00eda vender las cuatro, pod\u00eda vender al menos una."} {"gender":"female","en":"We even refer to the zodiac when entering into romantic relations.","es":"Tenemos en cuenta el zodiaco incluso para nuestras relaciones amorosas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And this applies to all of us, whatever sphere of influence we have.","es":"Y esto se aplica a todos nosotros, cualquiera que sea la esfera de influencia que tengamos."} {"gender":"female","en":"I selected 2,000 years as my minimum age because I wanted to start at what we consider to be year zero and work backward from there.","es":"Seleccion\u00e9 2.000 a\u00f1os como edad m\u00ednima porque quer\u00eda empezar por lo que consideramos el a\u00f1o cero y trabajar hacia atr\u00e1s desde all\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Things like Invisible Obama or the famous \"binders full of women\" that came up during the 2012 election cycle, or even the fan fiction universe of \"West Wing\" Twitter in which you have all of these accounts for every single one of the characters in \"The West Wing,\" including the bird that taps at Josh Lyman's window in one single episode.","es":"Cosas como Invisible Obama o el meme "binders full of women" que aparecieron en la campa\u00f1a electoral del 2012 o incluso el universo de fans en Twitter de \"West Wing\" en el que est\u00e1n todas estas cuentas una para cada personaje de \"The West Wing\", estaba hasta el p\u00e1jaro que en un episodio golpea la ventana de Josh Lyman."} {"gender":"male","en":"Man: Which one did you prefer?","es":"Hombre: \u00bfCu\u00e1l prefieren?"} {"gender":"female","en":"We cannot solve the world food problem by using biological agriculture.","es":"No solucionemos el problema mundial de alimentos usando agricultura biol\u00f3gica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's a no-take fishing zone.","es":"Es una zona de no pesca."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's something called a lateral-flow immunoassay.","es":"Es algo llamado un inmunoensayo de flujo lateral."} {"gender":"male","en":"Two days before my big breath-hold attempt, for the record, the producers of my television special thought that just watching somebody holding their breath, and almost drowning, is too boring for television.","es":"Dos d\u00edas antes de mi gran intento de superar el r\u00e9cord, los productores de mi especial televisivo pensaron que ver a alguien que s\u00f3lo aguanta la respiraci\u00f3n hasta casi ahogarse, es demasiado aburrido para salir en la televisi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"In my frantic wish to do something about this custom, I made use of Google and discovered Facebook, a website where people can connect to anyone around the world, and so, from my very tiny, cement-roofed room in Karachi, I connected with people in the U.K., the U.S., Australia and Canada, and created a campaign called WAKE UP Campaign against Honor Killings.","es":"En mi deseo fren\u00e9tico de hacer algo contra esta costumbre, hice uso de Google y descubr\u00ed Facebook, un sitio web donde la gente puede conectarse con cualquiera del mundo. Y as\u00ed, desde mi peque\u00f1a habitaci\u00f3n, con techo de cemento en Karachi, me conect\u00e9 con gente del Reino Unido, EE.UU., Australia y Canad\u00e1, y cre\u00e9 una campa\u00f1a llamada WAKE UP en contra de los asesinatos de honor."} {"gender":"male","en":"Though in all seriousness, this position that you just saw me in, looking down at my phone, that's one of the reasons behind this project, Project Glass.","es":"Hablando en serio, esta posici\u00f3n en la que me vieron, mirando hacia abajo a mi tel\u00e9fono, es una de las razones que subyace a este proyecto, el proyecto Google Glass."} {"gender":"male","en":"But, if you want to come back home alive and full of fresh hope, in love with the world, I think you might want to try considering going nowhere.","es":"Pero si quieren volver a casa vivos y llenos de esperanza, enamorados del mundo, creo que podr\u00edan probar ir a ning\u00fan sitio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They're here. They're in the universe.","es":"Ellos est\u00e1n aqu\u00ed, est\u00e1n en este universo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And it shifts the conversation from arguing over our opinions to figuring out objective criteria for determining which opinions are best.","es":"Y cambia la conversaci\u00f3n desde argumentar nuestras opiniones a encontrar criterios objetivos para determinar qu\u00e9 opiniones son las mejores."} {"gender":"male","en":"I pastor a church in one of the most affluent areas of America, a bunch of gated communities.","es":"La iglesia que yo pastoreo est\u00e1 en una de las \u00e1reas m\u00e1s acaudaladas de America-- una \u00e1rea llena de condominios privados."} {"gender":"female","en":"In chapter seven, I focus on the effects of a genocidal act on one bloodline.","es":"En el cap\u00edtulo s\u00e9ptimo, me centro en los efectos de un acto de genocidio en un linaje."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's all about genetic enhancement, it's not about therapeutics.","es":"Todo es cuesti\u00f3n de mejoramiento gen\u00e9tico, no se trata de la terap\u00e9utica."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, bluefin were revered by Man for all of human history.","es":"El at\u00fan rojo fue venerado por el Hombre en toda la historia humana."} {"gender":"male","en":"This, I hope, will be a future engineer or a future scientist in the battle for truth.","es":"Espero que ella sea una futura ingeniera o cient\u00edfica en la batalla por la verdad."} {"gender":"female","en":"But, nothing else will matter if we fail to protect the ocean.","es":"Pero, nada m\u00e1s importar\u00e1 si fallamos en proteger el oc\u00e9ano."} {"gender":"female","en":"He said, \"In your exegesis, you must make it clear that every single verse of the Torah is a commentary, a gloss upon the Golden Rule.\"","es":"Dijo: \"En tu ex\u00e9gesis, debes dejar claro que todos los versos de la Tor\u00e1 son un comentario, una glosa de la regla de oro\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What is it that makes you so special?\"","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 es lo que te hace tan especial?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"I will listen for your stories and pick up a sword when you are in harm's way.\"","es":"Voy a escuchar tus historias y agarrar una espada cuando est\u00e1s en peligro\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"We started publishing. Over 700 terabytes of actionable threat intelligence data, including information on real-time attacks that can be used to stop cybercrime in its tracks.","es":"Empezamos a publicar m\u00e1s de 700 terabytes de datos de an\u00e1lisis de riesgos accesibles, incluyendo informaci\u00f3n sobre los ataques en tiempo real que se puede usar para detener el delito cibern\u00e9tico."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"Robam kbach boran,\" or the art of Khmer classical dance, is more than 1,000 years old.","es":"El \"Robam kbach boran\" o el arte de la danza cl\u00e1sica jemer tiene m\u00e1s de 1000 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"They have a whole team called \"Knowledge and Insight.\"","es":"Tienen un equipo entero llamado \"Conocimiento e Ideas\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"We are already doing so on about 15 million hectares on five continents, and people who understand far more about carbon than I do calculate that, for illustrative purposes, if we do what I am showing you here, we can take enough carbon out of the atmosphere and safely store it in the grassland soils for thousands of years, and if we just do that on about half the world's grasslands that I've shown you, we can take us back to pre-industrial levels, while feeding people.","es":"Ya lo estamos haciendo en cerca de 15 millones de hect\u00e1reas en cinco continentes y la gente que comprende mucho m\u00e1s sobre el carbono que yo calcula que, para prop\u00f3sitos ilustrativos, si hacemos lo que les muestro aqu\u00ed, podemos sacar suficiente carbono de la atm\u00f3sfera y con seguridad almacenarlo en los suelos de los pastizales por miles de a\u00f1os, y si s\u00f3lo hacemos eso en cerca de la mitad de los pastizales del mundo que les he mostrado, podemos volver a niveles preindustriales, mientras alimentamos a la gente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And this turns out to have a special power all its own, because people could feel that these leaders were at the helm not because they enjoyed directing others and not out of the pleasure of being looked at; they were there because they had no choice, because they were driven to do what they thought was right.","es":"Y esto en s\u00ed parece tener un poder especial, porque se podr\u00eda pensar que estos l\u00edderes estaban al mando no porque les gustara dirigir y no por el placer de ser el centro de atenci\u00f3n; hicieron eso porque no ten\u00edan opci\u00f3n, porque se vieron obligados a hacer lo que pensaban que era correcto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"After a month, she says to me, \"Did this really happen?\"","es":"Luego de un mes me pregunta: \"\u00bfEsto realmente ocurri\u00f3?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"Yeah.","es":"S\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"And, I mean, the world apparently is running out too.","es":"Y me refiero a que el mundo, aparentemente, se est\u00e1 acabando tambi\u00e9n"} {"gender":"male","en":"I think there is one particular meaning to which we might restrict it, but by and large, this is something that we'll have to give up and we'll have to adopt the more complicated view of what well-being is.","es":"Creo que hay un significado en particular a la que podr\u00edamos restringirla, pero, en general, esto es algo que tendremos que desechar y tendremos que adoptar el punto de vista m\u00e1s complicado de lo que es el bienestar."} {"gender":"male","en":"What they all realize is that when cities work together, they can amplify their voice, not just on the national stage, but on the global stage.","es":"Ellos comprenden que cuando las ciudades trabajan juntas pueden amplificar su voz, no solo en el escenario nacional, sino en el global."} {"gender":"male","en":"In order to get test scores to go up, teachers will end up teaching to the test.","es":"Con el fin de tener los resultados para entrar en la universidad, los profesores acabar\u00e1n ense\u00f1\u00e1ndoles a pasar el examen."} {"gender":"male","en":"I ended up on a conservative website.","es":"Termin\u00e9 en una web conservadora."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's the situation.","es":"Esa es la situaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"However, under some circumstances, it can happen.","es":"Pero, bajo ciertas circunstancias, puede ocurrir."} {"gender":"female","en":"Intelligence appears all over the place, in all kinds of guises.","es":"La inteligencia aparece en todos lados, con todo tipo de disfraces."} {"gender":"female","en":"As I listened to story after story of these close to 700 women during that one year in prison, I soon realized that crime was not what had brought these women to prison, most of them, far from it.","es":"Mientras escuchaba historia tras historia de estas casi 700 mujeres durante ese a\u00f1o en prisi\u00f3n, pronto me di cuenta de que el crimen no fue lo que llev\u00f3 a estas mujeres a prisi\u00f3n, a la mayor\u00eda de ellas, ni muchos menos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Ships can now fly the flag of any nation that provides a flag registry.","es":"Los barcos pueden llevar la bandera de cualquier naci\u00f3n que provea un registro de bandera."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then it struck me that what the mother had done was something incredible.","es":"Y de repente me di cuenta de que la madre hab\u00eda hecho algo incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"female","en":"Let me just put that into context.","es":"Perm\u00edtanme poner esto en contexto."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is in this context I'm going to tell you about video games.","es":"Es en este contexto les hablar\u00e9 sobre videojuegos."} {"gender":"male","en":"See if you can fish out the newspaper and open up to the arts section and you will find the crossword puzzle, and the crossword puzzle today was written by yours truly.","es":"Vean si pueden encontrarlo y abrirlo a la secci\u00f3n de artes y encontrar\u00e1n el crucigrama, el crucigrama de hoy fue escrito por su servidor."} {"gender":"male","en":"I tell them I sleep like a baby: I wake up crying every two hours.","es":"Y yo les digo que duermo como un bebe, y me levanto llorando cada dos horas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If there were no resonators on here, we would have: So he would have a fullness of sound that those of you in the front few rows wouldn't experience, those of you in the back few rows wouldn't experience, either.","es":"Si no hubiera resonadores aqu\u00ed, tendr\u00edamos as\u00ed que \u00e9l tendr\u00eda una plenitud de sonido que aquellos en las primeras filas no experimentar\u00edan; aquellos de ustedes en las filas de atr\u00e1s tampoco."} {"gender":"female","en":"OK, good, then this talk is for everyone.","es":"De acuerdo, bien. Entonces esta charla es para todos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Don't overdo the Botox; nobody will think you're honest.","es":"Nunca abusen del Botox, nadie creer\u00e1 que son honestos."} {"gender":"female","en":"I thought everyone went to school and were the only ones using the brown crayons to color in their family portraits, while everyone else was using the peach-colored ones.","es":"Pensaba que todos iban a la escuela y que \u00e9ramos los \u00fanicos que us\u00e1bamos l\u00e1pices de color para retratar a su familia, mientras todos los dem\u00e1s usaban l\u00e1pices de color melocot\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They are not valid excuses for failing to do the right thing for our children, which is to start middle and high schools no earlier than 8:30am.","es":"No son excusas v\u00e1lidas para no hacer lo que es correcto para nuestros hijos, y que es no empezar los cursos de la escuela intermedia y secundaria antes de las 8:30."} {"gender":"male","en":"But what we found over the past few months is that this approach, that we're pretty much standard upon, is incredibly powerful.","es":"Pero lo que encontramos durante los meses pasados es que este enfoque que es est\u00e1ndar es bastante poderoso."} {"gender":"female","en":"In other animals, we have YouTube.","es":"Para otros animales, tenemos YouTube."} {"gender":"male","en":"They have become fonts of communal narrative, symbols of continuity, and I'm pretty sure that many of those European philosophers who questioned an African intellectual tradition must have, beneath their prejudices, been aware of the contribution of Africa's intellectuals to Western learning.","es":"Se han transformado en fuentes de narrativa comunitaria, s\u00edmbolos de continuidad, y estoy bastante seguro de que muchos de esos fil\u00f3sofos europeos que han puesto en duda una tradici\u00f3n intelectual africana deben haber estado enterados, bajo sus prejuicios, de la contribuci\u00f3n de los intelectuales africanos a los conocimientos occidentales."} {"gender":"female","en":"What I'm talking about, and what the Global Commission advocates for is creating a highly regulated market, where different drugs would have different degrees of regulation.","es":"Lo que estoy diciendo, y lo que la Comisi\u00f3n Mundial defiende, es la creaci\u00f3n de un mercado altamente regulado, donde diferentes drogas tendr\u00edan diferentes grados de regulaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And even in adulthood, differences in this brain region can explain differences among adults in how we think about and judge other people.","es":"E incluso en la edad adulta, las diferencias en esta regi\u00f3n del cerebro pueden explicar las diferencias entre los adultos en nuestra forma de pensar y de juzgar a los dem\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"We know it's not OK to allocate resources by race or by sex.","es":"Sabemos que no est\u00e1 bien asignar recursos por etnia o g\u00e9nero."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"They leaned in as if telling me a secret.\"","es":"\"Se acercaban como si fueran a contarme un secreto\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And this just, we can't accept that.","es":"Y no podemos aceptar eso."} {"gender":"female","en":"And he had shown up, obviously, in a form that it took me a long time to understand, which is that when we give in the world what we want the most, we heal the broken part inside each of us.","es":"Y se present\u00f3 en una forma que me llev\u00f3 mucho tiempo entender, que es que cuando damos al mundo lo que mas queremos, curamos lo que est\u00e1 roto en cada uno de nosotros."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that got me into a discussion with some other people, other scientists, about maybe some other subjects, and one of the guys I talked to, who was a neuroscientist, said, \"You know, I think there are a lot of solutions to the problems you brought up,\" and reminds me of Michael's talk yesterday and his mother saying you can't have a solution if you don't have a problem.","es":"Esto me llev\u00f3 a discusiones con otras personas, otros cient\u00edficos, acerca de tal vez otros temas, y uno con el que habl\u00e9 quien era un neur\u00f3logo, dijo, sabes, pienso que hay muchas soluciones para los problemas que nos mencionaste, y me recuerda de la charla de ayer de Michael y su madre diciendo que no puedes tener una soluci\u00f3n si no tienes un problema."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it's abnormal to live in a shelter.","es":"Y es anormal vivir en un refugio."} {"gender":"female","en":"CQ: I may hate camping, but I love politics.","es":"CQ: Puedo detestar acampar, pero me encanta la pol\u00edtica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's why it is possible to use existing solar cells on the roof of a hut to act as a broadband receiver from a laser station on a close by hill, or indeed, lamp post.","es":"Por eso es posible utilizar paneles solares existentes en el techo de una choza para actuar como un receptores de banda ancha desde una estaci\u00f3n de l\u00e1ser cerca en una colina, o de hecho, en un poste de luz."} {"gender":"female","en":"But that's really big in the U.K. Ninety-seven percent of households in the United Kingdom own an electric tea kettle.","es":"Pero es todo un tema en el Reino Unido. En el 90 % de las casas del Reino Unido hay una jarra el\u00e9ctrica."} {"gender":"female","en":"The last line of my book \"Bad Feminist\" says, \"I would rather be a bad feminist than no feminist at all.\"","es":"La \u00faltima l\u00ednea de mi libro \"Mala Feminista\", dice, \"Preferir\u00eda ser una mala feminista a no serlo en absoluto\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We can restore a lot of our fisheries if we focus in these coastal areas.","es":"Podemos restaurar muchas de nuestras pesquer\u00edas si nos centramos en las zonas costeras."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I was watching the news one night in Oxford.","es":"Y estaba viendo las noticias una noche en Oxford."} {"gender":"female","en":"And Jackie Savitz spoke this morning about Big Oil and the propaganda and how we're all brainwashed with their, you know, lies and so forth.","es":"Y Jackie Savitz habl\u00f3 esta ma\u00f1ana acerca del Gran Petr\u00f3leo y de la propaganda y c\u00f3mo nos han lavado el cerebro con sus, ya saben, mentiras y dem\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I think the most interesting thing about Baxter is the user interface.","es":"Pero creo que lo m\u00e1s interesante de Baxter es la interfaz de usuario."} {"gender":"male","en":"I just remember it was one of those examples of data-driven design.","es":"Recuerdo que era uno de esos ejemplos de dise\u00f1os de programaci\u00f3n dirigida por datos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This isn't a performer-audience relationship; this is cosplay.","es":"No es una relaci\u00f3n int\u00e9rprete-p\u00fablico; esto es resultado de cosplay."} {"gender":"male","en":"The financial incentives and fame and glory afforded elite athletes skyrocketed, and it tipped toward the tiny upper echelon of performance.","es":"El dinero, la fama y la gloria hicieron que los atletas de \u00e9lite subieran por las nubes, lo que permiti\u00f3 pasar a un peque\u00f1o grado superior de rendimiento."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let me do one last thing I hadn't thought I'd have time to do, which is to talk about what we learned more generally about economics, from the study of the gang.","es":"Har\u00e9 una \u00faltima cosa que no pens\u00e9 que tendr\u00eda tiempo, que es hablar de lo que aprendimos, en general, sobre la econom\u00eda del estudio de la banda."} {"gender":"female","en":"Right?","es":"\u00bfVerdad?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Research into kids' behavior actually suggests that it\u2019s worth taking role-playing seriously.","es":"La investigaci\u00f3n actual sobre el comportamiento de los ni\u00f1os sugiere que merece la pena tomarse el juego de rol en serio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, it could happen much, much later, or sooner, the truth is nobody really knows.","es":"Ahora, puede ocurrir mucho m\u00e1s tarde o m\u00e1s temprano, la verdad es que nadie lo sabe realmente."} {"gender":"male","en":"We are seeking normal human brains.","es":"Buscamos cerebros normales."} {"gender":"male","en":"When my niece was four, she resisted getting dressed and rejected everything.","es":"Cuando mi sobrina ten\u00eda cuatro a\u00f1os, no quer\u00eda vestirse y rechazaba todo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We are now able to produce a batch of one product, your product, at the same cost and lead time as a batch of many.","es":"Ahora podemos producir un lote de un producto, su producto, al mismo costo y tiempo de espera que un lote de muchos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Gracias. Muchas gracias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They said, \"Nothing.\"","es":"Dijeron: \"Nada\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And with this, we can get the skinny on our psychological happenings and build a story of our behaviors over time.","es":"Con esto podemos obtener la informaci\u00f3n interna de nuestra felicidad ps\u00edquica y armar una historia de los comportamientos en el tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I was moved almost to tears because I understood what was happening to this young man.","es":"Pero estuve a punto de llorar porque entend\u00ed lo que le estaba pasando a este joven."} {"gender":"male","en":"Can we go to the patients that actually decided to stay on lithium, because they were so convinced they were getting better?","es":"Podemos ir a los pacientes que realmente decidieron seguir con el litio, porque estaban convencidos que estaban mejorando."} {"gender":"female","en":"Is it metabolized in the liver?","es":"\u00bfSe metabolizar\u00e1 en el h\u00edgado?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Really, we don't need to say anything.","es":"En realidad, no tenemos que decir nada."} {"gender":"male","en":"And my building was a scale model for the Pittsburgh airport.","es":"Mi edificio es un modelo a escala del aeropuerto de Pittsburg."} {"gender":"male","en":"It might be instead 100 percent malevolent but only 80 percent effective, which pretty much describes the world we see around us, I think.","es":"En cambio, puede que sea 100 % mal\u00e9vola pero solo 80 % efectiva. Lo que m\u00e1s o menos describe el mundo que nos rodea, creo."} {"gender":"female","en":"So that's the science behind what we're doing.","es":"As\u00ed que esa es la ciencia detr\u00e1s de lo que estamos haciendo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In the lab, we micro-pattern channels in the biomaterials on which we grow the cells, and this allows us to flow the cell culture media, the cells' food, through the scaffolds where we're growing the cells, a lot like what you might expect from a capillary bed in the heart.","es":"En el laboratorio, hacemos un micro-patr\u00f3n de canales en los materiales en los que crecen las c\u00e9lulas. Y esto nos permite irrigar el medio de cultivo celular, el alimento celular, por la estructura en la que estamos cultivando las c\u00e9lulas; un poco como lo que sucede en el lecho capilar del coraz\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"NM: Is this what marriage is about?","es":"NM: \u00bfEn esto consiste el matrimonio?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And you notice the staff, there are no notes contained in the lines.","es":"Pueden ver que el pentagrama no tiene notas en las l\u00edneas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Older people look toward the smiling faces and away from the frowning, angry faces.","es":"Las miradas de la gente mayor se iban hacia los rostros sonrientes y esquivaban los rostros enojados, col\u00e9ricos."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's hard to believe, but it's the truest thing I know.","es":"Es dif\u00edcil de creer, pero es la cosa m\u00e1s cierta que conozco."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Marriage is your ticket to adulthood.","es":"El matrimonio es tu boleto a la adultez."} {"gender":"female","en":"But on the right, you have the students with the growth mindset, the idea that abilities can be developed.","es":"A la derecha, tenemos estudiantes con una mentalidad de desarrollo, la idea de que las habilidades se pueden desarrollar."} {"gender":"male","en":"There may come a time when we meddle with our genomes in such a way that not being able to run a marathon at age 200 will be considered a profound disability.","es":"Podr\u00eda haber un momento en el que nos entrometamos con los genomas de modo tal que no ser capaces de correr una marat\u00f3n a los 200, ser\u00e1 considerada una minusval\u00eda severa."} {"gender":"female","en":"So much so that, if you saw the monkeys' numbers, you couldn't tell whether they came from a monkey or a human in the same market.","es":"Tanto es as\u00ed que, si vieran los n\u00fameros de los monos, no podr\u00edan precisar cu\u00e1les vienen de los monos y cu\u00e1les de los humanos en el mismo mercado."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"We know because it says so inside the code.","es":"Lo sabemos porque lo dice dentro de su c\u00f3digo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think people have been obsessed with the wrong question, which is, \"How do we make people pay for music?\"","es":"Creo que la gente se ha obsesionado con la pregunta equivocada: \"\u00bfC\u00f3mo hacemos para que la gente pague por la m\u00fasica?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"We call them \"humble masterpieces.\"","es":"Los llamamos \"humildes obras maestras\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, there are three ways that I think infidelity hurts differently today.","es":"Hay tres maneras en que creo la infidelidad duele diferente hoy."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So we have found a way to use the available technology to send money via M-Pesa, which is a bit like a check system for the mobile age.","es":"Hemos encontrado una forma de usar la tecnolog\u00eda disponible para enviar dinero v\u00eda M-Pesa. Es una especie de cheque de la era m\u00f3vil."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We decided to splurge, and that week, we would talk for 10 minutes.","es":"Decidimos derrochar y esa semana hablar\u00edamos durante 10 minutos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I did not know what to say.","es":"Y no supe qu\u00e9 decir."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"After a few days of infection you end up having, the fecal material really isn't so disgusting as we might imagine.","es":"Que despu\u00e9s de unos d\u00edas de infecci\u00f3n terminas teniendo, materia fecal que en realidad no es tan asquerosa como imaginamos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it makes sense that we put a lot of effort into making babies think like adults do.","es":"Y tiene sentido que pongamos mucho esfuerzo en hacer que los beb\u00e9s piensen como los adultos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Charlie Chaplin innovated motion pictures and told stories through music, silence, humor and poetry.","es":"Charlie Chaplin innov\u00f3 las pel\u00edculas y cont\u00f3 historias a trav\u00e9s de la m\u00fasica, el silencio, el humor y la poes\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is from the city of Lahore, which is around 300 kilometers south from Abbottabad, where Bin Laden was caught.","es":"Esta es de la ciudad de Lahora, a unos 300 km al sur de Abbottabad, donde capturaron a Bin Laden."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's about this air that surrounds us.","es":"Es este aire que nos rodea."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"How can not perceiving reality as it is be useful?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo puede sernos \u00fatil la falta de percibir la realidad tal como es?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"I see a future of shared cities that bring us community and connection instead of isolation and separation.","es":"Veo un futuro en ciudades compartidas que nos traen comunidad y conexi\u00f3n en lugar de aislamiento y separaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so I wanted something that was more interactive.","es":"Y por eso quer\u00eda algo que fuera m\u00e1s interactivo."} {"gender":"female","en":"If you had a minute, say, with Apple's head of manufacturing, what would you say?","es":"Si t\u00fa tuvieras un minuto, digamos, con el jefe de la f\u00e1brica de Apple, \u00bfqu\u00e9 le dir\u00edas?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We wait until the behavior becomes manifest.","es":"Esperamos hasta que el comportamiento se manifieste."} {"gender":"male","en":"And when you have it, place the cards up in the air.","es":"Y cuando lo tienen, ense\u00f1e las cartas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You have a molecule coming in, it gets into the protein, which is schematic here, and it causes this thing to switch, to turn, to move in some way by binding in certain parts.","es":"Llega una mol\u00e9cula, entra a la prote\u00edna, que en este caso es un esquema, y hace que esto cambie, gire, se mueva de alg\u00fan modo uni\u00e9ndose a ciertas partes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Have some of it.","es":"Tomen un trozo de \u00e9l."} {"gender":"male","en":"I ordered some fluids to rehydrate him and asked my colleague to reassess him.","es":"Le orden\u00e9 l\u00edquido para rehidratarse y le ped\u00ed a mi colega que lo revisara."} {"gender":"female","en":"Ideology, zealotry, unsubstantiated opinions simply won't do.","es":"La Ideolog\u00eda, el fanatismo, opiniones sin fundamento simplemente no lo hara."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I paid for coffee that day \u2014 \u2014 and his parting comment as we shook hands was, \"Listen, if you happen to raise any money out of this, we'll gladly take it.\"","es":"As\u00ed que pagu\u00e9 el caf\u00e9 ese d\u00eda \u2014\u2014 y su comentario de despedida cuando nos estrechamos las manos fue: \"Escucha, si llegas a conseguir alg\u00fan dinero, con mucho gusto lo aceptaremos\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, it was French philosopher Louis Althusser who pointed out that ideology functions in such a way that it creates a veil of obviousness.","es":"El fil\u00f3sofo franc\u00e9s Louis Althusser se\u00f1al\u00f3 que la ideolog\u00eda funciona en forma tal que crea un velo de obviedad."} {"gender":"male","en":"OK, so, much, much better than the average crowd, I can tell you that.","es":"Bastante mejor que una audiencia media, se lo puedo asegurar."} {"gender":"female","en":"Compare them to the tools our ancestors used; they bear a striking resemblance to Kanzi's.","es":"Compar\u00e9moslos con las herramientas de nuestros antepasados: tienen un gran parecido con las de Kanzi."} {"gender":"female","en":"But more often, our emotions crowd and jostle together until it is actually quite hard to tell them apart.","es":"Pero, en general, las emociones se agolpan y se empujan entre s\u00ed hasta un punto en que ya es dif\u00edcil distinguir unas de otras."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And here is a starfish and a cymatic starfish.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed hay una estrella de mar natural y otra cim\u00e1tica."} {"gender":"male","en":"It didn't matter.","es":"No importaba."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There can be no liberation for one of us if the other is not free.","es":"No habr\u00e1 libertad para uno de nosotros si el otro no es libre."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think we have an obligation as parents and a society to start teaching our kids to fish instead of giving them the fish, the old parable: \"Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day.","es":"Pienso que tenemos la obligaci\u00f3n como padres y como sociedad, empezar a ense\u00f1ar a los ni\u00f1os a pescar en vez de darles el pescado. La vieja par\u00e1bola: \"Si le das a un hombre un pescado, lo alimentas por un d\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It did the job that it set out to do, which was to bring people together over baking and chocolate.","es":"Cumpli\u00f3 el objetivo propuesto que era unir a la gente con la excusa del horneado y el chocolate."} {"gender":"female","en":"In two words, we cook.","es":"En dos palabras: nosotros cocinamos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Before I close, though, let me tell you about my grandmother.","es":"Antes de terminar, perm\u00edtanme contarles sobre mi abuela."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now I'm not suggesting we endow criminals with superpowers, but I am suggesting that we need to find ways to get Joe and people like him to change their brains and their behavior, for their benefit and for the benefit of the rest of us.","es":"No estoy sugiriendo que le demos superpoderes a los criminales, sino que necesitamos encontrar formas para que Joe y gente como \u00e9l cambien sus mentes y sus comportamientos, por su bien y por el de los dem\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to review a study that I did, which was jazz in an fMRI scanner.","es":"Ahora voy a repasar un estudio que hice del jazz en el esc\u00e1ner de resonancia."} {"gender":"female","en":"So if we were to take a drop of seawater from each of these samples and put it under the microscope, this is what the bacteria and viral communities would look like.","es":"Si tomamos una gota de agua de mar de cada una de estas muestras y la ponemos bajo el microscopio, as\u00ed es como se ven las comunidades de bacterias y de virus."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So one of the first things we needed to do was figure out what a cause of action was, a legal cause of action.","es":"Una de las primeras cosas fue determinar qu\u00e9 era una causa de acci\u00f3n, una causa de acci\u00f3n legal."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"How do you do that with an animal, very few places in the world.","es":"C\u00f3mo se hace eso con un animal--muy pocos lugares en el mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm well aware of the irony of telling you that we will be blogging and tweeting.","es":"Soy muy consciente de la iron\u00eda de decirles que estaremos blogueando y twitteando."} {"gender":"female","en":"JB: Richard Serra says that so nonchalantly, you might have missed it.","es":"JB: Richard Serra lo dice tan despreocupadamente que quiz\u00e1 lo pasamos por alto."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, heart cells are pretty greedy.","es":"Tiene c\u00e9lulas bastante codiciosas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Our global system is evolving from the vertically integrated empires of the 19th century, through the horizontally interdependent nations of the 20th century, into a global network civilization in the 21st century.","es":"Nuestro sistema global est\u00e1 evolucionando de los imperios verticales integrados del siglo XIX a trav\u00e9s de las naciones horizontales interdependientes del siglo XX. hacia la civilizaci\u00f3n de red global del siglo XXI."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's my trial by fire.","es":"Es mi prueba de fuego."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I know a lot of these TED Talks are inspirational and they make you think about nice, happy things, but when you're creating your password, try to think about something else.","es":"As\u00ed que s\u00e9 que un mont\u00f3n de estas charlas TED son fuente de inspiraci\u00f3n y hacen pensar sobre cosas agradables y felices, pero cuando est\u00e9n creando su contrase\u00f1a, traten de pensar en otra cosa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Small things at the bottom, big things up there.","es":"Cosas peque\u00f1as en la base, cosas grandes en la punta."} {"gender":"male","en":"Many commentators have said that death is the forbidden subject of our generation.","es":"Muchos comentadores han dicho que la muerte es el tema prohibido de nuestra generaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"His fingers find the pillowcase's sailing masts.","es":"Sus dedos encuentran los m\u00e1stiles de vela de su almohada."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I love cigars, there's a cigar billboard down there.","es":"Y me encantan los puros --hay una valla publicitaria de puros ah\u00ed abajo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And again, that was very shocking to many Twitter users, but it shouldn't be.","es":"Y de nuevo, eso fue impactante para muchos usuarios de Twitter, pero no deber\u00eda serlo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I will not side with you or dance to bombs because everyone is dancing.","es":"No me pondr\u00e9 de tu parte o bailar\u00e9 con las bombas porque todos est\u00e9n bailando."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I thought, \"Well, maybe I can break the little glass ceiling of cartooning,\" and so I did.","es":"Y pens\u00e9: \"Quiz\u00e1 pueda romper el peque\u00f1o techo de cristal\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I have a brain fan out there.","es":"En alg\u00fan lugar tengo un fan de cerebros."} {"gender":"male","en":"I write to you because at present, this quaking world we share scares me.","es":"Te escribo porque en la actualidad, este mundo estremecedor que compartimos, me asusta."} {"gender":"female","en":"With that many meetings every day, with tea offered at every one of them, which he could not refuse, because that would be rude, he could not take even one cube of sugar per cup of tea, because that would be many kilos of sugar, he can't even calculate how many kilos, and at that point I realized why he was speaking so fast. We had met in the afternoon, and he was already way over-caffeinated.","es":"Con tantas reuniones al d\u00eda, y con el t\u00e9 que se le ofrece en cada, uno no puede rechazar, porque ser\u00eda una groser\u00eda, pero tampoco puede tomarse un terr\u00f3n por cada taza de t\u00e9, porque eso significar\u00eda muchos kilos y tampoco puede calcular la cantidad y en ese momento me di cuenta porque hablaba tan r\u00e1pido: nos reunimos por la tarde y ya estaba con un exceso de cafe\u00edna."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because the breast has become a very political organ.","es":"Porque las mamas se han vuelto \u00f3rganos muy pol\u00edticos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now you might ask, and it's a very obvious question that a lot of colleagues in medicine ask: \"Doctors and nurses thinking about transportation and housing?","es":"Se preguntar\u00e1n, y es una pregunta muy obvia que muchos de los colegas en medicina preguntan: \"\u00bfM\u00e9dicos y enfermeras pensando sobre transporte y vivienda?"} {"gender":"female","en":"There is something more though that has to be there. And that is the translation of the feelings that we may have about compassion into the wider world, into action.","es":"Pero tambi\u00e9n debe haber algo m\u00e1s y eso es la traducci\u00f3n de los sentimientos que podemos tener sobre la compasi\u00f3n, al mundo, en un sentido m\u00e1s amplio, a la acci\u00f3n. \u00bfSaben?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Males don't bite; they don't even have the mouth parts to bite.","es":"Los machos no pican y ni siquiera tienen la anatom\u00eda bucal para hacerlo."} {"gender":"female","en":"But what's interesting to me is that we haven't looked at this, as much.","es":"Lo que es interesante para m\u00ed es que no lo hemos mirado tanto."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is from Soviet Union.","es":"Es de la Uni\u00f3n Sovi\u00e9tica."} {"gender":"female","en":"That's the movement at the moment I'm driving, and that's the movement and ambition of my life.","es":"Ese el movimiento que estoy impulsando actualmente y ese es el movimiento y la ambici\u00f3n de mi vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"And when it occurred, I was the only doctor on the mountain.","es":"Y cuando ocurri\u00f3, yo era el \u00fanico doctor en la monta\u00f1a."} {"gender":"female","en":"I, like thousands of other homeless youth, disappeared into the shadows of the city while the whole world kept spinning as if nothing at all had gone terribly wrong.","es":"Yo, como miles de j\u00f3venes sin hogar, desaparec\u00eda en las sombras de la ciudad mientras todo el mundo segu\u00eda girando como si nada hubiera ido de verdad tan mal."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well once one says that, one says, yeah, okay, that means that what matters in the first place is not trust but trustworthiness.","es":"Una vez que uno lo dice, que dice, s\u00ed, vale, eso significa que lo que importa en primer lugar no es la confianza, sino la confiabilidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"One is that the density of energy gathered in these technologies is dramatically less than a power plant.","es":"Una es que la densidad de energ\u00eda reunida en estas tecnolog\u00edas es dram\u00e1ticamente menor que la de una planta de energ\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"Netra and I don't write our 200-year plan for someone else to come and execute it in 150 years.","es":"Netra y yo no escribimos nuestro plan a 200 a\u00f1os para que otro venga y lo ejecute dentro de 150 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"Narrator: An event seen from one point of view gives one impression.","es":"Narrador: Un evento visto desde un \u00e1ngulo brinda una impresi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then you might revisit those moments later, and add context to them online.","es":"Y entonces puedes revisar esos momentos m\u00e1s tarde, y a\u00f1adirles un contexto en l\u00ednea."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a series of light boxes I made for a show in Italy.","es":"Esta es una serie de cajas livianas que hice para un show en Italia."} {"gender":"male","en":"There was music playing on this day, I think it was Madonna's greatest hits.","es":"Hab\u00eda m\u00fasica ese d\u00eda, creo que eran los grandes \u00e9xitos de Madonna."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"As she recounts: \"On the third day of Creation, God commands the Earth to grow a fruit-bearing fruit tree.\"","es":"Como ella relata: \"En el tercer d\u00eda de la Creaci\u00f3n, Dios manda a la Tierra hacer crecer un \u00e1rbol frutal cargado de fruta\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So the parasite is a very big scientific challenge to tackle, but so is the mosquito that carries the parasite.","es":"El par\u00e1sito es un gran reto cient\u00edfico al que engrentarnos, pero tambi\u00e9n lo es el mosquito que porta el par\u00e1sito."} {"gender":"male","en":"It takes a long, long time to make these scores, and right now I'm working on a piece that's 180 pages in length, and it's just a big chunk of my life, and I'm just pulling out hair.","es":"Toma mucho tiempo hacer estas notaciones, y ahora estoy trabajando en una pieza de 180 p\u00e1ginas, y es una gran parte de mi vida, y me estoy tirando de los pelos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Both my parents were educators, my maternal grandparents were educators, and for the past 40 years, I've done the same thing.","es":"Mis padres eran educadores, mis abuelos maternos eran educadores, y, durante los \u00faltimos 40 a\u00f1os, tambi\u00e9n me he dedicado a ello."} {"gender":"female","en":"Then one by one, she would encircle these thorns with dark ink.","es":"Y entonces una por una, ella rodeaba las espinas con tinta oscura."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is the exhibited art on the walls of the CIA in Langley, Virginia, their original headquarters building.","es":"Este es el arte exhibido en las paredes de la CIA en Langley, Virginia, su cuartel general original."} {"gender":"male","en":"So when they feel resentful, it's kind of like the way I feel resentful when this happens, and for somewhat the same reasons.\"","es":"As\u00ed cuando sienten resentimiento, es igual que cuando yo siento resentimiento en estos casos, y al parecer por las mismas razones\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And this is Amy Ng, a magazine editor turned illustrator, entrepreneur, teacher and creative director.","es":"Y esta Amy Ng, editora de revista convertida en ilustradora, empresaria, profesora y directora creativa."} {"gender":"male","en":"Transporting rhinos using helicopters I think is much easier than talking through a spirit that you can't see, isn't it?","es":"Transportar rinocerontes en helic\u00f3ptero creo que es m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil que hablar con un esp\u00edritu que no puedes ver, \u00bfno creen?"} {"gender":"female","en":"But a healthy lifestyle helps obese people too.","es":"Pero un estilo de vida saludable tambi\u00e9n ayuda a las personas obesas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Imagine what a state can do with the immense amount of data it has on its citizens.","es":"Imaginen lo que puede hacer un estado con la enorme cantidad de datos que tiene de sus ciudadanos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I wanted to show several species that we hadn't shown much in the magazine and worked in a number of locations.","es":"Y quer\u00eda mostrar diversas especies que no hab\u00edamos mostrado mucho en la revista y trabajamos en varios sitios."} {"gender":"female","en":"And although I want to thank the talented people of our company foremost for that, and also there's a factor of luck and timing, we are absolutely convinced that we did this because of our values.","es":"Y aunque quiero agradecer por ello a la talentosa gente de nuestra empresa primero que nada, y tambi\u00e9n hay un factor de suerte y de actuar oportunamente, estamos absolutamente convencidas de que logramos esto gracias a nuestros valores."} {"gender":"male","en":"Actually, my student Thanasis, I have to plug him, because he's done some fantastic work, and now he has proved that it works over the mobile telephone network as well, which enables this project, and we're getting 99 percent accuracy.","es":"En realidad, mi estudiante Thanasis, tengo que publicitarlo, ha hecho un trabajo fant\u00e1stico y ahora ha demostrado que funciona en la red de telefon\u00eda m\u00f3vil tambi\u00e9n, lo que agiliza el proyecto. Ahora tenemos un 99% de precisi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Worldwide, about 17 million women are living with HIV.","es":"Cerca de 17 millones de mujeres en el mundo viven con el VIH."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, this start-up is fundamentally beginning to disrupt the way government does business from the inside out.","es":"Esta empresa empieza a cambiar radicalmente la forma de hacer negocios del gobierno, de adentro hacia afuera."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Palliative care is a paradigm from diagnosis through the end of life.","es":"Cuidado paliativo es un paradigma que va del diagn\u00f3stico, al final de la vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"I can see my work as a job.","es":"Puedo ver mi trabajo como un empleo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I didn't have an answer then. But I do today, and it's a simple one: loneliness.","es":"No tuve una respuesta entonces, pero hoy s\u00ed, y es muy simple: la soledad."} {"gender":"female","en":"They are frustrated as hell with it, but they're not complaining about it, they're fixing it.","es":"Sienten una gran frustraci\u00f3n ante eso pero no se quejan, lo arreglan."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So National Aeronautics and Space Administration becomes NASA.","es":"Administraci\u00f3n Nacional de la Aeron\u00e1utica y del Espacio se convierte en NASA."} {"gender":"female","en":"Put in a mixture of the two.","es":"Introducir una mezcla de ambas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I suffer from depression, and for a long time, I think, I was living two totally different lives, where one person was always afraid of the other.","es":"Sufro de depresi\u00f3n, y creo que, durante mucho tiempo, viv\u00eda dos vidas completamente diferentes, en las que una persona tem\u00eda a la otra."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'm not making that stuff up.","es":"Y no estoy inventando nada de esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because Cargill has 20 to 25 percent of global palm oil.","es":"Porque Cargill controla del 20% al 25% del aceite de palma."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now I have to admit that this talk so far may sound exceedingly gloomy, but that is not my point.","es":"Tengo que admitir que esta charla hasta ahora puede sonar en extremo negativa, pero esa no es mi intenci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"I had figured out the exact amount of shrinkage I achieved going from a wax master to a bronze master and blown this up big enough to make a 3D lithography master of this, which I will polish, then I will send to the mold maker and then I will have it done in bronze.","es":"Hab\u00eda calculado la cantidad exacta de encogimiento que sufr\u00eda yendo de un patr\u00f3n de cera a uno de bronce, y lo agrand\u00e9 lo suficiente para hacer un patr\u00f3n 3D litogr\u00e1fico de \u00e9ste, al cual le pulir\u00e9 los detalles y despu\u00e9s enviar\u00e9 al moldeador y con ese molde lo obtendr\u00e9 en bronce."} {"gender":"male","en":"All life on Earth requires water, so in my case I focus on the intimate relationship between water and life in order to understand if we could find life in a planet as dry as Mars.","es":"Toda la vida terrestre requiere agua, en mi caso me centro en la relaci\u00f3n \u00edntima entre el agua y la vida para entender si podr\u00edamos encontrar vida en un planeta tan seco como Marte."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"Here,\" Jimmy said.","es":"\"Aqu\u00ed\", dijo Jimmy."} {"gender":"male","en":"And midway through that brutality, one of Mr. Teszler's sons, Andrew, looked up and said, \"Is it time to take the capsule now, Papa?\"","es":"Y en medio de ese brutalidad, Andrew, uno de los hijos del se\u00f1or Teszler lo mir\u00f3 y le dijo: \"Pap\u00e1, \u00bfes hora de tomarse la c\u00e1psula?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"And most of all, I think the way that we participate in each other's stories is of deep importance.","es":"Y creo que, sobre todo, la manera en que participamos en las historias de los dem\u00e1s es de gran importancia."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's the experiencing self that the doctor approaches, you know, when the doctor asks, \"Does it hurt now when I touch you here?\"","es":"Es el yo que tiene experiencias el que trata un m\u00e9dico cuando pregunta: \"\u00bfTe duele ahora, cuando toco aqu\u00ed?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"People moved to fast-growing cities such as London and San Francisco, and a local banker here was replaced by large corporations that didn't know us as individuals.","es":"La gente se mud\u00f3 a ciudades como Londres y San Francisco, que crec\u00edan r\u00e1pidamente, y al banquero local de aqu\u00ed lo sustituyeron grandes corporaciones que no nos conoc\u00edan como individuos."} {"gender":"female","en":"It is really big, 65 million square miles, and to row in a straight line across it would be about 8,000 miles.","es":"Es realmente grande. 164.000.000 km2 Y remar en l\u00ednea recta a trav\u00e9s de \u00e9l, ser\u00edan unos 12.800 kms."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think the idea of creating the Red Cross for information and knowledge is a fantastic idea, but can we really organize that, just on volunteers?","es":"Creo que la idea de crear la Cruz Roja para la informaci\u00f3n y conocimiento es una idea fant\u00e1stica, \u00bfpero realmente podemos organizar eso s\u00f3lo con voluntarios?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And I spent a week as an apprentice on his farm, and I took away from this some of the most hopeful news about our relationship to nature that I've ever come across in 25 years of writing about nature.","es":"Y de todo aquello extraje algunas de las noticias m\u00e1s esperanzadoras que me he encontrado jam\u00e1s en cuanto a nuestra relaci\u00f3n con la naturaleza, luego de 25 a\u00f1os de escribir sobre la naturaleza."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The first of those is complacency, the risk that as this disease curve starts to bend, the media look elsewhere, the world looks elsewhere.","es":"La primera es el abandono, el riesgo de que una vez la curva empiece a retroceder, los medios miren para otro lado, el mundo mire para otro lado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I think I understand, we hate Big Pharma.","es":"Bueno, creo que entiendo, odiamos a las Grandes Farmac\u00e9uticas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Logically, then, if you want to treat insulin resistance, you get people to lose weight, right?","es":"L\u00f3gicamente, entonces, si quieres tratar la resistencia a la insulina, tienes que conseguir que las personas pierdan peso, \u00bfcierto?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, I said I'm doing this in Berkeley, and you might think, \"Oh, Berkeley.","es":"Ahora dije que estoy haciendo esto en Berkeley, y ustedes podr\u00edan pensar, \"Ah, Berkeley."} {"gender":"female","en":"We still have to work hard to abolish discrimination. That remains a common practice worldwide, and that will not disappear by itself.","es":"Todav\u00eda tenemos que trabajar duro para abolir la discriminaci\u00f3n que sigue siendo com\u00fan en todo el mundo, y que no va a desaparecer por s\u00ed sola."} {"gender":"female","en":"The assumption then that we do best when the individual self chooses only holds when that self is clearly divided from others.","es":"La suposici\u00f3n de que lo hacemos mejor cuando el ser individual elige solo es cierto cuando ese ser est\u00e1 claramente separado de los otros."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I quickly ran around and tried all the other doors and windows, and they were locked tight.","es":"As\u00ed que r\u00e1pido intent\u00e9 abrir todas las otras puertas y ventanas, y todas estaban bien cerradas."} {"gender":"male","en":"But we can touch each other, taste each other perhaps, if we get close enough.","es":"Pero que podamos tocarnos, saborearnos quiz\u00e1s, si nos acercamos lo suficiente."} {"gender":"female","en":"And when I see that tuna, this is my favorite view, I begin to wonder: how did this fish solve the longitude problem before we did?","es":"Y al ver ese at\u00fan, esta es mi vista favorita, empiezo a preguntarme: \u00bfc\u00f3mo resolvi\u00f3 este pez el problema de la longitud antes que nosotros?"} {"gender":"female","en":"In that way, I completed my college.","es":"De esa manera termin\u00e9 mi educaci\u00f3n superior."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is all unconscious.","es":"Todo inconsciente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Me! If Emma never rescued me?","es":"\u00a1De m\u00ed! \u00bfSi Emma nunca me hubiera rescatado a m\u00ed? \u00a1Yeah!"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Some whistled badly.","es":"Algunos silbaban mal."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Last September, the gamers of Foldit solved the three-dimensional structure of the retroviral protease that contributes to AIDS in rhesus monkeys.","es":"El pasado septiembre, unos jugadores de Foldit descubrieron la estructura tridimensional de la proteasa retroviral que contribuye al sida en monos rhesus."} {"gender":"female","en":"And what's shown here is a saddle-shaped roof that he built that's 87 and a half feet spanwise.","es":"Y este es un techo en forma de montura que \u00e9l construy\u00f3 de 26 metros y medio de envergadura."} {"gender":"female","en":"But we know how to fix this.","es":"Pero sabemos c\u00f3mo arreglarlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I wanted to become a doctor like Paul Farmer or Rick Hodes, these kind of fearless men who go into places like Haiti or Ethiopia and work with AIDS patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, or with children with disfiguring cancers.","es":"Quer\u00eda ser m\u00e9dico como Paul Farmer o Rick Hodes, este tipo de hombres intr\u00e9pidos que entran en lugares como Hait\u00ed o Etiop\u00eda y trabajan con pacientes de SIDA con tuberculosis multiresistentes, o con ni\u00f1os con c\u00e1nceres deformantes."} {"gender":"male","en":"Middle World, the range of sizes and speeds which we have evolved to feel intuitively comfortable with, is a bit like the narrow range of the electromagnetic spectrum that we see as light of various colors.","es":"El Mundo Medio, el rango de tama\u00f1os y velocidades con el que hemos evolucionado para sentirnos intuitivamente c\u00f3modos, es un poco como el estrecho rango del espectro electromagn\u00e9tico que vemos como luz de varios colores."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's my first casting, there's my master and there's my bronze.","es":"All\u00ed esta mi primer halc\u00f3n en resina, aqu\u00ed esta mi patr\u00f3n maestro y aqu\u00ed el de bronce."} {"gender":"female","en":"I actually transcribe speeches, and I would actually map out, how much they map to this tool.","es":"De hecho, transcribo discursos, y yo realmente trazar\u00eda un mapa, cu\u00e1nto se asigna a esta herramienta."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I say, \"Who do you think these men are sleeping with?\"","es":"Les digo: \"\u00bfcon qui\u00e9n creen que estos hombres se acuestan?\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Rather, as centers of excellence, where refugees can triumph over their trauma and train for the day that they can go home as agents of positive change and social transformation.","es":"M\u00e1s bien como centros de excelencia, donde los refugiados puedan superar el trauma y ser formados para el d\u00eda en que puedan regresar a casa como agentes de cambio positivo y de transformaci\u00f3n social."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"JH: Thanks, Chris.","es":"JH: Gracias, Chris."} {"gender":"male","en":"When I first realized that we had no option as scientists but to use much-vilified livestock to address climate change and desertification, I was faced with a real dilemma. How were we to do it?","es":"Cuando me di cuenta por primera vez que como cient\u00edficos no ten\u00edamos m\u00e1s opci\u00f3n que utilizar el vilipendiado ganado para abordar el cambio clim\u00e1tico y la desertificaci\u00f3n, me encontr\u00e9 con un gran dilema: \u00bfc\u00f3mo ibamos a hacerlo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"OK, I mean, I can see there are always people that like reacting that one or another picture hasn't been properly tidied up.","es":"OK, veo que siempre hay personas que reaccionan ante una u otra pintura cuando a\u00fan no ha sido correctamente ordenada."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"LA: And this election and all of the craziness that has followed has given us several opportunities to practice this skill.","es":"LA: Y estas elecciones y toda la locura que ha seguido nos ha dado varias oportunidades para practicar esta habilidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"But if you look at this plot, you can see that countries that we think about as very similar, actually exhibit very different behavior.","es":"Pero si miran la gr\u00e1fica, pueden ver que los pa\u00edses que consideramos muy similares en realidad exhiben comportamientos muy diferentes."} {"gender":"male","en":"People don't have the time or the patience to wait for me to fool around with the codes for every word or phrase.","es":"La gente no tiene tiempo o paciencia para esperar que toque esas teclas para cada palabra o cada frase."} {"gender":"female","en":"So we started designing different environments, different scaffolds, and we discovered that the shape, the composition, the structure of the cocoon, was directly informed by the environment.","es":"As\u00ed que empezamos a dise\u00f1ar diferentes entornos, diferentes andamios, y hemos descubierto que la forma, la composici\u00f3n, la estructura del capullo, se transmit\u00eda directamente por el medio ambiente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Why do I know it by heart?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 me lo s\u00e9 de memoria?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And you know, our modern ways of doing things have their advantages, but I believe we should understand the costs.","es":"Nuestras formas modernas de hacer las cosas tienen sus ventajas pero creo que deber\u00edamos entender los costos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I want to be a doctor to serve them.\"","es":"Quiero ser m\u00e9dico para servirles."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And the first marijuana prohibition laws, all about fears of Mexican migrants in the West and the Southwest.","es":"Y las primeras leyes que prohib\u00edan la marihuana, todo por miedo a los inmigrantes mexicanos en el oeste y suroeste."} {"gender":"female","en":"All the adults knew the risks.","es":"Todos los adultos sab\u00edan los riesgos."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is more than just an artist's dream, it's now a reality.","es":"Esto es ahora m\u00e1s que el sue\u00f1o de un artista, es una realidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And then she gets in her root-beer colored 1994 Cadillac Seville, and tears down the San Bernardino freeway, where she still volunteers for seven different organizations.","es":"Y luego se monta en su Cadillac Seville color \u00e1mbar de 1994, y arrasa por la autopista de San Bernardino, donde todav\u00eda realiza voluntariado en siete organizaciones diferentes."} {"gender":"male","en":"I, for one, was steeped in these.","es":"A m\u00ed, al menos, me marcaron las historietas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Doug Hofstadter wonders, well, maybe our intelligence just isn't great enough to understand our intelligence, and if we were smarter, well, then our brains would be that much more complicated, and we'd never catch up to it.","es":"Doug Hofstader se pregunta si quiz\u00e1s nuestra inteligencia no es tan genial como para entender nuestra inteligencia, y si fu\u00e9ramos m\u00e1s astutos, entonces nuestros cerebros ser\u00edan mucho m\u00e1s complicados, y nunca podr\u00edamos alcanzarlos."} {"gender":"female","en":"When I went to Libby, Montana, I visited the asbestosis clinic that Gayla Benefield brought into being, a place where at first some of the people who wanted help and needed medical attention went in the back door because they didn't want to acknowledge that she'd been right.","es":"Cuando fui a Libby, Montana, visit\u00e9 la cl\u00ednica de asbestosis que Gayla Benefield logr\u00f3 crear, un lugar donde al principio algunas de las personas que quer\u00edan ayuda y necesitaban atenci\u00f3n m\u00e9dica entraban por la puerta trasera porque no quer\u00edan reconocer que ella ten\u00eda raz\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think it may seem like I'm ignoring the policy stuff, which is really the most important, but I'm hoping that at the end of this talk you will conclude that we actually cannot develop effective policy unless we really understand how the epidemic works.","es":"Creo que podr\u00eda parecer que estoy ignorando las cuestiones pol\u00edticas, las cuales son las mas importantes, sin embargo espero que al final de esta charla, puedan concluir que no podemos desarrollar una pol\u00edtica efectiva a menos que entendamos como funciona la epidemia."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then, of course, the next thing I hear is, \"I've made it to the top.","es":"Y luego, lo pr\u00f3ximo que escuch\u00e9 fue: \"Llegu\u00e9 a la cima."} {"gender":"female","en":"So they won't go for a walk, they won't hang out with their friends, they won't eat.","es":"No saldr\u00e1n a dar un paseo, no pasar\u00e1n tiempo con sus amigos, no comer\u00e1n."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was fascinated by all of it.","es":"Todo eso me fascinaba."} {"gender":"male","en":"But starting back in June of 2004, when I showed that a little group out there actually can do it, can get a start with it, everything changed after that time.","es":"Pero empezando en Junio del 2004 cuando demostr\u00e9 que un peque\u00f1o grupo lo puede lograr, que puede empezar, todo cambi\u00f3 despues de ese momento."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is an early sketch at what new power values look like.","es":"Esto es un bosquejo temprano del aspecto de los valores del nuevo poder."} {"gender":"female","en":"In the meantime, for 45 minutes, the hemorrhage is getting bigger in my left hemisphere.","es":"Mientras tanto, por 45 minutos, la hemorragia era cada vez mayor en mi hemisferio izquierdo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Personal impact stories such as these show that we are tapping into something within men, but getting to a world where women and men are equal is not just a matter of bringing men to the cause. We want concrete, systematic, structural change that can equalize the political, economic and social realities for women and men.","es":"Historias de impacto personales como estas muestran que aprovechamos algo dentro de los hombres, pero para llegar a un mundo donde mujeres y hombres son iguales no se trata solo de llevar a los hombres a unirse a la causa. queremos un cambio concreto, sistem\u00e1tico, estructural que equilibre las realidades pol\u00edticas, econ\u00f3micas y sociales para mujeres y hombres."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then you see a gay guy who has an NFL, which means American football for all of you out there, it's a big deal, it's very macho, and he talked about football all the time, because he was gay and he didn't want anybody to know.","es":"Y luego ves a un chico gay que est\u00e1 en la NFL --lo que significa el f\u00fatbol americano para todos Uds. algo grande, muy machista-- y hablaba sobre f\u00fatbol todo el tiempo, porque era gay y no quer\u00eda que nadie lo supiera."} {"gender":"male","en":"CH: I only wish that some of those musicians were here with us today, so you could see at firsthand how utterly extraordinary they are.","es":"CH: s\u00f3lo desear\u00eda que algunos de los m\u00fasicos estuvieran aqu\u00ed hoy, para que pudieran ver de primera mano lo absolutamente extraordinarios que son."} {"gender":"female","en":"And, you know, it's the same picture; it's basically the same person.","es":"Y, saben, es la misma foto, es b\u00e1sicamente la misma persona."} {"gender":"male","en":"He goes, \"No, sir.","es":"Me dice: \"No, se\u00f1or."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's actually got a naked skin for most of its body, so it reduces friction with the water.","es":"Tiene la piel al descubierto en casi todo el cuerpo para reducir la fricci\u00f3n con el agua."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It is the only way you can start to fight cancer, is by catching it early.","es":"Es la \u00fanica manera de empezar a luchar contra el c\u00e1ncer, mediante detecci\u00f3n temprana."} {"gender":"female","en":"Eighteen months later, it's talking to you, and babies' first words aren't just things like balls and ducks, they're things like \"all gone,\" which refer to disappearance, or \"uh-oh,\" which refer to unintentional actions.","es":"18 meses m\u00e1s tarde, hablan contigo, y las primeras palabras no son solo cosas como pelotas y patos, son cosas como \"se acab\u00f3\", que se refieren a desaparici\u00f3n, o \"uh-oh\", para acciones intencionales."} {"gender":"female","en":"Server: Would you like any desserts, sir?","es":"Mesera: \u00bfLe gustar\u00eda alg\u00fan postre?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now we're at a time when boldness is required to move forward.","es":"Ahora estamos en una \u00e9poca en la que se requiere audacia para avanzar."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I scraped the slime off and sent it to Aberdeen, and said, \"You might try that.\"","es":"De ese modo envi\u00e9 el lodo a Aberdeen. Y les dije: \"Prueben con esto\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this would put a chill on free speech and popular political action, the very heart of democracy.","es":"Y esto pondr\u00eda en jaque a la libertad de expresi\u00f3n y a la acci\u00f3n pol\u00edtica popular, la esencia de la democracia."} {"gender":"female","en":"But not until 1997 did mathematicians actually understand how they could model it.","es":"Pero no fue hasta 1997 que los matem\u00e1ticos comprendieron la manera de modelarla."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I chose the language of silhouette because graphically it's very efficient. And it's also just getting to the essential of things.","es":"Eleg\u00ed el lenguaje de la silueta porque desde lo gr\u00e1fico es muy eficiente y porque se trata de ir a la esencia de las cosas."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I think sometimes they don't use them when they're designing buildings.","es":"Pero creo que a veces no los usan cuando dise\u00f1an edificios."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And then they had to figure out: \"Well, she needs furniture.","es":"Tuvieron que ingeni\u00e1rselas: \"Necesita muebles."} {"gender":"male","en":"And even in terms of calories, it is very good.","es":"E incluso, en t\u00e9rminos de calor\u00edas, es muy buena."} {"gender":"female","en":"And, you know, now, imagine if, and I could go on and on, imagine if this is all you know about me.","es":"Y, saben, imaginen si, bueno, y podr\u00eda seguir y seguir, imaginen que esto es todo lo que saben acerca de m\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm the scientist who did the study.","es":"Soy la cient\u00edfica que realiz\u00f3 el estudio."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's made to feel, by magazines and other media outlets, that if you've got energy, a few bright ideas about technology, a garage, you, too, could start a major thing.","es":"Se hace sentir, por revistas y otros medios de comunicaci\u00f3n que si tienes la energ\u00eda, unas cuantas ideas brillantes sobre tecnolog\u00eda un garaje, t\u00fa tambi\u00e9n podr\u00edas empezar algo grande."} {"gender":"male","en":"The change in oxytocin predicted their feelings of empathy.","es":"Los niveles de oxitocina predijeron sentimientos de empat\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"That's a magazine, mom, a magazine.\"","es":"Son revistas, mami, revistas\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well now if I take that sugar dough, the sugar dough doesn't want to conduct electricity.","es":"Ahora tomamos la plastilina dulce, que no quiere conducir electricidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is all fine and well, but it probably doesn't matter in my life.\" And you're probably right.","es":"Y est\u00e1 todo bien, pero probablemente no importa en mi vida' Y probablemente est\u00e1n en lo correcto."} {"gender":"male","en":"They, too, are evolving into a Pax Africana.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n est\u00e1n evolucionando hacia una Pax Africana."} {"gender":"male","en":"I didn't put him in.","es":"Yo no lo met\u00ed ah\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"God is good.","es":"\"Dios es bueno."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I haven't seen the original 42 studies, and I can't comment on that meta-analysis, but I would like to see more studies done along those lines.","es":"Bueno, no he visto los 42 estudios originales y no puedo comentar sobre dicho meta-an\u00e1lisis pero me gustar\u00eda ver m\u00e1s investigaciones en este sentido."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"For developing countries and emerging economies, the problem and the challenge is to grow without emissions, because they must develop; they have very poor populations.","es":"Los pa\u00edses en v\u00eda de desarrollo y las econom\u00edas emergentes tienen que enfrentar el reto de crecer sin emisiones, porque deben crecer; hay en ellos gentes muy pobres."} {"gender":"female","en":"These are one of the guys I work with.","es":"Estos son algunos de los muchachos con los que trabajo."} {"gender":"female","en":"The first one is pretty joyful.","es":"La primera es bastante alegre."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"God, will you please help me?","es":"\"Dios, \u00bfme puedes ayudar?"} {"gender":"male","en":"You can even click here and try to see one of them.","es":"Pueden incluso con un clic tratar de ver a alguno de ellos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And they start to see others doing it, and saying, \"Wow, I want to do that with my own money.\"","es":"Y empezar a ver a otros haciendo esto, y decir: \"Vaya, quiero hacer eso con mi propio dinero\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the model that we're working with in hospitals, and also with many, many different buildings, is to keep the outdoors out.","es":"Y el modelo con el que estamos trabajando en hospitales, y tambi\u00e9n en muchos, muchos tipos de edificios, es mantener el aire libre afuera."} {"gender":"female","en":"We all know trust is fundamental, but when it comes to trusting people, something profound is happening.","es":"Todos sabemos que la confianza es algo fundamental, pero cuando se trata de confiar en las personas, sucede algo profundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I practice as a Sufi Muslim.","es":"Soy practicante musulm\u00e1n suf\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"This next one here, \"Machine with Wishbone,\" it came about from playing with this wishbone after dinner.","es":"La siguiente es una m\u00e1quina con un hueso de la suerte que surgi\u00f3 despu\u00e9s de estar jugando con ese hueso tras la cena."} {"gender":"female","en":"Halul is the pet's name for the Arabic female name, Hala, and is only really used to refer to really young girls.","es":"Halul es el apodo para el nombre femenino \u00e1rabe, Hala, y solo se usa para referirse a muchachas muy j\u00f3venes."} {"gender":"male","en":"When it's bounced on the moon, we see it.","es":"Cuando rebota en la luna, la vemos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What was cool were the repercussions. Greenpeace created an entire marketing campaign around it, Mister Splashy Pants shirts and pins, an e-card so you could send your friend a dancing Splashy.","es":"Pero lo que fue interesante fueron las repercusiones para Greenpeace, crearon una campa\u00f1a de mercadotecnia alrededor del personaje. Empezaron a vender playeras y pines de Mister Splashy Pants. Incluso crearon una felicitaci\u00f3n electr\u00f3nica que pod\u00edas mandar a tus amigos con un Splashy bailador."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"Why?\"","es":"\"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"Mayor Bloomberg recognized this when he launched PlaNYC in 2007.","es":"El alcalde Bloomberg reconoci\u00f3 esto cuando lanz\u00f3 el PlaNYC en el 2007."} {"gender":"male","en":"So if anyone would like a hundred million copies of my business card, I have plenty for everyone in the room, and, in fact, everyone in the world, and it's right here.","es":"Por eso si alguien quiere 100 millones de copias de mi tarjeta personal tengo muchas para todos los presentes; de hecho, para cada persona del mundo y est\u00e1 aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"When I was in Greenland, I scattered my mother's ashes amidst the melting ice.","es":"Cuando estaba en Groenlandia, esparc\u00ed las cenizas de mi madre entre el deshielo."} {"gender":"male","en":"If my room back home had looked like this, my mother would have grounded me for three days.","es":"Si mi pieza se hubiera parecido a esto mi madre me hubiera castigado sin salir por 3 d\u00edas. Si mi pieza se hubiera parecido a esto mi madre me hubiera castigado sin salir por 3 d\u00edas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the last was they had connection, and, this was the hard part, as a result of authenticity, they were willing to let go of who they thought they should be in order to be who they were, which you have to absolutely do that for connection.","es":"Y por \u00faltimo, ten\u00edan conexi\u00f3n, y esta era la parte dif\u00edcil, como resultado de su autenticidad. Eran capaces de renunciar a quienes pensaban que deb\u00edan ser para ser lo que eran, que es absolutamente lo que se tiene que hacer para conectar."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"And you need to keep picking those decisions, right?","es":"Y hay que seguir tomando esas decisiones, \u00bfs\u00ed?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's very compact, and it's very light.","es":"Es muy compacto y muy liviano."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, it's a hobby of mine that I've been indulging in for the last few years, and it all started out with this picture of the American artist, Donald Baechler I had hanging at home.","es":"Quiero decir es un hobby con el cual me he estado entreteniendo por los \u00faltimos a\u00f1os y todo comenz\u00f3 con esta pintura del artista estadounidense Donald Baechler que ten\u00eda colgada en casa."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the very structure of an affair, the fact that you can never have your lover, keeps you wanting.","es":"Y la propia estructura de una aventura, el hecho de nunca poder tener al amante, aviva el deseo."} {"gender":"male","en":"On the right are some TUGs from a company called Aethon in Pittsburgh.","es":"A la derecha tienen algunos \"TUGs\" de la compa\u00f1\u00eda Aethon, de Pittsburgh."} {"gender":"female","en":"I live in New York, and last year, of the 140,000 teenagers that were stopped and frisked, 86% of them were black and Latino, and most of them were young men.","es":"Vivo en Nueva York, y el a\u00f1o pasado, de los 140.000 adolescentes a los que se les par\u00f3 y registr\u00f3, 86 % eran negros y latinos, y la mayor\u00eda de ellos eran hombres j\u00f3venes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When the poet and mystic, Rumi, met his spiritual companion, Shams of Tabriz, one of the first things the latter did was to toss Rumi's books into water and watch the letters dissolve.","es":"Cuando el poeta y m\u00edstico, Rumi, conoci\u00f3 a su compa\u00f1era espiritual, Shams-i-Tabriz, una de las primeras cosas que este \u00faltimo hizo fue tirar el libro de Rumi en agua y ver como se disolv\u00edan las letras."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you take public transit, it's about two hours.","es":"En transporte p\u00fablico son como 2 horas."} {"gender":"female","en":"So here we've got some laughter for you.","es":"Tengo aqu\u00ed algunas risas."} {"gender":"female","en":"As I opened my leg, another woman came, and this woman was carrying a knife.","es":"Mientras abr\u00eda mis piernas, vino otra mujer, y esta mujer tra\u00eda un cuchillo."} {"gender":"male","en":"One of the things I'm pointing out is that cartoons appear within the context of The New Yorker magazine, that lovely Caslon type, and it seems like a fairly benign cartoon within this context.","es":"Una de las cosas que se\u00f1alo es que las caricaturas aparecen en el contexto de la revista The New Yorker. con esa preciosa tipograf\u00eda Caslon, parece ser una caricatura bastante benigna en este contexto."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the week before I showed up, the CEO of this big software company went to that group, 200 engineers, and canceled the project.","es":"Y la semana anterior a mi presentaci\u00f3n, el director ejecutivo de esta gran compa\u00f1\u00eda de software se dirigi\u00f3 al grupo, 200 ingenieros, y cancel\u00f3 el proyecto."} {"gender":"male","en":"What about all those boys?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 pasa con todos esos chicos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"In part, because I was in acting school, I couldn't justify going to voice and speech class, throwing imaginary balls of energy at the back of the room, doing acting exercises where I gave birth to myself, while my friends were serving without me overseas.","es":"En parte, porque estudiaba actuaci\u00f3n y no pod\u00eda pasar por alto que yo iba a clases de voz y de oratoria, lanzaba pelotas imaginarias de energ\u00eda hasta al fondo del aula y hac\u00eda ejercicios donde me daba a luz a m\u00ed mismo mientras mis amigos estaban sirviendo sin m\u00ed en el extranjero."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's not suited to put those pieces back together again and then to come to a conclusion.","es":"No es adecuado para juntar las piezas de nuevo y despu\u00e9s llegar a una conclusi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Saint Obi: I was so fascinated, you know, with those cowboy movies.","es":"Estaba tan fascinado con esas pel\u00edculas de vaqueros."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I ultimately want to recycle that, put it back into the loos, maybe wash hands with it, I don't know.","es":"Y, en definitiva, quiero reciclar el agua para su uso en los sanitarios para lavarse las manos quiz\u00e1, no lo s\u00e9."} {"gender":"female","en":"This shows 30 years of intervention in that family's life.","es":"Esta muestra 30 a\u00f1os de intervenci\u00f3n en la vida de esa familia."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is what's really cool: it's aging more slowly.","es":"Esto es realmente genial: est\u00e1 envejeciendo lentamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"I stopped fighting with myself, and I learned to work with my environment to solve its problems.","es":"Dej\u00e9 de pelear conmigo mismo y aprend\u00ed a trabajar con mi entorno para resolver los problemas."} {"gender":"male","en":"To have somebody guilty in case they fail.","es":"Tener a alguien culpable en caso de no tener \u00e9xito."} {"gender":"female","en":"Some kids are bothered by fluorescent lights; others have problems with sound sensitivity.","es":"A algunos les molestan las luces fluorescentes. Otros tienen problemas con la sensibilidad sonora."} {"gender":"female","en":"Death is something that we're often discouraged to talk about, or even think about, but I've realized that preparing for death is one of the most empowering things you can do.","es":"La muerte es algo de lo que a menudo evitamos hablar, o incluso pensar, pero entend\u00ed que prepararnos para la muerte es una de esas cosas que nos confieren m\u00e1s poder."} {"gender":"male","en":"Actually, it still has to cool down first before I can show you that the healing works.","es":"En realidad, se tiene que enfriar primero antes de que les pueda mostrar c\u00f3mo act\u00faa la reparaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So we need these government numbers, but we also have to move beyond either blindly accepting or blindly rejecting them.","es":"As\u00ed que necesitamos los n\u00fameros del gobierno, pero no tenemos que aceptarlos ciegamente o rechazarlos ciegamente."} {"gender":"female","en":"We had lots of meetings with them.","es":"Tuvimos muchas reuniones con ellos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Yeah, it's just a fluke.","es":"Si, precisamente, la han vuelto loca."} {"gender":"female","en":"What looks like a forest is actually only one tree.","es":"Lo que parece un bosque en realidad es s\u00f3lo un \u00e1rbol."} {"gender":"male","en":"But the question that lingered in my mind was, what causes people to destroy fire trucks headed to their own homes?","es":"Pero la pregunta que persist\u00eda en mi mente era, \u00bfqu\u00e9 hace que las personas destruyan camiones de bomberos que van camino a sus propias casas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, in order to harvest it, I mean, what's harvesting?","es":"Ahora, con objeto de cosecharlas, me pregunto \u00bfqu\u00e9 es cosechar?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I will not take all the seven hours.","es":"No me tomar\u00e9 las 7 horas."} {"gender":"female","en":"You don't even know.","es":"No tienen ni idea."} {"gender":"female","en":"For example, \"When you're going through your sister's stuff, and you hear her coming up the stairs.\"","es":"Por ejemplo, \"Cuando est\u00e1s husmeando en las cosas de tu hermana, y la oyes subir las escaleras\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Let me show you.","es":"Les mostrar\u00e9."} {"gender":"female","en":"We know that this can be done and we're committed to doing it.","es":"Sabemos que puede hacerse y estamos comprometidos con ello."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I just published a book about introversion, and it took me about seven years to write.","es":"As\u00ed que acabo de publicar un libro sobre la introversi\u00f3n, y me tom\u00f3 7 a\u00f1os escribirlo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Remind them that the year has passed to be docile or small.","es":"Record\u00e1ndoles que el a\u00f1o ha transcurrido d\u00f3cil o peque\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"Doaa was holding on to the side of the boat as it sank, and watched in horror as a small child was cut to pieces by the propeller.","es":"Doaa se aferraba a un lado de la embarcaci\u00f3n mientras se hund\u00eda, y vio con horror como un ni\u00f1o peque\u00f1o fue despedazado por la h\u00e9lice."} {"gender":"male","en":"It had nothing to do with hating my body, I just love it enough to let it go, I treat it like a house, and when your house is falling apart, you do not evacuate, you make it comfortable enough to house all your insides, you make it pretty enough to invite guests over, you make the floorboards strong enough to stand on.","es":"No ten\u00eda que ver con odiar mi cuerpo, lo amaba lo suficiente como para liberarlo, lo trat\u00e9 como a una casa. Cuando la casa se cae a pedazos, uno no la abandona, la acondiciona para que albergue todo lo que es, la embellece para invitar hu\u00e9spedes, uno refuerza sus cimientos para que resistan."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And who is that?","es":"\u00bfY qui\u00e9n es?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And there's been a tremendous increase in the temperature up there.","es":"Y ha habido un tremendo aumento de la temperatura all\u00e1 arriba."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Sleepy face?","es":"\u00bfCara de sue\u00f1o?"} {"gender":"male","en":"But I wanted to understand how these fish do their job in risky situations.","es":"Pero yo quer\u00eda saber c\u00f3mo act\u00faan estos peces en situaciones de peligro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Solar parks, because of the gaps between the panels, deliver less.","es":"Los parques solares, debido a los espacios entre paneles, rinden menos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Will we in the United States continue to import efficient cars to replace foreign oil, or will we make efficient cars and import neither the oil nor the cars?","es":"\u00bfContinuaremos en Estados Unidos importando autos eficientes para reemplazar el petr\u00f3leo extranjero o haremos autos eficientes para no importar ni el petr\u00f3leo ni los autos?"} {"gender":"female","en":"For two weeks, she became my companion, slept with me.","es":"Durante dos semanas me hizo compa\u00f1\u00eda, durmi\u00f3 conmigo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I had read civics books that told me about the ideals of American democracy.","es":"Hab\u00eda le\u00eddo libros de civismo que me hablaban de los ideales de la democracia americana."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm booking for the spring.","es":"Reservo para la primavera."} {"gender":"male","en":"That is, until I went to Eduardo's farm in Extremadura, 50 miles north of Seville, right on the Portugal border.","es":"Eso es hasta que fui a la granja de Eduardo en Extremadura, A 75 kil\u00f3metros al norte de Sevilla, al lado de la frontera con Portugal."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And as you look at what went on, the problem wasn't that there was a system that didn't work well enough, the problem was that we didn't have a system at all.","es":"Si se observa lo que sucedi\u00f3, el problema no fue que el sistema no funcionara adecuadamente, sino que en verdad no ten\u00edamos ning\u00fan sistema."} {"gender":"male","en":"How am I going to advertise safety?\"","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo voy a hacerlo?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"I have learned to always go for option two, and I have found that it has taken me from strength to strength.","es":"He aprendido a ir siempre por la opci\u00f3n dos, y he encontrado que me ha fortalecido."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the reason is that, take Africa for example. Africans have already got a lot of aid.","es":"Y la raz\u00f3n es que - tomemos a \u00c1frica, por ejemplo - Los africanos reciben mucha asistencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"ES: It is. I think it's very true.","es":"ES: S\u00ed, creo que es cierto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Where you plan them in is up to you.","es":"Donde planificarlos depende de Uds."} {"gender":"female","en":"Twenty-nine years later, as a Sunday school teacher myself, my faith was challenged by a young nine-year-old who asked a series of questions.","es":"Veintinueve a\u00f1os mas tarde, siendo maestra de la escuela dominical mi fe fue desafiada por un ni\u00f1o de 9 a\u00f1os que me hizo una serie de preguntas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It could do the \"if then\" for basic programmers, and that fundamentally made it into a computer.","es":"Pod\u00eda hacer los \u00absi entonces\u00bb para programadores b\u00e1sicos, y eso fundamentalmente hace que sea un ordenador."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And we had to get past the NICE problem.","es":"Tuvimos que superar el problema de NICE."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And the scale and the speed of this system is truly breathtaking.","es":"La escala y velocidad del sistema es realmente impresionante."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He didn't say we didn't have a theory.","es":"No dijo que no tenemos siquiera una teor\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"And on the third day, I finally understood, the guy was actually on duty.","es":"Al tercer d\u00eda, finalmente entend\u00ed, el tipo de hecho estaba trabajando."} {"gender":"female","en":"As a leader and as a manager, I have always acted on the mantra, if family comes first, work does not come second, life comes together.","es":"Como l\u00edder y como gerente, siempre he actuado en el mantra: Si la familia viene primero, el trabajo no viene segundo, la vida es una."} {"gender":"male","en":"And pick up another marker for me and take off the cap.","es":"Toma otro marcador. y qu\u00edtale la tapa."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think cyber is a threat in three ways: One way, and probably the most common way that people have heard about it, is due to the theft of intellectual property, so basically, foreign countries going in, stealing companies' secrets, and then providing that information to state-owned enterprises or companies connected to the government to help them leapfrog technology or to gain business intelligence that's then used to win contracts overseas.","es":"Es una amenaza en tres formas: Una forma, probablemente la m\u00e1s com\u00fan, la m\u00e1s conocida por la gente, es el robo de propiedad intelectual. B\u00e1sicamente, pa\u00edses extranjeros que vienen roban secretos empresariales, y luego brindan esa informaci\u00f3n a empresas del gobierno o empresas relacionadas con el gobierno para ayudarles a dar el salto tecnol\u00f3gico u obtener inteligencia de negocios usada para ganar contratos en el extranjero."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's a great time to be a molecular biologist.","es":"Es una maravillosa \u00e9poca para ser una bi\u00f3loga molecular."} {"gender":"male","en":"I didn't quit the Media Lab, I stepped down as chairman, which was a kind of ridiculous title, but someone else has taken it on, and one of the things you can do as a professor is you stay on as a professor.","es":"No lo hice; renunci\u00e9 a la presidencia era un t\u00edtulo algo rid\u00edculo, pero alguien m\u00e1s lo asumi\u00f3, y una de las cosas que uno puede hacer como profesor, es seguir siendo profesor."} {"gender":"male","en":"We've all made a mistake, myself included, by focusing down, by being a reductionist. We need to take a step back.\"","es":"Todos hemos cometido un error, incluso yo, por enfocar hacia abajo, por ser reduccionistas, Necesitamos retroceder un paso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"FoodLab provides these entrepreneurs incubation, hands-on education, workshops, technical assistance, access to industry experts so that they can grow and scale.","es":"FoodLab proporciona incubaci\u00f3n a estos empresarios, educaci\u00f3n pr\u00e1ctica, talleres, asistencia t\u00e9cnica, acceso a expertos de la industria para que puedan crecer y expandirse."} {"gender":"male","en":"So inside of a nanotube, we're really at the limit here.","es":"Dentro de un nanotubo, estamos realmente al limite aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"The other main characteristic is motivation. The motor in the brain begins to crank, and you want this person.","es":"La otra caracter\u00edstica principal es la motivaci\u00f3n, el motor de tu cerebro empieza a arrancar y quieres a esa persona."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Our competitive advantage as a species is our brain.","es":"Nuestra ventaja competitiva como especie es nuestro cerebro."} {"gender":"male","en":"And now I would like to ask you to formally help us, because we cannot do this alone.","es":"Y ahora me gustar\u00eda pedirles que nos ayuden formalmente, porque no podemos hacer esto solos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Yes?","es":"\u00bfS\u00ed?"} {"gender":"female","en":"So the universe went from neutral to ionized.","es":"Por lo que el universo pas\u00f3 de neutro a ionizado."} {"gender":"female","en":"What I'd also like to convey is that it is not all doom and gloom that we are seeing in the high seas.","es":"Lo que tambi\u00e9n me gustar\u00eda transmitir es que no todo es derrota y letargo en lo que vemos del alta mar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It has to be part of the explanation.","es":"Tiene que ser parte de la explicaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in the corner of one of these, one of my notes, is this note that says, when asked, what do you think of conventional foie gras?","es":"Y en la esquina de una de ellas una de mis notas, dice, cuando se le pregunta, \u00bfqu\u00e9 piensas sobre el foie gras convencional?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And he drove me out to the University of Pittsburgh where I filled out a college application and got in on probation.","es":"Y me llev\u00f3 a la Universidad de Pittsburg donde llen\u00e9 la solicitud de ingreso y entr\u00e9 a prueba."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a very un-PC cover.","es":"Esta es una portada muy pol\u00edticamente incorrecta."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm a pedestrian.","es":"Soy un peat\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"That might be us.","es":"Podr\u00eda ser nosotros."} {"gender":"female","en":"I am a data nerd, and the reason for that is I want to make sure that if we spend a dollar, that the program works, and if it doesn't work, we should change the plan.","es":"Soy una mani\u00e1tica de los datos. Y eso es porque quiero estar segura de que si gastamos un d\u00f3lar, que el programa funcione, y si no funciona, debemos cambiar de plan."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I didn't say these things to Abed.","es":"Pero nada de eso le dije a Abed."} {"gender":"male","en":"This next artist, N.S. Harsha, actually has a studio right here in Mysore.","es":"El pr\u00f3ximo artista es N.S. Harsha; en realidad tiene un estudio justo aqu\u00ed en Mysore."} {"gender":"female","en":"Most people say, why should I be risky when I can get 1,500 dollars for sure?","es":"La mayor\u00eda de las personas dice: \u00bfpara qu\u00e9 arriesgarme si puedo obtener 1,500 con seguridad?"} {"gender":"female","en":"The Iranian, the Persian poet, Hafiz, used to say, \"You carry in your soul every ingredient necessary to turn your existence into joy.","es":"El poeta iran\u00ed, persa, Hafiz, sol\u00eda decir: \"Ustedes llevan en su alma todos los ingredientes necesarios para ser felices."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The mastery-based population was a full standard deviation, or sigma, in achievement scores better than the standard lecture-based class, and the individual tutoring gives you 2 sigma improvement in performance.","es":"El grupo basado en aprendizaje dirigido a objetivos obtuvo una desviaci\u00f3n est\u00e1ndar o una sigma, por encima del rendimiento del grupo corriente con clases basadas en conferencias. Y la instrucci\u00f3n individual produjo una mejora de dos sigmas en el rendimiento."} {"gender":"male","en":"And instead, created a story that touched our audiences deeply.","es":"Y en vez de eso cre\u00f3 una historia que lleg\u00f3 al coraz\u00f3n de nuestro p\u00fablico."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I also have a little bit of a sort of smartass subtitle to this.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n al brillante subt\u00edtulo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, based on our work in the United States and elsewhere, we know that there are three key things we have to do to bring fisheries back, and they are: We need to set quotas or limits on how much we take; we need to reduce bycatch, which is the accidental catching and killing of fish that we're not targeting, and it's very wasteful; and three, we need to protect habitats, the nursery areas, the spawning areas that these fish need to grow and reproduce successfully so that they can rebuild their populations.","es":"Bien, bas\u00e1ndonos en nuestro trabajo en Estados Unidos y otros sitios, sabemos que hay 3 cosas clave que tenemos que realizar para recuperar el sector pesquero y son: establecer cuotas o l\u00edmites en la cantidad de pescado que se captura; reducir la captura incidental, cuando se sacan y se matan peces que no eran nuestro objetivo y que conlleva una gran p\u00e9rdida; y, 3, proteger los h\u00e1bitats, las zonas de cr\u00eda y de reproducci\u00f3n que los peces necesitan para crecer y reproducirse y poder as\u00ed repoblarse."} {"gender":"male","en":"The new me is all about making things kind of neat and fun.","es":"Al nuevo yo le enloquecen las cosas lindas y divertidas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We started out with model airplane paint and then we found these wonderful little Japanese markers, and they work really well.","es":"Empezamos con pinturas para maquetas de aviones y luego encontramos estos peque\u00f1os y fabulosos rotuladores japoneses, que funcionan realmente bien."} {"gender":"female","en":"I have no idea.","es":"No tengo idea."} {"gender":"female","en":"But what I was sure of was my innocence.","es":"Pero estaba segura de mi inocencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"I would love to go back to Tuscany to this kind of traditional setting, gastronomy, good food.","es":"Me encantar\u00eda volver a Toscana a esta clase de escenario tradicional, gastronom\u00eda, buena comida."} {"gender":"female","en":"Our education systems in many countries are broken.","es":"Los sistemas educativos de muchos de nuestros pa\u00edses no funcionan."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So it's very difficult to conceive this space, but actually we have an excuse.","es":"Es muy dif\u00edcil imaginar este espacio, pero en realidad tenemos una excusa."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a place where we don't feel threatened, or threatening.","es":"Es un lugar donde no nos sentimos amenazados o amenazadores."} {"gender":"male","en":"There are a quarter-billion migrants around the world; people living, loving and learning in countries where they were not born.","es":"Hay unos 250 millones de inmigrantes en todo el mundo; personas que viven, aman y aprenden en pa\u00edses donde no nacieron."} {"gender":"female","en":"And fearful expressions convey urgent need and emotional distress, and they usually elicit compassion and a desire to help in people who see them, so it makes sense that people who tend to lack compassion also tend to be insensitive to these cues.","es":"Y las expresiones de miedo transmiten necesidad urgente y angustia emocional, y, por lo general, provocan la compasi\u00f3n y el deseo de ayudar en las personas que los ven. Por esta raz\u00f3n, las personas que tienden a carecer de compasi\u00f3n, tambi\u00e9n tienden a ser insensibles a estas se\u00f1ales."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you do it without me I feel even more redundant than I already feel.","es":"Si lo hacen sin m\u00ed me voy a sentir incluso m\u00e1s redundante de lo que ya me siento."} {"gender":"female","en":"We now have a color view of the sky, a technicolor view.","es":"Ahora tenemos una vista en color del cielo, una vista tecnicolor."} {"gender":"male","en":"Our small prototype has given us good insight that it's working very well, but we still need to work a lot more on this.","es":"El peque\u00f1o prototipo nos hizo ver que estaba funcionando muy bien, pero que todav\u00eda ten\u00edamos mucho trabajo por hacer."} {"gender":"female","en":"That we listen when technology says it will take something complicated and promises something simpler.","es":"Que escuchemos cuando la tecnolog\u00eda nos dice que puede eliminar algo complicado y promete algo m\u00e1s sencillo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Hold your head up.","es":"Levanta la cabeza."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So, our responsibility is not simply shielding those we care for from adversity, but preparing them to meet it well.","es":"Asi que, nuestra responsabilidad no es simplemente aislar de la adversidad a aquellos a quienes queremos, sino prepararlos para que la afronten bien."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This moment right now, when we think about the meaning of imagination, is so fundamentally important, and our ability to take that spirit and to take that sense that there is something greater out there, is not just a matter of technical expertise.","es":"Este momento, ahora, cuando pensamos en el significado de imaginaci\u00f3n, es tan fundamentalmente importante, y nuestra habilidad de tomar ese esp\u00edritu y entender que hay algo m\u00e1s grande, no es solo una cuesti\u00f3n de conocimientos t\u00e9cnicos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So this actually has given rise to a really big Internet meme that tens of thousands of people have participated in, which is called CAPTCHA art.","es":"Eso ha dado lugar a un gran meme de Internet en el que han participado decenas de miles de personas que se llama arte de captchas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so here is what I came up with.","es":"Y ac\u00e1 est\u00e1 lo que se me ocurri\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"So this is a drawing of my preliminary design.","es":"Este es un dibujo de mi dise\u00f1o preliminar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that is never going to change unless we have more women at the top in the boardroom.","es":"Y eso nunca va a cambiar a menos que tengamos m\u00e1s mujeres en la cumbre del directorio."} {"gender":"male","en":"I have become myself known.","es":"Me ha ayudado a ser reconocido."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Otherwise it will cease to flourish.","es":"De lo contrario, dejar\u00e1 de florecer."} {"gender":"female","en":"It is time that we start building living monuments to hope and possibility.","es":"Es hora de que empecemos a construir monumentos vivientes de esperanza y posibilidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"They didn't know how to answer their children's questions.","es":"No sab\u00edan c\u00f3mo responder las preguntas de sus hijos."} {"gender":"female","en":"I said, \"Tell me about the men and women who painted these.\"","es":"Le dije, \"H\u00e1bleme de los hombres y mujeres que pintaron esto\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"You were focused on your hand, distracted.","es":"Estaba concentrado en su mano. Por eso se distrajo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Bill Gates agrees.","es":"Bill Gates est\u00e1 de acuerdo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And we know that it can do this at scale.","es":"Y sabemos que lo puede ajustar a escala."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's easy to manufacture and transport and install and replace and clean.","es":"Es f\u00e1cil de fabricar, transportar, instalar, reemplazar y limpiar."} {"gender":"female","en":"On the other side of the country, I went to class and wrote a poem in the margins of my notebook.","es":"En el otro lado del pa\u00eds, yo iba a clase y escrib\u00eda un poema en las m\u00e1rgenes de mi cuaderno."} {"gender":"female","en":"They were tweeting.","es":"Estaban tuiteando."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The third generation prototype is, right now, in Uganda being tested.","es":"El prototipo de tercera generaci\u00f3n est\u00e1, en este momento, siendo probando en Uganda."} {"gender":"male","en":"After all, getting what you want feels good.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de todo, tener lo que queremos nos hace sentir bien."} {"gender":"female","en":"Apple invented HyperCard in 1987.","es":"Apple invent\u00f3 HyperCard en 1987."} {"gender":"female","en":"And this is actually the field of mathematics that underlies general relativity and is actually ultimately going to show us about the shape of the universe.","es":"Este es, en realidad, el campo de las matem\u00e1ticas que subyace a la relatividad general y en \u00faltima instancia, en realidad, nos va a mostrar la forma del universo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I listened to some gay commentator say that the African-American community was notoriously homophobic, and now that civil rights had been achieved for us, we wanted to take away other people's rights.","es":"Escuch\u00e9 a un comentarista gay decir que la comunidad afroamericana era notoriamente hom\u00f3foba, y ahora que los derechos civiles se hab\u00edan logrado para nosotros, quer\u00edamos quit\u00e1rselos a otras personas."} {"gender":"female","en":"But nevertheless, I wanted to try to explain to you how we study exoplanet atmospheres.","es":"Pero, sin embargo, quer\u00eda explicarles c\u00f3mo se estudian las atm\u00f3sferas de exoplanetas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And to explain why this is so, I have a question.","es":"Y para explicar el por qu\u00e9 de esto, tengo una pregunta."} {"gender":"male","en":"But we scientists are inconsistent.","es":"Pero los cient\u00edficos somos inconsistentes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is the kind of call that is used by, say, right whale mothers and calves as they separate to come back again.","es":"Y este es el tipo de llamada que usan, digamos, las madres de ballena franca y las cr\u00edas cuando se separan para volver a encontrarse."} {"gender":"female","en":"I looked in the zippered pocket of one, and I found a printed card in English, which read, \"An American classic.","es":"Mir\u00e9 el bolsillo con cremallera de uno, y encontr\u00e9 una tarjeta impresa en ingl\u00e9s, que dec\u00eda, \"Un cl\u00e1sico estadounidense."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I think it starts with one physician, and that's me.","es":"Y creo que esto empieza con un m\u00e9dico, y ese soy yo."} {"gender":"female","en":"It was the night that Barack Obama was elected.","es":"La noche en que Barack Obama fue elegido."} {"gender":"male","en":"It came from the strange delight of watching a machine play music.","es":"Vino de la extra\u00f1a delicia de ver una m\u00e1quina tocando m\u00fasica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The range of ideas you've just spoken about are dizzying, exhilarating, incredible.","es":"La gama de ideas de las que acabas de hablar es vertiginosa, emocionante, incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"female","en":"If you considered each option for a single second, that would take you over 28 years to get through.","es":"Si consideraran cada opci\u00f3n por un segundo nada m\u00e1s, les llevar\u00eda m\u00e1s de 28 a\u00f1os estudiarlas todas."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's hands-on, it's in-your-face, it requires an active engagement, and it allows kids to apply all the core subject learning in real ways.","es":"Es pr\u00e1ctico, es presencial, requiere una participaci\u00f3n activa, y le permite a los ni\u00f1os aplicar las materias b\u00e1sicas de manera real."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, to not do so would mean needing to engineer endless acres of land on an entirely new planet by releasing trillions of gallons of atmospheric gasses and then constructing a giant glass dome to contain it all.","es":"Bueno, no hacerlo significar\u00eda usar la ingenier\u00eda para un sinf\u00edn de hect\u00e1reas de tierra en todo un nuevo planeta liberando billones de litros de gases atmosf\u00e9ricos para luego construir una c\u00fapula de cristal gigante para contenerlo todo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Climate change is going to require that a lot of people are being able to coordinate their attention in the most empowering way together.","es":"El cambio clim\u00e1tico va a requerir que mucha gente, sea capaz de coordinar su atenci\u00f3n en conjunto de la manera m\u00e1s poderosa."} {"gender":"male","en":"Narrator: When I find a chapter that I want to see, I just touch the text and the system will format pages for me to read.","es":"Narrador: Cuando encuentro un cap\u00edtulo que quiero ver, s\u00f3lo toco el texto y el sistema dar\u00e1 formato a las p\u00e1ginas para poder leerlas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, how many years they lived.","es":"Los a\u00f1os que tiene hasta la fecha."} {"gender":"female","en":"My team, headed up by Chase Childs, is already beginning to look at some of the satellite imagery.","es":"Mi equipo, encabezado por Chase Childs, ya empez\u00f3 a analizar algunas im\u00e1genes satelitales."} {"gender":"female","en":"So from data like this, we're able now to put the map up, and in this map you see thousands of positions generated by this decade and a half of tagging.","es":"As\u00ed, a partir de datos de este tipo ahora podemos construir el mapa; y en este mapa ven miles de posiciones generadas en una d\u00e9cada y media de marcado."} {"gender":"female","en":"And some of our colleagues at Tufts are mixing models like these with tissue-engineered bone to see how cancer might spread from one part of the body to the next, and you can imagine those kinds of multi-tissue chips to be the next generation of these kinds of studies.","es":"Y algunos de nuestros compa\u00f1eros de Tufts mezclan modelos con ingenier\u00eda tisular \u00f3sea para ver c\u00f3mo el c\u00e1ncer podr\u00eda extenderse de una parte del cuerpo a otra, y pueden imaginar esos chips de tejidos m\u00faltiples como la pr\u00f3xima generaci\u00f3n de este tipo de estudios."} {"gender":"male","en":"Third, as I already hinted, protest is the space from which new political imaginations may emerge.","es":"Tercero, como ya he insinuado, las protestas son el espacio por el cual surgen nuevas ideas pol\u00edticas."} {"gender":"male","en":"It makes me really feel that that civilization, which, as I say, if you believe the scientific creation story, has emerged purely as a result of the laws of physics, and a few hydrogen atoms, then I think, to me anyway, it makes me feel incredibly valuable.","es":"Eso me hace sentir realmente que esa civilizaci\u00f3n, la cual, como digo, si crees en la historia de la creaci\u00f3n cient\u00edfica, ha surgido puramente como resultado de las leyes de la f\u00edsica, y unos cuantos \u00e1tomos de hidr\u00f3geno, entonces creo que, a m\u00ed en cualquier caso, me hace sentir incre\u00edblemente valioso."} {"gender":"male","en":"The typical em is a copy of the few hundred most productive humans.","es":"El t\u00edpico em es una copia de los pocos cientos de humanos m\u00e1s productivos."} {"gender":"male","en":"For the first time, this year the cost of solar-generated electricity is 50 percent that of diesel-generated electricity in India, 8.8 rupees versus 17 rupees.","es":"Este a\u00f1o, por primera vez, el costo de la energ\u00eda solar en India es el 50% menos que el de la generada por diesel: 8,8 rupias versus 17 rupias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Your knowledge is limited, health is limited, and power is therefore limited, and the cheerfulness is going to be limited.","es":"Tus conocimientos son limitados, tu salud es limitada, y el poder por lo tanto es limitado, y la alegr\u00eda va a ser limitada."} {"gender":"female","en":"I order as quick as I can and I move along to collect my coffee.","es":"Pido lo m\u00e1s r\u00e1pidamente posible y avanzo para conseguir mi caf\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"At the beginning, I said I'd show you two extraordinary photographs.","es":"Al principio de la charla les dije que les iba a mostrar dos fotos extraordinarias."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this made me feel even more ridiculous, hurt, really.","es":"Y esto me hizo sentir a\u00fan m\u00e1s rid\u00edculo, herido, en realidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean it was very dramatic diplomacy.","es":"Quiero decir que era diplomacia muy dram\u00e1tica."} {"gender":"female","en":"What I learned through this process was that these women, despite their extreme poverty, placed great value on their health and well-being.","es":"Lo que aprend\u00ed a trav\u00e9s de este proceso fue que estas mujeres, a pesar de su extrema pobreza, le daban gran valor a su salud y bienestar."} {"gender":"female","en":"And in this sense, science is intrinsically conservative.","es":"Y en esta ciencia, la ciencia es intr\u00ednsecamente conservadora."} {"gender":"male","en":"One such story I did documented the leatherback sea turtle.","es":"Una de esas notas que hice documentaba a la tortuga la\u00fad."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it ends up that you'd do swapping less times than you stop at a gas station.","es":"La realidad es que terminas cambiando de bater\u00eda menos veces que las que te detienes en una gasolinera."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And what they did was, they sent Walter Raleigh down to physically separate her mortal self from her spirit self.","es":"Y lo que hicieron fue hacer que cayera Walter Raleigh para separar f\u00edsicamente la parte mortal de ella de su parte espiritual."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I walk into her class to give a guest lecture, about 300 students in the room, and as I walk in, one of the students looks up and says, \"Oh, finally, an objective opinion.\"","es":"As\u00ed que entr\u00e9 en su clase a dar una conferencia con unos 300 estudiantes. y mientras caminaba, uno de ellos me mir\u00f3 y dijo: \"Por fin, una opini\u00f3n objetiva\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'd like to introduce you to an emerging area of science, one that is still speculative but hugely exciting, and certainly one that's growing very rapidly.","es":"Me gustar\u00eda presentarles un \u00e1rea emergente de la ciencia, que sigue siendo especulativa, pero muy emocionante, y, sin duda, un \u00e1rea que est\u00e1 creciendo muy r\u00e1pidamente."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, I decided to investigate.","es":"Y decid\u00ed investigar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Sometime, you are at the first level of a building, and somebody opens his window and offers you some tea.","es":"A veces, uno est\u00e1 en el primer nivel de un edificio, y alguien abre la ventana y le ofrece un t\u00e9."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's not a question of competencies.","es":"No es una cuesti\u00f3n de competencias."} {"gender":"male","en":"And their pupils would dilate, they would recoil, then they would look down and swallow hard and start to tell me their stories.","es":"Y sus alumnos se detendr\u00edan, retroceder\u00edan, bajar\u00edan la cabeza y tragar\u00edan saliva y empezar\u00edan a contar sus historias."} {"gender":"female","en":"I study the interface between the atmosphere and the ocean.","es":"Estudio la interfaz entre la atm\u00f3sfera y el oc\u00e9ano."} {"gender":"female","en":"So here I was wallowing in a vortex of emotions and depression and what have you, with the enormity of the situation, wanting to go to a place of healing, health and happiness.","es":"Entonces, yo estaba ahi, revolc\u00e1ndome en un v\u00f3rtice de emociones y depresi\u00f3n, con lo enormidad de la situaci\u00f3n, queriendo ir a un lugar de sanaci\u00f3n, salud y felicidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was spit in the face in the streets of Oslo, this time by brown men.","es":"Paseando por Oslo me volvieron a escupir, esta vez hombres morenos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, it turns out that if you give a crayfish a lot of little tiny electric shocks every time it tries to come out of its burrow, it will develop anxiety.","es":"Bueno, resulta que si se le da a un cangrejo de r\u00edo varias peque\u00f1as descargas el\u00e9ctricas cada vez que intenta salir de su madriguera, desarrollar\u00e1 ansiedad."} {"gender":"female","en":"There's nothing to see here.","es":"No hay nada que ver aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's that kind of innovation that's why those on the fringes are often the harbingers of what is to come.","es":"Y es que el tipo de innovaci\u00f3n es por eso que los de la periferia a menudo son los precursores de lo que est\u00e1 por venir."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's where you find people like me, I'm afraid.","es":"Ah\u00ed es donde se encuentra gente como yo, me temo."} {"gender":"female","en":"It hurt me, and it made me think, what's the point of making change in the future?","es":"Me doli\u00f3 y me hizo pensar. \u00bfQu\u00e9 sentido tiene intentar cambiar el futuro?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Girl: I have written two books.","es":"Ni\u00f1a: He escrito dos libros."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And these electron microscope pictures, here's one of an orchid mimicking an insect, you can see that different parts of the structure have different colors and different textures to our eye, have very, very different textures to what an insect might perceive.","es":"Estas im\u00e1genes son de un microscopio electr\u00f3nico. Aqu\u00ed hay una orqu\u00eddea simulando ser un insecto. Se pueden ver las diferentes partes de su estructura con colores distintos y texturas diversas a la vista. Tiene texturas bien distintas para que el insecto las perciba."} {"gender":"female","en":"There are a lot of stakeholders with lots of interests and misaligned incentives like publishing, promotion and tenure.","es":"Hay muchas partes interesadas con muchos intereses, algunos menos justificados como la publicaci\u00f3n, promoci\u00f3n y propiedad."} {"gender":"female","en":"And even that's probably an overestimate, because the same people who distributed the nets went back and asked the recipients, \"Oh, did you use that net I gave you?\"","es":"Y probablemente es una sobrestimaci\u00f3n, porque la misma gente que distribuy\u00f3 las redes regres\u00f3 y pregunt\u00f3 a los beneficiarios: \"\u00bfUso la mosquitera que le di?\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is where 1,100 data sets that don't suffer from the things I just told you live, and that number is growing, and that's great.","es":"Hay 1100 archivos de informaci\u00f3n que no sufre de lo que les he contado y el n\u00famero sigue creciendo, es genial."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was in the water taking pictures of surfers, and it started to snow.","es":"Estaba en el agua haciendo fotos de los surfistas y empez\u00f3 a nevar."} {"gender":"male","en":"For example, I see far-UVC lights in surgical theaters.","es":"Por ejemplo, puedo ver la luz UVC lejana en los quir\u00f3fanos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I believe that with the development of the science of moving dots, we will move better, we will move smarter, we will move forward.","es":"Creo que con el desarrollo de la ciencia de los puntos m\u00f3viles, nos moveremos mejor, con m\u00e1s inteligencia, nos moveremos hacia adelante."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's worth a try and I believe it would succeed.","es":"Vale la pena intentarlo y creo que tendr\u00eda \u00e9xito."} {"gender":"female","en":"My minister answered proudly and somewhat defiantly, \"I am going to pray for rain.\"","es":"Mi ministra respondi\u00f3 con orgullo y en un tono algo desafiante: \"Voy a rezar para que llueva\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Yeah, yeah, back to the corner, back to the corner.","es":"S\u00ed, s\u00ed. Hacia la esquina. Hacia la esquina."} {"gender":"female","en":"I also got at the time a workbook which explained my rights and my working conditions, and I still have that workbook.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n obtuve al mismo tiempo un libro de trabajo que explicaba mis derechos y mis condiciones de trabajo, y todav\u00eda tengo ese libro."} {"gender":"male","en":"You guys are facing that way, so I'll hook it to this one.","es":"Dada la direcci\u00f3n en la que miran Uds., conecto esta."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Tip five: pursue audacious goals.","es":"Consejo cinco: busquen objetivos audaces."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is me rock climbing for the first time.","es":"Esta soy yo en el roc\u00f3dromo por primera vez."} {"gender":"female","en":"You become the authority.","es":"Nos convertimos en la autoridad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Ask why so many countries criminalize drugs they'd never heard of, why the U.N. drug treaties emphasize criminalization over health, even why most of the money worldwide for dealing with drug abuse goes not to helping agencies but those that punish, and you'll find the good old U.S. of A. Why did we do this?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 tantos pa\u00edses declaran ilegales drogas de las que nunca han o\u00eddo? \u00bfPor qu\u00e9 los acuerdos de la ONU enfatizan la criminalizaci\u00f3n sobre la salud? E incluso \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 la mayor\u00eda del dinero mundial para lidiar con el abuso de drogas no va a organismos de asistencia sino a las que castigan? Y la respuesta es los buenos viejos EEUU. \u00bfPor qu\u00e9 hicimos esto?"} {"gender":"male","en":"When I'm on my deathbed, I'm going to remember one story more than any other.","es":"Cuando est\u00e9 en mi lecho de muerte voy a recordar una historia por sobre las otras."} {"gender":"male","en":"My son came to me the other day and I asked him, \"Go run out to the mailbox and check it.\"","es":"Mi hijo vino una vez y le ped\u00ed: \"Ve al buz\u00f3n y mira qu\u00e9 hay\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's estimated that between 150,000 to one million Iraqis, civilians, have died as a result of the US-led invasion in 2003.","es":"Se estima que murieron entre 150 000 y un mill\u00f3n de civiles iraqu\u00edes como resultado de la invasi\u00f3n liderada por EE.UU. en 2003."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The newly admitted babies would cry for the first few hours, but their demands were not met, and so eventually they learned not to bother.","es":"Los beb\u00e9s nuevos lloraban las primeras horas, pero como no recib\u00edan atenci\u00f3n, al final aprend\u00edan a no molestar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now it's a little extreme, I admit.","es":"Debo admitir que es un poco extremo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Myriad held patents on two genes, the BRCA1 and the BRCA2 genes.","es":"Myriad ten\u00eda patentes sobre dos genes, los genes BRCA1 y BRCA2."} {"gender":"male","en":"The good news is that by simply looking at something that somebody has done, scanning it and saying \"Uh huh,\" that seems to be quite sufficient to dramatically improve people's motivations.","es":"La buena noticia es que simplemente mirar algo que alguien ha hecho, examinarlo y decir \"aj\u00e1, aj\u00e1\", parece ser suficiente para incrementar radicalmente la motivaci\u00f3n de la gente."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's why we're changing the perception of insects.","es":"Es por eso que estamos cambiando la percepci\u00f3n de los insectos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And these planets can be called hot Jupiters, for some of the ones we've found.","es":"Y estos planetas pueden denominarse J\u00fapiteres calientes, a partir de algunos que hemos encontrado."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm a scientist, and I work with researchers at North Carolina State University and the University of Colorado to uncover the microscopic life that is nearest us, and that's often in our most intimate and boring environments, be it under our couches, in our backyards, or in our belly buttons.","es":"Soy cient\u00edfica y trabajo con investigadores en la Universidad Estatal de Carolina del Norte y de la Universidad de Colorado para descubrir la vida microsc\u00f3pica que est\u00e1 m\u00e1s cerca de nosotros, a menudo en nuestros ambientes m\u00e1s \u00edntimos y aburridos, bajo nuestros sof\u00e1s, en nuestros patios traseros, en nuestros ombligos."} {"gender":"female","en":"But there's a really large second peak half a millisecond later, and I didn't know what that was.","es":"Pero hay un segundo gran pico medio milisegundo despu\u00e9s y yo no sab\u00eda qu\u00e9 era."} {"gender":"male","en":"Not necessarily.","es":"No necesariamente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now \u2014 They didn't even care about that.","es":"Ahora Ni siquiera les import\u00f3."} {"gender":"female","en":"Even with brains full of plaques and tangles, some people stayed sharp to the end.","es":"Incluso en cerebros llenos de placas y ovillos, algunas personas se mantienen con agudeza hasta el final."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Algorithms are opinions embedded in code.","es":"Los algoritmos son opiniones que se embeben en c\u00f3digo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I don't want the DVD; I want the movie it carries.","es":"No quiero el DVD, quiero la pel\u00edcula que contiene."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Okay, now that sounds a little flip, but make no mistake, the stakes are very high.","es":"Bueno, eso suena un poco extremo, pero no se equivoquen, los riesgos son muy altos."} {"gender":"female","en":"I went for a walk on the beach, watching the fishermen bundle their nets into mounds on the sand.","es":"Fui a caminar por la playa, observando c\u00f3mo los pescadores anidaban sus redes sobre promontorios de arena."} {"gender":"female","en":"But I wonder who remembers Joe Darby, the very obedient, good soldier who found those photographs and handed them in.","es":"Pero me pregunto qui\u00e9n recuerda a Joe Darby, el buen soldado, muy obediente, que encontr\u00f3 esas fotograf\u00edas y las entreg\u00f3."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That is polarity.","es":"Esa es la polaridad."} {"gender":"female","en":"Columbine was a tidal wave, and when the crash ended, it would take years for the community and for society to comprehend its impact.","es":"Columbine fue una ola gigante, y cuando todo termin\u00f3, pasaron a\u00f1os hasta que la comunidad y la sociedad entendieran su impacto."} {"gender":"male","en":"I got very lucky.","es":"Tuve mucha suerte."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I think the West, at least some powers in the West, particularly the United States, made the mistake of supporting those secular dictators, thinking that they were more helpful for their interests.","es":"Y pienso que Occidente, al menos algunas potencias de Occidente, en particular Estados Unidos, cometieron el error de apoyar a estos dictadores seculares pensando que eran m\u00e1s funcionales a sus intereses."} {"gender":"female","en":"When I was a child growing up in Maine, one of my favorite things to do was to look for sand dollars on the seashores of Maine, because my parents told me it would bring me luck.","es":"De ni\u00f1a, viv\u00eda en Maine y una de las cosas que m\u00e1s me gustaba era buscar galletas de mar en las costas de Maine porque mis padres me dijeron que eso me dar\u00eda suerte."} {"gender":"female","en":"And while we're in a time where many people are thinking about what new superfood smoothie to make or if gluten is maybe bad for them, actually, hardly anyone seems to care about the organ where this happens, the concrete anatomy and the mechanisms behind it.","es":"Y mientras vivimos en un tiempo en el que muchas personas piensan lo que hace un superalimento batido o si el gluten es quiz\u00e1s malo para ellos, en realidad, a casi nadie parece importarle el \u00f3rgano donde sucede esto, la anatom\u00eda concreta y los mecanismos detr\u00e1s de esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Why was this horrible little building so important to their renown and their innovation?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 este edificio peque\u00f1o y horrible era tan importante para su prestigio e innovaci\u00f3n?"} {"gender":"male","en":"There are in fact quite a few errors.","es":"De hecho, hay unos cuantos errores."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And the reason they wanted the school for girls is because when a girl is raped when she's walking to school, the mother is blamed for that.","es":"Y la raz\u00f3n por la cual quer\u00edan una escuela para ellas es porque cuando violaban a una ni\u00f1a mientras iba a la escuela, culpaban a la madre por ello."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's where dinosaur origins is to be found: at the bottom of the cliff.","es":"Ah\u00ed es donde se encuentra el origen de los dinosaurios: en en fondo del acantilado."} {"gender":"female","en":"They love being mothers, but they also love their work, and they're really good at what they do.","es":"Aman ser mam\u00e1s, pero tambi\u00e9n aman su trabajo, y son realmente buenas en lo que hacen."} {"gender":"female","en":"That object was about 19 meters across, or about as big as a convenience store.","es":"Ese objeto ten\u00eda unos 19 metros de di\u00e1metro, o tan grande como un supermercado."} {"gender":"female","en":"On this particular day, there were 12 bodies laid out in various stages of decomposition.","es":"En este d\u00eda en particular, hab\u00eda 12 cuerpos dispuestos en diversas etapas de descomposici\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, we went out looking for solutions to ways that the world might end tomorrow, and lo and behold, we found them.","es":"Entonces buscamos soluciones para las maneras en que el mundo se podr\u00eda acabar ma\u00f1ana, y oh sorpresa, las encontramos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this information is stored for at least six months in Europe, up to two years.","es":"Y esta informaci\u00f3n se almacena al menos seis meses en Europa, y hasta dos a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"Some whistled well.","es":"Algunos silbaban bien."} {"gender":"female","en":"When he pulled those statues down, I said, \"Boy, you're crazy!\"","es":"Cuando baj\u00f3 esas estatuas, le dije: \"\u00a1Muchacho, est\u00e1s loco!\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"This was around the time that I started filling out physically, and I was filling out a lot more than a lot of the other girls, and frankly, the whole idea that my astrological sign was a scale just seemed ominous and depressing.","es":"Eso ocurri\u00f3 cuando estaba cambiando f\u00edsicamente, y estaba cambiando mucho m\u00e1s que las otras ni\u00f1as, y, francamente, la idea de que mi signo astrol\u00f3gico fuera una b\u00e1scula simplemente parec\u00eda siniestro y deprimente."} {"gender":"female","en":"I mean, think of donning a hoodie, all of a sudden, you feel more protected, you feel that you are in your own shell.","es":"Piensa en ponerte una capucha, y de repente sientes m\u00e1s protecci\u00f3n, sientes que est\u00e1s en tu propia c\u00e1scara."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, the question is, why was I blocking it?","es":"Y la pregunta es, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 lo bloqueaba?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And I think it's really important to say that in the 20th century, they were remarkably successful, these institutions.","es":"Y creo que es muy importante decir que en el siglo XX, estas instituciones tuvieron un \u00e9xito notable."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'd designed a lot of chairs, over the years for tractors and trucks and submarines, all kinds of things.","es":"Hab\u00eda dise\u00f1ado muchas sillas durante algunos a\u00f1os para tractores, camiones y submarinos. Todo tipo de cosas."} {"gender":"female","en":"But mostly we all just sit there forever, waiting.","es":"Pero principalmente todos nos sentamos all\u00ed para siempre, a esperar."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I think, on the contrary, that it is very important to solving the world's problems that we take evolutionary biology seriously.","es":"Y considero que, por el contrario, para resolver los problemas de nuestro mundo es necesario que no tomemos en serio la biolog\u00eda evolutiva."} {"gender":"male","en":"I hope you will go out and make personal health happen for yourselves and for everyone.","es":"Espero que salgan y faciliten que ocurra la salud personal para Uds. y para todos."} {"gender":"female","en":"But in the regards to using sustainability as a parameter, as a criteria for fueling systems-based solutions, because as I've just demonstrated with these simple products, they're participating in these major problems.","es":"Pero en lo que respecta a la sustentabilidad, como un par\u00e1metro, como un criterio para generar soluciones basadas en los sistemas, porque como acabo de demostrar con estos simples productos, juegan un papel en estos grandes problemas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And they're actually immune to lots of evidence.","es":"Y son realmente inmunes al c\u00famulo de evidencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I'll probably devise a specific campaign to reach out to women to make sure that they can take part, that they can be part of the process.","es":"Podr\u00eda por ejemplo idear una campa\u00f1a especifica para captar a las mujeres y asegurar que puedan participar, que puedan formar parte del proceso."} {"gender":"female","en":"And in that time, she created an alternative ritual, which involved girls coming of age without the cut.","es":"Y en aquel entonces ella cre\u00f3 un ritual alterno en el que las chicas maduraban sin pasar por esa mutilaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here I was fumbling around in the ladies' underwear department of a department store, almost got escorted from the premises.","es":"Aqu\u00ed iba a tientas por la secci\u00f3n de lencer\u00eda femenina de una tienda comercial, casi me echan del local."} {"gender":"female","en":"Our participants would carry electronic pagers for a week at a time, and we'd page them throughout the day and evenings at random times.","es":"Los participantes portaban buscapersonas por per\u00edodos de una semana, y los llam\u00e1bamos aleatoriamente durante la ma\u00f1ana o la tarde."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So this is the kind of simple level, right?","es":"Este es nivel m\u00e1s simple."} {"gender":"female","en":"Maybe I think about sound etiquette more than the average hearing person does.","es":"Tal vez pienso en la etiqueta de sonido m\u00e1s de lo que la persona promedio lo hace."} {"gender":"male","en":"I cannot forget them.","es":"Yo no los puedo olvidar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, you know, we should expect to see that.","es":"Bien, saben, deber\u00edamos esperar ver eso."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is, I don't know if you saw it on CNN recently, they gave the Heroes Award to a young Kenyan shepherd boy who couldn't study at night in his village, like all the village children, because the kerosene lamp, it had smoke and it damaged his eyes. And anyway, there was never enough kerosene, because what does a dollar a day buy for you?","es":"No s\u00e9 si habr\u00e1n visto una noticia reciente: la CNN le dio su premio a los H\u00e9roes a un joven pastor keniata. No pod\u00eda estudiar por la noche como el resto de los chicos porque la linterna de queroseno suelta humo y le da\u00f1aba los ojos; y, de todas formas, nunca ten\u00eda suficiente queroseno \u00bfqu\u00e9 representa para ustedes un d\u00f3lar al d\u00eda?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, they're capitalists.","es":"Bueno, son capitalistas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It doesn't actually do what it says on the tin.","es":"No ofrece lo que pone en la lata."} {"gender":"male","en":"And even though the police can be a little annoying at times, giving us tickets and stuff like that, nobody says that we should just get rid of them.","es":"Y a pesar de que la polic\u00eda puede ser un poco molesta a veces, poni\u00e9ndonos multas y todo eso, nadie dice que deber\u00edamos deshacernos de ellos."} {"gender":"male","en":"We start to notice that cravings are simply made up of body sensations, oh, there's tightness, there's tension, there's restlessness, and that these body sensations come and go.","es":"Empezamos a notar que los antojos son simplemente sensaciones corporales hay opresi\u00f3n, hay tensi\u00f3n, hay inquietud y estas sensaciones corporales van y vienen."} {"gender":"female","en":"He was grateful for what he had.","es":"Agradec\u00eda lo que ten\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then all of a sudden I began thinking about the dogs and the fire hoses, and I got really scared, I really did.","es":"Pero luego empec\u00e9 a pensar en los perros y las mangueras de incendio, y me asust\u00e9 mucho, de veras."} {"gender":"female","en":"That was a turning point for the marathon, where people started looking at it as a platform for peace and unity. Between 2006 up to 2009, our country, Lebanon, went through unstable years, invasions, and more assassinations that brought us close to a civil war.","es":"Ese fue un momento decisivo para la marat\u00f3n, en el que la gente comenz\u00f3 a verla como una plataforma para la paz y la unidad, Durante el 2006 hasta el 2009, nuestro pa\u00eds, el L\u00edbano, atraves\u00f3 a\u00f1os inestables, invasiones, y m\u00e1s asesinatos que nos llevaron casi a la guerra civil."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But that probably won't be enough.","es":"Pero probablemente eso no ser\u00e1 suficiente."} {"gender":"male","en":"And John Maeda was supposed to show several graphic animations in this exhibition.","es":"Se supon\u00eda que John Maeda mostrar\u00eda varias animaciones gr\u00e1ficas en esta exposici\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"I went through a tribal exorcism in Senegal that involved a great deal of ram's blood and that I'm not going to detail right now, but a few years afterwards I was in Rwanda, working on a different project, and I happened to describe my experience to someone, and he said, \"Well, that's West Africa, and we're in East Africa, and our rituals are in some ways very different, but we do have some rituals that have something in common with what you're describing.\"","es":"Asist\u00ed a un exorcismo hecho por una tribu en Senegal en el que se usaba una gran cantidad de sangre de carnero y del que no abundar\u00e9 en detalles ahora, pero unos a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s, estaba en Ruanda, trabajando en otro proyecto, y le cont\u00e9 mi experiencia a un hombre. Me dijo: \u00abVer\u00e1, eso es \u00c1frica Occidental y estamos en \u00c1frica Oriental. Nuestros rituales son, en ciertos aspectos, muy distintos, pero tenemos algunos rituales que se parecen bastante a lo que Ud. describe\u00bb. \u00ab\u00bfDe veras?\u00bb, le dije."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We know from the sequencing of the human genome that it's shown us all of the A's, C's, G's and T's that make up our genetic code, but that code, by itself, our DNA, is like looking at the ones and zeroes of the computer code without having a computer that can read it.","es":"Sabemos por la secuenciaci\u00f3n del genoma humano que nos ha mostrado los alelos A, C, G y T que componen nuestro c\u00f3digo gen\u00e9tico, pero este c\u00f3digo, por s\u00ed solo, nuestro ADN, es como mirar los unos y los ceros del c\u00f3digo binario en inform\u00e1tica sin tener una computadora que los pueda leer."} {"gender":"male","en":"No, I actually fell out of love with this fish because, I swear to God, after that conversation, the fish tasted like chicken.","es":"No, en realidad me desenamor\u00e9 con este pescado porque, les juro por Dios, que luego de esa conversaci\u00f3n, el pescado ten\u00eda gusto a pollo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was crazy.","es":"Era una locura."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then the next person who comes is a policeman, and he says, \"Well, I'll tackle your son to the ground and then I'm not sure what I'll do.\"","es":"Y luego la siguiente persona es un polic\u00eda, y dice: \"Echar\u00e9 a su hijo al suelo y luego, no s\u00e9 qu\u00e9 har\u00e9\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Who would do that?","es":"\u00bfQui\u00e9n har\u00eda eso?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And they can pay me for what they find out.","es":"Y me pueden pagar por lo que encuentren."} {"gender":"male","en":"So this preclinical study, I think, bodes hope for the kinds of things we're hoping to do in the future.","es":"Por eso creo que este estudio pre-cl\u00ednico es un buen presagio para el tipo de cosas que esperamos hacer en el futuro."} {"gender":"male","en":"Oh, I forgot, I shouldn't shuffle but I think, , actually, my technique is to peek, all the time.","es":"Oh, olvid\u00e9 que no deb\u00eda barajarlas pero creo en realidad, mi t\u00e9cnica es espiar, todo el tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I know the resemblance is uncanny.","es":"S\u00e9 que el parecido es asombroso."} {"gender":"female","en":"The biggest challenge is that material science is complex and requires expensive equipment.","es":"El desaf\u00edo m\u00e1s grande es que la ciencia de materiales es compleja y requiere equipos costosos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Which brings us quite nicely to why I'm really here today: Project Space Jump.","es":"Lo que nos lleva, muy bien, a lo que quiero presentarles: El proyecto Salto Espacial."} {"gender":"male","en":"And they put me in an infectious disease ward at the hospital.","es":"Me pusieron en una sala de enfermedades infecciosas en el hospital."} {"gender":"female","en":"The War on Drugs has simply failed across every metric.","es":"La guerra contra las drogas ha fracasado, simplemente en cualquier m\u00e9trica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They eat seals.","es":"Se alimentan de focas."} {"gender":"male","en":"You're going to open an offshore plant in China, you're going to spend it all on sales and marketing, you're going to go to Tahiti, whatever.","es":"Si van a abrir una planta en China, si se van a gastar todo en promoci\u00f3n y ventas, si van a ir a Tahit\u00ed, o lo que sea."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In contrast, the up and down quarks have very large masses, and combine in threes to make the protons and neutrons inside atoms.","es":"En contraste, los quarks arriba-y-abajo tienen masas muy grandes, y se combinan en tr\u00edos para hacer los protones y neutrones dentro de los \u00e1tomos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And there were a ton of photos reported, but as it turns out, only a small percentage were actually in violation of those community standards.","es":"Y hab\u00eda un mont\u00f3n de fotos reportadas, pero resulta que, solo un peque\u00f1o porcentaje violaba las normas de la comunidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a visual construct of lines, dots, letters, designed in the language of our brains.","es":"Es una construcci\u00f3n visual de l\u00edneas, puntos y letras dise\u00f1ado en el lenguaje de nuestro cerebro."} {"gender":"female","en":"She listed her job as \"teacher.\"","es":"Dec\u00eda que era profesora."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It wouldn't fix the system.","es":"No se arreglar\u00eda el sistema."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the peculiar thing is that I recently wrote this book, this memoir called \"Eat, Pray, Love\" which, decidedly unlike any of my previous books, went out in the world for some reason, and became this big, mega-sensation, international bestseller thing.","es":"Y lo peculiar es que recientemente escrib\u00ed este libro, esta novela llamada \"Come, Reza, Ama\" que, decididamente a diferencia de mis libros anteriores, sali\u00f3 al mundo por alguna raz\u00f3n, y se convirti\u00f3 en un enorme, mega-sensacional e internacionalmente \u00e9xito literario."} {"gender":"male","en":"I would just sum up the way things look, at least from this secular perspective, as far as compassion and the golden rule go, by saying that it's good news that compassion and the golden rule are in some sense built into human nature.","es":"Voy a resumir c\u00f3mo lucen las cosas, al menos desde esta perspectiva secular, en lo que concierne a la compasi\u00f3n y la regla de oro, diciendo que es una buena noticia que la compasi\u00f3n y la regla de oro est\u00e9n en cierto sentido incorporadas en la naturaleza humana."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'll take that as my scientific legacy.","es":"Lo tomar\u00e9 como mi legado cient\u00edfico."} {"gender":"female","en":"As I started this work, it was not always easy to convince the women to participate.","es":"Cuando comenc\u00e9 con este trabajo, no siempre era f\u00e1cil convencer a las mujeres a que participaran."} {"gender":"female","en":"In other words, I don't want stuff; I want the needs or experiences it fulfills.","es":"En otras palabras: no quiero cosas, quiero las necesidades o experiencias que satisface."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so now, Bill and I have three.","es":"Y por ahora, Bill y yo tenemos tres."} {"gender":"female","en":"I use planet Earth to go in very extreme environments where conditions were similar to those of Mars at the time when the climate changed, and there I'm trying to understand what happened.","es":"Yo uso la Tierra para llegar a entornos muy extremos donde las condiciones eran similares a las de Marte en el momento en que cambi\u00f3 el clima, donde estoy tratando de averiguar lo que pas\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"One of the tools I can eventually earn for my UFO is a monolith that I can drop down.","es":"Una herramienta que puedo sacar de mi OVNI es un monolito que puedo depositar."} {"gender":"male","en":"But for me, personally, it was a real change.","es":"Pero para m\u00ed personalmente, fue un cambio real."} {"gender":"male","en":"I just want to end by saying that if Adam Smith had framed out a theory of the flea market instead of the free market, what would be some of the principles?","es":"Solo quiero terminar diciendo que si Adam Smith hubiese formulado una teor\u00eda del mercado callejero en lugar del libre mercado, \u00bfcu\u00e1les ser\u00edan algunos de los principios?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, we went out to dinner that night to celebrate.","es":"Entonces esa noche salimos a comer para celebrar."} {"gender":"male","en":"And those who scored high on the ESP scale, tended to not only see more patterns in the degraded images but incorrect patterns.","es":"Y aquellos con los puntajes m\u00e1s altos en la escala tend\u00edan no s\u00f3lo a ver m\u00e1s patrones en las im\u00e1genes degradadas, sino patrones incorrectos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'll give you the jewelry, you give me a hundred dollars, and when the guy comes \"","es":"Te dar\u00e9 la joya, me das cien d\u00f3lares, y cuando venga el tipo\""} {"gender":"male","en":"I salute with my hand.","es":"Saludo con la mano."} {"gender":"female","en":"But I'm really hopeful.","es":"Pero estoy realmente esperanzada."} {"gender":"male","en":"And despite the aerodynamic interactions with these propeller blades, they're able to maintain stable flight.","es":"Y a pesar de las interacciones aerodin\u00e1micas de las palas de las h\u00e9lices, pueden mantener un vuelo estable."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"MR: Correct.","es":"MR: Correcto."} {"gender":"female","en":"Right now, Earth is the only planet still that we know is teeming with life.","es":"Ahora mismo, la Tierra es el \u00fanico planeta que sabemos que est\u00e1 rebosante de vida."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But they just miss.","es":"Pero fallan por poco."} {"gender":"male","en":"But anything I may have accomplished is, my sister once asked me what she does about something that was going on in Newington, Connecticut.","es":"Pero cualquiera de mis logros es Mi hermana me pregunt\u00f3 una vez qu\u00e9 ten\u00eda que hacer al respecto de algo que estaba pasando en Newington, Connecticut."} {"gender":"male","en":"I want to talk.\"","es":"Quiero hablar contigo.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"Do we also have specialized brain regions for other senses, like hearing?","es":"\u00bfNos hemos especializado regiones del cerebro para otros sentidos, como el o\u00eddo?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In other words, trust enables change and innovation.","es":"En otras palabras, la confianza permite el cambio y la innovaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"I just added it so that we'd have enough money in the budget so we could take something out.","es":"Simplemente la a\u00f1ad\u00ed para tener suficiente dinero en el presupuesto para as\u00ed poder quitar algo."} {"gender":"male","en":"But when I look back at my life and my community, something else was going on, something else mattered.","es":"Sino al mirar hacia atr\u00e1s en mi vida y de mi comunidad, algo m\u00e1s pasaba e importaba."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Those older people were not going to be able to make the crossing with them.","es":"Esa gente mayor que no pod\u00edan hacer la traves\u00eda con ellos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'll let Adam tell you.","es":"Dejar\u00e9 que Adam les cuente."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is from my pond. Have a smell of that, mister cameraman.","es":"Y este es de mi estanque. Huela eso se\u00f1or camar\u00f3grafo."} {"gender":"female","en":"It took several months to bring all activities to a sound end and to find new jobs within the company for everyone.","es":"Nos llev\u00f3 varios meses llevar todas las actividades a un final s\u00f3lido y encontrar nuevos trabajos dentro de la compa\u00f1\u00eda para todos."} {"gender":"female","en":"The type of system I'm describing, the type of system that survivors want is a type of information escrow, meaning an entity that holds on to information for you and only releases it to a third party when certain pre-agreed upon conditions are met, such as a match.","es":"El tipo de sistema que estoy describiendo, el tipo de sistema que quieren los afectados es un tipo de informaci\u00f3n de seguridad, donde una entidad que custodia la informaci\u00f3n para nosotros solo la entrega a terceros si se dan ciertas condiciones preestablecidas como en el caso de una identificaci\u00f3n positiva."} {"gender":"female","en":"Women had been brainwashed and led on for so long until we had fallen victim and actually started believing in this ourselves.","es":"Las mujeres fueron objeto de un lavado de cerebro durante largo tiempo hasta que fuimos v\u00edctimas y empezamos a creerlo nosotras mismas."} {"gender":"female","en":"There are only two freestanding pediatric hospices in the United States, although I'm happy to report that based on our model, there are 18 others under various stages of development.","es":"Solo hay dos hospicios pedi\u00e1tricos independientes en Estados Unidos, aunque me complace informar que basados \u200b\u200ben nuestro modelo, hay otros 18 en diferentes etapas de desarrollo."} {"gender":"female","en":"People seem to think politics is sexy.","es":"La gente cree que la pol\u00edtica es sensual."} {"gender":"female","en":"I went on to Bosnia, and early on in my interviews I met with an IMF official who said, \"You know, Gayle, I don't think we actually have women in business in Bosnia, but there is a lady selling cheese nearby on the side of the road.","es":"Continu\u00e9 hacia Bosnia, y en mis primeras entrevistas me encontr\u00e9 con un oficial del FMI que me dijo: \"Sabes Gayle, no creo que realmente tengamos mujeres de negocios en Bosnia, pero hay una se\u00f1ora vendiendo queso cerca de aqu\u00ed al costado de la ruta."} {"gender":"male","en":"But the most important thing we must do is, I think, we must all walk to the end of our lives and turn around, and ask ourselves a most fundamental question.","es":"Pero lo m\u00e1s importante que debemos hacer es, yo creo, todos debemos caminar hasta el final de nuestras vidas voltearnos, y hacernos una pregunta fundamental."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Some doctors in New York City removed the gallbladder of a woman in France.","es":"Ciertos m\u00e9dicos en Nueva York le extrajeron la ves\u00edcula a una paciente en Francia."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is an X-ray of a woman who fractured and dislocated her ankle in a roller-skating accident.","es":"Esta es la radiograf\u00eda de una mujer que se fractur\u00f3 y se disloc\u00f3 el tobillo en un accidente de patinaje."} {"gender":"female","en":"I don't know how many of you have read it.","es":"No s\u00e9 cu\u00e1ntos de ustedes lo habr\u00e1n le\u00eddo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Most recently, the last section of the High Line, the third section of the High Line, the final section of the High Line, has been pitted against development interests, where some of the city's leading developers are building more than 17 million square feet at the Hudson Yards.","es":"Hace poco, la \u00faltima parte de High Line, la tercera parte, la parte final, se enfrent\u00f3 con intereses inmobiliarios. Algunos de los principales constructores de la ciudad est\u00e1n construyendo m\u00e1s de 1,5 millones de m2 en Hudson Yards."} {"gender":"male","en":"How clever would we have to be?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 tan inteligentes tendr\u00edamos que ser?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Those are individuals who did not benefit from early treatment, because now we know that autism creates itself as individuals diverge in that pathway of learning that I mentioned to you.","es":"Son personas que no se beneficiaron de tratamiento a tiempo, porque ahora sabemos que el autismo se crea a s\u00ed mismo conforme se bifurca ese camino de aprendizaje que les mencion\u00e9."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the red line is the treatment as usual, medication with a medical doctor.","es":"Como de costumbre, la l\u00ednea roja es el tratamiento, el medicamento con un m\u00e9dico."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I was like, \"Cool. Bring it.\"","es":"Entonces estaba como, \"Bueno, ll\u00e9venselo\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, I didn't grow up in New York. I grew up out west in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, like you see here, in the Red Rock Canyon.","es":"Yo no crec\u00ed en Nueva York, crec\u00ed en el oeste de las monta\u00f1as de Sierra Nevada, como ven aqu\u00ed, en el Red Rock Canyon."} {"gender":"male","en":"Whether it was to be remembered in my thoughts or their loved ones', they needed to feel that they would be living on.","es":"Sea que sean recordados en mis pensamientos, o en los de sus seres queridos, todos necesitan sentir que seguir\u00e1n viviendo."} {"gender":"female","en":"They're literally better at detecting when somebody else is in distress.","es":"Son, literalmente, mejor para detectar cuando alguien est\u00e1 en peligro."} {"gender":"female","en":"They help with digging and work crew organization.","es":"Ayudan a excavar y organizan los equipos de trabajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, personally, I've never met a priest or a pastor or a minister who does it for money.","es":"De hecho, personalmente nunca he conocido a ning\u00fan sacerdote o pastor o ministro que trabaje por causa del dinero."} {"gender":"female","en":"I want to tell you how 20,000 remarkable young people from over 100 countries ended up in Cuba and are transforming health in their communities.","es":"Quiero contarles c\u00f3mo 20 000 j\u00f3venes extraordinarios de m\u00e1s de 100 pa\u00edses terminaron en Cuba y est\u00e1n transformando la salud en sus comunidades."} {"gender":"male","en":"If I asked you to take a match and light it and hold up a log and try to get that log to go on fire, it doesn't happen, right?","es":"Si pido que tomen un f\u00f3sforo, lo enciendan, lo acerquen a un tronco y traten de conseguir que prenda, no sucede nada, \u00bfcierto?"} {"gender":"female","en":"What should I do?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 debo hacer?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, as you get older, you know, at one point I thought my husband might be helped by using some of the pills men can take, but he wasn't interested in those, so I thought, what about maybe watching an adult movie on the Internet?","es":"Bueno, a medida que envejec\u00eda, en un momento pens\u00e9 que a mi marido le podr\u00edan ayudar las p\u00edldoras que pueden tomar los hombres, pero \u00e9l no estaba interesado en eso, as\u00ed que pens\u00e9, \u00bfquiz\u00e1 viendo una pel\u00edcula para adultos en Internet?"} {"gender":"female","en":"But it's a sad fact of modern life that one in two marriages in the States ends in divorce, with the rest of the world not being far behind.","es":"Pero es un hecho triste de la vida moderna que 1 de cada 2 matrimonios en EE.UU., termina en divorcio, y en los otros pa\u00edses, la cosa es del mismo orden."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It is this type of practice in the learning zone which leads to substantial improvement, not just time on task performing.","es":"Es este tipo de pr\u00e1ctica en la zona de aprendizaje lo que nos lleva a una mejora, no s\u00f3lo tiempo en llevar a cabo tareas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm tired of everybody else accepting 99 percent as good enough.","es":"Estoy cansado de que todos acepten el 99 % como lo suficientemente bueno."} {"gender":"female","en":"No, really, I can't. I'm decomposing under here.\"","es":"No, de verdad no puedo. me estoy descomponiendo por aqu\u00ed\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And these five ways, which we put onto these handy postcards, I would say, don't have to cost the earth.","es":"Y estas 5 maneras, que ponemos en estas postales yo dir\u00eda, no tienen que costar la Tierra."} {"gender":"female","en":"Super fun, and it happens in a very transitional neighborhood.","es":"Muy divertido, van pasando de barrio en barrio."} {"gender":"female","en":"And in case you don't think that this really has meaning for you, remember that cloning is possible, and that involves going through childhood again, in which case you'll want to be heard, just like my generation.","es":"Y en caso de que piensen que esto no les afecta, recuerden que existe la clonaci\u00f3n, y que eso requiere pasar de nuevo por la infancia, en cuyo caso ustedes querr\u00e1n ser escuchados al igual que mi generaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Of course, there is no simple answer, but one reason, I argue, is that our mind's eye might work against us.","es":"Por supuesto, no hay una respuesta simple, pero una de las razones, sostengo, es que nuestro ojo mental trabaja contra nosotros."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"India had a green revolution.","es":"India tuvo una revoluci\u00f3n verde."} {"gender":"male","en":"I had no idea what I was doing. I was working 14-plus hour days, seven days a week.","es":"No sab\u00eda lo que estaba haciendo; trabajaba m\u00e1s de 14 horas al d\u00eda, siete d\u00edas a la semana."} {"gender":"female","en":"Other super common behaviors that you may see, particularly in captive animals, are pacing stereotypies or swaying stereotypies, and actually, humans do this too, and in us, we'll sway, we'll move from side to side.","es":"Otros comportamientos s\u00faper comunes que pueden verse, en particular en animales en cautiverio, son los t\u00edpicos paseos y balanceos, y nosotros los humanos, de hecho, los hacemos tambi\u00e9n, nos movemos de lado a lado."} {"gender":"female","en":"And in the developing world overall, That figure is 40 to 50 percent.","es":"Y en el mundo en desarrollo en general, ese n\u00famero es del 40 al 50%."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"On one side you have institutions and people with money.","es":"Por una parte, tenemos instituciones y gente con dinero."} {"gender":"female","en":"The International Cat Video Film Festival didn't have that much of a reaction.","es":"El Festival Internacional de Videos de Gatos no provoc\u00f3 tantas reacciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"I caught some mosquitoes outside.","es":"Atrap\u00e9 algunos mosquitos afuera."} {"gender":"female","en":"What happens when biological design is driven by the motivations of mass-produced commodities?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 pasa cuando el dise\u00f1o biol\u00f3gico sigue las motivaciones de la producci\u00f3n en masa?"} {"gender":"female","en":"But this gives control to the provider, whether there's power or not, because they can adjust the flows based on the percentage of oxygen they see that they're giving the patient.","es":"Pero da control al anestesi\u00f3logo, haya o no electricidad, debido a que puede ajustar el flujo basado en el porcentaje de ox\u00edgeno que le est\u00e9 dando al paciente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This rate of acidification is 10 times faster than any acidification in our oceans for over 55 million years.","es":"Esta tasa de acidificaci\u00f3n es 10 veces m\u00e1s r\u00e1pida que cualquier otra acidificaci\u00f3n en los oc\u00e9anos en m\u00e1s de 55 millones de a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"I worked a lot of late nights.","es":"Trabaj\u00e9 durante horas cada noche."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a bit uncomfortable to fly, probably also for the operator.","es":"Es un poco inc\u00f3modo de volar, quiz\u00e1 tambi\u00e9n para el operador."} {"gender":"female","en":"But archives exist because there's something that can't necessarily be articulated.","es":"Sin embargo, los archivos existen porque hay algo que no puede ser articulado."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a song that I wrote about the meaning of technology, which goes perfectly with this gathering. I started thinking about, when I was in college, especially as a blind person, doing a research paper was a major undertaking. You had to go to the library, see if you could get them to find the books for you, you know, footnotes and all that. Now you can just go on Google. Just look it up. I wish I had that when I was in college. Anyway, this is a song about: we have all this, but what are we going to do with it?","es":"Esta es una canci\u00f3n que escrib\u00ed acerca del significado de la tecnolog\u00eda que va perfectamente con esta reuni\u00f3n Empece a pensar acerca de cuando estaba en el colegio, especialmente siendo una persona ciega, hacer una investigaci\u00f3n era toda una proeza Tenia que ir a la biblioteca y tratar de que alguien te buscara los libros por ti ya sabr\u00e1s, pies de p\u00e1ginas y todo eso Ahora solo tienes que ir a Google y encontrarlo hubiera deseado tener eso cuando estaba en el colegio En fin, esta canci\u00f3n es acerca, tenemos todo esto, pero que vamos a hacer con ello?"} {"gender":"male","en":"One of my favorites is Scott Kim.","es":"Uno de mis favoritos es Scott Kim."} {"gender":"female","en":"And in depression and PTSD, here we have your stress exposure, we only have palliative care.","es":"En la depresi\u00f3n y en el TEPT, aqu\u00ed tenemos al estr\u00e9s como factor de riesgo, solo existe el tratamiento paliativo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then I was an entertainer, I guess.","es":"Supongo que por aquel entonces era un entretenedor."} {"gender":"female","en":"What I am trying to say is that we have to understand why some of our young people are attracted to this.","es":"Lo que intento decir es que debemos entender las razones por las que nuestros chicos buscan esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't have a clue.","es":"No tengo idea."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in my own personal life, since starting with this research, So my partner and I, we've always had the rule that you're allowed to take things back.","es":"Y en mi vida personal, desde que empec\u00e9 con esta investigaci\u00f3n, con mi pareja acordamos que est\u00e1 permitido retractarse."} {"gender":"male","en":"I love it.","es":"Me encanta."} {"gender":"male","en":"I trained briefly as a Buddhist monk under this guy.","es":"Fui entrenado brevemente como monje budista por este muchacho."} {"gender":"male","en":"The first time I saw that I was watching a type of surgery called laparoscopic surgery And for those of you who are unfamiliar, laparoscopic surgery, instead of the large open incision you might be used to with surgery, a laparoscopic surgery is where the surgeon creates these three or more small incisions in the patient.","es":"La primera vez que lo v\u00ed fue en una operaci\u00f3n llamada cirug\u00eda laparosc\u00f3pica. Por si Uds. no est\u00e1n familiarizados, la cirug\u00eda laparosc\u00f3pica, en lugar de la gran herida abierta usual en las operacionnes, la laparosc\u00f3pica es cuando el cirujano hace estas tres o m\u00e1s, peque\u00f1as incisiones en el paciente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"New-fangled ideas like C really haven't had a big impact on the climate modeling community.","es":"Las ideas modernas como el lenguaje C no han tenido un gran impacto en la comunidad de modelado clim\u00e1tico."} {"gender":"female","en":"My parents and I have been walking on this tightrope for the last decade.","es":"Mis padres y yo hemos caminado en esta cuerda floja la \u00faltima d\u00e9cada."} {"gender":"female","en":"He's a Leaders' Quest fellow, and that helps him with his work.","es":"Es miembro de Leaders' Quest, y eso le ayuda en su trabajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"The idea I want to leave you with is it's all right to appeal to incentives.","es":"El concepto que quiero dejar es que est\u00e1 bien apelar a los incentivos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And now that you know you could impact the telomeres of others, are you curious how will you make a difference?","es":"Y ahora que saben que podr\u00edan influir en los tel\u00f3meros de otros, \u00bfsienten curiosidad por c\u00f3mo marcar\u00e1n la diferencia?"} {"gender":"female","en":"With the beginning of plow agriculture, men's roles became extremely powerful.","es":"Con el inicio de la agricultura usando arado, el rol del hombre se volvi\u00f3 poderoso en extremo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, look, I'm extremely sympathetic to their point of view.","es":"Pero vean, yo soy muy af\u00edn a ese punto de vista."} {"gender":"male","en":"This was the one chance that I had to focus on what I, really, was after, and what was important.","es":"Esta fue mi oportunidad para concentrarme en lo que, realmente, buscaba, y era importante."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, these are the different kinds and shapes of the hurdy-gurdy.","es":"Las hay de diferentes clases y formas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The hate that we feel towards certain groups of people because of who they are or what they believe is so ingrained in our minds and in our society that it can feel inevitable and impossible to change.","es":"El odio que sentimos por algunos grupos de personas en funci\u00f3n de lo que son o lo que creen est\u00e1 tan grabado en nuestra mente y en la sociedad que parece inevitable e imposible de cambiar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"One, you're not going to be surprised. It seems to be related to gender.","es":"La primera, no se van a sorprender, parece relacionada con el g\u00e9nero."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I really think that, as we learn more, it's going to turn out that the whole fly brain is just like a large version of this stomatogastric ganglion, and that's one of the reasons why it can do so much with so few neurons.","es":"As\u00ed que realmente creo que, conforme sepamos m\u00e1s, va a resultar que el cerebro entero de la mosca es como una versi\u00f3n en grande de este ganglio estomatog\u00e1strico, y esa es una de las razones por las que puede hacer tanto con tan pocas neuronas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And these big tears fell down her face, but she never lifted her hands to move them.","es":"Y corrieron l\u00e1grimas por sus mejillas pero nunca alz\u00f3 sus manos para quitarlas."} {"gender":"female","en":"We're going to move now from the biological and the macroscopic world, down into the atomic world, as we fly into a lattice of atoms.","es":"Ahora viajaremos desde el mundo biol\u00f3gico y macrosc\u00f3pico, hasta dentro del mundo at\u00f3mico, mientras volamos hacia un entramado de \u00e1tomos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so therefore, because time is short, if I just played you, literally, the first, maybe, two lines or so, It's very straightforward; there's nothing too difficult about the piece.","es":"Y as\u00ed, como el tiempo es corto, tocar\u00e9 literalmente las primeras dos l\u00edneas m\u00e1s o menos. Es muy sencillo. No hay nada demasiado dif\u00edcil en la pieza."} {"gender":"female","en":"It started off quite small, for example, pull out three strands of hair, but gradually it grew more extreme, culminating in commands to harm myself, and a particularly dramatic instruction: \"You see that tutor over there?","es":"Empez\u00f3 siendo muy peque\u00f1o, por ejemplo, arrancarme tres hebras de cabello, pero gradualmente creci\u00f3 a extremos, culminando en comandos de hacerme da\u00f1o a m\u00ed misma, y una instrucci\u00f3n particularmente dr\u00e1stica: \"\u00bfVes ese tutor all\u00ed?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, that leaves 52 hours for other things.","es":"Bueno, eso deja 52 horas para otras cosas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I did a pretest when they came. And one of the questions from which I learned a lot was this one: \"Which country has the highest child mortality of these five pairs?\"","es":"Por eso prepar\u00e9 una evaluaci\u00f3n previa para cuando llegaran Una de las preguntas de la cual aprend\u00ed mucho fue esta: \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 pa\u00eds tiene el mayor \u00edndice de mortalidad infantil de estos cinco pares?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"But if you ask me today, if I would ever want to change my situation, I would have to say no. Because my legs haven't disabled me, if anything they've enabled me.","es":"Pero si me preguntasen hoy si me gustar\u00eda cambiar mi situaci\u00f3n, tendr\u00eda que decir que no. Porque mis piernas no me han hecho discapacitada; en todo caso, me han hecho m\u00e1s capacitada."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So extraordinary variations, and surprising to some, but not surprising to people who have read the work of Daniel Kahneman, for example, the Nobel-winning economist.","es":"As\u00ed, las variaciones extraordinarias y sorprendente para algunos, pero no es extra\u00f1o para quienes han le\u00eddo la obra de Daniel Kahneman, por ejemplo, ganador del Nobel de econom\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"And when these two things come together, something that's really valuable to me and I realize it's freely given, then gratefulness spontaneously rises in my heart, happiness spontaneously rises in my heart.","es":"Y cuando estas dos cosas vienen juntas, algo que es muy valioso para m\u00ed y que me doy cuenta de que se me da gratis, entonces el agradecimiento, espont\u00e1neamente, surge en mi coraz\u00f3n, la felicidad crece espont\u00e1neamente en mi coraz\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"OK, talk to you later, bye.","es":"OK, te hablo despu\u00e9s adi\u00f3s."} {"gender":"male","en":"Along the way, though, I started examining my city, its culture, its infrastructure, trying to figure out why our specific city seemed to have a problem with obesity.","es":"En el camino, sin embargo, comenc\u00e9 a examinar mi ciudad, su cultura, su infraestructura, en el intento de comprender por qu\u00e9 nuestra ciudad en particular parec\u00eda tener un problema de obesidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to divert and talk about bananas and chocolate.","es":"Voy a cambiar de tema y hablar de bananas y chocolate."} {"gender":"female","en":"All right.","es":"Todo bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"And as soon as they saw me they said, \"We need a faster processor and a better mouse.\"","es":"Y tan pronto me vieron me dijeron: \"necesitamos un procesador m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido y un mejor rat\u00f3n\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I would like to ask you to reframe that. How many generations in all of human history have had the opportunity to rise to a challenge that is worthy of our best efforts? A challenge that can pull from us more than we knew we could do?","es":"Les pido que reformulen esa idea \u00bfCu\u00e1ntas generaciones en la historia de la humanidad han tenido la oportunidad de aceptar un desaf\u00edo que exija de nosotros el m\u00e1ximo esfuerzo, un desaf\u00edo que saque de nosotros m\u00e1s de lo que cre\u00edamos que pod\u00edamos dar?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Now we have a whole pipeline of different organ chips that we are currently working on in our labs.","es":"Ahora tenemos toda una gran fuente de diversos chips de \u00f3rganos actualmente funcionando en el laboratorio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Welcome to Africa!","es":"\u00a1Bienvenidos a \u00c1frica!"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Months were spent in this tiny, cold warehouse.","es":"Pasamos meses en este diminuto y fr\u00edo almac\u00e9n."} {"gender":"female","en":"From Gbe'borun, gossip, to Olusotan, storyteller.","es":"De gbe'borun, cotilleo, a olutosan, narrador."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was there to design and build a new type of hospital with Dr. Farmer and his team.","es":"Yo estaba all\u00ed para dise\u00f1ar y construir un nuevo tipo de hospital con el Dr. Farmer y su equipo."} {"gender":"female","en":"That, in the first Enlightenment, led to questions about the right of kings, the divine right of kings to rule over people, or that women should be subordinate to men, or that the Church was the official word of God.","es":"Esto es lo que, en la primera Ilustraci\u00f3n, llev\u00f3 a cuestionarse el derecho de los reyes, el derecho divino de los reyes a gobernar al pueblo, o la subordinaci\u00f3n de la mujer al hombre, o que la Iglesia tuviera la palabra oficial de Dios."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is when a crowd gathers to watch a person who has climbed to the top of a public building in order to kill themselves, and people in the crowd shout and jeer, \"Get on with it!","es":"Esto es cuando una multitud se re\u00fane para ver una persona que ha subido a la cima de un edificio p\u00fablico con el fin de quitarse la vida, y la multitud grita y se burla, \"\u00a1Hazlo!"} {"gender":"female","en":"In talking, you use very fine movements of the ribcage to squeeze the air out, and in fact, we're the only animals that can do this.","es":"Al hablar, usamos movimientos muy finos de la caja tor\u00e1cica para expulsar el aire y, somos los \u00fanicos animales capaces de hacerlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So if I'm understanding correctly, one of the monkeys is actually getting a signal and the other monkey is reacting to that signal just because the first one is receiving it and transmitting the neurological impulse.","es":"Si entiendo bien, uno de los monos recibe una se\u00f1al y el otro mono reacciona a esa se\u00f1al solo porque el primero la recibe y le transmite el impulso neurol\u00f3gico."} {"gender":"female","en":"Let me parenthetically pause here and tell you, Esther, my mother, had stopped driving several years ago, to the collective relief of the entire city of Atlanta.","es":"D\u00e9jame hacer un par\u00e9ntesis aqu\u00ed y decirles, Esther, mi madre, dej\u00f3 de manejar hace varios a\u00f1os, un alivio para toda la ciudad de Atlanta."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And there is a major shift coming on the horizon.","es":"Y se ve venir un gran cambio en el horizonte."} {"gender":"male","en":"You ruined my life, but you gave me an incredible future.","es":"Arruin\u00f3 mi vida, pero me di\u00f3 un incre\u00edble futuro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, planets are great, and our early Earth was almost perfect.","es":"Bueno, los planetas son geniales y nuestra Tierra temprana era casi perfecta."} {"gender":"female","en":"She goes to school on the first day.","es":"Fue a su primer d\u00eda de clases."} {"gender":"male","en":"A few words about how I got started, and it has a lot to do with happiness, actually.","es":"Unas palabras sobre c\u00f3mo comenc\u00e9 y tiene mucho que ver con la felicidad, de hecho."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it's about leading in a world that really does seem to be operating on the basis of fear.","es":"Y es sobre el liderazgo en un mundo que realmente parecer estar operando en base al temor."} {"gender":"female","en":"We all ate meals together, played basketball together.","es":"Compartimos comidas juntos, jugamos al baloncesto juntos."} {"gender":"female","en":"So many people helped us \u2014 designers of games, you might know Jamin Warren and his collaborators at Kill Screen magazine, and you know, Kevin Slavin. You name it.","es":"Mucha gente nos ayud\u00f3: dise\u00f1adores de juegos, podr\u00edan conocer a Jamin Warren y sus colaboradores de la revista Kill Screen, y tambi\u00e9n, por ejemplo, a Kevin Slavin."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is Symphony Space on 90th Street and Broadway, and the type is interwoven into the stainless steel and backlit with fiber optics. And the architect, Jim Polshek, essentially gave me a canvas to play typography out on. And it was serious play.","es":"Esta es Symphony Space en la 90 y Broadway, y el tipo se entrelaza con la escalera de acero inoxidable con luz de fondo de fibra \u00f3ptica Y el arquitecto, Jim Polshek, me dio, b\u00e1sicamente, un lienzo para aplicarle la tipograf\u00eda Y era juego serio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In fact, the drops that were different in a way that caused them to be better at incorporating chemicals around them, grew more and incorporated more chemicals and divided more.","es":"De hecho, las gotas que de alg\u00fan modo se diferenciaban siendo mejores a la hora de incorporar los qu\u00edmicos circundantes; crec\u00edan m\u00e1s, incorporaban m\u00e1s qu\u00edmicos y se divid\u00edan m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"And you'll notice that he's struggling with stability as he's walking.","es":"Y se dar\u00e1n cuenta de que est\u00e1 luchando con la estabilidad mientras camina."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's a very different value proposition.","es":"Es una propuesta de valor muy diferente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Bio-mimicry, and there's many other things that are coming on stream, nanotechnology that may also prevent us from having to go into that landscape and tear it apart.","es":"Bio-mimetismo, y muchas otras que est\u00e1n funcionando, la nanotecnolog\u00eda, que podr\u00eda tambi\u00e9n evitar que tengamos que ir a ese lugar y destrozarlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"When Pe\u00f1a was sworn in, the pact held, and Mexico moved forward for the first time in years.","es":"Cuando Pe\u00f1a prest\u00f3 juramento, se concret\u00f3 el pacto, y M\u00e9xico avanz\u00f3 por primera vez en a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"They are my heroes.","es":"Ellos son mis h\u00e9roes."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I was studying skulls, trying to figure out their relationships to other sorts of animals, and I saw this jar, and here, in the jar, was a little girl thylacine pup, perhaps six months old.","es":"Y estaba estudiando los cr\u00e1neos, intentando descifrar su relaci\u00f3n con otros tipos de animales y vi este frasco, y aqu\u00ed, en el frasco, hab\u00eda un peque\u00f1o cachorro hembra de tilacino, quiz\u00e1s de seis meses de edad."} {"gender":"female","en":"Social change doesn't happen in the Arab region through dramatic confrontation, beating or indeed baring of breasts, but rather through negotiation.","es":"El cambio social en la regi\u00f3n \u00e1rabe no se da v\u00eda la confrontaci\u00f3n dr\u00e1stica, los golpes o desnud\u00e1ndose los pechos, sino m\u00e1s bien mediante la negociaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so, if you see that Texas, you know, Texas and California are under Canada, and that South Carolina is on top of North Carolina, this is the home that I grew up in, OK?","es":"As\u00ed que, si ven que Texas - ya saben, Texas y California est\u00e1n debajo de Canad\u00e1 y que Carolina del Sur est\u00e1 arriba de Carolina del Norte este es el hogar en el que yo crec\u00ed, \u00bfbueno?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Audience: Wow.","es":"Audiencia: \u00a1Guau!"} {"gender":"male","en":"That, I think, is maximal tolerance for religious freedom. As long as you inform your children about other religions, then you may, and as early as you like and whatever you like, teach them whatever creed you want them to learn.","es":"Esto es, en mi opini\u00f3n, la mayor tolerancia para la libertad religiosa En tanto que se informe a los ni\u00f1os acerca de otras religiones entonces puedes; a la edad que quieras y lo que quieras, ense\u00f1arles el credo que quieres que aprendan."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Hezbollah offers all of these services and more.","es":"Hezbol\u00e1 ofrece todos estos servicios y m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"My students produced these info-graphics as a result of a unit that we decided to do at the end of the year responding to the oil spill.","es":"Mis estudiantes hicieron esta infograf\u00eda como resultado de una unidad que decidimos hacer al final del a\u00f1o en respuesta al derrame de petr\u00f3leo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I teach my drivers to value perfection.","es":"Por eso ense\u00f1o a mis conductores a valorar la perfecci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"But one of the things I do to remind myself of greater possibilities, is to learn from visionaries in other cities.","es":"Siempre trato de recordar que existen grandes posibilidades de aprender de visionarios de otras ciudades."} {"gender":"male","en":"People wiggle a lot and getting these variations identified with very high accuracy, both in precision and recall, is tough because that's what it takes to get a professional coach to believe in you.","es":"Las personas se menean mucho e identificar estas variaciones con muy alta precisi\u00f3n, en precisi\u00f3n y en recuerdo, es dif\u00edcil y es lo que hace que un entrenador profesional crea en ti."} {"gender":"female","en":"The three writers I wanted to meet were Carole Maso, Lynne Tillman and Peggy Phelan.","es":"Las tres escritoras que quer\u00eda encontrar eran Carole Maso, Lynne Tillman y Peggy Phelan."} {"gender":"male","en":"I said, \"no problemo.","es":"Le dije: \"no problemo."} {"gender":"female","en":"He proclaimed his innocence, his family screamed at the jury, his fianc\u00e9e collapsed on the floor sobbing, and Titus is taken away to jail.","es":"\u00c9l declar\u00f3 su inocencia, su familia le grit\u00f3 al jurado, su novia se colaps\u00f3 al piso sollozando y Titus fue llevado a la c\u00e1rcel."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The flashlight gives us this really intense, bright L.E.D., and six hours worth of rechargeable battery pack, and the lunch box is a nice little package in which you can put everything inside, and a bunch of mini speakers to sort of amplify the sound large enough.","es":"La linterna aporta un LED muy intenso y brillante con seis horas de duraci\u00f3n de bater\u00eda recargable en la fiambrera, un lindo paquetito en el que se puede poner de todo, con unos mini-altavoces para amplificar el sonido."} {"gender":"female","en":"DS: Now, , thanks.","es":"Deborah Scranton: Ahora Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"The other half is being incinerated or land-filled.","es":"La otra mitad est\u00e1 siendo incinerada o llevada a basureros."} {"gender":"male","en":"So Hubertus, I want to ask you a couple of questions because I have here Der Spiegel from last week.","es":"Hubertus, quiero hacerte un par de preguntas porque aqu\u00ed tengo el Der Spiegel de la semana pasada."} {"gender":"male","en":"More generally, my research, what it tries to do is avoid the danger of the single path, to avoid robbing people of fully experiencing the city in which they live.","es":"En lo general, mi investigaci\u00f3n trata de evitar el peligro del camino \u00fanico, evitar privar a la gente de vivir sus ciudades plenamente."} {"gender":"female","en":"Viewers had responded dramatically.","es":"Los espectadores han respondido de manera notable."} {"gender":"female","en":"And over the next six months, a beautiful thing happened; the entrepreneurs received the money, they were paid, and their businesses, in fact, grew, and they were able to support themselves and change the trajectory of their lives.","es":"Y a lo largo de los seis meses siguientes, algo hermosos ocurri\u00f3: los emprendedores recibieron el dinero, se les pag\u00f3, y, de hecho, sus negocios crecieron, y fueron capaces de mantenerse a ellos mismos y cambiar la trayectoria de sus vidas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is a chamber that was 1\/400th the size of Biosphere 2 that we called our Test Module.","es":"Esto es una c\u00e1mara que era la 1\/400ava parte del tama\u00f1o de Biosphere 2 que llamamos nuestro m\u00f3dulo de ensayo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't know why I sort of carry that from that memory of the way he died.","es":"No s\u00e9 porque llevo eso conmigo por esa memoria de la forma en que muri\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"SM: And I asked him, \"Do you send emails?\"","es":"SM: Y le pregunt\u00e9: \"\u00bfEnv\u00edas mensajes de correo?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"However, when we looked at the survey data, we saw that people were really frustrated by the very complex passwords, and the long passwords were a lot more usable, and in some cases, they were actually even stronger than the complex passwords.","es":"Sin embargo, cuando nos fijamos en los datos del estudio, vimos que la gente estaba realmente frustrada por las contrase\u00f1as muy complejas, y que las contrase\u00f1as largas eran mucho m\u00e1s usables, y, en algunos casos, eran en realidad incluso m\u00e1s seguras que las contrase\u00f1as complejas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And she said, \"You know, the poverty wasn't so bad. It was the humiliation and the embarrassment of it all.\"","es":"Me dijo, \"Sabes, lo peor no es la pobreza, sino la humillaci\u00f3n y la verg\u00fcenza de todo ello\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"As I'm finishing this swim, I get to Aquatic Park, and I'm getting out of the water and of course half the kids are already finished, so they're cheering me on and they're all excited.","es":"Cuando acab\u00e9 este nado, sal\u00ed del Parque Acu\u00e1tico, y ya fuera del agua la mitad de los ni\u00f1os ya hab\u00edan terminado, y me animaban y todos estaban emocionados."} {"gender":"male","en":"Two-mile radius, you have a 50 percent chance of being killed, and up to about eight miles away, now I'm talking about killed instantly, somewhere between a 10 and 20 percent chance of getting killed.","es":"A 3 kil\u00f3metros, tienen un 50 por ciento de posibilidades de que les mate, y a unos 12 kil\u00f3metros de distancia estoy hablando de morir en el acto tienen entre un 10 y un 20 por ciento de posibilidades de morir."} {"gender":"female","en":"And there's a lot of impediments in the system slowing things down.","es":"Hay muchos impedimentos en el sistema para frenar las cosas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Three weeks later, we met up in person for what turned out to be a 14-hour-long conversation that went from coffee shop to restaurant to another coffee shop to another restaurant, and when he dropped me back off at my house that night I re-scored him, Thought, you know what, this entire time, I haven't been picky enough.","es":"Tres semanas despu\u00e9s, nos conocimos en persona durante lo que se convirti\u00f3 en una conversaci\u00f3n de 14 horas que pas\u00f3 de una cafeter\u00eda a un restaurante, a otra cafeter\u00eda, a otro restaurante, y cuando me dej\u00f3 en casa aquella noche volv\u00ed a calificarlo, \u00a11050 puntos! y pens\u00e9: \"\u00bfsabes qu\u00e9?, todo este tiempo no he sido suficientemente exigente\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I just want you to take a second and just think about an issue that you're thinking, working on.","es":"Les pedir\u00e9 que por un momento piensen en un asunto que tengan pendiente, sobre el cual est\u00e9n trabajando."}