diff --git "a/test.json" "b/test.json" --- "a/test.json" +++ "b/test.json" @@ -4998,5003 +4998,3 @@ {"gender":"female","en":"And there's a lot of impediments in the system slowing things down.","es":"Hay muchos impedimentos en el sistema para frenar las cosas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Three weeks later, we met up in person for what turned out to be a 14-hour-long conversation that went from coffee shop to restaurant to another coffee shop to another restaurant, and when he dropped me back off at my house that night I re-scored him, Thought, you know what, this entire time, I haven't been picky enough.","es":"Tres semanas despu\u00e9s, nos conocimos en persona durante lo que se convirti\u00f3 en una conversaci\u00f3n de 14 horas que pas\u00f3 de una cafeter\u00eda a un restaurante, a otra cafeter\u00eda, a otro restaurante, y cuando me dej\u00f3 en casa aquella noche volv\u00ed a calificarlo, \u00a11050 puntos! y pens\u00e9: \"\u00bfsabes qu\u00e9?, todo este tiempo no he sido suficientemente exigente\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I just want you to take a second and just think about an issue that you're thinking, working on.","es":"Les pedir\u00e9 que por un momento piensen en un asunto que tengan pendiente, sobre el cual est\u00e9n trabajando."} -{"gender":"female","en":"An average of, like, 5.6 times per day I have to stop myself from responding to all of my hate mail with a flurry of vile profanities.","es":"Un promedio de 5,6 veces al d\u00eda tengo que parar de responder a todos mis mails llenos de viles insultos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Guess what?","es":"\u00bfSaben qu\u00e9?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's the President of Harvard.","es":"Este es el Presidente de Harvard."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Wind and time have twisted our landscape into very strange shapes, and these shapes are speckled with wildlife that has become so adapted to this harsh and strange land.","es":"El viento y el tiempo han modelado nuestro paisaje dando formas muy extra\u00f1as. Y estas formas est\u00e1n salpicadas de vida salvaje que se han adaptado muy bien a esta tierra severa y extra\u00f1a."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I can't tell, nor can any of our algorithms, but in the case of a driver assistance system, that means it can't take action, because again, if it presses the brakes unexpectedly, that's completely unacceptable.","es":"No lo s\u00e9, ni lo saben nuestros algoritmos, pero en el caso de un sistema de asistencia de conducci\u00f3n, significa que no puede hacer algo porque, de nuevo, si pisa los frenos inesperadamente, es completamente inaceptable."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I don't know if you could see, but I was never able to make insulation for the wires.","es":"No s\u00e9 si pueden verlo pero nunca pude aislar los cables."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And any time one of those little parts of the mobile changes, is touched, any time you touch a word, you use it in a new context, you give it a new connotation, you verb it, you make the mobile move.","es":"Y siempre que una partecita del m\u00f3vil cambie, se toque, siempre que se toque una palabra, se use en alg\u00fan contexto nuevo, le damos una nueva connotaci\u00f3n, se verbaliza, hacemos que el m\u00f3vil se mueva."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If I had to say something to him, it would be, \"Be yourself, and do your best.\"","es":"Si tuviera que decirle algo, ser\u00eda, \"S\u00e9 t\u00fa mismo, y haz lo mejor\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is the only thing I will say today that has no data behind it, but I am convinced the longer it takes for you to laugh at this cartoon, the more worried we should be that you're a taker.","es":"Esto es lo \u00fanico que dir\u00e9 hoy que no tiene fundamento, pero estoy convencido de que cuanto m\u00e1s tarden en re\u00edrse de esta caricatura, m\u00e1s preocupados deber\u00edan estar por la posibilidad de ser oportunistas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And then finally, I take a rule, and move the rule to a date line which then tells me the time here.","es":"Y luego, finalmente, tomo una regla, y muevo la regla hacia una l\u00ednea de fecha la cual me dice entonces la hora aqu\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So in my head, I was like, \"Well what the hell is wrong with K?\"","es":"Por adentro pensaba: \"\u00bfPero qu\u00e9 demonios pasa con K?\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"Chris Anderson: Thank you.","es":"Chris Anderson: Gracias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I had a decision to make.","es":"Tuve que tomar una decisi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Some of you may be in college right now and you're feeling this excitement at this very moment.","es":"Algunos pueden estar en la universidad ahora y sienten esa emoci\u00f3n en este preciso momento."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The former is a scale shift.","es":"El primero es un cambio de escala."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"What this does is measures all the stuff the Global Goals are trying to achieve, but sums it up into a single number that we can use as our benchmark and track progress over time.","es":"Lo que hace es medir todo lo que las metas mundiales est\u00e1n tratando de lograr, pero las resume en un \u00fanico n\u00famero que podemos usar como punto de referencia y seguir el progreso a trav\u00e9s del tiempo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I realized we've been perfecting what's effectively a linear economy for 150 years, where we take a material out of the ground, we make something out of it, and then ultimately that product gets thrown away, and yes, we do recycle some of it, but more an attempt to get out what we can at the end, not by design.","es":"Y comprend\u00ed que est\u00e1bamos funcionando en lo que era de hecho una econom\u00eda lineal durante 150 a\u00f1os, en la que recogemos un material del suelo, lo convertimos en alguna cosa, y por fin, ese producto es desechado, y s\u00ed, reciclamos una parte, pero m\u00e1s bien intentando aprovechar lo que podamos al final, no de forma planeada."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Now many of you will recognize her symptoms.","es":"Muchos de ustedes reconocer\u00e1n sus s\u00edntomas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And that's how actually we discovered that we need to change the world's focus from schooling to learning, from just counting how many bodies are in classrooms to actually how many are learning.","es":"De ese modo descubrimos que necesitamos cambiar el enfoque mundial de la escolarizaci\u00f3n al aprendizaje, de solo contar cu\u00e1ntos cuerpos hay en las aulas a contar cu\u00e1ntos est\u00e1n aprendiendo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"For the humanitarian world, this provides information about how you might bring people out of poverty.","es":"Para el mundo humanitario, esto brinda informaci\u00f3n sobre c\u00f3mo se puede sacar a la gente de la pobreza."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I'll just show you one.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed les muestro uno."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Here's an example from Hong Kong, where some kids made a game and then built their own physical interface device and had a light sensor, so the light sensor detects the hole in the board, so as they move the physical saw, the light sensor detects the hole and controls the virtual saw on the screen and saws down the tree.","es":"Aqu\u00ed tengo un ejemplo de Hong Kong, en donde unos ni\u00f1os crearon un juego y luego crearon su propio dispositivo de interfaz f\u00edsica y ten\u00eda sensor de luz. El sensor de luz detecta el agujero en la tabla, as\u00ed que mientras mueven la sierra f\u00edsica, el sensor de luz detecta el agujero y controla la sierra virtual en la pantalla y aserra el \u00e1rbol."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But, since the age of 21, instead of seeing color, I can hear color.","es":"Pero desde los 21 a\u00f1os, en lugar de ver los colores, los puedo o\u00edr."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So, how about the purchasing?","es":"Entonce, \u00bfqu\u00e9 tal las compras?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This is what makes heartbreak so difficult to heal.","es":"Es por esto que superar una ruptura amorosa es tan dif\u00edcil."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You use separate lanes, dedicated lanes.","es":"Usas carriles separados, carriles exclusivos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So it's beautiful; it's safe.\"","es":"Es hermoso; es seguro\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Can the mothers lay their eggs on medicinal milkweed that will make their future offspring less sick?","es":"\u00bfPueden las madres poner sus huevos en asclepia medicinal para hacer menos vulnerable a la futura descendencia?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"You know, we have a fairly interesting situation right now.","es":"Saben, tenemos una situaci\u00f3n bastante interesante aqu\u00ed, ahora."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We went to Cambridge University, the other university, and spoke to a Doctor of Mechanical Engineering there, a physicist who taught us that it had to be 37 miles an hour.","es":"Fuimos a la Universidad de Cambridge, la otra universidad, y hablamos con un doctor en ingenier\u00eda mec\u00e1nica, un f\u00edsico que nos ense\u00f1\u00f3 que deb\u00edamos hacerlo a 60 kil\u00f3metros por hora."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I was doing a pathetically slow speed of about 1.3 knots, and they were doing only marginally less pathetic speed of about 1.4: it was like two snails in a mating dance.","es":"Yo iba a una velocidad pat\u00e9ticamente lenta, de 1,3 nudos y ellos a una velocidad un poco menos pat\u00e9tica de 1,4. Como dos caracoles en un juego de apareamiento."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The hope was that a complete combination of Einstein's general theory of relativity, which is the theory of the universe at grand scales, with quantum mechanics, the theory of the universe at small scales, might provide a solution.","es":"La esperanza era que una combinaci\u00f3n completa de la teor\u00eda general de la relatividad de Einstein, que es la teor\u00eda del universo a grandes escalas, con la mec\u00e1nica cu\u00e1ntica, la teor\u00eda del universo a escalas peque\u00f1as, podr\u00eda proporcionar una soluci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This kind of failure mode seems to be inevitable, and it follows from having a concrete, definite objective.","es":"Este tipo de error parece ser inevitable, y sucede por tener un objetivo concreto, definido."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Oh my gosh.","es":"Dios m\u00edo"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So this is the Russians working on the ice in the peak of the Siberian winter.","es":"Estos son los rusos trabajando en el hielo, en pleno invierno siberiano."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It was only because we had a conference on the Isle of Man.","es":"S\u00f3lo cambi\u00f3 porque ten\u00edamos una conferencia en la Isla de Man."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They're interested.","es":"Est\u00e1n interesados\u200b\u200b."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It was a way that parents could figure out which were the right public schools for their kids.","es":"Era una herramienta para que los padres pudieran elegir la mejor escuela p\u00fablica para sus hijos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"At that time, I was really interested in neuroscience and wanted to do a research project in neurology, specifically looking at the effects of heavy metals on the developing nervous system.","es":"En ese entonces, yo estaba muy interesada en la neurociencia y quer\u00eda hacer un proyecto de investigaci\u00f3n en neurolog\u00eda, espec\u00edficamente observando los efectos de metales pesados en el sistema nervioso en desarrollo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"\"Oh, me too!","es":"\"\u00a1Ah, yo tambi\u00e9n!"} -{"gender":"female","en":"And, certainly, I'm not trying to diminish the impact, the weight, of a person's struggle.","es":"Y, ciertamente, no estoy tratando de minimizar el impacto, el peso, de la lucha de una persona."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But the war metaphor, the war paradigm or model for thinking about arguments, has, I think, deforming effects on how we argue.","es":"Pero la met\u00e1fora de la guerra, el paradigma de la guerra o el modelo para pensar en los debates, tiene, creo, efectos deformantes en c\u00f3mo debatimos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"As an artist, I had this humanist intention of beautifying a poor and neglected neighborhood by bringing art to it and hopefully shining light on this isolated community.","es":"Como artista, tuve la intenci\u00f3n de embellecer un barrio pobre y descuidado llevando arte y, con suerte, alumbrando a esta comunidad aislada."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I think in that sense, this fits really nicely with this lateral thinking idea.","es":"Y creo que en \u00e9ste sentido, encaja bastante bien con la idea del pensamiento lateral."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But, for an idea that is so broadly accepted in private, birth control certainly generates a lot of opposition in public.","es":"Pero, para una idea tan aceptada en privado el control de la natalidad genera una fuerte oposici\u00f3n p\u00fablica."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Why?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I don't even ask about those issues because there's nothing I can do.","es":"Y ni siquiera pregunto sobre esos temas porque no hay nada que pueda hacer."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This makes university administrators very nervous, because girls don't want to go to schools that don't have boys.","es":"Esto pone muy nerviosas a las autoridades universitarias porque las ni\u00f1as no quieren ir a escuelas que no tienen ni\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And third is that we need to look at ocean-basin-wide management.","es":"Y, en tercer lugar, tenemos que gestionar los oc\u00e9anos en toda la cuenca."} -{"gender":"female","en":"No ant directs the behavior of any other ant.","es":"Ninguna hormiga dirige el comportamiento de otra hormiga."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Some of you might be thinking, all this one-on-one attention that The JJ Way requires must be too expensive to scale.","es":"Alguno de Uds. estar\u00e1 pensando que toda esta atenci\u00f3n una a una que precisa el m\u00e9todo J. J. debe ser muy cara de escalar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The monkeys are not stupid animals.","es":"Los monos no son est\u00fapidos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What Cristine did was use our Blicket Detectors. And what she did was show children that yellow ones made it go and red ones didn't, and then she showed them an anomaly.","es":"Cristina us\u00f3 nuestro detector Blicket, y lo que hizo fue mostrarle a los ni\u00f1os que los amarillos lo hac\u00edan funcionar y los rojos no. Luego, les mostr\u00f3 una anomal\u00eda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is Beethoven.","es":"\u00c9ste es Beethoven."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, the recession. Well, organized crime has already adapted very well to the recession.","es":"Respecto a la recesi\u00f3n el crimen organizado se ha adaptado muy bien a la recesi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And these ideas developed into prototypes, and they were eventually built.","es":"Y estas ideas se convierten en prototipos, y eventualmente se construyeron."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I can look at the skull structure, and I can see that, okay, this is where they opened up the skull on this woman, and that's where they went in.","es":"Puedo ver la estructura del cr\u00e1neo y que, bueno, este es el lugar donde abrieron el cr\u00e1neo de la mujer y all\u00ed es donde intervinieron."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Chinese Water Army refers to thousands of people in China that are paid small amounts of money to produce content.","es":"Se refiere a miles de personas en China a las que se les paga muy poco para producir contenidos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In most low- and middle-income countries, for instance, the ratio of psychiatrists to the population is something like one for every one and a half million people, which literally means that 90 percent of the people needing mental health services will not get it.","es":"En la mayor\u00eda de los pa\u00edses de bajo y mediano ingreso, por ejemplo, la proporci\u00f3n de psiquiatras respecto a la poblaci\u00f3n es algo como uno por cada un y medio mill\u00f3n de personas, lo que literalmente significa que el 90 % de las personas que necesitan servicios de salud mental no los obtendr\u00e1n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I don't know why they did it, but I learned something about it.","es":"No s\u00e9 por qu\u00e9 lo hac\u00edan, pero he aprendido algo al respecto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"\"Talithia, if I've told you once I've told you a thousand times.\"","es":"\"Thalithia, te lo he dicho miles de veces\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When I developed the Home Page Reader, I got many comments from users.","es":"Cuando desarroll\u00e9 el Home Page Reader, recib\u00ed muchos comentarios de los usuarios."} -{"gender":"male","en":"They, I was put in a dormitory with a confirmed Nazi sympathizer.","es":"Ellos \u2014me pusieron en un dormitorio con un simpatizante Nazi declarado\u2014."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I would never use these tools to deliver my baby, I thought.","es":"Yo nunca usar\u00eda estas herramientas para dar a luz, pens\u00e9."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Well every day, all over the place, it's being done by ordinary people, by officials, by institutions, quite effectively.","es":"Eso se hace a diario, en todas partes, lo hace la gente com\u00fan, los funcionarios, las instituciones, muy eficazmente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Then they stitched me up; they took an entire hour to stitch me up.","es":"Luego me suturaron. Les tom\u00f3 una hora entera suturarme."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The second big difference that INCRA would make is that would it base its sovereign risk assessment on a broader set of indicators.","es":"La segunda gran diferencia que har\u00eda INCRA es que basar\u00eda su evaluaci\u00f3n del riesgo soberano en un amplio conjunto de indicadores."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"He made a lot of really interesting cultural references.","es":"Hizo referencias culturales verdaderamente interesantes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And he's barely able to sip some air before he slams his head back down.","es":"Y apenas lograba tomar algo de aire al sacar la cabeza."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"He has a feeding tube.","es":"Tiene una sonda que lo alimenta."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Over the last couple of years, we've seen a real push towards greater transparency when it comes to company ownership. This issue was put on the political agenda by the UK Prime Minister David Cameron at a big G8 Summit that was held in Northern Ireland in 2013.","es":"En estos \u00faltimos a\u00f1os, hemos visto un verdadero esfuerzo por conseguir mayor transparencia en lo que respecta a la propiedad de empresas Este asunto fue el punto principal del Primer Ministro del Reino Unido, David Cameron en la gran Cumbre del G8 de Irlanda del Norte en 2013."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"There are two basic types of innovation.","es":"Hay dos tipos b\u00e1sicos de innovaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Could I protect my father from the Armed Islamic Group with a paring knife?","es":"\u00bfPodr\u00eda yo proteger a mi padre, del Grupo Isl\u00e1mico Armado, con un cuchillo de cocina?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I think it's because of what I'm hearing today in TED talks.","es":"Y creo que es por lo que estoy hoy en las charlas de TED."} -{"gender":"male","en":"However, computers have the same static physical form for all of these different applications and the same static interface elements as well.","es":"Sin embargo, la PC tiene la misma forma f\u00edsica est\u00e1tica para todas esas diferentes aplicaciones y los mismos elementos de una interfaz tambi\u00e9n est\u00e1tica."} -{"gender":"male","en":"What about causality?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 hay de la causalidad?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"One of the things I want to establish right from the start is that not all neurosurgeons wear cowboy boots.","es":"Una de las cosas que quiero dejar bien desde el inicio es que no todos los neurocirujanos usan botas vaqueras."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And when little kids go to racially integrated kindergartens and elementary schools, they develop less bias to begin with.","es":"Y cuando los peque\u00f1os van a jard\u00edn de infantes y escuelas primarias de integraci\u00f3n racial, construyen tambi\u00e9n menos prejuicios."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And the first gene that was mapped in association studies for this, early-onset prostate cancer, was this gene called RNASEL.","es":"Y el primer gen que fue mapeado en los estudios para este c\u00e1ncer de pr\u00f3stata de aparici\u00f3n temprana, fue un gen llamado RNASEL."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If religion is the opium of the masses, then for me, music is my one and only ganja.","es":"Si la religi\u00f3n es el opio de las masas, entonces para m\u00ed, la m\u00fasica es mi \u00fanica droga."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I couldn't see myself represented. I couldn't see the women who've raised me, the ones who've influenced me, and the ones that have made South Africa what it is today.","es":"No me ve\u00eda representada, no ve\u00eda a las mujeres que me hab\u00edan educado, a las que me hab\u00edan influenciado, a las que han hecho de Sud\u00e1frica lo que es hoy."} -{"gender":"male","en":"What I've shown you here is sometimes called a major transition in evolutionary history.","es":"Lo que les mostr\u00e9 aqu\u00ed es a veces llamado una transici\u00f3n mayor en la historia evolutiva."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I don't care what it is that you're into, what passion, what hobby.","es":"No me importa qu\u00e9 es lo que te gusta, qu\u00e9 pasi\u00f3n, qu\u00e9 man\u00eda."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"In fact, some interesting studies have pointed to oxytocin levels, which are a kind of bonding hormone that we release when we're having sex or nursing or around someone that we care for extremely, oxytocin levels raising in both humans and dogs who care about each other or who enjoy each other's company, and beyond that, other studies show that oxytocin raised even in other pairs of animals, so, say, in goats and dogs who were friends and played with each other, their levels spiked afterwards.","es":"De hecho, algunos estudios interesantes han se\u00f1alado que los niveles de oxitocina, la hormona de la uni\u00f3n que liberamos cuando tenemos sexo o amamantamos o estamos cerca de alguien por el que nos preocupamos mucho, se elevan en humanos y perros que cuidan unos de otros o que disfrutan la compa\u00f1\u00eda el uno del otro, y m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de eso, otros estudios muestran que la oxitocina se eleva incluso en otros parejas de animales, en cabras y perros amigos que jugaban entre s\u00ed, por ejemplo, sus niveles luego se dispararon."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We built this institution based on social justice, gender equity, this idea of empowering women.","es":"Construimos esta instituci\u00f3n basada en la justicia social, la igualdad de g\u00e9nero; esta idea de dar poder a la mujer."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is a map of the study site where I have been tracking this population of harvester ant colonies for 28 years, which is about as long as a colony lives.","es":"Este es un mapa del lugar de estudio donde he estado monitorizando a esta poblaci\u00f3n de colonias de hormigas cosechadoras durante 28 a\u00f1os, lo que aproximadamente vive una colonia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And then so she realized I couldn't catch live ones, so she brought me dead penguins.","es":"Entonces que se dio cuenta de que yo no pod\u00eda atraparlos vivos as\u00ed que me trajo ping\u00fcinos muertos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I've indeed been a very fortunate human being.","es":"De hecho he sido un hombre muy afortunado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I wanted to, well, one of the biggest changes is, 200 years ago, we began using coal from underground, which has a lot of pollution, and 100 years ago, began getting gasoline from underground, with a lot of pollution. And gasoline consumption, or production, will reach its limit in about ten years, and then go down, and we wonder what's going to happen with transportation.","es":"Quer\u00eda, bueno, uno de los mayores cambios es, hace 200 a\u00f1os, empezamos a usar carb\u00f3n del subsuelo, que produce mucha poluci\u00f3n, y hace 100 a\u00f1os, empezamos a obtener gasolina del subsuelo, con un mont\u00f3n de poluci\u00f3n y consumo de gasolina, o producci\u00f3n, alcanzar\u00e1 su l\u00edmite en alrededor de diez a\u00f1os, y entonces bajar\u00e1, y nos preguntamos qu\u00e9 pasar\u00e1 con el transporte."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But look. The empirical condition of living under a dollar and 25 is trending down, and look where it gets to by 2030.","es":"Pero observen: La condici\u00f3n emp\u00edrica de vivir con menos de 1.25 $ disminuye, y vean hasta donde llegar\u00e1 para el 2030."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So what happens to all these toxins when we die?","es":"Ahora bien, \u00bfqu\u00e9 sucede con estas toxinas cuando morimos?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"But more important than all of these things, the sibling bond can be a thing of abiding love.","es":"Pero lo m\u00e1s importante de todo esto, es que el lazo fraternal puede brindar un amor duradero."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The media took the bait.","es":"La prensa mordi\u00f3 el anzuelo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"He never mentioned that journey.","es":"\u00c9l nunca mencion\u00f3 ese viaje."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What if through compassion and empathy and human interaction we are able to learn to hold two things?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 pasa si a trav\u00e9s de la compasi\u00f3n, la empat\u00eda y la interacci\u00f3n humana podemos aprender a sostener 2 cosas?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"So, I went to the store, I brought Gaudence, the recalcitrant one of all, and we brought all this paint and fabric to make curtains, and on painting day, we all gathered in Nyamirambo, and the idea was we would paint it white with blue as trim, like a little French bakery.","es":"Asi que, fui a la tienda, traje a Gaudence, la m\u00e1s obstinada de todas, y compramos toda esta pintura y tela para hacer cortinas, y el d\u00eda que ibamos a pintar nos juntamos todos en Nyamarimbo y la idea original era que pintar\u00edamos de blanco con el borde azul, como una reposter\u00eda francesa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I wanted and needed for that change to be permanent.","es":"Y quer\u00edamos y nos hacia falta que aquel cambio fuera permanente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Which means you're going to have new guys knocking on the door saying, \"Give us a job,\" and, \"I don't need a big pay rise, just please give me a job.\"","es":"Lo que significa que tendr\u00edan gente nueva golpeando a la puerta diciendo \"Dame un trabajo\" y \"No necesito un gran sueldo, solo dame un trabajo, por favor\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Aimee Mullins: Hi. SS: Aimee and I thought we'd just talk a little bit, and I wanted her to tell all of you what makes her a distinctive athlete.","es":"Aimee Mullins: Hola Cheryl: Aimee y yo, pensamos que vamos a conversar un poco, y yo quisiera que ella les contara a todos ustedes qu\u00e9 es lo que la hace una deportista distinguida."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's not what you take for granted, I'm sure you're familiar with that.","es":"Eso no es lo que creo que dan por hecho. Estoy seguro que ya est\u00e1n familiarizados con eso."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You can actually do far more to build an international coalition against a harmdoer or a wrongdoer by being in the room and showing to the rest of the world that that person, that regime, is the problem and that you, the United States, are not the problem.","es":"Se puede hacer mucho m\u00e1s para formar una coalici\u00f3n internacional contra un agresor o quien haga el mal, estando en esa sala, y mostrando al resto del mundo que esa persona, ese r\u00e9gimen, es el problema y que t\u00fa, lo Estados Unidos, no eres el problema."} -{"gender":"female","en":"He was there as a neighbor who cared, but he was also bringing in his professional expertise and resources when the moment called for it.","es":"Estuvo a mi lado como vecino preocupado, que tambi\u00e9n ofreci\u00f3 su experiencia profesional y unos recursos cuando hizo falta."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And for all of us, the dreams of these children, like the dreams of our own children, become part of the naked geography of hope.","es":"Y para todos nosotros, los sue\u00f1os de estos ni\u00f1os, al igual que los sue\u00f1os de nuestros propios hijos forman parte de la geograf\u00eda viva de la esperanza."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And you can also see other features like oxygen and nitrogen in that white glimmer in the circle showing you the auroras and also some wisps around the tropics.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n pueden ver ox\u00edgeno y nitr\u00f3geno en ese resplandor blanco en el c\u00edrculo que muestra las auroras y tambi\u00e9n algunos mechones alrededor de los tr\u00f3picos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So that's unfortunate.","es":"Eso es lamentable."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"There are questions and problems with the people we used to believe were always right, so be skeptical.","es":"Hay preguntas y problemas con las personas que sol\u00edamos creer que siempre ten\u00edan raz\u00f3n. As\u00ed que sean esc\u00e9pticos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is like the photograph of my granddad holding my mom from a data perspective, and I had to go into the system and get it out.","es":"Es como la foto de mi abuelo con mi mam\u00e1 en brazos desde el punto de vista de los datos, y yo ten\u00eda que entrar al sistema y sacarlos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And sometimes when I would go and spend time with her, it would be difficult to get her time and attention.","es":"En ocasiones, cuando yo iba a pasar un tiempo con ella, no era f\u00e1cil captar su tiempo y su atenci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"A clinical trial that is considered to be potentially beneficial to the population is more likely to be authorized, and in the absence of good health care systems, almost any offer of medical assistance is accepted as better than nothing.","es":"Un ensayo cl\u00ednico considerado potencialmente beneficioso para la poblacion es m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil que se autorice y, en ausencia de buenos sistemas de salud, casi cualquier tipo de asistencia m\u00e9dica se acepta al ser mejor que nada."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Bruno Giussani: Jennifer, this is a technology with huge consequences, as you pointed out.","es":"Bruno Giussani: Jennifer, es una tecnolog\u00eda con enormes consecuencias, como has se\u00f1alado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think it was a tactic of survival.","es":"Creo que fue una t\u00e1ctica de supervivencia."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They have broken out of the existing frame of victim and perpetrator.","es":"Ellas se han liberado del marco que fija victimas y victimarios."} -{"gender":"female","en":"How would that change the capabilities of the surgeon?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo cambiar\u00eda eso las capacidades del cirujano?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"The bottom line is: whether you're in it or you're searching for it, I believe marriage is an institution worth pursuing and protecting.","es":"La conclusi\u00f3n es, lo tengan ya o lo est\u00e9n buscando, creo que el matrimonio es una instituci\u00f3n que merece la pena reivindicar y proteger."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Okay. What did you see?","es":"De acuerdo, \u00bfqu\u00e9 ven?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Okay? So I stopped giving the lecture.","es":"As\u00ed que dej\u00e9 de dar la Conferencia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And then finally, the probe came to rest on the surface, and I'm going to show you, ladies and gentlemen, the first picture ever taken from the surface of a moon in the outer solar system.","es":"Y finalmente, la sonda se pos\u00f3 en la superficie, y voy a mostrar, se\u00f1oras y se\u00f1ores, la primera imagen de la historia tomada desde la superficie de una luna en el sistema solar exterior."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"He once bragged that he had turned nine out of 10 kids referred to his office as autistic by other clinicians without giving them an autism diagnosis.","es":"Una vez se jact\u00f3 de que \u00e9l hab\u00eda convertido a 9 de cada 10 ni\u00f1os enviados por otros m\u00e9dicos a su consultorio por ser autistas sin darles un diagn\u00f3stico de autismo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Six and a half years later, a hundred and eighty researchers, they have some amazing developments in the lab, and I will show you three of those today, such that we can stop burning up our planet and instead, we can generate all the energy we need right where we are, cleanly, safely, and cheaply.","es":"6 a\u00f1os y medio m\u00e1s tarde, 180 investigadores lograron avances sorprendentes en el laboratorio, y hoy les mostrar\u00e9 3 de ellos para que podamos dejar de agotar el planeta y en su lugar, podamos generar toda la energ\u00eda que necesitamos de manera limpia, segura y barata y justo en el lugar donde estemos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"If we apply the best architectural design, climate engineering design, we won't get much better.","es":"Si aplicamos el mejor dise\u00f1o arquitect\u00f3nico, un dise\u00f1o de ingenieria clim\u00e1tica, las cosas no mejorar\u00e1n mucho."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I think economically, the critical issue really is to now think through.","es":"Pienso que econ\u00f3micamente el tema cr\u00edtico es realmente pensar sobre ello ahora."} -{"gender":"male","en":"To give you a perspective, if I had to translate the proportion of psychiatrists in the population that one might see in Britain to India, one might expect roughly 150,000 psychiatrists in India. In reality, take a guess.","es":"Para que se hagan una idea, si tuviera que traducir el porcentaje de psiquiatras que hay en Gran Breta\u00f1a, habr\u00eda unos 150 000 psiquiatras en India. Pero adivinen cu\u00e1ntos psiquiatras hay."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And by the way, when I asked him about his own likelihood of divorce, he said he was quite sure it was zero percent.","es":"Y por cierto, cuando le pregunt\u00e9 sobre de sus posibilidades de divorciarse, dijo que estaba seguro de que eran del 0%."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And you learn counter loops by repeating that four times.","es":"Y uno aprende bucles \"contadores\" repitiendo eso cuatro veces."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Something else was at work, and believe me, that something was not in any textbook.","es":"Algo m\u00e1s interven\u00eda en esto, y cr\u00e9anme, ese algo no estaba en ning\u00fan libro de texto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So he went to Ray Kroc and he said, \"I'm going to bring you a fish sandwich, going to be made out of halibut.\"","es":"As\u00ed que fue con Ray Kroc y le dijo: \"Yo voy a hacer un s\u00e1ndwich de pescado, va a ser de platija\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Mountain biking in Israel is something that I do with great passion and commitment.","es":"El ciclismo de monta\u00f1a en Israel es algo que practico con gran placer y compromiso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It doesn't matter how many times you download Steven J.'s Stanford commencement address, you still look at it and decide not to do it.","es":"Da igual cu\u00e1ntas veces te hayas bajado el discurso de graduaci\u00f3n de Stanford de Steve Jobs, lo ves y lo ves, y decides no hacerlo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I don't have a problem, actually, with Donald Trump's credo of \"America first.\"","es":"En realidad, no tengo problema con la ideolog\u00eda de Donald Trump de \u00abEE.UU. Primero\u00bb."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It reflects our decisions as individuals, as governments and as industries.","es":"Refleja nuestras decisiones como personas, como gobiernos y como industrias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So eventually, the hospital decided it was time for me to go.","es":"En alg\u00fan momento el hospital decidi\u00f3 que ten\u00eda que irme."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Whose son shall it be?","es":"\u00bfHijo de qui\u00e9n ser\u00e1?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"But he said, \"Do you know what they do do?","es":"Pero dijo, \"\u00bfSabes lo que hacen?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"But Joanne looked at me and talked to me like we were old friends.","es":"Pero Joanne me mir\u00f3 y me habl\u00f3 como si fu\u00e9ramos viejas amigas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I said to my boy, \"When you raise the money, we'll put your taste on the wall.\"","es":"Le dije a mi hijo: \u201cCuando t\u00fa juntes el dinero pondremos tu gusto en la pared.\u201d"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I applied to Harvard on a dare.","es":"Cuando solicit\u00e9 admisi\u00f3n en Harvard, me arriesgu\u00e9."} -{"gender":"male","en":"He went from being alive and passionate at Stage One, remember, \"Life sucks, despairing hostility, I will do whatever it takes to survive\", to walking into a Boys and Girls Club, folding his arms, sitting down in a chair, and saying, \"Wow.","es":"El fue, de estar con vida y apasionado en Etapa 1, recuerda, \"La Vida Apesta, de una hostilidad desesperada, Har\u00e9 lo necesario para sobrevivir\", a entrar a un Club de Chicos y Chicas, cruzando los brazos, sentado en una silla, y diciendo, \"Wow."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And something else happened instead.","es":"Pero sucedi\u00f3 otra cosa."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It had a physicality, and you start going deeper and deeper into sort of narrative that goes this way, towards the image.","es":"Que tuvo materialidad, y comienzas a adentrarte m\u00e1s y m\u00e1s en una suerte de narrativa que va en esta direcci\u00f3n, hacia la imagen."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But also, Ben Ali, Tunisian president, didn't follow the second rule. That means keep the server in your hands.","es":"Ben Al\u00ed, el expresidente de T\u00fanez, no sigui\u00f3 la segunda regla, que es mantener el servidor en sus manos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And another man looked in my direction and said, \"Yes, there he is.","es":"Y otro hombre mir\u00f3 hacia m\u00ed y dijo, \"Si, helo aqu\u00ed."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So she's dealing with the immediate aftermath that night, next day she's got plumbers coming in, day after that, professional cleaning crew dealing with the ruined carpet.","es":"Ella est\u00e1 lidiando con las consecuencias inmediatas esa noche, al d\u00eda siguiente, llegan los fontaneros, un d\u00eda despu\u00e9s, el equipo de limpieza se ocupa de la alfombra arruinada."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But it is going to happen in this century.","es":"Pero llegaremos ah\u00ed en este mismo siglo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Even though I'd never mentioned her name, she sued me for defamation and invasion of privacy.","es":"A\u00fan cuando nunca mencion\u00e9 su nombre, me demand\u00f3 por difamaci\u00f3n e invasi\u00f3n de la privacidad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But if it happens too much, it can actually make me sick.","es":"Pero si ocurre muy a menudo, puede hacer que enferme."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So we're going 100 percent renewable.","es":"As\u00ed nos volveremos 100% renovables."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The conferences were buzzing, there was tons of money pouring in from funding agencies.","es":"Las conferencias zumbaban, hab\u00eda mucho dinero de los organismos de financiaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's when I first got to know fish swimming in something other than lemon slices and butter.","es":"Fue cuando conoc\u00ed a los peces, por primera vez, nadando en algo diferente a tajadas de lim\u00f3n y mantequilla."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Well, once you protect the core interests of nations, then you can understand that nations were ready to begin to converge onto a common path, onto a common direction of travel that is going to take us probably several decades, but over those several decades is going to take us into the new economy, into a decarbonized, highly resilient economy, And the national contributions that are currently on the table on behalf of national governments are insufficient to get us to a stabilized climate, but they are only the first step, and they will improve over time.","es":"Bien, una vez se protegen los intereses fundamentales de las naciones, uno puede entender que las naciones estaban listas para comenzar a converger hacia un camino com\u00fan, en una direcci\u00f3n com\u00fan de viaje que nos va a llevar probablemente varias d\u00e9cadas, pero durante esas d\u00e9cadas nos va a llevar a la nueva econom\u00eda, a descarbonizar la econom\u00eda, una econom\u00eda muy resiliente. Y las contribuciones nacionales que est\u00e1n actualmente sobre la mesa en nombre de los gobiernos nacionales no son suficientes para llevarnos a un clima estabilizado, pero son solo el primer paso, y van a mejorar con el tiempo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That was the triumph of Neo-Darwinism and so forth.","es":"Ese fue el triunfo del neodarwinismo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"What's interesting really about X-ray really is, if you think about it, is that that technology is used for looking for cancer or looking for drugs, or looking for contraband or whatever.","es":"Lo interesante de los rayos X en verdad es que si uno lo piensa, es que esa tecnolog\u00eda se usa para detectar c\u00e1ncer, o drogas, o contrabando, o lo que sea."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I used to want to design a utopian society or a perfect world or something like that.","es":"Yo quer\u00eda dise\u00f1ar una sociedad ut\u00f3pica, un mundo perfecto o algo as\u00ed."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But we do not completely understand why.","es":"Pero no comprendemos completamente por qu\u00e9."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Indeed, it will decrease neurogenesis.","es":"Cierto, disminuir\u00e1 la neurog\u00e9nesis."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And here we've been on this journey, and the truth is, it's been thrilling.","es":"Hemos recorrido, y la verdad es que ha sido apasionante."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I can't tell you how many women tell me, \"I'm afraid to raise my hand, I'm afraid to ask a question, because I don't want to be the only one who doesn't understand, the only one who is struggling.","es":"No puedo decirles cu\u00e1ntas mujeres me dicen, \"me da miedo alzar la mano, me da miedo preguntar, porque no quiero ser la \u00fanica que no entiende, la \u00fanica que tiene dificultades\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"As a good rule of thumb, if you're asking: \"When I hear a story, when should I be especially suspicious?\"","es":"Como una buena regla general, si usted se pregunta: \"Al escuchar una historia, \u00bfcu\u00e1ndo deber\u00eda sospechar?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"The Warby Parker founders, when they were trying to name their company, they needed something sophisticated, unique, with no negative associations to build a retail brand, and they tested over 2,000 possibilities before they finally put together Warby and Parker.","es":"Los fundadores de Warby Parker, al buscar un nombre para su empresa, quer\u00edan algo sofisticado, \u00fanico, sin asociaciones negativas para construir una marca, y probaron m\u00e1s de 2000 posibilidades antes de finalmente llegar a Warby y Parker."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Ashley Judd: My mama loves me.","es":"Ashley Judd: mi madre me quiere."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So to claim that we're post-race when we have yet to grapple with the impact of race on black people, Latinos or the indigenous is disingenuous.","es":"Por eso, pretender ser postracial cuando todav\u00eda tenemos que lidiar con el impacto de la raza en los negros, latinos o los ind\u00edgenas es ingenuo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Not just about how these machines work, but what it would feel like to live alongside them.","es":"Y no solo sobre el funcionamiento de esas m\u00e1quinas sino tambi\u00e9n sobre lo que se siente al vivir junto a ellas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"One of the unsung and untold success stories of our nation-building effort in Afghanistan involved the World Bank in 2002 investing heavily in identifying, training and promoting Afghani health sector leaders.","es":"Una de las historias de \u00e9xito olvidadas y nunca contadas de nuestro esfuerzo por construir una naci\u00f3n en Afganist\u00e1n implicaba una gran inversi\u00f3n del Banco Mundial en 2002 para identificar, capacitar y promover a l\u00edderes afganos del sector sanitario."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It stretched from eastern Washington to western Montana, and it burned, in a few days, three million acres, devoured several towns, and it killed 87 people.","es":"Se extendi\u00f3 desde el este de Washington hasta el oeste de Montana, y quem\u00f3, en unos pocos d\u00edas, 1,2 millones de hect\u00e1reas, devor\u00f3 varias ciudades y mat\u00f3 a 87 personas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so back in San Francisco, where I live, the situation's much worse, in fact, much worse around the world.","es":"Y de vuelta en San Francisco, donde vivo, la situaci\u00f3n es mucho peor, de hecho, mucho peor en todo el mundo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's called a microscope.","es":"Se llama microscopio."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You may not realize this, but there are more bacteria in your body than stars in our entire galaxy.","es":"Puede que no sean conscientes, pero hay m\u00e1s bacterias en el cuerpo que estrellas en toda la galaxia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I did what every single teenage girl would want to do.","es":"E hice lo que toda adolescente quisiera hacer."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And in the name of connectedness, the only thing she wanted before she died was to be brought home by her beloved Gulf of Mexico.","es":"Y en nombre de la conexi\u00f3n, la \u00fanica cosa que quer\u00eda antes de morir era ser llevada a casa, al lado de su amado Golfo de M\u00e9xico."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And then in 2012, we had the Rio+20 event.","es":"Y luego, en 2012, tuvimos el evento R\u00edo + 20."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And they explained.","es":"Y me explicaron."} -{"gender":"male","en":"One testimony about how I find music is powerful is when I was still a soldier back then.","es":"Un testimonio de c\u00f3mo descubr\u00ed que la m\u00fasica es poderosa es de cuando era todav\u00eda un soldado, en aquel entonces."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, the way that we're approaching this problem to try to understand the mechanisms of concussion and to figure out if we can prevent it is we are using a device like this.","es":"La forma en que abordamos este problema para tratar de comprender los mecanismos de la conmoci\u00f3n cerebral y para averiguar si podemos evitarla es usando dispositivos como este."} -{"gender":"female","en":"War has been a part of my life since I can remember.","es":"La guerra ha sido siempre parte de mi vida."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We know Japan is the land of the rising sun.","es":"Sabemos que Jap\u00f3n es la tierra del sol naciente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So there's a lot of reasons to take this 30-year time period as sort of the creation of this new food system.","es":"Por lo tanto hay muchas razones para tomar este per\u00edodo de 30 a\u00f1os como la creaci\u00f3n del nuevo sistema de alimentos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They've found in many developing countries that governments have gone in and given out free latrines and gone back a few years later and found that they've got lots of new goat sheds or temples or spare rooms with their owners happily walking past them and going over to the open defecating ground.","es":"Han encontrado en muchos pa\u00edses en desarrollo que los gobiernos han entrado y dado letrinas gratis y vuelto pocos a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s y encontraron que tienen nuevos cobertizos de cabras, templos o habitaciones libres con sus due\u00f1os felices caminando delante de ellos y acerc\u00e1ndose a la tierra de defecaci\u00f3n al aire libre."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Because they could see I was no longer serving them, I was only serving myself.","es":"Porque vieron que ya no les prestaba servicios a ellos, Me serv\u00eda s\u00f3lo a mi mismo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"How many people gave of their time and their expertise, and their patience, to deal with me?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1ntas personas dieron su tiempo su experiencia, y su paciencia para lidiar conmigo?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Oh what?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"\"After what I just told you?\"","es":"\"Despu\u00e9s de lo que les acabo de contar?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"It was very late at night, and at age 80, he was typing a 70-page public interest litigation against corruption in a road project.","es":"Era muy tarde por la noche y a la edad de 80 a\u00f1os, \u00e9l estaba escribiendo un litigio de 70 p\u00e1ginas de inter\u00e9s p\u00fablico contra la corrupci\u00f3n en un proyecto vial."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm a guy who has graduated from bullshit to full-shit.","es":"Soy un tipo que me gradu\u00e9 de mierda en mierda total."} -{"gender":"female","en":"More recently, the Turkish representative for Reporters Without Borders, Erol \u00d6nderoglu, has been detained and charged with spreading terrorist propaganda, because he and some other activists have been supporting Kurdish media.","es":"M\u00e1s recientemente, el representante turco de Reporteros sin Fronteras, Erol \u00d6nderoglu, ha sido detenido y acusado de difundir propaganda terrorista, porque \u00e9l y otros activistas han apoyado los medios de comunicaci\u00f3n kurdos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"What I wanted to talk to you about today is two things: one, the rise of a culture of availability; and two, a request.","es":"Hoy quiero hablarles acerca de dos cosas: una es el surgimiento de una cultura de disponibilidad y la otra es una petici\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So I went to my father in tears, \"What are we going to do?\"","es":"As\u00ed que fui a ver a mi padre llorando: \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 vamos a hacer?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I did my best.","es":"Entonces hice mi mejor esfuerzo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I would like to do one more piece that I put together for you tonight, and it takes place with two pretty inspiring TED performances that I've seen.","es":"Me gustar\u00eda tocar una pieza m\u00e1s que hice para ustedes esta noche, y sucede con dos presentaciones muy inspiradoras que vi en TED."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And do that, and spread the word.","es":"Hazlo. Y corre la voz."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"There are buttons and dials everywhere.","es":"Hay botones y diales en todas partes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Because what a dictionary is, is it's Victorian design merged with a little bit of modern propulsion.","es":"Porque un diccionario es, es su dise\u00f1o victoriano unido con un poco de propulsi\u00f3n moderna."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Well, here's my suggestion. These seven and a half bonus minutes are kind of like genie's wishes. You can use your first wish to wish for a million more wishes.","es":"Bien, esta es mi sugerencia: estos siete minutos y medio son una especia de genio de la l\u00e1mpara, su primer deseo puede ser un mill\u00f3n de deseos m\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Imagine I give you a choice: Do you want to go for a weekend to Rome, all expenses paid, hotel, transportation, food, a continental breakfast, everything, or a weekend in Paris?","es":"Imaginen que les doy a elegir. \u00bfQuieres ir un fin de semana a Roma? Todos los gastos pagados, hotel, transportaci\u00f3n, alimentos, desayuno continental, todo. \u00bfO un fin de semana en Par\u00eds?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Naturally, I did not come out of the closet.","es":"Naturalmente, no sal\u00ed del armario."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I get it.","es":"Lo entiendo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We don't need a media company to help do this for us.","es":"No necesitamos una empresa de medios que nos ayude a hacer esto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Like before, I could use the pointer to tell the quad where I want it to be in space.","es":"Como antes, podr\u00eda utilizar el puntero para ordenar al quad donde quiero que est\u00e9 en el espacio."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Similarly, we're told that creative genius resides in the masculine, that it is the masculine that will be able to tell us about who we really are, that the masculine will tell the universal story on behalf of all of us, whereas women artists will really just talk about women's experiences, women's issues only really relevant to women and of passing interest to men, and really only some men.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n nos dicen que el genio creativo reside en lo masculino, que lo masculino nos podr\u00e1 decir lo que realmente somos, que lo masculino nos contar\u00e1 la historia universal por parte de todos nosotros, mientras las mujeres artistas s\u00f3lo hablar\u00e1n de experiencias femeninas, problemas de mujeres s\u00f3lo relevantes para ellas de ning\u00fan inter\u00e9s para los hombres, y quiz\u00e1 \u00fanicamente para algunos hombres."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So if you want to build a human from DNA origami, the problem is, you need a long strand that's 10 trillion trillion bases long.","es":"As\u00ed que si queiren construir un humano a partir de origami de ADN, el problema es que necesitan una hebra larga que es tan larga como 10 billones de billones de bases."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Especially trafficking survivors.","es":"Especialmente los sobrevivientes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Across the continent, protest is not exceptional, but a normal part of life.","es":"En todo el continente la protesta no es excepcional, sino una parte de la vida."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It was a decision to leave all that they had known.","es":"Fue la decisi\u00f3n de abandonar todo lo que conoc\u00eda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So that ability just to go for it and explore lots of things, even if they don\u2019t seem that different from each other, is actually something that kids do well, and it is a form of play.","es":"As\u00ed que ese tipo de habilidad para lanzarse y explorar muchas cosas, aunque no parezca ser muy diferente de unos a otros, es algo que realmente los ni\u00f1os hacen bien, y es una forma de juego."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, bone is somewhere in between, and this is one of the tissues that we work on a lot in our lab.","es":"El hueso es algo intermedio y es uno de los tejidos en el que trabajamos en nuestro laboratorio."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well, one of the things that is really critical to try to distill from that experience is that in addition to that, people ask me and say, \"Well, how did your parents treat you when you were a child?\"","es":"Bien, una de las cosas que quiero resaltar de esa experiencia es que la gente me pregunta y dice: bien, y \u00bfC\u00f3mo te trataron tus padres cuando eras ni\u00f1o?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"What I mean by that is we can move from mindless consumption to mindful consumption.","es":"Y a lo que me refiero con esto es a que podemos pasar de un consumo ciego a un consumo consecuente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And my hosts in Pakistan said, \"Look, don't be too polite to us.","es":"Y mis anfitriones en Paquist\u00e1n dijeron: \"No seas demasiado educada con nosotros."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I would say in some ways I change my gender about as often as I change my hairstyle.","es":"Yo dir\u00eda que en cierto modo puedo cambiarme de g\u00e9nero tan a menudo como cambio de peinado."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"There's a double standard at work here, shocker, the notion that aging enhances men and devalues women.","es":"Hay un doble est\u00e1ndar laboral, sorpresa desagradable, la noci\u00f3n de que envejecer mejora a los hombres y deval\u00faa a las mujeres."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That's why the World Health Organization is developing a global anti-ageism initiative to extend not just life span but health span.","es":"Por eso la Organizaci\u00f3n Mundial de la Salud est\u00e1 desarrollando una iniciativa antiedadismo para extender no solo la vida, sino tambi\u00e9n la salud."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So bear with me as I am proposing four admittedly very subjective principles that you can use to build a beautiful organization.","es":"As\u00ed que tengan paciencia conmigo ya que propongo cuatro principios que se consideran muy subjetivos para poder aplicarlos en construir una hermosa organizaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"In biology, we look for rules that apply to all animals and to life in general, so why should the rules of evolution apply to everybody else but not to us?","es":"En biolog\u00eda, buscamos reglas que se apliquen a todos los animales y a la vida en general. \u00bfPor qu\u00e9 habr\u00edan de aplicarse las reglas de la evoluci\u00f3n a todos excepto a nosotros?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"And, perhaps naively, I was surprised to find that there isn't even an area in the sciences that deals with this idea of global species longevity.","es":"Y, quiz\u00e1 ingenuamente, me sorprendi\u00f3 no encontrar ni siquiera un espacio en las ciencias que se ocupe de esta idea de la longevidad de las especies del mundo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We started to look out in other fields. The idea was that we were going to find nuggets or gems of technology that come from other industries like medical imaging, the video game space, and re-appropriate them.","es":"Empezamos a buscar afuera, en otros campos y la idea era que ten\u00edamos que encontar pedazos o gemas de tecnolog\u00eda que provinieran de otras industrias como imagenolog\u00eda m\u00e9dica, los v\u00eddeo juegos, y re-adecuarlos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Go a couple generations forward to where we are, though, and it looks like a completely different world.","es":"Sin embargo, avancemos un par de generaciones donde nos encontramos ahora, y parece un mundo totalmente diferente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Architecture plays a key role in whether a community crumbles or comes together.","es":"La arquitectura juega un papel clave en si una comunidad se desmorona o se une."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We've already made oils, so you can imagine something similar to coconut oil or olive oil or soybean oil.","es":"Ya hemos elaborado aceites, as\u00ed que pueden imaginar algo similar al aceite de coco, de oliva o de soja."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Namaste.","es":"Namaskar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So that's how it works if I want to build a large cemetery.","es":"As\u00ed es c\u00f3mo funciona si yo quiero construir un gran cementerio."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I call on you to remember their dedication and demand that humanitarian aid workers around the world be better protected.","es":"Hago un llamamiento a que recuerden su dedicaci\u00f3n y que exijan que los trabajadores humanitarios de todo el mundo est\u00e9n mejor protegidos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And not only had the support, I found two wonderful partners in crime in this adventure.","es":"Y no s\u00f3lo tuve el apoyo, sino que contaba con dos maravillosos compa\u00f1eros de lucha en esta aventura."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Kids have a boundless energy and a motivation to be the change the world needs.","es":"Los ni\u00f1os tienen una energ\u00eda sin l\u00edmites y una motivaci\u00f3n para ser el cambio que el mundo necesita."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We just get facts.","es":"Solo conseguimos hechos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"MR: Correct. She was in the intensive care ward for weeks at a time, and Bina and I would tag team to stay at the hospital while the other watched the rest of the kids, and when I was in the hospital and she was sleeping, I went to the hospital library.","es":"MR: S\u00ed, estuvo en cuidados intensivos durante semanas cada vez, y con Bina nos turnamos en el hospital para que uno pudiera quedarse con el resto de los chicos, y cuando estaba en el hospital y ella estaba durmiendo, fui a la biblioteca del hospital."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That the world learns.","es":"Que el mundo aprenda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The second project I want to talk to you about is the Thylacine Project.","es":"El segundo proyecto del que quiero hablarles es el Proyecto Tilacino."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But as mathematicians, we have the power to zoom in on any subsystem in any timescale and simulate effects of interventions that take place in any timescale.","es":"Pero como matem\u00e1ticos, tenemos el poder de focalizarnos en cualquier subsistema, en cualquier escala temporal, y simular los efectos de las intervenciones que ocurren en cualquier escala temporal."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Buyers could determine the price, but the offer was exclusive, and only stood for a limited period of time.","es":"Los compradores pod\u00edan fijar el precio, pero la oferta era para un grupo selecto y solo por un per\u00edodo limitado."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And for all the talk of peace and love on the West Coast, there was muscle to the movement that started out here.","es":"Y en todas las charlas sobre paz y amor en la costa oeste, hubo fuerza para el movimiento que empez\u00f3 aqu\u00ed."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"All of this existing knowledge in the world cannot possibly be efficient enough or personalized enough for yourself.","es":"Todo este conocimiento en el mundo no ser\u00eda lo suficientemente efectivo o personalizado para Uds."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I know most people don't see it that way.","es":"S\u00e9 que la mayor\u00eda no lo ve de esa manera."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This is how it looks today; all traffic jam.","es":"As\u00ed es como es hoy en d\u00eda. Lleno de atascos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We have begun organizing makers at our Maker Faire.","es":"Hemos empezado a organizar hacedores en nuestra Maker Faire."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It had gone through, like, five or six families, and it was just a big thing for us, and we found actually an old picture of somebody and their family years ago.","es":"Hab\u00eda pasado como por cinco o seis familias, y fue una gran cosa para nosotros, y de hecho encontramos una vieja foto de alguien y su familia hace a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think there was a first-kiss moment when I really expected the credits to start rolling because that's the end of the movie, right?","es":"Creo que en el momento del primer beso, realmente esperaba que los cr\u00e9ditos comenzaran a aparecer porque es el final de la pel\u00edcula, \u00bfcorrecto?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Grab them while you can.","es":"Atr\u00e1penlas mientras puedan."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And there the attitudes are changing.","es":"Y all\u00ed, la actitud est\u00e1 cambiando."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But design also impinges on the clothes that I want to wear.","es":"Pero el dise\u00f1o tambi\u00e9n afecta la ropa que quiero usar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I said, that's what this is; this is calcium carbonate.","es":"Y dije: eso es esto; esto es carbonato de calcio."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I'm a storyteller.","es":"Soy una cuentista."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"New technologies are helping us to understand the nature of nature; the nature of what's happening, showing us our impact on the Earth.","es":"Las nuevas tecnolog\u00edas nos ayudan a entender la naturaleza de la naturaleza, la naturaleza de lo que est\u00e1 pasando, mostr\u00e1ndonos nuestro impacto en la Tierra."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The nerdy side of me thought, \"Wow, this is amazing.","es":"Mi lado nerd pens\u00f3: \"Wow, esto es incre\u00edble."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Yes, compassion, literally, as we learned yesterday, suffering together.","es":"Si, con compasi\u00f3n --tal como aprendimos ayer-- sufriendo juntos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Sounds straightforward, right?","es":"Suena f\u00e1cil, \u00bfno?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I draw to better understand things.","es":"Yo dibujo para entender mejor las cosas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I'm proud to tell you, five months ago, I was told I was pregnant.","es":"Me alegra contarles que hace 5 meses me dijeron que estaba embarazada."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's common among a privileged class capable of paying numerous dowries and keeping multiple homes.","es":"Es com\u00fan entre la clase privilegiada capaz de pagar numerosas dotes y mantener m\u00faltiples viviendas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And the charm of white truffles is in their aroma.","es":"El encanto de las trufas blancas reside en su aroma."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But as the process unfolded, he began to understand the wisdom of allowing talented people to play out their passions.","es":"Pero a medida que avanzaba el proyecto, empez\u00f3 a comprender la sabidur\u00eda de permitir que gente talentosa desplegara sus pasiones."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I have to take care of my own problems.","es":"Yo debo encargarme de mis propios problemas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Here's my parody and it ain't much of one.","es":"Es mi parodia y no es tanto tampoco."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But anyway, the effort that goes into that picture and the story that I've just related to you, as you can imagine, there are hundreds of other bizarre, eccentric stories of hundreds of other people around the world.","es":"Pero de todos modos, todo el esfuerzo queda reflejado en esa foto y en la historia que acabo de contarles, como se pueden imaginar, es solo una de cientos de otras historias exc\u00e9ntricas, extra\u00f1as, de cientos de otras personas del mundo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But it ended up being, really, one of the forgotten stories of the Arab Spring.","es":"Pero termin\u00f3 siendo, en realidad, una de las historias olvidadas de la Primavera \u00c1rabe."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Do you know how many choices make it into your nine minute category versus your one hour category?","es":"\u00bfSaben cu\u00e1ntas pertenecen a la categor\u00eda de 9 minutos, y cu\u00e1ntas a la de una hora?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"And information will tell her when to go to market with which product.","es":"Y la informaci\u00f3n le dir\u00e1 cu\u00e1ndo ir al mercado con qu\u00e9 producto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So you used creativity.","es":"As\u00ed que usaron creatividad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This discovery is transforming.","es":"Este descubrimiento es transformante."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Two months ago, my kids and I huddled around a cell phone watching the live stream of the Game Awards, one of the video game industry's biggest nights.","es":"Hace dos meses, mis hijos y yo nos junt\u00e1bamos alrededor de un celular a ver la transmisi\u00f3n en vivo de los Games Awards, una de las mayores noches de la industria del videojuego."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And one of the things that we need to do, and we can do it as women, for one thing, we kind of set the consumer standards. We need to consume less.","es":"Y una de las cosas que necesitamos hacer y podemos hacerlo como mujeres por un lado, es establecer los est\u00e1ndares de consumo necesitamos consumir menos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It was the future I couldn't accept.","es":"Era un futuro que no pod\u00eda aceptar."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Then there is Kazakhstan, which didn't even have a name before.","es":"Despu\u00e9s est\u00e1 Kazajist\u00e1n, que ni siquiera ten\u00eda nombre antes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"A few years ago, when I started doing presentations, I went to get head shots done for the first time.","es":"Hace unos a\u00f1os, cuando empec\u00e9 a hablar en p\u00fablico, fui a hacerme unas fotos por primera vez."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think you need to be more explicit here in step two.\"","es":"\"Creo que deber\u00edas ser m\u00e1s expl\u00edcito en el paso dos\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"OK. OK.","es":"OK. OK."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And he's one of the most traumatized people I've seen from that war.","es":"Y \u00e9l es una de las personas m\u00e1s traumatizadas que he visto de la guerra."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So the basic human emotions, those kinds of emotions that we share with all other human beings, exist because they motivate us to do good things and they keep us away from doing bad things.","es":"As\u00ed, las emociones humanas b\u00e1sicas, aquellas que compartimos con todos los dem\u00e1s seres humanos, existen porque nos motivan a hacer cosas buenas y nos impiden hacer cosas malas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I think I liked the repetition of the rhythm, it was calming.","es":"Creo que me gustaba la repetici\u00f3n del ritmo me calmaba."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I will not pop, spin, break for you.","es":"No voy a saltar, girar, parar por ti."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Our job is to make sure they have room for that.","es":"Nuestro trabajo es asegurarnos de que tengan espacio para eso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"They were not going to stand by quietly as Intel gave them these chips.","es":"No iban a permanecer en silencio si Intel les daba estos chips."} -{"gender":"male","en":"World population, PC placements, the archive of all of medical literature, Moore's law, the old way of sequencing, and here's all the new stuff.","es":"La poblaci\u00f3n mundial, el n\u00famero de computadores, los archivos de toda la literatura m\u00e9dica, la ley de Moore, la forma arcaica de secuenciar, y ac\u00e1 todo lo nuevo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"OK, so I've been talking for about 12 minutes now, and you've probably been sitting there listening to me, analyzing my speech patterns and body language and trying to work out if you should take any notice of what I'm saying, whether I'm telling the truth or whether I'm lying.","es":"Bueno, he estado hablando durante unos 12 minutos, y Uds. han estado escuch\u00e1ndome, analizando mis patrones verbales y mi lenguaje corporal e intentando averiguar si deben hacer caso a lo que digo. Si digo la verdad, o si miento."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But, traditionally, cemeteries haven't been taken care of by the local authority.","es":"Pero tradicionalmente la autoridad local no se ha hecho cargo de los cementerios."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And my mom said, \"Well, I noticed it.\"","es":"Y mi mam\u00e1 dijo, \"Pero yo s\u00ed.\""} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's denial when we try to pass for younger or when we believe in anti-aging products, or when we feel like our bodies are betraying us, simply because they are changing.","es":"Es negaci\u00f3n al intentar pasar por m\u00e1s j\u00f3venes o al creer en productos antienvejecimiento, o cuando sentimos que nuestros cuerpos nos est\u00e1n traicionando, simplemente porque est\u00e1n cambiando."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm unemployed.","es":"Estoy desempleada."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"While globalization has increased travel, it's made it necessary that everybody be everywhere, all the time, all over the world.","es":"La globalizaci\u00f3n ha incrementado los viajes, e hizo necesario para todos estar en todas partes, todo el tiempo, en todo el mundo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's a black box.","es":"Es una caja negra."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So, I decided that I wanted to investigate the economics of terrorism.","es":"As\u00ed que decid\u00ed que quer\u00eda investigar el sistema econ\u00f3mico del terrorismo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is why we can use a solar cell to charge our mobile phone.","es":"Por eso podemos utilizar un panel solar para cargar nuestro tel\u00e9fono m\u00f3vil."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It would take me weeks just to figure out what I was looking at from raw ones and zeros, but because our brains can instantly pick up and recognize these subtle patterns inside of these visual abstractions, we can unconsciously apply those in new situations.","es":"Me llevar\u00eda semanas solo averiguar qu\u00e9 estaba buscando a partir de unos y ceros, pero como nuestros cerebros pueden detectar al instante y reconocer estos patrones sutiles dentro de estas abstracciones visuales, inconscientemente podemos aplicarlos a nuevas situaciones."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And here's the best part: sneakerheads have sneaker portfolios.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 la mejor parte: los sneakerheads tienen carteras de zapatillas de deporte."} -{"gender":"male","en":"These electric cars are beautiful.","es":"Estos autos electr\u00f3nicos son hermosos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now what I would like to do is just to show you what one second of this activity would look like.","es":"Ahora me gustar\u00eda mostraros c\u00f3mo es un segundo de actividad del sistema."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Go and get a certain amount of a certain little game-y item. Let's say, for the sake of argument, my mission is to get 15 pies and I can get 15 pies by killing these cute, little monsters.","es":"Vayan a buscar cierta cantidad de un elemento X. Digamos, a fines del argumento, mi misi\u00f3n es conseguir 15 tortas, y para hacerlo hay que matar a estos monstruitos adorables."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That's like comparing the population of the world to the population of Los Angeles, proportionally speaking.","es":"Eso es como comparar la poblaci\u00f3n del mundo con la poblaci\u00f3n de Los \u00c1ngeles, proporcionalmente hablando."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"About 20 percent of people, however, wind up with chronic, long-term PTSD.","es":"Alrededor del 20 % de la gente, sin embargo, tiene trastorno de estr\u00e9s postraum\u00e1tico cr\u00f3nico a largo plazo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So the question is, how can we get the people in this room and across the globe to start paying attention to the energy we're using, and start wasting less of it?","es":"As\u00ed que la pregunta es: \u00bfc\u00f3mo lograr que la gente en esta sala y en todo el mundo comience a prestarle atenci\u00f3n a la cantidad de energ\u00eda que est\u00e1n usando, y empiecen a gastar menos?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, if you'll take a look at this image file, well there's the image header, and there the actual code of the attack starts.","es":"Entonces, si miramos este archivo de imagen aqu\u00ed este es el encabezado, y all\u00ed mismo se inicia el c\u00f3digo de ataque."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And it's pretty sad, because I only go back five generations, and that's it.","es":"Y es muy triste, porque s\u00f3lo puedo retroceder 5 generaciones y eso es todo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Struggling, of course, but it's managing.","es":"Luchando, por supuesto, pero manej\u00e1ndolo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We both did.","es":"Ambos lo hicimos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The time is now for us to show them fairness, and we can do that, you and I, by starting where we work, in the businesses that we operate in.","es":"Ahora es el momento de mostrarles equidad, y podemos hacerlo, Uds. y yo, empezando donde trabajamos, en las empresas que dirigimos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And unless this is actually internalized, it won't happen.","es":"Y, a menos que esto realmente se internalice, no suceder\u00e1."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, I wanted to show 2.3 million prison uniforms, and in the actual print of this piece, each uniform is the size of a nickel on its edge. They're tiny.","es":"As\u00ed que quise mostrar 2.3 millones de uniformes de prisi\u00f3n. y en el tama\u00f1o real de esta imagen, cada uniforme tiene el tama\u00f1o del borde de una moneda de 5 centavos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"He has nine other buildings, that are already open to the public, filled to the rafters with artifacts documenting contemporary Chinese history.","es":"Tiene otros 9 edificios, que ya est\u00e1n abiertos al p\u00fablico, repletos de artefactos que documentan la historia contempor\u00e1nea china."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And we face unbelievable public safety challenges because we have a situation in which two thirds of the people in our jails are there waiting for trial.","es":"Y nos enfrentamos a incre\u00edbles retos en seguridad p\u00fablica porque tenemos una situaci\u00f3n en la que 2\/3 de las personas en las c\u00e1rceles est\u00e1n a\u00fan esperado juicio."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It informed us about breast cancer, colon cancer in women.","es":"Nos inform\u00f3 acerca del c\u00e1ncer de mama y de colon en las mujeres."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And we can use the kind of group behaviors that we see evolving when people are at play together, these really quite unprecedentedly complex cooperative mechanisms.","es":"Y podemos usar ese comportamiento grupal que vemos aparecer cuando la gente juega junta, estos mecanismos cooperativos muy complejos que no tienen precedentes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This made me realize that my project was actually much harder to realize than I initially had thought it to be.","es":"Me di cuenta de que mi proyecto era mucho m\u00e1s dif\u00edcil de hacer de lo que pens\u00e9 en un principio."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I also wanted somebody who would weigh 20 pounds more than me at all times, regardless of what I weighed.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n quer\u00eda a alguien que pesase siempre 10 kilos m\u00e1s que yo, independientemente de mi peso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Most hazardous environment I'd ever seen, and I was back with a guy, lashing the pots down.","es":"El ambiente m\u00e1s peligroso que jam\u00e1s haya visto, y estaba con un tipo, atando las trampas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Forget what a lead is supposed to look like, or a follow.","es":"Olviden c\u00f3mo se supone que debe ser quien gu\u00eda o acompa\u00f1a."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I think the happiness we find, we make. And I think, however, we can make good relationships with each other.","es":"Pienso que la felicidad que encontramos, la hacemos y sin embargo pienso que podemos tener buenas relaciones entre nosotros."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I just explained design.","es":"Acabo de explicar el dise\u00f1o."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And the official dogma runs like this: if we are interested in maximizing the welfare of our citizens, the way to do that is to maximize individual freedom.","es":"Y el dogma oficial dice as\u00ed: Si estamos interesados en maximizar el bienestar de nuestros ciudadanos, la manera de hacerlo es maximizar la libertad individual."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But you have a kind of a set point there, which would be in the middle.","es":"Pero tu tendr\u00e1s un tipo punto desde donde comienzas a estabilizarte el cual ser\u00eda en medio."} -{"gender":"female","en":"All problems come back to transportation for me.","es":"Para m\u00ed, todos los problemas se reducen al transporte."} -{"gender":"female","en":"There's a sort of inherent cognitive dissonance in doing that, like when you're writing your wedding vows at the same time as your prenuptial agreement.","es":"Hay una especie de disonancia cognitiva en esto, como cuando est\u00e1s declarando los votos matrimoniales y al mismo tiempo el acuerdo prenupcial."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But what's interesting is that the fluid and the waste from inside the brain, they don't just percolate their way randomly out to these pools of CSF.","es":"Lo interesante es que el l\u00edquido y los desechos del interior del cerebro no se cuelan al azar para llegar a los dep\u00f3sitos de LCR."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now when I think about the possibilities for life out there, I think of the fact that our sun is but one of many stars.","es":"Ahora, cuando pienso en las posibilidades de la vida por ah\u00ed, pienso en el hecho de que nuestro Sol no es sino una de las muchas estrellas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If you just multiply by 100 million people, let's say losing one day a month, whatever, and you see a vast amount of resource wasted.","es":"Si multiplican por 100 millones de personas, digamos que pierden un d\u00eda al mes, por ejemplo, ven una cantidad inmensa de rescursos malgastados."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They were absolutely not poor in mind.","es":"No eran para nada pobres de mente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I wanted to be your long distance carrier.","es":"Quer\u00eda ser su proveedor a distancia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Improbably, this LGBT singing choir has demonstrated how women are investing in tradition to create change, like alchemists turning discord into harmony.","es":"En contra de las probabilidades, este coro vocal L.G.B.T. ha demostrado c\u00f3mo las mujeres est\u00e1n invirtiendo en la tradici\u00f3n para crear cambios, como alquimistas convirtiendo la discordia en armon\u00eda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"They supported me all the way through it.","es":"Ellos me apoyaron en todo el camino."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The city has some of the most beautiful architecture in the world, but it also has one of the highest amounts of abandoned properties in America. I live near this house, and I thought about how I could make it a nicer space for my neighborhood, and I also thought about something that changed my life forever.","es":"La ciudad tiene una de las arquitecturas m\u00e1s bellas del mundo, pero tambi\u00e9n una con la mayor cantidad de propiedades abandonadas de EE.UU. Yo vivo cerca de esta casa y pensaba c\u00f3mo podr\u00eda convertirla en un espacio m\u00e1s agradable para el barrio y tambi\u00e9n en algo que cambi\u00f3 mi vida para siempre."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So one of the big bellwethers, and one of my final points I want to mention, is the interesting thing I read is that CNBC has launched their first African channel.","es":"As\u00ed que uno de los mayores signos de liderazgo, y una de los puntos finales que quiero mencionar es algo interesante que le\u00ed: que la CNBC hab\u00eda fundado su primer canal de televisi\u00f3n africano."} -{"gender":"male","en":"One of the things that is just, I almost can't conceive it, is the idea that the national news media hasn't picked this up at all, and this is the devastation of one of the most important ecosystems in North America.","es":"Una de las cosas que casi es -casi no puedo comprenderlo- es la noci\u00f3n de que los noticieros nacionales no hayan difundido en absoluto esta noticia y se trata de la devastaci\u00f3n de uno de los ecosistemas m\u00e1s importantes en Norteam\u00e9rica."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I mean, you don't know necessarily where you're headed when you begin, even though the forces can be calculated.","es":"Quiero decir, cuando empiezas no sabes necesariamente a d\u00f3nde te diriges a pesar de poder calcular las fuerzas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We know so much about global warming and climate change, and yet, we have no concept of what I've been calling internal environmentalism.","es":"Sabemos bastante sobre el calentamiento global y el cambio clim\u00e1tico y sin embargo no tenemos claro lo que he llamado ambientalismo interno."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But I've been this girl all my life, and I feel like even that's been the domino, because in a world that wants us to walk around as representatives of ourselves, being yourself can be a revolutionary act.","es":"Pero he sido esta chica toda mi vida, y siento que incluso ese ha sido el domin\u00f3, porque en un mundo que quiere que caminemos como representantes de nosotros mismos, ser t\u00fa mismo puede ser un acto revolucionario."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And part of the Albanian government was in this, etc., etc. And the engineering report had nothing on the top of it, so it was an extremely difficult document for us.","es":"Y parte del gobierno albano estaba implicado, etc., etc. El informe t\u00e9cnico no ten\u00eda t\u00edtulo. As\u00ed que nos result\u00f3 un documeto muy dif\u00edcil."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I told her she had to go public with her job search and tell everyone she knew about her interest in returning to work.","es":"Le dije que deb\u00eda hacer p\u00fablica su b\u00fasqueda de empleo y contarle a sus conocidos su inter\u00e9s por regresar al trabajo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well I don't think that is the case.","es":"Bueno, no creo que sea as\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Throughout the making of a movie at Pixar, the story evolves.","es":"La historia se desarrolla al hacer una pel\u00edcula de Pixar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"You just want the person to be alive!","es":"\u00a1Tan s\u00f3lo tan s\u00f3lo quieres que esa persona viva!"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Slowly and slowly, And I did tell personal stories from time to time.","es":"Contaba historias personales de vez en cuando."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And she goes, \"Well, I see Jesus,\" and started crying and left.","es":"Y ella me dice, \"Bueno, yo veo a Jes\u00fas\", y enseguida comenz\u00f3 a llorar y se march\u00f3."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Because if we go far enough back, we share a common ancestry with every living thing on Earth.","es":"Porque si retrocedemos lo suficiente, compartimos un ancestro com\u00fan con todas las criaturas vivas en la tierra."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The issue is not just that one police department is gathering this information in isolation or even that multiple police departments are doing it.","es":"La cuesti\u00f3n no es solo si un departamento de polic\u00eda recoge toda esta informaci\u00f3n por su cuenta o si varios departamentos de polic\u00eda lo hacen."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We heard over the last couple days what an urgent problem cancer still is in our society, what a pressing need it is for us to not have one person die every minute.","es":"Hemos o\u00eddo en los \u00faltimos dos d\u00edas lo apremiante que es a\u00fan el problema del c\u00e1ncer en nuestra sociedad, lo acuciante que es para nosotros el no tener una persona muerta cada minuto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's my camera lens.","es":"Ese era el objetivo de mi c\u00e1mara."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I mean, is there something wrong with you?\"","es":"Dijo: \u201c\u00bfTe pasa algo?\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"These are the chambers of your head and neck that vibrate, and they actually filter that source sound to produce consonants and vowels.","es":"Estas son las c\u00e1maras de su cabeza y cuello que vibran, y que filtran el sonido de la fuente para producir consonantes y vocales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We've learned an amazing amount.","es":"Hemos aprendido una cantidad asombrosa de cosas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"\"Like\" in this sense is a preposition, and a preposition takes an object, which is a noun.","es":"\"Like\" en este sentido es una preposici\u00f3n, y una preposici\u00f3n pide un complemento, que es un sustantivo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"If he saves the maximum legal amount, his retirement income goes up, but he's unhappy because now he has less money on the left-hand side to spend today.","es":"Si ahorra el m\u00e1ximo permitido legalmente, su pensi\u00f3n de retiro subir\u00e1, y ahora no est\u00e1 contento porque en la actualidad le queda menos dinero para gastar."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And that tells us something about these trajectories.","es":"Y eso nos dice algo acerca de estas trayectorias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And the good news was that the institution, the banking institution, lasted.","es":"Y la buena noticia fue que la instituci\u00f3n, la instituci\u00f3n bancaria, perdur\u00f3."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I truly believe that this can happen.","es":"Estoy convencido que as\u00ed puede ser."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Why do we keep getting hurt?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 nos hacemos da\u00f1o?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"What I'd like to talk about is really the biggest problems in the world.","es":"De lo que les quiero hablar es, cu\u00e1les son realmente los problemas m\u00e1s grandes del mundo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But it was this journey of evangelism that led me to the rather different gospel that I've come to share with you today.","es":"Pero era este viaje de evangelismo que me condujo a un evangelio muy diferente, que he venido a compartir con ustedes hoy."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I want to talk about those looking for great jobs, great careers, and why you're going to fail.","es":"Voy a hablar de aquellos que buscan grandes trabajos, grandes carreras, y de por qu\u00e9 por qu\u00e9 fracasar\u00e1n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But we're in a new world now.","es":"Pero estamos en un Nuevo mundo ahora."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Abed and I sat with our coffee.","es":"Abed y yo nos sentamanos con nuestros caf\u00e9s."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But there is one place in the world where men live as long as women.","es":"Pero hay un lugar en el mundo donde los hombres viven tanto como las mujeres."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So over the next couple of years, students and I worked to develop a process.","es":"As\u00ed que durante el siguiente par de a\u00f1os, los estudiantes y yo trabajamos para desarrollar un proceso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I earned my doctorate at Columbia University.","es":"Obtuve mi doctorado en la Universidad de Columbia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And yet we know they legally, as many other companies, pay very little tax back.","es":"Sin embargo, sabemos que legalmente, como muchas otras empresas, repagan muy pocos impuestos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's just to show the scale and the actual size of the sculpture.","es":"Es s\u00f3lo para mostrar la escala y el tama\u00f1o real de la escultura."} -{"gender":"male","en":"How can I ever be like them?\"","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo puedo ser c\u00f3mo ellos?\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"When I got the call, the day he was born, I had to take off work.","es":"Cuando recib\u00ed la llamada, el d\u00eda en que naci\u00f3, tuve que dejar de trabajar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Al Jazeera offered him a job.","es":"Al Jazeera le ofreci\u00f3 un empleo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Two years ago here at TED I reported that we had discovered at Saturn, with the Cassini Spacecraft, an anomalously warm and geologically active region at the southern tip of the small Saturnine moon Enceladus, seen here. This region seen here for the first time in the Cassini image taken in 2005.","es":"Hace dos a\u00f1os aqu\u00ed en TED Inform\u00e9 que hab\u00edamos descubierto en Saturno, con el orbitador Cassini, una regi\u00f3n anormalmente c\u00e1lida y geol\u00f3gicamente activa en el extremo sur del peque\u00f1o sat\u00e9lite de Saturno Enc\u00e9lado, como se ve aqu\u00ed Esta regi\u00f3n vista aqu\u00ed por primera vez en la imagen del Cassini tomada en el 2005."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It makes me very popular as well.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n me hace muy popular."} -{"gender":"female","en":"LT: Spiritual, I absolutely think that.","es":"LT: Espiritual Creo sin duda en eso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We, um\u2014 What will I tell them?","es":"Nosotros, umm \u00bfQu\u00e9 les cuento?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, my developers really like ponies, and so they've set that as the default tag.","es":"A mis desarrolladores les gustan los ponis, por eso lo han puesto como tag por defecto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It makes no difference, because other than the novelty of a few hot-air balloons, man couldn't fly.","es":"No hay ninguna diferencia, porque aparte de la novedad de unos pocos globos de aire caliente, el ser humanos no pod\u00eda volar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Whereas a self-driving system can look at that pedestrian and say, I don't know what they're about to do, slow down, take a better look, and then react appropriately after that.","es":"Mientras que un sistema autoconducido puede mirar al peat\u00f3n y decir: no s\u00e9 qu\u00e9 est\u00e1 por hacer, desacelerar\u00e9, observar\u00e9 mejor y despu\u00e9s reaccionar\u00e9 en consecuencia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And although less than 25 percent of South Bronx residents own cars, these projects include thousands of new parking spaces, yet zip in terms of mass public transit.","es":"Y si bien menos del 25% de los residentes del sur del Bronx tienen autom\u00f3viles estos proyectos incluyen miles de nuevos estacionamientos aunque carecen de importancia en t\u00e9rminos de tr\u00e1nsito p\u00fablico masivo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, both Islam and Christianity underscore the importance of social impact as critical tenets of our faith.","es":"Tanto el islam y el cristianismo subrayan la importancia del impacto social como principios esenciales de nuestra fe."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now essentially, this represented taking an aggressive stance towards my own mind, a kind of psychic civil war, and in turn this caused the number of voices to increase and grow progressively hostile and menacing.","es":"Esencialmente, esto represent\u00f3 tener una postura agresiva hacia mi propia mente, una especie de guerra civil ps\u00edquica, y esto provoc\u00f3 que el n\u00famero de voces aumentara y fuera progresivamente hostil y amenazante."} -{"gender":"female","en":"implies a question?","es":"\u00bfimplica una pregunta?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"We know that we can produce healthy meals for hundreds of millions of people that don't use the land, that don't use much water, have a low carbon footprint, and are cost-effective.","es":"Sabemos que podemos producir comida sana para centenares de millones de personas, que no necesita de la tierra ni de mucha agua, tiene bajo impacto de carbono y es rentable."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And it will change and disrupt the landscape of manufacturing, and most certainly our lives, our businesses and the lives of our children.","es":"Eso va a cambiar y alterar el paisaje fabril y sin dudas nuestras vidas, nuestros negocios y las vidas de nuestros hijos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Do you know how many choices you make in a typical day? Do you know how many choices you make in typical week?","es":"\u00bfSaben cu\u00e1ntas decisiones tomamos un d\u00eda cualquiera? \u00bfSaben cu\u00e1nto escogemos en una semana?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"But let's move on to a piece where clearly I'm behaving myself, and that is my \"Concerto for Orchestra.\"","es":"Pero vamos a pasar a una pieza donde claramente me comporto \u00abbien \u00bb, y este es mi \u00abConcierto para orquesta\u00bb."} -{"gender":"male","en":"He said, \"You look up and you tell me what you see.\"","es":"El dijo: \"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no miras t\u00fa arriba y me dices lo que ves?\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"So we also have implemented it already in some selected clinics in three provinces, and you are the first to see the results.","es":"Ya lo hemos implementado en algunas cl\u00ednicas seleccionadas en tres provincias, y Uds son los primeros en ver los resultados."} -{"gender":"female","en":"She has been a widow for nine years, but she's not looking for another mate.","es":"Es viuda desde hace 9 a\u00f1os, pero no busca otro compa\u00f1ero."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And for Zeinab, Zeinab, who taught me love in a place like France, Zeinab, who wanted to he.ar poems on her deathbed, Dilated fibromyalgia.","es":"Y para Zeinab Zeinab, que me ense\u00f1\u00f3 el amor en un lugar como Francia, Zeinab, que quer\u00eda o\u00edr poemas en su lecho de muerte Fibromialgia dilatada."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I don't care that pencils are supposed to be for writing.","es":"No me importa que los l\u00e1pices sean para escribir."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And honestly, even though I love the designs that we were building, I was always frightened that I wouldn't really love it, because I fell in love with that wildscape, and how could you recreate that magic?","es":"Y, honestamente, aunque me encantan los dise\u00f1os que est\u00e1bamos haciendo siempre tem\u00eda que no me fueran a gustar porque me hab\u00eda enamorado de ese paisaje silvestre, y \u00bfc\u00f3mo puede recrearse esa magia?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"I know they sound kind of awful, but I absolutely love them.","es":"Ya s\u00e9 que suena muy mal, pero a m\u00ed me encantaban."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And it made me afraid, because it meant that no matter what happens in universities and laboratories, and there, there is already an intense debate about it, but in the mainstream political system and among the general public, people are just unaware that there could be an immense technological disruption, not in 200 years, but in 10, 20, 30 years, and we have to do something about it now, partly because most of what we teach children today in school or in college is going to be completely irrelevant to the job market of 2040, 2050.","es":"Y me caus\u00f3 temor porque significa que sin importar lo que pase en las universidades o los laboratorios - y ah\u00ed hay un intenso debate sobre eso - en el sistema pol\u00edtico dominante y en el p\u00fablico en general, la gente simplemente no se da cuenta de que podr\u00eda haber una alteraci\u00f3n tecnol\u00f3gica inmensa, no en 200 a\u00f1os, sino en 10, 20, 30 a\u00f1os, y hay que hacer algo al respecto ahora, en parte porque mucho de lo que ense\u00f1amos a los ni\u00f1os en la escuela o la universidad ser\u00e1 completamente irrelevante en el mercado laboral de 2040, 2050."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We know that there's boom and bust cycles of hunger.","es":"Sabemos que hay ciclos de abundancia y escasez de alimentos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Painting has always been a really important influence in all my work and I've always been a huge fan of Albert Bierstadt, the great Hudson River School painter.","es":"La pintura siempre ha influido mucho todo mi trabajo y siempre he sido un gran fan de Albert Bierstadt, el gran pintor de la escuela del R\u00edo Hudson."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I got a chance to come by plane for my first time for TED.","es":"Consegu\u00ed la oportunidad de venir en avi\u00f3n por primera vez a TED."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I may get many sponsors, a lot of money, tons of interviews, and be on TV!\"","es":"\u00a1Puedo conseguir muchos patrocinadores, un mont\u00f3n de dinero, toneladas de entrevistas, y salir en la TV!\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"And the spider that may come out is no more threat to you than a lady bug or a butterfly.","es":"Y la ara\u00f1a que puede aparecer no es una amenaza mayor que la de una mariquita o una mariposa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So a few months later, in 2008, one of our scientists built on that research.","es":"As\u00ed que unos meses m\u00e1s tarde, en 2008, uno de nuestros cient\u00edficos realiz\u00f3 esta investigaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Twenty-four hours later, my social worker, this strange man who used to visit me every couple of months, he's waiting for me in the car as I say goodbye to my parents.","es":"Veinticuatro horas despu\u00e9s, mi trabajador social, este hombre extra\u00f1o que sol\u00eda visitarme cada par de meses, me est\u00e1 esperando en el coche mientras me despido de mis padres."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Now we knew when we built this system, the whole point of it, just like with the PalmPilots, was that you'd be able to collect the data and immediately upload the data and get your data set.","es":"Sab\u00edamos, cuando construimos este sistema, que la idea, al igual que con las Palm Pilots, era que tendr\u00edas, que podr\u00edas recolectar datos, subirlos de inmediato y tenerlos en formato digital."} -{"gender":"male","en":"What are we thinking?\"","es":"\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 estamos pensando?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"Let's take meritocracy. This idea that everybody deserves to get where they get to, I think it's a crazy idea, completely crazy.","es":"Tomemos la meritocracia, la idea de que todos merecen llegar a donde llegan. Creo que es una idea descabellada, totalmente descabellada."} -{"gender":"male","en":"What I mean is the world holds me so tightly, the good and the bad, my own follies and weakness that even this counterfeit Venus with her sham heat, and her bosom probably plumped with gel, so moves me my breath catches.","es":"Lo que quiero decir es que el mundo me ci\u00f1e tan fuertemente lo bueno y lo malo mis propias locuras y debilidades que incluso esta falsa Venus con su fingido celo y su seno, probablemente engordado con gel, me conmueve tanto que mi respiraci\u00f3n se detiene."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They attack romantic couples on Valentine's Day, Christians on Christmas Day.","es":"Atacan a parejas en San Valent\u00edn, y a cristianos en Navidad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"When you fly down to the ground, and you see this kind of panoramic imagery, the first thing that you might notice is that it's not just a picture, there's just as much three-dimensional understanding of this environment as there is of the three-dimensional city from above, so if I click on something to get a closer view of it, then, the fact that that transition looks as it does, is a function of all of that geometry, all of that 3D understanding behind this model.","es":"Cuando uno vuela hacia el suelo y ve este tipo de imagen panor\u00e1mica, lo primero de lo que uno se da cuenta es que no es s\u00f3lo una imagen, hay tanta comprensi\u00f3n tridimensional del entorno como lo debe haber de una ciudad tridimensional. Si selecciono algo para verlo de m\u00e1s cerca, entonces, el hecho que esta transici\u00f3n se vea as\u00ed es debido a toda esa geometr\u00eda, a todo ese entendimiento 3D detr\u00e1s de este modelo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"There\u2019s only where it is relative to everything else that is.","es":"Su lugar solo existe de manera relativa a todo lo existente."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's a work in progress. Based on climate data projections, we are exploring a future where the Western world has moved from abundance to scarcity. We imagine living in a future city with repeated flooding, periods with almost no food in supermarkets, economic instabilities, broken supply chains.","es":"Es un proyecto en desarrollo con base en proyecciones de datos clim\u00e1ticos. Estamos explorando un futuro donde el mundo occidental ha pasado de la abundancia a la escasez, un futuro donde vivimos en una ciudad futura inundada repetidamente, meses sin comida disponible en los supermercados, inestabilidad econ\u00f3mica, falta de cadenas de suministro."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This is our life with bees, and this is our life without bees.","es":"Esta es nuestra vida con las abejas, y esta es nuestra vida sin abejas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The technique of war has been developed over thousands of years with massive resources and some of our best minds dedicated to understanding and improving how it works.","es":"La t\u00e9cnica de la guerra ha ido desarroll\u00e1ndose a largo de miles de a\u00f1os con enromes recursos y algunas de nuestras mejores mentes se dedicaron a la comprensi\u00f3n y la mejora de su funcionamiento."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Too often we just see a few slides, or a bit of film, but these beings have voices that mean something.","es":"Frecuentemente s\u00f3lo vemos unas pocas diapositivas, o parte de una pel\u00edcula, pero estos seres tienen voces que significan algo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But if we want to make something hard, we say, \"I know! I'm going to make a hard substance. I know!","es":"Pero si queremos crear algo duro pensamos: \"Ya s\u00e9, voy a crear una sustancia dura."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I was 13 years old, and it's framed above my desk at home.","es":"Ten\u00eda 13 a\u00f1os, las he colgado sobre mi mesa en casa."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"These principles should underpin how we design for the future, not just for the Internet.","es":"Estos principios deber\u00edan ser la base del dise\u00f1o en el futuro, no solo para Internet."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But the problem isn't that.","es":"Pero el problema no es ese."} -{"gender":"male","en":"When I was 19, I dropped out of college, dropped out, kicked out, splitting hairs.","es":"Cuando ten\u00eda 19 a\u00f1os, sal\u00ed de la universidad, abandon\u00e9, me expulsaron."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And that's kind of their home range.","es":"Y esa es m\u00e1s o menos la extensi\u00f3n de su h\u00e1bitat."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Magnets that you can play with in your kitchen get you to wind turbines and modern energy generation.","es":"Los imanes de la cocina que pueden ser divertidos los llevar\u00e1n a los molinos de viento y la generaci\u00f3n moderna de energ\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I look around and see if there's a bin that I can turn upside down.","es":"Busco alrededor si hay una papelera que pueda usar como escalera."} -{"gender":"female","en":"North Korea is a gulag posing as a nation.","es":"Corea del Norte es un gulag que se hace pasar por naci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I downloaded 2,000 paparazzi photos of Britney Spears and trained my computer to find her face and her face alone.","es":"Descargu\u00e9 2000 fotos de Britney Spears hechas por los paparazzi y configur\u00e9 a mi computadora para que reconozca \u00fanicamente su rostro."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's an actual thing.","es":"Es una cosa real."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We can't see into the engine room.","es":"No podemos ver el cuarto de m\u00e1quinas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So if I wanted to call my friend Peter Sprague on the phone, my secretary would get his head out and bring it and set it on the desk, and that would be the TV used for the occasion.","es":"As\u00ed, si quer\u00eda llamar por tel\u00e9fono a mi amigo Peter Sprague, mi secretaria tendr\u00eda que tomar su cabeza y ponerla sobre mi escritorio. Y esa ser\u00eda el TV a usar para la ocasi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"From 40 to 50, grown easy and sly, I wined them and dined them, like pigs in a sty.","es":"De los 40 hasta los 50, me abland\u00e9 y me puse m\u00e1s astuto, Las agasaj\u00e9, como cerdos en una pocilga."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They taught me that it's OK to say 'no'.\"","es":"Me ense\u00f1aron el valor de decir 'no'\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Today I brought two recent projects as an example of this.","es":"Hoy traje dos proyectos recientes como ejemplo de esto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Is it going to be a subscriber model?","es":"\u00bfVa a ser un modelo de suscripci\u00f3n?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"This was filmed in Monteverde, Costa Rica and I think it gives us the best impression of what it's like to climb a giant strangler fig. So what you'll see up there is that it's really like the atmosphere of an open field, and there are tremendous numbers of plants and animals that have adapted to make their way and their life in the canopy.","es":"La pel\u00edcula se film\u00f3 en Monteverde, Costa Rica y creo que nos da la mejor idea de c\u00f3mo es la experiencia de subir un \u00e1rbol de higo estrangulador gigante. Entonces lo que ven aqu\u00ed es que es muy parecido a la atm\u00f3sfera de un campo abierto, y que hay numerosos especies de plantas y de animales que se han adaptado para sobrevivir en el dosel forestal."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So the philosophical breakfast club helped invent the modern scientist.","es":"El club del desayuno filos\u00f3fico ayud\u00f3 a inventar el cient\u00edfico moderno."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This time, I started putting electronics, frogs, strange bottles I'd find in the street, anything I could find, because I was always finding things my whole life, and trying to make relationships and tell stories between these objects.","es":"Esta vez, empec\u00e9 a a\u00f1adir elementos electr\u00f3nicos, ranas, extra\u00f1as botellas que iba encontrando por la calle, todo que pude encontrar, porque estaba buscando cosas toda mi vida, tratando de relacionarlas y contar historias sobre estos objetos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, now I have the first of four propositions I'm going to leave with you about how you simplify the law: You've got to judge law mainly by its effect on the broader society, not individual disputes.","es":"Entonces, ahora tengo la primera de cuatro propuestas que les dejar\u00e9 sobre como simplificamos la ley. Tienes que juzgar la ley principalmente por su efecto en la sociedad m\u00e1s amplia, no disputas individuales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Yeah? And then a Swedish guy showed me my room.","es":"Y luego un sueco me ense\u00f1a la habitaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The second wave took place in the 1980s and 1990s against austerity measures that imposed harsh conditions on African economies.","es":"La segunda, en las d\u00e9cadas de 1980 y 1990 contra las medidas de austeridad que impusieron condiciones severas en la econom\u00eda africana."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So really having computing work and understand you and understand that information, we really haven't done that yet.","es":"As\u00ed que conseguir que los computadores realmente funcionen y te entiendan, y entiendan esa informaci\u00f3n, realmente a\u00fan no lo hemos conseguido."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I love this piece because I have a little cousin at home who introduced me, which I think is such a great introduction, to a friend one day as, \"This is my cousin Shea.","es":"Me encanta esta pieza porque tengo un primo peque\u00f1o en casa quien me present\u00f3 -creo que es una gran presentaci\u00f3n- un d\u00eda a un amigo as\u00ed: \"Este es mi primo Shea."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I couldn't take it to a laboratory and experiment with it. But by faith I said, I believe him, and he came into my heart and changed my life.","es":"No pod\u00eda llevarlo al laboratorio y experimentar con eso Pero por fe dije, creo en \u00c9l, y \u00c9l vino a mi coraz\u00f3n y cambi\u00f3 mi vida."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The idea is embryonic.","es":"La idea es embrionaria."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I mean, our brief, it was pretty good, but not this good.","es":"Me refiero a que, nuestro resumen estaba bastante bien, pero no as\u00ed de bien."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Again and again and again we see the phone is the device that people lie on the most, and perhaps because of the Butler Lie ambiguities I was telling you about.","es":"Una y otra vez vemos que el tel\u00e9fono es el medio donde m\u00e1s se miente, tal vez por las ambig\u00fcedades de la mentira del \"mayordomo\" de las que habl\u00e9."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And they go \"Meow!","es":"Y ellas hacen: \"\u00a1Ooooou!"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Actually, it was a problem for me at school, because at school, everybody wanted to be a fireman.\"","es":"Dijo: \"En realidad, fue un problema para m\u00ed en la escuela, porque en la escuela, todo el mundo quer\u00eda ser bombero\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They are looking at how ants and bees find their food and their flowers in the most effective way as a whole hive.","es":"Estudian como las hormigas y las abejas encuentran su comida y sus flores de manera m\u00e1s eficiente como las colmenas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I never have enough, even if I'm a billionaire, I don't have enough.","es":"Nunca tengo suficiente, incluso siendo billonario nunca tengo suficiente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I get a call from Caitria, hear the news, and start tracking the radar online to call the family back when another supercell was forming in their area.","es":"Recib\u00ed una llamada de Caitria, vi las noticias y empec\u00e9 a seguir el radar en l\u00ednea para llamarlos cuando se acercara la siguiente supercelda al \u00e1rea."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We have a sign, a badge tab, we wear badges at work with lanyards, and if I could make a plug, my badge lanyard at work says, \"Dallas Cowboys.\"","es":"Tenemos un signo, una insignia, en el trabajo llevamos insignias, y si puedo hacer publicidad, mi insignia laboral dice \"Dallas Cowboys\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And that was what really got me puzzled.","es":"Y eso fue lo que me dej\u00f3 intrigada."} -{"gender":"female","en":"For me, going home meant returning to the work of writing because writing was my home, because I loved writing more than I hated failing at writing, which is to say that I loved writing more than I loved my own ego, which is ultimately to say that I loved writing more than I loved myself.","es":"Para m\u00ed, irme a casa significaba volver al trabajo de escribir porque escribir era mi casa. Porque amaba escribir m\u00e1s de lo que odiaba fracasar escribiendo, lo que es decir que amaba escribir m\u00e1s de lo que amaba a mi propio ego, lo que es decir a fin de cuentas que amaba escribir m\u00e1s de lo que me amaba a m\u00ed misma."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But before I do that, I want to ask if we even believe that the nonprofit sector has any serious role to play in changing the world.","es":"Antes de hacerlo, quiero preguntar si todav\u00eda creemos que el sector no lucrativo juega un rol importante para cambiar el mundo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And you add a little energy from the wind and the waves, and you get a big mess, a big mess that you can't possibly clean, you can't touch, you can't extract and, I think most importantly, this is what I think, you can't see it.","es":"Si a\u00f1ades un poco de energ\u00eda del viento y las olas. Y consigues una gran porquer\u00eda, una gran porquer\u00eda que es imposible de limpiar, no puedes tocar, no puedes extraer y, yo pienso que lo m\u00e1s importante, esto es lo que pienso, no lo puedes ver."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And Professor Cilliers was very kind and talked me through it.","es":"Y el profesor Cilliers fue muy amable y me explic\u00f3 el proceso."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And we put that wall around the World Church of God, and also used the characters and vehicles and explosions that are offered in the video games for the army.","es":"Colocamos ese muro alrededor de la Iglesia, y tambi\u00e9n usamos los personajes, veh\u00edculos y explosiones que se usan en los videojuegos del ej\u00e9rcito."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I said, \"She'll be happy.","es":"Le dije: \"Ella estar\u00e1 feliz."} -{"gender":"female","en":"From my American perspective, when a paying customer makes a reasonable request based on her preferences, she has every right to have that request met.","es":"Desde mi perspectiva estadounidense, cuando un cliente que est\u00e1 pagando hace una petici\u00f3n razonable basado en sus preferencias, tiene todo el derecho de que tal petici\u00f3n sea cumplida."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I feel blessed and fortunate that 15 years ago I had the courage to resign my tenured position at NYU and return to my home country where I can do these incredible rides with this group of troubled kids coming from Ethiopia and Morocco and Russia.","es":"Y me siento dichoso y afortunado de, hace 15 a\u00f1os, haber tenido el valor de renunciar a la titularidad en la Universidad de NY y regresar a mi patria en la que puedo hacer estos paseos incre\u00edbles con este grupo de ni\u00f1os con problemas que vienen de Etiop\u00eda Marruecos y Rusia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So my first attempt at this was at the MIT Media Lab with Professor Hiroshi Ishii, and we built this array of 512 different electromagnets, and together they were able to move objects around on top of their surface.","es":"Mi primer intento fue en el Lab de Medios del MIT con el profesor Hiroshi Ishii. Construimos esta configuraci\u00f3n de 512 electroimanes. Juntos pod\u00edan mover objetos sobre su superficie."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So the solution has to be, as people like Russell and Einstein and others imagine in a conversation that existed in a much stronger form, I think, early in the 20th century, that the solution had to be not just the head but the heart.","es":"Entonces la soluci\u00f3n tiene que ser, tal como lo imaginaron personas como Russell y Einstein y otros a principios del siglo 20, yo creo, que la soluci\u00f3n ten\u00eda que estar no solo en la cabeza pero tambi\u00e9n en el coraz\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Its defining feature is psychosis, or being out of touch with reality. Delusions and hallucinations are hallmarks of the illness.","es":"Su caracter\u00edstica distintiva es la psicosis, o haber perdido el contacto con la realidad Los delirios y las alucinaciones son el sello de este trastorno."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Also, the senses, designers and scientists all work on trying to expand our senses capabilities so that we can achieve more.","es":"Los sentidos. Dise\u00f1adores y cient\u00edficos trabajan con la intenci\u00f3n de expandir nuestras capacidades sensoriales para que podamos lograr m\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I learned that from a maid in a motel and a king of a country.","es":"Aprend\u00ed eso de la camarera de un motel y del rey de un pa\u00eds."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When I was in college, my senior year, I took a course called European Intellectual History.","es":"Cuando estaba en el \u00faltimo a\u00f1o de la universidad hice un curso de Historia Intelectual Europea."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And like other parts of the world, we are experiencing an erosion of human connection.","es":"Y como otras partes del mundo, estamos experimentando una erosi\u00f3n de la conexi\u00f3n humana."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I was sitting at my desk, writing a research grant, and a thought went through my mind that had never gone through my mind before.","es":"Estaba sentada en mi escritorio escribiendo una investigaci\u00f3n y un pensamiento vino a mi mente que nunca hab\u00eda cruzado antes por mi cabeza."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"In cancer, cells rapidly divide and lead to uncontrolled tumor growth.","es":"En el c\u00e1ncer, las c\u00e9lulas se dividen r\u00e1pidamente y conducen a un crecimiento incontrolado de los tumores."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Graham Wiles has continued to add more and more elements to this, turning waste streams into schemes that create value.","es":"Graham Wiles ha seguido agregando cada vez m\u00e1s elementos transformando los flujos de residuos en cadenas de valor."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And so then I learned that listening is not only about waiting, but it's also learning how better to ask questions.","es":"Y entonces aprend\u00ed que escuchar no es s\u00f3lo esperar, sino que tambi\u00e9n es aprender c\u00f3mo hacer preguntas mejor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I looked at my father and looked at those dry fields.","es":"Mir\u00e9 a mi padre, y tambi\u00e9n mir\u00e9 a aquellos sembrad\u00edos secos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to show you some of the separate bits of our index.","es":"Voy a mostrarles algunas partes de nuestro \u00edndice."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"GH: OK, one. JL: OK.","es":"GH: Muy bien. Una."} -{"gender":"male","en":"AK: So I have the elbow that goes up and down.","es":"AK: Tengo un codo que puede subir y bajar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"If you compare Portia de Rossi to someone like Sarah Jessica Parker, now, a lot of people, myself included, I should say, think that Sarah Jessica Parker is seriously fabulous and possibly one of the most beautiful creatures to have ever have walked on the face of the Earth.","es":"Si se compara Portia de Rossi con alguien como Sarah Jessica Parker, mucha gente, incluida yo misma, dir\u00eda, que Sarah Jessica Parker es verdaderamente estupenda y que, posiblemente, sea una de las criaturas m\u00e1s hermosas que haya pisado la faz de la Tierra."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This fourth manufacturing revolution is a chance for all of us.","es":"Esta cuarta revoluci\u00f3n es una oportunidad para todos nosotros."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If the cat comes up, it sits in my lap.","es":"Si el gato se acerca, se sienta en mi regazo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Decades after the first conquest of the world's highest peak, tons of rubbish left behind by climbers has started to raise concern, and you may have read in the news that there's speculation that Nepal will crack down on mountaineers with stricter enforcement of penalties and legal obligations.","es":"Luego de la conquista del pico m\u00e1s alto del mundo, los escaladores dejaron toneladas de basura que han comenzado a generar preocupaci\u00f3n y en los medios se especula que en Nepal se tomaran medidas contra los monta\u00f1istas mediante regulaciones y sanciones estrictas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It can do a tremendous amount of things.","es":"Puede hacer much\u00edsimas cosas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Hadiza is a Chibok girl, and on April 14, 2014, she was kidnapped by Boko Haram terrorists.","es":"Hadiza es una chica de Chibok, y el 14 de abril de 2014, fue secuestrada por los terroristas de Boko Haram."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Too bad nobody ever woke up to it, and they've been trying to suppress it since then.","es":"L\u00e1stima que nadie jam\u00e1s se despert\u00f3, y han tratado de suprimirlo desde entonces."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I'd like to give you a real-life illustration of what happens with motor neuron disease.","es":"Me gustar\u00eda mostrarles un caso de la vida real sobre lo que sucede con una enfermedad de la neurona motora."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And, you know, they look at the small size of a burial plot and that high cost, and it looks like there's serious money to be made.","es":"Y \u00bfsaben? Ellos miran el peque\u00f1o espacio del lote f\u00fanebre y ese alto costo, y parece que se puede hacer mucho dinero."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We are healthy until a diagnosis brings us to our knees.","es":"Estamos sanos hasta que un diagn\u00f3stico nos doblega."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I look at affairs from a dual perspective: hurt and betrayal on one side, growth and self-discovery on the other, what it did to you, and what it meant for me.","es":"Veo las aventuras desde una doble perspectiva: da\u00f1o y traici\u00f3n por un lado, crecimiento y autodescubrimiento por el otro lo que caus\u00f3 en ti, y lo que signific\u00f3 para m\u00ed."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"How do they grow?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo crecen?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I thought, \"Ian, stay out of it, stay out of it, you know, walk on.\"","es":"Entonces pens\u00e9, \"Ian, no te metas en lo que no te importa. Sigue caminando\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"He was part of the Paramount team that won the Oscar for best sound for \"The Hunt for Red October.\"","es":"Form\u00f3 parte del equipo de Paramount que gan\u00f3 el Oscar al mejor sonido por \"La caza del Octubre Rojo\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They were so used to thinking about it from the framework of being a tuberculosis drug that they actually just listed it as a side effect, an adverse side effect.","es":"Pensaban que ese medicamento solo serv\u00eda para tratar la tuberculosis, y solo lo catalogaron como un efecto secundario adverso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I said, \"Don't worry.","es":"Yo les dije: \"No se preocupen."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In this photo, this little baby coral, this little circle of polyps, is a few years old.","es":"En esta foto, este peque\u00f1o coral beb\u00e9, este peque\u00f1o c\u00edrculo de p\u00f3lipos, tiene unos pocos a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And then, follow me into your kitchen.","es":"Ahora s\u00edganme a la cocina."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We're not quite sure why they did it.","es":"No estamos seguros del porqu\u00e9 lo hac\u00edan."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They don't make things fair.","es":"No son justos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"After the facial surgery, she said, \"My face now reflects my personality.","es":"Luego de la cirug\u00eda dijo: \"ahora mi cara refleja mi personalidad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's kind of an interesting feedback loop.","es":"Es un ciclo de retroalimentaci\u00f3n interesante."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's what I call globalization Chinese style.","es":"Eso es lo que yo llamo globalizaci\u00f3n a la china."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So because the fusiform is intact, the chap can still recognize his mother, and says, \"Oh yeah, this looks like my mother.\"","es":"Entonces como el fusiforme est\u00e1 intacto, el muchacho todav\u00eda puede reconocer a su madre y dice: \"Ah s\u00ed, se parece a mi madre.\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"I also learned that bone marrow transplants are fraught with danger.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n aprend\u00ed que los trasplantes de m\u00e9dula \u00f3sea est\u00e1n llenos de riesgos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"He skinned the dog and improvised a harness, took the ribcage of the dog and improvised a sled, harnessed up an adjacent dog, and disappeared over the ice floes, shit knife in belt.","es":"Lo desoll\u00f3 e improvis\u00f3 un arn\u00e9s, utiliz\u00f3 las costillas del perro e improvis\u00f3 un trineo tirado por otro perro y desapareci\u00f3 entre los t\u00e9mpanos con el cuchillo de materia fecal en la cintura."} -{"gender":"male","en":"When I was in college, I moved to the Kilombero River valley in the southeastern part of Tanzania.","es":"Cuando estaba en la universidad, me mud\u00e9 al valle del r\u00edo Kilombero en la parte sureste de Tanzania."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I'd like to tell you a story about death and architecture.","es":"Quisiera contarles una historia sobre muerte y arquitectura."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So what happens for adults is we decide that something's relevant or important, we should pay attention to it.","es":"Los adultos decidimos si algo es relevante o importante, o no, y dirigimos la atenci\u00f3n hacia eso."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The key symptom we all share is that whenever we exert ourselves, physically, mentally, we pay and we pay hard.","es":"El s\u00edntoma clave que compartimos es que cuando nos agotamos f\u00edsica y mentalmente lo pagamos y lo pagamos caro."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I went to the place where his helicopter was about to land.","es":"Fui al lugar donde estaba por aterrizar su helic\u00f3ptero."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This includes not treating pregnant women like community property.","es":"Esto incluye no tratar a las embarazadas como propiedad comunal."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And indeed, unfortunately, if you navigate by needs you get a very unfocused agenda, because in these situations, needs are everywhere, but the capacity to implement change is very limited.","es":"Y, desafortunadamente, si navegas en base a las necesidades, obtienes una agenda muy difusa. Porque en estas situaciones, las necesidades est\u00e1n en todas partes. Pero la capacidad para implementar el cambio es muy limitada."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And of course, everybody got it.","es":"Y, por supuesto, todos entendieron."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You just gotta carry this thing around.","es":"S\u00f3lo tienes que llevar esto contigo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Fourteen minutes is not enough time to fully credit those good and generous people who fought with me and for me and who waited to welcome me back from that agonized, lonely place.","es":"14 minutos no es suficiente tiempo para darle total cr\u00e9dito a esa gente buena y generosa que luch\u00f3 conmigo y para m\u00ed y que esper\u00f3 a darme la bienvenida desde ese agonizante lugar solitario."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Last year, I was DJ-ing in Poland, and the people that were hosting me, they had this amazing record collection, and of course I was intrigued and I said, \"Are you selling these?\"","es":"El a\u00f1o pasado estaba trabajando de DJ en Polonia, y mis anfitriones ten\u00edan una increible colecci\u00f3n de discos y por supuesto me intrig\u00f3 y les pregunt\u00e9 si los vend\u00edan."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Olu was born in Nuremberg and lived there until age 10.","es":"Olu naci\u00f3 en Nuremberg y vivi\u00f3 all\u00ed hasta los 10 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It was the sequencing for the first time of the human genome.","es":"La secuenciaci\u00f3n del genoma humano por primera vez."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The nice thing about people is that it can actually depend upon the kindness of strangers.","es":"Lo bueno de las personas es que realmente puede depender de la bondad de los extra\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Previously, if you look at the trajectory of the industrial revolution, when machines replaced humans in one type of work, the solution usually came from low-skill work in new lines of business.","es":"Si miras la trayectoria de la revoluci\u00f3n industrial, anteriormente, cuando las m\u00e1quinas reemplazaron a los humanos en un tipo de trabajo, la soluci\u00f3n vino del trabajo no especializado en las nuevas l\u00edneas de negocios."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So let me tell you about the extraordinary adventure we're about to undertake. But first, a few fascinating facts about where we're going.","es":"Perm\u00edtanme hablarles de la extraordinaria aventura que estamos a punto de emprender, pero primero, compartir\u00e9 algunos datos fascinantes acerca de d\u00f3nde vamos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"How about never \u2014 is never good for you?\"","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 tal nunca? \u00bfNunca es bueno para Ud.?\""} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But we need to go back to that time when everything changed on Mars, and to do that, we need to go higher.","es":"Pero tenemos que volver a la \u00e9poca donde todo cambi\u00f3 en Marte y para conseguirlo, tenemos que subir m\u00e1s alto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That song has been ringing through space for all that time.","es":"Esa canci\u00f3n ha estado sonando en el espacio todo ese tiempo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm going tell you right now: please don't despair.","es":"Les dir\u00e9 algo: por favor no se desesperen."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's really tempting, as an engineer, always to come up with a high-tech, super-crazy high-tech solution, but in fact, you're in the rainforest.","es":"Como ingeniero, resulta muy tentador encontrar alguna soluci\u00f3n absurda de alta tecnolog\u00eda, pero de hecho estamos en la selva y debe ser algo simple, debe ser factible."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So teams that work together longer get better, because it takes time to develop the trust you need for real candor and openness.","es":"A los equipos que trabajan juntos m\u00e1s tiempo, les va mejor porque lleva tiempo desarrollar la confianza necesaria para llegar a la franqueza y la apertura."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I would argue this is fertile ground for exploitation.","es":"Y yo dir\u00eda que esto es un terreno f\u00e9rtil para la explotaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I need to give you a minute on that, because I know what you've been told.","es":"Quiero darles un minuto para pensar sobre eso, porque s\u00e9 lo que les han dicho."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This simple idea has far reaching implications.","es":"Esta idea sencilla posee repercusiones trascendentales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It goes a little bit faster, right?","es":"Va un poco m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido, \u00bfverdad?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"They acted silly.","es":"Estaban atontados."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"On September 11, 2001, 19 guys took over four airplanes and flew them into a couple of buildings.","es":"El 11 de septiembre de 2001, 19 chicos se hicieron con el control de cuatro aviones que los volaron atravesando un par de edificios."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Because life doesn't really deal in things; there are no things in the natural world divorced from their systems.","es":"Porque la vida realmente no trata con cosas; no hay cosas en el mundo natural divorciadas de sus sistemas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"2009 is the 400th anniversary of Galileo's first use of the telescope, Darwin's 200th birthday, the 150th anniversary of the publication of \"On the Origin of Species,\" the 50th anniversary of SETI as a science, the 25th anniversary of the incorporation of the SETI Institute as a non-profit, and of course, the 25th anniversary of TED.","es":"En 2009 se cumplen 400 a\u00f1os de la primera observaci\u00f3n de Galileo con un telescopio, Del nacimiento de Darwin, 200 a\u00f1os, El 150 aniversario de la publicaci\u00f3n de \"El Origen de las Especies\", el 50 aniversario de SETI como una ciencia, el 25 aniversario de la incorporaci\u00f3n del Instituto SETI como organizaci\u00f3n sin \u00e1nimo de lucro y por supuesto, el 25 aniversario de TED."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So it still didn't mean that he didn't do it, but we knew something was maybe fishy about this witness.","es":"Pero a\u00fan no quiere decir que no lo hiciera, pero sab\u00edamos que hab\u00eda sospecha de la testigo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And what you see, for example, if the flag was where that cross was in a small square environment, and then if you ask people where it was, but you've made the environment bigger, where they think the flag had been stretches out in exactly the same way that the place cell firing stretched out.","es":"Y lo que observan, por ejemplo, es si la bandera estaba en la cruz del espacio peque\u00f1o cuadrangular. Si luego preguntan a la gente d\u00f3nde estaba, pero agrandaron el espacio d\u00f3nde ellos creen que la bandera estaba desplegada de la misma manera que el disparo de la c\u00e9lula de lugar despleg\u00f3."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now we're going to all do this together.","es":"Ahora vamos a hacerlo todos juntos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"As you can see, they really do get more personal as they go along.","es":"A mediada que se avanza, \u00e9stas son cada vez m\u00e1s personales."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Back home, my friends call me nicknames, such as \"The Giant Clam Girl,\" \"Clam Queen,\" or, \"The Mother of Clams.\"","es":"En casa, mis amigos me apodan de varias maneras, como \"la muchacha ostra gigante\", \"la reina ostra\", o \"la madre de las ostras\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Only one of whom had ever seen the plans before.","es":"De los cuales uno solo vio los planos antes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so when Amira and her family have used up their basic savings, they're left with very little and likely to face urban destitution.","es":"Por eso, cuando Amira y su familia hayan agotado sus ahorros, no les quedar\u00e1 nada, y quiz\u00e1 enfrenten la pobreza urbana."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So here's two questions that I have in my head when I think about this problem.","es":"Hay dos preguntas que me vienen a la mente cuando pienso en esto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My mom said something to me a few weeks before I left Westboro, when I was desperately hoping there was a way I could stay with my family.","es":"Mi mam\u00e1 me dijo algo pocas semanas antes de que dejara Westboro, cuando desesperadamente esperaba que hubiese una manera de poder quedarme con mi familia."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Bride 3: You are mine, little man.","es":"Novia 3: Eres m\u00edo peque\u00f1in."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I put my hand down, and I noticed all the women did the same, and then you took more questions, only from the men.\"","es":"Yo baj\u00e9 la mano y observ\u00e9 que todas las mujeres bajaron la mano y luego Ud acept\u00f3 m\u00e1s preguntas s\u00f3lo de los hombres\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Which is true.","es":"Lo que es verdad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I work in marketing, which I love, but my first passion was physics, a passion brought to me by a wonderful school teacher, when I had a little less gray hair.","es":"Trabajo en mercadotecnia y me encanta pero mi pasi\u00f3n era la f\u00edsica; una pasi\u00f3n que me infundi\u00f3 un profesor maravilloso cuando ten\u00eda algunas canas menos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It would be 10 times bigger than the size of that screen, going 10 times deeper as well.","es":"Ser\u00eda 10 veces m\u00e1s grande que el tama\u00f1o de la pantalla, va 10 veces m\u00e1s profundo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This is a group of doctors and designers in Kenya, who've developed an Internet of Things technology of their own, as a portable eye examination kit.","es":"Se trata de un grupo de m\u00e9dicos y dise\u00f1adores en Kenia, que han desarrollado una Internet de las cosas por su propia cuenta, como un kit port\u00e1til de examen de los ojos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"How do you try to get a handle on extraterrestrial life?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo intentamos tener una idea sobre vida extraterrestre?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"But because of my amazing mother, I got the ability to dream despite the poverty that surrounded me.","es":"Pero debido a mi incre\u00edble madre, tuve la capacidad de so\u00f1ar a pesar de la pobreza que me rodeaba."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And then we did something even more radical.","es":"Luego hicimos incluso algo m\u00e1s radical."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So we have donating data, we have donating decision scientists, and there's actually a third way that companies can help: donating technology to capture new sources of data.","es":"Entonces, hemos donado datos, hemos donado cient\u00edficos de decisi\u00f3n, y hay una tercera forma en la que pueden ayudar las compa\u00f1\u00edas: donando tecnolog\u00eda para captar nuevas fuentes de datos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But grandma's right, in a way.","es":"Pero la abuela tiene raz\u00f3n en cierto modo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"If you get a little baby, and you abuse it verbally, its little brain sends out chemicals that are so destructive that the little part of its brain that can tell good from bad just doesn't grow, so you might have yourself a homegrown psychotic.","es":"Si se tiene un beb\u00e9, y se lo maltrata verbalmente, su cerebrito env\u00eda se\u00f1ales qu\u00edmicas que son tan destructivas que esa partecita de tu cerebro que distingue el bien del mal, sencillamente no se desarrolla, as\u00ed que pueden tener a un psic\u00f3pata hecho en casa."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But then the question is: Why don't we?","es":"Pero entonces la pregunta es: \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 no lo hacemos?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"And surely, somewhere in the universe two black holes have merged.","es":"Y seguramente en alg\u00fan lugar del Universo se han fusionado dos agujeros negros."} -{"gender":"female","en":"There is a revolution in the way that we think, in the way that we share, and the way that we express our stories, our evolution.","es":"Hay una revoluci\u00f3n en la manera en la que pensamos, en la manera en que compartimos, y en la manera en que expresamos nuestras historias, nuestra evoluci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So sleep arises from a whole raft of different interactions within the brain, and essentially, sleep is turned on and off as a result of a range of interactions in here.","es":"Entonces el sue\u00f1o surge de toda una serie de diferentes interacciones dentro del cerebro, y esencialmente, el sue\u00f1o es activado y desactivado como resultado de una gama de interacciones aqu\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think we should make a statement.","es":"Creo que deber\u00edamos hacer una declaraci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is not a finished story.","es":"Esta no es una historia terminada."} -{"gender":"female","en":"He's a wonderful humorist. And I'm going to read you this essay, or an excerpt from it because it really hit home for me. Here is a letter of friendly advice. Be serious, it says. What it means, of course, is, be solemn.","es":"El es un humorista maravilloso, y les voy a leer este ensayo, o un extracto de este, pues realmente acierta en el blanco: Aqu\u00ed yace un consejo cordial, S\u00e9 serio, nos dice, Y lo que quiere decir es, se solemne."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They are a site, along with others, that has allowed people to create an online persona with very little technical skill, and people responded by putting huge amounts of personal data online.","es":"Es un sitio, como otros, que nos ha permitido crear un yo virtual con poca habilidad t\u00e9cnica, y por eso respondemos poniendo ingentes cantidades de datos personales."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We can't keep serving kids processed crap, full of chemicals, and expect these are going to be healthy citizens.","es":"No podemos seguir alimentando a los chicos con esta mierda procesada, llena de productos qu\u00edmicos, y esperar que se conviertan en ciudadanos saludables."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This is the One Laptop per Child, the $100 laptop.","es":"Esta es una computadora por ni\u00f1o, la port\u00e1til de 100 d\u00f3lares."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"In order to provide the kind of energy that it would take for eight billion people living in cities that are even somewhat like the cities that those of us in the global North live in today, we would have to generate an absolutely astonishing amount of energy.","es":"Para proveer el tipo de energ\u00eda que hace falta para alojar 8.000 millones de personas en las ciudades en cierto modo parecidas a las ciudades en las que vivimos en el norte del mundo hoy en d\u00eda, tendr\u00edamos que generar una cantidad descomunal de energ\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I might have ended up spending most of my life on the back ward of a hospital, but that isn't how my life turned out.","es":"Podr\u00eda haber pasado gran parte de mi vida en el \u00faltimo pabell\u00f3n de un hospital. pero no fue as\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They like to listen to consonant melodies instead of dissonant melodies.","es":"Les gusta escuchar melod\u00edas consonantes en vez de las disonantes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I'm also a famous minor television personality and an avid collector of Design Within Reach catalogs, so I pretty much know everything there is.","es":"Pero tambi\u00e9n soy una conocida figura secundaria de televisi\u00f3n y un \u00e1vido coleccionista de cat\u00e1logos Design Within Reach, as\u00ed que m\u00e1s o menos s\u00e9 lo que hay que saber."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Tell them this story.","es":"Contarles esta historia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Matter takes up space.","es":"Lo material ocupa espacio."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's my science fiction fantasy cure of my own incurable disorder.","es":"Es mi cura de fantas\u00eda de ciencia ficci\u00f3n a mi propia enfermedad incurable."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You can also see that there's a lot of short sequence motifs that repeat over and over and over again, so for example there's a lot of what we call polyalanines, or iterated A's, AAAAA.","es":"Se ven tambi\u00e9n muchos elementos de secuencias cortas que se repiten una y otra vez as\u00ed que por ejemplo hay mucho de lo que llamamos polialaninas, o Aes reiteradas, AAAAA."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Because I wanted to let them know every day of their life that they have value at this place I call my center.","es":"Porque yo quer\u00eda que supieran todos los d\u00edas de su vida que tienen valor en este lugar que yo llamo mi centro."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But what if changed the way we think about these conversations?","es":"\u00bfPero y si cambiamos la manera de pensar estas conversaciones?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I walk, you clap, everybody in unison.","es":"As\u00ed que camino, Uds. aplauden, todos al un\u00edsono."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But interestingly, it's also a way to show how power has changed.","es":"Curiosamente, tambi\u00e9n es una manera de demostrar c\u00f3mo ha cambiado el poder."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I take it from your response they don't look the same anymore, right?","es":"Entiendo por su respuesta que ya no se ve\u00edan igual, \u00bfno?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I was one of those.","es":"Yo fu\u00ed uno de esos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"He was my Jedi and my rabbi while he was here, and Seymour taught me both to love flies and also to play with science.","es":"Fue mi Jedi y mi rabino mientras estuvo ac\u00e1, y Seymour me ense\u00f1\u00f3 a amar a las moscas y tambi\u00e9n a jugar con la ciencia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They had to help people express to their friend how the photo made them feel.","es":"Ten\u00edan que ayudar a las personas a expresar a su amigo c\u00f3mo les hizo sentir la foto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"\"People in the electronic age have no possible environment except the globe, and no possible occupation except information gathering.\"","es":"\"La gente de la era electr\u00f3nica no tiene otro entorno que el mundo, y ninguna otra ocupaci\u00f3n que no sea recoger informaci\u00f3n\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So my point is, I haven't presented a lot of data here to convince you that I'm right, but I would urge you to go away and look for your own data to try and actually assess whether some of these hand-me-down insights that we've been bombarded with actually are correct.","es":"As\u00ed que mi punto es, no he presentado muchos datos aqu\u00ed para convercerles de que estoy en lo cierto, pero me gustar\u00eda pedirles que vayan y busquen sus propios datos para tratar y corroborar si alguno de esos puntos de vista sacados de la manga con los cuales nos bombardean son en realidad correctos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The largest organism in the world is in Eastern Oregon. I couldn't miss it.","es":"El organismo m\u00e1s grande del mundo est\u00e1 en Oregon del Este No pod\u00eda perd\u00e9rmelo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"HA: We are doing C-sections and different operations because people need some help.","es":"HA: Hacemos ces\u00e1reas y diferentes operaciones porque la gente necesita ayuda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Personal information that we would then manually hand draw on a postcard-size sheet of paper that we would every week send from London to New York, where I live, and from New York to London, where she lives.","es":"Escrib\u00edamos a mano estos datos personales en una hoja del tama\u00f1o de una postal y la envi\u00e1bamos semanalmente de Londres a Nueva York, donde vivo, y de Nueva York a Londres, donde ella vive."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I read an article in the \"Huffington Post\" saying that four years ago, the European Union began the world's largest ever arts funding initiative.","es":"Le\u00ed un art\u00edculo en el \"HuffPost\" que dec\u00eda que hace cuatro a\u00f1os, la Uni\u00f3n Europea comenz\u00f3 la iniciativa de financiaci\u00f3n de las artes m\u00e1s grande del mundo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, he jumped in the van, he went to Miss Jones' house and said, \"Miss Jones, I knew you wanted to come to your kid's art opening but you probably didn't have a ride.","es":"Entonces se subi\u00f3 en la camioneta, fue a la casa de la Sra. Jones y dijo: \u201cSra. Jones, s\u00e9 que Ud. quisiera venir a la exhibicion de arte de su hijo, pero probablemente no tenga quien la lleve."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Follow your curiosity down those rabbit holes.","es":"Sigan su curiosidad por esas madrigueras de conejo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well, with the new technologies emerging now, I hope we can say definitively, \"Yes.\"","es":"Bueno, con las nuevas tecnolog\u00edas emergentes ahora espero que podamos decir definitivamente \"S\u00ed\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And we often experience this at our work.","es":"Y muy a menudo tenemos esta experiencia en el trabajo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And because bacteria can pass their DNA to each other like a traveler handing off a suitcase at an airport, once we have encouraged that resistance into existence, there is no knowing where it will spread.","es":"Y ya que las bacterias pueden intercambiar su ADN entre ellas, como un pasajero que entrega una maleta en el aeropuerto, una vez que hemos propiciado la existencia de esa resistencia, no sabemos d\u00f3nde se propagar\u00e1."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Today, generations are looking at China and saying, \"China can produce infrastructure, China can produce economic growth, and we like that.\"","es":"Hoy en d\u00eda, las generaciones observan a China y dicen: \"China puede producir infraestructura, China puede generar crecimiento econ\u00f3mico, y nos gusta eso\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So what we've got here now is the global footprint of all the TEDx Talks over the last four years exploding out around the world from New York all the way down to little old New Zealand in the corner.","es":"Lo que tenemos ac\u00e1 es el diagrama global de todas las TEDx Talks de los \u00faltimos cuatro a\u00f1os expandi\u00e9ndose por el mundo, desde Nueva York hacia abajo hasta llegar a la peque\u00f1a y antigua Nueva Zelanda en el otro extremo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's the largest emotion database in the world.","es":"Es la base de datos de emociones m\u00e1s grande del mundo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They're held as membranes because they're in water.","es":"Se usan como membranas porque est\u00e1n en el agua."} -{"gender":"female","en":"She will create another 100, 200 more jobs.","es":"Crear\u00e1 100 o 200 puestos de trabajo m\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I think that's probably a 200-year goal.","es":"Creo que es una meta que se puede cumplir en unos 200 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I went and I spent time in a place called Bukavu in a hospital called the Panzi Hospital, with a doctor who was as close to a saint as any person I've ever met.","es":"Fui y pas\u00e9 tiempo en un lugar llamado Bukavu, en un hospital llamado Hospital Panzi, con un doctor quien est\u00e1 m\u00e1s cerca de ser un santo que cualquier persona que haya conocido."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That means the host probably stopped listening two minutes ago because he thought of this really clever question, and he was just bound and determined to say that.","es":"All\u00ed es probable que \u00e9l haya dejado de escuchar hace 2 minutos porque pensaba en esta pregunta realmente ingeniosa, y estaba convencido y determinado a decirla."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is all I have, a couple of facts about somebody.","es":"Pero esto es todo lo que tengo. Tengo un par de datos sobre alguien."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And besides, it's not like I was the first person ever to lose their sight.","es":"Y, adem\u00e1s, no era la primera persona que ha perdido la vista."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You know, recently I was flying cross-country to give a speech to a large group like this, although far less intimidating, and the woman sitting next to me happened to be binge-watching one of my all-time favorite TV shows, \"Mad Men,\" a period TV show about advertising in the 1960s.","es":"Recientemente viaj\u00e9 en avi\u00f3n para dar una conferencia para un grupo grande como \u00e9ste, pero mucho menos intimidante y una mujer sentada a mi lado ve\u00eda \"Mad Men\", uno de mis programas favoritos de todos los tiempos, un programa sobre publicidad de la d\u00e9cada de 1960 Como intentaba pensar en la manera de finalizar mi charla a veces miraba a la pantalla."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Just two Gar\u00edfuna doctors had preceded them in all of Honduran history.","es":"Solo hubo dos m\u00e9dicos gar\u00edfunas antes en toda la historia de Honduras."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The problem was solved in less than a day.","es":"El problema se resolvi\u00f3 en menos de un d\u00eda."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This image is totally incorrect, totally incorrect.","es":"Esta imagen es totalmente falsa, no tiene ning\u00fan sentido."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The siege went on for three and a half years, and it was a siege without water, without power, without electricity, without heat, without food, in the middle of Europe, in the middle of the 20th century.","es":"El sitio continu\u00f3 por tres a\u00f1os y medio, y fue un sitio sin agua, sin energ\u00eda, sin electricidad, sin calefacci\u00f3n, sin comida, en plena Europa, en pleno siglo 20."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The one who was defiling me then left me and went to rape Evelyn.","es":"El que me viol\u00f3 luego fue a violar a Evelyn."} -{"gender":"female","en":"There had been such a noticeable absence of women up until that point.","es":"Hab\u00eda habido tal ausencia de mujeres hasta ese momento."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Go ahead.","es":"Adelante."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Or what we call the \"sweet gravy, stop me before I kill again!\"","es":"O lo que llamamos el \"\u00a1Dios m\u00edo, det\u00e9nganme antes que mate a alguien otra vez!\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm so glad that you found me.\"","es":"Me alegra tanto que me hayas encontrado\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So with the maps that we make on board, we get about 100-meter resolution, enough to pick out areas to deploy our equipment, but not enough to see very much.","es":"As\u00ed que con los mapas que hacemos a bordo, obtenemos una resoluci\u00f3n de unos 100 metros, lo suficiente para seleccionar zonas donde desplegar nuestros equipos, pero no lo suficiente como para ver mucho."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And they looked really happy, because I don't think this happens to them all that often.","es":"Y se ve\u00edan muy felices, porque no creo que les ocurra demasiado a menudo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Let me bring things together step-by-step.","es":"Vincular\u00e9 las cosas paso a paso."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It just didn't come up like that, you know?","es":"Simplemente no pasaba, \u00bfsaben?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I had frostbite in my left big toe.","es":"Se me hab\u00eda congelado el dedo gordo del pie izquierdo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well, we're human.","es":"Bueno, somos humanos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And the plant showers them with pollen, and off they go and pollinate.","es":"Entre tanto, la planta los ba\u00f1a en polen y luego salen a polinizar."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The Obama Administration was caught in a perfect catch-22.","es":"El gobierno de Obama se vi\u00f3 atrapado en una trampa perfecta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Instead, I found young women who were smart and funny and brave and generous.","es":"En vez de eso, encontr\u00e9 a mujeres j\u00f3venes inteligentes y divertidas y valientes y generosas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, I have to use a 1980s drum scanner, which was designed in the days when everyone shot photographs on film.","es":"Tuve que usar un esc\u00e1ner de tambor de 1980 dise\u00f1ado en la \u00e9poca en que todos sacaban fotos con rollos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"At the same time Amitabha was obsessed with this drip irrigation technology that had been invented in Israel.","es":"Al mismo tiempo Amitabha estaba obsesionado con esta tecnolog\u00eda de irrigaci\u00f3n por goteo que se hab\u00eda inventado en Israel."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I came from a southern Ohio steel town, and it's a town that's really struggling in a lot of ways, ways that are indicative of the broader struggles of America's working class. Heroin has moved in, killing a lot of people, people I know.","es":"Era de una ciudad sider\u00fargica al sur de Ohio, una ciudad que realmente luchaba en muchos sentidos, formas que son indicativas de luchas m\u00e1s amplias de la clase obrera de EE.UU. La hero\u00edna se instal\u00f3 matando a mucha gente, gente que conozco."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When they opened this one up, they found its stomach was full of plastic.","es":"Cuando abrieron \u00e9ste encontraron que el est\u00f3mago estaba lleno de pl\u00e1stico."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"These images show the onset of the rains this season in Kenya.","es":"Estas im\u00e1genes muestran el inicio de las lluvias de esta temporada en Kenia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In other words, I thought I could design an experiment to see if oxytocin made people moral.","es":"O sea, pens\u00e9 que pod\u00eda dise\u00f1ar un experimento para estudiar el efecto moral de la oxitocina."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And that's why I made the movie.","es":"Y eso es por lo que hice la pel\u00edcula."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now I know if you look around, some people may abandon facts and reason.","es":"Yo s\u00e9 que hay gente que abandona la raz\u00f3n e ignora la evidencia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I was angry, I was bitter, and all I wanted was revenge.","es":"Me enoj\u00e9, me amargu\u00e9, y solo quer\u00eda venganza."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We had a savanna, a marsh, a desert. We had our own half-acre farm that we had to grow everything.","es":"Ten\u00edamos una sabana, un pantano, y un desierto Ten\u00edamos nuestra propia granja de 2000m2 donde ten\u00edamos que cultivar todo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"One day that eye may be that of an intelligent alien, and the sooner we eschew our narrow view of evolution the sooner we can truly explore our ultimate origins and destinations.","es":"Un d\u00eda ese ojo podr\u00eda ser el de un extraterrestre inteligente, y mientras m\u00e1s pronto ampliemos nuestra idea de la evoluci\u00f3n m\u00e1s pronto podremos explorar verdaderamente los or\u00edgenes y destinos \u00faltimos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You were not. And I naturalized as a citizen.","es":"T\u00fa no. Y estoy naturalizado como ciudadano."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And her body might reject my cells.","es":"Y su cuerpo podr\u00eda haber rechazado mis c\u00e9lulas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now what I learned from her, is a woman, not only who could be so generous under these present circumstances and what it was then, and what was being done to her son, but the life she's had.","es":"Y aprend\u00ed de ella que es una mujer, no s\u00f3lo que puede ser tan generosa bajo las circunstancias actuales y las de entonces, y lo que le ocurri\u00f3 a su hijo, sino la vida que ha tenido."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Don't just think, \"Well, I'm compassionate,\" or \"I'm not compassionate,\" and sort of think you're stuck there. You can develop this.","es":"No s\u00f3lo pienses, oh, bueno, siento compasi\u00f3n o no siento compasi\u00f3n, te \u00e9stas estancando, Puedes desarrollar \u00e9sto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Plug.","es":"Enchufe."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now today, I insure farmers against droughts like those in the year of the cup, or to be more specific, I insure the rains.","es":"Hoy, aseguro a agricultores contra sequ\u00edas como las del a\u00f1o de la copa, o, para ser m\u00e1s espec\u00edficos, aseguro las lluvias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"You see, most of our forests now are managed using a one-size-fits-all approach, but good forest stewardship requires knowledge of local conditions.","es":"Hoy la mayor\u00eda de nuestros bosques se manejan con un enfoque unilateral, pero el buen manejo del bosque requiere conocimiento de las condiciones locales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And Daddy, if you were little, I'd be your friend.\"","es":"Y pap\u00e1, si t\u00fa fueras peque\u00f1o, yo ser\u00eda tu amigo\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Let me now talk about another behavioral obstacle to saving having to do with inertia.","es":"Perm\u00edtanme ahora hablar, sobre otro obst\u00e1culo del comportamiento del ahorro que tiene que ver con la inercia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We can also act as a bridge between the people inside North Korea and the outside world. Because many of us stay in contact with family members still inside, and we send information and money that is helping to change North Korea from inside.","es":"Podemos tambi\u00e9n actuar como puente entre personas dentro de Corea del Norte y el resto del mundo, porque muchos de nosotros seguimos en contacto con familiares todav\u00eda adentro, y mandamos informaci\u00f3n y dinero que est\u00e1 ayudando a cambiar Corea del Norte desde adentro."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If I come up and I dictate to the band that I want to play like this and I want the music to go this way, and I just jump right in ready, just play some time.","es":"Si yo vengo y le digo a la banda que quiero que toquen de esta manera y que vayamos por este camino y empiezo listo, toquemos algo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We put on creams that blocked the enzyme that made it, we injected things.","es":"Pusimos cremas para bloquear la enzima productora, inyectamos sustancias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Your sequence and mine are slightly different.","es":"Tu secuencia y la m\u00eda son levemente diferentes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I saw this beautiful place.","es":"Vi ese hermoso lugar."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Think about it: when you're in a position of not trusting, what do you do?","es":"Piensen: cuando no se est\u00e1 en posici\u00f3n de confianza, \u00bfqu\u00e9 se hace?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"SO: I believe very soon, we\u2019re not only going to have better movies, we'll have that original Nigerian movie.","es":"Creo que muy pronto tendremos no solamente mejores pel\u00edculas, tendremos la pel\u00edcula nigeriana original."} -{"gender":"male","en":"What do I mean by that?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 quiero decir con eso?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"But it's this process of trial and error that explains this great divergence, this incredible performance of Western economies.","es":"Es este proceso de ensayo y error, lo que explica tanta divergencia en la incre\u00edble organizaci\u00f3n de las econom\u00edas occidentales."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Imagine what we all could do if we all came up with simple solutions.","es":"Imaginen lo que podr\u00edamos hacer si todos aport\u00e1ramos soluciones simples."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The same thing happens when institutions control the money supply.","es":"Lo mismo sucede cuando las instituciones controlan la oferta monetaria."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And this time, my wish was not to photograph anymore just one animal that I had photographed all my life: us.","es":"Y en este momento, mi deseo fue no fotografiar nunca m\u00e1s un animal que hab\u00eda fotografiado toda mi vida: nosotros mismos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My self-confidence can be measured out in teaspoons mixed into my poetry, and it still always tastes funny in my mouth.","es":"Mi autoconfianza puede ser medida con cucharaditas mezcladas en mi poes\u00eda, y a\u00fan as\u00ed, siempre tiene un sabor raro en mi boca."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"All across the developing world there are millions of parents, tens, hundreds of millions, who for the first time are with children doing homework and exams.","es":"En todo el mundo en desarrollo hay millones de padres, decenas, cientos de millones, que por primera vez est\u00e1n con los ni\u00f1os haciendo los ejercicios y ex\u00e1menes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We created unions.","es":"Creamos los sindicatos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Empathy is traditionally framed as: \"Oh, I feel your pain.","es":"La empat\u00eda es tradicionalmente: \"Oh, siento tu dolor."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We need a critical number of women in positions of power, and we need to nurture the feminine energy in men.","es":"Necesitamos un n\u00famero cr\u00edtico de mujeres en posiciones de poder, y necesitamos cultivar la energ\u00eda femenina de los hombres."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Voice 5: Still today I pray and think about those who lost their lives, and those who gave their lives to help others, but I'm also reminded of the fabric of this country, the love, the compassIon, the strength, and I watched a nation come together in the middle of a terrible tragedy.","es":"Voz 5: Todav\u00eda hoy rezo y pienso en los que perdieron la vida, y aquellos que dieron su vida por salvar a otros, pero tambi\u00e9n me recuerda a la estructura de este pa\u00eds, el amor, la compasi\u00f3n, la fuerza, y vi a una naci\u00f3n unida en el medio de una terrible tragedia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I look back to those early days when I had the lofty title, I still have, of chief exec, but in the early days, I was chief exec of myself.","es":"Y miro hacia atr\u00e1s en esos primeros d\u00edas cuando ten\u00eda el noble t\u00edtulo, todav\u00eda lo tengo, de jefa ejecutiva, pero en los primeros d\u00edas, yo era la jefa ejecutiva de m\u00ed misma."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I can make it change color without using dye by a process of iron oxidation.","es":"Puedo cambiarle el color sin usar tinturas con un proceso de oxidaci\u00f3n ferrosa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"AGF: Thank you.","es":"AGF: Gracias."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Baby: Gagagagagaga Gaga gaga gaga guga guga guga wada gaga gaga guga gaga wader guga guga water water water water water water water water water.","es":"Beb\u00e9: Gagagagagaga Gaga gaga gaga guga guga guga wada gaga gaga guga gaga wader guga guga water water water water water water water water water."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It might spill off into the Hudson a little bit before it destroyed the Earth.","es":"Podr\u00eda derramarse un poco en el r\u00edo Hudson antes de destruir la Tierra."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"YNH: Yeah, next week.","es":"YNH: S\u00ed, en una semana."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Where the legal environment allows for harm reduction the results are striking.","es":"Cuando el ambiente legal permite una disminuci\u00f3n de los da\u00f1os, los resultados son impresionantes."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You know, and there is a lot, There is a lot, a lot has been going on since Isaac Newton and all that stuff happened.","es":"Ustedes saben, y hay un mont\u00f3n, Hay un mont\u00f3n, un mont\u00f3n ha estado sucediendo desde que Isaac Newton y todo eso sucedi\u00f3."} -{"gender":"female","en":"He has access to antiretroviral drugs.","es":"Tiene acceso a medicinas antirretrovirales."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But at best they can reach for something more and create a memorable impression.","es":"Pero lo bueno es que pueden lograr algo m\u00e1s y crear una impresi\u00f3n memorable."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This is the first time that we want sex over time about pleasure and connection that is rooted in desire.","es":"Esta es la primera vez que queremos sexo por largo tiempo por el placer y la conexi\u00f3n que tiene sus ra\u00edces en el deseo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Divisive Twitter trolls were quick to create even more injustice, commenting on my attacker's ethnicity or class to push their own prejudiced agendas.","es":"Los trolls de Twitter se apresuraron a provocar a\u00fan m\u00e1s injusticias, haciendo comentarios sobre la etnia o la clase social de mi agresor para reforzar sus propios prejuicios."} -{"gender":"male","en":"One more strange epidemic in the United States that I want to acquaint you with is this phenomenon of abuse and misuse of prescription drugs.","es":"Otra extra\u00f1a epidemia en los EE. UU. con la que quiero que se familiarizen es el fen\u00f3meno de mal uso y abuso de drogas por prescripcion."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Well, you'd be wrong.","es":"Bien, pues se equivocan."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So the first thing I try to do in my fairness crusade is to try to take myself out of the equation.","es":"Por eso, lo primero que trato de hacer en mi cruzada por la justicia es tratar de ponerme fuera de la ecuaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"A couple of years ago, Harvard Business School chose the best business model of that year.","es":"Hace un par de a\u00f1os, la Escuela de Negocios de Harvard eligi\u00f3 el mejor modelo de negocio de ese a\u00f1o."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So the Yap just keep track of who owns part of what stone.","es":"Por eso solo llevan un registro de qui\u00e9n es due\u00f1o de qu\u00e9 parte de la piedra."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It used to be the case that if my tribe was more powerful than their tribe, I was safe; if my country was more powerful than their country, I was safe; my alliance, like NATO, was more powerful than their alliance, I was safe.","es":"Suced\u00eda que si mi tribu era m\u00e1s poderosa que otros, yo estaba a salvo; si mi pa\u00eds era m\u00e1s poderoso que otros, yo estaba seguro; si mi alianza, como la OTAN, era m\u00e1s poderosa que otra alianza, yo estaba a salvo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is \"disappear.\"","es":"Esto es \"desaparecer\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And let me show you how this works.","es":"Les mostrar\u00e9 su funcionamiento."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I quite love the way it's posed.","es":"Pero me encanta la forma en que est\u00e1 colocada."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They burn the electronic waste in open spaces.","es":"Queman los residuos electr\u00f3nicos a cielo abierto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It was when I met Venus, she's a mom from Zambia. She's got three kids and she's a widow.","es":"Fue cuando conoc\u00ed a Venus es una madre de Zambia, tiene 3 hijos y es viuda."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So, is it really cheap?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfes barato?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"But especially when I was talking to the African women, I sometimes made these mistakes, it was so hard for me to learn how to listen.\"","es":"Pero sobre todo al hablar con las mujeres africanas a veces comet\u00ed errores fue muy dif\u00edcil para m\u00ed aprender a escuchar\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"She didn't speak to me for a very long time, because she thought I'd let my family down.","es":"Dej\u00f3 de hablarme por mucho tiempo porque pensaba que yo hab\u00eda defraudado a la familia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Maybe.","es":"Podr\u00eda ser."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And then there were those sleek charts.","es":"Y luego tenemos esas gr\u00e1ficas elegantes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But film and video does flatten sculpture, so I tried to imagine a way that animated sculpture could be experienced as such, and also a completely immersive kind of animated sculpture.","es":"Pero la pel\u00edcula y el video aplanan la escultura, as\u00ed que trat\u00e9 de imaginar un modo en que la escultura animada pudiese experimentarse como tal, y tambi\u00e9n como una escultura animada de sumersi\u00f3n completa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Believe it or not, we actually buy family plans, for this fleet of vehicles, because that's how we get the best rates.","es":"Lo crean o no, en realidad, compramos planes familiares para esta flota de veh\u00edculos, porque as\u00ed es como obtenemos las mejores tarifas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So, in a distant future part of Africa, Binti is a mathematical genius of the Himba ethnic group.","es":"Y en una futura lejana parte de \u00c1frica, Binti es una genio matem\u00e1tica del grupo \u00e9tnico Himba."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm taking data from the U.N., it's the same as the World Bank has, on the scale of income differences in these rich developed market democracies.","es":"Estoy tomando informaci\u00f3n de la ONU, la misma que tiene el Banco Mundial, de la escala de diferencias en ingresos en estos mercados desarrollados democr\u00e1ticos ricos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I'd be very interested in your theories about what that's about.","es":"Me interesar\u00eda mucho conocer sus teor\u00edas de lo que sucede."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is happening over an unbelievable scale.","es":"Esto est\u00e1 ocurriendo en una escala incre\u00edble."} -{"gender":"male","en":"These filters take us from all sound down to what we pay attention to.","es":"Estos filtros nos llevan desde todos los sonidos hasta lo que prestamos atenci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I'm going to show you two demos of why this is useful.","es":"As\u00ed que voy a hacer dos demostraciones de por qu\u00e9 esto es \u00fatil."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Here, in a photo by Brian, a seemingly crucified shark is caught up in a gill net off of Baja.","es":"Aqu\u00ed, en una foto de Brian, un tibur\u00f3n que parece crucificado est\u00e1 atrapado en una red a la altura de Baja."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The result of which is that everywhere I go now, people treat me like I'm doomed.","es":"El resultado de esto es que a donde quiera que vaya, la gente me trata como si estuviera desahuciada."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So what's not to like?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 m\u00e1s se puede pedir?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"We need to understand peace from a toenail's perspective.","es":"Tenemos que entender la paz desde la perspectiva de las u\u00f1as."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What if my roommate knew about Nollywood, full of innovative people making films despite great technical odds, films so popular that they really are the best example of Nigerians consuming what they produce?","es":"\u00bfY si conociera Nollywood, lleno de gente creativa haciendo pel\u00edculas con grandes limitaciones t\u00e9cnicas? Estas pel\u00edculas son tan populares que son el mejor ejemplo de que los nigerianos consumen lo que producen."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So, it's not that we have good words and bad words. We have a pan that's too small!","es":"Entonces no es que tengamos buenas y malas palabras \u00a1tenemos una cacerola demasiado peque\u00f1a!"} -{"gender":"female","en":"I'm here to give you the good news about PMS.","es":"Estoy aqu\u00ed para darles una buena noticia sobre el SPM."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You know, when I heard Simon's, please sit down; I just want to talk to him for a second, when I read his book, I went to LA to meet him.","es":"Sabes, cuando escuch\u00e9 a Simon -por favor si\u00e9ntense, s\u00f3lo quiero hablar con \u00e9l un segundo- cuando le\u00ed su libro fui a L.A. para conocerlo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I persevered.","es":"Lo conserv\u00e9."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Well, it turns out you have 100 times more bacterial genes playing a role in you or on you all of your life.","es":"Pues resulta que tiene 100 veces m\u00e1s genes de bacterias desempe\u00f1ando un papel en usted o dentro de usted a lo largo de su vida."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But something amazing happened when I went into that class.","es":"Pero, cuando entr\u00e9 en esa clase, ocurri\u00f3 algo incre\u00edble."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This seems most likely.","es":"Esto parece m\u00e1s probable."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And a social movement is comprised, in my view, it's comprised of four main characteristics.","es":"Un movimiento social, en mi opini\u00f3n, est\u00e1 compuesto de 4 caracter\u00edsticas principales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Keith Barry: Kathryn, it's Keith here. I'm going to take you to a secret location, OK?","es":"Keith Barry: Kathryn, soy Keith, te voy a llevar a un lugar secreto \u00bfde acuerdo?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"So the light's setting on my left-hand side, and there's a balance in the communication with the Daasanach, the family of 30, all ages.","es":"As\u00ed que tengo la luz adecuada a mi izquierda, y mantengo una conversaci\u00f3n continua con los daasanach, con los 30 de la familia, de todas las edades."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Win one thumb once, you will become a grandmaster.","es":"Ganar un pulgar una vez, har\u00e1 de Uds. grandes maestros."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But fortunately, it's only about 80 percent effective.","es":"Pero, afortunadamente, eso tiene solo un 80 % de efectividad."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, this is heresy in the design world.","es":"Ahora bien, esto es una herej\u00eda en el mundo del dise\u00f1o."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But people with black neighbors and people with mono-racial neighborhoods feel no differently about it really.","es":"Pero la gente con vecinos negros y la gente con vecinos de una sola raza no piensan de forma diferente tampoco."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I studied all the new things that had happened in solar cells, and was looking for ways we could make solar cells more inexpensively.","es":"Estudi\u00e9 todo lo nuevo que hab\u00eda sucedido con las celdas solares y trataba de ver c\u00f3mo se pod\u00eda innovar y hacer celdas solares econ\u00f3micamente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We can digitize the Collect Pond and the streams, and see where they actually are in the geography of the city today.","es":"Podemos digitalizar la Collect Pond y los arroyos, y ver d\u00f3nde est\u00e1n ahora, en la geograf\u00eda de la ciudad actual."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Think about it with the Corexit hitting the membranes, and it will clog up the gills, and then these animals are going to be getting something like what you call chemical pneumonia, trying to aspirate the compounds.","es":"Pi\u00e9nsenlo con el Corexit golpeando las membranas, y el petr\u00f3leo atascando las agallas, y entonces esos animales van a tener algo como lo que llamar\u00edamos pulmon\u00eda qu\u00edmica, tratando de aspirar los compuestos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I skipped school often and dreamed of becoming a sailor during those days.","es":"Faltaba frecuentemente a la escuela y so\u00f1aba con ser marinera durante esos d\u00edas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is a map of the relationships between people in my hometown of Baltimore, Maryland, and what you can see here is that each dot represents a person, each line represents a relationship between those people, and each color represents a community within the network.","es":"Es el mapa de las relaciones entre personas en mi ciudad, de Baltimore, Maryland. Lo que pueden ver aqu\u00ed es que cada punto representa una persona, una l\u00ednea representa una relaci\u00f3n entre estas personas, y cada color representa una comunidad dentro de la red comunitaria."} -{"gender":"male","en":"DR: Well what I was aware of was, there was this overwhelming need to act now.","es":"DR: Bueno, de lo que estaba consciente era, que hab\u00eda esta abrumadora necesidad de actuar ahora mismo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What I do in my art is I skip the canvas altogether, and if I want to paint your portrait, I'm painting it on you, physically on you.","es":"En mi arte evito el lienzo por completo, y si quiero pintar un retrato, lo pinto sobre la persona."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"In Guatemala City alone, over 400 businesses and schools shut their doors.","es":"Solo en la ciudad de Guatemala, m\u00e1s de 400 empresas y escuelas cerraron sus puertas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"PM: So what is the biggest challenge working, mother and daughter, in such dangerous and sometimes scary situations?","es":"PM: \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el desaf\u00edo m\u00e1s grande de trabajar, madre e hija, en situaciones tan peligrosas y a veces temerarias?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"It is estimated that the Dutch produce 4.3 billion tulip bulbs every year.","es":"Se estima que los holandeses producen 4 mil 300 millones de tulipanes cada a\u00f1o."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So here's the usage note: \"Peruse has long meant 'to read thoroughly' But the word is often used more loosely, to mean simply 'to read.'","es":"He aqu\u00ed la nota de uso: \"Peruse<\/i> significa desde hace mucho leer detenidamente\", pero la palabra se usa de forma menos estricta para indicar simplemente 'leer'."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's the final message I want to share: you can do well online.","es":"Y este es el mensaje final que quiero compartir con todos ustedes que te puede ir bien en linea."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We counted around 2,000, so I don't know how many penguins there really are, but I know I can count 2,000.","es":"Contamos alrededor de 2.000, as\u00ed que no s\u00e9 cu\u00e1ntos ping\u00fcinos hay en realidad, pero s\u00e9 que al menos hay 2.000."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's actually amazing.","es":"En realidad es incre\u00edble."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Things like the egg shouldn't be dismissed as the mundane little things that we just give the kids to play with on a Saturday afternoon to keep them quiet.","es":"Cosas como el huevo no deber\u00edan ser descartadas como eso peque\u00f1o y mundano que s\u00f3lo le damos a los ni\u00f1os para jugar un s\u00e1bado a la tarde para que no hagan ruido."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Here's former Facebook product manager and author, Antonio Garc\u00eda Mart\u00ednez.","es":"Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 el exgerente de Facebook y escritor, Antonio Garc\u00eda Mart\u00ednez."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I wanted to retreat to the routines and comfort of life in an unsung suburb, a grandmother, a mother and two daughters ending each day as they had for almost 20 years, telling one another the story of their day and falling asleep, the three of us still in the same bed.","es":"Quer\u00eda retirarme a las rutinas y al confort de la vida en un suburbio ignoto, una abuela, una madre y dos hijas terminando el d\u00eda como lo hicieron por casi 20 a\u00f1os, cont\u00e1ndose sobre el d\u00eda de cada una y qued\u00e1ndose dormidas, las tres todav\u00eda en la misma cama."} -{"gender":"male","en":"A fourth observation: We need to approach balance in a balanced way.","es":"Una cuarta observaci\u00f3n: Tenemos que abordar el equilibrio con equilibrio."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I spent a large chunk of my time in hospital and at home, and only went back to do my final exams.","es":"Pas\u00e9 una gran parte de mi tiempo en el hospital y en casa, y solo volv\u00ed a hacer mis ex\u00e1menes finales."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And it was discovered that my brother, in 1967, and then my father, six months later, had brain tumors.","es":"Y es que descubrieron que mi hermano, en 1967, y luego mi padre, seis meses despu\u00e9s, ten\u00edan tumores cerebrales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Yes, the inequality goes in this direction, or I would posit it.","es":"S\u00ed, la desigualdad va en esta direcci\u00f3n, o lo postulamos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"They just have the incentives that get them to be blinded to reality and give us advice that is inherently biased.","es":"Tienen los incentivos que los llevan a cegarse a la realidad y nos dan consejos que son intr\u00ednsecamente parciales."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"For the first time in history, more people commit suicide than are killed by crime and terrorism and war put together.","es":"Por primera vez en la historia, m\u00e1s personas se suicidan de las que son asesinadas por el crimen, el terrorismo y la guerra juntos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"DM: Well, I think that you're right to say that the leadership forged in war has a different temper and a different tempo and a different outlook than leadership forged in peace.","es":"DM: Creo que tienes raz\u00f3n al mencionar que el liderazgo que se forj\u00f3 en la guerra tiene un temperamento y un tempo diferente, y luce diferente al liderazgo que se forj\u00f3 durante la paz."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And when I talk about that polarity I get at so many different Q&As, and people are really opinionated.","es":"I cuando hablo de esa polaridad, me llueven tantas preguntas y cada uno sostiene su punto de vista."} -{"gender":"female","en":"80 percent of little people are born to two average-height parents.","es":"El 80 % de las personas de baja estatura nacen de padres de talla media."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Color plays a very important role.","es":"El color juega un papel muy importante."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I learned this lesson when I was 14 years old.","es":"Aprend\u00ed esta lecci\u00f3n a los 14 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Which means that no matter how destructive and terrible violence is, if people see it as their only choice, they will use it.","es":"Lo que significa que no importa cu\u00e1n destructiva y terrible es la violencia, si se le considera la \u00fanica opci\u00f3n, se pondr\u00e1 en pr\u00e1ctica."} -{"gender":"male","en":"His teammate can either show or play up to touch, or play soft and together they can either switch or blitz and I didn't know most of these things when I started and it would be lovely if everybody moved according to those arrows.","es":"Su compa\u00f1ero puede avanzar, marcar o solo acompa\u00f1ar y juntos pueden cambiar asignaci\u00f3n defensiva o redoblar la marca. Yo no sab\u00eda casi nada de esto cuando empec\u00e9 y ser\u00eda estupendo si todos se movieran siguiendo esas flechas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And then it is 40 feet deep.","es":"Tiene una profundidad de 12 metros."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"He proposed the film to me, it's a great title.","es":"Me propuso la pel\u00edcula s\u00ed, es un t\u00edtulo muy bueno."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Now choosing not to buy a jar of jam is probably good for us, at least it's good for our waistlines, but it turns out that this choice overload problem affects us even in very consequential decisions.","es":"Bueno, decidir que no compramos mermelada probablemente nos conviene, -al menos es bueno para conservar la l\u00ednea- pero resulta que el problema de la sobrecarga de opciones nos afecta en decisiones bien trascendentales."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"A very small handful of countries who had undertaken very reduced, short-term emission reduction commitments that were completely insufficient and furthermore, largely perceived as a burden.","es":"Un peque\u00f1o pu\u00f1ado de pa\u00edses que hab\u00eda llevado a cabo unos muy reducidos compromisos de reducci\u00f3n de emisiones, a corto plazo, que eran totalmente insuficientes y adem\u00e1s, en gran medida percibidos como una carga."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, people like getting their names on things, on craters on the moon or new species of animals.","es":"Ahora bien, a la gente le gusta ponerle su nombre a las cosas, a los cr\u00e1teres en la Luna, o a nuevas especies de animales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It is fixed and very hard to change.","es":"Es fija y muy dif\u00edcil de cambiar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In the end what I know comes down to this: the tragic fact is that even the most vigilant and responsible of us may not be able to help, but for love's sake, we must never stop trying to know the unknowable.","es":"Al final, todo se reduce a esto: El hecho tr\u00e1gico es que incluso el m\u00e1s vigilante y responsable quiz\u00e1 no pueda ayudar, pero por el bien del amor, nunca debemos dejar de intentar conocer lo incognoscible."} -{"gender":"female","en":"There's a reason for this, as there is a reason that Waldo is hiding.","es":"Y hay una explicaci\u00f3n, as\u00ed como hay una raz\u00f3n por la cual Wally se esconde."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This is math.","es":"Es matem\u00e1ticas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Hence, the Mars watch.","es":"Por lo tanto, el reloj de Marte."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So there it is, very stately, among all the stately buildings in the Mall.","es":"As\u00ed que ah\u00ed est\u00e1, muy se\u00f1orial, entre todos los majestuosos edificios del Mall."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You have the animal warmth of your family sitting right next to you, but you are also free to go roaming around the adventureland inside your own mind.","es":"Ten\u00edas el calor corporal de tu familia, sentada junto a ti, pero al mismo tiempo eras libre de vagar por la tierra de la aventura dentro de tu propia mente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I loved her, and then she went out into that strange, alien land.","es":"La am\u00e9, y luego se fue hacia esa extra\u00f1a y ex\u00f3tica tierra."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, this is a spectroscope, OK, on my laboratory bench.","es":"Esto es un espect\u00f3metro, en la mesa de mi laboratorio."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It is the critical long-term shift caused by the Internet.","es":"Es el cambio de largo plazo causado por el internet."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I really do like this picture.","es":"Me gusta mucho esta imagen."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And then I managed a restaurant, and then I slipped on things.","es":"Y luego administr\u00e9 un restaurante, y luego me resbal\u00e9 sobre las cosas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Goal number one, check.","es":"Meta n\u00famero 1, lista."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"He bleeds out pigs.","es":"Desangra unos cerdos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Cocktails, more polyvalent vaccines.","es":"C\u00f3cteles y m\u00e1s vacunas polivalentes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is my unveiling, because I am going to show you a clip.","es":"Esta es mi develaci\u00f3n porque les voy a mostrar un clip."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I woke up in the middle of the night with the sound of heavy explosion.","es":"Me despert\u00e9 en medio de la noche con el sonido de una fuerte explosi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And here's the weapon, it seems, that it did so over the last 500 million years.","es":"Esta es el arma, parece, es la que lo hizo en los \u00faltimos 500 millones de a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That's why I'm sitting here.","es":"Es por eso que estoy sentada aqu\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So at the time, it was my opportunity to put a call out to innovators outside the traditional medical prosthetic community to come bring their talent to the science and to the art of building legs.","es":"En ese entonces, tuve la oportunidad de hacer un llamado a innovadores externos a la comunidad tradicional de la medicina prost\u00e9tica para que trajesen su talento a la ciencia y al arte de hacer piernas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"He said the company ignored every one of those letters, and so in 2013, Ravi Nanda decided to use the last means of protest he thought he had left.","es":"Dijo que la empresa ignor\u00f3 cada una de esas cartas, y en 2013 Ravi Nanda decidi\u00f3 usar los \u00faltimos medios de protesta que pens\u00f3 que se hab\u00edan abandonado."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Here in California, there's a very ambitious emissions target to cut emissions.","es":"Aqu\u00ed en California hay un plan ambicioso para reducir las emisiones."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They seemed to see me in terms of their assumptions of what it must be like to be in a wheelchair.","es":"Ellos parec\u00edan verme en t\u00e9rminos de sus suposiciones. de lo que deber\u00eda ser estar en una silla de ruedas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And we could have been born 100,000 years ago.","es":"Y nosotros podr\u00edamos haber nacido hace 100.000 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And they said yes.","es":"Y me dijeron que s\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What if my mother had told us that Fide's family was poor and hardworking?","es":"\u00bfY si mi madre nos hubiera contado que la familia de Fide era pobre y trabajadora?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Environment in one box, inequality in another, racial and gender justice in a couple of other boxes, education over here, health over there.","es":"El medio ambiente en una caja, la desigualdad en otra, la justicia racial y de g\u00e9nero en otras dos cajas, la educaci\u00f3n por aqu\u00ed, la salud por all\u00e1."} -{"gender":"female","en":"For example, George Bush target practice, shooting at Bin Laden and Michael Moore.","es":"Por ejemplo, la pr\u00e1tica de tiro al blanco de George Bush, disparando a Bin Laden y Michael Moore."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Thank you so much for working in ALS.","es":"Much\u00edsimas gracias por trabajar en la ELA."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This comet had to be specially selected because A, you have to be able to get to it, and B, it shouldn't have been in the solar system too long.","es":"Este cometa tuvo que ser seleccionado especialmente porque A, se deb\u00eda poder llegar a \u00e9l, y B, no deb\u00eda llevar mucho tiempo en el sistema solar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I curl up into a little fetal ball.","es":"Me encog\u00ed y adopt\u00e9 una posici\u00f3n fetal."} -{"gender":"male","en":"All I need is a partner who is a little meshugenah like me, passionate about saving lives, and willing to do it.","es":"Solo necesito un socio que sea un poco meshugenah como yo, entusiasmado por salvar vidas, y deseando hacerlo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I'd never done anything about myself.","es":"Pero nunca hab\u00eda hecho nada conmigo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And they do, in many ways, tell a different story than the story of Yemen, the one that is often in the news.","es":"En varios sentidos cuentan una historia distinta de la historia de Yemen que uno suele ver en las noticias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"They listen to the spirits like this, I'm going to ask you to call up the ghost of my grandmother because, when she died, she had the family will, and she secreted it someplace.","es":"Escuchan a los esp\u00edritus de este modo. Les quisiera pedir que contactaran con el fantasma de mi abuela porque cuando se muri\u00f3 hab\u00eda escondico el testamento en un lugar secreto y no sabemos d\u00f3nde est\u00e1."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The polarization of scale economies towards the very small, small is beautiful, allows for scalable communities to substitute for conventional corporate production.","es":"La polarizaci\u00f3n de las econom\u00edas de escala hacia lo muy peque\u00f1o, \"lo peque\u00f1o es hermoso\", permite a las comunidades escalables sustituir la producci\u00f3n corporativa convencional."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, let's go back again to that first plant I showed you, the one, of course, with different-shaped leaves and different sizes, Terminalia bentzoe, subspecies bentzoe, a plant only found in Mauritius.","es":"Ahora, retornamos de nuevo a la primera planta que mostr\u00e9, aquella por supuesto, con hojas de formas y tama\u00f1os diferentes, la terminalia bentzoe, una subespecies bentzoe, una planta que solo existe en la Isla Mauricio."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I took the first 10,000 sheep that I collected, and I put them on a website called TheSheepMarket.com where you can actually buy collections of 20 sheep.","es":"Tom\u00e9 las primeras 10 mil ovejas recibidas y las puse en un sitio web llamado TheSheepMarket.com donde se pueden comprar colecciones de 20 ovejas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"He has horns, tusks, crossed eyes, braided hair.","es":"Tiene cuernos, colmillos, ojos cruzados y lleva trenzas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And instead of him saying, \"OK, Evelyn, please, feet slightly apart, arms at a more or less 90-degree angle, sticks in a more or less V shape, keep this amount of space here, etc. Please keep your back straight, etc., etc., etc.\", where I was just probably going to end up absolutely rigid, frozen, and I would not be able to strike the drum because I was thinking of so many other things, he said, \"Evelyn, take this drum away for seven days, and I'll see you next week.\"","es":"Y no me dijo: \"OK, Evelyn, por favor. Pies ligeramente separados, los brazos m\u00e1s o menos en \u00e1ngulo de 90 grados, baquetas m\u00e1s o menos en forma de \"V\", mant\u00e9n esta cantidad de espacio aqu\u00ed, etc. Por favor, mant\u00e9n tu espalda recta, etc etc etc.\" Yo probablemente hubiese terminado completamente r\u00edgida, congelada, y no hubiese sido capaz de golpear el redoblante, porque hubiese estado pensando en muchas otras cosas. Pero \u00e9l me dijo: \"Evelyn, ll\u00e9vate este redoblante por siete d\u00edas y te ver\u00e9 la pr\u00f3xima semana.\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"I really, really loved my job, but I was having one of those days where I was feeling just a little bit discouraged.","es":"Me encantaba mi trabajo, pero ten\u00eda uno de esos d\u00edas en los que me sent\u00eda un poquito desalentada."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I wanted to give you a chance to think about your own style.","es":"Quer\u00eda darles una oportunidad de pensar en su propio estilo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I found the subject of Iranian women immensely interesting, in the way the women of Iran, historically, seemed to embody the political transformation.","es":"Descubr\u00ed que el tema de las mujeres iran\u00edes era enormemente interesante por cuanto las mujeres de Ir\u00e1n, hist\u00f3ricamente, parecen personificar la transformaci\u00f3n pol\u00edtica."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And for this reason, ladies and gentlemen, there's absolutely no question now that we can catch up with this outbreak in West Africa and we can beat Ebola.","es":"Por esto, damas y caballeros, ahora no hay dudas de que podemos controlar este brote en \u00c1frica Occidental y detener al \u00c9bola."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, recently I've been told I've been taking the high road.","es":"Hace poco me han dicho que he tomado el camino m\u00e1s dif\u00edcil."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You have to just choose your species.","es":"S\u00f3lo tienen que seleccionar su especie."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Think about how far we have come.","es":"Piensen en lo lejos que hemos llegado."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We cook.","es":"Cocinamos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This is a campaign done by a young artist in New York, who calls himself \"True.\"","es":"\u00c9sta es una campa\u00f1a hecha por un artista joven en Nueva York, que se llama a s\u00ed mismo \"True\" ."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In the 21st century, we need to actually look at, and what I'm actually going to encourage you to consider today, is to go back to our school days when we learned how to count.","es":"En el siglo XXI realmente necesitamos mirar, lo que en realidad quiero animarlos a considerar hoy, es a volver a nuestros d\u00edas escolares cuando aprendimos a contar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I know you guys out there who are businesspeople, are thinking, \"Oh my God, I want to build one of those.","es":"S\u00e9 que la gente de negocios que est\u00e1is ah\u00ed est\u00e1is pensando: \"Dios m\u00edo, quiero montar uno de esos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I just think the most important thing, if we're going to overcome the climate crisis, is to keep in mind that the cause of the clean energy crisis isn't from within our machines, it's from within ourselves.","es":"Pero creo que lo m\u00e1s importante, si vamos a superar la crisis clim\u00e1tica, es tener en cuenta que la causa de la crisis de la energ\u00eda limpia no est\u00e1 dentro de nuestras m\u00e1quinas, est\u00e1 dentro de nosotros."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They commit to the cause.","es":"Se comprometen a la causa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"A prosthetic limb doesn't represent the need to replace loss anymore.","es":"Un miembro prost\u00e9tico ya no representa la necesidad de reemplazar una p\u00e9rdida."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Today when I get questions about how I made it out, I share that one of the biggest reasons is that I wasn't ashamed to ask for help.","es":"Ahora cuando me preguntan c\u00f3mo sal\u00ed de esas condiciones, les digo que uno de los factores m\u00e1s importantes es que no ten\u00eda miedo a pedir ayuda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I mean, in a way it was the most serious thing you could possible do at the expo.","es":"Digo, de modo que era lo m\u00e1s serio que se pod\u00eda hacer en la expo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So, I'm just, like, they're all looking at me like 'which one of these is not like the other,' you know?","es":"Y, yo estba como --- Y todas me observaban como diciendo, \u00bfcu\u00e1l de todas las participantes no es como las otras, saben ustedes?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"My company has software that does this right now.","es":"Mi compa\u00f1\u00eda ya lo est\u00e1 haciendo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Audience: Diver 1: I think we have their attention","es":"Creo que captamos su atenci\u00f3n.\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"I later heard that Iraqi casualties were not to be treated in Taji.","es":"M\u00e1s tarde o\u00ed que en Taji no estaba permitido dar tratamiento a heridos Iraqu\u00edes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The goal in my life has always been to make more and more products in the least amount of time and resources.","es":"Mi objetivo en la vida siempre ha sido hacer m\u00e1s y m\u00e1s productos con la menor cantidad de tiempo y de recursos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Locked-in syndrome is many people's worst nightmare.","es":"El s\u00edndrome de enclaustramiento es para mucha gente la peor de las pesadillas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I watched everything that I'd built crumbling, and it looked like all this stuff was going to die and 15 years work would have come for nothing.","es":"Vi, mir\u00e9 como todo lo que hab\u00eda construido se desmoronaba, parec\u00eda que todo se iba a acabar y 15 a\u00f1os de trabajo hubieran sido en vano, fue desgarrador."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Miles Davis.","es":"Miles Davis."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We've got some videos.","es":"Tenemos algunos videos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I tried to look across what factors accounted the most for company success and failure.","es":"As\u00ed que trat\u00e9 de encontrar qu\u00e9 factores contaban m\u00e1s para el \u00e9xito y el fracaso de una compa\u00f1\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I saw, Glenn Close I saw earlier.","es":"Yo v\u00ed, m\u00e1s temprano v\u00ed a Glenn Close."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In my country, I lived already in the city, and we felt Kampala was much better than a refugee camp.","es":"En mi pa\u00eds, ya viv\u00eda en la ciudad, y sentimos que Kampala era mucho mejor que un campo de refugiados."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"In 2007, Zero launched a green campaign, suggesting his friends and fans to turn off their electricity every Sunday from 7:53 to 8:00 p.m.","es":"En 2007, Cero lanz\u00f3 una campa\u00f1a verde, sugiriendo que sus amigos y aficionados apaguen su electricidad cada domingo entre las 7:53 y las 8:00 de la noche."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And something about it just kind of drew me towards it.","es":"Y algo en el libro hizo que me sintiera atra\u00edda hacia \u00e9l."} -{"gender":"male","en":"For how much, do you think?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1nto creen que cuesta?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's where the books are.","es":"Porque ah\u00ed est\u00e1n los libros."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I knew I was a good pilot.","es":"Yo sab\u00eda que era una buena piloto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And now I'm going to finish up with another example of this, with auditory illusions.","es":"Voy a terminar con otro ejemplo de esto con audio, ilusiones auditivas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What happens when people pursue money too avidly, is they forget about the real basic pleasures of life.","es":"Cuando la gente busca el dinero con demasiada avidez, olvida los placeres b\u00e1sicos de la vida."} -{"gender":"male","en":"SB: Global greening.","es":"SB: Verdeado global."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The wing motor is very resilient.","es":"El motor de las alas es muy resistente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And about five or six hours later, she said we could go home.","es":"5 o 6 horas m\u00e1s tarde nos dijo que pod\u00edamos volver a casa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And yes, Qatar wants to be a modern nation.","es":"Y, s\u00ed, Qatar quiere ser una naci\u00f3n moderna."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And the scene that I'm going to share with you, as you can see, is not about his time in the battlefield.","es":"Y la escena que voy a compartir con Uds., como pueden ver, no tiene que ver con su paso por el campo de batalla."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"For Samantha, her surrogate came from somewhere in the Midwest, a stranger who gave her the gift of voice.","es":"Para Samantha, su sustituta vino de alg\u00fan lugar del Medio Oeste, una extra\u00f1a que le regal\u00f3 su voz."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's why Google is Google, and it's why all these baseball teams use moneyball to win games.","es":"Por eso Google es Google, por eso todos estos equipos de beisbol usan 'moneyball' para ganar juegos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And in part, that testing feels an appropriate part of achieving something great.","es":"Y, en parte, esa prueba es un factor importante para lograr cosas grandes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Add on pandemic threat, you're in big trouble. So what have people been doing with this money?","es":"Agreguen una amenaza de pandemia, y son grandes problemas \u00bfQu\u00e9 hizo la gente son este dinero?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"What is this all about?","es":"\u00bfDe qu\u00e9 se trata todo esto?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"\"My life sucks because I live under a tyrant, also known as King George.","es":"Mi Vida Apesta porque vivo bajo un tirano, tambi\u00e9n conocido como el Rey Jorge."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The words on the card describe what will happen inside.","es":"Las palabras en la tarjeta describen lo que pasa en su interior."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It was when I put the water in that I realized that I'd put a skin on water itself.","es":"Fue cuando le introduje agua que me di cuenta que le hab\u00eda puesto una piel al agua misma."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So one-third of it reprises the stories of Biblical figures like Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Mary, Jesus.","es":"As\u00ed que la tercera parte trata acerca de personajes b\u00edblicos como Abraham, Mois\u00e9s, Jos\u00e9, Mar\u00eda, Jes\u00fas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"For years, I had existed safely behind the scenes in politics as a fundraiser, as an organizer, but in my heart, I always wanted to run.","es":"Durante a\u00f1os, exist\u00ed de manera segura tras bambalinas en la pol\u00edtica como recaudadora de fondos, como organizadora, pero en mi coraz\u00f3n, siempre quise participar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So let me give you a few striking examples of this.","es":"Entonces perm\u00edtanme darles unos ejemplos sorprendentes al respecto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"You feel like you're on top of your game and you can do anything you want.","es":"Te sientes que estas completamente en control y que puedes hacer lo sea que quieras hacer."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Even civil government is doing such poor construction of the temporary housing, so dense and so messy because there is no storage, nothing, water is leaking, so I thought, we have to make multi-story building because there's no land and also it's not very comfortable.","es":"Incluso el gobierno civil est\u00e1 haciendo construcciones tan pobres como vivienda temporal, tan densas y desordenadas porque no hay ning\u00fan almacenamiento, nada, hay fugas de agua, as\u00ed que pens\u00e9, tenemos que hacer un edificio de varios pisos porque no hay tierra y tambi\u00e9n no es muy c\u00f3modo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"A sad state of affairs.","es":"Una triste situaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Each one was pinched or carved out of a ball of clay, and it was the imperfections that people cherished.","es":"Cada uno fue tallado o moldeado con una bola de arcilla y tiene imperfecciones que las personas aprecian."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I think they're doing very important work.","es":"Pero creo que est\u00e1n haciendo un trabajo muy importante."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So, my journey began in the Bronx, New York, in a one-bedroom apartment, with my two sisters and immigrant mother.","es":"Mi viaje comenz\u00f3 en el Bronx, Nueva York, en un apartamento de un dormitorio, con mis dos hermanas y una madre inmigrante."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That's what they tell you.","es":"Eso es lo que dicen."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When I was growing up in India in the late '70s and early '80s, there was a feeling that the future both needed to and could actually be planned.","es":"Yo crec\u00ed en India en los 70 y los 80, y all\u00ed hab\u00eda esta sensaci\u00f3n de que se ten\u00eda y se pod\u00eda planear el futuro."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And one of them said, \"OK.","es":"Y uno dijo, \"Bien."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So early on, I heard of Charles Darwin.","es":"As\u00ed que a temprana edad escuch\u00e9 de Charles Darwin."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We're figuring it out.","es":"Estamos averiguando c\u00f3mo lograrlo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Terrorists are always adapting in minor and major ways to new circumstances, and despite what you might see on TV, these adaptations, and the detection of them, are fundamentally human.","es":"Los terroristas se adaptan siempre en mayor o menor medida a circunstancias nuevas. Y a pesar de lo que puedan ver en la TV, estas adaptaciones y su detecci\u00f3n son fundamentalmente humanas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I also ask myself, does it really work?","es":"Y yo tambi\u00e9n me pregunt\u00e9 si esto funciona realmente."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"There is a profound need to belong.","es":"Hay una profunda necesidad de pertenecer."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They're not just sitting there.","es":"No s\u00f3lo est\u00e1n sentados all\u00ed."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"\"America would never kill its way to the end of its wars,\" it argued.","es":"\"Am\u00e9rica nunca avanzar\u00e1 en la guerra,\" expusieron."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You will hear about it, and you will love it.","es":"Van a ver eso y les va a encantar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Because of our transportation system, which is totally dependent on fossil fuels, like it is in most countries.","es":"Debido a nuestro sistema de transporte, que es totalmente dependiente de los combustibles f\u00f3siles, como lo es en la mayor\u00eda de los pa\u00edses."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The good and bad things about stories is that they are a kind of filter.","es":"Lo bueno y lo malo de las historias es que son una especie de filtro."} -{"gender":"female","en":"However, although it's very, very sad this news, it's also thanks to their personal stories that we have raised awareness of how lethal this disease can be.","es":"Sin embargo, a pesar de esta noticia muy triste, gracias a sus historias personales pudimos mostrar a la gente lo letal que puede ser esta enfermedad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"At 7:45 a.m., I open the doors to a building dedicated to building, yet only breaks me down.","es":"A las 7:45 a.m., abro las puertas a un edificio dedicado a construir, pero solo me derriba."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I realize in that moment that I don't have to be either an aunt or an advocate, I can be both.","es":"Y me doy cuenta en ese momento de que ya no tengo que ser o una t\u00eda o una militante, que pueden ser ambas a la vez."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In that moment, the community of Budrus realized what was possible if they welcomed and encouraged women to participate in public life.","es":"En ese momento, la comunidad de Budrus se dio cuenta de lo que era posible si le daban bienvenida y confianza a las mujeres a participar en la vida p\u00fablica."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, the answer is bio-mimicry: just copy nature directly.","es":"As\u00ed que la respuesta es el bio-mimetismo - copiar a la naturaleza directamente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"These are the kids who now, one semester in, I can put something on the board, totally new, totally foreign, and they'll have a conversation about it for three or four minutes more than they would have at the start of the year, which is just so fun.","es":"Estos son los ni\u00f1os que hoy, un semestre despu\u00e9s, puedo poner algo en la pizarra, algo totalmente nuevo, totalmente extra\u00f1o, y empezar\u00e1n a discutirlo durante tres o cuatro minutos m\u00e1s que lo que hubieran hecho al principio de a\u00f1o, lo que es simplemente divertido."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Gbe'borun is a Yoruba phrase which translates to \"gossip,\" or \"talebearer.\"","es":"Gbe'borun es una expresi\u00f3n yoruba traducida como \"cotilleo\" o \"rumor\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We can actually use this to contain outbreaks of mosquito-born diseases, of epidemics, right?","es":"Podemos realmente utilizar esto para contener los brotes de enfermedades por mosquitos, epidemias, \u00bfde acuerdo?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"It was published, it went viral, it proves that every single day online misogyny is a phenomenon endured by us all, all over the world, and when it is intersectional, it is worse.","es":"Lo publicaron, fue viral, y prueba que actualmente la misoginia en internet es un fen\u00f3meno que padecemos, en todo el mundo, y cuando es intersectorial, es peor."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The last parliament of our century opened with our president announcing to the country that this was the most important economic initiative for the country today.","es":"El \u00faltimo parlamento de nuestro siglo se abri\u00f3 con el anuncio de nuestro presidente cuando declar\u00f3 al pa\u00eds que \u00e9sta era la iniciativa econ\u00f3mica m\u00e1s importante para la Etiop\u00eda de hoy."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I meet all kinds of people who don't enjoy what they do.","es":"Me encuentro con todo tipo de personas que no disfrutan lo que hacen."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But the most significant reason we marched as a family is that it was a way for us to honor my parents' legacy.","es":"Pero la raz\u00f3n m\u00e1s importante para ir a la marcha como familia es que era una manera de honrar el legado de mis padres."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I very quickly became introduced to the cultural aspect of religion.","es":"Muy pronto me top\u00e9 con el aspecto cultural de la religi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And in our own lab, we could show that you could take those 106 records, we could train computers to predict the prognosis for Ebola patients to near 100 percent accuracy.","es":"Y en nuestro laboratorio, demostramos que, con base en esos 106 registros, pod\u00edamos entrenar computadoras para predecir el pron\u00f3stico de los pacientes de \u00e9bola casi con un 100 % de exactitud."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, you've probably all heard of similar criticism coming from people who are skeptical of capitalism.","es":"Quiz\u00e1s todos Uds. habr\u00e1n escuchado cr\u00edticas similares dichas por personas que son esc\u00e9pticas del capitalismo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Oh, yay!","es":"Oh, \u00a1S\u00ed!"} -{"gender":"female","en":"There is shock, followed by a long silence.","es":"Hay conmoci\u00f3n, seguida de un largo silencio."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It puts those artists at the center of that culture, and that's exactly where I think they should be.","es":"Pone a esos artistas en el centro de esa cultura, y eso es exactamente donde creo que deber\u00edan estar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We might endlessly feel guilty that we are not making the right choices, and that's why we didn't succeed.","es":"Podr\u00edamos sentirnos eternamente culpables de no elegir correctamente, y por eso es que no tenemos \u00e9xito."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Genomics, proteomics, the environment, all this data streaming at us individually and as physicians: How do we manage it?","es":"As\u00ed, la gen\u00f3mica, la prote\u00f3mica, el medio ambiente, todo este aluvi\u00f3n de informaci\u00f3n sobre unos pobres m\u00e9dicos. \u00bfC\u00f3mo lo manejamos?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Does it get cleared by the liver?","es":"\u00bfSera filtrado por el h\u00edgado?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Towards the end of the focus group, and as I was thanking the mothers for their time, the elderly lady looked at me while pointing at the young girl, and said to me, \"Can you help us with?\"","es":"Hacia el final del grupo de sondeo, y mientras yo agradec\u00eda a las madres por su tiempo, la anciana me mir\u00f3 mientras se\u00f1alaba a la ni\u00f1a, y me dijo: \"\u00bfPuedes ayudarnos con?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"Me either, but if I did, I would get to roll around in my mouth not some baker's dozen of vowels like English has, but a good 30 different vowels scooching and oozing around in the Cambodian mouth like bees in a hive.","es":"Yo tampoco, pero si lo hiciera, me gustar\u00eda llegar a rodar en mi boca no una docena de vocales horneadas como tiene el ingl\u00e9s, sino unas 30 vocales diferentes rumi\u00e1ndolas y solt\u00e1ndolas por boca camboyana como abejas en una colmena."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I don't know if you can see it that well, but that's a mailbox, so an ordinary mailbox and an Arduino.","es":"No s\u00e9 si pueden verlo tan bien pero eso es un buz\u00f3n, un buz\u00f3n com\u00fan y un Arduino."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I grew up watching Whoopi Goldberg, Roseanne Barr, Ellen, and all of these women had one thing in common: they were comedians.","es":"Crec\u00ed viendo a Whoopi Goldberg, Roseanne Barr, Ellen, y todas estas mujeres ten\u00edan una cosa en com\u00fan: eran comediantes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"One was that my favorite nurse, Ettie, told me that I did not take her pain into consideration.","es":"Una que mi enfermera favorita, Ettie, me dijo que no tom\u00e9 en cuenta su dolor."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We don't claim to have the answers, but we started experimenting with different discussions about very divisive issues, such as race, gun control, the refugee debate, relationship between Islam and terrorism.","es":"No afirmamos que tengamos las respuestas, pero empezamos a experimentar con distintas discusiones sobre temas muy pol\u00e9micos, como la raza, el control de armas, el debate sobre los refugiados, la relaci\u00f3n entre el Islam y el terrorismo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Diversity isn't just people, it's also what's inside people. Including diversity of emotion.","es":"La diversidad se da en las personas pero tambi\u00e9n en lo que est\u00e1 dentro de ellas, incluyendo la diversidad de las emociones."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And then you all know what happened.","es":"Y luego todos Uds. saben lo que pas\u00f3."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So obviously this is not all going to fit back in my tiny suitcase.","es":"Obviamente todo esto no va a entrar en mi peque\u00f1a valija."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Once the tether's all the way out, it goes into crosswind circles in the sky.","es":"Una vez que la correa est\u00e1 extendida, atraviesa el viento haciendo c\u00edrculos en el cielo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Do you think he's going to take that one?","es":"\u00bfCrees que va a elegir \u00e9ste?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Netflix is known for their really great recommendation algorithm, and they had this $1 million prize for anyone who could improve it.","es":"Netflix es conocido por su excelente algoritmo de recomendaciones, y ten\u00eda un premio de USD 1 mill\u00f3n para cualquiera que lo pudiera mejorar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Bill Gates talked about the importance of education and, in particular, the model that KIPP was providing: \"Knowledge is power.\"","es":"Bill Gates habl\u00f3 de la importancia de la educaci\u00f3n y, en particular, del modelo que ofrece KIPP \"Conocimiento es Poder\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's going to be everywhere we look, where there are planetary systems that can possibly support it.","es":"Estar\u00e1 donde sea que busquemos, donde haya sistemas planetarios que puedan soportar vida."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So take, for example, the smile and the smirk.","es":"Tomemos por ejemplo la sonrisa genuina y la socarrona."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, one of the things that I found most uplifting about all of this stuff that's happened around the book since it came out, is the reaction to it.","es":"Ahora, una de las cosas que encuentro m\u00e1s motivante de todo esto que est\u00e1 sucediendo alrededor del libro desde que sali\u00f3, es la reacci\u00f3n hacia \u00e9l."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And that's exactly what he did.","es":"Y eso es exactamente lo que \u00e9l hizo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So obviously this was a gadget to have.","es":"Obviamente era un chisme que hab\u00eda que tener."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Because it gives us the worst of both worlds: It's random, anybody can sue for almost anything and take it to a jury, not even an effort at consistency, and it's also too detailed.","es":"Porque nos da lo peor de los dos mundos. Es al azar. Cualquiera puede hacer juicio casi por cualquier cosa y llevarlo ante un jurado. Sin siquiera un esfuerzo en consistencia. Y tambi\u00e9n es demasiado detallado."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You take a word that acts as one part of speech, and you change it into another part of speech.","es":"Tomas palabras que funcionan de cierta forma en la oraci\u00f3n y les das otra funci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Suppose we approximated one person with one book?","es":"Supongan que una persona signifique un libro."} -{"gender":"female","en":"A couple of years ago, I read an article by New York Times writer Michael Pollan, in which he argued that growing even some of our own food is one of the best things that we can do for the environment.","es":"Hace un par de a\u00f1os, le\u00ed un articulo de un escritor del New York Times, Michael Pollan en el que sosten\u00eda que cultivar aunque sea algunos de nuestros alimentos, es una de las mejores cosas que podemos hacer por el medio ambiente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"AB: 3846264338327950 28841","es":"AB: 3846264338327950 28841"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Here's another one.","es":"Ac\u00e1 hay otra."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I found that American scientists had no explanation for this except that it is arid and natural.","es":"Encontr\u00e9 que los cient\u00edficos estadounidenses no ten\u00edan ninguna explicaci\u00f3n para eso, aparte de tratarse de algo \u00e1rido y natural."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I have read every study, I have pored over the materials, and the lessons are very clear.","es":"He le\u00eddo todos los estudios, he estudiado los materiales, y las lecciones son muy claras."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And it's not just in Norway.","es":"Y no solo en Noruega."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I really don't care anymore.","es":"Realmente ya no me importa."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"First, there's this amazing thing about actually getting out of the box that leads to out-of-the-box thinking.","es":"Primero, hay algo incre\u00edble al salir realmente de la caja que te lleva a pensar fuera de la caja."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And there can be self-esteem issues associated with that, notwithstanding the fact that I've been asked to do TED, so I feel much better about these things right now.","es":"Y esto puede ocasionar problemas de autoestima. No obstante, que me pidieran dar esta charla de TED, hace sentirme ahora mucho mejor."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Is it something that's really going to make a difference in your lives, as an individual, as a family with autism?","es":"\u00bfEs algo que marcar\u00e1 la diferencia en sus vidas, como individuos, como una familia con autismo?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Crazy to think that we're having surgery, we're trying to excise cancer, we don't know where the cancer is.","es":"Es una locura pensar que estamos haciendo cirug\u00edas, tratando de extirpar el c\u00e1ncer y no sabemos d\u00f3nde est\u00e1 el c\u00e1ncer."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is late at, you know, 11 o'clock at night and I think I was the only person surprised when what she built worked the first time.","es":"Esto es tarde, \u00bfsaben?, a las 11 en punto de la noche y creo que yo era la \u00fanica persona sorprendida cuando lo que construy\u00f3 funcion\u00f3 la primera vez."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Why can't you move on?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no lo puedes superar?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Narrator: Paul has his data, so they decide to release the animal back into the river.","es":"\"Paul tiene sus datos; as\u00ed que deciden\" \"liberar al animal de regreso al r\u00edo\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well it's the last major undeciphered script in the ancient world.","es":"Bueno, es la \u00faltima gran lengua del mundo antiguo sin descifrar."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"When you show up in the E.R. with this packet, your admission is streamlined in a material way.","es":"Cuando lleguen a la sala de emergencias con este sobre, su internaci\u00f3n se facilitar\u00e1 mucho."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So the problem turned out that it wasn't the criminalization; you can't really criminalize someone you're charging receipts from.","es":"Entonces, el problema se torna en que no es la criminalizaci\u00f3n; no se puede criminalizar a alguien a quien le est\u00e1s dando recibos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Her project's goal is to highlight the expressive qualities of materials while focusing on the creativity and skills of the builder.","es":"El objetivo de su proyecto es resaltar la cualidad expresiva de los materiales al tiempo que se centra en la creatividad y las destrezas del constructor."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I want to tell this little story about my own beginnings, because it's very interrelated to happiness and Agnes.","es":"Y quiero contar esta peque\u00f1a historia de mis propios comienzos porque esta muy relacionada con la felicidad, y Agnes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"There's one more, I think, wonderful twist to that tale.","es":"Esta historia tiene otro giro maravilloso, dir\u00eda yo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The problem is, 5 and 6pm looks different on different days.","es":"El problema es que las 17 y las 18 son diferentes en d\u00edas diferentes."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And here's what it feels like to be a kid in this checklisted childhood.","es":"Y as\u00ed se siente ser un ni\u00f1o con esta lista de infancia."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Where you criminalize people living with HIV or those at greatest risk, you fuel the epidemic.","es":"Cuando se criminaliza a la gente infectada por el VIH o a aquellos en mayor riesgo, se exacerba la epidemia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I beat out all the Ph.D.'s because I figured that if you treat children like human beings, it increases the likelihood they're going to behave that way.","es":"Les gan\u00e9 a todos los doctorados porque me di cuenta que si tratas a los j\u00f3venes como seres humanos, ello aumenta la probablidad de que se comporten en esa manera."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And Caroline, who had invested so much in E.T., well, she wasn't invited to save him, and she felt humiliated and spurned.","es":"Y Caroline, que puso tanto en E.T., bueno, no la hab\u00edan invitado a salvarlo, y se sinti\u00f3 humillada y rechazada."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But even as a child, I could feel the heaviness in their hearts.","es":"Pero incluso siendo ni\u00f1o, pod\u00eda sentir la tristeza en sus corazones."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Listen to these titles of some of the best-selling books from both sides of the political divide here in the US: \"Liberalism is a Mental Disorder,\" \"Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot,\" \"Pinheads and Patriots,\" \"Arguing with Idiots.\" They're supposedly tongue-in-cheek, but they're actually dangerous.","es":"Escuchen estos t\u00edtulos de algunos de los libros m\u00e1s vendidos de ambos lados de la divisi\u00f3n pol\u00edtica aqu\u00ed en los Estados Unidos. \"El liberalismo es una enfermedad mental\", \"Rush Limbaugh es un gordo idiota\", \"Est\u00fapidos y patriotas\", \"Discutiendo con idiotas\" Son supuestamente ir\u00f3nicos, pero en verdad son peligrosos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Within 10 years of the first gallbladder surgeries being done laparoscopically, a majority of gallbladder surgeries were being done laparoscopically, truly a pretty big revolution.","es":"A los 10 a\u00f1os de la primera cirug\u00eda de ves\u00edcula hecha laparosc\u00f3picamente, la mayor\u00eda de estas cirug\u00edas se estaban haciendo laparosc\u00f3picamente. Realmente una gran revoluci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And all the people, and I think there's a lot of people at TED who do things because, even though there's not an immediate return on the investment because it will only really pay off when everybody else has done it, they'll do it because they're the sort of person who just does things which would be good if everybody else did them.","es":"Y todos, creo que hay mucha gente en TED que hace cosas porque, aunque no haya un retorno inmediato de la inversi\u00f3n porque solo veremos los frutos cuando todo el mundo lo haga, lo har\u00e1n porque son el tipo de personas que hacen cosas que ser\u00e1n buenas si todo el mundo las hace."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But it turns out that the key social identifier is how much you're going to talk in the car.","es":"Sin embargo, resulta que el identificador social clave es cu\u00e1nto vas a hablar en el coche."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, my kind of hero for this in the natural world are these tropical frogs.","es":"Mis \u00eddolos de esto en el mundo natural son las ranas tropicales."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That's where we should move.","es":"All\u00ed debemos dirigirnos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I made my own faces, and had a company fabricate them, and the players follow these scores.","es":"Hice mis propias caras y una compa\u00f1\u00eda las fabric\u00f3, y los reproductores siguen estas partituras."} -{"gender":"male","en":"My country, the United Kingdom, is sort of middling, sort of dull, but who cares \u2014 at least we beat the French.","es":"Mi pa\u00eds, el Reino Unido, est\u00e1 en el medio, algo soso, pero a qui\u00e9n le importa \u00a1al menos le ganamos a los franceses!"} -{"gender":"male","en":"What went wrong between the design studio and the factory?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 sali\u00f3 mal entre el estudio de dise\u00f1o y la f\u00e1brica?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"They live this sort of boring life where they grow and divide, and they've always been considered to be these asocial, reclusive organisms.","es":"Viven este tipo de vida aburrida, donde crecen y se dividen, y siempre han sido consideradas como organismos asociales y solitarios."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But recent observations have changed all that.","es":"Pero las observaciones recientes han cambiado todo eso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I was thinking, how could I be Portuguese?","es":"Estuve pensando, \u00bfc\u00f3mo ser\u00eda ser portugu\u00e9s?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Well, we can do that for ourselves.","es":"Bueno, podemos hacerlo con nosotros mismos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And so my journey now is to find some sort of grace in the face of this defeat.","es":"Por eso ahora mi viaje indaga en alg\u00fan tipo de gracia de cara a esta derrota."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What is wrong with my life?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 est\u00e1 mal con mi vida?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"A novel needs scene after scene to build, and the story of our life needs an arc as well.","es":"Una novela se necesita construir escena tras escena y la historia de nuestra vida necesita un arco tambi\u00e9n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It turns out fish is the most cost-effective protein on the planet.","es":"Resulta que el pescado es la prote\u00edna m\u00e1s rentable del planeta."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If we could just change them, if we could just teach them how to live their lives, if they would only listen.","es":"Si tan solo pudi\u00e9ramos cambiarles, si pudi\u00e9ramos por lo menos ense\u00f1arles a vivir sus vidas, si por lo menos nos hicieran caso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But what is interesting about the story that I've just said?","es":"Pero, \u00bfqu\u00e9 es lo interesante de la historia que acabo de contar?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I mean, who knows?","es":"Es decir \u00bfQui\u00e9n sabe?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"\"Act like a lady.\"","es":"\"Act\u00faa como una dama\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, my wish.","es":"As\u00ed que este es mi deseo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I needed to figure out how to eat like a normal human being, since I'd been eating through a tube in my chest and through my veins.","es":"Yo necesitaba aprender a comer como un ser humano normal ya que me hab\u00edan alimentado por un tubo en el pecho, por las venas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Poem 2: Oh! kangaroos, sequins, chocolate sodas! \/ You are really beautiful!","es":"Poema 2: \u00a1Oh, canguros, lentejuelas, chocolate, refrescos! \/ \u00a1Hermosos!"} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I'm afraid that brand of left-wing politics you've got in Amsterdam, it doesn't exist in the States.\"","es":"Pero me temo que el tipo de pol\u00edtica de izquierdas que se practica en \u00c1msterdam no existe en EE.UU.\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"I set down a candle in the spot where he bled to death.","es":"Puse una vela en el lugar donde muri\u00f3 desangrado."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So what scientists do is they have a hypothesis that they think might be likely to start with. They go out and test it against the evidence.","es":"As\u00ed, si los cient\u00edficos tienen una hip\u00f3tesis, luego, salen a comprobarla contra las evidencias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"You could see my over-sized heart beating inside of it.","es":"Se pod\u00eda ver mi gigantesco coraz\u00f3n palpitando."} -{"gender":"female","en":"If we think back to when we were hunter-gatherer economies, we really just traded within our village structure.","es":"Cuando nuestra econom\u00eda se sustentaba en la caza-recolecci\u00f3n, solo comerci\u00e1bamos dentro de nuestro asentamiento."} -{"gender":"male","en":"There is an entire genre of YouTube videos devoted to an experience which I am certain that everyone in this room has had.","es":"Existe todo un g\u00e9nero completo de videos en YouTube dedicados a una experiencia que estoy seguro todos en esta sala han tenido ya."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This has paid all the costs for the transformation of Interface. And this dispels a myth too, this false choice between the environment and the economy.","es":"Esto ha pagado todo los costos para la transformaci\u00f3n de Interface Y esto tambi\u00e9n disipa un mito, esta falsa elecci\u00f3n entre el medio ambiente y la econom\u00eda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This time I was on assignment for a magazine, but again worked closely with MSF.","es":"Esta vez estaba trabajando para una revista, pero nuevamente trabaj\u00e9 de cerca con MSF."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think the only point of similarity between us is we both like to talk about ourselves.","es":"Creo que en lo \u00fanico que nos parec\u00edamos era en que a ambos nos gustaba hablar de nosotros mismos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well, I found a way to use it.","es":"Bien, encontr\u00e9 una manera de usarlo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And if there's anything I've learned from looking at air, it's that even though it's changing, it persists.","es":"Y si algo he aprendido de mirar el aire, es que aunque est\u00e1 cambiando, persiste."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I have listened to the three previous speakers, and guess what happened?","es":"He escuchado a los tres ponentes anteriores, \u00bfy saben qu\u00e9 pas\u00f3?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so I think, again, that it's likely that in the next decade or so these virtual worlds are going to be the most common way as human beings that we kind of use the electronics of the Internet, if you will, to be together, to consume information.","es":"Y creo que es probable que en la pr\u00f3xima d\u00e9cada o algo asi estos mundos virtuales sean la manera m\u00e1s com\u00fan de hacerlo, como seres humanos que utilizamos la electr\u00f3nica de internet para estar juntos, para consumir informaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If you didn't have a job, it's because you didn't want one.","es":"Si no ten\u00edas trabajo era porque no quer\u00edas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I know that scares a lot of you, but that was my purpose entirely.","es":"S\u00e9 que eso puede asustar a varios de ustedes, pero ese era mi prop\u00f3sito."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They came day after day and they covered the square with millions of flowers.","es":"Vinieron d\u00eda tras d\u00eda y cubrieron la plaza con millones de flores."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I think that Hardy had a lot going for him.","es":"Pienso que Hardy ten\u00eda raz\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I'm wondering how much of a sense of discovery there is in playing with these forces.","es":"Y me pregunto, cu\u00e1n grande es la sensaci\u00f3n de descubrimiento cuando juegas con estas fuerzas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We do train them, however, to adjust caution according to where they are.","es":"Sin embargo, les entrenamos para ajustar la precauci\u00f3n de acuerdo a d\u00f3nde est\u00e9n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I didn't know what it would mean for me if I was challenging someone else's truth.","es":"No sab\u00eda qu\u00e9 significar\u00eda para m\u00ed desafiar la verdad del otro."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"No doubt many of you work for a living.","es":"Sin duda, muchos aqu\u00ed trabajan para ganarse la vida."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I looked into it, and he was right, and the reason they were failing is that they'd honed their skills so well in certain things that they were going out into the city and offering services for money.","es":"Investigu\u00e9 y ten\u00eda raz\u00f3n. Estaban reprobando porque hab\u00edan afinado tanto sus habilidades en ciertas \u00e1reas que iban a la ciudad y ofrec\u00edan sus servicios a cambio de dinero."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The disease was so terrifying that the president of the United States launched an extraordinary national effort to find a way to stop it.","es":"Esta enfermedad era tan aterradora que el presidente de los EE. UU. puso en marcha un gran esfuerzo nacional para encontrar la forma de pararla."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Well, here we are on a repurposed Air Force cargo plane operated by NASA flying over the Greenland ice sheet.","es":"Pues, aqu\u00ed estamos en un avi\u00f3n de carga del Air Force, reconvertido y dirigido por la NASA, sobrevolando el manto de hielo de Groenlandia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Who I was on my business card mattered to me.","es":"Qui\u00e9n era yo en mi tarjeta de visita me importaba."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And when I didn't finish my dinner, my mother would say, \"Finish your food!","es":"Cuando no me acababa mi cena, mi madre dec\u00eda \"\u00a1Come!"} -{"gender":"male","en":"So it's much closer, in a way, to a data fungus, in a sense, wrapped around that page, than it is to a deliberate link that I've placed there.","es":"De modo que eso es, en cierta forma, un hongo de datos que, en cierto sentido, envuelto en esa p\u00e1gina, en vez de ser un link que coloqu\u00e9 all\u00ed deliberadamente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, this is a partial reconstruction, I admit, but why would I say partial?","es":"Es verdad que esta reconstrucci\u00f3n es solo parcial, hay que reconocerlo. Y, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 digo parcial?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Okay, very good.","es":"Bueno, muy bueno."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And, of course, the most important is that you, I want you guys there, and I invite you to go to GlobalFamilyReunion.org and figure out how you're on the family tree, because these are big issues, family and tribe, and I don't know all the answers, but I have a lot of smart relatives, including you guys, so together, I think we can figure it out.","es":"Y, por supuesto, los m\u00e1s importantes que son Uds. Los quiero all\u00e1, y los invito a ir a GlobalFamilyReunion.org y averiguar c\u00f3mo est\u00e1n en el \u00e1rbol de familia, debido a que estos son temas importantes, familia y tribu, y no s\u00e9 todas las respuestas, pero tengo un mont\u00f3n de parientes inteligentes, incluidos Uds., as\u00ed que juntos, creo que podemos averiguarlo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Our experience to date, both individually and collectively, hasn't prepared us for what we're going to need to do, or who we're going to need to be.","es":"Nuestra experiencia al d\u00eda de hoy, ambas individual y colectivamente, no nos ha preparado para lo que nosotros necesitamos hacer, o quienes vamos a necesitar ser."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We don't know what that's going to do to you, not in the long term, and not even very much in the short term.","es":"No sabemos lo que le va a hacer, ni en el largo plazo ni tampoco demasiado en el corto plazo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So when you shake the chain, it then folds up into any configuration that you've programmed in, so in this case, a spiral, or in this case, two cubes next to each other.","es":"Y cuando sacudimos la cadena, se dobla en cualquier configuraci\u00f3n que le hayamos programado, en este caso, en una espiral, o en este caso, en dos cubos, uno junto al otro."} -{"gender":"female","en":"All this came packaged in a beautiful purse that was given to the mother as a gift after all her hard work, that she carried home with pride as a symbol of prosperity.","es":"Todo esto viene envuelto en un bello bolso que se le da a la madre como regalo despu\u00e9s de todo su duro trabajo, que se lleva a casa con orgullo como s\u00edmbolo de prosperidad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"You can't create this with standard manufacturing techniques even if you tried to do it manually.","es":"Esto no se puede crear con t\u00e9cnicas de fabricaci\u00f3n tradicionales, ni siquiera en forma manual."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"These machines would think they, these organisms, if they came back to life now, whether they've died and gone to heaven, there's a universe. My laptop is 10 thousand million times the size of the universe that they lived in when Barricelli quit the project.","es":"Estas m\u00e1quinas podr\u00edan pensar, estos organismos, si volvieran a la vida ahora, que murieron y fueron al cielo, hay un universo, mi laptop es 10 mil millones de veces el tama\u00f1o del universo en el que vivieron cuando Barricelli dej\u00f3 el proyecto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And here's the crucial thing: there is such a thing as a defect in a story.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 el punto crucial. Hay algo as\u00ed como un defecto en la historia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Made perfect sense.","es":"Ten\u00eda toda la raz\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"No. I think he's trying to say that jealousy reveals us to ourselves.","es":"No. Creo que est\u00e1 tratando de decir que los celos nos revelan a nosotros mismos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Why can't we make some waves?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no podemos hacer olas?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"We'll just make it out of old bicycle parts using a windmill, as William Kamkwamba did.","es":"Construiremos uno con partes viejas de bicicleta usando un molino de viento, como hizo William Kamkwamba."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Enter Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas in 1954; legal separation of the races is now illegal.","es":"Con el caso Brown contra La Junta de Educaci\u00f3n de Topeka, Kansas en 1954 la legalizada segregaci\u00f3n racial es ahora ilegal."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Notice people are applauding for us.","es":"La gente nos est\u00e1 aplaudiendo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We pick those words out.","es":"Las seleccionamos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Egyptologists have always known the site of Itjtawy was located somewhere near the pyramids of the two kings who built it, indicated within the red circles here, but somewhere within this massive flood plain.","es":"Los egipt\u00f3logos siempre han sabido que Ity-tauy estaba ubicado en alg\u00fan lugar cerca de las pir\u00e1mides de los dos reyes que las construyeron, indicadas dentro de los c\u00edrculos rojos aqu\u00ed, pero en alg\u00fan lugar dentro de esta enorme planicie de aluvi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That means we need to find new material systems that are not petroleum-based.","es":"Esto significa que debemos encontrar nuevos sistemas de materiales que no deriven del petr\u00f3leo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The corruption I'm talking about is perfectly legal.","es":"La corrupci\u00f3n de la que hablo es perfectamente legal."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And my hope is that some of you out there may be able to help us.","es":"Y espero que algunos de Uds nos puedan ayudar a hacerlo posible."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The man in that photo is named David Kirby and it was taken in 1990 as he was dying from AIDS-related illness, and it was subsequently published in \"Life Magazine.\" The only real thing separating me from Kirby is about 30 years of medical advancements in the way that we treat HIV and AIDS.","es":"El hombre de la foto se llama David Kirby y fue tomada en 1990 mientras mor\u00eda de una enfermedad causada por SIDA y publicada luego en \"Life Magazine\" La \u00fanica verdadera cosa que me separa de Kirby son 30 a\u00f1os de avances m\u00e9dicos en la manera que combatimos el SIDA y el VIH."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It takes more than a decade of training to be a good dermatologist.","es":"Convertirse en un buen dermat\u00f3logo toma m\u00e1s de una d\u00e9cada de capacitaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The key is a set of molecules known as siRNA. siRNA are short sequences of genetic code that guide a cell to block a certain gene.","es":"La clave es un conjunto de mol\u00e9culas conocidas como ARNip. El ARNip son peque\u00f1as secuencias de c\u00f3digo gen\u00e9tico que llevan a la c\u00e9lula a bloquear cierto gen."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I even took a job at Google, where very fast I drank the Kool-Aid and believed almost wholeheartedly that technology could solve all social problems.","es":"Consegu\u00ed empleo en Google, y muy pronto me transform\u00e9 en un adepto de su cultura, que cre\u00eda casi de todo coraz\u00f3n que la tecnolog\u00eda pod\u00eda resolver los problemas sociales."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I will do exactly as I'm told.","es":"Voy a hacer exactamente lo que me dice."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But, we're absolutely clueless as to what this is or what it should be.","es":"Pero no tenemos la menor idea de qu\u00e9 es eso o qu\u00e9 deber\u00eda ser."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This man ran across four lanes of freeway traffic in the middle of the night to bring me back to safety after a car accident that could have killed me.","es":"Este hombre corri\u00f3 por cuatro carriles de la autopista en medio de la noche para llevarme a un lugar seguro despu\u00e9s de un accidente de auto que me pudo haber matado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So it has to come out of you and out into the open for people to see.","es":"Entonces tiene que salir de uno y salir a la luz para que la gente lo vea."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I see a lot of elderly people who are hearing-impaired or visually impaired.","es":"Veo un mont\u00f3n de personas de edad avanzada con dificultades auditivas o visuales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"To ease the situation, the engineers at the IBM lab in Kenya are piloting a solution called Megaffic, which initially was designed by the Japanese engineers.","es":"Para aliviar la situaci\u00f3n, los ingenieros del laboratorio de IBM en Kenia est\u00e1n probando una soluci\u00f3n llamada Megaffic, inicialmente dise\u00f1ada por ingenieros japoneses."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"One is fast food, where everything is standardized.","es":"Uno es el de comida r\u00e1pida, donde todo est\u00e1 estandarizado."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This is one of these hydrothermal vents. Six hundred degree F water coming out of the Earth.","es":"\u00c9ste es uno de esos respiraderos hidrotermales, agua a 316\u00b0C saliendo de la Tierra."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"No.","es":"No."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And the people who provide those capabilities to us, the YouTubes, the Facebooks, the Twitters and TEDs, are in the business of having to police us, or being on the hook for contributory infringement.","es":"Y la gente que nos brinda esas posibilidades los YouTubes, los Facebooks, los Twitters y los TEDs se ocupar\u00e1n de vigilarnos o est\u00e1n a la caza de infracciones."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Today, we're building a custom-made hidden camera, like the one that Mary was wearing in her dress to film the intimidation meeting of the ruling political party.","es":"Hoy en d\u00eda estamos haciendo c\u00e1maras a la medida, como la que tra\u00eda Mary en su vestido para filmar la junta de intimidaci\u00f3n del partido pol\u00edtico en el poder."} -{"gender":"female","en":"From sexuality and mental health to poverty and incarceration.","es":"Desde la sexualidad hasta la salud mental, desde la pobreza hasta la prisi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And the year was about, I think it was 1988, so it was the end of the Cold War.","es":"Creo que fue en el a\u00f1o 1988, era el final de la Guerra Fr\u00eda."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And the same weapons are still here, and they are still armed.","es":"Y las mismas armas todav\u00eda est\u00e1n aqu\u00ed, todav\u00eda estamos armados."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If there's a male mosquito that you release, and if there's a female around, that male will find the female.","es":"Si liberan un mosquito macho, y si hay alguna hembra alrededor, este macho la encontrar\u00e1."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Nope. I tried again: \"All those present held their breath?\"","es":"No. Intent\u00e9 de nuevo: \"\u00bfLos presentes contuvieron la respiraci\u00f3n?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"I know folks said to me they believe it was one of the greatest errors in the history of the United States.","es":"Conozco gente que me ha dicho que fue una de las mejores eras en la historia de los Estados Unidos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"When I got to the north of Chad, I found a different kind of volcano. These had had their entire exteriors stripped away, and all that was left was the old core, and in the middle of the Sahara, I felt like I was seeing the earth with its living skin stripped away.","es":"Cuando llegu\u00e9 al norte de Chad, encontr\u00e9 otro tipo de volc\u00e1n, con su exterior totalmente erosionado y lo \u00fanico que quedaba era el antiguo n\u00facleo. All\u00ed, en medio del Sahara, parec\u00eda como si a la Tierra le hubiesen arrancado la piel viva."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So here's my concern.","es":"As\u00ed que aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 mi preocupaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Then we trace those threads of potential out into the future, asking: What might it feel like to live in this future?","es":"Y seguimos el rastro de este potencial hasta el futuro para preguntarnos \u00bfc\u00f3mo ser\u00eda vivir en ese futuro?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Chris Anderson: Daniel, my friend.","es":"Chris Anderson: Daniel, amigo m\u00edo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I've also told quite a few of my patients that if they could bring into their relationships one tenth of the boldness, the imagination and the verve that they put into their affairs, they probably would never need to see me.","es":"Y le he dicho a una buena cantidad de mis pacientes que si pudieran llevar a sus relaciones una d\u00e9cima parte de la audacia, la imaginaci\u00f3n y el br\u00edo que ponen en sus aventuras, probablemente nunca tendr\u00edan que verme."} -{"gender":"female","en":"There are actually moves in the US right now to get rid of some government statistics altogether.","es":"Hay movimientos en EE. UU. actualmente para eliminar algunas estad\u00edsticas gubernamentales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is a project I did for the Sundance Film Festival.","es":"Este es un proyecto que hice para el Festival de Cine de Sundance."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Incredibly complex.","es":"Incre\u00edblemente compleja."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You have to try very hard to get outside of this.","es":"Hay que esforzarse mucho para salir de esto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They use what I call a highly tuned chemical arsenal to protect themselves from all the stresses of their environment.","es":"Utilizan lo que yo llamo un arsenal qu\u00edmico altamente sintonizado para protegerse de todas las tensiones de su entorno."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so I started doing this regularly.","es":"As\u00ed empec\u00e9 a hacer esto de forma regular."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I'd want one that could play, too.","es":"Pero querr\u00eda uno que pudiera jugar, tambi\u00e9n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I read the obituaries almost every day.","es":"He estado leyendo obituarios casi todos los d\u00edas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Months later, she was joking that her husband had threatened to pull her out of the classes, as he found out that his now literate wife was going through his phone text messages.","es":"Meses despu\u00e9s, ella bromeaba de que su esposo la hab\u00eda amenazado con sacarla de la clase, al enterarse de que su esposa ahora le\u00eda y escrib\u00eda y que pod\u00eda ver los mensajes texto de su tel\u00e9fono."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Just 600 cities, including 30 megacities, account for two thirds of global GDP.","es":"Tan solo 600 ciudades, incluidas 30 megaciudades, representan dos tercios del PIB mundial."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And somehow it will all make sense.","es":"Y de alguna manera todo tendr\u00e1 sentido."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Oh God, that's so much, and that's so embarrassing.\"","es":"\u00a1Ay Dios! Es mucho y tan vergonzoso\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But it turns out that regret feels awful in four very specific and consistent ways.","es":"Pero resulta que uno se siente terrible lament\u00e1ndose de 4 maneras espec\u00edficas y constantes."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's the female trend, and it's the sustainability trend, that are going to create some of the most interesting investment opportunities in the years to come.","es":"La tendencia femenina y la tendencia de sostenibilidad van a constituir una de las oportunidades de inversi\u00f3n m\u00e1s interesantes en los pr\u00f3ximos a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So we look for planets that orbit at just the right distance from their stars.","es":"As\u00ed que buscamos planetas que orbiten a la distancia justa de sus estrellas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"There's no organic method.","es":"No hay m\u00e9todo org\u00e1nico."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But you have to have the right tools.","es":"Pero se necesitan las herramientas adecuadas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"In the background there is a very sophisticated anesthesia machine.","es":"Al fondo hay una m\u00e1quina de anestesia muy sofisticada."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So really, what are we talking about here? Oh, tech joy. Tech joy, to me, means something, because I get a lot of joy out of tech.","es":"Entonces, en verdad, \u00bfde qu\u00e9 estamos hablando? ah, disfrute tech. El Disfrute tech, para m\u00ed, significa algo, porque disfruto mucho de la tecnolog\u00eda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I've got this experience, I'm in the world.","es":"Tengo esta experiencia, estoy en el mundo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I said, \"I don't know anything about personality. You know? I don't know. Do you think you've got the right person?\"","es":"Les dije: \"Yo no s\u00e9 nada sobre personalidad, no s\u00e9, \u00bfcreen que hablan con la persona indicada?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"Uses very, very little power.","es":"Que use muy poca energ\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Or at least, that's what you say when you identify yourself.","es":"O al menos, eso es lo que dices cuando te identificas a ti mismo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So for every hundred dollars you spend doing that, you get 40 extra years of education.","es":"Entonces, por cada cien d\u00f3lares que gastes haciendo eso, tu obtienes 40 a\u00f1os adicionales de educaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Newspapers talk about the changing timetable of adulthood.","es":"Los peri\u00f3dicos hablan sobre cambios en la l\u00ednea del tiempo de la adultez."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The reason is that in nature, there is no one there that actually takes my head and screws it onto my neck, or takes my skin and glues it onto my body.","es":"La raz\u00f3n es que en la naturaleza, no hay nadie que tome mi cabeza y la atornille al cuello, o que tome mi piel y la pegue en mi cuerpo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I think failure is important because if you go, if you experiment, you can fail.","es":"Creo que el fracaso es importante porque si uno experimenta, puede fallar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Gay marriage was on the ballot in the form of Proposition 8, and as the election returns started to come in, it became clear that the right for same sex couples to marry, which had recently been granted by the California courts, was going to be taken away.","es":"El matrimonio gay estaba en la papeleta en el formulario de la Proposici\u00f3n 8, y a medida que llegaban los resultados de las elecciones se hizo evidente que el derecho de las parejas del mismo sexo a contraer matrimonio, concedido por los tribunales de California, iba a anularse."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You're seeing what can be done.","es":"Demuestran lo que se puede hacer."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"He started showing the symptoms about 12 years ago, and he was officially diagnosed in 2005.","es":"Los s\u00edntomas comenzaron a aparecer hace unos 12 a\u00f1os, y el diagn\u00f3stico se hizo oficial en 2005."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"How many of us have children or grandchildren, nieces, nephews?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1ntos de nosotros tenemos hijos o nietos, sobrinas, sobrinos?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"It was a big thing for us, and now all my sisters are off having babies and the boys are all getting married, so we're staying close to home for, I guess, another couple of weeks.","es":"Fue algo grande para nosotros, y ahora todas mis hermanas est\u00e1n teniendo beb\u00e9s y los chicos se est\u00e1n casando, as\u00ed que nos quedamos cerca de casa, creo, por otro par de semanas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But they don't define our value, and they shouldn't limit our earning potential.","es":"Pero no definen nuestro valor y no deber\u00edan limitar nuestro potencial de ganancias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That's shown in what I consider to be the most scary economic statistic of our time.","es":"Eso se muestra en lo que considero que es la estad\u00edstica econ\u00f3mica m\u00e1s aterradora de nuestro tiempo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I am an engineering professor, and for the past 14 years I've been teaching crap.","es":"Soy profesor de ingenier\u00eda y los \u00faltimos 14 a\u00f1os he estado ense\u00f1ando mierda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I grew up in Mobile, Alabama, somebody's got to be from Mobile, right?, and Mobile sits at the confluence of five rivers, forming this beautiful delta.","es":"Crec\u00ed en Mobile, Alabama. Alguien ten\u00eda que ser de Mobile, \u00bfno? Y Mobile est\u00e1 emplazado en la confluencia de 5 r\u00edos que forman este hermoso delta."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's something we should do in all the schools in the world.","es":"Eso es algo que debemos hacer en todas las escuelas del mundo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's really, really important that we express our compassion.","es":"Es muy, muy importante que expresamos nuestra compasi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"If there were no massive objects these things would go flying off, or at least go at a much slower rate because all that determines how they go around is how much mass is inside its orbit.","es":"Si no hubiera objetos masivos, estas cosas se ir\u00edan flotando, o se mover\u00edan a una velocidad mucho menor porque lo que determina c\u00f3mo se mueven es cu\u00e1nta masa hay dentro de su \u00f3rbita."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, it's not as if it's all rosy in the marital bed either.","es":"Y no es que en la cama matrimonial todo sea color de rosa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The members of the Association are shocked to realize that it's the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge, who hadn't even left his house in years until that day.","es":"Los miembros de la Asociaci\u00f3n se sorprenden al darse cuenta que se trata del poeta Samuel Taylor Coleridge, que ni siquiera hab\u00eda salido de su casa durante a\u00f1os hasta ese d\u00eda."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That's what TV does.","es":"Eso es lo que hace la TV."} -{"gender":"female","en":"He was six.","es":"\u00c9l ten\u00eda seis."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is the biggest global art participatory project that's going on.","es":"Este es el mayor proyecto global de arte participativo en curso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"They like to play around.","es":"Les gusta jugar por ah\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But yet, that's me with my great-grandfather, and by the way, they are not his real ears.","es":"Pero s\u00ed, \u00e9sta soy yo con mi bisabuelo, y, a prop\u00f3sito, esas no son sus orejas de verdad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And more than in Haiti, this produces really smoky fires, and this is where you see the health impacts of cooking with cow dung and biomass as a fuel.","es":"Y m\u00e1s que en Hait\u00ed, esto produce fuegos realmente humeantes, y aqu\u00ed es donde realmente se ven los impactos en la salud de cocinar con esti\u00e9rcol de vaca y biomasa como combustible."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We'll pay your fees.","es":"Vamos a pagar sus gastos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I know when I'm licked.\"","es":"S\u00e9 cuando estoy maldito.\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"They lack retention; you find yourself re-explaining concepts three months later, wholesale.","es":"Se olvidan de todo r\u00e1pidamente; se encuentra de pronto volviendo a explicar los mismos conceptos tres meses despu\u00e9s."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And as a musician and composer, when I hear that word, something like this is floating through my mind.","es":"Y como m\u00fasica y compositora, cuando oigo esa palabra, algo est\u00e1 flotando en mi mente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so what you're doing is you're separating the urine, which has 80 percent of the nitrogen and 50 percent of the phosphorus, and then that can then be treated and precipitated to form things like struvite, which is a high-value fertilizer, and then the fecal material can then be disinfected and again converted to high-value end products.","es":"Y se est\u00e1 separando la orina que tiene un 80 % del nitr\u00f3geno y un 50 % del f\u00f3sforo, que luego puede ser tratada y precipitada para obtener estruvita, que es un fertilizante de alto valor, y la materia fecal puede desinfectarse y convertirse tambi\u00e9n en productos de alto valor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And the only explanation I can have for some of what you've been hearing in the last four days is that it arises, in fact, out of a form of love.","es":"Y la \u00fanica explicaci\u00f3n que puedo encontrar por lo que hemos estado escuchando en estos \u00faltimos cuatro d\u00edas es que surge, de hecho, de una forma de amor."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The problem is their enforcement mechanisms are a complete black box, and there is collateral damage.","es":"El problema es que sus mecanismos de aplicaci\u00f3n son una absoluta caja negra y no hay da\u00f1os colaterales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I was like, what?","es":"No pod\u00eda creerlo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I want to show you guys some river wiggles here.","es":"Ahora quiero mostrarles los serpenteos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm 43 years old right now. For the last 40 years, I have seen almost the same faces for kings and presidents ruling us, old, aged, authoritarian, corrupt situations, regimes that we have seen around us.","es":"Ahora tengo 43 a\u00f1os y en los \u00faltimos 40 he visto casi los mismos rostros en los reyes y presidentes que nos gobiernan: son viejos, ancianos, autoritarios, vi actos de corrupci\u00f3n en los reg\u00edmenes que nos rodeaban."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It is about food, but it's not about cooking, per se.","es":"Es sobre la comida, pero no es sobre la cocina en s\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You have to be kind of smart, and though I did not graduate from college doesn't mean I'm stupid, because you cannot be stupid and do very much in the world today.","es":"Tienes que ser inteligente, aunque que no me graduase en la universidad no quiere decir que sea est\u00fapido, porque no puedes ser est\u00fapido y hacer mucho en el mundo hoy en d\u00eda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It is not God that I do not accept.","es":"No es Dios al que yo no acepto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Anthony James took good precautions.","es":"Anthony James tom\u00f3 buenas precauciones."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This might be somewhat difficult to grasp now that we use the word \"awesome\" to describe a new app or a viral video.","es":"Esto podr\u00eda ser algo dif\u00edcil de entender ahora que usamos la palabra \"asombroso\" para describir una nueva aplicaci\u00f3n o un v\u00eddeo viral."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The class at MIT shows the killer app for personal fabrication in the developed world is technology for a market of one: personal expression in technology that touches a passion unlike anything I've seen in technology for a very long time.","es":"La clase en el MIT muestra que la aplicaci\u00f3n definitiva para la fabricaci\u00f3n personal en el mundo desarrollado es la tecnolog\u00eda para un mercado de uno: la expresi\u00f3n personal en la tecnolog\u00eda que toca una pasi\u00f3n como nada que yo haya visto en la tecnolog\u00eda desde hace mucho tiempo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Bhutan For Life gives us the time we need.","es":"But\u00e1n Por la Vida nos da el tiempo necesario."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They're watching what we say and what we write and trying to figure out what's going to stick and what's not going to stick. They have to gamble, because they want to appear cutting edge and catch the words that are going to make it, such as LOL, but they don't want to appear faddish and include the words that aren't going to make it, and I think a word that they're watching right now is YOLO, you only live once.","es":"Observan lo que se dice y lo que se escribe, y tratan de descubrir las palabras que se quedar\u00e1n y las que no. Tienen que apostar porque quieren parecer de vanguardia al descubrir las palabras que lo van a lograr, como LOL<\/i>, y no quieren parecer flor de un d\u00eda al incluir palabras que desaparecer\u00e1n, y creo que la palabra que est\u00e1n observando ahora es YOLO<\/i> ."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And suddenly, this young black teenager, who I'd never had a meaningful conversation or interaction with, I was able to connect with, because my own mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer, and I could feel his pain.","es":"Y de pronto, este adolescente negro, con el que no hab\u00eda tenido la m\u00e1s m\u00ednima interacci\u00f3n o conversaci\u00f3n, era capaz de conectar con \u00e9l, porque mi propia madre hab\u00eda sido diagnosticada con c\u00e1ncer de pecho, y pude sentir su dolor."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But just as important is what the 86 billion neurons mean.","es":"Pero igual de importante es lo que significan esas 86 mil millones de neuronas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That's a strangely simple, and yet unexplored idea, right?","es":"Esto es una idea extra\u00f1amente simple, y aun inexplorada, no?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"And so we came in with a second round of patient capital to A to Z, a loan as well as a grant, so that A to Z could play with pricing and listen to the marketplace, and found a number of things.","es":"As\u00ed que entramos otra vez con una segunda ronda de capital paciente para A to Z, un pr\u00e9stamo y tambi\u00e9n una beca, para que A to Z pudiera jugar con los precios y escuchar al mercado; y encontraron varias cosas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"They are open-minded in the face of ambiguity.","es":"Tienen actitud abierta frente a la ambig\u00fcedad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Why do I listen to people in the audience?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 le escucho al p\u00fablico?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Let me tell you how I feel when I see my wrinkles in the mirror and I realize that some parts of me have dropped and I can't find them down there.","es":"Les contar\u00e9 qu\u00e9 siento al ver mis arrugas frente al espejo y ver que se me han ca\u00eddo algunas cosas y no las puedo encontrar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But what lifted my heart and strengthened my soul was that even though this was the case, although they were not seen as ordinary, this could only mean one thing: that they were extraordinary, autistic and extraordinary.","es":"Pero lo que impuls\u00f3 a mi coraz\u00f3n y fortaleci\u00f3 mi alma fue que incluso si ese era el caso, aunque no los consideraran dentro de lo ordinario, eso solo podr\u00eda significar una cosa: que eran extraordinarios autistas y extraordinarios."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I mean, some people wanted him to be called \"Chief Magistrate Washington,\" and other people, \"His Highness, George Washington,\" and other people, \"Protector of the Liberties of the People of the United States of America Washington.\"","es":"Algunos quisieron llamarlo \"Jefe de Estado Washington\", y otros, \"Su Alteza George Washington\", y otros \"Defensor de las Libertades del Pueblo de EE.UU. Washington\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I want us all to change the verb.","es":"Quiero que todos nosotros cambiemos el verbo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"After all, it is as old as existence itself.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de todo, es tan antigua como la propia existencia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My kids' raviolis are organic and full of things like spinach and ricotta, because I have the luxury of choice when it comes to what my children eat.","es":"Los raviolis de mis hijos son org\u00e1nicos y llenos de cosas como espinacas y ricota, porque tengo el lujo de la elecci\u00f3n cuando se trata de lo que comen mis hijos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Third, ems are poor.","es":"Tercero, los ems son pobres."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The younger, maybe not.","es":"Los m\u00e1s j\u00f3venes probablemente no ."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And by tiny, I mean really.","es":"Y con diminutas, quiero decir muy diminutas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, I've looked at thousands of these marketplaces, and trust and efficiency are always the critical ingredients.","es":"He observado cientos de estos mercados, y la confianza y la eficiencia son siempre los ingredientes cr\u00edticos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, I'm from New York, so it's 100 percent satisfaction here.","es":"Bien, soy neoyorquino as\u00ed que en eso hay un 100 % de satisfacci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This image is also black and white, so we don't really know what is the color of everything in here.","es":"Esta imagen tambi\u00e9n es en blanco y negro, por lo que no se sabe muy bien el color de todo aqu\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We ruin their reputations, we crush their ratings and reviews.","es":"Arruinamos su reputaci\u00f3n, aplastamos sus calificaciones y comentarios."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The fact is, many of us actually don't believe the science.","es":"La verdad es que muchos no creen en la ciencia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Which is true of all of us when you think about it, young and old alike.","es":"Algo cierto para todos nosotros si lo piensan, j\u00f3venes y ancianos por igual."} -{"gender":"female","en":"He took a snippet of viral DNA and he inserted it into the papaya genome.","es":"Tom\u00f3 un segmento del ADN viral y lo insert\u00f3 en el genoma de la papaya."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Constantly, people want to help out, right?","es":"Constantemente, la gente quiere ayudar, \u00bfno?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Soil scientists at Washington State University, the grad students, anyway, are working to compost teeth with amalgam fillings so that we can understand what happens to the mercury therein.","es":"Cient\u00edficos del suelo de la Universidad Estatal de Washington, estudiantes de postgrado, por lo menos, trabajan para transformar dientes en compost con rellenos de amalgama para que podamos entender lo que sucede con el mercurio de dentro."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This is Donna.","es":"Ella es Donna."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is Maezza, and when she was seven years old, she came home from school one day, and like I do every single day, I asked her, \"What did you do today?\"","es":"Y a los 7 a\u00f1os, un d\u00eda al volver de la escuela, como todos los d\u00edas, le pregunt\u00e9: \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 hiciste hoy?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"So if we are to find any meaning in this book, then we have to really engage it, and wrestle with it.","es":"As\u00ed que si vamos a encontrarle alg\u00fan sentido a este libro, tenemos que comprometernos de verdad, que pelear con \u00e9l."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I did competition model airplanes.","es":"Pero si particip\u00e9 en competiciones de aeromodelismo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And the engineers were waiting for the designers to say, \"This is the problem that we've created, now help us solve it.\"","es":"Y los ingenieros estaban esperando a que los dise\u00f1adores dijesen, \"Este es el problema que hemos creado, ahora ayudadnos a resolverlo\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We put together a research consortium.","es":"Juntamos un consorcio de investigaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But one with an immense chalkboard in the middle, with lots of little areas of dinosaur rock if you could survive an expedition.","es":"Pero uno con una inmensa pizarra en medio. con montones de peque\u00f1as \u00e1reas de roca de dinosaurio si pudieras sobrevivir una expedici\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So we really need to think about looking at teacher attitudes and finding ways to change the attitudes, so that teachers are much more open and accepting of boy cultures in their classrooms.","es":"Por eso tenemos que pensar en analizar las actitudes docentes y encontrar maneras de cambiarlas, para que los docentes sean mucho m\u00e1s abiertos y acepten las culturas de los ni\u00f1os en sus aulas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so most experts, I think, would agree that concussion is not likely to be something that's happening on this outer surface of the brain, but rather it's something that's much deeper towards the center of the brain.","es":"Y as\u00ed, la mayor\u00eda de los expertos, creo, estar\u00edan de acuerdo en que la conmoci\u00f3n cerebral no es algo que ocurra en la superficie exterior del cerebro, sino mucho m\u00e1s profundamente hacia el centro del cerebro."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I'm going to go through that, at least the last hundred years or so, very quickly right now.","es":"Y voy a explicarlo, al menos los \u00faltimos cien a\u00f1os o as\u00ed, muy r\u00e1pidamente ahora."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So in this picture, you can see the middle of the leg, so the bone marrow, then you can see the original bone, and you can see where that original bone finishes, and just to the left of that is the new bone that's grown within that bioreactor cavity, and you can actually make it even larger.","es":"En esta imagen, pueden ver el centro de la pierna, es decir m\u00e9dula \u00f3sea, entonces pueden ver el hueso original y pueden ver donde el hueso original termina y justo a la izquierda de \u00e9ste es el hueso nuevo que ha crecido dentro de la cavidad bioreactora y de hecho se puede hacer m\u00e1s grande."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Maybe they looked at all that food we offered them and said, \"Thanks, I'm going to speed up so much that I'm going to make a new cell next century.","es":"Tal vez vieron toda la comida que les ofrecimos y dijeron: \"Gracias, voy a acelerar tanto que voy a hacer una nueva c\u00e9lula el pr\u00f3ximo siglo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But we are all in the market.","es":"No obstante, todos estamos en el mercado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Thanks a lot.","es":"Gracias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What I was witnessing was not only news, but also history.","es":"Lo que estaba presenciando no eran solo noticias, sino tambi\u00e9n historia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And because of that fear, we tend to do one of two things: We go into denial: \"It's not me, it has nothing to do with me, it's never going to happen to me.\"","es":"Y por culpa de ese miedo, tendemos a hacer una de estas dos cosas: Nos aferramos a la negaci\u00f3n: \"No soy yo, no tiene nada que ver conmigo, jam\u00e1s me pasar\u00e1 a m\u00ed\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, interestingly enough, I get a lot of emails from people who say, \"Is there any perceptual difference between males and females?\"","es":"Resulta muy interesante que recibo muchos correos de gente que dice: \u00bfexiste alguna diferencia de percepci\u00f3n entre hombres y mujeres?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"She's cool.","es":"Ella es genial."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It had been 15 years since I escaped that airfield, but the memory of those two lines had not escaped my mind.","es":"Hab\u00edan pasado 15 a\u00f1os desde que escap\u00e9 de ese aeropuerto, pero esas dos filas no se hab\u00edan ido de mi mente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"For them, environmental contamination may not be the worst sort of devastation.","es":"Para ellas, la contaminaci\u00f3n medioambiental no es el peor tipo de devastaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I said, \"50 kgs?","es":"Le dije: \"\u00bf50 kg.?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"We created an incredible amount of pictures, and the result, L\u00e9lia did the design of all my books, the design of all my shows.","es":"Cre\u00e9 una cantidad incre\u00edble de im\u00e1genes, y el resultado: L\u00e9lia hizo el dise\u00f1o de todos mis libros, el dise\u00f1o de todas mis muestras."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's a new bio-polycarbonate chair I'm doing in Italy.","es":"Es una policarbono, una nueva silla de bio-policarbonato que estoy haciendo en Italia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Science is clever, but great creativity is something less knowable, more magical.","es":"La ciencia es inteligente, pero la creatividad grandiosa es algo menos reconocible, m\u00e1s m\u00e1gico."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You nearly fall with one leg, then you catch yourself with the other. And the biggest consequence of walking on crutches, as I did for a year and a half, is that you walk slower.","es":"Uno est\u00e1 por caer en una pierna cuando con la otra se sostiene Y la gran consecuencia de caminar con muletas, cosa que hice durante un a\u00f1o y medio, es que uno camina m\u00e1s lento."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I dream of a future where menstruation is not a curse, not a disease, but a welcoming change in a girl's life.","es":"Sue\u00f1o con un futuro en el que la menstruaci\u00f3n no sea una maldici\u00f3n, ni una enfermedad, sino un cambio bienvenido en la vida de una ni\u00f1a."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So you see, we're navigating the web for the first time as if it's actually a web, not from page-to-page, but at a higher level of abstraction.","es":"Como ven, estamos navegando la Web por primera vez como si realmente fuera una red, no de p\u00e1gina en p\u00e1gina, sino a un nivel mayor de abstracci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"When I first came to the UK, 21 years ago, I was homesick.","es":"Cuando vine al Reino Unido hace 21 a\u00f1os, sent\u00eda nostalgia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Rupal Patel: That was the voice of Professor Stephen Hawking.","es":"Rupal Patel: Esa es la voz del Profesor Stephen Hawking."} -{"gender":"female","en":"MR: Yes, she was finding herself unable to walk up the stairs in our house to her bedroom, and after several months of doctors, she was diagnosed to have a rare, almost invariably fatal disease called pulmonary arterial hypertension.","es":"MR: S\u00ed, se dio cuenta de que no pod\u00eda subir sola por las escaleras de casa a su habitaci\u00f3n, y despu\u00e9s de meses de consultas m\u00e9dicas, fue diagnosticada con una enfermedad rara, casi mortal, llamada hipertensi\u00f3n arterial pulmonar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I did a little experiment. I went to the IMF, International Monetary Fund, website. They have a forecast for the next five years of GDP per capita. So I can use that to go five years into the future, assuming the income inequality of each country is the same.","es":"Hice un experimento, visit\u00e9 la web del Fondo Monetario Internacional. para ver el pron\u00f3stico del PIB en los pr\u00f3ximos 5 a\u00f1os, y poder usarlo como una predicci\u00f3n para los pr\u00f3ximos 5 a\u00f1os, siempre que la diferencia de ingresos entre los pa\u00edses sea la misma."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"CA: Can we take a look at this?","es":"CA: \u00bfEchamos un vistazo a esto?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Probably surrounded by cats nibbling at your remains.","es":"Probablemente rodeado de gatos mordisqueando sus restos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"You hear all these stories about people when they're pregnant, they get sick and they get tired.","es":"Se saben esas historias sobre las mujeres cuando est\u00e1n embarazadas, vomitan y se cansan."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I just hope she likes video games.","es":"Solo espero que le gusten los video juegos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Why wasn't there a legal way for her to study in Europe?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no exist\u00eda una v\u00eda legal para que estudiase en Europa?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's called \"Fashion Statement,\" and there are quotes about fashion, so you can read it, and also, because the definition of artist book is very generous.","es":"Se llama \"Declaraci\u00f3n de moda\", tiene citas sobre moda; porque se puede leer y tambi\u00e9n porque la definici\u00f3n de libro de artista es muy generosa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But one of the main reasons that we're doing that is because of our drive to destroy each other, and so the question we all should ask: is it our machines, or is it us that's wired for war?","es":"Pero una de las principales razones por las que hacemos esto se debe a nuestro instinto de destruirnos unos a otros. Por lo tanto, deber\u00edamos preguntarnos: \u00bfson nuestras m\u00e1quinas, o estamos auto dise\u00f1ados para la guerra?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"That's the million-dollar question, right?","es":"Es la pregunta del mill\u00f3n, \u00bfverdad?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"And Independent Diplomat, today, tries to incorporate some of the things I learned at ?What If!.","es":"Y Diplom\u00e1tico Independiente, hoy, trata de incorporar algunas de las cosas que aprend\u00ed en ?What If!"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I love that phrase.","es":"Me encanta esa frase."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This is good.","es":"Esto es bueno."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Try to imagine what the surface of Titan might look like.","es":"Intenta imaginar c\u00f3mo es la superficie de Tit\u00e1n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But I was not talking about structural change.","es":"Pero no estaba haciendo un cambio estructural."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Because you are, aren't you?","es":"Porque lo son, \u00bfo no?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"The encounter between these two giants, Michelangelo and Julius II, that's what gave us the Sistine Chapel.","es":"El encuentro entre estos dos gigantes, Miguel \u00c1ngel y Julio II nos dej\u00f3 la Capilla Sixtina."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The second is: I was Deaf.","es":"La segunda: yo era sorda."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Governance.","es":"Gobierno."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Another explanation that you often hear for recklessness is hubris.","es":"Otra explicaci\u00f3n que se oye con frecuencia sobre la negligencia, es por arrogancia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Who will start me with $1,000?","es":"\u00bfQui\u00e9n va a empezar con 1,000 d\u00f3lares?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"In her mind, she's still surfing in the ocean.","es":"En su mente, todav\u00eda hace surf en el mar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I like it as a component of global change to talk about, because, even if you are a hard-bitten global warming skeptic, and I talk to that community fairly often, you cannot deny the simple physics of CO2 dissolving in the ocean.","es":"Me gusta hablar de eso como componente del cambio global porque incluso si son muy esc\u00e9pticos del calentamiento global, y hablo a esa comunidad con bastante frecuencia, no pueden negar la f\u00edsica simple del CO2 que se disuelve en el oc\u00e9ano."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It was the first time that I existed inside a fully-functioning self, one that I controlled, that I steered, that I gave life to.","es":"Por primera vez exist\u00eda adentro de un s\u00ed mismo que funcionaba a pleno, que controlaba, que conduc\u00eda, y al que le daba vida."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In my junior year, my computer graphics professor showed us these wonderful short films.","es":"En mi primer a\u00f1o, mi profesor de dise\u00f1o gr\u00e1fico digital nos mostr\u00f3 unos cortos maravillosos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is when the band had hit our first machine, so things were really cranking.","es":"Aqu\u00ed fue cuando la banda tuvo \u00e9xito con la Internet y las cosas estaban arrancando bien."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I do something, put it back down again.","es":"Hago algo, vuelvo a bajarlo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"What does it mean, \"dough becomes leaven\"?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 significa que la masa se convierta en levadura?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But it was changed. It was changed by a decision.","es":"Pero la situaci\u00f3n cambi\u00f3 y cambi\u00f3 por una decisi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We can inject these dyes into the bloodstream, so that when we do a new vessel and we bypass a blockage on the heart, we can see if we actually made the connection, before we close that patient back up again, something that we haven't been able to do without radiation before.","es":"Podemos inyectar estos tintes en el torrente sangu\u00edneo, para que cuando hagamos un puente coronario y conectemos una vena al coraz\u00f3n, podamos ver si realmente hicimos la conexi\u00f3n, antes de cerrar al paciente. Algo que no hemos podido hacer, sin radiaci\u00f3n anteriormente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And that idea of a partial glimpse is something that will come back in a lot of the work I'll be showing later today.","es":"Y esa idea de ver s\u00f3lo un fragmento es algo que volver\u00e1n a ver en muchos de los trabajos que les estar\u00e9 ense\u00f1ando mas adelante en el d\u00eda de hoy."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If we eat raw food, we cannot release really the energy.","es":"Si comemos alimentos crudos no podemos liberar realmente la energ\u00eda."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And basically, these three quotes tell what's going on.","es":"B\u00e1sicamente estas tres citas expresan lo qu\u00e9 pasa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I did want to have peacemaking centers in every community.","es":"Quer\u00eda construir centros pacificadores en todas las comunidades."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And what it's trying to do is turn that penguin inside-out, so it can eat the meat off the bones, and then it goes off and gets another one.","es":"Est\u00e1 tratando de obtener el rev\u00e9s del ping\u00fcino para separar la carne de los huesos y luego se va y consigue otro."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It can either mean a good place, or no place.","es":"Puede significar \"un buen lugar\" o \"ning\u00fan lugar\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"About 12 percent of the land around the world is now protected: safeguarding biodiversity, providing a carbon sink, generating oxygen, protecting watersheds.","es":"Cerca del 12 por ciento de la tierra en el mundo est\u00e1 ahora protegida, salvaguardando la biodiversidad, proveyendo un sif\u00f3n para el carbono, generando ox\u00edgeno, protegiendo las reservas naturales."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Like many urban schools with high poverty rates, we face numerous challenges, like finding teachers who can empathize with the complexities of a disadvantaged community, lack of funding for technology, low parental involvement and neighborhood gangs that recruit children as early as fourth grade.","es":"Como muchas escuelas urbanas con altos niveles de pobreza, enfrentamos numerosos desaf\u00edos, como encontrar maestros que pudieran empatizar con los complejos de una comunidad en desventaja, falta de fondos para tecnolog\u00eda, poca participaci\u00f3n de padres y pandillas que reclutaban ni\u00f1os desde cuarto grado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My littler brother, a basketball-obsessed kid, had become and transformed into an accomplished young man.","es":"Mi hermano peque\u00f1o, un chico loco por el baloncesto, se hab\u00eda convertido y transformado en un joven consumado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"He was in Cyprus right after the Turkish invasion.","es":"Estuvo en Chipre justo despu\u00e9s de la invasi\u00f3n turca."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It is really in this sense of discovery that I have a new set of questions that I'm asking.","es":"Es en este sentido de descubrimiento en el que me planteo muchas preguntas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Fair enough.","es":"Muy bien."} -{"gender":"male","en":"38,931; double that to get 77,862.","es":"38.760; el doble es 77,862."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We do.","es":"Nosotros."} -{"gender":"male","en":"\"Mr. Irby, I can't read.","es":"\"Sr. Irby, no s\u00e9 leer."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Some decades back, I was taught out of a similar alphabet sheet.","es":"Hace unas d\u00e9cadas estudi\u00e9 con una hoja del alfabeto similar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In the northern part of New Zealand, I dove in the blue water, where the water's a little warmer, and photographed animals like this giant sting ray swimming through an underwater canyon.","es":"En la parte norte de Nueva Zelanda, buce\u00e9 en el agua azul, donde el agua est\u00e1 algo m\u00e1s c\u00e1lida, y fotografi\u00e9 animales como esta raya l\u00e1tigo gigante nadando atrav\u00e9s de un ca\u00f1\u00f3n submarino."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It is a fact that when our organs or tissues are injured, our bone marrow releases stem cells into our circulation.","es":"Es un hecho que cuando los \u00f3rganos o los tejidos se lesionan nuestra m\u00e9dula \u00f3sea libera c\u00e9lulas madre a la circulaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They are really, really good at concentrating on things and being exact and they ask amazing questions like, \"What?\" and \"Why?\" and \"How?\" and \"What if?\"","es":"Son muy, muy buenas para concentrarse en cosas, ser exactas y hacerse preguntas incre\u00edbles como: \"\u00bfQu\u00e9?\", \"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?\", \"\u00bfC\u00f3mo? y \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 tal si?\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's too complex and difficult to change.","es":"Que es demasiado complejo y dif\u00edcil de cambiar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is your senses, pouring into your senses every second.","es":"Estos son los sentidos invirtiendo m\u00e1s en ellos cada segundo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And what happened was that New York City, to a degree, ate my identity because people began to copy it.","es":"Y lo que sucedio fue identidad que New York City en buena medida se comi\u00f3 mi identidad pues la gente empezo a copiarlo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"RHex's foot started off to be quite simple, then it got tuned over time, and ultimately resulted in this half circle.","es":"El pie del RHex comenz\u00f3 como algo muy simple luego se fue refinando con el tiempo y finalmente termin\u00f3 en este semic\u00edrculo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's been seen nearly 200 million times this year.","es":"Lo vieron casi 200 millones de veces este a\u00f1o."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They could also make it worse.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n pueden empeorarlo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"AT: Let me give some of the background of what fish means for us.","es":"AT: Voy a dar unos antecedentes de lo que la pesca significa para nosotros."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My mother, Mai, was 18 when her father died, already in an arranged marriage, already with two small girls.","es":"My madre, Mai, ten\u00eda tan s\u00f3lo 18 a\u00f1os cuando su padre muri\u00f3, y un matrimonio concertado y dos ni\u00f1as peque\u00f1as."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I've seen it play out everywhere, from the forest communities of West Africa, to the rural fishing villages of Alaska.","es":"Y funciona en todos lados, desde los bosques de \u00c1frica occidental, hasta los pueblos pesqueros de Alaska."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's cool to talk about energy.","es":"Es lindo hablar de energ\u00eda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Feel free to quote me if I say something memorable, stupid, funny, whatever. I love seeing my name on Twitter.","es":"Si\u00e9ntanse libres de citarme si digo algo memorable, est\u00fapido, divertido, etc. Me encanta ver mi nombre en Twitter."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I been watching you and you're not two-faced.","es":"La he estado mirando y Ud. no es una hip\u00f3crita."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The bigger problem was that river and mudslide might wipe them out and flood the responders.","es":"El mayor problema era que el r\u00edo y el flujo de tierra podr\u00edan arrastrar y ahogar a los rescatadores."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And these allow them to hop.","es":"Y estos les permiten brincar."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Each year, 40 percent of the potential harvest is lost to pest and disease.","es":"Cada a\u00f1o, 40 % de la cosecha potencial se pierde por pestes y enfermedades."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's sort of like Thanksgiving with your conservative uncle on steroids, with a live television audience of millions.","es":"Es una especie de Acci\u00f3n de Gracias con su t\u00edo conservador con esteroides, con una audiencia de millones en directo por televisi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I said to my translator, \"What's going on, why is she crying?\"","es":"Le pregunt\u00e9 a la traductora: \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 est\u00e1 pasando? \u00bfPor qu\u00e9 llora?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"So what I'm doing is measuring from the bottom of one image to the bottom of the next image, about a fifth of a second later, like that.","es":"Y entonces lo que estoy haciendo es medir desde el fondo de una imagen hasta el fondo de la imagen siguiente, casi un quinto de segundo despu\u00e9s, as\u00ed, y se ponen cada vez mas r\u00e1pidas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The cars they picked didn't look like ex-cop cars that were hollowed out or something.","es":"Los autos de la empresa no parec\u00edan viejos coches policiales reciclados."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's really good.","es":"Es muy bueno."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You may know this feeling: you wake up to multiple unread notifications on your mobile phone.","es":"Puede que conozcan este sentimiento: se despiertan con m\u00faltiples notificaciones sin leer en su tel\u00e9fono m\u00f3vil."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But in the bottom of Pandora\u2019s box there\u2019s still hope, and I still hope 'cause I believe in people.","es":"Pero en el inferior de la caja de Pandora todav\u00eda hay esperanza, y todav\u00eda espero, porque creo en las personas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is an institute to actually give you back this time.","es":"Este es un instituto que, en realidad, va a devolver este momento."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I kept going back to that thing that Navid said to me that day in Azadi Square, that without that basic constraint, a universe that granted mass to matter, we would not exist.","es":"No hac\u00eda m\u00e1s que volver a lo que me dijo Navid aquel d\u00eda en la plaza Azadi, que sin esa restricci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica, de un universo que otorga masa a la materia, no existir\u00edamos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I made detailed spreadsheets of all the power brokers in the communities, who I needed to meet, where I needed to be, and I threw myself with gusto in these communities.","es":"Elabor\u00e9 complejas hojas de c\u00e1lculo sobre las personas influyentes del lugar, sobre a qui\u00e9n deb\u00eda conocer, sobre lugares donde deb\u00eda estar. Y me sumerg\u00ed con gusto en estas comunidades."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think it's probably the case that, in the human evolutionary lineage, even before there were homo sapiens, feelings like compassion and love and sympathy had earned their way into the gene pool, and biologists have a pretty clear idea of how this first happened.","es":"Creo que es probable que en el linaje evolutivo humano, incluso antes de la existencia del homo sapiens, sentimientos como la compasi\u00f3n, el amor y la simpat\u00eda ya se hubieran ganado un lugar en el acervo gen\u00e9tico, y los bi\u00f3logos tienen una idea clara de c\u00f3mo sucedi\u00f3 esto originalmente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And so she says, \"Momma, wanna play?\"","es":"\u00bfAs\u00ed que dice: \"Mami, \u00bfquieres jugar?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"I talked to a woman this past week whose father was a famous doctor.","es":"Habl\u00e9 con una mujer la semana pasada quien su padre fue un doctor famoso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And there's quite a complicated pathway for that because, as these products age, they get concentrated in dust, and then they also get thrown out, so they go to the landfills.","es":"Y hay un camino bastante complicado para ello porque, al envejecer nuestros productos, se reducen a polvo, y entonces tambi\u00e9n son tirados, se van a los rellenos sanitarios."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I'm talking to you about the worst form of human rights violation, the third-largest organized crime, a $10 billion industry.","es":"Les voy a hablar sobre la peor forma de violaci\u00f3n a los derechos humanos, el tercer mayor crimen organizado, una industria de 10 mil millones de d\u00f3lares."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Personally, I was praying for four more fires so we could finally complete the damn science.","es":"Personalmente yo rezaba por cuatro nuevos incendios para que finalmente tuvi\u00e9ramos certeza cient\u00edfica."} -{"gender":"female","en":"One day, after I'd heard about this website called DonorsChoose, where classroom teachers create wish lists of items they need for their classroom and anonymous donors fulfill them, I figured I'd go out on a limb and just make a wish list of the teenager's dream library.","es":"Un d\u00eda, despu\u00e9s de enterarme de este sitio web DonorsChoose, donde los maestros crean listas de deseos de los art\u00edculos que necesitan para su aula y los donantes an\u00f3nimos los cumplen, decid\u00ed arriesgarme y crear mi lista de la biblioteca de ensue\u00f1o de todo adolescente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We have to ban this.","es":"Se tiene que prohibir esto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When you talk to workers, that's what they want.","es":"Cuando uno habla con los obreros, eso es lo que quieren."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And they can use that task-specific odor in cuticular hydrocarbons, they can use that in their brief antennal contacts to somehow keep track of the rate at which they're meeting ants of certain tasks.","es":"Y pueden usar el olor espec\u00edfico de la tarea en los hidrocarburos cut\u00e1neos, pueden usar eso en sus breves contactos de antena para, de alguna manera, llevar la cuenta del ritmo al que se encuentran con hormigas de ciertas tareas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's because of the second slogan that I want to talk about.","es":"Por el segundo eslogan del que quiero hablar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I don't know what in the hell he's talking about.","es":"No se de qu\u00e9 demonios est\u00e1 hablando."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, the taxi associations, they legitimized the first layer of the trust stack.","es":"Ahora bien, las asociaciones de taxistas legitimaron la primera fase de la pila de confianza."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The question is, which letter is it if I unfold it?","es":"La pregunta es, \u00bfcu\u00e1l letra ser\u00e1 cuando la desdoble?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Women experience the double whammy of ageism and sexism, so we experience aging differently.","es":"Las mujeres experimentamos el doble golpe del edadismo y del sexismo, por eso experimentamos el edadismo de manera diferente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You can now deposit your recyclables in Vancouver or Berlin, and a family could withdraw building bricks or cell phone minutes in the slums of Manila.","es":"Ahora Uds. pueden depositar material para reciclar en Vancouver o en Berl\u00edn y una familia podr\u00eda retirar ladrillos o minutos de telefon\u00eda celular en los barrios pobres de Manila."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That really is my skin.","es":"Esta realmente es mi piel."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Then I wanted to search all the Chinese old wisdom about how I can live longer, and healthier.","es":"Despu\u00e9s quise buscar toda la vieja sabidur\u00eda china sobre c\u00f3mo vivir m\u00e1s tiempo y m\u00e1s sano."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And you're creating that randomness, that luck that is going to cause you to widen your travels, through your social universe.","es":"Y creamos esa aleatoriedad, esa suerte que nos har\u00e1 ampliar nuestros viajes, por el universo social."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So we would collect blood and medical histories, and require that all scientists using these resources would share results with each other and with the people who donated.","es":"As\u00ed que recogimos pruebas de sangre e historiales m\u00e9dicos y les exigimos a todos los cient\u00edficos que usaban estos recursos que compartan los resultados obtenidos entre ellos y con los donantes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well if 100, if we think of 100 as being like a square, 75 would look like this.","es":"Bueno, si 100 si pensamos 100 como un cuadrado 75 ser\u00eda algo as\u00ed."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's just different names.","es":"Son solo diferentes nombres."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So I completed my education, but I wanted to go to university.","es":"As\u00ed que termin\u00e9 mi educaci\u00f3n, pero quer\u00eda ir a la universidad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"A pagan came to him and offered to convert to Judaism if the rabbi could recite the whole of Jewish teaching while he stood on one leg.","es":"Un pagano se ofreci\u00f3 a convertirse al juda\u00edsmo si el rabino era capaz de recitar todas las ense\u00f1anzas jud\u00edas a la pata coja."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Our challenge is to find the compassion for others that we want them to have for us.","es":"Nuestro desaf\u00edo es encontrar la compasi\u00f3n por los dem\u00e1s que queremos que nos den a nosotros."} -{"gender":"male","en":"What we get is extremely sophisticated and effective networks of cooperation.","es":"Lo que obtenemos son redes de cooperaci\u00f3n sofisticadas y eficaces."} -{"gender":"female","en":"These were the low-tech approaches to the high-tech conversations I was having.","es":"Son enfoques poco sofisticados para las conversaciones de alta tecnolog\u00eda que entablaba."} -{"gender":"male","en":"When we think about the future, 10, 15 years out, give me a vision of what the future is.","es":"Al pensar acerca del futuro, de ahora en 10, 15 a\u00f1os, denme una visi\u00f3n de lo que es el futuro."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But it would be worse, except for that I happen to remember that over 20 years ago, when I was a teenager, when I first started telling people that I wanted to be a writer, I was met with this same sort of fear-based reaction.","es":"Pero ser\u00eda peor, excepto que recuerdo que hace m\u00e1s de 20 a\u00f1os, cuando empec\u00e9 a decir, cuando era una adolescente, que quer\u00eda ser una escritora, me top\u00e9 con este mismo tipo de reacci\u00f3n basada en miedo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But it's the stuff.","es":"Pero es la realidad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We are no one.","es":"Somos nadie."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This experience and this training lead me to get a wonderful job with the Wildlife Conservation Society, which works to save wildlife and wild places all over the world.","es":"Esta experiencia y esta preparaci\u00f3n me llevaron a obtener un maravilloso trabajo en la Sociedad de Conservaci\u00f3n de la Naturaleza, que trabaja para preservar la vida silvestre y los h\u00e1bitats naturales en todo el mundo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But it's not either the ability to bring millions onto the streets.","es":"Y tampoco es la capacidad para reunir a millones en las calles."} -{"gender":"male","en":"A few years later, I was invited to testify before Congress about my reporting, and I told lawmakers that, while everybody is talking about going green, some people are risking their lives to defend forests and to stop oil pipelines.","es":"Unos a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s, me invitaron a testificar ante el Congreso sobre mi informe, y le dije a los legisladores que mientras todos hablan de ecolog\u00eda, algunos arriesgan sus vidas para defender bosques y detener oleoductos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And it's known that migrating birds, for example, get very disoriented because of these offshore platforms.","es":"Se sabe que las aves migratorias, por ejemplo, se desorientan mucho con estas plataformas de alta mar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It was one of the most unequal co-authoring relationships ever, But I was glad to be the beneficiary of it.","es":"Fue una de las relaciones de coautor\u00eda m\u00e1s desiguales que ha habido pero me congratulo de ser el beneficiario."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Case in point, Einstein.","es":"Un claro ejemplo: Einstein."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I was expecting the robot to immediately fall over, because there are no sensors, no fast feedback loop.","es":"Esperaba que el robot cayera de inmediato, porque no hay sensores, ni bucle de retroalimentaci\u00f3n r\u00e1pida."} -{"gender":"female","en":"One day, in my frustration, I decided to scrap the script and ask one question.","es":"Un d\u00eda, en mi frustraci\u00f3n, decid\u00ed eliminar el guion y hacer una pregunta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, I've waited to the end intentionally to mention Uber, because I recognize that it is a contentious and widely overused example, but in the context of a new era of trust, it's a great case study.","es":"Ahora bien, he esperado hasta el final para mencionar a Uber a prop\u00f3sito, porque reconozco que es un ejemplo pol\u00e9mico y ampliamente sobreutilizado, pero en el contexto de una nueva era de confianza, es un gran caso pr\u00e1ctico."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Atlassian is an Australian software company.","es":"Atlassian es una compa\u00f1\u00eda de software de Australia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And ineffective.","es":"E ineficaz."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The cells are kind of homesick; the dish doesn't feel like their home.","es":"Las c\u00e9lulas tienen una especie de nostalgia; la placa no les resulta familiar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But really the most important question I ever asked, and most of the times when I talk about it, people kind of suck in their breath at my audacity, or cruelty, but I promise you it was the right question.","es":"Pero realmente la pregunta m\u00e1s importante que alguna vez hice y la mayor\u00eda de la veces cuando hablo de ello, la gente inhala ante mi audacia, o crueldad, pero, les prometo, era la pregunta correcta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I thought I was there to make a single documentary and would then move on to some other part of the world.","es":"Pens\u00e9 que estaba all\u00ed para hacer solo un documental y que, luego, ir\u00eda a alguna otra parte del mundo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"A doctor sits beside him, whose quick, steady hand may mend a bone, or stem the life-blood's flow.","es":"Un doctor se sienta junto a \u00e9l, cuya r\u00e1pida y firme mano pod\u00eda reparar un hueso, o contener el flujo vital de sangre."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Sudhir, on the other hand, got right back, walked down to the housing project, went up to the second floor, and said: \"Hey, guys, I had so much fun hanging out with you last night, I wonder if I could do it again tonight.\"","es":"Sudhir, por otro lado, volvi\u00f3 al proyecto de urbanizaci\u00f3n. Subi\u00f3 al segundo piso y dijo, \" Amigos, me divert\u00ed tanto con ustedes anoche, que me preguntaba si pod\u00eda quedarme otra vez\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is a picture I took on the Lower East Side of just a transformer box on the sidewalk and it's been tagged like crazy.","es":"Esta es una foto que tom\u00e9 en el Lower East Side de una caja transformadora en la acera y ha sido etiquetada como locura."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Using this language reminds us that time is a choice.","es":"Usar este lenguaje nos recuerda que el tiempo es una elecci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The films provided communality across all manner of divide.","es":"Las pel\u00edculas dieron la idea de comunidad en todo tipo de divisi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Here, I'll give it one eye in the middle, maybe scale it up a bit. Point it down.","es":"Le dar\u00e9, un ojo en el medio, lo agrandar\u00e9 un poco, apuntando abajo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And we did this because we think that it's actually going to allow us to realize the potential, the promise, of all of the sequencing of the human genome, but it's going to allow us, in doing that, to actually do clinical trials in a dish with human cells, not animal cells, to generate drugs and treatments that are much more effective, much safer, much faster, and at a much lower cost.","es":"Y lo hicimos porque pensamos que, de verdad, nos permitir\u00e1 ver el potencial y lo prometedora que es la secuenciaci\u00f3n del genoma humano, pero sobre todo nos permitir\u00e1 hacer ensayos cl\u00ednicos en una placa con c\u00e9lulas humanas, no de animales, para desarrollar f\u00e1rmacos y tratamientos mucho m\u00e1s efectivos, m\u00e1s seguros, m\u00e1s r\u00e1pidos y con mucho menor coste."} -{"gender":"female","en":"DL: It worked.","es":"DL: Funcion\u00f3."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And they gave me the fence, but they didn't give me the shaper, so we made a deadbolt out of it.","es":"Me dieron el seguro, pero no me dieron el torno, as\u00ed que hicimos un cerrojo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But we'll make huge investments in your training and development, and we'll give you an extraordinary community of peers.\"","es":"Pero haremos grandes inversiones en tu entrenamiento y desarrollo, y te daremos una extraordinaria comunidad de compa\u00f1eros\u201d."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They look at the passwords that are known to be popular from these stolen password sets, and they guess those first.","es":"Miran las contrase\u00f1as que se saben que son populares a partir de estos conjuntos de contrase\u00f1as robadas, y las adivinan en primer lugar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So so much for the aim.","es":"Todo, todo eso, por el objetivo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So to understand more about TerraPower. I mean, first of all, can you give a sense of what scale of investment this is?","es":"Solo para entender m\u00e1s sobre Terrapower, correcto, Quiero decir, primero de todo: \u00bfNos puedes dar una noci\u00f3n de que escala de cual ser\u00eda la escala de la inversi\u00f3n?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I don't have it.","es":"Yo no lo tengo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I would eventually fail every test for mental awareness.","es":"Con el tiempo fall\u00e9 en todas las pruebas de conciencia mental."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And this is what I mean by developing a system that allows us to sustainably scale to meet the demands of 10 billion.","es":"Y a esto me refiero cuando hablo de desarrollar un sistema que nos permita crecer sosteniblemente para la demanda de 10 000 millones de personas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So first I feel like boiling hot oil, I've been dipped in.","es":"Al principio sent\u00ed que estaba en aceite hirviendo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And it's where the idea of partnership becomes so important.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed es d\u00f3nde la idea de asociaciones se vuelve tan importante."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I go over and look.","es":"Y fui a verlas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's energetically very costly for this fish to do this, and we have no idea why it does it, another one of these great mysteries that needs to be solved.","es":"Es realmente muy costoso para este pez hacer esto, y no tenemos idea de por qu\u00e9 lo hace. Ese es otro de los misterios a resolver."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But my mom is reading your book, and she says there's lots of food and ingredients and a long dinner scene in it.","es":"Pero mi madre est\u00e1 leyendo su libro y dice que hay mucha comida e ingredientes y una larga secuencia de una cena."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Bruno Giussani: Suzanne, just a curiosity, what you're wearing is not random.","es":"Bruno Giussani: Suzanne, brevemente, Lo que llevas puesto no es casualidad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The next area that was of interest to me was the fact that reclining was a very important factor.","es":"Mi siguiente \u00e1rea de inter\u00e9s fue que el hecho de reclinarse era un factor muy importante."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I sold lots and lots of sunglasses.","es":"As\u00ed que vend\u00ed montones y montones de gafas de sol."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I know, I know.","es":"Lo s\u00e9, lo s\u00e9."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But through science, we do have a fairly good idea of what's going on down at the molecular scale.","es":"Pero gracias a la ciencia tenemos una idea bastante buena de lo que ocurre a escala molecular."} -{"gender":"female","en":"To me, the Arctic really embodies this disconnect between what we see on the surface and what's going on underwater.","es":"Para m\u00ed al \u00e1\u00c1rtico envuelve realmente esta desconexi\u00f3n entre lo que vemos en la superficie y lo que lo que pasa bajo el agua."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Is it a hundred? Ten?","es":"\u00bfCien? \u00bfDiez?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"One way such rehabilitation might work is through restorative justice programs.","es":"Una forma en la que esa rehabilitaci\u00f3n podr\u00eda funcionar es a trav\u00e9s de programas de justicia restaurativa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What's interesting is that their stories were similar, but different.","es":"Bien, lo interesante es que sus historias eran similares, pero eran diferentes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Sorry, it is impossible.\"","es":"Lo siento, es imposible\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The pillars were part of the architecture, and the presence of the pillars helped us all live more deeply.","es":"Los pilares eran parte de la arquitectura, y la presencia de los pilares nos ayud\u00f3 a vivir m\u00e1s profundamente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That's amazing.","es":"Sorprendente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And before I knew it, I was involved and thrown into this six months of tests and trials and tribulations with six doctors across two hospitals in this clash of medical titans to figure out which one of them was right about what was wrong with me.","es":"Y de pronto, estuve inmerso en una serie de ex\u00e1menes, ensayos y tribulaciones durante 6 meses con 6 m\u00e9dicos en 2 hospitales en un duelo de titanes m\u00e9dicos para determinar cu\u00e1l ten\u00eda raz\u00f3n sobre el problema que me aquejaba."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Right now, this pattern matches our best current knowledge of how nature is built at the tiny scales of these elementary particles.","es":"Actualmente, este patr\u00f3n coincide con nuestro mejor conocimiento sobre c\u00f3mo est\u00e1 construida la naturaleza a escalas peque\u00f1as a partir de estas part\u00edculas elementales."} -{"gender":"female","en":"GK: Now you're planning a wedding and I want to know, is it a destination wedding in the Catskills or Poconos or are you going to do it in Florida?","es":"GK: Ahora est\u00e1s planeando una boda y yo quiero saber, \u00bfes una boda con destino en Catskills, Poconos o vas a hacerla en la Florida?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Some of my favorites: doing errands where you only have to make right-hand turns, Being extremely judicious in microwave usage: it says three to three-and-a-half minutes on the package, we're totally getting in on the bottom side of that.","es":"Algunas de mis favoritas: hacer tareas cuando solo tengan que girar a la derecha, Ser muy cuidadoso en el uso de microondas: si dice tres a tres minutos y medio en el paquete, debemos estar por debajo de eso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When I'm flying over scenes that I create in my mind, I am at peace.","es":"Cuando estoy volando en el entorno que puedo crear en mi mente, encuentro la paz."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Is there somebody, JE: Well, I'm only one side.","es":"\u00bfHay alguien, JE: S\u00f3lo soy una de las partes."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"What was interesting is that the media couldn't get in.","es":"Lo interesante es que los medios no pod\u00edan entrar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is from Stanford's Computer Science 101 class, and the students are supposed to color-correct that blurry red image.","es":"Es de la clase Ciencias de la Computaci\u00f3n 101, de Stanford. Los estudiantes deben corregir el color de esta imagen roja borrosa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I will show you this next thing, speaking of costumes for operas.","es":"Ahora les voy a mostrar esto, hablando de vestuario para operas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"\"I don't know, guys.","es":"No s\u00e9 muchachos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We get things like, \"I want to die.","es":"Tenemos cosas como: \"Quiero morir."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"He said, \"Hell, we ain't got no rules around here, we're trying to accomplish something.\"","es":"El dijo, \"No tenemos ninguna regla por aqui, estamos tratando de lograr algo.\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"So let me just walk through this quickly.","es":"Se los describir\u00e9 rapidamente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I used to lay on the forest floor and stare up at the tree crowns.","es":"Sol\u00eda recostarme en el suelo a mirar las copas de los \u00e1rboles."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"In part, we have the legacy of Freud, who was a pessimist, who said that pursuit of happiness is a doomed quest, is propelled by infantile aspects of the individual that can never be met in reality.","es":"En parte seguimos el legado de Freud, un pesimista, que dec\u00eda que la b\u00fasqueda de la felicidad est\u00e1 condenada al fracaso, impulsada por aspectos infantiles del individuo que jam\u00e1s pueden alcanzarse en la realidad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I decided to start a lawsuit against them, because I wanted to have this information.","es":"Por eso decid\u00ed iniciarles una demanda judicial porque quer\u00eda tener esta informaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And while we were talking about her life and her health care, she said, \"I love my palliative care team.","es":"Y mientras est\u00e1bamos hablando sobre su vida y su salud, me dijo: \"Me encanta mi equipo de cuidados paliativos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Just by way of comparison, the US is typically ranked around 12th or 13th.","es":"Solo a modo de comparaci\u00f3n, EE. UU. est\u00e1 t\u00edpicamente por el puesto 12 o 13."} -{"gender":"female","en":"If every student in Somalia became a teacher, every person who finishes tertiary education became a teacher, we won't have enough teachers.","es":"Si cada estudiante somal\u00ed se hiciera maestro, si cada persona con estudios universitarios se hiciera maestro, no tendr\u00edamos suficientes maestros."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Bees are the good guys.","es":"Las abejas no son las malas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Why would we want to do it robotically?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 querr\u00edamos hacerlo rob\u00f3ticamente?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now I can say that, but I'm a little bit biased, because I started a fusion company and I don't even have a Facebook account.","es":"Digo esto, aunque puedo estar un poco parcializado, ya que empec\u00e9 una compa\u00f1\u00eda de fusi\u00f3n, y ni siquiera tengo cuenta en Facebook."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Another thing that I would emphasize is that anybody who is really interested in global governance should always make it very, very clear that it doesn't replace or abolish local identities and communities, that it should come both as, It should be part of a single package.","es":"Otra cosa que quisiera remarcar es que cualquiera que est\u00e9 realmente interesado en un gobierno global deber\u00eda siempre dejar bien en claro que \u00e9ste no reemplaza o anula las identidades locales y las comunidades, ambas deber\u00edan ser deber\u00eda ser parte de un \u00fanico paquete."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But we wanted to go much larger: we wanted to build the entire bacterial chromosome, it's over 580,000 letters of genetic code, so we thought we'd build them in cassettes the size of the viruses so we could actually vary the cassettes to understand what the actual components of a living cell are.","es":"Pero quer\u00edamos ir mucho m\u00e1s lejos. Quer\u00edamos construir el cromosoma bacteriano entero. \u00c9ste consta de m\u00e1s de 580.000 letras del c\u00f3digo gen\u00e9tico. As\u00ed que pensamos que las \u00edbamos a construir en casetes del tama\u00f1o de los virus, para poder ir variando realmente estos casetes y as\u00ed comprender cu\u00e1les son los verdaderos componentes de una c\u00e9lula viva."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I noticed a lot of people from very diverse backgrounds started coming to our workshops.","es":"Not\u00e9 que muchas personas de or\u00edgenes muy diversos empezaron a venir a nuestros talleres."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's kind of stressful typing out, so if you type on this keyboard, you can, like, balance it out.","es":"Es en poco estresante teclear as\u00ed, pero si lo hacen en este teclado pueden encontrar el equilibrio."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Let me take a step back.","es":"Perm\u00edtanme dar un paso atr\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Her mother felt hopeless and overwhelmed and alone because she knew that her daughter was not getting the support she needed, and she did not know how to help her.","es":"Su madre se sinti\u00f3 desesperada y abrumada y sola porque sab\u00eda que su hija no ten\u00eda el apoyo que necesitaba, y no sab\u00eda c\u00f3mo ayudarla."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And they are both, something that is good for you, and they're fun.","es":"Y son ambos, algo que es bueno para ustedes, y tambi\u00e9n son divertidos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well what I will say to you in parting is that we may have done that.","es":"Bueno, lo que les dir\u00e9 ahora es lo que podr\u00edamos haber hecho."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I hope you will.","es":"Espero que les encante."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But whenever you go inside, there are other ways you have to pick as well.","es":"Pero al analizarlo, hay otras alternativas tambi\u00e9n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, neither Chris nor I were the type to shy away from a challenge, and hearing, \"Being right just isn't enough,\" seemed all the more reason to take on this fight.","es":"Ahora, ni Chris ni yo \u00e9ramos de los que no se animan al cambio, y escuchar \"Estar en lo correcto no es suficiente\", nos parec\u00eda una raz\u00f3n m\u00e1s v\u00e1lida para luchar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It protects the birds.","es":"Protege a las aves."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But by the time we turn 50, we will have all exchanged the neurons we were born with in that structure with adult-born neurons.","es":"Pero para cuando cumplamos 50 a\u00f1os, habremos cambiado las neuronas con que nacimos en esa parte por neuronas nacidas en la edad adulta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They can have struggles with establishing latch, with pain, with milk letdown and perceptions of milk supply.","es":"Pueden tener dificultades con la posici\u00f3n de lactancia, con el dolor, con la bajada de la leche, y con las percepciones de producci\u00f3n de la leche."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That trend is generally called Islamic modernism, and it was advanced by intellectuals and statesmen, not just as an intellectual idea, though, but also as a political program.","es":"Esa tendencia se suele llamar modernismo isl\u00e1mico y fue propuesta por intelectuales y estadistas, no s\u00f3lo como idea intelectual sino como un programa pol\u00edtico."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I showed them this video with the simple design of RHex here. And just to convince them we should go to Mars in 2011, I tinted the video orange just to give them the sense of being on Mars.","es":"Les muestro este video con el simple dise\u00f1o de RHex, y solo para convencerlos que debemos ir a Marte en el 2011, entint\u00e9 el video en color naranja para darle la impresi\u00f3n de estar en Marte."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You probably think about a city full of energy, a vibrant city full of green.","es":"Probablemente pens\u00e9is en una ciudad llena de energ\u00eda, una ciudad vibrante llena de verde."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And that's what we study.","es":"Y eso es lo que estudiamos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well, so I looked at these things called Brownian motion, just goes around.","es":"Bien, entonces observ\u00e9 esto que se llama movimiento browniano, que se desplaza."} -{"gender":"female","en":"There's fluid flowing across these cells, so we can begin to interconnect multiple different chips together to form what we call a virtual human on a chip.","es":"Hay un l\u00edquido que circula por estas c\u00e9lulas por lo que podemos comenzar a interconectar muchos chips diferentes para conformar lo que llamamos un \"humano virtual en un chip\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Some observations on the slow development of this system as we learn how to do this difficult job.","es":"Har\u00e9 algunas observaciones sobre el lento desarrollo de este sistema mientras aprendemos a hacer esta dif\u00edcil tarea."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We teach females that in relationships, compromise is what women do.","es":"Ense\u00f1amos a las mujeres que en las relaciones, el compromiso lo hacen las mujeres."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Actually, it's a small manufacturing plant set up by Grameen Danone, a joint venture between Grameen Bank of Muhammad Yunus and the food multinational Danone to make high-quality yogurt in Bangladesh.","es":"Es una planta de fabricaci\u00f3n peque\u00f1a creada por Grameen Danone, una empresa com\u00fan del Banco Grameen de Muhammad Yunus y la multinacional de alimentos Danone para hacer yogur de gran calidad en Bangladesh."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I know that sounds a little bit like watching paint dry, but it does do quite weird things; it's worth watching.","es":"S\u00e9 que suena un poco a mirar el secado de la pintura. pero hace cosas bastante raras; vale la pena observarlo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"While we may not be sure, one thing is certain: we will not want this plant to disappear.","es":"Pero mientras no podamos estar seguros, una cosa est\u00e1 clara, no queremos que esta planta desaparezca."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Sympathetic magic is imitation.","es":"Magia simp\u00e1tica es imitaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And the pristine seas I used to dream of as a child are becoming harder and harder to find.","es":"Los mares de aguas cristalinas, con los que so\u00f1\u00e9 de ni\u00f1o son cada vez m\u00e1s dif\u00edciles de encontrar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Let me show you an example.","es":"D\u00e9jenme mostrarles un ejemplo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And you can notice they have created a kind of false catchment.","es":"Pueden observar que han creado una especie de cuenca falsa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In the United Arab Emirates, the second-most water-scarce country in the world, officials designed what they called the \"Business Heroes Toolkit\" in 2010.","es":"En los Emiratos \u00c1rabes Unidos, el segundo pa\u00eds con mayor escasez de agua del mundo, unos oficiales dise\u00f1aron el \"El kit de herramientas para los h\u00e9roes de los negocios\" en el 2010."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This increase in life expectancy is the remarkable product of culture, the crucible that holds science and technology and wide-scale changes in behavior that improve health and well-being.","es":"Este incremento en la esperanza de vida es el resultado sorprendente de la cultura, la confluencia de ciencia, tecnolog\u00eda y grandes cambios en el comportamiento que mejoran la salud y promueven el bienestar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now here, I'm going to do a very poor job of silver soldering.","es":"Aqu\u00ed voy a intentar hacer un trabajo muy pobre soldando plata."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Metal peppered his face.","es":"Ten\u00eda el rostro salpicado de metal."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Mm-hm.","es":"Mm-mm."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So the middle goes back and forth, it traverses between what is and what could be, what is and what could be. Because what you are trying to do is make the status quo and the normal unappealing, and you're wanting to draw them towards what could be in the future with your idea adopted.","es":"Entonces el centro va y viene, atraviesa lo que es y lo que podr\u00eda ser, qu\u00e9 es y qu\u00e9 podr\u00eda ser Porque lo que uno trata de hacer es hacer el statu quo y lo normal poco atractivo, y uno quiere conducirlos a lo que podr\u00eda ser en el futuro si adoptan esa idea."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What's going on?\"","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 pasa?\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"Instead of \"go anywhere, do anything you want,\" we actually created a regime that required prior assessment of where you're going and a duty to prevent significant harm.","es":"En vez de ir a cualquier parte y hacer lo que sea que te plazca, nosotros, de hecho, creamos un r\u00e9gimen que requer\u00eda una evaluaci\u00f3n previa del lugar de pesca y la obligaci\u00f3n de prevenir da\u00f1os significativos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We got rid of the need to harvest cells from the patient, we got rid of the need to put in really fancy chemistries, and we got rid of the need to culture these scaffolds in the lab.","es":"Nos deshicimos de la necesidad de extraer c\u00e9lulas del paciente, de la necesidad de introducir qu\u00edmicos muy sofisticados y nos deshicimos de la necesidad de cultivar estas estructuras en el laboratorio."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In Nature's Great Events, a series for the BBC that I did with David Attenborough, we wanted to do just that.","es":"En \u201cGrandes Acontecimientos de la Naturaleza\u201d, una serie para la BBC que realic\u00e9 con David Attenborough, quer\u00edamos hacer eso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And the second secret: the answers lie in all of us together, donating our data, our biological samples and ultimately ourselves.","es":"Y el segundo secreto es que esta respuesta de hecho est\u00e1 en todos nosotros cuando donamos nuestros datos, nuestras muestras biol\u00f3gicas y en nosotros mismos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for this one.","es":"Siempre ser\u00e1 mi punto d\u00e9bil."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I worked with Mehta Vihar who creates virtual simulations for the army for tactical practice.","es":"Yo trabaj\u00e9 con Mehta Vihar quien crea simulaciones virtuales para el ej\u00e9rcito para ensayos t\u00e1cticos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Unfortunately, that's not the case in India.","es":"Por desgracia, ese no es el caso en India."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I often look at things as though they're food.","es":"Y muchas veces miro a las cosas como si fueran comida."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So in the case of the Safecast story, I didn't know anything when the earthquake happened, but I was able to find Sean who was the hackerspace community organizer, and Peter, the analog hardware hacker who made our first Geiger counter, and Dan, who built the Three Mile Island monitoring system after the Three Mile Island meltdown.","es":"En el caso de SafeCast, no sab\u00eda nada cuando se produjo el terremoto, pero fui capaz de encontrar a Sean, quien organizaba la comunidad hackerspace, y Peter, el hacker de hardware anal\u00f3gico, que hizo nuestro primer contador Geiger, y Dan, que construy\u00f3 la Isla Three Mile, un sistema de monitoreo despu\u00e9s de la crisis de Three Mile Island."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Fake it till you become it.","es":"F\u00ednjanlo hasta serlo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Because the prison wardens were very enthusiastic about this as well, I started a Science and Sustainability Seminar in the prisons. I brought my scientific colleagues and sustainability practitioners into the prison. We gave talks once a month, and that actually ended up implementing some amazing sustainability projects at the prisons, organic gardens, worm culture, recycling, water catchment and beekeeping.","es":"Como los alcaides tambi\u00e9n se entusiasmaban mucho por el proyecto empec\u00e9 un seminario sobre la ciencia y el estilo de vida sostenible en las c\u00e1rceles, traje a mis colegas del mundo cient\u00edfico y profesionales de cosas sostenibles a la c\u00e1rcel, dimos charlas mensualmente, las cuales terminaron por implementar unos incre\u00edbles proyectos sostenibles en las c\u00e1rceles-- jardines org\u00e1nicos, cultivo de gusanos, reciclaje, captaci\u00f3n de agua y apicultura."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But it's the largest Arab country and it's also one with a great deal of influence.","es":"Pero es el mayor pa\u00eds \u00e1rabe y tambi\u00e9n uno de los que tienen m\u00e1s influencia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I used to be on the board of The Royal Ballet, as you can see.","es":"Yo estuve en el concejo del Royal Ballet, en Inglaterra, como pueden ver."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I was 19, first or second year of college, and it was Donnell, and he said \"Hi, you probably don't know me but my name is Donnell Leahy.\"","es":"Yo ten\u00eda 19 a\u00f1os, estaba en primer o segundo a\u00f1o de carrera. Era Donnell, y me dijo: \"Hola, probablemente no me conozcas pero me llamo Donnell Leahy\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'll show you this again.","es":"Se los voy a mostrar otra vez."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's made up of lots of little bits.","es":"Se compone de un mont\u00f3n de pedacitos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Why?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"In a nutshell that's what happened?","es":"En pocas palabras, \u00bfeso es lo que pas\u00f3?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"2,438 pages.","es":"2.438 p\u00e1ginas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you very much indeed.","es":"Much\u00edsimas gracias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I mean, where is he going to be in 20 years?","es":"Quiero decir, \u00bfa d\u00f3nde llegar\u00e1 en 20 a\u00f1os?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We can include the strong force by spreading out its two charge directions and plotting the charges of the force particles in quarks along these directions.","es":"Podemos incluir la fuerza fuerte separando las dos direcciones de carga y graficando las cargas de las part\u00edculas de fuerza en quarks sobre estas direcciones."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"What in the world are you going to do there?\"","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 cosa se puede hacer all\u00e1?\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"The career that I started early on in my life was looking for exotic life forms in exotic places, and at that time I was working in the Antarctic and the Arctic, and high deserts and low deserts.","es":"La carrera que inici\u00e9 tempranamente en mi vida fue la b\u00fasqueda de vida ex\u00f3tica en lugares ex\u00f3ticos, y en ese tiempo trabajaba en la Ant\u00e1rtida y en el Artico, y en desiertos altos y bajos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Once we had followed our men all the way into their 80s, we wanted to look back at them at midlife and to see if we could predict who was going to grow into a happy, healthy octogenarian and who wasn't. And when we gathered together everything we knew about them at age 50, it wasn't their middle age cholesterol levels that predicted how they were going to grow old.","es":"Cuando nuestros hombres llegaron a sus ochenta y tantos, quisimos analizar c\u00f3mo fue su mediana edad para ver si pod\u00edamos predecir qui\u00e9n se convertir\u00eda en un octogenario feliz y saludable y qui\u00e9n no. Y cuando recolectamos todo lo que sab\u00edamos de ellos a sus 50 a\u00f1os, no fueron los niveles de colesterol de la mediana edad los que predijeron c\u00f3mo envejecer\u00edan."} -{"gender":"female","en":"If I get to heaven, before you do, I'll make a hole and pull you through.","es":"Si llego al cielo, antes que t\u00fa, abrir\u00e9 un espacio y te atraer\u00e9 hacia \u00e9l."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Ninety-nine pence was the starting price and no reserve.","es":"La base era de 99 centavos y sin reserva."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And that ability to get others to want what you want, to get the outcomes you want without coercion or payment, is what I call soft power.","es":"Y esa capacidad de hacer que otros quieran lo mismo que uno para obtener los resultados deseados, sin coerci\u00f3n ni pagos, es lo que llamo el \"poder blando\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"By the time I finish the swim, almost all the bikes are already gone.","es":"Al momento que termino de nadar, casi todas las bicicletas ya se fueron."} -{"gender":"female","en":"How many of us think of Septima Clark when we think of the United States Civil Rights era?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1ntos de nosotros pensamos en Septima Clark cuando pensamos en la era de Derechos Civiles de EE. UU.?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"And the woman came out of the audience, she said, \"That was a great story and I was very impressed with your presentation.","es":"Y una mujer sali\u00f3 del p\u00fablico, ella dijo: \u201cEsa es una gran historia y me impresion\u00f3 mucho su presentaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"PM: So when we first started talking about, maybe the subject wouldn't be social media, which we assumed it would be, but that you had very much on your mind the missing leadership positions, particularly in the sector of technology and social media.","es":"PM: Cuando empezamos a hablar de que el tema no fuera acerca de los medios sociales que asumimos ser\u00eda, sino que ten\u00edas mucho en mente la falta de posiciones de liderazgo, particularmente en el sector de tecnolog\u00eda y los medios sociales."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Well, over the past decade, we have observed three main negative consequences to offering people more and more choices.","es":"En la d\u00e9cada anterior hemos visto tres consecuencias negativas principales al ofrecer m\u00e1s y m\u00e1s posibilidades."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I wanted to be an astronaut, so I've constantly followed what are the tools available to monitor Earth from outer space, and that we have incredible tools like we've been learning about, in terms of being able to follow tagged species throughout their life-cycles in the open ocean.","es":"Yo quer\u00eda ser astronauta as\u00ed que eh constantemente seguido cuales son las herramientas disponibles para monitorear la Tierra desde el espacio exterior y tenemos herramientas incre\u00edbles, como hemos estado aprendiendo, para poder hacer un seguimiento de especies marcadas a lo largo de su ciclo de vida en el oc\u00e9ano abierto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But shipping isn't that.","es":"Pero no lo es."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So let me show you.","es":"Se los mostrar\u00e9."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Which would you choose? Which do you choose?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l elegir\u00edan ustedes? \u00bfCu\u00e1l eligen?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"It didn't make any sense: no one ever built a cheese factory.","es":"No ten\u00eda sentido alguno; nadie hab\u00eda construido una f\u00e1brica de quesos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It gets crazy.","es":"Enloquezco."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm not prepared to pursue my passion, so I know what I'm going to do, because I have a solution. I have a strategy.","es":"No estoy preparado para perseguir mi pasi\u00f3n, as\u00ed que ya s\u00e9 que voy a hacer, porque tengo tengo una soluci\u00f3n, tengo una estrategia."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"After six years of war, Homs is now a half-destroyed city.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de seis a\u00f1os de guerra, Homs ha sido casi enteramente destruida."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is true.","es":"Eso es verdad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with you, either.","es":"No se preocupen, no hay nada malo en Ud. tampoco."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Maybe you'd better listen to them.","es":"Tal vez sea mejor si los escuchan."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So I didn't speak out about the government's early stance on AIDS.","es":"As\u00ed que no levant\u00e9 la voz sobre la postura del gobierno en los principios del SIDA."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What the economy requires now is a whole different set of skills.","es":"Hoy la econom\u00eda requiere unas habilidades totalmente diferentes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So this instability in the movement very closely resembles the unsteady nature of images seen through a handheld camera.","es":"Esta inestabilidad en el movimiento se asemeja mucho a la inestable naturaleza de las im\u00e1genes tomadas con una c\u00e1mara de mano."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We just need you to be authentic and real and say \"We're sorry. We'll fix it.\"","es":"S\u00f3lo queremos que sean aut\u00e9nticos y reales y que digan \"lo sentimos, lo arreglaremos\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I have some material about the so-called radical gay agenda, which starts off by asking, how radical is the gay agenda?","es":"Tengo alg\u00fan material de la llamada agenda 'gay' radical, que empieza preguntando: \u00bfQu\u00e9 tan radical es la agenda 'gay'?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's used in children. We use it on the battlefield.","es":"Se usa en ni\u00f1os y en campos de batalla."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So curiosity.","es":"As\u00ed que curiosidad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"People tell me their lives, their memories, their aspirations, and I create a mindscape.","es":"Las personas me cuentan sus vidas, sus recuerdos, sus aspiraciones, y yo creo un paisaje mental."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Same strategy.","es":"Es la misma estrategia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But they were great kids, and on the last day, they took me down to the sea for a sort of trip, a sort of farewell.","es":"Pero eran ni\u00f1os geniales, y el \u00faltimo d\u00eda me llevaron al mar para una especie de viaje, una especie de despedida."} -{"gender":"male","en":"There we are in Monterey, hopefully I can get it right.","es":"Esto es Monterrey, espero no equivocarme."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It can be practiced.","es":"Se puede practicar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In order to tell the individual human stories here, I felt that I needed to remove the dramatic visuals that had become so familiar and repetitive within the mainstream media.","es":"Con el fin de contar las historias humanas individuales all\u00ed, sent\u00ed que ten\u00eda que quitar los dram\u00e1ticos elementos visuales que se hab\u00edan vuelto tan familiares y repetitivos en los principales medios de comunicaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Every day I hope that politicians, diplomats, development workers can turn conflict into peace and threat into hope.","es":"Siempre abrigo la esperanza de que pol\u00edticos, diplom\u00e1ticos, trabajadores humanitarios, transformen los conflictos en paz y las amenazas en esperanza."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You could now get a lot more power in a lot smaller space, and that allowed the engine to be used for mobile applications.","es":"Ahora se pod\u00eda ahora obetner mucha m\u00e1s potencia en un espacio mucho menor y eso permiti\u00f3 que el motor fuera utilizado en aplicaciones m\u00f3viles."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We've seen transmission to wild cats and domestic cats, and now also domestic pet dogs.","es":"Hemos visto transmisi\u00f3n de gatos salvajes a gatos dom\u00e9sticos, y ahora tambi\u00e9n perros dom\u00e9sticos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And just five corporations are responsible for distributing most publicly funded research.","es":"Y hay solo cinco compa\u00f1\u00edas que se encargan de distribuir la mayor\u00eda de las investigaciones financiadas con fondos p\u00fablicos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But the law has fallen down on the job.","es":"La ley ha fallado en su cometido."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Maybe it's the ick factor.","es":"Quiz\u00e1s es el factor asco."} -{"gender":"male","en":"They asked themselves a question: If economics could make such a convincing case for early action on climate change, well why can't the same be done for conservation?","es":"Se preguntaron lo siguiente: si la econom\u00eda halla razones convincentes para tomar acciones tempranas sobre el cambio clim\u00e1tico, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 no se puede hacer lo mismo con la conservaci\u00f3n?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"If you look at it as a brand in those ways, what you'll come to realize is, it's a pretty flawed product.","es":"Si lo vemos como una marca, veremos que es un producto muy defectuoso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I've spent hundreds of days in psychiatric hospitals.","es":"He pasado cientos de d\u00edas en hospitales psiqui\u00e1tricos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"When you read this prayer, it sounds incredibly selfish, self-centered. He says, \"God, I want you to make me famous.\"","es":"Cuando lees esta oraci\u00f3n, pareciera que fuera increiblemente egocentrica, Pareciera que \u00e9l dijera, \"Dios, quiero que me conviertas en alguien famoso\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Looking at behavior alone can miss a vital piece of the puzzle and provide an incomplete, or even a misleading, picture of the child's problems.","es":"Al observar solamente la conducta se puede perder una pieza vital del rompecabezas y proporcionar una incompleta, o hasta equ\u00edvoca, imagen de los problemas del ni\u00f1o."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I had to think, \"Why did I do this?\" If I had won everything, but it was like, what was the point?","es":"Y yo ten\u00eda que pensar acerca de por qu\u00e9 hice esto, ya saben, si ya hab\u00eda ganado todo, y esto era, como, \u00bfqu\u00e9 sentido ten\u00eda?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Law enforcement must be empowered with up-to-date internet technology, the devices and an understanding of these platforms, how they work.","es":"Las fuerzas del orden deben impulsar con una tecnolog\u00eda de internet, dispositivos y una comprensi\u00f3n de estas plataformas actualizadas, de c\u00f3mo ellos trabajan."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It was my first week in federal prison, and I was learning quickly that it wasn't what you see on TV.","es":"Era mi primera semana en la prisi\u00f3n federal y aprend\u00ed r\u00e1pidamente que no era lo que se ve en la TV."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Voter turnout around the world peaked in the late '80s, and it has been declining at a pace that we have never seen before, and if those numbers are bad at the national level, at the level of our cities, they are just dismal.","es":"Los votantes cambiaron el mundo y alcanzaron su punto m\u00e1ximo a finales de los 80, y ha declinado a un ritmo que nunca antes hab\u00edamos visto y si esos n\u00fameros son malos a nivel nacional, a nivel de nuestras ciudades, son simplemente deprimentes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My mother was exhausted each night, but we told one another about our day and listened to the movements of my grandmother around the house.","es":"Mi madre estaba exhausta cada noche, pero nos cont\u00e1bamos sobre nuestro d\u00eda y escuch\u00e1bamos los movimientos de nuestra abuela en la casa."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"He probably has a queen bee tied to his chin, and the other bees are attracted to it.","es":"Probablemente tiene una abeja reina atada a su ment\u00f3n, que atrae a las otras abejas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Because, if you look closely enough, things will begin to appear.","es":"Porque, si miras de cerca, unas cosas aparecer\u00e1n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I started to think about what makes words real, because a lot of people ask me, the most common thing I got from people is, \"Well, are these words made up?","es":"Empec\u00e9 a pensar sobre qu\u00e9 hace real a las palabras porque muchos me preguntan, lo m\u00e1s com\u00f9n que me dicen es: \"Bueno, \u00bfestas palabras son inventadas?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"One of the amazing things that I've discovered in my travels is that there is this emerging species.","es":"Una de las cosas mas fabulosas que descubri en mis viajes es que existe una especie emergente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Since then, there have been more than 70 outbreaks documented around the world, of a strikingly similar post-infectious disease.","es":"Desde entonces, ha habido m\u00e1s de 70 brotes documentados alrededor del mundo, de una sorprendentemente similar enfermedad post-infecciosa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Imagine I said, \"A weekend in Rome, a weekend in Paris, or having your car stolen?\"","es":"Imaginen que digo: \"Fin de semana en Roma, fin de semana en Par\u00eds o que te roben el coche?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"At the time, I was finishing up school, and I was so excited to get a real job and finally afford new art supplies.","es":"En ese momento, yo estaba terminando la escuela, y estaba muy entusiasmado en conseguir un trabajo para poder comprar nuevos materiales de arte."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Twenty-five years ago, the World Health Organization and UNICEF established criteria for hospitals to be considered baby friendly, that provide the optimal level of support for mother-infant bonding and infant feeding.","es":"Hace 25 a\u00f1os, la Organizaci\u00f3n Mundial de la Salud y UNICEF establecieron criterios para considerar los hospitales como favorables a los beb\u00e9s, pues proporcionan el nivel \u00f3ptimo de apoyo para el v\u00ednculo madre-hijo y para la nutrici\u00f3n infantil."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I checked.","es":"Lo comprob\u00e9."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's called \"Aria.\"","es":"Se llama \"Aria\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They agreed to humor him.","es":"Estuvieron de acuerdo para darle el gusto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And then the second behavior is, if I tap the leaf, the entire branch seems to fall down.","es":"El segundo comportamiento, es que si le doy un golpecito, toda la hoja se deja caer."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That, I would say, was my spark moment.","es":"En ese momento se me encendi\u00f3 la bombilla."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Another example, three Googlers, a chef, an engineer and, most funny, a massage therapist, three of them, they learned about a region in India where 200,000 people live without a single medical facility.","es":"Otro ejemplo: tres empleados un cocinero, un ingeniero y, lo m\u00e1s divertido, un masajista; tres empleados que se enteraron de una regi\u00f3n de India en la que viven 200 000 personas que no contaban con servicios m\u00e9dicos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"One in four, maximum.","es":"Uno de cuatro, m\u00e1ximo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I was a teenager, and at 15 or 16, I guess like all teenagers, we want to just do what we love and what we believe in.","es":"Era un adolescente y, a los 15 o 16, supongo que como todo adolescente, s\u00f3lo dese\u00e1bamos hacer las cosas que am\u00e1bamos y en las que cre\u00edamos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I'm like, \"Whoa, you know, I'm a logo designer.","es":"Le dije: \"\u00a1Aah! Pero yo dise\u00f1o logos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Every morning as a child, I'd watch thousands of men walk down that hill to work in the shipyard.","es":"De ni\u00f1o, cada ma\u00f1ana ve\u00eda miles de hombres caminar por esa colina, yendo a trabajar al astillero."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So what am I showing you here?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 les estoy mostrando?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"At 19, I helped a friend whose parents had forcefully married her to an older man escape an abusive marriage.","es":"A los 19 a\u00f1os, ayud\u00e9 a una amiga a la cual sus padres casaron por la fuerza con un hombre mayor a escapar de un matrimonio abusivo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Maria dropped the mouse, pushed back from the table, leaped up and started waving frantically back at him.","es":"Mar\u00eda solt\u00f3 el rat\u00f3n, se levant\u00f3, dio un brinco y comenz\u00f3 a devolverle el saludo fren\u00e9ticamente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I have no idea whether it makes any difference, but he seemed to make sense, and I wasn't going to test the hypothesis that he'd be wrong.","es":"No tengo idea si sirve de algo, pero parec\u00eda tener sentido, y no pretend\u00eda probar la hip\u00f3tesis de que estuviera equivocado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The good news is is that the principles of procedural justice are easy and can be implemented as quickly as tomorrow.","es":"La buena noticia es que los principios de la justicia procesal son f\u00e1ciles y puede implementarse tan r\u00e1pido como ma\u00f1ana."} -{"gender":"female","en":"PM: So Mrs. Chase, the first time we were there, I brought a group of young women, who work with us at TED, into the kitchen, and we were all standing around and you had already cooked lunch for hundreds of people, as you do every day, and you looked up at them.","es":"PM: Bien Sra. Chase, la primera vez que estuvimos all\u00ed, llev\u00e9 a un grupo de mujeres j\u00f3venes, que trabajan con nosotros en TED, a la cocina, y todas est\u00e1bamos paradas y t\u00fa ya hab\u00edas cocinado el almuerzo para cientos de personas, como lo haces todos los d\u00edas, y las miraste."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So here I was with one of my childhood heroes, drawing every single frame that's in the film to turn that into Montreal in the future.","es":"As\u00ed que ah\u00ed estaba con uno de mis h\u00e9roes de la infancia dibujando cada fotograma de la pel\u00edcula para convertirlo en la Montreal del futuro."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Again, again, again.","es":"Una y otra y otra vez."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And again, this is not all the flexibilities of the building that is actually built, but at least suggests the ideas.","es":"De nuevo, \u00e9stas no son todas las flexibilidades del edificio realmente construido pero al menos sugiere las ideas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And, if you look at the, kind of the way these things are constructed, there's a lot of mediation by glass, and it's very blue, and kind of professional, in that way that, you know, Woody Allen comes up from under the sheets in that scene in \"Annie Hall,\" and said, \"God, that's so professional.\" And that you don't, there's no passion in it, and it's not hands on, right, and, you know, pun intended.","es":"Y si miran la manera en que las cosas est\u00e1n constru\u00eddas, hay mucho vidrio, y est\u00e1 muy azul, y algo profesional, en la manera en que, ustedes entienden, como Woody Allen aparece desde abajo de las s\u00e1banas, en esa escena de Annie Hall, y dice, \"Por Dios, es tan profesional\", y no hay ninguna pasi\u00f3n en eso, y no hay manos encima, cierto, y, ustedes entienden, la intenci\u00f3n del juego de palabras."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I do that to make sure you're still paying attention.","es":"Lo hago para asegurarme de que siguen prestando atenci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If you run current through them, you can run 1,000 times more current through one of these than through a piece of metal.","es":"Si pasas corriente a trav\u00e9s de ellos puedes transmitir 1.000 veces m\u00e1s corriente que a trav\u00e9s de un trozo de metal."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm looking terrified, I have no idea what I'm doing.","es":"La vi asustado, no ten\u00eda idea qu\u00e9 hacer."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You can probably tell there are two sets of twins, the result of IVF technology, in vitro fertilization technology, due to some physical limitations I won't go into.","es":"Probablemente descubran que hay dos pares de gemelos, producto de la FIV, fertilizaci\u00f3n in vitro, debido a algunas limitaciones f\u00edsicas que no detallar\u00e9."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Many of the solutions that I and my colleagues seek out and write up every day have some important aspects in common: transparency, collaboration, a willingness to experiment, and an appreciation of science, or, more appropriately, science!","es":"Muchas de las soluciones que mis colegas y yo buscamos y redactamos a diario, tienen algunos aspectos importantes en com\u00fan: transparencia, colaboraci\u00f3n, el deseo de experimentar, y aprecio por la ciencia o, mejor dicho, \u00a1la ciencia!"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I just want to pass on six.","es":"Quiero contarles seis."} -{"gender":"female","en":"There's also a contradiction in rationality in this country though, which is, as much as we revere the head, we are very anti-intellectual.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n hay una contradicci\u00f3n en la racionalidad en este pa\u00eds ya que por m\u00e1s que veneramos la cabeza, somos muy anti-intelectuales."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This man is significant for a whole host of reasons.","es":"Este hombre es significativo por muchas razones."} -{"gender":"female","en":"There was the night another one of their teammates proved herself to a decidedly skeptical team of SEALs, when she found the intel item they were looking for wrapped up in a baby's wet diaper.","es":"Y la noche que otra de sus compa\u00f1eras demostr\u00f3 sus habilidades ante un esc\u00e9ptico equipo de SEAL, al hallar el objeto de inteligencia que buscaban envuelto en pa\u00f1al de beb\u00e9 mojado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I expect them to be engaged, and man, are they!","es":"Espero que ellos se comprometan y, caramba, \u00a1s\u00ed que lo hacen!"} -{"gender":"female","en":"It seemed to us that DNA, the most fundamental structure of life, that codes for the production of all of our proteins, is both a product of nature and a law of nature, regardless of whether it's in our bodies or sitting in the bottom of a test tube.","es":"Nosotros creemos que el ADN, la estructura m\u00e1s fundamental de la vida, que codifica la producci\u00f3n de todas nuestras prote\u00ednas, es ambas cosas, un producto natural y una ley natural, sin importar si est\u00e1 dentro del cuerpo o al fondo de un tubo de ensayo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I was clearly more interested in the Rubik's Cube than my younger brother.","es":"Yo estaba claramente m\u00e1s interesado en el cubo de Rubik que mi hermano menor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If you're listening consciously, you can take control of the sound around you.","es":"Si escuchan conscientemente, pueden controlar el sonido a su alrededor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We need to think today what to teach the young people.","es":"Necesitamos pensar hoy qu\u00e9 necesitamos ense\u00f1arle a los j\u00f3venes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I can use that to direct your attention to where I want you to see.","es":"De forma que puedo usarlo para dirigir la atenci\u00f3n de su mirada."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, I don't know if any of you get US News and World Report, I got the recent issue.","es":"No s\u00e9 si alguno de ustedes recibe el U.S. News and World Report; yo recib\u00ed la \u00faltima edici\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And they face a daily struggle with social stigma, with family despair, and with religious fire and brimstone.","es":"Y luchan a diario con el estigma social, con el desespero familiar, y con el fuego y el azufre religioso."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"There's no joke.","es":"No hay chiste."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The projections for the future are even more dramatic, even though fossil energy is now still subsidized at a rate 40 times larger than renewables.","es":"Las proyecciones para el futuro son a\u00fan m\u00e1s radicales, a pesar de que la energ\u00eda f\u00f3sil sigue subvencion\u00e1ndose a una velocidad 40 veces m\u00e1s que las energ\u00edas renovables."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I always felt that if my patient gave up the quest for the magic doctor, the magic treatment and began with me on a course towards wellness, it was because I had earned the right to tell them these things by virtue of the examination.","es":"Siempre sent\u00ed que si el paciente dejaba de buscar al m\u00e9dico brujo y el tratamiento m\u00e1gico y comenzaba conmigo el camino a la salud, era porque me hab\u00eda ganado el derecho de decirle estas cosas por haberlo examinado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"E.O. Wilson once told me that when he looked at ants, he loved them, of course, and he wanted to learn more about them, he consciously looked at them from the standpoint of scale.","es":"E. O. Wilson una vez me dijo que cuando observaba a las hormigas, le encantaban, por supuesto, y quer\u00eda aprender m\u00e1s sobre ellas-- \u00e9l conscientemente las ve\u00eda desde una perspectiva de escala."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Different place, but unfortunately the same old story.","es":"Otro sitio, pero por desgracia la misma historia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I've been talking about getting more from less for more.","es":"He estado hablando de hacer m\u00e1s con menos para m\u00e1s gente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Again, his contemporaries all knew it.","es":"De nuevo, todos sus contempor\u00e1neos lo sab\u00edan."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I still think the Time magazine picture will be of the binoculars, you know, leaving out the, what the hell.","es":"Y todav\u00eda pienso que la foto de la revista Time ser\u00e1 de los prism\u00e1ticos, ya saben, excluyendo el, qu\u00e9 demonios."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I have a kind of Hollywood ending to my talk this afternoon, which goes a little bit like this: a few months ago, I was getting ready to go on another book tour, and I had my bags packed.","es":"Y tengo una especie de final de Hollywood para mi charla de esta tarde, que dice m\u00e1s o menos as\u00ed. Hace unos meses, me estaba preparando para iniciar otra gira de mi libro, y ten\u00eda mis valijas empacadas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I call that their agenda.","es":"Yo llamo a eso su agenda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Tip three: know that everyone is disabled in some way, like when you have a cold and you can't smell and you realize that the milk that you splashed in your coffee was sour only after you've tasted it.","es":"Consejo tres: saber que todos somos discapacitados en cierto modo, como cuando est\u00e1s resfr\u00edado y pierdes el olfato y te das cuenta de que la leche que pusiste al caf\u00e9 est\u00e1 cortada solo despu\u00e9s de probarla."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They do.","es":"La tienen."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What he finds is that the couples who manage that feeling of stress with laughter, positive emotions like laughter, not only immediately become less stressed, they can see them physically feeling better, they're dealing with this unpleasant situation better together, they are also the couples that report high levels of satisfaction in their relationship and they stay together for longer.","es":"\u00c9l encuentra que las parejas que manejan esa tensi\u00f3n con risa, con emociones positivas como la risa, no solo est\u00e1n menos tensas de inmediato, sino que puede verse que f\u00edsicamente se sienten mejor, y enfrentan mejor esta situaci\u00f3n desagradable, juntos, son tambi\u00e9n las parejas que tienen altos niveles de satisfacci\u00f3n en sus relaciones y permanecen juntos m\u00e1s tiempo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We can fight as a team, as a unit.","es":"Podemos luchar como equipo, como una unidad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The white mayor visited Mr. Teszler and said, \"Mr. Teszler, I trust you\u2019re going to be hiring a lot of white workers.\"","es":"El alcalde blanco visit\u00f3 al se\u00f1or Teszler y le dijo: \"Se\u00f1or Teszler, supongo que contratar\u00e1 a muchos obreros blancos.\""} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But it's not fine.","es":"Pero no est\u00e1 bien."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They are as different from each other as they are from anything that we've known before as we are from pine trees.","es":"Son tan diferentes el uno del otro como son de todo lo que conoc\u00edamos antes como somos nosotros de los pinos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Let me come back to now, now when I'm a little leftist, I'm certainly left-handed, so at least a lefty, And I wonder, can we on the Left expect to build this ecology of freedom, now, in a world where we know the extraordinarily powerful influences against it, where even icons of the Left like this entertain and push bills that would effectively ban the requirement of open access for government-funded research?","es":"D\u00e9jenme volver al presente ahora que soy un poquito de izquierda Por cierto, soy zurdo, as\u00ed que al menos un poco de izquierdas y me pregunto, \u00bfpodemos desde la izquierda esperar a construir esta ecolog\u00eda de la libertad, ahora, en un mundo en el que conocemos las influencias extraordinariamente poderosas que hay en contra en que incluso \u00edconos de la izquierda como este entretienen y promueven proyectos de ley que prohibir\u00edan efectivamente el requisito de acceso abierto a la investigaci\u00f3n financiada con fondos del gobierno?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"His teammate Chris Bosh got a rebound, passed it to another teammate named Ray Allen.","es":"Su compa\u00f1ero Chris Bosh consigui\u00f3 un rebote, hizo un pase a otro compa\u00f1ero llamado Ray Allen."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We should live like our immigrant ancestors.","es":"Deber\u00edamos vivir como los antepasados inmigrantes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I know what it feels like to go to a school that's not a school.","es":"S\u00e9 lo que se siente al ir a una escuela que no es una escuela."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It could be tough for grown-ups without autism.","es":"Podr\u00eda ser dif\u00edcil para adultos sin autismo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So that's it. That's the general theory of walkability.","es":"De esto se trata la teor\u00eda general de la peatonalidad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"England is right behind you, as usual. I know they were close, but not that close.","es":"Inglaterra viene detr\u00e1s de ustedesComo siempre Se que son amigos, \u00a1Pero no tanto!"} -{"gender":"female","en":"I cannot tell you the hundreds of people who have said, \"If you don't like religion, just leave.\"","es":"No puedo decir cuantos cientos de personas me han dicho, \"Si no te gusta la religi\u00f3n, salte de ella\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I think that we can learn some pretty amazing things by looking at how we do this.","es":"Y creo que podemos aprender cosas bastante sorprendentes observando c\u00f3mo jugamos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If you search Amazon for the word \"creativity,\" you'll discover something like 90,000 books.","es":"Si buscan en Amazon por la palabra \"creatividad\", van a descubrir algo as\u00ed como 90.000 libros."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And so your brain is fooled.","es":"Por eso enga\u00f1a al cerebro."} -{"gender":"male","en":"During pregnancy, they form the placenta, which connects mom and baby.","es":"Durante el embarazo, forman la placenta, que conecta a la mam\u00e1 con el beb\u00e9."} -{"gender":"female","en":"There's nothing special about me.","es":"No hay nada especial en m\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I thought, \"Well, that's the dumbest question I've ever heard.","es":"Y yo pens\u00e9: \"Es la pregunta m\u00e1s tonta que he escuchado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So but anyways, here's the thing, is it reminds me of this, which is a sign that you see in Amsterdam on every street corner.","es":"De cualquier forma, este es el punto, me recuerda a esto, que es una se\u00f1al que se ve en cada esquina de las calles de \u00c1msterdam."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Today, you're a songwriter, you write a hit song, it gets a million streams, you don't get 45k, you get 36 dollars, enough to buy a nice pizza.","es":"Hoy, si uno es compositor, escribe una canci\u00f3n de \u00e9xito, tiene millones de reproducciones, no gana USD 45 000, gana USD 36, suficiente para una buena pizza."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I like pushing on what an ambigram can mean.","es":"Me gusta llevar mas all\u00e1 el significado de ambigrama."} -{"gender":"male","en":"One of the most important things about comics that I discovered was that comics are a visual medium, but they try to embrace all of the senses within it.","es":"Y es una de las cosas m\u00e1s importantes sobre comics que he descubierto, es que los c\u00f3mics son un medio visual, pero que intenta incluir todos los sentidos en \u00e9l."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I was the guy beaten up bloody every week in the boys' room, until one teacher saved my life.","es":"Al que golpeaban hasta sangrar cada semana en el ba\u00f1o de los chicos, hasta que una maestra me salv\u00f3 la vida."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I am a working mother, and I also go to school full-time.","es":"Soy una madre que trabaja, y tambien voy a la universidad tiempo completo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So as maize seeds dried out at the end of their period of development, they switch these genes on.","es":"Al secarse las semillas de ma\u00edz, al final de su per\u00edodo de desarrollo, se activan estos genes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now I forgot my place.","es":"Ahora me perd\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And so was humor.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n lo era el humor."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I was married when I was 14.","es":"Me cas\u00e9 a los 14 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In this example here, we had monitored this reef in Galapagos with temperature recorders, so we know the temperature of the water the coral's growing in.","es":"En este ejemplo hemos monitoreado este arrecife en las Gal\u00e1pagos con registradores de temperatura as\u00ed sabemos la temperatura del agua en la que crece el coral."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And it actually even looks a little bit like lace.","es":"En realidad, incluso se parece un poco al encaje."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What I want to do now is tell you what the CRISPR technology is, what it can do, where we are today and why I think we need to take a prudent path forward in the way that we employ this technology.","es":"Lo que quiero hacer ahora es explicar qu\u00e9 es la tecnolog\u00eda CRISPR, qu\u00e9 puede hacer con ella, d\u00f3nde estamos hoy. Por eso creo que hay que optar por un camino prudente en la forma en que empleamos esta tecnolog\u00eda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We were very successful.","es":"Fuimos muy exitosos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"In other words, we act a lot like corporate brands.","es":"En otras palabras, nos comportamos muy parecido a las marcas corporativas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I started sketching.","es":"As\u00ed que empec\u00e9 a realizar un dise\u00f1o preliminar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That's the first time I've ever seen that.","es":"Es la primera vez que veo esto as\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I can take two of these and put them together like this and see what happens.","es":"Puedo tomar dos de estos y ponerlos juntos as\u00ed y ver qu\u00e9 pasa."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"How long is it?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1nto tiempo hace que la tienes?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And over time, they did basically the same thing so the monkeys could learn, you know, who sold what at what price, you know, who was reliable, who wasn't, and so on.","es":"Y cada vez, ellos hac\u00edan b\u00e1sicamente lo mismo as\u00ed los monos pod\u00edan aprender qui\u00e9n vend\u00eda qu\u00e9 a qu\u00e9 precio --ustedes saben, qui\u00e9n era de fiar, qui\u00e9n no lo era, y as\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And it's kind of constrained by that circle.","es":"Y est\u00e1 como atrapado en ese c\u00edrculo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That is all aid can be.","es":"Eso es la ayuda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You can imagine the amount of time that it took me to do this to the house and the displeasure of my parents.","es":"Imaginense lo que tard\u00e9 en hacerle esto a la casa y lo poco que les gust\u00f3 a mis padres."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Of course, there are no deities or supernatural spirits or angels, etc. Now let's move on; that's not the end of the story, that's the very, very beginning.","es":"Claro, no existen deidades, entes supernaturales, \u00e1ngeles, etc. Pero continuemos, ah\u00ed no termina la historia, ah\u00ed reci\u00e9n empieza."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Most of our ideas were crazy, but a few were brilliant, and we broke through.","es":"La mayor\u00eda de nuestras ideas eran locas, pero algunas brillantes, y nos abrimos paso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Well, it sure looks like \"impactful\" is proving useful for a certain number of writers, and has become more and more useful over the last 20 years.","es":"Ciertamente, pareciera que \"impactful\" se est\u00e1 volviendo \u00fatil para algunos escritores, y se ha vuelto cada vez m\u00e1s \u00fatil en los \u00faltimos 20 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I have a question.","es":"Tengo una pregunta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I started using a wheelchair 16 years ago when an extended illness changed the way I could access the world.","es":"Empec\u00e9 a usar silla de ruedas a los 16 a\u00f1os cuando una enfermedad prolongada cambi\u00f3 mi forma de acceder al mundo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's not my idea, other people have hit on it, but I've tried to take it to some new places.","es":"No es idea m\u00eda, otros ya hab\u00edan dado con ella, pero yo he intentado aplicarla en lugares nuevos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When someone dies, their body is taken to a human composting facility.","es":"Cuando alguien muere, se lleva el cuerpo a una instalaci\u00f3n de compostaje humano."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Seeing people die every day, my mother crying, it's like I was raised in a violence.","es":"Viendo cada d\u00eda a personas muriendo, a mi madre llorando, es como si hubiera sido criado en la violencia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And at this point my wife kind of got worried about me, so I stopped doing blue tape and began to think, Well, what else is there in life?","es":"En este punto mi esposa se empez\u00f3 a preocupar por mi as\u00ed que deje de hacer cosas con cinta azul y me puse a pensar: \u00bfQu\u00e9 m\u00e1s hay en la vida?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, here's how it works. I have an image sensor like the kind in your cell phone, behind the lens.","es":"Funciona as\u00ed: Tengo un sensor de imagen como el que tiene el celular detr\u00e1s de la lente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And there's a lot of work going on in both of these areas.","es":"Hay mucho trabajo que se est\u00e1 haciendo en ambas \u00e1reas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"She says that there is only a limited number of ways you can screw \u2014 well, she says it in another way \u2014 and she has tried them all.","es":"Dice que solo hay una cantidad limitada de maneras de meter la pata, bueno, lo dice de otra forma, y las ha probado todas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I learned that I need to keep my hand up.\"","es":"Aprend\u00ed que tengo que mantener mi mano en alto\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Nicole: Nicole.","es":"Nicole: Nicole."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So how do they deal with their differences?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfc\u00f3mo resolv\u00edan sus diferencias?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And it gives us a new way of thinking about not only what's going on on our planet, but what might be going on elsewhere in the cosmos.","es":"Y nos da una nueva forma de pensar sobre no s\u00f3lo lo que est\u00e1 pasando en nuestro planeta, sino sobre lo podr\u00eda estar ocurriendo en alg\u00fan otro lugar en el cosmos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I hope that we have the wisdom to let the angels of our better nature rise to the occasion and do what needs to be done.","es":"Espero que tengamos la sabidur\u00eda para dejar a los \u00e1ngeles de nuestra mejor naturaleza a la altura de las circunstancias y que hagan lo que tengan que hacer."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When you drive around and you find dead tapirs along the highways and signs of tapirs wandering around in the middle of sugarcane plantations where they shouldn't be, and you talk to kids and they tell you that they know how tapir meat tastes because their families poach and eat them, it really breaks your heart.","es":"Cuando conduces por el lugar y encuentras tapires muertos a lo largo de las carreteras y los signos de tapires deambulando en medio de plantaciones de ca\u00f1a donde no deber\u00edan estar, y hablas a los ni\u00f1os y te dicen que saben c\u00f3mo sabe la carne de tapir porque sus familias los cazan y los consumen, realmente rompe el coraz\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"years after the end of slavery, and years after the passage of the Voting Rights Act, an African-American was elected president.","es":"143 a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s del fin de la esclavitud, y 43 a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s de la aprobaci\u00f3n de la Ley de Derechos Electorales, un afroamericano fue elegido presidente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I could have bought 2,000 pairs, but what would I do with them?","es":"Podr\u00eda haber comprado 2000 pares, pero \u00bfqu\u00e9 har\u00eda con ellos?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now it just so happens that I have such a machine here.","es":"Ahora bien, da la casualidad de que tengo esa m\u00e1quina."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'd like to talk today about how we can change our brains and our society.","es":"Hoy me gustar\u00eda hablar de c\u00f3mo podemos cambiar nuestras mentes y nuestra sociedad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And, remember, it's sometimes the things that you are not expecting to be the biggest changes that are.","es":"Y recuerden, a veces las cosas que no esperan ser los grandes cambios, son los que son."} -{"gender":"male","en":"ELA: People have been using this for all kinds of fun purposes.","es":"ELA: La gente ha estado usando esto para todo tipo de cosas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Obviously the Church weren't very happy about this, and they tried to suppress it, but what they hadn't counted on was technology, and then they had the printing press, which suddenly enabled these ideas to spread cheaply, far and fast, and people would come together in coffee houses, discuss the ideas, plot revolution.","es":"Evidentemente la Iglesia no estaba muy contenta, e intentaron reprimirla, pero no hab\u00edan contado con la tecnolog\u00eda, y entonces ten\u00edan la imprenta, que de repente permiti\u00f3 que estas ideas se extendieran a bajo precio, lejos y deprisa, y que la gente se reuniera en cafeter\u00edas para debatir ideas o planear revoluciones."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It means that he will be able to employ more Ghanaians.","es":"Significa que puede emplear a m\u00e1s ghaneses."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think they're wonderful.","es":"Creo que son maravillosas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Boris Nikolayevich says, \"It's not for sale.\"","es":"Boris Nikolayevich dice: \"no est\u00e1 en venta.\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"Hmm.","es":"Hmm."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What if packaging was so nontoxic it could dissolve in water and we could ultimately drink it?","es":"\u00bfY qu\u00e9 tal embalajes no t\u00f3xicos que pudieran disolverse en \u00e1gua y los pudi\u00e9ramos beber?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I know: crowdsource.","es":"Ya s\u00e9: colaboraci\u00f3n p\u00fablica."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Millions of refugees are living in exile, in limbo.","es":"Millones de refugiados viven en el exilio, en el limbo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This time, the man doesn't touch the money.","es":"Esta vez el hombre no toca el dinero."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I remember looking at these two versions of my obituary and thinking, \"Oh boy, I'm on totally the wrong track here.","es":"Y recuerdo estar mirando esas dos versiones de mi obituario y pensando: \"Por Dios, estoy tomando el camino completamente equivocado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But actually I think the most exciting thing about this is that it really gives one the chance to democratize programming.","es":"Pero de hecho creo que lo m\u00e1s interesante de esto es que le da a uno la posibilidad de democratizar la programaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Are you doing that for protecting your people against terrorist attacks, or are you doing that for oppressing your people?","es":"\u00bfLo hacen para proteger a su gente contra los ataques terroristas, o lo hacen para oprimir a su gente?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"What will it be like?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo ser\u00e1?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"And it's got a chemical battery in it.","es":"Y posee una bater\u00eda qu\u00edmica dentro de s\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And it's from this woman who you kind of know from down the hall, and the subject line references some project that you heard a little bit about.","es":"Y es de esta mujer que conoces m\u00e1s o menos del pasillo, y la l\u00ednea de asunto hace referencia a alg\u00fan proyecto de que ya o\u00edste algo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And watching them open up even in the tiniest of ways, was deeply moving.","es":"Y vi\u00e9ndolos abrirse incluso en el m\u00e1s peque\u00f1o de los sentidos, fue profundamente conmovedor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And that is really very simple, to make our patients better.","es":"Y es realmente muy simple, ayudar a mejorar la calidad de vida de nuestros pacientes."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Imagine designing with the kinds of microbes that we want in a plane or on a phone.","es":"Imaginen dise\u00f1ar con los tipos de microbios que queramos en un avi\u00f3n o en un tel\u00e9fono."} -{"gender":"female","en":"By advocating for self-determination and respect for all of us, we can shift society's reluctance to embrace diversity and start to celebrate the myriad ways there are to have a body.","es":"Al abogar por la autodeterminaci\u00f3n y el respeto por todos nosotros, podemos cambiar el rechazo de la sociedad a abrazar la diversidad y empezar a celebrar el mont\u00f3n de maneras que existen de tener un cuerpo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So we've got quite a few of these to get through.","es":"Tenemos un buen n\u00famero para mirar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I can tell you, that's really bad slow.","es":"Y les puedo decir que eso s\u00ed es lentitud mala."} -{"gender":"male","en":"These troubles are sometimes misdiagnosed as the end of innovation, but they are actually the growing pains of what Andrew McAfee and I call the new machine age.","es":"Estos problemas a veces se diagnostican err\u00f3neamente como el fin de la innovaci\u00f3n, pero son en realidad las dificultades crecientes de lo que Andrew McAfee y yo llamamos la nueva era de las m\u00e1quinas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And though I'm a rock star, I just want to assure you that none of my wishes will include a hot tub.","es":"Y aunque soy una estrella de rock, s\u00f3lo quiero asegurarles que ninguno de mis deseos incluir\u00e1 un jacuzzi."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Juxtaposed with the hypocrisy of how women are treated, especially in public spaces today, I decided to do something about it.","es":"En contraposici\u00f3n con la hipocres\u00eda del trato hacia las mujeres, especialmente, en espacios p\u00fablicos hoy en d\u00eda, decid\u00ed hacer algo al respecto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I don't know if you've ever been to a Jewish wedding, but what they do is, they take a light bulb and they smash it.","es":"Yo no se si alguna vez han ido a una boda jud\u00eda pero lo que hacen es tomar una bombilla y aplastarla."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Twenty years after my match with Deep Blue, second match, this sensational \"The Brain's Last Stand\" headline has become commonplace as intelligent machines move in every sector, seemingly every day.","es":"Veinte a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s de mi partida con Deep Blue, la segunda partida, la del titular sensacionalista, \"El \u00faltimo combate del cerebro\", se ha vuelto algo com\u00fan conforme las m\u00e1quinas inteligentes incursionan en todos los sectores, aparentemente a diario."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Muchas gracias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In fact, I did want to have kids, but I wanted to have them when I was ready.","es":"De hecho, yo quer\u00eda tener hijos, pero yo deseaba tenerlos, cuando estuviera preparada."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And so I feel so blessed with everything that I have, that two days a week I go and I counsel HIV patients.","es":"Y me siento tan bendecida por todo lo que tengo, que dos d\u00edas a la semana voy a aconsejar a pacientes con el VIH."} -{"gender":"female","en":"He saw them.","es":"\u00c9l los miraba."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So your task is to notice if you feel any difference as I speak.","es":"Su tarea consiste en notar si sienten alguna diferencia mientras hablo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now that's not a cartoon.","es":"Eso no es una tira c\u00f3mica."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We're going to be working with these AIs, and I think you'll be paid in the future by how well you work with these bots.","es":"Trabajaremos con estas inteligencias artificiales en el futuro, y creo que se nos va a pagar en funci\u00f3n de la calidad de nuestra colaboraci\u00f3n con estos bots."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"How does understanding science and the arts fit into our lives and what's going on and the things we're talking about here at the design conference?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo el entendimiento de la ciencia y del arte encaja en nuestras vidas? Y \u00bfqu\u00e9 es lo que ocurre y de lo que estamos hablando hoy en la conferencia de dise\u00f1o?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I was privileged to have that kind of good start.","es":"Fui privilegiado por tener ese tipo de comienzo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They'll keep it away from him so he doesn't waste it.","es":"Lo mantienen fuera de su alcance para que no lo malgaste."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And of course, who wouldn't like to take a ride on one of these.","es":"Y por supuesto, a qui\u00e9n no le gustar\u00eda pasear en uno de estos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so I just, I hope we all dream well.","es":"Y s\u00f3lo espero que so\u00f1emos bien."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So there must be a way around this.","es":"Debe haber forma de evitar esto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And even here, when I look at the Great Bear, I get back that feeling of being a child, hanging onto his head and trying to balance myself on his shoulder, and I can get back that feeling of being a child again.","es":"Y a\u00fan ahora, cuando miro la Osa mayor, regreso a esa sensaci\u00f3n de ser una ni\u00f1a, agarrada de su cabeza y tratando de equilibrarme sobre sus hombros, y puedo recuperar esa sensaci\u00f3n de ser una ni\u00f1a otra vez."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I called George Irwin, and what do you know?","es":"As\u00ed es que llam\u00e9 a George Irwin, \u00bfqu\u00e9 haces ahora?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"And so by applying ancient DNA sequencing and protein mass spectrometry technologies to ancient dental calculus, we can generate immense quantities of data that then we can use to begin to reconstruct a detailed picture of the dynamic interplay between diet, infection and immunity thousands of years ago.","es":"Mediante la secuenciaci\u00f3n de ADN antiguo y la espectrometr\u00eda de masas de prote\u00ednas a c\u00e1lculos dentales antiguos, podemos generar gran cantidad de informaci\u00f3n que sirve para comenzar a reconstruir una imagen detallada de la interacci\u00f3n din\u00e1mica entre alimentaci\u00f3n, infecciones e inmunidad, hace miles de a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Yes, I do.","es":"David Pogue: Si, seguir\u00e9."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We can destroy a river, and we can bring it back to life.","es":"Podemos destruir un r\u00edo, y podemos volverlo a la vida."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And to think that the tumor was in the same bone, in the same place in my body as the accident 38 years earlier, it seemed like too much of a coincidence.","es":"Y pensar que el tumor estaba en el mismo hueso en el mismo lugar de mi cuerpo que el accidente de hace 38 a\u00f1os parec\u00eda mucho m\u00e1s que una coincidencia."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's this importance of stepping from being just a viewer into experimenter.","es":"Es importante para pasar de ser un simple espectador a un experimentador."} -{"gender":"female","en":"There it ends.","es":"Ah\u00ed termina."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I've thought that many times.","es":"Muchas veces he pensado as\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"People got very excited, there was talk of the Nobel Prize, and Alice really was in a big hurry to try to study all the cases of childhood cancer she could find before they disappeared.","es":"La gente estaba muy entusiasmada, hablaban del Premio Nobel, y Alice estaba realmente urgida por tratar de estudiar todos los casos de ni\u00f1os con c\u00e1ncer que pudiera encontrar antes de que desaparecieran."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And we clean them up with technology. And when we do, one of the things that can happen is that we sacrifice conversation for mere connection.","es":"Las limpiamos con tecnolog\u00eda y al hacerlo, algo de lo que puede suceder es que se sacrifica la conversaci\u00f3n por la simple conexi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You need voting logic.","es":"Necesitas l\u00f3gica de votaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"He said, \"You can tell a lot about someone,\" in this case a woman, \"by the company that she keeps.\"","es":"Dijo: \u201cPuedes decir mucho sobre alguien, --en este caso de una mujer--, por la compa\u00f1\u00eda de la que se rodea\u201d."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And this quilt has the 1,000 most frequent passwords stolen from the RockYou website.","es":"Este edred\u00f3n tiene las 1000 contrase\u00f1as robadas con m\u00e1s frecuencia del sitio web RockYou."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So one citizen helped another citizen, but government played a key role here. It connected those two people.","es":"Entonces, un ciudadano ayud\u00f3 a otro pero aqu\u00ed el gobierno tuvo un papel clave: conect\u00f3 a las dos personas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And when I was teenager, I asked my aunt, \"Can you take me to meet Monsieur Maurice?\"","es":"Cuando era adolescente le pregunt\u00e9 a mi t\u00eda: \"\u00bfPuede llevarme a conocer a Monsieur Maurice?\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, so far we've only met men, long-living men, but I met women too, and here you see Zia Teresa.","es":"Hasta ahora solo hemos visto a hombres, hombres de larga vida, pero tambi\u00e9n conoc\u00ed a mujeres, y aqu\u00ed ven a Zia Teresa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I often don't think about it.","es":"A menudo ni pienso en la comida."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And the two species actually form temporary alliances when they're chasing sharks away.","es":"Y las dos especies en realidad forman alianzas temporales cuando est\u00e1n alejando a los tiburones."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I walked out feeling as low as a snake's belly in a wagon rut.","es":"Sal\u00ed sinti\u00e9ndome tan bajo como una cucaracha."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Today I want to talk about one of the biggest modern day choosing problems that we have, which is the choice overload problem.","es":"Hoy quiero hablar de uno de los mayores problemas de la actualidad: elegir ante la sobrecarga de opciones."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is a picture of it.","es":"\u00c9sta es una foto de esa regi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"One of the strands of thinking I was involved in was that sameness is so incredibly overrated.","es":"Una de las tendencias de pensamiento en las que particip\u00e9 fue que la uniformidad est\u00e1 incre\u00edblemente sobrevalorada."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Our primary focus is on preventing some of the most vulnerable families in our community from being separated in the first place.","es":"Nuestro enfoque principal es la prevenci\u00f3n de las familias m\u00e1s vulnerables en nuestra comunidad de ser separados en primer lugar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"To find out, this year we conducted a global survey among more than 200,000 job seekers from 189 countries.","es":"Para averiguarlo, este a\u00f1o llevamos a cabo una encuesta mundial entre los m\u00e1s de 200 000 solicitantes de empleo de 189 pa\u00edses."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I put salad bars in all of our schools when I got there.","es":"Instalo barras de ensaladas en todas nuestras escuelas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We opened\u2014 NM: No surgeries.","es":"Abrimos NM: Sin cirug\u00eda."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"All of life is controlled by networks, from the intracellular through the multicellular through the ecosystem level.","es":"Todo en la vida est\u00e1 controlado por redes; desde las intercelulares a las multicelulares, hasta el nivel de ecosistemas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So I want to end with a story of Pournima.","es":"As\u00ed que quiero terminar con la historia de Prinima."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"A final example: Kosovo.","es":"Un ejemplo final: Kosovo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well, let me see, it's a quadrocopter, but what's kind of special about it is there's a leash.","es":"Bueno, veamos, es un cuadric\u00f3ptero, pero lo especial es que tiene una correa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And you'll notice something about Tarawa; it is very low-lying.","es":"Se dar\u00e1n cuenta que Tarawa, est\u00e1 cerca del nivel del mar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Or that dark night when I was 16 when three little kids had come to me and they whispered in my ear that my friend was murdered in something called the honor killings.","es":"O esa noche oscura cuando ten\u00eda 16 a\u00f1os y 3 ni\u00f1os peque\u00f1os vinieron a m\u00ed y me susurraron al o\u00eddo que a mi amiga la hab\u00edan asesinado por algo llamado asesinato de honor."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In Westchester, they call it a Pooki, in New Jersey, a twat.","es":"En Westchester le llaman \"pooky,\" en Nueva Jersey \"twat.\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"B is located on the edge of the network.","es":"B est\u00e1 ubicado al borde de la red."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But then we all realized that this idea of the market happened to be a lot more profitable than the idea of the shopping mall because basically they had more shops to sell.","es":"Pero en definitiva todos nos dimos cuenta de que esta idea del mercado resultaba ser mucho m\u00e1s rentable que la del centro comercial porque a fin de cuentas hab\u00eda m\u00e1s locales para vender."} -{"gender":"female","en":"SK: You can do it too, boo-boo.","es":"SK: Uds. tambi\u00e9n pueden hacerlo, s\u00ed, s\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They were from students and journalists and friendly strangers like this one.","es":"Eran de estudiantes y periodistas y de extra\u00f1os cordiales como este."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But it also serves as a reminder that you, too, should take your unique backgrounds, skills and needs and build prototypes to discover and work out the key problems, and through that, change the world.","es":"Pero tambi\u00e9n sirve de recordatorio de que Uds., tambi\u00e9n, deben tomar su propia formaci\u00f3n, habilidades y necesidades y crear prototipos para descubrir y solucionar los problemas clave, y as\u00ed, cambiar el mundo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You know that when you have those abusive voices, all those little neurons get together and in that little gap you get a real toxic \"I want to kill myself\" kind of chemical, and if you have that over and over again on a loop tape, you might have yourself depression.","es":"Saben que cuando oyen estas voces abusivas, todas esas peque\u00f1as neuronas se juntan y ese peque\u00f1o espacio se llena de un tipo de sustancia muy t\u00f3xica del tipo \u00abquiero suicidarme\u00bb y si esto sucediera una y otra vez como en una grabaci\u00f3n repetitiva, podr\u00edan tener depresi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Due to repeated washing the rags would become coarse, and I would often get rashes and infections using them.","es":"Debido al lavado repetido se volv\u00edan \u00e1speros, y muchas veces ten\u00eda erupciones e infecciones por usarlos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And so in this video here, this is a video taken from David DeSteno's lab at Northeastern University.","es":"Y as\u00ed en este video este es un video del laboratorio de David DeSteno en la Universidad de Northeastern."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I like to immerse myself in my topics.","es":"A m\u00ed me gusta ahondar en mis temas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's why, a few years later, I joined with a group of college friends in bringing the Make Poverty History campaign to Australia.","es":"Es por eso que, unos a\u00f1os m\u00e1s tarde, me un\u00ed a un grupo de amigos de la universidad para llevar la campa\u00f1a Make Poverty History<\/i> a Australia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Do I have enough to eat?","es":"\u00bfTengo suficientes alimentos?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Magellanic penguins, the ones that I work on, they can dive to about 90 meters and they can stay down for about 4.6 minutes.","es":"Los ping\u00fcinos de Magallanes, los que yo estudio, pueden sumergirse casi 90 metros. Y se mantienen bajo el agua unos 4,6 minutos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This was an exceptional work that was done.","es":"Fue un trabajo excepcional."} -{"gender":"female","en":"From the moment that our ancestors, perhaps two and a half million years ago or so, began imitating, there was a new copying process.","es":"Desde el momento en que nuestros ancestros, quiz\u00e1s hace dos millones y medio de a\u00f1os, m\u00e1s o menos, empezaron a imitar, existi\u00f3 un nuevo proceso de copiado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I worked with white noise. dB is basically, dB is the name of the product, basically a white noise diffuser.","es":"Por lo tanto trabaj\u00e9 con ruido blanco. D.B. es b\u00e1sicamente, D.B. es el nombre del producto, b\u00e1sicamente un difusor de ruido blanco."} -{"gender":"male","en":"As a child, I thought she was born with them, with beautiful black lines and detailed symbols.","es":"De ni\u00f1o pensaba que hab\u00eda nacido con ellos con hermosas l\u00edneas negras y s\u00edmbolos detallados."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Believe me, you do that, and you will destroy your dreams.","es":"Cr\u00e9anme, si lo hacen, destruir\u00e1n sus sue\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We've got an infrastructure that allows a certain percentage of people to spend all their time doing research.","es":"Tenemos una infraestructura que permite que un cierto porcentaje de personas pase todo su tiempo investigando."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Another night it was Tristan who found out that there were pieces that make up explosives all around the house in which they were standing, and that in fact, explosives lay all the way between there and where they were about to head that night.","es":"Otra noche fue Tristan quien averigu\u00f3 que hab\u00edan piezas que formaban explosivos por toda la casa en la que se encontraban, de hecho, estaban por todo el camino entre la casa y donde estaban a punto de dirigirse aquella noche."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And there's four key ingredients to describing that.","es":"Hay cuatro ingredientes clave para describir eso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Surprisingly, they just handed them right over, and then with some pencils I already had, I made this project for only 80 cents.","es":"Sorprendentemente, los entregaron de inmediato, y, luego, con unos l\u00e1pices que ya ten\u00eda, hice este proyecto por solo 80 centavos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In the beginning, there was compassion, and I mean not just when human beings first showed up, but actually even before that.","es":"En el principio ya exist\u00eda la compasi\u00f3n, y no me refiero a cuando aparecieron por primera vez los seres humanos, sino incluso desde antes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I TiVo stuff on my piece-of-junk Time Warner DVR all the time.","es":"Yo \"tiveo\" cosas en mi DVR Time Warner todo el tiempo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I hope you might be having just a little glimpse of it right now.","es":"Y espero que est\u00e9n viendo ahora una peque\u00f1a parte de eso."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It can actually ease the sleep transition.","es":"En realidad puede facilitar la transici\u00f3n de sue\u00f1o."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Because in my research I found that people who really change the world, who change the way we live and the way we think, are the people who were met with initial and often violent rejections.","es":"Porque en mi investigaci\u00f3n, descubr\u00ed que los que realmente cambian el mundo, que cambian la forma de vivir y pensar, son esas personas que previamente se enfrentaron a rechazos, a menudo incluso violentos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Is this just a form of mis-prediction that doesn't have consequences?","es":"\u00bfEste fallo en la predicci\u00f3n es algo que no tiene consecuencias?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Well, I'm not going to tell you that playing video games days in and days out is actually good for your health.","es":"Bien, no les dir\u00e9 que jugar a videojuegos d\u00eda tras d\u00eda sea realmente bueno para la salud."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Even at that rate, by 2100 average GDP per capita in the world will be $200,000.","es":"Incluso a ese ritmo en 2100, el producto per c\u00e1pita en el mundo ser\u00e1 de 200,000 d\u00f3lares."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, it used to be the only way we had to stop this terrorist was with a hail of bullets and a car chase, but that's not necessarily true anymore.","es":"La \u00fanica forma que sol\u00edamos tener para detener a este terrorista era con una balacera y una persecuci\u00f3n en auto, pero esto ya no necesariamente es as\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, the 3.2 billion base pairs inside each of your cells is really a history of where you've been for the past billion years.","es":"Entonces, los 3,2 miles de millones de pares base dentro de cada una de sus c\u00e9lulas son en realidad la historia de d\u00f3nde han estado por los \u00faltimos mil millones de a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In short, it's deciding that tomorrow can better than today and going after that.","es":"En pocas palabras, es decidir que ma\u00f1ana puede ser mejor que hoy, y luchar por ello."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I tried on the idea of eking out another two years in Washington, or maybe uprooting my sons from their school and my husband from his work and asking them to join me.","es":"Medit\u00e9 la idea de seguir otros dos a\u00f1os en Washington, o tal vez desarraigar a mis hijos de su escuela y a mi esposo de su trabajo, y pedirles que se unieran a m\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I had to work at it.","es":"Yo tuve que trabajar en eso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think the first one is that they got fooled by history.","es":"Creo que la primera es que fueron enga\u00f1ados por la historia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This company, Shinola, which is a luxury watch and bicycle company, deliberately chose to relocate to Detroit, and they quote themselves by saying they were drawn to the global brand of Detroit's innovation.","es":"Shinola es una empresa de relojes de lujo y bicicletas, que opt\u00f3 deliberadamente por mudarse a Detroit, y dicen sentirse atra\u00eddos por la marca global de la innovaci\u00f3n de Detroit."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's called \"Bloom,\" and the surface is made completely out of thermo-bimetal, and its intention is to make this canopy that does two things.","es":"Se llama \u00abBloom\u00bb, y la superficie est\u00e1 totalmente hecha de bimetal t\u00e9rmico, y su prop\u00f3sito es crear esta marquesina que hace dos cosas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If it's not, it's certainly affecting their eggs and larvae, I would certainly think.","es":"Si no, ciertamente est\u00e1 afectando a sus huevos y larvas, pensar\u00eda yo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And here are the most surprising results.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 el m\u00e1s sorpresivo de los resultados."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Children shouldn't memorize things from books, they should do activities, and that's a more effective way to learn.","es":"Los ni\u00f1os no deben memorizar las cosas de los libros, deben hacer actividades, y esa es una forma m\u00e1s eficaz de aprender."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So let's now look at her data in summary, going from the least powerful predictor to the strongest.","es":"As\u00ed que vamos a ver ahora sus datos, pasando del predictor menos poderoso al m\u00e1s fuerte."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So the evidence that we have that a quarter of the universe is dark matter, this gravitationally attracting stuff, is that galaxies, the speed with which stars orbiting galaxies is much too large; it must be embedded in dark matter.","es":"La prueba entonces de que un cuarto del universo es materia oscura -esa cosa que atrae gravitacionalmente- es que en las galaxias, la velocidad con la que orbitan las estrellas es demasiado grande; Tienen que estar inmersas en materia oscura."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The only way to make that digital me work is to learn from yourself.","es":"La \u00fanica forma para hacer que ese \"yo\"digital funcione es aprender de ti mismo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"'Cause they'd rather believe I don't exist.","es":"Prefiero que crean que no existo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's otherworldly, beautiful.","es":"Es otro mundo. Hermoso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This led me to blood.","es":"Esto me llev\u00f3 a la sangre."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I knew we'd have a hard time with what followed.","es":"Sab\u00eda que tendr\u00edamos problemas con lo dem\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I found Nirvana.","es":"Encontr\u00e9 el nirvana."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Choice number two says that women are choosing to have babies, so women alone should bear the consequences of those choices.","es":"La n\u00famero dos dice que las mujeres optan por tener hijos, as\u00ed que las mujeres solas deben afrontar las consecuencias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And during the stormy southwest monsoon, manta rays from all across the archipelago travel to a tiny speck in Baa Atoll called Hanifaru.","es":"Durante la tormenta del monz\u00f3n del suroeste, las mantas de todo el archipi\u00e9lago se congregan en un peque\u00f1o lugar en el atol\u00f3n de Baa, llamado Hanifaru."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Much more, and I just feel, at last, one with the stick and one with the drum.","es":"Mucho m\u00e1s. Y me siento, por fin, que soy una con la baqueta y una con el redoblante."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Any further inquiry not necessary and not really that welcome.","es":"Ninguna otra pregunta es necesaria o incluso bienvenida."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And it's a story that has no discernible beginning, no foreseeable end.","es":"Y es una historia que no tiene un inicio discernible, ni un final previsible."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think the Eameses are wonderful examples of experimentation.","es":"Creo que los Eames son un ejemplo fant\u00e1stico de experimentaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"My wife's just finished writing a novel, and I think it's a great book, but she disappears for hours on end.","es":"Mi esposa acaba de terminar de escribir una novela, y yo creo que es un gran libro, pero ella desaparece durante horas y horas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The other pictures are of my very ill grandmother.","es":"Las otras fotograf\u00edas son de mi abuela muy enferma."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This purse is also a reminder that the things that you imagine, sitting in your office or in the library, are not how you find them when you actually go out into the world.","es":"Este bolso es tambi\u00e9n un recordatorio de que las cosas que imaginas, sentado en tu oficina o en la biblioteca, no son como las encuentras cuando realmente sales al mundo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, it's really convenient that spiders use their silk completely outside their body.","es":"As\u00ed que, es muy conveniente que las ara\u00f1as usen su seda completamente fuera del cuerpo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"CH: There's some hope to be had from some of this, isn't there?","es":"CH: \u00bfHay algo de esperanza de tener algo as\u00ed?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's what happened with my wife and I. And this range of acceptable behaviors, when we stay within our range, we're rewarded.","es":"Eso es lo que pas\u00f3 con mi esposa y conmigo. Y cuando nos quedamos dentro de nuestros limites somos recompensados."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I hope you had a nice time at Buddy's party.\"","es":"Espero que hayas pasado un buen momento en la fiesta de Buddy\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If Americans are so fat, stupid and ignorant, my dear friends from Birmingham, how come they rule the world?","es":"Si es que los norteamericanos son tan gordos, est\u00fapidos e ignorantes, mis queridos amigos de Birmingham \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 dominan el mundo?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"We put it into Dari and Pashto.","es":"La proyectamos en dari y pashto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I have succeeded in my life beyond my wildest expectations, and I have been treated well by people of all races more often than I have not.","es":"He tenido \u00e9xito en mi vida, llegu\u00e9 m\u00e1s lejos que mis m\u00e1s optimistas expectativas, y han sido m\u00e1s las veces que fui tratada bien que las que no por gente de todas las razas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Hadiza is 20.","es":"Hadiza tiene 20 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Primates, on the other hand, we use our mouths more.","es":"Los primates, por otro lado, usamos m\u00e1s la boca."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The one thing that never happens in my doctor's office: They never ask me about my place history.","es":"La \u00fanica cosa que nunca pasa en la oficina de mi m\u00e9dico: Nunca me preguntan sobre mi historial de lugares."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They had such good infrastructure that even at the time they had a fiber-optic telephone system, long before it had reached Western countries.","es":"Ten\u00edan tan buena infraestructura que incluso en ese tiempo contaban con una red telef\u00f3nica de fibra \u00f3ptica mucho antes de que llegara a los pa\u00edses occidentales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's always about my taste.","es":"Siempre se trata de mi gusto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"A friend of mine complained that this was too big and too pretty to go in the kitchen, so there's a sixth volume that has washable, waterproof paper.","es":"Una amiga m\u00eda se quej\u00f3 de que era demasiado grande y bonito como para estar en la cocina. Por eso hay un sexto volumen de papel resistente al agua, lavable."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Radiologists were outraged by the guidelines.","es":"Los radi\u00f3logos se indignaron con las directrices."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I talk to some people that I disagree with deeply on a personal level. But I still have a great conversation with them.","es":"Converso a una profundidad personal con gente que estoy en desacuerdo Pero aun as\u00ed tengo una gran conversaci\u00f3n con ellos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The classic example is people who are, perhaps, a little bit overweight deliberately choosing a very cropped photo, or bald men, for example, deliberately choosing pictures where they're wearing hats.","es":"El ejemplo cl\u00e1sico es el de aquellos que tienen algo de sobrepeso y eligen deliberadamente fotos recortadas. O los hombres calvos, por ejemplo, que eligen cuidadosamente fotos donde aparecen con sombrero."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In terms of beyond sensory substitution, the things I started mentioning about astronauts on the space station, they spend a lot of their time monitoring things, and they could instead just get what's going on, because what this is really good for is multidimensional data.","es":"En t\u00e9rminos de sustituci\u00f3n sensorial del ma\u00f1ana, algo empec\u00e9 a mencionar de astronautas en la estaci\u00f3n espacial, que pasan mucho tiempo controlando cosas y podr\u00edan en cambio ver que est\u00e1 pasando, porque esto es bueno para datos multidimensionales."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Men have testosterone and are in general physically stronger than women.","es":"Los hombres tienen testosterona y, en general, son f\u00edsicamente m\u00e1s fuertes que las mujeres."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And that sounds really heavy, but in the last five or 10 years, have there been some decisions that if you'd made a different decision, your life would be completely different? How many can think about it?","es":"Y eso suena muy pesado, pero en los \u00faltimos 5 \u00f3 10 a\u00f1os, 15 a\u00f1os, \u00bfc\u00f3mo han habido algunas decisiones que has tomado que si hubieses tomado otra diferente, yu vida ser\u00eda completamente distinta? \u00bfcuantos pueden pensarlo?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"We took them on adventures around the city, and when we said goodbye to the last guest, the door latch clicked, Brian and I just stared at each other.","es":"Los llevamos de aventura por la ciudad, y cuando dijimos adi\u00f3s al \u00faltimo invitado, el pestillo de la puerta hizo clic, Brian y yo simplemente nos mir\u00e1bamos el uno al otro."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I slowed it down for you.","es":"Baj\u00e9 la velocidad para Uds."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"She is followed by her four children, all of whom were killed in the Srebrenica massacre.","es":"Ella va seguida de sus cuatro hijos, todos ellos asesinados en la masacre de Srebrenica."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And finally, he says, \"Look, can you just open all the doors to your house and play music really loud and see if the thing leaves?\"","es":"Y finalmente dijo: \"Oye, \u00bfpuedes abrir las puertas de la casa, poner m\u00fasica bien fuerte y ver si se va?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"I took this picture in the Tihamah Desert while 25 millimeters, that's an inch of rain, was falling.","es":"Tom\u00e9 esta fotograf\u00eda en el desierto Tihama mientras ca\u00edan 25 mil\u00edmetros o una pulgada de lluvia."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You need to work your life.","es":"Es necesario trabajar la vida."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Because when you can't distinguish between the truth and fake news, you have a very much more difficult time trying to solve some of the great issues that we face.","es":"Y no se trata solo de un eslogan que se lanza por ah\u00ed, pues cuando no puedes distinguir entre la noticia verdadera de la falsa, hay dificultades de resolver algunos de los grandes problemas que enfrentamos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Very strange.","es":"Muy extra\u00f1o."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And though it was birthed in Canada, we've discovered that it travels well.","es":"Y aunque naci\u00f3 en Canad\u00e1, hemos descubierto que es universal."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to do this.","es":"Voy a hacer esto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's over 300 million molecular weight.","es":"Tiene una masa molecular superior a 300 millones."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Thus, I was one of roughly 60 percent of women of color who find finances to be a major barrier to their educational goals.","es":"Fui una de casi un 60 % de mujeres negras que enfrentan la limitaci\u00f3n financiera en sus objetivos educativos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I told you it ruins people's lives and their friends bug them.","es":"Ya les he dicho que arruina la vida de la gente y sus amigos los fastidian."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I still have maybe another four decades of work left in me.","es":"Tal vez tengo todav\u00eda otras cuatro d\u00e9cadas de trabajo en m\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Good science, imagination and a leap of faith are the trifecta we use to raise the dead.","es":"Buena ciencia, imaginaci\u00f3n y un voto de confianza es la tr\u00edada empleada para resucitar a los muertos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I realized something.","es":"Y me di cuenta de algo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"In February, Nokia unveiled its new policy on sourcing minerals in the Congo, and there is a petition to Apple to make a conflict-free iPhone.","es":"En febrero, Nokia present\u00f3 su nueva pol\u00edtica de abastecimiento de minerales en el Congo y hay una petici\u00f3n a Apple para que fabrique iPhones sin crear conflictos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And there's another in-joke among statisticians, and that's, \"How do you tell the introverted statistician from the extroverted statistician?\"","es":"Y hay otro chiste entre estad\u00edsticos que es: \u201c\u00bfC\u00f3mo distingues al estad\u00edstico introvertido del estad\u00edstico extrovertido?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"My observation skills have been honed so that I pick up on things that others would never pick up on.","es":"Mis habilidades de observaci\u00f3n se han perfeccionado para adaptarlas en cosas que otros nunca se dar\u00e1n cuenta."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So, unfolded it's about 300 linear feet.","es":"Bien, al desplegarlos, son unos 300 pies lineares."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Four days after I put that appeal online, I got a message from a woman called Rafidah in Kuala Lumpur.","es":"Cuatro d\u00edas despu\u00e9s de poner mi petici\u00f3n en l\u00ednea, recib\u00ed un mensaje de una mujer llamada Rafidah en Kuala Lumpur."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I wanted it to be more like war photography, where I was making harder-hitting pictures that showed readers what was happening to marine wildlife around the planet.","es":"Quer\u00eda que fuera m\u00e1s como la fotograf\u00eda de guerra, donde estaba tomando im\u00e1gnes m\u00e1s dif\u00edciles que mostraban a los lectores lo que le estaba pasando a la vida marina alrededor del mundo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So why has no one ever solved this problem before?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no se hab\u00eda resulto el problema antes?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Not everybody wants it but they don't care.","es":"No lo quiere todo el mundo, pero no les importa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The first is, forget about kicking.","es":"La primera es, olv\u00eddese del pataleo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I mean, the loss of virginity is usually a process that involves","es":"Es decir, la p\u00e9rdida de la virginidad es, por lo general, un proceso que implica"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, we could imagine one day having Geraldine on a chip, having Danielle on a chip, having you on a chip.","es":"Bueno, podemos pensar en que alg\u00fan d\u00eda tengamos a Geraldine en un chip, a Danielle en un chip, a Ud. en un chip."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So what's going on here?","es":"Entonces \u00bfqu\u00e9 est\u00e1 sucediendo?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"And it's not just America. It's all over the world.","es":"Y no es s\u00f3lo EE.UU., es as\u00ed en todo el mundo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"First of all, oxytocin is a shy molecule.","es":"Ante todo, la oxitocina es una mol\u00e9cula t\u00edmida."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So the really interesting, exciting work, this is the engaging bit, in sanitation is that we need to understand human psychology.","es":"El trabajo realmente interesante y emocionante, esta es la parte atractiva, en materia de saneamiento es que necesitamos entender la psicolog\u00eda humana."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, increasingly, people are starting to recognize the importance of learning to code.","es":"Por lo tanto, cada vez m\u00e1s, la gente est\u00e1 empezando a reconocer la importancia de aprender a codificar, a programar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'll leave you with three questions, and then one final quote.","es":"Os dejo con tres preguntas y una cita final."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The most beautiful landscapes I had seen in Asia were Sri Lanka and Bali.","es":"Los paisajes m\u00e1s hermosos que he visto en Asia fueron en Sri Lanka y Bali."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so we make recommendations on standards to use, and we use those same standards, and so we are invested in making sure that those communications are secure for their intended purposes.","es":"Por eso recomendamos qu\u00e9 est\u00e1ndares usar, y usamos esos mismos est\u00e1ndares, e invertimos en asegurar que esas comunicaciones sean seguras para los fines previstos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I was injured all my life; then in my early 40s, I got rid of my shoes and my running ailments have gone away, too.","es":"Siempre estaba lesionado hasta que con cuarenta a\u00f1os tir\u00e9 mis zapatillas y con ellos se fueron todas mis molestias de corredor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And it's clear that some things are happening.","es":"Y est\u00e1 claro que algunas cosas est\u00e1n sucediendo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But, also, there's going to be tremendous movement from the open to the closed.","es":"Pero, tambi\u00e9n, habr\u00e1 un movimiento tremendo de lo abierto a lo cerrado."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"After we got home, Min gave her mother another present: a pink Dooney & Bourke handbag, and a few nights later, her sister was showing off a maroon LeSportsac shoulder bag.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de llegar a casa, Min le dio a su madre otro regalo: un bolso de mano Dooney & Bourke, y unas noches m\u00e1s tarde, su hermana luc\u00eda un bolso LeSportsac marr\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's a four-letter word.","es":"Es una palabra de cinco letras."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In 2013, on a field trip to detect schistosomiasis with Foldscopes, I made a minor observation.","es":"En 2013, en un viaje de campo para detectar la esquistosomiasis con pliegoscopios. Hice una peque\u00f1a observaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I used scripture.","es":"Us\u00e9 Las Escrituras."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It started small with 12 villages.","es":"Empez\u00f3 humildemente en 12 aldeas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is what it looks like.","es":"Y as\u00ed se ve."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I need two people to help me out real quick.","es":"Necesito dos personas que me ayuden r\u00e1pido."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We have to start changing this.","es":"Tenemos que empezar a cambiar esto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Look, we think this is a level playing field, so any policy that tilts it even a little bit, we think, \"Oh my God, water's rushing uphill. It's reverse discrimination against us.\"","es":"Vean, creemos que es a nivel del terreno de juego y cualquier pol\u00edtica que lo incline aunque sea un poco, enseguida pensaremos: \"Ay, Dios vamos contracorriente es una discriminaci\u00f3n inversa contra nosotros\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I found him hunched over on the ground in the onesie.","es":"Lo encontr\u00e9 acurrucado en el suelo con el mono."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The prototyping carts, filled with colored paper and Play-Doh and glue sticks and stuff, I mean, they do have a bit of a kindergarten feel to them.","es":"Carros para prototipos llenos de papeles de colores y plastilina, pegamento en barra y todo eso. Es decir, se siente uno all\u00ed en un ambiente como de guarder\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"She was a 17-year-old Kurdish girl in London.","es":"Ella era una joven kurda de 17 a\u00f1os que viv\u00eda en Londres."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I understand that 16th-century Verona is unlike contemporary North America, and yet when I first read this play, also at age 14, Juliet's suffering made sense to me.","es":"Entiendo que la Verona del s. XVI difiere de la Am\u00e9rica del Norte contempor\u00e1nea, y sin embargo cuando le\u00ed esta obra por primera vez, tambi\u00e9n a los 14 a\u00f1os, el sufrimiento de Julieta ten\u00eda sentido para m\u00ed."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The highest concentrations are in red.","es":"Las grandes concentraciones se encuentran en rojo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Modeling: on the right hand side, there's a very complex computational model. On the left hand side, there's a new type of mooring, which I'll show you in just a second.","es":"A la derecha vemos una compleja maqueta virtual A la izquierda, un tipo nuevo de amarradero que les mostrar\u00e9 enseguida."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But also, we're now working on using these same tools to come up with instant sets of vaccines.","es":"Pero tambi\u00e9n estamos trabajando ahora mismo en utilizar estas mismas herramientas para llegar a series de vacunas instant\u00e1neas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Ultimately, that led me to my dream job.","es":"Al final, esto me llev\u00f3 al trabajo de mis sue\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We're talking hundreds of kilometers from the nearest road, there's certainly no electricity, but they had very good cell phone service, these people in the towns were on Facebook all the time, they're surfing the web on their phones, and this sort of got me thinking that in fact it would be possible to use the sounds of the forest, pick up the sounds of chainsaws programmatically, because people can't hear them, and send an alert.","es":"Hablamos de cientos de kil\u00f3metros hasta la carretera m\u00e1s cercana, y claro que no hay electricidad, pero si que hab\u00eda se\u00f1al de red. La gente del pueblo ten\u00eda acceso a Facebook todo el tiempo navegaba en Internet con el m\u00f3vil lo que me hizo pensar ene la posibilidad real de usar los sonidos del bosque, e identificar los sonidos de las motosierras con un programa ya son inaudibles, y enviar una alarma."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This is probably the best time in the history of mankind to love space.","es":"Tal vez sea el mejor momento en la historia de la Humanidad para amar el espacio."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That's what plumbers look like, right?","es":"As\u00ed es como se ven a los plomeros, \u00bfcierto?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"MB: What about you, Opal?","es":"MB: \u00bfQu\u00e9 hay de ti, Opal?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I was speaking too loudly.","es":"Estaba hablando demasiado alto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But are there conceivable events that could be even worse, events that could snuff out all life?","es":"Pero \u00bfhay eventos concebibles que puedan ser incluso peores, que puedan extinguir la vida?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I now decide where I'm going to be in that space, so I'm down on this small part of the bottom rib of the letter \"E,\" and I'm thinking about it, and I'm imagining this space that's really high and above.","es":"Ahora decido d\u00f3nde estar dentro de ese espacio, as\u00ed que estoy abajo en esta peque\u00f1a parte de la costilla inferior de la letra \"E\" y pienso en esto, e imagino este espacio que es realmente elevado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So what do they do next?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfqu\u00e9 es lo que har\u00e1n?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"So, absent being able to anticipate the future, what we all do, as good parents, is try and prepare our kids for every possible kind of future, hoping that just one of our efforts will pay off.","es":"As\u00ed que, siendo incapaces de anticipar el futuro, lo que hacemos, como padres, es tratar de preparar a nuestros hijos para cualquier clase posible de futuro, esperando que alguno de nuestros esfuerzos d\u00e9 en el blanco."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This is a fantastic map of online social collaboration between Perl developers.","es":"Este es un mapa fant\u00e1stico de la colaboraci\u00f3n social en l\u00ednea entre los desarrolladores de Perl."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Because if you sit a long time in summer in shorts, you will walk away with temporary branding of the story element on your thighs.","es":"Si uno se sienta mucho tiempo en verano con pantalones cortos, se va luego con una marca temporal de la historia en sus muslos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"What will these three billion people bring?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 aportar\u00e1n estos 3000 millones?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And of course, if anyone's breaking the rules, the police are there and the car has to understand that that flashing light on the top of the car means that it's not just a car, it's actually a police officer.","es":"Y, claro, si alguien no cumple las reglas, la polic\u00eda est\u00e1 all\u00ed y el veh\u00edculo debe entender que la luz titilante encima del auto significa que no es un veh\u00edculo cualquiera sino el de una patrulla de polic\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Everybody has inside themselves what I call an \"activation button.\"","es":"Todo el mundo tiene dentro de s\u00ed lo que llamo un \"bot\u00f3n de activaci\u00f3n\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Why bother?","es":"\u00bfPara qu\u00e9 molestarse?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We're going to turn to another technology, called algorithmic self-assembly of tiles.","es":"Veremos otra tecnolog\u00eda llamada \"auto-ensamblaje algor\u00edtmico de mosaicos\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So trees effectively invent their own trunks at this time, and they get really big, bigger and bigger, and pepper the Earth, releasing oxygen, releasing oxygen, releasing oxygen, such that the oxygen levels are about twice as high as what they are today.","es":"Los \u00e1rboles inventan efectivamente sus propios troncos en ese momento, y se hacen muy grandes, m\u00e1s y m\u00e1s grandes e impactan la Tierra, liberando ox\u00edgeno, liberando ox\u00edgeno, liberando ox\u00edgeno, y los niveles de ox\u00edgeno son casi dos veces m\u00e1s altos que los actuales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I posed her with her back to the audience. Her face turned to meet us with a redoubtable gaze.","es":"Entonces, hice que posara dando la espalda al p\u00fablico, con su rostro girando hacia nosotros con una temible mirada."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Social media didn't create the revolution; it was created by a new generation of young people who wanted jobs and hope and who didn't want to be treated as subjects anymore.","es":"Los medios sociales no hicieron la revoluci\u00f3n, sino una nueva generaci\u00f3n de j\u00f3venes que quer\u00edan puestos de trabajo y esperanza y que ya no quer\u00edan ser tratados como s\u00fabditos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So many others you see, they're just wonderful.","es":"Y podemos ver a muchos otros, son todos maravillosos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And she said, \"Mom, have you done this before?\"","es":"Y me dijo: \"Mam\u00e1, \u00bfHas hecho esto antes?\""} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"My colleague and mentor, Gene Sharp, has identified 198 methods of nonviolent action.","es":"Mi colega y mentor, Gene Sharp, ha identificado 198 m\u00e9todos de acci\u00f3n no violenta."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I started hearing from parents who said that their nonverbal children were starting to speak.","es":"Empec\u00e9 a escuchar a padres que dec\u00edan que sus hijos no verbales estaban empezando a hablar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Silks could be incorporated into body and equipment armor that would be more lightweight and flexible than any armor available today.","es":"La seda podr\u00eda incorporarse en el cuerpo y en el equipo de una armadura que ser\u00eda m\u00e1s ligera y flexible que cualquier armadura disponible hoy en d\u00eda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now before we go on, let me describe very quickly and simply, how RKCP works.","es":"Pero antes de continuar describir\u00e9, simple y r\u00e1pidamente, c\u00f3mo funciona RKCP."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to be very quick because I want to show you the latest.","es":"Ir\u00e9 muy r\u00e1pido porque quiero mostrarles la \u00faltima."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I knew I had to get past this nervousness.","es":"Pero sab\u00eda que deb\u00eda superar este nerviosismo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Leo, Cookie Monster is very bad.","es":"Leo, Cookie Monster es muy malo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I think these are so commonplace, they've become clich\u00e9s of our society.","es":"Son tan comunes que se han convertido en clich\u00e9s de nuestra sociedad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Not in most cases, and not in the preponderance of cases, but in every single instance where he made some reference to the Holocaust, that his supposed evidence was distorted, half-truth, date-changed, sequence-changed, someone put at a meeting who wasn't there.","es":"No en la mayor\u00eda de los casos o predominantemente, sino que en cada uno de los casos donde hizo alguna referencia al Holocausto, su supuesta evidencia fue manipulada, contada a medias, cambiada de fechas, los acontecimientos cambiados, inventando hechos que no ocurrieron."} -{"gender":"male","en":"There are 232 million international migrants in the world.","es":"Hay 232 millones de inmigrantes internacionales en el mundo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Then Indra disappeared.","es":"Luego Indra desapareci\u00f3."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And the craft that I\u2019m in, this hasn\u2019t been shown before.","es":"Y la nave en la que esto no lo hemos mostrado antes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"My leather Adidas baseball cap matches my fake Gucci backpack.","es":"Mi gorra de beisbol Adidas de cuero hace juego con mi falsa mochila Gucci."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My journey took a strange turn three years later, after I met a group of refugee kids playing soccer outside.","es":"Tres a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s, mi viaje tom\u00f3 un giro inesperado cuando conoc\u00ed a un grupo de ni\u00f1os refugiados jugando al f\u00fatbol."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Being at the Norton offices felt like reaching up into the night sky and touching the moon while the stars stitched your name across the cosmos.","es":"Al estar en las oficinas de Norton me sent\u00eda llegar hasta el cielo nocturno y tocar la luna mientras que las estrellas ten\u00edan su nombre bordado en el cosmos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But in fact, that question, \"Is it 'still' ethical?\" is just one way of looking at ethics.","es":"De hecho, la pregunta, \u201c\u00bftodav\u00eda es \u00e9tico?\u201d es solo una forma de ver la \u00e9tica."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Since we are such a visual species, it's hard for us to really understand this, so I'll use a mixture of figures and sounds and hope this can communicate it.","es":"Dado que somos una especie visual, nos es dif\u00edcil entender cabalmente esto. As\u00ed que voy a usar una mezcla de gr\u00e1ficos y sonidos y espero poder comunicar con eso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I mean, Tiger surely was actually obeying the Accenture model.","es":"Quiero decir, seguramente Tiger estaba obedeciendo el modelo de Accenture."} -{"gender":"female","en":"People are living longer and societies are getting grayer.","es":"La gente est\u00e1 viviendo m\u00e1s tiempo y las sociedades est\u00e1n envejeciendo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I've tried engaging people.","es":"He intentado enfrentarme al a gente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I had believed.","es":"Yo hab\u00eda cre\u00eddo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You know why you would get all warm and fuzzy and wrap yourself up in human relationships.","es":"T\u00fa sabes por qu\u00e9 te sientes tan a gustito y te escudas en las relaciones humanas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The first one is a polyanionic segment, which basically acts as a non-stick backing like the back of a sticker.","es":"El primero un segmento poliani\u00f3nico, que b\u00e1sicamente act\u00faa como un antiadherente posterior como la parte de atr\u00e1s de una cinta adhesiva."} -{"gender":"male","en":"AT: Well, we're on the equator, and I'm sure many of you understand that when you're on the equator, it's supposed to be in the doldrums.","es":"AT: Bueno, estamos en el ecuador, y estoy seguro de que muchos entienden que al estar en el ecuador, estar\u00edamos en las calmas ecuatoriales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So we have to solve these problems, and I'm looking forward to working on them.","es":"As\u00ed que tenemos que resolver estos problemas, y tengo ganas de trabajar en ellos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Five hundred years without a war.","es":"Llevan 500 a\u00f1os sin guerra."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But here's the problem: say you want to buy a half a ton of nanocellulose to build a boat or an airplane.","es":"Pero aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 el problema: digamos que quieren comprar media tonelada de nanocelulosa para construir un barco o un avi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Why has this idea had such staying power?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 esta idea ha prevalecido tanto?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Any of you who've been to Africa or had a junkyard dog come after you, there is a fixed kind of predatory gaze that you know you're in trouble.","es":"Quien haya estado en \u00c1frica o haya sido perseguido un perro guardi\u00e1n, conoce esa mirada depredadora que te dice que est\u00e1s en problemas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I've learned to respect the lightning.","es":"Aprend\u00ed a respetar el rayo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I was amazed.","es":"Me sorprendi\u00f3."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And then we mounted a camera for controlling it, but quickly we saw that we would need a lot more weight at the bottom, so we had to take it back to the lab, and then we built a skin around it, we put batteries, remote controllers, and then we put it in the water and then we let it go in the water and see how well it would work, so let some rope out, and hope it's going to work, and it worked okay, but we still have a long way.","es":"Y luego instalamos una c\u00e1mara para su control, pero pronto vimos que \u00edbamos a necesitar mucho m\u00e1s peso en la parte inferior, as\u00ed que tuvimos que llevarlo de regreso al laboratorio. Construimos una cubierta a su alrededor, lo equipamos con bater\u00edas, controles remotos y lo pusimos en el agua y lo dejamos all\u00ed para qu\u00e9 tan bien iba a funcionar. Soltamos las amarras y confiamos en que iba a funcionar bien y as\u00ed fue, pero todav\u00eda ten\u00edamos un largo camino por delante."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So he took really long to reach this position, and then all this while, I'm thinking, \"Oh my God, is he really going to do it?","es":"Demor\u00f3 mucho en llegar a esta posici\u00f3n, y en todo este tiempo, pienso, \"Dios m\u00edo, \u00bfrealmente lo va a hacer?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So flexible interior for discussions, just like this, but in the round, luminous and reconfigurable. Could be used for anything, for performances, films, for installations.","es":"Un interior muy flexible para debates, as\u00ed como este, pero a la redonda: un espacio luminoso y transformable que se adapta a cada necesidad; espect\u00e1culos, pel\u00edculas, instalaciones."} -{"gender":"female","en":"D-Day, June 6, 1944, the Allied invasion of Normandy, the largest amphibious invasion in world history.","es":"El D\u00eda D, 6 de junio de 1944, la invasi\u00f3n aliada de Normand\u00eda, la invasi\u00f3n anfibia m\u00e1s grande de la historia mundial."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When disaster hits, when turmoil hits, we share the consequences.","es":"Cuando ocurre un desastre, cuando la inestabilidad golpea, compartimos las consecuencias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They need to know they matter to us as humans, not because of their GPA.","es":"Necesitan saber que son importantes para nosotros como seres humanos, no por sus calificaciones."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They're not made up.","es":"No son inventados."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But there's one big question left: do they have a language, and if so, what are they talking about?","es":"Pero queda una gran pregunta: \u00bfTienen un idioma y, en caso afirmativo, de qu\u00e9 hablan?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"And the gun went off, and all I remember was finishing last and fighting back tears of frustration and incredible, incredible, this feeling of just being overwhelmed.","es":"Y cuando el disparo de salido son\u00f3, todo lo que recuerdo era, que termin\u00e9 en \u00faltimo lugar. reprimiendo las l\u00e1grimas de frustraci\u00f3n y el incre\u00edble, incre\u00edble sentimiento de solo estar abrumada."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The first time that I performed, the audience of teenagers hooted and hollered their sympathy, and when I came off the stage, I was shaking.","es":"La primera vez que hice la representaci\u00f3n la audiencia de adolescentes clamaron y gritaron su simpat\u00eda, y cuando sal\u00ed del escenario, estaba temblando."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And it was purposely done to look fairly serious.","es":"Y fue creado adrede con una imagen bastante seria."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And the way I sold livestock jobs is I showed off my drawings, I showed off pictures of things.","es":"Y el modo de vender tareas de ganado fue mostrando mis dibujos, mostr\u00e9 im\u00e1genes de cosas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"No cell phone, no laundry, no anything.","es":"No hay tel\u00e9fono m\u00f3vil, no hay ropa para lavar, no hay nada m\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"male","en":"CA: Benoit Mandelbrot is in the audience.","es":"CA: Benoit Mandlebrot est\u00e1 entre nuestro p\u00fablico."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I didn't know it would happen so quick, at eight.","es":"No sab\u00eda que su curiosidad fuera a despertar tan r\u00e1pido, a los ocho."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, we harvest from hundreds of family-owned clumps.","es":"Construimos de la cosecha de cientos de troncos de nuestra propiedad familiar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Seeking a collaborative and reflexive approach, I asked them to write their own words and ideas on prints of their own images.","es":"En busca de un enfoque colaborativo y reflexivo, les ped\u00ed que escribieran sus propias palabras e ideas en las impresiones de sus propias im\u00e1genes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And there was my father, standing with me outside, admiring a day's work, hair on his head, fully in remission, when he turned to me and he said, \"You know, Michael, this house saved my life.\"","es":"Y all\u00ed estaba mi padre, de pie conmigo afuera, admirando un d\u00eda de trabajo, con pelo en la cabeza, totalmente en remisi\u00f3n, cuando se volvi\u00f3 hacia m\u00ed y dijo: \"\u00bfSabes, Michael?, esta casa me salv\u00f3 la vida\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I also encountered a project called Six-Word Memoirs where people were asked, take your whole life and please sum this up into six words, such as these here: \"Found true love, married someone else.\"","es":"Y encontr\u00e9 un proyecto llamado \"Recuerdos en seis palabras\" donde se pidi\u00f3 a las personas resumir la vida entera en seis palabras, como \u00e9stas: \"Amor verdadero en otro matrimonio.\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"BG: So the wings have their own parachute, and you have your two parachutes.","es":"BG: Entonces las alas tienen su propio paraca\u00eddas y t\u00fa tienes los tuyos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think we want the lot of humanity to keep on increasing.","es":"Creo que deseamos que la condici\u00f3n humana siga mejorando."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, I know what some of you are probably thinking.","es":"S\u00e9 lo que algunos de Uds. piensan."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But I know what a straight line looks like.","es":"Pero s\u00e9 lo que es una l\u00ednea recta."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Why did I feel justified in judging her?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 cre\u00eda que estaba bien si la juzgaba?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"And this is another thing that I did, you know working, everybody loves to watch somebody draw, but not many people have a chance to watch somebody draw in, a lot of people at the same time, to evidence a single drawing.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 otra cosa que hice, saben, al trabajar a todos nos gusta mirar a alguien dibujar, pero no mucha gente tiene la oportunidad de mirar a alguien dibujando a mucha gente al mismo tiempo, que presencie un \u00fanico dibujo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"When I was a young man, a young biologist in Africa, I was involved in setting aside marvelous areas as future national parks.","es":"Cuando era joven, como bi\u00f3logo en \u00c1frica, me involucr\u00e9 en preservar algunas zonas maravillosas como futuros parques nacionales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I hate them.","es":"Los odio."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Machine understanding doesn't just change how we look at players, it changes how we look at the game.","es":"La comprensi\u00f3n de m\u00e1quina no cambia la forma de ver a los jugadores, cambia la forma de ver el juego."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And they have actualized compassion through direct action.","es":"Y han restaurado la compasi\u00f3n mediante la acci\u00f3n directa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It must be fed.","es":"Hay que alimentarla."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Where and how can we draw the line?","es":"\u00bfD\u00f3nde y c\u00f3mo trazar la l\u00ednea divisoria?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, adults seem to have a prevalently restrictive attitude towards kids, from every \"Don't do that, don't do this\" in the school handbook, to restrictions on school Internet use.","es":"Los adultos parecen tener una actitud restrictiva hacia los ni\u00f1os, desde cada \"no hagas aquello\", \"no hagas esto\" en los manuales escolares, hasta las restricciones al uso de internet en las escuelas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Which brings me to my last point, and what I think is kind of the most fun.","es":"Lo que me lleva a mi \u00faltimo punto, y es lo que pienso es lo m\u00e1s divertido."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is what Khalil did.","es":"Esto es lo que Khalil hizo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And finally, there's the old way of viewing food is the old way.","es":"Y, por \u00faltimo, est\u00e1 la vieja manera de ver los alimentos, a la antigua."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Like most journalists, I'm an idealist.","es":"Como la mayor\u00eda de periodistas, soy una idealista."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Eleven years later, when the political landscape changed, he heard about a highly selective university admissions test.","es":"11 a\u00f1os m\u00e1s tarde, cuando el panorama pol\u00edtico cambi\u00f3, se enter\u00f3 de una prueba de acceso a una universidad extremadamente selecta."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I don't like the word \"futurist.\"","es":"As\u00ed que no me gusta la palabra \"futurista\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I said, well, in the same way that they exude a protein and it starts the crystallization, and then they all sort of leaned in, they let go of a protein that stops the crystallization. It literally adheres to the growing face of the crystal.","es":"Y dije, bueno, de la misma forma en que sueltan las pro en que exudan una prote\u00edna y empieza la cristalizaci\u00f3n, y ah\u00ed fue cuando todos se inclinaron hacia adelante liberan una prote\u00edna que detiene la cristalizaci\u00f3n Literalmente se adhiere a la cara creciente del cristal."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The result is \"Hells and Heavens.\"","es":"El resultado es \"Infiernos y para\u00edsos\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm convinced that in 30 years, when we look back on today and on how we raise and slaughter billions of animals to make our hamburgers and our handbags, we'll see this as being wasteful and indeed crazy.","es":"Estoy convencido que en 30 a\u00f1os, cuando miremos atr\u00e1s hacia el d\u00eda de hoy, la forma como criamos y sacrificamos miles de millones de animales para hacer nuestras hamburguesas y carteras, veremos esto como un desperdicio, una locura."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Actually, it's not 100 percent true.","es":"En realidad, no es 100 % cierto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you for indulging me.","es":"Gracias por ser complacientes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"When I was a lot younger, there was a riddle that was posed to us.","es":"Cuando era bastante m\u00e1s joven nos planteaban un acertijo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, Dan , if you want billions of chicken pellets for your fish farm, I know where to get them.","es":"Por lo tanto, Dan , si quieres miles de millones de pellets de pollo para tu granja de peces, s\u00e9 donde conseguirlos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But each monkey is only getting the two dimensions on the video screen that the monkey controls.","es":"Pero cada mono solo recibe 2 dimensiones en la pantalla que el mono controla."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's what I do for a living, sort of Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen.","es":"As\u00ed es como me gano la vida, un poco como Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And the rest of you, you still count, you still matter.","es":"Y para el resto: ustedes tambi\u00e9n cuentan, tambi\u00e9n importan."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now I started drawing in the middle of a lot of chaos.","es":"Ahora, comenc\u00e9 a dibujar envuelta en mucho caos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I think the even more significant breakthrough for the purposes of our discussion today was made in 2006 by a Japanese scientist called Yamanaka.","es":"Sin embargo, pienso que el avance m\u00e1s importante para los pr\u00f3positos de nuestro debate hoy lo hizo un cient\u00edfico japon\u00e9s llamado Yamanaka en 2006."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We believe in thinking differently.","es":"Creemos en un pensamiento diferente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"She looks nothing like Marilyn, but by the time we've made her up and put wigs and makeup on, she looks exactly like Marilyn, to the extent that her husband couldn't recognize her, or recognize this look-alike, in these photographs, which I find quite interesting.","es":"Pero para cuando la hab\u00edamos preparado y puesto peluca y maquillaje, ya se ve\u00eda exactamente igual a Marilyn, al punto de que su marido no pudo reconocerla, o reconocer a la doble, en estas fotograf\u00edas, que encuentro muy interesantes."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Every day, we are in the market.","es":"Cada d\u00eda estamos dentro de \u00e9l."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I think practicality is one case where it's worth teaching people by hand.","es":"Los aspectos pr\u00e1cticos son, creo, donde vale la pena ense\u00f1ar a mano."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And every day, every day we wake up with the rule of the militias and their continuous violations of human rights of prisoners and their disrespect of the rule of law.","es":"Y cada d\u00eda, cada d\u00eda nos despertamos con el gobierno de las milicias y sus continuas violaciones de los derechos humanos de los presos y su falta de respeto de la ley."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Screening the average young woman with an MRI is kind of like driving to the grocery store in a Hummer.","es":"Escanear a la mayor\u00eda de las mujeres j\u00f3venes con un tom\u00f3grafo es como ir de compras en un Hummer."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, the whole concept of branes in the universe, if the universe is shaped like a dodecahedron this is a very good map of what could possibly be.","es":"Entonces todo el concepto de branas en el universo, si el universo tiene la forma de un dodecaedro este es un mapa bastante bueno de lo que posiblemente podr\u00eda ser."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The most important changes facing us today have to do with data and what data is doing to shape the kinds of digital relations that will be possible for us in the future.","es":"Los cambios m\u00e1s importantes que enfrentamos hoy tienen que ver con los datos y lo que los datos est\u00e1n haciendo para dar forma a los tipos de relaciones digitales que nos ser\u00e1n posibles en el futuro."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Let me tell you about Beatrice Biira.","es":"D\u00e9jenme contarles acerca de Beatrice Biira."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I proposed a big rebuilding, a temporary music hall, because L'Aquila is very famous for music and all the concert halls were destroyed, so musicians were moving out.","es":"Propuse una gran reconstrucci\u00f3n, una sala de conciertos temporal, porque L'Aquila es muy famosa por la m\u00fasica y todos los salones de conciertos fueron destruidos, as\u00ed que los m\u00fasicos se estaban mudando."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I thought about so much about the soldiers who I eventually had to end up leading.","es":"Y pens\u00e9 mucho en los soldados que finalmente me tocar\u00eda liderar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I remember my first drawing lessons in school as a bunch of contradictory feelings.","es":"Recuerdo mis primeras clases de dibujo en la escuela como un remolino de sentimientos encontrados."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But this isn't just some problem that we need to contain.","es":"Pero este no un problema que debemos contener."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Do one thing in the first 100 days that you're in office to try and improve lives for women in Britain.","es":"Hacer una cosa en los primeros 100 d\u00edas en el cargo; Tratar de mejorar la vida de las mujeres en Gran Breta\u00f1a."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So you would think that the disintegration of basic law enforcement in the developing world would be a huge priority for the global fight against poverty.","es":"As\u00ed uno pensar\u00e1 que la desintegraci\u00f3n de la aplicaci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica de la ley en el mundo en desarrollo ser\u00eda de alta prioridad para la lucha global contra la pobreza."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The fact is, the majority of couples who have experienced affairs stay together. But some of them will merely survive, and others will actually be able to turn a crisis into an opportunity.","es":"El hecho es que la mayor\u00eda de las parejas que han pasado por aventuras permanecen juntas, algunas simplemente sobreviven, y otras podr\u00e1n realmente convertir una crisis en una oportunidad."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But freedom doesn't exist if you don't use it, and what whistleblowers do, and what people like Gayla Benefield do is they use the freedom that they have.","es":"Pero la libertad no existe si no se usa, y lo que los denunciantes hacen, y lo que la gente como Gayla Benefield hacen es usar la libertad que tienen."} -{"gender":"male","en":"YR: I do a roll.","es":"YR: Doy vueltas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And then if we analyze corals closer to the modern day, or indeed if we go down there today anyway and measure the chemistry of the corals, we see that we move to a position where carbon can exchange in and out.","es":"Y luego, si analizamos los corales de los tiempos modernos, o incluso si bajamos all\u00ed hoy de todos modos y medimos la qu\u00edmica de los corales, pasamos a una posici\u00f3n donde el carbono se intercambia de entrada y salida."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I saw colleagues and friends die, my students, hospital patients, die.","es":"Vi morir a colegas y amigos, a mis estudiantes y pacientes de hospitales."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"For one thing, it often happens spontaneously, intuitively, accidentally or incidentally.","es":"Por un lado, suele suceder espont\u00e1nea e intuitivamente accidental o incidentalmente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And to them I say, I'm not sorry at all.","es":"Y les digo, no me arrepiento en absoluto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So for now, they exist mostly in this realm of trade secrets and patents only universities and corporations have access to.","es":"Por el momento, s\u00f3lo existen en el \u00e1rea de los secretos comerciales y de las patentes al que s\u00f3lo tienen acceso las universidades y empresas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"If we work together to raise awareness, we can make sure the world knows that we need to put an end to the unnecessary institutionalization of vulnerable children.","es":"Si trabajamos juntos para crear conciencia, podemos asegurarnos de que el mundo sabe que necesitamos poner fin a la institucionalizaci\u00f3n innecesaria para ni\u00f1os vulnerables."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Medical anthropologists such as Paul Farmer, who worked on AIDS in Haiti, call this structural violence: structural because inequities are embedded in the political and economic organization of our social world, often in ways that are invisible to those with privilege and power; and violence because its impact, premature deaths, suffering, illness, is violent.","es":"Los antrop\u00f3logos m\u00e9dicos como Paul Farmer, que trabaj\u00f3 sobre el SIDA en Hait\u00ed, lo llaman violencia estructural. Estructural debido a que las desigualdades est\u00e1n incrustadas en la organizaci\u00f3n pol\u00edtica y econ\u00f3mica de nuestro mundo social, a menudo en formas que son invisibles a los que tienen el privilegio y el poder; y violencia debido a su impacto, muertes prematuras, sufrimiento, enfermedad, es violencia."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Do you know something?","es":"\u00bfSaben algo?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"It starts with a very basic English sentence: \"John beat Mary.\"","es":"Comienza con una frase de composici\u00f3n b\u00e1sica: \"Juan le pega a Mar\u00eda\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now this view is not particularly new, actually.","es":"Este punto de vista no es, en realidad, nuevo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's it.","es":"Es todo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now these studies are scientifically valid, and they've been replicated, but they're not the whole story.","es":"Estos estudios son cient\u00edficamente v\u00e1lidos, y fueron repetidos, pero no es la historia completa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I think we all already know that.","es":"Creo que todos ya sabemos eso."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We have a lot of problems that we are facing.","es":"Tenemos un mont\u00f3n de problemas que enfrentar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So I said, fine, from here on out I'm only going on dates where I know there's Wi-Fi, and I'm bringing my laptop.","es":"As\u00ed que me dije: \"Bien, a partir de ahora, solo saldr\u00e9 en citas en las que sepa que habr\u00e1 wi-fi y llevar\u00e9 mi port\u00e1til."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The argument itself was riveting.","es":"El argumento en s\u00ed fue muy interesante."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I wrapped the oven cleaner around the edge of the mop handle and I was desperate to have an opportunity to get some sharks.","es":"Envolv\u00ed el limpia hornos en la punta del mango de madera y estaba muy desesperado por tener una oportunidad de conseguir muestras."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Instead, I began to write about people other than me and things that never really happened.","es":"En vez, empec\u00e9 a escribir acerca de otras personas y cosas que nunca pasaban."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We knew there was sickness in our community and they didn't have access to proper medical care, so we'd partner up.","es":"Sab\u00edamos que hab\u00eda problemas de salud en la comunidad y que mucha gente no ten\u00eda acceso a asistencia m\u00e9dica adecuada, as\u00ed que llegamos a acuerdos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Well when the daf-2 receptor is active, then it triggers a series of events that prevent FOXO from getting into the nucleus where the DNA is.","es":"Bueno cuando el receptor daf-2 est\u00e1 activo, entonces activa una serie de eventos que evitan que FOXO entre al n\u00facleo donde est\u00e1 el ADN."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I took a cell phone and accidentally made myself famous.","es":"Tom\u00e9 un tel\u00e9fono celular, y accidentalmente me hice famoso."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Since the invention of scuba, scientists have measured the amount of coral on the seafloor, and how it's changed through time.","es":"Desde la invenci\u00f3n del buceo, los cient\u00edficos han medido la cantidad de coral en el fondo marino y c\u00f3mo ha cambiado a trav\u00e9s del tiempo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Oh yeah.","es":"Claro que s\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Participant Productions convened, with my active involvement, the leading software writers in the world, on this arcane science of carbon calculation, to construct a consumer-friendly carbon calculator.","es":"Participant Productions reuni\u00f3, con mi activa participaci\u00f3n, a los l\u00edderes mundiales en escritura de software sobre esta misteriosa ciencia del c\u00e1lculo de carb\u00f3n para construir una calculadora de carb\u00f3n amigable para el consumidor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So again, the question I asked: How do we get people engaged in solving global warming?","es":"Entonces, de nuevo, la pregunta que hice: \u00bfC\u00f3mo hacer para que la gente se comprometa a resolver el calentamiento global?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"How come, then, it's not so expected to be selective when we go to an art gallery?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo es, entonces, que no se espera que seas selectivo cuando vas a una galer\u00eda de arte?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And there was a sincere concern there.","es":"Hab\u00eda una sincera preocupaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The difference was if you text us, \"I want to die,\" or \"I want to kill myself,\" the algorithm reads that, you're code orange, and you become number one in the queue.","es":"La diferencia fue que si su texto era, \"Quiero morir\", o \"Quiero matarme\" el algoritmo lee eso, lo pone en c\u00f3digo naranja, y lo convierte en n\u00famero uno en la cola."} -{"gender":"male","en":"People who were inspired to go down to the streets and to raise their voices, they tried to kill.","es":"Personas que inspiradas salieron a las calles a hacer escuchar sus voces arriesgando sus vidas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We can think of Chinese restaurants perhaps as Linux, sort of an open-source thing, right? Where ideas from one person can be copied and propagated across the entire system, that there can be specialized versions of Chinese food, depending on the region.","es":"Podemos pensar en los restaurantes chinos quiz\u00e1 como en Linux: como una cosa de c\u00f3digo abierto, \u00bfcierto?, donde las ideas de una persona pueden ser copiadas y propagadas a trav\u00e9s del sistema entero; puede haber versiones especializadas de comida china, ya saben, dependiendo de la regi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That number, today, is now down to 17,000. Way too many, of course, but it does mean that every year, there's eight million kids who don't have to die from poverty.","es":"Ese n\u00famero, hoy, ha disminuido a 17 000, Todav\u00eda son muchos, por supuesto, pero significa que, cada a\u00f1o, hay 8 millones de ni\u00f1os que no tienen que morir a causa de la pobreza."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But that's not what I do.","es":"Y yo les digo \"bien, eso es interesante, pero no es lo que hago\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And the really exciting thing is, it's not just the usual suspects like me that are saying it anymore.","es":"Lo m\u00e1s emocionante es que no solo solo sospechosos habituales, como yo, que lo dicen."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is my first trip, my first foreign trip as a first lady.","es":"Este es mi primer viaje. Mi primer viaje al extranjero como Primera Dama."} -{"gender":"male","en":"These children, he said, had been kept neatly in a refrigerator that didn't defrost.","es":"Estos ni\u00f1os, dijo, se han mantenido cuidadosamente en un refrigerador que no descongela."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And OK, if you break one of these things here, you return it to the carrier.","es":"Y vale, si rompes una de estas cosas, la devuelves a la empresa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So when my students were first learning this, why did they hate it so much?","es":"Entonces cuando mis alumnos comenzaron a aprender esto, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 lo odiaban tanto?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Curiosity and wonder, because it drives us to explore, because we're surrounded by things we can't see.","es":"La curiosidad y la maravilla, porque nos impulsan a explorar, porque estamos rodeados de cosas que no podemos ver."} -{"gender":"female","en":"She explained, \"The man\", I have to tell you as she did, because it loses something if I don't, you know, \"he come to the window, and he does a thing like this, which tells me he's pretty old, you know.","es":"Ella explic\u00f3-- \"El hombre\", Tengo que decirles como lo dijo ella porque se pierde algo si no, saben ustedes, \"Llega a la ventana, y hace algo as\u00ed, que me indica que es algo viejo, saben ustedes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so my real dream would be to take the public television series that we've created of the course, it's available now, online, free for everyone anywhere in the world, and to see whether we can partner with institutions, at universities in China, in India, in Africa, around the world, to try to promote civic education and also a richer kind of democratic debate.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n mi gran sue\u00f1o ser\u00eda tomar las series para la televisi\u00f3n p\u00fablica que hemos creado del curso, ahora est\u00e1 disponible online, de forma gratuita para todo el mundo, y ver si podemos asociarnos con instituciones, universidades en China, India, \u00c1frica, en todo el mundo, para tratar de promover la educaci\u00f3n c\u00edvica y tambi\u00e9n enriquecer el debate democr\u00e1tico."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, what you do is, you test in animals, you test in test tubes, but there's this notion of going from the bench to the bedside, and in order to get from the bench, the lab, to the bedside, to the patients, you've got to get the drug tested.","es":"Bueno, lo primero es probarlo en animales, con tubos de ensayo, pero existe la idea de ir del laboratorio al lado de la cama y para llegar desde el laboratorio al lado de la cama de un paciente, hay que tener el medicamento probado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We can basically take a picture out of any window on Manhattan and see what that landscape looked like 400 years ago.","es":"Basicamente podemos sacar una foto desde cualquier punto de Manhattan y ver c\u00f3mo era el paisaje hace 400 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I, in fact, graduated in the part of my law school class that made the top 90% possible.","es":"De hecho, me gradu\u00e9 dentro del grupo de mi escuela que logr\u00f3 el 90 por ciento m\u00e1s alto posible."} -{"gender":"male","en":"There are almost no deaf surgeons anywhere.","es":"Casi no hay cirujanos sordos en ning\u00fan lugar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I give a talk to some remarkable high school students each summer, and ask them, after they've asked me questions, and I give them a talk and so on.","es":"Doy una charla a algunos estudiantes de instituto brillantes cada verano, y les pregunto, despu\u00e9s de que ellos me hayan hecho preguntas, y les he dado una charla y esas cosas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But then right about that time, I met these two people, Ophelia Dahl and Paul Farmer.","es":"Pero luego, justo en ese momento, conoc\u00ed a estas dos personas, Ophelia Dahl y Paul Farmer."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I like to think, Thank you. I like to think of myself as a storyteller, where my past and my future are only stories, my stories, waiting to be told and retold.","es":"Me gusta pensarme -gracias- Me gusta pensarme como narrador, y ver mi pasado y mi futuro como simples historias; mis historias, que esperan ser contadas una y otra vez."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Spot the loony.","es":"Encuentre al loquito."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That includes liver toxicity, weight gain of over 50 pounds, suicidality.","es":"Estos incluyen toxicidad hep\u00e1tica, aumento de peso de m\u00e1s de 20 kg, tendencias suicidas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Video: This symbol is not as clear as the others, but one can see Panbanisha is trying to produce a curved line and several straight lines.","es":"Video: Este s\u00edmbolo no es tan claro como los dem\u00e1s pero se nota que Panbanisha est\u00e1 tratando de hacer una l\u00ednea curva y varias l\u00edneas rectas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"What kind of a mother were you?\"","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 clase de madre era Ud.?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"And if we can run the video, I'll show you what it took to get this DreamWorks shot. Voices: Woo-hoo! Yeah.","es":"Y si podemos ver el video, les mostrar\u00e9 lo que implic\u00f3 obtener esta toma tipo DreamWorks. \"S\u00ed."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And you know, we're young and unemployed, so we do the whole thing on back roads through state parks and national forests, basically the longest route we can possibly take.","es":"Ya saben, somos j\u00f3venes desempleadas as\u00ed que vamos por caminos secundarios por parques estatales y bosques nacionales b\u00e1sicamente la ruta m\u00e1s larga que podemos tomar."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Because once you feel that you can't stand in the central space and speak on behalf of the world, you will feel that you can offer your goods up to a small, select group.","es":"Porque una vez que sientes que no puedes ser foco de atenci\u00f3n, y hablar por parte de todos, s\u00f3lo le puedes ofrecer tus talentos a un reducido y selecto grupo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"If they're talking about having lost a family member, don't start talking about the time you lost a family member.","es":"Si hablan sobre la perdida de un familiar, no empiecen a hablar de la vez que perdieron un familiar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This crucial question has been at the center of my life's work. Because how we deal with our inner world drives everything. Every aspect of how we love, how we live, how we parent and how we lead.","es":"Esta pregunta crucial ha estado en el centro del trabajo de mi vida porque la forma en que manejamos nuestro mundo interno lo impulsa todo: cada aspecto de c\u00f3mo amamos, c\u00f3mo vivimos, c\u00f3mo criamos y c\u00f3mo conducimos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And the question he had is, \"Can I do it?","es":"Y la pregunta que se hizo fue: \"\u00bfPuedo hacerlo?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Now in the late 1990s, he discovered a vulnerability on all U.S. government networks, and he went in and patched it up, because this included nuclear research facilities, sparing the American government a huge security embarrassment.","es":"A finales de los 90 descubri\u00f3 una vulnerabilidad en todas las redes del gobierno de EE.UU., y \u00e9l fue y le puso un parche -porque esto inclu\u00eda las instalaciones de investigaci\u00f3n nuclear- evit\u00e1ndole al gobierno estadounidense una verg\u00fcenza enorme en seguridad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And she said, \"What did I do?","es":"Y me dijo: \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 hice?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's not right.","es":"No est\u00e1 bien."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I stopped feeling like I had to pick a side, but this took me many, many years.","es":"Dej\u00e9 de sentir la obligaci\u00f3n de elegir un bando, pero esto me cost\u00f3 muchos, muchos a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Here's what had to happen.","es":"Esto es lo que tuvo que suceder."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Oftentimes, we think that we have to relate new knowledge to prior knowledge.","es":"Solemos pensar que tenemos que relacionar nuevos conocimientos con los previos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So this last thing is going to be harder, and I know it, but I'm just going to put it out there anyway.","es":"Esto \u00faltimo va a ser m\u00e1s dif\u00edcil, y lo s\u00e9, y lo dir\u00e9 todos modos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Because I started getting all kinds of invitations.","es":"Porque me comenzaron a llegar todo tipo de invitaciones."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"How can we create structures that generate a series of relationships and narratives?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo crear estructuras que generen una serie de relaciones y narrativas?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"I'd like to tell you the story of these three children, Pranitha, Shaheen and Anjali.","es":"Me gustar\u00eda contarles la historia de estas tres ni\u00f1as, Pranitha, Shaheen y Anjali."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So, I think all people, we need that, but especially, I look at people like me, you know like, I mean, Latinos, we're about to be the majority, in like two weeks.","es":"Entonces, yo creo que todas las personas, necesitamos eso, pero especialmente, yo veo a personas como yo, saben como, Quiero decir, latinos, casi vamos a ser la mayor\u00eda, en como dos semanas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The final toll of hostages is a little unclear, but it's certainly a few more than that, because other people died over the next few days.","es":"El recuento final de v\u00edctimas no est\u00e1 claro, pero sin duda es un poco m\u00e1s que eso porque murieron otras personas en los d\u00edas subsiguientes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Mom was a nurse's aid.","es":"Mi madre fue auxiliar de enfermer\u00eda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Almost a year ago, my aunt started suffering back pains.","es":"Hace casi un a\u00f1o, mi t\u00eda empez\u00f3 a sufrir dolores de espalda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So that's really what this is all about.","es":"As\u00ed que de eso trata todo esto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's a beautiful picture, right?","es":"Es una bella foto, \u00bfverdad?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"There are actually simple and tangible solutions to fixing this problem that involve content creators, executives and consumers like the individuals in this room.","es":"Hay soluciones simples y tangibles para arreglar este problema que involucra a creadores de contenido, ejecutivos y consumidores como individuos en esta audiencia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Because we believe that democracy is not just a matter of stacking up preferences, one on top of each other, but that our healthy and robust public debate should be, once again, one of its fundamental values.","es":"Porque sabemos que la democracia no es s\u00f3lo asunto de apilar preferencias una encima de otra sino que un debate p\u00fablico, robusto y sano deber\u00eda ser nuevamente uno de sus valores fundamentales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"A second thing happened in Kosovo, which kind of, I need a quick gulp of water, forgive me.","es":"Una segunda cosa que ocurri\u00f3 en Kosovo, que como que; perdonen, necesito un poco agua."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, I'll show you the six-year-old crashes as well.","es":"As\u00ed que les mostrar\u00e9 los choques de los ni\u00f1os de seis a\u00f1os tambi\u00e9n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I think of Shakespeare's Shylock: \"If you prick us, do we not bleed, and if you tickle us, do we not laugh?\"","es":"Pienso en Shylock de Shakespeare: \"\u00bfSi nos pinchan, no sangramos? \u00bfy si nos hacen cosquillas, no re\u00edmos?\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"Thus, we are at a tipping point.","es":"Por lo tanto, estamos en un punto de inflexi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But then I realized, \"No, this is exactly what the grasses want us to do.","es":"Pero entonces ca\u00ed en la cuenta: \"No, eso es justo lo que la hierba quiere que hagamos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And there's a way in which we've been kind of transformed into celebrities rather than people who are trying to solve a problem.","es":"En cierto modo nos hemos convertido en celebridades en vez de personas que tratan de resolver un problema."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If we follow this, what would we hope to achieve?","es":"Si seguimos esto, \u00bfqu\u00e9 esperamos lograr?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Let's put the care back into health care.","es":"Devolvamos los cuidados a su lugar en el sistema sanitario."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And in addition to that, it's been predicted that at the end of the century almost all of the languages that exist now, there are about 6,000, will no longer be spoken.","es":"Adem\u00e1s de eso, se ha predicho que al final del siglo casi todos los idiomas que existen ahora --hay cerca de 6000-- ya no se hablar\u00e1n m\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"AK: Can't clap with this one.","es":"AK: No puedo aplaudir con esta."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Having more than one increases your chance of getting the end you want.","es":"Tener m\u00e1s de una persona incremente tus probabilidades de tener final que desean."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I hope you've enjoyed this short journey into our microbial oceans and that the next time you look out at the sea, you'll take in a deep breath of fresh ocean air and wonder: What else are all of the unseen microbes doing to keep us and our oceans healthy?","es":"Espero que hayan disfrutado de este viaje a nuestros oc\u00e9anos microbianos y que la pr\u00f3xima vez que miren el mar, tomen una bocanada de aire fresco del oc\u00e9ano y se pregunten: \u00bfQu\u00e9 m\u00e1s est\u00e1n haciendo todos los microbios invisibles para mantenernos a nosotros y a nuestros oc\u00e9anos saludables?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"So as for that third sphere of play, which he never had learned to enjoy, I've learned over the years that even this sphere requires a commitment of time and energy, enough so that a hobby, a sport, a love of music, or art, or literature, or any form of recreation, can provide true pleasure, relaxation and replenishment.","es":"En cuanto a la tercera esfera, la diversi\u00f3n que \u00e9l nunca aprendi\u00f3 a disfrutar, he aprendido con los a\u00f1os que incluso esta esfera requiere una dedicaci\u00f3n de tiempo y energ\u00eda. Suficiente para que una afici\u00f3n, un deporte, un amor a la m\u00fasica o al arte o a la literatura o cualquier otra forma de recreaci\u00f3n pueda proporcionar verdadero placer, relajaci\u00f3n y recuperaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think of the great Indian mathematician, Ramanujan.","es":"Pienso en el gran matem\u00e1tico Ramanujan."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Ironic that my legs are fine, and it's my shoulders that slow up my walk.","es":"Ir\u00f3nicamente, mis piernas est\u00e1n bien y es la espalda la que me dificulta caminar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We came from two different worlds.","es":"Ven\u00edamos de dos mundos distintos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"As a respected Peruvian archaeologist and former vice-minister, Dr. Castillo will be helping us coordinate and share the data with archaeologists so they can explore these sites on the ground.","es":"Como respetado arque\u00f3logo peruano y exviceministro, el Dr. Castillo nos ayudar\u00e1 a coordinar y compartir los datos con los arque\u00f3logos para que puedan explorar estos sitios en el terreno."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In all these sectors, from funding the Internet to doing the spending, but also the envisioning, the strategic vision, for these investments, it was actually coming within the state.","es":"En todos estos sectores, desde financiar Internet hasta gastar, pero tambi\u00e9n idear la visi\u00f3n estrat\u00e9gica de estas inversiones, siempre vino desde dentro del Estado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But if you've graduated from high school, I can almost guarantee you've seen this information before.","es":"Pero si se han graduado de la secundaria, les puedo casi garantizar que ya han visto esta informaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I think we all secretly love stories.","es":"Creo que a todos secretamente nos gustan los cuentos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But that does not change the basic setup.","es":"Pero eso no cambia la configuraci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It anticipated change, even though those changes were not known.","es":"Anticipaba el cambio, incluso cuando no se conoc\u00edan estos cambios."} -{"gender":"male","en":"There's something much more interesting around the corner,\" I say, \"Try saying that to her.\"","es":"Hay otras cosas m\u00e1s interesantes a la vuelta de la esquina\", les contesto: \"Traten de dec\u00edrselo a ella\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"DD: This is something I call \"swinging in the rain.\"","es":"DD: Esto es algo que llamo columpiando bajo la lluvia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But today, we have a situation where we want to take vital organs out of beings and give them to other beings.","es":"Pero hoy podemos, por ejemplo, extraer \u00f3rganos vitales de un cuerpo y ponerlos en otro cuerpo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So he can't work, and he relies on social security payments to survive.","es":"Por lo tanto, no puede trabajar, y depende de los pagos del servicio social para vivir."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And today, I'm going to share with you some of the discoveries we have made.","es":"Y hoy compartir\u00e9 algunos de los descubrimientos que hicimos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I mean, it's the people there who are so hardworking, persistent, creative, empowered.","es":"Y hay m\u00e1s; la gente, su dedicaci\u00f3n al trabajo, persistente, creativa, consciente de sus capacidades."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Now when the third group came in, they were told that their anagrams and their markers had been chosen by their mothers.","es":"Ahora, cuando el tercer grupo entr\u00f3 se les dijo que sus anagramas y sus rotuladores hab\u00edan sido elegidos por sus madres."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's a story about beyond biomimetics, to something I'm calling biomutualism.","es":"Es una historia que va m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de la biomim\u00e9tica, a lo que yo llamo \"biomutualismo\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I went down to Washington. I saw these guys, and said, \"I did what you asked me.","es":"Fui a Washington, vi a estos tipos y les dije: \"Hice lo que me pidieron."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I beg of the designers here to break all those rules if they violate the biggest rule of all, which is intelligence. Now what do I mean by that?","es":"Pero le ruego a los dise\u00f1adores que paren todas esas reglas si violan la mayor regla de todas. que es la inteligencia \u00bfA qu\u00e9 me refiero con esto?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Like, in this case, this one scientist finds this one shard of what she thought was wood, and because of that, science has a totally new and totally counterintuitive theory about why this absurd Dr. Seuss-looking creature looks the way it does.","es":"Como, en este caso, esta cient\u00edfica que encuentra este fragmento de lo que pens\u00f3 que era lana, y gracias a eso la ciencia tiene una nueva teor\u00eda totalmente contradictoria de por qu\u00e9 esta absurda criatura seussiana tiene ese aspecto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We're more appreciative, more open to reconciliation.","es":"Somos m\u00e1s reflexivos, nos inclinamos m\u00e1s a conciliar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Because the problem is not sexting, the issue is digital privacy.","es":"Porque el problema no es el sexting, sino el tema es la privacidad digital."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The last one was held in 2001. 105 entries were received.","es":"El m\u00e1s reciente fue en 2001 y se recibieron 105 propuestas de dise\u00f1o."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Have you thought, am I coming back? Will I take some time off?","es":"\u00bfHas pensado, \"\u00bfvolver\u00e9? \u00bfme tomar\u00e9 un tiempo libre?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"If we were to eliminate every single bit of technology in the world today, and I mean everything, from blades to scrapers to cloth, we, as a species, would not live very long.","es":"Si elimin\u00e1semos absolutamente todo rastro de tecnolog\u00eda del mundo, y me refiero a TODO: cuchillas de afeitar, rasquetas, telas no durar\u00edamos mucho como especie."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We see natural disasters, war, terror.","es":"Vemos desastres naturales, guerra, terror."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I decided I'm going to start making some Youtube videos.","es":"As\u00ed que decid\u00ed empezar a hacer videos para subirlos a YouTube."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"How do we create?","es":"\u00bfComo es que creamos?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"But recently, I've become intrigued by a different way of thinking of large human crowds, because there are circumstances where they can do something really cool.","es":"Sin embargo, recientemente me intrig\u00f3 una forma diferente de pensar las grandes multitudes, porque hay circunstancias donde estas pueden hacer cosas geniales."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So clearly, those two planets may have been seeded by the same material.","es":"Por lo tanto, los dos planetas fueron sembrados por los mismos materiales."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But what is a girl doing in a room with four boys?\"","es":"Pero \u00bfqu\u00e9 hace una muchacha en una habitaci\u00f3n con cuatro chicos?\""} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Poaching for ivory and bushmeat is leading to global epidemic, disease transfer and war.","es":"La caza furtiva por el marfil y la carne genera una epidemia mundial, por transferencia de enfermedades y guerra."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I'm not a trained academic. Neither am I a veteran social worker.","es":"No soy una profesora diplomada, ni tampoco una asistente social veterana."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Thank you so much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"All this art history that I had been absorbing helped me to realize that painting is a language.","es":"Toda esta historia del arte que hab\u00eda estado absorbiendo me ayud\u00f3 a ver que la pintura es un lenguaje."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"NR: We took a saw, and we nicked just the edge of it, and there was this really interesting smell that comes from it.","es":"NR: Con una sierra, mellamos solo el borde del mismo, y ten\u00eda un aroma muy interesante."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So changing our workplaces and building infrastructures of care would make a big difference, but we're not going to get equally valued choices unless we change our culture, and the kind of cultural change required means re-socializing men.","es":"As\u00ed que cambiar nuestros lugares de trabajo y construir infraestructuras de atenci\u00f3n har\u00eda una gran diferencia, pero no vamos a obtener opciones igual de valiosas si no cambiamos nuestra cultura, y el tipo de cambio cultural necesario significa la re-socializaci\u00f3n de los hombres."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The process of engagement I embarked upon helped me to develop a deeper understanding of the problem.","es":"El proceso de compromiso en el que me embarqu\u00e9 me ayud\u00f3 a desarrollar una comprensi\u00f3n m\u00e1s profunda del problema."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It was the liberalization of international financial markets.","es":"Fue la liberalizaci\u00f3n de los mercados financieros internacionales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"When people say to you, \"That's impossible,\" you say back to them, \"When you say 'That's impossible,' you're confused with, 'I don't know how to do it.'\"","es":"Cuando la gente te dice, \"Eso es imposible,\" t\u00fa les respondes, \"Cuando t\u00fa dices \"Eso es imposible,\" est\u00e1s confundido con: \"No s\u00e9 c\u00f3mo hacerlo.\""} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That's a decimal place, 20 zeroes, and a one.","es":"Eso es cero coma, 20 ceros, y un 1."} -{"gender":"female","en":"A lot of sociologists actually are quite disappointed.","es":"Muchos soci\u00f3logos est\u00e1n bastante decepcionados."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And for all three of these, I believe, biomimicry has a lot of the solutions that we're going to need.","es":"Y para las tres, creo, la biom\u00edmesis tiene muchas soluciones que vamos a necesitar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I realized, my God, this is what I've been doing for 20 years.","es":"Y me di cuenta, Dios m\u00edo. Esto es lo que he hecho durante 20 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Day four. Day five and day six. Now the good news is, because I'm a trained medical professional, I know that even though she'll be scarred for life, she's going to make a full recovery. Now the good news about Architects for Humanity is they're really kind of the most amazing group.","es":"D\u00eda cuatro. D\u00eda cinco. y d\u00eda seis. Ahora las buenas noticias son, porque yo soy un profesional m\u00e9dico entrenado, Yo s\u00e9 que a pesar de que ella quedar\u00e1 marcada de por vida, ella va a tener una recuperaci\u00f3n total. Ahora las buenas noticias acerca de Arquitectos por la Humanidad es que son uno de los grupos m\u00e1s incre\u00edbles."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So where this comes into play and why this is important is I head up a technology incubator, and we had eight startups sitting around there.","es":"Esto es importante y aqu\u00ed entra en juego porque nos adentramos en una incubadora de tecnolog\u00eda, y hab\u00eda 8 nuevas empresas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And either the doctors rescue my body and give me a second chance at life, or this was perhaps my moment of transition.","es":"Entonces, o los m\u00e9dicos rescataban mi cuerpo y me daban una segunda oportunidad de vida o quiz\u00e1s ese era mi momento de transici\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, I know it's been a long time since most of you have had a school lunch, and we've made a lot of progress on nutrition, but quinoa still is not a staple in most school cafeterias.","es":"Bien, s\u00e9 que ha pasado mucho tiempo desde su \u00faltimo almuerzo en la escuela, y hemos avanzado mucho en nutrici\u00f3n, pero la quinoa a\u00fan no es algo tan b\u00e1sico en muchos comedores escolares."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And if it meant that we would now return to 30 years of silence, my father would say, \"If it's so, then it's so.\"","es":"Y si eso significaba que ahora volver\u00edamos a 30 a\u00f1os de silencio, mi padre dec\u00eda: \"Si es as\u00ed, entonces es as\u00ed\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And so when I come back from these trips, and I'm thinking about development, and I'm flying home and I'm thinking, \"We're trying to deliver condoms to people or vaccinations,\" you know, Coke's success kind of stops and makes you wonder: how is it that they can get Coke to these far-flung places?","es":"Y cuando vuelvo de estos viajes, pensando sobre el desarrollo, de regreso a casa pienso: \"Estamos tratando de entregar preservativos y vacunas a la gente\"; el \u00e9xito de Coca nos hace parar y preguntarnos: \u00bfc\u00f3mo hacen para llevar Coca a estos lugares distantes?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I want to help my government, but the fact that they are willing to completely ignore due process, they're willing to declare guilt without ever seeing a trial, these are things that we need to work against as a society, and say hey, this is not appropriate.","es":"Quiero ayudar a mi gobierno, pero el hecho de que quieran ignorar por completo el debido proceso, que quieran declarar culpables sin siquiera un juicio previo, estas son cosas contra las que tenemos que trabajar como sociedad y decir que no es apropiado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So functional MRI picks up on that blood flow increase, producing a higher MRI response where neural activity goes up.","es":"El IRM funcional registra ese aumento del flujo sangu\u00edneo, que produce una mayor respuesta del IRM donde la actividad neuronal aumenta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Chapter 17 is an exploration of the absence of a bloodline and the absence of a history.","es":"Cap\u00edtulo 17 es una exploraci\u00f3n de la ausencia de un linaje y la ausencia de una historia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I had a question in my mind: Would Hispanic kids react the same way as the American kids?","es":"Ten\u00eda una pregunta en mi cabeza: \u00bfLos ni\u00f1os latinos reaccionar\u00edan del mismo modo que los estadounidenses?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"We're born into a certain family, nation, class.","es":"Nacemos en una determinada familia, naci\u00f3n, clase."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It will not take us where we want to go.","es":"No nos llevar\u00e1 a donde queremos llegar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, I went.","es":"As\u00ed que fui."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Because, you know what, many of us are sort of at the end of our careers, and we need to be giving these kids, these young kids, the next generation, the tools to save themselves and save the planet.","es":"Porque saben qu\u00e9, muchos de nosotros estamos al final de nuestra vida profesional y tenemos que darles a estos chicos, a estos j\u00f3venes, la pr\u00f3xima generaci\u00f3n, las herramientas para salvarse a s\u00ed mismos y salvar el planeta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The causes of this are really complicated, and I don't have time to go into them.","es":"Las causas de esto son muy complicadas y no tengo tiempo de entrar en detalles."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My whole life as a journalist, I've really been compelled to try to make stories that can make a difference and maybe inspire people to care.","es":"Me he visto obligada toda mi vida, como periodista, a tratar de presentar historias que puedan marcar la diferencia y tal vez inspiren m\u00e1s empat\u00eda en la gente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well one of the unique texts in Archimedes is called \"The Stomachion.\"","es":"Bien, uno de los textos \u00fanicos de Arqu\u00edmedes es llamado \"El Stomachion\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So one of the things I look at is, how did the universe begin and shape?","es":"As\u00ed que una de las cosas que yo miro es, \u00bfc\u00f3mo se inici\u00f3 y form\u00f3 el universo?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"So what you can see here is that the five fibers have different behaviors.","es":"As\u00ed que lo que pueden ver aqu\u00ed es que las cinco fibras tienen diferentes comportamientos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But we more than make up for that.","es":"Y m\u00e1s que compensamos eso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We can stand on the Earth and look up at the night sky and see stars with our bare eyes.","es":"Podemos estar en la Tierra y mirar el cielo nocturno y ver las estrellas a simple vista."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Unfortunately, that is the beginning of corruption.","es":"Por desgracia, as\u00ed empieza la corrupci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I would propose two kinds which both have much to do with cities.","es":"Yo propondr\u00eda dos que tienen mucho que ver con las ciudades."} -{"gender":"male","en":"He says, \"Oh, that's not my department, I'm sorry.\"","es":"Y el responde, \"oh, eso es de otro departamento, lo siento.\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"I didn't tell you one dirty little secret.","es":"No les cont\u00e9 un peque\u00f1o y sucio secreto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But then, for Final Jeopardy, Watson was asked this question: \"Its largest airport is named for a World War II hero, its second-largest for a World War II battle.\"","es":"Pero entonces, para la final de Jeopardy, a Watson se le hizo esta pregunta: \"Su mayor aeropuerto lleva el nombre de un h\u00e9roe de la 2\u00aa Guerra Mundial, la 2\u00aa batalla m\u00e1s grande de la 2\u00aa Guerra Mundial\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I say to Tony, \"Let's do this.\"","es":"Y yo le digo a Tony, \"Hag\u00e1moslo\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But yet, we get the sensation of something happening.","es":"Pero, sin embargo, tenemos la sensaci\u00f3n de que algo pasa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But to begin, I'm going to tell you a story from Mr. Richard Messina, who is my friend and an elementary school principal.","es":"Pero para empezar, contar\u00e9 la historia de Richard Messina, mi amigo y director de una escuela primaria."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And they were excellent team workers.","es":"Y fueron excelentes compa\u00f1eros de equipo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Oh, yes, I think it's bad.","es":"Oh, s\u00ed, pienso que es algo da\u00f1ino."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, I don't need to use a wheelchair, but the design of an airport and its lack of accessibility means that it's my only way to get through.","es":"No necesito una silla de ruedas, pero el dise\u00f1o de un aeropuerto y su falta de accesibilidad hacen que esa sea mi \u00fanica manera de acceder."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Well, if we're going to speed up the progress and go even faster on the set of Millennium Development Goals that we're set as a world, we need to learn from the innovators, and those innovators come from every single sector.","es":"Bueno, si vamos a acelerar el progreso e ir a\u00fan m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido en los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio que nos hemos fijado mundialmente, tenemos que aprender de los innovadores, y esos innovadores vienen de todos los sectores."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So we created this series of 99 portraits on tee shirts.","es":"As\u00ed que creamos esta serie de 99 retratos en camisetas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, this woman, who converted from the Church of England to Catholicism when she married my father, and there's no one more rabid than a Catholic convert, decided to teach in the rural areas in Nigeria, particularly among Igbo women, the Billings ovulation method, which was the only approved birth control by the Catholic Church.","es":"As\u00ed que esta mujer, que se convirti\u00f3 de la Iglesia Anglicana al Catolicismo cuando se cas\u00f3 con mi padre, y no hay nadie m\u00e1s rabioso que un Cat\u00f3lico converso, decidi\u00f3 ense\u00f1ar en las \u00e1reas rurales de Nigeria, particularmente entre mujeres Igbo, el m\u00e9todo de ovulaci\u00f3n de Billing, que era el \u00fanico control natal aprobado por la Iglesia Cat\u00f3lica."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But that's not what happened.","es":"Pero eso no es lo que sucedi\u00f3."} -{"gender":"male","en":"She's dressed in Siena's colors.","es":"Est\u00e1 vestida con los colores de Siena."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And if our sun has planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, etc., surely those other stars should have planets also, and they do.","es":"Y si nuestro Sol tiene planetas: Mercurio, Venus, Tierra, Marte, etc., seguramente esas otras estrellas tambi\u00e9n tienen planetas, y los tienen."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Make sense?","es":"\u00bfTiene sentido?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"And people generally ask me why.","es":"Y la gente en general me pregunta por qu\u00e9."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"These places aren't inevitable.","es":"Estos lugares no son inevitables."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Same pattern.","es":"Mismo patr\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The silent majority does not need to be silent.","es":"La mayor\u00eda que no se expresa, no tiene que ser silenciosa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"During my visit I've been especially honored to meet some of Britain's most extraordinary women, women who are paving the way for all of you.","es":"Durante mi visita, he sido especialmente honrada al conocer a algunas de las mujeres inglesas m\u00e1s extraordinarias. Mujeres que est\u00e1n pavimentando el camino para todas ustedes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Also, and this makes me extremely proud, a Costa Rican woman, Christiana Figueres, played a decisive role in the negotiations of the Paris climate agreement.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n, y esto me hace sentir muy orgullosa, una mujer de Costa Rica, Christiana Figueres, desempe\u00f1\u00f3 un papel decisivo en las negociaciones del acuerdo sobre el clima de Par\u00eds."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So it synchronizes machines anywhere in the world. We synchronize the machines, set them into these staged social interactions, and we eavesdrop on both of the interacting brains.","es":"Entonces sincroniza m\u00e1quinas en cualquier lugar del mundo, nosotros sincronizamos las m\u00e1quinas, las preparamos para las interacciones sociales simuladas, y monitoreamos cada uno de los cerebros que est\u00e1n interactuando."} -{"gender":"male","en":"What turns me on about the digital age, what excites me personally, is that you have closed the gap between dreaming and doing.","es":"Lo que me emociona de la era digital, lo que me emocion\u00f3 personalmente, es que se ha eliminado la distancia entre so\u00f1ar y hacer."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The environment, including teaching, can and does shape the developing adolescent brain, and yet it's only relatively recently that we have been routinely educating teenagers in the West.","es":"El ambiente, incluida la ense\u00f1anza, puede formar y forma el cerebro adolescente, y a\u00fan as\u00ed es s\u00f3lo m\u00e1s bien recientemente que hemos educado rutinariamente a adolescentes en Occidente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That's because getting only red-eyed mosquitos violates a rule that is the absolute cornerstone of biology, Mendelian genetics.","es":"Porque tener solo mosquitos de ojos rojos rompe la regla que es la piedra angular absoluta de la biolog\u00eda, la gen\u00e9tica Mendeliana."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I want to hold your hand. I want to hold your hand.","es":"Quiero tomar tu mano. Quiero tomar tu mano."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So what happened to those 20,000 oiled penguins? And was Silvia Gaus right?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfqu\u00e9 pas\u00f3 con los 20 000 ping\u00fcinos cubiertos de petr\u00f3leo?, \u00bfSilvia Gaus ten\u00eda raz\u00f3n?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Because I've lost everything that I valued, everything that I'd worked towards.","es":"Porque he perdido todo lo que valoraba, todo por lo que hab\u00eda trabajado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I'll take her advice on that.","es":"Y en eso s\u00ed le har\u00e9 caso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I know because I have been an advocate and an ambassador for this movement for roughly the last three years.","es":"Lo s\u00e9 porque he sido defensora y embajadora de este movimiento durante m\u00e1s o menos los \u00faltimos tres a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Yeah! Yeah, Yeah! I would have probably died from starvation Or some other wretched disease I would have grown up with no education Just another refugee I stand here because somebody cared I stand here because somebody dared I know there is a lot of Emmas out there Who is willing and trying to save a life of a child What would I be?","es":"\u00a1Yeah! \u00a1Yeah! Quiz\u00e1s por el hambre hubiera muerto o por alguna otra horrible enfermedad hubiera crecido sin ninguna educaci\u00f3n s\u00f3lo ser\u00eda otro refugiado. Estoy aqu\u00ed porque a alguien le import\u00f3 estoy aqu\u00ed porque alguien se atrevi\u00f3 se que existen muchas Emmas por ah\u00ed que quieren e intentan salvar la vida de un ni\u00f1o. \u00bfQu\u00e9 ser\u00eda de m\u00ed?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, both of these things made me realize fundamentally that we were failing.","es":"Ahora, ambas cosas me hicieron percatarme de que est\u00e1bamos fallando fundamentalmente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Seconds after this video was taken, people in Beijing, people in Sydney, people in Amsterdam, people in Washington D.C. were watching this.","es":"Apenas segundos luego de su filmaci\u00f3n gente en Pek\u00edn, en Sydney, en Amsterdam, en Washington, ya estaban mirando este video."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"With 80 percent of people who don't like the work they do, that means most people around us, not in this room, but everywhere else, are encouraging complacency and keeping us from pursuing the things that matter to us so we have to manage those surroundings.","es":"El 80 % de los que no les gusta su trabajo, la mayor\u00eda de quienes nos rodean, no aqu\u00ed, pero en todas partes, son alentadores complacientes y nos impiden buscar las cosas que nos importan as\u00ed que tenemos que manejar esos alrededores."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We need to work together, slow down global warming slow down ocean acidification and help to maintain a healthy ocean and a healthy planet for our generation and for generations to come.","es":"Necesitamos trabajar juntos, frenar el calentamiento global, ralentizar la acidificaci\u00f3n del oc\u00e9ano y ayudar a mantener un oc\u00e9ano saludable y un planeta saludable para nuestra generaci\u00f3n y para las generaciones venideras."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But it also changes objective reality.","es":"Pero tambi\u00e9n cambia la realidad objetiva."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I thought, on that very first day, I better tour the galleries.","es":"Y pens\u00e9, aquel primer d\u00eda, mejor recorro las galer\u00edas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Audience: Encore!","es":"Audiencia: \u00a1Otra!"} -{"gender":"male","en":"It will be prohibited because we'll have to save our natural resources in a few decades from now.","es":"Estar\u00e1 prohibido porque todos tendremos que ahorrar los recursos naturales dentro de pocas d\u00e9cadas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"He has her wear very plain clothes.","es":"Ella lleva vestidos muy sencillos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I don't know if you realize this, but 90 percent of the patients on the transplant list are actually waiting for a kidney.","es":"No s\u00e9 si se dan cuenta de esto pero el 90% de los pacientes en lista de trasplante espera un ri\u00f1\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so you people, pretty much the closest I ever get to being with masters of the universe, you people should be asking yourself a question, as you go back home to run your organizations. Just what kind of human nature do you want to help design?","es":"Entonces Uds. gente --son por mucho lo m\u00e1s cercano a lo que estar\u00e9 de los amos del universo-- Uds. gente deben preguntarse, cuando regresen a dirigir sus organizaciones, \u00bfsencillamente qu\u00e9 tipo de naturaleza humana quieren contribuir a dise\u00f1ar?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"And now this brain takes care over this, to move it with the muscles and to do defend the surface and, of course, digest our food we cook.","es":"Este cerebro se ocupa m\u00e1s de esto, de moverse con los m\u00fasculos y de defender la superficie y, por supuesto, de digerir la comida que cocinamos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I went to see a friend's doctor in Paris, told him that I was completely sick.","es":"Fui a ver al doctor de un amigo en Par\u00eds, le dije que estaba completamente enfermo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's used to puncture through the ligaments in the spine and deliver anesthesia during childbirth.","es":"Se utiliza para perforar los ligamentos de la columna vertebral y dar anestesia durante el parto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I've been studying surveillance for more than six years.","es":"He estado estudiando sistemas de vigilancia durante m\u00e1s de seis a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And if you think it's simply because we are not interested, you would be wrong.","es":"Y si creen que es s\u00f3lo porque no estamos interesados, estar\u00edan equivocados."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Here's the exciting thing: I'm not alone.","es":"Lo interesante de todo esto es que no estoy sola."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And by the way, these are my favorites, externalities calculation and green carbon markets.","es":"Y por cierto, estas son mis favoritas: c\u00e1lculo de colaterales y mercados de carbono verdes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The third one is important because if we think people get used to handouts, it might destroy markets to distribute free bed nets.","es":"La tercera es importante porque, si pensamos que la gente se acostumbra a los regalos esto tal vez destruya el mercado para distribuir mosquiteros gratuitos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So one of my favorite projects was bringing all this stuff together in an artistic display of an android portrait of science-fiction writer Philip K. Dick, who wrote great works like, \"Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?\" which was the basis of the movie \"Bladerunner.\"","es":"Uno de mis proyectos favoritos fue juntar todo esto en una manifestaci\u00f3n art\u00edstica de un retrato androide del escritor de ciencia ficci\u00f3n Philip K. Dick, que escribi\u00f3 grandes obras como, \"\u00bfSue\u00f1an los androides con ovejas el\u00e9ctricas?\", en la que se bas\u00f3 la pel\u00edcula \"Blade Runner\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I don't mean that you can just snap your fingers and change how you feel the way that you would change your clothes, but your brain is wired so that if you change the ingredients that your brain uses to make emotion, then you can transform your emotional life.","es":"No quiero decir que podamos chasquear los dedos y cambiar nuestros sentimientos como nos cambiamos de ropa, pero nuestro cerebro est\u00e1 conectado de modo que si uno cambia los ingredientes que el cerebro usa para producir emoci\u00f3n, uno puede transformar su vida emocional."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm not expected to, I understand my social context.","es":"No se espera eso yo entiendo mi contexto social."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And in that first year, I tried to figure out how could I make this pain go away.","es":"Y en este primer a\u00f1o, trat\u00e9 de descifrar c\u00f3mo hacer para que ese dolor desapareciera."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Here's a good example.","es":"Este es un buen ejemplo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So that's really what I'm asking here.","es":"Eso es lo que en verdad estoy pidiendo aqu\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We received commentary in Discover magazine, in The Economist.","es":"Fuimos comentados en la revista Discover, en The Economist."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I didn't actually meet him, just on the Internet.","es":"En realidad no me he reunido con \u00e9l, solo en Internet."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You can see at the back, those are the lion lights.","es":"Pueden ver al fondo, estas son las luces para leones."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But Dreyfus was the only Jewish officer at that rank in the army, and unfortunately at this time, the French Army was highly anti-Semitic.","es":"Pero Dreyfus era el \u00fanico oficial jud\u00edo en el ej\u00e9rcito. Y, por desgracia, en esa \u00e9poca el ej\u00e9rcito franc\u00e9s era muy antisemita."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Anyway, in this same kind of approach, I designed K. K is a daylight receiver transmitter.","es":"Bueno, siguiendo en esta misma l\u00ednea dise\u00f1\u00e9 K. K es un transmisor receptor de luz natural."} -{"gender":"female","en":"As you get older, you get better and better at spotting real laughter.","es":"Conforme envejecemos, hay una mejor detecci\u00f3n de la risa real."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, the implications of this are enormous, not only regarding the participation of the final buyer in the design process, but also no tracking, no warehousing, no wasted materials.","es":"Ahora, las implicaciones de esto son enormes, no s\u00f3lo en cuanto a la participaci\u00f3n del comprador final en el proceso de dise\u00f1o, sino tambi\u00e9n porque no hay seguimiento, ni almacenamiento, ni materiales de desecho."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And when you get there, more than likely, you will not have any of those top five regrets, because you will have built up the strength and resilience to lead a life truer to your dreams.","es":"Y cuando est\u00e9n all\u00ed, no tendr\u00e1n ninguno de esos cinco lamentos, porque habr\u00e1n construido la fortaleza y resiliencia para conducir su vida siguiendo sus sue\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But if you look at what we've done, if you have the courage to really look at it, you'll see that not only do our kids think their worth comes from grades and scores, but that when we live right up inside their precious developing minds all the time, like our very own version of the movie \"Being John Malkovich,\" we send our children the message: \"Hey kid, I don't think you can actually achieve any of this without me.\"","es":"Pero si vemos lo que hemos hecho, si tienen el valor de verlo de verdad, ver\u00e1n que no solo hace pensar a nuestros ni\u00f1os que su valor viene de calificaciones y resultados, sino que cuando vivimos dentro de sus preciosas mentes en desarrollo todo el tiempo, como si fueran nuestra versi\u00f3n de la pel\u00edcula \"Quieres ser John Malkovich\", enviamos a nuestros hijos el mensaje: \"Ni\u00f1o, no creo que puedas lograr algo sin m\u00ed\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So now I've invented this machine to let us explore the microscopic world.","es":"As\u00ed que ahora invent\u00e9 esta m\u00e1quina para permitirnos explorar el mundo microsc\u00f3pico."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But even through all the frustrations, I still believed it could be beautiful.","es":"A\u00fan as\u00ed, a pesar de las frustraciones, todav\u00eda cre\u00eda que podr\u00eda ser hermosa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And this is a radically new concept that may apply to other neurological disorders, what I termed \"personalized neuroprosthetics,\" where by sensing and stimulating neural interfaces, I implanted throughout the nervous system, in the brain, in the spinal cord, even in peripheral nerves, based on patient-specific impairments.","es":"Y este es un concepto radicalmente nuevo que podr\u00eda aplicarse a otros trastornos neurol\u00f3gicos, lo que denomino \"neuropr\u00f3tesis personalizada\", donde detectando y estimulando las interfaces neurales, que yo implanto en todo el sistema nervioso, en el cerebro, en la m\u00e9dula espinal, incluso en nervios perif\u00e9ricos, basado en las deficiencias espec\u00edficas del paciente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Antonio: Here lies your brother no better than the earth he lies upon.","es":"Antonio: Aqu\u00ed yace tu hermano que no es mejor que la tierra en la que yace."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Even when they could have asked for absolutely anything, they all asked for health, happiness and love.","es":"Aun teniendo la posibilidad de pedir lo que quisieran, todos pidieron salud, felicidad y amor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You see, this was at the height of the Black Lives Matter furor and people seemed to be turning to me to articulate their viewpoints, and honestly, it was sort of overwhelming.","es":"Estaba a la altura del furor del movimiento Black Lives Matter y la gente parec\u00eda acudir a m\u00ed para expresar sus puntos de vista, lo cual fue, honestamente, un poco abrumador."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And over the next five years, it progressed until I was classified as profoundly deaf.","es":"Y durante los siguientes 5 a\u00f1os, progres\u00f3 hasta que me catalogaron como sorda profunda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"There's a hidden epidemic in medicine.","es":"Hay una epidemia encubierta en la medicina."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So it happens a lot, so why not have a staircase illusion flowing through all their rooms, making them feel much more confident?","es":"Sucede mucho, de modo que \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 no tener una ilusi\u00f3n de escalera en cada habitaci\u00f3n, para brindar mucha m\u00e1s confianza?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I also thought, 80,000 relatives, do I want that?","es":"Tambi\u00e9n pens\u00e9, 80 000 familiares, \u00bfquiero eso?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Shortly after that I moved back to Tennessee.","es":"Poco despu\u00e9s me mud\u00e9 a Tennessee."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I eventually joined their game.","es":"Finalmente me un\u00ed a ellos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I reached out to friends and eventually social media, and I did everything I could to try to find Vicky.","es":"Contact\u00e9 a amigos, intent\u00e9 en las redes sociales, hice todo lo posible para encontrar a Vicky."} -{"gender":"female","en":"LS: Let me show you the experimental results.","es":"LS: Les mostrar\u00e1 los resultados experimentales."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We're a weird bunch down here.","es":"Somos un grupo extra\u00f1o aqu\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Here, that's just my new proposal here for the Union Jack.","es":"Est\u00e1 es mi nueva propuesta para la bandera de Gran Breta\u00f1a."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But then I suffered a series of career catastrophes, one after the other, and finally found myself in television.","es":"Pero entonces sufr\u00ed una serie de cat\u00e1strofes profesionales, una detr\u00e1s de otra, y, al final, me encontr\u00e9 en la televisi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"\"Confidence?","es":"\u00bfLa confianza?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I bought a book on simplicity to try to find answers.","es":"Compr\u00e9 un libro sobre la simplicidad para encontrar soluciones."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If we come back to our exponential growth of computing, 1,000 dollars of computing is now somewhere between an insect and a mouse brain.","es":"Si volvemos a nuestro crecimiento exponencial de la computaci\u00f3n, 1.000 d\u00f3lares de computaci\u00f3n est\u00e1 ahora entre el cerebro de un insecto y el de un rat\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It really caught hold of us, and caught fire, and it would be lovely if we could reproduce that again now.","es":"Realmente nos agarr\u00f3, y se expandi\u00f3 y ser\u00eda fant\u00e1stico que pudieramos reproducir eso ahora."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Intermittent fasting, spacing the time between your meals, will increase neurogenesis.","es":"El ayuno alterno, espaciar los horarios de las comidas aumentar\u00e1 la neurog\u00e9nesis."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Can you convince them to work with a new toolbox, so they can build a structure that will be important to me?","es":"\u00bfPueden ustedes convencerlos que trabajen con nuevas herramientas, de manera que puedan construir una estructura que sea importante para m\u00ed?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Did a stint at MTV, made a film called \"Startup.com,\" and I've done a couple of music films. But in 2003, when the war in Iraq was about to start, it was a very surreal feeling for me, because before the war started, there was kind of this media war that was going on.","es":"Hice un trabajo en MTV, un film llamado Startup.com, y luego como en el 2000, Hice un par de filmes musicales, pero en 2003, cuando la guerra en Irak estaba por comenzar, Sent\u00ed, fue un sentimiento surreal para mi porque antes de comenzar la guerra, hab\u00eda esta guerra medi\u00e1tica."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If you arouse people enough and get them stimulated enough, they will laugh at very, very little.","es":"Si excitan y estimulan bastante a la gente se reir\u00e1n con muy, muy poco."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We roll our eyes and we think, \"You know what?","es":"Ponemos los ojos en blanco y pensamos, \"\u00bfSabes qu\u00e9?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I just wonder, do you think the American government should give Edward Snowden amnesty?","es":"Me pregunto: \u00bfcrees que el gobierno de EE.UU. deber\u00eda concederle la amnist\u00eda a Edward Snowden?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Remember, these kids were 11 years old when they came up with this.","es":"Recuerden, estos ni\u00f1os ten\u00edan 11 a\u00f1os cuando propusieron esto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to share with you some of the exciting work that's going on. But before doing that, what I'd like to do is share my depression about the health care system and the need for this with you.","es":"Voy a compartir con ustedes algo del emocionante trabajo que se est\u00e1 realizando Pero antes, quisiera yo compartirles mi depresi\u00f3n respecto al sistema de salud y la necesidad de esto con ustedes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And so in 1997, I said, \"Let's get women together.","es":"As\u00ed que en 1997, dije, \"Juntemos a mujeres."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"CA: So how did you respond to that?","es":"CA: \u00bfC\u00f3mo reaccionaste?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"But this also explains why, when I was interviewing the Red Brigades, and then, later on, other arms organizations, including members of al-Zarqawi group in the Middle East, everybody was extremely reluctant to talk about ideology, or politics.","es":"Esto explica por qu\u00e9, durante mis entrevistas con las Brigadas Rojas, y m\u00e1s adelante, con otras organizaciones armadas, incluyendo a miembros del grupo al-Zarqawi del Medio Oriente, todos fueron extremadamente reacios a hablar sobre ideolog\u00eda o pol\u00edtica."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And the one final quality I want to say about trickster is that he doesn't have a home.","es":"Y la \u00faltima cualidad que quiero mencionar sobre el timador es que no tiene un hogar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"My sweet angels, come back.\"","es":"Mis dulces \u00e1ngeles, regresen\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Why did I send her home?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 la envi\u00e9 a su casa?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm a precrastinator.","es":"Soy un \"precrastinador\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Of course, the more we hide, the more people want to know what it is that we're hiding.","es":"Claro que cuanto m\u00e1s nos escondamos, la gente querr\u00e1 saber m\u00e1s lo que escondemos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We can show benefits.","es":"Podemos mostrar beneficios."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I decided to enjoy the journey.","es":"Me compromet\u00ed a disfrutar de la aventura."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I mean, think about the type of equity we can we have, and the rate at which civilization could even progress.","es":"Quiero decir, piensen en el tipo de equidad que podr\u00edamos tener, y la velocidad a la que la civilizaci\u00f3n podr\u00eda progresar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Who owns Bitcoin?","es":"\u00bfQui\u00e9n tiene Bitcoin?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Of course, right?","es":"Por supuesto, \u00bfverdad?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"We know it's there by its gravitational effects.","es":"Sabemos que est\u00e1 ah\u00ed debido a sus efectos gravitatorios."} -{"gender":"male","en":"People have to make a living.","es":"Las personas tienen que ganarse la vida."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That just gives you an example of the kind of thing that these games probe.","es":"Les da un ejemplo de la clase de cosas que estos juegos indagan."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It offers a new vision for young black girls around the world that we deserve to be fought for, that we deserve to call on local governments to show up for us.","es":"Da una nueva visi\u00f3n a las chicas negras de todo el mundo de que merecemos que luchen por nosotras, que merecemos el apoyo de los gobiernos locales."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We call these autologous grafts, autografts.","es":"Lo denominamos \"implantes autotrasplantados,\" autoimplantes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"MA: You gotta have doorstops.","es":"MA: Necesitas topes de puerta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Ask to see the evidence.","es":"Pidan ver la evidencia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But no one realized that I had come back to life.","es":"Pero nadie se dio cuenta de que hab\u00eda vuelto a la vida."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Tyrique was raised by a single mother, and then after high school, he fell in with the wrong crowd.","es":"Tyrique fue criado por una madre soltera, y luego, despu\u00e9s de la secundaria, se top\u00f3 con la gente equivocada."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Almost universally, they next asked for happiness and then love, in that order: health, happiness, love.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n la inmensa mayor\u00eda pidi\u00f3 felicidad y por \u00faltimo, amor, en ese orden: salud, felicidad, amor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I believe you need data, you need information, because you work at something, you think it's working, and you find out it's not working.","es":"Creo que se necesitan datos, informaci\u00f3n, porque trabajas en algo, que crees que funciona, y te das cuenta de que en realidad no sirve."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Most of these are candidates.","es":"La mayor\u00eda de ellos son candidatos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That person may be withdrawn, look down, lower their voice, pause, be kind of herky-jerky.","es":"Esa persona puede mostrarse reservada, bajar la mirada, disminuir su tono de voz. hacer pausas, inquietarse."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We've had complicated experiences and complicated responses to those experiences.","es":"Hemos tenido experiencias complicadas y respuestas complicadas a esas experiencias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I have chosen to make silly jokes about quantum mechanics and the Copenhagen interpretation.","es":"He optado por hacer bromas tontas sobre la mec\u00e1nica cu\u00e1ntica y la interpretacion de Copenhague."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And that's not because a company like Multi-Health Systems doesn't know what to do with data.","es":"Y no se debe a que una empresa como Multi-Health Systems no sepa qu\u00e9 hacer con los datos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"JH: Well, I love the idea that somewhere within this idea of fine motion and control with the traditional skills that you have with your hand, some sort of more elemental force gets revealed, and that's the beauty here.","es":"JH: Bueno, me encanta la idea de que dentro de esta idea de motricidad fina y control con las destrezas tradicionales que tienes con la mano, se genera una fuerza m\u00e1s elemental, y he aqu\u00ed la belleza de todo esto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"You're doing all that at the same time as talking to them, and the laughter is doing a lot of that emotional work for you.","es":"Uno hace todo eso mientras les habla, y la risa expresa todas esas emociones por uno."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I don't know if he's alive.","es":"No s\u00e9 si est\u00e1 vivo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So she made a film about the welfare system and had a huge impact.","es":"As\u00ed que hizo una pel\u00edcula del sistema de apoyo social y tuvo un gran impacto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So, this is actually a healthier cigarette.","es":"Y por eso este es un cigarrillo saludable."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think one century ago, many people would have said that progressive income taxation would never happen and then it happened.","es":"Creo que hace un siglo, mucha gente habr\u00eda dicho que los impuestos progresivos a la renta nunca se dar\u00edan y luego sucedi\u00f3."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Well, at the time, neither of us were very good on the computer, so usually, if we needed help with the Internet, we would just call our children or our grandchildren, but obviously, in this case, that wasn't an option, so I thought, I'll have a look myself, just to see.","es":"En aquel entonces, ninguno de los dos \u00e9ramos muy buenos con la computadora, por lo general, si necesit\u00e1bamos ayuda con Internet, llam\u00e1bamos a nuestros hijos o nuestros nietos. Pero obviamente, en este caso, esa no era una opci\u00f3n, as\u00ed que pens\u00e9, echar\u00e9 una mirada sola, solo para ver."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We put on our white coats and we hide behind them.","es":"Vestimos nuestras batas blancas y nos escondemos detr\u00e1s de ellas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is the story of a rake in my backyard.","es":"Les voy a contar la historia de un rastrillo en el jard\u00edn de mi casa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I would encourage you to think about stoicism a little bit differently, as an operating system for thriving in high-stress environments, for making better decisions.","es":"Los animo a pensar el estoicismo de una manera diferente, como un sistema operativo para tener \u00e9xito en entornos de alto estr\u00e9s, para tomar mejores decisiones."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is that part of the United States that lies beneath the sea.","es":"Esta es la parte de los Estados Unidos que yace bajo el mar."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Just as fish need to swim or birds need to fly or deer need to run, we need to walk.","es":"Igual que los peces necesitan nadar y los p\u00e1jaros volar, o los ciervos necesitan correr, nosotros necesitamos andar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And if I'm more successful, then I'll be happier.","es":"Si tengo m\u00e1s \u00e9xito, ser\u00e9 m\u00e1s feliz\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We've doing it very carefully now for 20 years, from satellites, and it isn't going up.","es":"Lo hemos estado haciendo muy cuidadosamente durante 20 a\u00f1os, desde sat\u00e9lites, y no est\u00e1 aumentando."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Who would have thought that two young guys and a start-up would beat out Google Video?","es":"\u00bfQui\u00e9n iba a pensar que dos j\u00f3venes y una empresa emergente fueran a derrotar a Google Video?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"So it's at first a very simple, very obvious question I would like to give you: What are your intentions if you are designing something?","es":"Es muy sencillo; una pregunta muy obvia que quisiera hacerles: \u00bfCu\u00e1les son sus intenciones si est\u00e1n dise\u00f1ando algo?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"IW: But last year, we did exactly that.","es":"IW: Pero el a\u00f1o pasado, hicimos exactamente eso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We're at the point where almost every single contender for an NBA championship this year is using our software, which is built on a machine that understands the moving dots of basketball.","es":"Estamos en el punto en el que casi todos los contendientes en el campeonato de la NBA este a\u00f1o usan nuestro software, construido en una m\u00e1quina que entiende los puntos m\u00f3viles en el baloncesto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Penguins are real athletes: They can swim 173 kilometers in a day.","es":"Los ping\u00fcinos son unos verdaderos atletas pueden nadar 173 km diarios."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"What's going to follow from that behavior is play.","es":"Lo que seguir\u00e1 este comportamiento es jugar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So even if nobody comes onstage and switches the bill, I don't have enough time to go open the bill and close it and see what I don't want to see.","es":"As\u00ed que incluso si alguien sube al escenario y cambia el billete no tendr\u00e1 el tiempo suficiente para abrirlo y cerrarlo y ver lo que no quiero que vea."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And, of course, if you don't have any surface, you can start using your palm for simple operations.","es":"Y, por supuesto, si no tienen una superficie, pueden usar su palma para operaciones simples."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Nobody says this.","es":"Nadie dice esto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They're watching their own brain activation, and they're controlling the pathway that produces their pain.","es":"Est\u00e1n viendo su propia actividad cerebral, y est\u00e1n controlando los canales que producen su dolor."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And this vendor suddenly approaches my window with a half-opened alphabet sheet.","es":"De repente, se acerca un vendedor a mi ventanilla con una hoja del alfabeto medio abierta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Play your life, and stay tuned.","es":"Interpreten su vida, y mant\u00e9nganse en sinton\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Feminism has never been sexy, but let me assure you that it never stopped me from flirting, and I have seldom suffered from lack of men. Feminism is not dead, by no means.","es":"El feminismo nunca ha sido sexy, pero les puedo asegurar que nunca me ha impedido coquetear, y rara vez he sufrido una falta de hombres. El feminismo no est\u00e1 muerto, de ninguna manera."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's on June 5 every year.","es":"Es el 5 de junio de cada a\u00f1o."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We donated to the system, and the system chose your study.","es":"Lo donamos al sistema y \u200b\u200bel sistema eligi\u00f3 su estudio."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Iran had put itself in isolation because of its radicalism, and after having helped the United States indirectly in the war against Iraq in 1991, the Iranians were hoping that they would be rewarded by being included in the post-war security architecture of the region.","es":"Ir\u00e1n se autoaisl\u00f3 debido a su radicalismo, y luego de haber ayudado a Estados Unidos en forma indirecta en la guerra contra Irak, en 1991, los iran\u00edes esperaban ser recompensados con la inclusi\u00f3n en la arquitectura de seguridad de la posguerra de la regi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And thanks to the people of Interface, I have become a recovering plunderer.","es":"Y gracias a la gente de Interface, me he transformado en un saqueador en recuperaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That was really the \"what\" of science.","es":"Eso era realmente era el 'qu\u00e9' de la ciencia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But while that's not really happening, Washington is teaming up with Silicon Valley and with Hollywood to pour millions, hundreds of millions of dollars, into what's called \"counter-messaging,\" a fancy word for propaganda.","es":"Pero mientras eso no sucede realmente, Washington se ha unido a Silicon Valley y a Hollywood invirtiendo millones, cientos de millones de d\u00f3lares, en lo llamado \"contramensajer\u00eda\", una palabra elegante para la contrapropaganda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Until the day my father died, he was frustrated about missing these shots.","es":"Hasta el d\u00eda en que muri\u00f3, mi padre se lament\u00f3 de haber errado esos tiros."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The first guy goes, and you're just in line, and you just kind of lumber to the door.","es":"El primero sale, y tu estas en la fila, y avanzas pesadamente hacia la puerta."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So let's have a look here on my victim computer.","es":"As\u00ed que veamos aqu\u00ed la computadora de la v\u00edctima."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But this is my weekly paycheck for kids; that's our green graffiti.","es":"Este es mi cheque semanal para los ni\u00f1os; ese es nuestro grafiti verde."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's beautiful there.","es":"Es hermoso all\u00ed."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, sometimes this theory or this model is referred to as the deductive-nomological model, mainly because academics like to make things complicated.","es":"A veces esta teor\u00eda o modelo se conoce como el modelo nomol\u00f3gico-deductivo, principalmente porque a los acad\u00e9micos les gusta complicar las cosas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's what I'm asking.","es":"Eso es lo que pido."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But this is only one half of the story.","es":"Pero esto es solo la mitad de la historia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The people that I grew up with had no problem with my faith.","es":"Las personas con las que crec\u00ed no ten\u00edan problemas con mi fe."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Per-capita food production is up by a third.","es":"La producci\u00f3n de alimentos ha aumentado en un tercio per c\u00e1pita."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I buy the stuff in the yellow box because I always have.","es":"Yo compro lo que viene en la caja amarilla porque siempre lo hice as\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now a lot of people have given up on government.","es":"Ahora bien, mucha gente ha abandonado el gobierno."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The first is urgent optimism.","es":"La primera es el optimismo urgente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"\"I feel confused and unsure of what the hell I want to do.\"","es":"\"Me siento confundido e inseguro acerca de qu\u00e9 diablos quiero hacer.\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"Public administration, which is largely patronage, takes 690 billion.","es":"La administraci\u00f3n p\u00fablica, con su amplio patrocinio, se lleva 690 billones."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In the time it takes to draw a breath, we were plunged into a darkness so immense that it was almost tangible; what I imagine wading through tar might be like.","es":"En el tiempo necesario para tomar aliento, nos sumergimos en una oscuridad tan inmensa que era casi tangible. Lo que imagino que debe ser vadear por alquitr\u00e1n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Zero.","es":"Cero."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm absolutely not anti-renewables.","es":"No soy en absoluto anti-renovables."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I think design becomes really interesting when you get really harsh constraints.","es":"Y creo que el dise\u00f1o se pone realmente interesante si hay restricciones realmente duras."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But there's no going back.","es":"Pero no hay vuelta atr\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The second one took place in upstate New York.","es":"El segundo ocurri\u00f3 en Nueva York."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Now see if you can put it back together.","es":"Ahora veamos si lo puedes armar todo de nuevo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I said, \"Yes, I do.\"","es":"Y yo dije, \"S\u00ed, lo creo.\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"While you slept, I watched you breathe as the moon rose in the sky.","es":"Mientras dorm\u00edas, te observaba respirar mientras la luna brillaba en el cielo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I have to admit, I drank all of the Kool-Aid.","es":"Y tengo que admitir, beb\u00ed todo el Kool-Aid."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm very happy.","es":"Estoy muy feliz."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Ow!","es":"\u00a1Ay!"} -{"gender":"female","en":"But I'm curious.","es":"Pero tengo curiosidad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I wanted interviews that were different.","es":"Pero yo quer\u00eda entrevistas que eran diferentes."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But now, because the reflective self is in charge, you may end up, some people may end up moving to California.","es":"Ahora bien, debido a que el yo que reflexiona es el que manda, puedes acabar - algunas personas pueden acabar mud\u00e1ndose a California."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It was an honest trust issue.","es":"Era una cuesti\u00f3n de confianza."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We're literally beginning to realize that we have wired our world to share, swap, rent, barter or trade just about anything.","es":"Estamos, literalmente, empezando a entender que hemos moldeado nuestro mundo para compartir, intercambiar, arrendar, hacer trueques o cambiar cualquier cosa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"MG: A little bit.","es":"MG: Un poco."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And when I suggested this publicly, it created an outcry again.","es":"Cuando suger\u00ed esto p\u00fablicamente, provoqu\u00e9 otra protesa de nuevo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"About one out of four girls who enter American universities will be sexually assaulted before she graduates, and this is now getting a lot of publicity, partially because of my book, but other things, and so 89 universities in America are now condemned by the Department of Education under Title IX because the officials of the universities are not taking care of the women to protect them from sexual assault.","es":"Cerca de 1 de cada 4 chicas que ingresan a universidades en EE. UU. ser\u00e1n agredidas sexualmente antes de graduarse, y esto ahora tiene mucha publicidad, en parte debido a mi libro, entre otras cosas, por eso ahora, 89 universidades de EE.UU. han sido condenadas por el Departamento de Educaci\u00f3n bajo el T\u00edtulo IX porque los funcionarios universitarios no est\u00e1n cuidando de las mujeres y protegi\u00e9ndolas de la agresi\u00f3n sexual."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Twenty-nine years.","es":"\u00bf29 a\u00f1os? 29 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We need a reality check.","es":"Necesitamos un ba\u00f1o de realidad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And that's where I think organizations like TED, like the Extreme Ice Survey can have a terrific impact on human perception and bring us along.","es":"Y eso es donde creo que organizaciones como TED, como el Extreme Ice Survey pueden causar un tremendo impacto en la percepci\u00f3n humana y unirse a nosotros."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And that made so much of a difference in terms of the peace of mind that came with that; we could focus on her recovery.","es":"Y eso marc\u00f3 una gran diferencia en t\u00e9rminos de la paz mental que eso acarre\u00f3. Nos pudimos centrar en su recuperaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"They also taught me that similar to the migrant communities on both sides of the border, they engaged conflict itself as a creative tool, because they had to produce a process that enabled them to reorganize resources and the politics of the city.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n me ense\u00f1aron que de forma similar a las comunidades migrantes a ambos lados de la frontera, afrontaron el conflicto en s\u00ed mismo como una herramienta creativa, porque ten\u00edan que crear un proceso que les permitiera reorganizar los recursos y la pol\u00edtica de la ciudad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In order to do that, however, we needed to have a method of distinguishing normal from malignant, and on the left is the single normal cell, human breast, put in three-dimensional gooey gel that has extracellular matrix, it makes all these beautiful structures.","es":"Para ello, sin embargo, necesit\u00e1bamos tener un m\u00e9todo para distinguir normal de maligno, y en la izquierda tenemos una c\u00e9lula individual normal de una mama humana, metida en gel viscoso tridimensional con matriz extracelular, creando todas estas bonitas estructuras."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And where this boy comes from, Sao Paulo, Brazil, about 40 percent of boys of his age have this ability.","es":"Y de donde viene este chico, Sao Paulo, Brasil cerca del 40 por ciento de los chicos de su edad tienen esta habilidad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's a trend, and if we continue, if we unleash our youth, if we unleash our women, we may step backwards sometimes, we may even step sideways, but the trend is clear.","es":"Es una tendencia, y si seguimos, si liberamos a nuestra juventud, a nuestras mujeres, tal vez retrocedamos un poco a veces, tal vez incluso dar un paso a un lado, pero la tendencia es clara."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I had a revelation.","es":"Y tuve una revelaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The catch is that when this is happening to a new family, it is consuming, and a family with a new baby is more financially vulnerable than they've ever been before, so that new mother cannot afford to speak up on her own behalf.","es":"La trampa es que cuando esto le pasa a una nueva familia, se est\u00e1 consumiendo, y una familia con un nuevo beb\u00e9 es financieramente m\u00e1s vulnerable que nunca antes, por lo que la nueva madre no puede darse el lujo de tener voz propia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Stick with people like you.\"","es":"Sigue con gente como t\u00fa\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And after considerable consultation and soul-searching, talking to colleagues, friends and family, it suddenly dawned on me that actually, one the most reliable resources we have in Africa are grandmothers.","es":"Y tras considerables consultas y examen de conciencia, hablando con colegas, amigos y familia, de repente me di cuenta de que, en realidad, una de los recursos m\u00e1s confiables que tenemos en \u00c1frica son las abuelas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I have all the sympathy in the world for that point of view, because I used to think like that, too.","es":"Entiendo perfectamente este punto de vista, puesto que yo tambi\u00e9n cre\u00eda eso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Higher density levels mean more activity in that point of the brain.","es":"Los niveles m\u00e1s altos de densidad demuestran que hay mayor actividad en ese punto del cerebro."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And as she made her way to the altar, I snuck right in behind her, because I knew for sure that my grandmother was going to heaven.","es":"Y cuando ella se dirigi\u00f3 al altar, la segu\u00ed a hurtadillas, porque sab\u00eda con seguridad que mi abuela iba a ir al cielo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And it's not very big: it's about 250 meters on one side, 400 on the other.","es":"No muy grande, tiene cerca de 250 metros de un lado y 400 del otro."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I figured I'd put it on the Internet for all employees under stress to help you better deal with what you're going through on your job.","es":"Y pens\u00e9 que la pondr\u00eda en Internet para todos los empleados estresados para ayudarle a lidiar mejor con lo que pasan en tu trabajo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And until this very moment, maybe you didn't think twice about it, and nor did I, until I answered a 20-word cryptic advert to become an intellectual property investigator.","es":"Y hasta ahora tal vez no hab\u00edan pensado dos veces sobre ello y tampoco yo lo hice hasta que respond\u00ed a un anuncio de 20 palabras para investigar sobre propiedad intelectual."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Respect goes a long way.","es":"El respeto conlleva un camino largo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I was thinking, what do I do next?","es":"Pensaba: \u00bfy ahora qu\u00e9 hago?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I think Deep Mind, what's really amazing about Deep Mind is that it can actually, they're learning things in this unsupervised way.","es":"As\u00ed que creo que \u2018Deep Mind\u2019, lo que es impresionante sobre \u2018Deep Mind\u2019, es que de verdad puede est\u00e1n aprendiendo cosas sin supervisi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I want you to do is also, with your eyes, is follow the colored ball that I ask you to follow.","es":"Pero quiero que con los ojos sigan las pelota del color que les diga."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In the course of this Goodbye Art series, I created 23 different pieces with nothing left to physically display.","es":"En el transcurso de la serie Adi\u00f3s Arte, cre\u00e9 23 piezas diferentes sin nada que mostrar f\u00edsicamente."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You don't want to be gorking people out just to save them, it's really confusing.","es":"No querr\u00edan convertir en vegetales a sus pacientes s\u00f3lo para salvarlos, es algo muy confuso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I think we're coming up on a break right now, so I have an idea: Why don't you grab a leash and take your thoughts for a walk?","es":"Creo que ahora tenemos un receso, as\u00ed que tengo una idea: \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 no agarran la correa y sacan a pasear sus pensamientos?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"But what Brazil wanted to do is to showcase a completely different country, a country that values science and technology, and can give a gift to millions, 25 million people around the world that cannot move any longer because of a spinal cord injury.","es":"Brasil quer\u00eda mostrar un pa\u00eds completamente diferente, que valora la ciencia y la tecnolog\u00eda, y puede darle un regalo a millones, 25 millones de personas en el mundo que ya no pueden moverse debido a una lesi\u00f3n en la m\u00e9dula espinal."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This data's from all over the world, countries spend billions of dollars investing in this kind of research.","es":"Esta informaci\u00f3n es de todo el mundo, los pa\u00edses invierten millardos de d\u00f3lares en este tipo de investigaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I was a young man who believed that jihad is to be understood in the language of force and violence.","es":"Era un joven que cre\u00eda que hab\u00eda que entender la yihad en el lenguaje de la fuerza y la violencia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"One of the most famous maps works because it really isn't a map at all.","es":"Uno de los mapas m\u00e1s famosos funciona porque, en realidad, no es un mapa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I saw beyond the genes and the chromosomes into the lives of the real people we were studying.","es":"Vi m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de los genes y los cromosomas en las vidas de las personas reales que est\u00e1bamos estudiando."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And what they do is, they do it through the concept of parallel lines.","es":"Y lo hacen mediante el concepto de l\u00edneas paralelas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So when he was only 10 and he became the paje, he began to lead his people.","es":"As\u00ed que a los 10 a\u00f1os, cuando fue nombrado paje, empez\u00f3 a guiar a su pueblo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And what, this is serious business for me.","es":"esto es algo serio para m\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And Richard says, \"Well, the top shelf has to be low enough for the kid to reach it, but I'm in a big old building, and the ceilings are really high, so actually I've got all this space up there and I need something like a mural.\"","es":"Y Richard dijo: \"Es que el estante tiene que ser suficientemente bajo para que lo alcance un ni\u00f1o, pero es un edificio viejo, y los techos son muy altos, y entonces tengo mucho espacio y necesito algo as\u00ed como un mural\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"They say, \"Let's celebrate diversity, not common in-group membership,\" and, \"Let's question authority,\" and, \"Keep your laws off my body.\"","es":"Ellos dicen \"No, celebremos la diversidad, no membresias comunes de grupo.\" Ellos dicen, \"Cuestionemos la autoridad.\" Y dicen, \"Mant\u00e9n tus leyes lejos de mi cuerpo.\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, I went back to Korea, and I went back to Eun-Sook's village, and she was gone.","es":"As\u00ed que volv\u00ed a Corea y fui al pueblo de Hyun Sook y se hab\u00eda ido."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The psychologist Dan McAdams calls this a \"redemptive story,\" where the bad is redeemed by the good.","es":"El psic\u00f3logo Dan McAdams llama a esto una \"historia redentora\" donde lo malo es redimido por lo bueno."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, we designed a system here of eight curves that could be swapped, very similar to that housing project I showed you, and we could recombine those together, so that we always had ergonomic shapes that always had the same volume and could always be produced in the same way.","es":"Aqu\u00ed dise\u00f1amos un sistema de ocho curvas intercambiables, muy similar al proyecto habitacional que les mostr\u00e9. Podemos recombinar todo esto para lograr siempre formas ergon\u00f3micas que tengan volumen constante y puedan producirse siempre de la misma manera."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They're using the information that they receive to generate the beginnings of a phrase.","es":"Usan la informaci\u00f3n que reciben para generar el comienzo de una frase."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It should force us to ask not just, \"Why is there war?\" but also, \"Why is there peace?\"","es":"Deber\u00eda preguntarnos no s\u00f3lo \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 hay guerra? Sino tambi\u00e9n, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 hay paz?."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So this is our largest airplane which we have, the Airbus A380, and it's quite huge, so a lot of people fit in there and it's technically completely different than the vision I've shown to you.","es":"Este es el avi\u00f3n m\u00e1s grande que tenemos, el Airbus A380, es bastante grande, lleva un mont\u00f3n de personas y t\u00e9cnicamente es completamente diferente del de la visi\u00f3n que les mostr\u00e9."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The real problems are what I like to call the M&Ms, the Managers and the Meetings. Those are the real problems in the modern office today.","es":"Los problemas reales son lo que me gusta llamar M&M gerentes y reuniones Esos son los problemas reales de las oficinas modernas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And now we take the power of data and take every time my son ever heard the word water and the context he saw it in, and we use it to penetrate through the video and find every activity trace that co-occurred with an instance of water.","es":"Y tenemos el poder de los datos para ver cada vez que mi hijo escuch\u00f3 la palabra \"agua\" y el contexto en el que la vio y usamos eso para penetrar el video y encontrar cada traza de actividad que sucedi\u00f3 en simult\u00e1neo con una ocurrencia de \"agua\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They have no control over their bodies or their lives.","es":"No tienen control sobre sus cuerpos o sus vidas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I'm going to just let it run, so you kind of absorb this sort of thing, and I'll describe my sort of reactions when I was looking at it for the very first time.","es":"Bueno, solo voy a pasarla, para que puedan captarlo m\u00e1s o menos y describir\u00e9 lo que sent\u00ed cuando la vi por primera vez."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And what's neat is sometimes you pit one emotion against the other, the visceral fear of falling against the reflective state saying, \"It's OK. It's OK.","es":"Es divertido ver c\u00f3mo a veces ponemos una emoci\u00f3n en contra de otra, el miedo visceral de caer contra el estado reflexivo que dice: \"Est\u00e1 bien."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, I understand it.","es":"Ahora, lo entiendo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We go to extraordinary measures to keep children alive when in fact the greatest kindness that we might give them would be a peaceful, pain-free end of life.","es":"Pasamos a medidas extraordinarias para mantener a los ni\u00f1os vivos cuando, de hecho, la mayor bondad que podamos darles ser\u00eda un final de vida pac\u00edfico y sin dolor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's an electrical engineering joke. Alright.","es":"Es un chiste de ingenier\u00eda el\u00e9ctrica."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The remaining 30 or so roles, there's no reason why those minor roles can't match or reflect the demography of where the story is taking place.","es":"Los 30 restantes, no hay raz\u00f3n para que esos papeles menores no coincidan o reflejen la demograf\u00eda del lugar donde la historia ocurre."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I went looking for chicken.","es":"Y fui en busca de pollo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Around 50 percent of the homicides in the streets in Brazil are related to the War on Drugs.","es":"Alrededor del 50 % de los homicidios en las calles de Brasil est\u00e1n relacionados con la guerra contra las drogas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Ask me how fancy.","es":"Preg\u00fantenme cu\u00e1n sofisticado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Yesterday, in biological terms.","es":"En t\u00e9rminos biol\u00f3gicos es como si hubiera sido ayer."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In some cases, we don't have the resources in certain neighborhoods to do things that are a certain kind of splashy, but if we can then find ways of making sure that people who are local to a place, plus people who could be supportive of the things that are happening locally, when those people get together, I think really amazing things can happen.","es":"En algunos casos, no tenemos los recursos en determinados barrios para hacer cosas un poco peculiares pero es cierto que podemos encontrar formas de asegurarse de que las personas del lugar, junto a aquellas que podr\u00edan dar soporte a que suceden a nivel local, se re\u00fanan. Creo que as\u00ed cosas realmente asombrosas pueden suceder."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That's when we change the paradigm of medicine from one of secrecy and hiding to one that is fully open and engaged for our patients.","es":"Es ah\u00ed cuando cambiamos el modelo de medicina, de uno con secretos, ocultando cosas, a otro, plenamente abierto y comprometido hacia nuestros pacientes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So I kluged this together, I got the Harvey Mudd Engineering Clinic to actually do it as an undergraduate student project initially, and then I kluged funding from a whole bunch of different sources.","es":"As\u00ed que yo misma lo hice, consegu\u00ed que la cl\u00ednica de Ingenier\u00eda de Harvey Mudd lo hiciera inicialmente como un proyecto de estudiantes por graduarse, y entonces me las arregl\u00e9 para encontrar dinero de diferentes fuentes."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Another example that may have affected many of you in this audience is, you may remember a couple of years ago, all the planes west of the Mississippi were grounded because a single routing card in Salt Lake City had a bug in it.","es":"Otro ejemplo que pudo haber afectado a muchos de Uds., quiz\u00e1 recuerden hace un par de a\u00f1os, que todos los aviones al oeste del Mississippi quedaron en tierra porque una tarjeta de enrutamiento en Salt Lake City ten\u00eda un error."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But how good a failure is it?\"","es":"Pero \u00bfQu\u00e9 tan buen fracaso es?\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"I was seen by many, but actually known by few.","es":"Fui vista por muchos pero, en realidad, pocos me conoc\u00edan."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I'll tell you what, though, guys, I'll tell you what: any day is a good day, any day is a good day if you receive an email that begins like this: \"I AM WINNIE MANDELA, THE SECOND WIFE OF NELSON MANDELA THE FORMER SOUTH AFRICAN PRESIDENT.\"","es":"Pero les voy a decir que, cualquier d\u00eda es un buen d\u00eda, cualquier d\u00eda es un buen d\u00eda si reciben un correo que comience as\u00ed: \"SOY WINNIE MANDELA, LA SEGUNDA ESPOSA DE NELSON MANDELA EL EXPRESIDENTE SUDAFRICANO \"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's very common around the world, but we are built to love.","es":"Es muy com\u00fan en todo el mundo, pero estamos hechos para amar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Do I show up with love for those whose ideas conflict with my own?","es":"\u00bfVengo con amor incluso para aquellos con ideas contrarias a las m\u00edas?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"So whether it's redeveloping dying malls or re-inhabiting dead big-box stores or reconstructing wetlands out of parking lots, I think the fact is the growing number of empty and under-performing, especially retail, sites throughout suburbia gives us actually a tremendous opportunity to take our least-sustainable landscapes right now and convert them into more sustainable places.","es":"Ya sea que se trate de remodelar centros comerciales moribundos, o de la habitabilidad de grandes tiendas abandonadas, o de la reconstrucci\u00f3n de humedales a partir de los estacionamientos, pienso que el n\u00famero creciente de espacios abandonados o sub-utilizados, en especial los comercios minoristas a lo largo los suburbios, nos dan, en realidad, una oportunidad \u00fanica de tomar nuestros poco sustentables paisajes actuales y convertirlos en lugares m\u00e1s sustentables."} -{"gender":"female","en":"You either did this test and came up with ideas while you were seated or while you were walking on a treadmill.","es":"El test de generaci\u00f3n de ideas pod\u00eda hacerse sentado o caminando en la cinta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My mom actually says, you can't build a straight house on a crooked foundation.","es":"Mi madre dice de hecho que no se puede construir una casa recta sobre una base torcida."} -{"gender":"male","en":"What this is really doing is discovering, creating hyperlinks, if you will, between images.","es":"Lo que hace realmente es descubrir crear hiperv\u00ednculos, si lo quieren, entre las im\u00e1genes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"There was only one obvious conclusion to reach from this mountain of evidence: our family was too strange and weird for even Santa Claus to come visit, and my poor parents were trying to protect us from the embarrassment, this humiliation of rejection by Santa, who was jolly, but let's face it, he was also very judgmental.","es":"S\u00f3lo hay una conclusi\u00f3n obvia a la que se llega con esta pila de evidencia: nuestra familia era demasiado rara incluso para que Santa Cl\u00f3s viniera a visitarnos, y mis pobres padres estaban tratando de protegernos de la verg\u00fcenza, de la humillaci\u00f3n del rechazo de Santa, quien era alegre. Pero, acept\u00e9moslo, tambi\u00e9n era un juzg\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I'd be, like, \"This is my job.\"","es":"Y yo estar\u00eda como, \"Este es mi trabajo\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I'm going to skip over my prediction, actually, because I'm running out of time, and here's the question, is what's going to happen?","es":"Saltar\u00e9 a mi predicci\u00f3n, porque me estoy quedando sin tiempo, y esta es la pregunta: \u00bfqu\u00e9 va a pasar?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"We haven't had that many complications.\"","es":"No estamos teniendo muchas complicaciones\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My artistic horizons continue to grow.","es":"Mis horizontes art\u00edsticos siguen creciendo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And this one has a lure with all kinds of little interesting threads coming off it.","es":"Este tiene un se\u00f1uelo con varias cosas interesantes que salen de \u00e9l."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm a professor, I get paid to have fanciful theories.","es":"Soy un catedr\u00e1tico, me pagan para tener teor\u00edas fantasiosas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I think this gives you a good idea of why parents think car seats are so great.","es":"Y creo que esto da una buena idea de por qu\u00e9 los padres piensan que los asientos de auto son tan buenos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"To understand how this device works, we have to look into our brains.","es":"Y para entender c\u00f3mo funciona este dispositivo, tenemos que \"mirar\" dentro del cerebro."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And if you're in a Moai you're expected to share the bounty if you encounter luck, and if things go bad, child gets sick, parent dies, you always have somebody who has your back.","es":"Y si est\u00e1s en un \"Moai\" Se espera que compartas tu prosperidad si eres afortunado, y si las cosas van mal, tu hijo enferma o cuando fallecen tus padres, siempre tienes a alguien con quien puedes contar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So the fourth commandment I want to share with you here tonight is, a city of the future has to use technology to be present.","es":"Por lo tanto el cuarto mandamiento que quiero compartir con vosotros esta noche es, que una ciudad del futuro tiene que usar la tecnolog\u00eda para estar presente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I believe that we can all rise and shine.","es":"Creo que todos podemos elevarnos y brillar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Pregnant women are not faceless, identity-less vessels of reproduction who can't stand on their own two feet.","es":"Las mujeres embarazadas no son vasijas de reproducci\u00f3n an\u00f3nimas que no pueden pararse en sus propios pies."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We now get the majority of our news from our social media feeds, and the majority of our news coming off of social media feeds is fake news.","es":"Obtenemos la mayor\u00eda de nuestras noticias por nuestros medios sociales, y la mayor\u00eda de nuestras noticias que provienen de los medios sociales son noticias falsas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I tried to act calm, not to give anything away.","es":"Trat\u00e9 de mostrarme calmado para no delatarme."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Well recently, Nepal acquired a new tool in the fight against wildlife crime, and these are drones, or more specifically, conservation drones.","es":"Recientemente Nepal adquiri\u00f3 una nueva herramienta para enfrentar el crimen contra la fauna, y son los drones, o, m\u00e1s espec\u00edficamente, los drones de conservaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It was all very extreme, you know?","es":"Todo era muy extremo, \u00bfsabes?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Some of it's very high-tech, and some of it is extremely low-tech, such as the project that MKSS is running in Rajasthan, India, where they take the spending data of the state and paint it on 100,000 village walls, and then invite the villagers to come and comment who is on the government payroll, who's actually died, what are the bridges that have been built to nowhere, and to work together through civic engagement to save real money and participate and have access to that budget.","es":"Implica el uso de tecnolog\u00edas avanzadas y tambi\u00e9n de formas muy sencillas como las que usa el proyecto MKSS en Rajasthan, India, donde toman los informes de egresos del estado y los pintan en 100 000 paredes de distintas poblaciones invitan a los habitantes a reunirse y comentar qui\u00e9n est\u00e1 en la n\u00f3mina del gobierno, qui\u00e9n ha muerto, d\u00f3nde se han construido puentes sin destino. Promueven la participaci\u00f3n ciudadana para salvar dinero real y tener acceso a los recursos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I kept waiting for, I kept waiting for my mom to call, somebody to call, the government to call.","es":"Segu\u00eda y segu\u00eda esperando a que mi mam\u00e1 llamara, alguien que llamara, al Gobierno que llamara."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"When the New York Police Department spies on Muslims or a police department uses license plate detectors to find out where the officers' spouses are or those sorts of things, that is extremely dangerous.","es":"Cuando la comisaria de Nueva York esp\u00eda a los musulmanes o usan a los detectores de matr\u00edculas para descubrir donde est\u00e1n las esposas de los agentes y ese tipo de cosas, es muy peligroso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I went out and researched ethanol, and found out you need the Amazon in your backyard in every country.","es":"De modo que comenc\u00e9 a investigar sobre el etanol. Y descubr\u00ed que necesitar\u00edas una Amazonia en cada pa\u00eds."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So, the car, the horseless carriage that replaced the horse and carriage, was a big deal; it went twice as fast as a horse and carriage. It was half as long. And it was an environmental improvement, because, for instance, in 1903 they outlawed horses and buggies in downtown Manhattan, because you can imagine what the roads look like when you have a million horses, and a million of them urinating and doing other things, and the typhoid and other problems created were almost unimaginable.","es":"De modo que el autom\u00f3vil el carro sin caballos que sustituy\u00f3 al coche de caballos, fue todo un cambio; iba el doble de r\u00e1pido que el coche de caballos; ocupaba la mitad del largo; y era una mejora medioambiental, porque por ejemplo, en 1903 prohibieron los coches de caballos en el centro de Manhattan, porque ya os pod\u00e9is imaginar el aspecto que ten\u00edan las calles cuando un mill\u00f3n de caballos andan por ah\u00ed orinando y haciendo otras cosas y los problemas de salud y de otras \u00edndoles que creaban es casi inimaginable."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And we certainly don't have any empathy for that part, which explains the third consistent component of regret, which is an intense desire to punish ourselves.","es":"Y ciertamente, no tenemos ninguna empat\u00eda hacia esa parte, lo que explica el tercer componente del arrepentimiento, que es un intenso deseo de autocastigo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And he said it was the first dry season in his entire life that he hadn't taken his 12 children and 50 grandchildren on a two day journey across the desert to work as day laborers at a commercial farm for about 50 cents a day.","es":"\u00c9l dijo que esa era la primera estaci\u00f3n seca en su vida entera en que no hab\u00eda llevado sus 12 hijos y 50 nietos en un viaje de dos d\u00edas a trav\u00e9s del desierto a trabajar como jornaleros en una granja comercial por unos 50 centavos de d\u00f3lar por d\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I don't think the world is that strange, actually.","es":"No creo que el mundo sea tan extra\u00f1o, en realidad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Like most adults on the boat, my mother carried a small bottle of poison.","es":"Como la mayor\u00eda de los adultos, my madre llevaba un frasquito con veneno."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Functional fixedness is a bias that affects all of us.","es":"La inflexibilidad funcional nos afecta a todos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Two other guys did it.","es":"Otros hombres lo hicieron."} -{"gender":"female","en":"You have to make the change on yourself.","es":"Uno tiene que hacer su propio cambio."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And that's what we do to all traffic survivors.","es":"Y eso es lo que hacemos con todos los sobrevivientes del tr\u00e1fico."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, it turns out that I was pretty good at that.","es":"Ahora, resulta que era bastante bueno para ello."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I kept on getting lost.","es":"Y continu\u00e9 y\u00e9ndome."} -{"gender":"male","en":"How will we protect them in the future?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo las protegeremos en el futuro?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Here it goes.","es":"Aqu\u00ed va."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I call it cognitive surplus.","es":"Yo lo llamo \"excedente cognitivo\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"\"What should we do?\"","es":"\"\u00bfQu\u00e9 podemos hacer?\""} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And when was his next shipment going to arrive?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1ndo llegar\u00eda el pr\u00f3ximo cargamento?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So we reached out to traditional political parties and we offered them DemocracyOS.","es":"As\u00ed que fuimos con los partidos pol\u00edticos tradicionales y les ofrecimos DemocracyOS."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I invite you to join me.","es":"Por eso los invito a acompa\u00f1arme."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And this corresponded to a tumor the size of a golf ball.","es":"Se correspond\u00eda con un tumor del tama\u00f1o de una pelota de golf."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I want to be in that car.","es":"Quiero estar en ese auto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I had sometimes armed guards at speeches that I was invited to give, people trying to drum up letter-writing campaigns to get me fired.","es":"Tuve guardas armados en algunos discursos a los que fui invitada a dar. Hubo gente con campa\u00f1as de recolecci\u00f3n de cartas para que me despidieran."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You are a conservative member of Congress.","es":"Son un miembro conservador del Congreso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"He was staring past me and just kind of looking at the ground.","es":"Estaba mirando m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de m\u00ed y solo mirando el suelo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"He wasn't at any of the births, but, It was a lesson about time.","es":"No estuvo en ninguno de los nacimientos, pero Fue una lecci\u00f3n sobre el tiempo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I want users to be informed and consenting users of the tools that we develop.","es":"Quiero usuarios informados, que aprueben las herramientas que desarrollamos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Once you think about it, you see this is not statistical points; these are, let's see, how far have I talked?","es":"Una vez que piensas en eso, ves que esto no es estad\u00edstica. Estos son, a ver, \u00bfcu\u00e1nto he hablado?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"You breathe their air.","es":"T\u00fa respiras su mismo aire."} -{"gender":"female","en":"If you're listening to me and you're trying to imagine this family that revolves entirely around a dying child, and you can't imagine joy as part of that picture, then we were right to share our story with you, because that season of our life was hard.","es":"Si me est\u00e1s escuchando y est\u00e1s tratando de imaginar esta familia que gira enteramente alrededor de un ni\u00f1o moribundo, y no puedes imaginar la alegr\u00eda como parte de esa imagen, entonces est\u00e1bamos en el derecho de compartir nuestra historia contigo, debido a ese momento de nuestra vida fue duro."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Except here it\u2019s been split up in parts by Est\u00e9e Lauder and by the perfumer who did it, Calice Becker, and I'm most grateful to them for this.","es":"Solo que aqu\u00ed fue disociada por Est\u00e9e Lauder y por la perfumista que la cre\u00f3, Calice Becker, y les agradezco enormemente por eso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But occasionally, they do reach into the human medical community, particularly for some speciality consultation, and I was one of the lucky physicians who was invited in to help.","es":"Pero de vez en cuando, consultan a la comunidad m\u00e9dica de humanos, particularmente para algunas consultas de especialidad, y yo tuve suerte de ser invitada a ayudar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"For me, it's among the purposes of my life to take us from states of ignorance to states of understanding with bold exploration that you can't do every day.\"","es":"Para m\u00ed, es uno de los prop\u00f3sitos de mi vida llevarnos de estados de ignorancia a estados de comprensi\u00f3n mediante la exploraci\u00f3n audaz que puede hacerse todos los d\u00edas\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I said, \"Well, how do you hear it?\"","es":"Y yo dije, \"Bueno, \u00bfc\u00f3mo lo escucha usted?\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"They gasped.","es":"Jadeaban."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And when this started to get serious, I thought, I'd better put a really serious warning label on the box that this comes in, because otherwise people are going to be getting this and they're going to be turning into agents of creative change, and governments will be crumbling, and I wouldn't have told people, so I thought I'd better warn them.","es":"Y cuando la cosa empez\u00f3 a ponerse seria pens\u00e9 que era mejor colocar una advertencia en la caja en la que viene esto porque en caso contrario las personas lo entender\u00edan y se convertir\u00edan en agentes de cambio creativo y los gobiernos se desmoronar\u00edan. No se lo hab\u00eda dicho a la gente, as\u00ed que pens\u00e9 que mejor era advertirles."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But the recent developments in software-defined radio, rapid fabrication and the maker movement, make it so that it's possible for a team of teenagers working in my lab over the course of a handful of months to build a prototype radar.","es":"Pero los desarrollos recientes en la radio definida por software, la r\u00e1pida fabricaci\u00f3n y el movimiento del fabricante, hacen que sea posible para un equipo de adolescentes, trabajando en mi laboratorio en el transcurso de unos pocos meses, construir un prototipo de radar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I first developed this technique working from a little single-person submersible called Deep Rover and then adapted it for use on the Johnson Sea-Link, which you see here.","es":"Esta t\u00e9cnica la desarroll\u00e9 primero trabajando desde un peque\u00f1o sumergible individual llamado Deep Rover, y luego la adapt\u00e9 para usarla en el Johnson Sea-Link, el cual ven aqu\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Just one last thing I'd like to say, I'd, really, I'd like to thank all of you for being here.","es":"Yo - una sola cosa que quiero decir, yo, realmente - quiero agradecerles a todos por estar presentes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So, step four: We needed to engage men.","es":"As\u00ed que, paso 4: ten\u00edamos que comprometer a los hombres."} -{"gender":"female","en":"None of the things you will see in this particular video are trained.","es":"Nada de lo que ver\u00e1n en este video fue aprendido por entrenamiento."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This doubt compels me to renounce the role of savior that some have placed on me, because our time is too short and our odds are too long to wait for second comings, when the truth is that there will be no miracles here.","es":"Este duda me obliga a renunciar al rol de salvador que algunos me han asignado, porque el tiempo es muy corto y las posibilidades muy grandes como para esperar Segundos Advenimientos, cuando la verdad es que aqu\u00ed no habr\u00e1 milagros."} -{"gender":"male","en":"People are going through terrible things.","es":"La gente est\u00e1 pasando por cosas terribles."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I discovered that, if I worked on a larger scale and with bigger materials, my hand really wouldn't hurt, and after having gone from a single approach to art, I ended up having an approach to creativity that completely changed my artistic horizons.","es":"Descubr\u00ed que, si trabajaba a una escala m\u00e1s grande y con materiales m\u00e1s grandes, mi mano no interferir\u00eda, y despu\u00e9s de pasar de un \u00fanico enfoque hacia el arte, a un enfoque hacia la creatividad que cambi\u00f3 completamente mis horizontes art\u00edsticos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And at the last study that we do at the molecular level, we look at the lipidome, the lipid changes in response to drying.","es":"Y en el \u00faltimo estudio que hacemos a nivel molecular, nos fijamos en el lipidome, el l\u00edpido cambia en respuesta al secado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That is a picture of my mother, and she recently got a Facebook account.","es":"Esta es una foto de mi madre, que hace poco cre\u00f3 una cuenta de Facebook."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What do bullets do?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 hacen las balas?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"They put passwords on their email and their social media accounts, they put locks on their bedroom and bathroom doors, all steps designed to prevent other people from entering what they consider their private realm and knowing what it is that they don't want other people to know.","es":"Ponen contrase\u00f1as en sus correos, y sus cuentas de medios sociales, ponen llave a las puertas de sus habitaciones y del ba\u00f1o, todos pasos dise\u00f1ados para prevenir que otras personas entren en lo que ellos consideran su espacio privado, y saben qu\u00e9 es lo que no quieren que las otras personas sepan."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, I had a $100,000 debt, and I noticed that the Kramer prize for human-powered flight, which had then been around for, , 17 years at the time, was 50,000 pounds, which, at the exchange rate, was just about 100,000 dollars.","es":"De modo que ten\u00eda una deuda de 100.000 d\u00f3lares, y me di cuenta de que el premio Kramer al vuelo por propulsi\u00f3n humana, que entonces ya estaba por ah\u00ed desde hace 17 a\u00f1os en aquella \u00e9poca, era de 50.000 libras, que, con la tasa de cambio, era justamente alrededor de los 100.000 d\u00f3lares."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You have a cardboard box with a mirror in the middle, and then you put the phantom, so my first patient, Derek, came in. He had his arm amputated 10 years ago.","es":"Se tiene una caja de cart\u00f3n con un espejo a la mitad, y entonces pone uno al fantasma. Lleg\u00f3 mi primer paciente, Derek, y a \u00e9l le amputaron el brazo hace 10 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Most females like me, I believe myself to be a typical female, I don't actually know my chromosomal make-up, but I think I'm probably typical, most females like me are actually androgen-sensitive.","es":"La mayor\u00eda de las mujeres como yo -me considero una mujer t\u00edpica; no conoce su estructura cromos\u00f3mica; yo creo ser una mujer t\u00edpica la mayor\u00eda de las mujeres como yo son sensibles a los andr\u00f3genos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So we've had thousands of presentations back at the shop, hundreds of thousands of presentations, actually, so I knew the context of a really bad presentation.","es":"Hemos tenido miles de presentaciones en la tienda: cientos de miles de presentaciones, en realidad, as\u00ed que sab\u00eda el contexto de una presentaci\u00f3n realmente mala."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is something I used to do as a joke, you know, make, the same like, Robert Smithson's \"Spiral Jetty\", and then leaving traces, as if it was done on a tabletop.","es":"Esto es algo que hac\u00eda como en broma, ya saben, hacer, algo como, \"Malec\u00f3n Espiral\" de Robert Smithson y entonces dejar rastros, como si se hubiera hecho sobre una mesa."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Pyriform silk glands make the attachment cement, that's the silk that's used to adhere silk lines to a substrate.","es":"Las gl\u00e1ndulas piriformes hacen el cemento de uni\u00f3n, es la seda que se usa para adherir las l\u00edneas de seda a un substrato."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Because of those letters and what they shared with me, their stories of teen life, they gave me the permission, they gave me the courage to admit to myself that there were reasons, not excuses, but that there were reasons for that fateful day in October of 1999; that the trauma associated with living in a community where guns are easier to get than sneakers; that the trauma associated with being raped at gunpoint at the age of 14; that those are reasons for me why making that decision, that fatal decision, was not an unlikely proposition.","es":"Gracias a esas cartas y lo que compartieron conmigo, sus historias de vida adolescentes, me dieron el permiso, me dieron el coraje de aceptarme a m\u00ed mismo que no hab\u00eda razones ni excusas, pero que hubo razones por ese fat\u00eddico d\u00eda en octubre de 1999; que el trauma asociado con vivir en una comunidad donde es m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil tener armas que calzado; que el trauma asociado con ser violado a mano armada a los 14 a\u00f1os; que esas son razones para m\u00ed por las que tomar esa decisi\u00f3n, esa fatal decisi\u00f3n, no fue una proposici\u00f3n poco probable."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But if you were to float by in space on a space holiday and you heard this, you want to get moving.","es":"Pero si estuvieran flotando por el espacio en vacaciones y oyeran esto querr\u00edan ponerse en movimiento."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I","es":"Yo"} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's a hidden epidemic, and most of that abuse actually happens at the hands of close caretakers or family.","es":"Es una epidemia oculta, y de hecho la mayor parte de esos malos tratos proviene de cuidadores o de familiares."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I spent a lot of money on this hardware. But we have this persistent confusion between objectivity and subjectivity as features of reality and objectivity and subjectivity as features of claims.","es":"Gast\u00e9 mucho dinero en este hardware, pero tenemos esta confusi\u00f3n persistente entre objetividad y subjetividad como rasgos de la realidad adem\u00e1s, objetividad y subjetividad como rasgos de aseveraciones."} -{"gender":"female","en":"If I didn't continue this practice, I feel that I could just fade off into oblivion and not maintain any form of social currency.","es":"Si no continuara con esta pr\u00e1ctica, siento que podr\u00eda desvanecerme en el olvido y no tener ning\u00fan tipo de valor social."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I did.","es":"Y as\u00ed lo hice."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Then I started embracing it.","es":"Luego empec\u00e9 a aceptarlo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The emphasis on clean government would have gradually squeezed out the political crooks, because there wouldn't be any money in taking part in the politics.","es":"El \u00e9nfasis en el gobierno limpio gradualmente habr\u00eda extirpado a los pol\u00edticos corruptos, porque no habr\u00edan incentivos econ\u00f3micos para entrar al juego de la pol\u00edtica."} -{"gender":"female","en":"2.5 billion people worldwide have no adequate toilet.","es":"2500 millones de personas en el mundo no tienen un inodoro adecuado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So ultimately, I just decided I would leave it in an envelope on the subway.","es":"Por \u00faltimo resolv\u00ed, simplemente que podr\u00eda dejarlos en un sobre en el metro."} -{"gender":"female","en":"He was looking for a heart attack, that's what I say.","es":"Estaba buscando un infarto; eso es lo que pienso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Other sands, when these micrometeorites come in, they vaporize and they make these fountains, these microscopic fountains that go up into the, I was going to say \"up into the air,\" but there is no air, goes sort of up, and these microscopic glass beads are formed instantly, and they harden, and by the time they fall down back to the surface of the Moon, they have these beautiful colored glass spherules.","es":"Otras arenas, cuando estos micrometeoritos llegan, se evaporan y forman estas fuentes, estas fuentes microsc\u00f3picas que suben hasta el Iba a decir que suben \"hasta el aire\", pero no hay aire. suben de alguna manera y se forman instant\u00e1neamente perlas de cristal, se endurecen y para cuando caen a la superficie de la luna, tienen estas preciosas esf\u00e9rulas de cristal coloreado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And in studies we've just been doing in my lab, similar studies, we've show that four year-olds are actually better at finding out an unlikely hypothesis than adults are when we give them exactly the same task.","es":"Y en los estudios que hemos estado haciendo en mi laboratorio, hemos demostrado que los ni\u00f1os de 4 a\u00f1os son mejores que los adultos en averiguar una hip\u00f3tesis poco probable ante la misma tarea."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"People walking into this rocket.","es":"Gente entrando en este cohete."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And the reason that this date was so momentous is that what my colleagues, John King and Halee Fischer-Wright, and I noticed as we began to debrief various Super Bowl parties, is that it seemed to us that across the United States, if you will, tribal councils had convened.","es":"Y la raz\u00f3n que \u00e9sta sea una fecha tan trascendente es lo que mis colegas, John King y Hailey Fischer-Wright y yo notamos tan pronto como iniciamos a cuestionar a varias fiestas del Super Bowl, es cuando nos pareci\u00f3 que a trav\u00e9s de los Estados Unidos, concejos tribales se hab\u00edan reunido."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Having totally absorbed this philosophy, I started looking at a lot of problems a little differently.","es":"Una vez que se absorbe totalmente esta filosof\u00eda , Comenc\u00e9 a ver los problemas algo diferentes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Soon, we could feel the rumble of the engines vibrating in our chests.","es":"Sentimos el retumbar de los motores vibrando en nuestros pechos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, I'm not suggesting that everybody dye their clothes in their kitchen sink at home.","es":"No sugiero con esto que todos deber\u00edan te\u00f1ir sus prendas en el fregadero de la cocina."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We have corporates that have stood behind us, and we are able to, now, open more schools.","es":"Hay empresas que nos han apoyado, y ahora podemos abrir m\u00e1s escuelas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We can rebuild a bit of trustworthiness.","es":"Podemos reconstruir un poco la confiabilidad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's a contradiction.","es":"Es Contradicci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So it's not just my father that I've imitated.","es":"No es solo a mi padre al que he imitado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"If you die leaving a spouse or a domestic partner, then chances are they will receive your estate, but if you are single, it's far more complicated, as parents, siblings, half-siblings and dependents all come into play.","es":"Si al morir dejamos un c\u00f3nyuge o una pareja, todo indica que esa persona nos heredar\u00e1, pero para los solteros es mucho m\u00e1s complicado, pues all\u00ed intervienen los padres, los hermanos, los medio hermanos y todas las personas relacionadas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think that, I've said in the past, many, many years ago, before anybody even invented the concept of a green agenda, that it wasn't about fashion, it was about survival. But what I never said, and what I'm really going to make the point is, that really, green is cool. I mean, all the projects which have, in some way, been inspired by that agenda are about a celebratory lifestyle, in a way celebrating the places and the spaces which determine the quality of life.","es":"Creo que --Lo he dicho en el pasado, hace muchos, muchos a\u00f1os, antes de que nadie hubiera incluso inventado el concepto de Agenda Verde-- que no es un asunto de moda, sino de supervivencia Pero lo que nunca dije, y lo que voy a decir ahora mismo es, que verdaderamente, lo verde es fant\u00e1stico Me refiero a que todos los proyectos que han sido inspirados de alg\u00fan modo por esa agenda son de un estilo de vida festivo, una celebraci\u00f3n de lugares y espacios que determinan la calidad de vida."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That statement from Erica's mother: \"We didn't have 15 dollars bus fare to come to you,\" made me realize that it just wasn't going to work, me expecting people to come to me.","es":"Esa declaraci\u00f3n de la madre de \u00c9rica: \"No ten\u00edamos los 15 d\u00f3lares de la tarifa del autob\u00fas para ir a verte,\" me hizo darme cuenta que no solo era ir a trabajar, esperando que la gente me viniera a ver."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And this is also true of some remote oceanic islands.","es":"Y esto tambi\u00e9n es cierto en algunas islas oce\u00e1nicas remotas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"A person with an ACE score of seven or more had triple the lifetime risk of lung cancer and three and a half times the risk of ischemic heart disease, the number one killer in the United States of America.","es":"Una persona con una puntuaci\u00f3n de EAI de 7 o m\u00e1s ten\u00eda 3 veces m\u00e1s probabilidades de morir de c\u00e1ncer de pulm\u00f3n, y 3,5 veces mayor riesgo de isquemia card\u00edaca, la causa principal de muerte en Estados Unidos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Can I have the feeler here?","es":"\u00bfPodr\u00edan pasarme el tent\u00e1culo?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"One day she said to me, \"My wish is to finish college and be able to support my children.\"","es":"Un d\u00eda me dijo: \u00abDeseo terminar la universidad y poder mantener a mis hijos\u00bb."} -{"gender":"female","en":"\"Yeah, judge, I take Haldol for my schizophrenia, Xanax for my anxiety.\"","es":"\"S\u00ed, juez, tomo a Haldol por mi esquizofrenia, Xanax por mi ansiedad\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Pranav Mistry: So, there are lots of companies, sponsor companies of Media Lab interested in taking this ahead in one or another way.","es":"Pranav Mistry: Hay muchas empresas, empresas patrocinantes del Media Lab, interesados en llevar esto hacia adelante de una u otra forma."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I pulled out those apples to remind myself to tell you that this is actually probably a Newton and the apple type story, but it's a great story.","es":"Yo saqu\u00e9 esas manzanas para acordarme de decirles que esta probablemente es una historia como la de Newton y la manzana, pero es una buen\u00edsima historia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We look at universities and colleges, small, mid-sized community colleges across the country, their laboratories are becoming obsolete. And this is where we train most of our science workers and our researchers, and our teachers, by the way.","es":"Miramos a las universidades, universidades comunitarias, peque\u00f1as y grandes, en todo el pa\u00eds, y vemos que sus laboratorios se est\u00e1n volviendo obsoletos, y es aqu\u00ed en donde preparamos a la mayor\u00eda de nuestros trabajadores cient\u00edficos e investigadores, y, por cierto, a nuestros maestros."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"If we changed so much, something must have happened.","es":"Si hemos cambiado tanto, algo debe de haber pasado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Every child deserves an education that guarantees the safety to learn in the comfort of one's own skin.","es":"Todos los ni\u00f1os merecen una educaci\u00f3n que garantice la seguridad de aprender con la comodidad de su propia piel."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so, what I think it comes down to is a question of, not only having information of what's going on, but paying attention to that and letting that shift our motivation to become more sincere and genuinely positive.","es":"Y entonces creo que todo se reduce a que es una cuesti\u00f3n de, no s\u00f3lo tener informaci\u00f3n de lo que est\u00e1 pasando, sino de prestar atenci\u00f3n y dejar que eso cambie nuestra motivaci\u00f3n para volvernos m\u00e1s sinceros y aut\u00e9nticamente positivos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"If you mean, am I going to put resurrection plant genes into crops, your answer is yes.","es":"Si se refieren a poner genes de plantas de resurrecci\u00f3n en los cultivos, la respuesta es s\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We draw their blood, we scan their brains, we talk to their children.","es":"Les extraemos sangre, escaneamos sus cerebros, hablamos con sus hijos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I still paint.","es":"Todav\u00eda pinto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Indeed, when Ireland first joined the European Union in 1973, there were parts of the country that were considered developing, including my own beloved native county, County Mayo.","es":"Y en verdad, en 1973, cuando Irlanda ingres\u00f3 a la Uni\u00f3n Europea, hab\u00eda partes del pa\u00eds que se consideraban en v\u00eda de desarrollo, incluyendo mi amado condado natal, County Mayo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I love calculating these kinds of things, and it's not that I love doing the math.","es":"Me encanta calcular este tipo de cosas, y no es que me encante hacer c\u00e1lculos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In the background, my bicycle.","es":"Al fondo, mi bicicleta."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Yeah, I needed a last name.","es":"S\u00ed, necesitaba un apellido."} -{"gender":"female","en":"A dear neighbor who was like an aunt to me died suddenly of a heart attack, and I attended my first funeral and did my first reading.","es":"Una querida vecina, que era como una t\u00eda para m\u00ed, muri\u00f3 inesperadamente de un ataque card\u00edaco. Asist\u00ed entonces a mi primer funeral y le\u00ed all\u00ed mis primeras palabras."} -{"gender":"female","en":"How are you going to spend these minutes of bonus life?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo van a gastar esos siete minutos y medio adicionales de vida?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The empire is gone, so what are we doing with that design that produces these identical people, and what are we going to do next if we ever are going to do anything else with it?","es":"El imperio ya no existe, as\u00ed que, \u00bfqu\u00e9 hacemos con ese dise\u00f1o que produce personas id\u00e9nticas? y, \u00bfqu\u00e9 haremos despu\u00e9s si no vamos a volver a usarlo?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"And then he said, \"But I want you to know that the lack of resources is never an excuse for injustice.\"","es":"Y luego a\u00f1adi\u00f3: \"Pero quiero que sepas que la falta de recursos nunca podr\u00e1 justificar la injusticia\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They freed us from colonialism, and let's give them credit for that.","es":"Nos liberaron del colonialismo y hay que darles cr\u00e9dito por ello."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Because my father himself, and my three uncles, in World War II, were all conscientious objectors, all pussycats.","es":"Porque mi propio padre y mis tres t\u00edos, en la II Guerra Mundial, eran objetores de conciencia, unos gatitos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Okay, I hear you were laughing nervously because you too could hear that the drill was a little bit sharp, the intonation was a little questionable.","es":"OK, o\u00ed que se re\u00edan nerviosamente porque tambi\u00e9n se pod\u00eda o\u00edr que el taladro estaba muy afilado, la entonaci\u00f3n es un poco cuestionable."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Kind of being on a runaway train that's, I don't know, helping increase inequality?","es":"\u00bfDel tipo que est\u00e9 fuera de control, y que contribuya a aumentar la desigualdad?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think they're arguing about the space on the pin.","es":"Pienso que est\u00e1n discutiendo por el espacio en el alfiler."} -{"gender":"female","en":"He's been a collector all of his life, starting when he was four or five in the early 1960's.","es":"Ha sido coleccionista toda su vida. Comenz\u00f3 a los 4 \u00f3 5 a\u00f1os, a principios de los a\u00f1os 60."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So we have the perpetual adolescent.","es":"Est\u00e1 el adolescente perpetuo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is a piece that I just recently completed about another tragic phenomenon.","es":"Esta fotograf\u00eda que reci\u00e9n termine es acerca de otro tr\u00e1gico fen\u00f3meno."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Imagine having a nightmare while you're awake.","es":"Imaginen tener una pesadilla mientras est\u00e1n despiertos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I don't got nothing more to say.","es":"No dir\u00e9 m\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Good.","es":"Bien."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And what I felt about that building is that it really was a building that had to do with a lightness of being, to quote Kundera, that it had to do with whiteness, it had to do with a certain dynamic quality and it had to do with optimism.","es":"Y lo que sent\u00eda acerca de ese edificio es que era en verdad un edificio que ten\u00eda que ver con una levedad del ser, para citar a Kundera \u2013 que ten\u00eda que ver con la blancura, ten\u00eda que ver con cierta cualidad din\u00e1mica, y ten\u00eda que ver con el optimismo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Since 2009, the world has been stuck on a single narrative around a coming global food crisis and what we need to do to avoid it.","es":"Desde 2009, el mundo est\u00e1 atascado en una sola narrativa sobre una crisis alimentaria mundial que se avecina y lo que debemos hacer para evitarla."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now the virus was in that environment.","es":"Ahora el virus estaba en ese entorno."} -{"gender":"female","en":"First, it's a ball game bonobo-style, and I do not mean football.","es":"Primero, es un juego de pelota estilo bonobo; y no hablo de f\u00fatbol."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, it is not necessary that these stories agree with each other.","es":"Ahora, no es necesario que esas historias concuerden unas con otras."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I hope that one day I can help other women in my country to be fixers like me.","es":"Espero un d\u00eda poder ayudar a otras mujeres en mi pa\u00eds a ser mediadoras como yo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I like things that are different.","es":"Me gustan las cosas diferentes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And what's really cool is that that knowledge which you just acquired moments ago is changing how you experience these blobs right now.","es":"Y lo realmente genial es que ese conocimiento adquirido apenas hace unos momentos est\u00e1 cambiando c\u00f3mo perciben estas manchas ahora mismo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Why?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"PM: I would say, not only survived.","es":"PM: Yo dir\u00eda que no s\u00f3lo sobreviviste."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Or one time, Navid said that our talk was like we were always making bread, and that we were always adding in a little more flour and a little more water, and folding it in and turning it over and never getting around to baking it.","es":"O una vez, Navid dijo que nuestras conversaciones eran como hacer pan, y que siempre est\u00e1bamos a\u00f1adiendo un poco m\u00e1s de harina y de agua, amas\u00e1ndolo y d\u00e1ndole la vuelta para nunca llegar a hornearlo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Well, there are no experts.","es":"Bueno, no hay expertos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"To them, watching the guillotine in action, it was so quick, there was nothing to see.","es":"Para ellos, ver la guillotina en acci\u00f3n, era tan r\u00e1pida, que no hab\u00eda nada que ver."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I've been very supportive until this picture shows up on my Facebook page.","es":"Yo la apoy\u00e9 mucho hasta que apareci\u00f3 esta foto en mi p\u00e1gina de Facebook."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to ask and try to answer, in some ways, kind of an uncomfortable question.","es":"Les preguntar\u00e9 y tratar\u00e9 de responder de alguna forma, una pregunta algo inc\u00f3moda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"When I look around me, the world seems full of objects, tables, chairs, rubber hands, people, you lot, even my own body in the world, I can perceive it as an object from the outside.","es":"Cuando miro a mi alrededor, el mundo parece lleno de objetos Mesas, sillas, manos de goma, gente, Uds., incluso mi propio cuerpo en el mundo, puedo percibirlo como un objeto desde el exterior."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Just, you know, there are other things for you to do, but that's not going to work out for you.\"","es":"Simplemente acepta que hay otras cosas que puedes hacer, pero esto no te va a funcionar\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And then they knew how long to leave me in the room with my mother after she died.","es":"Y luego supieron cu\u00e1nto tiempo dejarme en la habitaci\u00f3n con ella luego de su muerte."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's the dependence on farm subsidies and under-performing schools and higher poverty rates in rural areas than in urban.","es":"Es la dependencia de los subsidios agr\u00edcolas, son las escuelas de bajo rendimiento y hay mayores tasas de pobreza en las zonas rurales que en las urbanas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is extremely profound.","es":"Y esto es muy profundo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They were created by a Kuwaiti psychologist called Naif Al Mutawa.","es":"Fueron creados por un psic\u00f3logo kuwait\u00ed que se llama Nayef Al Mutawa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It has speakers on it. And it has cameras over the surface of it.","es":"Tiene altavoces a bordo y c\u00e1maras en la superficie."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It means, I think, that we're living in a time of unexpected possibilities.","es":"Creo que esto significa que estamos viviendo en una \u00e9poca de posibilidades inesperadas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I don't just mean smart machines that replace humans.","es":"No me refiero a m\u00e1quinas inteligentes que reemplacen a los humanos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Love is sweet labor.","es":"El amor es trabajo dulce."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Judging by the healing on the borders of these holes, they lived days, months, years following trephination.","es":"A juzgar por la curaci\u00f3n en los bordes de estos hoyos, viv\u00edan d\u00edas, meses, a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s de la trepanaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And he said, \"But we've had a lot of trouble with Western mental health workers, especially the ones who came right after the genocide.\"","es":"\u00abS\u00ed, --contest\u00f3-- pero hemos tenido muchos problemas con los trabajadores de la salud mental occidentales, sobre todo con los que vinieron apenas termin\u00f3 el genocidio\u00bb."} -{"gender":"male","en":"PR: Yeah, so let me restate that.","es":"PR: Vale, deja que lo explique."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"How does that part work?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo funciona esa parte?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"So this brings me to my wish for TEDsters, and to anyone else around the world who hears this talk.","es":"Y esto me lleva de nuevo a mi deseo para todos los que formamos TED y para cualquier otra persona en el mundo que oiga esta charla."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Say you're going to send me that smartphone by mail.","es":"Digamos que me van a enviar un smartphone por correo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Don't move your eyes.","es":"No muevan los ojos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is actually a brainwave sensor that's reading the electrical activity of my brain as I give this talk.","es":"En realidad un sensor de ondas cerebrales que lee la actividad el\u00e9ctrica del cerebro conforme doy esta charla."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Bringing people, future generations, together through Arabic calligraphy is what I do.","es":"Acerc\u00f3 a la gente, a las generaciones futuras, a trav\u00e9s de la caligraf\u00eda \u00e1rabe eso es lo que hago."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's part of a long-term program NASA sponsored.","es":"Es parte del programa a largo plazo sponsoreado por la NASA."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They showed their human qualities and convinced the mothers that they would stick with them through thick and thin, even though they wouldn't be soft with them.","es":"Mostraron cualidades humanas y convencieron a las madres de que estar\u00edan con ellas en las duras y en las maduras, aunque no fuese f\u00e1cil."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This little park provided what New Yorkers crave: comfort and greenery.","es":"Ofrec\u00eda lo que los neoyorquinos anhelan: comodidad y espacios verdes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And you don't know what is operating, but something is operating there.","es":"No sabes lo que est\u00e1 funcionando, pero algo est\u00e1 funcionando all\u00ed."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This thing that you've accepted your entire life, when you think about it a little bit more, may not be so simple.","es":"Eso que has aceptado toda su vida, si lo piensas un poco m\u00e1s, puede no ser tan simple."} -{"gender":"male","en":"How would I know who was the best?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo saber qui\u00e9n era el mejor?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The family's obese.","es":"La familia es obesa."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"He was the second-wealthiest businessman in India, and after discovering this information, the terrorist war room gave the order to the terrorists on the ground in Mumbai. We all worry about our privacy settings on Facebook, but the fact of the matter is, our openness can be used against us.","es":"Era el segundo empresario m\u00e1s rico de la India. Y luego de descubrir esta informaci\u00f3n la sala de guerra terrorista orden\u00f3 a los terroristas en el terreno en Mumbai: \"M\u00e1tenlo\" Todos nos preocupamos por nuestra privacidad en Facebook, pero en realidad la apertura puede ser usada en nuestra contra."} -{"gender":"female","en":"MIT just has a new radio chip that uses far less power than our chips.","es":"El MIT acaba de crear un nuevo chip de radio que utiliza mucha menos energ\u00eda que los chips actuales."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I'd also like to say that the irony of course, is that denying girl, suppressing girl, suppressing emotion, refusing feeling has lead thus here.","es":"Y quiero decir tambi\u00e9n que la iron\u00eda desde luego, es que negar a la chica, suprimir a la chica, suprimir las emociones, rehusar el sentimiento, nos ha conducido hasta aqu\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"My family and I bought our first and only home on December 13, 2001, a fixer-upper in a beautiful spot of Los Altos Hills, California, from where I am speaking to you now.","es":"Mi familia y yo compramos nuestra primera y \u00fanica casa el 13 de diciembre de 2001: una casa con potencial que necesitaba reformas en un sitio precioso de Los Altos Hills en California, desde donde les hablo ahora mismo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The motor of the brain.","es":"El motor de la mente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, NEOWISE was not designed to find asteroids.","es":"NEOWISE no fue dise\u00f1ado para encontrar asteroides."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Jesus.","es":"Jes\u00fas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Here's the problem: we just don't know.","es":"Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 el problema: simplemente no sabemos la causa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And that decision has to be made in the individual newsroom and with the individual news executive.","es":"Y esa decisi\u00f3n debe hacerse en la redacci\u00f3n individual y con el ejecutivo de noticias individual."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Vermiculite was in the playground.","es":"La vermiculita estaba en el patio de recreo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Can I go through them with you?\"","es":"\u00bfPuedo repasarlos con Ud.?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm here to today to say that all three of these propositions, all of which sound reasonable, are not true.","es":"Hoy vine a decirles que estas tres posturas, que suenan razonables, no son verdaderas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In order to teach a system how to recognize flowers, I show it thousands of flowers of the kinds I like.","es":"Para ense\u00f1arle a un sistema a reconocer flores, le muestro miles de flores que me gustan."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But instead, people kept hurrying past me and pretended not to see me.","es":"En cambio, la gente pasaba a mi lado fingiendo no verme."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"There are no 72 virgins in the Koran.","es":"No hay tales 72 v\u00edrgenes en el Cor\u00e1n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And you're going to hear an undulation between the sound.","es":"Y escuchar\u00e1n una ondulaci\u00f3n entre los sonidos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"See, evolution protected us during our childbearing years and then, after age 35 or 40 or 45, it said \"It doesn't matter anymore, because they've had their progeny.\"","es":"Es que, la evoluci\u00f3n nos protegi\u00f3 durante nuestros a\u00f1os f\u00e9rtiles, y luego, cuando cumplimos 35, o 40, o 45 a\u00f1os, dijo que ya no importaba, porque ya han tenido su prole."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well I thought, when you're looking at information at this level, it's so easy to lose track of what you're doing.","es":"Bueno, pens\u00e9, cuando uno mira la informaci\u00f3n a este nivel, es f\u00e1cil perder la noci\u00f3n de lo que est\u00e1 haciendo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And in many other countries this is happening.","es":"Esto tambi\u00e9n ocurre en muchos otros pa\u00edses."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well, for four years, I knew nobody in this space, and I didn't even know it existed, that people could do this stuff, that you could have movements like this.","es":"Desde hace 4 a\u00f1os, no conoc\u00eda a nadie en este espacio, y ni siquiera sab\u00eda que exist\u00eda, que la gente pudiera hacer estas cosas, que uno podr\u00eda tener movimientos como este."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So I think you can imagine all the cool things that we could do with robots that can run and crawl and jump and roll at this size scale.","es":"As\u00ed que creo que pueden imaginar todas las cosas interesantes que podr\u00edamos hacer con robots que pueden correr, gatear saltar y rodar a esta escala."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Human solidarity, if you like, based on self-interest, because we are all in this together, and we have to work together to ensure that we reach zero carbon by 2050.","es":"Solidaridad humana, si se quiere, por inter\u00e9s propio-- porque todos estamos en esto, y tenemos que trabajar juntos para asegurarnos de que alcanzaremos cero emisiones de carbono para el 2050."} -{"gender":"male","en":"AAA: That was my president.","es":"AAA: Este era mi presidente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We need to be doing that.","es":"Tenemos que hacer eso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I believe we can enjoy the benefits of advanced technology, as we're doing now, but at the same time, if we choose, have access to a richer and wilder life of adventure when we want to because there would be wonderful, rewilded habitats.","es":"Creo que podemos disfrutar de los beneficios de la tecnolog\u00eda avanzada, como hacemos ahora, pero al mismo tiempo, si lo elegimos, tener acceso a una vida m\u00e1s rica y m\u00e1s salvaje de aventura cuando queramos porque habr\u00eda maravillosos h\u00e1bitats resalvajizados."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My film partner became my husband.","es":"Mi compa\u00f1ero de reparto se convirti\u00f3 en mi esposo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So that's who I am.","es":"As\u00ed que esa soy yo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When I released these men into the wild, I did follow some rules.","es":"Cuando puse a estos hombres en circulaci\u00f3n, segu\u00ed algunas reglas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"One brainstorming session involved the job of bonding.","es":"Una sesi\u00f3n de intercambio de ideas incluy\u00f3 la tarea de vincularse."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's good ratings.","es":"La audiencia sube."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And the idea is that we'll shave bits of time off everyday activities, add it up, and we'll have time for the good stuff.","es":"La idea es que ahorremos tiempo en las actividades cotidianas, lo sumemos, y tengamos tiempo para lo importante."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to play three videos of a rainy day.","es":"Voy a poner 3 videos de un d\u00eda de lluvia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And in the right speaker is going to be the original recording, and the left speaker is going to be the new recording, actually of an instrument just like that one, and I'm going to play them together at the same time.","es":"El altavoz derecho ser\u00e1 la grabaci\u00f3n original. Y el altavoz izquierdo ser\u00e1 la nueva grabaci\u00f3n, en un instrumento justo como este, y voy a reproducir las dos grabaciones simult\u00e1neamente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My colleagues and I in Cura\u00e7ao are interested in looking forward at what might be.","es":"Mis colegas y yo en Cura\u00e7ao nos interesa mirar \u200b\u200bhacia adelante en lo que podr\u00eda ser."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Win Butler: Now our lives are changing fast Now our lives are changing fast Hope that something pure can last Hope that something pure can last Ooh we used to wait Ooh we used to wait Ooh we used to wait Sometimes it never came Sometimes it never came Still moving through the pain We used to wait for it We used to wait for it We used to wait for it AK: So I think, if there's one thing to take away from my talk today, it's that an interface can be a powerful narrative device.","es":"Win Butler: Ahora nuestras vidas est\u00e1n cambiando r\u00e1pidamente Ahora nuestras vidas est\u00e1n cambiando r\u00e1pidamente La esperanza de que algo puro pueda durar La esperanza de que algo puro pueda durar Ooh sol\u00edamos esperar Ooh sol\u00edamos esperar Ooh sol\u00edamos esperar Hab\u00edan veces que nunca llegaba Hab\u00edan veces que nunca llegaba Movi\u00e9ndonos a\u00fan a trav\u00e9s del dolor Sol\u00edamos esperarlo Sol\u00edamos esperarlo Sol\u00edamos esperarlo AK: Y creo que, si hay una idea que pueden tomar de mi charla de hoy, es que una interfaz puede ser un recurso narrativo poderoso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But this problem should seem pretty familiar to all of you because I'm pretty sure you've seen it somewhere else.","es":"Este problema debe parecerles muy familiar a todos porque estoy seguro de que lo han visto en otro lugar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The reason that radar can reveal the bedrock is that ice is entirely transparent to radar.","es":"El motivo por el que el radar puede revelar el lecho de roca es que el hielo es totalmente transparente para el radar."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But these kinds of processes also happen a lot closer to home as well.","es":"Pero este tipo de procesos ocurre mucho cerca de casa tambi\u00e9n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The name speaks for itself.","es":"El nombre habla por s\u00ed mismo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Now this transformation has doubled the area of the original figure, and therefore we have just learned that the area of the triangle equals the area of this rectangle divided by two.","es":"Pero esta transformaci\u00f3n ha duplicado el \u00e1rea de la figura original, y por lo tanto acabamos de aprender que el \u00e1rea del tri\u00e1ngulo equivale al \u00e1rea de este rect\u00e1ngulo dividido por dos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now they are older, they understand.","es":"Ahora que son mayores, lo entienden."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If you are within the sound of my voice, I want you to close your eyes for a moment and examine your own social circle.","es":"Si est\u00e1n atentos al sonido de mi voz, quiero que cierren los ojos por un momento y examinen su propio c\u00edrculo social."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It was like time would stop, and the dancer would sort of step through some kind of portal and he wasn't doing anything different than he had ever done, 1,000 nights before, but everything would align.","es":"Era como si el tiempo se detuviera, y el bailar\u00edn pasaba por un tipo de portal y no estaba haciendo nada diferente de lo que hab\u00eda hecho las mil noches anteriores, pero todo se alineaba."} -{"gender":"female","en":"For others, it was to welcome people through their doors to ask questions.","es":"Para otros, era dar la bienvenida a la gente para hacer preguntas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And it would be really great, actually, if we could stop that dead tissue either from dying or help it to regenerate.","es":"Ser\u00eda en realidad grandioso, si pudi\u00e9ramos detener ese tejido ya sea de morir o ayudarle a regenerarse."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I think people were amazed at two things, I think they were amazed at the destruction, but I think there was a sense of disbelief about the heroics of New Yorkers that I found very moving.","es":"Y pienso que la gente estaban sorprendidas de dos cosas, Pienso que estaban impresionadas por la destrucci\u00f3n, pero pienso que hab\u00eda una sensaci\u00f3n de incredulidad acerca del hero\u00edsmo de los Neoyorkinos que yo encontr\u00e9 muy conmovedor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And what I've used is a very simple research tool, a mirror, and we've gained great information, reflections of these animal minds.","es":"Con una herramienta muy simple de investigaci\u00f3n: un espejo, y conseguimos mucha informaci\u00f3n, producto de la inteligencia de estos animales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That started rising to the top in my thinking about maybe what mattered most for success.","es":"Eso comenz\u00f3 a sobresalir en creencia sobre lo qu\u00e9 era lo m\u00e1s importante para el \u00e9xito."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Like the 250,000 dead so far in Sudan.","es":"Como los 250 mil muertos hasta ahora en Sud\u00e1n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Over that period you are going to double your demand.","es":"Durante ese per\u00edodo se duplicar\u00e1 la demanda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They were so focused on their own individual work, they didn't even know who they were sitting next to, and it was only when I insisted that we stop working and invest time in getting to know each other that we achieved real momentum.","es":"Estaban tan concentrados en su trabajo individual, que ni sab\u00edan a qui\u00e9n ten\u00edan al lado, y fue entonces que insist\u00ed en que dej\u00e1ramos de trabajar e invirti\u00e9ramos tiempo en conocernos unos a otros y que tomaramos impulso de verdad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"All I can say is: I care.","es":"Todo lo que puedo decir es que me preocupa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Chris Milk: So this was my joy back then.","es":"Chris Milk: As\u00ed que esto era lo m\u00e1ximo en aquel entonces."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The live audience was asked to applaud ASL-style, in silence.","es":"Se le pidi\u00f3 al p\u00fablico aplaudir en lengua de signos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"He pays me a lot to keep it a secret.\"","es":"\u00c9l me paga mucho por mantenerlo en secreto.\u201d"} -{"gender":"male","en":"It wasn't a very big bump, but it was big enough to make you raise your eyebrow.","es":"No era una protuberancia muy grande, pero lo bastante grande como para hacer alzarnos las cejas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I mean, we need a whole conference just devoted to telling the good stories about the continent.","es":"Digo, necesitamos toda una conferencia dedicada a contar las buenas historias sobre el continente."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So if we want to make our ability to see the brain more powerful, to get down to the ground truth structure, we're going to need to have even better technologies.","es":"Por eso si queremos ver mejor el cerebro, para adentrarnos en su estructura primordial vamos a necesitar tener incluso mejores tecnolog\u00edas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's so much more subtle, so much more visceral, you know, what's visible, what's not. And I'd like to bring that experience to the desktop.","es":"Es mucho m\u00e1s sutil, mucho m\u00e1s visceral ya saben, lo que es visible, lo que no. Y me gustar\u00eda traer esa experiencia al escritorio de las computadoras."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The fundamental question is this: How are we going to create economic growth in advanced and developed economies like the United States and across Europe at a time when they continue to struggle to create economic growth after the financial crisis?","es":"La pregunta fundamental es: \u00bfVamos a provocar un crecimiento en la econom\u00eda, en las econom\u00edas desarrolladas como en Estados Unidos y Europa en una \u00e9poca en la que ellos se esfuerzan por mejorar su econom\u00eda despu\u00e9s de la crisis financiera?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so, that's what we're going to do.","es":"Y, eso es lo que vamos a hacer."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And in fact, two of my best friends reported about me to the Stasi.","es":"De hecho, dos de mis mejores amigos me reportaban a la Stasi."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So everybody must be able to say, \"This happened to me, and it did this with me, but I'm able to live with it, to cope with it, and to learn from it.","es":"As\u00ed, todo el mundo debe poder decir: \"me sucedi\u00f3 eso y me provoc\u00f3 esto, pero puedo vivir con esto, hacerle frente, y aprender de eso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I'd like to invite you to open your ears, to open your eyes, take part in our culture and experience our visual language.","es":"Me gustar\u00eda invitarles a abrir sus o\u00eddos, abrir los ojos, a participar en nuestra cultura y experimentar de nuestro lenguaje visual."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I just want to say a couple quick things.","es":"S\u00f3lo quiero decir un par de cosas r\u00e1pidamente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Because America is an incredibly rich country.","es":"Porque s\u00ed que es un pa\u00eds incre\u00edblemente rico."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But unfortunately, we have made too much of an emphasis of this aspect in our narratives of human evolution.","es":"Pero, por desgracia, hemos hecho demasiado hincapi\u00e9 en este aspecto en nuestras narrativas de la evoluci\u00f3n humana."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Why do we call it that?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 la llamamos as\u00ed?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"These are individuals that are incredibly talented at being able to recreate reality.","es":"Estas son personas con incre\u00edble talento para recrear la realidad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So there's no stigma.","es":"No hay estigmas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We're not allowed to be who we are.","es":"No nos dejan ser nosotros mismos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"These are places where mosquitos breed.","es":"Estos son lugares donde proliferan los mosquitos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And they will live for 15 or 20 years, continuing to lay eggs using the sperm from that original mating.","es":"Y van a vivir por 15 o 20 a\u00f1os, poniendo huevos usando el esperma del apareamiento original."} -{"gender":"male","en":"What I'm trying to do, what I'm trying to show you, is how to shift your gaze just slightly, just momentarily, just momentarily, to ask yourself the question, why do some have to walk?","es":"Lo que intento hacer, lo que intento mostrarles, es c\u00f3mo desplazar un poco su mirada, solo por un momento, solo por un momento, para que se pregunten: \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 algunos tienen que caminar?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"He said, \"There are two types of people in this world: those who divide the world into two types and those who do not.\"","es":"\u00c9l dijo, \"Hay dos tipos de personas en este mundo, los que dividen el mundo en dos clases y los que no\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"She was someone who loved to make dinner for her husband, her Kent State ROTC sweetheart who pushed her to be her best, and to trust herself, and to test every limit she could.","es":"A ella le encantaba preparar la comida para su marido, su amor en el ROTC de Kent State quien la anim\u00f3 a superarse, y a confiar en s\u00ed misma, y a ponerse a prueba ante cada l\u00edmite."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And given all that we've discovered, the overwhelming numbers now suggest that there may be millions, perhaps, maybe even hundreds of millions, of other that are close enough, just the right distance from their stars that they're orbiting, to have the existence of liquid water and maybe could potentially support life.","es":"Y dado todo lo que hemos descubierto, los n\u00fameros abrumadores sugieren ahora que puede haber millones, quiz\u00e1s, tal vez incluso cientos de millones de otros que est\u00e1n lo suficientemente cerca, a una distancia exacta de la estrella alrededor de la cual orbitan, para tener agua l\u00edquida, y tal vez poder albergar vida."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So today we're going to show you one example of how you can use this.","es":"Hoy les mostraremos un ejemplo de c\u00f3mo usar esto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I am the mother of Zacarias Moussaoui.","es":"Soy la madre de Zacar\u00edas Moussaoui."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I am a business advisor.","es":"Soy una asesora financiera."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That was the origin of the word \"bug.\"","es":"Ese fue el origen de la palabra \"bug\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You can get horns, antlers, even, if you look close, cloven hooves.","es":"Se pueden lograr cuernos, astas, incluso si miran de cerca, pezu\u00f1as hendidas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I realized that success is a moment, but what we're always celebrating is creativity and mastery.","es":"Me d\u00ed cuenta que el \u00e9xito es un momento, pero lo que siempre admiramos es la creatividad y la maestr\u00eda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So whenever he said anything to me that just seemed kind of non-psychopathic, I thought to myself, well I'm not going to put that in my book.","es":"As\u00ed que todo lo que me dec\u00eda me pareci\u00f3 una suerte de no psicopat\u00eda. Y me dije, no a\u00f1adir\u00e9 eso en mi libro."} -{"gender":"female","en":"He had a belt because he had this warped perverted thing that Myesha was having sex with her little brother and they was fondling each other, that would be his reason.","es":"Ten\u00eda un cintur\u00f3n porque ten\u00eda la retorcida y pervertida idea de que Myesha ten\u00eda relaciones sexuales con su hermano menor. y se acariciaban \u2013 as\u00ed lo explicaba \u00e9l."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We are going to use strategy, and we are going to go back and apologize.","es":"Vamos a ser estrategas, y volvamos all\u00e1 a pedir disculpas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So what does it mean now that computers can see?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 significado tiene que los computadores puedan ver?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"And that is what I hope for us, and if this has contributed a little to making you want to do the same, stop, look, go.","es":"Y eso es lo que espero para nosotros, y si esto ha contribuido un poco a hacer que deseen hacer lo mismo, paren, miren, vayan."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We are now one of the largest running events in the Middle East, but most importantly, it is a platform for hope and cooperation in an ever-fragile and unstable part of the world.","es":"Ahora somos una de las m\u00e1s grandes carreras en el Medio Oriente, pero m\u00e1s importante; es una plataforma de esperanza y cooperaci\u00f3n en una parte del mundo tan fr\u00e1gil e inestable."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I want you to take this very seriously. Stare at the glass, ignore everybody right here.","es":"Pero quiero que tomes esto muy en serio, mira fijamente el vidrio y olv\u00eddate del p\u00fablico."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When I asked Ethan Bier about this moment, he became so excited that he was literally shouting into the phone.","es":"Cuando le pregunt\u00e9 a Ethan Bier acerca de esto, se emocion\u00f3 tanto que literalmente gritaba en el tel\u00e9fono."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But most importantly, and I cannot stress this enough, we have to build their design confidence and empower them to develop solutions that are truly African but globally inspiring.","es":"Pero a\u00fan m\u00e1s importante, y quiero recalcar esto enf\u00e1ticamente, tenemos que construir su confianza en el dise\u00f1o y empoderarlos para desarrollar soluciones que sean realmente africanas pero inspiradoras a nivel mundial."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And once they belong to the ants that work outside, they never go back down.","es":"Y una vez que pertenecen a las hormigas que trabajan afuera, nunca vuelven a bajar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Doctor: Now?","es":"Doctor: \u00bfAhora?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You'd think maybe antibiotics made more difference than clean water, but it's actually the opposite.","es":"Dir\u00edas que probablemente los antibi\u00f3ticos impactaron m\u00e1s que la agua potable, pero realmente es lo contrario."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So my students, my staff, we've been cutting them open.","es":"Mis estudiantes, mis trabajadores los han abierto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I realized, at the same time, that it is OK to be an outsider, a recent arrival, new on the scene, and not just OK, but something to be thankful for, perhaps a gift from the boat.","es":"Y me di cuenta al mismo tiempo que est\u00e1 bien ser un desconocido, un reci\u00e9n llegado, nuevo en la escena, y no s\u00f3lo que est\u00e1 bien, sino que es algo por lo que estar agradecido, quiz\u00e1s un regalo del barco."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I went to five countries around the world.","es":"Visit\u00e9 cinco pa\u00edses del mundo. Vi esclavos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Atmospheric explosions, or full combustion, takes about 15,000 times longer than what happens in your car.","es":"Las explosiones atmosf\u00e9ricas, o combusti\u00f3n completa, llevan 15000 veces m\u00e1s tiempo que lo que ocurre en tu auto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Ace of diamonds.","es":"As de diamantes."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Are you up for it?","es":"\u00bfEst\u00e1n listos para eso?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, Chris did ask me to bring some statistics with me, so I've done that.","es":"Chris me pidi\u00f3 que me trajera algunas estad\u00edsticas as\u00ed que eso hice."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So I asked, \"What do you think we should do about this?","es":"As\u00ed que pregunt\u00e9: \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 creen que deber\u00edamos hacer al respecto?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"And then after you've seen all of this, and prepared yourself mentally and physically, then you are ready to see something with a long duration, like in immaterial art.","es":"Y a continuaci\u00f3n, tras haber visto todo esto, y haberse preparado mentalmente y f\u00edsicamente, entonces uno est\u00e1 listo para ver algo con larga duraci\u00f3n, al igual que en el arte inmaterial."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We need to be able to target which areas really should be re-greened.","es":"Tenemos que poder identificar las \u00e1reas verdes que necesitan ser recuperadas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Sure, you can say \"spatial and temporal,\" but why not just say \"space and time,\" which is so much more accessible to us?","es":"Seguro, pueden decir \"espacial y temporal\", pero \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 no decir \"espacio y tiempo\" que es mucho m\u00e1s accesible a nosotros?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And it's sort of in the future, we haven't got there yet, but it's the kind of thing we want to think about.","es":"Y en el futuro, no hemos llegado all\u00ed todav\u00eda, pero es el tipo de cosas que queremos pensar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It baffles the mind.","es":"Es absurdo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's what I'm talking about as a last mile opportunity.","es":"A esto me refiero cuando hablo de la oportunidad de la \u00faltima milla."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I didn't know if I was drifting out to sea or towards shore, and all I could really make out was the faint sound of seagulls and crashing waves.","es":"No sab\u00eda si estaba a la deriva hacia el mar o hacia la orilla, y solo pod\u00eda distinguir el d\u00e9bil sonido de las gaviotas y las olas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So the first group is: I am most drawn to my partner when she is away, when we are apart, when we reunite.","es":"El primer grupo es: Es m\u00e1s deseable para m\u00ed cuando se va, cuando est\u00e1 lejos, cuando nos reunimos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In fact, it emits more greenhouse gases than our cars, our trucks, our planes and our trains combined.","es":"De hecho, emite m\u00e1s gases que nuestros autos, camiones, aviones y trenes juntos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And the first time I figured out that way was in this little single-person submersible called Deep Rover.","es":"La primera vez que comprend\u00ed c\u00f3mo hacerlo fue en este peque\u00f1o sumergible unipersonal llamado Deep Rover."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We had a memorable fight.","es":"Tuvimos una pelea memorable."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And that's just one of the basic things that artificial intelligence can do.","es":"Es solo una de las cosas que puede hacer la inteligencia artificial."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I said to myself, well, what is the conclusion?","es":"Y me dije: Bueno, \u00bfcu\u00e1l es la conclusi\u00f3n?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is what I tend to see almost more than contradictions.","es":"Esto es lo que tiendo a ver casi m\u00e1s que las contradicciones."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I say \"thank you for being here\" because I was silent for 17 years.","es":"Y digo gracias por estar aqu\u00ed, porque estuve en silencio durante 17 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But Heidi?","es":"\u00bfY Heidi?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Coral reefs are chemists.","es":"Los arrecifes de coral son qu\u00edmicos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We have shown that there's little pieces of DNA on the specific genes of the mammary gland that actually respond to extracellular matrix.","es":"Hemos demostrado que hay peque\u00f1as partes de ADN en los genes espec\u00edficos de la gl\u00e1ndula mamaria que responden a la matriz extracelular."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And preferably among them, some drought-tolerant crops.","es":"Y de preferencia, cultivos resistentes a la sequ\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The only thing that I have done is I have varied the order in which that information is presented.","es":"Lo \u00fanico que hice fue alterar el orden en que se presenta la informaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I want to show you why, with the help of some of my favorite types of clouds.","es":"Y quiero mostrarles el por qu\u00e9, con la ayuda de algunos de mis tipos favoritos de nubes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's difficult because it's a very experiential medium.","es":"Porque es un soporte experimental, basado en sentimientos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think your phone lines are unmanned.","es":"Digo que nadie est\u00e1 atendiendo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My other knee doesn't hurt, and it's just as old.","es":"Mi otra rodilla no me duele, y tiene la misma edad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is the story that Detroiters are changing, through urban agriculture and food entrepreneurship.","es":"Esta es la historia que los ciudadanos ya est\u00e1n cambiando, a trav\u00e9s de la agricultura urbana y el emprendimiento alimentario."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But what I'd like to talk to you about today is perhaps a way in which we could use technology to make those accidents happen often.","es":"Pero de lo que me gustar\u00eda hablarles hoy es quiz\u00e1, una manera en la que podemos usar la tecnolog\u00eda para hacer que esos \"accidentes\" pasen con mas frecuencia."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"These slides just show two images from a larger project that looked at trying to do that for Atlanta.","es":"Esta diapositiva muestra dos im\u00e1genes de un proyecto m\u00e1s grande que estamos tratando de hacer para Atlanta."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They were coming at a pretty regular clip, but as the story was building, normally, as a reader, you control how fast you move through a text, but in this case, The New Yorker did, and they were sending you bit by bit by bit, and you had this suspense of waiting for the next line.","es":"Ven\u00edan a un ritmo bastante regular, pero a medida que se desarrolla la historia, normalmente, como lector, uno controla el ritmo de lectura, pero en este caso, lo hac\u00eda The New Yorker y hac\u00edan entregas poquito a poco, y uno sent\u00eda el suspenso de esperar la pr\u00f3xima l\u00ednea."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The reason this graph is important to me is, on the news, the majority of the information is not positive. in fact it's negative.","es":"La importancia de esta gr\u00e1fica es que cuando enciendo las noticias, parece que casi toda la informaci\u00f3n es negativa, no positiva."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Another rule is that all mass is subject to entropy.","es":"Otra es que toda masa est\u00e1 sujeta a la entrop\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Something I never talk about in scientific meetings is how I actually got to this state and why I do the work that I do.","es":"Algo de lo que nunca hablo en reuniones cient\u00edficas es concretamente c\u00f3mo llegu\u00e9 a este estado y por qu\u00e9 hago lo que hago."} -{"gender":"male","en":"What I'm going to show you is, I'm gonna stick my arm into it and I will show you how quickly they will bite.","es":"Les mostrar\u00e9 que voy a meter mi brazo y ver\u00e1n c\u00f3mo r\u00e1pidamente me pican."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is tensor imaging.","es":"Esto es una imagen con tensor de difusi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So we think synthetic cells are going to have tremendous potential, not only for understanding the basis of biology but for hopefully environmental and society issues.","es":"As\u00ed que creemos que las c\u00e9lulas sint\u00e9ticas van a tener un enorme potencial, no s\u00f3lo para la comprensi\u00f3n de la base de la biolog\u00eda, sino que esperemos que tambi\u00e9n para los problemas del medio ambiente y la sociedad."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And if you try too hard, then you will only write the about. You won't discover anything. And what you were supposed to find, what you hoped to find in some serendipitous way, is no longer there.","es":"Y si se intenta demasiado entonces s\u00f3lo conseguir\u00e1n escribir \"acerca de\" pero no descubrir\u00e1n nada de lo que se supone que iban a encontrar, lo que esperaban encontrar, como por serendipia, ya no est\u00e1 all\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Can we engage people more in the lighting projects that we create, so they really want to connect with it, like here?","es":"\u00bfPodemos atraer m\u00e1s a la gente en los proyectos de iluminaci\u00f3n que creamos para que quieran conectarse con eso, como aqu\u00ed?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Sorry, what was I saying?","es":"Disculpa, \u00bfqu\u00e9 estaba diciendo?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"And you can see in these central images here, scanning electron micrographs of some of these guys, these are gardens of these bacteria.","es":"Y como pueden ver en estas im\u00e1genes al centro Al escanearlas con un microscopio electr\u00f3nico de barrido, vemos que son jard\u00ednes de estas bacterias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"As I said, they were adventurous people.","es":"Como dije, eran personas aventureras."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And at the same time, I was doing these very large constructions, being 150 meters away.","es":"Y, al mismo tiempo, estaba haciendo estas enormes construcciones, a 150 metros de distancia."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Calculus is an important subject.","es":"El c\u00e1lculo es una materia importante."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So let's look at what happens when you make a tool that anybody can just pick up and build something quickly, so one of the examples that I like to sort of kick off this discussion is this example of this cat feeder.","es":"Veamos qu\u00e9 es lo que sucede cuando se fabrica una herramienta que cualquiera puede usar para construir algo r\u00e1pido. Uno de los ejemplos con los que quiero empezar esta discusi\u00f3n es este alimentador para gatos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And this is, well, at the time, I did this 10 years ago, that was 36 years after the Dalai Lama had left.","es":"Y eso es bueno, en aquel momento, eso fue hace 10 a\u00f1os, 36 a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s de que el Dalai Lama se hubiera ido."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We made 21st century money, and that was groundbreaking.","es":"Hicimos dinero del siglo XXI y eso fue revolucionario."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'll fit you in my curriculum.\"","es":"Puedo encajarte en mi programa\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"See, Dr. Kean made that shift in thinking.","es":"Ven, el Dr. Kean hizo ese cambio de pensamiento."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Possibly, but I remember my childhood.","es":"Posiblemente, pero recuerdo mi ni\u00f1ez."} -{"gender":"male","en":"During that analysis I paid special attention to the medina that is this 1,000-year-old structure that used to be closed by a wall, opened by twelve different gates, connected by almost straight lines.","es":"Durante ese an\u00e1lisis puse especial atenci\u00f3n en la medina, una estructura de 1000 a\u00f1os de antig\u00fcedad que estuvo rodeada por un muro con doce puertas de acceso conectadas por l\u00edneas casi rectas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That passage of the law and the repeal of the law fortified the case of the Piarco Airport accused.","es":"Ese segmento de la ley y la derogaci\u00f3n de la misma, fortalecieron el caso de los acusados del Aeropuerto Piarco."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Let's go back to diabetes.","es":"Vamos a volver a la diabetes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, ChucK is a programming language for music, and it's open-source, it's freely available, and I like to think that it crashes equally well on all modern operating systems.","es":"ChucK es un lenguaje de programaci\u00f3n para hacer m\u00fasica; es de c\u00f3digo abierto, de libre acceso, y me gusta pensar que estalla por igual en todos los sistemas operativos modernos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So here are the amazing people who worked with me on these projects.","es":"As\u00ed est\u00e1n las incre\u00edbles personas que trabajaron conmigo en estos proyectos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"To my colleagues, to my patients, to my government, to all human beings, I ask that we stand and we shout and we demand the best care possible, so that we can live better today and ensure a better life tomorrow.","es":"A mis colegas, a mis pacientes, a mi gobierno, a todo ser humano, le pido que luchemos, exijamos y demandemos el mejor cuidado posible, para que podamos vivir mejor hoy y garantizar una vida mejor ma\u00f1ana."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They are visual, auditory, reading and writing and kinesthetic.","es":"Y son: visual, auditiva, lectoescritora y kinest\u00e9sica."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But if you don't mind and can hold your applause till later, I don't want to run out of time, because I want to show you a lot of cool stuff.","es":"Si no les importa, pueden guardar sus aplausos hasta m\u00e1s tarde, no quiero quedarme sin tiempo, pues quiero mostrarles muchas cosas interesantes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"If they're liberal, they're going to hate big banks and oil corporations and Dick Cheney.","es":"Si son liberales, odiar\u00e1n a los bancos, las empresas las petroleras y a Dick Cheney."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So what you don't know is, we've got these thousands of designers working around the world, connected basically by a website, and we have a staff of three.","es":"Lo que no sabeis es, que tenemos estos miles de dise\u00f1adores trabajando en todo el mundo, conectados b\u00e1sicamente por un sitio web, y tenemos s\u00f3lo a tres empleados."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So if these examples existed when I was 18, I would never have left, but because of initiatives by the Congo Basin Institute, I am coming back, but I'm not coming back alone.","es":"Y, de existir estos ejemplos cuando yo ten\u00eda 18 a\u00f1os, nunca habr\u00eda partido, pero gracias a iniciativas como el Instituto de la Cuenca del Congo, estoy regresando, y no lo hago solo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I drew these myself.","es":"Nostros, gracias, los dibuj\u00e9 yo misma."} -{"gender":"female","en":"You would never say, \"Everyone were there.\"","es":"Uno nunca deber\u00eda decir: \"La gente estuvieron all\u00ed\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Most of my work is meant to be fun. It's meant to generate a connection and laughter.","es":"Se supone que la mayor parte de mi trabajo es divertida, destinada a generar risa y un sentimiento de pertenencia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I was still in deep grief; I knew I didn't have the strength.","es":"Todav\u00eda sent\u00eda un profundo dolor; sab\u00eda que no ten\u00eda las fuerzas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I became interested in sugar when I was in college.","es":"Empec\u00e9 a interesarme por el az\u00facar cuando iba a la universidad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well, let me first back up for a moment.","es":"Bueno, perm\u00edtanme primero retroceder por un momento."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I need feedback like that.","es":"La necesito."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Why?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"They cried as their father signed over temporary custody to their ChopArt mentor, Erin, without even allowing them to take an extra pair of clothes on their way out.","es":"Lloraron cuando su padre firm\u00f3 la custodia temporal a su mentora de ChopArt, Erin, sin siquiera permitirles llevar ropa adicional en su salida."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We have severely destroyed cities, such as Homs, Aleppo, Daraa and many others, and almost half of the population of the country is now displaced.","es":"Hemos destruido cruelmente ciudades como Homs, Alepo, Daraa y muchas otras, y casi la mitad de la poblaci\u00f3n del pa\u00eds ahora est\u00e1 desplazada."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I wrote a letter last week talking about the work of the foundation, sharing some of the problems.","es":"La semana pasada escrib\u00ed una carta sobre el trabajo de la fundaci\u00f3n contando algunos de los problemas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"\"MANIAC,\" which became the acronym for the machine, Mathematical and Numerical Integrator and Calculator, \"lost its memory.\"","es":"MANIAC, que se convirti\u00f3 en el acr\u00f3nimo de la m\u00e1quina, Integrador y Calculador Matem\u00e1tico y Num\u00e9rico, \"perdi\u00f3 la memoria.\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"Even more surprisingly, a recent study found that the light receptors in our eyes also play a role in our blood vessels.","es":"Y a\u00fan m\u00e1s sorprendente: un estudio reciente encontr\u00f3 que los receptores de luz de los ojos juegan un papel en los vasos sangu\u00edneos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And she fought, and I know she fought you.","es":"Y luch\u00f3, s\u00e9 que luch\u00f3 contra ti."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm now going to start this experiment.","es":"Ahora voy a empezar este experimento."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And so your answer to my question would be: Learning begins at birth.","es":"Entonces la respuesta a mi pregunta ser\u00eda: el aprendizaje empieza al nacer."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I pulled off its bag.","es":"Quit\u00e9 la bolsa."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So we built an illegal genetic clinic, a DIY carbon dioxide incubator, and even bought frozen mice on eBay.","es":"Creamos una cl\u00ednica gen\u00e9tica ilegal, hicimos una incubadora casera de di\u00f3xido de carbono, y compramos ratas congeladas por eBay."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We bought this tiny little bungalow in Santa Monica and for like 50 grand I built a house around it. And a few people got excited about it.","es":"Compramos una caba\u00f1a peque\u00f1ita en Santa M\u00f3nica y como por 50 mil dol\u00e1res constru\u00ed una casa alrededor de ella. y algunas personas se entusiasmaron con eso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Once, he jumped out of our third floor apartment.","es":"Una vez salt\u00f3 del tercer piso de nuestro apartamento."} -{"gender":"male","en":"There are particles and they move around with respect to a fixed, absolute framework of space and time.","es":"Hay part\u00edculas que se mueven de un lado a otro con respecto a un marco fijo, absoluto, de espacio y tiempo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And there are sharks.","es":"Y hay tiburones."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Their ability to coach and manipulate their computers to deeply explore specific positions effectively counteracted the superior chess knowledge of the grandmasters and the superior computational power of other adversaries.","es":"Su habilidad para instruir y manipular sus computadoras para explorar posiciones espec\u00edficas en profundidad contrarrest\u00f3 con eficacia los conocimientos superiores en ajedrez de los Grandes Maestros y el poder superior de computaci\u00f3n de otros adversarios."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"\"Why do you think more men are adulterous than women?\"","es":"Les digo: \"\u00bfpor qu\u00e9 creen que los hombres son m\u00e1s ad\u00falteros que las mujeres?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I told myself, there's not a chance you're getting out of the water.","es":"Y me dije, no hay posibilidad de salir del agua."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And it's my job, in the competitive process, to narrow this down.","es":"Y es mi trabajo, en el proceso competitivo, limitar esto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's not about being scarce, it's about accessibility.","es":"No se trata de escasez, sino de accesibilidad."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We sent it over to Uganda.","es":"Lo enviamos a Uganda."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"These are two different cleaning robots that have very different ideas about what clean means.","es":"Son dos tipos diferentes de robots de limpieza que tienen ideas muy distintas de lo que significa limpio."} -{"gender":"female","en":"TMD: So we don't usually put our business in the streets.","es":"TMD: Normalmente no hablamos de nuestros problemas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I have been less stressed, right?","es":"Estar\u00eda menos estresado, \u00bfno?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"The last shots that I have deal with, coming back to this theme of sidewalks, and I wanted to say something here about, I'm, kind of, optimistic, you know.","es":"Las \u00faltimas diapositivas que tengo tratan de volver a este tema de las aceras, y quer\u00eda decir algo aqu\u00ed sobre - soy, como, optimista, ya saben."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And they're also going from country to country, and many times trying to find what to do.","es":"Y van de un pa\u00eds a otro, muchas veces buscando qu\u00e9 hacer."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And things got better and better, and within three or four months, I was discharged from that hospital. I joined a group of surgeons, where I could work with other people, in a community, not in New Haven, but fairly close by.","es":"Y las cosas mejoraban y mejoraban. Y dentor de tres o cuatro meses, me dieron el alta de ese hospital y me un\u00ed a un grupo de cirujanos donde pod\u00eda trabajar con otras personas de la comunidad, no en New Haven, pero bastante cerca."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It is the everyday soundscape that arises from the audience themselves: their coughs, their sighs, their rustles, their whispers, their sneezes, the room, the wood of the floors and the walls expanding and contracting, creaking and groaning with the heat and the cold, the pipes clanking and contributing.","es":"Es el paisaje sonoro cotidiano que surge de la propia audiencia: sus toses, sus suspiros, sus susurros, sus cuchicheos, sus estornudos, la sala, la madera del suelo y las paredes expandi\u00e9ndose y contray\u00e9ndose, crujiendo y gimiendo con el calor y el fr\u00edo, las tuber\u00edas sonando y aportando."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I didn't have to wait too long for confirmation.","es":"No tuve que esperar demasiado tiempo para la confirmaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Compassion has many faces.","es":"La compasi\u00f3n tiene muchas caras."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They have to be constantly renewed.","es":"Tienen que ser constantemente renovados."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Three years ago, together with a fellow biologist and friend of mine, Zeke Alvarez Saavedra, we decided to make personal DNA machines that anyone could use.","es":"Hace tres a\u00f1os, junto con un compa\u00f1ero bi\u00f3logo y amigo m\u00edo, Zeke \u00c1lvarez Saavedra, decidimos hacer m\u00e1quinas de ADN personales que cualquier persona pudiera utilizar."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You are all awesome.","es":"Son incre\u00edbles."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We published our results in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and in Nature Biotechnology.","es":"Publicamos nuestros resultados en las actas de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias y en Nature Biotechnology."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The kingdom argues that its laws allow it to detain or deport foreigners who pose a risk to the economy or the security or the public health or the morals of the state.","es":"El reino sostiene que sus leyes le permiten detener o deportar a los extranjeros que representen un riesgo para la econom\u00eda, la seguridad, la salud p\u00fablica o la moral del Estado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"CL: Now I'm not suggesting that the cat is hearing that trumpet the way we're hearing it.","es":"CL: No estoy sugiriendo que el gato escucha como nosotros."} -{"gender":"male","en":"All right, I'm going to get on my knees and do it.","es":"Bien, voy a arrodillarme y hacerlo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Only dead people never get unwanted or inconvenienced by their feelings.","es":"Solo a los muertos no les causan molestias sus sentimientos indeseables."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Since the 1950s, Australia has been introducing lethal diseases into the wild rabbit population to control growth.","es":"Desde los a\u00f1os 50, Australia ha estado introduciendo enfermedades letales en la poblaci\u00f3n de conejos silvestres para controlar el crecimiento."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now I see you've all been enjoying the water that's been provided for you here at the conference, over the past couple of days.","es":"Veo que ustedes han disfrutado del agua que les han proporcionado aqu\u00ed en la conferencia, durante los \u00faltimos d\u00edas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I went after it with passion.","es":"Y fui tras eso con pasi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"When we got evicted, sometimes we lived in these small apartments that she owned, sometimes in only one or two rooms, because they weren't completed, and we would heat our bathwater on hot plates.","es":"Cuando nos desalojaban, viv\u00edamos en peque\u00f1os apartamentos de ella, a veces en solo una o dos habitaciones, porque no estaban terminados y calent\u00e1bamos el agua para ba\u00f1arnos en ollas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So there's all kinds of bacteria on the earth that have no business being in you or on you at any time, and if they are, they make you incredibly sick.","es":"Asi, hay todo tipo de bacterias en la Tierra que no tienen nada que hacer en usted o dentro de usted en ning\u00fan momento, y si est\u00e1n all\u00ed, lo ponen incre\u00edblemente enfermo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, this is why we call this effect quantum levitation and quantum locking.","es":"Por esta raz\u00f3n el efecto se llama levitaci\u00f3n cu\u00e1ntica o bloqueo cu\u00e1ntico."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And now a whole lot has happened in one sentence.","es":"Y ahora ha sucedido mucho en una sola frase."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Let me share with you two secrets of success: Surround yourself with first-class people and people that you like; and choose your partner very, very carefully.","es":"Compartir\u00e9 con Uds. 2 secretos del \u00e9xito: Rod\u00e9ense de personas de primera, y personas que les gustan; y elijan a sus parejas con mucha atenci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So as researchers, that's what we decided to find out.","es":"Y, como investigadores, decidimos averiguarlo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Did you see that?","es":"\u00bfViste eso?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Money, in fact, is the most successful story ever invented and told by humans, because it is the only story everybody believes.","es":"El dinero es de hecho la historia m\u00e1s exitosa que jam\u00e1s hayan inventado los humanos, porque es la \u00fanica historia que todo el mundo cree."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I call this the P.H. model of evolution, and I don't want to get too technical here, but P.H. stands for Potato Head, and I use this name to emphasize that all these sensors that we know and love, like our eyes and our ears and our fingertips, these are merely peripheral plug-and-play devices: You stick them in, and you're good to go.","es":"Lo llamo modelo evolutivo CP, no quiero entrar en detalles t\u00e9cnicos, CP significa Cabeza de Papa y uso este nombre para resaltar que todos estos sensores que conocemos y amamos, como la vista, el o\u00eddo y el tacto, son solo dispositivos perif\u00e9ricos enchufables: se enchufan y funcionan."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Other people will see if you're in the supermarket line and you pull out your reusable grocery bag.","es":"Otra gente lo ver\u00e1, si uno est\u00e1 en la cola del supermercado y saca la bolsa ecol\u00f3gica."} -{"gender":"male","en":"There is something different; you can click on it, and if you click on it, you can zoom in on almost any place on the Earth.","es":"Hay algo diferente; se les puede hacer clic, y al hacerlo uno se acerca a casi cualquier sitio del planeta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And at this low dose, we're continuing this screening study, and this image from three weeks ago in a 67-year-old woman shows a normal digital mammogram, but an MBI image showing an uptake that proved to be a large cancer.","es":"Y con esta dosis baja continuamos el estudio de detecci\u00f3n. Esta imagen es de hace 3 semanas, de una mujer de 67 a\u00f1os que presenta una mamograf\u00eda digital normal pero en una imagen IMM se ve la lesi\u00f3n y result\u00f3 ser un c\u00e1ncer grande."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Because Pepsi told him, \"We're working with a band between eight and 12 percent.","es":"Porque Pepsi le dijo, \"Mira, estamos trabajando con una franja de entre el 8 y el 12 por ciento."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We're now going to go live to Dr. Marc Tompkins, an orthopedic surgeon at the University of Minnesota.","es":"Ahora vamos a estar en directo con el Dr. Marc Tompkins, cirujano ortop\u00e9dico de la Universidad de Minnesota."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And that is, when my wife and I got married 30 years ago, we started tithing.","es":"Cuando mi esposa y yo nos casamos, hace 30 a\u00f1os, comenzamos a diezmar."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We've all seen it.","es":"Todos lo hemos visto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This is priceless.","es":"Esto no tiene precio."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think it's because students are always late and they're pretty smart.","es":"Creo que porque los estudiantes siempre llegan tarde y son muy inteligentes."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Many of us have probably had some problems with that.","es":"Muchos de nosotros hemos tenido probablemente algunos problemas con eso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I appreciate it.","es":"Lo agradezco."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, as I put this HoloLens on, let me explain the setup a little bit.","es":"Como ya he prendido este HoloLens, perm\u00edtanme explicar un poco la configuraci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We can remove technology completely.","es":"Podemos prescindir de la tecnolog\u00eda completamente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They might have actually saved their culture by playing games, escaping to games for 18 years, and then been so inspired, and knew so much about how to come together with games, that they actually saved the entire civilization that way.","es":"Podr\u00edan haber realmente salvado su cultura jugando juegos los juegos como escape durante 18 a\u00f1os y luego tan inspirados sab\u00edan tanto como salir juntos adelante con juegos que en verdad salvaron a toda la civilizaci\u00f3n de este modo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But some of it was money.","es":"Pero algunos se mov\u00edan por el dinero."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You can have regenerative braking; you can have drive-by-wire; you can have replaceable body shapes, it's a little thing that starts with a hybrid, but it can lead to a whole new era of the car.","es":"Puedes tener frenos regenerativos, puedes tener conducci\u00f3n electr\u00f3nica, puedes tener carrocer\u00edas reemplazables es una peque\u00f1a cosa que comienza con un h\u00edbrido, pero puede conducir a una nueva era del autom\u00f3vil."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And the other one though is impenetrability.","es":"Y el otro es la impenetrabilidad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"To do this, I dip them in a thick, brown wax before taking them to a shooting range where I re-sculpted them using bullets.","es":"Para ello, les sumerjo en una espesa cera de color marr\u00f3n antes de llevarlas a un campo de tiro donde les esculpo de nuevo usando balas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Everyone in this room is a former baby, with a distinctive birthright.","es":"Todo el mundo en esta sala es un antiguo beb\u00e9, con un derecho de nacimiento distintivo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"As these digital tools find their way into medical rooms, and they become digitally ready, what happens to the digitally invisible?","es":"A medida que estos aparatos llegan a consultorios m\u00e9dicos y estos los acogen, \u00bfqu\u00e9 pasa con los tecno invisibles?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"All of these great works by great people aimed at getting young people to where we want to get them globally, I think, has failed.","es":"Estas obras loables por grandes personas encaminadas a ayudar a los j\u00f3venes a alcanzar metas a nivel mundial, creo que han fracasado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Yes, that's the medical advice the committee chairman says, \"Yes, I told you, you weren't going to be able to, you can't do this, I just know it.\"","es":"S\u00ed, ese es el consejo m\u00e9dico que el presidente del comit\u00e9 dio, \"S\u00ed, os lo dije, no ibais a poder, no pod\u00e9is hacerlo, lo s\u00e9.\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"And yet we have 3.6 million car collisions a year.","es":"Y nosotros tenemos 3.6 millones de choques de autos al a\u00f1o."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Alice Walker has said, \"Look closely at the present you are constructing.","es":"Alice Walker ha dicho: \"Observa con atenci\u00f3n el presente que construyes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They'd make sure that boys weren't a part of that.","es":"Se aseguraban de que los chicos no fueran parte de eso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I dare say my father was never fooled by this ruse.","es":"Tengo que aceptar que no enga\u00f1\u00e1bamos a mi padre con esta treta."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Or It might be even something as basic as saying, \"You know, I'm going to try and figure out if I can recognize somebody whose work has gone unnoticed.\"","es":"O puede ser incluso algo tan b\u00e1sico como decir: \"\u00bfSabes? Tratar\u00e9 de averiguar si puedo identificar a alguien cuyo trabajo ha pasado desapercibido\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I guess you can call it a low-fat factory.","es":"Pienso que se podr\u00eda llamar f\u00e1brica de bajo contenido en grasa."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"There are thousands upon thousands of different kinds of microbes on us.","es":"Hay miles y miles de microbios de diferentes clases en nosotros."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I think, actually, Thomas Schelling, one of the participants in the dream team, he put it very, very well.","es":"Y yo pienso, en realidad \u2013 Thomas Schelling, uno de los participantes del dream team, lo explico muy, muy bien."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is perhaps the best picture I have.","es":"Quiz\u00e1 esta sea la mejor foto que tengo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And we go further and I give them these little stickers with an on\/off button on them.","es":"Vamos m\u00e1s lejos y les doy uno de esos adhesivos que tienen botones encendido\/apagado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So I am here today because I think we need hackers, and in fact, they just might be the immune system for the information age.","es":"As\u00ed que estoy aqu\u00ed hoy porque creo que necesitamos hackers, y de hecho, ellos podr\u00edan ser el sistema inmunol\u00f3gico de la era de la informaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, the tapir is a mammal from South America. And the tapir has a prehensile penis.","es":"El tapir es una mam\u00edfero de Am\u00e9rica del Sur que tiene un pene prensil."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Do you know how many people we would've gotten if we put up fliers in the laundromat?","es":"\u00bfSaben a cu\u00e1nta gente habr\u00eda llegado si hubi\u00e9semos puesto volantes en la lavander\u00eda?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This little creature survives under siege like that, but not only does it survive, it has thrived.","es":"Esta peque\u00f1a criatura sobrevive bajo asedio, pero no solo sobrevive, sino que prospera."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This, again, is life expectancy.","es":"Aqu\u00ed, nuevamente, la expectativa de vida."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So, let's talk about our friends white men.","es":"As\u00ed que vamos a hablar de nuestros amigos los hombres blancos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"These ambucycles are an ambulance on two wheels.","es":"Estas motoambulancias son una ambulancia en dos ruedas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I realize, of course, that all countries are unique.","es":"He notado, claro, que cada pa\u00eds es \u00fanico."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It lives in moments among individuals, and it's a choice, you can choose to cultivate belonging with others.","es":"Vive en momentos entre individuos, y es una opci\u00f3n. Uno puede elegir cultivar la pertenencia con otros."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But what is normal, anyway?","es":"Pero \u00bfqu\u00e9 es normal?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We need that same kind of passion and energy to attack global gridlock.","es":"Se necesita el mismo tipo de pasi\u00f3n y energ\u00eda para actuar contra el embotellamiento mundial."} -{"gender":"male","en":"By what it wants, I mean, what are its inherent trends and biases?","es":"Con ello me refiero a cu\u00e1l es la moda y tendencia t\u00edpica."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You know.","es":"Ustedes saben."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This slide sums up thousands of pages of technical documents that we've been working on over the past two years.","es":"Esta diapositiva resume miles de p\u00e1ginas de documentos t\u00e9cnicos en los que hemos estado trabajando durante los \u00faltimos 2 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"male","en":"These are roles available at just my organization alone, and we're just one out of many.","es":"Estos son los puestos disponibles en solo mi organizaci\u00f3n. Y somos solo uno de muchos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I now know that my real strength never came from my body. And although my physical capabilities have changed dramatically, who I am is unchanged.","es":"Ahora s\u00e9 que mi verdadera fuerza nunca vino de mi cuerpo, y aunque mis capacidades f\u00edsicas han cambiado dram\u00e1ticamente, quien soy es inmodificable."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In 2009, Zipcar took 250 participants from across 13 cities, and they're all self-confessed car addicts and car-sharing rookies, and got them to surrender their keys for a month.","es":"En 2009, Zipcar tom\u00f3 250 participantes de 13 ciudades, ellos se consideran adictos a los autos y novatos compartiendo coches, y tuvieron que entregar sus llaves durante un mes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I told this story and a gentleman from Turkey came up to me and said, \"Very, very good marketer, Fredrick the Great. But not a patch on Ataturk.\"","es":"Le cont\u00e9 esta historia a un caballero de Turqu\u00eda que me dijo: \"Muy buen mercader, ese Federico El Grande, pero nada comparado con Ataturk\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"With on-board GPS, it can navigate autonomously, and it is rugged enough to self-land without damage.","es":"Con su GPS integrado, puede guiarse aut\u00f3nomamente, y es lo suficientemente resistente como para aterrizar por s\u00ed mismo sin da\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So that sort of space exploration thing is matched up here by the amount of content that's in there, and I think that amount is critical.","es":"As\u00ed que la idea de los viajes espaciales coincide con esto en la cantidad de contenido que hay y creo que esa cantidad es vital."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So when I asked him, he told me three things.","es":"As\u00ed que cuando le pregunt\u00e9, me dijo tres cosas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Your rank said something about your history and the respect you had earned.","es":"El rango indica tu pasado y el respeto que te has ganado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We can do it two people together trying to improve trust.","es":"Podemos hacerlo si son dos personas, juntas, intentando mejorar la confianza."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think this went straight to God's voicemail, though.","es":"Pero creo que esa petici\u00f3n iba directa al contestador autom\u00e1tico de Dios."} -{"gender":"female","en":"However, there is a real reason and real concern for us to now focus our attentions on purer forms of capitalism, particularly those embodied by the United States. This is really important because this type of capitalism has increasingly been afforded the critique that it is now fostering corruption and, worse still, it's increasing income inequality, the idea that the few are benefiting at the expense of the many.","es":"Sin embargo, hay una raz\u00f3n y una preocupaci\u00f3n para enfocarnos en formas m\u00e1s puras de capitalismo, particularmente las practicadas en EE.UU. Esto es muy importante porque este tipo de capitalismo ha sido fuertemente acusado de promover la corrupci\u00f3n y tambi\u00e9n de incrementar la inequidad de ingresos; la idea de que unos pocos se benefician a expensas de la mayor\u00eda."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's hard to do high-rise.","es":"Es dif\u00edcil hacer eficios de muchos pisos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We all know Mubarak is technically dead.","es":"Todos sabemos que Mubarak est\u00e1 t\u00e9cnicamente muerto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They've been doing it for hundreds of millions of years.","es":"Lo han estado haciendo durante cientos de millones de a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"\"Everyone is broken by life,\" Ernest Hemingway once said, \"but some people are stronger in the broken places.\"","es":"\"Todo el mundo es roto por la vida\", dijo una vez Ernest Hemingway, \"pero algunas personas son m\u00e1s fuertes en las partes rotas.\""} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"What good is it?\"","es":"\u00bfDe qu\u00e9 sirve?\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now the purpose of the vehicle though, the purpose of the technology, is to be able to reach anywhere in the world in less than 60 minutes.","es":"El objetivo de ese veh\u00edculo, el prop\u00f3sito de esa tecnolog\u00eda, es poder llegar a cualquier parte del mundo en menos de 60 minutos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Do they connect us back to the ecosystems around us by, for example, connecting us to rivers and allowing for restoration?","es":"\u00bfNos vuelven a conectar con los ecosistemas que nos rodean, conect\u00e1ndonos a los r\u00edos, por ejemplo, permitiendo la restauraci\u00f3n?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I hope you all take part.","es":"Y espero que todos participen."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And as people walked into the room, they would see themselves in the monitor, except with one difference: one person was constantly invisible wherever they moved in the room.","es":"Y a medida que la gente entraba a la sala, se ver\u00edan en el monitor, con una peque\u00f1a diferencia: una persona era constantemente invisible dondequiera que se moviesen en la sala."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Innovation is the light of my wife, Noor.","es":"La innovaci\u00f3n es el derecho de mi mujer, Noor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In fact, if you overuse those devices, you're just going to come across as clich\u00e9d or emotionally manipulative.","es":"De hecho, si se abusa de esos recursos, se cae en el clich\u00e9 o en la manipulaci\u00f3n emocional."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I really honestly believe that the basic problem here is pure depression, and all of the obsessional thinking comes out of it.","es":"En realidad, honestamente, creo que el problema basico ac\u00e1 es depresi\u00f3n pura. Y todo el pensamiento obsesivo viene de ah\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I'm really scared.","es":"Estoy realmente asustada."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It can get in the way of our desire to really be meaningful and useful in another person's life and, in short to love.","es":"Puede interferir con nuestro deseo de realmente ser significativos y \u00fatiles en la vida de alguien m\u00e1s y de, en una palabra, amar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"As a firefly junkie, the past 20 years have been quite an exciting ride.","es":"Como adicta a las luci\u00e9rnagas, los \u00faltimos 20 a\u00f1os han sido un viaje apasionante."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I woke up from my visualization and I said, who was that?","es":"Despert\u00e9 de mi visualizaci\u00f3n y me dije: \u00bfQui\u00e9n era?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I promise.","es":"Lo prometo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I realized: I don't want to reach these people.","es":"Me di cuenta que no quer\u00eda llegar a esas personas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now I'm going to talk about, I'm going to build up the Seattle Central Library in this way before your eyes in about five or six diagrams, and I truly mean this is the design process that you'll see.","es":"Ahora voy a hablar de \u2013 voy a construir la Biblioteca Central de Seattle de esta manera frente a ustedes en cinco o seis diagramas y quiero decirles que \u00e9ste es el proceso que van a ver."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"What if it was a security patch?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 tal si fu\u00e9 un \u2018parche\u2019 de seguridad?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Which I thought was really, I showed this to my mother recently.","es":"Lo que cre\u00ed que era realmente, Le mostr\u00e9 esto a mi madre recientemente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But we're different from trees, and they can also teach us something about ourselves in the differences that we have. We are human, and we have the capacity to love, we have the capacity to wonder, and we have a sort of boundless curiosity, a restless inquisitiveness that so suits us as primates, I think.","es":"Somos diferentes a los \u00e1rboles pero por las diferencias que tenemos tambi\u00e9n nos pueden ense\u00f1ar algo acerca de nosotros; somos humanos y tenemos la capacidad de amar, tenemos la capacidad de asombro, tenemos una especie de curiosidad infinita e inquieta que nos sienta bien como primates, creo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's more blood than you have in your entire body.","es":"Eso es m\u00e1s sangre de la que tienes en todo tu cuerpo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"As Faizan said at the time, if we bow down to the Islamists, we'll just be sitting in a dark corner.","es":"Como dijo Faizan en el momento, si nos inclinamos ante los islamistas, quedaremos relegados a un rinc\u00f3n oscuro."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And then, third, you step from there to what is called \"a feeling of gratitude.\"","es":"Y entonces, el tercer paso lo das hacia lo que se denomina sentimiento de gratitud."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You were talking to me the other day about cancer.","es":"El otro d\u00eda me hablabas del c\u00e1ncer."} -{"gender":"female","en":"A decade ago, Filipe and his fellow student would have had just two alternatives: moving to Manaus, the capital, or stopping studying altogether, which most of them did.","es":"Hace una d\u00e9cada, Filipe y su compa\u00f1ero habr\u00edan tenido solo dos alternativas: mudarse a Manaos, la capital, o dejar de estudiar por completo, algo que la mayor\u00eda hizo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So this is an image of a middle-aged ex-professional football player, and the thing that I want to point out is if you look at the corpus callosum, and I'll page back here so you can see the size of a normal corpus callosum and the size of the person here who has chronic traumatic encephalopathy, it is greatly atrophied.","es":"Esta es una imagen de un jugador de rugby profesional de mediana edad retirado, y lo que quiero se\u00f1alar es que si nos fijamos en el cuerpo calloso, y voy a mostrar el tama\u00f1o normal y el tama\u00f1o de la persona que tiene encefalopat\u00eda traum\u00e1tica cr\u00f3nica, est\u00e1 atrofiado en gran medida."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Ageism feeds on denial, our reluctance to acknowledge that we are going to become that older person.","es":"El edadismo se alimenta de la negaci\u00f3n; nuestra renuencia a reconocer que vamos a ser esa persona mayor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Go ahead and take it off.","es":"Adelante, s\u00e1quela."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And then canals were built, and with the same horseman and the same horse, you could carry ten times as much cargo.","es":"Y luego los canales fueron construidos y con el mismo jinete y el mismo caballo pod\u00edas transportar diez veces m\u00e1s carga."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But it's worth it for the freedom that this gives us as we're going around.","es":"Pero lo vale por la libertad que nos da al movernos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"BG: That's an editor taking responsibility.","es":"BG: Eso es un editor asumiendo la responsabilidad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Beth Israel's in Boston.","es":"El Beth Israel est\u00e1 en Boston."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's a list of types of pathology that are age-related, and it's just an incomplete list.","es":"Es una lista de tipos de patolog\u00eda que se relacionan con la edad, y es una lista incompleta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"People have asked men, why don't they just go back to college, to community college, say, and retool themselves, learn a new set of skills?","es":"Se le ha preguntado a los hombres por qu\u00e9 no vuelven a la universidad a la de la comunidad, digamos, y capacitarse, adquirir nuevas habilidades."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I always like to say, anyone who is in the replacement parts of human beings would like to have collagen.","es":"As\u00ed que siempre me gusta decir, a cualquier persona que trabaja en piezas de recambio para humanos le gustar\u00eda tener col\u00e1geno."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I've started working with a few hundred kids, and I came to the conclusion that this is the first generation to come of age in the digital age, to be bathed in bits.","es":"As\u00ed que comenc\u00e9 a trabajar con unos pocos cientos de ni\u00f1os, y llegu\u00e9 a la conclusi\u00f3n de que esta es la primera generaci\u00f3n que est\u00e1 creciendo en la era digital y que se ba\u00f1a en bits."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I said, \"What's the matter?\"","es":"Y le digo, \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 pasa?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"I thought that was a really, really nice example.","es":"Yo creo que ese fue un muy buen ejemplo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Because, you see, DNA is like a blueprint that tells living things what to make.","es":"Porque, ver\u00e1n, el ADN es como un plano que le dice a los seres vivientes lo que deben producir."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We don't have institutions that are good at bringing our talents to bear, at working with us in this kind of open and collaborative way.","es":"Carecemos de instituciones que hagan florecer nuestros talentos, que trabajen con nosotros de manera abierta y en colaboraci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I'd like to show you the top four priorities which should be at least the first ones that we deal with when we talk about how we should deal with the problems in the world.","es":"Entonces me gustar\u00eda mostrarles las cuatro prioridades m\u00e1s importantes que deber\u00edan ser con las que, al menos, deber\u00edamos lidiar primero cuando hablamos de c\u00f3mo deber\u00edamos lidiar con los problemas en el mundo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It was stage 3 lung cancer.","es":"Era un c\u00e1ncer de pulm\u00f3n en etapa 3."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And these are flytrap anemones.","es":"Y estas son an\u00e9monas atrapamoscas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now as it turns out, I'm somebody who thinks a lot about data, as you'll soon find.","es":"Y resulta que soy alguien que piensa mucho en datos, como pronto descubrir\u00e1n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to give this to you, Gwen, to take a look.","es":"Te dar\u00e9 este, Gwen, dale un vistazo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"GK: I know, because it was weird, Serena, because it only said 20 weeks, so it's not like there was a whole lot of information on it.","es":"GK: Lo s\u00e9, era raro, Serena, ya que solo dec\u00edas 20 semanas, no hab\u00eda gran informaci\u00f3n sobre esto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Shankar Vedantam is the author of \"The Hidden Brain: How Our Unconscious Minds Elect Presidents, Control Markets, Wage Wars, and Save Our Lives.\"","es":"Shankar Vedantam es el autor de \"El cerebro escondido: C\u00f3mo nuestras mentes inconscientes eligen presidentes, controlan mercados, desatan guerras y salvan nuestras vidas\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That means that microenvironment and the context which surrounds those cells actually are telling the cancer gene and the cancer cell what to do.","es":"Significa que el microambiente y el contexto que rodea a las c\u00e9lulas les dicen al gen del c\u00e1ncer y a la c\u00e9lula cancerosa lo que tienen que hacer."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Why is it so easy to learn?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 es tan f\u00e1cil aprender?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I texted her again.","es":"Entonces le mand\u00e9 otro mensaje."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, it's no secret, because I like collecting things, that I love the Natural History Museum and the collections of animals at the Natural History Museum in dioramas.","es":"No es de extra\u00f1ar, dada mi inclinaci\u00f3n por las colecciones, que me encante el Museo de Historia Natural y sus reproducciones en 3D de animales en sus h\u00e1bitats."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"There's all these hidden algorithms that decide what you see more of and what we all see more of based on what you click on, and that in turn shapes our whole culture.","es":"Hay todos estos algoritmos ocultos que deciden lo que se ve m\u00e1s y lo que todos vemos m\u00e1s basados en lo que hacemos clic, que a su vez da forma a toda nuestra cultura."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The audience is willing to say, \"Oh, I know that's not a real sun.","es":"La audiencia est\u00e1 dispuesta a decir: \"Ya s\u00e9 que ese sol no es real."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I fear that these changes will not last much beyond the U.S. troops' withdrawal. But when I am back in Afghanistan, when I see the students in my school and their parents who advocate for them, who encourage them, I see a promising future and lasting change.","es":"Temo que estos cambios no duren mucho, despu\u00e9s del retiro de las tropas de EE.UU. Pero cuando regreso a Afganist\u00e1n, cuando veo a las estudiantes en mi escuela y a sus padres que abogan por ellas, que las animan, veo un futuro promisorio y un cambio duradero."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This question: \"How do I deal with a bully without becoming a thug in return?\" has been with me ever since I was a child.","es":"Esta pregunta: \u00ab\u00bfC\u00f3mo puedo lidiar con un agresor sin convertirme en uno?\u00bb me persigue desde ni\u00f1a."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So it dwarfs this stage, maybe out to the fourth row in this audience.","es":"Imaginen esta sala desde el escenario hasta tal vez la cuarta fila."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They developed an artificial coition machine. This is basically a penis camera on a motor.","es":"Desarrollaron una m\u00e1quina de coito artificial, en esencia era un pene con c\u00e1mara montado en un motor."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We induce cells, okay, say, skin cells, by adding a few genes to them, culturing them, and then harvesting them.","es":"Inducimos a las c\u00e9lulas, digamos, c\u00e9lulas de la piel, agreg\u00e1ndole unos genes, los cultivamos, y luego los cosechamos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"While we were living in a community I fondly remember as called Ribabad, which means community of the poor, my dad made sure that we also had a house in our rural homeland.","es":"Mientras viv\u00edamos en una comunidad que recuerdo con cari\u00f1o llamada Rebabad que significa comunidad de los pobres, mi padre se asegur\u00f3 de que tambi\u00e9n tuvi\u00e9ramos una casa en nuestro pueblo rural."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I hope you can enjoy being part of the creativity that is continually remaking our language and keeping it robust.","es":"Espero que disfruten ser parte de la creatividad que continuamente renueva nuestra lengua y la mantiene robusta."} -{"gender":"male","en":"CR: When I talk to people about you, they say to me, people who know you well, say, Larry wants to change the world, and he believes technology can show the way.","es":"CR: Cuando hablo de ti, con gente que te conoce bien, me dicen, \"Larry quiere cambiar el mundo, y cree que la tecnolog\u00eda puede ense\u00f1arnos c\u00f3mo\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to tell you two things today: One is what we have lost, and two, a way to bring it back.","es":"Hoy voy a contarles dos cosas. Uno, lo que hemos perdido y dos, la manera de recuperarlo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So this is a game called \"spot the science budgets.\"","es":"El juego se llama \"\u00bfD\u00f3nde est\u00e1 el presupuesto cient\u00edfico?\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Had the wrong idea; I thought that we can be a bank. You see banks, I don't know if there are any bankers over here; I apologize in advance, but it's the best job in the world.","es":"Tenia la idea incorrecta, pensaba que pod\u00edamos ser un banco Los bancos, no s\u00e9 si hay algun banquero presente, me disculpo de antemano, pero son el mejor trabajo del mundo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But look at the scale of the differences.","es":"Pero miren la escala de diferencias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I am an impostor.","es":"Yo era una impostora."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When it comes to people, it's sort of a shortcut for learning about them.","es":"Cuando se trata de personas, es un atajo para aprender de ellas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I understood just who and what humanity really is, when I first saw the ID tag that was given to me when I was admitted to hospital.","es":"Entend\u00ed qui\u00e9n y lo que la humanidad realmente es, cuando vi por primera vez la marca de identificaci\u00f3n que me dieron cuando me admitieron en el hospital."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I told the author, after they did my interview, that I cheated in that same course.","es":"Y le dije a la autora, despu\u00e9s que me entrevistaron, que hice trampa en ese mismo curso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The entire city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.","es":"Toda la ciudad es Patrimonio de la Humanidad de la UNESCO."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And the color she loved to wear so much was possibly the only thing that was truly about her, the one thing she had agency over, because like most other women of her generation in India, she'd never been allowed to exist beyond what was dictated by custom and tradition.","es":"Y el color que tanto le gustaba usar era quiz\u00e1 lo \u00fanico que la identificaba de verdad, lo \u00fanico que pod\u00eda decidir, porque al igual que la mayor\u00eda de las mujeres de su generaci\u00f3n en India nunca hab\u00eda tenido la oportunidad de existir fuera de los c\u00e1nones impuestos por la costumbre y la tradici\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I don't know what that means, But I hope you do. No, let even one taker into a team, and you will see that the givers will stop helping.","es":"No s\u00e9 qu\u00e9 significa eso pero espero que lo hagan; mejor no, dejen un oportunista en el equipo y ver\u00e1n que los altruistas dejar\u00e1n de ayudar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Stand up, my friends.","es":"Lev\u00e1ntense amigos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Does someone want to guess?","es":"\u00bfAlguien quiere adivinarlo?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I thought, the yo-yo is something for me to be good at. For the first time in my life, I found my passion.","es":"Pens\u00e9: \"El yoyo es algo en lo que puedo ser bueno\", por primera vez en mi vida. Encontr\u00e9 mi pasi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Because siRNA is strongly negatively charged, we can protect it with a nice, protective layer of positively charged polymer.","es":"Como el ARNip est\u00e1 cargado negativamente lo podemos proteger con un pol\u00edmero cargado positivamente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I don't know if you know Albert Bandura, but if you go to Wikipedia, it says that he's the fourth most important psychologist in history, you know, like Freud, Skinner, somebody and Bandura.","es":"No s\u00e9 si lo conocen, pero si entran en la Wikipedia, dice que es el cuarto psic\u00f3logo m\u00e1s importante de la historia como Freud, Skinner, alguien m\u00e1s y Bandura."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Wheat, rice and maize form 95 percent of our plant food supplies.","es":"El trigo, el arroz y el ma\u00edz forman el 95% de nuestros alimentos vegetales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I didn't come from the elites.","es":"No provengo de la \u00e9lite."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's not better public transportation.","es":"El transporte p\u00fablico no es mejor."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Some want to be sure that their doctor is unbiased and is making decisions based on evidence and science, not on who pays them.","es":"Otros quer\u00edan cerciorarse de que el m\u00e9dico no est\u00e9 sesgado y que tome decisiones basado en evidencias y en la ciencia, no en qui\u00e9n le paga."} -{"gender":"female","en":"For years after the tragedy, I combed through memories, trying to figure out exactly where I failed as a parent.","es":"Durante a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s de la tragedia repas\u00e9 recuerdos, tratando de averiguar exactamente d\u00f3nde fall\u00e9 como madre."} -{"gender":"female","en":"TKM: So now, the act of rubbing our naked bodies together has undergone a number of changes.","es":"TKM: El acto de rozarnos con el cuerpo desnudo ha sufrido una serie de cambios."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And it was quite wonderful, because I had an interest, an early interest, in theater, that's justified on this thing.","es":"Y fue maravilloso porque ten\u00eda un inter\u00e9s, un inter\u00e9s precoz, en el teatro que est\u00e1 justificado en esta cosa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The last 10 years have been detail after detail ranging from creating legislation to multiple research expeditions to communication plans, as I said, teams of lawyers, MOUs, creating the Phoenix Islands Trust Board.","es":"Los \u00faltimos 10 a\u00f1os han sido detalle tras detalle, pasando desde crear legislaci\u00f3n, a varias expediciones de investigaci\u00f3n, a planes de comunicaci\u00f3n, como dije, equipos de abogados, memorandos, creaci\u00f3n del Fideicomiso Islas F\u00e9nix."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But this didn't stop a psychologist, John Gottman, who did exactly that.","es":"Pero esto no impidi\u00f3 que un psic\u00f3logo, John Gottman, hiciera exactamente eso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Do you want to know why?","es":"\u00bfQuieren saber por qu\u00e9?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They want their returns in three to five years.","es":"Quiere el retorno de inversi\u00f3n en 3 a 5 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But it was also pretty thrilling.","es":"Pero fue tambi\u00e9n muy emocionante."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I trained as a cancer doctor, an oncologist.","es":"Me form\u00e9 como m\u00e9dico especialista en c\u00e1ncer, soy onc\u00f3loga."} -{"gender":"male","en":"My home is not far from the Brooklyn Bridge, and during the year and a half I was on crutches, it became a sort of symbol to me.","es":"Mi casa no est\u00e1 lejos del puente de Brooklyn, y durante el a\u00f1o y medio que anduve en muletas, se volvi\u00f3 una suerte de s\u00edmbolo para m\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And among them, my favorite: when Humanae occupies public spaces and appears in the street, it fosters a popular debate and creates a feeling of community.","es":"Y entre ellos, mi favorito: cuando Humanae ocupa espacios p\u00fablicos y aparece en las calles, fomenta el debate popular y crea un esp\u00edritu de comunidad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's enough to make you feel very overwhelmed.","es":"Todo eso es suficiente para sentirse agobiado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"\"But I wish that, I wish that, I wish that I could be part of the enjoyment.","es":"Pero me gustar\u00eda, me gustar\u00eda, me gustar\u00eda compartir el placer con ellos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"They open doors, they drive my car, they massage me, they will throw tennis balls, they will cook for me and serve the food.","es":"Abren puertas, manejan mi auto, me dan masajes me tiran pelotas de tenis, me cocinan y me dan de comer."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"What is the message that we think we are sending with these machines versus what is being received in terms of the message.","es":"Qu\u00e9 mensaje creemos que estamos enviando con estas m\u00e1quinas, frente al mensaje que se est\u00e1 recibiendo del otro lado."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You come for the work and the challenge, you'll come to the Barefoot College.","es":"Si vienen por el trabajo y el desaf\u00edo, vengan a la Escuela de descalzos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"You have no idea.","es":"No tienen ni idea."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They called her a slut and a whore and they made her life miserable.","es":"La llamaron perra y puta y le hicieron la vida imposible."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So we did this project, and this is one of the artifacts of the project.","es":"As\u00ed que ideamos este proyecto y este es uno de los entregables."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And we need to start now.","es":"Y tenemos que empezar ahora."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And right now, we started with the first 14, but we have several that are coming up, and the reason why we haven't acquired them yet is because you don't acquire just the game.","es":"Empezamos con los primeros 14, pero tenemos varios que est\u00e1n por venir, y la raz\u00f3n de por qu\u00e9 no los hemos adquirido a\u00fan es que no adquirimos solo el juego."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And that may not sound very intuitive, but let me flip over to something else you know about, and that's computers.","es":"Y puede que no suene muy intuitivo, pero permitanme ponerselo de una forma que entiendan, las computadoras."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They have an abundance and a redundancy in neural connections.","es":"Tienen una abundancia y una redundancia de conexiones neurales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That is a point-to-point replacement of coordination with planning.","es":"Eso es un reemplazo completo de la planificaci\u00f3n por coordinaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Then a scientist in Australia wrote, \"I showed my students the results of our coral surveys, and we wept.\"","es":"Entonces un cient\u00edfico en Australia escribi\u00f3, \"Mostr\u00e9 a mis estudiantes los resultados de nuestros estudios de corales, y lloramos\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"What is amazing is that they deliver literally everything: fruits, vegetables, of course.","es":"Lo sorprendente es que entregan literalmente todo: frutas, vegetales, por supuesto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I like the way you roll, Sergey Brin.","es":"Me gusta tu manera de rodar, Sergey Brin."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That started my love for technology.","es":"As\u00ed comenz\u00f3 mi fascinaci\u00f3n por la tecnolog\u00eda."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Ultimately, if we want happy children, all we can do is listen to the science, and of course, listen to our children themselves.","es":"En definitiva, si queremos ni\u00f1os felices, todo lo que podemos hacer es escuchar la ciencia y, por supuesto, escuchar a nuestros propios hijos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"If there's something that is copied with variation and it's selected, then you must get design appearing out of nowhere.","es":"Si existe algo que es copiado con variaci\u00f3n y seleccionado, entonces tenemos dise\u00f1o que aparece de la nada."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And she told me last night, in the three months since we've done it, we've gotten 300 people who've contributed to this program.","es":"Y ella me dijo anoche que en los 3 meses que llevamos hemos recibido 300 personas que han contribuido a este programa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"After traveling with this film for over a year, I met indigenous people from around the world, from the Ainu of Japan, Sami of Scandinavia, the Maori and many more.","es":"Tras viajar con esta pel\u00edcula durante m\u00e1s de un a\u00f1o, conoc\u00ed a ind\u00edgenas de todo el mundo, desde los ainu de Jap\u00f3n, los saami de Escandinavia, hasta los maor\u00eds y muchos m\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We thought you might want to work with the best analysts and ask them the question, \"Can the circular economy decouple growth from resource constraints?","es":"Que Uds. podr\u00edan querer trabajar con los mejores analistas y hacerles la pregunta: \"\u00bfPuede la econom\u00eda circular disociar el crecimiento de las limitaciones de recursos?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Then he would feel sort of disoriented for a week. Then he would feel okay for a week. Then he would have a week of going downhill.","es":"Despu\u00e9s se sent\u00eda medio perdido una semana, luego se sent\u00eda bien una semana, y despu\u00e9s ven\u00eda una semana en la que se derrumbaba."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They have this very continuous feedback loop.","es":"Tienen este ciclo de retroalimentaci\u00f3n continua."} -{"gender":"male","en":"CP: I actually moved out recently.","es":"CP: De hecho me mud\u00e9 hace poco."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I'm also making a decompiculture kit, a cocktail of capsules that contain Infinity Mushroom spores and other elements that speed decomposition and toxin remediation.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n estoy creando un kit de decompicultura, un c\u00f3ctel de c\u00e1psulas que contienen esporas de hongos Infinity y otros elementos que aceleran la descomposici\u00f3n y el remedio de toxinas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We can't continue in the 21st century, and after 21 years of democracy, have the colonizers in our own country.","es":"No podemos seguir viviendo en el siglo XXI, despu\u00e9s de 21 a\u00f1os de democracia, tener a los colonialistas en nuestro pa\u00eds."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And the other thing is, push your toast off the table because you can, and you'll learn stuff from it. And if you're feeling really ambitious, try and push it off in such a way that it doesn't fall butter-side down, which is possible.","es":"Y lo otro es, dejar caer la tostada de la mesa porque pueden, y aprender\u00e1n de ello. y si se sienten muy ambiciosos, intenten empujarla de modo que no caiga del lado de la mantequilla, es posible."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This fish is called the shining tubeshoulder because it actually has a tube on its shoulder that can squirt out light.","es":"Este pez es llamado sagamichthys abei; tiene un tubo en su hombro que inyecta luz."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I don't think so.","es":"No lo creo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We give ourselves a little bit of time to play the field, get a feel for the marketplace or whatever when we're young.","es":"Nos damos un poco de tiempo para comenzar el juego, para obtener una sensaci\u00f3n del mercado, o lo que sea, cuando somos j\u00f3venes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And road pricing is where we're all going to have to go, because today we pay for our maintenance and wear and tear on our cars with gas taxes.","es":"El cobro de calle es algo que todos tendremos que hacer. El d\u00eda de hoy pagamos por el mantenimiento y el desgaste de las calles con los impuestos aplicados a la gasolina."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The rules of the game are not that clear anymore, but hackers are perhaps the only ones still capable of challenging overreaching governments and data-hoarding corporates on their own playing field.","es":"Las reglas del juego ya no son tan claras, pero los hackers son quiz\u00e1s los \u00fanicos que todav\u00eda pueden desafiar las extralimitaciones de los gobiernos y las empresas de acaparamiento de datos en su propio campo de juego."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And it goes on.","es":"Y esto contin\u00faa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So I would urge you to really learn about these types of technologies, because, really, only in that way are we going to be able to guide the development of these technologies, the use of these technologies and make sure that, in the end, it's a positive outcome, for both the planet and for us.","es":"As\u00ed que les pido que aprendan realmente sobre este tipo de tecnolog\u00edas, porque, en realidad, solo de esa manera podremos guiar el desarrollo de estas tecnolog\u00edas, el uso de estas tecnolog\u00edas y asegurar que, al final, d\u00e9 un resultado positivo tanto para el planeta como para nosotros."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I know I have obligations to them, but my moral feelings to them, my moral beliefs about how I should behave towards them, aren't grounded in love.","es":"S\u00e9 que tengo obligaciones para con ellos, pero mis sentimientos morales hacia ellos, mis creencias morales sobre c\u00f3mo deber\u00eda comportarme con ellos, no tienen fundamento en el amor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We knew conservation would fail if it doesn't work to improve the lives of the local communities.","es":"Sab\u00edamos que el conservacionismo fallar\u00eda si no trabaj\u00e1bamos para mejorar las vidas de nuestras comunidades locales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"\"I just think, you know, what people forget, Gordon and I, we always got on perfectly well.","es":"\"Pienso en las cosas que la gente olvida, Gordon y yo, siempre nos llevamos perfectamente bien."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That got me very excited.","es":"Eso me emocion\u00f3 mucho."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Patients can live for decades with the physical function of someone with congestive heart failure.","es":"Los pacientes pueden vivir durante a\u00f1os con los s\u00edntomas de alguien que tiene insuficiencia card\u00edaca."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My one year turned into six years: Thousands of stories, hundreds of long interviews, focus groups. At one point, people were sending me journal pages and sending me their stories, thousands of pieces of data in six years.","es":"Mi a\u00f1o se convirti\u00f3 en seis, miles de historias, cientos de entrevistas largas, grupos focales, a veces la gente me enviaba p\u00e1ginas de sus diarios, sus historias miles de datos en seis a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And the first thing is that the product needs to be world class.","es":"Lo primero es que el producto tiene que ser de clase mundial."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I was determined to continue my studies, to learn, to be free.","es":"Yo estaba decidida a continuar mis estudios, a aprender, a ser libre."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I put on my iPod, I listened to some music, I got myself as aggressive as possible, but controlled aggression, and then I hurled myself into that water.","es":"Me puse mi iPod, escuch\u00e9 algo de m\u00fasica, Me puse tan agresivo como pude, pero era una agresi\u00f3n controlada, Y luego me arroj\u00e9 en esa agua."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Well, your immune system might be able to see that cancer cell for what it really is: something that needs to be destroyed.","es":"Entonces, el sistema inmune podr\u00eda identificar esa c\u00e9lula cancerosa por lo que realmente es: algo que necesita ser destruido."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I'd like to leave you with two thoughts.","es":"As\u00ed que me gustar\u00eda dejarles con dos pensamientos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We are the lives we're talking about.","es":"Somos las vidas de las que hablamos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The ones who remain?","es":"\u00bfLos que se quedan?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We didn't only have the bureaucratic problems associated with that, we also had professional jealousies.","es":"No solo tuvimos los problemas burocr\u00e1ticos relacionados con eso, tambi\u00e9n hubo celos profesionales."} -{"gender":"female","en":"For other people, it's a guy with a garden hose.","es":"Para otros, es alguien con una manguera de jard\u00edn."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, we look for these dark matter particles because, after all, they are here in the room, OK, and they didn't come in the door.","es":"Buscamos estas part\u00edculas de materia oscura porque despu\u00e9s de todo, est\u00e1n aqu\u00ed, en esta habitaci\u00f3n y no llegaron entrando por la puerta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"High-power people experience about a 25-percent decrease, and the low-power people experience about a 15-percent increase.","es":"Los m\u00e1s poderosos experimentan un 25% de disminuci\u00f3n, mientras que los m\u00e1s d\u00e9biles un aumento del 15%."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They say, \"Nothing.","es":"Ellos dicen: \"Nada."} -{"gender":"female","en":"There are, of course, the therapeutic results of this, but then there are the un-therapeutic ones and they seem to be the ones gaining traction, particularly in the media.","es":"Hay, claro, resultados terap\u00e9uticos de esta tecnolog\u00eda, pero luego est\u00e1n los no terap\u00e9uticos y parecen ser que son los que ganan, en los medios de comunicaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We could take those kinds of steps for antibiotic use too.","es":"Podr\u00edamos dar esos pasos tambi\u00e9n para el uso de antibi\u00f3ticos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So for almost six years, every single day, I had nothing but rejection letters waiting for me in my mailbox.","es":"As\u00ed que por casi seis a\u00f1os, cada d\u00eda, no ten\u00eda nada m\u00e1s que cartas de rechazo esperando por m\u00ed en mi buz\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And he got me challenged to figure out an optical illusion room.","es":"Y \u00e9l me desafi\u00f3 a imaginar una sala de ilusi\u00f3n \u00f3ptica."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So, challenges.","es":"Bueno, retos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We need to act, and act now, before these ones are the only ones left.","es":"Necesitamos actuar, y actuar ahora antes de que \u00e9stos sean los \u00faltimos en quedar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It was started with about 12 of my friends, people that I had known for years that were writers in the neighborhood.","es":"Comenc\u00e9 con 12 amigos m\u00edos, gente que hab\u00eda conocido por a\u00f1os que eran escritores del barrio."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to add some resource from the left, here, that defuses into the system, and you can see, they really like that.","es":"A\u00f1adir\u00e9 algunos recursos por la izquierda que se desactivan en el sistema y, como pueden ver, a ellas les gusta mucho."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I don't know if we're going to be looking for Atlantis, but you never know.","es":"No s\u00e9 si vamos a buscar la Atl\u00e1ntida, pero nunca se sabe."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It also has to be designed to be very affordable.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n tiene que ser dise\u00f1ado para ser muy asequible."} -{"gender":"male","en":"FG: Can I say something?","es":"FG: \u00bfPuedo decir algo?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I mean, nobody really knows what the job market will look like in 2040, 2050.","es":"Nadie sabe realmente, c\u00f3mo se ver\u00e1 el mercado laboral en el a\u00f1o 2040, 2050."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I get to live inside characters very different than myself.","es":"Puedo vivir dentro de personajes muy diferentes a m\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Design can also inflict vulnerability on a group whose needs aren't considered.","es":"El dise\u00f1o puede causar vulnerabilidad a un grupo cuyas necesidades no son consideradas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is not a box; these are the renderings of my imagination from head to paper to screen to life.","es":"Esta no es una caja; \u00e9stas son las interpretaciones de mi imaginaci\u00f3n desde la cabeza al papel a la pantalla a la vida."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Life on this planet shares a common origin, and I can summarize 3.5 billion years of the history of life on this planet in a single slide.","es":"La vida en este planeta comparte un origen com\u00fan, y puedo resumir 3500 millones a\u00f1os de historia de la vida en el planeta en una sola diapositiva."} -{"gender":"male","en":"When I did, I was amazed by the response.","es":"Al hacerlo, me sorprendi\u00f3 la respuesta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It was a child's lab kit.","es":"Era el kit de laboratorio para ni\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, I think, in fact, we're at a turning point in human history, where we can finally now rebuild many of the institutions of the Industrial Age around a new set of principles.","es":"Ahora, creo, de hecho, estamos en un punto de inflexi\u00f3n en la historia en que por fin podemos reconstruir muchas de las instituciones de la era industrial en torno a un nuevo conjunto de principios."} -{"gender":"male","en":"At this point, I was spending a lot of my evenings in, well, I guess I still spend a lot of my evenings in Starbucks \u2014 but I know you can ask for an extra cup if you want one, so I decided to ask for 50.","es":"En ese momento, pasaba muchas tardes bueno, a\u00fan sigo pasado muchas tardes en Starbucks y s\u00e9 que se puede pedir un vaso adicional si uno quiere, as\u00ed que decid\u00ed pedir 50."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The way this works is that Rosetta has to be at the right point in space, and aiming towards the comet, because the lander is passive.","es":"La manera como esto funciona es que Rosetta tiene que estar en el punto correcto en el espacio, y apuntando hacia el cometa, porque el aterrizador es pasivo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So it's been picked up by wind, blown across the Atlantic Ocean.","es":"As\u00ed que ha sido recogido por el viento, y soplado a trav\u00e9s del Oc\u00e9ano Atl\u00e1ntico."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And at the time I went into the wind business, natural gas was nine dollars. Today it's two dollars and forty cents.","es":"Y en el momento en que entr\u00e9 al negocio e\u00f3lico, el gas natural costaba 9 USD; hoy cuesta 2, 40 USD."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Luckily, however, we struck the educational jackpot in a voluntary desegregation program that buses inner-city kids, black and brown, out to suburban schools, rich and white.","es":"Por suerte, sin embargo, goc\u00e9 de buena educaci\u00f3n a trav\u00e9s de un programa de integraci\u00f3n voluntario que escolarizaba a los ni\u00f1os negros y mestizos de los barrios pobres en instituciones para los ricos y para los blancos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And how many would not?","es":"\u00bfY cu\u00e1ntos en contra?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm sorry to say that.","es":"Siento decirles eso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"They can't, I have no idea of how they work.","es":"No tengo ni idea de c\u00f3mo funcionan\u00a8."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I will vouch that it handled the stop-and-go traffic on US 101 very smoothly.","es":"Y les garantizo que sobrellev\u00f3 los atascos de la autopista 101 bastante bien."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I joined Unilever in 1976 as a management trainee in India.","es":"Entr\u00e9 a trabajar en Unilever in 1976 como gerente en entrenamiento en India."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, we are currently testing this technology in test tubes or in Petri dishes, but the goal is to get this technology in the human body, apply it in the human body.","es":"Actualmente estamos probando esta tecnolog\u00eda in vitro o en placas de Petri, pero el objetivo es llevar esta tecnolog\u00eda al cuerpo humano, aplicarla al cuerpo humano."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And if we had a computer put into the body of a person who's at risk, we could know, before they even have symptoms, that they're having a heart attack, to save their life.","es":"Y si ponemos una computadora en el cuerpo de una persona en riesgo, podr\u00edamos saber, a\u00fan antes de que tenga s\u00edntomas, que est\u00e1 teniendo un ataque al coraz\u00f3n, para salvar su vida."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Everybody saw it, all over the world.","es":"Todos lo vieron, por todo el mundo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"What if?","es":"\u00bfY si?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We need to identify how we can start to leverage these types of things that are already happening and start to design systems and services that alleviate these problems.","es":"Tenemos que ver c\u00f3mo hacer para multiplicar este tipo de cosas que ya est\u00e1n ocurriendo y para dise\u00f1ar sistemas y servicios que aten\u00faen estos problemas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Outside a mound of garbage formed the border between Southland and the adjacent legal neighborhood of Langata.","es":"Afuera una monte de basura formaba la frontera entre Southland y el barrio legal adjunto de Langata."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"There's other people who have kids, one's addicted to alcohol, the other one's addicted to cocaine or heroin, and they ask themselves the question: Why does this kid get to take one step at a time and try to get better and that one's got to deal with jail and police and criminals all the time?","es":"Y se apuntan m\u00e1s padres, con hijos dependientes al alcohol, la coca\u00edna o la hero\u00edna que se preguntan \"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 algunos chicos pueden paso a paso tratar de curarse y mejorar mientras que otros se enfrentan a la c\u00e1rcel, la polic\u00eda y los delincuentes?\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I retreated back to my cave and continued to support and produce comedy and let my friends use my couch as a regional operations hub.","es":"As\u00ed que me reclu\u00ed en mi caverna y continu\u00e9 apoyando y produciendo comedias, ofreciendo asesoramiento a mis amigos como centro de operaciones regional."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It actually is a Japanese beetle.","es":"En realidad es un escarabajo Japon\u00e9s."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In 2014, just one of those companies made 1.5 billion dollars in profit.","es":"En 2014, una sola de esas empresas tuvo una ganancia de USD 1500 millones."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And again, I kept on going, looking for more reference, every bit of reference I could find, drawings, beautiful photos.","es":"Y de nuevo, segu\u00ed buscando m\u00e1s referencias, cada peque\u00f1a referencia que pod\u00eda encontrar, dibujos, hermosas fotos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I was very lucky.","es":"Y tuve mucha suerte."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I thought it would be creepy to hear my own voice coming from a computer.","es":"Pensaba que ser\u00eda horrible o\u00edr mi propia voz saliendo de un computador."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"On the other hand, with indirect language, if you issue a veiled bribe, then the dishonest officer could interpret it as a bribe, in which case you get the payoff of going free.","es":"Por otra parte, con el lenguaje indirecto si emites un soborno encubierto el polic\u00eda deshonesto podr\u00eda interpretarlo como un soborno, y entonces consigues la recompensa de irte libre."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Rhetoric, the art of organizing the world of words to maximum effect.","es":"Ret\u00f3rica; el arte de organizar el mundo de las palabras para un efecto m\u00e1ximo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"As if I'm going to be like, \"Hey guys!","es":"Como si fuera a decir, \"\u00a1Hola chicos!"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"He had a real eye for things.","es":"\u00c9l ten\u00eda un ojo real para las cosas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Because of our amazing productivity, we're rich.","es":"Debido a nuestra incre\u00edble productividad, somos ricos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I also know that by waking him up hours before his natural biological clock tells him he's ready, I'm literally robbing him of his dreams, the type of sleep most associated with learning, memory consolidation and emotional processing.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n s\u00e9 que despertarle horas antes de que lo haga su reloj biol\u00f3gico natural, literalmente le roba sus sue\u00f1os el tipo de sue\u00f1o que m\u00e1s se asocia con el aprendizaje la consolidaci\u00f3n de la memoria y el procesamiento emocional."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Speed x 4.","es":"Velocidad X4."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That's right, when you have a close couple friend split up, it increases your chances of getting a divorce by 75 percent.","es":"As\u00ed es, cuando una pareja amiga se separa, aumentan tus posibilidades de divorciarte en un 75%."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So criticism and hostility doesn't work, and I didn't listen to these arguments.","es":"La cr\u00edtica y la hostilidad no funcionan, y no escuchaba estos argumentos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Institutionally speaking, our public school system has never done right by the black and brown child.","es":"Institucionalmente hablando, nuestro sistema de educaci\u00f3n p\u00fablica nunca ha sido justo con los no-blancos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"If you're in Australia, it's mostly aboriginals who are in jail.","es":"Si est\u00e1s en Australia, son sobre todo los abor\u00edgenes los que est\u00e1n en la c\u00e1rcel."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In this century, the reason that people remain poor is because maybe they live in remote places.","es":"En este siglo, la raz\u00f3n por la que las personas permanecen pobres es porque tal vez vivan en lugares remotos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But the way that people would vote would be very different.","es":"Pero la distribuci\u00f3n de votos podr\u00eda ser muy diferente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The surgery was done laparoscopically, so I have just five very small scars on my abdomen, and I had four weeks away from work and went back to doing everything I'd done before without any changes.","es":"Me operaron por v\u00eda laparosc\u00f3pica, as\u00ed que solo tuve cinco cicatrices muy peque\u00f1as en el abdomen y estuve cuatro semanas sin trabajar y luego regres\u00e9 a mis actividades cotidianas sin cambios."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They're called the Butler, the Sock Puppet and the Chinese Water Army.","es":"Los denominamos: \"el mayordomo\", \"el t\u00edtere de media\" y \"el ej\u00e9rcito chino de agua\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This was one of the groups.","es":"Este fue uno de los grupos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The remarkable thing to us is that, when you give monkeys this choice, they do the same irrational thing that people do.","es":"Lo m\u00e1s llamativo para nosotros es que, cuando le damos la posibilidad a los monos, ellos hacen irracionalmente lo mismo que hace la gente."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The key to purpose is using your strengths to serve others.","es":"La clave del prop\u00f3sito es usar tus fortalezas para servir a los dem\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The simplicity of the rhythm, a basic two- to four- measure line, and yet each of them almost told a story, like they had so much potential, and all you had to do was add a melody.","es":"La simplicidad del ritmo, una l\u00ednea b\u00e1sica de dos a cuatro medidas, y, sin embargo, cada una de ellas casi contaba una historia, como si tuvieran tanto potencial, que todo lo que hab\u00eda que hacer era a\u00f1adir una melod\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What if I was to tell you that some early Christians who lived in the desert believed that flying demons who mainly came out at lunchtime could infect them with an emotion they called \"accidie,\" a kind of lethargy that was sometimes so intense it could even kill them?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 dir\u00edan si les cuento que los primeros cristianos que viv\u00edan en el desierto cre\u00edan que los demonios voladores que sol\u00edan aparecer durante el almuerzo les pod\u00eda contagiar una emoci\u00f3n que llamaban \"accidie\", una especie de letargo, a veces tan intenso, que hasta pod\u00eda matarlos?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"PM: Okay, there's no doubting the veracity of those emotions.","es":"PM: No cabe duda de la veracidad de esas emociones."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I agree.","es":"Digo que s\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But governments are not so happy.","es":"Pero los gobiernos no est\u00e1n tan felices."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It gets distributed to the school system like a textbook.","es":"Se distribuyen a trav\u00e9s del sistema educativo como un libro."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now to be clear, I'm not saying that big data systems are huffing ethylene gas, or that they're even giving invalid predictions.","es":"Ahora, aclaremos, no estoy diciendo que los sistemas de big data est\u00e9n inhalando gas o haciendo malas predicciones."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And it's children like this, many of whom have been orphaned because of their family being affected by the AIDS virus.","es":"Son ni\u00f1os como este, muchos de los cuales han quedado hu\u00e9rfanos porque sus familias est\u00e1n afectadas por el virus del SIDA."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And then I got people saying, \"Leave him.\"","es":"Otros dijeron \"D\u00e9jalo\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Well, the standard is, is someone still wearing their knee six months later?","es":"Bueno, la norma es, \u00bfest\u00e1 a\u00fan usando su rodilla seis meses despu\u00e9s?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Or, going back to our computer analogy: Why keep tinkering around with the software when we can easily solve the problem by installing some extra memory instead?","es":"O, si volvemos al ejemplo anterior de la computadora, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 no dejamos de retocar el software cuando podr\u00edamos resolver f\u00e1cilmente el problema instalando m\u00e1s memoria?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"But unfortunately, I got kicked in the head by my colleague Bubba Ray Dudley, and I suffered a severe concussion.","es":"Pero desafortunadamente, fui golpeado en la cabeza por mi colega Bubba Ray Dudley, y sufr\u00ed un traumatismo craneal severo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"PM: Is that \"Girl 7?\"","es":"PM: \u00bfPor Girl 7?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Next, we designed an acoustic chair, a chair that would be at once structural, comfortable and would also absorb sound.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n hemos dise\u00f1ado una silla ac\u00fastica, una silla a la vez estructural, c\u00f3moda y tambi\u00e9n que absorbe sonido."} -{"gender":"female","en":"These were money taken out in suitcases or in containers, in cash of course.","es":"Este era el dinero extra\u00eddo en valijas o contenedores, en efectivo, por supuesto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So this is the photograph I created of Yosemite.","es":"Y esta es la fotograf\u00eda que cre\u00e9 de Yosemite."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Harbormasters would gather this knowledge and sell it to the ship captains.","es":"Las capitan\u00edas reun\u00edan ese conocimiento y se lo vend\u00edan a los capitanes de los barcos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You don't believe me, do you?","es":"Ustedes no me creen, \u00bfno?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"And so in fact, in some individuals with autism, it is genetic!","es":"Y en realidad, en algunos individuos con autismo \u00a1es gen\u00e9tico!"} -{"gender":"male","en":"We call this the \"end of history\" illusion.","es":"Llamamos a esto, la ilusi\u00f3n del \"fin de la historia\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I suspect that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of, or can be dreamed of, in any philosophy.\"","es":"Sospecho que hay m\u00e1s cosas en el cielo y la tierra de las que son, o pueden ser so\u00f1adas en cualquier filosof\u00eda.\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think this tells us there is an opportunity.","es":"Creo que esto nos cuenta una gran oportunidad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So, you know, sometimes it's incremental.","es":"As\u00ed, a veces por etapas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Yeah, we have those arguments, too.","es":"S\u00ed, tambi\u00e9n tenemos esos debates."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I started focusing.","es":"Empec\u00e9 a analizar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"If you keep hitting the default button per decision, that means you're getting overwhelmed, that means I'm losing you.","es":"Si se acciona siempre el bot\u00f3n por defecto en cada decisi\u00f3n, esto indica que est\u00e1n abrumados, o sea: los estamos perdiendo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Opossum?","es":"\u00bfZarig\u00fceya?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"And this is an excerpt from my first editor's letter, where I say that Rookie, we don't have all the answers, we're still figuring it out too, but the point is not to give girls the answers, and not even give them permission to find the answers themselves, but hopefully inspire them to understand that they can give themselves that permission, they can ask their own questions, find their own answers, all of that, and Rookie, I think we've been trying to make it a nice place for all of that to be figured out.","es":"Este es un extracto de la carta de mi primer editor, donde digo Rookie, no tenemos todas las respuestas, todav\u00eda estamos entendi\u00e9ndolo tambi\u00e9n, pero el objetivo no es darle respuestas a las chicas, ni siquiera darles permiso para buscar las respuestas ellas mismas, sino inspirarlas con optimismo para que entiendan que ellas mismas pueden darse permiso, pueden hacerse sus propias preguntas, encontrar sus propias respuestas, todo eso, y Rookie, creo que hemos estado tratando de lograrlo un buen lugar para que todo ello sea comprendido."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And Philip said, \"Then I saw something else.","es":"Y Philip dijo: \"Y vi algo m\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So we need to stop the ignorance, stop the intolerance, stop the stigma, and stop the silence, and we need to take away the taboos, take a look at the truth, and start talking, because the only way we're going to beat a problem that people are battling alone is by standing strong together, by standing strong together.","es":"As\u00ed que tenemos que frenar la ignorancia, la intolerancia, el estigma, y parar el silencio y deshacernos de los tab\u00faes, mirar la verdad y comenzar a hablar, porque el \u00fanico modo de derrotar a un problema al que la gente se est\u00e1 enfrentando sola es uni\u00e9ndonos todos con fuerza, uni\u00e9ndonos con fuerza."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Part of the art of designing a simple, good interface, is knowing when to use which one of these features.","es":"Parte de dise\u00f1ar una interface agradable y sencilla est\u00e1 en saber cuando usar cada funci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And this is even better.","es":"Y \u00e9ste es a\u00fan mejor."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Why have so many countries asked for these scholarships?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 tantos pa\u00edses han solicitado estas becas?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So globalization is continuing.","es":"Y la globalizaci\u00f3n contin\u00faa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What can I do?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 puedo hacer?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I don't know how much advanced these pictures are. They're old.","es":"No s\u00e9 cu\u00e1n avanzadas son estas im\u00e1genes son antiguas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Whatever you want, you can download the data that way. The problem is, once you do, you will find that each agency codes their addresses differently.","es":"Pueden bajarla en cualquier formato El problema es, que una vez que lo hacen ver\u00e1n que cada agencia estatal codifica las direcciones diferente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I also played poker every weekend.","es":"Adem\u00e1s jugaba al p\u00f3quer todos los fines de semana."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And we can see here in this image, we see bedrooms in China, Netherlands, South Korea, France and the United States, for instance.","es":"Y podemos ver aqu\u00ed en esta imagen, vemos habitaciones en China, Holanda, Corea del Sur, Francia y EE. UU., por ejemplo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Only one thing distinguishes the names that you know from the names that you don't know: gender.","es":"Solo hay una cosa que distingue los nombres que Uds. conocen de los nombres que desconocen: el g\u00e9nero."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, at the time, I was amazed that a stranger more than 6,000 miles away would go to such lengths to help someone she would probably never meet.","es":"En ese momento, me sorprendi\u00f3 que un extra\u00f1o a casi 10 mil km. de distancia fuera tan lejos para ayudar a alguien que probablemente nunca conocer\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And then I photograph and do a painting of a sofa on the street.","es":"Y despu\u00e9s tom\u00e9 una foto de un sof\u00e1 que estaba en la calle y luego pint\u00e9 un cuadro."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But isn't that controlling in the same way?","es":"Pero \u00bfno est\u00e1 controlando de la misma forma?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"And all along the sides of these chimneys is shimmering with heat and loaded with life.","es":"Y las laderas de estas chimeneas resplandecen de calor y est\u00e1n cargadas de vida."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Today, Oliver is 13.","es":"Hoy Oliver tiene 13 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I used to love going to this store, but on one occasion I asked myself, well how come you never buy anything?","es":"Me encantaba ir a esa tienda, pero en una ocasi\u00f3n me pregunt\u00e9, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 nunca compro nada?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is a therapist who sees therapists, because we have to go to those, because their B.S. meters are good.","es":"Es una terapeuta especializada en terapeutas, los necesitamos porque son los mas aptos para detectar mentiras."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I've tried incredible, incredible questions, \"When did the world begin?","es":"He probado preguntas incre\u00edbles. \"\u00bfCu\u00e1ndo comenz\u00f3 el mundo?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"And you persuade people to go to these great feats of invention, but at a personal level, in a way I can't imagine doing your job.","es":"Puedes persuadir para hacer que la gente se mueva hacia estas aventuras de invenci\u00f3n, a nivel personal. No me imagino la forma c\u00f3mo hacer tu trabajo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"They know nothing about Wikipedia.","es":"No saben nada de Wikipedia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That allows them to sort them into the males and the females and they allow only the males to grow to adulthood.","es":"Eso les permite clasificarlos por sexo y solo dejar a los machos que lleguen a la edad adulta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Why has television entertainment evolved the way it has?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 la TV de entretenimiento ha evolucionado de esa forma?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But this is the thing: What gets us to convert success into mastery?","es":"Pero, el quid es este: \u00bfqu\u00e9 nos lleva a convertir el \u00e9xito en maestr\u00eda?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But even though recent, this metaphor of the network, is really already adopting various shapes and forms, and it's almost becoming a growing visual taxonomy.","es":"Aunque reciente, esta met\u00e1fora de la red, ya est\u00e1 adoptando diversas estructuras y formas, y se est\u00e1 convirtiendo en una creciente taxonom\u00eda visual."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And as we sit, exchanging free ideas with each other, there are still people mining coal in order to power the servers, extracting the minerals to make all of those things.","es":"Y mientras nos sentamos, intercambiando ideas entre nosotros, todav\u00eda hay gente excavando carb\u00f3n para producir energ\u00eda para los servidores, extrayendo minerales para hacer todas esas cosas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But computers don't do much else other than speed up the process of compiling dictionaries.","es":"Pero las computadoras no hacen mucho m\u00e1s que acelerar el proceso de compilar diccionarios."} -{"gender":"female","en":"CA: And the best news of all, I guess, is this.","es":"CA: Y la mejor noticia de todas, supongo, es esta."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It can be achieved out of innocence, or arrogance, or out of selfishness, sometimes out of carelessness.","es":"Se puede lograr como producto de arrogancia o inocencia, o producto de ego\u00edsmo e inlcuso descuido."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Because it turned out the universe is absolutely full of all kinds of wonderful things radiating in the radio spectrum, much brighter than the Sun.","es":"Porque result\u00f3 que el universo est\u00e1 absolutamente repleto de toda clase de cosas maravillosas irradiando en el espectro de radio, mucho m\u00e1s brillantes que el Sol."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Almost always, when I'm on TV, the producer who calls me, who negotiates what we're going to say, is a woman.","es":"Casi siempre, cuando estoy en la tele, los productores que me llaman para negociar lo que voy a decir, son mujeres."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is in Montana, 2008.","es":"Se encuentra en Montana y ocurri\u00f3 en 2008."} -{"gender":"male","en":"OK, so when we did this research, we found the absolutely, 100 percent, guaranteed way to never forget anything ever, ever again.","es":"Vale cuando realizamos esta investigaci\u00f3n, descubrimos la manera 100% segura de nunca olvidar nada, jam\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When the story about Harvey Weinstein came to light, one the most well-known movie moguls in all of Hollywood, the allegations were horrific.","es":"Cuando la historia sobre Harvey Weinstein sali\u00f3 a la luz, uno de los magnates de cine m\u00e1s conocidos de Hollywood, las acusaciones eran horribles."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"These stores are built to ensure the freshness of the product, they actually have fish tanks in the store, and also to give locations that will enable high-speed delivery.","es":"Estas tiendas est\u00e1n dise\u00f1adas para garantizar la frescura del producto: en realidad, tienen peceras en la tienda y tambi\u00e9n ofrecen ubicaciones que permiten la entrega de alta velocidad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In some sense, that's what happened, exactly, to the set of people we were looking at.","es":"En cierto sentido, eso es lo que sucedi\u00f3 a esta gente que analizamos, estaban dispuestos a comenzar desde abajo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so here I am at TED, I suppose to tell that story, and I think it's appropriate to say the obvious that there's a symbiotic and intrinsic link between storytelling and community, between community and art, between community and science and technology, between community and economics.","es":"Por eso estoy aqu\u00ed en TED, supongo que para contar esa historia, y creo apropiado decir lo obvio, que hay un v\u00ednculo simbi\u00f3tico e intr\u00ednseco entre contar historias y la comunidad, entre la comunidad y el arte, entre la comunidad, la ciencia y la tecnolog\u00eda, entre la comunidad y la econom\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"You mentioned different facilities.","es":"Mencionaste diferentes equipos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, that's exactly the kind of process that I'm interested in, when we're thinking about sustainable materials.","es":"Ahora, \u00e9se es exactamente el tipo de proceso en el que estoy interesada, cuando estamos pensando en materiales sustentables."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Announcer Nine: Cyberattacks.","es":"Locutor 9: Ciberataques."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My first love was for the night sky.","es":"Mi primer amor fue el cielo nocturno."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That was Recode's, my organization's, first code-change campaign.","es":"Eso fue el primer c\u00f3digo de campa\u00f1a de Recode, mi organizaci\u00f3n --."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The American economy has grown enormously from it.","es":"La econom\u00eda estadounidense ha crecido enormemente por ella."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"First of all, scale, might.","es":"En primer lugar, la escala, la fuerza."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Just tell me how to get there.\"","es":"Solo dime c\u00f3mo llegar all\u00ed\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The best team I ever led in my career was based on superpowers, and we even gave ourselves fancy-pantsy titles like \"the Pillar of Masterly Acumen.\" \"The Biscuit Butterer.\"","es":"El mejor equipo que lider\u00e9 en mi carrera se apoy\u00f3 en sus superpoderes, y hasta nos pon\u00edamos t\u00edtulos s\u00faper pomposos como \"pilar de la actitud maestra\", \"el que corta el bacalao\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In 2014 when he came, Kenya was ranked 136 out of 189 countries.","es":"Para 2014, cuando vino, Kenia estaba clasificada en el puesto 136 de 189 pa\u00edses."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They don't know what to say, they don't know what to do, especially one-on-one opposite sex.","es":"No saben qu\u00e9 decir, no saben qu\u00e9 hacer, especialmente cara a cara con el sexo opuesto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"A complicated question.","es":"Una pregunta complicada."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, at the time that we did this, this received a lot of attention in the press, because it was a really nice way of generating new bone, and we got many, many contacts from different people that were interested in using this.","es":"Ahora, cuando hicimos esto, recibimos mucha atenci\u00f3n de la prensa, porque es una forma en verdad espl\u00e9ndida de generar hueso nuevo y recibimos muchos contactos de diversas personas interesadas en usarlo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The answer is both.","es":"La respuesta es ambos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, that's in my head, testicles are on my chin, thoughts are bouncing around.","es":"Saben, eso est\u00e1 en mi cabeza, los test\u00edculos est\u00e1n en mi barbilla, los pensamientos brincan alrededor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Actually, I once paid like 60 dollars to see a very great actor to do a version of \"King Lear,\" and I felt really robbed, because by the time the actor started being King Lear, he stopped being the great actor that I had paid money to see.","es":"De hecho, en una ocasi\u00f3n pagu\u00e9 60 d\u00f3lares para ver a un gran actor hacer una versi\u00f3n del Rey Lear, y sent\u00ed que me robaron, porque para cuando el actor se convirti\u00f3 en el Rey Lear, dej\u00f3 de ser el gran actor por el que hab\u00eda pagado para ver."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And most importantly, men attribute their success to themselves, and women attribute it to other external factors.","es":"Y a\u00fan m\u00e1s importante: los hombres se atribuyeron el \u00e9xito a s\u00ed mismos y las mujeres lo atribuyeron a factores externos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'd never seen anything like them.","es":"Nunca hab\u00eda visto algo parecido."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now if I was a bird, the building on my left is a liability.","es":"Ahora si yo fuera un p\u00e1jaro, el edificio de mi izquierda es un d\u00e9ficit."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's not virginity; it's fecundity; it's plenty. It's gardens watered by running streams.","es":"No es virginidad, es fecundidad, es plenitud, son jardines regados por arroyos en constante flujo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I did not decline.","es":"Que no rechac\u00e9."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's kind of a chimera hybrid between the two, and James likes that.","es":"Es una especie de h\u00edbrido de quimera entre los dos, y a James le gusta eso."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"EM: Since our primary competitors are national governments, the enforceability of patents is questionable. CA: That's really, really interesting.","es":"EM: Ya que nuestros principales competidores son los gobiernos, la efectividad de las patentes es cuestionable. CA: Es muy interesante."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So we dug a hole and I covered her in sand and shells and drew this little mermaid tail.","es":"As\u00ed que cavamos un agujero y la cubr\u00ed con arena y conchas y dibuj\u00e9 una peque\u00f1a cola de sirena."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Like half the antibiotics in this country are not administered to people, but to animals.","es":"Por ejemplo que la mitad de los antibi\u00f3ticos en este pa\u00eds no los toman las personas, sino los animales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'd like to pause my TEDTalk for about 10 seconds right now, because you don't get many opportunities in life to do something like this, and my parents are sitting in the front row.","es":"Me gustar\u00eda detener mi TEDTalk unos 10 segundos porque uno no tiene muchas oportunidades en la vida para hacer algo como esto y mis padres est\u00e1n sentados en la primera fila."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now that's a lot of pressure for a little button and the designer behind it, but with these kinds of products, you need to get even the tiny things right.","es":"Ahora eso es mucha presi\u00f3n para un peque\u00f1o bot\u00f3n y el dise\u00f1ador detr\u00e1s de \u00e9l, pero con este tipo de productos, uno necesita lograr incluso las cosas peque\u00f1as bien."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We are going to talk today about the sequel of \"Inconvenient Truth.\" It's time again to talk about \"Inconvenient Truth,\" a truth that everyone is concerned about, but nobody is willing to talk about.","es":"Hoy hablaremos de la parte 2 de la Verdad Inc\u00f3moda Es hora de hablar nuevamente de una Verdad Inc\u00f3moda una realidad de la que todos est\u00e1n preocupados, pero de la que nadie est\u00e1 dispuesto a hablar."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"She was sending them to school. Have a new home.","es":"Enviaba a los ni\u00f1os a la escuela; ten\u00eda un huevo hogar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When the oil gets into the marshes, you can't get it out.","es":"Cuando el petr\u00f3leo se mete a los pantanos, no puedes sacarlo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Bear in mind this was an ultrasound, so it would have been moving images.","es":"Tengan en mente que era un ultrasonido, as\u00ed que pudieron ser im\u00e1genes en movimiento."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"From Boston to Beirut, we stand as one.","es":"Desde Boston a Beirut, estamos unidos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I then challenged the kids to identify someone in their own life, or in their own story, or in their own world, that they could identify that had done a similar thing.","es":"Luego desafi\u00e9 a los ni\u00f1os a que identifiquen a alguien en su propia vida, o en su propia historia, o en su propio mundo, con quien pudieran reconocer que hizo algo similar a eso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When we made this chart, the frontline workers, the professionals, they stared at it absolutely amazed.","es":"Cuando hicimos esta tabla, los trabajadores de primera l\u00ednea estaban absolutamente asombrados."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They didn't get very far, obviously.","es":"No llegaron muy lejos, obviamente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Good evening everybody. Thank you so very much for having me here today.","es":"Buenas tardes a todos much\u00edsimas gracias por tenerme aqu\u00ed en el dia de hoy."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And \"my long-term partner has this kind of business,\" and \"I've done research on this for months.","es":"Y \"mi socio a largo plazo tiene este tipo de negocio\" y \"He investigado esto durante meses."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But we were confident to leave because we had been collecting data.","es":"Nos fuimos confiados porque hab\u00edamos recogido datos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Turns out that it's a failed irrigation project.","es":"Resulta que es un proyecto de irrigaci\u00f3n fallido."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But rather than tell you the whole story about these two movements, I just want to share with you four key insights.","es":"Pero en lugar de contarles toda la historia de estos dos movimientos, solo quiero compartir con Uds. cuatro ideas clave."} -{"gender":"female","en":"For some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to put an intermission in my talk.","es":"Por alguna raz\u00f3n pens\u00e9 que ser\u00eda buena idea poner un intermedio en mi charla."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This always seemed to me to be a deepening of the sense of what it means to be a Good Samaritan.","es":"Esto siempre me ha parecido que profundiza en el sentido del significado de lo que es ser un buen samaritano."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Reviews, ratings, checkmarks: these are the attestations about our identities that we cobble together today and use to lower uncertainty about who we're dealing with.","es":"Cr\u00edticas, votos, vistos buenos: Todo esto verifica nuestra identidad que construimos juntos hoy y usamos para disminuir la incertidumbre sobre con quien tratamos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My big break came in 2010.","es":"Mi gran oportunidad lleg\u00f3 en 2010."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's practice, it's training, and it's, It's practice, it's training and experimenting, while pushing through the pain to be the best that I can be.","es":"Es practicar, es entrenar y experimentar mientras aguanto el dolor para sacar lo mejor de m\u00ed mismo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And so, here's an image from the Hubble Space Telescope.","es":"Y as\u00ed, esta es una imagen del telescopio espacial Hubble."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So I was curious about why there was a disconnect between the way our society perceives doodling and the way that the reality is.","es":"Tuve curiosidad por saber por qu\u00e9 la forma en que la sociedad percibe los garabatos est\u00e1 tan alejada de lo que es en realidad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Of course, when I asked Cate Blanchett, I said, \"What's the film about?\"","es":"Claro, cuando le pregunt\u00e9 a Cate Blanchett, le dije: \"\u00bfDe qu\u00e9 trata la pel\u00edcula?\""} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, they feel a lot, but what they're so fantastic about is, you know, our generation was like, \"Oh, we're going to get representation.\"","es":"Sienten mucho, pero lo que es tan fant\u00e1stico es nuestra generaci\u00f3n pensaba: \"Obtendremos representaci\u00f3n\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But when we don't dive down and get it, they'll bring it to the surface and they'll sort of wave it in front of us on their tail and drop it for us like they do their calves, and then we'll pick it up and have a game.","es":"Pero cuando no nos sumergimos y vamos por \u00e9l, te lo traen a la superficie y lo mueven delante nuestro en su cola y lo sueltan, justo como hacen con sus cr\u00edas, y entonces lo recogemos y jugamos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Lawrence Lemaoana also criticized the influence of the media on our moral consciousness, and he's doing that by using those fabrics like banners in political demonstrations, where he's asking us to reclaim our voices.","es":"Lawrence Lemaoana tambi\u00e9n critic\u00f3 la influencia de los medios en nuestra conciencia moral, y lo hace usando las telas de las pancartas de manifestaciones pol\u00edticas, en las que nos pide que nos hagamos escuchar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I simply wasn't there.","es":"Simplemente no estaba."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I talk about myself.","es":"Yo hablo sobre m\u00ed misma."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Sherwin Nuland says, \"It was a privilege to serve as a doctor.\"","es":"Sherwin Nuland dijo, \"Ha sido un privilegio servir como doctor\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I mean you don't hear about anything that's like cancer or heart disease associated with play.","es":"Me refiero a que no hay nada como el c\u00e1ncer o las enfermedades del coraz\u00f3n asociados con el juego."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So when the visitors come, MARS walks up to the computer, starts typing, \"Hello, my name is MARS. Welcome to RoMeLa, the Robotics Mechanisms Laboratory at Virginia Tech.\"","es":"Cuando tenemos visita, MARS se acerca al teclado y teclea \"Hola, me llamo MARS\" \"Bienvenidos a RoMeLa\" el \"Laboratorio de Mecanismos Rob\u00f3ticos de Virginia Tech\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Consider the following analogy: Think of the bruise you get on your shin when you inadvertently bang your leg into the coffee table.","es":"Consideren la siguiente analog\u00eda: Piensen en el moret\u00f3n que sale en su espinilla cuando sin darse cuenta se golpean en la pierna con la mesa del caf\u00e9."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My father was a city worker all of his life, and my mother was a stay-at-home mom.","es":"Mi padre fue obrero en la ciudad toda su vida. Y mi madre era ama de casa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But whichever it turns out to be, there is one thing I'm sure of: The journey will be full of surprises.","es":"Pero en cualquier caso de una cosa estoy seguro: El viaje estar\u00e1 lleno de sorpresas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And we can't fight the threat in the kind of stupid way we're doing, because a million-dollar act causes a billion dollars of damage, causes a trillion dollar response which is largely ineffective and arguably, probably almost certainly, has made the problem worse.","es":"No podemos luchar contra la amenaza en la manera tonta que estamos haciendo, porque un acto de coste millonario causa da\u00f1o de miles de millones y en consecuencia causa una respuesta billonaria que en gran parte resultar\u00eda ineficaz y casi seguro que har\u00eda el problema peor a\u00fan."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Something called the law of diffusion of innovation, if you don't know the law, you know the terminology.","es":"Por algo llamado \"la ley de difusi\u00f3n de la innovaci\u00f3n\". Y si uno no conoce la ley, definitivamente conoce la terminolog\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And he never does.","es":"Y \u00e9l nunca lo hace."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I don't know what he would do if we was completely unfettered and didn't follow those guidelines.","es":"No me imagino lo que har\u00eda si no tuviera esas pautas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They didn't say, \"No, you know, we're not going to take this.\"","es":"No dijeron que no quer\u00edan la ayuda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Today, I'd like to talk with you about something that should be a totally uncontroversial topic.","es":"Hoy, me gustar\u00eda hablarles sobre un tema que no deber\u00eda ser en absoluto pol\u00e9mico."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So is that possible, to change our way of being, to transform one's mind?","es":"\u00bfEs eso posible, cambiar nuestra manera de ser, transformar nuestra mente?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"This working mother, all working mothers and all of their babies, are fine.","es":"Esta madre trabajadora, todas las madres que trabajan y sus hijos, est\u00e1n bien."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We'll look at a lot of them.","es":"Veremos muchas fotos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In the late 1800s, people were worried about cameras, which were just suddenly more portable than ever before, and newspaper gossip columns.","es":"A finales de 1800, la gente estaba preocupada por las c\u00e1maras, las que de repente eran m\u00e1s port\u00e1tiles que nunca, y por las columnas de chismes peri\u00f3dico."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"If we want the public to believe that design is for them and for everyone.","es":"Si queremos que el p\u00fablico crea que el dise\u00f1o es para ellos y para todos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Map out your habitual daily footpath, and what you'll probably discover is that you start at home, you go to your school or your workplace, you maybe go up the same staircase or elevator, you go to the bathroom, the same bathroom, and the same stall in that bathroom, you end up in the gym, then you come right back home.","es":"Tracen su sendero diario habitual, y lo que probablemente descubran es que uno empieza en casa, va a la escuela o al lugar de trabajo, uno usa quiz\u00e1 la misma escalera o ascensor, uno va al ba\u00f1o, al mismo ba\u00f1o, y al mismo lugar en ese ba\u00f1o, uno termina en el gimnasio, y vuelve a casa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is a place called the Madangiri Settlement Colony, which is a very developed slum about 25 minutes outside New Delhi, where I met these characters who showed me around for the day.","es":"Este es un lugar llamado asentamiento Madanguiri que es un barrio pobre muy desarrollado a unos 25 minutos fuera de Nueva Delhi, donde conoc\u00ed a estos personajes que me llevaron a recorrer todo el d\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"If we run the movie of our universe backwards, we know that there was a Big Bang in our past, and we might even hear the cacophonous sound of it, but was our Big Bang the only Big Bang?","es":"Si pasamos la pel\u00edcula del Universo al rev\u00e9s sabemos que hubo un Big Bang en nuestro pasado y podr\u00edamos incluso escuchar su sonido cacof\u00f3nico pero, \u00bfnuestro Big Bang fue el \u00fanico Big Bang?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"In fact, I fail as often as I succeed, seeing friends, reading books, staring into space.","es":"De hecho, fracaso y triunfo por igual, sea que se trate de ver a los amigos, leer libros, mirar al vac\u00edo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I remember a night when a hungry leopard went into the house of one of our neighbors and took a sleeping child out of the bed.","es":"Recuerdo una noche cuando un leopardo hambriento entr\u00f3 a la casa de uno de nuestros vecinos y se llev\u00f3 a su hijo dormido desde su cama."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So I mentioned looking at the Earth and Mars in ultraviolet light.","es":"Mencion\u00e9 observar la Tierra y Marte con luz ultravioleta."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In this rather long sort of marathon presentation, I've tried to break it up into three parts: the first being a whole lot of examples on how it can be a little bit more pleasurable to deal with a computer and really address the qualities of the human interface.","es":"En esta larga, casi marat\u00f3nica presentaci\u00f3n, tratar\u00e9 de desarrollar tres partes: la primera, es mostrar much\u00edsimos ejemplos sobre c\u00f3mo hacer un poco m\u00e1s agradable la interacci\u00f3n con una computadora y se\u00f1alar las cualidades de la interfaz humana."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Her method is deceptively simple.","es":"Su m\u00e9todo es aparentemente sencillo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's the next step.","es":"Ese es el paso siguiente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Ever.","es":"Nunca."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And it changes and it builds and it diminishes.","es":"Y cambia y construye y disminuye."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And the idea of the software was to gather information from SMS, email and web, and put a map so that you could see what was happening where, and you could visualize that data.","es":"Y la idea del software es recoger informaci\u00f3n de los SMS, del correo electr\u00f3nico y la web y ponerla en un mapa para poder ver qu\u00e9 es lo que estaba sucediendo y d\u00f3nde y poder visualizar esos datos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Well, the answer to that question, and who was really involved and what really happened, well that's going to probably remain locked away in the secretive company registries of the British Virgin Islands and elsewhere unless we all do something about it.","es":"Bueno, la respuesta a esa pregunta, qui\u00e9n est\u00e1 realmente involucrado y realmente qu\u00e9 pas\u00f3, bueno, eso probablemente va a permanecer encerrado en los registros secretos de la empresa en las Islas V\u00edrgenes Brit\u00e1nicas y en otros lugares, a menos que todos hagamos algo al respecto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Acting with intent.","es":"Actuar con intenci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What I'm looking for is a way to give the material the qualities that I need.","es":"Lo que yo busco es una manera de darle al material las cualidades que necesito."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But we don't bother to say so. And this is why my friend uses \"tooth-fairy agnostic\" as a label for what most people would call atheist.","es":"Pero no nos preocupamos en decirlo, y \u00e9sta es la raz\u00f3n por la que mi amigo us\u00f3 la leyenda del ratoncito P\u00e9rez dientes como una etiqueta de aquello a lo que la mayor\u00eda de la gente llamar\u00eda \"ateo\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But they don't put much stock in efforts to prolong life in the face of debilitating illness or in old age.","es":"Pero no le dan mucha importancia a los esfuerzos por prolongar la vida cuando se enfrentan a una enfermedad debilitante o en la vejez."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What would it look like if there was an easy pathway for the very entrepreneurs and innovators who have disrupted our tech sector to come and disrupt their government?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo ser\u00eda si hubiese una v\u00eda f\u00e1cil para que los mismos emprendedores e innovadores que han trastocado el sector tecnol\u00f3gico vengan y cambien el gobierno?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"It is our canvas; it represents not just our physicality, but also a lot of our personality as well.","es":"Es nuestro lienzo; representa no solo nuestra parte f\u00edsica sino tambi\u00e9n mucho de nuestra personalidad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So let me say that the balance between returns on capital and growth depends on many different factors that are very difficult to predict: technology and the development of capital-intensive techniques.","es":"As\u00ed que perm\u00edtanme decir que el equilibrio entre rendimientos del capital y crecimiento depende de muchos factores diferentes que son muy dif\u00edciles de predecir: la tecnolog\u00eda y el desarrollo de t\u00e9cnicas intensivas en capital."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They may find it irrelevant.","es":"Puede que les resulte irrelevante."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, here are the curves for it.","es":"Bien, estas curvas lo muestran."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, if this system of beautification, sanitation, protection doesn't appeal to you, you are not alone.","es":"Si este sistema de embellecimiento, saneamiento y protecci\u00f3n no les gusta, no est\u00e1n solos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We have more television stations with less to watch, we have more money spent on rewrites to get old television programs in the movies.","es":"Hay menos para ver en televisi\u00f3n, hemos gastado m\u00e1s dinero reescribiendo viejos programas de televisi\u00f3n para el cine."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So I hope that perhaps, for just a couple of you, a little bit of insight into the mathematics of love can persuade you to have a little bit more love for mathematics.","es":"As\u00ed que espero que tal vez, solo para algunos de Uds. algo de comprensi\u00f3n de las matem\u00e1ticas del amor pueda persuadirles de tener un poco m\u00e1s de amor por las matem\u00e1ticas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"My dad was a psychologist like me, but his real love and his real passion was cinema, like my brother.","es":"Mi padre era psic\u00f3logo como yo, pero su verdadero amor y pasi\u00f3n era el cine, y la de mi hermano tambi\u00e9n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"There is no generalization at all from one task to another in robotics.","es":"En rob\u00f3tica, no hay en absoluto generalizaci\u00f3n de una tarea a otra."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We couldn't retouch the photo unless it was cleaned, dry and reclaimed.","es":"No pod\u00edamos retocar la foto a menos que estuviera limpia, seca y hubiera sido reclamada por su due\u00f1o."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Let me ask you a question.","es":"D\u00e9jenme hacerles una pregunta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My audience is anyone who is here to listen, even those who are not familiar with classical music.","es":"Mi audiencia es qui\u00e9n sea que est\u00e9 all\u00ed para o\u00edrme, a\u00fan aquellos que no est\u00e9n tan familiarizados con la m\u00fasica cl\u00e1sica."} -{"gender":"female","en":"GK: You have a lot of support.","es":"GK: Tienes mucho apoyo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You should see small circles, these are called vesicles.","es":"Deber\u00edan ver unos circulitos. Se llaman ves\u00edculas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I like really nice clothes.","es":"Me gusta la ropa buena."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm hitting it. I'm punching play.","es":"Le voy a dar. Le voy a picar a correr."} -{"gender":"female","en":"A crisis of desire, as in owning the wanting, desire as an expression of our individuality, of our free choice, of our preferences, of our identity, desire that has become a central concept as part of modern love and individualistic societies.","es":"Una crisis del deseo, como en poseer lo querido. El deseo como una expresi\u00f3n de nuestra individualidad, de nuestra libre elecci\u00f3n, de nuestras preferencias, de nuestra identidad; deseo que se ha convertido en el concepto central como parte del amor moderno y las sociedades individualistas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm convinced of it.","es":"Estoy convencido de ello."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I'll tell you what happened with Tracy in a little bit, but I want to share with you a discovery that I made when I was returning to work after my own career break of 11 years out of the full-time workforce. And that is, that people's view of you is frozen in time.","es":"Les contar\u00e9 lo que pas\u00f3 con Tracy en un momento, pero quiero compartir con Uds. algo que descubr\u00ed cuando regresaba a trabajar despu\u00e9s de una pausa de 11 a\u00f1os en mi trabajo: la imagen que tienen las personas de uno est\u00e1 congelada en el tiempo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Ready?","es":"\u00bfListos?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, of course, screens are miraculous in a lot of ways.","es":"Por supuesto las pantallas son milagrosas en muchos aspectos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And it looked like this running on the Apple II.","es":"Y as\u00ed luc\u00eda en la Apple II."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Try it.","es":"Pru\u00e9benla."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And the next time this happens, it could happen in a city of millions, it could start there.","es":"Y la pr\u00f3xima vez que esto suceda, podr\u00eda ocurrir en una ciudad de millones, podr\u00eda empezar all\u00ed."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's kind of neat.","es":"Es elegante."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The first penguins to make that transition to free feeding were the ones that had a metal band on their wing from the Apollo Sea spill six years earlier.","es":"Los primeros ping\u00fcinos en hacer la transici\u00f3n y alimentarse por s\u00ed mismos fueron los que ten\u00edan una banda de metal en las alas del rescate en el \"Apollo Sea\" 6 a\u00f1os antes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And it is a most edifying form of instant gratification.","es":"Y es una forma m\u00e1s edificante de gratificaci\u00f3n instant\u00e1nea."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think also the explosion of the organic farming movement, and the renaissance of farmers' markets, are other illustrations of the fact that people are desperate to get away from eating and cooking and cultivating their food on an industrial timetable.","es":"Y piensen tambi\u00e9n en la explosi\u00f3n del movimiento del cultivo org\u00e1nico, y el renacer de las ferias de granjeros, es otro, son otros ejemplos del hecho de que las personas est\u00e1n ansiosas por liberarse de la comida, la cocina y el cultivo de su comida en forma industrial."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We're at the very beginning of something that, what we're seeing and the way that mesh companies are coming forward, is inviting, it's engaging, but it's very early.","es":"Estamos frente al comienzo de algo de lo que somos testigos, y la manera en que las empresas malla est\u00e1n apareciendo nos invita a participar, pero es muy temprano a\u00fan."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Incredibly, this nation, with all its material, intellectual and spiritual resources, seems utterly helpless to reverse the freefall in any of these areas.","es":"Incre\u00edblemente, esta naci\u00f3n, con todos sus recursos materiales, intelectuales y espirituales, se encuentra absolutamente indefensa para revertir la ca\u00edda libre en cualquiera de estas \u00e1reas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And this, I think, is one of the real promises of the blogosphere.","es":"Y creo que eso es una de las promesas reales de la blogsfera."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I was a nanny; I was a home care attendant for all these different old people, and then I said, child, if I have to touch another white man's backside, I might as well get paid a lot more money for it than this, you understand?","es":"Fui ni\u00f1era, asistente del cuidado dom\u00e9stico para diferentes personas viejas. Y me dije, ni\u00f1a, si tienes que tocar el trasero de otro hombre blanco, podr\u00edas obtener mucho mejor pago que haciendo esto, \u00bfentiendes?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Not all foods are created equal, even if they weigh the same.","es":"No todos los alimentos son iguales, incluso si pesan lo mismo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Curiosity.","es":"La curiosidad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Maybe you felt that exhilaration that comes when we get together in big groups of people like this; the Welsh called it \"hwyl,\" from the word for boat sails.","es":"Quiz\u00e1 sintieron esa exaltaci\u00f3n que nos embarga cuando nos reunimos en grandes grupos de personas como \u00e9ste; los galeses la llaman \"hwyl\", palabra que designa las velas de un barco."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well, after 1977, I broke into The New Yorker and started selling cartoons.","es":"Bueno, despu\u00e9s de 1977, entr\u00e9 en The New Yorker y comenc\u00e9 a vender caricaturas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The winners get the job or a good credit card offer.","es":"Los ganadores consiguen el trabajo o buenas condiciones de cr\u00e9dito."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I was impressed and amazed by the kids of Manshiyat Naser.","es":"Estaba impresionado y sorprendido por los ni\u00f1os de Manshiyat Naser."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I told her the Frank Lloyd Wright story.","es":"Y yo le cont\u00e9 la historia de Frank Lloyd Wright."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"With the patient insensitive to pain, and a sterile operating field all bets were off, the sky was the limit.","es":"Con el paciente insensible al dolor, y con un campo de operaci\u00f3n est\u00e9ril ya no hab\u00eda dudas, el cielo era el l\u00edmite."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So I don't have a problem with developers making money.","es":". Entonces, no tengo ning\u00fan problema con que los desarrolladores ganen dinero."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"What happens when 20,000 people congregate in a camp?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 sucede cuando 20 000 personas se congregan en un campamento?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Just like sheep.\"","es":"Como las ovejas\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In fact, the Chinese minister of finance said to me, when I asked him what are we doing wrong in Nigeria.","es":"De hecho, el ministro de Finanzas chino me dijo, cuando le pregunt\u00e9 qu\u00e9 hac\u00edamos mal en Nigeria."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And it goes like this. Gimme my damn data I wanna be an e-Patient just like Dave Gimme my damn data, 'cause it's my life to save Now, I'm not going to go any further, Well, thank you.","es":"Es algo as\u00ed; D\u00e9nme mis sucios datos quisiera ser un e-Patient, como Dave D\u00e9nme mis sucios datos, pa\u00b4 salvar mi vida Ya no voy a seguir m\u00e1s. Bueno, gracias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I stayed.","es":"Y me qued\u00e9 en la escuela."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is Manuru.","es":"Este es Manuru."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It can move anywhere it wants in space irrespective of where it is facing and even of how it is rotating.","es":"Puede desplazarse a cualquier lugar independientemente del lugar que enfrente e incluso de la forma en que gire."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I know that you all have learned a lot about leadership.","es":"Y s\u00e9 que todos han aprendido mucho sobre liderazgo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You figure it out.","es":"Haz los n\u00fameros."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This looks like a plant, but it's actually an animal.","es":"Esta parece una planta pero en realidad es un animal."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And looking back over it, I know that I am not done.","es":"Y mir\u00e1ndola en retrospectiva, s\u00e9 que no he terminado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Likewise, you can go over your lipids and, again, understand what your overall cholesterol level is and then break down into the HDL and the LDL if you so choose.","es":"De igual manera, puedes ver tus lipidos y, de nuevo, entender cual es tu nivel de colesterol general y luego dividirlo a HDL y LDL, si as\u00ed lo deseas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"OK, another, another three-digit number, sir?","es":"Vale, otro n\u00famero de tres d\u00edgitos, \u00bfse\u00f1or?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"And certainly you yourself and what you do have given us a view of the future that we will embrace and be grateful for.","es":"Y ciertamente t\u00fa y lo que haces nos ha dado un panorama del futuro al que nos aferraremos y agradeceremos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And we can see this now: we go back to the walls in the Alhambra.","es":"Y podemos ver esto ahora: volvemos a las paredes en la Alhambra."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Every day we're connecting more and more of our lives to the Internet, which means that the Internet of Things will soon be the Internet of Things To Be Hacked.","es":"Cada d\u00eda conectamos cada vez m\u00e1s nuestras vidas a Internet, lo que significa que la Internet de las Cosas pronto ser\u00e1 la Internet de las Cosas a Robar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I was like, \"Oh my gosh, if this shape is real, I should be able to take two completely different presentations and overlay it, and it should be true.\"","es":"Y pens\u00e9, \"Dios m\u00edo, si esta forma es real, deber\u00eda hacer dos presentaciones completamente diferentes superponerlas, y esa deber\u00eda ser la correcta\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So I go back online now. I found Jewishdoc57 who's incredibly good-looking, incredibly well-spoken, he had hiked Mt. Fuji, he had walked along the Great Wall.","es":"Volv\u00ed a conectarme y encontr\u00e9 a 'Docjud\u00edo57', que es incre\u00edblemente atractivo y bien hablado, hab\u00eda escalado el monte Fuji, hab\u00eda recorrido la Gran Muralla."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And that change is both welcome and is happening very rapidly.","es":"Y ese cambio es, a la vez, bienvenido y r\u00e1pido."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I do so through many ways.","es":"Lo hago de muchas maneras."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Let's immediately get more women into politics by being the only political party to offer free childcare to our candidates, so they can get out of the house and start campaigning.","es":"Llevemos de inmediato m\u00e1s mujeres a la pol\u00edtica siendo el \u00fanico partido pol\u00edtico con cuidado infantil gratuito para sus candidatas, para que puedan salir de la casa y empezar la campa\u00f1a."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It makes me incredibly fortunate to live at this moment in history.","es":"Soy incre\u00edblemente afortunado por vivir en este momento de la historia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"4Shbab was set up as an alternative to existing Arab music channels.","es":"4Shbab se estableci\u00f3 como alternativa a los canales de m\u00fasica \u00e1rabes ya existentes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"CA: So instead of looking ahead to, \"If he does that, I will do that,\" it's more saying, \"Here is what looks like a winning pattern, here is what looks like a winning pattern.\"","es":"CA: As\u00ed que en vez de decir \"si \u00e9l hace eso, yo hago aquello\", es decir, \"este parece ser un modelo exitoso, este parece un modelo exitoso\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I mean, this is a very small sample; you should not generalize from it.","es":"Quiero decir, esta es una muestra muy peque\u00f1a, no se debe generalizar a partir de ella."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But in fact, the last 25 years have seen an explosion of scientific work in this area.","es":"Pero, de hecho, en los \u00faltimos 25 a\u00f1os ha habido una explosi\u00f3n de trabajo cient\u00edfico en esta \u00e1rea."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It wasn't the things I'd saved that were important; it was the stories that went with them that gave them meaning.","es":"No eran las cosas que hab\u00eda salvado lo importante; eran las historias que iban con ellas las que les daban sentido."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so I think the answer is to use that passionate commitment to the truth to try to turn it into a better future for us all.","es":"Y pienso que la respuesta es utilizar ese compromiso apasionado hacia la verdad y tratar de convertirlo en un mejor futuro para todos nosotros."} -{"gender":"female","en":"He's definitely the star of my show.","es":"\u00c9l es definitivamente la estrella de mi show."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You may not agree with the ideas, but my goodness, they're highly effective mechanisms for doing so.","es":"Puede que no est\u00e9n de acuerdo con las ideas pero, Dios m\u00edo, son mecanismos muy eficientes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is the only thing I know, but I'll invent a machine, which will solve your problem.\"","es":"Es lo \u00fanico que s\u00e9, pero inventar\u00e9 una m\u00e1quina, que resolver\u00e1 tu problema\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We made up.","es":"Hicimos las paces."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We create financial markets that are super complex.","es":"Creamos mercados financieros que son super complejos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Actually just, I was going to say, just up the road in Chicago.","es":"De hecho, atr\u00e1s, Iba a decir, atr\u00e1s a la vuela de la esquina en Chicago."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Don't do a live demo.","es":"No hagan una demostraci\u00f3n en vivo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And taking an even bigger leap of faith, we ran for elections in October last year with this idea: if we want a seat in Congress, our candidate, our representatives were always going to vote according to what citizens decided on DemocracyOS.","es":"Y en un salto de fe todav\u00eda mayor, nos postulamos a elecciones en octubre del a\u00f1o pasado con la siguiente idea: Si ganamos una silla en el Congreso, nuestro candidato, nuestro representante, iba siempre a votar de acuerdo con lo que los ciudadanos decidieran en DemocracyOS."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Well we did win, every year that we entered, one of the rankings for best employer for small business.","es":"Bueno, ganamos todos los a\u00f1os en los que competimos, en uno de los rankings para mejor empleador de las peque\u00f1as empresas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, I'm not pretending that energy use in total isn't increasing, it is, that's another part of the story.","es":"No pretendo decir que el uso energ\u00e9tico en su conjunto no se est\u00e1 incrementando, lo est\u00e1. Esa es otra parte de la historia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Little splat at the end there.","es":"Un porrazo al final."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It says, \"Self-confidence produces fine results.\"","es":"Dice: \"La autoconfianza produce buenos resultados\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We're also using it for our astronauts on the space station.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n la utilizamos para nuestros astronautas en la estaci\u00f3n espacial."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But a friend of mine spent four hours wandering around here looking for this restaurant.","es":"Pero un amigo mio pas\u00f3 cuatro horas vagando en busca de este restaurante."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"What Sahar has shown us is that we can attack existing bad practices by using the laws in the ways that they're intended to be used, and by protecting Sahar, we are protecting ourselves.","es":"Lo que Sahar nos ha mostrado es que podemos atacar las malas pr\u00e1cticas existentes mediante el uso de las leyes en la forma que est\u00e1n destinadas a utilizarse, y mediante la protecci\u00f3n de Sahar, nos estamos protegiendo a nosotros mismos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It stems from a fundamental contradiction in Europe's asylum policy, which is the following: that in order to seek asylum in Europe, you have to arrive spontaneously by embarking on those dangerous journeys that I described.","es":"Radica en una contradicci\u00f3n elemental de las pol\u00edticas de asilo europeas, y es la siguiente: que para buscar asilo en Europa, uno tiene que llegar de manera espont\u00e1nea embarcado en esos viajes peligrosos que describ\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Two days ago, or yesterday, I can't remember which, I saw a Reuters report that said Madeira had had their first cases of dengue, about 52 cases, with about 400 probable cases.","es":"Hace dos d\u00edas, o ayer, no puedo recordar cu\u00e1ndo, vi un reporte de Reuters que dec\u00eda que Madeira hab\u00eda tenido su primer caso de dengue, alrededor de 52 casos, con cerca de 400 probables."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It enables you to have a solid basis for self-esteem on which you can feel your life was really worth living.","es":"Permite tener una base s\u00f3lida para la autoestima que nos permite sentir que nuestra vida es realmente digna de vivirse."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is a computer installed in the entrance to their slum by a revolutionary social entrepreneur called Sugata Mitra who has conducted the most radical experiments, showing that children, in the right conditions, can learn on their own with the help of computers.","es":"Esta es una computadora instalada en la entrada de su barrio pobre por una empresaria social revolucionaria llamada Sugata Mitra que adopt\u00f3 los experimentos m\u00e1s radicales, mostrando que los ni\u00f1os, en las condiciones correctas, pueden aprender por su cuenta con la ayuda de computadoras."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Dying from cancer and dying from neurological illness are different.","es":"Morir de c\u00e1ncer y morir de una enfermedad neurol\u00f3gica son procesos diferentes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I was having some success and recognition and I moved into an apartment with more than four outlets.","es":"Ten\u00eda un poco de \u00e9xito y reconocimiento y me mud\u00e9 a un apartamento con m\u00e1s de cuatro enchufes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And if I had to pick a group that I think is our Invisible College, is our generation's collection of people trying to take these tools and to press it into service, not for more arguments, but for better arguments, I'd pick the open-source programmers.","es":"Y si tuviera que elegir un grupo que creo es nuestro Colegio Invisible, es el grupo humano de nuestra generaci\u00f3n que trata de tomar estas herramientas y plasmarlas en servicio no en busca de m\u00e1s, sino de mejores discusiones, me quedar\u00eda con los programadores de c\u00f3digo abierto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Bullets kill, and they will kill your presentation.","es":"Las balas matan, y matar\u00e1n su presentaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And what I learned was, although at the time, like everyone else, I thought sheep were pretty stupid because they didn't do what we wanted them to do, what I realize now, probably only just in the last few weeks looking back, is the sheep weren't stupid at all.","es":"Lo que aprend\u00ed fue que aun cuando entonces, pensaba, como todos, que las ovejas eran bastante tontas por no hacer lo que quer\u00edamos que hicieran, lo que ahora comprendo, mirando en retrospectiva, es que las ovejas no eran nada tontas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's a highly fraught concept.","es":"Es un concepto muy connotado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I don't kick them.","es":"Ni les pego."} -{"gender":"male","en":"No. We've increased it to 3.6 million.","es":"No. Las hemos incrementado a 3.6 millones."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Partway through one production, an animator drew a character with an arched eyebrow that suggested a mischievous side.","es":"En cierto punto de una producci\u00f3n, un animador dibuj\u00f3 un personaje con una ceja arqueada que suger\u00eda un lado travieso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"A vaccine would be a terrific thing, only they don't work yet.","es":"Una vacuna ser\u00eda una cosa incre\u00edble, excepto que a\u00fan no funcionan."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's natural.","es":"Es natural."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I want to just show you a little bit about why. That's a penguin braying to tell you that it's important to pay attention to penguins.","es":"Y quiero mostrarle un poco el por qu\u00e9. Este es un ping\u00fcino cacareando para decirles que es importante prestar atenci\u00f3n a los ping\u00fcinos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"His name is Pius Mau Piailug.","es":"Su nombre es P\u00edo Piailug."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So, low clouds are powerful sunshades, making the planet cooler.","es":"Las nubes bajas son buenas sombrillas, haciendo al planeta sea m\u00e1s fresco."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now my story has a lot to do with dreaming, although I'm known to make my dreams come true.","es":"Mi historia tiene mucho que ver con so\u00f1ar, aunque se me conoce por hacer realidad mis sue\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"male","en":"LP: A quick question for you.","es":"LP: Una pregunta r\u00e1pida para Ud."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Let's start at the beginning.","es":"Empecemos desde el principio."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Sea urchins crawl across the bodies feeding at night.","es":"Los erizos de mar se arrastran aliment\u00e1ndose por la noche."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So for example, if you were to walk into a bakery, your brain might predict that you will encounter the delicious aroma of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.","es":"Por ejemplo, si uno entra en una panader\u00eda, nuestro cerebro puede predecir que nos encontraremos con el delicioso aroma de galletas de chocolate reci\u00e9n horneadas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The story Americans tell, the story upon which the American dream depends, is the story of limitless choice.","es":"La historia que los estadounidenses se cuentan, la historia de la cual depende el sue\u00f1o Americano es la historia de las elecciones ilimitadas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It remembers that it's cancer.","es":"Se acuerda de que es un c\u00e1ncer."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This one's a little bit more sophisticated, and this is from a study that we did in Uganda about how people who are sharing devices, use those devices.","es":"\u00c9ste es un poco m\u00e1s sofisticado, es sobre un estudio que hicimos en Uganda sobre c\u00f3mo las personas utilizan los aparatos que comparten."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So, that's for bed nets.","es":"Entonces, eso es por los mosquiteros."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I want you to think about both sides of that.","es":"Me gustar\u00eda que pensaran en las dos caras de esto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You learn from your mistakes, and you continuously improve.","es":"Uno aprende de los errores y mejora constantemente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That round of applause is actually for the doctors and nurses of the hospital who took care of Avelile.","es":"Esa ronda de aplausos es en realidad para los m\u00e9dicos y las enfermeras del hospital que cuidaron a Avelile."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I use RockSim to simulate flights before they go to see if they'll break supersonic, then fly them with onboard computers to verify performance.","es":"Uso RockSim para simular vuelo antes de lanzarlos y saber si romper\u00e1n la barrera del sonido o no, y vuelan con computadoras a bordo para verificar su desempe\u00f1o."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We predict that he's a meter and 76 cm. The subject is a meter and 77 cm. So, we predicted that he's 76; the subject is 82.","es":"Nuestra predicci\u00f3n es que \u00e9l es de 1 m y 76 cm. El sujeto es de 1 m y 77 cm. Predijimos que \u00e9l es 76; el sujeto es de 82."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I have come to think it's one of the most powerful brain systems on Earth for both great joy and great sorrow.","es":"He llegado a pensar que es uno de los sistemas cerebrales m\u00e1s poderosos en la Tierra tanto para nuestro j\u00fabilo como para nuestra desgracia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's actually just like a joking way of saying that you care about your brothers and you put them first.","es":"En realidad, es como una forma de bromear para decir que uno se preocupa por sus colegas y los antepone."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And then I pleaded with them to show me some wrestling moves.","es":"Y luego les implor\u00e9 que me ense\u00f1aran algunas maniobras de lucha."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We have to listen to ourselves, first of all.","es":"Tenemos que escucharnos a nosotros mismos, en primer lugar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I initially thought she was an educational tool for anorexia prevention, , but actually she was considered by many to be a wholesome symbol of femininity, and often young girls began what was called dieting.","es":"Primero pens\u00e9 que era una herramienta educativa para prevenir la anorexia, pero en realidad era considerada por muchos como un s\u00edmbolo de la feminidad sana, y a menudo las j\u00f3venes comenzaron lo que se llamaba dieta."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I couldn't resist, and I got a nasty email from some environmental group saying, \"This is too serious and solemn to make fun of.","es":"No pude evitarlo y recib\u00ed un email muy desagradable de un grupo ecologista que dec\u00eda: \"Eso es demasiado serio y solemne para bromear."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I wished it had been there when I'd done it the first time, and I'm really excited that it's here now, because the lab that I founded has some data on a drug that might work, and I'd like to show it.","es":"Y estoy realmente feliz que est\u00e9 aqu\u00ed ahora. Porque el laboratorio que fund\u00e9 tiene datos sobre un medicamento que puede funcionar. Y quiero mostrarlo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I have the good fortune of being a filmmaker-in-residence at the Center of Digital Imaging Arts at Boston University.","es":"Tengo la fortuna de ser un cineasta con residencia en el Centro de Artes de Procesamiento de Im\u00e1genes Digitales de la Universidad de Boston."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Watch what he's doing.","es":"Obs\u00e9rven lo que hace."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But today, I want to talk to you more about the political nature of time, for if time had a race, it would be white.","es":"Pero hoy, quiero hablar m\u00e1s sobre la naturaleza pol\u00edtica del tiempo, porque si el tiempo tuviera una raza, ser\u00eda blanca."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"There has been a 300 percent increase in crop production that requires bee pollination.","es":"Ha habido un aumento del 300% en la producci\u00f3n de cultivos que requieren polinizaci\u00f3n de abejas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And the V.C. guys know this, and they're able to actually fund the other losses from that one success.","es":"Y los capitalistas de riesgo lo saben y pueden financiar realmente las otras p\u00e9rdidas de ese \u00e9xito."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I channel all that anger, all that pain, into advocacy because I needed my pain to be worth something.","es":"Transform\u00e9 toda esa rabia, todo ese dolor, en defensa porque necesitaba que mi dolor sirviera para algo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Anyway, I asked Peter, by any chance, could he take us back to where he caught those thylacines.","es":"De cualquier manera, le pregunt\u00e9 a Peter, por casualidad, si podr\u00eda llevarnos donde atrapaba esos tilacinos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"In the urban slums, the girls tend to stay away.","es":"En los tugurios urbanos, las ni\u00f1as tienden a mantenerse alejadas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And every single entry had to be listened to, experienced, and then, based on the musical ability, then that person could either enter or not. And so therefore, this in turn meant that there was an extremely interesting bunch of students who arrived in these various music institutions, and I have to say, many of them now in the professional orchestras throughout the world.","es":"Y cada solicitud deber\u00eda ser escuchada, experimentada y luego, sobre la base de la habilidad musical, la persona podr\u00eda entrar o no. As\u00ed pues, esto a su vez signific\u00f3 que llegara un muy interesante grupo de estudiantes a estas diversas instituciones de m\u00fasica. Y tengo que decir, muchos de ellos est\u00e1n ahora en orquestas profesionales en todo el mundo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Really, very important, we need to listen to each other.","es":"Realmente, muy importante, tenemos que escuchar a los dem\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Sometimes these pieces are mathematical, in that way that I look at a shape and say, what about if I use this and this and this.","es":"A veces mis exhibiciones son matem\u00e1ticas en el sentido que observo una forma y digo: \"\u00bfY si usara esto, esto, y esto?\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"That little tag can record temperature, depth and light intensity, which is correlated with time, and from that we can get locations.","es":"Esa peque\u00f1a etiqueta puede grabar temperatura, profundidad e intensidad de la luz, lo que se correlaciona con el tiempo, y gracias a eso podemos obtener la localizaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And how are they transformed by wearing it?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo se transforman al usarlos?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"So it will be a very tense moment, you know, as we are watching that spacecraft landing on another planet.","es":"Ser\u00e1 un momento de mucha tensi\u00f3n, el observar c\u00f3mo la sonda aterriza en otro planeta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So how do we start building cities that make us care?","es":"C\u00f3mo empezamos a contruir ciudades que valgan la pena."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They have water-loving tips, and waxy sides. And the fog comes in and it builds up on the tips.","es":"Las puntas atraen al agua y los lados son cerosos La niebla se acumula en las puntas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So there is no excuse for any of us here in this audience.","es":"As\u00ed que no hay excusa para nadie de esta audiencia."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Our artist collaborator, Ross Goodwin, has done experiments involving a camera that takes a picture, and then a computer in his backpack writes a poem using neural networks, based on the contents of the image.","es":"Nuestro artista colaborador, Ross Goodwin, tiene experimentos que implican a una c\u00e1mara tomando una foto, y luego una computadora en su mochila, escribe un poema usando redes neuronales, basado en el contenido de la imagen."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If we can break down this sort of divide, this unease, this tension, this sense that we're not fundamentally collaborating here in driving these social problems, we can break this down, and we finally, I think, can have solutions.","es":"Si podemos romper esta brecha, esta inquietud, esta tensi\u00f3n, este sentido de que no estamos fundamentalmente colaborando aqu\u00ed en la conducci\u00f3n de estos problemas sociales, podemos resolverlo, y creo que, finalmente, hallaremos las soluciones."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That's easier for them to find out than who you are.","es":"Eso les resulta m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil de descubrir que qui\u00e9n es uno."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That's where we put our people in the MRI machine.","es":"All\u00ed es donde pon\u00edamos a la gente dentro del esc\u00e1ner IRM."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I think it's closest in description to something like Wikipedia. We can see everything on Wikipedia.","es":"Es algo m\u00e1s parecido a Wikipedia En Wikipedia podemos verlo todo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I may be a little taller.","es":"Puede que sea un poco m\u00e1s alta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We know this, for example, in stressful situations, when there are transmitters from the brain that are being sensed by our gut, so the gut will try to lower all the work, and not be working and taking away blood and energy to save energy for problem-solving.","es":"Y sabemos esto porque, por ejemplo, en situaciones estresantes, cuando hay transmisores del cerebro detectados por nuestro intestino, nuestro intestino disminuye el trabajo, y no trabaja ni usa sangre y energ\u00eda para ahorrar energ\u00eda y as\u00ed resolver el problema."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Time is used to displace us, or conversely, we are urged into complacency through endless calls to just be patient.","es":"El tiempo se utiliza para desplazarnos o por el contrario, se nos insta a la complacencia a trav\u00e9s de exhortaciones sin fin a que seamos pacientes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Data can help you make a good design great, but it will never made a bad design good.","es":"Los datos pueden ayudar a hacer un buen gran dise\u00f1o, pero nunca hacen un mal dise\u00f1o, bueno."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And that's really mediated by the sex hormones.","es":"Y est\u00e1 mediada por las hormonas sexuales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I do see that cliff edge.","es":"Veo el borde del precipicio."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And they're simple, and they are globally, I think, universal principles.","es":"Son sencillos, mundiales y, creo, universales."} -{"gender":"female","en":"How could something that big live in our ocean and yet remain unfilmed until now?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo pudo vivir algo tan grande en nuestros oc\u00e9anos y haber permanecido sin ser filmado hasta ahora?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"You have the painting on the wall, the next day it's there.","es":"Uno tiene la pintura en la pared, al d\u00eda siguiente sigue ah\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I really believe that we must all start to ask tougher questions of information that we discover online.","es":"Realmente creo que todos debemos empezar a hacernos preguntas m\u00e1s dif\u00edciles sobre la informaci\u00f3n que descubrimos en l\u00ednea."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And my father, in a low voice, muttering, \"I'm just the youngest brother, there's nothing I can do.","es":"Y a mi padre, en voz baja, murmurar, Yo soy s\u00f3lo el hermano m\u00e1s chico, no puedo hacer nada."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"She's got six years to live because of the food that she's eaten.","es":"Vivir\u00e1 solo seis a\u00f1os mas a consecuencia de su alimentaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So I tried bronze casting.","es":"As\u00ed que ensay\u00e9 con bronce fundido."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And it's not true of enough people.","es":"Y esto no es cierto para la mayor\u00eda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But they ain't going to pay for what others, who have more money, have largely created, and I can agree on that.","es":"Pero ellos no est\u00e1n dispuestos a pagar por lo que otros, que tienen m\u00e1s dinero, han creado en gran medida, y estoy de acuerdo con ello."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And the idea here is that we stay out at Big Sur, and we watch the sunset in radio frequencies, and we try and detect the reflection of the sun off the surface of the ocean.","es":"Y la idea aqu\u00ed es que nos quedemos en Big Sur y veamos la puesta de sol en las frecuencias de radio y tratemos de detectar el reflejo del sol en la superficie del oc\u00e9ano."} -{"gender":"female","en":"She thinks Al Gore is a really good-looking man.","es":"Piensa que Al Gore es sin duda un hombre guapo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And then I said, \"Close your eyes.\"","es":"Entonces le dije: \"Cierra los ojos.\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"And we wait.","es":"Y esperamos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to give you a quick snapshot of some of the parts that go in.","es":"Les dar\u00e9 un panorama general de algunas de las partes involucradas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So this was the birth of vampire economics. Make a decision and give me some blood.","es":"As\u00ed naci\u00f3 la econom\u00eda vampiresca: toma una decisi\u00f3n y dame sangre."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Asking for help can be incredibly difficult.","es":"Pedir ayuda puede ser incre\u00edblemente dif\u00edcil."} -{"gender":"male","en":"AB: I was 24 years old and at the top of my game when a freak summersault while downhill skiing paralyzed me.","es":"AB: Ten\u00eda 24 a\u00f1os en la cima de mi vida cuando, por un extra\u00f1o salto en el aire, esquiando cuesta abajo qued\u00e9 paralizada."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So clearly the reaction was interesting.","es":"Est\u00e1 claro que la reacci\u00f3n fue interesante."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Adam I wants to conquer the world.","es":"Ad\u00e1n 1 quiere conquistar el mundo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"About a thousand years ago, at the height of the Islamic Renaissance, three brothers in Baghdad designed a device that was an automated organ.","es":"Hace unos mil a\u00f1os, a la altura del Renacimiento isl\u00e1mico, tres hermanos en Bagdad dise\u00f1aron un dispositivo que era un \u00f3rgano automatizado."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This is the most well-known example, Tadao Ando's Church of the Light.","es":"Este es el ejemplo m\u00e1s conocido: la Iglesia de la Luz, de Tadao Ando."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's sensorial.","es":"Es sensorial."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That's the kind of change we have to hope for.","es":"Es el tipo de cambio que desear\u00eda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It also captured the attention of authoritarian governments in other countries, who were worried that revolution would spread.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n capt\u00f3 la atenci\u00f3n de los gobiernos autoritarios en otros pa\u00edses, que estaban preocupados de que la revoluci\u00f3n se extender\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But we were all so nervous.","es":"Pero est\u00e1bamos todos muy nerviosos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to talk to you today about my work on suspended animation.","es":"Voy a hablarles acerca de mi trabajo con la animaci\u00f3n suspendida."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is from a company called Positive Energy.","es":"Esto es de una compa\u00f1\u00eda llamada Energ\u00eda Positiva."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And these are reductionist, deterministic chemical reactions, showing that, essentially, life is made of the same stuff as everything else, and if we can forget about quantum mechanics in the macro world, then we should be able to forget about it in biology, as well.","es":"Y estas son las reacciones qu\u00edmicas reduccionistas, deterministas, que muestran que, en esencia, la vida est\u00e1 hecha de la misma materia que todo lo dem\u00e1s, y si podemos olvidarnos de la mec\u00e1nica cu\u00e1ntica en el mundo macro, entonces deber\u00edamos poder olvidarnos de \u00e9l en la biolog\u00eda, tambi\u00e9n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It addresses one of the biggest health issues on the planet, the number one cause of death in children under five. Which is ?","es":"Trata sobre uno de los problemas de salud m\u00e1s grandes del mundo, la causa n\u00famero uno de muertes en ni\u00f1os menores de cinco a\u00f1os, \u00bfCu\u00e1l es?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"They began as casual vagina interviews, and they turned into vagina monologues.","es":"Comenzaron como entrevistas informales sobre vaginas, y se convirtieron en los \"Mon\u00f3logos de la vagina.\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"And when the molecule hits a certain amount that tells the bacteria how many neighbors there are, they recognize that molecule and all of the bacteria turn on light in synchrony.","es":"Y cuando la mol\u00e9cula llega a una cierta cantidad que le dice a las bacterias cu\u00e1ntas vecinas hay, ellas reconocen esa mol\u00e9cula y todas las bacterias generan luz en sincron\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They are full of people tapping into their resilience to get up every day, get the kids off to school and go to jobs that don't pay enough, or get educations that are putting them in debt.","es":"Est\u00e1n llenos de gente que aprovechan su resiliencia para levantarse cada d\u00eda, llevar los ni\u00f1os a la escuela e ir a trabajos donde no pagan lo suficiente, o conseguir educaci\u00f3n que los est\u00e1 dejando en deuda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I was at my minimum altitude in that vector, fast, so I pulled that. And then I did open my chute.","es":"Y estaba a una altura m\u00ednima en ese vector as\u00ed que lo accion\u00e9 y abr\u00ed el paraca\u00eddas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"When I was born, this idea was already conceived by pioneers such as the Fry brothers and Lars Leksell, who is know actually as the inventor of the gammaknife.","es":"Esta idea ya exist\u00eda cuando yo nac\u00ed, concebida por pioneros como los hermanos Fry y Lars Leksell, quien de hecho es conocido como el inventor del bistur\u00ed gamma."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, let's take a normal example.","es":"Pongamos un ejemplo corriente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That's why they're called that.","es":"Por eso se llaman as\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It wasn't until the final chapter of this story that I realized just how well midwifery had trained me.","es":"No fue hasta el cap\u00edtulo final de esta historia que me di cuenta de lo bien que la obstetricia me hab\u00eda entrenado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"How are you coping in your life in exile?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo haces frente a tu vida en el exilio?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"And Myung Sung, under some pressure from me and the translator, gave us an address on the outside of Seoul.","es":"Y bajo presi\u00f3n m\u00eda y de la traductora, Myung Sung nos dio una direcci\u00f3n en las afueras de Se\u00fal."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And two days later I came to do my next emergency shift, and that's when my chief asked to speak to me quietly in her office.","es":"Dos d\u00edas despu\u00e9s, cuando vine a hacer mi cambio de guardia, mi jefa pidi\u00f3 hablar conmigo tranquilamente en su oficina."} -{"gender":"male","en":"On the upside, the man that I worshipped as a child, the man that I wanted to become as an adult, I was finally able to get his autograph.","es":"Pero el lado bueno, el hombre al que idolatraba de ni\u00f1o, el hombre que quer\u00eda ser en la edad adulta, finalmente me ayud\u00f3 a conseguir su aut\u00f3grafo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I've just got a couple of images here.","es":"Solo tengo un par de im\u00e1genes aqu\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Let's look in their cutlery drawer.","es":"Miremos en el caj\u00f3n de los cubiertos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think of it as sort of a cathedral.","es":"Pienso en ello como una especie de catedral."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"No, it is.","es":"No, de verdad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now you may be thinking, this does not apply to me, because I have nothing to hide.","es":"Quiz\u00e1 est\u00e9n pensando que eso no los afecta a Uds. porque no tienen nada que ocultar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"They may well be by a TED speaker, and so we can get the conversation going during the year and come back next year having had the same intellectual, emotional journey. I think it will be great.","es":"Bien pueden ser de un ponente de TED y as\u00ed podemos mantener la conversaci\u00f3n durante el a\u00f1o y regresar al siguiente con el mismo viaje emocional e intelectual, que creo que ser\u00e1 grandioso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Our job now is to open the world to Jenipher and the billions like her that deserve to be trusted.","es":"Nuestro trabajo ahora es abrir el mundo para Jenipher y para los miles de millones como ella que merecen confianza."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Lisa Feldman Barrett: Mouth. Exactly.","es":"Lisa Feldman Barrett: Boca, correcto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The intense mixing, particularly the Drake Passage, which is shown by the box, is really one of the strongest currents in the world coming through here, flowing from west to east.","es":"La mezcla intensa, en particular el pasaje de Drake, que se muestra por el cuadro, es realmente una de las corrientes m\u00e1s fuertes del mundo que entra por aqu\u00ed, que fluye de oeste a este."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"There's a group of scientists and engineers and astronauts, and they call themselves The B612 Foundation.","es":"Hay un grupo de cient\u00edficos, ingenieros y astronautas llamados Fundaci\u00f3n B612."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And actually this last guy here said a phrase a few years ago that I think fits perfectly to the situation of Rio winning the Olympic bid.","es":"Y de hecho \u00e9ste \u00faltimo dijo aqu\u00ed una frase hace unos cuantos a\u00f1os que creo que se adapta perfectamente a la situaci\u00f3n de R\u00edo ganando la puja de las Olimpiadas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so we seek, really, to download from the amazing successes of the computer-science industry, two principles, that of open source and that of crowdsourcing, to quickly, responsibly accelerate the delivery of targeted therapeutics to patients with cancer.","es":"Y lo que buscamos realmente es aprender del incre\u00edble \u00e9xito de la industr\u00eda de la inform\u00e1tica dos principios: el de c\u00f3digo abierto y de trabajo colaborativo para de una manera r\u00e1pida y responsable acelerar la producci\u00f3n de terap\u00e9uticas espec\u00edficas a pacientes con c\u00e1ncer."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Eventually, the Royal Society and the scientific societies of other countries followed suit, and this has become, fortunately it's become, a major part of the scientific landscape today.","es":"Finalmente, la Royal Society, y las sociedades cient\u00edficas de otros pa\u00edses, siguieron el ejemplo, y esto se ha convertido, por suerte, en una parte importante del panorama cient\u00edfico actual."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My four aunties and two uncles who lived down the road would shout and gossip amongst themselves about how I had scandalized the entire bloodline.","es":"Mis cuatro t\u00edas y dos t\u00edos que viv\u00edan en el camino gritar\u00edan y chismorrear\u00edan entre s\u00ed sobre c\u00f3mo hab\u00eda escandalizado a toda la l\u00ednea de sangre."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Here's some images of that.","es":"Pueden verlo en estas im\u00e1genes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Empowering individuals and companies to save water is so critical, yet not sufficient.","es":"Empoderar a individuos y compa\u00f1\u00edas para que ahorren es cr\u00edtico pero no es suficiente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"All video games are violent. Of course the newspapers love to beat on this. But 83 percent of games don't have any mature content whatsoever, so it's just not true.","es":"Todos los videos juegos son violentos claro que a los peri\u00f3dicos adoran recalcar esto pero el 83% de los juegos no tienen ningun contenido adulto, asi que simplemente no es cierto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"You can.","es":"T\u00fa puedes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is the word that it talks with.","es":"Esta es la palabra con la que hablan."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"There was all this merengue blasting, neighbors socializing on building stoops and animated conversations over domino playing.","es":"Hab\u00eda toda esa tronadura de merengue, vecinos que socializaban en las escalinatas del edificio y conversaciones animadas alrededor del juego de domin\u00f3."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But in the new project that I'm working on, my new film, we examine the world of marketing, advertising.","es":"Pero en el nuevo film en el que estoy trabajando, examinamos el mundo del marketing, de la publicidad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And there's a gentleman there with a look of horror on his face.","es":"Y hab\u00eda un caballero ah\u00ed con una mirada de horror en su rostro."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Russia.","es":"Rusia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"There are many fish that get cycled into this whitefish thing but the way to kind of tell the story, I think, is through that classic piece of American culinary innovation, the Filet-O-Fish sandwich.","es":"Hay muchos peces que entran en esta cosa de pescado blanco pero la manera contar la historia, creo, es a trav\u00e9s de esa pieza cl\u00e1sica de la innovaci\u00f3n culinaria yanqui, el s\u00e1ndwich Filet-O-Fish."} -{"gender":"male","en":"\" who said, reach out and touch \"","es":"\"quien dijo, estira tu mano y toca\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"I knock that out of his hand.","es":"Se la arrebat\u00e9 de las manos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My answer is that we have the largest number of neurons in the cerebral cortex, and I think that's the simplest explanation for our remarkable cognitive abilities.","es":"Mi respuesta es que poseemos el mayor n\u00famero de neuronas en la corteza cerebral, y creo que es la explicaci\u00f3n m\u00e1s simple para nuestras habilidades cognitivas extraordinarias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The smooth stones on the sand are familiar to us.","es":"Los cantos rodados en la arena nos resultan familiares."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Let me show you what it looks like.","es":"D\u00e9jenme mostrarles c\u00f3mo se ve."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You'd show them something like this, wouldn't you?","es":"Les mostrar\u00edan algo as\u00ed, \u00bfno?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Oil doesn't sink, it floats.","es":"El petr\u00f3leo no se hunde, flota."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Finally, oysters can attenuate and agglomerate onto each other and form these amazing natural reef structures.","es":"Por \u00faltimo, los ostiones pueden atenuar al aglomerarse entre ellos y y formar estas asombrosas estructuras de arrecifes naturales."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Settling in Australia was quite hard, but it became harder when I started volunteering for an organization called Women's Health Statewide, and I joined their female genital mutilation program without any awareness of what this program was actually about, or that it related to me in any way.","es":"Acomodarnos en Australia fue bastante dif\u00edcil, pero se puso peor cuando entr\u00e9 de voluntaria en una organizaci\u00f3n llamada Salud Femenina Nacional. y me un\u00ed al programa de mutilaci\u00f3n genital femenina sin ser consciente de lo que significaba realmente este programa o de que esto ten\u00eda algo que ver conmigo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And then, once it's published, for-profit companies resell that information back to universities and public libraries through journal and database subscriptions.","es":"Y finalmente, una vez que el trabajo es publicado, empresas con fines de lucro revenden la informaci\u00f3n a las universidad y bibliotecas p\u00fablicas en forma de revistas y suscripciones a la base de datos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now there was a natural acidification event millions of years ago, which was much slower than what we're seeing today.","es":"Hubo un evento de acidificaci\u00f3n natural hace millones de a\u00f1os, que fue mucho m\u00e1s lento que lo que estamos viendo hoy."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They were amazing, like you can see here.","es":"Eran incre\u00edbles, como pueden ver aqu\u00ed."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The question is, can it recognize her expression?","es":"La pregunta es: \u00bfpuede reconocer su expresi\u00f3n?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Because I love plankton.","es":"Porque me encanta el plancton."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But once it arrived, if no buyer was to be found, or if prices suddenly dropped, farmers would incur tremendous losses.","es":"Pero una vez que llegaba, si no hab\u00eda comprador, o si de repente descend\u00edan los precios, los agricultores sufr\u00edan p\u00e9rdidas tremendas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You know, you're swimming with the fogged goggles, you're swimming at 60 strokes a minute, so you're never really focused on anything, you don't see well.","es":"Ya saben, uno nada con las gafas empa\u00f1adas a 60 brazadas por minuto, una no enfoca nada, una no ve bien."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And that is not the case.","es":"Y \u00e9se no es el caso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Men tend to get intimacy from side-by-side doing. As soon as one guy looks up, the other guy will look away. I think it comes from millions of years sitting behind the bush, looking straight ahead, trying to hit that buffalo on the head with a rock. I think, for millions of years, men faced their enemies, they sat side-by-side with friends.","es":"Los hombres tienden a obtener intimidad lado a lado, Tan pronto un tipo voltea, el otro mirara al otro lado. Pienso que viene de millones de a\u00f1os de estar parados detr\u00e1s de-- sentados debajo del arbusto, mirando directo hacia delante, tratando de golpear ese b\u00fafalo en la cabeza con una piedra. Pienso que por millones de a\u00f1os los hombres enfrentaron a sus enemigos, se sentaron uno al lado del otro con amigos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"For instance, you remember the story of Isabelle that I told you.","es":"Por ejemplo, \u00bfse acuerdan de la historia de Isabelle?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"It was not going to work, so I decided that the only thing that was going to work was they had, at least some of them, had to also be moved through a hole that we could open up again in that wall and begin feeding the appropriate nonhuman animals through that hole onto the other side of being legal persons.","es":"No iba a funcionar, por eso decid\u00ed que lo \u00fanico que funcionar\u00eda ser\u00eda si al menos alguno de ellos lograba atravesar el agujero que pudi\u00e9semos abrir en el muro y empezar a pasar animales no humanos a trav\u00e9s de ese agujero hacia el lado de las personas jur\u00eddicas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And, all of a sudden, my paintings came alive.","es":"Y, de repente, mis pinturas se cobraron vida."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's not agreement, it's not sameness that pro-voice is after.","es":"No es acuerdo, no es igualdad lo que Pro-Voice busca."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The Gini coefficient has already passed the dangerous line of 0.4.","es":"El coeficiente de Gini ya ha pasado la l\u00ednea peligrosa del 0,4."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Fall to your knees.","es":"Arrod\u00edllense."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Over 17 days at the Olympics, 7,000 visitors from all over the world actually got to individually control the light from the CN Tower, parliament and Niagara in real time with their minds from across the country, 3,000 km away. So controlling stuff with your mind is pretty cool.","es":"En los JJ.OO., en 17 d\u00edas los 7000 visitantes de todo el mundo realmente controlaron la iluminaci\u00f3n de la Torre C.N., del Parlamento y de Ni\u00e1gara en tiempo real usando sus mentes a trav\u00e9s del pa\u00eds a 3000 km. As\u00ed que controlar cosas con la mente es genial."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So here the computer picks random syllables and puts them together so you have something sort of pronounceable, like \"tufritvi\" and \"vadasabi.\"","es":"As\u00ed que aqu\u00ed la computadora recoge s\u00edlabas al azar y las pone une para obtener algo pronunciable, como \"tufritvi\" y \"vadasabi\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"What this shows is a nation-by-nation breakdown of the likely level of food waste in each country in the world.","es":"All\u00ed se analiza pa\u00eds por pa\u00eds los niveles probables de desperdicio de comida en cada lugar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Not that I'm suggesting anyone in this audience would use it to go and procure high-quality narcotics.","es":"No es que est\u00e9 sugiriendo a nadie en esta audiencia utilizarla y adquirir narc\u00f3ticos de alta calidad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is when she had her second daughter.","es":"Esto es cuando ella tuvo su segunda hija."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The highest concentration is in our brains.","es":"La concentraci\u00f3n m\u00e1s alta est\u00e1 en nuestro cerebro."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But as soon as they passed by, it would start to climb up the wall in jerky fashion. And it would get exhausted, and it would collapse every time.","es":"Pero en cuanto pasaran al lado, empezar\u00eda a trepar la pared de forma espasm\u00f3dica, luego se cansar\u00eda y se desplomar\u00eda cada vez."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I did a few prototypes.","es":"Hice unos cuantos prototipos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That's why the choice is hard.","es":"Por eso la elecci\u00f3n es dif\u00edcil."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I've been wondering for a long time, since I've been thinking about memes a lot, is there a difference between the memes that we copy, the words we speak to each other, the gestures we copy, the human things, and all these technological things around us?","es":"Hace tiempo que me he estado preguntando, desde que le he dedicado a los memes un rato, \u00bfexiste una diferencia entre los memes que copiamos, - las palabras con las que nos hablamos, los gestos que copiamos, las cosas humanas - y todas estas cosas tecnol\u00f3gicas a nuestro alrededor?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"If your work was brilliant, you couldn't take all the credit for it, everybody knew that you had this disembodied genius who had helped you.","es":"Si tu trabajo era brillante no te pod\u00edas atribuir todo el m\u00e9rito por \u00e9l, todos sab\u00edan que tuviste este genio incorp\u00f3reo que te hab\u00eda ayudado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And my mother turned to me and said, \"What language is he speaking?\"","es":"Y mi madre se dio vuelta y me dijo, \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 idioma est\u00e1 hablando?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"In the story I'm going to tell you, our conscious experiences of the world around us, and of ourselves within it, are kinds of controlled hallucinations that happen with, through and because of our living bodies.","es":"En la historia que voy a contar, nuestra experiencia consciente del mundo que nos rodea, y de nosotros mismos en ella, son tipos de alucinaciones controladas que suceden con, a trav\u00e9s y por medio de nuestros cuerpos vivos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We need to work together to embrace and repair our land, repair our power systems and repair ourselves.","es":"Tenemos que trabajar juntos para abrazar y reparar nuestra tierra, reparar nuestros sistemas energ\u00e9ticos y repararnos nosotros mismos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Young people, I think, my Harvard Business School students, are getting it.","es":"Creo que los j\u00f3venes, mis estudiantes de Harvard Business School, lo est\u00e1n entendiendo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"These nano-bots I mentioned will first be used for medical and health applications: cleaning up the environment, providing powerful fuel cells and widely distributed decentralized solar panels and so on in the environment.","es":"Estos nanobots que mencion\u00e9 van a ser primero usados para aplicaciones m\u00e9dicas y de salud: limpiar el medioambiente, suministrando potentes c\u00e9lulas de combustible y paneles solares descentralizados ampliamente distribuidos, y mucho m\u00e1s al medioambiente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is a light called synchrotron radiation, and it's formed from electrons spiraling around cosmic magnetic fields.","es":"Se trata de una luz llamada radiaci\u00f3n de sincrotr\u00f3n, y se forma de los electrones que giran en los campos magn\u00e9ticos c\u00f3smicos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That was a month of my life.","es":"Me tom\u00f3 un mes de mi vida."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The app Podium, released by my company, AutismSees, has the ability to independently assess and help develop communication skills.","es":"La aplicaci\u00f3n Podio, lanzada por mi compa\u00f1\u00eda AutismSees, tiene la capacidad de hacer evaluaciones independientes y ayudar a desarrollar habilidades de comunicaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, I've known a lot of fish in my life.","es":"As\u00ed que he conocido muchos pescados en mi vida."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's an absolute miracle, much harder to explain than the Grand Canyon.","es":"Es un milagro absoluto, mucho m\u00e1s dif\u00edcil de explicar que el Gran Ca\u00f1\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Could the private sector and NGOs get together and marshal a response?","es":"\u00bfPodr\u00edan el sector privado y las ONG unirse y dar una respuesta?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"And the beauty of what's going on there is that the tone of the conversation is the tone that I like.","es":"La belleza de lo que est\u00e1 pasando all\u00ed es que el tono de la conversaci\u00f3n es el tono que me gusta."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, the challenge is full speed ahead.","es":"As\u00ed que el reto va a toda velocidad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"There are a million angry-boy-on-a-bike stories and we can't afford to ignore them simply because we don't like their protagonists or because that's not the kid that we would bring home with us from the orphanage.","es":"Hay un mill\u00f3n de historias de chicos de la bici enojados y no podemos permitirnos ignorarlos simplemente porque no nos gustan sus protagonistas o porque ese no es el chico que llevar\u00edamos a casa con nosotros desde el orfanato."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You know, it's just one point.","es":"Saben, es solo un punto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I was a young man at the time.","es":"Yo era joven en ese tiempo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I'm not here from the Chamber of Commerce. I'm here as a man who wants to communicate.","es":"Pero a m\u00ed no me mand\u00f3 aqu\u00ed la C\u00e1mara de Comercio\" \"Estoy aqu\u00ed para comunicar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My work is play.","es":"Mi trabajo es jugar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And one time, when he finally got his box of Frosted Flakes back, it was crawling with roaches.","es":"Y una vez, cuando finalmente lleg\u00f3 su caja de Frosted Flakes, estaba llena de cucarachas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That's where all the assets are! And we've been trawling them down much faster than the natural systems can replenish them.","es":"\u00a1All\u00ed es donde est\u00e1n todos los bienes! y los hemos estado pescando mucho m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido de lo que sus sistemas naturales los pueden reponer."} -{"gender":"male","en":"For my second project, I have a sensational idea of a jump that never has been done before.","es":"Para el segundo proyecto he tenido una idea sensacional, un salto que nadie ha hecho antes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Something has happened to my brain.","es":"Algo le pas\u00f3 a mi cerebro."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The reason, I would come to find out, was that their prosthetic sockets were painful because they did not fit well.","es":"El motivo, luego me dar\u00eda cuenta, era que los encajes ortop\u00e9dicos produc\u00edan dolor porque no calzaban bien."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"In a globalized world, corruption is a truly globalized business, and one that needs global solutions, supported and pushed by us all, as global citizens, right here.","es":"En un mundo globalizado, la corrupci\u00f3n es un negocio que est\u00e1 en todas partes y que necesita soluciones mundiales, apoyadas y empujadas por todos nosotros, como ciudadanos del mundo, aqu\u00ed mismo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I mean, this is a story which I think for a lot of the techies in this room is the single most shocking thing that they have heard in the last few months.","es":"Es una historia que para muchos tecn\u00f3logos en la sala es lo m\u00e1s revelador que escucharon en los \u00faltimos meses."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It has amazing Moche pottery of human figures.","es":"Tiene una cer\u00e1mica moche incre\u00edble con figuras humanas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Together, we can build the future today.","es":"Juntos podemos construir el futuro hoy."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But her Igbo wasn't too good.","es":"Pero su Igbo no era muy bueno."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, here I was again with a small team, in uncharted territory, doing \"Avatar,\" coming up with new technology that didn't exist before.","es":"Y all\u00ed estaba yo con un peque\u00f1o equipo, en terreno inexplorado haciendo \u201cAvatar\u201d, creando nueva tecnolog\u00eda que no exist\u00eda antes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Oh sure, sure, I had moments of appreciation of my body, the way an abusive parent can sometimes have a moment of kindness.","es":"Ah, seguro, seguro, tuve momentos de mayor aprecio por mi cuerpo, del modo en que un padre abusivo puede a veces tener momentos de bondad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And in our smallest units of life, our cells, we carry all the information that's required for every other cell to function and to replicate.","es":"Y en las unidades m\u00e1s peque\u00f1as de la vida, las c\u00e9lulas, llevamos toda la informaci\u00f3n lo requerido por cada c\u00e9lula para funcionar y para replicarse."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We can't do anything about getting older or the genes we've inherited.","es":"No podemos hacer nada contra el envejecer o los genes que heredamos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"In America they say a period stop.","es":"En EE.UU. dicen un punto final."} -{"gender":"female","en":"You could say that I get paid to argue that the language we use matters, and I would like to argue that many of the metaphors we use to talk about love, maybe even most of them, are a problem.","es":"Se podr\u00eda decir que me pagan para que el lenguaje que usamos importe, y me gustar\u00eda argumentar que muchas de las met\u00e1foras que usamos para hablar del amor - quiz\u00e1 incluso la mayor\u00eda de ellas - son un problema."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I think you all must be aware of it, but I'll still list it for the few who don't.","es":"Creo que todos deben ser conscientes de ello, pero aun as\u00ed las enumerar\u00e9 para los pocos que no lo son."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Leave them abandoned, and they risk exploitation and abuse, and leave them unskilled and uneducated, and delay by years the return to peace and prosperity in their countries.","es":"Si los abandonamos correr\u00e1n el riesgo de ser explotados y de sufrir abusos, si no les ofrecemos una cualificaci\u00f3n y educaci\u00f3n, perderemos a\u00f1os y retrasaremos el proceso de paz y la prosperidad en sus pa\u00edses."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And results from it have already shown pictures very similar to what you've seen here on Earth.","es":"Y sus resultados ya han mostrado im\u00e1genes muy similares a lo visto aqu\u00ed en la Tierra."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so here's what I did.","es":"Y eso hice."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And now I think next time you go to your front step and pick up that box that you just ordered online, you break it open and the goo is in there, you'll have some wonderment as to whether a robot assisted in the picking and packing of that order.","es":"Creo que el siguiente paso es que vayan a la puerta, recojan esa caja de lo que pidieron en l\u00ednea, la abran y el revoltijo est\u00e9 ah\u00ed; sentir\u00e1n cierto asombro de si un robot asisti\u00f3 en la recolecci\u00f3n y empaque de ese pedido."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And finally, from Teach For America, I learned that a class is not primarily about information.","es":"Y finalmente, de Teach For America, aprend\u00ed que lo principal de una clase no es la informaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's really like playing a wall.","es":"Es realmente como jugar con una pared."} -{"gender":"male","en":"A couple of them were students in a course I was giving on evolutionary biology.","es":"Un par de ellos eran mis alumnos en un curso que daba sobre biolog\u00eda evolutiva."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But I think that's the only thing that I'm afraid of, and I don't want my mom to not see anyone when she waits in the night.","es":"Pero creo que eso es lo \u00fanico que me da miedo, y no quiero que mi mam\u00e1 no vea a nadie cuando ella me espera por la noche."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Caretaking is mightily loving.","es":"El cuidado es muy amoroso."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The Hejaz Railway ran from Istanbul to Medina via Damascus.","es":"La l\u00ednea Hijaz iba desde Estambul hasta Medina v\u00eda Damasco."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So something interesting had to be going on.","es":"Algo interesante ten\u00eda que estar ocurriendo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is a 3D model of Durbar Square in Kathmandu, before the earthquake that occurred last April and this is after.","es":"Esto es un modelo 3D de la plaza Durbar en Katmand\u00fa, antes del terremoto del pasado abril y esto es despu\u00e9s."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But what's cool about this is that, not only is it augmenting this visual representation of the world with things that are coming in from users, but it also is the foundation for augmented reality, and that's something that I'll be showing you more of in just a moment.","es":"Pero lo bueno de esto es que no s\u00f3lo aumenta esta representaci\u00f3n visual del mundo con las cosas de los usuarios, sino tambi\u00e9n es la base de la realidad aumentada y eso es algo importante que les mostrar\u00e9 en un momento."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This used to be a bipartisan issue, and I know that in this group it really is.","es":"\u00c9ste sol\u00eda ser un tema bipartidista, y s\u00e9 que en este grupo realmente lo es."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But I know that it's there.","es":"Pero s\u00e9 que est\u00e1 ah\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In fact, I bought the gold-plated special edition and it comes with a little slip of paper that says, \"Don't use this juicer to make juice.\"","es":"De hecho, compr\u00e9 la edici\u00f3n especial dorada que viene con una peque\u00f1a nota que dice: \"No use este exprimidor para hacer jugos\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I should just mention briefly, is this really the right list that we got out?","es":"S\u00f3lo debo mencionar brevemente, \u00bfes \u00e9sta realmente la lista adecuada que obtuvimos?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"A few years later, I came to understand what tradition and culture meant, and what was considered taboo or otherwise. In the majority of African cultures, women have been forbidden to play drums and percussion for a very long time.","es":"A\u00f1os despu\u00e9s, logr\u00e9 comprender el significado de la tradici\u00f3n y de la cultura, y de lo que se consideraba tab\u00fa o no. En la mayor\u00eda de las culturas africanas, las mujeres tienen prohibido tocar los tambores o hacer percusi\u00f3n desde hace mucho tiempo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"A few days later, we had a funeral with our immediate family, including baby Callum, and we basically closed this chapter in our lives.","es":"Unos d\u00edas m\u00e1s tarde, tuvimos un funeral con nuestra familia m\u00e1s cercana, incluyendo a nuestro beb\u00e9 Callum, y b\u00e1sicamente cerramos este cap\u00edtulo de nuestras vidas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"See, back in the '90s, being a gadget freak like I am, I would rush out to the store for the very, very latest gadget.","es":"All\u00e1 por los a\u00f1os 90, siendo el friki de los dispositivos que soy, sal\u00eda corriendo a la tienda tras el \u00faltimo dispositivo que sal\u00eda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm using my brain theory to see.","es":"Usar\u00e9 mi teor\u00eda del cerebro para ver."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The disinvestment that began in the 1960s set the stage for all the environmental injustices that were to come.","es":"La falta de inversi\u00f3n que comenz\u00f3 en la d\u00e9cada de 1960 prepar\u00f3 el terreno para todas las injusticias ambientales que vendr\u00edan."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Do I matter, or really exist for you?","es":"\u00bfImporto?, o \u00bfrealmente existo para ustedes?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, if you take a game like Warcraft, you can think about it, if you like, as a great box-opening effort.","es":"Si uno toma un juego como el Warcraft se lo puede pensar, si se quiere, como un gran esfuerzo de apertura de cajas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So I started working with refugees because I wanted to make a difference, and making a difference starts with telling their stories.","es":"Empec\u00e9 a trabajar con refugiados porque quer\u00eda cambiar las cosas, y cambiar las cosas empieza con contar sus historias."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We stood together and watched the maids cut lettuces.","es":"Estuvimos juntos y miramos las criadas cortar lechugas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And in their paper they listed the five likes that were most indicative of high intelligence.","es":"En su art\u00edculo listaron los 5 \"me gusta\" m\u00e1s indicativos de una inteligencia alta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Most of them will either try to resist or avoid water loss.","es":"La mayor\u00eda tratar\u00e1n de resistir o evitar la p\u00e9rdida de agua."} -{"gender":"male","en":"One day, I was faced face-to-face with Christ.","es":"Un d\u00eda, fui enfrentado cara a cara con Cristo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Do you call it, do they bloom?","es":"Se dice as\u00ed, \u00bfflorecidos?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Narrator: A vaccine trains the body in advance how to recognize and neutralize a specific invader.","es":"Narradora: una vacuna entrena al cuerpo por anticipado sobre c\u00f3mo reconocer y neutralizar a un invasor espec\u00edfico."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And now that you know the power of curiosity to change the world, how will you make sure that the world invests in curiosity for the sake of the generations that will come after us?","es":"Y ahora que conocen el poder que tiene la curiosidad para cambiar el mundo, \u00bfc\u00f3mo asegurar\u00e1n que el mundo invierta en curiosidad por el bien de las generaciones venideras?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I have a couple of young kids at home, and I knew that the only way they were going to get to know this person who was such a towering figure in my life would be through that session.","es":"Para mis dos ni\u00f1os peque\u00f1os en casa, la \u00fanica manera de que conocieran a esta persona, una figura tan imponente en mi vida, ser\u00eda a trav\u00e9s de esa sesi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They are in the birthing rooms.","es":"Se encuentran en las salas de parto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They don't have the constantly fluctuating levels of hormones that could disrupt clean data they could get if they had only men.","es":"No tienen niveles constantemente fluctuantes de hormonas que podr\u00edan alterar los datos limpios que obten\u00edan si ten\u00edan solo hombres."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Why are you bothering?\"","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 lo intentas?\""} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"If we can actually do it, it must be possible.","es":"Si podemos realmente hacerlo, debe ser posible."} -{"gender":"female","en":"How can this be?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo puede ser?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Others think about Malthusian nightmares.","es":"Otros piensan en las pesadillas malthusianas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And by doing so, we can differentiate the surfaces.","es":"Y de esta forma, podemos distinguir las superficies."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I went through the same period of shame and recriminations and felt cleansed and went back to work, until it happened again and again and again.","es":"Y atraves\u00e9 el mismo per\u00edodo de verg\u00fcenza y reproches, luego me alivi\u00e9 y regres\u00e9 a trabajar, hasta que sucedi\u00f3 una y otra vez, y otra vez."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I wasn't worried, by the way, about, you know, the explosion causing the destruction of the planet.","es":"Pero yo no me preocupaba, sobre, ustedes saben, que la explosi\u00f3n causar\u00eda la destrucci\u00f3n del planeta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Five minutes.","es":"5 minutos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's not my costume, that's actually Hellboy.","es":"Ese no es mi disfraz, que en realidad es Hellboy."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What I love about The Leap is that it rejects the idea that there is this hierarchy of crisis, and it doesn't ask anyone to prioritize one struggle over another or wait their turn.","es":"Lo que me encanta de \"Dar el salto\" es que rechaza la idea de que hay una jerarqu\u00eda de crisis, no da prioridad a ninguna lucha sobre otra, ni las pone en espera."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is when we see the birth of the transnational arms organization Al Qaeda.","es":"Es en ese momento que observamos el nacimiento de la organizaci\u00f3n armada transnacional Al Qaeda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I just put a can on a copier and kept enlarging it until I got the size I want.","es":"Lo puse en una fotocopiadora y lo aument\u00e9 hasta el tama\u00f1o deseado."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That's most certainly not the case in the Middle East where countries are still very uncomfortable in the borders left behind by European colonialists.","es":"Sin lugar a dudas no ocurre lo mismo en Oriente Pr\u00f3ximo donde los pa\u00edses contin\u00faan sinti\u00e9ndose inc\u00f3modos en las fronteras dibujadas por los colonizadores europeos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That idea has got to spread, or it won't be effective.","es":"Esa idea debe difundirse o no tendr\u00e1 efecto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We just need to act on it.","es":"Solo tenemos que actuar en consecuencia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When you finally are called back to your appointment, you are greeted by Alexis or Trina, two of Jennie's medical assistants.","es":"Cuando finalmente se las vuelve a llamar para sus consultas, las reciben Alexis o Trina, dos de las asistentes sanitarias de Jennie."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Early religious thought conceived God as a sort of superhuman person, doing things all over the place.","es":"Los primeros religiosos concibieron a Dios como una suerte de persona superhumana, haciendo cosas en todos lados."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I told my lab members that I would rap for TED, and they said, \"No, you won't.\"","es":"Dije en mi laboratorio que iba a rapear para TED y me dijeron: \u00abNo, no lo har\u00e1s\u00bb."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We now live in a global village where we can mimic the ties that used to happen face to face, but on a scale and in ways that have never been possible before.","es":"Ahora vivimos en una aldea global donde se pueden imitar los relaciones que ten\u00edan lugar cara a cara, pero a una escala y de forma que nunca antes hab\u00eda sido posible."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I know toughness when I see it.","es":"Pero reconozco la fuerza cuando la veo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I wasn't surprised because of something my mother taught me about 30 years before.","es":"No estaba sorprendida por algo que mi madre me hab\u00eda ense\u00f1ado 30 a\u00f1os antes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"LG: Pardon?","es":"LG: \u00bfDisculpa?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Is it safe?","es":"\u00bfEs seguro?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Because it's cheaper, because they don't pay the real environmental costs.","es":"Porque es m\u00e1s barato, porque no pagan los costes medioambientales reales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I mean, it goes on in our private lives, too, every single day.","es":"Me refiero a que, sigue en nuestras vidas privadas tambi\u00e9n, cada d\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Take a look at this drawing.","es":"Miren este dibujo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So why should we believe the science?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 tenemos que creer en la ciencia?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And we're miserable.","es":"Y somos desgraciados."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This ability to interact actively with the material and be told when you're right or wrong is really essential to student learning.","es":"Esta posibilidad de interactuar activamente con el material y recibir evaluaci\u00f3n inmediata es esencial para el aprendizaje."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In studies conducted in Papua New Guinea, Paul Ekman, the world's most renowned researcher on facial expressions, found that even members of the Fore tribe, who were completely disconnected from Western culture, and also known for their unusual cannibalism rituals, attributed smiles to descriptions of situations the same way you and I would.","es":"En estudios realizados en Pap\u00faa Nueva Guinea, Paul Ekman, el investigador de expresiones faciales m\u00e1s reconocido del mundo, hall\u00f3 que hasta los miembros de la tribu fore, completamente desconectados de la cultura occidental, tambi\u00e9n conocidos por sus rituales poco comunes de canibalismo atribu\u00edan sonrisas a descripciones de situaciones de la misma forma que har\u00edan Uds. y yo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So just through self-assembly, mixing things together in the lab, we can come up with, say, a metabolic surface with some informational molecules attached inside of this membrane body, right?","es":"As\u00ed que usando solamente el autoensamblaje, y mezclando cosas en el laboratorio, se obtiene por ejemplo, una superficie metab\u00f3lica con algunas mol\u00e9culas informativas pegadas al interior del cuerpo de esta membrana."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So, they put the cells in cultures, chicken cells, dumped the virus on it, and it would pile up, and they would say, this is malignant and this is normal.","es":"As\u00ed pues, pusieron las c\u00e9lulas de pollo en cultivos, depositaron el virus en ellos, y despu\u00e9s de que se apilaran dir\u00edan, este es maligno y este es normal."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Number five, one of my favorites: reversal of the Earth's magnetic field.","es":"N\u00famero cinco, uno de mis favoritos. Reversi\u00f3n del campo magn\u00e9tico de la Tierra."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And so many of his patients came in presenting with malnutrition that be began prescribing food for them.","es":"Y eran tantos los pacientes que llegaban presentando malnutrici\u00f3n que empez\u00f3 a prescribirles comida."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Don't move the cups, I don't want anybody to see where the spike is, but give the plinths an extra mix up, and then line them up.","es":"No muevas los vasos porque no quiero que nadie vea d\u00f3nde est\u00e1 la estaca, s\u00f3lo revuelve los plintos un poco m\u00e1s y luego los alineas \u00bfcorrecto?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The doctors, it seemed, never really had enough time for all the patients, try as they might.","es":"Parec\u00eda que los doctores nunca ten\u00edan tiempo suficiente para todos los pacientes, por m\u00e1s que lo intentaban."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If the two bodies are spinning very rapidly, I have that same chirp, but with a modulation on top of it, so it kind of goes: whir, whir, whir!","es":"Si ambos cuerpos giran muy r\u00e1pidamente, obtengo el mismo chirrido, pero con una modulaci\u00f3n en la parte superior, que puede ser as\u00ed, whir, whir, whir"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Let's go back to small-scale, to farmers' markets, small bakeries and all that.\"","es":"Volvamos a la peque\u00f1a escala, a los mercados de granjeros, peque\u00f1as panader\u00edas y todo esto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But it didn't start out that way.","es":"Pero no empez\u00f3 as\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I have pretty good news for you. I have good news that the , new head of UN statistics doesn't say it's impossible.","es":"Y les tengo una buena noticia: el actual Director de Estad\u00edsticas de la ONU dice que no es imposible."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Today I am 22.","es":"Hoy tengo 22 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So I want to suggest today a couple of ways to think about sanitation that will perhaps help ameliorate the stigma and bring them into this conversation of how to craft a city that is sustainable and humane.","es":"As\u00ed que hoy quiero sugerirles un par de formas de pensar sobre la recolecci\u00f3n de residuos que tal vez ayuden a reducir el estigma e incluirlos en esa conversaci\u00f3n sobre c\u00f3mo dise\u00f1ar una ciudad sustentable y humana."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But I was legally permitted.","es":"Pero ten\u00eda permiso legal."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I feel like I have brought the preferential option for the poor to the World Bank Group.","es":"Y siento que he llevado la opci\u00f3n preferencial por los pobres al Grupo del Banco Mundial."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well, I wasn't so interested in the swimming.","es":"Personalmente, no me interesaba como nadaban."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm an expert in relationships.\"","es":"Soy un experto en relaciones.\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"But not just that.","es":"Pero no solo eso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And there is evidence for this.","es":"Y hay evidencia para esto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This distinction between victim and empowered is imaginary.","es":"Esta distinci\u00f3n entre la v\u00edctima y quien tiene el poder es imaginaria."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"In fact if you look at world history you can see some reasons for optimism.","es":"De hecho si nos fijamos en la historia mundial podemos ver algunas razones para estar optimistas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"My colleagues Brian Nosek and Jesse Graham and I made a questionnaire, which we put up on the web at www.YourMorals.org.","es":"Mis colegas, Brian Nosek y Jesse Graham y yo, hicimos un cuestionario, que colocamos en la Web en www.YourMorals.org."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So I spent the next two years interviewing convicted terrorists, jihadis and former extremists.","es":"Los siguientes dos a\u00f1os los pas\u00e9 entrevistando a terroristas convictos, yihadies y antiguos extremistas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And they need to know so much, yet most lack knowledge on livestock disease prevention and treatment.","es":"Y ellos necesitan saber mucho, pero la mayor\u00eda carece de conocimiento sobre prevenci\u00f3n y tratamiento de enfermedades del ganado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But then I gave up and I said, \"Well, art is whatever.\"","es":"Hasta que me di por vencido y dije: \"Bueno, el arte es lo que sea.\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"I soon learned that living outside what the mainstream considers normal can be a frustrating and isolating place.","es":"Pronto aprend\u00ed que vivir fuera de lo que el com\u00fan considera normal puede ser algo frustrante y aislante."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I'd like to talk a little bit more about the brain, because I know you like that here at TED, so if you just give me a minute here, okay.","es":"Quisiera hablar m\u00e1s acerca del cerebro, porque s\u00e9 que a ustedes les gusta esto aqu\u00ed en TED, as\u00ed que si me dan un minuto por aqu\u00ed, bien."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I got 60 pieces out of it for my school because I felt that welfare moms and ex-steel workers and single parents deserved to come to a school where there was handcrafted furniture that greeted them every day. Because it sets a tone and an attitude about how you feel about people long before you give them the speech.","es":"Y yo consegu\u00ed 60 piezas para mi escuela porque sent\u00ed que madres con asistencia social y ex trabajadores sider\u00fargicos y padres solteros merec\u00edan venir a una escuela donde hubieran muebles artesanales d\u00e1ndoles la bienvenida todos los d\u00edas porque promueve un tono y una actitud sobre lo que uno siente de la gente mucho antes de darles el discurso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'll show you just one part of our study.","es":"Les mostrar\u00e9 s\u00f3lo una parte de nuestro estudio."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And the tool that I used to access virtual reality was the Evel Knievel stunt cycle.","es":"Y la herramienta que us\u00e9 para acceder a la realidad virtual fue la moto de riesgo de Evel Knievel."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I don't want you to know either, so swivel around on your chair.","es":"Pero tampoco quiero que t\u00fa sepas, as\u00ed que voy a girar la silla."} -{"gender":"male","en":"CA: Jim, a couple of years ago, I got the chance to speak with Elon Musk, and I asked him the secret of his success, and he said taking physics seriously was it.","es":"CA: Jim, hace unos a\u00f1os, tuve la oportunidad de hablar con Elon Musk, y le pregunt\u00e9 el secreto de su \u00e9xito, y dijo tomarme la f\u00edsica en serio fue todo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It wasn't about that we'd closed Broadway to cars.","es":"No se trataba de que hab\u00edamos cerrado Broadway a los coches."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Some years ago, I set out to try to understand if there was a possibility to develop biofuels on a scale that would actually compete with fossil fuels but not compete with agriculture for water, fertilizer or land.","es":"A\u00f1os atr\u00e1s, intent\u00e9 entender si era posible desarrollar biocombustibles de manera que pudiera reemplazar los combustibles f\u00f3siles sin competir por el agua, los fertilizantes o la tierra para la agricultura."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Neil and I were sitting there comparing how little we've slept in anticipation for this.","es":"Neil y yo compar\u00e1bamos sentados all\u00ed lo poco que hab\u00edamos dormido. pensando en esto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm not.","es":"No lo soy."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I think we probably do need to pay some more attention to that, because it's actually kind of fragile.","es":"Y creo que quiz\u00e1 tenemos que prestar algo m\u00e1s de atenci\u00f3n a eso, porque all\u00ed hay una cierta fragilidad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, it's not the most sonorous word in the world, but I believe that this is now the next generation of the internet, and that it holds vast promise for every business, every society and for all of you, individually.","es":"No es la palabra m\u00e1s clamorosa del mundo, pero creo que es la pr\u00f3xima generaci\u00f3n de Internet, y que encierra una gran promesa para cada negocio, cada sociedad y cada uno de nosotros."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So in our common language, Dutch, the name for T.B. is \"tering,\" which, etymologically, refers to the smell of tar.","es":"En nuestra lengua com\u00fan, el holand\u00e9s, la palabra para tuberculosis es \"tering\" que, etimol\u00f3gicamente, se refiere al olor del alquitr\u00e1n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"If we look back towards the galactic center, where we originally saw the Parkes image that I showed you earlier, low resolution, black and white, and we fade to the GLEAM view, you can see the resolution has gone up by a factor of a hundred.","es":"Si miramos hacia atr\u00e1s, hacia el centro gal\u00e1ctico, donde vimos originalmente la imagen de Parkes que mostr\u00e9 antes, baja resoluci\u00f3n, blanco y negro, y se desvanece a la vista del GLEAM, se puede ver que la resoluci\u00f3n se ha incrementado en un factor de cien."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Who would ever include a drunken guy in a sample?\"","es":"Qui\u00e9n incluir\u00eda un borracho en la muestra?\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"We will not be there.","es":"Nosotras no vamos a estar all\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So let me tell you a little bit about what rating agencies really do.","es":"D\u00e9jenme contarles un poco qu\u00e9 hacen en realidad estas agencias calificadoras."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And then I got my instructor rating.","es":"Y luego me dieron mi certificado de instructor."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The males are very picky about who they mate with, because they not only transfer sperm during mating, they also give the female something called a nuptial gift.","es":"Los machos son muy exigentes a la hora de elegir con qui\u00e9n se aparean porque no solo transfieren espermatozoides durante el apareamiento, sino que tambi\u00e9n le hacen a la hembra lo que se llama un regalo nupcial."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But this part of the equation I didn't really get, and I don't think my physicians really get this part of the equation.","es":"Pero esta parte de la ecuaci\u00f3n realmente no la entend\u00ed. Y no creo que mis m\u00e9dicos entiendan realmente esta parte de la ecuaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"She said, \"Well, I tried to get the formula, but my Department of Education contact told me it was math and I wouldn't understand it.\"","es":"Me respondi\u00f3, \"Trate de conseguir la f\u00f3rmula, pero un conocido del Departamento de Educaci\u00f3n me dijo que era matem\u00e1tica y que no la entender\u00eda\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And the idea is basically, can it look at you and make you feel as if like, \"What? Is it my shoes?\" \"Got something on my hair?\"","es":"Y la idea es b\u00e1sicamente, los puede mirar y hacerlos sentir como si, \"\u00bfQu\u00e9? \u00bfson mis zapatos? \"\u00bftengo algo en el pelo?\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"And the other, even better, I'm afraid that's America.","es":"Y el otro, todav\u00eda mejor, me temo que es EE. UU."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Her husband came home one day and said he was going to take their daughters back to Malaysia to cut off their clitoris.","es":"Un d\u00eda su esposo llega a la casa y dice que iba a llevar a sus hijas a Malasia para que les corten el cl\u00edtoris."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That became my strong desire to ignite innovation.","es":"Esto se convirti\u00f3 en mi mayor deseo de innovar."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"How do we self-identify and how mutable is that identity?","es":"\u00bfComo nos auto identificamos y que tan cambiante es esa identidad?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So this is the first 315 billion.","es":"Entonces estos son los primers 315 mil millones."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's stunning.","es":"Es impresionante."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Wow, they don\u2019t do that in graduate schools, I don\u2019t think.","es":"Wow, esto no lo hacen en escuelas de posgrado, no creo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I'd say, let's get out the matches.","es":"As\u00ed que yo dir\u00eda, saquemos las cerillas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But this claim is a rhetorical trap hidden behind a political bias.","es":"Pero esta afirmaci\u00f3n es una trampa ret\u00f3rica escondida detr\u00e1s de un sesgo pol\u00edtico."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We are now learning to understand what are the circuits, what are the areas of the brain that are responsible for the clinical signs and the symptoms of those diseases.","es":"Estamos empezando a entender cu\u00e1les son los circuitos, cu\u00e1les son las \u00e1reas del cerebro que son responsables de los efectos cl\u00ednicos y los s\u00edntomas de estas enfermedades."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They connect all humanity, regardless of identity politics, and that is the good news.","es":"Conectan toda la humanidad, a pesar de las pol\u00edticas de identidad. Y esas son buenas noticias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And when somebody is ready to purchase the product in their personalized design, they click \"Enter\" and this data gets converted into the data that a 3D printer reads and gets passed to a 3D printer, perhaps on someone's desktop.","es":"Cuando alguien est\u00e1 listo para comprar el producto con su dise\u00f1o personalizado, presiona una tecla y estos datos pasan a la impresora tridimensional ubicada quiz\u00e1 en un escritorio."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But it turns out, we were wrong.","es":"Pero resulta que est\u00e1bamos equivocados."} -{"gender":"male","en":"When people asked to take my picture, I would nod and I would shyly stand next to them.","es":"Cuando la gente me preguntaba si pod\u00edan tomar mi foto, asent\u00eda y me pon\u00eda con timidez a su lado."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Then there is another couple, there is a Brazilian couple.","es":"Y entonces hay otra pareja, hay una pareja brasile\u00f1a."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The justice was wearing black and Sandy wrote,","es":"La jueza vest\u00eda de negro y Sandy escribi\u00f3:"} -{"gender":"female","en":"The more I play, the better I work.","es":"Cuanto m\u00e1s juego, mejor trabajo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So did we have a special tool?","es":"\u00bfTen\u00edamos, entonces, alguna herramienta especial?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I am still a global citizen.","es":"Todav\u00eda soy un ciudadano del mundo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And what I mean by that is, we find a new job for it.","es":"Lo que esto significa es que le damos una nueva utilidad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"CA: And if I understand you right, the other key point you're making is, we've been through these years where there's all this talk of how quirky and buggy our minds are, that behavioral economics and the whole theories behind that that we're not rational agents.","es":"CA: \u00bfY te he entendido bien, el otro punto clave que est\u00e1s haciendo es, que hemos pasado estos a\u00f1os donde hay todas estas charlas de lo rara y loca que es nuestra mente, la econom\u00eda del comportamiento y las teor\u00edas subyacentes de que no somos agentes racionales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So if I found myself in the NFL, I suspect I would spend my off-season nursing my wounds, enjoying my house, so on and so forth, possibly recording a hip-hop album.","es":"As\u00ed que si me encuentro a mi mismo en la NFL Me imagino que pasar\u00eda la temporada baja curando mis heridas, disfrutando de mi casa, etc, etc, posiblemente grabando un album de hip-hop."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I'm very excited about this, because one thing we're working on is transforming the technologies that are very available in the food industry to be available for traditional crops.","es":"Pero, estoy emocionada porque estamos trabajando para hacer que la tecnolog\u00eda que est\u00e1 disponible en la industria alimentaria llegue a los cultivos tradicionales."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So you might see Versailles or Shackleton's Hut.","es":"Por tanto puedes ver Versalles o la Caba\u00f1a de Shackleton."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But now, look at this papaya.","es":"Pero ahora, miren esta papaya."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It was very time-consuming.","es":"Tom\u00f3 mucho tiempo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I came up with rule number nine after I actually didn't plan for a fall, and went about 40 feet and cracked a rib.","es":"Formul\u00e9 la regla n\u00famero nueve despu\u00e9s de no haber planeado para una ca\u00edda, y fueron alrededor de 12 metros y me romp\u00ed una costilla."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But we needed another test to make the diagnosis.","es":"Pero necesit\u00e1bamos otra prueba para hacer el diagn\u00f3stico."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I told you that in the first few years of trying to do this the old-fashioned way, going out to each country, we probably trained about 1,000 people.","es":"Y les dije que en los primeros a\u00f1os de intentar hacerlo a la vieja usanza, yendo pa\u00eds por pa\u00eds, llegamos a, no s\u00e9, quiz\u00e1 capacitamos unas 1000 personas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But you know, these shells, they're hard to find. They're covered in sand, they're difficult to see.","es":"Pero ya saben, es dif\u00edcil encontrar estas conchas; est\u00e1n cubiertas de arena y es dif\u00edcil verlas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, I believe that one really amazing thing will happen if you do this.","es":"Creo que suceder\u00e1 algo sorprendente si uno hace esto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"From the photosynthetic growth, it would take 500 years of that growth to produce what we use, the 30 billion barrels we use per year. And that also brought me to the fact that this poses such a risk to our society.","es":"Desde el crecimiento fotosint\u00e9tico, tomar\u00eda 500 a\u00f1os desde ese crecimiento para producir los 30 mil millones de barriles que usamos al a\u00f1o Esto me condujo adem\u00e1s al hecho de que esto pone a nuestra sociedad en riesgo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I think that that's quite a powerful thought.","es":"Y creo que este es un pensamiento poderoso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In particular, there's a medication, valproic acid, which mothers with epilepsy sometimes take, we know can increase that risk of autism.","es":"En particular, hay una medicina, el \u00e1cido valproico que las madres con epilepsia a veces toman, que sabemos puede incrementar el riesgo de autismo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And what is the cost of that communication system?","es":"\u00bfY cu\u00e1nto cuesta ese sistema de comunicaci\u00f3n?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"I didn't just ride in the trucks now.","es":"Ahora no simplemente viajaba en los camiones."} -{"gender":"female","en":"CA: I imagine you're not planning to open up to passenger service from New York to Long Beach anytime soon.","es":"CA: Imagino que no piensas ofrecerlo como servicio con pasajeros de Nueva York a Long Beach, pr\u00f3ximamente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But let me tell you a bit about it today.","es":"Pero d\u00e9jenme hablarles un poco sobre eso hoy."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I'm, yeah, actually I'm kind of finished at that moment.","es":"Simplemente los apil\u00e9. Y de hecho, como que ya he terminado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"\"This guy Tyler Cowen came and he told us not to think in terms of stories, but all he could do was tell us stories about how other people think too much in terms of stories.\"","es":"\"Este tipo Tyler Cowen vino y nos dijo que no hici\u00e9ramos caso a las historias, pero lo \u00fanico que hizo fue contarnos historias sobre c\u00f3mo otras personas hacen demasiado caso a las historias\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They knew how to come together and talk, and you would disagree maybe.","es":"Sab\u00edan c\u00f3mo reunirse y hablar, y no estaban de acuerdo, tal vez."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I think it's actually very empowering for homeowners and businesses.","es":"Creo que es ventajoso para los propietarios de viviendas y para los negocios."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Why can't we tell the supermarket and the capital markets that we care, that we care about fair labor standards, that we care about sustainable production methods and about healthy communities?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no podemos decirle a los supermercados y a los mercados de capital que nos importa, que nos importan los est\u00e1ndares de trabajo justo, que nos importan los m\u00e9todos de producci\u00f3n sustentable y las comunidades saludables?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"That is, we have regional management regimes within the exclusive economic zone, but we need to scale these up, we need to build their capacity, so they're like the Southern Ocean, where they do have the two-pronged fisheries and conservation organization.","es":"Es decir, hay reg\u00edmenes regionales de manejo dentro de la zona econ\u00f3mica exclusiva, pero tenemos que expandirlo, tenemos que crear la capacidad para hacer como en el Oc\u00e9ano Sur donde organizan tanto los caladeros como la conservaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"When you walk out of this room, you will be informed about vultures, but speak to your families, to your children, to your neighbors about vultures.","es":"Cuando salgan de esta sala, se les informar\u00e1 sobre los buitres, pero hablen con sus familias, con sus hijos, con sus vecinos sobre los buitres."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's not white, it's not black, it has no color, it's everybody's problem.","es":"No es de blancos, no es de negros, no tiene color; es un problema de todos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is inference.","es":"Esta es la inferencia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, let me move to another place.","es":"Pasemos a otro tema."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So the effects in both the case of iproniazid and imipramine, they were so strong, there was mania, or people dancing in the halls.","es":"Los efectos en los dos casos: en la iproniazida como el la imipramina, eran muy fuertes, hab\u00eda man\u00eda o gente bailando en los pasillos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I got about 3,000 emails.","es":"Recib\u00ed alrededor de 3.000 emails."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, this is only the first suit of armor I made inspired by \"Excalibur.\"","es":"Este es solo el primer juego de armadura que hice inspirado en \"Excalibur\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And it was only as recently as 500 years ago that it occupied the pathway that we're familiar with today.","es":"Y hace solo 500 a\u00f1os ocupa el recorrido que nos resulta familiar hoy."} -{"gender":"female","en":"As a result, he spent just four days in hospice, which I'm sure, as you all know, is a pretty typical outcome, and we never said goodbye because we were unprepared for the end.","es":"Como resultado, \u00e9l pas\u00f3 solo cuatro d\u00edas en un hospicio, que estoy segura, como todos saben, es un resultado bastante t\u00edpico, y nunca nos dijimos adi\u00f3s porque no est\u00e1bamos preparados para el final."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Fredo's got to go.","es":"Fredo se tiene que ir."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This, in fact, is a Victoria water lily leaf that floats on the top of a pond.","es":"De hecho, esta es una Victoria regia que flota en un estanque."} -{"gender":"female","en":"After this, they were scientists, professionals with a particular scientific method, goals, societies and funding.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de esto, fueron cientificos, profesionales con un m\u00e9todo cient\u00edfico particular, ideales, sociedades y financiamiento."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I think there's a case to be made that we should spend at least as much time, if not more, valuing the premise of connecting ideas and not just protecting them.","es":"Pero pienso que deber\u00edamos pasar el mismo tiempo, si no m\u00e1s, valorando el principio de la conexi\u00f3n de ideas y no s\u00f3lo protegi\u00e9ndolas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I said, \"Miguel, aren't they feasting on your fish?\"","es":"Le dije, \"Miguel, no se est\u00e1n haciendo un banquete con tu pescado?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"We had had a wonderful life there, and we decided to do something unusual.","es":"Ten\u00edamos una vida maravillosa y decidimos hacer algo poco com\u00fan."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"If you could speak with the leaders of those companies, what would you say to them?","es":"Si pudieses hablar con los lideres de esas compa\u00f1\u00edas, \u00bfqu\u00e9 les dir\u00edas?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"This routine surgery that many of you have probably experienced, and others are probably the product of, has now become a tragedy.","es":"Y ahora esta cirug\u00eda de rutina que muchos de ustedes seguramente hacen y otros probablemente han nacido as\u00ed, se volvi\u00f3 una tragedia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to start on a slightly somber note.","es":"Quiero empezar con una nota un poco l\u00fagubre."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And very often, secondary goals get pushed into the first place, in place of compassion and the Golden Rule.","es":"Muy a menudo, los objetivos secundarios pasan a un primer plano, en lugar de la compasi\u00f3n y la regla de oro."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The best time to protect a reef was 50 years ago, but the second-best time is right now.","es":"El mejor momento para proteger un arrecife fue hace 50 a\u00f1os, pero la segunda mejor \u00e9poca es ahora."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I had no idea how it was possible.","es":"No ten\u00eda idea de si era posible."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And from A Kp'iye Kp'oma, which is \"killer of mother and child,\" to Ya du j'ewn w'Iye kp'Oma, \"provider of food for mother and child.\"","es":"Y de kp'iye kp'oma que significa \"muerte de la madre y el hijo\", a Ya du j'ewn w'Iye kp'Oma, \"proveedor de comida para madre e hijo\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Prefrontal cortex is an interesting brain area.","es":"La corteza prefrontal es un \u00e1rea interesante del cerebro."} -{"gender":"female","en":"By getting into people's files like that, yeah, they broke the law, but they also forced that company to fix their product.","es":"Por entrar en los archivos de la gente de este modo, s\u00ed, ellos violaron la ley, pero tambi\u00e9n forzaron a esa empresa a arreglar su producto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And you know, I saw all the visions of the first couple of sessions. It almost made me feel a little bit guilty about having an uplifting talk about the future.","es":"Saben, vi todas las visiones de las primeras sesiones; y me hicieron sentir un poco culpable por tener una charla alentadora acerca del futuro."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I thought I couldn't believe in StoryCorps any more deeply than I did, but it was at that moment that I fully and viscerally grasped the importance of making these recordings.","es":"Yo pensaba que no se pod\u00eda tener m\u00e1s fe en StoryCorps que la que ya ten\u00eda. Pero fue en ese momento que comprend\u00ed, completa y visceralmente, la relevancia de hacer estas grabaciones."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The live-streaming is bidirectional, so students like Filipe and others can present information back.","es":"La transmisi\u00f3n en vivo es bidireccional, es decir, Filipe y los otros pueden enviar informaci\u00f3n de regreso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But no one's perfect, and I soon found out two disappointing things about Caitlin.","es":"Pero nadie es perfecto Y pronto descubr\u00ed dos cosas decepcionantes sobre Caitlin."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The virus was stopped in Nigeria by these four strategies and the people implementing them, obviously.","es":"Se detuvo el virus en Nigeria con estas 4 estrategias y gracias a la gente que las implement\u00f3, obviamente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I didn't tell Tony that.","es":"No se lo dije a Tony."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That's because you're feeling the future.","es":"Es as\u00ed porque ahora sienten el futuro."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So you have people who are like caricatures of alphas, really coming into the room, they get right into the middle of the room before class even starts, like they really want to occupy space.","es":"Hay unos que parecen caricarturas de alfas: Llegan al sal\u00f3n, y se dirigen al centro antes de comenzar la clase. Quieren ocupar mucho espacio."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's called \"Emerging Angel.\" This is the first day, it just gives the appearance that one is becoming the other.","es":"Se llama \"Emerging Angel\" Este es el primer d\u00eda. Simplemente pareciera que uno se est\u00e1 convirtiendo en el otro."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Rebecca Saxe, thank you very much.","es":"Rebecca Saxe, muchas gracias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It had to be done.","es":"Hab\u00eda que organizar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But somehow what strikes everybody's imagination, or lots of people's imagination, somehow from that original Big Bang we have this beautiful world that we live in today.","es":"Pero de alguna manera lo que emociona a la imaginaci\u00f3n de todos, o de muchas personas, de alguna manera de aquel Big Bang original tenemos este hermoso mundo en el que vivimos hoy."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, take a look at his field trial.","es":"Ahora, miren este ensayo de campo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I found that the Gezi protesters were despairing.","es":"Encontr\u00e9 que los manifestantes se hab\u00edan dispersado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This vitriolic, global outpouring of the most heinous hate speech: death threats, rape threats.","es":"Una avalancha mordaz y global de m\u00e1xima incitaci\u00f3n al odio: amenazas de muerte, amenazas de violaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So that's more than 100 trillion miles.","es":"Son m\u00e1s de 160 billones de kil\u00f3metros."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And what's more, your wife has just run off with your best friend.\"","es":"Y lo que es m\u00e1s, tu esposa se acaba de fugar con tu mejor amigo.\""} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We don't want to be asked to do good work with bad tools.","es":"No queremos que nos pidan hacer un buen trabajo con malas herramientas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They would never, ever, come up with the answer, \"It's because it's a US product.\"","es":"Ellas jam\u00e1s me responder\u00e1n: \"Es porque es un producto EE.UU.\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"They take care of 20,000-odd people today in over 1,000 villages around Karnataka.","es":"Hoy atienden a m\u00e1s de 20.000 personas de unas 1.000 aldeas cercanas a Karnataka."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Yes, machines displace human beings from particular tasks, but they don't just substitute for human beings.","es":"Es verdad, las m\u00e1quinas desplazan a los humanos en tareas espec\u00edficas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And we should be immensely proud of this.","es":"Y tenemos que estar inmensamente orgullosos de ello."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In my job as a journalist, I check, I verify.","es":"En mi trabajo como periodista, compruebo, verifico."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I mean Earth.","es":"Me refiero a la Tierra."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So, for example, what is your likelihood of suffering from cancer?","es":"Por ejemplo, \u00bfcu\u00e1l es la probabilidad que tienes de sufrir c\u00e1ncer?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"The man who I loved more than anybody on Earth held a gun to my head and threatened to kill me more times than I can even remember.","es":"El hombre, al que amaba m\u00e1s que a nadie en este mundo, puso una pistola en mi cabeza y amenaz\u00f3 con matarme m\u00e1s veces de las que puedo recordar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"All that driving that we've been doing out in the suburbs, we have doubled the amount of miles we drive.","es":"Todos esos viajes en auto hechos en los suburbios, hemos duplicado la cantidad de kil\u00f3metros que conducimos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"On Christmas, it was out on the shelf edge.","es":"En Navidad estaba en el l\u00edmite de la plataforma continental."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"CH: Many people here may know people who work at Facebook or Twitter and Google and so on.","es":"CH: Muchas personas aqu\u00ed deben conocer gente que trabaja en Facebook, Twitter, Google y dem\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"male","en":"TK: Often when city leaders say, \"We have more important things to do than worry about a city flag,\" my response is, \"If you had a great city flag, you would have a banner for people to rally under to face those more important things.\"","es":"Cuando los l\u00edderes de las ciudades dicen que tienen cosas m\u00e1s importantes de qu\u00e9 preocuparse que una bandera, mi respuesta es: \"Si tuvieran una buena bandera, tendr\u00edan un s\u00edmbolo bajo el cual la gente se unir\u00eda para enfrentar esas cosas m\u00e1s importantes\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And you're learning about, I don't know, the sums of infinite series.","es":"Y est\u00e1s aprendiendo sobre, no s\u00e9, las sumas de series infinitas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Most of these levers have popularity problems, and if there is a lever you don't like the use of, well, please do bear in mind that means you need even stronger effort on the other levers.","es":"Y la mayor\u00eda de ellas son impopulares, y si hay una palanca que no les guste usar tengan en cuenta que eso supone hacer m\u00e1s esfuerzos en las otras."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We're all storytellers.","es":"Somos todos narradores."} -{"gender":"male","en":"She was 105 years old when I took this picture.","es":"Ten\u00eda 105 a\u00f1os cuando le tom\u00e9 esta foto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Ta-Nehisi Coates argues that, \"The defining feature of being drafted into the Black race is the inescapable robbery of time.\"","es":"Ta-Nehisi Coates dice que \"La caracter\u00edstica definitoria de ser confinado en la raza negra es el ineludible robo de tiempo\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And the neighbors say, \"Oh, that's terrible luck.\"","es":"Los vecinos dicen: \"\u00a1Qu\u00e9 mala suerte!\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"Actually, no, and this is where many of our problems begin.","es":"En realidad no. Y es aqu\u00ed cuando comienzan muchos de nuestros problemas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Don't ask me why a man needs more than one wife.","es":"No me pregunten por qu\u00e9 un hombre necesita m\u00e1s de una."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And this reminded me that poverty jailing in general, even outside the debtors' prison context, plays a very visible and central role in our justice system.","es":"Me record\u00f3 que la pobreza en la c\u00e1rcel, en general, incluso fuera del contexto de los deudores, juega un rol central y evidente en nuestro sistema de justicia."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Where climate activists used to talk about changing light bulbs, now we're pushing for 100 percent of our energy to come from the sun, wind and waves, and to do it fast.","es":"Mientras los activistas del cambio clim\u00e1tico hablaban de cambiar bombillas, ahora luchamos para que el 100 % de nuestra energ\u00eda provenga del sol, viento y olas, y queremos que sea pronto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When I was an undergraduate at Georgia Tech studying computer science, I used to work on social robots, and one of my tasks was to get a robot to play peek-a-boo, a simple turn-taking game where partners cover their face and then uncover it saying, \"Peek-a-boo!\"","es":"Cuando era estudiante de inform\u00e1tica en Georgia Tech, sol\u00eda trabajar con robots sociales, y una de mis tareas fue lograr que un robot jugara a esconderse, un juego de turnos simple donde las personas cubren sus rostros y luego las descubren diciendo: \"Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I would come back and talk to global health experts, and they'd say, \"Oh no, contraceptives are stocked in in the developing world.\"","es":"Regresaba y hablaba con expertos en salud mundial, y dec\u00edan: \"Oh no, en los pa\u00edses en desarrollo se entregan los anticonceptivos\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"In terms of the neuroscience, by understanding these two systems, we're really beginning to understand how both sleep and mental illness are generated and regulated within the brain.","es":"En t\u00e9rminos de neurociencia, mediante la comprensi\u00f3n de la neurociencia de estos dos sistemas, estamos empezando a entender realmente c\u00f3mo ambos, el dormir y las enfermedades mentales, se generan y regulan dentro del cerebro."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I went back to the left, and so slid the chair, blocking my path of travel.","es":"Volv\u00ed a la izquierda, y entonces se desliz\u00f3 la silla, bloqueando el camino."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It has not crashed; it's running uninterrupted.","es":"No se ha ca\u00eddo, funcionando ininterrumpidamente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Ms. Russ listened to my story, welcomed it into the classroom and said, \"Victor, this is your power.","es":"La se\u00f1ora Russ me escuch\u00f3, me invit\u00f3 a compartirlo en clase y me dec\u00eda: \"V\u00edctor, este es tu punto fuerte."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Let me say that again: A single genomics company generates more data in a month, on a compound basis, than is in the printed collections of the Library of Congress.","es":"D\u00e9jenme decirlo de nuevo: una sola empresa de gen\u00f3mica genera m\u00e1s datos en un mes, comparando datos totales, que lo que hay en las colecciones impresas de la Biblioteca del Congreso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We go far beyond reasonable, constructive criticism, to dissecting any given woman's feminism, tearing it apart until there's nothing left.","es":"Vamos mucho m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de la cr\u00edtica sensata y constructiva, para disecar el feminismo de cualquier mujer, destrozarlo hasta que no quede nada."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This, in the past, is why you didn't mess with isolated Indians.","es":"Y esta es la raz\u00f3n por la cual, en el pasado, no hab\u00eda que meterse con los ind\u00edgenas aislados."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Then I made some weird insects and creatures.","es":"Luego hice unos insectos y criaturas extra\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"There's also the speed at which it moves, and the many varieties of data types, and here are just a few examples: images, text, video, audio.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n est\u00e1 la velocidad a la que se mueven, las muchas variantes de tipos de datos, he aqu\u00ed algunos ejemplos: im\u00e1genes, texto, video, audio."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's very powerful.","es":"Es una herramienta muy poderosa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Doctors, scientists and policy makers are not immune to the same biases that affect all of us.","es":"Los m\u00e9dicos, cient\u00edficos y funcionarios p\u00fablicos no son inmunes a los mismos prejuicios que nos afectan a todos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"180 submissions were received from 80 countries, and this was selected.","es":"Ciento ochenta dise\u00f1os fueron recibidos de 80 pa\u00edses, y \u00e9ste fue seleccionado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So she was saying, \"Oh, you were going, 'Yay, a black guy'?\"","es":"As\u00ed que ella dijo: \"Oh, dec\u00edas '\u00a1S\u00ed, un chico negro'?\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"He's even here today.","es":"Incluso est\u00e1 hoy aqu\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Second, we need to change our energy system.","es":"Segundo, tenemos que cambiar nuestro sistema de energ\u00eda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Africans have to do it, in conjunction with everyone else.","es":"Los africanos tienen que hacerlo, en conjunci\u00f3n con todos los dem\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Maybe you make them absorb more oxygen.","es":"Tal vez haci\u00e9ndolos absorber m\u00e1s ox\u00edgeno."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And in this particular example, what I took is some membrane molecules, mixed those together in the right environment, and within seconds it forms these rather complex and beautiful structures here.","es":"Y en este caso en particular, tom\u00e9 algunas mol\u00e9culas de membranas, las mezcl\u00e9 en el ambiente adecuado, y en cuesti\u00f3n de segundos se forman unas estructuras complejas y hermosas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So we went to our animal model, and we found three important parts.","es":"Por eso fuimos a nuestro modelo animal, y hallamos tres elementos importantes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I got young people to teach me how to do that, and I used every filter on Snapchat during the last part of the campaign.","es":"Recurr\u00ed a gente joven para que me ense\u00f1aran y us\u00e9 todos los filtros de Snapchat durante la \u00faltima parte de la campa\u00f1a."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So if we're going to make progress on this issue, we have to be really clear about what our agenda is.","es":"As\u00ed que si vamos a avanzar en este tema, tenemos que ser muy claros sobre qu\u00e9 es nuestra agenda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is an online game in which you try to survive an oil shortage.","es":"Este es un juego online en el que uno trata de sobrevivir una carest\u00eda de petr\u00f3leo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"My whole life, I'm now going to focus away from evil, that I've been in since I was a kid, to understanding heroes.","es":"A partir de ahora toda mi vida se enfocara en los h\u00e9roes y no en el mal con que crec\u00ed."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Happy 50th anniversary on your flag, Canada.","es":"Felicidades a la bandera de Canad\u00e1 por su 50 aniversario."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The first thing I learned that day was that I never ever wanted to work that hard again.","es":"Lo primero que aprend\u00ed aquel d\u00eda fue que no quer\u00eda trabajar tan arduamente nunca m\u00e1s en mi vida."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's an example, I think, for us to look at and for us to draw comfort from.","es":"Ese es un ejemplo, creo, para que veamos y para que encontremos consuelo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So she had seen the \"Scared\" song and wondered if I could do something.","es":"As\u00ed que ella hab\u00eda visto la canci\u00f3n \"Asustado\" y se preguntaba si yo pod\u00eda hacer algo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In fact, it should perhaps make use of the concepts that I developed just in order to sort of capture what a simple living system might be.\"","es":"De hecho, tal vez deber\u00eda usar los conceptos que desarroll\u00e9 para, de alguna forma, capturar lo que ser\u00edan sistemas vivientes simples\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I usually just try to use, like, the three little words that always make me feel better: Sotomayor, Sotomayor, Sotomayor.","es":"Normalmente solo trato de usar tres palabras que siempre me hacen sentir mejor: Sotomayor, Sotomayor, Sotomayor."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"No, no. No, no, ahh","es":"No, no. No, no, ahh"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I resolved to give back.","es":"Decid\u00ed retribuirlo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"With my new venture, Marilyn Monrobot, I would like to use art to create tech.","es":"En mi nueva aventura, Marilyn Monrobot, me gustar\u00eda usar el arte para crear tecnolog\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Very interesting studies done on people recovering from surgery, who found that people who faced a brick wall versus people who looked out on trees and nature, the people who looked out on the brick wall were in the hospital longer, needed more medication, and had more medical complications.","es":"Existen estudios interesantes hechos en gente en recuperaci\u00f3n de cirug\u00edas, descubrieron que quienes ve\u00edan un muro de ladrillos en comparaci\u00f3n con quienes ve\u00edan \u00e1rboles y naturaleza, los que ve\u00edan el muro de ladrillos pasaban m\u00e1s tiempo en el hospital, necesitaban m\u00e1s medicamentos, y ten\u00edan m\u00e1s complicaciones."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I just want to make it absolutely clear that he's a really bad example of the optimism bias, because he is in fact uniquely talented.","es":"Y s\u00f3lo quiero dejar absolutamente claro que \u00e9l es muy mal ejemplo de la predisposici\u00f3n al optimismo, ya que de verdad, tiene un talento extraordinario."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So he decided to raise her as a boy.","es":"Entonces \u00e9l decidi\u00f3 criarla como si fuera un var\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"A break of light and air, an architectural biding of time.","es":"Un remanso de luz y de aire, una espera arquitect\u00f3nica del momento oportuno."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This is something online; six years ago, they did this.","es":"Esto est\u00e1 en la red. No s\u00e9 si lo han visto antes. Se hizo hace seis a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Secret of the trade.","es":"Secreto de la industria."} -{"gender":"male","en":"For a long period of time, we believed in a natural ranking order in the world around us, also known as the great chain of being, or \"Scala naturae\" in Latin, a top-down structure that normally starts with God at the very top, followed by angels, noblemen, common people, animals, and so on. This idea was actually based on Aristotle's ontology, which classified all things known to man in a set of opposing categories, like the ones you see behind me.","es":"Durante un largo periodo de tiempo, cre\u00edmos en un orden de clasificaci\u00f3n natural en el mundo que nos rodea, tambi\u00e9n conocido como la gran cadena del ser, o \"Scala naturae\" en lat\u00edn. Estructura de arriba a abajo que comienza con Dios en lo m\u00e1s alto, seguido por los \u00e1ngeles, nobles, gente com\u00fan, animales, etc. Esta idea se basa realmente en la ontolog\u00eda de Arist\u00f3teles, que clasificaba todo lo conocido por el humano en categor\u00edas opuestas, como las que se ven detr\u00e1s de m\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So mammoths become what conservation biologists call an umbrella species.","es":"Los mamuts se convierten en lo que los bi\u00f3logos conservacionistas llaman 'especie paraguas'."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In an effort to simplify the message and draw a beautiful, inevitable red and blue map, we lost the point completely.","es":"En un esfuerzo por simplificar el mensaje y crear un mapa azul y rojo, bonito e inequ\u00edvoco perdimos el rumbo por completo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Are there any Monkeys here? 2016 is the Year of the Monkey.","es":"\u00bfHay alg\u00fan mono por aqu\u00ed? El 2016 es el a\u00f1o del Mono."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We were going nowhere.","es":"\u00cdbamos hacia ninguna parte."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Not exactly.","es":"No exactamente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm teaching them to force that savings habit.","es":"Pero yo les estoy ense\u00f1ando a forzar el h\u00e1bito del ahorro."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It really does feel like the ground that we're on is a ground populated by deep questions of morality and human nature. Your wisdom couldn't be more relevant.","es":"Realmente parece que la base donde estamos es un terreno poblado de profundas cuestiones de moralidad y la naturaleza humana. tu sabidur\u00eda no podr\u00eda ser m\u00e1s relevante."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The big plan was to ask him for a 1,000,000-dollar loan.","es":"El plan grande era pedirle un mill\u00f3n de d\u00f3lares."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's twice as tough as our high-tech ceramics.","es":"Es dos veces m\u00e1s duro que nuestras cer\u00e1micas de alta tecnolog\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I made a few changes, let go of some loose trappings of my old life, and through a bit of a leap of logic, decided to row across the Atlantic Ocean.","es":"Hice algunos cambios, me deshice de mis adornos de mi vida pasada y con un salto de l\u00f3gica decid\u00ed atravesar el oc\u00e9ano Atl\u00e1ntico remando."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Earlier that day, I noticed some bruises on his face when he came from school.","es":"Ese mismo d\u00eda, hab\u00eda notado algunos moretones en su cara cuando volvi\u00f3 del colegio."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And this is no longer fantasy.","es":"Y esto ya no es una fantas\u00eda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And amazingly, it worked.","es":"Y, sorprendentemente, funcion\u00f3."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So passwords are something that I hear a lot about.","es":"As\u00ed que he o\u00eddo mucho sobre contrase\u00f1as."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Denial, by the way, apparently is also one of my things.","es":"A prop\u00f3sito, la negaci\u00f3n ser\u00eda otra de mis caracter\u00edsticas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well, in this technique, what I've tried to do is kind of gather all of the knowledge that the bread-baking world, the artisan bread-baking community, has been trying to accumulate over the last 20 years or so, since we've been engaged in a bread renaissance in America, and put it together to come up with a method that would help to take whole-grain breads.","es":"Bueno, en esta t\u00e9cnica, lo que he tratado de hacer es como reunir todo el conocimiento que el mundo de la panificaci\u00f3n, y la comunidad de la panificaci\u00f3n artesanal han intentado acumular durante los \u00faltimos 20 a\u00f1os, desde que nos comprometimos con el renacimiento del pan en los Estados Unidos y reunir el conocimiento para crear un m\u00e9todo que ayudar\u00eda a la aceptaci\u00f3n del pan integral."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's when that political solution has been achieved.","es":"Es cuando se ha logrado dicha soluci\u00f3n pol\u00edtica."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I don't want gamers to regret the time they spent playing, time that I encouraged them to spend.","es":"No quiero jugadores que lamenten el tiempo perdido jugando, tiempo que yo les alent\u00e9 a gastar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, these are the world's first Islamic superheroes.","es":"Bien, estos son los primeros superh\u00e9roes isl\u00e1micos del mundo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We're in a situation that could unfold to be a natural phenomenon we don't understand or an alien technology we don't understand.","es":"Estamos en una situaci\u00f3n que podr\u00eda revelarse como un fen\u00f3meno natural que no entendemos o una tecnolog\u00eda alien\u00edgena que no entendemos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, in Malawi, 18 is the legal marriage age, from 15 to 18.","es":"Ahora, en Malaui, la edad legal para contraer matrimonio pas\u00f3 de 15 a 18."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is my flight director telling me that I had just gone higher than anybody else had ever gone in a balloon, and I was about 4,000 feet from release.","es":"Este es mi director de vuelo dici\u00e9ndome que hab\u00eda alcanzado m\u00e1s altura de la que nadie hab\u00eda logrado nunca en un globo, y estaba a unos 1220 m de distancia del lanzamiento."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"How are they run?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo se manejan?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"For us, we're very facile around electricity.","es":"Para nosotros no hay problemas cerca de la electricidad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now obviously, as Maddie's chemistry teacher, I love that she went home and continued to geek out about this kind of ridiculous demonstration that we did in class.","es":"Obviamente, como profesor de qu\u00edmica de Maddie, me encanta que en su casa siguiera practicando este tipo de demostraci\u00f3n rid\u00edcula que hicimos en clase."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We found the prime candidate to sue in Myriad Genetics, a company that's based in Salt Lake City, Utah.","es":"Encontramos al mejor candidato para demandar: Myriad Genetics, una compa\u00f1\u00eda localizada en Salt Lake City, Utah."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They bring it back and feed it to the larvae.","es":"Ellas tan solo lo acarrean y se lo dan de comer a las larvas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"She told me that a few didn't quite meet her own mark for what she wanted them to be.","es":"Me dijo que algunas no alcanzan su marca personal sobre lo que quer\u00eda que fueran."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, sustainable investing, the good news is it doesn't require a magic spell and it doesn't require some investment secret, and it's not just for the elite.","es":"Ahora, inversi\u00f3n sustentable, la buena noticia es que no requiere un encanto m\u00e1gico y no requiere un secreto de inversi\u00f3n, y no es solamente para la elite."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well, and you're glad I didn't show you this.","es":"Bueno, y estar\u00e1n contentos que no les mostr\u00e9 esto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's more than making nice sounds, and it's more than making nice songs.","es":"Es m\u00e1s que hacer sonidos lindos, m\u00e1s que hacer canciones bonitas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"NF: I think the fiscal crisis that we see in the developed World right now, both sides of the Atlantic, is essentially the same thing taking different forms in terms of political culture.","es":"NF: Yo pienso que la crisis fiscal que vemos en el mundo desarrollado actualmente, a ambos lados del Atl\u00e1ntico, es esencialmente lo mismo que toma diferentes formas en t\u00e9rminos de cultura pol\u00edtica."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I was the type and the kind of religious where kids kill themselves every single year because they're terrified of coming out to our community as gay.","es":"Yo era de esa religi\u00f3n donde los ni\u00f1os se suicidan cada a\u00f1o porque est\u00e1n aterrorizados de que salga a la luz que son gay en nuestra comunidad."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And if you look carefully, you can see that there's a black blush right there.","es":"Y si se observa con atenci\u00f3n, puede verse que hay un sombreado negro justo ah\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But today I will talk about me and my mobile phone, and how it changed my life.","es":"Pero hoy hablar\u00e9 de m\u00ed, de mi m\u00f3vil, y de c\u00f3mo me cambi\u00f3 la vida."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And when I try to explain my work to her, she waved away all the details, and she said, \"Neil, there's only one question that really matters. What banged?\"","es":"Y cuando trato de explicarle mi trabajo, ella siempre deja de lado todos los detalles y me dice: \u00a8Neil, hay una sola pregunta que realmente importa \u00bfQu\u00e9 explot\u00f3?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"As a child, I discovered that creativity is the key to cross from dreams to reality.","es":"Cuando era ni\u00f1o, descubr\u00ed que la creatividad es la clave para ir de los sue\u00f1os a la realidad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And he lost his lower jaw, his lip, his chin and his upper jaw and teeth.","es":"Y perdi\u00f3 la mand\u00edbula inferior, el labio, la barbilla, la mand\u00edbula superior y los dientes."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We measured everything from the data.","es":"Medimos todo por los datos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We can't sit idly by here either.","es":"No podemos quedarnos de brazos cruzados aqu\u00ed tampoco."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's usually presided over by religious leaders and village elders, and jirgas are often used in rural countries like Afghanistan, where there's deep-seated resentment against the formal system.","es":"Por lo general es presidida por l\u00edderes religiosos y ancianos del pueblo, y las jirgas se utilizan a menudo en pa\u00edses rurales como Afganist\u00e1n, donde hay un profundo resentimiento contra el sistema formal."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This was the focus of our whole lives.","es":"Este era el centro de toda nuestra vida."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We are eating more marshmallows than we are producing.","es":"Estamos comiendo m\u00e1s malvaviscos que los que producimos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This type of science is moving much faster than the regulatory mechanisms that govern it.","es":"Este tipo de ciencia se mueve mucho m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido que los mecanismos de regulaci\u00f3n que la rigen."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If you have the occasion, do visit the former Stasi prison in Berlin and attend a guided tour with a former political prisoner who will explain to you how this worked.","es":"Si tienen la oportunidad, visiten una prisi\u00f3n de la antigua Stasi en Berl\u00edn y tomen un tour guiado por un antiguo prisionero pol\u00edtico que les explicar\u00e1 c\u00f3mo funcionaba eso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And there hasn't been the kind of investment to get us there.","es":"Y no han habido inversiones del tipo que nos ayudar\u00eda."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We may have to reinvent an ancient art form.","es":"Quiz\u00e1s haya que reinventar una antigua forma de arte."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, I think that we're on the verge of something big.","es":"Ahora, creo que estamos al borde de algo grande."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Here's my story.","es":"Esta es mi historia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"You'll be hearing later today from Alan Kay.","es":"Van a escuchar a Alan Kay mas tarde."} -{"gender":"male","en":"There is no attempt to structure the experience, to make it utopian in that sense that we put into it.","es":"No existe ning\u00fan intento de estructurar la experiencia, para convertirla en ut\u00f3pica en ese sentido del que hablamos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"My children are Americans.","es":"Mis hijos son estadounidenses."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That was a product of your perception.","es":"Fue un producto de su percepci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I mean, 50,000 blogs are started a day, and so my blog was just one of those 50,000.","es":"Quiero decir, cada d\u00eda se inician 50.000 blogs. Mi blog era apenas uno de esos 50.000."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's basically the same.\"","es":"Es b\u00e1sicamente lo mismo.\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"And here we're actually generating about 10 kilowatts, so, enough to power probably five United States households, with a kite not much larger than this piano.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed generamos como 10 kilowatts, m\u00e1s o menos suficiente energ\u00eda para cinco hogares norteamericanos, con un cometa no mucho m\u00e1s grande que este piano."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It also acts to transport heat across the equator, and the ocean is full of nutrients and it controls primary productivity.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n act\u00faa para transportar el calor a trav\u00e9s del ecuador, y el oc\u00e9ano est\u00e1 lleno de nutrientes y controla la productividad primaria."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I should stop saying it like that.","es":"Deber\u00eda dejar de decirlo de esa forma."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"In a FILMCLUB season about democracy and government, we screened \"Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.\"","es":"En una temporada del FILMCLUB sobre democracia y gobierno, exhibimos \u00abEl Se\u00f1or Smith va a Washington\u00bb."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We are grateful, but we know that we can take charge of our own destinies if we have the will to reform.","es":"Estamos agradecidos, pero sabemos que podemos tomar el mando de nuestro propio destino si tenemos la voluntad de reformar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And he emailed me and he said, \"I didn't really like the way that turned out.\"","es":"Me mand\u00f3 un e-mail y me dijo: \"Realmente no me gust\u00f3 como acaba.\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"Nerves, if they are injured, can cause paralysis, can cause pain.","es":"Los nervios, si son da\u00f1ados, pueden causar par\u00e1lisis, pueden causar dolor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"At the time, I was working on \"The Chess of Love,\" the last important long poem of the European Middle Ages never to have been edited.","es":"En ese entonces, estaba trabajando en \"El ajedrez del amor\", el \u00faltimo poema largo importante de la edad media europea nunca antes editado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That's okay.","es":"Eso est\u00e1 bien."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's right, that's right; I'm no longer a victim.","es":"Correcto, correcto; ya no soy v\u00edctima."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Clearly, if this is right, we must reunite the political and economic spheres and better do it with a demos being in control, like in ancient Athens except without the slaves or the exclusion of women and migrants.","es":"Est\u00e1 claro que si esto es cierto, debemos reunir las esferas pol\u00edticas y econ\u00f3micas y es mejor hacerlo con el demos en el control, como en la antigua Atenas, excepto sin los esclavos o la exclusi\u00f3n de las mujeres y los migrantes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But what you may not know is that bears that play more survive longer.","es":"Pero quiz\u00e1s lo que no saben es que los osos que m\u00e1s juegan, viven m\u00e1s tiempo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It was the Hippocratic Oath, and I didn't even know I was saying it.","es":"Fue un juramento hipocr\u00e1tico, y no sab\u00eda que lo era."} -{"gender":"male","en":"SOPA stands for the Stop Online Piracy Act.","es":"SOPA significa \"Ley de freno a la pirater\u00eda en l\u00ednea\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We're still getting a dose of UVA.","es":"A\u00fan recibimos una dosis de UVA."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I started to use food to numb my pain.","es":"Empec\u00e9 a usar la comida para adormecer mi dolor."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"She was pregnant at the time.","es":"Estaba embarazada."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Again, this is all based around leaks, 251,000 U.S. diplomatic cables, and I was involved in this investigation because I got this leak through a leak from a disgruntled WikiLeaker and ended up going to work at the Guardian.","es":"Esto se ha basado tambi\u00e9n en filtraciones, 251 000 cables diplom\u00e1ticos de Estados Unidos, y me vi involucrada en esta investigaci\u00f3n porque consegu\u00ed una filtraci\u00f3n a trav\u00e9s de una filtraci\u00f3n de un miembro descontento de WikiLeak y acab\u00e9 trabajando en The Guardian."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I've collaborated with so many incredible, inspirational musicians around the world.","es":"He colaborado con m\u00fasicos incre\u00edbles e inspiradores de todo el mundo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The economy is mostly agricultural.","es":"La econom\u00eda es principalmente agr\u00edcola."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And that's what we've been able to do now, but in three dimensions.","es":"Eso es lo que hicimos ahora, pero en tres dimensiones."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It was underpaid and really loving nurses.","es":"Fueron enfermeras mal pagas y realmente cari\u00f1osas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think it's worth the trouble because, again, it just helps us to understand. If you want to reduce the number of people who are burning flags, it helps to understand what makes them do it.","es":"Pero creo que vale la pena intentarlo, porque nos ayuda a comprender, y si uno quiere reducir el n\u00famero de personas que queman banderas, entender qu\u00e9 los lleva a hacerlo ser\u00e1 de ayuda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I was only nine when my grandfather first described to me the horrors he witnessed six years earlier when human stampedes killed 39 people in our hometown of Nashik, India.","es":"Ten\u00eda tan solo 9 a\u00f1os cuando mi abuelo me cont\u00f3 por primera vez los horrores que hab\u00eda visto 6 a\u00f1os antes cuando 39 personas murieron en una estampida humana en nuestro pueblo, Nasik, en India."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I was like, are you kidding me?","es":"Me dije: \u00bfEs una broma?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"At this point I think we have a little impressionistic film that was made especially for this occasion. And I'd like to show it. Assisted in this by Billie Holiday.","es":"Llegados a este punto, creo que tengo un peque\u00f1o v\u00eddeo de gran influencia hecho especialmente para la ocasi\u00f3n y me gustar\u00eda mostrarlo con la ayuda de Billie Holiday."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That is a microcosm of what's happening, not just in software and services, but in media and music, in finance and manufacturing, in retailing and trade, in short, in every industry.","es":"Es un microcosmos de lo que est\u00e1 sucediendo, no solo en software y servicios, sino en los medios de comunicaci\u00f3n y la m\u00fasica, en finanzas y manufactura, venta al por menor y comercio, en definitiva, en todas las industrias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Sweden, the country I come from, has other examples, where wetlands in southern Sweden were seen as, as in many countries, as flood-prone polluted nuisance in the peri-urban regions.","es":"Suecia, el pa\u00eds del que procedo, tiene otros ejemplos, donde los humedales en el sur de Suecia eran vistos como como en muchos pa\u00edses molestias contaminadas propensas a inundaciones en las regiones periurbanas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"He was a tinkerer and a statesman whose conception of citizenship was always predicated on action.","es":"Era un experimentador y un estadista cuya concepci\u00f3n de ciudadan\u00eda se basaba siempre en la acci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So to show you what I mean, I'm going to do an experiment here with you.","es":"As\u00ed que para mostrar lo que quiero decir, voy a hacer un experimento aqu\u00ed con Uds."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So we've teamed up with the decoder of the human genome, Craig Venter, and the company he founded with Peter Diamandis, the founder of the X Prize, to genetically modify the pig genome so that the pig's organs will not be rejected by the human body and thereby to create an unlimited supply of transplantable organs.","es":"As\u00ed que nos hemos asociado con el decodificador del genoma humano, Craig Venter, y la compa\u00f1\u00eda que fund\u00f3 junto con Peter Diamandis, el fundador del Premio X, para modificar gen\u00e9ticamente el genoma porcino con el fin de que sus \u00f3rganos no sean rechazados por el cuerpo humano y as\u00ed crear un suministro ilimitado de \u00f3rganos trasplantables."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Lying is an attempt to bridge that gap, to connect our wishes and our fantasies about who we wish we were, how we wish we could be, with what we're really like.","es":"El enga\u00f1o es un intento por acortar la brecha, por conectar nuestros deseos y fantas\u00edas sobre qui\u00e9nes y c\u00f3mo nos gustar\u00eda ser, con quienes somos realmente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But this, I just want to show you some data here.","es":"Pero esto quiero mostrarles algunos datos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And so this guy gets the snail all set up and gives it a good whack. So, I'll play it one more time.","es":"As\u00ed este sujeto le da al caracol un casta\u00f1azo Lo voy a pasar una vez m\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Unfortunately, instead of focusing on the eradication of poverty as you would expect, the strategy of choice focuses on eliminating the poor.","es":"Lamentablemente, en lugar de centrarse en la erradicaci\u00f3n de la pobreza, como era de esperar, la estrategia de elecci\u00f3n se centra en la eliminaci\u00f3n de los pobres."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This technology made a very important impact on us.","es":"Esta tecnolog\u00eda nos ha marcado mucho."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"For the sake of our health, our wealth and our collective security, it's imperative that we keep the independent decision-making parts of our brains switched on.","es":"Por el bien de nuestra salud, de nuestra riqueza, de nuestra seguridad colectiva es imperativo que mantengamos encendidas las partes del cerebro que toman decisiones independientes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My team and I have just completed a study looking at looting in Egypt.","es":"Junto a mi equipo terminamos un estudio sobre el saqueo en Egipto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I thought, I wonder if he might have CTE, too.","es":"Y me preguntaba si \u00e9l hab\u00eda tenido ETC tambi\u00e9n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They learn something, they put it back into the product, they put it back into the market.","es":"Aprenden algo, lo ponen en el producto, y lo ponen de vuelta en el mercado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And you get him turned on, then you'll learn all the new stuff.","es":"Lo tiene enganchado, entonces aprender\u00e1 todo lo nuevo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So you've got food economy and local food at the top, you've got greenhouse gases, solar and nuclear waste.","es":"Tenemos la econom\u00eda de los alimentos y los alimentos locales entre las principales, y tenemos gases de efecto invernadero y residuos nucleares."} -{"gender":"female","en":"There is so much mystery we don't know.","es":"Hay tanto que desconocemos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"You're V-I-O-L-E-N-T.","es":"Eres V-I-O-L-E-N-T-O."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So what we're doing here is identifying and acknowledging that a bias exists.","es":"As\u00ed que aqu\u00ed identificamos y reconocemos que existe un sesgo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Secondly, all of what I'm going to show you belongs to the amazing museums, archives and foundations that we partner with.","es":"En segundo lugar, todo lo que les mostrar\u00e9 pertenece a los sorprendentes museos, archivos y fundaciones con lo que nos hemos asociado."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's punctuated by three quick anecdotes, which show how accidental encounters with strange noises gave us some of the most important information we have about space.","es":"Est\u00e1 signada por tres an\u00e9cdotas breves qu\u00e9 muestran c\u00f3mo unos encuentros accidentales con sonidos extra\u00f1os nos dieron una de las informaciones m\u00e1s importantes que tenemos del espacio."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So thank you very much, and start printing whatever you want, whatever you need.","es":"As\u00ed que muchas gracias, y comiencen a imprimir lo que quieran, lo que sea que necesiten."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think there are lots of, I don't know how many, but 10, 15 spades in a deck, at least, right?","es":"Creo que hay muchas No s\u00e9 cu\u00e1ntas pero 10, 15 espadas en la baraja, al menos \u00bfno?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"But the reason I could come here is because of that.","es":"Pero la raz\u00f3n por la que pude venir aqu\u00ed es por esto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I think living in a generic reality that's mediocre, there are nasty bits and nice bits and we could make the nice bits bigger and the nasty bits smaller and that gives us a kind of purpose in life.","es":"Creo que vivir en una realidad gen\u00e9rica es mediocre, hay cosas buenas y malas, y podr\u00edamos hacer m\u00e1s grandes las partes buenas y m\u00e1s chicas las malas y eso nos da un prop\u00f3sito."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I truly believe that change will happen.","es":"Verdaderamente creo que estos cambios suceder\u00e1n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This year, that one hospital will give back sight to more than 300,000 people in Tamil Nadu, India.","es":"Este a\u00f1o, ese hospital por s\u00ed solo, le devolver\u00e1 la vista a m\u00e1s de 300 000 personas en Tamil Nadu, India."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"What we've done so far is we have a few surrogate talkers from around the U.S. who have donated their voices, and we have been using those to build our first few personalized voices.","es":"Lo que hemos hecho hasta ahora es que tenemos unos hablantes sustitutos a lo ancho de los EE.UU. quienes han donado sus voces, y hemos estado us\u00e1ndolas para construir nuestras primeras voces personalizadas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So to see those symbols representing in his work a celebration of the global culture, a critic of the global urban culture, is no surprise, but really at the heart of his work is his desire of a nuanced representation.","es":"Ver esos s\u00edmbolos que representan en su obra una celebraci\u00f3n de la cultura global, una cr\u00edtica de la cultura urbana global, no sorprende, pero en el n\u00facleo de su obra yace el deseo de una representaci\u00f3n matizada."} -{"gender":"female","en":"A language dies every 14 days. Now, at the same time, English is the undisputed global language.","es":"Cada 14 d\u00edas desaparece una lengua; y, simult\u00e1neamente, el ingl\u00e9s es la lengua mundial por excelencia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Explore your intersections.","es":"Exploren las intersecciones."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And one of my favorites is called the Cardboard to Caviar Project by Graham Wiles.","es":"Y uno de mis favoritos se llama Proyecto del Cart\u00f3n al Caviar de Graham Wiles."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And that's a big task: persuading all the different countries with the different voting shares in these institutions to do so.","es":"Una gran tarea: persuadir a los pa\u00edses con distintas participaciones de voto en estas instituciones para que lo hagan."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I was distracted innovating immortality, even as many of you began to live shorter lives than your parents had.","es":"Estaba distra\u00eddo innovando la inmortalidad, incluso cuando muchos comenzaron a vivir vidas m\u00e1s cortas que las de sus padres."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And you don't use it for solving any other kinds of logical problems.","es":"Y no se utiliza para resolver ning\u00fan otro tipo de problema l\u00f3gico."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Look at the image of this lady, who knows what she's going through?, and the copy says: \"He knows just how to give me goosebumps.\"","es":"Fijaros en la imagen de esta se\u00f1ora \u00bfqui\u00e9n sabe por lo que est\u00e1 pasando?, y el texto dice: \"Ella sabe como ponerme la piel de gallina\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And she set down her fork, and locked eyes with him, and said, \"Yes, a girlfriend.","es":"Y ella dej\u00f3 el tenedor, y le clav\u00f3 los ojos, y dijo: \"S\u00ed, una novia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They like the generics.","es":"Les gustan los gen\u00e9ricos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I was in Sainsbury's the other day and there were like 30 different varieties.","es":"Estaba en Sainsbury el otro d\u00eda y hab\u00eda como 30 variedades diferentes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I spent all the time setting this up, so I guess I should.","es":"Pase mucho tiempo preparando esto. As\u00ed que yo creo que si."} -{"gender":"male","en":"As my referrals began to decrease, I clearly became increasingly depressed, until I thought, \"My God, I can't work anymore.\"","es":"En la medida en que mis referencias empezaron a bajar, claramente me fui deprimiendo m\u00e1s y m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido, hasta que pens\u00e9, Dios, no puedo trabajar m\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I was asked to rebuild the temporary church.","es":"Me pidieron reconstruir la iglesia temporal."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The absence of the ability to just get over it is depression.","es":"La falta de habilidad para superarlo se llama depresi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We have solid evidence that terrorists are trying to get ahold of them.","es":"Tenemos evidencia s\u00f3lida de que los terroristas est\u00e1n tratando de ponerme en contacto con ellos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I'd go at the end of the day to a traditional Hindu house, which was probably the only Hindu house in a predominantly Islamic neighborhood.","es":"Y al final del d\u00eda iba a un hogar hind\u00fa tradicional que probablemente era el \u00fanico hogar hind\u00fa en un barrio predominantemente isl\u00e1mico."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But not all the vessels have those to date.","es":"Pero no todos los buques lo tienen hoy en d\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is in the Library of Congress. It's a pamphlet published by Samuel Gompers, hero of our American labor movement. It's called, \"Some Reason for Chinese Exclusion: Meat versus Rice: American Manhood against Asiatic Coolieism: Which shall survive?\"","es":"De hecho, esto est\u00e1 en la Librer\u00eda del Congreso; es un panfleto publicado por Samuel Gompers, h\u00e9roe de nuestro movimiento obrero estadounidense, y est\u00e1 titulado: \"Algunas Razones para la Exclusi\u00f3n de los chinos: La Carne contra el Arroz: La Hombr\u00eda Estadounidense contra el Culi Asi\u00e1tico: \u00bfCu\u00e1l sobrevivir\u00e1?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"In fact, a few years back, I developed an app for the iPad which does exactly this.","es":"De hecho, hace unos a\u00f1os, desarroll\u00e9 una aplicaci\u00f3n para iPad que hace exactamente esto, llamada Avaz."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Where is this data used today?","es":"\u00bfPara qu\u00e9 se usan estos datos hoy?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"This guy says, \"Nah, I don't use H&R Block anymore.","es":"El hombre dice: \"No, yo no uso m\u00e1s a H&R Block."} -{"gender":"female","en":"\"Makes me laugh.\"","es":"\"Me hace re\u00edr\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Nathan Myhrvold and I actually are backing a company that, perhaps surprisingly, is actually taking the nuclear approach.","es":"Con Nathan Myhrvold estamos respaldando una empesa que est\u00e1, quiz\u00e1s sorprendentemente, enfocada en lo nuclear."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I'm not perfect at it, but I try hard to practice it.","es":"No soy perfecta, pero me esfuerzo mucho por ponerlo en pr\u00e1ctica."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"\"Enjoy the gravity on HD 40307g, a Super-Earth.\"","es":"\"Disfruta de la gravedad en HD 40307g, una Super-Tierra\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Life is not about you.","es":"La vida no se trata de ti."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"AG: Yeah","es":"AG: S\u00ed"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So one woman at the university here in Dublin, she wrote about me.","es":"As\u00ed que una mujer en la universidad en Dubl\u00edn, escribi\u00f3 sobre m\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So today, I want to offer to you three observations, about the past, the present and the future of time, as it relates to the combating of racism and white dominance.","es":"Hoy quiero presentar tres observaciones sobre el pasado, el presente y el futuro del tiempo, en relaci\u00f3n a la lucha contra el racismo y la dominaci\u00f3n blanca."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"\"She is opening the door.\"","es":"\"Ella est\u00e1 abriendo la puerta\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The RCA is really quite an amazing school from that viewpoint.","es":"El RCA es una escuela totalmente sorprendente desde ese punto de vista."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So that raised a social question that I believe must have driven new social forms.","es":"Entonces esto plante\u00f3 un problema social que creo debe haber conducido a nuevas formas sociales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But then one out of the three good-for-nothings gets it to the head, pow!","es":"Y entonces, uno de los tres holgazanes recibe un golpe: \u00a1pam!"} -{"gender":"male","en":"They are now happy sending the news that they have protected the Okapi with the war, because we sent the news that they are killing and poaching everywhere.","es":"Son felices ahora enviando la noticia de que han protegido al okapi durante la guerra, porque enviamos la noticia de que estaban matando y cazando furtivamente por todos sitios."} -{"gender":"female","en":"All the drivers are becoming members.","es":"Los conductores est\u00e1n registr\u00e1ndose."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And it was while I was doing my Ph.D. on the neurological causes of dyslexia in children that I encountered a startling fact that I'd like to share with you all today.","es":"Y fue mientras estaba haciendo mi doctorado sobre las causas neurol\u00f3gicas de dislexia en ni\u00f1os que me encontr\u00e9 con un hecho asombroso que me gustar\u00eda compartir con todos ustedes el d\u00eda de hoy."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's one that I think we all need to ask ourselves, which is, why we thought the responsibility rested with this individual here.","es":"Es una que me parece que todos necesitamos preguntarnos, que es, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 pensamos que la responsabilidad yac\u00eda en esta persona aqu\u00ed?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"And my season is November.","es":"Y mi temporada es en noviembre."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Not all of them have been perfect, or will be, but the trend is very clear.","es":"No todas ellas han sido perfectas, o lo ser\u00e1n, pero la tendencia es muy clara."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They would click on a button, and they would be connected as A to B immediately. And I thought, \"Oh, wow. I found it. This is great.\"","es":"Ellos con un clic en un bot\u00f3n se conectaban de inmediato como A con B. Y pens\u00e9: \"\u00a1Guau, lo encontr\u00e9, esto es genial!\""} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So, none of these people are doing what they think is right.","es":"Entonces, ninguna de estas personas est\u00e1n haciendo lo que creen que esta bien."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And why this is interesting is I have this sort of application running on the computer monitor, which has a 3D room, with some targets floating in it.","es":"Esto es interesante porque tengo una aplicaci\u00f3n ejecut\u00e1ndose en el monitor del computador que tiene una habitaci\u00f3n 3D, con algunos blancos flotando en ella."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm working at a gas station on the outskirts of Santa Barbara, California.","es":"Trabajaba en una gasolinera en las afueras de Santa B\u00e1rbara, California."} -{"gender":"male","en":"They have to do it for themselves.","es":"Tienen que hacerlo por s\u00ed mismas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So where are they from?","es":"As\u00ed que, \u00bfde d\u00f3nde son?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"I know that some of you may be cringing a little bit right now.","es":"S\u00e9 que algunos de Uds. se estar\u00e1n encogiendo de hombros en este momento."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So you're the bouncer at the pub, you need to know that I'm over 18. Instead of showing you my driving license, which shows you I know how to drive, what my name is, my address, all these kind of things, I show you my psychic paper, and all it tells you is, am I over 18 or not. Right.","es":"Ud. es el portero en el bar, necesita saber si tengo m\u00e1s de 18, en lugar de ense\u00f1arle mi licencia, que le muestra que s\u00e9 conducir. cu\u00e1l es mi nombre, mi domicilio, todo ese tipo de cosas, le ense\u00f1o mi papel ps\u00edquico, y lo que le dice es si tengo 18 o no. Bien."} -{"gender":"female","en":"CA: How do you answer them?","es":"CA: \u00bfY c\u00f3mo las respondes?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But again, consider this: the Civil Rights Movement in the United States navigated a minefield of political dangers, faced repression and overcame, won major policy concessions, navigated and innovated through risks.","es":"Pero, tengan esto en cuenta: el movimiento de los derechos civiles en EE.UU. se desarroll\u00f3 a trav\u00e9s de un campo de minas lleno de peligros pol\u00edticos. Se enfrent\u00f3 a la represi\u00f3n, y consigui\u00f3 compromisos importantes navegando e innovando a trav\u00e9s de los riesgos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Either we have lost touch with those values or, no better, believe they need not or cannot be taught. This aversion to social values may seem at odds with the explosion of community service programs.","es":"O hemos perdido el contacto con estos valores, o peor a\u00fan, creemos que no son necesarios o no es posible ense\u00f1arlos. \u00e9sta renuencia a los valores sociales pueden parecer contrarios a la explosi\u00f3n de programas de servicio comunitario."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We were giving all kinds of training.","es":"D\u00e1bamos todo tipo de formaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The next morning, I just took all the pieces, assembled them together in my hotel room, and this is actually the skirt that I'm wearing right now.","es":"A la ma\u00f1ana siguiente, ensambl\u00e9 todas las piezas en la habitaci\u00f3n del hotel, y es la falda que estoy usando ahora."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Or we could use it as research plots, where we can use it to remediate contaminated soils, or we could use it to generate energy.","es":"O podr\u00edamos usarlo como parcelas de investigaci\u00f3n, donde remediar suelos contaminados, o podr\u00edamos usarlo para generar energ\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And so I think that we really feel like then people should have less sex.","es":"Y creo que nuesto sentir es, que la gente deber\u00eda tener menos relaciones sexuales."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It also means that designers are no longer consultants, but we're teachers, and we are charged with growing creative capital within the next generation.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n significa que los dise\u00f1adores ya no son consultores, sino maestros a cargo del crecimiento del capital creativo de la pr\u00f3xima generaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It does seem odd.","es":"Si parece raro."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, for example, the walls in the Alhambra, I can take all of these tiles, and fix them at the yellow place, rotate them by 90 degrees, put them all back down again and they fit perfectly down there.","es":"Entonces, por ejemplo, las paredes en la Alhambra, puedo tomar todos estos azulejos, y fijarlos en el lugar amarillo, rotarlos noventa grados, volver a bajarlos y encajan perfectamente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, I talked to Josh Prince-Ramus about the convention center and the conferences.","es":"Asi que habl\u00e9 con Josh Prince-Ramus acerca del centro de convenciones y las conferencias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well first, what are insects?","es":"Pero antes, \u00bfqu\u00e9 son?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And when it takes its place, it sheds electromagnetic radiation.","es":"Y cuando toma su lugar, despide una radiaci\u00f3n electromagn\u00e9tica."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And while certain signs span thousands of kilometers, other signs had much more restricted distribution patterns, with some being limited to a single territory, like we see here with these divided rectangles that are only found in northern Spain, and which some researchers have speculated could be some sort of family or clan signs.","es":"Y si bien ciertos signos est\u00e1n esparcidos por miles de kil\u00f3metros, otros signos ten\u00edan patrones de distribuci\u00f3n mucho m\u00e1s restringidos, con algunos que se limitaban a un solo territorio, como vemos aqu\u00ed con estos rect\u00e1ngulos divididos que solo se encuentran en el norte de Espa\u00f1a, y que algunos investigadores han especulado que podr\u00eda haber sido signos de familia o clan."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I met global food companies, financial institutions and local government officials.","es":"Me reun\u00ed con empresas alimenticias globales, instituciones financieras, y funcionarios del gobierno local."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Glory to heroes.\"","es":"Gloria a los h\u00e9roes\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But 18 months later, I asked him why he had tried to shoot me.","es":"Pero 18 meses despu\u00e9s, le pregunt\u00e9 por qu\u00e9 hab\u00eda tratado de dispararme."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Its roots go way back.","es":"Su origen se remonta mucho tiempo atr\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And that red light is just scattered light in the camera optics.","es":"Y esa luz roja es solo luz dispersada en la \u00f3ptica de la c\u00e1mara."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I hope nobody knows it.\"","es":"Espero que nadie se de cuenta\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"One the other end of the spectra is Uber.","es":"En el otro extremo del espectro est\u00e1 Uber."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My mother can't force me to marry.","es":"Mi madre no puede obligarme a que me case."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So when one disgusting thing touches a clean thing, that clean thing becomes disgusting, not the other way around.","es":"As\u00ed que cuando una cosa asquerosa toca una cosa limpia, esa cosa limpia se vuelve asquerosa, pero no al rev\u00e9s."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And actually in many ways, they're worse than useless, because we have to put so much time and energy into just keeping them alive.","es":"Y en realidad, en muchos aspectos, son m\u00e1s que in\u00fatiles, dado que tenemos que invertir mucha energ\u00eda para tan solo mantenerlos con vida."} -{"gender":"male","en":"There are already hints of this blood in newspapers every day.","es":"Ya hay indicios de esta sangre en los peri\u00f3dicos todos los d\u00edas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In 29 years, I'm very grateful to tell you I've never lost one.","es":"Y en 29 a\u00f1os, Estoy muy agradecido de poder decir que nunca he perdido uno en 29 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It is so novel to see this, that somebody actually picked up an analog device and has written to me.","es":"Es tan novedoso de ver esto, que alguien de verdad tom\u00f3 un dispositivo an\u00e1logo y me escribi\u00f3 a m\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I must have flown over a dozen villages like this along the Niger River, and each one was unique, it had a different pattern.","es":"Habr\u00e9 sobrevolado m\u00e1s de una docena de pueblos como este a lo largo del r\u00edo N\u00edger, cada uno con su particularidad, con un patr\u00f3n distinto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Turbo has taken to knocking on the door with his beak, we let him in and he comes in here.","es":"Turbo ha aprendido a llamar a la puerta con el pico. Le dejamos pasar y entra."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's removed some of my paralysis.","es":"Me quita parte de la par\u00e1lisis."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Even if you don't agree that there's a moral imperative that we do it, it just makes economic sense.","es":"A\u00fan si no est\u00e1n de acuerdo en que es una obligaci\u00f3n moral que lo hagamos, tiene sentido desde un punto de vista econ\u00f3mico."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And when I finally managed to grab hold of it, I looked up, and I was instantly surrounded by fish in all colors of the rainbow.","es":"Cuando por fin llegu\u00e9 a tocarlo, mir\u00e9 arriba, y vi que me rodearon al instante peces de todos los colores del arco iris."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, this is subject to a lot of debate and controversy.","es":"Este es un tema que genera debate y controversia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It was intimate and private, and water was this complicated challenge that kept me busy for a decade.","es":"Era \u00edntimo y privado, y el agua era este complicado reto que me mantuvo ocupada durante una d\u00e9cada."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So our first step in restoring the dreams of those parents is to answer the question: Why are babies dying?","es":"As\u00ed que el primer paso para restituir los sue\u00f1os de esos padres est\u00e1 en responder a la pregunta: \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 mueren los beb\u00e9s?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"I have been looking at what underlies these data for three years, and children are not the problem.","es":"He estado averiguando lo que subyace a estos datos por 3 a\u00f1os y los ni\u00f1os no son el problema."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And same with the other cars.","es":"Y lo mismo para otros autos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When you sit down in a bar, in a coffee house, on a park bench, your ancient brain snaps into action like a sleeping cat awakened, and you smile and laugh and listen and parade the way our ancestors did 100,000 years ago.","es":"Cuando te sientas en un bar, en un caf\u00e9, en un banco de parque, tu cerebro ancestral se pone en acci\u00f3n como un gato dormido que despierta, y sonr\u00edes y r\u00edes y escuchas y desfilas como lo hac\u00edan nuestros ancestros hace 100 000 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The skeletal support comes from an interaction between a pressurized fluid and a surrounding wall of tissue that's held in tension and reinforced with fibrous proteins.","es":"El soporte esquel\u00e9tico es consecuencia de la interacci\u00f3n entre un flu\u00eddo presurizado y una pared de tejido circundante sujetada en tensi\u00f3n y reforzada con prote\u00ednas fibrosas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"What this company does is they send a letter to households that say, \"Here's your energy use, here's your neighbor's energy use: You're doing well.\"","es":"Lo que esta compa\u00f1\u00eda hace es mandar una carta a las casas que dice \"Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 tu uso de energ\u00eda, aqu\u00ed el de tu vecino, lo est\u00e1s haciendo bien\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"After a very bad stroke, his ageless soul watches the changes in the body with tenderness, and he is grateful to the people who help him.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de un muy mal ACV, su alma eternamente joven mira los cambios en el cuerpo con ternura, y \u00e9l agradece a las personas que lo ayudan."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We took our clues from mother nature. Mother nature wastes very little, reuses practically everything.","es":"Tomamos estos indicios de la madre naturaleza que deja muy pocos desechos ya que reutiliza pr\u00e1cticamente todo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But you know. \"Why do we have to take pop's underwear back now?","es":"Pero saben ustedes, \"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 tenemos que llevar los calzones de Ap\u00e1 ahora?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"He's now playing the piece that we just saw a little better than I wrote it.","es":"Ahora est\u00e1 tocando la pieza que ya vimos, un poco mejor de lo que yo la escrib\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Every time I felt the slightest rejection, I would just run as fast as I could.","es":"Cada vez que sent\u00eda el m\u00e1s leve rechazo, hu\u00eda a m\u00e1s no poder."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I made the tough decision of going home after graduation and not going up to Capitol Hill, but going down to my parents' basement and making it my job to learn how to paint.","es":"Tom\u00e9 la dif\u00edcil decisi\u00f3n de volver a casa despu\u00e9s de graduarme y de no ir a Capitol Hill, sino de bajar al s\u00f3tano de mis padres y hacer mi trabajo para aprender a pintar."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Indeed, an outbreak would be multiple Katrinas at once.","es":"De hecho, un brote ser\u00eda como m\u00faltiples Katrinas a la vez."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And they are not.","es":"Y no lo son."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That is a real word.","es":"Es una palabra real. Es real."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The question is: Did they stop to help?","es":"La pregunta es: \u00bfse detuvieron a ayudarlo?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"For example, there are different colors and each color gets a different type of singing, pop, country and western, opera, jazz, and you just have to be consistent with that color.","es":"Por ejemplo, hay diferentes colores y cada uno es para una clase de canto diferente - pop, country, western, \u00f3pera, jazz - y hay que ser consistente con cada color."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If you don't have an effective teacher in the front of the classroom, I don't care how big or small the building is, you're not going to change the trajectory of whether that student will be ready for college.","es":"Si no tienes un maestro eficaz en el aula, no importa qu\u00e9 tan grande o peque\u00f1o sea el lugar, no se podr\u00e1 cambiar la trayectoria de ese estudiante hacia la universidad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That all seems like win to me.","es":"Para m\u00ed, eso es ganar la partida."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Let me explain a point at which we did not rise to the occasion.","es":"Perm\u00edtanme explicarles una situaci\u00f3n en la que no festejamos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So, 6:10 in the morning on Mars.","es":"Entonces son las 6:10 de la ma\u00f1ana en Marte."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And of course, by now, you're probably saying to yourself, \"Self, I thought I came to a talk about energy and here's this guy talking about biology.\"","es":"Y por supuesto, en este punto, probablemente est\u00e1s dici\u00e9ndote a ti mismo: \"Mismo, yo pens\u00e9 que ven\u00eda a una charla sobre energ\u00eda, y aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 este tipo que habla sobre biolog\u00eda\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The diver here has a rope toy, and I'm on the keyboard on the left, and I've just played the rope key, and that's the request for the toy from the human.","es":"El buzo tiene aqu\u00ed un juguete de cuerda, y yo estoy en el teclado a la izquierda, y acababa de tocar la nota de la cuerda y esta es la solicitud del juguete a los humanos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That's just not going to work.","es":"Eso no funcionar\u00e1."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Arthur Zang started working on the Cardiopad eight years ago, in his final year at university.","es":"Arthur Zang empez\u00f3 a trabajar en el Cardiopad hace ocho a\u00f1os, en su \u00faltimo a\u00f1o en la universidad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So the answer really lies in India and in Africa.","es":"As\u00ed que la respuesta se encuentra realmente en India y en \u00c1frica."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I think I'd like to stay in it forever.\"","es":"Creo que me quedar\u00e9 para siempre\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So they calculate the percent annual growth rate of economy.","es":"Por eso calculan la tasa porcentual de crecimiento anual de la econom\u00eda."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But in the last couple of years we've become infamous for a couple of things.","es":"Pero en los \u00faltimos dos a\u00f1os nos hemos hecho conocidos por un par de cosas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So what's at the root of all these amazing changes?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 est\u00e1 en la ra\u00edz de todos estos cambios sorprendentes?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Why Jack?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 Jack?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We were essentially trying to fight crime with yellow Post-it notes.","es":"Esencialmente, trat\u00e1bamos de combatir el crimen mediante notas con Post-It."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Torture, wars, oh, my God, you can't believe.","es":"Tortura, guerras oh, Dios m\u00edo, ni se lo pueden imaginar."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Because the worst thing we have done in Afghanistan is this idea that failure is not an option.","es":"Porque lo peor que hicimos en Afganist\u00e1n es esta idea de que el fracaso no es una opci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Mustard does not exist on a hierarchy.","es":"La mostaza no existe en una jerarqu\u00eda."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Koko was taught to communicate via sign language.","es":"A Koko le ense\u00f1aron a comunicarse a trav\u00e9s de se\u00f1as."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And to give you a perspective on how this can work, let's think of the response we see to a healthcare pandemic: SARS, Ebola, bird flu, Zika.","es":"Y para darle una perspectiva sobre c\u00f3mo puede funcionar esto, pensemos en la respuesta que vemos a una pandemia de cuidado de la salud: SARS, el \u00e9bola, la gripe aviar, el zika."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"There's new drug discovery going on.","es":"Se est\u00e1n descubriendo nuevos medicamentos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And sometimes, in more extreme cases but not very rare cases, they sew the orifice up so the girl can just urinate or menstruate.","es":"Y a veces, en casos m\u00e1s extremos, aunque no muy raros, cosen el orificio para que la ni\u00f1a solo pueda orinar o menstruar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I want you to watch closely.","es":"Miren con atenci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And the answer is no. But if you took this 30 percent, these 300 people and had them nominate their friends and took the same number of vaccine doses and vaccinated the friends of the 300, the 300 friends, you can get the same level of herd immunity as if you had vaccinated 96 percent of the population at a much greater efficiency, with a strict budget constraint.","es":"Y la respuesta es no. Pero si uno toma este 30%, estas 300 personas, y hacemos que elijan a sus amigos y tomamos la misma cantidad de dosis de vacunas y vacunamos a los amigos de los 300, los 300 amigos, se obtiene el mismo nivel de inmunidad de grupo que si vacun\u00e1ramos al 96% de la poblaci\u00f3n con mucha mayor eficiencia y una restricci\u00f3n presupuestaria estricta."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Like my next link, the almost irresistible link, Ham the Astrochimp.","es":"Como en el siguiente, el casi irresistible enlace de Ham el astrochimpanc\u00e9."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I bring this up because it's important to locate this practice in history. To look at 1968, in the incredible historic moment that it is, and think of the arc that has happened since then, to think of the possibilities that we are all privileged to stand in today and imagine that this museum that came out of a moment of great protest and one that was so much about examining the history and the legacy of important African-American artists to the history of art in this country like Jacob Lawrence, Norman Lewis, Romare Bearden.","es":"Lo traigo a colaci\u00f3n porque es importante situar esta pr\u00e1ctica en la historia, remontarse a 1968 al momento hist\u00f3rico incre\u00edble que es, y pensar en todo lo sucedido desde entonces, pensar en lo privilegiados que somos por las posibilidades de hoy, e imaginar este museo que surgi\u00f3 en un momento de grandes protestas, en el que se examin\u00f3 la historia y el legado de importantes artistas afro-estadounidenses para la historia del arte de este pa\u00eds, como Jacob Lawrence, Norman Lewis, Romare Beardon."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I've been working with him about 10 years.","es":"Llevo trabajando con \u00e9l alrededor de 10 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"female","en":"How do these plants dry without dying?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo se secan estas plantas sin morir?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"There was shared attention looking at the same sort of thing, and recognizing socially communicated reinforcement at the end.","es":"Hubo atenci\u00f3n compartida al mirar el mismo tipo de cosas, y reconocimiento del refuerzo social al final."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We're being corrected, and the primary policemen are women, because we are the carriers of the tradition.","es":"Se nos corrige. Y las principales polic\u00edas son mujeres, porque somos las portadoras de la tradici\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I'm just saying, \"No way.\"","es":"Y yo digo, \"No puede ser\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Okay?","es":"\u00bfS\u00ed?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"So here, in wool, through a domestic feminine art, is the proof that the most famous postulate in mathematics is wrong.","es":"As\u00ed que aqu\u00ed, en lana, con un arte casero femenino, est\u00e1 la prueba de que el postulado m\u00e1s famoso de las matem\u00e1ticas est\u00e1 equivocado."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But what you'll notice about all of these products is they're very, very intricate.","es":"Pero notar\u00e1n que todos estos productos son muy, muy complicados."} -{"gender":"male","en":"TD: So, with regard to the development that we've been talking about here at this conference, I really feel that the development that we make shouldn't create a further burden for us as human beings, but should be used to improve our fundamental lifestyle of how we live in the world.","es":"TD: As\u00ed que con respecto al desarrollo del que hemos estado hablando aqu\u00ed en esta conferencia realmente siento que el desarrollo que producimos no deber\u00eda suponer una carga adicional para nosotros como humanos, sino que deber\u00eda usarse para mejorar nuestro estilo de vida fundamental de c\u00f3mo vivimos en el mundo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So the ultimate goal of psychoanalytic psychotherapy was really what Freud called ordinary misery.","es":"As\u00ed que el objetivo m\u00e1ximo de la psicoterapia psicoanal\u00edtica era lo que Freud llamaba la miseria ordinaria."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It is about a country in the southwest of Africa called Namibia.","es":"Es sobre un pa\u00eds, del sudoeste de \u00c1frica, llamado Namibia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so the challenge that we face in urban water harvesting is to capture the water, clean the water and get it underground.","es":"Y el reto al que nos enfrentamos con el agua de lluvia urbana es recoger el agua, limpiar el agua y almacenarla en el subsuelo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Just from the perspective of climate change, the average urban dweller in the U.S. has about one-third the carbon footprint of the average suburban dweller, mostly because suburbanites drive a lot more, and living in detached buildings, you have that much more exterior surface to leak energy out of.","es":"S\u00f3lo desde la perspectiva del cambio clim\u00e1tico el habitante urbano medio de EE.UU. tiene cerca de 1\/3 de la huella de carbono del habitante suburbano medio, sobretodo porque la gente de los suburbios conduce mucho m\u00e1s y vive en edificios separados, hay mucha m\u00e1s superficie exterior por donde se escapa la energ\u00eda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It had to be dug out.","es":"Escarvamos para sacarlo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"An early project was to develop software standards on management control protocols.","es":"Un proyecto inicial fue desarrollar est\u00e1ndares de software sobre protocolos de control de gesti\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The reason I get personally pissed-off about running shoes is because I bought a million of them and I kept getting hurt.","es":"Lo que de verdad me enoja de las zapatillas de correr es que aunque me compr\u00e9 millones segu\u00edan haci\u00e9ndome da\u00f1o."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But it was hard for me to relate to one who had so completely washed his hands of his own calamitous doing, to one whose life was so unexamined that he said he thought two people had died in the crash.","es":"Pero me fue dif\u00edcil relacionarme con alguien quien se lavaba las manos por completo de su propio hacer calamitoso con alguien cuya vida estaba tan poco examinada que dijo que pens\u00f3 que dos personas hab\u00edan muerto en el choque."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Mosquitos develop resistance.","es":"Los zancudos desarrollan la resistencia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm just going to draw your attention to just one of the many implications of the memetic perspective, which I recommend.","es":"Solo voy a llamar su atenci\u00f3n sobre una de las muchas implicaciones de la perspectiva mem\u00e9tica, la cual recomiendo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Me and my friends, I can connect to them easily.","es":"Mis amigos y yo, puedo conectar con ellos f\u00e1cilmente."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, what's really important is that, before there was GPHIN, 100 percent of all the world's reports of bad things, whether you're talking about famine or you're talking about bird flu or you're talking about Ebola, 100 percent of all those reports came from nations.","es":"Ahora, lo que es realmente importante es que, antes de que existiera GPHIN, el 100% de los reportes del mundo acerca de cosas malas, a\u00fan si est\u00e1s hablando de hambruna o si est\u00e1s hablando de gripe aviar o si est\u00e1s hablando de \u00c9bola, 100% de esos reportes ven\u00edan de naciones."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I don't want to spoil it, if you still have this sitting on your DVR, but Watson won handily.","es":"Yo no quer\u00eda echarlo a perder, si a\u00fan conservan esto grabado en su DVR, pero Watson gan\u00f3 f\u00e1cilmente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now we live in the age of the Internet, which seems to be creating a form of global consciousness.","es":"Ahora vivimos en la era de Internet, que parece estar creando una nueva forma de conciencia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So, two examples.","es":"Entonces, dos ejemplos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Although I won't be able to show you a real picture of a black hole today, I'd like to give you a brief glimpse into the effort involved in getting that first picture.","es":"Aunque hoy no podr\u00e9 ense\u00f1arles una imagen real de un agujero negro, me gustar\u00eda mostrarles brevemente el esfuerzo que supone conseguir esa primera fotograf\u00eda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Maybe in our teenage years, we were a nerd at school, and we see those rebel kids outside smoking and we think, \"Hey, I want to be cool.\"","es":"Tal vez en nuestros a\u00f1os de adolescencia, \u00e9ramos unos nerds en la escuela, y ve\u00edamos a los rebeldes fumar y pens\u00e1bamos, \"Yo quiero ser estar a la onda\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Which brings us to skill number two a system has.","es":"Lo que nos lleva a la habilidad n\u00famero dos que un sistema debe tener."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But I think it does matter which way we go and what road we take, because when I think about design in the near future, what I think are the most important issues, what's really crucial and vital, is that we need to revitalize the arts and sciences right now, in 2002.","es":"Pero creo que s\u00ed importa qu\u00e9 camino tomamos y por d\u00f3nde nos vamos, porque cuando pienso en el dise\u00f1o en el futuro pr\u00f3ximo, en lo que pienso es en las cuestiones m\u00e1s importantes; lo que es realmente crucial y vital es lo que necesitamos para revitalizar las artes y las ciencias ya mismo, en el 2002."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So let's go now to the uniquely human world of language.","es":"Vayamos ahora al mundo exclusivamente humano del lenguaje."} -{"gender":"female","en":"She goes, \"OK.\"","es":"Ella dice: \"Bien\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The first was moral; that psychologists and psychiatrists became victimologists, pathologizers; that our view of human nature was that if you were in trouble, bricks fell on you.","es":"La primera fue moral: los psic\u00f3logos y psiquiatras se convirtieron en victim\u00f3logos, pat\u00f3logos; nuestra visi\u00f3n de la naturaleza humana pas\u00f3 a ser que si estabas en problemas ibas a terminar peor."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So adolescence is defined as the period of life that starts with the biological, hormonal, physical changes of puberty and ends at the age at which an individual attains a stable, independent role in society.","es":"La adolescencia se define como el per\u00edodo de la vida que comienza con los cambios biol\u00f3gicos, hormonales y f\u00edsicos de la pubertad y termina a la edad en la que un individuo consigue un rol estable, independiente en la sociedad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We had wooden flutists, we had oboists, we had opera singers, we had guitar players, and we had rap singers.","es":"Ten\u00edamos flautistas que tocaban flautas de madera, ten\u00edamos oboes, ten\u00edamos cantantes de \u00f3pera, ten\u00edamos guitarristas, y ten\u00edamos cantantes de rap."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They want to know how much exercise your dog is getting.","es":"Quiere saber cu\u00e1nto ejercicio hace."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm disappointed that we never got to know each other as adults. Could you please come to Ohio, and please bring that man that I know you have found by now.","es":"Estoy desilusionada que de adultos nunca llegamos a conocernos. podr\u00edas venirte a Ohio, y por favor trae a ese hombre que s\u00e9 que ya has encontrado."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We don't have any trouble seeing the cube, but where does the color change?","es":"No nos cuesta ver esto en absoluro, pero \u00bfd\u00f3nde cambia el color?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Some bacteria figured out how to stay away from penicillin, and it went around sort of creating its little DNA information with other bacteria, and now we have a lot of bacteria that are resistant to penicillin, because bacteria communicate.","es":"Algunas bacterias encontraron la forma de evitar la penicilina y se las apa\u00f1aron para crear su peque\u00f1o ADN con otras bacterias y ahora hay muchas resistentes a la penicilina porque las bacterias se comunican."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This troubles me.","es":"Esto me preocupa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I've had to write some notes to avoid too much grunting and swearing in the next 17 minutes.","es":"As\u00ed que apunt\u00e9 algunas ideas para evitar el exceso de gru\u00f1idos y groser\u00edas en los pr\u00f3ximos 17 minutos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They come from us.","es":"Ellos vienen de nosotros."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But the third class of reforms is that we've got to change the nature of social relationships in Congress.","es":"Pero la tercera clase de reformas es la que debemos cambiar la naturaleza de las relaciones sociales en el Congreso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I've been illustrating books since I was 16.","es":"Ilustro libros desde los 16 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Autonomous robotic weapons are such a tool, except that, by requiring very few people to go to war, they risk re-centralizing power into very few hands, possibly reversing a five-century trend toward democracy.","es":"Las armas rob\u00f3ticas aut\u00f3nomas son esas herramientas, salvo que, al exigir que muy pocas personas vayan a la guerra, se corre el riesgo de re-centralizar el poder en muy pocas manos, posiblemente revirtiendo una tendencia de cinco siglos hacia la democracia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But one day, I came home and my foster mother had made chicken wings for dinner.","es":"Pero un d\u00eda, llegu\u00e9 a casa y mi madre de acogida hab\u00eda hecho alitas de pollo para la cena."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We could require agriculture to give up antibiotic use.","es":"Podr\u00edamos exigir que dejen de usarse antibi\u00f3ticos en la agricultura."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They're not lying.","es":"Ellos no mienten."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It seems that everybody is getting into the act.","es":"Parece que todos se han puesto manos a la obra."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And most people get that, but they think that one is the input to the other.","es":"Mucha gente lo entiende, pero piensa que uno es la entrada del otro."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So what did we find?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 encontramos?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"And what are you going to do, like, cut back on paper clips or something?","es":"\u00bfY qu\u00e9 vamos a hacer? \u00bfrecortar gastos en clips de papel o algo as\u00ed?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"We're focusing now on Port-au-Prince.","es":"Ahora estamos sobre Puerto Pr\u00edncipe."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's been a strong interest of mine, and a theme that I've developed for some 30 years.","es":"Esto ha sido de fuerte inter\u00e9s para m\u00ed, y un tema que he desarrollado durante casi 30 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"male","en":"\"From far, from eve and morning From yon twelve-winded sky, The stuff of life to knit me Blew hither; here am I. Now \u2014 for a breath I tarry Nor yet disperse apart \u2014 Take my hand quick and tell me, What have you in your heart.","es":"\"Desde lejos, desde el crep\u00fasculo y la ma\u00f1ana y el cielo de los doce vientos, la materia de la vida para tejerme sopl\u00f3 ac\u00e1 y aqu\u00ed estoy. Ahora \u2014 retraso mi exhalaci\u00f3n contengo a\u00fan el aliento \u2014 r\u00e1pido, toma mi mano y dime, qu\u00e9 habita en tu coraz\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"No relationship, gay, straight or anything, that we would regard as remotely healthy or functional looks like that, and yet somehow, you put it on prime time, you slap some makeup on it, throw the glitter on, put it out there as movement, not as text, and we, as a culture, tune in and clap.","es":"Ninguna relaci\u00f3n, homosexual, heterosexual o cualquiera, que considerar\u00edamos remotamente saludable o funcional tendr\u00eda ese aspecto y, sin embargo, lo ponemos en horario central, lo maquillamos un poco, le ponemos brillo, lo ponemos all\u00ed como movimiento, no como texto y nosotros, como cultura, sintonizamos y aplaudimos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And when I built this computer, I had a moment of, what is it called?, the epiphany where I realized that the computer's just so fast.","es":"Y cuando constru\u00ed esta computadora, tuve un momento, \u00bfC\u00f3mo se dice? una epifan\u00eda donde me d\u00ed cuenta que la computadora es muy r\u00e1pida."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They know exactly what's happening, and what's not. They know that when it comes to schooling, black lives don't matter and they never have.","es":"Saben exactamente lo que est\u00e1 sucediendo y lo que no. Saben que cuando se trata de escolarizaci\u00f3n, las vida de los afroestadounidenses no importa y nunca lo import\u00f3."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Refugees have a lot of time to prepare for their return.","es":"Los refugiados tienen mucho tiempo para prepararse para su regreso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And when I think about that, first of all I think that government is a social contract between the people and the government, and if the government isn't transparent, then the people aren't going to be transparent either, but also that we're blaming the little guy who doesn't pay his taxes, and we're not recognizing that everyone's fudging things all over the world, including some extremely respected businesses, and I'll give you one example.","es":"Cuando pienso en eso, en primer lugar creo que el gobierno entra en un contrato social entre la gente y el gobierno, y si el gobierno no es transparente, entonces la gente tampoco lo ser\u00e1, pero tambi\u00e9n que culpamos al ciudadano com\u00fan que no paga sus impuestos, y no reconocemos que todo el mundo ama\u00f1a algo, incluso algunas empresas muy respetadas, y les dar\u00e9 un ejemplo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I turned the page and what came next was this.","es":"Volv\u00ed la p\u00e1gina y lo que vino despu\u00e9s fue esto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Little expensive.\"","es":"Poco caro\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I rejoice that it's still in my body.","es":"Me regocijo de que a\u00fan est\u00e9 en mi cuerpo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, it's very easy to complain, of course, about partisan politics and entrenched bureaucracy, and we love to complain about government.","es":"Es f\u00e1cil quejarse de los partidos pol\u00edticos, y de la intrincada burocracia, y nos encanta quejarnos del gobierno."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is Gene Cernan, a good friend of mine, saying, \"If I can go to the moon\", this is the last human on the moon so far, \"nothing, nothing is impossible.\"","es":"Este es un, este es Gene Cernan, un buen amigo m\u00edo, diciendo \"Si yo puedo ir a la Luna--\" es el \u00faltimo ser humano que ha estado en la Luna hasta la fecha, \"nada es imposible, nada\u201d."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Often that's what people think I do, and it's the furthest thing from it.","es":"Y muchas veces eso es lo que la gente cree que hago, pero es mucho m\u00e1s que eso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So we trick our brains, because our brain simply doesn't accept the fact that it doesn't really make sense.","es":"As\u00ed, enga\u00f1amos al cerebro porque el cerebro no acepta el hecho de que eso realmente no tiene sentido."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So we did some really simple things.","es":"Hicimos cosas muy simples."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's basically what I will do.","es":"Esto es b\u00e1sicamente lo que har\u00e9."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Insofar as he was extending them, he was doing so asymmetrically, which she thought could mean that there was a tumor of some kind in action.","es":"Al extender sus piernas, lo hac\u00eda de forma muy asim\u00e9trica, por eso ella pens\u00f3 que pod\u00eda tratarse de la acci\u00f3n de un tumor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I think for me, it's a way of trying to understand the city and what might happen in the city.","es":"Y creo que es una forma de para m\u00ed, es una forma de tratar de entender la ciudad, y lo que podr\u00eda pasar en la ciudad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Can we look at this thing?","es":"\u00bfPodemos verlo?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But back to animals and junk food.","es":"Pero volvamos a los animales y la comida basura."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Looking at one of these particular summaries, I can then drill into the concept of Time magazine Person of the Year, bringing up all of them.","es":"Viendo uno de estos res\u00famenes en particular, Puedo entonces indagar en el concepto de la revista Time Personas del A\u00f1o, y verlas todas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The Scottish poet Denise Riley compares poetry to a needle, a sliver of outside I cradle inside, and the American poet Terrance Hayes wrote six poems called \"Wind in a Box.\"","es":"La poetisa escocesa Denise Riley compara la poes\u00eda con una aguja, un pedazo del exterior que alojo en mi interior. Y el poeta estadounidense Terrance Hayes escribi\u00f3 6 poemas llamados \"Viento en una caja\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Well because, if you miss your flight by three minutes, it is painfully easy to imagine that you could have made different decisions that would have led to a better outcome.","es":"Porque si pierdes el vuelo por 3 minutos, resulta doloroso imaginar que podr\u00edan haber tomado decisiones diferentes que les habr\u00edan llevado a un mejor resultado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But that, as I said, is just a difference of opinion.","es":"Pero esa es s\u00f3lo una diferencia de opini\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And we've been studying the evolution of this system.","es":"Hemos estudiado la evoluci\u00f3n de este sistema."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It devastated me when my mother did that to me.","es":"Me abat\u00eda cuando mi mam\u00e1 me lo dec\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And we serve them in the cafeterias.","es":"Y los servimos en los comedores."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It was also an opportunity for my siblings to dress up in our latest gear, made by our tailor.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n era una oportunidad para que mis hermanos lucieran la ropa nueva creada por nuestro sastre."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And my favorite story is this little boy, he's six years old and his favorite thing in the world is to be an astronaut.","es":"Y mi historia favorita es la de este ni\u00f1ito, tiene seis a\u00f1os y su cosa favorita en el mundo es ser astronauta."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I have my E-Ggel, my PCR and, oh, look there, I have my next-generation sequencing machine, and there I even have my electron microscope.","es":"Tengo mi E-Ggel, mi PCR y oh, miren all\u00ed, tengo mi m\u00e1quina de secuenciaci\u00f3n de pr\u00f3xima generaci\u00f3n, e incluso tengo mi microscopio electr\u00f3nico."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My face was stroked gently.","es":"Mi cara acariciada suavemente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If Germany fails here, Germany will stagnate.","es":"Si Alemania falla, Alemania se estancar\u00e1."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And then, you know, he got even more mad, and he wrote, like, started swearing and so on.","es":"Con lo que se enfad\u00f3 a\u00fan m\u00e1s, y escribi\u00f3, empez\u00f3 a poner insultos y dem\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The cheetah generation.","es":"La generaci\u00f3n chita."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So let me start with an example.","es":"Perm\u00edtanme comenzar con un ejemplo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Basically, sometimes when she would go to speak, at home or in public, I would just cut her off mid-sentence and finish her thought for her.","es":"B\u00e1sicamente, cuando ella iba a hablar, en casa o en p\u00fablico, la interrumpir\u00eda a mitad de la frase y terminaba su pensamiento por ella."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But I think the worst kind of fear is the fear, as Samia, a Bosnian woman, once told me, who survived the four-years besiege of Sarajevo; she said, \"The fear of losing the 'I' in me, the fear of losing the 'I' in me.\"","es":"Pero creo que el peor temor es el que me dijo una vez Samia, una mujer bosnia que sobrevivi\u00f3 los 4 a\u00f1os del sitio a Sarajevo. Dijo: \"Es el temor de perder mi yo interior, el temor de perder mi yo interior\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Larry Summers, when he was chief economist at the World Bank, once said that, \"It may well be that the highest return on investment in the developing world is in girls' education.\"","es":"Larry Summers, cuando fue jefe economista del Banco Mundial, una vez dijo que \"Es muy posible que el mayor retorno de la inversi\u00f3n en el mundo en desarrollo sea la educaci\u00f3n de las ni\u00f1as\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I just wanted them to be able to hold their head up after a game.","es":"Y s\u00f3lo quer\u00eda que fueran capaces de mantener su cabeza erguida despu\u00e9s del juego."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Very quickly, he noticed that when he moves his finger on the touchpad something moves on the screen, and later on he told me, \"I have never seen a television where you can do something.\"","es":"Muy r\u00e1pidamente not\u00f3 que cuando se mueve el dedo sobre el touchpad algo se mueve en la pantalla, y m\u00e1s tarde me dijo, nunca he visto un aparato de televisi\u00f3n en donde se pueda hacer algo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And their argument is that Jesus never talked about homosexuality.","es":"Su argumento es que Jes\u00fas nunca habl\u00f3 de la homosexualidad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We could go back to Babbage's machine and just make it tiny.","es":"Podr\u00edamos volver a la m\u00e1quina de Babbage y simplemente hacerla diminuta."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And that explains why that NASA manager was actually in my office to begin with.","es":"Y eso explica por qu\u00e9 el gerente de la NASA estaba en mi oficina, para empezar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"He had a website, La Blogoth\u00e8que, dedicated to independent music.","es":"Ten\u00eda un sitio web, La Blogoth\u00e8que, dedicado a la m\u00fasica independiente."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"What had happened was that they realized that there were organisms out there that had already solved the problems that they had spent their careers trying to solve.","es":"Se dieron cuenta que hay organismos all\u00e1 afuera que ya resolvieron los problemas a los que han dedicado sus carreras, tratando de resolver."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, one day, some crazy banker had an idea.","es":"Un d\u00eda, un banquero loco tuvo una idea."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's plausibly a random sample from this population.","es":"Es posible una muestra aleatoria de esta poblaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"AG: We are getting more support.","es":"AG: Estamos recibiendo m\u00e1s apoyo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But memory is not.","es":"Pero la memoria no lo es."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But you think to yourself, \"I'm not quite sure what's wrong with this guy.","es":"Pero piensan para s\u00ed mismos, \"No estoy seguro de qu\u00e9 le pasa a este tipo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And we realized that without the proper legislation to make that possible, that wouldn't happen.","es":"Y nos dimos cuenta que sin la correcta legislaci\u00f3n para hacerlo posible, eso no pasar\u00eda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Let me give you a quick idea of a couple of these sorts of questions.","es":"Les voy a dar una idea r\u00e1pida de un par de este tipo de preguntas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Let's film it.","es":"Hagamos un film."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Don't tell her I said that.","es":"No le digan que dije eso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"LT: Well you have to use a lot of, JF: She doesn't invite me over much, I'll tell you that.","es":"LT: Tenemos que usar muchas JF: Debo decir que ella no me invita mucho."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I want to know about things that I can relate to: validators, or anything that tells me somebody else has approved this, or there's outside validation.","es":"Cosas con las que establecer una relaci\u00f3n: una validaci\u00f3n, algo que me diga que alguien m\u00e1s aprueba esto o que hay aprobaci\u00f3n externa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I will take you to the Cultural Revolution, when China went mad, and compare that country's performance with India under Indira Gandhi.","es":"Los llevar\u00e9 a la Revoluci\u00f3n Cultural en la que China se volvi\u00f3 loca y comparar\u00e9 el desempe\u00f1o de ese pa\u00eds con el de la India, de Indira Gandhi."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If you squish a handful of snow to make a snowball, it gets really small, hard and dense.","es":"Si aplastas un pu\u00f1ado de nieve para hacer una bola, queda peque\u00f1a, dura y densa."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's focus and presence.","es":"Es foco y presencia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And to explain why, I want to pose a ridiculously broad question.","es":"Y para explicar las razones, les propondr\u00e9 una pregunta demasiado general."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So it's not a great job, but for a lot of people it really is quite a rational choice.","es":"Entonces, no es un gran trabajo, pero para mucha gente es una opci\u00f3n bastante racional."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I'm also inspired by the actions that I'm seeing older people taking in service of this movement.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n me inspiran las acciones de las personas mayores que veo al servicio de este movimiento."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Doctors are supposed to practice evidence-based medicine, and they're increasingly called to join the genomic revolution.","es":"Los m\u00e9dicos se supone que deben practicar la medicina basada en evidencia, y se los llama cada vez a sumarse a la revoluci\u00f3n gen\u00f3mica."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And then she saved 4,500 girls.","es":"Y entonces ella salv\u00f3 a 4,500 chicas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And how did we do that?","es":"\u00bfY c\u00f3mo hacemos esto?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"The trouble is that when algae reproduces like this, it starves the water of oxygen.","es":"El problema es que cuando las algas se reproducen as\u00ed, sustrae ox\u00edgeno del agua."} -{"gender":"male","en":"She lived in New York.","es":"Ella viv\u00eda en Nueva York."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Allow me to explain.","es":"Perm\u00edtanme explicarles."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I am really grateful to Mario.","es":"Le agradezco mucho a Mario."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Very different, right, because it depends on what income level you have, how you're going to cook your food. But the cool thing is when we start comparing across countries.","es":"Muy diferente, cierto, porque depende de qu\u00e9 nivel de ingresos se tenga, c\u00f3mo vas a cocinar tu comida Pero lo bueno es cuando comenzamos a comparar entre pa\u00edses."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It wasn't your fault; you're just fine.","es":"No fue su culpa, ustedes hicieron bien las cosas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But today, I can stand here and I can talk to you about beating Ebola because of people whom you've never heard of, people like Peter Clement, a Liberian doctor who's working in Lofa County, a place that many of you have never heard of, probably, in Liberia.","es":"Pero hoy, al estar aqu\u00ed, puedo hablarles de c\u00f3mo vencer al \u00c9bola gracias a personas de las que nunca han o\u00eddo hablar, como Peter Clement, un m\u00e9dico liberiano que trabaja en el condado de Lofa, un lugar del que muchos de Uds. quiz\u00e1 nunca oyeron hablar, en Liberia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's not clear what the origin of the jump rope is.","es":"No est\u00e1 claro cu\u00e1l es el origen de la soga de saltar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We can't even pick our own career.","es":"Ni elegir nuestra propia carrera."} -{"gender":"female","en":"He says, \"Fatality investigations for firefighters often include 'We didn't think the fire was going to do that,' even when all of the available information was there to make safe decisions.\"","es":"Dice, \"Investigaciones con bomberos sobre casos con v\u00edctimas mortales normalmente incluyen 'No pensamos que el fuego fuera a hacer eso' incluso cuando toda la informaci\u00f3n disponible estuviese all\u00ed para tomar decisiones seguras\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This makes sense for the ant colony, because the more food there is out there, the more quickly the foragers find it, the faster they come back, and the more foragers they send out.","es":"Esto tiene sentido para ellas. Cu\u00e1nta m\u00e1s comida hay fuera, m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido la encuentran, m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido vuelven y env\u00edan a m\u00e1s hormigas fuera."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Armored predators with razor-edge jaws dominated alongside huge fishes with arm bones in their fins.","es":"Dominaban los depredadores blindados con mand\u00edbulas de filo de navaja junto a peces enormes con huesos de brazo en sus aletas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Sony Playstation Network, done, the government of Turkey, tick, Britain's Serious Organized Crime Agency, a breeze, the CIA, falling off a log.","es":"Sony Playstation Network hecho, el gobierno de Turqu\u00eda hecho, la Agencia Brit\u00e1nica contra el Delito Grave Organizado como si nada, la CIA tambi\u00e9n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So I swam through the night, and at dawn they got there and they started with prednisone shots.","es":"As\u00ed que nad\u00e9 toda la noche, y llegaron al amanecer y empezaron a darnos prednisona."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is an essentially philosophical question, I believe, and it can't be answered with a yes or no test, like the Turing test.","es":"Creo que es esencialmente una cuesti\u00f3n filos\u00f3fica, que no podemos solucionar con una prueba binaria, como la prueba de Turing."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's snowing, a soft snow.","es":"Est\u00e1 nevando, la nieve es blanda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, this doesn't appear, this just doesn't work, I mean, this just doesn't work.","es":"Bien, esto no parece bueno, simplemente no me sirve. Lo digo de verdad, esto simplemente no sirve."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It transmits power with frequency and field distribution determined by the dimensions.","es":"Eso transmite potencia con unas frecuencia y distribuci\u00f3n de campo determinadas por las dimensiones."} -{"gender":"male","en":"My brothers started giving me a few tips about drawing and painting.","es":"Mis hermanos empezaron a darme algunos consejos de dibujo y pintura."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, of course people always ask us, which is a common question, I guess you're going to ask this as well, \"What happens if you eliminate mosquitoes?\"","es":"Por supuesto, la gente siempre nos pregunta: que es una pregunta com\u00fan, Supongo que tambi\u00e9n van a preguntar esto: \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 pasa si eliminas los mosquitos?\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I became obsessed with this idea of blurring the perimeter of the body, so you couldn't see where the skin ended and the near environment started.","es":"Yo estaba obsesionada con esta idea de desdibujar el per\u00edmetro del cuerpo para que no pudiera distinguirse el fin de la piel y el comienzo del entorno."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But what my research has shown me is that experts tend on the whole to form very rigid camps, that within these camps, a dominant perspective emerges that often silences opposition, that experts move with the prevailing winds, often hero-worshipping their own gurus.","es":"Pero mi investigaci\u00f3n ha mostrado que los expertos tienden en general a formar campos muy r\u00edgidos y que dentro de estos campos surge una perspectiva dominante que a menudo silencia a la oposici\u00f3n; que los expertos se mueven para donde va el viento; a menudo rinden culto a sus propios gur\u00fas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And after the war he interviewed a lot of other soldiers and wrote about the experience of men in battle.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de la guerra entrevist\u00f3 a muchos otros soldados y escribi\u00f3 acerca de la experiencia de los hombres en la batalla."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Here we are, like, cr\u00e8me de la cr\u00e8me, and there is no doubt about it, that I'm going to lose big.","es":"Aqu\u00ed estabamos, lo mejor de lo mejor. y no hab\u00eda duda de esto, que yo iba a perder en grande."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"In both cases, \"whatever it takes\" meant trillions of dollars more in money-printing policies that continue today.","es":"En ambos casos, \"todo lo posible\" significaba billones de d\u00f3lares m\u00e1s a trav\u00e9s de pol\u00edticas de emisi\u00f3n monetaria que perduran hasta nuestros d\u00edas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Not everybody has the patience of my wife, Chaz.","es":"No todos tienen la paciencia de mi esposa Chaz."} -{"gender":"female","en":"\"Ashley Judd, stupid fucking slut. \"You can't sue someone for calling them a cunt.\" \"If you can't handle the Internet, fuck off, whore.\" \"I wish Ashley Judd would die a horrible death. She is the absolute worst.\" \"Ashley Judd, you're the reason women shouldn't vote.\" \"'Twisted' is such a bad movie, I don't even want to rape it.\"","es":"\"Ashley Judd, vaya una zorra est\u00fapida\" \"No puedes demandar a alguien por llamarte hija de puta\" \"Si no puedes manejar Internet, que te den, puta\" \"Ojal\u00e1 Ashley Judd tenga una muerte horrible\" \"Es lo peor\" \"Ashley Judd, eres la raz\u00f3n por la que las mujeres no deber\u00edan votar\" \"Giro inesperado es una pel\u00edcula tan mala que ya no me apetece violar.\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"But now, I own a home in a quickly gentrifying neighborhood in Oakland, California.","es":"Ahora tengo un hogar en un vecindario que se est\u00e1 aburguesando r\u00e1pidamente en Oakland, California."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Some countries have good laws, laws which could stem the tide of HIV.","es":"Algunos pa\u00edses tienen buenas leyes que podr\u00edan poner freno al VIH."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And these are the briquettes that we made.","es":"Y estos son los bloques que hicimos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, things changed when I discovered African books.","es":"Todo cambi\u00f3 cuando descubr\u00ed los libros africanos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So if you think of a map of your country, I think you'll realize that for every country on Earth, you could draw little circles to say, \"These are places where good teachers won't go.\"","es":"As\u00ed que si piensan en el mapa de sus pa\u00edses creo que se dar\u00e1n cuenta que para cada pa\u00eds del mundo se pueden dibujar peque\u00f1os c\u00edrculos que digan: \"Estos son lugares donde los buenos maestros no llegan\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is an image I created of the Santa Monica Pier, Day to Night.","es":"Se trata de una imagen del muelle de Santa M\u00f3nica, del d\u00eda a la noche."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"One of the best places in the world to see blue whales is here in this region.","es":"Uno de los mejores lugares en el mundo para ver ballenas azules es aqu\u00ed en esta regi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"In Sierra Leone, humanitarian aid.","es":"En Sierra Leona, ayuda humanitaria."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But what Russia was doing in 2016 went far beyond espionage.","es":"Pero lo que Rusia estaba haciendo en 2016 iba m\u00e1s all\u00e1 del espionaje."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I was raised in downtown Manhattan in the early 1980s, two blocks from the epicenter of punk music.","es":"Me cri\u00e9 en el centro de Manhattan a principios de los 80, a dos cuadras del epicentro de la m\u00fasica punk."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I like this one, \"Snow Has Returned to Kilimanjaro.\"","es":"Y a mi me gusta \u00e9sta, \"La nieve vuelve al Kilimanjaro\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I was shocked, but as I thought about what she had said, I was filled with enormous compassion and love for my mother, yet I could do nothing about it.","es":"Me qued\u00e9 conmocionado, pero mientras pensaba en lo que hab\u00eda dicho, estaba lleno de una enorme compasi\u00f3n y amor por mi madre, pero no pod\u00eda hacer nada al respecto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I had no idea it was connected to the war that I'd seen.","es":"No ten\u00eda ni idea de que eso ten\u00eda relaci\u00f3n con la guerra que hab\u00eda visto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Okay, so let's say it's America, and let's say it's Delaware, and now you can simply go online and find yourself a company service provider.","es":"Bien. Supongamos que es en EE.UU., y digamos que es en Daleware. Lo \u00fanico que tienen que hacer es entrar a Internet y conseguir un proveedor de servicios a sociedades."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I spoke with him on the phone a few months ago.","es":"Hablaba al tel\u00e9fono con \u00e9l hace unos meses."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Eric Dishman: I'm good.","es":"Eric Dishman: Estoy bien."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Yes, well, of course, like, I consider myself to be, like, obviously, like, a feminist.","es":"S\u00ed, bueno, por supuesto, c\u00f3mo me considero, obviamente, feminista."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I had the pleasure to work on the central plaza.","es":"Tuve el placer de trabajar en la plaza central."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I blame the middlemen, the unethical traffickers and an international art market that exploits often ambiguous or even completely nonexistent laws.","es":"Culpo a los intermediarios, a los traficantes poco \u00e9ticos y a un mercado internacional de arte que se aprovecha de leyes ambiguas o completamente inexistentes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And one thing I've been doing is doing some research on systems that can combine technology and leadership with an art and design perspective.","es":"Y una cosa que he estado haciendo es investigar los sistemas que pueden combinar tecnolog\u00eda y liderazgo con una perspectiva de arte y dise\u00f1o."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I wondered: Might we be able to find some agent or trigger that might induce such a state in us?","es":"Entonces me pregunt\u00e9: \u00bfpodr\u00edamos encontrar un agente o disparador que pudiese inducir ese estado en nosotros?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"So let me try and illustrate that.","es":"D\u00e9jenme intentar mostr\u00e1rselo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I thought, surely, we do better than that.","es":"Y pens\u00e9: \"seguramente podemos hacer algo m\u00e1s que esto\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And they're all stuck here because they're trying to get to England in order to claim asylum.","es":"Est\u00e1n atrapados ah\u00ed porque quieren llegar hasta Inglaterra y poder solicitar asilo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's very easy to pick up a stainless-steel bottle or a glass bottle, if you're traveling and you've forgotten to bring your stainless-steel bottle and fill that up with water or filtered water, versus purchasing plastic bottled water.","es":"Es muy f\u00e1cil llevar una botella de acero inoxidable, o una de vidrio, si uno est\u00e1 de viaje y olvid\u00f3 llevar la de acero inoxidable y llenarla con agua, o agua de filtro, en lugar de comprar agua en botellas de pl\u00e1stico."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now honestly, you and I have just about no idea of what that would mean because we have no first-hand experience of it.","es":"Sinceramente, ni Uds. ni yo tenemos idea de lo que eso significa porque no hemos tenido una experiencia de primera mano."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You've got a lot of pressure favoring antibiotic resistance, so you get increased virulence leading to the evolution of increased antibiotic resistance.","es":"Se produce gran presi\u00f3n evolutiva favoreciendo la resistencia a los antibi\u00f3ticos, de manera que la mayor virulencia provoca la evoluci\u00f3n de una mayor resistencia a los antibi\u00f3ticos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They ran away home.","es":"Huyeron a casa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm not so sure hitchhiking is dead.","es":"Yo no estoy tan seguro de que el autostop est\u00e9 muerto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Porous asphalt, a material that we use now in most of the highways in the Netherlands, it has pores and water can just rain through it, so all the rainwater will flow away to the sides, and you have a road that's easy to drive on, so no splash water anymore.","es":"El asfalto poroso, un material que usamos ahora en la mayor\u00eda de las carreteras de los Pa\u00edses Bajos, tiene poros y el agua puede pasar a trav\u00e9s de \u00e9l, por lo que toda el agua de lluvia fluir\u00e1 hacia los lados y tendr\u00e1n una carretera por la que es f\u00e1cil conducir, y no salpicar\u00e1n agua nunca m\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"How can we not?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo podr\u00edamos no hacerlo?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"In India, I found the situation was not a lot better.","es":"En India la situaci\u00f3n no era muy diferente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If he had kicked a dog, I would have punched him out.","es":"Si el tipo hubiera pateado a un perro le habr\u00eda pegado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The saddle is outlined in yellow.","es":"La montura est\u00e1 resaltada en amarillo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But just imagine what that could do to the final price of your new car in the market.","es":"Imaginen c\u00f3mo eso podr\u00eda afectar el precio final de su auto nuevo en el mercado."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We have significantly lower capital costs in our plant equipment. We have enormous energy savings.","es":"Nuestra maquinaria nos permite tener costos de capital mucho m\u00e1s bajos y ahorrar mucha energ\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So they've managed to both restore the local ecology and the local economy at the same time.","es":"Se las ingeniaron para recuperar, al mismo tiempo, la ecolog\u00eda y la econom\u00eda local."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I wanted to create a stack of books so that somebody could come into the gallery and think they're just looking at a regular stack of books, but then as they got closer they would see this rough hole carved into it, and wonder what was happening, wonder why, and think about the material of the book.","es":"Quise crear una pila de libros tal que, cuando alguien entrara en la galer\u00eda, pensara que solo estaba mirando una pila ordinaria de libros, pero que al acercarse viera este agujero \u00e1spero tallado en ella y se preguntara qu\u00e9 pasaba, por qu\u00e9, y pensara en el material del libro."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I mean, how hard can it be?","es":"Quiero decir, \u00a1no es que sea tan dificil!"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Where's the dialogue?","es":"\u00bfD\u00f3nde est\u00e1 el di\u00e1logo?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"To make that piece, we got the architectural drawings of the entire complex, and we rebuilt the entire scene inside and out, based on those drawings.","es":"Para recrear esta escena hemos reunido los planos de toda la zona, y reconstruido toda la escena, los interiores y exteriores, en base al proyecto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Beer is a very important thing in Brazil.","es":"La cerveza es algo muy importante en Brasil."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And we stand in the far end by the entrance, far from the altar and from the gated enclosure intended for the clergy and we peer into the distance, looking for a beginning.","es":"Comenzamos en por el final, en la entrada, lejos del altar y de la cerca con una puerta reservada para el clero veamos a la distancia, en busca de un comienzo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Guess what.","es":"Adivinen qu\u00e9."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Over 150 programs had their funding reduced because they could not demonstrate success.","es":"M\u00e1s de 150 programas vieron sus fondos recortados porque no pod\u00edan demostrar su \u00e9xito."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That winter was special also for me and my colleagues, because we had an insight about the possible mathematical scheme, again, possible, possible mathematical scheme, to conceive the occurrence of the new.","es":"Ese invierno tambi\u00e9n fue especial para m\u00ed y mis colegas, porque ten\u00edamos una idea sobre un posible esquema matem\u00e1tico nuevamente, posible, un posible esquema matem\u00e1tico para idear la ocurrencia de lo nuevo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"JS: But it wasn't bad.","es":"JS: Pero no fue malo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We used social media to support our goal and already on day two, police started to come to our home and school.","es":"Usamos las redes sociales para apoyar nuestra meta y ya en el segundo d\u00eda, la polic\u00eda vino a nuestra casa y a la escuela."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Americanization and globalization for the last several generations have basically been the same thing.","es":"Imponer a EE.UU. y la globalizaci\u00f3n para las \u00faltimas generaciones ha sido b\u00e1sicamente lo mismo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"At some point in his wonderful book \"The Better Angels of Our Nature,\" Steven Pinker says, the Old Testament says love thy neighbor, and the New Testament says love thy enemy, but I don't love either one of them, not really, but I don't want to kill them.","es":"En un momento de su maravilloso libro \"Los mejores \u00e1ngeles de nuestra naturaleza\" Steven Pinker dice: el Antiguo Testamento dice \"ama a tu pr\u00f3jimo\", y el Nuevo Testamento dice \"ama a tu enemigo\", pero yo no amo a ninguno de los dos, realmente no, pero no quiero matarlos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And you'll see, just now, a nurse coming back to the tray, which is their sort of modular station, and dropping the syringe she's just used back in the tray for it to be picked up and used again.","es":"Y ustedes veran, justo ahora, una enfermera volviendo a la bandeja, la cual es como una estaci\u00f3n modular, y dejando la jeringa que acaba de utilizar para que \u00e9sta sea utilizada una vez m\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's either one or the other.","es":"Debe ser una o la otra."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And if we are right, there's a strong prediction over here if I tell you the exact same ideas using two very different sets of words, your brain responses will still be similar.","es":"Y si tenemos raz\u00f3n, hay una fuerte predicci\u00f3n aqu\u00ed. Si digo exactamente las mismas ideas usando dos conjuntos muy distintos de palabras, las reacciones cerebrales ser\u00e1n a\u00fan similares."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is the least sexy of the R\u2019s, less lyric than rituals and relationships, but the question takes us past \"Where are you now?\" to \"Why aren't you there, and why?\"","es":"Esta es la menos sexy de las R, menos l\u00edrica que los rituales y las relaciones, pero la pregunta que nos lleva de \"\u00bfD\u00f3nde est\u00e1s ahora?\" a \"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no est\u00e1s all\u00ed?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"CA: Elon, it almost seems, listening to you and looking at the different things you've done, that you've got this unique double motivation on everything that I find so interesting.","es":"CA: Elon, casi parece al escucharte y ver las distintas cosas que has hecho, que tienes esa extraordinaria doble motivaci\u00f3n para todo que me parece muy interesante."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And all of those four systems are putting enormous pressure on the global commons, and it's also very difficult to flip them.","es":"Estos cuatros sistemas est\u00e1n poniendo una enorme presi\u00f3n en los bienes comunes mundiales y tambi\u00e9n son muy dif\u00edciles de cambiar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And this, this is the main way we talk about starting a new relationship.","es":"Y esta es la principal manera de hablar del inicio de una nueva relaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The Studio Museum was founded in the late 60s.","es":"El Studio Museum fue fundado a fines de los \u201860."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now the effect of perseveration is to basically take these first three components of regret and put them on an infinite loop.","es":"El efecto de la perseverancia es, b\u00e1sicamente, tomar estos tres componentes del remordimiento y ponerlos en un bucle infinito."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The dyed black hands are the father, while the blue and red hands are his sons.","es":"Las manos te\u00f1idas de negro son del padre, las te\u00f1idas de azul y de rojo, de sus hijos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It just is.","es":"Simplemente es."} -{"gender":"male","en":"There is no textbooks, I mean, not yet, anyway.","es":"No hay textos o por lo menos no los hay a\u00fan."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I'm telling you that because, when it is you or your person involved, you don't care where, whether it's aid.","es":"Os lo cuento porque si eres t\u00fa, o alguien cercano a ti, te da igual de d\u00f3nde venga la ayuda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Four of them are white males, non-native speakers.","es":"Cuatro de ellos son hombres blancos - sin ser su lengua nativa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I'd like to wrap things up now by alluding to something from earlier in the presentation.","es":"Para finalizar el espect\u00e1culo me gustar\u00eda retomar algo de lo que hablamos antes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And he looked at it and said, \"Thank you.","es":"As\u00ed que la vio, y dijo, \"Gracias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I bring up this example to begin, because it emphasizes how little we know about nature.","es":"Para comenzar, traje este ejemplo porque enfatiza lo poco que conocemos sobre la naturaleza."} -{"gender":"female","en":"There's so many books offering all kinds of conflicting advice, it can be really overwhelming.","es":"Hay tantos libros que ofrecen todo tipo de consejos contradictorios, que resulta realmente abrumador."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We say never again, and yet it happens again and again and again.","es":"Decimos nunca m\u00e1s y, sin embargo, sucede una, y otra y otra vez."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So actually, science fiction got some things right.","es":"En realidad, la ciencia ficci\u00f3n tiene algunas cosas correctas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They guy on the left is a safe loss.","es":"El sujeto de la izquierda es una p\u00e9rdida segura."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Build a nice home, bring the architect, design my house.","es":"Construir una casa bonita, llevar al arquitecto, dise\u00f1ar mi casa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"There has to be a role, there has to be the creation of political noise and political costs in response to massive crimes against humanity, and so forth.","es":"Tiene que existir un rol, tiene que haber la creaci\u00f3n de ruido pol\u00edtico y coste pol\u00edtico en respuesta a los cr\u00edmenes en masa contra la humanidad y as\u00ed sucesivamente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We took off our shoes in the house, we were unfailingly polite with our elders, we ate slow-cooked, spicy food.","es":"Nos quit\u00e1bamos los zapatos en casa, \u00e9ramos indefectiblemente educados con nuestros mayores, com\u00edamos comidas picantes cocidas a fuego lento."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I told them that I'd explain later, but we had to postpone the meeting because I was going to perform her as the statue came down.","es":"Yo les dije que lo explicar\u00eda despu\u00e9s, pero que ten\u00edamos que posponer la reuni\u00f3n porque iba a interpretarla a ella mientras la estatua se ven\u00eda abajo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is our gene blocker.","es":"Ese es nuestro bloqueador de genes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"\"I used to believe America was the best. I watched in Korea many luxurious Hollywood lifestyle movie.","es":"Sol\u00eda pensar que los Estados Unidos de Am\u00e9rica era el mejor pa\u00eds del mundo En Corea ve\u00eda muchas pel\u00edculas norteamericanas que retraban el lujoso estilo de vida de Hollywood."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And yet you accept the meeting invitation, and you go.","es":"Y sin embargo aceptas la invitaci\u00f3n y vas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You need to announce your goal.","es":"Tienes que anunciar tu objetivo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And this kind of reaction ended up being the kind of reaction we saw over and over and over: people down on the ground trying to comfort the seizure victim, trying to whisper something into his ear or in some way help, even though they couldn't.","es":"Y ese tipo de reacci\u00f3n acabo por ser lo que vimos repetirse varias veces. La gente de rodillas tratando de consolar a a la v\u00edctima del ataque, tratando de susurrarle algo al o\u00eddo o de alguna manera ayudar incluso cuando no pod\u00edan."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If that is true, advertising is still one of the most powerful tools of change that we have available.","es":"Si eso es cierto, la publicidad sigue siendo uno de los instrumentos de cambio m\u00e1s poderosos disponibles."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So, it's not just about the words.","es":"As\u00ed que, no es s\u00f3lo cuesti\u00f3n de palabras."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"His parents, Scott Berns and Leslie Gordon, both physicians, are here with us this morning as well.","es":"Nos acompa\u00f1an tambi\u00e9n esta ma\u00f1ana sus padres Scott Berns y Leslie Gordon, ambos m\u00e9dicos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And, most importantly, there's a partnership between those perceived deficiencies and our greatest creative ability.","es":"Y, m\u00e1s importante a\u00fan, hay una asociaci\u00f3n entre esas deficiencias percibidas y nuestra m\u00e1s grande habilidad creativa."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But Michelangelo wasn't really a painter, and so he played to his strengths.","es":"Pero Miguel \u00c1ngel en realidad no era pintor, entonces se las ingeni\u00f3 con sus habilidades."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It was practically a religious event.","es":"Fue un acontecimiento casi religioso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But if I had to get a match to match, obviously, I would need a different design of a cellphone.","es":"Pero si tuviera que satisfacer una necesidad, lo que nececitar\u00eda ser\u00eda un dise\u00f1o de m\u00f3vil diferente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"What I if I did it in the other order?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 suceder\u00eda si lo hiciera en el orden inverso?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now I have to take off my shoes or boots to get on an airplane!","es":"\u00a1Ahora tengo que quitarme mis zapatos o botas para subirme a un avi\u00f3n!"} -{"gender":"female","en":"One of the things that I did, I was so consumed by these questions and also frustrated by those stories, that I left my job so that I could study this full time, and I took a year to travel to different parts of the world to learn about effective and ineffective leadership practices in companies, countries and nonprofit organizations.","es":"Una de las cosas que hice, estaba tan consumida por estas preguntas y tambi\u00e9n frustrada por esas historias, que renunci\u00e9 a mi trabajo para poder estudiar esto a tiempo completo, y me tom\u00e9 un a\u00f1o para viajar a diferentes partes del mundo para aprender acerca de pr\u00e1cticas de liderazgo eficaces e ineficaces en las compa\u00f1\u00edas, pa\u00edses y organizaciones sin fines de lucro."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And on the other hand, it's a radical transformation of the electronic medical record from a static repository of diagnostic information to a health promotion tool.","es":"Y por el otro, es una transformaci\u00f3n radical de la historia cl\u00ednica electr\u00f3nica de un repositorio est\u00e1tico de informaci\u00f3n de diagn\u00f3stico a una herramienta de promoci\u00f3n de la salud."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You give the injection and then put it down.","es":"Uno utiliza la jeringa y despu\u00e9s la deja."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Look in your own backyard, in fact, look in the mirror.","es":"Mira en tu propio patio trasero, de hecho, mira al espejo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"For some, it was to tell the world that they're not terrorists.","es":"Para algunos, era decirle al mundo que no son terroristas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Things were Euclidian, Newtonian, somewhat predictable.","es":"Las cosas eran euclidianas, newtonianas, predecibles."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And essentially, the oceans are breathing through the Southern Ocean.","es":"Y, esencialmente, los oc\u00e9anos respiran a trav\u00e9s del Oc\u00e9ano Ant\u00e1rtico."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And it's not just our honeybees.","es":"Y no se trata s\u00f3lo de nuestras abejas mel\u00edferas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I remember one story he told me about screws, and about how you need to have the right screw for the right job.","es":"Recuerdo una historia que me cont\u00f3 sobre los tornillos, y c\u00f3mo uno tiene que tener el tornillo apropiado para cada tarea."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This led Lee Kump, and others from Penn State and my group, to propose what I call the Kump Hypothesis: many of the mass extinctions were caused by lowering oxygen, by high CO2.","es":"Esto llev\u00f3 a Lee Kump, y otros de Penn State y mi grupo, a proponer lo que llamo la hip\u00f3tesis de Kump: muchas de las extinciones en masa fueron causadas por la reducci\u00f3n de ox\u00edgeno, aumento del CO2."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Rich countries have been sending aid to poor countries for the last 60 years.","es":"Durante los \u00faltimos 60 a\u00f1os los pa\u00edses ricos han estado enviando ayuda a los pa\u00edses ricos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But according to the Social Progress Index, we are an absolute outlier when it comes to turning GDP into social progress.","es":"Pero de acuerdo con el \u00cdndice de Progreso Social, somos una excepci\u00f3n cuando se trata de convertir el PIB en progreso social."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Anyway, that piece also has a kinetic sculpture in the middle of it, and I dance around a small stage so, two minutes, just to end?","es":"Este n\u00famero tiene tambi\u00e9n una escultura cin\u00e9tica en el medio: y bailo en un peque\u00f1o escenario \u00bfDos minutos para terminar?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Let me take you on a little tour.","es":"D\u00e9jenme llevarlos por un peque\u00f1a gira."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The JJ Way is to make the finances work no matter what the hurdles.","es":"El m\u00e9todo J. J trata de que funcionen los fondos sin importar las dificultades."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And mantis shrimp are officially the fastest measured feeding strike of any animal system.","es":"Y el camar\u00f3n mantis tiene, oficialmente, el golpe m\u00e1s veloz registrado del reino animal."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Here's the kicker: I don't remember that.","es":"Pero lo curioso del caso es que no lo recuerdo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's a crude but convenient proxy for more important factors, like muscle mass, enzyme level, genetic traits they just don't have time to look for.","es":"Es un intermediario crudo pero conveniente para factores m\u00e1s importantes como la masa muscular, el nivel de enzimas, los rasgos gen\u00e9ticos que simplemente no tienen tiempo para buscar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Several months later, I was in the northeast Amazon, walked into a village, and the shaman said, \"You're limping.\" And I'll never forget this as long as I live.","es":"Varios meses despu\u00e9s, estaba en el noreste del Amazonas, entr\u00e9 en una aldea, el cham\u00e1n me dijo: \"Est\u00e1s cojeando\", y nunca olvidar\u00e9 esto mientras viva."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's a chance to have a sense of closure with someone you care about, no regrets, nothing left unsaid.","es":"Es una oportunidad de tener una despedida con alguien que uno quiere, sin arrepentimientos, sin dejar nada pendiente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I wanted to ask you a personal question, which is: Do you do that?","es":"As\u00ed que quer\u00eda hacerle una pregunta personal: \u00bfT\u00fa lo haces?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, Sylvia Browne is the big operator.","es":"Ahora, Sylvia Browne es muy famosa."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Over the last 60 years, we have drained, we have dammed, we have dredged the Everglades to where now only one third of the water that used to reach the bay now reaches the bay today.","es":"Durante los \u00faltimos 60 a\u00f1os, hemos drenado, contenido, excavado en los Everglades hasta hacer que, ahora, solo un tercio del agua que llegaba a la bah\u00eda llegue hoy a la bah\u00eda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You just, you log on to your social networking site, your favorite one, you say, \"This is my friend.\"","es":"Cuando ingresan en el sitio de su red social, su red favorita, dicen, \"Este es mi amigo\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"She could teach our financial advisers a few things or two.","es":"Podr\u00eda ense\u00f1arle a nuestros asesores financieros una o dos cositas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So, the Roots and Shoots program involves youth in three kinds of projects.","es":"Entonces, el programa Roots and Shoots involucra a la juventud en tres tipos de proyectos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Many of them get destroyed, believe it or not, or they get simply shelved, out of sight and out of mind.","es":"Por extra\u00f1o que pueda parecer, muchos art\u00edculos se destruyen, o simplemente se almacenan perdi\u00e9ndose de vista y olvid\u00e1ndose."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well, if you are, my friends, I promise you there is a better way.","es":"En caso afirmativo, prometo que existe un camino mejor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm cutting my hair, it's getting short and long, because every time I saw Kofi Annan, I was so worried that he thought I was a hippie that I cut it, and that was kind of what was going on.","es":"Me corto el pelo, est\u00e1 corto y est\u00e1 largo, porque cada vez que ve\u00eda a Kofi Annan me preocupaba que pensara que era un hippie, as\u00ed que me lo cortaba. Eso era lo que pasaba."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"She says, \"Ma, you got to look!\"","es":"Dice, \"Am\u00e1,\u00a1tienes que mirar!\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"Simple, right?","es":"Sencillo, \u00bfno?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Retirement was, like for so many people, simply not an option for me, so I turned to consulting for the next couple of years without any passion whatsoever.","es":"La jubilaci\u00f3n, como para muchas personas, simplemente no era una opci\u00f3n para m\u00ed. Entonces recurr\u00ed a la consultor\u00eda durante el siguiente par de a\u00f1os, sin pasi\u00f3n alguna."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This is OPEC's revenue, this green box here, 780 billion a year.","es":"Estos son los ingresos de la OPEP, la caja verde de aqu\u00ed, 780 mil millones al a\u00f1o."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Whatever comes, there was this hour when nothing mattered, all was unbearably dear.","es":"Lo que viene, hab\u00eda esta hora cuando nada importaba, todo era insoportablemente querido."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I said, \"Yes, please.\"","es":"Y yo: \"S\u00ed, por favor\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I'm going to propose something a little bit more radical, one word: \"share.\" Because here's what the data show: when men share housework and childcare, their children do better in school.","es":"Les propongo algo m\u00e1s radical. una sola palabra: \"compartir\" Porque aqu\u00ed est\u00e1n los datos: Cuando los hombres comparten las labores del hogar y los ni\u00f1os los ni\u00f1os van mejor en la escuela."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The Star Trek Enterprise had to travel vast distances at incredible speeds to orbit other planets so that First Officer Spock could analyze the atmosphere to see if the planet was habitable or if there were lifeforms there.","es":"La nave Star Trek tuvo que viajar a grandes distancias a velocidades incre\u00edbles a la \u00f3rbita de otros planetas de manera que el primer oficial Spock pudiera analizar la atm\u00f3sfera para ver si el planeta era habitable o si hab\u00eda formas de vida all\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Oh, wonderful.","es":"Oh, maravilloso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I went there looking for truth.","es":"Fui all\u00ed en busca de la verdad."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"He believed that government could be built by the people, and we call those people civic hackers.","es":"Cre\u00eda que los gobiernos pod\u00edan ser construidos por la gente y llamamos a esa gente \u00abhackers c\u00edvicos\u00bb."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Seriously, and it worked. And yes, that was actually a rented sheep, so I had to return that in the morning, but it served well for a day.","es":"En serio, funcionabay s\u00ed, esa era en efecto una oveja alquilada, que tuve que devolver a la ma\u00f1ana siguiente, pero me sirvi\u00f3 bien durante un d\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I used to be a disability rights lawyer, and I spent a lot of my time focused on enforcing the law, ensuring that accommodations were made.","es":"Yo sol\u00eda ejercer de abogada de derechos de los discapacitados, y pas\u00e9 mucho tiempo centrada en hacer cumplir la ley, asegurando de que se hicieran zonas adaptadas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"He said, \"You know, I like grey suits, and I like pin-striped suits, but I don't like grey pin-striped suits.\"","es":"El dijo, \"Sabes, me gustan los trajes grises, y me gustan los trajes a rayas, pero no me gustan los trajes grises a rayas.\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"But my imagination would take me to all these wonderful places, where everything was possible.","es":"Pero mi imaginaci\u00f3n me llevaba a todos estos lugares maravillosos, donde todo era posible."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The county seat is Windsor.","es":"La sede del condado es Windsor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This time of year they cross back to Africa.","es":"En esta \u00e9poca del a\u00f1o atraviesan de regreso a \u00c1frica."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Powerful new technologies always present enigmas.","es":"Las nuevas y potentes tecnolog\u00edas siempre presentan enigmas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I've experienced it personally myself.","es":"Yo mismo lo he vivido."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Is it just a waste of whiskey?","es":"\u00bfSolo fue un desperdicio de whisky?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I found out that in science and all its applications, what is crucial is not that technical ability, but it is imagination in all of its applications.","es":"Descubr\u00ed que en la ciencia y en todas sus aplicaciones, lo importante no es la habilidad t\u00e9cnica, sino la imaginaci\u00f3n en todas sus aplicaciones."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And that successes are being chalked up on this very important fight.","es":"Y que estamos apuntando \u00e9xitos en esta lucha tan importante."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Okay, I'm teaching three-quarters time, but good enough.","es":"Ok, yo doy las tres cuartas partes del tiempo que es bastante bueno."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Instead, what if scholars were able to take the research that they're doing and translate it on popular media and be able to engage with the public?","es":"M\u00e1s bien plantear\u00eda: \u00bfy si los acad\u00e9micos tradujeran sus investigaciones y las publicaran en medios masivos para poder interactuar con el p\u00fablico?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Today, I'd like to say I'm very pro-psychiatry but very anti-force.","es":"Actualmente, me gustar\u00eda decir que estoy a favor de la psiquiatr\u00eda pero muy en contra de utilizar la fuerza."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And how could they make scientific findings about my genes if I put down my social identity as a black woman?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo podr\u00edan hacer hallazgos cient\u00edficos sobre mis genes si pon\u00eda mi identidad social como mujer negra?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"\"No, no. We share needles because we don't want to go to jail.\"","es":"No, no. Compartimos agujas porque no queremos ir a la c\u00e1rcel.\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"And with the people that are going to follow me and help me do things. That's what I want to do to change, to make a difference in the world.","es":"Y con las personas que est\u00e1n sigui\u00e9ndome y ayud\u00e1ndome a hacer cosas, eso es lo que quiero hacer para cambiar, para marcar una diferencia en el mundo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And our younger generation are going to transform this country while at the same time being transformed themselves.","es":"Y nuestras generaciones m\u00e1s j\u00f3venes van a transformar este pa\u00eds y al mismo tiempo se van a transformar a s\u00ed mismos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And in the years that I've been, and we've all been campaigning and investigating, I've repeatedly seen that what makes corruption on a global, massive scale possible, well it isn't just greed or the misuse of power or that nebulous phrase \"weak governance.\"","es":"En los a\u00f1os que he estado, que hemos estado investigando y haciendo campa\u00f1as, he visto repetidamente que lo que hace posible la corrupci\u00f3n, a escala global y masiva, no es solo la codicia, o el uso indebido del poder, o esa vaga frase \"gobierno ineficaz\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's 'Technology, Entertainment and Design.'\"","es":"Es Tecnolog\u00eda, Entretenimiento y Dise\u00f1o.\""} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We know it's a lot, but we do not yet know the answers to how much, and by what processes, carbon is being taken out of the atmosphere, held in its biomass, and moving on through the ecosystem.","es":"Sabemos que es mucho, pero ya no sabemos exactamente cu\u00e1nto ni mediante cu\u00e1les procesos se est\u00e1 quitando el carbono de la atm\u00f3sfera, guardado en su biomasa y viajando por el ecosistema."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But they did that, and what they found is that 70 percent of the non-responders lived much longer and did better than people who got placebo.","es":"Pero hicieron eso y lo que descubrieron es que el 70% de los que no reaccionaron vivi\u00f3 mucho m\u00e1s y mejor que la gente que recibi\u00f3 el placebo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Let's just get started, okay.","es":"Vamos a empezar, est\u00e1 bien."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So at some point it became, you know, to me, I'm a graphic designer, so I made posters about it and I posted the one I just showed you before.","es":"As\u00ed que, de alguna manera, eso me hizo reaccionar. Soy dise\u00f1ador gr\u00e1fico, as\u00ed que hice carteles con este tema y publiqu\u00e9 el que les acabo de mostrar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If I do a foldout page on the left-hand side and let you just unfold it, you see behind it what I mean by scar tissue.","es":"Si hago una p\u00e1gina desplegable en el lado izquierdo, y permito desplegarla, podr\u00e1n ver detr\u00e1s ese tejido cicatrizado."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"As they created their interactive Mother's Day cards, you could see that they were really becoming fluent with new technologies.","es":"Mientras crean tarjetas interactivas para el D\u00eda de la Madre, se pod\u00eda ver que realmente estaban dominando las nuevas tecnolog\u00edas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I had been working on a book about love stories for the past few years, so I had gotten used to writing about my own experiences with romantic love on my blog.","es":"Hab\u00eda estado trabajando en un libro rom\u00e1ntico en los \u00faltimos a\u00f1os, as\u00ed que, me hab\u00eda habituado a escribir sobre mi experiencia en el amor rom\u00e1ntico en mi blog."} -{"gender":"female","en":"He said, \"OK, why don't we try and collect the birds at the greatest risk of getting oiled\", they collected 20,000, \"and we'll ship them 500 miles up the coast to Port Elizabeth in these open-air trucks, and release them into the clean waters there and let them swim back home?\"","es":"Dijo: \"Bueno, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 no intentamos recoger las aves m\u00e1s expuestas al petr\u00f3leo\" \u2013recogieron 20 000\u2013 \"y las llevamos en barco unos 1 000 km m\u00e1s lejos a Port Elizabeth, en camiones al aire libre, y las liberamos en las aguas limpias para que puedan regresar nadando\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Okay?","es":"\u00bfDe acuerdo?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I was thinking, \"My gosh, how could we make something architectural out of that, where you create a building and it becomes alive with light?","es":"Y yo estaba pensando: \"Dios m\u00edo, \u00bfc\u00f3mo podr\u00edamos crear algo arquitect\u00f3nico a partir de eso, donde Uds. construyen un edificio y \u00e9ste cobra vida con la luz?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"So where should I position myself?","es":"Entonces \u00bfd\u00f3nde me coloco?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"There are no sidewalks.","es":"No hay aceras."} -{"gender":"male","en":"These cards, now, thanks to me showing up, are being saved.","es":"Estas tarjetas, gracias a que aparec\u00ed, ser\u00e1n salvadas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"My grandfather was a giant, too.","es":"Mi abuelo tambi\u00e9n era gigante."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This one is from Myanmar.","es":"Esta es de Myanmar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But how she answers that question is her choice.","es":"Pero c\u00f3mo responda ella esa pregunta es su elecci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And here's the important part: we tend to take every comment or opinion that's expressed as a personal affront to our own values and beliefs.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 la parte importante: tendemos a tomar cada comentario u opini\u00f3n expresada como una afrenta personal a nuestros propios valores y creencias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Yeah, I kind of felt sorry for him.","es":"S\u00ed, como que me daba pena \u00e9l."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The answers will lie in our choice to use or abandon the technology that we have gleaned from life itself, and it will define us for the remainder of our term in this universe.","es":"Las respuestas consistir\u00e1n en nuestra elecci\u00f3n de usar o abandonar la tecnolog\u00eda que hemos creado a partir de la vida misma, y nos definir\u00e1n para el resto de nuestra existencia en este universo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"My mother wanted me to be a dentist. But the problem was that people kept blowing everything up. So I actually went to school in Belfast, which was where all the action happened. And this was a pretty common sight. The school I went to was pretty boring. They forced us to learn things like Latin.","es":"mi madre queria que fuera dentista pero el problema era que la gente segu\u00eda haciendo explotar todo as\u00ed que, en realidad fui a la escuela en Belfast, que era donde ocurr\u00eda toda la acci\u00f3n Y esta era una imagen com\u00fan La escuela a la que fu\u00ed era bastante aburrida Nos obligaban a aprender cosas como lat\u00edn."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The Internet has no business plan, never did.","es":"Internet no tiene un plan de negocios, nunca lo tuvo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Why is it that nature keeps doing that over and over again?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 la naturaleza contin\u00faa haci\u00e9ndolas una y otra vez?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"How can we create better social cohesion in public buildings and civic spaces, and why is it important?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo podemos crear una mejor cohesi\u00f3n social en edificios p\u00fablicos y espacios c\u00edvicos, y porque es importante?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"And one of the ways in which he creates this disruption is through this remarkable deck of cards, I have my signed copy here, thank you, Brian.","es":"Y una de las maneras de crear esta interrupci\u00f3n es mediante este notable mazo de cartas. Tengo mi copia autografiada aqu\u00ed, gracias Brian."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But so is Hayek, that's why I'm a libertarian Marxist, and so is Keynes, so that's why I'm totally confused.","es":"Pero tambi\u00e9n lo es Hayek, es por eso que soy un marxista libertario, y tambi\u00e9n Keynes, as\u00ed que por eso estoy totalmente confundido."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We poll a tiny fraction of the electorate and we predict the outcome of national elections.","es":"Entrevistamos a una peque\u00f1a fracci\u00f3n del electorado y podemos predecir el resultado de las elecciones nacionales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So you could imagine, my old Dodge van, my super-fantastic human being, Will, a great local nonprofit partner, they drive to the corner, there's a panhandler, they say, \"Would you like to work for the day?\"","es":"Ya se pueden imaginar mi vieja Dodge, mi s\u00faper fant\u00e1stico, Will, un gran socio local sin fines lucrativos Van a la esquina, hay un mendigo, preguntan: \"\u00bfQuieres trabajar hoy?\""} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The gun may be one of the most important instruments of peace and stability that we have in this world.","es":"Las armas quiz\u00e1 sean los instrumentos m\u00e1s importantes para la paz y la estabilidad que existen en el mundo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Cameron Sinclair: I'm going to show that later because I'm running out of time.","es":"Cameron Sinclair: Lo mostrar\u00e9 despu\u00e9s porque se me est\u00e1 acabando el tiempo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Then there's something that I call sympathy, a little more removed: \"I'm sorry to hear that your grandmother has just passed away.","es":"Despu\u00e9s, hay algo a lo que llamo simpat\u00eda, un poco m\u00e1s all\u00e1: \"Lamento escuchar que su abuela acaba de fallecer."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And in the last paragraph of the book, it's a kind of stylistic mark, because normally Charles Darwin stored, in the last paragraph of a book, the most important message.","es":"Y el \u00faltimo p\u00e1rrafo del libro es una especie de marca de estilo porque normalmente Charles Darwin pone en el \u00faltimo p\u00e1rrafo de un libro el mensaje m\u00e1s importante."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Ritchie: Yeah, look, it's got a little blue light in it too. I almost lost it this week.","es":"Ritchie: S\u00ed, mira, tiene incluso una peque\u00f1a luz azul aqu\u00ed. casi lo pierdo esta semana."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They're thinking about putting it on the insides of buildings to move water up without pumps.","es":"Quieren colocarlo sobre el interior de los edificios para distribuir agua sin la necesidad de bombas o surtidores."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In the 1960s, I should give you some context, in the 1960s, if you were pregnant and you were single, you were seen as a threat to the community.","es":"En los 60 \u2014deber\u00eda daros algo de contexto\u2014 en los 60, si quedabas embarazada y estabas soltera eras vista como una amenaza a la comunidad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When we offer people pills, we gather evidence first.","es":"Cu\u00e1ndo damos pastillas a la gente, antes acumulamos evidencias."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"No water, no life; no blue, no green.","es":"Si no hay azul, no hay verde."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So, observe the Hadleys: they have all their cutlery in a green plastic box. and they have a few different types and some of them are plastic, while the Howards, they have this wooden drawer with small wooden compartments in it and a section for each type of cutlery.","es":"Observen a los Hadleys: tienen todos sus cubiertos en una caja de pl\u00e1stico verde. y tienen algunos tipos diferentes y algunos son de pl\u00e1stico, mientras que los Howard, tienen este caj\u00f3n de madera con peque\u00f1os compartimentos de madera en ella y una secci\u00f3n para cada tipo de cubierto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Their production rate is very slow. The quality of the product isn't high.","es":"La tasa de producci\u00f3n es muy lenta, la calidad del producto no es alta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So one of the reasons, if we come back to why did I call it Buzzcar? I wanted to remind all of us about the power of the hive, and its incredible facility to create this platform that individuals want to participate and innovate on.","es":"Una de la razones, si volvemos al porqu\u00e9 lo llam\u00e9 Buzzcar, es que quer\u00eda hacer a todos recordar el poder de la colmena, y su incre\u00edble capacidad de crear esta plataforma en la que los individuos quieren participar e innovar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"A group of London architects have opened a dark net site for people worried about regeneration projects.","es":"Un grupo de arquitectos de Londres ha abierto un sitio de red oscura para personas preocupadas por los proyectos de regeneraci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It was only after Mr. Teszler's death that I learned that the marker on the grave of Bela Bartok in Hartsdale, New York was paid for by Sandor Teszler.","es":"Fue s\u00f3lo despu\u00e9s de la muerte del se\u00f1or Teszler que supe que la l\u00e1pida de la tumba de B\u00e9la Bart\u00f3k en Hartsdale, Nueva York fue pagada por Sandor Teszler."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Actually, I think they've got a point.","es":"Creo que tienen raz\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But we do it every day.","es":"Pero lo hacemos a diario."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This is the future that awaits us.","es":"Este es el futuro que nos espera."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, let me tell you about some aspect of this that people don't think about, and that is, what happens?","es":"Ahora, perm\u00edtanme contarles de un aspecto que la gente no considera y es \u00bfqu\u00e9 pasa?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Sometimes I think of it, you know, we're converging and attacking instantly by the millions, kind of like white blood cells.","es":"A veces lo pienso, estamos convergiendo y atacando a la vez a millones como los gl\u00f3bulos blancos en la sangre."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Afghanistan had already fallen off the agenda.","es":"Afganist\u00e1n ya no estaba en la agenda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I left it about four years ago and started working in cities across the United States, 19 in total, and what I found out was that in those cities, there was always this component of community leaders who put their heads down and their nose to the grindstone, who checked their egos at the door and saw the whole as greater than the sum of its parts, and came together and found ways to work with youth out on the streets, that the solution is not more cops, but the solution is mining the assets that are there in the community, to have a strong community component in the collaboration around violence reduction.","es":"La dej\u00e9 hace unos 4 a\u00f1os y empec\u00e9 a trabajar en muchas ciudades estadounidenses, 19 en total, y descubr\u00ed que en esas ciudades siempre sobresal\u00eda este detalle en los l\u00edderes comunitarios que trabajaban incesantemente, que se olvidaban de sus egos y ve\u00edan a la comunidad como algo mayor que sus integrantes, y que se juntaban para trabajar con los j\u00f3venes en las calles, que la soluci\u00f3n no es m\u00e1s polic\u00edas, sino aprovechar los activos que hay en la comunidad, para fortalecer ese componente comunitario para colaborar y reducir la violencia."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Bonobos!","es":"\u00a1Bonobos!"} -{"gender":"female","en":"For every dollar given to a women's program, 20 dollars are given to men's programs.","es":"Por cada d\u00f3lar que se le da a un proyecto para mujeres, se le dan 20 d\u00f3lares a proyectos para hombres."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I want to introduce you to Kofi.","es":"Quiero presentarles a Kofi."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I truly believe that there are people on the planet that are beautiful.","es":"Pero realmente creo que la gente de este planeta es hermosa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The present always contains the past.","es":"El presente siempre contiene el pasado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But the theme of this session, of course, is invention.","es":"Pero el tema de esta sesi\u00f3n, es obviamente, la inventiva."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And what does this example, what's important to keep in mind for ourselves?","es":"Y \u00bfqu\u00e9 revela este ejemplo? \u00bfQu\u00e9 es lo que debemos tener en cuenta?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Here's the argument.","es":"Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 el argumento."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And what I discovered is that I do believe they can suffer from mental illness, and actually looking and trying to identify mental illness in them often helps us be better friends to them and also can help us better understand ourselves.","es":"Y descubr\u00ed que, efectivamente creo que pueden sufrir enfermedades mentales, y que estudiar y tratar de identificar enfermedades mentales en ellos a menudo nos ayuda a ser sus mejores amigos y tambi\u00e9n puede ayudarnos a entendernos mejor a nosotros mismos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I oppose it, that they are now going to dissect it, until I do my report and then I see the Chief Commander.","es":"Me opuse a que fueran a diseccionarlo hasta que realic\u00e9 mi informe y despu\u00e9s vi al comandante general."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I decided to shoot for the impossible and I took an audition for the esteemed Los Angeles Philharmonic.","es":"Y decid\u00ed intentar lo imposible e hice una audici\u00f3n para la prestigiosa Filarm\u00f3nica de Los \u00c1ngeles."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I knew that there was a completely other story that was taking place in the Middle East, where my parents were.","es":"Y yo sab\u00eda que hab\u00eda una historia completamente distinta ocurriendo en el Medio Oriente donde estaban mis padres."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I thought about a notice board.","es":"As\u00ed que pens\u00e9 en un tabl\u00f3n de anuncios."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It was the first time that Earth was imaged from space, and it had an enormous impact on our sense of place in the universe, and our sense of responsibility for the protection of our own planet.","es":"Fue la primera vez que la Tierra fue fotografiada desde el espacio, y tuvo un impacto enorme en la percepci\u00f3n de nuestro lugar en el universo, y en el sentido de responsabilidad para la protecci\u00f3n de nuestro propio planeta."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Here's an ayahuasca shaman in the northwest Amazon, in the middle of a yage ceremony.","es":"Este es un cham\u00e1n ayahuasca del noroeste del Amazonas, en medio de la ceremonia de yag\u00e9."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The self that lives in the long narrative arc and the self that experiences the moment become one.","es":"El yo que vive en el arco narrativo largo y el que experimenta el momento se convierten en uno."} -{"gender":"male","en":"At the top of the sheet, we had little diagrams of how you fold origami.","es":"En la parte superior de la hoja, hab\u00eda peque\u00f1os diagramas que indicaban c\u00f3mo doblar el origami."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And then in 2003 I started Parikrma Humanity Foundation from my kitchen table.","es":"Y despu\u00e9s en el 2003, Inici\u00e9 la Fundaci\u00f3n Humanidad Parikrma desde la mesa de mi cocina."} -{"gender":"female","en":"\"Is dating boring, now that humans reproduce asexually?\"","es":"\"Es aburrida una cita, ahora que los seres humanos se reproducen asexualmente?\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"He turned to her and said, \"You must never allow the enemy to determine the grounds for battle.\"","es":"\u00c9l se volvi\u00f3 hacia ella y le dijo: \"Nunca se debe permitir al enemigo que decida los motivos de la batalla\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But five minutes later, they would be like, \"20 points for that guy over there, he just looks like he needs to get hit.\"","es":"Pero cinco minutos despu\u00e9s dec\u00edan, \"20 puntos para ese tipo de all\u00ed, parece que necesita alg\u00fan golpe\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Our promise to remain carbon neutral is also unique, and this is what I'd like to speak about today, our promise to remain carbon neutral.","es":"La promesa de neutralidad en emisiones de carbono tambi\u00e9n es \u00fanica y de eso me gustar\u00eda hablar hoy: nuestra promesa de neutralidad en emisiones de carbono."} -{"gender":"female","en":"A map actually carries somebody's view.","es":"Un mapa implica la perspectiva de las personas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You see the geniality of his creation, right directly on the ground layer of the panel, and see this cool thing, finding, I should rather say, an elephant.","es":"Se ve la genialidad de su creaci\u00f3n, directamente en la capa base del panel, y ver esta genialidad y encontrar \u2014-dir\u00eda m\u00e1s bien\u2014- un elefante."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you, thank you, thank you.","es":"Gracias, gracias, gracias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Short of teaching your toddler how to defuse a nuclear bomb, there is pretty much a guide to everything.","es":"Salvo una para ense\u00f1ar a su hijo c\u00f3mo desactivar una bomba nuclear, hay pr\u00e1cticamente una gu\u00eda para todo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"What I'd like to do today is talk about one of my favorite subjects, and that is the neuroscience of sleep.","es":"De lo que quisiera hablar hoy es acerca de uno de mis temas favoritos, la neurociencia del sue\u00f1o."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And one of the things that I think is important is that we have to get away from this idea of designing the machines manually, but actually let them evolve and learn, like children, and perhaps that's the way we'll get there.","es":"Y una de las cosas que creo es importante es que tenemos que abandonar esta idea de dise\u00f1ar m\u00e1quinas manualmente sino m\u00e1s bien dejarlas evolucionar y aprender, como ni\u00f1os, y quiz\u00e1s esa es la forma en que lo consigamos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I want to create places where people feel connected again.","es":"Quiero crear lugares donde la gente se sienta conectada de nuevo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If we can connect people and ideas more intensely, and although you've seen a plethora and a myriad of products that have come to the market today, the key to me is how many of these products are able to provide people connectivity, in a useful way, accessibility, in an easy manner, and also affordability, that regardless of the economic status that a person could have, that they could have the opportunity to afford this technology.","es":"Si podemos conectar gente e ideas de una manera mas intensa, aunque ya ustedes han visto una variedad de productos en el mercado actualmente, para mi la clave est\u00e1 en cuantos de esos productos son capaces de proveer conectividad de una manera \u00fatil, proveer accesibilidad de una manera sencilla, y que pueda ser costeable, sin importar el status econ\u00f3mico que una persona pueda tener y que tenga la oportunidad de costear esta tecnolog\u00eda."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This is the most kind of direct, obvious intersection of the two things.","es":"Esta es la intersecci\u00f3n m\u00e1s directa, obvia, de las dos cosas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But I did something interesting with knitting that had never been done before.","es":"Pero hice algo interesante a partir de la lana y el hilo que nunca se hab\u00eda hecho antes."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"He said, \"I think so.\"","es":"El dijo, \"Eso creo.\""} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It was not representative. Okay?","es":"No es representativo \u00bfvale?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And we'll have a chance to solve a 3,000 year old dispute.","es":"Y tendremos una oportunidad para resolver una disputa de 3.000 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Why don't they?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no lo hacen?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Another medical report describes them as being \"inappropriately happy.\"","es":"Otro informe m\u00e9dico los describ\u00eda como \"inapropiadamente felices\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Ah, good, good. Ten, once again, I love this Jonny Wayne move.","es":"Voy otra vez. 10 Otra vez, me encanta este movimiento al estilo John Wayne."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The other half goes right out the other side.","es":"El resto sale por el otro lado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I'm not paranoid, but everywhere I go, I'm getting all sorts of advice: Go here, move there, watch out for this.","es":"No soy paranoico, pero dondequiera que voy, recibo todo tipo de consejos: Ve all\u00ed, mu\u00e9vete all\u00e1, cuidado con esto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The fact is that monogamy had nothing to do with love.","es":"El hecho es que la monogamia no ten\u00eda nada que ver con el amor."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Standard Chartered has brought in 140 million.","es":"El Standard Chartered ha tra\u00eddo 140 millones."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Most of that we'll do by expanding and protecting wildlands, by expanding and protecting the populations of endangered species.","es":"Mucho de esto lo lograremos expandiendo y protegiendo las tierras salvajes, expandiendo y protegiendo las poblaciones de especies en peligro de extinci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Where does it come from?","es":"\u00bfDe d\u00f3nde viene?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Conversely, there is no concentration at which the sulfur compound will smell like vodka.","es":"Rec\u00edprocamente, no hay concentraci\u00f3n en la cual el compuesto sulf\u00farico huela a vodka."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That is the scale at which technology has liberated and made it accessible.","es":"Esa es la escala en la que la tecnolog\u00eda est\u00e1 liberada y es accesible."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"These are pictures from Brazil and Nicaragua. But it looks the same in Miami, Florida.","es":"Estas son fotos de Brasil y Nicaragua, pero es igual en Miami, Florida."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Then she posted her design to the web, and if you don't have time to build your own, you can buy one.","es":"Luego public\u00f3 su dise\u00f1o en la red, y si no tienen tiempo para construir el propio, pueden comprarlo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Then I built the temporary structure, 1990.","es":"Entonces constru\u00ed la estructura temporal, 1990."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And there will be moments when I cannot protect him when he is seen as a terrorist just as black people in America are still seen as criminal.","es":"Y habr\u00e1 momentos cuando no pueda protegerlo cuando sea visto como un terrorista, al igual que los negros en EE. UU. todav\u00eda se ven como criminales."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They are already out of date.","es":"Ya caducaron."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The games buttons are missing, but it'll also be a games machine, book machine.","es":"Faltan los botones de juegos, ser\u00e1 para juegos y libros."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I've explored the furthest reaches of the galaxy with this survey, but there's something even more in this image.","es":"He explorado los confines de la galaxia con este estudio, pero hay algo a\u00fan m\u00e1s en esta imagen."} -{"gender":"female","en":"A perfect example of this is Spanish contemporary artist Fernando Vicente.","es":"Un ejemplo perfecto de esto es el artista espa\u00f1ol contempor\u00e1neo Fernando Vicente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I can keep standing here for the 12 minutes and 53 seconds that I have left and make fun of all sorts of ways we manage money, and at the end you're going to ask, \"How can we help people?\"","es":"Y podr\u00eda seguir aqu\u00ed parado por los 12 minutos y 53 segundos que me quedan y re\u00edrme de todas las formas en las que manejamos nuestro dinero, y al final, preguntar\u00e1n, \"\u00bfC\u00f3mo podemos ayudar a la gente?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"But that profit is the magic.","es":"Pero esa ganancia es la magia."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's a study at Harvard where, at the end of the study, they're going to take my entire genomic sequence, all of my medical information, and my identity, and they're going to post it online for everyone to see.","es":"Es un estudio de Harvard en el cual, al final del estudio, van a tomar toda mi secuencia gen\u00f3mica y toda mi informaci\u00f3n m\u00e9dica, mi identidad, y la van a subir en l\u00ednea para que todos la vean."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is not just about the elderly, this is about people.","es":"No se trata solo de personas mayores, se trata de personas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I'm about to snap like a brittle twig, when suddenly someone taps me on the shoulder.","es":"Voy a reventar como volc\u00e1n, cuando alguien me toca el hombro."} -{"gender":"female","en":"A hospital admission followed, the first of many, a diagnosis of schizophrenia came next, and then, worst of all, a toxic, tormenting sense of hopelessness, humiliation and despair about myself and my prospects.","es":"Sigui\u00f3 un ingreso al hospital, el primero de muchos, un diagn\u00f3stico de esquizofrenia vino despu\u00e9s, y entonces, lo peor de todo, un t\u00f3xico, atormentando sentido de desesperanza, humillaci\u00f3n y desesperaci\u00f3n sobre m\u00ed y mis posibilidades."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I'll just never forget when I started working on exoplanet atmospheres 20 years ago, how many people told me, \"This will never happen.","es":"Nunca olvidar\u00e9 cuando empec\u00e9 a trabajar en atm\u00f3sferas de exoplanetas hace 20 a\u00f1os, cu\u00e1ntas personas me dijeron, \"Esto nunca suceder\u00e1."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I looked into this trusting, loving face, and I said, \"Oh, no. That would never happen.\"","es":"Y mir\u00e9 su cara confiada y tierna y le dije: \"Oh, no. .Eso nunca pasar\u00e1.\""} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And then we can collect our seawater samples in these large bottles.","es":"Y luego podemos recoger muestras de agua de mar en estas grandes botellas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is a very strange moment where we were asked by the bureaucracy at the Mall how much time would it take to install.","es":"Este es un momento muy extra\u00f1o, cuando la burocracia del Mall nos pregunt\u00f3 cu\u00e1nto tiempo tomar\u00eda la instalaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"\"No, no, no, no. I've got these special feet that need a two-inch heel.","es":"\"No, no, no, no. Yo tengo estos pies especiales, est\u00e1n bien, pero nececisto unos tacones de dos pulgadas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It turns out that freedom, the ability to make up your mind and change your mind, is the friend of natural happiness, because it allows you to choose among all those delicious futures and find the one that you would most enjoy.","es":"Resulta que la libertad \u2013 la habilidad de decidirte y cambiar de opini\u00f3n \u2013 es la amiga natural de la felicidad, porque te permite elegir entre todos esos deliciosos futuros y encontrar el que m\u00e1s vas a disfrutar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And the way you should do that is study the furniture, let it marinate in your mind, distract yourself, and then a few days later, go with your gut, because unconsciously you've figured it out.","es":"Y la manera en que uno debe hacerlo es estudiar el mueble dejar que la idea madure en la cabeza, distraerse, y luego unos d\u00edas despu\u00e9s seguir el instinto porque inconscientemente uno se lo ha imaginado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But here's the thing: the more successful I become, the more shows, the more episodes, the more barriers broken, the more work there is to do, the more balls in the air, the more eyes on me, the more history stares, the more expectations there are.","es":"Pero es as\u00ed: cuanto m\u00e1s \u00e9xito tengo, m\u00e1s series, m\u00e1s episodios, y m\u00e1s obst\u00e1culos derribo, m\u00e1s trabajo tengo que hacer. Cuanto m\u00e1s malabares, m\u00e1s ojos posados sobre m\u00ed, m\u00e1s me persiguen las historias, mayores las expectativas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Welcome, I love you.\"","es":"Bienvenido, te amo\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Ironically, that object was made by the Killarney process, which is a brand-new process here for the 21st century, and I can hear Greg Lynn laughing his socks off as I say that.","es":"Ir\u00f3nicamente, ese objeto fue elaborado por el m\u00e9todo Killarny, que es un proceso nov\u00edsimo aqu\u00ed para el siglo XXI, y puedo o\u00edr a Greg Lynn riendo hasta perder sus calcetines cuando lo digo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Inflation, in general, is coming down across Africa, that's the first sign, in many countries reaching double-digit figures.","es":"La inflaci\u00f3n, en general, est\u00e1 bajando en \u00c1frica, ese ese el primer signo, en muchos pa\u00edses que est\u00e1n alcanzando cifras de dos d\u00edgitos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm not kidding.","es":"No estoy bromeando."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I have to tell you, it's more than a little intimidating being up here, an old American guy trying to tell Africans something new about your own continent.","es":"Debo confesar que estar aqu\u00ed arriba es algo m\u00e1s que intimidante: un hombre grande como yo, estadounidense, tratando de mostrar a los africanos algo nuevo sobre su propio continente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Today I want to talk about changing the way we think about corrections.","es":"Quiero hablarles acerca de cambiar la forma de pensar en los correccionales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It wasn't long, for example, before ethnic nationalism reared its bloody head in Yugoslavia.","es":"No pas\u00f3 mucho tiempo, por ejemplo, hasta que el nacionalismo \u00e9tnico levantara su sangrienta cabeza en Yugoeslavia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, let me turn to some numbers on this.","es":"Perm\u00edtanme presentar algunos n\u00fameros sobre esto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We symmetrize the face, and we run our algorithm.","es":"Hicimos sim\u00e9trica la cara, y corrimos nuestro algoritmo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The thing about their work is that most people come to the door of furniture, I suspect you probably recognize this chair and some of the others I'm going to show you.","es":"La cuesti\u00f3n sobre su trabajo es que la mayor\u00eda del p\u00fablico conoce su trabajo primero a trav\u00e9s de sus muebles, Probablemente no reconozcan esta silla y algunas de las otras que les mostrar\u00e9."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is a picture I Instagrammed earlier.","es":"Esta es una foto que mand\u00e9 a Instagram hace poco."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, when you are about to say or do something, we can think, do I want this to be part of my legacy, part of my personal record?","es":"Ahora, cuando est\u00e9n a punto de decir o hacer algo, podemos pensar, \"\u00bfquiero que esto sea parte de mi legado, de mi expediente personal?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"The first is: can we really survive on volunteers? If this is so critical, do we not need it funded, organized, supported in much more structured ways?","es":"El primero es: \u00bfrealmente podemos sobrevivir con voluntarios? si esto es tan cr\u00edtico, \u00bfno necesitamos fondearlo, organizarlo y apoyarlo en formas m\u00e1s estructuradas?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"So naturally, I turned to the dark underworld of online dating apps, to apps like Grindr, and for those of you who are unfamiliar, these are dating apps targeted towards gay men.","es":"As\u00ed que naturalmente, me dej\u00e9 llevar por el mundo oscuro de las citas online y las aplicaciones, apps como Grindr, y para quienes no conocen, estas son apps de citas para personas gay."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And you can see here, as this animates over, Steven's actual data against the background of all other patients, against this information.","es":"Como pueden ver aqui, mientras esto es animado, Los datos reales de Steven contra los datos de todos los otros pacientes, contra esta informaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so you buy them, and you bring them home, and you entirely violate the d\u00e9cor of your house.","es":"As\u00ed que los compran, los llevan a casa, y rompen totalmente con la decoraci\u00f3n de su casa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And when she said it, it made me anxious.","es":"Y cuando ella lo dec\u00eda, me inquietaba."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Give me your data.","es":"Denme su informaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It seems totally magical, but these bioluminescent signals arise from carefully orchestrated chemical reactions that happen inside the firefly lantern.","es":"Parece totalmente m\u00e1gico, pero estas se\u00f1ales bioluminiscentes proceden de reacciones qu\u00edmicas cuidadosamente orquestadas que ocurren dentro de la linterna de la luci\u00e9rnaga."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I was struck immediately by the kindness and the gentleness in her face, and I asked her to tell me her story.","es":"Me sorprendi\u00f3 la amabilidad y gentileza de su rostro, y le ped\u00ed que me contara su historia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And now all of you understand it.","es":"Y ahora todos ustedes lo entienden."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now what I like about this video is it's actually a video of the first time they ever danced together because of his lead.","es":"Lo que me gusta de este v\u00eddeo es que es de la primera vez que bailaron juntos, por su manera de liderar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But you know, all the robots I've shown you have been small, and that's because robots don't do things that people do.","es":"Pero ya saben, todos los robots que les han demostrado han sido peque\u00f1os, y eso se debe a que los robots no hacen las cosas que hacen los humanos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You risk your life if you do.","es":"Si lo haces arriesgas tu vida."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And this ability to experience stress and be resilient and bounce back and not develop depression or PTSD is known as stress resilience, and it varies between people.","es":"La habilidad de sufrir estr\u00e9s y ser fuertes y de recuperarse y no desarrollar depresi\u00f3n o TEPT es conocida como resistencia al estr\u00e9s, y var\u00eda entre las personas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, there was always an essential nugget of Carly in there, but the character and the story adapted to whomever was playing her.","es":"Siempre hubo un pedacito esencial de Carly all\u00ed, pero el personaje y la historia se adaptaron a quien la interpretaba."} -{"gender":"male","en":"After extensive research and testing of different materials like rubber, which I realized was too thick to be worn snugly on the bottom of the foot, I decided to print a film sensor with electrically conductive pressure-sensitive ink particles.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de muchas pruebas con materiales diferentes como el caucho, vi que era demasiado grueso para usarlo en la suela del pie, y decid\u00ed imprimir un sensor de pel\u00edcula con part\u00edculas de tinta sensibles a la presi\u00f3n y electroconductoras."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We can have a conversation, and I can build a narrative around that so I know where we've been and where we're going and how to contribute to this conversation.","es":"Podemos tener una conversaci\u00f3n, y puedo construir una narrativa en torno a ella as\u00ed que s\u00e9 d\u00f3nde hemos estado y hacia d\u00f3nde vamos y de c\u00f3mo contribuir a esta conversaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I sure wouldn't want to sit on it.","es":"Y seguro que no me gustar\u00eda sentarme en ella."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I did these things, and I still do them.","es":"Hice estas cosas y a\u00fan las hago."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Penn State asked me, a communications teacher, to teach a communications class for engineering students.","es":"Penn State me pidi\u00f3 a m\u00ed, una profesora de comunicaciones, que diera una clase de comunicaci\u00f3n a estudiantes de ingenier\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It damaged the gene.","es":"Da\u00f1\u00f3 al gen."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is the work of several designers that really enhance the idea of solitude and expansion by means of various techniques.","es":"Y \u00e9ste es el trabajo de varios dise\u00f1adores que realmente mejoran la idea de soledad y expansi\u00f3n por medio de varias t\u00e9cnicas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"However, now let's say we remove most of those mirrors so only a few remained.","es":"Pero digamos que retiramos la mayor\u00eda de esos espejos dejando s\u00f3lo unos pocos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"There was a girl who insisted we stay late at night, : Kids: I love the Fab Lab., her first night in the lab because she was going to make the sensor.","es":"Hab\u00eda una ni\u00f1a que insisti\u00f3 en que nos qued\u00e1semos hasta tarde por la noche, : Ni\u00f1os: Me encanta el Fab Lab., en su primera noche en el laboratorio porque iba a construir el sensor."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The climate agreement, a binding climate agreement, is needed because of the scientific evidence that we're on a trajectory for about a four-degree world and we have to change course to stay below two degrees.","es":"El acuerdo clim\u00e1tico-- un acuerdo clim\u00e1tico vinculante-- es necesario, porque hay evidencia cient\u00edfica que muestra que vamos camino a un mundo de 4\u00ba C y tenemos que cambiar el curso para mantenernos por debajo de los 2\u00baC."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We're not all of them, of course, but TED is a community of opinion leaders. And everyone who's in this room, and everyone who's watching this out there on the web, I think, has a duty to demand of their politicians that we make policy based on scientific evidence and on common sense.","es":"No somos todos ellos, por supuesto, pero TED es una comunidad de l\u00edderes de opini\u00f3n, y todos los que est\u00e1n en este sal\u00f3n, y todos los que est\u00e1n viendo esto en la web, creo que tienen un deber de exigirle a sus pol\u00edticos que hacemos pol\u00edticas basadas en evidencia cient\u00edfica y en el sentido com\u00fan."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Or you may say of yourself, \"I am intriguing, even if I am regarded by most people as a great, thundering twit.\"","es":"O podr\u00edan decir de Uds., \u201cSoy interesante, aunque sea considerado por la mayor\u00eda como un magn\u00edfico idiota\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"For instance, a lot of people think autism and think \"Rain Man\" immediately.","es":"Por ejemplo, muchas personas piensan en autismo y piensan inmediatamente en \"Rain Man\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But what I found is it's in the people and how they use it that, to me, makes it so special.","es":"Pero descubr\u00ed que tiene que ver con la gente y con el uso que \u00e9sta le da lo que, para m\u00ed, la hace tan especial."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So we developed, together with amazing Android developers called the Guardian Project, we developed something called a technology that's called Proof Mode, that marries those metadata together with your image, and it validates and it verifies your video.","es":"As\u00ed que desarrollamos junto a unos desarrolladores de Android llamados \"The Guardian Project\", una tecnolog\u00eda llamada \"Proof Mode\", que empareja esos metadatos con las im\u00e1genes, y valida el v\u00eddeo de cada uno."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to start here. This is a hand-lettered sign that appeared in a mom and pop bakery in my old neighborhood in Brooklyn a few years ago.","es":"Empezar\u00e9 con esto: Un cartel escrito a mano que vi en una panader\u00eda familiar de mi antiguo barrio en Brooklyn hace unos a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Because there's so many different wall types.\"","es":"Porque hay muchos tipos de paredes\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And when we did, the whole audience collectively exhaled, and a few people actually wept, and then they filled the auditorium with the peaceful boom of their applause.","es":"Y al llegar al final, todo el p\u00fablico exhal\u00f3 colectivamente, y unas pocas personas en realidad lloraron, y luego llenaron el auditorio con el estruendo pac\u00edfico de sus aplausos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Build identity.","es":"Construir identidad."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And 9\/11 has a conspiracy theory.","es":"El 9\/11 tiene una teor\u00eda de conspiraci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The mushrooms then are harvested, but very importantly, the mycelium has converted the cellulose into fungal sugars.","es":"Los hongos son recolectados pero algo muy importante el micelio convirti\u00f3 la celulosa en az\u00facares de hongos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This isn't really the information you need to operate in everyday life and figure out how to participate in this democracy and determine what's going on.","es":"Esa no es realmente la informaci\u00f3n que uno necesita para funcionar en el d\u00eda a d\u00eda y para darse cuenta de c\u00f3mo participar en esta democracia y saber lo que ocurre."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And when you think about it a little bit, it does make sense, because our brain is very isolated.","es":"Y cuando piensas en eso un poco, tiene sentido, porque nuestro cerebro est\u00e1 muy aislado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Where am I going to be in 5 years' time?","es":"\u00bfD\u00f3nde estar\u00e9 en 5 a\u00f1os?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"There is, if you will, a liquidity to information.","es":"Hay, si quieren, una liquidez de informaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And by the time he's got to the gates of his hometown, he's almost entirely recovered.","es":"Y cuando ya est\u00e1 entrando a su pueblo se recupera casi por completo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Hooked it up to my laptop, and within about five minutes he had penetrated the computer security system of a major Brazilian bank.","es":"Lo conect\u00f3 a mi laptop, y en cinco minutos hab\u00eda penetrado en el sistema de seguridad de computadoras de un gran banco brasile\u00f1o."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Is it because I had the filter that I have such a strong coincidence in writing about these things? Or is it a kind of serendipity that we cannot explain, like the cosmological constant?","es":"\u00bfEs porque tengo una especie de filtro que busca fuertes coincidencias al escribir sobre estas cosas? \u00bfo es una especie de serendipia que no podemos explicar, como la constante cosmol\u00f3gica?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"It still works.","es":"A\u00fan funciona."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I don't think it's fair to say how many we can take.","es":"As\u00ed que no creo que sea justo decir cu\u00e1ntos podemos tomar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I have some role in whatever thirst you now feel for revenge, and that thirst now tempts me to plot ever more elaborate escapes from our common life, from the schools and neighborhoods and airports and amusement parks that we used to share.","es":"Desempe\u00f1o un papel en cualquier sed de venganza que sientes ahora, y esa sed ahora me tienta para escapar cada vez m\u00e1s de nuestra vida en com\u00fan, de las escuelas y los barrios, los aeropuertos y parques de atracciones que sol\u00edamos compartir."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Who here owns a drill, a home power drill?","es":"\u00bfQui\u00e9n de los presentes tiene un taladro en casa?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They never gave up.","es":"Nunca se rindieron."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I'm not sure \"cool\" is really the right word, but you know what I mean.","es":"No estoy segura si la palabra \"genial\" es la correcta, pero Uds. me entienden."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Let me show you the next slide.","es":"D\u00e9jenme ense\u00f1arle la pr\u00f3xima diapositiva."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But these are the things.","es":"As\u00ed est\u00e1n las cosas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I knew I had to tell Jeff Purcell, my attorney, that I needed to leave.","es":"Y supe que ten\u00eda que decirle a Jeff Purcell, mi abogado, que necesitaba irme."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They don't have time to relax.","es":"No tienen tiempo para relajarse."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I created this piece called \"Mud Caves\" from those photographs.","es":"As\u00ed que cre\u00e9 esta pieza, \"Mud Caves\" con esas fotograf\u00edas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I love this image so much for a lot of different reasons.","es":"Me encanta esta imagen por muchas razones diferentes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I mean, if you're lucky enough you get to do it more than once, right?","es":"Quiero decir, si son lo suficientemente afortunados para llegar a hacerlo mas de una vez, \u00bfsi?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, it turns out that what looks like complex behavior from the outside is actually the result of a few simple rules of interaction.","es":"Resulta que aquello que exteriormente parece ser un comportamiento complejo, en realidad es el resultado de unas pocas y simples reglas de interacci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So the second lesson is this: parents really matter.","es":"As\u00ed la segunda lecci\u00f3n es esta: los progenitores realmente importan."} -{"gender":"male","en":"They were in the parking lot, I went inside.","es":"Ellas esperaron en el estacionamiento, yo entr\u00e9."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And you know what?","es":"\u00bfY saben qu\u00e9?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"You've seen Finland doing so well on PISA, but what makes Finland so impressive is that only five percent of the performance variation amongst students lies between schools.","es":"Han visto que a Finlandia le fue muy bien en PISA, pero lo que hace tan impresionante a Finlandia es que solo hay un 5 % de variaci\u00f3n en el desempe\u00f1o de los estudiantes entre las varias escuelas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"She said, she prepared the information, sat down with the client, said this isn't about me, it's not personal, it's about the client.","es":"Dijo que prepar\u00f3 la informaci\u00f3n, se sent\u00f3 con el cliente, se dijo: \"Esto no tiene que ver conmigo, no es personal, es sobre el cliente\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When I first started to work in Romania nearly 20 years ago, there were 200,000 children living in institutions, and more entering every day.","es":"Cuando empec\u00e9 a trabajar en Ruman\u00eda, hace 20 a\u00f1os, hab\u00eda 200 000 ni\u00f1os en instituciones, y cada d\u00eda llegaban m\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Even though we tried to do all the right things, we still received our customary flood of video protests and angry emails and even a package that had to be scanned by security, but we have to remember people care intensely about this stuff, and it's because these products, this work, really, really matters to them.","es":"Aun tratando de hacer lo correcto, recibimos nuestra inundaci\u00f3n habitual de protestas en video como de emails airados e incluso un paquete que tuvo que ser analizado por la seguridad, pero tenemos que recordar que la gente se preocupa intensamente por estas cosas, y es porque estos productos, esta obra, les importa mucho, mucho."} -{"gender":"male","en":"At that same time, I lost nearly everything in my life.","es":"Al mismo tiempo, perd\u00eda casi pr\u00e1cticamente todo en mi vida."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Relativity and quantum mechanics appear to suggest that the universe should be a boring place.","es":"La relatividad y la mec\u00e1nica cu\u00e1ntica parecen sugerir que el universo deber\u00eda ser un lugar aburrido."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Well, first of all, for the golden shape galaxies, those are the galaxies in the cluster.","es":"En primer lugar, las galaxias con formas doradas son las del c\u00famulo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to visit these places, I'm going to go up and down mountains and places and I'm going to do all the things I didn't do when I had the time.\"","es":"Visitar\u00e9 estos lugares, recorrer\u00e9 monta\u00f1as y lugares y har\u00e9 todas las cosas que no hice por falta de tiempo\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I think this has been a really tremendous problem that goes against our biology and nature, and hasn't made us any happier at all.","es":"Y creo que este ha sido un gran problema que va contra la biolog\u00eda y la naturaleza, y no nos ha hecho m\u00e1s felices."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Sometimes in our lives We all have pain, we all have sorrow But if we are wise We know that there's always tomorrow Lean on me When you're not strong And I'll be your friend I'll help you carry on For it won't be long Till I'm gonna need Somebody to lean on Just lean on \u2014 Is this computer music?","es":"A veces en nuestras vidas Todos tenemos dolor, todos tenemos dolor Pero si somos sabios Sabemos que siempre hay un ma\u00f1ana Ap\u00f3yate en m\u00ed Cuando no seas fuerte Y ser\u00e9 tu amigo Te ayudar\u00e9 a seguir Porque no pasar\u00e1 mucho Hasta que necesite Alguien en quien apoyarme Solo ap\u00f3yate \u00bfEsto es m\u00fasica inform\u00e1tica?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Something to do with words, I assume.","es":"Algo que ver con las palabras, supongo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Because I have three young kids, so that wasn't happening.","es":"Porque tengo tres hijos peque\u00f1os y eso no pasaba."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The reason he never made any of them, he's a classic nerd.","es":"La raz\u00f3n por la que nunca los hizo es que era un nerd cl\u00e1sico."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So as the seasons changed, and it was time to plan the dance again, one girl named Brianna spoke up, and she said, \"My dad can't come to the dance, and this whole thing is making me sad.\"","es":"Cuando pasaron las estaciones y lleg\u00f3 el momento de organizar de nuevo el baile, intervino una chica llamada Brianna y dijo: \"Mi pap\u00e1 no puede venir al baile y todo esto me pone triste\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The students wanted that time to imagine where is it going to happen, how is it going to happen.","es":"Los alumnos quer\u00edan ese tiempo para imaginar d\u00f3nde va a pasar, c\u00f3mo va a pasar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"There is no system in the world or any school in the country that is better than its teachers.","es":"No hay sistema en el mundo en ninguna escuela de ning\u00fan pa\u00eds que sea mejor que sus maestros."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And sure enough, the four year-olds used the evidence to wave the object on top of the detector.","es":"Y efectivamente, el ni\u00f1o de 4 a\u00f1os us\u00f3 la evidencia, de agitar el objeto sobre el detector."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But then we have other people who don't choose to have facial surgery.","es":"Pero luego tenemos otras personas que no eligen hacerse un cirug\u00eda facial."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This is not some Game of Thrones empire-level set of questions.","es":"Esto no es un conjunto de preguntas tipo nivel avanzado en \"Juego de Tronos\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Other women became mad, driven machines like me.","es":"Otras se volvieron locas, trabajando como m\u00e1quinas, como yo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In 1949, when the Party took power, China was mired in civil wars, dismembered by foreign aggression, average life expectancy at that time, 41 years old.","es":"En 1949, cuando el Partido asumi\u00f3 el poder, China estaba sumida en guerras civiles, desmembradas por la agresi\u00f3n extranjera, la esperanza de vida en aquel momento era de 41 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Its archaic warmth is touching deep within.","es":"Su calor arcaico toca la fibra \u00edntima."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives concocted a plan to find out what Americans were going to gun shows by using license plate detectors to scan the license plates of cars that were in the parking lots of these events. Today, we believe that over 70 percent of police departments have automatic license plate detection technology that they're using to track people's cars as they drive through town.","es":"El Departamento de Alcohol, Tabaco, Armas y Explosivos se invent\u00f3 un plan para descubrir que estadounidenses iban a espect\u00e1culos de armas usando detectores de matr\u00edculas de autos para escanear las matr\u00edculas del aparcamiento de los espectaculos Hoy creemos que mas de un 70 % de las comisarias tienen tecnolog\u00eda para la detecci\u00f3n autom\u00e1tica de matr\u00edculas que usan para detectar autos que pasan por la ciudad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"No job felt more perfect for me.","es":"Ning\u00fan trabajo era m\u00e1s perfecto para m\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Fine.","es":"Bien."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So how does it do that?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo lo hace?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"The memorial will take us on a journey through a classical, almost familiar building type, like the Parthenon or the colonnade at the Vatican.","es":"El monumento nos llevar\u00e1 a un viaje a trav\u00e9s de un tipo de construcci\u00f3n cl\u00e1sica, casi familiar, como el Parten\u00f3n o la columnata del Vaticano."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I said, \"Yes.\"","es":"Le dije que s\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"They're killing so many people they can't even afford to bury them all in anything but these unmarked graves like this one outside of Ciudad Juarez.","es":"Est\u00e1n matando tantas personas que ni siquiera pueden darles sepultura m\u00e1s que en tumbas sin nombre, como esta en las afueras de Ciudad Ju\u00e1rez."} -{"gender":"female","en":"You are here because of golden opportunities made possible by mass extinction.","es":"Uds. est\u00e1n aqu\u00ed debido a las oportunidades de oro creadas por la extinci\u00f3n masiva."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Things like that that are more of that positive benefit.","es":"Cosas como esas que resaltan los beneficios."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I don't hate screens, but I don't feel, and I don't think any of us feel that good about how much time we spend slouched over them.","es":"No odio las pantallas, pero no las siento y no creo que nadie se sienta muy bien sobre todo el tiempo que pasamos encorvados sobre ellas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Instead of paying to keep your airplane in a hanger, park it in your garage.","es":"En lugar de pagar por guardar el avi\u00f3n en un hangar, puedes tenerlo en la cochera."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The sushi restaurant down my street takes Bitcoin.","es":"El restaurante de sushi en mi calle acepta Bitcoins."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Goodnight sweet opossum.\"","es":"Buenas noches, dulce zarig\u00fceya\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And the second thing it does, and it gives us a very clear direction of travel for new therapies, I mean, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to know what to do here.","es":"Y lo segundo que hace, es darnos una indicaci\u00f3n muy clara del camino hacia nuevas terapias, quiero decir, no se necesita ser una eminencia para saber qu\u00e9 hacer."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I worked slowly, using an analog film camera with a manual focusing loop and a handheld light meter.","es":"Trabaj\u00e9 lentamente, usando una c\u00e1mara filmadora an\u00e1loga con un asa de enfoque manual y un fot\u00f3metro de mano."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Well, we do see something interesting.","es":"Nosotros vemos algo interesante."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It wasn't that they couldn't develop cities.","es":"No era que no pod\u00edan desarrollar ciudades."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I want you to bring her home because we don't have safe homes.\"","es":"Quiero que le des un hogar porque no tenemos hogares seguros\u00bb."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What's next?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 viene ahora?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, a third of the population says they have two or fewer people to lean on.","es":"Ahora, un tercio de la poblaci\u00f3n dice tener dos o menos personas en las que apoyarse."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Soldiers: IV! Are we on fire?","es":"S: Quinto, \u00bfEstamos ardiendo?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"But there was a real legal problem because it looks real, but how do you get over that?","es":"Pero hab\u00eda un problema legal porque parece real, pero \u00bfc\u00f3mo superas eso?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"I began to see my body like an iPad or a car.","es":"Comenc\u00e9 a ver mi cuerpo como un iPad o un auto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And when I picked it up, that was the best secret I've ever experienced.","es":"Y cuando lo tom\u00e9, encontr\u00e9 el mejor secreto que he visto nunca."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"There was lots of making of something, but they took the love part right out of it, you know, the fun.","es":"Hab\u00eda un mont\u00f3n de actividad de algo, pero se sac\u00f3 solo esa parte del amor de ello, ya sabes, la diversi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I go and get it, open it up, and it's punch cards.","es":"As\u00ed que voy por \u00e9l, lo abro, y son tarjetas perforadas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We were never allowed to discuss the outside world.","es":"Nunca se nos permit\u00eda discutir el mundo exterior."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It was a remarkable tale, but Faiza saved the best for last.","es":"Fue una historia notable, pero Faiza guard\u00f3 lo mejor para el final."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We need to act.","es":"Necesitamos actuar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But, all of us own stuff.","es":"Pero, todos poseemos cosas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Boys do science.\"","es":"Los varones hacen ciencia\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"About 12,000 years ago, there was a massive wave of mammal extinctions in the Americas, and that is thought to have been a virulent disease.","es":"Hace unos 12,000 a\u00f1os, hubo una ola masiva de extinciones de mam\u00edferos en las Am\u00e9ricas, y se piensa que pudo ser una enfermedad virulenta."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And we know from his contemporaries that Leonardo was a very handsome, even beautiful man.","es":"Adem\u00e1s sabemos de sus contempor\u00e1neos que Leonardo era muy bien parecido, un hombre bello."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Ultimately, 19 people were killed in this disaster.","es":"Finalmente, 19 personas murieron en este desastre."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, it turns out it's wrong economics, because it is cheaper to give lentils than not to give them.","es":"Bueno, resulta que la econom\u00eda es err\u00f3nea porque es m\u00e1s barato regalar las lentejas que no regalarlas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So in scuba diving, you have a self-contained system.","es":"En el buceo, uno tiene un sistema aut\u00f3nomo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Thank you so much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's very intricate.","es":"Es muy complicado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"What saddened me the most is seeing people around me resigning to the city's fate in witnessing the seemingly inevitable deaths of dozens at every Kumbh Mela.","es":"Lo que m\u00e1s me entristec\u00eda era ver a gente a mi alrededor que se resignaba al destino de la ciudad al presenciar las aparentemente inevitables muertes de decenas de personas en cada kumbhamela."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So here's an idea worth spreading to every twentysomething you know.","es":"Aqu\u00ed esta mi idea digna de difundir a todos los veintea\u00f1eros que conozcan."} -{"gender":"male","en":"How much more she reveals in her glare of ink than she knows.","es":"Revela mucho m\u00e1s de lo que ella sabe en su brillante mirada de tinta."} -{"gender":"male","en":"A few years ago, I found myself looking for the most cost-effective way to be stylish.","es":"Hace unos a\u00f1os decid\u00ed buscar la forma m\u00e1s econ\u00f3mica de vestir a la moda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"There were no oceanic deals where countries were compensated for not fishing.","es":"No hab\u00eda tratados oce\u00e1nicos que compensaran a los pa\u00edses por no pescar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It was as though those tightly coiled wires in my head had been disconnected, and I could think clearly.","es":"Era como si eso cables enrollados apretadamente en mi cabeza se hubieran desconectado y pod\u00eda pensar con claridad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is something that the attorney general of the United States and the president also actually have both talked about this, and I defer to the attorney general, because this is his lane.","es":"Esto es algo de lo que el fiscal general de Estados Unidos y tambi\u00e9n el presidente ambos han hablado de esto, y me remito al fiscal general, porque ese es su competencia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But he used that, Hazare ended up with this massive CSV file of mobile phone numbers, and he used that to deploy real people power on the ground to get hundreds of thousands of people out on the streets in Delhi to make a national point of everyday corruption in India.","es":"Y Hazare lo us\u00f3, termin\u00f3 teniendo una lista extens\u00edsima de n\u00fameros telef\u00f3nicos y la us\u00f3 para desplegar el poder real de la gente en el terreno para convocar a cientos de miles de personas a las calles de Delhi, para posicionarse a nivel nacional ante la corrupci\u00f3n cotidiana en India."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I have some to give out afterward.","es":"Tengo algunos para repartir despu\u00e9s."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Even if a nation loses a war, we say, \"Germany suffered a defeat in the First World War,\" it's a metaphor.","es":"Incluso si una naci\u00f3n pierde una guerra decimos \"Alemania sufri\u00f3 una derrota en la Primera Guerra Mundial\", es una met\u00e1fora."} -{"gender":"female","en":"He brought me a Middle Eastern dessert from Jerusalem, where he lives, and I brought him kosher chocolate and held a \"God hates Jews\" sign.","es":"Me trajo un postre medio oriental de Jerusal\u00e9n, donde \u00e9l vive, yo le traje un chocolate k\u00f3sher y sosten\u00eda una pancarta con: \"Dios odia a los jud\u00edos\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We must be hand-in-hand and do something together.","es":"Tenemos que estar mano a mano y hacer algo todas juntas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"At the age of 50, lying on the street, in a pool of blood, along with my own son, made me angry.","es":"A los 50, estar tendido en un charco de sangre en la calle, junto a mi hijo, eso hizo que me enojara."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I never thought I would ask myself these questions, but here I am to share some lessons about two powerful civil society movements that I've been involved in.","es":"Nunca pens\u00e9 que iba a preguntarme a m\u00ed misma estas preguntas, pero aqu\u00ed estoy para compartir algunas lecciones acerca de dos poderosos movimientos de la sociedad civil en que he estado involucrada."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So back to our friend Ben Franklin, who, one of his lesser-known accomplishments was that in 1736 he founded the first volunteer firefighting company in Philadelphia, called a brigade.","es":"Y volviendo a nuestro amigo Ben Franklin, uno de sus logros menos conocidos, es que en 1736 fund\u00f3 el primer cuartel de bomberos voluntarios de Filadefia, llamado brigada."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's very dangerous to get lost in there.","es":"Es muy peligroso perderse all\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, notice, something interesting, Well, I should tell you about the Supreme Court first.","es":"Ahora, observen, algo interesante Bueno, primero deber\u00eda decirles la decisi\u00f3n de la Corte Suprema."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And we've watched as the tools we uniquely make to pull the resources out of our environment kind of just blow up in our face.","es":"Hemos visto como las herramientas que s\u00f3lo nosotros producimos para extraer recursos de nuestro medio ambiente han explotado justo en nuestros rostros."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But he gave me a cup of tea.","es":"Pero me ofreci\u00f3 un t\u00e9."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Why not apply that to our looking at paintings?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no hacer igual al mirar pinturas?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"I mean, after all, if you look at babies superficially, they seem pretty useless.","es":"Es decir, despu\u00e9s de todo, si se observa superficialmente a los beb\u00e9s, parecen bastante in\u00fatiles."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So every effort is made to keep them within the building.","es":"Entonces, se hace todo el esfuerzo para mantenerlos dentro del edificio."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And Holly Morgan told me that she used to battle depression until she got involved with effective altruism, and now is one of the happiest people she knows.","es":"Y Holly Morgan me dijo que ella sol\u00eda sufrir de depresi\u00f3n hasta que se involucr\u00f3 en altruismo eficaz, y ahora es una de las personas m\u00e1s felices que conoce."} -{"gender":"male","en":"People often ask me what I learned from that time.","es":"La gente a menudo me pregunta sobre lo que aprend\u00ed de esa \u00e9poca."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And you don't have sex.","es":"Y no tenemos sexo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In fact, I used to argue with my professor, Richard Evan Shultes, who is a man who sparked the psychedelic era with his discovery of the magic mushrooms in Mexico in the 1930s, I used to argue that you couldn't classify these tryptamines as hallucinogenic because by the time you're under the effects there's no one home anymore to experience a hallucination.","es":"En realidad, sol\u00eda discutir con mi profesor Richard Evan Shultes el hombre que inici\u00f3 la era psicod\u00e9lica con su descubrimiento de los hongos m\u00e1gicos en M\u00e9xico en la d\u00e9cada de 1930. Yo sol\u00eda argumentar que no pod\u00eda clasificar estas triptaminas como alucin\u00f3genos porque en el momento que uno est\u00e1 bajo sus efectos no hay nadie mejor que uno para experimentar la alucinaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Well on September 4th, there was a huge mop-up campaign, which is what you do in polio.","es":"El 4 de septiembre hubo una gran campa\u00f1a de erradicaci\u00f3n masiva, que es lo que se hace con la polio."} -{"gender":"female","en":"SR: I think it's changing every day.","es":"SR: Creo que siempre est\u00e1 cambiando."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The revolution is called angiogenesis, and it's based on the process that our bodies use to grow blood vessels.","es":"Y la revoluci\u00f3n se llama angiog\u00e9nesis, y se basa en el proceso que usa nuestro cuerpo para desarrollar vasos sangu\u00edneos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But somehow, she must have had a forgetful memory, I think. CA: Well, God saved her and you got your just reward.","es":"Pero debe tener una memoria olvidadiza, creo CA: Bueno, que Dios la salvo y t\u00fa tuviste tu premio."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The problems in Africa, however, as we've been discussing for the whole of these first couple of days of TED, are major problems.","es":"Los problemas en \u00c1frica, sin embargo, tal como hemos estado discutiendo en este primer par de d\u00edas de TED, son problemas mayores."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We need to teach our children how to articulate their sensations so they're familiar with them.","es":"Necesitamos ense\u00f1arles a nuestros ni\u00f1os a articular sus sensaciones para que est\u00e9n familiarizados con ellas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And so, I think for many reasons, ecological, social, economic and perhaps even spiritual, this has been a tremendous project and I'm really looking forward to not only myself and my students doing it, but also to promote and teach other scientists how to do this.","es":"As\u00ed que creo, por muchas razones-- ecol\u00f3gicas, sociales, econ\u00f3micas y tal vez hasta espirituales-- \u00e9ste ha sido un proyecto tremendo y estoy emocionada no s\u00f3lo por poder hacerlo con mis estudiantes, sino tambi\u00e9n por poder promoverlo y ense\u00f1ar a otros cient\u00edficos c\u00f3mo hacerlo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Because I think most of the problems that our world is facing right now are the result of short-term thinking, and the fact that it is so hard for us to think 50, 100, or 1,000 years out.","es":"Porque creo que la mayor\u00eda de los problemas de nuestro mundo son resultado del pensamiento a corto plazo, y el ser tan dif\u00edcil pensar en lapsos de 50, 100 o 1000 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Although the blazar system is rare, the process by which nature pulls in material via a disk, and then flings some of it out via a jet, is more common.","es":"Si bien el sistema blazar es raro, el proceso por el cual la naturaleza tira material mediante un disco, y luego arroja algo de ese por un chorro, es m\u00e1s com\u00fan."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Music has always been a big part of my life.","es":"La m\u00fasica siempre ha sido una gran parte de mi vida."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And one area that I think is very interesting, which many of you may have now that we've thrown microbes into the crowd, is something that I would call \"germophobia.\" So people are really into cleanliness, right?","es":"Y esta es un \u00e1rea que considero muy interesante. al igual que muchos de ustedes, ahora que les hemos lanzado microbios; es algo que llamo \"germofobia,\" Las personas son obsesivas con la limpieza, \u00bfno es cierto?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"First, I'm going to try to give you a different perspective of genomics.","es":"Primero, voy a tratar de darles una perspectiva diferente de la gen\u00f3mica."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I know it sounds like a little thing to you, but, I looked in the rear-view mirror and all of a sudden it just hit me.","es":"S\u00e9 que suena como cualquier cosa para ustedes, pero, , mir\u00e9 en el retrovisor y de repente simplemente me golpe\u00f3."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The tricky bit is now to put an AI controller in it that actually makes it work.","es":"La parte complicada es ponerle un controlador de IA que le haga moverse de verdad."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's what we all want.","es":"Es lo que todos queremos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If it doesn't close, the baby has a hole in the heart.","es":"Si no es as\u00ed, el beb\u00e9 nace con un agujero en el coraz\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I rode around the city on my bicycle and shot all the interesting moving elements of Copenhagen: the boaters in the canals, the colors that explode in spring, the free-use city bikes, love, textures, the healthy cuisine, And I brought all that video back into the physical world by printing it out on these long strips of ink-jet paper and cutting out the forms.","es":"Iba por la ciudad en bicicleta y filmaba todos los interesantes elementos en movimiento de Copenhague: los botes en los canales, los colores que explotan en primavera, las bicis de uso libre de la ciudad, el amor, las texturas, la cocina saludable Y traje todo ese video al mundo f\u00edsico imprimi\u00e9ndolo en estas largas tiras de papel de impresi\u00f3n y cortando las formas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Things were going pretty well.","es":"Las cosas iban muy bien."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's too early in the morning for a lecture on calculus, so I brought some images to just describe how that works.","es":"Es muy temprano para una lecci\u00f3n de c\u00e1lculo, as\u00ed que traje unas im\u00e1genes para describir c\u00f3mo funciona."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Sounds a little sketchy to me, but I'm listening,\" you at least know you're being engaged and respected.","es":"Suena extra\u00f1o, pero estoy escuchando\", al menos sabes que te est\u00e1n tratando con respecto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It was my first audition, and after three days of playing behind a screen in a trial week, I was offered the position.","es":"Fue mi primera audici\u00f3n y despu\u00e9s de tres d\u00edas de tocar detr\u00e1s de una pantalla en una semana de prueba, me ofrecieron el puesto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Thanks very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We found that we have a unique, direct path into your senses, your emotions, even your body.","es":"Encontramos que tenemos una ruta singular y directa a sus sentidos sus emociones e inclusive a sus cuerpos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"His binoculars are one of the most critical acting devices he has. He doesn't have a face or even traditional dialogue, for that matter.","es":"Porque eran una de las herramientas m\u00e1s importantes de su papel, ya que no tiene cara y de hecho, tampoco el di\u00e1logo tradicional."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And then, after a year of training, I felt ready.","es":"Y luego de un a\u00f1o de entrenamiento, me sent\u00ed preparado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The other person there is Edison, who is actually often vilified for being kind of pedestrian and is, I mean, his most famous quote is, \"Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.\"","es":"La otra persona hay es Edison, que en realidad es a menudo vilipendiado por ser especie de peat\u00f3n y es Es decir, su cita m\u00e1s famosa es, \"El genio es un 1 % de inspiraci\u00f3n y 99 % de transpiraci\u00f3n\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And these animals may very well be making use of not only the force and the energy stored with that specialized spring, but the extremes of the fluid dynamics.","es":"Y estos animales pueden muy bien estar haciendo uso de no s\u00f3lo la fuerza y energ\u00eda almacenada con ese resorte especializado sino los extremos de la din\u00e1mica de fluidos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Please enjoy.","es":"\u00a1Que lo disfruten!"} -{"gender":"male","en":"My doctors at the Mayo Clinic urged me not to take this trip out here to this, to be here.","es":"Mis m\u00e9dicos en la Cl\u00ednica Mayo me recomendaron no tomar el viaje hacia ac\u00e1 para esta \u2014 para estar aqu\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"She's 86 years old.","es":"Tiene 86 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So they have another one now, so I could step down.","es":"Entonces ahora tienen otra, as\u00ed que podr\u00eda renunciar."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"This is companies like Vonage.","es":"Eso es empresas como Vonage."} -{"gender":"female","en":"He said that the surest way for a couple to start fighting is for them to go out to dinner with another couple whose division of labor is ever so slightly different from theirs, because the conversation in the car on the way home goes something like this: \"So, did you catch that Dave is the one who walks them to school every morning?\"","es":"Dijo que la manera m\u00e1s segura de que una pareja empezara a pelear, era que salieran a cenar con una pareja que tuviera un reparto de tareas ligeramente diferente al suyo, pues la conversaci\u00f3n en el auto de regreso a casa, ser\u00eda m\u00e1s o menos la siguiente: \"\u00bfTe fijaste que Dave es el que lleva a los chicos a la escuela todos los d\u00edas?\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"If you care about gender equality or poverty or migration or public health, then sex worker rights matter to you.","es":"Si uno se preocupa por la igualdad de g\u00e9nero o la pobreza o la migraci\u00f3n o la sanidad p\u00fablica, le importa los derechos del trabajador del sexo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I love to see women.","es":"Y me encanta ver mujeres."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Hi, my name is Roz Savage and I row across oceans.","es":"Hola, mi nombre es Roz Savage y remo por los oc\u00e9anos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So that was a total wash.","es":"Y eso fue un total fracaso."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And thanking me.","es":"Y me daba las gracias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But as I get older, I'm also very nuanced about what that word \"success\" might mean.","es":"Pero al envejecer, matizo mucho lo que \"\u00e9xito\" pudiera significar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So they pick the worst background from any kind of PowerPoint presentation, the worst typeface.","es":"Por lo que seleccionan el peor fondo de cualquier tipo de presentaci\u00f3n PowerPoint, la peor letra."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It took me hours and hours a day to build my skills up to the next level.","es":"Me pasaba horas y horas al d\u00eda desarrollando mis habilidades hasta el nivel siguiente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"These are some of my kids with a salad bar.","es":"Estos son algunos de mis chicos en la barra de ensaladas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Bohdan from Kiev said, in response to how he felt about the new consumer marketplace, \"It is too much.","es":"Boudin de Kiev dijo, en respuesta a c\u00f3mo se sent\u00eda sobre el nuevo mercado de consumo: \"Es demasiado.\""} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So the question is: How does something that is not touching anything know where it is?","es":"La pregunta es: \u00bfC\u00f3mo es que algo que no est\u00e1 tocando nada sabe d\u00f3nde est\u00e1?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The perfect getaway in your perfect car.","es":"La salida perfecta en tu autom\u00f3vil perfecto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We can really go for it.","es":"Realmente podemos ir a por m\u00e1s."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Sort of, any activity could happen anywhere.","es":"Una suerte de: cualquier actividad puede ocurrir en cualquier lugar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"You're certain that you possess the Truth, inevitably offered with an implied uppercase T, and this certainty quickly devolves into dogmatism and righteousness, by which I mean a demonstrative, overweening pride in being so very right, in short, the arrogance of fundamentalism.","es":"Estar\u00e1n seguros de que poseen la Verdad, inevitablemente ofrecida con una V may\u00fascula impl\u00edcita, y esta certeza se transforma r\u00e1pidamente en dogmatismo y santurroner\u00eda, y me refiero a un orgullo arrogante y efusivo de ser tan correctos, en resumen, la arrogancia del fundamentalismo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And we began to think about what it would take for us to actually have our aspirations reach the level of some of the poorest communities in the world.","es":"Y empezamos a pensar qu\u00e9 implicar\u00eda por nuestra parte hacer que nuestras aspiraciones alcancen el nivel de algunas de las comunidades m\u00e1s pobres del mundo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Nor did I get any responses from the other people that they gave me on the list where I could get apartments.","es":"Tampoco tuve ninguna respuesta de las otras personas de la lista que me dieron donde pod\u00eda conseguir apartamentos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"As I think Robert Neuwirth said, there isn't a bank or a corporation or a government or an NGO who's going to be able to do it if we treat citizens only as consumers.","es":"C\u00f3mo Robert Neuwirth dijo, no hay un banco o corporaci\u00f3n o gobierno o ONG que pueda logarlo si seguimos tratando a los ciudadanos s\u00f3lo como consumidores."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"\"You get her.\"","es":"\"Te toca a ti\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's exactly what I do, optical mind control.","es":"Eso es exactamente lo que hago control \u00f3ptico de la mente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's like, you know, men do need women now.","es":"Ya saben, los hombres necesitan a las mujeres ahora."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In order to give you a glimmer into what this looks like, I'd like to take you into a meeting and introduce you to a tool of ours called the \"Dot Collector\" that helps us do this.","es":"Para darles un pantallazo sobre como se ve esto, me gustar\u00eda llevarlos a una reuni\u00f3n y presentarles una herramienta nuestra llamada \"colector de puntos\" que nos ayuda con esto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They were men who had been contractors, or they had been building houses and they had lost their jobs after the housing boom, and they were in this group because they were failing to pay their child support.","es":"Eran hombres que hab\u00edan sido contratistas, o que hab\u00edan construido casas, y que hab\u00edan perdido el empleo despu\u00e9s del boom inmobiliario y estaban en este grupo porque no pod\u00edan pagar la manutenci\u00f3n de los hijos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"If you have content that others are uploading to YouTube, you should register in the Content ID system, and then you'll have the choice about how your content is used.","es":"Si tienes contenido que otros est\u00e1n subiendo a YouTube, debes registrarlo en el Sistema Identificador de Contenido, as\u00ed podr\u00e1s decidir c\u00f3mo se usar\u00e1 tu contenido."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We started off with an experiment in Hyderabad, India, where I gave a group of children, they spoke English with a very strong Telugu accent. I gave them a computer with a speech-to-text interface, which you now get free with Windows, and asked them to speak into it.","es":"Empezamos con un experimento en Hyderabad, India, donde le di a un grupo de ni\u00f1os hablaban ingl\u00e9s con un acento telugu muy fuerte les di una computadora con una interfaz de voz a texto que, ya saben, ahora viene gratis con Windows y les ped\u00ed que le hablaran."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And what they see is that they need to improve chocolate production.","es":"Y se han dado cuenta de que necesitan mejorar la producci\u00f3n de chocolate."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I cofounded a program that we call Financial Empowerment Emotional Literacy.","es":"Cofund\u00e9 un programa que llamamos \"Alfabetizaci\u00f3n emocional y capacitaci\u00f3n financiera\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I realize that it does sound a little bit crazy that we were going to go out and just begin designing satellites, but fortunately we had help.","es":"S\u00e9 que suena un poco loco salir y solo comenzar a dise\u00f1ar sat\u00e9lites, pero afortunadamente tuvimos ayuda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I don't fear fear the way I used to.","es":"Ya no temo al miedo como sol\u00eda hacerlo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well, I think the first thing that we can try to understand is that segregation is a social construct.","es":"Pienso que lo primero es entender que la segregaci\u00f3n es una construcci\u00f3n social Es algo que elegimos hacer y que podr\u00edamos evitar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"On December 29, US troops surrounded a Sioux encampment at Wounded Knee Creek, and massacred Chief Big Foot and 300 prisoners of war, using a new rapid-fire weapon that fired exploding shells, called a Hotchkiss gun.","es":"El 29 de diciembre las tropas de EE.UU. rodearon un campamento sioux en Wounded Knee Creek y masacraron al jefe Pie Grande, y a 300 prisioneros de guerra, usando una nueva arma de fuego que disparaba proyectiles explosivos llamada ca\u00f1\u00f3n Hotchkiss."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now of course, development doesn't end at five.","es":"Por supuesto que este desarrollo no se detiene a los cinco a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But that helped me, I think, become a better teacher.","es":"Pero me ayudo, yo creo, a convertirme en un mejor profesor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I've been interested in computer programs all my life, actually.","es":"He estado interesado en los programas de computadora toda mi vida, realmente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I'm the first one to recognize that we have a lot of work still to do.","es":"Soy la primera en reconocer que tenemos mucho trabajo por hacer."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And today, bread now is associated with obesity, which is very strange.","es":"Y hoy, el pan est\u00e1 asociado a la obesidad, lo cual es muy extra\u00f1o."} -{"gender":"female","en":"\"I was cutting, my parents found out, and so I stopped.","es":"\u201cMe automutilaba, mis padres se enteraron, dej\u00e9 de hacerlo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The second time, it's engineering.","es":"La segunda vez, es ingenier\u00eda."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I highly recommend that you teach yourself languages other than the one that I'm speaking, because there's never been a better time to do it.","es":"As\u00ed que recomiendo que aprendan idiomas distintos al que estoy hablando, porque nunca ha habido un mejor momento para hacerlo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I'd just like to end by saying: you can really view this as a call to action.","es":"As\u00ed que quisiera terminar diciendo, que ustedes puede ver esto como un llamado a la acci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Isn't it amazing?","es":"\u00bfNo es asombroso?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"My grandmother was a chemist.","es":"Mi abuela fue una qu\u00edmica."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So add in five percent, 10 percent more food.","es":"As\u00ed se a\u00f1aden 5 o 10 % m\u00e1s de alimentos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Not \"just.\"","es":"No s\u00f3lo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"PM: So I'm not going to ask Halla to commit right now to what she's doing next, but I will say that you'd have a very large volunteer army should you decide to do that again.","es":"PM: No voy a pedirle a Halla que nos confiese ahora mismo cu\u00e1les son sus planes, pero dir\u00eda que tienes una amplia legi\u00f3n de voluntarios si decidieras presentarte de nuevo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Every holiday I had as a young boy was in a national park.","es":"Cada vacaci\u00f3n que tuve cuando ni\u00f1o fue en un parque nacional."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And they start to think national, and even global.","es":"Y se ponen a pensar en lo nacional, y hasta en lo global."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But once I figured out that fear was not put in me to cripple me, it was there to protect me, and once I figured out how to use that fear, I found my power.","es":"Pero cuando me di cuenta de que ese miedo no estaba ah\u00ed para inmovilizarme, sino para protegerme, y cuando me di cuenta de c\u00f3mo usar ese miedo, encontr\u00e9 mi poder."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm not an evil man.","es":"No soy mal\u00e9fico."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Ah, thank you very much.","es":"Oh, muchas gracias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The cloth's cut on the bias.","es":"La tela est\u00e1 cortada al sesgo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Because for way too long, we have left the big financial players on their own.","es":"Porque durante demasiado tiempo, hemos dejado a los grandes actores financieros por su cuenta."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so even if we make those very important decisions for very silly reasons, it remains statistically true that there are more Georges living in Georgia and there are more Dennises becoming dentists and there are more Paulas who are married to Paul than statistically viable.","es":"Y as\u00ed, a\u00fan cuando tomamos esas decisiones tan importantes por razones muy tontas, sigue siendo cierto seg\u00fan las estad\u00edsticas que hay m\u00e1s Georges viviendo en Georgia y hay m\u00e1s dentistas llamados Dennis y hay m\u00e1s Paulas casadas con un Paul que lo viable seg\u00fan las estad\u00edsticas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I want you to imagine the supporter of some Little Englander or British nationalist political party, and he's sitting at home and he's screaming about foreigners invading his country while watching Fox News, an American cable channel owned by an Australian on his South Korean television set which was bought by his Spanish credit card which is paid off monthly by his high-street British bank which has its headquarters in Hong Kong.","es":"Quiero que imaginen a un partidario nacionalista en Gran Breta\u00f1a que sentado en su hogar se indigna contra los extranjeros que invaden su pa\u00eds mientras mira Fox News, un canal de cable de EE.UU., propiedad de un australiano, en su TV surcoreana, comprada con su tarjeta de cr\u00e9dito espa\u00f1ola, que salda mensualmente en la filial brit\u00e1nica del banco que tiene su sede en Hong Kong."} -{"gender":"female","en":"How might we think differently about our relations with technologies, things that effectively become social participants in their own right?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo podr\u00edamos pensar diferente sobre nuestras relaciones con las tecnolog\u00edas, cosas que efectivamente se convierten en participantes sociales por derecho propio?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"But one thing has been troubling me.","es":"Pero hay algo que me preocupa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Let me give you just some examples of how, some powerful examples of how this has been used historically.","es":"Permitidme daros algunos ejemplos de c\u00f3mo algunos poderosos ejemplos de c\u00f3mo esto ha sido utilizado hist\u00f3ricamente."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The sugars are telling cells around that cell whether the cell is good or bad.","es":"Los az\u00facares dicen a las c\u00e9lulas alrededor de esa c\u00e9lula si la c\u00e9lula es buena o mala."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So we informed our audience that what they will just now hear will be a random paper, a mixture of the two papers which we didn't know what each was writing.","es":"As\u00ed, informamos al p\u00fablico que lo que escuchar\u00edan ser\u00eda un art\u00edculo al azar, una mezcla de dos art\u00edculos y que ninguno sab\u00eda lo que hab\u00eda escrito el otro."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Because, despite their problems, I had spent my whole life training my lungs, and I was not particularly enthusiastic about giving them up.","es":"Porque a pesar de sus problemas, me hab\u00eda pasado toda mi vida entrenando mis pulmones y no estaba particularmente entusiasmada por renunciar a ellos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And the first murder of a mother by a son was my great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather.","es":"El primer asesinato de una madre por un hijo fue el de mi tatara-tatara-tatara-tatara-tatara-tatarabuelo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But for a long time, I lived for death.","es":"Pero durante mucho tiempo, viv\u00ed para la muerte."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I know a gentleman, married for 25 years, who's longing to hear his wife say, \"Thank you for being the breadwinner, so I can stay home with the kids,\" but won't ask.","es":"Conozco a un hombre con 25 a\u00f1os de casado que desea escuchar a su mujer decir: \"Gracias por ganarte el pan para permitirme estar en casa con los ni\u00f1os\" pero no se atreve a pedirlo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Women, and increasingly men, who are starting to speak out and push back against sexual violence on the streets and in the home.","es":"Mujeres y hombres, que, cada vez, est\u00e1n empezando a hablar m\u00e1s y a luchar contra la violencia sexual en las calles y en el hogar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Harvest baby teeth.","es":"Cosecha dientes de leche."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We counseled the partners of infected men about how to protect themselves.","es":"Asesoramos a las parejas de los hombres infectados acerca de c\u00f3mo protegerse a s\u00ed mismos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is the result that is almost like a combination of the European block and the Arab city.","es":"Y este es el resultado que es casi como una combinaci\u00f3n del bloque europeo y la ciudad \u00e1rabe."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I think it starts household by household, under the same roof.","es":"Creo que comienza hogar por hogar, bajo el mismo techo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They said, \"Oh my God, we're so glad she's pregnant.\"","es":"Y ellos: \"Estamos muy contentos de que est\u00e9 embarazada\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Justice is something that people of goodwill make happen.","es":"La justicia es algo que las personas de buena fe logran."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The law that allows some of this to happen is called Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act, and we have a great opportunity this year, because Section 702 is going to expire at the end of 2017, which means that Congress's inertia is on our side if we want reform.","es":"La ley permite que algo de eso ocurra. Es el art\u00edculo 702 de la Ley de Enmienda FISA. Este a\u00f1o tenemos una gran oportunidad porque el art\u00edculo 702 caduca a fines del 2017, lo que significa que contamos con la inercia del Congreso si queremos reformarla."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And the same thing happens at the 50th percentile, around 80,000.","es":"Lo mismo le sucede al 50% de los de $80.000."} -{"gender":"male","en":"One, you can say, \"I'm not going to work hard, because no matter how hard I work, it's not going to matter.\"","es":"Uno puede decir: \"Yo no trabajar\u00e9 duro, porque no importa lo duro que trabaje, porque no cambiar\u00e1\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Well, all stresses, particularly drought stress, results in the formation of free radicals, or reactive oxygen species, which are highly damaging and can cause crop death.","es":"Bueno, todo el estr\u00e9s, sobre todo la sequ\u00eda, resulta en la formaci\u00f3n de radicales libres, o especies reactivas de ox\u00edgeno, que son altamente perjudiciales y puede causar la muerte de los cultivos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"While this word often conjures up emotions of sadness and anger and fear, I bring you good news from the front lines of cancer research. The fact is, we are starting to win the war on cancer.","es":"Si bien esta palabra evoca sentimientos de tristeza, ira y miedo, traigo buenas noticias desde la primera l\u00ednea de la investigaci\u00f3n del cancer El tema es que, estamos empezando a ganar la guerra contra el c\u00e1ncer."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It took about a year for me to learn this, but it's really been worth it.","es":"Me tom\u00f3 un a\u00f1o aprender esto, pero vali\u00f3 el esfuerzo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And my long-term goal is to build robots that can do what people and animals do.","es":"Y mi objetivo a largo plazo es construir robots que puedan hacer lo que hacen las personas y los animales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Individuals have more power than ever before to affect national and international security.","es":"Las personas tienen m\u00e1s poder que nunca para influir en la seguridad nacional e internacional."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In fact, they're so around that you can buy new parts for a Stanley steam automobile.","es":"De hecho, se puedes comprar nuevas piezas para un autom\u00f3vil Stanley de vapor."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Give Joe a round of applause.","es":"D\u00e9mosle un gran aplauso a Joe."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I do not think so, because Japan is always ranked among the top in OECD PISA tests, measuring 15-year-old students' performance in mathematics, science and reading every three years.","es":"No lo creo, porque Jap\u00f3n siempre est\u00e1 en los rangos m\u00e1s altos en las pruebas de OECD PISA, que miden el desempe\u00f1o de estudiantes de 15 a\u00f1os en matem\u00e1ticas, ciencia y lectura cada tres a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And more importantly, once I embraced the shake, I realized I could still make art.","es":"Y, lo m\u00e1s importante, una vez que acept\u00e9 el temblor, me di cuenta de que a\u00fan pod\u00eda hacer arte."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"My goal is to come up here independently.","es":"Mi meta es llegar aqu\u00ed sola."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Where do we draw the line?","es":"\u00bfD\u00f3nde poner los l\u00edmites?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You have to think about things like pause points.","es":"Uno tiene que pensar en cosas como puntos de pausa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Then we bring them right back in and do it again.","es":"Despu\u00e9s los regresamos y pedimos que lo vuelvan a hacer."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When the Montreal Protocol called for the phasing out of CFCs, the chlorofluorocarbons implicated in the hole in the ozone layer, the risks were immense.","es":"Cuando el Protocolo de Montreal llam\u00f3 a la eliminaci\u00f3n gradual de los CFC, los clorofluorocarbonos implicados en el agujero en la capa de ozono, los riesgos eran inmensos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Again, not at all shy or withdrawn, or anything like the other children that I'd photographed.","es":"De nuevo, no era ni t\u00edmida ni distante y no se parec\u00eda en nada al resto de los ni\u00f1os que hab\u00eda fotografiado."} -{"gender":"male","en":"He said, \"I think he thinks better of me now.\"","es":"\u00c9l dijo, \"Creo que ahora, \u00e9l piensa mejor de m\u00ed\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"GH: So that's the thing about law enforcement, it starts out with the police, they're the front end of the pipeline of justice, but they hand if off to the prosecutors, and the prosecutors hand it off to the courts, and the survivors of violence have to be supported by social services all the way through that.","es":"GH: Ese es el punto con la aplicaci\u00f3n de la ley, comienza con la polic\u00eda, son los que est\u00e1n al frente del conducto de la justicia, pero se lo pasan a los demandantes, y los demandantes a los juzgados, y los sobrevivientes de la violencia tienen que estar apoyados por servicios sociales todo el tiempo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So we can follow this male out into the field as he joins hundreds of other males who are all showing off their new courtship signals.","es":"As\u00ed que podemos seguir a este macho en el campo uni\u00e9ndose a otros cientos de machos que est\u00e1n mostrando sus nuevas se\u00f1ales de cortejo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I want you to think about a thought experiment.","es":"As\u00ed que quiero que hag\u00e1is un experimento mental."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Guess which one is a JPL employee in the heart of this crowd.","es":"Adivinen quien es un empleado de JPL en el centro de esta multitud."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"There is no method.","es":"No hay un m\u00e9todo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The nations that brought it up when we had the speeches of the national leaders, it tended to be the leaders of the small island states, the low-lying island states.","es":"Las naciones que lo sacaron a relucir en los discursos de los l\u00edderes nacionales eran l\u00edderes de peque\u00f1os estados insulares estados insulares de poco peso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I had never seen black water before.","es":"Nunca hab\u00eda visto agua negra antes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"There are terrorists and other serious national security threats that I suspect we all want the FBI and the NSA to monitor.","es":"Hay terroristas y graves amenazas a la seguridad nacional que sospecho que todos queremos que el FBI y la NSA controlen."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And we succeeded to meet in the middle to say goodbye.","es":"Y logramos reunirnos en el centro para decirnos adi\u00f3s."} -{"gender":"female","en":"One man approached them with a small baby perched on his shoulder, nine months old, Malek.","es":"Un hombre se acerc\u00f3 a ellos con una beb\u00e9 peque\u00f1a encaramada en su hombro, de nueve meses Malek."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In this example, each electrical impulse, each deflection on the trace, is caused by a brief pulse of light.","es":"En este ejemplo cada impuso el\u00e9ctrico, cada desviaci\u00f3n de la traza, es causado por un breve pulso de luz."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I hope it's a story that has some resonance for our time.","es":"Espero que esta historia que tenga cierta repercusi\u00f3n en nuestro tiempo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So what he's worried about is this middle bulge here, the bulge of average TV, you know, those shows that aren't really good or really bad, they don't really get you excited.","es":"As\u00ed que lo que le preocupa es esta protuberancia central aqu\u00ed, el bulto de la TV promedio, esos programas que no son realmente buenos ni malos, que en realidad no te entusiasman."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And now, when I lift this card, it shall be your card. What was your card?","es":"Y entonces cuando levantas la carta, debe ser tu carta \u00bfqu\u00e9 carta era?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They lay the eggs into fresh water.","es":"Ponen los huevos en agua dulce."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Christiane Amanpour: Well, just listening to the earlier speakers, I can frame it in what they've been saying: climate change, for instance, cities, the threat to our environment and our lives.","es":"Christiane Amanpour: Solo escuchando a los oradores anteriores lo puedo encuadrar en lo que han dicho: cambio clim\u00e1tico, por ejemplo, ciudades, la amenaza al medio ambiente y a nuestras vidas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The gym teacher noticed the bruise, and I got sent to the principal's office.","es":"Unos d\u00edas m\u00e1s tarde, el profesor de gimnasia not\u00f3 el hematoma, y me envi\u00f3 a la oficina del Director."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Our basic freedoms, and when I say our, I don't just mean Americans, I mean people around the world, it's not a partisan issue.","es":"Nuestras libertadas b\u00e1sicas, y cuando digo nuestras, no me refiero solo a los estadounidenses, sino a las personas de todo el mundo, no tiene que ver con un problema partidario."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They have touched me throughout my 68 years.","es":"Y me han conmovido a lo largo de mis 68 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I'm not going to show you some of the wonderful historic imagery in here, but there are some with horses and carriages and so on as well.","es":"No les mostrar\u00e9 las im\u00e1genes hist\u00f3ricas y bellas que tenemos pero hay unas con caballos y carruajes, adem\u00e1s de otras cosas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I want to convey something that is truer than truth about our common humanity.","es":"Quiero contar algo que es m\u00e1s cierto que la verdad sobre nuestra humanidad compartida."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So this is a problem with censorship, which is why we need to develop alternatives to censorship.","es":"Este es un problema con la censura, y por ello tenemos que desarrollar alternativas a la censura."} -{"gender":"male","en":"First is, and they're listed here.","es":"El primero est\u00e1n listados aqu\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And it consists of seven chapters, the chapters are skin, bones, meat, internal organs, blood, fat and miscellaneous.","es":"Consta de siete cap\u00edtulos. A saber: la piel, los huesos, la carne, los \u00f3rganos internos, la sangre, la grasa y otros."} -{"gender":"female","en":"All buildings today have something in common. They're made using Victorian technologies.","es":"Todas las edificaciones de hoy tienen algo en com\u00fan: Est\u00e1n hechas con tecnolog\u00eda victoriana."} -{"gender":"male","en":"By looking at these two pictures, I say no, it won't overtake China for a while.","es":"Al observar estas dos im\u00e1genes yo digo que no, no va a superar a China por un tiempo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Try again: snow.","es":"Int\u00e9ntelo de nuevo. Nieve."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I first met him through the Archon X PRIZE for Genomics.","es":"Lo conoc\u00ed inicialmente por el premio Archon X PRIZE de Gen\u00f3mica."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And it's correct, there is a malamute in the image, but just given this label, we don't actually know that much about what's going on in the image.","es":"Y es correcto, hay un malamute en la imagen, pero solo con esta etiqueta, en realidad, no sabemos mucho sobre lo que pasa en la imagen."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I want to use my images to persuade millions of people to join in the global conversation on sustainability.","es":"Quiero usar mis im\u00e1genes para persuadir a millones de personas a que se unan a la conversaci\u00f3n global sobre sostenibilidad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And he says, \"I want my cheese sandwich.\"","es":"Y \u00e9l dice, \"Quiero mi s\u00e1ndwich de queso.\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"Traditionally, in a crisis, what do we do?","es":"Tradicionalmente, en una crisis \u00bfQu\u00e9 es lo que hacemos?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Thanks so much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In some sense, there has to be something like us.","es":"De alguna manera, tiene que ser parecido a nosotros."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What do I think about when I think about art?","es":"\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 pienso cuando pienso acerca del arte?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"But greater than all these fears was our drive to make a difference for our kids and for all those we had met along the way.","es":"Pero vencimos este miedo con nuestro deseo de marcar la diferencia para nuestros hijos y todos aquellos que conocimos a lo largo de este viaje."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I live here.","es":"Aqu\u00ed vivo yo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Colonial trade was flourishing, and piracy was highly profitable.","es":"El comercio colonial florec\u00eda, y la pirater\u00eda era altamente rentable."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"There are just so many examples, the horesemeat scandal in Europe, the Italian mafia, they've used these companies for decades.","es":"Hay much\u00edsimos ejemplos: el esc\u00e1ndalo de la carne de caballo en Europa; la mafia italiana ha usado estas sociedades durante d\u00e9cadas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"These are some projects I'm involved in today at MIT, looking what comes after computers.","es":"Estos son algunos de los proyectos en los que estoy involucrado en el MIT viendo lo que viene despu\u00e9s de las computadoras."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And they helped my dad start a clothing shop.","es":"Ayudaron a mi padre a abrir una tienda de ropa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"What I thought I would talk about today is the transition from one mode of thinking about nature to another that's tracked by architecture.","es":"Hoy pensaba que hablar\u00eda de la transici\u00f3n de un modo de pensar en la Naturaleza a otro logrado por la arquitectura."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is what happened last year when another security researcher called Kyle Lovett discovered a gaping hole in the design of certain wireless routers like you might have in your home or office.","es":"Esto sucedi\u00f3 el a\u00f1o pasado cuando otro investigador en seguridad llamado Kyle Lovett descubri\u00f3 un agujero enorme en el dise\u00f1o de ciertos routers inal\u00e1mbricos que Uds. quiz\u00e1 tengan en su casa u oficina."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"What if they had some of the same capabilities that an abalone shell did, in terms of being able to build really exquisite structures at room temperature and room pressure, using nontoxic chemicals and adding no toxic materials back into the environment?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 tal si tuvieran algunas de las mismas capacidades que la concha de abul\u00f3n? Es decir \u00bfPodr\u00edan ser capaces de construir estructuras exquisitas a presi\u00f3n y temperatura ambiente, usando materiales no t\u00f3xicos y sin emitir compuestos t\u00f3xicos al medio ambiente?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"And that diet is known as the Hara, Hatchi, Bu diet.","es":"Y que es la dieta conocida como \" Hara, Hatchi, Bu.\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"Martin Luther King said that love without power is anemic and sentimental, and that power without love is reckless and abusive.","es":"Martin Luther King dec\u00eda que el amor sin poder es an\u00e9mico y setimental. Y que el poder sin amor es imprudente y abusivo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"\"I understand myself better.","es":"Me entiendo mejor a m\u00ed mismo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And this guy, the roller, a rather beautiful bird.","es":"Y este chico, el garrulus, un ave preciosa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I've been trying to ask my museum contacts, you know, \"What is this?","es":"Pero he intentado preguntar a mis contactos de los museos, \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 es esto?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Second, preparing for heat and drought.","es":"En segundo lugar, prepararse para el calor y las sequ\u00edas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This really sums up my mother.","es":"Esto dice mucho de c\u00f3mo era mi madre."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Clearly, it's not as crazy as we were taught.","es":"Claramente, no es tan loco como nos han ense\u00f1ado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's like aliens have taken over my brain.","es":"Es como si los aliens hubieran conquistado mi cerebro."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It was a solid glacier.","es":"Era un glaciar s\u00f3lido."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My training in pastoral counseling did not prepare me for this.","es":"Mi formaci\u00f3n eclesi\u00e1stica no me ha preparado para esto."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This one's my favorite.","es":"Esta es mi favorita."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I felt the weight of stigma.","es":"Sent\u00ed el peso del estigma."} -{"gender":"male","en":"These are climbers moving up the Lhotse face, that mountain toward Camp Three.","es":"Unos escaladores en la cara de Lhotse, la monta\u00f1a que da hacia el campamento III."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So a chip, a poet and a boy.","es":"Un chip, un poeta y un ni\u00f1o."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The thickness of the Arctic decreased more than 40 percent since 1960.","es":"El grosor del \u00c1rtico disminuy\u00f3 m\u00e1s del 40 por ciento desde 1960."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I actually left one of these wet paintings outside overnight next to a light in the woods.","es":"En realidad, fui una de estas pinturas h\u00famedas toda la noche fuera al lado de una luz en el bosque."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It becomes something magically large. It becomes the rainstorm.","es":"M\u00e1gicamente, todo se convierte en algo grande; se convierte en la lluvia torrencial."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That tells you that education transforms people.","es":"Eso te dice que la educaci\u00f3n transforma a las personas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Here's a picture of two neurons connecting.","es":"Esta es una imagen de dos neuronas conect\u00e1ndose."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Supernova explosions are very extreme.","es":"Las explosiones de supernovas son muy extremas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I took this shark to eye specialist Ellis Loew at Cornell University, and we found out that this shark sees discretely and acutely in the blue-green interface, probably about 100 times better than we can see in the dark, but they only see blue-green.","es":"As\u00ed que llev\u00e9 a este tibur\u00f3n al oculista Ellis Loew de la Universidad de Cornell, quien encontr\u00f3 que este tibur\u00f3n tiene una vista clara y precisa en esta interfaz de color azul-verde, tal vez 100 veces mejor que nuestra visi\u00f3n en la oscuridad pero solo ven azul y verde."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So try and learn as best you can what that impact is and then take the first step to minimize it.","es":"As\u00ed que traten de entender lo mejor que puedan cu\u00e1l es la repercusi\u00f3n y luego den el primer paso para minimizarla."} -{"gender":"male","en":"When I was about 10 years old, I sold comic books out of our cottage on Georgian Bay.","es":"Cuando ten\u00eda unos 10 a\u00f1os vend\u00ed historietas fuera de nuestra casa de campo en la bah\u00eda de Georgia."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And it sounds silly, but that's basically what we do.","es":"Y suena tonto, pero eso es b\u00e1sicamente lo que hacemos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I had a sick body; that was all.","es":"Ten\u00eda un cuerpo enfermo; eso era todo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"If you ever doubt the power of graphic design, this is a very generic sign that literally says, \"Vote for Hitler.\"","es":"Si alguna vez dud\u00e1is del poder del dise\u00f1o gr\u00e1fico, este es un cartel muy gen\u00e9rico que literalmente dice \"Vota por Hitler\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"After many iterations working with experts, medical health professionals and the women themselves, I should say it was not an easy process at all, but we had a simple and beautiful design.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de muchas iteraciones trabajando con expertos, profesionales de la salud y las mujeres mismas, debo decir que no fue para nada un proceso f\u00e1cil, pero logramos un dise\u00f1o sencillo y hermoso."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Or a mother who, at four o'clock, suddenly manages to find a corner in the toilet to check that her children are safely home.","es":"O la madre que, a las cuatro, de repente logra encontrar una esquina en el ba\u00f1o para chequear que sus hijos est\u00e1n seguros en el hogar."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The point is that together, this diversity of different approaches can cope with more or less anything that evolution has been able to throw up.","es":"La idea es que juntas, esta diversidad de enfoques diferentes enfrenta m\u00e1s o menos cualquier cosa que la evoluci\u00f3n ha podido interponer."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We want to know, and rightly so, what this pill is doing and how it affects people's lives.","es":"Queremos saber con certeza, qu\u00e9 hace la p\u00edldora y como afecta la vida de la gente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Others have a few residents in them, one or two \"babushkas,\" or \"babas,\" which are the Russian and Ukrainian words for grandmother.","es":"Otras tienen algunos residentes, una o dos \"babushkas\" o \"babas\", \"abuela\", en ruso y ucraniano."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Because I really believe that we're never more beautiful than when we're most ugly.","es":"Porque de verdad creo que nunca somos m\u00e1s bellos que cuando somos m\u00e1s feos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"For example, the elevators in this building most likely are controlled by one of these.","es":"Por ejemplo, los ascensores en este edificio muy probablemente son controlados por uno de estos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This Siftable is configured to show video, and if I tilt it in one direction, it'll roll the video this way; if I tilt it the other way it rolls it backwards.","es":"Este Siftable est\u00e1 configurado para mostrar video, y si lo inclino en una direcci\u00f3n, rodar\u00e1 el video de esta manera, y si lo inclino en la otra, lo rodar\u00e1 en reversa."} -{"gender":"male","en":"He made a left turn on Houston, I pulled out my gun, and I said, 'Gimme them Jordans!'","es":"Giro a la izquierda en Houston, saqu\u00e9 mi arma, y dije: \"\u00a1Dame los Jordan!\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"What I'm really curious about is if one day, it will be possible to repair, rebuild and augment our own bodies with stuff we make in the kitchen.","es":"Me despierta curiosidad saber si alg\u00fan d\u00eda ser\u00e1 posible reparar, reconstruir y aumentar nuestros propios cuerpos con elementos de la cocina."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I used a stamp to defend Canada's borders.","es":"Usaba un sello para defender las fronteras del Canad\u00e1."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That would be very boring.","es":"Eso ser\u00eda muy aburrido."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I have to laugh; they don't call us fish nerds for nothing. We actually do get excited about finding a new dorsal spine in a guppy.","es":"Y tengo que re\u00edrme porque saben que por algo nos llaman locos por los peces, porque los locos por los peces realmente nos excitamos cuando encontramos un guppy con una nueva espina dorsal."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"The issue, though, is that dogs can develop compulsions like this that they then engage in all day.","es":"La cuesti\u00f3n es que los perros pueden desarrollar compulsiones como estas que duran todo el d\u00eda."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And if we want to translate that from just billions of dollars to something that might mean something, what we're talking about is that, for the average low-income kid, that would increase earnings by about 10 percent over their whole career, just doing the preschool, not improving K-12 or anything else after that, not doing anything with college tuition or access, just directly improving preschool, and we would get five percent higher earnings for middle-class kids.","es":"Y si queremos traducir esto de solo mil millones de d\u00f3lares en algo que podr\u00eda significar algo, de lo que hablamos es que, para el ni\u00f1o promedio de bajos ingresos, aumentar\u00eda las ganancias en un 10% durante toda su carrera, solo haciendo el preescolar, no mejorando el K-12 o ni nada m\u00e1s despu\u00e9s de eso, no tiene nada que ver con la matr\u00edcula universitaria, solo mejorando directamente el preescolar, se tendr\u00edan 5% de ingresos m\u00e1s para los ni\u00f1os de clase media."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This product, it has two cameras.","es":"Este producto, tiene dos c\u00e1maras."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Audience: I am Wonder Woman-strong.","es":"P\u00fablico: Soy la poderosa mujer maravilla."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They can throw out a target, it's a carpet shaped like a seal, and in will come a white shark, a curious critter that will come right up to our 16-ft. boat.","es":"Pueden arrojar una carnada, es una alfombra con forma de foca; y llegar\u00e1 un tibur\u00f3n blanco, una criatura curiosa; llegar\u00e1 hasta nuestro barco de 16 pies."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I sold it to them, I mean, we transferred ownership and they had a big party and blew up the entire building.","es":"Y se la vend\u00ed, quiero decir, les transfer\u00ed la propiedad y ellos organizaron una gran fiesta y derribaron el edificio."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I'm showing you Core War here, which is an early game that takes advantage aesthetically of the limitations of the processor.","es":"Aqu\u00ed ven el Core War, que es un juego viejo que aprovecha est\u00e9ticamente las limitaciones del procesador."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So this is what I call a \"don't eat me\" wetsuit.","es":"Es lo que llamo un traje \"no me comas\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I've been a journalist now since I was about 17, and it's an interesting industry to be in at the moment, because as you all know, there's a huge amount of upheaval going on in media, and most of you probably know this from the business angle, which is that the business model is pretty screwed, and as my grandfather would say, the profits have all been gobbled up by Google.","es":"He sido periodista desde los 17 a\u00f1os, y ahora mismo es una industria interesante en la que estar, porque, como saben, en los medios hay un gran revuelo y, probablemente la mayor\u00eda lo sepa: desde el punto de vista de los negocios, el modelo de negocio est\u00e1 bastante en crisis y, como dir\u00eda mi abuelo, a los beneficios se los ha tragado Google."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In fact, the more inspired a story makes me feel, very often, the more nervous I get.","es":"De hecho, cuanto m\u00e1s inspirado me hace sentir una historia, muy a menudo, me pongo m\u00e1s nervioso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so that points to the fact that our machines can be used for both good and evil, but for me it points to the fact that there's a duality of humans as well.","es":"Y esto indica que nuestras m\u00e1quinas pueden ser usadas ya sea para bien o para mal, pero para m\u00ed indica que hay una dualidad en el ser humano."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Or: There are several people who own originals, and I have been attempting to contact them and reach them, hoping that they will let me spend a few minutes in the presence of one of the real birds, maybe to take a picture, or even to pull out the hand-held laser scanner that I happen to own that fits inside a cereal box, and could maybe, without even touching their bird, I swear, get a perfect 3D scan.","es":"O si no, hay varias personas que poseen originales y que he intentado contactar y ubicar, esperando que me permitan pasar algunos minutos en presencia de uno de los p\u00e1jaros reales, quiz\u00e1s para tomar una foto o incluso para sacar el esc\u00e1ner l\u00e1ser de mano que por casualidad tengo y que cabe dentro de una caja de cereales y que quiz\u00e1s pueda, juro que sin tocar el p\u00e1jaro, obtener un escaneo perfecto en 3D."} -{"gender":"female","en":"As a result of this, I formed a campaign, Who's My Doctor? that calls for total transparency in medicine.","es":"Como resultado, yo cre\u00e9 una campa\u00f1a llamada \"\u00bfQui\u00e9n Es Mi M\u00e9dico?\" que exige transparencia total en la medicina."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Sometimes they would take two ropes and turn them as a single rope together, but you could separate them and turn them in like an eggbeater on each other.","es":"A veces usaban dos sogas y las giraban juntas al un\u00edsono, pero las pod\u00edan separar y hacerlas girar una sobre otra, como hace una batidora."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So for the next world-saving game, we decided to aim higher, bigger problem than just peak oil.","es":"As\u00ed que para el pr\u00f3ximo juego que salve al mundo decidimos apuntar m\u00e1s alto, un problema mayor al petr\u00f3leo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I had tight stockings on to protect from blood clots.","es":"Ten\u00eda las medias ajustadas para evitar co\u00e1gulos de sangre."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You know, when you want to forget, you don't want to see things, so you just want to go to your room, to lock yourself inside and say, \"That's enough.\"","es":"Ustedes comprenden, cuando se quiere olvidar, cuando no se desea ver nada m\u00e1s, s\u00f3lo quieres ir a tu cuarto a encerrarte, y decir: \u201cEs suficiente\u201d."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And she is definitely on her way.","es":"Y ella est\u00e1 definitivamente en camino."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But while he remained among family and friends, I was alone in a new country.","es":"Pero mientras \u00e9l permanec\u00eda entre familiares y amigos, yo estaba solo en un nuevo pa\u00eds."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I need to start by telling you a little bit about my social life, which I know may not seem relevant, but it is.","es":"Voy a comenzar habl\u00e1ndoles un poco de mi vida social, que puede parecer que no es relevante, pero lo es."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Right here.","es":"Aqu\u00ed."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's wonderful.","es":"Es maravilloso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I want to thank all of you who raised your hands for the time that you've spent as a carer.","es":"Quiero dar las gracias a quienes han levantado la mano, por el tiempo dedicado a cuidar de alguien."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, if I want to just kind of take a peek at these, I might think, \"Well, what about taking a look at all of cycling?\"","es":"Ahora si solo quieren darle un vistazo a esto, podr\u00edamos pensar, \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 tal si vemos todo lo relacionado con el ciclismo?\""} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They have so much locked up inside them.","es":"Guardan muchas cosas en su interior."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And they experience them how they did in the body.","es":"Las perciben igual que en el cuerpo humano."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The endowment would create income that would allow us to run the operation, to run the rating agency, and it would also allow us to make our ratings publicly available.","es":"La fundaci\u00f3n generar\u00eda ingresos que permitir\u00edan ejecutar la operaci\u00f3n, funcionar la calificadora, y tambi\u00e9n nos permitir\u00eda hacer disponibles al p\u00fablico nuestras calificaciones."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Then, in 1960, after Congolese independence, it escalated because each camp tried to align with national politicians, but still to advance their local agendas.","es":"Luego, en 1960, despu\u00e9s de la independencia del Congo, el conflicto se agrav\u00f3 debido a que cada grupo trat\u00f3 de alinearse con las pol\u00edticas nacionales, pero tambi\u00e9n a la vez, mantener sus agendas a nivel local."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, Titus lost complete faith in the legal system, and yet he got an idea.","es":"Bien, Titus perdi\u00f3 completamente su fe en el sistema legal pero tuvo una idea."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Before that time, people are left to their own devices.","es":"Antes de eso, la gente se las tiene que arreglar sola."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I don't know how much perfume that commercial sold, but I guarantee you, it moved a lot of antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds.","es":"No s\u00e9 la cantidad de perfume que vendi\u00f3 ese anuncio, pero les garantizo, que movi\u00f3 una gran cantidad de antidepresivos y ansiol\u00edticos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And it gives you that clarity of perspective of, man, I'm just me, and popularity, what does that really mean again?","es":"Y te da una perspectiva muy clara de: \"soy yo mismo\". Y la popularidad, \u00bfqu\u00e9 significa realmente?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"All they needed to do that more quickly and to do it better was a little bit of capital.","es":"Lo \u00fanico que necesitaba para poder hacerlo mejor y m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido era un poco de capital."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You'll see, the conversation changes depending upon who's sitting around the table.","es":"Van a ver que la conversaci\u00f3n cambia en funci\u00f3n de qui\u00e9n est\u00e9 sentado a la mesa."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And he said that he needed those guns because of the trauma he'd experienced as a young boy.","es":"Y dec\u00eda que necesitaba esas pistolas a causa del trauma que vivi\u00f3 de peque\u00f1o."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That's it.","es":"As\u00ed es."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's my studio.","es":"\u00c9se es mi estudio."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The majority of the people from whom I learned didn't know English.","es":"La mayor\u00eda de la gente de la que aprend\u00ed no sab\u00edan ingl\u00e9s."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They can detect tumors in medical imaging.","es":"Pueden detectar tumores en im\u00e1genes m\u00e9dicas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So, let me show you a little bit on what that Saturnian system looks like.","es":"Permitanme mostrarles un poco c\u00f3mo luce este sistema saturnino."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But we collected more hypersonic flight data than in 30 years of ground-based testing combined.","es":"Pero conseguimos m\u00e1s datos sobre vuelos hipers\u00f3nicos que todo lo que hab\u00edamos logrado en 30 a\u00f1os de pruebas en tierra."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And he said, \"I just want to walk on the sidewalk without anybody telling me where to go.\"","es":"Y dijo, \"Quiero andar por la acera sin que nadie me diga ad\u00f3nde ir\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Sometimes those guys are Nazis, my oh my.","es":"\u00a1A veces parecen nazis, dios m\u00edo!"} -{"gender":"female","en":"We also then went to look at what are these molecules. These were the red triangles on my slides before.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n exploramos, entonces, lo que son estas mol\u00e9culas, estos eran los tri\u00e1ngulos rojos en mis diapositivas de antes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I think what that means is, even if you're having your brain scanned, which is completely boring and not very interesting, when you hear somebody going, \"A ha ha ha ha ha,\" you're trying to work out why they're laughing.","es":"Y pienso que eso significa que incluso si nos escanean el cerebro, algo totalmente aburrido, algo no muy interesante, al o\u00edr a alguien haciendo \"Ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja\", uno se pregunta por qu\u00e9 se r\u00ede."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So they do all these amazing things that help us and are vital for keeping us alive, and they never get any press for that.","es":"As\u00ed que hacen todas estas cosas sorprendentes que nos ayudan y son vitales para mantenernos con vida, y que nunca reciben cr\u00e9dito por ello."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Let us celebrate diversity.","es":"Celebremos la diversidad."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Um, have you heard of carbon monoxide poisoning?\"","es":"\u00bfHa escuchado Ud. sobre la intoxicaci\u00f3n por mon\u00f3xido de carbono?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"Make sure you still have them.","es":"Aseg\u00farense de que a\u00fan lo tengan."} -{"gender":"female","en":"He would even wake up sometimes at night wanting to scratch his lost feet.","es":"Incluso se despertaba a veces por la noche con ganas de rascarse sus pies perdidos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Those are my cigarettes.","es":"Esos son mis cigarrillos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Much like I did for that brief couple of weeks in high school.","es":"Como lo hice en ese breve par de semanas en la escuela secundaria."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Similarly, I have a human right to say something that you may find offensive, but you do not have a human right not to be offended.","es":"Del mismo modo, tengo el derecho humano a decir algo que t\u00fa podr\u00edas encontrar ofensivo, pero no tienes el derecho humano a no ofenderte."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so I think you see that in the genesis of what has happened with Second Life, and I think it's important.","es":"Creo que eso lo pueden ver en el comienzo de lo que ha pasado con Second Life y creo que es importante."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And it generates the empathy that we need to overcome all the ways that we try to hurt one another.","es":"Y genera la empat\u00eda que necesitamos para superar las distintas formas en que intentamos herirnos los unos a los otros."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We think about pie charts and column graphs and endless politicians talking to scientists wearing cardigans.","es":"Pensamos en gr\u00e1ficos de torta y de columnas y un sinf\u00edn de pol\u00edticos que hablan con cient\u00edficos que visten cardiganes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Of all of the available women in the UK, all Peter's looking for is somebody who lives near him, somebody in the right age range, somebody with a university degree, somebody he's likely to get on well with, somebody who's likely to be attractive, somebody who's likely to find him attractive.","es":"De todas las mujeres disponibles en el Reino Unido, lo \u00fanico que busca Peter es alguien que viva cerca, alguien del grupo de edad adecuado, alguien con t\u00edtulo universitario, una persona con la que posiblemente pueda llevarse bien, una persona probablemente atractiva, alguien que lo pueda encontrar atractivo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They always kept fighting.","es":"Siempre siguieron luchando."} -{"gender":"female","en":"You know, if I wasn't talking, you know, like, you know, she wanted me to talk, I don't think she would even come out here.'","es":"\u00bfSabes que? Si no le hablara \u2013 era como si quisiera que siguiera hablando, \u00bfme explico? Ni siquiera creo que ella vendr\u00eda a visitarnos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's at the tip of the Guadalquivir river.","es":"Est\u00e1 en la punta del r\u00edo Gaudalquivir."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They sound like they're playing kingmaker in Ukraine, and worse, they curse the EU for its lack of speed and leadership in resolving the crisis.","es":"Parece como si estuviesen jugando a ser reyes en Ucrania, y peor, maldicen la Union Europea por su falta de velocidad y liderazgo en la resoluci\u00f3n de la crisis."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So now we have a whole extended bacteria family, filled with virus sleeper cells.","es":"As\u00ed que ahora tenemos toda una gran familia de bacterias llena de c\u00e9lulas de virus durmientes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I want you to imagine that this particular grouping of cells is central to the evolution of our species and the continuation of the human race.","es":"Quiero que imaginen que este particular agrupamiento de c\u00e9lulas es central a la evoluci\u00f3n de nuestra especie y a la continuaci\u00f3n de la raza humana."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I know that when she's in my exam room.","es":"Y lo s\u00e9 que cuando est\u00e1 en mi oficina."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And we're even looking at the tools for synthetic biology. Tools that have been designed specifically to automate synthetic biology to see how they could adapt to become tools to print and dye textiles.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n estamos considerando el uso de instrumentos espec\u00edficamente dise\u00f1ados para automatizar la biolog\u00eda sint\u00e9tica, con la idea de adaptarlos para estampar y te\u00f1ir productos textiles."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What is it?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 es entonces?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"You see that thing.","es":"Vean esa cosa."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And that's how we feel our people again fully alive.","es":"Y as\u00ed es como sentimos a nuestro pueblo plenamente vivo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You see nine presidential candidates running against Lukashenko, you all know the outcome.","es":"Vieron 9 candidatos aspirando a la presidencia contra Lukashenko. Todos conocemos el resultado."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Every week in the United States, it's been estimated that one to three people die in restraints.","es":"Cada semana, en los EE.UU., se estima que una de cada tres personas muere inmovilizada."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And here comes the second term into play, what I call \"narrative hybrids\", structures of multiple simultaneous stories that unfold throughout the buildings we create.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed entra en juego el segundo t\u00e9rmino, lo que denomino \"h\u00edbridos narrativos\". Estructuras de m\u00faltiples historias simult\u00e1neas que se despliegan a lo largo de los edificios que creamos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So the next sentence is going to be the preamble to the question.","es":"Aqu\u00ed viene el pre\u00e1mbulo de la pregunta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So I asked my nurse about organ, eye and tissue donation.","es":"As\u00ed que le pregunt\u00e9 a mi enfermera por la donaci\u00f3n de \u00f3rganos, ojos y tejidos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That doesn't mean that there's cancer inside.","es":"Esto no quiere decir que dentro haya c\u00e1ncer."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"No, no, no, this is a real study and it's got a lot to do with behavioral economics.","es":"No, no, no, este es un estudio real y tiene mucho que ver con la econom\u00eda del comportamiento."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Just tough luck.","es":"Solo mala suerte."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Let me show you how it works.","es":"Les mostrar\u00e9 c\u00f3mo funciona."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We're all going to eventually, even in the developed world, going to have to lose everything that we love.","es":"Con el tiempo, incluso en el mundo desarrollado, todos vamos a tener que perder algo que amamos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"These nets, she said, you put them on the floor, bugs leave your house.","es":"Uno pone estos mosquiteros en el piso, dijo ella, y los insectos se van de la casa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So that means as an engineer, depending on how big or small I make a material, I can change where it goes in your body.","es":"Como ingeniera, esto significa que el tama\u00f1o de un material que construyo puede cambiar el lugar de su destino en el cuerpo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"There's going to be a new system based on donated package tracking technology from the logistics company that I work for.","es":"Va a haber un nuevo sistema basado en un paquete con tecnolog\u00eda de rastreo, donado a la compa\u00f1\u00eda de log\u00edstica para la que trabajo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I want to know validation, not just what you're telling me, but that somebody or something else out there says this makes sense.","es":"Quiero validaci\u00f3n, que me digan que no solo lo dicen ustedes, sino que alguien m\u00e1s --o alguien ah\u00ed fuera-- dice que tiene sentido."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So what do I want?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 es lo que quiero yo?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We bring to each image our own values, our own belief systems, and as a result of that, the image resonates with us. My company has 70 million images.","es":"Llevamos a cada imagen nuestros valores y creencias, y por eso la imagen resuena en nosotros, Mi compa\u00f1\u00eda tiene 70 millones de im\u00e1genes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The first thing I'm going to show you is a change between age three and five, as kids learn to understand that somebody else can have beliefs that are different from their own.","es":"Lo primero les mostrar\u00e9 el cambio entre la edad de los tres a los cinco a\u00f1os, cuando los ni\u00f1os aprenden a comprender que alguien puede tener creencias diferentes a las suyas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And that isn't true, when you get less miserable, you get less miserable.","es":"Y no es cierto: cuando te haces menos miserable, eres menos miserable."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But there is good news.","es":"Pero hay buenas noticias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Simply stated, I will never know what it's like to be you and you will never know what it's like to be me.","es":"De manera simple, yo nunca sabr\u00e9 lo que es ser Uds. y Uds. nunca sabr\u00e1n lo que es ser yo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"As a researcher, I usually don't get to work with patients.","es":"Como investigadora, generalmente no trabajo con pacientes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Look for that kind of stuff.","es":"Busquen ese tipo de cosas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So the next time you're shopping online, or perhaps wherever it is, look closer, question a little bit deeper, and ask yourself, before you hand over the cash or click \"Buy,\" \"Am I sure this is real?\"","es":"As\u00ed, cuando vuelvan a comprar en l\u00ednea, o donde quiera que sea, pongan atenci\u00f3n, cuestionen y preg\u00fantense antes de sacar el dinero o pulsar \"Comprar\". \"\u00bfSeguro que es real?\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"And the lesson from New York over the past six years is that you can update this asset.","es":"Y la lecci\u00f3n de Nueva York durante los \u00faltimos seis a\u00f1os es que este bien se puede actualizar."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Four years ago here at TED, Ray Kurzweil and I started a new university called Singularity University.","es":"Hace 4 a\u00f1os, aqu\u00ed en TED, Ray Kurzweil y yo, lanzamos una nueva universidad llamada Singularity University."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I just told you that, if you make a mutation in the daf-2 gene cell, that you get a receptor that doesn't work as well; the animal lives longer.","es":"Acabo de cont\u00e1rselos, si hacen una mutaci\u00f3n en el gen daf-2 celular, obtienen un receptor que no funciona tan bien; el animal vive m\u00e1s tiempo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Here's a fly and a large infrared view of the fly in the flight simulator, and this is a game the flies love to play.","es":"Aqu\u00ed tenemos una mosca y una ampliaci\u00f3n infrarroja de la mosca en el simulador de vuelo, y este es un juego que a las moscas les encanta jugar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Subsidiaries of Shell and Eni paid the Nigerian government for the block.","es":"Filiales de Shell y Eni pagaron al gobierno Nigeriano por el bloque."} -{"gender":"female","en":"One thing to do is to ship all the information to everybody and let them sort it out.","es":"Una respuesta ser\u00eda enviar toda la informaci\u00f3n a todo el mundo y dejarles a ellos que decidan."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Cheryl Barbara, Donna Martin, Coach Parker and the Burke County Bears, I think they know the answer.","es":"Cheryl Barbara, Donna Martin, el entrenador Parker y los Osos de Burke; creo que ellos saben la respuesta."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I found other pairs all have symmetry, even though, unlike the master one, their symmetry is split.","es":"Encontr\u00e9 otros pares que tienen simetr\u00eda, aunque, a diferencia del principal, su simetr\u00eda est\u00e1 dividida."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It was Africans in cocktail bars in Nairobi.","es":"Africanos en bares en Nairobi."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I am a computer science and engineering professor here at Carnegie Mellon, and my research focuses on usable privacy and security, and so my friends like to give me examples of their frustrations with computing systems, especially frustrations related to unusable privacy and security.","es":"Soy profesora de ciencias de la computaci\u00f3n e ingenier\u00eda aqu\u00ed en Carnegie Mellon, y mi investigaci\u00f3n se centra en la privacidad y seguridad utilizable, y por ello, a mis amigos les gusta darme ejemplos de sus frustraciones con los sistemas inform\u00e1ticos, especialmente de frustraciones relacionados con la privacidad y la seguridad inutilizable."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In recent years, millions of people around the world have come to believe that there's something sinister about genetic modification.","es":"En a\u00f1os recientes, millones de personas alrededor del mundo han dado en creer que hay algo siniestro en la modificaci\u00f3n gen\u00e9tica."} -{"gender":"male","en":"He said, \"Greg, there's two things I'd like you to do.","es":"Dijo: \"Greg, hay dos cosas que me gustar\u00eda hacer."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"They were not as reactive.","es":"No tan reactivos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But hundreds of millions of people need apartments and places to work in ever-larger buildings, so it makes economic sense to put up towers and wrap them in cheap and practical curtain walls.","es":"Pero cientos de millones de personas necesitan apartamentos y lugares para trabajar en edificios cada vez m\u00e1s grandes, por lo que tiene sentido econ\u00f3mico levantar agujas de cristal y envolverlas en muros baratos con cortinas pr\u00e1cticas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The remaining parents may simply be doing a better job of concealing things.","es":"El resto de los padres puede que lo disimulen mejor."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My students, both adults and kids, paint their self-portraits, trying to discover their own unique color.","es":"Mis alumnos, tanto adultos como ni\u00f1os, pintan sus autorretratos tratando de descubrir su color propio y \u00fanico."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So let me take you on a mobile shopping journey that I usually would be experiencing.","es":"Les llevar\u00e9 a un viaje de compra m\u00f3vil que es como normalmente ser\u00eda."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It does pretty good.","es":"Lo hace muy bien."} -{"gender":"female","en":"If you love a word, it becomes real.","es":"Si te gusta una palabra, se hace real."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It was really terrible.","es":"Fue realmente terrible."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They want positive actions they can engage in, and in their bones, they know it's time to take personal responsibility and invest in more kindness to each other and to the environment.","es":"Quieren acciones positivas en las que ocuparse y dentro de s\u00ed saben que ahora es el momento de asumir la responsabilidad personal e invertir en m\u00e1s amabilidad mutua y con el ambiente."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Here is the thing.","es":"Esta es la cosa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I am incredibly fortunate to have been born into a family that cultivated my curiosity and my tenacity, that protected me from the unkindness and ignorance of strangers and that armed me with the resilience, creativity and confidence that I needed to survive and manipulate the physical environment and society.","es":"Soy incre\u00edblemente afortunada de haber nacido en una familia que cultiv\u00f3 mi curiosidad y mi tenacidad, que me protegi\u00f3 de la maldad y de la ignorancia de los extra\u00f1os y eso me arm\u00f3 con la resiliencia, la creatividad y la confianza que necesitaba para sobrevivir y manipular el ambiente f\u00edsico y la sociedad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"This is not a fake.","es":"No es un truco."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I want to start with a story, a la Seth Godin, from when I was 12 years old.","es":"Quiero comenzar con una historia, a la Seth Godin, de cuando yo ten\u00eda 12 a\u00f1os de edad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I want to see what they look like if they read.","es":"Quiero ver c\u00f3mo se ven ley\u00e9ndolos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Okay, so the ALS Association, they think by year end, it'll be 160 million dollars.","es":"De acuerdo, de la Asociaci\u00f3n ELA, calculan que para final de a\u00f1o, ser\u00e1n USD 160 millones."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is a lovely book by a friend of mine named Lee Siegel, who's a professor of religion, actually, at the University of Hawaii, and he's an expert magician, and an expert on the street magic of India, which is what this book is about, \"Net of Magic.\" And there's a passage in it which I would love to share with you.","es":"Hay un libro fant\u00e1stico de un amigo m\u00edo llamado Lee Siegel que ense\u00f1a religi\u00f3n, de hecho, en la Universidad de Hawaii, y es un mago experto, y un experto sobre la magia callejera de la India, que es el tema del libro, \"Red de Magia\" Y hay un pasaje que quisiera compartir con ustedes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And although we know that the land animals I'm going to talk about are just the scum of the Earth on the land, the little bits of land floating around, but they are important to us because they're sort of in our scale of experience from millimeters to meters.","es":"Y a pesar que sabemos que los animales terrestres de los que voy a hablar son s\u00f3lo la escoria en la tierra, los peque\u00f1os trozos de tierra flotando, pero son importantes para nosotros porque est\u00e1n ligeramente en nuestra escala de experiencia de mil\u00edmetros a metros."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And politically, it was awful.","es":"Y fue nefasto pol\u00edticamente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"People sometimes ask me, how can you be an astrobiologist if you don't have your own spaceship?","es":"La gente a veces me pregunta c\u00f3mo puedo ser astrobi\u00f3logo sin tener mi propia nave espacial."} -{"gender":"female","en":"However, there is a medicine that was developed at the Burroughs Wellcome Company that could halt the progression of the disease, but Burroughs Wellcome has just been acquired by Glaxo Wellcome.","es":"Sin embargo, hay un medicamento desarrollada por la Burroughs Wellcome Company que podr\u00eda detener el avance de la enfermedad, pero Burroughs Wellcome acaba de ser comprada por Glaxo Wellcome."} -{"gender":"male","en":"One of my first battalion commanders, I worked in his battalion for 18 months and the only conversation he ever had with Lt. McChrystal was at mile 18 of a 25-mile road march, and he chewed my ass for about 40 seconds.","es":"Uno de mis primeros comandantes de batall\u00f3n, trabaj\u00e9 en su batall\u00f3n 18 meses y la \u00fanica conversaci\u00f3n que tuvo con el teniente McChrystal fue en la milla 18 en una marcha de 25 millas, y me reprendi\u00f3 durante 40 segundos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is a terrible thing, even though I understand pain.","es":"Esto es algo terrible, aunque comprendo el dolor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And what I've learned is that errors are absolutely ubiquitous.","es":"Y lo que aprend\u00ed es que los errores son omnipresentes."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And it was a paleontologist, the late Louis Leakey, who actually set me on the path for studying chimpanzees.","es":"Y fue un pale\u00f3ntologo, el difunto Louis Leakey, qui\u00e9n en realidad me puso en camino para estudiar de chimpanc\u00e9s."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Because with that beautiful photo, maybe I can also package this little box here that talks about how steaming and boiling actually take different amounts of time.","es":"Porque con esa hermosa foto quiz\u00e1 tambi\u00e9n puedo incluir este peque\u00f1o cuadro que habla de las diferencias de tiempo de cocci\u00f3n entre cocinar al vapor y hervir."} -{"gender":"male","en":"They're considered awkward or rude.","es":"Son considerados como torpes o groseros."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I've got a camera pointing down at this plate, and underneath that plate, there is a magnet.","es":"As\u00ed que tengo una c\u00e1mara apuntando hacia esta placa y debajo de la placa, hay un im\u00e1n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The biggest recorded individual was four-and-a-half-feet long and weighed about 550 pounds. That is almost as heavy as three baby elephants.","es":"El mayor ejemplar registrado ten\u00eda 1,4 m de tama\u00f1o y un peso de 250 kg. Es casi tan pesado como tres elefantes beb\u00e9s."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And so one of the things you can think about doing is actually making scaffolds with slightly different dimensions that might be able to surround your cells in 3D and give them a little bit more information.","es":"As\u00ed una de las cosas que podemos pensar hacer es hacer estructuras con dimesiones ligeramente diferentes que podr\u00edan rodear a las c\u00e9lulas tridimensionalmente y darles un poco m\u00e1s de informaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Both become part of your possible.","es":"Ambas cosas se vuelven parte de nuestras posibilidades."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We need to get over it so we can move beyond it, and our little brothers and sisters and one day our kids, or our kids right now, can watch and start to value the impact we can have on each other's lives, more than money and power and titles and influence.","es":"Debemos superarlo as\u00ed podremos avanzar, y nuestros hermanos menores, y alg\u00fan d\u00eda nuestros ni\u00f1os, o tal vez ahora, puedan observarnos y empezar a valorar el impacto que podemos generar en la vida de cada uno, m\u00e1s que el dinero y el poder, los t\u00edtulos y la influencia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In fact, my last comments to these kids, at the end I said, \"You know, you kids are smarter than the people I work with.\"","es":"De hecho, mis \u00faltimo comentarios a estos ni\u00f1os, al final dije: \"Saben chicos, Uds. son m\u00e1s inteligentes que la gente con la que trabajo\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I will meet you there.","es":"Los encontrar\u00e9 all\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'd be, you know, I'd be skipping lines here, paragraphs there, sometimes a whole page, and of course, my little boy knew the book inside out, so we would quarrel.","es":"Me salteaba algunas l\u00edneas por aqu\u00ed, p\u00e1rrafos por all\u00e1, a veces una p\u00e1gina entera, y por supuesto, mi peque\u00f1o conoc\u00eda perfectamente el libro, as\u00ed que pele\u00e1bamos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So I'm like, just keep walking, she's on my six.","es":"As\u00ed es que yo simplemente segu\u00ed caminando, ella pis\u00e1ndome los talones."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When I asked Lu Qingmin, the young woman I got to know best, what exactly she did on the factory floor, she said something to me in Chinese that sounded like \"qiu xi.\"","es":"Cuando le pregunt\u00e9 a Lu Qingmin, la joven que mejor llegu\u00e9 a conocer, qu\u00e9 era exactamente lo que ella hac\u00eda en la planta, me dijo algo en chino que sonaba como \"qiu xi.\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"And my inspirations are very eclectic.","es":"Mis fuentes de inspiraci\u00f3n son muy ecl\u00e9cticas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And there's got to be some way to do that, Rosie.","es":"Y tiene que haber alguna manera de hacerlo, Rosie."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I guess it's a world premier.","es":"Entonces, supongo que es un estreno mundial."} -{"gender":"female","en":"That's a person down there by the wheel.","es":"Eso es una persona junto a la rueda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"When I went home that night after getting my tattoo, I basically stayed up all night.","es":"Al irme a casa esa noche tras hacerme el tatuaje, permanec\u00ed despierta pr\u00e1cticamente toda la noche."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is my contribution to the civil rights fight of my generation.","es":"Esta es mi contribuci\u00f3n a la lucha de mi generaci\u00f3n por los derechos civiles."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Their calculations are different.","es":"Sus c\u00e1lculos son diferentes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But all my work for many years was focused around the idea that sustainability means basically looking at the globalized economic growth model, and moderating what comes in at one end, and moderating the outputs at the other end.","es":"Pero durante muchos a\u00f1os todo mi trabajo se ha centrado alrededor de la idea de que la sustentabilidad b\u00e1sicamente significa mirar el modelo de crecimiento econ\u00f3mico globalizado, y ajustar lo que entra en un extremo, y lo que sale por el otro extremo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And you know, Paul was talking, and he then turned to Constance and said, \"You know, I wouldn't have this conversation if she weren't here, because I know she has my back.\"","es":"As\u00ed que ya saben, Paul estaba hablando y luego se volvi\u00f3 hacia Constance y dijo: \"\u00bfSaben? Yo no tendr\u00eda esta conversaci\u00f3n si ella no estuviese aqu\u00ed, porque s\u00e9 que ella me apoya\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"There's not a lot of clickiness.","es":"No hay mucho en qu\u00e9 hacer clic."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And the \"Aha!\" was, what if we could take Brad Pitt, and we could put Brad in this device, and use this Contour process, and we could stipple on this phosphorescent makeup and put him under the black lights, and we could, in fact, scan him in real time performing Ekman's FACS poses.","es":"El \"\u00a1a ha!\" fue, \u00bfqu\u00e9 pasar\u00eda si tom\u00e1semos a Brad Pitt, y pusi\u00e9ramos a Brad en este aparato, y us\u00e1ramos el procesos Contour, y le ponemos este maquillaje fosforescente y lo ponemos bajo luz negra, y pudi\u00e9ramos, de hecho, escanear su rostro en tiempo real haciendo los poses del FACS de Eckman?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm connected to 80,000 people around the world, and that's four Madison Square Gardens full of cousins.","es":"Estoy conectado a 80 000 personas en todo el mundo, y eso es cuatro Madison Square Gardens llenos de primos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"That you are going to be here to the end.","es":"Que van a estar aqu\u00ed hasta el final."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm not so sure we should be thinking of young people as digital natives.","es":"No estoy tan seguro de que los consideremos nativos digitales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And it's truly global.","es":"El DEG es verdaderamente global."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But I can't give design arguments for that that will have as much impact as the arguments that I've learned from the economists, the epidemiologists and the environmentalists.","es":"Pero no puedo dar argumentos de dise\u00f1o que tengan tanto impacto como los argumentos que aprend\u00ed de economistas, epidemi\u00f3logos y ambientalistas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I think it\u2019s probably in the divergent mode that we most need playfulness.","es":"Y creo que es en el modo divergente donde probablemente necesitamos m\u00e1s juego."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's not bad.","es":"No est\u00e1 mal."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So what the kids do depends first of all, how old are they, and we go now from pre-school right through university. It's going to depend whether they're inner-city or rural.","es":"Lo que hacen los ni\u00f1os depende, primero, de su edad. Y ahora vamos desde pre-escolar hasta la universidad. depender\u00e1 si est\u00e1n en un \u00e1rea urbana o rural."} -{"gender":"male","en":"There is a mismatch between what science knows and what business does.","es":"Hay una discordancia entre lo que la ciencia dice y lo que las empresas hacen."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Hope.","es":"La esperanza."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It just means that there's a different kind of right.","es":"Solo significa que hay una visi\u00f3n diferente de lo que es correcto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"What about a Saturday?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 tal un s\u00e1bado?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"First of all, most of them were born in the 80s and 90s, under the one-child policy.","es":"Ante todo, muchos nacieron en la d\u00e9cada de 1980 y 1990 bajo la pol\u00edtica de un solo hijo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And this is an insight that came, about two decades ago, from a person that I'm very fortunate to work with, David Kaplan.","es":"Este descubrimiento tuvo lugar hace dos d\u00e9cadas por una persona con quien tengo la fortuna de trabajar, David Kaplan."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So it's not all bad.","es":"As\u00ed que no todo es malo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And many organisms fit this kind of pattern.","es":"Y muchos organismos entran en esta clase de patr\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So we went to work on these optically perfect binoculars, trying to find a solution that would maintain his true robot materials but solve this reflection problem.","es":"As\u00ed que nos centramos en crear estos prism\u00e1ticos \u00f3pticamente perfectos, tratando de encontrar una soluci\u00f3n que permita mantener la composici\u00f3n pero resuelva este problema de reflexi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Jehane Noujaim: I was overwhelmed by the response of the film. We didn't know whether it would be able to get out there.","es":"Jehane Noujaim: Me abrum\u00f3 la respuesta a la pel\u00edcula, porque no sab\u00edamos si podr\u00edamos lanzarla."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I would sit around with it, and I didn't know how to play it, but I would just play stuff as sad as I could play.","es":"Y me sentaba con ella, y no sab\u00eda c\u00f3mo tocarla, pero tocaba las cosas m\u00e1s tristes que pod\u00eda tocar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Mounted on roads or on police cars, Automatic License Plate Readers capture images of every passing car and convert the license plate into machine-readable text so that they can be checked against hot lists of cars potentially wanted for wrongdoing.","es":"Montados sobre las v\u00edas o en los autos de polic\u00eda, estos dispositivos capturan im\u00e1genes de todos los autos que pasan y convierten el n\u00famero de la matr\u00edcula en textos le\u00eddos por m\u00e1quinas para compararlos con la informaci\u00f3n de las listas negras de los autos m\u00e1s buscados presuntamente por cometer infracciones."} -{"gender":"female","en":"After all, I consider myself a black woman with a white father rather than a white woman with a black mother entirely for social reasons.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de todo, me considero una mujer negra de padre blanco en lugar de una mujer blanca de madre negra debido completamente a razones sociales."} -{"gender":"male","en":"What you can see, and remember each step in this is just one week, what you can see is that week to week, the change in the microbial community of the feces of this one child, the differences week to week are much greater than the differences between individual healthy adults in the Human Microbiome Project cohort, which are those brown dots down at the bottom.","es":"Pueden ver, y recuerden que esto avanza de a una semana, lo que ven ocurre semana a semana, son los cambios en la comunidad microbiana de las heces de un ni\u00f1o, las diferencias semana a semana son mucho mayores que la diferencia existente entre adultos sanos en la cohorte del Proyecto Microbioma Humano, que son esos puntos marrones de la parte inferior."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I deeply appreciate the fact that I am standing on the shoulders of those who have sacrificed even their lives to open the doors that I have walked through.","es":"Aprecio profundamente el hecho de que me alzo sobre los hombros de aquellos que han sacrificado hasta su vida para abrir las puertas que yo atravieso en este momento."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And we have had examples over and over and over again, you've just heard one in the last 15 minutes, of people who have not only had that commitment, but had the charisma, the brilliance, and I think in this room it's easy to use the word brilliant, my God, the brilliance to succeed at least at the beginning of their quest, and who no doubt will continue to succeed, as long as more and more of us enlist ourselves in their cause.","es":"Y hemos tenido ejemplos una y otra vez, han escuchado uno en los \u00faltimos 15 minutos, de personas que no s\u00f3lo se han comprometido, sino que han tenido el carisma, la brillantez, y creo que en esta sala es f\u00e1cil usar la palabra brillante, dios m\u00edo, la brillantez para tener \u00e9xito al menos al comienzo de su b\u00fasqueda, y quienes sin duda continuar\u00e1n teni\u00e9ndolo con tanto que m\u00e1s y m\u00e1s de nosotros nos enlistemos en sus causas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And just to see the World Trade Center from Bujold's viewpoint, look at this.","es":"Para ver el World Trade Center desde el punto de vista Bujold, miren esto."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But we know it doesn't just happen, don't we?","es":"Pero sabemos que no sucede simplemente, \u00bfverdad?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Narrator : The levels are increasing, the amount of packaging is increasing, the \"throwaway\" concept of living is proliferating, and it's showing up in the ocean.","es":"V\u00eddeo: Los niveles est\u00e1n en aumento, la cantidad y variedad de empaques est\u00e1 en aumento, el concepto de la vida desechable prolifera, y se ve reflejada en el oc\u00e9ano."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, I use my music to reach people's hearts and have found there are no boundaries.","es":"Ahora, uso mi m\u00fasica para llegar al coraz\u00f3n de las personas y descubr\u00ed que no hay fronteras."} -{"gender":"female","en":"You can take away my passport, but you can't take away my experience.","es":"Pueden quitarme mi pasaporte, pero no pueden quitarme mi experiencia."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The number of people living on less than $1.25 a day has halved.","es":"La cantidad de personas que vive con menos de USD 1,25 al d\u00eda se redujo a la mitad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We are all in this together.","es":"Todos estamos metidos en esto, juntos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So we talked to the information security office at Carnegie Mellon and asked them if we could have everybody's real passwords.","es":"As\u00ed que hablamos con la oficina de seguridad inform\u00e1tica en Carnegie Mellon y preguntamos si pod\u00edamos obtener contrase\u00f1as reales de todo el mundo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So, you can imagine the amount of skepticism I received, couldn't get money, couldn't do a whole lot of other things, but I'm so glad it all worked out.","es":"Pueden imaginarse cu\u00e1nto escepticismo recib\u00ed; no pude conseguir dinero, no pude hacer muchas otras cosas, pero me alegro que todo saliera bien."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Many years later, I couldn't bear the thought of my son turning 13 without some kind of rite of passage.","es":"Muchos a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s, No pod\u00eda soportar la idea de que mi hijo cumpliera 13 a\u00f1os sin alg\u00fan tipo de rito de paso."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I need to call on the rest of the Pollinators!","es":"\u00a1Debo llamar al resto de los polinizadores!"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Exactly.","es":"Exactamente."} -{"gender":"male","en":"After that day, everyone in the favela gave me the green light.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de ese d\u00eda todos en la favela me dieron luz verde."} -{"gender":"male","en":"All men are created equal, we have an inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and I couldn't quite make that fit with what I knew to be my childhood imprisonment.","es":"Todos los hombres son creados iguales, tenemos derecho inalienable a la vida, a la libertad, y a la b\u00fasqueda de la felicidad, y no pod\u00eda encajar esto con lo que conoc\u00ed con mi encarcelamiento de la infancia."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Now that's a really serious problem.","es":"Es un problema realmente serio."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I tried to be inclusive, to include the buildings in the neighborhood, whether they were buildings I liked or not.","es":"Trat\u00e9 de ser inclusivo, de incluir los edificios del barrio fueran o no edificios que me gustaran a m\u00ed."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Well after many years working in trade and economics, four years ago, I found myself working on the front lines of human vulnerability.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de muchos a\u00f1os de carrera en econom\u00eda y negocios, desde hace cuatro a\u00f1os trabajo en el frente de la vulnerabilidad humana."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And the density is quite incredible. And one of the things in this picture that I wanted to point out is that when I saw these kinds of buildings, I was shocked to see that they're not using a central air-conditioning system; every window has an air conditioner in it.","es":"Y la densidad es bastante incre\u00edble Una de las cosas que quer\u00eda resaltar de esta foto es que cuando vi esta clase de edificios, me asombr\u00e9 al ver que no estaban usando un sistema central de aire acondicionado. Cada ventana ten\u00eda su aparato."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so, as you stand back, you see 213,000 Vicodin pills, which is the number of hospital emergency room visits yearly in the United States, attributable to abuse and misuse of prescription painkillers and anti-anxiety medications.","es":"Si te alejas, ves 213,000 p\u00edldoras de Vicodin, que es el n\u00famero de visitas al \u00e1rea de emergencia al a\u00f1o en hospitales de los Estados Unidos, atribuido al abuso y mal uso de analg\u00e9sicos prescritos y otros medicamentos para controlar la ansiedad."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Why is that?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"There again, it's getting the players to get that self-satisfaction, in knowing that they'd made the effort to do the best of which they are capable.","es":"Una vez m\u00e1s, es lograr que los jugadores se sientan satisfechos consigo mismos, en saber que hab\u00edan hecho el esfuerzo de lograr lo mejor de lo que eran capaces."} -{"gender":"male","en":"In the process, I want you to just hear from the trainees themselves what it has meant for them.","es":"En el proceso, me gustar\u00eda que oyeras de las propias personas formadas lo que esto ha significado para ellos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"My talk today is about something maybe a couple of you have already heard about. It's called the Arab Spring.","es":"Mi charla de hoy es sobre algo de lo que algunos tal vez hayan o\u00eddo hablar: la primavera \u00e1rabe."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And she sells the milk to the villagers, and pays off the loan.","es":"Vende la leche a la gente del pueblo y termina de pagar el pr\u00e9stamo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And they were all alone, and I thought, \"This is the secret life of men.\"","es":"Y estaban solos, y pens\u00e9, \"Esta es la vida secreta de los hombres.\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"Both my grandfathers and my dad were entrepreneurs.","es":"Mis dos abuelos eran emprendedores. Mi pap\u00e1 era emprendedor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And at the risk of sounding dramatic, in that moment, I had Christopher's life in my hands.","es":"Y a riesgo de parecer dram\u00e1tico, en ese momento ten\u00eda la vida de Christopher en mis manos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I generally believe we're at an inflection point where the sharing behaviors, through sites such as Flickr and Twitter that are becoming second nature online, are being applied to offline areas of our everyday lives.","es":"Creo que, en general, estamos en un punto de inflexi\u00f3n en el que comportamientos de intercambio virtual en webs como Flickr y Twitter, que se est\u00e1 haciendo algo com\u00fan en la web, se est\u00e1n aplicando a realidades de la vida cotidiana."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But what was also interesting was that none of them actually scaled.","es":"Pero tambi\u00e9n fue interesante que ninguna realmente se escalaba."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But with the robot, you can.","es":"Pero con un robot se puede."} -{"gender":"female","en":"In India, we have these huge families.","es":"En India tenemos grandes familias."} -{"gender":"female","en":"They didn't go to business school.","es":"No fueron a la facultad de ciencias empresariales."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And in the last two decades, astronomers have found thousands of exoplanets.","es":"Y en las \u00faltimas dos d\u00e9cadas, los astr\u00f3nomos han encontrado miles de exoplanetas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Because in her world, you're either breeding or you're eating, and I'm not breeding, so","es":"Porque en su mundo o te apareas o te alimentas y yo no me estoy apareando."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I don't know anymore where to put them.","es":"Y ya no s\u00e9 donde ponerlos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Maybe this needs to get a little bit more serious.","es":"Quiz\u00e1s esto deba tratarse un poco m\u00e1s seriamente."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"\"No use, went home.\"","es":"\"No hay caso. Fui a casa.\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"And then what we can do now is we can do instant comparisons of things in their homes.","es":"Lo que podemos hacer ahora es hacer comparaciones instant\u00e1neas de cosas en sus hogares."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I mean, I want some of those wheels!\"","es":"\u00a1Quiero una de esas ruedas!\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"Every week, the man would bring bread with raisins, with all sorts of good things, put it into the ark.","es":"Cada semana, el hombre llevaba pan de pasas, con todo tipo de cosas buenas, y lo dejaba en el arca."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I ventured on my two-year, 27,000 mile journey to learn where, why, and how white people are fleeing, but I didn't expect to have so much fun on my journey.","es":"Me embarqu\u00e9 en este viaje de dos a\u00f1os y 43 000 km para aprender d\u00f3nde, por qu\u00e9 y c\u00f3mo est\u00e1n desplaz\u00e1ndose las personas blancas. pero no esperaba pas\u00e1rmelo tan bien."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It can follow chemical gradients.","es":"Puede seguir gradientes qu\u00edmicos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I'm a believer in global warming, and my record is good on the subject.","es":"Soy un creyente del calentamiento global y mi historial sobre el tema es bueno."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I will say, \"Yes, this is true, but this is more important to me than that.\"","es":"Y dir\u00e9: \"S\u00ed, esto es cierto, pero esto es m\u00e1s importante para m\u00ed que aquello\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And this brings up the whole thing of my science teacher.","es":"Y esto trae a mi mente la historia de mi profesor de ciencias."} -{"gender":"male","en":"That's the problem that we're trying to solve at Romotive, that I and the other 20 nerds at Romotive are obsessed with solving. So we really want to build a robot that anyone can use, whether you're eight or 80.","es":"Es el problema que tratamos de resolver en Romotive, que yo y otros 20 'nerds' en Romotive estamos obsesionados por resolver Queremos de verdad construir un robot que cualquiera pueda usar, tenga 8 u 80."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"If we accept this to be true, that indeed it is 1938, Iran is Germany, Ahmadinejad is Hitler, then the question we have to ask ourself is, who wishes to play the role of Neville Chamberlain?","es":"Si aceptamos que esto es cierto, que en efecto estamos en 1938, Ir\u00e1n es Alemania, Ahmadinejad es Hitler, entonces debemos preguntarnos: \u00bfQui\u00e9n quiere hacer el papel de Neville Chamberlain?"} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"So as we went through the education system, as we delved into it deeper, we found a few such core root causes which were determining, which were shaping how people behaved in the system.","es":"Al ir analizando todo el sistema educativo, al profundizar en este tema. encontramos algunas de las causas ra\u00edz determinantes, como constatar el comportamiento de la gente en el sistema."} -{"gender":"male","en":"As far as I was concerned, life was pretty good. I told her, whenever I'm sad, my grandmother gives me karate chops. This led to a full-scale investigation, and I was removed from the house for three days, until they finally decided to ask how I got the bruises.","es":"Hasta donde me concern\u00eda, la vida era bastante buena. le dije, cuando estoy triste, mi abuela me da chuletas de karate, Esto llev\u00f3 a una investigaci\u00f3n profunda, y me sacaron de la casa por tres d\u00edas, hasta que finalmente decidieron preguntarme c\u00f3mo me hab\u00eda hecho los moretones."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But our fantasies of substitution have cost us.","es":"Nuestras fantas\u00edas de sustituci\u00f3n tienen un costo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But then he got older, he got calmer, and one day he was driving down the freeway in Los Angeles, and this is when it all changed for him.","es":"Pero entonces se volvi\u00f3 m\u00e1s viejo, m\u00e1s tranquilo, y un d\u00eda estaba conduciendo en la autopista en Los \u00c1ngeles me dijo, y fue entonces cuando todo cambi\u00f3 para \u00e9l."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And I've been touched by Cambodian women, beautiful women, women who held the tradition of the classical dance in Cambodia.","es":"Y me he conmovido con las mujeres de Camboya, hermosas mujeres, mujeres que conservaron la tradici\u00f3n de la danza cl\u00e1sica camboyana."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I said, oh my gosh.","es":"As\u00ed que dije, rayos."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Unfortunately, the school system is grooming this world to say, \"Let's be a lawyer,\" or, \"Let's be a doctor.\" We're missing that opportunity, because no one ever says, \"Hey, be an entrepreneur.\"","es":"Y, por desgracia, el sistema escolar est\u00e1 preparando este mundo para decir: \"Hey, seamos abogados o seamos m\u00e9dicos\", y estamos perdiendo una oportunidad porque nadie dice nunca: \"Hey, s\u00e9 un emprendedor\"."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We could see things, understand them, take the time to put them into practice.","es":"Podr\u00edamos ver cosas, entenderlas, tomarnos el tiempo de ponerlas en pr\u00e1ctica."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It sold almost 50 million copies by the time he died.","es":"Para cuando muri\u00f3, se hab\u00edan vendido casi 50 millones de ejemplares."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So this afternoon, in my limited time, I wanted to take the guesswork out of a lot of that by introducing you to two dogs, both of whom have taken the command \"speak\" quite literally.","es":"As\u00ed que esta tarde, en mi limitado tiempo, quer\u00eda eliminar muchas de esas conjeturas present\u00e1ndoles a dos perros, que han tomado la orden de \"hablar\" muy literalmente."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And as I said, my mother did not believe in randomness.","es":"Como ya dije, mi madre no cre\u00eda en el azar."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Caliban: This island is mine.","es":"Calib\u00e1n: Esta isla es m\u00eda."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"In a sibling society, there's lots of things.","es":"En una sociedad de hermanos hay un mont\u00f3n de cosas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"If you want to know about Africa, read our literature, and not just \"Things Fall Apart,\" because that would be like saying, \"I've read 'Gone with the Wind' and so I know everything about America.\"","es":"Si quieren saber sobre \u00c1frica lean nuestra literatura, y no s\u00f3lo \u201cThings Fall Apart\u201d, porque ser\u00eda como decir: \"Ya le\u00ed 'Lo que el Viento se Llev\u00f3' entonces ya s\u00e9 todo sobre EE.UU.\""} -{"gender":"female","en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"In 1967, the Supreme Court ruled in Loving v. Virginia, and invalidated all laws that prohibited interracial marriage. This is considered one of the Supreme Court's landmark civil rights cases.","es":"En 1967, la Corte Suprema dictamin\u00f3 en el pleito Loving contra Virginia, invalidando todas las leyes que prohib\u00edan el matrimonio interracial, considerado uno de los casos emblem\u00e1ticos por los derechos civiles de la Corte Suprema."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The consumer is demanding it.","es":"El consumidor lo demanda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I'll just describe how this works.","es":"Solo describir\u00e9 c\u00f3mo funciona."} -{"gender":"female","en":"As a boy, I was teased by my sisters and by schoolboys, but not by George.","es":"De ni\u00f1o me molestaban mis hermanas y mis compa\u00f1eros, pero no George."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, this is a bit of a strange idea, so let me try to put it in perspective for you.","es":"Esto es una idea un poco extra\u00f1a, as\u00ed que tratar\u00e9 de ponerlo en perspectiva."} -{"gender":"male","en":"They accompany me wherever I go in my life, and I fill them with all sorts of things, records of my lived experience: so watercolor paintings, drawings of what I see, dead flowers, dead insects, pasted ticket stubs, rusting coins, business cards, writings.","es":"Ellos me acompa\u00f1an donde quiera que voy en mi vida, y los lleno con cosas de todo tipo, registros de mis experiencias vividas. Pinturas con acuarela, dibujos de lo que veo, flores e insectos muertos, etiquetas, monedas oxidadas, tarjetas de negocios, escritos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And it's literally, hundreds of thousands of people came online and started playing it.","es":"Luego cientos de miles de personas se sumaron y comenzaron a jugarlo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Others have used the data to validate insurance claims.","es":"Otros han utilizado los datos para validar reclamaciones a seguros."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The longer, the more years that is, the mother had been in this caregiving situation, no matter her age, the shorter were her telomeres.","es":"Cuanto m\u00e1s tiempo, m\u00e1s a\u00f1os la madre hab\u00eda estado en esta situaci\u00f3n de cuidado, no importaba su edad, m\u00e1s cortos eran sus tel\u00f3meros."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Take my hometown, London.","es":"Un ejemplo es mi ciudad natal, Londres."} -{"gender":"male","en":"It distributes itself, flows through further holes, distributes itself.","es":"Se distribuir\u00e1, pasar\u00e1 por m\u00e1s hoyos, se distribuir\u00e1."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so plastic comes from oil, so I phoned up BP and spent a good half an hour trying to convince the PR office at BP that it would be fantastic for them if they flew me to an oil rig and let me have a jug of oil.","es":"Como el pl\u00e1stico proviene del petr\u00f3leo, llam\u00e9 a British Petroleum y pas\u00e9 una buena media hora tratando de convencer a la oficina de RRPP de BP de que ser\u00eda fant\u00e1stico para ellos si me llevaban a una plataforma petrolera y me dejaban traer una jarra de petr\u00f3leo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Perhaps one should consider zodiac in reverse, as those Tiger and Goat babies will face much less competition. Maybe they are the lucky ones.","es":"Quiz\u00e1s deber\u00edamos pensar en el zodiaco de otra forma, que los beb\u00e9s Tigres y Cabras tendr\u00e1n menos competencia y pudieran ser los afortunados."} -{"gender":"male","en":"They have something I call \"otaku\", it's a great Japanese word.","es":"Tienen algo que yo llamo \"otaku\", es una gran palabra japonesa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The strange thing about ageism: that other is us.","es":"Lo extra\u00f1o del edadismo es que el otro soy yo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Within a span of four years, more than 460,000 showerheads were replaced.","es":"En el lapso de cuatro a\u00f1os reemplazaron m\u00e1s de 460 000 cabezales de ducha."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We've got bed nets.","es":"Tenemos camas con mosquiteros."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so obviously, I couldn't be a scientist.","es":"Y as\u00ed, obviamente, no pod\u00eda ser un cient\u00edfico."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We all love to live to 80, which was impossible 300 years ago.","es":"Nos encanta vivir hasta los 80 a\u00f1os, lo cual era imposible hace 300 a\u00f1os."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"A natural biological process that every girl and woman goes through every month for about half of her life.","es":"Un proceso biol\u00f3gico natural por el que cada ni\u00f1a y mujer pasa cada mes aproximadamente la mitad de su vida."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I was shaken up, and I sat on my table, and I said, \"What am I going to do?\"","es":"Yo estaba conmocionada, y me sent\u00e9 en mi mesa, y dije: \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 voy a hacer?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"When they first came around, they were pretty simple and not particularly glamorous. Designers today have a huge range of options.","es":"Al principio, eran bastante simples y no particularmente bonitas, pero los dise\u00f1adores de hoy disponen de una gama enorme de opciones."} -{"gender":"male","en":"We know that with age, the connections between neurons, the way neurons talk to each other, the synapses, they start to deteriorate; neurons die, the brain starts to shrink, and there's an increased susceptibility for these neurodegenerative diseases.","es":"Sabemos que con la edad, las conexiones entre neuronas --la forma de comunicaci\u00f3n entre neuronas, las sinapsis-- empiezan a deteriorarse; las neuronas mueren, el cerebro empieza a encogerse, y aumentan las posibilidades de contraer estas enfermedades neurodegenerativas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You know, when you want more, it's because you want to enjoy it. When you want less, it's because it's about work.","es":"Saben, cuando quieres m\u00e1s, es porque quieres disfrutarlo, cuando quieres menos, es porque se trata de trabajo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"All right, why would we see this correlation?","es":"Pero, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 vemos esta correlaci\u00f3n?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"All I can tell you about is the aftermath, about days I spent constantly asking: Why, why, why me?","es":"Todo lo que puedo decirles es acerca de las secuelas, de los d\u00edas que pas\u00e9 constantemente preguntando: \u00bfPor qu\u00e9, por qu\u00e9, por qu\u00e9 yo?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Stop running around starving.","es":"Dejen de correr alrededor del hambre."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Yeah, this kid, I remember he ran over a couple of them a few times with his car and he got all these points.","es":"S\u00ed, este chico, me acuerdo que atropell\u00f3 a un par, un par de veces con su auto y consigui\u00f3 todos estos puntos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Why has all this focus on security made me feel so much more insecure?","es":"Por que toda esta atencion sobre la seguridad me hace sentir mucho mas insegura?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"And then I began thinking about all the ways people make themselves better.","es":"Y entonces me puse a pensar en todos los caminos que sigue la gente para estar mejor."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well, I turned him down.","es":"Bueno, lo rechaz\u00e9."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I want to wear armor all the time!\"","es":"\u00a1Quiero llevar armadura todo el tiempo!\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"But what if I wanted to sound like the whole of Pink Floyd?","es":"Pero, \u00bfy si quisiera sonar como Pink Floyd?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"So I tried to come up with a seed shape, which, upon iteration, would unfold into this thing.","es":"As\u00ed que trat\u00e9 de salir con una forma semilla, la cual, iter\u00e1ndola, se desplegar\u00eda en esta cosa."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's rained down in this case on the island of Abaco in the Bahamas.","es":"Y depositado por la lluvia en este caso en la isla de Abaco en las Bahamas."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Hubble kind of rotates around them, and so it can orient itself.","es":"Digamos que el Hubble gira alrededor suyo, y as\u00ed puede orientarse."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I can't flip it because I've put a little twist on it, haven't I?","es":"No puedo darle la vuelta porque le he puesto un peque\u00f1o retorcimiento, \u00bfo no?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"Whether it's by finding those innovations that can access the capital markets, government itself, or partner with major corporations, there is unbelievable opportunity for innovation.","es":"En tanto que al encontrar estas innovaciones que pueden entrar a los mercados de capitales, al gobierno, o asociarse con corporaciones mayores, existe una incre\u00edble oportunidad para la innovaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And then as Peter finally grew cold.","es":"Y c\u00f3mo finalmente Peter languideci\u00f3."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Now, I'm not referring to Predator and Reaper drones, which have a human making targeting decisions.","es":"Y no me refiero a robots depredadores ni exterminadores, que tienen a un humano tomando decisiones de sus objetivos."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What this means is that fetuses are effectively being taught by their mothers about what is safe and good to eat.","es":"Esto significa que los fetos aprenden de sus madres qu\u00e9 cosas pueden comer con seguridad."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So we need to stop asking kids, \"What do you want to be when you grow up?\" and start asking them, \"How do you want to be when you grow up?\"","es":"Por eso debemos dejar de preguntarle a los ni\u00f1os: \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 quieres ser de mayor?\" Y empezar a preguntarles: \"\u00bfC\u00f3mo quieres ser de mayor?\""} -{"gender":"male","en":"Well, I intend to build these Self-Organized Learning Environments.","es":"Bueno, intento construir estos Entornos de Aprendizaje Auto-Organizados."} -{"gender":"male","en":"NBC, I'll show all of the networks here, the top journalists for NBC asked 956 questions in 2007 of the presidential candidates: two of them were about the climate crisis.","es":"Les mostrar\u00e9 todas las cadenas de televisi\u00f3n. Los periodistas m\u00e1s importantes de la NBC hicieron 956 preguntas en el a\u00f1o 2007 a los candidatos presidenciales: dos de ellas eran sobre la crisis clim\u00e1tica."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So the things that make a photograph look realistic, I think it's the things that we don't even think about, the things all around us in our daily lives.","es":"Y las cosas que hacen que una foto parezca realista creo que son esas en las que ni siquiera pensamos; las cosas que nos rodean en nuestra vida cotidiana."} -{"gender":"male","en":"This is a big one, and it won't wait.","es":"Este es uno grande, y no va a esperar."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's in the middle of Soho, in this working class neighborhood, this little girl becomes sick and it turns out that the cesspool, that they still continue to have, despite the Nuisances Act, bordered on an extremely popular water pump, local watering hole that was well known for the best water in all of Soho, that all the residents from Soho and the surrounding neighborhoods would go to.","es":"Es en el centro de Soho, en una vecindad de la clase trabajadora Esta ni\u00f1a se enferma y resulta que la fosa, que ellos todav\u00eda conservaban, a pesar del Acta sobre ruidos y olores, cerca de una popular bomba de agua, o sea un pozo que era conocido por tener la mejor calidad de agua en Soho, y al que todos los residentes de Soho y alrededores asist\u00edan."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So this is a mental picture, I'm describing a mental, vivid picture that enables dancers to make choices for themselves about what to make.","es":"Esta es una imagen mental, estoy describiendo una situaci\u00f3n mental v\u00edvida que permite a los bailarines decidir solos lo que deben hacer."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Its glaring presence is so overpowering, I can't help but stare at it.","es":"Su presencia deslumbrante es abrumadora; no puedo evitar mirarlo fijamente."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And the truth is that even if we get good at using that waste as fuel, there's always going to be some fuel left over.","es":"Y la verdad es que incluso si logramos usar los desechos como combustible, siempre habr\u00e1 un poco de combustible sobrante."} -{"gender":"female","en":"One-way trips are easy. We need new deep-diving submarines.","es":"Los viajes de s\u00f3lo ida son f\u00e1ciles, necesitamos nuevos submarinos para sumergirse en lo profundo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Our education system is predicated on the idea of academic ability.","es":"Nuestro sistema educativo se basa en la idea de habilidad acad\u00e9mica."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I believe in time; very important.","es":"Creo que el tiempo es muy importante."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I seize command by physical prowess, and I keep it by beating my chest, and you make submissive gestures.","es":"Tomo el control a trav\u00e9s de la destreza f\u00edsica, y lo mantengo golpeando mi pecho, y tu haces gestos sumisos."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And that's an extraordinary thing that's happening, and if you listen to Susan and Francis, you get to this point where you say, \"These guys have this extraordinary sense of dignity about the way they're achieving their power, the sense of ownership and the sense of pride, and I'm going to flip into a little tiny video clip, which is from a distributor of one of these companies that I'm talking about. And he puts it better than anyone I've ever heard it.","es":"Y eso es algo extraordinario que est\u00e1 sucediendo, y escuchando a Susan y a Francis llega a un punto en el que uno dice: \"Esta gente es enormemente consciente de la dignidad que les da conseguir su energ\u00eda de esta manera. Se sienten propietarios y est\u00e1n orgullosos. Y ahora les voy a pasar un video clip muy cortito de un distribuidor de una de estas empresas de las que estoy hablando, y \u00e9l lo explica mejor que nadie."} -{"gender":"female","en":"The Earth and Mars will have looked pretty much exactly like that, volcanoes everywhere, evaporating lakes everywhere, minerals, hot springs, and then you see those mounds on the shore of those lakes?","es":"La Tierra y Marte se ver\u00edan as\u00ed: volcanes por todas partes, lagos que se evaporan, minerales, aguas termales, y \u00bfven los mont\u00edculos en la orilla de los lagos?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"And now I have two daughters, and it has made a difference in how I raise them.\"","es":"Y ahora tengo dos hijas, y ha marcado una diferencia en c\u00f3mo las educo\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But, eventually, we did manage to meet up and Joel hopped overboard, caught us a beautiful, big mahi-mahi, which was the best food I'd had in, ooh, at least three months. Fortunately, the one that he caught that day was better than this one they caught a few weeks earlier.","es":"Pero, finalmente, logramos encontrarnos y Joel se tir\u00f3 al mar, pesc\u00f3 un hermoso dorado mahi mahi, la mejor comida que hab\u00eda comido en unos tres meses Por suerte, el que pesc\u00f3 ese d\u00eda fue mejor que \u00e9ste que hab\u00eda pescado un par de semanas antes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The chair could collapse if you sit on it, the apple might be poison, the dog might not bark, and in fact, this is my dog Tessie, who doesn't bark.","es":"La silla podr\u00eda romperse si uno se sentara, la manzana podr\u00eda estar envenenada, el perro podr\u00eda no ladrar. De hecho, este es mi perro Tessie, y no ladra."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I've got a picture here of a water boatman, and the water boatman is really cute.","es":"Aqu\u00ed tengo una fotograf\u00eda de una corixa, y las corixas son muy lindas."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It is protected by the Antarctic Treaty, signed in 1959.","es":"Est\u00e1 protegida por el Tratado Ant\u00e1rtico firmado en 1959."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I don't want the tower.\"","es":"No quiero la torre\"."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I can remember that like it was yesterday.","es":"Recuerdo eso como si fuera ayer."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"We lost a referendum to ban gun sales to civilians in 2005.","es":"Perdimos un refer\u00e9ndum en 2005 para prohibir la venta de armas a los civiles."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I said, \"Mom, you will never put a picture of me in a bikini ever again.\"","es":"Dije: \"Ma, no vuelvas a poner una foto m\u00eda en bikini nunca m\u00e1s\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, in her 41 years on TV, perhaps Erica's most famous scene is her alone in the woods suddenly face to face with a grizzly bear.","es":"Hoy, a sus 41 a\u00f1os en TV, tal vez la escena m\u00e1s famosa de Erica sea la de ella sola en el bosque enfrentada de pronto con un oso pardo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But it's when you compare the last two groups, the mid-adolescent group and the adult group where things get really interesting, because there, there is no continued improvement in the no-director condition.","es":"Pero s\u00f3lo al comparar los dos \u00faltimos grupos, el grupo adolescente medio y el grupo adulto, es donde esto se pone realmente interesantes, porque ah\u00ed no hay una mejora continua en la condici\u00f3n sin director."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Now, you've heard about this in terms of nanotechnology.","es":"Hemos escuchado de esto en la nanotecnolog\u00eda."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It's coming out starting in two months.","es":"Se iniciar\u00e1 en 2 meses."} -{"gender":"female","en":"And one thing I will say: one must always follow your heart.","es":"Y dir\u00e9 una cosa: uno siempre debe seguir su coraz\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"One third of the people I rescue are HIV positive.","es":"Un tercio de las personas que rescato son HIV positivo."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It turns out that we owe this entire psychopharmaceutical arsenal to other animals.","es":"Resulta que le debemos todo el arsenal psicofarmac\u00e9utico a otros animales."} -{"gender":"female","en":"It is possibly my proudest title yet, and the reason is that women too often get penalized for using what I call their emotional capital, but I know from experience that we become so good when we do just that.","es":"Es el t\u00edtulo del que estoy m\u00e1s orgullosa y es porque a las mujeres a menudo se las penaliza por usar lo que yo llamo su capital emocional, pero s\u00e9 por experiencia que somos muy buenas cuando hacemos precisamente eso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And I have to tell you, it was a very moving experience, because for the first time, I began listening, in a long time.","es":"Y tengo que decirles, fue una experiencia muy conmovedora, porque por primera vez, comenc\u00e9 a escuchar - en un largo tiempo."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Although the sounds are inaudible above water depending on where you are and the time of year, the underwater soundscape can be as noisy as any jungle or rainforest.","es":"Aunque los sonidos son inaudibles desde la superficie dependiendo de donde se est\u00e9 y la \u00e9poca del a\u00f1o, el paisaje sonoro subacu\u00e1tico es tan ruidoso como cualquier selva o bosque tropical."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I don't know about you, but I haven't quite figured out exactly what technology means in my life.","es":"No s\u00e9 ustedes, pero Yo a\u00fan no he descubierto lo que significa la tecnolog\u00eda en mi vida."} -{"gender":"female","en":"Why were my neighborhood friends learning and reading material that I had done two to three years prior?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 mis amigos del vecindario aprend\u00edan y le\u00edan contenidos que yo hab\u00eda estudiado dos o tres a\u00f1os antes?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"It's a brick box.","es":"Es una caja de ladrillo."} -{"gender":"male","en":"G'day, my name's Kevin.","es":"Buenasss, me llamo Kevin."} -{"gender":"male","en":"But that's a slightly different story, which I won't go into now.","es":"Pero esa es una historia un tanto diferente de la cual no voy a hablar ahora."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So you've only got a part of one there.","es":"As\u00ed que, \u00fanicamente han captado parte de una all\u00ed."} -{"gender":"male","en":"The third thing was atoning.","es":"Lo tercero era el resarcimiento."} -{"gender":"male","en":"CA: Won't ever have to touch the wheel, by the end of 2017.","es":"CA: No tendr\u00e1 que tocar el volante para finales de 2017."} -{"gender":"female","en":"So the data that I have suggests that if you double export volume, it will lead to a quadrupling of new HIV infections.","es":"La informaci\u00f3n que tengo sugiere que si duplicamos el volumen de exportaci\u00f3n, conducir\u00eda a cuadruplicar los nuevos casos de infecci\u00f3n por VIH."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"But the amazing thing was, Feynman had to leave a little early; he wasn't feeling too well, so he left a little bit early.","es":"Pero lo maravilloso fue que Feynman tuvo que salir temprano. No se sent\u00eda muy bien, as\u00ed que se retir\u00f3 temprano."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I would repeat this process eight times in a row.","es":"Repet\u00eda este proceso ocho veces seguidas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I want to live in a good country, and I so, so hope that you do too.","es":"Quiero vivir en un pa\u00eds bueno, y espero que Uds. tambi\u00e9n."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"And we also worked around the clock doing shift work, day after day, and we quickly generated 99 genomes of the Ebola virus.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n trabajamos d\u00eda y noche, haciendo turnos, d\u00eda tras d\u00eda, y r\u00e1pidamente se generaron 99 genomas del \u00c9bola."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I personally recently learned that our human ancestors would follow flocks of vultures and then they would help them to identify where carcasses have been dropped by large carnivores, and these humans will scavenge and eat part of that meat.","es":"Hace poco aprend\u00ed que nuestros ancestros segu\u00edan bandadas de buitres y ellos les ayudaban a ver d\u00f3nde los carn\u00edvoros arrojaban los cad\u00e1veres, y estos humanos buscaban y com\u00edan parte de esa carne."} -{"gender":"male","en":"A few minutes later, in asking Veronica some questions, and examining her and listening to her, I said, \"Veronica, I think I know what you have.","es":"Unos minutos m\u00e1s tarde, despu\u00e9s de hacerle algunas preguntas, de examinarla y escucharla, le dije: \"Ver\u00f3nica, creo que s\u00e9 qu\u00e9 tienes."} -{"gender":"male","en":"You believe I'm looking at you.","es":"Ustedes creen que estoy mir\u00e1ndoles."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I often ask myself, \"What would design be like if objects were made of a single part?","es":"A menudo me pregunto, \"\u00bfCu\u00e1l ser\u00eda el dise\u00f1o si los objetos se hicieran de una sola pieza?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"It says everything that makes up us, and it tells us so much information.","es":"Dice todo lo que somos nosotros, y nos da mucha informaci\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What is going on?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 est\u00e1 pasando?"} -{"gender":"male","en":"I witnessed killing animals feeding on corpses in the streets, starvation all around me, wanton, horrific violence, senseless violence.","es":"Presenci\u00e9 matanzas, vi animales comiendo cad\u00e1veres en las calles, hambruna a mi alrededor, violencia horrible y gratuita violencia sin sentido."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So why was I stalling?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 me lo imped\u00eda entonces?"} -{"gender":"female","en":"But I just wasn't prepared for the scope of the response.","es":"Pero yo no estaba preparada para la envergadura de la respuesta."} -{"gender":"female","en":"He walks up to a protester, when you protest in Brazil, you can be arrested or worse, and he says to the protester, \"Watch me, I am going to search you right now.\"","es":"Cuando protestas en Brasil, puedes acabar arrestado, o algo peor. El polic\u00eda dice al manifestante: \"Atenci\u00f3n, te voy a cachear ahora mismo\"."} -{"gender":"female","en":"What I come up with are forms like these.","es":"Obtengo formas como \u00e9stas."} -{"gender":"male","en":"They take primary data from CT scans and MRIs, translate it into digital information, animate it, put it together into the components of the child itself, surface-scan elements of the child that have been casted as needed, depending on the surgery itself, and then take this digital data and be able to output it on state-of-the-art, three-dimensional printing devices that allow us to print the components exactly to the micron detail of what the child's anatomy will look like.","es":"Toman informaci\u00f3n de tomograf\u00edas y resonancias magn\u00e9ticas, la traducen a informaci\u00f3n digital, le ponen animaci\u00f3n, la superponen sobre el propio ni\u00f1o, escanean elementos de las superficies del ni\u00f1o que han sido moldeados seg\u00fan lo que se necesite, dependiendo del tipo de cirug\u00eda, y despu\u00e9s toman esos datos digitales y generan una salida en dispositivos tridimensionales de vanguardia que nos permiten imprimir los componentes a detalle de micrones de c\u00f3mo se ve la anatom\u00eda de un ni\u00f1o."} -{"gender":"female","en":"You're barely passing.","es":"Uds. apenas lo cumplen."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"It's a different shape, but other than that, it's the same basic limitation.","es":"Tiene una forma diferente, pero aparte de eso la misma limitaci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"Imagine seeing your life, 30 years of it, go by, and it was, to say the least, for me, quite a shocking experience.","es":"Imaginen lo que es ver pasar 30 a\u00f1os de tu vida. Para m\u00ed fue, por decir lo menos, una experiencia terrible."} -{"gender":"male","en":"I started posting more stereotypically masculine things, Like my challenging workouts, my meal plans, my journey to heal my body after an injury.","es":"Empec\u00e9 a publicar cosas estereot\u00edpicamente m\u00e1s masculinas: Como mis entrenamientos desafiantes, mis planes de comida, mi viaje para sanar mi cuerpo despu\u00e9s de una lesi\u00f3n."} -{"gender":"male","en":"So if I gave you that picture, I don't want to go too long on that.","es":"Por eso, si les doy esa im\u00e1gen, no quisiera detenerme mucho en eso."} -{"gender":"male","en":"And so another thing that I should tell you that you may not know is that the helmets that are worn in bicycling and football and many activities, they're not designed or tested for how well they can protect your children against concussion.","es":"Y otra cosa que deben saber que tal vez no sepan es que los cascos que se usan en el ciclismo y el rugby y en muchas otras actividades, no est\u00e1n dise\u00f1ados ni probados para proteger efectivamente a sus hijos contra la conmoci\u00f3n cerebral."} -{"gender":"neutral","en":"He could understand everybody, but there was no way to respond, even not writing because he was illiterate.","es":"Pod\u00eda entender a todos, pero no pod\u00eda responder, ni siquiera por escrito, porque era analfabeto."} -{"gender":"female","en":"I know you've all been there. I'm in the crucible right now.","es":"S\u00e9 que todos han estado ah\u00ed; yo estoy en ese crisol ahora."} -{"gender":"female","en":"We all have a responsibility.","es":"Todos tenemos una responsabilidad."} -{"gender":"male","en":"Four years after that, I received papers to move from Mountain Home, Idaho to a place called Goose Bay, Labrador.","es":"Cuatro a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s, recib\u00ed papeles para pasar de Mountain Home, Idaho a un lugar llamado Goose Bay, Labrador."} -{"gender":"female","en":"But the thing is, this isn't even the only challenge that religion faces today.","es":"Pero esto no es el \u00fanico reto al que se enfrenta hoy la religi\u00f3n."}