{"gender":"male","en":"There's something else that's really important that's going on that our community doesn't like to talk about, but it's very real.","es":"Otra cosa muy importante est\u00e1 pasando sobre a la que nuestra comunidad no le gusta hablar, pero es muy real."} {"gender":"male","en":"So if they had nonlethal weapons, then they would say, \"We can use them in that sort of situation.","es":"Si tuvieran armas no letales dir\u00edan: \"Bueno, podemos usarlas en esas situaciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"So you put a message into this device and then you roll it on the wall, and it basically has all these solenoids pressing the buttons on spray cans, so you just pull it over a wall and it just writes on the wall all the political messages.","es":"Se ingresa un mensaje en este aparato, se lo desliza sobre la pared; consta b\u00e1sicamente de cierto n\u00famero de solenoides que presionan los botones de los atomizadores, solo hay que deslizarlo sobre la pared y escribir\u00e1 sobre ella todos los mensajes pol\u00edticos."} {"gender":"male","en":"The resource curse is entirely confined to countries below a threshold of governance.","es":"La maldici\u00f3n de los recursos est\u00e1 reservada enteramente a los pa\u00edses por debajo de un umbral de gobernabilidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It turns out that tears just aren't much help when you're trying to investigate a genocide.","es":"Resulta que las l\u00e1grimas no son de mucha ayuda cuando se intenta investigar un genocidio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"All of a sudden, there are going to be massive regulatory changes and massive issues associated with conflict and massive issues associated with security and privacy.","es":"Repentinamente, habr\u00e1 cambios regulatorios masivos y temas masivos asociados con el conflicto y temas masivos asociados con la seguridad y la privacidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, let me describe some applications.","es":"Bien, describir\u00e9 algunas aplicaciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"Imagine what we could do with 40 percent more funding.","es":"Imaginen lo que podr\u00edamos hacer con una financiaci\u00f3n de 40 % m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"You're looking at a picture of the prize we gave last year, 2013.","es":"Esta es una imagen del premio que dimos el a\u00f1o pasado, 2013."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that underlies your specialization.","es":"Y en esto subyace su especializaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But you know all that.","es":"Pero Uds saben todo eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"The smoke alarm has saved perhaps hundreds of thousands of lives, worldwide.","es":"El detector de humo ha salvado quiz\u00e1s cientos de miles de vidas alrededor del mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And today we have a kind of evangelical pessimism all around us.","es":"Y hoy tenemos algo as\u00ed como pesimismo evang\u00e9lico a nuestro alrededor."} {"gender":"female","en":"She said she saved it because she doesn't know when she might get more.","es":"Dijo que las guard\u00f3 porque no sab\u00eda cu\u00e1ndo podr\u00eda conseguir m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"What that means, of course, is that, in the past, things were closer together.","es":"Esto quiere decir, desde luego, que en el pasado, las cosas estaban m\u00e1s cerca."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When we look at pictures like this, they take our breath away, in addition to helping to give us breath by the oxygen that the oceans provide.","es":"Cuando miramos fotos como esta, nos quitan el aliento, adem\u00e1s de ayudarnos a respirar con el ox\u00edgeno que proveen los oc\u00e9anos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They might be smart.","es":"Puede que sean listos."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a real place.","es":"Es un lugar real."} {"gender":"male","en":"So again, this didn't come because of any sort of high-tech solution.","es":"As\u00ed que, repito, no hemos inventado una soluci\u00f3n de alta tecnolog\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"So for me, everything started many, many years ago when I met the first 3D printer.","es":"Para m\u00ed, todo comenz\u00f3 hace muchos, muchos a\u00f1os cuando me encontr\u00e9 con la primera impresora 3D."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then we give it a second gene to grow an inorganic material that can be used to split water into oxygen and hydrogen, that can be used for clean fuels.","es":"Y entonces le damos un segundo gen para utilizar un material inorg\u00e1nico que pueda usarse para separar agua en hidr\u00f3geno y ox\u00edgeno, que puede usarse como combustible limpio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And if you look, you can see that it uses the toe peeling, just like the gecko does.","es":"Y si se fijan, pueden ver que utiliza el despegue de los dedos, tal y como lo hace el geco."} {"gender":"male","en":"Muslims against Muslims.","es":"Musulmanes contra musulmanes."} {"gender":"male","en":"As for me, I choose to be free from the prisons I've created.","es":"Yo prefiero ser libre de las prisiones que yo cree."} {"gender":"female","en":"Turns out, both male and female executives, when they think director, they think male.","es":"Resulta que, tanto hombres como mujeres ejecutivas, cuando piensan en un director, piensan en un var\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that is the moment when your life is truly decided: you fall in love; you lose a friend; the lights go out.","es":"Y ese momento es un momento decisivo de la vida: uno se enamora; uno pierde un amigo; las luces se apagan."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is what her son has done after seven years of struggle.","es":"Esto es lo que su hijo ha logrado despu\u00e9s de siete a\u00f1os de lucha."} {"gender":"female","en":"MA: From some people.","es":"MA: De algunas personas, s\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When the vice president for health care quality at Beth Israel spoke about this incident, he said something very interesting.","es":"Cuando el vicepresidente de calidad asistencial del Beth Israel habl\u00f3 de este incidente dijo algo muy interesante."} {"gender":"male","en":"Frigoris?","es":"\u00bfFrigoris?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And my guess is some people in this room might have done that before.","es":"Puede que algunas personas aqu\u00ed lo hayan hecho antes."} {"gender":"male","en":"I started at the time in the digital film and music label collection Petites Plan\u00e8tes, which was also an homage to French filmmaker Chris Marker.","es":"Empec\u00e9 bajo la marca de la colecci\u00f3n de pel\u00edculas y m\u00fasica digital Petites Plan\u00e8tes, que fue tambi\u00e9n un homenaje al cineasta franc\u00e9s Chris Marker."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I was like, \"What do I do?\"","es":"Y yo pensaba: \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 hago?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"We also have designers from around the world that participate.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n tenemos dise\u00f1adores de todo el mundo que participan."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have produced, thank God, a casualty rate about one third of what it was in Vietnam.","es":"Las recientes guerras en Irak y Afganist\u00e1n han producido, gracias a Dios, una tasa de bajas de un tercio con respecto a las de Vietnam."} {"gender":"male","en":"Human beings have a need for maintaining consistency of the apperceptive mass.","es":"Los seres humanos necesitan mantener la regularidad para poder apercibir el conjunto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We need to continue to observe this star to learn more about what's happening.","es":"Tenemos que seguir observando esta estrella para aprender m\u00e1s sobre lo que pasa."} {"gender":"female","en":"We could, for example, imagine growing a lamp, a chair, a car or maybe even a house.","es":"Podr\u00edamos, por ejemplo, imaginar el cultivo de una l\u00e1mpara, una silla, un auto o hasta una casa."} {"gender":"male","en":"Dentists report molars, people grinding their teeth, coming in and reporting that they've had stress.","es":"Los dentistas tratan los dientes, y ya saben, aquellos con problemas de rechinamiento dental van a la consulta y cuentan que han tenido estr\u00e9s."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Once we started driving on neighborhood and city streets, the problem becomes a whole new level of difficulty.","es":"Cuando empezamos a conducir en las calles del barrio y la ciudad, el problema adquiere un nuevo nivel de dificultad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"A concept that has already taken hold and is beginning to spread and be looked at seriously?","es":"\u00bfUn concepto que ya ha tomado forma y empieza a extenderse y a tomarse en serio?"} {"gender":"female","en":"You can see this penguin, he goes over, he looks at those wires, does not like that wire. He unplugs the wire; we have no data.","es":"Pueden ver al ping\u00fcino que se acerca, observa los cables, no le gustan los cables y arranca el cable; \u00a1nos quedamos sin datos!"} {"gender":"male","en":"Secondly, and most importantly, Turkey became a democracy earlier than any of the countries we are talking about.","es":"En segundo lugar, y m\u00e1s importante, Turqu\u00eda se democratiz\u00f3 antes que cualquiera de los pa\u00edses que estamos mencionando."} {"gender":"female","en":"So based on the same logic, I could equally conclude you hate your iPhone.","es":"Basada en la misma l\u00f3gica, yo podr\u00eda concluir que Uds. odian su iPhone."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And here is an example of a technician putting on a tire and doing that time and time again on this car.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 el ejemplo de un t\u00e9cnico que coloca una llanta y lo hace una y otra vez en este veh\u00edculo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And science also shows that when we see or perceive fairness, our brain releases a substance that gives us pleasure, proper joy.","es":"Y la ciencia tambi\u00e9n revela que cuando vemos o percibimos una situaci\u00f3n justa, nuestro cerebro libera una sustancia que nos proporciona placer, alegr\u00eda plena."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we need all the help we can get from others, because we are stewards of a precious pale blue dot in a vast cosmos, a planet with 50 million centuries ahead of it.","es":"Necesitamos toda la ayuda que podamos conseguir de otros, porque somos guardianes de un valioso punto azul p\u00e1lido en un vasto cosmos, un planeta con 50 millones de siglos por delante."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now this is a totally reasonable assumption, given that I have made quite a habit of encouraging people to spend more time playing games.","es":"Es una presunci\u00f3n completamente razonable, dado que tengo el h\u00e1bito de alentar a la gente a pasar m\u00e1s tiempo jugando."} {"gender":"female","en":"I never thought I'd see women be able to take places and positions that we have today.","es":"Nunca pens\u00e9 que ver\u00eda mujeres tomando los lugares y las posiciones que tenemos hoy."} {"gender":"female","en":"Quite extraordinary.","es":"Todo un logro."} {"gender":"male","en":"How have you guys managed it?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo lo han manejado Uds.?"} {"gender":"female","en":"But imagine how difficult it would be to find that tumor in this dense breast.","es":"Pero imag\u00ednense lo dif\u00edcil que ser\u00eda encontrar ese tumor en esta mama densa."} {"gender":"male","en":"The two strategies of research, original research, can be stated as follows, in the final principle I'm going to offer you: For every problem in a given discipline of science, there exists a species or entity or phenomenon ideal for its solution.","es":"Ambas estrategias de investigaci\u00f3n, de investigaci\u00f3n original, pueden enunciarse como sigue, en el principio final que les voy a proponer: Por cada problema en una determinada disciplina de la ciencia existe una especie o entidad o fen\u00f3meno ideal para su soluci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"I took a wood box, and I buried a dollar bill, a pen and a fork inside this box in Colorado.","es":"Tom\u00e9 una caja de madera, y enterr\u00e9 un billete de un d\u00f3lar, una pluma y un tenedor en ella en alg\u00fan lugar en Colorado."} {"gender":"female","en":"Mars is on a path to 100 percent certified cocoa, so this is a good program for farming communities, it's a good program for the environment, and it's a good program for Mars, who has solved a significant risk in their supply chain.","es":"Marte est\u00e1 en el camino de lograr el 100 % de cacao certificado. Se trata de un buen programa para comunidades agr\u00edcolas, es un buen programa para el medio ambiente, y es un buen programa para Marte, qui\u00e9n ha resuelto un riesgo significativo en su cadena de suministro."} {"gender":"female","en":"They want us to tear open more wounds in our societies so that they can use them to spread their infection more widely.","es":"Quieren abrir m\u00e1s heridas en nuestras sociedades para poder contagiarlo todo con su infecci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"We also have a program already called Google Grants that now serves over 150 different charities around the world, and these are some of the charities that are on there.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n tenemos un programa llamado Google Grants, que actualmente ayuda a m\u00e1s de 150 organizaciones ben\u00e9ficas de todo el mundo, \u00e9stas son algunas de las organizaciones bajo su auspicio."} {"gender":"male","en":"A few months ago, I started talking to Alec about a fascination of mine.","es":"Hace unos meses, empec\u00e9 a hablarle a Alec de una fascinaci\u00f3n m\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"It does not just name our society. It shapes it.","es":"No solo nomina a nuestra sociedad, sino que le da forma."} {"gender":"female","en":"Okay. Good.","es":"Vale. Bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"So with that, I'd like to say a few words about upgrading, and share with you a glimpse from my current project, which is different from the previous one, but it shares exactly the same characteristics of self-learning, learning by doing, self-exploration and community-building, and this project deals with K-12 math education, beginning with early age math, and we do it on tablets because we believe that math, like anything else, should be taught hands on. So here's what we do.","es":"Con eso, me gustar\u00eda decir unas palabras sobre la actualizaci\u00f3n, y compartir con Uds. una idea de mi proyecto actual, que es diferente del anterior, pero comparte las mismas caracter\u00edsticas de aprender haci\u00e9ndolo uno mismo, de la exploraci\u00f3n personal y el desarrollo comunitario y abarca la educaci\u00f3n inicial y primaria en matem\u00e1ticas. Empieza con matem\u00e1ticas a temprana edad y con tabletas porque creemos que la matem\u00e1tica, como todo, debe ense\u00f1arse con las manos en la masa."} {"gender":"male","en":"The lasers are very strong, and it squashes the ping pong ball really, really quick.","es":"Los l\u00e1ser son muy fuertes, y aplastan la pelota de ping pong muy, muy r\u00e1pido."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We ask these amnesiac patients to tell us which one they own, which one they chose last time, which one is theirs.","es":"Preguntamos a estos pacientes amn\u00e9sicos cual era la que ellos ten\u00edan, cu\u00e1l eligieron la \u00faltima vez, cu\u00e1l era suya."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And it was this interaction between that kind of, up-the-ante stuff that became pretty interesting.","es":"Y fue esta interacci\u00f3n entre esa especie de, subir la apuesta que se volvi\u00f3 bastante interesante."} {"gender":"male","en":"And here they march on.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed van marchando."} {"gender":"male","en":"I want to just cut this short.","es":"Quiero ser breve aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in order to introduce you to that, I've got something here that I'm going to unveil, which is one of the great marvels of the modern age.","es":"Y a fin de presentarles eso, Tengo algo aqu\u00ed que voy a desvelar, que es una de las grandes maravillas de la era moderna."} {"gender":"male","en":"I come back.","es":"Regreso."} {"gender":"male","en":"Man: Oh, shit.","es":"Voces: \"Oh, diantres\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"But what Gottman and his team found was that one of the most important predictors for whether or not a couple is going to get divorced was how positive or negative each partner was being in the conversation.","es":"Pero lo que encontraron Gottman y su equipo fue que uno de los indicadores m\u00e1s importantes para saber si una pareja iba a divorciarse o no, era lo positivo o negativo que era cada uno en la conversaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Fair to say, I'm enjoying the day a lot more than Santa was.","es":"Es justo decir, que estoy disfrutando el d\u00eda mucho m\u00e1s que Pap\u00e1 Noel."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Today it's not just one box. Kids are surrounded by devices.","es":"Hoy no es una sola caja, los ni\u00f1os est\u00e1n rodeados de aparatos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But instead of taking to the streets, they issued a challenge.","es":"Pero en lugar de salir a la calle, lanzaron un desaf\u00edo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There are other pleasures, but this is dominant.","es":"Hay otros placeres, pero este es el dominante."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's a mythology in India about, where they say, and I'll say it in Hindi, Right.","es":"Hay una mitolog\u00eda en India sobre lo que ellos dicen, lo dir\u00e9 en hindi, Bien."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm going to give you a sense of the kind of experiments that we actually do in the lab.","es":"Les dar\u00e9 una idea del tipo de experimentos que hacemos en el laboratorio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We like them one day, we don't like what they're wearing the next day, and all of a sudden we have issues, right?","es":"Un d\u00eda nos gustan, al otro d\u00eda no nos gusta lo que llevan puesto, y de repente tenemos problemas, \u00bfno?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Actually, that's a documentary that's available online; the video's online.","es":"En realidad, hay un documental que est\u00e1 en l\u00ednea; un video en l\u00ednea."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, this is one way to lose weight that works very well, but it doesn't last, which is the problem.","es":"Bueno, as\u00ed se pierde peso que funciona muy bien, pero no dura mucho, ese es el problema."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They're super-efficient.","es":"Son s\u00faper eficientes."} {"gender":"male","en":"From just an idea that sounded crazy, you have the largest encyclopedia in the world.","es":"A partir de una idea que parec\u00eda loca, se obtiene la enciclopedia m\u00e1s grande del mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the habitat destruction is unbelievable.","es":"La destrucci\u00f3n del h\u00e1bitat es incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Go underneath it.","es":"Mira abajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"This tracks your activity and also your sleep.","es":"Sigue nuestra actividad y tambi\u00e9n el sue\u00f1o."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Our whole practice depends on computing.","es":"Nuestro oficio depende enteramente de las computadoras."} {"gender":"female","en":"He's a Brazilian in these places. He speaks seven languages.","es":"Es un brasile\u00f1o en estos lugares, habla siete idiomas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"13,000 girls studying here in the rooms underground, full of scorpions.","es":"13 mil ni\u00f1as estudian aqu\u00ed en aulas subterr\u00e1neas, llenas de escorpiones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So this was obviously an organic city, part of an organic cycle.","es":"Era, obviamente, una ciudad ecol\u00f3gica, parte de un ciclo tambi\u00e9n ecol\u00f3gico."} {"gender":"male","en":"He has been attacked by a leopard and they abandon him in the forest.","es":"Fue atacado por un leopardo y lo abandonaron en el bosque."} {"gender":"male","en":"Green carbon, which is the deforestation and agricultural emissions, and blue carbon together comprise 25 percent of our emissions.","es":"El carbono verde -la deforestaci\u00f3n y las emisiones agr\u00edcolas- y el carbono azul juntos comprenden el 25% de nuestras emisiones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So long as these two wings are not equivalent in strength, the bird will not fly.\"","es":"Mientras estas dos alas no sean equivalentes en fuerza, el p\u00e1jaro no volar\u00e1\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And we try to use one of these phones from time to time to keep in touch with their reality.","es":"Y tratamos de utilizar uno de estos tel\u00e9fonos de vez en cuando para mantenernos en contacto con su realidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"Stories change us.","es":"Las historias nos cambian."} {"gender":"male","en":"Every time I look at this piece, I always wonder if my mom's whispering to my dad, \"He finally folded his laundry.\" I want to show you some pieces now that are about addiction.","es":"Cada vez que veo esta pieza, Me pregunto si mi mam\u00e1 le susurraba a mi padre: \"Por fin dobl\u00f3 su ropa limpia\" Quiero mostrarle im\u00e1genes sobre adicciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"For every time that you announce that you had a tails throw, you get paid five francs.","es":"Por cada vez que anuncia que recibi\u00f3 cruz, obtiene cinco francos."} {"gender":"female","en":"So based on these studies, I could say oxytocin is an immoral molecule, and call myself Dr. Strangelove.","es":"Basada en estos estudios, puedo decir que la oxitocina es una mol\u00e9cula inmoral, y me autoproclamo la Dra. Amor Extra\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"But okay, what was Donald doing just before?","es":"Bueno, pero \u00bfqu\u00e9 estaba haciendo Donald justo antes?"} {"gender":"female","en":"But she also tells me that she's always done what was expected of her: good girl, good wife, good mother, taking care of her immigrant parents.","es":"Pero tambi\u00e9n me dice que siempre ha hecho lo que se esperaba de ella: buena chica, buena esposa, buena madre, cuid\u00f3 a sus padres inmigrantes."} {"gender":"female","en":"In one study, children who were growing up in poverty were almost a year behind the richer children on educational tests, and that was by the age of just three.","es":"En un estudio los ni\u00f1os que crec\u00edan en la pobreza ten\u00edan casi un a\u00f1o de retraso con respecto a los ni\u00f1os m\u00e1s ricos en pruebas educativas, y eso ya a la edad de solo tres a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"In what language?","es":"\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 idioma?"} {"gender":"male","en":"The bioluminescence, they use the lights for attracting mates and attracting prey and communicating.","es":"La bioluminisencia, estos peces usan las luces para atraer a sus parejas, atraer a sus presas y comunicarse."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"A lot of data, but no theory.","es":"Son muchos datos. Pero no hay teor\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"We didn't know for almost 40 years until Frank Nelson Cole came along.","es":"No lo supimos durante casi 40 a\u00f1os hasta que lleg\u00f3 Frank Nelson Cole."} {"gender":"male","en":"So nuclear seems like a pretty good option, but there's this big problem with it, which all of you, I'm sure, are aware of, which is that people really don't like it.","es":"As\u00ed que la energ\u00eda nuclear parece una muy buena opci\u00f3n, pero tiene un gran problema, del que todos Uds., estoy seguro, son conscientes y es que a la gente no le gusta."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Sarcoma is a very rare form of cancer.","es":"El sarcoma es una forma muy extra\u00f1a de c\u00e1ncer."} {"gender":"female","en":"Then I got cancer, or I found out I had cancer.","es":"Luego contraje c\u00e1ncer, o descubr\u00ed que ten\u00eda c\u00e1ncer."} {"gender":"female","en":"I saw what seemed to be a family fishing on a boat, two older brothers, some younger kids, makes sense right?","es":"Vi lo que parec\u00eda ser una familia de pescadores en un barco, dos hermanos mayores, algunos ni\u00f1os m\u00e1s j\u00f3venes, tiene sentido \u00bfno?"} {"gender":"female","en":"We got 22,000 votes, that's 1.2 percent of the votes, and we came in second for the local options.","es":"Obtuvimos 22.000 votos, 1.2 por ciento de los votos, y fuimos la segunda opci\u00f3n a nivel local."} {"gender":"female","en":"Yes, so I think I'll invent the wheel.","es":"S\u00ed, por eso inventar\u00e9 la rueda."} {"gender":"female","en":"We made the final version of the book, called \"Menstrupedia Comic\" and launched in September last year.","es":"Hicimos la versi\u00f3n final del libro, llamado \"C\u00f3mic Menstrupedia\" y lo lanzamos en septiembre del a\u00f1o pasado."} {"gender":"female","en":"I don't want a clunky answering machine; I want the message it saves.","es":"No quiero un torpe contestador autom\u00e1tico, quiero el mensaje que graba."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's political correctness run amok, he made a stupid statement, move on.\"","es":"Sabes, es de ser pol\u00edticamente correcto es para enloquecerse, hizo una declaraci\u00f3n est\u00fapida. D\u00e9jalo pasar\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'm going to draw it like this sometimes, just so I don't scare you.","es":"Y a veces lo dibujar\u00e9 as\u00ed, para no asustarles."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I don't think anybody's going to go down to Walmart or take the kids to school in any of this stuff for a while, but the team at Gravity are building some awesome technology that's going to make this look like child's play.","es":"Bueno, no creo que alguien saldr\u00e1 del supermercado o llevar\u00e1 a los ni\u00f1os a la escuela en uno de estos muy pronto pero el equipo Gravity est\u00e1 construyendo una tecnolog\u00eda asombrosa que har\u00e1 que esto parezca un juego de ni\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"It could have been an English Tudor or Spanish Colonial, but we kind of chose this shape.","es":"Podr\u00eda haber sido un tudor ingl\u00e9s o un colonial espa\u00f1ol, pero como que elegimos esta forma."} {"gender":"male","en":"You're waiting with bated breath for the final toss.","es":"Esperan con el coraz\u00f3n en la mano el \u00faltimo lanzamiento."} {"gender":"male","en":"And Parag Shah, another engineer, from Mumbai, has unbundled our projects into smaller, more manageable bites that he now serves in his pioneering do-it-yourself computer science program.","es":"Y Parag Shah, otro ingeniero, de Mumbai, desagreg\u00f3 nuestros proyectos en partes m\u00e1s peque\u00f1as y manejables que ahora ofrece en su programa aficionado de ciencias de la computaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Their vision is really, really good.","es":"Su visi\u00f3n es realmente, realmente buena."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so really, there are all these things, like beliefs, desires, sensations, experiences, they're all related to each other, and that just is you.","es":"Y as\u00ed, en realidad, son todas estas cosas, como creencias, deseos, sensaciones, experiencias, las que est\u00e1n relacionadas entre s\u00ed, y esto es lo que forma el T\u00fa."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because I've cobbled this together to try to meet the challenge of this session.","es":"He intentado reunir datos para poder abordar el tema de esta sesi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then we decided upon who our plaintiffs are going to be.","es":"Luego decidimos qui\u00e9nes ser\u00edan nuestros demandantes."} {"gender":"female","en":"Then a scientist in Australia wrote, \"I showed my students the results of our coral surveys, and we wept.\"","es":"Entonces un cient\u00edfico en Australia escribi\u00f3, \"Mostr\u00e9 a mis estudiantes los resultados de nuestros estudios de corales, y lloramos\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That gives you an idea of where they have people.","es":"Eso da una idea de d\u00f3nde tienen personal."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.","es":"Muchas gracias, damas y caballeros."} {"gender":"male","en":"Sometimes companies received intense amounts of funding.","es":"A veces las compa\u00f1\u00edas reciben financiamientos fuertes."} {"gender":"male","en":"The answer lies over there.","es":"La respuesta est\u00e1 ah\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"The unknown is perceived to be riskier than the familiar.","es":"Lo desconocido es percibido como m\u00e1s riesgoso que lo familiar."} {"gender":"female","en":"The expenditure of 3 billion dollars in refugee camps to try to keep, basically, the people who've been displaced from their homes by the Sudanese government, by the so-called Janjaweed, the militia, to keep those people alive until something more durable can be achieved.","es":"El gasto de 3 mil millones de dolares en campos de refugiados para tratar de mantener, b\u00e1sicamente, las personas que han sido desplasadas de sus hogares por el Gobierno sudan\u00e9s, por el as\u00ed llamado \u00abjanjaweed\u00bb, la milicia, para mantener a estas personas vivas hasta que algo m\u00e1s duradero pudiera ser alcanzado."} {"gender":"male","en":"I need, with my body, to get rid of the energy, and the harder it is for myself, for my body, to get rid of the energy, the less comfort I feel.","es":"Con mi cuerpo, necesito deshacerme de la energ\u00eda, y cuanto m\u00e1s dif\u00edcil sea para mi, para mi cuerpo, deshacerme de la energ\u00eda, menos c\u00f3modo me sentir\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here's the advice of Dylan's idol, Woody Guthrie.","es":"Este es el consejo del \u00eddolo de Dylan, Woody Guthrie."} {"gender":"male","en":"One of the great stories I love to tell is about my love of going to my hometown of New York and walking up Park Avenue on a beautiful day and admiring everything and seeing all the people go by from all over the world.","es":"Una de las grandes historias que me gusta contar es sobre mi amor de ir a mi ciudad natal de Nueva York y caminar por Park Avenue en un bello d\u00eda y admirar todo y ver la gente pasar de todas partes del mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It happens in classrooms and schools, and the people who do it are the teachers and the students, and if you remove their discretion, it stops working.","es":"Sucede en salones de clases y escuelas, y las personas involucradas son los maestros y alumnos, y si se quita su criterio, deja de funcionar."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you sleep around about five hours or less every night, then you have a 50 percent likelihood of being obese.","es":"Si duermen alrededor de unas 5 horas o menos cada noche, entonces tienen una probabilidad del 50% de ser obesos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And there\u2019s tremendous scope for additional private help here, because the government has dropped the ball on much of this, I\u2019m afraid.","es":"Y a\u00fan hay una gran necesidad de financiaci\u00f3n por parte del sector privado, pues me temo que el gobierno ha dejado de lado este asunto."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here we can see the white represents low altitudes, and the blue are higher altitudes.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed podemos ver como el blanco representa altitudes bajas y el azul representa altitudes superiores."} {"gender":"male","en":"We do a lot of good things in the intelligence community, things that need to be done, and things that help everyone.","es":"Hacemos muchas cosas buenas en la comunidad de inteligencia, cosas que hay que hacer, cosas que nos ayudan a todos."} {"gender":"female","en":"It does not have to be that way. It does not.","es":"No tiene por qu\u00e9 ser as\u00ed. No tiene por qu\u00e9."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"\"Good morning, ma'am.\"","es":"\"Buenos d\u00edas se\u00f1ora\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"What's wrong with the world I've already hinted at.","es":"Ya di a entender lo que est\u00e1 mal en el mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"The entire county is home to just 20,000 people, and they're very sparsely distributed.","es":"En todo el condado hay s\u00f3lo 20.000 personas distribuidas de manera muy dispersa."} {"gender":"male","en":"I had been traveling to one country after another.","es":"Hab\u00eda viajado de un pa\u00eds a otro."} {"gender":"male","en":"Some of their cases are questionable and some involve threats and violence.","es":"Algunos son cuestionables y algunos se relacionan con amenazas y violencia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"\"Ms. Malone, we've arrested your father.\"","es":"\"Srta. Malone, hemos arrestado a su padre\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"I actually have no idea what my robot is going to do today.","es":"No tengo idea de lo que mi robot va a hacer hoy."} {"gender":"male","en":"I know I must sound like some liberal do-gooder.","es":"S\u00e9 que debo sonar como un buen samaritano progresista."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"I used to work with a bunch of uptight religious people, so sometimes I didn't wear panties, and just had a big smile and chuckled to myself.\"","es":"\u201cSol\u00eda trabajar con un grupo de personas religiosas ortodoxas, as\u00ed que algunas veces no usaba ropa interior, y llevaba solo una gran sonrisa y me re\u00eda para mis adentros.\u201d"} {"gender":"female","en":"Wouldn't you rather test to see if those cancer drugs you're going to take are going to work on your cancer?","es":"\u00bfNo probar\u00edan si esos f\u00e1rmacos contra el c\u00e1ncer que van a tomar funcionar\u00e1n en Uds.?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's when we got the Internet.","es":"Y fue entonces cuando llegamos a Internet."} {"gender":"female","en":"But the planets that I did want to talk about are known as transiting exoplanets.","es":"Yo quer\u00eda hablar de los planetas conocidos como exoplanetas en tr\u00e1nsito."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I don't know how many of you saw the China trip last week and the G20.","es":"Bueno, no s\u00e9 cu\u00e1ntos vieron el viaje a China la semana pasada y al G20."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, the lesson of that seems clear to me, and I don't know why it isn't informing public debate.","es":"La lecci\u00f3n a sacar de eso me parece clara, y no s\u00e9 por qu\u00e9 no es considerada en el debate p\u00fablico."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's part of our collective history.","es":"Es parte de nuestra historia colectiva."} {"gender":"male","en":"This illustrates the power of a conservative climate solution based on free markets and limited government.","es":"Esto ilustra el poder de una soluci\u00f3n clim\u00e1tica conservadora basada en el mercado libre y un gobierno limitado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Rather, he is entering the water at a 45-degree angle with his forearm, and then propelling himself by streamlining, very important.","es":"En cambio est\u00e1 entrando al agua a un \u00e1ngulo de 45 grados con su antebrazo, luego se propulsa al aerodinamizarse, muy importante."} {"gender":"female","en":"The opening one was, \"What the fuck do you know about the National Guard?\"","es":"La primera fu\u00e9 \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 mierda sab\u00e9s t\u00fa acerca de la Guardia Nacional?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Walking in this tunnel is very peaceful.","es":"Da mucha paz caminar por este t\u00fanel."} {"gender":"male","en":"And Moore's Law was not the first paradigm to bring exponential growth to computing.","es":"La Ley de Moore no fue el primer paradigma que introdujo el crecimiento exponencial a la computaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Sensible answer: prime witnesses.","es":"Respuesta sensata: a los testigos principales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The G8 nations have been incredibly generous on polio over the last 20 years, but we're starting to have something called polio fatigue and that is that the donor nations aren't willing to fund polio any longer.","es":"Las naciones del G8 han sido muy generosas en temas de polio, en los \u00faltimos 20 a\u00f1os pero estamos empezando a tener algo llamado fatiga de la polio; es decir, las naciones donantes no est\u00e1n dispuestas a financiar la polio por m\u00e1s tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"How grand. How ambitious.","es":"Es magn\u00edfico y ambicioso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"How would we know it?","es":"Y c\u00f3mo lo sabremos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And what happened, of course, is we ended up with a whole bunch of different dinosaurs.","es":"Y lo que pas\u00f3, obviamente, es que terminaron con muchos dinosaurios diferentes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"On the TV were Trayvon Martin's parents, and they were crying because of the acquittal of George Zimmerman.","es":"En la televisi\u00f3n estaban los padres de Trayvon Martin, y estaban llorando debido a la absoluci\u00f3n de George Zimmerman."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you think of the concept of Wikipedia where everyone is collaborating on content, and at the end of the day you've built the largest encyclopedia in the world.","es":"Si piensan en el concepto de Wikipedia donde todos colaboran en el contenido y al final se construye la enciclopedia m\u00e1s grande del mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"We were talking about what happens when you increase the number of sides of a polygon to a very large number.","es":"Est\u00e1bamos hablando de lo que sucede si uno aumenta la cantidad de lados de un pol\u00edgono a un n\u00famero muy grande."} {"gender":"female","en":"That is, that there are chambers inside, they line the walls of the chambers with moist soil and it dries to a kind of an adobe-like surface in it.","es":"Me refiero a que hay rec\u00e1maras dentro, forran los muros de las rec\u00e1maras con tierra h\u00fameda que al secar se transforma en una superficie tipo adobe."} {"gender":"male","en":"Good robot, that's good.","es":"\u00a1Buen robot, bien hecho!"} {"gender":"male","en":"But if the injury had been treated, why would the alarm bell keep ringing?","es":"Pero si la lesi\u00f3n hab\u00eda sido tratada, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 segu\u00eda sonando la alarma del dolor?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This isn't just a dry policy issue.","es":"No es solo un asunto de fr\u00edas pol\u00edticas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was working with the Imperial and the Brompton, and this generated some serious problems for the project. Really, problems that shouldn't exist.","es":"Estaba trabajando con Imperial y Brompton, y esto ha generado algunos problemas graves con el proyecto, realmente problemas que no deber\u00edan existir."} {"gender":"male","en":"And do not get the impression that this is very subjective.","es":"Y no piensen que esto es muy subjetivo."} {"gender":"male","en":"They need to be nurtured and encouraged from when they're little kids.","es":"Necesitan ser nutridos y animados desde que son ni\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"So Brazil has 1,782 millimeters per year of precipitation of rain.","es":"As\u00ed que Brasil tiene 1782 mil\u00edmetros anuales de precipitaciones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"BG: Wendy, thank you very much for coming to TEDGlobal.","es":"BG: Wendy, muchas gracias por venir a TEDGlobal."} {"gender":"female","en":"It happened continuously, repeatedly.","es":"Ocurr\u00eda continuamente, repetidamente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Turns out, it's a big deal.","es":"Y eso es muy importante."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We had warm towels and slippers ready immediately so she never got cold for a second.","es":"Ten\u00edamos toallas calientes y zapatillas preparadas de inmediato, as\u00ed que nunca se enfri\u00f3 ni un segundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well unfortunately, power corrupts, and so people will do lots of things to get power and to stay in power, including doing bad things to elections.","es":"Bueno, lamentablemente, el poder corrompe por eso la gente hace muchas cosas para llegar al poder y mantenerlo, incluso cosas malas en las elecciones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"How do you impose human intuition on data at this scale?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo se aplica la intuici\u00f3n humana sobre los datos a esta escala?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And suicide doesn't even fit into this in a very logical way.","es":"Y el suicidio ni siquiera encaja en esto de una manera muy l\u00f3gica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Like, you can probably do it ten times better than humans would, just cameras.","es":"Podr\u00edas ver diez veces mejor que los humanos, solo con c\u00e1maras."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's all the anthems and dance crazes and ballads and marches.","es":"Son todos los himnos y las danzas de moda y las baladas y las marchas."} {"gender":"male","en":"There were more things that might happen, more futures I might have.","es":"Hab\u00eda m\u00e1s cosas que podr\u00edan ocurrir, m\u00e1s futuros que podr\u00eda tener."} {"gender":"female","en":"And on the other end of the spectrum, this is a microstructure.","es":"En el otro extremo del espectro est\u00e1n las microestructuras."} {"gender":"male","en":"Ironic, and it's also, I think, quite telling, because the Kaaba and the rituals around it are relics from the earliest phase of Islam, that of prophet Muhammad.","es":"Ir\u00f3nico y a la vez muy revelador porque la Ka'bah y sus rituales son reliquias de la primera fase del Islam, la del profeta Mahoma."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that change is China entering the United Nations.","es":"Y ese cambio era China incorpor\u00e1ndose a la ONU."} {"gender":"male","en":"That was eradicated, so that got down to zero.","es":"Fue erradicada, as\u00ed que baj\u00f3 a cero."} {"gender":"male","en":"You need to be able to measure everything around you and compute them.","es":"Se debe medir todo lo que est\u00e1 a tu alrededor y calcularlo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I need to go to the mall, and you know your father now, he takes a nap in the afternoon, and I got to go.","es":"Necesito ir al centro comercial, y t\u00fa conoces a tu padre, se toma su siesta en la tarde, y yo necesito ir."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let them do it.","es":"Perm\u00edtanles que lo hagan."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Men, if you get nothing else out of this talk, practice expansive listening, and you can transform your relationships.","es":"Hombres, aunque no recuerden otra cosa de esta charla, practiquen la escucha expansiva y podr\u00e1n transformar sus relaciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"Big, big problem.","es":"Gran, gran problema."} {"gender":"male","en":"So when someone actually goes on a plane, they could be sick and they could actually be in this latency period in which they could actually have the disease but not exhibit any symptoms, and they could, in turn, spread the disease to many other people in the cabin.","es":"Porque cuando uno viaja en avi\u00f3n puede estar enfermo, y la enfermedad sigue latente es decir, la persona ya est\u00e1 enferma, pero todav\u00eda no tiene s\u00edntomas por lo tanto, puede transmitir la enfermedad a otros pasajeros en la cabina."} {"gender":"male","en":"The first thing, as I said, is going to be virtual stuntmen.","es":"Lo primero, como dije, es el doble virtual."} {"gender":"male","en":"We do reveal so much more information about ourselves online than ever before, and so much information about us is being collected by organizations.","es":"Revelamos mucha m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n personal en l\u00ednea que nunca antes, y las empresas recolectan mucha m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n sobre nosotros."} {"gender":"male","en":"These examples give new hope, new possibility to the problems I witnessed in Uganda or that my father confronted in Bihar.","es":"Estos ejemplos dan una nueva esperanza , una nueva posibilidad a los problemas que presenci\u00e9 en Uganda o a los que mi padre enfrent\u00f3 en Bihar."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in her most recent project, it's called \"Weather I Made.\"","es":"Su proyecto m\u00e1s reciente se llama \"Mi Clima\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I love a challenge, and saving the Earth is probably a good one.","es":"Me gustan los desaf\u00edos y salvar al planeta probablemente es uno bueno."} {"gender":"male","en":"They were lawyers, journalists, priests, they all said: \"We don't want this.\"","es":"Hubo abogados, periodistas, sacerdotes, todos dijeron: \"No queremos esto\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Amongst all these other people who don't have the disease, the test will get it right 99 percent of the time.","es":"Entre todas las personas que no tienen la enfermedad, la prueba acertar\u00e1 el 99% de las veces."} {"gender":"male","en":"So this means that, with each euro he invested, he was able to move 26 euros of market value through the chain of ownership relations.","es":"Esto significa, que por cada euro que invirti\u00f3, pudo mover 26 euros de valor burs\u00e1til a trav\u00e9s de la cadena de relaciones de propiedad."} {"gender":"female","en":"But I guess in a world which is dominated by professionalizing everything we do, I really understood that that simple act of listening could have such a life-changing effect.","es":"Pero en un mundo dominado por la profesionalizaci\u00f3n de todo lo que hacemos, realmente entend\u00ed que, ese simple acto de escuchar, podr\u00eda tener un efecto que cambiara la vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, in favor of the proposition, possibly shockingly, is one of, truly, the founders of the environmental movement, a long-standing TEDster, the founder of the Whole Earth Catalog, someone we all know and love, Stewart Brand.","es":"As\u00ed que, a favor de la proposici\u00f3n, posiblemente de forma escandalosa est\u00e1, realmente uno de los fundadores del movimiento medioambiental, un ''TEDster'' desde hace mucho tiempo, el fundador del Whole Earth Catalog, alguien que todos conocemos y apreciamos, Stewart Brand."} {"gender":"female","en":"John Patrick's sitting on his lap and Kevin Michael's on his right.","es":"John Patrick est\u00e1 sentado en su regazo y Kevin Michael a su derecha."} {"gender":"male","en":"We had deflation during the Depression, but that was collapse of the money supply, collapse of consumer confidence, a completely different phenomena.","es":"Hemos tenido deflaci\u00f3n durante la Depresi\u00f3n, pero eso ha sido un colapso de la oferta de dinero, colapso de la confianza del consumidor, un fen\u00f3meno completamente diferente."} {"gender":"female","en":"The other way in which our genes can sometimes lead us astray is in social status.","es":"La otra forma en que los genes nos pueden sabotear es a trav\u00e9s del estatus social."} {"gender":"female","en":"And what about \"motherland?\"","es":"\u00bfY qu\u00e9 pasa con \"patria\"?"} {"gender":"male","en":"That worked.","es":"Funcion\u00f3."} {"gender":"female","en":"Sex is DNA.","es":"El sexo es el ADN."} {"gender":"male","en":"My seeing her, it wasn't her, at the mailbox.","es":"Imaginaba verla, no era ella, en el buz\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"In that way it is so relevant.","es":"En ese sentido es tan relevante."} {"gender":"male","en":"And how many favor the second, same-sex marriage?","es":"\u00bfY cu\u00e1ntos est\u00e1n a favor de la segunda, el matrimonio del mismo sexo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"But before I get there, let's start with the problem.","es":"Pero antes de hablar de eso, empecemos por el problema."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so if we had a scale to measure the aptitude of each hemisphere, then we can plot our brain.","es":"Por lo tanto, si utiliz\u00e1ramos una escala para medir la aptitud de cada hemisferio, podr\u00edamos dise\u00f1ar un plano de nuestro cerebro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So you can't live your life in fear.","es":"As\u00ed que no puedes vivir tu vida asustado."} {"gender":"female","en":"But we think about games as fun, and that's completely reasonable, but let's just think about this.","es":"Pensamos en los juegos como algo divertido y es completamente razonable, pero deteng\u00e1monos en esto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So in place of curiosity, what we have is a culture of compliance.","es":"As\u00ed que en lugar de la curiosidad, lo que tenemos es una cultura de cumplimiento."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They sold their land, they sold their wives' jewelry, to make thousands in recruitment fees for this company, Global Horizons.","es":"Vendieron su tierra, vend\u00edan joyas de sus esposas, para pagar los honorarios de reclutamiento de Global Horizons."} {"gender":"male","en":"Over the heart, don't move the wrist.","es":"Sobre el coraz\u00f3n, no muevan la mu\u00f1eca."} {"gender":"male","en":"It seemed like a mission impossible, a dream too big, especially for a 15-year-old, yet that dream came true in 2015, when not only did we succeed in reducing the stampedes and their intensity, but we marked 2015 as the first Nashik Kumbh Mela to have zero stampedes.","es":"Parec\u00eda una misi\u00f3n imposible, un sue\u00f1o demasiado grande, especialmente para un chico de 15 a\u00f1os, y, sin embargo, ese sue\u00f1o se convirti\u00f3 en una realidad en 2015, cuando no solo logramos reducir las estampidas y su intensidad, sino en la que marcamos al 2015 por haber sido la primer kumbhamela de Nasik sin ninguna estampida."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm not a programmer, never done anything with ocular recognition technology, but I just recognized something and associated myself with amazing people so that we could make something happen.","es":"No soy programador, nunca hice nada con tecnolog\u00eda de reconocimiento ocular; simplemente reconoc\u00ed algo y me asoci\u00e9 con gente maravillosa para poder hacer que suceda."} {"gender":"male","en":"And Fraser's on his knees, arms tied behind his back, and he's crying.","es":"Y Fraser est\u00e1 arrodillado, con sus brazos amarrados atr\u00e1s de su espalda, y est\u00e1 llorando."} {"gender":"male","en":"Business as usual in healthcare is broken and we've got to do something different.","es":"Como de costumbre, los negocios de la salud no funcionan y hay que hacer algo nuevo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Trying to tell the world what we were seeing brought us accusations of bias, of siding with one side, of not seeing the whole side, and just, you know, trying to tell one story.","es":"Tratando de decirle al mundo lo que ve\u00edamos nos report\u00f3 acusaciones de parcialidad, de estar con un lado, de no ver todos los lados, y que solo intentara contar una historia."} {"gender":"female","en":"I didn't save all of them, because I didn't realize at the beginning that it would be something that I would want to keep track of.","es":"No guard\u00e9 todos los registros, porque al principio no me d\u00ed cuenta que ser\u00eda algo que me hubiera gustado guardar."} {"gender":"male","en":"The only phase, as we know it that can support humanity.","es":"El \u00fanico lugar, como lo conocemos, que puede sostener a la Humanidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"And they then wrote code, usually machine code, sometimes binary code, which was then sent by mail to a data center to be punched onto paper tape or card and then re-punched, in order to verify it.","es":"Luego escrib\u00edan c\u00f3digo, por lo general c\u00f3digo m\u00e1quina, a veces c\u00f3digo binario, que luego enviaban por correo a un centro de datos para perforar con eso cintas de papel o tarjetas y luego volver a perforarlos para verificaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And on the day of our record attempt, we put furniture pads on the outside of our good luck jeans and we set off, and right away, we were in trouble, because the denim was against our skin and it began to chafe, and soon our knees were being chewed up.","es":"Y en el d\u00eda de nuestro intento de r\u00e9cord, pusimos cojines en el exterior de nuestros jeans de la buena suerte y nos pusimos en marcha, y de inmediato, nos metimos en problemas, debido a que la mezclilla estaba pegada a nuestra piel esta comenz\u00f3 a irritarse, y pronto nuestras rodillas estaban abrasadas."} {"gender":"male","en":"We need three things.","es":"Necesitamos 3 cosas."} {"gender":"male","en":"The advantage of volume, first, just has to do with the complexity of the world nowadays.","es":"Primero, la ventaja de volumen, simplemente tiene que ver con la complejidad del mundo actual."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that was the onset of ALS.","es":"Y ese fue el inicio de la ELA."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let's just take a few examples.","es":"Tomemos solo unos ejemplos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So this is me when I was 12 years old.","es":"En esta foto tengo 12 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"Will Shortz, crossword puzzle.","es":"Will Shortz de crucigramas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And recently, I've actually been combining both.","es":"\u00daltimamente, he estado haciendo un poco de las dos."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, the phrase \"topic sentence\", that comes from the Greek word \"topos,\" which means \"place.\"","es":"De hecho el t\u00e9rmino \"t\u00f3pico\", viene del griego \"topos\", que significa \"lugar\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because with 50 funds to choose from, it's so damn hard to decide which fund to choose, that you'll just put it off till tomorrow, and then tomorrow and then tomorrow and tomorrow, and, of course, tomorrow never comes.","es":"Porque con 50 fondos a escoger, es tan dif\u00edcil decidir cu\u00e1l fondo escoger. que simplemente lo pospones para ma\u00f1ana. Y entonces ma\u00f1ana y ma\u00f1ana y ma\u00f1ana y ma\u00f1ana, y por supuesto ma\u00f1ana nunca llega."} {"gender":"male","en":"Its leash had been tied to the chair as her master went in for coffee, and she was just persistent in her efforts to greet me, perhaps get a scratch behind the ear.","es":"La correa hab\u00eda sido atada a la silla en tanto su amo iba al caf\u00e9, y el perro solo persist\u00eda en sus esfuerzos para saludarme, quiz\u00e1s quer\u00eda una caricia en la oreja."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"To confront these challenges, policymakers must look beyond traditional healthcare pathways and employment policies and recognize that informal care will continue to form the bedrock of care.","es":"Para hacer frente a estos desaf\u00edos, los legisladores deben ver m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de las v\u00edas tradicionales en sanidad y pol\u00edticas de empleo y reconocer que los cuidadores informales continuar\u00e1n siendo la base de la atenci\u00f3n a pacientes."} {"gender":"female","en":"Last, but not least, we believe in profit with principles. We care how we make our profit.","es":"Por \u00faltimo, pero no menos importante, creemos en las ganancias con principios; nos preocupa c\u00f3mo obtenemos la ganancia."} {"gender":"male","en":"And therefore all identities are extremely unstable.","es":"Por lo tanto, todas las identidades son extremadamente inestables."} {"gender":"male","en":"Before becoming governor of Texas, or Barack Obama before running for president, could not make even a small county manager in China's system.","es":"Antes de convertirse en gobernador de Texas, o Barack Obama antes de postularse para Presidente, no podr\u00edan hacer sido ni siquiera administradores de un peque\u00f1o condado en el sistema de China."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The depressive group was usually accurate to within about 10 percent, and the non-depressed people guessed between 15 and 20 times as many little monsters, as they had actually killed.","es":"El grupo de depresivos acertaba con un margen de cerca del 10 % y el grupo de los no deprimidos respond\u00eda entre 15 y 20 veces m\u00e1s monstruitos. que los que hab\u00edan matado en verdad."} {"gender":"male","en":"So that's great, but again, cheap shot, right?","es":"As\u00ed que eso est\u00e1 genial, pero fue f\u00e1cil."} {"gender":"male","en":"George Box, who was an English statistician, once wrote, \"All models are false, but some models are useful.\"","es":"George Box, que fue un estad\u00edstico ingl\u00e9s, una vez escribi\u00f3: \"Todos los modelos son falsos, pero algunos modelos son \u00fatiles\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And how does intuition affect the way that we interact?","es":"O c\u00f3mo la intuici\u00f3n afecta la manera en que interactuamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so that's what I've been striving for all of my life.","es":"Y por ese sue\u00f1o he luchado toda mi vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'd like to conclude by saying something I'd like to conclude by relating all of what I've said to the term \"beauty.\"","es":"Quisiera terminar diciendo algo \u2013 Quisiera terminar relacionando todo lo dicho con la palabra \"belleza\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's the story of civilization.","es":"Esa es m\u00e1s o menos la historia de la civilizaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"What this shows is a nation-by-nation breakdown of the likely level of food waste in each country in the world.","es":"All\u00ed se analiza pa\u00eds por pa\u00eds los niveles probables de desperdicio de comida en cada lugar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Because we don't just enjoy now, we participate.","es":"Porque hoy no s\u00f3lo disfrutamos, participamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we realized we could exploit this, and in fact, as we've done that, and we've done this now in many thousands of people, I think on the order of five or six thousand.","es":"Entonces nos dimos cuenta que pod\u00edamos aprovecharnos de esto, y en realidad, mientras lo hemos hecho, y lo hemos hecho en miles de personas, creo que m\u00e1s o menos a unas cinco o seis mil personas."} {"gender":"male","en":"You don't have to tiptoe.","es":"No tienes que andar de puntillas."} {"gender":"male","en":"What to do instead?","es":"Entonces \u00bfqu\u00e9 s\u00ed hacer?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, we started from someplace seemingly innocuous, online adds following us around, and we've landed someplace else.","es":"Comenzamos en un lugar aparentemente inocuo, anuncios en l\u00ednea sigui\u00e9ndonos a todas partes, y hemos terminado en otro lugar."} {"gender":"male","en":"One, two, three, four or five?","es":"Uno, dos, tres, cuatro o cinco"} {"gender":"female","en":"Oh my God.\"","es":"Dios m\u00edo\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We exist and we are free.\"","es":"Existimos y somos libres\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"We relied on systems created through the toil and sacrifice of generations before to protect us, and we felt that governments actually worked for our betterment.","es":"Nos bas\u00e1bamos en sistemas que eran producto del trabajo y sacrificio de generaciones anteriores para protegernos y sent\u00edamos que los gobiernos realmente trabajaban para nuestro bienestar."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, in a group with so many IT people, I do have to mention what I'm not going to talk about, and that is that your field is one that has learned an enormous amount from living things, on the software side.","es":"En un grupo con tanta gente de TI, tecnologias de la informaci\u00f3n, tengo que decirlo, aunque no lo tratar\u00e9 mucho, es que su campo, es uno que ha aprendido bastante de los seres vivos, por el lado del software."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was essentially a ghost in the system.","es":"Era un fantasma en el sistema."} {"gender":"female","en":"One week after we began composting our fifth donor body, the temperature inside that mound of wood chips reached 158 degrees Fahrenheit. Imagine harnessing that heat to create energy or comfort the grieving on a cold day.","es":"Una semana despu\u00e9s de comenzar el compostaje de nuestro quinto cuerpo donante, la temperatura interior en aquellas chapas de madera alcanz\u00f3 los 70 \u00ba C. Imaginen aprovechar ese calor para crear energ\u00eda o consolar a los afligidos en un d\u00eda fr\u00edo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So there are two very, very different visions here.","es":"De modo que hay dos visiones muy, muy diferentes aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's parts of the genome where it cannot tolerate even a single error, and then there's parts of the genome where we can put in large blocks of DNA, as we did with the watermarks, and it can tolerate all kinds of errors.","es":"Hay partes del genoma que no pueden tolerar ni un solo error, y luego hay partes del genoma en donde podemos colocar grandes bloques de ADN, tal como lo hicimos con las marcas de agua, y puede tolerar todo tipo de errores."} {"gender":"male","en":"It makes a lot of sense, but it seems impractical.","es":"Tiene mucho sentido, pero parece poco pr\u00e1ctico."} {"gender":"male","en":"So Honey Bee Network builds upon the resource in which poor people are rich.","es":"As\u00ed que la Red Abeja contruye sobre el recurso del que los pobres son ricos."} {"gender":"male","en":"They smell us.","es":"Nos huelen."} {"gender":"male","en":"Our food chain, our brilliant products, and I'm sorry I'm giving you a word from the sponsors, Knorr, Hellman's and all those wonderful products.","es":"Nuestra cadena de comida, nuestros productos brillantes y disc\u00falpenme que les estoy mencionando a nuestros patrocinadores Knorr, Hellman's y todos esos productos maravillosos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Every time a woman has sex simply because it feels good, it is revolutionary.","es":"Cada vez que una mujer tiene sexo simplemente porque se siente bien, es algo revolucionario."} {"gender":"male","en":"I like hearing what they're thinking about; I like seeing what they link to; I like learning a thing or two.","es":"Me gusta escuchar sus ideas; me gusta ver los enlaces que comparten; me gusta enterarme de algunas cosas."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a small device found in a motorcycle, and it helps motorists when they want to turn right or left.","es":"Es un aparato peque\u00f1o que hay en las motocicletas, para indicar el giro a la derecha o la izquierda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But James got the part of Joseph, which we were thrilled about.","es":"A James le dieron el papel de Jos\u00e9, y nos ten\u00eda encantados."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I wanted to give you a brief glimpse into how we're going to look at this.","es":"Les explicar\u00e9 brevemente c\u00f3mo vamos a ver esto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It would run for billions and billions of years.","es":"Durar\u00eda miles de millones y miles de millones de a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I was in the prison.","es":"Bien, estuve en la prisi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"But here, in this particular case, we decided, you know, with Kate and Paul, that we would have no gratuitous violence.","es":"Pero en este caso en particular decidimos , con Kate y Pablo, que no incluir\u00edamos violencia gratuita."} {"gender":"female","en":"Not out of malice or greed, just trying to make sure that you get something to work for you so you can move on.","es":"No por malicia ni codicia, solo para asegurarse de tener algo que les d\u00e9 resultado para poder avanzar."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so when a couple comes to me in the aftermath of an affair that has been revealed, I will often tell them this: Today in the West, most of us are going to have two or three relationships or marriages, and some of us are going to do it with the same person.","es":"Entonces cuando viene una pareja luego de una aventura que ha salido a la luz, a menudo les digo esto: Hoy en Occidente, la mayor\u00eda de nosotros tendremos dos o tres relaciones, o matrimonios, y algunos de nosotros los tendremos con la misma persona."} {"gender":"male","en":"The slum built on the railroad reservation between the sea and the railroad tracks was completely swept away.","es":"Las casas pobres construidas en la reserva del tren entre el mar y las v\u00edas hab\u00edan desaparecido completamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so you can see this something poisonous emanating out of this pump that you could see in a glance.","es":"Y pueden ver entonces que este \"veneno\" proven\u00eda de este pozo como pueden ver."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Sometimes a science will tell something about ourselves; it'll tell us who we are.","es":"A veces la ciencia nos dice algo al respecto de nosotros mismos, nos dice quienes somos."} {"gender":"male","en":"This study became very famous and we got a lot of comments, especially anthropologists, economists, philosophers.","es":"Este estudio llego a ser muy famoso y obtuvimos muchos comentarios, especialmente de antrop\u00f3logos, economistas, fil\u00f3sofos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I wanted to know that the school I attended not only had good teachers, but the resources we needed.","es":"Quer\u00eda que la escuela a la que asist\u00eda no solo tuviera buenos maestros, sino tambi\u00e9n los recursos que necesit\u00e1bamos."} {"gender":"female","en":"You have grown into a gorgeous woman.","es":"Has crecido para ser una mujer espl\u00e9ndida."} {"gender":"female","en":"Some of these organisms live even longer.","es":"Algunos de estos organismos viven m\u00e1s tiempo."} {"gender":"female","en":"It creates a culture and a society that values what make us special and unique.","es":"Pro-Voice crea una cultura y una sociedad que valora lo que nos hace especiales y \u00fanicos."} {"gender":"female","en":"There's going to be a new system based on donated package tracking technology from the logistics company that I work for.","es":"Va a haber un nuevo sistema basado en un paquete con tecnolog\u00eda de rastreo, donado a la compa\u00f1\u00eda de log\u00edstica para la que trabajo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What that means is, a 200-megabyte file looks like this, ladies and gentlemen.","es":"Lo que eso significa es, un archivo de 200 megabytes se ve as\u00ed, damas y caballeros. \u00bfde acuerdo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"It includes the so-called Arab Spring, which took place mostly on the continent.","es":"Incluye la llamada \"primavera \u00e1rabe\", que se celebr\u00f3 en el continente."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the election is doing to my private life what Amazon is doing to shopping malls.","es":"Y la elecci\u00f3n est\u00e1 haciendo a mi vida privada lo que Amazon est\u00e1 haciendo a los centros comerciales."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean you have become, whether you can giggle at it because it's a funny you know, it's a strange thought, but your building is an icon, you can draw a little picture of that building, it can be used in ads, and you've had not rock star status, but celebrity status in doing what you wanted to do for most of your life.","es":"Quiero decir, te has convertido, si te puedes reir de ello porque es gracioso, tu sabes, es un pensamiento extra\u00f1o. Pero tu edificio es un \u00edcono. Puedes dibujar una peque\u00f1a imagen de ese edificio, puede ser usado en propagandas. Y has tenido, no estatus de estrella de rock, pero s\u00ed de celebridad, haciendo lo que has querido hacer durante la mayor parte de tu vida."} {"gender":"female","en":"These are the home recipes.","es":"Estas son las recetas caseras."} {"gender":"male","en":"From the same time: \"Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.\"","es":"De la misma \u00e9poca: \"El sue\u00f1o es la cadena de oro que une la salud y nuestros cuerpos\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Larger by 17 percent than every terminal put together at Heathrow, built, plus the new, un-built Terminal Five.","es":"17 por ciento m\u00e1s grande que todos los terminales puestos juntos en Heathrow, m\u00e1s el nuevo terminal cinco, no construido a\u00fan."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was extraordinary.","es":"Fue algo extraordinario."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because after all, they learn about the world almost, like, about it, rather than learning how to function in it.","es":"Porque despu\u00e9s de todo, aprenden sobre el mundo casi como \u00e9l, en vez de aprender c\u00f3mo funcionar en \u00e9l."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So the exaggeration is way out of hand. But environmentalists always exaggerate. That's a problem.","es":"As\u00ed que la exageraci\u00f3n es desproporcionada, pero los ambientalistas siempre exageran, ese es el problema."} {"gender":"female","en":"Yes, he probably had ongoing depression.","es":"S\u00ed, quiz\u00e1 ten\u00eda depresi\u00f3n continua."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I didn't really like the news when the company I had been working for, that was my previous employer, announced that they wanted to stop OLED research.","es":"As\u00ed que realmente no me gust\u00f3 la noticia cuando la empresa para la que hab\u00eda estado trabajando, que fue mi empresa anterior, anunci\u00f3 que quer\u00edan detener la investigaci\u00f3n OLED."} {"gender":"female","en":"And that reason is architecture.","es":"Y esta raz\u00f3n es la arquitectura."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the app adds rewards, incentives, group prizes, user rating.","es":"Y la aplicaci\u00f3n tambi\u00e9n tiene recompensas, incentivos, precios grupales, calificaci\u00f3n de usuarios."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I remember, Natasha didn't want us opening the door, sorry, I was trying not to open the door, because we'd spent so much time barricading the room.","es":"Y recuerdo que Natasha no quer\u00eda que abri\u00e9ramos la puerta perd\u00f3n, YO no quer\u00eda abrir la puerta ya que hab\u00edamos tardado tanto rato en aislar la habitaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And so in the fall of 1771, James Somerset had a confrontation with Charles Stewart.","es":"As\u00ed, en el oto\u00f1o de 1771, James Somerset tuvo una confrontaci\u00f3n con Charles Stewart."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"OK.","es":"Bien."} {"gender":"female","en":"I didn't want to have anything to do with this anymore.","es":"No quer\u00eda saber nada de aquello nunca m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"Norman Rockwell hangs in living rooms and bathrooms, and this is not something to be considered high art.\"","es":"Los trabajos de Norman Rockwell cuelgan en salas y ba\u00f1os, y eso no es algo que se considere arte."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And linked to this crowd mania were examples all around the world, from the election of a president to the infamous Wikipedia, and everything in between, on what the power of numbers could achieve.","es":"Hay ejemplos en todo el mundo relacionados con esta man\u00eda popular, desde una elecci\u00f3n presidencial hasta la c\u00e9lebre Wikipedia, y todo lo que hay entre ambos, sobre lo cual, el poder popular podr\u00eda influir."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"To change the Arab nightmare into the American dream.","es":"Transformar la pesadilla \u00e1rabe en el sue\u00f1o americano."} {"gender":"male","en":"I have to end that one.","es":"Tengo que terminar con esa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We recently conducted a survey at The Silver Line to 3,000 older people, to ask them what they thought of the service.","es":"Recientemente realizamos una encuesta en The Silver Line a 3000 personas mayores, para preguntarles qu\u00e9 pensaban del servicio."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I said, Linus was wrong and that we're still in the game and that they should immediately start building models.","es":"Bueno, les dije que Linus estaba equivocado y que segu\u00edamos en el juego y que deb\u00edan comenzar inmediatamente a hacer modelos."} {"gender":"female","en":"In the process, I became a civil society diplomat.","es":"En el proceso, me convert\u00ed en una diplom\u00e1tica de la sociedad civil."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Please, don't send it.","es":"Por favor, no la env\u00eden."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, I know a question on everybody's minds is, okay, protecting privacy, this is a great goal, but can you actually do this without the tons of money that advertisements give you?","es":"S\u00e9 que la pregunta de todos es bien, proteger la privacidad, ese es el gran objetivo, pero \u00bfpueden hacerlo sin las cuantiosas sumas de dinero que aporta la publicidad?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm like, I don't want to write this anymore.","es":"Ya no quer\u00eda escribir el blog, y lentamente lo elimin\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"The science confirms what we know in our hearts.","es":"La ciencia confirma lo que ya sabemos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That people can read the transcripts is horrific enough. But a few weeks later, the audiotapes are aired on TV, and significant portions made available online.","es":"Que las personas puedan leer las transcripciones es ya muy horrendo, pero un par de semanas m\u00e1s tarde, las cintas de audio se emiten en la televisi\u00f3n, y porciones significativas est\u00e1n disponibles en l\u00ednea."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is 130-year-old technology, and this is a problem, because over 80 percent of all home electrical fires start below the safety threshold of circuit breakers.","es":"Esta tecnolog\u00eda tiene 130 a\u00f1os. Y esto es un problema. Porque m\u00e1s del 80 por ciento de los incendios el\u00e9ctricos en hogares comienzan debajo del umbral de seguridad de los disyuntores."} {"gender":"male","en":"In the process of evolution.","es":"En el proceso de evoluci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"When the five minutes were over, I would say, \"Pass me the sheets of paper, and I'll pay you a dollar per question.\"","es":"Pasados 5 minutos, les dir\u00eda, \"Denme sus hojas y les voy a pagar un d\u00f3lar por cada respuesta.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And we can add up all the countries together, weighting for the different population sizes, and that global score is 61.","es":"Podemos sumar todos los pa\u00edses juntos, ponderando los diferentes tama\u00f1os de poblaci\u00f3n, y que la puntuaci\u00f3n global es 61."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And the floor that you walk on, can it affect the way that you walk?","es":"Y el suelo que pisas, \u00bfpuede afectar la forma en que caminas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And I said, \"Manipulative.\"","es":"Y yo: \"Manipulaci\u00f3n\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And they thought, \"Well, we've got electricity, we'll plug somebody into the wall.","es":"Y entonces pensaron: \"bueno, tenemos electricidad, enchufaremos a alguien la toma de corriente\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"For the past year, I've been fortunate enough to work on this problem with the most amazing team of diabetes and obesity researchers in the country, and the best part is, just like Abraham Lincoln surrounded himself with a team of rivals, we've done the same thing.","es":"El a\u00f1o pasado, fui bastante afortunado al trabajar en este problema con el equipo m\u00e1s increible de investigadores de diabetes y obesidad del pa\u00eds, y la mejor parte es, que al igual que Abraham Lincoln se rode\u00f3 de un equipo de rivales, nosotros hemos hecho lo mismo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so I just want to do a quick demo.","es":"Por eso quiero hacer una demostraci\u00f3n r\u00e1pida."} {"gender":"female","en":"What book?","es":"\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 libro?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And there is a sound chamber.","es":"Y hay una c\u00e1mara de sonido."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Why did we think that this was the time to go biomimicry and copy a hummingbird?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 pensaron que era oportuno biomimetizar y simular un colibr\u00ed?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's great.","es":"Es genial."} {"gender":"male","en":"So after the 11th, and feeling an overwhelming sense of duty, and just being pissed off in general, at myself, my parents, the government; not having confidence, not having a respectable job, my shitty mini-fridge that I just drove to California and back, I joined the Marine Corps and loved it. I loved being a Marine.","es":"As\u00ed que despu\u00e9s del 11-S, abrumado por una sensaci\u00f3n de deber mientras estaba enojado en general conmigo mismo, con mis padres y el gobierno, sin confianza, o un trabajo respetable y con solo un minirefrigerador de mierda que arrastr\u00e9 a California y de vuelta, me un\u00ed a la Infanter\u00eda de Marina y me encant\u00f3."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Why?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But who knows that?","es":"Pero \u00bfqui\u00e9n sabe eso?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And they position us as the victims of unforeseen and totally unavoidable circumstances.","es":"Y nos posicionan como las v\u00edctimas de circunstancias imprevistas y totalmente inevitables."} {"gender":"female","en":"But that doesn't mean I came home empty-handed.","es":"Pero eso no significa que regres\u00e9 con las manos vac\u00edas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"For those of you who don't know, we're in the middle of the sixth mass extinction.","es":"Algunos de Uds. no saben que estamos en medio de la sexta extinci\u00f3n masiva."} {"gender":"male","en":"Where do these exist?","es":"\u00bfEn d\u00f3nde est\u00e1n?"} {"gender":"female","en":"First of all, that I'm in hip hop, you know what I'm saying.","es":"Antes que nada, soy hip hop, como Uds. saben."} {"gender":"male","en":"Face-to-face with a predator, you don't need your digestive system, or your libido, or your immune system, because if you're body is expending metabolism on those things and you don't react quickly, you might become the lion's lunch, and then none of those things matter.","es":"Cara a cara con un depredador, no es necesario el sistema digestivo, o la libido o el sistema inmunol\u00f3gico, porque si el cuerpo est\u00e1 gastando el metabolismo en esas cosas, no reacciona con rapidez. Podr\u00edan llegar a ser el almuerzo de los leones, as\u00ed que nada de eso importa."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I think that comes from connecting with nature, connecting with the energy of life, because we're all disabled in some way on the planet, spiritually, mentally or physically. I got the easy part.","es":"Y pienso que eso viene de conectarse con la naturaleza, conectarse con la energ\u00eda de la vida. Porque todos en el planeta somos discapacitados de alguna manera. Espiritual, mental o f\u00edsicamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"My third story is perhaps even more remarkable and, I should say, has never been shown to the public until today.","es":"Mi tercera historia es quiz\u00e1s a\u00fan m\u00e1s notable, y, debo decir, nunca se ha mostrado en p\u00fablico, hasta hoy."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We were also able to know whether malaria was mostly inside houses or outside houses.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n pudimos saber si la malaria estaba principalmente dentro o fuera de las casas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I cannot tell you how ashamed I felt when they handed one of those cups to me, and I knew I had to accept their hospitality.","es":"Y no puedo decirles cu\u00e1nta verg\u00fcenza sent\u00ed cuando me dieron una de esas tazas. Y yo sab\u00eda que ten\u00eda que aceptar su hospitalidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"Ben Novak was the youngest scientist at the meeting.","es":"Ben Novak era el cient\u00edfico m\u00e1s joven en la conferencia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In the middle of stars, you're joining hydrogen together to make helium and then helium together to make carbon, to make oxygen, all the things that you're made of are made in the middle of stars.","es":"En el centro de las estrellas se est\u00e1 uniendo hidr\u00f3geno para hacer helio y luego helio se une para hacer carbono, para hacer ox\u00edgeno, todas las cosas de las que estamos hechos se hacen en el centro de las estrellas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So that's one thing.","es":"As\u00ed que eso es una cosa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What can you do?","es":"Que pueden hacer?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Is it because Charles and Ray made this film?","es":"\u00bfEs porque Charles y Ray hicieron esta pel\u00edcula?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Except, one time showed up and they didn't want to come near the boat, and that was really strange.","es":"Excepto una vez que se present\u00f3 y no quer\u00edan acercarse al barco, lo cual fue muy extra\u00f1o."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He hasn't been able to shave, a sort of Billy Connolly figure.","es":"No pod\u00eda afeitarse; se parec\u00eda a Billy Connolly."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the ship that I spent the last three months on in the Antarctic.","es":"Este es el barco en el que he pasado los \u00faltimos 3 meses en la Ant\u00e1rtida."} {"gender":"male","en":"Or we could use one of these.","es":"O podr\u00edamos usar uno de estos."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's got one knob, on\/off. And every morning I hop on it.","es":"Tiene una perilla de encendido y apagado Todas las ma\u00f1anas me subo."} {"gender":"male","en":"They resisted environmental improvement.","es":"Se resisten a mejorar el medio ambiente."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in short order, thousands of people were building our machine.","es":"Y, en poco tiempo, miles de personas estaban construyendo nuestra m\u00e1quina."} {"gender":"female","en":"The point is, when you find yourself choosing between home and survival, the question \"Where are you from?\" becomes very loaded.","es":"El tema es que cuando tienes que elegir entre tu hogar y sobrevivir, la pregunta \"\u00bfDe d\u00f3nde eres?\" cobra una carga."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, one thing which we did for a laugh was to create a slightly more complex stunt scene, and one of the most famous stunts is the one where James Bond jumps off a dam in Switzerland and then is caught by a bungee.","es":"Ahora, una cosa que hicimos para reirnos un poco fue crear una escena un poco m\u00e1s compleja, y una de las piruetas m\u00e1s famosas es esa que James Bond salta desde una presa en Suiza y despu\u00e9s queda suspendido de un bunjee."} {"gender":"male","en":"We invent for fun, invention is a lot of fun to do, and we also invent for profit.","es":"Inventamos por diversi\u00f3n. Inventar es muy divertido. Y tambi\u00e9n inventamos para ganar dinero."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's the world we're coming into, in which we will increasingly see that our alliances are not fixed.","es":"Y \u00e9se es el mundo al que vamos en el que veremos cada vez m\u00e1s que nuestras alianzas no son fijas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now in the next few years, humanity's going to go through a shift, I think.","es":"Y bien, creo que en los pr\u00f3ximos a\u00f1os, la humanidad se enfrentar\u00e1 a un cambio."} {"gender":"male","en":"Get out there and see what people really want.","es":"Sal ah\u00ed fuera y ve lo que la gente realmente quiere."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, Africa is the most tropical continent on the planet, about 85 percent of it lies between Cancer and Capricorn, and there aren't a lot of glaciers here, except on the high mountains here in East Africa.","es":"Ahora, \u00c1frica es el continente m\u00e1s tropical del planeta, un 85% de su territorio est\u00e1 entre los tr\u00f3picos de C\u00e1ncer y Capricornio. Y no hay muchos glaciares ah\u00ed, excepto en las altas monta\u00f1as de aqu\u00ed, en el Este Africano."} {"gender":"male","en":"BG: Indeed, and possibly we are too, now.","es":"BG: En efecto y posiblemente tambi\u00e9n lo estamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"But wait, what is an idea anyway?","es":"Pero esperen, en definitiva, \u00bfqu\u00e9 es una idea?"} {"gender":"male","en":"The right question to ask is, how will 3D printing change my life?","es":"La pregunta correcta que hay que hacerse es, \u00bfc\u00f3mo la impresi\u00f3n 3D cambiar\u00e1 mi vida?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There was no fishing, there was no pollution, there was no coastal development, and the reef is on a full-bore recovery.","es":"No hubo pesca, ni contaminaci\u00f3n, ni desarrollo inmobiliario costero, y el arrecife est\u00e1 en franca recuperaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"They weigh thousands of pounds, are not by any means agile.","es":"Pesan miles de kilos no son \u00e1giles, en absoluto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Adrianne breathes and lives dance.","es":"Adrianne respira y vive la danza."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So they need a vector, and this vector, it's normally an animal.","es":"Por eso necesitan un vector y este vector por lo general es un animal."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, one way to eat fewer calories is to eat less food, which is why you can lose weight on any diet if you eat less food, or if you restrict entire categories of foods.","es":"Un modo de ingerir menos calor\u00edas es comer menos. Perdemos peso con cualquier dieta al comer menos, o restringir categor\u00edas enteras de alimentos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I think creativity, innovation is starting.","es":"Y yo creo que la creatividad, la innovaci\u00f3n, es empezar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The golden rule is great.","es":"La regla de oro es maravillosa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"One part of your brain wants you to resist, to shout, to cry, and the other part of the brain orders you to shut up and just go through it.","es":"Una parte del cerebro quiere resistir, gritar, llorar, y la otra parte del cerebro ordena que nos callemos y sobrellevemos la situaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He would definitely say, \"God came down from heaven, and he said unto the cow, 'Thou shalt cross the road.'","es":"Definitivamente dir\u00eda: \"Y Dios baj\u00f3 del cielo y le dijo a la vaca: 'Cruzar\u00e1s la calle'."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The place was completely full.","es":"El sitio estaba abarrotado."} {"gender":"male","en":"But there's something more significant here, something that I believe is more important and more crucial than my personal example.","es":"Pero hay algo m\u00e1s importante aqu\u00ed, algo que creo que es m\u00e1s significativo y decisivo que mi ejemplo personal."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think it's the most important legislation of 2006.","es":"Creo que es la ley mas importante de 2006."} {"gender":"male","en":"I guess if they took almost any one of you, and placed you alone with a chimpanzee on some island, the chimpanzee would do much better.","es":"Creo que si les dejasen solos a cualquiera de Uds. con un chimpanc\u00e9 en alguna isla el chimpanc\u00e9 lo har\u00eda mucho mejor."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was no longer homeless.","es":"Ya no estaba desahuciada."} {"gender":"male","en":"While overall new cases of HIV continue to drop in the world, this trend may be short-lived when the next wave of more aggressive and resistant viruses arrive.","es":"Si bien los nuevos casos de VIH siguen disminuyendo en el mundo, esta tendencia podr\u00eda durar poco tiempo, hasta que llegue la pr\u00f3xima ola de virus m\u00e1s agresivos y resistentes."} {"gender":"male","en":"He didn't have a doctor's degree, because he said nobody was qualified to give him one.","es":"\u00c9l no tuvo un doctorado, porque dec\u00eda que nadie estaba calificado para darle uno."} {"gender":"male","en":"So can brains change?","es":"\u00bfPuede cambiar el cerebro?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Eighty percent of refugees around the world are women and children.","es":"El 80% de los refugiados en todo el mundo son mujeres y ni\u00f1os."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The evidence is that humans begin to specialize in particular prey species, at particular times of the year.","es":"La evidencia es que los humanos comenzaron a especializarse en la caza de presas espec\u00edficas, en determinadas \u00e9pocas del a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"I created a video which was based on a Wireside Chat that I'd given, and I uploaded it to YouTube.","es":"Cre\u00e9 un video basado en un Chat Wireside que yo hab\u00eda dado, y lo sub\u00ed a YouTube."} {"gender":"male","en":"Tim McGraw.","es":"Tim McGraw."} {"gender":"male","en":"In the first story about robots, they turn against their creators.","es":"En la primer historia sobre robots, estos se volv\u00edan contra sus creadores."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's a benefit of 400 million years of ambulation.","es":"Est\u00e1 el beneficio de 400 millones de a\u00f1os de deambular."} {"gender":"male","en":"It is such a privilege to go to Antarctica, I can't tell you.","es":"Es un gran privilegio ir a la Ant\u00e1rtida puedo decirlo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Whether they leak out depends on their size.","es":"La filtraci\u00f3n depende de su tama\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"CA: On what format?","es":"CA: \u00bfEn qu\u00e9 formato?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Even if we choose to be silent, we chose to be silent, and we're communicating something by choosing to be silent.","es":"Incluso si optamos por permanecer en silencio, elegimos guardar silencio. Estamos comunicando algo al optar por el silencio."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it's an issue of the quality and the integrity of science and medicine.","es":"Y es un tema de la calidad y la integridad de la ciencia y la medicina."} {"gender":"male","en":"We never evolved to navigate in the world of atoms.","es":"Nunca evolucionamos para navegar en el mundo de los \u00e1tomos."} {"gender":"male","en":"But small atoms want to join together, small nuclei want to join together to make bigger ones to go towards iron.","es":"Pero \u00e1tomos peque\u00f1os quieren juntarse, peque\u00f1os n\u00facleos quieren juntarse para hacer n\u00facleos m\u00e1s grandes que se acerquen al de hierro."} {"gender":"female","en":"I would put all my emotional expression into my dancing.","es":"Yo podr\u00eda volcar toda mi expresi\u00f3n emotiva a la danza."} {"gender":"male","en":"But the first Eurobond, the raising of international capital offshore, off its own balance sheet, without any sovereign backing, that is an indication of the confidence that is taking place in that economy.","es":"Pero el primer Euro Bono, el aumento del capital internacional exterior, fuera de su propio balance general, sin ning\u00fan tipo de apoyo externo, es una indicaci\u00f3n de la confianza que se est\u00e1 dando en la econom\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"So thank you guys.","es":"Gracias amigos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So that's what the mountain taught us.","es":"Eso es lo que nos ense\u00f1\u00f3 la monta\u00f1a."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's jumped 20 years into 20-over game.","es":"Ha dado un salto de 20 a\u00f1os hasta el cricket 20-20."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's going to be exhibits and food, music.","es":"Habr\u00e1 exposiciones y comida y m\u00fasica."} {"gender":"male","en":"Really powerful dynamic.","es":"Una din\u00e1mica muy poderosa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And at the time, she was miserable.","es":"En ese momento, ella era infeliz."} {"gender":"male","en":"So that led us to think, hmm, how many bodies were in the grave?","es":"Lo que nos llev\u00f3 a pensar, mmm, \u00bfcu\u00e1ntos cuerpos hab\u00eda en la tumba?"} {"gender":"male","en":"The problem is that there's just not nearly enough of them out there.","es":"El problema es que no hay suficientes."} {"gender":"male","en":"See what you can pick up from this.","es":"A ver qu\u00e9 les llega de esto."} {"gender":"female","en":"The other thing that I've learned about leadership is that there's a difference between leadership and celebrities, right?","es":"Otra cosa que aprend\u00ed del liderazgo es que hay una diferencia entre ser l\u00edder y ser celebridad, \u00bfno?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"That means everyone in here, and those who are watching the screen. We must believe in their brilliance, and remind them by teaching them that there indeed is power in education.","es":"Eso significa que todos aqu\u00ed, y los que miran por la pantalla. debemos creer en su brillantez, y recordarles al educarlos que hay de hecho poder en la educaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Pretty elegant.","es":"Muy elegante."} {"gender":"female","en":"Is this just the way the world is?","es":"\u00bfAs\u00ed son las cosas?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You can always find the Nigerians by following the noise and the dancing, right?","es":"Siempre encontrar\u00e1s a los nigerianos siguiendo el ruido y el baile, \u00bfverdad?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, what can you do?","es":"Ahora, \u00bfqu\u00e9 pueden hacer?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Jeff Bezos kindly, yesterday, said he'll put this video up on the Amazon site, some little clip of it.","es":"Jeff Bezos amablemente ayer me dijo que pondr\u00eda este video en la p\u00e1gina de Amazon, un fragmento."} {"gender":"female","en":"When I came to this company one year ago, I thought to myself, this company has anti-discrimination policies that protect gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.","es":"Cuando llegue a esta empresa hace un a\u00f1o, me dije a m\u00ed misma, esta compa\u00f1\u00eda tiene pol\u00edticas contra la discriminaci\u00f3n que protegen a los gays, lesbianas, bisexuales y transexuales."} {"gender":"female","en":"While young people seem to be very sure about their participation in public policy-making, but sometimes they're a little bit lost in terms of what they want for their personal life.","es":"Si bien los j\u00f3venes parecen estar muy seguros de su participaci\u00f3n en la formulaci\u00f3n de pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas, a veces est\u00e1n un poco perdidos en lo que quieren para sus vidas personales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That is, maybe you have a mind, and everyone else is just a really convincing robot.","es":"Es decir, tal vez usted tiene una mente, y todos los dem\u00e1s son s\u00f3lo robots realmente convincentes."} {"gender":"female","en":"One day, it was normal; the next day, it was hell.","es":"Era un d\u00eda normal y al siguiente era un infierno."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They even learn new words, in this case in American Sign Language.","es":"Incluso aprenden nuevas palabras, en este caso en el lenguaje de se\u00f1as americano."} {"gender":"female","en":"We've actually seen a huge increase of women going in the last 24, but especially 12 months.","es":"Hemos visto crecer el n\u00famero de mujeres en los \u00faltimos 24, pero especialmente en los \u00faltimos 12 meses."} {"gender":"female","en":"Worldwide, there are more than 2,000 firefly species, and these have evolved remarkably diverse courtship signals, that is, different ways to find and attract mates.","es":"En todo el mundo, hay m\u00e1s de 2000 especies de luci\u00e9rnagas, que han desarrollado muy diversas se\u00f1ales de cortejo, es decir, diferentes formas de encontrar y atraer parejas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So we started focusing on processing issues.","es":"As\u00ed que empezamos a enfocarnos en los problemas de procesamiento."} {"gender":"female","en":"She has become part of the solution, not the problem.","es":"Se ha vuelto parte de la soluci\u00f3n, no del problema."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was lively.","es":"Era animado."} {"gender":"female","en":"They have no education and no freedom.","es":"No tienen ni educaci\u00f3n ni libertad."} {"gender":"female","en":"I did get depressed.","es":"Me deprim\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"In fact, a member of society is only truly dead when the extended family can agree upon and marshal the resources necessary to hold a funeral ceremony that is considered appropriate in terms of resources for the status of the deceased.","es":"En realidad, un miembro de la sociedad est\u00e1 verdaderamente muerto cuando toda la familia logra ponerse de acuerdo y presentar los recursos necesarios para celebrar una ceremonia f\u00fanebre que se considere apropiada en t\u00e9rminos de recursos para el estatus del fallecido."} {"gender":"male","en":"And by leveraging these sorts of technologies, we're going to change the definition of disability to, in some cases, be superability, or super-enabling.","es":"Y creo que mediante el aprovechamiento de este tipo de tecnolog\u00edas, vamos a cambiar la definici\u00f3n de la discapacidad por, en algunos casos, s\u00faper-habilidad, o s\u00faper-capacidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"How do you do that?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo lo haces?"} {"gender":"male","en":"\"So, when that didn't work out I had to make a few arrangements, let me tell you.\"","es":"\"Entonces, cuando eso no resulto, tuve que hacer algunos arreglos, d\u00e9jenme decirles.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"It is physically the largest project on the planet at the moment.","es":"Es f\u00edsicamente el proyecto m\u00e1s grande del planeta hasta el momento."} {"gender":"female","en":"Algorithmic bias, like human bias, results in unfairness.","es":"El sesgo algor\u00edtmico, como el humano, se traduce en injusticia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And what they found was a surprisingly high 76 percent increase in the learning effectiveness when using virtual laboratories over traditional teaching methods.","es":"Y encontraron que sorprendentemente aument\u00f3 un 76 % la eficacia en el aprendizaje al usar laboratorios virtuales frente a los m\u00e9todos tradicionales de ense\u00f1anza."} {"gender":"female","en":"I said, \"I'm going to do chemistry.\"","es":"Dije: \"Voy a hacer qu\u00edmica\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And he drove me out to the University of Pittsburgh where I filled out a college application and got in on probation.","es":"Y me llev\u00f3 a la Universidad de Pittsburg donde llen\u00e9 la solicitud de ingreso y entr\u00e9 a prueba."} {"gender":"male","en":"Only now, investment isn't going to be about the relentless and mindless pursuit of consumption growth.","es":"S\u00f3lo que ahora invertir no va a tratarse de la b\u00fasqueda incesante y absurda del incremento en el consumo."} {"gender":"female","en":"His binoculars are one of the most critical acting devices he has. He doesn't have a face or even traditional dialogue, for that matter.","es":"Porque eran una de las herramientas m\u00e1s importantes de su papel, ya que no tiene cara y de hecho, tampoco el di\u00e1logo tradicional."} {"gender":"female","en":"Also, people were taking photographs of this, so it was being texted around the world extremely quickly, all this imagery.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n, la gente estaba tomando fotos, por lo que estas im\u00e1genes estaban siendo r\u00e1pidamente enviadas por mensaje de texto."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is called your set point, but that's a misleading term, because it's actually a range of about 10 or 15 pounds.","es":"Esto se denomina punto de ajuste, pero ese t\u00e9rmino es enga\u00f1oso porque en realidad es un rango que var\u00eda de 4 a 7 kilos."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's just her in the picture, not even the President.","es":"Solo est\u00e1 ella en la foto, ni siquiera el Presidente."} {"gender":"male","en":"So now, what would happen if I took over my control of your hand?","es":"Ahora, \u00bfqu\u00e9 pasar\u00eda si me hiciera cargo del control de tu mano?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"EM: Exactly.","es":"EM: Exacto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And they did.","es":"Y lo hicieron."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What emerges is a truly sad, horrific tale of a young girl and her family trapped in poverty.","es":"Lo que surge es una historia verdaderamente triste y espantosa de una ni\u00f1a y su familia atrapadas en la pobreza."} {"gender":"female","en":"He's at about 40 to 50 percent of his previous performance before the lesion.","es":"Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 al 40 al 50 % de su comportamiento previo, antes de la lesi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Do you remember the handover of Hong Kong by Britain to China in 1997?","es":"\u00bfSe acuerdan del traspaso de Hong Kong de Gran Breta\u00f1a a China en 1997?"} {"gender":"male","en":"If I split South Africa, it's like this.","es":"Si divido a Sud\u00e1frica es as\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"So that was the low-fear group.","es":"As\u00ed que ese era el grupo de poco miedo."} {"gender":"female","en":"You can be buried at the base of a tree in recycled cardboard or a wicker basket, and for those who love the ocean, there are eco-friendly urns that will dissolve at sea.","es":"Podemos ser enterrados al pie de un \u00e1rbol en cart\u00f3n reciclado o en un canasto de mimbre y, para quienes aman el oc\u00e9ano, hay urnas ecol\u00f3gicas que se disuelven en el mar."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if it looks like Greek to you, it's because, well, it's Greek. But the simple English translation, much less precise, but it captures the gist of what Bernoulli had to say, was this: The expected value of any of our actions, that is, the goodness that we can count on getting, is the product of two simple things: the odds that this action will allow us to gain something, and the value of that gain to us.","es":"Y si les parece griego, bueno, es porque es griego Pero la traducci\u00f3n sencilla, mucho menos precisa, pero que recoge la esencia de lo que Benoulli tenia que decir, era esta: El valor esperado de cualquiera de nuestras acciones - es decir, lo positivo que esperamos obtener - es el producto de dos cosas: la probabilidad de que esta acci\u00f3n nos permita ganar algo, y el valor que esta ganancia tenga para nosotros."} {"gender":"male","en":"But teaching kids programming per se is utterly irrelevant.","es":"Ense\u00f1ar a los ni\u00f1os a programar como tal es totalmente irrelevante."} {"gender":"male","en":"As a result, networks are ideal representations of complex systems.","es":"Como resultado, las redes son representaciones ideales de los sistemas complejos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Sustained stress leads to suppressed immunity. And so, tired people tend to have higher rates of overall infection, and there's some very good studies showing that shift workers, for example, have higher rates of cancer.","es":"El estr\u00e9s constante conduce a una inmunidad suprimida, y la gente cansada tiende a tener \u00edndices m\u00e1s altos de infecciones en general, y existen muy buenos estudios que muestran que los trabajadores por turnos, por ejemplo, tienen mayores \u00edndices de c\u00e1ncer."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we talked until the last song on the tape.","es":"Y hablamos hasta la \u00faltima canci\u00f3n de la cinta."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because ladies and gentlemen, the world is not just.","es":"Porque se\u00f1oras y se\u00f1ores, el mundo no es justo."} {"gender":"female","en":"With this approach, and with these interventions and others like them, I have no doubt that a precision public health approach can help our world achieve our 15-year goal.","es":"Con este enfoque, y con estas intervenciones y otras semejantes, no tengo ninguna duda de que un enfoque de salud p\u00fablica de precisi\u00f3n puede ayudarnos alcanzar nuestro objetivo a nivel global en 15 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"Even when there's absolutely nothing wrong, I sometimes get this overwhelming sense of doom, like danger is lurking just around the corner.","es":"Incluso si no hay absolutamente nada malo, a veces tengo esa abrumadora sensaci\u00f3n de fatalidad, como si el peligro acechara a la vuelta de la esquina."} {"gender":"male","en":"The thread that links them all: our addiction to carbon based fuels, like dirty coal and foreign oil.","es":"Y la amenaza que lo une todo, nuestra adicci\u00f3n a combustibles basados en el carb\u00f3n, el carb\u00f3n sucio y el petr\u00f3leo extranjero."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Sweden was like Ghana.","es":"Suecia era como Ghana."} {"gender":"male","en":"What?","es":"\u00bf\u00a1Qu\u00e9!?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Because when you go out there as a scholar, and you try to find out longitudinal studies, track records like that, there essentially are very few, if none.","es":"Porque cuando sales como estudiante, e intentas encontrar estudios longitudinales, registros de campo como esos, hay esencialmente muy pocos o ninguno."} {"gender":"male","en":"The way you manage all these different gases and different gas supplies is this really high-tech, sophisticated gas block up on the front here, where it's easy to reach.","es":"Y controlas todos estos gases distintos y todos sus flujos mediante este bloque de gases sofisticado y de alta tecnolog\u00eda que est\u00e1 ac\u00e1 adelante donde es f\u00e1cil de alcanzar."} {"gender":"male","en":"YNH: Yeah, next week.","es":"YNH: S\u00ed, en una semana."} {"gender":"female","en":"But instead of landing a job in a pharmaceutical company or a hospital, I found myself drawn to a different kind of lab, working with a different kind of patient, a patient whose illness was so serious it impacted every single person in my country; a patient who needed to get healthy fast.","es":"Pero en vez de encontrar empleo en una farmac\u00e9utica o en un hospital, me vi atra\u00edda hacia otra clase de laboratorio, a trabajar con otra clase de paciente, uno cuya enfermedad era tan grave, que afectaba a cada ciudadano de mi pa\u00eds. Un paciente que deb\u00eda curarse r\u00e1pido."} {"gender":"female","en":"They find themselves sort of sandwiched between the urban areas and the rural areas.","es":"Se encuentran en una especie de s\u00e1ndwich entre las \u00e1reas urbanas y las rurales."} {"gender":"male","en":"Every year, we get in the neighborhood of 9,000 new nominations for the Ig Nobel prize.","es":"Cada a\u00f1o, tenemos 9000 nuevas nominaciones para el premio Ig Nobel."} {"gender":"female","en":"On August 14th and 15th, they took a stool sample, and by the 25th of August, it was confirmed he had Type 1 polio.","es":"El 14 y 15 de agosto tomaron una muestra de heces, y para el 25 de agosto se confirm\u00f3 que ten\u00eda el poliovirus de tipo 1."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There was no language to translate this ancient, idiosyncratic handcraft into something machine operators could produce.","es":"No hab\u00eda un lenguaje para traducir esta tradici\u00f3n manual tan antigua y tan peculiar en instrucciones de producci\u00f3n para los operadores de las m\u00e1quinas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So it probably even feels good for the insect, as well as looking good.","es":"As\u00ed, probablemente el insecto se siente muy bien ah\u00ed y se ve muy bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"So people get wrapped up in it.","es":"As\u00ed que la gente se involucr\u00f3 en \u00e9l."} {"gender":"male","en":"So let me tell you about a couple other of the men and women that I interacted with in the course of this program.","es":"D\u00e9jenme contarles sobre otro par de personas con las que tuve contacto durante la duraci\u00f3n de este programa."} {"gender":"male","en":"There was only one way to do calculating and that was by hand.","es":"S\u00f3lo hab\u00eda una manera de hacer el c\u00e1lculo y era a mano."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so I want to show you a high-speed video sequence of a fly shot at 7,000 frames per second in infrared lighting, and to the right, off-screen, is an electronic looming predator that is going to go at the fly.","es":"Y por eso quiero mostrarles una secuencia de v\u00eddeo de alta velocidad de una mosca, a 7000 fotogramas por segundo con luz infrarroja, y a la derecha, fuera de la pantalla, hay un depredador electr\u00f3nico amenazador que atacar\u00e1 a la mosca."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's why I travel all over the world talking to foreign militaries.","es":"Por eso viajo por el mundo hablando con ej\u00e9rcitos extranjeros."} {"gender":"male","en":"I know he's going to love cliffs.","es":"S\u00e9 que le van a gustar los precipicios."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And incredibly, this exact pattern is being recreated in real time inside the minds of everyone listening.","es":"Y aunque parezca incre\u00edble, este patr\u00f3n exacto es recreado, en tiempo real, en la mente de todos los que escuchan."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The reason for that is that these characters are actually not real characters.","es":"La raz\u00f3n de este comportamiento es que estos personajes no son reales."} {"gender":"male","en":"The East Germans knew, of course, that they were surrounded by informers, in a totalitarian regime that created mistrust and a state of widespread fear, the most important tools to oppress people in any dictatorship.","es":"Los alemanes del este sab\u00edan que estaban rodeados de informantes, en un r\u00e9gimen totalitario que creaba desconfianza y en un estado de terror colectivo, la herramienta m\u00e1s importante para oprimir a la gente en cualquier dictadura."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, the tight rows up at the very top, they really hold out the wind and dust.","es":"Ahora, las filas apretadas en lo m\u00e1s alto, realmente detienen el viento y el polvo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When people hear us, with the kind of unpredictable ideology, then maybe people will listen.","es":"Cuando la gente nos oiga, hablando de ideolog\u00eda impredecible, entonces tal vez la gente escuche."} {"gender":"female","en":"Who would have imagined that so many daily tasks we do or take for granted, such as going to the beach or even picking up something from the floor, would become sources of stress and anxiety?","es":"\u00bfQui\u00e9n habr\u00eda imaginado que tantas tareas diarias que hacemos o damos por sentadas, tales como ir a la playa o incluso recoger algo del suelo, se convertir\u00edan en fuentes de estr\u00e9s y ansiedad?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Why am I telling that?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 os cuento esto?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So we have found a way to use the available technology to send money via M-Pesa, which is a bit like a check system for the mobile age.","es":"Hemos encontrado una forma de usar la tecnolog\u00eda disponible para enviar dinero v\u00eda M-Pesa. Es una especie de cheque de la era m\u00f3vil."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that could explain the difference between an original and a forgery.","es":"Y eso podr\u00eda explicar la diferencia entre un original y una falsificaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because part of Kennedy's vision for the Apollo program was that it be a cooperation, not a competition, with the Soviets.","es":"Porque parte de la visi\u00f3n de Kennedy para el programa Apollo era que fuera una cooperaci\u00f3n, no una rivalidad con los sovi\u00e9ticos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And somehow, we don't really know exactly the whole story, but the train took the wrong track and went to a work camp rather than the death camp.","es":"Y de alguna forma, no sabemos exactamente toda la historia, pero el tren tom\u00f3 la v\u00eda equivocada y fue a un campo de trabajo en vez de un campo de muerte."} {"gender":"female","en":"OK. So, the first one I was very timid, and I'll begin.","es":"As\u00ed que la primera columna fue muy t\u00edmida y empezar\u00e9."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We were both pretty much flying off the handle, actually.","es":"En realidad, ambos perdimos un tanto los estribos."} {"gender":"male","en":"What we do have is the flexibility of an academic center to work with competent, motivated, enthusiastic, hopefully well-funded people to carry these molecules forward into the clinic while preserving our ability to share the prototype drug worldwide.","es":"Lo que s\u00ed tenemos es la flexibilidad de un centro acad\u00e9mico para trabajar con competentes, motivados, entusiastas y, espero, equipos de investigaci\u00f3n bien financiados, para impulsar estas mol\u00e9culas hacia el \u00e1mbito cl\u00ednico mientras preservamos nuestra habilidad para compartir la sustancia prototipo internacionalmente."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's at the top of the pyramid of evidence.","es":"Est\u00e1 en la punta de la pir\u00e1mide de la evidencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"Then there's the risk of putting a sleep-deprived teen, with a newly minted driver's license, behind the wheel.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n existe el riesgo de poner un joven que no ha dormido lo suficiente y que recientemente ha sacado su carn\u00e9 de conducir detr\u00e1s del volante."} {"gender":"male","en":"He looks at the phantom being resurrected, because he's looking at the reflection of the normal arm in the mirror, and it looks like this phantom has been resurrected.","es":"Ve que el fantasma est\u00e1 resucitando, porque est\u00e1 viendo el reflejo del brazo normal en el espejo y parece como si el fantasma hubiese resucitado."} {"gender":"male","en":"It got quieter.","es":"Se tranquiliz\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"With that empowerment comes complete responsibility.","es":"Un gran poder viene con una gran responsabilidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is the actual rocketcam footage from flight one.","es":"Esta es la filmaci\u00f3n real de la rocketcam en el primer vuelo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well how else can we create new ideas?","es":"\u00bfY de qu\u00e9 otro modo podemos crear nuevas ideas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Maybe it's evolved from coming down from trees, and trying to control a glide.","es":"Quiz\u00e1s ha evolucionado a partir de la ca\u00edda desde los \u00e1rboles, y el intento de controlar el planeo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was a real shock to me, and it suggested that people like me who think of ourselves as inclusive, open and tolerant, perhaps don't know our own countries and societies nearly as well as we like to believe.","es":"Fue un gran golpe para m\u00ed, y esto sugiri\u00f3 que personas como yo que se piensan a s\u00ed mismas como inclusivas, abiertas y tolerantes, quiz\u00e1s no conocen sus propios pa\u00edses y sociedades tan bien como queremos creer."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"Oh,\" he said.","es":"\"Ah\", dijo \u00e9l."} {"gender":"female","en":"Once I saw an ad, and it was a lot of friends, they were going up a mountain, it was a very high mountain, and it was a lot of work.","es":"Una vez vi un anuncio, hab\u00eda un mont\u00f3n de amigos, escalaban una monta\u00f1a, era una monta\u00f1a muy alta, todo era muy arduo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now I felt like I was, I felt like I was talking to Nick again.","es":"Me sent\u00ed como si estuviera Me sent\u00ed como si estuviera hablando con Nick de nuevo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Outer socket made by using heated high-density polyethylene pipes, rather than using heated sheets.","es":"El exterior realizado con conductos de calefacci\u00f3n en polietileno de alta densidad, en lugar de usar l\u00e1minas calientes."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I knew that at that moment that what I should give to my people is education and health, and that's what I went after.","es":"Supe en ese momento que lo que deb\u00eda darle a mi gente era educaci\u00f3n y salud, y eso es lo que hice despu\u00e9s."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"OK, well, imagine a civilization that's much more advanced than our own.","es":"Bueno, imaginen una civilizaci\u00f3n mucho m\u00e1s avanzada que la nuestra."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It weighs 24,000 pounds.","es":"Pesa 11 000 kilos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Twenty years after my match with Deep Blue, second match, this sensational \"The Brain's Last Stand\" headline has become commonplace as intelligent machines move in every sector, seemingly every day.","es":"Veinte a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s de mi partida con Deep Blue, la segunda partida, la del titular sensacionalista, \"El \u00faltimo combate del cerebro\", se ha vuelto algo com\u00fan conforme las m\u00e1quinas inteligentes incursionan en todos los sectores, aparentemente a diario."} {"gender":"male","en":"Am I not \/ A fly like thee? \/ Or art not thou \/ A man like me?","es":"\u00bfNo tenemos t\u00fa y yo \/ la misma identidad \/ tu arte no tiene \/ una misma humanidad?"} {"gender":"male","en":"It seems to me that there is this latent potential everywhere, all around us.","es":"Y me parece que existe un potencial latente en todas partes, a nuestro alrededor."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's seen as the problem now, for most people.","es":"La mayor\u00eda las ve como un problema."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can't run a place on this scale simply from Beijing, even though we think this to be the case.","es":"No se puede gobernar un lugar de estas dimensiones s\u00f3lo desde Beijing, a\u00fan cuando pensemos que este es el caso."} {"gender":"female","en":"And now imagine one of these structures in motion around a star.","es":"Ahora imaginen una de estas estructuras en movimiento alrededor de una estrella."} {"gender":"male","en":"And right before the operation, we were able to discuss the functional map of my brain with the doctor, to understand which risks I was running into and if there were any I wanted to avoid.","es":"Y justo antes de la operaci\u00f3n pudimos discutir ese mapa funcional de mi cerebro con el m\u00e9dico, para entender los riesgos que corr\u00eda y si hab\u00eda alguno que quer\u00eda evitar."} {"gender":"male","en":"I couldn't shake it.","es":"No pod\u00eda superarlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, as we zoom-in beyond a certain level this resolves into a kind of Sim City-like virtual view at 45 degrees.","es":"Entonces, si amplificamos despu\u00e9s de un cierto nivel esto se convierte en una suerte de \"Sim City\", una vista virtual a 45 grados."} {"gender":"male","en":"So when a person goes blind, what we used to call their visual cortex gets taken over by other things, by touch, by hearing, by vocabulary.","es":"Cuando una persona queda ciega, lo que llamamos corteza visual es ocupada por el tacto, el o\u00eddo, el vocabulario."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He's years old, and this blockchain has some extraordinary capabilities.","es":"Tiene 22 a\u00f1os, y esta cadena de bloques tiene algunas capacidades extraordinarias."} {"gender":"male","en":"I said I wanted to tell you the Awesome story, I wanted to share with you the three As of Awesome, and I wanted to leave you with a closing thought.","es":"Les dije que quer\u00eda contarles la historia \u00abalucinante\u00bb quer\u00eda compartir con Uds las tres A de \u00abalucinante\u00bb y quer\u00eda dejarles un pensamiento final."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"My father was an academic, and we were in the UK through his work.","es":"Mi padre era profesor universitario y viv\u00edamos en el Reino Unido gracias a su trabajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then, of course, another excuse: \"Well, I would do this, I would do this, but, but, well, after all, I'm not weird.","es":"Y por supuesto, otra excusa: \"Bueno, podr\u00eda hacerlo, podr\u00eda, pero pero bueno, al final, no soy tan raro\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And he now adorns my office.","es":"Y ahora adorna mi oficina."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I remember there sitting at my desk thinking, \"Well, I know this.","es":"Y recuerdo estar sentado en mi escritorio pensando, \"Bien, s\u00e9 esto."} {"gender":"female","en":"From the oracle bones of ancient China to ancient Greece to Mayan calendars, people have craved for prophecy in order to find out what's going to happen next.","es":"Desde los or\u00e1culos de huesos de la antigua China a la antigua Grecia, a los calendarios mayas, la gente ha buscado la profec\u00eda para enterarse de qu\u00e9 va a suceder."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm really sorry, but my husband rented those apartments and didn't tell me about them.\"","es":"Lo siento mucho, pero mi marido alquil\u00f3 los apartamentos y no me dijo nada\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Those colorful, out-of-the-box kind of thinkers.","es":"A esos pensadores pintorescos, desestructurados."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the Stasi would have known who took part at this protest, and if the Stasi would have known who are the leaders behind it, this may never have happened.","es":"Y la Stasi hubiese sabido qui\u00e9n particip\u00f3 en esta protesta, y, si la Stasi hubiese sabido qui\u00e9nes eran los l\u00edderes, esto nunca hubiese ocurrido."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"SS: Thank you.","es":"SS: Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"India gave refuge to the Jews, fleeing the destruction of the first temple by the Babylonians, and said thereafter by the Romans.","es":"India ofreci\u00f3 refugio a los jud\u00edos que huyeron de la destrucci\u00f3n del primer templo por los babilonios, y a partir de entonces por los romanos."} {"gender":"male","en":"DM: Sick leave.","es":"DM: Baja por enfermedad."} {"gender":"female","en":"I could have never imagined that it would take 14 years to live together.","es":"Nunca podr\u00eda haber imaginado que tomar\u00eda 14 a\u00f1os volver a vivir juntos."} {"gender":"female","en":"These are two robots that live in my home.","es":"Estos son dos robots que viven en mi casa."} {"gender":"female","en":"So if we imagine a section of our infinite universe, and so I've put down four spiral galaxies, OK, and imagine that you put down a set of tape measures, so every line on here corresponds to a tape measure, horizontal or vertical, for measuring where things are.","es":"Si imaginamos una secci\u00f3n de nuestro universo infinito y en el que he colocado cuatro galaxias espirales, \u00bfvale? E imaginad que coloc\u00e1is una serie de cintas de medir, de manera que cada l\u00ednea aqu\u00ed se corresponde con una cinta de medir horizontal o vertical, para medir d\u00f3nde est\u00e1n las cosas."} {"gender":"male","en":"You could basically imagine it has a large hall filled with hard drives storing data they are collecting.","es":"Imaginen b\u00e1sicamente un gran sal\u00f3n lleno de discos duros para almacenar los datos que est\u00e1n recolectando."} {"gender":"female","en":"What can I learn with you?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 puedo aprender contigo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Because if we cling to it, and continue to assume that it can underpin our choices, the future that it presents to us is one which is really unmanageable.","es":"Porque si nos aferramos a ello, y seguimos asumiendo que puede sustentar nuestras opciones, el futuro que se nos presenta es realmente imposible de controlar."} {"gender":"female","en":"Here is one from a story about Staten Island after Hurricane Sandy:","es":"Este es un ejemplo de una historia sobre Staten Island tras el hurac\u00e1n Sandy:"} {"gender":"female","en":"But under the surface was a very different reality.","es":"Pero la realidad era muy distinta de la apariencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"When families in sub-Saharan Africa are given the opportunity to make those decisions for themselves, I think it will help spark a virtuous cycle of development in communities across the continent.","es":"Si a las familias de \u00c1frica subsahariana se les da la oportunidad de tomar esas decisiones de forma aut\u00f3noma, creo que ayudar\u00e1 a despertar un c\u00edrculo virtuoso de desarrollo en las comunidades de todo el continente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The students like to have fun.","es":"A los alumnos les gusta divertirse."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's now under a 10th of a cent.","es":"Ahora est\u00e1 por debajo de una d\u00e9cima de centavo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It lets nature decide, and nature, by and large, is pretty good at deciding.","es":"Permite a la naturaleza decidir, y la naturaleza, por lo general, decide bastante bien."} {"gender":"female","en":"So she had changed.","es":"Ella hab\u00eda cambiado."} {"gender":"male","en":"We test it by prediction: What is the next word in this ?","es":"La probamos por medio de la predicci\u00f3n. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la siguiente palabra en este, tu sabes?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So we embarked upon the reinvention around an electrochemical engine, the fuel cell, and hydrogen as the energy carrier.","es":"As\u00ed que nos embarcamos en la reinvenci\u00f3n en torno a un motor electroqu\u00edmico, la c\u00e9lula de combustible, con hidr\u00f3geno como conductor de energ\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"What we are trying to say is that once you outsource the bottom end of the ladder, you, it's a self-perpetuating act, because of the sinking skill ladder, and the sinking skill ladder is simply the point that you can't be an investment banker without having been an analyst once.","es":"Lo que intentamos decir es que una vez que subcontratas el pelda\u00f1o m\u00e1s bajo de la escalera, se vuelve un acto de auto perpetuaci\u00f3n, por la simple raz\u00f3n de que en la escalera de habilidad sumergida no puedes ser un banquero inversionista sin haber sido alguna vez un analista."} {"gender":"female","en":"Nine times, I climbed to the top of her 90-foot mast.","es":"Nueve veces trep\u00e9 a su m\u00e1stil de 28 metros."} {"gender":"male","en":"And you can see, it's kind of pollinating, germinating, growing.","es":"Y pueden ver como que se poliniza, germina, crece."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We've managed to do that in the last 100 to 150 years.","es":"Y hemos logrado hacerlo en los \u00faltimos 100 a 150 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Instead, they set up their lives so that they are constantly nudged into physical activity.","es":"En su lugar, organizan sus vidas de tal manera que est\u00e1n obligados a realizar actividad f\u00edsica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You just stay where you are, please.\"","es":"Solo qu\u00e9date donde est\u00e1s, por favor."} {"gender":"male","en":"So imagine if every video that we watched on the web worked like the web, completely remixable, linked to its source content, and interactive for everyone who views it.","es":"Imaginen si todos los videos que miramos en la web funcionaran con la web, completamente remezclables, vinculados con sus fuentes, interactivos con todos los que los vieran."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was like peanut butter meets chocolate.","es":"Se juntaron el chocolate y la manteca de man\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"He said, \"Oh, when I go to Africa, it's so easy.","es":"Dijo: \"Ah, cuando voy a \u00c1frica, todo es muy f\u00e1cil."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is Leonardo da Vinci's \"Vitruvian Man,\" the ideal proportions, with arm span equal to height.","es":"Este es \"El hombre de Vitruvio\" de Leonardo da Vinci, las proporciones ideales, con la longitud del brazo igual a la altura."} {"gender":"male","en":"I will tell you by the end of my speech.","es":"Se los dir\u00e9 al final de mi presentaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"The other one is the frontal lobe, which controls how we sustain attention, and another one is the anterior cingulate, which controls how we allocate and regulate attention and resolve conflict.","es":"La otra es el l\u00f3bulo frontal, que controla c\u00f3mo mantenemos la atenci\u00f3n, y otra es el giro cingular anterior, que controla c\u00f3mo asignamos y regulamos la atenci\u00f3n y resolvemos conflictos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, that's good news.","es":"Esas son las buenas noticias."} {"gender":"male","en":"We'll still be left with the complicated problem of making the atmosphere breathable, and frankly that could take 1,000 years to accomplish.","es":"Todav\u00eda tendremos que lidiar con el dif\u00edcil problema de hacer que la atm\u00f3sfera sea respirable, y francamente eso solo se lograr\u00e1 en 1000 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The English actually thought they were probably immune because of all the travel they did in the empire and so on.","es":"Los ingleses creyeron quiz\u00e1 que eran inmunes por todos los viajes que hicieron por el imperio."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here in astronomy, you have this vast explosion of new productive resources.","es":"As\u00ed que aqu\u00ed en la astronom\u00eda, tienes esta amplia explosi\u00f3n de nuevos recursos productivos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Prefabricated from the most traditional of materials, but that material, because of the technology, the computing ability, the ability to prefabricate, make high-performance components out of timber, very much at the cutting edge.","es":"Prefabricado con los materiales m\u00e1s tradicionales, pero ese material --porque la tecnolog\u00eda, la habilidad inform\u00e1tica, la habilidad de prefabricar componentes de alto desempe\u00f1o hechos de madera-- muy a la vanguardia."} {"gender":"female","en":"When you think about it, it's nuts to believe that the reasons given to you dictated that you had most reason to pursue the exact hobbies you do, to live in the exact house you do, to work at the exact job you do.","es":"Si lo piensan, es de locos creer que las razones dadas determinar\u00e1n que hay m\u00e1s raz\u00f3n en seguir los pasatiempos exactos para uno, la casa exacta para uno, el empleo exacto para uno."} {"gender":"female","en":"He brought that work into a design for a community center for reconciliation and wellness.","es":"Volc\u00f3 su trabajo en el dise\u00f1o de un centro comunitario para la reconciliaci\u00f3n y el bienestar."} {"gender":"male","en":"They started to pull forward, and fortunately for everyone, this cyclists reacts, avoids, and makes it through the intersection.","es":"Empezaron a avanzar, y afortunadamente para todos, este ciclista reacciona, evita, logra pasar la intersecci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"CA: Here's my last question: Personally, what can people do to help heal?","es":"CA: Mi \u00faltima pregunta: En lo personal, \u00bfqu\u00e9 puede hacer la gente para ayudar a curar?"} {"gender":"male","en":"You can use it on the normal Internet, but it's also your key to the dark net.","es":"Se puede usar con la Internet normal pero tambi\u00e9n es la clave para la red oscura."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That one is just amateur stuff, but what she was saying, as you could make out, was about neurons, with her hands were like that, and she was saying neurons communicate.","es":"Es solo material de aficionado, pero lo que ella dec\u00eda, como pudieron entender, era sobre las neuronas, con sus manos as\u00ed, y dec\u00eda que las neuronas se comunican."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When are we going to start talking and thinking about shipping miles as well as air miles?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1ndo empezaremos a hablar y pensar en las millas mar\u00edtimas, al igual que en las millas a\u00e9reas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And I see this as the cornerstone of regeneration, repair and hope.","es":"La veo como la piedra angular de la regeneraci\u00f3n, la recuperaci\u00f3n y la esperanza."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, Coach Parker had coached mediocre teams for years.","es":"Bien, el entrenador Parker trabaj\u00f3 por a\u00f1os con equipos mediocres."} {"gender":"male","en":"The economic challenges facing us are hard, but when I walk the factory floor, and I see how humans and brilliant machines are becoming interconnected, and I see the difference this makes in a hospital, in an airport, in a power generation plant, I'm not just optimistic, I'm enthusiastic.","es":"Los desaf\u00edos econ\u00f3micos que enfrentamos son duros, pero cuando visito f\u00e1bricas y veo c\u00f3mo los humanos y las brillantes m\u00e1quinas se est\u00e1n interconectando y veo la diferencia que hacen en un hospital, un aeropuerto, una planta el\u00e9ctrica, no solo soy optimista, soy muy entusiasta."} {"gender":"female","en":"But one day, in 1995, my mom brought home a letter from a coworker's sister.","es":"Pero un d\u00eda, en 1995, mi mam\u00e1 trajo a casa una carta del colega de mi hermana."} {"gender":"male","en":"They said they wouldn't let girls play.","es":"Dijeron que no dejaban jugar a ni\u00f1as."} {"gender":"female","en":"People often ask me how I choose the art that I showcase online or feature in gallery shows.","es":"La gente a menudo me pregunta c\u00f3mo elijo el arte que muestro en l\u00ednea o en presentaciones en galer\u00edas."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a little poem called \"Budapest,\" and in it I reveal, or pretend to reveal, the secrets of the creative process.","es":"Es un poema corto titulado \"Budapest\" en el que revelo, o pretendo revelar, los secretos del proceso creativo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I said, \"What kind of trouble did you have?\"","es":"Pregunt\u00e9: \u00ab\u00bfQu\u00e9 clase de problemas tuvieron?\u00bb."} {"gender":"male","en":"Damn it, that was the start of the solution!","es":"Maldita sea, \u00a1era el comienzo de la soluci\u00f3n!"} {"gender":"male","en":"We have to move from bricks-and-mortar school buildings to digital dormitories.","es":"Tendremos que pasar de las escuelas de ladrillos a los dormitorios digitales."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think it is absolutely wrong for research to begin in the first place without a clear plan for what would happen to the participants once the trial has ended.","es":"Creo que es un error que el investigador comience sin un plan concreto de lo que les pasar\u00e1 a los participantes una vez acabe el estudio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It is developed in the cultures.","es":"Est\u00e1 desarrollado en las culturas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It happened or it didn't happen.","es":"Pas\u00f3 o no pas\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"We can look inside with real-time fMRI in the brain at real time.","es":"Podemos ver el interior con fMRI en tiempo real; en el cerebro en tiempo real."} {"gender":"male","en":"He probably thought 9\/11 was his greatest achievement.","es":"Quiz\u00e1 \u00e9l crey\u00f3 que el 11-S fue su mayor logro."} {"gender":"male","en":"You need two conditions: The first is that reasoners all care about their own well-being.","es":"Necesitas dos condiciones: La primera es que todos los razonadores se preocupen por su propio bienestar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"Are they saying there's negative feedback effects that have to do with clouds that offset things?","es":"\u00bfEst\u00e1n diciendo que hay efectos de retroalimentaci\u00f3n negativa que tienen que ver con nubes que compensan las cosas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"When I say if mayors ruled the world, when I first came up with that phrase, it occurred to me that actually, they already do.","es":"Cuando hablo de los alcaldes que gobiernen al mundo, cuando al principio se me ocurri\u00f3 esa frase, me di cuenta de que, en realidad, ya lo hacen."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He basically went through systematically, showing that only the molecule in question was the one that stimulated the males, not all the others.","es":"B\u00e1sicamente lo hizo de forma sistem\u00e1tica, demostrando que solo la mol\u00e9cula en cuesti\u00f3n era la que estimulaba a los machos, no todas las dem\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is Orkut.","es":"\u00c9ste es Orkut."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is what the main Hindu fundamentalist organization in India looks like today at its mass rally.","es":"Las principales organizaciones fundamentalistas hind\u00faes en India se presentan as\u00ed en sus manifestaciones masivas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Andrew Solomon: You've talked a lot about the global versus the national, but increasingly, it seems to me, the world situation is in the hands of identity groups.","es":"Andrew Solomon: Has hablado mucho de lo global versus lo nacional, pero me parece que cada vez m\u00e1s la situaci\u00f3n mundial est\u00e1 en las manos de los grupos de identidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"When what was a tranquil sea swallows up people, homes and long-tail boats, mercilessly, without warning, and no one can tell you anything reliable about whether another one is coming, I'm not sure you'd want to calm down either.","es":"Cuando un mar tranquilo se traga sin piedad y sin preaviso a la gente, a los hogares y a las embarcaciones, y nadie pod\u00eda decirte con certeza si se repetir\u00eda, no estoy seguro de que uno quisiera calmarse tampoco."} {"gender":"male","en":"If we only look for talent in the same places we always do, gifted child programs, Ivy League schools, prestigious organizations, we're going to get the same results we always have.","es":"Si solo buscamos talento en los mismos lugares de siempre: escuelas para genios, universidades famosas, organizaciones de prestigio, vamos a obtener los resultados de siempre."} {"gender":"male","en":"I hear you cry.","es":"Te escucho llorar."} {"gender":"male","en":"It can't be done.","es":"No es posible."} {"gender":"female","en":"So in my lab, we bring adolescents and adults into the lab to have a brain scan, we give them some kind of task that involves thinking about other people, their minds, their mental states, their emotions, and one of the findings that we've found several times now, as have other labs around the world, is part of the prefrontal cortex called medial prefrontal cortex, which is shown in blue on the slide, and it's right in the middle of prefrontal cortex in the midline of your head.","es":"Al laboratorio traemos a adolescentes y a adultos para hacerles un esc\u00e1ner cerebral, les damos alguna tarea que involucre pensar sobre otras personas, sus estados mentales, sus emociones. Y uno de los resultados constatado varias veces, al igual que en otros laboratorios en todo el mundo, concierne a la zona de la corteza prefrontal llamada corteza prefrontal mesial, en azul en la diapositiva, y est\u00e1 justo en medio de la corteza prefrontal en la l\u00ednea media de la cabeza."} {"gender":"male","en":"And once the conditions are present, what you are doing becomes worth doing for its own sake.","es":"Y cuando estas condiciones est\u00e1n presentes, lo que estas haciendo se convierte en valioso en si mismo."} {"gender":"female","en":"You know, we're the smartest thing out there, why can't we figure this out?","es":"Es decir, somos los m\u00e1s inteligentes, \u00bfc\u00f3mo no podemos resolverlo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"There's a company in Boston called Nanex, and they use math and magic and I don't know what, and they reach into all the market data and they find, actually sometimes, some of these algorithms.","es":"Hay una compa\u00f1\u00eda en Boston llamada Nanex, que usa las matem\u00e1ticas y la magia y no s\u00e9 qu\u00e9 m\u00e1s, que consigue todos los datos del mercado y, a veces encuentra algunos de estos algoritmos."} {"gender":"female","en":"All righty.","es":"Bien."} {"gender":"female","en":"I remember it was a Thursday morning, and she was not available to speak with me.","es":"Recuerdo que era un jueves por la ma\u00f1ana, y ella no pod\u00eda hablar conmigo."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is peak fishing in a few seconds.","es":"Les muestro la actividad pesquera en pocos segundos."} {"gender":"male","en":"The state-regulated mining industry has collapsed, and control over mines has splintered.","es":"La industria minera regulada por el estado ha fracasado y el control sobre las minas se ha desarticulado."} {"gender":"male","en":"But there was one little boy, very small for his age.","es":"Pero hab\u00eda un ni\u00f1o peque\u00f1o, muy peque\u00f1o para su edad."} {"gender":"male","en":"So you start really understanding that you can have diseases, toxins, a need to balance your diet, and once you start looking, and from that point on, everything I have done in terms of the consumption of information, the production of information, the preparation of information, I've looked at from the viewpoint of food.","es":"As\u00ed que empezamos a comprender que podemos tener enfermedades y toxinas y que necesitamos equilibrar nuestra dieta y una vez que buscamos, a partir de ese momento, todo lo que he hecho en t\u00e9rminos de consumo, producci\u00f3n y preparaci\u00f3n de la informaci\u00f3n, todo lo he considerado desde el punto de vista de los alimentos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Europe in the 19th century: a great British foreign secretary, Lord Canning, used to describe it as the \"European concert of powers.\"","es":"Europa en el siglo XIX: Lord Canning, un gran secretario de relaciones exteriores brit\u00e1nico, sol\u00eda describirla como \u201cConcierto de Poderes Europeo\u201d."} {"gender":"male","en":"The former is a scale shift.","es":"El primero es un cambio de escala."} {"gender":"male","en":"Batman, fighting against the bad guys, he has his utility belt, he has his grappling hook, he has all different kinds of gadgets.","es":"Batman, cuando pelea contra los malos, tiene su cintur\u00f3n de armas, tiene un gancho arrojadizo, tiene toda clase de artilugios."} {"gender":"female","en":"And they gave me something.","es":"Y me dieron algo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I close with this song, it's a children's song, because we are all children at the table of mama eternal.","es":"Con esta canci\u00f3n, una canci\u00f3n infantil, porque todos somos ni\u00f1os sentados a la mesa de la madre eterna."} {"gender":"male","en":"There are nearly 100 subtypes of HIV, with new subtypes being discovered regularly.","es":"Existen casi 100 subtipos de VIH, adem\u00e1s de los nuevos subtipos que se van descubriendo."} {"gender":"female","en":"In our country, it's the kids that need it the most, who get this really, really lousy food.","es":"En nuestro pa\u00eds, son los ni\u00f1os, los que m\u00e1s lo necesitan, los que reciben esta comida mal\u00edsima."} {"gender":"male","en":"And you have to remember it.","es":"Y hay que recordarlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And he got, from other data sources, information to show which houses are occupied by white people.","es":"Y obtuvo, de otras fuentes de datos, informaci\u00f3n para mostrar qu\u00e9 casas est\u00e1n ocupadas por gente blanca."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We live in one of the places in the multiverse where the two numbers are just right.","es":"Vivimos en uno de los lugares en el multiverso donde los dos n\u00fameros son exactos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Another suit, please.","es":"Otro juego, que diga, otra flor, por favor."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Which brought us to this.","es":"Lo que nos llev\u00f3 a esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we take an image captured in March a few weeks before and contrast it to one taken a few weeks later.","es":"Tomamos una imagen en marzo, unas semanas antes, y las comparamos con unas tomadas unas semanas despu\u00e9s."} {"gender":"male","en":"These are shots my wife took a couple days after the quake, while I was making my way through the D.R. into the country.","es":"Estas son fotos que tom\u00f3 mi esposa un par de d\u00edas despu\u00e9s del sismo mientras yo iba camino al pa\u00eds por Rep\u00fablica Dominicana."} {"gender":"male","en":"They are training themselves, as many young animals do, to the adult life where they will be called to track the sun all the day.","es":"Se est\u00e1n auto-entrenando, como muchos animales j\u00f3venes, para la vida adulta, donde ser\u00e1n llamados a seguir al sol todo el d\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"So the GMT, if you can imagine, if I were to hold up a coin, which I just happen to have, and I look at the face of that coin, I can see from here the writing on the coin; I can see the face on that coin.","es":"El TGM, para tener una idea Si les mostrara una moneda, y resulta que tengo una, al mirar la cara de la moneda, puedo ver desde aqu\u00ed qu\u00e9 est\u00e1 escrito en ella, puedo ver la cara de esa moneda."} {"gender":"male","en":"HC: So we had been creating all of these dishes out of a kitchen that was more like a mechanic's shop than a kitchen, and the next logical step for us was to install a state-of-the-art laboratory, and that's what we have here.","es":"HC: Hemos creado todos estos platos en una cocina m\u00e1s parecida a un taller mec\u00e1nico que a una cocina El siguiente paso fue instalar un laboratorio de vanguardia y eso es lo que tenemos aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"And he says he doesn't want to interrupt his colleagues because, he says, \"They're too busy on their email.\"","es":"Dice que no quiere interrumpir a sus colegas porque piensa, \"est\u00e1n muy ocupados con sus correos\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here's another example.","es":"Aqu\u00ed hay otro ejemplo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Hydrogen sulfide is very fatal to we humans.","es":"El sulfuro de hidr\u00f3geno es mortal para nosotros los humanos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, the number one thing to do when it comes to being what you say you are, is to provide places for people to experience who you are.","es":"Entonces, la primera cosa que hay que hacer cuando se trata de decir lo que eres, es proveer lugares para que la gente experimente qui\u00e9n eres."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's not that complicated, right?","es":"No es tan complicado, \u00bfo s\u00ed?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And then he also made a lot of political references of the promises that were made to the people.","es":"Y luego tambi\u00e9n hizo muchas referencias pol\u00edticas de las promesas que se hicieron a la gente."} {"gender":"female","en":"We cared about God, the less fortunate, and the ocean.","es":"Nos preocup\u00e1bamos por Dios, los menos afortunados y el oc\u00e9ano."} {"gender":"female","en":"My youngest, Andrew, he came down from his home in Charlestown where he was working in Boston, and my son Pete, who had played at Boston College, baseball, had played baseball professionally in Europe, and had now come home and was selling group insurance, he also joined us.","es":"El m\u00e1s joven, Andrew, vino desde su casa en Charlestown en Boston donde trabajaba, y mi hijo Pete, que hab\u00eda jugado b\u00e9isbol en la Universidad de Boston, hab\u00eda jugado profesionalmente en Europa, hab\u00eda regresado a casa y estaba vendiendo seguros colectivos, tambi\u00e9n se nos uni\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's just working with a tuned mechanical system, with very simple parts, but inspired from the fundamental dynamics of the animal.","es":"Trabaja solamente con un sistema mec\u00e1nico sincronizado con partes muy simples. Pero est\u00e1 inspirado en las din\u00e1micas fundamentales del animal."} {"gender":"male","en":"And on behalf of all of my teachers on whose shoulders I'm standing, thank you.","es":"De parte de todos mis profesores sobre cuyos hombros me apoyo, gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"Justice now lies helpless at his feet, shackled. Her scales have been severed.","es":"La Justicia est\u00e1 ahora indefensa a sus pies, encadenada y desprovista de su balanza."} {"gender":"female","en":"Oakland Avenue Farms is located in Detroit's North End neighborhood.","es":"Oakland Avenue Farms se encuentra en el barrio North End de Detroit."} {"gender":"female","en":"I believe that a successful city is like a fabulous party.","es":"Yo creo que una buena ciudad es como una fiesta fabulosa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There is no competition here.","es":"No hay competencia aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Pigs have DNA.","es":"Los cerdos tienen ADN."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"With a flip of the switch you create a bubble around you within which GPS signals can't reside.","es":"Pulsando un bot\u00f3n, creas una burbuja a tu alrededor que las se\u00f1ales de GPS no pueden detectar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's quite a thought.","es":"Menudo pensamiento."} {"gender":"male","en":"It reminds me of what goes on around an empty space sometimes.\"","es":"Me recuerda lo que a veces sucede alrededor de un espacio vac\u00edo\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"One is an Acheulean hand axe from half a million years ago of the kind made by Homo erectus.","es":"Uno de ellos es un hacha de mano de hace medio mill\u00f3n de a\u00f1os del tipo hecho por Homo erectus."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's why 10 percent of the electricity in this room, 20 percent of electricity in this room is probably nuclear.","es":"Y es por eso que el 10 por ciento de la electricidad en esta habitaci\u00f3n, el 20 por ciento de la electricidad en esta habitaci\u00f3n es probablemente de origen nuclear."} {"gender":"female","en":"And here the story is fairly simple.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed la historia es bastante simple."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, \"Swiss\" works, but you know it's going to cost a lot of money.","es":"Suizo funciona, pero sabes que va a costar mucho dinero."} {"gender":"male","en":"For example, one such tool is SecureDrop, an open-source whistleblower submission system that was originally created by the late Internet luminary Aaron Swartz, and is now developed at the non-profit where I work, Freedom of the Press Foundation.","es":"Por ejemplo, una de estas herramientas es SecureDrop, un sistema de env\u00edo de filtraciones de c\u00f3digo abierto creado inicialmente por el difunto visionario Aaron Swartz, ahora desarrollado por la fundaci\u00f3n sin fines de lucro donde trabajo, Fundaci\u00f3n Libertad de Prensa."} {"gender":"female","en":"So we're based in New York City.","es":"Tenemos sede en Nueva York."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we have three billion new minds coming online to work with us to solve the grand challenges, to do that which we must do.","es":"Y tenemos 3000 millones de mentes nuevas que se nos sumar\u00e1n para trabajar en la soluci\u00f3n de los grandes retos y hacer lo que debamos hacer."} {"gender":"female","en":"Africa's markets are weak not only because of weak infrastructure in terms of roads and telecommunications, but also because of the virtual absence of necessary market institutions, such as market information, grades and standards, and reliable ways to connect buyers and sellers.","es":"Los mercados de \u00c1frica son d\u00e9biles no s\u00f3lo porque la infraestructura es d\u00e9bil en cuanto a los caminos y las telecomunicaciones, sino tambi\u00e9n porque las instituciones del mercado necesarias est\u00e1n pr\u00e1cticamente ausentes como informaciones del mercado, como grados y est\u00e1ndares y maneras fiables de comunicar a compradores y vendedores."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"A marketplace was hit by a mortar shell that killed several members of a single family.","es":"Un mercado impactado por un proyectil de mortero que mat\u00f3 a muchos miembros de una misma familia."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've had loads of secret papers and dealings with fast food restaurants.","es":"Tengo much\u00edsimos documentos secretos y arreglos con restaurantes de comida r\u00e1pida."} {"gender":"male","en":"Consumers who represent 72 percent of the GDP of America have actually started, just like banks and just like businesses, to de-leverage, to unwind their leverage in daily life, to remove themselves from the liability and risk that presents itself as they move forward.","es":"Los consumidores, que respresentan el 72 por ciento del PIB de EE. UU., han empezado, al igual que los bancos y exactamente como las empresas, a desapalancar, a desenredar su apalancamiento financiero, en la vida cotidiana, desligarse de la responsabilidad y el riesgo que se presenta al avanzar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's a new category where we take emotion apart, and we just work analytically with the world.","es":"Es una nueva categor\u00eda, donde dejamos de lado las emociones, y trabajamos anal\u00edticamente con el mundo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And follow this all the time and we know how they're doing and we say, you're not interested in this now, let's wait a year.","es":"Seguir esto todo el tiempo, saber c\u00f3mo les va y decir, no est\u00e1s interesado en esto, esperemos un a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I swam through the night and I swam through the next day.","es":"Pero yo nad\u00e9 toda la noche y segu\u00ed nadando todo el d\u00eda siguiente."} {"gender":"female","en":"Or it might be shop-dropping instead of shop-lifting, where we'll make little mini-scrolls with lovely stories on about what's the story behind your clothes.","es":"O puede ser que te encuentres entregando en lugar de sacando, donde hacemos peque\u00f1os minirollos con lindas historias sobre cu\u00e1l es la historia detr\u00e1s de tu ropa."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, for my organization Global Witness, this expos\u00e9 has been phenomenal.","es":"Ahora bien, para mi organizaci\u00f3n, Global Witness, la exposici\u00f3n de estos datos ha sido espectacular."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You can't see it that well, but we decided we should put in this feature into our AdSense ads, called \"related searches.\"","es":"No se ve muy bien, pero decidimos a\u00f1adir una funci\u00f3n a nuestros anuncios AdSense, llamada \"b\u00fasquedas relacionadas.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"Within the context of The New Yorker magazine","es":"En el contexto de la revista The New Yorker"} {"gender":"male","en":"Skysurfing is skydiving with a board on the feet.","es":"El skysurf es como el vuelo libre con una tabla en los pies."} {"gender":"male","en":"And during that process, it took many years, one of the doctors said that my recovery, my degree of advance, since the amount of head injury I'd suffered, was miraculous.","es":"Y durante ese proceso -llev\u00f3 muchos a\u00f1os- uno de los doctores dijo que mi recuperaci\u00f3n, mi grado de avance, partiendo del grado de traumatismo craneal que hab\u00eda sufrido era un milagro."} {"gender":"male","en":"But you might start realizing, if you start exploring the space of toys, we tried these spinning tops, and then in the lab, we stumbled upon this wonder.","es":"Pero ya pueden darse cuenta, si se explora el espacio seguro de los juguetes Probamos estos trompos, luego en el laboratorio, tropezamos con esta maravilla."} {"gender":"male","en":"But there is, I mean, I'm going to have some help, and the best person to help me introduce the code is actually the first man to sequence it, Dr. Craig Venter.","es":"Pero hay quiero decir, voy a tener un poco de ayuda, y la mejor persona para ayudar a introducir el c\u00f3digo en realidad, es el primer hombre que lo secuenci\u00f3, el Dr. Craig Venter."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"She and Miguel went on camping trips with other couples.","es":"Ella y Miguel iban de campamento con otras parejas."} {"gender":"male","en":"But instead of a bellows, I had a leaf blower.","es":"Pero en lugar de un fuelle yo ten\u00eda un soplador de hojas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Alan: It's a remarkable invention, isn't it?","es":"Alan: Es una invenci\u00f3n notable."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now you can give me the marker back.","es":"Devu\u00e9lvame el marcador."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then, interestingly, they gave the students a test before and after the experiment, so they could clearly measure the learning impact of the students.","es":"Algo interesante, hicieron a los estudiantes una prueba antes y despu\u00e9s del experimento, para poder medir con claridad el impacto educativo en ellos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Do you know the one I mean?","es":"\u00bfSaben a cu\u00e1l me refiero?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Fifty years ago this week, President John F. Kennedy made two epoch-making speeches, the first on disarmament and the second on civil rights.","es":"Hace 50 a\u00f1os esta semana, el Presidente John F. Kennedy dio dos discursos muy significativos, el primero sobre el desarme y el segundo sobre los derechos civiles."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"For instance, if you look at the odds on horses at a racetrack, they predict almost perfectly how likely a horse is to win.","es":"Por eso, por ejemplo, si ustedes miran las posibilidades de los caballos en una carrera, predicen casi a la perfecci\u00f3n las posibilidades de que un caballo gane."} {"gender":"male","en":"Fifty-five species of mammal-like reptiles.","es":"Cincuenta y cinco especies de reptiles semejante a los mam\u00edferos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There is one simple act of transgression that can rob a couple of their relationship, their happiness and their very identity: an affair.","es":"Hay un simple acto de transgresi\u00f3n que puede arrebatarle a una pareja su relaci\u00f3n su felicidad y la propia identidad: una aventura."} {"gender":"male","en":"And very much of what we do is cartography.","es":"Y mucho de lo que hacemos es cartografiar."} {"gender":"male","en":"The point is that the nature of the model is governed by how it is to be used, rather than by the sensory modality involved.","es":"Y el punto es que la naturaleza del modelo est\u00e1 gobernada por c\u00f3mo ser\u00e1 usado, m\u00e1s que por la modalidad sensorial involucrada."} {"gender":"male","en":"But in a time when the world's problems are more complex and people are more polarized, using science to help us understand how we interact and make decisions will hopefully spark interesting new ways to construct a better democracy.","es":"Pero en un tiempo cuando los problemas del mundo son m\u00e1s complejos y la gente est\u00e1 m\u00e1s polarizada, usar la ciencia para ayudarnos a entender c\u00f3mo interactuamos y tomamos decisiones, muestra nuevas e interesantes formas de construir una mejor democracia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"My mother comes out, and he asks her for money, but she doesn't have enough.","es":"Mi madre sali\u00f3 y el repartidor le pidi\u00f3 el dinero, pero no ten\u00eda suficiente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here you see planks sold by the foot and we have supplies to combat scurvy. We have the peg legs there, that are all handmade and fitted to you. Up at the top, you see the eyepatch display, which is the black column there for everyday use for your eyepatch, and then you have the pastel and other colors for stepping out at night, special occasions, bar mitzvahs and whatever.","es":"Aqu\u00ed ven tablones que se venden por metros y aqu\u00ed hay art\u00edculos para combatir el escorbuto. y aqu\u00ed tenemos las patas de palo, hechas a medida para ustedes. arriba ven la colecci\u00f3n de parches con la columna negra para los parches de uso diario su parche diario, y los de colores pastel y otros tonos para salir por la noche, ocasiones especiales, bar mitzvahs o lo que sea."} {"gender":"male","en":"And at that population level, our planet will be dealing with the limits of growth.","es":"Y a ese nivel de poblaci\u00f3n, el planeta lidiar\u00e1 con los l\u00edmites del crecimiento."} {"gender":"male","en":"This has huge organizational implications for very large areas of life.","es":"Esto tiene enormes implicaciones organizacionales para grandes \u00e1reas de la vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"Please let me know if you're ever in New York City.\"","es":"Avisame si alguna vez estas por New York City\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, entirely reflexive.","es":"De hecho, es un acto reflejo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I need to make a confession at the outset here.","es":"Necesito hacer una confesi\u00f3n aqu\u00ed, al comenzar."} {"gender":"female","en":"I literally was walking 10 to 15 miles a day, and the baby weight came off.","es":"Literalmente caminaba de 16 a 24 km al d\u00eda, y perd\u00ed el peso del embarazo."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you look at this, you'll see it's never been opened.","es":"Y si lo miran, ver\u00e1n que nunca ha sido abierta."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then finally you're able to get that structure out.","es":"Finalmente llegamos a obtener la estructura."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's absolutely irrelevant, and I get nothing for it.","es":"No tienen nada relevante, y no obtengo nada de ello."} {"gender":"male","en":"You're seeing this muscle bio-reactor actually exercising the muscle back and forth.","es":"Est\u00e1n viendo este bio-reactor muscular ejercitando el m\u00fasculo de ida y vuelta."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's from an article in Playboy, which I was reading the other day. I have every reason to think it's true; I was reading Playboy because I, myself, had an article in it. Unaided human intuition, schooled in Middle World, finds it hard to believe Galileo when he tells us a heavy object and a light object, air friction aside, would hit the ground at the same instant.","es":"Esto es de un art\u00edculo de Playboy, que estuve leyendo el otro d\u00eda. Tengo motivos para pensar que es cierto; estaba leyendo Playboy porque yo mismo, ten\u00eda un art\u00edculo all\u00ed. La intuici\u00f3n humana ,sin asistencia, desarrollada en el Mundo Medio encuentra dif\u00edcil creer en Galileo cuando dice que un objeto pesado y uno ligero, sin contar la fricci\u00f3n del aire, tocar\u00edan el suelo en el mismo instante."} {"gender":"female","en":"Over the last 20 years, four different actors have played the same key role of Carly Benson on \"General Hospital.\"","es":"En los \u00faltimos 20 a\u00f1os, cuatro actrices interpretaron el mismo papel protag\u00f3nico de Carly Benson en \"General Hospital\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So that was all done in simulation, but we can also do that on a real machine.","es":"As\u00ed que eso fue hecho en simulaci\u00f3n pero tambi\u00e9n podemos hacerlo en una m\u00e1quina de verdad."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the Museum of the Bench.","es":"Este es el Museo del Banco."} {"gender":"male","en":"You know the funny thing is, I get my hands drier than people do with three or four, because they can't get in between the cracks.","es":"Lo gracioso es que tengo las manos m\u00e1s secas que la gente que usa tres o cuatro hojas porque ellos no secan entre las hendiduras."} {"gender":"male","en":"One other thing about it, if you do have one at home, let me tell you one of the features you may not know: when you fall asleep, it comes alive and it walks around your house and goes through your mail and watches you as you sleep.","es":"Otra cosa acerca de este objeto es que si tienen uno en casa, d\u00e9jenme que les comente una cualidad que tal vez no sepan: Cuando se quedan dormidos, cobra vida y camina por la casa, les revisa el correo y los observa mientras duermen."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And then we'll fly in to where the very large cluster is, and you can see what it looks like.","es":"Y luego vamos a volar a donde hay un grupo de galaxias muy grande, y pueden ver como es."} {"gender":"male","en":"It shows you these cells that process information.","es":"Muestra esas c\u00e9lulas que procesan informaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now these are not moves from \"Karate Kid,\" okay?","es":"No son movimientos de \"Karate Kid\", \u00bfde acuerdo?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Secrets can remind us of the countless human dramas, of frailty and heroism, playing out silently in the lives of people all around us even now.","es":"Los secretos nos recuerdan los innumerables dramas humanos, de la fragilidad y el hero\u00edsmo, desarroll\u00e1ndose silenciosamente en la vida de las personas que nos rodean, incluso ahora."} {"gender":"male","en":"Got off the phone.","es":"Y colgu\u00e9 el tel\u00e9fono."} {"gender":"female","en":"I had to be brave like Erica and refuse to surrender, so every day, I made a decision to fight.","es":"Ten\u00eda que ser valiente como \u00c9rica y no rendirme, as\u00ed que todos los d\u00edas, decid\u00ed pelear."} {"gender":"male","en":"They open doors, they drive my car, they massage me, they will throw tennis balls, they will cook for me and serve the food.","es":"Abren puertas, manejan mi auto, me dan masajes me tiran pelotas de tenis, me cocinan y me dan de comer."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, I think it was pure luck.","es":"Quiero decir, creo que fue pura suerte."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can stand up there your whole life and you would never see this, but the camera records it.","es":"Podr\u00edan estar parados ah\u00ed toda su vida y nunca ver esto, pero la c\u00e1mara s\u00ed lo graba."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"From the tiniest clue, it could help you retrieve anything you've ever seen or heard before.","es":"Desde la m\u00e1s m\u00ednima pista, podr\u00eda ayudarle a recuperar cualquier cosa que uno haya visto u o\u00eddo antes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Obviously now that's going to catch on the apple board is going to work out that if they make toffee apples they'll eat more as well.","es":"Y ahora eso va a continuar. El consejo de las manzanas va a recomendar que si hacen postres de manzana, los ni\u00f1os comer\u00e1n m\u00e1s manzanas."} {"gender":"male","en":"You may already have heard of what's been done for the Dead Sea Scrolls, which are slowly gelatinizing.","es":"Quiz\u00e1 ya han o\u00eddo lo que se ha hecho con los pergaminos del Mar Muerto, que se est\u00e1n gelatinizando lentamente."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was some good shit, man.","es":"Era estupendo, hombre."} {"gender":"male","en":"We gave some examples of what you could spend it on.","es":"Y les dimos algunos ejemplos de c\u00f3mo pod\u00edan gastarlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Yet, I'd argue that no other continent has nurtured, has fought for, has celebrated its history more concertedly.","es":"Sin embargo, yo rebatir\u00eda que ning\u00fan otro continente ha promovido, ha luchado, ha celebrado su historia de manera m\u00e1s coordinada."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Instead of investing in a car, we invest in a community.","es":"En vez de invertir en un coche, invertimos en una comunidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"Their beauty immerses us with color, taste, touch.","es":"Su belleza nos envuelve de colores, sabor, tacto."} {"gender":"female","en":"Violence as a tool of conflict could then be abandoned in the same way that bows and arrows were, because we have replaced them with weapons that are more effective.","es":"La violencia como herramienta de conflicto podr\u00eda entonces desecharse de la misma manera que hicimos con los arcos y las flechas ya que las hemos reemplazado por armas m\u00e1s eficaces."} {"gender":"male","en":"All I mean is, is that early childhood education can bring more and better jobs to a state and can thereby promote higher per capita earnings for the state's residents.","es":"A lo que me refiero es, que la educaci\u00f3n temprana de la ni\u00f1ez puede generar m\u00e1s y mejores trabajos al estado y puede, por lo tanto, promover un ingreso per c\u00e1pita m\u00e1s alto para los residentes del estado."} {"gender":"female","en":"And as it turns out, timing is also really, really important.","es":"Y resulta que elegir el momento oportuno tambi\u00e9n importa mucho."} {"gender":"male","en":"The one who was defiling me then left me and went to rape Evelyn.","es":"El que me viol\u00f3 luego fue a violar a Evelyn."} {"gender":"male","en":"But if you look at what's inside the engine, it's actually not very complicated.","es":"Pero si miran dentro del programa, ver\u00e1n que no es muy complicado."} {"gender":"male","en":"And they tried everything they had.","es":"Y trataron con todo lo que ten\u00edan."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because if it doesn't, the centrifugal forces that will be unleashed will be demonic, and they will destroy the European Union.","es":"Porque si no sobrevive, las fuerzas centr\u00edfugas que se desataron ser\u00e1n demon\u00edacas y van a destruir a la Uni\u00f3n Europea."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's a marsupial.","es":"Es un marsupial."} {"gender":"female","en":"Imagine carrying around someone else's voice for nine years and finally finding your own voice.","es":"Imag\u00ednense llevando con ustedes la voz de otro por nueve a\u00f1os y finalmente encontrar tu propia voz."} {"gender":"male","en":"But there are other problems.","es":"Pero hay otros problemas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I met a celebrity chef in New Orleans who said, \"No problem, I'll just time-shift family dinner.","es":"Conoc\u00ed a un famoso chef en Nueva Orleans, que dijo: \"No hay problema, solo ajustar\u00e9 la cena familiar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That lime is going to get out there.","es":"Esa cal va a estar ah\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's because you're all doing a cross-model synesthetic abstraction, meaning you're saying that that sharp inflection, ki-ki, in your auditory cortex, the hair cells being excited, Kiki, mimics the visual inflection, sudden inflection of that jagged shape.","es":"Es porque todos ustedes est\u00e1n haciendo un modelo cruzado, una abstracci\u00f3n sinest\u00e9sica; es decir, est\u00e1n diciendo que la palabra con inflexiones fuertes, Kiki, excita los filamentos auditivos en su corteza auditiva, y Kiki imita la inflexi\u00f3n visual -repentina y cortada- de la forma de las letras."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Surprisingly to us, many people want to know something else about their doctors.","es":"Lo que nos sorprendi\u00f3 es que mucha gente quiere saber algo m\u00e1s del m\u00e9dico."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is a map of Rio.","es":"Esto es un mapa de R\u00edo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is \u00c7atalh\u00f6y\u00fck, one of the world's first cities.","es":"Esta es \u00c7atalh\u00f6y\u00fck, una de las primeras ciudades del mundo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We're almost done.","es":"Casi terminamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I started doing some research then, and this was the 25-year journey, and started finding out that actually human beings as primates have far smaller stomachs than should be the size for our body weight and far larger brains.","es":"Empec\u00e9 a investigar y esto result\u00f3 ser un viaje de 25 a\u00f1os en el que descubr\u00ed que los seres humanos, en tanto primates, tenemos est\u00f3magos mucho m\u00e1s peque\u00f1os de lo que deber\u00edamos, dado nuestro peso corporal, y cerebros mucho m\u00e1s grandes."} {"gender":"male","en":"The Khmer Rouge didn't believe in money.","es":"El Jemer Rojo no cre\u00eda en el dinero."} {"gender":"female","en":"For each of these, there are thousands of other incredibly important discoveries made by my colleagues, that do not make headlines.","es":"Para cada uno de estos, mis colegas han descubierto miles de cosas muy importantes, que no aparecen en los titulares."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's perhaps easier now than ever before to make a good living.","es":"Quiz\u00e1s ahora sea m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil que nunca ganar un buen sueldo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's not going to be everything about their life, but whatever it is, take note on that, so over time we'll have this repository of things that we can use to apply to our life and have a more passionate existence and make a better impact.","es":"No va a ser todo sobre sus vidas, pero sea lo que sea, tomen nota, con el tiempo tendremos este repositorio de cosas que podremos aplicar a nuestra vida y tener una existencia m\u00e1s apasionada y tener un mayor impacto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So, you can't just listen to music, you have to make it somehow.","es":"No es suficiente con escuchar m\u00fasica, tienes que hacerla de alg\u00fan modo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They had a Platonic notion of what tomato sauce was.","es":"Ten\u00edan una idea, una noci\u00f3n plat\u00f3nica, de lo que era la salsa de tomate."} {"gender":"male","en":"He spelled Moriarty with only one 'i'.","es":"El escrib\u00eda Moriarty con s\u00f3lo una \"i\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was able to see that in a firsthand way, when I went to beautiful Dong village, in Guizhou, the poorest province of China.","es":"Lo pude ver de primera mano, cuando fui al hermoso pueblo de Dong, en Guizhou, la provincia m\u00e1s pobre de China."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Not all of them are easy to find, they can be scattered across villages, they can be as small as hoofprints.","es":"No todos son f\u00e1ciles de encontrar, se pueden dispersar por las aldeas, pueden ser tan peque\u00f1os como huellas de caballos."} {"gender":"female","en":"First hundreds, then thousands and thousands, from every age group: from the very young to women in their '90s, to hundreds of wonderful men.","es":"Primero cientos, luego miles y miles, de cada grupo etario: desde muy j\u00f3venes hasta mujeres de 90 y tantos, y cientos de hombres maravillosos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we need some type of error correction redundancy to guarantee that we have successfully built what we want.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n necesitamos alg\u00fan tipo de corrector de errores redundante que garantice que tenemos \u00e9xito en construir lo que queremos."} {"gender":"female","en":"These students will be learning radio astronomy, and they will be learning the sonification methods in order to study astronomical events like huge ejections of energy from the sun, known as coronal mass ejections.","es":"Estos estudiantes aprender\u00e1n radioastronom\u00eda, y m\u00e9todos de sonificaci\u00f3n para estudiar eventos astron\u00f3micos como las enormes eyecciones de energ\u00eda del sol, conocidas como eyecciones de masa coronal."} {"gender":"male","en":"JL: What's colic?","es":"JL: \u00bfQu\u00e9 es un c\u00f3lico?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I know it's shocking, right, that architecture would actually say that.","es":"S\u00e9 que es sorprendente, \u00bfcierto?, que la arquitectura, de hecho, diga eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"One side builds new technologies, such as one recently announced that will enable them to automatically take down from sites like YouTube any content that has any copyrighted content in it, whether or not there's a judgment of fair use that might be applied to the use of that content.","es":"Un lado construye nuevas tecnolog\u00edas como una recientemente anunciada que les permitir\u00e1, a ellos, retirar autom\u00e1ticamente de sitios como YouTube cualquier material que incluya contenido protegido por derechos de autor sin que haya o no un juicio sobre el uso justo que podr\u00eda aplicarse al uso de dicho contenido."} {"gender":"male","en":"But nevertheless, there's no real sense of separation from me in my heart, in terms of the love that I feel for these people.","es":"Pero, no obstante, no hay sentido real de separaci\u00f3n en mi coraz\u00f3n, en t\u00e9rminos del amor que siento por estas personas."} {"gender":"male","en":"In a way, it's a toy, no?","es":"Es como un juguete, \u00bfno es as\u00ed?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Here is a typical \"Jeopardy!\" question: \"Mozart's last symphony shares its name with this planet.\"","es":"Esta es una t\u00edpica pregunta de \"Jeopardy!\": \"La \u00faltima sinfon\u00eda de Mozart comparte su nombre con este planeta\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"They hugged.","es":"Se abrazaron."} {"gender":"male","en":"As you look at the bottom end, that's where the abdomen is, and that's where the intestines are supposed to be.","es":"Si ven al fondo abajo, se encuentra el abdomen, y all\u00ed se supone que deben estar los intestinos."} {"gender":"male","en":"But now I wanted to work in a very low-tech way, so something that would mean at the same time a lump of cotton, a cloud and Durer's praying hands, although this looks a lot more like Mickey Mouse's praying hands.","es":"Pero ahora quer\u00eda trabajar con tecnolog\u00eda muy b\u00e1sica, por lo tanto, algo que pudiera ser al mismo tiempo un bulto de algod\u00f3n, una nube y unas manos en oraci\u00f3n de Durero, aunque \u00e9stas se parecen mucho m\u00e1s a las manos en oraci\u00f3n de Mickey Mouse."} {"gender":"male","en":"Yes, you don't have to look very hard at this to recognize that they might be very different.","es":"No hace falta ir muy lejos para reconocer que podr\u00eda ser muy diferente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Something like this, these are all this species Globe Skimmer.","es":"Algo as\u00ed, son todas especies de pantala flavescens."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They understand what accountability and democracy is.","es":"Entienden lo que es rendici\u00f3n de cuentas y lo que es democracia."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is going to be really important as we start getting to things like data visualization.","es":"Ahora, esto ser\u00e1 muy importante a medida que nos involucremos con cosas como la visualizaci\u00f3n de datos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In the 20th century, it was totalitarianism.","es":"En el siglo XX fue el totalitarismo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Can you tell what it is?","es":"\u00bfSaben qu\u00e9 es?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So, on that basis, I feel like I've really arrived.","es":"As\u00ed que, por ese lado, creo que ya cumplo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But if the host needs to be mobile in order to transmit the pathogen, then it's the benign ones that tend to be the winners.","es":"Pero si el hu\u00e9sped necesita moverse para poder transmitir el pat\u00f3geno entonces son los m\u00e1s benignos los que ser\u00e1n los ganadores."} {"gender":"male","en":"I wanted to complete my studies, get a nice job, marry and have my own children and support my family.","es":"Quer\u00eda completar mis estudios, conseguir un buen trabajo, casarme, tener mis propios hijos y apoyar a mi familia."} {"gender":"female","en":"Imagine the first piece: a man burning his life's work.","es":"Imaginen la primer pieza: un hombre quemando el trabajo de toda una vida."} {"gender":"female","en":"Stereotypes have been broken. Change-makers and future leaders have been created.","es":"Los estereotipos se han roto Los agentes del cambio y los l\u00edderes futuros han sido creados."} {"gender":"male","en":"It should cast that user in a story starring the user and the object.","es":"Deber\u00eda proyectarse al usuario como protagonista de una historia con el objeto."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think there is enough intellectual power in this room to bring slavery to an end.","es":"Creo que aqu\u00ed hay suficiente poder intelectual para acabar con la esclavitud."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the first goat, chewing away, says, \"You know, this film is not bad.\"","es":"Y la primera cabra, masticando, dice: \"Sabes, esta pel\u00edcula no est\u00e1 mal\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Every digital landmark is an invitation to leave what you are doing now to go somewhere else and do something else.","es":"Cada se\u00f1al digital es una invitaci\u00f3n para dejar lo que estamos haciendo ahora para ir a otro lugar y hacer otra cosa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"DW: So people have found out for example that studying vision in the absence of realizing why you have vision is a mistake.","es":"DW: La gente ha descubierto, por ejemplo, que estudiar la visi\u00f3n sin atender a comprender por qu\u00e9 se posee la visi\u00f3n, es un error."} {"gender":"female","en":"We can't wait for the next generation, the new joiners, to come in and learn how to be the good leaders we need.","es":"No podemos esperar que la pr\u00f3xima generaci\u00f3n, los nuevos seguidores, vengan a aprender a ser los buenos l\u00edderes que necesitamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So if we look at the data for men here, we see what is called a normal distribution curve.","es":"Si vemos los datos de los hombres, hay lo que se llama una curva de distribuci\u00f3n normal."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But if you want to reach the very top, you should delay gratification and, of course, become a politician.","es":"Pero si quieren llegar realmente a la cima deber\u00edan demorar la gratificaci\u00f3n y, claro, ser pol\u00edticos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So there is some sort of justice in the world after all.","es":"As\u00ed que existe alguna especie de justicia en este mundo, despu\u00e9s de todo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the humanities and arts programs in the universities, which by many measures, indeed are in decline.","es":"Y los programas de humanidades y arte en las universidades que, en muchos aspectos, s\u00ed est\u00e1n en declive."} {"gender":"male","en":"For example, this testing platform, which enables the cybercriminals to test the quality of their viruses before they release them on the world.","es":"Por ejemplo, esta plataforma de prueba, que permite a los ciberdelincuentes comprobar la calidad de sus virus antes de expandirlos por el mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And they use light to illuminate space down there.","es":"Y usa luz para iluminar el espacio all\u00e1 abajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"The mystery persisted for about 20 years.","es":"El enigma sigui\u00f3 latente durante unos 20 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here we are, Yuval: New York City, 2017, there's a new president in power, and shock waves rippling around the world.","es":"Bueno, aqu\u00ed estamos Yuval: Ciudad de Nueva York, 2017, hay un nuevo presidente en el poder, y ondas de choque propag\u00e1ndose por todo el planeta."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we started talking about music, from Bach to Beethoven and Brahms, Bruckner, all the B's, from Bart\u00f3k, all the way up to Esa-Pekka Salonen.","es":"Y comenzamos a hablar sobre m\u00fasica, desde Bach hasta Beethoven y Brahms, Bruckner, todos los Bs, desde Bart\u00f3k, todo el camino hasta Esa-Pekka Salonen."} {"gender":"female","en":"So the ultimate goal of psychoanalytic psychotherapy was really what Freud called ordinary misery.","es":"As\u00ed que el objetivo m\u00e1ximo de la psicoterapia psicoanal\u00edtica era lo que Freud llamaba la miseria ordinaria."} {"gender":"female","en":"So we asked the teachers, \"What's going on, why are you not teaching?\"","es":"As\u00ed que les preguntamos a los maestros, \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 pasa?, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 no dan clase?\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Most of us never think twice about talking, about communicating.","es":"Generalmente nunca pensamos en el hablar, en la comunicaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"You have a pneumonia, you take penicillin, you kill the microbe and you cure the disease.","es":"Si uno tiene una neumon\u00eda, toma penicilina, se mata el microbio y cura la enfermedad."} {"gender":"female","en":"Neither of us had tried to change the other, but we also hadn't pretended that our differences were just going to melt away after a lunch.","es":"Ninguno de las dos trat\u00f3 de cambiar a la otra. Pero tampoco hab\u00edamos simulado que nuestras diferencias simplemente se iban a desvanecer tras el almuerzo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The second point, or course, is that if somebody invites you to bar hop, you know what they think about you.","es":"El segundo punto, por supuesto, es que si alguien m\u00e1s te invita a ti, ya sabes que piensan de ti."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it may be typical that planets around the universe start off with some of these basic building blocks.","es":"Y puede ser t\u00edpico que los planetas alrededor del universo empiecen con algunos de estos bloques de construcci\u00f3n b\u00e1sicos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So we're going from machine to machine, from page to page, and now data to data.","es":"Vamos de m\u00e1quina en m\u00e1quina, de p\u00e1gina a p\u00e1gina, y ahora de datos a datos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I contribute with something I know.","es":"Contribuyo con algo que conozco."} {"gender":"female","en":"This one might give you pause, I know, but stay with me.","es":"Esto quiz\u00e1s les sorprenda; lo s\u00e9, pero escuchen."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let's see how we can bring people back to the process.","es":"Vamos a ver c\u00f3mo podemos traer gente hacia el proceso."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so many of the talks here at TED are about meaning, about bringing meaning to our lives in all kinds of different ways, through technology, through art, through science, so much so that I think we focus so much on that side of our lives, that we haven't given enough attention to the food and the water and the shelter, and what we need to raise the kids.","es":"Muchas de las charlas de TED tratan sobre el sentido, sobre dar sentido a nuestras vidas de todas las maneras posibles: a trav\u00e9s de la tecnolog\u00eda, del arte, de la ciencia. Creo que nos hemos centrado demasiado en ese aspecto de nuestras vidas, que no hemos prestado demasiada atenci\u00f3n a la comida, el agua y el refugio, y a lo que necesitamos para educar a nuestros hijos."} {"gender":"male","en":"If I say you have stolen, I show you the evidence that you have stolen.","es":"Si digo que robaron, les muestro la evidencia de que han robado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But the elaborate costumes that they had bedecked themselves in were quite extraordinary.","es":"Pero los elaborados disfraces con los que se hab\u00edan adornado eran bastante extraordinarios."} {"gender":"male","en":"You have the green for example, that corresponds to tactile information, or the blue that corresponds to auditory information.","es":"El \u00e1rea verde, por ejemplo, corresponde a la informaci\u00f3n t\u00e1ctil, y la azul a la informaci\u00f3n auditiva."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's one of the most interesting technical challenges that's very currently active in the computer sciences: being able to have a camera that can understand, from a fairly big distance away, how these little tiny balls are actually pointing in one way or another to reveal what you're interested in, and where your attention is directed.","es":"Y es uno de los restos t\u00e9cnicos m\u00e1s interesantes que est\u00e1 recientemente muy activa en la ciencia de computadores. Ser capaz de tener una c\u00e1mara que puede entender desde una distancia bastante lejana, c\u00f3mo esas peque\u00f1as bolas est\u00e1n actualmente dirigi\u00e9ndose de uno u otro modo, para revelar en que est\u00e1 interesado, y hacia d\u00f3nde se dirige su atenci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"No one ever taught me of any form of traditional African knowledge of cultivation, of harvesting, of anything, that will work in modern times and actually succeed, where something imported from the West would struggle to succeed.","es":"Jam\u00e1s me ense\u00f1aron ning\u00fan m\u00e9todo de cultivo tradicional africano, de cosecha, de lo que sea, que pudiera funcionar en tiempos modernos y realmente tener \u00e9xito, donde a algo importado desde Occidente le costar\u00eda prosperar."} {"gender":"male","en":"These are concentrating solar, renewable energy plants, linked in a so-called \"supergrid\" to supply all of the electrical power to Europe, largely from developing countries, high-voltage DC currents.","es":"Vemos aqu\u00ed plantas de energ\u00eda solar renovable, unidas en una especie de s\u00faper malla para proveer energ\u00eda el\u00e9ctrica a Europa, en su mayor\u00eda proveniente de pa\u00edses en desarrollo. Corrientes continuas de alto voltaje."} {"gender":"male","en":"Amazing, right?","es":"Incre\u00edble, \u00bfno?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We have the solution.","es":"Tenemos la soluci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Some who understood the project would explain it to others.","es":"Alguno que entend\u00eda el proyecto se lo explicaba a los otros."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I didn't really know what to tell them because once sonder started to take off, who am I to say what words are real and what aren't.","es":"Y no supe qu\u00e9 decirles porque cuando \"sonder\" despeg\u00f3 no pod\u00eca decir qu\u00e9 palabras son o no reales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Why would you do that?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 har\u00edan eso?\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Imagine if we embraced innovation for sanitation the way we have for, say, solar power.","es":"Imaginen si aceptamos la innovaci\u00f3n sanitaria de la forma que hemos hecho con, digamos, la energ\u00eda solar."} {"gender":"female","en":"After all, take a look at these events: Imperialism and colonization, world wars, George W. Bush.","es":"Al fin y al cabo, veamos estos sucesos: Imperialismo y colonizaci\u00f3n, guerras mundiales, George W. Bush."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can take the shape and make typography out of it.","es":"Puede tomarse la forma y hacer tipograf\u00eda con ella."} {"gender":"male","en":"She lived to a hundred, even then.","es":"Ella vivi\u00f3 hasta los cien, incluso entonces."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's the best thing and the most nutritious and refreshing thing you can drink on a hot day in the tropics, so I said sure.","es":"Es lo mejor, m\u00e1s nutritivo y refrescante que se puede beber un d\u00eda de calor en el tr\u00f3pico, as\u00ed que dije que s\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, first of all, rewilding species: What's the story with these guys?","es":"Resilvestraci\u00f3n: \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la historia de estos sujetos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Marcello, on the other hand, is sort of a lazy guy, but he's not due at work until about noon.","es":"Marcello, por otra parte, es un hombre m\u00e1s bien perezoso, que no debe trabajar hasta el mediod\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"When you ask people, have you failed to achieve something significant in your life? Say, \"Aye.\" Audience: Aye.","es":"Ahora, cuando le preguntas a alguien \u00bfhas fracasado en lograr algo? \u00bfCuantos han fracasado en lograr algo significativo en sus vidas?, digan \"Yo\" Audiencia: Yo."} {"gender":"male","en":"He allowed Facebook, a U.S.-based service, to continue to stay on inside of Tunisia.","es":"Permiti\u00f3 que Facebook, un servicio con base en Estados Unidos, continuara operando en T\u00fanez."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And the same thing with the atmosphere: If you took all the atmosphere and rolled it up in a ball, you would get that little sphere of gas on the right.","es":"Y lo mismo con la atm\u00f3sfera. Si cogieses toda la atm\u00f3sfera y la hicieses una bola, conseguir\u00edas esa peque\u00f1a esfera de gas a la derecha."} {"gender":"male","en":"What do you do?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 hace?"} {"gender":"female","en":"They were literally turning pollution into abundance for a desert people.","es":"Estaban literalmente convirtiendo contaminaci\u00f3n en abundancia para la gente del desierto."} {"gender":"female","en":"But I have to tell you the statistics.","es":"Pero tengo que mostrar las estad\u00edsticas."} {"gender":"female","en":"But each one of these is a different age, and if we can find out how old they are and then we can measure those chemical signals, this helps us to find out what's been going on in the ocean in the past.","es":"Sin embargo, cada uno de ellos tiene una edad diferente, y si podemos averiguar la edad que tienen entonces podemos medir esas se\u00f1ales qu\u00edmicas, esto nos ayuda a descubrir lo que ha pasado en el oc\u00e9ano en el pasado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This architecture of mixity can still be read in the remains.","es":"Esta arquitectura de mezclas a\u00fan se puede ver entre las ruinas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And then, king, after exactly five seconds.","es":"Y entonces, rey, en exactamente cinco segundos."} {"gender":"female","en":"So once we accept this, the cube is live.","es":"Al seleccionar \"aceptar\" el cubo se mueve."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the question is this: How is it that now we lead the country in producing African-Americans who go on to complete Ph.D.'s in science and engineering and M.D.\/Ph.D.'s?","es":"Y la pregunta es esta: \u00bfC\u00f3mo es que ahora somos l\u00edderes en el pa\u00eds en la promoci\u00f3n de afroamericanos que llegan a completar doctorados en ciencias, ingenier\u00eda y medicina?"} {"gender":"male","en":"It is easier than you think.","es":"Es m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil de lo que creen."} {"gender":"female","en":"Lastly I want to say that all of you, probably, have had some relationship at some time in your life with a dog, a cat, some sort of pet, and you recognized that those are individuals.","es":"Bien, por \u00faltimo quiero decir que todos ustedes, probablemente, en alg\u00fan momento de sus vidas, han tenido una relaci\u00f3n con un perro, un gato u otra mascota a la que han reconocido como individuos."} {"gender":"male","en":"But it doesn't stop there.","es":"Pero no acaba aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"And there's a lot of them that I actually can't show you on this chart.","es":"Y hay muchos de ellos que de hecho no puedo mostrarles en \u00e9stas l\u00e1minas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Democracy.","es":"La democracia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Why a marriage contract and not any other reason for regular annual action?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 un casamiento y no cualquier otra raz\u00f3n para este suceso anual?"} {"gender":"male","en":"It's the world of people who need to work ultra-flexibly, if they're to work at all.","es":"Son las personas que necesitan trabajar de manera ultra flexible, si es que acaso trabajan."} {"gender":"female","en":"We need to change that.","es":"Es necesario cambiar eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"But what does it mean?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 significa esto?"} {"gender":"male","en":"What it proves to us is that people don't buy what you do; people buy why you do it.","es":"Esto demuestra que la gente no compra lo que uno hace; la gente compra el porqu\u00e9 uno lo hace."} {"gender":"male","en":"So are these now the images of the past?","es":"\u00bfSon estas im\u00e1genes del pasado?"} {"gender":"male","en":"There's a lot of criteria by which we're selecting these brains.","es":"Seguimos varios criterios al seleccionar cerebros."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So why are screens so pervasive in our analog life?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 son tan persistentes nuestras pantallas en nuestra vida anal\u00f3gica?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Sometimes we discover what jobs do after the fact.","es":"A veces descubrimos qu\u00e9 reacciones surgen despu\u00e9s del hecho."} {"gender":"male","en":"The number of deaths from terrorism went up 150 percent.","es":"La cantidad de muertes por terrorismo creci\u00f3 un 150 %."} {"gender":"male","en":"Words, like numbers, express fundamental relationships between objects and events and forces that constitute our world.","es":"Las palabras, como los n\u00fameros, expresan relaciones fundamentales entre objetos eventos y fuerzas que constituyen nuestro mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And you can see that the top repeat unit can be explained almost entirely by green and red, and the bottom repeat unit has a substantial amount of purple.","es":"Y pueden ver que la unidad de repetici\u00f3n en la parte superior puede explicarse enteramente por el verde y el rojo, y la unidad de repetici\u00f3n tiene una cantidad sustanciosa de morado."} {"gender":"female","en":"And in one year, it went to 50 colleges, and then it expanded.","es":"Y en un a\u00f1o se present\u00f3 en 50 universidades y depues se expandi\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"They would be right half of the cases.","es":"Estar\u00edan en lo correcto la mitad de las veces."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"My son still had his dad.","es":"Mi hijo todav\u00eda ten\u00eda a su padre."} {"gender":"male","en":"But then, just doing the models, I was trying to explore the relationship between the model and the original.","es":"Pero entones, con s\u00f3lo hacer los modelos, estaba tratando de explorar la relaci\u00f3n entre el modelo y el original."} {"gender":"female","en":"What I am trying to say is that we have to understand why some of our young people are attracted to this.","es":"Lo que intento decir es que debemos entender las razones por las que nuestros chicos buscan esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"The bottles connect together, and you can create different shapes, different forms.","es":"Las botellas se conectan entre s\u00ed, y se puede crear diferentes formas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'd like to briefly just show what the ocean does to these calls.","es":"Me gustar\u00eda mostrarles brevemente lo que le hace el oc\u00e9ano a estas llamadas."} {"gender":"female","en":"I mean, it seems obvious.","es":"Quiero decir, parece obvio."} {"gender":"male","en":"They learn that something bad happened here.","es":"Aprender\u00e1n que algo malo sucedi\u00f3 aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I got that rocket.","es":"Y tengo ese cohete."} {"gender":"female","en":"And here's an acoustic shelf.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 una placa ac\u00fastica."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's not the only thing that bad sound damages.","es":"Y no es lo \u00fanico que da\u00f1a el sonido negativo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Anywhere you go in the Sahel, you'll see this windscreen.","es":"Donde quiera que vayan en Sahel, ver\u00e1n esta pantalla de viento."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Incredible mapping of our national psyche with some hard and fast facts: unemployment.","es":"Haciendo un contraste incre\u00edble de nuestra psique nacional con hechos de la dura realidad como el desempleo."} {"gender":"male","en":"We will know that we're not that miracle, right, that we're just another duck in a row, we're not the only kids on the block, and I think that that's philosophically a very profound thing to learn.","es":"Sabremos que no somos ese milagro, correcto, que solo somos un pato de la fila, no somos los \u00fanicos de la cuadra, y creo que eso filos\u00f3ficamente es algo muy profundo para aprender."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Don't just give one, get one.","es":"No solo \"Den Uno, Reciban Uno.\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And so it might be that if we just fix four or five genes, we can live 200 years.","es":"As\u00ed que tal vez si arreglamos cuatro o cinco genes, podremos vivir 200 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"He still lies there today, covered in a layer of green grass.","es":"Todav\u00eda yace all\u00ed hoy, cubierto por una capa de hierba verde."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I sent this company an email saying, \"Hello. I'm Christien. I'm doing this research.","es":"Mand\u00e9 un correo electr\u00f3nico a esta empresa diciendo: \"Hola, soy Christien; estoy investigando esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"I say no, and all three branches of the American government say no as well. CA: I mean, do you think there's a deeper motivation for them than the war against terrorism?","es":"Yo digo que no y los 3 poderes del gobierno estadounidense tambi\u00e9n dicen que no. CA: \u00bfCrees que hay una motivaci\u00f3n m\u00e1s profunda para ellos que la guerra contra el terrorismo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Who would've thought that an electrical engineer would be the person to hold the key to unlock what was then one of the most complicated systems in the world, all started by one guy with a pencil and an idea.","es":"\u00bfQui\u00e9n habr\u00eda pensado que un ingeniero el\u00e9ctrico ser\u00eda la persona que tendr\u00eda la clave para descifrar lo que entonces era uno de los sistemas m\u00e1s complicados del mundo? Y todo empez\u00f3 con un hombre con un l\u00e1piz y una idea."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I thought back to what I would have done using the Super 8 camera that my grandfather got me sitting in that room, and I realized that hand didn't have to be Eddie Marsan's.","es":"Y literalmente, como que pens\u00e9 en qu\u00e9 hubiera hecho cuando usaba la c\u00e1mara Super 8 de mi abuelo. Y me di cuenta que esa mano no ten\u00eda por qu\u00e9 ser la de Eddie Marsan."} {"gender":"female","en":"A recent study in the U.S. showed that, of married senior managers, two-thirds of the married men had children and only one-third of the married women had children.","es":"Un estudio reciente de EE.UU. mostr\u00f3, al analizar los puestos de la gerencia, que 2\/3 de los hombres casados ten\u00edan hijos mientras que s\u00f3lo 1\/3 de las mujeres casadas ten\u00edan hijos."} {"gender":"male","en":"One of the questions was, \"What is your ikigai?\"","es":"Una de las preguntas era: \"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es tu ikigai ?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"I see that you're clutching a teddy bear, etc., etc. So I get a basic idea as to what you might be about, what you might like, what you might do as a profession, etc., etc. However, that's just the initial idea I may have that we all get when we actually look and we try to interpret.","es":"Veo que est\u00e1 apretando un oso de peluche, etc, etc. As\u00ed obtengo una idea b\u00e1sica de c\u00f3mo puede ser, de qu\u00e9 cosas posiblemente le gusten, de cu\u00e1l sea quiz\u00e1s su profesi\u00f3n, etc\u00e9tera, etc\u00e9tera. Sin embargo esta es s\u00f3lo la idea inicial que yo tendr\u00eda, que todos tenemos cuando de hecho miramos."} {"gender":"male","en":"You've just seen him from time to time.","es":"Ustedes s\u00f3lo lo ven a veces."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Okay, this little shortlist, what are we going to do with it?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 vamos a hacer con esta peque\u00f1a lista?"} {"gender":"male","en":"In many ways, that's almost the core competency.","es":"En muchos sentidos, es la principal competencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, consider this case: This woman was late picking up her godsister from a school in Broward County, Florida, running down the street with a friend of hers.","es":"Piensen en este caso: Esta mujer lleg\u00f3 tarde a recoger a la hija de su madrina de una escuela en el condado de Broward, Florida, iba corriendo por la calle con una amiga."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is a woman called Camilla, and she was able, she's the leader in a favela called Favela Skol, she was able to pull in distant witnesses via livestream to help translation, to help distribution, to help amplify her story after her community was forcibly evicted to make room for a very glossy Olympic event last summer.","es":"Esta mujer se llama Camilla, es la l\u00edder de una favela llamada \"Favela Skol\" que fue capaz de atraer testigos, mediante una retransmisi\u00f3n en directo para ayudar con la traducci\u00f3n, y con la distribuci\u00f3n, para ayudar a compartir su historia despu\u00e9s de que su comunidad fuera desahuciada para hacer sitio para un evento ol\u00edmpico muy lustroso el verano pasado."} {"gender":"female","en":"If you can get a hashtag trending on Twitter, or chum the waters with fake news directed to audiences primed to receive it, or drive journalists to dissect terabytes of email for a cent of impropriety, all tactics used in Russian operations, then you've got a shot at effectively camouflaging your operations in the mind of your target.","es":"Si puede hacer que una etiqueta sea tendencia en Twitter, o agitar las aguas con noticias falsas dirigidas a un p\u00fablico preparado para recibirlas, o llevar a periodistas a diseccionar terabytes de emails por un c\u00e9ntimo de indecencia, todas las t\u00e1cticas usadas en las operaciones rusas, entonces uno tiene la oportunidad de camuflar eficazmente sus operaciones en la mente de su objetivo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In 2013, researchers at Oxford University did a study on the future of work.","es":"En 2013 investigadores de la Universidad de Oxford realizaron un estudio sobre el futuro del trabajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"If we think it's completely wrong, we say, \"That's not funny.\"","es":"Si creemos que est\u00e1 completamente mal, decimos \"no es gracioso\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But it turned out that the South did not take kindly to this poaching of its cheap labor.","es":"Y result\u00f3 que al sur no le gust\u00f3 que le robaran la mano de obra tan barata."} {"gender":"female","en":"I decided to ask whether the lesson I had learned from trees as artists could be applied to a static institution such as our prisons, and I think the answer is yes.","es":"Decid\u00ed as\u00ed investigar si la lecci\u00f3n que yo hab\u00eda aprendido de los \u00e1rboles y los artistas podr\u00eda aplicarse a instituciones est\u00e1ticas como nuestras c\u00e1rceles. Y creo que la respuesta es \"s\u00ed\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But the details of the process are still in significant controversy.","es":"Pero los detalles del proceso todav\u00eda crean mucha controversia."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it seems that the only thing left for me to say is to thank you all for your kindness.","es":"Y parece que lo \u00fanico que me queda por decir es gracias a todos por su amabilidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've been a huge fan of enterprise and entrepreneurship since 1993.","es":"He sido gran admirador de las empresas y la iniciativa empresarial desde 1993."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So that as we the people try to create a more perfect union, we're thinking about what we do for each other.","es":"As\u00ed, mientras tratamos de crear una uni\u00f3n m\u00e1s perfecta, pensemos en qu\u00e9 hacemos los unos por los otros."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's very nice for discussion, discourse, making films and everything.","es":"Est\u00e1 muy bien para la discusi\u00f3n, el discurso, para hacer pel\u00edculas y todo eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's you; you're broken.","es":"Eres t\u00fa, t\u00fa te has roto."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I wanted to read you this one closing passage about one patient. \"I recall one patient who was at that point no more than a skeleton encased in shrinking skin, unable to speak, his mouth crusted with candida that was resistant to the usual medications.","es":"Quisiera leerles este pasaje de cierre sobre un paciente: \"Recuerdo a un paciente que estaba a punto de ser solo huesos envueltos en piel encogida, sin poder hablar; su boca incrustada con Candida resistente a los medicamentos usuales."} {"gender":"female","en":"And just like the doctor said, Thomas was missing the top part of his skull, but he could nurse, drink from a bottle, cuddle and grab our fingers like a normal baby, and he slept in our arms.","es":"Y tal como dijo el m\u00e9dico a Thomas le faltaba la parte superior del cr\u00e1neo, pero pod\u00eda mamar, tomar de un biber\u00f3n, acurrucarse y agarrar los dedos como un beb\u00e9 normal y dormir en nuestros brazos."} {"gender":"male","en":"The trouble with widespread headphone use is it brings three really big health issues.","es":"El problema con el uso generalizado de auriculares es que trae aparejado tres grandes problemas de salud."} {"gender":"female","en":"I feel a need to acknowledge the suffering caused by a member of my family who isn't here to do it for himself.","es":"Siento necesidad de reconocer el sufrimiento causado por alguien de mi familia que no est\u00e1 aqu\u00ed para hacerlo por su cuenta."} {"gender":"male","en":"We've all made a mistake, myself included, by focusing down, by being a reductionist. We need to take a step back.\"","es":"Todos hemos cometido un error, incluso yo, por enfocar hacia abajo, por ser reduccionistas, Necesitamos retroceder un paso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And one of the great experts in this field, of course, was, bless him, Cardinal Wolsey.","es":"Y uno de los m\u00e1s grandes expertos en esta \u00e1rea, por supuesto era, bend\u00edganlo, el cardenal Wolsey."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Second factor contributing to inequality on-screen is misperceptions of the audience.","es":"El segundo factor que contribuye a la inequidad en la pantalla son las percepciones err\u00f3neas de la audiencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now to start with, I should say that we are eating way too much meat in the Western world.","es":"Ahora bien, para empezar dir\u00eda que estamos comiendo demasiada carne en el mundo occidental."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Not just in that hospital room or on the couch at home, but everywhere we go and everything we see.","es":"No solo en esa sala de hospital o en el sof\u00e1 en casa, sino a cualquier lugar que vamos, por donde miremos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Announcer Six: Societal decay.","es":"Locutor 6: Decadencia social."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I had friends open up to me about experiences ranging from those that happened last week to those that happened years ago, that I'd had no idea about.","es":"Yo misma ten\u00eda amigos que empezaron a contarme experiencias desde las ocurridas la semana anterior a las de hace muchos a\u00f1os y de las que no ten\u00eda ni idea."} {"gender":"male","en":"You all know this story.","es":"Todos ustedes conocen esta historia."} {"gender":"male","en":"I expect a lot from food.","es":"Yo espero mucho de la comida."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so the crisis counselor says, \"How about you put those pills in the drawer while we text?\"","es":"Y as\u00ed, el consejero de crisis, dice, \"\u00bfPon esas pastillas en el caj\u00f3n mientras escribes?\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I remember I stumbled into this image of this Japanese basket and thinking our Western notions of perfection need to be challenged, that this wonderful silhouette of this basket, this wonkiness, and that it has the kind of dimple of what you might imagine a shoulder or the cheekbone, and that kind of organic form.","es":"Recuerdo que top\u00e9 con la imagen de esta cesta japonesa y pens\u00e9 que nuestras nociones occidentales de perfecci\u00f3n necesitan ser desafiadas, que esta maravillosa silueta de esta canasta, c\u00f3mo se ladea, y que tiene el tipo de hoyuelo que uno imagina en el hombro o en el p\u00f3mulo, ese tipo de forma org\u00e1nica."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so you can see, literally, signs of their shock signs of their outrage signs of their anger and signs of their grief.","es":"Y se puede ver, literalmente, las se\u00f1ales de su asombro, las se\u00f1ales de su indignaci\u00f3n, las se\u00f1ales de su enfado, y las se\u00f1ales de su dolor."} {"gender":"male","en":"On February 17th they passed it again with another vote of 114 to one.","es":"El 17 de febrero se aprob\u00f3 otra vez en otra votaci\u00f3n, de 114 a uno."} {"gender":"male","en":"EM: It's quite bizarre test-driving.","es":"EM: Es una prueba de conducci\u00f3n bastante extra\u00f1a."} {"gender":"male","en":"To look after Antarctica, you've got to first engage people with this extraordinary place, form a relationship, form a bond, form some love.","es":"Para cuidar de la Ant\u00e1rtida primero tenemos que involucrar a la gente en este lugar extraordinario, establecer una relaci\u00f3n, forman una uni\u00f3n poner las bases de un poco de amor."} {"gender":"female","en":"Then, in 1960, after Congolese independence, it escalated because each camp tried to align with national politicians, but still to advance their local agendas.","es":"Luego, en 1960, despu\u00e9s de la independencia del Congo, el conflicto se agrav\u00f3 debido a que cada grupo trat\u00f3 de alinearse con las pol\u00edticas nacionales, pero tambi\u00e9n a la vez, mantener sus agendas a nivel local."} {"gender":"male","en":"We put some new tires on it, wrapped it with a logo.","es":"Le pusimos ruedas nuevas y le adjuntamos un logo."} {"gender":"male","en":"But while we have the luxury of whining and complaining about who's paying for what and how much we get, the people that are out there giving us that great privilege of whining and complaining, I know what they deserve: everything humanly possible.","es":"Pero mientras tengamos el lujo de lloriquear y quejarnos de quien paga que, y cuanto nos toca, las personas que est\u00e1n all\u00e1 afuera d\u00e1ndonos ese gran privilegio de lloriquear y quejarnos, Yo se que ellos merecen, todo lo humanamente posible."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When we produce materials, we need to extract them from the environment, and we need a whole bunch of environmental impacts.","es":"Cuando producimos materiales, necesitamos extraerlos del medio ambiente y generamos una gran cantidad de impactos medioambientales."} {"gender":"male","en":"These ideas are very tentative, and that's in part because this needs to be an inclusive and shared project. I am still British.","es":"Estas ideas son muy provisionales, y es as\u00ed en parte porque esto debe ser un proyecto incluyente y compartido Todav\u00eda soy brit\u00e1nico."} {"gender":"male","en":"And a few months before that, there was a white American guy in Austin, Texas who flew his airplane into the IRS building, and I happened to be in Austin that day doing a stand-up comedy show.","es":"Y unos meses antes de eso, un tipo blanco estadounidense, en Austin, Texas, estrell\u00f3 su avi\u00f3n contra el edificio del IRS y, por casualidad, yo estaba en Austin ese d\u00eda haciendo una comedia."} {"gender":"female","en":"And when classes come in with children who are just a few years older, 11, 12, I felt that I sometimes already had trouble in reaching them like that.","es":"Cuando llegan las clases con ni\u00f1os solo un poco mayores, de 11 o 12, sent\u00eda, a veces, que ten\u00eda problemas en llegarles de igual manera."} {"gender":"male","en":"How many here would say that Casey Martin does have a right to use a golf cart?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1ntos de ustedes aqu\u00ed dir\u00edan que Casey Martin s\u00ed tiene derecho a usar un carrito de golf?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What did the Peerzadas do in that environment?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 hac\u00edan los Peerzadas en ese momento?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Remember, most people can't even imagine one of these technical miracles, and you need at least five to make a Pantheon.","es":"Recuerden, la mayor\u00eda de la gente no puede ni siquiera imaginar uno de estos milagros t\u00e9cnicos, y se necesitan al menos cinco para hacer el Pante\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"The old man reached out his knobbly claw for the woman's hand, and found it, and left me alone.","es":"El anciano alarg\u00f3 su huesuda garra hacia la mano de ella, la encontr\u00f3, y me dejaron solo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to show you a brief time lapse.","es":"Voy a mostrarles una breve secuencia de video."} {"gender":"female","en":"There are fewer than a handful of palu left on this island.","es":"Son contados con los dedos de una mano los palu que quedan en la isla."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then he turned to us and said, \"That's the first time I've felt that shape in eight years.\"","es":"Luego se volvi\u00f3 hacia nosotros y dijo: \"Es la primera vez que siento esa forma en ocho a\u00f1os\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that's because geologists of the future would kind of see a sharp shift in the strata of rock that is being laid down now.","es":"Y eso debido a que los ge\u00f3logos del futuro ver\u00e1n un cambio marcado en los estratos de roca que estamos dejando ahora."} {"gender":"male","en":"Who's that?","es":"\u00bfQui\u00e9n es?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Then at the age of 12, my family sent me to high school in Zimbabwe.","es":"Cuando cumpl\u00ed 12 a\u00f1os, mi familia me envi\u00f3 a la escuela en Zimbabue."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's that you need to go to a place that's a desert today, a place that doesn't have too many plants covering up the rocks, and a place where erosion is always exposing new bones at the surface.","es":"Solo que hay que ir a lugares donde hoy existen desiertos, lugares donde no hay demasiada flora que cubra las rocas, y lugares donde la erosi\u00f3n siempre expone nuevos huesos a la superficie."} {"gender":"male","en":"What really matters is basically to manipulate the emotions of the people.","es":"Lo que realmente importa es, b\u00e1sicamente, manipular las emociones de la gente."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was so awful, but why did they do it at 40 and 50?","es":"Era terrible. Pero, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 lo hac\u00edan a los 40 o 50 a\u00f1os?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I think we've got a lot of learning to do.","es":"Creo que tenemos mucho que aprender."} {"gender":"female","en":"I've learned that no matter how much we want to believe we can, we cannot know or control everything our loved ones think and feel, and the stubborn belief that we are somehow different, that someone we love would never think of hurting themselves or someone else, can cause us to miss what's hidden in plain sight.","es":"He aprendido que no importa cu\u00e1nto queramos creer que podemos, no podemos conocer ni controlar todo lo que nuestros seres queridos piensan y sienten y que creer testarudamente que somos diferentes, que alguien que amamos nunca pensar\u00eda en hacerse da\u00f1o o da\u00f1ar a alguien, puede hacer que no veamos lo oculto a simple vista."} {"gender":"male","en":"I would leave demoralized, staring at my feet.","es":"Sal\u00eda desmoralizado, mir\u00e1ndome los pies."} {"gender":"female","en":"There are fossils in amongst, and now I've trained you to appreciate the fossil corals that are down there.","es":"Hay f\u00f3siles entre ellos, y ahora me he entrenado para apreciar los corales f\u00f3siles que est\u00e1n ah\u00ed abajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"A lot of people are getting together, and working under this umbrella I told you about earlier, the ONE Campaign.","es":"Mucha gente se est\u00e1 uniendo, y est\u00e1 trabajando bajo este paraguas del que les habl\u00e9 antes, la Campa\u00f1a ONE."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And without leaving their farms, they take a drop of that genetic material and put it into a little analyzer smaller than a shoebox, program it to detect DNA or RNA from the swine flu virus, and within one hour get back the results, visualize the results.","es":"Y sin salir de sus granjas, toman una gota del material gen\u00e9tico y ponerlo en un peque\u00f1o analizador m\u00e1s peque\u00f1o que una caja de zapatos, programado para detectar ADN o ARN del virus de la gripe porcina, y en una hora se obtendr\u00e1n resultados, se visualizar\u00e1n los resultados."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'll tell you what I think about this and the stock market in a minute.","es":"Les dir\u00e9 lo que pienso acerca de esto y la bolsa de valores en un minuto."} {"gender":"female","en":"I've performed all over the country. And let me tell you, America is majestic, right?","es":"He actuado por todo el pa\u00eds. y, debo decirles, el pa\u00eds es impresionante."} {"gender":"female","en":"I would like for them to fire the boss, that's me.","es":"Me gustar\u00eda que despidieran a la jefa que soy yo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Financial, they give you one percent, only one star.","es":"Econ\u00f3micamente nos dan uno por ciento, s\u00f3lo una estrella."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a language.","es":"Es un lenguaje."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm talking, of course, about living organisms.","es":"Estoy hablando, claro, de los organismos vivos."} {"gender":"male","en":"It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate.","es":"Ni la belleza de nuestra poes\u00eda o la fortaleza de nuestros matrimonios, la inteligencia de nuestro debate p\u00fablico."} {"gender":"male","en":"We decided early on that we had to take a synthetic route, even though nobody had been there before, to see if we could synthesize a bacterial chromosome so we could actually vary the gene content to understand the essential genes for life.","es":"En los comienzos decidimos que deb\u00edamos tomar una v\u00eda sint\u00e9tica, a pesar de que nadie hab\u00eda estado all\u00ed antes, para ver si pod\u00edamos sintetizar un cromosoma bacteriano, as\u00ed se podr\u00eda variar el contenido gen\u00e9tico permiti\u00e9ndonos entender los genes esenciales para la vida."} {"gender":"female","en":"I like to say that the alternatives are \"on a par.\"","es":"Me gusta decir que las alternativas est\u00e1n al mismo nivel."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Of course, that's not possible.","es":"Por supuesto, eso no es posible."} {"gender":"male","en":"Our first product is a new media platform for conversations.","es":"Nuestro primer producto es una nueva plataforma social para conversaciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because I think it makes a difference whether you have a body that feels a part of a space, rather than having a body which is just in front of a picture. And \"Ha-ha, there is a picture and here is I. And what does it matter?\"","es":"Porque pienso que hace la diferencia si es que tienes un cuerpo que se siente como parte del espacio m\u00e1s que s\u00f3lo tener un cuerpo enfrente de un cuadro y \"Aj\u00e1, ah\u00ed se encuentra un cuadro y ah\u00ed estoy yo. Y \u00bfQu\u00e9 importar\u00eda?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And the first implementation was to think about how we could make the building self-sufficient in terms of energy in a city that has electricity cuts almost every day.","es":"Lo primero fue pensar en c\u00f3mo lograr el autoabastecimiento de energ\u00eda para el edificio en una ciudad en la que la electricidad se corta casi todos los d\u00edas."} {"gender":"female","en":"This curious coalition is building from the right and the left, made up of former prisoners and fiscal conservatives, of civil rights activists and libertarians, of young people taking to the streets to protest police violence against unarmed black teenagers, and older, wealthier people, some of you are here in the audience, pumping big money into decarceration initiatives In a deeply divided Congress, the work of reforming our criminal justice system is just about the only thing that the right and the left are coming together on.","es":"Esta curiosa coalici\u00f3n construida desde la derecha y la izquierda, conformada por exprisioneros y fiscales conservadores, por activistas de derechos civiles y libertarios, por j\u00f3venes que toman las calles para protestar contra la violencia policial contra adolescentes negros desarmados, y personas m\u00e1s ricas de edad avanzada --algunos est\u00e1n presentes en el p\u00fablico-- pone grandes sumas de dinero en iniciativas de reducci\u00f3n de c\u00e1rceles. En un Congreso profundamente dividido, el trabajo de la reforma del sistema de justicia penal es casi lo \u00fanico en que la derecha y la izquierda avanzan juntas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Or at least, that's what you say when you identify yourself.","es":"O al menos, eso es lo que dices cuando te identificas a ti mismo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Anyway, I asked Peter, by any chance, could he take us back to where he caught those thylacines.","es":"De cualquier manera, le pregunt\u00e9 a Peter, por casualidad, si podr\u00eda llevarnos donde atrapaba esos tilacinos."} {"gender":"male","en":"As a bonus, she hooked me up with a second one they make.","es":"Como beneficio adicional, me enganch\u00f3 con una segunda que hacen."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And eventually these dots went from being perfectly round to looking more like tadpoles, because of the shake.","es":"Finalmente, estos puntos pasaron de ser perfectamente redondos a parecer unos renacuajos, por causa del temblor."} {"gender":"male","en":"I said, as I say to all of you, I'm on Facebook. Friend me.","es":"Dije, como les digo ahora, estoy en Facebook, a\u00f1\u00e1danme como amigo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I called her.","es":"As\u00ed que la llam\u00e9."} {"gender":"female","en":"But this is not the Europe we know today.","es":"Pero esta no era la Europa que hoy conocemos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in 11 out of 15 of them, let me tell you, they've ended in catastrophic war.","es":"Y 11 de 15 de ellos, d\u00e9jenme decirles, han terminado en una guerra catastr\u00f3fica."} {"gender":"male","en":"Never mind that while she was running for president and he was serving in his final year in that office, Hillary, Barack and I could just never find the time to get together and yuck it up about the Tulsa mayor's race.","es":"Sin importar que mientras ella se postulaba para presidente \u00e9l ocupaba el cargo en su \u00faltimo a\u00f1o, Hillary, Barack y yo nunca encontramos el momento de reunirnos y charlar sobre las elecciones municipales de Tulsa."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's one last trick.","es":"Hay un \u00faltimo truco."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I've been up here a little over 10 minutes, I've already lost three papers.","es":"As\u00ed que, yo que he estado aqu\u00ed un poco m\u00e1s de 10 minutos, ya me he perdido tres art\u00edculos."} {"gender":"male","en":"This page is very bad; it's a categorization of countries.","es":"Esta p\u00e1gina es p\u00e9sima."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So there was, about a year and a half ago, a front-page story by Carl Zimmer in the New York Times, \"Mass Extinction in the Oceans, Broad Studies Show.\"","es":"Hace como a\u00f1o y medio un art\u00edculo de Carl Zimmer en la primera p\u00e1gina del New York Times se titulaba 'Extinci\u00f3n masiva en los oc\u00e9anos, seg\u00fan estudios'."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"People have been talking about this idea for decades, under the name of \"uploads.\"","es":"La gente ha estado hablando de esta idea durante d\u00e9cadas, bajo el nombre de \"cargar software\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"This guy is now five generations removed from the General; this guy is about seven.","es":"Este tipo representa cinco generaciones desde el General; este ni\u00f1o cerca de siete."} {"gender":"male","en":"I felt so sick.","es":"Me sent\u00eda muy enfermo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, put them on both cups.","es":"P\u00f3nlas sobre los vasos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, you know, we should expect to see that.","es":"Bien, saben, deber\u00edamos esperar ver eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I had an idea, which was to think about this same sort of approach but to think about it in a very local sense.","es":"As\u00ed que tuve una idea, que consist\u00eda en pensar en este mismo tipo de enfoque pero pensar en ello en un sentido muy local."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that transformation is part of where India is heading today.","es":"Y esa transformaci\u00f3n forma parte de la direcci\u00f3n que est\u00e1 tomando la India hoy."} {"gender":"male","en":"I wanted to save the world and make everyone happy.","es":"Yo quer\u00eda salvar al mundo y luego hacer feliz a todos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So for a few days, that's how my living room was.","es":"Durante unos d\u00edas mi sal\u00f3n ten\u00eda este aspecto."} {"gender":"male","en":"The driver does some of the deliveries while the drones are flying back and forth from the truck as it moves.","es":"El conductor hace algunas de las entregas y los drones van y vienen, haciendo otras mientras el cami\u00f3n se mueve."} {"gender":"male","en":"Construction play, it\u2019s playful, obviously, but also a powerful way to learn.","es":"Los juegos de construcci\u00f3n son obviamente algo l\u00fadico, pero tambi\u00e9n una manera efectiva de aprender."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's a species close to human, with several advantages over mice: They're free, you don't shave them, they feed themselves, and nobody pickets your office saying, \"Save the lab medical student.\"","es":"Es una especie cercana a los humanos, con varias ventajas sobre los ratones: Son gratis, no hay que afeitarlos, se alimentan solos, y nadie hace manifestaciones p\u00edublicas diciendo: \"Salven a los estudiantes de medicina de laboratorio\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Confused, and perhaps maybe a little bit reassured, she realized that yes, I, this American-acting, shorts-wearing, non-veiled woman, was indeed a Muslim.","es":"Confundida, y tal vez un poco m\u00e1s tranquila, se dio cuenta de que s\u00ed, la mujer que aparentaba ser de EE. UU., sin velo, con pantalones cortos, era musulmana."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's not the only way that NBA players' bodies are unique.","es":"No solo por eso los cuerpos de los jugadores de la NBA son \u00fanicos."} {"gender":"male","en":"The first example started with an invitation to design a multistory shopping mall in Ethiopia's capital city Addis Ababa.","es":"El primer ejemplo comenz\u00f3 con una invitaci\u00f3n para dise\u00f1ar un centro comercial de varios pisos en la capital de Etiop\u00eda, Addis Abeba."} {"gender":"female","en":"They did not know me, but they wept with me.","es":"Ellos no me conoc\u00edan, pero lloraron conmigo."} {"gender":"male","en":"We can be astonishingly inventive and creative.","es":"Podemos ser incre\u00edblemente inventivos y creativos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Fifteen is a mild coma.","es":"15 es coma medio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But somehow what strikes everybody's imagination, or lots of people's imagination, somehow from that original Big Bang we have this beautiful world that we live in today.","es":"Pero de alguna manera lo que emociona a la imaginaci\u00f3n de todos, o de muchas personas, de alguna manera de aquel Big Bang original tenemos este hermoso mundo en el que vivimos hoy."} {"gender":"female","en":"He does not seem to be breathing.","es":"Parece que no respira."} {"gender":"male","en":"PJ: And what happens in the end when I tell them the true nature of the experiment?","es":"PJ: \u00bfY qu\u00e9 ocurre cuando al final les digo c\u00f3mo es el experimento de verdad?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I knew, as perhaps many of you might know, that in India, a large number of people are born in the lowest segment of caste.","es":"Yo sab\u00eda, como tal vez saben muchos de Uds., que en India un gran n\u00famero de personas nacen en la casta m\u00e1s baja."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If it's yellow, it's 40 to 60 percent.","es":"El amarillo, 40% a 60%."} {"gender":"female","en":"So we decided to change our fighting-bigortry- with-delightful-posters campaign and turn it into the fighting-bigotry- with-a-delightful-lawsuit campaign.","es":"As\u00ed que decidimos convertir nuestra campa\u00f1a contra la intolerancia con carteles exquisitos por una campa\u00f1a de demandas deliciosas."} {"gender":"male","en":"On the other hand, with indirect language, if you issue a veiled bribe, then the dishonest officer could interpret it as a bribe, in which case you get the payoff of going free.","es":"Por otra parte, con el lenguaje indirecto si emites un soborno encubierto el polic\u00eda deshonesto podr\u00eda interpretarlo como un soborno, y entonces consigues la recompensa de irte libre."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a tough market out there. Now they've introduced these four ways of looking at technology, these four stages of technology's life. I'd like to talk about some other technologies out there, just technologies on our radar, and I'll use this lens, these four, as a way to kind of tell you where each one of those technologies is in its development.","es":"Es un mercado dif\u00edcil. Ahora que ya he presentado esas cuantro maneras de mirar la tecnolog\u00eda, esas cuatro fases de la vida de una tecnolog\u00eda me gustar\u00eda mirar otras tecnolog\u00edas que hay all\u00ed fuera, simplemente tecnolog\u00edas en nuestro radar, y usar\u00e9 estos lentes, estas cuatro, como manera de explicarles d\u00f3nde est\u00e1 cada una de ellas en su desarrollo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And many people found this amazing. But that woman was trying to make sense of her life with a machine that had no experience of the arc of a human life.","es":"Mucha gente piensa que es asombroso, pero esa mujer estaba tratando de darle sentido a su vida con una m\u00e1quina que no sabe del ciclo de la vida humana."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It just extrudes.","es":"Simplmente sale."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's called reconstructed memories.","es":"Esto se conoce como memorias reconstruidas."} {"gender":"male","en":"No person can ever study a hundred billion web pages.","es":"Ninguna persona puede estudiar 100 000 millones de p\u00e1ginas web."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here somebody makes a right turn, and in a moment here, somebody's going to make a U-turn in front of us, and we can anticipate that behavior and respond safely.","es":"Aqu\u00ed alguien gira a la derecha, y en un momento, alguien quiere girar en U frente a nosotros, y podemos anticipar ese comportamiento y responder con seguridad."} {"gender":"female","en":"We got quite some attention.","es":"Obtuvimos mucha atenci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And they're now fully capable of handling any of the loads you would see in flight, just like putting down your convertible top.","es":"Ahora pueden soportar perfectamente todas las cargas de vuelo; y se accionan como el techo de un convertible."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the idea of the software was to gather information from SMS, email and web, and put a map so that you could see what was happening where, and you could visualize that data.","es":"Y la idea del software es recoger informaci\u00f3n de los SMS, del correo electr\u00f3nico y la web y ponerla en un mapa para poder ver qu\u00e9 es lo que estaba sucediendo y d\u00f3nde y poder visualizar esos datos."} {"gender":"male","en":"She's one of the best dog trainers in the world, and she believes that we can do a lot more.","es":"Es una de las mejores adiestradoras de perros del mundo y cree que podemos hacer mucho m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"Yes, lot\u2019s of laughter.","es":". S\u00ed, es muy gracioso."} {"gender":"male","en":"No, that's not true either.","es":"No, eso tampoco es verdad."} {"gender":"male","en":"Climate isn't really about some abstract, distant climate far, far away from us.","es":"El clima no es realmente algo abstracto y distante muy lejos de nosotros."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, you are all intimately familiar with the mind of a procrastinator.","es":"Uds. est\u00e1n muy familiarizados con la mente de un procrastinador."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is a question that's personally intrigued me for a long time.","es":"Esta es una pregunta que personalmente me ha intrigado durante mucho tiempo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now none of these solutions, the prescription pad, the electronic medical record, the waiting room, the army of college students, are perfect.","es":"Ahora bien, ninguna de estas soluciones: el talonario de prescripciones, la historia cl\u00ednica electr\u00f3nica, la sala de espera, el ej\u00e9rcito de estudiantes universitarios, es perfecta."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's my favorite, Demon Furby.","es":"\u00c9ste es mi favorito, el Furby Demonio."} {"gender":"female","en":"I spent months educating nurses and doctors about what female genital mutilation was and where it was practiced: Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and now, Australia and London and America, because, as we all know, we live in a multicultural society, and people who come from those backgrounds come with their culture, and sometimes they have cultural practices that we may not agree with, but they continue to practice them.","es":"Pas\u00e9 meses ense\u00f1ando a enfermeras y m\u00e9dicos qu\u00e9 es la mutilaci\u00f3n genital femenina y d\u00f3nde se practica: En \u00c1frica, Oriente Medio, Asia, y ahora en Australia, Londres, EE.UU., porque, como sabemos, vivimos en una sociedad multicultural, y quienes emigran traen con ellos su cultura, y suelen tener costumbres culturales con las que podemos no estar de acuerdo, pero las siguen practicando."} {"gender":"female","en":"If I fade in the radio light, this is what we observe with our survey.","es":"Si desvanezco a la luz de radio, esto es lo que observamos con nuestro estudio."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is an argument which doesn't make sense.","es":"Y ese argumento no tiene sentido."} {"gender":"male","en":"And there's only two countries, the U.S. and the former Soviet Union, that had major efforts on trying to create biological warfare agents.","es":"Y hay s\u00f3lo dos pa\u00edses, los Estados Unidos y la antigua Uni\u00f3n Sovi\u00e9tica, que hicieron grandes esfuerzos por tratar de crear agentes de guerra biol\u00f3gica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And remember what happens the last time we expanded our neocortex?","es":"\u00bfY recuerdan qu\u00e9 paso la \u00faltima vez que expandimos nuestro neoc\u00f3rtex?"} {"gender":"male","en":"What we do is teach our kids the things they shouldn't do: don't hit; don't bite; don't swear.","es":"Lo que hacemos es sentarnos y ense\u00f1arles a nuestros ni\u00f1os las cosas que no deber\u00edan hacer. No pegues, no muerdas, no jures."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The painting technique that had been handed on for 200 years in Florentine studios was not equipped for this kind of a narrative.","es":"La t\u00e9cnica de pintura que se hab\u00eda usado durante 200 a\u00f1os en los estudios florentinos no era la mejor para este tipo de narrativa."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that was the finishing post right there.","es":"Ese era el poste de llegada, justo ah\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"She could use it when she wanted, in the way that she wanted, at the dose and frequency that worked for her.","es":"Pod\u00eda usarlo cuando quisiera, como ella quisiera, la dosis y la frecuencia que le funcionara."} {"gender":"male","en":"The rest of the car has to be very light to offset the mass of the pack, and then you have to have a low drag coefficient so that you have good highway range.","es":"El resto del coche tiene que ser muy ligero para compensar la masa del paquete de bater\u00edas. Tambi\u00e9n hay que conseguir un coeficiente aerodin\u00e1mico bajo para tener buena autonom\u00eda en la carretera."} {"gender":"male","en":"Really, I go step by step.","es":"En verdad, voy paso a paso."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because I'm not really comfortable just helping that girl with counseling and referrals.","es":"Porque no me siento tranquila al ayudar a esa chica solo con consejos y recomendaciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"They were really thinking about, they weren't putting electricity into the home; they were putting lighting into the home.","es":"En lo que realmente estaban pensando, no era en llevar la electricidad al hogar. Era llevar la luz al hogar."} {"gender":"male","en":"But he was a passionate teacher, and I remember one of our earlier classes with him, he was projecting images on the wall, asking us to think about them, and he put up an image of a painting.","es":"Pero era un maestro apasionado, y recuerdo una de nuestras primeras clases con \u00e9l, estaba proyectando im\u00e1genes en la pared, pidi\u00e9ndonos que pens\u00e1ramos en ellas. Entonces nos present\u00f3 una pintura."} {"gender":"male","en":"So 20 percent of the blogs get 80 percent of the links.","es":"As\u00ed, el 20 por ciento de los blogs reciben el 80 por ciento de los links."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And this stone takes a perfect polish.","es":"Esta piedra puede ser pulida perfectamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"But when it finally happened, I stayed on and decided to help. And so did several other brave health care professionals.","es":"Pero cuando finalmente ocurri\u00f3, decid\u00ed quedarme y ayudar, al igual que otros valientes profesionales de la salud."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We need new models of what it means to be a leader.","es":"Necesitamos nuevos patrones de lo que significa ser l\u00edder."} {"gender":"male","en":"What about the remaining half of the people?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 sucede con la otra mitad de la gente?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's something that this medium enabled, was experimentation being a part of the format itself.","es":"Y eso es algo que permite este medio: la experimentaci\u00f3n es parte del propio formato."} {"gender":"male","en":"Her nipple is completely hidden by the baby's head, but what you'll notice is a white droplet with an arrow pointing to it, and that's the secretion from the areolar glands.","es":"Su pez\u00f3n est\u00e1 completamente escondido por la cabeza del beb\u00e9, pero lo que notar\u00e1n es una gotita blanca se\u00f1alada por una flecha, y es la secreci\u00f3n de las gl\u00e1ndulas areolares."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, now, at this level, in what's called the inferotemporal cortex, there are only visual images, or figments or fragments.","es":"Ahora, en este nivel, lo que se llama cortex inferotemporal, s\u00f3lo hay im\u00e1genes visuales, o imaginarias o fragmentos."} {"gender":"male","en":"You are all smelling pretty much the same thing, OK?","es":"Todos est\u00e1n oliendo m\u00e1s o menos lo mismo, \u00bfde acuerdo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Being a documentary photographer, I decided to go back to Lebanon a few months after the conflict ended to meet cluster bomb survivors.","es":"Por ser una fot\u00f3grafa documental, decid\u00ed volver a L\u00edbano unos meses despu\u00e9s de finalizado el conflicto para conocer supervivientes de las bombas de racimo."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is in south central Alaska.","es":"Esto es el centro sur de Alaska."} {"gender":"female","en":"I hope you've enjoyed this short journey into our microbial oceans and that the next time you look out at the sea, you'll take in a deep breath of fresh ocean air and wonder: What else are all of the unseen microbes doing to keep us and our oceans healthy?","es":"Espero que hayan disfrutado de este viaje a nuestros oc\u00e9anos microbianos y que la pr\u00f3xima vez que miren el mar, tomen una bocanada de aire fresco del oc\u00e9ano y se pregunten: \u00bfQu\u00e9 m\u00e1s est\u00e1n haciendo todos los microbios invisibles para mantenernos a nosotros y a nuestros oc\u00e9anos saludables?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And when we go to COP15 at the end of this year we can't stop thinking of padding CO2.","es":"Y cuando asistamos al COP15 a fin de este a\u00f1o, no podremos dejar de pensar en limitar el CO2."} {"gender":"male","en":"So don't hang on till the bitter end.","es":"As\u00ed que no te aferres hasta el amargo final."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we went together with these guys and we basically put this exoskeleton together, 15 degrees of freedom, hydraulic machine that can be commanded by brain signals recorded by a non-invasive technology called electroencephalography that can basically allow the patient to imagine the movements and send his commands to the controls, the motors, and get it done.","es":"Nos juntamos con estos muchachos y en esencia construimos este exoesqueleto, 15 grados de libertad, m\u00e1quina hidr\u00e1ulica que puede comandarse con se\u00f1ales del cerebro registradas por una tecnolog\u00eda no invasiva llamada electroencefalograf\u00eda que b\u00e1sicamente permite que el paciente imagine los movimientos env\u00ede sus \u00f3rdenes a los controles, los motores, y estos se hagan."} {"gender":"male","en":"Extroverted women?","es":"\u00bfMujeres extrovertidas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Our entire civilization, everything that we value, is based on our intelligence.","es":"Toda nuestra civilizaci\u00f3n, todo lo que valoramos, se basa en nuestra inteligencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"Who in the room has a mobile phone with you?","es":"\u00bfQui\u00e9nes de los presenten tienen un m\u00f3vil aqu\u00ed?"} {"gender":"male","en":"No matter what happened, no matter how hard they worked, no matter how hard they tried to get ahead, nothing good would happen.","es":"No importaba lo que pasara, lo duro que trabajaran, no importaba lo duro que fuera salir adelante, nada bueno iba a pasar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Our goal is a delightfully diverse, safe, healthy and just world, with clean air, clean water, soil and power, economically, equitably, ecologically and elegantly enjoyed, period.","es":"Nuestro objetivo es un mundo exquis\u00edtamente diverso, seguro, sano y justo, con aire limpio, agua limpia, suelos y energ\u00eda, econ\u00f3mica, equitativa, ecol\u00f3gica y elegantemente disfrutado, punto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Jimmy Kimmel actually.","es":"Fue Jimmy Kimmel."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Anatomists were arguing very much about that.","es":"Los anatomistas han discutido mucho sobre el tema."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They weren't physically transporting themselves; they were mentally transporting themselves.","es":"No los llevaban consigo f\u00edsicamente pero s\u00ed en la mente."} {"gender":"male","en":"I hope, if you want to know more, you can read more.","es":"Espero que, si quieren saber m\u00e1s, puedan leer m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, from 1965 to 1973 there were more munitions that fell on Cambodia than in all of World War II Japan, including the two nuclear bombs of August 1945.","es":"Es decir, de 1965 a 1973 cayeron sobre Camboya m\u00e1s explosivos que durante toda la Segunda Guerra Mundial en Jap\u00f3n, incluyendo las dos bombas at\u00f3micas de agosto de 1945."} {"gender":"male","en":"But it was a sense of pride that we made things, that the world around us was made by us.","es":"Pero hab\u00eda orgullo por hacer cosas; hicimos el mundo que nos rodea."} {"gender":"male","en":"But soon we may see polio eradicated.","es":"Pero puede que pronto veamos erradicado el polio."} {"gender":"male","en":"He would have understood those; a chariot of pure intent, think about it, in a city out of control.","es":"Lo habr\u00eda entendido; un carro de pura intenci\u00f3n, pi\u00e9nsenlo, en una ciudad fuera de control."} {"gender":"male","en":"We are called upon to serve hundreds of thousands of people.","es":"Nos convocan para atender a cientos de miles de personas."} {"gender":"female","en":"So what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you two patterns of deception.","es":"As\u00ed que voy a mostrarles dos patrones en que se presenta el enga\u00f1o."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, first off, we could make a higher quality product, be easy to test, and make sure it was great for the customer.","es":"Bueno, para empezar, podr\u00edamos hacer un producto de m\u00e1s alta calidad, f\u00e1cil de probar, y asegurarnos que era genial para el cliente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you take a closer look at a root system, you will find there are many, many, many diverse microbial colonies.","es":"Si examinan de cerca el sistema de ra\u00edz, descubrir\u00e1n que hay muchas, muchas, muchas colonias microbianas diversas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Ballsy, serious, male.","es":"Valiente, serio, masculino."} {"gender":"female","en":"And carbon, if we're getting that into the soil, is going to bind to the other minerals and nutrients in there.","es":"Y el carbono, si lo ponemos en el suelo, se unir\u00e1 a otros minerales y nutrientes all\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Not that there's a lot of competition, right?","es":"\u00a1No que haya mucha competencia, por supuesto!"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, what's important about this robot, compared to other robots, is that it can't see anything, it can't feel anything, it doesn't have a brain, yet it can maneuver over these obstacles without any difficulty whatsoever.","es":"Ahora, lo que es importante respecto de este robot comparado con otros robots, es que no puede ver, no puede sentir, no tiene un cerebro, sin embargo puede maniobrar sobre estos obst\u00e1culos sin dificultad alguna."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We have a very good match up until the present day.","es":"Tenemos un buen ajuste hasta el d\u00eda de hoy."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the way we're doing that is we're creating prize teams within the X PRIZE.","es":"El modo en que lo hacemos es creando equipos para premios dentro del X PRIZE."} {"gender":"male","en":"And he said, \"You know, I'm the lucky guy at this table.","es":"Y dijo, \"Sabes Yo soy el suertudo de esta mesa."} {"gender":"male","en":"So whatever you find in the cave, even a small cricket, has evolved in the dark in complete isolation.","es":"As\u00ed que cualquier cosa en la cueva, incluso un peque\u00f1o grillo, ha evolucionado en la oscuridad en completo aislamiento."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was expecting blame.","es":"Esperaba culpa."} {"gender":"female","en":"He believed that the crystal was the model for all kinds of representation.","es":"\u00c9l cre\u00eda que los cristales eran el modelo para todo tipo de representaciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now you can see that changes the light that's coming through there, right?","es":"Bien. Ahora pueden ver que cambia la luz que sale por ah\u00ed, \u00bfde acuerdo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And I saw my sister's face, this wail of pain and suffering and surprise threatening to erupt from her mouth and wake my parents from the long winter's nap for which they had settled.","es":"Y en la cara de mi hermana vi un gemido de dolor y sufrimiento en su sorpresa, a punto de estallar y despertar a mis padres de su larga siesta."} {"gender":"female","en":"I had studied statistics, probability theory, mathematical modeling, experimental design.","es":"Hab\u00eda estudiado estad\u00edstica, teor\u00eda de probabilidad, modelos matem\u00e1ticos, dise\u00f1o experimental."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They did not, so there were riots.","es":"Pero no lo hicieron, y de ah\u00ed los disturbios ."} {"gender":"male","en":"Or perhaps your father could finagle you an apprenticeship at the age of 15.","es":"O quiz\u00e1 tu padre podr\u00eda hacerte entrar de aprendiz a los 15 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"Of course, they're not gone.","es":"Por supuesto, a\u00fan no se van."} {"gender":"male","en":"About a year ago, some friends of mine and I started a not-for-profit called Just Capital.","es":"Hace aproximadamente un a\u00f1o, algunos amigos m\u00edos y yo iniciamos una organizaci\u00f3n sin fines de lucro llamada \"Capital justo\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Can you see a pattern and then recognize and do something about it?","es":"\u00bfPueden ver un patr\u00f3n, reconocerlo, y hacer algo al respecto?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And every program is running in different conditions and doing different experiments.","es":"Y cada programa est\u00e1 funcionando en diferentes condiciones y haciendo experimentos diferentes."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, if you take the greatest insights from ancient Asian philosophies and religions and combine them with the latest research on moral psychology, I think you come to these conclusions: that our righteous minds were designed by evolution to unite us into teams, to divide us against other teams and then to blind us to the truth.","es":"Bien, si tomamos las m\u00e1s grandes revelaciones de las antiguas religiones y filosof\u00edas Asi\u00e1ticas, y las combinamos con las m\u00e1s recientes investigaciones en sicolog\u00eda moral, creo que llegar\u00e1n a estas conclusiones: Que nuestras mentes rectas fueron dise\u00f1adas por la evoluci\u00f3n para unirnos en equipos, para dividirnos en contra de otros equipos y entonces cegarnos a la verdad."} {"gender":"male","en":"Or you could pay eight times the going rate for something called a lightning call. But, lightning struck rather slowly in our country in those days, so, it was like about a half an hour for a lightning call to come through.","es":"O pod\u00edas pagar 8 veces la tarifa del momento por una cosa que se llamaba \"lightning call\". Pero los rel\u00e1mpagos iban mas bien despacio por aquel entonces de manera que una llamada rel\u00e1mpago tardaba una media hora en llegar."} {"gender":"female","en":"So if we move along this model, you can see the blue, where the external speakers are going, and towards the bottom right, the line breaks.","es":"Y si nos movemos en este esquema, se puede ver el azul, donde van los oradores externos, van hacia la parte inferior derecha, y la l\u00ednea se rompe."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you're on the walk and that idea's not coming to you, come back to it later at another time.","es":"Si est\u00e1n caminando y la idea no viene, d\u00e9jenlo para otro momento."} {"gender":"male","en":"And when you start, you cannot stop.","es":"Y una vez que se empieza, no se puede parar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This meant that one employee was responsible for 180 inhabitants, which was really unique in the world.","es":"Esto significaba que cada empleado era responsable de 180 habitantes, algo realmente \u00fanico en el mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And they made some fabulous art.","es":"E hicieron arte fabuloso."} {"gender":"male","en":"They apply to this fund in order to do various projects, and I'll show you a couple of examples.","es":"Ellos aplican a este fondo para hacer varios proyectos, y les mostrar\u00e9 un par de ejemplos."} {"gender":"female","en":"The owner of a fashion company told me that he's so frustrated because his customers keep complaining that his products are not new enough.","es":"El due\u00f1o de una compa\u00f1\u00eda de moda me dijo que est\u00e1 muy frustrado porque sus clientes se quejan de que sus productos no son suficientemente nuevos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's about space.","es":"Se trata del espacio."} {"gender":"male","en":"So this is a coffee machine. Just takes a few hundred rupees.","es":"Esto es una cafetera, solo cuesta unos cientos de rupias."} {"gender":"female","en":"In fact, if you're a failure or you think you're a failure, I've got some good news for you: you might be a success by standards you have not yet honored.","es":"De hecho, si Uds. son un fracaso o si creen ser un fracaso, tengo buenas noticias: podr\u00edan tener \u00e9xito en est\u00e1ndares que a\u00fan no conocen."} {"gender":"female","en":"Many more were needed.","es":"Se necesitaban muchos m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"There is no breakup explanation that's going to feel satisfying.","es":"No existe explicaci\u00f3n de la ruptura que nos conforme."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's called Pioneer Works.","es":"Se llama Pioneer Works."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what sex does is it enables the individual to draw upon the genetic innovations of the whole species.","es":"As\u00ed que lo que el sexo hace es que permite que el individuo disponga de las innovaciones gen\u00e9ticas de la especie completa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"People wrote in for reprints of that thing.","es":"La gente escribi\u00f3 para que se reeditase aquello."} {"gender":"female","en":"So what we did was we presented movies of everyday things, people, babies, park benches, you know, regular things happening, and we recorded the responses from the retinas of these three groups of animals.","es":"Lo que hicimos fue presentar una pel\u00edcula sobre cosas corrientes; gente, beb\u00e9s, bancos de parque, osea, cosas normales que suceden, y grabamos las respuestas de las retinas de estos tres grupos de animales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is a major issue.","es":"Y esta es una cuesti\u00f3n importante."} {"gender":"female","en":"Wasn't the first time I was abused, it was just the most aggressive.","es":"No fue la primera vez que me maltrataron, fue simplemente la m\u00e1s agresiva."} {"gender":"male","en":"We all have to be very careful.","es":"Todos tenemos que ser muy cuidadosos."} {"gender":"male","en":"When they got to a certain stage, Pratham got big enough to attract some pro bono support from McKinsey.","es":"Cuando llegaron a una cierta etapa, Pratham se hizo lo suficientemente grande para atraer algo de apoyo ad honorem de McKinsey."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What did we do to their brains?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 le hicimos a sus cerebros?"} {"gender":"female","en":"My mother had said it was called circumcision, but here it was mutilation.","es":"Mi mam\u00e1 hab\u00eda dicho que se llamaba circuncisi\u00f3n, pero ac\u00e1 era mutilaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Why isn't it taken more seriously?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no la toman m\u00e1s en serio?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Just look at New York.","es":"Solo vean New York."} {"gender":"male","en":"Whereas a self-driving system can look at that pedestrian and say, I don't know what they're about to do, slow down, take a better look, and then react appropriately after that.","es":"Mientras que un sistema autoconducido puede mirar al peat\u00f3n y decir: no s\u00e9 qu\u00e9 est\u00e1 por hacer, desacelerar\u00e9, observar\u00e9 mejor y despu\u00e9s reaccionar\u00e9 en consecuencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"The exact same principle can apply to Hollywood films.","es":"Ese mismo principio puede aplicarse a los filmes de Hollywood."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is just the outline of it, and you can see, does it look like a regular building?","es":"Esto es apenas el boceto de eso, y pueden ver, \u00bfse ve como un edificio normal, no?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is Mount Visoke, with a small crater lake in its summit at 3,700 meters.","es":"Este es el monte Visoke, que tiene en su cima un cr\u00e1ter con un peque\u00f1o lago, a una altura de 3700 metros."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"No, what happened to us, Chris, is that power, it's priced off the margin. And so the margin is natural gas.","es":"No, Chris, lo que nos sucedi\u00f3 es que la energ\u00eda se val\u00faa en el margen, y ese margen es el gas natural."} {"gender":"male","en":"I wanted to make a sequel.","es":"Quise hacer una secuela."} {"gender":"male","en":"They don't do wildlife corridors in Europe. They don't need to, because so many of these farms are connected that they've made reforested wildlife corridors, that the wolves are coming back, in this case, to Spain.","es":"No crean corredores ecol\u00f3gicos en Europa, no los necesitan, tantas de estas granjas est\u00e1n conectadas que han creado corredores ecol\u00f3gicos reforestados a los que los lobos est\u00e1n regresando, en este caso a Espa\u00f1a."} {"gender":"male","en":"Next, these guys, very similar community that's extremely conducive to innovation.","es":"Estos tipos. Una comunidad muy parecida que contribuye enormemente a la innovaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"I mean, it's the same story.","es":"Quiero decir, es la misma historia."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is a question, I think, which needs to be discussed carefully.","es":"Y esta es una pregunta, creo, que hay que discutir con cuidado."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I turned away for a moment, and he got caught into a riptide and started to be pulled out towards the jetty.","es":"Pero me di la vuelta un segundo y se lo llev\u00f3 la corriente y empez\u00f3 a arrastrarlo hacia el malec\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"That actually wouldn't be such a problem, because if we were really all going to die, we would put aside our differences, we'd spend whatever it took, and we'd find a way to deflect them.","es":"Eso realmente no ser\u00eda un problema, dado que si realmente fu\u00e9ramos todos a morir, pondr\u00edamos a un lado nuestras diferencias, gastar\u00edamos lo que fuera necesario y encontrar\u00edamos la manera de desviarlos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what do we do to figure out who is where?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfqu\u00e9 podemos hacer para averiguar qui\u00e9n est\u00e1 d\u00f3nde?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I have always loved the fact that my hood and my affliction share the same initials.","es":"Siempre me encant\u00f3 que mi barrio y mi enfermedad tuvieran las mismas iniciales."} {"gender":"male","en":"If they had some extra bandwidth, they would deliver a message for you.","es":"Y si ese alguien ten\u00eda ancho de banda extra, enviaba el mensaje de uno."} {"gender":"male","en":"And he said, \"My friend is going to be evicted unless I get him $2,000 immediately.\"","es":"Y \u00e9l dijo: \"Porque desalojar\u00e1n a mi amigo a menos que pague los USD 2000 de inmediato\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"You see, I always assumed I would go into space, because I followed all of this. But I also loved the arts and sciences.","es":"Siempre supuse que ir\u00eda al espacio pues segu\u00ed todo esto, pero tambi\u00e9n me gustaron las artes y las ciencias."} {"gender":"male","en":"Or better yet, let's all collectively decipher.","es":"O, incluso mejor, vamos a descifrar colectivamente."} {"gender":"female","en":"So this building downtown, which may very well become the site of our future farmers' market, is now the classroom.","es":"Este edificio del centro que puede muy bien convertirse en el futuro mercado agr\u00edcola ahora es el aula."} {"gender":"male","en":"The path forward is really pretty clear.","es":"El paso adelante es realmente bastante claro."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was led by Felix Dzerzhinsky.","es":"Estaba dirigida por Felix Dzerzhinsky."} {"gender":"male","en":"And what if we could value it a different way, so it would actually work?","es":"\u00bfY si pudi\u00e9ramos valorar de una manera diferente, a lo que en realidad hoy se aplica?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And he's like, \"I don't know, but I can show you.\"","es":"Y dijo: \"No lo s\u00e9, pero puedo mostrarte c\u00f3mo hacerlo\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's all sorts of wonderful cases of species which, in that case, A parasite gets into a mouse and needs to get into the belly of a cat.","es":"Hay una gran variedad de casos similares. En este caso, un par\u00e1sito se introduce en un rat\u00f3n que necesita terminar en la barriga de un gato."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, for example, although well over 100 books are translated from French and published in the UK each year, most of them will come from countries like France or Switzerland.","es":"As\u00ed, por ejemplo, aunque poco m\u00e1s de 100 libros se traducen del franc\u00e9s y se publican cada a\u00f1o en el Reino Unido la mayor\u00eda de ellos vendr\u00e1n de pa\u00edses como Francia o Suiza."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They are the cause of much distress.","es":"Son la causa de mucha angustia."} {"gender":"male","en":"These are sailors who in the darkness, in the hull of the vessel, can distinguish as many as 32 different sea swells moving through the canoe at any one point in time, distinguishing local wave disturbances from the great currents that pulsate across the ocean, that can be followed with the same ease that a terrestrial explorer would follow a river to the sea.","es":"Estos navegantes que en la oscuridad, con ver el casco de la nave, pueden distinguir hasta 32 tipos de olas golpear su canoa al mismo tiempo, diferenciando las perturbaciones locales de las grandes corrientes que pulsan en todo el oc\u00e9ano, que pueden seguirse con la misma facilidad con la que un explorador terrestre puede seguir un r\u00edo al mar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then I sat down where the food was lying.","es":"As\u00ed que me sent\u00e9 cerca de donde estaba la comida."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We couldn't have a germ theory of disease before we invented the microscope to see them.","es":"No podr\u00edamos tener una teor\u00eda de los g\u00e9rmenes en enfermedades antes de que invent\u00e1ramos el microscopio para verlos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The federal police came down in buses and started shooting at the protesters.","es":"La Polic\u00eda Federal acudi\u00f3 en autobuses y dispar\u00f3 a los manifestantes."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"Can't love the whole world, you've got to work on trees or you've got to work on immigration.","es":"Uno no puede amar al mundo entero: o trabaja con \u00e1rboles o trabaja con inmigrantes."} {"gender":"male","en":"And each of these generators is selling electricity to 20 houses each.","es":"Y cada uno de ellos vende electricidad a 20 hogares."} {"gender":"male","en":"But the Germans are known to be very effective, so the Stasi grew very quickly, and already in 1953, it had more employees than the Gestapo had, the secret police of Nazi Germany.","es":"Pero los alemanes son famosos por su eficacia, as\u00ed que la Stasi creci\u00f3 muy r\u00e1pidamente y en 1953 ya ten\u00eda m\u00e1s empleados que la Gestapo, la polic\u00eda secreta de la Alemania nazi."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it was, I was following all the rules.","es":"Y fue, yo segu\u00eda todas las reglas."} {"gender":"female","en":"They put food on your table.","es":"Con eso llevan el pan a la mesa."} {"gender":"female","en":"I want you to tell me which one: the first one, second one, third one or fourth one?","es":"Quiero que me digan cu\u00e1l es: \u00bfla primera, la segunda, la tercera o la cuarta?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Let me give you a few numbers to place what's happening.","es":"Les dar\u00e9 unas cifras para ilustrar lo que est\u00e1 ocurriendo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That really has to do with our aging population.","es":"Eso tiene relaci\u00f3n con el envejecimiento de la poblaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"He said, \"I am a scrap of a man, but if you help me, I'm ready to do anything, even if I have to crawl on the ground.\"","es":"Dijo: \u201cSoy un trozo de un hombre, pero si me ayudas, puedo hacer cualquier cosa, hasta arrastrarme por el suelo\u201d."} {"gender":"female","en":"But as people began to see that they were being put first on issues reflecting their day-to-day lives, incredible things happened.","es":"Pero cuando las personas vieron que ocupaban un lugar primordial en estos asuntos que reflejaban sus vidas diarias, sucedieron cosas incre\u00edbles."} {"gender":"male","en":"CA: So if that was a skyscraper, that's like, did I read that, a 40-story skyscraper?","es":"CA: As\u00ed que si fuese un rascacielos, he le\u00eddo que ser\u00eda \u00bfc\u00f3mo un rascacielos de 40 plantas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"RB: Yes, I mean, we've got, we're setting up something called the war room, which is maybe the wrong word. We're trying to, maybe we'll change it, but anyway, it's a war room to try to coordinate all the attack that's going on in Africa, all the different social problems in Africa, and try to look at best practices.","es":"RB: S\u00ed, tenemos, estamos montando algo llamado la habitaci\u00f3n de guerra, que quiz\u00e1s es la palabra incorrecta, estamos intentando --- quiz\u00e1s lo cambiaremos, pero de todas formas, es la habitaci\u00f3n de guerra para tratar de coordinar todo el ataque que se est\u00e1 llevando a cabo en Africa, todos los problemas sociales diferentes que hay en Africa e intentar llevar a cabo las mejores pr\u00e1cticas."} {"gender":"female","en":"My name's Alan, how can I help?","es":"Mi nombre es Alan, \u00bfc\u00f3mo puedo ayudar?"} {"gender":"female","en":"President Kennedy said that those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.","es":"El Presidente Kennedy dec\u00eda que aquellos que hacen una revoluci\u00f3n pac\u00edfica imposible hacen la revoluci\u00f3n violenta inevitable."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We need to know how focused they are on the problem at hand.","es":"Necesitamos saber qu\u00e9 tan concentrados est\u00e1n en el problema que tienen en mano."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is not the only guy that just flips out when we assign a ridiculous task, but a lot of these ideas, they're hard to understand.","es":"No es el \u00fanico tipo que se vuelve loco si le asignamos una tarea rid\u00edcula. Muchas de estas ideas son dif\u00edciles de entender."} {"gender":"male","en":"The man did as he was told, and shortly afterwards, Mr. Teszler received a visit from the white mayor of Kings Mountain.","es":"El hombre sigui\u00f3 las instrucciones, y poco despu\u00e9s el se\u00f1or Teszler recibi\u00f3 una visita del alcalde blanco de Kings Mountain."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was so concerned with her perception of what I was doing, that it exploded in my face, never to return to the ballroom dancing club.","es":"Estaba tan preocupado por lo que ella pensara de lo que yo hac\u00eda, que me explot\u00f3 en la cara, para nunca volver al club de bailes de sal\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"It led me to meet President Johnson.","es":"Me llev\u00f3 a conocer al presidente Johnson."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's said in Toraja that everybody has sort of a predetermined amount of life. It's called the sunga'.","es":"Se dice en Toraja que cada persona tiene una cierta cantidad predeterminada de vida denominada \"sunga\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Instead of thinking about what a computer will do to solve the problem, design the solution around what the human will do as well.","es":"En vez de pensar qu\u00e9 har\u00e1 una computadora para resolver el problema, dise\u00f1en la soluci\u00f3n en funci\u00f3n de lo que har\u00e1 el ser humano tambi\u00e9n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Audience member 3: Yes it is.","es":"Miembro del p\u00fablico 3: S\u00ed, lo es."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Here we go.","es":"Bueno."} {"gender":"female","en":"And that can have dramatic costs for us.","es":"Y eso puede tener costos enormes para nosotros."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that meant that humanitarian workers wouldn't be kidnapped or killed.","es":"Eso quer\u00eda decir que los trabajadores humanitarios no ser\u00edan secuestrados o asesinados."} {"gender":"male","en":"So that is what you get when you face reality.","es":"Eso es lo que consigues cuando te enfrentas a la realidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"And Monday morning, I found out that he disappeared.","es":"Y el lunes por la ma\u00f1ana me enter\u00e9 de que desapareci\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"Take the shoes.","es":"Los zapatos."} {"gender":"female","en":"At Arizona State University, in the Comparative Lactation Lab, I decode mothers' milk composition to understand its complexity and how it influences infant development.","es":"En la Universidad Estatal de Arizona, en el Laboratorio de Lactancia Comparativa, decodifico la composici\u00f3n de la leche materna para entender su complejidad y c\u00f3mo influye en el desarrollo infantil."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Maybe you can relieve the phantom pain, the phantom cramp.","es":"Quiz\u00e1 se puede aliviar el dolor fantasma, el calambre fantasma."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's the way, ultimately after some ups and downs, I ended up designing the chair I'm going to show you.","es":"Y esa es la forma en que, a final de cuentas, despu\u00e9s de algunos \u00e9xitos y errores termin\u00e9 por dise\u00f1ar la silla que les mostrar\u00e9."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And does it need a chemical cure or a philosophical cure?\"","es":"\u00bfHace falta una cura qu\u00edmica o una cura filos\u00f3fica?\u00bb."} {"gender":"male","en":"As an inventor, I try and turn fantasy into reality.","es":"Como inventor, trato de convertir la fantas\u00eda en realidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And the good news is, it's a solution that isn't particularly expensive, and doesn't require any fancy drug treatments or new technologies.","es":"Y la buena noticia es que esta soluci\u00f3n no es muy cara no requiere ning\u00fan tratamiento farmacol\u00f3gico ni nuevas tecnolog\u00edas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we had the chance to explain the project.","es":"Tuvimos la ocasi\u00f3n de explicarle el proyecto."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is one with 45,000, so every lunch, there's about 12,000 coming through for lunch. They sit down; they have about 20 minutes.","es":"Esta tiene 45.000. As\u00ed que a la hora de comer hay unos 12.000 empleados yendo a comer Se sientan, tienen unos 20 minutos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And, in fact, I'm going to go back to the solar system.","es":"Y, de hecho, regresar\u00e9 al Sistema Solar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Personally, I feel enormously grateful to have lived through the age of cheap oil.","es":"Personalmente, me siento enormemente agradecido de haber vivido la era del petr\u00f3leo barato."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I was privileged to train in transplantation under two great surgical pioneers: Thomas Starzl, who performed the world's first successful liver transplant in 1967, and Sir Roy Calne, who performed the first liver transplant in the U.K. in the following year.","es":"Tuve el privilegio de entrenarme en trasplantes con dos grandes pioneros de la cirug\u00eda: Thomas Starzl, que realiz\u00f3 el primer trasplante de h\u00edgado con \u00e9xito en 1967, y Sir Roy Calne, que realiz\u00f3 el primer trasplante hep\u00e1tico en el Reino Unido al a\u00f1o siguiente."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we need to change and open up all of our institutions.","es":"Y tenemos que cambiar y preparar a nuestras instituciones para la innovaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"He told us that Brazil's government mandated that every gasoline station in the country would carry ethanol. And they mandated that their new vehicles would be flex-fuel compatible, right?","es":"Nos dijo que el gobierno de Brasil establaci\u00f3 que cada gasolinera en el pais, contara con etanol. y acordaron que sus nuevos vehiculos ser\u00edan \"flex-fuel\" compatibles, bien?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In fact, it turns out that the natural world gives us a sense of how one might think about illness in a radically different way, rather than disease, medicine, target.","es":"De hecho, resulta que el mundo natural nos da una idea de c\u00f3mo se podr\u00eda pensar la enfermedad de manera radicalmente diferente, en lugar de enfermedad, f\u00e1rmaco y blanco."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Congo will go from 60 to 120.","es":"La del Congo de 60 a 120."} {"gender":"female","en":"A few years ago, I started studying grit in the Chicago public schools.","es":"Hace pocos a\u00f1os atr\u00e1s, comenc\u00e9 a estudiar la determinaci\u00f3n en las escuelas p\u00fablicas de Chicago."} {"gender":"female","en":"In fact, so alien and unthinkable was this event in an Indian mind that the response from the Indian media, public and politicians proved one point: No one knew what to do.","es":"Tan ajeno e impensable era este acontecimiento para la mentalidad india que la respuesta de los medios indios, el p\u00fablico y los pol\u00edticos mostraron que nadie sab\u00eda qu\u00e9 hacer."} {"gender":"female","en":"He was telling them they no longer had any moral authority, that nobody needed them for emotional support anymore, and they were not really the providers.","es":"Les estaba diciendo que ya no ten\u00edan autoridad moral, que ya nadie los necesitaba como apoyo emocional y que ya no eran realmente proveedores."} {"gender":"male","en":"He had written, \"Vague, but exciting,\" in pencil, in the corner.","es":"Hab\u00eda escrito: \u201cImpreciso pero apasionante\u201d, a l\u00e1piz y en el margen."} {"gender":"male","en":"In those days, those days which exist for me only as the most elusive memory now, when often the first sound you'd hear in the morning would be a storm of birdsong, then the soft clop of the hooves of the horse hauling a milk wagon down your block, and the last sound at night as likely as not would be your father pulling up in his car, having worked late again, always late, and going heavily down to the cellar, to the furnace, to shake out the ashes and damp the draft before he came upstairs to fall into bed, in those long-ago days, women, my mother, my friends' mothers, our neighbors, all the women I knew, wore, often much of the day, what were called housedresses, cheap, printed, pulpy, seemingly purposefully shapeless light cotton shifts that you wore over your nightgown and, when you had to go look for a child, hang wash on the line, or run down to the grocery store on the corner, under a coat, the twisted hem of the nightgown always lank and yellowed, dangling beneath.","es":"En esos d\u00edas, esos d\u00edas que s\u00f3lo existen para m\u00ed ahora como la m\u00e1s elusiva de las memorias, cuando el primer sonido que o\u00edas en la ma\u00f1ana era el tormentoso cantar de los p\u00e1jaros, despu\u00e9s, el suave sonido de las pezu\u00f1as del caballo arrastrando la carreta de leche por el barrio, y el \u00faltimo sonido de la noche, usualmente, ser\u00eda tu padre aparcando el auto, despu\u00e9s de trabajar hasta tarde, siempre tarde, y yendo pesado al s\u00f3tano, a la caldera, a sacudirse la ceniza y sofocar el fr\u00edo antes de subir las escaleras y caer en la cama en esos d\u00edas lejanos, las mujeres, mi madre, las amigas de mi madre, nuestras vecinas, todas las mujeres que conoc\u00eda llevaban, durante casi todo el d\u00eda, lo que se llamaban \"batas de casa\". Baratos, estampados, pulposos, sin forma ni prop\u00f3sito aparentes, ligeros blusones de algod\u00f3n llevados sobre el camis\u00f3n y, cuando hab\u00eda que buscar a un ni\u00f1o, colgar la ropa en el tendedero, o correr al supermercado de la esquina, debajo del abrigo, el dobladillo torcido del camis\u00f3n siempre lacio y amarillento, colgaba debajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Remember that, when they developed those hacking skills, their moral compass had not yet developed.","es":"Recuerden que cuando desarrollaron sus habilidades t\u00e9cnicas todav\u00eda no hab\u00edan desarrollado su br\u00fajula moral."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Fear was the only sane response, the only human response.","es":"El miedo era la \u00fanica respuesta natural, la \u00fanica respuesta humana."} {"gender":"male","en":"We have to work in these places. We have to save these places if we want a chance in hell of preserving biodiversity as we know it.","es":"Tenemos que trabajar en estos lugares, tenemos que salvarlos si queremos tener al menos una posibilidad de conservar la biodiversidad tal y como la conocemos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now I'm going to show you this in 3D.","es":"Ahora les voy a mostrar esto en 3D."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, we're working on that, because it turns out that the very first radar observations of Antarctica were collected using 35 millimeter optical film. And there were thousands of reels of this film in the archives of the museum of the Scott Polar Research Institute at the University of Cambridge.","es":"Ahora bien, estamos trabajando en eso, porque resulta que las primeras observaciones de radar de la Ant\u00e1rtida, se obtuvieron utilizando una pel\u00edcula \u00f3ptica de 35 mm. Y hay miles de carretes de esta pel\u00edcula, en los archivos del museo de Scott Polar Research Institute de la Universidad de Cambridge."} {"gender":"male","en":"And to me, this is research misconduct.","es":"Para m\u00ed, esto es una falta grave en la investigaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"One of our collaborators is chemist Martin Hanczyc, and he's really interested in the transition from inert to living matter.","es":"Uno de nuestros colaboradores es el qu\u00edmico Martin Hanczyk, y \u00e9l est\u00e1 muy interesado en la transici\u00f3n de materia inerte a viva."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's like they say in the Internet world: if you're doing the same thing today you were doing six months ago, you're doing the wrong thing.","es":"Es como dicen en el mundo de internet: si est\u00e1s haciendo hoy lo mismo que hac\u00edas hace 6 meses, lo est\u00e1s haciendo mal."} {"gender":"male","en":"So my 18 minutes is up.","es":"Ya casi terminan mis 18 minutos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Which would not be the end of physics, but a novel beginning.","es":"Lo que no ser\u00eda el fin de la f\u00edsica, sino el comienzo de una novela."} {"gender":"female","en":"I called her up. \"Hello, how're you doing, baby?\"","es":"La llam\u00e9, \"Hola, \u00bfc\u00f3mo est\u00e1s, nena?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"One of my mentors in life was Norman Borlaug, my hero.","es":"Uno de mis maestros en la vida fue Norman Borlaug, mi h\u00e9roe."} {"gender":"male","en":"And even though I've only had a brief time to speak, I hope you appreciate that Mannahatta was a very special place.","es":"Y, aunque he tenido muy poco tiempo para hablar, espero que comprendan que Manhattan fue un lugar muy especial."} {"gender":"male","en":"All we have to do is read this text, embrace nature's gift to us and start our progress from here.","es":"Todo lo que tenemos que hacer es leer este texto, abracemos el regalo que la naturaleza no da y empecemos nuestro progreso desde aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"But of course, if you look at exactly what those profits are, almost 8,000 of those dollars are, in fact, subsidies.","es":"Pero, si observan exactamente cu\u00e1les son las ganancias, cerca de 8 000 de esos d\u00f3lares son, de hecho, subsidios."} {"gender":"male","en":"It emerges from our understanding of basic neuroscience.","es":"Emerge de nuestra comprensi\u00f3n de la neurociencia b\u00e1sica."} {"gender":"male","en":"In 2007 and 2009 I did stories on the Delhi Fire Service, the DFS, which, during the summer, is probably the world's most active fire department.","es":"En 2007 y 2008 hice historias sobre el Servicio de Bomberos de Delhi, DFS, durante el verano, probablemente el cuerpo de bomberos m\u00e1s activo del mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"They all live in colonies consisting of one or a few queens, and then all the ants you see walking around are sterile female workers.","es":"Todas viven en colonias de una o unas pocas reinas, Y por eso todas las hormigas que ven caminando por ah\u00ed son trabajadoras hembras est\u00e9riles."} {"gender":"female","en":"Ambiguous.","es":"Ambiguo."} {"gender":"female","en":"You have Noah.","es":"Est\u00e1 No\u00e9."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is a question that people wondered when they looked at our solar system, because planets closer to the Sun are rocky, and planets further away are bigger and more gaseous.","es":"Y eso se pregunta la gente al mirar nuestro sistema solar, porque los planetas m\u00e1s cercanos al sol son rocosos, y los planetas m\u00e1s lejanos son m\u00e1s grandes y m\u00e1s gaseosos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Or it could output the blueprint to a really nifty technology, and when we implement it, it has some surreptitious side effect that the A.I. had planned.","es":"O podr\u00eda idear un programa tecnol\u00f3gico realmente ingenioso, y cuando lo implementamos, tener efectos secundarios ocultos planeados por la IA."} {"gender":"female","en":"So now I'm going to apply that same pulse to my brain, to the part of my brain that controls my hand.","es":"As\u00ed que ahora voy a aplicar ese mismo impulso a mi cerebro, a la parte de mi cerebro que controla la mano."} {"gender":"male","en":"I had never in my life ever tasted candy.","es":"Yo nunca hasta entonces hab\u00eda probado los dulces."} {"gender":"male","en":"How is that model of colossal sharing across all of those kinds of databases compatible with the business models of institutions and organizations and corporations that are involved in this business today?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo es ese modelo de colosal intercambio de todos los tipos de bases de datos compatible con los modelos de negocio de las instituciones y organizaciones y corporaciones que est\u00e1n involucradas en este negocio hoy?"} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, I'm not really sure what this is, but when I stepped back a level and looked at the similarities within the code I saw, this doesn't have similarities like any code that exists out there.","es":"De hecho, no estoy muy seguro de qu\u00e9 es, pero si me apartaba un nivel y analizaba las similitudes dentro del c\u00f3digo ve\u00eda que no ten\u00eda similitud con cualquier c\u00f3digo que hab\u00eda all\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's just so amazing.","es":"Es incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"male","en":"EH: So I have one more question for you.","es":"EH: Tengo una pregunta m\u00e1s para Ud."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And so it was a great shock to all of us when the film really captured the public interest, and today is mandatory viewing in schools in England and Scotland, and most of Scandinavia.","es":"Y asi que fue una gran sorpresa para todos nosotros cuando el filme realmente captur\u00f3 el inter\u00e9s del p\u00fablico, y hoy es una vista obligatoria en colegios de Inglaterra y Escocia, y la mayor\u00eda de Escandinavia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that's a very important trend to think about.","es":"Y es una tendencia muy importante sobre la cual pensar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"To change our current \"sick care\" approach into a true \"health care\" approach.","es":"Para cambiar nuestro enfoque actual de \"cuidado de la enfermedad\" en un verdadero enfoque de \"cuidado de la salud\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It can sense its local environment and actually find resources in the environment to sustain itself.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n puede sentir su entorno local y de hecho puede encontrar recursos en el medio ambiente para sostenerse a s\u00ed mismo."} {"gender":"male","en":"The nature of the model depends on the kind of animal we are.","es":"La naturaleza del modelo depende del tipo de animal que somos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And with the right motion rules and the right pattern rules, we can actually get the robots to build whatever we want.","es":"Y con las correctas reglas de moci\u00f3n y de patr\u00f3n podemos conseguir que los robots construyan lo que queramos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Our experience of the world depends on the actual structure of the networks in which we're residing and on all the kinds of things that ripple and flow through the network.","es":"Nuestra experiencia del mundo depende de la estructura real de las redes en las que residimos y del tipo de cosas que surgen y fluyen por la red."} {"gender":"male","en":"And when you turn off the gate, there's no current flowing through the device.","es":"Y cuando se apaga la puerta, no hay flujo a trav\u00e9s del dispositivo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, the story behind TaskRabbit starts like so many great stories with a very cute dog by the name of Kobe.","es":"La historia de TaskRabbit empieza como muchas de las grandes historias con un perro tierno llamado Kobe."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you want to remember one thing, it's that you can't fetch the coffee if you're dead.","es":"Si quieren recordar una cosa es que no se puede ir a buscar el caf\u00e9 si se est\u00e1 muerto."} {"gender":"male","en":"I won't bore you with all the details of all the instruments, but it's got everything.","es":"No los aburrir\u00e9 con todos los detalles de todos los instrumentos, pero tiene todo."} {"gender":"male","en":"That enables him as a choreographer to do cool stuff, to do new things, because he has represented it.","es":"Eso le permite a \u00e9l como core\u00f3grafo hacer cosas geniales, nuevas cosas, porque las ha representado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Some years ago I was invited to open the Israel Festival by a high-wire walk.","es":"Hace algunos a\u00f1os me invitaron a abrir el Festival de Israel con un paso por la cuerda floja."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, in a number of US states you need less information, you need to provide less information to get a company than you do to get a library card.","es":"De hecho, en algunos estados de EE. UU. se necesita menos informaci\u00f3n, necesitas dar menos informaci\u00f3n para hacer una empresa que para conseguir el carn\u00e9 de una biblioteca."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And our plan is quite simple.","es":"Y nuestro plan es muy simple."} {"gender":"male","en":"This sculpture is, of course, at the heart of all of it, and it's really what puts the craftsmanship into our cars.","es":"Esta escultura est\u00e1, por supuesto, en el centro de todo, y es realmente lo que pone la artesan\u00eda en nuestros coches."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can't hear as well for the rest of your life.","es":"No pueden escuchar tan bien por el resto de su vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this was designed to let you take your time and figure out where your expressive space is, and you can just hang out here for a while, for a really dramatic effect, if you want, and whenever you're ready \u2014 And on these longer notes, I'm going to use more vibrato towards the end of the notes to give it a little bit more of an expressive quality.","es":"Fue dise\u00f1ada para dejar que se tomen su tiempo para averiguar d\u00f3nde est\u00e1 su espacio expresivo, simplemente pueden esperar un rato, para lograr dramatismo, si lo desean y cuando est\u00e9n listos Y en estas notas largas, usar\u00e9 m\u00e1s vibrato hacia el final de las notas para darle un poco m\u00e1s de calidad expresiva."} {"gender":"male","en":"I want to introduce you to an amazing woman.","es":"Quiero presentarles a una mujer incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In fact, he would always get upset when people referred to the bombsight as his invention, because in his eyes, only God could invent things.","es":"De hecho, siempre se enojaba cuando le atribu\u00edan la invenci\u00f3n del visor porque para \u00e9l s\u00f3lo Dios ten\u00eda el poder de inventar."} {"gender":"female","en":"I know your dad really wasn't in Luxembourg, he was in Sing Sing.","es":"S\u00e9 que tu padre realmente no estaba en Luxemburgo, estaba en Sing Sing."} {"gender":"male","en":"Rather, it was a form of political action in a context when the city budget I had available after being elected amounted to zero comma something.","es":"Fue, en cambio, una forma de acci\u00f3n pol\u00edtica en un contexto en el que el presupuesto de la ciudad, disponible al ser electo, era de cero coma algo."} {"gender":"male","en":"You don't want to just go and crush them with a big claw.","es":"No queremos llegar y aplastarlos con una gran garra met\u00e1lica."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now this is kind of the abstraction for the sound output on my computer. Okay?","es":"Ahora bien, esto es una especie de abstracci\u00f3n de la salida de sonido de mi computadora, \u00bfs\u00ed?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The same time, finally, that Council, after rejecting our petition four times for women driving, they finally accepted it last February.","es":"Al mismo tiempo, finalmente, el Consejo, tras rechazar 4 veces nuestra petici\u00f3n para que las mujeres conduzcan, la aceptaron este pasado mes de febrero."} {"gender":"female","en":"The transactions are secured through cryptography, and over time, that transaction history gets locked in blocks of data that are then cryptographically linked together and secured.","es":"Las transacciones se protegen con criptograf\u00eda, y el historial de transacciones se guarda en bloques de datos que m\u00e1s tarde se agrupan y protegen mediante criptograf\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"Dead stuff, bacteria.","es":"Materia muerta, bacterias."} {"gender":"male","en":"they get up to 90-percent child survival, then families decrease, and most of the Arab countries in the Middle East is falling down there .","es":"La supervivencia infantil llega a un 90%, entonces las familias disminuyen. Y la mayor\u00eda de los pa\u00edses \u00e1rabes de Medio Oriente aqu\u00ed est\u00e1n bajando."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Nobody knew who they were except for comic book nerds like me.","es":"Nadie conoc\u00eda a esos superh\u00e9roes, salvo los nerds como yo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He wrote an essay reflecting on how this case could impact his future and that of the community.","es":"Escribi\u00f3 una reflexi\u00f3n sobre c\u00f3mo este caso pod\u00eda afectar su futuro y el de la comunidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's found in U.S. military bases in Iraq and Afghanistan. It's found in Thailand's fishing industry.","es":"Se encuentra en las bases militares estadounidenses en Irak y Afganist\u00e1n y en la industria pesquera de Tailandia."} {"gender":"female","en":"So what I want to do today is tell you a story about how I used my deep understanding of neuroscience, as a professor of neuroscience, to essentially do an experiment on myself in which I discovered the science underlying why exercise is the most transformative thing that you can do for your brain today.","es":"Hoy quiero contarles una historia sobre como us\u00e9 mi vasto conocimiento de la neurociencia, como profesora de neurociencia para hacer b\u00e1sicamente un experimento en m\u00ed, en el cual descubr\u00ed lo que hay detr\u00e1s de la ciencia de por qu\u00e9 el ejercicio es la actividad m\u00e1s transformadora que pueden hacer hoy por su cerebro."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we are now beginning to study the more than 2,000 children of these men.","es":"Y ahora empezamos a estudiar los m\u00e1s de 2000 hijos de estos hombres."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was showing the film, and I remember being in Israel and getting it absolutely slaughtered by some guys having watched the film, that it's just a day of peace, it doesn't mean anything.","es":"Estaba mostrando la pel\u00edcula, recuerdo que estando en Israel la masacraron por completo unos tipos que hab\u00edan visto la pel\u00edcula -es s\u00f3lo un d\u00eda de paz, no significa nada."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's the female trend, and it's the sustainability trend, that are going to create some of the most interesting investment opportunities in the years to come.","es":"La tendencia femenina y la tendencia de sostenibilidad van a constituir una de las oportunidades de inversi\u00f3n m\u00e1s interesantes en los pr\u00f3ximos a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But it turns out that it's not.","es":"Pero resulta que no lo es."} {"gender":"male","en":"The humanitarian model has barely changed since the early 20th century.","es":"El modelo humanitario ha cambiado poco desde principios del siglo XX."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I'm trying to this day to articulate the sense of empowerment and responsibility that I feel for the place that I live based simply on this small act of participation.","es":"Y todav\u00eda sigo tratando de expresar esa sensaci\u00f3n de poder y responsabilidad que siento por el lugar en el que vivo basado simplemente en este peque\u00f1o acto de participaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"But we certainly don't want them to, nor is it in their best interest.","es":"Pero ciertamente no queremos que lo hagan, ni est\u00e1 en su mejor inter\u00e9s."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the blue bar which is driving costs down.","es":"Esta es la barra azul que baja los costos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's not a frog.","es":"Esto no es una rana."} {"gender":"male","en":"And a new form of music was born.","es":"Y naci\u00f3 una nueva forma de m\u00fasica."} {"gender":"male","en":"This picture, which I pulled off the web, the fellow on the left is really an important part of this picture.","es":"En esta foto, que baj\u00e9 de internet, la persona de la izquierda es una parte importante de la foto."} {"gender":"male","en":"I would encourage you to think about stoicism a little bit differently, as an operating system for thriving in high-stress environments, for making better decisions.","es":"Los animo a pensar el estoicismo de una manera diferente, como un sistema operativo para tener \u00e9xito en entornos de alto estr\u00e9s, para tomar mejores decisiones."} {"gender":"female","en":"We traveled through five seas, two oceans, nine ports, and I learned a lot about shipping.","es":"Navegamos 5 mares, 2 oc\u00e9anos, 9 puertos y aprend\u00ed mucho sobre el transporte."} {"gender":"male","en":"And they explained that they wanted kind of a Rube Goldberg machine.","es":"Y ellos explicaron que quer\u00edan una suerte de m\u00e1quina de Rube Goldberg."} {"gender":"male","en":"Did you see Lenny's face?","es":"\u00bfHan visto la cara de Lenny?"} {"gender":"female","en":"But they didn't.","es":"Pero no lo hicieron."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Keep in mind that labor trafficking accounts for 68 percent of all trafficking, but fewer than 10 percent of the convictions.","es":"Tengan en cuenta que este tr\u00e1fico representa el 68 % de todo el tr\u00e1fico, pero menos del 10 % de las condenas."} {"gender":"male","en":"But without water's humble contribution, life as we know it may not exist.","es":"No obstante, sin la humilde contribuci\u00f3n del agua, la vida tal como la conocemos podr\u00eda no existir."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm sure at the time he did that, I didn't, it didn't, well, somewhere, I guess in the hidden recesses of the mind, it popped out years later.","es":"Estoy seguro que cuando el hizo esto, yo no, no, bueno, en alg\u00fan lugar, supongo que en los rincones ocultos de mi mente, apareci\u00f3 a\u00f1os m\u00e1s tarde."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Because on a scale of comedy to brochure, the average American prefers comedy, as you can see from this graph.","es":"Porque en una escala de la comedia al folleto, el estadounidense promedio prefiere la comedia, algo visible en este gr\u00e1fico."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But like with humans, sometimes it's six months in before you realize that the person that you love has some issues.","es":"Al igual que con los humanos, muchas veces solo despu\u00e9s de 6 meses se viene a descubrir que la persona amada tiene algunos problemitas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Or Philip Glass or Lou Reed or the Chemical Brothers, who all performed there, get their own Casa da Musica logo.","es":"O Philip Glass, Lou Reed, Chemical Brothers todos pasaron por all\u00ed y tuvieron su propio Logo de la Casa da M\u00fasica."} {"gender":"male","en":"He's absolutely right.","es":"Da exactamente en el clavo."} {"gender":"male","en":"CR: Let me close with this. Give me a sense of the philosophy of your own mind.","es":"CR: D\u00e9jame cerrar con esto: danos una idea de tu filosof\u00eda mental."} {"gender":"female","en":"What are the messages we need to tell ourselves?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 mensajes tenemos que darnos a nosotras mismas?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Maybe we can have machines help us to recognize that we have road rage, and then we need to know how to control that without the machines.","es":"Tal vez tengamos m\u00e1quinas que nos ayuden a reconocer que tenemos ira de carretera y luego haya que saber c\u00f3mo controlarla sin m\u00e1quinas."} {"gender":"male","en":"We need to spend more time appreciating what already exists, and less time agonizing over what else we can do.","es":"Necesitamos pasar m\u00e1s tiempo apreciando lo que ya existe y menos tiempo sufriendo sobre qu\u00e9 m\u00e1s podemos hacer."} {"gender":"female","en":"How many other things need to be analyzed by gender?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1ntas otras cosas tienen que ser analizadas por g\u00e9nero?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And this one is: I wish to launch a groundbreaking competition that motivates kids to invest ideas on, and invent ideas on, sustainability.","es":"Y este es: deseo lanzar una competici\u00f3n pionera que motive a los ni\u00f1os a invertir en ideas, y a inventar ideas sobre sostenibilidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"Make a fray of your own.","es":"Hagan su propia refriega."} {"gender":"male","en":"So roughly these four reasons make it a lot more difficult for democratic culture to spread as a civilizational choice, not merely as a political choice.","es":"Estas son las 4 razones que hacen tan dif\u00edcil la expansi\u00f3n de la democracia como una opci\u00f3n c\u00edvica y no solo como una opci\u00f3n pol\u00edtica."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's really quite an honor to be here tonight, and I'm really glad that I stayed here and listened because I've really been inspired. And I'm going to play some songs for you tonight that are, literally, world premieres. I've been working on my new record and I've never played these songs for anybody except the microphone.","es":"Es un verdadero honor estar aqu\u00ed esta noche, y me alegra haberme quedado aqu\u00ed escuchando porque he sido realmente inspirado Voy a tocar algunas canciones para ustedes esta noche que son, literalmente, primicias mundiales He estado trabajando en mi nuevo album y nunca antes he tocado estas canciones para nadie excepto para el micr\u00f3fono."} {"gender":"female","en":"CRISPR stands for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats.","es":"CRISPR significa repeticiones pal\u00edndromas cortas espaciadas agrupadas regularmente."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've wanted to ask Craig Venter if it would be possible to insert a synthetic chromosome into a human so that we could reiterate ourselves if we wanted to.","es":"He querido preguntarle a Craig Venter si ser\u00eda posible insertar un cromosoma sint\u00e9tico en un ser humano tal que nos pudi\u00e9ramos reiterar si quisi\u00e9ramos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then the other areas become less and less positive.","es":"Y entonces las otras \u00e1reas se convierten poco a poco en positivas."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"Do you think the less-fortunate are having better sex?\"","es":"\"\u00bfCrees que los menos afortunados tienen mejor sexo?\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So back to Joburg, which is sometimes called Egoli, which means City of Gold.","es":"Volvamos a Joburgo, a veces llamada Egoli, que significa Ciudad de Oro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Whoa, underneath, whoo-um.","es":"Uua, por debajo, uuu-ah."} {"gender":"male","en":"My mother was, sort of, very sensitive to his mother, who, it seemed, was a little bit skeptical about the whole \"alternative lifestyle\" thing, you know, homosexuality.","es":"Mi madre estaba ya susceptible con respecto a su madre quien estaba medio esc\u00e9ptica con respecto al estilo de vida alternativo. ya saben, la homosexualidad, \u00bfsi?"} {"gender":"male","en":"You know, when people say, \"I don't get art.","es":"Cuando la gente dice, \"No entiendo el arte."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I tried to rank across all of those attributes how I felt those companies scored on each of those dimensions.","es":"Trat\u00e9 de clasificar a lo largo de todos esos atributos como cre\u00eda que esas compa\u00f1\u00edas calificaban en cada una de esas dimensiones."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's now a self-swimming autonomous robot, artificially intelligent, and its ultimate goal is to go to Jupiter's moon Europa and explore oceans beneath the frozen surface of that body.","es":"Ahora es un robot aut\u00f3nomo que nada, tiene inteligencia artificial, y su objetivo final es ir a Europa, la luna de J\u00fapiter a explorar los oc\u00e9anos que est\u00e1n bajo la superficie congelada de ese cuerpo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"How much?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1nto?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The challenge is not that we're running out of work.","es":"El reto no es quedarnos sin trabajo. EE."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There must be millions of planets in the Milky Way, and as Carl Sagan insisted for many years, and was laughed at for it, there must be billions and billions in the universe.","es":"Debe haber millones de planetas en la V\u00eda L\u00e1ctea, y como Carl Sagan insisti\u00f3 por mucho a\u00f1os, y se rieron de \u00e9l por ello, debe haber miles y miles de millones en el universo."} {"gender":"male","en":"He was running a media systems organization which is still in business, the gentleman is still in business.","es":"\u00c9l dirig\u00eda una organizaci\u00f3n de sistemas de comunicaci\u00f3n. que a\u00fan esta en actividad, al igual que el hombre."} {"gender":"female","en":"Bye-bye!","es":"\u00a1Adi\u00f3s!"} {"gender":"male","en":"If there was no Tesla, if Tesla never existed, it would have to happen out of necessity.","es":"Si no hubiese Tesla, si Tesla no existiese, habr\u00eda surgido necesariamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"And when they were old, they were completely different animals.","es":"Y de mayores eran animales completamente diferentes."} {"gender":"male","en":"The physics does not change.","es":"La f\u00edsica no cambia."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's in every language I've had experience with so far.","es":"Esto es en todos los idiomas hasta donde lo he experimentado."} {"gender":"male","en":"In concrete terms, that means that the average human being is living on a level of social progress about the same of Cuba or Kazakhstan today.","es":"En t\u00e9rminos concretos, eso significa que el humano promedio est\u00e1 viviendo en un nivel de progreso social similar al de Cuba o Kazajst\u00e1n hoy."} {"gender":"female","en":"McDonald's actually spent 10 years coming out with a chicken-like product.","es":"McDonald's de hecho emple\u00f3 10 a\u00f1os lanzando un producto que fuese como de pollo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And you're absolutely right.","es":"Y tienen toda la raz\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is unconscionable.","es":"Esto es inconcebible."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now this is a very complicated struggle.","es":"Pero esta es una lucha muy complicada."} {"gender":"male","en":"So some people might hear these stories and say, \"Yes, those two definitely have grit.","es":"Algunas personas escuchan estas historias y dicen: \"S\u00ed, esos dos definitivamente tienen agallas."} {"gender":"male","en":"That isn't the whole answer. It's part of the answer. But the real answer begins with bringing a child to the school with structure in that child's heart and soul to begin with.","es":"Esa no es la respuesta completa, es parte de la respuesta Pero la respuesta real comienza llevando al ni\u00f1o a la escuela con la estructura en el coraz\u00f3n y el alma de ese ni\u00f1o, para empezar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Look at this young bean that is moving to catch the light every time.","es":"Miren a este brote joven que se mueve para atrapar la luz en cada momento."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Like all stories, it has a beginning.","es":"Como todas las historias, tiene un principio."} {"gender":"female","en":"You can track, you can track, and then when it stops, and there is a question mark, and I ask you, did this kid have a coat or not?","es":"Pueden seguirlo, pueden seguirlo, y cuando se detiene, y hay un signo de interrogaci\u00f3n, y les pregunto, \u00bfllevaba este chico un abrigo o no?"} {"gender":"female","en":"It was one of the finest, largest volunteerism in any prison in the world.","es":"Fue uno de los mejores voluntariados y m\u00e1s grandes de cualquier prisi\u00f3n del mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"You probably have heard childhood stories of different birds and how they relate with man.","es":"Seguramente han escuchado historias infantiles de diferentes aves y c\u00f3mo se relacionan con el humano."} {"gender":"female","en":"And maybe this tells us that we should be thinking more about those things.","es":"Y tal vez \u00e9sto nos dice que deberiamos de preocuparnos un poco m\u00e1s en estas cosas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And first of all, does it exist, true altruism, or are we so selfish?","es":"Ante todo, \u00bfexiste el verdadero altruismo, o somos ego\u00edstas?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And she looked at me, and she said, \"But, Aimee, that's not fair.\"","es":"Y ella me mira, y me dice, \"Pero, Aimee, eso no es justo\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, I am a spacecraft engineer, a spacecraft operations engineer, at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Los Angeles, California.","es":"Soy ingeniera espacial, de operaciones espaciales del Laboratorio de Propulsi\u00f3n a Reacci\u00f3n de la NASA, en Los \u00c1ngeles, California."} {"gender":"female","en":"What's the potential impact on a patient's ability to see?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el impacto potencial en la capacidad de ver de un paciente?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Robots like this can really change the way we do K-12 education.","es":"Robots como estos pueden cambiar el modo de educar desde la ed. preescolar hasta los 12 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Another way to make words in English is to take the first letters of something and squish them together.","es":"Otra forma de crear palabras en ingl\u00e9s es combinando sus iniciales."} {"gender":"male","en":"The next thing we do is we collect what's called a diffusion tensor imaging. This maps the large cabling in the brain.","es":"Luego recolectamos im\u00e1genes con tensores de difusi\u00f3n: el mapa del gran cableado del cerebro."} {"gender":"female","en":"We must be hand-in-hand and do something together.","es":"Tenemos que estar mano a mano y hacer algo todas juntas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Will you play it safe?","es":"\u00bfSe mantendr\u00edan a salvo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"There's some amazing spiritual connect.","es":"Hay algo sorprendentemente espiritual que conecta."} {"gender":"male","en":"These technologies want us to stay in the game that society has devised for us.","es":"Estas tecnolog\u00edas quieren que nos quedemos en el juego que la sociedad ha creado para nosotros."} {"gender":"female","en":"But going from slinging some wire across rooftops in Boston to laying thousands and thousands of miles of cable on the Atlantic Ocean seabed is no easy matter.","es":"Pero pasar de tirar unos cables en los tejados de Boston a poner miles y miles de kil\u00f3metros de cable en el fondo marino del Atl\u00e1ntico no es tarea f\u00e1cil."} {"gender":"male","en":"Hopefully, they will come.","es":"Esperamos que pronto lo est\u00e9n."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I said, \"But how did you understand what's going on over there?\"","es":"Y yo dije, pero \u00bfc\u00f3mo entendieron lo que est\u00e1 pasando all\u00ed?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Somehow they agreed to punish only me, and the punishment was purification.","es":"De alg\u00fan modo, acordaron castigarme solo a m\u00ed, y el castigo era la purificaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"What do you think when you see this?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 piensas cuando ves esto?"} {"gender":"male","en":"If you go to other sources of data such as Human Development Index, that data series, go back to the early 1970s, you see exactly the same contrast.","es":"Si consultamos otras fuentes, como el \u00cdndice de Desarrollo Humano, esa serie de datos, se remontan a principios de los a\u00f1os 70, vemos exactamente el mismo contraste."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I was like, \"Thanks, guys.\"","es":"Y le dije, \"Gracias, chicos\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you for mentioning the issue of the kidnap of my mother.","es":"Gracias por mencionar el tema del secuestro de mi madre."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, that's the future we have to look forward to.","es":"Bien, ese es el futuro que tenemos que afrontar."} {"gender":"male","en":"So there I am in the embassy in Beijing, off to the Great Hall of the People with our ambassador, who had asked me to interpret for his first meeting in the Great Hall of the People.","es":"As\u00ed que estoy en la embajada en Beijing, fuera de la Gran Sala del Pueblo con nuestro embajador que me hab\u00eda pedido interpretar en su primera reuni\u00f3n en el Gran Palacio del Pueblo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You can see it written out here, in hieroglyphs.","es":"Pueden verlo escrito aqu\u00ed, en jerogl\u00edficos."} {"gender":"male","en":"At the same time, as I say, you open up this joint.","es":"Al mismo tiempo, como les dec\u00eda, uno abre esta uni\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"The public humiliation was excruciating.","es":"La humillaci\u00f3n p\u00fablica era insoportable."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I was sending news, doing whatever, reporting daily to the U.N., to UNESCO, to our institution in New York, what have been going.","es":"Y estuve enviando noticias, haciendo cualquier cosa, informando diariamente a la ONU, a la Unesco, a nuestra instituci\u00f3n en Nueva York lo que hab\u00eda estado sucediendo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And this one time I was flanked by my two kids and he turns the page and this poster is underneath, and right when I lean forward and say, \"Oh my God, I love this poster,\" both of my kids jumped back and they are like, \"Oh my God, mom, it's you.\"","es":"Y esta vez estaba flanqueada por mis dos hijos y uno de ellos al pasar la p\u00e1gina y ver este cartel debajo, y justo cuando me inclino hacia adelante dije: \"Dios m\u00edo, me encanta este cartel\" mis dos hijos saltaron y dijeron, \"Dios m\u00edo, mam\u00e1, eres t\u00fa\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"When you do a cornfield, you're selecting what lives and what dies.","es":"Cuando cultivamos un campo de ma\u00edz, seleccionamos lo que vive y lo que muere."} {"gender":"male","en":"One early form left an imprint, like it died only yesterday.","es":"Las primeras especies que dejaron huellas, parece que hubiesen muerto ayer."} {"gender":"male","en":"But the question is, are they so dangerous, these risks of doing something about aging, that they outweigh the downside of doing the opposite, namely, leaving aging as it is?","es":"Pero la pregunta es, \u00bfson tan peligrosos estos riesgos de hacer algo frente al envejecimiento que superan la desventaja de hacer lo opuesto, en otras palabras, dejarlo as\u00ed como est\u00e1 ?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Another one is a set of lasers, very high-powered lasers, that fire out of the bottom of the plane, sweeping across the ecosystem and measuring it at nearly 500,000 times per second in high-resolution 3D.","es":"El otro es un conjunto de l\u00e1seres de muy alta potencia disparado desde la base del avi\u00f3n barriendo todo el ecosistema y midi\u00e9ndolo casi 50 000 veces por segundo en 3D de alta resoluci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"If any of you come to my place, I would be happy to share these bananas and papayas with you.","es":"Si alguno de Uds. viene a mi casa, estar\u00eda encantado de compartir estos pl\u00e1tanos y papayas con Uds."} {"gender":"female","en":"Maria Bashir is the first and only woman chief prosecutor in Afghanistan.","es":"Maria Bashir es la primera y \u00fanica fiscal general mujer en Afganist\u00e1n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, these are all material needs.","es":"Estas son necesidades materiales."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then we would ask about each of the questions: How did you reason here?","es":"Y luego pregunt\u00e1bamos por cada una de las respuestas: \"\u00bfCu\u00e1l fue su razonamiento en este punto?\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Find what I'm trying to tell you.","es":"Encuentren lo que intento decirles."} {"gender":"female","en":"As the other girls slipped easily into their Lycra and tulle creations, not one of the tutus was big enough to fit me.","es":"Mientras las otras chicas se deslizaban con facilidad entre la lycra y los tules, ning\u00fan tut\u00fa me quedaba bien."} {"gender":"female","en":"Right?","es":"\u00bfDe verdad?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Here is another school.","es":"Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 otra escuela."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I kept emailing Les, saying, \"Have you had a chance to look at my slime?\"","es":"Yo segu\u00eda envi\u00e1ndole correos: \"\u00bfPudieron analizar el lodo que les envi\u00e9?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"So this is what you call a \"last mile problem.\"","es":"As\u00ed que a esto es lo que le llaman un \"problema de \u00faltima milla\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then if she were trying to kill the children, she succeeded.","es":"Y entonces si ella hubiera intentado matar a sus hijos, lo logr\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"To make a cave map, you have to set up survey stations every few feet inside the cave, and you use a laser to measure the distance between those stations.","es":"Para hacer el mapa de una cueva, hay que poner estaciones de reconocimiento a cada pocos metros dentro de la cueva, y usar un l\u00e1ser para medir la distancia entre esas estaciones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Tough thing to do.","es":"Qu\u00e9 dif\u00edcil, \u00bfno?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I was making all these scribble pictures.","es":"Hice todos estos garabatos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I want to show you something.","es":"Quiero ense\u00f1arles algo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a deep tendency toward order in nature that opposes what we've all been taught about entropy.","es":"Es una profunda tendencia hacia el orden en la naturaleza, que se opone a lo que nos han enze\u00f1ado acerca de la entrop\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"Mystery number one.","es":"Ese es el misterio n\u00famero uno."} {"gender":"female","en":"But the time now is to move from mourning and grief to action and transformation.","es":"Pero ahora es tiempo de pasar del luto y el dolor a la acci\u00f3n y la transformaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"But it's just not practical.","es":"Pero no es factible."} {"gender":"male","en":"But of all the dire news that you'll hear and that you have heard about the state of our oceans, I have the unfortunate burden of delivering to you possibly the very worst of it and that is this whole time your mother was right.","es":"Pero de todas las malas noticias que van a oir y que han o\u00eddo del estado de nuestros oc\u00e9anos, yo tengo lamentablemente la responsablidad de deciros la peor de todas, y es que durante todo este tiempo sus madres han tenido raz\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"1.1 million of them.","es":"1.1 millones de ellos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Tasmanian devil is found only on the island of Tasmania, which is that small island just to the south of the mainland of Australia.","es":"El demonio de Tasmania se encuentra s\u00f3lo en la isla de Tasmania, que es una isla peque\u00f1a situada al sur de Australia."} {"gender":"male","en":"And antibody stainings like this one can be used to understand that sort of question.","es":"Y los marcadores de anticuerpos como este pueden usarse para entender estas preguntas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thanks for coming to TED.","es":"Gracias por venir a TED."} {"gender":"male","en":"And what that means is that we originated in Africa.","es":"Y lo que eso significa es que somos originarios de \u00c1frica."} {"gender":"female","en":"I soon found myself a part of a cohort of women in their late 20s whose bodies were falling apart.","es":"Pronto fui parte de un grupo de mujeres con no m\u00e1s de 30 a\u00f1os cuyos cuerpos se estaban derrumbando."} {"gender":"male","en":"We discover that, for example, mental illnesses are amongst the leading causes of disability around the world.","es":"Por ejemplo, descubrimos que las enfermedades mentales est\u00e1n entre las principales causas de invalidez en el mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"My data indicates I've got about average risk for developing macular degeneration, a kind of blindness.","es":"Mis datos indican que tengo un riesgo promedio de desarrollar degeneraci\u00f3n macular, un tipo de ceguera."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's Ken Sharpe over there.","es":"Les presento a Ken Sharpe."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Proust actually links the language of scholarship and jealousy.","es":"Proust enlaza bien el lenguaje acad\u00e9mcio con el de los celos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And you then ask the question: Why is the water hot?","es":"Y uno entonces se pregunta: \u00bfPor qu\u00e9 el agua est\u00e1 caliente?"} {"gender":"male","en":"There are three variables.","es":"Hay tres variables."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now I like to point out that we were on that list with a lot of really cool places.","es":"Quiero se\u00f1alar que est\u00e1bamos en esa lista junto con muchos lugares geniales."} {"gender":"male","en":"And later on, when I got out and the flashbacks and the nightmares were giving me a hard time, I went back to him and I was sort of asking him, you know, what am I gonna do?","es":"Y despu\u00e9s, cuando sal\u00ed y tuve flash-backs y las pesadillas hac\u00edan que la pasara mal, regres\u00e9 a ver a mi m\u00e9dico como para preguntarle, bueno \u00bfqu\u00e9 hago ahora?"} {"gender":"female","en":"What is that?","es":"Y eso \u00bfqu\u00e9 es?"} {"gender":"female","en":"It's the only game in the world that I know of that allows you, the player, the opportunity to experience 10 positive emotions in 60 seconds or less.","es":"Es el \u00fanico juego en el mundo que conozco que le permite al jugador, la oportunidad de experimentar 10 emociones positivas en 60 segundos o menos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I come to you with a modest proposal for easing the financial burden.","es":"Les traigo una modesta propuesta para aligerar la carga financiera."} {"gender":"female","en":"Multiple sclerosis could be misdiagnosed as hysterical paralysis until the CAT scan and the MRI discovered brain lesions.","es":"La esclerosis m\u00faltiple pod\u00eda ser mal diagnosticada como par\u00e1lisis hist\u00e9rica hasta que la tomograf\u00eda y la resonancia descubrieron las lesiones cerebrales."} {"gender":"female","en":"When the participants arrived for their interview, I offered them a set of drinks: Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, seven, to be exact.","es":"Cuando los participantes llegaban a su entrevista yo les ofrec\u00eda un conjunto de bebidas, Coca Cola, Coca Light, Sprite siete, para ser exactos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Born in Ohio to Indian immigrants, I settled on the ultimate rebellion against my parents, moving to the country they had worked so damn hard to get out of.","es":"Nac\u00ed en Ohio, hijo de inmigrantes indios, y decid\u00ed la rebeli\u00f3n suprema contra mis padres: mudarme al pa\u00eds en el que hab\u00edan trabajado arduamente para salir."} {"gender":"male","en":"So this building became a permanent building.","es":"Este edificio se convirti\u00f3 en un edificio permanente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Nirvana, he said, is what you arrive at when you have only bliss to look forward to and find in what looked like sorrows the seedlings of your joy.","es":"El nirvana, dijo, llega cuando tenemos solo que esperar la dicha y hallamos, en lo que parec\u00edan penas, las semillas de nuestra alegr\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So it's not good.","es":"As\u00ed que no es bueno."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the second goat says, \"No, the book was better.\"","es":"Y la segunda cabra dice: \"No, el libro estaba mejor\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I did it: I found out how many women had been raped en route to these camps.","es":"As\u00ed que eso fue lo que hice: hall\u00e9 cu\u00e1ntas de estas mujeres hab\u00edan sido violadas en el traslado a los campos de refugiados."} {"gender":"female","en":"And because I wanted to impress you all with slides, since I saw the great presentations yesterday with graphs, I made a graph that moves, and I talk about the makeup of me.","es":"Como quer\u00eda impresionarlos a todos con diapositivas, porque vi las geniales presentaciones de ayer con gr\u00e1ficos, hice un gr\u00e1fico que se mueve, y habla sobre c\u00f3mo estoy hecha."} {"gender":"female","en":"So what's going on?","es":"Pero, \u00bfqu\u00e9 est\u00e1 pasando?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I can tell you, I did not look like the ideal candidate to get a pilot's license.","es":"Les puedo decir, que no parec\u00eda la candidata ideal para obtener una licencia de piloto."} {"gender":"female","en":"Stephanie Busari: President Ameenah, thank you for joining us.","es":"Stephanie Busari: Presidenta Ameenah, gracias por acompa\u00f1arnos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I had no idea if it would work or was at all possible, but with a few small steps and a very steep learning curve, I made my first sculpture, called \"The Lost Correspondent.\"","es":"No ten\u00eda idea de si iba a funcionar o de si era posible, pero dando peque\u00f1os pasos y con una curva de aprendizaje muy empinada, hice mi primera escultura llamada \"El corresponsal perdido\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"The design is different every year.","es":"El dise\u00f1o es diferente cada a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then we concentrate on what we have already mastered and we try to minimize mistakes.","es":"Entonces nos concentramos en lo que ya hemos dominado e intentamos minimizar los errores."} {"gender":"male","en":"They're only rules of thumb, so of course they don't apply to everything, but this is how you can generalize.","es":"Son solo reglas pr\u00e1cticas, y l\u00f3gicamente no se pueden aplicar a todo, pero as\u00ed es como pueden generalizar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We didn't know about PRISM.","es":"No sab\u00edamos nada de PRISM."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We had two teams working in parallel: one team on the chemistry, and the other on trying to be able to transplant entire chromosomes to get new cells.","es":"As\u00ed que ten\u00edamos dos equipos trabajando en paralelo, un equipo en la qu\u00edmica, y el otro tratando de trasplantar cromosomas enteros para obtener nuevas c\u00e9lulas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, it's about the size of a little period on a sentence.","es":"Es como del tama\u00f1o de un punto en una oraci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"We're shifting our heads here, so the house is not a finished product.","es":"Estamos cambiando de idea tal que la casa no es un producto terminado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Listen to them.","es":"Esc\u00fachenlos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Whereas compare that to if you think somebody is attractive but you suspect that everybody is going to think they're attractive.","es":"Comparen esto con la situaci\u00f3n en la que uno piensa que alguien es atractivo y sospecha que todos creen lo mismo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Somewhere down the road we opened a media management center.","es":"En alg\u00fan lugar por ah\u00ed inauguramos un centro de administracion de medios."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And people really took us up on this, so much so that if you got a flat tire on the AIDS ride, you had trouble fixing it, because there were so many people there asking you if you needed help.","es":"Y la gente hizo lo que pedimos tanto que si uno pinchaba en la marcha del SIDA, ten\u00eda problemas porque hab\u00eda mucha gente que ofrec\u00eda ayuda."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now in one of these brain-dead people, if you trigger the right spot, you will see something every now and then. There is a reflex called the Lazarus reflex.","es":"Ahora en una de estas personas con muerte cerebral si disparas en el punto correcto en ocasiones ver\u00e1n algo que es un reflejo llamado el reflejo de L\u00e1zaro."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let me point out some that I really like.","es":"Perm\u00edtanme se\u00f1alar algunos que me gustan."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then we moved on to things slightly more complicated. Events like post-ups, and pick-and-rolls, and isolations.","es":"Y luego seguimos con cosas levemente m\u00e1s complicadas: Posteos, bloqueos y continuaci\u00f3n, aislamientos."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a helicopter medic giving CPR to a soldier who had been shot in the head.","es":"Este es un m\u00e9dico de helic\u00f3ptero dando RCP a un soldado al que le hab\u00edan disparado en la cabeza."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think empathy for what your customers want is probably the biggest leading indicator of business success.","es":"Creo que la empat\u00eda hacia sus clientes es probablemente el mayor indicador de \u00e9xito del negocio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's just a question to use some techniques like the time lapse.","es":"Es s\u00f3lo cuesti\u00f3n de usar algunas t\u00e9cnicas como la aceleraci\u00f3n de fotogramas."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you were to arrive in Nairobi today and pick up a tourist map, Kibera is represented as a lush, green national park devoid of human settlement.","es":"Si Uds. llegaran hoy a Nairobi y miraran un mapa tur\u00edstico, Kibera est\u00e1 representado como un frondoso parque nacional desprovisto de asentamiento humano."} {"gender":"male","en":"It\u2019s actually got a bunch of circles on it.","es":"Uno con un mont\u00f3n de c\u00edrculos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Look at Facebook, waiting to build a social network until after Myspace and Friendster.","es":"Miren Facebook, esperando construir una red social hasta despu\u00e9s de MySpace y Friendster."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's about industry as opposed to the survival of a people.","es":"Se trata de la industria frente a la supervivencia de un pueblo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was calling them out on the effect they had caused.","es":"Se les llam\u00f3 la atenci\u00f3n sobre lo que hab\u00edan causado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let me move from mobility in a car to individual mobility for those unfortunates who have lost their legs.","es":"D\u00e9jenme pasar de la movilidad en un coche a la movilidad individual para aquellos desafortunados que han perdido sus piernas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What this means is that, if the police seize an iPhone and it has a password, they'll have a difficult time getting any data off of it, if they can do it at all.","es":"Esto significa que si la polic\u00eda se apodera de un iPhone y tiene una contrase\u00f1a, le ser\u00e1 dif\u00edcil sacar datos de \u00e9l, si es que pueden llegar a lograrlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, in my world, this is a rubber duck.","es":"Bueno, en mi mundo, esto es un pato de goma."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you so much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"They will be paid for what they are good at, not what they're bad at.","es":"Les pagar\u00e1n por lo que hacen bien, no por lo que hacen mal."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Interesting fact about marriage in Russia, that most of the 18, 19-year-old girls are already ready, and dream to get married.","es":"Punto interesante sobre el matrimonio en Rusia, la mayor\u00eda de las chicas de 18, 19 a\u00f1os ya est\u00e1n listas y sue\u00f1an con casarse."} {"gender":"male","en":"And these tend to be some of the most independent, tenacious, intuitive, you know, inventive people you will ever meet.","es":"Y ellos tienden a ser de las personas m\u00e1s independientes, tenaces, intuitivas, \u00bfsaben?, personas inventivas que puedan llegar a conocer."} {"gender":"female","en":"In country after country, we have seen illiberal politicians exploiting these emotions.","es":"En pa\u00eds tras pa\u00eds, hemos visto c\u00f3mo pol\u00edticos intolerantes han explotado estas emociones."} {"gender":"female","en":"No. We will stand up and speak up and have our voices heard.","es":"No. Nos alzaremos en pie y hablaremos y haremos que nuestras voces se escuchen."} {"gender":"female","en":"I don't know how good you can see it, but, like, it really is.","es":"No s\u00e9 realmente qu\u00e9 tan bien puedan observar, pero, es como realmente es."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And the main players are over 35, and are female.","es":"Y la mayor\u00eda de jugadores son mayores de 35 a\u00f1os, y son mujeres."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's something you live with.","es":"Es algo con lo que vives."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This change in behavior allowed us to survive these worsening conditions in Africa, and they allowed us to start to expand around the world.","es":"Estos cambios en el comportamiento nos permiti\u00f3 sobrevivir a aquellas dif\u00edciles condiciones en \u00c1frica, y nos permitieron empezar a expandirnos alrededor del mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I have another piece that I'd like to play for you. It's called \"Abegg Variations,\" by Robert Schumann, a German 19th-century composer.","es":"Tengo otra pieza que quisiera tocar para ustedes se llama \"Variaciones de Abegg\" de Robert Schumann Un compositor Alem\u00e1n del siglo Diecinueve."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that's what we're trying to preserve when we say, \"Save the ocean.","es":"Y eso es lo que tratamos de conservar cuando decimos, \"Salva el oc\u00e9ano."} {"gender":"male","en":"You've seen this slide before, but there's a change.","es":"Hemos visto ya esta diapositiva, pero hay un cambio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Why?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And then, of course, there's Narcissus.","es":"Y luego, por supuesto, est\u00e1 Narciso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There are a trillion hours a year of participatory value up for grabs.","es":"Hay un bill\u00f3n de horas al a\u00f1o de valor de participaci\u00f3n a disposici\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, when we tried to challenge this, going to the Supreme Court, getting the Supreme Court, the bunch of conservatives there, if we could get them to wake up to this, to strike it down, we had the assistance of Nobel Prize winners including this right-wing Nobel Prize winner, Milton Friedman, who said he would join our brief only if the word \"no brainer\" was in the brief somewhere.","es":"Ahora, cuando intentamos desafiar esto yendo a la Corte Suprema, llegar a la Corte Suprema, el pu\u00f1ado de conservadores de all\u00ed si pudi\u00e9ramos llegar a despertar esto para derribarlo. Tuvimos asistencia de los ganadores del Nobel incluso del derechista ganador del Nobel, Milton Friedman, que dijo que se unir\u00eda a nuestro resumen s\u00f3lo si la palabra \"obvio\" estaba en alg\u00fan lugar del resumen."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is from \"A Force More Powerful.\" It's a little screenshot.","es":"Esta captura de pantalla es de \"A Force More Powerful\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"But it's time we challenge the way we think about conflict and the choices we have in facing it.","es":"Pero es el momento de cuestionar nuestra visi\u00f3n sobre qu\u00e9 es el conflicto y las opciones que tenemos para hacerle frente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The inner circle shows the videos they're focused on.","es":"El c\u00edrculo interior muestra los videos que est\u00e1n viendo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then we did something crazy.","es":"Y luego construimos algo alocado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Any lever will help.","es":"Cualquier palanca ayudar\u00e1."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now the amazing thing here is that a ballistics gelatin is supposed to mimic what happens to human flesh when you get shot, that's why you shouldn't get shot.","es":"Lo sorprendente es que una gelatina bal\u00edstica se supone que imita lo que pasa con la carne humana cuando se le dispara -por eso es mejor no recibir un disparo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And who knows, maybe there will be underwater cities, and maybe some of you will become the future aquanauts.","es":"Y qui\u00e9n sabe, tal vez habr\u00e1 ciudades subacu\u00e1ticas, y tal vez algunos de Uds. ser\u00e1n los futuros acuanautas."} {"gender":"male","en":"The one technology that spans rich and poor in places like this is not anything to do with industrial technology.","es":"La tecnolog\u00eda presente en ricos y pobres en lugares como este no tiene que ver con la tecnolog\u00eda industrial."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is what they unloaded for me: I had four yak loads of medical supplies, which are dumped in a tent, and here I am trying to arrange things.","es":"Esto es lo que descargaron para m\u00ed. Ten\u00eda 4 yaks cargados de suministros m\u00e9dicos, que fueron tirados en una carpa. y aqu\u00ed estoy tratando de organizar las cosas."} {"gender":"female","en":"The following year, 1949, we made that decision permanent in the new constitution, and that is why I can tell you that story nearly 70 years later.","es":"Al a\u00f1o siguiente, 1949, fijamos esa decisi\u00f3n de forma permanente en la nueva constituci\u00f3n, y por eso puedo contar esta historia casi 70 a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We want to be pushed into exploring something new.","es":"Queremos ser empujados a explorar algo nuevo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Or I'd make eye contact with everyone, that was really creepy; that didn't work at all.","es":"\u00bfMirando a los ojos a todo el mundo? No, eso ser\u00eda pavoroso; no funcionar\u00eda en absoluto."} {"gender":"male","en":"If we were to extrapolate that three point drop to every single black man with high blood pressure in America, we would prevent 800 heart attacks, 500 strokes and 900 deaths from high blood pressure in just one year.","es":"Si extrapol\u00e1ramos la ca\u00edda de tres puntos a cada hombre negro solo con presi\u00f3n arterial alta en EE.UU. evitar\u00edamos 800 ataques card\u00edacos, 500 accidentes cerebrovasculares y 900 muertes por presi\u00f3n arterial alta en solo un a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is where our mosquito-catching work gets really interesting.","es":"Aqu\u00ed es donde nuestro trabajo de captura de mosquitos es realmente interesante."} {"gender":"male","en":"Good, good, good.","es":"Bien, bien, bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"And Jane cannot be fooled; she reads the news.","es":"Y Jane no es tonta, lee las noticias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What's good?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 es bueno?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm not demented.","es":"Ni tengo demencia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Just over a year ago, no one had ever seen a view like this.","es":"Hace poco m\u00e1s de un a\u00f1o, nadie hab\u00eda visto una vista como esta."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And in particular, the virtue that we need most of all is the virtue that Aristotle called \"practical wisdom.\"","es":"Y, en particular, la virtud que m\u00e1s nos hace falta es lo que Arist\u00f3teles llam\u00f3 la sabidur\u00eda pr\u00e1ctica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They'll either discover their long-lost cousin in the other corner of the room and run over and talk to them. Or they'll suddenly become parched and\/or hungry, and often both, and sprint off for a drink and some food.","es":"O descubrir\u00e1n a un primo perdido en la otra esquina de la habitaci\u00f3n y correr\u00e1n a hablar con \u00e9l, o de repente se sentir\u00e1n sedientos y\/o hambrientos \u2013 a menudo ambas-- y correr\u00e1n a por un trago y algo de comida."} {"gender":"female","en":"And when the heat made me too sick to walk the 50 feet to the public restroom outside my van at night, I used a bucket and a trash bag as a toilet.","es":"As\u00ed que me qued\u00e9 en la camioneta Y cuando el calor me agotaba tanto que no pod\u00eda ni caminar hasta el ba\u00f1o p\u00fablico afuera de mi camioneta por la noche, usaba una cubeta y una bolsa para la basura como WC."} {"gender":"female","en":"I gave this example to a bunch of computer scientists once and afterwards, one of them came up to me.","es":"Di este ejemplo una vez a un grupo de cient\u00edficos de la computaci\u00f3n y despu\u00e9s, uno se me acerc\u00f3."} {"gender":"female","en":"I even looked it up in the dictionary, to make sure that I actually do that, and the definition of play, number one, was engaging in a childlike activity or endeavor, and number two was gambling. And I realize I do both when I'm designing.","es":"Lo busqu\u00e9 en el diccionario, para estar segura de que realmente hago eso, y la definici\u00f3n de jugar, n\u00famero uno es comprometerse en actividades de tipo infantil y la n\u00famero dos es apostar, arriesgarse y entonces me di cuenta que yo hago ambas cosas cuando dise\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"They lie beyond the visible.","es":"No se ven a simple vista."} {"gender":"female","en":"I have a full-on career, I've got three kids, I've got an elderly mom.","es":"Tengo una carrera completa, tengo tres hijos, tengo una madre mayor."} {"gender":"male","en":"Absolutely remarkable.","es":"Absolutamente extraordinario."} {"gender":"male","en":"They're not supposed to be a cartoon of the North Woods; they're not supposed to be a set for \"The Last of the Mohicans.\"","es":"No se supone que sean caricaturas del Bosque del Norte; no se supone que sean el escenario para \"El \u00daltimo Mohicano\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"It was this revolution that started in this blank notebook 30 years ago that shaped my life's work.","es":"Fue esta revoluci\u00f3n que comenz\u00f3 en este cuaderno en blanco hace 30 a\u00f1os lo que le dio forma al trabajo de mi vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"What the world needs now are these new vaccines, and we can make it happen.","es":"Lo que el mundo necesita actualmente son estas nuevas vacunas, y podemos hacer que esto se logre."} {"gender":"male","en":"Three.","es":"Tres."} {"gender":"female","en":"It was the end of October in the mountains in Austria.","es":"Era fin de octubre, en las monta\u00f1as de Austria."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This image is also black and white, so we don't really know what is the color of everything in here.","es":"Esta imagen tambi\u00e9n es en blanco y negro, por lo que no se sabe muy bien el color de todo aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Your scale arm has crashed to the floor.","es":"Un lado de tu balanza cay\u00f3 al piso."} {"gender":"male","en":"You raise some resources.","es":"Se juntan recursos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I thought, \"Well, that's the dumbest question I've ever heard.","es":"Y yo pens\u00e9: \"Es la pregunta m\u00e1s tonta que he escuchado."} {"gender":"male","en":"I want to put it in perspective of the bigger picture of all the other things that are going on, and then talk about something you haven't heard so much about, which is proteomics.","es":"Quiero ponerla en perspectiva de la imagen m\u00e1s grande, de todas las otras cosas que est\u00e1n sucediendo, y luego hablar de algo de lo que que no han o\u00eddo hablar demasiado, la prote\u00f3mica."} {"gender":"female","en":"It was striking to me because it featured a young black girl, probably around 12 years old, looking studiously at some physics equations.","es":"Me sorprendi\u00f3 porque destacaba una ni\u00f1a negra, quiz\u00e1 de unos 12 a\u00f1os, que miraba con atenci\u00f3n unas ecuaciones de f\u00edsica."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now if I were to come to you face-to-face and come this close to you, you would feel threatened.","es":"Si yo viniera y me pongo cara a cara as\u00ed cerca se sentir\u00edan amenazados."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And third, can we do anything about this fogginess, can we train our brain to pay better attention?","es":"Y tercero, \u00bfpodemos hacer algo respecto de esta borrosidad? \u00bfPodemos entrenar al cerebro para prestar m\u00e1s atenci\u00f3n?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And then, of course, to bring us to today.","es":"Entonces, por supuesto, nos trae al presente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"These are all tacos eaten in Mexico City near a train station on July fifth to July sixth.","es":"Estos son tacos consumidos en la ciudad de M\u00e9xico cerca a una estaci\u00f3n de tren. del 5 al 6 de julio."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we would like flowers to grow out on the net.","es":"Y nos gustar\u00eda que crecieran flores en Internet."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"A group of artists decided to paint a life-size tank on a wall.","es":"Un grupo de artistas decidi\u00f3 pintar un tanque de tama\u00f1o natural en un muro."} {"gender":"female","en":"And before long, I was commuting between Budapest, Milan and Florence.","es":"En poco tiempo, me estaba desplazando entre Budapest, Mil\u00e1n y Florencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was trained to be prepared in a medical emergency.","es":"Fui formada para afrontar emergencias m\u00e9dicas."} {"gender":"female","en":"In 2008, I picked up a scientific study looking at how many years we have of valuable materials to extract from the ground: copper, 61; tin, zinc, 40; silver, 29.","es":"En 2008, repas\u00e9 un estudio cient\u00edfico que analizaba cu\u00e1ntos a\u00f1os nos quedan de materiales valiosos que extraer del suelo: cobre, 61; esta\u00f1o, zinc, 40; plata, 29."} {"gender":"male","en":"We communicate differently, extroverts and introverts. Extroverts, when they interact, want to have lots of social encounter punctuated by closeness.","es":"Nos comunicamos de forma diferente, Los extrovertidos y los introvertidos, un extrovertido al interactuar, desea tener mucho contacto social afianzado por la cercan\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so this is what I did. So I thought, a biennial needs artists.","es":"Y esto es lo que hice: Pens\u00e9 que una bienal necesita artistas."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is my wife and I cooking breakfast in the kitchen, and as we move through space and through time, a very everyday pattern of life in the kitchen.","es":"Aqu\u00ed estamos con mi esposa preparando el desayuno en la cocina. Y a medida que nos movemos en espacio y tiempo, un patr\u00f3n cotidiano de la vida en la cocina."} {"gender":"male","en":"We're trying to cross the chasm here between school math and the real-world math.","es":"Estamos tratando de cruzar el abismo que separa a la matem\u00e1tica escolar de la del mundo real."} {"gender":"female","en":"I played softball for five years growing up.","es":"Jugu\u00e9 softball desde los cinco a\u00f1os de edad."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"So with this success, we decided to take the next big step, to develop a real car that can be driven on real roads.","es":"Con este logro, decidimos dar el siguiente paso y desarrollar un coche de verdad que pudiera ser conducido por carreteras de verdad."} {"gender":"male","en":"These realities are experienced separately by each individual.","es":"Estas realidades son experimentadas separadamente, por cada individuo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Brazilian grannies and housewives were outraged, and in a case of art imitating life, this episode also included footage of a real gun control march that we had organized right here, outside in Copacabana Beach.","es":"Abuelas y amas de casa brasile\u00f1as se mostraron indignadas, y en un caso del arte imitando a la vida, este episodio tambi\u00e9n incluy\u00f3 material de archivo de una marcha real para el control de armas que hab\u00edamos organizado aqu\u00ed afuera en la playa de Copacabana."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is why you can feel such a sense of cosmic union with somebody after you've made love to them.","es":"Es por eso que sientes tal sensaci\u00f3n de uni\u00f3n c\u00f3smica con alguien despu\u00e9s de hacer el amor con la persona."} {"gender":"male","en":"The sad reality is, we develop vaccines not based upon the risk the pathogen poses to people, but on how economically risky it is to develop these vaccines.","es":"La triste realidad es que desarrollamos vacunas no de acuerdo a los riesgos asociados al pat\u00f3geno para las personas sino teniendo en cuenta el riesgo econ\u00f3mico asociado al desarrollo de estas vacunas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, I have a feature on my website where every week people submit hypothetical questions for me to answer, and I try to answer them using math, science and comics.","es":"Tengo una funci\u00f3n en mi sitio web en el que cada semana la gente env\u00eda preguntas hipot\u00e9ticas para que yo las responda, y trato de hacerlo usando las matem\u00e1ticas, la ciencia y las tiras c\u00f3micas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And Chanel.","es":"Y Chanel."} {"gender":"male","en":"But how could the crowd become synchronized?","es":"Pero, \u00bfc\u00f3mo es que la multitud se sincroniz\u00f3?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Go find another bank.","es":"Pues ve a otro banco."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"BL: What are you reading?","es":"BL: \u00bfQu\u00e9 est\u00e1n leyendo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I had gained 25 pounds.","es":"Hab\u00eda subido 11 kilos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now we move forward 380,000 years.","es":"Ahora avanzamos 380 mil a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"Why go through all that trouble?","es":"\u00bfY por qu\u00e9 todo esto?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I would hear things from folks like, \"Oh, how could you work with those people?","es":"Escuchaba cosas como: \"\u00bfC\u00f3mo pudiste trabajar con esa gente?"} {"gender":"male","en":"It doesn't become dark.","es":"No se oscurece."} {"gender":"female","en":"You know, people say how half of all water well projects, a year later, are failed.","es":"La gente dice c\u00f3mo la mitad de los proyectos de pozos de agua, un a\u00f1o despu\u00e9s, fracasaron."} {"gender":"female","en":"For example, we have an insurance system where the person who drives 20,000 miles a year pays the same insurance as somebody who drives 3,000.","es":"Por ejemplo, tenemos un sistema de seguros en el que las personas que conducen 30.000 kms por a\u00f1o pagan igual que una persona que conduce 5.000 kms."} {"gender":"male","en":"There is so much to do over the next few years that is obvious to so many of us to build a better world.","es":"Hay mucho por hacer en los pr\u00f3ximos a\u00f1os es obvio para muchos de nosotros: contruir un mundo mejor."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm a self-founding, continuous state of translation among many different languages, in which science meets emotion and conventional research meets traditional research.","es":"Me he autoconstituido y me encuentro en un continuo estado de traducci\u00f3n entre muchos idiomas diferentes, donde la ciencia se encuentra con la emoci\u00f3n y la investigaci\u00f3n acad\u00e9mica se encuentra con la investigaci\u00f3n tradicional."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Do you remember the wrestler Andr\u00e9 the Giant?","es":"\u00bfSe acuerdan del luchador Andr\u00e9 el Gigante?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And I said, \"No.\"","es":"Yo dec\u00eda: \"No\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And when it's the right kind, we cheer it on, we hand out medals, we vote for, we mate with our champions of it.","es":"Odiamos la violencia del tipo malo, y cuando la ejerce el buen tipo, la alentamos, la condecoramos, votamos por ella, nos unimos a sus defensores."} {"gender":"male","en":"As you probably know, in science, when you write a kind of special paper, only six or seven people read it.","es":"Como probablemente saben, en la ciencia, cuando uno escribe un documento especial, s\u00f3lo 6 o 7 personas lo leen."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here's what it says in my explanation at the bottom left. It says, \"Thoughts: This poem is impossible.","es":"Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 lo que dice en mi explicaci\u00f3n en la parte inferior izquierda Dice, \"Pensamientos: Este poema es imposible."} {"gender":"female","en":"I loved make-believe worlds and my favorite thing to do was to wake up in the mornings in Moominvalley. In the afternoons, I would roam around the Tatooines. And in the evenings, I would go to sleep in Narnia.","es":"Me encantaban los mundos imaginarios; mi situaci\u00f3n favorita era despertar por la ma\u00f1ana en Moominvalley, vagar por la tarde en Tatooines e ir a dormir por la noche a Narnia."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, you don't really think that our airplane system depends on the Internet, and in some sense it doesn't.","es":"Uno no piensa que el sistema de nuestro avi\u00f3n depende de Internet y, en cierto sentido, no depende."} {"gender":"male","en":"By the way, the whole business of talking to the dead is not that big a deal. Anybody can do it, turns out. It's getting the dead to talk back that's the really hard part.","es":"Por cierto, este negocio de hablar con los muertos, no es tan complicado, cualquiera puede hacerlo; pero resulta que lograr que los muertos respondan, esa es la parte dif\u00edcil."} {"gender":"female","en":"They have plenty of males to choose from, and these females turn out to be very picky.","es":"Tienen muchos machos para escoger, y estas hembras se vuelven muy quisquillosas."} {"gender":"female","en":"If I've learned anything from these decades of working on these problems, it's this: just because somebody tells you something and they say it with confidence, just because they say it with lots of detail, just because they express emotion when they say it, it doesn't mean that it really happened.","es":"Si he aprendido algo de estas d\u00e9cadas de trabajo en estos problemas, es esto: s\u00f3lo porque alguien te dice algo y lo dice con certeza, s\u00f3lo porque lo dice con muchos detalles, s\u00f3lo porque se expresa con emoci\u00f3n cuando lo dice, no significa que en verdad pas\u00f3."} {"gender":"female","en":"So they're one cell and they have this special property that they only have one piece of DNA.","es":"Entonces son s\u00f3lo una c\u00e9lula y tienen esta propiedad especial, que solo tienen una pieza de ADN."} {"gender":"male","en":"So you end up having this problem where you spend all this money getting aid and all these advanced electronics to these countries, and it ends up being useless.","es":"As\u00ed uno termina gastando dinero para conseguir ayuda y electr\u00f3nica de avanzada para esos pa\u00edses, y finalmente termina siendo inservible."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So this is all the ingredients, all the flavor of, you know, a standard maki roll, printed onto a little piece of paper.","es":"Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1n los ingredientes, los sabores, de un rollo maki normal, impresos en un papelito."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Hello, everyone.","es":"Hola a todos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now look at the one right below that.","es":"Ahora miren la l\u00ednea justo abajo de ella."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we're miserable not because the other guy can't run a good meeting, it's because of MAS, our Mindless Accept Syndrome, which is a self-inflicted wound.","es":"Somos desgraciados no porque los otros no saben hacer una buena reuni\u00f3n, sino debido al SAI<\/i>, nuestro S\u00edndrome de Aceptaci\u00f3n Insensata, que es una herida autoinfligida."} {"gender":"male","en":"Taking it a step further, MIT's media lab is working on robots that can interact more like humans.","es":"Avanzando un paso m\u00e1s, el Media Lab del MIT est\u00e1 trabajando en robots que pueden interactuar como humanos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What are the implications of this on society, on evolution and what are the stakes in this game?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1les son sus consecuencias para la sociedad, para la evoluci\u00f3n y cu\u00e1les son los riesgos del juego?"} {"gender":"male","en":"BC: We've lost 99 percent of our entry velocity.","es":"BC: Hemos perdido el 99% de la velocidad de entrada."} {"gender":"male","en":"But this is just my own personal ideology.","es":"Pero esta es solamente mi propia ideolog\u00eda personal."} {"gender":"female","en":"I know, how romantic.","es":"Lo s\u00e9, qu\u00e9 rom\u00e1ntico."} {"gender":"male","en":"The most romantic thing to ever happen to me online started out the way most things do: without me, and not online.","es":"Lo m\u00e1s rom\u00e1ntico que me sucedi\u00f3 en l\u00ednea una vez comenz\u00f3 de la forma en que muchas cosas lo hacen: sin m\u00ed y no en l\u00ednea."} {"gender":"female","en":"Do we really need fireflies?","es":"\u00bfNecesitamos realmente a las luci\u00e9rnagas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Sentient beings are co-citizens in this world. and we need to dare altruism.","es":"Los seres sensibles son co-ciudadanos en este mundo. Tenemos que atrevernos al altruismo."} {"gender":"female","en":"They went to McDonald's and they sat down and they talked and they listened for the first time in a long time.","es":"Fueron a McDonald\u2019s, se sentaron, hablaron y escucharon por primera vez en mucho tiempo."} {"gender":"female","en":"So the design of cities is a key issue for our future.","es":"As\u00ed que el dise\u00f1o de las ciudades es un tema clave para nuestro futuro."} {"gender":"male","en":"Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew and his great imitators in Beijing have demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that it is perfectly possible to have a flourishing capitalism, spectacular growth, while politics remains democracy-free.","es":"Lee Kuan Yew de Singapur y sus grandes imitadores en Pek\u00edn han demostrado m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de toda duda razonable que es perfectamente posible tener un capitalismo floreciente, un crecimiento espectacular, mientras que la pol\u00edtica se mantiene libre de democracia."} {"gender":"male","en":"Both of these countries are dark compared to Puerto Rico, which has half as many residents as either Haiti or the Dominican Republic.","es":"Ambos est\u00e1n menos iluminados que Puerto Rico que tiene la mitad de los habitantes de Hait\u00ed o Rep\u00fablica Dominicana."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we managed to boil it down to nine.","es":"Y hemos conseguido reducirlos a nueve."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So maybe there's a more radical way that we can look at this.","es":"As\u00ed que puede haber una manera m\u00e1s radical de verlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I did try in the clouds, but you lose orientation completely.","es":"Trat\u00e9 de hacerlo en las nubes, pero hab\u00eda perdido la orientaci\u00f3n por completo."} {"gender":"male","en":"But what we really want to know is what happens to these emergent properties when we kick the system?","es":"Pero lo que queremos saber es \u00bfqu\u00e9 pasa con todas esas propiedades emergentes cuando pateamos el sistema?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They move the white truck instead of the blue truck.","es":"Mueven el cami\u00f3n blanco, en vez del cami\u00f3n azul."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it led us to the project, the courthouse, which is absolutely a part of a negotiation between tradition and pieces of the traditional courthouse.","es":"Y eso nos condujo al proyecto, al palacio de justicia que es absolutamente parte de una negociaci\u00f3n entre la tradici\u00f3n y piezas del palacio de justicia tradicional."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You can go even further back.","es":"Pueden retroceder a\u00fan m\u00e1s ."} {"gender":"male","en":"France scores.","es":"Gol de Francia."} {"gender":"male","en":"I called my parents up.","es":"Llam\u00e9 a mis padres."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Before the war, you treated national sovereignty as so sacrosanct that you weren't even willing to join the League of Nations.","es":"Antes de la guerra, trat\u00e1bais la soberan\u00eda nacional como sacrosanta de manera que ni siquiera estaba\u00eds dispuestos a un\u00edros a la Liga de Naciones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Here is an M.S. patient.","es":"Aqui hay un paciente de Esclerosis M\u00faltiple."} {"gender":"female","en":"On a macro level, four billion people on Earth make less than four dollars a day.","es":"A nivel macro, cuatro billones de personas en la Tierra ganan menos de cuatro d\u00f3lares diarios."} {"gender":"male","en":"What am I doing with the architecture?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 estoy haciendo con la arquitectura?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We heard from a man out of Zimbabwe, who, after hearing about HeForShe, created a \"husband school.\"","es":"Supimos de un hombre fuera de Zimbabue, quien, tras o\u00edr hablar de HeForShe, cre\u00f3 una \"escuela para maridos\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"But, of course, we've seen what that does.","es":"Y por supuesto que hemos visto lo que esto provoca."} {"gender":"male","en":"The assumed reason is that if everybody knew what everybody got paid, then all hell would break loose.","es":"La raz\u00f3n t\u00e1cita es que si todos supieran cu\u00e1nto le pagan a todos, entonces se desatar\u00eda el infierno."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, you would have wished the climate pressure to hit a strong planet, a resilient planet, but unfortunately, the third pressure is the ecosystem decline.","es":"Uno quisiera que la presi\u00f3n clim\u00e1tica encontrara un planeta fuerte, un planeta resistente, pero desafortunadamente la tercera presi\u00f3n es el deterioro del ecosistema."} {"gender":"male","en":"I have found no evidence that Americans don't get irony.","es":"No he encontrado ninguna evidencia de que los estadounidenses no entiendan la iron\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's what we mean by a unified theory.","es":"Y eso es lo que denominamos teor\u00eda unificada."} {"gender":"female","en":"Though there's no cure yet, advances in treatment are really impressive.","es":"Aunque no hay cura todav\u00eda, los avances en el tratamiento son realmente impresionantes."} {"gender":"male","en":"Inside that yellow rectangle, you see a code, it's a secret code: 300.","es":"Dentro de ese rect\u00e1ngulo amarillo, se ve un c\u00f3digo, es un c\u00f3digo secreto: 300."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was deeply classified.","es":"Fue clasificado de muy secreto."} {"gender":"female","en":"You were like, \"What the hell is she talking about?\"","es":"Uds. pensaban \"\u00bfDe qu\u00e9 demonios est\u00e1 hablando?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And in our ordinary lives we exist as individuals.","es":"En nuestras vidas ordinarias existimos como individuos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's still there.","es":"Todav\u00eda est\u00e1 all\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"On the other hand, if your problem is you tend to postpone, then it might give you a reason to act today rather than later.","es":"Y por otro lado, si el problema es que tiendes a posponerlo, entonces, tal vez, esto te de una raz\u00f3n para actuar hoy antes de que sea tarde."} {"gender":"male","en":"That is people moving around, that's even Pygmies.","es":"Esa es la gente que se mueve por all\u00ed, incluso pigmeos."} {"gender":"male","en":"We're really dominated now by those things that we're using up faster and faster and faster.","es":"Ahora realmente estamos dominados por aquellas cosas que estamos consumiendo cada vez m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido y m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido y m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Stasi was the secret police in East Germany.","es":"La Stasi era la polic\u00eda secreta de Alemania Oriental."} {"gender":"male","en":"Unlike the balancing pole, I did not include the mathematical model of the glass in the system.","es":"A diferencia de la barra, no inclu\u00ed el modelo matem\u00e1tico de la copa en el sistema."} {"gender":"male","en":"And just as in the spirit of FIRST, gracious professionalism, they are quite proud of this, so they decide to share a drink.","es":"Y en el esp\u00edritu del primero, profesionalismo gentil, est\u00e1n muy orgullosos de esto, as\u00ed que deciden compartir una bebida."} {"gender":"male","en":"And escalating that conflict, Los Zetas said, \"We will kill 10 people for every bit of information you release.\"","es":"Para subir la tensi\u00f3n del conflicto, los Zetas dijeron: \"Mataremos a 10 por cada informaci\u00f3n que revelen\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Babies come with this ability.","es":"Los beb\u00e9s vienen con esta capacidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"But imagine this accessibility for a kid in Bombay who's studying architecture, who hasn't had a chance to go to The Guggenheim as yet.","es":"Pero imaginen esta accesibilidad para un ni\u00f1o en Bombay que est\u00e1 estudiando arquitectura, que no ha tenido la oportunidad de ir al Guggenheim hasta el momento."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It became so outrageous, the whole situation, that in fact a commission of inquiry was appointed, and it reported in 1982, 30 years ago it reported, the Ballah Report, 30 years ago, and immediately the government-to-government arrangements were stopped.","es":"Lleg\u00f3 a ser tan escandalosa, toda la situaci\u00f3n, que, de hecho, se nombr\u00f3 una comisi\u00f3n de investigaci\u00f3n e inform\u00f3 en 1982, hace 30 a\u00f1os, entreg\u00f3 el Informe Ballah, 30 a\u00f1os atr\u00e1s, y de inmediato los acuerdos de gobierno a gobierno fueron detenidos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you're sitting on a cushioned chair, you'll be more open.\"","es":"Si est\u00e1s sentado en una silla acolchada, estar\u00e1s m\u00e1s abierto\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is Steve Martin, not the comedian, who lost his legs in a bomb blast in Afghanistan.","es":"Steve Martin, no el comediante, que perdi\u00f3 sus piernas con la explosi\u00f3n de una bomba en Afganist\u00e1n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Last picture, it's a tattoo, 2,000-years-old tattoo.","es":"La \u00faltima imagen es un tatuaje de hace 2.000 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to show you just a few examples of how pervasive this phenomena is.","es":"Voy a mostrarles unos pocos ejemplos de cu\u00e1n penetrante es este fen\u00f3meno."} {"gender":"female","en":"Build It From Scratch proposed that it was time for a whole new system.","es":"Construir Desde Cero propuso hacer un nuevo sistema."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in the words of Malcolm Gladwell, crack cocaine was the extra-chunky version of tomato sauce for the inner city.","es":"En palabras de Malcolm Gladwell, el crack fue la versi\u00f3n extra-sabrosa de la salsa de tomate."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There seems to be a discrepancy.","es":"Parece haber una discrepancia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The La Cura website went viral.","es":"La p\u00e1gina web de \"La Cura\" se convirti\u00f3 en viral."} {"gender":"male","en":"The second thing is a bigger lesson about the world today.","es":"Lo segundo es una lecci\u00f3n m\u00e1s importante sobre el mundo actual."} {"gender":"male","en":"It starts with the global hubs.","es":"Comienza con los n\u00facleos globales."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was scared.","es":"Estaba asustada."} {"gender":"male","en":"My fate and the fate of the world around me lie inside my hands.","es":"Mi destino y el destino del mundo alrededor descansa en mis manos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And no, he didn't cook the fish, and he's not a chef, at least in the way that you and I understand it.","es":"Y no, \u00e9l no cocino el pescado, y no es un chef. Al menos en la manera que lo entendemos ustedes y yo."} {"gender":"male","en":"When you leave the opera house, you'll find there's braille signage in the lifts.","es":"Al salir de la Casa de la \u00d3pera, encontrar\u00e1n que hay se\u00f1alizaci\u00f3n en braille en los ascensores."} {"gender":"male","en":"If the planet Earth is annihilated by the Vogons to make room for an interstellar bypass, that's an eight A \"aaaaaaaargh.\"","es":"Si la Tierra es aniquilada por la Vogons para hacer espacio para una autopista interestelar eso es con 8A: \"Aaaaaaaay\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And when I do, it's as a bit of a know-it-all.","es":"Y cuando ocurre, es por ser un poco sabelotodo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so I forgot to tell you the scale.","es":"Y se me olvido decirles la escala."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we must act.","es":"Y debemos actuar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"How can we turn our cumulative knowledge of virology into a simple, hand-held, single diagnostic assay?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo podemos convertir nuestro conocimiento acumulado sobre la virolog\u00eda en un ensayo qu\u00edmico para el diagn\u00f3stico sencillo, \u00fanico y manejable?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So I created a website, which is called La Cura, on which I put my medical data, online.","es":"As\u00ed que he creado un sitio web, que se llama \"La Cura\", e hice accesibles mis datos m\u00e9dicos en l\u00ednea."} {"gender":"female","en":"I actually used to joke at the time and say if you really screwed up as a caller, you might end up running the place.","es":"De hecho, sol\u00eda bromear en ese momento y decir que si realmente llamabas como una persona acabada, podr\u00edas terminar dirigiendo la organizaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It starts with vetting the partners, understanding who they are, and working with them very intensively.","es":"Empieza con investigar a los socios, entender qui\u00e9nes son y trabajar con ellos intensamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"And now he's gone, and so am I. Thank you very much.","es":"Se ha ido, y yo tambi\u00e9n. Muchas gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"Some are already deserts; others are being seriously degraded by the sand.","es":"Algunas son desiertos ya; y otras estan siendo seriamente degradadas por la arena."} {"gender":"female","en":"There was nothing special about the way I responded to him.","es":"No hubo nada especial respecto a la forma en que le respond\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"So anyway, additionally, there was still this problem, and we were getting highly criticized as well for not dealing with all of these other problems.","es":"As\u00ed que de todos modos, adem\u00e1s, todav\u00eda ten\u00edamos este problema, y nos estaban criticando mucho tambi\u00e9n por no lidiar con todos estos otros problemas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That was the plight of the Hallowich family. Within a very short period of time, they began to complain of headaches, of sore throats, of itchy eyes, in addition to the interference of the noise, vibration and the bright lights from the flaring of natural gas.","es":"Esa fue la dura situaci\u00f3n de la familia Hallowich Despu\u00e9s de poco tiempo, los miembros empezaron a sufrir dolores de cabeza, dolor de garganta, comez\u00f3n de ojos, adem\u00e1s del ruido, la vibraci\u00f3n, y las luces brillantes que produc\u00eda la combusti\u00f3n del gas natural."} {"gender":"female","en":"When food was scarce, our ancestors' survival depended on conserving energy, and regaining the weight when food was available would have protected them against the next shortage.","es":"Cuando la comida escaseaba, la supervivencia de nuestros ancestros depend\u00eda de su capacidad de conservar energ\u00eda y recuperar el peso cuando hubiera comida disponible, lo que los proteger\u00eda ante una nueva escasez."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And we'll watch as global warming makes them melt.","es":"Y veremos como el calentamiento global los est\u00e1 derritiendo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Expertise means not needing to be coached.","es":"Ser un experto implica que uno no necesita ser guiado."} {"gender":"female","en":"Professor Bob Wang and his team have done computer simulations of what happens when fuzzy estimates combine, even in light traffic, when cars just share GPS data, and we've moved this research out of the computer simulation and into robot test beds that have the actual sensors that are in cars now on these robots: stereo cameras, GPS, and the two-dimensional laser range finders that are common in backup systems.","es":"El profesor Bob Wang y su equipo han creado simulaciones computarizadas de lo que ocurre cuando se combinan c\u00e1lculos aproximados, incluso con poco tr\u00e1fico, cuando los autos solo comparten informaci\u00f3n GPS, y hemos llevado esta investigaci\u00f3n de simulaci\u00f3n por computaci\u00f3n y hacia un banco de pruebas rob\u00f3ticas que tienen los sensores reales que los autos tienen actualmente, en estos robots: c\u00e1maras est\u00e9reo, GPS, y los tel\u00e9metros l\u00e1ser bidimensionales que son comunes en los sistemas de respaldo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, this is wonderful, because the campaign promise of large telescopes is that is that the bigger the telescope, the smaller the detail that we can see.","es":"Esto es maravilloso porque la promesa usual de los grandes telescopios es que, mientras m\u00e1s grande, m\u00e1s peque\u00f1o es el detalle que podemos ver."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's from 40, 50 years ago.","es":"De eso hace unos 40 o 50 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's an inherent nature of an evolutionary process.","es":"Es la naturaleza inherente a los procesos evolutivos."} {"gender":"female","en":"I work in Morocco, in Turkey, in Mexico.","es":"Trabajo en Marruecos, en Turqu\u00eda, en M\u00e9xico."} {"gender":"female","en":"Ask the chairpersons and CEOs of Sotheby's and Christie's. Ask Charles Saatchi about great art.","es":"Preg\u00fantenle a los altos directivos de Sotheby's y Christie's. Preg\u00fantenle a Charles Saatchi sobre el gran arte."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so it's a short-term solution.","es":"Por lo que es entonces una soluci\u00f3n de corto plazo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There are very, very few people who don't know now about what is happening in the Arctic.","es":"Hay muy pocas personas que no saben lo que esta sucediendo en el \u00c1rtico."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is real stuff.","es":"Esto es algo real."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"The heart of worship is surrender.","es":"\"El centro de la adoraci\u00f3n es el sometimiento."} {"gender":"female","en":"And our brains might cause our stomachs to churn a little bit, to prepare for eating those cookies.","es":"Y nuestro cerebro puede provocar que nuestro est\u00f3mago se agite en preparaci\u00f3n para comer esas galletas."} {"gender":"male","en":"A team of doctors in Europe published a series of papers about colonoscopies.","es":"Un equipo de m\u00e9dicos en Europa public\u00f3 una serie de art\u00edculos sobre las colonoscop\u00edas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Actually, as soon as someone turns it on, I go into the other room and read.","es":"De hecho, tan pronto como alguien la prende, me voy a otra habitaci\u00f3n a leer."} {"gender":"male","en":"He was a working man, had a fifth-grade education.","es":"Era un hombre trabajador que hab\u00eda ido a la escuela hasta quinto grado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Instead, we would create an A.I. that uses its intelligence to learn what we value, and its motivation system is constructed in such a way that it is motivated to pursue our values or to perform actions that it predicts we would approve of.","es":"A cambio, crear\u00edamos una IA que use su inteligencia para aprender lo que valoramos, y su sistema integrado de motivaci\u00f3n ser\u00eda dise\u00f1ado para defender nuestros valores y realizar acciones que se ajusten a ellos."} {"gender":"male","en":"This way we were able to not only know how much malaria was going on here but also which mosquitoes were carrying this malaria.","es":"De esta forma no solo pudimos saber cu\u00e1nta malaria hab\u00eda aqu\u00ed sino tambi\u00e9n qu\u00e9 mosquitos portaban esta malaria."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And if you look, tucked away inside the inner surface of the temporal lobes, you can't see it there, is a little structure called the fusiform gyrus.","es":"Y si miran, oculto dentro de la superficie interna de los l\u00f3bulos temporales, no se puede ver pero ah\u00ed est\u00e1, ah\u00ed hay una peque\u00f1a estructura llamada circunvoluci\u00f3n fusiforme."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think these folks meant well, but had I taken them up on their offers, I would have been going beyond the science, and good scientists are careful not to do this.","es":"Creo que esta gente no ten\u00eda malas intenciones, pero si hubiera aceptado sus ofertas habr\u00eda ido m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de la ciencia, y los buenos cient\u00edficos se cuidan de no hacer esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Okay, I think 99.9 would about cover it.","es":"Bien, creo que 99,9 es suficiente."} {"gender":"female","en":"But she does remember one moment.","es":"Pero ella recuerda un momento."} {"gender":"female","en":"Last summer, I was in the mountains of North Carolina, hauling buckets of wood chips in the summer sun.","es":"El verano pasado, estaba en las monta\u00f1as de Carolina del Norte, transportando baldes de astillas de madera bajo el sol estival."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The same happened for me.","es":"Lo mismo me ocurri\u00f3 a m\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But when we fixate on our fears about it, we forget a really major point, and that is, that kids are living in the same world that we live in, the world where the grownups check their phones more than 50 times a day.","es":"Pero cuando nos clavamos en los miedos que nos provocan, olvidamos de un punto muy importante, y es que los ni\u00f1os est\u00e1n viviendo en el mismo mundo que nosotros, el mundo donde los adultos revisan sus tel\u00e9fonos m\u00e1s de 50 veces al d\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But the bigger issue is that global gridlock is going to stifle economic growth and our ability to deliver food and health care, particularly to people that live in city centers. And our quality of life is going to be severely compromised.","es":"El mayor problema es que el embotellamiento mundial va a ahogar el crecimiento econ\u00f3mico y nuestra capacidad para proporcionar alimentos y atenci\u00f3n m\u00e9dica, en especial a las personas que viven en centros urbanos. y nuestra calidad de vida va a verse seriamente comprometida."} {"gender":"male","en":"And perhaps most remarkably, at the beginning of the 21st century, really for the first time in modern history, growth extended to almost all parts of the world.","es":"Y quiz\u00e1s lo m\u00e1s notable es que a principios del Siglo XXI por primera vez en la historia moderna, el crecimiento econ\u00f3mico se extendi\u00f3 a todas partes del mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"When I was growing up, my dad used to love telling the story of his first day in Canada.","es":"Cuando yo era ni\u00f1o a mi padre le encantaba contar la historia de su primer d\u00eda en Canad\u00e1."} {"gender":"male","en":"According to the U.N., new cases of HIV declined by 90 percent, and according to the World Bank, 7.7 million lives were saved.","es":"Seg\u00fan la ONU, los nuevos casos de VIH disminuyeron en un 90%. Y para el Banco Mundial se salvaron 7,7 millones de vidas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Asking for advice, rather than any possible way that you could just statically organize a map.","es":"Pedir consejo, en vez de hacerlo de cualquier otro modo en que se pueda organizar un mapa de forma est\u00e1tica."} {"gender":"female","en":"You'll find signposts outside temples denying the entry of menstruating girls and women. Ironically, most of the time it is the older woman who imposes such restrictions on younger girls in a family.","es":"Encontraba avisos fuera de los templos que negaban la entrada a ni\u00f1as y mujeres con el periodo Ir\u00f3nicamente, la mayor parte de las veces es la mujer mayor la que ha impuesto restricciones a las ni\u00f1as m\u00e1s j\u00f3venes de la familia."} {"gender":"male","en":"In the canal, which is just outside the restaurant, there is hundreds of meters of coil piping. This takes the temperature of the canal and turns it into this four-degrees of heat exchange.","es":"En el canal, que est\u00e1 justo fuera del restaurante, hay cientos de metros de tuber\u00edas en espiral. que toman la temperatura del canal y la transforman en este intercambio de calor de 4 grados."} {"gender":"female","en":"In about two to three hours, she started to move.","es":"El cabo de dos o tres horas empez\u00f3 a moverse."} {"gender":"female","en":"When we met her three years ago, we said, \"What could V-Day do for you?\"","es":"Cuando la conocimos hace tres a\u00f1os, dijimos, \u201c\u00bfQu\u00e9 podr\u00eda hacer el D\u00eda-V por ti?\u201d"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This little parasite that causes malaria, it's probably one of the most complex and wily pathogens known to humankind.","es":"Este peque\u00f1o par\u00e1sito que causa la malaria es probablemente uno de los m\u00e1s complejos y astutos pat\u00f3genos conocidos por la humanidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It wasn't all high-tech.","es":"No fu\u00e9 todo alta tecnolog\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'm not talking about all comedy here, because, clearly, there's plenty of humor that colors safely within the lines of what we already think and feel.","es":"No estoy hablando de toda la comedia, porque claro que hay mucho humor que da sabor a eso que ya sentimos y pensamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then she challenges all her competitors to do the same.","es":"Entonces llega y desaf\u00eda a sus oponentes a que hagan lo mismo."} {"gender":"female","en":"My sons were inundated with this election.","es":"Mis hijos fueron saturados con esta elecci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it's just incrementally, over the last 20 years, built urbanism on top of its parking lots.","es":"Y han ido, a lo largo de 20 a\u00f1os, construyendo urbanizaciones sobre sus estacionamientos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Using Sketchfab's online viewer, we can show that we have reconstructed three parts of the exterior of the tomb, but we also have photos of the inside, so we're beginning to create a reconstruction of the wall and the ceiling.","es":"Con el visor en l\u00ednea de Sketchfab, se puede ver que hemos reconstruido tres partes del exterior de la tumba, pero como tambi\u00e9n tenemos fotos del interior, estamos empezando a crear la reconstrucci\u00f3n de la pared y del techo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's very expensive.","es":"Es muy costoso."} {"gender":"female","en":"We've all seen those scenes: bombs destroying buildings, chaos, destruction and people screaming and running.","es":"Todos hemos visto esas escenas: bombas destruyendo edificios, caos, destrucci\u00f3n, y gente gritando y corriendo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It turns out that human drivers make mistakes that lead to traffic accidents about once every 100,000 miles in America. In contrast, a self-driving system is probably making decisions about 10 times per second, so order of magnitude, that's about 1,000 times per mile. So if you compare the distance between these two, it's about 10 to the eighth, right?","es":"Resulta que los conductores humanos cometen errores que llevan a accidentes de tr\u00e1nsito aproximadamente una vez cada 160 000 km en EE.UU. Un sistema de autoconducci\u00f3n, por el contrario, quiz\u00e1 toma decisiones unas 10 veces por segundo, por lo que el orden de magnitud es de unas 1000 veces cada 1,6 km. Si se compara la distancia entre estos dos, es de 10 a la octava, \u00bfno?"} {"gender":"male","en":"\"How do you feel about pepperoni?\"","es":"\"\u00bfQu\u00e9 te parece el pepperoni?\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We have a system that is really ancient, and really there for physical danger.","es":"Tenemos un sistema muy antiguo, y muy ajustado al peligro f\u00edsico."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I thought, why don't we get into that business? So here we are having our first client, brilliant.","es":"Por eso pens\u00e9 en ese negocio Y tuvimos a nuestro primer cliente. Brillante."} {"gender":"male","en":"The rest of our lives will be in the future.","es":"El resto de nuestras vidas estar\u00e1 en el futuro."} {"gender":"male","en":"Nearly everyone is completely overwhelmed by the chaos of family life.","es":"Casi todo el mundo est\u00e1 totalmente abrumado por el caos de la vida familiar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And this happens regularly during the highest-tide tides now.","es":"Y esto sucede regularmente durante las mareas m\u00e1s altas."} {"gender":"male","en":"How do we think about complex systems in new ways?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo abordamos los sitemas complejos de formas diferentes?"} {"gender":"male","en":"In the US, an area that's larger than the state of Oregon has burned in just the last 10 years, and tens of thousands of homes have been destroyed.","es":"En EE.UU., un \u00e1rea m\u00e1s grande que el estado de Oregon se ha quemado en solo los \u00faltimos 10 a\u00f1os, y decenas de miles de hogares han sido destruidos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I wrote down and measured everything, and I said, in nine months, a group of children left alone with a computer in any language will reach the same standard as an office secretary in the West.","es":"Anot\u00e9 y med\u00ed todo, y expliqu\u00e9: en nueve meses, un grupo de ni\u00f1os a solas con una computadora en cualquier idioma llegar\u00e1n al mismo nivel que una secretaria en Occidente."} {"gender":"female","en":"All this while, I was interviewing him, questioning him, and then I realized that I was getting very superficial information, or just answers to my questions.","es":"En todo este tiempo, lo entrevist\u00e9, le pregunt\u00e9, y me di cuenta de que obten\u00eda informaci\u00f3n muy superficial, o solo respuestas a mis preguntas."} {"gender":"female","en":"I walked as though my legs were wooden.","es":"Caminaba, como si mis piernas fuesen de madera."} {"gender":"female","en":"I am an example, and there are others like me.","es":"Soy un ejemplo, y hay otros como yo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Hidden under the ice sheet are channels the size of the Grand Canyon that funnel ice and water off of Greenland and into the ocean.","es":"Bajo el manto de hielo, canales ocultos del tama\u00f1o del Gran Ca\u00f1\u00f3n encauzan hielo y agua hacia el oc\u00e9ano lejos de Groenlandia."} {"gender":"male","en":"You're out, they're in, and the machine kept moving like that.","es":"Unos salen, otros llegan, la m\u00e1quina sigue en funcionamiento."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's very hard to land on them.","es":"Es muy dif\u00edcil posarse en \u00e9l."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"PISA has transformed that debate, and pushed early childhood education right at the center of public policy in Germany.","es":"PISA ha transformado el debate, y forz\u00f3 a que la educaci\u00f3n temprana de la ni\u00f1ez fuera el centro del debate de la pol\u00edtica p\u00fablica alemana."} {"gender":"female","en":"We may not yet have the flying cars science fiction promised us, but we can have walls that change color depending on temperature, keyboards that roll up, and windows that become opaque at the flick of a switch.","es":"Puede que a\u00fan no tengamos los autos voladores que nos prometi\u00f3 la ciencia ficci\u00f3n, pero podemos tener paredes que cambien de color en funci\u00f3n de la temperatura, teclados que se enrollan, y ventanas que se vuelven opacas accionando un interruptor."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now when we're looking at solving big problems, we need to start thinking in two numbers.","es":"Ahora, cuando intentamos resolver grandes problemas, necesitamos comenzar a pensar en dos n\u00fameros."} {"gender":"female","en":"We're lending and borrowing money from strangers on Zopa and Lending Club.","es":"Estamos prestando y pidiendo prestado dinero a extra\u00f1os en Zopa y Lendind Club."} {"gender":"female","en":"African-American women in particular have an entirely different experience than white women when it comes to whether their babies are born healthy.","es":"Las mujeres afroamericanas en general tiene una experiencia totalmente diferente a la de las mujeres blancas cuando se trata de si sus beb\u00e9s nacen sanos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I had requested slides, kind of adamantly, up till the, pretty much, last few days, but was denied access to a slide projector.","es":"Ped\u00ed diapositivas, con bastante firmeza, aguantando hasta, m\u00e1s o menos, los \u00faltimos d\u00edas pero me denegaron el acceso a un proyector de diapositivas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Six different broad approaches: the plants, the animals, the fungi, the protests, the little things, the bacteria and the Archaea bacteria. The Archaeas.","es":"Seis diferentes divisiones: plantas, animales, hongos, protistas y los procariotas, bacterias y arqueas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Eighty-five percent cannot read when they enter the security forces of Afghanistan.","es":"El 85 % de la poblaci\u00f3n no sabe leer al momento de entrar en las fuerzas de seguridad."} {"gender":"male","en":"So after a certain amount of negotiation, they agreed to it.","es":"Tras algunas negociaciones, estuvieron de acuerdo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So one meeting tends to lead to another meeting, which leads to another meeting.","es":"Una reuni\u00f3n lleva a otra reuni\u00f3n y esa a su vez lleva a otra reuni\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Why?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I trust I don't have to tell you that Barbie is a made of plastic and b has no genitalia.","es":"Espero no tener que explicar que Barbie es a de pl\u00e1stico y b no tiene genitales."} {"gender":"male","en":"If I could ask Shadi and Mouaz the second they stepped into the freezing waters of the English Channel, they would probably say, \"This is worth the risk,\" because they could no longer see any other option.","es":"Si pudiera preguntarles a Shadi o Mouaz, justo en el momento en que se hundieron en las aguas heladas del canal, seguramente me dir\u00edan: \"Vale la pena arriesgarse\". Ya no ve\u00edan que les quedara otra opci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"It barely raises an eyebrow today when we learn that yet another person has decided to show his love of God by taking the lives of God's children.","es":"Apenas uno se sorprende hoy cuando nos enteramos de que otra persona ha decidido mostrar su amor a Dios tomando las vidas de los hijos de Dios."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if in order to do the best thing for your own people, you screw over everybody else on the planet, that's even better.","es":"Y si con el fin de hacer lo mejor para su pueblo, se le afecta a las dem\u00e1s personas en el planeta, mejor a\u00fan."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And then they hopped in it, turned the little electronic key, rather than the real key, zipped home on their new superhighway, and drove straight into a garage that looks like a Tudor castle.","es":"Y luego se subieron al auto, giraron la llavecita electr\u00f3nica, en lugar de la llave real, volaron a casa en su nueva superautopista, y manejaron derecho al garage que parece el castillo Tudor."} {"gender":"female","en":"No to burning books.","es":"No a la quema de libros."} {"gender":"male","en":"Ray: You're welcome.","es":"Ray: De nada."} {"gender":"male","en":"In art school, you learn that design is much more than the look and feel of something, it's the whole experience.","es":"En la escuela de arte se aprende que el dise\u00f1o es mucho m\u00e1s que el aspecto y la sensaci\u00f3n de algo, es toda la experiencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"One is the sort of willingness to expose myself to a critical audience, and not to suggest that I am confident about what I'm doing.","es":"Una es del tipo de - la voluntad de exponerme a un p\u00fablico cr\u00edtico, y no para sugerir que estoy seguro de lo que estoy haciendo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And that's the crux of it.","es":"Y esa es la esencia del problema."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And not like afraid-respect, just, like, respect-respect.","es":"Y no como el respeto que viene del miedo sino m\u00e1s bien, respeto-respeto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Refugee return, which the United Nations High Commission for Refugees thought would be extremely unlikely, has largely happened.","es":"El regreso de los refugiados, algo que el Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados pens\u00f3 que ser\u00eda altamente improbable y ha sucedido a gran escala."} {"gender":"female","en":"It seems so obvious, and yet it is not.","es":"Parece obvio, pero no lo es."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This was an animal that basically kept the forest mixed with grasslands across the entire Europe and Asian continent, from Spain to Korea.","es":"Era una animal que, b\u00e1sicamente, manten\u00eda el bosque mezclado con pastizales por toda Europa y Asia, desde Espa\u00f1a hasta Corea."} {"gender":"male","en":"He goes to Prague, he says, \"We believe in a nuclear-free world.\"","es":"Luego va a Praga, y dice: \"Creemos en un mundo libre de armas nucleares.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"In a time when hate crimes against our communities are at the highest they have been since 9\/11.","es":"En un tiempo cuando los cr\u00edmenes de odio contra nuestras comunidades est\u00e1n en lo m\u00e1s alto que han estado desde el 11 de septiembre."} {"gender":"female","en":"But I want you to realize that resources in the hands of African women is a powerful tool.","es":"Quiero que se den cuenta que los recursos en manos de la mujer africana es una herramienta potente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And they ended up naming the company Warby Parker.","es":"Y terminaron llamando a la compa\u00f1\u00eda Warby Parker."} {"gender":"male","en":"Last year at TED we aimed to try to clarify the overwhelming complexity and richness that we experience at the conference in a project called Big Viz.","es":"El a\u00f1o pasado en TED nos enfocamos en tratar de clarificar la abrumadora complejidad y riqueza que experimentamos en toda la conferencia en un proyecto llamado el Gran Ejemplo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It would've kept the curator very happy, but it wasn't going to keep us happy.","es":"Hubiera mantenido muy feliz al curador, pero no a nosotros."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We need to effectively democratize threat intelligence data.","es":"Tenemos que democratizar efectivamente los datos de an\u00e1lisis de riesgos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so that's when I got very serious.","es":"Entonces lo tom\u00e9 muy en serio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, this plant is an Artemisia plant; it's the basic component for artemisinin, which is the best-known treatment for malaria.","es":"Ahora, la planta es una artemisa, es el componente b\u00e1sico de la artemisinina, que es el tratamiento mejor conocido para el paludismo."} {"gender":"male","en":"They are not getting paid for it in any way other than in the attention and, to some extent, the reputational capital that they gain from doing a good job.","es":"No reciben dinero por eso en ninguna forma mas que la atencion y, en cierta medida, el capital de ganar una reputaci\u00f3n por hacer un buen trabajo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think in the context of the question of truth, it has a very significant message.","es":"Pienso que en el contexto de la verdad tiene un mensaje muy significativo."} {"gender":"male","en":"The answer is probably somewhere between 10 to 15 percent.","es":"La respuesta est\u00e1 entre un 10% y un 15%."} {"gender":"male","en":"I grew up in Bihar, India's poorest state, and I remember when I was six years old, I remember coming home one day to find a cart full of the most delicious sweets at our doorstep.","es":"Crec\u00ed en Bihar, el estado m\u00e1s pobre de la India, y recuerdo que cuando ten\u00eda seis a\u00f1os llegu\u00e9 a casa un d\u00eda y me encontr\u00e9 un carro repleto de los dulces m\u00e1s deliciosos en nuestra puerta."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we're going to go out and swing around and look back at this.","es":"Entonces vamos a salir, girar y ver esto nuevamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"What I did do, though is, I actually looked at them from a design standpoint and just eliminated all the ones that had nothing to do with design.","es":"Lo que hice, sin embargo, es mirarlos desde el punto de vista del dise\u00f1o y elimin\u00e9 aquellos que no ten\u00edan nada que ver con el dise\u00f1o."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Those who came back to life were those who understood the erotic as an antidote to death.","es":"Los que regresaron a la vida fueron aquellos que entendieron lo er\u00f3tico como un ant\u00eddoto a la muerte."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, first, before I even tell you the cost I've got to be absolutely clear.","es":"Bueno, antes de decirlo, debo ser absolutamente claro."} {"gender":"male","en":"We have 1.4 million expensively deployed, inefficient radio cellular base stations.","es":"Tenemos 1,4 millones de estaciones base de radio celular ineficientes y caras de instalar."} {"gender":"male","en":"The body, to us, is not a mechanical entity, where mechanical-only solutions can address them.","es":"El cuerpo, para nosotros, no es una entidad mec\u00e1nica, donde pueden abordarse soluciones solo mec\u00e1nicas."} {"gender":"female","en":"I spoke with Aung Sun Suu Kyi a couple of days ago.","es":"Habl\u00e9 con Aung Sun Suu Kyi hace un par de d\u00edas."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I hope that you'll go outside and see the world in a new way, to see all the amazing synchrony around us.","es":"Pero espero que vayan afuera y vean el mundo de una nueva manera, viendo toda la incre\u00edble sincron\u00eda que nos rodea."} {"gender":"male","en":"We are defined by the secrets we keep and by the secrets we share.","es":"Nos definimos por los secretos que guardamos y por los secretos que compartimos."} {"gender":"male","en":"If we get 15 minutes of overreaction time, that's the limit.","es":"Si nos pasamos de 15 minutos de berrinche, ese es el l\u00edmite."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"It matters to me because I think we're setting ourselves up for trouble, trouble certainly in how we relate to each other, but also trouble in how we relate to ourselves and our capacity for self-reflection.","es":"A m\u00ed me importa porque creo que nos estamos metiendo en un problema, en un verdadero problema, tanto en la manera de relacionarnos con los dem\u00e1s, como en la forma de relacionarnos con nosotros mismos y en nuestra capacidad de autoreflexi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I had to compromise with operational research work, which had the intellectual challenge that interested me and the commercial value that was valued by the clients: things like scheduling freight trains, time-tabling buses, stock control, lots and lots of stock control.","es":"As\u00ed que tuve que aceptar trabajos de investigaci\u00f3n operativa, que ten\u00eda el desaf\u00edo intelectual que me interesaba y el valor comercial valorado por los clientes: cosas como programaci\u00f3n de trenes de carga, cronograma de autobuses, control de mercader\u00eda, mucho de eso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What are the values you're using to judge those?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1les son los valores que usan para juzgarlos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I was pretty fast, but I was not fluid at all.","es":"Era muy r\u00e1pido, pero no hac\u00eda un movimiento fluido, para nada."} {"gender":"male","en":"Robert Dill-Bundi: My quality of life, I rate what I have today a bit different than what most people would assume.","es":"Robert Dill-Bundi: Mi calidad de vida, Yo califico lo que tengo hoy de manera un poco diferente a lo que la gente supondr\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"Going to scratch his nose.","es":"Va a rascarse la nariz."} {"gender":"female","en":"So as rivers flow, as they're bulldozing material from the mountains to the sea, sometimes bits of sand and clay and rock get stuck in the ground.","es":"Conforme fluyen los r\u00edos, acarrean sedimento de las monta\u00f1as al mar, y a veces se atasca arena, arcilla y rocas en la tierra."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's that shape because the helium has to expand.","es":"Tiene esa forma porque el helio tiene que expandirse."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the nations they're in can help.","es":"Y las naciones en las que viven pueden ayudar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Because, you know what, many of us are sort of at the end of our careers, and we need to be giving these kids, these young kids, the next generation, the tools to save themselves and save the planet.","es":"Porque saben qu\u00e9, muchos de nosotros estamos al final de nuestra vida profesional y tenemos que darles a estos chicos, a estos j\u00f3venes, la pr\u00f3xima generaci\u00f3n, las herramientas para salvarse a s\u00ed mismos y salvar el planeta."} {"gender":"female","en":"He was grateful for what he had.","es":"Agradec\u00eda lo que ten\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we've got to start thinking of oil and other hydrocarbons as part of these solar panels.","es":"Y tenemos que empezar a pensar en petr\u00f3leo y otros hidrocarburos como parte de estos paneles solares."} {"gender":"female","en":"Countries like America, we've heard things like No Child Left Behind.","es":"En pa\u00edses como EE.UU. o\u00edmos cosas como \u00abning\u00fan ni\u00f1o rezagado\u00bb."} {"gender":"male","en":"Have you ever noticed when you ask someone to talk about a change they're making for the better in their personal lives, they're often really energetic?","es":"\u00bfSe han dado cuenta que cu\u00e1ndo se pide a alguien que explique un cambio que haya supuesto algo positivo en su vida personal, normalmente se entusiasma mucho?"} {"gender":"male","en":"You act compassionately.","es":"Act\u00faas compasivamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"He's still waiting for his funeral in Norway, and none of his family will be able to attend.","es":"A\u00fan est\u00e1 esperando su funeral en Noruega y nadie de su familia podr\u00e1 asistir."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a picture of my family, my four siblings, my mom and I, taken in 1977.","es":"Esta es una fotograf\u00eda de mi familia, mis cuatro hermanos, mi madre y yo, tomada en 1977."} {"gender":"male","en":"Or you'll be able to enrich your life by prioritizing it and paying attention to it.","es":"O ser\u00e1n capaces de enriquecer su vida prioriz\u00e1ndola y prest\u00e1ndole atenci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Wherever attention goes, the rest of the brain follows.","es":"Dondequiera que vaya la atenci\u00f3n, el resto del cerebro sigue."} {"gender":"male","en":"This equality business is actually a pain in the arse.","es":"Esto de la igualdad es como una piedra en el zapato."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a world of peace and prosperity and sustainability.","es":"Es un mundo de paz y prosperidad y sustentabilidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"I wanted to start that change in the hearts and minds.","es":"Quer\u00eda empezar ese cambio en los corazones y las mentes."} {"gender":"male","en":"But it was really about the fact that I was looking for a project on my own and there was no open source, really, on my radar at all.","es":"Pero fue realmente sobre el hecho de que estaba buscando un proyecto por mi cuenta y no hab\u00eda ninguna fuente abierta, en realidad, en mi radar en absoluto."} {"gender":"male","en":"We're having a moment, me and the Queen Mother.","es":"Estamos teniendo un momento, la Reina Madre y yo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's not possible.","es":"No es posible."} {"gender":"male","en":"We're going to keep zooming in. OK.","es":"Vamos a seguir acerc\u00e1ndonos, bueno."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'd like to leave you with the following thought: Green fluorescent protein and antibodies are both totally natural products at the get-go.","es":"Quiero despedirme dej\u00e1ndoles este pensamiento: las prote\u00ednas verde fluo y los anticuerpos son productos de origen totalmente natural."} {"gender":"male","en":"Could I go and speak to older and wiser people who would tell me how they made sense of the things that are going on?","es":"\u00bfPod\u00eda ir a hablar con las personas mayores y m\u00e1s sabias capaces de decirme c\u00f3mo les dan ellos sentido a las cosas que est\u00e1n sucediendo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"The first one is a lack of bilinguals.","es":"El primero es la falta de personas biling\u00fces."} {"gender":"male","en":"And fighting for freedom, protest, comes in many forms.","es":"Y en esa lucha por la libertad, la protesta adopta diversas formas."} {"gender":"male","en":"None of it ginkgo, fraud; echinacea, fraud; acai, I don't even know what that is but we're spending billions of dollars on it, it's fraud.","es":"Ninguno de ellos, ginko, fraude, equinacea, fraude, \"acai\", no s\u00e9 ni siquiera que es pero estamos gastando miles de millones de d\u00f3lares en esto, es un fraude."} {"gender":"female","en":"I hope that these images awaken a force in those who view them, people like you, and I hope that force will ignite a fire, and that fire will shine a light on slavery, for without that light, the beast of bondage can continue to live in the shadows.","es":"Espero que estas im\u00e1genes despiertan una fuerza en quienes las ven, en personas como Uds., y espero que esa fuerza encienda un fuego y que ese fuego arroje luz sobre la esclavitud porque, sin esa luz, la bestia de la esclavitud puede continuar viviendo en las sombras."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"People today we call social entrepreneurs.","es":"Gente que hoy llamamos emprendedores sociales."} {"gender":"female","en":"It was dusty and it was terribly hot.","es":"Hac\u00eda mucho calor y todo estaba lleno de polvo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I got in.","es":"Entr\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"Interviewer: So just show me how you walk normally.","es":"Reportero: Entonces mu\u00e9strame c\u00f3mo caminas normalmente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Is that even possible?","es":"\u00bfEs posible?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And, in principle, it could've gone on forever, with perfect celibacy on the part of the hosts.","es":"B\u00e1sicamente podr\u00edan haber seguido para siempre. Con un celibato perfecto por parte de los anfitriones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Everybody believes the Koran is for all time and all place.","es":"Todos piensan que el Cor\u00e1n aplica todo el tiempo y a todos los lugares."} {"gender":"female","en":"But you know what?","es":"\u00bfPero saben qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There are dress-for-success groups in Texas which are using the book, for women who have never been to college.","es":"Hay grupos de V\u00edstete para el \u00c9xito en Texas que utilizan el libro, para mujeres que no han ido a la Universidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"A parachute opens up to slow it down.","es":"Un paraca\u00eddas se abre para frenarlo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Brandon shared the story of a young man from Brownsville who had witnessed violence firsthand, by witnessing a man being thrown off of a roof.","es":"Brandon comparti\u00f3 la historia de un joven de Brownsville que hab\u00eda presenciado violencia de primera mano, vio lanzar a un hombre desde un techo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Let me ask you a question: How many of you think that AI will pass the entrance examination of a top university by 2020?","es":"D\u00e9jenme hacerles una pregunta: \u00bfCu\u00e1ntos de Uds. piensan que una IA aprobar\u00e1 un examen de admisi\u00f3n de una universidad de \u00e9lite para el 2020?"} {"gender":"male","en":"An American sprinter jumps out to the front.","es":"Un velocista estadounidense toma la delantera."} {"gender":"male","en":"In Mesoamerica, there used to be neurosurgery, and there were these neurosurgeons that used to treat patients.","es":"En Mesoam\u00e9rica, exist\u00edan las neurocirug\u00edas, y hab\u00edan neurocirujanos que trataban a sus pacientes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Anybody?","es":"\u00bfNadie?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Three weeks pass.","es":"Tres semanas pasaron."} {"gender":"male","en":"From that point, you can then, if you want to, acquire multiple languages, alternate them so there is no interference.","es":"Desde ah\u00ed, usted puede, si lo desea, aprender m\u00faltiples lenguajes, alternarlos para que no haya interferencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"Many normal people might have, say, six to 10 major depressive episodes in their lives.","es":"La mayor\u00eda de la gente tendr\u00e1 entre 6 y 10 episodios depresivos en su vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"Your lecture series was one of the first to do it big.","es":"Tu serie de conferencias fueron de las primeras en hacerlo grande."} {"gender":"female","en":"It was like having an enormous new toy.","es":"Era como tener un enorme juguete nuevo."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can't hire everyone in a company, right?","es":"No se puede contratar a todo el mundo en una compa\u00f1\u00eda, \u00bfno?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So creating Craigslist or iTunes and the iPhone developer network, there are all these networks, Facebook as well. These platforms invite all sorts of developers and all sorts of people to come with their ideas and their opportunity to create and target an application for a particular audience.","es":"As\u00ed que la creaci\u00f3n de Craiglist o la red de desarrollo de iTunes y iPhone, y otras redes, como Facebook, estas plataformas invitan a toda clase de desarrollistas y gente en general a traer sus ideas y sus oportunidades para crear una aplicaci\u00f3n que sirva a un determinado p\u00fablico."} {"gender":"male","en":"He listened until those memories no longer generated any anxiety.","es":"Escuch\u00f3 hasta que esos recuerdos ya no le generaran ansiedad alguna."} {"gender":"male","en":"My linguistics and economics colleagues at Yale and I are just starting to do this work and really explore and understand the ways that these subtle nudges cause us to think more or less about the future every single time we speak.","es":"Mis colegas en Yale de ling\u00fc\u00edstica y econom\u00eda y yo estamos empezando a hacer este trabajo y a explorar y comprender las maneras en las que estos sutiles aspectos nos hacen pensar m\u00e1s o menos en el futuro cada vez que hablamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"But the more that I think about it, the more that I think that a few things that we have learned along the way are interesting lessons for how we would rewire if we we wanted to use the web to have a wider world.","es":"Pero cuanto m\u00e1s pienso en ello, m\u00e1s creo que algunas cosas que hemos aprendido en el camino son lecciones interesantes sobre c\u00f3mo nos reconectar\u00edamos si queremos utilizar la web para tener un mundo m\u00e1s amplio."} {"gender":"male","en":"I can probably count on my fingers the number of people in this room who do not use a mobile phone, and where is Aubrey, because I know he doesn't?","es":"Probablemente podr\u00eda contar con los dedos el n\u00famero de personas presentes que no usan tel\u00e9fono m\u00f3vil. \u00bfD\u00f3nde est\u00e1 Aubrey? Yo s\u00e9 que \u00e9l no los usa."} {"gender":"male","en":"And a lot of licit banks were also happy to accept deposits from very dubious sources without questions being asked.","es":"Y muchos bancos legales estuvieron contentos de aceptar dep\u00f3sitos de muy dudosos or\u00edgenes sin preguntar nada."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's ways, if it's temporary, to minimize the impact, but it's a problem.","es":"Hay maneras, si es temporal, de minimizar el impacto pero es un problema."} {"gender":"male","en":"A few years ago, I was working at a large bank that was trying to bring more innovation into its company culture.","es":"Hace unos a\u00f1os, estaba trabajando en un banco grande que trataba de llevar m\u00e1s innovaci\u00f3n a la cultura corporativa."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here, for instance, is trust.","es":"Aqu\u00ed, por ejemplo, est\u00e1 la confianza."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"SS: These are her symbols on her keyboard.","es":"SS: Estos son los s\u00edmbolos de su teclado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There's an arm sticking out of the passenger side and pointed back at you.","es":"Hay un brazo que sobresale del lado del pasajero y le apunt\u00f3 a Ud."} {"gender":"female","en":"It is really something.","es":"De verdad es impresionante."} {"gender":"male","en":"They could be creative in terms of education, they may be creative in terms of culture, they may be creative in terms of institutions; but a lot of our work is in the field of technological creativity, the innovations, either in terms of contemporary innovations, or in terms of traditional knowledge.","es":"Podr\u00edan ser creativas en t\u00e9rminos educativos; podr\u00edan serlo en t\u00e9rminos culturales; podr\u00edan serlo en t\u00e9rminos institucionales, pero gran parte de nuestro trabajo se centra en el campo de la creatividad tecnol\u00f3gica, de las innovaciones, bien en t\u00e9rminos de innovaciones contempor\u00e1neas, bien en t\u00e9rminos de conocimiento tradicional."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It triples the amount of oily, messy goo that you have in the water, and it makes it very hard to handle.","es":"Eso triplica la cantidad de residuos de grasa en el agua, y la hace muy dif\u00edcil de manejar."} {"gender":"female","en":"But why do I have to go to school?","es":"Pero \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 tengo que ir a la escuela?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And so I agree very emphatically that the pain of childbirth is not remembered. It's the child that's remembered.","es":"Por eso creo firmemente en que el dolor del nacimiento no es recordado, es el ni\u00f1o lo que es recordado."} {"gender":"female","en":"An individual coral can go through tremendous trauma and fully recover if it's given a chance and it's given protection.","es":"Un coral puede atravesar un incre\u00edble trauma y recuperarse completamente si se le ofrece una oportunidad y protecci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Call it \"Aphrodite\" or \"Venus\" or \"bimbo\" or whatever you want. The name doesn't matter, as long as we understand what it is about, and we support it.","es":"Ll\u00e1menlo Afrodita o Venus o lo que quieran, el nombre no importa, mientras sigamos entendiendo de qu\u00e9 se trata, y que lo apoyemos."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, what do I discover when I look at artworks?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfqu\u00e9 descubro yo cuando veo obras de arte?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was made by a Russian that's designed most of the suits of the past 18 years for the Soviets.","es":"Lo hizo un ruso que ha dise\u00f1ado la mayor\u00eda de los trajes de los \u00faltimos 18 a\u00f1os para los sovi\u00e9ticos."} {"gender":"male","en":"What's the point of teaching people math?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la idea de ense\u00f1ar matem\u00e1tica?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And when you watch bonobo play, you're seeing the very evolutionary roots of human laughter, dance and ritual.","es":"Y cuando uno observa el juego bonobo ve las ra\u00edces evolutivas mismas de la risa, la danza y el ritual humanos."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a characterization of what it would look like if you could remove the water.","es":"Esta es la representaci\u00f3n de lo que ver\u00edamos si pudi\u00e9ranos quitar el agua."} {"gender":"male","en":"Measuring cardiometabolic parameters by devices like this or the detection of circulating tumor DNA in your bloodstream early on after cancer disease onset are only two examples for such monitoring technologies.","es":"Medici\u00f3n de par\u00e1metros cardiometab\u00f3licos por dispositivos como \u00e9ste o la detecci\u00f3n de circulaci\u00f3n de ADN tumoral en sangre inmediatamente despu\u00e9s de la aparici\u00f3n de c\u00e1ncer son s\u00f3lo dos ejemplos de tecnolog\u00edas de seguimiento."} {"gender":"female","en":"The irony is so obvious, right?","es":"La iron\u00eda es muy obvia, \u00bfverdad?"} {"gender":"male","en":"You know, basically, reading is a good thing; you get facts.","es":"Ya saben, b\u00e1sicamente, leer es algo bueno; obtienes datos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And these doctors or these masters, these spiritual masters of the Sufi tradition, refer to teachings and examples of our prophet that teach us where the source of our problems lies.","es":"Y todos estos doctores o maestros, estos maestros espirituales de la tradici\u00f3n suf\u00ed, se refieren a las ense\u00f1anzas y los ejemplos de nuestro profeta, que nos ense\u00f1an ad\u00f3nde est\u00e1 la fuente de nuestros problemas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's banned now, and that'll be good news for the sharks.","es":"Eso ya se ha prohibido; buenas noticias para los tiburones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The developing world bug, trachoma, causes blindness.","es":"El insecto de los pa\u00edses en desarrollo, tracoma, causa ceguera."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"Don't feel sorry for them; believe in them.\"","es":"\"No sientas l\u00e1stima por ellos, cree en ellos\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"We know looting is going on on a global scale and it's increasing, but presently we don't have any tools to stop it.","es":"Sabemos que el saqueo contin\u00faa a escala mundial y va en aumento, pero en este momento no tenemos herramientas para detenerlo."} {"gender":"female","en":"IW: Also, at the International Airport of Bali, one of our supporters is planning to start a plastic bag-free policy by 2016.","es":"IW: En el aeropuerto internacional de Bali, uno de nuestros seguidores tiene la intenci\u00f3n de iniciar una pol\u00edtica de ausencia de bolsas de pl\u00e1stico en 2016."} {"gender":"male","en":"So the pulse enters the bottle, our bullet, with a packet of photons that start traveling through and that start scattering inside.","es":"El pulso, nuestra bala, entra en la botella con un paquete de fotones que empieza a atravesarla y que, dentro, empieza a dispersarse."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And it was like playing atomic hide-and-seek.","es":"Y era como jugar a las escondidas at\u00f3micas."} {"gender":"female","en":"I don't have that much else to say, but they turned out really well.","es":"No tengo mucho m\u00e1s que a\u00f1adir. Pero quedaron muy bonitas."} {"gender":"male","en":"We don't want to do anything that you can't undo.","es":"No queremos hacer algo que no podemos deshacer."} {"gender":"female","en":"You won't know who he is.\"","es":"Seguro que no sabes qui\u00e9n es\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"We don't know what to call it.","es":"No sabemos c\u00f3mo llamarlo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Prospera: Caliban!","es":"Pr\u00f3spera: \u00a1Calib\u00e1n!"} {"gender":"female","en":"And he urged the people in that meeting, in that community, to devote themselves to closing the gap between those two ideas, to work together to try to make the world as it is and the world as it should be, one and the same.","es":"Y \u00e9l incentiv\u00f3 a las personas en esa reuni\u00f3n, en aquella comunidad, a dedicarse ellos mismos a cerrar la distancia entre esas dos ideas, para trabajar juntos tratando de hacer que el mundo como es y el mundo como deber\u00eda sean uno y el mismo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So you've got food economy and local food at the top, you've got greenhouse gases, solar and nuclear waste.","es":"Tenemos la econom\u00eda de los alimentos y los alimentos locales entre las principales, y tenemos gases de efecto invernadero y residuos nucleares."} {"gender":"female","en":"You have to keep in mind, iPhones had just come out, it was 2009, so this was, like, eight years ago, and Androids had just started looking like iPhones.","es":"Acu\u00e9rdense, los iPhones acababan de salir, era el 2009, o sea, hace ocho a\u00f1os, y los Androids se parec\u00edan m\u00e1s a los iPhones."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then, if we take this specific pattern of microRNA of this person's samples and compare it with existing scientific documentation that correlates microRNA patterns with a specific presence of a disease, this is how pancreatic cancer looks like.","es":"Luego, si tomamos este patr\u00f3n espec\u00edfico de microRNA de esta muestra personal y lo comparamos con la documentaci\u00f3n cient\u00edfica existente que correlaciona patrones de microRNA con la presencia espec\u00edfica de una enfermedad, es as\u00ed como se ve el c\u00e1ncer de p\u00e1ncreas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now why am I telling you this story at this meeting?","es":"Ahora, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 les cuento esta historia en esta conferencia?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Blockchain. That's how it works.","es":"La cadena de bloques funciona as\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's what they see every day.","es":"Es lo que ven todos los d\u00edas."} {"gender":"female","en":"We see refugees, and we see horrible diseases.","es":"Vemos refugiados, y vemos horribles enfermedades."} {"gender":"female","en":"So the first project, which will be built next summer, is an open-air farmers' market downtown, followed by bus shelters for the school bus system in the second year and home improvements for the elderly in the third year.","es":"El pr\u00f3ximo proyecto que vamos a construir el verano que viene es el mercado agr\u00edcola al aire libre en el pueblo luego, paradas de autobuses para el sistema de transporte escolar el 2\u00ba a\u00f1o y mejoras en el hogar de ancianos en el 3\u00ba a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, Jim's brain is memorizing the almanac.","es":"Ahora, el cerebro de Jim est\u00e1 memorizando el almanaque."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I would like to say that, on the other side of it, 30, 40 years from now, the children that I have, I can look at them and say, \"We did everything we possibly, humanly could do, to begin to mitigate this, what I feel is one of the most important and critical moments in our time.","es":"Y a m\u00ed me gustar\u00eda decir que, en el otro lado, en 30, 40 a\u00f1os, a los ni\u00f1os que tengo, podr\u00e9 mirarlos y decirles \"hicimos todo lo que posiblemente como humanos, pod\u00edamos hacer para empezar a mitigar esto\", lo que creo que es uno de los momentos m\u00e1s importantes y cr\u00edtico de nuestro tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So as he comes up from his first bow he says, \"My Lord, I'm so happy to see you, but where have you been for 12 years? What is this?\"","es":"A medida que se est\u00e1 levantando de la reverencia dice, \"Mi Se\u00f1or, estoy muy feliz de verlo, pero \u00bfd\u00f3nde ha estado durante estos 12 a\u00f1os? \u00bfqu\u00e9 es esto?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"So we had discovered something unheard of: the more chronic stress you are under, the shorter your telomeres, meaning the more likely you were to fall victim to an early disease span and perhaps untimely death.","es":"Entonces, descubrimos algo inaudito: cuanto m\u00e1s estr\u00e9s cr\u00f3nico tienes, m\u00e1s cortos son tus tel\u00f3meros, lo que significa que es m\u00e1s probable que seas v\u00edctima de una enfermedad temprana y tal vez de muerte prematura."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you walk like that, it's OK, it's OK, you can walk, but perhaps, because you walk with the eyes like that, you will not see, oh, there is a hole.","es":"Si caminan asi, vamos bien, vamos bien, se puede caminar, pero quizas, porque estas caminando con los ojos asi, no veras, oh, hay un hueco."} {"gender":"male","en":"But there's another revolutionary element here.","es":"Pero hay otro elemento revolucionario."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, I don't usually like cartoons, I don't think many of them are funny, I find them weird.","es":"No me suelen gustar las tiras c\u00f3micas, la mayor\u00eda no me parecen graciosas, me resultan extra\u00f1as."} {"gender":"male","en":"But we have to use its power wisely.","es":"Pero tenemos que usar este poder sabiamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"The second illusion is, I can construct a life in which I will not have my heart broken.","es":"La segunda ilusi\u00f3n es, construir una vida en la que no quiero romper mi coraz\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And lo and behold, look what happened. The people who believed in the Wright brothers' dream worked with them with blood and sweat and tears.","es":"Y miren lo que sucedi\u00f3: la gente que crey\u00f3 en el sue\u00f1o de los hermanos Wright trabaj\u00f3 con ellos dejando sangre, sudor y l\u00e1grimas."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's only one little entrance to the entire building, and the 3,000 residents come in and out through that single door.","es":"S\u00f3lo hay una entrada peque\u00f1a para todo el edificio, y los 3000 habitantes entran y salen por esa \u00fanica puerta."} {"gender":"male","en":"That one is somewhere along this settling-down period.","es":"Una est\u00e1 en alg\u00fan estado de este proceso de decantaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"All of that talks about working memory, what we can do and what we can't do.","es":"Todo esto habla de la memoria operativa, lo que podemos hacer y lo que no podemos hacer."} {"gender":"male","en":"Sean Gourley: Exactly.","es":"Sean Gourley: Exacto."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you so much.","es":"Much\u00edsimas gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"We're not top on people's lists for dinner party guests and conversations and so on.","es":"No estamos en la cima de las listas de invitados a cenar, a charlar y a cosas as\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Again, the key innovation of this technology is that when he wants to go fast, he just grabs the levers near the pivots and goes through a big angle every stroke, and as the going gets tougher, he just slides his hands up the levers, creates more torque, and kind of bench-presses his way out of trouble through the rough terrain.","es":"La clave, de nuevo, es que cuando \u00e9l quiere ir deprisa, sujeta las palancas cerca del eje y utiliza m\u00e1s angulo con cada movimiento y cuando el movimiento se hace mas complicado, solo tiene que deslizar la manos hacia arriba creando un mayor par de fuerza, y disminuyendo la fuerza necesaria para conseguir atravesar el terreno mas dif\u00edcil."} {"gender":"male","en":"So together, they compared the legal requirements with reality, they collected evidence, and they drafted an application, not to the courts, but to two administrative institutions, the Pollution Control Board and the district administration.","es":"Y, juntos, compararon los requisitos legales con la realidad, ellos recolectaron evidencia, y redactaron una solicitud: no a los tribunales, sino a dos instituciones administrativas, la Junta de Control de la Contaminaci\u00f3n y la Administraci\u00f3n del Distrito."} {"gender":"female","en":"As his spirits sagged, his body deteriorated until, I believe, he slowly brought about his own death.","es":"Conforme su \u00e1nimo se hund\u00eda, su cuerpo se deterioraba hasta que, yo creo, \u00e9l lentamente trajo su propia muerte."} {"gender":"female","en":"And what Darwin could not appreciate, or didn't perhaps want to appreciate at the time, is that there was a fundamental relationship between the intensity of ultraviolet radiation and skin pigmentation.","es":"Y lo que Darwin no pudo apreciar, o tal vez no quiso apreciar en aqu\u00e9l entonces, es que hab\u00eda una relaci\u00f3n fundamental entre la intensidad de la radiaci\u00f3n ultravioleta y la pigmentaci\u00f3n de la piel."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it was the sand castle, the idea of nurture versus nature, that we build these civilizations, she speaks about it at the end, Helen Mirren's Prospera, we build them, but under nature, under the grand tempest, these cloud-capped towers, these gorgeous palaces will fade and there will, leave not a rack behind.","es":"Fue el castillo de arena; la idea innato o adquirido, que creo estas civilizaciones, \u2014Helen Mirren como Pr\u00f3spera, habla de ello al final\u2014 las construimos, pero la naturaleza, como una terrible tempestad, puede hacer desaparecer torres que tocan nubes o hermosos palacios. Y no quedar\u00e1 nada atr\u00e1s."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And the kingdom of life, of course, is going to be the universe.","es":"Y el reino de la vida, claro, va a ser el universo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It meets our needs.\"","es":"Cubre nuestras necesidades\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And maybe we can build machines that actually help amplify that, even if they're not going to become sentient themselves?","es":"\u00bfPodremos quiz\u00e1 construir m\u00e1quinas que puedan ayudar a amplificar eso incluso si no ser\u00e1n conscientes ellas mismas?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, those soldiers who were using loads of heroin were followed home.","es":"Se hizo seguimiento en casa a los soldados que usaron hero\u00edna."} {"gender":"female","en":"We leverage a lot of technology from the state-of-the-art in general aviation and from automotive racing.","es":"Incorporamos mucha tecnolog\u00eda avanzada de aviaci\u00f3n general y de coches de carreras."} {"gender":"female","en":"What happens if two cars share that data, if they talk to each other?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 pasa si dos autom\u00f3viles pudiesen compartir esa informaci\u00f3n, si pudiesen hablarse?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He said you needed addition and subtraction.","es":"Dijo que se necesitaba adici\u00f3n y sustracci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We only decide to keep exploring.","es":"Solo decidimos seguir explorando."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"CA: It's 30 years ago that TED was founded, 1984.","es":"CA: Hace 30 a\u00f1os que se fund\u00f3 TED, en 1984."} {"gender":"female","en":"A wonderful neighbor came a couple times a week and sat with the kids from 8pm to 2am while Pat and I extracted DNA, ran and scored gels and searched for the gene.","es":"Un vecino maravilloso ven\u00eda un par de veces a la semana para cuidar de los ni\u00f1os entre las 20 hs y las 2 de la madrugada mientras Pat y yo extra\u00edamos ADN, hac\u00edamos pruebas, apunt\u00e1bamos resultados y busc\u00e1bamos el gen."} {"gender":"female","en":"The BP show is going on.","es":"El espect\u00e1culo de BP sigue."} {"gender":"male","en":"We offload our effort onto a network of others and algorithms.","es":"Descargamos nuestro esfuerzo en una red de otros y de algoritmos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now the tasks being posted are things that you might expect, like help with household chores or doing some supermarket runs.","es":"Las tareas que est\u00e1n disponibles son lo que uno se imagina, como ayudar con las labores dom\u00e9sticas o hacer las comprar del supermercado."} {"gender":"male","en":"BG: Francesco, grazie.","es":"BG: Francesco, grazie."} {"gender":"female","en":"There are the eyes up here, and there's that raptorial appendage, and there's the heel.","es":"Esos son los ojos hay un ap\u00e9ndice predador y el tal\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Over several decades, South Korea built one of the most patriarchal societies we know about.","es":"Durante muchas d\u00e9cadas Corea del Sur construy\u00f3 una de las sociedades m\u00e1s patriarcales que conocemos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the numbers are there, but they sit in the background.","es":"Y los n\u00fameros est\u00e1n ah\u00ed, pero se sientan en el fondo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The curve on top deflects the liquid back inside every time they have tremors, and this keeps the liquid inside compared to a normal cup.","es":"La curva superior desv\u00eda el l\u00edquido hacia adentro en cada temblor, y eso mantiene el l\u00edquido dentro en contraste con una taza normal."} {"gender":"male","en":"The other thing you learn when you travel in these countries, in the Middle East, Latin American, South American countries, a lot of times when they build stuff, there's no rules and regulations.","es":"De lo mejor\" Otra cosa que uno aprende a veces cuando uno viaja a estos pa\u00edses en Medio Oriente, a veces en pa\u00edses de Am\u00e9rica Latina, los pa\u00edses sudamericanos muchas veces cuando construyen cosas no tienen reglas ni regulaciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"I thought he was going to go off on me, but instead he apologized.","es":"Pens\u00e9 que iba a criticarme, pero en cambio se disculp\u00f3."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is an extremely new field.","es":"Este es un campo extremadamente nuevo."} {"gender":"male","en":"We would spend our time that we'd normally take prepping our cases for months and months for trial down the road by coming up with real solutions to the problems as they presented.","es":"El tiempo que normalmente emple\u00e1bamos para preparar durante meses y meses nuestros casos para los futuros juicios ahora sirve para encontrar soluciones reales a los problemas, a medida que se presentan."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is really where we were headed.","es":"Y realmente apunt\u00e1bamos a eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here's a little caricature of a million individuals.","es":"Tenemos una muestra de un mill\u00f3n de individuos."} {"gender":"female","en":"It only happens from accidents, like what happened to me on my birth day.","es":"Solo pasa por accidentes, como el que me ocurri\u00f3 al nacer."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And then it got bigger and bigger and bigger, and now it's 886 pages long.","es":"Y entonces se hizo m\u00e1s y m\u00e1s grande, y ahora consta de 886 p\u00e1ginas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So they are either poisonous or really should be used at less of a level than random.","es":"As\u00ed que o son venenosas o deber\u00edan usarse poco menos que aleatoriamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a business plan for a corporation.","es":"Es un plan de negocio para una compa\u00f1\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's kind of like an Andean Woodstock: 60,000 Indians on pilgrimage to the end of a dirt road that leads to the sacred valley, called the Sinakara, which is dominated by three tongues of the great glacier.","es":"Es como un tipo de Woodstock andino: 60,000 ind\u00edgenas en peregrinaci\u00f3n al lado de un camino de tierra que conduce al valle sagrado, llamado Sinakara, que es dominado por las tres lenguas del gran glaciar."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, there's not any traditional notation.","es":"O sea, no hay ninguna notaci\u00f3n tradicional."} {"gender":"male","en":"See himself and the world, not just the world, but see himself.","es":"Verse a s\u00ed mismo y al mundo, no s\u00f3lo al mundo, pero verse a s\u00ed mismo."} {"gender":"male","en":"As a believer in the Internet, I teamed up with a few friends, started a new project, trying to find answers and explore possibilities.","es":"Como creyente en Internet, me he unido con unos cuantos amigos, he iniciado un nuevo proyecto, intentando encontrar respuestas y explorando nuevas posibilidades."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a network that is designed to categorize all sorts of different objects, man-made structures, animals","es":"Esta es una red dise\u00f1ada para categorizar todo objeto, estructuras hechas por humanos, animales"} {"gender":"female","en":"They're still kind of black boxes.","es":"Todav\u00eda son cajas negras."} {"gender":"male","en":"It doesn't make them good people, but it's at the heart of engineering, at the heart of a creative community, an innovative community, and the open source community, the basic ethos of it is, take what other people do, make it better, give it back so we all rise further.","es":"No los hace buenas personas, pero est\u00e1 en la base de la inventiva, de una comunidad creativa, innovadora. El ethos b\u00e1sico de la comunidad de c\u00f3digo abierto es, toma lo que hacen otros, mej\u00f3ralo, y devu\u00e9lvelo para el beneficio de todos."} {"gender":"male","en":"The anger in me against corruption made me to make a big career change last year, becoming a full-time practicing lawyer.","es":"Mi enojo contra la corrupci\u00f3n me hizo hacer un gran cambio de carrera el a\u00f1o pasado, convirti\u00e9ndome en un abogado pr\u00e1cticante de tiempo completo."} {"gender":"male","en":"They shape their lives according to the narrative of your life, as I did with my father and my mother, perhaps, and maybe Bageye did with his father.","es":"Dan forma a sus vidas de acuerdo con el relato de la vida de uno, como lo hice yo con mi padre y con mi madre, tal vez, y tal vez Bageye lo hizo con su padre."} {"gender":"male","en":"And not only was he familiar with stoicism, but he pointed out, for all of his most important decisions, his inflection points, when he stood up for his principles and ethics, how he had used stoicism and something akin to fear-setting, which blew my mind.","es":"Y no solo estaba familiarizado con el estoicismo, sino que se\u00f1al\u00f3 que para muchas de sus decisiones, sus puntos de inflexi\u00f3n, cuando defendi\u00f3 sus principios y \u00e9tica, us\u00f3 el estoicismo y algo parecido a \"definir los miedos\", lo cual me maravill\u00f3."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And so, here he is sitting under the table.","es":"Y as\u00ed, aqu\u00ed lo tienen sentado debajo de la mesa."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"And when the jellyfish come and they wrap their tentacles around the fish, they're going to be busy with them, and you'll just scoot around.\"","es":"\"As\u00ed, cuando vengan las medusas y abran sus tent\u00e1culos sobre los peces estar\u00e1n tan ocupadas con ellos que Ud. podr\u00e1 escabullirse\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Like, we evolved on this planet in the context of all the other animals with which we share a planet, and all the other plants, and all the other microbes.","es":"Evolucionamos en este planeta en el contexto de todos los otros animales con los que compartimos un planeta, y todas las otras plantas y todos los otros microbios."} {"gender":"male","en":"I call it thinking.\"","es":"Yo lo llamo pensamiento\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's how I solved it in my head.","es":"As\u00ed lo resolv\u00ed en mi cabeza."} {"gender":"male","en":"Can you explain what's happening here?","es":"\u00bfPuedes explicar qu\u00e9 est\u00e1 pasando aqu\u00ed?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's a very naive notion, right?","es":"Es una noci\u00f3n muy ingenua, \u00bfverdad?"} {"gender":"male","en":"It is up to us, all of us, to decide how robotics will be used, for good or for evil, for simply replacing people or for making people better, for allowing us to do and enjoy more.","es":"De todos nosotros depende la manera en la que usemos la rob\u00f3tica, para el bien o para el mal, para reemplazar a las personas o para hacerlas mejores, para permitir que hagamos y disfrutemos mucho m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"And here you see all three together, showing us all these reflections.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed se ven los tres pares juntos, mostr\u00e1ndonos todas estas reflexiones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But there's also something funny going on here.","es":"Pero aqu\u00ed tambi\u00e9n ocurre algo divertido."} {"gender":"female","en":"Culture is a form of resistance.","es":"La cultura es nuestra forma de resistencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"By the time I was 18, I had a deep passion for books.","es":"A los 18 a\u00f1os, hab\u00eda desarrollado una profunda pasi\u00f3n por los libros."} {"gender":"female","en":"Agriculture in America's very interesting.","es":"Bueno, la agricultura en EEUU es muy interesante."} {"gender":"male","en":"I know that's an absurd notion.","es":"S\u00e9 que es una noci\u00f3n absurda."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can draw ground water from any well.","es":"El agua subterr\u00e1nea se obtiene mediante un pozo."} {"gender":"male","en":"There is nothing for them in Maldives.","es":"No tienen nada que hacer en Maldivas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Most of our current voters and politicians have no personal experience of any of those things, but millions of older Americans do.","es":"La mayor\u00eda de nuestros pol\u00edticos y de nuestros actuales votantes no tienen una experiencia personal con ninguna de estas cosas, pero millones de estadounidenses viejos s\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I'm going to show you some ways that we can violate your expectations.","es":"Entonces les voy a mostrar algunas maneras como podemos romper sus expectativas."} {"gender":"female","en":"You must go back and think about your own food chain.","es":"Ustedes deben volver, y pensar sobre su propia cadena alimenticia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It is thought to have been a replacement for the older space ports located, of course, at Stonehenge and considered to be quite an improvement due to the uncluttered design, the lack of druids hanging around all the time and obviously, the much better access to parking.","es":"Se cree que haya reemplazado los puertos espaciales m\u00e1s antiguos situados, por supuesto, en Stonehenge y se le considera como un gran avance gracias a su dise\u00f1o ordenado, a la falta de druidas rondando todo el tiempo y, obviamente, al mejor acceso a los estacionamientos."} {"gender":"female","en":"I had to be part of the collective voice that wanted to send a clear message to the new president that we did not accept or condone his behavior or rhetoric during the election.","es":"Ten\u00eda que ser parte de la voz colectiva que quer\u00eda enviar un mensaje claro al nuevo presidente de que no acept\u00e1bamos ni perdon\u00e1bamos su comportamiento o ret\u00f3rica durante las elecciones."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so, LT: And I look through my emails, I look through my texts to find my friends, so I can answer them as quickly as possible, because I know they need my counsel.","es":"Entonces Reviso mis correos y mis mensajes de texto para encontrarme con mis amigas, as\u00ed poder responder r\u00e1pidamente, porque s\u00e9 que necesitan mi consejo."} {"gender":"male","en":"But you can't run a country like China, a civilization-state, on the basis of one civilization, one system.","es":"Pero no se puede gobernar un pa\u00eds como China, un estado-civilizaci\u00f3n, con la premisa \"una civilizaci\u00f3n, un sistema\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is the water.","es":"Y esta es el agua."} {"gender":"male","en":"We were so busy talking about virtue, and we were blinded by a cause.","es":"Est\u00e1bamos tan ocupados hablando de virtud que nos obnubil\u00f3 una causa."} {"gender":"male","en":"So cities are where the action is.","es":"As\u00ed que las ciudades son donde se encuentra la acci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"We meditate on past and future, life and death, above and below.","es":"Meditamos sobre el pasado y el futuro, la vida y la muerte, lo que hay sobre y debajo de nosotros."} {"gender":"female","en":"So when I started getting my periods, I began with using rags.","es":"As\u00ed que cuando comenzaron mis per\u00edodos, empec\u00e9 a usar trapos."} {"gender":"female","en":"They didn't say, \"No, you know, we're not going to take this.\"","es":"No dijeron que no quer\u00edan la ayuda."} {"gender":"male","en":"And Brian Allen was able, in a miraculous flight, to get the Gossamer Albatross across the English Channel, and we won the 100,000-pound, 200,000-dollar prize for that. And when all expenses were paid, the debt was handled, and everything was fine.","es":"Y Brian Allen fue capaz, en un milagroso vuelo, de hacer al \"Gossamer Condor\" cruzar el Canal de La Mancha, y ganamos el premio de 200.000, 100.000 libras, 200.000 d\u00f3lares gracias a eso, y cuando todos los gastos fueron pagados, la deuda hab\u00eda sido cancelada, y todo marchaba bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I thought, \"What a turkey this guy is,\" and I went off to MIT.","es":"Y pens\u00e9, \"Que inepto es este tipo,\" y me fui a MIT."} {"gender":"male","en":"So again, looking at very, very large data sets, and you saw those full-body scans that we can do.","es":"As\u00ed que, de nuevo, analizando ingentes cantidades de datos pueden verse esos barridos de cuerpo entero."} {"gender":"male","en":"I said, \"Look, in Georgia at least we want to know. In Arkansas they don't even ask.\"","es":"Le dije: \"Mira, en Georgia por lo menos queremos saberlo, en Arkansas ni siquiera preguntan\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Kindergarten begins in kindergarten.","es":"El jard\u00edn empieza en el jard\u00edn."} {"gender":"female","en":"Yes, we do.","es":"S\u00ed, lo hemos hecho."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And we still use them commonly, because they're very robust and relatively simple devices.","es":"Hoy todav\u00eda se usan porque son fuertes y relativamente sencillas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And you can fall, and it's very dangerous.","es":"Y puedes caer, y es muy peligroso."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is the type of building we were shown as an example, to my team and myself, of what we had to design.","es":"Este es el tipo de construcci\u00f3n que nos mostraron como ejemplo, a mi equipo y a m\u00ed, sobre lo que ten\u00edamos que dise\u00f1ar."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's this amazing robot that plays chess extremely well, except for one thing: it's not a robot at all.","es":"Y es un robot incre\u00edble que juega ajedrez muy muy bien, excepto por una cosa: en realidad no es un robot."} {"gender":"female","en":"We all want to.","es":"Todos lo queremos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Why does the government of Uganda budget spend 110 percent of its own revenue?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 el gobierno de Uganda gasta el 100% de sus propios ingresos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"She was an AIDS orphan being handed across different extended families to be cared for.","es":"Era un hu\u00e9rfana de SIDA que hab\u00eda pasado por diferentes familias para su cuidado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Only you can choose to dim it, and the sky is the limit, so silence the critics by burning.\u201d","es":"Solo Uds. pueden elegir atenuarla, y el cielo es el l\u00edmite, para silenciar las cr\u00edticas por la quemadura\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That said, the evolution of, and the nuanced interaction that creates culture, is happening at 10 times the speed of the real world, and in an environment where, if you walk into a bar in Second Life, 65 percent of the people there are not in the United States, and in fact are speaking their, you know, various and different languages.","es":"Dicho esto, la evoluci\u00f3n y el tipo de interacci\u00f3n que origina cultura est\u00e1n sucediendo 10 veces m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido que en el mundo real, y en un ambiente donde, si entras a un bar en Second Life, el 65% de las personas no est\u00e1n en los Estados Unidos, y de hecho est\u00e1n hablando sus, ya sabes, diferentes idiomas."} {"gender":"female","en":"PM: It is, for all of us, men and women, finding our ways of defining our roles, and doing them in ways that make a difference in the world and shape the future.","es":"PM: Para todos nosotros, hombre y mujeres, se trata de encontrar la forma de definir nuestro papel de manera que marque una diferencia en el mundo y dar forma al futuro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And we have to do it this year in those two big summits.","es":"Y lo tenemos que hacer este a\u00f1o en estas dos grandes cumbres."} {"gender":"male","en":"So the people went back to the polls to determine their own president, not the legal system.","es":"Entonces las personas acudieron nuevamente a las urnas para definir su presidente ellos mismos, no el sistema legal."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I can put it in this simple equation.","es":"Y lo pondr\u00e9 en esta simple ecuaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Think of a mathematician's argument.","es":"Piensen en el debate de un matem\u00e1tico."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I should start to talk about these guys.","es":"As\u00ed, empezar\u00e9 a hablar de esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so here is what I came up with.","es":"Y ac\u00e1 est\u00e1 lo que se me ocurri\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"They had to be very cautious. But what I'm saying is, you can be delighted, because the editor of Science, who is no dummy, and both of these fairly professional, really professional teams, have really come to the same conclusion and in the bottom lines in their papers they have to say, what this means is, that what we've been thinking, was the global circulation model that we predict that the earth is going to get overheated that it's all wrong.","es":"Ellos ten\u00edan que ser muy cautelosos, Pero lo que estoy diciendo es, ustedes pueden estar encantados, porque el editor de Science, que no es ning\u00fan tonto, y ambos de estos bastante profesionales, realmente grupos profesionales, han realmente llegado a la misma conclusi\u00f3n y en las l\u00edneas al pie en sus art\u00edculos deben decir, lo que esto significa es, que lo que hemos estado pensando, era que el modelo de circulaci\u00f3n global que predijimos de que la tierra se iba a sobrecalentar era completamente err\u00f3neo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was in Sainsbury's the other day and there were like 30 different varieties.","es":"Estaba en Sainsbury el otro d\u00eda y hab\u00eda como 30 variedades diferentes."} {"gender":"male","en":"And yet it is in times like this that I think architecture can thrive with big ideas, ideas that are not small.","es":"Y sin embargo, es en tiempos como estos cuando pienso que la arquitectura puede prosperar con ideas grandiosas. Ideas que no son peque\u00f1as."} {"gender":"female","en":"And that's an example of what we may do as we walk across the landscape in Northern Kenya, looking for fossils.","es":"Y \u00e9ste es un ejemplo de lo que podemos hacer mientras caminamos a trav\u00e9s del paisaje en el norte de Kenya, buscando f\u00f3siles."} {"gender":"male","en":"They help educate our immune system.","es":"Ayudan a educar al sistema inmunol\u00f3gico."} {"gender":"male","en":"Diabetes, cancer, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, heart failure, lung failure, things that we know are debilitating diseases, for which there's relatively little that can be done.","es":"Diabetes, cancer, Parkinson, Alzheimer, falla cardiaca, falla pulmonar. Cosas que sabemos son enfermedades que debilitan, de las cuales relativamente poco puede hacerse."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here it is, a crowd-sourced, six-word summary of a thousand TED Talks at the value of $99.50: \"Why the worry? I'd rather wonder.\"","es":"Y es \u00e9sta, un resumen colectivo de seis palabras para 1000 TEDTalks por US$ 99,50: \"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 preocuparme si puedo maravillarme?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"In March 2010, Judge Sweet issued his opinion, 152 pages, and a complete victory for our side.","es":"En marzo del 2010, el juez Sweet mostr\u00f3 su opini\u00f3n, 152 p\u00e1ginas, y una victoria total para nuestro lado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And he said, \"Well for one thing, there are more girls there.\"","es":"\u00c9l dijo: \"Bueno, s\u00f3lo por una raz\u00f3n, porque all\u00e1 estudian m\u00e1s chicas que aqu\u00ed\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And our lander is safely tucked inside what we call an aeroshell.","es":"Y nuestra sonda est\u00e1 asegurada dentro de lo que llamamos un aero-shuttle."} {"gender":"male","en":"Also, the people had changed.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n, la gente hab\u00eda cambiado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Whereas living room water, it's better to do tar on the roof.\"","es":"Mientras que para el agua de living, es mejor el alquitr\u00e1n en el techo."} {"gender":"male","en":"That for me is the rule of the modern age, and that's the message that we've got to get across to our politicians, and show them that that's the way things are done these days.","es":"Para m\u00ed esta es la regla de la modernidad y ese es el mensaje que tenemos que enviarle a nuestros pol\u00edticos, y mostrarles que as\u00ed se hacen las cosas hoy en d\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think that's the only way to look at it.","es":"Creo que es la \u00fanica manera de verlo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We just observed how self-organized courses were kind of spontaneously spawning out of our materials.","es":"S\u00f3lo not\u00e1bamos c\u00f3mo se desprend\u00edan cursos autoorganizados espont\u00e1neamente a partir de nuestros materiales."} {"gender":"female","en":"And we'll have a 97 percent open rate.","es":"Y tendremos una tasa de apertura del 97 %.."} {"gender":"female","en":"Okay, fine.","es":"OK, de acuerdo."} {"gender":"male","en":"This next decade is the decade of games.","es":"Esta pr\u00f3xima d\u00e9cada es la d\u00e9cada de los juegos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"All the things that make a great city successful and all the things that make a great city stimulating, they were all on display there on those streets.","es":"Todo lo que hace exitosa a una gran ciudad y todo lo que hace estimulante a una gran ciudad, estaba a la vista all\u00ed en esas calles."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's not good.","es":"Eso no est\u00e1 bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"And there are also quotes that you can see, if you're interested in reading about quotes on climate change.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n existen citas que pueden leer, si est\u00e1n interesados en las citas relacionadas con el cambio clim\u00e1tico."} {"gender":"male","en":"Three, build your idea, piece by piece, out of concepts that your audience already understands.","es":"El tercero, construyan la idea, parte por parte, a partir de conceptos que el p\u00fablico entienda."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's such a huge subject.\"","es":"Es un tema tan amplio."} {"gender":"male","en":"He went to the commercial business high school as a young man in Budapest, and there he was as smart as he was modest and he enjoyed a considerable success. And after graduation when he went into textile engineering, the success continued.","es":"En su juventud fue a un colegio especializado en negocio comercial en Budapest. Y all\u00ed fue tan inteligente al igual que modesto y disfrut\u00f3 de un \u00e9xito considerable, y despu\u00e9s de graduarse cuando entr\u00f3 a ingenier\u00eda textil, su \u00e9xito prosigui\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"My team had shrunk.","es":"Mi equipo se hab\u00eda reducido."} {"gender":"female","en":"And each of those life stages not only looks totally different from each other, they have totally different physiology.","es":"Y en cada una de las etapas no solo luce totalmente diferente, sino que su fisiolog\u00eda tambi\u00e9n se transforma completamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"People with high working memory capacity tend to be good storytellers.","es":"Las personas con alta capacidad de memoria operativa tienden a ser buenos narradores."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Popcorn immediately goes out onto the web, talks to Google, grabs the map, and puts it in the display.","es":"Popcorn inmediatamente va a la web, habla con Google, toma el mapa y hace que se vea en pantalla."} {"gender":"female","en":"But the bottom line is that emotions are not built into your brain at birth. They are just built.","es":"El punto es que las emociones no son innatas en nuestro cerebro, simplemente se construyen."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I think that's something that we have to be in the room, whether it's Nixon going to China or Khrushchev and Kennedy or Reagan and Gorbachev.","es":"Y pienso que eso es algo que nosotros debemos de ser en la sala. Sea que fuera Nixon quien va a China, o Khrushchev y Kennedy o Reagan y Gorbachev."} {"gender":"male","en":"Normally the testes should make testosterone, the male hormone.","es":"Normalmente los test\u00edculos producen testosterona, la hormona masculina."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this was great, and I saw people having an even deeper emotional reaction to this than the things that I had made in rectangles.","es":"Y esto fue genial, y vi gente reaccionar emocionalmente, m\u00e1s fuerte que a las cosas que hab\u00eda en las fotogramas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Translate this into adult language.","es":"Traduzcan esto al lenguaje adulto."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what we're going to do now is teach Milo to skim stones.","es":"O sea, lo que vamos a hacer es ense\u00f1ar a Milo a hacer patitos."} {"gender":"male","en":"The bottom graph is September of last year.","es":"La gr\u00e1fica de abajo es de septiembre del a\u00f1o pasado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Temperature: Conventional wisdom says set it low, at or near room temperature, and then install a control system to keep it there.","es":"Temperatura: la sabidur\u00eda popular sugiere mantenerla baja -a temperatura ambiente o casi- y luego instalar un sistema de control para mantenerla constante."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And by and large, that turns out to be the case.","es":"Y por lo general, es as\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Take it away, Rufus. All right.","es":"Puedes empezar Rufus. Muy bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, I was a beautiful baby.","es":"Quiero decir, yo era un beb\u00e9 hermoso."} {"gender":"male","en":"Soprano: Upon my pillow Safe in bed EW: That's Georgie from England.","es":"Soprano: Sobre mi almohada a salvo en la cama EW: All\u00ed est\u00e1 Georgie, de Inglaterra."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And by about the age of 15, they're fully spotted black and white.","es":"Y por la edad de 15 a\u00f1os, est\u00e1n completamente manchados de blanco y negro."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm an underwater explorer, more specifically a cave diver.","es":"Soy exploradora submarina, m\u00e1s espec\u00edficamente: buceadora de cavernas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Having a sense of awareness is just about embracing your inner three year-old.","es":"Estar \u00abatentos\u00bb consiste simplemente en aferrarse al ni\u00f1o interior de tres a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"We're not all of them, of course, but TED is a community of opinion leaders. And everyone who's in this room, and everyone who's watching this out there on the web, I think, has a duty to demand of their politicians that we make policy based on scientific evidence and on common sense.","es":"No somos todos ellos, por supuesto, pero TED es una comunidad de l\u00edderes de opini\u00f3n, y todos los que est\u00e1n en este sal\u00f3n, y todos los que est\u00e1n viendo esto en la web, creo que tienen un deber de exigirle a sus pol\u00edticos que hacemos pol\u00edticas basadas en evidencia cient\u00edfica y en el sentido com\u00fan."} {"gender":"male","en":"I would propose that we need a completely new approach.","es":"Yo propondr\u00eda que necesitamos un enfoque completamente nuevo."} {"gender":"female","en":"The next minute they're on the same side.","es":"Al minuto siguiente est\u00e1n del mismo lado."} {"gender":"female","en":"So the other thing that I think we learn here is that AIDS is not going to fix itself.","es":"Asi que la otra cosa que aprendemos aqui es que el SIDA no se va a terminar por s\u00ed solo."} {"gender":"male","en":"By appreciating the darkness when you design the light, you create much more interesting environments that truly enhance our lives.","es":"Al apreciar la oscuridad en el dise\u00f1o de la luz uno crea entornos mucho m\u00e1s interesantes que realmente mejoran nuestras vidas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And that's it.\"","es":"Y ya est\u00e1\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"They are free from all of these modern ailments.","es":"Son libres, no sufren ninguno de estos achaques modernos."} {"gender":"female","en":"You know, I wanted him to know that the way we find our strength is through our challenges.","es":"Quer\u00eda decirle que la manera de descubrir nuestra fortaleza es a trav\u00e9s de nuestros desaf\u00edos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, this is a spectroscope, OK, on my laboratory bench.","es":"Esto es un espect\u00f3metro, en la mesa de mi laboratorio."} {"gender":"male","en":"She said, \"No, because we've got hope now.","es":"Ella dijo: \"No, porque ahora hay esperanza."} {"gender":"male","en":"Some dancers, when they're watching action, take the overall shape, the arc of the movement, the kinetic sense of the movement, and use that for memory.","es":"Algunos bailarines, cuando ven acci\u00f3n, toman la forma general, el arco del movimiento, el sentido cin\u00e9tico del movimiento, y lo incorporan a la memoria."} {"gender":"male","en":"And you have the little nonsense which is left.","es":"Y lo que queda no tiene sentido."} {"gender":"female","en":"But at the same time, Chad has become much more unstable, and we are not paying for that price at the pump.","es":"Pero al mismo tiempo Chad se ha vuelto muy inestable y no pagamos en el surtidor ese precio."} {"gender":"male","en":"He's like an underwater Spiderman.","es":"Es como un Hombre Ara\u00f1a subacu\u00e1tico."} {"gender":"female","en":"Instead, you faced alternatives that were on a par, hard choices, and you made reasons for yourself to choose that hobby, that house and that job.","es":"En cambio, uno enfrenta alternativas que estaban al mismo nivel, elecciones dif\u00edciles, y uno encontr\u00f3 razones propias para elegir ese pasatiempo, esa casa y ese empleo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Real-time data turns on the lights.","es":"Los datos de tiempo real encienden la luz."} {"gender":"male","en":"The treatment wetland receives water from a part of the Santa Ana River that in the summertime consists almost entirely of wastewater effluent from cities like Riverside and San Bernardino.","es":"El humedal de tratamiento recibe el agua de una parte del r\u00edo Santa Ana que en verano se compone casi en total de efluentes de aguas residuales de ciudades como Riverside y San Bernardino."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's only one absolute reality by definition, one absolute being by definition, because absolute is, by definition, single, and absolute and singular.","es":"S\u00f3lo hay una realidad absoluta por definici\u00f3n, un solo ser absoluto por definici\u00f3n, porque lo absoluto es, por definici\u00f3n, \u00fanico, absoluto y singular."} {"gender":"male","en":"Bring some hand sanitizer.","es":"Traigan un poco de desinfectante de manos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it's too long to explain the acquisition, but if you want to go on the MoMA blog, there's a long post where I explain why it's such a great example of design.","es":"Es demasiado largo para explicar la adquisici\u00f3n, pero si quieren ir al blog del MoMA, hay un largo post donde explico por qu\u00e9 es un gran ejemplo de dise\u00f1o."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And in all 42 cases where we have pushed back such demands using existing and legitimate tools like the Right to Information Act, video, audio, or peer pressure, we have successfully obtained whatever our clients set out to achieve without actually paying a bribe.","es":"Y en los 42 casos en los que hemos hecho retroceder esas demandas usando herramientas existentes y leg\u00edtimas como la Ley de Derecho a la Informaci\u00f3n, video, audio, o presi\u00f3n social, hemos logrado obtener lo que nuestros clientes necesitan sin tener que pagar sobornos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Amazing.","es":"Incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"female","en":"Micelles form around the oil.","es":"Las micelas se forman alrededor del petr\u00f3leo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, in just the past few years, we're beginning to see solutions to AI problems that we have struggled with literally for decades: speech understanding, text understanding, image understanding.","es":"Quiero decir, en los \u00faltimos a\u00f1os, estamos empezando a ver soluciones a los problemas de IA con los que hemos bregado literalmente durante d\u00e9cadas: comprensi\u00f3n del habla, comprensi\u00f3n del texto, comprensi\u00f3n de la imagen."} {"gender":"male","en":"I imagined that my calculator had mouse hardware on the bottom of it and a head-up display, like in a fighter plane.","es":"Imagin\u00e9 que mi calculadora ten\u00eda un rat\u00f3n en la parte inferior y una pantalla como un avi\u00f3n de combate."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here's what happens when we run a detector on this image.","es":"As\u00ed que esto es lo que ocurre al ejecutar un detector en esta imagen."} {"gender":"male","en":"I call the Sys Admin Force your mom's military.","es":"A la Fuerza de Administraci\u00f3n de Sis- temas la llamo el ej\u00e9rcito de tu mam\u00e1."} {"gender":"female","en":"My freelance job ended.","es":"Mi trabajo termin\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we'll go a lot further than that; the people living in the house are actually a major part of the solution.","es":"E iremos mucho m\u00e1s lejos. La gente que vive en la casa es en realidad gran parte de la soluci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"So this is our laboratory, and I want to show you the first concussion we measured with this device.","es":"Este es nuestro laboratorio, y quiero mostrarles la primera conmoci\u00f3n cerebral medida con este dispositivo."} {"gender":"male","en":"In a few seconds, he regrets he came to this demonstration.","es":"En unos segundos, se arrepiente de haber venido a esta manifestaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But one day, Jenipher's son convinced her to download our application and apply for a loan.","es":"Pero un d\u00eda, el hijo de Jenipher la convenci\u00f3 de descargar nuestra aplicaci\u00f3n y solicitar un pr\u00e9stamo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Can you get down?","es":"\u00bfTe puedes menear?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Very nice, and there my older, senior lungs, as I like to call them, I filled with particulate matter, carbon dioxide and very high doses of ozone. Okay?","es":"Muy lindo, y ah\u00ed mis pulmones mas viejos, como me gusta llamarlos, Los llen\u00e9 de particulas diminutas, di\u00f3xido de carbono y altas dosis de ozono. \u00bfok?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Except that he's carrying a tube for blueprints and stuff, they all do, and a lot of people thought that meant it was a terrorist about to shoot rockets at the Tour de France, sign of our times, I guess.","es":"Pero \u00e9ste lleva un tubo para planos y esas cosas --todos los llevan-- y mucha gente crey\u00f3 que eso quer\u00eda decir que era un terrorista que iba a disparar cohetes contra el Tour de Francia --supongo que es un indicio de los tiempos que corren."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we can store information that's film with water and protein.","es":"Y podemos guardar informaci\u00f3n que es film con agua y prote\u00edna."} {"gender":"male","en":"And sleep disorders.","es":"Y de los problemas del sue\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"We couldn't do them without technology.","es":"No podr\u00edamos hacerlas sin la tecnolog\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"Actually the kelp and the barnacles that attach to the rock were decimated by the combination of Corexit and the oil.","es":"De hecho las algas marinas y las lapas que se adhieren a la roca fueron diezmadas por la combinaci\u00f3n de Corexit y petr\u00f3leo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Another book put that knowledge in my hands.","es":"Otro libro puso en mis manos el conocimiento que necesitaba."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"These matter particles all interact with the various force particles.","es":"Todas estas part\u00edculas de masa interact\u00faan con las part\u00edculas de fuerza."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was so proud of myself for inventing a perfect bow on my own.","es":"\u00a1Estaba tan orgulloso de m\u00ed mismo por inventar un arco perfecto por mi cuenta!"} {"gender":"male","en":"And this blew our minds.","es":"Eso nos alucin\u00f3."} {"gender":"female","en":"Before that, they were all soft, fluffy structures.","es":"Antes de eso todo era suave, estructuras esponjosas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You may be thinking, OK, O-ring, got it, that says the jobs that people do will be important.","es":"Pueden estar pensando, bien, junta t\u00f3rica, vale, dice que los trabajos que hace la gente, ser\u00e1n importantes."} {"gender":"male","en":"So with this speed, we're not just limited to images; we can process video in real time.","es":"As\u00ed que con esta velocidad, no estamos limitados a las im\u00e1genes; podemos procesar el video en tiempo real."} {"gender":"male","en":"Okay, India.","es":"Bueno, India."} {"gender":"female","en":"We introduced the monkeys to two new monkey salesmen.","es":"Les presentamos a los monos dos nuevos vendedores."} {"gender":"female","en":"We know in certain countries in sub-Saharan Africa we can test and treat pregnant women where rates are highest.","es":"Sabemos que en ciertos pa\u00edses del \u00c1frica subsahariana donde las tasas son m\u00e1s altas podemos tratar a las mujeres embarazadas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Big businesses and brands can change and shift those social norms and make a difference for those habits that are so stubborn.","es":"Grandes corporaciones y marcas pueden cambiar y transformar estas normas sociales y hacer diferencia en esos h\u00e1bitos que son dif\u00edciles de cambiar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Just one more question about your world, your inner world that you construct.","es":"Solo una pregunta m\u00e1s sobre tu mundo, el mundo interior que construyes."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm a historian.","es":"Soy historiador."} {"gender":"male","en":"We need adaptability, the ability to learn how to be creative and innovative.","es":"Necesitamos adaptabilidad, aprender a ser creativos e innovadores."} {"gender":"male","en":"We have a need to learn as well as to teach.","es":"Necesitamos aprender y a la vez ense\u00f1ar."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the scene in Iceland the day after we published.","es":"Esto es lo que sucedi\u00f3 en Islandia al d\u00eda siguiente de la publicaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"If, for instance, I didn't want you to look at my right hand, then I don't look at it.","es":"Si por un instante, no quiero que miren a mi mano derecha, bueno, entonces no la miro."} {"gender":"male","en":"The things are a different color!\"","es":"\u00a1Las cosas tienen un color distinto!\""} {"gender":"female","en":"And because he was so sad and so vulnerable, he opened up to me in ways he never would have had I known him at the height of his power, sharing his fears, his sorrows and his worries.","es":"Y precisamente porque estaba tan triste y se sent\u00eda tan vulnerable, se abri\u00f3 a m\u00ed de maneras que nunca se habr\u00eda abierto si lo hubiera conocido en la plenitud de su poder, compartiendo sus miedos, sus penas y sus preocupaciones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The reality is that race in the United States operates on a spectrum from black to white.","es":"La realidad es que la etnia en EE.UU. opera en un espectro del negro al blanco."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is for my cousin Zeinab, bedridden on a random afternoon.","es":"Esto es para mi prima Zeinab, postrada en cama una tarde cualquiera."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's still somewhat of a healthy relationship.","es":"Todav\u00eda una relaci\u00f3n saludable."} {"gender":"female","en":"CA: Is it unrealistic for them to hope or think that that child loves them, as some might, as most, wish?","es":"CA: \u00bfEs poco realista que ellos esperen o piensen que ese ni\u00f1o los ama, como muchos, como la mayor\u00eda, quisiera?"} {"gender":"female","en":"When you're watching your stocks plummet into the red, when you're watching your house price go down, you're not going to be able to see that in anything but old evolutionary terms.","es":"Cuando est\u00e1s viendo tus acciones caer en picada al rojo, cuando est\u00e1s viendo el precio de tu casa desmoronarse, no ser\u00e1s capaz de verlo. sino en viejos terminos evolucionarios."} {"gender":"male","en":"And these kinds of experiments are started with programs that we wrote ourselves.","es":"Estos experimentos comienzan con programas que escribimos nosotros mismos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Together: The Jill and Julia Show. Sobule: Sometimes it works. Sweeney: Sometimes it doesn't. Together: The Jill and Julia, the Jill and Julia, the Jill and Julia Show.","es":"Juntas: El \"show\" de Jill y Julia. Sobule: Funciona aveces. Sweeney: Aveces no Juntas: Es Jill y Julia, Jill y Julia. El \"show\" de Jill y Julia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's okay.","es":"Eso est\u00e1 bien."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The countries that make a lot of money out of energy have something underneath them.","es":"Los pa\u00edses que hacen bastante dinero de la energ\u00eda tienen algo debajo de ellos."} {"gender":"female","en":"We live in an incredibly interconnected world with the proliferation of social media, which is of course a fantastic resource for igniting social change. But it's also made us increasingly reactive, from the smallest annoyances of, \"Oh, my train's been delayed,\" to the greatest injustices of war, genocides, terrorist attacks.","es":"Vivimos en un mundo incre\u00edblemente interconectado donde la proliferaci\u00f3n de las redes sociales es por supuesto un recurso fant\u00e1stico para promover el cambio social, pero que tambi\u00e9n nos ha vuelto cada vez m\u00e1s sensibles a cosas desde las quejas de menos importancia: \"Mi tren se retrasa\" hasta las graves injusticias c\u00f3mo la guerra, los genocidios y los ataques terroristas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He will get a return favor at some point in the future.","es":"Por lo que \u00e9l recibir\u00e1 alg\u00fan favor en el futuro."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I'm going to tell you, so I'm going to show you some dirty pictures.","es":"As\u00ed que, voy a decirles ---- as\u00ed que, voy a ense\u00f1arles algunas fotos impactantes."} {"gender":"female","en":"We are more dependent on it now than ever.","es":"Hoy dependemos del mismo m\u00e1s que nunca."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going tell you right now: please don't despair.","es":"Les dir\u00e9 algo: por favor no se desesperen."} {"gender":"female","en":"Even when they could have asked for absolutely anything, they all asked for health, happiness and love.","es":"Aun teniendo la posibilidad de pedir lo que quisieran, todos pidieron salud, felicidad y amor."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We've gone a little bit beyond Light Stage 5.","es":"Hemos ido un poquito m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de la Light Stage 5."} {"gender":"male","en":"The Archimedes text is dark in one image and bright in another.","es":"El texto de Arqu\u00edmedes es oscuro en una imagen y brillante en otra."} {"gender":"male","en":"To put sulfur dioxide in the stratosphere would cost on the order of a billion dollars a year.","es":"Poner di\u00f3xido de azufre en la estrat\u00f3sfera costar\u00eda alrededor de un millardo de d\u00f3lares por a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"Usually we'll have a slightly larger cylinder, mounted exterior on the rebreather, like this.","es":"Y normalmente tambi\u00e9n tenemos un cilindro un poco m\u00e1s grande montado fuera del reciclador, como se ve aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"All that you see is a kid in his teens who started out in a garage with only a buddy named Woz.","es":"Todo lo que ven es a un adolencente que inci\u00f3 todo en su garage con mi \u00fanico amigo llamado Woz."} {"gender":"female","en":"So there was that big flash, and you can see the robot jumping up through the air.","es":"Aqu\u00ed hubo un gran destello, y pueden ver al robot saltar por los aires."} {"gender":"female","en":"Merry Valentine's.","es":"Feliz San Valent\u00edn."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So there is the landing target.","es":"As\u00ed que ah\u00ed est\u00e1 el punto de aterrizaje."} {"gender":"female","en":"The pattern itself is the message.","es":"El patr\u00f3n en si mismo es el mensaje."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"For us at Global Witness, this is a moment for change.","es":"Para nosotros, Global Witness, este es un momento de cambio."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I'm not here today only to tell you how my team at MIT has drawn out of nature a solution to one of the world's great problems.","es":"No estoy aqu\u00ed solo para contarles c\u00f3mo mi equipo en el MIT ha extra\u00eddo de la naturaleza una soluci\u00f3n a uno de los problemas m\u00e1s grandes del mundo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Stories and ideas are going to come to you.","es":"Les vendr\u00e1n historias e ideas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Compassion has many faces.","es":"La compasi\u00f3n tiene muchas caras."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, years ago, when I was working at YouTube, we were looking for ways to encourage more people to rate videos, and it was interesting because when we looked into the data, we found that almost everyone was exclusively using the highest five-star rating, a handful of people were using the lowest one-star, and virtually no one was using two, three or four stars.","es":"Hace a\u00f1os, cuando trabajaba en YouTube, est\u00e1bamos buscando maneras de animar a m\u00e1s gente a valorar los v\u00eddeos, y fue interesante porque cuando nos miramos a los datos, encontramos que casi todo el mundo utilizaba exclusivamente la m\u00e1xima calificaci\u00f3n de 5 estrellas, un pu\u00f1ado de personas usaban la baja de una estrella, y pr\u00e1cticamente nadie usaba 2, 3 o 4 estrellas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Cleaning crew swoops in, the body's whisked away, and it all feels as though that person had never really existed.","es":"Cuadrillas de auxiliares que con prisa se llevan el cuerpo, de modo que todo parezca como si la persona nunca hubiera existido realmente."} {"gender":"male","en":"See, when I went to prison, our car phones were this big and required two people to carry them.","es":"Cuando fui a la c\u00e1rcel, los tel\u00e9fonos para los autos eran as\u00ed de grandes y hac\u00edan falta dos personas para llevarlos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, I leave that one up to you to judge.","es":"Bueno, voy a dejar que ustedes juzguen."} {"gender":"female","en":"We all have to demand that of ourselves and others, to be open to each other when an outbreak happens, to fight in this fight together.","es":"Todos tenemos que exigirnos a nosotros mismos y a los dem\u00e1s estar abiertos a los dem\u00e1s, cuando ocurre un brote, para estar juntos en esta lucha."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it is within that region that I'm going to highlight now that we have this housing of all the life-regulation devices of the body.","es":"Y esa regi\u00f3n que ahora les marcar\u00e9, es el alojamiento de todos los dispositivos reguladores de la vida del cuerpo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was raised in downtown Manhattan in the early 1980s, two blocks from the epicenter of punk music.","es":"Me cri\u00e9 en el centro de Manhattan a principios de los 80, a dos cuadras del epicentro de la m\u00fasica punk."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't need to elaborate for this audience how dysfunctional it is, from Washington to European capitals.","es":"No necesito detallar para esta audiencia. lo disfuncional que est\u00e1n, desde Washington a las capitales europeas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"And yet, every step forward is so sweet.","es":"Y a\u00fan as\u00ed, cada paso adelante es muy dulce."} {"gender":"male","en":"The 99 references the 99 attributes of Allah in the Koran, things like generosity and mercy and foresight and wisdom and dozens of others that no two people in the world would disagree about.","es":"Los 99 se refiere a los 99 atributos de Al\u00e1 en el Cor\u00e1n, cosas como generosidad, misericordia, anticipaci\u00f3n y sabidur\u00eda y docenas de otras a las que nadie se opondr\u00eda, sin importar la religi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"He got jumped.","es":"Lo atacaron."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, researchers need to make every effort to ensure that an intervention that has been shown to be beneficial during a clinical trial is accessible to the participants of the trial once the trial has been completed.","es":"Los investigadores deben hacer cuanto sea necesario para asegurarse de que una intervenci\u00f3n que haya demostrado ser beneficiosa durante un ensayo cl\u00ednico, sea accesible a los participantes cuando termine."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"We solved that problem last week.","es":"\"Hemos resuelto este problema la semana pasada."} {"gender":"female","en":"For good and for ill, we generate these incredible stories about the world around us, and then the world turns around and astonishes us.","es":"Para bien o para mal generamos estas historias incre\u00edbles sobre el mundo que nos rodea y entonces el mundo se da vuelta y nos asombra."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm a big fan of cities.","es":"Soy un gran fan de las ciudades."} {"gender":"female","en":"One of the people in this group was an artist and architect, Yazmany Arboleda.","es":"Una de las personas de este grupo fue el artista y arquitecto Yazmany Arboleda."} {"gender":"male","en":"A lot of my work is about trying to get away from this.","es":"Mucho de mi trabajo se trata de salir de esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is work I did with my colleague Becky Bermont on creative leadership.","es":"Este es el trabajo que hice con mi colega Becky Bermont sobre el liderazgo creativo."} {"gender":"male","en":"There could be all sorts of things that humans are doing with pheromones that we simply don't know at the moment.","es":"Podr\u00eda haber muchas cosas que los humanos est\u00e1n haciendo con las feromonas que simplemente no sabemos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Three different specialists had prescribed three different versions of the same drug to me.","es":"Tres especialistas distintos me prescribieron tres versiones diferentes del mismo medicamento."} {"gender":"male","en":"And every single morning I appreciate life.","es":"Cada ma\u00f1ana agradezco estar vivo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And all you put together, in partnership, brings about the best music.","es":"Y al ponerlo todos juntos, en asociaci\u00f3n, se crea la mejor m\u00fasica."} {"gender":"male","en":"He drops his voice at a very, very low volume when he wants people to key into him, and those things are the skills that we need for the most engaging teachers.","es":"Deja caer su voz a un volumen muy, muy bajo cuando quiere que la gente le atienda, y esas son las habilidades que necesitamos para tener profesores m\u00e1s cautivadores."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So what did he mean by this?","es":"\u00bfY qu\u00e9 quer\u00eda \u00e9l decir?"} {"gender":"male","en":"One, don't say you're authentic unless you really are authentic.","es":"Uno, no digas que eres aut\u00e9ntico a menos que seas aut\u00e9ntico."} {"gender":"female","en":"I didn't know if it was rage, if it was pity, if I felt guilty because this was the first time I'd heard about a 25-year-long war.","es":"No sab\u00eda si era rabia, o l\u00e1stima, o si me sent\u00eda culpable por ser la primera vez que sab\u00eda de una guerra de 25 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"TH: One of this things that's exciting and appropriate for me to be here at TEDWomen is that, well, I think it was summed up best last night at dinner when someone said, \"Turn to the man at your table and tell them, 'When the revolution starts, we've got your back.'\"","es":"TH: Algo que me entusiasma y me parece muy adecuado aqu\u00ed en TED Women es algo que creo que se resumi\u00f3 muy bien anoche en la comida cuando alguien dijo: \"Dir\u00edjase a ese hombre en la mesa y d\u00edgale: \u201dContamos con tu respaldo cuando comience la revoluci\u00f3n\u201d."} {"gender":"male","en":"Twelve percent are organ donors.","es":"Un 12% son donantes de \u00f3rganos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Our drinking water safe we make.","es":"Nuestra agua potable la hacemos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now your blood sugar levels start to rise, and an entire cascade of pathologic events sort of spirals out of control that can lead to heart disease, cancer, even Alzheimer's disease, and amputations, just like that woman a few years earlier.","es":"Ahora los niveles de az\u00facar en la sangre empiezan a subir, y sucede toda una cascada de eventos patol\u00f3gicos, una especie de espirales fuera de control que pueden conducir a enfermedades card\u00edacas, c\u00e1ncer e incluso Alzheimer, y amputaciones, al igual que esa mujer unos a\u00f1os atr\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"Yeah?","es":"\u00bfVerdad?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is detrimental to the local ecology of the sea area that it's pumped back out into.","es":"Y esto es perjudicial para la ecolog\u00eda de la zona mar\u00edtima hacia donde se bombea."} {"gender":"female","en":"I come from Mali, one of the world's poorest countries.","es":"Soy de Mali, uno de los pa\u00edses m\u00e1s pobres del mundo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We have now about 425,000 samples of unique crop varieties.","es":"Ahora tenemos cerca de 425.000 muestras de variedades \u00fanicas de cultivos."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's a wonderful book called Stuff: The Hidden Life of Everyday Objects.","es":"Hay un libro maravilloso llamado: \"Cosas: la vida oculta de los objetos cotidianos\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So he and Ryan organized and hosted a meeting at the Wyss Institute in Harvard bringing together specialists on passenger pigeons, conservation ornithologists, bioethicists, and fortunately passenger pigeon DNA had already been sequenced by a molecular biologist named Beth Shapiro.","es":"Entonces, \u00e9l y Ryan organizaron y celebraron una conferencia en el Wyss Institute en Harvard, reuniendo especialistas en palomas migratorias, ornit\u00f3logos conservacionistas, bio\u00e9ticos, y afortunadamente, el ADN de la paloma migratoria ya hab\u00eda sido secuenciado por una bi\u00f3loga molecular llamada Beth Shapiro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And we drive away here, we find the first garden in the street, and they earn 10 to 50 dollars a day.","es":"Y avanzamos aqu\u00ed, encontramos el primer jard\u00edn de la calle, y ellos ganan de 10 a 50 d\u00f3lares diarios."} {"gender":"male","en":"Take Canada: when Trudeau took office, he faced two looming dangers.","es":"Veamos Canad\u00e1: cuando asumi\u00f3 Trudeau, enfrent\u00f3 dos peligros inminentes."} {"gender":"female","en":"We know that a million and a half children die a year from diarrhea and a lot of it is because of open defecation.","es":"Sabemos que un mill\u00f3n y medio de ni\u00f1os mueren de diarrea al a\u00f1o y, en gran medida, por defecaci\u00f3n al aire libre."} {"gender":"female","en":"They're easy to be re-adapted.","es":"Son f\u00e1ciles de reacondicionar."} {"gender":"male","en":"What did the poor do wrong?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 hicieron mal las personas de pocos recursos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"It wasn't just about turning up.","es":"No se trataba solo de venir a la cita."} {"gender":"male","en":"Paraorchestra is the name of that project.","es":"El nombre del proyecto es Paraorquesta."} {"gender":"male","en":"Or, I could become student council president or specialize in the arts and get 100 percent of the attention in that area.","es":"O, podr\u00eda ser presidente del centro de estudiantes o especializarme en artes y recibir el 100 % de su atenci\u00f3n en esta \u00e1rea."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And a testament to this is the thing that most amazes me, most impresses me, and most uplifts me, which is that there is a moral dimension to history; there is a moral arrow.","es":"Y la prueba de esto es lo que m\u00e1s me asombra, lo que m\u00e1s me impresiona y m\u00e1s me anima, y es que la historia tiene una dimensi\u00f3n moral, que existe una flecha moral."} {"gender":"male","en":"The company headquarters are right here.","es":"La sede de la empresa est\u00e1 justo aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"About six years ago, I bought one of these CNC mills, to just replace, kind of, young people cutting their fingers off all the time building models.","es":"Hace seis a\u00f1os compr\u00e9 una de estas fresadoras para reemplazarla porque los j\u00f3venes se cortaban los dedos al armar maquetas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And compassion can also have those qualities.","es":"La compasi\u00f3n puede tener tambi\u00e9n esas cualidades."} {"gender":"female","en":"The laws are ours, and no matter what your ethnicity, nationality, gender, race, they belong to us, and fighting for justice is not an act of insanity.","es":"Las leyes son nuestras, y no importa cu\u00e1l sea tu origen \u00e9tnico, nacionalidad, g\u00e9nero, raza, nos pertenecen, y la lucha por la justicia no es un acto de locura."} {"gender":"male","en":"And these two eyes are activating glowing water.","es":"Y este par de ojos activan agua brillante."} {"gender":"male","en":"In each country, I'm sure you have this thing called the parent-teacher conference.","es":"Estoy seguro de que tienen en cada pa\u00eds lo que llamamos la reuni\u00f3n de padres y profesores."} {"gender":"female","en":"You don't put soda in bottles.","es":"No pongan refrescos en los biberones."} {"gender":"female","en":"It was an April fool actually, and to this day some people think it's real.","es":"De hecho fue una broma, y hasta el d\u00eda de hoy, alguna gente piensa que es real."} {"gender":"female","en":"So why don't we leverage that?","es":"As\u00ed que por qu\u00e9 no aprovecharlo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Who ever could have imagined Ian Paisley and Martin McGuinness jointly governing Northern Ireland as First and Deputy First Minister?","es":"\u00bfQui\u00e9n podr\u00eda haber imaginado a Ian Paisley y Martin McGuinness gobernando juntos en Irlanda del Norte como primer ministro y jefe de gobierno?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I never needed biology to form family anyway.\"","es":"Nunca necesit\u00e9 biolog\u00eda para formar familia de todos modos\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Once you gain access to other people's credit card information, you can just go online and buy whatever you want with this information.","es":"Una vez que se obtiene acceso a la informaci\u00f3n de la tarjeta de cr\u00e9dito de otro, por Internet, simplemente se puede comprar cualquier cosa con esos datos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Cut.","es":"Corte."} {"gender":"female","en":"But even as it got harder for him to walk and get dressed in the morning, I saw him struggle more and more, my father never complained about his struggle.","es":"Pero a\u00fan mientras se le iba haciendo m\u00e1s dificil caminar y vestirse en la ma\u00f1ana-- lo vi luchar m\u00e1s y m\u00e1s-- mi padre nunca se quej\u00f3 de su lucha."} {"gender":"male","en":"I could see myself sticking the flag in a pole, you know, ah, glorious moment, the music kind of reaching a crescendo.","es":"Pod\u00eda verme a mi mismo clavando aquella bandera en el polo, ya sabes, ah, un momento glorioso-- la m\u00fasica alcanzando el crescendo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, what you have is that when the pore is open, you get some current sometimes.","es":"As\u00ed que, lo que ocurre es que, cuando el poro est\u00e1 abierto, tienes una corriente intermitente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you so much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"And, And our results show that six months after receiving treatment from a grandmother, people were still symptom-free: no depression, suicidal ideation completely reduced.","es":"Y nuestros resultados muestran que seis meses despu\u00e9s de recibir tratamiento de una abuela, las personas segu\u00edan sin s\u00edntomas, sin depresi\u00f3n, las ideas suicidas reducidas por completo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then you have this result, very fine, like a baby bottom.","es":"Y luego se obten\u00eda este resultado, bien pulido, como las nalgas de un beb\u00e9."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And see what his response is.","es":"Vean cual es su respuesta."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Instead, with the principles of brain operation established, all nature has to worry about is designing new peripherals. Okay.","es":"En cambio, establecidos los principios de la operaci\u00f3n del cerebro, la naturaleza solo tiene que dise\u00f1ar nuevos perif\u00e9ricos."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's an autopilot.","es":"Lo ponemos en piloto autom\u00e1tico."} {"gender":"male","en":"I stayed there for three years.","es":"Me qued\u00e9 ah\u00ed por tres a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"Them.","es":"A ellos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I can't say when or what form factors are involved, but I think it's inevitable, because the very things that make AI successful today, the availability of comprehensive data and the ability for machines to make sense of that data, can be applied to the data of our lives.","es":"No puedo decir cu\u00e1ndo o qu\u00e9 tipo de factores estar\u00e1n involucrados, pero creo que es inevitable, porque las mismas cosas que hacen que la IA sea exitosa hoy, como la disponibilidad de datos completos y la capacidad de las m\u00e1quinas para dar sentido a esos datos, puede aplicarse a los datos de nuestras vidas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"NG: That's great.","es":"NG: Eso es genial."} {"gender":"male","en":"We got thousands and thousands of people with similar conditions, which there's no data on today.","es":"Supimos de miles y miles de personas con problemas similares, sobre los que hoy no hay datos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then we use the information that's already in the lab report.","es":"Luego usamos esa informaci\u00f3n que ya esta en el reporte."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you start with some appreciation, it's like magic.","es":"Si Uds. comienzan con reconocimiento, es como magia."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now I have this thought experiment that I play with myself, when I say, imagine if I walked you into a room and it was of a major corporation, like ExxonMobil, and every single person around the boardroom were black, you would think that were weird.","es":"Ahora tengo este experimento mental con el que juego conmigo misma, cuando digo: imaginen que entro en una habitaci\u00f3n de una gran empresa, como ExxonMobil, y todas y cada una de las personas de la sala de juntas son negras, Pensar\u00edan que es raro."} {"gender":"female","en":"We can restrict access in seasons and regions that are important for mating or feeding or migrating.","es":"Podemos restringir el acceso en temporadas y regiones que son importantes para el apareamiento, la alimentaci\u00f3n o las migraciones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is not a scale model, this is the real size.","es":"Este no es un modelo a escala, se trata del tama\u00f1o real."} {"gender":"male","en":"I remember very vividly as a child growing up in England, living through the Cuban Missile Crisis.","es":"Recuerdo muy v\u00edvidamente crecer de ni\u00f1o en Inglaterra con la crisis de los misiles cubanos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But it's not just skin-deep.","es":"Pero no es s\u00f3lo superficial."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let us have a Hong Kong nearby.","es":"Tengamos un Hong Kong cerca de nosotros."} {"gender":"female","en":"Even though it's so powerful, it's also fragile and vulnerable.","es":"Y aunque poderosa, tambi\u00e9n es fr\u00e1gil y vulnerable."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"For work in three dimensions, with your perceptions of space and time.","es":"Trabajar en tres dimensiones con las percepciones del espacio y del tiempo."} {"gender":"female","en":"The daffodils were blooming, but the referees were not blowing the whistle when I was telling them to.","es":"Los narcisos florec\u00edan pero los \u00e1rbitros no pitaban cuando yo se lo dec\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"This was a completely surprising result.","es":"Este fue un resultado completamente inesperado.."} {"gender":"male","en":"So for the longest time, all I would do is recall the memory of this person over and over again, wishing that I could get rid of that gut-wrenching, visceral \"blah\" feeling.","es":"Todo lo que hac\u00eda, la mayor parte del tiempo era recordar a esa persona una y otra vez, esperando poder deshacerme de esa sensaci\u00f3n visceral de vac\u00edo desgarrador."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that's exactly the way the Higgs mechanism works.","es":"Y esa es exactamente la forma en que el mecanismo de Higgs funciona."} {"gender":"female","en":"We also just went back and looked at a lot of their previous paperwork to try and really understand; to try and diagnose what bodily malfunctions had occurred that lead to that 136th spot on the World Bank list.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n volvimos para analizar los tr\u00e1mites anteriores, para entenderlos bien; para diagnosticar cu\u00e1les eran las disfunciones corporales que nos llevaban a ocupar el puesto 136 de la lista del Banco Mundial."} {"gender":"male","en":"I also recruited for the Philippines, Bosnia and Chechnya.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n reclut\u00e9 gente en Filipinas, Bosnia y Chechenia."} {"gender":"male","en":"He was kidnapped from Kabul by a warlord. He was taken to another province, where he was forced to work as a sex slave for the warlord and his friends.","es":"Fue secuestrado en Kabul por un se\u00f1or de la guerra, trasladado a otra provincia, y obligado a ser esclavo sexual para el se\u00f1or de la guerra y sus amigos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so, there are four basic elements that we need to consider when we're using education through technology.","es":"Hay cuatro elementos b\u00e1sicos que debemos considerar cuando aplicamos educaci\u00f3n a trav\u00e9s de la tecnolog\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is observed data.","es":"Este es el dato observado."} {"gender":"male","en":"The only pathogens that get transmitted are the ones that are infecting people that feel healthy enough to walk outside and get mosquito bites.","es":"Los \u00fanicos pat\u00f3genos que ser\u00e1n transmitidos ser\u00e1n aquellos que infecten a las personas que est\u00e1n lo suficientemente sanas para estar fuera de casa y ser picados por los mosquitos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I just see it as a puzzle of reality where you can take different pieces of reality and put it together to create alternate reality.","es":"Yo lo veo como un rompecabezas de la realidad en el que tomamos distintas piezas de la realidad y las juntamos para crear una realidad alternativa."} {"gender":"female","en":"So in my shoes, it's a little bit different.","es":"En mi zapatos, es un poco distinto."} {"gender":"female","en":"What looks like a forest is actually only one tree.","es":"Lo que parece un bosque en realidad es s\u00f3lo un \u00e1rbol."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the man said, \"Really?\" And he showed him a dish full of needles.","es":"\"\u00bfVerdad?\", le dijo el hombre, y le mostr\u00f3 un plato lleno de agujas."} {"gender":"female","en":"In other words, what we work on is what we understand about the world.","es":"En otras palabras, nuestro espacio de trabajo es lo que entendemos por mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, I started my first job as a computer programmer in my very first year of college, basically, as a teenager.","es":"Empec\u00e9 mi primer trabajo como programadora inform\u00e1tica en mi primer a\u00f1o de universidad, b\u00e1sicamente, siendo a\u00fan adolescente."} {"gender":"male","en":"The risks are massive, but the pay-off, economic, humanitarian, motivational, it's absolutely huge.","es":"Los peligros son numerosos, pero la recompensa es incalculable."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We plutocrats need to get this trickle-down economics thing behind us, this idea that the better we do, the better everyone else will do. It's not true.","es":"Los plut\u00f3cratas tenemos que entender que la econom\u00eda del derrame subyacente, esta idea de que cuanto mejor nos va, mejor le ir\u00e1 a todos los dem\u00e1s, no es verdad."} {"gender":"male","en":"So the arrows connect regions that are active at the same time. The direction of the arrows flows from the region that's active first in time, and the arrowhead goes to the region that's active later.","es":"As\u00ed que las flechas conectan regiones que est\u00e1n activas al mismo tiempo, y la direcci\u00f3n de las flechas fluye de la regi\u00f3n que est\u00e1 activa de primero, y la punta de flecha va a la regi\u00f3n que est\u00e1 activa despu\u00e9s."} {"gender":"female","en":"I happen to find that particular staircase picture very glamorous because, to me, it captures the whole promise of the academic contemplative life, but maybe that's because I went to Princeton.","es":"Encuentro muy glamurosa la foto de esta escalera en particular porque desde mi punto de vista captura la esencia de la vida acad\u00e9mica y contemplativa, bueno, tal vez porque estudi\u00e9 en Princeton."} {"gender":"male","en":"We have time for some questions for Dan Gilbert.","es":"Tenemos algo de tiempo para preguntas a Dan Gilbert."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Each of them are \"grace\" and \"mercy.\"","es":"Cada uno de ellas es \"gracia\" y \"misericordia\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"It looks like this: 3.2 million Norwegians watched part of this program, and we are only five million here.","es":"Tiene este aspecto: 3,2 millones de noruegos vieron este programa, y aqu\u00ed somos solo 5 millones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There's a concept about humor about it being a benign violation.","es":"Existe una idea de humor como violaci\u00f3n benigna."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so, some of the things that they figured out, some of these individuals figured out; in one case, a new commercial building and designs for houses that were accepted by clients; a design of a solar space probe experiment; a redesign of the linear electron accelerator; an engineering improvement to a magnetic tape recorder, you can tell this is a while ago; the completion of a line of furniture; and even a new conceptual model of the photon.","es":"Y algunas cosas que ni imaginaron, a algunas de estas personas se les ocurrieron. En un caso, un nuevo edificio comercial y de dise\u00f1o de viviendas que fueron aceptados por los clientes. El dise\u00f1o de un experimento para una sonda solar espacial. El redise\u00f1o de un acelerador electr\u00f3nico lineal. La mejora de ingenier\u00eda de una cinta grabadora magn\u00e9tica. S\u00ed, esto sucedi\u00f3 hace mucho tiempo. La finalizaci\u00f3n de una l\u00ednea de muebles, e incluso un nuevo modelo conceptual del fot\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Women are not just men with boobs and tubes.","es":"Las mujeres no son solo hombres con tetas y tubos."} {"gender":"male","en":"But we can change how it was interpreted, because it was interpreted according to the time and milieu in the Middle Ages.","es":"Pero podemos cambiar la interpretaci\u00f3n porque fue interpretada siguiendo el tiempo y la atm\u00f3sfera medieval."} {"gender":"male","en":"I had thought about, a long time ago, in the late '60s, when I was just starting out, I was under the influence of thinking about Buckminster Fuller's grand project for an electric globe across from the United Nations, and other things that were happening, the space program at that time, and Whole Earth Catalog, things like that.","es":"Hab\u00eda pensando, hace mucho tiempo, a fines de los a\u00f1os 60 cuando estaba comenzando, influenciado por el pensamiento de Buckminster Fuller, del gran proyecto del globo el\u00e9ctrico frente a las Naciones Unidas, y otras cosas que estaban sucediendo, el programa espacial de ese momento y el Cat\u00e1logo de Toda la Tierra, cosas como esas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"Smaller ones don't have the resources or the expertise, and so there's this market of Western companies who are happy to supply them with the tools and techniques for a price.","es":"Los m\u00e1s peque\u00f1os no tienen los recursos o el conocimiento, y para eso existe este mercado de compa\u00f1\u00edas occidentales, las cuales est\u00e1n felices de proporcionarles las herramientas y t\u00e9cnicas por un precio."} {"gender":"female","en":"In fact, we now know that sex is complicated enough that we have to admit: Nature doesn't draw the line for us between male and female, or between male and intersex and female and intersex; we actually draw that line on nature.","es":"De hecho, ahora sabemos que el sexo es tan complicado que tenemos que admitir que la Naturaleza no traza una l\u00ednea tajante entre hombres y mujeres o entre hombres e intersexuales y mujeres e intersexuales; somos nosotros quienes trazamos esa l\u00ednea."} {"gender":"male","en":"They're really mad. Why have you taken our apple?","es":"Pero est\u00e1n muy enojados \u00bfPor qu\u00e9 nos quitaron nuestra manzana?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What you saw in that last scenario is that subjects get risky because they want the small shot that there won't be any loss.","es":"Lo que vieron en el \u00faltimo escenario es que los sujetos se vuelven arriesgados pues prefieren la opci\u00f3n que ofrece menos p\u00e9rdida."} {"gender":"female","en":"It was all good, and then it started getting turbulent and bumpy, and I was like, \"I hope she can drive.\"","es":"Todo iba bien, hasta que empezaron las turbulencias y los baches, y yo pensaba: \"Espero que ella sepa pilotar\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They just do it.","es":"Simplemente lo hace."} {"gender":"male","en":"But it's only in the last decade or so that careful experiments, in biochemistry labs, using spectroscopy, have shown very clear, firm evidence that there are certain specific mechanisms that require quantum mechanics to explain them.","es":"Pero solo en la \u00faltima d\u00e9cada m\u00e1s o menos los experimentos minuciosos, en laboratorios de bioqu\u00edmica, usando espectroscopia, han mostrado clara y firme evidencia de que hay ciertos mecanismos espec\u00edficos que requieren de la mec\u00e1nica cu\u00e1ntica para que puedan explicarse."} {"gender":"male","en":"They're at the start of food chains.","es":"Est\u00e1n al inicio de la cadena alimentaria."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, the Saturn system is a rich planetary system.","es":"Bien, el sistema de Saturno es un sistema planetario muy rico."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's the basic regulating principle of the Enlightenment.","es":"Es el principio b\u00e1sico que regula la Ilustraci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"How are Jobana, Sintia and Bertha really all that different from the Mark Zuckerbergs of the world?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es realmente la diferencia entre Jobana, Sintia, Bertha y los Mark Zuckerbergs del mundo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Second is technical assistance.","es":"Segundo, la asistencia t\u00e9cnica."} {"gender":"male","en":"Drop it near a supernova, you die.","es":"Si desciende cerca de una supernova, se muere."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the last one I've already mentioned that fell to you.","es":"Y el \u00faltimo ya lo mencion\u00e9, que cay\u00f3 sobre ustedes."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I wonder to myself, for those people that strap bombs to their chests and blow themselves up, how might they use 3D printers?","es":"Pero me preguntaba por esas personas que se atan bombas al pecho y se auto-inmolan, \u00bfc\u00f3mo podr\u00edan usar las impresoras 3D?"} {"gender":"male","en":"To tell you about that I have to talk about this fellow here, his name is Julius.","es":"Para contarles eso tengo que hablarles de este otro compa\u00f1ero, su nombre es Julius."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here's Dr. Venkataswamy in India, who's figured out how to do mass-produced health.","es":"Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 el Dr. Venkataswamy en India, que ha encontrado la manera de llevar la salud a una escala masiva."} {"gender":"female","en":"Okay, so let me back up a little bit and show you how a normal retina works first so you can see the problem that we were trying to solve.","es":"Perm\u00edtanme retroceder un tanto y mostrarles primero como funciona una retina normal, para que vean el problema que tratamos de resolver."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Here on the model you see the predator attacking.","es":"Aqu\u00ed, en el modelo se puede ver al depredador atacando."} {"gender":"female","en":"And this plant, in fact, is giving the cosmetic chemists very important ingredients that are actually finding ways to slow down the aging process and at the same time reinforce the cells against the onslaught of environmental toxins.","es":"Y esta planta, de hecho, tienen los qu\u00edmicos cosm\u00e9ticos, ingredientes muy importantes que son, en realidad, la b\u00fasqueda de formas para ralentizar el proceso de envejecimiento y, al mismo tiempo, reforzar las c\u00e9lulas contra el ataque de las toxinas ambientales."} {"gender":"female","en":"I had to learn all of these lessons the hard way, after I had already set up an orphanage in Cambodia.","es":"Tuve que aprender todas estas lecciones de la manera m\u00e1s dif\u00edcil, despu\u00e9s de que ya hab\u00eda establecido un orfanato en Camboya."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But what if that intimacy began long before you faced your own transition from life into death?","es":"Pero \u00bfqu\u00e9 pasar\u00eda si esa intimidad comenzase mucho antes de nuestra propia transici\u00f3n de la vida a la muerte?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I didn't expect Lou Danziger to be here, but this is a building I did for him in 1964, I think.","es":"No esperaba que Lou Danziger estuviera aqu\u00ed pero este es un edificio que hice para \u00e9l en 1964, creo."} {"gender":"male","en":"But for the second part, I wanted something really visually striking, \"I know!","es":"Sin embargo, para la segunda parte, quer\u00edamos algo visualmente impactante. \"\u00a1Ya s\u00e9!"} {"gender":"male","en":"Then we'd go and we'd show those as communicating our ideas.","es":"Y los utilizar\u00edamos para comunicar nuestras ideas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I feel tiny and insignificant.\"","es":"Me siento peque\u00f1o e insignificante\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'll get your ex-lover telling someone else, \"Good morning.\"","es":"Copiar\u00e9 a tu ex-amante dici\u00e9ndole a otro: \"Buenos d\u00edas\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He was loaned to us by a mining company.","es":"Una minera nos lo prest\u00f3."} {"gender":"female","en":"We have amazing activists all over the world, but oftentimes, their messages are not strategic or they don't actually reach the audiences they want to reach.","es":"Tenemos activistas incre\u00edbles en todo el mundo, pero a menudo, sus mensajes no son estrat\u00e9gicos o no alcanzan los foros que quieren alcanzar."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, you can see we're in the ascot, which is always good.","es":"Entonces pueden ver que nosotros estamos en un empate, lo que siempre es algo bueno."} {"gender":"female","en":"What was that most important thing that you had to take with you when the bombs were exploding in your town, and the armed gangs were approaching your house?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 fue lo m\u00e1s importante que hab\u00eda que llevarse mientras ca\u00edan las bombas sobre la ciudad y las bandas armadas se acercaban a tu casa?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I had 15 years of stuff, and the Media Lab was about to start.","es":"Ten\u00eda 15 a\u00f1os de cosas, y el Laboratorio de Medios estaba por comenzar."} {"gender":"male","en":"It is one thing to say, we need to recycle the teachers, we need the directors to do more.","es":"Hay algo que decir, tenemos que reciclar a los maestros, los directores tienen que hacer m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I'm not here to be the poster girl for the homeless.","es":"Y yo no estoy aqu\u00ed para ser el ejemplo de las personas sin hogar."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I say, \"Well, that's really hard, because your networks are so fundamentally predictable.\"","es":"Y digo: \"Bueno, eso es realmente dif\u00edcil, porque tus redes son fundamentalmente predecibles\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I believe primary education is an idea which is arrived but not yet implemented.","es":"Por eso creo que la educaci\u00f3n primaria es una idea que ha llegado pero no ha sido implementada."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The earth is not going to break its own fever.","es":"La Tierra no va a bajar su propia fiebre."} {"gender":"female","en":"I would want to quit, but my father, he would say, \"Listen, my daughter, you can lose everything you own in your life.","es":"Quer\u00eda renunciar, pero mi padre dec\u00eda: \"\u00d3yeme, hija m\u00eda, puedes perder todo lo que tengas en la vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"Matty has found this ingenious way to leverage the kindness of strangers.","es":"Matty encontr\u00f3 esta manera ingeniosa de estimular la amabilidad en los extra\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"When carbon dioxide dissolves in seawater, it undergoes a number of chemical reactions.","es":"Cuando el di\u00f3xido de carbono se disuelve en el agua de mar, sufre una serie de reacciones qu\u00edmicas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we're at step two at this point.","es":"Estamos en el paso dos en este momento."} {"gender":"female","en":"His room, it became our temple of healing.","es":"Su habitaci\u00f3n se transform\u00f3 en un templo de curaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"We're looking for one that crosses east-west.","es":"Observamos un puente que cruza en sentido este-oeste."} {"gender":"female","en":"Of course, any ecosystem is extremely complex, and trying to describe all the moving parts is not only very difficult, but also not very informative.","es":"Claro est\u00e1 que cualquier ecosistema es sumamente complejo, e intentar describir todas las piezas en movimiento no solo es dif\u00edcil sino tambi\u00e9n muy poco informativo."} {"gender":"female","en":"You can see them now beating synchronously on these materials, and that's a very, very exciting development that's going on.","es":"Puede verlos ahora palpitando en sincron\u00eda en estos materiales, y eso es un desarrollo muy muy emocionante que est\u00e1 ocurriendo."} {"gender":"male","en":"PM: The video worked right for the first few and I don't know why it, there it goes.","es":"El video funcion\u00f3 bien para las primeras veces y no s\u00e9 por qu\u00e9, ah\u00ed va."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was fully aware that for someone as secular as I am, just asking it could be seen as pure chutzpah.","es":"Estaba plenamente consciente de que para alguien tan secular como yo, el solo pregunt\u00e1rselo podr\u00eda parecer puro descaro."} {"gender":"male","en":"Commendable: a site that allows parents to give their kids little badges for doing the things that parents want their kids to do, like tying their shoes.","es":"\u201cCommendable\u201d : un sitio web que permite a los padres dar medallas a sus hijos cuando hacen algo que quieren que hagan, como amarrarse los zapatos."} {"gender":"male","en":"In many communities, people had to worry about being lynched.","es":"En muchas comunidades la gente ten\u00eda miedo de ser linchados."} {"gender":"male","en":"What would world government actually look like, and why do you think it would work?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo se ver\u00eda en realidad un gobierno mundial y por qu\u00e9 crees que funcionar\u00eda?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So here are pictures of myself.","es":"Aqu\u00ed hay fotograf\u00edas m\u00edas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Gever Tulley: A rollercoaster built by seven-year-olds.","es":"Gever Tulley: Una monta\u00f1a rusa construida por ni\u00f1os de 7 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"WM: The coffee I bought the other day had a Chicago star on it.","es":"El caf\u00e9 que compr\u00e9 el otro d\u00eda ten\u00eda una estrella de Chicago."} {"gender":"male","en":"When they first started farming salmon, it could take as many as six pounds of wild fish to make a single pound of salmon.","es":"Cuando empez\u00f3 el cultivo del salm\u00f3n, pod\u00eda tomar hasta 3 kg. de peces silvestres para hacer solo medio kg. de salm\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"All life reactions happen in water.","es":"Todas las reacciones de la vida suceden en el agua."} {"gender":"male","en":"A human hair is about the smallest thing that the eye can see.","es":"Un pelo humano es lo m\u00e1s peque\u00f1o que el ojo puede ver."} {"gender":"female","en":"In film, we can be wildly entertained, and we can also be transported through storytelling.","es":"Nos entretienen incontrolablemente, y nos transportan a trav\u00e9s de sus narrativas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, one way to express choice is through the market.","es":"Bueno, una manera de expresar la elecci\u00f3n es a trav\u00e9s del mercado."} {"gender":"female","en":"I adapted and produced \"A Dream Play\" by August Strindberg. It was performed last September one time only in the Atlantic Avenue tunnel in Brooklyn, which is considered to be the oldest underground train tunnel in the world, built in 1844.","es":"Adapt\u00e9 y produje \u201cEl Sue\u00f1o\u201d de August Strindberg y fue presentado el septiembre pasado una sola vez en el t\u00fanel de Atlantic Avenue en Brooklyn, considerado el t\u00fanel ferroviario bajo tierra m\u00e1s antiguo del mundo, construido en 1844."} {"gender":"male","en":"The best Indian players who played every test match, every one of the internationals, the top of the line players, standard contracts are 220,000 dollars in a whole year.","es":"Los mejores jugadores indios que jugaban los test match, los jugadores internacionales, los mejores jugadores."} {"gender":"male","en":"Actually, what happens is that a very intricate structure appears.","es":"Pero, en realidad, aparece una estructura muy compleja."} {"gender":"male","en":"We call them the Elders, but you probably know them as plankton.","es":"Nosotros los llamamos los Ancianos, pero Uds. quiz\u00e1 los conocen como plancton."} {"gender":"male","en":"It has zones of production, like Afghanistan and Columbia.","es":"Tiene zonas de producci\u00f3n, como Afghanist\u00e1n y Colombia."} {"gender":"male","en":"We're not all in the same boat, and that means nobody's willing to sacrifice for the common good.","es":"No estamos todos en el mismo barco, y eso significa que nadie est\u00e1 dispuesto a sacrificarse por el bien com\u00fan."} {"gender":"male","en":"And during my tenure as a resident tutor in graduate school, I supported many undergraduates with their mental health challenges.","es":"Y durante mi permanencia como residente tutor en la escuela de posgrado, apoy\u00e9 a muchos estudiantes de pregrado en sus desaf\u00edos con la salud mental."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm still using that old technology with a bicycle cable on his right side.","es":"Todav\u00eda estoy usando tecnolog\u00eda antigua con un cable de bicicleta del lado derecho."} {"gender":"male","en":"You know, I'd be like, But in this case, you know, I whip this out and I sit there and look as if I have something very important to do or attend to.","es":"Ya saben, ser\u00eda como pero en este caso, saben, saco esto y me siento y parece como si tuviera algo muy importante que hacer o atender."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We need to be part of a community to survive.","es":"Necesitamos ser parte de una comunidad para sobrevivir."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was mindful, of course, that such insights were relative.","es":"Fue algo consciente, por supuesto, que tales ideas fueran relativas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Funny, that.","es":"Qu\u00e9 gracioso."} {"gender":"female","en":"But this was a question I didn't feel capable of answering.","es":"Pero esta era una pregunta que no me sent\u00eda capaz de responder."} {"gender":"male","en":"A nurse in a busy clinic will see 50 to 100 patients in a day, which leaves her just minutes per patient, minutes per patient.","es":"Una enfermera en una cl\u00ednica ajetreada ver\u00e1 50-100 pacientes por d\u00eda, lo que da s\u00f3lo unos minutos por paciente, minutos por paciente."} {"gender":"male","en":"And they adopted that for their first generation, which was not 100 meters, it was a five-meter.","es":"Y lo adoptaron para su primera generaci\u00f3n que no era de 100 metros sino de cinco."} {"gender":"male","en":"So anyway, who am I?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfqui\u00e9n son yo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So that place, a little moon around Jupiter, is probably the prime candidate for finding life on a moon or a body outside the Earth, that we know of.","es":"As\u00ed que esa peque\u00f1a luna que orbita J\u00fapiter, es probablemente la principal candidata para encontrar vida en una luna u otro cuerpo celeste conocido, fuera de la Tierra."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Bitcoin is based on the very same idea that the Yap used, this collective global knowledge of transfers.","es":"Bitcoin se basa en la misma idea que usan los Yap, este conocimiento colectivo global de las transferencias."} {"gender":"male","en":"No, it's true.","es":"No, es cierto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We lived in the Bronx at the time, and the burial was in a place called Long Island, it was about two hours outside of the city.","es":"En ese momento viv\u00edamos en el Bronx. El entierro fue en un lugar llamado Long Island, a unas 2 horas de distancia."} {"gender":"male","en":"All of these innovations together contribute a fraction of what we contribute by living in a walkable neighborhood three blocks from a metro in the heart of a city.","es":"Todas estas innovaciones juntas contribuyen una fracci\u00f3n de lo que contribuimos viviendo en un barrio donde se puede caminar a 3 cuadras del metro en el centro de la ciudad."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was dirt.","es":"Hab\u00eda suciedad."} {"gender":"male","en":"But ridiculous as this experiment looks, it was actually really important, because we were able to recover this sound. Mary had a little lamb! Little lamb! Little lamb! AD: And this was really significant, because it was the first time we recovered intelligible human speech from silent video of an object.","es":"Pero por rid\u00edculo que se vea este experimento, en realidad, era realmente importante, porque hemos podido captar este sonido. Mar\u00eda ten\u00eda un corderito, corderito, corderito AD: Y esto fue realmente significativo, porque era la primera vez que capturamos el habla humana inteligible a partir de un video silencioso de un objeto."} {"gender":"male","en":"And second, she tells us that she walked upright, but had some adaptation for tree climbing.","es":"Y segundo, nos dice que caminaba erguida, pero ten\u00eda alguna adaptaci\u00f3n para escalar \u00e1rboles."} {"gender":"female","en":"And finally, I want to convince you that it is possible to step outside of that feeling and that if you can do so, it is the single greatest moral, intellectual and creative leap you can make.","es":"Y, por \u00faltimo, quiero convencerlos de que es posible apartarse de esa sensaci\u00f3n y que, de hacerlo, ese es el salto moral, intelectual, y creativo m\u00e1s grande que uno puede dar."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's a very simple fluid to begin with.","es":"Hay un fluido sencillo para iniciar."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think actually it might be able to save more lives than penicillin.","es":"Creo que podr\u00eda salvar m\u00e1s vidas que la penicilina."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You hear about, actually, a drone pilot, a hobbyist, was attacked two weeks ago because he was flying near a beach.","es":"Supieron que un piloto de drones un aficionado, fue atacado hace dos semanas porque volaba cerca de una playa."} {"gender":"male","en":"One of the archives that we'll have there is this Johnson Publishing Corporation.","es":"Uno de los archivos de all\u00ed es la Johnson Publishing Corporation."} {"gender":"male","en":"She wants to find Obi Wan Kenobi.","es":"Ella quiere, saben, encontrar a Obi Wan Kenobi."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is actually two of my favorites: the pin-board Thom Yorke and a LEGO Thom Yorke.","es":"Aqu\u00ed tenemos dos de mis favoritos: el Thom Yorke de agujas y el Thom Yorke de LEGO."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was creepy.\"","es":"Fue escalofriante\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"So to do this kind work you have to trust the person completely because this arrow is pointing to my heart.","es":"Para hacer este tipo de trabajo se debe confiar en la persona por completo porque esta flecha apunta a mi coraz\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Of course, it was a minister's family, so we had to add God into it.","es":"Obviamente, \u00e9ramos una familia de pastores, as\u00ed es que ten\u00edamos que tener presente a Dios."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then we see some of the families we have visited.","es":"Vemos algunas de las familias que hemos visitado."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you, guys.","es":"Gracias muchachos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And they were full of all kinds of jargon.","es":"Estaban llenos de toda clase de jergas."} {"gender":"male","en":"People who have problems with empathy, such as autistic children, they don't have yawn contagion.","es":"La gente que no es emp\u00e1tica, como los ni\u00f1os autistas, no se contagian con el bostezo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And these are the references from our ethnic contribution.","es":"Y estas son las referencias de nuestras aportaciones \u00e9tnicas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Science couldn't agree more.","es":"La ciencia no podr\u00eda estar m\u00e1s de acuerdo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And indeed, at the top, you'll see before the surgery, the areas in blue are the areas that use less glucose than normal, predominantly the parietal and temporal lobes.","es":"Y en efecto, arriba, ver\u00e1n que antes de la cirug\u00eda, las \u00e1reas en azul son las que usan menos glucosa de lo normal, predominantemente los l\u00f3bulos parietal y temporal."} {"gender":"male","en":"For example, in this case, even though the left and right wheels are connected with a single axle rotating at the same angle of velocity, we simply change the length of the spoke, it affects the diameter, then can turn to the left and to the right.","es":"Por ejemplo, en este caso, aunque ambas ruedas se conectan al mismo eje, rotando con la misma velocidad angular, simplemente cambiamos la longitud de los radios, el di\u00e1metro efectivo, y as\u00ed gira a izquierda y derecha."} {"gender":"female","en":"That accidents, that Louis Kahn, who talked about accidents, this is another quality of the trickster.","es":"Los accidentes que Louis Kahn, quien se refiri\u00f3 a los accidentes, esta es otra de cualidad de los timadores."} {"gender":"male","en":"And again, I felt kind of uncomfortable with the notion that a building the size of the Washington building, 50,000 square feet, will sit on that fragile hill and that we will go into galleries, rooms with doors and sort of familiar rooms, to tell the story of the Holocaust.","es":"Y otra vez, me sent\u00ed un poco inc\u00f3modo con la noci\u00f3n de que un edificio del tama\u00f1o del de Washington, 4646 metros cuadrados, reposara sobre esa fr\u00e1gil colina, y de que fu\u00e9ramos por galer\u00edas, salas con puertas y una especie de salas familiares para contar la historia del Holocausto."} {"gender":"male","en":"And he'd say, \"I don't know where Morocco is either, but let's find out.\"","es":"Y me dec\u00eda: \"yo tampoco s\u00e9 d\u00f3nde queda Marruecos, pero averig\u00fc\u00e9moslo\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"You don't have to believe in a God per se, just in being Jewish.\"","es":"No tienes que creer en un Dios per se, solo en que eres jud\u00edo\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"It lodged as shards inside every aspect of the Creation.","es":"Se la presenta en fragmentos dentro de cada aspecto de la Creaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the secret of this dollar bill is the serial number.","es":"Y el secreto de este billete es el n\u00famero de serie."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We keep focusing on the end results or test results, and getting frustrated.","es":"Nos centramos en los resultados finales o los resultados de la evaluaci\u00f3n y frustrarnos."} {"gender":"male","en":"It represents your income: you're making a lot of money off that little ball.","es":"Y ustedes ganan mucho dinero por medio de ese peque\u00f1o bal\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"Hey Rev,\" they would say to my dad.","es":"\"Hola Rev\", le dec\u00edan a mi padre."} {"gender":"male","en":"For instance, he has an appendix where he explains his choice of translations of different Bible verses.","es":"Por ejemplo, tiene un ap\u00e9ndice donde explica su elecci\u00f3n de traducciones de diferentes vers\u00edculos de la Biblia."} {"gender":"female","en":"And she is definitely on her way.","es":"Y ella est\u00e1 definitivamente en camino."} {"gender":"female","en":"I get hate speech for that.","es":"Debo decir al respecto."} {"gender":"female","en":"About from a hundred feet away, this is what I hear: \"Vulnerability TED!","es":"A un centenar de metros de distancia, esto es lo que escuch\u00e9: \"La vulnerabilidad de TED."} {"gender":"male","en":"We look at the inner planets.","es":"Veamos los planetas interiores."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This was the mythology of the gymnosophist.","es":"Esta era la mitolog\u00eda del gimnosofista."} {"gender":"female","en":"Our work is across media.","es":"Nuestra obra es \"transmedia\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, we've made great progress with automobile technology over the last 100 years.","es":"Hemos hecho grandes progresos con la tecnolog\u00eda de automoci\u00f3n en los \u00faltimos 100 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"That third thing is: have a little humility.","es":"El tercer punto es: tener un poco de humildad."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a global issue affecting both rich and poor countries, and at the heart of it, you might say, well, isn't this really just a medical issue?","es":"Es un problema mundial que afecta tanto a pa\u00edses ricos como pobres y, en el fondo, uno podr\u00eda decir, bueno, \u00bfno se trata solo un problema cl\u00ednico?"} {"gender":"male","en":"What we saw in that trial is that that the life expectancies of both groups, so the chemotherapy treated group and the Tumor Treating Field group, was the same.","es":"Lo que vimos en las pruebas fue que la expectativa de vida de ambos grupos, el que se trat\u00f3 con quimioterapia y el de los Campos de Tratamiento de Tumores, result\u00f3 ser la misma."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You have to scroll, like, seven screensful to get to it. Now, it would be inconsistent to put \"United States\" first, but it would be intelligent.","es":"Uno debe bajar como 7 pantallas para llegar a la U. Ahora, ser\u00eda inconsistente poner United States de primero, pero ser\u00eda inteligente."} {"gender":"male","en":"But that's only half the story.","es":"Pero esa es s\u00f3lo la mitad de la historia."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, about three years ago I was in London, and somebody called Howard Burton came to me and said, I represent a group of people, and we want to start an institute in theoretical physics. We have about 120 million dollars, and we want to do it well.","es":"Hace unos tres a\u00f1os yo estaba en Londres y alguien llamado Howard Burton me busc\u00f3 y me dijo: \"Represento a un grupo de personas y deseamos crear un instituto de f\u00edsica te\u00f3rica Tenemos unos 120 millones de d\u00f3lares y queremos hacerlo bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"We have new scientific knowledge that we need to use in order to improve the way we regulate nuclear industry.","es":"Debemos utilizar los nuevos avances cient\u00edficos para mejorar las regulaciones que tenemos en la industria nuclear."} {"gender":"male","en":"We've got cell phones to get information from the public and get information out to them.","es":"Tenemos celulares para recibir y difundir informaci\u00f3n al p\u00fablico."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He said, \"Good artists copy.","es":"Dec\u00eda: \"Los buenos artistas copian."} {"gender":"male","en":"It is the landscape, right?","es":"Es el paisaje, \u00bfcorrecto?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was the marijuana march, a gathering of people asking for the legalization of cannabis.","es":"Fue sobre la marcha de la marihuana, donde se reunieron para pedir la legalizaci\u00f3n del cannabis."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, I think the message I take, from what I read from the book, from what Armstrong said, and from all these people, is that these are neighborhoods.","es":"As\u00ed, que yo pienso que el mensaje que tomo, de lo que le\u00ed del libro, de lo que Armstrong dijo, y de toda esta gente, es que estos son barrios."} {"gender":"female","en":"You have to take seven subjects and achieve a high score, I would say like an 85 percent or more accuracy rate, to be allowed to take the second stage written test prepared by Todai.","es":"Consta de siete materias y uno debe tener una calificaci\u00f3n alta. Dir\u00eda que es necesario alrededor de 84 % para poder pasar a la segunda etapa, un examen escrito preparado por Todai."} {"gender":"male","en":"We then had Autonomy drivable with Hy-Wire, and we showed Hy-Wire here at this conference last year.","es":"Y creamos un AUTOnomy\u00ae conducible con el Hy-Wire\u00ae, y presentamos el Hy-Wire\u00ae aqu\u00ed, en esta conferencia el a\u00f1o pasado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was just like that, because what you started to see is that all of these grand statesmen, these very pompous politicians, they were just like us.","es":"Fue exactamente igual, porque lo que empec\u00e9 a ver fue que todos esos hombres de estado, esos pol\u00edticos pomposos, eran justo igual que nosotros."} {"gender":"female","en":"Deadened by monotony and exhaustion, they work silently, doing this task over and over for 16 or 17 hours a day.","es":"Desanimados por la monoton\u00eda y el cansancio trabajan en silencio, haciendo esta tarea una y otra vez durante 16 \u00f3 17 horas al d\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Yeah, exactly.","es":"S\u00ed, exactamente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Every year, countless North Koreans are caught in China and repatriated to North Korea, where they can be tortured, imprisoned, or publicly executed.","es":"Cada a\u00f1o, incontables norcoreanos son capturados en China y deportados a Corea del Norte, donde son torturados, encarcelados o ejecutados en p\u00fablico."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Smallpox killed billions of people on this planet.","es":"La viruela mat\u00f3 millones de personas en este planeta."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Puncture his eardrums.","es":"Le reventar\u00eda los t\u00edmpanos."} {"gender":"male","en":"We retain just 25 percent of what we hear.","es":"Solo retenemos el 25% de lo que escuchamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And all these works, in some way, talk about luck or fate or chance.","es":"Todas estas obras, de alguna manera, hablan de la suerte, del destino o de la casualidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"It doesn't mean that it affects every part of us, but it might.","es":"No significa que afecte cada parte de nuestras vidas, pero podr\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"Monkeys are shorter, so it's a little short.","es":"Los monos son m\u00e1s bajos, as\u00ed que este es un poco bajo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You know, mapping in India, that's such a great example.","es":"Por ejemplo, para trazar un mapa de India, este es un buen ejemplo."} {"gender":"female","en":"A younger guy warned me to watch my back.","es":"Un chico joven me advirti\u00f3 que tuviera cuidado."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's creating, and it's most visible when we see it as a new form of competition.","es":"Si est\u00e1 creando, y es m\u00e1s visible cuando lo observamos como una nueva forma de competencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now just like the physical maps of our world that have been highly influenced by technology, think Google Maps, think GPS, the same thing is happening for brain mapping through transformation.","es":"Igual que la tecnolog\u00eda afect\u00f3 a la cartograf\u00eda, piensen en Google Maps, en el GPS, ocurre la misma transformaci\u00f3n en los mapas del cerebro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The London Underground came together in 1908, when eight different independent railways merged to create a single system.","es":"El metro de Londres se form\u00f3 en 1908, cuando se unieron ocho v\u00edas f\u00e9rreas independientes para crear un solo sistema."} {"gender":"female","en":"We knew we weren't making the governor look his best by doing this food strike, we could have gone to jail.","es":"Sab\u00edamos que pon\u00edamos al gobernador en un aprieto al hacer esta huelga de hambre, podr\u00edamos haber ido a la c\u00e1rcel."} {"gender":"female","en":"But that it will get copied if it can, regardless of the consequences.","es":"M\u00e1s bien, se copiar\u00e1 si puede hacerlo, sin importar las consecuencias."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then finally, I take a rule, and move the rule to a date line which then tells me the time here.","es":"Y luego, finalmente, tomo una regla, y muevo la regla hacia una l\u00ednea de fecha la cual me dice entonces la hora aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But the theme of this session, of course, is invention.","es":"Pero el tema de esta sesi\u00f3n, es obviamente, la inventiva."} {"gender":"female","en":"I actually have no idea why.","es":"En realidad no tengo ni idea."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this leads me to our third guideline, the holographic campfire from our first story.","es":"Y esto me lleva a la tercera directriz, del fuego hologr\u00e1fico de nuestra primera historia."} {"gender":"female","en":"You go from drug formulation, lab testing, animal testing, and then clinical trials, which you might call human testing, before the drugs get to market.","es":"Pasamos por la formulaci\u00f3n, pruebas de laboratorio, pruebas en animales, ensayos cl\u00ednicos, que podr\u00edan denominarse pruebas en humanos, antes de que los f\u00e1rmacos lleguen al mercado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now all this is, and it's magic, is a little fatty bag.","es":"Ahora, todo esto es, y es m\u00e1gico, es un peque\u00f1o saco grasoso."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thus began my journey into modern day slavery.","es":"As\u00ed empez\u00f3 mi viaje a la esclavitud moderna."} {"gender":"female","en":"We face momentous decisions with important consequences throughout our lives, and we have strategies for dealing with these decisions.","es":"Enfrentamos decisiones trascendentales con consecuencias importantes a lo largo de la vida. Y seguimos estrategias para hacer frente a estas decisiones."} {"gender":"male","en":"He said, \"Just, just get in the back.\"","es":"Dijo, \"Sube, sube atr\u00e1s.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And look at this.","es":"Y miren esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Do you see what I'm doing here?","es":"\u00bfVen lo que estoy haciendo aqu\u00ed?"} {"gender":"female","en":"We have cleared 19.4 million square miles for crops and livestock.","es":"Dedicamos 50,25 millones de km cuadrados a los cultivos y la ganader\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a kenaf clinic.","es":"Esta es una cl\u00ednica hecha de kenaf."} {"gender":"male","en":"Cultures change.","es":"Las culturas cambian."} {"gender":"male","en":"They only live a few days.","es":"Solo vivir\u00e1n unos pocos d\u00edas."} {"gender":"female","en":"The telephone was invented while developing a communication tool for hearing impaired people.","es":"El tel\u00e9fono fue inventado primero como herramienta de comunicaci\u00f3n para las personas con problemas de audici\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because if you do the math, you have a thousand TED Talks, you pay 10 cents each; you have to do more than one summary for each of those talks, because some of them will probably be, or are, really bad.","es":"Si hacen la cuenta, hay 1000 TEDTalks, se paga 10 centavos cada una; uno tiene que hacer m\u00e1s de un resumen por cada charla porque alguna quiz\u00e1 sea, o son, muy malas."} {"gender":"female","en":"So is this involuntary laughter or more voluntary laughter?","es":"Estas risas \u00bfson involuntarias o m\u00e1s voluntarias?"} {"gender":"male","en":"If you wonder why patients are motivated and want to help, think about this.","es":"Porque si uno piensa, por qu\u00e9 raz\u00f3n los pacientes se motivan y quieren ayudar, piensen en esto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, in the 1950s, the Soviets decided to divert that water to irrigate the desert to grow cotton, believe it or not, in Kazakhstan, to sell cotton to the international markets to bring foreign currency into the Soviet Union.","es":"Bien, en los 50, los sovi\u00e9ticos decidieron desviar esta agua para irrigar el desierto y cultivar algod\u00f3n, cr\u00e9anlo o no, en Kazajst\u00e1n, para vender algod\u00f3n en los mercados internacionales y conseguir divisas para la Uni\u00f3n Sovi\u00e9tica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So in the 1950s, Miller-Urey did their fantastic chemical Frankenstein experiment, where they did the equivalent in the chemical world.","es":"En los a\u00f1os 50 Miller-Urey realiz\u00f3 un experimento qu\u00edmico fant\u00e1stico de tipo Frankenstein; fue el equivalente para el mundo qu\u00edmico."} {"gender":"male","en":"Notice how few barriers there are to movement across all of the oceans compared to land.","es":"F\u00edjense qu\u00e9 pocas barreras hay para el movimiento interoce\u00e1nico en comparaci\u00f3n a la tierra."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And basically, the more people feel that they are the same, the more they trust each other, the more they can have a redistributionist welfare state.","es":"Y en el fondo, cuantas m\u00e1s personas sientan que somos lo mismo, m\u00e1s confiar\u00e1n entre s\u00ed, y tendr\u00e1n un mejor estado de bienestar por su redistribuci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"The question was, where from?","es":"La pregunta era, \u00bfde d\u00f3nde?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And the drill sergeant starts screaming at them, and telling them to do all kinds of awful things.","es":"El sargento comienza a gritarles y a decirles que hacer y todo tipo de cosas terribles."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Imagine how many children would get to come home from school or 7-Eleven without getting expelled or shot.","es":"Imaginen cu\u00e1ntos ni\u00f1os llegar\u00edan a casa de la escuela, o de una tienda, sin haber sido expulsados o baleados."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He'll be on the phone.","es":"Contestar\u00e1 su llamada."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now I can change my perspective a little bit.","es":"Ahora puedo cambiar de perspectiva un poquito."} {"gender":"male","en":"Chris Anderson: Thank you so much, Prime Minister, that was both fascinating and quite inspiring.","es":"Chris Anderson: Muchas gracias, Primer Ministro, fue a la vez fascinante e inspirador."} {"gender":"male","en":"Otherwise, they will withdraw.","es":"De lo contrario, se retirar\u00e1n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Not only financial crises, but because of the sanitary pad research, I come through all sorts of problems, including a divorce notice from my wife.","es":"No s\u00f3lo por la crisis financiera, sino por la investigaci\u00f3n en s\u00ed, me encontr\u00e9 con todo tipo de problemas, incluso un aviso de divorcio de mi esposa."} {"gender":"male","en":"When we think about how people work, the naive intuition we have is that people are like rats in a maze, that all people care about is money, and the moment we give them money, we can direct them to work one way, we can direct them to work another way.","es":"Cuando reflexionamos sobre el modo en que trabajamos la percepci\u00f3n simplista que tenemos es que las personas son como ratas en un laberinto: que no se interesan sino por el dinero y tan pronto les ofrecemos dinero podemos dirigir su trabajo de un modo, podemos dirigir su trabajo de otro modo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I had written the University of Montana two years earlier and said I'd like to go to school there.","es":"Yo le hab\u00eda escrito a la Universidad de Montana, dos a\u00f1os antes dici\u00e9ndoles que me gustar\u00eda estudiar all\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, most people outside of Africa don't know much about the war in Congo, so let me give you a couple of key facts.","es":"Pero pocas personas fuera de \u00c1frica saben algo de la guerra en Congo, as\u00ed que les dar\u00e9 la informaci\u00f3n clave."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Once you understand the rules, just many different kinds of robot visions become possible.","es":"Una vez conocidas las reglas, se hacen posibles muchos tipos diferentes de visiones de robots."} {"gender":"male","en":"Why would we want to go and damage it even further?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 \u00edbamos a querer ir y da\u00f1arla a\u00fan m\u00e1s?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Words are great.","es":"Las palabras son una maravilla."} {"gender":"male","en":"Are we going to let the fact that what's unveiling itself right now in war sounds like science fiction and therefore keeps us in denial?","es":"\u00bfVamos a dejar que esto que est\u00e1 sucediendo en la guerra, solo porque suena a ciencia ficci\u00f3n nos mantenga en la negaci\u00f3n?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And his father used to go down into the basement to tap on the sides of casks of wine to determine how much wine was left and whether to reorder.","es":"Su padre sol\u00eda bajar al s\u00f3tano y golpear con sus dedos los toneles de vino para saber cu\u00e1nto vino quedaba en ellos y si deb\u00eda hacer un nuevo pedido."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then he would download test versions to a borrowed Apple II over a phone line using an acoustic coupler, and then we would test.","es":"Y luego descargaba versiones de prueba a una Apple II prestada a trav\u00e9s de una l\u00ednea telef\u00f3nica que usaba un acoplador ac\u00fastico, y luego prob\u00e1bamos."} {"gender":"female","en":"The reason this is irrational is that we've given people in both situations the same choice.","es":"La raz\u00f3n de que esto es irracional es que les hemos dado en ambas situaciones la misma opci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what we did is, we created a ring of sugar palms around the area.","es":"Lo que hicimos fue crear un anillo de palmas de az\u00facar alrededor."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"As you focus on the wooden form, it rotates.","es":"Si nos concentramos en la pieza de madera, \u00e9sta rota."} {"gender":"male","en":"And yet, a bowling ball will always follow the same path.","es":"Y, sin embargo, una bola de bolos siempre sigue el mismo camino."} {"gender":"female","en":"In interior decorating, the pig's actually quite there.","es":"En decoraci\u00f3n de interiores el cerdo est\u00e1 bastante presente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And there is one reaction that's probably the easiest fusion reaction to do.","es":"Y hay una reacci\u00f3n que es probablemente la reacci\u00f3n de fusi\u00f3n m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil de hacer."} {"gender":"male","en":"So if we can get the lights","es":"Las luces"} {"gender":"male","en":"It takes good equipment and well-trained, dedicated soldiers.","es":"Hace falta un buen equipamiento y soldados dedicados y bien entrenados."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It is about allowing ourselves the freedom to become fully human, recognizing the depth and the breadth of the human psyche and building institutions to protect Rembrandt's fragile altruist within.","es":"Se trata de permitirnos a nosotros mismos la libertad de volvernos completamente humanos reconociendo la profundidad y la amplitud de la psique humana y construir instituciones para proteger al fr\u00e1gil altruista de Rembrandt interior."} {"gender":"female","en":"We've heard from communities in South Africa, Australia, the UK, Canada and beyond. We're creating a design toolkit that will help others design and build facilities that will contain technical specifications and regulatory best practices.","es":"Nos contactan comunidades en Sud\u00e1frica, Australia, el Reino Unido, Canad\u00e1, etc. Estamos creando un kit de herramientas de dise\u00f1o que ayudar\u00e1 a otros dise\u00f1ar y edificar instalaciones y que contendr\u00e1 especificaciones t\u00e9cnicas y mejores pr\u00e1cticas regulatorias."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I have to say, this really proves that storytelling, it's a commodity, it's a staple.","es":"Y tengo que decir, que esto realmente demuestra que contar historias, es materia prima; es un producto principal."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was supposed to be our strength, wasn't it?","es":"Se supon\u00eda que era nuestra fortaleza, \u00bfno?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So the correlation is low.","es":"As\u00ed que la correlaci\u00f3n es baja."} {"gender":"male","en":"Normal things about being a kid and realizing that sometimes, it was best to listen to my parents even when I didn't exactly understand why.","es":"Eran cosas normales en un ni\u00f1o pero tambi\u00e9n darse cuenta de que a veces, era mejor escuchar a los padres incluso cuando no entend\u00eda por qu\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here we see a female crawling out of the ocean under moonlight on the island of Trinidad.","es":"Aqu\u00ed vemos una hembra arrastr\u00e1ndose fuera del oc\u00e9ano bajo la luz de la luna en la isla Trinidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"And let us continue working together to betterment in this situation, stability and sustainability in our society.","es":"Y vamos a seguir trabajando juntos para el mejoramiento en esta situaci\u00f3n, la estabilidad y la sostenibilidad de nuestra sociedad."} {"gender":"female","en":"He ends up being part of a very large group of people that we work with, for whom attention is a matter of life and death.","es":"\u00c9l es parte de un grupo muy grande de personas con las que trabajamos, para quienes la atenci\u00f3n es una cuesti\u00f3n de vida o muerte."} {"gender":"male","en":"The diagram that you see behind me shows all the terrorists involved in the Madrid attack in 2004.","es":"El diagrama que se ve detr\u00e1s de m\u00ed muestra todos los terroristas implicados en el atentado de Madrid en 2004."} {"gender":"male","en":"What sort of diagram would you show them of the solar system, to show that it's not really like that?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 clase de diagrama les mostrar\u00edan del sistema solar, para mostrarles que realmente no es as\u00ed?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I took library material that had fruit in their title and I used them to make an orchard walk with these fruits of knowledge.","es":"Con material de la biblioteca que contiene fruta en el t\u00edtulo constru\u00ed un sendero de la huerta con estos frutos del conocimiento."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So you guys, you want to see what it looks like?","es":"Por eso muchachos, \u00bfquieren ver c\u00f3mo queda?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's, like, you know, Herbie the Apple II.","es":"Es como, Herbi la Apple II."} {"gender":"male","en":"Have you ever had to fill out those long, legal-size forms in your doctor's office?","es":"\u00bfAlguna vez han tenido que completar esos formularios largos y de tama\u00f1a oficio en la oficina de su m\u00e9dico?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I am certain of that.","es":"Estoy seguro de ello."} {"gender":"male","en":"And when the bubble burst, it couldn't refinance its loans.","es":"Y cuando estall\u00f3 la burbuja, no pudo refinanciar sus pr\u00e9stamos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We have to address problems at the root, and when you deal with what's happening in black communities, it creates an effervescence, right?","es":"Tenemos que atacar los problemas de ra\u00edz, y al lidiar con lo que sucede en las comunidades negras, eso crea una efervescencia, \u00bfs\u00ed?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They like to look at beautiful faces rather than plain faces.","es":"Les gusta ver caras hermosas en vez de las planas."} {"gender":"female","en":"There is a neighborhood here in Homs that's called Baba Amr that has been fully destroyed.","es":"Hay un barrio aqu\u00ed en Homs que se llama Baba Amr que ha sido totalmente destruido."} {"gender":"female","en":"We call animal control, it just costs a lot of money.","es":"Si llamamos a control de animales, eso cuesta mucho dinero."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's like a microscope to the rest of the world.","es":"Es como un microscopio al resto del mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Those supply chains I put up on the screen earlier, they're not there.","es":"Esas cadenas de suministro que present\u00e9 antes no est\u00e1n all\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I also entered the World Championship, and I won there, in 2004.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n me inscrib\u00ed en el campeonato mundial y gan\u00e9 en 2004."} {"gender":"male","en":"She would be one of that one-in-20.","es":"Ser\u00eda el uno en ese 'uno de cada veinte'."} {"gender":"male","en":"People think they're sort of lowbrows.","es":"La gente cree que son algo ignorantes."} {"gender":"male","en":"We hired this programmer, he came in, he drank our Cokes and played Foosball for three years and he had one idea.","es":"Contratamos a este programador, se instal\u00f3, se bebi\u00f3 nuestras Coca-Colas jug\u00f3 \"Foosball\" durante 3 a\u00f1os, y tuvo UNA idea."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, they're looking at celestial cues in the sky, some of which you and I can't see.","es":"Bien, siguen se\u00f1ales en el cielo, algunas de las cuales ni t\u00fa ni yo podemos ver."} {"gender":"female","en":"When my first novel written in English came out in America, I heard an interesting remark from a literary critic.","es":"Cuando mi primera novela escrita en ingl\u00e9s sali\u00f3 en Am\u00e9rica, escuch\u00e9 un interesante comentario de un cr\u00edtico literario."} {"gender":"male","en":"I have so many friends who need to have a second job as a plan B in order to pay for the bills, except that plan B sometimes becomes their plan A. And it's not just my friends and I who experience this.","es":"Tengo muchos amigos que necesitan un segundo empleo, un plan B para cubrir sus gastos, pero a veces ese plan B se convierte en plan A. Y no nos pasa solo a mis amigos y a m\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"As soon as it's buried in a chart, it feels like some kind of objective science, and it's not.","es":"Cuando se pone en una gr\u00e1fica se siente como ciencia objetiva, y no lo es."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is actually a heart valve that we've engineered, and you can see here, we have the structure of the heart valve and we've seeded that with cells, and then we exercise it.","es":"Esta es una v\u00e1lvula card\u00edaca que hemos dise\u00f1ado. Y como pueden ver aqu\u00ed, tenemos la estructura de la v\u00e1lvula card\u00edaca y hemos sembrado c\u00e9lulas en ella y luego la ejercitamos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And in this case, next to these women stood men who wanted to see them succeed.","es":"Y en este caso, con estas mujeres hab\u00edan hombres que quer\u00edan ver como lo lograban."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the parallels between the events of 539 BC and 2003 and in between are startling.","es":"La similitud entre los sucesos del 539 a.C. y el 2003, y lo intermedio, es sorprendente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Its purpose is to be a serious knowledge engine that computes answers to questions.","es":"Su prop\u00f3sito es ser un motor de b\u00fasqueda de conocimiento realmente serio que compute las respuestas a preguntas."} {"gender":"male","en":"You know what I'm saying.","es":"Saben de lo que estoy hablando."} {"gender":"male","en":"To my surprise, eliminating net CO2 emissions from the economy in just 20 years is actually pretty easy and pretty cheap, not very cheap, but certainly less than the cost of a collapsing civilization.","es":"Para mi sorpresa, eliminar las emisiones netas de CO2 de la econom\u00eda en s\u00f3lo 20 a\u00f1os es bastante simple y barato, no tan barato, pero sin dudas m\u00e1s barato que el costo de una civilizaci\u00f3n en declive."} {"gender":"female","en":"Chuck had no idea where in the history of this car it had been stolen.","es":"Chuck no sab\u00eda que el auto hab\u00eda sido robado."} {"gender":"female","en":"And when I complained to my grandmother, a World War II veteran who worked in film for 50 years and who supported me from the age of 13, that I was terrified that if I turned down a plum assignment at ABC for a fellowship overseas, I would never ever, ever find another job, she said, \"Kiddo, I'm going to tell you two things.","es":"Y cuando me fui a quejar con mi abuela, una veterana de la Segunda Guerra Mundial que trabaj\u00f3 en el cine por 50 a\u00f1os y me apoy\u00f3 desde los 13 a\u00f1os, de que estaba aterrorizada porque si rechazaba un trabajo muy bueno en ABC por una beca en el exterior, nunca, nunca, conseguir\u00eda otro trabajo, me dijo, \"Ni\u00f1a, te voy a contar dos cosas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Aren't we all looking for recognition in our jobs?","es":"\u00bfNo buscamos todos reconocimiento en nuestros puestos de trabajo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"So I have two possible strategies at this point I'm sort of figuring out. One, I can take my grandmother's advice and sort of least-expect my way into maybe bumping into the one out of 35 possible men in the entire 1.5-million-person city of Philadelphia, or I could try online dating.","es":"As\u00ed que, en este punto, ten\u00eda dos posibles estrategias que estaba ideando: Uno, puedo seguir el consejo de mi abuela y esperar lo menos esperado hasta encontrarme con uno de esos 35 hombres de entre los 1.5 millones de personas en Filadelfia, o podr\u00eda probar las citas por Internet."} {"gender":"female","en":"As the shape of the built environment changed, so the lifestyles and sense of belonging of the communities also started changing.","es":"Conforme la forma del entorno construido iba cambiando, lo hac\u00eda el estilo de vida y el sentido de pertenencia de las comunidades que tambi\u00e9n empezaron a cambiar."} {"gender":"male","en":"RF: Gardening is the most therapeutic and defiant act you can do.","es":"La jardiner\u00eda es el acto m\u00e1s terap\u00e9utico y desafiante que puedes hacer."} {"gender":"male","en":"You're climbing on little dimples and nubbins in the rock.","es":"Escalas sobre peque\u00f1os hoyuelos y protuberancias de la roca."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You're underneath it, looking up into the lens of the camera obscura.","es":"Est\u00e1n debajo de \u00e9ste, viendo dentro del lente de la c\u00e1mara oscura."} {"gender":"male","en":"So let's watch the next clip.","es":"As\u00ed que miremos el siguiente videoclip."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then tunneling machines currently tunnel for half the time, then they stop, and then the rest of the time is putting in reinforcements for the tunnel wall.","es":"Adem\u00e1s, las tuneladoras actuales trabajan la mitad del tiempo y paran, y el resto del tiempo se pierde en colocar refuerzos para las paredes del t\u00fanel."} {"gender":"female","en":"So when you're up there on that future High Line of Philadelphia, surrounded by this wildness, surrounded by this diversity, this abundance, this vibrance, you can look over the side and you can see a local playground for a local school, and that's what it looks like.","es":"As\u00ed que cuando est\u00e9s ah\u00ed arriba en ese futuro High Line<\/i> de Filadelfia, rodeado de la naturaleza salvaje, rodeado de esta diversidad, esta abundancia, esta vitalidad, puedes mirar a un lado y ver un parque local para una escuela local y as\u00ed se ve."} {"gender":"female","en":"SM: So what made you be straight?","es":"SM: \u00bfY qu\u00e9 te hizo ser heterosexual?"} {"gender":"female","en":"She grew up partly in Colima, Mexico, and partly in Yakima, Washington.","es":"Ella creci\u00f3, en parte en Colima, M\u00e9xico, y en parte, en Yakima, Washington."} {"gender":"male","en":"You see, he has established the largest retail chain, called Big Bazaar. And there are more than 200 formats, across 50 cities and towns of India.","es":"\u00c9l fund\u00f3 la mayor cadena de tiendas minoristas, el \"Big Bazaar\", y hoy existen m\u00e1s de 200 formatos en 50 ciudades y pueblos de la India."} {"gender":"female","en":"It was smoky, it was hot, and all of a sudden, there was an explosion, and Skip and I were blown backwards, my mask was knocked sideways, and there was this moment of confusion.","es":"Lleno de humo, caliente, y, de repente, hubo una explosi\u00f3n, que nos avent\u00f3 a Skip y a m\u00ed hacia atr\u00e1s, mi m\u00e1scara cay\u00f3 a un lado, y hubo un momento de confusi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, they're already starting talk about this.","es":"Bueno, ya est\u00e1n comenzando a hablar de esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"The tracker I was with grew up in Kruger National Park.","es":"El gu\u00eda con que estaba hab\u00eda crecido en el Parque Nacional Kruger."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Trial or no trial, these claims are front and center on their label right next to a picture of a brain.","es":"Con o sin ensayo, estas declaraciones est\u00e1n delante y centrada en la etiqueta, al lado de la foto de un cerebro."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's happening during our lifetimes.","es":"Y todo eso est\u00e1 sucediendo durante nuestra existencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"All right, I like the people doing both.","es":"Muy bien, me gustan los que hacen las dos."} {"gender":"female","en":"I've been following this change for quite a while now, and participating in it.","es":"Yo he estado siguiendo este cambio por alg\u00fan tiempo, y participando en \u00e9l."} {"gender":"male","en":"There are also real business benefits.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n hay beneficios reales de negocio."} {"gender":"female","en":"That's why I said the debate has to get more sophisticated.","es":"Por eso he dicho que el debate ha de ser m\u00e1s sofisticado."} {"gender":"male","en":"I had to use a very small aperture to get the depth of field.","es":"Tuve que usar una apertura muy peque\u00f1a para obtener la profundidad de campo."} {"gender":"female","en":"But as an architect, I'm going to suggest that you take a walk with your neighbor, share a meal together, and call me in 20 years.","es":"Pero como arquitecta, les voy a sugerir que hagan una caminata con su vecino, que compartan una comida juntos, y que me llamen en 20 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So think of it this way: think of it as inoculating children against ignorance.","es":"As\u00ed que pensemos de esta manera: pensemos como si estuvi\u00e9ramos vacunando ni\u00f1os contra la ignorancia."} {"gender":"female","en":"There's a lot of power that users don't have to control how this data is used.","es":"Los usuarios no tienen demasiado poder para controlar el uso de estos datos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And when you petition the Supreme Court, you have to present a question that you want the Court to answer.","es":"Y si uno recurre a la Corte Suprema, tiene que plantear una pregunta que quiere que la Corte responda."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I'm going to talk to you about how to process it, and I'm going to give you some examples out of Iran, and you're going to be wondering, \"Why should we listen to this guy?","es":"Entonces yo les voy a hablar acerca de como procesarla, y les voy a dar algunos ejemplos de Ir\u00e1n, y ustedes deben de estar pensando, \"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 debemos escuchar a este tipo?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And under the scanning electron microscope, you can see the surface there, really quite different from the other surfaces we looked at.","es":"Bajo el microscopio electr\u00f3nico se ve esa superficie, bien distinta de las otras que hemos visto."} {"gender":"male","en":"From there with all the skills and knowledge from paragliding and all the different disciplines in skydiving, I went on to BASE jumping.","es":"De ah\u00ed, con la t\u00e9cnica y lo que hab\u00eda aprendido con el parapente y las distintas disciplinas del paracaidismo, pas\u00e9 al salto base."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you very much indeed.","es":"De verdad, muchas gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"They were compared to animals, sexually repressed beasts.","es":"Se los compar\u00f3 con animales, bestias sexuales reprimidas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So there's this continuous cycle of innovation that is necessary in order to sustain growth and avoid collapse.","es":"Esta serie continua de innovaciones es necesaria a fin de sostener el crecimiento y evitar el colapso."} {"gender":"male","en":"And they've been putting together companies like Synthetic Genomics, like, a Cambria, like Codon, and what those companies are trying to do is to think of, how do you apply biological principles to avoid brute force?","es":"Y han estado creando empresas como Synthetic Genomics, como aCambria, como Codon, y lo que estas empresas est\u00e1n tratando de resolver es, \u00bfc\u00f3mo aplicas principios biol\u00f3gicos para evitar la aplicaci\u00f3n de fuerza bruta?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And so, what's interesting about new power, is the way it feeds on itself.","es":"Y lo interesante del nuevo poder es como se autoalimenta."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you dry them quick, you can make, like, elephants and steers and stuff, and my wife didn't like these, because they mold, so I had to stop that.","es":"Si las secas r\u00e1pido puedes hacer cosas como elefantes, novillos y otras cosas, y a mi esposa no le gustaron porque produc\u00edan moho, por lo que tuve que dejar de hacerlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It turns out, you actually can't govern unless you bring on board the center.","es":"Resulta que en realidad, no se puede gobernar a menos que est\u00e9s en el centro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Bill Gates has made the point, \"I don't understand why people aren't more concerned.\"","es":"Bill Gates ha se\u00f1alado: \"No entiendo por qu\u00e9 la gente no est\u00e1 m\u00e1s preocupada\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"We didn't have a group of epidemiologists ready to go, who would have gone, seen what the disease was, seen how far it had spread.","es":"No hab\u00eda equipos de epidemi\u00f3logos listos a viajar, que hubiesen ido, para ver qu\u00e9 cosa era esa enfermedad y qu\u00e9 tanto se hab\u00eda expandido."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, Rco is not a cooperative now.","es":"Rco no es una cooperativa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But we're going to focus on the region labeled red here, and it's the interface between the dynamic scaffolding and the chromosomes.","es":"Pero nos vamos a centrar en esta regi\u00f3n roja -que he marcado de rojo aqu\u00ed- que es la interfaz entre el andamiaje din\u00e1mico y los cromosomas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Similarly, in the Arab world, there was what the great Arab historian Albert Hourani defines as the Liberal Age.","es":"De manera similar, en el mundo \u00e1rabe, hab\u00eda lo que el gran historiador \u00e1rabe, Albert Hourani, define como Era Liberal."} {"gender":"female","en":"So wouldn't it be better if we could really tell, if the surgeon could really tell, whether or not there's still cancer on the surgical field?","es":"As\u00ed que, \u00bfno ser\u00eda mejor si pudi\u00e9ramos realmente decir, si el cirujano pudiera realmente decir, si a\u00fan hay o no c\u00e1ncer en el campo quir\u00fargico?"} {"gender":"female","en":"But I'm getting ahead of myself.","es":"Pero me estoy adelantando."} {"gender":"female","en":"Those in small businesses can't get the capital they need to expand and those in microbusiness can't grow out of them.","es":"Aquellas en peque\u00f1os negocios no pueden conseguir el capital que necesitan para expandirse y aquellas en microemprendimientos no pueden salir de ellos."} {"gender":"male","en":"But very often I would just be met with these passing ignorant remarks.","es":"Pero muy frecuente me encontraba con estos comentarios ignorantes."} {"gender":"male","en":"My name's Willie Brown.\"","es":"Mi nombre es Willie Brown.\u201d"} {"gender":"male","en":"And you know, there you had this little sign, I put this little sign outside the door every morning that read, \"Please tidy room.\"","es":"Y ah\u00ed ten\u00edan este peque\u00f1o cartel todos los d\u00edas pon\u00eda esta ficha afuera de la puerta que le\u00eda: Y ah\u00ed ten\u00edan este peque\u00f1o cartel todos los d\u00edas pon\u00eda esta ficha afuera de la puerta que le\u00eda: \"Por favor ordenar la pieza\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"She was wearing this silver ring that had the word \"love\" engraved on it, and she'd found it in the road somewhere.","es":"Ella llevaba un anillo de plata con la palabra \"amor\" grabada, lo hab\u00eda encontrado en un lugar del camino."} {"gender":"male","en":"Woman 3: This one.","es":"Mujer 3: Este."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He does work on the ideology and values and morals of different people to see how they differ.","es":"\u00c9l trabaja sobre ideolog\u00eda, valores y moral de la gente diferente para ver en qu\u00e9 se diferencian."} {"gender":"male","en":"So they looked into the origami community, we got in touch with them, and I started working with them.","es":"Buscaron dentro de la comunidad de origamistas, nos pusimos en contacto con ellos y empec\u00e9 a trabajar con ellos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I say that for a very important reason.","es":"Lo digo por una raz\u00f3n muy importante."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The other thing we saw is the amount of money doesn't matter much.","es":"Y la otra cosa que vimos es que la cantidad de dinero no importa tanto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Because to have compassion for people that you love and identify with is not extraordinary.","es":"Porque sentir compasi\u00f3n por la gente que te gusta y con los que te identificas no es extraordinario."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so you tour France with them, and then you get home and you invite them over for dinner, and what do you find?","es":"Por tanto, te vas de tour con ellos por Francia, y regresas a casa y los invitas a cenar, y \u00bfqu\u00e9 es lo que encuentras?"} {"gender":"male","en":"It's, of course, limited by science, by technology.","es":"Est\u00e1, por supuesto, limitado por la ciencia, por la tecnolog\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This also is an unusual client.","es":"Este tambi\u00e9n es un cliente poco habitual."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, what the world needs now is a new type of sign.","es":"As\u00ed que lo que necesita el mundo ahora es un nuevo tipo de se\u00f1al."} {"gender":"male","en":"I worry because all around me, even within my extended family, I see religion being manipulated.","es":"Me preocupa porque alrededor m\u00edo, a\u00fan en mi familia lejana, veo que la religi\u00f3n est\u00e1 siendo manipulada."} {"gender":"female","en":"It allows us to see the impact that attention may have on our perception.","es":"Nos permite ver el impacto que puede tener la atenci\u00f3n en la percepci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"So the robot, We have some spin-off projects where we would like to use the robots to do search and rescue inspection, so this robot is now seeing you.","es":"Se desprenden algunos proyectos en los que quisi\u00e9ramos usar robots para inspecci\u00f3n de b\u00fasqueda y rescate, por eso este robot ahora los est\u00e1 viendo."} {"gender":"female","en":"What remains is a cancer cell with no special defenses.","es":"Lo que queda es una c\u00e9lula de c\u00e1ncer sin defensas especiales."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then the final part of sprawl that everyone forgot to count: if you're going to separate everything from everything else and reconnect it only with automotive infrastructure, then this is what your landscape begins to look like.","es":"La parte final de la expansi\u00f3n que todos olvidan mencionar: si vas a aislar todo de todo lo dem\u00e1s y lo vas a reconectar mediante infraestructura automovil\u00edstica, as\u00ed lucir\u00e1 tu paisaje."} {"gender":"male","en":"When you want the taste that won't weigh you down, the only way to go is up.","es":"Cuando te apetece un sabor ligero, s\u00f3lo se puede ir hacia arriba."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you guys for the support.","es":"Gracias por el apoyo."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I tried to explain to her, \u201cLook, this is going to save you a lot of money, and it's going to give you even better light than what you're using now with the kerosene.\u201d","es":"Pero trat\u00e9 de explicarle: \"Mira, esto te ahorrar\u00e1 mucho dinero y te dar\u00e1 una luz a\u00fan mejor que la que obtienes ahora con queros\u00e9n\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"In this case, he's wearing simple marker caps that you may recognize.","es":"En este caso, \u00e9l est\u00e1 usando unas peque\u00f1as tapas de marcadores que ustedes pueden reconocer."} {"gender":"male","en":"Less than 5,000 microbial species have been characterized as of two years ago, and so we decided to do something about it.","es":"Menos de cinco mil especies microbianas hab\u00edan sido caracterizadas hasta hace 2 a\u00f1os, as\u00ed que decidimos hacer algo al respecto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And again, that brings us back to the importance of that spring in storing up and releasing so much energy in this system.","es":"De nuevo, esto nos retrotrae a la importancia de ese resorte que almacena y libera tanta energ\u00eda en este sistema."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's a bigger win for all of us.","es":"Es una mayor victoria para todos nosotros."} {"gender":"female","en":"I made another game called \"Train.\"","es":"Hice otro llamado \"Train\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Our two strongest climbers, Todd Burleson and Pete Athans, decided to go up to try to rescue who they could even though there was a ferocious storm going.","es":"Nuestros 2 escaladores m\u00e1s fuertes, Todd Burleson y Pete Athans, decidieron subir y tratar de rescatar a los que pudieran incluso con esa fuerte tormenta."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let him go chase his own antelope.\"","es":"\u00a1Qu\u00e9 se cace \u00e9l su propio ant\u00edlope!\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I had no idea I would have a Ph.D. And so I realized that I had a responsibility to more than just me, and that I was going to have to change.","es":"No ten\u00eda idea de que tendr\u00eda un doctorado. Y as\u00ed me di cuenta de que ten\u00eda una responsabilidad hacia algo m\u00e1s que s\u00f3lo yo, y que iba a tener que cambiar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So what are we going to do about this? What are we doing about this?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 hacer al respecto? \u00bfQu\u00e9 estamos haciendo al respecto?"} {"gender":"male","en":"It has a second meaning, which is to send money as airtime.","es":"Tiene adem\u00e1s otro significado, el de enviar dinero para cargar saldo."} {"gender":"female","en":"They will take barrier objects and put them between themselves and the person that is interviewing them.","es":"Toman objetos como barreras y los colocan entre ellos y la persona que los interroga."} {"gender":"male","en":"No MAS!","es":"\u00a1No MAS SAI<\/i>!"} {"gender":"female","en":"So once I went through this strange phase of anger and pain and confusion, I remember booking an appointment with my therapist.","es":"Tras pasar por esa nueva etapa de enojo, dolor y confusi\u00f3n, recuerdo que saqu\u00e9 turno con mi terapeuta."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But that's not always the case.","es":"Pero no es siempre el caso."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, I observed that America was fracturing into two distinct societies: a republic of dreams and a republic of fears.","es":"De hecho, not\u00e9 que EE.UU. se estaba fragmentando en 2 sociedades distintas: una rep\u00fablica de los sue\u00f1os y una rep\u00fablica de los temores."} {"gender":"male","en":"That was really the only question he had.","es":"Esa fue la \u00fanica pregunta que me hizo."} {"gender":"female","en":"E: SW: Yeah, it sure can.","es":"E: SW: Sin duda."} {"gender":"male","en":"What we seem to be asking over and over is can we build a human-like computer?","es":"Parece que nos preguntamos sin cesar: \u00bfPodemos crear una m\u00e1quina semejante a un humano?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It breaks every organizational boundary we can think of.","es":"Rompe todas las barreras organizacionales que podamos imaginar."} {"gender":"female","en":"And in order to explain interaction, we need to really bring people in and make them realize how interaction is part of their lives.","es":"Y para explicar la interacci\u00f3n, necesitamos traer gente y hacer que se den cuenta de que la interacci\u00f3n es parte de sus vidas."} {"gender":"male","en":"She gave us that talk to remind us that some people in the world would interpret us as misbehaving just by being black.","es":"El discurso que nos daba era para recordarnos que algunas personas en el mundo juzgaban nuestro mal comportamiento solo porque \u00e9ramos negros."} {"gender":"female","en":"And we'll place an acoustic tag that says, \"OMSHARK 10165,\" or something like that, acoustically with a ping.","es":"Y le pondremos una etiqueta ac\u00fastica que dice: \"OMSHARK 10165\", o algo as\u00ed, con un sonido."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"EDI: Robot.","es":"EDI: Robot."} {"gender":"female","en":"Not only have I tried four times, but the greatest swimmers in the world have been trying since 1950, and it's still never been done.","es":"No solo lo he intentado 4 veces, sino que los m\u00e1s grandes nadadores del mundo lo han estado intentando desde 1950, y todav\u00eda no lo han logrado."} {"gender":"male","en":"He's putting a contemporary spin on the miniature tradition.","es":"Le ha dado un giro contempor\u00e1neo a la tradici\u00f3n de las miniaturas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"INCRA would make a difference to the current system by adding another nonprofit player to the mix.","es":"INCRA har\u00eda una diferencia al sistema actual al sumar otro jugador sin fines de lucro a la mezcla."} {"gender":"male","en":"Do they change their appearance? 15. Do they kill, torture, mutilate? 13. If they don't change their appearance, only one of eight kills, tortures or mutilates.","es":"\u00bfCambian su apariencia? 15 \u00bfMatan, torturan, mutilan? 13 Si no cambian su apariencia s\u00f3lo uno de ocho mata, tortura o mutila."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We need to bring health and food and education and respect for all God's citizens, all God's children, remembering mama eternal.","es":"Necesitamos traer salud, alimentos, educaci\u00f3n y respeto por todos los ciudadanos de Dios, todos los ni\u00f1os de Dios, recordando a la madre eterna."} {"gender":"male","en":"But luckily, the doctors who were taking care of her immediately called our distribution center, they placed an emergency order, and our team actually did emergency delivery after emergency delivery after emergency delivery.","es":"Pero afortunadamente, los m\u00e9dicos que la cuidaban llamaron de inmediato a nuestro centro de distribuci\u00f3n, emitiendo un pedido de emergencia, y nuestro equipo hizo entrega de emergencia tras entrega de emergencia, tras entrega de emergencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"But now we can see things such as these Christmas tree worms pulling in and fanning out in a way that the eye just can't capture, or in this case, a fish throwing up grains of sand.","es":"Pero ahora podemos ver cosas como estos gusanos \u00e1rbol de navidad contraer y estirar de una manera que el ojo puede captar o, en este caso, un pez que lanza granos de arena."} {"gender":"male","en":"He's almost like the Banksy of the Internet.","es":"Es algo as\u00ed como el Banksy de Internet."} {"gender":"male","en":"That was a mistake.","es":"Eso fue un error."} {"gender":"male","en":"And he was looking at me. It's like, Yeah, I don't know if you noticed, but I'm the guy out in the parking lot recreating one of America's finest moments with fire extinguishers.","es":"\u00c9l me miraba y yo pensaba: creo que no te has dado dado cuenta, pero soy el chico en el estacionamiento recreando uno de los momentos m\u00e1s importantes de los Estados Unidos con extinguidores para incendios."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we've grown our economies so much that we now stand in a real danger of undermining hope, running down resources, cutting down rainforests, spilling oil into the Gulf of Mexico, changing the climate, and the only thing that has actually remotely slowed down the relentless rise of carbon emissions over the last two to three decades is recession.","es":"Y hemos hecho crecer tanto a nuestras econom\u00edas que ahora estamos en aut\u00e9ntico peligro de socavar la esperanza acab\u00e1ndonos los recursos, talando selvas tropicales, derramando petr\u00f3leo en el Golfo de M\u00e9xico, alterando el clima y el \u00fanico factor que remotamente de verdad ha reducido el inexorable incremento de emisiones de carbono durante las \u00faltimas dos a tres d\u00e9cadas es la recesi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"You've seen them all around, especially these days as radars are cheaper.","es":"Los vemos por todos lados, en especial ahora que los radares son m\u00e1s baratos."} {"gender":"male","en":"But in the meanwhile, there is a method available.","es":"Mientras tanto hay un m\u00e9todo disponible."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was important to erase the identity of each of these figures, to make them all look the same and easier to disregard.","es":"Era importante borrar la identidad de cada una de estas estatuas, para hacer que todas se parezcan y sean m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil de pasar por alto."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, when I die, my wife's risk of death can double, for instance, in the first year.","es":"As\u00ed, si yo muero el riesgo de muerte de mi esposa puede duplicarse por ejemplo, en el primer a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What we have seen, when we go swarm hunting in the villages, is that these swarm locations tend to be at exactly the same location every day, every week, every month, year in, year out.","es":"Lo que hemos visto, cuando vamos a cazar pantanos en los pueblos, es que estas ubicaciones pantanosas tienden a estar exactamente en el mismo lugar todos los d\u00edas, todas las semanas, todos los meses, a\u00f1o tras a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"The narrator's only appeased when he draws a box.","es":"El narrador s\u00f3lo queda satisfecho cuando dibuja una caja."} {"gender":"female","en":"People around the world, in a study of 37 societies, want to be in love with the person that they marry.","es":"La gente alrededor del mundo, en un estudio de 37 sociedades quiere estar enamorada de la persona con la que se casan."} {"gender":"female","en":"He got sick on a Friday.","es":"Se enferm\u00f3 un viernes."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now I say this all with remorse, and I was feeling a tremendous amount of remorse at that time, but I was conflicted, because, while I was feeling remorse, I was excited, because I didn't get caught. But I knew I felt bad about what was happening.","es":"Ahora digo esto con remordimiento, y sent\u00eda un tremendo remordimiento en ese momento, pero estaba en conflicto porque, aunque sent\u00eda remordimiento, me emocion\u00e9 porque no me descubrieron; pero sab\u00eda que me sent\u00eda mal por lo sucedido."} {"gender":"male","en":"I go to JPL.","es":"Voy a JPL."} {"gender":"female","en":"They translated from Latin and Greek into Arabic, into Persian, and then it was translated on into the Germanic languages of Europe and the Romance languages.","es":"Traduc\u00edan del lat\u00edn y el griego al \u00e1rabe y al farsi, y de esas a las lenguas germ\u00e1nicas y romances de Europa."} {"gender":"male","en":"These stereotypes and biases have real-world consequences, both subtle and very important.","es":"Estos estereotipos y sesgos tienen consecuencias en el mundo real, son sutiles y muy importantes."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, they are starting to behave like the device that neurons use to compute, which is called an ion channel.","es":"De hecho, est\u00e1n empezando a comportarse como el dispositivo que utilizan las neuronas para calcular. que se llama canal de iones."} {"gender":"male","en":"Add in the increased vulnerability of very large numbers of people in the developing world, caused by civil wars, ethnic conflicts, kleptocratic governments, disease you name it, you know it.","es":"Aumenta la cantidad de personas vulnerables en los pa\u00edses en desarrollo, por guerras civ\u00edles, conflictos \u00e9tnicos, gobiernos corruptos, enfermedades, ya saben."} {"gender":"female","en":"But I also mean good as in motivated to do something that matters, inspired to collaborate and to cooperate.","es":"Pero tambi\u00e9n quiero decir bueno en t\u00e9rminos de motivaci\u00f3n para hacer algo importante que inspire a colaborar y cooperar."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then we did one more of these. This is, again, for a magazine, dividing pages. This is: \"Having\", this is the same thing; it's just, you know, photographed from the side. This is from the front. Then it's: \"guts.\" Again, it's the same thing, \"guts\" is just the same room, reworked. Then it's: \"always works out.\"","es":"Y luego hicimos una m\u00e1s de \u00e9stas De nuevo para una revista, p\u00e1ginas separadoras Esta es : TENER esto, es lo mismo, solo, bueno, lo fotografiamos desde el costado \u00c9sta desde el frente y es: AGALLAS De nuevo, es la misma cosa, \"AGALLAS\", solo que vuelto a hacer en el mismo lugar y luego: SIEMPRE FUNCIONA y luego \"PARA\" con la luz encendida y este soy \"MI\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And that includes things like ice cream, cookies","es":"Esto incluye cosas como helado, galletas"} {"gender":"male","en":"This is good because over the past five years, there have been times when I've felt this is \"Mission: Impossible.\"","es":"Esto es bueno, saben, durante los pasados cinco a\u00f1os ha habido ocasiones en que sent\u00eda que esto era \"Misi\u00f3n Imposible.\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It had been presumed before.","es":"Antes se supon\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The pieces appear and disappear, but maybe more importantly, this is just looking north from the center of the installation, they create a field, a field that involves living and the surrogate bodies in a kind of relation, a relation with each other and a relation with that limit, the edge, the horizon.","es":"Las piezas aparecen y desaparecen, pero quiz\u00e1s lo m\u00e1s importante \u2014esto es mirando al norte desde el centro de la instalaci\u00f3n\u2014 es que crean un campo, un campo que establece una especie de relaci\u00f3n entre la vida y los cuerpos subrogados, una relaci\u00f3n entre s\u00ed y una relaci\u00f3n con ese l\u00edmite, el borde, el horizonte."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that we will, Here, Baxter, it's good.","es":"Y que Aqu\u00ed Baxter. Bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"How did we get this far without understanding what we're dealing with?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo hemos llegado tan lejos sin entender a qu\u00e9 nos enfrentamos?"} {"gender":"female","en":"So we wanted to develop an interface like this in the Bahamas, but in a more natural setting.","es":"As\u00ed que quisimos desarrollar una interfaz como esta en las Bahamas, pero en un entorno m\u00e1s natural."} {"gender":"male","en":"And keep going, until the subject presses the button, saying, \"I see the change.\" So now we're going to be subjects in the experiment.","es":"Y as\u00ed sigue hasta que el sujeto presiona el bot\u00f3n diciendo \"Veo el cambio\" Y ahora seremos los sujetos del experimento."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to start with some simple kind of notions of how we organize things.","es":"Voy a empezar con simples nociones de c\u00f3mo organizamos las cosas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"High performers have moved on from professional or from administrative forms of accountability and control, sort of, how do you check whether people do what they're supposed to do in education, to professional forms of work organization.","es":"Los pa\u00edses con altos desempe\u00f1os han pasado de formas administrativas de rendir cuentas y controlar \u2014cosas como, c\u00f3mo comprobar si las personas hacen lo que se supone que deben hacer en educaci\u00f3n\u2014 a formas profesionales de organizaci\u00f3n del trabajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"These are just some of the households that we've done in the Intel studies.","es":"Estos son s\u00f3lo algunos de estos hogares en los que hemos trabajado."} {"gender":"male","en":"He found telemarketing work, then he became an Olive Garden waiter, because where better to get over his fear of white people than the Olive Garden?","es":"Encontr\u00f3 trabajo de telemarketing, luego fue camarero en Olive Garden, porque \u00bfqu\u00e9 mejor lugar para superar el miedo de los blancos que Olive Garden?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, that's roughly the size of South America and Africa combined.","es":"Bueno, es aproximadamente el tama\u00f1o de Sudam\u00e9rica y \u00c1frica juntos."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's right here.","es":"Est\u00e1 aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Something that would look like this.","es":"Algo que se ver\u00eda as\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, let me finish.","es":"Bien, perm\u00edtanme terminar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Why do they market to us if we can't buy them?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 nos los mercadean si no los podemos comprar?"} {"gender":"female","en":"She sat down, and Noor rubbed her feet, saying that he was going to take care of her once he graduated.","es":"Se sent\u00f3 y Noor le masaje\u00f3 los pies, y dec\u00eda que la cuidar\u00eda despu\u00e9s de graduarse."} {"gender":"male","en":"But eventually, if you say were to fast-forward to say 15 years from now, it will be unusual to have a roof that does not have solar.","es":"Pero a la larga, si avanz\u00e1semos r\u00e1pidamente hasta dentro de 15 a\u00f1os, no ser\u00e1 habitual tener un tejado que no sea solar."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, this machine does nothing but just bathe itself in oil.","es":"Esta m\u00e1quina no hace nada sino ba\u00f1arse a s\u00ed misma en aceite."} {"gender":"female","en":"I've been fascinated for a lifetime by the beauty, form and function of giant bluefin tuna.","es":"Toda la vida me fascin\u00f3 la belleza, la forma y la funci\u00f3n del at\u00fan rojo gigante."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Number 12: If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?","es":"N\u00famero 12: Si pudieras despertar ma\u00f1ana con una cualidad o habilidad, \u00bfcu\u00e1l ser\u00eda?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And what she did was she compared the brain function of two groups of people, those interacting live with her or with one of her research associates in a dynamic conversation, and she compared that to the brain activity of people who were watching her talk about the same subject but in a canned video, like on YouTube.","es":"Y lo que hizo fue comparar la funci\u00f3n cerebral de dos grupos de personas, aquellos que interact\u00faan en la vida de ella o con uno de sus asociados de investigaci\u00f3n en una conversaci\u00f3n din\u00e1mica, y compar\u00f3 eso con la actividad cerebral de las personas que la miraban hablar del mismo tema pero en un video enlatado, como en YouTube."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'd like to speak about technology trends, which is something that many of you follow, but we also follow, for related reasons.","es":"Quisiera hablar sobre tendencias tecnol\u00f3gicas, que es algo que muchos de Uds. siguen, y que tambi\u00e9n nosotros seguimos, por razones relacionadas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So here's a comparison of several of these new vaccine technologies.","es":"Aqu\u00ed tienen una comparaci\u00f3n de varias de estas tecnolog\u00edas de nuevas vacunas."} {"gender":"female","en":"I had a degree from Cambridge; I had a thriving career, but my self was a car crash, and I wound up with bulimia and on a therapist's couch.","es":"Obtuve mi t\u00edtulo de grado de Cambridge; logr\u00e9 una carrera pr\u00f3spera, pero mi s\u00ed mismo estaba a los golpes, y acab\u00e9 padeciendo bulimia y en el div\u00e1n de un terapeuta."} {"gender":"female","en":"Many stayed for months, even through the cholera epidemic.","es":"Muchos se quedaron durante meses, incluso durante la epidemia de c\u00f3lera."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And sound places us in time as well, because sound always has time embedded in it.","es":"Y el sonido tambi\u00e9n nos ubica en el tiempo, porque en el sonido siempre hay tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I'll tell you, here today, that I'm committed to seeing this project done, to see if, within this decade, we can finally hold in our hands the rule for our universe and know where our universe lies in the space of all possible universes and be able to type into Wolfram Alpha, \"the theory of the universe,\" and have it tell us. So I've been working on the idea of computation now for more than 30 years, building tools and methods and turning intellectual ideas into millions of lines of code and grist for server farms and so on.","es":"Pero les digo aqu\u00ed ahora que me comprometo a ver este proyecto realizado, para ver, si, dentro de esta d\u00e9cada, podemos finalmente tener en nuestras manos la regla de nuestro universo y saber d\u00f3nde yace nuestro universo en el espacio de todos los universos posibles y podremos escribir en Wolfram Alpha \"Teor\u00eda del universo\", y que nos la cuente. Pues llevo trabajando en la idea de la computaci\u00f3n durante m\u00e1s de 30 a\u00f1os, creando herramientas y m\u00e9todos y transformando ideas intelectuales en millones de l\u00edneas de c\u00f3digo y alimento para granjas de servidores y dem\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"The national army has shrunk.","es":"El ej\u00e9rcito nacional ha disminuido."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was an invisible life heading for a nameless grave.","es":"Una vida invisible hacia una tumba sin nombre."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you didn't quite get the GCSE results that you were hoping for, then you can always try blaming your parents, or at least their genes.","es":"Si no lograron los resultados de secundaria esperados, siempre se puede intentar culpar a los padres o, al menos, a los genes."} {"gender":"male","en":"Jane might not feel that happy about all that data being processed into the cloud.","es":"Jane puede que no se sienta c\u00f3moda con todos sus datos procesados en la nube."} {"gender":"male","en":"If we seek truth, we shall find beauty.\"","es":"Si buscamos la verdad encontraremos la belleza\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"There are approximately a hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.","es":"Hay unas cien mil millones de galaxias en el Universo observable."} {"gender":"male","en":"It would take me a month to shoot a four-minute roll of film, because that's all I could afford.","es":"Me tomar\u00eda un mes fotografiar un rollo de pel\u00edcula de cuatro minutos porque eso era todo lo que pod\u00eda permitirme."} {"gender":"male","en":"My daughters pointed out that I'm very similar looking, so this is a bit of a problem.","es":"Mis hijas me comentaron que yo soy muy parecido, as\u00ed que esto es un peque\u00f1o problema."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We would want money to pay rent or buy clothes.","es":"Necesitar\u00edamos dinero para pagar el alquiler o comprar ropa."} {"gender":"male","en":"My question is: How many of those stories are actually going to matter in the long run?","es":"Mi pregunta es: \u00bfCu\u00e1ntas de estas noticias en realidad van a importar a largo plazo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"McKinsey came along and looked at his model and said, \"You know what you should do with this, Madhav?","es":"McKinsey se present\u00f3 y mir\u00f3 su modelo y dijo: \"\u00bfSabes lo que debe hacer con esto Madhav?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And only if your per capita income is above 6,000 dollars a year will you have democracy come hell or high water.","es":"Y solo si el ingreso per c\u00e1pita est\u00e1 arriba de los USD 6000 al a\u00f1o habr\u00e1 democracia a como d\u00e9 lugar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"All of our normal social interactions become a kind of invitation to this sort of collective expression.","es":"Todas nuestras interacciones sociales normales se vuelven una suerte de invitaci\u00f3n a este tipo de expresi\u00f3n colectiva."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What you see here, the blue areas are about a thousandth of a degree cooler than the red areas.","es":"Lo ven aqu\u00ed; las zonas azules son una mil\u00e9sima de grado m\u00e1s fr\u00edas que las zonas rojas."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a problem everywhere, and here, you simply burn it.","es":"Es un problema en todos lados. Y aqu\u00ed sencillamente lo queman."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is an opportunity.","es":"\u00c9sta es una oportunidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"In study five, if you see people rebel, 90 percent rebel.","es":"En el estudio 5, si ven que la gente se rebela, el 90% se rebela."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When you actually look at opinion polls across time, there's not much evidence for that.","es":"Cuando miras las encuestas de opini\u00f3n a lo largo del tiempo, no hay muchas evidencias de ello."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And now France has become the first country to completely ban all plastic utensils, cups and plates.","es":"Francia se convirti\u00f3 en el primer pa\u00eds en prohibir completamente todos los utensilios pl\u00e1sticos, vasos y platos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And you need it in a different position when you're upright, then when you're reclined.","es":"Y t\u00fa vas a necesitarlo en una posici\u00f3n diferente cuando te sientas derecho, y entonces te reclinas."} {"gender":"male","en":"You know, hundreds of people came in begging, all my life I've been waiting for this class; I'll do anything to do it.","es":"Ya saben, cientos de personas llegaron rogando, \"toda mi vida esper\u00e9 por esta clase, har\u00e9 todo lo necesario para lograrlo\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in principle, that's a very good thing.","es":"En principio, eso es algo muy bueno."} {"gender":"male","en":"Color in the owl.","es":"Colorea el b\u00faho."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The first of these numbers is associated with the discovery that was made a few kilometers from this hall, at CERN, home of this machine, the largest scientific device ever built by the human race, the Large Hadron Collider.","es":"El primero de estos n\u00fameros se asocia con el descubrimiento que se hizo a pocos km de aqu\u00ed, en el CERN, el hogar de esta m\u00e1quina, el mayor instrumento cient\u00edfico jam\u00e1s construido por la raza humana, el gran colisionador de hadrones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"RES means research, and 360 means he was the 360th specimen over the course of about 10 years.","es":"RES significa investigaci\u00f3n, y 360 significa que \u00e9l fue el ejemplar 360 en el transcurso de 10 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"You still made your investors spectacular amounts of money.","es":"Y a\u00fan as\u00ed haces que tus inversores ganen cantidades espectaculares de dinero."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The first one being women moving into the job market, the second one being the aging world population.","es":"La primera es las mujeres entrando al mercado laboral, la segunda el envejecimiento de la poblaci\u00f3n mundial."} {"gender":"male","en":"In Switzerland, Germany, actually, on the Rhine across from Basel, we did a furniture factory and a furniture museum.","es":"En Suiza, en realidad en Alemania, sobre el Rin a trav\u00e9s de Basel, hicimos una f\u00e1brica y un museo de muebles."} {"gender":"male","en":"So since the 1940s, we've been saying there are no differences, we're all identical.","es":"As\u00ed, desde la d\u00e9cada de 1940, hemos dicho que no hay diferencias, que todos somos iguales."} {"gender":"male","en":"They gave these MIT students a bunch of games, games that involved creativity, and motor skills, and concentration.","es":"Les dieron a estos estudiantes del MIT un grupo de juegos. Juegos que involucraban creatividad, destrezas motoras, y concentraci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"But what I do have are a bunch of insights about our relationship with technology.","es":"Pero tengo un mont\u00f3n de ideas sobre nuestra relaci\u00f3n con la tecnolog\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"And Lebanon?","es":"\u00bfY el L\u00edbano?"} {"gender":"male","en":"We cannot predict the future.","es":"No podemos predecir el futuro."} {"gender":"male","en":"Somehow you found a way of creating astonishing returns over two decades.","es":"Encontraste una forma de crear rendimientos sorprendentes hace m\u00e1s de dos d\u00e9cadas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm still getting to know myself, and it's a lifelong journey, and I probably won't have all the answers, but I did learn some extraordinary things on this journey.","es":"Todav\u00eda estoy tratando de conocerme, esto es un viaje que dura toda una vida, y probablemente no tengo todas las respuestas pero aprend\u00ed unas cuantas cosas extraordinarias en este viaje."} {"gender":"male","en":"The people who come up with stuff that's remarkable more often than not figure out how to put design to work for them. Number two: The riskiest thing you can do now is be safe.","es":"Y a la gente se le ocurren cosas extraordinarias con m\u00e1s frecuencia que no, se le ocurre un modo de poner el dise\u00f1o a trabajar para ellas Segundo: Lo m\u00e1s arriesgado que pod\u00e9s hacer hoy es ser prudente."} {"gender":"female","en":"And they're also putting out beetle repellent in key areas as I saw last time I went hiking there.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n est\u00e1n esparciendo repelente de escarabajo en \u00e1reas clave como vi la \u00faltima vez que fui de excursi\u00f3n all\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"We'll just make it out of old bicycle parts using a windmill, as William Kamkwamba did.","es":"Construiremos uno con partes viejas de bicicleta usando un molino de viento, como hizo William Kamkwamba."} {"gender":"male","en":"When people were looking at 10 percent of their neighborhoods dying in the space of seven days, there was a widespread consensus that this couldn't go on, that people weren't meant to live in cities of 2.5 million people.","es":"Cuando las personas ve\u00edan al 10 porciento de sus vecinos muriendo en el transcurso de siete d\u00edas, todos estaban de acuerdo en que esto no pod\u00eda seguir as\u00ed, que la gente no hab\u00eda sido destinada a vivir en ciudades de 2.5 millones de habitantes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The third and last invention began with an idea.","es":"El tercer y \u00faltimo invento comenz\u00f3 con una idea."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was my first day as a physician, with the long white coat","es":"Era mi primer d\u00eda como m\u00e9dico, con la larga bata blanca"} {"gender":"male","en":"So about six years ago, I started thinking about this problem.","es":"As\u00ed que, hace unos seis a\u00f1os, empec\u00e9 a pensar en este problema."} {"gender":"male","en":"NR: It's not a whole lot.","es":"NR: No es mucho."} {"gender":"male","en":"The biggest difference between them is in the handling of time.","es":"La mayor diferencia entre ellos es en su tratamiento del tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was stupid of me.\"","es":"Fui muy est\u00fapida\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's also used, Arduino's used, in serious places like, you know, the Large Hadron Collider.","es":"Arduino tambi\u00e9n se usa en lugares serios como el gran colisionador de hadrones ."} {"gender":"female","en":"I want to go back to Indonesia where I was about 21, 22 years, a long time ago, on a fellowship.","es":"Quiero regresar a Indonesia, a donde fui cuando ten\u00eda 21 o 22 a\u00f1os, hace mucho tiempo, con una beca."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, the Alliance for Climate Protection, which I head in conjunction with Current TV, who did this pro bono, did a worldwide contest to do commercials on how to communicate this.","es":"Pues bien, la Alianza para la Protecci\u00f3n del Clima, que lidero junto con CurrentTV, que hizo esto de forma gratuita, organiz\u00f3 un concurso internacional de anuncios para comunicar esto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But for now, this is the only habitable planet, and this is our red spot.","es":"Pero por ahora, este es el \u00fanico planeta habitable, y este es nuestro punto rojo."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is what I came to graduate school for, and this is how I would rather spend my life.","es":"Para esto vine a la universidad y as\u00ed es como preferir\u00eda pasar mi vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"The coral reefs of the north coast of Jamaica have a few percent live coral cover and a lot of seaweed and slime.","es":"Los arrecifes de coral en el norte de Jamaica tienen poco porcentaje de coral vivo y mucha alga y fango."} {"gender":"female","en":"Also, not all antidepressants are also paravaccines. We tried Prozac as well, and that had no effect.","es":"Pero no todos los antidepresivos son tambi\u00e9n paravacunas Tambi\u00e9n probamos con Prozac y no tuvo efecto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But he likes to carry things from place to place.","es":"Pero le gusta llevar cosas de un lugar a otro."} {"gender":"male","en":"All the rest of that day, that afternoon, I had this kind of gnawing feeling inside my stomach. But I carried on with my work.","es":"El resto de ese d\u00eda, esa tarde, tuve un mal presentimiento en el est\u00f3mago, pero segu\u00ed con mi trabajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Strike moment.","es":"En guardia."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thus the title \"Silent Spring.\"","es":"De ah\u00ed, el t\u00ectulo \u201cLa Primavera Silenciosa\u201d."} {"gender":"female","en":"I found myself through music.","es":"Me encontr\u00e9 a trav\u00e9s de la m\u00fasica."} {"gender":"male","en":"But he also forgot that without consciousness, he would have no access to true happiness and even the possibility of transcendence.","es":"Pero \u00e9l tambi\u00e9n olvid\u00f3 que sin conciencia no habr\u00eda acceso a la verdadera felicidad, e incluso, a la posibilidad de trascender."} {"gender":"male","en":"Whereas Islamists and far-right organizations, for decades, have been building demand for their ideology on the grassroots.","es":"Mientras que los islamistas y las organizaciones de extrema derecha llevan d\u00e9cadas alimentando el apoyo a sus ideolog\u00edas entre las bases."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's very good.","es":"Es muy buena."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, I think this is totally obvious, but the very obviousness of it raises what is for me an incredibly profound question.","es":"Creo que es por dem\u00e1s obvio, pero la misma obviedad plantea lo que para m\u00ed es una pregunta incre\u00edblemente profunda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They followed these little shifts in your mental activity.","es":"Acompa\u00f1an esos peque\u00f1os cambios de la actividad mental."} {"gender":"female","en":"It also monitors the Internet and instructs local media on how to handle any potentially controversial issues, including Tibet, ethnic minorities, Human Rights, religion, democracy movements and terrorism.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n supervisa Internet e instruye a los medios locales sobre c\u00f3mo manejar las cuestiones potencialmente pol\u00e9micas, incluyendo el T\u00edbet, las minor\u00edas \u00e9tnicas, los derechos humanos, la religi\u00f3n, los movimientos democr\u00e1ticos y el terrorismo."} {"gender":"male","en":"We did hundreds of necropsies, and over a third had polluted plastic fragments in their stomachs.","es":"Realizamos cientos de necropsias, y un tercio tuvo en sus est\u00f3magos estos fragmentos pl\u00e1sticos t\u00f3xicos."} {"gender":"male","en":"It takes more than a decade of training to be a good dermatologist.","es":"Convertirse en un buen dermat\u00f3logo toma m\u00e1s de una d\u00e9cada de capacitaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"I have read the Twilight tetralogy. And one who lives for my home theater, a home theater where I devour DVDs, video on demand and a lot of television.","es":"Le\u00ed la tetralog\u00eda \"Twilight\" Alguien que vive para su cine en casa en el que devoro DVDs, video bajo demanda, y mucha televisi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is Motor Ritz Towers in Manhattan in the 30s, where you drove up to your front door, if you had the guts.","es":"Estas son las Motor Ritz Towers de Manhattan en los a\u00f1os 30, donde uno pod\u00eda subir conduciendo hasta su portal, si se atrev\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Not the hum, but a hum.","es":"No es \"el\" zumbido, pero es un zumbido."} {"gender":"male","en":"You want to measure it by the time it took to reach maximum body size?","es":"\u00bfQuieres medirlo por el tiempo que le tom\u00f3 alcanzar el m\u00e1ximo tama\u00f1o corporal?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They have a \"eureka!\" moment, when we suddenly understand oil in a different context.","es":"Tendremos un momento \"\u00a1eureka!\", cuando repentinamente entendamos el petr\u00f3leo en un contexto diferente."} {"gender":"female","en":"We feel regret when we think we are responsible for a decision that came out badly, but almost came out well.","es":"Sentimos remordimiento cuando pensamos que somos responsables por una decisi\u00f3n que sali\u00f3 mal, pero que casi sale bien."} {"gender":"female","en":"They're more likely to choose things that make them less satisfied, even when they do objectively better.","es":"Est\u00e1n m\u00e1s propensos a escoger cosas menos satisfactorias, aunque objetivamente les vaya mejor."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"KitKat.\"","es":"Kit Kat\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, if you could bring up the lights.","es":"Por favor, enciendan las luces."} {"gender":"female","en":"So this past spring, as I was gearing up to begin writing a biography of Muhammad, I realized I needed to read the Koran properly, as properly as I could, that is.","es":"As\u00ed que esta primavera, conforme me preparaba para comenzar a escribir una biograf\u00eda de Mahoma, me di cuenta de que necesitaba leer adecuadamente el Cor\u00e1n, quiero decir, tan adecuadamente como pudiera."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank y'all for thinking about that right now in the present moment to influence the future.","es":"Gracias a todos por pensar sobre eso justo ahora en el momento presente para influenciar el futuro."} {"gender":"male","en":"And he wasn't going to make it, and I knew that, and I was helpless.","es":"Y no iba a sobrevivir, yo lo sab\u00eda y yo no pod\u00eda hacer nada."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's a result.","es":"Eso es un resultado."} {"gender":"male","en":"So when we see E equals mc squared come along, from a poet's perspective, we see energy as physics, chemistry as mass, and all of a sudden, you get this biology.","es":"Entonces cuando vemos que E es igual a mc al cuadrado, desde una perspectiva po\u00e9tica, vemos energ\u00eda como f\u00edsica, qu\u00edmica como masa, y repentinamente, obtienen esta biolog\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"So just to take some quick examples: People text or do email during corporate board meetings.","es":"Veamos algunos ejemplos r\u00e1pidos: la gente env\u00eda SMS o correos durante reuniones corporativas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"One million.","es":"Un mill\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's what we do at the Redwood Neuroscience Institute.","es":"Y eso es lo que estamos haciendo en el Instituto Redwood Neuroscience."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I think that opportunity exists all around us.","es":"Pienso que existe una oportunidad muy cercana."} {"gender":"male","en":"There was less energy coming in than there was before, so that cooled the planet, and those red lines and those green lines, those are the differences between what we expected and what actually happened.","es":"Hab\u00eda menos energ\u00eda llegando que antes, as\u00ed que la Tierra se enfri\u00f3 y esas l\u00edneas rojas y esas l\u00edneas verdes son la diferencia entre lo que se esperaba y lo que en realidad pas\u00f3."} {"gender":"female","en":"So that's about 12 to 16 generations.","es":"En unas 12 a 16 generaciones."} {"gender":"female","en":"We reinterpreted this life cycle on the scale of our sight and took the Gowanus as a giant oyster nursery where oysters would be grown up in the Gowanus, then paraded down in their spat stage and seeded out on the Bayridge Reef.","es":"Reinterpretamos este ciclo de vida en una escala a nuestra vista y tomamos el Gowanus como un criadero gigante de ostiones donde estos crecer\u00edan para luego desfilar en su etapa de semilla para finalmente asentarse en el arrecife de Baybridge."} {"gender":"female","en":"The first one is that it liberates us.","es":"El primero es que nos libera."} {"gender":"male","en":"So the work of innovation, the work of coming up with new ideas, is some of the most powerful, most fundamental work that we can do in an economy.","es":"La innovaci\u00f3n, la creaci\u00f3n de nuevas ideas, es una de las tareas m\u00e1s poderosas y m\u00e1s fundamentales que podemos ejercer en una econom\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"And a lot of nationalism came in.","es":"Y aflor\u00f3 un mont\u00f3n de nacionalismo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Customer: Uh, let's see.","es":"Cliente: Ah, veamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"In this picture you can see there is a four-way skydive, four people flying together, and on the left hand side it's the camera flier with the camera mounted to his helmet so he can film the whole jump, for the film itself and also for the judging.","es":"En esta foto pueden ver un salto de 4 personas hay cuatro personas volando juntas, y a la izquierda est\u00e1 el paracaidista c\u00e1mara con la c\u00e1mara colocada en el caso para poder grabar todo el salto, por la grabaci\u00f3n misma y para que juzguen."} {"gender":"female","en":"On July 4, 2013, my world came crashing in on me.","es":"El 4 de julio de 2013 mi mundo se me cay\u00f3 estrepitosamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"So the first commandment I want to leave you tonight is, a city of the future has to be environmentally friendly.","es":"As\u00ed que el primer mandamiento que quiero dejaros esta noche es, que una ciudad del futuro tiene que ser ecol\u00f3gica."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, we set up a site in Mason County, Washington, and we've seen a dramatic decrease in the amount of coliforms.","es":"As\u00ed establecimos un sitio en Mason County, Washington, y vimos una gran disminuci\u00f3n en la cantidad de coliformes."} {"gender":"female","en":"But the promise of neuroscience has led to some really high expectations and some overblown, unproven claims.","es":"Pero la promesa de la neurociencia ha llevado a algunas expectativas muy grandes y a declaraciones exageradas sin fundamento."} {"gender":"female","en":"So extreme examples of resistors can be found in succulents.","es":"Ejemplos extremos los podemos encontrar en plantas suculentas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then I'd say, \"How do you know?\"","es":"Y yo dec\u00eda, \"\u00bfC\u00f3mo lo sabes?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And they give us both the ability to understand our own minds better and to extend them.","es":"Y eso nos da la capacidad de comprender mejor nuestra propia mente y de ampliarla."} {"gender":"female","en":"And that decision has to be made in the individual newsroom and with the individual news executive.","es":"Y esa decisi\u00f3n debe hacerse en la redacci\u00f3n individual y con el ejecutivo de noticias individual."} {"gender":"male","en":"When they look around, they don't see other human beings with deep, rich, three-dimensional personal lives and aims and ambitions.","es":"Cuando miran alrededor no ven a otros seres humanos con vidas profundas, ricas, tridimensionales, con objetivos y ambiciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"Italy wins. Yeah.","es":"Gana Italia, \u00a1s\u00ed!"} {"gender":"female","en":"Later that year, a friend gave me a 3D printed necklace, printed using a home printer.","es":"M\u00e1s tarde ese a\u00f1o, un amigo me dio un collar impreso en 3D, hecho con una impresora hogare\u00f1a."} {"gender":"male","en":"For example, on top of that 65 million tons that's annually caught for human consumption, there's an additional 30 million tons caught for animal feed, mostly sardines and anchovies for the aquaculture industry that's turned into fish meal and fish oil.","es":"Por ejemplo, en la cima hay 65 millones de toneladas que se pesca al a\u00f1o para el consumo humano, hay 30 millones de toneladas m\u00e1s capturadas para la alimentaci\u00f3n animal, sobre todo las sardinas y anchoas para la industria de la acuicultura convertido en harina de pescado y en aceite de pescado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There is a book out in the bookstore, it's called \"Symphony In Steel,\" and it's about the stuff that's hidden under the skin of the Disney Center.","es":"Hay un libro en la librer\u00eda se llama \" Symphony in steel\", es acerca de las cosas que no se ven del Centro Disney."} {"gender":"female","en":"And cost is one of them.","es":"El costo es una de ellas."} {"gender":"male","en":"You know, the test of your worldview is not how you act in the good times.","es":"La prueba de tu visi\u00f3n del mundo no es c\u00f3mo act\u00faas en los buenos tiempos."} {"gender":"male","en":"In the AlphaGo case, we had exactly this thing: the computer would play the game against itself and then learn new rules.","es":"En el caso de AlphaGo tuvimos justamente eso: La computadora jugaba contra s\u00ed misma y aprend\u00eda reglas nuevas."} {"gender":"male","en":"This picture's from there.","es":"Esta foto es de all\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What is your connection to Osama bin Laden?\"","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es su relaci\u00f3n con Osama bin Laden?\u201d"} {"gender":"female","en":"We're going to voyage to some of these special places that we've been discovering in the past few years to show why we really need to care.","es":"Vamos a viajar a algunos de estos lugares especiales que hemos estado descubriendo en los \u00faltimos a\u00f1os para mostrar por qu\u00e9 realmente necesitamos preocuparnos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Fact-checked over and over again, conservative, it's the truth.","es":"Es un hecho comprobado una y otra vez, conservadores, es la verdad."} {"gender":"male","en":"So Brazilians went to that first match against North Korea, put up this banner, started a Twitter campaign and tried to convince the rest of us to tweet the phrase: \"Cala a boca, Galvao.\"","es":"As\u00ed que los brasile\u00f1os fueron a su primer partido contra Corea del Norte levantaron esta pancarta, comenzaron una campa\u00f1a en Twitter y nos trataron de convencer de enviar un tweet con la frase: \"Cala a boca, Galvao.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And what Miller did was have his family and friends write a post that went out shortly after he died.","es":"Miller le pidi\u00f3 a sus familiares y amigos que escribieran un mensaje para publicar poco despu\u00e9s de su muerte."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Today we have technology that lets us express ourselves a great deal, perhaps a little too much.","es":"La tecnolog\u00eda de hoy nos permite expresarnos tanto como queramos, acaso en exceso."} {"gender":"male","en":"Importantly, they're not just commonplace in my family right now.","es":"Es importante destacar que no son solo algo com\u00fan en mi familia ahora."} {"gender":"male","en":"Nike was one of the early ones.","es":"Nike fue uno de los primeros."} {"gender":"male","en":"And standing exactly at this point every day made my realize the symbolism behind this anamorphic piece.","es":"Y pararme all\u00ed todos los d\u00edas me hizo dar cuenta del simbolismo que hay detr\u00e1s de esta obra amorfa."} {"gender":"male","en":"No one made my grandmother wear white.","es":"Nadie la oblig\u00f3 a vestir de blanco."} {"gender":"female","en":"Girls are afraid of ruining themselves, either through sport, play, tampon use or a sexual activity.","es":"Las chicas tienen miedo de estropearse, ya sea por practicar deporte, por jugar, por usar de tampones o por una actividad sexual."} {"gender":"male","en":"It might have shown up as early as 2000 BCE.","es":"Quiz\u00e1 su origen se remonte al 2000 AEC."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I am so happy I saw that as a young man.\"","es":"Y estoy muy feliz de que me di cuenta siendo joven\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"They are expected to bear the burden of costs in married life, but they can't find jobs.","es":"Se espera que soporten la carga de los costos de la vida matrimonial, pero no pueden encontrar empleo."} {"gender":"male","en":"The incidence of malaria is about a couple of people get infected every year.","es":"La incidencia de malaria es de alrededor de 2 mil millones de personas infectadas cada a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"Yeah, because, like, the terms that we use are, like, so important, because, like, we call it sex work because it helps people understand that, like, it's work, and, like, you know, just like there are, like, healthcare providers and, like, insurance providers, like, we think of these workers as, like, sex care providers.","es":"S\u00ed, porque, al igual que, los t\u00e9rminos que utilizamos son tan importantes, como, lo de llamarlo trabajo sexual porque ayuda a la gente a entender que es un trabajo, y, tal y como hay proveedores de salud y, al igual que proveedores de seguros, igual, pensamos en estos trabajadores como proveedores de servicios sexuales."} {"gender":"male","en":"Why can't we use our anger to challenge and change the evils of the world?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no podemos usar la ira para manejar y cambiar lo malo del mundo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"He said you ought to just throw in a few simple things, like seeking first to understand, as opposed to being understood. Simple things, like apologizing.","es":"Dijo que s\u00f3lo debes intentar algunas cosas simples como tratar de entender primero, antes de ser entendido, o cosas simples, como disculparse."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You could get a Humphrey Bogart sandwich.","es":"O uno Humphrey Bogart."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, people have been using lasers to eavesdrop on objects from a distance for decades.","es":"De hecho, se ha estado usando l\u00e1seres para espiar objetos a distancia durante d\u00e9cadas."} {"gender":"male","en":"We don't know that.","es":"No lo sabemos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here's a magazine called \"Hydrate.\"","es":"Esta es una revista llamada \"Hidratate\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"She has no bonds, no connections.","es":"No tiene v\u00ednculos, ni conexiones."} {"gender":"male","en":"I would like to share with you this.","es":"Me gustar\u00eda compartir esto con Uds."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"You're not going to defy gravity.","es":"Uno no va a desafiar la gravedad."} {"gender":"female","en":"It becomes something magically large. It becomes the rainstorm.","es":"M\u00e1gicamente, todo se convierte en algo grande; se convierte en la lluvia torrencial."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, to wrap this up, I want to talk for two seconds about caves and the human expansion beyond Earth as a natural outgrowth of the work that we do in caves.","es":"Ahora, para terminar, quiero referirme brevemente a las cavernas y la expansi\u00f3n humana fuera de la Tierra como la consecuencia natural del trabajo que hacemos en las cavernas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So both of these objects have six symmetries.","es":"Entonces, ambos objetos tiene seis simetr\u00edas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here's a paraplegic patient, walking by strapping on these exoskeletons.","es":"Este es un paciente parapl\u00e9jico que camina sujeto a estos exoesqueletos."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's not about the content of the speech.","es":"No se trata del contenido del discurso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Striking a moving ball is a necessary skill in many sports.","es":"Golpear una bola en movimiento es una habilidad necesaria en muchos deportes."} {"gender":"male","en":"Governments were so busy arguing with one another and blaming each other for causing climate change, that when a small country raised our hands and announced, \"We promise to remain carbon neutral for all time,\" nobody heard us.","es":"Los gobiernos estaban tan ocupados discutiendo entre ellos culp\u00e1ndose mutuamente por el cambio clim\u00e1tico, que cuando un peque\u00f1o pa\u00eds levant\u00f3 la mano para anunciar: \"Prometemos la neutralidad permanente en emisiones de carbono\", nadie nos oy\u00f3."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"CA: Sixth.","es":"CA: El 6."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It may be that we live in an endless universe, both in space and in time.","es":"Puede ser que vivamos en un universo sin fin tanto en espacio como en tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"There is depth records, where people go as deep as they can.","es":"Existen r\u00e9cords de profundidad, donde se baja a la m\u00e1xima profundidad posible."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm the only one in this room.","es":"Soy la \u00fanica en esta sala."} {"gender":"female","en":"You got a ticket?\"","es":"\u00bfTe multaron?\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"An Earth Witness site could also serve as a collection spot for all sorts of data about conditions around the planet picked up by environmental sensors that attach to your cell phone.","es":"El sitio Testigo del Planeta tambi\u00e9n podr\u00eda servir como centro de recopilaci\u00f3n de todo tipo de informaci\u00f3n acerca de las condiciones de todo el planeta recolectada por sensores ambientales incorporados en los tel\u00e9fonos celulares."} {"gender":"male","en":"But here's the real thing about this.","es":"Pero esto fue lo que pas\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"By banning encryption in favor of mass surveillance and mass hacking, sure, GCHQ and the NSA can spy on you.","es":"Al prohibir la encriptaci\u00f3n favoreciendo la vigilancia y el hackeo masivos claro, el GCHQ y la NSA pueden espiarte."} {"gender":"male","en":"I can't define who comes to us or how long they stay.","es":"No puedo decidir qui\u00e9nes o cu\u00e1nto se quedar\u00e1n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And the long transition is already well under way.","es":"La transici\u00f3n a largo plazo ya est\u00e1 en marcha."} {"gender":"female","en":"GK: No, you wrote a beautiful letter to your baby yesterday that you said, from the oldest mommy to the youngest one, to the oldest, to the youngest, I can't wait for you to get here.","es":"GK: Ayer escribiste una hermosa carta a tu beb\u00e9 y dijiste de la mam\u00e1 m\u00e1s mayor a la m\u00e1s joven, a las m\u00e1s mayores, a los m\u00e1s j\u00f3venes, deseo mucho que lleguen aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"Did you feel outrage?","es":"\u00bfSintieron indignaci\u00f3n?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I quote, \"The bells that toll for mankind are like the bells of Alpine cattle.","es":"Cito: \"Las campanas que doblan por la humanidad son como los cencerros del ganado alpino."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"All around us, and just below our feet are wonderful natural building materials.","es":"Todo lo que nos rodea y lo que tenemos bajo nuestros pies son estupendos materiales de construcci\u00f3n naturales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We call this our sushi circuit. It's very popular with kids.","es":"Lo llamamos el circuito de sushi; muy popular entre los chicos."} {"gender":"female","en":"I believed I could keep him from dying, and I'd be embarrassed to say that if I hadn't seen so many people and have talked to so many people who have felt exactly the same way.","es":"Cre\u00ed que podr\u00eda impedir que muriera, y me avergonzar\u00eda decirlo si no lo hubiera visto en tantas personas y hablado con tanta gente que ha sentido exactamente lo mismo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"They know.","es":"Ellos saben."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"\"Sir, who will be responsible if something happens to him?\"","es":"Se\u00f1or, \u00bfqui\u00e9n es responsable si le pasa algo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"But the question that lingered in my mind was, what causes people to destroy fire trucks headed to their own homes?","es":"Pero la pregunta que persist\u00eda en mi mente era, \u00bfqu\u00e9 hace que las personas destruyan camiones de bomberos que van camino a sus propias casas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"If you believe that infrastructures are not as important as many people believe, then you will put less emphasis on strong government.","es":"Pero si creen que las infraestructuras no son tan importantes, como muchos creen, entonces har\u00e1n menos hincapi\u00e9 en un gobierno fuerte."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was a real weird book about the 17th century.","es":"Era un libro verdaderamente extra\u00f1o acerca del siglo 17."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now The Daily Show with John Stewart is by far the most, it's by far the most well-documented example of the effectiveness of this kind of comedy.","es":"The Daily Show, de John Stewart, es el mejor, por mucho es por mucho el ejemplo mejor documentado de la efectividad de este tipo de comedia."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a graph from NOAA's ocean and human health initiative, showing the rise of the infections by vibrio in people over the last few years.","es":"Esta es una grafica de la iniciativa NOAA en salud marina y humana, donde muestra el incremento de las infecciones por vibrio en las personas durante los ultimos a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's really good at digging regolith.","es":"Es muy buena para cavar regolito."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm shaking a little bit.","es":"Estoy temblando un poco."} {"gender":"male","en":"The stories that don't focus on opportunity cost, or the complex, unintended consequences of human action, because that very often does not make for a good story.","es":"Las historias que no se centran en el costo de oportunidad. O las consecuencias complejas e imprevistas de la acci\u00f3n humana. Porque muchas veces no es una buena historia."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we can see them dividing throughout.","es":"Y podemos observarlas durante el proceso de divisi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the TNC network which we analyzed.","es":"Esta es la red transnacional que analizamos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Or under stress, we fast-forward the mind.","es":"O bajo estr\u00e9s, aceleramos la mente."} {"gender":"male","en":"There are not that many things on earth that are \"almost everything.\"","es":"No hay muchas cosas en la tierra que sean casi todo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Except, of course, it wasn't the sheep's cleverness.","es":"Excepto claro, porque esto no tiene que ven con lo listas que son las ovejas."} {"gender":"female","en":"The entire city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.","es":"Toda la ciudad es Patrimonio de la Humanidad de la UNESCO."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was asked to see her because she had pain, nausea, vomiting","es":"Me pidieron que la viera porque ten\u00eda dolores, n\u00e1useas, v\u00f3mitos"} {"gender":"male","en":"WK: Yeah.","es":"WK: S\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Concentrating solar power in deserts delivers larger powers per unit area, because you don't have the problem of clouds. So, this facility delivers 14 watts per square meter; this one 10 watts per square meter; and this one in Spain, 5 watts per square meter.","es":"Concentrar la energ\u00eda solar en los desiertos ofrece mayor potencia por unidad de \u00e1rea, porque no hay problema de nubes, as\u00ed que este centro rinde 14 vatios por m2, este 10 vatios por m2, y este otro en Espa\u00f1a 5 vatios por m2."} {"gender":"female","en":"Is that the question?","es":"\u00bfEs esa la pregunta?"} {"gender":"male","en":"But the piece really serves to show that if we have a hard time explaining the emotions that we have to each other, how can we teach a computer to make sense of them?","es":"Pero la obra sirve para mostrar que si se nos hace dif\u00edcil explicar las emociones que tenemos a otro, \u00bfc\u00f3mo ense\u00f1ar a un ordenador a darles sentido?"} {"gender":"male","en":"For one thing they must be involved in things like imitation and emulation.","es":"Como m\u00ednimo deben estar involucradas en la imitaci\u00f3n y la emulaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is violent death, it's unbelievable, in some sense.","es":"Y esto es por muerte violenta; en cierto sentido, inveros\u00edmil."} {"gender":"male","en":"So my child's death, my baby's death, really brought home the resonance of what I was trying to make in this film.","es":"As\u00ed, la muerte de mi hijo, de mi beb\u00e9, me puso en resonancia con lo que estaba tratando de hacer en la pel\u00edcula."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Ladies and gentlemen, the incomparable Norman Lear.","es":"Damas y caballeros, el incomparable Norman Lear."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"DK: This slender cable was a huge technological advancement and it allowed the whole thing to be the size that it is.","es":"DK: Este cable delgado fue un gran avance tecnol\u00f3gico. que permiti\u00f3 que todo el aparato tuviera esas dimensiones."} {"gender":"male","en":"Not to put too fine a point upon it, like that.","es":"Por no decirlo de otra forma, o algo as\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we discovered that the groups that include highly confident grays are much more likely to reach consensus.","es":"Y descubrimos que los grupos con grises altamente seguros son mucho m\u00e1s probables de llegar a un consenso."} {"gender":"female","en":"No. Audience: Without. SB: No, not without.","es":"No Audiencia: Sin SB: No, no sin."} {"gender":"female","en":"I had to take multiple inputs, I had to process them, and I had to understand the system to win.","es":"Yo ten\u00eda que considerar varias entradas, ten\u00eda que procesarlas, y ten\u00eda que comprender el sistema para vencer."} {"gender":"male","en":"This has been one of the most satisfying cases that I have ever done in my entire career, to restore movement and walking to this kind of child.","es":"Este ha sido uno de los casos m\u00e1s gratificantes de toda mi carrera, al regresarle la movilidad y la posibilidad de caminar a este chico."} {"gender":"male","en":"Robert Full: It'll go on different surfaces, here's sand, although we haven't perfected the feet yet, but I'll talk about that later.","es":"Puede moverse en diferentes superficies, aqu\u00ed en la arena, aunque no hemos perfeccionado los pies todav\u00eda, pero hablar\u00e9 de ello m\u00e1s tarde."} {"gender":"female","en":"Imagine that you can now engage with a brand and interact, so that you can pass your personal attributes to the products that you're about to buy.","es":"Imaginen que ahora pueden relacionarse con una marca e interactuar de modo tal que pueden pasarle sus atributos personales a los productos que est\u00e1n por comprar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now here's something that you haven't yet leaked, but I think for TED you are.","es":"Aqu\u00ed tenemos algo que no hab\u00e9is filtrado a\u00fan, pero creo que para TED s\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's like \"Hey, why didn't they try that?\"","es":"Es como pensar \"Oye, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 ellos no intentaron eso?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And we all know this.","es":"Y todos sabemos esto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is a temple in Japan for a Buddhist monk.","es":"Y este es un templo en Jap\u00f3n para un monje budista."} {"gender":"male","en":"We predict his age, 38.","es":"Predecimos su edad, 38 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But society continues to stigmatize and criminalize living in your vehicle or on the streets.","es":"Pero la sociedad contin\u00faa estigmatizando y criminaliza el vivir en tu veh\u00edculo o en la calle."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, this is Dr. Lene Harbott applying electrodes to the head of John Morton.","es":"All\u00ed est\u00e1 la Dra. Lene Harbott colocando electrodos en la cabeza de John Morton."} {"gender":"female","en":"I want that.","es":"Quiero eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can see that from the orange line and the blue line.","es":"Pueden ver eso desde la l\u00ednea anaranjada y de la azul."} {"gender":"female","en":"One day, I sat and thought, \"Can we deliver anti-HIV directly within its reservoir sites, without the risk of drug dilution?\"","es":"Un d\u00eda, me sent\u00e9 y pens\u00e9: \"\u00bfPodr\u00edamos hacer llegar el tratamiento directamente al dep\u00f3sito del virus, sin el riesgo de diluci\u00f3n de los medicamentos?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"I read some to her, she reads some to me.\" He says, \"It's really brought us closer together through the years.","es":"Yo le le\u00eda y ella a mi.\" \u201dEso nos ha unido a trav\u00e9s de los a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"And how we tell stories visually, with music, with actors, and at each level it's a different sense and sometimes contradictory to each other.","es":"Y el modo de contar historias visualmente, con m\u00fasica, con actores, y en cada nivel hay un sentido diferente, y a veces uno es contradictorio con otro."} {"gender":"male","en":"But dare to declare depression, and your local pastor will be driving out demons and blaming witches in your village.","es":"Pero si uno se atreve a declararse depresivo, tu pastor va a expulsar a los demonios y culpar a las brujas del pueblo."} {"gender":"male","en":"But half of the world's refugee children of primary school age get no education at all, and three-quarters of secondary school age get no education at all.","es":"Pero la mitad de los ni\u00f1os refugiados en edad escolar primaria no reciben ning\u00fan tipo de educaci\u00f3n, y tres cuartos de los j\u00f3venes en edad escolar secundaria, no reciben nada."} {"gender":"male","en":"And especially trees.","es":"Especialmente los \u00e1rboles."} {"gender":"male","en":"Matching the reliability, base load is actually irrelevant. We want to match the hour-by-hour power supply.","es":"Igualando la fiabilidad, la carga base es realmente irrelevante Queremos igualar el suministro de energ\u00eda cada hora."} {"gender":"male","en":"It said to us that if you could build a robot with very simple, springy legs, you could make it as maneuverable as any that's ever been built.","es":"Esto nos dijo que si construyes un robot con una piernas con resorte muy simples puedes hacerlo tan maniobrable como cualquier cosa que se haya construido antes."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now if you want this robot to do a different task, that's another three-year Ph.D. program.","es":"Ahora, si quieren que este robot haga otra tarea, ese es otro doctorado de tres a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"The next day, the market started to change regime, course.","es":"Al d\u00eda siguiente, el mercado comenz\u00f3 a cambiar la tendencia, el curso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You probably went out and bought them.","es":"Probablemente sali\u00f3 a comprarlos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So the Exo is designed to be simply, basically like a coffee cup.","es":"As\u00ed que Exo est\u00e1 dise\u00f1ado para ser simple, b\u00e1sicamente como una taza de caf\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"But we're building that box.","es":"Pero ya estamos construyendo esa caja."} {"gender":"male","en":"I wrote a blog about it and actually got a comment from the actor who played Alex.","es":"Abr\u00ed un blog para esto y lleg\u00f3 un comentario del actor que hizo la voz de Alex."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's political power.","es":"Hay poder pol\u00edtico."} {"gender":"male","en":"OK, thank you for having me here.","es":"Bien, gracias por tenerme aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"That soldier had been on top of the bomb.","es":"Ese soldado estaba encima de la bomba."} {"gender":"female","en":"Let's see how the photo ran in an Orthodox Jewish newspaper based in Brooklyn.","es":"Veamos c\u00f3mo se public\u00f3 la foto en un peri\u00f3dico jud\u00edo ortodoxo con sede en Brooklyn."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here is our tradition: At every Himba village, there is a sacred fire.","es":"Esta es nuestra tradici\u00f3n. En cada aldea himba existe un fuego sagrado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was, and feels, monumental.","es":"Fue, y se sinti\u00f3, monumental."} {"gender":"male","en":"You have to go.","es":"Deben irse."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I make eco-friendly clothing and accessories.","es":"Y hago prendas de vestir y accesorios ecol\u00f3gicos."} {"gender":"male","en":"We seem to be the only species in four billion years to have this gift.","es":"Parece que somos la \u00fanica especie en 4 mil millones de a\u00f1os en tener este don."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let's try and sum things up, shall we? Images of limb regeneration and faces filled with smallpox: 21 percent of the conference. Mentions of polar bears drowning: four percent. Images of the earth being wiped out by flood or bird flu: 64 percent. And David Pogue singing show tunes. Because this is the most distressing TED ever, I've been working with Neil Gershenfeld on next year's TED Bag.","es":"Revisemos algunos cosas que se dijeron, Imagenes de regeneracion del higado Caras llenas con viruela: 21% de la conferencia Menciones a osos polares ahogandose, 4 % imagenes de la tierra desapareciendose por inundacion o gripe aviar: 64 % Y David Pogue cantando sus m\u00fasicas. Debido a que este es el evento TED mas preocupante, He estado trabajando con Neils Gershenfeld en el morral TED del proximo a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"What's your name?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo te llamas?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I learned that our own inner worlds, our ideas, emotions and imaginations, were, in fact, not bound by our brains and bodies.","es":"Aprend\u00ed que nuestros mundos interiores -ideas, emociones, imaginaciones- no est\u00e1n confinados al cerebro o al cuerpo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's simple.","es":"Es sencillo."} {"gender":"female","en":"If you have been through a devastating time in your life, if you have lost someone or something you really care about, how would you continue to cope?","es":"Si has pasado por un momento devastador en tu vida, si has perdido a alguien o algo que realmente te importa, \u00bfc\u00f3mo podr\u00edas continuar enfrent\u00e1ndolo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Hi.","es":"Hola."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'd like to have you think about how they make you feel.","es":"Y quiero que piensen en c\u00f3mo los hicieron sentirse."} {"gender":"male","en":"They used to track the disbursements, the attendance, the grades, on paper.","es":"Sol\u00edan rastrear la dispersi\u00f3n, la asistencia, las calificaciones, en papel."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I went to Colombia.","es":"As\u00ed que fui a Colombia."} {"gender":"male","en":"And across all of those things, what we learned was that people don't like inequality of wealth, but there's other things where inequality, which is an outcome of wealth, is even more aversive to them: for example, inequality in health or education.","es":"De todo esto aprendimos que a la gente no le gusta la desigualdad de la riqueza, pero hay otras cosas donde la desigualdad, resultado de la riqueza, parece m\u00e1s grave; por ejemplo, la desigualdad en la salud y la educaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And just to set it in context, you can imagine how awful it is for someone to have lost one child, and then two, if they're innocent, to be convicted of murdering them.","es":"Y solo para ponerlo en contexto, pueden imaginar qu\u00e9 horrible es para alguien si es inocente, perder un hijo, y luego otro, y ser condenada por asesinarlos."} {"gender":"male","en":"The CPU could do the four fundamental functions of arithmetic, so addition, multiplication, subtraction, division, which already is a bit of a feat in metal, but it could also do something that a computer does and a calculator doesn't: this machine could look at its own internal memory and make a decision.","es":"El CPU pod\u00eda hacer las cuatro operaciones fundamentales de la aritm\u00e9tica \u2014suma, resta, multiplicaci\u00f3n y divisi\u00f3n\u2014 que ya es casi una haza\u00f1a en metal, pero tambi\u00e9n pod\u00eda hacer algo que hace un ordenador, y una calculadora no: esta m\u00e1quina pod\u00eda usar su propia memoria interna y tomar decisiones."} {"gender":"male","en":"But the joke is, an epidemiologist likes to arrive at an epidemic right here and ride to glory on the downhill curve.","es":"Pero la broma es, a un epidemi\u00f3logo le gusta llegar a una epidemia justo aqu\u00ed y montar hasta la gloria en la curva de bajada."} {"gender":"male","en":"And of course, if you ask me, I'm going to give you a really optimistic view.","es":"Y por supuesto si me preguntas, te dar\u00e9 una estimaci\u00f3n verdaderamente optimista."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we'd give it out.","es":"Y as\u00ed \u00edbamos tirando."} {"gender":"male","en":"To give you an idea of scale, this is looking down towards the mouth of the Beardmore Glacier.","es":"Para que se hagan una idea del tama\u00f1o, esta es la vista a la boca del glaciar Beardmore."} {"gender":"female","en":"And she had come to Washington, not seeking a handout and not seeking a microloan.","es":"Y hab\u00eda venido a Washington, no buscando una limosna ni un microcr\u00e9dito."} {"gender":"female","en":"I don't have time to explain it, but it has to do with DNA and RNA.","es":"No tengo tiempo para explicarlo pero tiene que ver con el ADN y el ARN."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Neither one wants to be the first one or they're going to get the sucker's payoff, but both lose, of course, because they don't get what they want.","es":"Ninguno quiere ser el primero, o van a obtener la paga del primo. Sin embargo, ambos pierden porque ninguno obtiene lo que quiere."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And literally with only those two inputs, so, the shape of your boundary condition and the pressure, you can define an infinite number of lenses that cover the range of human refractive error, from minus 12 to plus eight diopters, up to four diopters of cylinder. And then literally, you now pour on a monomer.","es":"Y literalmente con solamente estas dos entradas, la forma de tu condici\u00f3n de frontera y presi\u00f3n, se pueden definir un numero infinito de lentes esto cubre todo el rango de error refractivo humano, de menos 12 a mas ocho dioptr\u00edas, hasta cuatro dioptr\u00edas cil\u00edndricas Y despu\u00e9s, literalmente, viertes un mon\u00f3mero."} {"gender":"female","en":"It made for a heck of a profile picture on Facebook for a week.","es":"Me permiti\u00f3 tener un perfil extraordinario en Facebook, por una semana."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if I don't need it, I can convert it back up on the window to energy, light, and beam it, line of site, to your place.","es":"Y si no la necesitamos, desde las ventanas, podemos convertirla, en energ\u00eda o luz y hacerla brillar en direcci\u00f3n hacia donde estemos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Yet the officer in charge would not simply give her the permit for want of a bribe.","es":"A\u00fan as\u00ed la persona a cargo simplemente no le daba el permiso esperando un soborno."} {"gender":"male","en":"We are talking with operators and investors in West Africa about building a fonio mill.","es":"Estamos hablando con operadores e inversores en el oeste de \u00c1frica sobre la construcci\u00f3n de un molino de fonio."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't really want people listening in to my calls.\"","es":"Realmente no quiero que personas escuchen mis llamadas\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"We focused on a business model; we insisted on skin in the game.","es":"Nos enfocamos en un modelo de negocio, insistimos en meterle carne al juego."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't want you to think I'm here because I'm a charity case.","es":"No quiero que piensen que busco caridad."} {"gender":"male","en":"But part of what makes it so heartening to me as a designer is that he's taken the visual vernacular of Diet Coke, the typefaces, the colors, the silver background, and he's reduced them to their most essential parts, so it's like going back to the Charlie Brown face.","es":"Pero parte de lo que hace tan alentador para m\u00ed como dise\u00f1ador es que \u00e9l ha elegido la lengua vern\u00e1cula visual de Coca-Cola Light, las tipograf\u00edas, los colores, el fondo de plata, y los ha reducido a sus partes m\u00e1s esenciales, es como la cara de Charlie Brown."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"How did this happen?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo ocurri\u00f3 esto?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Why is it that we physically sit with rapt attention during a story, but it just dies for a presentation.","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 nos sentimos f\u00edsicamente embelesados con una historia, pero muere durante una presentaci\u00f3n?"} {"gender":"female","en":"But the key reason why it's taking off now so fast is because every new advancement of technology increases the efficiency and the social glue of trust to make sharing easier and easier.","es":"Y la raz\u00f3n clave por la cual est\u00e1 tomando auge tan r\u00e1pido es porque cada adelanto de la tecnolog\u00eda incrementa la eficiencia y el tejido social de confianza que hace que compartir sea cada vez m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But in the last few hundred years, economic growth has taken off.","es":"Pero en los \u00faltimos cien a\u00f1os, la econom\u00eda ha tomado vuelo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Every year a million and a half people die of a completely preventable disease.","es":"Cada a\u00f1o un mill\u00f3n y medio de personas muere de una enfermedad completamente prevenible."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I claim that when you change your perspective, and if you take another point of view, you learn something new about what you are watching or looking at or hearing.","es":"Y sostengo que cuando uno cambia de perspectiva, al adoptar otro punto de vista, uno aprende algo nuevo sobre lo que est\u00e1 viendo, mirando o escuchando."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Acumen's been working with ABE for the past year, year and a half, both on looking at a new business plan, and what does expansion look like, helping with management support and helping to do term sheets and raise capital.","es":"Acumen ha estado trabajando con ABE por un a\u00f1o, a\u00f1o y medio, mirando ambos un modelo nuevo de negocio y tambi\u00e9n c\u00f3mo se ver\u00eda la expansi\u00f3n para la compa\u00f1\u00eda, ayudando con apoyo gerencial y a hacer hojas de t\u00e9rmino y levantar capital."} {"gender":"female","en":"I started making work that aimed to communicate something of the joy and freedom I felt when using a wheelchair, a power chair, to negotiate the world.","es":"\"Encontrando libertad: al crear nuestras propias historias, aprendemos a tomar los libretos de nuestra vida tan seriamente como a los \"libretos oficiales\" - Davis 2009, TEDx Women\" Empec\u00e9 a realizar trabajos que me llevaran a comunicar parte de la alegr\u00eda y libertad que sent\u00ed al usar una silla de ruedas una silla de poder, para alcanzar el mundo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"My tradition tells a story of a traveler who is walking down a road when he sees a beautiful house on fire, and he says, \"How can it be that something so beautiful would burn, and nobody seems to even care?\"","es":"Mi tradici\u00f3n cuenta una historia de un viajero que va por un camino cuando ve a una hermosa casa en llamas, y dice: \"\u00bfC\u00f3mo puede ser que algo tan hermoso arda, y que a nadie parece importar?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"The pilot, I knew, was called Troy.","es":"El piloto, sab\u00eda, se llamaba Troy."} {"gender":"male","en":"Whales also have contact calls like I described for the dolphins.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n tenemos llamadas de contacto como describ\u00eda en el caso de los delfines."} {"gender":"male","en":"In a few months, the world is also going to celebrate the launch of a new invention from Microsoft Research, which I think is going to have as profound an impact on the way we view the universe as Galileo did four centuries ago.","es":"En unos meses, el mundo tambi\u00e9n celebrar\u00e1 el lanzamiento de un nuevo invento desarrollado por los investigadores de Microsoft Research que creo que tendr\u00e1 un impacto igual de significativo para la manera en que vemos el universo que lo que hizo Galileo hace cuatro siglos atr\u00e1s."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So we resynthesized this song.","es":"As\u00ed que re-sintetizamos esta canci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"See this, this person, this is Mary Anderson.","es":"Vean esto, esta persona, es Mary Anderson."} {"gender":"female","en":"So what happened?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 pas\u00f3?"} {"gender":"male","en":"\"Well,\" he said, \"can't we try a course of electroshock therapy?\"","es":"\"Bueno\", dijo, \"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no probamos un tratamiento de electroshock?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"Build a team, open it up, offer prizes and so on.","es":"Crear un equipo, abrirlo al mundo, ofrecer premios y dem\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"And as I grew up, it became worse and worse, And I started to think of it as a form of control.","es":"Y a medida yo iba creciendo, esto solo empeoraba. Y empec\u00e9 a pensar que se trataba de una especie de control."} {"gender":"female","en":"While I was preparing my dog for the run, a man was finishing drinking at a bar, picked up his car keys, got into a car and headed south, or wherever he was.","es":"Mientras preparaba al perro, un hombre sal\u00eda de beber en un bar, tom\u00f3 las llaves, subi\u00f3 a su auto y se dirigi\u00f3 hacia el sur o a dondequiera que iba."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's kind of tricky.","es":"Es un poco enga\u00f1oso."} {"gender":"male","en":"Yes, contributions actually do make a difference and they set a context for having a conversation, but it takes some time to build up.","es":"S\u00ed, las contribuciones de hecho hacen la diferencia, y establecen un contexto para la conversaci\u00f3n, pero lleva tiempo lograrlas."} {"gender":"male","en":"They didn't go into withdrawal.","es":"No sufrieron abstinencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"One is the Internet, the other is the Chinanet.","es":"Uno es el internet y el otro es el \u00abChinanet\u00bb."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"She looked back at herself in the mirror.","es":"Se mir\u00f3 al espejo."} {"gender":"male","en":"These really are a people who live and breathe the realm of the sacred, a baroque religiosity that is simply awesome.","es":"Esta es gente que realmente vive y respira el reino de lo sagrado, una religiosidad barroca simplemente magn\u00edfica."} {"gender":"female","en":"I pushed back.","es":"Yo me resist\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm not accusing anyone, bias is not an accusation.","es":"No estoy acusando a nadie, el sesgo no es una acusaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that's because we're measuring the weight so precisely that, carbon comes in different isotopes, so if it has an extra neutron on it, we actually measure it as a different chemical.","es":"Y eso es porque estamos midiendo su peso tan precisamente que, el carbono viene en diferentes is\u00f3topos, entonces si uno tiene un neutr\u00f3n extra, podemos identificarlo como un qu\u00edmico diferente."} {"gender":"female","en":"Those numbers were absolutely mind-boggling, overwhelming, and we were constantly asked, \"When will you start?","es":"Esos n\u00fameros fueron totalmente inconcebibles, abrumadores, y constantemente nos preguntaban \"\u00bfCu\u00e1ndo van a comenzar las clases?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We have a gut on a chip.","es":"Tenemos un intestino en un chip."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The last time CO2 was 390 ppm, today's value, sea level was higher by at least 15 meters, 50 feet.","es":"La \u00faltima vez que el CO2 fue de 390 ppm, el valor actual, el nivel del mar era superior en al menos 15 metros, 50 pies."} {"gender":"male","en":"As John Cage said, \"We are not moving towards some kind of goal.","es":"Como dijo John Cage, \"No nos estamos moviendo hacia una especie de meta."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we all know that is the Hulk.","es":"Y todos sabemos que ese es Hulk."} {"gender":"male","en":"Two terawatt hours, it's roughly half what the U.S. solar industry produced last year.","es":"Dos terawatt-hora, es aproximadamente la mitad de lo que la industria de la energ\u00eda solar en EE.UU. produjo el a\u00f1o pasado."} {"gender":"female","en":"And because of selected abortion by families who favored boys to girls, now we have ended up with 30 million more young men than women.","es":"Y debido al aborto selectivo, familias que favorec\u00edan a los ni\u00f1os sobre las ni\u00f1as, ahora hemos terminado con 30 millones m\u00e1s de muchachos que muchachas."} {"gender":"male","en":"The only thing singing today would be the facts, for I have truly embraced by inner nerd.","es":"La \u00fanica cosa que cantar\u00e9 hoy ser\u00e1n los hechos, porque finalmente he aceptado al intelectual que vive en m\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"On the vertical axis, you'll see the distribution of children's choices in each condition, and you'll see that the distribution of the choices children make depends on the evidence they observe.","es":"En el eje vertical, ver\u00e1n la distribuci\u00f3n de opciones de los ni\u00f1os en cada condici\u00f3n, y ver\u00e1n que la distribuci\u00f3n de las opciones de los ni\u00f1os dependen de los ensayos que observan."} {"gender":"male","en":"In bureaucratic school systems, teachers are often left alone in classrooms with a lot of prescription on what they should be teaching.","es":"En un sistema escolar burocr\u00e1tico, se deja a los profesores solos en las clases con muchas indicaciones de lo que deber\u00edan ense\u00f1ar."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, one example is from an organization called Rodale.","es":"Un ejemplo de estos ser\u00eda una organizaci\u00f3n llamada Rodale."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is almost three meters high.","es":"Esta tiene casi tres metros de alto."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is basically why we would bother to do it.","es":"Esto es b\u00e1sicamente por lo que nos interesa hacerlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"However, as we get richer, each extra dollar of GDP is buying us less and less social progress.","es":"Sin embargo, a m\u00e1s riqueza, cada d\u00f3lar adicional del PIB compra cada vez menos progreso social."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this was that Tuesday morning in September, and it was pretty nice outside.","es":"Y esto fue ese martes por la ma\u00f1ana en septiembre, y estaba muy agradable afuera."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Today, you've got nation states.","es":"Hoy, hay naciones estados."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So","es":"Bueno"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But they weren't given that choice, because their own citizens beat them to the punch.","es":"Pero no se les dio esa opci\u00f3n. Porque sus propios ciudadanos lo hicieron antes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The scientists must insure that the ice is not contaminated.","es":"Los cient\u00edficos deben asegurarse de que el hielo no est\u00e9 contaminado."} {"gender":"male","en":"In his most famous book, \"Pedagogy of the Oppressed,\" he states, \"No one can be authentically human while he prevents others from being so.\"","es":"En su famoso libro, \"La pedagog\u00eda del oprimido\", declara: \"Nadie puede ser verdaderamente humano y evitar que otros lo sean\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, this, using counting to compute and build these kinds of things by this kind of developmental process is something that also has bearing on Craig Venter's question.","es":"Ahora, eso se logra usando el conteo para computar y construir este tipo de cosas a trav\u00e9s de este tipo de procesos de desarrollo es algo que tambi\u00e9n tiene que ver con la pregunta de Craig Venter."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We do not have the basis of a proper partnership for the future, and yet, out of people\u2019s desire for a global ethic and a global society that can be done.","es":"No tenemos la base de una asociaci\u00f3n apropiada para el futuro, sin embargo, con el deseo de la gente de una \u00e9tica global y una sociedad global se puede hacer."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, I put my fears on the back.","es":"Puse mis temores en sus espaldas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"How did we become the only species that becomes more prosperous as it becomes more populous?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo nos convertimos en la \u00fanica especie que se vuelve m\u00e1s pr\u00f3spera a medida que crece en cantidad?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I also met an amazing woman who is now the mother of my two-year-old son Sekou, and she taught me how to love myself in a healthy way.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n conoc\u00ed a una mujer incre\u00edble que es la madre de Sekou, mi hijo de 2 a\u00f1os, y me ense\u00f1\u00f3 a quererme a m\u00ed mismo de un modo sano."} {"gender":"male","en":"I thought, let's up the ante, once.","es":"Pens\u00e9, subamos la apuesta."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So we add one more negatively charged layer around this nanoparticle, which serves two purposes.","es":"As\u00ed que agregamos otra capa cargada negativamente alrededor de esta nanopart\u00edcula que sirve para dos cosas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In that moment, he became a scholar.","es":"En ese momento se volvi\u00f3 un acad\u00e9mico."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's a big deal, you know?","es":"Eso s\u00ed es una gran cosa, \u00bfsaben?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Walk around for four months with three wishes, and all the ideas will start to percolate up.","es":"Pasead durante cuatro meses con tres deseos, y las ideas empezar\u00e1n a surgir."} {"gender":"female","en":"In a sense, tissue engineers have a bit of an identity crisis here, because structural engineers build bridges and big things, computer engineers, computers, but what we are doing is actually building enabling technologies for the cells themselves.","es":"En cierto sentido, los ingenieros de tejidos tenemos una crisis de identidad con esto porque los ingenieros civiles construyen puentes y grandes cosas; los ingenieros inform\u00e1ticos, computadoras, pero lo que estamos haciendo es construir tecnolog\u00edas de apoyo para las c\u00e9lulas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You need training.","es":"Necesitas formaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Woman: Yes, of course.","es":"Mujer: S\u00ed, claro."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is an example of identifying cancerous areas of human tissue under a microscope.","es":"Este es un caso de identificaci\u00f3n de \u00e1reas cancer\u00edgenas del tejido humano por microscopio."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's two to three times the global development aid that we give the Third World every year.","es":"Eso es dos o tres veces la ayuda al desarrollo global que entregamos al Tercer Mundo cada a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then I put the really tough question: \"How many of you hand-wash your jeans and your bedsheets?\"","es":"Y luego les hago la pregunta dif\u00edcil: \"\u00bfCu\u00e1ntos de ustedes lavan a mano sus pantalones y sus s\u00e1banas?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"So the country in the world with the highest social progress, the number one country on social progress is New Zealand.","es":"El pa\u00eds del mundo con el mayor progreso social, el pa\u00eds n\u00famero uno en progreso social es Nueva Zelanda."} {"gender":"female","en":"A few weeks after the court issued its decision, I received a small package in the mail.","es":"Unas semanas despu\u00e9s de que la Corte diera su respuesta, recib\u00ed un peque\u00f1o paquete en el correo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And it's very interesting to see that the highest-ranking American city, Honolulu, number 28, is followed by kind of the usual suspects of Seattle and Boston and all walkable cities.","es":"Es muy interesante notar que a la ciudad estadounidense mejor ubicada, Honolulu, n\u00famero 28, le siguen las sospechosas de siempre: Seattle, Boston y todas las ciudades donde se camina m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"This piece is ordered by age because it can't be ordered by blood.","es":"Esta pieza est\u00e1 ordenada por edad porque no puede ser ordenada por la sangre."} {"gender":"male","en":"And he says, do you notice anything?","es":"Y dice, \u00bfnotaron algo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"You know, as immigrant, I would speak Chinese to them, and they would always answer me back in English.","es":"Saben, como inmigrante, yo les hablaba chino a ellos, y ellos siempre me contestaban en ingl\u00e9s."} {"gender":"male","en":"Just downriver from the Chambal is the filthy Yamuna river, the sacred Yamuna river.","es":"Justo rio abajo del Chambal esta el sucio r\u00edo Yamuna, el sagrado r\u00edo Yamuna."} {"gender":"male","en":"Why?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We had to hold up an hour of a movie with a character.","es":"Ten\u00edamos que lograr una hora de la pel\u00edcula con un personaje."} {"gender":"male","en":"I love the way that they see the world, because they're seeing the world for the first time.","es":"Me encanta la forma en que ven el mundo porque est\u00e1n viendo el mundo por primera vez."} {"gender":"female","en":"But for the most part, France considered the matter closed.","es":"En general, Francia lo daba por cerrado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Suppose you had the following two choices, right?","es":"Imaginen que tienen las siguientes 2 opciones."} {"gender":"female","en":"Maybe this particular trial yielded exciting results.","es":"Puede que este ensayo arrojase resultados esperanzadores."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We have the power to generate new ideas, new solutions and new cures.","es":"Tenemos el poder de generar nuevas ideas, nuevas soluciones y nuevas curas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Some of you know him.","es":"Algunos de Uds. ya lo conocen."} {"gender":"male","en":"And you're late.","es":"Y llegas tarde."} {"gender":"male","en":"So one thing that I do agree with, and I think most experts would, is that the brain does have these dynamics.","es":"Algo con lo que estoy de acuerdo, y creo que la mayor\u00eda de los expertos, es que el cerebro tiene estas din\u00e1micas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that is, the secret of the Council of Dads, is that my wife and I did this in an attempt to help our daughters, but it really changed us.","es":"Y ese es el secreto del Consejo de Pap\u00e1s que mi mujer y yo lo hicimos en un intento por ayudar a nuestras hijas pero realmente nos cambi\u00f3."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They prepared.","es":"Se prepararon."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I wonder what his generation and perhaps the one that follows will make of the two lives this ring has worked.","es":"Y me pregunto qu\u00e9 pensar\u00e1 su generaci\u00f3n y tal vez la siguiente de los dos anteriores que llevaron este anillo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was the beginning of a much higher degree of inequality among people.","es":"Fue el comienzo de una desigualdad mucho mayor entre las personas."} {"gender":"male","en":"They want to ask me something.","es":"Quieren preguntarme algo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I went wild eyed and thought I was going to die.","es":"Me angusti\u00e9 y pens\u00e9 que iba a morir."} {"gender":"male","en":"So it had better be the gist of the gist, right?","es":"Ten\u00eda que ser la esencia de la esencia. \u00bfCorrecto?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And these tin particles were deposited on the tape heads and were crashing the tape heads.","es":"Y estas part\u00edculas de esta\u00f1o eran depositadas sobre los lectores de cinta y estaban arruin\u00e1ndolos."} {"gender":"male","en":"This graduate student named Brad Myers, in 1985, decided he would study this.","es":"En 1985, un estudiante de postgrado, Brad Myers, decidi\u00f3 estudiarlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Instead of seeing the broken things, you see all the little bits of genius that anonymous designers have sweated over to make our lives better.","es":"En lugar de ver objetos rotos, se ven todos los pedacitos de genios que dise\u00f1adores an\u00f3nimos han creado para hacer nuestras vidas mejores."} {"gender":"male","en":"The progress is relentless.","es":"El progreso es inexorable."} {"gender":"male","en":"Sometimes, it's about putting it in the media, mostly local ones, to create awareness.","es":"A veces, se trata de poner algo en los medios, la mayor\u00eda locales, para crear conciencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"It wasn't too bad, but they're driven to produce these things at an incredible rate.","es":"No estaba demasiado mal pero les hac\u00edan producir estas cosas a una velocidad incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we're building these buildings.","es":"As\u00ed que estamos construyendo estos edificios."} {"gender":"male","en":"So just to explain. Now, every LED that is made these days gives blue light.","es":"S\u00f3lo a fines ilustrativos: todos los LEDs que se fabrican actualmente dan luz azul."} {"gender":"male","en":"You\u2019re right, and I don\u2019t care how you do it, in a sense; you bring me the molecules, you know.","es":"Tienes raz\u00f3n, y no me importa c\u00f3mo lo hiciste, en cierto sentido; tr\u00e1eme las mol\u00e9culas."} {"gender":"female","en":"The world will say to you, \"What are you going to do?\"","es":"El mundo te dir\u00e1: \"\u00bfY t\u00fa, qu\u00e9 vas a hacer?\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's not clear what the target should be.","es":"No est\u00e1 claro cu\u00e1l deber\u00eda ser el objetivo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I firmly believe in that private sector thing too.","es":"Creo firmemente en el sector privado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Yeah, I'm not worried about it now.","es":"S\u00ed, ahora eso ya no me preocupa."} {"gender":"female","en":"And in a further irony, these places that we love the most are the places that we love a little too hard, sometimes.","es":"Y otra iron\u00eda, estos lugares que m\u00e1s nos gustan son los lugares que a veces nos gustan un poco demasiado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"She'd lied about her age.","es":"Y le minti\u00f3 acerca de su edad."} {"gender":"male","en":"The Germans have a certain reputation in the world when it comes to productivity.","es":"Los alemanes tienen una cierta reputaci\u00f3n en el mundo en cuando a productividad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now the traditional method of surveying for orangutans is to walk the forest on foot carrying heavy equipment and to use a pair of binoculars to look up in the treetops where you might find an orangutan or its nest.","es":"El m\u00e9todo tradicional de inspecci\u00f3n de orangutanes consiste en caminar por el bosque a pie llevando equipos pesados y con un par de binoculares mirar hacia las copas de los \u00e1rboles en busca de orangutanes o de sus nidos."} {"gender":"male","en":"That was Bob's last record, yeah.","es":"Ese fue el \u00faltimo disco de Bob, s\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now the engineers amongst you will look at them and say, \"No they don't.","es":"Los que son ingenieros los mirar\u00e1n y dir\u00e1n: \"No lo hacen."} {"gender":"female","en":"My first visit to Pixar was in 2005, when they were working on \"Ratatouille,\" that provocative movie about a rat becoming a master chef.","es":"Mi primera visita a Pixar fue en 2005, cuando estaban trabajando en \"Ratatouille\", esa pel\u00edcula en la que un rat\u00f3n se convierte en maestro de cocina."} {"gender":"male","en":"So the point about this little abstract example is that while preferences for specific physical features can be arbitrary for the individual, if those features are heritable and they are associated with a reproductive advantage, over time, they become universal for the group.","es":"El punto de este peque\u00f1o ejemplo abstracto es que a pesar de preferencias por ciertas caracter\u00edsticas f\u00edsicas pueden ser arbitrarias para el individuo, si aquellas caracter\u00edsticas son hereditarias y est\u00e1n asociadas con una ventaja reproductiva, con el tiempo, se vuelven universales para el grupo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, word went around about her survival, too.","es":"Bueno, se supo que sobrevivi\u00f3, tambi\u00e9n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Packed into a room just like this, but with creaky wooden pews draped in worn-down red fabric, with an organ to my left and a choir at my back and a baptism pool built into the wall behind them.","es":"Abarrotando un sal\u00f3n justo como este, pero con ruidosas bancas de madera forradas con una tela roja desgastada, con un \u00f3rgano a mi izquierda, un coro a mis espaldas y una pila bautismal hecha tras una pared detr\u00e1s de ellos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we need to do short-term tests, and we need to do long-term tests to make sure you can't develop melanoma many years on.","es":"Y tenemos que hacer pruebas a corto plazo y a largo plazo para estar seguros de que despu\u00e9s de unos a\u00f1os no vayas a tener melanoma."} {"gender":"female","en":"We know that jealousy is the number one cause of spousal murder in the United States. And yet, I have never read a study that can parse to me its loneliness or its longevity or its grim thrill.","es":"Sabemos que los celos son la causa n\u00famero uno de asesinatos de c\u00f3nyuges en los EE.UU. Y, sin embargo, nunca he visto un estudio que analice la soledad, o la larga duraci\u00f3n o la tristeza."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He refused to play the role of the victim.","es":"Se negaba a jugar el papel de v\u00edctima."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's just like the evidence that shows that the most dangerous people are those who have been taught some financial literacy.","es":"Es como la evidencia que muestra que las personas m\u00e1s peligrosas son aquellos a quienes se les ha ense\u00f1ado cierta educaci\u00f3n financiera."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's these two strands that run in opposite directions for reasons I can't go into right now.","es":"Estas dos cadenas se mueven en direcciones opuestas por razones que no explicar\u00e9 ahora."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Mathematicians like to characterize things by being formalist.","es":"A los matem\u00e1ticos les gusta caracterizar las cosas formalmente."} {"gender":"male","en":"We're all choking, and there's smoke pouring through the vents, under the doors. There's people screaming.","es":"Todos nos ahog\u00e1bamos, entraba humo por los ductos, por debajo de las puertas y se o\u00edan gritos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in the case of Jane, hopefully, two.","es":"Y, en el caso de Jane, esperemos que dos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So if the returns are the same or better and the planet benefits, wouldn't this be the norm?","es":"Si las ganancias son iguales o mejores y el planeta se beneficia, \u00bfesta no debiera ser la norma?"} {"gender":"male","en":"She'll be with us as we drive, she'll help us manage the children.","es":"Nos acompa\u00f1ar\u00eda mientras conducimos, nos ayudar\u00eda con los ni\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"For something to be front-page news, given the word \"news\" itself, we can assume it must be something new or something surprising. And yet sexual assault is not something new. Sexual assault, along with other kinds of injustices, is reported in the media all the time.","es":"Para que una noticia sea titular y dada la definici\u00f3n de la palabra \"noticia, hay que asumir que debe ser algo nuevo o sorprendente y sin embargo, el abuso sexual no es algo nuevo sino que junto con otras injusticias, siempre aparece en los medios de comunicaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And what I saw in that room, as we talked about how to reduce crime, were a series of officers with a lot of little yellow sticky notes.","es":"Y lo que vi en ese cuarto, mientras habl\u00e1bamos sobre c\u00f3mo reducir el crimen, fue un grupo de oficiales con muchas notitas amarillas adheribles."} {"gender":"female","en":"When disaster hits, when turmoil hits, we share the consequences.","es":"Cuando ocurre un desastre, cuando la inestabilidad golpea, compartimos las consecuencias."} {"gender":"female","en":"The system is set up to prevent something like that from happening without a judge being involved.","es":"El sistema esta dise\u00f1ado para evitar que esas cosas sucedan sin la intervenci\u00f3n de un juez."} {"gender":"male","en":"If people frame mentally saving for retirement as a loss, they're not going to be saving for retirement.","es":"Si la gente imagina que el ahorro para la pensi\u00f3n es una p\u00e9rdida, no van a ahorrar para su retiro."} {"gender":"male","en":"My goal is to ensure that whoever controls this land understands the boiling river's uniqueness and significance.","es":"Mi objetivo es asegurar que quienquiera que controle esa tierra comprenda la importancia y la singularidad del r\u00edo hirviente."} {"gender":"male","en":"So if you wanted a career where you're a self-starter, something in the arts, something entrepreneurial, there's no deadlines on those things at first, because nothing's happening, not until you've gone out and done the hard work to get momentum, get things going.","es":"Si uno quiere hacer carrera por su cuenta, en las artes, en alg\u00fan emprendimiento, no hay plazos en esas cosas al principio, porque no ocurre nada, no hasta que uno sale y hace el trabajo arduo, adquiere \u00edmpetu, y hace que las cosas se muevan."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the question was: How could technology, new technology, be added to that?","es":"Y la pregunta fue: \u00bfc\u00f3mo puede la tecnolog\u00eda, la nueva tecnolog\u00eda, sumarse a eso?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to show a clip of one young lady.","es":"Les mostrar\u00e9 este v\u00eddeo de una se\u00f1orita muy joven."} {"gender":"male","en":"Why would we think this?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 pensar\u00edamos esto?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Dr. Sue thinks it's important to allow such curiosity to flourish.","es":"La Dra. Sue piensa que es importante permitir el desarrollo de tal curiosidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"How does that improve society?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo mejora eso a la sociedad?"} {"gender":"male","en":"It was during the design of the first toilet that I went for lunch, invited by the family into their main room of the house.","es":"Durante el dise\u00f1o del primer inodoro fui a almorzar, invitado por la familia, a la sala principal de su casa."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was humiliated.","es":"Me sent\u00ed humillado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because New York is a leader in open data. Despite all this, we are absolutely a leader in open data, and if we start normalizing things, and set an open data standard, others will follow.","es":"Porque Nueva York es un l\u00edder en informaci\u00f3n abierta, a\u00fan as\u00ed Y si normalizamos las cosas, y establecemos un est\u00e1ndar para informaci\u00f3n abierta, otros seguir\u00e1n."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've gone too far.","es":"He ido muy lejos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And just like that, I went from being a woman that these kids would have been trained to see as \"disabled\" to somebody that had potential that their bodies didn't have yet.","es":"Y as\u00ed de sencillo, pas\u00e9 de ser una mujer a la que estos ni\u00f1os hubieran sido entrenados a ver como \"discapacitada\" a ser alguien con un potencial que sus cuerpos a\u00fan no ten\u00edan."} {"gender":"female","en":"I had to do something.","es":"Deb\u00eda hacer algo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we started thinking about that, and we were inspired by the women around us and all they were doing for breast cancer.","es":"As\u00ed que empezamos a pensar en ello y fuimos inspirados por las mujeres alrededor nuestro y todo lo que hac\u00edan para el c\u00e1ncer de mama."} {"gender":"male","en":"But first I have to ask: what are these building blocks, like the alphabet, elements that I showed you?","es":"Primero tengo que preguntar: \u00bfcu\u00e1les son estos bloques de construcci\u00f3n, como el alfabeto?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So this picture, I think, says it all.","es":"Creo que esta foto lo dice todo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so we got invited back this past summer, and we actually moved into the Hamptons, payed 3,500 dollars a week for a house, and we learned how to surf. And when you can do stuff like this, These are my kids putting in this technology, and when you can build a roof that looks like that on a house that looks like that with sedum that looks like this, this is the new green graffiti.","es":"Y nos invitaron nuevamente el verano pasado, y de hecho nos mudamos a los Hamptons, pagamos USD 3500 semanales por una casa y aprendimos a hacer surf Y cuando puedes hacer cosas como esta estos son mis ni\u00f1os presentando esta tecnolog\u00eda y si puedes construir un techo as\u00ed en una casa con ese aspecto con sedum que se ve as\u00ed, este es el nuevo grafiti verde."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We already know that chemicals like DDT and DES and atrazine can also pass over into milk, again, affecting our babies even after their born.","es":"Ya sabemos que los productos qu\u00edmicos como DDT, DES y atrazina pueden pasarse a la leche igualmente afectando a los beb\u00e9s aun despu\u00e9s de nacidos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I call this strategy the \"I'm tired of your foot on my neck\" strategy.","es":"Y llam\u00e9 a esta estrategia la estrategia \"Estoy cansada de que me pisen\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then I want to tell you that this is a map.","es":"Y quiero decirles que esto es un mapa."} {"gender":"male","en":"Our R&D folks are not only working to give us some fantastic detergents, but they're working to make sure we use less water.","es":"Nuestro equipo de investigaci\u00f3n y desarrollo no solo est\u00e1n trabajando para darnos unos detergentes fant\u00e1sticos, sino tambi\u00e9n est\u00e1n trabajando para asegurarse de que usemos menos agua."} {"gender":"male","en":"They rifled through my backpack.","es":"Desvalijaron mi mochila."} {"gender":"female","en":"I promise you, Parusharam will speak in the TED conference a few years from now.","es":"Se los prometo, Parusharam hablar\u00e1 en una conferencia de TED dentro de unos a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in a pointless universe, that, to me, is a wonderful thing.","es":"Y en un universo sin sentido, esto es para m\u00ed maravilloso."} {"gender":"male","en":"So whenever I visit a school and talk to students, I always ask them the same thing: Why do you Google?","es":"Cuando voy a una escuela y hablo con los estudiantes, siempre les pregunto lo mismo: \u00bfPor qu\u00e9 googlean?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And to fly through obstacles, they can adapt the formations on the fly.","es":"Y para volar sorteando obst\u00e1culos pueden modificar las formaciones sobre la marcha."} {"gender":"female","en":"I had done my financial analysis so long ago that I used Lotus 1-2-3.","es":"Hab\u00eda hecho an\u00e1lisis financiero hace tanto que usaba Lotus 1-2-3."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Be bold.","es":"Sean valientes."} {"gender":"male","en":"The other thing we would like to ask is of companies also all over the world that will be able to help us validate these AEDs. These might be courier services or cable guys, for instance, just to see whether the AED that is submitted is still in place.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n quisiera invitar a compa\u00f1\u00edas en todo el mundo que pudieran ayudarnos a validar \u00e9stos DESA Podr\u00edan ser servicios de mensajer\u00eda o gente de telefon\u00eda, por ejemplo, para ver si el DESA que se muestra est\u00e1 todav\u00eda en su lugar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's extraordinary.","es":"Es extraordinario."} {"gender":"male","en":"Do I say hi?","es":"\u00bfDigo hola?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And here I have my machine, I can do different experiments on the machine.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed tengo mi m\u00e1quina, puedo hacer diferentes experimentos en la m\u00e1quina."} {"gender":"female","en":"So the countries that had women representatives were Canada, Kazakhstan, Philippines, Trinidad Tobago, Jamaica, Lichtenstein and me. So being an American, I decided to set up a caucus.","es":"Los pa\u00edses que ten\u00edan representantes mujeres eran Canad\u00e1, Kazajst\u00e1n, Filipinas, Trinidad y Tobago, Jamaica, Lichtenstein y EE.UU. As\u00ed que siendo yo estadounidense decid\u00ed formar un comit\u00e9."} {"gender":"female","en":"Members were encouraged to bring their wives, daughters and sisters to the meetings of the British Association, and while the women were expected to attend only the public lectures and the social events like this one, they began to infiltrate the scientific sessions as well.","es":"Se alent\u00f3 a los miembros a llevar a sus esposas, hijas y hermanas a las reuniones de la Asociaci\u00f3n Brit\u00e1nica. Y aunque se esperaba que las mujeres asistieran solamente a las conferencias p\u00fablicas y a los eventos sociales, como este, tambi\u00e9n comenzaron a infiltrarse en las sesiones cient\u00edficas."} {"gender":"male","en":"In 2015, two dams collapsed at an iron ore mine in southeastern Brazil, causing one of the worst environmental disasters in the history of the country.","es":"En el 2015, dos represas colapsaron, en una mina de mineral de hierro en el sureste de Brasil, causando uno de los peores desastres medioambientales de la historia del pa\u00eds."} {"gender":"male","en":"How have you managed it?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo lo han logrado?"} {"gender":"female","en":"A load cell measures forces, and this is actually a piezoelectronic load cell that has a little crystal in it.","es":"Una celda de carga mide fuerzas y esta es en realidad una celda de carga piezoelectr\u00f3nica que tiene un peque\u00f1o cristal."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's the only way.","es":"Es la \u00fanica manera."} {"gender":"male","en":"Another reason why I did that was because I had been asking the international community that in order to deal with climate change, in order to fight climate change, there has got to be sacrifice, there has got to be commitment.","es":"Otra raz\u00f3n por la que lo hice fue porque hab\u00eda estado pidiendo a la comunidad internacional que a fin de hacer frente y luchar contra el cambio clim\u00e1tico ten\u00eda que haber sacrificios, compromisos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We stayed full-time students, but in between we traveled, performing and teaching nine-year-olds to MFA candidates, from California to Indiana to India to a public high school just up the street from campus.","es":"\u00c9ramos estudiantes de tiempo completo, pero en el medio viaj\u00e1bamos, actuando y ense\u00f1ando a ni\u00f1os desde 9 a\u00f1os hasta candidatos en Master en Bellas Artes, desde California hasta Indiana, y hasta India, hasta en una escuela secundaria p\u00fablica, en la misma calle del campus."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was way too young to see it, but I was caught up in \"Jaws\" fever, like everyone else in America at the time.","es":"Era demasiado peque\u00f1o para verla, pero estaba atrapado en la fiebre \"Tibur\u00f3n\", como todos en EE.UU. en ese momento."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, it's one in which it's natural to be afraid, to be frightened of this surveillance, this violence against our bodies and what we wear on them.","es":"Pues bien, uno en el que sentir temor es natural; temor a esta vigilancia, a esta violencia contra el cuerpo y la manera en que nos vestimos."} {"gender":"female","en":"We still really haven't got a very complete picture of it.","es":"A\u00fan no tenemos la imagen completa de ello."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's not a business, and it isn't agriculture.","es":"Eso no es un negocio, y no es agricultura."} {"gender":"male","en":"So Gneezy and Rustichini said, \"How many instances of late pick-ups are there at these 10 daycare centers?\"","es":"As\u00ed, Gneezy y Rusticini dijeron: \"\u00bfCu\u00e1ntos casos de demoras hay en estas 10 guarder\u00edas?\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"We can't help but hold our breath when we watch a diver somersaulting into the water, or when a vaulter is twisting in the air, the ground fast approaching.","es":"No podemos evitar contener la respiraci\u00f3n cuando observamos a un clavadista lanzarse al agua, o cuando un saltador est\u00e1 girando en el aire, el suelo se acercaba r\u00e1pidamente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Of course evolution is somewhat random, and you know, about 55 million years ago there was this rebellious little puffer fish faction that said, oh, the heck with the coral reefs, we're going to head to the high seas.","es":"Por supuesto la evoluci\u00f3n es de alguna manera al azar, y saben, aproximadamente hace 55 millones de a\u00f1os exist\u00eda este peque\u00f1o y rebelde grupo de peces globo que dijeron, oh, al diablo con los arrecifes de coral--- vamos a ir a alta mar."} {"gender":"male","en":"He goes, \"Hey, mister!","es":"Me dice: \"\u00a1Oiga, se\u00f1or!"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"For that we used artificial evolution, genetic algorithms.","es":"Para esto utilizamos evoluci\u00f3n artificial, algor\u00edtmos gen\u00e9ticos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Everybody, of course, drinks exactly the same wine.","es":"Todos, por supuesto, bebieron exactamente el mismo vino."} {"gender":"male","en":"The average score when I'd done it with the computers and the groups was 76 percent.","es":"La nota promedio cuando lo hab\u00eda hecho con la computadora y en grupo era de 76%."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was a battle for the Gothic Line.","es":"Fue la batalla de la L\u00ednea G\u00f3tica."} {"gender":"female","en":"In this case, those commas are well-placed, except that there should not be one between \"maniac\" and \"on.\"","es":"En este caso, los comas est\u00e1n bien colocadas, salvo que no deber\u00eda haber una entre \"mani\u00e1tico\" y \"de\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a campaign from the American Diabetes Association.","es":"Esta es una campa\u00f1a para la Asociaci\u00f3n Americana de Diabetes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And then after they spend that time together, they ask both of them: How positive was your experience?","es":"Y luego, despu\u00e9s de que pasan tiempo juntos, preguntan a ambos: \u00bfCu\u00e1n positiva fue su experiencia?"} {"gender":"male","en":"\"You are my first Israelian friend.","es":"\"Eres mi primer amigo israel\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"Using a public bathroom is an excruciating experience.","es":"Usar un ba\u00f1o p\u00fablico es una experiencia insoportable."} {"gender":"female","en":"I like to think of ideas as potential energy.","es":"Me gusta pensar que las ideas son energ\u00eda potencial."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, what can you really bitch about now, you know?","es":"Es decir, \u00bfde qu\u00e9 puede uno realmente quejarse ahora?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's shaking you so hard you can't focus on the instruments in front of you.","es":"Uno tiembla tanto que no se puede concentrar en los instrumentos que tiene en frente."} {"gender":"male","en":"When I was in second grade, Bobby Finkel had a birthday party and invited everyone in our class but me.","es":"Cuando estaba en segundo grado, a Bobby Finkel le hicieron una fiesta de cumplea\u00f1os e invit\u00f3 a todos los compa\u00f1eros de la clase, menos a m\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Your work seems to suggest that that is powerfully wrong.","es":"Su trabajo parece indicar que es totalmente incorrecta."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, that's a fairly straightforward image processing routine, and let me show you how it works.","es":"Es una rutina de procesamiento de im\u00e1genes bastante gen\u00e9rica. Y d\u00e9jenme mostrarles c\u00f3mo funciona."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's brand new.","es":"Es algo nuevo."} {"gender":"male","en":"How could we not succeed,\" she said, \"when people like you from the other side of the world are coming here to stand beside us?\"","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo no podr\u00edamos tener \u00e9xito, cuando personas como ustedes, de la otra parte del mundo, vienen aqu\u00ed a apoyarnos?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"When the subject is still very thinly populated, you can with diligence and hard work become the world authority.","es":"Cuando el tema es a\u00fan poco estudiado, la disciplina y el trabajo duro les permitir\u00e1 convertirse en la autoridad mundial."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so two weeks after we saw this video, we started the project called Project Mosul.","es":"Y as\u00ed fue como dos semanas despu\u00e9s de ver este v\u00eddeo empezamos lo que se llam\u00f3 Proyecto Mosul."} {"gender":"male","en":"His pediatrician happens to have a background in clinical genetics and he has no idea what's going on, but he says, \"Let's get this kid's genome sequenced.\"","es":"Resulta que su pediatra tiene experiencia en gen\u00e9tica cl\u00ednica y aunque no tiene ni idea de lo que le pasa a Nick, dice: \"Vamos a secuenciarle el genoma a este ni\u00f1o\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I had to admit: I can't think of the last time I thought of widows and orphans.","es":"Y tuve que que admitir que no me acuerdo cu\u00e1ndo fue la \u00faltima vez que pens\u00e9 en viudas y hu\u00e9rfanos."} {"gender":"female","en":"While I can't say I have post-traumatic stress disorder, I've never been a stranger to it.","es":"Aunque yo no tenga trastorno por estr\u00e9s postraum\u00e1tico, nunca me ha sido ajeno."} {"gender":"female","en":"I want to ask you now, though, to think maybe from your own experience or maybe just imagine it about the difference between the intensity of the experience under the wedding canopy, and maybe the experience of the sixth or seventh anniversary.","es":"Quiero pedirles, sin embargo, que piensen en su propia experiencia o tal vez que imaginen la diferencia entre la intensidad de la experiencia bajo el altar de la boda, y tal vez en la experiencia del sexto o s\u00e9ptimo aniversario."} {"gender":"male","en":"So in conclusion, I've found the five senses theory to be a very useful tool in evaluating different experiences in my life, and then taking those best experiences and hopefully incorporating them into my designs.","es":"As\u00ed que en conclusi\u00f3n, me parece que la teor\u00eda es una herramienta muy \u00fatil a la hora de evaluar varias experiencias que he vivido, para escoger las mejores y, con suerte, incorporarlas a mis dise\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"The reality is when you actually watch children, children don't think about things like storage in linear terms.","es":"La realidad es que cuando miras a los ni\u00f1os, ellos no piensan en almacenar cosas en t\u00e9rminos lineales."} {"gender":"male","en":"Incredible cameras cost under 5,000 dollars.","es":"C\u00e1maras incre\u00edbles cuestan menos de 5.000 d\u00f3lares."} {"gender":"male","en":"First, the Industrial Revolution brought us machines and factories, railways, electricity, air travel, and our lives have never been the same.","es":"Primero, la revoluci\u00f3n industrial nos trajo las m\u00e1quinas y las f\u00e1bricas, las autopistas, la electricidad, el tr\u00e1fico a\u00e9reo, y nuestras vidas nunca volvieron a ser las mismas."} {"gender":"male","en":"The good stars, Pale helms and spiky spurs, Run away.","es":"Las estrellas virtuosas, p\u00e1lidas riendas y espuelas puntiagudas, se dan a la fuga."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And we were in conversation about how nothing had changed since the time of the ancient Indian epic \"The Mahabharata.\"","es":"Est\u00e1bamos conversando de c\u00f3mo nada ha cambiado desde la \u00e9poca de la antigua epopeya india \"El Mahabharata\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Is it a place for transcendence and spiritual union?","es":"\u00bfEs un lugar para la trascendencia y uni\u00f3n espiritual?"} {"gender":"male","en":"That was Martin, and he has a really wonderful turn of phrase, and what a sense of vision that he captures.","es":"Ese era Martin, con una expresi\u00f3n maravillosa. \u00a1Y qu\u00e9 bien captura esa visi\u00f3n!"} {"gender":"male","en":"Right?","es":"\u00bfVerdad?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Seriously, with all the heavy-duty stuff happening under our roof, one of the most tried and true interventions we know of, is to bake cookies.","es":"En serio, con todo el trabajo pesado bajo nuestro techo, una de las intervenciones m\u00e1s utilizadas y aut\u00e9nticas que conocemos, es hacer galletas."} {"gender":"male","en":"The reason for that is that ice actually sucks moisture out of the atmosphere.","es":"La raz\u00f3n de esto es que el hielo succiona la humedad de la atm\u00f3sfera."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I've taken this aspect of TED and translated it into something that's physical.","es":"As\u00ed que he tomado el logo de TED y lo he traducido en algo f\u00edsico."} {"gender":"male","en":"And because the idea can be explained in one minute, I will tell you three stories before to fill in the time.","es":"Y como la idea puede explicarse en un minuto, antes les dar\u00e9 tres ejemplos para hacer tiempo."} {"gender":"female","en":"They don't have a score because there are no formal public records on them, no bank accounts, no credit histories and no social security numbers.","es":"Y no la tienen porque no existen registros formales de ellos, no tienen cuentas bancarias, ni historial crediticio, ni n\u00fameros de la seguridad social."} {"gender":"male","en":"But Umar is a fantastic student. He's an incredible kid.","es":"Pero Umar es muy buen estudiante, es un chico incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now if you think that's fabulous, this is one of my great favorites.","es":"Si esto les parece maravilloso, el siguiente es uno de mis favoritos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And what SOPA and PIPA want to do is they want to do this.","es":"Y tanto SOPA como PIPA pretenden esto."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, preventing infection is either about protecting people or about eliminating the mosquitoes.","es":"Para prevenir infecciones, o se protege a la gente, o bien se eliminan los mosquitos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The journey started with potentially as many as 20 candidates.","es":"La aventura comenz\u00f3 con hasta 20 candidatos potenciales."} {"gender":"male","en":"In your house, if you stop cleaning your kitchen for a month, your home will become completely unlivable very quickly.","es":"En la casa, si dejamos de limpiar la cocina durante un mes, la casa se vuelve completamente invivible muy r\u00e1pidamente."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because I told you we want to use these games for education or for rehabilitation.","es":"Porque les he dicho que queremos usar estos juegos para la educaci\u00f3n o rehabilitaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"If someone wanted to build a seven-star hotel at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, then we would laugh them out of Arizona.","es":"Si alguien quisiera construir un hotel de siete estrellas en el fondo del Gran Ca\u00f1\u00f3n, nos reir\u00edamos de ellos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I'm jamming away on this thing, and I'm realizing that my hands look like primitive claws grasping onto the bar.","es":"Y mientras estoy movi\u00e9ndome en esa cosa, me doy cuenta de que mis manos parec\u00edan garras primitivas agarr\u00e1ndose a la barra."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I was truly shocked. He was a healthy guy in the prime of life.","es":"Yo estaba realmente en shock, \u00e9l era un hombre sano en la flor de la vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"And a vacuum, there's nothing in a vacuum, so you've, God couldn't be in there.","es":"Y un vac\u00edo, no hay nada en un vac\u00edo, as\u00ed es que Ud., Dios no podr\u00eda estar ah\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"I did these things, and I still do them.","es":"Hice estas cosas y a\u00fan las hago."} {"gender":"male","en":"Maybe you have experienced some of those properties before, but I am talking about the physical properties, not the other ones.","es":"Tal vez han experimentado algunas de esas propiedades antes, pero estoy hablando acerca de las propiedades f\u00edsicas, no de las otras."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is from the first two seconds.","es":"Se trata de los primeros dos segundos."} {"gender":"female","en":"You have Noah and his Ark and the flood.","es":"Est\u00e1 No\u00e9 y su Arca en el diluvio."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'll put it over here, and as I move this away from the source, you'll notice the spiral.","es":"Lo pongo por aqu\u00ed y si me alejo de la fuente, notar\u00e1n la espiral."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The antianxiety medication Librium was given to cats selected for their meanness in the 1950s and made them into peaceable felines.","es":"El medicamentos contra la ansiedad, Librium, fue suministrado a gatos elegidos por su fiereza en los a\u00f1os 50 y los hizo felinos d\u00f3ciles."} {"gender":"female","en":"Forty-five percent of patients who are eventually diagnosed with a recognized autoimmune disease are initially told they're hypochondriacs.","es":"El 45 % de los pacientes a los que finalmente se les diagnostica de una enfermedad autoinmune conocida, en un principio han sido diagnosticados como hipocondriacos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So you get the fruits, the body parts, the computer parts, the scientific terms and so on. The algorithm also identifies that we organize concepts in a hierarchy.","es":"Las frutas, las partes del cuerpo, las piezas de la computadora, los t\u00e9rminos cient\u00edficos, etc. El algoritmo tambi\u00e9n identifica que organizamos los conceptos en jerarqu\u00edas."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is clinically relevant today.","es":"Esto es clinicamente relevante."} {"gender":"male","en":"But they're using their wealth in a way that their forefathers never did.","es":"Pero est\u00e1n usando su abundancia de una manera diferente a sus antecesores."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you look at the good projects, a lot of sanitation and water projects came in.","es":"Si se fijan en los buenos proyectos, muchos de los proyectos de sanidad y agua entraron."} {"gender":"female","en":"Of course, you and I know that Coke is the better choice.","es":"Por supuesto, ustedes y yo sabemos que Coca Cola es la mejor opci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"We have an unparalleled capacity to wage war.","es":"Tenemos una capacidad sin par para combatir."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Praxeology is the study of human choice, action and decision-making.","es":"La praxeolog\u00eda es el estudio de las opciones, acciones y toma de decisiones humanas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So let's talk about effectiveness.","es":"As\u00ed que hablemos de la eficacia."} {"gender":"male","en":"How do people release the documents?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo publica la gente los documentos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Looking at the oil industry, Africa provides 18 percent of the U.S.'s oil supply, with the Middle East just 16 percent.","es":"Echando un vistazo a la industria del petr\u00f3leo, \u00c1frica provee el 18 por ciento del suministro de petr\u00f3leo de los EE.UU. El Oriente Medio un 16 por ciento."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then, I think we've started doing the same.","es":"Creo que empezamos a hacer lo mismo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Of course, criminals and terrorists weren't the first to give guns to robots.","es":"Claro, los criminales y terroristas no fueron los primeros en dotar de armas a los robots."} {"gender":"female","en":"And we don't get the word \"like\" or \"um\" or hyperventilating or crying.","es":"Y no tenemos un \"like\" o \"um\" o hiperventilaci\u00f3n o llanto."} {"gender":"male","en":"You and I are going to have a talk.\"","es":"Los dos vamos a conversar\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"But, it's useful to present the opposition between these two.","es":"Pero es \u00fatil ilustrar las diferencias entre ambos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it was at that moment that I just was filled with the challenge and the outrage that actually we know how to fix this problem.","es":"Fue en ese momento que me sent\u00ed invadida por el desaf\u00edo y la indignaci\u00f3n pensando que en realidad s\u00ed sabemos c\u00f3mo solucionar el problema."} {"gender":"male","en":"If that subtly nudges you to feel about them identically, that's going to make it easier to save.","es":"Si eso les impulsa a sentirlos de manera id\u00e9ntica, ser\u00e1 m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil ahorrar."} {"gender":"male","en":"We tried to make it more difficult.","es":"Tratamos de volverlo m\u00e1s dif\u00edcil."} {"gender":"female","en":"So for almost six years, every single day, I had nothing but rejection letters waiting for me in my mailbox.","es":"As\u00ed que por casi seis a\u00f1os, cada d\u00eda, no ten\u00eda nada m\u00e1s que cartas de rechazo esperando por m\u00ed en mi buz\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"With our friends in the Center for Cellular Construction and the help of the National Science Foundation, we are using Stentor to sense the presence of contamination in food and water, which I think is really cool.","es":"Con nuestros amigos en el \"Centro de Construcci\u00f3n Celular\" y con el apoyo de la \"Fundaci\u00f3n Nacional de Ciencia\", estamos usando Stentor para detectar contaminaci\u00f3n en alimentos y agua, lo cual creo que es estupendo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And competition rules can do a similar thing in the market, making sure that greed and fear doesn't overcome fairness.","es":"Las reglas de competencia pueden hacer algo similar en el mercado: evitar que la codicia y el temor triunfen sobre las reglas de legitimidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Hundreds of kilometers of greenways criss-crossing cities in all directions.","es":"Cientos de kil\u00f3metros de espacios verdes atravesando las ciudades en todas direcciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"Okay, now why then is this curious reluctance and curious hostility to consciousness?","es":"Bien, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 hay esta curiosa renuencia y curiosa hostilidad a la conciencia?"} {"gender":"female","en":"In this project I wanted to work in the opposite direction and find an absolute catalog, something that I couldn't interrupt, curate or edit by choice.","es":"En este proyecto he querido trabajar en la direcci\u00f3n opuesta y encontrar un cat\u00e1logo absoluto, algo que no podr\u00eda interrumpir, seleccionar o modificar por decisi\u00f3n propia."} {"gender":"male","en":"And since the most sustainable trip is the one that you never had to make in the first place, suddenly our lives become instantly more sustainable.","es":"Y dado que el viaje m\u00e1s sustentable es el que nunca se tuvo que hacer, en primer lugar, de repente nuestras vidas se vuelven m\u00e1s sustentables."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we took these descriptors and did what's called natural language processing, where you feed these into a program, it throws out the superfluous words, \"the,\" \"and,\", the kind of words you can mime easily in \"Charades,\", and leaves you with the most significant words.","es":"As\u00ed que tomamos esos descriptores e hicimos lo que se llama procesamiento del lenguaje natural, que consiste en alimentar un programa, que elimina palabras superfluas, \"la\", \"y\", esas palabras que se pueden imitar f\u00e1cilmente en \"Charades\", - y mantiene las palabras m\u00e1s significativas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And all I can really do is hope, not to policymakers or politicians, because as much as I'd like to have faith that they read my words and do something, I don't delude myself.","es":"Y todo lo que puedo en realidad hacer es tener la esperanza, no en pol\u00edticos o desarrolladores de pol\u00edticas, porque por mucho que quiera tener fe en que ellos leen mis palabras y hacen algo al respecto, no me enga\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've seen individuals take the state soap that's provided for free and turn them into the most beautiful sculptures that would make Michelangelo look like a kindergartner made it.","es":"He visto gente que con el jab\u00f3n que se proporciona de forma gratuita lo han convertido en la escultura m\u00e1s hermosa que har\u00eda que una obra de Miguel \u00c1ngel parezca de guarder\u00eda infantil."} {"gender":"female","en":"And everything that everybody is talking about today isn't possible if we keep having an educational system that does not value these qualities, because we won't get there with a standardized test, and we won't get there with a culture of one right answer.","es":"Y todo lo que todo el mundo est\u00e1 hablando hoy no ser\u00eda posible si seguimos con un sistema educativo que no valore estas cualidades porque no lo vamos a lograr con pruebas estandarizadas y tampoco con una cultura de respuestas correctas \u00fanicas."} {"gender":"male","en":"How did this happen?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo sucedi\u00f3 esto?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Ten percent of the patients started taking lithium based on 16 patients of data in a bad publication.","es":"10 porciento de los pacientes comenzaron a tomar litio basados en los datos de 16 pacientes en una mala publicacion."} {"gender":"male","en":"Go to a local vertiport, plug in your destination, delivered almost like a passenger.","es":"Ve al vertipuerto m\u00e1s cercano, indica tu destino, y ser\u00e1s llevado casi como un pasajero."} {"gender":"male","en":"But if you've got more than 10, everything changes.","es":"Pero si se tiene m\u00e1s de 10, todo cambia."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was called the Lungi dance.","es":"El baile se llama Lungi."} {"gender":"male","en":"Another example is Erick Rajaonary.","es":"Otro ejemplo es Erick Rajaonary."} {"gender":"female","en":"His first time out, he followed the Christmas lights, dotting their way through New York City's trees, tiny dots of light, blinking out at him from out of the darkest darks.","es":"La primera vez que sali\u00f3, sigui\u00f3 las luces Navide\u00f1as, salpicadas en los \u00e1rboles de Nueva York, peque\u00f1os puntos de luz que parpadeaban desde las oscuridades m\u00e1s oscuras."} {"gender":"male","en":"Really simple idea: you take every Academy Award Best Picture, you speed it up to one minute each and string them all together.","es":"La idea es muy simple: tomar cada premio de la Academia a la Mejor Pel\u00edcula, acelerarla para que quepa en un minuto y luego sumarlas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The double income family was the standard. And women were regarded as just as economically, socially and sexually powerful as men. In short, we're really moving forward to the past.","es":"La familia con doble ingreso era est\u00e1ndar, y a las mujeres se les consideraba igual de poderosas que los hombres en lo sexual, en lo social y lo econ\u00f3mico En resumen, estamos avanzando hacia el pasado."} {"gender":"male","en":"One of the same studies I looked at both here and in the book found that, improbably, the most common favorite for a father is the last-born daughter.","es":"Otro estudio similar que cito tanto aqu\u00ed como en el libro, y muestra que aunque improbable, para un padre el favorito m\u00e1s com\u00fan es la hija m\u00e1s peque\u00f1a."} {"gender":"female","en":"So it seems possible that the neurobiology for helpless, involuntary laughter, like my parents lying on the floor screaming about a silly song, might have a different basis to it than some of that more polite social laughter that you encounter, which isn't horrible laughter, but it's behavior somebody is doing as part of their communicative act to you, part of their interaction with you; they are choosing to do this.","es":"Parece posible que la neurobiolog\u00eda de la risa involuntaria e inevitable, como la de mis padres en el suelo riendo por una canci\u00f3n tonta, podr\u00eda tener una base distinta que la risa social m\u00e1s educada que encontramos, y no es una risa horrible, sino que responde al comportamiento de alguien que se comunica con uno, es parte de su interacci\u00f3n con uno; eligen hacer eso."} {"gender":"female","en":"I love a phrase that was offered me by two young women who are interfaith innovators in Los Angeles, Aziza Hasan and Malka Fenyvesi.","es":"Me encanta una frase de dos mujeres j\u00f3venes, innovadoras interreligiosas de Los \u00c1ngeles, Aziza Hasan y Malka Fenyvesi."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you. Thanks.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, why would I suggest that producing drought-tolerant crops will go towards providing food security?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 sugiero que la producci\u00f3n de cultivos tolerantes a la sequ\u00eda brindar\u00eda seguridad alimentaria?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You know causal relationships.","es":"Sabes las relaciones causales."} {"gender":"male","en":"So then we come along, we implant some mammalian cells that you can see in blue.","es":"Luego continuamos, implantamos unas c\u00e9lulas de mam\u00edfero que pueden ver en azul."} {"gender":"male","en":"If it's more being trapped on the way out, then you would expect it to be warmer here and cooler here.","es":"Si hay energ\u00eda retenida en su camino de salida, entonces se concentrar\u00eda m\u00e1s calor aqu\u00ed y estar\u00eda m\u00e1s fr\u00edo aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"Everybody ready for your next quest?","es":"\u00bfTodos listos para la siguiente misi\u00f3n?"} {"gender":"male","en":"They're basically saying, \"This is not morality. In-group, authority, purity, this has nothing to do with morality.","es":"Los liberales est\u00e1n basicamente diciendo, \"No, esto no es moralidad. autoridad, unidad de grupo, pureza, eso no tiene nada que ver con moralidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"So she adapted.","es":"As\u00ed que se adapt\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"So you have density.","es":"As\u00ed que tienes densidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you're the second site there, most people link to you.","es":"Si tienes el segundo sitio, la mayor\u00eda de la gente te referenciar\u00e1."} {"gender":"male","en":"They had just begun to come out of a hereditary kind of slavery.","es":"Estaban empezando a salir de un tipo de esclavitud hereditaria."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that's when we began to sell the world that architecture was created by individuals creating genius sketches.","es":"Y ah\u00ed es cuando comenzamos a vender la idea de que la arquitectura era creada por individuos que hac\u00edan bocetos geniales."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now that seems kind of mundane, but think about how in real life, if we're having a conversation and we want to change the topic, there are ways of doing it gracefully.","es":"Ahora,pareceria como si fuese com\u00fan, pero piensen c\u00f3mo en la vida real, si estamos conversando, y queremos cambiar el tema, hay modos mas simp\u00e1ticos."} {"gender":"male","en":"For example, Google announced last year that they had mapped every single location in France in two hours, and the way they did it was that they fed street view images into a deep learning algorithm to recognize and read street numbers.","es":"Por ejemplo, Google anunci\u00f3 el a\u00f1o pasado que hab\u00eda cartografiado cada sitio de Francia en dos horas, y lo hizo alimentando con im\u00e1genes de las calles, al algoritmo de aprendizaje profundo para reconocer y leer los n\u00fameros."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here, I will do the most difficult thing.","es":"Aqu\u00ed, har\u00e9 lo m\u00e1s dif\u00edcil."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I'd like to relay to you a childhood experience of mine that really made me see the ocean differently, and it's become the foundation of my work because, I feel like, if in a day, I can see the ocean differently, then I can evoke that same kind of change in others, especially kids.","es":"Pero me gustar\u00eda contarles una experiencia infantil que, de verdad, hizo que vea el oc\u00e9ano de otra manera y que se ha convertido en la base de mi trabajo. Porque me parece que si en un d\u00eda logr\u00e9 ver el oc\u00e9ano de una manera diferente, entonces puedo producir el mismo tipo de cambio en otras personas, especialmente en los ni\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, a year earlier, a researcher had been grabbed by one and pulled down to depth and killed.","es":"De hecho, hace un a\u00f1o, a un investigador un animal lo agarr\u00f3, lo llev\u00f3 al fondo y lo mat\u00f3."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, why is that?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 pasa eso?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And the great thing about this stuff is you can make it in units of roughly seven times the size of glass, and it was only one percent of the weight of double-glazing.","es":"Y lo bueno de estas cosas es que se lo puede hacer en unidades unas 7 veces m\u00e1s grandes que las de vidrio. Y pesaba s\u00f3lo el 1% respecto del doble acristalamiento."} {"gender":"female","en":"You know, that woman that goes around to foundations asking for money, thinking about the economics of terrorism.","es":"Ya saben, esa mujer que se pasea por las fundaciones, pidiendo dinero, pensando sobre el sistema econ\u00f3mico del terrorismo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'll never forget that moment sitting there with him, how free he was in his happiness.","es":"Nunca olvidar\u00e9 ese momento sentada all\u00ed con \u00e9l qu\u00e9 libre era en su felicidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"Every column is a chapter.","es":"Cada columna es un cap\u00edtulo."} {"gender":"male","en":"You're doing something that's actually a little bit different.","es":"Estas haciendo algo ligeramente distinto."} {"gender":"female","en":"We selected this for the research.","es":"Escogimos este centro para la investigaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Imagine if you did not have your kids. And one day you went to the park and you met some kids.","es":"Hagan de cuenta que no tienen hijos, y un d\u00eda fueran al parque y conocieran algunos ni\u00f1os, y estos ni\u00f1os fueran iguales a sus hijos."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's no information about why you were invited to the meeting.","es":"No hay explicaci\u00f3n de por qu\u00e9 fuiste invitado para la reuni\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"She's on the faculty, tenure track in psychiatry, Ph.D. in neuroscience.","es":"Es profesora titular en psiquiatr\u00eda con doctorado en neurociencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"So Imogen Heap, the Grammy-winning singer-songwriter, is now putting music on a blockchain ecosystem.","es":"Por eso Imogen Heap, ganadora del Grammy, cantante y compositora, ahora est\u00e1 poniendo m\u00fasica en un ecosistema de cadena de bloques."} {"gender":"female","en":"I gradually won them over, and we formed our first team.","es":"De a poco los conquist\u00e9, y formamos nuestro primer equipo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But most important, go back to where we started.","es":"Pero lo m\u00e1s importante, volvamos a donde empezamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean actually respecting them, respecting what they've achieved.","es":"Quiero decir respet\u00e1ndolas, respetando lo que han conseguido."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is a calf in captivity making an imitation of that trainer's whistle.","es":"Y este es una cr\u00eda en cautiverio haciendo una imitaci\u00f3n del silbato de ese entrenador."} {"gender":"male","en":"And my immunologist told me that I should also wipe down all of the remote controls and iPhones in my house, because those are just orgies of germs. So that took a lot of time.","es":"Mi inmun\u00f3logo me dijo que tambi\u00e9n deb\u00eda limpiar todos los controles remotos y iPhones de mi casa, porque albergan org\u00edas de g\u00e9rmenes, Eso me llev\u00f3 much\u00edsimo tiempo."} {"gender":"female","en":"You see, scientists had just discovered in the laboratory in vitro that one pine seedling root could transmit carbon to another pine seedling root.","es":"Ver\u00e1n, los cient\u00edficos acaban de descubrir en un laboratorio, in vitro, que la ra\u00edz de una pl\u00e1ntula de pino puede transmitir carbono a otra pl\u00e1ntula."} {"gender":"male","en":"Chemists are trying to study the molecules to look at disease.","es":"Los qu\u00edmicos investigan las mol\u00e9culas para estudiar enfermedades."} {"gender":"male","en":"But good thing I did, because I don't look good in orange.","es":"Fue bueno tenerlo, porque el naranja-prisi\u00f3n no me queda bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"Does it have the substance to do it?","es":"\u00bfTiene la substancia para hacerlo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So my story really is as much about that convergence in the Americas as it's a convergence story in Eurasia.","es":"As\u00ed que mi relato es sobre la convergencia en Am\u00e9rica as\u00ed como en Eurasia."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"There is a hero in all of us,\" is their slogan.","es":"El lema es \u00abHay un h\u00e9roe en cada uno de nosotros\u00bb."} {"gender":"male","en":"But excessive reliance on incentives demoralizes professional activity in two senses of that word.","es":"Pero la dependencia excesiva de los incentivos desmoraliza la actividad profesional en dos sentidos de ese concepto."} {"gender":"male","en":"We introduced something called The Unilever Sustainable Living Plan, which said, \"Our purpose is to make sustainable living commonplace, and we are gong to change the lives of one billion people over 2020.\"","es":"Presentamos algo que llamamos el plan de vida sustentable de Unilever, que dice: \"Nuestro prop\u00f3sito es hacer que la vida sustentable sea algo cotidiano, y vamos a cambiar las vidas de 1000 millones de personas para el 2020\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"This would be a good outcome for energy.","es":"Esto ser\u00eda un buen resultado para la energ\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"Who decides that Soho should have this personality and that the Latin Quarter should have this personality?","es":"\u00bfQui\u00e9n decide que el Soho tenga esta personalidad y el Barrio Latino tenga esta otra?"} {"gender":"male","en":"In America alone, 33,000 people are killed each year.","es":"Solo en EE.UU., mueren 33 000 personas al a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"As I said, I started to do these things 75 years ago.","es":"Como dije, empec\u00e9 a hacer todas estas cosas hace 75 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm not going to talk about that tonight.","es":"No voy a hablar de eso esta noche."} {"gender":"male","en":"And third, the meaningful life.","es":"Y tercero, la vida significativa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And challenge ourselves, practice being OK, making mistakes, and support each other through them.","es":"Y desafiarnos a nosotros mismos, practicar estar bien, cometer errores, y apoyarse mutuamente al cometerlos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And what about the web?","es":"\u00bfY qu\u00e9 pasa en Internet?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm telling you this story because, actually, ever since Richard called me and asked me to talk about, as he asked all of his speakers, to talk about something that would be new to this audience that we had never talked about, never written about. I've been planning this moment. This reason really is that I am a man who, almost 30 years ago, had his life saved by two long courses of electroshock therapy.","es":"Les cuento esta historia porque de hecho desde que Richard me llam\u00f3 y me pidi\u00f3 que hablara que hablara de algo que fuera nuevo para esta audiencia, de lo que nunca antes hab\u00edamos hablado, ni escrito, he estado planeando este momento. la raz\u00f3n es en realidad porque yo soy un hombre al que hace casi 30 a\u00f1os atr\u00e1s le salvaron la vida con dos largas sesiones de electroshock."} {"gender":"male","en":"You needed my empathy and compassion, and above all else, you needed a doctor who was willing to consider maybe you didn't let the system down.","es":"Necesitabas mi empat\u00eda y compasi\u00f3n, y por encima de todo, necesitabas un m\u00e9dico que estuviera dispuesto a considerar que tal vez no defraudaste al sistema."} {"gender":"female","en":"So now those emails had a third commonality as well.","es":"Y hab\u00eda un tercer factor com\u00fan en esos correos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to speak today about the relationship between science and human values.","es":"Hoy voy a hablar de la relaci\u00f3n entre ciencia y valores humanos."} {"gender":"female","en":"So out of my hospital bed, I asked my husband to start taking notes, and a few months later, the marathon was born.","es":"As\u00ed que desde mi cama del hospital le ped\u00ed a mi esposo que comenzara a tomar notas, y unos meses despu\u00e9s, naci\u00f3 la marat\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But what's happening, our learning-different kids, dyslexic, we've renamed them prolexic, are doing well in these beautiful, beautiful classrooms.","es":"A los ni\u00f1os con diferencias de aprendizaje, disl\u00e9xicos, les hemos puesto prol\u00e9xicos, y les va bien en estas hermosas aulas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now that is less than a year old, in an operating room.","es":"\u00c9sta es de hace menos de un a\u00f1o, en una sala de operaciones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, it's this kind of miracle.","es":"Bueno, este tipo de milagros."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm more interested in the creative applications we can do with this.","es":"Estoy algo m\u00e1s interesado en el tipo de aplicaciones creativas que se pueden hacer."} {"gender":"male","en":"I realized that not everybody can be able to access what I was able to access.","es":"Me di cuenta de que no todo el mundo pod\u00eda acceder a lo que yo pod\u00eda acceder."} {"gender":"male","en":"The Web doesn't know that that is actually a town, and that it's a specific town that I live in, but that's what we're going to be talking about.","es":"La red no sabe que ese es un pueblo, y que es espec\u00edficamente el pueblo donde yo vivo, pero eso es lo que estaremos hablando."} {"gender":"female","en":"So in the descriptive part up top, I said that I was an award-winning journalist and a future thinker.","es":"As\u00ed que en la parte de descripci\u00f3n de arriba, dec\u00eda que era una periodista premiada y una pensadora a futuro."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was published in the literature.","es":"Fue publicado en la literatura."} {"gender":"female","en":"The best time to work on your marriage is before you have one, and that means being as intentional with love as you are with work.","es":"El mejor momento para trabajar en tu matrimonio es antes de que lo tengas, y eso implica ser tan intencional en el amor como lo eres en el trabajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So Jaynes's theory is that consciousness, at least in the way we perceive it today, where we feel that we are the pilots of our own existence, is a quite recent cultural development.","es":"La teor\u00eda de Jaynes dice que la conciencia, al menos como la percibimos hoy es decir, que sentimos ser pilotos de nuestra propia existencia, es un desarrollo cultural bastante reciente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So once we realized that we could make 5,000-base pair viral-sized pieces, we thought, we at least have the means then to try and make serially lots of these pieces to be able to eventually assemble them together to make this mega base chromosome.","es":"As\u00ed que, una vez que nos dimos cuenta que pod\u00edamos hacer piezas de tama\u00f1o viral, de 5.000 pares de bases, pensamos, al menos tenemos los medios para intentar hacer muchas de estas piezas en serie para eventualmente ensamblarlas para hacer este cromosoma de megabase."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if you'll begin to look closely at the husky that's bearing her throat to the polar bear, and look a little more closely, they're in an altered state.","es":"Si observan a la husky ofreciendo su garganta al oso polar detenidamente ver\u00e1n que est\u00e1n en un estado alterado."} {"gender":"male","en":"I knew this was happening.","es":"Sab\u00eda que estaba ocurriendo."} {"gender":"male","en":"In the end, however, and this is really amazing, for each of those 10 TED Talk clusters that I submitted, I actually received meaningful summaries.","es":"Al final, no obstante, esto es lo realmente incre\u00edble, para cada grupo de 10 TEDTalks que envi\u00e9 recib\u00ed res\u00famenes significativos."} {"gender":"male","en":"All scientists aren't like that.","es":"No todos los cient\u00edficos son as\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"I can just sit back and relax.\"","es":"Puedo recostarme y relajarme.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"Okay. Excellent.","es":"Bueno, Excelente."} {"gender":"male","en":"This man, in Kashgar, Xinjiang province, in Western China, is serving up his national dish.","es":"Este hombre, en Kanshgar, provincia de Sinkiang al oeste de China, est\u00e1 sirviendo el plato nacional."} {"gender":"male","en":"She eventually graduated from the Royal Ballet School, founded the Gillian Lynne Dance Company, met Andrew Lloyd Webber.","es":"Finalmente se gradu\u00f3 de la escuela y fund\u00f3 su propia compa\u00f1\u00eda, la Compa\u00f1\u00eda de Danza de Gillian Lynne, conoci\u00f3 a Andrew Lloyd Weber."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here, I grab, you know this?","es":"Entonces aqu\u00ed agarro \u00bfconocen esta?"} {"gender":"male","en":"It becomes more and more and more expensive to dig them out.","es":"Se va volviendo m\u00e1s y m\u00e1s caro excavarlos."} {"gender":"male","en":"For the past 15 years, I've seen the power of this idea to transform everyday citizens into community health workers, into everyday heroes.","es":"Los \u00faltimos 15 a\u00f1os, he visto el poder de esta idea de transformar los ciudadanos de a pie en trabajadores de salud en h\u00e9roes del d\u00eda a d\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"They fought with amazing, incredible courage and valor.","es":"Pelearon con incre\u00edble valent\u00eda y coraje."} {"gender":"female","en":"Ninety percent of women don't, and 95 percent of women don't know that it increases your breast cancer risk.","es":"El 90% de las mujeres no la conoce y el 95% de las mujeres no sabe que eso aumenta el riesgo de c\u00e1ncer de mama."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, what you're seeing here is a wonderful presentation, but it's one of the tours.","es":"Entonces lo que ven aqu\u00ed es una presentaci\u00f3n fant\u00e1stica pero es uno de los recorridos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I want to go beyond the story, and go to something more.","es":"Y quiero ir mas alla de la historia, e ir hacia algo mas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Tell her she was born just in time, just in time to lead.","es":"Dile que naci\u00f3 justo a tiempo, justo a tiempo para liderar."} {"gender":"female","en":"The mission for the generation of young people coming of age in this, a sea-change moment, potentially, is to end mass incarceration and build a new criminal justice system, emphasis on the word justice.","es":"La misi\u00f3n para la generaci\u00f3n joven en este momento de cambio radical, potencialmente, es acabar con la encarcelaci\u00f3n en masa y construir un nuevo sistema de justicia penal, con \u00e9nfasis en la palabra justicia."} {"gender":"male","en":"You see, I had this idea for a movie.","es":"Ya ven, yo ten\u00eda esta idea para una pel\u00edcula."} {"gender":"male","en":"And sure enough, my prayers were answered, because I was invited to a meeting at this man's house, met his mother, his father, his wife, his brother, met their family and had a chance to be in the presence of God-spirited people led by this man, who in the spirit of forgiveness, made way, made an opportunity for me to be of value and to share with him and to share with children the importance of understanding the need to be with a responsible adult, focus on your anger in a way that's healthy, learn to meditate.","es":"Y con seguridad, mis plegarias fueron escuchadas, porque fui invitado a una reuni\u00f3n en la casa de este hombre, conoc\u00ed a su madre, su padre, su esposa, su hermano, conoc\u00ed a su familia y pude estar en presencia de personas espirituales guiadas por este hombre quien en el camino hacia el perd\u00f3n, hizo lugar, cre\u00f3 una oportunidad para m\u00ed para ser de valor y compartir con \u00e9l y compartir con los ni\u00f1os la importancia de entender la necesidad de estar con un adulto responsable, centrarse en el enojo de manera saludable, aprender a meditar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Feeling is based on our intuition, model is based on reason.","es":"Y la sensaci\u00f3n se basa en la intuici\u00f3n. El modelamiento se basa en la raz\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let's take a brief reminder of what those tools looked like.","es":"Recordemos brevemente cu\u00e1les eran esos instrumentos."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, they were so successful that you could buy a pirated copy of their DVD, even before it was released in the Middle East.","es":"De hecho, tuvieron tanto \u00e9xito que uno pod\u00eda comprar una copia pirata de su DVD dondequiera que uno fuera incluso antes de que saliera en Oriente Medio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The most important thing about a preferential option for the poor is what it's not.","es":"Lo m\u00e1s importante de la opci\u00f3n preferencial por los pobres es definir qu\u00e9 no es."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Let's go up to 2008.","es":"Vayamos hasta el 2008."} {"gender":"female","en":"Most important, we all really need to listen to each other, including to the boring bits.","es":"A\u00fan m\u00e1s importante, todos necesitamos escucharnos mutuamente, hasta en las partes aburridas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, this is the question the Edge foundation asked this year, and four of the respondents said, \"SETI.\"","es":"Bueno, esta es la pregunta que la fundaci\u00f3n Edge hizo este a\u00f1o, y cuatro de los que respondieron dijeron, \"SETI\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"I produced in Dubai a show for Ahmed Ahmed to showcase his new Axis special to a packed room.","es":"Produje en Dubai un espect\u00e1culo para Ahmed Ahmed para que presentara su nuevo especial del Eje en una sala atestada."} {"gender":"male","en":"Math is a much broader subject than calculating.","es":"La matem\u00e1tica es algo mucho m\u00e1s amplio que el c\u00e1lculo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Looking good, looking good.","es":"Buena pinta, muy buena."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm not very happy with her.","es":"No estoy muy contento con ella."} {"gender":"male","en":"Correct \"dissuade.\"","es":"Corregir \"disuadir\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"I saw hope made manifest in an African-American church in the South Side of Chicago this summer, where I brought my little girl, who is now 13 and a few inches taller than me, to hear my friend Rev. Otis Moss preach.","es":"Vi esperanza manifestada en una iglesia afroestadounidense en el lado sur de Chicago este verano, donde llev\u00e9 a mi hija, que ahora tiene 13 a\u00f1os y unos cuantos cent\u00edmetros m\u00e1s alta que yo, a escuchar predicar a mi amigo el reverendo Otis Moss."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we grew up believing no one would ever fall in love with us, that we'd be lonely forever, that we'd never meet someone to make us feel like the sun was something they built for us in their toolshed.","es":"As\u00ed, crecimos creyendo que nadie se enamorar\u00eda de nosotros, que estar\u00edamos solos por siempre, que nunca conocer\u00edamos a alguien que nos hiciera sentir que el sol era algo hecho para nosotros en su taller."} {"gender":"male","en":"We will fight climate change.","es":"Lucharemos contra el cambio clim\u00e1tico."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, what do we do about them?","es":"Bueno, \u00bfqu\u00e9 podemos hacer?"} {"gender":"female","en":"So he was talking about the law in Britain which is the Communications Data Bill, an absolutely outrageous piece of legislation.","es":"Estaba hablando de la ley de Comunicaciones de Gran Breta\u00f1a, una legislaci\u00f3n absolutamente escandalosa."} {"gender":"female","en":"Her first marriage did not survive, nor did her second marriage.","es":"Su primer matrimonio no dur\u00f3 ni tampoco su segundo matrimonio."} {"gender":"male","en":"Miguel Nicolelis, thank you.","es":"Miguel Nicolelis, gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we saw people who had a functional microscope but just didn't know how to even turn it on.","es":"Y vimos gente que ten\u00eda microscopios en funcionamiento pero que no sab\u00edan ni c\u00f3mo encenderlos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So if you go back into the parking, into the corridors, it's almost like traveling into a parallel universe from cars and colors, into this sort of south-facing urban oasis.","es":"Volviendo al aparcamiento, a los pasillos, es como viajar a un universo paralelo de coches y colores, a este oasis urbano orientado al sur."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They don't have traditional hooves, but they do have one, like, big nail.","es":"No tienen los tradicionales cascos, pero si tienen algo como una gran u\u00f1a."} {"gender":"male","en":"But it felt like a booby prize.","es":"Pero los sent\u00eda como un premio de consolaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Students can use this as a tool to learn about the complex concepts such as planetary motion, physics, and unlike computer screens or textbooks, this is a real, tangible experience that you can touch and feel, and it's very powerful.","es":"Los estudiantes pueden usarlo como herramienta para entender conceptos complicados como el movimiento de los planetas, la f\u00edsica, y, a diferencia de los monitores o los libros de texto, esta es una experiencia real y palpable que puedes tocar y sentir. Es muy poderosa."} {"gender":"female","en":"Instead, what if scholars were able to take the research that they're doing and translate it on popular media and be able to engage with the public?","es":"M\u00e1s bien plantear\u00eda: \u00bfy si los acad\u00e9micos tradujeran sus investigaciones y las publicaran en medios masivos para poder interactuar con el p\u00fablico?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And that is female-pattern and why we think the Yentl syndrome actually is explaining a lot of these gaps.","es":"Y ese es el patr\u00f3n femenino y por qu\u00e9 pensamos que el s\u00edndrome Yentl de hecho explica muchas de estas brechas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I learned that the Civil War was a nationalizing conflict, I learned some physics, I learned that correlation shouldn't be confused with causation, all of these things, by the way, enriched my life on a literally daily basis.","es":"Me enter\u00e9 de que la Guerra Civil fue un conflicto de nacionalizaci\u00f3n, aprend\u00ed algo de f\u00edsica, aprend\u00ed que la correlaci\u00f3n no se debe confundir con la causalidad --todas estas cosas, por cierto, enriquecieron literalmente mi vida diaria."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I gave my own views","es":"Y di mi propia opini\u00f3n"} {"gender":"male","en":"RW: Wow, we sure are getting our fingers dirty for a first date, huh?","es":"Guau, estamos ensuci\u00e1ndonos los dedos para una primera cita, \u00bfeh?"} {"gender":"male","en":"When the last of the food, despite her best efforts, ran out.","es":"Cuando la \u00faltima comida, a pesar de sus esfuerzos, se acababa."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then I felt television really was about displays.","es":"Luego sent\u00ed que la televisi\u00f3n en verdad ten\u00eda que ver con los monitores."} {"gender":"male","en":"And just down the road, this is JET.","es":"Y justo al final del camino, esto es JET."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Unless, of course, if you have a ski lift.","es":"A menos, claro, que tenga un telef\u00e9rico."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So an on-board processor essentially looks at what motions need to be executed and combines these motions, and figures out what commands to send to the motors, 600 times a second.","es":"Un procesador de a bordo analiza los movimientos a ejecutar, combina estos movimientos y calcula los comandos a enviar a los motores 600 veces por segundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So Ms. Dewey heard this, and she shook her head in despair while fellow teachers were sort of cheering each other on and nodding approvingly.","es":"Al o\u00edr esto la Sra. Dewey negaba con su cabeza con desesperaci\u00f3n mientras sus colegas maestros se daban \u00e1nimo unos a otros y asent\u00edan con la cabeza."} {"gender":"male","en":"We must think again about God.","es":"Debemos pensar nuevamente sobre Dios."} {"gender":"female","en":"So people tried to escape only to find that some of the fire doors had been chained shut.","es":"Entonces la gente trat\u00f3 de escapar, pero encontraron las salidas de emergencia cerradas con cadenas."} {"gender":"male","en":"We just can't shake it off.","es":"No podemos dejarlo de lado."} {"gender":"female","en":"And we can use that same idea to create rules for robots.","es":"Y podemos usar la misma idea para crear reglas para robots."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And so we can feel unfinished.","es":"Y tenemos la sensaci\u00f3n de estar \u201cinconclusos\u201d."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's very easy to do.","es":"Es muy f\u00e1cil de hacer."} {"gender":"female","en":"It would be like 36,000 people staring at 36,000 monitors each and every day, without so much as a coffee break.","es":"Ser\u00eda como 36.000 personas viendo 36.000 monitores cada d\u00eda, sin para ni para un caf\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was then that I came across these books, and in these books I discovered the idea of task shifting in global health.","es":"Ah\u00ed fue cuando encontr\u00e9 estos libros y descubr\u00ed en la salud mundial, la idea de delegar tareas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so everything sort of has a place that it has to fit.","es":"Y as\u00ed, todo tiene una especie de lugar donde debe encajar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Our first tapir program took place in the Atlantic Forest in the eastern part of Brazil, one of the most threatened biomes in the world.","es":"Nuestro primer programa Tapir se dio en el bosque atl\u00e1ntico en la parte este de Brasil, uno de los biomas m\u00e1s amenazados del mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is an amazing picture from a Czech photographer named Jack Hedley.","es":"Esta es una foto incre\u00edble de un fot\u00f3grafo checo que se llama Jack Hedley."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I said, \"Sure.\" And four years later, it's been downloaded four million times.","es":"Y yo le dije: \"Claro\" Y 4 a\u00f1os m\u00e1s tarde, como ya he dicho, ha sido vista 4 Bueno, ha sido descargada 4 millones de veces."} {"gender":"female","en":"Idea number one: we need news that's built on deep-domain knowledge.","es":"Idea n\u00famero uno: Necesitamos noticias basadas en el conocimiento profundo del dominio."} {"gender":"male","en":"What struck me also was how much the city was changing around me.","es":"Lo que me impresion\u00f3 tambi\u00e9n fue cu\u00e1nto estaba cambiando la ciudad a mi alrededor."} {"gender":"female","en":"All I got were empty promises and disappointment, enough disappointment to found a political party.","es":"Todas fueron promesas vac\u00edas y decepci\u00f3n suficiente decepci\u00f3n como para fundar un partido pol\u00edtico."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we devalue it in three areas.","es":"Y lo desvalorizamos en 3 \u00e1reas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Life goes on.","es":"Y la vida sigue."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You are always trying to understand it in context, even if, as far as you are concerned, at that point in time, it has not necessarily anything to do with you, you still want to know why those people are laughing.","es":"Siempre tratamos de entenderla en contexto, incluso si, en lo que a uno respecta, en ese momento, no tiene necesariamente nada que ver con uno, siempre querremos saber por qu\u00e9 la gente se r\u00ede."} {"gender":"male","en":"But also, now when kids go outside, do they look at a bird and think, \"How does a bird fly differently than I flew when I was a bat?\"","es":"Pero adem\u00e1s, ahora cuando los ni\u00f1os salen afuera y ven un p\u00e1jaro, piensan: \"\u00bfC\u00f3mo ese p\u00e1jaro vuela distinto a m\u00ed, cuando vuelo yo como murci\u00e9lago?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"I actually brought this up with my wife.","es":"En realidad esta la hizo mi esposa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The real problem, though, that the judge was not willing to acknowledge was what Emma was actually trying to say, that the African-Americans that were hired, usually for industrial jobs, maintenance jobs, were all men.","es":"El verdadero problema, sin embargo, fue que el juez no quer\u00eda reconocer lo que Emma trataba de decir; que los afroestadounidenses que fueron contratados, para trabajos industriales y de mantenimiento, todos eran hombres."} {"gender":"male","en":"Black is boring.","es":"El negro es aburrido."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He said, \"Look, these are the strongest and most able men in the country.","es":"Y \u00e9l respondi\u00f3: \"Mirad, \u00e9stos son los hombres m\u00e1s fuertes y m\u00e1s capaces del pa\u00eds."} {"gender":"female","en":"You see, she'd been studying caregivers, and specifically mothers of children with a chronic condition, be it gut disorder, be it autism, you name it, a group obviously under enormous and prolonged psychological stress.","es":"Ella hab\u00eda estado estudiando a los cuidadores, y espec\u00edficamente a madres de ni\u00f1os con una enfermedad cr\u00f3nica, ya sea un trastorno intestinal, autismo, lo que sea. Se trata de un grupo obviamente bajo un estr\u00e9s psicol\u00f3gico enorme y prolongado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's these electrical objects that are holding all the information about whatever stimulated it.","es":"Y son estos objetos el\u00e9ctricos los que mantienen toda la informaci\u00f3n sobre lo que fuera que lo estimul\u00f3."} {"gender":"female","en":"Learning will increase the production of these new neurons.","es":"Aprender aumentar\u00e1 la producci\u00f3n de estas nuevas neuronas."} {"gender":"male","en":"But again, we're imposing order on the mess we observe, and it's taking the same patterns, and the thing is when something is in the form of a story, often, we remember it when we shouldn't.","es":"Pero de nuevo, imponemos el orden en el l\u00edo que observamos. Y usa los mismos patrones. Y cuando algo est\u00e1 en forma de una historia, a menudo, la recordamos, cuando no deber\u00edamos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Over our lifetimes, we've all contributed to climate change.","es":"Durante nuestras vidas, todos hemos contribuido con el cambio clim\u00e1tico."} {"gender":"male","en":"But the way to deal with that is to do science, and understand how it spreads and why in a morally neutral perspective.","es":"Pero la forma de lidiar con ello es haciendo ciencia y entendiendo c\u00f3mo se esparce y por qu\u00e9 desde una perspectiva moralmente neutra."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And so one way to formulate that is the human mind can take in millions of pieces of information a minute, of which it can be consciously aware of about 40.","es":"Por eso una manera de formularlo es que la mente humana puede recibir millones de informaciones por minuto, de las cuales puede ser consciente de unas 40."} {"gender":"female","en":"She didn't have to choose some P.C. stance on gayness over her heritage.","es":"No ten\u00eda que elegir entre una postura sobre la homosexualidad y su herencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, I'm almost sure that these people wouldn't say the things they say in person.","es":"Estoy casi segura de que estas personas no dir\u00edan esto en persona."} {"gender":"male","en":"For geolocation, accuracy matters, and things have only improved over the last 10 years.","es":"Para la geolocalizaci\u00f3n, la resoluci\u00f3n es importante y las cosas han mejorado en la \u00faltima d\u00e9cada."} {"gender":"male","en":"They've gotten bigger; they're spread out.","es":"Cada vez son m\u00e1s grandes, est\u00e1n m\u00e1s extendidas."} {"gender":"female","en":"I don't think that's rational.","es":"No creo que eso sea racional."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"So this is the fun bit of physics, that you learn these patterns and then you can apply them again and again and again.","es":"Entonces esta es la parte divertida de la F\u00edsica, que aprendan esos patrones y luego los puedan aplicar una y otra vez."} {"gender":"male","en":"You don't want to be the ham in the middle.","es":"No quisieras ser el jam\u00f3n en el centro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"A key revolution is that we're understanding our own biology in these information terms.","es":"Una revoluci\u00f3n clave es que estamos entendiendo nuestra biolog\u00eda en estos t\u00e9rminos de informaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then you can highlight it into something like, yes, CouchSurfing.org.","es":"Y entonces se puede constatar que es posible algo as\u00ed como: CouchSurfing.org."} {"gender":"male","en":"Your body is covered with fractals.","es":"Su cuerpo est\u00e1 cubierto de fractales."} {"gender":"male","en":"You'd like to have a little advance warning.","es":"A uno le gustar\u00eda tener un peque\u00f1o aviso de precauci\u00f3n anticipado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, you all know that high cholesterol is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, stroke.","es":"Todos saben que el colesterol alto se asocia con un mayor riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares, ataque al coraz\u00f3n, derrame cerebral."} {"gender":"female","en":"What is it that's worth spending my time on and my life on in this way?","es":"\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 es eso que vale la pena que dedique mi tiempo y mi vida de esta manera?"} {"gender":"male","en":"We took mice and we gave them one P, paroxetine.","es":"Nos llevamos ratones y les dimos una P, paroxetina."} {"gender":"female","en":"That's because Kepler-186f orbits a red star, and we're just speculating that perhaps the plants there, if there is vegetation that does photosynthesis, it has different pigments and looks red.","es":"Esto se debe a Kepler-186F orbita alrededor de una estrella roja, y solo especulamos que tal vez haya plantas all\u00ed, si hay vegetaci\u00f3n que hace fotos\u00edntesis, tiene diferentes pigmentos y se ve roja."} {"gender":"female","en":"One study showed that when subjects were exposed to news stories that were negative about Muslims, they became more accepting of military attacks on Muslim countries and policies that curtail the rights of American Muslims.","es":"Un estudio mostr\u00f3 que cuando los sujetos se expon\u00edan a nuevas historias negativas sobre musulmanes, eran m\u00e1s propicios a aceptar ataques militares en pa\u00edses musulmanes, y pol\u00edticas que limiten los derechos de los musulmanes estadounidenses."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I felt happy that he was able to talk about it; it felt like he was getting it.","es":"Y me sent\u00ed feliz de poder hablar sobre eso; parec\u00eda como si lo estuviera entendiendo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Here is Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, and Sulaiman was a key lieutenant of Osama Bin Laden.","es":"Este es Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, y Sulaiman era un teniente clave de Osama Bin Laden."} {"gender":"male","en":"All right, let's take a look at the long one first, okay?","es":"Bien, primero veamos la larga, \u00bfs\u00ed?"} {"gender":"male","en":"\"Great,\" he said, \"You got two years.\"","es":"\"Excelente,\" dijo, \"tienes dos a\u00f1os.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"Not yours, of course, other people's.","es":"No el de ustedes, por supuesto, sino el de otros."} {"gender":"male","en":"I sent all the teachers away from my group of 10 year-old students.","es":"Alej\u00e9 a todos los maestros de mi grupo de estudiantes de 10 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I hope to change that in less than three minutes.","es":"Bueno, espero cambiar eso en menos de 3 minutos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Woman: Yeah, but I thought that was just me.","es":"Mujer: S\u00ed, pero pens\u00e9 que s\u00f3lo yo lo sent\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"Twelve years ago, I was in the street writing my name to say, \"I exist.\"","es":"Hace doce a\u00f1os, estaba en la calle escribiendo mi nombre para poder decir: \"Existo\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Oh, it's almost 50\/50.","es":"Oh, est\u00e1 casi al 50 por ciento."} {"gender":"male","en":"And later, in the mid-'80s, when \"Jeopardy\" came back on the air, I remember running home from school every day to watch the show.","es":"Despu\u00e9s, a mediados de la d\u00e9cada de los 80, cuando volvi\u00f3 a transmitirse Jeopardy, recuerdo haber corrido a casa despu\u00e9s del colegio cada d\u00eda para ver el programa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Fast-forward a few hundred years and we developed keyhole or arthroscopic surgery, which combines video technology and precision instruments to make surgery less invasive. And more recently, a lot of you will be aware of robotic surgery, and what robotics brings to surgery is much like modern automated machinery, ultraprecision, the ability to carry out procedures at the tiniest scales with a degree of accuracy that even surpasses the human hand.","es":"Avanzamos unos cientos de a\u00f1os y desarrollamos cirug\u00eda m\u00ednimamente invasiva o artrosc\u00f3pica, que combina tecnolog\u00eda de video e instrumentos de precisi\u00f3n para hacer que la cirug\u00eda sea menos invasiva Y m\u00e1s recientemente, muchos de Uds. conocer\u00e1n la cirug\u00eda rob\u00f3tica, y lo que la rob\u00f3tica trae a la cirug\u00eda es muy parecido a la maquinaria automatizada moderna, ultraprecisi\u00f3n, la capacidad de llevar a cabo procedimientos a escalas m\u00e1s peque\u00f1as con un grado de precisi\u00f3n que incluso supera la mano humana."} {"gender":"male","en":"Show the next picture for 240 milliseconds.","es":"Mostramos el siguiente durante 240 milisegundos."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a ubiquitous tool.","es":"Esta es una herramienta omnipresente."} {"gender":"male","en":"The doctor says, \"Stop doing that you idiot.\"","es":"El doctor dice: \"Deja de hacerlo, idiota\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"If something isn't perfect, if it doesn't line up with that premeditated model?","es":"Si algo no es perfecto, si no cuadra con el modelo planeado, a la basura."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"IW: One day we had a lesson in class where we learned about significant people, like Nelson Mandela, Lady Diana and Mahatma Gandhi.","es":"IW: Un d\u00eda tuvimos una lecci\u00f3n donde aprendimos de las personas importantes, como Nelson Mandela, Lady Diana y Mahatma Gandhi."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, as a devout Muslim, he refused alcohol, didn't touch the stuff.","es":"Como devoto musulm\u00e1n, rechazaba el alcohol, ni lo probaba."} {"gender":"female","en":"What an incredible stroke of luck!","es":"\u00a1Qu\u00e9 incre\u00edble golpe de suerte!"} {"gender":"male","en":"So I'm going to show you, we're going to play just for a second. And we're going to play on this palette.","es":"Por eso les mostrar\u00e9 tocaremos durante un instante, con en esta paleta crom\u00e1tica."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I can click on this home button over here, and that will take us up to the inner solar system, and now we're looking at the rest of the solar system.","es":"Bueno, haciendo clic en el bot\u00f3n de la casa nos lleva al interior del Sistema Solar y ahora vemos el resto del Sistema Solar."} {"gender":"female","en":"They flagged down a cab and took him to the hospital.","es":"Llamaron a un taxi y lo llevaron al hospital."} {"gender":"male","en":"And lo and behold, people started uploading their videos.","es":"Y he aqu\u00ed que las personas empezaron a subir sus videos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And we'll see what we come up with.","es":"Y veremos c\u00f3mo lo conseguimos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what is open hardware?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfqu\u00e9 es hardware abierto?"} {"gender":"female","en":"So one of the things we really wanted to look at was not how much weight people lost, but really how long they interacted with the robot.","es":"As\u00ed que una de las cosas que realmente quer\u00edamos ver no era cu\u00e1nto adelgazaba la gente, sino cu\u00e1nto interactuaban con el robot."} {"gender":"male","en":"We've got some of the most incredible video of Titanic that's ever been seen, and we're not going to show you any of it.","es":"Tenemos algunos de los videos m\u00e1s impresionantes del Titanic que jam\u00e1s hayan visto y no se los vamos a mostrar."} {"gender":"male","en":"In some cases, we don't have the resources in certain neighborhoods to do things that are a certain kind of splashy, but if we can then find ways of making sure that people who are local to a place, plus people who could be supportive of the things that are happening locally, when those people get together, I think really amazing things can happen.","es":"En algunos casos, no tenemos los recursos en determinados barrios para hacer cosas un poco peculiares pero es cierto que podemos encontrar formas de asegurarse de que las personas del lugar, junto a aquellas que podr\u00edan dar soporte a que suceden a nivel local, se re\u00fanan. Creo que as\u00ed cosas realmente asombrosas pueden suceder."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So what's actually happened is, although there is still some opposition, the movement is clearly growing.","es":"Lo que ha sucedido realmente es, que, aunque todav\u00eda haya cierta oposici\u00f3n, el movimiento es claramente creciente."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a game changer.","es":"Es un cambio de juego."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We've changed FEMA guidelines; we've changed public policy; we've changed international response, based on building things.","es":"Hemos cambiado las gu\u00edas de FEMA. Hemos cambiado la pol\u00edtica p\u00fablica. Hemos cambiado la respuesta internacional, en base a la construcci\u00f3n de cosas."} {"gender":"female","en":"I've put worksheets online, so if you'd like, you can plan your own end.","es":"He puesto cuadernillos en la web, as\u00ed que si quieren, pueden planear su propio fin."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that is like the picture on the outside of a jigsaw puzzle box.","es":"Es como la foto en la caja de un rompecabezas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Back then, actually my first expedition was when I was 17 years old.","es":"Por entonces.. en realidad en mi primera expedici\u00f3n fue cuando ten\u00eda 17 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"After all, we could do it, we did do it and we are doing it today.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de todo, podemos hacerlo, lo hicimos, y seguimos haci\u00e9ndolo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Here we see, it says on the top, \"Families in the world by income,\" and we have the street represented just beneath it, you can see.","es":"Aqu\u00ed vemos, dice en la parte superior, \"Familias en el mundo por ingresos\" y tenemos la calle representada justo debajo, como pueden ver."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is the woman who stopped the Stanford Prison Study.","es":"Esta es la mujer que puso fin al Estudio de la Prisi\u00f3n de Stanford."} {"gender":"male","en":"When that looming three-week deadline came and then went, he was still alive.","es":"Cuando pas\u00f3 ese plazo inminente de tres semanas, \u00e9l todav\u00eda estaba vivo."} {"gender":"female","en":"There's the nest entrance, there's a pencil for scale.","es":"All\u00ed est\u00e1 la entrada al nido, hay un l\u00e1piz de referencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"And you have the charisma and the management style and the ability to get people to follow your lead, to inspire them, to motivate them to be part of your team.","es":"Y que tienen el carisma y el estilo directivo y la capacidad de conseguir que otros los sigan, de inspirarlos, de motivarlos para ser parte de su equipo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"My first connection with the news media was in 1984, the BBC had a one-day strike.","es":"Mi primer contacto con un medio de comunicaci\u00f3n fue en 1984; la BBC realiz\u00f3 una huelga de un d\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"No, in the global vote, you're only considering one aspect of it, which is what are those leaders going to do for the rest of us?","es":"No, en el Voto Global, solo se considera un aspecto de ello: \u00bfQu\u00e9 van hacer esos l\u00edderes por el resto de nosotros?"} {"gender":"male","en":"One of the people that I recently met with was an Air Force three-star general, and he said basically, where we're headed very soon is tens of thousands of robots operating in our conflicts, and these numbers matter, because we're not just talking about tens of thousands of today's robots, but tens of thousands of these prototypes and tomorrow's robots, because of course, one of the things that's operating in technology is Moore's Law, that you can pack in more and more computing power into those robots, and so flash forward around 25 years, if Moore's Law holds true, those robots will be close to a billion times more powerful in their computing than today.","es":"Una de las personas que conoc\u00ed hace poco fue un general de tres estrellas de la Fuerza A\u00e9rea, y dijo, b\u00e1sicamente, que muy pronto tendremos decenas de miles de robots operando en nuestros conflictos, y estas son cifras importantes ya que no se habla solo de decenas de miles de robots modernos, sino de decenas de miles de estos prototipos y robots del futuro, porque, por supuesto, uno de los factores que funciona en la tecnolog\u00eda es la Ley de Moore, la cual puede incorporar m\u00e1s y m\u00e1s potencia de c\u00e1lculo a estos robots, as\u00ed que si la Ley de Moore sigue vigente dentro de 25 a\u00f1os, esos robots ser\u00e1n unos mil millones de veces m\u00e1s potentes que ahora."} {"gender":"male","en":"And they did.","es":"Y as\u00ed fue."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It can be tough for kids with autism.","es":"Puede ser dif\u00edcil para los ni\u00f1os con autismo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what I plan to do with this technology is to actually take the current state of the technology and build an HIV kit in a microfluidic system. So, with one microfluidic chip, which is the size of an iPhone, you can actually diagnose 100 patients at the same time.","es":"As\u00ed que lo que planeo hacer con esta tecnolog\u00eda es tomar el actual estado de la misma y construir un kit con la prueba del SIDA en un sistema de micro fluido; entonces, con un s\u00f3lo chip de micro fluido, que tiene el tama\u00f1o de un iPhone, se pueden diagnosticar 100 pacientes a la vez."} {"gender":"female","en":"And if it grows very big it probably happens.","es":"Y si llega a ser muy grande, probablemente se materialice."} {"gender":"male","en":"We actually looked at the data for drugs, over 2,000 drugs that had been approved or denied or withdrawn, and we also ran millions of simulations.","es":"Examinamos los datos financieros de m\u00e1s de 2000 medicamentos que han sido aprobados, negados o retirados. Tambi\u00e9n hicimos millones de simulaciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"Vehicle miles traveled: that's what I was just talking about.","es":"Kil\u00f3metros recorridos por veh\u00edculos, es de lo que estaba hablando."} {"gender":"male","en":"One water bottle, remember, guys, four people.","es":"Una botella de agua, recuerden chicos, cuatro personas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Their attorney: \"Ah, yes.","es":"Su abogado: \u201cAh, s\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"I met the shaman, and he seemed like an extension of the river and his jungle.","es":"Yo conoc\u00ed al cham\u00e1n, y \u00e9l parec\u00eda una extensi\u00f3n del r\u00edo y su selva."} {"gender":"male","en":"Twenty years back, when there was a report on bank computerization, they didn't name the report as a report on computers, they call them as \"ledger posting machines.\"","es":"Hace 20 a\u00f1os en un informe sobre la computarizaci\u00f3n bancaria, no denominaron el informe como un informe sobre computadoras. Las llamaron m\u00e1quinas registradoras de asientos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I don't think so.","es":"No lo creo."} {"gender":"female","en":"There was no confusion about our positions, but the line between friend and foe was becoming blurred.","es":"No hab\u00eda confusi\u00f3n respecto a nuestras posiciones, pero la l\u00ednea entre amigo y enemigo se estaba desvaneciendo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It takes guts to stand out like that.","es":"Hace falta valor para sobresalir as\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This mallard duck feather was found over 1,800 feet in the back of Snow Dragon Cave.","es":"Esta pluma de pato \u00e1nade real se encontr\u00f3 a m\u00e1s de 550 metros en la parte posterior de Drag\u00f3n de Nieve."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, are you ready to make perfection the bad guy in all this?","es":"Quiero decir, \u00bfest\u00e1n listos para perfeccionar lo malo en todo esto?"} {"gender":"male","en":"When will they be able to?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1ndo podr\u00e1n?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And how can we reach that goal?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo podemos alcanzar ese objetivo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is what mindfulness is all about: Seeing really clearly what we get when we get caught up in our behaviors, becoming disenchanted on a visceral level and from this disenchanted stance, naturally letting go.","es":"La atenci\u00f3n tiene que ver con ver claramente lo que obtenemos al seguir nuestros comportamientos, quedando desencantados a un nivel visceral y desde esta postura desencantada, dejarlo naturalmente."} {"gender":"female","en":"Over the last 10 years, I've had the privilege to travel to over 60 countries, many of them in the emerging markets, in Latin America, Asia, and my own continent of Africa.","es":"En los \u00faltimos 10 a\u00f1os, tuve el privilegio de viajar a m\u00e1s de 60 pa\u00edses, muchos de ellos, en los mercados emergentes, en Am\u00e9rica Latina, Asia, y en mi propio continente, \u00c1frica."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because in the end, with this color and this hair, I cannot belong to some places.","es":"Porque al final, con este color y este pelo, no puedo pertenecer a ciertos lugares."} {"gender":"male","en":"Pretty scary.","es":"Deja los pelos de punta."} {"gender":"male","en":"And what I want to talk to you about today, and share with you, is that our healthcare system, our medical system, is just as bad at predicting what happens to people in it, patients, others, as those scouts were at predicting what would happen to Billy Beane.","es":"Lo que quiero compartir con Uds. es que nuestro sistema de salud o m\u00e9dico, es tan malo para predecir lo que le suceder\u00e1 a los pacientes, como los reclutadores al predecir lo que le pasar\u00eda a Billy Beane."} {"gender":"male","en":"The man with no legs says, \"I can see as far as the end of the world, but I can't save myself from a cat, or whatever animals.\"","es":"El que no ten\u00eda piernas dijo: \"Yo puedo ver hasta el horizonte, pero no me puedo defender de un gato o cualquier otro animal.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, the kids loved the food.","es":"Bueno, les encant\u00f3 la comida."} {"gender":"male","en":"Again, I think it's a strong ambition but it is a plausible one.","es":"Pienso que es una meta muy ambiciosa pero es posible."} {"gender":"female","en":"We have no high-fructose corn syrup, no trans fats, no processed foods.","es":"No tenemos jarabe de ma\u00edz alto en fructosa, no tenemos grasas trans, ni alimentos procesados."} {"gender":"female","en":"There was another one of those comb jellies. And so I've worked with computer image analysis engineers to develop automatic recognition systems that can identify these animals and then extract the XYZ coordinate of the initial impact point. And we can then do the kinds of things that ecologists do on land, and do nearest neighbor distances.","es":"Esa es una de esas medusas, Tambi\u00e9n he trabajado con ingenieros que analizan im\u00e1genes computarizadas para desarrollar sistemas de reconocimiento autom\u00e1tico que pueden identificar a estos animales, e identificar las coordenadas X,Y,Z del punto inicial de contacto, y podemos hacer el mismo tipo de cosas que los ecologistas hacen en la tierra y hacer medidas de distancias cercanas."} {"gender":"male","en":"But if you don't like the country, I have good news for you, too.","es":"Pero si no les gusta el campo, tambi\u00e9n tengo buenas noticias."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well the car that's one or two blocks from your home or your office is probably your neighbor's car, and it's probably also available.","es":"Bien, el coche que est\u00e1 a pocas cuadras de tu casa u oficina es probablemente el coche de tu vecino, y probablemente est\u00e9 disponible."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because at the Silver Line, we do want to cherish the wonderful lives of older people and all the experiences that they bring.","es":"Porque en Silver Line, queremos apreciar las vidas maravillosas de las personas mayores y todas las experiencias que traen."} {"gender":"male","en":"It makes a difference.","es":"Esto marca la diferencia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So, where are we?","es":"As\u00ed que, \u00bfd\u00f3nde estamos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a lovely example of the sort of thing we do: take a bizarre, seemingly incomprehensible, neural psychiatric syndrome and say that the standard Freudian view is wrong, that, in fact, you can come up with a precise explanation in terms of the known neural anatomy of the brain.","es":"Este es un buen ejemplo de la clase de cosas que hacemos; tomar un s\u00edndrome psiqui\u00e1trico neural, aparentemente incomprensible y bizarro y decir que la visi\u00f3n freudiana est\u00e1ndar est\u00e1 equivocada porque de hecho uno puede llegar a una explicaci\u00f3n precisa en t\u00e9rminos de la anatom\u00eda neural conocida del cerebro."} {"gender":"female","en":"It would take us to 2045.","es":"Nos llevar\u00eda al 2045."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He wanted to bring education and he wanted to bring technology, and those are pillars of his life, but also pillars of the mission of One Laptop per Child.","es":"\u00c9l quer\u00eda llevar educaci\u00f3n y tecnolog\u00eda, esos son pilares de su vida, pero tambi\u00e9n pilares de la misi\u00f3n Una computadora por ni\u00f1o."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It may take two days, three days, four days, but they don't rest until they find a resolution or better yet, a reconciliation.","es":"Puede llevar 2 d\u00edas, 3 d\u00edas, 4 d\u00edas, pero no descansan hasta que encuentran una resoluci\u00f3n o, mejor a\u00fan, una reconciliaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Put that at the heart of your school culture, and you will create a different generation.","es":"Pongan eso en el coraz\u00f3n de la cultura escolar y crear\u00e1n una generaci\u00f3n diferente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, you all know what the postmortem is.","es":"Todos saben lo que es el postmortem."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is actually a direct quote from an epidemiologist who's been in field of HIV for 15 years, worked on four continents, and you're looking at her.","es":"De hecho, esta es una cita directa de una epidemi\u00f3loga que ha estado en el campo del VIH por 15 a\u00f1os, ha trabajado en cuatro continentes, y ustedes la est\u00e1n viendo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Our goal is to make a state-of-the-art product that our partner MTTS can actually manufacture.","es":"Nuestro objetivo es hacer que un producto innovador que nuestros asociadas, MTTS, puedan fabricar de verdad."} {"gender":"male","en":"Simple, site-specific designs can make a hospital that heals.","es":"Los dise\u00f1os simples y espec\u00edficos pueden hacer que un hospital cure."} {"gender":"male","en":"How do you stabilize those huge molecules that seem to be viable?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo se estabilizan esas mol\u00e9culas enormes que parecen viables?"} {"gender":"male","en":"An author visited our school, Jack Gantos.","es":"Jack Gantos, un autor, visit\u00f3 nuestra escuela."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And the amount of time each of us is spending doing all of this is also continuing to go grow.","es":"Y el tiempo que cada uno de nosotros pasa haciendo estas cosas tambi\u00e9n contin\u00faa creciendo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is what we first got back from the very first set of submissions.","es":"Y esto es lo que obtuvimos del primer grupo de grabaciones entregadas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I have to redraw this map every few months, because somebody makes a discovery that a particular date was wrong.","es":"Tengo que volver a corregir este mapa cada pocos meses, porque siempre se descubren fechas que requieren una versi\u00f3n actualizada."} {"gender":"female","en":"But at the end of every line break, I broke the line, because he took a breath and he paused.","es":"Pero al final de cada salto de l\u00ednea, cort\u00e9 la l\u00ednea, porque tom\u00f3 aire e hizo una pausa."} {"gender":"male","en":"And now Canada is taking even more.","es":"Y ahora Canad\u00e1 est\u00e1 acogiendo a\u00fan m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"And one of the things I've learned from somebody, I actually got on Twitter. It changed my life, it hasn't forgiven me yet!","es":"Y hay algo que aprend\u00ed de alguien Entr\u00e9 a Twitter, cambi\u00f3 mi vida; Ryan todav\u00eda no me perdona."} {"gender":"male","en":"On the other hand, we see great signs of hope.","es":"Por otra parte, vemos grandes se\u00f1ales de esperanza."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We set up a no-fly zone within 48 hours because Gaddafi had no planes within 48 hours.","es":"En 48 horas establecimos una zona de exclusi\u00f3n a\u00e9rea porque Gaddafi no ten\u00eda aviones en 48 horas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And you see this post.","es":"Y puedes leer sobre ello."} {"gender":"male","en":"Vainglory carries a mirror, and Lorenzetti warns us against narcissistic leaders who are guided by their own ego and vanity.","es":"La Vanagloria lleva un espejo y as\u00ed Lorenzetti nos advierte acerca de los l\u00edderes narcisistas guiados por su propio ego y vanidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"So the chat room thing doesn't work properly, and it's a very bad way of thinking about identity.","es":"Las salas de chat no funcionan bien, y es una muy mala forma de pensar la identidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"From White Shoes, a great retro pop band from Jakarta, Indonesia to DakhaBrakha, the revolutionary band from Kiev, Ukraine.","es":"Desde White Shoes, una gran banda de pop retro de Yakarta, Indonesia hasta DakhaBrakha, la banda revolucionaria de Kiev, Ucrania."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm sorry, there's nothing normal about this.","es":"Lo siento; no hay nada normal en esto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was really, you know, sort of a shitty time.","es":"Era, saben, un tiempecito de mierda."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because when tankers carry oil they have to have ballast at some point, so when they're empty, they have the ballast water in there.","es":"Porque, cuando los petroleros llevan su carga, tienen que soltar lastre en alg\u00fan momento, y cuando lo sueltan, sueltan agua."} {"gender":"male","en":"Last year, I told you the story, in seven minutes, of Project Orion, which was this very implausible technology that technically could have worked, but it had this one-year political window where it could have happened. So it didn't happen.","es":"El a\u00f1o pasado les cont\u00e9, en siete minutos, sobre el Proyecto Orion, el cual era una tecnolog\u00eda improbable que t\u00e9cnicamente pudo haber funcionado, pero tuvo una oportunidad pol\u00edtica de un a\u00f1o en que pod\u00eda realizarse, as\u00ed que no sucedi\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"And, as you can see, the death rate goes down from 65,000 deaths per conflict per year in the 1950s to less than 2,000 deaths per conflict per year in this decade, as horrific as it is.","es":"Y como pueden ver, la tasa de mortandad desciende de 65 mil muertes por conflicto por a\u00f1o en los cincuenta, a menos de 2 mil decesos por conflicto por a\u00f1o en esta d\u00e9cada, tan horrenda como lo es."} {"gender":"male","en":"But if you wanted to really do research, what do you have to do?","es":"Pero si deseamos realmente investigar, \u00bfqu\u00e9 tenemos que hacer?"} {"gender":"male","en":"The High Line in Manhattan is very similar.","es":"La l\u00ednea elevada en Manhattan es muy similar."} {"gender":"male","en":"In the last 18 months, we've signed agreements with 40 of those hundred companies to begin to work with them on their supply chain.","es":"En los \u00faltimos 18 meses hemos firmado acuerdos con 40 de esas 100 empresas, para trabajar con ellas en su cadena de suministro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When land owners start to lose money, and labor demands more pay, there are some powerful interests that are going to fear for the future.","es":"Cuando los propietarios de las tierras empiecen a perder dinero y los trabajadores exijan salarios m\u00e1s altos, aparecer\u00e1n intereses muy poderosos que amenazar\u00e1n el futuro."} {"gender":"female","en":"SS: Well, the thing is that as scientists, we're supposed to be skeptical, because our job to make sure that what the other person is saying actually makes sense or not. But being a scientist, I think you've seen it from this session, it's like being an explorer.","es":"SS: Bueno, como cient\u00edficos, se supone que debemos ser esc\u00e9pticos, porque nuestro trabajo para asegurarnos de que lo que otra persona dice en realidad tiene sentido o no. Pero ser cient\u00edfico, creo que lo has visto en esta sesi\u00f3n, es ser un explorador."} {"gender":"female","en":"We feel awe, we feel pity.","es":"Sentimos temor, l\u00e1stima."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"For that meal, every child drank one cup to survive.","es":"Para esa comida, cada ni\u00f1o bebi\u00f3 una taza para sobrevivir."} {"gender":"male","en":"And a thousand years later, this impulse to notate took an entirely different form.","es":"Y miles de a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s, el impulso de anotar tom\u00f3 una forma completamente distinta."} {"gender":"male","en":"When you put those stories together, it gives you a detailed portrait of the system as a whole.","es":"Al juntar esas historias tenemos un retrato detallado del sistema en su conjunto."} {"gender":"female","en":"And when I started my blog, it was really this one goal, I said, \"I am not going to be famous to the world, but I could be famous to people on the Internet.\"","es":"Cuando comenc\u00e9 mi blog ten\u00eda una meta, me di cuenta de que no iba a ser famosa para todo el mundo pero pod\u00eda ser famosa para gente en la Internet."} {"gender":"male","en":"So suppose you go to your doctor and the doctor says, \"I just got your lab work back, your cholesterol's a little high.\"","es":"As\u00ed que supongamos que van al m\u00e9dico y el m\u00e9dico dice: \"He recibido el resultado del laboratorio y el colesterol est\u00e1 un poco alto\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"To really accept it, I think we need to do three things, each of which is a challenge right now.","es":"Para aceptarlo de verdad, pienso que tenemos que hacer tres cosas, y cada una de ellas es un desaf\u00edo en este momento."} {"gender":"female","en":"I've also been working with The Guardian on a topical basis, a page a week in their newspaper, which has been very interesting, working topically.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n he estado trabajando con el Guardi\u00e1n sobre la actualidad, una p\u00e1gina a la semana en su peri\u00f3dico, lo que ha sido muy interesante; trabajar sobre la actualidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"We need factually-based options, clearly laid out, not those of a few powerful and potentially manipulative corporations pursuing their own frequently narrow agendas, but accurate, unprejudiced information with which to make our own judgments.","es":"Necesitamos opciones basadas en hechos, claramente establecidos, no los de unos pocos poderosos y las empresas potencialmente manipuladoras persiguiendo sus propias y estrechas agendas, sino informaci\u00f3n precisa, sin prejuicios con la que hacer nuestros propios juicios."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Not all of them die; some of them survive, some more are surviving, but it's really bad news.","es":"No todas mueren; algunas sobreviven. Est\u00e1n sobreviviendo m\u00e1s, pero esas son malas noticias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Emotional intelligence, which is the skill of being able to recognize and name your own emotions and those of other people, is considered so important, that this is taught in our schools and businesses and encouraged by our health services.","es":"La inteligencia emocional, que es la capacidad de poder reconocer y designar nuestras propias emociones y las de los dem\u00e1s, es considerada de tal importancia que se ense\u00f1a en escuelas y empresas, y es alentada por los servicios de salud."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Answer: No, not at all.","es":"Respuesta: no, en lo absoluto."} {"gender":"female","en":"How can we make sure that this is implemented?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo podemos asegurarnos de que se lleve a cabo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Plus, now with YouTube, that connection's not even limited to the room we're in.","es":"Adem\u00e1s, ahora con YouTube, esa conexi\u00f3n no se limita a la sala en la que estamos."} {"gender":"female","en":"So there's a huge scientific challenge, but there's a huge economic challenge too.","es":"As\u00ed que hay un gran reto cient\u00edfico, pero tambi\u00e9n hay un gran reto econ\u00f3mico."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, there's the more urban middle-class pious Muslims who, again, look at their tradition and see that there are some problems in the tradition, and understand that they need to be changed and questioned and reformed.","es":"Ahora, hay devotos musulmanes urbanos de clase media que, de nuevo, revisan su tradici\u00f3n y ven que hay problemas en ella. Entienden que hay que hacer cambios, cuestionamientos y reformas."} {"gender":"male","en":"We'll swap the axis. Here you have child mortality, that is, survival, four kids dying there, 200 dying there.","es":"Cambiaremos los ejes: aqu\u00ed tienen la mortalidad infantil, esto es, supervivencia, cuatro ni\u00f1os mueren aqu\u00ed, 200 mueren ah\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"There is a subtler, quieter disadvantage in having those privileged traits and yet feeling history to be moving away from you; that while the past was hospitable to people like you, the future will be more hospitable to others; that the world is growing less familiar, less yours day by day.","es":"Hay una, la desventaja m\u00e1s callada y sutil de tener esos rasgos privilegiados y, sin embargo, sentir que la historia se est\u00e1 alejando de ti, que, si bien el pasado era hospitalario para personas como t\u00fa, el futuro ser\u00e1 m\u00e1s hospitalario para otros; que el mundo se vuelve menos familiar, menos tuyo cada d\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we were unprepared for this, and they were shaping the aid effort.","es":"No est\u00e1bamos preparados para esto, y ellos daban forma a los esfuerzos de ayuda."} {"gender":"male","en":"Also it's a national aeronautics directive.","es":"A su vez, es una directiva de la aeron\u00e1utica nacional."} {"gender":"female","en":"Are there issues there?","es":"\u00bfHay problemas con esto?"} {"gender":"female","en":"So I spent the next two years interviewing convicted terrorists, jihadis and former extremists.","es":"Los siguientes dos a\u00f1os los pas\u00e9 entrevistando a terroristas convictos, yihadies y antiguos extremistas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm a redundant person.","es":"Soy una pesona redundante."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So we went back to the video, and we had to look for clues that we could cross-reference.","es":"Volvimos al v\u00eddeo y tuvimos que buscar referencias cruzadas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And if we can spread that belief, we can actually turn paranoia upside down.","es":"Y si podemos difundir esa creencia, podemos realmente revertir la paranoia."} {"gender":"male","en":"I realized that I wasn't alone, because my guys had also been struggling.","es":"Me di cuenta de que no estaba solo, porque mis muchachos tambi\u00e9n hab\u00edan estado luchando."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what we need is to have a causative model of what's actually going on, and proteomics actually gives us the ability to build a model like that.","es":"Lo que necesitamos es tener un modelo causativo de lo que en realidad est\u00e1 sucediendo. Y la prote\u00f3mica realmente nos brinda la posibilidad de construir un modelo como ese."} {"gender":"male","en":"All of these are extracted directly from my bank accounts, and everything pops up right away.","es":"Todo esto extra\u00eddo de mis cuentas bancarias y todo aparece inmediatamente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, on a mountain like Hood, where it snows over 20 feet a year, it crushes the air out of it and gradually forms it into hard blue ice.","es":"Bueno, en una monta\u00f1a como la Hood donde nieva m\u00e1s de 6 metros al a\u00f1o, el aire se aplasta y forma gradualmente un hielo duro y azul."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, when we look at these three ideas together, you'll notice that the five senses theory doesn't only change the way we use these products but also the way they look.","es":"Si nos fijamos en estas tres ideas, veremos que la teor\u00eda de los cinco sentidos no solo cambia la forma en la que usamos estos productos, sino tambi\u00e9n su apariencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"I ended up narrowing the subject to Monet's \"Haystacks.\"","es":"Acab\u00e9 limitando el tema a \"Los Almiares\" de Monet."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I said, \"God, our laptop's going to go like a bat out of hell.","es":"Y dije: Dios, nuestra laptop va a ir rapid\u00edsimo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, most of them will fire when I'm touched in different locations.","es":"La mayor\u00eda de ellas se activar\u00e1n cuando me acaricien en diferentes zonas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Bob worked in the attic of the apartment he rented in Arlington, Massachusetts.","es":"Bob trabaj\u00f3 en el \u00e1tico del apartamento que alquil\u00f3 en Arlington, Massachusetts."} {"gender":"male","en":"That punch is as strong as a .22 caliber bullet, and if you ever try to catch a bullet in mid-flight with your eye, impossible.","es":"Su golpe tan fuerte como una bala calibre .22, y si trata de captar un bala en vuelo a simple vista, es imposible."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But from a mathematical point of view, a qualitatively same system of predator-prey type equations will describe interactions between foxes and rabbits and cancer and immune cells.","es":"Pero desde un punto de vista matem\u00e1tico, un sistema cualitativamente igual de ecuaciones del tipo predador-presa describe la interacci\u00f3n entre zorros y conejos, y entre el c\u00e1ncer y las c\u00e9lulas inmunitarias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But today, we have a situation where we want to take vital organs out of beings and give them to other beings.","es":"Pero hoy podemos, por ejemplo, extraer \u00f3rganos vitales de un cuerpo y ponerlos en otro cuerpo."} {"gender":"male","en":"JC: Thank you, Thomas.","es":"JC: Gracias, Thomas."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's not my history.","es":"Esa no es mi historia."} {"gender":"male","en":"It can't even play chess.","es":"Ni siquiera puede jugar al ajedrez."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And so when the debate started about the next development framework, the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, our community came together around the world to argue that access to justice and legal empowerment should be a part of that new framework.","es":"Y cuando comenz\u00f3 el debate sobre el pr\u00f3ximo marco de desarrollo, los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 2030, nuestra comunidad se uni\u00f3 alrededor del mundo argumentando que el acceso a la justicia y el empoderamiento legal deber\u00eda ser parte de ese nuevo marco."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He kind of knocked the wind out of me.","es":"El tipo que te deja sin aliento."} {"gender":"female","en":"There wasn't and still is not any place for a homeless minor to walk off the street to access a bed.","es":"No hab\u00eda ni hay ning\u00fan lugar para que un menor sin hogar salga de la calle y acceda a una cama."} {"gender":"male","en":"Some of you are in the field, I can see.","es":"Algunos de ustedes est\u00e1n en el campo, puedo verlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"These kinds of things are necessary to create jobs, but also what we're saying is you may think that the technology you're working on or the business that you're working on may not have applications in the developing world, but look at Zipline.","es":"Estas cosas son necesarias para crear empleos, pero tambi\u00e9n decimos que uno puede pensar que la tecnolog\u00eda con la que trabaja o el negocio en el que trabaja puede no tener aplicaci\u00f3n en el mundo en desarrollo, pero f\u00edjense en Zipline."} {"gender":"male","en":"Her father, who was obese, died in her arms, And then the second most important man in her life, her uncle, died of obesity, and now her step-dad is obese.","es":"Su padre, que era obeso, muri\u00f3 en sus brazos. Y luego, el segundo hombre m\u00e1s importante en su vida, su t\u00edo, muri\u00f3 de obesidad. Y ahora su padrastro es obeso."} {"gender":"male","en":"We need rich-world governments to be very generous in providing aid for these things.","es":"Necesitamos pa\u00edses ricos que ayuden generosamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this next Rover that we're flying is about the size of a car.","es":"Y este pr\u00f3ximo Rover que vamos a enviar es del tama\u00f1o de un auto."} {"gender":"female","en":"But it's a different kind of leadership, not the kind many of us think about when we think about great leadership.","es":"Pero es un tipo distinto de liderazgo, no del tipo en que pensamos al pensar en gran liderazgo."} {"gender":"male","en":"But we're going to start with what we call Stage One.","es":"Pero vamos a iniciar con la que llamamos Etapa 1."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What about if we use a big hammer and we swing it and we hit the nail like this, in the place of putting the hammer on the nail and pushing and try to put it in?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 pasa si utilizamos un gran martillo y lo hacemos oscilar, como para golpear el clavo, colocando el martillo en el clavo y empuj\u00e1ndolo tratando de clavarlo."} {"gender":"female","en":"As part of my research, I've been to seminars, read books and talked to palliative care nurses.","es":"Como parte de mi investigaci\u00f3n, asist\u00ed a seminarios, le\u00ed libros y habl\u00e9 con enfermeros de cuidados paliativos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Tattoos are especially exciting for us.","es":"Los tatuajes son especialmente emocionantes para nosotros."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we find that we've been able to manualize many of them, and we actually carry out random-assignment efficacy and effectiveness studies.","es":"Y encontramos que somos capaces de manualizar muchas de \u00e9stas y podemos realizar estudios de eficacia y efectividad con asignaci\u00f3n al azar."} {"gender":"male","en":"We've got about 60 movies that these kids have made, and they're quite incredible.","es":"Tenemos unos 60 v\u00eddeos que han hecho estos chicos, y son bastante impresionantes."} {"gender":"male","en":"Arousal is still good because you are over-challenged there.","es":"La motivaci\u00f3n es a\u00fan buena porque tu estas sobre-desaf\u00edado all\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"SW: Yeah.","es":"SW: Yeah."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was in New York during Hurricane Sandy, and this little white dog called Maui was staying with me.","es":"Estaba en Nueva York durante el hurac\u00e1n Sandy, y este perrito blanco que se llama Maui estaba conmigo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So in order to put together a conservation plan for these unique, important corridors like the western Amazon and the Andes Amazon corridor, we have to start making geographically explicit plans now.","es":"As\u00ed que para dise\u00f1ar juntos un plan de conservaci\u00f3n para estos corredores \u00fanicos e importantes como la Amazonia Occidental y el Corredor Andino Amaz\u00f3nico, debemos comenzar a crear planes geogr\u00e1ficamente expl\u00edcitos desde ahora."} {"gender":"male","en":"And any nation that would become protectionist over the next few years would deprive itself of the chance of getting the benefits of growth in the world economy.","es":"Las naciones proteccionistas de los \u00faltimos a\u00f1os se privar\u00e1n de obtener los beneficios del crecimiento en la econom\u00eda mundial."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And it doesn't hurt to do it in a location like this either.","es":"Y hacerlo en un lugar como este tampoco nos molesta."} {"gender":"male","en":"A story is the relationship that you develop between who you are, or who you potentially are, and the infinite world, and that's our mythology.","es":"Una historia es la relaci\u00f3n que uno desarrolla entre qui\u00e9n uno es o quien uno es en potencia y el mundo infinito, y esa es nuestra mitolog\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"And she's devoted her career to understanding the impact of our cultural differences when it comes to our health.","es":"Y ha dedicado su carrera a entender el impacto de las diferencias culturales en materia de salud."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And eventually, we arrive at the courtyard of the palazzo, which is our destination.","es":"Y, finalmente, llegaremos al patio del palacio, que es nuestro destino."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because at the beginning I was so outraged at the dangers they were exposing us to that I just wanted to argue and blame and make them wrong.","es":"Al principio estaba tan indignada por los peligros a los que nos expon\u00edan que solo quer\u00eda discutir, culparlos y mostrarles sus errores."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if you look really carefully, it's going to be right around this point you'll actually see a back-flush. You see the cells coming back out.","es":"Y si miran con cuidado, justo esta por ocurrir podr\u00e1n ver un reflujo Pueden ver las c\u00e9lulas regresando."} {"gender":"male","en":"JO: And they recommend against crossing that line.","es":"JO: Y ellos recomiendan no cruzar esa l\u00ednea."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, this is a totally insane idea. And when I first came across it in the early '90s, I thought my predecessor, Malcolm Dyson and Bob Wright, had really taken leave of their senses, and I\u2019ll explain to you why this was the case.","es":"Esta es una idea completamente alocada, y cuando la conoc\u00ed a comienzos de los '90, cre\u00ed que mis predecesores, Malcolm Dyson y Bob Wright, se hab\u00edan vuelto locos, e intentar\u00e9 explicarles por qu\u00e9 fue as\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"We didn't even have a telephone.","es":"Ni siquiera ten\u00edamos tel\u00e9fono."} {"gender":"male","en":"A complete new species.","es":"Una especie completamente nueva."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, I am a basketball player and speed skater who has competed at provincial, national games, and this year made it all the way to the World Summer Games in LA, where I was part of the first ever Canadian basketball team to compete at World Games.","es":"Ahora soy un jugador de baloncesto y un patinador de velocidad, he competido en juegos nacionales, provinciales, y este a\u00f1o fui a los Juegos Mundiales de Verano en LA, donde fui parte del primer equipo de baloncesto de la historia de Canad\u00e1 en competir en los Juegos Mundiales."} {"gender":"female","en":"That's why you see me in a Mexican fighter mask, in the wedding dress, all desperate in my garden.","es":"Por eso me ven en la m\u00e1scara de luchador mexicana, en traje de novia, desesperada en mi jard\u00edn."} {"gender":"male","en":"So you've taken an initial guess: what if w = 0?","es":"As\u00ed que ya hemos hecho una aproximaci\u00f3n inicial: \u00bfY si W = 0?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So to see what happens in your brain when you pay overt attention, I asked people to look directly in one of the squares and pay attention to it.","es":"Para ver qu\u00e9 ocurre en el cerebro cuando uno presta atenci\u00f3n abierta, ped\u00ed a unas personas que miraran directamente uno de los cuadrados y que prestaran atenci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because at this point in our history, as we've heard many times over, we can process exabytes of data at lightning speed, and we have the potential to make bad decisions far more quickly, efficiently, and with far greater impact than we did in the past.","es":"Porque en este punto de la historia, como hemos escuchado muchas veces, podemos procesar exabytes de datos a la velocidad de la luz, y tenemos el potencial de tomar malas decisiones mucho m\u00e1s r\u00e1pidamente, eficientemente, y con mucho m\u00e1s impacto que en el pasado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And you reverse the pressure on your membrane once you've cooked it.","es":"E invertimos la presi\u00f3n en la membrana una vez que lo cocinas."} {"gender":"female","en":"That's a Haiti earthquake every eight days.","es":"Eso es un terremoto en Hait\u00ed cada ocho d\u00edas."} {"gender":"male","en":"They signed it, and to their chagrin, we came back a week later, and we presented them this.","es":"Ellos lo firmaron, y para su disgusto, volvimos una semana despu\u00e9s y les presentamos esto. \u00bfCorrecto?"} {"gender":"male","en":"If you think your poverty is God's will, you pray.","es":"Si creen que su pobreza es la voluntad de Dios, rezar\u00e1n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's DNA which is pretty badly fragmented, but with good techniques now, you can basically reassemble the whole genome.","es":"Es ADN que est\u00e1 bastante mal fragmentado, pero hoy, con las t\u00e9cnicas correctas, b\u00e1sicamente se puede reconstruir todo el genoma."} {"gender":"female","en":"You got two right.","es":"Acertaste dos."} {"gender":"female","en":"So we like the idea of these figures sort of skipping along like they're oblivious and carefree and happy-go-lucky and content, until they sort of sense a movement from the viewer and they will hide behind the fastest wall.","es":"Nos gustan estas figuras saltando por todos lados como ajenos a todo, sin preocupaciones, as\u00ed, despreocupados y contentos, hasta que sienten un movimiento del espectador y se esconden detr\u00e1s de la pared r\u00e1pidamente."} {"gender":"female","en":"More abstract.","es":"M\u00e1s abstracto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let the thing assemble, and you'll get some kind of a circuit.","es":"Dejar que se ensamble, y obtienen un tipo de circuito."} {"gender":"male","en":"Again, this is using the front loader that you'll see in a second, and I want to play you a video of the actual launch.","es":"Este usa el cargador frontal que ver\u00e1n en un segundo, y quiero mostrar un video del lanzamiento real."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if you think about space, everything we hold of value on this planet, metals and minerals and real estate and energy, is in infinite quantities in space.","es":"Y si pensamos en el espacio, todo lo que consideramos valioso en nuestro planeta, metales, minerales, terreno y energ\u00eda, existe en cantidades ilimitadas en el espacio."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's a guy talking to a rabbi.","es":"Hay un tipo hablando con un rabino."} {"gender":"male","en":"As far as national representation, 11 percent of Brazilian internet users are on Twitter.","es":"En cuanto a representaci\u00f3n nacional, el 11% de los usuarios brasile\u00f1os de internet est\u00e1n en Twitter."} {"gender":"female","en":"When I was a young child, my mother, who was a choreographer, came upon a phenomenon that worried her.","es":"Cuando era una ni\u00f1a peque\u00f1a, mi madre, que era core\u00f3grafa, se encontr\u00f3 con un fen\u00f3meno que le preocup\u00f3."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Answer: It took them, on average, three and a half minutes longer.","es":"Respuesta: Tardaron, en promedio, tres minutos y medio m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I found poems by Andrew Marvell and Matthew Arnold and Emily Dickinson and William Butler Yeats because they were quoted in science fiction, and I loved their sounds and I went on to read about ottava rima and medial caesuras and enjambment and all that other technical stuff that you care about if you already care about poems, because poems already made me happier and sadder and more alive.","es":"Y descubr\u00ed poemas de Andrew Marvell, Matthew Arnold, Emily Dickinson y William Butler Yeats porque aparecen citados en la ciencia ficci\u00f3n. Adoraba sus sonidos, as\u00ed que pas\u00e9 a leer sobre la octava rima, la cesura media, encabalgamientos, y todas esas cuestiones t\u00e9cnicas por las que te interesas si ya est\u00e1s interesado en los poemas, porque por aquel entonces, los poemas ya me hac\u00edan sentir m\u00e1s feliz, m\u00e1s triste, m\u00e1s vivo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I want to know validation, not just what you're telling me, but that somebody or something else out there says this makes sense.","es":"Quiero validaci\u00f3n, que me digan que no solo lo dicen ustedes, sino que alguien m\u00e1s --o alguien ah\u00ed fuera-- dice que tiene sentido."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the data from a single vaccination coverage survey in a single district in the country of Zambia from a few years ago, that I participated in.","es":"Son los datos de una encuesta de vacunaci\u00f3n en un solo distrito de Zambia de hace unos a\u00f1os, en el que particip\u00e9."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"By the way, we may not see this future, but they will.","es":"Y puede que nosotros no veamos ese futuro pero ello s\u00ed lo van a ver."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'm offering some guidance based on my experience to help you build a bridge across it if you want to.","es":"Ofrezco un poco de gu\u00eda basada en mi experiencia, para ayudarlos a construir un puente a trav\u00e9s de el, si me lo permiten."} {"gender":"male","en":"The Great Hall at the Met is one of the great portals of the world, awe-inspiring, like a medieval cathedral.","es":"La Sala Mayor del \"Met\" es uno de los portales m\u00e1s importantes del mundo, impresionante, como una catedral medieval."} {"gender":"female","en":"Jehane Noujaim: I was overwhelmed by the response of the film. We didn't know whether it would be able to get out there.","es":"Jehane Noujaim: Me abrum\u00f3 la respuesta a la pel\u00edcula, porque no sab\u00edamos si podr\u00edamos lanzarla."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think we've got a roomful of pioneers, and I hope there are far more pioneers out there, because we need to solve these problems.","es":"Aqu\u00ed hay todo un sal\u00f3n lleno de pioneros y espero que haya much\u00edsimos m\u00e1s afuera porque necesitamos resolver estos problemas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then the trigger was when all of a sudden, international aid decreased.","es":"Y entonces el detonante fue cuando, de repente, la ayuda internacional disminuy\u00f3."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm fine.","es":"Estoy bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"What is science but the empirical pursuit of the truth?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 es la ciencia sino la b\u00fasqueda emp\u00edrica de la verdad?"} {"gender":"male","en":"My second question: How do we prepare for climate change in a place like the Amazon rainforest?","es":"Mi segunda pregunta: \u00bfC\u00f3mo nos preparamos para el cambio clim\u00e1tico en sitios como la selva tropical del Amazonas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And these things are really a global failure.","es":"En realidad, fue un fracaso mundial."} {"gender":"male","en":"We shared the whole of WikiHouse under a Creative Commons license, and now what's just beginning to happen is that groups around the world are beginning to take it and use it and hack it and tinker with it, and it's amazing.","es":"Compartimos todo el WikiHouse bajo una licencia de Creative Commons y lo que est\u00e1 comenzando a pasar es que grupos en todo el mundo est\u00e1n comenzando a tomarla y la utilizan, hackean, la desarman, es sorprendente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It is a major economic force and we need to take it very, very seriously.","es":"Es una fuerza econ\u00f3mica importante y necesitamos tomarla muy, muy en serio."} {"gender":"female","en":"We are the life-force power of the universe, with manual dexterity and two cognitive minds.","es":"Somos la fuerza generadora de vida del universo con destrezas manuales y dos mentes cognitivas."} {"gender":"female","en":"The botanical name is Psiadia arguta.","es":"El nombre bot\u00e1nico es psiadia arguta."} {"gender":"male","en":"I thought about it every single day, and if I'm being totally honest, standing here I've thought about it again since, because that's the sickness, that's the struggle, that's depression, and depression isn't chicken pox.","es":"Pensaba en ello cada d\u00eda, y si soy totalmente sincero, desde aqu\u00ed les digo que he vuelto a pensar en ello, porque esa es la enfermedad, esa es la lucha, eso es la depresi\u00f3n, y la depresi\u00f3n no es la varicela."} {"gender":"male","en":"We had the battle between Jefferson and Hamilton.","es":"Tuvimos la batalla entre Jefferson y Hamilton."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Designed in very specific ways by this group of people who haven't had any education in architecture or design.","es":"Dise\u00f1ada de maneras muy espec\u00edficas por este grupo de gente que no tiene estudios ni de arquitectura ni de dise\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"By mid-century, we're going to have about eight billion, perhaps more, people living in cities or within a day's travel of one.","es":"Para mediados de siglo vamos a tener cerca 8.000 millones - quiz\u00e1s m\u00e1s - de personas viviendo en las ciudades, o a un d\u00eda de distancia de ellas."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is going to show you here how many patients actually died of cancer, in this case females in the United States, ever since the 1930s.","es":"Esto muestra el n\u00famero de pacientes que en realidad muri\u00f3 de c\u00e1ncer, en este caso mujeres en EE.UU., desde la d\u00e9cada de 1930."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They're doing it through an outlaw thing, the informal economy.","es":"Y lo est\u00e1n haciendo a trav\u00e9s de algo ilegal, la econom\u00eda sumergida."} {"gender":"male","en":"There are tons of school projects.","es":"Hay un mont\u00f3n de proyectos escolares."} {"gender":"female","en":"They learn in a different way.","es":"Aprenden de otra manera."} {"gender":"female","en":"So for every hundred dollars you spend doing that, you get 40 extra years of education.","es":"Entonces, por cada cien d\u00f3lares que gastes haciendo eso, tu obtienes 40 a\u00f1os adicionales de educaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to give you a little bit of robot religion.","es":"Hablar\u00e9 un poco de religi\u00f3n rob\u00f3tica."} {"gender":"male","en":"What an election produces is a winner and a loser.","es":"Lo que una elecci\u00f3n produce es un ganador y un perdedor."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was extraordinary for me to then be able to embrace and to kiss Aboriginal elders as they came into the parliament building, and one woman said to me, it's the first time a white fella had ever kissed her in her life, and she was over 70.","es":"Fue extraordinario para m\u00ed para luego poder abrazar y besar a los ancianos abor\u00edgenes, ya que entraron en el edificio del parlamento, y una mujer me dijo que era la primera vez que un chico blanco la besaba en toda su vida, y ella ten\u00eda m\u00e1s de 70."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's really a question of attitude.","es":"A decir verdad, es una cuesti\u00f3n de actitud."} {"gender":"male","en":"And, as computers in open air, they're starting to respond in a different way to be able to be sensed and to be actuated.","es":"Y, como tales, est\u00e1n empezando a responder de manera diferente y pueden ser detectadas y accionadas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So the group of appliances that we've all gotten used to, we all want and we all need, we all see as part of our everyday lives that give us health and security, those appliances have come down in cost.","es":"Los aparatos a los que todos nos acostumbramos, que todos queremos y necesitamos, que forman parte de nuestra vida cotidiana y que nos dan salud y seguridad, esos aparatos bajaron de precio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Quick moment for the designers in the audience.","es":"Un instante para los dise\u00f1adores entre el p\u00fablico."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's not about our ridiculous passion for hormones, our insistence on having bigger food, better food, singular food.","es":"No se trata de nuestra rid\u00edcula pasi\u00f3n por las hormonas, nuestra insistencia en tener alimentos m\u00e1s grandes, mejores alimentos, \u00fanicos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it is this: Law sets boundaries, and on one side of those boundaries are all the things you can't do or must do, you can't steal, you've got to pay your taxes, but those same boundaries are supposed to define and protect a dry ground of freedom. Isaiah Berlin put it this way: \"Law sets frontiers, not artificially drawn, within which men shall be inviolable.\"","es":"Y es esta: la ley marca fronteras, y de un lado de estas fronteras est\u00e1n las cosas que no puedes, o no debes hacer. No puedes robar. Tienes que pagar tus impuestos. Pero esas mismas fronteras se supone que definen y protegen la tierra firme de la libertad Isaiah Berlin lo dijo de esta manera, \"La ley marca fronteras, no dibujadas artificialmente, en las que los hombres ser\u00e1n inviables.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"Here, I deliberately chose this because it is a man buying a vegetable.","es":"\u00c9sta la eleg\u00ed a prop\u00f3sito porque es un hombre el que compra un vegetal."} {"gender":"male","en":"Things just can't possibly keep changing as fast as they are.","es":"No es posible sostener este cambio tan r\u00e1pido como va."} {"gender":"female","en":"But I've done more in the seven decades since that miserable day when my mother put me on the train than I would ever have dreamed possible.","es":"Pero he hecho m\u00e1s en las 7 d\u00e9cadas desde aquel d\u00eda desgraciado en que mi madre me puso en un tren de lo que jam\u00e1s habr\u00eda so\u00f1ado posible."} {"gender":"male","en":"An article in the Yale Alumni Magazine told the story of Clyde Murphy, a black man who was a member of the Class of 1970.","es":"Un art\u00edculo de la revista de exalumnos de Yale contaba la historia de Clyde Murphy, un hombre afroamericano que fue parte de la promoci\u00f3n de 1970."} {"gender":"male","en":"Or you can go to NPR.org and listen to a live interview.","es":"O pueden ir a npr.org y escuchar una entrevista en vivo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Today, my father is no longer locked in.","es":"Hoy, mi padre ya no est\u00e1 atrapado."} {"gender":"female","en":"All right.","es":"Muy bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"Was it evidence of guilt, an assertion that he should have been put away longer?","es":"\u00bfEra prueba de culpabilidad, afirmar de que debi\u00f3 haber estado encerrado m\u00e1s tiempo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I put a team together, a little over 13 months ago, got up to 20 some-odd people.","es":"Junt\u00e9 un equipo hace un poco m\u00e1s de trece meses y llegamos a ser como 20 personas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So the procession is moving at a stately pace down my street, and as it approaches my house, I start to wave my flag vigorously, and there is the Queen Mother.","es":"La procesi\u00f3n se mueve con paso ritmo majestuoso por mi calle, y cuando se acerca a mi casa, empiezo a agitar mi bandera con fuerza, y all\u00ed est\u00e1 la Reina Madre."} {"gender":"male","en":"War is simply no longer the best option, and that is why violence has decreased.","es":"La guerra ya no es la mejor opci\u00f3n porque la violencia ha disminuido."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here I get this call from this random guy that's having an experience that's being influenced by people at some social distance.","es":"As\u00ed que recibo esta llamada de un tipo al azar que atraviesa una experiencia que est\u00e1 influenciada por gente a cierta distancia social."} {"gender":"male","en":"I met Andrew at one of our community meetings putting together Maker Faire.","es":"Conoc\u00ed a Andrew en una reuni\u00f3n de la comunidad organizando Maker Faire."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the size of the GDP of a country like Austria.","es":"UU., o el monto del PIB de Austria."} {"gender":"male","en":"It had to be something the computer knew what to put in.","es":"Ten\u00eda que ser algo que la computadora supiera."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We've focused in the U.S. on African-American students as well as Native American and Latino. We've found statistically significant improvement with children using this software in a mathematics class in comparison with a control group that did not have the software.","es":"Nos hemos centrado en EE.UU., en estudiantes afro, aborigenes y latinos de EE.UU. Hemos encontrado mejor\u00edas estad\u00edsticamente significativas en ni\u00f1os que usan este software en clases de matem\u00e1ticas en comparaci\u00f3n con un grupo de control que no ten\u00eda el software."} {"gender":"male","en":"What's not fine is for us to make that choice on behalf of the future.","es":"Lo que no est\u00e1 bien es que nosotros hagamos esa elecci\u00f3n en nombre del futuro."} {"gender":"female","en":"There were a handful of positions left open from the standard admissions process, and the night before they were supposed to open that for registration, thousands of people lined up outside the gate in a line a mile long, hoping to be first in line to get one of those positions.","es":"Quedaba un pu\u00f1ado de plazas y la noche anterior a que se abriera el registro, miles aguardaban en una fila de 1,5 km. esperando conseguir una plaza."} {"gender":"female","en":"She went back to her life and, fortunately, today she is doing well.","es":"Volvi\u00f3 a su vida y, afortunadamente, hoy en d\u00eda, est\u00e1 bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's distinct from pleasure in a very important way: pleasure has raw feel, you know it's happening; it's thought and feeling.","es":"El placer es sentimiento puro; sabes que est\u00e1 pasando. Es pensamiento y sentimiento."} {"gender":"male","en":"Their essay would go viral, get translated into many languages, get debated at pubs and coffee houses and salons, and at dinner parties, and influence leaders, legislators, popular opinion.","es":"Su ensayo se volver\u00eda viral, se traducir\u00eda a varios idiomas, se debatir\u00eda en bares, cafeter\u00edas, salones de belleza, y en cenas; e influenciar\u00eda a l\u00edderes, legisladores y a la opini\u00f3n popular."} {"gender":"female","en":"And Dr. Kean went on to tell me, he said, \"In my experience, unless repeatedly told otherwise, and even if given a modicum of support, if left to their own devices, a child will achieve.\"","es":"Y el Dr. Kean me sigui\u00f3 diciendo: \"En mi experiencia, a menos que se le repita muchas veces lo contrario, e incluso si s\u00f3lo se le da un apoyo m\u00ednimo, si se le deja que se maneje solo, un ni\u00f1o alcanzar\u00e1 el \u00e9xito.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"CA: Well, indeed. But what do you do when the two come into conflict and you're forced to make a decision that either is in Britain's interest, or the interest of Britons, or citizens elsewhere in the world?","es":"CA: Bien, pero \u00bfqu\u00e9 hacer cuando entran en conflicto y hay que tomar una decisi\u00f3n: por el inter\u00e9s de Gran Breta\u00f1a, o el de los brit\u00e1nicos, o el de los ciudadanos del mundo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And what I ended up with was a graphic representation of us seeing this animal coming into being.","es":"Y logr\u00e9 una representaci\u00f3n gr\u00e1fica de nuestra visi\u00f3n del animal."} {"gender":"male","en":"Think also, if it were possible ever for you to choose, not simply to choose the sex of your child, but for you in your body to make the genetic adjustments that would cure or prevent diseases.","es":"Piensen tambi\u00e9n que si acaso fuera posible poder elegir no s\u00f3lo el sexo de su descendencia, sino, en su propio cuerpo hacer los ajustes gen\u00e9ticos para curar o prevenir enfermedades."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Is this what stupid people do?","es":"\u00bfEsto es lo que hace la gente est\u00fapida?"} {"gender":"male","en":"The myth here is that sportsmen go through \"hot hand\" streaks, Americans call them, or \"purple patches,\" we sometimes say in England, where they just can't miss, like this guy here.","es":"El mito de aqu\u00ed es que los deportistas atraviesan buenas rachas o \u00e9pocas doradas donde simplemente no pueden perder, como este tipo aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"In order to pull glamour off, you need this Renaissance quality of sprezzatura, which is a term coined by Castiglione in his book, \"The Book Of The Courtier.\"","es":"Para lograr tener glamur hace falta esa cualidad del Renacimiento llamada sprezzatura, t\u00e9rmino acu\u00f1ado por Castiglione en su libro \"The Book Of the Courtier\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's like a bit of everyday meditation.","es":"Es como un poco de meditaci\u00f3n diaria."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They thought a fireplace could draw people in and help start conversations.","es":"Pensaron que una chimenea podr\u00eda atraer a la gente y ayudar a iniciar conversaciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, you might ask yourself three questions at this point.","es":"Ahora, ustedes pueden hacerse tres preguntas en este punto."} {"gender":"male","en":"I once asked one of my colleagues at Harvard, \"Hey, is South America part of the West?\"","es":"Yo alguna vez pregunt\u00e9 a uno de mis colegas en Harvard, \"Oye, \u00bfAm\u00e9rica del Sur es parte de Occidente?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"The second thing is we've got a mindset that it takes 25 years and 2 to 5 billion dollars to develop a nuclear power plant.","es":"El segundo asunto es que pensamos que se necesitan 25 a\u00f1os y entre 2000 y 5000 millones USD para crear una planta nuclear."} {"gender":"male","en":"But not only that, it will integrate and network you to the universe and other devices out there.","es":"Pero no solo eso - lo puede integrar y conectarlo con el universo y con otros entes exteriores."} {"gender":"male","en":"This morning, the world's experts from I guess three or four different companies on building seats, I think concluded that ultimately, the solution is, people shouldn't sit down.","es":"Esta ma\u00f1ana, los expertos mundiales de tres o cuatro empresas dedicadas a la fabricaci\u00f3n de sillas, aparentemente han conclu\u00eddo que la soluci\u00f3n es que la gente no se siente."} {"gender":"female","en":"It seems quite vexing.","es":"Parece ser un poco desconcertante."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You know, breathing high concentrations here of sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and methane gas, in unequal quantities, 19 years of this.","es":"Respirando altas concentraciones de di\u00f3xido de azufre, di\u00f3xido de carbono y gas metano, en cantidades desiguales-- 19 a\u00f1os de esto."} {"gender":"female","en":"And in Kenya, it's a very different reality, and one thing that remains despite the leaps in progress and the digital revolution is the electricity problem.","es":"Y en Kenia, es una realidad muy diferente, y una cosa que se mantiene a pesar de los avances en el progreso y la revoluci\u00f3n digitales el problema de la electricidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And we see these families, these nomadic families, you know, father to son, father to son, and these guys are hurting.","es":"Y vemos a estas familias, estas familias n\u00f3madas, saben, de padre a hijo, de padre a hijo, y estos tipos llevan un dolor."} {"gender":"male","en":"It should either be off, so that it has a zero value everywhere in space, or it should be on so it has an absolutely enormous value.","es":"Debe estar apagado, de modo que tenga un valor cero en todas partes en el espacio, o que debe estar encendido y tener un valor absolutamente enorme."} {"gender":"male","en":"Class: Whoa! AK: So obviously, Aristotle never asked a child about this particular point because, of course, he didn't bother doing the experiment, and neither did St. Thomas Aquinas.","es":"AK: Obviamente Arist\u00f3teles nunca le pregunto a un ni\u00f1o sobre este tema espec\u00edfico, ya que no se molest\u00f3 en hacer el experimento, y tampoco lo hizo Santo Tomas de Aquino."} {"gender":"male","en":"They sell millions of shoes to millions of people for 60 dollars.","es":"Venden millones de zapatos a millones de personas a USD 60."} {"gender":"male","en":"You'll find it inside of you.","es":"Lo van a encontrar dentro de Uds."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then something happened when I started to work on flies.","es":"Y entonces algo sucedi\u00f3 cuando comenc\u00e9 a trabajar con las moscas."} {"gender":"female","en":"So this is my SING Campaign.","es":"Esta es mi Campa\u00f1a SING."} {"gender":"male","en":"They'll get video lessons on giving kids vaccines and have online courses on spotting the next outbreak, so they're not stuck using flip charts.","es":"Tendr\u00e1n lecciones en v\u00eddeo de c\u00f3mo vacunar ni\u00f1os y cursos on-line para detectar el pr\u00f3ximo brote, as\u00ed no usar\u00e1n rotafolios."} {"gender":"male","en":"The final one I want to talk about, and it's a great one to end on, is this concept of communal discovery, a dynamic in which everyone has to work together to achieve something.","es":"La \u00faltima de la que quiero hablar, y es una grande para finalizar, es el concepto de \"descubrimiento comunitario\", una din\u00e1mica en la que todos tienen que trabajar juntos para lograr algo."} {"gender":"female","en":"If you're an uninfected man living in Botswana, where the HIV rate is 30 percent, if you have one more partner this year, a long-term partner, girlfriend, mistress, your chance of dying in 10 years increases by three percentage points.","es":"Si ustedes fueran un hombre no infectado viviendo en Botswana, d\u00f3nde la tasa de VIH es 30% y tuvieran una pareja m\u00e1s este a\u00f1o - una pareja estable, novia, amante, su probabilidad de muerte en 10 a\u00f1os se incrementar\u00eda en 3 puntos porcentuales."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, creativity, which I define as the process of having original ideas that have value, more often than not comes about through the interaction of different disciplinary ways of seeing things.","es":"De hecho, la creatividad,- que yo defino como el proceso de tener ideas originales que tengan valor- casi siempre ocurre a trav\u00e9s de la interacci\u00f3n de c\u00f3mo ven las cosas diferentes disciplinas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"A few days later, researchers come from a medical center in New York and say they want blood, too.","es":"Unos d\u00edas m\u00e1s tarde, otros investigadores de un centro m\u00e9dico de Nueva York llegan por lo mismo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Climate scientists predict that we're going to see anywhere between three and 30 feet of sea level rise this side of the century.","es":"Los cient\u00edficos del clima predicen que veremos un ascenso de uno a nueve metros en este siglo."} {"gender":"male","en":"They're all here.","es":"Est\u00e1n todos aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"There's a discrete blockage or stenosis.","es":"Hay una discreta obstrucci\u00f3n o estenosis."} {"gender":"male","en":"This TED stage and all of the TED stages are often about celebrating innovation and celebrating new technologies, and I've done that here today, and I've seen amazing things coming from TED speakers, I mean, my gosh, artificial kidneys, even printable kidneys, that are coming.","es":"Este escenario de TED, y todos los otros, siempre celebran la innovaci\u00f3n y las nuevas tecnolog\u00edas, y he hecho lo propio aqu\u00ed hoy, y he visto cosas incre\u00edbles de los oradores de TED. Digo, Dios m\u00edo, ri\u00f1ones artificiales, ri\u00f1ones impresos, es lo que viene."} {"gender":"male","en":"At that point, we'll start romanticizing the future again, instead of the nasty, brutish past.","es":"Entonces, volveremos a idealizar el futuro en lugar del pasado tan cruel y desagradable."} {"gender":"male","en":"And maybe that makes you say, \"Hmm.","es":"Y puede que esto les haga decir: \"Hmm."} {"gender":"female","en":"How does it work?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo funciona?"} {"gender":"female","en":"It is possible.","es":"Se puede."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the limiting step here wasn't the unknown diversity of life, but rather the taxonomic specialists who can identify and catalog these species that became the limiting step.","es":"El cuello de botella no era la diversidad biol\u00f3gica desconocida sino m\u00e1s bien los especialistas en taxonom\u00eda que pueden identificar y catalogar estas especies, ese fue el cuello de botella."} {"gender":"female","en":"In August, 1993, I had my first opportunity to witness on a massive scale the impact on children of institutionalization and the absence of parenting.","es":"En agosto de 1993 tuve por primera vez la oportunidad de ver, a gran escala, el impacto en los ni\u00f1os de la reclusi\u00f3n y la ausencia de los padres."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you don't have open spaces, you've got to go there and open spaces.","es":"Si no ten\u00e9is espacios abiertos, ten\u00e9is que ir all\u00ed y abrir espacios."} {"gender":"female","en":"A real school.","es":"Una escuela de verdad."} {"gender":"male","en":"So the model we've proposed to explain this is that when modern humans came out of Africa sometime after 100,000 years ago, they met Neanderthals.","es":"Por eso el modelo que propusimos para explicar esto es que cuando los humanos modernos salieron de \u00c1frica hace unos 100.000 a\u00f1os conocieron a los neandertales."} {"gender":"male","en":"They go to science museums.","es":"Van a los museos de ciencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"So that was very big.","es":"Eso fue lo muy grande."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a third-generation humanoid that we've been building.","es":"Es un humanoide de tercera generaci\u00f3n que hemos estado construyendo."} {"gender":"male","en":"There are words that we're truly afraid of.","es":"Hay palabras a las que tenemos genuino temor."} {"gender":"female","en":"If I should have a daughter, instead of \"Mom,\" she's going to call me \"Point B,\" because that way she knows that no matter what happens, at least she can always find her way to me.","es":"Si tuviera una hija, en vez de mam\u00e1, me llamar\u00eda Punto B, porque de esa manera sabe que no importa lo que pase, al menos, siempre puede encontrar su camino hacia m\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm not building a HAL.","es":"No voy a construir un HAL."} {"gender":"male","en":"So that's what happened.","es":"Eso es lo que sucedi\u00f3."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You're thinking, \"Aha, but New Zealand has a higher GDP than Chad!\"","es":"Est\u00e1n pensando, \"Aj\u00e1\", pero \u00a1Nueva Zelanda tiene un PIB m\u00e1s alto que Chad!\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was really just a small leftist insurgency and a devastating response by the state. What we have as a result is 200,000 civilian victims, 160,000 of those killed in the communities: small children, men, women, the elderly even.","es":"En realidad solo era una peque\u00f1a insurgencia izquierdista con una respuesta devastadora por parte del Estado, y como resultado, tenemos 200 000 v\u00edctimas civiles, 160 000 de ellas asesinadas en las comunidades: ni\u00f1os peque\u00f1os, hombres, mujeres, incluso ancianos."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's not that we're always connected to everybody, but at anytime we can connect to anyone we want.","es":"No se trata de estar siempre conectado con todos sino que en cualquier momento podemos conectarnos con cualquiera."} {"gender":"male","en":"CA: But during the actual development of Linux itself, that stubbornness sometimes brought you in conflict with other people.","es":"CA: Pero durante el desarrollo de Linux en s\u00ed mismo, esa terquedad te trajo conflictos con otras personas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Any dot can be clicked and expanded.","es":"Se puede hacer clic en cualquier punto y expandirlo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But by 11th or 12th grade, fewer than 10 percent of them have any interest in science whatsoever, let alone a desire to go into science as a career.","es":"Pero para el 11 o 12 grado, menos del 10 % tienen alg\u00fan inter\u00e9s en la ciencia, y mucho menos el deseo de seguir una carrera en ciencias."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, what's this to do with memes?","es":"Ahora bien \u00bfqu\u00e9 tiene esto que ver con memes?"} {"gender":"female","en":"No to barrier walls.","es":"No a los muros de contenci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I think the truth is the exact opposite.","es":"Pero creo que en realidad es exactamente lo contrario."} {"gender":"male","en":"In surveys, we've found that it's actually wealthier individuals who are more likely to moralize greed being good, and that the pursuit of self-interest is favorable and moral.","es":"En las encuestas hemos encontrado que son en realidad los individuos m\u00e1s ricos los m\u00e1s propensos a moralizar sobre lo buena que es la codicia y que la b\u00fasqueda del propio inter\u00e9s es aceptable y \u00e9tica."} {"gender":"male","en":"If they're not working, put a shelf on it, which I did, and that shows all the customers my products.","es":"Si no son funcionales hay que ponerles estantes, cosa que hice. As\u00ed le muestro mis productos a los clientes."} {"gender":"male","en":"So they had created these artifacts.","es":"Entonces crearon estos artefactos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It allows us to learn and plan and reason in ways that no other species of animal can.","es":"Nos permite aprender, planificar y razonar de una manera que ninguna otra especie de animal puede."} {"gender":"female","en":"How do we define nature when we can reengineer its properties, and when should we do it?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo definimos naturaleza si podemos redise\u00f1ar sus propiedades, y cu\u00e1ndo deber\u00edamos hacerlo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"It's a remarkably ambitious experiment, and it's going to be at advanced sensitivity within the next few years, to pick this up.","es":"Es un experimento muy ambicioso y va a tener una sensibilidad avanzada en los pr\u00f3ximos a\u00f1os para detectar esto."} {"gender":"female","en":"The only thing you could see, my eyes.","es":"Lo \u00fanico que se pod\u00eda ver eran mis ojos."} {"gender":"male","en":"What you knew is, you paid three dollars in the past; 25 is outrageous.","es":"Lo que sab\u00edan era que pagaron tres d\u00f3lares en el pasado; 25 ser\u00eda una locura."} {"gender":"male","en":"You'll hear more about this in a few minutes.","es":"Profundizaremos el concepto en unos minutos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Certainly not good for the police department.","es":"Ciertamente no es bueno para el Departamento de Polic\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Next user group are the dolphins at the National Aquarium.","es":"El siguiente grupo es el de delfines del Acuario Nacional."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I really hope our global audiences can relate.","es":"As\u00ed que esperamos que nuestra audiencia global pueda sentirse identificada."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a letter.","es":"Es una carta."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, once you've got that, and here's a robot, here's Kismet, looking around for a toy.","es":"As\u00ed que, una vez que tienes eso, y aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 un robot, aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 Kismet, mirando alrededor buscando un juguete."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'll show you one example here.","es":"Pues, no s\u00e9, les muestro un ejemplo, tal vez aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"She did things she always wanted to do.","es":"Hizo cosas que siempre quiso hacer."} {"gender":"female","en":"Everything in this scene, the person, the clothes, chairs, wall, gets covered in a mask of paint that mimics what's directly below it, and in this way, I'm able to take a three-dimensional scene and make it look like a two-dimensional painting.","es":"Todo en esta escena, la persona, la ropa, las sillas, la pared, se cubre con una capa de pintura que imita lo que hay debajo, y de este modo puedo transformar una escena tridimensional y hacerla parecer como una pintura bidimensional."} {"gender":"male","en":"CA: Well, it's incredibly exciting to picture what could happen here.","es":"CA: Bueno, es incre\u00edblemente fascinante imaginarse lo que podr\u00eda pasar aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"EDI: Marco, you're standing on my foot!","es":"EDI: \u00a1Marco, est\u00e1s pis\u00e1ndome el pie!"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So from here, it's pretty clear to me, we would prefer to have cleaner, cheaper, domestic, ours, and we have that, we have that, which is natural gas.","es":"As\u00ed que desde aqu\u00ed, es bastante claro para mi, que opt\u00e1ramos por lo m\u00e1s limpio, lo m\u00e1s econ\u00f3mico, dom\u00e9stico, propio, lo que ya tenemos, y lo que tenemos es nuestro gas natural."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a bouncy castle with slats in the side to allow the air to escape.","es":"Es un inflable el\u00e1stico con rendijas laterales para el escape de aire."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Are they of the same race?","es":"\u00bfEs de la misma raza?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Aside from its purported mystical properties, fonio is a miracle grain in many aspects.","es":"Aparte de sus pretendidas propiedades m\u00edsticas, el fonio es un grano milagroso en muchos aspectos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I've assembled a sampling of work that all share a kind of productive nihilism that's used in the service of creating a particular special effect.","es":"Y he armado un muestrario de obras que comparten cierto nihilismo productivo usado en el servicio para crear un determinado efecto especial."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've described a quest that begins in the world of the very small, and propels us to the world of the far future.","es":"He descrito la b\u00fasqueda que se inicia en el mundo de lo muy peque\u00f1o y nos impulsa hacia el mundo del futuro lejano."} {"gender":"female","en":"So you see, there are more questions when it comes to cleanliness.","es":"As\u00ed que como ven, hay muchas preguntas en cuanto a la limpieza."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's hard to grasp, but it's an incredible fact.","es":"Es dif\u00edcil de comprender, pero es un hecho incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"male","en":"Change came to Manson when he decided to embrace forgiveness for those who had put him in prison.","es":"Todo cambi\u00f3 para Manson cuando decidi\u00f3 perdonar a quienes lo hab\u00edan puesto en prisi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"That's why they are spending unprecedented time and resources educating their own children.","es":"Por eso est\u00e1n gastando tiempo y recursos sin precedentes en la educaci\u00f3n de sus hijos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I can even do this with rhythms, right?","es":"Puedo hacer esto con ritmos, \u00bfverdad?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What's next for you?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 ser\u00e1 lo pr\u00f3ximo?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And we end up using things in ways that are sort of surprising.","es":"Y terminamos usando cosas de una manera sorprendente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This funky little thing: people didn't used to think that it was worth taking samples out of nuclear reactors because it was dangerous and, of course, nothing lived there.","es":"De esta cosita medio extra\u00f1a, la gente antes pensaba que no val\u00eda la pena sacar muestras de los reactores nucleares porque era peligroso y, por supuesto, nada viv\u00eda all\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"So actually, children can be protected by warm, secure parenting during and after conflict.","es":"De hecho los ni\u00f1os pueden ser protegidos por una crianza c\u00e1lida y segura durante y despu\u00e9s del conflicto."} {"gender":"female","en":"It didn't make sense that Gayla's mother should die so young.","es":"No ten\u00eda sentido que la madre de Gayla muriera tan joven."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this woman came up to it, and she squinted, and she took it to the register, and she said to the man behind the counter, \"This one's ruined.\"","es":"Esta mujer tom\u00f3 uno, lo mir\u00f3 de reojo y lo llev\u00f3 a la caja: \"\u00c9ste est\u00e1 estropeado\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, the world could look like more state involvement and state capitalism; greater protectionisms of nation-states; but also, as I just pointed out a moment ago, ever-declining political rights and individual rights.","es":"Bueno, el mundo podr\u00eda ser de m\u00e1s participaci\u00f3n del estado y de capitalismo estatal; mayor proteccionismo de las naciones-estados; pero tambi\u00e9n, como mencion\u00e9 hace un momento, un constante deterioro de los derechos pol\u00edticos e individuales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If the wind blows them over, they're like beetles stuck there on the ground.","es":"Si el viento los hace caer quedan como escarabajos atascados en el suelo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm sure we could all be that productive without Facebook or Twitter to take up our time.","es":"Estoy segura de que todos podr\u00edamos ser as\u00ed de productivos si Facebook o Twitter, no nos quitaran nuestro tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Richard Ledgett: I'm really thankful for the opportunity to talk to folks here.","es":"Richard Ledgett: Estoy muy agradecido de poder hablar aqu\u00ed con la gente."} {"gender":"female","en":"So they took me to a private, Catholic, elementary school, which set the foundation for what ended up being my career.","es":"Entonces me llevaron a una privada, Escuela Primaria Cat\u00f3lica, la cual sent\u00f3 las bases de lo que terminar\u00eda siendo mi carrera."} {"gender":"male","en":"Our mobile phones are more powerful than the total Apollo space engine.","es":"Nuestros m\u00f3viles son m\u00e1s potentes que toda la nave espacial Apolo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I go back on my texts, and I can see \"JT! JT!\"","es":"Revis\u00e9 los mensajes de texto, y vi \"\u00a1JT!, \u00a1JT!\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And all being well, welcome, Rick Ledgett, to TED.","es":"Y, si todo va bien, bienvenido, Rick Ledgett, a TED."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Matty invites people to mail him digital cameras that they've found, memory sticks that have been lost with orphan photos.","es":"Matty invita a las personas a que les env\u00eden fotos digitales que hayan encontrado, tarjetas de memoria, con fotos sin due\u00f1o."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is a clip of Karess Taylor-Hughes and Samantha Masters, two characters in the film, as they hit the streets of Baltimore and try to convince potential voters.","es":"Este es un clip de Karess Taylor-Hughes y Samantha Masters, dos personajes de la pel\u00edcula, cuando salen a las calles de Baltimore y tratan de convencer a los votantes potenciales."} {"gender":"female","en":"Again, \"thrilled\" to learn.","es":"De nuevo, encantada de aprender."} {"gender":"male","en":"In some sense, you would become someone else in that journey, because there wouldn't be, you'd leave society and life as you know it, behind. And so inevitably, you would transform yourself, irreversibly, in all likelihood, as you began this exploration.","es":"En cierto modo, uno se convertir\u00eda en otra persona durante ese viaje, porque no habr\u00eda, dejar\u00edamos atr\u00e1s la sociedad y la vida como la conocemos, de manera que, inevitablemente, sufrir\u00edamos una transformaci\u00f3n, de forma irreversible, lo m\u00e1s probable, al empezar el viaje."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Yes, everyone in the room.","es":"S\u00ed, a los presentes en la sala."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Let's switch over to the P.C. And here it is, figure-ground.","es":"Pas\u00e9moslo a la PC. Y aqu\u00ed est\u00e1, figura y fondo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There may be a patient who comes to your hospital who is at risk of FGM.","es":"Podr\u00eda haber una paciente en tu hospital que est\u00e9 en riesgo de MGF."} {"gender":"female","en":"I believe in the beauty of work when we do it properly and in humility.","es":"Creo en la belleza del trabajo cuando se hace correctamente y con humildad."} {"gender":"female","en":"I looked at this woman in shock.","es":"Mir\u00e9 a esta mujer sobresaltada."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think I'll start out and just talk a little bit about what exactly autism is.","es":"Creo que comenzar\u00e9 hablando un poco sobre lo que es exactamente el autismo."} {"gender":"female","en":"So you're looking now at an actual image of dark matter.","es":"Ahora mismo est\u00e1is viendo una imagen real de la materia oscura."} {"gender":"male","en":"I came in contact with a different idea of life.","es":"Entr\u00e9 en contacto con una idea diferente de la vida."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's a lot warmer.","es":"Es mucho m\u00e1s c\u00e1lido."} {"gender":"male","en":"KB: OK, Steve, I want you to take a seat, right behind here.","es":"KB: Bien, Steve, quiero que tomes asiento justo aqu\u00ed atr\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"Listen to what the beetle is saying.\"","es":"Escucha lo que dice el escarabajo\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"He slept over at my house once, and he left his pillow.","es":"Una vez durmi\u00f3 en mi casa, y dej\u00f3 su almohada."} {"gender":"male","en":"Maybe, but the deity isn't perfect like the Judeo-Christian deity.","es":"Quiz\u00e1s, pero esta deidad no es perfecta como una deidad judeo-cristiana."} {"gender":"male","en":"She was sitting with someone who I presume was her mother, and they were talking about the novel, \"Dune.\"","es":"Estaba sentada con alguien que presumo era su madre, y estaban hablando sobre la novela \"Dune\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Maybe we'll be lucky and discover some magic thing, but I don't think so.","es":"Quiz\u00e1 tengamos suerte y descubramos alguna soluci\u00f3n m\u00e1gica, pero lo dudo."} {"gender":"female","en":"We read everything.","es":"Leemos todo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Many of you all know about the concept of scanning for wireless networks.","es":"Muchos de Uds. saben sobre el concepto de buscar redes inal\u00e1mbricas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the only thing that could come out of my mouth was if anybody tries to bother my child","es":"Y lo \u00fanico que pod\u00eda salir de mi boca era que si alguien trata de molestar a mi hijo"} {"gender":"male","en":"He took a look and said, \"Oh, you're tying them wrong.\"","es":"Les dio una mirada y dijo: \"Oh, los est\u00e1 atando mal\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we're going to talk a little bit today about how videos go viral and then why that even matters.","es":"Por eso hoy veremos por qu\u00e9 los videos se hacen virales y qu\u00e9 importancia tiene eso."} {"gender":"female","en":"OK.","es":"Bien."} {"gender":"female","en":"I can't make you responsible for what your grandfather did.","es":"No puedo responsabilizarte por lo que hizo tu abuelo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, this happens to be the most important painting we have in Italy by Leonardo da Vinci, and look at the wonderful images of faces that nobody has seen for five centuries.","es":"Esta result\u00f3 ser la pintura m\u00e1s importante que tenemos en Italia de Leonardo da Vinci y miren estas hermosas im\u00e1genes de rostros que nadie ha visto en cinco siglos."} {"gender":"male","en":"We're going to make lots of errors. That's the way these things work.","es":"Vamos a cometer muchos errores, as\u00ed es como funcionan estas cosas."} {"gender":"female","en":"About 80 percent of those microbloggers are young people, under 30 years old.","es":"Cerca del 80% de esos microbloggers son j\u00f3venes, menores de 30 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But we are sending our kids there, and they are never coming back.","es":"Pero estamos enviando a nuestros hijos all\u00ed, y no vuelven."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thinking, how can that be?","es":"Pensando, \u00bfc\u00f3mo puede ser?"} {"gender":"male","en":"It was published just a little more than a week ago in the New York Times, and it isn't looking good.","es":"Fue publicado hace un poco m\u00e1s de una semana en el New York Times. Y no tiene buena pinta."} {"gender":"male","en":"Since I thought that I might vanish within a day or a week, I had very big dreams.","es":"Y yo, creyendo que desaparecer\u00eda de un d\u00eda para el otro, ten\u00eda grandes sue\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"We live in an age where truth is on the defensive.","es":"Vivimos en un momento en el que hay que defender la verdad."} {"gender":"male","en":"He was then threatened.","es":"Despu\u00e9s estuvo amenazado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Those are the two choices I'll give you.","es":"Esas son las opciones que dar\u00e9."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, we could imagine one day having Geraldine on a chip, having Danielle on a chip, having you on a chip.","es":"Bueno, podemos pensar en que alg\u00fan d\u00eda tengamos a Geraldine en un chip, a Danielle en un chip, a Ud. en un chip."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, this is the first and the last slide each of my 6,400 students over the last 15 years has seen.","es":"Esta es la primera y la \u00faltima diapositiva que cada uno de mis 6400 estudiantes ha visto en los \u00faltimos 15 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's just this colossal, it's five times bigger than the U.S. Capitol, in which they're going to intercept and analyze communications, traffic and personal data to try and figure out who's the troublemaker in society.","es":"Es colosal cinco veces mayor que el Capitolio de los Estados Unidos en el que van a interceptar y analizar comunicaciones, tr\u00e1fico y datos personales para intentar averiguar quien crea problemas en la sociedad."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, some of us are old enough to have a small, circular scar on our arms from an inoculation we received as children.","es":"Ahora bien, algunos somos lo suficientemente mayores como para tener una peque\u00f1a cicatriz circular en nuestros brazos de una inoculaci\u00f3n que recibimos de ni\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what we're talking about is sperm competition.","es":"Hablamos de la competencia del esperma."} {"gender":"male","en":"But notice the violence that they fear is not the violence of genocide or the wars, it's everyday violence.","es":"Pero piensen que la violencia a la que ellos temen no es la violencia de los genocidios o las guerras, es la violencia cotidiana."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because we've made leadership about changing the world, and there is no world.","es":"Porque hemos hecho que el liderazgo sea algo que cambia al mundo, pero no hay un mundo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But this person also seems to slightly prefer passengers over pedestrians in their choices and is very happy to punish jaywalking.","es":"Esta persona tambi\u00e9n parece inclinarse m\u00e1s a favor del pasajero que del peat\u00f3n, seg\u00fan las opciones que escogi\u00f3, y no tiene problema en castigar al peat\u00f3n imprudente."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's what's happening here.","es":"Eso es lo que est\u00e1 sucediendo aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"That means there's less competition for you and it's an extra incentive for you to get in touch.","es":"Eso significa que hay menos competencia, un incentivo adicional para ponerse en contacto."} {"gender":"female","en":"But if I work harder than ever, I can bring this number up to millions.","es":"Pero trabajando como nunca antes, puedo llevar ese n\u00famero a millones."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's something like a Kickstarter project, only with a 15-year time horizon and millions of tons of carbon dioxide at stake.","es":"Es como un proyecto de Kickstarter, solo que con un horizonte de 15 a\u00f1os y millones de toneladas de di\u00f3xido de carbono en juego."} {"gender":"male","en":"Shanghai, I'm looking at the urban renewal in Shanghai, and this is a whole area that will be flattened and turned into skyscrapers in the next five years.","es":"Shanghai-- estoy observando la renovaci\u00f3n urbana de Shanghai, y \u00e9sta es una \u00e1rea entera que ser\u00e1 aplastada y convertida en rascacielos en los pr\u00f3ximos cinco a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But you get these resources together.","es":"Pero, se juntan estos recursos."} {"gender":"female","en":"That smoothened out.","es":"Eso se resolvi\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"What would our unborn children say to us when they have an exposure that's happening everyday, day after day?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 nos pueden decir los beb\u00e9s por nacer cuando est\u00e1n expuestos, como sucede cotidianamente, d\u00eda tras d\u00eda?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Indeed, arranged marriages are on their way off this braid of human life. I even think that marriages might even become more stable because of the second great world trend.","es":"En efecto, los matrimonios arreglados van de salida de la vida humana, incluso creo que los matrimonios se pueden volver m\u00e1s estables debido a la segunda gran tendencia mundial."} {"gender":"female","en":"We know that adolescents have a tendency to take risks.","es":"Sabemos que los adolescentes tienen tendencia a correr riesgos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I said, \"Honey, no, they don't want to go.","es":"Y yo: \"Querida, no, no quieren irse."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And so we can discover things that probably you could have found by looking at enough of your relatives, but they may be surprising.","es":"Y as\u00ed podemos descubrir cosas que probablemente podr\u00edas haber descubierto observando a suficientes de tus parientes, pero \u00e9stas pueden ser sorprendentes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The trouble is that measuring how much time people spend in school or what degree they have got is not always a good way of seeing what they can actually do.","es":"El problema es que medir cu\u00e1nto tiempo pasan los alumnos en la escuela o qu\u00e9 t\u00edtulo logran no es siempre una buena forma de averiguar lo que en realidad pueden hacer."} {"gender":"female","en":"So much so that, if you saw the monkeys' numbers, you couldn't tell whether they came from a monkey or a human in the same market.","es":"Tanto es as\u00ed que, si vieran los n\u00fameros de los monos, no podr\u00edan precisar cu\u00e1les vienen de los monos y cu\u00e1les de los humanos en el mismo mercado."} {"gender":"female","en":"No other animal cooks its food.","es":"Ning\u00fan otro animal cocina sus alimentos."} {"gender":"male","en":"You have to then try and get that back in some way.","es":"Uno tiene que intentar recuperar eso de alguna manera."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we teach them, over several days, to find this space on these cues in the space, and you can compare this for humans, to finding your car in a parking lot after a busy day of shopping.","es":"As\u00ed que les ense\u00f1amos, durante varios d\u00edas, como encontrar este espacio siguiendo estas se\u00f1ales espaciales algo muy parecido a los humanos, que tratan de encontrar sus coches en el aparcamiento despu\u00e9s de un ajetreado d\u00eda de compras."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I don't want to be the crazy woman who does it for years and years and years, and tries and fails and tries and fails and tries and fails, but I can swim from Cuba to Florida, and I will swim from Cuba to Florida.","es":"Y no quiero ser la loca que hace lo mismo durante a\u00f1os y a\u00f1os, que prueba y falla, prueba y falla, prueba y falla, pero s\u00ed puedo nadar de Cuba a Florida, y nadar\u00e9 de Cuba a Florida."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was a slow start people understanding what this was about.","es":"Fue un inicio lento que la gente comprendiera esto."} {"gender":"female","en":"Yet the question wouldn't let go of me.","es":"Sin embargo, la cuesti\u00f3n no me abandonaba."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, in part it's because although there's just three pounds of those microbes in our gut, they really outnumber us.","es":"Bueno, en parte porque aunque tenemos poco m\u00e1s de un kilo de estos microbios en el intestino, realmente nos superan en n\u00famero."} {"gender":"male","en":"Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow, and everywhere that Mary went, that lamb was sure to go.","es":"\"Mar\u00eda ten\u00eda un corderito con piel blanca como la nieve, y a donde iba Mar\u00eda, ah\u00ed iba ese corderito\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"AB: I'll talk to you later.","es":"AB: Hablamos despu\u00e9s."} {"gender":"female","en":"Some even skip it at election time.","es":"Algunos incluso lo evitan en el periodo de elecciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's because an Apache triathlon used to be you'd run 50 miles across the desert, engage in hand-to-hand combat, steal a bunch of horses, and slap leather for home.","es":"Por eso los triatlones apaches sol\u00edan consistir en correr 80 km por el desierto, meterse en una pelea cuerpo a cuerpo, robar unos caballos y volver corriendo a casa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Mayors are where this is happening.","es":"Los alcaldes son la clave."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's unclear to me how they actually sorted these three of them out.","es":"No tengo claro c\u00f3mo los ordenaron."} {"gender":"male","en":"But, you know, there are ways out.","es":"Pero, ya saben, hay soluciones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You know?","es":"\u00bfSaben?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I couldn't fit them in.","es":"No los pod\u00eda encajar."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, somebody pays you to go around and travel and look at some of the most beautiful places on the planet.","es":"Quiero decir, alguien te paga por ir por ah\u00ed, viajar, y ver algunos de los m\u00e1s bellos lugares del planeta."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If we call something impossible, we act in such a way that we make it so.","es":"Si decimos que algo es imposible, actuamos de tal manera que as\u00ed lo hacemos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And what Brian Eno came to realize was, yes, we need to run the stupid experiments, we need to deal with the awkward strangers, we need to try to read the ugly fonts.","es":"Brian Eno se dio cuenta de que s\u00ed, tenemos que hacer experimentos tontos, tenemos que lidiar con los extra\u00f1os torpes, tenemos que tratar de leer las fuentes feas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Everyone has a bit of them that looks at an addict and thinks, I wish someone would just stop you.","es":"Todos tienen un poco de ellos cuando al ver un adicto piensan: quisiera que alguien pudiera pararlo."} {"gender":"female","en":"They are dying of sadness.\"","es":"Est\u00e1n muriendo de tristeza\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"But I can surely tell you that in my country, much like on Wall Street and the city of London and elsewhere, men were at the helm of the game of the financial sector, and that kind of lack of diversity and sameness leads to disastrous problems.","es":"Pero puedo asegurarles que en mi pa\u00eds, al igual que en Wall Street, Londres y otros lugares los hombres encabezaban el juego del sector financiero. Y esa falta de diversidad, esa uniformidad, lleva a problemas desastrosos."} {"gender":"female","en":"I landed for the first time in Rome, Italy.","es":"Aterric\u00e9 por primera vez en Roma, Italia."} {"gender":"male","en":"For women, housework prevents breast cancer, but for men, shopping could make you impotent.","es":"Para las mujeres, los quehaceres previenen el c\u00e1ncer de mama, pero, para los hombres, ir de compras puede hacerlos impotentes."} {"gender":"male","en":"You may have noticed in the baseball and pizza comparison, under the baseball, it's all commands.","es":"Puede que hayan notado al comparar el b\u00e9isbol con la pizza, que en el b\u00e9isbol todo son \u00f3rdenes."} {"gender":"female","en":"She frequently shares the story of how a young boy approached her after a couple of terms in office and asked, \"Can boys really grow up to be president?\"","es":"A menudo relata la historia de c\u00f3mo un ni\u00f1o peque\u00f1o se acerc\u00f3 a ella cuando ya llevaba un par de legislaturas y le pregunt\u00f3: \"\u00bfLos ni\u00f1os pueden ser presidentes?\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm now teaching a course at UCLA, to UCLA undergraduates, on these collapses of societies.","es":"Porque ahora imparto un curso de grado en UCLA, sobre estos colapsos sociales."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the answer is rather strange.","es":"La respuesta es algo extra\u00f1a."} {"gender":"female","en":"We were just a bunch of commuters who, minutes earlier, had followed the Tube etiquette: no direct eye contact, no talking and absolutely no conversation.","es":"Est\u00e1bamos en un grupo de pasajeros que, minutos antes, hab\u00eda seguido las reglas de comportamiento en el metro: no hay contacto visual directo, no se habla absolutamente, ninguna conversaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Remember, every spot on here is a galaxy, and you see the galaxies, you know, sort of in our neighborhood, and you sort of see the structure.","es":"Recuerden que en cada punto hay una galaxia, y ustedes ven las galaxias, Cierto, m\u00e1s o menos en nuestro barrio, y m\u00e1s o menos se ve la estructura."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here I am, I'm the second person on the left, with the elders in Gidan-Kara, a tiny village outside of Sokoto.","es":"Aqu\u00ed estoy yo. con los ancianos en Gidan-Kara, una peque\u00f1a aldea en las afueras de Sokoto."} {"gender":"male","en":"And of course you all know exactly what this is, right?","es":"Seguro que todos saben exactamente qu\u00e9 es esto, \u00bfverdad?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I had basically digested away my body.","es":"Pr\u00e1cticamente me hab\u00eda comido mi cuerpo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And he said that he had so much money stashed in his upper-East side apartment at one point that he just didn't know what to do with it and actually fell into a depression.","es":"Y dijo que ten\u00eda tanto dinero escondido en su departamento de lujo que no sab\u00eda qu\u00e9 hacer con eso e incluso cay\u00f3 en una depresi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We're working on ways to frequently activate an early-stage cancer alarm by enabling regular screenings that would start when a person is healthy so that action could be taken to stop cancer the moment it emerges, and before it can progress beyond its infancy.","es":"Estamos investigando maneras de activar una alarma de detecci\u00f3n temprana de c\u00e1ncer en ex\u00e1menes de rutina que empezar\u00edan cuando la persona est\u00e1 sana. Esto permitir\u00eda tomar medidas para detener el c\u00e1ncer en su origen, y antes de que pueda ir m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de su fase inicial."} {"gender":"male","en":"That is, military science and technology that they need can create the advanced materials-industrial cluster that transforms its civilian economy and gets the country off oil, which would be a huge contribution to eliminating conflict over oil and advancing national and global security.","es":"Esto es, la tecnolog\u00eda y la ciencia militar que ellos necesitan pueden crear el cluster industrial de materiales que transforme la econom\u00eda civil y libre al pa\u00eds del petr\u00f3leo. Esto contribuir\u00eda enormemente a eliminar los conflictos por el petr\u00f3leo y a mejorar la seguridad nacional y global."} {"gender":"male","en":"Hubertus Knabe: I think there are several aspects to mention.","es":"HK: Creo que hay que mencionar varios aspectos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They're powerful enough to cut growth in half.","es":"Son lo suficientemente potentes como para reducir el crecimiento a la mitad."} {"gender":"male","en":"The third was an accident.","es":"El tercero fue un accidente."} {"gender":"male","en":"We knew that getting hit in the head too many times with boxers would cause their brain to essentially start to rot, to degenerate.","es":"Sab\u00edamos que muchos golpes en la cabeza muchas veces entre boxeadores podr\u00edan causar que el cerebro empezara a degenerar."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is not the place for hate and anger.","es":"Este no es lugar para el odio y el enojo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's about how you approach problems.","es":"Se trata de c\u00f3mo abordas los problemas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's a lot of fun, just do it, put your feet in the water.","es":"Es muy divertido, h\u00e1ganlo, metan los pies en el agua."} {"gender":"female","en":"The point of this isn't necessarily that every single data set has to relate specifically to you.","es":"El punto de esto no es necesariamente que cada grupo de datos se relacione con Uds."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Okay.","es":"De acuerdo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's so that the Bloods and the Crips will know which side to vote for.","es":"Es para que los Cripsy los Bloods sepan por qui\u00e9n votar."} {"gender":"female","en":"So in the studio, rather than drawing, we began to learn how to knit. The concept was to really knit this rope together and develop this new soft infrastructure for the oysters to grow on.","es":"As\u00ed, en el taller, en lugar de dibujar, empezamos por aprender a tejer, ya que la ideaa era tejer estas cuerdas y desarrollar esta nueva infraestructura suave en donde crecieran los ostiones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So, you have to understand that past.","es":"Entonces, tienes que entender ese pasado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You see Brexit and you see the concerns of populism across all of the European states.","es":"Vemos el Brexit y las inquietudes del populismo en todos los estados europeos."} {"gender":"male","en":"More good news: energy storage, from batteries particularly, is now beginning to take off because the cost has been coming down very dramatically to solve the intermittency problem.","es":"M\u00e1s buenas noticias: almacenamiento de energ\u00eda, de las bater\u00edas, en particular, est\u00e1 despegando porque el costo ha ido disminuyendo de manera radical para resolver el problema de la intermitencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I increasingly began to think that the connections we have or think we have, are like a kind of parody of human connection.","es":"Pero me convenzo cada vez m\u00e1s que las conexiones que tenemos, o creemos tener, son como una parodia de las conexiones humanas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And if you want to change a culture, change the stories.\" And so, from Makoko community, to Abobiri, to Ewoi, to Kolo, to Owahwa, Esaba, we have changed the story.","es":"Si quieres cambiar una cultura, cambia sus historias\": Desde comunidades como Makoko, Abobiri, Ewoi, Kolo, Owahwa o Esaba, hemos cambiado la historia."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we started out trying to figure out. How do we get to 10 cents?","es":"Entonces empezamos a preguntarnos \u00bfc\u00f3mo hacerlo con 10 centavos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"But then 800,000 civilians were slaughtered in a matter of just a few months.","es":"Por ese entonces 800 mil civiles fueron asesinados en cuesti\u00f3n de pocos meses."} {"gender":"male","en":"But that's okay, I understand why.","es":"Pero est\u00e1 bien, entiendo por qu\u00e9."} {"gender":"female","en":"Our society needs national dialogue and consensus-building more than it needed the elections, which only reinforced polarization and division.","es":"Nuestra sociedad necesita el di\u00e1logo nacional y la creaci\u00f3n de consenso m\u00e1s de lo que necesitaba las elecciones, que solo reforzaron la polarizaci\u00f3n y la divisi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Mr. Logan had been in jail 17 years and wrote me a letter.","es":"El Sr. Logan estuvo en la c\u00e1rcel 17 a\u00f1os y me escribi\u00f3 una carta."} {"gender":"male","en":"And my idea for this exhibition design was to create a real pong game, like this one.","es":"Y mi idea para esta exposici\u00f3n de dise\u00f1o era crear un juego pong como \u00e9ste."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is about as big as they get, about a meter across.","es":"Este es m\u00e1s o menos el tama\u00f1o que alcanza, un metro de largo aproximadamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"So all I'm doing is exploring this space of \"T\" and flashing through it with some action.","es":"As\u00ed que todo lo que hago es explorar el espacio de \"T\" y hacerla brillar a trav\u00e9s de alg\u00fan movimiento."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I was like, \"Yeah, Ray.","es":"Y yo le dije: \"S\u00ed, Ray."} {"gender":"male","en":"So one kind of biomolecule might get a blue color.","es":"As\u00ed, un tipo de biomol\u00e9cula podr\u00eda tener un color azul."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We dispose of our waste properly, we follow safety procedures, we don't work with pathogens.","es":"Desechamos nuestra basura de forma adecuada, seguimos procedimientos de seguridad, no trabajamos con pat\u00f3genos."} {"gender":"male","en":"The teenagers said they could see very well.","es":"Los adolescentes dijeron que pod\u00edan ver muy bien."} {"gender":"female","en":"And you know, the oddest part is, when I was on my way traveling here to TED, I'll be honest, I was petrified.","es":"Y saben que lo m\u00e1s extra\u00f1o de esto, cuando estaba viajando hacia aqu\u00ed, a TED, ser\u00e9 honesta, estaba petrificada."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I was reminded how utterly wrong I am, so much of the time.","es":"Me hicieron ver cu\u00e1n equivocado estoy, las m\u00e1s de las veces."} {"gender":"male","en":"See, he jumps.","es":"Miren, salta."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well babies will fake a cry, pause, wait to see who's coming and then go right back to crying.","es":"Los beb\u00e9s fingen el llanto, hacen una pausa para ver si alguien viene, y contin\u00faan llorando."} {"gender":"male","en":"It sort of ended abruptly when she was executed \u2014 \u2014 for murdering 600 men.","es":"Y se fue a pique de repente, cuando fue ejecutada por asesinar a 600 hombres."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That is a microcosm of what's happening, not just in software and services, but in media and music, in finance and manufacturing, in retailing and trade, in short, in every industry.","es":"Es un microcosmos de lo que est\u00e1 sucediendo, no solo en software y servicios, sino en los medios de comunicaci\u00f3n y la m\u00fasica, en finanzas y manufactura, venta al por menor y comercio, en definitiva, en todas las industrias."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's why Americans spend more, I should say, lose more, gambling than on all other forms of entertainment combined.","es":"Por eso los estadounidenses gastan m\u00e1s - o deber\u00eda decir, pierden m\u00e1s - apostando que en todas las otras formas de entretenimiento juntas."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's something that, since it was invented a year or two ago, has given me untold happiness.","es":"Es algo que, desde que lo inventaron hace 1 o 2 a\u00f1os, me ha dado una felicidad indescriptible."} {"gender":"male","en":"So at this point in the process, I've located the code responsible for controlling your battery, but that's still not enough to blow up a phone.","es":"En este punto del proceso, ubicamos el c\u00f3digo responsable de controlar la bater\u00eda, pero eso a\u00fan no es suficiente para volar un tel\u00e9fono."} {"gender":"female","en":"And he never expected this.","es":"\u00c9l nunca espero esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you think about the last three decades, the consumer has moved from savvy about marketing in the '90s, to gathering all these amazing social and search tools in this decade. But the one thing holding them back is the ability to discriminate.","es":"Si recapacitamos sobre las tres \u00faltimas d\u00e9cadas, el consumidor ha pasado de ser astuto en el mercado en los 90, a adquirir todas estas incre\u00edbles herramientas sociales y de b\u00fasqueda en esta d\u00e9cada, pero lo que les ha estado frenando es la capacidad de seleccionar."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's cheaper for that person to donate 100,000 dollars every year to the hunger charity; save 50,000 dollars on their taxes, so still be roughly 270,000 dollars a year ahead of the game, now be called a philanthropist because they donated 100,000 dollars to charity; probably sit on the board of the hunger charity; indeed, probably supervise the poor SOB who decided to become the CEO of the hunger charity; and have a lifetime of this kind of power and influence and popular praise still ahead of them.","es":"Es m\u00e1s barato para esa persona donar 100 mil d\u00f3lares al a\u00f1o a una beneficencia contra el hambre, ahorrarse 50 mil en impuestos, a\u00fan as\u00ed embolsarse 270 mil d\u00f3lares al a\u00f1o, y ser considerado fil\u00e1ntropo por haber donado 100 mil d\u00f3lares a la beneficencia, probablemente tenga un puesto en la junta de esa beneficencia; es m\u00e1s, tal vez supervice al pobre fulano que decidi\u00f3 hacerse director general de la beneficencia contra el hambre y tenga de por vida este tipo de poder e influencia y el elogio popular."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can't say that my interests are special compared to yours any more than you can say the particular spot that I'm standing on is a unique part of the universe because I happen to be standing on it that very minute.","es":"No puedes decir que mis intereses son especiales comparados con los tuyos tanto como tampoco puedes decir que el punto en particular en el que estoy parado es un lugar \u00fanico en el universo porque ocurre que estoy parado en \u00e9l en ese preciso minuto."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I am astounded that I'm standing here to tell you that.","es":"Estoy impresionada de estar aqu\u00ed frente a ustedes para hablar de esto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Another objection: There's nothing really new here.","es":"Otra objeci\u00f3n: no hay nada nuevo aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"And no one can get more than $100 a month.","es":"Y nadie puede ganar m\u00e1s de 100 d\u00f3lares al mes."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in the mountain range are all of the ancient cities of that region, so Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Hebron.","es":"Y en la cordillera est\u00e1n las antiguas ciudades de aquella regi\u00f3n, Jerusal\u00e9n, Bel\u00e9n, Hebr\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"We're saying that you cannot solve the problem of climate change in one country; you've got to involve all countries.","es":"Estamos diciendo que no se puede resolver el problema del cambio clim\u00e1tico en un s\u00f3lo pa\u00eds; todos deben involucrarse."} {"gender":"male","en":"And you might notice that it's only Iceland and Greenland where we can't find any cases of enslavement around the world.","es":"Y pueden ver que solo en Islandia y Groenlandia no encontramos casos de esclavitud."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"At the very top you find the uniformly random sequence, which is a random jumble of letters, and interestingly, we also find the DNA sequence from the human genome and instrumental music.","es":"Arriba del todo se encuentra la secuencia uniformemente aleatoria, que es un revoltijo aleatorio de letras, y curiosamente, encontramos tambi\u00e9n la secuencia del ADN del genoma humano y m\u00fasica instrumental."} {"gender":"male","en":"OK, well maybe they're not worshipping me.","es":"Tal vez no me est\u00e1n adorando."} {"gender":"male","en":"We'll make it part of the contract.\"","es":"Haremos que sea parte del contrato\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"When we label an adult as cute, though, we take away a lot of their intelligence, their complexity.","es":"Cuando decimos que un adulto es adorable, sin embargo, le quitamos gran parte de su inteligencia, su complejidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"What do I think about when I think about art?","es":"\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 pienso cuando pienso acerca del arte?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They look it up on the internet.","es":"Lo buscan en internet."} {"gender":"female","en":"Last year, I finished a film called \"Women Without Men.\"","es":"El a\u00f1o pasado termin\u00e9 una pel\u00edcula llamada \"Mujeres sin hombres\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Not to say that it shouldn't have, but that we have to get better at answering the questions that need to be considered when we think about consequences and responses.","es":"No por decir que no ha debido hacerlo, sino que tenemos que mejorar en responder a las preguntas que deben ser consideradas cuando pensamos en consecuencias y respuestas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, those losses are tragic on many fronts, and one of those fronts is for the beekeeper. And it's really important to talk about beekeepers first, because beekeepers are among the most fascinating people you'll ever meet.","es":"Ahora, esas p\u00e9rdidas son tr\u00e1gicas en muchos frentes y uno de esos frentes es el apicultor. y es realmente importante hablar de los apicultores primero, porque los apicultores est\u00e1n entre las personas m\u00e1s fascinantes que pueden conocer."} {"gender":"female","en":"This makes education unaffordable for many people.","es":"Esto hace la educaci\u00f3n inaccesible para muchos."} {"gender":"male","en":"But then the monsoon arrives, and unfortunately downriver there is always a dam or there is always a barrage, and, shoop, they get washed down to their doom.","es":"Pero entonces llega el monz\u00f3n, y desafortunadamente r\u00edo abajo siempre hay un dique o una presa, y, \"shoop\", son tragados hac\u00eda su muerte."} {"gender":"male","en":"I wasn't happy. I was angry.","es":"No era feliz, estaba enojado."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I became interested in understanding what contributed to a life that was worth living.","es":"Entonces fu\u00e9 que me comenc\u00e9 a interesar en el entendimiento de aquello que contribu\u00eda a hace la vida digna de ser vivida."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"The Atlantic Rowing Race runs from the Canaries to Antigua, it's about 3,000 miles, and it turned out to be the hardest thing I had ever done.","es":"La traves\u00eda atl\u00e1ntica sale desde Canarias hasta Antigua. Son unos 4.800 km. Y result\u00f3 ser la cosa m\u00e1s dif\u00edcil que jam\u00e1s hab\u00eda hecho."} {"gender":"female","en":"Is it because women are born with a cooking gene?","es":"\u00bfEs porque las mujeres nacen con un gen de la cocina?"} {"gender":"female","en":"You have to focus on how to create jobs, make sure they don't fall into disease, and that they get an education.","es":"Centr\u00e9monos en c\u00f3mo crear empleo, en que no enfermen y en su educaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And three: every now and then, step off your hamster wheel into deep time.","es":"Y tres: de vez en cuando, saltar de la rueda de h\u00e1mster al tiempo profundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And this is really what I want to talk to you about today, about cancer.","es":"Y esto es sobre lo que les quiero hablar hoy, sobre el c\u00e1ncer."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here is just a little bit of data.","es":"Miren algunos datos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is a collective and altruistic effort to stop the spread in its tracks and to inform anyone not infected how to protect or inoculate themselves.","es":"Este es un esfuerzo colectivo y altruista para detener la propagaci\u00f3n e informar a cualquier persona no infectada c\u00f3mo protegerse o vacunarse."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And if the story is a good one, it might even make us smile.","es":"Y si la historia es buena, puede incluso hacernos sonre\u00edr."} {"gender":"male","en":"But a really nice way of re-framing the ordinary, and I think that's one of the things.","es":"Pero es una manera muy simp\u00e1tica de cambiar la perspectiva a lo ordinario y este es un buen ejemplo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They're going to be willing and helpful to getting you to the truth.","es":"Estar\u00e1n dispuestas a ayudarles a llegar a la verdad."} {"gender":"male","en":"All right, so tie me to the mast.\"","es":"Muy bien. Pueden amarrarme ahora\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"The teddy bear?","es":"\u00bfEl osito?"} {"gender":"female","en":"At present, that's not happening in New York City.","es":"Actualmente, eso no sucede en Nueva York."} {"gender":"female","en":"I starts out with a slow air.","es":"Empieza con un aire lento."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've gone down 60 meters to see hammerhead sharks.","es":"He bajado 60 metros para ver tiburones martillo."} {"gender":"female","en":"She obviously loves him. She's conflicted.","es":"Ella obviamente lo amaba y ten\u00eda un conflicto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But the direct costs are really only the tip of the iceberg.","es":"Pero los costos directos son en realidad solo la punta del iceberg."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then there's space, and in that space feel your vulnerability, what matters most to you, your deepest intention.","es":"Y luego est\u00e1 el espacio, y en ese espacio, sientan su vulnerabilidad, qu\u00e9 es lo que m\u00e1s les importa, la intenci\u00f3n m\u00e1s profunda."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in fact, even in that very first event, LIGO found things that we didn't expect.","es":"Y de hecho, incluso en ese primer evento, LIGO encontr\u00f3 cosas que no esper\u00e1bamos."} {"gender":"female","en":"I like doing new things and making new things happen.","es":"Me gusta hacer cosas nuevas y hacer que ocurran cosas nuevas."} {"gender":"male","en":"You need permission to be allowed to improvise, try new things, occasionally to fail and to learn from your failures.","es":"Uno necesita permiso para poder improvisar, intentar cosas nuevas, para fallar ocasionalmente y aprender de sus errores."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so we decided to do a research study to find out whether this was true or not. In fact, everybody who I talk to, who I mention I'm doing password research, they point out this cartoon.","es":"As\u00ed que decidimos hacer un estudio para averiguar si esto era cierto o no. De hecho, a todos con los que hablo que les menciono que estoy haciendo una investigaci\u00f3n sobre contrase\u00f1as, se\u00f1alan esta caricatura."} {"gender":"male","en":"First is: Where do we get inspiration? Where do we get this spark of imagination?","es":"El primero: \u00bfde d\u00f3nde obtenemos esta inspiraci\u00f3n, esta chispa de imaginaci\u00f3n?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Unfortunately, when she goes to unwrap the prosciutto, Ajax makes a lunge for it.","es":"Y por desgracia, cuando ella va a desenvolver el jam\u00f3n, Ajax se lanza a por \u00e9l."} {"gender":"male","en":"Without saying too much about this case, this is a traffic accident, a drunk driver hit a woman.","es":"Sin revelar mucho sobre este caso, se trata de un accidente de tr\u00e1fico, un conductor ebrio que atropell\u00f3 a una mujer."} {"gender":"female","en":"We need to be able to get information out to the general public.","es":"Necesitamos hacer llegar esta informaci\u00f3n al p\u00fablico general."} {"gender":"female","en":"She also received the Peace Prize.","es":"Ella tambi\u00e9n recibi\u00f3 el Nobel de la Paz."} {"gender":"female","en":"But the refrigerator is a serious contributor to this, and one of the features of it is the crisper drawer.","es":"Pero el refrigerador contribuye enormemente a que esto pase y una de las cosas que trae es el caj\u00f3n para las verduras."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now which pie would we prefer, and which pie do we think people who are hungry would prefer?","es":"Ahora \u00bfqu\u00e9 pastel preferir\u00edamos, y cu\u00e1l creen que preferir\u00eda la gente hambrienta?"} {"gender":"male","en":"We lay down this context-dependent memory and learn to repeat the process next time.","es":"Establecemos este recuerdo dependiente del contexto y aprendemos a repetir el proceso la pr\u00f3xima vez."} {"gender":"male","en":"The job of uncovering the global food waste scandal started for me when I was 15 years old.","es":"La tarea de descubrir el esc\u00e1ndalo del desperdicio de alimentos comenz\u00f3 para m\u00ed cuando ten\u00eda 15 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"Whatever it is, they don't get along because of this difference.","es":"Da igual, no encajan por esta diferencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's a framework, which is the dark matter, the invisible matter, that's out there that's actually holding it all together.","es":"Hay un marco de trabajo, el cual es la materia oscura, la materia invisible, eso est\u00e1 all\u00e1 afuera, de hecho eso es lo que lo mantiene todo unido."} {"gender":"male","en":"That was a joke, actually, and I, OK.","es":"Eso de hecho fue una broma Yo Ok."} {"gender":"female","en":"We've been blessed, or cursed, with free will.","es":"Hemos sido bendecidos, o maldecidos, con el libre albedr\u00edo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So my colleague and wife, Karen Wynn, at Yale has done a series of studies with babies where she exposes babies to puppets, and the puppets have certain food preferences.","es":"Mi colega y esposa, Karen Wynn, en Yale hizo una serie de estudios con beb\u00e9s. Les dio t\u00edteres a los beb\u00e9s, y los t\u00edteres ten\u00edan ciertas preferencias alimenticias."} {"gender":"male","en":"Beauty pageant.","es":"Un concurso de belleza."} {"gender":"male","en":"By the way, Mengatoue was the shaman of his tribe as well.","es":"Por cierto, Mengatoue tambi\u00e9n era el cham\u00e1n de su tribu."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let's put the care back into health care.","es":"Devolvamos los cuidados a su lugar en el sistema sanitario."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It has an extensive atmosphere.","es":"Cuenta con una extensa atm\u00f3sfera."} {"gender":"female","en":"My father's university teaching of Darwin had already provoked a classroom visit from the head of the so-called Islamic Salvation Front, who denounced Dad as an advocate of biologism before Dad had ejected the man, and now whoever was outside would neither identify himself nor go away.","es":"La docencia universitaria de mi padre en Darwin ya hab\u00eda provocado una visita a su clase por el cabecilla del llamado, Frente Isl\u00e1mico de Salvaci\u00f3n, quien lo denunci\u00f3 como un defensor del biologismo antes de que pap\u00e1 lo expulsara. Ahora el que estaba ah\u00ed afuera no se identificaba, pero tampoco se iba."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Voice: System ready.","es":"M\u00e1quina: El sistema est\u00e1 listo."} {"gender":"male","en":"There are capacities of the human mind that we tend to think are capacities only of the human mind.","es":"Hay capacidades de la mente humana que tendemos a pensar que son capacidades \u00fanicas del humano."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I have to tell you that early in my career, when we looked at those three elements, I didn't believe that they were beyond Earth in any length of time and for any real quantity.","es":"Bueno, tengo que decirles que al principio de mi carrera, cuando vi esos tres elementos, yo no cre\u00eda que estuvieran fuera de la Tierra en cualquier per\u00edodo de tiempo y en cualquier cantidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"We've been fooled by our tool.","es":"Nuestra herramienta nos ha enga\u00f1ado."} {"gender":"male","en":"But we can do something too.","es":"Pero nosotros podemos hacer algo tambi\u00e9n."} {"gender":"male","en":"But its strength lies in telling them what everybody else has been doing.","es":"Pero su fortaleza se encuentra en decirles qu\u00e9 est\u00e1n haciendo los dem\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"It is dynamic; it is modifiable.","es":"Es din\u00e1mico; es modificable."} {"gender":"male","en":"But anyway, it's a game I play, and it comes obviously from my military experience.","es":"De cualquier manera, es un juego que hago y obviamente viene de mi experiencia militar."} {"gender":"female","en":"And that's actually very perverse.","es":"Y eso es realmente perverso. Bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"Five to 10 percent of the race car will be different every two weeks of the year.","es":"Del 5 % al 10 % del auto va a ser diferente cada 2 semanas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because of the four billion people whose income is under two dollars a day.","es":"Porque hay 4.000 millones de personas cuyo ingreso es menor a 2 d\u00f3lares al d\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The first kind tells you, \"You can do it!","es":"El primero te dice: \"\u00a1Puedes hacerlo!"} {"gender":"male","en":"And if the partner puts pressure on them, so if the partner starts spitting water and intimidating them, then the choices go down.","es":"Y si el compa\u00f1ero los presiona, as\u00ed, si el compa\u00f1ero comienza a escupir agua y a intimidarlos, entonces las elecciones disminuyen."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So what do you do?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfqu\u00e9 hacer?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's sort of the good old, traditional form of terrorism, but it's sort of been packaged for the 21st century.","es":"Es como el terrorismo tradicional, pero a la moda del siglo XXI."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"BG: We saw the 2009 crossing of the Gibraltar Strait where you lost control and then you dived down into the clouds and in the ocean.","es":"BG: Vimos el cruce del estrecho de Gibraltar del 2009 cuando perdiste el control y te fuiste en picada por las nubes hacia el mar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Once again, the solution emerges from the randomness.","es":"Una vez m\u00e1s, la soluci\u00f3n surge de la aleatoriedad."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we went over into Michael's garage, his dad had all kinds of stuff, and we put a pipe in the vice there, and screwed a cap on the end of the pipe, drilled a hole in the back of the pipe, took some of our firecrackers, pulled out the fuses, tied them together, put them in the back there, and, down in that hole, and then stuffed some of our gunpowder down that pipe and put three ball bearings on the top, in the garage.","es":"As\u00ed que fuimos al garage de Michael. Su padre ten\u00eda de todo, y pusimos un tubo en posici\u00f3n le atornillamos una tapa al final, e hicimos un agujero en la parte de atr\u00e1s del tubo, cogimos algunos de nuestros petardos, sacamos las mechas, las atamos juntas, las pusimos atr\u00e1s, en aquel agujero, y rellenamos con nuestra p\u00f3lvora el tubo y pusimos tres bolas de rodamiento encima, \u00a1en el garage!."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've spent the last umpteen years in prison.","es":"He pasado los \u00faltimos tant\u00edsimos a\u00f1os en prisi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"I contracted a brain infection.","es":"Contraje una infecci\u00f3n cerebral."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's not fair to students, and it's putting America's global leadership at risk.","es":"No es justo para los estudiantes, y est\u00e1 poniendo en riesgo el liderazgo estadounidense."} {"gender":"female","en":"I feel a little uncomfortable.","es":"Yo me siento un poco inc\u00f3moda."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the person who's there, the medical practitioner, calls you, this is also a cell phone, and says, \"Mr. Smith, you're in deep doo-doo; you have a problem.","es":"Y la persona que est\u00e1 ah\u00ed, el practicante m\u00e9dico, lo llama, esto tambi\u00e9n es un celular, y dice, \"Sr. Smith, est\u00e9 est\u00e1 en un l\u00edo feo, tiene un problema."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let me say now why I think actually this is a good problem to have.","es":"Les dir\u00e9 ahora por qu\u00e9 considero que este es un problema con ventajas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what we proposed was, let's create a new body.","es":"Entonces propusimos crear un nuevo cuerpo."} {"gender":"male","en":"But would those same tourists have gone into a store called \"I Love Genuine Fake Viagra Pills\" or \"I Genuinely Love Funding Terrorism\"?","es":"\u00bfPero habr\u00edan ido estos turistas a una tienda llamada \"Me encanta el Viagra falsificado\" o \"Me encanta financiar el terrorismo\"?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, SETI uses the tools of astronomy to try and find evidence of someone else's technology out there.","es":"Bueno, SETI usa las herramientas de la astronom\u00eda para tratar de encontrar evidencia de tecnolog\u00eda de alguien m\u00e1s, all\u00ed afuera."} {"gender":"female","en":"By his own account, Bassam used to hate Israelis, but through knowing Israelis and learning their stories and working together for peace, he overcame his hate.","es":"Seg\u00fan palabras del mismo Bassam, odiaba a los israel\u00edes, pero al conocerlos, o\u00edr sus historias y trabajar con ellos por la paz, super\u00f3 su odio."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I thank you here, Lois, from this platform.","es":"Pero te doy las gracias aqu\u00ed, Lois, desde esta plataforma."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let the gratefulness overflow into blessing all around you. And then, it will really be a good day.","es":"Dejen que la gratitud se transforme en bendici\u00f3n a su alrededor, y entonces ser\u00e1 realmente un buen d\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"MT: It's a great idea; it was a huge project. Expensive, too.","es":"MT: Es una gran idea, fue un proyecto enorme y costoso, tambi\u00e9n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So, in fact, there is the building, there is what we call the draw.","es":"As\u00ed, de hecho, est\u00e1 el edificio, est\u00e1 lo que llamamos el dibujo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And that yes was the beginning of a new way of life for my family.","es":"Y eso fue el comienzo de una nueva manera de vivir para mi familia."} {"gender":"male","en":"Second official: I don't even know the place called .","es":"Segundo oficial: Ni siquiera conozco ese lugar llamado ."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We'll get another kid.\"","es":"Tendremos otro ni\u00f1o\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Not the least reason was the fact that I had spent those first four years living at home, driving into RISD everyday, driving back.","es":"No se debe a que pasara los primeros 4 a\u00f1os viviendo en casa, conduciendo hasta el RISD cada d\u00eda, y regresando."} {"gender":"male","en":"But you do have the possibility of going on for three more days to this place where Marlene stood, called, in Spanish, Finisterre, in English, Finisterre, from the Latin, meaning \"the ends of the earth,\" the place where ground turns to ocean; the place where your present turns into the future.","es":"Pero Uds. tienen la posibilidad de continuar durante tres d\u00edas m\u00e1s a este lugar donde Marlene estaba de pie y que se llama Finisterre, tambi\u00e9n en ingl\u00e9s, Finisterre, del lat\u00edn, que significa \"los extremos de la tierra\" el lugar donde el suelo se convierte en oc\u00e9ano; el lugar donde tu presente se torna futuro."} {"gender":"female","en":"Singing for me is sweet relief.","es":"Cantar para m\u00ed es un dulce alivio."} {"gender":"female","en":"We had foreign terrorist fighters tweeting in their own languages.","es":"Hab\u00eda guerreros terroristas for\u00e1neos tuiteando en su propia lengua."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's thousands of meters deep.","es":"Est\u00e1 a miles de metros de profundidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"This becomes a more robust way to think about the warehouse.","es":"Esto se convierte en una forma m\u00e1s robusta de concebir el dep\u00f3sito."} {"gender":"female","en":"We did our best.","es":"Hicimos lo que pudimos."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I want to tell you the story of PISA, OECD's test to measure the knowledge and skills of 15-year-olds around the world, and it's really a story of how international comparisons have globalized the field of education that we usually treat as an affair of domestic policy.","es":"Pero quiero contarles la historia de PISA, el test de la OECD para medir los conocimiento y habilidades de los j\u00f3venes de 15 a\u00f1os de todo el mundo, y que es realmente una historia de c\u00f3mo la comparaci\u00f3n internacional ha globalizado el campo de la educaci\u00f3n que usualmente trat\u00e1bamos como un asunto de pol\u00edtica local."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There were like 20 people there.","es":"Hab\u00eda unas 20 personas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And you can see in the images afterward, we've managed to reconstruct her successfully.","es":"Y pueden ver en las fotos siguientes que hemos logrado reconstruirla con \u00e9xito."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you, say, wanted to get from Regent's Park station to Great Portland Street, the Tube map would tell you: take the Tube, go to Baker Street, change over, take another Tube.","es":"Si uno quisiera, digamos, llegar de Regent Park a Great Portland Street, el mapa del metro dir\u00e1 que tomemos el metro, vayamos a Baker Street, cambiemos, tomemos otro metro."} {"gender":"male","en":"It just doesn't work properly.","es":"Es un problema complicado."} {"gender":"female","en":"And, you know, you have the neighborhood effect where if something is going on in one part of the continent, it looks like the entire continent is affected.","es":"Y, ya sabes, existe el efecto contagio en el que si algo est\u00e1 pasando en una parte del continente, parece que el continente entero est\u00e9 afectado."} {"gender":"female","en":"They can be too scared to approach men with beards or to hop into cars.","es":"Pueden sentir miedo de acercarse a hombres barbados o de subir a autos."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is Eric.","es":"Este es Eric."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Yeah.","es":"S\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Skill one, find where your failures are.","es":"La habilidad n\u00famero uno es descubrir cu\u00e1les son tus fallas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The moment the cores get to mid level, we finish the art museum; we put all the mechanical equipment in it; and then we jack it up into the air.","es":"En el momento en que el n\u00facleo llega al nivel medio terminamos el museo de arte, le colocamos todo el equipamiento mec\u00e1nico, y luego lo levantamos con un gato hidr\u00e1ulico."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And then we poll the public and see where they score worst.","es":"Y luego preguntamos al p\u00fablico para ver cu\u00e1l ten\u00eda la peor puntuaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"So let's take a look at some of the devices that are used in these types of procedures.","es":"As\u00ed que echemos un vistazo a algunos de los dispositivos que se utilizan en estos tipos de procedimientos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So a natural answer is 99 percent.","es":"As\u00ed que la respuesta natural es 99%."} {"gender":"male","en":"I find it ironic that we're doing so much, yet these areas are fairly unknown to science.","es":"Me parece ir\u00f3nico que estemos haciendo tanto pero que estas \u00e1reas sean a\u00fan tan desconocidas para la ciencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"The press were writing about this, giving full pages about how terrible this was.","es":"La prensa escrib\u00eda p\u00e1ginas enteras sobre cuan terrible era todo esto, lo cual encontr\u00e9 muy interesante, porque el c\u00edrculo se estaba cerrando."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm intrigued by this concept.","es":"Estoy intrigada por este concepto."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm reminded of a New Yorker cartoon.","es":"Me acuerdo de una caricatura de \"The New Yorker\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And over the next 18 months, they together passed an incredibly comprehensive set of reforms.","es":"Y en los siguientes 18 meses, aprobaron juntos un conjunto de reformas incre\u00edblemente amplio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It enters the atmosphere of Mars.","es":"Ingresa a la atm\u00f3sfera marciana."} {"gender":"male","en":"Life was very small for most people.","es":"La vida era muy corta para la mayor\u00eda de la gente."} {"gender":"female","en":"And finally, there are relationships.","es":"Y por \u00faltimo, las relaciones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We just kept going.","es":"As\u00ed seguimos."} {"gender":"female","en":"These are the groups most heavily profiled and punished through prohibitionist law.","es":"Estos son los grupos m\u00e1s fuertemente perfilados y penalizados por la ley prohibicionista."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you go to one of Vijay's micro-power sources, and they sell it to you for seven cents a kilowatt hour, anybody here fast in math?","es":"Teniendo uno de esos microgeneradores de Vijay con un coste de siete centavos el kilovatio hora, \u00bfalguien sabe calcular con rapidez?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And collaboration is key to the success of any enterprise.","es":"Y la colaboraci\u00f3n es clave para el \u00e9xito de una empresa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We've driven from San Francisco to Los Angeles on Highway 1.","es":"Hemos conducido desde San Francisco a Los \u00c1ngeles por la autopista 1."} {"gender":"male","en":"And by the way, here are four doctors in your part of the United States who offer it, and their phone numbers.\"","es":"Y adem\u00e1s, aqu\u00ed est\u00e1n los n\u00fameros de cuatro m\u00e9dicos en su misma zona de los Estados Unidos, que la prescriben."} {"gender":"male","en":"We think that polemics, , we think that polemics are not persuasive, but we think that storytelling can change the world, and so we are probably the best storytelling institution in the world.","es":"Consideramos creemos que la pol\u00e9mica no es persuasiva, pero creemos que los relatos pueden cambiar el mundo. Por eso quiz\u00e1s somos la mejor instituci\u00f3n contando historias en el mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then my favorite, they really do have a kind of genius of their own, these guys, my favorite is Sophocles' Oedipus the King: \"Sex With Mum Was Blinding.\"","es":"Y mi favorita, realmente tienen cierta clase genio propio esta gente. Mi favorito es \u00abEdipo Rey\u00bb de S\u00f3focles. \u00abEl sexo con mam\u00e1 fue cegador\u00bb."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's not whether you're in the city or not, it's how is your city designed?","es":"No se trata de si uno est\u00e1 en la ciudad o no. \u00bfEs como est\u00e1 dise\u00f1ada tu ciudad?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Go home and ask those questions, and then help the people around you.","es":"Vayan a casa, pregunten y luego ayuden a quienes les rodean."} {"gender":"male","en":"But the fact that those dictators suppressed democracy in their country and suppressed Islamic groups in their country actually made the Islamists much more strident.","es":"Pero el hecho de que esos dictadores suprimieran la democracia en sus pa\u00edses y reprimieran a los grupos isl\u00e1micos en realidad exalt\u00f3 mucho m\u00e1s a los islamistas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And yet the more you add, the more seems to go missing.","es":"De hecho, cuanto m\u00e1s agregas, m\u00e1s parece que se pierde el significado."} {"gender":"male","en":"CA: That's amazing.","es":"CA: Eso es incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"male","en":"OK, the second big enabler, and this is where I told a big lie. The second big enabler is intellectual property. Because, in fact, I got up here and I talked about how great the music culture is.","es":"Ok, el segundo gran facilitador, y aqu\u00ed es donde dije una gran mentira, el segundo gran facilitador es la propiedad intelectual, porque en realidad me par\u00e9 aqu\u00ed y habl\u00e9 mucho acerca de c\u00f3mo es de fabulosa la cultura de la m\u00fasica."} {"gender":"male","en":"They have increased the security of proprietors.","es":"Han aumentado la seguridad de los propietarios."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Chimpanzees laugh differently if they're being tickled than if they're playing with each other, and we might be seeing something like that here, involuntary laughter, tickling laughter, being different from social laughter.","es":"Los chimpanc\u00e9s r\u00eden diferente si les hacen cosquillas que si se r\u00eden jugando unos con otros, y puede que veamos algo as\u00ed aqu\u00ed, la risa involuntaria, la de cosquillas, es diferente de la risa social."} {"gender":"male","en":"The idea of strategy in business owes its origins to two intellectual giants: Bruce Henderson, the founder of BCG, and Michael Porter, professor at the Harvard Business School.","es":"La idea de la estrategia en los negocios debe sus or\u00edgenes a dos gigantes intelectuales: Bruce Henderson, fundador de BCG, y Michael Porter, profesor de la Escuela de Negocios de Harvard."} {"gender":"male","en":"And those were the most primitive forms of cells in a sense, those little drops of oil.","es":"En cierto sentido, esas fueron las formas celulares m\u00e1s primitivas; esas gotitas de aceite."} {"gender":"male","en":"All of origami comes from that.","es":"Todo el origami viene de esto."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I met a few, Hussein and Rasha, who both lost a leg to submunitions.","es":"Me encontr\u00e9 con algunos Hussein y Rasha, perdieron una pierna por las submuniciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a soap disco in Spain, photographed by David Alan Harvey.","es":"Esta es una fiesta de espuma en una discoteca en Espa\u00f1a, fotografiada por David Alan Harvey."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We saw no other mass mortality events.","es":"No vimos otros eventos de mortalidad en masa."} {"gender":"female","en":"Maybe it would be the end of being trapped in our wounds and the beginning of amazing self-exploration and discovery and growth.","es":"Quiz\u00e1s, eso de estar atrapado en nuestras heridas, terminar\u00eda y ser\u00eda el comienzo de una sorprendente autoexploraci\u00f3n y descubrimiento, y crecimiento."} {"gender":"female","en":"And what was I as a mother and a religious leader willing to do about it?","es":"Y lo que yo como madre y l\u00edder religiosa estaba dispuesta a hacer."} {"gender":"female","en":"And if this question sends panic through your body, then your most revolutionary act is to wonder, listen and respond to your own needs.","es":"Y si esta pregunta llena de p\u00e1nico su cuerpo, entonces su acto m\u00e1s revolucionario es preguntarse, escuchar y responder a sus propias necesidades."} {"gender":"female","en":"We now recognize that getting markets right is about not just price incentives, but also investing in the right infrastructure and the appropriate and necessary institutions to create the conditions to unleash the power of innovation in the market.","es":"Ahora nos damos cuenta de que perfeccionar los mercados no s\u00f3lo es cuesti\u00f3n de incentivos, sino tambi\u00e9n de invertir en infrestructura rentable, y en las instituciones que son apropiadas y necesarias para crear las condiciones para desatar el poder de motivaci\u00f3n en el mercado."} {"gender":"male","en":"There are other dimensions for flaps.","es":"Hay otras dimensiones para las solapas."} {"gender":"male","en":"That sort of overall sustainable energy problem is the biggest problem that we have to solve this century, independent of environmental concerns.","es":"El de la energ\u00eda sostenible es el mayor problema que tenemos que resolver en este siglo, independientemente de preocupaciones medioambientales."} {"gender":"female","en":"There is a problem with vaccines around the world not getting to patients.","es":"Uno de los problemas con las vacunas en el mundo es que no llegan a los pacientes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And like all our other heroes, he was smart enough to seize it.","es":"Y como todo h\u00e9roe, fue inteligente como para aprovecharla."} {"gender":"male","en":"Each column is effectively a hybrid of two columns.","es":"Cada columna es realmente un h\u00edbrido de 2 columnas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The heart, of course, you felt.","es":"El coraz\u00f3n, por supuesto, lo sintieron."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the second the song finishes playing, he beelines towards me, buries me into his arms and rocks me back and forth.","es":"Al final de la segunda canci\u00f3n, le veo encaminado hacia m\u00ed para abrazarme fuertemente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So no wonder it's hard to talk about these issues.","es":"As\u00ed que no es de extra\u00f1ar que sea dif\u00edcil hablar de estos temas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I wanted a 15-, 20,000-member church.","es":"Yo quer\u00eda una iglesia de 15 000, 20 000 miembros."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now if I graph, for instance, some other technology, say transportation technology, on a semi-log curve, it would look very stupid, it would look like a flat line.","es":"Pero si grafico, por ejemplo, alguna otra tecnolog\u00eda, como el transporte, en una curva semilogar\u00edtmica ser\u00eda muy tonto, ver\u00edamos una l\u00ednea recta."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I'm going to talk a little bit today about Minecraft.","es":"Pero hoy voy a hablar un poco sobre Minecraft."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's actually just like a joking way of saying that you care about your brothers and you put them first.","es":"En realidad, es como una forma de bromear para decir que uno se preocupa por sus colegas y los antepone."} {"gender":"male","en":"Though, even if we, I think worse than not having an AED would be if there was one there, but just, no one knew where to find it.","es":"Aunque, incluso si nosotros - Creo que, peor que no tener un DEA, ser\u00eda si hubiera uno ah\u00ed, pero nadie supiera d\u00f3nde encontrarlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"The Aakash is 40 dollars.","es":"El Aakash cuesta 40."} {"gender":"male","en":"And as recently as 15 years ago, there were a lot of scientists who thought these technologies wouldn't work.","es":"Y, hace apenas 15 a\u00f1os, muchos cient\u00edficos pensaban que estas tecnolog\u00edas no funcionar\u00edan."} {"gender":"male","en":"We worked with these masons to cut these stones and form them into the walls of the hospital.","es":"Trabajamos con esos alba\u00f1iles, cortamos esas piedras que se convirtieron en las paredes del hospital."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And human stem cells are these extraordinary but simple cells that can do two things: they can self-renew or make more of themselves, but they can also become specialized to make bone, liver or, crucially, nerve cells, maybe even the motor nerve cell or the myelin cell.","es":"Las c\u00e9lulas madre humanas son esas extraordinarias pero sencillas c\u00e9lulas que pueden hacer dos cosas: pueden autorrenovarse o desarrollarse, pero pueden tambi\u00e9n especializarse para crear hueso, h\u00edgado o, muy importante, c\u00e9lulas nerviosas, tal vez incluso c\u00e9lulas nerviosas motoras o c\u00e9lulas de la mielina."} {"gender":"male","en":"You couldn't sell cocaine; cocaine's a great product, powdered cocaine, but you've got to know rich white people.","es":"No pod\u00edan vender coca\u00edna que es un gran producto pero tienes que conocer gente blanca y rica."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the funny thing is they call me Mr. Rambo in Gaza.","es":"Y de que me llamen Sr. Rambo en Gaza."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to ignore their cautions and make one very specific forecast.","es":"Voy a ignorar sus advertencias y voy a hacer un pron\u00f3stico muy espec\u00edfico."} {"gender":"male","en":"Maybe I should clarify it.","es":"Deber\u00eda clarificarla."} {"gender":"male","en":"They will float in seawater, but unfortunately do not get recycled under the bottle bills.","es":"Estas flotan en agua salada, pero desafortunadamente no son recicladas."} {"gender":"female","en":"She is now 26.","es":"Ahora ella tiene 26 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"Sort of leadership by humiliation.","es":"Algo as\u00ed como liderazgo por humillaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm one of the only men in my family, and they made together the decision to transfer this land to L\u00e9ila and myself.","es":"Soy el \u00fanico hombre en mi familia y tomaron la decisi\u00f3n en conjunto de transferirnos esta tierra a L\u00e9ila y a mi."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But how she answers that question is her choice.","es":"Pero c\u00f3mo responda ella esa pregunta es su elecci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, it is modern science that reminds us how vital the global commons are.","es":"Hoy, la ciencia moderna nos recuerda lo vitales que son estos bienes comunes mundiales."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'd had enough.","es":"Ya estaba harta."} {"gender":"female","en":"I believe we're living at a time in human history where it's just simply unacceptable that children wake up and don't know where to find a cup of food.","es":"Pienso que estamos viviendo un momento de la historia en el que es simplemente inaceptable que haya ni\u00f1os que se despierten y no tengan d\u00f3nde encontrar una taza de alimento."} {"gender":"female","en":"We can change the incentive.","es":"Podemos cambiar el incentivo."} {"gender":"female","en":"What is the relationship between love and desire?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la relaci\u00f3n entre amor y deseo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And so this technology already had all the failsafe mechanisms and allowed the theater and our client to actually do this with confidence that they would be able to change over their configurations at will.","es":"Por eso esta tecnolog\u00eda ya tiene todos estos mecanismos de seguridad y le permiten al teatro y a nuestro cliente hacer esto con la confianza de que podr\u00e1n cambiar su configuraci\u00f3n a voluntad."} {"gender":"male","en":"OK? I have no shareholders.","es":"OK?, No tengo accionistas."} {"gender":"female","en":"I don't know what's coming, and all I can do is remind myself that I told Chris I'd fly by the seat of my pants, and now that I'm up here it sort of feels like that dream where you don't have any pants on, and so I suppose I'm going to be flying by the seat of my ass.","es":"No s\u00e9 lo que vendr\u00e1, y lo \u00fanico que puedo hacer es recordarme que le dije a Chris volar\u00eda de mis pantalones, y ahora que estoy aqu\u00ed se siente como esos sue\u00f1os donde no tienes los pantalones puestos, por lo tanto supongo que volar\u00e9 por el asiento de mi culo."} {"gender":"male","en":"CR: What's interesting about you too, though, for me, is that, we have lots of people who are thinking about the future, and they are going and looking and they're coming back, but we never see the implementation.","es":"CR: Algo que encuentro interesante es que hay muchas personas pensando en el futuro. Que vienen y van, pero nunca vemos su implementaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"We are social animals.","es":"Somos animales sociales."} {"gender":"male","en":"She was born in the 1880s, and the experience of slavery very much shaped the way she saw the world.","es":"Ella naci\u00f3 sobre el 1880 y su experiencia con la esclavitud conform\u00f3 la manera como ve\u00eda el mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"JF: Well, there's all kinds of friends.","es":"JF: Existe toda clase de amigas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In London, for example, with these extraordinary buildings that have been appearing over the last few years.","es":"En Londres, por ejemplo, con estos edificios extraordinarios que han ido apareciendo en los \u00faltimos a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"A few years ago, I was in Zanzibar, and I come wheeling in, and think about that.","es":"Hace unos a\u00f1os, estaba en Zanz\u00edbar, y ven\u00eda en mi esc\u00fater, mientras piensaba sobre ello."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When did we come to live in a world where these types of typos, common errors, this do-your-best attitude or just good enough was acceptable?","es":"\u00bfDesde cu\u00e1ndo vivimos en un mundo donde se acepta errores tipogr\u00e1ficos, errores comunes que surgen de la actitud de \"hacer lo mejor\" o \"hacer lo suficiente\"?"} {"gender":"male","en":"In the privacy of my room, covered in sawdust, I would saw, trim and polish wood all night long until a bow took shape.","es":"En la intimidad de mi habitaci\u00f3n, cubierto de aserr\u00edn, serruchaba, recortaba y pul\u00eda madera toda la noche hasta que un arco tom\u00f3 forma."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"People had been known to have died in the crush on popular execution days.","es":"Hab\u00eda gente muerta en la aglomeraci\u00f3n en los d\u00edas de ejecuciones p\u00fablicas."} {"gender":"female","en":"At the heart of an affair, you will often find a longing and a yearning for an emotional connection, for novelty, for freedom, for autonomy, for sexual intensity, a wish to recapture lost parts of ourselves or an attempt to bring back vitality in the face of loss and tragedy.","es":"En el meollo de una aventura, siempre encontrar\u00e1n un anhelo y un deseo vivo de conexi\u00f3n emocional, de novedad, de libertad, de autonom\u00eda, de intensidad sexual, un deseo de recuperar partes perdidas de nosotros mismos o un intento por recuperar vitalidad de cara a la p\u00e9rdida y la tragedia."} {"gender":"male","en":"A nice visual composition of symmetry.","es":"Una bonita composici\u00f3n visual de simetr\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"And his political career in the state legislature was on a downward slide.","es":"Y su carrera pol\u00edtica en el congreso del estado iba cuesta abajo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And when you think that 80 percent of global trade in food now is controlled by just five multinational corporations, it's a grim picture.","es":"Pensar que el 80 por ciento del comercio mundial de comida lo controlan s\u00f3lo cinco empresas multinacionales resulta desalentador."} {"gender":"female","en":"We've got to go out there and clean this thing up.\"","es":"Tenemos que ir ah\u00ed y limpiar esa cosa\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I actually feel at home here, because there's a lot of autism genetics here.","es":"Y en realidad me siento como en casa aqu\u00ed. Porque aqu\u00ed hay mucha gen\u00e9tica de autismo."} {"gender":"male","en":"But it was really what spirited this, plus the influence of Joe and others. We started One Laptop per Child.","es":"Pero esto fue realmente lo que nos inspir\u00f3, adem\u00e1s de la influencia de Joe y otros, comenzamos Una Laptop Por Ni\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"Bad fats are things like trans-fatty acids in processed food and saturated fats, which we find in meat.","es":"Las malas son los \u00e1cidos de grasas-trans, alimentos procesados y grasas saturadas, como los que contiene la carne roja."} {"gender":"male","en":"We look at that, and we go, \"That's your problem.","es":"Lo vemos y decimos: \"Ese es tu problema."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And so with this Lego kit, we have the diversity required for complex information storage without DNA.","es":"As\u00ed, con este kit del tipo Lego, tenemos la diversidad que se requiere para el almacenamiento de informaci\u00f3n compleja sin ADN."} {"gender":"male","en":"So a country like America has twice as much food on its shop shelves and in its restaurants than is actually required to feed the American people.","es":"Un pa\u00eds como Estados Unidos tiene el doble de comida en sus anaqueles de tiendas y restaurantes que lo que efectivamente necesita para alimentar a la poblaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the creator very considerately offered a replay for her mom.","es":"El creador, muy considerado, le ofrec\u00eda a su mam\u00e1 poder verla otra vez."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm influenced by everything I read, everything I see.","es":"Influye en m\u00ed todo lo que leo y todo lo que veo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Japan.","es":"Jap\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"If we take 10 kilograms of food, and it results in one kilogram of beef, the other nine kilograms are waste, and a lot of that is manure.","es":"Si tomamos 10 Kg de alimento y da como resultado 1 Kg de carne los otros 9 Kg son desperdicio, y mucho de eso es esti\u00e9rcol."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is an approach that's used all over the world, including in our lab.","es":"Y este es un procedimiento que se usa en todo el mundo, incluyendo nuestro laboratorio."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, let's see now. If openness predicts who becomes liberal, and openness predicts who becomes a TEDster, then might we predict that most TEDsters are liberal?","es":"Bueno, veamos, si la apertura predice quien se convierte en liberal, y si la apertura predice quien se convierte en TEDster, entonces \u00bfpodr\u00edamos predecir que la mayor\u00eda de los TEDsters son liberales?"} {"gender":"male","en":"To conclude, there are also other applications at the horizon.","es":"Para concluir, tambi\u00e9n hay otras aplicaciones en el horizonte."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because in fact, that's how your brain works, in kind of the same way that the Web works.","es":"Por que incluso, es as\u00ed como funciona el cerebro --de la misma forma que la red."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, I said to her, \"You know, kids don't learn from people they don't like.\"","es":"Le dije: \"Bueno, ya sabes que los ni\u00f1os no aprenden de la gente que no les gusta\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"No, we shouldn't worry.","es":"No, no debemos preocuparnos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And over the coming months, the African Design Centre fellows are going to work hand-in-hand with the Ruhehe community to build it.","es":"En los siguientes meses, los becarios del Centro de Dise\u00f1o Africano van a trabajar mano a mano con la comunidad de Ruhehe para construirlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"The idea of linked data is that we get lots and lots and lots of these boxes that Hans had, and we get lots and lots and lots of things sprouting.","es":"La idea de los datos enlazados es que tengamos muchas de estas cajas que Hans ten\u00eda, y surgen muchas, muchas cosas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Nathan and his boss went to the city council to get a change in the ordinance.","es":"Nathan y su jefe fueron al concejo de la ciudad para tratar de cambiar la ordenanza."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's amazing that 413 lbs were lost just from the extra exercise.","es":"Bajaron 187 kilos gracias al ejercicio, gracias al ejercicio extra."} {"gender":"male","en":"Bring it back up.","es":"Volver al inicio."} {"gender":"female","en":"Masters are not experts because they take a subject to its conceptual end.","es":"Los maestros no son expertos porque hayan llevado algo a su final conceptual."} {"gender":"male","en":"Some people are doing that, many are not.","es":"Algunos lo est\u00e1n haciendo, otros muchos no."} {"gender":"female","en":"This mistaken identity was not reported by any of the white women interviewed for this study, which comprised 557 women in total.","es":"Esta confusi\u00f3n de identidad no fue informada por ninguna mujer blanca entrevistada en ese estudio, que comprend\u00eda 557 mujeres en total."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm 22, and I'm a left-handed pianist.","es":"Tengo 22 a\u00f1os y soy un pianista zurdo."} {"gender":"male","en":"You don't have to sleep with prostitutes or take drugs in order to have a relationship with organized crime.","es":"Usted no tiene que dormir con prostitutas o tomar drogas para estar en relaci\u00f3n con el crimen organizado."} {"gender":"male","en":"You see, because, I mean, I give you one statistic.","es":"Ves, porque, Te doy una estad\u00edstica."} {"gender":"female","en":"You have no idea.","es":"No tienen ni idea."} {"gender":"female","en":"I know a lot about this because I am a Scrapper.","es":"S\u00e9 mucho sobre este tema porque yo misma lo fui."} {"gender":"male","en":"He had acromegaly.","es":"Ten\u00eda acromegalia."} {"gender":"female","en":"I won't go into this very much, but our technology, besides being able to tag tumor and metastatic lymph nodes with fluorescence, we can also use the same smart three-part molecule to tag gadolinium onto the system so you can do this noninvasively.","es":"No voy a profundizar mucho en ello pero nuestra tecnolog\u00eda, aparte de ser capaz de marcar el tumor y los ganglios linf\u00e1ticos con fluorescencia, nos permite tambi\u00e9n usar la misma ingeniosa part\u00edcula tripartita para marcar gadolinio dentro del sistema as\u00ed que esto puede hacerse de manera no invasiva."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And our younger generation are going to transform this country while at the same time being transformed themselves.","es":"Y nuestras generaciones m\u00e1s j\u00f3venes van a transformar este pa\u00eds y al mismo tiempo se van a transformar a s\u00ed mismos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So let's consider some very basic statistics.","es":"Veamos algunas estad\u00edsticas muy b\u00e1sicas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the median answer was 2040 or 2050, depending on precisely which group of experts we asked.","es":"Y la respuesta fue alrededor de 2040 o 2050, dependiendo del grupo de expertos consultados."} {"gender":"female","en":"One of the reasons I love lucid dreaming is because it allows me to be free, without judgment of social and physical consequences.","es":"Una de las razones por las que me encanta so\u00f1ar con los ojos abiertos es porque me permite ser libre, sin ser juzgada o sufrir consecuencias sociales o f\u00edsicas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Even rich European countries could never handle such an influx without massive investment.","es":"Ni siquiera los pa\u00edses europeos ricos podr\u00edan manejar tal afluencia sin una inversi\u00f3n cuantiosa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There are 330 tubes, diameter 55 , there are only 12 tubes with a diameter of 120 centimeters, or four feet, wide.","es":"Hay 330 tubos con un di\u00e1metro de 55 cm. y solo hay 12 tubos con un di\u00e1metro de 120 cm, o cuatro pies, de ancho."} {"gender":"male","en":"He was Adam Smith, not Billy Connolly, not Sean Connery, though he is very smart indeed.","es":"Fue Adam Smith, no Billy Connolly, no Sean Connery, aunque \u00e9l es muy inteligente en verdad."} {"gender":"male","en":"We can create miracles, collectively, in our lifetime.","es":"Podemos hacer milagros, colectivamente, a lo largo de nuestra vida."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And here's where the dead people start to help us out, because lots of people have studied the problem of packing circles.","es":"En este punto los muertos comienzan a ayudarnos. Porque mucha gente ha estudiado el problema de empacar c\u00edrculos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Eventually, the rivers reverted back to a state that was more similar to what they would have looked like before this climate event, but it took a long, long time.","es":"Finalmente, los r\u00edos volvieron a un estado m\u00e1s similar al aspecto anterior al acontecimiento clim\u00e1tico, pero llev\u00f3 un mucho, mucho tiempo."} {"gender":"female","en":"The impulse to respond in kind is so tempting, but that isn't who we want to be.","es":"El impulso a responder de la misma manera es tentador, pero eso no es lo que queremos ser."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, I don't know how much civilization really has progressed since AD 79, but there's a great likelihood. I really believe this, and I don't believe in aliens, and I don't believe there are any aliens on the Earth or anything like that.","es":"As\u00ed que no s\u00e9 cu\u00e1nto ha progresado la civilizaci\u00f3n desde el a\u00f1o 79 A.C. pero hay una gran probabilidad, realmente creo esto, y no creo en los extraterrestres, pero, y no creo que haya extraterrestres en la Tierra o algo parecido."} {"gender":"female","en":"There is some science about this.","es":"Hay algo de ciencia en esto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"RO: No, not me, no. IM: You read about people who have a lot of money and they have kids and the kids always end up somehow, really messed up, you know?","es":"ROD: No, no yo. IM: T\u00fa lees acerca de esta gente que tiene mucho dinero y tiene hijos, y sus hijos siempre terminan de alguna manera, como, un desastre, \u00bfsabes a qu\u00e9 me refiero?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It really works.","es":"Realmente funciona."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When you recline you take away a lot of that load off your bottom end, and transfer it to your back.","es":"Al reclinarte te deshaces de una gran cantidad de peso de tus huesos en las asentaderas y lo transfieres hacia tu espalda."} {"gender":"female","en":"Where's the capital in our communities to build the types of businesses that we want?","es":"\u00bfD\u00f3nde est\u00e1 el capital en nuestras comunidades para hacer los negocios que queremos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And that letter is called, very revealing, I think, \"Slow Down!\", with an exclamation mark on the end.","es":"Y a esa carta la llamaron, muy revelador, yo creo, \"\u00a1Frenen!\", con un signo de exclamaci\u00f3n al final."} {"gender":"female","en":"The people who we find are the highest-risk offenders, the people who we think have the highest likelihood of committing a new crime if they're released, we see nationally that 50 percent of those people are being released.","es":"Las personas que encontramos que son los delincuentes de mayor riesgo, las personas que creemos que tienen la mayor probabilidad de cometer un nuevo delito, si son liberados, a nivel nacional vemos que el 50% de esas personas est\u00e1n siendo liberados."} {"gender":"male","en":"And most kids do.","es":"Y la mayor\u00eda de los ni\u00f1os lo hace."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I want to begin with a story of an unusual and terrible man.","es":"Pero quiero empezar con la historia de un hombre terrible y singular."} {"gender":"female","en":"Finding new reserves of strength and capacity that we never knew we had.","es":"Encontramos una fuerza y una capacidad que no sab\u00edamos que ten\u00edamos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And they're withering now under high rates of anxiety and depression and some of them are wondering, will this life ever turn out to have been worth it?","es":"Y est\u00e1n fulminados ahora con altas tasas de ansiedad y depresi\u00f3n y algunos se preguntan, \u00bfEsta vida habr\u00e1 valido la pena?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Your success will be determined by your own fortitude, your own confidence, your own individual hard work.","es":"T\u00fa \u00e9xito estar\u00e1 determinado por tu propia fortaleza, tu propia confianza, tu trabajo individual bien hecho."} {"gender":"male","en":"I thought it was a 30 to 50 year problem.","es":"Yo pensaba que era un problema a 30 o 50 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"What is the prognosis?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es su pron\u00f3stico?"} {"gender":"female","en":"For young infants, mother's milk is a complete diet that provides all the building blocks for their bodies, that shapes their brain and fuels all of their activity.","es":"Para los ni\u00f1os peque\u00f1os, la leche materna es una dieta completa que proporciona los componentes necesarios para sus cuerpos, que modela sus cerebros, es el combustible de su actividad."} {"gender":"male","en":"But let's back up for a second and talk about why fish is the best food choice.","es":"Pero retrocedamos por un segundo para hablar de por qu\u00e9 el pescado es la mejor elecci\u00f3n alimenticia."} {"gender":"male","en":"There is no way for us not to see this illusion.","es":"No hay forma de que no veamos esta ilusi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"You need to go all in.","es":"Necesitas ir a por todo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It walks over the pad, and you know who it is.","es":"Pasa por encima del lector y sabemos qui\u00e9n es."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the idea with this is that, well, technology should not be foregrounded here, and \u2014 \u2014 we've actually opened this up.","es":"La idea de esto es que, bueno, la tecnolog\u00eda no deber\u00eda estar en primer plano, y en realidad hemos abierto esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"The Civil Rights Movement, the movement against apartheid, and more recently, the movement for gay and lesbian rights here in the United States and elsewhere. After the final \"no\" comes a \"yes.\"","es":"El movimiento de derechos civiles, el movimiento contra el segregacionismo y, m\u00e1s recientemente, el movimiento por los derechos de homosexuales y lesbianas en EE.UU. y en otros lugares; despu\u00e9s del \"no\" final llega un \"s\u00ed\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then there is social media, and what's happening on the Internet.","es":"Y luego existen los medios sociales, que es lo que est\u00e1 pasando en Internet."} {"gender":"male","en":"Chris Anderson: So interesting, Stuart.","es":"Chris Anderson: Muy interesante, Stuart."} {"gender":"male","en":"Of course, we couldn't have a classroom discussion with tens of thousands of students, so we encouraged and nurtured these online forums.","es":"Claro, no pod\u00edamos discutir en clase con decenas de miles de estudiantes, por eso alent\u00e1bamos estos foros virtuales."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, we can even put a number to how many of those planets now do we expect our own Milky Way Galaxy harbors.","es":"Podemos incluso numerar cu\u00e1ntos de esos planetas suponemos que alberga nuestra galaxia de la V\u00eda L\u00e1ctea."} {"gender":"male","en":"And as I grew up, I heard so much knowledge and so many insights and so much wisdom come out around this table, I began to call it the wisdom table.","es":"Durante mi infancia, presenci\u00e9 tanta agudeza, tanta perspicacia, tanta sabidur\u00eda alrededor de esta mesa, que comenc\u00e9 a llamarla la mesa de la sabidur\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"We need more front line health workers, teachers, farmer trainers, sales agents for life-improving goods.","es":"Necesitamos m\u00e1s trabajadores de salud, profesores, formadores de agricultores en primera l\u00ednea. Y vendedores de los productos para la mejora de vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"And by me cutting out the middle man and giving it straight to you, the information that the FBI has has no value, so thus devaluing their currency.","es":"Al eliminar al intermediario y entregarla directamente, la informaci\u00f3n que tiene el FBI ya no vale nada y se deval\u00faa su moneda."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here's a bit more.","es":"Aqu\u00ed hay un poco m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"And since I don't like to travel alone, they also invited my daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter, so we had a lovely trip to see Russia today, which is not a very pleasant and happy view.","es":"Y puesto que no me gusta viajar sola, tambi\u00e9n invitaron a mi hija, yerno y nieta, as\u00ed que tuvimos un encantador viaje para ver la Rusia de hoy, lo cual no es una vista muy agradable ni feliz."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now there's one problem with robots like this.","es":"Hay un problema con los robots como \u00e9ste."} {"gender":"female","en":"But it was true. Basically, of those 110 people, 104 of them or so had gotten their number from a fortune cookie.","es":"Pero era verdad, y b\u00e1sicamente, de esas 110 personas, 104 de ellas, o algo as\u00ed, hab\u00edan obtenido su n\u00famero de la galleta de la fortuna."} {"gender":"female","en":"It doesn't work all the time.","es":"No funciona todo el tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I understood that documentary photography has the ability to interpret events from their point of view.","es":"Y comprend\u00ed que la fotograf\u00eda documental tiene la capacidad de interpretar los eventos desde su punto de vista."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'd go up and learn these old songs from her.","es":"Yo iba y aprend\u00eda de ella estas antiguas canciones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You have to figure out the sounds of each of these pictures such that the entire sequence makes sense.","es":"Tienes que imaginarte el sonido para cada uno de estos dibujos de tal modo que la secuencia completa tenga sentido."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There's a whole range of innovations that we have.","es":"Hay much\u00edsimas innovaciones m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And if it is, and particularly given the fact that we came very close to extinction. There were only about 2,000 of our species left.","es":"Y si es as\u00ed, en particular por el hecho de que hemos estado muy cerca de la extinci\u00f3n cuando solo quedaban cerca de 2000 de nuestra especie."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And the latter won.","es":"Y venci\u00f3 esto \u00faltimo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that gave them an evolutionary advantage.","es":"Y eso les dio una ventaja evolutiva."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, a year later I returned, and using the same protocols and recording under the same conditions, I recorded a number of examples of the same dawn choruses, and now this is what we've got.","es":"Bueno, un a\u00f1o despu\u00e9s regres\u00e9, y usando los mismos protocolos y grabando bajo las mismas condiciones, grab\u00e9 un n\u00famero de ejemplos de los mismos coros del amanecer, y ahora esto es lo que tenemos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Are we worth the cost?","es":"\u00bfVale la pena el costo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"We submitted perhaps the shortest question presented ever.","es":"Presentamos tal vez la pregunta m\u00e1s corta de la historia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Because whoever thought of that title gets irony. Don't they?","es":"Porque quien haya pensado en ese nombre, entiende de iron\u00eda, \u00bfno?, porque"} {"gender":"female","en":"We're going to do something that in recent years we've started: take a mucus sample.","es":"Vamos a hacer algo que comenzamos en a\u00f1os recientes: tomar muestras de mucosa."} {"gender":"female","en":"And finally, there were 600 respondents in that poll.","es":"Finalmente, hubo 600 encuestados en esa encuesta."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's not just plastic.","es":"No es solo pl\u00e1stico."} {"gender":"male","en":"No, what you've just drawn is more like a diagram or a schematic.","es":"No, lo que acaban de dibujar parece m\u00e1s un diagrama o un esquema."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We like our neighbors to see our dirty cars and our brown lawns.","es":"Nos gusta que nuestros vecinos vean nuestros autos sucios y el c\u00e9sped marr\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"What this example highlights is the primacy of our institutions, most especially our schools, in allowing us to reap the harvest of our technological prosperity.","es":"Lo que este ejemplo pone de relieve es la primac\u00eda de nuestras instituciones, muy especialmente nuestras escuelas, en lo que nos permite recoger la cosecha de nuestra prosperidad tecnol\u00f3gica."} {"gender":"female","en":"I mean, me, it makes sense, right?","es":"Digo yo, bueno, tiene sentido, \u00bfcierto?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It just had not been studied formally.","es":"No hab\u00eda sido estudiado formalmente."} {"gender":"male","en":"I predate so much and I've been through ebbs and flows and I've been through good and bad times, and still I absolutely love being a police officer.","es":"Mucho, mucho antes, y he pasado muchos altibajos, tiempos mejores y peores, pero a\u00fan as\u00ed, me encanta ser polic\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that began with open-source software.","es":"Y eso comenz\u00f3 con el software libre."} {"gender":"female","en":"I then challenged the kids to identify someone in their own life, or in their own story, or in their own world, that they could identify that had done a similar thing.","es":"Luego desafi\u00e9 a los ni\u00f1os a que identifiquen a alguien en su propia vida, o en su propia historia, o en su propio mundo, con quien pudieran reconocer que hizo algo similar a eso."} {"gender":"female","en":"People with spinal cord injuries, like paraplegias, quadriplegias, will often develop a very, very sensitive area right above the level of their injury, wherever that is.","es":"Personas con da\u00f1os en la m\u00e9dula espinal como paraplejias, cuadriplegias, con frecuencia desarrollan \u00e1reas muy muy sensibles justo arriba del nivel de su herida, cual sea el lugar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Before the crisis, this would have been utterly unthinkable, yet it was accepted remarkably quickly.","es":"Antes de la crisis esto habr\u00eda sido totalmente impensable, sin embargo, fue aceptado muy r\u00e1pidamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"As the great Kevin Trenberth says, \"All storms are different now.","es":"Como el gran Kevin Trenberth dice: \"Todas las tormentas ahora son diferentes."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, I'm afraid.","es":"Veamos, tengo miedo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Without it there's no world, there's no self, there's nothing at all.","es":"Sin ella no hay mundo, no hay yo, no hay nada en absoluto."} {"gender":"male","en":"In other words, they would force students to uncover their heads.","es":"En otras palabras, forzaban a las estudiantes a descubrirse las cabezas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we're seeing big improvements for students who use the program regularly.","es":"Y estamos viendo grandes mejoras en estudiantes que usan el programa regularmente."} {"gender":"female","en":"But imagine the impact on a family: if the parents can be employed and make sure that their children go to school, that they can buy the drugs to fight the disease themselves.","es":"Pero imaginad el impacto en una familia: si los padres tienen trabajo y pueden asegurarse de que sus hijos van al colegio, y que pueden comprar medicamentos para luchar contra la enfermedad por ellos mismos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, think of the mental model that goes behind reducing the intake.","es":"Pensemos en el modelo mental que yace detr\u00e1s de la reducci\u00f3n de la ingesta."} {"gender":"male","en":"I said, \"No, that's OK.","es":"Les dije: \"No, no, no. Est\u00e1 bien."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"IA: Aww, thank you.","es":"IA: Ahh, gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's all these different interventions but they have different kinds of effectiveness.","es":"Est\u00e1n todas estas intervenciones distintas. Pero tienen diferentes niveles de efectividad."} {"gender":"female","en":"And part of my photographic work is I'm not just documenting what's there.","es":"Parte de mi trabajo fotogr\u00e1fico no es s\u00f3lo documentar lo que est\u00e1 all\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here in New York, I urge you, my fellow Americans, to help us make America great again.","es":"As\u00ed es que aqu\u00ed en Nueva York, yo les insto, compatriotas, a que nos ayuden a hacer un Estados Unidos grandioso otra vez."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Cancer researchers all around the world are working feverishly to beat this disease, and tremendous progress is being made.","es":"Investigadores del c\u00e1ncer alrededor del mundo est\u00e1n trabajando febrilmente para combatir esta enfermedad y se est\u00e1n realizando progresos tremendos."} {"gender":"male","en":"This discovery changed everything about our sense of these cliffs and what to do with them.","es":"Este descubrimiento cambi\u00f3 todo lo que sab\u00edamos de estos precipicios y de qu\u00e9 hacer con ellos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I grew up in rural Uganda, lost both my parents when I was very, very young.","es":"Crec\u00ed en los campos de Uganda, perd\u00ed a mis padres cuando era muy, muy joven."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There is no way we should do business with companies that have agreements with stealth provisions and that are unintelligible.","es":"No hay raz\u00f3n por la cual debieramos hacer negocios con compa\u00f1\u00edas que tienen acuerdos con provisiones encubiertas que son incomprensibles."} {"gender":"male","en":"He taped them all together, ran back into the room and said, \"You mean, something like this?\"","es":"Los peg\u00f3 con una cinta, volvi\u00f3 a la habitaci\u00f3n y dijo \u00bfquieren decir ustedes algo as\u00ed?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Too often, I think history's what I call the Mount Rushmore model.","es":"Muy a menudo, creo que la historia es lo que llamo el modelo Monte Rushmore."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The world will say to you, \"We need to end racism.\"","es":"El mundo te dir\u00e1: \"Necesitamos acabar con el racismo\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"This has been called the \"double-spend\" problem by cryptographers for a long time.","es":"Esto ha sido denominado el problema del \"doble gasto\" por los cript\u00f3grafos desde hace mucho tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"The thing I design is manufactured, and it has a function: to be read, to convey meaning.","es":"La cosa que dise\u00f1o se fabrica, y tiene una funci\u00f3n: ser le\u00edda, transmitir el significado."} {"gender":"male","en":"He was going to tattoo little black dots on the right side of my face and make me look very symmetric.","es":"Tatuar peque\u00f1os puntos negros del lado derecho de mi rostro y hacerme ver muy sim\u00e9trico."} {"gender":"male","en":"We now have techniques, because of these rapid methods of synthesis, to do what we're calling combinatorial genomics.","es":"Ahora disponemos de t\u00e9cnicas, gracias a estos m\u00e9todos de s\u00edntesis r\u00e1pidos, para hacer lo que estamos denominando gen\u00f3mica combinatoria."} {"gender":"female","en":"I bet Taylor Swift, one of the most well-known and richest singers in the world, didn't need more money or fame when she came forward with her groping case for one dollar.","es":"Apuesto a que Taylor Swift, una de las cantantes m\u00e1s conocidas y ricas del mundo, no necesitaba m\u00e1s dinero o fama cuando denunci\u00f3 su caso de tocamientos por un d\u00f3lar."} {"gender":"female","en":"In fact, some of you probably have these passwords.","es":"De hecho, algunos de Uds. probablemente tienen estas contrase\u00f1as."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, that's exciting.","es":"Es algo emocionante."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we started thinking about this.","es":"As\u00ed que empezamos a pensar en esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can see the stability and control is really quite nice, and I'd like to think this somewhat validates that starting hypothesis, that the human mind and body, if properly augmented in that way, can achieve some pretty cool stuff.","es":"Pueden ver que mantenemos el control y la estabilidad bastante bien. Y me gusta creer que cumplimos con la hip\u00f3tesis de la que partimos es decir, que el cuerpo y la mente humana conectados de una manera adecuada pueden alcanzar grandes cosas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's an absolutely possible scenario.","es":"Esa es una situaci\u00f3n absolutamente posible."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What lessons would you take from an experience like this?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 lecciones se pueden obtener de una experiencia como esta?"} {"gender":"female","en":"It was intimate and private, and water was this complicated challenge that kept me busy for a decade.","es":"Era \u00edntimo y privado, y el agua era este complicado reto que me mantuvo ocupada durante una d\u00e9cada."} {"gender":"male","en":"People have died trying to do this kind of thing.","es":"Ciertas personas han muerto tratando de hacer esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Actually, what I've shown here is a highly simplified picture.","es":"En realidad, les he mostrado un esquema muy simplificado."} {"gender":"male","en":"The same thing happens when people watch magic tricks.","es":"Lo mismo ocurre cuando la gente ve 'trucos de magia'."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because architecture is also the asking of questions.","es":"Porque la arquitectura tambi\u00e9n es el hacerse preguntas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And suddenly we were worried, like, do we have a mean girl on our hands?","es":"Y de repente est\u00e1bamos preocupados, \u00bfacaso tenemos a una ni\u00f1a mala en nuestras manos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Can you imagine?","es":"\u00bfPueden imaginarlo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And these were men and women who were putting prisoners through unbelievable humiliation.","es":"Y estos eran hombres y mujeres que estaban sometiendo a los prisioneros a una humillaci\u00f3n incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's really manifested there.","es":"Esta verdaderamente manifestado all\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"One of the things about age is that I can tell you with great confidence, I've been to the future.","es":"Una de las cosas que tiene la edad es que puedo decirles con total seguridad que he estado en el futuro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They moved the tanker lanes 40 kilometers farther off shore, and people are not doing as much illegal dumping.","es":"Desplazaron las rutas de los petroleros a 40km m\u00e1s lejos de la costa y estos ya no sueltan tantos vertidos ilegales."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the exciting news!","es":"Esa es la noticia maravillosa."} {"gender":"male","en":"I went to Saudi Arabia.","es":"Ah\u00ed donde est\u00e1s\". Fui a Arabia Saud\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"\"Why not?\" the girls asked.","es":"\"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no?\", preguntaron las chicas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that allows me to check my timer discretely, here, without bending my elbow.","es":"Y esto me permite mirar la hora discretamente, as\u00ed, sin doblar el codo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we took the commission. And we made this small movie that I'd like to show.","es":"As\u00ed que aceptamos el encargo y creamos este v\u00eddeo que me gustar\u00eda ense\u00f1arles."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And when you try to execute these commitment devices, you realize the devil is really in the details.","es":"Y al tratar de cumplir estos mecanismos de compromiso, te das cuenta que el enemigo est\u00e1 en los detalles."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's basically half a million dollars in prize money for anybody who can tell me, do I have any gold, and if so, where is it?","es":"Se trata b\u00e1sicamente de un premio de medio mill\u00f3n de d\u00f3lares para cualquiera que pueda decirle si tiene oro y si es as\u00ed, \u00bfd\u00f3nde est\u00e1?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I had lived on earth long enough to know what the sky looks like.","es":"Hab\u00eda vivido lo suficiente como para saber c\u00f3mo se ve el cielo."} {"gender":"female","en":"CA: So the thing is, Martine, that in any normal conversation, this would sound stark-staring mad, but in the context of your life, what you've done, some of the things we've heard this week, the constructed realities that our minds give, I mean, you wouldn't bet against it.","es":"CA: Esta idea Martine en cualquier conversaci\u00f3n normal, parecer\u00eda una idea absolutamente loca, pero en el contexto de tu vida, de lo que has hecho hasta ahora y algunas de las cosas que hemos o\u00eddo esta semana, la realidad intr\u00ednseca de la creaci\u00f3n de un producto que contenga la mente es algo por lo cual apuestas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, a little tether coming off, it's just a control for the Fur's mouth and his eyes.","es":"La peque\u00f1a cuerdecita que sobresale, es simplemente un control de la boca y los ojos del Furby."} {"gender":"female","en":"IA: Well, one of them is that \u2014 One of them is that I place a naked Antonio Banderas on a Mexican tortilla, I slather him with guacamole and salsa, I roll him up, and I eat him.","es":"IA: Bueno, una de ellas es que En una de ellas pongo a Antonio Banderas en una tortilla mexicana, lo cubro con guacamole y salsa, lo enrollo y me lo como."} {"gender":"male","en":"It still outperformed them.","es":"Aun as\u00ed, les gan\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"Disney, 10 or 15 years ago, right, the Disney, the company that is probably best-known for family values out there, Disney bought the ABC network.","es":"Disney, 10 o 15 a\u00f1os atras, verdad. Disney, la compa\u00f1\u00eda que probablemente es la m\u00e1s conocida por los valores familiares, Disney compr\u00f3 la cadena ABC."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In the 19th century, when Muslims were looking at Europe as an example, they were independent; they were more self-confident.","es":"En el siglo XIX cuando los musulmanes ve\u00edan a Europa como ejemplo eran independientes, estaban seguros de s\u00ed mismos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I met her in a field, she was ragged, she had no shoes. When you looked in her eyes, any girl at the age of eleven is looking forward to the future, but there was an unreachable sadness in that girl\u2019s eyes and if I could have translated that to the rest of the world for that moment, I believe that all the work that it had done for the global HIV\/AIDS fund would be rewarded by people being prepared to make donations.","es":"La conoc\u00ed en un campo, en harapos, sin zapatos, cuando la mir\u00e9 a los ojos, cualquier ni\u00f1a de once a\u00f1os est\u00e1 esperando el futuro, pero hab\u00eda una tristeza insoslayable en los ojos de esta ni\u00f1a que si yo hubiese podido traducir al resto del mundo ese momento, yo creo que todo el trabajo que se hab\u00eda hecho por un fondo global del VIH\/SIDA ser\u00eda recompensado por gente preparada para hacer donaciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"MT: In other words, if we do not yet have the technological solutions, would illusions serve the same purpose?","es":"MT: Dicho de otro modo, si todav\u00eda no tenemos las soluciones tecnol\u00f3gicas, \u00bfservir\u00edan las ilusiones para el mismo fin?"} {"gender":"male","en":"They're so popular these days because they're mechanically simple.","es":"La raz\u00f3n de que sean tan populares en estos d\u00edas es porque son mec\u00e1nicamente simples."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, it's a term called predictive policing, or algorithmic criminology, and the idea is that if we take a lot of data, for example where past crimes have been, we know where to send the patrols.","es":"Es un t\u00e9rmino conocido como policial predictiva, o criminolog\u00eda algor\u00edtmica, y la idea es que, con gran cantidad de datos, por ejemplo, donde hubo cr\u00edmenes antes, sabremos d\u00f3nde enviar a las patrullas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Annalisa Smith-Pallotta: That would be Sage Smith-Pallotta: a real social Rider Smith-Pallotta: innovation.","es":"Annalisa Smith Pallota: Eso ser\u00eda Sage Smith-Pallota: una verdadera innovaci\u00f3n Rider Smith-Pallota: social."} {"gender":"female","en":"So this is a mantis shrimp.","es":"As\u00ed, esto es un camar\u00f3n mantis."} {"gender":"male","en":"240 days is a long time to spend trapped with your colleagues in a tin can.","es":"240 d\u00edas es mucho tiempo para pasar encerrado con tus colegas en una lata."} {"gender":"female","en":"And when you look at those concordance ratios, one of the striking things that you will see is that in identical twins, that concordance rate is 77 percent.","es":"Y cuando observamos los \u00edndices de concordancia, una de las cosas sorprendentes que pueden ver es que en los gemelos id\u00e9nticos, su tasa de concordancia es del 77 %."} {"gender":"male","en":"What do you do when you grow up?\"","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 va a hacer cuando sea mayor?\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"By the end of this year, we would have contributed over one million dollars in indigent care.","es":"A finales de este a\u00f1o habremos contribuido con m\u00e1s de 1 mill\u00f3n de d\u00f3lares en la asistencia a los indigentes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So we can let computers do all the complicated cryptography for us, and then we'll use the paper for verification.","es":"Podemos dejar la criptograf\u00eda a los ordenadores, y luego usar el papel como comprobante."} {"gender":"male","en":"So my question now to you is, well, it's a nice solution, it's very accessible, it's safe.","es":"Entonces, les pregunto, bueno, es una soluci\u00f3n interesante, es muy accesible, es segura."} {"gender":"female","en":"She is traveling because she was out of the country at the time of the elections.","es":"Est\u00e1 viajando porque estaba fuera del pa\u00eds en el momento de las elecciones."} {"gender":"female","en":"As I have progressed in my career, I have received many words of encouragement, but I have also often been met by women, men and couples who have clearly had an issue with my husband and I having chosen the path of a dual-career couple.","es":"Conforme he progresado en mi carrera, he recibido muchas palabras de aliento, pero tambi\u00e9n he conocido a hombres, mujeres y parejas que han tenido claramente un problema con que mi marido y yo hayamos elegido el camino de una pareja de doble carrera."} {"gender":"male","en":"They could not be more wrong.","es":"No podr\u00edan estar m\u00e1s equivocados."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is all their movies.","es":"Estos son todos sus v\u00eddeos."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I'm going to focus on the demo.","es":"Pero me voy a centrar en la demo."} {"gender":"male","en":"All of the sounds you hear are fake.","es":"Todos los sonidos que se escuchan son falsos."} {"gender":"male","en":"All I knew was that I would never be the same.","es":"Todo lo que sab\u00eda era que nunca volver\u00eda a ser el mismo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And locally there, you could build particle accelerators and learn elementary particle physics and chemistry, and so on.","es":"Y localmente, podr\u00e1n construir aceleradores de part\u00edculas all\u00e1, y aprender f\u00edsica de part\u00edculas elementales, y qu\u00edmica, y todo."} {"gender":"female","en":"So while other kids were watching sitcoms and cartoons, I was watching very esoteric documentaries made by and about women.","es":"As\u00ed que mientras otros ni\u00f1os estaban viendo caricaturas y comedias, yo estaba viendo documentales muy esot\u00e9ricos hechos por y sobre las mujeres."} {"gender":"female","en":"And one day I came in and a woman who had lost a child was talking to a robot in the shape of a baby seal.","es":"Un d\u00eda llegu\u00e9 y vi a una mujer que hab\u00eda perdido un hijo, hablando con un robot que ten\u00eda la forma de un beb\u00e9 foca."} {"gender":"female","en":"Regardless, the idea itself is completely novel in psychiatry, to use drugs to prevent mental illness as opposed to just treat it.","es":"De todas formas, la idea en s\u00ed es completamente nueva en la psiquiatr\u00eda, el utilizar medicinas para prevenir trastornos mentales en vez de solo tratarlos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But when we began to bring more money, when we began to invest more resources, things got worse, not better.","es":"Pero cuando empezamos a emplear m\u00e1s dinero, cuando empezamos a invertir m\u00e1s recursos, las cosas empeoraron, no mejoraron."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We cut customs duties, we reduced import duties, and we got all the multinationals coming in, with multinational budgets, who looked at per-capita income and got very excited about the possibilities in India, and were looking for a vehicle to reach every Indian.","es":"Redujimos el impuesto de aduanas y el de importaciones. Todas las multinacionales quer\u00edan instalarse en el pa\u00eds, con presupuestos multinacionales que examinaban los ingresos per capita. Todos est\u00e1bamos entusiasmados por las posibilidades de la India y todos busc\u00e1bamos el modo de alcanzar a cada ciudadano Indio."} {"gender":"male","en":"Okay, now replay this scene now, and you're approaching the one who has language.","es":"Bien, ahora se repite la escena y nos acercamos al que tiene lenguaje."} {"gender":"female","en":"Unfortunately, the World Heritage Convention does not recognize the need to protect areas beyond national jurisdiction, at present.","es":"Lamentablemente la Convenci\u00f3n del Patrimonio Mundial no reconoce la necesidad de proteger las zonas fuera de la jurisdicci\u00f3n nacional, por el momento."} {"gender":"male","en":"It is that thing that we pump out of the ground, we burn tons of, probably most of you used it coming to Doha.","es":"Es por esa cosa que sacamos de la tierra, esa de la que quemamos toneladas, que probablemente la mayor\u00eda de Uds. ha usado para venir a Doha."} {"gender":"male","en":"Max Vision, aka ICEMAN, mastermind of CardersMarket.","es":"Max Vision, alias ICEMAN; cerebro de CardersMarket."} {"gender":"male","en":"They did it at a cost of their aquifers, they did it at a cost of their surface water.","es":"Lo lograron a costa de sus acu\u00edferos, a costa de sus aguas superficiales."} {"gender":"female","en":"They're lean.","es":"Son simples."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, here's one example, in fact.","es":"Bien, de hecho, aqu\u00ed hay un ejemplo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Because if people believe that they're true, they create ways of living and institutions that are consistent with these very false ideas.","es":"Porque si la gente cree que son ciertas, crean formas de vida e instituciones que son consistentes con estas mismas falsas ideas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm talking about the elite.","es":"Estoy hablando de la \u00e9lite."} {"gender":"male","en":"We may not be able to stop it, but the likelihood that it will get past us is lower if we focus on that problem.","es":"No podremos pararlo pero la probabilidad de que se nos pase por alto es menos si nos enfocamos en ese problema."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's really taken off the ground.","es":"Es algo que ha despegado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We're not interested in your negative data.\"","es":"No estamos interesados en su informaci\u00f3n negativa \"."} {"gender":"female","en":"How is a 59-year-old artist who has never been any further than Venice going to speak to this new world?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo va a hablarle a este nuevo mundo el artista de 59 a\u00f1os que nunca hab\u00eda estado m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de Venecia?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They made a map with the existing city, they left empty the area that they would want to develop and shared this map. So anyone could download the map, play the game, build the area and submit their creations to the city council.","es":"As\u00ed que hicieron un mapa real de la ciudad, dejaron vac\u00eda el \u00e1rea que quer\u00edan desarrollar y compartieron ese mapa con el fin de que cualquiera lo descargara, jugara, construyera el \u00e1rea y enviara sus creaciones al consejo municipal."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's not how I chose to view the universe at a small scale.","es":"No es como yo elijo ver el universo a peque\u00f1a escala."} {"gender":"male","en":"They didn't stay alert in case the car needed to hand control back to them.","es":"No estaban atentos en caso de que el auto necesitase que tomasen el control."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They do what they can to make it work. And we are supporting them.","es":"Ellos hacen lo que pueden para hacer que funcione y los estamos apoyando."} {"gender":"male","en":"We had my first saw blade launcher and we had a flamethrower chair.","es":"Ense\u00f1amos mi primer lanzador de sierras mec\u00e1ninas y tambi\u00e9n la silla con lanzallamas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Against.","es":"En contra."} {"gender":"male","en":"The strongman and the human cannonballs reunited, showing off old scars, and new ones.","es":"El forzudo y las balas humanas reunidos, mostrando sus viejas y nuevas cicatrices."} {"gender":"male","en":"When many people think of coding, they think of it as something that only a very narrow sub-community of people are going to be doing, and they think of coding looking like this.","es":"Cuando la gente piensa en la codificaci\u00f3n, creen que es algo que s\u00f3lo una subcomunidad muy reducida la que lo hace y creen que codificar es algo as\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Here's another kind of prefiguring of epoxy because we've got glutenin and gliadin, neither of which are strong enough to make a good bread.","es":"Aqu\u00ed tenemos otro tipo de antecesor de epoxi porque tenemos glutenina y gliadina, ninguno de las cuales tiene la fuerza suficiente para hacer un buen pan."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's their creation.","es":"Son sus creaciones."} {"gender":"female","en":"Naela Ayesh, who strived to build a self-sufficient Palestinian economy by encouraging women in Gaza to grow vegetables in their backyards, an activity deemed illegal by the Israeli authorities at that time; Rabeha Diab, who took over decision-making authority for the entire uprising when the men who had been running it were deported; Fatima Al Jaafari, who swallowed leaflets containing the uprising's directives in order to spread them across the territories without getting caught; and Zahira Kamal, who ensured the longevity of the uprising by leading an organization that went from 25 women to 3,000 in a single year.","es":"Naela Ayyash, que se esforz\u00f3 por crear una econom\u00eda palestina autosuficiente alentando a las mujeres en Gaza a cultivar hortalizas en sus jardines, una actividad considerada ilegal por las autoridades israel\u00edes en ese momento; Rabeha Diab, que se hizo cargo de la autoridad de toma de decisiones de todo el levantamiento cuando los hombres que hab\u00edan estado haci\u00e9ndolo fueron deportados; Fatima Al Jaafari, que trag\u00f3 volantes con las directivas del levantamiento para difundirlos por todos los territorios sin ser descubierta; y Zahira Kamal, que asegur\u00f3 la perdurabilidad del levantamiento liderando una organizaci\u00f3n que pas\u00f3 de 25 mujeres a 3000 en un solo a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"By removing rules, the bigger we are, the more we need integrators, therefore the less rules we must have, to give discretionary power to managers.","es":"Al eliminar las reglas cuanto m\u00e1s grandes somos, m\u00e1s necesitamos integradores, por lo tanto menos reglas se han de tener y dar a los gerentes poder discrecional."} {"gender":"male","en":"Jun Wang: Well, good question.","es":"Jun Wang: Bueno, buena pregunta."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"My answer is, it\u2019s the same story, the same story.","es":"Mi respuesta es, es la misma historia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Okay.","es":"Bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"Woman: I remember wanting to get off.","es":"Mujer: Recuerdo haber deseado bajarme."} {"gender":"male","en":"So again, I am a believer in the expressive.","es":"As\u00ed que, de nuevo, soy un creyente en lo expresivo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And there's so many, Roger Federer, he's a little bit older than me and he's still winning everything, so I'm like, I know I can do that too.","es":"Y hay muchos, Roger Federer, que es un poco mayor que yo y todav\u00eda gana todo, as\u00ed que me gusta, s\u00e9 que lo puedo hacer tambi\u00e9n."} {"gender":"female","en":"So first I feel like boiling hot oil, I've been dipped in.","es":"Al principio sent\u00ed que estaba en aceite hirviendo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They're selling electricity back to the grid thanks to solar panels, reflective paint and more.","es":"Est\u00e1n vendiendo electricidad a la red de suministro gracias a paneles solares, pintura reflectante, entre otras cosas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, the healthcare system has been transformed: a culture pervaded with defensiveness, universal distrust of the system of justice, universal practice of defensive medicine.","es":"Bueno, el sistema de salud fue transformado. Una cultura impregnada de defensividad. Desconfianza universal del sistema de justica. Pr\u00e1ctica universal de la medicina defensiva."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you look at the angles around the fold, you find that if you number the angles in a circle, all the even-numbered angles add up to a straight line, all the odd-numbered angles add up to a straight line.","es":"Si miran los \u00e1ngulos alrededor del pliegue, ver\u00e1n que si numeran los \u00e1ngulos en un c\u00edrculo, todos los \u00e1ngulos de n\u00fameros pares forman un semic\u00edrculo. todos los \u00e1ngulos de n\u00fameros impares forman un semic\u00edrculo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So the machine would get started, it would travel some distance, reacting along the way, hit play on an iPod or a tape deck or something that would start playback.","es":"Entonces la m\u00e1quina arrancar\u00eda, recorrer\u00eda una cierta distancia, reaccionando a lo largo del camino, pulsar\u00eda reproducir en un iPod o en un grabador o algo que pudiera comenzar a reproducir."} {"gender":"male","en":"I worked on this because this problem really fascinated me.","es":"He trabajado en esto porque este problema realmente me sedujo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Just like we all have eyes, but some of us have blue eyes and some of us have brown eyes.","es":"As\u00ed como todos tenemos ojos, pero algunos los tenemos azules y otros marrones."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"I will ask God for forgiveness and His light will shine through me to them.","es":"\"Pedir\u00e9 el perd\u00f3n de Dios y Su luz brillar\u00e1 a trav\u00e9s de m\u00ed hasta ellos."} {"gender":"female","en":"We should not underestimate it.","es":"No deber\u00edamos subestimarla."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, I'm wearing a tie, first.","es":"Es decir, miren, estoy usando corbata."} {"gender":"male","en":"I felt that people would think I was stupid, that I was weak-willed, that I was morally flawed.","es":"Sent\u00ed que la gente pod\u00eda pensar que era est\u00fapido, que no ten\u00eda voluntad y bastante amoral."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, Portland is reputed to have the most roof racks per capita, the most independent bookstores per capita, the most strip clubs per capita.","es":"Bueno, Portland tiene fama de tener la mayor cantidad de portaequipajes de techo por habitante, la mayor cantidad de librer\u00edas independientes per c\u00e1pita, la mayor cantidad de clubes de striptease por habitante."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm glad I didn't have to write the risk assessment for whatever was going on there.","es":"Por suerte no tuve que escribir la evaluaci\u00f3n de riesgo de lo que sea que suced\u00eda all\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"So to illustrate that question, let me give you two countries.","es":"As\u00ed que para ilustrar esta cuesti\u00f3n tomaremos dos pa\u00edses."} {"gender":"male","en":"But really, where are those birds going to get released to?","es":"Pero realmente, \u00bfa d\u00f3nde van a liberar esos p\u00e1jaros?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And revolutions?","es":"\u00bfY revoluciones?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm going to offer just a few, and of course I challenge you to create and contribute your own.","es":"Voy a darles s\u00f3lo algunas, y por supuesto les reto a que crean y contribuyan con las suyas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Amongst them a yellow coat with white fur, a yellow and black bodice, and you see these clothes on lots of other paintings, different women in the paintings, Vermeer's paintings.","es":"Entre otras cosas un abrigo amarillo con pelaje blanco, un corpi\u00f1o amarillo y negro, y estas prendas pueden verse en muchas de sus otras pinturas de distintas mujeres."} {"gender":"female","en":"Where you used to see pond scum, now think of hope.","es":"Donde sol\u00edamos ver escoria de estanque, ahora vemos esperanza."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Is it because their weapons weren't accurate?","es":"\u00bfFue porque las armas no eran precisas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"He did not ask any other questions.","es":"No me hizo m\u00e1s preguntas."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's particularly important, this isn't on the World Wide Web, is it?","es":"Es de particular importancia -\u00bfesto no sale en Internet, no?"} {"gender":"female","en":"But when we arrived, it was clear that there was only one story in town.","es":"Pero cuando llegamos, estaba claro que solo hab\u00eda una historia en la ciudad."} {"gender":"male","en":"This here, on the right-hand side, is what's called a, if you look at the fine print under the awning, it's a hotel.","es":"Esto aqu\u00ed, a del lado derecho, es lo que se le llama, si ves la letra peque\u00f1a debajo del toldo, es un hotel."} {"gender":"male","en":"And over 14 years, I learn on the job how to build experimental methodologies and how to tell stories about them for television.","es":"Y en m\u00e1s de 14 a\u00f1os he aprendido a construir metodolog\u00edas experimentales y a contar historias sobre ellas para la TV."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It came completely out of the blue.","es":"Lleg\u00f3 completamente de la nada."} {"gender":"female","en":"Right?","es":"\u00bfVerdad?"} {"gender":"male","en":"What are you going to get out of those samples?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 sacar\u00e1n de estas muestras?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Over the last few millenia, we've invented a series of technologies, from the alphabet, to the scroll, to the codex, the printing press, photography, the computer, the smartphone, that have made it progressively easier and easier for us to externalize our memories, for us to essentially outsource this fundamental human capacity.","es":"Durante los \u00faltimos milenios se han inventado una serie de t\u00e9cnicas, desde el alfabeto, los rollos de pergamino, los c\u00f3dices, la imprenta, la fotograf\u00eda, la computadora, los tel\u00e9fonos inteligentes; esto ha hecho que sea progresivamente m\u00e1s y m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil externalizar nuestra memoria, para esencialmente tercerizar esta capacidad humana fundamental."} {"gender":"male","en":"We set them off on this air hockey table.","es":"Los colocamos en una mesa de hockey de aire."} {"gender":"female","en":"They took the commercial strip shown on the black-and-white images below, and they built a boulevard that has become the Main Street for their town.","es":"Tomaron la franja comercial que aparece en las im\u00e1genes en blanco y negro de abajo y construyeron un boulevard que se ha vuelto la calle principal de ese pueblo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's a very simple yet devastating problem, one that spans the globe and is affecting all of us.","es":"Es un problema muy simple, pero devastador, un problema presente en todo el mundo y que nos afecta a todos."} {"gender":"female","en":"I've had Americans tell me that they've donated, direct deductions from their bank account, money to go to Syrian children refugees.","es":"Algunos estadounidenses han dicho que han autorizado donaciones desde sus cuentas bancarias para los ni\u00f1os refugiados sirios."} {"gender":"male","en":"Next time you're about to throw out an appliance, don't throw it out.","es":"La pr\u00f3xima vez que est\u00e9 a punto de tirar un aparato, no lo deseche."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was working with a very dangerous dog about a year ago. And this was a dog that put both his owners in hospital, plus the brother-in-law, plus the child.","es":"Trabaj\u00e9 con un perro muy peligroso hace casi un a\u00f1o este perro mand\u00f3 al hospital a sus dos due\u00f1os, y tambi\u00e9n al cu\u00f1ado y al hijo."} {"gender":"male","en":"My journalism is about hard core evidence.","es":"Mi periodismo se trata de evidencia s\u00f3lida."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's called programming.","es":"Se llama programaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"But we can still be optimistic on the long term, and we can still be ambitious about what we fight for and what we expect from our governments, from our planet.","es":"Pero todav\u00eda podemos ser optimistas a largo plazo, Y todav\u00eda podemos ser ambiciosos sobre por lo que luchamos y lo que esperamos de nuestros gobiernos, desde nuestro planeta."} {"gender":"male","en":"So there are two really interesting questions here, it seems to me.","es":"As\u00ed que hay dos preguntas muy interesantes aqu\u00ed, me parece a m\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The amazing Pathfinder mission that went in '97, and the MER Rover missions that are on Mars as we speak now and the European Space Agency's Mars Express, has taught us a number of amazing things.","es":"La sorprendente misi\u00f3n Pathfinder que viaj\u00f3 en el '97, y las misiones MER Rover que est\u00e1n en Marte mientras hablamos y el Mars Express de la Agencia Espacial Europea, nos han ense\u00f1ado una cantidad de cosas sorprendentes."} {"gender":"male","en":"We've come up with a different approach for achieving automated exosome isolation from a sample such as urine.","es":"Nosotros hemos desarrollado un enfoque diferente para alcanzar el aislamiento automatizado del exosoma a partir de una muestra como la orina."} {"gender":"male","en":"He'd served six months in prison, lost his truck license for a decade.","es":"Hab\u00eda estado 6 meses en prisi\u00f3n, perdi\u00f3 su licencia de manejo por 10 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"After a counseling session, a woman said to me, \"Because you have felt me, I can feel myself again, and I want to participate again in my family life.\"","es":"Despu\u00e9s de una sesi\u00f3n de orientaci\u00f3n una mujer me dijo: \"Gracias a que me sentiste, yo puedo volver a sentirme, y quiero participar nuevamente en mi vida familiar\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"A second item on my checklist is climate change.","es":"El segundo punto de la lista es el cambio clim\u00e1tico."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you don't attend to something, you can't be aware of it.","es":"Si no prestan atenci\u00f3n a algo, no somos conscientes de ello."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is one through 20.","es":"Aqu\u00ed ves del uno al 20."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we need preparedness.","es":"Y necesitamos estar preparados."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I said, \"No, I mean, the roof.\"","es":"Y yo dije, \"No, quiero decir, el techo\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"These girls are also working in big construction companies like Ram-ki construction, as masons, full-time masons.","es":"Estas chicas tambi\u00e9n trabajan en grandes constructoras como Ram-Ki, como alba\u00f1iles a tiempo completo."} {"gender":"male","en":"The system creates the situation that corrupts the individuals, and the system is the legal, political, economic, cultural background.","es":"El sistema crea la situaci\u00f3n que corrompe a los individuos, y el sistema es el trasfondo legal, pol\u00edtico, econ\u00f3mico y cultural."} {"gender":"male","en":"So the first thing we did was, we compared, what's different in the brain of someone with depression and someone who is normal, and what we did was PET scans to look at the blood flow of the brain, and what we noticed is that in patients with depression compared to normals, areas of the brain are shut down, and those are the areas in blue.","es":"Lo primero que hicimos fue comparar, cu\u00e1l es la diferencia entre alguien con depresi\u00f3n y alguien normal, e hicimos escaneos PET para ver los flujos de sangre en el cerebro, y lo que notamos fue que en pacientes con depresi\u00f3n comparado con lo normal, hay \u00e1reas del cerebro apagadas, y estas \u00e1reas est\u00e1n en azul."} {"gender":"male","en":"People you don't know come in and look at you and poke you and prod you, and when I tell cancer survivors that this tool we created to protect them is actually preventing their data from being used, especially when only three to four percent of people who have cancer ever even sign up for a clinical study, their reaction is not, \"Thank you, God, for protecting my privacy.\"","es":"Viene gente que uno no conoce viene, te mira, te toca y te pincha y cuando les cuento a los sobrevivientes de c\u00e1ncer que esta herramienta que hemos creado para protegerlos est\u00e1 impidiendo que se usen sus datos, especialmente cuando s\u00f3lo el 3% \u00f3 4% de la gente que tiene c\u00e1ncer firma alguna vez para un estudio cl\u00ednico, su reacci\u00f3n no es, \"Gracias, Se\u00f1or, por proteger mi privacidad.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, what if you make the car always say it's going 20 miles an hour slower than it's actually going?","es":"Bueno, \u00bfqu\u00e9 pasar\u00eda si se lograra que el auto siempre indicara que va como a 30 km por hora menos de las que realmente va?"} {"gender":"male","en":"First one is: Is there anything left to do in your city?","es":"La primera: \u00bfqueda algo por hacer en la ciudad?"} {"gender":"female","en":"So think about it.","es":"Pensemos en ello."} {"gender":"female","en":"Man 2: You can't answer that question.","es":"Hombre 2: No se puede responder a esa pregunta."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, we did that 10 years ago. Just fast forward 10 years.","es":"Esto fue hace 10 a\u00f1os. Demos un salto r\u00e1pido adelante de 10 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"I also met a number of nonprofit leaders who, despite very limited financial resources, were making a huge impact in the world, often bringing together seeming adversaries.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n conoc\u00ed a un n\u00famero de l\u00edderes sin fines de lucro quienes, a pesar de los muy limitados recursos financieros, estaban creando un enorme impacto en el mundo, a menudo juntando a quienes parec\u00edan adversarios."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now some time ago, if you wanted to win a Formula 1 race, you take a budget, and you bet your budget on a good driver and a good car. And if the car and the driver were good enough, then you'd win the race.","es":"Hace ya alg\u00fan tiempo, si uno quer\u00eda ganar una carrera de F\u00f3rmula 1, tomaba un presupuesto y lo apostaba a un buen piloto y un buen coche, y si el coche y el piloto eran lo suficientemente buenos, uno ganaba la carrera."} {"gender":"male","en":"I wore it onto the floor at Comic-Con and I can't even tell you how balls hot it was in that costume.","es":"Me lo puse en el suelo en la Comic-Con y ni siquiera puedo contar las bolas de calor dentro de ese disfraz."} {"gender":"female","en":"And chemokines are essentially chemical attractants, and they're the stop and go signals for cancer.","es":"Y las quemoquinas son esencialmente atractores qu\u00edmicos, son los sem\u00e1foros del c\u00e1ncer."} {"gender":"male","en":"Teenagers and young adults are not exactly known for making decisions that are predicated on health concerns.","es":"Los adolescentes y adultos j\u00f3venes no son conocidos por tomar decisiones basadas en asuntos de salud."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And then you swallow it.","es":"Y luego lo tragan."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's not just about a particular senior politician who's been caught up in a scandal.","es":"No solo tiene que ver con un pol\u00edtico en particular pillado en un esc\u00e1ndalo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And, in this kind of cauldron of moments and places and acts of deceleration, lie what a lot of people now refer to as the \"International Slow Movement.\"","es":"Y en esta mezcla de momentos, lugares, y actos de desaceleraci\u00f3n, yace lo que muchas personas ahora llaman el Movimiento lento internacional."} {"gender":"female","en":"And he put it in the ark with the scrolls of the Torah.","es":"Y los meti\u00f3 en el arca junto con los rollos de pergamino de la Tor\u00e1."} {"gender":"female","en":"When we see it, we recognize it and it changes the way we think about what is doable, what is possible.","es":"La reconocemos cuando la vemos y cambia la forma de pensar lo factible, lo posible."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You encounter a whole new network of people.","es":"Se encontrar\u00e1n con una red de personas completamente nuevas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But then you've just mentioned other elements like, you know, big challenges, and there are, of course, a lot of other data that go in a different direction: tens of thousands of unrests and protests and environmental protests, etc. So you seem to suggest the Chinese model doesn't have a space outside of the Party for civil society to express itself.","es":"Pero luego solo mencionaste otros elementos como, ya sabes, grandes retos y hay, por supuesto, un mont\u00f3n de otros datos que van en una direcci\u00f3n diferente: decenas de miles de disturbios y protestas y protestas por el medio ambiente, etc. As\u00ed que parece que sugieren que el modelo chino no tiene un espacio fuera del partido para que la sociedad civil pueda expresarse."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, when you put both of these together, you have a mean killing machine on wheels.","es":"Ahora, si juntamos ambas cosas, tenemos una m\u00e1quina de matar, sobre ruedas."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can't cross that envelope, which is 100,000 rupees, 2,000 dollars.","es":"Uno no pod\u00eda cruzar el l\u00edmite de las 100.000 rupias, 2.000 d\u00f3lares."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now at this site, we had already mapped countless looting pits.","es":"En este sitio ya hab\u00edamos cartografiado ingentes fosos de saqueo."} {"gender":"female","en":"That in turn, because of the weak marketing system, led to an 80 percent collapse in maize prices in the country.","es":"Eso, a su vez, a causa del d\u00e9bil sistema de marketing condujo a una disminuci\u00f3n del 80 por ciento de los precios del ma\u00edz en el pa\u00eds."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's really going to be seven billion pairs of hands, each following their own passions, and each kind of like a mosaic coming up and creating this world in their backyards and in their kitchens.","es":"Ser\u00e1n necesarias 7000 millones de pares de manos, cada uno siguiendo sus pasiones, cada uno como si fuese un mosaico que surge y crea este mundo en su jard\u00edn y en su cocina."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There are the journalist interviews, which are the interrogation that is expected.","es":"Est\u00e1n las entrevistas de reportero, que son el interrogatorio que es de esperarse."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you run a business, it's hard to do much of anything without calling your general counsel.","es":"Si manejas un negocio es dif\u00edcil hacer casi cualquier cosa sin llamar a tu abogado para consultarle."} {"gender":"male","en":"And can you see that this increase took place without life getting longer and without adding children?","es":"\u00bfPueden ver c\u00f3mo se produce este aumento sin que la vida se prolongue y sin agregar m\u00e1s ni\u00f1os?"} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a cigar, and basically it's a Cuban cigar made out of a Cuban pork sandwich, so we take these spices that go into the pork shoulder, we fashion that into ash.","es":"Es un cigarro, un puro cubano hecho con un s\u00e1ndwich cubano de cerdo, as\u00ed que tomamos las especias que van en el lomo del cerdo les damos forma de ceniza."} {"gender":"female","en":"So you have these people aging, and now this is them today, or last year. And that's a powerful thing to have, to be able to track this.","es":"As\u00ed, tenemos a esta gente envejeciendo, y as\u00ed est\u00e1n hoy, o el a\u00f1o pasado, y poder llevar este registro es algo muy poderoso."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was no longer tied to a set path.","es":"No estar\u00eda m\u00e1s atada a un camino determinado."} {"gender":"female","en":"But you know, I don't think that a person of color making fun of white people is the same thing as a white person making fun of people of color.","es":"Pero no creo que alguien de color que se burle de la gente blanca sea igual a una persona blanca que se burle de la gente de color."} {"gender":"male","en":"I feel that way.","es":"Yo lo siento as\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"And we have our own brigades at Code for America working on the projects that I've just described, and we want to ask you to follow in Ben Franklin's footsteps and come join us.","es":"Tenemos nuestras propias brigadas en \u00abCode for America\u00bb que trabajan en los proyectos que les describ\u00ed reci\u00e9n y queremos pedirles que sigan los pasos de Ben Franklin y se nos sumen."} {"gender":"male","en":"Play: our brains are hardwired for play.","es":"Jugar: nuestros cerebros est\u00e1n programados para jugar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But we still want to be sure that this is the most effective and safe device that we can be putting into hospitals.","es":"Pero queremos estar seguros de que es el aparato m\u00e1s efectivo y seguro que podemos poner en los hospitales."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've turned the computer on, and these assistants are placing a giant floppy disk built out of cardboard, and it's put into the computer. And the floppy disk drive person wears it.","es":"He encendido la computadora, y estos asistentes est\u00e1n colocando un disquete gigante de cart\u00f3n, que se mete en la computadora. y la persona que hace de disquete se lo pone."} {"gender":"male","en":"We're creating a new choice for both Nancy and John, But there's a second, subtle thing we're doing here, too.","es":"Creamos una nueva opci\u00f3n tanto para Nancy y John, Pero hay una segunda cosa sutil que hacemos aqu\u00ed tambi\u00e9n."} {"gender":"male","en":"We should take our foot off the pedal right now, and generally we do.","es":"Debemos de quitar el pie del pedal en este momento."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Just to get rid of this godless person out there that Sylvia Browne talks about all the time?","es":"\u00bfS\u00f3lo por el placer de deshacerse de este ateo que les molesta y del que Sylvia Browne habla todo el tiempo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I brought some with me.","es":"Traje un poco."} {"gender":"male","en":"It doesn't.","es":"No es cierto."} {"gender":"female","en":"The fetus incorporates these offerings into its own body, makes them part of its flesh and blood.","es":"El feto recibe esto en su cuerpo, lo incorpora a su carne y a su sangre."} {"gender":"male","en":"I thought I'd take a moment to tell you what a genome is.","es":"Pens\u00e9 en tomarme un momento y decirles lo que es el genoma."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Rous discovered this in 1911.","es":"Rous lo descubri\u00f3 en 1911."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"All of the staff were ex-police, interesting, and ex-probation officers.","es":"Todos los empleados eran expolic\u00edas \u2014interesante\u2014 y exagentes de libertad condicional."} {"gender":"female","en":"We were eking things out a bit longer.","es":"Est\u00e1bamos esforz\u00e1ndonos un poco m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"We secured 20 million dollars to build first-phase projects.","es":"Contamos con 20 millones de d\u00f3lares para construir los proyectos de la primera fase."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In the photograph, the real subject doesn't exist so it makes you want that person more.","es":"En la fotograf\u00eda, el asunto real no existe. Por lo que te hace desear m\u00e1s a esa persona."} {"gender":"male","en":"If we could eventually colonize a chunk of the universe, the Virgo supercluster, maybe it will take us 100 million years to get there, but if we go extinct we never will.","es":"Si pudi\u00e9semos, ahora, eventualmente, colonizar un pedazo del universo, la constelacion de Virgo, tal vez nos tome 100 millones de a\u00f1os llegar ahi, pero si nos extinguimos nunca lo lograremos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The fundamental law is such that the different skins of the onion resemble one another, and therefore the math for one skin allows you to express beautifully and simply the phenomenon of the next skin.","es":"La ley fundamental es tal que las diferentes capas de la cebolla se parecen unas a otras, y por lo tanto, las matem\u00e1ticas para una capa permiten expresar bella y simplemente el fen\u00f3meno de la pr\u00f3xima capa."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that\u2019s really what discovery and imagination is all about.","es":"Y eso es lo que es el descubrimiento y la imaginaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"My guess is at least one of them has something interesting to say.","es":"Me imagino que al menos uno de ellos tiene algo interesante para decir."} {"gender":"male","en":"So in my opinion, the research evidence is compelling and the logic of this is compelling.","es":"As\u00ed que en mi opini\u00f3n, la evidencia cient\u00edfica es contundente y la l\u00f3gica de esto es convincente."} {"gender":"male","en":"It represents changes of hundreds of millions, possibly billions of synaptic connections in your brain.","es":"Representa cambios de cientos de millones, posiblemente billones de conexiones sin\u00e1pticas en su cerebro."} {"gender":"male","en":"There are risks to doing stuff, and there are risks to not doing stuff, because there were a couple dozen people saved by this technology, and then we've been thinking about it for the next 20 years.","es":"Hay riesgos al hacer cosas, y hay riesgos al no hacer cosas, porque hay un par de docenas de personas que se salvaron con esta tecnolog\u00eda y lo hemos estado pensando durante los siguientes 20 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, I've told this story to a mostly Asian audience before.","es":"He contado esta historia a un p\u00fablico en su mayor\u00eda asi\u00e1tico."} {"gender":"female","en":"I had no idea that at that time, according to Dr. Jamie Alexander's archive of African-American women in physics, only 18 black women in the United States had ever earned a PhD in a physics-related discipline, and that the first black woman to graduate with a PhD in an astronomy-related field did so just one year before my birth.","es":"No ten\u00eda idea de que en ese momento, seg\u00fan el archivo del Dr. Jamie Alexander de mujeres afro de EE.UU. en la f\u00edsica, solo 18 mujeres negras en EE.UU. hab\u00edan conseguido un doctorado. en disciplinas relacionadas con f\u00edsica, y que la primera mujer negra en graduarse con un doctorado en astronom\u00eda lo hizo solo un a\u00f1o antes de mi nacimiento."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But it made a difference for their families.","es":"Pero hizo la diferencia a sus familias."} {"gender":"male","en":"But can we please stop insisting that if low-wage workers earn a little bit more, unemployment will skyrocket and the economy will collapse?","es":"Pero \u00bfpodemos dejar de insistir con eso de que si los trabajadores de bajos ingresos ganan un poco m\u00e1s, se disparar\u00e1 el desempleo y se derrumbar\u00e1 la econom\u00eda?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So, at this point, the dog knows what we want it to do.","es":"En este punto el perro sabe lo que queremos que haga."} {"gender":"male","en":"Look, this is where we are today.","es":"Este es nuestro estado actual."} {"gender":"male","en":"I wanted to make sure he had everything a kid needed to be successful.","es":"Quer\u00eda asegurarme de que tuviera todo lo que un ni\u00f1o necesitaba para prosperar."} {"gender":"female","en":"On the advice of the philosophical breakfast club, the British Association began to use the extra money generated by its meetings to give grants for research in astronomy, the tides, fossil fish, shipbuilding, and many other areas.","es":"Siguiendo el consejo del club del desayuno filos\u00f3fico, la Asociaci\u00f3n Brit\u00e1nica comenz\u00f3 a usar el dinero extra, generado por las reuniones, para dar financiaci\u00f3n para investigaciones en astronom\u00eda, mareas, peces f\u00f3siles, construcci\u00f3n naval y muchas otras \u00e1reas."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, what would change everything?","es":"Entonces \u00bfQu\u00e9 lo cambiar\u00eda todo?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The access to smartphones and cell phones today is extraordinary.","es":"El acceso a los tel\u00e9fonos inteligentes y tel\u00e9fonos m\u00f3viles hoy est\u00e1 super extendido."} {"gender":"male","en":"They're maintaining formation.","es":"Mantienen la formaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"What was more, they actively cheated on the law and orchestrated cover-ups.","es":"Es m\u00e1s, activamente enga\u00f1aron la ley y orquestaron encubrimientos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I was nine years old, so I said, \"Yes, Mama. I'll do that.\"","es":"Yo ten\u00eda 9 a\u00f1os, y le dije: \"S\u00ed, Mama, as\u00ed lo har\u00e9\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's quite extraordinary what they do.","es":"Es extraordinario lo que hacen."} {"gender":"male","en":"A particularly dramatic example of this comes from a neurological disorder known as Capgras syndrome.","es":"Un ejemplo particularmente dram\u00e1tico de esto proviene de un trastorno neurol\u00f3gico conocido como s\u00edndrome de Capgras."} {"gender":"male","en":"Amazon is our consumptive gut.","es":"Amazon es nuestro instinto de consumo."} {"gender":"male","en":"McQueen had worked throughout his career with a small team of designers and managers who were very protective of his legacy, but Andrew went to London and worked with them over the summer and won their confidence, and that of the designers who created his amazing fashion shows, which were works of performance art in their own right, and we proceeded to do something at the museum, I think, we've never done before.","es":"McQueen hab\u00eda trabajado durante toda su carrera con un equipo peque\u00f1o de dise\u00f1adores y directivos que eran muy celosos de su legado, pero Andrew fue a Londres y trabaj\u00f3 con ellos durante el verano y se gan\u00f3 la confianza de los dise\u00f1adores que crearon sus maravillosos espect\u00e1culos de moda, los cuales eran una obra de arte en s\u00ed mismos, y nos abocamos a hacer preparar en el museo algo que nunca antes hab\u00edamos hecho."} {"gender":"female","en":"The sushi restaurant down my street takes Bitcoin.","es":"El restaurante de sushi en mi calle acepta Bitcoins."} {"gender":"male","en":"What's going on?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 est\u00e1 pasando?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Half the people who developed the food pyramid have ties to agribusiness.","es":"La mitad de la gente que cre\u00f3 la pir\u00e1mide alimentaria tiene relaciones con la industria agroalimentaria."} {"gender":"male","en":"And yet, speculative though the idea surely is, I aim to convince you that there's reason for taking it seriously, as it just might be right.","es":"Y, sin embargo, aunque especulativa, la idea existe. Mi objetivo es convencerles de que hay razones para tomarlo en serio, porque podr\u00eda ser correcto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that is true of the stories that memory delivers for us, and it's also true of the stories that we make up.","es":"Y eso es verdad de las historias que la memoria nos proporciona, y tambi\u00e9n es verdad de las historias que nos inventamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"If everybody in the developed world understood this graph, and emblazoned it on the inside of their foreheads, there would be no further societal argument about climate change because this is the story that counts.","es":"Si en el mundo desarrollado todos comprendieran este gr\u00e1fico, y lo llevaran marcado en la frente, no habr\u00eda gran discusi\u00f3n p\u00fablica sobre el cambio clim\u00e1tico porque es la historia la que cuenta."} {"gender":"female","en":"And one of the things that I think is also interesting, is I have a friend up at UC Berkeley who's been doing risk analysis.","es":"Y una de las cosas que creo que es tambi\u00e9n interesante, es que tengo un amigo en la Universidad de California, Berkeley, que est\u00e1 haciendo un an\u00e1lisis del riesgo."} {"gender":"male","en":"This was a computer-assisted instruction system, which in those days ran on a computer named ILLIAC.","es":"Era un sistema de instrucci\u00f3n asistido por computador, que en esa \u00e9poca se corr\u00eda en un computador llamado ILLIAC."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's an industry which has bucked the current recession with equanimity.","es":"Y es \u00e9sta una actividad que ha resistido la actual recesi\u00f3n con tranquilidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let me make it a bit more concrete.","es":"Les dar\u00e9 un ejemplo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Introverts do not do as well, particularly if the tasks they're engaged in, and they've had some coffee, if those tasks are speeded, and if they're quantitative, introverts may give the appearance of not being particularly quantitative.","es":"En los introvertidos no es igual, particularmente si la tarea a la que se dedican, y si han bebido algo de caf\u00e9, si esas tareas son urgentes, y si ellos son cuantitativos, los introvertidos no pueden parecer particularmente cuantitativos."} {"gender":"male","en":"What are the effects, intended and unintended, that you're having?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 efectos, intencionales y no intencionales, obtienen?"} {"gender":"male","en":"If you look at most buildings, what you look at is the building, the facade, and it is the building.","es":"Si nos fijamos en la mayor\u00eda de los edificios lo que vemos es el edificio, la fachada, eso es el edificio."} {"gender":"male","en":"But the real key question I'm sure that's on your mind: Where is the hydrogen going to come from?","es":"Pero la verdadera pregunta clave que seguramente est\u00e9 en cabeza de todos: \u00bfde donde sacamos el hidr\u00f3geno?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Why can't I come?\"","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no puedo ir?\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Bushmaster Two-Six, Bushmaster Two-Six, we need to move, time now!","es":"Bushmaster Dos-Seis, Bushmaster Dos-Seis, tenemos que movernos, \u00a1ahora mismo!"} {"gender":"male","en":"But they do it recursively, and they do it with an age-grade system, so the little kids learn this one, and then the older kids learn this one, then the next age-grade initiation, you learn this one.","es":"Pero lo hacen recursivamente, y lo hacen con un sistema de gradaci\u00f3n por edades, as\u00ed que los ni\u00f1os peque\u00f1os aprenden \u00e9ste, y luego los mayores aprenden \u00e9ste, luego en la siguiente iniciaci\u00f3n por grado de edad, uno aprende \u00e9ste."} {"gender":"female","en":"In fact, they saw these people who landed at their shores as alien.","es":"De hecho, ellos ve\u00edan a esta gente que lleg\u00f3 a sus costas como extra\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"But nonetheless, I am devoting the rest of my life to finding another Earth.","es":"Pero, sin embargo, estoy dedicando el resto de mi vida a la b\u00fasqueda de otra Tierra."} {"gender":"female","en":"Again, the baby's going to have a choice.","es":"Una vez m\u00e1s, el beb\u00e9 tendr\u00e1 una elecci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Elizabeth Lev: The effect of the Last Judgment was enormous.","es":"Elizabeth Lev: El efecto del juicio final fue enorme."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because a father is locked in does not mean he should be locked out of his daughter's life.","es":"El hecho de que un padre est\u00e9 encerrado no quiere decir que deba ser excluido de la vida de su hija."} {"gender":"male","en":"They cut the cost on salmon 33 percent when they acquired Whole Foods.","es":"Redujeron el costo del salm\u00f3n al 33 % al adquirir Whole Foods."} {"gender":"male","en":"I can't think of any other subject where that's recently been possible.","es":"No se me ocurre otro tema donde esto haya sido posible recientemente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We need to cut the spigot of single-use and disposable plastics, which are entering the marine environment every day on a global scale.","es":"Tenemos que cortar el chorro del pl\u00e1stico de s\u00f3lo un uso, que ingresa al medio marino todos los d\u00edas a escala mundial."} {"gender":"female","en":"But really heartened to see that he had transformed his own attention.","es":"Me alent\u00f3 mucho el verlo transformar su atenci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Basically promoting fun.","es":"B\u00e1sicamente promover la diversi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Every now and then, a salesperson would do something or say something because they were pissed with our cultural style, and it would usually happen at the conveyor belt.","es":"Un vendedor hac\u00eda o dec\u00eda algo de vez en cuando porque les molestaba nuestro estilo cultural, y generalmente suced\u00eda en la caja."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's something that's just profound and sad, but astonishing because so many of us don't actually know this.","es":"Esto es algo profundo y triste a la vez, pero tambi\u00e9n sorprendente porque muchos no lo sabemos."} {"gender":"female","en":"So the children have a plot.","es":"Entonces los ni\u00f1os traman algo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, the question then arises: If I simply watch another person being touched, why do I not get confused and literally feel that touch sensation merely by watching somebody being touched?","es":"La pregunta que surge es: si simplemente veo que acarician a otra persona, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 no me confundo y literalmente siento que me acarician a m\u00ed con el simple hecho de ver que acarician a alguien?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Even in England, we don't leave reproduction to the Queen.","es":"Incluso en Inglaterra, no le dejamos la reproducci\u00f3n a la reina."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a straight line, which sags, which sways, which vibrates, which rolls on itself, which is ice, which is three tons tight, ready to explode, ready to swallow me.","es":"Es una l\u00ednea recta, que se comba, que oscila, que vibra, que se enrolla en s\u00ed misma, que es hielo, que es tres toneladas tensa, lista para estallar, lista para tragarme."} {"gender":"male","en":"That is to say, , thank you, thank you.","es":"Esto es, gracias, gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"Each chamber in these two vertical stacks contains one fly.","es":"Cada c\u00e1mara en estas dos pilas verticales contiene una mosca."} {"gender":"male","en":"They're just tools used in a different context.","es":"No son m\u00e1s que herramientas usadas en un contexto diferente."} {"gender":"male","en":"He's an incredibly capable guy, but he just happens to be blind, and that means instead of a 30-minute drive to work in the morning, it's a two-hour ordeal of piecing together bits of public transit or asking friends and family for a ride.","es":"Es un tipo muy capaz, pero es ciego, y por eso en vez de conducir 30 minutos para ir al trabajo cada ma\u00f1ana, pasa dos horas en el transporte p\u00fablico o pidiendo a amigos y familiares que lo lleven."} {"gender":"male","en":"This time you can have three words.","es":"Esta vez le vamos a dar tres palabras."} {"gender":"female","en":"And we've watched as the tools we uniquely make to pull the resources out of our environment kind of just blow up in our face.","es":"Hemos visto como las herramientas que s\u00f3lo nosotros producimos para extraer recursos de nuestro medio ambiente han explotado justo en nuestros rostros."} {"gender":"male","en":"One of the studies we do are called diary studies, in which we ask people to record all of their conversations and all of their lies for seven days, and what we can do then is calculate how many lies took place per conversation within a medium, and the finding that we get that surprises people the most is that email is the most honest of those three media.","es":"En uno de los que realizamos, llamados estudios diarios, le pedimos a la gente que registre todas sus conversaciones y todas sus mentiras durante siete d\u00edas, y luego calculamos cu\u00e1ntas mentiras dijeron en cada conversaci\u00f3n por cada medio de comunicaci\u00f3n y encontramos que lo m\u00e1s sorprendente es que el correo electr\u00f3nico es el m\u00e1s honesto de esos tres medios."} {"gender":"male","en":"When I get those calls about performance, that's one thing.","es":"Entonces, cuando recibo las llamadas sobre desempe\u00f1o, eso es una cosa."} {"gender":"female","en":"Naghma's father needed to agree, the neighbor needed to agree, and also his son needed to agree.","es":"El padre de Naghma deb\u00eda aceptar, el vecino deb\u00eda aceptar, y tambi\u00e9n su hijo deb\u00eda estar de acuerdo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Another way of putting this is that mankind's 5,000-year-old monopoly on the fighting of war is breaking down in our very lifetime.","es":"En otras palabras, el monopolio que la humanidad ha tenido en los \u00faltimos cinco mil a\u00f1os para combatir la guerra se est\u00e1 desmoronando en nuestra vida."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And why is the forbidden so erotic?","es":"\u00bfY por qu\u00e9 lo prohibido es tan er\u00f3tico?"} {"gender":"female","en":"What I'm going to argue today is that having good judgment, making accurate predictions, making good decisions, is mostly about which mindset you're in.","es":"Lo que voy a argumentar hoy es que tener buen juicio predecir con precisi\u00f3n, decidir correctamente depende de qu\u00e9 actitud se tenga."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a piece of neural audio technology for rewiring other people's minds.","es":"Es una tecnolog\u00eda auditiva neural para renovar la mente de otras personas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I came to the Heart Institute in 2006, as part of my elective in my anesthesia and intensive care program.","es":"Vine al Instituto del Coraz\u00f3n en 2006 como parte de mi optativa en el programa de anestesia y cuidados intensivos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Do we sense our social status, even at the moment of birth?","es":"\u00bfTenemos la sensaci\u00f3n de nuestro estatus social incluso al nacer?"} {"gender":"male","en":"But for over two weeks, we programmed, we went to the Venice boardwalk, my kids got involved, my dog got involved, and we created this.","es":"Pero durante dos semanas programamos, fuimos al paseo mar\u00edtimo de Venice, mi hijo fue parte, mi perro tambi\u00e9n, y creamos esto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Unfortunately, it isn't that simple.","es":"Desafortunadamente, no es tan simple."} {"gender":"male","en":"I went back to live with my mum.","es":"Volv\u00ed a casa con mi madre."} {"gender":"male","en":"And when you find this in other animals, it's always the same story.","es":"Y cuando encontramos esto en otros animales, es siempre la misma historia."} {"gender":"female","en":"So let me first explain how modern AI works, taking the \"Jeopardy!\" challenge as an example.","es":"Primero explicar\u00e9 c\u00f3mo funciona una IA moderna, tomando el reto de \"Jeopardy!\" como ejemplo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It doesn't care so much about the ordinary person anymore, and I think this diagnosis of the political disease is correct.","es":"Ya no se preocupa m\u00e1s por la persona com\u00fan y creo que este diagn\u00f3stico de la enfermedad pol\u00edtica es acertado."} {"gender":"female","en":"But still, I have a huge pile of fake happy childhood pictures and I'm glad they make me less likely than some people to get a divorce.","es":"A\u00fan as\u00ed, tengo un enorme mont\u00f3n de fotos de falsa felicidad infantil y me alegro de que por ello tenga menos probabilidades de divorciarme que otros."} {"gender":"male","en":"But that doesn't tell us they necessarily had language.","es":"Pero eso no necesariamente significa que hayan tenido lenguaje."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because life is complex, and here is the hardest and biggest change: We have to restore the authority to judges and officials to interpret and apply the law.","es":"Porque la vida es compleja. Y aqui est\u00e1 el cambio m\u00e1s grande y m\u00e1s duro. Tenemos que devolverle la autoridad a jueces y oficiales para interpretar y aplicar la ley."} {"gender":"female","en":"But it's not just stereotypic behaviors that other animals engage in.","es":"Pero los animales no solo tienen comportamientos estereotipados."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this, this has a lot of potential, a lot of promise, and the government of India recently licensed this technology from us, and they're going to try it out with millions of different children trying to teach them English.","es":"Es un proyecto con mucho potencial, muy prometedor. El gobierno indio nos compr\u00f3 la licencia hace poco y van a usarlo con millones de ni\u00f1os para ense\u00f1arles ingl\u00e9s."} {"gender":"male","en":"My grandfather was a coal miner.","es":"Mi abuelo trabaj\u00f3 en una mina de carb\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"My family finally rescued me, but by that time, I had lost 19 pounds in those three weeks, as well as developing severe anemia, and was on the verge of suicide.","es":"Mi familia finalmente me rescat\u00f3, pero para entonces, hab\u00eda perdido 9 kilos en esas tres semanas, adem\u00e1s de haber desarrollado una anemia severa y estar al borde del suicidio."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what does the eight-year-old do?","es":"As\u00ed que, \u00bfqu\u00e9 es lo que los ni\u00f1os de ocho a\u00f1os hacen?"} {"gender":"male","en":"They're also a country that is in dire danger.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n son un pa\u00eds que est\u00e1 en grave peligro."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was boiling hot, getting ready to give to the kids.","es":"Estaba hirviendo, prepar\u00e1ndose para d\u00e1rselo a los ni\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"I love this planet, I really do.","es":"Amo este planeta, de verdad que s\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The halteres are actually gyroscopes.","es":"Los halterios son realmente giroscopios."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it was just, it was amazing, because these guys are high-fiving him over how good I turned out, you know?","es":"Y eso simplemente, fue maravilloso, porque estos tipos lo est\u00e1n felicitando sobre lo bien que sali\u00f3 \u00bfven?"} {"gender":"male","en":"It was like a blade in the belly.","es":"Era como una navaja en el vientre."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It takes all the things that that cheap, easy-to-use bed net was not supposed to be.","es":"Se necesitan todas las cosas que la mosquitera, barata y f\u00e1cil de usar, no deber\u00eda implicar."} {"gender":"male","en":"And these are all merits that are not just good in the developing world.","es":"Las ventajas que supone no son s\u00f3lo aplicables a los pa\u00edses en v\u00edas de desarrollo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But we were confident to leave because we had been collecting data.","es":"Nos fuimos confiados porque hab\u00edamos recogido datos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Perhaps there are other things that we're just not thinking about yet, but that's one idea to think about, urban islands.","es":"Tal vez haya otras cosas en las que simplemente no hemos pensando todav\u00eda, pero esta es una idea, las islas urbanas."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's the largest water catchment in the country, almost one-sixth the size of Singapore.","es":"Es el recolector de agua m\u00e1s grande del pa\u00eds, su tama\u00f1o es casi un sexto del de Singapur."} {"gender":"male","en":"How do we go from that complexity that you saw to a line of code?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo vamos de la complejidad que vieron a una l\u00ednea de c\u00f3digo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"That's when the potential of these tools can become a reality.","es":"Es entonces cuando el potencial de estas herramientas puede convertirse en realidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, I would invite all of you to join me in just geeking out.","es":"De hecho, los invitar\u00eda a sumarse a esta actividad geek<\/i>."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was when in the fall of 2006, I explained why Apple would never do a cell phone.","es":"Fue en el oto\u00f1o del 2006. Expliqu\u00e9 por qu\u00e9 Apple nunca har\u00eda un tel\u00e9fono celular."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we also designed the condoms themselves.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n dise\u00f1amos los condones en s\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Israel.","es":"Israel."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so therefore whatever cultural variation there is in how human beings flourish can, at least in principle, be understood in the context of a maturing science of the mind, neuroscience, psychology, etc. So, what I'm arguing is that value's reduced to facts, to facts about the conscious experience of conscious beings.","es":"Por lo tanto cualquier variaci\u00f3n cultural que haya en la manera de florecer del ser humano puede, al menos en principio, ser entendida en el contexto de una ciencia, en maduraci\u00f3n, de la mente, neurociencia, psicolog\u00eda, etc. Lo que estoy argumentando es que el valor se reduce a hechos a hechos sobre la experiencia consciente de seres conscientes."} {"gender":"male","en":"Maybe not as harshly, but we all do it.","es":"Tal vez no tan duramente, pero todos lo hacemos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Netra and I use our technology as a tool in our 200-year plan to really curate our digital legacy.","es":"Netra y yo, usamos la tecnolog\u00eda como herramienta para el plan a 200 a\u00f1os; para ser curadores de nuestro legado digital."} {"gender":"male","en":"So announcing this with Kofi Annan was very important, and the U.N. allowed us to basically reach all the countries.","es":"As\u00ed que anunciando esto con Kofi Annan era muy importante, y Naciones Unidas nos permiti\u00f3 b\u00e1sicamente llegar a todos los pa\u00edses."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And we were rather pleased about that, frankly, because she was the main reason we were leaving the country.","es":"Y a decir verdad, estabamos contentos por eso, porque ella era la raz\u00f3n principal para dejar el pa\u00eds."} {"gender":"male","en":"Sort of a timeline, very non-linear scale, nature rates and trilobites and dinosaurs, and eventually we saw some humans with caves","es":"Una especie de l\u00ednea del tiempo, de escala muy no lineal, \u00edndices naturales y trilobites y dinosaurios, y eventualmente hemos visto humanos con cuevas"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Free at last!","es":"\u00a1Libre al fin!"} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, using this criteria and looking at most recent studies, we see that on average, three to eight percent of women suffer from PMDD.","es":"Bueno, pues usando estos criterios y analizando los estudios m\u00e1s recientes, comprobamos que entre el 3 % y el 6 % de las mujeres sufren el TDPM."} {"gender":"male","en":"Once you figure this out, you can really impress people at parties.","es":"Una vez que entiendes eso, causas una gran impresi\u00f3n en las fiestas."} {"gender":"female","en":"In the back of my mind, I've always felt that sound was your thing, a hearing person's thing.","es":"En el fondo de mi mente, siempre sent\u00ed que el sonido era ajeno, era algo de una persona oyente."} {"gender":"male","en":"You land yourself on Richard Nixon's enemies list, he had one.","es":"Termin\u00f3 en la lista de enemigos de Nixon, ya que el presidente ten\u00eda una."} {"gender":"female","en":"I felt guilty.","es":"Me sent\u00eda culpable."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They're going to start to look more similar, and by the time you get to the 2000s, you're already seeing the patterns of global warming, both in the observations and in the model.","es":"Empiezan a verse m\u00e1s similares, y para el siglo XXI ya estamos viendo el patr\u00f3n del calentamiento global, tanto en las observaciones como en el modelo."} {"gender":"male","en":"We want to get people to be more energy efficient.","es":"Queremos lograr que la gente utilice la energ\u00eda de forma m\u00e1s eficiente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We can also see trees being used to map genealogy, perhaps the most famous archetype of the tree diagram.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n utilizar \u00e1rboles para cartografiar la genealog\u00eda, quiz\u00e1s el m\u00e1s famoso arquetipo del diagrama de \u00e1rbol."} {"gender":"male","en":"But, you know, we thought, well, it's at least 95 percent right or 99 percent right.","es":"Pero, saben, pensamos que est\u00e1bamos al menos 95 o 99 por ciento bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"In the United States, we're aware of the fact that corporations are legal persons.","es":"En Estados Unidos, sabemos que las corporaciones son personas jur\u00eddicas."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's not a fairy tale.","es":"No es un cuento de hadas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if there was one cause for hope, how would you state that?","es":"Y si hubiera una fuente de esperanza \u00bfc\u00f3mo la definir\u00edas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't know if you've noticed, but there's been a spate of books that have come out lately contemplating or speculating on the cognition and emotional life of dogs.","es":"No s\u00e9 si lo han notado pero ha habido una avalancha de libros publicados \u00faltimamente que contemplan o especulan sobre la cognici\u00f3n y la vida emocional de los perros."} {"gender":"female","en":"I want to share a few keys on how you can do that to make sure that we can see that your science is sexy and that your engineering is engaging.","es":"Quiero compartir algunas sugerencias sobre c\u00f3mo pueden hacerlo para asegurarse de que podemos ver que su ciencia es sexy y que su ingenier\u00eda es atractiva."} {"gender":"male","en":"BG: Well, the actual spending on the R&D piece, say the US should spend 10 billion a year more than it is right now, it's not that dramatic.","es":"BG: Bueno, el gasto real en la parte de I&D, dice que los Estados Unidos deber\u00edan gastar 10.000 millones anuales m\u00e1s de lo que est\u00e1n haciendo actualmente, eso no es tan dram\u00e1tico."} {"gender":"male","en":"Why do we not use these words every day?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no usamos estas palabras todos los d\u00edas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So when you get up to immigration with your shirt collar out and a day's growth of beard, and you have very little patience, and the immigration officer looked at my passport and said, \"What do you do, Mr. Whyte?\"","es":"As\u00ed que cuando llegas a inmigraci\u00f3n con el cuello de la camisa fuera y la barba de un d\u00eda, y tienes muy poca paciencia, y el oficial de inmigraci\u00f3n al mirar mi pasaporte dice: \u00bfQu\u00e9 hace, se\u00f1or Whyte?"} {"gender":"male","en":"As media head into this new era, we are looking for mutations that are durable, that have some sort of staying power.","es":"Como medios de comunicaci\u00f3n en esta nueva era, estamos buscando mutaciones que sean duraderas, que tengan alg\u00fan tipo de permanencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"And actually, this is usually very positive things, very seemingly empowering things, such as brotherhood and sisterhood and a sense of belonging, as well as giving somebody a spiritual purpose, a divine purpose to build a utopian society if their goals can be met, but also a sense of empowerment and adventure.","es":"De hecho, suelen ser cosas muy positivas, cosas que parecieran dar poder, como fraternidad y hermandad y un sentido de pertenencia, as\u00ed como darle a alguien un prop\u00f3sito espiritual, un prop\u00f3sito divino de construir una sociedad ut\u00f3pica, si sus metas pueden ser alcanzadas, pero tambi\u00e9n un sentido de empoderamiento y de aventura."} {"gender":"female","en":"So in 2013, up at Columbia University, I was working with my colleague, Dr. Christine Ann Denny, and we were studying Calypsol as an antidepressant in mice.","es":"En el 2013, en la Universidad de Columbia, estaba trabajando con mi colega, la Dra. Christine Ann Denny, estudiando el Calypsol como antidepresivo en ratones."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, I\u2019m finished.","es":"Ya termin\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"I wouldn't hide it if society didn't make me feel like I needed to.\"","es":"\"No lo esconder\u00eda si la sociedad no me hiciera sentir como si lo tuviera que hacer.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"And I'm like, \"Really?","es":"Y yo: \"\u00bfEn serio?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And to put it really bluntly, you know, people are willing to pay for stuff that has value, right?","es":"Y francamente, como saben, las personas est\u00e1n dispuestas a pagar por cosas de valor."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So very often, some kind of disaster, sometimes the consequence, for example, of over-cultivation of silk worms, which was a problem in Europe at the time, can be the key to something much bigger.","es":"As\u00ed que, muy a menudo, alg\u00fan tipo de desastre \u2013a veces, por ejemplo, la consecuencia de un sobre-cultivo de gusanos de seda, un problema en Europa en ese momento\u2013 puede ser la clave de algo mucho m\u00e1s grande."} {"gender":"male","en":"You know, 2,000 years ago, Europe: breakdown, the fragmentation of the Holy Roman Empire.","es":"Ya saben, hace 2.000 a\u00f1os, Europa: la ruptura, la fragmentaci\u00f3n del Sacro Imperio Romano."} {"gender":"male","en":"First, as regards usefulness, older people continue to perform useful services.","es":"En lo que tiene que ver con la utilidad, primero, los ancianos contin\u00faan realizando tareas \u00fatiles."} {"gender":"male","en":"When you put them side-by-side, you don't even have to read the links to see how different these two pages are.","es":"Si las ponemos lado a lado ni siquiera tenemos que leer los enlaces para ver lo diferentes que son."} {"gender":"male","en":"My business partner told me to turn on the television.","es":"Mi compa\u00f1ero de trabajo me dijo que encendiera la televisi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"But most importantly, we call him an underdog because all he has is, it's that Goliath is outfitted with all of this modern weaponry, this glittering coat of armor and a sword and a javelin and a spear, and all David has is this sling.","es":"Pero lo m\u00e1s importante es que creemos que David est\u00e1 en desventaja porque todo lo que tiene Goliat lleva encima toda la artiller\u00eda pesada, su brillante armadura, una espada, una jabalina y una lanza, y todo lo que tiene David es su honda."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now generally, it's not advisable to just cash in and marry the first person who comes along and shows you any interest at all.","es":"En general, no es recomendable simplemente llegar y casarse con la primera persona que se nos cruce y nos muestre alg\u00fan inter\u00e9s."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"From an engineering point of view, this is just a little four-bar linkage.","es":"Desde un punto de vista de la ingenier\u00eda esta es s\u00f3lo una uni\u00f3n de cuatro barras."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And they're focusing on function.","es":"Y est\u00e1n enfocados en la funci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is exactly what happened with the case of DigiNotar.","es":"Y en el caso de DigiNotar sucedi\u00f3 exactamente eso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We are the only ones who can make love for hours, have a blissful time, multiple orgasms, and touch nobody, just because we can imagine it.","es":"Somos los \u00fanicos que pueden hacer el amor durante horas, pasar un rato feliz, tener orgasmos m\u00faltiples, sin tocar a nadie, simplemente porque nos lo imaginamos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Back then, there were no personal computers, no Internet, no smartphones.","es":"Por aquel entonces, no hab\u00eda computadores personales, Internet ni tel\u00e9fonos m\u00f3viles inteligentes."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now how did I get involved in this?","es":"Ahora \u00bfC\u00f3mo me involucr\u00e9 en esto?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Notice, it's a little uncomfortable for me to even ask you those questions.","es":"Aviso, es un poco inc\u00f3modo incluso para m\u00ed preguntar eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's the traditional crafts, and then there's the technology crafts.","es":"Est\u00e1n las artesan\u00edas tradicionales y luego las artesan\u00edas tecnol\u00f3gicas."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I want to tell you something useful, and here it is, so concentrate now.","es":"Pero quiero decirles algo \u00fatil \u2013 y aqu\u00ed est\u00e1, as\u00ed que conc\u00e9ntrense."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I got about 10 credit cards and loans and got myself very close to bankruptcy, really, and bought myself this huge printing press, which I had no idea how to use at all.","es":"As\u00ed que consegu\u00ed unas 10 tarjetas de cr\u00e9dito y pr\u00e9stamos y estuve muy cerca de la quiebra, y me compr\u00e9 una prensa enorme, que no ten\u00eda idea de c\u00f3mo usar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He turns on his side, opens his eyes at once.","es":"Se voltea a un lado, abre sus ojos una vez."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"It's okay, it's okay.\"","es":"\"Est\u00e1 bien, est\u00e1 bien\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is a picture of me and my three children.","es":"En esta foto estamos mis tres hijos y yo."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's a water jet that cleans you.","es":"Hay un chorro de agua que te limpia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So here's a photo which resolves to St. Petersburg.","es":"As\u00ed que aqu\u00ed hay una foto realizada en San Petersburgo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I've never been afraid to tell Aboody anything.","es":"Nunca he tenido miedo de contarle algo a Aboody."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So does this mean that our eyes have gone haywire and that our brains are a mess?","es":"\u00bfSignifica eso que nuestros ojos no funcionan bien y que nuestro cerebro es un desastre?"} {"gender":"male","en":"You don't vaccinate a few children.","es":"Nunca se vacunan algunos ni\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"And, approaching a building from a distance, you don't see too much; you get a little closer, and you arrive at a nice little composition that might remind you of a Mondrian or a Diebenkorn or something.","es":"Y, al acercarte a un edificio de lejos, no ves demasiado; te acercas m\u00e1s, y llegas a una peque\u00f1a y bella composici\u00f3n que podr\u00eda recordarte a un Mondrian, un Diebenkorn o algo as\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That is, out of the desire to save itself, each creature is following these rules, and that leads to something that's safe for all of them.","es":"Eso es, por el deseo de salvarse a s\u00ed misma, cada creatura est\u00e1 siguiendo estas reglas, y eso da pie a algo que es seguro para todas."} {"gender":"female","en":"So like the periodic table, we came up with our own table of the elements: new lifeforms that were computationally grown, additively manufactured and biologically augmented.","es":"As\u00ed como la tabla peri\u00f3dica, hicimos nuestra propia mesa de elementos: nuevas formas de vida creadas computacionalmente, fabricadas de forma aditiva y aumentadas de forma biol\u00f3gica."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the first exoskeleton in history that actually augments human walking.","es":"Este es el primer exoesqueleto de la historia en realidad aumenta la marcha humana."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now you think, \"Close hand,\" and a little section of your chest contracts.","es":"Al pensar, \"cerrar la mano\", se contrae una peque\u00f1a parte del pecho."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And so that's led to a question for me: Why are the most socially-attuned people on earth completely dehumanized when they think about policy?","es":"Y eso me hace cuestionar lo siguiente: \u00bfPor qu\u00e9 las personas m\u00e1s sociales del planeta se deshumanizan de tal forma cuando piensan en pol\u00edtica?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Let me show you the next slide.","es":"D\u00e9jenme ense\u00f1arle la pr\u00f3xima diapositiva."} {"gender":"male","en":"How can you invest in Africa when there's corruption?\"","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo se puede invertir en \u00c1frica si hay corrupci\u00f3n?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"I very much wanted to be the class monitor.","es":"Ten\u00eda muchas ganas de ser la delegada de la clase."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We fly about a mile above the surface.","es":"Volamos cerca de 1,6 km sobre la superficie."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've got just a couple examples.","es":"Tengo un par de ejemplos."} {"gender":"male","en":"You're saying hey, you know, I don't think I'm going to need them, so I'm just going to trust that, you know, let's get rid of them, it doesn't really matter, these guys are going to do the right thing.","es":"Est\u00e1s diciendo, mira, creo que no los necesito, y voy a confiar, sabes, vamos a deshacernos de ellos, no importa, estos tipos van a hacer lo correcto."} {"gender":"male","en":"His name was Khaled Said.","es":"Su nombre era Khaled Said."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think that means doodling is native to us and we simply are denying ourselves that instinct.","es":"Creo que eso significa que garabatear es algo innato y nosotros simplemente estamos neg\u00e1ndonos ese instinto."} {"gender":"male","en":"The result is stagnant wages, more than a quarter of 25- to 54-year-olds in America, in Japan and in Europe out of work.","es":"El resultado es el estancamiento de los salarios, m\u00e1s de un cuarto de las personas de entre 25 y 54 a\u00f1os EE.UU., Jap\u00f3n y Europa no tienen empleo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was about everything.","es":"Ten\u00eda que ver con todo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They're going to throw some polymer plastic into the bricks, shove them in a microwave oven, and then you will be able to build buildings with really thick walls.","es":"Se a\u00f1aden pol\u00edmeros pl\u00e1sticos a los ladrillos, se colocan en un horno de microondas, y as\u00ed se construir\u00e1n edificios con paredes muy gruesas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So we would drive down, it was like the 60s, no traffic.","es":"Y manej\u00e1bamos hasta all\u00ed, como en los 60, sin tr\u00e1nsito."} {"gender":"male","en":"But you see that happening on the High Line, and I think that's the power that public space can have to transform how people experience their city and interact with each other.","es":"Pero lo hacen en la High Line, y creo que ese es el poder que puede tener un espacio p\u00fablico para transformar la forma en que la gente experimenta su ciudad e interact\u00faa con los dem\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you close your eyes and think of a cloud, it's probably one of these that comes to mind.","es":"Si cierran los ojos y piensan en una nube, probablemente sea una de estas la que viene a la mente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Since the conference, we've got people working between Paris and San Francisco, lots of different folks working on this to try to see if we can really make it happen.","es":"Desde el dia del congreso hemos tenido gente trabajando entre Par\u00eds y San Francisco, cantidades de gente trabajando en esto para ver si podemos llegar a hacerlo realidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"But when I was feeling confident and suave, I would knock my height down a notch, just to give the competition a chance.","es":"Pero cuando me sent\u00eda seguro y suave, Le bajaba a mi estatura solo para dar una oportunidad a la competencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"Passionate clarity: that's what I think we need to drive change.","es":"Claridad apasionada: por eso creo que necesitamos promover el cambio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And people are using them the same way that we do.","es":"Las personas los usan igual que nosotros."} {"gender":"male","en":"We need to realize: this is what our country needs, and this is what you need if you don't want to, Raise your hand if you want to spend the next four years as angry and worried as you've been for the last year, raise your hand.","es":"Debemos darnos cuenta de que lo necesitamos en nuestro pa\u00eds, y esto es lo que t\u00fa necesitas, aunque no quieras. Levanten la mano quienes no quieren pasar los pr\u00f3ximos 4 a\u00f1os enojados y preocupados como. lo estuvieron el \u00faltimo a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"I love that.","es":"Amo eso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You fought by day, then it was sunset, so everyone went back home.","es":"Por la ma\u00f1ana te \"enfrentabas\" al libro hasta la puesta de sol, cuando todos vuelven a casa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"And to think this through, I want to focus on one metaphor in particular, which is the idea of love as madness.","es":"Y para analizarlo, quiero enfocarme en una met\u00e1fora en particular que es la idea de amor como locura."} {"gender":"male","en":"It doesn't make any sense.","es":"No tiene sentido."} {"gender":"male","en":"No, more than impulse or fancy, the girl knows what she's doing, the girl means something, the girl means to mean, because it occurs to her in that instant, that beautiful or not, bright yes or no, she's not who she is, she's not the person she is, and the reason, she suddenly knows, is that there's been so much premeditation where she is, so much plotting and planning, there's hardly a person where she is, or if there is, it's not her, or not wholly her, it's a self inhabited, lived in by her, and seemingly even as she thinks it she knows what's been missing: grace, not premeditation but grace, a kind of being in the world spontaneously, with grace.","es":"No, m\u00e1s que un impulso o un capricho, la joven sabe lo que est\u00e1 haciendo, la joven pretende algo, la joven pretende pretender, porque se le ocurre que, en ese instante, bella o no, inteligente o no, ella no es quien es, ella no es la persona que es, y la raz\u00f3n, repentinamente se da cuenta, es que demasiada premeditaci\u00f3n la ha llevado hasta all\u00ed, tanto pensar y planificar, casi no hay nadie donde ella est\u00e1, o si hay alguien, no es ella, o no enteramente ella, es un ser en que ella habita, donde ella vive, y aparentemente, mientras lo piensa, ella reconoce el elemento que faltaba: gracia, no premeditaci\u00f3n, sino gracia, un estar en el mundo espont\u00e1neamente, con gracia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Let us fight the shame and talk about it.","es":"Venzamos la verg\u00fcenza y hablemos de ello."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And they learned that individually they could each make a difference, but together they created an impact.","es":"Y aprendieron que de forma individual podr\u00edan marcar una diferencia, pero que juntos creaban un impacto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Natural selection also explains many basic revulsions, such as the horrid smell of rotting meat, or fears, such as the fear of snakes or standing close to the edge of a cliff.","es":"La selecci\u00f3n natural tambi\u00e9n explica muchas repugnancias b\u00e1sicas, como el horroroso olor de la carne podrida, o miedos, como el miedo a las serpientes o a pararse cerca del borde de un precipicio."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think that was his greatest quality.","es":"Pienso que esa era su mayor cualidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I remember the first letter.","es":"Recuerdo la primera carta."} {"gender":"female","en":"In the study that I'm going to talk to you about, my collaborators used a drought-induced promoter, which we discovered in a resurrection plant.","es":"En el estudio del que les voy a hablar mis colaboradores utilizaron un promotor inducido por la sequ\u00eda, que descubrimos en una planta de resurrecci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"There are lots of people who believe that, and I think it is utter baloney.","es":"Hay muchas personas que creen que s\u00ed, y yo pienso que es pura tonter\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"With age comes the veneer of respectability and a veneer of uncomfortable truths.","es":"Con la edad viene la apariencia de respetabilidad y una apariencia de verdades inc\u00f3modas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I began to think, I wonder what it would be like to start imagining myself as if energy and information were the two things I had as input, as if food and information were similar in some form or shape.","es":"Y me puse a pensar, me pregunt\u00e9 c\u00f3mo ser\u00eda si me imaginase a m\u00ed mismo con la energ\u00eda y la informaci\u00f3n como dos entradas, como si la comida y la informaci\u00f3n tuviesen formas similares."} {"gender":"female","en":"And we as a community, we've made computers smaller and smaller.","es":"Y, como comunidad, hicimos computadoras cada vez m\u00e1s peque\u00f1as."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so I wanted the cover of this book to also misrepresent itself and then somehow show a reader reacting to it.","es":"Y as\u00ed que yo quer\u00eda tambi\u00e9n, con la portada de este libro, tergiversar y luego presentar de alguna manera la reacci\u00f3n del lector."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is treatable. This is beatable.","es":"Esto es tratable. Se puede luchar contra eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"Our computer hardware and software just stops getting better for some reason.","es":"Nuestro hardware y software se estancan simplemente, por alguna raz\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"We wish we were better husbands, better wives, smarter, more powerful, taller, richer, the list goes on.","es":"Deseamos ser mejores esposos, mejores esposas, m\u00e1s inteligentes, m\u00e1s poderosos, m\u00e1s altos, m\u00e1s ricos la lista sigue."} {"gender":"male","en":"Wouldn't this be cool?","es":"\u00bfNo ser\u00eda genial?"} {"gender":"male","en":"They were constrained.","es":"Se contuvieron."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We put the pillow on that and wrapped our forearms with bedsheets and climbed the wall, and we ran away with bare feet.","es":"Colocamos encima una almohada, nos envolvimos los antebrazos con s\u00e1banas y trepamos la pared. Huimos con los pies descalzos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And two boats: When the second boat was added, what happened was that some of the dolphins left the area completely.","es":"Con dos botes, cuando se sumaba el segundo bote, lo que suced\u00eda era que algunos delfines abandonaban la zona por completo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's the shame of not really believing we deserve to be in the room with the people we admire.","es":"Es la verg\u00fcenza de no creer realmente que no merecemos estar en la sala con la gente que admiramos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let's go New York real estate.","es":"Invirtamos en inmuebles en Nueva York."} {"gender":"male","en":"That video was made in the spring of 2011, and as of today I have traveled to almost 20 cities and photographed almost 2,000 people.","es":"Ese video se hizo en la primavera del 2011, y al d\u00eda de hoy he viajado a casi 20 ciudades y he fotografiado a casi 2000 personas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Elizabeth: This man has seduced a ward of the queen, and she has married without royal consent.","es":"Isabel I: Este hombre ha seducido a una doncella de la reina que se ha casado sin consentimiento real."} {"gender":"male","en":"Characters: Thank you.","es":"Personajes: Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"So they shipped me off to the army, and lo and behold, many years later, I'm considered one of the greatest sons the City College of New York has ever had.","es":"As\u00ed que me enviaron al ej\u00e9rcito, y he aqu\u00ed que, muchos a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s, soy considerado uno de los mejores hijos en la historia del City College de Nueva York."} {"gender":"male","en":"Those convicted of murder were condemned to die in prison, and it was during those meetings with those men that I couldn't fathom why we would spend so much money to keep this one person in jail for the next 80 years when we could have reinvested it up front, and perhaps prevented the whole thing from happening in the first place.","es":"Los culpables de asesinato eran condenados a morir en prisi\u00f3n y fue durante esos encuentros con esos hombres que quise comprender por qu\u00e9 gast\u00e1bamos tanto dinero para mantener esa \u00fanica persona en la c\u00e1rcel durante 80 a\u00f1os, en lugar de invertirlo para evitar quiz\u00e1s desde el principio que todo esto ocurra."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Earth has one; Venus and Mars do not.","es":"La Tierra tiene uno; Venus y Marte no tienen."} {"gender":"female","en":"She was just released a couple of weeks ago, and we're very concerned to see how long she will be free, because she is already out in the streets in Rangoon, agitating for change.","es":"La dejaron en libertad hace apenas unas semanas y es una situaci\u00f3n que no sabemos cu\u00e1nto va a durar porque que ya est\u00e1 en las calles de Rang\u00fan movilizando para el cambio."} {"gender":"male","en":"And you may be asking yourself which side I'm on, biology or physics?","es":"Y posiblemente te est\u00e9s preguntando si estoy del lado de la bilog\u00eda o de la f\u00edsica."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, let's imagine for a moment that I was pregnant.","es":"Bien, imaginemos por un momento que estuviera embarazada."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well because they don't know that it was different.","es":"Bueno, porque no sabemos que era diferente."} {"gender":"female","en":"I wanted him to know that we can all do something big when we start small.","es":"Decirle que todos podemos lograr algo grande a partir de algo peque\u00f1o."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is the scene that greets you in McMurdo.","es":"Esta es la escena que nos recibe en McMurdo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Access to these online networks has given young Africans something we've always had to violently take: a voice.","es":"El acceso a estas redes en l\u00ednea ha dado a los j\u00f3venes africanos algo que siempre hemos tenido que tomar con violencia: una voz."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's the sort of thing that it would be seeing.","es":"Y esto puede ser lo que \u00e9l ver\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And it turns out the Mars atmosphere is often 100 percent humid.","es":"Y resulta que la atm\u00f3sfera de Marte cuenta a menudo con 100 % de humedad."} {"gender":"female","en":"I may feel sorrowful, or happy, or exhilarated, or angry when I play certain pieces of music, but I'm not necessarily wanting you to feel exactly the same thing.","es":"Me puedo sentir triste, o feliz, o exaltada, o enojada cuando toco ciertas piezas de m\u00fasica, pero no estoy necesariamente queriendo que ustedes sientan exactamente lo mismo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I had, at this point, seen some unfathomable things, but this, by far, was the most heart-stopping.","es":"En ese momento, yo ya hab\u00eda visto algunas cosas insondables, pero esta, de lejos, fue la m\u00e1s conmovedora."} {"gender":"male","en":"Nikola Tesla: The result is 118,236.","es":"Nikola Tesla: El resultado es 118 236."} {"gender":"female","en":"While Mars and all the movies made in its name have reinvigorated the ethos for space travel, few of us seem to truly realize that our species' fragile constitution is woefully unprepared for long duration journeys into space.","es":"Mientras que Marte y todas las pel\u00edculas creadas acerca de \u00e9l han reforzado la \u00e9tica del viaje espacial, pocos de nosotros parecemos darnos cuenta de que la fr\u00e1gil constituci\u00f3n de nuestra especie est\u00e1 muy mal preparada para los largos viajes espaciales."} {"gender":"male","en":"I wanted to put some science to this anecdotal evidence, because if science could support this concept, then we might have at least part of the solution to shark attack right under our very nose.","es":"Quer\u00eda usar la ciencia en esta prueba anecd\u00f3tica, si la ciencia respalda esto, habr\u00eda parte de la soluci\u00f3n al ataque de tiburones justo ante nosotros."} {"gender":"male","en":"Productivity is for robots.","es":"La productividad es para los robots."} {"gender":"female","en":"Your phone is not a very simple tool.","es":"El tel\u00e9fono no es una herramienta muy simple."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In fact, you can find that the lack of basic resources, material resources, contributes to unhappiness, but the increase in material resources does not increase happiness.","es":"Y, de hecho, encontrar\u00e1s que la carencia de recursos b\u00e1sicos, de recursos materiales, contribuye a la infelicidad, pero su incremento no incrementa la felicidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"A large fraction of those people are in the United States.","es":"Una elevada proporci\u00f3n de esos cient\u00edficos e ingenieros est\u00e1n en Estados Unidos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And as a chemist, we're not used to profound questions every day.","es":"Como qu\u00edmicos no estamos acostumbrados a preguntas profundas cotidianas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, there's more and more activity near the boat, and all of a sudden somebody shouts, \"What's that in the water?\"","es":"As\u00ed que comenz\u00f3 a haber m\u00e1s y m\u00e1s actividad cerca del barco, y de repente alguien grita: \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 es eso en el agua?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"So let's move to the brain.","es":"As\u00ed que vamos al cerebro."} {"gender":"male","en":"And he did something that was very tricky.","es":"Y \u00e9l hizo algo muy dif\u00edcil."} {"gender":"male","en":"You do not know the power of the dark side.","es":"Uds. no conocen el poder del lado oscuro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Just because you're fabulously rich and fabulously famous, does that mean you shouldn't have kids, because you know they're going to end up messed up?","es":"Porque el hecho de que seas fabulosamente rica, y fabulosamente famoso, \u00bfacaso significa que no deber\u00edas tener hijos, porque sabes que van a terminar hechos un desastre?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And we need to understand, it's the value chain.","es":"Y necesitamos entender, es la cadena del valor."} {"gender":"male","en":"We need to radically open up development so knowledge flows in multiple directions, inspiring practitioners, so aid becomes transparent, accountable and effective, so governments open up and citizens are engaged and empowered with reformers in government.","es":"Necesitamos abrir radicalmente el desarrollo para que el conocimiento fluya en m\u00faltiples direcciones, inspirando a los profesionales, para que la que la ayuda se vuelva transparente, responsable y eficaz para que los gobiernos se abran y los ciudadanos se involucren y potencien a los reformadores del gobierno."} {"gender":"female","en":"And you could just see the web of death as you go down in the water column.","es":"Y se puede ver la red de muerte al descender la columna de agua."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the other thing about Solly, he's freakishly strong.","es":"Esta es otra cosa sobre Solly, es monstruosamente fuerte."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But every once in a while, like Lizzie Borden, like three times a century, and we're kind of due.","es":"Pero de vez en cuando, como Lizzie Borden, unas tres veces cada siglo, y ya estar\u00eda siendo nuestro turno."} {"gender":"male","en":"Narration: \"The Country.\"","es":"Narraci\u00f3n: \"El campo\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"A shoe made of apricot leather for the daughter of a czar.","es":"Un zapato hecho de piel de albaricoque para la hija de un zar."} {"gender":"female","en":"The second antidepressant we discovered, also by accident, in the 1950s, from an antihistamine that was making people manic, imipramine.","es":"El segundo antidepresivo se descubri\u00f3 tambi\u00e9n por accidente, en los cincuentas, de un antihistam\u00ednico que volv\u00eda man\u00edacos a los pacientes, fue la imipramina."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a very simple example.","es":"Es un ejemplo muy simple."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so plastic comes from oil, so I phoned up BP and spent a good half an hour trying to convince the PR office at BP that it would be fantastic for them if they flew me to an oil rig and let me have a jug of oil.","es":"Como el pl\u00e1stico proviene del petr\u00f3leo, llam\u00e9 a British Petroleum y pas\u00e9 una buena media hora tratando de convencer a la oficina de RRPP de BP de que ser\u00eda fant\u00e1stico para ellos si me llevaban a una plataforma petrolera y me dejaban traer una jarra de petr\u00f3leo."} {"gender":"female","en":"We created technology and applications that engaged people's imaginations, and it was really exciting.","es":"Creamos tecnolog\u00edas y aplicaciones que cautivaron la imaginaci\u00f3n de las personas y fue muy emocionante."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the technology that's going to allow the rest of the world's talents to be shared digitally, thereby launching a whole new cycle of crowd-accelerated innovation.","es":"Esta es la tecnolog\u00eda que permitir\u00e1 compartir digitalmente los talentos del resto del mundo abriendo as\u00ed todo un nuevo ciclo de innovaci\u00f3n acelerada por la multitud."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He will be arrested in a second.","es":"Lo van a arrestar en unos segundos."} {"gender":"female","en":"That doesn't sound like that much when you think about it.","es":"Eso no suena a mucho cuando piensas sobre esto."} {"gender":"female","en":"So for example, we add yeast to grapes to make wine.","es":"Por ejemplo, el vino se obtiene al incorporar levadura a las uvas."} {"gender":"male","en":"He didn't say we didn't have a theory.","es":"No dijo que no tenemos siquiera una teor\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"Pat Mitchell: I'm not letting you go yet.","es":"Pat Mitchell: No te puedo dejar ir."} {"gender":"male","en":"Three years later, we have the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario.","es":"Tres a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s inauguramos el Instituto Perimeter de F\u00edsica Te\u00f3rica en Waterloo, Ontario."} {"gender":"female","en":"First, females are still noticeably absent on-screen in film.","es":"Primero, las mujeres a\u00fan est\u00e1n notoriamente ausentes en pantalla."} {"gender":"male","en":"Their defense: \"Facebook is not a media company; it's a technology company.\"","es":"Su defensa: \"Facebook no es una compa\u00f1\u00eda de medios, es una compa\u00f1\u00eda de tecnolog\u00eda\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm on it.","es":"Estoy en eso."} {"gender":"female","en":"They're the mushrooms.","es":"Son los hongos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, this is an interactive cartoon application. And we wanted to build a learning tool for language learners.","es":"Ahora, esta aplicaci\u00f3n es una caricatura interactiva y quer\u00edamos construir una herramienta de aprendizaje para el idioma."} {"gender":"male","en":"Mountain biking in Israel is something that I do with great passion and commitment.","es":"El ciclismo de monta\u00f1a en Israel es algo que practico con gran placer y compromiso."} {"gender":"female","en":"I don't think it's an ideal system.","es":"No creo que sea un sistema ideal."} {"gender":"male","en":"I offer to this ground, this gin.","es":"\"Le ofrezco a esta tierra, esta ginebra."} {"gender":"male","en":"So try this: Think of all the roles that people play in arguments.","es":"Int\u00e9ntenlo. Piensen en todos los roles jugados en las discusiones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was entirely bogus.","es":"Era totalmente falso."} {"gender":"male","en":"The best lessons, I think, on how to get prepared are again, what we do for war.","es":"Las mejores lecciones, pienso, de c\u00f3mo prepararnos son otra vez, lo que hacemos para la guerra."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you represent the Earth's lifetime by a single year, say from January when it was made to December, the 21st-century would be a quarter of a second in June, a tiny fraction of the year.","es":"Si usted representa la vida de la Tierra con un solo a\u00f1o, digamos, de Enero cuando fue creada hasta Diciembre, el siglo 21 ser\u00eda un cuarto de segundo en Junio, una \u00ednfima fracci\u00f3n de a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"Perhaps Brazil comes in as a participant, and Spain as well.","es":"Tal vez Brasil tambi\u00e9n participa. Y tambi\u00e9n Espa\u00f1a."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the infrastructure as we see it about now.","es":"Esta es la infraestructura como la vemos actualmente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"\"Why not?\"","es":"\"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"As winter was coming in, he lost his territory, his hunting support, the members of his family and his mate.","es":"A medida que se acercaba el invierno, perdi\u00f3 su territorio, su apoyo para cazar, los miembros de su familia y su pareja."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So it turned out by total chance that two of the electrodes happened to be right on top of his face area.","es":"As\u00ed que result\u00f3 que por casualidad que dos de los electrodos estaban arriba del \u00e1rea de los rostros."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Gamma's software has been located on servers in countries around the world, many with really atrocious track records and human rights violations.","es":"El software de Gamma se ha instalado en servidores en pa\u00edses de todo el mundo, muchos de ellos con antecedentes realmente atroces y violaciones de los derechos humanos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I didn't put his name up here, my colleague, Kerry, in Kenya, has come up with this great idea for using fractal structure for postal address in villages that have fractal structure, because if you try to impose a grid structure postal system on a fractal village, it doesn't quite fit.","es":"No puse su nombre ac\u00e1, mi colega, Kerry, en Kenia, sali\u00f3 con esta gran idea de usar estructuras fractales para direcciones de correo en aldeas que tienen estructura fractal porque si uno trata de imponer un sistema postal con estructura matricial en una aldea fractal, no se ajusta muy bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"Okay.","es":"Bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"The trouble is that education doesn't go on in the committee rooms of our legislative buildings.","es":"El problema es que la educaci\u00f3n no sucede en las salas de comit\u00e9s de nuestros edificios legislativos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And to do that, I'm going to tell you about a framework which is very popular in statistics and machine learning of the last 50 years called Bayesian decision theory.","es":"Y para hacerlo, voy a darles un marco te\u00f3rico muy usado los \u00faltimos 50 a\u00f1os en estad\u00edstica y en aprendizaje autom\u00e1tico, llamado teor\u00eda de la decisi\u00f3n bayesiana."} {"gender":"male","en":"Look at this graph.","es":"Miren este gr\u00e1fico."} {"gender":"male","en":"All of these things could conceivably be done, and I will tell you I'd pretty much bet that it will be done.","es":"Todas estas cosas posiblemente pueden hacerse, y les apuesto que, seguramente, se har\u00e1n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And apparently Epstein aced the test, therefore the article.","es":"Y aparentemente Epstein lo hizo muy bien, de ah\u00ed el art\u00edculo."} {"gender":"female","en":"SR: I think a lot about the fact that television has the power to educate people in a powerful way, and when you're watching television, for instance, they do studies about medical shows.","es":"SR: Pienso mucho sobre que la TV puede educar a la gente de manera poderosa, y si miras la TV por ejemplo, hacen estudios sobre programas m\u00e9dicos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"After 11 days of complete darkness, I was set free.","es":"Tras 11 d\u00edas de absoluta oscuridad, me liberaron."} {"gender":"male","en":"But there are things that you and I do in person that are really difficult to translate to AI.","es":"Pero hay cosas que Uds. y yo hacemos en persona que son dif\u00edciles de traducir a IA."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And it's the difference between markets that are frozen up, and liquid flows of capital into new opportunities for investment.","es":"Y la diferencia entre los mercados congelados y los flujos de capital l\u00edquido en nuevas oportunidades de inversi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"The fourth one you'll like better.","es":"El cuarto les va a encantar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Justice is a decision. Justice is a decision.","es":"La justicia es una decisi\u00f3n. La justicia es una decisi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So the idea of programming in ignorance seems intuitively really powerful.","es":"La idea de programar ignorancia parece intuitivamente muy poderosa."} {"gender":"male","en":"We have really severe energy problems in Africa.","es":"Tenemos realmente problemas graves de energ\u00eda en \u00c1frica."} {"gender":"female","en":"However, octopus intelligence evolved from a different evolutionary line, separate from that of human beings, so the foundation is different.","es":"Pero la inteligencia del pulpo evolucion\u00f3 a partir de una l\u00ednea evolutiva diferente, a la de los seres humanos, as\u00ed que la base es diferente."} {"gender":"female","en":"The latest effort to tame malaria started in the late 1990s.","es":"El esfuerzo m\u00e1s reciente para abatir la malaria comenz\u00f3 en la d\u00e9cada de los 90."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now you might ask yourself, how did he do that?","es":"Ahora se preguntaran, \u00bfc\u00f3mo hizo eso?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Ronald Reagan asked Olof Palme, the Social Democratic Prime Minister of Sweden, \"Well, what do you believe in?","es":"Ronald Reagan le pregunt\u00f3 a Olof Palme, al Primer Ministro Social Dem\u00f3crata de Suecia \"Bien \u00bfcu\u00e1l es su creencia?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Do you understand what I'm saying to you?\"","es":"\u00bfEntienden lo que estoy diciendo?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And I feel very strongly that it's not good enough for us to have generations of kids that think that it's OK to look forward to a better version of a cell phone with a video in it.","es":"Y creo firmemente que no es suficientemente bueno para nosotros tener generaciones de ni\u00f1os que creen que est\u00e1 bien desear una versi\u00f3n mejorada de un tel\u00e9fono m\u00f3vil con v\u00eddeo."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's about opening up.","es":"Se trata de apertura."} {"gender":"male","en":"The list of things which we strictly have to be agnostic about doesn't stop at tooth fairies and teapots; it's infinite.","es":"La lista de cosas de las cuales deber\u00edamos ser estrictamente agn\u00f3sticos no termina con la leyenda del ratoncito P\u00e9rez y teteras."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm here today to start a revolution.","es":"Hoy estoy aqu\u00ed para empezar una revoluci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so I decided that I should probably write my own TED Talk, and so that is what I am here to do.","es":"Por eso decid\u00ed escribir mi propia charla TED, y es lo que estoy haciendo aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"It was in the run up to the Iraq War and during two election cycles.","es":"Fue en el periodo previo a la guerra de Irak, y durante dos ciclos electorales."} {"gender":"female","en":"Tip one: know your superpowers.","es":"Consejo uno: conoce tus superpoderes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It depends on imported water for almost 60 percent of its water needs.","es":"Depende de la importaci\u00f3n de agua para el 60 % de sus necesidades de agua."} {"gender":"male","en":"It doesn't work like that.","es":"No funciona as\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here, the robot is not only solving the problem of how to go from point A to point B in this map, but it's figuring out what the best point B is at every time.","es":"Aqu\u00ed, el robot no s\u00f3lo resuelve el problema de c\u00f3mo ir del punto A al punto B en este mapa, sino que averigua cu\u00e1l es el mejor punto B en cada momento."} {"gender":"male","en":"Computers: you can look at a more or less parallel time line, happening of course a bit later.","es":"Computadores, se puede ver una l\u00ednea de tiempo m\u00e1s o menos paralela, sucediendo por supuesto un poco m\u00e1s tarde."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's fatal.","es":"Es mortal."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The age of the 3,000 mile Caesar salad is coming to an end.","es":"La era de la ensalada C\u00e9sar cutlivada a 5,000 kil\u00f3metros est\u00e1 llegando a su fin."} {"gender":"female","en":"So if we were to take a drop of seawater from each of these samples and put it under the microscope, this is what the bacteria and viral communities would look like.","es":"Si tomamos una gota de agua de mar de cada una de estas muestras y la ponemos bajo el microscopio, as\u00ed es como se ven las comunidades de bacterias y de virus."} {"gender":"male","en":"For example, we have shown that by adding only a small percent of nanocellulose into cotton fibers, the same as my shirt is made of, it increases its strength dramatically.","es":"Por ejemplo, hemos demostrado que mediante la adici\u00f3n de un peque\u00f1o porcentaje de nanocelulosa en fibras de algod\u00f3n, como la camisa que llevo, su resistencia aumenta dr\u00e1sticamente."} {"gender":"female","en":"During the First Intifada, whole sectors of the Palestinian civilian population mobilized, cutting across generations, factions and class lines.","es":"Durante la primera Intifada, sectores enteros de la poblaci\u00f3n civil palestina se movilizaron, a trav\u00e9s de generaciones, facciones y clases."} {"gender":"female","en":"Not only do they suppress the dopamine circuit, but they kill the sex drive.","es":"No s\u00f3lo suprime el circuito de la dopamina, sino que mata el deseo sexual."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"A man, an old man, fell asleep, and his quilt dropped in a pan of fire that kept him warm.","es":"Un hombre, un anciano, se qued\u00f3 dormido, y su edred\u00f3n cay\u00f3 en un brasero que lo manten\u00eda caliente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Being up at the top means that you're enjoying a high income in retirement.","es":"Si est\u00e1s en la cima es porque gozas de altos ingresos para la jubilaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Our creativity has created works of arts and literature to express our love.","es":"Nuestra creatividad ha creado obras de arte y la literatura para expresar nuestro amor."} {"gender":"male","en":"Take note of those clock ends.","es":"Tomen nota de estos despertadores."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's in the museum in North Carolina.","es":"Est\u00e1 en el museo de Carolina del Norte."} {"gender":"female","en":"I told Emma the time to start picking your family is now.","es":"Le dije a Emma que el tiempo para elegir su familia hab\u00eda llegado."} {"gender":"female","en":"Learn to forgive others.","es":"Aprende a perdonar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Perhaps most importantly, I'm positive that there are things out there that we've never seen that we may never be able to see and that we haven't even imagined, things that we'll only discover by listening.","es":"Tal vez lo m\u00e1s importante, estoy seguro de que hay cosas por ah\u00ed que nunca hemos visto que es posible que nunca podamos ver y que ni siquiera hemos imaginado. Cosas que solo se descubrir\u00e1n escuchando."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a little Bangladeshi girl from the east end of London who's got a huge malignant tumor on the right side of her face, which has already made her blind and which is rapidly growing and is going to kill her shortly.","es":"Esta es una ni\u00f1a banglades\u00ed del extremo este de Londres que ten\u00eda un tumor maligno enorme en el lado derecho del rostro que casi la ha dejado ciega que estaba creciendo r\u00e1pidamente y la iba a matar en breve."} {"gender":"male","en":"Compassion helps him turn away from the feeling of his suffering as the most absolute, most terrible suffering anyone has ever had and broadens his awareness of the sufferings of others, even of the perpetrators of his misery and the whole mass of beings.","es":"La compasi\u00f3n lo ayuda a alejarse de la sensaci\u00f3n de que su sufrimiento es el m\u00e1s absoluto, y terrible que alguien haya tenido y ampl\u00eda su percepci\u00f3n del sufrimiento de otros, incluso de aquellos culpables de su miseria y el de todas las criaturas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that was the job of the journalist. It was filtering all this stuff.","es":"Ese fue el trabajo del periodista; filtrar todo ese material."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's going to be a 10 percent chance you get a pretty good item.","es":"Va a haber un 10% de probabilidad de que consigas algo bastante bueno."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In the context of effective learning, one of the things people talk about is hands-on learning.","es":"En el contexto de un aprendizaje efectivo, una de las cosas de las que se habla es del aprendizaje pr\u00e1ctico."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"After all, what constitutes a world leader?","es":"Despu\u00e9s de todo, \u00bfqu\u00e9 te convierte en l\u00edder mundial?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's actually beautiful.","es":"Es realmente hermoso."} {"gender":"female","en":"So here we are in one part of the world, a time of joy, excitement, dreaming of the future of that child, while in another world, parents are filled with dread, not daring to dream of a future for their child beyond a few precious weeks.","es":"Aqu\u00ed, sin embargo, en otra parte del mundo, es un momento feliz, emocionante, lleno de sue\u00f1os para el futuro de este ni\u00f1o, mientras que en otro mundo, los padres est\u00e1n atemorizados y no se atreven a so\u00f1ar con un futuro para su hijo m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de unas pocas preciosas semanas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Former Eastern Bloc countries and sub-Saharan African countries rank higher than us as far as quality and value.","es":"El ex bloque del este y el \u00c1frica subsahariana est\u00e1n m\u00e1s alto que nosotros en cuanto a calidad y valor."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I, as a solar physicist, I have a tremendous chance to study these solar storms.","es":"Y yo, como f\u00edsica solar, tengo la oportunidad incre\u00edble de estudiar esas tormentas solares."} {"gender":"male","en":"Self-organization is why the AIDS virus is spreading so fast.","es":"La auto-organizaci\u00f3n es la raz\u00f3n por la cual el SIDA se esparce tan r\u00e1pido."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I thought that this richness belonged to tropical seas, and that the Mediterranean was a naturally poor sea.","es":"Y pensaba que esa riqueza pertenec\u00eda a los mares tropicales y que el Mediterr\u00e1neo era un mar pobre por naturaleza."} {"gender":"female","en":"So we're using these kinds of interfaces to allow people to use the robots without knowing what robot they're using, or even if they're using a robot or not. What the robots give you, what they give the experts, is data.","es":"As\u00ed que estamos usando este tipo de interfaces que permiten a la gente usar los robots sin saber qu\u00e9 robot est\u00e1n usando, o incluso si est\u00e1n usando un robot o no. Lo robots ofrecen datos a los expertos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And they said, \"Me?","es":"Y ellos dijeron: \"\u00bfYo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"The classic one that's been used for years is a horizontal bar. I mean, this goes back to pre-computer versions of this on ledgers, where people would fill in a horizontal bar from left to right to show how much of a task they had completed at a factory.","es":"La barra cl\u00e1sica que se ha utilizado durante a\u00f1os es horizontal y es la versi\u00f3n que se usaba antes de las computadoras, en libros de contabilidad, donde se rellenaba una barra horizontal de izquierda a derecha para indicar qu\u00e9 parte de una tarea se hab\u00eda completado en una f\u00e1brica."} {"gender":"female","en":"So when I first set out to work on task allocation, my first question was, \"What's the relationship between the ants doing different tasks?","es":"As\u00ed que, cuando empec\u00e9 a trabajar en la asignaci\u00f3n de tareas, mi primera pregunta fue, \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la relaci\u00f3n entre las hormigas haciendo diferentes tareas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"The other option we could choose was to develop the systems of communication that would allow us to share ideas and to cooperate amongst others.","es":"La otra opci\u00f3n que pod\u00edamos elegir era desarrollar los sistemas de comunicaci\u00f3n que nos permitir\u00edan compartir ideas y cooperar con otros."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So now, we love cooperation.","es":"Nos encanta la cooperaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then next we have to provide training, capacity building.","es":"Y luego tenemos que dar entrenamiento, fomentar la capacitaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"There comes a moment, it's like a tipping point or a threshold, when you get tired of feeling afraid, when you get tired of feeling anxious.","es":"Llega un momento --es un punto de inflexi\u00f3n o un umbral-- en el que te cansas de tener miedo, te cansas de sentirte angustiado."} {"gender":"male","en":"So our next question then was, how are they doing this?","es":"As\u00ed que nuestra siguiente pregunta fue: \u00bfC\u00f3mo lo hacen?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And the reference to the iPod as iconic, and in a way evocative of performance, delivery, quite interesting that the beginning of the year 2007, the Financial Times commented that the Detroit companies envy the halo effect that Toyota has gained from the Prius as the hybrid, energy-conscious vehicle, which rivals the iPod as an iconic product.","es":"Y la referencia al iPod como una forma simb\u00f3lica y de alguna manera evocadora de desempe\u00f1o, de entrega. Es interesante que a comienzos de 2007, el Financial Times coment\u00f3 que las compa\u00f1\u00edas de Detroit envidiaban el efecto de halo que Toyota hab\u00eda ganado desde el Prius, el auto h\u00edbrido, ahorrador de energ\u00eda, as\u00ed como los rivales del iPod como un producto ic\u00f3nico."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They would go into towns and ask the Inca, \"Where's another civilization we can conquer?","es":"Ellos iban a los pueblos y preguntaban a los incas, \"\u00bfD\u00f3nde hay otra civilizaci\u00f3n que podamos conquistar?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Forget about pensions.","es":"Olv\u00eddense de las pensiones."} {"gender":"male","en":"Most of the comments are not \"Thank you.\"","es":"La mayor\u00eda de los comentarios no son \"Gracias\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"It is new media created from old media.","es":"Son medios nuevos creados a partir de los viejos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When you factor in population growth, it's clear that the mobility model that we have today simply will not work tomorrow.","es":"Cuando se toma en cuenta el crecimiento demogr\u00e1fico, queda claro que el modelo de tr\u00e1nsito de hoy simplemente no va a funcionar ma\u00f1ana."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, I thought complexity was attacking me suddenly, so I thought, \"Ah, simplicity. Very important.\"","es":"Por lo que pens\u00e9 que la complejidad me estaba atacando repentinamente, y pens\u00e9, \"Ah, la simplicidad, muy importante\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And their voices hold value and currency.","es":"Y sus voces tienen valor y peso."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you look inside that beaker, you might see a candle.","es":"Si observan, dentro de ese recipiente podr\u00e1n ver una vela."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was having a chat in a WeChat chatroom with my friends.","es":"Estaba chateando en una sala de chat de WeChat con mis amigos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You can spend a lot of time, trust me, looking at different objects and understanding where they come from.","es":"Pueden pasar mucho tiempo, de verdad, mirando diferentes objetos y entiendo de d\u00f3nde vienen."} {"gender":"female","en":"This includes not treating pregnant women like community property.","es":"Esto incluye no tratar a las embarazadas como propiedad comunal."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They don't have the frontal cortex.","es":"No tienen la corteza frontal."} {"gender":"female","en":"I did radio interviews and they asked.","es":"Me entrevistaron en la radio y lo preguntaron."} {"gender":"female","en":"And a lot of times, even kids nowadays, they'll make reference to a theremin by going, \"Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo,\" because in the '50s it was used in the sci-fi horror movies, that sound that's like","es":"Y muchas veces los ni\u00f1os de hoy se refieren al therem\u00edn haciendo juu-ooh-ooh-ooh, porque en los '50s se usaba en las pel\u00edculas de ciencia ficci\u00f3n de terror ese sonido"} {"gender":"male","en":"I have become myself known.","es":"Me ha ayudado a ser reconocido."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can obviously look at objects in the Guggenheim Museum, you can obviously get into them and so on and so forth. There's a lot of information here.","es":"Se pueden observar objetos en el Museo Guggenheim, se puede entrar en ellos etc., etc. Hay mucha informaci\u00f3n aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's not just like anywhere.","es":"No es igual que cualquier lugar."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's sort of interesting to trace what is going to happen to people who move to California in the hope of getting happier.","es":"Y es interesante descubrir lo que le sucede a las personas que se mudan a California con la esperanza de ser m\u00e1s felices."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was just looking at it. And I'm telling you, It's a beautiful thing.","es":"La estaba observando les digo, hay yo es una cosa preciosa."} {"gender":"female","en":"The thing to watch for as a global philanthropy industry comes about, and that's exactly what is happening, is how the aspiration is to flip these old assumptions, for philanthropy to become open and big and fast and connected, in service of the long term.","es":"Lo que hay que buscar cuando la filantrop\u00eda global se desarrolla, y esto es exactamente lo que est\u00e1 pasando, de como la aspiraci\u00f3n es la de cambiar esas viejas suposiciones. Para que la filantrop\u00eda se vuelva abierta y grande y r\u00e1pida y conectada, en servicio por largo tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I made up my mind at that moment that classical music is for everybody.","es":"Por eso decid\u00ed en ese momento que la m\u00fasica cl\u00e1sica es para todos."} {"gender":"male","en":"But there's no doubt that we live in a shrinking world, and that the media has largely been slow to wake up to this.","es":"Pero no cabe duda que vivimos en un mundo cada vez m\u00e1s peque\u00f1o y a los medios hacen frente a esta realidad a un ritmo muy lento."} {"gender":"female","en":"And out of the woodworks, all of these people come out and they start to give chase.","es":"Y, de la nada, aparece toda esta gente que empieza a perseguirlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Africans use protests to challenge both dictators as well as power cuts.","es":"Utilizan las protestas para desafiar tanto a los dictadores como tambi\u00e9n los cortes de luz."} {"gender":"male","en":"In 2007, I was doing a research fellowship at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum looking at bioluminous organisms in the oean.","es":"En 2007, yo estaba haciendo una beca de investigaci\u00f3n en el Museo Smithsoniano de Historia Natural mirando organismos bioluminosos del mar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"More than 2,000 years ago, the Stoics were reminding us it's not our experience that makes our lives, it's what we do with it.","es":"Hace m\u00e1s de 200 a\u00f1os, los estoicos nos recordaban que no es la experiencia lo que hace nuestra vida, sino lo que hacemos con ella."} {"gender":"male","en":"So as a photographer, I wanted to explore what this problem really looks like.","es":"Como fot\u00f3grafo, realmente quer\u00eda explorar el aspecto de este problema."} {"gender":"male","en":"I found a long, flowing coat on eBay.","es":"Encontr\u00e9 un abrigo largo en eBay."} {"gender":"male","en":"And because the YouTube page is set up so that the page in which I'm talking to you is on the exact, the place where I'm talking to you is on the exact same page as your comments, you are participating in a live and real and active way in the conversation.","es":"Y como YouTube est\u00e1 configurado para estar con los comentarios en el exacto punto donde yo estoy hablando con usted a sus comentarios, Uno participa de una manera viva, real y activa en la conversaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Finally, when your girl is, let's say, on her bike on the top of the steep hill that she insists she's too scared to go down, guide her to access her bravery.","es":"Por \u00faltimo, cuando su ni\u00f1a est\u00e9, digamos, en su bicicleta en una colina empinada e insista en que tiene mucho miedo para bajarla, gu\u00edenla para usar su valent\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the minute they left the room, she was on her feet, moving to the music.","es":"Y en el momento en que salieron Gillian se par\u00f3 y comenz\u00f3 a moverse al ritmo de la m\u00fasica."} {"gender":"male","en":"You get one of these ballot forms at random, and then you go into the voting booth, and you mark your choices, and you tear along a perforation.","es":"Uno recibe un formulario de votaci\u00f3n al azar, y luego entra en la sala de votaci\u00f3n, marca sus preferencias, y corta por el troquelado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In the design of our commodity exchange in Ethiopia, we've done something rather unique, which is to take the approach of an integrated perspective, or what we call the ECX Edge.","es":"En el dise\u00f1o de nuestro intercambio de materias primas en Etiop\u00eda, hemos hecho algo bien \u00fanico, hemos decidido abordar la situaci\u00f3n desde una perspectiva integrada, desde lo que llamamos el Borde ECX."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, what happened?","es":"Bueno, \u00bfqu\u00e9 ocurri\u00f3?"} {"gender":"male","en":"That what we are living in is a century of idea diffusion.","es":"Que lo que estamos viviendo es un siglo de difusi\u00f3n de ideas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I think I understand, we hate Big Pharma.","es":"Bueno, creo que entiendo, odiamos a las Grandes Farmac\u00e9uticas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, half as much grain is half as much useful, but half a baby or half a computer is less useful than a whole baby or a whole computer, and we've been trying to make computers that work that way.","es":"As\u00ed, la mitad de la cantidad de grano es la mitad de \u00fatil pero medio beb\u00e9 o media computadora es mucho menos \u00fatil que un beb\u00e9 completo o una computadora completa, y hemos estado tratando de hacer computadoras que trabajen de esa forma."} {"gender":"male","en":"Tortured to death.","es":"Torturado a muerte."} {"gender":"male","en":"So this is an auto-free street, mixed use along the edge.","es":"Esta es una calle peatonal con usos mixtos en cada lado."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, perhaps you are thinking I was a little harsh with her, so I must tell you that I was speaking out of my own experience.","es":"Tal vez est\u00e9n pensando que fui un poco dura con ella, as\u00ed que debo decirles que estaba hablando desde mi experiencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"But what we see is pretty identical.","es":"Pero lo que vemos es id\u00e9ntico."} {"gender":"male","en":"The fact that patients like Robin are going to these clinics, are going to these dispensaries and getting that sort of personalized attention and education and service, really should be a wake-up call to the healthcare system.","es":"El que pacientes como Robin vayan a estas cl\u00ednicas, o a esos dispensarios y tengan esa atenci\u00f3n personalizada, educaci\u00f3n y servicio, deber\u00eda ser una llamada de atenci\u00f3n para el sistema de atenci\u00f3n m\u00e9dica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"A coil is a piece of wire wrapped onto itself.","es":"Una bobina es un trozo de cable enrollado sobre s\u00ed misma."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is fantastic.","es":"Esto es fant\u00e1stico."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, for four years, I knew nobody in this space, and I didn't even know it existed, that people could do this stuff, that you could have movements like this.","es":"Desde hace 4 a\u00f1os, no conoc\u00eda a nadie en este espacio, y ni siquiera sab\u00eda que exist\u00eda, que la gente pudiera hacer estas cosas, que uno podr\u00eda tener movimientos como este."} {"gender":"male","en":"But those surveillance features come at a cost.","es":"Pero esa vigilancia tiene un costo."} {"gender":"female","en":"So we changed these houses into people.","es":"As\u00ed que cambiamos esas casas por personas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, marketing has done a very, very good job of creating opportunities for impulse buying.","es":"Ahora, la mercadotecnia ha hecho un muy muy buen trabajo al crear oportunidades para comprar impulsivamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"So so I did a spot on CNN the other day where I actually spent more time in makeup than I did talking on air.","es":"Entonces el otro d\u00eda estuve en CNN y pas\u00e9 m\u00e1s tiempo en maquillaje que hablando en el aire."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So that must have come from the shark.","es":"As\u00ed que pens\u00e9 que proven\u00eda del tibur\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Today, I'm inspired by these changes, and I'm excited that at the World Bank, we are embracing these new directions, a significant departure from my work in Uganda 20 years ago.","es":"Hoy, estoy inspirado por esos cambios y me emociona que en el Banco Mundial estemos adoptando estas nuevas orientaciones, un importante punto de partida desde mi trabajo en Uganda hace 20 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"The Million Signatures Campaign of women inside Burma working together to change human rights, to bring democracy to that country.","es":"La Campa\u00f1a del Mill\u00f3n de Firmas de las mujeres en Birmania trabajando juntas para cambiar los derechos humanos, para llevar la democracia al pa\u00eds."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was nine years old, I loved kicking around a soccer ball, and I was a total math and science geek.","es":"Ten\u00eda 9 a\u00f1os. Me encantaba pegar patadas al bal\u00f3n, y era un friki de las matem\u00e1ticas y la ciencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"Think about it.","es":"Pi\u00e9nsenlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And something changes for Tony.","es":"Y algo cambia para Tony."} {"gender":"male","en":"In the early 2000s, Arabs were flooding the web.","es":"A principios de este siglo, los \u00e1rabes inundaban la red."} {"gender":"female","en":"But what really interests me, especially nowadays and because of what's happening politically around the world, is the language that's used, the narrative, the discourse, the images, the actual words.","es":"Pero lo que realmente me interesa, especialmente hoy en d\u00eda y por lo que est\u00e1 pasando pol\u00edticamente en todo el mundo, es el lenguaje empleado, la narrativa, el discurso, las im\u00e1genes, las palabras reales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If that is indeed true, biologically are there implications in the world of rejuvenation?","es":"De ser eso verdad, biol\u00f3gicamente \u00bfhay implicaciones en el mundo del rejuvenecimiento?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Extra hard land, right?","es":"Extremadura significa tierra dura, \u00bfno?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And thus, the Rosetta mission was approved in 1993, and originally it was supposed to be launched in 2003, but a problem arose with an Ariane rocket.","es":"Y fue as\u00ed como la misi\u00f3n Rosetta fue aprobada en 1993, con fecha esperada de lanzamiento en 2003, hasta que surgi\u00f3 un problema con un cohete Ariane."} {"gender":"male","en":"I wish he could do this with a revision, a Mark 2 version of his book. \"The truth will set you free.\" That's what it says in the Bible, and it's something that I want to live by, too.","es":"Me gustar\u00eda que el autor hiciera una revisi\u00f3n, algo como la versi\u00f3n 2.0 \"La verdad los har\u00e1 libres\" eso es lo que dice en la Biblia y a mi tambi\u00e9n me gustar\u00eda vivir de ese modo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I failed to do this.","es":"No lo logr\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"When you get math involved, problems that you solve for aesthetic value only, or to create something beautiful, turn around and turn out to have an application in the real world.","es":"Cuando uno involucra a la matem\u00e1tica, los problemas que soluciona s\u00f3lo por valor est\u00e9tico o para crear algo bello pega un giro y salta hacia una aplicaci\u00f3n del mundo real."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what then distinguishes the Israeli\/Palestinian conflict from that in Northern Ireland, or the civil war in Sudan from that in Liberia?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfqu\u00e9 diferencia hay entre el conflicto israel\u00ed-palestino y el de Irlanda del Norte o entre la guerra civil de Sud\u00e1n y la de Liberia?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Pharaoh had his slaves move millions of blocks just to this site to erect a big freaking headstone.","es":"El fara\u00f3n ten\u00eda esclavos que mov\u00edan millones de bloques hasta este sitio para erigir esta bendita l\u00e1pida."} {"gender":"female","en":"The first is don't assume bad intent.","es":"El primero es no asumir malas intenciones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They haven't seen anything, OK, but it puts limits on what the mass and the interaction strength of these dark matter particles are.","es":"No han detectado nada, bien, pero eso pone l\u00edmites a la masa y a la fuerza de interacci\u00f3n que tiene la materia oscura."} {"gender":"male","en":"A fish farm, but also a bird sanctuary.","es":"Un criadero de peces, pero tambien un santuario de p\u00e1jaros."} {"gender":"male","en":"You know, Cameron Sinclair yesterday said, \"How do I get everyone to collaborate on design globally to do housing for humanity?\"","es":"Saben, Cameron Sinclair ayer dijo, \"\u00bfC\u00f3mo puedo hacer que todos colaboren en dise\u00f1ar globalmente para hacer residencias para la humanidad?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And right now, we're focusing very closely on how we engage with the City of New York on really transforming the overall ecosystem in an integrated way.","es":"En estos momentos nos concentramos en el modo de relacionarnos con Nueva York para transformar el ecosistema de manera integrada."} {"gender":"male","en":"We'll see, but what you're seeing now is people moving much more quickly.","es":"Ya veremos, pero ahora la gente act\u00faa con mayor rapidez."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it's an approach that we call the in vivo bioreactor, and we were able to make enormous amounts of bone using this approach.","es":"Es un m\u00e9todo que llamamos el \"biorreactor in vivo\" y pudimos crear enormes cantidades de hueso usando este m\u00e9todo."} {"gender":"male","en":"There is no method.","es":"No hay un m\u00e9todo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Where you are sitting now would be under water.","es":"Donde est\u00e1n sentados ahora estar\u00eda bajo el agua."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what's wrong?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfqu\u00e9 es lo que est\u00e1 mal?"} {"gender":"male","en":"The overlong ears, the overlarge feet, helps us to picture, to feel intuitively, what it means to limp and to tremble. So in these few minutes, I hope I've been able to share a little bit of my vision of things and to show you that words can have colors and emotions, numbers, shapes and personalities.","es":"Las orejas tan largas los pies alargados nos ayudan a imaginar, a sentir de manera intuitiva, qu\u00e9 significa 'cojear' y 'temblar'. As\u00ed que en estos pocos minutos, espero haber podido compartir un poco de mi visi\u00f3n de las cosas y mostrarles que las palabras pueden tener colores y emociones, n\u00fameros, formas y personalidades."} {"gender":"male","en":"But institutional investors are the x-factor in sustainability.","es":"Pero los inversores institucionales son absolutamente claves para la sustentabilidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's such a fatalistic adage.","es":"Es un adagio fatalista."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The horrifying images from Abu Ghraib as well as the images from Guantanamo had a profound impact.","es":"Las horribles im\u00e1genes de Abu Ghraib, al igual que las de Guant\u00e1namo, tuvieron un impacto profundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"So just for reference, again, in this location, that river changed its course over four miles over the course of a season or two.","es":"Solo por referencia, de nuevo, en esta ubicaci\u00f3n, ese r\u00edo cambia su curso en 7 km en el transcurso de una temporada o dos."} {"gender":"male","en":"In generations.","es":"En generaciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"The city became so concerned about this that they recently constructed a new drinking water intake structure that they referred to as the \"Third Straw\" to pull water out of the greater depths of the lake.","es":"La ciudad lleg\u00f3 a estar tan preocupada por esto que recientemente construyeron una nueva estructura de toma de agua potable que se conoce como la \"Tercer paja\" para extraer agua de las profundidades del lago."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's the equivalent of 60 nuclear plants the size of Diablo Canyon, California's last nuclear plant, or 900 solar farms the size of Topaz, which is one of the biggest solar farms in the world, and certainly our biggest in California.","es":"Es el equivalente de 60 plantas nucleares del tama\u00f1o de Diablo Canyon, la \u00faltima central nuclear de California, o 900 parques solares del tama\u00f1o de Topaz, uno de los parques solares m\u00e1s grandes del mundo, y sin duda el mayor en California."} {"gender":"female","en":"I couldn't look at anybody.","es":"No pod\u00eda ver a nadie."} {"gender":"male","en":"KB: OK. Now, Steve, I'm going to stand in front of the table, When I stand in front of the table, I want you to put the cups on the plinths, in any order you want, and then mix them all up, so nobody has any idea where the spike is, all right?","es":"KB: Bien, ahora Steve, voy a parar frente a la mesa, cuando me pare frente a la mesa, quiero que pongas estos vasos sobre los plintos, as\u00ed, en el orden que quieras y que los revuelvas tal que nadie sepa donde qued\u00f3 el de la estaca, \u00bfbien?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And Odysseus does his best job playacting and says, \"Untie me.","es":"Luego Odiseo juega su papel y dice, \"Des\u00e1tenme."} {"gender":"male","en":"So apart from the shock of my mom discovering that she was a 3D printer, I immediately got mesmerized by that piece, the first one, the information.","es":"Aparte de la conmoci\u00f3n de mi madre al descubrir que era una impresora 3D, inmediatamente me qued\u00e9 hipnotizado por esa parte, la primera, la informaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"She leaves her field, sometimes leaves her children, and it's not there.","es":"Ella sale de su campo, a veces dejando solos a sus hijos, y no hay inyecciones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We need to do a much better job valuing these people as opposed to writing them off early, and saying, \"Eh, kind of prickly, must be a selfish taker.\"","es":"Tenemos que valorar mucho mejor a estas personas en lugar de tacharlos como tal de inmediato y decir: \"Es una persona un poco dif\u00edcil seguro es un oportunista ego\u00edsta\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It doesn't really matter if you're in the north, the south, the east, the west.","es":"En realidad no importa si est\u00e1n en el norte, en el sur, el este, el oeste."} {"gender":"female","en":"We also then went to look at what are these molecules. These were the red triangles on my slides before.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n exploramos, entonces, lo que son estas mol\u00e9culas, estos eran los tri\u00e1ngulos rojos en mis diapositivas de antes."} {"gender":"male","en":"The Apple, Macintosh just came out; I had a Mac in hand when I went to MIT.","es":"La Apple Macintosh hab\u00eda salido al mercado; Y yo ten\u00eda una Mac a mano cuando fui al MIT."} {"gender":"female","en":"Then maybe think about the questions you want to ask your relatives, set up appointments to interview them.","es":"Quiz\u00e1s pensar en las preguntas que quieran hacer a sus familiares, hacer citas para entrevistarlos."} {"gender":"female","en":"A single workout that you do will immediately increase levels of neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin and noradrenaline.","es":"Un solo ejercicio que uno realiza aumentar\u00e1 inmediatamente los niveles de neurotransmisores, como la dopamina, serotonina, y noradrenalina."} {"gender":"male","en":"But the real question is, what will become of these kids later?","es":"Pero la pregunta real es: \u00bfQu\u00e9 pasar\u00e1 despu\u00e9s con estos chicos?"} {"gender":"female","en":"SW: Big finish.","es":"SW: Gran final."} {"gender":"male","en":"They asked people, \"Did you donate money to charity recently?\" and, \"How happy are you with life in general?\"","es":"Preguntaron: \u201c\u00bfHa donado dinero para obras de caridad \u00faltimamente? \u00bfQu\u00e9 tan feliz es en su vida en general?\u201d"} {"gender":"male","en":"These principles of human nature have been with us forever.","es":"Estos principios de la naturaleza humana han estado con nosotros siempre."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is Colonel Picquart.","es":"Este es el Coronel Picquart."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But rotation was not enough, because we needed a form.","es":"Pero la rotaci\u00f3n no era suficiente, porque necesit\u00e1bamos una forma."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"How do you find a dinosaur?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo encontrar un dinosaurio?"} {"gender":"male","en":"One of them is from Mr. Einstein, and he says, \"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.\"","es":"Uno es del Sr. Einstein. \u00c9l dice: \"Todo deber\u00eda hacerse tan simple como sea posible, pero no m\u00e1s simple que eso\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"People knew my name, like, And sometimes I had to step back and just chill, and, like, take everything in.","es":"La gente sab\u00eda mi nombre Y a veces ten\u00eda que detenerme, y solo relajarme, y asimilar todo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Surely that makes it a price worth paying.","es":"Seguramente es un precio que vale la pena pagar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Imagine, as I shake the ketchup bottle, someone very kindly comes up to me and taps it on the back for me.","es":"Imaginen si mientras agito la botella de ketchup, alguien se acerca muy amablemente y la golpetea."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, many of the problems that children with autism face, they have a common source, and that source is that they find it difficult to understand abstraction, symbolism.","es":"Muchos de los problemas que padecen los ni\u00f1os autistas tienen un mismo origen, que consiste en que tienen dificultades para entender la abstracci\u00f3n, el simbolismo."} {"gender":"male","en":"When I was a kid, they cut my hair, wiped my nose, tied my shoes.","es":"Cuando era ni\u00f1o, cortaba mi cabello, me limpiaba la nariz, amarraba mis zapatos."} {"gender":"male","en":"But we need new models to think about medicine in the future.","es":"Pero necesitamos nuevos modelos para abordar la medicina en el futuro."} {"gender":"female","en":"And you get him turned on, then you'll learn all the new stuff.","es":"Lo tiene enganchado, entonces aprender\u00e1 todo lo nuevo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, many of us probably think, well, one email, there's nothing in there, right?","es":"Muchos pensamos que probablemente, no hay nada en un email, \u00bfverdad?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Number two: is the website screaming at you that everything is 100 percent genuine, but still giving you 75 percent off the latest collection?","es":"N\u00famero dos: \u00bfEl sitio le est\u00e1 diciendo que todo es 100 % genuino y as\u00ed y todo le da 75 % de descuento en la \u00faltima colecci\u00f3n?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We've looked other places, maybe not as hard as we should or we could, but we've looked and haven't found any; Earth is the only place we know of with life.","es":"Hemos visto otros lugares, quiz\u00e1 no tanto como deber\u00edamos o podr\u00edamos, pero hemos buscado y sin encontrar nada; La Tierra es el \u00fanico lugar donde sabemos que hay vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"What Singapore teaches us is not just the importance of continuity, but also the critical role of autonomy and discretion.","es":"Singapur nos ense\u00f1a la importancia de la continuidad y el rol cr\u00edtico de la autonom\u00eda y de la discreci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"There is a girl who I met 14 years ago in Afghanistan who I have adopted as my daughter because her mother was killed.","es":"Hay una chica a quien conoc\u00ed hace 14 a\u00f1os en Afganist\u00e1n a quien adopt\u00e9 como mi hija porque su madre fue asesinada."} {"gender":"male","en":"I then got this email from YouTube weirdly notifying me that there was content in that owned by the mysterious WMG that matched their content ID.","es":"Luego recib\u00ed un email de YouTube diciendo de modo extra\u00f1o que all\u00ed hab\u00eda contenido propiedad de la misteriosa WMG que coincid\u00eda con su ID de contenido."} {"gender":"male","en":"Immediately after that vote, on February 21st to the 24th, a delegation of about 30 Hondurans went to the two places in the world that are most interested in getting into the city building business.","es":"Inmediatamente despu\u00e9s de la votaci\u00f3n, del 21 al 24 de febrero, una delegaci\u00f3n de unos 30 hondure\u00f1os fue a los dos lugares en el mundo que est\u00e1n m\u00e1s interesados \u200b\u200ben participar en la construcci\u00f3n de ciudades."} {"gender":"male","en":"What I'm going to show you is, I'm gonna stick my arm into it and I will show you how quickly they will bite.","es":"Les mostrar\u00e9 que voy a meter mi brazo y ver\u00e1n c\u00f3mo r\u00e1pidamente me pican."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You're going to live.","es":"Vas a vivir."} {"gender":"female","en":"Everyone's upset.","es":"Todos estaban molestos."} {"gender":"female","en":"They call it risky play, and studies show that risky play is really important for kids, all kids, because it teaches hazard assessment, it teaches delayed gratification, it teaches resilience, it teaches confidence.","es":"Lo llaman el juego arriesgado, y los estudios muestran que el juego arriesgado es muy importante para todos los ni\u00f1os, porque ense\u00f1a a evaluar el peligro, ense\u00f1a la gratificaci\u00f3n retrasada, ense\u00f1a la resiliencia, ense\u00f1a a confiar en s\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"As I set out to understand depression, and to interview people who had experienced it, I found that there were people who seemed, on the surface, to have what sounded like relatively mild depression who were nonetheless utterly disabled by it.","es":"Cuando empec\u00e9 a tratar de entender la depresi\u00f3n y a entrevistar a personas que la hab\u00edan padecido, vi que algunos que, a primera vista, parec\u00edan tener algo similar a una depresi\u00f3n relativamente leve, terminaban completamente incapacitados por la depresi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"The technology is being further developed, the cost has to be brought down.","es":"La tecnolog\u00eda est\u00e1 siendo desarrollada, el costo debe ser reducido."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's amazing, if it's true.","es":"Es incre\u00edble, si es verdad."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think the only point of similarity between us is we both like to talk about ourselves.","es":"Creo que en lo \u00fanico que nos parec\u00edamos era en que a ambos nos gustaba hablar de nosotros mismos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And although they vary enormously in scale, maturity and purpose, when we dived into them, we realized that they could actually be organized into three clear systems.","es":"Y aunque difieren enormemente en escala, madurez y prop\u00f3sito, cuando los analizamos de lleno nos dimos cuenta que pod\u00edan organizarse en 3 claros sistemas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, a year and a half after that, we were non-cruise ship traveling through Petra, Jordan, when he got down on his knee and proposed.","es":"Un a\u00f1o y medio despu\u00e9s, est\u00e1bamos en un viaje sin crucero por Petra, en Jordania, cuando se arrodill\u00f3 y se me declar\u00f3."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the only purpose that these legs can serve, outside the context of the film, is to provoke the senses and ignite the imagination.","es":"Y el \u00fanico prop\u00f3sito que estas piernas pueden servir, fuera del contexto de la pel\u00edcula, es provocar los sentidos y encender la imaginaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"If instead you reward doctors for doing fewer procedures, they will do fewer.","es":"Si, por el contrario, uno premia a los m\u00e9dicos por atender menos atender\u00e1n menos."} {"gender":"male","en":"It extracts regions with dark contrast, which will show up on the video as red.","es":"Extrae regiones de contraste oscuro, que se mostrar\u00e1 en el v\u00eddeo como rojo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Woman: Yeah.","es":"Mujer: S\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"In some cases, there is a military victory of one side.","es":"En algunos casos hay una victoria militar de un lado."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is just the grassroots stuff again, OK?","es":"Esto es s\u00f3lo el principio, otra vez, \u00bfs\u00ed?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Not only that, we took extra measures to shoot it with a GoPro through the actual lens in the various videos that you've seen here.","es":"No solo eso, tomamos medidas adicionales para filmar con una GoPro a trav\u00e9s de la lente real en los diversos videos que acaban de ver."} {"gender":"male","en":"My son died.","es":"Mi hijo muri\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"Go up another 10 levels, and now you're at a very high level.","es":"Sube otros 10 niveles, y est\u00e1s ahora a un nivel muy alto."} {"gender":"male","en":"It would take you all day.","es":"Nos llevar\u00eda todo el d\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"So if this is the future, the Augmented Age, and we're going to be augmented cognitively, physically and perceptually, what will that look like?","es":"Si este es el futuro, la era aumentada, y aumentaremos nuestro nivel cognitivo, f\u00edsico y perceptivo, \u00bfa qu\u00e9 se parecer\u00e1?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So where do we go from here?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfa d\u00f3nde vamos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And the poem begins with a certain species of forgetfulness that someone called literary amnesia, in other words, forgetting the things that you have read.","es":"El poema empieza con un cierto tipo de olvido que algunos llaman amnesia literaria; en otras palabras: olvidarse lo que se acaba de leer."} {"gender":"male","en":"You took a pathogen, you modified it, you injected it into a person or an animal and you saw what happened.","es":"Uno tomaba un pat\u00f3geno, lo modificaba, se lo inyectaba a una persona o animal y se ve\u00eda lo que pasaba."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So we went into it.","es":"As\u00ed, nos metimos en eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I want to explain to you a little bit about how the current system works.","es":"Por eso quiero explicarles un poco c\u00f3mo funciona el sistema actual."} {"gender":"male","en":"The senses aren't fragile.","es":"Nuestros sentidos no son fr\u00e1giles."} {"gender":"male","en":"Australians, we don't mind a bit of a drink, sometimes to excess, leading to embarrassing social situations.","es":"A los australianos, no nos importa beber un poco, a veces en exceso, lo que conduce a situaciones sociales embarazosas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Even people who say they speak English, only 14 percent pass.","es":"Incluso los que dicen que hablan ingl\u00e9s, solo aprueban el 14%."} {"gender":"male","en":"The repeated psychology tests have proven that telling someone your goal makes it less likely to happen.","es":"Las repetidas pruebas psicol\u00f3gicas han demostrado que contarle a alguien nuestras metas hace menos probable que sucedan."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's a trust and an understanding and a dedication to an ideal that I simply don't have to do what I thought I had to do as a beginning teacher: control every conversation and response in the classroom.","es":"Hay confianza y comprensi\u00f3n, dedicaci\u00f3n a un ideal, de manera que no tengo que hacer lo que pens\u00e9 que tendr\u00eda que hacer cuando empec\u00e9 a ense\u00f1ar: controlar todas las conversaciones y movimientos en la clase."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"She didn't care what you thought.","es":"No le importaba lo que pensaran."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here for example is a Flamenco dancer, except there was one problem.","es":"Aqu\u00ed, por ejemplo, hay una bailarina de flamenco. Salvo que hay un problema."} {"gender":"female","en":"It was published, it went viral, it proves that every single day online misogyny is a phenomenon endured by us all, all over the world, and when it is intersectional, it is worse.","es":"Lo publicaron, fue viral, y prueba que actualmente la misoginia en internet es un fen\u00f3meno que padecemos, en todo el mundo, y cuando es intersectorial, es peor."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm not quite sure how, but it turned up in my inbox, and it was from a guy called Solomon Odonkoh.","es":"No estoy muy seguro c\u00f3mo, pero acab\u00f3 en mi bandeja de entrada y ven\u00eda de un tal Salom\u00f3n Odonkoh."} {"gender":"male","en":"So no one was saving energy, and what happened?","es":"Por eso no se ahorr\u00f3 energ\u00eda, \u00bfy qu\u00e9 ocurri\u00f3?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And so, when I went to sleep for the next 10 or 20 years, I was thinking at night, \"I want to be the first person to create a wormhole, to make things accelerate faster.","es":"Y as\u00ed, cada noche por los siguientes 10 \u00f3 20 a\u00f1os pensaba cuando me acostaba: \"Quiero ser la primera persona en crear un agujero de gusano para hacer que las cosas aceleren m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido."} {"gender":"female","en":"How is it that two regions that started off so similarly in such similar trajectories take such different paths?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo es que dos regiones que comenzaron tan similarmente en trayectorias similares emprenden caminos tan diferentes?"} {"gender":"female","en":"The other affects a child, their development, their well-being, and human beings are not to be gambled with.","es":"El otro afecta a un ni\u00f1o, su desarrollo, su bienestar y los seres humanos no deben ser una apuesta."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is Avelile, she goes with me wherever I go.","es":"Esta es Avelile. Ella va conmigo dondequiera que vaya."} {"gender":"male","en":"Reducing cost by 10,000 dollars, remember, in California the median is 50,000, this is a big element.","es":"Reducir los costos en USD 10 000, recuerden, en California la media es USD 50 000, es un elemento importante."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They severed her head, put it on top of her computer with a similar note.","es":"Le cortaron la cabeza y la pusieron en su computador con una nota parecida."} {"gender":"male","en":"My sister is a cancer survivor. My mother-in-law is a cancer survivor.","es":"Mi hermana es una sobreviviente de c\u00e1ncer. Mi suegra es una sobreviviente de c\u00e1ncer."} {"gender":"male","en":"But it's OK that even though you're not hypnotized, you will forget everything that happened.","es":"Pero est\u00e1 bien que aunque no te hipnotiz\u00e9, olvidar\u00e1s todo lo que pas\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"All right, good.","es":"Bien."} {"gender":"female","en":"I simultaneously compare variations between the gamma ray light data and the visible light data from day to day and year to year, to better localize these gamma ray blobs.","es":"Comparo simult\u00e1neamente variaciones entre los datos de la luz de rayos gamma y los datos de la luz visible de d\u00eda a d\u00eda y de a\u00f1o a a\u00f1o, para ubicar mejor esas manchas de rayos gamma."} {"gender":"male","en":"Inmates are highly adaptive.","es":"Los reclusos se adaptan muy f\u00e1cilmente."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is like, if you're familiar with any of the telepresence robots today, this is mirroring that situation.","es":"Si est\u00e1n familiarizados con algunos de los robots telepresenciales de hoy, esto es como un reflejo de esa situaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And primary visual cortex sees just simple geometry, just the simplest of shapes.","es":"La corteza visual primaria s\u00f3lo ve simple geometr\u00eda las m\u00e1s simples de las formas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's a serious option.","es":"Y es una opci\u00f3n seria."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's got really awful graphics.","es":"Tiene gr\u00e1ficos realmente horribles."} {"gender":"female","en":"IW: In our first hour and a half there, we got almost 1,000 signatures.","es":"IW: En la primera hora y media de all\u00ed, llegamos casi a las 1000 firmas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here you see them.","es":"Aqu\u00ed los ven."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the supreme interest in the common law are the rights to autonomy and self-determination.","es":"El inter\u00e9s supremo de la ley com\u00fan son los derechos a la autonom\u00eda y a la autodeterminaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Or do they just assume the ocean is just a dark, gloomy place that has nothing to offer?","es":"\u00bfO es que asumen que el oc\u00e9ano es s\u00f3lo un lugar oscuro y deprimente sin nada que ofrecer?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So, once we discovered that it was really possible that we could actually do this monitoring, we decided to move this from research, to really attempt to phase up to a global monitoring effort.","es":"Y una vez que descubrimos que s\u00ed era posible que pudi\u00e9semos hacer el monitoreo, decidimos dirigir la investigaci\u00f3n a iniciar la fase del esfuerzo de un monitoreo global."} {"gender":"male","en":"Actually, Chris, I was going to pick you for this, but instead of picking you, can you hop up here and pick a victim for this next experiment?","es":"De hecho, Chris, te iba a escoger a ti para esto, pero en vez de eso, \u00bfpuedes subir aqu\u00ed y escoger una v\u00edctima para el siguiente experimento?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I wanted to live. I thought stem cells were a good option, but they hadn't developed to a point where I could take advantage of them yet.","es":"Quer\u00eda vivir, pensaba que las c\u00e9lulas madres eran una buena opci\u00f3n, pero no estaban desarrolladas al punto en que pudiera beneficiarme de ellas todav\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I think, actually, that's already really happening.","es":"Y creo que, en realidad, eso ya est\u00e1 sucediendo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Pep Rosenfeld: Folks, you've just met Claron McFadden. She is a world-class soprano singer who studied in Rochester, New York.","es":"Presentador: Amigos, acaban de conocer a Claron McFadden Ella es una soprano de talla mundial que estudi\u00f3 en Rochester, New York."} {"gender":"female","en":"I recruited my friend Anne, and together we decided, we didn't even need to train.","es":"Reclut\u00e9 a mi amiga Anne, y juntas decidimos que, ni siquiera, necesit\u00e1bamos entrenar."} {"gender":"male","en":"The shift is away from the medical model that focuses only on the individual. The shift is toward a public health model that recognizes situational and systemic vectors of disease.","es":"El cambio es alejarse del modelo m\u00e9dico que se centra s\u00f3lo en el individuo y acercarse a un modelo de salud p\u00fablica que reconoce vectores de enfermedad situacionales y sist\u00e9micos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So if it's prom night or a wedding night or at a party or if our parents aren't home, hey, it's just batter up.","es":"As\u00ed que en un baile de graduaci\u00f3n o la noche de bodas. o en una fiesta, o si tus padres no est\u00e1n en casa, entonces, \u00a1es hora de batear!"} {"gender":"female","en":"And those 329 videos were watched and are still being watched as we sit here in this theater, a stunning almost 90 million times, and there are hundreds of thousands of comments with these videos, egging on to more violence and more hate.","es":"Y esos 329 videos alcanzaron la friolera de casi 90 millones de visualizaciones, y se siguen viendo ahora, mientras estamos en este teatro. Y esos v\u00eddeos reciben cientos de miles de comentarios, promoviendo m\u00e1s violencia y m\u00e1s odio."} {"gender":"male","en":"So with this in mind, we created a different model. We created the RIA, in Spanish, or in English, Learning and Innovation Network, which is a network of community centers that bring education through the use of technology.","es":"Entonces, con esto en mente, creamos un modelo diferente. creamos el RIA, en espa\u00f1ol, o en ingl\u00e9s, Learning and Innovation Network, que es una red de centros comunitarios para dar educaci\u00f3n a trav\u00e9s del uso de la tecnolog\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then, you might have heard of this giant clam that was discovered off the coast of northern Iceland that reached 405 years old.","es":"Entonces, pueden haber o\u00eddo de esta almeja gigante descubierta frente a las costas del norte de Islandia que lleg\u00f3 a los 405 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"That is fantastic.","es":"Eso es algo fant\u00e1stico."} {"gender":"male","en":"And those solutions are accessible in a different way to people who don't have capital.","es":"Y esas soluciones son accesibles de una forma distinta para las personas que carecen de capital."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But Deng Xiaoping instinctively understood the importance of offering choices to his people.","es":"Pero Deng Xiaoping comprendi\u00f3 instintivamente lo importante que era ofrecerle distintas opciones a la gente."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think what this is all about, this whole movement which is growing from the margins, remains quite small.","es":"Creo que todo esto, todo el movimiento que est\u00e1 creciendo desde los m\u00e1rgenes, permanece peque\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"Mrs. Young-Soon Han.","es":"La se\u00f1ora Young-Soon Han."} {"gender":"female","en":"But it wasn't always that boys didn't want to.","es":"Pero no siempre era que los chicos no quisieran."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And it's not just because we value unconventional ideas, it's because we test and validate them with scientific rigor.","es":"Y no solo porque valoramos las ideas no convencionales, sino porque las probamos y validamos con rigor cient\u00edfico."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They don't want you to feel lonely, they bring you books to read.","es":"Ellos no querr\u00e1n que se sienta solo, traer\u00e1n libros para leer."} {"gender":"male","en":"There are a bunch of other of these cognitive biases, that affect our risk decisions.","es":"Hay un mont\u00f3n de sesgos m\u00e1s, de estos sesgos cognitivos, que afectan nuestras decisiones sobre riesgos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Maybe it's time we get a toolbox that doesn't just count what's easily counted, the tangible in life, but actually counts what we most value, the things that are intangible.","es":"Quiz\u00e1 sea hora de conseguir una caja de herramientas que no s\u00f3lo cuente lo f\u00e1cil de contar, lo tangible de la vida, sino que en realidad cuente lo que m\u00e1s valoramos, las cosas que son intangibles."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, interestingly, they still sold ads for that music, if you played the silent video.","es":"Ahora, curiosamente, todav\u00eda vend\u00edan publicidad para esa m\u00fasica si uno ejecutaba el video silencioso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Money is not a goal.","es":"El dinero no es un objetivo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So it sucks up 30,000 cubic meters per hour, cleans it on the nano level, the PM2.5, PM10 particles, using very little electricity, and then releases the clean air, so we have parks, playgrounds, which are 55 to 75 percent more clean than the rest of the city.","es":"Aspira 30 000 m3 por hora, lo limpia a nivel NaNo, en contaminaci\u00f3n 2,5, contaminaci\u00f3n 10, usando muy poca electricidad, y luego libera el aire limpio. As\u00ed tenemos parques, parques infantiles que son 55 a 75 % m\u00e1s limpios que el resto de la ciudad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They love it.","es":"Les encant\u00f3."} {"gender":"female","en":"My last book was about the story behind the Shi'a-Sunni split, and for that, I'd worked closely with the earliest Islamic histories, so I knew the events to which the Koran constantly refers, its frame of reference.","es":"Mi \u00faltimo libro fue sobre la divisi\u00f3n entre sun\u00edes y chi\u00edes y para ello estudi\u00e9 las historias iniciales del Islam. As\u00ed que conoc\u00eda los eventos a los que se refiere constantemente el Cor\u00e1n, el marco de referencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"How much better would our lives be?","es":"\u00a1Cu\u00e1nto mejor ser\u00eda nuestra vida!"} {"gender":"male","en":"So three questions I'd offer you.","es":"As\u00ed que les propongo tres preguntas."} {"gender":"male","en":"But there were also some external factors: free markets, the rule of law, infrastructure.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n algunos factores externos: libre mercado, estado de derecho, infraestructura."} {"gender":"male","en":"So as I'm speaking, , the sound is getting translated into dynamic patterns of vibration.","es":"Conforme hablo el sonido se traduce en patrones din\u00e1micos de vibraci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Are those same Africans financially stable and not in need of saving?","es":"\u00bfEst\u00e1n bien econ\u00f3micamente y no necesitan que alguien los salve?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Here's an example. When earthquakes take place, massive amounts of these new microbes we've never seen before come out of the sea floor.","es":"Les doy un ejemplo: cuando sucede un terremoto enorme cantidad de nuevos microbios emergen del suelo marino."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Maybe so.","es":"Tal vez sea as\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"So that's how the idea came about.","es":"Es as\u00ed como naci\u00f3 la idea."} {"gender":"female","en":"And with this, we picture something fragile, something easily destructible, something you can rip through, perhaps like a sheet of plastic wrapping.","es":"Y con esto, nos imaginamos algo fr\u00e1gil, algo f\u00e1cilmente destructible, algo que se puede atravesar, tal vez como una hoja de pl\u00e1stico."} {"gender":"female","en":"We can be at the table or we can be on the table.","es":"Podemos estar en la mesa o podemos estar encima de esta."} {"gender":"female","en":"And in those 50 years, not only did we literally, physically set foot on the moon, but we have dispatched robotic spacecraft to all the planets, all eight of them, and we have landed on asteroids, we have rendezvoused with comets, and, at this point in time, we have a spacecraft on its way to Pluto, the body formerly known as a planet.","es":"En esos cincuenta a\u00f1os no s\u00f3lo pusimos, literalmente, un pie en la Luna, adem\u00e1s hemos enviado sondas espaciales a todos los planetas y hemos aterrizado en asteroides, hemos ido al encuentro de cometas, y en este mismo instante tenemos una nave espacial viajando hacia Plut\u00f3n, el cuerpo celeste anteriormente conocido como planeta."} {"gender":"male","en":"So these speakers are meant to emulate that.","es":"Estos altavoces se dise\u00f1aron para emular eso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But we still have to do more to get to zero.","es":"Pero a\u00fan hay que hacer m\u00e1s para llegar a cero."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Locals in Namibia, one of the most arid countries in Southern Africa, have been drinking recycled water since 1968.","es":"La gente de Namibia, uno de los pa\u00edses m\u00e1s \u00e1ridos del sur de \u00c1frica, ha bebido agua reciclada desde 1968."} {"gender":"male","en":"He says, \"No, no, no, you don't understand, I have been defending my flock against lions and wolves for years.","es":"Dice \"No, no, no, no lo entiendes, llevo protegiendo mi reba\u00f1o de leones y lobos durante a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We know that walking is the single most powerful thing that a woman can do for her health, so we knew we were on to something, because from Harriet Tubman to the women in Montgomery, when Black women walk, things change.","es":"Sabemos que el caminar es la actividad m\u00e1s poderosa que una mujer puede hacer para su salud as\u00ed que sab\u00edamos que esto era un buen comienzo, ya que desde Harriet Tubman hasta las mujeres de Montgomery que marcharon, las cosas cambian."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that's what we've been able to do now, but in three dimensions.","es":"Eso es lo que hicimos ahora, pero en tres dimensiones."} {"gender":"male","en":"Instead, we want to feed them more vegetable proteins.","es":"En cambio, quisimos darles m\u00e1s prote\u00edna vegetal."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We don't have a problem talking about truth or beauty in that sense.","es":"No tenemos problemas para hablar de la verdad o la belleza en ese sentido."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, while in India, my parents always remind me to only drink boiled or bottled water, because unlike here in America, where I can just turn on a tap and easily get clean, potable water, in India, the water is often contaminated.","es":"Mientras que en India, mis padres siempre me recuerdan beber solo agua hervida o embotellada, porque a diferencia de en EE.UU. donde puedo abrir un grifo y f\u00e1cilmente obtener agua limpia y potable, en India, el agua a menudo est\u00e1 contaminada."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And they even talked about feeling happier, even though they were in pain, even though they were tackling the toughest challenge of their lives.","es":"Incluso hablan de sentirse m\u00e1s felices, a\u00fan teniendo dolor, a\u00fan cuando est\u00e9n afrontando el mayor reto de sus vidas."} {"gender":"male","en":"There were no health claims, at least not federally sanctioned ones.","es":"No hab\u00eda afirmaciones sobre la salud, al menos no aprobadas estatalmente."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, I'm just going to grab a chair here.","es":"Entonces, voy a tomar una silla."} {"gender":"male","en":"And what I realized is I needed an expert.","es":"Me di cuenta que necesitaba un experto."} {"gender":"male","en":"But, since the age of 21, instead of seeing color, I can hear color.","es":"Pero desde los 21 a\u00f1os, en lugar de ver los colores, los puedo o\u00edr."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think that is the beauty of the experience.","es":"Creo que esa es la belleza de esta experiencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"Even when we think or talk about recycling, lots of recyclable stuff ends up getting incinerated or in landfills and leaving many municipalities, diversion rates, they leave much to be recycled.","es":"Incluso cuando pensamos o hablamos del reciclaje, muchas cosas reciclables terminan siendo incineradas o en vertederos abandonando muchos municipios, con tasas de desv\u00edo, dejando mucho para reciclar."} {"gender":"male","en":"So it's not going to be a contest between two camps, but, in between them, you'll find all sorts of interesting places that people will occupy.","es":"As\u00ed que no ser\u00e1 un concurso entre dos campamentos, pero entre ellos, se van a encontrar todo tipo de lugares interesantes que la gente ocupar\u00e1."} {"gender":"male","en":"We've been working in a temporary space for 30 years, but because of that temporary space, we've become an infamous theater company.","es":"Hemos estado trabajando en un espacio provisorio durante 30 a\u00f1os raz\u00f3n por la cual nos hemos convertido en una compa\u00f1\u00eda teatral de reputaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the result of heroic efforts over decades by teams from a variety of countries and international collaborations.","es":"Este es el resultado de esfuerzos heroicos durante d\u00e9cadas, por parte de equipos de diversos pa\u00edses y colaboraciones internacionales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you set goals for yourself and you're like a lot of other people, you probably realize it's not that your goals are physically impossible that's keeping you from achieving them, it's that you lack the self-discipline to stick to them.","es":"Si tienes tus ideales y eres como mucha gente, probablemente te das cuenta de que tus ideales no son f\u00edsicamente inalcanzables lo que te impide lograrlos, sino que te falta autodisciplina para lograrlos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We talk about ourselves as omnivores.","es":"Nos definimos como omn\u00edvoros."} {"gender":"female","en":"He really wants that sargassum.","es":"Realmente quiere ese sargazo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And it turns out Weiffenbach is kind of an expert in microwave reception, and he's got a little antenna set up with an amplifier in his office.","es":"Y resulta que Weiffenbach es un experto en la recepci\u00f3n de microondas, y ten\u00eda una peque\u00f1a antena con un amplificador en su oficina."} {"gender":"female","en":"I can't hear you through the glass, honey!","es":"\u00a1No puedo o\u00edr a trav\u00e9s del cristal, cari\u00f1o!"} {"gender":"male","en":"These are people who worked this project for two to three years.","es":"Estas son personas que trabajaron en este proyecto por dos a tres a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"And 10 years ago it seemed like I had a lot of time to convince Intel to work on this. Right? Y2K + 10 was coming, the baby boomers starting to retire.","es":"Y hace 10 a\u00f1os parec\u00eda que ten\u00eda mucho tiempo para convencer a Intel para esto, \u00bfverdad? 2000 + 10 estaba llegando, Los \"baby boomers\" empezaban a jubilarse."} {"gender":"female","en":"Design is truly everywhere, and design is as important as anything, and I'm so glad that, because of its diversity and because of its centrality to our lives, many more people are coming to it as a profession, as a passion, and as, very simply, part of their own culture.","es":"El dise\u00f1o est\u00e1 realmente en todas partes, y el dise\u00f1o es tan importante como cualquier otra cosa, y estoy muy contenta de que, debido a su diversidad y debido a su importancia para nuestras vidas, muchas m\u00e1s personas se acerquen a \u00e9l como una profesi\u00f3n, como una pasi\u00f3n, y como, simplemente, parte de su propia cultura."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Like the story of Alexis Martinez, who was born Arthur Martinez in the Harold Ickes projects in Chicago.","es":"Como en la historia de Alexis Mart\u00ednez, que naci\u00f3 como Arthur Mart\u00ednez en los proyectos Harold Ickes en Chicago."} {"gender":"male","en":"Or here.","es":"O aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, this is important because plants are stuck in the ground.","es":"Esto es importante porque las plantas est\u00e1n sujetas al suelo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Lately we are going wild, charging seven percent from time to time.","es":"\u00daltimamente, estamos descontrolados, cobrando a veces un 7 por ciento."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can wait as long as you want. You did it pretty quickly, but it went down, OK.","es":"Puedes esperar tanto como quieras Lo hiciste bastante r\u00e1pido, pero baj\u00f3, bien."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Chapter 12 highlights people being born into a battle that is not of their making, but becomes their own.","es":"El cap\u00edtulo 12 destaca a personas que nacen en una batalla que no crearon, pero se convierte en suya."} {"gender":"male","en":"A whole range of professions now make cognitive demands.","es":"Una gran cantidad de profesiones ahora demandan cognitivamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"How do we do this?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo podemos hacerlo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"You can see that Japan is busy at night, right there.","es":"Se puede ver que en Jap\u00f3n hay movimiento de noche, justo ah\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was just allowed to be me, growing and changing in every moment.","es":"Se me permiti\u00f3 ser yo misma, creciendo y cambiando en todo momento."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And he grew up essentially in Stage One.","es":"El creci\u00f3 esencialmente en una Etapa 1."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If it were to be anywhere in Washington, it would be an office building, a conference center, a place for negotiating peace and so on, all of which the building is, but by virtue of the choice of putting it on the Mall and by the Lincoln Memorial, this becomes the structure that is the symbol of peace on the Mall.","es":"Si estuviera en cualquier otro lugar de Washington ser\u00eda un edificio de oficinas, un centro de conferencias, un lugar para negociar la paz, etc., todo lo que el edificio ciertamente es. Pero en virtud de la elecci\u00f3n de ponerlo en el Mall, al lado del Memorial a Lincoln, se vuelve una estructura s\u00edmbolo de la paz en el Mall."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've also added in this diagram now some pink lines that go down and to the right.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n he a\u00f1adido en este diagrama ahora algunas l\u00edneas rosas que van hacia abajo y hacia la derecha."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is something which I learned when I made a forest in the backyard of my own house.","es":"Esto es algo que he aprendido cuando hice un bosque en el patio trasero de mi propia casa."} {"gender":"male","en":"How does evolution do cumulative, combinatorial things?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo puede la evoluci\u00f3n hacer cosas acumuladas, combinatorias?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And here, we can take inspiration from social insects.","es":"Y para eso podemos inspirarnos en los insectos sociables."} {"gender":"male","en":"All I have to do is sit, and they do everything.","es":"Solo me siento y ellos hacen todo."} {"gender":"male","en":"But in '96, I made my last piece.","es":"Pero en el 96, hice mi \u00faltimo trabajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"BG: Did you make any mistakes when you were Finance Minister?","es":"BG: \u00bfCometiste errores cuando eras Ministro de Finanzas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Imagine what happened to the society when they realized that an English mom in her teacup actually was drinking a monster soup, not very far from here.","es":"Imag\u00ednese lo que le pas\u00f3 a la sociedad cuando se dio cuenta de que una mam\u00e1 inglesa en su taza de t\u00e9 estaba bebiendo una sopa monstruosa, no muy lejos de aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Today I'm here, actually, to pose you a question. What is life?","es":"Hoy estoy aqu\u00ed para plantearles una pregunta \u00bfQu\u00e9 es la vida?"} {"gender":"male","en":"It occurs at all these different scales, from very small to very large.","es":"Transcurre en diferentes escalas, primero, desde lo muy peque\u00f1o a lo muy grande."} {"gender":"male","en":"Mixed use is popular, but when I say mixed, I mean mixed incomes, mixed age groups as well as mixed-land use.","es":"El uso mixto es popular, pero para m\u00ed eso significa: ingresos mixtos, grupos mixtos de edades distintas as\u00ed como el uso mixto de suelos."} {"gender":"male","en":"When I go to a philosopher's party and they ask me what I work on and I say, \"consciousness,\" their eyes don't glaze over, their lips curl into a snarl.","es":"Cuando voy a una fiesta de fil\u00f3sofos y me preguntan sobre qu\u00e9 trabajo y digo \"la conciencia\", sus ojos no se ponen vidriosos pero sus labios hacen una mueca de disgusto."} {"gender":"male","en":"One of the reasons is pretty simple.","es":"Una de las razones es bastante simple."} {"gender":"female","en":"A crowded world was disrupted and swept away.","es":"Un mundo abarrotado fue interrumpido y barrido."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"These guys took off, followed the footsteps of the villagers until they found and passed them.","es":"Partieron, siguiendo las pisadas de la gente del pueblo, hasta que los alcanzaron y los superaron."} {"gender":"male","en":"That we can take the whole idea that gave birth to the Internet and bring it down to the physical world in this Internet Zero, this internet of devices.","es":"Entonces, podemos tomar la idea entera que dio origen a Internet y traerla al mundo f\u00edsico en esta Internet Cero, esta Internet de dispositivos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And as you can imagine, when we finally got the results, they weren't good.","es":"Y como pueden imaginar, cuando finalmente concluimos, el resultado no era bueno."} {"gender":"male","en":"The one on the right comes from a yellow surface, in shadow, oriented facing the left, viewed through a pinkish medium.","es":"La de la derecha viene de una superficie amarilla, en sombra, mirando hacia la izquierda, vista desde un medio rosado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Critical mass may be harder to achieve with the word \"atheist\" than with the word \"non-theist,\" or some other non-confrontational word.","es":"Podria ser m\u00e1s dif\u00edcil lograr unas masa significativa de adeptos con la palabra ateo que con la palabra no-teista, o alguna otra palabra que no sea confrontativa."} {"gender":"female","en":"Audits are great and important, but they don't solve all our problems.","es":"Las auditor\u00edas son grandes e importantes, pero no resuelven todos los problemas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In fact, in 1848, 82 grain merchants and farmers got together in a small town at the crossroads of the Illinois River and Lake Michigan to establish a way to trade better amongst themselves.","es":"De hecho, en 1848, 82 comerciantes y agricultores de grano se reunieron en un peque\u00f1o pueblo que se encuentra al cruce del Lago Illinois y el Lago Michigan para establecer una manera de comerciar mejor entre s\u00ed ."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we're doing it with four percent of the population.","es":"Y s\u00f3lo lo usa el 4% de la poblaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Whoop-de-do.","es":"Lo logramos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because human trafficking is far more prevalent, complex and close to home than most of us realize.","es":"Porque la trata de personas es mucho m\u00e1s frecuente, compleja y cercana de lo que nos damos cuenta."} {"gender":"male","en":"You go see a movie. And it has an unexpected twist, something that you didn't expect, and you find a joyful experience.","es":"Cuando van a ver una pel\u00edcula y tiene un giro, algo que no esperan, encuentran que es una experiencia feliz."} {"gender":"male","en":"Learning this, I knew there had to be a better way.","es":"Conociendo esto, sab\u00eda que ten\u00eda que haber una mejor manera de hacerlo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What that basically is saying is, those traits that define you, they're not really yours, they're just on loan to you for a little while from boys.","es":"Eso b\u00e1sicamente refleja que esos rasgos que la definen, en realidad no son propios, sino un pr\u00e9stamo de los ni\u00f1os por un breve tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I took my caddying money, and I put it in the stock market.","es":"Y tom\u00e9 mi dinero de caddie, y lo puse en el mercado de valores."} {"gender":"female","en":"You know, it's like once again there's this whole problem of design being often misunderstood for art, or the idea that is so diffuse that designers want to aspire to, would like to be called, artists.","es":"Saben, una vez m\u00e1s reaparece el problema de confundir dise\u00f1o con arte, o la idea tan difusa de que los dise\u00f1adores quieren ser o ser llamados artistas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Right.","es":"Claro."} {"gender":"female","en":"We want to, and do, suspend accounts engaging in that kind of behavior.","es":"Queremos hacerlo, lo hacemos, suspendemos las cuentas que tienen ese comportamiento."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was still in deep grief; I knew I didn't have the strength.","es":"Todav\u00eda sent\u00eda un profundo dolor; sab\u00eda que no ten\u00eda las fuerzas."} {"gender":"male","en":"In just a few days, the invitation reached over a million people, and over 100,000 people confirmed attendance.","es":"En unos pocos d\u00edas la invitaci\u00f3n hab\u00eda llegado a m\u00e1s de un mill\u00f3n de personas, y m\u00e1s de 100 000 confirmaban su asistencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"I discovered something about love and design through a project called Deep Blue.","es":"Descubr\u00ed algo acerca del amor y el dise\u00f1o a trav\u00e9s de un proyecto llamado Deep Blue."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And instead, they said, these kids have never really seen a library.","es":"Pero el hecho era que los ni\u00f1os nunca hab\u00edan visto una biblioteca."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And let's do it soon.","es":"Y hag\u00e1moslo pronto."} {"gender":"male","en":"But in the new project that I'm working on, my new film, we examine the world of marketing, advertising.","es":"Pero en el nuevo film en el que estoy trabajando, examinamos el mundo del marketing, de la publicidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"Blood is both a collective and individual form of transportation.","es":"La sangre es una forma de transporte tanto colectiva como individual."} {"gender":"male","en":"In this way of thinking, it's character and conscience, not cold-hearted calculation, that will save us.","es":"Desde esta perspectiva, son el car\u00e1cter y la conciencia, y no un c\u00e1lculo sin escr\u00fapulos, lo que nos salvar\u00e1."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's very important, the user interface.","es":"Y eso es muy importante, la interfaz del usuario."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"I have met with him over and over again.","es":"He estado con \u00e9l una y otra vez."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The next figure looms larger, and you see a figure hurtling from one side to the next.","es":"La siguiente surge m\u00e1s grande, y se ve un personaje precipit\u00e1ndose de un lado a otro."} {"gender":"female","en":"And she said, \"Oh no, I'm not married.\"","es":"Y me dijo: \"Que va, no estoy casada\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"For nearly 40 of the 45 million years that camels have been around, you could only find them in North America, around 20 different species, maybe more.","es":"Deambularon durante unos 40 a 45 millones de a\u00f1os, solo se los encuentra en Am\u00e9rica del Norte; unas 20 especies, quiz\u00e1 m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"We can't solve the problems unless we start studying the ocean in a very much more interdisciplinary way.","es":"No podemos resolver los problemas a menos que empecemos a estudiar el oc\u00e9ano de manera mucho m\u00e1s interdisciplinaria."} {"gender":"female","en":"You all got it right.","es":"Todos acertaron."} {"gender":"female","en":"They've borrowed the recipe from the coral reef, and they're using CO2 as a building block in cement, in concrete.","es":"Han tomado prestada la receta del arrecife de coral. Y est\u00e1n utilizando el CO2 como elemento de construcci\u00f3n en el cemento, en el hormig\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You don't see her eyes; they're looking downward.","es":"No se le ven los ojos, miran hacia abajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"A culture which is top-down, owned, where the vocal chords of the millions have been lost.","es":"Una cultura que est\u00e1 controlada de arriba hacia abajo, donde las cuerdas vocales de millones se han perdido."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Having made that decision they came to the United States, home of liberal arts education, to talk with some of us most closely identified with that kind of education.","es":"Habiendo tomado esta decisi\u00f3n decidieron venir a los Estados Unidos, cuna de la educaci\u00f3n de las artes liberales para hablar con algunos de nosotros mas cercanamente identificados con este tipo de educaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"I lie awake. I think thoughts.","es":"Me quedo acostado despierto. Pienso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What is this about?","es":"\u00bfDe qu\u00e9 se trata?"} {"gender":"male","en":"If you try and think about it, the things you're solving now, what problems are they going to bring in the future?","es":"Si tratamos de pensar en esto, las cosas que est\u00e1s resolviendo ahora, \u00bfqu\u00e9 problemas crear\u00e1n en un futuro?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And they don't react to background sounds.","es":"No reaccionan al ruido de fondo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And there's nothing wrong with my sense of smell.","es":"Y no hay nada mal con mi sentido del olfato."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And the truth is that there are very different kinds of luxury, and there's luxury that is relative for people that don't have that much.","es":"Y la verdad es que existen diversos tipos de lujo. Y hay lujos que son relativos, para la gente que no tiene tanto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let's help them be proud of who they are, because our education system welcomes their families, their cultures, their communities and the skill set they've learned to survive.","es":"Ayud\u00e9mosles a estar orgullosos de s\u00ed mismos. Dig\u00e1mosles que nuestro sistema educativo acoge a sus familias, a su cultura, a su comunidad y las capacidades que han desarrollado para sobrevivir."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Perhaps there are other states that we can't access because of how our minds are structured but other minds possibly could access them.","es":"Tal vez hay otros estados que no podemos acceder por la manera en que est\u00e1 estructurada nuestra mente pero otras mentes quiz\u00e1 podr\u00edan accederlos."} {"gender":"male","en":"The true self, as it were then, is not something that is just there for you to discover, you don't sort of look into your soul and find your true self, What you are partly doing, at least, is actually creating your true self.","es":"El verdadero ser, por as\u00ed decirlo, no es algo que est\u00e1 ah\u00ed para que sea descubierto. No observas tu propia alma y encuentras tu verdadero Yo. Lo que se hace en parte, es crear, en realidad, el verdadero Yo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I love what I do, because I learn that we haven't changed.","es":"Me encanta lo que hago, porque aprendo que no cambiamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here's what we did.","es":"Esto es lo que hicimos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I have all these hundreds and thousands, millions of new cousins.","es":"As\u00ed que tengo todos estos cientos y miles, millones de nuevos primos."} {"gender":"male","en":"What we're looking at here is the insidious cost of ringtone piracy.","es":"Aqu\u00ed vemos el costo insidioso de la pirater\u00eda de tonos de llamada."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Last year, we hired and trained A.B. as a community health worker.","es":"El a\u00f1o pasado contratamos y formamos a A.B. como asistente de salud."} {"gender":"female","en":"We can put anything we want into it, and it doesn't get heavier, and then we can take anything out.","es":"Podemos agregarle lo que queramos y no por eso pesar\u00e1 m\u00e1s y luego podemos quitarle lo que sea."} {"gender":"male","en":"She asked me to call her back.","es":"Me pidi\u00f3 que la llamara de nuevo en un momento."} {"gender":"female","en":"PM: And the doctors have some very big rules about who can get treated at the clinic.","es":"PM: Y los m\u00e9dicos tienen algunas reglas primordiales sobre qui\u00e9n puede ser atendido en la cl\u00ednica."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's not one of us!\"","es":"\"No es de los nuestros\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"So all of this seems very evocative, but I would say hardly concrete if we really want to grasp the origin of great ideas and more generally the way in which the new enters our lives.","es":"Y todo esto parece muy evocador, pero dir\u00eda poco concreto si realmente queremos entender el origen de las grandes ideas y m\u00e1s generalmente el modo en que lo nuevo entra a nuestras vidas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, I will argue that a primary reason why we're not winning this war against cancer is because we're fighting blindly.","es":"Argumentar\u00e9 que la raz\u00f3n principal de por qu\u00e9 no estamos ganando esta guerra contra el c\u00e1ncer se debe a que estamos luchando a ciegas."} {"gender":"male","en":"But in the future, software is going to displace human beings from the driving seat, and these satnav systems, rather than complement human beings, will simply make these driverless cars more efficient, helping the machines instead.","es":"Pero en el futuro el software desplazar\u00e1 a los humanos del asiento del conductor, y estos sistemas de GPS, en lugar de complementar a los humanos, simplemente har\u00e1n que los veh\u00edculos sin piloto sean m\u00e1s eficientes, y ayudar\u00e1n a las m\u00e1quinas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And you know, the locals think it's terrible behavior, it's just horrible watching this happen, day after day. The poor little Molas coming in, getting ripped to shreds, so we head down south, to San Diego.","es":"Y saben, los vecinos del lugar piensan que es un comportamiento terrible, es simplemente horrible ver que esto pase, d\u00eda tras d\u00eda, Los pobres peque\u00f1os Molas llegando, siendo despedazados, de modo que nos dirigimos hacia el sur, a San Diego."} {"gender":"male","en":"There is no turning back now.","es":"Ahora ya no hay regreso."} {"gender":"female","en":"You can send weather balloons up into the stratosphere, collect microbes, see what's up there.","es":"Puedes enviar globos meteorol\u00f3gicos a la estrat\u00f3sfera, recolectar microbios, mirar qu\u00e9 hay all\u00e1 arriba."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, believe it or not, swimming around sinkholes full of dead things and cave full of bat poop isn't the smartest thing you could be doing with your life, but YOLO.","es":"Lo crean o no, nadar por zanjas llenas de cosas muertas y cuevas llenas de caca de murci\u00e9lago no es lo m\u00e1s inteligente que uno puede hacer en su vida, pero YOLO."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's in there that those mini-Big Bangs will be created, sometime in the summer this year.","es":"Y es ah\u00ed dentro que esos mini-Big Bangs ser\u00e1n creados, en alg\u00fan momento del verano de este a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is progress.","es":"Esto es progreso."} {"gender":"male","en":"But then the people that the Romans would have called Scottish barbarians, my ancestors, were actually part of the Industrial Revolution, and in the 19th century, growth began to accelerate, and you saw that get quicker and quicker, and it's been impacting everyone.","es":"Pero la gente que los romanos llamaban \"b\u00e1rbaros escoceses\", mis ancestros, contribuyeron a la Revoluci\u00f3n Industrial, y en el siglo XIX, el crecimiento se aceler\u00f3, se volvi\u00f3 m\u00e1s y m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido y ha impactado a todo el mundo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Jackie was a huge star in LA, and ESPN live-tweeted his record-breaking lifts and were wowed by his performance.","es":"Jackie era una gran estrella en Los \u00c1ngeles, y ESPN tuiti\u00f3 en vivo sus levantamientos r\u00e9cord y les impresion\u00f3 su actuaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's almost like half of Costa Rica every year.","es":"Es algo as\u00ed como la mitad de Costa Rica cada a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is a moral issue.","es":"Esto es un asunto moral."} {"gender":"male","en":"Why is that?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And you would carry this around with you, and if everything went to hell, you could make payments and buy your life.","es":"Y los llevar\u00edan consigo para poder pagar y comprar su vida."} {"gender":"female","en":"So if you will allow me a little creative license, I will tell you the story of the serendipitous collision of my patient's problem with a physicist's solution.","es":"Si me permiten una licencia creativa les voy a contar la historia de la colisi\u00f3n fortuita del problema de mi paciente con la soluci\u00f3n de un f\u00edsico."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"But I've heard it's cheap.","es":"\"Pero si o\u00ed que es barato."} {"gender":"male","en":"Me, me, me, me.","es":"Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And last is that we're more connected now to more people on the planet than ever before, except for if you're sitting next to someone.","es":"Y por \u00faltimo ahora estamos mucho m\u00e1s conectados con la gente del planeta que nunca antes, a menos que esa persona ya estaba sentada a tu lado."} {"gender":"male","en":"RM: Well, I didn't know that, that's Ted Kaye, by the way.","es":"Yo no lo sab\u00eda. Por cierto, ese es Ted Kaye."} {"gender":"male","en":"None of them are perfect, but many have potential.","es":"Ninguna es perfecta, pero muchas tienen potencial."} {"gender":"female","en":"And she's bringing me in with a slight salsa movement.","es":"Y me est\u00e1 dirigiendo con ligeros movimientos de salsa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We even have skyscrapers built for cars.","es":"Incluso tenemos rascacielos construidos para los coches."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is flat.","es":"Esto es plano."} {"gender":"male","en":"TK: Sure.","es":"TK: Seguro."} {"gender":"male","en":"In contrast to elections, protests are not confined by rigid electoral cycles.","es":"A diferencia de las elecciones, las protestas no est\u00e1n limitadas por ciclos electorales r\u00edgidos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it turns out that we are covered in a cloud of microbes, and those microbes actually do us good much of the time, rather than killing us.","es":"Pero resulta que estamos cubiertos por una nube de microbios, y esos microbios nos ayudan la mayor parte del tiempo, en lugar de matarnos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that brings me to the point of my talk, actually, how constraints, big creative constraints, can boost creativity.","es":"Y esto me lleva al punto de mi charla: c\u00f3mo las limitaciones, las grandes limitaciones creativas, pueden estimular la creatividad."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if Enrico Fermi were indeed a space alien, wouldn't he be the first to have tried to convince his fellow scientists that the space aliens are not already here?","es":"Y si Enrico Fermi fuese de hecho un alien\u00edgena, \u00bfno ser\u00eda el primero en tratar de convencer a sus colegas cient\u00edficos de que los alien\u00edgenas no est\u00e1n aqu\u00ed a\u00fan?"} {"gender":"male","en":"That's basically what I will do.","es":"Esto es b\u00e1sicamente lo que har\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"Whether it's India, Kenya, the United States or anywhere else, trying to squeeze justice out of broken systems is like Ravi's case.","es":"Ya sea en India, Kenia, EE.UU. o en cualquier otro lado, tratar de obtener justicia de un sistema corrupto es como el caso de Ravi."} {"gender":"male","en":"You never see us laughing in American film or television, right?","es":"Nunca se nos ve riendo en el cine o TV estadounidenses. \u00bfVerdad?"} {"gender":"male","en":"But that's just an example.","es":"Pero es solo un ejemplo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that reality, whatever it is, is the real source of cause and effect in the world, not brains, not neurons.","es":"Y esa realidad, sea lo que sea, es la verdadera fuente de causa y efecto en el mundo; no es el cerebro, no son las neuronas."} {"gender":"female","en":"But in spite of that, I went through the first 10 or 15 years of my career mostly in denial of being a woman.","es":"Pero a pesar de eso pas\u00e9 por los primeros 10 o 15 a\u00f1os de mi carrera casi negando mi condici\u00f3n de mujer."} {"gender":"female","en":"And studies have shown that art impacts our emotions more effectively than a scary news report.","es":"Los estudios muestran que el arte impacta nuestras emociones de manera m\u00e1s eficaz que una noticia alarmante."} {"gender":"female","en":"And she goes, \"And what's this fertilizing?\"","es":"Despu\u00e9s ella pregunt\u00f3: \"\u00bfY qu\u00e9 es esto de fecundar?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"If I zoom on it, you can see: that's the Rover on the surface.","es":"Si nos acercamos, podr\u00e1n ver: es el Rover en la superficie."} {"gender":"male","en":"Monkeys, chimps, just get rid of the hairy creatures.\" Now, we're going to be going to Mars one day.","es":"Monos, chimpanc\u00e9s, s\u00f3lo deshazte de todas las creaturas peludas.> Haber uno de estos d\u00edas viajaremos a Marte."} {"gender":"male","en":"On having really good sustainability strategies, there are companies like Nike, Patagonia, Timberland, Marks & Spencer.","es":"En tener estrategias de sostenibilidad realmente buenas, est\u00e1n compa\u00f1\u00edas como Nike, Patagonia, Timberland, Marks & Spencer."} {"gender":"male","en":"And my theme was this: Our Earth has existed for 45 million centuries, but this one is special \u2014 it's the first where one species, ours, has the planet's future in its hands.","es":"El tema era este: Nuestra Tierra ha existido durante 45 millones de siglos, pero este siglo es especial; es el primero en el que una especie, la nuestra, tiene el futuro del planeta en sus manos."} {"gender":"male","en":"For every subjective minute that an em experiences, someone, usually that em, had to work to pay for it.","es":"Por cada minuto subjetivo que experimenta un em, alguien, en general ese em, tuvo que trabajar para pagar por ello."} {"gender":"male","en":"We find microbial life in every part of the planet: in ice, in coal, in rocks, in volcanic vents; it's an amazing thing.","es":"Encontramos vida microbiana en cada parte del planeta: en el hielo, en el carb\u00f3n, en las rocas, en respiraderos de volcanes; es algo asombroso."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's been fantastic.","es":"Ha sido fant\u00e1stico."} {"gender":"male","en":"I graduated with not one but two degrees in biology.","es":"Yo me gradu\u00e9 no con uno sino con dos t\u00edtulos en biolog\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So for instance, in the province of the Kivus, the Life and Peace Institute and its Congolese partners have set up inter-community forums to discuss the specifics of local conflicts over land, and these forums have found solutions to help manage the violence.","es":"Por ejemplo, en la provincia de los kivu, el Instituto Vida y Paz y sus socios congole\u00f1os crearon foros intercomunitarios para discutir los detalles del conflicto por la tierra, y en estos foros se han encontrado soluciones para ayudar a controlar la violencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"The other one was dominated by, not everybody moving to the city, but just compact development, what we used to think of as streetcar suburbs, walkable neighborhoods, low-rise, but integrated, mixed-used environments.","es":"El otro estaba dominado por, no todos se trasladaban a la ciudad, pero solo en el desarrollo compacto, lo que sol\u00edamos pensar como suburbios, barrios donde se puede caminar, bajos pero integrados, de uso mixto."} {"gender":"male","en":"It happened, I was in the park, and I was dressed in my biblical clothing, so sandals and sort of a white robe, you know, because again, the outer affects the inner. I wanted to see how dressing biblically affected my mind.","es":"Sucedi\u00f3 estando en el parque, vestido con mis ropas b\u00edblicas, sandalias y una t\u00fanica blanca, porque, de nuevo, el exterior afecta al interior y quer\u00eda saber c\u00f3mo el vestir b\u00edblicamente iba a influir en mi mente."} {"gender":"female","en":"It is a challenge that needs collaboration, which is why we are creating an open community to accelerate research activities.","es":"Es un reto que requiere colaboraci\u00f3n y es por ello que estamos creando una comunidad abierta que acelerar\u00e1 la fase de investigaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And where they've gone.","es":"Y los lugares donde fueron."} {"gender":"male","en":"The head says there is a policy framework, there's a common narrative, there's a mechanism through regular summitry to do these things and to make them better.","es":"La cabeza dice que hay un marco pol\u00edtico, una narrativa com\u00fan, un mecanismo a trav\u00e9s del proceso de cumbres regulares para hacer estas cosas y hacerlas mejor."} {"gender":"female","en":"Woman: Honey, please don't be so loud.","es":"Mujer: Cari\u00f1o, por favor no levantes la voz."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Because that's what we need.","es":"Porque es lo que necesitamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Osama bin Laden was not caught by artificial intelligence.","es":"La inteligencia artificial no atrap\u00f3 a Osama Bin Laden."} {"gender":"female","en":"And sometimes, if you manage to use your time wisely and work on it, you'll get something out of it, but it doesn't come naturally.","es":"Y luego algunas veces, si logras usar tu tiempo sabiamente y trabajas en ello, consigues lograr cosas buenas de ah\u00ed, pero no viene de manera natural."} {"gender":"male","en":"I went to high school, I went to college.","es":"Fui a la secundaria, a la universidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"And this little girl comes up to me.","es":"Y una ni\u00f1ita se me acerca \"\u738b\u5927\u59d0\uff0c\u53ef\u4ee5\u7ed9\u4f60\u5531\u4e00\u4e0b\u6211\u5988\u5988\u6559\u6211\u7684\u6b4c\u66f2?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"This is the story that Detroiters are changing, through urban agriculture and food entrepreneurship.","es":"Esta es la historia que los ciudadanos ya est\u00e1n cambiando, a trav\u00e9s de la agricultura urbana y el emprendimiento alimentario."} {"gender":"male","en":"What are the chances that represents a peak of human flourishing?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1les son las probabilidades de que esto represente un cl\u00edmax del florecimiento humano?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It has to be.","es":"Debe serlo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is: How do you make a teacher great?","es":"La pregunta es \u00bfC\u00f3mo se forma un gran maestro?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And it's got to flow from beginning to end.","es":"El conjunto tiene que fluir de principio a fin."} {"gender":"female","en":"I realized that it recognized the contrast, the reds, the yellows, and thought it was something worth remarking on positively.","es":"Me di cuenta de que reconoc\u00eda el contraste los rojos, los amarillos, y pens\u00f3 que era algo digno de comentar positivamente."} {"gender":"female","en":"How can I clap?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo puedo aplaudir?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We'll be coming in at 12,000 miles per hour, and in seven minutes we have to stop and touch the surface very softly so we don't break that lander.","es":"Estaremos entrando a 12 000 millas por hora, y en siete minutos deberemos detenernos y tocar suavemente la superficie para no estrellarnos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I started hearing from parents who said their children were learning to read and write by playing on the server.","es":"Empec\u00e9 a escuchar de los padres que dec\u00edan que sus hijos estaban aprendiendo a leer y escribir al jugar en el servidor."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it reminded me that, to keep in the present, to look out for these kinds of things. It gave me possibilities for wonder, if maybe it's a yellow day in San Francisco, and we could all agree, and create some installations.","es":"Y me record\u00f3 que - para mantener en el presente, para buscar este tipo de cosas. me daba posibilidades de maravillarme - si quiz\u00e1s es un agradable d\u00eda en San Francisco, y todos podr\u00edamos estar de acuerdo, y crear algunas instalaciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"And could we even, thanks to major advancements in Earth systems science, identify the thresholds, the points where we may expect nonlinear change?","es":"\u00bfPodr\u00edamos, incluso, gracias a los importantes avances en la ciencia de los sistemas terrestres, identificar los umbrales, los puntos donde podemos esperar un cambio no lineal?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And so you spend your days fighting things off, defending your territory and becoming more entrenched in your fundamental thinking.","es":"Y por lo tanto te pasas tus dias peleando contra cosas, defendiendo tu territorio, y atrincherandote cada vez mas en tu pensamiento fundamental."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then my pickled jellyfish at the Hong Kong Supermarket on Route 18 in East Brunswick.","es":"Y luego mis medusas marinadas en el supermercado de Hong Kong, en la Ruta 18, en East Brunswick."} {"gender":"male","en":"Family violence, domestic violence, and divorce have torn apart families.","es":"La violencia familiar, dom\u00e9stica y el divorcio han desgarrado familias."} {"gender":"female","en":"We're all familiar with the macro impact of urbanization, climate change, resource exploitation, but when that one last plant \u2014 or animal for that matter \u2014 when that very last specimen has disappeared from the face of this Earth, we would have lost an entire subset of the Earth's biology, and with it, important plants with medicinal potential or which could have ingredients that would speak to the cosmetic, nutrition, pharma, and even the ethno-veterinary sectors, be gone forever.","es":"Todos estamos familiarizados con el impacto macro de la urbanizaci\u00f3n, el cambio clim\u00e1tico, la explotaci\u00f3n de recursos, pero cuando esa \u00faltima planta \u2014o animal para el caso\u2014 cuando este \u00faltimo esp\u00e9cimen haya desaparecido de la faz de la Tierra, habremos perdido todo un subconjunto de la biolog\u00eda de la Tierra, y con \u00e9l, plantas importantes con potencial medicinal o que podr\u00eda tener ingredientes aplicables a la cosm\u00e9tica, a la nutrici\u00f3n, a la farmac\u00e9utica, y a, incluso, los campos de la etno-veterinaria, que se perder\u00e1n para siempre."} {"gender":"male","en":"We built our highway system in response to that.","es":"Construimos nuestro sistema de carreteras en respuesta a eso."} {"gender":"female","en":"Computers hate clouds because they're simultaneously very large and very small.","es":"Las odian porque las nubes son al mismo tiempo muy grandes y muy peque\u00f1as."} {"gender":"female","en":"They are not our parents.","es":"No son nuestros padres."} {"gender":"male","en":"These are just the ESPN SportsCenter version of the game.","es":"Es solo la versi\u00f3n del partido de ESPN."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's not balanced by any means, not even close.","es":"No est\u00e1 balanceado de ninguna forma, ni siquiera de cerca."} {"gender":"male","en":"Last year we had 450,000 Mo Bros spread across the world and together we raised 77 million dollars.","es":"El a\u00f1o pasado tuvimos 450 000 Mo Bros repartidos por todo el mundo y juntos conseguimos 77 millones de d\u00f3lares."} {"gender":"male","en":"You see products, prices, ratings and reviews.","es":"Uno ve productos, precios, valoraciones y comentarios."} {"gender":"female","en":"And humans do the same thing.","es":"Los humanos somos iguales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And yet, Seattle is the fastest-growing big city in the country.","es":"Sin embargo Seattle es de las grandes ciudades la de crecimiento m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido en el pa\u00eds."} {"gender":"male","en":"So it all ends well. But one thing I didn't mention was that very early on into her treatment, my wife and I decided that we would take the passenger's seat.","es":"As\u00ed que todo termina bien, pero una cosa que no mencion\u00e9 es que desde el principio del tratamiento mi esposa y yo decidimos que ceder\u00edamos el control."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I think you would agree that we have found Titan is a remarkable, mystical place.","es":"Y creo que estar\u00e9is de acuerdo en que hemos descubierto que Tit\u00e1n es un lugar muy excepcional y m\u00edstico."} {"gender":"male","en":"Okay, here's what lots of Americans tell us.","es":"Bueno, esto es lo que nos dicen muchos estadounidenses."} {"gender":"female","en":"Which I actually did, and which needless to say did not endear me to the faculty.","es":"Lo que hice y que no hace falta decir no me gan\u00f3 la simpat\u00eda de los profesores."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here, all the cards are face down, you agree?","es":"Y aqu\u00ed todas las cartas est\u00e1n cara abajo \u00bfest\u00e1n de acuerdo?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They invest in professional development and collaboration and many other things.","es":"Invierten en desarrollo profesional y colaboraci\u00f3n y en muchas otras cosas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Worse, some of the suppliers realized that they could substitute a product which mimicked heparin in tests.","es":"Peor a\u00fan: alguno de los proveedores se dieron cuenta de que pod\u00edan sustituir un producto que imitaba a la heparina en las pruebas."} {"gender":"female","en":"After climbing a steep hill and wiping the sweat from his brow, he described what he saw beneath him.","es":"Tras subir una cuesta empinada y sec\u00e1ndose el sudor de la frente, describi\u00f3 lo que vio debajo de \u00e9l."} {"gender":"male","en":"But perhaps more than anything, what this thinking provides is a really positive way of talking about sustainable design.","es":"Quiz\u00e1, m\u00e1s que cualquier otra cosa, lo que este pensamiento provee es una manera muy positiva de hablar de dise\u00f1o sostenible."} {"gender":"male","en":"The point about democracy is not that it delivers legitimate, effective, prosperous rule of law.","es":"Lo importante de la democracia no es que traiga legitimidad, efectividad, pr\u00f3spero imperio de la ley."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So the genome really tells you much more about predisposition.","es":"As\u00ed que el genoma realmente te dice mucho acerca de predisposici\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"What is the connection between these images of suffering and the history that I just read to you?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la relaci\u00f3n entre estas im\u00e1genes de sufrimiento y la historia que les acabo de leer?"} {"gender":"male","en":"The medication may take days to arrive, though, because of bad roads.","es":"Sin embargo, la medicaci\u00f3n puede tardar incluso d\u00edas en llegar debido a las malas carreteras."} {"gender":"male","en":"But what does it all mean?","es":"Pero, \u00bfqu\u00e9 significa todo esto?"} {"gender":"female","en":"So good job.","es":"As\u00ed que buen trabajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in order to do that, you hand a tablet to your three-year-old.","es":"Y para lograrlo le das la tableta a tu hijo de tres a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'm just going to talk through this animation.","es":"Y se los voy a contar con esta animaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was recognizing that public libraries are the last vestige of public free space.","es":"Fue reconocer que las bibliotecas p\u00fablicas constituyen el \u00faltimo vestigio de espacio p\u00fablico gratuito."} {"gender":"male","en":"So \"thank you\" feel likes a really trite word, but thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my life.","es":"\"Gracias\" parece una palabra muy trillada, pero gracias desde el fondo del coraz\u00f3n por salvarme la vida."} {"gender":"female","en":"I had a sick body; that was all.","es":"Ten\u00eda un cuerpo enfermo; eso era todo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Girl: Well sometimes my sister can be kind of annoying.","es":"Ni\u00f1a: Mi hermana a veces puede ser un poco molesta."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the reason that she described was that the manufacturers packaged these in bundles of seven to 10, and breaking it down is unhygienic at the retail level, and packaging each one of them is too expensive.","es":"La raz\u00f3n que nos dio fue que los fabricantes empacan las toallas en grupos de 7 a 10. Separarlas en las tiendas ser\u00eda poco higi\u00e9nico y empaquetarlas individualmente es demasiado caro."} {"gender":"male","en":"Creators are going to come out the other end of this weird 100 years, this century-long journey, with an awesome new machine.","es":"Los creadores van salir de estos raros 100 a\u00f1os, de este viaje de un siglo, con una nueva y grandiosa maquinaria."} {"gender":"male","en":"And usually when I tell people I'm an artist, they just look at me and say, \"Do you paint?\" or \"What kind of medium do you work in?\"","es":"A menudo cuando digo que soy artista, me miran y dicen: "\u00bfAcaso pintas?" o, \"\u00bfCon qu\u00e9 clase de medio trabajas?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"Now what I would like to do first is switch on the light, and I'll simply, only switch on the light, for a moment, and what you'll notice is that the instrument jumps to the right.","es":"Ahora lo que me gustar\u00eda hacer primero es encender la luz, y simplemente voy, solo enciendo la luz, por un momento, y lo que notar\u00e1n es que el instrumento salta a la derecha."} {"gender":"female","en":"So the first numbers, I came in neck to neck to the leading candidate.","es":"Seg\u00fan los primeros resultados, iba igualada con el candidato principal."} {"gender":"male","en":"Or if you're going to be naked, you'd better get buff.","es":"O si van a estar desnudos, es mejor que luzcan bien."} {"gender":"female","en":"But in this case, we have comfort, the bubble in red, social commentary and irreverence in blue and green.","es":"Pero en este caso, tenemos la felicidad \u2013la burbuja en rojo\u2013 el comentario social y la irreverencia en azul y verde."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"These new nuclear ventures are saying that they can deliver power for 5 cents a kilowatt hour; they can deliver it for 100 gigawatts a year; they can demo it by 2025; and they can deliver it in scale by 2030, if only we give them a chance.","es":"Estos investigadores dicen poder generar energ\u00eda a cinco centavos el kWh. Pueden generar energ\u00eda por cien GW al a\u00f1o. Pueden demostrarlo para 2025, e implementarlo globalmente para 2030. Si les damos la oportunidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Postwar Kosovo was a very interesting place because NATO troops were there, mostly to make sure the war didn't break out again.","es":"El Kosovo de posguerra era un lugar muy interesante porque las tropas de la OTAN estaban all\u00ed, m\u00e1s que nada para asegurar que la guerra no estallara nuevamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well that's not true, but we'll get to the goose in a minute.","es":"Bueno, eso no es cierto, pero ahora nos pondremos a ello."} {"gender":"male","en":"I became obsessed with this question.","es":"Me obsesion\u00e9 con esta pregunta."} {"gender":"female","en":"The other thing that was so striking was the sheer number of volunteers.","es":"La otra cosa que me impresion\u00f3 fue el gran n\u00famero de voluntarios."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's even a software called cadnano that allows us to design three-dimensional shapes like nano robots or drug delivery systems and use DNA to self-assemble those functional structures.","es":"Incluso existe un software llamado cadnano que nos permite dise\u00f1ar formas tridimensionales, como nanorobots o sistemas de administraci\u00f3n de medicamentos, y usar el ADN para que esas estructuras funcionales se autoensamblen."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What do you want to do?\"","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 quiere hacer?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Financially, seen over the long term, it was actually successful.","es":"Econ\u00f3micamente, visto a largo plazo, result\u00f3 realmente exitoso."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now the really hot pink and red areas are those parts of the world that receive the highest amounts of UV during the year.","es":"Las areas rosadas y rojas, muy calientes son las partes del mundo que reciben la mayor cantidad de rayos UV al a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"My mission as The Penguin Lady is to raise awareness and funding to protect penguins. But why should any of you care about penguins?","es":"Mi misi\u00f3n como la dama de los ping\u00fcinos es crear conciencia y conseguir fondos para proteger a los ping\u00fcinos, pero \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 hay que preocuparse por los ping\u00fcinos?"} {"gender":"female","en":"But how meaningful is that truth if you don't know why it's being revealed to you?","es":"Pero, \u00bfc\u00f3mo de significativa es esa verdad si no se sabe por qu\u00e9 se revela?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So, I was so disturbed by what I saw and I was so unhappy with the article that ran afterwards, that I decided I would take six months off.","es":"Me molest\u00f3 tanto lo que vi y me decepcion\u00f3 tanto el art\u00edculo que sali\u00f3 publicado que decid\u00ed tomarme un sab\u00e1tico de 6 meses."} {"gender":"male","en":"All of these buildings are made out of reinforced concrete and brick.","es":"Todos estos edificios est\u00e1n hechos de concreto reforzado y ladrillo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Then he learned that not selling it would slash his pay.","es":"Luego supo que de no venderlo su salario bajar\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"Gwen, well done.","es":"Gwen, bien hecho."} {"gender":"female","en":"Of course, TED, the reputation precedes itself all over the world.","es":"Claro, TED, la reputaci\u00f3n le precede alrededor de todo el mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it means asking ourselves, really, the hardest question of all: Did the data really show us this, or does the result make us feel more successful and more comfortable?","es":"Significa preguntarnos a nosotros mismos, la pregunta m\u00e1s dif\u00edcil de todas: \u00bfLos datos en realidad nos lo muestran, o el resultado nos hace sentir m\u00e1s exitosos y m\u00e1s c\u00f3modos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Of course, he studied a lot.","es":"Por supuesto, estudi\u00f3 mucho."} {"gender":"male","en":"One and two.","es":"Uno y dos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, I'd about given up trying to get my hands on one of these.","es":"Por lo que estuve apunto de desistir en el intento de poder probarlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"We will bring those to community health workers around the world, including A.B. and Musu.","es":"Se los daremos a la comunidad de trabajadores de salud del mundo, incluyendo a A.B. y a Musu."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Go on the Internet and search for \"Dance Your Ph.D.\"","es":"Entren en internet y busquen \"Baila tu Doctorado\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So put your arms back up and flex your bicep.","es":"Ahora coloquen sus brazos hacia arriba y flexionen su b\u00edcep."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I don't feel sad about having to eat lunch, and I don't feel sad about my answering machine, and I don't feel sad about taking a shower.","es":"Pero no me pone triste tener que almorzar ni me pone triste el contestador ni me pone triste darme una ducha."} {"gender":"female","en":"We don't mirror them.","es":"No lo imitamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you can't do that first step, are you really going to look up the other thousand facts you're going to need to know to master your knowledge of U.S. foreign policy?","es":"Si no puedes realizar ese primer paso, \u00bfRealmente vas a buscar los otros mil datos que requerir\u00e1s saber para dominar el conocimiento sobre pol\u00edtica externa de EE.UU.?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And Karen Robards said to me, \"I'm with Tom.","es":"Y Karen Robards me dijo: \"Opino como Tom."} {"gender":"female","en":"There isn't an organization which is connecting the independent voices of the world to get out there, and yet I'm hearing throughout this conference that the biggest challenge in our future is understanding the other, and having mutual respect for the other and crossing borders.","es":"No existe un lugar-- ni un organismo que est\u00e9 conectando las voces independientes del mundo para que se popularicen, y sin embargo escucho a lo largo de esta conferencia que el peligro m\u00e1s grande en nuestro futuro ser\u00e1 comprender el otro y tener respeto mutuo por el otro y cruzar fronteras."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So that this is possible to do this is not deniable.","es":"Entonces, no se puede negar que esto es posible."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So, why would you want to replicate bit strings?","es":"Pero, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 querr\u00edamos replicar l\u00edneas de bits?"} {"gender":"male","en":"He recreated himself, and this kind of journey is very common for young men and women who become involved in Al Qaeda or Islamic State or other transnational armed groups.","es":"Se redefini\u00f3. Y este tipo de recorrido es muy com\u00fan en chicos y chicas que ingresan a Al Qaeda o Daesh u otros grupos armados trasnacionales."} {"gender":"male","en":"Why has that happened?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 ha pasado esto?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Indeed there is.","es":"Efectivamente la hay."} {"gender":"male","en":"Right now there are 48 hours of video being uploaded to YouTube every single minute.","es":"En este momento 48 horas de video est\u00e1n siendo subidas a YouTube cada minuto."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's my company's trials by fire.","es":"Es la prueba de fuego de mi compa\u00f1\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"I have Charles Bonnet syndrome.\"","es":"Tengo el s\u00edndrome de Charles Bonnet.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, unfortunately, in these cases, the provision of security came at an unbearably high price for the population.","es":"Desafortunadamente, en estos casos, la seguridad tiene un precio insoportablemente elevado para la poblaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"When we include these, each matter particle has two different spin charges, spin-up and spin-down.","es":"Cuando incluimos \u00e9stas, cada part\u00edcula de masa tiene dos spin diferentes, spin-arriba y spin-abajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was utterly unmapped at the time.","es":"No hab\u00eda absolutamente ning\u00fan mapa en ese momento."} {"gender":"male","en":"These are not particles, but they behave like particles.","es":"No son part\u00edculas, pero se comportan como part\u00edculas."} {"gender":"female","en":"One must stay away.","es":"Uno debe mantenerse alejado."} {"gender":"female","en":"Powerful new technologies always present enigmas.","es":"Las nuevas y potentes tecnolog\u00edas siempre presentan enigmas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And how does that apply, not just to persuasive technology, but to everything you design?","es":"Y \u00bfc\u00f3mo se aplica, no solo en la tecnolog\u00eda persuasiva, sino a todo lo que dise\u00f1an?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"At the same time, masses of women were entering the workforce, and cooking simply wasn't important enough for men to share the burden.","es":"A la vez, montones de mujeres entraron en el mercado laboral, y cocinar sencillamente no era lo suficientemente importante para que los hombres compartieran la responsabilidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"Literally hundreds of elevator rides were spent with me alone stuffing the pump into my Spanx, hoping the doors wouldn't open unexpectedly.","es":"Literalmente hice cientos de viajes sola en el elevador metiendo la bomba en mis medias, deseando que las puertas no se abrieran repentinamente y que el tubo no se saliera de mi pecho."} {"gender":"female","en":"Claim your experience.","es":"\u00a1Sobreponte a tu experiencia!"} {"gender":"male","en":"It is fatty, it's sweet, it's silky, it's unctuous.","es":"Es graso, es dulce, es sedoso, es untuoso."} {"gender":"female","en":"We are all in this together.","es":"Estamos todos juntos en esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"On one day, one night in that cellar, I don't know what it was, I heard a child crying above my head, a boy, maybe two or three years old.","es":"Un d\u00eda, una noche en la bodega, no s\u00e9 qu\u00e9 era, o\u00ed el llanto de un ni\u00f1o sobre mi cabeza, un ni\u00f1o, quiz\u00e1 de 2 o 3 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"We did everything we could to stop al Qaeda and the foreign fighters that came in as suicide bombers and as accelerants to the violence.","es":"Hicimos todo lo que pudimos para frenar a Al Qaeda y a los combatientes extranjeros que hac\u00edan ataques suicidas con bombas, catalizadores de la violencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, that basically depends on the kind of values you bring to bear to make these kinds of judgments.","es":"Bueno, eso depende b\u00e1sicamente del tipo de valores que cada uno tiene para hacer este tipo de juicios."} {"gender":"male","en":"I spent four years trying to analyze it, using standard academic tools, to guess what would happen, and I'm here to tell you what I found.","es":"Pas\u00e9 cuatro a\u00f1os tratando de analizarla, utilizando herramientas acad\u00e9micas est\u00e1ndar, para descifrar qu\u00e9 pasar\u00eda y estoy aqu\u00ed para contarles lo que encontr\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"We get a lot of feedback along those lines.","es":"Y tenemos montones de reacciones de ese tipo."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the stuff that's exhilarating and interesting.","es":"Esto es lo que es emocionante e interesante."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we were never allowed to watch television and the like.","es":"Y no nos dejaba ver televisi\u00f3n ."} {"gender":"female","en":"Billion-dollar industries thrive because of the fear of it, and those of us who undeniably are it are left to navigate a relentless storm surrounding it.","es":"Las industrias multimillonarias prosperan por temor a esa palabra, y quienes sin dudas lo somos vamos a la deriva por una tormenta implacable que la circunda."} {"gender":"male","en":"In 1981, I went to Northern Ireland.","es":"En 1981, viaj\u00e9 a Irlanda del Norte."} {"gender":"female","en":"Right?","es":"\u00bfVerdad?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Because when large-scale crises hit us and we are confronted with the need to leap somewhere safer, there isn't any agreement on what that place is.","es":"Porque cuando las crisis a gran escala nos afectan y enfrentamos la necesidad de movernos a un lugar m\u00e1s seguro, no sabemos con certeza cu\u00e1l es ese lugar."} {"gender":"male","en":"What's more, we're all capable of understanding the cognitive maps, and you are all capable of creating these cognitive maps yourselves.","es":"Es m\u00e1s, todos podemos comprender los mapas cognitivos y todos Uds. pueden crear estos mapas cognitivos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Metadata is the information that lets you find connections that people are trying to hide.","es":"Los metadatos son la informaci\u00f3n que te permite encontrar las conexiones que la gente trata de ocultar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Nevertheless, the mere mention of geoengineering is being greeted in some circles, particularly media circles, with a relief tinged with euphoria.","es":"Sin embargo, la simple menci\u00f3n de la geoingenier\u00eda es bien recibida en ciertos c\u00edrculos \u2013 particularmente, en los medios de comunicaci\u00f3n \u2013 con alivio entintado de euforia."} {"gender":"male","en":"Everybody knows I was a playwright.","es":"Todos saben que fui una dramaturga."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"On top of that, we selected some strategic points reminded of this idea of the gates and connecting them by straight lines, and this modified this initial pattern.","es":"Adem\u00e1s de eso, seleccionamos algunos puntos estrat\u00e9gicos en relaci\u00f3n con la idea de las puertas interconectadas con l\u00edneas rectas, y esto modific\u00f3 el modelo inicial."} {"gender":"male","en":"The culture in which we live now is awash with music of improvisation that's been sliced, diced, layered and, God knows, distributed and sold.","es":"La cultura en la que vivimos actualmente est\u00e1 inundada de m\u00fasica de improvisaci\u00f3n que ha sido seccionada en rebanadas, cubitos y capas y, por supuesto, distribuida y comercializada."} {"gender":"male","en":"CA: Incredible.","es":"Chris Anderson: Incer\u00edble."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'll give you an example. The \"Now\" magazine from last week: progressive, downtown weekly in Toronto.","es":"Y les voy a poner un ejemplo: la revista Now de la semana pasada un semanario progresista del centro de Toronto."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's turning these guys, again, one of the themes, it's turning them into entrepreneurs.","es":"Est\u00e1 cambiando a esta gente, de nuevo uno de los temas, los est\u00e1 cambiando a emprendedores."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is amazing.","es":"Esto es incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It starts with goodwill, friendship, trust, empathy, compassion and peace.","es":"Empieza con buena voluntad, amistad, confianza, empat\u00eda, compasi\u00f3n y paz."} {"gender":"male","en":"See, there was a change in government, and six years later, all that new money disappeared.","es":"Ver\u00e1n, hubo un cambio de gobierno, y seis a\u00f1os m\u00e1s tarde, todo ese dinero nuevo desapareci\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"When drum machines were new, I got to thinking, why couldn't you take the oldest form of music, the hambone rhythms, and combine it with the newest technology?","es":"Cuando salieron las bater\u00edas electr\u00f3nicas, yo empec\u00e9 a pensar \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 no tomar la forma de m\u00fasica m\u00e1s antigua, los ritmos \"hambone\", y combinarla con las nuevas tecnolog\u00edas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"You pay my salary.","es":"Uds. pagan mi salario."} {"gender":"male","en":"But not just simple simulations, we would also create advanced simulations with top universities like MIT, to bring out cutting-edge cancer research to these students.","es":"Pero no solo simulaciones simples tambi\u00e9n creamos simulaciones avanzadas con las mejores universidades como el MIT, para llevar investigaci\u00f3n de vanguardia sobre el c\u00e1ncer a estos estudiantes."} {"gender":"female","en":"The FBI sent a package of these recordings along with a handwritten note to Dr. King, and a draft of this note was found in FBI archives years later, and the letter said, \"You are no clergyman and you know it. King, like all frauds, your end is approaching.\"","es":"El FBI envi\u00f3 al Dr. King un paquete con las grabaciones junto a una nota escrita a mano y el borrador de dicha nota se encontr\u00f3 en los archivos del FBI a\u00f1os m\u00e1s tarde, y la carta dec\u00eda: \"Ud.no es un pastor y lo sabe, King, como todos los fraudes, su fin se acerca\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"You're looking at our current best guess of how to scale biology.","es":"Vemos aqu\u00ed la aproximaci\u00f3n m\u00e1s aceptable que hemos logrado para ajustar la biolog\u00eda a escala."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here is the question someone asked.","es":"Entonces estas es la pregunta que alguien hizo."} {"gender":"male","en":"TR: Thanks.","es":"Tosten Reil: Gracias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was then that her eyes lit up.","es":"Fue cuando le brillaron los ojos."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was not a very nice area of Seoul, there were mud streets outside of it.","es":"No era un \u00e1rea muy buena de Se\u00fal, las calles todav\u00eda eran de barro."} {"gender":"male","en":"The first one was actually two hours.","es":"La primera fue de 2 horas."} {"gender":"female","en":"This was the first experimental evidence that the Big Bang existed and the universe was born at a precise moment some 14.7 billion years ago.","es":"Esta fue la primera evidencia experimental de que existi\u00f3 el Big Bang y de que el Universo naci\u00f3 en un instante preciso hace unos 14.700 millones de a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"Loosening control, savoring the imperfections, allowing the, allowing the imperfections.","es":"Relajaci\u00f3n del control, saboreando las imperfecciones, permitiendo que permitiendo imperfecciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"But that's one reason why they ended up where they were.","es":"Pero esa era una raz\u00f3n por la que terminaron donde estaban."} {"gender":"male","en":"The second \"A\" is Awareness.","es":"La segunda A es estar \u00abatento\u00bb."} {"gender":"male","en":"I grew up on a steady diet of science fiction.","es":"Crec\u00ed con una dieta basada en la ciencia ficci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Of course we don't. But there are two things at heart that I think drive a conservative philosophy that are really relevant to this whole debate.","es":"Por supuesto que no. Pero hay dos cosas en el fondo que creo impulsan una filosof\u00eda conservadora que resultan muy relevantes en todo este debate."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then I would wait for what I call a wave of clarity.","es":"Entonces esper\u00e9, a lo que llamo, un momento de claridad."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I think not only individuals, but perhaps nations, too, have their own tipping points.","es":"Y creo que no solo las personas, sino tal vez tambi\u00e9n los pa\u00edses tienen sus propios puntos de inflexi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And greatly as I admire the achievements of professional designers, which have been extraordinary and immense, I also believe that design benefits hugely from the originality, the lateral thinking and the resourcefulness of its rebels and renegades.","es":"Y mucho admiro tambi\u00e9n los logros de los dise\u00f1adores profesionales, que han sido extraordinarios e inmensos. Tambi\u00e9n creo que el dise\u00f1o se beneficia enormemente de la originalidad, el pensamiento lateral y el ingenio de sus rebeldes y renegados."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm willing to suspect some of you hadn't even heard of them before.","es":"Sospecho que algunos de ustedes ni siquiera han o\u00f3do hablar de ellos antes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The mycelium is sentient.","es":"El micelio es sensitivo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's because our attention is pulled in so many different directions at a time, and it's in fact pretty impressive if you can stay focused.","es":"Porque hay tantas cosas que nos llaman la atenci\u00f3n al mismo tiempo, que, de hecho, es bastante sorprendente que podamos concentrarnos en algo."} {"gender":"male","en":"When he was writing a Broadway show, I would be outside of the door.","es":"Cuando \u00e9l escrib\u00eda una obra de Broadway, yo estaba tras la puerta."} {"gender":"male","en":"The proteins have to set up, strengthen and firm up. And then we have stage 12, which the textbooks call \"packaging,\" but my students call \"eating.\"","es":"Las prote\u00ednas se tienen que asentar, fortalecer y endurecer; luego tenemos la doceava etapa, que los libros de texto llaman \"empaque\" pero que mis estudiantes llaman \"comer.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"Today's performers, like Rhodessa Jones, work in women's prisons, helping women prisoners articulate the pain of incarceration, while today's playwrights and directors work with youth gangs to find alternate channels to violence and more and more and more.","es":"Los artistas de hoy, como Rhodessa Jones, trabajan en las c\u00e1rceles de mujeres para ayudar a las reclusas a expresar el dolor del encarcelamiento, los dramaturgos y directores de hoy trabajan con pandillas juveniles para hallar canales alternativos a la violencia y m\u00e1s y m\u00e1s y m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm seriously not showing love.","es":"De verdad que no estoy demostrando amor."} {"gender":"male","en":"So bearing that in mind, as a chemist, I wanted to ask myself the question frustrated by biology: What is the minimal unit of matter that can undergo Darwinian evolution?","es":"Teniendo eso en mente, como qu\u00edmico, quer\u00eda formularme la pregunta frustrada por la biolog\u00eda: \u00bfCu\u00e1l es la m\u00ednima unidad de materia capaz de experimentar una evoluci\u00f3n darwiniana?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Almost everybody today has a mobile phone.","es":"Casi todos hoy tienen un m\u00f3vil."} {"gender":"male","en":"So you can see, it's actually understanding my sentences and actually understanding these pictures.","es":"Como pueden ver, entiende mis frases y de hecho entiende estas im\u00e1genes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you very much.","es":"Muchas gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"So the oyster was the basis for a manifesto-like urban design project that I did about the New York Harbor called \"oyster-tecture.\"","es":"As\u00ed que el osti\u00f3n fue la base para un proyecto piloto de dise\u00f1o urbano, que hice en la bah\u00eda de Nueva York, proyecto llamado \u201costi\u00f3n-tructura\u201d."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In 2013, if you're concerned about a depression diagnosis, you go to your doctor, and what do you get?","es":"En 2013, si est\u00e1n preocupados por el diagn\u00f3stico de una depresi\u00f3n, van donde su doctor y \u00bfqu\u00e9 es lo que obtienen?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And then I noticed something very interesting about FreeSpeech.","es":"Y me di cuenta de algo muy interesante sobre FreeSpeech."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Second, we added verbal de-escalation skills into the training continuum and made it part of the use of force continuum.","es":"Segundo, agregamos destrezas verbales de desescalamiento en el entrenamiento continuo y lo hicimos parte del uso de la fuerza."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So you'll notice the two passengers sitting next to the middle guy are breathing virtually no pathogens at all.","es":"Vemos a los dos pasajeros sentados cerca del hombre en el medio pr\u00e1cticamente sin respirar pat\u00f3genos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I washed up on a Dublin ferry port about 12 years ago, a professional foreigner, if you like, and I'm sure you've all had this experience before, yeah?","es":"Qued\u00e9 varado en un puerto de Dubl\u00edn hace unos 12 a\u00f1os, como profesional extranjero, y estoy seguro de que Uds. han pasado por esto antes, \u00bfno?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Because I've lost everything that I valued, everything that I'd worked towards.","es":"Porque he perdido todo lo que valoraba, todo por lo que hab\u00eda trabajado."} {"gender":"male","en":"It also helped me ensure that the user interface I was defining could be explained concisely and clearly to regular people.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n me ayud\u00f3 a asegurar que la interfaz de usuario que defin\u00ed pudiera explicarse de manera concisa y clara para personas comunes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"My favorite phrase in all of politics, very American phrase, is: \"We the people.\"","es":"Mi frase favorita en pol\u00edtica, una frase muy estadounidense, es: \"Nosotros el pueblo\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Chris Anderson: Massimo, you told me earlier today that you had no idea, of course, that it would take off like this.","es":"Chris Anderson: Massimo, hoy me dijiste que no ten\u00edas ni idea, claro, del \u00e9xito que iba a tener el proyecto."} {"gender":"male","en":"But they don't consider themselves experts on video games; they've just got strong opinions.","es":"Pero ellos no se consideran expertos en videojuegos, simplemente tienen opiniones fuertes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You look.","es":"Ver."} {"gender":"female","en":"Africans were space-takers.","es":"Los africanos eran usurpadores de espacio."} {"gender":"male","en":"All right, well, what about online dating?","es":"Bien, \u00bfqu\u00e9 decir de las citas en l\u00ednea?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And if you get a chance, you can go to our website, and you'll see the incredible work these kids do.","es":"Y si ten\u00e9is la oportunidad, pod\u00e9is ir a nuestra web, y ver\u00e9is el trabajo incre\u00edble que hacen estos ni\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if we want to cure ourselves of NDD, or Nature Deficit Disorder, I think this is a great way of doing it.","es":"Y si queremos curarnos de PDN, o Problema del Deficit de Naturaleza, creo que esta es una manera incre\u00edble de hacerlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in the case of the whale hunt, also this idea of an excitement level.","es":"Y en el caso de la pesca de ballenas, tambi\u00e9n hay un nivel de emoci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Some of them were notes saying, get out.","es":"Algunos eran notas que dec\u00edan, salgan."} {"gender":"male","en":"And not until all the laws that are made by men are consistent with the laws made by the higher authority will we live in a just world.","es":"Y s\u00f3lo cuando todas las leyes de los hombres sean consistentes con las leyes que emanan de la autoridad divina viviremos en un mundo justo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Tiffany Kagure Mugo: OK.","es":"Tiffany Kagure Mugo: Bien."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's actually a measure of mobility based on income.","es":"Se trata de una medida de movilidad social basada en el ingreso."} {"gender":"male","en":"Her mother's doing everything she can.","es":"Su madre hace todo lo que puede."} {"gender":"male","en":"I want to know about things that I can relate to: validators, or anything that tells me somebody else has approved this, or there's outside validation.","es":"Cosas con las que establecer una relaci\u00f3n: una validaci\u00f3n, algo que me diga que alguien m\u00e1s aprueba esto o que hay aprobaci\u00f3n externa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is one of the things they ought to be thinking more about.","es":"Esta es una de las cosas sobre las que debemos pensar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Voice: Each card represents a phase of the 13 lunar cycles.","es":"M\u00e1quina: Cada carta representa una fase de los 13 ciclos lunares."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We have a successful company because of timing, and because of perseverance, but it's simple stuff, it's not rocket science.","es":"Saben, nosotros tenemos una compa\u00f1\u00eda exitosa porque llegamos a tiempo y perseveramos, pero es algo sencillo, no es gran ciencia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And finally, it's affordable.","es":"Y finalmente, es asequible."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let's talk about film now.","es":"Hablemos de pel\u00edculas ahora."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the idea is basically, can it look at you and make you feel as if like, \"What? Is it my shoes?\" \"Got something on my hair?\"","es":"Y la idea es b\u00e1sicamente, los puede mirar y hacerlos sentir como si, \"\u00bfQu\u00e9? \u00bfson mis zapatos? \"\u00bftengo algo en el pelo?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"By the way, do you know the answer?","es":"Por cierto, \u00bfsaben la respuesta?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And she goes, \"Uh no.\"","es":"Y ella: \"Eh no\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"I did this in front of many strangers.","es":"Lo hice frente a muchos extra\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's pending here in California, and just recently in New York.","es":"Est\u00e1 pendiente aqu\u00ed en California, y hace muy poco en Nueva York."} {"gender":"male","en":"What actually is CRISPR?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 es en realidad CRISPR?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Because there's alignment from the executive team.","es":"Debido a los ajustes realizados por el equipo ejecutivo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Production costs alone or in conjunction with how widely a film is distributed in this country.","es":"Son los costos de producci\u00f3n \u00fanicamente o en conjunto con cu\u00e1n amplia es la distribuci\u00f3n de un film."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well I'm going to match families on country of birth and residence, the demographics, what sex, their age, their income level within their own country, their educational achievement, a lot about their family structure.","es":"Bueno, voy a emparejar las familias en el pa\u00eds de nacimiento y de residencia, la demograf\u00eda: el sexo, la edad su nivel de ingresos dentro de su propio pa\u00eds, sus logros educativos, mucho sobre su estructura familiar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Look here, you have to end poverty, education, gender, child and maternal health, control infections, protect the environment and get the good global links between nations in every aspect from aid to trade.","es":"Hay que ocuparse de la pobreza, la educaci\u00f3n, la igualdad de g\u00e9nero, la salud materno-infantil, el control de infecciones, proteger el ambiente y una colaboraci\u00f3n mundial entre todas las naciones en todo sentido desde ayuda hasta comercio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's the first group, quite small.","es":"Ese es el primer grupo; es un grupo muy peque\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"There was a clear lesson: the Internet loves Mister Splashy Pants.","es":"As\u00ed que aqu\u00ed hay una clara lecci\u00f3n. Y es que el Internet ama a Mister Splashy Pants."} {"gender":"female","en":"And everywhere I look, you know, we're buffeted by it.","es":"Y a donde sea que mire, nos zarandean con eso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So this is interesting to us, because the conscious and subconscious decision process implies that the stuff that you do take with you and end up using has some kind of spiritual, emotional or functional value.","es":"Pues es eso lo que nos interesa porque el proceso de decisi\u00f3n consciente e incosciente implica que las cosas que llevan consigo, y terminan usando, tienen alg\u00fan tipo de valor espiritual, emocional o funcional."} {"gender":"male","en":"He made that special effect at the beginning to get everyone to think about interconnection and interconnectedness and how everything in life was totally interconnected. And then Leilei, I know his other name, told us about interconnection, and how we're all totally interconnected here, and how we've all known each other.","es":"As\u00ed que \u00e9l hizo este efecto especial al principio para que cada uno pensara en la interconexi\u00f3n y en estar interconectados, y c\u00f3mo todo en la vida estaba totalmente interconectado Y luego Lelei, conozco su otro nombre, nos habl\u00f3 de la interconexi\u00f3n, y de c\u00f3mo todos estamos completamente interconectados aqu\u00ed, y de c\u00f3mo nos hemos conocido entre nosotros."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Perhaps because they evolved to resist browsing by rhinoceros.","es":"Tal vez porque evolucionaron para resistir a ser comidas por el rinoceronte."} {"gender":"male","en":"In the 1930's now, you can see that Japan is going to a period of war, with lower life expectancy.","es":"Estamos ahora en 1930, como pueden ver que Jap\u00f3n est\u00e1 en un periodo de guerra, con una menor expectativa de vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, cancer seems far more serious.","es":"Quiero decir, el c\u00e1ncer parece mucho m\u00e1s grave."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So, you cannot argue with that.","es":"No se puede discutir eso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They are very different from us in body form.","es":"El cuerpo del delf\u00edn es muy diferente del nuestro."} {"gender":"male","en":"But we're taking something very complicated, turning it into sound, sequences of sounds, and producing something very complicated in your brain.","es":"Pero tomamos algo muy complicado lo convertimos en sonido, en secuencias de sonido, y producimos algo muy complicado en otro cerebro."} {"gender":"male","en":"Hopefully, I'll change this.","es":"Espero cambiar esto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So as you can see, lying is really a typical part of development.","es":"Como se puede ver, la mentira es realmente una fase t\u00edpica del desarrollo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Asthma: large number, we could detect things like pollen count, air quality, respiratory rate.","es":"Asm\u00e1ticos hay muchos. Se podr\u00edan detectar cosas como cantidad de polen, calidad del aire, frecuencia respiratoria."} {"gender":"male","en":"CA: So the question that a lot of people have here is, what do you make of Snowden's motivations for doing what he did, and did he have an alternative way that he could have gone?","es":"CA: La pregunta que muchos nos hacemos aqu\u00ed es \u00bfcu\u00e1les crees que son las motivaciones de Snowden para hacer lo que hizo? \u00bfTen\u00eda alguna manera alternativa de hacerlo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And that's the process that I call task allocation.","es":"Y ese es el proceso que llamo \u201casignaci\u00f3n de tareas\u201d."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They put them on boards, moved them all into one room, which they called \"the ugly room.\"","es":"Los pusieron en tableros que se trasladaron a una sala que llamaron \"la habitaci\u00f3n fea.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"The result is pretty staggering.","es":"El resultado es realmente asombroso."} {"gender":"male","en":"It is important also to acquire older mentors within these successful programs, and to make friends and colleagues of your age for mutual support.","es":"Es importante tambi\u00e9n tener mentores mayores dentro de estos programas exitosos, y tener amigos y colegas de la misma edad para apoyarse mutuamente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We think that's because the dragline silk, which is used to make the frame and radii for a web, needs to be very strong.","es":"Pensamos que es porque la seda del hilo de amarre, usada para hacer marcos y radios para una tela de ara\u00f1a, debe ser fuerte."} {"gender":"male","en":"They take their diet directly from the Bible.","es":"Toman su dieta directamente de la Biblia."} {"gender":"female","en":"Before, there was fear of going anywhere the station, and now they say there's a sense that the court is safer than other courts nearby, and they prefer their kids to play here.","es":"Antes, exist\u00eda el temor de ir a cualquier parte de la estaci\u00f3n, y ahora dicen hay una sensaci\u00f3n de que la cancha es m\u00e1s segura que otras cercanas, y prefieren que sus hijos jueguen aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"ST: No, you don't!","es":"ST: \u00a1No!"} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's why we continue to grab technology, because we want those things.","es":"Y por eso seguimos agarr\u00e1ndonos a la tecnolog\u00eda, porque nos conviene."} {"gender":"female","en":"Why does every word feel as if I'm saying my last?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 a cada palabra siento como si estuviera diciendo mi \u00faltima?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Roughly half a percent of Americans feel that they save too much.","es":"Casi el 0,5% de los americanos siente que ahorra mucho."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And here it is coming up at you, in its first steps up a wall.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed viene hacia ustedes, en su primeros pasos pared arriba."} {"gender":"female","en":"AM: Yeah, I definitely have to be moving, and balance is a little bit of an art in them.","es":"AM: As\u00ed es. Definitivamente tengo que mantenerme en movimiento. y para balancearse, se requiere un poco de pericia para usarlas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"A really important thing to keep in mind, there's research by political scientist Alan Abramowitz, showing that American democracy is increasingly governed by what's called \"negative partisanship.\"","es":"Un dato fundamental a tener en cuenta, existe un estudio del polit\u00f3logo Alan Abramowitz, que muestra que la democracia estadounidense se rige cada vez por el denominado \"partidismo negativo\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I could assemble them into a life, a long life, a hundred-year life, the entirety of that same great sequence through which the luckiest among us pass.","es":"Las compilar\u00eda en una vida, una larga vida, una vida centenaria, la totalidad de esa misma gran secuencia por la que pasan los m\u00e1s afortunados."} {"gender":"female","en":"Before the Great Migration began, 90 percent of all African Americans were living in the South.","es":"Antes de que comenzara la Gran Migraci\u00f3n, el 90 % de los afroestadounidenses viv\u00edan en el sur."} {"gender":"male","en":"In some ways, it feels very much like I'm a potter, that we tackle the things that are at our wheel, we try with the skill that we have to think about this next bowl that I want to make.","es":"De alguna manera, se nota mucho que soy alfarero, que abordamos las cosas como si estuvieran en el torno, tratamos con la habilidad que tenemos de pensar en el pr\u00f3ximo taz\u00f3n que deseo hacer."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, these plants have evolved very far away from the mainland, and within specific ecosystems.","es":"Ahora, estas plantas han evolucionado de forma muy diferente que las continentales, y dentro de sus ecosistemas espec\u00edficos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Let's see if we can actually make life.","es":"Veamos si podemos realmente crear vida."} {"gender":"female","en":"There are doctors, academics and bloggers who have written countless volumes on the many facets of this complex subject.","es":"Hay m\u00e9dicos, acad\u00e9micos y blogueros que han escrito ingentes vol\u00famenes sobre las muchas facetas de este complejo tema."} {"gender":"male","en":"SG: I think it's very difficult to set an organization up as we do, to pursue shareholder value above all else.","es":"SG: Creo que es muy dif\u00edcil establecer una organizaci\u00f3n como lo hacemos, buscar el valor para los accionistas por encima de todo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There is no chance this kind of hemorrhaging of human life would be accepted anywhere else other than Africa.","es":"No hay manera de que este tipo de hemorragia de la vida humana fuera aceptada en lugar alguno fuera de \u00c1frica."} {"gender":"male","en":"Wouldn't it be nice if intestinal gas came embodied in visible clouds, so she could see that her really quite inoffensive pop had only barely grazed my face before it drifted away.","es":"Qu\u00e9 bueno ser\u00eda si el gas intestinal viniera transformado en nubes visibles, para que ella pudiera ver que su inofensivo \"pop\" casi me ha rozado la cara antes de alejarse lentamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"We share written things, we share images, we share audio, we share video.","es":"Compartimos textos, im\u00e1genes, audio y video."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm really grateful that I get a chance to play for everyone.","es":"Y estoy tambi\u00e9n agradecida de que tengo la oportunidad de tocar para todos ustedes."} {"gender":"male","en":"My favorite is Frigoris.","es":"Mi favorito es Frigoris."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is exactly what we're looking for.","es":"Esto es exactamente lo que estamos buscando."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, we used to have a celebration every year and select, there used to be competition and parades and so on.","es":"Lo celebr\u00e1bamos cada a\u00f1o y eleg\u00edamos, sol\u00eda ser una competencia, hab\u00eda desfiles y dem\u00e1s."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They wished they knew how to prevent their food supply from sometimes failing, and how they could rest when they were tired without risking starvation, be warmer, cooler, safer, in less pain.","es":"Ellos deseaban saber c\u00f3mo prevenir que el alimento les faltara algunas veces, y saber que podr\u00edan descansar cuando estaban agotados sin correr el riesgo de morir de hambre, estar abrigados, frescos, seguros con menos dolor."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, am I saying that there are dumb people working here?","es":"Estoy diciendo que existe gente tonta trabajando aqu\u00ed?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Let me tell you a bit about it.","es":"Les voy a contar un poco sobre ello."} {"gender":"male","en":"The only place you find rights are in the stories that we have invented and spread around over the last few centuries.","es":"El \u00fanico lugar donde encontrar\u00e1n derechos es en las historias que hemos inventado y extendido por todas partes en los \u00faltimos siglos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It means, for example, that we need to think about strategy as the curation of these kinds of horizontal structure, where things like business definition and even industry definition are actually the outcomes of strategy, not something that the strategy presupposes.","es":"Significa, por ejemplo, que necesitamos pensar acerca de la estrategia como la cura de esta clase de estructuras horizontales, d\u00f3nde cosas como la definici\u00f3n de negocio y m\u00e1s a\u00fan la definici\u00f3n de industria, son en realidad el resultado de la estrategia, no algo que la estrategia presupone."} {"gender":"male","en":"That one's my favorite, let's hear it again.","es":"Ese es mi favorito, vamos a escucharlo de nuevo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I'm not alone.","es":"Y no soy la \u00fanica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If governments are less able to affect the problems that affect us in the world, then that means, who is left to deal with them, who has to take greater responsibility to deal with them?","es":"Si los gobiernos son menos capaces de afectar a los problemas que nos afectan en el mundo, entonces eso quiere decir: \u00bfQui\u00e9n queda para preocuparse de ellos?, \u00bfQui\u00e9n tiene que asumir una mayor responsabilidad para resolverlos?"} {"gender":"female","en":"This is particularly important during times of disaster recovery.","es":"Sumamente importante durante la recuperaci\u00f3n de un desastre."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, the other hot button is parenting.","es":"El otro punto candente es la crianza."} {"gender":"male","en":"PM: Okay.","es":"PM: Bien."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Even here in this hotel, the invisible ones, the butchers, the bakers the candlestick makers, they make the machines that make your french fries and they make your beds.","es":"Aun aqu\u00ed en este hotel, los invisibles, los meseros, los cocineros, los fabricantes de velas, hacen las m\u00e1quinas que hacen sus patatas y ellos tienden sus camas."} {"gender":"male","en":"What we see here are satellites around the Earth and the Earth in proper registration against the universe, as we see.","es":"Lo que vemos aqu\u00ed son sat\u00e9lites orbitando la Tierra y la Tierra en su posici\u00f3n correcta con respecto al Universo, como vemos."} {"gender":"male","en":"From Gando, my home village in Burkina Faso, to Berlin in Germany to become an architect is a big, big step.","es":"Desde Gando, mi pueblo natal en Burkina Faso, a Berl\u00edn en Alemania para ser arquitecto es un gran paso, un gran, gran paso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's equally wise to go for the stressful job so long as you believe that you can handle it, in some sense?","es":"\u00bfEs igual de conveniente escoger un trabajo estresante mientras t\u00fa creas poder manejarlo de alguna manera?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And then what happens?","es":"\u00bfY entonces, qu\u00e9 pasa?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Freedom House finds that although 50 percent of the world's countries today are democratic, 70 percent of those countries are illiberal in the sense that people don't have free speech or freedom of movement.","es":"Freedom House descubre que aunque el 50 % de los pa\u00edses del mundo hoy en d\u00eda son democr\u00e1ticos, el 70 % de esos pa\u00edses tienen una democracia parcial en el sentido de que la gente no tiene libertad de expresi\u00f3n o de circulaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"So at the end, I had a settlement with them.","es":"Al final firmamos un acuerdo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then the American environmental movement has been a classically Arcadian movement.","es":"Y entonces el movimiento ambientalista estadounidense ha sido un movimiento cl\u00e1sicamente buc\u00f3lico."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Oh, you're crying.","es":"\u00a1Est\u00e1s llorando!"} {"gender":"male","en":"And he does, checking behind his shoulder every 10 feet. And I swoosh from building to building on his way there 'cause I know where he lives.","es":"Y lo hace, mirando por encima del hombro a cada paso, mientras yo salto de edificio en edificio adelant\u00e1ndome porque s\u00e9 d\u00f3nde vive."} {"gender":"male","en":"So our sense was we had to do one thing, and only one thing, instead of trying to have everything.","es":"Sentimos que ten\u00edamos que hacer una sola cosa, una y solo una cosa, en vez de tratar de hacer de todo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They have a biological predisposition to go to bed late and get up late, so give them a break.","es":"Tienen una predisposici\u00f3n biol\u00f3gica para ir a la cama tarde y levantarse tarde, as\u00ed que d\u00e9jenlos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then I remembered it could be a bunch of things.","es":"Entonces record\u00e9 que podr\u00eda ser un mont\u00f3n de cosas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And that is a lot.","es":"Y eso es mucho."} {"gender":"male","en":"So some steps that we can take, to finish up, how to make this revolution through play.","es":"Para finalizar, algunas medidas que podemos tomar para hacer la revoluci\u00f3n a trav\u00e9s del juego."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"To kill two birds with one stone.","es":"Es decir, matar dos p\u00e1jaros de un tiro."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, step four: We needed to engage men.","es":"As\u00ed que, paso 4: ten\u00edamos que comprometer a los hombres."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you very much for looking and listening.","es":"Muchas gracias por mirar y escuchar."} {"gender":"male","en":"We tweak that a lot.","es":"Lo retorcemos mucho."} {"gender":"female","en":"Yes or no?\" No reply.","es":"\u00bfSe lo dejas o no?\" no respond\u00edan."} {"gender":"male","en":"The upper diagram is what we had seen in a whole host of contemporary libraries that used high modernist flexibility.","es":"El diagrama de la parte superior es lo que hemos visto en una multitud de bibliotecas contempor\u00e1neas que utilizan alta flexibilidad modernista."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this precise oxygen concentration, 10 parts per million, that caused suspended animation, is conserved.","es":"Y esa precisa concentraci\u00f3n de ox\u00edgeno, 10 partes por mill\u00f3n, que caus\u00f3 la animaci\u00f3n suspendida, se conserva."} {"gender":"male","en":"And a similar analysis, I think, can apply to the potential awkwardness of a sexual solicitation, and other cases where plausible deniability is an asset.","es":"Y un an\u00e1lisis similar, pienso, puede aplicarse a la potencial incomodidad de un requerimiento sexual, y otros casos en los que un rechazo veros\u00edmil es ventajoso."} {"gender":"female","en":"One wife deserted him and another passed away during treatment for evil spirits.","es":"Una esposa lo abandon\u00f3 y otra falleci\u00f3 durante el tratamiento de los malos esp\u00edritus."} {"gender":"female","en":"You all have heard that before.","es":"Todos han o\u00eddo eso antes."} {"gender":"female","en":"Secondly, this concept.","es":"Segundo, este concepto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So it's very hard to find out what's the role of each over time.","es":"As\u00ed que es muy dif\u00edcil averiguar el papel de cada uno en el tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Can anybody see them as identical?","es":"\u00bfPuede ver alguien que son id\u00e9nticos?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So they pulled back and they were looking at each other, and they were going, \"OK, what skills do we have in this room?","es":"Se retiraron y se miraban aterrados diciendo: \"Bueno, \u00bfqu\u00e9 habilidades hay en esta sala?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And if we just take that and we build from there, then we can go to the next step, which is that if the ocean ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.","es":"Si partimos de esa noci\u00f3n y seguimos desde ah\u00ed, podemos dar el siguiente paso, que es que si el oc\u00e9ano no est\u00e1 contento, nadie lo est\u00e1."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think it's possible.","es":"Creo que es posible."} {"gender":"male","en":"It doesn't necessarily feed back on itself the way we did things.","es":"No necesariamente se retroalimenta la forma c\u00f3mo lo hicimos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we're getting great reports back from corporate Ghana, corporate West Africa, and the things that they're most impressed about is work ethic.","es":"Y estamos recibiendo reportes fant\u00e1sticos de las empresas de Ghana y del \u00c1frica del Oeste. Y lo que m\u00e1s les ha impresionado ha sido la \u00e9tica de trabajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I would say this: I think that sunlight is the best disinfectant.","es":"Pero s\u00ed les dir\u00eda: creo que la luz solar es el mejor desinfectante."} {"gender":"male","en":"Tonight, like most nights, I'm all alone.","es":"Esta noche, al igual que casi todas, estoy solo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's dependent on specialists who just look at parts of us.","es":"Depende de especialistas que solo miran su parte."} {"gender":"male","en":"And there are only three of them.","es":"Y hay solo tres."} {"gender":"female","en":"A waitress told me, \"With my first baby, I was back at work five weeks postpartum.","es":"Una camarera me dijo: \"Con mi primer beb\u00e9, volv\u00ed al trabajo 5 semanas despu\u00e9s del parto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Doctors can make more on ordering tests sometimes, and also they no longer even know what's right or wrong.","es":"Los doctores pueden ganar m\u00e1s encargando estudios a veces. Y tambi\u00e9n ya no saben m\u00e1s que es lo correcto o incorrecto."} {"gender":"male","en":"He didn't say, better start taking this Statin, you need to lower your cholesterol.","es":"Tampoco dijo que deb\u00eda tomar estatinas, que necesitaba bajar el colesterol."} {"gender":"male","en":"But this is a problem of just incentives, just incentives.","es":"Pero este es solo un problema de incentivos."} {"gender":"female","en":"So race, class, gender, ability, all of these things go into our experiences of what it means to be a woman.","es":"La raza, la clase, el g\u00e9nero, la habilidad, todas se integran en nuestra experiencia de lo que significa ser mujer."} {"gender":"male","en":"Or will some of the metallic objects launched from the Earth spawn new oases, a post-human life elsewhere?","es":"\u00bfO alguna clase de objeto met\u00e1lico lanzado desde la Tierra generar\u00eda nuevos oasis, una vida post-humana en alg\u00fan lugar?"} {"gender":"male","en":"True story: I went looking for a school for my kid.","es":"Historia real: estaba buscando escuela para mi hijo."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, after hours of talking and tracking them down, and about 30 cups of tea, they finally agreed that we could sit down for a second jirga, and we did.","es":"As\u00ed, despu\u00e9s de horas de hablar y localizarlos a ellos, y cerca de 30 tazas de t\u00e9, finalmente acordaron que pod\u00edamos sentarnos en una segundo Jirga, y as\u00ed lo hicimos."} {"gender":"male","en":"To do that, this is an early example of the technology.","es":"Para lograr eso, esto es un ejemplo precoz de la tecnolog\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The nitrogen has two problems.","es":"El nitr\u00f3geno tiene dos problemas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Make an effort to engage with someone with whom you might typically avoid a political conversation.","es":"Hagan un esfuerzo por compartir con alguien con quienes normalmente evitar\u00edan una conversaci\u00f3n pol\u00edtica."} {"gender":"female","en":"It might be giving a pitch or giving a talk like this or doing a job interview.","es":"O al presentar una propuesta de un negocio, o al dar una charla como esta, o en una entrevista de trabajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Originally, you had the most complex societies, the hunter-gatherer village.","es":"Originalmente, las sociedades m\u00e1s complejas eran los pueblos de cazadores-recolectores."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I started thinking about how else might we figure out what the prevalence of HIV was in Africa in the past.","es":"Y comenc\u00e9 a pensar como podr\u00eda determinar la prevalecencia de VIH en \u00c1frica en el pasado."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this cryptocurrency enabled people to establish trust and do transactions without a third party.","es":"Esta criptodivisa permite establecer confianza y hacer transacciones sin una tercera parte."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that problem is so severe that the ultimate invention coming from this community surprised me: it's the social engineering.","es":"Y el problema es tan grave que la \u00faltima invenci\u00f3n procedente de esta comunidad me sorprendi\u00f3: es la ingenier\u00eda social."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the same kind of technology, it's called DNA barcoding, it's really cool, You can use it to check if your caviar is really beluga, if that sushi is really tuna, or if that goat cheese that you paid so much for is really goat's.","es":"Y el mismo tipo de tecnolog\u00eda, se llama c\u00f3digo de barras de ADN, es genial. Lo puedes usar para verificar si tu caviar es realmente beluga, si ese sushi es realmente at\u00fan, o si ese queso de cabra por el que pagaste mucho, es realmente de cabra."} {"gender":"male","en":"You just looked at your clock, right?","es":"Acaban de mirar su reloj, \u00bfverdad?"} {"gender":"male","en":"How do you get back an accurate view of the color on Mars if you have a really terrible bandwidth to do it with?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo se puede obtener una vista precisa del color en Marte, si se tiene un ancho de banda terrible para lograrlo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Because our hamburger recipe, our ultimate hamburger recipe, if you make the buns and you marinate the meat and you do all this stuff, it does take about 30 hours.","es":"Siguiendo nuestra receta de hamburguesa, la receta suprema, si uno hace los panes, marina la carne y hace todas estas cosas, le lleva unas 30 horas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, what does OWL stand for?","es":"Bueno, \u00bfy qu\u00e9 significa OWL?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"JA: That's right, yeah.","es":"JA: Exacto, s\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"To isolate the single most intuitive interface out of infinity, we use neuroscience to drive our design guidelines, instead of letting a bunch of designers fight it out in the boardroom.","es":"Para aislar la \u00fanica interfaz m\u00e1s intuitiva de todas las posibles usamos la neurociencia para guiarnos en el dise\u00f1o en lugar de dejar que lo decida un grupo de dise\u00f1adores en una sala de reuniones."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here's another violent case.","es":"Este es otro caso violento."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a southwest monsoon.","es":"Es un monz\u00f3n del SO."} {"gender":"male","en":"We can zoom in here, and we suddenly see that now we see where Paul has really spent a majority of his time.","es":"Podemos acercarnos aqu\u00ed, y de repente vemos d\u00f3nde Paul ha pasado realmente la mayor parte de su tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I couldn't get the words out.","es":"No pude decir las palabras."} {"gender":"male","en":"Remember, this is 50 million dollars' worth of value.","es":"Recuerden que esta traducci\u00f3n vale costar\u00eda al menos US$ 50 millones."} {"gender":"male","en":"KB: OK, Steve, come on up here.","es":"KB: Bien, Steve, ven aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"And one of the key points in the science of happiness is that happiness and unhappiness are not endpoints of a single continuum.","es":"Y uno de los puntos clave de la ciencia de la felicidad es que la felicidad y la infelicidad no son los extremos de una l\u00ednea continua."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's harder to find somebody who's on the other side.","es":"Es m\u00e1s dif\u00edcil encontrar a alguien del otro lado."} {"gender":"male","en":"People are not the problem.","es":"Las personas no son el problema."} {"gender":"male","en":"He read every medical textbook he could get his hands on, carefully noting every mention of the word \"pain.\" Out of the 14,000 pages he read, the word \"pain\" was on 17 and a half of them. Seventeen and a half.","es":"Ley\u00f3 cada libro de texto m\u00e9dico que llegaba a sus manos, revisando cuidadosamente las \u00e1reas que dec\u00edan la palabra \"dolor\" De las 14 000 p\u00e1ginas que ley\u00f3, la palabra \"dolor\" se mencionaba 17 veces y media Diecisiete veces y media."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now a drone like this is meant to carry a useful payload, such as a video camera or a photographic camera.","es":"Un avi\u00f3n no tripulado como este puede llevar carga \u00fatil, como una videoc\u00e1mara o una c\u00e1mara fotogr\u00e1fica."} {"gender":"male","en":"One of the things that I want to leave you with as you think about this talk is that this talk is not just about us preaching to the world.","es":"Una de las cosas que quiero que piensen si van a reflexionar sobre esta charla es que no estamos simplemente predicando por todo el mundo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"A new replicator was let loose, and it could never be, right from the start, it could never be that human beings who let loose this new creature, could just copy the useful, beautiful, true things, and not copy the other things.","es":"Un nuevo replicador fue liberado, y no es en absoluto posible que desde el principio, los seres humanos que soltaron esta nueva criatura, s\u00f3lo pudieran copiar lo \u00fatil, lo bello, las cosas verdaderas y que no copiaran las otras cosas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There we go.","es":"Ah\u00ed vamos."} {"gender":"female","en":"But the crisper drawers, they're just a drawer with a slightly better seal.","es":"Pero los cajones para verduras son solo cajones un poquito m\u00e1s herm\u00e9ticos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And, of course, graphics: Today 84 dollars and 97 cents at Best Buy buys you more graphics power than you could have gotten for a million bucks from SGI only a decade ago.","es":"Y, por supuesto, gr\u00e1ficos hoy: por $ 84,97 en Best Buy compras m\u00e1s potencia de gr\u00e1ficos que la que hubieras podido conseguir con un mill\u00f3n de d\u00f3lares de SGI hace una d\u00e9cada."} {"gender":"female","en":"I will not survive.\"","es":"Yo no sobrevivir\u00e9\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"They feed on other little things. They feed on mosquito larvae.","es":"Se alimentan de otras peque\u00f1as cosas, de larvas de mosquito."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, we all start life as a single cell. It multiples to two. Two becomes four. Four becomes eight, and on and on to form the 200 million billion cells that make up our adult body.","es":"Todos comenzamos la vida como una sola c\u00e9lula que se multiplica por dos; dos se convierten en cuatro; cuatro en ocho, y as\u00ed sucesivamente hasta formar los 200 000 billones de c\u00e9lulas que componen nuestro cuerpo adulto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Trash the system or crash the planet, it's a tough choice; it isn't much of a choice.","es":"Desecha el sistema o destroza el planeta. Es una elecci\u00f3n dif\u00edcil. No hay mucho para elegir."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I'm very honored by the fact that Michel invited me, only a few months ago, to become a UNAIDS ambassador.","es":"Y me siento honrada de que Michel me invitara hace unos meses a ser embajadora de UNAIDS."} {"gender":"male","en":"And Rumsfeld's answer is, \"Well, we don't do body counts on other people.\"","es":"La respuesta de Rumsfeld fue: \"No contamos las v\u00edctimas de los dem\u00e1s\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"There you are, swinging the sun around.","es":"Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1s, desplazando el sol alrededor."} {"gender":"male","en":"It allowed painting to not have to have that everyday chore of telling the story, and painting became free and was allowed to tell its own story, and that's when we saw Modernism emerge, and we saw painting go into different branches.","es":"Le permiti\u00f3 ya no tener esa tarea cotidiana de contar la historia, la pintura se liber\u00f3 y se le permiti\u00f3 contar su propia historia, que fue cuando emergi\u00f3 el Modernismo, y vimos a la pintura entrar a diferentes ramas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I think we should shatter some of our utopian assumptions and actually start doing something about it.","es":"Entonces, creo que deber\u00edamos olvidar nuestros supuestos ut\u00f3picos y empezar a hacer algo al respecto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Really, it's amazing.","es":"De verdad, es incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"female","en":"And that was it.","es":"Y eso fue todo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, this table I've given just to emphasize that I've only talked about two examples.","es":"En esta tabla quisiera hacer hincapi\u00e9 que solo hemos hablado de dos ejemplos."} {"gender":"female","en":"That begs the question: What if the algorithms are wrong?","es":"Eso plantea una pregunta: \u00bfQu\u00e9 pasa si los algoritmos se equivocan?"} {"gender":"male","en":"These problems still seem very daunting and very intractable, and any solutions we're achieving are small solutions.","es":"Esos problemas a\u00fan parecen abrumadores e insolubles, y las soluciones que logramos son muy peque\u00f1as."} {"gender":"male","en":"But for 30 years, the power of genetic analysis has been confined to the ivory tower, or bigwig PhD scientist work.","es":"Pero durante 30 a\u00f1os, el poder del an\u00e1lisis gen\u00e9tico se ha limitado a la torre de marfil o el trabajo cient\u00edfico de doctorados."} {"gender":"female","en":"So when I was little, my dad would sit me down at night and he would say, \"I'm going to teach you about time and space in the future.\"","es":"Cuando era ni\u00f1a pap\u00e1 me sentaba para hablarme y me dec\u00eda: \"Te voy a ense\u00f1ar sobre el tiempo y el espacio en el futuro\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"So for the mosquito, it's a dead end.","es":"As\u00ed para el mosquito, esto es un callej\u00f3n sin salida."} {"gender":"female","en":"What if?","es":"\u00bfY si?"} {"gender":"male","en":"What you're seeing here is actually their program on the left.","es":"Lo que vemos aqu\u00ed es en realidad su programa, a la izquierda."} {"gender":"male","en":"The apparatus is on the left, with food on it.","es":"El aparato est\u00e1 a la izquierda con comida sobre \u00e9l."} {"gender":"male","en":"What's interesting to me is, these are called \"alternative education.\"","es":"Lo que me resulta interesante, es que se llaman \u00abeducaci\u00f3n alternativa\u00bb."} {"gender":"male","en":"We can just play with papers.","es":"Podemos jugar con papeles."} {"gender":"male","en":"But actually, you can do this kind of stuff with PCs.","es":"Pero en realidad, pueden hacer estas cosas con PCs."} {"gender":"male","en":"But in any event, by the end of this year, beginning of next year, we get to a stable equilibrium outcome.","es":"Pero en cualquier evento, al final de este a\u00f1o, al principio del siguiente, llegamos a un resultado equilibrado y estable."} {"gender":"female","en":"When I go on a story, I have to let go of those kinds of beliefs.","es":"Y cuando voy a la historia, debo abandonar ese tipo de pensamientos."} {"gender":"male","en":"As the atmosphere gets thicker, everything gets better.","es":"A medida que la atm\u00f3sfera se espesa, todo mejora."} {"gender":"male","en":"From China to Brazil, these projects attempt to provide as many houses as possible, but they're completely generic and simply do not work as an answer to the individual needs of the people.","es":"De China a Brasil, el prop\u00f3sito de estos proyectos es proporcionar tantas casas como sea posible, pero son totalmente gen\u00e9ricos y la verdad es que no son la soluci\u00f3n a las necesidades individuales de la gente."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"The commander told me that a woman could gauge a potentially violent situation much better than men.","es":"La comandante me dijo que una mujer pod\u00eda prever una situaci\u00f3n potencialmente violenta mucho mejor que un hombre."} {"gender":"male","en":"They do it on their own tapes, with their own recording equipment; they distribute it themselves.","es":"Lo hacen con sus propias cintas, con su propio equipo de grabaci\u00f3n; lo distribuyen ellos mismos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And my answer, in a word, is mindfulness.","es":"Y mi respuesta, en una palabra, es consciencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"Water is the key to life, but in frozen form, it is a latent force.","es":"El agua es clave para la vida, pero, congelada, es una fuerza latente."} {"gender":"male","en":"But you don't talk about it so much.","es":"Pero no hablamos mucho de eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, how often do people's minds wander?","es":"Bien, \u00bfcon qu\u00e9 frecuencia la gente deja divagar su mente?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I had to make lists of reasons to stay alive.","es":"Ten\u00eda que hacer listas de razones por las que mantenerme con vida."} {"gender":"female","en":"According to researchers at the University of New Hampshire seven percent of all child pornography possession arrests are teens, sexting consensually with other teens.","es":"Seg\u00fan los investigadores de la Universidad de New Hampshire el 7 % de las detenciones por posesi\u00f3n de pornograf\u00eda infantil son de adolescentes, por sexting consensuado con otros adolescentes."} {"gender":"male","en":"Richard Preston: Yes, that is correct.","es":"Richard Preston: S\u00ed, es correcto."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is really just about the facts of this economic moment that we live in.","es":"Se trata sencillamente de hechos de este momento econ\u00f3mico en que vivimos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And here's that same DNA automatically reassembled 24 hours later.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 el mismo ADN autom\u00e1ticamente reensamblado 24 horas m\u00e1s tarde."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Men lie eight times more about themselves than they do other people.","es":"Los hombres mienten ocho veces m\u00e1s sobre ellos mismos que sobre otras personas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"People's lives are too complex, and who wants to do that?","es":"La vida de las personas ya es demasiado compleja, y \u00bfqui\u00e9n querr\u00eda hacer eso?"} {"gender":"female","en":"But perhaps my old friend Lyndon Johnson might have put it in less noble fashion: \"Better to have your enemies inside the tent pissing out, than outside the tent pissing in.\"","es":"Pero tal vez mi viejo amigo, Lyndon Johnson lo habr\u00eda expresado de una manera menos noble: \"Mejor tener a tus enemigos dentro de la tienda meando hacia afuera que fuera de la tienda meando hacia dentro.\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So some of the suggestions we made as to what we might want to do after lunch were a little bit impractical, and after a while, someone made a particularly silly suggestion and Ms. Russell patted them down with that gentle aphorism, \"That wouldn't work.","es":"As\u00ed que algunas de las sugerencias que hicimos sobre lo que quer\u00edamos hacer despu\u00e9s de comer fueron poco \u00fatiles. y despu\u00e9s de un tiempo, alguien hizo una sugerencia particularmente tonta y la Sra. Russell respondi\u00f3 con esta suave expresi\u00f3n: \"Eso no funcionar\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"We didn't make phone calls like normal human beings do and say, you know, \"This is over.\"","es":"No quer\u00edamos hacer llamadas de tel\u00e9fono como hacen las personas normales y decir: Esto se acab\u00f3\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There's nothing like it in the land.\"","es":"No hay nada como eso en la tierra\u201d."} {"gender":"male","en":"We don't transfer people, but we stabilize them, and we save their lives.","es":"No transportamos gente, pero la estabilizamos, y le salvamos la vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"They do need to go to a sanatorium for two weeks, later.","es":"Y luego necesitan ir a un sanatorio durante dos semanas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And 250 countries all competing.","es":"250 pa\u00edses en competencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we've decided in the next three years, we will double the volume of certified material we put through our business.","es":"Hemos decidido que en los pr\u00f3ximos tres a\u00f1os, duplicaremos el volumen de material certificado que producimos en nuestra empresa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The pandemic circulated three times in 18 months in the absence of commercial air travel.","es":"La pandemia circul\u00f3 tres veces en 18 meses en ausencia de viajes a\u00e9reos comerciales."} {"gender":"male","en":"It goes all the way back to Aristotle. And doctors hate it, right?","es":"Se remonta a Aristoteles Y los doctores lo odian, \u00bfcierto?."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm always astonished when people come to me and say, \"Why is it that men are so adulterous?\"","es":"Siempre me sorprende cuando la gente viene y me pregunta: \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 los hombres son tan ad\u00falteros?"} {"gender":"female","en":"So finally that brings us to one more idea: If scientists judge evidence collectively, this has led historians to focus on the question of consensus, and to say that at the end of the day, what science is, what scientific knowledge is, is the consensus of the scientific experts who through this process of organized scrutiny, collective scrutiny, have judged the evidence and come to a conclusion about it, either yea or nay. So we can think of scientific knowledge as a consensus of experts.","es":"Finalmente esto nos trae otra idea: Si los cient\u00edficos eval\u00faan la evidencia colectivamente esto le deja a los historiadores a enfocarse en la pregunta del consenso y a decir que al final del d\u00eda, lo que es la ciencia, lo que es el conocimiento cient\u00edfico, es el consenso de los cient\u00edficos expertos quienes con este proceso del escrutinio organizado, o escrutinio colectivo, han evaluado la evidencia y ha llegado a una conclusi\u00f3n, ya sea s\u00ed o no. Podemos pensar que el conocimiento cient\u00edfico es un consenso de expertos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They are hospital ships.","es":"Son barcos hospitales."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's because sneakers are an investment opportunity where none other exists.","es":"Porque las zapatillas son una oportunidad de inversi\u00f3n donde no existe otra."} {"gender":"male","en":"I had received the shaman's blessing to study the river, on the condition that after I take the water samples and analyze them in my lab, wherever I was in the world, that I pour the waters back into the ground so that, as the shaman said, the waters could find their way back home.","es":"Yo hab\u00eda recibido la bendici\u00f3n del cham\u00e1n para estudiar el r\u00edo, con la condici\u00f3n de que, despu\u00e9s de tomarme las muestras de agua y analizarlas en laboratorio, all\u00e1 donde estuviese en el mundo, deb\u00eda volver a verter las aguas al suelo para que, c\u00f3mo dec\u00eda el cham\u00e1n, las aguas puedan encontrar su camino de vuelta a casa."} {"gender":"male","en":"Ten years ago, on a Tuesday morning, I conducted a parachute jump at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.","es":"Hace 10 a\u00f1os, un martes por la ma\u00f1ana, dirig\u00ed un salto en paraca\u00eddas en el Fuerte Bragg, Carolina del Norte."} {"gender":"male","en":"Specifically, it feels like little bits of my time get slipped away to various things like this, like technology, I check things.","es":"Espec\u00edficamente, es como que el tiempo se me va en varias cosas como esta, como la tecnolog\u00eda, verifico cosas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And after it visited all four of those planets, Carl Sagan, who's one of my great heroes, had the wonderful idea of turning Voyager around and taking a picture of every planet it had visited.","es":"Y despu\u00e9s de visitar esos cuatro planetas, Carl Sagan, uno de mis mayores h\u00e9roes, tuvo la maravillosa idea de hacer girar a la Voyager para obtener una foto de cada planeta que hab\u00eda visitado."} {"gender":"female","en":"She said, \"That's Wei.","es":"Me dijo: \u00abEs Wei."} {"gender":"male","en":"So a few years ago, I started getting very interested in the SETI program.","es":"As\u00ed, hace unos a\u00f1os, comenc\u00e9 a interesarme mucho en el programa SETI."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"Why do you say such things, Aboody?\"","es":"\"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 dices esas cosas, Aboody?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"Why?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Objects appeared, morphed and disappeared in my reality.","es":"Los objetos aparec\u00edan, se transformaban y desaparec\u00edan en mi realidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a little like the difference between throwing a ball and releasing a bird.","es":"Es un poco como la diferencia entre lanzar una pelota y liberar un p\u00e1jaro."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, with RFIDs and other things, whatever technology it is, it doesn't really matter. The point is that everything will have embedded in it some sensor connecting it to the machine, and so we have, basically, an Internet of things.","es":"Ahora, con RFID y otras cosas --cualquier tecnolog\u00eda que sea no importa realmente, es punto es que todo incluir\u00e1 alguna colectividad con La M\u00e1quina entonces tenemos, b\u00e1sicamente, un Internet de cosas."} {"gender":"female","en":"She believes, \"Yes, this is it, this is what my destiny is about.\"","es":"Cree, \"s\u00ed, es as\u00ed, es mi destino\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you sit kids down, hour after hour, doing low-grade clerical work, don't be surprised if they start to fidget, you know?","es":"Si sientan a los ni\u00f1os, hora tras hora, a hacer trabajo administrativo de bajo grado, no se sorprendan si comienzan a inquietarse, \u00bfno?"} {"gender":"male","en":"He has a master's degree.","es":"Tiene un t\u00edtulo de maestr\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"What do I think is going on here?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 les parece que est\u00e1 sucediendo aqu\u00ed?"} {"gender":"male","en":"But if I had to choose one building in the world to be cast out on a desert island, to live the rest of my life, being an addict of symmetry, I would probably choose the Alhambra in Granada.","es":"Pero si tuviera que elegir un edificio en el mundo para que lo pusieran en una isla desierta, donde pasar el resto de mi vida, siendo un adicto a la simetr\u00eda, probablemente elegir\u00eda la Alhambra en Granada."} {"gender":"male","en":"And from here, I can see, it's not just an image, this is a photograph.","es":"Y a partir de aqu\u00ed, pude ver, no es solo una imagen, es una fotograf\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is a picture of Hong Ngu, Vietnam today.","es":"Y esta es una fotograf\u00eda de Hong Ngu, hoy Vietnam."} {"gender":"female","en":"You can feel the texture under bare feet.","es":"Su textura se nota bajo el pie descalzo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We do need to engage, though, in social fiction to make it happen.","es":"Pero debemos involucrarnos en la ficci\u00f3n social para hacer que suceda."} {"gender":"male","en":"I just realized this is going to be recorded, isn't it?","es":"Acabo de darme cuenta que esto va a ser grabado, \u00bfno es as\u00ed?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So after five days of crossing the Drake Passage, isn't that beautiful, after five days of crossing the Drake Passage, we have finally arrived at Antarctica.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de 5 d\u00edas de traves\u00eda por el Pasaje de Drake \u00bfno es hermoso? Despu\u00e9s de 5 d\u00edas de traves\u00eda por el Pasaje de Drake finalmente llegamos a la Ant\u00e1rtida."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They're coming together.","es":"Vienen juntos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But it wasn't about blood diamonds.","es":"Pero esto no se deb\u00eda a los diamantes de sangre."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So you don't need the greatest technology to do things that can work in movies.","es":"Entonces, no necesitan la mejor tecnolog\u00eda para hacer cosas que funcionen en las pel\u00edculas."} {"gender":"female","en":"So how is this making a difference around the world?","es":"Y \u00bfc\u00f3mo esto marca una diferencia en todo el mundo?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And it wanders far and wide.","es":"Y deambula lejos y ampliamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"What drives the disability for these disorders like schizophrenia and bipolar and depression?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 conduce a la incapacidad de estos trastornos como la esquizofrenia, el trastorno bipolar y la depresi\u00f3n?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Our system isn't just being shaped in these ways that seem to be distorting around race, they're also distorted by poverty.","es":"Nuestro sistema no est\u00e1 solamente distorsionado frente a la raza, tambi\u00e9n lo est\u00e1 respecto a la pobreza."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This means we all benefit when another country gets rich.","es":"Esto significa que todos nos beneficiamos cuando otro pa\u00eds se enriquece."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Dimitri, just waggle your arm around.","es":"Dimitri, mueve el brazo."} {"gender":"male","en":"They've been exposed to this idea of our society, of our prosperity.","es":"Han estado expuestos a esta idea de nuestra sociedad, de nuestra prosperidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"And if we're so blessed, we engage in activities that transform suffering.","es":"Y, si somos muy bendecidos, nos involucramos en actividades que transforman el sufrimiento."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"You can't imagine other businesses that you would think of going into that have these kind of numbers.","es":"Es inimaginable pensar otros negocios que se comenzaran con esas cifras."} {"gender":"male","en":"We were on welfare, sometimes homeless, many times hungry.","es":"Recib\u00edamos ayuda del estado, a veces no ten\u00edamos un hogar y muchas veces qu\u00e9 comer."} {"gender":"male","en":"Today marks exactly six months, and for the first time in history, not a single child has been paralyzed in Uttar Pradesh or Bihar.","es":"Hoy hace exactamente seis meses que por primera vez en la historia, ning\u00fan ni\u00f1o ha quedado paralizado en Uttar Pradesh o en Bihar."} {"gender":"female","en":"When he goes to work, he doesn't stop by to talk to anybody, he doesn't call.","es":"Cuando va a su oficina, no se detiene a hablar con nadie, no llama."} {"gender":"male","en":"So Steve, how about let's zap the brain with electricity?","es":"As\u00ed que Steve, \u00bfqu\u00e9 tal si asaltamos el cerebro con la electricidad?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We've done the research, and we have looked at the 100 iconic companies of the world, Carnegie, Westinghouse, Edison, Ford, all the new companies, Google, Yahoo.","es":"Hemos investigado y observado a las 100 compa\u00f1\u00edas \u00edconos del mundo Carnegie, Westinghouse, Edison, Ford, todas las compa\u00f1\u00edas nuevas, Google, Yahoo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There is even some from the U.S. We're building for smartphones, so that it can be used in the developed world, as well as the developing world.","es":"Incluso hay algunos de los Estados Unidos. Estamos construyendolo para tel\u00e9fonos inteligentes smartphones, para que pueda ser utilizada en pa\u00edses desarrollados, as\u00ed como tambi\u00e9n en pa\u00edses en v\u00edas de desarrollo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That was the only criteria, was that you be, you looked like a gentleman, and they'd let anybody could come.","es":"Era el \u00fanico criterio, que Ud. fuera, que Ud. se viera como un caballero, y permit\u00edan que cualquiera viniera."} {"gender":"male","en":"And they were curious about the risks of transmission, or what exactly \"undetectable\" meant, or where they could get tested, or some guys would ask me about my experiences, and I could share my story with them.","es":"Y sent\u00edan curiosidad de los riesgos de transmisi\u00f3n, o sobre qu\u00e9 significaba \"indetectable\" o d\u00f3nde pod\u00edan hacerse un chequeo, o algunos me preguntaron por experiencias y compart\u00eda mis historias con ellos."} {"gender":"female","en":"CA: And yet, a year or two later, you were there with a medicine that worked for Jenesis.","es":"CA: Y sin embargo, un a\u00f1o o dos m\u00e1s tarde, ten\u00edas un f\u00e1rmaco que funcion\u00f3 para G\u00e9nesis."} {"gender":"male","en":"And everybody was telling me it was a different world.","es":"Y todo el mundo me contaba ellos, era un mundo diferente."} {"gender":"male","en":"After the fall of Suharto in Indonesia, I began to explore conditions of poverty in a country that was on its way towards modernization.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de la ca\u00edda de Suharto en Indonesia, comenc\u00e9 a explorar las condiciones de pobreza en un pa\u00eds en camino a la modernizaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Shit offends people.","es":"\"Mierda\" ofende a la gente."} {"gender":"female","en":"I clicked on the link; it led me back to a report uploaded by an American girl called Michaela Cross.","es":"Hice clic en el enlace y me llev\u00f3 a un informe subido por una chica de EE. UU. llamada Michaela Cross."} {"gender":"male","en":"Nobody seems alien.","es":"Nadie parece un extraterrestre."} {"gender":"male","en":"The natural system produces by bringing elements together, atom by atom.","es":"El sistema natural produce uniendo elementos, \u00e1tomo por \u00e1tomo."} {"gender":"female","en":"In fact, the Afghan Ministry of Health does things that I wish we would do in America.","es":"De hecho, el Ministro de Salud afgano hace cosas que ojal\u00e1 hici\u00e9ramos en EE. UU."} {"gender":"male","en":"You're not getting off that easy. All right?","es":"\u00bfUds no abandonan tan f\u00e1cilmente, correcto?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So we've spent a lot of time and effort in turning the data into stories to be able to tell, what's the state of the engine, how are the tires degrading, what's the situation with fuel consumption?","es":"As\u00ed que dedicamos mucho tiempo y esfuerzo a convertir esos datos en historias que puedan indicar el estado del motor, el desgaste de las llantas, el consumo de combustible."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here are two examples of this principle.","es":"Aqu\u00ed tengo dos ejemplos de este principio."} {"gender":"female","en":"I don't recommend sitting on a gargoyle in the middle of January, naked.","es":"No recomiendo sentarse sobre una g\u00e1rgola en pleno enero, desnudo."} {"gender":"female","en":"The silent majority needs to know.","es":"Esta mayor\u00eda necesita tener el conocimiento."} {"gender":"male","en":"They would put up 25,000 images, they would go like this, \"25,0000, okay, okay. There is the problem.\"","es":"Colocaban 25.000 im\u00e1genes hac\u00edan algo as\u00ed como 25 mil veces \"bien, bien, \u00a1ah\u00ed est\u00e1 el problema!\""} {"gender":"female","en":"And she showed me how to make just the right crimp so they wouldn't open, and she makes them with her daughters every Sunday and distributes them by the dozens to neighbors and friends.","es":"Y me mostr\u00f3 c\u00f3mo hacer bien las ondas de cierre para que no se abrieran. Esto lo hace con sus hijas todos los domingos y lo reparte por docenas a vecinos y amigos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's when the army came and that's when he was taken away in a helicopter and never seen again until we found him in Grave 15.","es":"Es entonces cuando lleg\u00f3 el Ej\u00e9rcito y es entonces cuando se lo llevaron en un helic\u00f3ptero y nunca lo han vuelto a ver hasta que lo encontramos en la tumba 15."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Pharmaceutical companies reap untold profits when women are convinced they should take a prescribed medication for all of their child-bearing lives.","es":"Las compa\u00f1\u00edas farmac\u00e9uticas obtienen beneficios incalculables cuando las mujeres creen que deben tomar un medicamento durante toda su vida reproductiva."} {"gender":"male","en":"And he used to write presidents of the United States.","es":"Sol\u00eda escribirle a los presidentes de Estados Unidos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Of the first 53 college football players we looked at, 48 had this disease.","es":"De los primeros 53 estudiantes de futbol universitarios, 48 dieron positivo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's up around 55 to 60 degrees centigrade.","es":"Ha llegado a unos 55-60 grados cent\u00edgrados."} {"gender":"male","en":"After all, conversations about high blood pressure have all the elements of great shop talk: stress and high blood pressure, food and high blood pressure, relationships and high blood pressure, and yes, what it's like to be a black man in America and high blood pressure.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de todo, las conversaciones sobre presi\u00f3n arterial alta tienen todos los elementos de una buena charla: estr\u00e9s y presi\u00f3n arterial alta, alimentaci\u00f3n y presi\u00f3n arterial alta, relaciones y presi\u00f3n arterial alta, y s\u00ed, lo que se siente siendo un hombre negro en EE.UU. y la presi\u00f3n arterial alta."} {"gender":"male","en":"He's Tim's friend.","es":"Es amigo de Tim."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's 30 times what it has today.","es":"Es 30 veces m\u00e1s de lo que tiene en la actualidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"We have all probably wondered how great minds achieved what they achieved, right?","es":"Todos probablemente nos hemos preguntado c\u00f3mo las grandes mentes lograron lo que lograron, \u00bfcierto?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And, of course those are the remains, and they're so labeled.","es":"Y, por supuesto son los restos y est\u00e1n tan marcados."} {"gender":"female","en":"They would never, ever, come up with the answer, \"It's because it's a US product.\"","es":"Ellas jam\u00e1s me responder\u00e1n: \"Es porque es un producto EE.UU.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And so, remarkably, I discovered that there's also a drift toward specialization.","es":"Y as\u00ed, sorprendentemente, descubr\u00ed que tambi\u00e9n hay una tendencia hacia la especializaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Interestingly, things like micro-payments are actually going to change the way security works in our world, because once we're better able to allocate value, people will use their money and their energies for more constructive things.","es":"Curiosamente, transacciones como los micropagos van a cambiar la manera en que la seguridad funciona en nuestro mundo, porque una vez que estemos en mejores condiciones para asignar valor, la gente va a usar su dinero y sus energ\u00edas para cosas m\u00e1s constructivas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Talking about time in a moment.","es":"Hablar\u00e9 del tiempo en un momento."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was interested in the idea of why and how I could create a new story, a new narrative in art history and a new narrative in the world.","es":"Estaba interesada en la idea de por qu\u00e9 y c\u00f3mo podr\u00eda yo crear una nueva historia, una nueva narrativa en la historia del arte y una nueva narrativa en el mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"For example, you could create a rod that can easily be placed inside water bottles for individual use or you could create a porous filter that can filter water for families.","es":"Por ejemplo, se podr\u00eda crear una varilla colocable f\u00e1cilmente en el interior de las botellas de agua para uso individual o se puede crear un filtro poroso que pueda filtrar el agua para las familias."} {"gender":"male","en":"Any tool can be used to build or to destroy.","es":"Cualquier herramienta puede usarse para construir o para destruir."} {"gender":"male","en":"We're not doing as well at that job as we should be.","es":"No estamos haciendo tan buen trabajo como deber\u00edamos."} {"gender":"female","en":"I know that trick; I've done it a million times.","es":"Conozco ese truco; lo hice millones de veces."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, you spend more time picking out a dorm room TV set than you do you picking your major and your area of study.","es":"O sea, que se pasa m\u00e1s tiempo escogiendo un mueble para la TV que eligiendo la materia de estudios."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"One last but interesting point: many Chinese people make their investment decisions based on the zodiac sign index.","es":"Una \u00faltima cosa muy importante: muchas chinos toman decisiones sobre sus inversiones, bas\u00e1ndose en los signos zodicales."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I was directed to the shed of Malam Yahaya.","es":"Me enviaron a casa de Malam Yahaya."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'll make it easier, actually, by blowing one of the lines up.","es":"Lo har\u00e9 m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil, de hecho, destacando una de las l\u00edneas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"According to a 2009 survey of Arabic language media resources, between 2004 and 2008, no more than 15 percent of al Qaeda's victims were Westerners.","es":"Seg\u00fan un estudio de 2009, de los medios de comunicaci\u00f3n de lengua \u00e1rabe, entre 2004 y 2008, no m\u00e1s del 15 % de las v\u00edctimas de Al Qaeda fueron occidentales."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, I was quite pleased with myself.","es":"Estaba bastante complacido."} {"gender":"male","en":"Chimpanzees don't have slaughterhouses and prisons and concentration camps.","es":"Los chimpanc\u00e9s no tienen mataderos, ni prisiones ni campos de concentraci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"I only knew what it felt like to be a teenage girl in New York City, not a teenage boy in New Zealand, not a prom queen in Kansas.","es":"Solo sab\u00eda lo que se sent\u00eda ser una muchacha adolescente en la ciudad de Nueva York, no una muchacha adolescente en Nueva Zelanda, no una reina de gala escolar en Kansas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I think, helping us, people are acting sometimes by ignorance.","es":"Y creo que, ayud\u00e1ndonos, la gente act\u00faa a veces por ignorancia."} {"gender":"male","en":"It started with the one short story, and I think the experimentation actually became a part of Howey's format.","es":"Empez\u00f3 con un cuento, y creo que el experimento se volvi\u00f3 parte del formato de Howey."} {"gender":"male","en":"We all heard you pee.\"","es":"Te escuchamos hacer pis.\u201d"} {"gender":"male","en":"Could be.","es":"Puede ser."} {"gender":"male","en":"And evolutionary psychologists think that these intuitions have a basis in the genes.","es":"Y los psic\u00f3logos evolucionistas piensan que estas intuiciones tienen una base gen\u00e9tica."} {"gender":"male","en":"As I read through those plans, and I thought, \"Pfft!","es":"Mientras le\u00eda esos planes, pens\u00e9, \"\u00a1Pfft!"} {"gender":"female","en":"And this, again, this universal outreach, is getting subdued in the strident use of religion, abuse of religion, for nefarious gains.","es":"De nuevo, esta asistencia universal se ve relegada por el uso estridente de la religi\u00f3n, el abuso de la religi\u00f3n, por viles beneficios."} {"gender":"female","en":"Today, I'm working to complete my PhD in education, which will allow me to gain a management position in the school system, and I will be able to make more decisions and play a pivotal role in the system.","es":"Hoy en d\u00eda estoy trabajando en terminar mi doctorado en educaci\u00f3n, lo que me permitir\u00e1 ganar un puesto de gesti\u00f3n en el sistema educativo, y as\u00ed podr\u00e9 tomar m\u00e1s decisiones y jugar un papel importante en el sistema."} {"gender":"female","en":"The icecaps were much bigger.","es":"Los casquetes polares eran mucho m\u00e1s grandes."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to take you through that data and then explain why the links I'm going to be showing you exist.","es":"Voy a mostrarles esa informaci\u00f3n y luego les explicar\u00e9 por qu\u00e9 existen los nexos que voy a ense\u00f1arles."} {"gender":"male","en":"We have seen this once before, of course.","es":"Lo hemos visto anteriormente, por supuesto."} {"gender":"female","en":"So what about checking all the toilets?","es":"\u00bfY si revisamos todos los ba\u00f1os?"} {"gender":"female","en":"So there's an opportunity to create full-spectrum training sets that reflect a richer portrait of humanity.","es":"Por ende, se pueden crear series de prueba con espectros completos que reflejen de manera m\u00e1s exhaustiva un retrato de la humanidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's that part, the ascending aorta, which dilates and ultimately bursts, which of course is fatal.","es":"Y es esa parte, la aorta ascendente, que se dilata y finalmente estalla, lo cual, por supuesto, es fatal."} {"gender":"female","en":"And you know what?","es":"\u00bfY saben qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to ask you to raise your arms and wave back, just the way I am, kind of a royal wave.","es":"Les voy a pedir que levanten sus brazos y me saluden, justo como yo lo estoy haciendo, como un saludo real."} {"gender":"male","en":"We haven't yet launched it.","es":"Todav\u00eda no hemos lanzado Duolingo."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the model for our African hardwoods, and we are extending this to include sapele and bubinga, other highly prized hardwoods.","es":"Este es el modelo para nuestras maderas duras africanas, y estamos ampli\u00e1ndolo para incluir el sapele y la bubinga, otras maderas duras muy apreciadas."} {"gender":"male","en":"We now have a more democratic view and way of making music, a two-way street.","es":"Ahora tenemos una visi\u00f3n y una manera de hacer m\u00fasica m\u00e1s democr\u00e1ticas, una doble v\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Or you can visualize 3D information physically and touch it and feel it to understand it in new ways.","es":"O se puede visualizar f\u00edsicamente informaci\u00f3n en 3D y tocarla y sentirla para entenderla de nuevas formas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So this human study is a prime example of how antiangiogenic substances present in food and consumed at practical levels, can have an impact on cancer.","es":"As\u00ed que este estudio en seres humanos es un buen ejemplo de c\u00f3mo las sustancias antiangiog\u00e9nicas presentes en los alimentos y consumidas en niveles pr\u00e1cticos pueden tener un impacto sobre el c\u00e1ncer."} {"gender":"male","en":"But when I think of my own mortality, and I do, a lot, when I think of everyone I have lost, my mother in particular, what soothes me is that moment of awe I had in Aruba.","es":"Pero cuando pienso en mi propia mortalidad, y lo hago mucho, cuando pienso en aquellos que he perdido, en particular mi madre, me conforta ese momento de asombro que tuve en Aruba."} {"gender":"male","en":"PJC: And neither had I actually before I started making this film.","es":"PJV: En realidad yo tampoco, hasta que comenzamos a rodar esta pel\u00edcula."} {"gender":"female","en":"You have my friend, who has a blog on PVRs, personal recorders.","es":"Saben, tengo un amigo que tiene un blog sobre GPDs, grabadoras personales digitales."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's only within the last six, seven, or eight generations that we have actually realized that we are a species. It's only within the last few decades that a map like this could be drawn.","es":"Solo en las \u00faltimas seis, siete u ocho generaciones, nos dimos cuenta de que en realidad somos una especie, y solo en las \u00faltimas d\u00e9cadas de que un mapa como este podr\u00eda dibujarse."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's not possible to do all kinds of experiments at all but we do have seven billion learning programs on this planet.","es":"No es posible hacer todo tipo de experimentos en lo absoluto, pero tenemos 7mil millones de programas de aprendizaje en este planeta."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We failed at reinventing the manufacturing space, and large technological innovations have played away from it.","es":"Fracasamos en la reinvenci\u00f3n del espacio de fabricaci\u00f3n, y las grandes innovaciones tecnol\u00f3gicas han jugado por fuera."} {"gender":"male","en":"But what we saw was something very different.","es":"Pero notamos algo muy distinto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We had no fruit and hardly any meat to sell, as none that was sent to the lab passed our zero tolerance test towards pesticides, chemicals, antibiotics and hormones.","es":"No ten\u00edamos frutas y dif\u00edcilmente algo de carne para vender, ya que nada de lo enviado al laboratorio pasaba nuestra prueba de cero tolerancia contra pesticidas, qu\u00edmicos, antibi\u00f3ticos y hormonas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They've never found a society that did not have it.","es":"No han encontrado nunca una sociedad que no lo tenga."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is good information to have, and it's not that complicated.","es":"Es bueno tener esta informaci\u00f3n, y no es tan complicado."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"To page this person \"","es":"\"Para contactar por beeper a esta persona\""} {"gender":"female","en":"We just don't have the bandwidth, and for people who say, oh, they're having a nice day, they're perfectly fine, they're more insane than the rest of us.","es":"Simplemente no tenemos el ancho de banda. Y quienes dicen que est\u00e1n teniendo un buen d\u00eda, que est\u00e1n perfectamente bien, est\u00e1n m\u00e1s dementes que el resto de nosotros."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is what I'll tell you about.","es":"As\u00ed que les hablar\u00e9 de esto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The Mediatheque has something like 16 stations where the public can get onto the server and look at digital artworks or also curated artworks off the web.","es":"La Mediateca tiene unas 16 estaciones donde el p\u00fablico puede entrar al servidor y apreciar obras digitalizadas o tambi\u00e9n, obras fuera de la web."} {"gender":"male","en":"1.76 times 0.2 over here is 352 meters per second.","es":"1.76 por 0.2 son 352 metros por segundo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Can you imagine an object like that in the macro world?","es":"\u00bfSe imaginan un objeto similar en el mundo macro?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I saw performances of Deaf theater and of Deaf poetry.","es":"Fui a representaciones teatrales y poes\u00eda para sordos."} {"gender":"male","en":"The point of it was to listen to him speaking like writing.","es":"La raz\u00f3n era escucharlo hablando como se escribe."} {"gender":"male","en":"Which one is it?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 hacemos?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We need to act, and act now, before these ones are the only ones left.","es":"Necesitamos actuar, y actuar ahora antes de que \u00e9stos sean los \u00faltimos en quedar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Was not very successful.","es":"."} {"gender":"male","en":"It actually goes way back, and what I want to suggest is, it goes a long way back.","es":"De hecho se remonta a hace tiempo. Y lo que sugiero es que se remonta mucho tiempo atr\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"These people disagree on almost everything except on renewable energy and clean transportation and clean air.","es":"Estas personas discrepan en casi todo salvo en energ\u00edas renovables y en transporte y aire limpio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"One: deniers are wolves in sheep's clothing.","es":"La primera es que los detractores son lobos disfrazados de corderos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And this is how you look at Africa.","es":"Y as\u00ed es c\u00f3mo ven a \u00c1frica."} {"gender":"male","en":"I ran across other things.","es":"Me encontr\u00e9 con otras cosas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There are dynamics in the opinion and advocacy markets; no one ever attracted advocates and donors by saying, \"Things just seem to be getting better and better.\"","es":"Hay din\u00e1micas en los mercados de opini\u00f3n y militancia: nadie jam\u00e1s ha atra\u00eddo observadores, militantes o donantes diciendo: \"Las cosas parecen ir mejorando cada vez m\u00e1s\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here you really have the blues, and the areas in blue are areas that are involved in motivation, in drive and decision-making, and indeed, if you're severely depressed as these patients were, those are impaired. You lack motivation and drive.","es":"Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 el azul, y estas \u00e1reas en azul son las que tienen que ver con la motivaci\u00f3n, el empuje y la toma de decisi\u00f3n, y en efecto, si est\u00e1s tan deprimido como estos pacientes, est\u00e1s discapacitado, careces de motivaci\u00f3n y empuje."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And what is your name?\"","es":"Y t\u00fa \u00bfc\u00f3mo te llamas?\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is a Casper slide, where the board's upside down.","es":"Miren esto, es un 'casper', con la tabla bocabajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Later, when I was in boarding school, my friends and I bought Polaroid cameras, and then I began to experiment with self-portraiture, or what I would call \"proto-selfie auto-portraits.\"","es":"M\u00e1s tarde, cuando estaba en el internado, mis amigos y yo compramos c\u00e1maras Polaroid y yo empec\u00e9 a experimentar con el autorretrato, o lo que yo llamar\u00eda \"autorretratos protoselfie\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, I hope you'll turn this conference into that kind of movement forward.","es":"As\u00ed que espero que usen esta conferencia como impulso."} {"gender":"male","en":"We were bombed practically out of existence.","es":"Fuimos bombardeados. Pr\u00e1cticamente fuera de la existencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"But most importantly, just love them.","es":"Y lo m\u00e1s importante, simplemente qui\u00e9ranlos."} {"gender":"male","en":"If, like me, you're wearing a gold ring, it was forged in a supernova explosion.","es":"Si, como yo, usted lleva puesto un anillo de oro, ese oro se forj\u00f3 en una explosi\u00f3n de supernova."} {"gender":"female","en":"We were determined to fight for girls not just in my community, but even in other communities.","es":"Est\u00e1bamos decididas a luchar por las ni\u00f1as no solo en mi comunidad, sino tambi\u00e9n de otras comunidades."} {"gender":"male","en":"Participate!","es":"\u00a1Participe!"} {"gender":"male","en":"They didn't include drumming or music to get people's blood going.","es":"No usaban tambores ni m\u00fasica para hacer bullir la sangre."} {"gender":"male","en":"20 billion dollars of this material is produced every year, in everything from building materials to surfboards to coffee cups to table tops.","es":"Se producen 20.000 millones de d\u00f3lares de este material por a\u00f1o en todo, desde materiales de construcci\u00f3n, tablas de surf, tazas de caf\u00e9, hasta mesas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But anyway, we jumped right in and as we jumped in, all sorts of ideas started flying at us. People said, \"Let's change the way we recruit teachers, let's hire new principals and train them and send them on international learning tours, let's put technology inside classrooms.\"","es":"Pero de todos modos, saltamos al agua fr\u00eda y en ese momento todo tipo de ideas comenzaron a surgir, La gente dijo: \"Cambiemos la forma c\u00f3mo contratamos a maestros, contratemos nuevos directores y los formamos y envi\u00e9moslos a viajes internacionales de aprendizaje, pongamos tecnolog\u00eda en las aulas\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"In the poor world, we have to integrate the responses to poverty with the solutions to the climate crisis.","es":"En los pa\u00edses pobres, debemos integrar las soluciones a la pobreza con las soluciones a la crisis clim\u00e1tica."} {"gender":"male","en":"And you'll say stop, anywhere. Got it?","es":"Y dir\u00e1s alto en cualquier momento \u00bfentendido?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And there are all these animals, and all these people happy, and there's this economic value.","es":"Y hay todos esos animales, y todas esas personas felices, y existe este valor econ\u00f3mico."} {"gender":"female","en":"The hum is more than writing.","es":"El zumbido es m\u00e1s que escribir."} {"gender":"male","en":"It opens possibility, and it's cooperative.","es":"Abre posibilidades, y es algo cooperativo."} {"gender":"male","en":"You film road signs, you film watches, you film newspapers.","es":"Se filman las se\u00f1alizaciones, los relojes, se filman los peri\u00f3dicos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It began one evening almost a year ago at the Museum of Natural History in New York City, at a gala for alumni of Harvard Business School.","es":"Empez\u00f3 una noche hace casi un a\u00f1o en el Museo de Historia Natural de la Ciudad de Nueva York, en una gala para egresados de la Harvard Business School."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But is this really an old-fashioned, leftist idea?","es":"\u00bfPero es de verdad esta idea algo anticuado y de izquierdas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Despite centuries of animosity, decades of violence and thousands of people killed, 1998 saw the conclusion of an historic agreement.","es":"A pesar de siglos de animosidad, d\u00e9cadas de violencia, y miles de personas muertas, en 1998 se cerr\u00f3 un acuerdo hist\u00f3rico."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't think so.","es":"No lo creo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And they look at the world a little differently.","es":"Y ellos ven el mundo un poco distinto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's not very exciting, but if you know what's there, it's pretty emotional.","es":"No es muy emocionante, pero si saben lo que hay, es muy emotivo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Michael manifests the consuming insecurity of a skin condition as these maniacal cartoon monsters annoying and out of control in the background.","es":"Michael manifiesta la inseguridad de una enfermedad cut\u00e1nea como dibujos de monstruos man\u00edacos molestos y fuera de control en el fondo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Yes, I have a team.","es":"S\u00ed, tengo un equipo."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I think there was absolutely no concern that AlphaGo would take over the world.","es":"Pero no hab\u00eda miedo alguno de que AlphaGo se apoderara del mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"This conflict started in the 1930s during Belgian colonization, when both communities competed over access to land and to local power.","es":"Este conflicto se inici\u00f3 en la d\u00e9cada de 1930 durante la colonizaci\u00f3n belga, cuando ambas comunidades compitieron por el dominio de la tierra y el dominio local."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, one question I often get after this talk, so I figured I'd answer it now, is, well, what happens to the animal?","es":"Entonces una pregunta que suelen hacerme al final de estas charlas que imagino contestarla ahora, es, bien, \u00bfqu\u00e9 pasa con el animal?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So I got the fountain pen, but I didn't get the sense of belonging and confidence I was searching for.","es":"As\u00ed que obtuve la estilogr\u00e1fica pero no tuve el sentido de pertenencia y confianza que estaba buscando."} {"gender":"male","en":"Current circumstance?","es":"\u00bfLa circunstancia actual?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And we even have to be asked sometimes, very kindly, to switch off the mobile phone at events like this for good reasons.","es":"E incluso se nos ha pedido en ocasiones, muy amablemente, apagar nuestro tel\u00e9fono m\u00f3vil en eventos como \u00e9ste, por buenas razones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Empathy and respect. Empathy and respect.","es":"Empat\u00eda y respeto. Empat\u00eda y respeto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Africa was gripped by poverty, disease and war.","es":"Africa se llen\u00f3 de pobreza, enfermedades y guerras."} {"gender":"male","en":"I cannot explain my joy when I free a child.","es":"No puedo explicar mi alegr\u00eda cuando libero a un ni\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"But most importantly, it'll be a tremendous expansion of human intelligence through this direct merger with our technology, which in some sense we're doing already.","es":"Pero lo m\u00e1s importante, ser\u00e1 una tremenda expansi\u00f3n de la inteligencia humana a trav\u00e9s de esta fusi\u00f3n directa con nuestra tecnolog\u00eda, que de alguna manera ya estamos haciendo."} {"gender":"male","en":"But if you look closely, they're not fighting a global jihad.","es":"Pero si miran atentamente ver\u00e1n que no est\u00e1n luchando una yihad global."} {"gender":"male","en":"We might have time for only one example.","es":"Quiz\u00e1 tengamos tiempo solo para un ejemplo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And while it's embarrassing to think that many of these clinics and dispensaries are providing services and support and meeting patients' needs in ways that billion-dollar healthcare systems aren't, we should be embarrassed by that, but we can also learn from that.","es":"Es vergonzoso pensar que estas cl\u00ednicas y dispensarios ofrezcan servicios y apoyo y que satisfagan las necesidades de los pacientes de muchas formas en que el sistema de salud no puede. Deber\u00edamos avergonzarnos de ello, pero tambi\u00e9n podemos aprender de ello."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"These days, everybody has the ability to showcase their brand their personal style, across the world, through social media.","es":"Hoy en d\u00eda, todos pueden mostrar su marca, su estilo personal, a todo el mundo, en las redes sociales."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, if we make no changes today, what does tomorrow look like?","es":"Entonces, si no hacemos cambios hoy, \u00bfc\u00f3mo ser\u00e1 el ma\u00f1ana?"} {"gender":"female","en":"This one is a little L-shaped strip shopping center in Phoenix, Arizona.","es":"Este es un peque\u00f1o centro comercial en forma de L en Phoenix, Arizona."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's the shooter I saw that killed the father.\"","es":"Ese es el tirador que yo vi que mat\u00f3 al padre.\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Are the waters depleted?","es":"\u00bfSe agotan las aguas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"They would be co-branded as being done by the post-conflict government, in the country.","es":"Ser\u00edan co-patrocinados siendo realizados por el propio gobierno post-conflicto, en el pa\u00eds."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's why India belongs at TED, and that's why TED belongs in India.","es":"Por eso la India est\u00e1 en TED, y por eso TED est\u00e1 en la India."} {"gender":"female","en":"The prophet wanted every believer to be able to read the Koran for themselves.\"","es":"El profeta quer\u00eda que todos los creyentes pudieran leer el Cor\u00e1n por s\u00ed mismos.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And if you\u2019re starting a design firm, let\u2019s say, then you probably also want to create a place where people have the same kind of security. Where they have the same kind of security to take risks.","es":"Y si usted est\u00e1 creando, digamos, una empresa de dise\u00f1o, seguramente tambi\u00e9n querr\u00e1 crear un lugar donde la gente sienta la misma seguridad, donde sientan el mismo tipo de seguridad para asumir riesgos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He said, \"What are you doing here, Raghava?\"","es":"El dijo: \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 haces aqu\u00ed Raghava?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"I myself have a husband and a father and two sons whom I dearly love.","es":"Yo misma tengo un marido y un padre y dos hijos a quienes amo profundamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Rather bizarre. Is this yours, sir?","es":"Esto es bastante extra\u00f1o, \u00bfEsto es suyo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"But how we work on Jawbone is really unique.","es":"Pero la manera en que trabajamos en Jawbone es \u00fanica."} {"gender":"male","en":"The obstacles to reform lie not just out there in the power of the prison industrial complex or other vested interests that want to keep things the way they are, but within each and every one of us.","es":"Los obst\u00e1culos para la reforma no solo residen en el poderoso complejo industrial carcelario u otros intereses creados que quieren mantener las cosas como est\u00e1n, sino tambi\u00e9n en cada uno de nosotros."} {"gender":"male","en":"But nevertheless, we started the testing process in January of this year, initially with tiger sharks and subsequently with great white sharks.","es":"Aun as\u00ed, empezamos el proceso de prueba en enero de este a\u00f1o, primero con tiburones tigre y despu\u00e9s con tiburones blancos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Doing this kind of synthesis or generation of imagery over that entire surface, varying y over the surface, you make a kind of map, a visual map of all the things the network knows how to recognize.","es":"Realizar este tipo de s\u00edntesis o la generaci\u00f3n de las im\u00e1genes sobre toda la superficie, variando Y sobre la superficie, se hace una especie de mapa, un mapa visual de todas las cosas que la red sabe reconocer."} {"gender":"female","en":"I am the exception because of luck and privilege, not hard work.","es":"Yo soy la excepci\u00f3n por suerte y privilegio, no trabajo duro."} {"gender":"male","en":"Where something is, is defined with respect to this last sphere, the celestial sphere, outside of which is this eternal, perfect realm, where lives God, who is the ultimate judge of everything.","es":"El lugar de cada cosa se define al respecto de esta \u00faltima esfera, la esfera celeste fuera de la cual est\u00e1 el reino eterno y perfecto donde vive Dios, que es el juez \u00faltimo de todo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So it turns out that design for outcomes in one aspect really means thinking about design for manufacture and distribution.","es":"As\u00ed que dise\u00f1ar buscando resultados de alg\u00fan modo significa pensar en el dise\u00f1o de la fabricaci\u00f3n y la distribuci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"So for example, there was one study that was done in a population of Ashkenazi Jews in New York City.","es":"As\u00ed que, por ejemplo, se hizo un estudio en una poblaci\u00f3n de jud\u00edos asquenaz\u00ed de Nueva York."} {"gender":"male","en":"These are actually used to burrow into the bone and collect bone marrow or sample bone lesions.","es":"Estos son usados para excavar dentro del hueso y tomar muestras de m\u00e9dula \u00f3sea o de lesiones \u00f3seas."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you're an accountant, and a box-ticker, the only thing you can do in these circumstances is buy cheaper shit.","es":"Si eres un contador, al pendiente de las finanzas, lo \u00fanico que puedes hacer en esas circunstancias es comprar porquer\u00edas m\u00e1s baratas."} {"gender":"female","en":"So this instability in the movement very closely resembles the unsteady nature of images seen through a handheld camera.","es":"Esta inestabilidad en el movimiento se asemeja mucho a la inestable naturaleza de las im\u00e1genes tomadas con una c\u00e1mara de mano."} {"gender":"male","en":"Okay, just like the movies.","es":"Si, exactamente como en la pel\u00edcula."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Loneliness won't just make you miserable; it will kill you.","es":"La soledad no s\u00f3lo te hace miserable, mata."} {"gender":"male","en":"David Merrill: Now he's brought a tractor into the scene.","es":"David Merrill: Ahora ha tra\u00eddo un tractor a escena."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we called it Lost City.","es":"La llamamos la Ciudad perdida."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So the Yap just keep track of who owns part of what stone.","es":"Por eso solo llevan un registro de qui\u00e9n es due\u00f1o de qu\u00e9 parte de la piedra."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And the other thing there's no evidence for is exchange between groups, because the objects that you find in Neanderthal remains, the tools they made, are always made from local materials.","es":"Y la otra cosa para la cual no hay evidencia es para el intercambio entre los grupos. Ya que los objetos que encuentras entre los restos de los neandertales, las herramientas que hac\u00edan, siempre fueron hechas con materiales locales."} {"gender":"male","en":"Her wish was to marry someone with a car.","es":"Su deseo era casarse con alguien con un autom\u00f3vil."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He goes, \"We're not looking back, we're looking forward.","es":"No vamos a mirar atr\u00e1s, vamos a mirar adelante."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here they are having a meeting to discuss whether it was a good idea, and after a little while, they conclude, no, this was a terrible idea.","es":"Aqu\u00ed est\u00e1n, reunidos para discutir si fue una buena idea, y pasado un tiempo concluyen que no. Fue una idea terrible."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now I have all of those ropes parallel like this.","es":"Tengo todas esas cuerdas paralelas as\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"On the right hand side, that bit there is part of an installation that is about 12 feet long.","es":"A la derecha, esa muestra es parte de una instalaci\u00f3n de m\u00e1s de 3,5 m de largo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So, it's empathizing the other person being touched.","es":"Empatiza al ver que acarician a otra persona."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is not some Game of Thrones empire-level set of questions.","es":"Esto no es un conjunto de preguntas tipo nivel avanzado en \"Juego de Tronos\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"So let's do that.","es":"As\u00ed que hagamos eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"And from that moment on there was nonstop chatter, How they loved \"X Factor,\" how they had two factors, How that did not matter, distinctiveness made them better, By the end of the night they knew they were meant together.","es":"Y a partir de ese momento no pararon de charlar sin parar. C\u00f3mo amaban el factor X, c\u00f3mo ten\u00edan dos factores, C\u00f3mo que eso no importaba, el car\u00e1cter distintivo los hizo mejor, Al final de la noche sab\u00edan que estaban destinados el uno para el otro."} {"gender":"male","en":"You know, Sunday morning, you flick the paper, get your cappuccino.","es":"Imaginense la ma\u00f1ana del domingo leyendo el diaro con un cappuccino."} {"gender":"male","en":"He who seeks self-expression shall fall into the pit of arrogance.","es":"Aquel que busque la autoexpresi\u00f3n caer\u00e1 en el pozo de la arrogancia."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now it may seem hard, but McDonald's didn't have salads until the consumer demand was there.","es":"Ahora bien, puede parecer dif\u00edcil, pero McDonald's no ten\u00edan ensaladas hasta que los usuarios la pidieron."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So. It's looking like all attempts to control or prevent sex work from happening makes things more dangerous for people selling sex.","es":"As\u00ed que parece que los intentos por controlar o impedir el trabajo sexual pone las cosas m\u00e1s peligrosas para quienes venden sexo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, what stands in the way of this?","es":"Ahora, \u00bfqu\u00e9 se interpone en el camino de esto?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Of course it's a logarithmic scale here, but our concept of economy is growth with percent.","es":"Por supuesto que esta es una escala logar\u00edtmica, pero nuestro concepto de econom\u00eda es crecimiento con porcentaje."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, at that time, Camden, New Jersey, was the most dangerous city in America.","es":"Entonces, en ese momento, Camden, Nueva Jersey, era la ciudad m\u00e1s peligrosa en Estados Unidos."} {"gender":"female","en":"You see what I'm saying?","es":"\u00bfVen lo que digo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"What's the right thing to do?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la acci\u00f3n correcta?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Some of you may recognize this.","es":"Algunos quiz\u00e1 lo reconocen."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"The act of a master taking painful contemptuous possession of her, was the kind of rapture she wanted.","es":"\"El acto de un amo tomando posesi\u00f3n dolorosa y despectivamente de ella era la clase de \u00e9xtasis que ella quer\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"It changed the face of this country, as you can see today and witness.","es":"Cambi\u00f3 la cara de este pa\u00eds, como pueden ver y presenciar hoy en d\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"And numbers in between give you the gray levels of uncertainty.","es":"Y los n\u00fameros intermedios les dar\u00e1n los niveles grises de incertidumbre."} {"gender":"male","en":"For inspiration, you go to YouTube and you watch his speech at Rice University, September of 1962, the \"moon shot\" speech.","es":"Para inspirarse, miran en YouTube su discurso en la Universidad Rice, setiembre de 1962, el discurso ''moon shot''."} {"gender":"male","en":"And when I was five, my parents gave me an orange Schwinn Sting-Ray bicycle. It had a swooping banana seat and those ape hanger handlebars that made the rider look like an orangutan.","es":"Cuando ten\u00eda 5 a\u00f1os mis padres me compraron una bici chopera naranja, ten\u00eda un \u00abasiento banana\u00bb y esos manubrios \u00abbrazo de mono\u00bb que hac\u00edan que uno pareciera un orangut\u00e1n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If, and then nine, right?","es":"Si y entonces nueve \u00bfcorrecto?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The outer sphincter we all know, we can control it, we know what's going on there; the inner one, we really don't.","es":"El esf\u00ednter externo que todos conocemos, que podemos controlar, sabemos lo que pasa all\u00ed; pero no sabemos lo que pasa en el interno."} {"gender":"male","en":"And unfortunately, when I first received the answers, and here, you'll see six of the answers, I was a bit disappointed.","es":"Lamentablemente, cuando recib\u00ed las respuestas -aqu\u00ed ver\u00e1n seis de ellas- qued\u00e9 un poco decepcionado."} {"gender":"male","en":"By sensorizing these devices with lots of different types of sensors, as you are going to see in a moment, we actually sent messages back to the brain to confirm that that voluntary motor will was being enacted, no matter where, next to the subject, next door, or across the planet. And as this message gave feedback back to the brain, the brain realized its goal: to make us move.","es":"Dotando a estos dispositivos con diferentes tipos de sensores, como ver\u00e1n en un momento, enviamos de regreso se\u00f1ales al cerebro para confirmar que se activ\u00f3 ese motor voluntario sin importar d\u00f3nde --pr\u00f3ximo al sujeto, en otra habitaci\u00f3n, o al otro lado del planeta-- Y conforme el cerebro recibi\u00f3 la respuesta el cerebro cumpli\u00f3 su objetivo: hacernos mover."} {"gender":"male","en":"But it is a story of effort and struggle against improbabilities.","es":"Pero es un relato de esfuerzo y lucha contra las improbabilidades."} {"gender":"male","en":"And Kerr not only listened, but he implemented the idea and then afterwards, gave U'Ren all the credit, actions all consistent with Kerr's highly inclusive approach to leadership.","es":"Y Kerr no solo la escuch\u00f3, sino que implement\u00f3 la idea y despu\u00e9s, le dio a U'Ren todo el cr\u00e9dito, acciones consistentes con el enfoque altamente inclusivo de Kerr al liderazgo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that city can go on and inspire a state, and that state can go on and inspire a nation, and beyond that, you can create a global movement that is changing the face of men's health.","es":"Y esa ciudad puede ir e inspirar a un estado y ese estado puede ir e inspirar una naci\u00f3n y m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de eso, puede crear un movimiento global que cambie la cara de la salud de los hombres."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now what Steven was saying was, \"Look, Adam, you are at a critical juncture in your life here, my friend.","es":"Lo que Steven intentaba decirme era, \"Mira, Adam, est\u00e1s en un momento cr\u00edtico en tu vida, amigo."} {"gender":"female","en":"If our predictions match our observations, great!, we got it right, so we can make further predictions by changing this or that aspect of the model.","es":"Si nuestras predicciones coinciden con nuestras observaciones, \u00a1excelente!, acertamos y ya podemos hacer otras predicciones, cambiando tal o cual aspecto del modelo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What he didn't explain was why the entropy was ever low in the first place.","es":"Lo que \u00e9l nunca dijo es, por qu\u00e9 la entrop\u00eda era tan baja al principio."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the full telescope will be finished in the middle of the next decade, with all seven mirrors.","es":"El telescopio estar\u00e1 totalmente listo a mediados de la pr\u00f3xima d\u00e9cada con sus siete espejos."} {"gender":"male","en":"They're more critical, skeptical, challenging, and far more likely than their peers to go to law school.","es":"Son m\u00e1s cr\u00edticas, esc\u00e9pticas, desafiantes, y mucho m\u00e1s probable que estudian derecho que sus colegas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So the values here, there's a slight mistake going on.","es":"As\u00ed que los valores aqu\u00ed aqu\u00ed hay un peque\u00f1o fallo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What difference does it make if they talk like Jerry Seinfeld?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 importancia tiene si hablan como Jerry Seinfeld?"} {"gender":"male","en":"It's really difficult for me to listen to Fijian music.","es":"Me es realmente dif\u00edcil escuchar m\u00fasica de Fiyi."} {"gender":"male","en":"We've been working on this, actually, as an alternative energy source, starting way back with Johnson & Johnson, to run an iBOT, because the best batteries you could get, 10 watt-hours per kilogram in lead, 20 watt-hours per kilogram nickel-cadmium, 40 watt-hours per kilogram in nickel-metal hydride, 60 watt-hours per kilogram in lithium, 8,750 watt-hours of energy in every kilogram of propane or gasoline, which is why nobody drives electric cars.","es":"Hemos trabajado en ello, en realidad, como una fuente de energ\u00eda alternativa, empezando hace tiempo con Johnson & Johnson, para hacer funcionar un iBOT, porque las mejores bater\u00edas que pod\u00edas encontrar eran de 10 vatios-hora por kilo de plomo; 20 vatios-hora por kilo de niquel-cadmio; 40 vatios-hora por kilo de niquel e hidruro met\u00e1lico; 60 vatios-hora por kilo de litio; y 8.750 vatios-hora de energ\u00eda por kilo de propano o gasolina; que es por lo que nadie tiene coches el\u00e9ctricos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And secondly, if a developing economy builds its power grid around fossil fuels today, it's going to be way more costly to change later on.","es":"Y, en segundo lugar, porque si una econom\u00eda en desarrollo basa hoy su red en combustibles f\u00f3siles ser\u00e1 mucho m\u00e1s costoso cambiarla m\u00e1s adelante."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's possible.","es":"Es posible."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And indeed, you do see it in the human entorhinal cortex, which is the same part of the brain that you see grid cells in rats.","es":"Y de hecho, esto se observa en la corteza entorrinal, que est\u00e1 en la misma parte del cerebro en la que observamos las celdas de cuadr\u00edcula en las ratas."} {"gender":"male","en":"We don't want to believe what we know.","es":"No queremos creer lo que sabemos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The bargain that gives us civilization is a bargain to not use power.","es":"El trato que nos trae la civilizaci\u00f3n es un trato de no usar el poder."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what I'd like to show you now, in the couple of minutes I have left, is a film that a student made in Guatemala.","es":"As\u00ed que me gustar\u00eda ense\u00f1aros, en el par de minutos que me quedan, un v\u00eddeo de un estudiante de Guatemala."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, all over the Muslim world there are people who take Islam deeply seriously, people who care about Islam, for whom it's a source either of faith, or of civilization, or of deep values, or just a source of powerful personal identity, who think and are saying loudly that Islam and democracy are in fact not in conflict, but are in fact deeply compatible.","es":"Bien, que por todo el mundo Musulm\u00e1n hay personas que toman el Islam seriamente con profundidad, personas que cuidan el Islam, para quienes es una fuente de fe, civilizaci\u00f3n, o de valores profundos, o simplemente una fuente de ina identidad personal poderosa y quienes piensan y dicen en voz alta que el Islam y la democracia de hecho no est\u00e1n en conflicto, sino que de hecho son profundamente compatibles."} {"gender":"female","en":"A program called Brain Electrical Activity Mapping then triangulates the source of that abnormality in the brain.","es":"Un programa llamado Cartograf\u00eda de Actividad El\u00e9ctrica del Cerebro triangula entonces la fuente de esa anomal\u00eda en el cerebro."} {"gender":"female","en":"But of course, that's not a great image either, because we need not to be producing food like this anymore.","es":"Pero por supueto, esta imagen tampoco es de lo mejor, porque ya no tenemos que producir de este modo."} {"gender":"female","en":"She no longer danced.","es":"Ya no bailaba."} {"gender":"male","en":"When I talked to the kind rep from TED, and I said, \"Listen, you know, what should I talk about?\"","es":"Cuando habl\u00e9 con el amable representante de TED, y dije: \"Escucha, saben, \u00bfde qu\u00e9 deber\u00eda hablar?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"\"Yes, yes.\"\"Oh \"","es":"\"S\u00ed, s\u00ed\". \"Oh\""} {"gender":"female","en":"You swallow an aspirin.","es":"Toman una aspirina."} {"gender":"male","en":"And just for contrast, we can do this with any word.","es":"Y para contrastar, podemos hacerlo con cualquier palabra."} {"gender":"male","en":"So these kids went to their principal and asked, \"Why are we still buying straws?\"","es":"Entonces estos ni\u00f1os fueron al director y le preguntaron, \"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 seguimos comprando pajitas?\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"\"You'll get them.\"","es":"Los tendr\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because when you make a lot of money selling princesses to girls, you also kind of want to make money from boys.","es":"Porque cuando uno gana mucho dinero vendiendo princesas para ni\u00f1as, tambi\u00e9n quiere ganar dinero con los ni\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what happened was, the people who happened to be in the right place at the right time, the people who happened to be leading the gang in the mid-to-late-'80s, became very, very wealthy.","es":"Lo que sucedi\u00f3 fue que quienes estuvieron a la hora correcta en el lugar correcto, quienes dirigieron la banda a mediados de los 80, se hizo muy, muy rica."} {"gender":"female","en":"There's other ways you can defend yourself with light.","es":"Hay otras maneras de defenderse con la luz."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The second night, we didn't keep the kids' room, because we slept on the floor with all the kids at the orphanage.","es":"Pero la segunda noche no mantuvimos la habitaci\u00f3n de los ni\u00f1os porque fuimos al orfanato y dormimos en el suelo con todos los ni\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think these people are experts.","es":"Creo que son expertos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Combine this with the assumption that more choices are always better, and you have a group of people for whom every little difference matters and so every choice matters.","es":"Combinen esto con la suposici\u00f3n de que m\u00e1s opciones siempre es mejor, y tienes a un grupo de personas para quienes cada peque\u00f1a diferencia importa y por lo tanto cada elecci\u00f3n importa."} {"gender":"male","en":"They gathered.","es":"Cocinaron."} {"gender":"male","en":"Why?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"female","en":"That's why mammograms find over 80 percent of tumors in fatty breasts, but as few as 40 percent in extremely dense breasts.","es":"Es por eso que las mamograf\u00edas detectan el 80% de los tumores en mamas grasas pero menos del 40% en mamas extremadamente densas."} {"gender":"male","en":"If I'm honest, this isn't why I went into it.","es":"Para ser honesto, no es la raz\u00f3n por la que me involucr\u00e9."} {"gender":"female","en":"In fact, one in 20 men in Iceland has joined the movement.","es":"De hecho, uno de cada 20 hombres en Islandia se ha unido al movimiento."} {"gender":"male","en":"I made a whole installation out of blue tape, blue painters' tape.","es":"Hice toda una instalaci\u00f3n de cinta azul, cinta azul para enmascarillar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I wouldn't step in front of that train for the same reason that I wouldn't carelessly drag that icon to the trash can: not because I take the icon literally, the file is not literally blue or rectangular, but I do take it seriously.","es":"Bueno, no saltar\u00eda delante del tren por la misma raz\u00f3n que no arrastrar\u00eda alegremente ese icono y lo tirar\u00eda a la papelera; no porque crea que el icono es de verdad, que el archivo es realmente azul o rectangular, sino porque me lo tomo en serio."} {"gender":"male","en":"I want them to take it, but at the same time, I want them to take back their health.\"","es":"Quiero que la tomen, pero a su vez, quiero que retomen su salud\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Why do we feel that this is more true than this?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 creemos que esto es m\u00e1s real que esto?"} {"gender":"male","en":"This was an African man who gave rise to all the Y chromosome diversity around the world.","es":"Fue un hombre Africano quien dio origen a toda la diversidad del cromosoma Y alrededor del mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So basically the whole process of destruction had gone a bit slower than what is happening now with the oil palm.","es":"B\u00e1sicamente el proceso entero de destrucci\u00f3n ha ido m\u00e1s lento que lo que ahora ocurre con la extracci\u00f3n de aceite."} {"gender":"male","en":"I have to talk about astronomy without showing you any single image of nebulae or galaxies, etc. because my job is spectroscopy.","es":"Tengo que hablar de astronom\u00eda sin mostrarles ni una sola imagen de nebulosas o galaxias, etc. porque mi trabajo es la espectroscopia."} {"gender":"male","en":"Man: It was easy.","es":"Hombre: F\u00e1cil."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"These are cane toads in Australia.","es":"Estos son sapos de la ca\u00f1a en Australia."} {"gender":"male","en":"Oxalic acid is two carbon dioxide molecules joined together.","es":"El \u00e1cido ox\u00e1lico son dos mol\u00e9culas de di\u00f3xido de carbono unidas."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's considered an innocuous question, posed to little kids to elicit cute replies, like, \"I want to be an astronaut,\" or \"I want to be a ballerina,\" or \"I want to be a pirate.\"","es":"Se considera una cuesti\u00f3n ingenua para provocar respuestas lindas en los ni\u00f1os como, \"ser astronauta\" o \"ser bailarina\" o \"quiero ser pirata\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now remember, I was the only man in this group, so when I witnessed this, I went, \"Oh no.\"","es":"Ahora recuerdo que era el \u00fanico hombre del grupo. Por eso, cuando lo presenci\u00e9 pens\u00e9, \"Oh, no.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"But I'm also smiling because I thought it represented a sense of hopefulness that our profession could play a role in helping the city to think about how it would recover from its severe crisis.","es":"Pero tambi\u00e9n sonr\u00edo porque pens\u00e9 que representaba un sentido de esperanza, que nuestra profesi\u00f3n podr\u00eda desempe\u00f1ar un papel en ayudar a la ciudad a pensar c\u00f3mo iba a recuperarse de su grave crisis."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I realized that's because the guys that I met were all very passionate about what they did. And they really loved their professions. And they were very passionate about their collections and their hobbies.","es":"Y me di cuenta que todos los hombres que conoc\u00ed eran todos muy apasionados por lo que hac\u00edan y realmente amaban sus profesiones; eran muy apasionados acerca de sus colecciones y sus pasatiempos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We get misinformation not only if we're questioned in a leading way, but if we talk to other witnesses who might consciously or inadvertently feed us some erroneous information, or if we see media coverage about some event we might have experienced, all of these provide the opportunity for this kind of contamination of our memory.","es":"Nosotros recibimos desinformaci\u00f3n no s\u00f3lo si nos preguntan de manera sugestiva, sino tambi\u00e9n si hablamos con otros testigos que, consciente o inconscientemente, nos dan algo de informaci\u00f3n err\u00f3nea. Tambi\u00e9n si vemos la noticia en los medios acerca de alg\u00fan evento que hemos experimentado, todos estos casos son oportunidades para este tipo de contaminaci\u00f3n de la memoria."} {"gender":"male","en":"Moreover, I've come to realize that focusing only on negative outcomes can really blind you to the very possibility of success.","es":"Es m\u00e1s, me he dado cuenta de que concentrarse s\u00f3lo en los resultados negativos puede realmente cegarnos a las diversas posibilidades de \u00e9xito."} {"gender":"male","en":"I know; I spent a lot of my career in artificial intelligence, trying to build machines that could do some of this thinking for us, that could give us answers.","es":"Lo s\u00e9; pas\u00e9 gran parte de mi carrera en inteligencia artificial, tratando de construir m\u00e1quinas que pudiesen pensar algunas de estas cuestiones por nosotros, que pudiesen darnos respuestas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"A mix of legal and illegal activities is used.","es":"Se utilizaba una mezcla de actividades legales e ilegales."} {"gender":"male","en":"The economy grows very fast, their wealth grows very fast.","es":"La econom\u00eda crece muy r\u00e1pido; su riqueza crece muy r\u00e1pido."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"\"Where were The New Yorker's fabled copy editors?\" a reader wrote.","es":"\"\u00bfD\u00f3nde est\u00e1n los legendarios correctores de The New Yorker?\", escribi\u00f3 un lector."} {"gender":"male","en":"That was all the advertising I ever did.","es":"Esa fue toda la publicidad que hice."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can see all of creation from up here.\"","es":"Puede verse toda la creaci\u00f3n desde aqu\u00ed\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It weighs about 20 tons.","es":"Pesa cerca de 20 toneladas."} {"gender":"male","en":"We were being told that we somehow must become what we are not, sacrificing what we are to inherit the masquerade of what we will be.","es":"Se nos dice que de alguna manera debemos ser lo que no somos, sacrificar lo que somos para heredar la mascarada de lo que seremos."} {"gender":"male","en":"He also attacked city life, and he said that the coasts were corrupt, and what people needed to do was to look inwards to the center of the country, to farmers, who were the essence of Republican virtue, and they should go back to the values that had made American great, specifically the values of the Revolution, and those were the values of low taxes, agriculture and less trade.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n atac\u00f3 la vida urbana, y dijo que las costas eran corruptas, y que hab\u00eda que mirar hacia adentro, al interior del pa\u00eds, a los agricultores, que eran la esencia de la virtud republicana, y que se deb\u00eda volver a los valores que hab\u00edan hecho grande a EE.UU., sobre todo a los valores de la Revoluci\u00f3n, los valores de los impuestos bajos, de la agricultura y de menos comercio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They will not be the main character.","es":"No ser\u00e1n las protagonistas."} {"gender":"female","en":"For some, integrating thick data insights into the algorithm could mean life or death, especially for the marginalized.","es":"Para algunos, la integraci\u00f3n de ideas de \"datos densos\" a los algoritmos puede significar algo de vida o muerte, especialmente para los marginados."} {"gender":"male","en":"We don't inherit an identity; we get to invent it.","es":"No heredamos una identidad, tenemos que inventarla."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, the script has become a battleground of sorts between three different groups of people.","es":"De hecho, el texto se ha convertido en un campo de batalla entre tres grupos diferentes de personas."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was above the GDP for three years in a row just before the crisis.","es":"Estuvo por encima del PIB durante tres a\u00f1os consecutivos justo antes de la crisis."} {"gender":"female","en":"It doesn't matter to me.","es":"No me importa."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was in the astronomy club. I should've known better.\"","es":"Dijo: \"Estoy muy avergonzada, era miembro del club de astronom\u00eda, deb\u00ed de haberlo sabido\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Our society, shaped by a revolutionary mindset, became more polarized and has driven away from the ideals and the principles, freedom, dignity, social justice, that we first held.","es":"Nuestra sociedad, formada por una mentalidad revolucionaria, se polariz\u00f3 m\u00e1s, y se ha alejado de los ideales y principios de libertad, dignidad, justicia social, que ten\u00edamos al principio."} {"gender":"male","en":"If anyone tells you that there is a single-factor explanation for societal collapses, you know right away that they're an idiot.","es":"Si alguien les dice que hay un factor \u00fanico que explica el colapso de las sociedades, ustedes saben inmediatamente que es un idiota."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They're fine with teaching Milo for the first few throws, but then they want to beat Milo, where women, they're more nurturing about this.","es":"Se sienten c\u00f3modos ense\u00f1\u00e1ndole a lanzar piedras, pero despu\u00e9s quieren vencer a Milo, mientras que las mujeres, son m\u00e1s protectoras en este aspecto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And then we have to say, \"How was your day?","es":"Y entonces tenemos que decir, \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 tal tu d\u00eda?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And he's like, \"Yassmin, I don't know how you can surf with all that gear you've got on, and I don't know any women-only beaches.\"","es":"Y me dec\u00eda: \"Yassmin, no s\u00e9 c\u00f3mo vas a surfear con todo esa equipo que llevas, Y no conozco ninguna playa solo para mujeres\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And here every piece is very well planned.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed cada pieza est\u00e1 muy bien pensada."} {"gender":"male","en":"Something is askew here.","es":"Algo est\u00e1 mal aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"Anyone heard of it?","es":"\u00bfAlguien sabe algo de eso?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Someone's love, someone's baby.","es":"El amor de alguien, el beb\u00e9 de alguien."} {"gender":"male","en":"Therefore, the entire purpose of a VC pitch is to convince them that you are the entrepreneur in whom they are going to invest their money and make a lot of money in return.","es":"Y por tanto el prop\u00f3sito de toda la presentaci\u00f3n a los ICR es convencerlos de que ustedes son los empresarios en los que van a invertir su dinero y que, a cambio, ganar\u00e1n mucho dinero."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There's a new field in brain science, social neuroscience.","es":"Hay una nueva disciplina en neurociencia, la neurociencia social."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If it burns in a forest fire, it's going to give that carbon back to the atmosphere as well.","es":"Si se quema en un incendio forestal, el carbono igualmente regresa a la atm\u00f3sfera."} {"gender":"male","en":"Afghanistan does not pose an existential threat to global security.","es":"Afganist\u00e1n no representa una amenaza existencial para la seguridad mundial."} {"gender":"male","en":"And everything we're going to talk about represents a one tenth of one percent glimpse, because that's all we've seen.","es":"Y todo de lo que vamos a hablar representa la d\u00e9cima parte del 1% de una ojeada, porque eso es todo lo que hemos visto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Cutting one wire might do nothing.","es":"Cortar un cable podr\u00eda hacer nada."} {"gender":"male","en":"And no matter where I am or what I'm doing, I've got to do that.","es":"Y no importa donde est\u00e9 o lo que est\u00e9 haciendo, tengo que hacerlo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was the hardest hit of any country in the world.","es":"Fue el golpe m\u00e1s duro de cualquier pa\u00eds del mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I was born without my left hand, right hand.","es":"Nac\u00ed sin mi mano izquierda mano derecha."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"And here's a male on the right, releasing sperm.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed hay un macho a a derecha, liberando los espermatozoides."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"OK.","es":"Muy bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"I would be trapped inside my head.","es":"Estar\u00eda atrapado en mi propia cabeza."} {"gender":"male","en":"Most of the governments in the world have allowed their post offices to have exclusive partnerships with money transfer companies.","es":"La mayor\u00eda de los gobiernos del mundo le han permitido a sus oficinas postales darle exclusividad de asociaci\u00f3n a compa\u00f1\u00edas de transferencias de dinero."} {"gender":"male","en":"I immediately got rushed onto the ship and into a hot shower.","es":"Inmediatamente fui llevado al barco a una ducha caliente."} {"gender":"female","en":"I trust them because they have made themselves vulnerable to me.","es":"Conf\u00edo en ellos porque ellos mismos se volvieron vulnerables ante m\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, African leaders, almost exclusively.","es":"Bien, los l\u00edderes africanos, casi exclusivamente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They could present that certificate to a prospective employer and get a better job, and we know many students who did.","es":"Lo pod\u00edan presentar a un posible empleador para obtener un mejor empleo, y conocemos a muchos que lo hicieron."} {"gender":"male","en":"We also had to create an eye system.","es":"Creamos, tambi\u00e9n, un sistema ocular."} {"gender":"female","en":"America's working class has been paying union dues for decades, and with it, our unions have been building dignified, decent, and democratic workplaces for us.","es":"La clase obrera de EE. UU. ha pagado cuotas sindicales por d\u00e9cadas, y con ellas, nuestros sindicatos han hecho lugares dignos, decentes y democr\u00e1ticos para nosotros."} {"gender":"male","en":"I said, \"Senator, it appears that we're going into the food training business.\"","es":"Yo dije: \u201cSenador, parece que vamos a dedicarnos a la capacitaci\u00f3n gastron\u00f3mica.\u201d"} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the actual real email from my doctor right there.","es":"Este es el correo electr\u00f3nico real de mi m\u00e9dico."} {"gender":"female","en":"And indeed, that's what we do.","es":"Y en efecto eso es lo que hacemos ."} {"gender":"male","en":"In conjunction with our Canadian colleagues, we've set this up.","es":"Esto lo armamos junto con nuestros colegas canadienses."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I need you to know that this is going to kill your children early.","es":"Y quiero que sepas que esto va a asesinar a tus hijos."} {"gender":"female","en":"The accusation was that I had successfully prepared an Attentat on Stalin's life. This was a very dangerous accusation.","es":"La acusaci\u00f3n fue que hab\u00eda preparado exitosamente un atentado a la vida de Stalin Esta fue una acusaci\u00f3n muy peligrosa."} {"gender":"female","en":"The compassionate heart that finds joy and meaning in connecting with others, and yes, your pounding physical heart, working so hard to give you strength and energy. And when you choose to view stress in this way, you're not just getting better at stress, you're actually making a pretty profound statement.","es":"El coraz\u00f3n compasivo que encuentra alegr\u00eda y significado en el contacto con los dem\u00e1s, y s\u00ed, nuestro coraz\u00f3n latiente, que trabaja tan duro para darnos fuerza y energ\u00eda, y cuando decidimos ver el estr\u00e9s de esta manera, no solo estamos mejorando ante el estr\u00e9s, en realidad estamos haciendo una declaraci\u00f3n bastante profunda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Are you most worried about the quality of that time, rather than quantity?","es":"\u00bfLes preocupar\u00eda m\u00e1s la calidad o la duraci\u00f3n del tiempo pasado as\u00ed?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Since I'm a photographer, I like the way it's lit and looks.","es":"Soy fot\u00f3grafo. Me gusta la iluminaci\u00f3n y la toma."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But that is not the, and that's not the part that's really most similar to the Web.","es":"Pero ello no es, no es la parte m\u00e1s similar a la Web."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It makes us feel connected.","es":"Nos hace sentir conectados."} {"gender":"female","en":"I researched this and found this was a widespread problem.","es":"He investigado esto y encontr\u00e9 que era un problema generalizado."} {"gender":"female","en":"This lethal weapon has been used by over 20 states during armed conflicts in over 35 countries, such as Ukraine, Iraq and Sudan.","es":"Esta arma letal ha sido utilizada por m\u00e1s de 20 Estados en conflictos armados en m\u00e1s de 35 pa\u00edses, como Ucrania, Irak y Sud\u00e1n."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was not very good at the other part, so I stayed alone with the cosmos.","es":"No era tan bueno con lo otro, as\u00ed que me quedaba a solas con el cosmos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And ghosting is, basically, you disappear from this massa of texts on the spot, and you don't have to deal with the pain that you inflict on another, because you're making it invisible even to yourself.","es":"Este efecto consiste, b\u00e1sicamente, en desaparecer en esta masa de textos silenciosamente, para no tener que lidiar con el dolor que le infliges al otro, porque lo vuelves invisible incluso para ti."} {"gender":"male","en":"The Dutch scientist Thomas van der Hammen described this as the Sistine Chapel of the Amazon Rainforest.","es":"El cient\u00edfico holand\u00e9s Thomas van der Hammen la describi\u00f3 como la Capilla Sixtina de la selva amaz\u00f3nica."} {"gender":"female","en":"And they're rich in nutrients, such as oils and proteins, minerals and carbohydrates.","es":"Y son ricos en nutrientes como aceites, prote\u00ednas, minerales y carbohidratos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Imagine a problem with just five decision-makers.","es":"Imaginen un problema con s\u00f3lo cinco personas que tomen decisiones."} {"gender":"male","en":"You don't need, you don't need something more to get something more.","es":"No se necesita no se necesita algo m\u00e1s para obtener algo m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And also telling it like now.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n cont\u00e1ndola como ahora."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well the British government did a model of telecommuting.","es":"El gobierno brit\u00e1nico hizo un ensayo de teletrabajo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Today I want to talk to you about the mathematics of love.","es":"Quisiera hablarles de las matem\u00e1ticas del amor."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Breaking stones, digging earth.","es":"Partir piedras, remover la tierra."} {"gender":"male","en":"Meat consumption increased five-fold.","es":"El consumo de carne se incremento cinco veces."} {"gender":"female","en":"That made me a celebrity. Now people recognize me in Macy's, and my grandchildren think that I'm cool. Allow me to tell you about my four minutes of fame.","es":"Eso me transform\u00f3 en una celebridad, ahora la gente me reconoce en Macy's y mis nietos piensan que soy ch\u00e9vere. Perm\u00edtanme contarles sobre mis 4 minutos de fama."} {"gender":"male","en":"The little Orion ship, and what it would take to do what Orion does with chemicals: you have a ship the size of the Empire State Building.","es":"La peque\u00f1a nave Orion, y lo que se requerir\u00eda para hacer lo que hac\u00eda Orion con qu\u00edmicos, tienes una nave del tama\u00f1o del edificio Empire State."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, you can ask, how many DNA strands are required to build a square of a given size?","es":"Entonces, pueden preguntar, \u00bfcu\u00e1ntas hebras de ADN se necesitan para construir un cuadro de cierto tama\u00f1o?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And this is a day in the life of a Mola, and if we, they're up and down, and up and down, and up and down, and up and up and down, up to 40 times a day.","es":"Y este es un d\u00eda en la vida de un Mola, y si nosotros-- van de arriba para abajo, y arriba y abajo, y arriba abajo, y arriba y arriba y abajo, hasta 40 veces al d\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you look back in history, Charles Lindbergh, who was better known for flying airplanes, was actually one of the first people along with Alexis Carrel, one of the Nobel Laureates from Rockefeller, to begin to think about, could you culture organs?","es":"Si revisan la historia, Charles Lindbergh, quien es mejor conocido por volar aeroplanos-- fue en realidad de las primeras personas, junto con Alexis Carrel, uno de los ganadores Nobel desde Rockefeller, en comenzar a pensar \u00bfse pueden cultivar \u00f3rganos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Because for so long, I've been standing on the sidelines, content to be a witness, just taking photographs.","es":"Porque durante mucho tiempo he estado al margen, contento de ser un testigo, s\u00f3lo tomando fotograf\u00edas."} {"gender":"male","en":"They gave it to the queen.","es":"Se lo dieron a la reina."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Second Life originally had 16 simulators.","es":"Originalmente, Second Life ten\u00eda 16 simuladores."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And it's known that migrating birds, for example, get very disoriented because of these offshore platforms.","es":"Se sabe que las aves migratorias, por ejemplo, se desorientan mucho con estas plataformas de alta mar."} {"gender":"male","en":"In the rubber hand illusion, a person's real hand is hidden from view, and that fake rubber hand is placed in front of them.","es":"En la ilusi\u00f3n de la mano de goma, la mano real de una persona se oculta de la vista, y la mano de goma falsa se coloca delante de ellos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And there's some stuff poking out. So, you look at that, and you look up close, and you say, \"Well, gee, that's kind of interesting. What are all of these pieces?\"","es":"Y hay algo asomando, lo miras, y lo miras m\u00e1s de cerca, y dices: \"Vaya, esto es algo interesante, \u00bfqu\u00e9 son todas esas piezas?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"\"Nativity II.\"","es":"Puede que la hayan visto: \"Natividad II\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"So it's really interesting, and it makes sense in a way, that they're still young, so why would they be getting diseases of aging until their old?","es":"Es muy interesante, y en cierta forma tiene sentido que sigan j\u00f3venes, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 tendr\u00edan enfermedades de la vejez antes de ser viejos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And I asked them, I said, \"How many of you now show up to work later than you used to?\"","es":"Y les pregunt\u00e9: \"\u00bfCu\u00e1ntos de Uds. llegan al trabajo m\u00e1s tarde que de costumbre?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"But they're having a hard time doing it because they're still trying to use demographics in order to understand them, because that's how ad rates are still determined.","es":"Pero les est\u00e1 costando mucho hacerlo porque todav\u00eda tratan de usar la demograf\u00eda para entenderlas porque es as\u00ed como se fijan las pautas publicitarias."} {"gender":"female","en":"And for me, it's very shocking to see sometimes very poor people, for example, not supporting the idea of the rich being taxed more.","es":"Me resulta muy impactante ver a veces a personas muy pobres, por ejemplo, que no apoyan la idea de que los ricos paguen m\u00e1s impuestos."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's more than a hundred miles across a difficult passage of ocean.","es":"Son m\u00e1s de 160 km por un pasaje dif\u00edcil."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a solar-powered sea slug.","es":"Aqu\u00ed tenemos una babosa de mar alimentada por energ\u00eda solar."} {"gender":"female","en":"I need a break.","es":"Necesito descansar."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the rest of you, the non-data scientists: this is not a math test.","es":"Y para el resto de Uds. los que no son cient\u00edficos de datos: esta no es un examen de matem\u00e1ticas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here's a bayonette from the Civil War.","es":"Aqu\u00ed hay una bayoneta de la Guerra Civil."} {"gender":"female","en":"And although I'm struggling with all these questions in my mind right now, I have a pact with tapirs.","es":"Y, aunque estoy luchando con todas estas cuestiones en mi mente ahora mismo, tengo un pacto con los tapires."} {"gender":"male","en":"It can either turn out to be nothing or everything or something in between.","es":"Puede resultar ser nada o todo, o un punto medio."} {"gender":"female","en":"Fortunately, scientific advances and, frankly, economic realities make that option less viable every day.","es":"Afortunadamente, los avances cient\u00edficos y la verdad, la realidad econ\u00f3mica hacen que esta opci\u00f3n sea menos viable cada d\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"Child: No. Kang Lee: And this is child number two.","es":"Ni\u00f1o: No. Kang Lee: Y este es el segundo ni\u00f1o."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's going to be two years of studio work.","es":"Significar\u00eda dos a\u00f1os de dedicaci\u00f3n en el estudio."} {"gender":"male","en":"And social play is part of what we're about here today, and is a byproduct of the play scene.","es":"Y el juego social es parte de lo que tratamos hoy aqu\u00ed, y es un subproducto de la escena del juego."} {"gender":"female","en":"We wanted to know where these kinds of errors came from.","es":"Quer\u00edamos saber de d\u00f3nde ven\u00edan este tipo de errores."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I think, as you'll see, there's reasons for optimism, because I believe that the best is yet to come.","es":"Y yo creo, como ver\u00e1n, que hay razones para estar optimistas. Porque me parece que lo mejor a\u00fan est\u00e1 por venir."} {"gender":"male","en":"The apes that left at that time ended up in Southeast Asia, became the gibbons and the orangutans.","es":"Los simios que salieron en ese entonces, terminaron en el Sureste Asi\u00e1tico, se convirtieron en los gibones y orangutanes."} {"gender":"male","en":"She would just take her fruit, her mom packed her a melon every day, and she would just throw it in the ivy and then she would eat fruit snacks and pudding cups, and I was like, \"Riley, you can't do that, you have to eat the fruit.\"","es":"Arrojaba las frutas que su mam\u00e1 le preparaba, las arrojaba en la hiedra y com\u00eda bocadillos de frutas budines, y yo le dec\u00eda: \"Riley, no puedes hacer eso, tienes que comer la fruta\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"SP: You don't put 150,000 troops in there, and say we're there to create democracy.","es":"P: No pongas 150,000 tropas all\u00ed para decir que est\u00e1n construyendo una democracia."} {"gender":"male","en":"At the time, I was working on \"The Chess of Love,\" the last important long poem of the European Middle Ages never to have been edited.","es":"En ese entonces, estaba trabajando en \"El ajedrez del amor\", el \u00faltimo poema largo importante de la edad media europea nunca antes editado."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the first of these, the first two of these, is about a shift in power. And the second is about some new dimension which I want to refer to, which has never quite happened in the way it's happening now.","es":"Y el primero de ellos, los dos primeros, tratan del traspaso de poder, y el otro de una dimensi\u00f3n nueva que quiero especificar, porque no se ha producido de esta manera antes."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"Done this before\" is starting an enterprise, creating value, and taking something from beginning to end.","es":"Y \"esto\" es crear una empresa y generar capital y llevar algo de principio a fin."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's a space you enter inside yourself and with another, or others.","es":"Es un espacio al que entras dentro de ti mismo y con otro, u otros."} {"gender":"female","en":"The siren appeared to change in pitch as it moved towards and away from you.","es":"La sirena parece cambiar de tono mientras se mueve hacia Ud. y luego se va."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's a strong whiff of half-baked anarchism about them.","es":"Hay en ellas un fuerte olor de anarquismo a medias."} {"gender":"male","en":"Many of them fade away.","es":"Muchos de ellos desaparecen."} {"gender":"male","en":"I looked at my colleagues and I was like, \"Excuse me, can you guys speed that up a little bit?","es":"Mir\u00e9 a mis colegas y dije: \"Disculpen, \u00bfpueden acelerar ese proceso un poco?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Because you might say, \"Well, this type of surgery might be regarded as cosmetic.\"","es":"Podr\u00eda decir: \"Bueno, este tipo de cirug\u00eda podr\u00eda considerarse como est\u00e9tica\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"I closed my office door while I rocked and shushed and begged him to stop screaming so I wouldn't get in trouble.","es":"Cerr\u00e9 la puerta de mi oficina mientras lo mec\u00eda y callaba y le rogu\u00e9 que dejara de gritar para no meterme en problemas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Mitch Daniels went home to Indiana, ran for governor, got elected, and applied the same premise to state programs, reducing funding for those programs that could not demonstrate success, but this time, he very publicly increased funding for those programs that could demonstrate success, things like increasing the number of state troopers that they needed to have, reducing wait times at the DMV, and today, Mitch Daniels is the president of Purdue University, applying yet again the same principles, this time at the higher ed level, and he's done that in order to keep tuition levels for students there flat for half a decade.","es":"Mitch Daniels regres\u00f3 a Indiana, se postul\u00f3 para gobernador, fue elegido y aplic\u00f3 la misma premisa a los programas estatales: redujo los fondos de los programas que no demostraban ser exitosos. Pero esta vez aument\u00f3 los fondos, de manera muy p\u00fablica, de los programas que s\u00ed demostraban ser exitosos. Hizo cosas como incrementar el n\u00famero de patrulleros estatales, redujo el tiempo de espera en las instituciones burocr\u00e1ticas y hoy Mitch Daniels es el presidente de Pardue University y sigue aplicando los mismos principios, esta vez a la educaci\u00f3n superior. Y con eso ha mantenido estable el costo de la educaci\u00f3n durante media d\u00e9cada."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And every nursing shift, we would throw this material out.","es":"Y en cada turno de enfermeras proced\u00edamos a eliminar estos residuos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And they'll never understand that she's raising two kids whose definition of beauty begins with the word \"Mom,\" because they see her heart before they see her skin, because she's only ever always been amazing.","es":"Y nunca entender\u00e1n que ella est\u00e1 criando a dos ni\u00f1os cuya definici\u00f3n de belleza comienza con la palabra \"Mam\u00e1\", porque ven su coraz\u00f3n antes que su piel, porque ella siempre ha sido incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"female","en":"And in this I really wanted it to resemble an early still-life painting, so I spent some time with the smells and items.","es":"Quer\u00eda que se pareciera a una naturaleza muerta. As\u00ed que estuve un rato con los olores y los objetos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Carl Sagan once famously said that \"in order to make an apple pie, you must first invent the universe.\"","es":"Carl Sagan dijo una vez: \"para hacer un pastel de manzana, primero hay que inventar el Universo\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I would like today to ask that we begin to dream about and plan for a different world, a fairer world, a world of happier men and happier women who are truer to themselves.","es":"Y me gustar\u00eda hoy pedir que empecemos a so\u00f1ar y planificar para un mundo diferente, un mundo m\u00e1s justo, un mundo de hombres y mujeres m\u00e1s felices y m\u00e1s fieles consigo mismos."} {"gender":"male","en":"In order to be optimistic about this, we have to become incredibly active as citizens in our democracy.","es":"Para ser optimistas en este sentido, debemos transformarnos en ciudadanos muy activos de nuestra democracia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We can say, \"Well how fast does the bubble burst?\"","es":"Podemos decir: \"Bueno, \u00bfa qu\u00e9 velocidad estalla la burbuja?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"I think we've evolved four very broad personality types associated with the ratios of these four chemicals in the brain.","es":"Pienso que hemos evolucionado cuatro tipos amplios de personalidades asociados con las proporciones de esos cuatro qu\u00edmicos en el cerebro."} {"gender":"female","en":"Invest some of your resources in that, too.\"","es":"Invertid parte de vuestros recursos en ella."} {"gender":"male","en":"I remember when I went to go buy a car for the very first time, I was offered a dealer's low, low interest rate of 21.9 percent, and I was ready to sign on the dotted line.","es":"Recuerdo cuando fui a comprar un auto por primera vez, Un vendedor me ofreci\u00f3 una rebaja, de bajo inter\u00e9s del 21,9 %. Y yo estaba preparado para firmar en la l\u00ednea punteada."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, I think that I can do something.","es":"Bueno, creo que puedo hacer algo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this, if you've ever had a philosophy course, this is known as the famous mind-body problem.","es":"Y si alguna vez toman un curso de filosof\u00eda, esto se conoce como el famoso problema de mente-cuerpo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Did you know that, in Iraq and Afghanistan, there were more private military contractors on the ground than there were U.S. military troops?","es":"\u00bfSab\u00edan que, en Iraq y Afganist\u00e1n, hubo en el terreno m\u00e1s contratistas militares privados que efectivos militares de EE. UU.?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Of course, listening at the conference, there's many, many things that are coming.","es":"Por supuesto, escuchando la conferencia, hay muchas, muchas cosas que est\u00e1n llegando."} {"gender":"male","en":"Investors have put in 3.1 million pounds.","es":"Los inversores han dado 3,1 millones de libras."} {"gender":"female","en":"Beyond that, what I found most fascinating was the level of endemic corruption that I saw across all different countries, and particularly centered around the heart of power, around public officials who were embezzling the public's money for their own personal enrichment, and allowed to do that because of official secrecy.","es":"Aparte de eso, lo que me pareci\u00f3 m\u00e1s fascinante fue el nivel de corrupci\u00f3n end\u00e9mica que vi en diferentes pa\u00edses, y que se centraba en particular alrededor del poder, de funcionarios que malversaban fondos p\u00fablicos para su propia ganancia, y se les permit\u00eda hacerlo gracias al secreto oficial."} {"gender":"male","en":"Yours is probably very nearly so.","es":"La suya es probablemente muy similar."} {"gender":"female","en":"This disease appears first as tumors, usually on the face or inside the mouth of affected Tasmanian devils.","es":"Esta enfermedad aparece primero como un tumor, normalmente en la cara o dentro de la boca del demonio de Tasmania afectado."} {"gender":"female","en":"It began with one question: If Africa was a bar, what would your country be drinking or doing?","es":"Esto comenz\u00f3 con una pregunta: Si \u00c1frica fuera un bar, \u00bfqu\u00e9 beber\u00eda o har\u00eda su pa\u00eds?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, the slide show.","es":"Ahora, la presentaci\u00f3n de diapositivas."} {"gender":"female","en":"I can see it. I can feel it. I can touch it. I can play with it.\"","es":"Puedo verla, sentirla, tocarla, jugar con ella\u201d."} {"gender":"male","en":"Unlike Gertrude Stein's roses, it's not the case that a transistor is a transistor.","es":"Al contrario de las rosas de Gertrude Stein, no es el caso que un transistor es un transistor."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, first off, it's not a legend.","es":"Bueno, primero, no es leyenda."} {"gender":"male","en":"We have an awful, awful reality right now.","es":"Tenemos una horrible realmente horrible realidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a noisy material, and if we produce roads like in the Netherlands, very close to cities, then we would like a silent road.","es":"Es un material ruidoso y si construimos carreteras, como en los Pa\u00edses Bajos, muy cercanas a las ciudades, querr\u00edamos una carretera silenciosa."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"Maybe the words can make the image without anything else happening.","es":"\"Tal vez las palabras por s\u00ed solas pueden crear la imagen."} {"gender":"male","en":"Buy a degree, much like you do a Lexus of a Louis Vuitton bag, to distinguish yourself from others.","es":"Compra un grado, tal y como lo haces con un Lexus o una bolsa Luis Vuitton, para distinguirte de los dem\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the thing that I liked is sort of this one-click, add-to-your-cart button, , for buying steam valves.","es":"Y lo que me encanta es poder a\u00f1adir a la cesta de la compra a golpe de bot\u00f3n as\u00ed comprar v\u00e1lvulas de vapor."} {"gender":"male","en":"In practical terms, allow me to share just briefly, a couple of examples.","es":"En t\u00e9rminos pr\u00e1cticos, les compartir\u00e9 brevemente, un par de ejemplos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So you see, no matter how popular and successful a public space may be, it can never be taken for granted.","es":"As\u00ed que ya ven, no importa cu\u00e1n popular o exitoso sea un espacio p\u00fablico: nunca se lo puede dar por seguro."} {"gender":"male","en":"And they value creativity.","es":"Valoran la creatividad."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'll talk about vision, briefly.","es":"Hablar\u00e9 brevemente acerca de la visi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here is the video.","es":"\u00c9ste es el video."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in fact, in our system, I think it's better to be an affluent person suspected of trying to blow up a police station than it is to be a poor person who's suspected of much, much less than this.","es":"En nuestro sistema creo que es mejor ser pudiente y sospechoso de querer explosionar una estaci\u00f3n de polic\u00eda que ser pobre y sospechoso de mucho mucho menos que eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"And what it does is it sucks gas off its companion star, until it gets to this limit called the Chandrasekhar limit, and then it explodes.","es":"Y lo que hace es robarle gas a su estrella compa\u00f1era, hasta alcanzar ese tama\u00f1o l\u00edmite, el l\u00edmite de Chandrasekhar, tras lo cual explota."} {"gender":"female","en":"They got married.","es":"Se casaron."} {"gender":"male","en":"BL: Daphne, if I may draw your attention to one thing. That is that private equity has been sniffing around, and that tells me that this market is about to explode.","es":"BL: Daphne, si puedo llamar tu atenci\u00f3n, las inversiones privadas han estado evalu\u00e1ndolo, y eso me dice que este mercado va a explotar."} {"gender":"female","en":"She was really dehydrated.","es":"Estaba muy deshidratada."} {"gender":"male","en":"How that actually works is that right now we've got air coming in from the top of the cabin and from the side of the cabin, as you see in blue.","es":"Actualmente, el sistema funciona con el aire procedente de la parte superior y del lateral de la cabina, como se puede ver aqu\u00ed en azul."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so then, around that time, I persuaded a woman named Nineveh Caligari, a longtime San Francisco educator, she was teaching in Mexico City, she had all the experience necessary, knew everything about education, was connected with all the teachers and community members in the neighborhood, I convinced her to move up from Mexico City where she was teaching.","es":"Y entonces, en aquellas fechas persuad\u00ed a una mujer llamada Nineveh Caligari, una educadora de San Francisco con mucha experiencia, estaba dando clase en M\u00e9xico D.F. y ten\u00eda toda la experiencia que era necesaria, sab\u00eda todo sobre educaci\u00f3n, estaba conectada con todos los profesores y los miembros de la comunidad en el barrio."} {"gender":"male","en":"We found our second Blue Zone on the other side of the planet, about 800 miles south of Tokyo, on the archipelago of Okinawa.","es":"Encontramos nuestra segunda Zona Azul en la otra punta del planeta, a unos 800 kil\u00f3metros al sur de Tokio, en el archipi\u00e9lago de Okinawa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The verb is the chassis of the sentence. It's the framework onto which the other parts are bolted.","es":"El verbo es el esqueleto de la frase es el marco sobre el cual se montan las otras partes."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the idea is, let's experimentally inoculate people with virus. This is all IRB-approved, by the way; they got paid. And basically we experimentally inoculate people with the common cold virus. Or, even better, let's just take people right out of the emergency room, undefined, community-acquired respiratory tract infections.","es":"La idea es - vamos a inocular a la gente experimentalmente con algunos virus as\u00ed que - esto todo est\u00e1 aprobado, por cierto, todos ellos cobraron por esto - as\u00ed que b\u00e1sicamente inoculamos experimentalmente a gente con el virus del resfriado com\u00fan o incluso mejor, cojamos gente directamente de las urgencias con infecciones indefinidas del tracto respiratorio."} {"gender":"female","en":"They get people to focus on what you're saying and that gives you a better chance to get your meaning across.","es":"Hacen que la gente preste atenci\u00f3n a lo que dices y les ofrece una mayor oportunidad de que entiendan su mensaje."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"At the present time, it takes an average of three hours after the first symptoms of a heart attack are recognized by the patient, before that patient arrives at an emergency room.","es":"En la actualidad, toma en promedio tres horas desde que el paciente reconoce los primeros s\u00edntomas de un ataque card\u00edaco, hasta que ese paciente llega a una sala de emergencias."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm doing this with that region of my brain right now when I realize that you guys are probably now wondering about all that gray, uncharted territory in the brain, and what's up with that?","es":"Estoy haciendo esto con esa regi\u00f3n de mi cerebro en este momento cuando me doy cuenta que Uds. probablemente se est\u00e1n preguntando sobre todo ese territorio gris, desconocido en el cerebro, y qu\u00e9 hay con eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what I'm going to do is play this. This is the song from the TED Talks online.","es":"Entonces lo que har\u00e9 es tocar esto Esta es la canci\u00f3n de las charlas de TED en l\u00ednea."} {"gender":"male","en":"Okay?","es":"\u00bfComprenden?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Like many of you, I've lost too many friends and family to this disease.","es":"Como muchos, perd\u00ed demasiados amigos y familiares debido a esta enfermedad."} {"gender":"male","en":"YR: It was about 20 years ago, when I discovered free falling.","es":"YR: Fue hace como 20 a\u00f1os cuando descubr\u00ed la ca\u00edda libre."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, here is, here is a representative quote from a besieged mother: \"I'm overwhelmed with parenting advice.","es":"Esta es una cita t\u00edpica de una madre abrumada: \"Estoy abrumada con los consejos sobre crianza."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It landed on the surface.","es":"Aterriz\u00f3 en la superficie."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They wouldn't let her because they were jealous of her.","es":"No se lo permitieron porque estaban celosas de ella."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"Well, I'm interested in this.\"","es":"\"Bueno, esto me interesa\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"The second thing, we had compared the swan to the dragon, and then the Chinese state said, \"Suggest change to panda.\"","es":"En segundo lugar, comparamos el Cisne con el Drag\u00f3n. Y el Estado chino dijo, \"Sugerimos cambiarlo por el panda.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"So we also have implemented it already in some selected clinics in three provinces, and you are the first to see the results.","es":"Ya lo hemos implementado en algunas cl\u00ednicas seleccionadas en tres provincias, y Uds son los primeros en ver los resultados."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we've since received grant funding from the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Health to develop this deep-sleep stimulating technology.","es":"Y desde entonces hemos recibido fondos de la National Science Foundation y el Instituto Nacional de Salud para desarrollar esta tecnolog\u00eda estimulante del sue\u00f1o profundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Together, we can build the future today.","es":"Juntos podemos construir el futuro hoy."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And everywhere the world is opening up, and it's a good thing.","es":"En todas partes el mundo se est\u00e1 abriendo y es algo bueno."} {"gender":"female","en":"Our lives are not only conducted by music, they're also composed of it.","es":"Nuestras vidas no solo son conducidas por la m\u00fasica, tambi\u00e9n est\u00e1n compuestos de ella."} {"gender":"male","en":"I already told you that electrical stimulators are not uncommon.","es":"Ya les dije que los estimuladores el\u00e9ctricos son ahora comunes."} {"gender":"male","en":"Nowadays, it's no ma'am, check your shoes.","es":"Hoy d\u00eda, es no se\u00f1ora, ub\u00edquese."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then he said something that gives me goosebumps.","es":"Y luego dijo algo que me puso la piel de gallina."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what does it all mean?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 significa todo esto?"} {"gender":"female","en":"They were willing to pay extra in order to wait.","es":"Est\u00e1n dispuestos a pagar extra por esperar."} {"gender":"male","en":"The third chapter is an even more complicated legal proceeding known as a federal habeas corpus proceeding.","es":"El tercer cap\u00edtulo es un proceso jur\u00eddico a\u00fan m\u00e1s complejo, conocido como el procedimiento federal de habeas corpus."} {"gender":"female","en":"I had to crawl in between the legs of these people with my sister strapped on my back, find a way to a window.","es":"Gate\u00e9 entre las piernas de la gente con mi hermana atada a la espalda. Encontr\u00e9 una ventana."} {"gender":"male","en":"What happened in the governmental sector?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 ocurri\u00f3 en el sector gubernamental?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And they were.","es":"S\u00ed, los ten\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the reason is because Mars and the Earth could have a common root to their tree of life, but when you go beyond Mars, it's not that easy.","es":"Y la raz\u00f3n es que Marte y la Tierra tienen ra\u00edces comunes en el \u00e1rbol de la vida pero cuando nos alejamos de Marte, ya no es tan f\u00e1cil."} {"gender":"male","en":"But he rose to the challenge, and with more technical guidance from an expanding engineering team, he's grown over the years to lead a group of mechanics in R&D prototyping. A thirst for learning and the work ethic to step up to a challenge are values we now recruit on.","es":"Pero \u00e9l abord\u00f3 el desaf\u00edo, y con m\u00e1s orientaci\u00f3n t\u00e9cnica de un equipo de ingenier\u00eda en expansi\u00f3n, ha crecido con los a\u00f1os hasta liderar a un grupo de mec\u00e1nicos en prototipos de I+D. Una sed de aprendizaje y \u00e9tica de trabajo para enfrentar un desaf\u00edo son valores que ahora reclutamos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it would change as the colony gets larger.","es":"Y que cambie a medida que crece la colonia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But stuff did feel like it could have been taken 30 or 40 years ago, like it was locked in the Cold War era and hadn't necessarily progressed.","es":"Pero hab\u00eda la impresi\u00f3n de que sucedi\u00f3 hace 30 o 40 a\u00f1os, durante la Guerra Fr\u00eda y no se ve\u00eda ning\u00fan progreso."} {"gender":"male","en":"Investment has to be a different beast.","es":"Invertir tiene que ser algo distinto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Becka: OK.","es":"Becka: Perfecto."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it worked, or so I believed.","es":"Y funcion\u00f3, o eso cre\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"We participate in the Apps for Apes program Orangutan Outreach, and we use iPads to help stimulate and enrich the animals, and also help raise awareness for these critically endangered animals.","es":"Participamos en la Aplicaci\u00f3n para Simios Orangutan Outreach, y usamos iPads para ayudar a estimular y a enriquecer a los animales, y tambi\u00e9n ayudar a crear conciencia para estos animales en peligro de extinci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"They discovered that adult cells, taken from you and me, could be reprogrammed back into embryonic-like cells, which they termed IPS cells, or induced pluripotent stem cells.","es":"Descubrieron que las c\u00e9lulas adultas, tomadas de Uds y de m\u00ed, pod\u00edan reprogramarse como c\u00e9lulas embrionarias que denominaron c\u00e9lulas IPS, o c\u00e9lulas madre pluripotentes inducidas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so weblogs went from being commentary as part of the media landscape to being a critical part of the media landscape in trying to understand where the violence was.","es":"Y as\u00ed los blogs pasaron de ser solamente comentarios que eran parte del paisaje medi\u00e1tico a ser una parte fundamental del paisaje medi\u00e1tico para tratar de entender d\u00f3nde estaba la violencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"If there's no solution on the battlefield, three factors can account for the prevention of ethnic conflict and civil war, or for sustainable peace afterwards: leadership, diplomacy and institutional design.","es":"Si no hay soluci\u00f3n en el campo de batalla, tres razones pueden explicar la prevenci\u00f3n de conflictos \u00e9tnicos y guerras civiles, o paz duradera posterior: el liderazgo, la diplomacia, y el dise\u00f1o institucional."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's the quality we look for.","es":"Esa es la calidad que buscamos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And they're accessible.","es":"Y son accesibles."} {"gender":"female","en":"Yes, it was awesome.","es":"S\u00ed, fue asombroso."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's Alice Tully Hall, and it's tucked under the Juilliard Building and descends several levels under the street.","es":"Es el sal\u00f3n Alice Tully, que est\u00e1 metida debajo el Edificio Juilliard y desciende varios niveles bajo la calle."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I've played thousands of shows.","es":"Y he tocado en miles de presentaciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"North central India, the Chambal River is where we have our base.","es":"Al norte central de la India, en el r\u00edo Chambal es donde tenemos nuestra base."} {"gender":"male","en":"If I take 30 steps linearly, one, two, three, four, five, I get to 30.","es":"Si doy 30 pasos lineales: uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco llego a 30."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, the irony is, it's probably sold in our supermarket shelves in the Twin Cities.","es":"La iron\u00eda es que, probablemente se vende en nuestros supermercados en Twin Cities."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's nothing in your life or in our collective problems that does not require our ability to put our attention where we care about.","es":"No hay nada en sus vidas o en nuestros problemas colectivos, que no requiera de nuestra capacidad de enfocarnos en las cosas que nos importan."} {"gender":"female","en":"These people are there and they're interacting with the environment in a way that's really meaningful and that you can see in the environment.","es":"Estas personas est\u00e1n ah\u00ed e interact\u00faan con el entorno de una manera muy significativa y que se puede ver en el medio ambiente."} {"gender":"female","en":"Up until I was 16, I healed my sadness by crying, mostly at nights when everyone would sleep and I would sob in my pillow, until that one night when I found out my friend was killed in the name of honor.","es":"Hasta los 16 a\u00f1os cur\u00e9 mi tristeza llorando, sobre todo por las noches cuando todo el mundo dorm\u00eda sollozaba en mi almohada, hasta que una noche, me enter\u00e9 de que mi amiga fue asesinada en nombre del honor."} {"gender":"male","en":"It actually won't take long for the temperature on Mars to start rising, probably less than 20 years.","es":"De hecho, no har\u00e1 falta mucho tiempo para que aumente la temperatura en Marte; probablemente menos de 20 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"And he starts asking us questions.","es":"Y empieza a hacernos preguntas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Police around the world are starting to use remote sensing and big data to anticipate crime.","es":"Polic\u00edas de todo el mundo comienzan a usar sensores remotos y la tele detecci\u00f3n de datos para anticipar el crimen."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a picture I Instagrammed earlier.","es":"Esta es una foto que mand\u00e9 a Instagram hace poco."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's what I'd like to talk to you a little bit about today.","es":"Y de eso me gustar\u00eda hablarles un poco."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's the equivalent of about 900 cars removed from the road in one year.","es":"El equivalente a sacar cerca de 900 coches fuera de los caminos, en un a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"So while these people are being trained, others are collecting the materials.","es":"As\u00ed, mientras se forma a estas personas las otras est\u00e1n recolectando los materiales."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well I thought, when you're looking at information at this level, it's so easy to lose track of what you're doing.","es":"Bueno, pens\u00e9, cuando uno mira la informaci\u00f3n a este nivel, es f\u00e1cil perder la noci\u00f3n de lo que est\u00e1 haciendo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Seth Berkley: Really cool video, isn't it?","es":"Seth Berkley: un video estupendo, \u00bfno?"} {"gender":"male","en":"OK, I see it as a triangle, OK?","es":"Yo lo veo como un triangulo, \u00bfde acuerdo?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So how do we design for organizational intimacy?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo dise\u00f1ar para la intimidad de la organizaci\u00f3n?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So, it's my great pleasure now to show this to you.","es":"As\u00ed que, es un placer mostr\u00e1rselo esta noche."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's a pretty strong incentive to leave them at home, right?","es":"Es un incentivo bastante fuerte para dejarlos en casa, \u00bfverdad?"} {"gender":"male","en":"These are men and women who, even today, can name 250 stars in the night sky.","es":"Estos hombres y mujeres que, incluso hoy d\u00eda, pueden nombrar 250 estrellas en el cielo nocturno."} {"gender":"male","en":"The basic thing I got to learn was that if I thought, and if you think, you can, you will.","es":"Lo esencial que logr\u00e9 aprender fue que, si piensas que puedes, podr\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"TKM: I bet you do. But that's not the point.","es":"TKM: Seguro, pero ese no es el tema."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because, you know, he is everywhere and nowhere on the planet at the same time, and he's an illuminated being in my mind, and he's in between reality and virtual reality, so it would make perfect sense to turn this guy into a hologram.\"","es":"Porque, saben, est\u00e1 en todas partes y en ninguna parte del planeta al mismo tiempo, y es un ser iluminado en mi mente, y est\u00e1 entre la realidad y la realidad virtual, por lo que tendr\u00eda sentido perfecto convertirlo en un holograma\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's a train ride, and you're a passenger on the train, and there are certain people with you.","es":"Es un viaje en tren, y eres un pasajero en el tren, y hay ciertas personas contigo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And our system was rudimentary.","es":"Y nuestro sistema era rudimentario."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm interested in systems and networks and where we can concentrate our resources to do the most good.","es":"Estoy interesada en sistemas y redes y en c\u00f3mo podemos usar nuestros recursos para el bien com\u00fan."} {"gender":"male","en":"And here culture always takes care of itself.","es":"La cultura siempre se cuida sola."} {"gender":"male","en":"We see the same large-scale structure, but we see additional small-scale structure.","es":"Vemos la misma estructura de gran escala, pero vemos estructura adicional de peque\u00f1a escala."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And if you guys have ideas to help us solve this, we'd love to hear about it.","es":"Y si Uds., amigos, tienen ideas para ayudarnos a resolver esto, sepan que nos encantar\u00eda o\u00edrlas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if you would, you've got a great job.","es":"Y si fuera as\u00ed, tienes un buen trabajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"How about other exponentials?","es":"\u00bfY las otras exponenciales?"} {"gender":"male","en":"These are our ancestors, yours and mine.","es":"Estos son nuestros ancestros, suyos y m\u00edos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's like espresso coffee, you know, you take the essence of the coffee.","es":"Y eso es como el caf\u00e9 expreso. Ustedes saben, uno toma la esencia del caf\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"And there's an old book back here, and I want to read a piece from it.","es":"Aqu\u00ed atr\u00e1s tengo un libro antiguo del que quisiera leerles un pasaje."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now why?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't know how much advanced these pictures are. They're old.","es":"No s\u00e9 cu\u00e1n avanzadas son estas im\u00e1genes son antiguas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we went and found these dodgeball teams and infiltrated them, and did the exact same thing as before.","es":"As\u00ed que fuimos a buscar equipos de dodgeball, nos infiltramos en ellos e hicimos exactamente lo mismo que antes."} {"gender":"male","en":"I played with it in the evening.","es":"Por la tarde jugu\u00e9 con el."} {"gender":"male","en":"I just stick it in the computer, offload the pictures, put it right back in the camera.","es":"Solo la inserto en la computadora, bajo las im\u00e1genes y la regreso a su lugar dentro la c\u00e1mara."} {"gender":"male","en":"But Babbage, Babbage himself was born at the end of the 18th century, and was a fairly famous mathematician.","es":"Pero Babbage, Babbage mismo naci\u00f3 a finales del siglo XVIII y fue un matem\u00e1tico bastante famoso."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I think the only way to avoid it is to have some horrible visible disease, and then you don't have to explain.","es":"Creo que la \u00fanica manera de evitarlo es tener alg\u00fan tipo de enfermedad visiblemente horrorosa y as\u00ed no tienes que explicar nada."} {"gender":"female","en":"The decision was to protect the marshes.","es":"La decisi\u00f3n fue proteger los pantanos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, we had no money, no space, no game plan, but we did have email.","es":"No ten\u00edamos dinero, ni espacio, ni plan de juego, pero ten\u00edamos correo electr\u00f3nico."} {"gender":"male","en":"What's wrong with that point of view?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 tiene de malo ese punto de vista?"} {"gender":"male","en":"However, every summer, sadly, the machines got left behind while my parents and I traveled overseas to experience history, art and design.","es":"A\u00fan as\u00ed, tristemente cada verano las m\u00e1quinas quedaban olvidadas mientras mis padres y yo viaj\u00e1bamos al extranjero a experimentar la historia, el arte y el dise\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so simply by shifting our perspective from a single trunk to the many dynamic twigs, we are able to see that trees are not simply static entities, but rather extremely dynamic.","es":"As\u00ed que simplemente moviendo nuestra perspectiva desde un solo tronco hasta las muchas y din\u00e1micas ramitas, vemos que los \u00e1rboles no son simples entes est\u00e1ticos, sino extremadamente din\u00e1micos."} {"gender":"female","en":"In my husband's homeland in the highlands of Sulawesi island in eastern Indonesia, there is a community of people that experience death not as a singular event but as a gradual social process.","es":"En la tierra de mi esposo, en las monta\u00f1as de la isla Sulawesi, al este de Indonesia, existe una comunidad que experimenta la muerte no como un hecho individual sino como un proceso social gradual."} {"gender":"male","en":"Another concept is the digital clinical chart, which sounds very obvious if we were to talk about real patients, but when we talk about works of art, unfortunately, it's never been tapped as an idea.","es":"Otro concepto es la historia cl\u00ednica digital, que suena muy obvia si hablamos de pacientes reales pero si se trata de obras de arte, desafortunadamente, nunca lo hemos considerado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We named it Amblyopsis hoosieri, the Hoosier cavefish.","es":"La llamamos \"Amblyopsis hoosieri\", el pez de cueva Hoosier."} {"gender":"male","en":"How can we intervene in the life of a murderer before he's a murderer?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo podemos intervenir en la vida de un asesino antes de que se convierta en tal?"} {"gender":"female","en":"It's a doctor who is trying to improve a neurological function through different surgical strategies.","es":"Es un m\u00e9dico que intenta mejorar la funci\u00f3n neurol\u00f3gica por medio de diferentes estrategias quir\u00fargicas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now I didn't have any business plans at only eight years old.","es":"Ahora, no ten\u00eda ning\u00fan plan de negocios a la edad de 8 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think there's nothing like a crisis to tell you what's really important and what's not, and Sandy made me realize that our devices and their connectivity matter to us right up there with food and shelter.","es":"Creo que no hay nada como una crisis para saber lo que es realmente importante y lo que no, y Sandy me hizo darme cuenta de que nuestros dispositivos y su conectividad nos importa tanto como el alimento y el refugio."} {"gender":"male","en":"Abigail: You brought your pictures, right?","es":"Abigail: Trajiste las fotos, \u00bfcierto?"} {"gender":"male","en":"If it rains here they'll breed.","es":"Si llueve aqu\u00ed se reproducir\u00e1n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We can question: Is it a good thing that all of us continuously self-optimize ourselves to fit better into that society?","es":"Podemos preguntarnos: \u00bfes bueno que todos mejoremos continuamente para adaptarnos mejor a esa sociedad?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Then I'd tell them, \"Well, I'm getting my hip replaced, in 18 months.","es":"Y luego les contaba: \"A mi me van a operar de la caderadentro de 18 meses."} {"gender":"male","en":"Central cat and local cats.","es":"Gato central y gatos locales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They have vocabulary for sense of purpose, ikigai, like the Okinawans.","es":"Tienen vocabulario para expresar el sentido de sus vidas, \u201cIkigai\u201d como los habitantes de Okinawa."} {"gender":"male","en":"Their phone calls can be limited to 45 minutes a month, compared to the 300 minutes other prisoners receive.","es":"Sus llamadas telef\u00f3nicas pueden limitarse a 45 minutos al mes, en comparaci\u00f3n con los 300 minutos que reciben otros prisioneros."} {"gender":"female","en":"And when I sat the students down, I said, \"Who's got the best one?\" And they immediately went, \"There it is.\"","es":"Y cuando sent\u00e9 a los estudiantes y les dije: \"\u00bfQui\u00e9n hizo el mejor\" De inmediato dijeron: \"Es ese\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"They report at just 37 percent of stories in print, TV and radio.","es":"Informaron solo el 37% de historias impresas, en TV y radio."} {"gender":"female","en":"But instead of giving in to the sort of visceral reaction we have to this idea of proximity to bodies, proximity to death, or how this notion just does not fit into our very biological or medical sort of definition of death, I like to think about what the Torajan way of viewing death encompasses of the human experience that the medical definition leaves out.","es":"Pero en vez de sucumbir ante el tipo de reacci\u00f3n visceral que nos provoca esta idea de la proximidad de los cuerpos, de la proximidad de la muerte, o c\u00f3mo este concepto no encaja en nuestro tipo de definici\u00f3n biol\u00f3gica o m\u00e9dica de la muerte, a m\u00ed me gusta pensar en la forma torajana de ver la muerte como parte de la experiencia humana que la definici\u00f3n m\u00e9dica descarta."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is how close we are with this world.","es":"As\u00ed estamos de cercanos con este mundo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He believed that sometimes you have to demo a threat to spark a solution.","es":"El cre\u00eda que a veces se tiene que demostrar una amenaza para provocar una soluci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"But it's not at the expense of people accepting their global responsibilities.","es":"Pero no a costa de las responsabilidades mundiales."} {"gender":"male","en":"Number three, isn't this stuff cool? A new global epidemic.","es":"N\u00famero tres: \u00bfNo es esto interesante?, Una nueva epidemia global."} {"gender":"male","en":"I get on. I tend to be a little bit vigilant when I get on the subway.","es":"Me sub\u00ed, y tiendo a ser un tanto observador cuando me subo al tren."} {"gender":"male","en":"You saw, I think, the talk and interview that Edward Snowden gave here a couple days ago.","es":"Viste, creo, la charla y entrevista que dio Edward Snowden aqu\u00ed hace un par de d\u00edas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I can use that to direct your attention to where I want you to see.","es":"De forma que puedo usarlo para dirigir la atenci\u00f3n de su mirada."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Some people have estimated that the biomass tied up in these microbes living in the pours and the cracks of the sea floor and below rival the total amount of living biomass at the surface of the planet.","es":"Algunas personas han estimado que la biomasa contenida en estos microbios que viven en las grietas del suelo marino y a\u00fan m\u00e1s abajo es mayor que la cantidad total de biomasa que vive en la superficie del planeta."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is about personalized, individualized health care for everyone.","es":"Esto es sobre personalizaci\u00f3n, atenci\u00f3n sanitaria individualizada para cada uno."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And the camera can lie, and it makes it very, very easy with the mass bombardment of imagery to tell untruths.","es":"Y es m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil, much\u00edsimo m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil a\u00fan, decir mentiras, con el bombardeo masivo de im\u00e1genes."} {"gender":"male","en":"So for example, one day I went to a Starbucks, and asked the manager, \"Hey, can I be a Starbucks greeter?\"","es":"Por ejemplo, un d\u00eda fui a Starbucks y le pregunt\u00e9 al gerente: \"\u00bfPuedo ser un portavoz oficial en Starbucks?\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They're not inspiring anybody.","es":"No inspiran a nadie."} {"gender":"male","en":"But it turns out the exiting temperature was 650 degrees F, hot enough to melt lead. This is what a real one looks like, on the Juan de Fuca Ridge. What you're looking at is an incredible pipe organ of chemicals coming out of the ocean.","es":"Pero resulta que la temperatura de salida era de 343 \u00baC, temperatura suficiente para derretir plomo As\u00ed es como se ve uno de verdad en la cresta de Juan de Fuca Lo que est\u00e1n viendo es un incre\u00edble \u00f3rgano de tubos de productos qu\u00edmicos saliendo del oc\u00e9ano."} {"gender":"male","en":"But sometimes, because of the compositional structure, because of compositional hierarchy, it's hard to see other things.","es":"Pero, a veces, debido a la estructura y a la jerarqu\u00eda de la composici\u00f3n, es dif\u00edcil ver otras cosas."} {"gender":"female","en":"So the city is 139 square miles.","es":"La ciudad tiene 360 km2."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It makes it hotter.","es":"Las calienta."} {"gender":"male","en":"I locked the house into the site by cutting the back end, here you see on the photographs of the site, slicing into it and putting all the bathrooms and dressing rooms like a retaining wall, creating a lower level zone for the master bedroom, which I designed like a kind of a barge, looking like a boat.","es":"Sujet\u00e9 la casa al terreno cortando la parte de atr\u00e1s, aqu\u00ed pueden ver en las fotos del terreno, reban\u00e1ndolo y poniendo todos los ba\u00f1os y vestidores como una pared de retenci\u00f3n, creando una zona de nivel inferior para el dormitorio principal que dise\u00f1\u00e9 como una especie de barcaza pareciandose a un barco."} {"gender":"male","en":"But you can look and see the direction those lines are going, you can see that at the 20 percent, it's now taken seriously.","es":"Pero puedes mirar y ver la direcci\u00f3n en que van esas l\u00edneas. Puedes ver que al 20%, ahora se lo toma en serio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's what's technically known as a \"barchan,\" and the entire dune walks across the desert in a westerly direction at a speed of about 17 meters per year.","es":"Es lo que t\u00e9cnicamente llamamos Barchan, y toda la duna transita el desierto en direcci\u00f3n oeste a la velocidad de 17 metros por a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"Any anxiety at all.","es":"Cualquier ansiedad."} {"gender":"male","en":"And as soon as I found that word, I realized that I wanted to devote much of the rest of my life to it.","es":"Y en cuanto encontr\u00e9 esa palabra, me di cuenta de que quer\u00eda dedicar gran parte del resto de mi vida a ello."} {"gender":"female","en":"More people, smaller spaces, less stuff.","es":"M\u00e1s gente, espacios m\u00e1s reducidos, menos cosas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now let's stop and think about it for a minute.","es":"Hagamos una pausa y pensemos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The village square was filled with hundreds of people. And they put on an opera all night long.","es":"En la plaza de la aldea hab\u00eda cientos de personas que, durante toda la noche, pusieron en escena una \u00f3pera."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm capable of thinking anything.","es":"Soy capaz de pensar cualquier cosa."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's the way I got a part of this romance.","es":"De esta forma me convert\u00ed en parte de este romance."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now we in the West overwhelmingly seem to think, in these days at least, that the authority and legitimacy of the state is a function of democracy.","es":"En Occidente la abrumadora mayor\u00eda parece pensar, en estos d\u00edas al menos, que la autoridad y la legitimidad del Estado es una funci\u00f3n de la democracia."} {"gender":"male","en":"What do you actually do about that in a difficult circumstance?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 hacer en una situaci\u00f3n dif\u00edcil como esta?"} {"gender":"male","en":"But I will in the end urge you to rethink, actually take risks, and get involved in what I see as a global evolution of democracy.","es":"Pero al final les instar\u00e9 a repensar, realmente asumir riesgos e involucrarse en lo que veo como una evoluci\u00f3n global de la democracia."} {"gender":"male","en":"No looting, no military disappearing, no arms disappearing, no ammo disappearing, no Muqtada Al-Sadr, I'm wrecking his bones, no insurgency.","es":"Cero saqueos, cero desapariciones de militares, cero desaparici\u00f3n de armas o municiones, ning\u00fan Muqtada al-Sadr , cero insurgencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"And what's kind of interesting is that today, we have so little darkness.","es":"Lo que es interesante es que hoy en d\u00eda tenemos tan poca oscuridad."} {"gender":"male","en":"Why?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And you should be really afraid, but not for the reasons why you think you should be.","es":"Y realmente deber\u00edan tener miedo, pero no por las razones que creen."} {"gender":"male","en":"They sought people like him out.","es":"Buscaban gente como \u00e9l."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was a resident at a teaching hospital here in Toronto when Mrs. Drucker was brought to the emergency department of the hospital where I was working.","es":"Yo era residente en un hospital universitario aqu\u00ed, en Toronto cuando trajeron a la se\u00f1ora Drucker al servicio de emergencias donde yo trabajaba."} {"gender":"male","en":"So he's developing strategies so the vehicle can communicate with pedestrians, so, So the headlights are eyeballs, the pupils can dilate, we have directional audio, we can throw sound directly at people.","es":"As\u00ed que \u00e9l est\u00e1 desarrollando estrategias para que el veh\u00edculo pueda comunicarse con los peatones Los faros son globos oculares, pueden dilatarse las pupilas, tenemos audio direccional, podemos enviar sonido directamente a la gente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, extinction is a different kind of death.","es":"La extinci\u00f3n es un tipo distinto de muerte."} {"gender":"male","en":"Sometimes that same little boy would be at his grandparents', tenderly feeding horses.","es":"A veces, ese mismo ni\u00f1ito estaba con sus abuelos dando de comer a caballos con cari\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"So when I click on \"sympathetic magic,\" I get sympathetic magic and voodoo dolls.","es":"As\u00ed que cuando oprim\u00ed en \"magia simp\u00e1tica\" me llev\u00f3 a magia simp\u00e1tica y mu\u00f1ecos vud\u00fa."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"Dear Sir, good day, compliments of the day, and my best wishes to you and family.","es":"\"Estimado Sr, Buen d\u00eda, saludos y mis mejores deseos a ud. y su familia."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think the present moment is so underrated.","es":"Creo que el momento presente es tan subestimado."} {"gender":"male","en":"However, the problem with microRNAs is that we cannot use existing DNA-based technology to detect them in a reliable way, because they are very short sequences of nucleotides, much smaller than DNA.","es":"Sin embargo, el problema con los microRNAs es que no podemos utilizar la tecnolog\u00eda existente basada en DNA para detectarlos de manera confiable, porque son secuencias muy cortas de nucle\u00f3tidos, mucho m\u00e1s cortas que el DNA."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And then one day, boom, we retire.","es":"Y entonces un d\u00eda, boom ,de repente, nos retiramos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Nonsense.","es":"Sinsentido."} {"gender":"female","en":"Unfortunately, the United States is not one of them, so in case you were wondering what the U.S. has in common with Papua New Guinea and Liberia, it's this: We too have no paid maternity leave policy.","es":"Desafortunadamente, los EE. UU. no es uno de ellos, as\u00ed que si se estaban preguntando qu\u00e9 tienen los EE. UU. en com\u00fan con Pap\u00faa Nueva Guinea y Liberia, es esto: Nosotros tampoco tenemos pol\u00edtica de licencia de maternidad pagada."} {"gender":"male","en":"We can set that time machine on anything we want.","es":"Podemos programar esa m\u00e1quina del tiempo en lo que queramos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And he says, \"Oh.\" He bows.","es":"\"Oh\", exclama y hace una reverencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"The few psychologists and pediatricians who'd even heard of it figured they would get through their entire careers without seeing a single case.","es":"Los pocos psic\u00f3logos y pediatras que hab\u00eda o\u00eddo hablar de ella cre\u00edan desarrollar toda su vida profesional sin ver un solo caso."} {"gender":"male","en":"We stood on the railroad tracks that ran between my friend's house and the beach.","es":"Nos situamos en las v\u00edas del ferrocarril que iban de la casa de mi amigo a la playa."} {"gender":"male","en":"When swine flu first appeared, the initial news caused a lot of overreaction.","es":"Cuando la gripe porcina apareci\u00f3 por primera vez la noticia inicial caus\u00f3 una reacci\u00f3n muy exagerada."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then, based on that principle, he started looking around at the various trees at Timberline, and realized that the bristlecone pines, he found some in the White Mountains that were over 4,000 years old.","es":"Luego, basado en ese principio, comenz\u00f3 a mirar los distintos \u00e1rboles en terreno adverso y se dio cuenta que los pinos erizo, encontr\u00f3 algunos de m\u00e1s de 4 mil a\u00f1os en las Monta\u00f1as Blancas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much.","es":"Damas y caballeros, muchas gracias"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What about Athens?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 pas\u00f3 en Atenas?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I thought, it always sticks together.","es":"Pens\u00e9, siempre se mantienen unidos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Believe me, we would rather have you ask.","es":"Cr\u00e9anme, preferimos que se nos pregunte."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can make very small changes in gene code and get really different outcomes, even with the same string of letters.","es":"Puedes hacer cambios muy peque\u00f1os en el c\u00f3digo y obtener resultados muy distintos, incluso con el mismo orden de letras."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is Spirit.","es":"Esta es Spirit."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And in a gang initiation, a 14-year-old shot and killed him.","es":"Y en una iniciaci\u00f3n de pandilla un chico de 14 a\u00f1os le dispar\u00f3 y lo mat\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"I used to join him in many of the campaigns, and you can see me here next to him.","es":"Yo sol\u00eda unirse a \u00e9l en muchas de las campa\u00f1as, y aqu\u00ed me ven junto a \u00e9l."} {"gender":"male","en":"For example, in the Caucasus there's a site where you find local Neanderthal tools.","es":"Por ejemplo, en el C\u00e1ucaso hay un sitio donde se encuentran herramientas de los neandertales locales."} {"gender":"male","en":"Some of my best friends are architects.","es":"Algunos de mis mejores amigos son arquitectos."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, genome-engineered humans are not with us yet, but this is no longer science fiction.","es":"As\u00ed, los humanos de ingenier\u00eda gen\u00e9tica a\u00fan no est\u00e1n con nosotros, pero esto ya no es ciencia ficci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"The World Health Organization just did a big study that they published this year. And it was done in Europe.","es":"La Organizaci\u00f3n Mundial de la Salud ha realizado un estudio que ha publicado este a\u00f1o y que se llev\u00f3 a cabo en Europa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Michael Sandel.","es":"Michael Sandel."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, why was he moved?","es":"As\u00ed que, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 lo trasladaron?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And they adore and admire one another, and they truly taught me what beauty was.","es":"Se adoran y admiran mutuamente, y fueron los que realmente me ense\u00f1aron qu\u00e9 es la belleza."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The great conservative insight is that order is really hard to achieve. It's precious, and it's really easy to lose.","es":"La gran revelaci\u00f3n conservadora es que el orden es realmente dif\u00edcil de lograr. es verdaderamente preciado, y es realmente f\u00e1cil de perder."} {"gender":"female","en":"Her entire life, she'd been using the banana field behind, but she installed the latrine in a few hours.","es":"Su vida entera hab\u00eda estado usando el campo de bananas de atr\u00e1s, pero instal\u00f3 la letrina en unas pocas horas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So you have these physical objects that represent police, fire and rescue, and a dispatcher can grab them and place them on the map to tell those units where to go, and then the position of the units on the map gets synced up with the position of those units in the real world.","es":"Uno tiene estos objetos f\u00edsicos que representan la polic\u00eda, los bomberos y el equipo de rescate, y un despachador puede agarrarlos y ubicarlos en el mapa para decirle a esas unidades d\u00f3nde ir, y entonces la posici\u00f3n de las unidades en el mapa se sincroniza con la posici\u00f3n de esas unidades en el mundo real."} {"gender":"male","en":"Natural technologies have incredible constraints. Think about it.","es":"Las tecnolog\u00edas naturales tienen incre\u00edbles limitaciones, Pi\u00e9nsalo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And what is the overall distribution of control?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la distribuci\u00f3n general del control?"} {"gender":"male","en":"The interesting thing about this climb is it's not that hard.","es":"Lo interesante de esta escalada es que no es tan dif\u00edcil."} {"gender":"male","en":"But an association: The higher people's blood levels of vitamin D are, the less heart disease they have, the less cancer.","es":"Pero veamos una asociaci\u00f3n: Cuanto m\u00e1s altos son los niveles de vitamina D en la sangre, menor es la presencia tanto de enfermedades card\u00edacas como de c\u00e1ncer."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, Mandarin Chinese is spoken by more people, but more Chinese people are learning English than English speakers are learning Chinese.","es":"El chino mandar\u00edn es hablado por m\u00e1s personas, pero hay m\u00e1s chinos que aprenden ingl\u00e9s que angloparlantes que aprenden chino."} {"gender":"male","en":"We begin separating everything into good versus evil.","es":"Empezamos a separar todo en el bien contra el mal."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"How long is it?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1nto tiempo hace que la tienes?"} {"gender":"female","en":"You notice that you're getting old, and you look at your human and you think, \"Why isn't this human getting old?\"","es":"Te das cuenta de que est\u00e1s envejeciendo, y observas a tu humano y piensas, \"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no est\u00e1 envejeciendo este humano?"} {"gender":"female","en":"The FDA estimates that of all the Americans who have tattoos, 17 percent of us regret getting them.","es":"La FDA estima que de todos los estadounidenses que tienen tatuajes, el 17% de nosotros lo lamenta."} {"gender":"female","en":"We can do it ourselves.","es":"Podemos hacerlo nosotros mismos."} {"gender":"female","en":"The U.S. has invested four billion dollars converting to digital mammography equipment, and what have we gained from that investment?","es":"EE.UU. ha invertido 4 mil millones de d\u00f3lares en equipos de mamograf\u00eda digital. \u00bfY qu\u00e9 hemos ganado con esa inversi\u00f3n?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, the danger of this for my students is they're at risk of leaving the university with just a few people who are exactly like them.","es":"El peligro de esto para mis estudiantes es que corren el riesgo de salir de la universidad con solo unas pocas personas que son exactamente como ellos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so your body is probably cancering all the time, but there are lots of systems in your body that keep it under control.","es":"Y tu cuerpo probablemente est\u00e9 cancerando todo el tiempo. Pero hay muchos sistemas en tu cuerpo que lo mantienen bajo control."} {"gender":"male","en":"It looks like a curve, right?","es":"Parece una curva, \u00bfverdad?"} {"gender":"female","en":"So for the next six months, Pete went back to his home in Southie, kept working that unpassionate job, and was going to doctors to see what was wrong with this wrist that never came back.","es":"Y los siguientes 6 meses, Pete regres\u00f3 a su casa en Southie, sigui\u00f3 con su empleo nada apasionante y fue a ver m\u00e9dicos para ver qu\u00e9 ten\u00eda en esa mu\u00f1eca que nunca volvi\u00f3 a ser la misma."} {"gender":"male","en":"The suit itself can protect me from the cold.","es":"El traje en s\u00ed me puede proteger del fr\u00edo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Sylvia likes to say that blue is the new green.","es":"A Sylvia le gusta decir que el azul es el nuevo verde."} {"gender":"male","en":"But fairness is a risk worth taking, so we should be asking ourselves, where can we take this risk?","es":"Pero ser justos es un riesgo que vale la pena correr, por eso deber\u00edamos preguntarnos, \u00bfd\u00f3nde podemos asumir este riesgo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"When you're in it, you're like a rat in a maze; you can't even see over the top.","es":"Ah\u00ed, eres como un rat\u00f3n en un laberinto; no puedes siquiera ver por encima."} {"gender":"female","en":"That is a woman demanding that she be treated as an equal.","es":"Esa es una mujer que demanda ser tratada con igualdad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You may know this tune.","es":"Uds. puede que conozcan la canci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so we're bringing them back in a contemporary story for children. And a story that actually deals with new issues like the environmental crisis.","es":"Por eso las estamos trayendo de vuelta en una historia infantil contempor\u00e1nea; en una historia que trata temas actuales como la crisis ambiental."} {"gender":"male","en":"But now Web video has made it so that any of us or any of the creative things that we do can become completely famous in a part of our world's culture.","es":"Pero hoy el video web hace que cualquiera de nosotros, o de nuestras acciones, cobre notoriedad en una parte de nuestra cultura mundial."} {"gender":"female","en":"I never thought I would ask myself these questions, but here I am to share some lessons about two powerful civil society movements that I've been involved in.","es":"Nunca pens\u00e9 que iba a preguntarme a m\u00ed misma estas preguntas, pero aqu\u00ed estoy para compartir algunas lecciones acerca de dos poderosos movimientos de la sociedad civil en que he estado involucrada."} {"gender":"male","en":"We actually met on Mission Blue I in the Galapagos.","es":"En realidad nos encontramos en la Misi\u00f3n Azul de las Gal\u00e1pagos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We make deceptive flailing gestures all over the place all day long.","es":"Hacemos gestos enga\u00f1osos todo el tiempo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But we are all in the market.","es":"No obstante, todos estamos en el mercado."} {"gender":"male","en":"But there are also limits to what private business can accomplish.","es":"Pero tambi\u00e9n hay l\u00edmites con los que se puede encontrar la empresa privada."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here's my wife's bad knee on the left, and her just hiking now four months later in Aspen, and doing well.","es":"Aqu\u00ed a la izquierda se ve la rodilla de mi esposa, y aqu\u00ed ella haciendo caminatas cuatro meses despu\u00e9s en Aspen."} {"gender":"female","en":"There is a total vacuum of creative capital in Bertie County.","es":"Hay un vac\u00edo total de capital creativo en Bertie."} {"gender":"male","en":"And you can go through the cloud not alone but together with someone who is your source of support to say \"Yes, and\" to your ideas, to help you say \"Yes, and\" to your own ideas, to increase the chance that, through the wisps of the cloud, you'll find that moment of calmness where you get your first glimpse of your unexpected discovery, your C. Thank you.","es":"Y puedes atravesar la nube no solo, sino junto a alguien que sea tu fuente de apoyo, para decir \"S\u00ed, y\" a tus ideas, para ayudarte a decir \"S\u00ed, y\" a tus propias ideas, para aumentar la posibilidad de que, a trav\u00e9s de los jirones de la nube, encuentres ese momento de calma donde recibas el primer vistazo de tu descubrimiento inesperado. tu C. Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"We do.","es":"De verdad."} {"gender":"male","en":"They show us filter paper they've used to collect the animals' blood.","es":"Nos muestran el papel filtro que han usado para juntar la sangre de los animales."} {"gender":"male","en":"SK: It's really awful.","es":"Es realmente espantosa."} {"gender":"male","en":"And cetaceans moved into a world without bounds.","es":"Y los cet\u00e1ceos se movieron en un mundo sin l\u00edmites."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's the order of the day here.","es":"Esa es la orden del d\u00eda aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"I really do like this picture.","es":"Me gusta mucho esta imagen."} {"gender":"male","en":"And for many of us, myself included, our identities are wrapped up in whether or not at the end of the day we feel like we're man enough.","es":"Y para muchos, incluido yo mismo, nuestras identidades est\u00e1n envueltas en si al final del d\u00eda sentimos que somos lo suficientemente hombres."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We're less than a mile from one of the largest hospitals in Los Angeles, called Cedars-Sinai.","es":"Estamos a 1 km de uno de los hospitales m\u00e1s grandes de Los \u00c1ngeles llamado Cedars-Sinai."} {"gender":"male","en":"And, of course, the human population has its own reciprocal obligations.","es":"Y por supuesto, la poblaci\u00f3n humana tiene sus propias obligaciones rec\u00edprocas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And when the molecule hits a certain amount that tells the bacteria how many neighbors there are, they recognize that molecule and all of the bacteria turn on light in synchrony.","es":"Y cuando la mol\u00e9cula llega a una cierta cantidad que le dice a las bacterias cu\u00e1ntas vecinas hay, ellas reconocen esa mol\u00e9cula y todas las bacterias generan luz en sincron\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm suggesting that with training you can imbue a musical sound with significance, even in a cat.","es":"Planteo que con entrenamiento Se puede infundir un sonido musical con significado, incluso en un gato."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, if I change the numbers performing one task, it changes the numbers performing another.","es":"Entonces, si cambio la cantidad ejecutando una tarea, cambia el n\u00famero ejecutando otra."} {"gender":"male","en":"What they got exactly wrong was what happens next.","es":"Se equivocaron en lo que ocurrir\u00eda despu\u00e9s."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I've got to say that, you know, it's really, really great to be here.","es":"Y debo decir que, saben, es realmente genial estar ac\u00e1."} {"gender":"female","en":"I can stand here in front of you tonight and say I was courageous.","es":"Me paro frente a Uds. esta noche y digo que tuve coraje."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I truly believe that this can happen.","es":"Estoy convencido que as\u00ed puede ser."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the same is true for all the other sciences.","es":"Y lo mismo es cierto de todas las otras ciencias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So, you can kind of get an idea from this extrapolating that back under this huge picture, so we get this idea of what the primal universe looked like.","es":"Entonces m\u00e1s o menos pueden hacerse una idea de esto, extrapolando aquello dentro de esta gran foto, para que tengamos una idea de c\u00f3mo se ve\u00eda el universo originalmente."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I found out later that it was Julius' first day in Nairobi, and he's one of many.","es":"Despu\u00e9s descubr\u00ed que este era el primer d\u00eda de Julius en Nairobi, y el es uno de muchos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"At the level of the enterprise, imagine a capital market, where you earn capital as you work, and where your capital follows you from one job to another, from one company to another, and the company, whichever one you happen to work at at that time, is solely owned by those who happen to work in it at that moment.","es":"A nivel de la empresa, imaginen un mercado de capitales, donde ganan capital a medida que trabajan, y donde su capital los sigue de un trabajo a otro, de una compa\u00f1\u00eda a otra, y la empresa, con quien sea que trabajen en ese momento, es propiedad exclusiva de aquellos que trabajen ah\u00ed en ese momento."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, allegedly there's nothing.","es":"Supuestamente no hay nada."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, I can tell you as a conductor, I work with orchestras around the world all the time, and I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of disabled musicians I've encountered in any orchestra, anywhere.","es":"Como director de orquesta puedo decirles que trabajo con orquestas de todo el mundo todo el tiempo, y puedo contar con los dedos de la mano los m\u00fasicos con discapacidad con los que me he encontrado en cualquier orquesta, en cualquier sitio."} {"gender":"male","en":"So in the end, a week later, and I was absolutely exhausted, I mean on my knees going, \"Please get back up in that tree.","es":"As\u00ed que por fin, una semana m\u00e1s tarde, estaba absolutamente exhausto, casi de rodillas implorando: \"Por favor, s\u00fabase a ese \u00e1rbol."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the mayor of Kuala Lumpur said that, if this developer would give something that gave something back to the city, they would give them more gross floor area, buildable.","es":"Y el alcalde de Kuala Lumpur dijo que, si este promotor le devuelve algo a la ciudad, ellos le dar\u00edan m\u00e1s superficie bruta construible."} {"gender":"male","en":"More knowledgeable consumers, more educated, more able to connect with one another, more able to do things together.","es":"Consumidores m\u00e1s conocedores, m\u00e1s educados, m\u00e1s capaces de conectarse entre ellos, m\u00e1s capaces de hacer cosas juntos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I wish I could speak with that woman again.","es":"Ojal\u00e1 pudiera hablar con esa mujer otra vez."} {"gender":"female","en":"And if divorce carried all the shame, today, choosing to stay when you can leave is the new shame.","es":"Y si el divorcio tra\u00eda aparejada la verg\u00fcenza hoy, elegir quedarse cuando uno puede partir es la nueva verg\u00fcenza."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, we had a Porsche driver who came in and told us on the first day, \"This is completely stupid.","es":"De hecho, tuvimos un conductor de Porsche que vino y nos dijo el primer d\u00eda: \"Esto es totalmente tonto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Under Armour, you may have heard of, is a Baltimore company, and that community of sports acts as the only bridge between these two ends of the network.","es":"Under Armour, quiz\u00e1 la conozcan, es una empresa de Baltimore, y esta comunidad deportiva act\u00faa como un puente entre los dos extremos de la red."} {"gender":"male","en":"I came out to the accountant helping me with my taxes and the TSA agents who didn't know which one of them should pat me down, the man or the woman.","es":"Le cont\u00e9 al contador que me ayudaba con mis impuestos y los agentes de la TSA no sab\u00edan cu\u00e1l deb\u00edan asignarme, el de hombre o el de mujer."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so my plan, and unfortunately I haven't been able to get my partners at this point to let me announce them, but is to do this with a stationary satellite.","es":"Mi plan por desgracia no pude traer a mis colegas para hacerles el anuncio, mi plan es hacer esto con un sat\u00e9lite geoestacionario."} {"gender":"female","en":"This was taken inside an archaeological tunnel in the main temple.","es":"Esta fue tomada dentro de un t\u00fanel arqueol\u00f3gico en el templo principal."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's not only the benefits that we've talked about with regard to development.","es":"No se trata s\u00f3lo de los beneficios que hemos mencionado en relaci\u00f3n al desarrollo."} {"gender":"male","en":"We're facing forward.","es":"Mir\u00e1bamos hacia adelante."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'm like, \"Hell no, I ain't afraid they're gonna steal it.","es":"A lo que digo, \"Por Dios no, no tengo miedo de que se la vayan a robar\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"What could terrorists do today with the technologies available that we have?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 podr\u00edan hacer hoy con las tecnolog\u00edas disponibles que tenemos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"For you, that could mean something else, something powerful.","es":"Para Uds., podr\u00eda significar otra cosa, algo poderoso."} {"gender":"male","en":"Cases consist of up to a few dozen pages describing particular business situations.","es":"Los casos tienen decenas de p\u00e1ginas con situaciones de negocio particulares."} {"gender":"female","en":"I don't mean just good as in successful, although that's part of it.","es":"Y no s\u00f3lo digo buenos en t\u00e9rminos de \u00e9xito, aunque sea parte de eso."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"Is it a little hot plate?","es":"\u00bfEs una peque\u00f1a placa calefactora?"} {"gender":"male","en":"He has a purpose in life.","es":"Tiene un objetivo de vida."} {"gender":"female","en":"A woman named Joanna Aizenberg, at Lucent, is now learning to do this in a low-temperature process to create these sort of lenses.","es":"Una mujer, Joanna Aizenberg, en Lucent, est\u00e1 aprendiendo como crear con un proceso a baja temperatura este tipo de lente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Michael Shermer: Thank you very much.","es":"Michael Shermer - Muchas gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here's another thing we're doing: During the talks this morning, we've been automatically scraping Twitter for the TED2015 hashtag, and we've been doing an automated sentiment analysis, which means, are people using positive words or negative words or neutral?","es":"Otra cosa que estamos haciendo: Durante las charlas de la ma\u00f1ana, filtramos autom\u00e1ticamente en Twitter con el hashtag TED2015, e hicimos un an\u00e1lisis automatizado de sentimientos es decir, \u00bflas personas usaron palabras positivas, negativas o neutras?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Is it?","es":"\u00bfLo es?"} {"gender":"male","en":"We still haven't heard anything. We still haven't heard anything.","es":"Todav\u00eda no hemos o\u00eddo nada. Todav\u00eda no hemos o\u00eddo nada."} {"gender":"female","en":"I've actually chosen to take a different kind of risk.","es":"He decidido escoger otro tipo de riesgo."} {"gender":"female","en":"How is this possible?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo es posible?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And I'm also trying to create a means in which to step outside our quotidian experience of time and to start to consider a deeper timescale.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n estoy tratando de crear un medio para salirnos de la experiencia cotidiana del tiempo y empezar a considerar una escala de tiempo m\u00e1s profunda."} {"gender":"female","en":"I don't even know why they make me slow down, but something pulls me like a magnet and then I ignore all the others, and I just go to that painting.","es":"Ni siquiera s\u00e9 por qu\u00e9 me detienen, pero algo me atrae como un im\u00e1n e ignoro todas las dem\u00e1s y voy solo a esa pintura."} {"gender":"female","en":"But then I met a biologist, and now I think of materials like this, green tea, sugar, a few microbes and a little time.","es":"Pero despu\u00e9s conoc\u00ed a un bi\u00f3logo y ahora pienso los materiales de este modo: t\u00e9 verde, az\u00facar, algunos microbios y un poco de tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"They're business professionals, and they fly first class.","es":"Son profesionales del negocio y viajan en primera clase."} {"gender":"female","en":"So when I talk about a disconnect, it's not only for maybe those people who don't know a soldier, which there obviously are.","es":"Cuando hablo de esa desconexi\u00f3n no es s\u00f3lo por las personas que no conocen a un soldado, lo cual obviamente ocurre."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, what about that?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e1 tal eso?"} {"gender":"female","en":"We all obviously have a role to play in our own successes, but think about the role we have to play in other people's successes, just like people do for me every single day.","es":"Todos tenemos un rol que jugar en nuestros \u00e9xitos, pero piensen tambi\u00e9n en el rol que tenemos en el \u00e9xito de los dem\u00e1s, justo como el de la gente que me ayuda cada d\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"That gives me hope.","es":"Eso me da esperanza."} {"gender":"male","en":"That is in addition to left, right, back, forth and up, down, Kaluza proposed that there might be additional dimensions of space that for some reason we don't yet see. Now, when someone makes a bold and bizarre idea, sometimes that's all it is, bold and bizarre, but it has nothing to do with the world around us.","es":"Esto es en adici\u00f3n a izquierda, derecha, adelante, atr\u00e1s, arriba y abajo, Kaluza propuso que podr\u00edan existir dimensiones adicionales del espacio que por alguna raz\u00f3n a\u00fan no somos capaces de ver Ahora, cuando alguien expone una idea audaz y extra\u00f1a algunas veces eso es todo: es audaz y extra\u00f1a, pero no tiene nada que ver con el mundo que nos rodea."} {"gender":"male","en":"Three hours of bottom time, average distance traveled, one mile. On a 42,000 mile mountain range. Great job security, but not the way to go.","es":"Tres horas para llegar al fondo, distancia media recorrida: 1,6 km. En una cordillera de 68.000 km. Gran seguridad de trabajo, pero no la manera de hacerlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I recalled, I was raised on a small farm in Southern Indiana, and Dad tried to teach me and my brothers that you should never try to be better than someone else.","es":"Recuerdo que me cri\u00e9 en una peque\u00f1a granja al sur de Indiana. Y pap\u00e1 trat\u00f3 de ense\u00f1arme a m\u00ed y a mis hermanos que nunca se debe tratar de ser mejor que otra persona."} {"gender":"male","en":"So again, the notion that a building should just be explicit I think is a false notion, which has reduced architecture into banality.","es":"As\u00ed que, de nuevo, la noci\u00f3n de que un edificio deber\u00eda ser simplemente expl\u00edcito, creo, es una noci\u00f3n falsa, que ha reducido a la arquitectura a la banalidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"We want to take one child at a time and take the child right through school, sent to college, and get them prepared for better living, a high value job.\"","es":"Queremos dedicarnos a un ni\u00f1o por vez y guiarlo a lo largo de la escuela, mandarlo a la universidad y prepararlo para una mejor vida, con un trabajo de gran valor."} {"gender":"female","en":"It was amazing.","es":"Fue incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because I only weighed 500 pounds in this system, we could do it with a balloon that was five times smaller than that, and that allowed us to use a launch system that was dramatically simpler than what needs to be done for a much larger balloon.","es":"Porque nuestro sistema pesaba 1360 kg pudimos hacerlo con un globo cinco veces m\u00e1s peque\u00f1o que eso, y eso nos permiti\u00f3 usar un sistema de lanzamiento mucho m\u00e1s simple que lo que necesita un globo mucho m\u00e1s grande."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Okay, here's another one.","es":"Bueno, aqu\u00ed hay otra."} {"gender":"male","en":"We did not think that was going to happen.","es":"No pens\u00e1bamos que fuese a suceder."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You can speak to millions of sex workers and countless sex work-led organizations.","es":"Uno puede hablar a millones de trabajadores sexuales y un sinn\u00famero de organizaciones de trabajo sexual."} {"gender":"male","en":"From there, I was sent to another small room with a really nice lady who asked me all kinds of questions about my life at home.","es":"De ah\u00ed, a otra habitaci\u00f3n peque\u00f1a con una se\u00f1ora muy agradable que me hizo todo tipo de preguntas sobre mi vida en casa."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's being used by NGOs all over East Africa, small NGOs doing their own little projects.","es":"Est\u00e1 siendo usado por Organizaciones No Gubernamentales por toda \u00c1frica Oriental. Peque\u00f1as Organizaciones No Gubernamentales haciendo sus propios proyectos peque\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because the idea was so simple, and yet it explains all design in the universe.","es":"Porque la idea era muy simple, y sin embargo explica todo el dise\u00f1o del universo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And actually it's amazing, because I got phone calls from many reporters asking, \"Have you actually seen the planet going into a star?\"","es":"Y la verdad es que es incre\u00edble porque recib\u00eda llamadas de muchos periodistas que me preguntaban: \"\u00bfPero has visto de verdad a la estrella engullendo el planeta?\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Because it's such a small sculpture, nothing can go wrong.","es":"Porque es una escultura tan peque\u00f1a que nada tiene que salir mal."} {"gender":"female","en":"I saw chains of jellyfish called siphonophores that were longer than this room, pumping out so much light that I could read the dials and gauges inside the suit without a flashlight; and puffs and billows of what looked like luminous blue smoke; and explosions of sparks that would swirl up out of the thrusters, just like when you throw a log on a campfire and the embers swirl up off the campfire, but these were icy, blue embers.","es":"Vi cadenas de medusas llamadas sifon\u00f3foras que eran m\u00e1s grandes que este sal\u00f3n irradiando tanta luz que pod\u00eda leer los instrumentos de navegaci\u00f3n dentro de mi traje sin necesidad de una linterna, y bocanadas y vapores de lo que parec\u00eda como una nube azul radiante y explosiones de destellos que sal\u00edan en remolino de los propulsores, as\u00ed como cuando tiras un pedazo de madera en una fogata y las brasas hacen remolinos destellantes solo que \u00e9stas eran fr\u00edas brasas azules."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And she turned that audience around on a pin.","es":"Y le dio vuelta a la audiencia por completo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And a significant minority of those 500 million people like to spend some of their leisure time and spare cash sleeping with prostitutes, sticking 50 Euro notes up their nose and employing illegal migrant laborers.","es":"Y a una significativa minor\u00eda de esos 500 millones les gustaba gastar algo de su tiempo libre y dinero efectivo disponible acost\u00e1ndose con prostitutas, pegando billetes de 50 euros en sus narices y, empleando trabajadores emigrantes ilegales."} {"gender":"female","en":"I never really understood how strongly this society clings to this role until I went through this.","es":"Nunca entend\u00ed realmente con qu\u00e9 fuerza esta sociedad se aferra a este rol hasta que pas\u00e9 por esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"So this story stayed with me.","es":"As\u00ed que viv\u00ed con esta historia."} {"gender":"male","en":"And anyone who is interested in doing it in any health care situation, we will be happy to assist you and tell you how we've done it, and how you can do it.","es":"Y todo el mundo que est\u00e9 interesado en hacerlo en cualquier situaci\u00f3n m\u00e9dica, estaremos contentos de ayudaros y de contaros lo que hemos hecho nosotros y c\u00f3mo lo pod\u00e9is llevar a cabo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Everywhere I went, I felt like my imagination was the only suitcase I could take with me.","es":"A donde quiera que iba me sent\u00eda como si mi imaginaci\u00f3n fuera el \u00fanico equipaje que pod\u00eda llevar conmigo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if we're lucky, the result will be revivified town centers and neighborhood centers in our existing towns and cities.","es":"Y si somos afortunados, el resultado se ver\u00e1 en pueblos y barrios con centros revitalizados en nuestros pueblos y ciudades existentes."} {"gender":"male","en":"You could, if you want, compare this to, on the one hand, a myocardial infarction, a heart attack, where you have dead tissue in the heart, versus an arrhythmia, where the organ simply isn't functioning because of the communication problems within it.","es":"Si quieren, pueden comparar esto, por una parte, a un infarto de miocardio, un ataque al coraz\u00f3n, donde hay tejido muerto en el coraz\u00f3n, frente a una arritmia, donde el \u00f3rgano simplemente no funciona debido a problemas de comunicaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But if we do, we could do some pretty amazing things.","es":"Pero, de hacerlo, podr\u00edamos lograr cosas bastante sorprendentes."} {"gender":"male","en":"But China is a superstar in terms of economic growth.","es":"Pero China es una superestrella en materia de crecimiento econ\u00f3mico."} {"gender":"male","en":"Think about that when you see that building, that sometimes the things we strive for so hard in life we never get to see finished.","es":"Piensen en esto cuando vean el edificio, que a veces las cosas por las cuales nos esforzamos tanto en la vida, nunca las podemos ver acabadas."} {"gender":"female","en":"In addition to these biomimetic applications of spider silks, personally, I find studying spider silks just fascinating in and of itself.","es":"Adem\u00e1s de estas aplicaciones biomim\u00e9ticas de las sedas de ara\u00f1as, personalmente pienso que estudiar las sedas de ara\u00f1as es fascinante."} {"gender":"male","en":"What's fascinating and beautiful this an unprocessed picture, by the way, I should say, it's black and white, straight from Saturnian orbit.","es":"Pero lo que es fascinante y hermoso es una foto sin editar, debo aclarar. En blanco y negro, enviada desde la \u00f3rbita de Saturno."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I was glad to see that president Obama supported the nuclear fuel bank strategy when he spoke in Prague the other week.","es":"Y me alegr\u00e9 al ver que el presidente Obama apoy\u00f3 la estrategia del banco de combustible nuclear cuando habl\u00f3 en Praga la otra semana."} {"gender":"male","en":"Why is that?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And up until now, it's been a supercomputer problem.","es":"Y, hasta ahora, era un problema de supercomputadoras."} {"gender":"male","en":"We've left a body of material culture, artistic magistery and intellectual output.","es":"Hemos dejado un conjunto de cultura material, maestr\u00eda art\u00edstica y producci\u00f3n intelectual."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think it's a pity that mainstream political theory pays very little attention to emotions.","es":"Creo que es una l\u00e1stima que la teor\u00eda pol\u00edtica convencional preste tan poca atenci\u00f3n a las emociones."} {"gender":"female","en":"I do spend a lot of time on my work.","es":"Le dedico un mont\u00f3n de tiempo a mi trabajo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Each of these figures can also run backward and forward in the track and hide behind two adjacent tracks.","es":"Estas figuras tambi\u00e9n pueden correr hacia atr\u00e1s y hacia adelante en el marco y esconderse detr\u00e1s de marcos adyacentes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"\"I see no enemy.\"","es":"\"No veo enemigo\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"This idea really appealed to Gabriella Levine in New York, and so she decided to prototype this idea that she saw, and she documented every step of the process, and she published it on Instructables, which is a website for sharing inventions.","es":"Esta idea realmente le gust\u00f3 a Gabriella Levine en Nueva York y ella decidi\u00f3 hacer un prototipo de la idea y document\u00f3 cada paso del proceso y lo public\u00f3 en \u00abInstructables\u00bb, que es un sitio web para compartir las invenciones."} {"gender":"female","en":"But even so, a wonderful talent. And I, you know, when I saw her, such a wonderful feeling.","es":"Pero de cualquier forma, un talento maravilloso Y yo, saben, cuando la v\u00ed, tuve una sensaci\u00f3n maravillosa."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it was right next to the sphere.","es":"Y lo colocaron justo a lado de la esfera."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that's just what seemed to happen at first.","es":"Y eso es justo lo que parec\u00eda que pas\u00f3 en un primer momento."} {"gender":"male","en":"AI: And those prices are coming down very quickly.","es":"AI: S\u00ed muy r\u00e1pido."} {"gender":"male","en":"In the history of America, we've never had an energy plan.","es":"En la historia de los EE.UU., nunca hemos tenido un plan energ\u00e9tico."} {"gender":"male","en":"They are 100 percent in our control.","es":"Est\u00e1n 100 % en nuestro control."} {"gender":"female","en":"I have been a lucid dreamer my whole life, and it's cooler than in the movies.","es":"He so\u00f1ado despierta toda mi vida, y es mucho mejor que en las pel\u00edculas."} {"gender":"female","en":"So here I'm going to show you two tandem clips.","es":"Aqu\u00ed voy a mostrarles dos clips en t\u00e1ndem."} {"gender":"male","en":"They were sent down to find if there was any opportunity for selling shoes, and they wrote telegrams back to Manchester.","es":"Los mandaron para ver si era factible vender zapatos. Y desde all\u00ed enviaron telegramas a Manchester."} {"gender":"male","en":"Day eight.","es":"D\u00eda ocho."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, if you have a high-speed camera, and you have a block of ballistics gelatin lying around, pretty soon somebody does this.","es":"Si tienen una c\u00e1mara de alta velocidad y un bloque de gelatina bal\u00edstica por ah\u00ed, muy pronto alguien hace algo as\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So they're cutting out the little pieces of cardboard here and pasting them up.","es":"Y cortaban las peque\u00f1as piezas de cart\u00f3n ah\u00ed, y las pegaban."} {"gender":"male","en":"And everything we learn after that is building up towards one subject.","es":"Y todo lo que aprendemos a partir de entonces es formarnos hacia un concepto."} {"gender":"female","en":"What can't he do for himself that I'm going to have to do for him?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 no puede hacer por s\u00ed mismo que voy a tener que hacer por \u00e9l?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And here you can see the body actor.","es":"Aqu\u00ed pueden ver al actor."} {"gender":"female","en":"Before you even know it, the induced hole becomes immediately repaired.","es":"Antes de siquiera darse cuenta, el agujero es reparado inmediatamente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In another set of studies we actually simply reminded people, this was at a time when the swine flu was going around, we reminded people that in order to prevent the spread of the flu that they ought to wash their hands.","es":"En otro grupo de estudios s\u00f3lo les recordamos a la gente, esto era cuando la gripe porcina estaba por ah\u00ed, les recordamos a la gente que para impedir que la gripe se extendiera deb\u00edan lavarse las manos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Why aren't we doing the same for the ocean?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no hacemos lo mismo con el oc\u00e9ano?"} {"gender":"male","en":"But what I'm saying is we could just make things a little bit better for ourselves if we looked at it in this very simple four-way approach.","es":"Pero lo que digo es que podr\u00edamos hacer cosas que sean mejores para nosotros si las mir\u00e1semos en un enfoque de cuatro puntos de vista."} {"gender":"male","en":"We made it learn from us, and we set it free in the desert.","es":"Hicimos que aprendan de nosotros y los liberamos en el desierto."} {"gender":"female","en":"I also caught myself thinking mean things about mushy, centrist liberals and greedy Wall Street bankers and Islamophobes and slow drivers, because I really hate slow drivers.","es":"Me descubr\u00ed pensando cosas malas sobre los liberales blandos, de centro, y los ambiciosos banqueros de Wall Street y los islamof\u00f3bicos y los conductores lentos, porque de verdad odio a los conductores lentos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And you know how exhausting it can be to try to be perfect when you're not, or to be somebody that you aren't?","es":"\u00bfY saben lo agotador que puede ser tratar de ser perfecto cuando no lo eres, o ser alguien que no eres?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And who judges?","es":"\u00bfY qui\u00e9n decide?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Penguins are real athletes: They can swim 173 kilometers in a day.","es":"Los ping\u00fcinos son unos verdaderos atletas pueden nadar 173 km diarios."} {"gender":"male","en":"And to understand why that is, we need to know a little bit more about the behavior of the flytrap.","es":"Y para entender por qu\u00e9, hay que saber un poco m\u00e1s sobre su comportamiento."} {"gender":"female","en":"The second site of intervention is also an urban void along the river banks, and it used to be an illegal parking, and we proposed to transform it into the first playground in the medina.","es":"El segundo sitio de nuestra intervenci\u00f3n es tambi\u00e9n un solar urbano a lo largo de las riberas que sol\u00eda ser un aparcamiento ilegal, y propusimos transformarlo en un zona de juegos de primera clase en La Medina."} {"gender":"male","en":"Bruno Giussani: Mark, Mark, come back.","es":"Bruno Giussani: Mark, Mark, regresa."} {"gender":"male","en":"How often can I go out to dinner?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1n a menudo puedo ir a cenar?"} {"gender":"female","en":"We've never had that before.","es":"No hemos vivido asi nunca antes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"All of these outbreaks have tended to disproportionately affect women, and in time, when doctors failed to find the one cause of the disease, they thought that these outbreaks were mass hysteria.","es":"Estos brotes tend\u00edan a afectar desproporcionalmente a las mujeres y, luego, si los m\u00e9dicos no hallaban la causa real de la enfermedad pensaban que estos brotes eran casos de histeria colectiva."} {"gender":"male","en":"And by the way, Chris, that would've been a really good panel, I think, right there.","es":"Y a prop\u00f3sito, Chris, ese hubiera sido un muy buen panel. Pienso, justo all\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"The water is turned into goo.","es":"El agua se convierte en sustancia viscosa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"To understand what that means, let's look at the lecture-based classroom, and let's pick the median performance as a threshold.","es":"Para entender qu\u00e9 significa, veamos la clase basada en conferencias y tomemos el valor medio como umbral."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the centerline of the mall goes out.","es":"Y la l\u00ednea central del centro comercial va hacia afuera."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Do you see a temple?","es":"\u00bfVen un templo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So our approach is something we call targeted reinnervation.","es":"Este m\u00e9todo se llama reinervaci\u00f3n inducida."} {"gender":"male","en":"The first sculptural model I made for that thing in Tokyo.","es":"El primer modelo escultural que hice para aquella cosa en Tokio."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"No excuse, sir.\"\"Attaboy, you're learning fast.\"","es":"No es excusa, se\u00f1or\". \"Buen chico, aprendes r\u00e1pido\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think the camera is.","es":"Creo que es la c\u00e1mara."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And when we drop the ballast overboard we climb.","es":"Y al dejar caer el lastre por la borda subimos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"CA: So possibly, initially done, it's like on a sort of toll road-type basis.","es":"CA: As\u00ed que posiblemente, una vez hecho ser\u00e1 una especie de autopista de peaje."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, in fact, a single mosquito will only travel about 200 yards in its entire life.","es":"Bueno, de hecho, un simple mosquito solo viajar\u00e1 alrededor de 180 metros en toda su vida."} {"gender":"female","en":"So they can express everything from admiration and lust to anxiety and angst.","es":"Y puede expresar desde admiraci\u00f3n y codicia, hasta ansiedad y angustia."} {"gender":"male","en":"I am, of course, referring to none other than Elvis Presley.","es":"Me refiero, por supuesto, a Elvis Presley."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's not what I had expected.","es":"No es lo que yo esperaba."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And then he dies.","es":"Y luego muere."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now medical devices have come a long way technologically.","es":"Hoy en d\u00eda los dispositivos m\u00e9dicos son tecnol\u00f3gicamente muy avanzados."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, that's completely changed now.","es":"Ahora eso ha cambiado completamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"So on the left-hand side, input equals 0 output, which goes down.","es":"En la parte izquierda tenemos una entrada y la salida es un 0, va para abajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"What we do as street skaters is, you have these tricks, Say I'm working on Darkslides, or a Primo, that you guys know this stuff now.","es":"Lo que hacemos los patinadores callejeros es, tener estos trucos. Si hago 'darkslides' o un 'primo', ahora conocen esta jerga."} {"gender":"male","en":"And all of the processing is happening in real time on the laptop.","es":"Y todo el procesamiento est\u00e1 sucediendo en tiempo real en la computadora port\u00e1til."} {"gender":"male","en":"The green revolution never reached Africa.","es":"La revoluci\u00f3n ecol\u00f3gica nunca lleg\u00f3 a Africa."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's another one announced just last week.","es":"Justo la semana pasada se anunci\u00f3 otra nueva compa\u00f1\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"In talking, you use very fine movements of the ribcage to squeeze the air out, and in fact, we're the only animals that can do this.","es":"Al hablar, usamos movimientos muy finos de la caja tor\u00e1cica para expulsar el aire y, somos los \u00fanicos animales capaces de hacerlo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And each one of them are excelling in their chosen field, gaining confidence, restoring dignity, and building hopes in their own lives.","es":"Y cada una de ellas sobresale en el campo que eligi\u00f3, ganando confianza, recuperando la dignidad, y las esperanzas en sus propias vidas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So Christmas lights, and you're saying, what the hell is this guy going to talk about?","es":"Luces de Navidad, seguro que est\u00e1n pensando, \"\u00bfDe qu\u00e9 demonios va a hablar este hombre?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"Everybody thought is was finished.","es":"Todos pensaron que estaba acabado."} {"gender":"female","en":"He has bought land in Fiji as an insurance policy, what he calls, \"migration with dignity,\" because he knows that his people may have to leave their islands.","es":"Ha comprado tierra en Fiji como una p\u00f3liza de seguro, algo que llama \"migraci\u00f3n con dignidad\", porque sabe que su pueblo quiz\u00e1s tenga que abandonar sus islas."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can first test, I can actually hear that.","es":"Lo pueden probar primero. Realmente puedo o\u00edr eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"There was no day of global unity.","es":"No hab\u00eda un d\u00eda de unidad mundial."} {"gender":"male","en":"You had no training as a writer, formally, but you hustled your way in.","es":"No ten\u00eda formaci\u00f3n como escritor pero se abri\u00f3 camino."} {"gender":"male","en":"That force on the left, you can train a 19-year-old to do that.","es":"Puedes entrenar a un muchacho de 19 para que haga lo de la izquierda."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm not real good with math, but I was working on it.","es":"Realmente no soy buena con las matem\u00e1ticas, pero estaba trabajando en ellas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We wanted to use them to create openings.","es":"Quer\u00edamos usarlas para crear aperturas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Concave length.","es":"Una lente c\u00f3ncava."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that's evident here with the slower conduction.","es":"Y eso es evidente aqu\u00ed con una conducci\u00f3n m\u00e1s lenta."} {"gender":"male","en":"So think about these two common objects.","es":"Piensen en estos dos objetos comunes."} {"gender":"male","en":"I will split Tanzania in five income groups, from the highest income to the lowest income, and here we go.","es":"Dividir\u00e9 Tanzania en cinco grupos de ingreso, desde el m\u00e1s alto al m\u00e1s bajo ingreso, all\u00ed vamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So Sudhir, the suburban boy who had never really been in the inner city, dutifully took his clipboard and walked down to this housing project, gets to the first building.","es":"Entonces Sudhir, muchacho de la afueras que nunca hab\u00eda estado dentro de la ciudad muy obediente tom\u00f3 su tabla y se encamin\u00f3 hacia ese proyecto urbano. Llega al primer edificio."} {"gender":"female","en":"I want to talk about none of that today, even though that's all really important.","es":"Hoy no quiero hablar de nada de eso aunque todo eso sea realmente importante."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There was no giant out there without perhaps a simple Achilles heel.","es":"No hab\u00eda gigantes sin un simple tal\u00f3n de Aquiles."} {"gender":"male","en":"But the acid test is always going to be, how would sharks really behave in the context of these patterns and shapes.","es":"La prueba de fuego es qu\u00e9 hacen los tiburones ante estos patrones y formas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Some people must make more money, some others less.","es":"Algunas personas han de hacer m\u00e1s dinero, y otras menos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Artistry can also be seen in the repair and recovery of the human body.","es":"El arte tambi\u00e9n se ve en la reparaci\u00f3n y la recuperaci\u00f3n del cuerpo humano."} {"gender":"male","en":"And you can see why I'm down on style, with a haircut like that.","es":"Y pueden ver por qu\u00e9 tengo un estilo fuera de moda, con un corte de pelo como ese."} {"gender":"male","en":"And yet one more tap, and you'd be \"liking\" Auntie Glenda on Facebook.","es":"Y todav\u00eda m\u00e1s, dar\u00edas un \"Me gusta\" a la t\u00eda Glenda en Facebook."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We want our babies to read when they are six months old.","es":"Queremos que nuestros beb\u00e9s lean a los 6 meses de edad."} {"gender":"female","en":"JF: But I mean, we ask questions like that of our women friends, and men don't. You know, people describe women's relationships as face-to-face, whereas men's friendships are more side-by-side.","es":"JF: Pero, en fin, nosotras hacemos preguntas como esas a nuestras amigas y los hombres no. La gente describe las relaciones femeninas como personales, mientras que las masculinas son m\u00e1s impersonales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We need to design, build and engineer a home away from home for the cells.","es":"Tenemos que dise\u00f1ar, construir y armar un hogar fuera de su hogar, para las c\u00e9lulas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, far be it from me to argue with the magical powers of caffeine, but I don't think reducing tension is one of them.","es":"No es que yo quiera discutir los poderes m\u00e1gicos de la cafe\u00edna, pero reducir la tensi\u00f3n no es uno de ellos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's beautiful.","es":"Es hermosa."} {"gender":"female","en":"Tip three: know that everyone is disabled in some way, like when you have a cold and you can't smell and you realize that the milk that you splashed in your coffee was sour only after you've tasted it.","es":"Consejo tres: saber que todos somos discapacitados en cierto modo, como cuando est\u00e1s resfr\u00edado y pierdes el olfato y te das cuenta de que la leche que pusiste al caf\u00e9 est\u00e1 cortada solo despu\u00e9s de probarla."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, I'm sure a male reporter in Kabul can find women to interview.","es":"Estoy segura de que un periodista en Kabul puede encontrar mujeres para entrevistar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Beer is all carried in on your shoulders.","es":"Toda la cerveza es acarreada sobre hombros."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We created an online system of control and so speeded up all the processes.","es":"Creamos un sistema 'online' de control y as\u00ed aceleramos todo el proceso."} {"gender":"female","en":"And, as often happens in America, immigration became synonymous with Mexicans.","es":"Y como suele ocurrir en Estados Unidos, la inmigraci\u00f3n se convirti\u00f3 en sin\u00f3nimo de mexicanos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Racial socialization can help young people negotiate 60-second encounters, but it's going to take more than a chat.","es":"La socializaci\u00f3n racial ayuda a j\u00f3venes a negociar encuentros de 60 segundos, pero tomar\u00e1 m\u00e1s que una charla."} {"gender":"female","en":"The rallying call of our passionate goodwill ambassador, Emma Watson, has garnered more than five billion media impressions, mobilizing hundreds and thousands of students around the world to create more than a hundred HeForShe student associations.","es":"La llamada de nuestra apasionada embajadora de buena voluntad Emma Watson, ha cosechado m\u00e1s de 5000 millones de impresiones en los medios, la movilizaci\u00f3n de cientos y miles de estudiantes de todo el mundo para crear m\u00e1s de un centenar de asociaciones de estudiantes HeForShe."} {"gender":"female","en":"And looking back over the last two and a half years, that has been a huge positive for us.","es":"Y mirando en retrospectiva los \u00faltimos dos a\u00f1os y medio, ha sido algo muy positivo para nosotros."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was our mindset, because we are not behaving as a media outlet.","es":"Se trata de nuestra mentalidad, porque no actuamos como los medios de comunicaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you look carefully at the map of the city, you'll see it has no streets, because streets are something we invented.","es":"Si miramos con atenci\u00f3n el mapa de la ciudad, veremos que no tiene calles, porque es una invenci\u00f3n moderna."} {"gender":"male","en":"And certainly, neither Crick or I were chemists, so we tried to build a model.","es":"Y ciertamente, ni Crick ni yo eramos qu\u00edmicos, as\u00ed que tratamos de construir un modelo."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is what's called a heat map, and the different colors, and along the side, on the right, are different genes.","es":"Esto es llamado un mapa de calor con diferentes colores, y del lado derecho hay diferentes genes."} {"gender":"male","en":"It fits exactly where we need to fit it, right in the center of the hubs of the ducts in the system, very critical.","es":"Cabe exactamente donde lo necesitamos, justo en el centro de los enlaces de los conductos del sistema, muy cr\u00edtico."} {"gender":"male","en":"But these are the things that we can put in this little galaxy here.","es":"Pero estas son las cosas que podemos poner en esta galaxia."} {"gender":"male","en":"One was scratching at the end of the stick, another child listened at the other end.","es":"Uno raspaba un extremo del palo mientras el otro ni\u00f1o escuchaba en el otro extremo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we kept telling the people in London that Linus Pauling's going to move on to DNA. If DNA is that important, Linus will know it.","es":"Y continuamos dici\u00e9ndole a las personas en Londres que Linus Pauling se cambiar\u00eda al ADN. si el ADN era tan importante, Linus lo sabr\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's less than half a plan, because where does Brazil want to go on social progress?","es":"Es menos de la mitad del plan, porque, \u00bfad\u00f3nde quiere ir Brasil en progreso social?"} {"gender":"male","en":"If you think about it, isn't it kind of self-evident that once we get sufficiently productive at something, we've basically worked our way out of a job?","es":"Si se piensa en ello, \u00bfno es autoevidente que una vez que se tiene algo suficientemente productivo, se est\u00e1 trabajamos en acabar un puesto de trabajo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"It's the universe in which these machines are now doing all these things, including changing biology.","es":"Es el universo en que estas m\u00e1quinas hacen ahora todo esto, incluyendo cambiar la biolog\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"You're going to see people be born and die, dots will appear and disappear, ties will form and break, marriages and divorces, friendings and defriendings.","es":"Van a ver personas que nacen y mueren; los puntos aparecer\u00e1n y desaparecer\u00e1n. Lazos que se forman y se rompen."} {"gender":"male","en":"Also, those very sounds tend not to be represented by the characters that are available in European languages.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n, muchos de estos sonidos tienden a ser representados por caracteres que no existen en las lenguas europeas."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is July 22 in 2011, and a terrible day in Norwegian history.","es":"El 22 de julio en 2011, un terrible d\u00eda en la historia de Noruega."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that night I was working and working on an elusive proof, which was incomplete.","es":"Y esa noche yo estaba trabajando en una prueba dif\u00edcil de demostrar, y que estaba incompleta."} {"gender":"female","en":"But we all know that with any resurrection story, you have to die first.","es":"Pero todos sabemos que en cualquier historia de resurrecci\u00f3n, uno tiene primero que morir."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He showed him, \"You know, we don't have to do this wrong.","es":"Le mostr\u00f3: \"No tenemos por qu\u00e9 hacerlo mal."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And there's several ways of doing this.","es":"Y hay varias maneras de hacerlo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And ultimately, up in the flytower, the scene sets that allow the transformations to occur.","es":"Y, en \u00faltima instancia, en la torre esc\u00e9nica la tramoya que permite que ocurran las transformaciones."} {"gender":"female","en":"So remember that the students in Sweden, they thought they were in the middle of the world income.","es":"Recuerden que los estudiantes en Suecia, pensaban que estaban en el medio del mundo de ingresos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's coming.","es":"Est\u00e1 llegando."} {"gender":"female","en":"I said, \"Really.","es":"Le dije: \"En serio."} {"gender":"female","en":"But the way we love, the meaning we make out of it, the rules that govern our relationships, I think, are changing fundamentally.","es":"Pero la forma de amar, el significado que le damos, las reglas que rigen nuestras relaciones, pienso, est\u00e1n cambiando radicalmente."} {"gender":"female","en":"Just so you believe it's not just in movie format, here's a real photograph of a second-generation starshade deployment test bed in the lab. And in this case, I just wanted you to know that that central truss has heritage left over from large radio deployables in space.","es":"Solo para que me crean, no es solo en formato de pel\u00edcula, aqu\u00ed est\u00e1 una foto real de pruebas para implementar la sombrilla estelar de 2\u00aa generaci\u00f3n Y en este caso, quer\u00eda que supieran que esa armadura central es lo sobrante desde grandes desplegables de radio en el espacio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That said, poetry does seem to be especially good at certain things.","es":"Dicho esto, s\u00ed que parece que la poes\u00eda sea especialmente buena para ciertos temas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And slowly, that idea is leaking out to the cognitive sciences, the human sciences, economics, et cetera. At the same time, we physicists have been busy trying to make sense of and build on and integrate the discoveries of quantum theory and relativity.","es":"Y la idea se est\u00e1 filtrando lentamente a las ciencias cognitivas, las ciencias humanas, la econom\u00eda, etc. Al mismo tiempo, nosotros los f\u00edsicos hemos estado ocupados tratando de comprender y ampliar e integrar los descubrimientos de la teor\u00eda cu\u00e1ntica y la relatividad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you're not good in 90 days, you're out.","es":"Si no eres bueno en 90 d\u00edas, est\u00e1s fuera."} {"gender":"female","en":"But she reached out to us in that way, and it was, I'd like to say, it was an ice-breaker.","es":"Se acerc\u00f3 a nosotros de esa manera. Lo logr\u00f3, debo decir, logr\u00f3 romper el hielo."} {"gender":"female","en":"So all the way around, you have a 24-hour timeline.","es":"En todos los sentidos hay una l\u00ednea de tiempo de 24 horas."} {"gender":"male","en":"But it's not simplistic.","es":"Pero no es simplista."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So, another thing that we do is to confuse adult sophistication with the actual understanding of some principle.","es":"Otra cosa que hacemos es confundir la sofisticaci\u00f3n adulta con la comprensi\u00f3n real de un principio."} {"gender":"female","en":"Wipe it up, throw it away.","es":"Limpiarla y desecharla."} {"gender":"female","en":"To move forward, we may have to find our way back to that pediatrician who would knock on my family's door on the South Side of Chicago when I was a kid, who made house calls, who was a public servant.","es":"Para avanzar, quiz\u00e1 tengamos que retroceder, volver a aquel pediatra que tocaba a la puerta de mi casa en el sur de Chicago cuando era ni\u00f1a, que hac\u00eda visitas a domicilio, que se deb\u00eda a su comunidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in some countries, like India, the lower castes are condemned to empty the pits, and they're further condemned by society.","es":"En algunos pa\u00edses como India, las castas bajas est\u00e1n condenadas a limpiar estos pozos y por eso son m\u00e1s condenadas por la sociedad."} {"gender":"male","en":"And to make it really clear, I've put all four on one graph. There's no need to see the little detailed words on it.","es":"Y para hacerlo realmente claro, he puesto los cuatro en un mismo gr\u00e1fico, no hace falta ver la letra peque\u00f1a."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The bad news is they\u2019re rocket fuels.","es":"La mala noticia es que son combustibles para cohetes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But daring to know, daring to understand, means risking the possibility that you could be wrong.","es":"Pero atreverse a saber, atreverse a entender, implica arriesgarse a la posibilidad de estar equivocado."} {"gender":"female","en":"What's the rush?\"","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el apuro?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"So take a wild success like Airbnb that everybody knows about.","es":"Tomemos un gran \u00e9xito como Airbnb que todos conocen."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"\"Sputnik\" will soon be released.","es":"\"Sputnik\" se estrenar\u00e1 en breve."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Yes, the wheel is awesome!","es":"S\u00ed, \u00a1la rueda es algo asombroso!"} {"gender":"male","en":"And since then, there have been over 90 projects in 70 countries all over the world, working to understand the genetic basis of these diseases.","es":"Y desde entonces, ha habido m\u00e1s de 90 proyectos en 70 pa\u00edses alrededor del mundo, trabajando para entender la base gen\u00e9tica de estas enfermedades."} {"gender":"male","en":"Tell the folks at the county party convention, \"You bet free enterprise can solve climate change.\"","es":"D\u00edganle a los militantes del partido republicano, ''La libre empresa puede ayudar al cambio clim\u00e1tico.''"} {"gender":"female","en":"So, back to Mars.","es":"Volvamos a Marte."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The most basic one is, people like to know things.","es":"Una es, la m\u00e1s b\u00e1sica, es que nos gusta saber las cosas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The more choice people have, the more freedom they have, and the more freedom they have, the more welfare they have.","es":"Entre m\u00e1s posibilidades tenga la gente, m\u00e1s libertad tendr\u00e1 y entre m\u00e1s libertad tenga, m\u00e1s bienestar tendr\u00e1n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I forgot to bring one up with me.","es":"Y me olvid\u00e9 de traer uno conmigo."} {"gender":"female","en":"We can, for example, go find Miko's locker and get some more information about her.","es":"Podemos, por ejemplo, ir a buscar en la taquilla de Miko y conseguir m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n sobre ella."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I would like to share with you all some of the pictures that are happening today in Yemen.","es":"Me gustar\u00eda compartir con Uds. algunas de las im\u00e1genes de lo que sucede hoy en Yemen."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, the program says that the opposite of play is not work, it's depression.","es":"El programa dice que lo opuesto al juego no es el trabajo, es la depresi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you look at it as a brand in those ways, what you'll come to realize is, it's a pretty flawed product.","es":"Si lo vemos como una marca, veremos que es un producto muy defectuoso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The calving face is the wall where the visible ice breaks off, but in fact, it goes down below sea level another couple thousand feet.","es":"El frente de desprendimiento es la pared visible donde se parte el hielo, de hecho, contin\u00faa bajo el nivel del mar otros 600 metros."} {"gender":"female","en":"They decide they're going to take him back to his spaceship as soon as they can, and they plop him in a bicycle basket, and off they ride.","es":"Deciden llevarlo de vuelta a su nave espacial tan pronto como puedan. lo meten en una canasta de bicicleta, y se van."} {"gender":"male","en":"My editor at Geographic wanted me to find America's Blue Zone.","es":"Mi editor en National Geografic quer\u00eda que encontrara una \u201cZona Azul\u201d en Am\u00e9rica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It presents, not just the complexities found in a procession of different human beings, but the complexities found within each individual person.","es":"Presenta, no solo las complejidades encontradas en una procesi\u00f3n de diferentes seres humanos, sino las complejidades encontradas en cada persona de manera individual."} {"gender":"male","en":"It all started when I joined an innovation workshop by MIT Media Lab in 2014 called the Kumbhathon that aimed at solving challenges faced at the grand scale of Kumbh Mela.","es":"Todo empez\u00f3 cuando me un\u00ed a un taller de innovaci\u00f3n del laboratorio MIT Media Lab en 2014 llamado el Kumbhathon que buscaba resolver desaf\u00edos a gran escala de la kumbhamela."} {"gender":"male","en":"And engagement is essential here, because it's not just giving them information; it's giving them an opportunity to act.","es":"Y el compromiso es esencial aqui por que no es s\u00f3lo darles informaci\u00f3n, es darles una oportunidad de actuar."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm so happy to be here.","es":"Estoy muy feliz de estar aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"Although it didn't happen the day that dream letter came through my mailbox, I did write a memoir, called \"The Chronology of Water.\"","es":"A pesar de que no ocurri\u00f3 ese d\u00eda, ese sue\u00f1o se hizo realidad a trav\u00e9s de mi buz\u00f3n de correo, he escrito un libro de memorias, llamado \"La cronolog\u00eda de agua\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And there are, again, now tens of millions of these links that give us the connective tissue of social graphs and how they relate to content.","es":"Y hay, de nuevo, decenas de millones de estos enlaces que nos dan el tejido conectivo de los grafos sociales y c\u00f3mo se relacionan con el contenido."} {"gender":"female","en":"But that can't be right.","es":"Pero eso no puede ser correcto."} {"gender":"male","en":"The number of people living on less than $1.25 a day has halved.","es":"La cantidad de personas que vive con menos de USD 1,25 al d\u00eda se redujo a la mitad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Adam Boulanger: Yes.","es":"Adam Boulanger: S\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"I feel that I have dignity that I have lost for so many years.\"","es":"Siento que tengo la dignidad que hab\u00eda perdido hace muchos a\u00f1os\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, this shows that reminding people of death biases them to believe, regardless of the evidence, and it works not just for religion, but for any kind of belief system that promises immortality in some form, whether it's becoming famous or having children or even nationalism, which promises you can live on as part of a greater whole.","es":"Ahora, esto demuestra que recordarle a la gente sobre la muerte los preconcibe a creer, independiente de las evidencias, y no funciona solo para la religi\u00f3n sino para todo tipo de sistema de creencia que promete cualquier forma de inmortalidad, ya sea hacerse famosos, tener hijos, o incluso con el nacionalismo, que les promete que vivir\u00e1n como parte de algo mucho m\u00e1s grande."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've described it as a kind of projectile vomiting, a torrent of ideas, of characters, of voices, of verses, couplets, entire songs almost formed whole, materialized in front of me as if they'd been bottled up inside me for many, many years.","es":"Lo he descrito como una especie de v\u00f3mito explosivo, un torrente de ideas, personajes, voces, versos, coplas, canciones enteras, casi terminadas, que se materializaron delante m\u00edo como si hubieran estado encerradas en mi interior durante muchos, muchos a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"So until something is available for women with dense breasts, there are things that you should know to protect yourself.","es":"Por eso hasta que est\u00e9 disponible para mujeres con mamas densas hay algunas cosas que deber\u00edan saber para protegerse."} {"gender":"female","en":"They were just brought together in this kind of reconciliation, and I find this remarkable.","es":"Simplemente se encontraron en esta especie de reconciliaci\u00f3n, y encuentro eso muy impresionante."} {"gender":"female","en":"I didn't just passively accept the faith of my parents.","es":"No acept\u00e9 pasivamente la fe de mis padres."} {"gender":"male","en":"Okay, turn back, if you didn't look.","es":"Vale, daos la vuelta si no hab\u00e9is mirado."} {"gender":"male","en":"And to me, the most important thing to know and to really come face to face with, is that fact that I got it wrong about a lot of things, not just the testicles on my chin.","es":"Y para m\u00ed lo m\u00e1s importante y de verdad encontrarme cara a cara con ello, es el hecho de que me equivoqu\u00e9 acerca de muchas cosas, no s\u00f3lo de los test\u00edculos en mi barbilla."} {"gender":"female","en":"So what's the answer?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfcu\u00e1l es la respuesta?"} {"gender":"female","en":"This is the Lillis Business Complex at the University of Oregon, and I worked with a team of architects and biologists to sample over 300 rooms in this building. We wanted to get something like a fossil record of the building, and to do this, we sampled dust.","es":"Este es el Complejo Empresarial Lillis en la Universidad de Oreg\u00f3n, donde trabaj\u00e9 con un equipo de arquitectos y bi\u00f3logos para tomar muestras en m\u00e1s de 300 habitaciones Quer\u00edamos conseguir algo como un registro f\u00f3sil del edificio y para ello, tomamos muestras del polvo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Received very favorably by business.","es":"Recibida muy favorablemente por empresas."} {"gender":"female","en":"We won't get 70 years to find our way back out again.","es":"No tendremos otros 70 a\u00f1os para encontrar la salida nuevamente."} {"gender":"female","en":"But they don't put much stock in efforts to prolong life in the face of debilitating illness or in old age.","es":"Pero no le dan mucha importancia a los esfuerzos por prolongar la vida cuando se enfrentan a una enfermedad debilitante o en la vejez."} {"gender":"female","en":"It was not a full-time gig, no one could watch the little ones all day.","es":"No era algo de tiempo completo, nadie pod\u00eda cuidar a los peque\u00f1os todo el d\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"Add some water.","es":"Agregar un poco de agua."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Humans and muskrats and giraffes and birds and so on, are, the red line goes up. That's the humans and livestock and pets portion.","es":"Humanos y ratas almizcleras, y jirafas, y p\u00e1jaros, etc. son, la l\u00ednea roja sube, esa es la porci\u00f3n de los humanos, y ganado, y mascotas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Sex workers are real people.","es":"Los trabajadores sexuales somos personas reales."} {"gender":"male","en":"And amazingly, that evolution sustains the trajectory that biological evolution had established toward greater complexity.","es":"E incre\u00edblemente, esa evoluci\u00f3n sostiene la trayectoria establecida por la evoluci\u00f3n biol\u00f3gica para alcanzar mayor complejidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"Body was slowly and gently reawakening, limb by limb, muscle by muscle, twitch by twitch.","es":"El cuerpo despertaba, lenta y suavemente, miembro a miembro, m\u00fasculo a m\u00fasculo, contracci\u00f3n a contradicci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"I never thought I would be able to casually move around a campus like Brown on my own.","es":"Nunca pens\u00e9 que podr\u00eda moverme por un campus como el de Brown por mi cuenta."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's just easier to think of yourself as having it all figured out.","es":"Es m\u00e1s f\u00e1cil pensar que uno tiene todo resuelto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Instead of our traditional horizontal agriculture that requires so much land, we can scale vertically, and as a result produce much more product per area.","es":"En lugar de la tradicional agricultura horizontal que requiere tanta tierra, podemos crecer de manera vertical, y con ello producir mucho m\u00e1s en la misma \u00e1rea."} {"gender":"male","en":"But we have to integrate that into our own future.","es":"Pero tenemos que integrar eso en nuestro propio futuro."} {"gender":"female","en":"And we brought all of that together.","es":"Y reunimos todo eso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"ILM did the effects; it was incredible.","es":"ILM hizo los efectos, fue incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"male","en":"You know, how to prepare you for your first relationship? How on earth about raising children?","es":"O \u00bfC\u00f3mo prepararse para su primera relaci\u00f3n? o \u00bfC\u00f3mo rayos se cr\u00eda a un ni\u00f1o?"} {"gender":"female","en":"For my work, I invite people to play a game like we all used to as children when we pretend to be someone else and that process made us really happy.","es":"Para mi trabajo, invito a la gente a jugar un juego como todos lo hac\u00edamos cuando \u00e9ramos ni\u00f1os cuando pretend\u00edamos ser alguien m\u00e1s y ese proceso nos hac\u00eda muy felices."} {"gender":"male","en":"It is time to end the stigma associated with mental illness.","es":"Es hora de poner fin al estigma asociado con la enfermedad mental."} {"gender":"male","en":"When you see me today, I look like the Phantom of the Opera.","es":"Ustedes me ven hoy; parezco como el Fantasma de la \u00d3pera\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Text: any person with a below the knee limb could do this. above the limb, yes, it would be difficult","es":"Texto: cualquiera con una extremidad podr\u00eda hacer esto. por encima de la extremidad, s\u00ed, ser\u00eda dif\u00edcil"} {"gender":"male","en":"It was a pretty dangerous place, not the kind of place where you'd want to travel to if you had a time machine.","es":"Era un lugar muy peligroso, no nos gustar\u00eda viajar all\u00ed si tuvi\u00e9ramos una m\u00e1quina del tiempo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Every time you do something, you get credit; you get a credit for trying.","es":"Cada vez que uno hace algo es reconocido, uno es reconocido por intentar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Use your supply chain to drive good.","es":"Usa tu cadena de suministro para llevar al bien."} {"gender":"female","en":"But mine really are.","es":"Pero los m\u00edos lo son realmente."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if you want to summarize in one just single word, well, this is what we're trying to do. We're trying to give a future to our past in order to have a future.","es":"Si queremos resumirlo en una palabra, esto es lo que tratamos de hacer: tratamos de darle un futuro a nuestro pasado para tener un futuro."} {"gender":"female","en":"What I am talking about is moving from this precise targeting for individuals to tackle public health problems in populations.","es":"Me estoy refiriendo a traspasar la pr\u00e1ctica de precisi\u00f3n orientada a individuos para abordar los problemas de salud p\u00fablica en poblaciones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"How can we overcome this?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo podemos superar esto?"} {"gender":"male","en":"How do we help you move these ideas forward?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo te ayudamos a impulsar estas ideas?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a little kid, but growing up in Canada as a young girl, that wasn't really available to me.","es":"De ni\u00f1a, quer\u00eda ser astronauta Pero en Canad\u00e1, en aquel entonces, no era posible."} {"gender":"male","en":"Rather than spending their lives eating grass, for which their stomachs were designed, they were forced to eat soy and corn.","es":"En lugar de pasar sus vidas comiendo hierba, para lo que sus est\u00f3magos estaban dise\u00f1ados, se las obligaba a comer soja y ma\u00edz."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the world's first major botanical institution is in London, and they have this extraordinary project where they've been collecting 25 percent of all the world's plant species.","es":"Y la primer instituci\u00f3n bot\u00e1nica del mundo est\u00e1 en Londres. Y tienen este proyecto extraordinario en el que han estado recolectando 25% de las especies de plantas del planeta."} {"gender":"female","en":"Last year, three of my family members were gruesomely murdered in a hate crime.","es":"El a\u00f1o pasado, tres de los miembros de mi familia fueron asesinados brutalmente en un crimen de odio."} {"gender":"female","en":"In fact, you find laughter throughout the mammals.","es":"De hecho, existe la risa en los mam\u00edferos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is what it looks like.","es":"As\u00ed es como se ve."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so one could be for the best sustainable idea for an in-school project, the best one for a household project, or it could be the best community project for sustainability.","es":"El mejor para un proyecto dom\u00e9stico. O podr\u00eda ser el mejor proyecto comunitario para la sostenibilidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"Serious mood.","es":"Seriedad."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, this is my latest cooker, and if this looks more complicated than the nuclear reactor, that's because it is.","es":"As\u00ed que esta es mi \u00faltima barbacoa, y si parece m\u00e1s complicada que un reactor nuclear, es porque lo es."} {"gender":"male","en":"There are thousands of trees.","es":"Hay miles de \u00e1rboles."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's the challenge.","es":"Ese es el reto."} {"gender":"male","en":"You know, Andy Grove stepped down as chairman of the board at Intel, and Andy was one of my mentors, tough individual. When Andy stepped down, he said, \"No technology will win.","es":"Cuando Andy Grove renunci\u00f3 como presidente de la junta directiva de Intel, y Andy fue uno de mis mentores, individuo exigente, cuando \u00e9l renunci\u00f3, dijo: \"Ninguna tecnolog\u00eda ganar\u00e1."} {"gender":"male","en":"The Chinese have a little bit better plan, or they have a plan; we have no plan.","es":"Los chinos tienen un plan un poco mejor, o tienen un plan; Nosotros no tenemos plan."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I told her that after the transplant, all of the blood flowing in her veins would be my blood, made from my marrow cells, and that inside the nucleus of each of those cells is a complete set of my DNA.","es":"Y le dije que despu\u00e9s del trasplante, toda la sangre que fluyera en sus venas ser\u00eda mi sangre, a partir de mis c\u00e9lulas de la m\u00e9dula, y que dentro del n\u00facleo de cada una de esas c\u00e9lulas habr\u00eda un conjunto completo de mi ADN."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, you may push the car to the limits not because you're driving too fast, but because you've hit an icy patch of road, conditions have changed.","es":"Y uno puede poner el coche al l\u00edmite, no porque uno conduzca demasiado r\u00e1pido, sino por encontrarse el piso helado y las condiciones cambian."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is from the FBI uniform crime statistics.","es":"Esto es de las Estad\u00edsticas Uniformes de Cr\u00edmenes del FBI."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In fact, it's led to the some of the most spectacular new medicines in cancer.","es":"Esto ha conllevado a nuevos y espectaculares f\u00e1rmacos contra el c\u00e1ncer."} {"gender":"male","en":"No one is getting money.","es":"Nadie recibe dinero."} {"gender":"male","en":"The entire art of what is going on in these memory contests, and the entire art of remembering stuff better in everyday life, is figuring out ways to transform capital B Bakers into lower-case B bakers, to take information that is lacking in context, in significance, in meaning, and transform it in some way, so that it becomes meaningful in the light of all the other things that you have in your mind.","es":"El secreto de lo que sucede en estas competencias de memoria y todo el arte de recordar mejor los asuntos del d\u00eda a d\u00eda es encontrar una manera de transformar la B may\u00fascula de Baker en la b min\u00fascula de \"baker\", tomando informaci\u00f3n fuera de contexto o significado, y d\u00e1rsela y transformarla, de alguna manera en algo con significado a la luz de todas las dem\u00e1s cosas que hay en nuestra mente."} {"gender":"male","en":"But here's the really critical thing to understand. The machines that will threaten workers in the future are really nothing like those cars and trucks and tractors that displaced horses.","es":"Pero aqu\u00ed viene la cosa crucial que hay que entender: las m\u00e1quinas que amenazar\u00e1n a los trabajadores en el futuro no tienen nada que ver con esos autos, camiones y tractores que desplazaron a los caballos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm studying physics: Landau, Lipschitz, Resnick and Halliday.","es":"Estoy estudiando f\u00edsica: Landau, Lipschitz, Resnick y Halliday."} {"gender":"male","en":"What she is doing right now is that her path of learning is diverging, moment by moment, as she is isolating herself further and further.","es":"Lo que ella hace ahora es bifurcar su camino de aprendizaje a cada instante al aislarse cada vez m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"So that evening, I just reached out on Facebook and asked a few of them, and by morning the response had been so overwhelming and so positive, I knew we had to give it a go.","es":"As\u00ed es que esa noche entr\u00e9 en Facebook contact\u00e9 con algunos de ellos, y a la ma\u00f1ana siguiente la respuesta fue tan abrumadora y positiva, que sab\u00eda que ten\u00edamos que intentarlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can imagine an eight-year-old girl, for example, who has an iPhone, and her mom buys her a robot.","es":"Pueden imaginarse a una ni\u00f1a de 8 a\u00f1os, por ejemplo, que tenga un iPhone y su madre le compra un robot."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So silk comes out of the spinnerets, and for those of us spider silk biologists, this is what we call the \"business end\" of the spider.","es":"Entonces la seda sale de las hileras, y para nosotros los bi\u00f3logos de seda de ara\u00f1as, esto es lo que llamamos \"el fin del negocio\" de la ara\u00f1a."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But also, they also receive safety shirts, gloves, raincoats and eyeglasses to see in high-definition the city, while their carro\u00e7as are renovated by our incredible volunteers.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n reciben camisas de seguridad, guantes, impermeables y gafas para ver en alta definici\u00f3n la ciudad, mientras que sus carro\u00e7as son renovadas por nuestros incre\u00edbles voluntarios."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's not better public transportation.","es":"El transporte p\u00fablico no es mejor."} {"gender":"female","en":"Feminist psychologists like Joan Chrisler have suggested that taking on the label of PMS allows women to express emotions that would otherwise be considered unladylike.","es":"Psic\u00f3logas feministas como Joan Chrisler han sugerido que con la etiqueta del SPM se pueden expresar de una forma que, que de otra manera, podr\u00eda considerarse impropia de se\u00f1oras."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And then aboriginal women in Africa would come and say, \"This is it!\"","es":"Y las mujeres abor\u00edgenes en \u00c1frica vendr\u00edan y dir\u00edan: \"\u00a1Eso es!\""} {"gender":"male","en":"So what's inside of this machine is what enables me to do the things that I'm doing with the medical data.","es":"Lo que est\u00e1 dentro de esta m\u00e1quina me permite hacer las cosas que hago con los datos m\u00e9dicos."} {"gender":"male","en":"We have an absolute rule that if our data source has data for one of the countries we're looking at, it goes into the analysis.","es":"Tenemos una norma absoluta, si nuestra fuente de informaci\u00f3n tiene datos de uno de los pa\u00edses que observamos, entonces se incluye en el an\u00e1lisis."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!","es":"Gracias. Gracias. Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"What's she doing?!\"","es":"Preguntan \"\u00bfqu\u00e9 est\u00e1 haciendo?, \u00bfqu\u00e9 est\u00e1 haciendo?\""} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So when you hear this sound you feel like a kind of shelter, preserved from noise pollution.","es":"Entonces cuando se escucha este sonido se siente como una protecci\u00f3n, que aisla de la contaminaci\u00f3n ac\u00fastica."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's where the real profit comes.","es":"De ah\u00ed viene la verdadera ganancia."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is the new paradigm, which we gathered two, three years back, recognizing that our old paradigm of just analyzing and pushing and predicting parameters into the future, aiming at minimalizing environmental impacts, is of the past.","es":"Y este es el nuevo paradigma al que arribamos hace dos, tres a\u00f1os, reconociendo que el viejo paradigma de tan solo analizar, empujar y predecir par\u00e1metros en el futuro, para reducir impactos ambientales, es algo del pasado."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it's not just Brazil that is affected by the twin problems of guns and drugs.","es":"Y no s\u00f3lo Brasil est\u00e1 afectado por el doble problema de armas y drogas."} {"gender":"female","en":"I like that hum. I love that hum.","es":"Me gusta el zumbido. Me encanta el zumbido."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then I began to hear all these other sounds.","es":"Y entonces empec\u00e9 a o\u00edr todos esos otros sonidos."} {"gender":"female","en":"The challenge: to figure out what it will take to actually do something that makes a significant and sustainable difference.","es":"El reto, es averiguar que se necesita para realmente hacer algo que haga una diferencia significante y sostenible."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It comes off the ocean here and is drawn up towards India.","es":"Viene del oc\u00e9ano aqu\u00ed y es atra\u00eddo arriba hacia la India."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I will keep doing this for the hundreds of tapirs that I've had the pleasure to meet over the years and the many others I know I will encounter in the future.","es":"Y seguir\u00e9 haciendo esto por los cientos de tapires que he tenido el placer de conocer todos estos a\u00f1os y por los muchos otros que s\u00e9 que encontrar\u00e9 en el futuro."} {"gender":"male","en":"They met once a week for a year.","es":"S\u00f3lo se reunieron una vez por semana durante un a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"And, actually, the thing is, it's about a healthy balance, I think.","es":"Y, en realidad, creo que se trata de un equilibrio saludable."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I would suggest to you that actually what we are dealing with here, in the Chinese context, is a new kind of paradigm, which is different from anything we've had to think about in the past.","es":"Y me permito sugerirles que en realidad lo que estamos viendo aqu\u00ed, en el contexto chino, es un nuevo tipo de paradigma, diferente a todo lo que hayamos pensado en el pasado."} {"gender":"male","en":"You know a car when you've seen it, with soul.","es":"Reconoc\u00e9is un coche cuando lo hab\u00e9is visto, con alma."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You don't wake up one day no longer a racist.","es":"Uno no despierta un d\u00eda y ya no existe el racismo."} {"gender":"male","en":"But the timing was so perfect for their need to get drivers into the system.","es":"Pero el momento fue perfecto, por su necesidad de atraer choferes a su sistema."} {"gender":"male","en":"Guy: I might get one of those.","es":"Hombre: Yo quiz\u00e1s compre uno de esos."} {"gender":"male","en":"What rises twice a year, once in Easter and then two weeks before Christmas, has a mini peak every Monday, and then flattens out over the summer?","es":"Lo que sube dos veces al a\u00f1o, una vez en Semana Santa y luego dos semanas antes de Navidad, y que tiene un mini pico todos los lunes y luego se aplana durante el verano."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was the suggested syllabus for dealing with the Applied Arts and Science at Cambridge University in 1829.","es":"Se trata del plan de estudios propuesto para hacer frente a las Artes y las Ciencias Aplicadas en la Universidad de Cambridge en 1829."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It isn't surprising, then, that if you should speak to anyone affected by a mental illness, the chances are that you will hear stories of hidden suffering, shame and discrimination in nearly every sector of their lives.","es":"No es sorprendente, cuando le hablas a alguien que padece una enfermedad mental, escuchar historias de sufrimiento oculto, verg\u00fcenza y discriminaci\u00f3n en casi cada sector de sus vidas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Sanitation is terrible, and our old vaccine, you remember, worked half as well as it should have.","es":"La higiene es horrible y nuestra antigua vacuna ten\u00eda una eficacia reducida a la mitad."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if we're going to deal with these two great power shifts that I've described, the power shift represented by transition among states, the power shift represented by diffusion of power away from all states, we're going to have to develop a new narrative of power in which we combine hard and soft power into strategies of smart power.","es":"Y si vamos a lidiar con estos dos grandes desplazamientos de poder que describ\u00ed, el cambio de poder representado por la transici\u00f3n entre estados y el cambio de poder representado por la difusi\u00f3n de poder de todos los estados, vamos a tener que desarrollar una nueva narrativa del poder en la que combinemos poder duro y blando en estrategias de poder inteligente."} {"gender":"male","en":"AG: My country is supposed to receive four thousand.","es":"AG: Mi pa\u00eds se supone que recibir\u00e1 cuatro mil."} {"gender":"male","en":"These are all the liars.","es":"Estos son todos los mentirosos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've spent a lot of the last few years really depressed about this, until this year, I learned something that I felt really excited about.","es":"He pasado mucho tiempo en los \u00faltimos a\u00f1os deprimido por esto, hasta este a\u00f1o, en que me enter\u00e9 de algo que me hizo entusiasmarme mucho."} {"gender":"male","en":"And even in Antarctica, well, at least this time of year, we from time to time will see a query rising up.","es":"Incluso en la Ant\u00e1rtida, bueno, al menos esta \u00e9poca del a\u00f1o, a veces se da un aumento de una b\u00fasqueda concreta."} {"gender":"female","en":"And a record executive walked up to me and invited me to Nashville, Tennessee to make a record.","es":"Un productor de m\u00fasica que pasaba por ah\u00ed me invit\u00f3 a Nashville, Tennessee, para grabar un disco."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now would be a good time to make sure it's a god we can live with.","es":"Ahora ser\u00eda un buen momento para asegurarse de que sea un dios con el que podamos vivir."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They're, in some cultures, choosing to have more males than females.","es":"En algunas culturas, est\u00e1n eligiendo tener m\u00e1s varones que mujeres."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I think, actually, the alternative is to grasp the nettle of the word \"atheism\" itself, precisely because it is a taboo word, carrying frissons of hysterical phobia.","es":"Pero pienso que, realmente, la alternativa es tomar lo \u00e1spero de la misma palabra \u201cateo\u201d, precisamente por ser una palabra tab\u00fa que acarrea arrebatos de fobia hist\u00e9rica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This jump up in energy in 2015 represented the best chance that we as a species had ever had of discovering new particles, new answers to these long-standing questions, because it was almost twice as much energy as we used when we discovered the Higgs boson.","es":"Este salto en la energ\u00eda en 2015 represent\u00f3 la mejor oportunidad que como especie hab\u00edamos tenido jam\u00e1s de descubrir nuevas part\u00edculas. Nuevas respuestas a estas preguntas antiguas, porque era casi el doble de energ\u00eda que usamos cuando descubrimos el bos\u00f3n de Higgs."} {"gender":"female","en":"So my mom abandoned us when I was sixteen years old.","es":"Mi madre nos abandon\u00f3 cuando ten\u00eda 16 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"So by looking at things like clusters of galaxies, and how they, their number density, how many there are as a function of time, we can learn about how dark matter and dark energy compete against each other in structure forming.","es":"As\u00ed que mirando a objetos como los c\u00famulos de galaxias, y a su densidad, a cuantos hay como funci\u00f3n del tiempo, podemos aprender sobre c\u00f3mo la materia oscura y la energ\u00eda oscura compiten entre si en la formaci\u00f3n de estructuras."} {"gender":"male","en":"We are not the only ones who care about our children.","es":"No somos los \u00fanicos que se preocupan por sus hijos."} {"gender":"male","en":"He had a clear shot at the German soldiers who came to occupy a free country, his country, our country.","es":"Ten\u00eda bien en la mira a los soldados alemanes que ven\u00edan a ocupar un pa\u00eds libre, su pa\u00eds, nuestro pa\u00eds."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now you have to ask, where did we go wrong?","es":"Hay que preguntarse, \u00bfqu\u00e9 hicimos mal?"} {"gender":"male","en":"In 2006, young Qatari students took me to go and see the migrant worker camps.","es":"En 2006, j\u00f3venes estudiantes de Qatar me llevaron a ver los asentamientos de trabajadores emigrantes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That brought us out of the jungle and out of small groups, but it means that we have eternal conflict.","es":"Nos sac\u00f3 de la selva y de grupos peque\u00f1os, pero tambi\u00e9n significa que tenemos un eterno conflicto."} {"gender":"male","en":"So for example, if I was photographing the eye of the insect, which is normally quite smooth and dome-shaped, then I'd use a light source that is large and soft and diffuse, so I don't get any harsh hot spots on that surface.","es":"As\u00ed, por ejemplo, si fotografiaba el ojo del insecto, que normalmente es bastante suave y tiene forma de c\u00fapula, entonces usaba una fuente de luz grande, suave y difusa, por eso no tengo ning\u00fan punto fuerte en esa superficie."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Has anyone here wondered what will happen if you go back to your room at night, and you start getting chest pains, shortness of breath, sweating?","es":"\u00bfHay alguien aqu\u00ed que se haya pregundado qu\u00e9 pasar\u00eda si volvieras a tu habitaci\u00f3n de noche y empezaras a tener dolor en el pecho, falta de respiraci\u00f3n, sudoraci\u00f3n?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And wrote some notes to my family.","es":"Y escrib\u00ed algunas notas a mi familia."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, is that also a grain of truth?","es":"Es decir, \u00bfser\u00e1 cierto?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We have to find a way to meet our needs, while making of this place an Eden.","es":"Tenemos que encontrar la forma de satisfacer nuestras necesidades y, al mismo tiempo, hacer un Ed\u00e9n de este lugar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Truth is emotional, it's fluid, and above all, it's human.","es":"La verdad es emocional, fluye y, sobre todo, es humana."} {"gender":"male","en":"But one with an immense chalkboard in the middle, with lots of little areas of dinosaur rock if you could survive an expedition.","es":"Pero uno con una inmensa pizarra en medio. con montones de peque\u00f1as \u00e1reas de roca de dinosaurio si pudieras sobrevivir una expedici\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"He got interested in this because there had been government reports, newspaper reports, journal articles saying that there had been too many CT scans done.","es":"Se interes\u00f3 en esto porque hab\u00eda habido informes gubernamentales, investigaciones period\u00edsticas y art\u00edculos de revistas que dec\u00edan que hab\u00eda habido demasiadas tomograf\u00edas."} {"gender":"female","en":"And they showed this exact pattern, which was very heartening.","es":"Y mostraron este patr\u00f3n exacto, que fue muy alentador."} {"gender":"male","en":"Is New York a scaled up San Francisco, which is a scaled up Santa Fe?","es":"\u00bfSer\u00e1 que Nueva York es una ampliaci\u00f3n de San Francisco? \u00bfY que \u00e9sta lo es de Santa Fe?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And then here you see the suit going on.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed se ve colocando el traje."} {"gender":"male","en":"So those are very important for catching somebody who's trying to sneak up on you.","es":"Esto es muy importante para detectar a alguien que est\u00e1 intentando acercarse sigilosamente."} {"gender":"female","en":"Like humans, octopuses are some of the most intelligent creatures on earth.","es":"Como los humanos, los pulpos son unas de las criaturas m\u00e1s inteligentes del planeta."} {"gender":"male","en":"It has difficulty growing.","es":"Tiene dificultades para crecer."} {"gender":"female","en":"What if, when I was in Cambridge, I had access to my real-time emotion stream, and I could share that with my family back home in a very natural way, just like I would've if we were all in the same room together?","es":"\u00bfY si, cuando estuve en Cambridge, hubiera tenido acceso en tiempo real a mi contenido emocional y hubiera podido compartirlo con mi familia en casa de manera muy natural, como si estuvi\u00e9ramos en la misma habitaci\u00f3n juntos?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's pretty scary.","es":". Es atemorizante."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In the tsunami, in the victims.","es":"En el tsunami, en las v\u00edctimas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We have a hijacking of YouTube!","es":"\u00a1Han bloqueado YouTube!."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, the great news about all this, and we have a ton of work left to do, and we have a lot of culture to change, but the great news about all of it is that we know it works.","es":"Ahora, la gran noticia de todo esto, y tenemos mucho trabajo por hacer, y tenemos mucha cultura que cambiar, pero la gran noticia sobre todo es que sabemos que funciona."} {"gender":"male","en":"These human-induced alterations occupying overall less than a millionth of the elapsed lifetime and seemingly occurring with runaway speed? If they continued their vigil, what might these hypothetical aliens witness in the next hundred years?","es":"Estas alteraciones inducidadas por los humanos ocupando en total menos de una millon\u00e9sima parte del tiempo de vida trascurrido y aparentemente ocurriendo a una velocidad acelerada; Si continuaran su vigilia, qu\u00e9 atestiguar\u00edan estos hipot\u00e9ticos alien\u00edgenas en los pr\u00f3ximos cien a\u00f1os?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Okay, play that video please.","es":"Bueno, veamos el v\u00eddeo."} {"gender":"male","en":"The BBC beeps, they sound turquoise, and listening to Mozart became a yellow experience, so I started to paint music and paint people's voices, because people's voices have frequencies that I relate to color.","es":"Los pitidos de la BBC suenan turquesa, y escuchar a Mozart se convirti\u00f3 en una experiencia amarilla, entonces empec\u00e9 a pintar la m\u00fasica y las voces de la gente, porque las voces de las personas tienen frecuencias que se asocian al color."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, when we look out, you and I, over that canopy of the intact primary forest, what we see is this enormous carpet of carbon.","es":"Bueno, cuando miramos, ustedes y yo, sobre aquel dosel forestal del bosque primario intacto lo que vemos es una enorme alfombra de carbono."} {"gender":"male","en":"And at the time, I was a post-doctoral fellow in Los Angeles, after completing my Ph.D. in France, where independent thinking is not necessarily promoted.","es":"En ese entonces, yo era un estudiante de postdoctorado en Los \u00c1ngeles, despu\u00e9s de terminar mi doctorado en Francia, donde el pensamiento independiente no es necesariamente promovido."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well we understand this very well.","es":"Esto se entiende muy bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"The sneaker manufacturer told me that if they find that Pumas are being pirated, or Adidas are being pirated and their sneakers aren't being pirated, they know they've done something wrong.","es":"El fabricante de calzado deportivo me dijo que si descubren que las Pumas o las Adidas las est\u00e1n falsificando y sus zapatillas no, saben que han hecho algo mal."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What is the largest naval contingent tackling the issue of Somali pirates?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el contingente naval m\u00e1s grande que enfrenta el problema de los piratas Somal\u00edes?"} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, there is a new theory of autism called the \"intense world\" theory, which suggests that the neocortical columns are super-columns.","es":"De hecho, hay una nueva teor\u00eda del autismo llamada \"La teor\u00eda del mundo intenso\", que sugiere que las columnas neocorticales son super-columnas."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, what reality do we want to call into existence: a person who is limited, or a person who's empowered?","es":"As\u00ed que, \u00bfcu\u00e1l es la realidad que queremos crear, la de una persona que es limitada, o la de una persona que tiene control de si misma?"} {"gender":"male","en":"If religion is the opium of the masses, then for me, music is my one and only ganja.","es":"Si la religi\u00f3n es el opio de las masas, entonces para m\u00ed, la m\u00fasica es mi \u00fanica droga."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And see how well that goes down.","es":"Ya ver\u00e1n qu\u00e9 bien se interpreta eso."} {"gender":"female","en":"But my background, I want to tell you story only briefly.","es":"Pero mi historia, Les quiero contar la historia brevemente."} {"gender":"male","en":"I find these little vignettes, these little accidental pieces of design, to be refreshing.","es":"Encuentro que estas peque\u00f1as vi\u00f1etas, estas piezas de dise\u00f1o accidentales, son refrescantes."} {"gender":"female","en":"It could be a stock trade.","es":"Podr\u00edan ser acciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"Standing Rock Nation, in this Turtle Island, from the Dakota Lakota tribe wanted to show that the Native Americans are still here.","es":"Standing Rock Nation. En esta, Isla Tortuga, integrante de la tribu Dakota Lakota quer\u00eda mostrar que los abor\u00edgenes de EE.UU. siguen ah\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"But this is the same choice you guys just faced.","es":"Pero esta es la misma elecci\u00f3n que ustedes acaban de enfrentar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, folks, I'm here to tell you that the world has completely changed, and none of you know about it.","es":"Bueno, les quiero decir que el mundo ha cambiado por completo y nadie se ha enterado."} {"gender":"male","en":"You're in his eyes.\"","es":"T\u00fa est\u00e1s en sus ojos\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We can make up languages for it.","es":"Podemos inventar lenguajes para eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"He ignored it.","es":"Lo ignor\u00f3."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The machine made this decision for us.","es":"La m\u00e1quina tom\u00f3 esta decisi\u00f3n por nosotros."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There are those individuals who are profoundly intellectually disabled but there are those that are gifted.","es":"Hay individuos que est\u00e1n totalmente incapacitados intelectualmente, pero hay otros superdotados."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think it is absolutely the case that traditional models of economic growth are not working the way we would like them to.","es":"Creo que ocurre que los modelos tradicionales de crecimiento econ\u00f3mico no funcionan como nos gustar\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's subterranean.","es":"Es subterr\u00e1neo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We also produce media for dissemination to the public, free through the CyArk website.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n producimos contenido para difundir gratuitamente al p\u00fablico a trav\u00e9s de la p\u00e1gina web CyArk."} {"gender":"male","en":"I grew up herding, looking after our livestock, goats, sheep and cattle.","es":"Yo crec\u00ed arreando, cuidando a nuestro ganado cabras, ovejas y res."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was adventure, it was curiosity, it was imagination.","es":"Era aventura. Era curiosidad. Era imaginaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's plenty of real estate, plenty of real estate in the universe, and if we're the only bit of real estate in which there's some interesting occupants, that makes you a miracle, and I know you like to think you're a miracle, but if you do science, you learn rather quickly that every time you think you're a miracle, you're wrong, so probably not the case.","es":"Hay un mont\u00f3n de bienes ra\u00edces, un mont\u00f3n de bienes ra\u00edces en el Universo, y si fu\u00e9ramos el \u00fanico inmueble en el que existen algunos ocupantes interesantes, ser\u00eda un milagro, y s\u00e9 que nos gusta pensar que somos un milagro, pero quien hace ciencia, aprende r\u00e1pidamente que cuando cree que es un milagro, est\u00e1 equivocado, as\u00ed que probablemente este no sea el caso."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think we have an unparalleled capacity to wage war.","es":"Creo que tenemos una capacidad sin par para hacer la guerra."} {"gender":"male","en":"First time ever going out of her village.","es":"Era la primera vez que sal\u00eda de su aldea."} {"gender":"male","en":"But we were just getting started, the kids loved the technology, so we called up George and we said, \"We gotta learn more!\"","es":"Pero reci\u00e9n est\u00e1bamos empezando, a los ni\u00f1os les encant\u00f3 la tecnolog\u00eda, as\u00ed que llamamos a George y le dijimos: \"Tenemos que aprender m\u00e1s\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Scott's team ended up on foot.","es":"El equipo de Scott viajaba a pie."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now I lay down in the grass and I rub my body in it, and I love the mud on my legs and feet.","es":"Ahora me acuesto en el c\u00e9sped, froto mi cuerpo en \u00e9l y disfruto el barro entre mis piernas y pies."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's about the size of a fingernail.","es":"Es m\u00e1s o menos del tama\u00f1o de una u\u00f1a."} {"gender":"male","en":"What's your name?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es su nombre?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What are you?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 eres?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So the people of the Gulf have essentially been subsidizing the rest of us through a less-clean environment.","es":"As\u00ed que, en realidad, la gente del Golfo ha estado subsidi\u00e1ndonos a trav\u00e9s de un medioambiente no muy limpio."} {"gender":"male","en":"You would think that it would be of some interest to try to find out more about this given that the stakes are so big, but it's a very neglected area.","es":"Pensari\u00edamos que ser\u00eda interesante tratar de investigar m\u00e1s sobre esto ya que las estad\u00edsticas son grandes, pero es un \u00e1rea muy descuidada."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This boy is now in university and leads quite a normal life.","es":"Este chico est\u00e1 ahora en la universidad y vive una vida bastante normal."} {"gender":"male","en":"The raw, I would say is the naked experience, untouched by luxury, untouched by expensive materials, untouched by the kind of refinement that we associate with high culture.","es":"Lo bruto, dir\u00eda yo, es la experiencia desnuda, despojada de lujo, despojada de materiales costosos, despojada de ese tipo de refinamiento que asociamos con la alta cultura."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's equivalent to exploding 400,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs per day 365 days per year.","es":"Equivale a la explosi\u00f3n de 400 000 bombas at\u00f3micas de Hiroshima por d\u00eda los 365 d\u00edas del a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"Every year, the federal government spends 60 billion dollars on research.","es":"Todos los a\u00f1os, el gobierno federal gasta USD 60 mil millones en investigaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"The serif is not really in place.","es":"Las letras no est\u00e1n bien trazadas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Let us cherish the fact that probably most of you have never been close to a gun.","es":"Apreciemos el hecho de que quiz\u00e1 muchos de Uds. nunca han estado cerca de un arma."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's like you dipped a marble in water.","es":"Es como si mojases una canica en agua."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so right afterwards, I met backstage with Al, and with Lawrence Bender, who was there, and Laurie David, and Davis Guggenheim, who was running documentaries for Participant at the time.","es":"Y as\u00ed apenas termin\u00f3, me encontr\u00e9 con Al entre bambalinas y con Lawrence Bender que estaba all\u00ed, y Laurie David y Davis Guggenheim, que manejaba los documentales de Participant en esa \u00e9poca."} {"gender":"male","en":"By the same token, and here we have some good news again, the very fact that there is a high-level, well-resourced international presence in Kosovo and the Balkans region more generally and the fact that local leaders on both sides have showed relative restraint, explains why things have not been worse over the past two years since 2008.","es":"De la misma manera -y aqu\u00ed hay buenas noticias de nuevo- el mismo hecho de que exista una presencia internacional de alto nivel, bien equipada, en Kosovo, y en los Balcanes en general, y el hecho de que los l\u00edderes locales de ambos bandos han mostrado una moderaci\u00f3n razonable, explica por qu\u00e9 las cosas no han sido peores en los \u00faltimos dos a\u00f1os desde el 2008."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well done, everyone.","es":"Bien hecho."} {"gender":"male","en":"However, missing teeth, those empty lots can be issues as well, and if you have a missing corner because of an outdated zoning code, then you could have a missing nose in your neighborhood.","es":"No obstante, esos lotes vac\u00edos pueden ser un problema, si falta una esquina a causa de un mal c\u00f3digo de zonificaci\u00f3n, es como si al vecindario le faltara la nariz."} {"gender":"male","en":"If Isaac Newton had done YouTube videos on calculus, I wouldn't have to.","es":"Si Isaac Newton hubiera puesto videos de c\u00e1lculo en YouTube, yo no tendr\u00eda que hacerlos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And when it comes to numbers, especially now, you should be skeptical.","es":"Cuando se trata de n\u00fameros, en especial actualmente, deber\u00edan ser esc\u00e9pticos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Here in this box, I have a cage with several hundred hungry female mosquitoes that I'm just about to release.","es":"Aqu\u00ed en esta caja tengo una jaula con varios cientos de mosquitos hembras hambrientos que estoy a punto de soltar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What does it mean?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 significa eso?"} {"gender":"female","en":"They're not exciting enough to get us engaged in this tremendous opportunity that awaits us.","es":"No son lo suficientemente vinculantes para comprometernos con esta tremenda oportunidad que nos espera."} {"gender":"female","en":"7.5 million refugees.","es":"7.5 millones de refugiados."} {"gender":"male","en":"And by the way, even this TED is just in your head.","es":"Y, por cierto, incluso este TED est\u00e1 solo en su cabeza."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is actually a Spanish quarry, which sort of inspired the kind of spaces that these galleries could be.","es":"Esta es, en realidad, una cantera espa\u00f1ola que inspir\u00f3 c\u00f3mo podr\u00edan ser los espacios de estas galer\u00edas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so this is a story about consequences intended and unintended.","es":"Esta historia habla de consecuencias intencionales e imprevistas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Good taste is about really seeing the big patterns and kind of instinctively knowing what's the right way to do things.","es":"El buen gusto es ve realmente los grandes patrones y el tipo de saber instintivamente cu\u00e1l es la forma correcta de hacer las cosas."} {"gender":"female","en":"We're struck.","es":"Estamos impresionados."} {"gender":"female","en":"I study health systems in these countries. And one of the major gaps in care, almost across the board, is access to safe surgery.","es":"Estudio los sistemas de salud de estos pa\u00edses y una de las mayores carencias en protecci\u00f3n, en casi todas partes, es el acceso a cirug\u00edas seguras."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Those two transformations face us in the next two decades.","es":"Estos son los dos cambios a los que nos enfrentaremos en las pr\u00f3ximas d\u00e9cadas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This human is lucky, because if you miss just two letters in this position, two letters of our three billion, he will be condemned to a terrible disease: cystic fibrosis.","es":"Esto hombre tiene suerte, porque si se pierden solo dos letras en esta posici\u00f3n --2 letras de nuestros tres mil millones-- estar\u00e1n condenados a una terrible enfermedad: fibrosis qu\u00edstica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When the roofs were covered, a woman said as a joke, \"Now God can see me.\"","es":"Cuando los techos estaban cubiertos, una mujer dijo en broma: \"Ahora Dios me puede ver\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"But that they're really all market driven, and what's driving the market in particular, number one, is major demographic shifts.","es":"Pero todos responden a la demanda del mercado. Lo que mueve al mercado en particular es: en primer lugar es el mayor desplazamiento demogr\u00e1fico."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Bless you, bless you.","es":"Benditos sean. Benditos sean."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When ugly Tom was around, Tom was popular.","es":"Cuando Tom m\u00e1s feo andaba aqu\u00ed, Tom era popular."} {"gender":"female","en":"CA: No, no, you go ahead.","es":"CA: No, no, te toca."} {"gender":"female","en":"Why is that?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"male","en":"That's what it feels like.","es":"Eso es m\u00e1s o menos como se siente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Supply, demand, big opportunity.","es":"Oferta, demanda, gran oportunidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Toonchi-too! Toonchi-too!","es":"Toonchi-too! Toonchi-too!"} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's sort of what I've been doing.","es":"Eso es lo que yo hago."} {"gender":"male","en":"Three years later, when I fell in love with a man, neither of my parents batted an eyelash either.","es":"Tres a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s, cuando me enamor\u00e9 de un hombre, ninguno de mis padres se sorprendi\u00f3 tampoco."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So roughly, we have 50 million data points for a given human brain.","es":"Hay unos 50 millones de datos para cada cerebro."} {"gender":"male","en":"Programs like a reasonable minimum wage, affordable healthcare, paid sick leave, and the progressive taxation necessary to pay for the important infrastructure necessary for the middle class like education, R and D, these are indispensable tools shrewd capitalists should embrace to drive growth, because no one benefits from it like us.","es":"Programas como un salario m\u00ednimo razonable, cuidado de la salud asequible, pago de licencia por enfermedad, y la tributaci\u00f3n progresiva necesaria para pagar la infraestructura importante necesaria para la clase media como: educaci\u00f3n, I+D, son herramientas indispensables que deber\u00edan adoptar los economistas sagaces para impulsar el crecimiento porque nadie se beneficia tanto con eso como nosotros."} {"gender":"female","en":"So here we are.","es":"As\u00ed que aqu\u00ed estamos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Chris Anderson: Noriko, thank you.","es":"Chris Anderson: Noriko, gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"What defines a story are changes, significant moments and endings.","es":"Lo que define a una historia son los cambios, los momentos importantes y los finales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There's nothing we can do.\"","es":"No hay nada que hacer\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I have to tell it, because there was no one to put two and two together.","es":"Tengo que contarla, porque no ha habido nadie que sume dos y dos."} {"gender":"female","en":"But for me, it was the abstract shapes, what we call geometric signs, that drew me to study the art.","es":"Pero para m\u00ed, las formas abstractas, los llamados signos geom\u00e9tricos, fueron lo que me llev\u00f3 a estudiar el arte."} {"gender":"male","en":"Even did lessons with Olympians, nothing helped.","es":"Incluso tom\u00e9 clases con Ol\u00edmpicos, nada ayud\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"And when the kids wake up, he can see the object needs him.","es":"Y cuando el ni\u00f1o despierte pueda ver que el objeto lo necesita."} {"gender":"female","en":"Outside your door the world is waiting.","es":"\u5916\u9762\u6709\u4e2a\u4e16\u754c\uff0c\u5fc3\u4e2d\u4e2a\u6709\u4e2a\u58f0\u97f3, \u4e0d\u59a8\u7b49\u4f60\u6765\u4e86\uff0c\u6e38\u5386\uff0c\u6e38\u5386\u3002 Afuera, el mundo espera."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's a terrible shadow.","es":"Es una sombra terrible."} {"gender":"female","en":"I am an example of what's possible when girls from the very beginning of their lives are loved and nurtured by the people around them.","es":"Yo soy un ejemplo de lo que es posible cuando desde el inicio de sus vidas, las ni\u00f1as son criadas con amor por las personas que las rodean."} {"gender":"male","en":"No one could deal with it, and a minute later, Kyle Steiner sat back up from the dead, as it were, because he'd come back to consciousness.","es":"Nadie pod\u00eda atenderlo, y un minuto despu\u00e9s, Kyle Steiner se reclin\u00f3 regres\u00f3 de la muerte, por as\u00ed decirlo, porque hab\u00eda vuelto a la vida."} {"gender":"female","en":"She gets the women to plant new trees and water them, drop by drop.","es":"Ella logra que las mujeres planten y que rieguen \u00e1rboles nuevos. gota a gota."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm a professor.","es":"Soy profesor."} {"gender":"male","en":"So let me show you a film, a piece from that film, and how a camera also, so this is a scene, where in my mind, she was at the depths of mortality.","es":"Perm\u00edtanme mostrarles una pel\u00edcula, parte de esa pel\u00edcula, y como la c\u00e1mara tambi\u00e9n - esta es una escena, donde en mi mente, ella estaba en los abismos de la muerte."} {"gender":"male","en":"I said, I'm going to collaborate with anybody and everybody I meet.","es":"Dije, voy a colaborar con todos y cada uno de los que conoc\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"Good evening.","es":"Buenas tardes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's as though it's recalling being mildly shocked in this environment even though that never actually happened.","es":"Es como si estuviera recordando haber sido ligeramente sorprendido en este entorno aunque en realidad nunca pas\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's still a huge risk that there will be additional cases there.","es":"Todav\u00eda hay un gran riesgo de que broten nuevos casos."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is something that the attorney general of the United States and the president also actually have both talked about this, and I defer to the attorney general, because this is his lane.","es":"Esto es algo de lo que el fiscal general de Estados Unidos y tambi\u00e9n el presidente ambos han hablado de esto, y me remito al fiscal general, porque ese es su competencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"We added weights to their ankles that amounted to 15 percent of their body weight.","es":"Les pusimos pesos en los tobillos que pesaban el 15 % de su peso corporal."} {"gender":"female","en":"Whether I see it in a tweet, in a news headline or the glossy pages of a conservation brochure, that phrase bothers me, because we as conservationists have been sounding the alarms about the death of coral reefs for decades.","es":"Si lo veo en un tuit, en un titular de prensa o las p\u00e1ginas brillantes de un folleto de conservaci\u00f3n, esa frase me molesta, porque nosotros, lo conservacionistas, hemos hecho sonar las alarmas sobre la muerte de los arrecifes de coral durante d\u00e9cadas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Down 40 percent in our broadloom carpet business, which we acquired in 1993 right here in California, City of Industry, where water is so precious.","es":"40% abajo en nuestro negocio de alfombras 'broadloom' que adquirimos en 1993 aqu\u00ed mismo en California, Ciudad de la Industria, donde el agua es tan preciosa."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, it's a stupid excuse, but it sort of kind of makes sense, doesn't it, because you'd think that whales eat huge amounts of fish and krill, so obviously take the whales away, there'll be more fish and krill.","es":"Bueno, es una excusa tonta, pero m\u00e1s o menos tiene sentido, no es as\u00ed, porque uno creer\u00eda que las ballenas comen grandes cantidades de pescado y krill, y que obviamente al sacar las ballenas, habr\u00e1 m\u00e1s pescado y krill."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now think about the impact that this is going to have on our daily lives.","es":"Ahora pensemos en el impacto que esto va a tener en la vida cotidiana."} {"gender":"male","en":"This perhaps is why we find the God complex so tempting.","es":"Tal vez por eso es que el complejo de Dios es tan atractivo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Look at the Aral Sea, now turned to desert.","es":"Miren el mar de Aral, ahora un desierto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Dogs.","es":"Perros."} {"gender":"female","en":"Several years ago, a few friends of mine decided we needed to bridge the disconnect between our generation and the generation of young women.","es":"Hace varios a\u00f1os, unos amigos m\u00edos decidieron que ten\u00edamos que llenar el vac\u00edo entre nuestra generaci\u00f3n y la generaci\u00f3n de las mujeres j\u00f3venes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Some people say happiness is right now; it's the quality of the freshness of the present moment.","es":"Algunas personas dicen que la felicidad es el ahora; es la calidad de la frescura del momento presente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Not only the face shape changes, but all sorts of different skin buckling and skin wrinkling occurs.","es":"No solo cambia la forma de la cara, sino que ocurren todo tipo de plegamientos y fruncimientos de la piel."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"P25 radios are used by law enforcement and all kinds of government agencies and people in combat to communicate, and there's an encryption option on these phones.","es":"Los P25 son radios utilizados por la polic\u00eda, por todo tipo de agencias gubernamentales y por los soldados en combate para comunicarse, hay una opci\u00f3n de encriptaci\u00f3n en esos tel\u00e9fonos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Which I did.","es":"Lo cual hice."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So when he sends her that message, it blows away her attention.","es":"As\u00ed que cuando \u00e9l le env\u00eda ese mensaje, llama la atenci\u00f3n de ella."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But some want war.","es":"Pero algunos quieren la guerra."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, I think I ride more out of determination than confidence. I mean, confidence is like, you know, you've been on that bull before; you know you can ride him.","es":"Bueno, creo que me motiva m\u00e1s la determinaci\u00f3n que la confianza Seg\u00fan mi modo de ver la confianza es como, has estado en la espalda del toro antes de darte cuenta de que puedes montarlo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I learned to be always there.","es":"He aprendido a estar siempre ah\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"They were either born into or they proactively surrounded themselves with the right people.","es":"O bien nacieron o conscientemente se rodearon de la gente adecuada."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's a lot of biology going on out there.","es":"Hay mucha biolog\u00eda sucediendo por ah\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was tired of the vicious cycle, and I was tired of it even in the beloved agency in the department that I still love today.","es":"Estaba cansado de ese c\u00edrculo vicioso y estaba cansado de la preciosa comisaria en el departamento que hasta hoy todav\u00eda me gusta tanto."} {"gender":"male","en":"So this guy's listening to my voice here.","es":"\u00c9ste chico est\u00e1 escuchando mi voz."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now we're using this chip.","es":"Y ahora estamos utilizando este chip."} {"gender":"male","en":"Come, come.","es":"Vamos, vamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I could go through a dozen more examples: the skill associated with solar cycles, changing the ozone in the stratosphere; the skill associated with orbital changes over 6,000 years.","es":"Podr\u00eda poner una docena m\u00e1s de ejemplos: la precisi\u00f3n asociada con los ciclos solares que cambia el ozono en la estrat\u00f3sfera; la precisi\u00f3n asociada con los cambios en la \u00f3rbita durante 6000 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was walking in the market one day with my wife, and somebody stuck a cage in my face.","es":"Un d\u00eda iba caminando en el mercado con mi esposa, y alguien me atraves\u00f3 una jaula enfrente."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now if you've ever been out for a nice, peaceful walk by the lake and happened to see some ducks having sex, you've undoubtedly been alarmed, because it looks like gang rape.","es":"Si alguna vez salieron a dar un paseo agradable por un lago y de casualidad vieron unos patos fornicando, sin dudas se habr\u00e1n alarmado porque parece una violaci\u00f3n en grupo."} {"gender":"male","en":"People use the r-word in front of me, and they think it doesn't matter.","es":"La gente usa la palabra R frente a m\u00ed y piensan que no importa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"And you can see over here, that's the correct E. I drew the E so it looks like an E to another person.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed pueden ver que es una E correcta. Dibuj\u00e9 esta E de manera que se vea c\u00f3mo una E por otra persona."} {"gender":"male","en":"At the time, when I logged into social media, I started seeing more and more Egyptians aspiring for political change in the country.","es":"Entonces, cuando entr\u00e9 en los medios sociales, empec\u00e9 a ver a m\u00e1s y m\u00e1s egipcios que aspiraban a un cambio pol\u00edtico en el pa\u00eds."} {"gender":"female","en":"We have all kinds of possibilities to use our senses by, and that's what we have to do.","es":"Tenemos toda clase de posibilidades para usar nuestros sentidos, y eso es lo que tenemos que hacer."} {"gender":"male","en":"I flew to Buffalo the next day, and I sat down with Darrell, and I asked him, \"Have you ever met a Muslim person before?\"","es":"Vol\u00e9 a Buffalo al d\u00eda siguiente, me sent\u00e9 con Darrell, y le pregunt\u00e9: \"\u00bfHas conocido a un musulm\u00e1n antes?.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"\"The Voice of Reason.\"","es":"\"La voz de la raz\u00f3n\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I went to this very proper Christian school taught by nuns, fathers, brothers, sisters.","es":"Fui a esta escuela cristiana muy correcta fui educado por monjas, sacerdotes, hermanos, hermanas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The smartphone is a perfect example.","es":"El tel\u00e9fono inteligente es el ejemplo perfecto."} {"gender":"male","en":"In Alberta people work nonstop, 24 hours by seven to extract as much oil as they can.","es":"En Alberta la gente trabaja sin parar, 24 horas al d\u00eda, 7 d\u00edas a la semana para extraer tanto petr\u00f3leo como puedan."} {"gender":"male","en":"And at the more unequal end, fathers' income is much more important, in the U.K., USA.","es":"Y en el extremo m\u00e1s dispar, el ingreso del padre es mucho m\u00e1s importante, en el Reino Unido, en Estados Unidos"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So right before, what is your name?","es":"As\u00ed que justo antes \u00bfc\u00f3mo te llamas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And to start those studies about 40 years ago, I began to look at creative people, first artists and scientists, and so forth, trying to understand what made them feel that it was worth essentially spending their life doing things for which many of them didn't expect either fame or fortune, but which made their life meaningful and worth doing.","es":"Y para comenzar esto, en aquellos estudios de hace 40 a\u00f1os, empec\u00e9 a mirar a personas creativas primero a artistas y cientificos y dem\u00e1s, tratando de entender que los hac\u00eda a ellos sentir que val\u00eda la pena utilizar sus vidas haciendo cosas de las cuales no esperaban ni fama ni fortuna, pero que les daba significado y valor a sus vidas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's most of where we're getting the sea level rise, and there's a lot more coming with more global warming.","es":"Por eso es que est\u00e1n subiendo los niveles del mar, y va a haber m\u00e1s de eso con el calentamiento."} {"gender":"male","en":"Architects are actually really, really good at this kind of resourceful, strategic thinking. And the problem is that, like a lot of design professions, we got fixated on the idea of providing a particular kind of consumer product, and I don't think that needs to be the case anymore.","es":"La verdad es que los arquitectos son muy buenos para pensar de forma estrat\u00e9gica e ingeniosa, Y el problema es que, como en muchas profesiones de dise\u00f1o, nos enfocamos demasiado en la idea de ofrecer un tipo particular de producto y no creo que ese siga siendo el caso."} {"gender":"male","en":"So in a traditional model, most of the teacher's time is spent doing lectures and grading and whatnot.","es":"As\u00ed que en un modelo tradicional, la mayor\u00eda del tiempo del profesor es utilizado en dar clases, calificar y dem\u00e1s."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Turns out that had never been done before.","es":"Resulta que eso nunca se hab\u00eda hecho antes."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then, when they wandered just outside the border, two of their adults were killed, including the mother, which we sometimes call the alpha female.","es":"Y entonces, cuando vagaban fuera de la frontera, dos de sus adultos fueron asesinados, incluyendo la madre, que a veces llamamos la hembra alfa."} {"gender":"male","en":"It only goes to reinforce a warped view of professional responsibility and success and yet this isn't why so many young, hopeful people go into architecture.","es":"Solo ayuda a reforzar una visi\u00f3n distorsionada de la responsabilidad profesional y el \u00e9xito y sin embargo este no es motivo por el que muchos j\u00f3venes optimistas se meten en la arquitectura."} {"gender":"male","en":"You have to make these theories very realistic in anatomical terms.","es":"Tienes que hacer que estas teor\u00edas sean muy realistas en t\u00e9rminos anat\u00f3micos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And we did this because we think that it's actually going to allow us to realize the potential, the promise, of all of the sequencing of the human genome, but it's going to allow us, in doing that, to actually do clinical trials in a dish with human cells, not animal cells, to generate drugs and treatments that are much more effective, much safer, much faster, and at a much lower cost.","es":"Y lo hicimos porque pensamos que, de verdad, nos permitir\u00e1 ver el potencial y lo prometedora que es la secuenciaci\u00f3n del genoma humano, pero sobre todo nos permitir\u00e1 hacer ensayos cl\u00ednicos en una placa con c\u00e9lulas humanas, no de animales, para desarrollar f\u00e1rmacos y tratamientos mucho m\u00e1s efectivos, m\u00e1s seguros, m\u00e1s r\u00e1pidos y con mucho menor coste."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Why?\"","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"It's not that they don't have good entrepreneurs in other places, even very, very poor places.","es":"No es que no haya buenos emprendedores en otros lugares incluso en lugares muy, muy pobres."} {"gender":"female","en":"I got up off the seat of my bike and I started pumping my legs, and as I sucked in the cold mountain air, I could feel it burning my lungs, and I looked up to see the sun shining in my face.","es":"Y me levant\u00e9 del sill\u00edn de la bicicleta, y empec\u00e9 a pedalear con fuerza, y al inhalar el aire fr\u00edo de la monta\u00f1a, pude sentir que quemaba mis pulmones, y mir\u00e9 hacia arriba para ver el sol que brillaba en mi cara."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's draining them out and so on.","es":"Las est\u00e1 drenando una y otra vez."} {"gender":"female","en":"You see, in every country where you hear about armed jihadis targeting civilians, there are also unarmed people defying those militants that you don't hear about, and those people need our support to succeed.","es":"En todos los pa\u00edses donde se ha o\u00eddo de yihadistas armados atacando a civiles, tambi\u00e9n hay personas desarmadas desafiando a aquellos militantes, de las que no se ha o\u00eddo nada. Y esas personas necesitan nuestro apoyo para tener \u00e9xito."} {"gender":"female","en":"In this era of enormous rage, when the fires are burning all around us, I believe that revolutionary love is the call of our times.","es":"En esta era de enorme ira, cuando los incendios arden a nuestro alrededor, creo que el amor revolucionario es la llamada en nuestro tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"But no condition is permanent.","es":"Pero, ninguna situaci\u00f3n es permanente."} {"gender":"female","en":"By restrictions, I mean, where are you able to live?","es":"Por restricciones me refiero a d\u00f3nde podemos vivir."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Wasn't bitter, just wanted to walk on the sidewalk.","es":"No estaba resentido, solo quer\u00eda andar por la acera."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the short run, say, the first five to seven years, is just great.","es":"Y a corto plazo, digamos, los primeros cinco a siete a\u00f1os, es bastante buena."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I realized that the stories that I was telling were real in this way that was familiar to me and really exciting.","es":"Advert\u00ed que las historias que contaba eran reales de esta forma que me resultaba familiar y muy emocionante."} {"gender":"male","en":"And all of this comes from the architecture of complexity, or the patterns of how things are connected.","es":"Todo esto proviene de la arquitectura de la complejidad o de los modelos de c\u00f3mo se conectan las cosas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, am I saying that a sizable minority of the world's population has had their brain hijacked by parasitic ideas?","es":"\u00bfEstoy diciendo que una minor\u00eda en el mundo tiene su cerebro secuestrado por ideas par\u00e1sitas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, this is the system that was able to beat the best player in the world at the ancient game of Go.","es":"Este es el sistema que fue capaz de ganar al mejor jugador del mundo en el antiguo juego de go."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We have the observations of those planets, but we just don't know which ones are habitable yet.","es":"Tenemos las observaciones de los planetas, pero simplemente no sabemos cu\u00e1les son habitables a\u00fan."} {"gender":"female","en":"I learned how to dance in heels, which means I can walk in heels.","es":"Aprend\u00ed a bailar con tacones, o sea que puedo caminar con tacones."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"For example, in Saudi Arabia, there is a phenomenon called the religious police.","es":"Por ejemplo, en Arabia Saudita hay un fen\u00f3meno llamado polic\u00eda religiosa."} {"gender":"male","en":"But we found ourselves lagging in the mid '90s in the creature and character design stuff that we had actually founded the company to do.","es":"Aunque nos quedamos atr\u00e1s a mediados de los '90 en lo de crear y dise\u00f1ar personajes, para lo que la compa\u00f1\u00eda hab\u00eda sido fundada."} {"gender":"female","en":"Having thought that through, I decided denial was not going to be on my agenda; I had bigger things to worry about, to write about, to research, and I moved on.","es":"Al reflexionar mucho sobre este asunto, decid\u00ed que esto de la farsa no merec\u00eda mi atenci\u00f3n y por lo tanto, ten\u00eda que preocuparme por cosas m\u00e1s importantes como escribir e investigar, as\u00ed que segu\u00ed adelante."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There is a process of \"idealization, glorification and dramatization,\" and it's not just the case for people.","es":"Hay un proceso de idealizaci\u00f3n, glorificaci\u00f3n y dramatizaci\u00f3n, y no solamente en el caso de las personas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But more important than all of these things, the sibling bond can be a thing of abiding love.","es":"Pero lo m\u00e1s importante de todo esto, es que el lazo fraternal puede brindar un amor duradero."} {"gender":"female","en":"One thing that's really interesting to me about the Dreyfus Affair is this question of why the officers were so convinced that Dreyfus was guilty.","es":"Del Caso Dreyfus, me resulta muy interesante que los oficiales estuvieran tan convencidos de la culpabilidad de Dreyfus."} {"gender":"male","en":"How do we know that all those graphs, all that progress, is enough to solve what you showed in the first part?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo sabemos que todos esos gr\u00e1ficos, todo ese progreso es suficiente, para resolver lo que mostraste en la primera parte?"} {"gender":"female","en":"It will pass.\"","es":"Pasar\u00e1.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"Why should be believe the science?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 creemos en la ciencia?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And along the way I've started noticing, I'm on my third generation of kids, that they're getting bigger.","es":"Y a lo largo del camino he empezado a notar que ya voy por la tercera generaci\u00f3n de ni\u00f1os que se est\u00e1n volviendo m\u00e1s gordos."} {"gender":"male","en":"A mother and a cub, such a beautiful sight.","es":"Una madre y su cachorro. Una imagen hermosa."} {"gender":"female","en":"I heard from so many women: police officers, members of our military, financial assistants, actors, engineers, lawyers, bankers, accountants, teachers journalists.","es":"Lo escuch\u00e9 de muchas mujeres: oficiales de polic\u00eda, miembros de nuestro ej\u00e9rcito, asistentes financieras, actrices, ingenieras, abogadas, banqueras, contadoras, profesoras periodistas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we are Homo duplex because we evolved by multilevel selection, as Darwin explained.","es":"Y somos Homo duplex porque hemos evolucionado por selecci\u00f3n multinivel, como Darwin explic\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I'm a guy; I knew how to fix it.","es":"Pero soy hombre, se como solucionarlo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And so there were many, many of these kinds of projects.","es":"As\u00ed, hab\u00eda mucho, mucho de este tipo de proyectos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Giving them four hours of quiet time at the office is going to be incredibly valuable.","es":"Darles 4 horas de calma en la oficina va a ser algo muy valioso."} {"gender":"male","en":"I wondered, what work?","es":"Yo me preguntaba, \u00bfqu\u00e9 trabajo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And so for those who are undaunted, but humbled by the complexity of the brain, the future awaits.","es":"Y para los intr\u00e9pidos, intimidados por la complejidad del cerebro, el futuro aguarda."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now there was one English author who anticipated this kind of future where we would trade away our autonomy and freedom for comfort.","es":"Hay un escritor ingl\u00e9s que anticip\u00f3 esta especie de futuro en el que cambiar\u00edamos nuestra autonom\u00eda y libertad por comodidad-- Incluso m\u00e1s que George Orwell."} {"gender":"male","en":"Preserving the genome of these fungi in the old-growth forest I think is absolutely critical for human health.","es":"La preservaci\u00f3n del genoma de estos hongos del bosque nativo pienso que es algo absolutamente cr\u00edtico para la salud humana."} {"gender":"female","en":"However cruel, however ruthless you can think this is it's a great design, and it is miles away from the fancy furniture, but still, it's part of my same field of passion.","es":"Por m\u00e1s cruel, por m\u00e1s despiadado que piensen que sea, es un gran dise\u00f1o. Y est\u00e1 a kil\u00f3metros de distancia del mobiliario lujoso, pero a\u00fan, es parte de mi misma \u00e1rea de pasi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But it comes back to us with designs that we, by ourselves, never could've imagined.","es":"Pero nos devuelve dise\u00f1os que por nuestros propios medios nunca podr\u00edamos imaginar."} {"gender":"male","en":"That was last weekend.","es":"Eso fue el pasado fin de semana."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's open source, meaning we publish and share all of our design files and all of our code online, allowing anyone to modify or improve or change the design.","es":"Es de c\u00f3digo abierto, lo que significa que nosotros publicamos y compartimos todos nuestros archivos y todo nuestro c\u00f3digo en l\u00ednea, lo que permite a cualquiera modificar, mejorar o cambiar el dise\u00f1o."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's a huge task.","es":"Es una tarea enorme."} {"gender":"male","en":"Harry Butler is a precursor, if you like, to the late Steve Irwin.","es":"Es el predecesor, por as\u00ed decir, del difunto Steve Irwin."} {"gender":"male","en":"Water is the basis of all life as we know it, and it's far too heavy for us to carry water from the Earth to Mars to live, so we have to find water if our life is going to succeed on Mars.","es":"El agua est\u00e1 en la base de la vida tal como la conocemos y es demasiado pesada para llevarla de la Tierra a Marte para sobrevivir, as\u00ed que tenemos que encontrar agua si queremos que la vida en Marte sea un \u00e9xito."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Think of it as a regulated public utility.","es":"Pi\u00e9nsenlo como un servicio p\u00fablico regulado."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I ate the disliked ones first, because the ones you like, you want to save.","es":"Y com\u00eda los que no me gustaban primero, porque los que te gustan, quieres guardarlos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Unless that kind of compact is entered into, you will not be able to sustain the consensus.","es":"A menos que a ese tipo de \"compactaci\u00f3n\" se entre, no podr\u00e9is sostener el consenso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"My brain has the ability to hyper-focus on things that interest me.","es":"Mi cerebro tiene la capacidad de s\u00faper concentrarse en las cosas que me interesan."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, the photograph becomes this teaser and incites desire and voyeurism; what you can't have, you want more.","es":"Entonces el fot\u00f3grafo se convierte en el provocador, e incita el deseo y el voyeurismo. Se quiere lo que no se tiene."} {"gender":"male","en":"We can't change the physical reality in front of us, but we can go anywhere in our minds.","es":"No podemos cambiar la realidad f\u00edsica frente a nosotros, pero podemos ir a cualquier lugar con nuestras mentes."} {"gender":"male","en":"It perhaps is much larger than the planet Mercury.","es":"Es quiz\u00e1 es mucho m\u00e1s grande que el planeta Mercurio."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's what we do in the organization named after him where we try and invent, create, launch new ventures, whether it's schools, web companies, health organizations and so on. And we find ourselves part of a very rapidly growing global movement of institutions working on social innovation, using ideas from design or technology or community organizing to develop the germs of a future world, but through practice and through demonstration and not through theory.","es":"Y esto es lo que hacemos en la organizaci\u00f3n que tiene su nombre donde probamos e inventamos, creamos, lanzamos nuevos emprendimientos, ya sea en escuelas, compa\u00f1\u00edas web, organizaciones de salud, y dem\u00e1s Y nos encontramos como parte de un movimiento global de instituciones de r\u00e1pido crecimiento trabajando en innovaci\u00f3n social, usando ideas obtenidas del dise\u00f1o, la tecnolog\u00eda o la organizaci\u00f3n comunitaria para desarrollar las semillas de un mundo futuro, a trav\u00e9s de la pr\u00e1ctica y la demostraci\u00f3n y no a trav\u00e9s de la teor\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"Volunteer: 3481.","es":"Hombre: 3.481."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"\"We are going to destroy the Earth.","es":"Hamilton<\/i>, puede ser vibrante y contempor\u00e1neo."} {"gender":"female","en":"I remember thinking to myself, \"This is going to change everything about how we communicate.\"","es":"Recuerdo que pensaba, \"Esto va a cambiar por completo la forma de comunicarnos\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"There is no way you can know what people want.","es":"No hay forma de saber lo que quieren."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I want now to show you a bit of film, and this will start out, first of all, showing you the nest entrance.","es":"Ahora quiero mostrarles una breve pel\u00edcula, Y comienza, primero que todo, mostrando la entrada al nido."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that year, in Kosovo, this terrible, terrible thing happened, which I saw.","es":"Y ese a\u00f1o, en Kosovo, esta cosa terrible, terrible sucedi\u00f3, y yo la vi."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now this is the beginning of the vision that HeForShe has for the world that we want to see.","es":"Ahora bien, este es el comienzo de la visi\u00f3n que tiene HeForShe para el mundo que queremos ver."} {"gender":"male","en":"The third thing I want you to remember is that even though we're more comfortable with this idea of \"them,\" a set of bad guys separated from us, we are actually accomplices to them, either through our direct consumption or through our acceptance of the inconsistency between our policies of prohibition and our actual behavior of tolerance or even encouragement of consumption.","es":"La tercera cosa que quiero que recuerden es que aun cuando estamos m\u00e1s c\u00f3modos con esta idea de \"ellos\", un conjunto de malos separados de nosotros, en realidad somos c\u00f3mplices de ellos, sea a trav\u00e9s de nuestro consumo directo o a trav\u00e9s de nuestra aceptaci\u00f3n de la inconsistencia entre nuestras pol\u00edticas de prohibici\u00f3n y nuestro comportamiento real de tolerancia o incluso est\u00edmulo del consumo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And you say, \"Hey, Alex. Look at this parking lot where we started.","es":"Y dice: 'Oye Alex, mira el estacionamiento donde empezamos."} {"gender":"female","en":"If we're going to find our way back to each other, vulnerability is going to be that path.","es":"Si vamos a reencontrar el camino que nos una, deberemos transitar la vulnerabilidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what we do is a thing we call \"urban acupuncture.\"","es":"Lo que hacemos es algo que llamamos \"acupuntura urbana\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"But you know what?","es":"Pero \u00bfsaben qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"male","en":"The Big Apple has 8.5 million people and an annual budget of 80 billion dollars.","es":"La Gran Manzana tiene 8.5 millones de personas y un presupuesto anual de USD 80 mil millones."} {"gender":"male","en":"Is this an idea lying wide out in the open for us to consider and define?","es":"\u00bfEs una idea que est\u00e1 ah\u00ed, esperando que la consideremos y definamos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I went to this village for the first time.","es":"Fui a esta aldea por primera vez."} {"gender":"male","en":"So when we think one year, innovation isn't really that important.","es":"As\u00ed que a corto plazo, por un a\u00f1o, la innovaci\u00f3n no es realmente tan importante."} {"gender":"male","en":"Right?","es":"\u00bfNada?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It is unimaginable what will happen next.","es":"No podemos imaginar lo que suceder\u00e1 ahora."} {"gender":"male","en":"We also reference that with the tonation database that we build up of Dimitri's voice, or the user's voice.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n la documentamos con la base de datos tonal que construimos a partir de la voz de Dimitri o la voz del usuario."} {"gender":"male","en":"All these forces came together there, in Princeton.","es":"Estas fuerzas se reunieron all\u00ed, en Princeton."} {"gender":"male","en":"First thing I'm going to do is to make a sine wave oscillator, and we're going to called the sine wave generator \"Ge.\"","es":"Empezar\u00e9 haciendo un oscilador de onda sinusoidal, y lo llamaremos generador de onda sinusoidal \"Ge\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I had to fly three in Mojave with my little group of a couple dozen people in order to get to a total of five, which was the number the same year back in 1961.","es":"Y yo tuve que volar 3 en Mojave con mi peque\u00f1o grupo de un par de docenas de personas para poder completar un total de 5, que fue el mismo n\u00famero de aquel 1961."} {"gender":"male","en":"This project is being funded by private money here in the United States, but we don't want to stop here.","es":"Este proyecto est\u00e1 siendo financiado con capital privado aqu\u00ed en EE.UU., pero no queremos parar aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"MR: But what you're talking about here is not extending human lifespan by preventing death, so much as extending human youthspan.","es":"MR: Pero de lo que est\u00e1s hablando aqu\u00ed no es de extender la esperanza de vida evitando la muerte, sino de prolongar la juventud."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, race is one of those topics in America that makes people extraordinarily uncomfortable.","es":"El racismo es uno de esos temas en EE.UU que hace sentir a la gente extraordinariamente inc\u00f3moda."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it goes on and on.","es":"Y la lista sigue y sigue."} {"gender":"female","en":"I learned this firsthand with my next adventure.","es":"Yo entend\u00ed esto de primera mano en mi siguiente aventura."} {"gender":"female","en":"Prior to the tipping point, your lapses in memory might include things like, \"Why did I come in this room?\" or \"Oh what's his name?\" or \"Where did I put my keys?\"","es":"Antes del punto cr\u00edtico, sus lapsos de memoria podr\u00edan incluir cosas como \"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 vine a este cuarto?\", o \"\u00bfCu\u00e1l era su nombre?\", o \"\u00bfD\u00f3nde puse las llaves?\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Instead of building well-behaved appliances, things that you know what they'll do in advance, you begin to build more open tools.","es":"En lugar de construir aparatos que se comporten bien, cosas que, de forma previa, se sabe lo que har\u00e1n, empiezan a construirse herramientas m\u00e1s abiertas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"One of them always drives the other extinct.","es":"Una de ellas siempre extingue a la otra."} {"gender":"female","en":"But to an outsider, it seems to be as impenetrable as the Great Wall of China.","es":"Pero para un extranjero, parece ser tan impenetrable como la Gran Muralla China."} {"gender":"male","en":"So then the question is, why can't we have some kind of shared access?","es":"La cuesti\u00f3n es, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 no podemos tener alg\u00fan tipo de acceso compartido?"} {"gender":"female","en":"They get scared to walk around.","es":"Les asusta caminar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Why did you do that?","es":"\u00bfPorqu\u00e9 lo hiciste?"} {"gender":"female","en":"You go in for the kill.","es":"Uds. entran a matar."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's not because we're going to build a bajillion windmills.","es":"No es porque vayamos a construir un mega mill\u00f3n de molinos de viento."} {"gender":"male","en":"So in some sense we want this to feel like an amplifier for the player's imagination, so that with a very small number of clicks a player can create something that they didn't really think was possible before.","es":"B\u00e1sicamente, queremos que esto se sienta como un amplificador de la imaginaci\u00f3n del jugador, para que con pocos clics un jugador pueda crear algo que no pensaron que fuera posible antes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And when you look at this, you see crisis.","es":"Y cuando ves esto, ves crisis."} {"gender":"male","en":"So there is another hidden abstraction here which children with autism find a lot of difficulty coping with, and that's the fact that you can modify words and you can arrange them to have different meanings, to convey different ideas.","es":"As\u00ed que aqu\u00ed hay una abstracci\u00f3n oculta, con la que los ni\u00f1os autistas tienen much\u00edsimas dificultades, y es el hecho de que podemos modificar las palabras y ordenarlas para que tengan diferentes significados y expresen diferentes ideas."} {"gender":"female","en":"How does my friend feel about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning people?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 opina mi amiga sobre lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transg\u00e9neros, queers y gente dudosa?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So that's Push Pop Press' first title, Al Gore's \"Our Choice.\"","es":"Este es el primer t\u00edtulo de Push Pop Press \"Our Choice\", de Al Gore."} {"gender":"female","en":"So they're all shitting each other's ponds, quite literally.","es":"As\u00ed que est\u00e1n todos cagando en los estanque ajenos. Literalmente."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, like, whatever, with Grand Theft Auto, you're this kid, like, you're this guy walking around or whatever, and you can basically, like, the more cops you kill, the more points you get, and stuff like that.","es":"Lo que sea, estaba jugando al Grand Theft Auto, T\u00fa eres este chico, como, este chico camina o lo que sea, y b\u00e1sicamente cuantos m\u00e1s polic\u00edas matas, m\u00e1s puntos consigues, y cosas por el estilo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Or, we fret about digital surveillance with metaphors from the past.","es":"O si no, nos inquietamos por la vigilancia electr\u00f3nica con met\u00e1foras del pasado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then, you also encrypt the data as it sits on the server itself.","es":"Luego, se encriptan los datos ubicados en el propio servidor."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I said, \"What do I do?\"","es":"As\u00ed que le pregunt\u00e9: \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 hago?\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was very simple, in a way.","es":"En un sentido, era sencillo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Just like when I was smaller, I would use crayons and legos.","es":"De la misma forma que de peque\u00f1a usaba crayones y legos."} {"gender":"male","en":"The animal does not use that.","es":"El animal no usa eso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Please stop!\"","es":"\u201c\u00a1Por favor d\u00e9tente!\""} {"gender":"male","en":"The other sort of genesis of what Von Neumann did was the difficulty of how you would predict the weather.","es":"El otro cuasi g\u00e9nesis de lo que von Neumannn hizo fue la dificultad para predecir el clima."} {"gender":"female","en":"There are many women who lack basic education.","es":"Hay muchas mujeres que carecen de educaci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica."} {"gender":"male","en":"I can see through the mouth, I can see people's shoes.","es":"Puedo ver a trav\u00e9s de la boca. Puedo ver los zapatos de las personas."} {"gender":"female","en":"What I'm talking about today is worker ownership.","es":"Les hablo hoy de la propiedad de los trabajadores."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I think many people watching this will be asking themselves the question you just raised at the end: How can they do this in their own city?","es":"As\u00ed que creo que mucha gente que vea esto se har\u00e1 la pregunta que acabas de exponer al final: \u00bfC\u00f3mo pueden hacer esto en su propia ciudad?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And I, for one, am against that movement.","es":"Y yo, por mi parte, estoy en contra de ese movimiento."} {"gender":"female","en":"Water is going to be our big, grand challenge: quenching thirst.","es":"El agua ser\u00e1 nuestro gran reto: saciar la sed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, the key is that this window in the bottom of this reservoir, it's a composite, it's a very special window.","es":"La clave es que esta ventana en el fondo del tanque, es un compuesto, es una ventana muy especial."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Somebody else is using it.\"","es":"Son otros los que la usan\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"The problem with that is, no one seems to know what those two letters stand for.","es":"El problema es que nadie parece saber lo que esas dos letras significan."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This to me, in its own strange way, is very, very comforting.","es":"Y esto para m\u00ed, extra\u00f1amente, es muy, muy reconfortante."} {"gender":"male","en":"We offer high-quality, year round sports programs for people with intellectual disabilities that changes lives and perceptions.","es":"Ofrecemos programas deportivos de alta calidad durante todo el a\u00f1o para las personas con discapacidad intelectual que cambia vidas y percepciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"On an entirely different tack, at University of Washington a few years ago, they were doing an experiment where they captured some crows on campus.","es":"En otro \u00f3rden de cosas en la Universidad de Washington, hace pocos a\u00f1os estaban haciendo un experimento en el que capturaron cuervos en el campus."} {"gender":"female","en":"\"Oh no. Thanks though, I'll leave them here.","es":"\"Oh, no. Gracias, las dejar\u00e9 aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"Another is triangulation.","es":"Otra es triangular."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's 20 million people or more injured per year.","es":"Cada a\u00f1o hay m\u00e1s de 20 millones de heridos. En EE."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So in other words, they could take the ships without wasting ammunition, or incurring casualties.","es":"As\u00ed, en otras palabras, tomar los barcos sin desperdiciar municiones, o incurrir en bajas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And so there is this other unique material trait that these materials have, that they're programmably degradable.","es":"As\u00ed, este material tiene otro rasgo \u00fanico y es que su degradaci\u00f3n es programable."} {"gender":"male","en":"Russell Simmons was among seven on the stage.","es":"Russell Simmons fue uno de los 7 invitados en el escenario."} {"gender":"male","en":"Why else would we still be here?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo m\u00e1s podr\u00edamos a\u00fan estar aqu\u00ed?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So the way I tend to think of it is like a hierarchy of cyber-needs in space, a total rip-off from Abraham Maslow.","es":"Entonces la manera en que suelo considerarlo es como una jerarqu\u00eda de cibernecesidades. Un completo plagio de Abraham Maslow."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it's because of the experiences I've had with them, not in spite of the experiences I've had with them.","es":"Y es por las experiencias que he tenido con ellas, no a pesar de las experiencias que he tenido con ellas."} {"gender":"male","en":"But when I came out, I vowed that I was going to do whatever I could to make sure that guys like the ones I was locked up with didn't have to waste any more of their life than they already had.","es":"Pero cuando sal\u00ed, promet\u00ed que har\u00eda lo que pudiese para asegurar que los tipos como los que conoc\u00ed en prisi\u00f3n no tengan que perder m\u00e1s tiempo de sus vidas del que ya perdieron."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Why do you have kids come to school if they no longer have to come there to get the information?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 mandar a los ni\u00f1os a la escuela si ya no es necesario que vayan a buscar informaci\u00f3n?"} {"gender":"female","en":"They are Leonardo da Vinci's \"Lady With an Ermine,\" Rembrandt's \"Landscape With Good Samaritan\" and Raphael's \"Portrait of a Youth,\" which has never been found.","es":"Se trata de la \"Dama del armi\u00f1o\" de Leonardo da Vinci, \"Paisaje con buen samaritano\" de Rembrandt y \"Retrato de un joven\" de Rafael, que nunca ha sido encontrado."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's a very beautiful structure.","es":"Es una estructura muy bella."} {"gender":"male","en":"Basically, the massive use of antibiotics around the world has imposed such large selection pressure on bacteria that resistance is now a problem, because we've now selected for just the resistant bacteria.","es":"B\u00e1sicamente, el uso masivo de los antibi\u00f3ticos alrededor del mundo ha impuesto una presi\u00f3n de selecci\u00f3n tan grande sobre la bacteria que la resistencia ahora es un problema porque hemos seleccionado solo la bacteria resistente."} {"gender":"male","en":"A poetic image for a story on Tolstoy, by Sam Abell.","es":"Una imagen po\u00e9tica para una historia sobre Tolstoi, por Sam Abell."} {"gender":"female","en":"I led trade delegations here to the United States, to Japan, to India, to encourage investment, to help to create jobs, to build up our economy, to build up our health system, our education, our development.","es":"Envi\u00e9 delegaciones aqu\u00ed, a los EEUU, a Jap\u00f3n e India, a alentar la inversi\u00f3n que nos ayudara a crear empleos, a expandir nuestra econom\u00eda, a fortalecer nuestros sistemas de salud y educaci\u00f3n-- nuestro desarrollo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Right now.","es":"Ahora mismo."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's where you take a gene out of one animal and stick it in another one.","es":"Consiste en sacar un gen de un animal y pon\u00e9rselo a otro."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm not asking about that.","es":"No estoy preguntando eso."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm not advocating capitalism, I'm just pointing out their relationship.","es":"No estoy abogando por el capitalismo, solo se\u00f1alo su relaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You think we didn't do that?","es":"\u00bfCreen que no lo hicimos?"} {"gender":"male","en":"If we ask Einstein, he would say, \"Whether the cow crossed the road, or the road moved underneath the cow, depends on your frame of reference.\"","es":"Si le pregunt\u00e1ramos a Einstein dir\u00eda: \"Que la vaca cruce la calle o que la calle se mueva bajo la vaca, depende de tu sistema de referencia\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I always said that they were really tough on me.","es":"Yo siempre respondo que fueron muy duros conmigo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Why is that?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 es as\u00ed?"} {"gender":"male","en":"But in the bottom of Pandora\u2019s box there\u2019s still hope, and I still hope 'cause I believe in people.","es":"Pero en el inferior de la caja de Pandora todav\u00eda hay esperanza, y todav\u00eda espero, porque creo en las personas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then do it in the other order, and the picture will be facing in the opposite direction.","es":"Y luego hazlo en el otro orden, y la imagen estar\u00e1 apuntando en la direcci\u00f3n contraria."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it really does have the same, if you calculate, if you measure the vibrational frequencies, they are the same as S-H.","es":"Realmente tiene las mismas --si hacen el c\u00e1lculo, si miden las frecuencias vibratorias, son las mismas que en el S-H."} {"gender":"male","en":"You solve the climate issue with regards to the energy sector, while at the same time, stimulating innovation, examples of things that can be out scaled quickly at the planetary level.","es":"Se resuelve el tema del clima con respecto al sector energ\u00e9tico, y al mismo tiempo se estimula la innovaci\u00f3n, ejemplos de cosas que se pueden escalar r\u00e1pidamente a nivel planetario."} {"gender":"female","en":"Let's see how we can do it with tissue engineering.","es":"Veamos c\u00f3mo podemos hacerlo con ingenier\u00eda tisular."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He became a casual white supremacist and, like so many around him, a drug-addled and absent father.","es":"Se volvi\u00f3 supremacista blanco ocasional y, como muchos en su entorno, fue adicto a drogas y padre ausente."} {"gender":"male","en":"You see, the first time, he was playing with an impulse on every note.","es":"Ver\u00e1n, la primera vez tocaba con un acento en cada nota."} {"gender":"male","en":"So they decided, I didn't know this, again, I found this out later, that the only thing that could be done was for this 43-year-old man to have a prefrontal lobotomy.","es":"As\u00ed que decidieron nuevamente, yo no sab\u00eda esto, me enter\u00e9 despu\u00e9s que lo \u00fanico que se pod\u00eda hacer para este hombre de 43 a\u00f1os era tener una lobotom\u00eda prefrontal."} {"gender":"male","en":"And for anybody who wants to strap on some wings and go flying one day, Mars has a lot less gravity than on Earth, and it's the kind of place where you can jump over your car instead of walk around it.","es":"Y para cualquiera que quiera ponerse alas y volar un d\u00eda, dada la menos gravedad que en la Tierra, Marte se vuelve el tipo de lugar donde se puede saltar por encima del auto en lugar de rodearlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Trade walls began to come tumbling down.","es":"Las barreras comerciales comenzaron a caer."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you go to the Pentagon, they will say, \"You know what, now we really can put a bomb inside a pickle barrel at 20,000 ft.\"","es":"Si vamos al Pent\u00e1gono, nos dir\u00e1n: \"Sabes, ahora realmente podemos lanzar una bomba sobre un barril desde 6.000 metros\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"As the demand for donor organs continues to rise, in large part due to the aging population, the supply has remained relatively constant.","es":"A medida que aumenta la demanda de donantes de \u00f3rganos en gran medida debido al envejecimiento de la poblaci\u00f3n la oferta ha permanecido relativamente constante."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I\u2019m going to run a little experiment.","es":"Y voy a realizar un peque\u00f1o experimento."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's the symbol of all that we are and all that we can be as an astonishingly inquisitive species.","es":"Es el s\u00edmbolo de todo lo que somos y lo que podemos ser como especie sumamente curiosa."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because the sunshine kid was bright, with a warm personality, And inside he burned savagely Hurt by the words and curses of the shadowy folk who spoke holes in his soul and left cavities, And as his heart hardened, his spark darkened, Every time they called him names it cooled his flames, He thought they might like him if he kept his light dim But they were busy telling lightning she had terrible aim, He couldn\u2019t quite get to grips with what they said, So he let his light be eclipsed by what they said, He fell into a Lone Star State like Texas, And felt like he\u2019d been punched in his solar plexus.","es":"Lo mismo hizo el cielo, con l\u00e1grimas evaporadas cuando el sol empez\u00f3 a llorar. Porque el ni\u00f1o sol era brillante, con una personalidad c\u00e1lida, Y dentro de \u00e9l ard\u00eda salvajemente. Herido por palabras y maldiciones del pueblo sombr\u00edo que agujerearon los rayos en su alma, y marcaron las cavidades. Y como su coraz\u00f3n se endureci\u00f3, su chispa se oscureci\u00f3, cada vez que se insultaban, enfriaba sus llamas. Pens\u00f3 que a ellos les gustar\u00eda si \u00e9l manten\u00eda su luz tenue. Pero estaban ocupados dando aclaraciones de que ella ten\u00eda un objetivo terrible. \u00c9l no lleg\u00f3 a entender lo que dec\u00edan, as\u00ed que hizo que su luz se eclipsara por lo que dec\u00edan."} {"gender":"male","en":"Suddenly, though, everything got a bit out of control, and, although it was still dawn, we were filled in this small little compound we had made with literally hundreds of people turning up with ailments and diseases and just a hopeless situation.","es":"De repente, sin embargo, todo se descontrol\u00f3 un poco y, aunque a\u00fan era de madrugada, est\u00e1bamos a tope en este peque\u00f1o recinto que hab\u00edamos hecho con literalmente cientos de personas que ven\u00edan con dolencias y enfermedades y una situaci\u00f3n de desesperanza."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is a real concern, so we need to emphasize the paramount importance of reducing emissions and how speculative these ideas are.","es":"Esta es una preocupaci\u00f3n real, as\u00ed que tenemos que enfatizar en la importancia de reducir las emisiones y cu\u00e1n especulativas son estas ideas."} {"gender":"male","en":"It made me, what it did was to shake me out of the urban trance where, when we see, when we're passing someone who's homeless in the periphery of our vision, it stays on the periphery.","es":"Me hizo, lo que hizo fue sacarme del trance urbano por el cual, cuando miramos, cuando pasamos al lado de una persona sin hogar en la periferia de nuestra visi\u00f3n, se queda en la periferia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They turned to a cutting-edge program called agile development that was just spreading from manufacturers in Japan to startups in Silicon Valley.","es":"Recurrieron a un programa de vanguardia llamado Agile, reci\u00e9n tra\u00eddo por fabricantes de Jap\u00f3n para empresas que empiezan en Silicon Valley."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it reminded me of a day in 1971.","es":"Y me record\u00f3 un d\u00eda de 1971."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I've had this forever.","es":"Pero la he tenido desde siempre."} {"gender":"male","en":"This photo was taken before the Great Depression in Brazzaville, Congo.","es":"Esta foto fue tomada antes de la Gran Depresi\u00f3n en Brazzaville, Congo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Also, the quality.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n, la calidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"The superstars of climate change in 2006: United States, Britain, China.","es":"Las superestrellas en el cambio clim\u00e1tico del 2006: Los Estados Unidos, Gran Breta\u00f1a, China."} {"gender":"female","en":"And where I was bad was algebra. And I was never allowed to take geometry or trig.","es":"Y yo era mala en \u00e1lgebra. y nunca se me permiti\u00f3 estudiar geometr\u00eda o trigonometr\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"People cross oceans to go see them.","es":"Las personas cruzan oc\u00e9anos para verlos."} {"gender":"female","en":"What is the next step?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es el siguiente paso?"} {"gender":"male","en":"When people say nothing can change, just stop and think what the world was like 10, 20, 50, 100 years ago.","es":"Cuando las personas digan que nada puede cambiar, det\u00e9nganse a pensar c\u00f3mo era el mundo hace 10, 20, 50, 100 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"My story might be, unfortunately, familiar to most of you.","es":"Mi historia puede ser, lamentablemente, familiar a muchos de Uds."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And by looking at how the different color channels of the illumination, the red and the green and the blue, diffuse the light differently, we can come up with a way of shading the skin on the computer.","es":"Y al explorar c\u00f3mo los diferentes canales de color de la iluminaci\u00f3n, el rojo, y el verde y el azul, esparcen la luz diferentemente, podemos conseguir una forma de matizar la piel en la computadora."} {"gender":"male","en":"Why?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"female","en":"We're talking about breaking free from oil, and you cannot get there through incrementalism.","es":"Estamos hablando de liberarnos del petr\u00f3leo y no se puede lograr eso de manera incremental."} {"gender":"female","en":"I know it sounds silly, but you have to find a way to explain things like this to yourself, and so I thought maybe I was just aging.","es":"S\u00e9 que suena tonto, pero tienes que encontrar la manera de explicarte estas cosas. As\u00ed que pens\u00e9 que quiz\u00e1s solo estaba envejeciendo."} {"gender":"male","en":"The second is now the study of all of those plans to determine what to build.","es":"La segunda es ahora el estudio de todos esos planes para determinar qu\u00e9 construir."} {"gender":"female","en":"So it doesn't really come as a surprise that being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer means facing an almost certain death sentence.","es":"As\u00ed que en realidad no es una sorpresa que ser diagnosticado con c\u00e1ncer de p\u00e1ncreas significa enfrentarse a una sentencia de muerte casi segura."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There was a balance, a five-sided balance.","es":"Hab\u00eda un equilibrio de cinco lados."} {"gender":"female","en":"So what we're able to do with this information is boil it down to hot spots, 4,000 deployments, a huge herculean task, 2,000 tags in an area, shown here for the first time, off the California coast, that appears to be a gathering place.","es":"Entonces, \u00bfqu\u00e9 podemos hacer con esta informaci\u00f3n? es reducirla a zonas conflictivas, 4.000 implementaciones, una tarea herc\u00falea, 2.000 etiquetas en un \u00e1rea, que se muestra aqu\u00ed por primera vez, frente a la costa de California, que parece ser un lugar de reuni\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, being naive, and being half-German, I decided, \"Aris, why don't you build your own map?\"","es":"As\u00ed siendo inocente, y medio alem\u00e1n, decid\u00ed: \"Aris, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 no construyes tu propio mapa?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"She was like, \"Well, I love him, but I would never ask him for advice.\"","es":"Dec\u00eda: \"Bueno, me encanta, pero nunca le pedir\u00eda un consejo\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Am I alone in struggling with vulnerability?","es":"\u00bfLucho solo contra la vulnerabilidad?"} {"gender":"male","en":"That was called a 360 flip.","es":"Eso se llama '360 flip'."} {"gender":"male","en":"He takes a step back, he's keeping off the other males by splitting his body, and comes up on the other side, Bingo!","es":"Retrocede; mantiene alejados a los dem\u00e1s machos dividiendo su cuerpo y aparece al otro lado \u00a1Bingo!"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That may not always be the case.","es":"Eso no puede ser siempre el caso."} {"gender":"male","en":"As far as cleaning them I don't mean to cast any aspersion on people cleaning birds.","es":"En cuanto a su limpieza, No quiero atacar a las personas limpiando p\u00e1jaros."} {"gender":"female","en":"But other than that, it was actually a lawless place, and almost every social institution, both public and private, had been destroyed.","es":"Pero aparte de eso, era, de hecho, un lugar an\u00e1rquico, y casi todas las instituciones sociales, p\u00fablicas y privadas, hab\u00edan sido destruidas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And one day it rained, so they all sat around making friends with each other.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n llovi\u00f3 un d\u00eda, en el que aprovecharon para hacer amigos."} {"gender":"female","en":"He's walking back to feed his chicks.","es":"Viene de vuelta para alimentar a sus polluelos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Pollen is tiny. It gets on to things, and it sticks to them.","es":"El polen es peque\u00f1o, llega a diferentes lugares y se pega."} {"gender":"male","en":"Shimon Schocken: Right, but I like myself.","es":"Shimon Schocken: S\u00ed, pero tambi\u00e9n me gusto yo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"I know that it could sound pretty weird to speak about mono when the number of possibilities is so huge, but I push you to consider the option of focusing on just one task, or maybe turning your digital senses totally off.","es":"S\u00e9 que puede sonar bastante raro hablar de lo mono en un mundo de posibilidades tan inmenso pero les insto a considerar la opci\u00f3n de centrarse en s\u00f3lo una tarea y a que apaguen completamente sus sentidos digitales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But we're less attuned to the nuances of the public.","es":"Pero no estamos tan acostumbrados a reconocer los matices de lo p\u00fablico."} {"gender":"male","en":"The professionals never come near us, except in that case of Sylvia Browne that I told you about a moment ago.","es":"Los profesionales nunca se acercan a nosotros, excepto en el caso de Sylvia Browne del que les habl\u00e9 hace un momento."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So what can we do?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfqu\u00e9 podemos hacer?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Those aren't the real problems in the office.","es":"Esos no son los problemas reales de la oficina."} {"gender":"female","en":"So Mzalendo was one small way we thought we could start inspiring people to start holding their leaders accountable.","es":"As\u00ed que Mzalendo fue una peque\u00f1a cosa que pensamos que pod\u00edamos empezar motivando a la gente para empezar a hacer responsables a sus l\u00edderes."} {"gender":"female","en":"Public singing, whole different thing.","es":"Cantar en p\u00fablico es algo totalmente diferente."} {"gender":"male","en":"The gay rights movement posits a world in which my aberrances are a victory.","es":"El movimiento por los derechos de los homosexuales propone un mundo donde mis desviaciones son una victoria."} {"gender":"male","en":"It will be a very interesting film.","es":"Ser\u00e1 una pel\u00edcula interesante."} {"gender":"female","en":"And actually, like Nick, I brought samples.","es":"Y, como Nick, traje muestras."} {"gender":"male","en":"But when I am working in my house and writing, after a day's writing, I rush downstairs and I'm very excited to talk about Marcus Garvey or Bob Marley and words are tripping out of my mouth like butterflies and I'm so excited that my children stop me, and they say, \"Dad, nobody cares.\"","es":"Pero cuando trabajo en mi casa y escribo, tras un d\u00eda escribiendo, me apresuro a bajar y me emociona mucho hablar de Marcus Garvey o Bob Marley y las palabras se tropiezan en mi boca como mariposas y estoy muy emocionado de que mis hijos me paran, y dicen: \"Pap\u00e1, a nadie le importa\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I really love hearing about all these species at the bottom of the sea.","es":"Me encanta saber de todas esas especies del fondo del mar."} {"gender":"female","en":"Feel free to cry, laugh, cross your legs, or do anything your body feels like doing.","es":"Si\u00e9ntanse libres de llorar, re\u00edr, cruzar las piernas o de hacer lo que quieran con su cuerpo."} {"gender":"male","en":"When you put many children in a quiet box, some of them get really nervous.","es":"Si dejan a muchos ni\u00f1os juntos en una caja silenciosa, algunos se ponen muy nerviosos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Leblon has an HDI, a Human Development Index, of .967.","es":"Leblon tiene de un \u00edndice de desarrollo humano , de .967."} {"gender":"male","en":"So that is why I started working in disaster areas.","es":"Es por eso que empec\u00e9 a trabajar en las zonas de desastre."} {"gender":"male","en":"So clearly, clearly, for reef fish, dining out can be scary.","es":"Queda claro entonces que, para los peces coralinos, salir a comer puede ser aterrador."} {"gender":"male","en":"We're going to be back and we're going to play this clip 30 years from now, and then all eat the red pill.","es":"Volveremos y pasaremos este video dentro de 30 a\u00f1os, y luego todos tomaremos la pastilla roja."} {"gender":"female","en":"And changing the world is hard.","es":"Y cambiar el mundo es dif\u00edcil."} {"gender":"female","en":"Breast milk is a part of improving human health.","es":"La leche materna es una parte para mejorar la salud humana."} {"gender":"male","en":"Again, I'll use the words in the same order he did.","es":"Otra vez, dir\u00e9 las palabras en el mismo orden que \u00e9l us\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"They're not going to clog up Earth's ecosystems.","es":"No van a atascar los ecosistemas terrestres."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But the work will never be finished.","es":"Pero el trabajo nunca terminar\u00e1."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's a seedling lab. We have 26 different species of halophytes, and five are winners.","es":"Es un laboratorio semillero donde tenemos 26 especies diferentes de hal\u00f3fitas y cinco son ganadoras."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's this sound, it's like, the square root of five million.","es":"Un sonido como para calcular la ra\u00edz cuadrada de cinco millones."} {"gender":"female","en":"How many of you think there are more males in the world?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1ntos piensan que hay m\u00e1s hombres en el mundo?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Hades, god of the underworld, kidnaps Persephone, the goddess of spring, and negotiates a forced marriage contract, requiring her to return regularly, and lets her go.","es":"Hades, Dios del Inframundo, secuestra a Pers\u00e9fone, la Diosa de la Primavera, y negocia un matrimonio forzado, requiri\u00e9ndole a ella que retorne regularmente, y la deja ir."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I am right there on the edge, which I'll tell you about, another story.","es":"Y estoy justo ah\u00ed, al borde. De esto hablar\u00e9 despu\u00e9s; es otra historia."} {"gender":"female","en":"So he brought these discoveries to his superiors, but to his dismay, they either didn't care or came up with elaborate rationalizations to explain his findings, like, \"Well, all you've really shown, Picquart, is that there's another spy who learned how to mimic Dreyfus's handwriting, and he picked up the torch of spying after Dreyfus left.","es":"Llev\u00f3 las pruebas a sus superiores. Pero, a su pesar, o no les importaba o inventaban razones que explicaban sus hallazgos como \"Solo nos demuestras, Picquard, que hay otro esp\u00eda que ha aprendido a imitar la letra de Dreyfus y ha relevado a Dreyfus como esp\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"They're the things that excite me.","es":"Eso son las cosas que me entusiasman."} {"gender":"female","en":"We'd actually just say, okay, let's figure out the kinds of technologies we can't deal with, the kinds of environments that are bad, get rid of those, design things better, and we should be the noble species that we expect ourselves to be.","es":"Simplemente dir\u00edamos, OK, averig\u00fcemos qu\u00e9 tecnolog\u00edas no podemos manejar, qu\u00e9 tipos de entornos son malos, deshag\u00e1monos de ellos, dise\u00f1emos mejor las cosas, y deberemos ser la noble especie que esperamos ser."} {"gender":"female","en":"So if you think about that scene in \"Up\" where the boy hands the piece of chocolate to the bird, that 10 seconds took one animator almost six months to perfect.","es":"Si piensan en la escena de \"Up\" en la que el ni\u00f1o le pasa el trozo de chocolate al ave, el acabado de esos 10 segundos demandaron 6 meses de un animador."} {"gender":"male","en":"On April 20th, I celebrated my fifth birthday, and just a few weeks after my birthday, my parents got my younger brother, my baby sister and me up very early one morning, and they dressed us hurriedly.","es":"El 20 de abril celebr\u00e9 mi cumplea\u00f1os n\u00famero 5. Y s\u00f3lo unas pocas semanas despu\u00e9s, mis padres despertaron muy temprano a mi hermano menor, a mi hermana bebe y a m\u00ed, y nos vistieron de prisa."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can see there's a little sticker that's placed over his camera.","es":"Pueden ver que hay una peque\u00f1a etiqueta colocada sobre la c\u00e1mara."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was working as an internist and Paul was finishing his training as a neurosurgeon when he started to lose weight.","es":"Yo estaba trabajando como interna y Paul estaba terminando su especializaci\u00f3n en neurocirug\u00eda cuando empez\u00f3 a bajar de peso."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now four years ago, I injured my foot in a climbing accident and I went to the doctor.","es":"Hace ahora 4 a\u00f1os, me lesion\u00e9 el pie en un accidente de escalada y fui al m\u00e9dico."} {"gender":"male","en":"So let me run you through a few ideas.","es":"Ahora repasar\u00e9 algunas ideas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Easy answer to the problems that we just talked about.","es":"Soluci\u00f3n f\u00e1cil a los problemas de los cuales hablamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"How would I find out?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo me habr\u00eda dado cuenta?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But why have we not any plantoid?","es":"Pero, \u00bfpor qu\u00e9 no hay plantoides?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You think, well it's been up, it's been down, its been up, it's going to keep on going up and down.","es":"Uno dice, bien, el precio ha subido, ha bajado, ha vuelto a subir y a bajar, y seguir\u00e1 subiendo y bajando."} {"gender":"male","en":"It is a computer-generated map of a social network.","es":"Es un mapa generado por computadora de una red social."} {"gender":"female","en":"So this debt relief in 2005 made the debt-to-GDP ratio fall down to about 30 percent, and there was enough resources to try and reinvest.","es":"Esto hizo que en el 2005 la relaci\u00f3n de la deuda con respecto al PIB se redujera hasta un 30% y hab\u00eda suficientes recursos para reinvertir."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So you don't lose abundant animals.","es":"Uno no pierde animales abundantes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is the other side of that same picture.","es":"Este es el otro lado de la misma imagen."} {"gender":"male","en":"So as we explore this dark continent and discover its mineralogical and biological diversity and uniqueness, we will find probably clues about the origin of life on our planet and on the relationship and evolution of life in relationship with the mineral world.","es":"A medida que exploramos este continente oscuro descubrimos su diversidad mineral\u00f3gica, biol\u00f3gica y su singularidad, tal vez encontraremos pistas sobre el origen de la vida en nuestro planeta y en la relaci\u00f3n y evoluci\u00f3n de la vida en relaci\u00f3n con el mundo mineral."} {"gender":"male","en":"The House of Representatives didn't want Washington to get drunk on power.","es":"La C\u00e1mara de Representantes no quer\u00eda que Washington se emborrachara de poder."} {"gender":"male","en":"So when he says to me, \"Oh, I want to go to a chat room to talk about guitars\" or something, I'm like, \"Oh, well, I don't want you to go into a chat room to talk about guitars, because they might not all be your friends, and some of the people that are in the chat room might be, you know, perverts and teachers and vicars --\" I mean, they generally are, when you look in the paper, right?","es":"Y entonces, cuando me dice, \"quiero entrar a una sala de chat para hablar de guitarras\", o algo as\u00ed, yo le digo, \"Mira, es que no quiero que entres a una sala de chat a hablar de guitarras, porque puede que no todos sean tus amigos, y algunos de las personas en el chat pueden ser pervertidos y curas y profesores\". Es decir, por lo general lo son, a juzgar por los peri\u00f3dicos, \u00bfverdad?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you design a city with the blind in mind, sidewalks will be predictable and will be generous.","es":"Si dise\u00f1an una ciudad con los ciegos en mente, las aceras ser\u00e1n predecibles y ser\u00e1n generosas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Capacity: We have 10,000 times more spectrum, 10,000 times more LEDs installed already in the infrastructure there.","es":"Capacidad: tenemos 10.000 veces m\u00e1s espectro, 10.000 veces m\u00e1s LEDs instalados ya en la infraestructura."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, in this example, which is an example of what's called Bateson's Rule, he has two kinds of mutations of a human thumb.","es":"En este ejemplo de la Regla de Bateson hay dos tipos de mutaciones de un pulgar humano."} {"gender":"male","en":"We become this inner scientist where we're eagerly awaiting that next data point.","es":"Nos convertimos en ese cient\u00edfico interior y esperamos ansiosamente el siguiente punto de los datos."} {"gender":"male","en":"76 countries in the last 12 years, I've visited.","es":"En los \u00faltimos 12 a\u00f1os visit\u00e9 76 pa\u00edses."} {"gender":"female","en":"Denial, by the way, apparently is also one of my things.","es":"A prop\u00f3sito, la negaci\u00f3n ser\u00eda otra de mis caracter\u00edsticas."} {"gender":"female","en":"His head is so heavy, full of heavy thoughts, that it's sort of fallen into his hat, and his body's grown out of him almost like a plant.","es":"Su cabeza es tan pesada, llena de pensamientos, que parecen haberse hundido en su sombrero y su cuerpo crece desde el sombrero casi como una planta."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, I could look at my hand for two weeks, and I wouldn't feel any awe or wonder, because I can't compose.","es":"Ahora, Yo podr\u00eda mirar mi mano por dos semanas, y no sentir\u00eda ninguna sorpresa o maravilla, porque no puedo componer."} {"gender":"female","en":"So those little bits of RNA from the CRISPR locus associate, they bind, to protein called Cas9, which is white in the picture, and form a complex that functions like a sentinel in the cell.","es":"As\u00ed que esos peque\u00f1os trozos de ARN del locus CRISPR asociados, se unen a la prote\u00edna llamada Cas9, de color blanco en la imagen, que forma un complejo que funciona como un centinela en la c\u00e9lula."} {"gender":"male","en":"So that's what we do.","es":"As\u00ed que eso es lo que hacemos."} {"gender":"female","en":"What happened is we had evolved an agricultural economy to a world of big business.","es":"Lo que sucede es que hemos evolucionado de una econom\u00eda agr\u00edcola a un mundo de grandes negocios."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"All of us wore pink boas for the occasion, and Crystal, as you can see, queen for a day, wore a sparkly tiara.","es":"Todos nosotros us\u00e1bamos boas de plumas rosas para la ocasi\u00f3n, y Crystal, como puedes ver, reina por el d\u00eda, llevaba una tiara brillante."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Only about 12 percent of the decisions did they make an hour or more of their time.","es":"S\u00f3lo un 12% requirieron una hora o m\u00e1s de su tiempo."} {"gender":"male","en":"That means that for the two years or three years of his life, he is basically sending money to pay for the recruitment fees.","es":"Eso significa que durante 2 o 3 a\u00f1os de su vida est\u00e1 b\u00e1sicamente enviando dinero para pagar los servicios de contrataci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"But he hasn't paid his rent, of course, because he's paying for his HIV medication and just can't afford both.","es":"Pero no la hab\u00eda pagado, por supuesto, porque estaba pagando su medicaci\u00f3n para el HIV y no pod\u00eda costear ambas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now we don't know that there's life then, but we could say, \"Well at least I'm going to have to take a look very precisely at this chemical and see where it comes from.\"","es":"Ahora no sabemos que hay vida, pero podr\u00edamos decir: \"Bueno, al menos ver\u00e9 con precisi\u00f3n este compuesto qu\u00edmico y ver\u00e9 de d\u00f3nde viene\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And as climate changes, this is creating a perfect storm for extreme events, like the massive mountain pine beetle outbreak that just swept across North America, or that megafire in the last couple months in Alberta.","es":"Y conforme el clima cambia, estamos creando la tormenta perfecta para eventos extremos, como el brote de escarabajos en los pinos de la monta\u00f1a que barrieron con todo en Norte Am\u00e9rica, o ese mega incendio en Alberta de los \u00faltimos 2 meses."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then one day, this appeared.","es":"Y un d\u00eda, apareci\u00f3 esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"I know I just mentioned how crises can grant leaders extraordinary freedoms.","es":"Acabo de contar que las crisis pueden dar libertades extraordinarias a los l\u00edderes."} {"gender":"male","en":"BWM realizes safety, in people's minds, has two components.","es":"BMW entiende que la seguridad, en la mente de las personas, tiene dos componentes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They said, \"You're that powerful, you can resurrect this country.","es":"Dijeron: \"Uds. son tan poderosos, pueden resucitar este pa\u00eds."} {"gender":"male","en":"We found life in the extremes.","es":"Hallamos vida en los extremos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now we're running a stimulus package.","es":"Ahora estamos impulsando un paquete de est\u00edmulo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was finished by a guy called Johannes Myrones on the 14th of April, 1229.","es":"Fue escrito por un hombre llamado Johannes Myrones el 14 de abril de 1229."} {"gender":"male","en":"Stuart Ruderfer: The responses mostly will be \"no.\"","es":"Stuart Ruderfer: La mayor\u00eda de las respuestas ser\u00e1n \"no\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"It inspired them to show off this design by producing a little robot they named Sprawl.","es":"Les inspir\u00f3 a presumir este dise\u00f1o en la producci\u00f3n de un peque\u00f1o robot llamado Sprawl ."} {"gender":"female","en":"2015 is a year that is similar in its importance to 1945, with similar challenges and similar potential.","es":"El 2015 es un a\u00f1o similar en importancia a 1945, con desaf\u00edos y capacidad de soluci\u00f3n similares."} {"gender":"male","en":"You need to go and share your ideas and your success stories of what worked about reinvigorating our lives, our schools, and our work with play; about how play promotes a sense of promise and self-fulfillment; of how play promotes innovation and productivity, and, ultimately, how play creates meaning.","es":"Deben compartir sus ideas e historias exitosas que funcionaron para impulsar nuestras vidas, nuestras escuelas, y nuestro trabajo con el juego; compartir c\u00f3mo el juego fomenta un sentido de promesa y autorrealizaci\u00f3n; compartir c\u00f3mo el juego fomenta la innovaci\u00f3n y la productividad; y, finalmente, c\u00f3mo el juego crea significado."} {"gender":"male","en":"But of course, the drama is, it clearly shows that incremental change is not an option.","es":"Pero, por supuesto, el drama es que eso muestra claramente que el cambio incremental no es una opci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"It was not.","es":"No lo era."} {"gender":"male","en":"Not just with the process of putting on this costume and walking the floor, but also with the community of other costumers.","es":"No solo con el proceso de poner el disfraz a punto y de caminar con \u00e9l, sino tambi\u00e9n con el resto de la comunidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you're lucky, and you dig a place like that, you actually find the ash bed to dig it, and we did.","es":"Si tienes suerte, y escavas un lugar como ese, y encuentras la capa de cenizas para excavarla, y lo hacemos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the second thing they said: and we trust you, that no matter where you are or where you go, you will always do the right thing.","es":"La segunda cosa que me dec\u00edan es: Conf\u00edamos en t\u00ed, y no importa donde est\u00e9s o a donde vayas tu siempre har\u00e1s lo correcto."} {"gender":"female","en":"I have been fortunate to have had these magnificant students and post-docs who have taught me so much, and I have had many of these groups come and go.","es":"He sido muy afortunada de haber tenido estos magn\u00edficos alumnos y post-docs que me han ense\u00f1ado tanto, y muchos de estos grupos han venido y se han ido."} {"gender":"male","en":"You must have gotten your education here.\"","es":"Seguro que te educaste aqu\u00ed\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"A bat's a penis, and a nappy dugout is a vulva, or a vagina.","es":"El bate es el pene, y el foso es la vulva o vagina."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was euphoric.","es":"Estaba euf\u00f3rica."} {"gender":"male","en":"When you explain change, for example, economic growth; economic growth is about change, when you explain change, you use other things that have changed to explain change, rather than using the constant to explain change.","es":"Al explicar el cambio -por ejemplo, el crecimiento econ\u00f3mico; el crecimiento econ\u00f3mico es un cambio. Al explicar el cambio, se usan otras cosas que han cambiado para explicar el cambio, en lugar de usar aquello constante para explicarlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I only have 13 minutes.","es":"Solo tengo 13 minutos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And as soon as you've got that idea, you should immediately wonder: what happens if we widen the differences, or compress them, make the income differences bigger or smaller?","es":"Y tan pronto se entiende esa idea inmediatamente deber\u00edamos preguntarnos: \u00bfQu\u00e9 sucede si ampliamos esas diferencias, o las suprimimos, y hacemos las diferencias en ingresos mayores o menores?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And finally Carletto. You see his apartment in the upper left-hand corner.","es":"Y, por \u00faltimo, Carletto - pueden ver su apartamento en la esquina superior izquierda."} {"gender":"male","en":"If citizens can network and make themselves more organized and productive, so that their voices are heard, so then things would improve.","es":"Si los ciudadanos pueden trabajar en red y organizarse y hacerse m\u00e1s productivos, para que se oigan sus voces, entonces las cosas mejorar\u00edan."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's a much more apocalyptic sort of feeling.","es":"Hay un sentimiento mucho m\u00e1s apocal\u00edptico."} {"gender":"female","en":"Well, part of the answer is that our mind is an exquisite time-traveling master.","es":"En parte porque la mente es una maestra exquisita para viajar en el tiempo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"She came to us with a lot of data, but ultimately she wanted to tell one of the most humane stories possible.","es":"Ella vino a nosotros con una gran cantidad de datos pero en \u00faltima estancia, quer\u00eda contar una de las historias m\u00e1s humanas posibles."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But God, this thing is sweet.","es":"Pero Dios, esta cosa es un encanto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Also, a wonderful by-product of a really lousy thing, which has been unemployment, is a rise in volunteerism that's been noted in our country.","es":"Adem\u00e1s, un maravilloso subproducto de algo tan p\u00e9simo, como es el desempleo, ha sido el aumento en trabajo de voluntariado que se ha experimentado en nuestro pa\u00eds."} {"gender":"female","en":"Wanted to pay something back to the organization that had really saved my life.","es":"Quer\u00eda dar algo a cambio a la organizaci\u00f3n que realmente me hab\u00eda salvado la vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we wanted to think about what is the blind tasting version for thinking about inequality?","es":"Tratamos de imaginar cu\u00e1l ser\u00eda la versi\u00f3n de la prueba a ciegas para reflexionar sobre la desigualdad."} {"gender":"male","en":"Compromise, if it's artistic, if it is able to cope with its strategies, and there is my first sketch and the last rendering, it's not that far away.","es":"El compromiso, si es art\u00edstico, si es capaz de lidiar con sus estrategias, y ah\u00ed est\u00e1 mi primer esbozoe y el \u00faltimo render, que no est\u00e1 tan lejos."} {"gender":"male","en":"In six varieties: Cheese, Light, Robusto, Rich & Hearty, Old World Traditional, Extra-Chunky Garden.","es":"En seis variedades: Queso, Light, Robusto, Rico y Abundante, Viejo Mundo Tradicional, De jard\u00edn con trocitos extra."} {"gender":"male","en":"But when we change people's faces, are we changing their identity, for better or for worse?","es":"\u00bfPero al cambiar las caras estamos cambiando su identidad para mejor o para peor?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So it was this incredibly terrifying event. You had these scenes of entire families dying over the course of 48 hours of cholera, alone in their one-room apartments, in their little flats.","es":"As\u00ed fue que a partir de este evento Que se presentaron escenas de familias enteras muriendo despu\u00e9s de 48 horas de c\u00f3lera, solos en sus departamentos de una sola habitaci\u00f3n, en sus peque\u00f1as casas."} {"gender":"male","en":"What should I major in?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 carrera debo estudiar?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Several people heard about this story, and so they contacted me because they wanted to pay the $2,500 debt.","es":"Varias personas se enteraron de esta historia, por lo que me contactaron porque quer\u00edan pagar la deuda de $ 2.500."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, I'm not a scientist, that'll be really clear.","es":"Ahora, no soy un cient\u00edfico, eso est\u00e1 claro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This expression, which is known as pride, Jessica Tracy has studied.","es":"Esta expresi\u00f3n, conocida como de orgullo, ha sido estudiada por Jessica Tracy."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's what all religions tell us: \"Get on you knees and repeat it 10 or 20 or 15 times a day.\"","es":"Eso nos dicen todas las religiones: \"Arrod\u00edllate y repite eso 10, 15 o 20 veces al d\u00eda\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't have a good answer for you.","es":"Creo que no tengo respuesta para eso."} {"gender":"female","en":"But as important as technology and infrastructure are, perhaps the human element is even more critical.","es":"Pero tan importante como es la tecnolog\u00eda y las infraestructuras, quiz\u00e1s el elemento humano es incluso m\u00e1s crucial."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so they've come up with their own set of rules, the \"Rules of the Internet.\"","es":"Y entonces han establecido su propio grupo de reglas, las \"Reglas de Internet\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And they seem anxious to skirt around it and step over it and to talk about something else.","es":"Y parecen ansiosos por pasarlo por alto y hablar de algo diferente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Parents seem to be teaching their young.","es":"Los padres parecen ense\u00f1arlo a sus hijos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It hasn't yet become fine-tuned enough to finish what has been initiated.","es":"Todav\u00eda no se ha vuelto lo suficientemente preciso para terminar lo que inici\u00f3."} {"gender":"male","en":"And what was remarkable about it was in the past when we think of chemical messengers within the body, we thought of complicated things like estrogen and insulin, or nerve transmission.","es":"Lo notable de esto es que en el pasado, cuando pens\u00e1bamos en los mensajeros qu\u00edmicos en el cuerpo, pens\u00e1bamos en cosas complicadas como el estr\u00f3geno y la insulina, o la transmisi\u00f3n nerviosa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Every single dot on this map represents an agonizing story of struggle and survival.","es":"Cada punto del mapa representa una historia agonizante de lucha y supervivencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"What's driving this upsurge of protest?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 es lo que est\u00e1 impulsando este aumento significativo de protestas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, the processing that happens in that little piece of brain is very similar to the kind of processing that computers do when they stream video over the Internet.","es":"De hecho, el proceso que ocurre en esa peque\u00f1a parte del cerebro es muy similar al tipo de procesamiento que los computadores realizan cuando env\u00edan v\u00eddeo por Internet."} {"gender":"female","en":"I feel like I've got a purpose in this life, and I don't know what it is, but I'm pretty certain that management consultancy is not it.","es":"Siento como si tuviera un prop\u00f3sito en la vida pero no supiera cu\u00e1l es, pero estoy segura que la consultor\u00eda de direcci\u00f3n no lo es\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"I want to tell you about two examples of stories that are thought to be of universal importance: \"E.T.\" and \"Hamlet.\"","es":"Quiero contarles dos ejemplos de historias que creemos son de importancia universal: \"E.T.\" y \"Hamlet\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so we just started imagining, what else could happen in this building?","es":"As\u00ed que empezamos a imaginar, \u00bfqu\u00e9 podr\u00eda suceder en este edificio?"} {"gender":"male","en":"No scientist could predict that in 2007, suddenly, what could be crossing a threshold.","es":"Ning\u00fan cient\u00edfico pudo predecir que en 2007, de repente, se podr\u00eda cruzar el umbral."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Rather than intercepting the communications as they go over the wire, instead they now hack into your computer, enable your webcam, enable your microphone, and steal documents from your computer.","es":"En lugar de interceptar las comunicaciones por cable, ahora entran en tu ordenador, activan tu webcam, activan el micr\u00f3fono, y roban documentos de tu ordenador."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Sorry, when people say \"I can't imagine that,\" they're usually talking about their own lack of imagination, and not about the unlikelihood of the event that they're describing.","es":"Lo siento, cuando decimos \"No puedo imaginarlo\", por lo general hablamos de nuestra propia falta de imaginaci\u00f3n y no de la falta de probabilidad de los eventos que describimos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now it's not about the leader anymore; it's about them, plural.","es":"As\u00ed que ahora ya no se trata del l\u00edder sino de ellos, en plural."} {"gender":"female","en":"Every one of those blue cells are a cancer gene inside a cancer cell, and they're part of the feather.","es":"Cada una de esas c\u00e9lulas azules son un gen del c\u00e1ncer dentro de una c\u00e9lula cancerosa, y son parte de la pluma."} {"gender":"female","en":"As I mentioned before, repurposing can be challenging because of our prior biases.","es":"Como dije anteriormente, la readaptaci\u00f3n puede ser desafiante debido a nuestros prejuicios."} {"gender":"female","en":"The first is: vulnerability is not weakness.","es":"La primera es que vulnerabilidad no es debilidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So the outer part of that brain is the neocortex.","es":"La parte exterior del cerebro es el neoc\u00f3rtex."} {"gender":"male","en":"Tommy was a chimpanzee.","es":"Tommy era un chimpanc\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"You know, looking at the name tags to see who can help me with my dream, sometimes looking right through one another's humanity.","es":"Ya saben, mientras buscamos a aquellos que pueden ayudarnos con nuestro sue\u00f1o, a veces lo que no vemos es la humanidad del otro."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I'll tell you, there is no adventure more harrowing than riding shotgun with Marge Deton.","es":"Pero os puedo asegurar, no hay aventura m\u00e1s terrible que ir en el asiento delantero con Marge Deton."} {"gender":"male","en":"I have so many moments like that logged in my memory.","es":"Tengo muchos momentos como ese anotados en mi memoria."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can go 15 minutes or 30 minutes or 45 minutes or an hour.","es":"Puede ponerse 15 minutos, 30 minutos, 45 minutos, o una hora."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm willing to take your suggestions, and I'm willing to have you tune in to our webpage.","es":"Estoy dispuesto a escuchar sus sugerencias y estar\u00e9 encantado si visitan nuestro sitio en Internet."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's so important that the very tools we use to understand ourselves, to understand the world around us, are shaped by that stance.","es":"Es tan importante que las herramientas usadas para entendernos, para entender el mundo alrededor de ellos, est\u00e1 determinado por esa posici\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"But how many of these countries do we have to work in?","es":"\u00bfPero en cu\u00e1ntos de estos pa\u00edses tenemos que trabajar?"} {"gender":"male","en":"That red line is from the theory.","es":"La l\u00ednea roja sigue la teor\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"Walk up to it and smack it on the backside.\"","es":"Ac\u00e9rcate hacia \u00e9l y golp\u00e9alo en el costado.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"Using a grid the size of your thumb, with 32 electrodes on the surface of his brain, Tim uses his thoughts to control an advanced prosthetic arm.","es":"Con una rejilla del tama\u00f1o de una u\u00f1a, con 32 electrodos en la superficie del cerebro, Tim capta sus pensamientos para controlar una pr\u00f3tesis avanzada de brazo."} {"gender":"male","en":"If we go back to a place like Palmyra Atoll, where I was with Jeremy Jackson a few years ago, the corals are doing better and there are sharks.","es":"Si nos remontamos a un lugar como el atol\u00f3n Palmyra, donde estuve con Jeremy Jackson hace pocos a\u00f1os a los corales les va mejor y hay tiburones."} {"gender":"male","en":"I mean, it's a nightmare.","es":"Es decir, es una pesadilla."} {"gender":"male","en":"What we are interested in is information.","es":"En lo que estamos interesados es en la informaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"So we did that.","es":"As\u00ed que lo hicimos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Black men have been with their current barbers on average as long as I've been with Denny, about eight years.","es":"Los hombres negros est\u00e1n con sus barberos el mismo promedio de tiempo que yo he estado con Denny, unos 8 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's our little, thirty-cent Mabuchi motor.","es":"Y aqu\u00ed tenemos nuestro peque\u00f1o motor Mabuchi de 30 centavos."} {"gender":"female","en":"The kids' declaration shines a spotlight on that fear.","es":"Lo que dijeron los ni\u00f1os arroj\u00f3 luz sobre ese miedo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I think we can go and use our technology to go and digitize things, put them on the Net, and then download, print them and bind them, and end up with books again. And we sort of said, well, how hard is this?","es":"Creo que podemos usar nuestra tecnolog\u00eda para digitalizar cosas, ponerlas en la red para despu\u00e9s descargarlas, imprimirlas y encuadernarlas, y terminar as\u00ed de nuevo con un libro y entonces diremos, bien \u00bfqu\u00e9 tan dif\u00edcil puede ser eso?"} {"gender":"male","en":"We want to have a relationship with technology that gives us back choice about how we spend time with it, and we're going to need help from designers, because knowing this stuff doesn't help.","es":"Queremos tener una relaci\u00f3n con la tecnolog\u00eda que nos d\u00e9 de nuevo la opci\u00f3n de c\u00f3mo pasamos tiempo con ella y para eso necesitamos la ayuda de los dise\u00f1adores, porque saber esto no ayuda."} {"gender":"male","en":"So these two billion will, in the next decades, increase to three billion, and they will thereafter increase to four billion.","es":"En las pr\u00f3ximas d\u00e9cadas, estos 2.000 millones se incrementar\u00e1n a 3.000 millones. Y posteriormente a 4.000 millones."} {"gender":"male","en":"It sounds great.\"","es":"Suena genial\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"That night in my apartment, after I got done kicking myself and so forth, I lay in bed for a long time, and I thought about skin grafts.","es":"Esa noche en mi apartamento, tras haberme dado de patadas, me qued\u00e9 en la cama durante un rato largo, y pens\u00e9 en los injertos cut\u00e1neos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And yet, why is it that, in creative writing courses today, the very first thing we teach students is \"write what you know\"?","es":"Y sin embargo, por qu\u00e9 es que, en los cursos de escritura creativa de hoy, lo primero que le ense\u00f1amos a los estudiantes es escribir acerca de lo que conocen?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Who is this?","es":"\u00bfQui\u00e9n es este?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I want people to know that growing your own food is like printing your own money.","es":"Quiero que sepan que cultivar tu comida es como imprimir tu dinero."} {"gender":"male","en":"And guess what?","es":"\u00bfY adivinan qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And it turns out Nick shows up at the children's hospital with this distended belly, like a famine victim.","es":"Y resulta que Nick llega al hospital de ni\u00f1os con el est\u00f3mago hinchado como si fuera un ni\u00f1o desnutrido."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is what they call Zero B type of water, because it comes from the clouds, pure distilled water.","es":"Es lo que se llama agua de tipo Cero B, porque proviene directamente de las nubes, agua destilada pura."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So we look at the basic geography, we look at roads, streets, the flux of pedestrians and vehicles.","es":"Y observamos la geograf\u00eda b\u00e1sica, vemos caminos, calles, el flujo de peatones y veh\u00edculos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So that puts him in a unique position to be able to relate to and help heal the veterans in his care.","es":"Tiene una posici\u00f3n privilegiada que le permite empatizar y ayudar a sanar a los veteranos que atiende."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Then he throws his helmet in the air.","es":"Luego arroja su casco por el aire."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So we need people to translate the whole web.","es":"Necesitamos humanos para traducir la Web."} {"gender":"female","en":"One of my favorite examples is that of Sir Harold Ridley, who was a famous ophthalmologist, or at least became a famous ophthalmologist.","es":"Uno de mis ejemplos favoritos es el de Sir Harold Ridley, que fue un oftalm\u00f3logo famoso, o que se convirti\u00f3 en un oftalm\u00f3logo famoso."} {"gender":"male","en":"I just wanted you to know that.","es":"Solo quer\u00eda aclarar eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"NASA has devoted money to this; the National Science Foundation and other countries are interested in doing this.","es":"La NASA ha destinado fondos para esto. La Fundaci\u00f3n Nacional de Ciencias y otros pa\u00edses est\u00e1n muy interesados."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's the beginning.","es":"Es el comienzo."} {"gender":"male","en":"We're working with the United Nations right now to shoot a whole series of these films.","es":"Ahora estamos trabajando con Naciones Unidas para rodar toda una serie de pel\u00edculas como esta."} {"gender":"male","en":"To be so afraid that you're standing in the face of a death you can't escape and that you're soiling yourself and crying, but to say in that moment, as Fraser says to Idris, \"Tell my girlfriend I love her.\"","es":"Tener tanto miedo que est\u00e1s parado en la cara de una muerte de la que no puedes escapar y te est\u00e1s ensuciando y llorando, pero para decir en ese momento, mientras Fraser le dice a Idris: \"Dile a mi novia que la amo\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I'd say AlphaGo looked at more than a million games. No human expert can ever study a million games.","es":"Dir\u00eda que AlphaGo analiz\u00f3 m\u00e1s de un mill\u00f3n de jugadas, ning\u00fan humano puede estudiar un mill\u00f3n de jugadas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now there are two things that are really interesting about this.","es":"Ahora, hay dos cosas realmente interesantes al respecto."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a crisis.","es":"Es una crisis."} {"gender":"female","en":"An ambulance approaches.","es":"Una ambulancia se acerca."} {"gender":"male","en":"The climbers got on the southeast ridge.","es":"Los escaladores llegaron al borde sudeste."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's about creating with minimal means something which can not be repeated, cannot be simulated in any other sphere.","es":"Se trata de crear con recursos m\u00ednimos algo que no pueda ser repetido, que no pueda ser simulado en ninguna otra esfera."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So here are some of the things which maybe threaten the social web we have.","es":"Estas son algunas de las cosas que est\u00e1n amenazando la red social que tenemos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here's one way to think about it, which is that we just do this instead of cutting emissions because it's cheaper.","es":"Entonces, un modo de verlo ser\u00eda que simplemente hacemos esto en lugar de recortar nuestras emisiones porque es m\u00e1s barato."} {"gender":"male","en":"We get people, when they open up their inbox, to write one positive email praising or thanking somebody in their support network.","es":"Hacemos que la gente, al abrir su buz\u00f3n de correo, escriban un mensaje positivo elogiando o agradeciendo a alguien en la red social."} {"gender":"female","en":"It was essentially an organic farm.","es":"Era esencialmente una granja org\u00e1nica."} {"gender":"female","en":"I tried to get it out of anybody I could, you know, \"Who am I running against here?\"","es":"Yo trataba de sobresalir de cualquier que pod\u00eda, saben, \u00bfqui\u00e9n, o qu\u00e9 tipo de personas son las que voy a competir?"} {"gender":"female","en":"So what are we waiting for?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 estamos esperando?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And you know, my parents never complained.","es":"Y mis padres nunca se quejaron."} {"gender":"male","en":"I didn't just trigger something which sounds like that.","es":"No es que disparo algo que suena as\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"We're finally at the North Pole.","es":"Finalmente llegamos al Polo Norte."} {"gender":"female","en":"But I think in this regard that so much of it is also about technology, that the technology has to also be given some kind of moral compass.","es":"Pero creo esto tambi\u00e9n es sobre la tecnolog\u00eda, que la tecnolog\u00eda se le tiene que otorgar una especie de br\u00fajula moral."} {"gender":"male","en":"Crab chewing is actually really fascinating.","es":"La masticaci\u00f3n del cangrejo es realmente fascinante."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Wealth is not just about wealth.","es":"La riqueza no es solo riqueza."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so we built a model, leveraging the petabytes of data we sit on, and we solved for the tipping point.","es":"Por eso construimos un modelo, aprovechando los petabytes de datos que ten\u00edamos y abordamos el punto de inflexi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"What I would hope that I could further argue to you is that this is the invention of multicellularity.","es":"Lo que me gustar\u00eda poder argumentar adicionalmente es que esta es la invenci\u00f3n de la multicelularidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So what are jobs going to be like?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfc\u00f3mo ser\u00e1n los trabajos?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They were more excited, happy and confident, because their coach could vocally communicate with them.","es":"Estaban m\u00e1s emocionados, felices y confiados, ya que su entrenador pod\u00eda comunicarse verbalmente con ellos."} {"gender":"male","en":"CA: Just kidding.","es":"CA: Estaba bromeando."} {"gender":"male","en":"I hate the idea that governments have dropped this ball and I can't get used to the idea that somehow we can't get them to do their jobs.","es":"Detesto la idea de que los gobiernos hayan perdido esa pelota. Y no me puedo hacer a la idea de que no logremos que hagan su trabajo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was desirable to him because he had contacted other patients who had experienced it.","es":"\u00c9l lo deseaba porque hab\u00eda contactado a otros pacientes que lo hab\u00edan experimentado."} {"gender":"male","en":"So they have a whole bucket full of them. And they have to pick one of the two colors.","es":"Entonces ellos tienen un balde lleno con ellas, y tendr\u00e1n que escoger uno de los dos colores."} {"gender":"male","en":"We have a right to privacy.","es":"Tenemos el derecho a la privacidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I said, \"Well, what do you do for a living?\"","es":"Y yo dije: \u201cBueno, \u00bfa qu\u00e9 se dedica Ud.?\u201d"} {"gender":"male","en":"So that means anything you do, or anything you make, you produce a sequence of steps, and I think Lego in the '70s nailed this, and they did it most elegantly.","es":"Esto significa que cualquier cosa que hagas, o construyas, produces una secuencia de pasos, y creo que Lego en los 70s dio en el clavo, y lo hicieron de una manera elegante."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There wasn't any cantaloupe.","es":"No hab\u00eda ning\u00fan mel\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"We always used then the latest generation of technology to create the next generation.","es":"Siempre usamos, entonces, la \u00faltima generaci\u00f3n de tecnolog\u00eda para crear la pr\u00f3xima generaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Within Britain, there is a gradient of health, and this is what's called standardized mortality, basically your chances of dying.","es":"Dentro de Gran Breta\u00f1a existe un gradiente de salud, que se denomina mortalidad estandarizada, b\u00e1sicamente, son las probabilidades de muerte."} {"gender":"female","en":"This first project is called the AlloBrain.","es":"El primer proyecto se llama el AlloCerebro."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then there's a 13-page crisis document with 50 interlocking problems.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n hay un protocolo de emergencia de 13 p\u00e1ginas con 50 problemas interconectados."} {"gender":"male","en":"But there's nevertheless a clear distinction between food and poison.","es":"Pero hay, no obstante, una distinci\u00f3n clara entre comida y veneno."} {"gender":"male","en":"My hope and desire is that the tools and processes we develop in our research group can be used to bring highly functional prostheses to those who need them.","es":"Mi deseo es que las herramientas y los procesos que desarrollamos en nuestro grupo de investigaci\u00f3n puedan usarse para brindar pr\u00f3tesis con excelente funcionalidad a quienes las necesiten."} {"gender":"female","en":"Last year, I was in Nairobi, in the slums, in one called Korogocho, which literally means when translated, \"standing shoulder to shoulder.\"","es":"El a\u00f1o pasado estaba en Nairobi en uno de los barrios pobres llamado Korogocho que literalmente significa \"hombro con hombro en pie\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"So in a daf-2 mutant, you see that I have the X drawn here through the receptor.","es":"As\u00ed que en un mutante daf-2 ven que tengo la X dibujada aqu\u00ed a trav\u00e9s del receptor."} {"gender":"female","en":"That's not possible.","es":"Eso es imposible."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Gandhi, King, Mandela, they taught a lot about how to love others and opponents.","es":"Gandhi, King, Mandela ense\u00f1aron mucho sobre c\u00f3mo amar a los dem\u00e1s y a los oponentes."} {"gender":"male","en":"Try to think about all the possible things you could do in the next, say, 24 hours.","es":"Intenten pensar en todas las cosas que podr\u00edan hacer en las pr\u00f3ximas 24 horas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And they're giving about, in a modern-day, caloric-restriction diet, I guess, they're giving porridge, with a few grains of rice.","es":"Nos suministraban lo que hoy llamar\u00edamos una dieta cal\u00f3rica limitada, supongo; nos daban avena con unos cuantos granos de arroz."} {"gender":"male","en":"The lesson of Brian's presentation, in a way, all those fantastic pictures, is this really: that vantage point determines everything that you see.","es":"La lecci\u00f3n de la presentaci\u00f3n de Brian, en cierto modo, todas esas fotos fant\u00e1sticas, es en realidad que: que el punto de vista determina todo lo que uno ve."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It becomes a desire, a need, an armor.","es":"Se vuelve deseo, necesidad, cantidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"How much of the money is going into concrete and boosting consumption, not into solving the really profound problems we have to solve.","es":"Cu\u00e1nto del dinero est\u00e1 yendo a concreto e impulsando el consumo, no a resolver los realmente profundos problemas que tenemos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Raise your hands.","es":"Levanten la mano."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Okay, so that guy is actually still with us.","es":"Bien. Ese hombre todav\u00eda existe."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"At nine years old, she is already halfway to a black belt.","es":"A los nueve a\u00f1os, ya est\u00e1 a medio camino de un cintur\u00f3n negro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And how do you do that?","es":"\u00bfY c\u00f3mo se hace eso?"} {"gender":"female","en":"It was 2004 which was the beginning of the incredibly bloody time in Iraq, \"I have to see, I have to see what is happening here.","es":"Era 2004, el comienzo de un tiempo muy sangriento en Irak, \"Tengo que ver, tengo que ver que est\u00e1 pasando."} {"gender":"male","en":"And Rick Astley's kind of rebirth these past two years Rickroll was this bait and switch, really simple, classic bait and switch.","es":"Y el resurgimiento de Rick Astley en estos \u00faltimos dos a\u00f1os el \"rickroll\" fue el art\u00edculo gancho, muy sencillo, el art\u00edculo gancho cl\u00e1sico."} {"gender":"female","en":"He shared credit with ease, assumed responsibility for the failure of his subordinates, constantly acknowledged his errors and learned from his mistakes.","es":"Comparti\u00f3 alegremente el cr\u00e9dito de sus acciones, asumi\u00f3 la responsabilidad por los fallos de sus subordinados, reconoci\u00f3 constantemente sus errores y aprendi\u00f3 de los mismos."} {"gender":"male","en":"You figure it out.","es":"Haz los n\u00fameros."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, let me show you what it looks like.","es":"Bueno, perm\u00edtanme mostrarles c\u00f3mo se ve."} {"gender":"male","en":"Our economies in the developed world have coasted along on something pretty close to full employment.","es":"Nuestras econom\u00edas en el mundo desarrollado han maniobrado en algo bastante cercano al empleo de tiempo completo."} {"gender":"female","en":"In your time, scientists thought humans could replace organs and extend life for hundreds of years.","es":"O que el ser humano podr\u00eda renovar su \u00f3rganos y prolongar su vida por cientos de a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"This, all over the country, is the second largest waste stream in America.","es":"\u00c9ste es, de todo el pa\u00eds, el segundo flujo de residuos m\u00e1s grande de EE. UU."} {"gender":"male","en":"Engineer: Exactly.","es":"Ingeniero: Exactamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Closed-circuit rebreather: what makes it different from scuba, and why is it better?","es":"Bien, los recicladores de circuito cerrado \u00bfQu\u00e9 los hace distintos al equipo de scuba? \u00bfY por qu\u00e9 son mejores?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Once again, I didn't expect it to be used in classrooms.","es":"Nuevamente, no esperaba que fuera a usarse en salones de clases."} {"gender":"female","en":"So it's these two totally different perceptions of my personality.","es":"Estas son las dos percepciones totalmente distintas de mi personalidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The letter C had other things in it.","es":"La letra C ten\u00eda otras cosas."} {"gender":"male","en":"When I go to places like this, which are paleontological sites, it's like going to a game park, an extinct game park.","es":"Cuando voy a lugares as\u00ed, que son sitios paleoantol\u00f3gicos, es como ir a una reserva animal, una reserva de animales extintos."} {"gender":"male","en":"The payoffs to innovation are greatest where the uncertainty is highest.","es":"Los dividendos a la innovaci\u00f3n son mayores cuando la incertidumbre es m\u00e1s alta."} {"gender":"male","en":"Why?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Nine times out of ten, when the kids on the server act out, it's because of something that's happened in the day at school or home.","es":"9 de cada 10 veces que los ni\u00f1os exteriorizan algo en el servidor, se debe a algo que ocurri\u00f3 ese d\u00eda en la escuela o en la casa."} {"gender":"male","en":"The body is denser than water.","es":"El cuerpo es m\u00e1s denso que el agua."} {"gender":"female","en":"As he correctly guessed, some of these sounds were caused by activity on the surface of the Sun.","es":"Como bien supuso, algunos de estos sonidos eran provocados por la actividad en la superficie del Sol."} {"gender":"male","en":"And to date, over 4,000 organizations are leveraging this data, including half of the Fortune 100.","es":"Y hasta la fecha, m\u00e1s de 4000 organizaciones se est\u00e1n beneficiando de estos datos, incluyendo la mitad de las empresas Fortune 100."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I find myself thinking a lot about that last point, tell your truth.","es":"Y pienso mucho sobre este \u00faltimo punto, di tu verdad."} {"gender":"female","en":"My agency is working closely with Columbia University and others to shine a light on these issues.","es":"Mi agencia est\u00e1 trabajando de la mano de la Universidad de Columbia y otras para tratar estos problemas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we already looked at the billions or even trillions of hours worldwide that people are spending sitting in them, driving frustrated, anxious.","es":"Ya recuperamos miles de millones, incluso billones de horas en todo el mundo que la gente gasta sentada en ellos, conduciendo frustrada, ansiosa."} {"gender":"male","en":"They go from the representational world, to this analog-mesh underworld, where they're hiding.","es":"Van del mundo de la representaci\u00f3n, a este inframundo de malla anal\u00f3gica donde se esconden."} {"gender":"male","en":"We showed how a group of journalists can effect change across the world by applying new methods and old-fashioned journalism techniques to vast amounts of leaked information.","es":"Demostramos c\u00f3mo un grupo de periodistas puede efectuar un cambio en el mundo aplicando nuevos m\u00e9todos y patrones period\u00edsticos pasados de moda para filtrar una ingente cantidad de informaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's ripe blue Stilton.","es":"Es un Stilton azul maduro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Around 1850, one of the biggest U.S. industries was whaling. And whale oil lit practically every building.","es":"Alrededor de 1850, la caza de ballenas era una de las mayores industrias en Estados Unidos y el aceite de ballena alumbraba casi todos los edificios."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We have 14 out of the 21 degrees of freedom; you don't need the ones in the last two fingers.","es":"Incluimos 14 de los 21 grados de libertad; no necesitas los de los dos dedos m\u00e1s peque\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"We can use stem cells, and specifically we can use human stem cells.","es":"Podemos usar c\u00e9lulas madre, y espec\u00edficamente, podemos usar c\u00e9lulas madre humanas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And so suddenly, ladies and gentlemen, what has been the proposition of visionaries and poets down the ages becomes something we have to take seriously as a matter of public policy.","es":"Y de pronto, se\u00f1oras y se\u00f1ores, lo que ha sido la propuesta de visionarios y poetas a trav\u00e9s de los siglos, se convierte en algo que tenemos que tomar seriamente como un asunto de pol\u00edtica p\u00fablica."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I came together with a group of other people who were all looking at this issue, and we created the Plastic Pollution Coalition.","es":"As\u00ed que volv\u00ed con un grupo de personas interesadas en esta cuesti\u00f3n y creamos la Coalici\u00f3n de la Contaminaci\u00f3n Pl\u00e1stica."} {"gender":"female","en":"So the limbic system is right deep inside the brain, and it's involved in things like emotion processing and reward processing.","es":"El sistema l\u00edmbico est\u00e1 justo en lo profundo del cerebro, y est\u00e1 involucrado en tareas como el procesamiento de emociones y el procesamiento de recompensas."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a comet day.","es":"Es de d\u00eda en el cometa."} {"gender":"male","en":"I knock it out of his hand.","es":"Se la quit\u00e9 de las manos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the Koran says, He speaks to the angels and says, \"When I have finished the formation of Adam from clay, and breathed into him of my spirit, then, fall in prostration to him.\"","es":"El Cor\u00e1n dice, \u00e9l habl\u00f3 a los \u00e1ngeles y dijo: \"Cuando termine de formar a Ad\u00e1n con arcilla, e insufle en \u00e9l mi esp\u00edritu, entonces p\u00f3strense ante \u00e9l\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In 1949, when the Party took power, China was mired in civil wars, dismembered by foreign aggression, average life expectancy at that time, 41 years old.","es":"En 1949, cuando el Partido asumi\u00f3 el poder, China estaba sumida en guerras civiles, desmembradas por la agresi\u00f3n extranjera, la esperanza de vida en aquel momento era de 41 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"See, it's one of the great blessings of my very unorthodox childhood that I wasn't ever asked to define myself as any one thing at any point.","es":"Una de las mayores bendiciones de mi muy poco ortodoxa infancia fue que nunca se me pidi\u00f3 definirme de ninguna manera en ning\u00fan momento."} {"gender":"male","en":"In the infinitely complex network of relationships and connections that make up life.","es":"En la red de relaciones y conexiones infinitamente compleja que forman la vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"How can we address them?\"","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo podemos abordarlos?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's not really what we think of as drug treatment in the United States and Britain.","es":"Y no es lo que pensamos sobre el tratamiento de drogadicci\u00f3n en EE. UU. y Gran Breta\u00f1a."} {"gender":"male","en":"They invented gavage in a great moment of fear for their lives, and they provided the Pharaoh with gavage liver, and the good stuff they kept for themselves.","es":"Inventaron el \"gavage\" en un momento de mucho temor por sus vidas, y le ofrecieron al Fara\u00f3n el h\u00edgado alimentado a trav\u00e9s del \"gavage\", y el bueno se lo quedaron ellos."} {"gender":"female","en":"So you could see writers from Bangladesh or Turkey or Egypt trying to console their colleagues from Brexit Britain or from post-election USA.","es":"As\u00ed que se pod\u00edan ver escritores de Bangladesh o Turqu\u00eda o Egipto intentando consolar a sus compa\u00f1eros de la Gran Breta\u00f1a del Brexit o de los EE.UU. postelectorales."} {"gender":"female","en":"And one opportunity was we got to go and meet Paul Rusesabagina, which is the gentleman that the movie \"Hotel Rwanda\" is based after.","es":"Una de esas oportunidades fue ir al encuentro de Paul Rusesabagina, ese caballero en quien se bas\u00f3 la pel\u00edcula \"Hotel Ruanda\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you just think of the following, you'll get it right: Sexual orientation is who you go to bed with. Gender identity is who you go to bed as.\"","es":"Si lo piensas as\u00ed, lo comprender\u00e1s: Orientaci\u00f3n sexual es con qui\u00e9n te vas a la cama; Identidad de g\u00e9nero es en calidad de qu\u00e9 te vas a la cama."} {"gender":"male","en":"And, if you see an Instagram advert for fakes, don't keep scrolling past, report it to the platform as a scam.","es":"Y si ven un producto falsificado en Instagram, no sigan de largo. Rep\u00f3rtenlo a la plataforma como fraudulento."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, that story I just told you is literally a whirlwind tour of how we populated the world, the great Paleolithic wanderings of our species.","es":"Ahora, la historia que les acabo de contar es literalmente un recorrido alrededor del mundo de c\u00f3mo poblamos el planeta, la gran traves\u00eda paleol\u00edtica de nuestra especie."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, to my mind, that creates a very perverse incentive for you to simply give up and drop out of school.","es":"En mi opini\u00f3n, eso se convierte en un incentivo malsano para que se rindan y abandonen la escuela."} {"gender":"male","en":"We haven't yet understood that we're going at a much faster pace than the planet can sustain.","es":"A\u00fan no hemos entendido que vamos a un ritmo mucho m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido del que el planeta puede sostener."} {"gender":"female","en":"And what you can see is, on the left when there was very little activity in this brain region, people paid little attention to her innocent belief and said she deserved a lot of blame for the accident.","es":"Y lo que se puede ver a la izquierda cuando hay muy poca actividad en esta regi\u00f3n del cerebro, las personas prestaron poca atenci\u00f3n a su presunci\u00f3n de inocencia y dec\u00edan que merec\u00eda un gran castigo por el accidente."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so I'm going to talk to you about three different ways that self-driving systems are different than driver assistance systems.","es":"Por eso les hablar\u00e9 de tres formas diferentes en las que los sistemas autoconducidos difieren de los de conducci\u00f3n asistida."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think you should study in a school of art.","es":"Creo que deber\u00edas estudiar en una escuela de arte."} {"gender":"male","en":"And \"Ze Frank\", that's me.","es":"Y Ze Frank - ese soy yo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I tried to come up for air, and my lower back hit the bottom of the inner tube.","es":"Trat\u00e9 de subir a tomar aire, y mi espalda golpe\u00f3 bajo el neum\u00e1tico."} {"gender":"male","en":"There must be preconceived ideas, you know.","es":"Deben existir ideas preconcebidas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And what we see is sort of amazing, because there's human universals on what you do with your money, and real cultural differences on what you do as well.","es":"Y lo que vemos es realmente sorprendente, porque hay caracter\u00edsticas universales humanas sobre lo que se hace con el dinero y tambi\u00e9n grandes diferencias culturales en lo que se hace."} {"gender":"male","en":"You see it is based on the Hindu ritual of Darshan.","es":"Est\u00e1 basado en el ritual Hind\u00fa de Darshan."} {"gender":"female","en":"Still, we very much wanted to see the aircraft that we'd all helped build in the air, off the ground, like it was supposed to be.","es":"De todas formas, habr\u00edamos querido ver el avi\u00f3n que hab\u00edamos construido, levantar el vuelo y estar por los aires como se esperaba."} {"gender":"male","en":"I just think there have to be reasons that you get up in the morning and you want to live.","es":"Creo que tiene que haber razones para que te levantes por la ma\u00f1ana y quieras vivir."} {"gender":"male","en":"Pre-sweat the details for your audience.","es":"Estudien bien a sus clientes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And for certain bacteria we don't have really efficient ways to do that anymore.","es":"Para ciertas bacterias ya no tenemos maneras eficientes de hacerlo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You know, the erotic mind is not very politically correct.","es":"Saben, la mente er\u00f3tica no es muy pol\u00edticamente correcta."} {"gender":"male","en":"Voice 2: It's coming again?","es":"Voz 2: \u00bfViene de nuevo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"There's nothing holding us back, except our own mentality about play.","es":"No hay nada que nos detenga, excepto nuestra propia mentalidad sobre el juego."} {"gender":"male","en":"But it was an exciting experience.","es":"Pero fue una experiencia emocionante."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is one that we have in our lab, and it has a big red \"off\" switch right on the back.","es":"Es uno que tenemos en nuestro laboratorio, y tiene un gran bot\u00f3n rojo de 'apagado' en la parte posterior."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a woman who is now working at the orphanage, whose son had been adopted.","es":"Esta es una mujer cuyo hijo hab\u00eda sido adoptado y que ahora trabaja en el orfanato."} {"gender":"female","en":"So making the walls is equivalent to taking cars right off the road.","es":"As\u00ed que hacer las paredes es equivalente a sacar coches de la carretera."} {"gender":"male","en":"Start with 10,000 empty boxes and an org chart covering down to every minor city.","es":"Empiecen con 10 000 cajas vac\u00edas y un organigrama que llegue a cada peque\u00f1a ciudad."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm trying to teach my children that turning yourself up is just not some perfect idea of how to be great, it's a way of living, constantly looking for what makes you different and how you can amplify it for the world to see.","es":"Estoy intentando ense\u00f1ar a mis hijos que potenciarse no es solo una idea perfecta para ser genial, es una forma de vida, constantemente buscando lo que te hace diferente, y c\u00f3mo puedes intensificarlo para que el mundo lo vea."} {"gender":"male","en":"Sadly, patient noncompliance can be as high as 70 percent.","es":"Tristemente, el incumplimiento del paciente puede ser hasta del 70 %."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this one I think is possibly the worst: two ladies, both facing the same way, both wearing jeans.","es":"Y este, creo, que se lleva la palma: dos chicas, las dos mirando hacia el mismo lado, las dos con tejanos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Or am I an advocate?","es":"\u00bfO soy una militante?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Somebody who comes from the United States.","es":"Alguien que viene de EE. UU."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So, electricity is the flow of electrons inside a material.","es":"La electricidad es el flujo de electrones por el interior de un material."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, when I first saw this, it blew me away.","es":"Al verlo por primera vez, me dej\u00f3 alucinado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Actually, no. Frugal innovation is also about making high tech more affordable and more accessible to more people.","es":"En realidad no. La innovaci\u00f3n frugal es tambi\u00e9n fabricaci\u00f3n de alta tecnolog\u00eda m\u00e1s asequible y m\u00e1s accesible a m\u00e1s personas."} {"gender":"male","en":"We train pharmaceutical technicians for the pharmacy industry, we train medical technicians for the medical industry, and we train chemical technicians for companies like Bayer and Calgon Carbon and Fisher Scientific and Exxon.","es":"Capacitamos t\u00e9cnicos para la industria farmac\u00e9utica. Capacitamos t\u00e9cnicos para la industria m\u00e9dica. Y podemos capacitar t\u00e9cnicos qu\u00edmicos para empresas como Bayer y Calgon Carbon y Fisher Scientific y Exxon."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a little bit like termites, really.","es":"Es como las termitas, la verdad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If you got something wrong, you'd failed.","es":"Si comet\u00edas un error, fracasabas."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you've got enough money to buy just a Camry, you can build one of these too, and so we put a deep how-to guide on the Web, totally free, with basically order-off-the-shelf parts. You can build a DNA array machine in your garage.","es":"Si ten\u00e9is suficiente dinero para comprar un Camry, pod\u00e9is construir uno de estos. As\u00ed que publicamos en la Web una gu\u00eda exhaustiva, totalmente gratuita, mediante la cual b\u00e1sicamente con piezas est\u00e1ndar pod\u00e9is construir una m\u00e1quina de chips ADN en vuestro garaje."} {"gender":"female","en":"do they look like?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo son?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Now this project is not going to win any prizes for design, and you can rest assured that my 83-year-old mom is not training to become a professional programmer or computer scientist.","es":"Este proyecto no va a ganar ning\u00fan premio de dise\u00f1o y pueden estar seguros de que mi madre de 83 a\u00f1os no est\u00e1 entrenando para convertirse en programadora o inform\u00e1tica profesional."} {"gender":"male","en":"With his championship belt, he wrestled in big-ticket venues, like Madison Square Garden, against big-time opponents, like Everett \"The Blonde Bear\" Marshall, or three-time world champion, Angelo Savoldi.","es":"Con su cintur\u00f3n de campe\u00f3n, sus luchas ten\u00edan muy buenas venta de boletos como en el Madison Square Garden, contra grandes oponentes, como Everett \"El Oso Rubio\" Marshall, o el tres veces campe\u00f3n Angelo Savoldi."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Are they real?","es":"\u00bfSon reales?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Just to emphasize this, this is what we're really talking about.","es":"Para hacer \u00e9nfasis en ello, esto es de lo que estoy hablando."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so this works the same way; you pick it up and pop it open.","es":"Y esto funciona de la misma manera; lo despegamos y abrimos."} {"gender":"male","en":"I put a team together.","es":"Arm\u00e9 un equipo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we started in 2006 as part of a team with Thinc Design to create the original master plan for the museum, and then we've done all the media design both for the museum and the memorial and then the media production.","es":"Comenzamos en el 2006 como parte de un equipo con Thinc Design para crear el plan maestro original para el museo, y hemos hecho todo el dise\u00f1o de medios tanto para el museo y el monumento y luego la producci\u00f3n de medios."} {"gender":"male","en":"But did you know about sleep's impact on your mental states?","es":"\u00bfPero saben del impacto del sue\u00f1o en sus estados mentales?"} {"gender":"male","en":"\"At least,\" as he wrote, \"when a robot dies, you don't have to write a letter to its mother.\"","es":"\"Al menos\", escribi\u00f3, \"cuando un robot muere, no hay necesidad de escribir una carta a su madre\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's 20 percent of the budget, and that presents a more difficult issue.","es":"Es el 20 % del presupuesto, y presenta un problema m\u00e1s dif\u00edcil."} {"gender":"female","en":"More underrepresented characters in terms of race and ethnicity, and most importantly, more women working behind the camera in key production roles.","es":"M\u00e1s personajes infrarrepresentados en cuesti\u00f3n de raza y etnicidad, y lo que es m\u00e1s importante, m\u00e1s mujeres trabajando detr\u00e1s de c\u00e1maras en papeles importantes de producci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And 1298 Ambulances decided that it was going to reinvent a completely broken industry, building an ambulance service in Bombay that would use the technology of Google Earth, a sliding scale pricing system so that all people could have access, and a severe and public decision not to engage in any form of corruption.","es":"Y la empresa \"1298 Ambulancias\" decidi\u00f3 que iba a reinventar una sector totalmente desestructurado, construyendo un servicio de ambulancias en Bombay que utilizara la tecnolog\u00eda de Google Earth, y una tarifa de precios escalada para que todas las personas puedan tener acceso, y con una voluntad p\u00fablica y muy firme de no involucrarse en ninguna forma de corrupci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is Bishop, one of our robots.","es":"Y este es Bishop, uno de nuestros robots."} {"gender":"female","en":"Sadly, Faiza is not alone.","es":"Lamentablemente, Faiza no es la \u00fanica."} {"gender":"male","en":"But then as it gets closer to the tree, look at the close-up.","es":"Pero entonces seg\u00fan se acerca al \u00e1rbol, miren la imagen en close-up."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's roaring silently with color and texture as it pours by mesmerizingly next to you.","es":"Un silencio ensordecedor con color y textura conforme pasa cautivante al lado de uno."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You all have heard of rap music, right?","es":"Todos han o\u00eddo hablar de la m\u00fasica rap, \u00bfverdad?"} {"gender":"female","en":"That's all he does now, and this is something that blogs have made possible.","es":"Eso es todo lo que hace ahora y los blogs lo hicieron posible."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And to try to understand how you can put together simple units, simple messages over space and time, in a network, and get this amazing human capacity to think about minds.","es":"Y para tratar de entender c\u00f3mo es posible configurar unidades simples, mensajes sencillos sobre el espacio y el tiempo en una red, y obtener esta sorprendente capacidad humana de pensar en las mentes."} {"gender":"male","en":"They've bounded the city with a line.","es":"Han rodeado la ciudad con una l\u00ednea."} {"gender":"male","en":"And you can see, over time, the ways the airports change.","es":"Y pueden ver, con el tiempo, c\u00f3mo cambian los aeropuertos."} {"gender":"male","en":"But she said, as he came to die, he sat up on the side of the bed one day, and he asked the nurse if he could see the chaplain.","es":"Pero ella dijo, que cuando se acercaba su muerte, un dia se sent\u00f3 en un lado de su cama, y le pidi\u00f3 a la enfermera si pod\u00eda ver al capell\u00e1n."} {"gender":"male","en":"The local police don't act, or if they do, there's not enough evidence, or for some reason we can't take them down.","es":"La polic\u00eda local no interviene y, si lo hace, nunca hay suficiente evidencia, o por alguna raz\u00f3n nunca pueden encarcelarlos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And there was no way to slow my heart rate down.","es":"Y no hab\u00eda forma de disminuir el pulso."} {"gender":"female","en":"If that makes you immediately feel a little bit wary, that's OK, that doesn't make you some kind of crazy conspiracy theorist, it makes you skeptical.","es":"Si eso les hace sentir recelosos de inmediato, est\u00e1 bien, eso no los vuelve unos locos de teor\u00edas de conspiraci\u00f3n, los vuelve esc\u00e9pticos."} {"gender":"female","en":"They told me a list of inspirations: blogs, celebrity news, fashion information.","es":"Y me enumeraron varias inspiraciones: blogs, noticias de celebridades, informaci\u00f3n de moda."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's the well-meaning support from people like me back in 2006, who visit these children and volunteer and donate, who are unwittingly fueling an industry that exploits children and tears families apart.","es":"Es el apoyo bien intencionado de personas como yo en 2006, que visitan a estos ni\u00f1os y se ofrecen voluntariamente y donan, que involuntariamente alimentan una industria que explora a los ni\u00f1os y desgarra a las familias."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm a puzzle guy.","es":"Soy un chico puzzle."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so what our nickname ended up becoming, and what ended up sticking, was the Lowline, so the Lowline was born.","es":"De ah\u00ed que nuestro apodo termin\u00f3 siendo, termin\u00f3 pegando el nombre, y naci\u00f3 la Low Line."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let me see.","es":"D\u00e9jenme ver."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"With this barcoded ID, a simple scan with a barcode reader quickly pulls up the patient's records.","es":"Con esta identificaci\u00f3n de c\u00f3digo de barras, con un simple escaneo con un lector de c\u00f3digo de barras r\u00e1pidamente se obtienen los historiales del paciente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Fermi then went on with the same blunt logic to disprove fairies, Sasquatch, God, the possibility of love, and thereafter, as you know, Enrico Fermi ate alone.","es":"Fermi siguio con esta misma l\u00f3gica contundente refutando hadas, Pies grandes, Dios, la posibilidad de amar, de ah\u00ed en adelante, como sabr\u00e1n, Enrico Fermi comer\u00eda solo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So it does seem to be that basking sharks, for some reason, have incredibly low diversity.","es":"As\u00ed que al parecer, por alguna raz\u00f3n, los tiburones peregrinos tienen una diversidad incre\u00edblemente baja."} {"gender":"male","en":"But it's an amazing gift to give a kid.","es":"Pero es un regalo maravilloso para un ni\u00f1o."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The director of the program said, \"Come back tomorrow.\"","es":"El director del programa dijo: \"Regresa ma\u00f1ana\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"But the periphery, countries like Greece and Turkey and others, will not look that good at all.","es":"Pero la periferia, pa\u00edses como Grecia, Turqu\u00eda y otros, no tendr\u00e1n tan buen aspecto."} {"gender":"female","en":"But we're really, really happy about who they are.","es":"Pero, estamos realmente muy contentos con lo que son."} {"gender":"female","en":"Another is what I call noticing.","es":"Otra es lo que llamo darse cuenta."} {"gender":"female","en":"We realized that we would have to do work on this condition ourselves to find solutions for ourselves and others like us.","es":"Nos dimos cuenta de que tendr\u00edamos que hacer nosotros mismos el trabajo para encontrar las respuestas a esta enfermedad."} {"gender":"male","en":"There you go.","es":"All\u00e1 vamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And generally we depict our ideas about this history in the form of trees like this.","es":"Por lo general representamos las ideas de esta historia con \u00e1rboles como \u00e9ste."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And we actually know where Brain came from.","es":"Y de hecho sabemos de d\u00f3nde sali\u00f3 Brain."} {"gender":"female","en":"Not just these prehistoric humans, but historical humans, indigenous people all the way up until the moment when the first colonizers showed up.","es":"No solo en la prehistoria, tambi\u00e9n en las poblaciones ind\u00edgenas hasta el momento en que los primeros colonizadores llegaron."} {"gender":"male","en":"So these are going to be fantastic for all kinds of different reasons.","es":"Van a ser geniales por m\u00faltiples razones."} {"gender":"female","en":"The fundamental question is this: How are we going to create economic growth in advanced and developed economies like the United States and across Europe at a time when they continue to struggle to create economic growth after the financial crisis?","es":"La pregunta fundamental es: \u00bfVamos a provocar un crecimiento en la econom\u00eda, en las econom\u00edas desarrolladas como en Estados Unidos y Europa en una \u00e9poca en la que ellos se esfuerzan por mejorar su econom\u00eda despu\u00e9s de la crisis financiera?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Democracy is not an overnight achievement; it's a process.","es":"La democracia no se logra de la noche a la ma\u00f1ana; es un proceso."} {"gender":"male","en":"But the crude oil is replaced with a battery.","es":"Pero el petr\u00f3leo crudo es reemplazado por una bater\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think, \"news you could use\" kind of concept here.","es":"Creo que es algo as\u00ed como \"informaci\u00f3n \u00fatil\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"What do you need?\"","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 necesitan?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"It would not take an awful lot to anticipate that after making 30,000 holes in the sea floor of the Gulf of Mexico looking for oil, oil might start coming out of one of them.","es":"No se necesitar\u00eda una gran cantidad para anticipar que despu\u00e9s de hacer 30.000 agujeros en el fondo marino del Golfo de M\u00e9xico en busca de petr\u00f3leo, el petr\u00f3leo podr\u00eda comenzar a salir de uno de ellos."} {"gender":"male","en":"My father answered it, and the soldiers ordered us out of our home.","es":"Mi padre atendi\u00f3 y los soldados ordenaron que salieramos de la casa."} {"gender":"male","en":"These aren't schizophrenic individuals, but they do show some population variation.","es":"Estas no son personas con esquizofrenia pero muestran cierta variaci\u00f3n de la poblaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Much later, in 2000, very recently, the new California energy crisis, what was purported to be a big energy crisis, was coming.","es":"Mucho despu\u00e9s, en 2000, recientemente, la nueva crisis energ\u00e9tica de California - o lo que aparentaba ser una gran crisis energ\u00e9tica, estaba por venir."} {"gender":"male","en":"So all the parameter fitting, and really the technology was stretched at that point to fit just Dan.","es":"As\u00ed que todo el ajuste de par\u00e1metros, y en realidad la tecnolog\u00eda, estaba hecha \u00fanicamente para ajustarse a Dan."} {"gender":"male","en":"What if it became normal for athletes to donate their brain after they died?","es":"\u00bfSi se volviera normal para los atletas donar sus cerebros tras morir?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I say we are ready for our own epic game.","es":"Estamos listos para nuestro propio juego \u00e9pico."} {"gender":"male","en":"I think they're arguing about the space on the pin.","es":"Pienso que est\u00e1n discutiendo por el espacio en el alfiler."} {"gender":"male","en":"There are only four periods in the last 500 years where media has changed enough to qualify for the label \"revolution.\"","es":"S\u00f3lo hay cuatro per\u00edodos en los \u00faltimos 500 a\u00f1os en que los medios han cambiado lo suficiente para ser catalogados de Revoluci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"They are the garbage collectors of our waters.","es":"Son los recolectores de basura del agua."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I did go out, and I did this picture of grasses coming through in the spring, along a roadside. This rebirth of grass.","es":"Y sal\u00ed fuera e hice esta imagen de hierba brotando en primavera, al lado de un camino Este renacimento de la hierba."} {"gender":"male","en":"I bring up this example to begin, because it emphasizes how little we know about nature.","es":"Para comenzar, traje este ejemplo porque enfatiza lo poco que conocemos sobre la naturaleza."} {"gender":"female","en":"No. So this is what I learned.","es":"No. Y esto es lo que aprend\u00ed insensibilizamos la vulnerabilidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"Social: 45 years of what?","es":"Social: \u00bf45 a\u00f1os de qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"male","en":"It only spoils the darkness.","es":"S\u00f3lo estropea la oscuridad."} {"gender":"female","en":"Every single person in this room is complicit in a Tubman-inspired takeover.","es":"Cada persona aqu\u00ed presente puede volverse una c\u00f3mplice y tomar el control de su salud inspirada por las acciones de Tubman."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's how the media works now.","es":"As\u00ed es como funcionan los medios ahora."} {"gender":"female","en":"We need to call this what it is: a great failure of religion.","es":"Tenemos que llamar a esto por su nombre: un gran fracaso de la religi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is a picture, a photograph of the Hubble Space Telescope taken by the shuttle Atlantis as it was departing after the last human space flight to Hubble.","es":"Esta es una imagen, una fotograf\u00eda del telescopio espacial Hubble tomada por el transbordador Atlantis, cuando part\u00eda despu\u00e9s del \u00faltimo vuelo espacial humano de Hubble."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was a joke.","es":"Era una broma."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, we need to be aware of what kind of signals we're sending out.","es":"Debemos estar conscientes del tipo de se\u00f1ales que estamos dando."} {"gender":"female","en":"Many, many species depend on them. So we were inspired by the oyster, but I was also inspired by the life cycle of the oyster.","es":"Muchas, muchas especies dependen de ellos, por eso el osti\u00f3n fue nuestra inspiraci\u00f3n y yo estaba admirada por su ciclo de vida."} {"gender":"female","en":"JF: We live five years longer than men.","es":"JF: Vivimos 5 a\u00f1os m\u00e1s que los hombres."} {"gender":"male","en":"Have you yourself experienced any of the syndromes you write about?","es":"\u00bfHa experimentado usted alguno de los s\u00edndromes de los que escribe?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And we will have to extract uranium from sea water, which is the yellow line, to make conventional nuclear power stations actually do very much for us.","es":"Y tendremos que extraer uranio del agua de mar. que es la l\u00ednea amarilla, para hacer que las estaciones nucleares de poder convencionales realmente hagan mucho m\u00e1s por nosotros."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What we need is a players' uprising. What we need is a players' uprising. What we need is a players' uprising.","es":"Lo que necesitamos es una insurrecci\u00f3n l\u00fadica. Hace falta una insurrecci\u00f3n l\u00fadica. Hace falta una insurrecci\u00f3n l\u00fadica."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I've picked two examples here, and I want to show you.","es":"He elegido dos ejemplos que quisiera mostrarles."} {"gender":"male","en":"So this is a favorite quote of mine that takes us back to the ignorance and the idea of questions.","es":"As\u00ed que esta es una de mis citas favoritas que nos lleva de regreso a la ignorancia y a la idea de las preguntas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the means, how does he do it?","es":"Y los medios. \u00bfC\u00f3mo es que lo logra?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's intentional.","es":"Eso es deliberado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It had never occurred to me, China doesn't have to be at the center of the world.","es":"Jam\u00e1s se me hab\u00eda ocurrido, que China no ten\u00eda que estar en el centro del mundo."} {"gender":"female","en":"This is a really amazing thing.","es":"Esto es algo realmente sorprendente."} {"gender":"male","en":"He is introduced to this young woman.","es":"Le presentan a una joven."} {"gender":"male","en":"We can't stop our kids from using it. We can only drive it underground.","es":"No podemos evitar que nuestros hijos la usen; s\u00f3lo podemos volverla clandestina."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so here's what I found.","es":"Y esto es lo que descubr\u00ed"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Let's call him Mike.","es":"Vamos a llamarlo Mike."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It would highlight the changes that are underway, but would more importantly give voice to the people who are willing to work to see a new world, a better world, come about.","es":"Esto resaltar\u00eda los cambios que se est\u00e1n dando, pero lo m\u00e1s importante es que les dar\u00eda una voz a las personas dispuestas a trabajar para crear un mundo nuevo, un mundo mejor."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"WHO stages the progress of a pandemic.","es":"La OMS establece niveles en el desarrollo de una pandemia."} {"gender":"male","en":"A man walks into a bank in Watsonville, California.","es":"Un hombre entra en un banco en Watsonville, California."} {"gender":"male","en":"But wait a minute. Remember under stress you're not thinking clearly.","es":"Pero un momento, recuerden que bajo estr\u00e9s no piensan con claridad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And we said, that's fine; let's meet; you'll bring us your business plan, which eventually they did.","es":"Y dijimos: bueno, reun\u00e1monos y tr\u00e1iganos su plan de negocio."} {"gender":"male","en":"Do you know what the size of life in this necktie will be?","es":"\u00bfSaben cu\u00e1l ser\u00e1 el tama\u00f1o de la vida en esta corbata?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The draft law says that government money should not be used to collect data on racial segregation.","es":"La proposici\u00f3n dice que el dinero del gobierno no debe usarse para recolectar datos sobre la segregaci\u00f3n racial."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the trial of fish oil pills.","es":"Es el ensayo con p\u00edldoras de aceite de pescado."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if we have another eight billion or seven billion, or six billion, even, people, living on a planet where their cities also steal the future, we're going to run out of future really fast.","es":"Y si tenemos otros 8.000 millones o 7.000 millones, o incluso 6.000 millones de personas que viven en un planeta cuyas ciudades tambi\u00e9n roban el futuro, nos vamos a quedar sin futuro muy r\u00e1pidamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"The more democratic our societies have been, the more equal they have been becoming.","es":"Cuanto m\u00e1s democr\u00e1ticas eran nuestras naciones, m\u00e1s igualitarias se volv\u00edan."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's a diagram like this for your brain, but there's no way it would fit on this slide.","es":"Hay un diagrama como este para nuestro cerebro pero no hay manera de que quepa en esta diapositiva."} {"gender":"male","en":"It didn't, by itself, contribute to particle physics.","es":"No lo hizo; no contribuy\u00f3, por s\u00ed mismo, a la f\u00edsica de part\u00edculas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Vivid, symbolic artwork is being created by our servicemen and women, and every work of art tells a story.","es":"Nuestros militares, hombres y mujeres est\u00e1n creando obras de arte v\u00edvidas y simb\u00f3licas, y cada obra cuenta una historia."} {"gender":"male","en":"The theory is that we can take the middle part of the medical process and turn that into data analysis as much as possible, leaving doctors to do what they're best at.","es":"La teor\u00eda es que podemos tomar media parte del proceso m\u00e9dico y convertirlo todo lo posible en an\u00e1lisis de datos, dejando a los m\u00e9dicos en lo que son mejores."} {"gender":"male","en":"But that's the closest approximation I can have to it.","es":"Es la analog\u00eda m\u00e1s cercana que se me ocurre."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then I needed some sort of way to be able to get back to all the wild dogs that surround my house, and attacked me during my morning walks.","es":"Y despu\u00e9s necesitaba una especie de manera de poder vengarme de todos los perros salvajes que rodeaban mi casa y me atacaban durante mis caminatas matutinas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So, here we are.","es":"Entonces, aqu\u00ed estamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, it's more like five percent.","es":"De hecho, es m\u00e1s bien un 5 %."} {"gender":"male","en":"We need to improve the necessary skills, and we need the courage to use them.","es":"Tenemos que mejorar las habilidades necesarias, y nos hace falta el valor para utilizarlas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it turns out that when you're anxious you squirt neural transmitters in the brain, which focuses you makes you depth-first.","es":"Cuando estamos nerviosos liberamos neurotransmisores en el cerebro que nos obligan a enfocarnos, procesamos \"en profundidad\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"We've shown you may be able to stop and reverse the progression of early prostate cancer and, by extension, breast cancer, simply by making these changes.","es":"Hemos mostrado que quiz\u00e1s seas capaz de detener y revertir el avance de c\u00e1ncer de pr\u00f3stata temprano, y por ende, c\u00e1ncer de mama, simplemente haciendo estos cambios."} {"gender":"female","en":"And she said to me, she said, \"You know, Margaret, I always used to say I didn't know what I wanted to be when I grow up.","es":"Y me dijo, \"Sabes, Margaret, siempre sol\u00eda decir que no sab\u00eda lo que quer\u00eda ser cuando creciera."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is so much more important than Xbox, but it's a lot less glitzy.","es":"Esto es tanto m\u00e1s importante que Xbox aunque sea mucho menos vistoso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They conducted a credit card fraud that netted them over 10 billion dollars.","es":"Llevaron a cabo un fraude con una tarjeta de cr\u00e9dito que les dej\u00f3 10 mil millones de d\u00f3lares."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There's no passing time with you, only collecting, the collecting of moments with the hope for preservation and at the same time release. Impossible?","es":"El tiempo no pasa contigo, s\u00f3lo atesorar, atesorar los momentos, con la esperanza de guardarlos y, al mismo tiempo liberarlos \u00bfImposible?"} {"gender":"male","en":"You take them off your wall, you plug them in.","es":"Los sueltas de tu pared. Los conectas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, he's saying, \"You're going to lay down your identity.","es":"Lo que Dios est\u00e1 diciendo aqu\u00ed es, \"Vas a despojarte de tu propia identidad\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's an incredible opportunity.","es":"Es una oportunidad incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The chimps don't watch the evening news, so the chimps, they choose by random, so the Swedes answer worse than random. Now how did you do? That's you.","es":"Los chimpanc\u00e9s no ven la noticias de la noche, as\u00ed que eligieron al azar, los suecos responden peor que dej\u00e1ndolo a la suerte Ahora, \u00bfc\u00f3mo lo hicieron Uds.?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I had to ask for help a lot of times across many states.","es":"Tuve que pedir ayuda muchas veces en muchos estados."} {"gender":"male","en":"And you know about the Internet-based self-organizing systems.","es":"Y ustedes saben sobre los sistemas auto-organizados basados en Internet."} {"gender":"female","en":"And now his shoulder says, \"Wino forever.\"","es":"Y ahora su hombro se lee: \u201cWino para siempre.\u201d"} {"gender":"male","en":"He will protect his own people, and answer the prayers of the faithful.","es":"\u00c9l proteger\u00e1 a su propio pueblo, y responder\u00e1 las plegarias de los fieles."} {"gender":"female","en":"And in this case, instead of magnets or muscles to move this around, we use rockets.","es":"Y en este caso, en lugar de imanes o m\u00fasculos para moverse, usamos cohetes."} {"gender":"male","en":"One thing, though, Harvard remembers.","es":"Una cosa, sin embargo, recuerda Harvard."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We're marching across the country, state by state, marriage-equality style.","es":"Estamos marchando en todo el pa\u00eds, estado por estado, como hicimos para la igualdad de matrimonio."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the audition for \"King Kong.\"","es":"Es la audici\u00f3n para King Kong."} {"gender":"female","en":"But since then, the park that was just a dump and was featured at a TED2006 Talk became this little thing.","es":"Pero desde entonces el parque que era un basurero y fue presentado en una TEDTalk en 2006 se convirti\u00f3 en esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"I am proof that there is hope.","es":"Yo soy la prueba de que hay esperanza."} {"gender":"female","en":"I would like us to work towards that.","es":"Me gustar\u00eda que trabaj\u00e1ramos con ese objetivo."} {"gender":"male","en":"What I said about there being no non-aging species earlier on was a little bit of an oversimplification.","es":"Lo que he dicho hace un rato sobre la existencia de especies que no envejecen fue un poco una simplificaci\u00f3n excesiva."} {"gender":"female","en":"In the past few months, I've been traveling for weeks at a time with only one suitcase of clothes.","es":"En los \u00faltimos meses, he estado viajando durante semanas con solo una maleta de ropa."} {"gender":"male","en":"The problem, however, is that mapping human social networks is not always possible.","es":"El problema, sin embargo, es que el mapeo de redes sociales humanas no siempre es posible."} {"gender":"male","en":"In Africa last year, Africans ate 600 million wild animals, and consumed two billion kilograms of bush meat.","es":"En Africa el a\u00f1o pasado, los Africanos comieron 600 millones de animales salvajes, y consumieron dos billones de kilos de carne."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"And there was cameras all around and neighbors all around.","es":"Y hab\u00eda c\u00e1maras y vecinos por todas partes."} {"gender":"male","en":"I want to visit 25 American cities, and I want to shoot 4,000 or 5,000 people.","es":"Quiero visitar 25 ciudades estadounidenses, y quiero fotografiar a 4 \u00f3 5000 personas."} {"gender":"female","en":"Maybe a sobering thought and something you all know about.","es":"Tal vez un pensamiento serio, y algo que todos ustedes conocen."} {"gender":"male","en":"PS: Don't get off.","es":"\"NO TE QUITES."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In a camp with 90,000 people, you have to come up with some rules or there is going to be some fights.","es":"En un campamento de 90 000 personas, uno tiene que contar con algunas reglas o de lo contrario va a haber peleas."} {"gender":"male","en":"We could build a system that would allow us to stop this using what's already there.","es":"Pod\u00edamos construir un sistema que detuviera la tala usando lo que ya estaba all\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What kind of specific challenges do you have, and how do you overcome them?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 tipo de desaf\u00edos espec\u00edficos enfrentas y c\u00f3mo los superas?"} {"gender":"female","en":"I mean, from this entry, it would seem that I was born into a world that perceived someone like me to have nothing positive whatsoever going for them, when in fact, today I'm celebrated for the opportunities and adventures my life has procured.","es":"Quiero decir, de acuerdo a esta definici\u00f3n, parecer\u00eda que nac\u00ed en un mundo que percib\u00eda que alguien como yo no ten\u00eda absolutamente nada positivo para darle, cuando, de hecho, hoy en d\u00eda soy c\u00e9lebre por las oportunidades y aventuras que mi vida me ha brindado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Of course, what happens when they eat the potato chips?","es":"Por supuesto, \u00bfqu\u00e9 pasa cuando comen las papas fritas?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So if the car ahead of me on I-94 hits traffic, it will immediately alert my car and tell my car to reroute itself to get me home in the best possible way.","es":"De manera que si el auto delante de m\u00ed en la I-94 encuentra tr\u00e1fico, alertar\u00e1 inmediatamente a mi auto y le dir\u00e1 que cambie de direcci\u00f3n para llevarme a casa de la mejor manera posible."} {"gender":"male","en":"So it was in this environment that we began working.","es":"Empezamos en ese entorno."} {"gender":"male","en":"The U.S. economy was plummeting into the Great Depression and policy makers were struggling to respond.","es":"La econom\u00eda de EE.UU. se desplomaba en la Gran Depresi\u00f3n y los pol\u00edticos daban batalla para responder."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is equally tragic.","es":"Esto es muy tr\u00e1gico."} {"gender":"male","en":"Despite this constraint, the Pan-African economy is booming.","es":"A pesar de esta restricci\u00f3n, la econom\u00eda panafricana est\u00e1 en auge."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's not just Internet or no Internet.","es":"Y no s\u00f3lo es una cuesti\u00f3n de Internet o no Internet."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Just think of the Bible.","es":"Solo piensen en la Biblia."} {"gender":"male","en":"And, for example, Wolfram Alpha and Mathematica are actually now full of algorithms that we discovered by searching the computational universe.","es":"Y, por ejemplo, Wolfram Alpha y Mathematica est\u00e1n de hecho ahora llenos de algoritmos que decubrimos buscando en el universo computacional."} {"gender":"male","en":"Love does not die because of that thing.","es":"El amor no muere por esas cosas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"History was real, cultures were real, but countries were invented.","es":"La historia era verdadera, las culturas eran reales, pero los pa\u00edses eran inventados."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"Transgender?","es":"\"\u00bfTransg\u00e9nero?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If we can lower the barriers to farming, building, manufacturing, then we can unleash just massive amounts of human potential.","es":"Reduciendo las barreras a la agricultura, la construcci\u00f3n, la fabricaci\u00f3n, podemos liberar much\u00edsimo potencial humano."} {"gender":"female","en":"People could starve and governments may fall.","es":"La gente podr\u00eda morir de hambre y los gobiernos podr\u00edan caer."} {"gender":"female","en":"The issue is what happens with these guys that actually indulge into playing video games like five hours per week, 10 hours per week, 15 hours per week.","es":"El problema es lo que ocurre con esos chicos que pasan jugando videojuegos unas 5 horas a la semana, 10 horas a la semana, 15 horas a la semana."} {"gender":"male","en":"Most people are walking around saying, \"You know, my ideology is based on basic benevolence, I want to help people, but the other guys, they're evil and out to get me.\"","es":"La mayor\u00eda de la gente por ah\u00ed dice: \"Sabe, mi ideolog\u00eda se basa en la benevolencia b\u00e1sica, quiero ayudar a la gente, pero los otros, est\u00e1n mal y en mi contra\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"Because we rate them on all these variables related to competence, like, how well-structured is the speech?","es":"Los calificamos en todas las variables relacionadas con la competencia, como, \u00bfQu\u00e9 tan estructurado es su discurso?"} {"gender":"male","en":"This cannot be.\"","es":"Esto no puede ser\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"These ecosystems are really important to the Montana brewers and their customers.","es":"Estos ecosistemas son muy importantes para los cerveceros de Montana y sus clientes."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I asked a gay girl that I met, \"How'd you know you weren't a virgin anymore?\"","es":"As\u00ed que le pregunt\u00e9 a una chica gay que conoc\u00ed: \"\u00bfC\u00f3mo supiste que ya no eras virgen?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"female","en":"For most Western young women of today, being called a \"feminist\" is an insult.","es":"Para la mayor\u00eda de las mujeres j\u00f3venes occidentales de hoy ser llamada feminista es un insulto."} {"gender":"female","en":"Where am I from?","es":"\u00bfDe d\u00f3nde soy?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Those petals have to rotate into place.","es":"Esos p\u00e9talos tienen que girar en su lugar."} {"gender":"female","en":"Sometimes I'd be with Mau on a cloud-covered night and we'd sit at the easternmost coast of the island, and he would look out, and then he would say, \"Okay, we go.\"","es":"A veces estaba con Mau en una noche cubierta de nubes, nos sent\u00e1bamos en la costa oriental de la isla, echaba un vistazo y luego dec\u00eda: \"Bien, vamos\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"When images are formed, a higher part of the visual cortex is involved, in the temporal lobe.","es":"Cuando se forman las im\u00e1genes una mayor parte del cortex visual est\u00e1 involucrado en el l\u00f3bulo temporal."} {"gender":"male","en":"Can we read the books and predict your height?","es":"Podemos leer los libros y predecir su altura?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And it's a very horrible thing to see anarchy, to know that the police and the military, there were lots of military troops there, actually can't stop that rampaging mob who's coming down the street.","es":"Y es horrible ver a la anarqu\u00eda, saber que la polic\u00eda y los militares -hab\u00edan montones de tropas all\u00ed- en realidad no pueden parar la turba avasalladora que viene acerc\u00e1ndose por la calle."} {"gender":"male","en":"When I call to leave you a message, I get 15 seconds of instructions from a third-grade teacher on Ambien!","es":"Cuando llamo para dejar un mensaje, \u00a1recibo 15 segundos de instrucciones de una maestra de tercer grado que tom\u00f3 Ambien!"} {"gender":"female","en":"When you meet people who seem like an exception to the rule, oftentimes it's that the rule is broken, not that they're an exception to it.","es":"Cuando encuentras gente que parece la excepci\u00f3n, muchas veces es la norma la que se ha roto, y no es que sean la excepci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Manchester Craftsmen's Guild is named after my neighborhood.","es":"La Asociaci\u00f3n de Artesanos Manchester se llama as\u00ed por mi barrio."} {"gender":"male","en":"Again, it's a mobile phone-shaped box, and this one can change its shape.","es":"Es una caja con forma de m\u00f3vil. Y esta puede cambiar su forma."} {"gender":"female","en":"The other day, I was talking to the CEO of a leading international hotel brand, and as is often the case, we got onto the topic of Airbnb.","es":"El otro d\u00eda estaba hablando con el director general de una cadena de hoteles puntera internacionalmente y, como suele suceder, abordamos el tema de Airbnb."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm not sure \"cool\" is really the right word, but you know what I mean.","es":"No estoy segura si la palabra \"genial\" es la correcta, pero Uds. me entienden."} {"gender":"male","en":"Things were Euclidian, Newtonian, somewhat predictable.","es":"Las cosas eran euclidianas, newtonianas, predecibles."} {"gender":"male","en":"I know the Google geniuses I saw here, I mean, I understand that their decision was to sell their technology.","es":"S\u00e9 que los genios de Google que v\u00ed aqu\u00ed, Quiero decir, entiendo que su decisi\u00f3n al principio era vender su tecnolog\u00eda."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Proofing means to prove that the dough is alive. And at stage nine we get the dough to the final shape, and it goes into the oven, stage 10.","es":"De prueba porque se prueba que la masa est\u00e1 viva; en la novena etapa es cuando le damos forma final a la masa y entra al horno, la d\u00e9cima etapa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And they really preferred that the money would be used for higher salaries, more schools, whatever. And now, three and a half years later, guess what?","es":"Prefer\u00edan que ese dinero se usara en salarios, m\u00e1s escuelas, etc. Ahora, tres a\u00f1os y medio despu\u00e9s, adivinen."} {"gender":"male","en":"He wrote: \"I think that tastes, odors, colors, and so on reside in consciousness.","es":"Escribi\u00f3: \"Creo que los gustos, olores, colores, etc. residen en la conciencia."} {"gender":"male","en":"They can be.","es":"Ellos pueden ser."} {"gender":"male","en":"Justice is something that people of goodwill make happen.","es":"La justicia es algo que las personas de buena fe logran."} {"gender":"female","en":"I mean, do you worry about the Pandora's box issue here?","es":"Es decir, \u00bfno te preocupa el efecto de la caja de Pandora aqu\u00ed?"} {"gender":"male","en":"It means in my language, thank you very much.","es":"Lo que en mi lengua significa, muchas gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what's Africa looking like today?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfc\u00f3mo se ve \u00c1frica hoy?"} {"gender":"male","en":"He said in his lifetime he had climbed a great mountain, the mountain of challenging and then defeating racial oppression and defeating apartheid.","es":"Dijo que en su vida hab\u00eda escalado una gran monta\u00f1a, la monta\u00f1a del reto y entonces venci\u00f3 la opresi\u00f3n racial y venci\u00f3 el apartheid."} {"gender":"male","en":"1960s, 1980s.","es":"1960, 1980."} {"gender":"male","en":"My name is Amit.","es":"Mi nombre es Amit."} {"gender":"female","en":"Why do I call it a book?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 lo llamo libro?"} {"gender":"female","en":"One of the women whose time log I studied goes out on a Wednesday night for something.","es":"Una de las mujeres que analic\u00e9 sale un mi\u00e9rcoles por la noche para algo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So there's a long history of extraordinary state infrastructural projects in China, which I suppose helps us to explain what we see today, which is something like the Three Gorges Dam and many other expressions of state competence within China.","es":"As\u00ed que hay una larga historia de proyectos de infraestructura estatales extraordinarios en China, que supongo nos ayudan a explicar lo que vemos hoy, algo as\u00ed como la Represa de las Tres Gargantas y muchas otras expresiones de competencia estatal dentro de China."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's why, now, the new breakthroughs, the new frontiers in terms of oil extraction are scrambling about in Alberta, or at the bottom of the oceans.","es":"Y por eso, ahora, los nuevos avances, las nuevas fronteras en t\u00e9rminos de extracci\u00f3n de petr\u00f3leo est\u00e1n pugnando en Alberta, o en el fondo de los oc\u00e9anos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This guy is sitting here working on his computer, and yet he could be thinking about the vacation he had last month, wondering what he's going to have for dinner.","es":"Este hombre est\u00e1 sentado aqu\u00ed trabajando en su computadora, y sin embargo podr\u00eda estar pensando en las vacaciones que tuvo el mes pasado, pregunt\u00e1ndose qu\u00e9 va a cenar."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a funny thing because the rest of us occupy it quite frequently and quite well.","es":"Es algo gracioso porque nosotros lo empleamos con frecuencia y bastante bien."} {"gender":"female","en":"Sleep deprivation among American teenagers is an epidemic.","es":"Hay una epidemia de privaci\u00f3n del sue\u00f1o entre los adolescentes estadounidenses."} {"gender":"male","en":"Let's first visit our planet, but at night, and from space.","es":"Visitemos primero nuestro planeta, pero de noche, y desde el espacio."} {"gender":"male","en":"When you bring people into the laboratory and you ask them if they're willing to engage in safe but disgusting behaviors like eating chocolate that's been baked to look like dog poop, or in this case eating some mealworms that are perfectly healthy but pretty gross, your score on that scale actually predicts whether or not you'll be willing to engage in those behaviors.","es":"Cuando traes a la gente al laboratorio y les preguntas si estar\u00edan dispuestos a hacer cosas sin riesgo pero asquerosas, como comer chocolate con forma de caca de perro, o en este caso comer gusanos de harina que son perfectamente saludables pero muy asquerosos, la puntuaci\u00f3n en esta escala predice si vas a estar dispuesto a hacer estas cosas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the film \"Jurassic Park\" actually really helped us.","es":"Nos ayud\u00f3 la pel\u00edcula \"Parque Jur\u00e1sico\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, God, in Her infinite wisdom, gave us a second human need, which is uncertainty.","es":"Por lo tanto Dios, en Su infinita sabidur\u00eda, nos dio una segunda necesidad, que es la incertidumbre."} {"gender":"female","en":"We need a lot more of that, and a lot less abstract stuff.","es":"Necesitamos mucho m\u00e1s de eso y mucho menos cosas abstractas."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's a box-set solution from the World Bank where we come in and we do all the things you need to attract private-sector investors.","es":"Es un conjunto de propuestas del Banco Mundial donde proponemos desde dentro lo necesario para atraer inversores privados."} {"gender":"male","en":"Dentistry might seem, and I think it is, many dentists would have to acknowledge it's somewhat of a mundane backwater of medicine.","es":"La odontolog\u00eda puede parecer, y yo creo que lo es, muchos dentistas tendr\u00e1n que reconocer que es la parte estancada de la medicina."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that's what we've done.","es":"Y eso es lo que hemos hecho."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Back to the 3D-printing thing and this whole process: we have a process that lends itself to making one thing per person; it's very individual, and it actually really lends itself well to complexity.","es":"Volviendo a la impresi\u00f3n en 3D y todo este proceso: tenemos un proceso que se presta para hacer una cosa por persona; es muy individual, y realmente se presta bien a la complejidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"To get rid of an odd habit he had of involuntarily lifting his shoulder, he practiced his speeches in front of a mirror, and he suspended a sword from the ceiling so that if he raised his shoulder, it would hurt.","es":"Para deshacerse de un extra\u00f1o h\u00e1bito de levantar involuntariamente su hombro, practic\u00f3 sus discursos en frente de un espejo, y colg\u00f3 una espada del techo para que, si levantaba su hombro, se lastimara."} {"gender":"female","en":"I don't know about you. But anyway, You know, they make me stronger, they make me smarter, they make me braver.","es":"No s\u00e9 t\u00fa, pero en fin Ya saben, ellas me hacen m\u00e1s fuerte, m\u00e1s inteligente, m\u00e1s valiente."} {"gender":"male","en":"So Nick, while the paper was in review, went to the lab.","es":"Mientras que el art\u00edculo estaba en revisi\u00f3n, Nick y yo fuimos al laboratorio."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was defying the most traditional part of myself for the first time in my entire life.","es":"Estaba desafiando la parte m\u00e1s tradicional de m\u00ed por primera vez en toda mi vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"The fact that I know something has zero value if I'm not the person who can actually make something better because of it.","es":"Saber algo no tiene absolutamente ning\u00fan valor si no soy la persona que puede en verdad hacer algo mejor porque lo s\u00e9."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, things changed when I discovered African books.","es":"Todo cambi\u00f3 cuando descubr\u00ed los libros africanos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"For one hour a day they're brought to these bleak and bland exercise yards.","es":"Durante una hora diaria acuden a \u00e1reas deportivas l\u00fagubres."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But that's totally another and separate topic.","es":"Pero ese es otro tema."} {"gender":"male","en":"I've got some of the pieces in my pocket here.","es":"Tengo algunas de las piezas aqu\u00ed en mi bolsillo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They didn't triple their sales with advertising; they tripled it by doing something remarkable.","es":"No triplicaron sus ventas con publicidad, las triplicaron haciendo algo extraordinario."} {"gender":"female","en":"Her default position toward me, as an African, was a kind of patronizing, well-meaning pity.","es":"Su posici\u00f3n por omisi\u00f3n ante m\u00ed, como africana, se reduc\u00eda a una l\u00e1stima condescendiente."} {"gender":"male","en":"And finally, we looked at predator-prey behavior. And predator-prey behavior is an interesting thing, because as we take away some of the predators on these coral reefs around the world, the prey, or the forage fish, act very differently.","es":"Finalmente, vemos el comportamiento predador-presa. el comportamiento predador-presa es interesante, porque al remover algunos predadores en estos arrecifes de coral alrededor del mundo, la presa, o el pez forrajero, act\u00faa muy diferente."} {"gender":"male","en":"So actually, I took a carton of orange juice and I poured it in the glass to take this picture.","es":"As\u00ed que tom\u00e9 un cart\u00f3n de jugo de naranja y serv\u00ed un vaso para tomar la foto."} {"gender":"female","en":"So what can we do?","es":"Entonces, \u00bfqu\u00e9 podemos hacer?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So if this is true, what can we do?","es":"As\u00ed, si esto es verdad, \u00bfqu\u00e9 podemos hacer?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, 15 years of collaboration with neuroscience and epigenetics said yes, our brains change when you train in altruism.","es":"Y 15 a\u00f1os colaborando con la neurociencia y la epigen\u00e9tica dijeron que s\u00ed, que nuestro cerebro cambia si se entrena en el altruismo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And then you go to the \"Prevent\" column.","es":"Y despu\u00e9s est\u00e1 la columna de \"Prevenir\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"The enzymes remanufactured the hydrocarbons into carbohydrates, fungal sugars.","es":"Las enzimas procesaron los hidrocarburos en carbohidratos, az\u00facar de hongos."} {"gender":"male","en":"That was enough life for her.","es":"Para ella eso era suficiente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, here come two more people, and immediately after, three more people.","es":"Aqu\u00ed vienen 2 m\u00e1s, e inmediatamente despu\u00e9s, 3 personas m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"Do women feel pity for you and have sex with you more frequently?\"","es":"\u00bfLas mujeres sienten pena por t\u00ed y tienes sexo con m\u00e1s frecuencia?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And she and her family fled Syria through the desert into Jordan and she's been living in this camp for the last year and a half.","es":"Ella y su familia huyeron a Jordania a trav\u00e9s del desierto sirio, y vive en este campamento desde hace m\u00e1s de un a\u00f1o y medio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The myths about the hymen have lived on for centuries because they have cultural significance.","es":"Los mitos sobre el himen han prevalecido durante siglos porque tienen un significado cultural."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in fact, the animal contacts other parts of its leg more frequently than the traditionally defined foot.","es":"Y, de hecho, el animal hace contacto con otras partes de su pata m\u00e1s seguido que con el pie definido tradicionalmente."} {"gender":"male","en":"They implicated actually, the Spanish government, amazingly.","es":"Hasta implicaron al gobierno espa\u00f1ol, incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"female","en":"Hi, everyone.","es":"Hola a todos."} {"gender":"male","en":"This inhibits abnormal angiogenesis, by 60 percent.","es":"Esto inhibe la angiog\u00e9nesis anormal en un 60%."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I'm also a little nervous about this. There are nine billion humans coming our way.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n estoy un poco preocupado por esto: hay 9.000 millones de humanos en nuestro camino."} {"gender":"male","en":"And as you sink and drift and float into this relaxed state of mind, I'm going to take your left hand, and just place it up here.","es":"Y mientras te hundes, te sueltas y entras flotando en un estado de relajaci\u00f3n mental, voy a tomar tu mano izquierda y la voy a poner aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Think about it.","es":"Pi\u00e9nsenlo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You might have them start paying attention to price, paying attention to how much they buy, sort of keeping track of their monkey token, as it were.","es":"Pueden verlos comenzar a prestar atenci\u00f3n al precio, prestar atenci\u00f3n a cu\u00e1nto compran --llevando una especie de registro de sus mono-fichas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Good.","es":"Bien."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is like robotics without wires or motors.","es":"Y esto es como la rob\u00f3tica pero sin cables ni motores."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is not just a curiosity, because it changes not just the iconography as you see it, but the iconology, the meaning of the painting, and we believe this is a cool way, easy way, that everybody could have access to, to become more the protagonist of your own discovery, and not just be so passive about it, as we are when we walk through endless rooms of museums.","es":"Esto no es s\u00f3lo una curiosidad, sino que cambia no s\u00f3lo la iconograf\u00eda tal como la ven, sino la iconolog\u00eda, el significado de la pintura, y creemos que esta es una manera genial, muy f\u00e1cil, de que todo el mundo tenga acceso a, se vuelva m\u00e1s protagonista del propio descubrimiento y no un mero espectador pasivo, como lo somos al recorrer las salas interminables de los museos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Something we don't have an evolutionary reason to do, we don't have a specialized part of the brain for, and we don't do that many hours of the day.","es":"Algo para lo que no tenemos ninguna raz\u00f3n evolutiva de hacer. No tenemos una parte especializada del cerebro y tampoco lo hacemos tantas horas al d\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm telling you this story because Archie Cochrane, all his life, fought against a terrible affliction, and he realized it was debilitating to individuals and it was corrosive to societies.","es":"He tra\u00eddo esto porque Archie Cochrane, toda su vida, tuvo que luchar contra una terrible dolencia. \u00c9l se daba cuenta de algo que debilita a las personas y corroe a las sociedades."} {"gender":"female","en":"Someone had accused me of being North Korean, so they tested my Chinese language abilities, and asked me tons of questions.","es":"Alguien me hab\u00eda acusado por ser norcoreana, entonces examinaron mis habilidades en el idioma chino y me hicieron muchas preguntas."} {"gender":"female","en":"But we can do something better than that.","es":"Aunque podemos hacer algo mejor que eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"And then this is amazing.","es":"Y esto es asombroso."} {"gender":"male","en":"Because when I was a kid, I also played a lot of guitar.","es":"Porque cuando era ni\u00f1o tambi\u00e9n tocaba mucho la guitarra."} {"gender":"male","en":"Or Murray Hill.","es":"O Murray Hill."} {"gender":"male","en":"I have no idea whether it makes any difference, but he seemed to make sense, and I wasn't going to test the hypothesis that he'd be wrong.","es":"No tengo idea si sirve de algo, pero parec\u00eda tener sentido, y no pretend\u00eda probar la hip\u00f3tesis de que estuviera equivocado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Because basically, he doesn't service them.","es":"Porque b\u00e1sicamente, no les da servicio."} {"gender":"male","en":"We know there's more than enough energy to power this movement.","es":"Sabemos que hay energ\u00eda m\u00e1s que suficiente para alimentar este movimiento."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you drill water to make coke near a village farm, that's not illegal, but yes, it costs the community.","es":"Si se usa agua para hacer coca cerca de una granja rural, no es ilegal, pero s\u00ed, le cuesta a la comunidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"The only reason I am who I am is because of my losses, and some of them are extremely painful, but I wouldn't take any of them away, because every time I lose, it takes a really long time for me to lose again because I learn so much from it.","es":"La \u00fanica raz\u00f3n por la que soy quien soy es por mis derrotas, y algunos de ellas son extremadamente dolorosas, pero no me gustar\u00eda borrar ninguna de ellas, porque cada vez que pierdo, tardo un tiempo muy largo en perder de nuevo porque aprendo mucho de eso."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then finally, give your company a name add a few more details and make your payment.","es":"Y, finalmente, le ponen un nombre a su empresa, completan unos detallitos m\u00e1s y realizan el pago."} {"gender":"male","en":"We need to spend time now to really protect our right to share this only with people that we want to share this with, because without this, we simply can't have a free society.","es":"Tenemos que invertir tiempo ahora para proteger nuestro derecho a compartir con las personas con las que queremos compartir, porque sin esto, sencillamente no tenemos una sociedad libre."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"After all, there are huge military police prisons and financial establishments benefiting from this war.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de todo, hay enormes prisiones de la polic\u00eda militar y establecimientos financieros que se benefician de esta guerra."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And then he turned to me, not stupidly, and he said, \"What was your childhood like?\"","es":"Y entonces \u00e9l se volte\u00f3 hacia m\u00ed, no est\u00fapidamente, y me dijo, \"\u00bfComo fue su infancia?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"Audience: Shake.","es":"Audiencia: \"Sacudir\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"To reach out to another man when you need help?","es":"\u00bfPara llegar a otro hombre cuando necesita ayuda?"} {"gender":"female","en":"So those are the questions that my colleagues and I at D-Rev ask ourselves.","es":"As\u00ed que esas son las preguntas que mis colegas y yo en D-Rev nos hacemos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And the third of these big changes: accountability.","es":"Y el tercero de esos grandes cambios, la rendici\u00f3n de cuentas."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm a huge fan of biological controls, and I share that view with Rachel Carson, author of \"Silent Spring,\" the book that is credited with starting the environmental movement.","es":"Soy una fan de los controles biol\u00f3gicos, igual que Rachel Carson, la autora de \"Silent Spring\", el libro que inici\u00f3 el movimiento ambientalista."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"All the way back into early philosophy and certainly throughout the history of neuroscience, this has been one mystery that has always resisted elucidation, has got major controversies.","es":"Desde los comienzos de la filosof\u00eda y sin duda, a lo largo de la historia de la neurociencia, \u00e9ste ha sido un misterio que siempre se ha resistido a la elucidaci\u00f3n, y ha planteado grandes controversias."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And all of the sudden, it brought a lot of money and a lot of attention.","es":"Y de repente, me llega much\u00edsimo dinero y atenci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"What I want to do this afternoon is something a little different than what's scheduled.","es":"Lo que quiero hacer esta tarde es algo un poco diferente de lo programado."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I'm holding it, and I'm about to touch that tube on its shoulder, and when I do, you'll see bioluminescence coming out.","es":"Aqu\u00ed lo estoy sosteniendo, y estoy a punto de tocar ese tubo de su hombro, y cuando lo haga, ver\u00e1n salir la luminiscencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then we've got to gather our data and then go verify.","es":"Luego deb\u00edamos recabar los datos y verificarlos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I'll just play the shot once.","es":"Voy a pasar la toma una vez."} {"gender":"male","en":"The center for disease control says that men's violence against women is at epidemic proportions, is the number one health concern for women in this country and abroad.","es":"El Centro de Control de Enfermedades dice que la violencia masculina contra las mujeres ya es epid\u00e9mica; es el problema de salud principal de las mujeres, en el pa\u00eds y en el extranjero."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"I want to hold my breath for a really long time.","es":"\"Quiero aguantar la respiraci\u00f3n durante mucho tiempo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so I start thinking, Max Miedinger and all those Swiss designers together, trying to outdo Akzidenz-Grotesk, and come up with a new sans-serif typeface, and the movie starts playing in my head already.","es":"Y entonces comienzo a pensar: Max Miedinger, y todos aquellos dise\u00f1adores suizos reunidos, intentando superar Akzidenz Grotesk, y emergen con una nueva tipograf\u00eda sin serifas. Y la pel\u00edcula comienza a proyectarse en mi cabeza inmediatamente."} {"gender":"male","en":"You see, deaths from natural disasters in the world, you can see it from this graph here, from 1900 to 2000.","es":"Ver\u00e1n, muertes por desastres naturales en el mundo, pueden verlas en este gr\u00e1fico aqu\u00ed desde 1900 a 2000."} {"gender":"female","en":"JC: I'm going to ask you one follow-up question, too, Sara, as the generalist.","es":"JC: Te har\u00e9 una pregunta de seguimiento, tambi\u00e9n, Sara, como generalista."} {"gender":"male","en":"TK: The red stars represent significant events in Chicago's history.","es":"Las estrellas rojas representan pasajes hist\u00f3ricos locales importantes."} {"gender":"male","en":"What do you do?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 se puede hacer?"} {"gender":"female","en":"When I say we should use our emotions in science, I do not suggest we should use feelings instead of facts. But I say we should not be afraid of using our feelings to implement and to catalyze fact-based science and innovation.","es":"Cuando digo que debemos usar nuestras emociones en la ciencia, no sugiero que deber\u00edamos usar sentimientos en lugar de hechos; sino que no deber\u00edamos tener miedo a usar nuestros sentimientos para implementar y catalizar la ciencia basada en hechos e innovaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"There's also the issue of timescales, because some processes take place on a scale of seconds, some minutes, some days, months and years.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n est\u00e1 el tema de las escalas temporales, porque algunos procesos ocurren en una escala de segundos, o minutos, o d\u00edas, meses o a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"I had called her my auntie.","es":"Yo la llamaba mi t\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"To me, this is the saddest and most painful question that people ask, because we victims know something you usually don't: It's incredibly dangerous to leave an abuser.","es":"Para m\u00ed esta es la pregunta m\u00e1s triste y dolorosa que hace la gente, porque nosotras, las v\u00edctimas, sabemos algo que normalmente Uds. ignoran: es incre\u00edblemente peligroso abandonar a un maltratador."} {"gender":"male","en":"Kay, now can you see anything? Pull it so you can't even see down. Woman: It's completely blind now, right? Girl: Yes.","es":"Bien, \u00bfves algo? - No. B\u00e1jalo as\u00ed no puedes ver hacia abajo. - OK. - No ves nada, \u00bfverdad? - S\u00ed. - OK."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's literally all it is.\"","es":"Eso es, literalmente, todo lo que es\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's a target somewhere here.","es":"En alg\u00fan lugar de aqu\u00ed hay un objetivo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And there's some great ideas already in our patch.","es":"Y ya hay algunas ideas geniales en nuestro terreno."} {"gender":"male","en":"I found these rules out by comparing the statistics of four-word phrases that appear more often in the most favorite TEDTalks as opposed to the least favorite TEDTalks.","es":"Las encontr\u00e9 comparando las estad\u00edsticas de las frases de 4 palabras que m\u00e1s aparecen en las TED Talks preferidas, de manera opuesta a las menos preferidas."} {"gender":"male","en":"CR: It's a balloon.","es":"CR: Es un globo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I thought that might be a fun thing to talk about for a second.","es":"Pens\u00e9 que podr\u00eda ser divertido hablar de esto unos segundos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Multiply that times over a thousand.","es":"Multipliquen eso por mil."} {"gender":"female","en":"And boy, they succeeded, because women did indeed get the vote in 1928.","es":"Y s\u00ed que tuvieron \u00e9xito, porque las mujeres votaron en 1928."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You know Tom Friedman says, \"If you don't go, you don't know\"?","es":"Ya saben lo que dice Tom Friedman, \"Si no vas, No sabes?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"So just go here, and please add more images, of course.","es":"As\u00ed que solo vayan all\u00ed, y por favor agreguen m\u00e1s im\u00e1genes, por supuesto."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if I were even higher, I would see that even more clearly, higher than that, more clearly still, higher enough, and it would close, and you would get the circle of Earth from space.","es":"Si hubiera estado en un puesto m\u00e1s alto, hubiera visto eso m\u00e1s claramente; desde much\u00edsimo m\u00e1s arriba habr\u00eda visto el c\u00edrculo terrestre desde el espacio."} {"gender":"female","en":"Conflict is the genesis of creation.","es":"El conflicto es la g\u00e9nesis de la creaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"All these studies have the same clear message: if you want to persuade someone on some policy, it's helpful to connect that policy to their underlying moral values.","es":"Todos estos estudios tienen un mensaje claro: si quieren persuadir a alguien de alguna pol\u00edtica es \u00fatil conectar esa pol\u00edtica con sus valores morales subyacentes."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I'd like to share with you a story about a self-study, self-empowering computer science course that I built, together with my brilliant colleague Noam Nisan.","es":"Y me gustar\u00eda compartir la historia de un curso de inform\u00e1tica para estudiar y adquirir poder por uno mismo que creamos junto con mi brillante colega Noam Nisan."} {"gender":"male","en":"The brain could grow, but the gut actually shrunk.","es":"El cerebro crecer\u00eda mientras que el intestino se encoger\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's so little applied now to actually improving the way we interact with interfaces from this point on.","es":"Se ha invertido tan poco en mejorar la manera en la que interactuamos con las interfaces."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We changed their ability to judge other people's actions.","es":"Cambiamos su capacidad para juzgar las acciones de otras personas."} {"gender":"female","en":"I was having a really bad day.","es":"Estaba teniendo un d\u00eda realmente malo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Fundamentally, these technologies exist today.","es":"Fundamentalmente, este tipo de tecnolog\u00eda existe hoy."} {"gender":"male","en":"It did not.","es":"No lo hizo."} {"gender":"male","en":"A lot of us in here have made that decision, and it is really pretty easy.","es":"Muchos de nosotros aqu\u00ed adentro hemos tomado esa decisi\u00f3n y realmente es muy f\u00e1cil."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if that's true, then what we want to do is we want to go through four lessons from the Greeks and one lesson from a Latin American.","es":"Y si eso es cierto, entonces lo que queremos hacer es seguir cuatro lecciones de los griegos y una lecci\u00f3n de un latinoamericano."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"You are not reading this.\"","es":"\"You are not reading this\" \"What are you reading?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"So what?","es":"\u00bfY qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"male","en":"The trip here is repeated back and forth between a provisioning site and a nest site.","es":"Este viaje se repite una y otra vez entre la fuente de alimento y el nido."} {"gender":"female","en":"Any five cards.","es":"Escoge las que quieras."} {"gender":"female","en":"I am furious when I think about what the parents have told me, that if these were daughters of the rich and the powerful, they would have been found much earlier.","es":"Me pongo furiosa cuando pienso en lo que me han dicho los padres, que si fueran hijas de los ricos y los poderosos, se habr\u00edan encontrado mucho antes."} {"gender":"male","en":"CA: But should we worry about the hedge fund industry attracting too much of the world's great mathematical and other talent to work on that, as opposed to the many other problems in the world?","es":"CA: \u00bfDebemos preocuparnos de que el sector de fondos de cobertura atraiga demasiados talentos matem\u00e1ticos del mundo que trabajen en eso, en vez de aplicarlo a los otros muchos problemas del mundo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Facing the given with intent.","es":"Enfrentar lo dado intencionadamente."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I think that if the marketing were more aspirational, if we could focus as a community on how far we've come and how amazing it would be to eradicate this disease, we could put polio fatigue and polio behind us.","es":"Y creo que si la comercializaci\u00f3n fuera m\u00e1s aspiracional, si pudi\u00e9ramos centrarnos en la comunidad, en lo lejos que hemos llegado, y en lo fant\u00e1stico que ser\u00eda erradicar esta enfermedad, podr\u00edamos dejar atr\u00e1s la fatiga y la polio."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, without that, how could we possibly function?","es":"Ya, sin ese dato, \u00bfc\u00f3mo podr\u00edamos vivir?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Is there any advice you can give to other leaders who are dealing with the same companies about how to get the most for your country, get the most for the fish?","es":"\u00bfHay alg\u00fan consejo que pueda dar a otros l\u00edderes que est\u00e1n lidiando con las mismas empresas acerca de c\u00f3mo obtener el m\u00e1ximo rendimiento de su pa\u00eds, obtener el m\u00e1ximo por la pesca?"} {"gender":"male","en":"There are some innovations in nuclear: modular, liquid.","es":"Existen innovaciones en lo nuclear: modular, l\u00edquido."} {"gender":"male","en":"Two-thirds of this room, today, in America, are statistically overweight or obese. You lot, you're all right, but we'll get you eventually, don't worry.","es":"Las dos terceras partes de este sal\u00f3n, el d\u00eda de hoy, en norteam\u00e9rica, son estadisticamente obesos, o tienen sobrepeso. tal vez algunos no, pero eventualmente les tocar\u00e1, no se preocupen."} {"gender":"female","en":"So the following episode happened the seventh week of my first semester of my first year at Yale Law School.","es":"El siguiente episodio ocurri\u00f3 la s\u00e9ptima semana del primer semestre de mi primer a\u00f1o en la facultad de derecho de Yale."} {"gender":"male","en":"The recognition is going to be slow in the United States, no question about that, but in the U.K., it is happening, and in other countries it is happening.","es":"El reconocimiento va a ser lento en los Estados Unidos, no hay duda de ello, pero en el Reino Unido, se est\u00e1 reconociendo, y en otros pa\u00edses se est\u00e1 reconociendo."} {"gender":"female","en":"You wanted my bread.","es":"Quer\u00edas mi pan."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's the cirrus cloud, named after the Latin for a lock of hair.","es":"Es un cirro, nombre que viene de la palabra latina para designar un mech\u00f3n de pelo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Expressed in the relevant unit, it is spectacularly small.","es":"Expresado en la unidad significativa es espectacularmente peque\u0144o."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that's quite unique.","es":"Eso es \u00fanico."} {"gender":"male","en":": \"Yeah, alright, come on, eh.","es":"\"Si, bueno, vamos, eh."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's not decided by the machines.","es":"Eso no est\u00e1 decidido por las m\u00e1quinas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You can be you, OK?","es":"Puedes ser tu mismo, \u00bfde acuerdo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And right at the point in the story of my life I had a choice.","es":"Y justo en ese momento de la historia de mi vida, tuve una elecci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"So you can think of FOXO as being like a building superintendent.","es":"As\u00ed que pueden pensar en FOXO como el conserje del edificio."} {"gender":"female","en":"What happens is that bacteria have these collective behaviors, and they can carry out tasks that they could never accomplish if they simply acted as individuals.","es":"Lo que pasa es que estas bacterias tienen comportamientos colectivos y pueden llevar a cabo tareas que nunca podr\u00edan lograr si simplemente actuaran como individuos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Then I completed the Pompidou Center in Metz.","es":"Luego complet\u00e9 el Centro Pompidou en Metz."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"For the past decade or so, a massive urbanization and development have let us witness a lot of reports on the forced demolition of private property.","es":"En la \u00faltima d\u00e9cada un desarrollo y una urbanizaci\u00f3n masivos nos han permitido presenciar muchos informes de la demolici\u00f3n forzada de la propiedad privada."} {"gender":"male","en":"My passions are music, technology and making things.","es":"Mis pasiones son la m\u00fasica, la tecnolog\u00eda y fabricar cosas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So that's getting a lot of interest, and to show you some example of what we did in there, we actually dropped a probe, which was developed by our colleagues in Europe, we dropped a probe as we were orbiting Saturn.","es":"\u00c9sto esta atrayendo mucho inter\u00e9s y les mostrar\u00e9 un ejemplo de lo que hicimos ah\u00ed, de hecho mandamos una sonda, que fue desarrollada por nuestros colegas en Europa, dejamos caer esta sonda mientras orbit\u00e1bamos Saturno."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There are these services that transcribe your voicemail into text. And they send it either to your email or as text messages to your phone.","es":"Existen estos servicios que transcriben su correo de voz a texto y lo env\u00edan a su correo electr\u00f3nico o como mensaje de texto a su tel\u00e9fono."} {"gender":"male","en":"LM: Oh my God.","es":"LM: Oh por Dios."} {"gender":"female","en":"In the US, African American workers, immigrants and women were largely excluded.","es":"En EE. UU., los obreros afroamericanos, inmigrantes y mujeres fueron excluidos en gran medida."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's the wrinkly thing on the top of your head that got wrinkly because it got shoved in there and doesn't fit.","es":"Si no lo sabes es esa cosa arrugada en la parte superior de tu cabeza que, se arrugo porque fue retacada ah\u00ed y no cabe."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'm not telling you that story.","es":"No les voy a contar esa historia."} {"gender":"male","en":"The big expansion has been in the developing counties.","es":"La gran expansi\u00f3n ha sido en los lugares en desarrollo."} {"gender":"male","en":"We need really to see it.","es":"Realmente necesitamos verla."} {"gender":"male","en":"What's happening today is that the power that was encased, held to accountability, held to the rule of law, within the institution of the nation state has now migrated in very large measure onto the global stage.","es":"Lo que sucede hoy es que el poder que estaba confinado, regido por la responsabilidad, regido por el estado de derecho, dentro de la instituci\u00f3n del Estado-naci\u00f3n ha emigrado, en gran medida, hacia el escenario mundial."} {"gender":"male","en":"But what about this day, this one particular Friday?","es":"Pero, \u00bfqu\u00e9 pas\u00f3 este d\u00eda, este viernes en particular?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Amongst all the astonishing people I met there, I met a supporter of Free the Slaves, an NGO dedicated to eradicating modern day slavery.","es":"Entre todas las personas incre\u00edbles que conoc\u00ed all\u00ed conoc\u00ed a un integrante de 'Free the Slaves', una ONG que se dedica a erradicar la esclavitud moderna."} {"gender":"male","en":"Invictus E Pluribus Unum.","es":"Invictus E Pluribus Unum."} {"gender":"male","en":"As the father of five sons, I worry about who they're going to be using as role models.","es":"Como padre de cinco hijos, me preocupa qui\u00e9nes ser\u00e1n sus modelos."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you find out, now I understand.","es":"Si encuentran el modo"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"20 percent of the oxygen coming from your lungs, 20 percent of the blood pumped from your heart, is servicing this one organ.","es":"El cerebro recibe ox\u00edgeno en un 20% de los pulmones, el 20% de la sangre que bombea el coraz\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"BG: I would like your comment on something that was in newspapers this morning.","es":"BG: Me gustar\u00eda saber su opini\u00f3n sobre algo de los peri\u00f3dicos de esta ma\u00f1ana."} {"gender":"female","en":"So cultural cartography has helped us massively scale our workforce training.","es":"Y la cartograf\u00eda cultural nos ha ayudado a aumentar notablemente nuestra capacitaci\u00f3n laboral."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, statisticians don't like it, because they say that this will not show the reality; we have to have statistical, analytical methods.","es":"Ahora, esto no es del agrado de los estadistas porque dicen que no muestra la realidad. Hay que tener m\u00e9todos estad\u00edsticos, anal\u00edticos."} {"gender":"male","en":"In Africa, we've been doing that for years, and we've been doing it on phones like this.","es":"En \u00c1frica, hemos hecho esto durante a\u00f1os, con tel\u00e9fonos como este."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But there is still much to be done to end the systematic institutionalization of children.","es":"Pero todav\u00eda hay mucho qu\u00e9 hacer para terminar con la reclusi\u00f3n sistem\u00e1tica de ni\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"That same technology was deployed later in North Africa for similar purposes to help activists stay connected when governments were deliberately shutting off connectivity as a means of population control.","es":"La misma tecnolog\u00eda fue usada en \u00c1frica del Norte con prop\u00f3sitos similares para conectar activistas cuando los gobiernos intencionalmente los desconectaban como medio para controlar a la poblaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"That was the way the world worked.","es":"As\u00ed funcionaba el mundo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What do they have in common?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 tienen en com\u00fan?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Both of those things are wrong.","es":"Esas dos ideas son incorrectas."} {"gender":"female","en":"An amazing fact is that, given the right environment and the right nutrients, a cancer cell has the potential to go on growing forever.","es":"Un aspecto sorprendente es que, teniendo el ambiente y los nutrientes correctos, una c\u00e9lula de c\u00e1ncer tiene el potencial de crecer indefinidamente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"More recently, this happened.","es":"M\u00e1s recientemente, sucedi\u00f3 esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Finally, big problems sometimes elude solution because we don't really understand the problem.","es":"Por \u00faltimo, los grandes problemas a veces eluden una soluci\u00f3n porque no entendemos el problema realmente."} {"gender":"male","en":"So let's take a look at the reaction of the industry and the regulators and the prosecutors to these clear early warnings that could have prevented the crisis.","es":"Ahora veamos la reacci\u00f3n de la industria, de los reguladores, y de los fiscales de estas advertencias que podr\u00edan haber prevenido la crisis."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In fact, if you watch ants at all, you end up trying to help them because they never seem to be doing anything exactly the way that you think that they ought to be doing it.","es":"De hecho, si uno observa a las hormigas termina tratando de ayudarlas, porque nunca parecen estar haciendo algo exactamente como uno piensa que lo deben estar haciendo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now if you'll allow me, I would love to share a one-minute film that has proven to show that a 60-sec film can be as powerful as a haiku in telling a big picture.","es":"Si me lo permiten, me encantar\u00eda compartir un corto de un minuto que ha demostrado que un corto de 60 segundos puede ser tan eficaz como un haiku para pintar un panorama general."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a kind of agenda, which actually politicians themselves are kind of caught in that dilemma, because they're hooked on the growth model themselves.","es":"Este es una clase de agenda, en la cual de hecho los pol\u00edticos mismo est\u00e1n como atrapados en ese dilema, porque ellos mismos est\u00e1n enganchados al modelo de crecimiento."} {"gender":"female","en":"Instead, she felt more free, more free because she could wear whatever she wanted under the abaya.","es":"Por el contrario, se sent\u00eda m\u00e1s libre, m\u00e1s libre, porque pod\u00eda usar lo que quisiera bajo la abaya."} {"gender":"male","en":"Think of the surface of a trampoline: it warps and stretches with gravity.","es":"Piensen en la superficie de una cama el\u00e1stica: se deforma y estira con la gravedad."} {"gender":"male","en":"So to compensate, I'd hold the pen tighter, and this progressively made the shake worse, so I'd hold the pen tighter still.","es":"As\u00ed, para compensar, sosten\u00eda la pluma m\u00e1s fuerte, y esto no hizo m\u00e1s que empeorar el temblor, por eso la sostuve a\u00fan m\u00e1s fuerte."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, having spent several months trying everything I could think of to find a book that had been translated into English from the nation, it seemed as though the only option left to me was to see if I could get something translated for me from scratch.","es":"Despu\u00e9s de haber pasado varios meses intentando todo lo que pude para encontrar un libro traducido al ingl\u00e9s de esta naci\u00f3n, parec\u00eda que la \u00fanica opci\u00f3n que me quedaba era ver si pod\u00eda conseguir algo traducido para m\u00ed desde cero."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's not fair that you can change your height, as you want it.","es":"No es justo que puedas cambiar tu altura, como se te antoje."} {"gender":"male","en":"So if you'd all close your eyes for just a moment, okay?","es":"Cierren todos los ojos por un momento, \u00bfde acuerdo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And I built rubber around the end of the tweezer so it wouldn't crush the glass.","es":"Y puse goma en la punta de la pinza para que no da\u00f1ara el vidrio."} {"gender":"male","en":"One hour later, you're sitting in a building of the national TV, in a top show, and you tell the story. Before the end of 2011, Ben Ali, and Mubarak, and Gaddafi would be down, and prosecuted.","es":"Una hora m\u00e1s tarde te ves sentado en un edificio de la TV en un programa y explicas la historia: \"Antes de finales del 2011, Ben Ali, Mubarak y Gadafi ser\u00e1n derrocados y procesados."} {"gender":"female","en":"I disabled Facebook's algorithm, which is hard because Facebook keeps wanting to make you come under the algorithm's control, and saw that my friends were talking about it.","es":"Desactiv\u00e9 el algoritmo de Facebook, lo cual es dif\u00edcil ya que Facebook quiere seguir manteni\u00e9ndonos bajo el control del algoritmo, y vi que mis amigos estaban hablando de ello."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we tried to come up with a way to use genetic algorithms to create a new type of concentrator.","es":"Intentamos encontrar una manera de usar algoritmos gen\u00e9ticos para craer un nuevo tipo de concentrador."} {"gender":"female","en":"So it's fortunate that my career as a biologist lets me dive deeply into the lives of some truly wondrous creatures that share our planet: fireflies.","es":"As\u00ed que he tenido suerte de que mi carrera como bi\u00f3loga me permita adentrarme en las vidas de ciertas criaturas realmente asombrosas con las que compartimos el planeta: las luci\u00e9rnagas."} {"gender":"male","en":"That will help you score better on our tests.","es":"Esto les ayudar\u00e1 a conseguir mejor puntuaci\u00f3n en los test."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So, \"59.\" 59 wakes up on the wrong side of the bed.","es":"Entonces, 59. 59 se levant\u00f3 por el lado equivocado de la cama."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I will go you one further.","es":"Y voy a ir m\u00e1s lejos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Belshazzar, the son of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar who'd conquered Israel, sacked Jerusalem and captured the people and taken the Jews back to Babylon. Not only the Jews, he'd taken the temple vessels.","es":"Baltasar es el hijo de Nabucodonosor. Nabucodonosor conquist\u00f3 Israel, saque\u00f3 Jerusal\u00e9n, captur\u00f3 a la gente y regres\u00f3 a los jud\u00edos a Babilonia No s\u00f3lo a los jud\u00edos, \u00e9l se llev\u00f3 las vasijas del templo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that was fine with Boyle.","es":"Y eso dejo contento a Boyle."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Imagine Hitchcock before the technologies of film.","es":"Imag\u00ednense a Hitchcock antes de la tecnolog\u00eda cinematogr\u00e1fica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was an idea that could not profit anybody but would help health in every field.","es":"Una idea que no aportaba ganancias a nadie pero que ayudar\u00eda a la salud en todos los campos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Take the heat off of us and educate those around you so we don't have to every time.","es":"Quiten el fuego de nosotros y eduquen a quienes los rodean, para que nosotros no tengamos que hacerlo siempre."} {"gender":"male","en":"I worked with these friends of mine that I have here.","es":"He trabajado con mis amigos que ven aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, try to imagine Congress doing it all at the same time.","es":"Ahora, traten de imaginar al Congreso haciendo todo eso al mismo tiempo."} {"gender":"female","en":"They talked to each other, and they said, \"Let's go, leave her alone, she's OK.\"","es":"Hablaron entre s\u00ed, y dijeron: \"V\u00e1monos, dej\u00e9mosla sola, ella est\u00e1 bien\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's the economy of moving these heavy, slow atoms over long distances that's very difficult to do.","es":"Es la econom\u00eda de trasladar a estos \u00e1tomos pesados y lentos por distancias largas, muy dif\u00edcil de hacer."} {"gender":"female","en":"Those of us who believe in heaven have some sort of idea of what heaven would be. And in my idea, heaven is satisfied curiosity.","es":"Aquellos quienes creemos en el cielo tenemos alg\u00fan tipo de idea de lo que el cielo ser\u00eda Y seg\u00fan mi idea, el cielo es curiosidad satisfecha."} {"gender":"female","en":"Apollo 11. Are you kidding me? Sixty-six years after the Wright Brothers took off from Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Neil Armstrong was 240,000 miles away.","es":"La Apolo 11 \u00bfes una broma? 66 a\u00f1os despu\u00e9s de que los hermanos Wright despegaran de Kitty Hawk, Carolina del Norte, Neil Armstrong estaba a 384 000 kil\u00f3metros."} {"gender":"male","en":"Nelson Mandela gets two.","es":"Nelson Mandela tiene dos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Little by little, we're seeding the area with green-collar jobs, and with people that have both a financial and personal stake in their environment.","es":"Poco a poco, estamos sembrando el \u00e1rea con trabajos de ecolog\u00eda, y as\u00ed la gente tendr\u00e1 participaci\u00f3n financiera y personal en el medioambiente."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Why?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"CE: And all of a sudden, everybody's reawoken.","es":"CE: Y de repente todo el mundo vuelve a despertarse."} {"gender":"male","en":"And wireless communications has become a utility like electricity and water.","es":"Las comunicaciones inal\u00e1mbricas se han vuelto un servicio p\u00fablico como la electricidad y el agua."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, finally, I'm about out of time. The target that shapes you, Here's what's different about people.","es":"Entonces, finalmente, Se me esta acabando el tiempo, El objetivo que te forma-- esto es lo que hace diferente a la gente."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's not whose army wins; it's also whose story wins.","es":"No es s\u00f3lo qu\u00e9 ej\u00e9rcito gana; es tambi\u00e9n qu\u00e9 historia gana."} {"gender":"male","en":"It starts in schools.","es":"Se empieza en las escuelas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So the first question, and you might want to write this down, either on a bit of paper, physically, or a virtual piece of paper in your head. And, for viewers at home, you can try this as well.","es":"Entonces la primer pregunta, y querr\u00e1n anotar esto, o en un pedazo de papel, f\u00edsicamente, o en un trozo de papel virtual en sus mentes y, para los que est\u00e1n mirando desde sus casas, pueden intentar esto tambi\u00e9n."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I'm not suggesting that anyone in this audience should run out and adopt the traditions of the Torajans.","es":"No estoy sugiriendo que todos en la audiencia deban correr y adoptar las tradiciones de los torajanos."} {"gender":"female","en":"I live in America, their other enemy.","es":"Vivo en EE.UU., su otro enemigo."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's it, that's the secret.","es":"Eso es todo, ese es el secreto."} {"gender":"male","en":"She's a big deal, obviously, but back in '96, I thought I had never heard of her, and when I checked out her work, I found this sweet little poem, \"Four in the Morning.\" \"The hour from night to day.","es":"Es grande, obviamente, pero en el 96, creo que nunca hab\u00eda o\u00eddo hablar de ella, y cuando revis\u00e9 su trabajo, encontr\u00e9 este peque\u00f1o poema dulce, Cuatro de la madrugada<\/i> \"La hora de la noche al d\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is: try a little bit here, back the hell off if it's an issue, expand it if it seems to go OK, meanwhile, have other paths going forward.","es":"Y es un m\u00e9todo antiarrogancia: se prueba un poquito aqu\u00ed, se retrocede si eso cre\u00f3 un problema, se lo expande si todo parece ir bien. Mientras, se mantienen abiertos otros caminos."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the young women in the village spoke up and said, \"We've changed our dream.","es":"Y las j\u00f3venes de la aldea dijeron decididas: \"Hemos cambiado nuestro sue\u00f1o\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Only Raisuddin survived.","es":"Solo sobrevivi\u00f3 Raisuddin."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you eat too much, though, you just feel gross.","es":"Sin embargo, si comes demasiado, te sientes saciado."} {"gender":"male","en":"JH: That's right.","es":"JH: As\u00ed es."} {"gender":"male","en":"The great thing about a culture of givers is that's not a delusion, it's reality.","es":"Lo bueno de una cultura de altruistas es que no es una ilusi\u00f3n, es la realidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was sentenced to a decade of punishment in a correctional institution.","es":"Fui sentenciado a una d\u00e9cada de castigo en una instituci\u00f3n correccional."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We'll start with \"Michelle Obama,\" the First Lady of the United States.","es":"Vamos a empezar con \"Michelle Obama\" la Primera Dama de EE. UU."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's one city.","es":"Esa es una ciudad."} {"gender":"female","en":"Or, as we speak now, hundreds of thousands of Congolese women are getting raped and mutilated.","es":"O, mientras hablamos, cientos de miles de mujeres congolesas son violadas y mutiladas."} {"gender":"female","en":"We now tend to die of cancer and heart disease, and what that means is that many of us will have a long period of chronic illness at the end of our lives.","es":"La tendencia actual es a morir de c\u00e1ncer y de enfermedades del coraz\u00f3n, y eso significa que muchos padeceremos largas enfermedades cr\u00f3nicas hacia el final de la vida."} {"gender":"female","en":"But what if it were active?","es":"\u00bfPero, y si estuviera activa?"} {"gender":"male","en":"In a G-Zero world, the way you lead is by example.","es":"En un mundo G cero, uno lidera con el ejemplo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Having explained those, that will set up for what I think will be a different idea about how to go about treating cancer.","es":"Habiendo explicado ambos, eso preparar\u00e1 para lo que creo ser\u00e1 una idea diferente sobre c\u00f3mo ir tratando el c\u00e1ncer."} {"gender":"female","en":"And even then, the loan sizes would be way too small to really have an impact on her business, averaging around 150 dollars.","es":"Y aun as\u00ed los montos de los pr\u00e9stamos ser\u00edan demasiado peque\u00f1os para realmente tener un impacto en su negocio, un promedio de unos USD 150."} {"gender":"male","en":"But things went dramatically wrong when my parents separated and eventually divorced.","es":"Pero todo empez\u00f3 a andar muy mal cuando mis padres se separaron y finalmente se divorciaron."} {"gender":"male","en":"We can no longer pretend that we just speculate about politics, we need to look at this in a rigorous way.","es":"No podemos pretender solamente especular sobre la pol\u00edtica, tenemos que verla de un modo riguroso."} {"gender":"male","en":"Falling over, like I say, is definitely the best way to learn.","es":"Como ya dije, fracasar es la mejor manera de aprender."} {"gender":"male","en":"And you can also trade real hundred-dollar bills for fake hundred-dollar bills and make a donation to the Hundred Dollar Laptop Project, which is now known as One Laptop Per Child.","es":"Y tambi\u00e9n pueden cambiar billetes reales de 100 d\u00f3lares por estos billetes falsos y hacer una donaci\u00f3n al Proyecto de Laptops de Cien D\u00f3lares, que ahora se conoce como Un Computador Por Ni\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's what's produces thunder and lightning and hail.","es":"Es la que produce truenos, rayos y granizo."} {"gender":"female","en":"So larger the bucket, the larger the mirror we have, the more light we can see, and the farther back we can view.","es":"Por lo tanto, cuanto m\u00e1s grande es el cubo, mayor es el espejo que tenemos, y cuanta m\u00e1s luz podemos ver, m\u00e1s atr\u00e1s podemos retroceder."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, we stack these wafers together, using the kidney cells.","es":"As\u00ed es que apilamos estas obleas usando c\u00e9lulas del ri\u00f1\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"These are chemical factories; the most sophisticated chemical factories are provided by Nature, and we now can use those.","es":"Estos son f\u00e1bricas qu\u00edmicas, las m\u00e1s sofisticadas proporcionadas por la Naturaleza y ahora podemos usarlas."} {"gender":"female","en":"I'd like to begin with my very first object, which I call \"The Uncle Phone.\"","es":"Me gustar\u00eda comenzar con el primer objeto, que llam\u00e9 \"El tel\u00e9fono t\u00edo\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"A lot of them, you'll look at and say, \"They're crazy.\"","es":"Y muchos de ellos, los mirar\u00e1s y dir\u00e1s que est\u00e1n locos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Despite that, the men and women who worked on those ships were extraordinarily proud of the work they did, and justifiably so.","es":"A pesar de eso, los hombres y las mujeres que trabajaban en esos barcos estaban muy orgullosos del trabajo que hac\u00edan, y con raz\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is why people choose to do work at home, or they might go to the office, but they might go to the office really early in the day, or late at night when no one's around, or they stick around after everyone's left, or go in on the weekends, or they get work done on the plane, in the car or in the train, because there are no distractions.","es":"Por eso la gente prefiere hacer el trabajo en la casa, o ir a la oficina pero hacerlo muy temprano por la ma\u00f1ana, o tarde por la noche cuando no hay nadie alrededor, o se quedan hasta que se van todos, o van los fines de semana, o terminan su trabajo en el avi\u00f3n, o terminan el trabajo en el auto, o en el tren, porque all\u00ed no hay distracciones."} {"gender":"male","en":"Some of them are about the animals, the number.","es":"Algunas tienen que ver con la cantidad de animales."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I found it's a really difficult question for them to answer.","es":"Y he detectado que es una pregunta para ellos muy dif\u00edcil de responder."} {"gender":"male","en":"So in the home, designate a spot for your keys, a hook by the door, maybe a decorative bowl.","es":"As\u00ed que en casa designen un lugar para las llaves, un gancho junto a la puerta, tal vez un plato decorativo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Tradition is essential to lay down the stability to raise families and form cohesive social groups.","es":"La tradici\u00f3n es esencial para brindar estabilidad para formar familias y grupos sociales cohesivos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And as you take a close-up of this galaxy, you find a relatively normal, not particularly interesting star.","es":"Y mientras se hace un acercamiento a esta galaxia, se ver\u00e1 una estrella relativamente normal, que no es particularmente interesante."} {"gender":"male","en":"And after the Berlin Wall fell, the Navy made these systems available to whale bio-acousticians to see what they could hear.","es":"Y despu\u00e9s de la ca\u00edda del Muro de Berl\u00edn la Marina dej\u00f3 disponibles estos sistemas a los especialistas en bioac\u00fastica de ballenas para ver lo que pod\u00edan o\u00edr."} {"gender":"male","en":"And when we asked them a variety of questions about the rightness or wrongness of certain acts, what we also found was that simply being reminded that they ought to wash their hands made them more morally conservative.","es":"Y cuando les preguntamos por diferentes cuestiones sobre lo bueno y lo malo de ciertos actos, lo que encontramos tambi\u00e9n fue que simplemente recordarles que deb\u00edan lavarse las manos les hizo m\u00e1s conservadores moralmente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Steve Pinker has showed us that, in fact, we're living during the most peaceful time ever in human history.","es":"Steve Pinker nos mostr\u00f3 que estamos viviendo la \u00e9poca m\u00e1s pac\u00edfica de la historia de la humanidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can't go to a website at work, and that's the problem?","es":"No se puede acceder a un sitio web en el trabajo, \u00bfEs ese el problema?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You know, there might be a couple of views of WikiLeaks and of Julian.","es":"Podr\u00eda haber un par de puntos de vista sobre WikiLeaks y sobre Julian."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Don't ask her private details about her medical decisions.","es":"No pidan detalles privados sobre sus decisiones m\u00e9dicas."} {"gender":"male","en":"However, neuroscientists have identified certain patterns that let us tease out some very important aspects of this.","es":"No obstante, los neurocient\u00edficos han identificado patrones que nos permiten desentra\u0144ar algunas cuestiones importantes."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the doctors told his parents he was never going to be able to communicate or interact socially, and he would probably never have too much language.","es":"Y los doctores le dijeron a sus padres que nunca podr\u00eda comunicarse o interactuar socialmente, y que probablemente nunca tendr\u00eda mucho lenguaje."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Think about some time in your life, some people might never have experienced it, but some people, there are just those moments that you have experienced where life was fantastic. It might have been at the moment of some great, creative inspiration you might have had when you just entered this flow stage.","es":"Piensa en aquel momento de tu vida, algunas personas tal vez nunca lo experimentaron, pero algunas otras, existen aquellos momentos que han experimentado en donde la vida era fantastica. tal vez fue en un momento de gran inspiraci\u00f3n creativa que han tenido cuando entran en este estado de flujo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's not respectful, and it's not very clever to think that way.","es":"No es respetuoso, y no es inteligente pensar as\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"Your assets are tied up in your flocks.","es":"Sus bienes estaban conectados a sus reba\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"They need to have a sense that their own work is meaningful and important.","es":"Necesitan tener la sensaci\u00f3n de que su propio trabajo es significativo e importante."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was hanging out with Mickey and Minnie and my kids!\"","es":"Estaba pasando el rato con Mickey y Minnie y mis ni\u00f1os!\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"So Nike is literally acting as a well-being partner, a health and fitness partner and service provider.","es":"Nike literalmente est\u00e1 actuando como un socio de bienestar, un proveedor de servicios de salud y para ponerse en forma."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's hard to strike that balance, to tell a kid that life isn't fair, but also recognize and enforce in them the reality that their choices matter.","es":"Es dif\u00edcil lograr ese equilibrio, decirle a un ni\u00f1o que la vida no es justa, sino reconocer y desarrollar en ellos el sentido de que sus decisiones importan."} {"gender":"male","en":"When the dominant female gives way to a subordinate, it's not out of courtesy.","es":"Cuando la hembra dominante da paso a un subordinado, no es por cortes\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"You rotate around the center of the circle, the circle remains unchanged.","es":"Uno rota alrededor del centro del c\u00edrculo, y el c\u00edrculo permanece inalterado."} {"gender":"female","en":"With my mom by my side and tears streaming down our faces, I strapped on these chunky legs and I stood up.","es":"Con mi madre a mi lado y entre l\u00e1grimas, me ajust\u00e9 aquellas piernas rechonchas y me puse en pie."} {"gender":"female","en":"They are really, really good at concentrating on things and being exact and they ask amazing questions like, \"What?\" and \"Why?\" and \"How?\" and \"What if?\"","es":"Son muy, muy buenas para concentrarse en cosas, ser exactas y hacerse preguntas incre\u00edbles como: \"\u00bfQu\u00e9?\", \"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9?\", \"\u00bfC\u00f3mo? y \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 tal si?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, as it turns out, this is not that alien of a problem.","es":"Ahora, resulta, que no es un problema del otro mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I thumbed through it, and I came across a show called \"Minto: Live.\"","es":"Lo hoje\u00e9 y encontr\u00e9 un espect\u00e1culo llamado \"Minto: en vivo\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"If I was to see my 15-year-old self today, I would sit down and talk to him and try to educate him and I would let him know, \"Listen, this is me.","es":"Si yo fuera a encontrarme conmigo mismo cuando ten\u00eda 15 a\u00f1os, tratar\u00eda de sentarme y hablar con \u00e9l y tratar\u00eda de educarlo y le har\u00eda saber: \"Escucha, yo soy t\u00fa."} {"gender":"female","en":"How would you look at me?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo me mirar\u00edan?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Across my residual limb are electrodes that measure the electrical pulse of my muscles.","es":"A trav\u00e9s de mi mu\u00f1\u00f3n hay electrodos que miden el pulso el\u00e9ctrico de los m\u00fasculos."} {"gender":"male","en":"We do this over and over and over, and we look for patterns.","es":"Hacemos esto una y otra y otra vez, y buscamos patrones."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the particular additional habitat requirement of humanity.","es":"Ese es el requerimiento adicional para el h\u00e1bitat de la humanidad."} {"gender":"female","en":"So here's the thing.","es":"As\u00ed que ese es el tema."} {"gender":"male","en":"Military power is important.","es":"El poder militar es importante."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I made all these little apartments and little merry-go-rounds, seesaws and swings, little ladders.","es":"E hice todos estos apartamentitos y peque\u00f1as calesitas, balancines, columpios y escaleritas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's not true either.","es":"Pero esto tampoco es cierto."} {"gender":"male","en":"If it's very good, it's not going to work, because no one's going to notice it.","es":"Si es muy bueno, no va a funcionar, porque nadie lo va a notar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Community meeting houses are places where there's very specific relationships between people, like this one in Mali, where the elders gather.","es":"Las casas de reuni\u00f3n de la comunidad son lugares donde hay relaciones muy espec\u00edficas entre las personas, como este en Mali, donde se re\u00fanen los ancianos."} {"gender":"male","en":"My husband has been telling me I'm stupid, I'm ugly.","es":"Mi marido siempre me dice que soy est\u00fapida, que soy fea."} {"gender":"male","en":"You don't know if it's a re-upload.","es":"O si es material de segunda mano."} {"gender":"male","en":"So this is a small device, a small robot rover, that has a little scoop, and it brings the regolith to the dome and then it lays down a thin layer of regolith, and then you would have the robot that will solidify it, layer by layer, until it creates, after a few months, the full base.","es":"Este es un dispositivo peque\u00f1o, un peque\u00f1o robot, que tiene una palita, y trae el regolito al domo despu\u00e9s extiende una fina capa de regolito y luego el robot la compactar\u00e1, capa por capa, hasta crear, en unos meses, la base completa."} {"gender":"male","en":"Your name is?","es":"\u00bfTu nombre es?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, together the myriad cultures of the world make up a web of spiritual life and cultural life that envelops the planet, and is as important to the well-being of the planet as indeed is the biological web of life that you know as a biosphere.","es":"Ahora, junto con las miles de culturas del mundo forman un entramado espiritual y cultural que abarca todo el planeta y es tan fundamental para su bienestar como el entramado biol\u00f3gico conocido como biosfera."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It was feasible to structure that fund such that when you were done structuring it, you could actually produce low-risk bonds that would be attractive to bond holders, that would give you yields of about five to eight percent, and you could produce equity that would give equity holders about a 12 percent return.","es":"Era realmente factible estructurar ese fondo tal que cuando se realice se pueden emitir bonos de bajo riesgo que ser\u00edan atractivos para los titulares, pues les dar\u00eda rendimientos del 5 al 8% y se podr\u00edan producir acciones que retornar\u00edan cerca de un 12%."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Today, that infection, known as KPC, has spread to every state but three, and to South America, Europe and the Middle East.","es":"Actualmente esa infecci\u00f3n, conocida como KPC, se ha propagado por todos los estados excepto tres, y por Am\u00e9rica del Sur, Europa y Oriente Medio."} {"gender":"male","en":"What happens?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 pas\u00f3?"} {"gender":"male","en":"You can catch errors with it, it's unambiguous in its reading, there are lots of good things about binary.","es":"Se pueden detectar errores con ella. Es inequ\u00edvoco en su lectura. Hay muchas cosas buenas en lo binario."} {"gender":"male","en":"And for good reason.","es":"Y por una buena raz\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Second, you need to reenforce integrators.","es":"Segundo, se necesita reforzar los integradores."} {"gender":"male","en":"It is now possible, will be possible, and if Craig Venter indeed comes today, he may tell you something about this, to sequence the human genome for 40 million dollars by the end of this year.","es":"Ahora es posible, ser\u00e1 posible, y si Craig Ventner realmente viene hoy, les podr\u00e1 contar algo sobre eso, secuenciar el genoma humano por 40 millones de d\u00f3lares para finales de este a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"What we don't need to be transparent about, because it's bad for the U.S., it's bad for all those other countries that we work with and that we help provide information that helps them secure themselves and their people, it's bad to expose operations and capabilities in a way that allows the people that we're all working against, the generally recognized bad guys, to counter those.","es":"Donde no tenemos que ser transparentes, porque es malo para EE.UU., y es malo para los pa\u00edses que trabajan con nosotros y a los que les proveemos informaci\u00f3n que les ayuda a cuidar su seguridad y a su gente, es en la exposici\u00f3n de operaciones y capacidades que le permita a las personas contra las que trabajamos, los generalmente llamados chicos malos, contrarrestarlas."} {"gender":"male","en":"And he said that he could actually see an x-ray of his fingers, because the light was so bright.","es":"Y dijo que pudo ver una imagen de rayos-x de sus dedos porque la luz era muy brillante."} {"gender":"male","en":"And technology is really turbocharging this.","es":"Y realmente la tecnolog\u00eda la est\u00e1 impulsando."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I can light up the Nutmeg like a beacon.","es":"Y puedo iluminar el Nutmeg como un faro."} {"gender":"male","en":"So they did that, and over the last two years, over 600 hours of instruction has happened over Skype, using what my students call the granny cloud.","es":"Y durante los \u00faltimos dos a\u00f1os se han impartido m\u00e1s de 600 horas de instrucci\u00f3n a trav\u00e9s de Skype, usando lo que mis estudiantes llaman la \"nube de abuelas\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"What I have learned is that, when embarking on a challenging endeavor that advances a cause that we firmly believe in, it is important to focus on the possibility of success and consider the consequence of not acting.","es":"Lo que he aprendido es eso, al embarcarse en un esfuerzo desafiante que avanza una causa en la que creemos firmemente, es importante enfocarse en la posibilidad de \u00e9xito y considera la consecuencia de no actuar."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, we're not just talking about physiologic metrics, the key measurements of vital signs, and all those things in physiology, but also all the imaging that one could look at in your smartphone.","es":"As\u00ed que no s\u00f3lo hablamos de medidas fisiol\u00f3gicas, las medidas clave de las constantes vitales y todas esas cosas en la fisiolog\u00eda, sino de las im\u00e1genes que uno puede ver en el tel\u00e9fono inteligente."} {"gender":"female","en":"When I rescued them, one of the biggest challenges I had was where do I begin.","es":"Cuando las rescataba, uno de los mayores desafios que ten\u00eda era por d\u00f3nde comenzar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Interestingly, complex systems are very hard to map into mathematical equations, so the usual physics approach doesn't really work here.","es":"Curiosamente, es dif\u00edcil representar los sistemas complejos en ecuaciones matem\u00e1ticas, por lo que el enfoque com\u00fan de la f\u00edsica en realidad no funciona aqu\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think it's really nice to be able to pause and look.","es":"Pienso que es bueno poder parar y mirar."} {"gender":"male","en":"They've been hacked.","es":"Ellos han sido hackeados."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"First, some behavior: a bunch of the subject pairs play face-to-face.","es":"Primero unas normas. Se forman parejas que juegan cara a cara."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, the last of these things died in September 1936.","es":"Ahora, el \u00faltimo de estos muri\u00f3 en septiembre de 1936."} {"gender":"male","en":"So here, finally, was a company trying to do it right.","es":"As\u00ed que aqu\u00ed, finalmente, hab\u00eda una compa\u00f1\u00eda intentando hacer lo correcto."} {"gender":"female","en":"Hassan Hajjaj is a child of the diaspora.","es":"Hassan Hajjaj es hijo de la di\u00e1spora."} {"gender":"male","en":"She made enough money, she sold off the whole collection and made enough money to move me for four years with lawyers, a company, everything, and she became my manager.","es":"Hizo suficiente dinero, vendi\u00f3 toda la colecci\u00f3n e hizo suficiente dinero para mudarme por cuatro a\u00f1os con abogados, una empresa, todo, y ella se volvi\u00f3 mi agente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Does your breath smell bad while you're answering my interrogation right now?","es":"\u00bfTienes mal aliento ahora mismo, mientras contestas mi interrogatorio?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Far too often, product decisions are made by committees of stakeholders who do their best to represent the interests of the user, but they're not necessarily the users themselves.","es":"Muy a menudo, hay un comit\u00e9 que toma las decisiones sobre el producto, que hace lo mejor para representar los intereses del usuario, pero no necesariamente son ellos los usuarios."} {"gender":"male","en":"So with all this knowledge, I also wanted to get into stunts.","es":"Con todo ese conocimiento, tambi\u00e9n quis\u00e9 meterme en acrobacias."} {"gender":"male","en":"That alienation and depression can lead to suicide.","es":"Esa alienaci\u00f3n y depresi\u00f3n puede llevar al suicidio."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And so basically even if you think it's 10 percent, 90 percent of the time, something that costs us a lot of money, personally, and also we organize our cities around it and all sorts of things, 90 percent of the time it's sitting around.","es":"As\u00ed que incluso aunque crey\u00e9ramos que es el 10 por ciento, el 90 por ciento del tiempo algo que nos ha costado mucho dinero y por lo que hemos re-organizado las ciudades y otras cosas, el 90 por ciento del tiempo, est\u00e1 estacionado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We're going to connect our command center, via a high-bandwidth satellite link to a building we're building at the University of Rhode Island, called the Interspace Center.","es":"Vamos a conectar nuestro puesto de control con un sat\u00e9lite de banda ancha a un edificio que estamos construyendo en la Universidad de Rhode Island llamado el Interspace Center."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So come on! There we go, there we go.","es":"As\u00ed que, \u00a1vamos! S\u00ed, lo han pillado."} {"gender":"male","en":"The other thing to do is to knock the product, attack the brand myth, as we've said.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n podemos criticar el producto, atacar la marca."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Pigs are quite like us.","es":"Los cerdos se nos parecen mucho."} {"gender":"male","en":"FW: Sometimes I share that information, yeah.","es":"FW: Algunas veces comparto esa informaci\u00f3n. Si."} {"gender":"female","en":"And through their work over the last years, this is not only happening that this house is opening, but it's being supported by many factions of the society who never would have supported it.","es":"Y gracias a su trabajo durante los \u00faltimos a\u00f1os, no solo se esta inaugurando esta casa, sino que est\u00e1 siendo apoyada por numerosos sectores de la sociedad que nunca las habrian apoyando antes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"There were other cases in which there was no evidence of an injury whatsoever, and yet, still the patient hurt.","es":"Hab\u00eda otros casos donde no hab\u00eda evidencia de lesi\u00f3n alguna, sin embargo al paciente le dol\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"No. Hang on. Hang on.","es":"No. Esperen. Esperen."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what I do is, I buy a prepaid card like this.","es":"As\u00ed que compro una tarjeta prepago como \u00e9sta."} {"gender":"male","en":"That was an interesting case.","es":"Ese fue un caso interesante."} {"gender":"male","en":"They didn't want to be their best, they wanted to be their beft.","es":"En ingl\u00e9s, no dec\u00edan \"dar lo mejor de s\u00ed\" usando 'best' sino 'beft'."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, this was kindly lent to me by Jeff Bezos, from last year. This is underneath Jeff's desk.","es":"Jeff Bezoz me la prest\u00f3 muy amablemente el a\u00f1o pasado, Debajo del escritorio de Jeff."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We never do.","es":"Nunca lo sabremos."} {"gender":"female","en":"She had cigarette burns on her.","es":"Presentaba quemaduras de cigarrillo en el cuerpo."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can call it a technosis externality clusterfuck.","es":"Lo puedes llamar un revoltijo de las externalidades de la tecnosis."} {"gender":"male","en":"But we needed to get a database of him doing more than that.","es":"Pero necesit\u00e1bamos una base de datos de el haciendo m\u00e1s que eso."} {"gender":"female","en":"So I thought, uh, maybe I should ask them what we should build instead of prisons.","es":"As\u00ed que pens\u00e9, vaya, quiz\u00e1s deber\u00eda preguntarles qu\u00e9 deber\u00edamos construir en vez de prisiones."} {"gender":"female","en":"We teach our children \"the talk\" about biology and mechanics, about pregnancy and safe sex, and that's what our kids grow up thinking that sex is pretty much all about.","es":"Tenemos con nuestros hijos \"la charla\" sobre biolog\u00eda y mec\u00e1nica, sobre el embarazo y el sexo seguro, y nuestros hijos crecen creyendo que de eso se trata el sexo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Around each one of our courses, a community of students had formed, a global community of people around a shared intellectual endeavor.","es":"En cada curso se form\u00f3 una comunidad de estudiantes. Son comunidades globales que comparten un esfuerzo intelectual."} {"gender":"female","en":"I understand everything about it, all the risks.\"","es":"Entiendo todo al respecto, todos los riesgos\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think the greatest adversity that we've created for ourselves is this idea of normalcy.","es":"Pienso que la mayor adversidad que nos hemos creado es la idea de normalidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Help is on the way.\"","es":"La ayuda viene en camino.\""} {"gender":"male","en":"And you can see here that what it's doing is it's recording my eyes every time I blink.","es":"Y pueden ver aqu\u00ed lo que est\u00e1 haciendo Est\u00e1 grabando mis ojos cada vez que parpadeo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And Adam Smith, of course, the father of modern economics actually said many, many years ago, the invisible hand, which is, \"If you continue to operate in your own self-interest you will do the best good for society.\"","es":"Y Adam Smith, por supuesto, el padre de la econom\u00eda moderna, dijo hace much\u00edsimos a\u00f1os, sobre la mano invisible, que es, \"continuar actuando por tus propios intereses, es lo m\u00e1s beneficioso para la sociedad\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"I know that when I often tell people about this situation, people can be quite dismissive.","es":"S\u00e9 que cuando hablo sobre esta situaci\u00f3n la gente puede ser despectiva."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They've got incredible people skills, negotiating skills. They're highly imaginative.","es":"Tienen habilidades incre\u00edbles, dotes de negociaci\u00f3n, son altamente imaginativas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'm going to get the same feedback anyway.","es":"Voy a lograr la misma retroalimentaci\u00f3n de todos modos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's not as if J.J. and Jill actually ended their talks saying, \"Step your game up,\" but they might as well have.","es":"J.J y Jill no terminaron sus charlas diciendo: \"mejora tu juego\", pero podr\u00edan haberlo hecho."} {"gender":"female","en":"This was also the time when I joined Acumen Fellowship. There, I met leaders like me across the country. And I saw they are taking risks in their lives. I started to understand what leadership really means.","es":"Este tambi\u00e9n fue el momento en el que me un\u00ed a \"Acumen Fellowship\" donde conoc\u00ed a l\u00edderes como yo de todo el pa\u00eds, y vi que ellos estaban tomando riesgos en sus vidas y fue ah\u00ed donde comenc\u00e9 a entender lo que es el liderazgo realmente."} {"gender":"male","en":"You're on a body now giving advice to a guy, EM: Who?","es":"Est\u00e1s en un organismo ahora asesorando a un tipo EM: \u00bfQui\u00e9n?"} {"gender":"male","en":"I think that, in fact, that \"all of the past is but the beginning of a beginning.","es":"Creo que, de hecho, \"todo el pasado no es m\u00e1s que el principio de un principio."} {"gender":"male","en":"And for folks like us, the real reward is the journey and the act of creation.","es":"Para gente como nosotros, la recompensa verdadera es el viaje y el acto creativo."} {"gender":"male","en":"He drank one cup of coffee at night, and we caught it from the data.","es":"\u00c9l tomaba una taza de caf\u00e9 en la noche y lo descubrimos por los datos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Our instinct as parents is to order our kids around.","es":"Nuestro instinto como padres es dar \u00f3rdenes a nuestros ni\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"But people are brutally honest with the Internet, and when these leaks started, many people were asking me about this.","es":"Pero la gente es brutalmente honesta en Internet, y cuando empezaron estas filtraciones, muchas personas me preguntaban sobre esto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But when we say we lost our house, this is, like, right after Katrina, so the house is either all the way up there in the railway tracks, or it's somewhere down there in the Gulf of Mexico, and to this day, we really, we lost our house.","es":"Cuando digo que perdimos la casa --esto fue despu\u00e9s de Katrina-- es porque la casa quiz\u00e1s lleg\u00f3 all\u00e1 arriba donde est\u00e1n las v\u00edas del tren, o quiz\u00e1s acab\u00f3 en alg\u00fan otro sitio all\u00e1 abajo en el Golfo de M\u00e9xico, y hasta hoy la casa sigue desaparecida."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, you may well have heard that a decrease in seasonal sea ice is causing a loss of habitat for animals that rely on sea ice, such as ice seals, or walrus, or polar bears.","es":"Ahora, a lo mejor habr\u00e1n escuchado que una disminuci\u00f3n en esta capa est\u00e1 causando una p\u00e9rdida de h\u00e1bitat para animales que dependen de este hielo como las focas de las banquisas, las morsas o los osos polares."} {"gender":"female","en":"And she said, \"Well, you don't have to do that again.\"","es":"Y dijo: \"Entonces, no tienes que hacer eso otra vez.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"My father learned the magic, spent his time following light.","es":"Mi padre aprendi\u00f3 la magia, dedic\u00f3 tiempo siguiendo la luz."} {"gender":"male","en":"And another key thing that I learned a lot throughout this whole process, last year Google named me as one of the brightest young minds in the world.","es":"Y otro factor clave que aprend\u00ed en todo este proceso, el a\u00f1o pasado Google me nombr\u00f3 como una de las mentes m\u00e1s brillantes del mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's not always a good day, so when you have a bad one, I think it's important to remember it, just as much as it is important to remember the days.","es":"No siempre es un buen d\u00eda, as\u00ed que cuando tenemos uno malo, creo que es importante recordarlo, tanto como es importante recordar los buenos d\u00edas."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what I would like to do today is have something of a discussion.","es":"As\u00ed que lo que me gustar\u00eda hacer hoy es discutir un poco."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's clear that international financial institutions should have flexibility in order to be able to invest more massively in support to these countries.","es":"Que las instituciones financieras internacionales deben ser flexibles con el fin de poder invertir masivamente en apoyo a estos pa\u00edses."} {"gender":"male","en":"And you can see this is a very strange thing.","es":"Y pueden ver que se trata de algo muy extra\u00f1o."} {"gender":"female","en":"I also talk about the MetroCard vending machine, which I consider a masterpiece of interaction.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n hablo de la m\u00e1quina expendedora de MetroCard, que considero una obra maestra de la interacci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And most of our work's pretty non-invasive.","es":"La mayor parte de nuestro trabajo era no invasivo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's hard to get the context and actually get the communication to work.","es":"Es dif\u00edcil de establecer el contexto y de que la comunicaci\u00f3n funcione."} {"gender":"male","en":"This effect is so robust, we find it no matter how we ask the question.","es":"Este efecto es tan robusto que lo encontramos no importa como presentemos la pregunta."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"To deal with complexity, to enhance the nervous system, we have created what we call the smart simplicity approach based on simple rules.","es":"Para lidiar con la complejidad, para mejorar el sistema nervioso, hemos creado lo que llamamos el enfoque de simplicidad inteligente basado en reglas simples."} {"gender":"male","en":"Oh, stop clapping.","es":"Oh, dejen de aplaudir."} {"gender":"male","en":"This one is kind of the same approach because I include, in a product like Andrea, some plants.","es":"Y este incorpora, en principio, el mismo concepto porque incluyo en el producto, como en Andrea, algunas plantas."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the global diaspora; people have left their ancestral lands, and they're sending money back to their families at home.","es":"Esta es la di\u00e1spora mundial; las personas han abandonado sus tierras ancestrales, y est\u00e1n enviando dinero a sus familias en casa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Others will be able to go to centers where they can carry their material, get the design done, and take the materials back that have been made really, really fast and assemble them in their own spaces.","es":"Otros ir\u00e1n a centros donde podr\u00e1n llevar sus materiales, imprimir su dise\u00f1o y, r\u00e1pidamente, regresar con los materiales que ya est\u00e1n listos para ensamblarlos en sus propios locales."} {"gender":"female","en":"And dolphins are very promiscuous, and so we have to determine who the fathers are, so we do paternity tests by collecting fecal material out of the water and extracting DNA.","es":"Y los delfines son muy promiscuos, y por lo tanto debemos determinar qui\u00e9nes son los padres, as\u00ed que hicimos pruebas de paternidad recogiendo materia fecal del agua y extrayendo ADN."} {"gender":"female","en":"When people ask me what I do, quite often I get this answer.","es":"Cu\u00e1ndo me preguntan a que me dedico, regularmente, obtengo esta reacci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Let's first take a look at what normal science looks like.","es":"Bueno, primero observemos como es la ciencia normal."} {"gender":"male","en":"So you can draw a line to try to protect an area, but chemical pollution and noise pollution will continue to move through the area.","es":"Uno puede trazar una l\u00ednea tratando de proteger un \u00e1rea pero la contaminaci\u00f3n qu\u00edmica y ac\u00fastica se propagar\u00e1 por la zona."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And what does he do?","es":"\u00bfY qu\u00e9 es lo que hace este tipo?"} {"gender":"female","en":"This stress hormone strengthens your heart. And the cool thing is that all of these physical benefits of oxytocin are enhanced by social contact and social support. So when you reach out to others under stress, either to seek support or to help someone else, you release more of this hormone, your stress response becomes healthier, and you actually recover faster from stress.","es":"Esta hormona del estr\u00e9s fortalece el coraz\u00f3n, y lo bueno es que todos estos beneficios de la oxitocina se intensifican con el contacto social y el apoyo social, as\u00ed que cuando nos acercamos a otras personas bajo estr\u00e9s, ya sea para buscar apoyo o para ayudar a alguien m\u00e1s, se libera m\u00e1s cantidad de esta hormona, la respuesta al estr\u00e9s se vuelve m\u00e1s saludable, y en realidad nos recuperamos m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido del estr\u00e9s."} {"gender":"female","en":"How did Earth form and evolve?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo se form\u00f3 y evolucion\u00f3 la Tierra ?"} {"gender":"female","en":"We take the seawater back on the deck, and then we can either analyze them on the ship or back in the laboratory for the different chemicals parameters.","es":"Guardamos el agua del mar en la cubierta, y entonces podemos analizarlas en el barco o al volver al laboratorio para los diferentes par\u00e1metros qu\u00edmicos."} {"gender":"female","en":"That in order for people to understand the differences between the choices, they have to be able to understand the consequences associated with each choice, and that the consequences need to be felt in a vivid sort of way, in a very concrete way.","es":"Para que la gente entienda las diferencias entre opciones, tienen que comprender las consecuencias de cada opci\u00f3n, y que las consecuencias deben sentirse de manera muy v\u00edvida, muy concreta."} {"gender":"male","en":"Video: Actor: At COALergy we view climate change as a very serious threat to our business.","es":"Video: Actor: En COALergy vemos el cambio clim\u00e1tico como una seria amenaza a nuestros negocios."} {"gender":"male","en":"So it is a dynamic planet, and activity is going on as we speak today.","es":"Por lo que es un planeta din\u00e1mico, y la actividad est\u00e1 ocurriendo mientras hablamos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in his book, he talked about the social animals.","es":"En su libro habl\u00f3 de los animales sociales."} {"gender":"female","en":"Then I realized, \"Oh my gosh!","es":"Y entonces me di cuenta \"\u00a1Oh, Dios m\u00edo!"} {"gender":"male","en":"My kids saw the movie, and afterwards they came to me and they said, \"So, Dad, so, so, that character, that's Jill, right?\"","es":"Mis hijos vieron la pel\u00edcula, y despu\u00e9s vinieron y me preguntaron: \"Entonces, pap\u00e1, as\u00ed que, ese personaje, es Jill, \u00bfno?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"The secular world is full of holes.","es":"El mundo secular est\u00e1 lleno de vac\u00edos."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, the typical government process began.","es":"As\u00ed que empez\u00f3 el t\u00edpico proceso del gobierno."} {"gender":"male","en":"First, I am no expert in art or culture.","es":"En primer lugar, no soy experto en arte o cultura."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The first is that this is the era of the brain.","es":"La primera es que esta es la era del cerebro."} {"gender":"female","en":"CA: And in the last year, tell us one hopeful thing that you've seen happening.","es":"CA: Y en el \u00faltimo a\u00f1o Cu\u00e9ntanos algo esperanzador que hayas visto."} {"gender":"female","en":"So what made my neighbor Neal's allyship so profound?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 hizo de mi vecino Neal un aliado tan cercano?"} {"gender":"male","en":"This kind of approach is kind of the way some students approach preparing for standardized tests.","es":"Este tipo de enfoque es parecido a cuando algunos estudiantes se preparan para los ex\u00e1menes de admisi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Do you remember dinosaurs when you were that age?","es":"\u00bfRecuerdan los dinosaurios de cuando eran peque\u00f1os?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Which reminds us, as Rod Brooks was saying yesterday: what we are, what each of us is, what you are, what I am, is approximately 100 trillion little cellular robots.","es":"Lo que nos recuerda, como Rod Brooks dec\u00eda ayer, que lo que somos, lo que cada uno de nosotros es, lo que ustedes son, lo que yo soy es aproximadamente 100 billones de robots celulares."} {"gender":"female","en":"Still not sure about the bikini.","es":"A\u00fan no estoy segura sobre el bikini."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Well, you either haul around a USB cable, or you buy a card reader and haul that around. Either one, you're going to lose.","es":"Bien, o consigues un cable USB o comprar un lector de memoria Terminas perdiendo cualquiera de los dos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Instant stretch.","es":"Estiramiento instant\u00e1neo."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's not great for seniors.","es":"No es ideal para las personas mayores."} {"gender":"female","en":"It is different before and after I punched it.","es":"Es diferente antes y despu\u00e9s de perforarlo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And this is quite interesting, to find evolutionary origins of visual signals on what's really, in all species, their spring.","es":"Y eso es muy interesante, encontrar or\u00edgenes evolutivos de se\u00f1ales visuales en lo que son, en todas las especies, sus resortes."} {"gender":"male","en":"What my colleagues and I have decided to do is to think about what if we used mosquitoes themselves to carry the insecticides from a place of our choice to their own breeding habitats so that whichever eggs they lay there shall not survive.","es":"Lo que mis colegas y yo hemos decidido hacer es pensar qu\u00e9 pasar\u00eda si utilizamos mosquitos para llevar los insecticidas desde un lugar de nuestra elecci\u00f3n a sus propios h\u00e1bitats de cr\u00eda de modo que los huevos que ponen all\u00ed no sobrevivan."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was an amazing feat.","es":"Es una haza\u00f1a incre\u00edble."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I've got kids who will not join a conversation about math because someone else has the formula; someone else knows how to work the formula better than me, so I won't talk about it.","es":"He tenido ni\u00f1os que no inician una conversaci\u00f3n acerca de matem\u00e1ticas porque alguien m\u00e1s tiene la f\u00f3rmula, alguien m\u00e1s sabe como usar la f\u00f3rmula mejor que yo. As\u00ed que no hablar\u00e9 de ello."} {"gender":"female","en":"Who wrote that?","es":"\u00bfQui\u00e9n escribi\u00f3 eso?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Because today, as we well know, truth and facts are under assault.","es":"Porque hoy, como bien sabemos, la verdad y los hechos est\u00e1n amenazados."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And what O'Brien knows is that once this thought is accepted, critical dissent is impossible.","es":"Y O'Brien sabe que una vez que se acepta este pensamiento, la disidencia cr\u00edtica es imposible."} {"gender":"male","en":"Not only am I familiar with the 50 states in the United States, but also my wife and I have visited more than 145 countries in the world, and the Carter Center has had full-time programs in 80 nations on Earth.","es":"No solo estoy familiarizado con los 50 estados de EE. UU., sino que tambi\u00e9n mi esposa y yo hemos visitado m\u00e1s de 145 pa\u00edses y el Centro Carter ha impulsado proyectos completos en 80 naciones de la Tierra."} {"gender":"male","en":"I had no interest in citizenship purely as some sort of feel-good thing.","es":"No ten\u00eda inter\u00e9s en la ciudadan\u00eda que solo sirve para sentirse bien."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think he's going to be super popular.","es":"Creo que va a ser s\u00faper famoso."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The battle against corruption exacts a toll on ourselves, our families, our friends, and even our kids.","es":"La batalla contra la corrupci\u00f3n hace estragos en nosotros mismos, nuestras familias, nuestros amigos, e incluso a nuestros hijos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"He had a real eye for things.","es":"\u00c9l ten\u00eda un ojo real para las cosas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But there are great programs for adolescents who are on the edge of care, and 30 percent of kids going into care are adolescents.","es":"Pero hay muchos programas muy buenos para adolescentes en riesgo de caer en estos programas y el 30 % de los ni\u00f1os que entran en estos programas son adolescentes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"They stimulated her gums with a toothpick, to see if that was doing it. No. It was the whole, you know, motion.","es":"Le estimularon las enc\u00edas con un palillo para ver si eso provocaba algo, no, era \u00fanicamente el movimiento."} {"gender":"female","en":"Three key imperatives were really important to our work.","es":"Tres claves imperativas fueron realmente importantes para nuestro trabajo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Karen Frank: We are a smaller brand.","es":"Karen Frank: Somos una marca peque\u00f1a."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Ten people brought 20 million people to a standstill, and this traveled around the world.","es":"Diez personas paralizaron a 20 millones y esto se propag\u00f3 por el mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"We were fortunate, because in a way our building was future-proofed.","es":"Nosotros fuimos afortunados porque nuestro edificio estaba equipado para el futuro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's actually basically three square rooms with a couple of skylights and stuff.","es":"B\u00e1sicamente son tres habitaciones cuadradas con un par de claraboyas y tal."} {"gender":"male","en":"What might be the causal connections between the early developing skills and the later developing ones?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1les podr\u00edan ser las relaciones causantes entre un desarrollo temprano de habilidades y uno m\u00e1s tard\u00edo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"She still is.","es":"Y a\u00fan lo es."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I'm pleased to say that my family were able to support dad's wishes, and he achieved his goals, and in that sense, he had a good death.","es":"Afortunadamente, mi familia pudo concederle esos deseos, y \u00e9l logr\u00f3 su cometido. En ese sentido, tuvo una buena muerte."} {"gender":"female","en":"PK: So what have we done to their little brains?","es":"PK: \u00bfQu\u00e9 le hicimos a sus peque\u00f1os cerebros?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Of course, we can do the same in other countries.","es":"Por supuesto, podemos hacer lo mismo en otros pa\u00edses."} {"gender":"female","en":"In Oslo, doctors are examining the hymens of young girls to reassure parents that their children are not ruined.","es":"En Oslo los m\u00e9dicos examinan los h\u00edmenes de las ni\u00f1as para tranquilizar a los padres de que sus hijas no est\u00e1n da\u00f1adas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't know how much time you all spend on YouTube.","es":"No s\u00e9 cu\u00e1nto tiempo pasan en YouTube."} {"gender":"male","en":"I made my height adjustable.","es":"Hice mi altura ajustable."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'd like to reimagine education.","es":"Quisiera que repensemos la educaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I was like, \"Get a room.","es":"Y yo pensaba: \"Vayan a una habitaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"For example, he's got over one million pieces documenting the Sino-Japanese War, a war that's not talked about in China very much and whose heroes are not honored.","es":"Por ejemplo, Jianchuan tiene m\u00e1s de un mill\u00f3n de piezas que documentan la Guerra Sino-Japonesa, una guerra de la que no se habla mucho en China y a cuyos h\u00e9roes no se los honra."} {"gender":"female","en":"They smell with their antennae.","es":"Ellas olfatean con sus antenas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So if we continue on this red, four-degree centigrade scenario pathway, the longer we continue on it, that will need to be made up for in later years to keep the same carbon budget, to keep the same area under the curve, which means that that trajectory, the red one there, becomes steeper.","es":"As\u00ed que si seguimos en esta roja, de 4 grados cent\u00edgrados, cuanto m\u00e1s tiempo continuamos en ella, m\u00e1s tendr\u00e1 que ser compensado en a\u00f1os posteriores para el mismo presupuesto de carbono, para tener la misma \u00e1rea bajo la curva, lo que significa que esa trayectoria, roja all\u00ed, se hace m\u00e1s pronunciada."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it received quite a bit of attention.","es":"Y recibi\u00f3 bastante atenci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"But Sakena defies labels. She always wears a headscarf, but I've walked alongside with her on a beach with her long hair flying in the breeze.","es":"Pero Sakena desaf\u00eda las etiquetas Siempre lleva puesto un velo en la cabeza. Pero yo he caminado junto a ella en una playa con su largo cabello volando en la brisa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But the interesting point is, if you look over the 1990s, within a few years the organisms evolved to be more mild.","es":"Pero el punto interesante aqu\u00ed es que, si ves los resultados de los 90s, en unos cuantos a\u00f1os los organismos evolucionaron para hacerse menos agresivos."} {"gender":"male","en":"There were no strangers. Right?","es":"No hab\u00eda extra\u00f1os, \u00bfs\u00ed?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And I found myself the last quarter juggling chemical engineering separation processes, logic classes, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and also producing and choreographing a dance production.","es":"Los \u00faltimos cuatro meses, me vi haciendo malabares con los procesos de separaci\u00f3n de la ingenier\u00eda qu\u00edmica, clases de l\u00f3gica, espectroscopia de resonancia magn\u00e9tica nuclear y tambi\u00e9n produciendo y haciendo la coreograf\u00eda de una producci\u00f3n de danza."} {"gender":"male","en":"In 2006, honeybees started disappearing, so suddenly, like, this little nerd kid going to school working with bugs \u2014 \u2014 became very relevant in the world.","es":"En el 2006, las abejas comenzaron a desaparecer, y de repente este chico nerd que iba a la escuela a estudiar insectos \u2014\u2014 se convirti\u00f3 en alguien muy relevante en el mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Education enlighten your brain, give you so many chances, and you're able to survive.","es":"La educaci\u00f3n te ilumina la mente, te da tantas posibilidades, y eres capaz de sobrevivir."} {"gender":"male","en":"And in that way, we want to offer the right tools to sound designers, filmmakers, and video game and app designers, to keep telling even better stories and creating even more beautiful lies.","es":"Y de esa forma, queremos ofrecer las herramientas adecuadas a dise\u00f1adores de sonido, cineastas, y dise\u00f1adores de videojuegos y aplicaciones, para que sigan contando incluso mejores historias y creen a\u00fan m\u00e1s hermosas mentiras."} {"gender":"male","en":"World population, PC placements, the archive of all of medical literature, Moore's law, the old way of sequencing, and here's all the new stuff.","es":"La poblaci\u00f3n mundial, el n\u00famero de computadores, los archivos de toda la literatura m\u00e9dica, la ley de Moore, la forma arcaica de secuenciar, y ac\u00e1 todo lo nuevo."} {"gender":"male","en":"The World Health Organization says that depression is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide, affecting 350 million people.","es":"La Organizaci\u00f3n Mundial de la Salud indica que la depresi\u00f3n es la causa principal de problemas de salud e incapacidad a nivel mundial, afectando a 350 millones de personas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Those who don't study the history of extraordinary human change, those who don't study the biology of what can transform us from our worst to our best behaviors, those who don't do this are destined not to be able to repeat these incandescent, magnificent moments.","es":"Aquellos que no estudian la historia de cambios humanos extraordinarios, aquellos que no estudian la biolog\u00eda de lo que nos puede transformar de nuestras peores a nuestras mejores acciones, los que no hacen esto est\u00e1n destinados a no poder repetir estos momentos incandescentes, magn\u00edficos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if I take a bicycle pump and just pump it up, you can see that this is also a little bit like the octahedron.","es":"Y si tomo una bomba de bicicleta y le inyecto aire, pueden ver que esto tambi\u00e9n tiene forma de octaedro."} {"gender":"male","en":"In economics, if human beings could explain themselves in this way, the tasks are called routine, and they could be automated.","es":"En econom\u00eda, si los seres humanos se pueden explicar de esta manera, los trabajos se llaman rutinarios, y pueden ser automatizados."} {"gender":"female","en":"When I turn the crank and I apply pressure, it makes a sound like a barking dog.","es":"Cuando doy vuelta a la manivela y ejerzo presi\u00f3n hace un sonido como de ladrido de perro, \u00bfs\u00ed?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And Bateson invented the concept of symmetry breaking, which is that wherever you lose information in a system, you revert back to symmetry.","es":"Y Bateson invent\u00f3 el concepto de ruptura sim\u00e9trica, que dice que siempre que un sistema pierde informaci\u00f3n se vuelve a la simetr\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"We're designers.","es":"Somos dise\u00f1adores."} {"gender":"male","en":"Power can also be positive sum, where your gain can be my gain.","es":"El poder tambi\u00e9n puede ser de suma positiva, donde tu ganancia puede ser mi ganancia."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This will start with the HOV lanes and move from there.","es":"Esto empezar\u00e1 con los carriles HOV y seguir\u00e1 por ah\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"And each of these proteins acts just like that solar cell that I told you about.","es":"Y cada una de estas prote\u00ednas act\u00faa como esa celda solar de la que les habl\u00e9."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's very well documented that people get things wrong.","es":"Est\u00e1 muy bien documentado el que la gente se equivoca en estas cosas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's very important for you to go to YemenTimes.com, and it's very important to listen to our voice.","es":"Es muy importante que entren a YemenTimes.com, y es muy importante que escuchen nuestra voz."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the infinite game.","es":"\u00c9ste es el juego infinito."} {"gender":"female","en":"Scientist: I want to show you something.","es":"Cient\u00edfico: Quiero mostrarte algo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And it is something that It's really exciting to see how the engagement with the reader how those images really capture, play with the stereotypes.","es":"Y es algo que es realmente emocionante de ver: c\u00f3mo el compromiso con el lector, c\u00f3mo esas im\u00e1genes realmente capturan y juegan con los estereotipos."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now we can chase them again.","es":"Ahora podemos volver a perseguirlos."} {"gender":"male","en":"They don't stick by Velcro or suction or glue.","es":"No se adhieren por Velcro, o succi\u00f3n, o un adhesivo."} {"gender":"male","en":"My guards did it in five days.","es":"Mis carceleros lo hicieron en cinco d\u00edas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Today it is mostly cultivated in the western part of the Sahel region, from Senegal to Mali, Burkina Faso, Togo, Nigeria.","es":"Hoy en d\u00eda se cultiva principalmente en el oeste de la regi\u00f3n del Sahel, desde Senegal hasta Mal\u00ed, Burkina Faso, Togo y Nigeria."} {"gender":"male","en":"So to come back to the dilemma, if the dilemma is we have old-fashioned political nation-states unable to govern the world, respond to the global challenges that we face like climate change, then maybe it's time for mayors to rule the world, for mayors and the citizens and the peoples they represent to engage in global governance.","es":"Para volver al dilema, si el dilema es que tenemos unos estados-naci\u00f3n antiguos, incapaces de gobernar al mundo, de responder a los retos globales a los que nos enfrentamos, como el cambio clim\u00e1tico, quiz\u00e1s es el momento de que los alcaldes gobiernen al mundo, de que los alcaldes y los ciudadanos y las personas a las que representan se involucren en el gobierno global."} {"gender":"male","en":"This seems to me both a deeply moving and a convincing re-statement of Christian belief about God.","es":"Esto a mi me parece, en dos formas a la ves, profundamente conmovedora y una declaraci\u00f3n convincente de la creencia cristiana acerca de Dios."} {"gender":"female","en":"The streets were flooded, but people didn't want to miss out on the opportunity of being part of such a national day.","es":"Las calles estaban inundadas, pero la gente no quer\u00eda perderse la oportunidad de ser parte de ese gran d\u00eda nacional."} {"gender":"female","en":"I had been tracking return to work programs since 2008, and in 2010, I started noticing the use of a short-term paid work opportunity, whether it was called an internship or not, but an internship-like experience, as a way for professionals to return to work.","es":"Hab\u00eda estado siguiendo programas de reinserci\u00f3n laboral desde 2008, y en 2010 empec\u00e9 a escuchar el t\u00e9rmino oportunidades laborales con pagas de corto plazo, ll\u00e1mese periodo de pr\u00e1cticas o no, una experiencia similar a la pasant\u00eda, como forma de reinserci\u00f3n laboral."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, happy continued success.","es":"Asi que, feliz y continuo \u00e9xito."} {"gender":"female","en":"SW: There you go.","es":"SW: Ya ves."} {"gender":"female","en":"For that is what we'll need, as we move forward to dream and imagine what it will really take to build a global economy that includes all of us, and to finally extend that fundamental proposition that all men are created equal to every human being on the planet.","es":"Porque es lo que necesitamos mientras avanzamos al so\u00f1ar e imaginar qu\u00e9 se necesitar\u00e1 para construir una econom\u00eda global que nos incluya a todos. Y para finalmente extender la proposici\u00f3n fundamental de que todos los hombres son creados iguales a todos los dem\u00e1s en el planeta."} {"gender":"male","en":"And if you think the tilt is tilting us closer, no, it isn't.","es":"Y si piensan que la inclinaci\u00f3n nos acerca, no, no es as\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"It's especially important now.","es":"Es especialmente importante ahora."} {"gender":"male","en":"The birds are, we sort of understand, we think, from that computer model, what's going on.","es":"Entendemos, o eso cre\u00e9mos, lo que est\u00e1 sucediendo gracias al modelo."} {"gender":"female","en":"And if they are, I can imagine them as we are, calculating, writing computer code, building instruments, trying to detect that faintest sound of their origins and wondering who else is out there.","es":"Y si existen puedo imaginarlos como nosotros: calculando, escribiendo c\u00f3digo inform\u00e1tico, construyendo instrumentos, tratando de detectar el m\u00e1s leve sonido de sus or\u00edgenes y pregunt\u00e1ndose qui\u00e9n m\u00e1s est\u00e1 ah\u00ed afuera."} {"gender":"female","en":"The thing I really like about that is it's all very serious until he jumps onto the ice, and as soon as he doesn't go through the ice, but also there isn't blood and bone everywhere, his friends start laughing.","es":"Lo que me gusta de esto es que todo es muy serio hasta que salta al hielo y tan pronto como no atraviesa el hielo pero tampoco hay sangre ni huesos por todas partes, sus amigos empiezan a re\u00edr."} {"gender":"male","en":"What followed were the most difficult decisions in my life, painful to me, painful to my countrymen, imposing cuts, austerity, often on those not to blame for the crisis.","es":"Las que siguieron fueron las decisiones m\u00e1s dif\u00edciles en mi vida, dolorosas para m\u00ed, dolorosas para mis compatriotas: imponer recortes, austeridad, frecuentemente a los que no ten\u00edan culpa de la crisis."} {"gender":"female","en":"You know how, at the checkout counters at supermarkets, near the cashier, there's candy and gum at the eye level of kids?","es":"\u00bfHan visto que en la caja de cobro del supermercado, cerca del cajero, hay dulces y goma de mascar a la altura de los ojos de los ni\u00f1os?"} {"gender":"male","en":"It is protected by the Antarctic Treaty, signed in 1959.","es":"Est\u00e1 protegida por el Tratado Ant\u00e1rtico firmado en 1959."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"Your comfort, simply, is secondary.\"","es":"\"Tu comodidad, simplemente, es secundaria\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"I wish you could see Yemen through my eyes.","es":"Deseo que vean Yemen a trav\u00e9s de mis ojos."} {"gender":"male","en":"One was, I'll go to London, it'll be rainy, I'll get depressed, the whole thing will be a huge waste of time.","es":"Una fue, voy para Londres, va llover, me voy a deprimir, y todo va a ser una p\u00e9rdida de tiempo."} {"gender":"female","en":"Can we stand to have more relationships?","es":"\u00bfPodemos entablar m\u00e1s relaciones?"} {"gender":"male","en":"We were very lucky to have two of our partners participate in this: the Historic Scotland, and the Glasgow School of Art.","es":"Tuvimos mucha suerte de tener aqu\u00ed a dos de nuestros asociados: la Historic Scotland y la Escuela de Arte de Glasgow."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the UK traditionally has been the strictest country when it comes to human genetic modification.","es":"Y el Reino Unido ha sido tradicionalmente el pa\u00eds m\u00e1s estricto en materia de modificaci\u00f3n de gen\u00e9tica humana."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So these guys have actually a stronger hand, three aces and two kings.","es":"De hecho estos tipos tienen una mano m\u00e1s fuerte: tres ases y dos reyes."} {"gender":"male","en":"\"Why didn't you tell us?\"\"You never asked.\"","es":"\"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 no lo dijeron?\" \"Ud. nunca pregunt\u00f3\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I created a little oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.","es":"Y yo cre\u00e9 un peque\u00f1o derrame de aceite en el Golfo de M\u00e9xico."} {"gender":"male","en":"It gives us social participation.","es":"Nos da participaci\u00f3n social."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that means we have to really increase efficiency even more.","es":"Y eso significa que tenemos que aumentar la eficiencia un poco m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"How about a few weeks?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 tal un par de semanas?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And one of our litigation strategies was actually to send me into the home of these clients with these large glass bottles.","es":"Y una de nuestras estrategias de litigaci\u00f3n era, de hecho, enviarme a los hogares de estos clientes con estas grandes botellas de vidrio."} {"gender":"male","en":"I can also inflate or deflate it with the mouse wheel, so you sculpt it like clay.","es":"Puedo hincharlo o encogerlo con la rueda del rat\u00f3n, como si lo esculpiera, como arcilla."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's an algorithm that actually allows you to browse the actual museum's collection using facial recognition.","es":"Es un algoritmo que te permite navegar la colecci\u00f3n vigente del museo utilizando el reconocimiento facial."} {"gender":"male","en":"And we tend not to see that wider picture.","es":"Y no tendemos a ver la imagen en su totalidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"Chapter two starts in 1991.","es":"El Cap\u00edtulo Dos empieza en 1991."} {"gender":"female","en":"Of the 90 percent of the energy that Mr. Gore reminded us that we waste every day, don't add wasting our energy, intelligence and hard-earned experience to that count.","es":"Al 90% de energ\u00eda que Gore nos record\u00f3 que desperdiciamos todos los d\u00edas, no le agreguemos nuestra energ\u00eda, inteligencia y experiencia que nos cost\u00f3 tanto adquirir."} {"gender":"male","en":"Things slow down as you learn, as you learn, as you learn.","es":"Las cosas se desaceleran a medida que uno aprende, y aprende, y aprende."} {"gender":"male","en":"Looks a lot like the watch I was wearing, doesn't it?","es":"Se parece mucho a un reloj que yo ten\u00eda puesto, \u00bfno?"} {"gender":"male","en":"This guy was very good, but he didn't finish high school, so formally, he had no qualifications.","es":"Este empleado era muy bueno, pero no hab\u00eda terminado sus estudios secundarios, es decir que, formalmente, no estaba capacitado."} {"gender":"male","en":"But essentially, do something like this, which I don't know exactly how much it would cost to do, but there's no reason I could see why this should be much more expensive than a regular car seat.","es":"Hagan algo como esto, no s\u00e9 qu\u00e9 costo exacto tendr\u00eda, pero no hay raz\u00f3n que pudiera haber para que fuese mucho m\u00e1s caro que un asiento com\u00fan."} {"gender":"male","en":"For this to work, this progress must be sustainable.","es":"Para que esto funcione, el progreso tiene que ser sostenible."} {"gender":"female","en":"That isn't forever, that is all just temporary.","es":"Eso no es para siempre, era solo temporal."} {"gender":"female","en":"And this, of course, tackles the biggest assumption of all, that business is business, and philanthropy is the vehicle of people who want to create change in the world.","es":"Representado aqu\u00ed por Xigi.net Y esto, por supuesto, aborda la suposici\u00f3n mas grande de todas, que negocios son negocios, y la filantrop\u00eda es el veh\u00edculo de la gente que quiere crear c\u00e1mbio en el mundo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's everywhere on the beach, I discovered.","es":"Descubr\u00ed que est\u00e1 por todos lados en la playa."} {"gender":"male","en":"I sat at my desk.","es":"Me sent\u00e9 en mi escritorio."} {"gender":"male","en":"I automatically wanted to see this ship, this magnificent ship, basically in all its glory, and conversely, I wanted to see it not in all its glory, basically go back to what it looks like.","es":"Autom\u00e1ticamente quise ver la nave, esta maravillosa nave, en todo su esplendor, pero al mismo tiempo, quise verla en la situaci\u00f3n contraria, es decir, como se ve en realidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That's just a matter of anatomy and reproductive tracts, and people could choose whatever gender they want if they weren't forced by society into categories of either male or female the way South Africa used to force people into categories of black or white.","es":"Es solo una cuesti\u00f3n de anatom\u00eda y tractos reproductivos, y la gente puede elegir cualquier g\u00e9nero que quiera si no se ven obligados por la sociedad a encajar en las categor\u00edas de masculino y femenino igual que la gente de Sud\u00e1frica fue separada por blancos y negros."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We can rewind the mind to the past to reflect on events that have already happened, right?","es":"Podemos rebobinar la mente hacia el pasado para reflexionar sobre eventos ya ocurridos, \u00bfverdad?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"All around the world, we're seeing more and more people embrace this walkshed life.","es":"En todo el mundo, estamos viendo cada vez m\u00e1s personas que adoptan este estilo de vida."} {"gender":"male","en":"I'll tell you what my teacher did for me.","es":"Les dir\u00e9 que hizo mi profe por m\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"We don't have to fall in love with each other, but we can become friends.","es":"No tenemos que enamorarnos unos de otros, pero podemos ser amigos."} {"gender":"male","en":"We move people from Stage One to Stage Two by getting them in a new tribe and then, over time, getting them connected. So, what about moving from Stage Three to Stage Four?","es":"Movemos gente de la Etapa 1 a la Etapa 2 al ponerlos en una nueva tribu. Y despu\u00e9s, con el tiempo, conectarlos As\u00ed que, qu\u00e9 sucede al moverlos de una Etapa 3 a una Etapa 4?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And the aquaponics is the dirty water of the fish, by a water pump, feeds the plants above.","es":"Y lo acuap\u00f3nico es el agua sucia de los peces que mediante una bomba de agua, alimenta las plantas de la superficie."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But you hit \"submit order.\"","es":"Pero oprimieron 'Enviar pedido'."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"That means that pigs also share diseases with us.","es":"Eso significa que los cerdos comparten enfermedades con nosotros."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is the waste room.","es":"Esta es la sala de residuos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And biology tells us two things about Homo sapiens which are very relevant to this issue: first of all, that we are completely dependent on the ecological system around us, and that today we are talking about a global system.","es":"Y la biolog\u00eda nos dice dos cosas sobre el Homo sapiens relevantes en esta cuesti\u00f3n: primero que todo, que somos completamente dependientes del sistema ecol\u00f3gico que nos rodea y que hoy estamos hablando de un sistema global."} {"gender":"male","en":"In our everyday lives, most of us prefer to think about nearer things, such as our jobs, our kids, how many likes we get on Facebook.","es":"En nuestra vida cotidiana, la mayor\u00eda de nosotros preferimos pensar en cosas m\u00e1s cercanas, como nuestros trabajos, nuestros hijos, Cuantos \"Me gusta\" tenemos en Facebook."} {"gender":"male","en":"So we count many, many such planets, and they have different sizes.","es":"Contamos muchos, muchos planetas as\u00ed, y son de distintos tama\u00f1os."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You see, the thing is, obesity and diet-related disease doesn't just hurt the people that have it; it's all of their friends, families, brothers, sisters.","es":"Ver\u00e1n, la cosa es que la obesidad y los desordenes alimenticios no s\u00f3lo lastiman a la gente que los sufre, sino tambi\u00e9n a sus amigos, familias, hermanos, hermanas."} {"gender":"male","en":"For the last 20 years, I've been working in countries and cities ripped apart by conflict, violence, terrorism, or some insidious combination of all.","es":"En los \u00faltimos 20 a\u00f1os, he trabajado en pa\u00edses y ciudades devastados por los conflictos, la violencia, el terrorismo o alguna combinaci\u00f3n traicionera de todas ellas."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can do the same thing, as the costs come down, for the Carolina parakeet, for the great auk, for the heath hen, for the ivory-billed woodpecker, for the Eskimo curlew, for the Caribbean monk seal, for the woolly mammoth.","es":"Ustedes pueden hacer lo mismo, a medida que bajen los costes, por la cotorra de Carolina, el alca gigante, por el urogallo grande, el carpintero real, por el zarapito esquimal, la foca monje del Caribe, y por el mamut lanudo."} {"gender":"female","en":"We were poor.","es":"\u00c9ramos pobres."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, this woman, who converted from the Church of England to Catholicism when she married my father, and there's no one more rabid than a Catholic convert, decided to teach in the rural areas in Nigeria, particularly among Igbo women, the Billings ovulation method, which was the only approved birth control by the Catholic Church.","es":"As\u00ed que esta mujer, que se convirti\u00f3 de la Iglesia Anglicana al Catolicismo cuando se cas\u00f3 con mi padre, y no hay nadie m\u00e1s rabioso que un Cat\u00f3lico converso, decidi\u00f3 ense\u00f1ar en las \u00e1reas rurales de Nigeria, particularmente entre mujeres Igbo, el m\u00e9todo de ovulaci\u00f3n de Billing, que era el \u00fanico control natal aprobado por la Iglesia Cat\u00f3lica."} {"gender":"male","en":"You go back to it, repeat it. \"Oh, I am worried.","es":"Vuelves a \u00e9l, lo repites; \"Oh, estoy preocupado."} {"gender":"male","en":"And the jar of pills he had, he said, were the tiniest little pills he could find, so small you could barely see them.","es":"Y el frasco de pastillas que ten\u00eda, \u00e9l dec\u00eda, eran las pastillas m\u00e1s peque\u00f1itas que pudo encontrar, tan peque\u00f1as que apenas pod\u00edan verse."} {"gender":"male","en":"So what we need to do is we have to effect it.","es":"Debemos cambiarlo."} {"gender":"male","en":"What about if I put a thermal sponge in the middle, in the passageway between where the air has to move between hot and cold?","es":"Qu\u00e9 pasar\u00eda si pusi\u00e9ramos una esponja t\u00e9rmica en el medio, en la ruta por donde pasa el aire para ir de caliente a fr\u00edo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"So I met this character, Steven.","es":"As\u00ed conoc\u00ed a este personaje, Steven."} {"gender":"male","en":"This has to play into habitability.","es":"Esto tiene que jugar en la habitabilidad."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, if you open the fruit of the baobab, you'll see a white, floury pulp, which is very rich in nutrients and has got protein, more protein than in human milk.","es":"Ahora, si se abre el fruto del baobab, ver\u00e1 una, pulpa harinosa de color blanco, que es muy rica en nutrientes y tiene prote\u00edna, m\u00e1s prote\u00edna que la leche humana."} {"gender":"male","en":"But it is going to happen in this century.","es":"Pero llegaremos ah\u00ed en este mismo siglo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Nuclear energy comes for a simple reason.","es":"La energ\u00eda nuclear sucede por una simple raz\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"Refugee camp in Darfur.","es":"Campo de refugiados en Darfur."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But it is a task that we have to do to make progress.","es":"Pero es una tarea que tenemos pendiente para poder progresar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And they took us, they put us up in a great hotel and we were looking over the bay, and then they took us in a boat out in the water and showed us all these sights in the harbor.","es":"Y nos llevaron --nos pusieron en un gran hotel, de donde ve\u00edamos la bah\u00eda. Y nos llevaron en un bote al mar y nos mostraron todas esas vistas del puerto."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Those of us in education have held on to a business plan that we don't care how many millions of young people fail, we're going to continue to do the same thing that didn't work, and nobody is getting crazy about it, right?, enough to say, \"Enough is enough.\"","es":"Aquellos de nosotros que en educaci\u00f3n nos atenemos a un plan en el que no nos importa cu\u00e1ntos millones de j\u00f3venes reprueben, vamos a continuar haciendo algo que no funcion\u00f3, y nadie se enoja por ello, \u00bfcierto?, basta con decir, \"Basta ya\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"Building on a rapidly growing body of psychology and social science, I spent years looking into the five inner defenses that stop people from engaging.","es":"Basado en una creciente literatura de psicolog\u00eda y ciencias sociales, pas\u00e9 a\u00f1os investigando las cinco defensas internas que impiden que la gente se comprometa."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well I'm here to suggest there's a better way, that less might actually equal more.","es":"Pues bien, quiero decirles que hay una mejor manera de vivir, en la que menos en realidad es m\u00e1s."} {"gender":"female","en":"This was at a time that treatment actually existed in rich countries.","es":"Esto fue cuando el tratamiento exist\u00eda en los pa\u00edses ricos."} {"gender":"female","en":"So, the short story about my blog: it started in 2001, I was 23.","es":"As\u00ed que, esta es la historia corta de mi blog: empez\u00f3 en el 2001. Ten\u00eda 23 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"What that means is that if the drug dealers' telephone calls or the terrorists' telephone calls can be intercepted, then so can the rest of ours, too.","es":"Eso significa que para interceptar las llamadas del traficante de drogas o las de los terroristas, deben interceptar las nuestras tambi\u00e9n."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that this mass extinction was taking place with very few people noticing and even fewer caring.","es":"Y que esta extinci\u00f3n masiva ya estaba sucediendo con muy pocas personas como testigos y muchas menos haci\u00e9ndose cargo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is inference.","es":"Esta es la inferencia."} {"gender":"female","en":"What if through compassion and empathy and human interaction we are able to learn to hold two things?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 pasa si a trav\u00e9s de la compasi\u00f3n, la empat\u00eda y la interacci\u00f3n humana podemos aprender a sostener 2 cosas?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Why was this horrible little building so important to their renown and their innovation?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 este edificio peque\u00f1o y horrible era tan importante para su prestigio e innovaci\u00f3n?"} {"gender":"female","en":"You know, the marathon has really become one of its kind.","es":"Saben, la marat\u00f3n se ha convertido realmente en algo \u00fanico."} {"gender":"male","en":"And this is still in preliminary stages; these aren't the finals.","es":"Est\u00e1 todav\u00eda en etapas preliminares. No son las finales."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, you can learn three interesting things from this.","es":"Podemos aprender 3 cosas interesantes de todo esto."} {"gender":"male","en":"Maybe one day you will watch this on the Internet.","es":"Tal vez alg\u00fan d\u00eda ustedes vean esto en Internet."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The women in the zone, now in their 70s and 80s, are the last survivors of a group who defied authorities and, it would seem, common sense, and returned to their ancestral homes inside the zone.","es":"Las mujeres en la Zona, ahora con 70 u 80 a\u00f1os, son los \u00faltimos supervivientes de un grupo que desafi\u00f3 a las autoridades, y, al parecer, al sentido com\u00fan, y volvieron a sus hogares ancestrales en la Zona."} {"gender":"female","en":"I love the Brooklyn Dodgers, as you do, but I promise you some day they will win fairly and squarely.","es":"Yo amo a los Brooklyn Dodgers, igual que t\u00fa, pero te prometo que alg\u00fan d\u00eda ganar\u00e1n de manera justa y clara."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you take a close-up of those, they look like this.","es":"Si se les hace un acercamiento, se ven as\u00ed."} {"gender":"female","en":"I've written books about the history of space, the history of physics and religion, and I write articles for people like the New York Times and the L.A. Times.","es":"He escrito libros sobre la historia del espacio, la historia de la f\u00edsica y la religi\u00f3n, y escribo art\u00edculos para publicaciones como New York Times y L.A. Times."} {"gender":"male","en":"But when I don't know and when I haven't been asked, that's when the problem arises.","es":"Pero el problema surge cuando yo no s\u00e9 y no se me ha pedido permiso."} {"gender":"female","en":"I see it when I stand on a stage in a bluegrass festival in east Virginia and I look out at the sea of lawn chairs and I bust out into a song in Chinese.","es":"Lo veo cuando en el escenario de un festival de bluegrass en Virginia Oriental miro el mar de sillas del p\u00fablico y de repente empiezo a cantar una canci\u00f3n en chino."} {"gender":"male","en":"At RISD, you're not allowed to draw from an image.","es":"En RISD, no se permite dibujar de una imagen."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, the American population can be broken up into three main categories: there's mostly wonderful people, haters and Florida.","es":"Ahora bien, podemos dividir la poblaci\u00f3n en tres categor\u00edas principales: la primera donde la mayor\u00eda son maravillosos, luego tenemos a los que odian, y en la \u00faltima tenemos a Florida."} {"gender":"female","en":"And she stood in front of her mirror at home, and she said the word \"God.\" \"God.\" \"God.\" \"God.\" \"God.\" \"God.\"","es":"Se par\u00f3 frente al espejo en casa y dijo la palabra \"Dios\"."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"In the New Jersey data, which is different, because it's not just fatal crashes, but all crashes in New Jersey that are reported, it turns out that there is a 10 percent difference in injuries, but generally they're the minor injuries.","es":"En los datos de Nueva Jersey, es diferente porque no son s\u00f3lo los choques fatales, sino todos los choques de Nueva Jersey. Hay una diferencia de 10% en las lesiones, pero generalmente son lesiones menores."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Viruses only grow in living things, and so it turned out that, for flu, chicken eggs worked really well.","es":"Los virus s\u00f3lo crecen en cosas vivas y result\u00f3 que, para la gripe, los huevos de gallina funcionaban muy bien."} {"gender":"female","en":"So Acumen made not one, but two bridge loans, and the good news is they did indeed meet world-quality classification and are now in the final stages of closing a 20-million-dollar round, to move it to the next level, and I think that this will be one of the more important companies in East Africa.","es":"As\u00ed que Acumen hizo no uno, sino dos pr\u00e9stamos puente y las buenas noticias son que ellos s\u00ed lograron alcanzar la clasificaci\u00f3n de calidad mundial y ahora est\u00e1n en las etapas finales de cerrar una ronda de 20 millones para llevar la empresa al p\u00f3ximo nivel, y me parece que esta va a ser de las compa\u00f1\u00edas m\u00e1s importantes en la \u00c1frica del Este."} {"gender":"female","en":"For example, I took a whole bunch of fortune cookies back to China, gave them to Chinese to see how they would react.","es":"Por ejemplo, llev\u00e9 algunas galletas de la fortuna de vuelta a China, se las di a los chinos para ver c\u00f3mo reaccionaban."} {"gender":"female","en":"Over the past hundred years, the combination of liberal democracy and private capitalism has helped to catapult the United States and Western countries to new levels of economic development.","es":"En los \u00faltimos 100 a\u00f1os, la combinaci\u00f3n de democracia y capitalismo privado ha ayudado a catapultar a Estados Unidos y a los pa\u00edses occidentales a nuevos niveles de desarrollo econ\u00f3mico."} {"gender":"male","en":"But what happened was, when the white guy flew his plane into the building, I know all my Middle Eastern and Muslim friends in the States were watching TV, going, \"Please, don't be Middle Eastern.","es":"Lo que pas\u00f3, cuando el tipo blanco estrell\u00f3 el avi\u00f3n contra el edificio s\u00e9 que todos mis amigos de Medio Oriente y musulmanes en EE.UU. estaban mirando TV, diciendo: \"Por favor, que no sean de Medio Oriente\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"With every single prototype, we went back to the women to ensure that we had a product for them.","es":"Con cada prototipo, volv\u00edamos donde las mujeres para asegurarnos de tener un producto para ellas."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Should we be collecting all of that guy's data to make his experiences better and to protect ourselves in case he's up to no good?","es":"\u00bfDeber\u00edamos recolectar toda los datos de ese hombre para ofrecerle una mejor experiencia y para protegernos en caso de que trame algo malo?"} {"gender":"male","en":"An airplane moves too fast, a helicopter would be too loud with too much downdraft, and it dawned on me that this crazy little aircraft I was flying would open up a new way of seeing remote parts of the African landscape in a way that had never really been possible before.","es":"Un avi\u00f3n va demasiado r\u00e1pido, un helic\u00f3ptero genera demasiado ruido y demasiada corriente de aire por debajo, y pens\u00e9 que este peque\u00f1o y loco aparato volador podr\u00eda abrir las puertas a un nuevo modo de ver zonas remotas del paisaje africano como nunca antes hab\u00eda sido posible."} {"gender":"female","en":"You can't patent products of nature, the air, the water, minerals, elements of the periodic table.","es":"No se pueden patentar productos de la naturaleza el aire, el agua, los minerales, los elementos de la tabla peri\u00f3dica."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"When people are given the opportunity to create in the world, there's really two things they want.","es":"Cuando a la gente se le da la oportunidad de crear en el mundo, existen dos cosas que realmente quieren."} {"gender":"male","en":"And having the stage fright song let me get past that biggest issue right in the beginning of a performance.","es":"Y con la canci\u00f3n del miedo esc\u00e9nico podr\u00eda superar mi mayor problema al comienzo de una actuaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"We're going to continue to look at new ways of bringing together the physical world and the virtual world and connecting to the world around us.","es":"Vamos a continuar viendo las nuevas formas de juntar el mundo f\u00edsico y el mundo virtual y conectarlo al mundo a nuestro alrededor."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I also whistled at a Christmas Eve party with my family-in-law.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n he silbado en Nochebuena, con mi familia pol\u00edtica."} {"gender":"male","en":"This time I paid 25 cents because I thought the task was a bit harder.","es":"Esta vez pagu\u00e9 25 centavos porque pens\u00e9 que la tarea era m\u00e1s dif\u00edcil."} {"gender":"male","en":"Why did I do this?","es":"\u00bfPor qu\u00e9 hago esto?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And so then the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors came along, and they said, oh, well, we will hold the line.","es":"Entonces lleg\u00f3 el Comit\u00e9 Internacional de editores de revistas m\u00e9dicas, y dijeron: Bien, vamos a esperar."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And that was exciting, that was fun.","es":"Y eso fue emocionante. Eso fue divertido."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was an engineer in manufacturing and packaging, I had a good background.","es":"Era ingeniero en fabricaci\u00f3n y envasado. Ten\u00eda un buen historial."} {"gender":"male","en":"We shall not bring back a single bit of gold or silver, and not a gem, nor any coal or iron.","es":"No traeremos un solo gramo de oro o plata, ni una joya, ni carb\u00f3n o hierro."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Now, we need to let people motivate each other.","es":"Ahora, tenemos que dejar que las personas motiven a los dem\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"But I also saw in my reflection that, had Abed not injured me, I would now, in all likelihood, be a doctor and a husband and a father.","es":"Pero tambi\u00e9n vi en mi reflejo que si Abed no me hubiera herido, hoy, muy probablemente, ser\u00eda un m\u00e9dico, un esposo y un padre."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The subway was against, of course.","es":"El metro estaba en contra, claro."} {"gender":"male","en":"I stand for my men and women who are prepared to risk their lives for a less violent world for all of us.","es":"Defender\u00e9 a mis hombres y mujeres que est\u00e1n dispuestos a arriesgar sus vidas para que tengamos un mundo menos violento."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And in the process we realized that we not only had to design the software, we had to implement the infrastructure as well.","es":"Y en el proceso nos dimos cuenta de que no solo ten\u00edamos que dise\u00f1ar el software, tambi\u00e9n ten\u00edamos que implementar la infraestructura."} {"gender":"male","en":"And here are her six-year-olds, and she's got them making shapes out of a shape.","es":"Ella simplemente pod\u00eda sentirlas, y aqu\u00ed est\u00e1n sus alumnos de seis a\u00f1os, y los tiene haciendo formas de otras formas."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't have an answer.","es":"No tengo la respuesta."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We were told afterward that if that had gone through normal channels, it would have taken at least two years and it would have cost about two million dollars.","es":"Luego nos dijeron que de haberlo hecho por los canales normales habr\u00eda llevado al menos dos a\u00f1os y costado unos dos millones de d\u00f3lares."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I said, \"Well, perhaps we should construct a biosignature based on life as a universal process.","es":"Les dije: \"Bueno, tal vez podr\u00edamos construir un biomarcador basado en la vida como un proceso universal."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But looking closer, that leg is pretty languid on the ground, the arm is heavy on the knee.","es":"Pero mirando m\u00e1s de cerca, ese pie est\u00e1 algo l\u00e1nguido en la tierra, la mano pesada sobre la rodilla."} {"gender":"male","en":"So, let's leave that aside.","es":"As\u00ed que dejemos eso a un lado."} {"gender":"female","en":"And then the Renaissance came and everything changed, and we had this big idea, and the big idea was, let's put the individual human being at the center of the universe above all gods and mysteries, and there's no more room for mystical creatures who take dictation from the divine.","es":"Y entonces lleg\u00f3 el Renacimiento y todo cambi\u00f3, y tuvimos esta gran idea, y la gran idea fue vamos a poner al ser humano individual en el centro del universo sobre todos los dioses y misterios, y no hay m\u00e1s espacio para criaturas m\u00edsticas que toman dictado de lo divino."} {"gender":"female","en":"Taking these photos under the microscope every year is one of my favorite and most magical moments of the year.","es":"Tomar fotos bajo el microscopio cada a\u00f1o es uno de mis momentos favoritos y m\u00e1s m\u00e1gicos del a\u00f1o."} {"gender":"male","en":"And they sign me in.","es":"Me registran."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If we deregulate these guys, how are we going to raise money from them?\"","es":"Si desregulamos a estos muchachos, \"\u00bfc\u00f3mo vamos a conseguir dinero de ellos?\""} {"gender":"female","en":"There are six billion mobile phone subscriptions as of last year.","es":"Hab\u00eda 6000 millones de cuentas de celular hasta el a\u00f1o pasado."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now I don't expect every kid to be a farmer, but I expect you to read about it, write about it, blog about it, offer outstanding customer service.","es":"No espero que todos los ni\u00f1os se conviertan en agricultores, pero s\u00ed que Uds. lean sobre esto, que escriban, que hagan un blog, que ofrezcan un servicio al cliente excepcional."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is an essentially philosophical question, I believe, and it can't be answered with a yes or no test, like the Turing test.","es":"Creo que es esencialmente una cuesti\u00f3n filos\u00f3fica, que no podemos solucionar con una prueba binaria, como la prueba de Turing."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"This is the complication.","es":"Esta es la complicaci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"LA: And it's not just as adults that we need to bottle this behavior.","es":"LA: Y no es justo como adultos que bloqueemos esta actitud."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"OK, now, that sounds like something you get on a Chinese fortune cookie, right? But is, in fact, about the art of delegation.","es":"Vale, suena como algo que lees en una galleta china de la suerte, pero en realidad se trata del arte de delegar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Yeah?","es":"\u00bfS\u00ed?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But the volumes are much larger than ever.","es":"Pero los vol\u00famenes son m\u00e1s grandes que nunca."} {"gender":"female","en":"But even before I peel that muscle away, you saw that there was a tumor underneath.","es":"Pero incluso antes de que lo quitara, ustedes vieron que hab\u00eda tumor debajo."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"And finally the only person who will come forward is this young shepherd boy, and he goes up to Saul and he says, \"I'll fight him.\"","es":"Y al final, la \u00fanica persona que da un paso al frente es un joven pastor de ovejas, Se acerca a Sa\u00fal y le dice, \"Yo luchar\u00e9 contra \u00e9l\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And for rural areas, it can be the primary means of connection.","es":"Y para las \u00e1reas rurales, puede ser el principal medio de conexi\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"And for some, it was to bridge the gap between the older and the younger generation, which by the way is something that many faiths are grappling with right now.","es":"Y para otros era zanjar la brecha entre generaciones mayores y j\u00f3venes, que, por cierto, es algo que enfrentan muchas religiones ahora mismo."} {"gender":"male","en":"None of them.","es":"Ninguno."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's funny, when you walk, you walk side-by-side, in the same common direction.","es":"Es curioso, cuando uno camina, camina lado a lado, en la misma direcci\u00f3n com\u00fan."} {"gender":"male","en":"I make films and I work with high tech, but I'm still old school as an educator, and I want to share with you this exercise that illustrates on the sentence-structure level how the way that we think, literally the way that we use language, conspires to keep our attention off of men.","es":"Trabajo en hago pel\u00edculas y trabajo con alta tecnolog\u00eda, pero todav\u00eda soy de la vieja escuela como educador, y quiero compartir con Uds. este ejercicio que ilustra en el nivel de la estructura de la oraci\u00f3n la forma en que pensamos, literalmente la manera en que usamos el lenguaje, que conspira para mantener fuera la atenci\u00f3n de los hombres."} {"gender":"male","en":"Shouldn't we be thinking hard about how to get off fossil fuels?\"","es":"\u00bfNo deber\u00edamos estar pensando seriamente en librarnos de los combustibles f\u00f3siles?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"What that means is, you've got to wait 37 years before your first significant achievement that you're remembered for, on average, 44 years later, when you die at the age of 81, on average.","es":"Lo que significa que Uds. deben esperar 37 a\u00f1os antes de su primer logro relevante por el que ser\u00e1n recordados, en promedio, 44 a\u00f1os m\u00e1s tarde, cuando mueran a la edad de 81, de media."} {"gender":"male","en":"Again, we need to protect the astronauts from that.","es":"Nuevamente, debemos proteger a los astronautas de eso."} {"gender":"female","en":"And I had no idea how I was going to be an elephant handler.","es":"Y no ten\u00eda idea c\u00f3mo iba a ser un jinete de elefante."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is back to what I was telling you at the beginning about skull fracture.","es":"Se trata de lo que mencionaba al principio sobre la fractura de cr\u00e1neo."} {"gender":"male","en":"If you see a notification, it schedules you to have thoughts that maybe you didn't intend to have.","es":"Si ven una notificaci\u00f3n, esta los programa para que tengan pensamientos que quiz\u00e1s no ten\u00edan la intenci\u00f3n de tener."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"But the last Saturn V was used in 1973 to launch the Skylab space station, and we decided to do something called the shuttle instead of continuing on to Mars after we landed on the Moon.","es":"Pero el \u00faltimo Saturno V se us\u00f3 en 1973 para lanzar la estaci\u00f3n espacial Skylab, y decidimos construir el transbordador espacial en lugar de continuar la carrera a Marte despu\u00e9s de alunizar."} {"gender":"male","en":"The challenge, though, for a wholegrain baker is, you know, how do you make it taste good?","es":"Sin embargo, el reto para el panadero integral es, han de saber, \u00bfc\u00f3mo hacer que sepa bien?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And the teachers: the way you teach these things to the kids is by having the teachers and all the other staff embody it every minute of every day.","es":"Y los maestros: la manera en la que ense\u00f1en esto a los ni\u00f1os es que los maestros y el personal lo incorporen durante cada minuto de cada d\u00eda."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, if we want better buildings for dying, then we have to talk about it, but because we find the subject of death uncomfortable, we don't talk about it, and we don't question how we as a society approach death.","es":"Pero, si queremos mejores lugares para morir, tenemos que hablar sobre ello, y como la muerte es un tema inc\u00f3modo no hablamos de ella y no cuestionamos la forma como la sociedad lo trata."} {"gender":"male","en":"But when we got back home, there were many who said, \"Nah, those aren't going to work.","es":"Pero cuando volvimos a casa, hubo muchos que dijeron: \"Nah, eso no va a funcionar."} {"gender":"male","en":"In general, automating some subset of those tasks doesn't make the other ones unnecessary.","es":"En general, la automatizaci\u00f3n de alg\u00fan subconjunto de esas tareas no hace innecesarias a las dem\u00e1s."} {"gender":"male","en":"But in my view, this is profoundly problematic for the intergovernmental agency, an agency that has a mission to promote sustainable living.","es":"Pero en mi opini\u00f3n, esto es profundamente problem\u00e1tico para la agencia intergubernamental, la agencia cuya misi\u00f3n es promover una vida sostenible."} {"gender":"female","en":"CA: What's the bottleneck preventing this stuff getting from scale?","es":"CA: \u00bfCu\u00e1l es el cuello de botella para prevenir que esto se vaya de escala?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, if you have a little girl, and she goes and writes to, well, not so little, medium little, tries to do research on Barbie.","es":"Ahora bien, si ustedes tienen una ni\u00f1a peque\u00f1a, y ella va y escribe, bueno, no tan peque\u00f1a, mediana, y ella trata de hacer una investigaci\u00f3n acerca de Barbie."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is a full set of encyclopedias that's been connected and sanded together, and as I carve through it, I'm deciding what I want to choose.","es":"Este es un conjunto de enciclopedias que se han conectado y lijados juntas, y seg\u00fan las tallo decido lo que quiero elegir."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Even the Pope has agreed that evolution exists.","es":"Incluso el Papa est\u00e1 de acuerdo en que la evoluci\u00f3n existe."} {"gender":"male","en":"One is bundled up into one sausage.","es":"Una se envuelve en forma de salchicha."} {"gender":"male","en":"Like if I smoked, I'd probably just smoke instead.","es":"Como si fumara, probablemente s\u00f3lo fumar\u00eda en lugar de eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"The art piece at some point will disappear, vanish, and actually there is somebody who is building a second floor in front of Uncle Ibrahim's house, so it's covering part of the painting, so I might need to go back and paint over it.","es":"La obra de arte en alg\u00fan momento desaparecer\u00e1, se desvanecer\u00e1, y, en realidad, alguien est\u00e1 construyendo un segundo piso frente a la casa del t\u00edo Ibrahim, cubriendo parte de la pintura, as\u00ed que puede que tenga que volver y pintar all\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"They can be shocking or silly or soulful.","es":"Pueden ser impactantes, tontos o conmovedores."} {"gender":"male","en":"I started it with one other family in 1980. And I decided that I was never going to go on TV, because I didn't want to be a celebrity. I didn't want to be a, quote, \"evangelist, televangelist\", that's not my thing.","es":"La comenc\u00e9 en 1980 juntamente con otra familia en ese tiempo tom\u00e9 la decision de nunca aparecer en televisi\u00f3n porque no ten\u00eda ning\u00fan deseo de convertirme en una celebridad y tampoco quer\u00eda tornarme en un, entre comillas, \"evangelista o evangelista de televisi\u00f3n\", No es lo m\u00edo."} {"gender":"female","en":"The psychologist Dan McAdams calls this a \"redemptive story,\" where the bad is redeemed by the good.","es":"El psic\u00f3logo Dan McAdams llama a esto una \"historia redentora\" donde lo malo es redimido por lo bueno."} {"gender":"male","en":"Ah, nothing.","es":"Ah, nada."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Processing textiles requires huge amounts of water.","es":"El procesamiento textil requiere enormes cantidades de agua."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, at the foundation and kind of the core of this whole system is the Exo Housing Unit, which is just the individual shelter module.","es":"Bien, en la cimentaci\u00f3n, y en cierto modo, el n\u00facleo de todo el sistema, est\u00e1 la Unidad de Vivienda Exo que no es m\u00e1s que el m\u00f3dulo individual de refugio."} {"gender":"male","en":"It must be so hard teaching those poor, unintelligent kids,\" I bit my lip, because apparently we needed her money more than my students needed their dignity.","es":"Debe ser duro ense\u00f1ar a esos ni\u00f1os tontos y pobres\", la respuesta la guarde en un sobre, porque necesit\u00e1bamos el dinero m\u00e1s de lo que los chicos necesitaban su honra."} {"gender":"female","en":"Now, in San Francisco, we get a little miffed when we hit a dead cell zone because we can't use our phones to navigate to the new hipster coffee shop. But what if you had to drive four hours to charge your phone because you had no reliable source of electricity?","es":"En San Francisco, nos molesta una zona de mala recepci\u00f3n porque usamos nuestros tel\u00e9fonos para buscar una nueva cafeter\u00eda Pero \u00bfqu\u00e9 pasa si tienes que conducir 4 horas para cargar tu tel\u00e9fono porque no tienes una fuente confiable de electricidad?"} {"gender":"female","en":"And as I looked into his eyes, I realized that for the hundreds of letters I had written for political prisoners, that I would never have written a letter for him, because he was not a 12-year-old boy who had done something important for anybody.","es":"Al mirarlo a los ojos me di cuenta que, dentro las cientos de cartas que hab\u00eda escrito a presos pol\u00edticos, nunca pens\u00e9 en escribirle una a \u00e9l porque era apenas un ni\u00f1o de doce a\u00f1os que no hab\u00eda hecho nada grave."} {"gender":"male","en":"What is the difference between these two?","es":"\u00bfCu\u00e1l es la diferencia entre estos dos?"} {"gender":"female","en":"He glanced at me.","es":"Me mir\u00f3."} {"gender":"female","en":"I saw the implications up front.","es":"Vi las implicaciones por adelantado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Nearly every year for more than a hundred years it looked like this in the summer.","es":"Casi todos los a\u00f1os desde hace m\u00e1s de 100 a\u00f1os se ha visto as\u00ed en verano."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Justice Roberts distinguished it from carving a baseball bat from a tree.","es":"El juez Roberts lo distingui\u00f3 como hacer un bate de b\u00e9isbol de un \u00e1rbol."} {"gender":"female","en":"And the answer would appear to be yes, and the language would appear to be food.","es":"Y la respuesta parece ser que s\u00ed, y el lenguaje parecen ser los alimentos."} {"gender":"male","en":"You can teach those habits to young kids, when they don't even feel the pain yet.","es":"Se les puede ense\u00f1ar esos h\u00e1bitos a los ni\u00f1itos cuando ni siquiera han sentido el dolor todav\u00eda."} {"gender":"male","en":"And so we put it up on Kickstarter, and hundreds of people bought it in the first day.","es":"As\u00ed que lo pusimos en Kickstarter, y el primer d\u00eda lo compraron cientos de personas."} {"gender":"male","en":"We found that the dominant female is mostly the one who leads the group to the road, but when it comes to crossing it, crossing the road, she gives way to the subordinates, a manner of saying, \"Go ahead, tell me if it's safe.\"","es":"Descubrimos que la hembra dominante es generalmente la \u00fanica que gu\u00eda al grupo a la ruta, pero al momento de cruzarla, deja pasar a los subordinados, como diciendo, \"Adelante, d\u00edganme si es seguro\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And when someone opens your mailbox, you get a notification, an alert message goes to your iPhone.","es":"Y cuando alguien abra su buz\u00f3n reciben una notificaci\u00f3n, un mensaje de alerta en el iPhone."} {"gender":"female","en":"The quality of care that children receive in their families can have a more significant effect on their well-being than from the actual experiences of war that they have been exposed to.","es":"La calidad del cuidado que los ni\u00f1os reciben en sus familias puede tener un efecto m\u00e1s significativo en su bienestar que las experiencias reales de la guerra a las que han estado expuestos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You've probably heard it said that when it comes to their psychology, it's almost as if men are from Mars and women are from Venus.","es":"Seguro que han o\u00eddo decir que si se trata de psicolog\u00eda, los hombres son de Marte y las mujeres de Venus."} {"gender":"male","en":"For most of human history, we could go no faster than a horse or a boat with a sail, but in 1969, the crew of Apollo 10 flew at 25,000 miles an hour.","es":"Durante la mayor parte de la historia de la humanidad, no pod\u00edamos ir m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido que un caballo, o un barco con vela, pero en 1969, la tripulaci\u00f3n del Apolo 10 vol\u00f3 a 40.000 km \/ hora."} {"gender":"male","en":"How is it someone can go through the worst experience imaginable, and come home, back to their home, and their family, their country, and miss the war?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo es que alguien puede pasar por la peor experiencia que se pueda imaginar y regresar, volver a su hogar, a su familia, a su pa\u00eds, y extra\u00f1ar la guerra?"} {"gender":"male","en":"That's what I would like to do.","es":"Eso es lo que yo quisiera hacer."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that is a change in the mindset where infrastructure is now accepted.","es":"Y eso es un cambio de mentalidad donde ahora se acepta la infraestructura."} {"gender":"male","en":"They didn't know what they were dealing with, and to make it even more complicated, the virus itself was causing a symptom, a type of a presentation that wasn't classical of the disease.","es":"No sab\u00edan a lo que se enfrentaban y, para hacerlo a\u00fan m\u00e1s complicado, el virus estaba causando un s\u00edntoma, se presentaba de un modo at\u00edpico para la enfermedad."} {"gender":"male","en":"We didn't know the role that language, a stimulus and response, call and response, how important that was in developing those children.","es":"No sab\u00edamos lo importante que era el papel c\u00f3mo el lenguaje, el est\u00edmulo y reacci\u00f3n, la llamada y respuesta, inciden en el desarrollo de los ni\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"Ready?","es":"\u00bfPreparados?"} {"gender":"male","en":"In fact, understanding why cooking works requires knowing the science of cooking, some of the chemistry, some of the physics and so forth. But that's not in any of those books.","es":"De hecho, entender por qu\u00e9 funciona la cocina requiere conocer la ciencia de la cocina -algo de su qu\u00edmica, algo de su f\u00edsica, etc. Pero eso no est\u00e1 en esos libros."} {"gender":"female","en":"Don't you dare cry.\"","es":"No te atrevas a llorar.'"} {"gender":"male","en":"This economy won't work,\" and Thomas Jefferson saying, \"The people won't trust that.","es":"Esta econom\u00eda no funcionar\u00e1\", y Thomas Jefferson diciendo: \"Las personas no confiar\u00e1n en eso."} {"gender":"male","en":"And he said, \"But we've had a lot of trouble with Western mental health workers, especially the ones who came right after the genocide.\"","es":"\u00abS\u00ed, --contest\u00f3-- pero hemos tenido muchos problemas con los trabajadores de la salud mental occidentales, sobre todo con los que vinieron apenas termin\u00f3 el genocidio\u00bb."} {"gender":"male","en":"Again, you know, we stop at the water's edge.","es":"Nuevamente, paramos en la orilla del agua."} {"gender":"male","en":"When I use my camera, I drop my skin like the animals at that cave so I can show who they really are.","es":"Cuando uso mi c\u00e1mara renuncio a mi piel, como los animales en la cueva, para poder as\u00ed mostrar c\u00f3mo son ellos realmente."} {"gender":"male","en":"He began renting out motorbikes to local residents who couldn't normally afford them.","es":"Comenz\u00f3 alquilando motocicletas a los residentes locales quienes normalmente no pod\u00edan comprarlas."} {"gender":"male","en":"We know our universes are united though, links between left and right.","es":"Sabemos que nuestros universos est\u00e1n unidos, v\u00ednculos entre izquierda y derecha."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now the protectionism of Argentine dance teachers aside, I found this very interesting.","es":"Ahora, haciendo a un lado el proteccionismo de los profesores de baile argentinos, me pareci\u00f3 muy interesante."} {"gender":"male","en":"CA: They have a point, Richard.","es":"CA: Ten\u00edan raz\u00f3n, Richard."} {"gender":"male","en":"I was at a wall.\"","es":"Estaba contra un muro\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"And at the end of the speech, I would ask, \"How many people have found a name?\"","es":"Y al final del discurso, preguntaba, \"\u00bfCu\u00e1ntas personas han reconocido un nombre?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"Now we to ask ourselves: which are the large environmental processes that we have to be stewards of to keep ourselves safe in the Holocene?","es":"Ahora tenemos que preguntarnos: \u00bfcu\u00e1les son los procesos ambientales m\u00e1s grandes que tenemos que administrar para mantenernos a salvo en el Holoceno?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Come on.","es":"Vamos"} {"gender":"male","en":"So what's the scariest thing you've ever done?","es":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 es lo m\u00e1s aterrador para Uds.?"} {"gender":"neutral","en":"If it isn't going to change the way you think, what would the other reasons be?","es":"Si no va a cambiar su forma de pensar, \u00bfcu\u00e1les ser\u00edan las otras razones?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Each of us, of course, contains two human genomes, one from our mothers and one from our fathers.","es":"Todos tenemos, claro, dos genomas humanos: uno de nuestras madres y uno de nuestros padres."} {"gender":"female","en":"I think in the year 2016, this hierarchical geography was shattered to pieces.","es":"Creo que en 2016 esta geograf\u00eda jer\u00e1rquica se hizo a\u00f1icos."} {"gender":"male","en":"So it's Stage Four.","es":"As\u00ed que es la Etapa 4."} {"gender":"male","en":"Prosecuted, adjudged and defended by people who knew nothing about them.","es":"Procesados, juzgados y defendidos por personas que no sab\u00edan nada de ellos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And what's really interesting is, if you look at the legs, you'll notice that the bones haven't fused.","es":"Y lo realmente interesante es que si miran las patas, ver\u00e1n que los huesos no est\u00e1n soldados."} {"gender":"female","en":"We showed a pattern, in over 25 different major instances.","es":"En m\u00e1s de 25 ejemplos importantes demostramos que segu\u00eda un patr\u00f3n."} {"gender":"male","en":"We have had clear evidence of the great impact of this program.","es":"Tenemos clara evidencia sobre el impacto de este programa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Raven shed his feathers, bear his fur, and salmon her scales, and then, they would dance.","es":"El cuervo se despojaba de sus plumas y el oso de su piel, y el salm\u00f3n de sus escamas, para luego bailar."} {"gender":"female","en":"And when I got in there with my canoe, what did I find, but people.","es":"Y cuando llegu\u00e9 all\u00ed con mi canoa lo que encontr\u00e9 fue gente."} {"gender":"male","en":"Nowadays I get asked a different question. \"How were you able to make it out?\"","es":"Ahora me preguntan otra cosa: \"\u00bfC\u00f3mo saliste de esas condiciones?\"."} {"gender":"female","en":"And if I meet somebody on an airplane, this happened on the way over to Scotland, if I meet somebody on an airplane, and we ask each other, \"What do you do?","es":"Si encuentro a alguien en un avi\u00f3n, esto ME pas\u00f3 en camino hacia Escocia, conoc\u00ed a una persona en el avi\u00f3n, y nos preguntamos el uno al otro, \"\u00bfQu\u00e9 haces?"} {"gender":"male","en":"And we're taking a moonshot that we'll want to be interacting with computers in deeply emotional ways.","es":"Y estaremos en un momento hist\u00f3rico en el que querremos interactuar con ordenadores. en emociones profundas."} {"gender":"male","en":"But the other thing it did is it opened up this idea of an app store. It downloads right to the phone.","es":"Pero la otra cosa que hizo fue generar esta idea de una tienda de aplicaciones en que se descarga directamente al tel\u00e9fono."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The second reason is that these governments, just like all the rest of us, are cultural psychopaths.","es":"La segunda raz\u00f3n es que estos gobiernos, como el resto de nosotros, son psic\u00f3patas culturales."} {"gender":"male","en":"But Tamiflu, the virus is resistant.","es":"Pero Tamiflu, el virus es resistente."} {"gender":"female","en":"The Sistine Chapel forces us to look around as if it were a mirror.","es":"La Capilla Sixtina nos obliga a mirar alrededor como si fuera un espejo."} {"gender":"male","en":"And that picture was published all over.","es":"Y esa foto fue publicada por todas partes."} {"gender":"female","en":"Words like \"philanthrocapitalism,\" and \"natural capitalism,\" and \"philanthroentrepreneur,\" and \"venture philanthropy.\"","es":"Palabras como \"filantrocapitalismo,\" y \"capitalismo natural,\" y \"filantroemprendedor,\" y \"filantrop\u00eda de riesgo.\""} {"gender":"female","en":"Nine percent may be a small minority of all the people who could watch, but it's still a very large crowd.","es":"9 % puede ser una peque\u00f1a minor\u00eda de todas las personas que pod\u00edan ver, pero sigue siendo una gran multitud."} {"gender":"male","en":"RB: Well, there's, I mean there's a lot of issues.","es":"RB: Bueno, hay, Existen muchos temas."} {"gender":"male","en":"You complain.","es":"Protestas."} {"gender":"male","en":"The creator doesn't have any rights.","es":"El creador no tiene ning\u00fan derecho."} {"gender":"male","en":"Now, faith in things which cannot be seen, which cannot be proved, is not the sort of faith that I've ever really related to all that much. I tend to like science, where what we see and can ascertain are the foundation of what we know.","es":"Eso s\u00ed, la fe en lo que no puede ser visto, que no puede ser demostrado, no es el tipo de fe con el que me haya relacionado mucho. ## Me gusta la ciencia, donde lo que vemos y se puede comprobar, es el fundamento de lo que sabemos."} {"gender":"male","en":"And over the course of 15 minutes, we watched through hidden cameras what happened.","es":"Y en el transcurso de 15 minutos, vimos, a trav\u00e9s de c\u00e1maras ocultas, lo que pas\u00f3."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Bringing back this amount of bio-abundance will take longer, but it's worth doing.","es":"Alcanzar esta cantidad de bioabundancia tomar\u00e1 un tiempo, pero vale la pena."} {"gender":"male","en":"And it's got flippers on the side here, paddles that help it move, just like the water boatman.","es":"Aqu\u00ed en el lado tiene aletas, palas que le ayudan a moverse, al igual que la corixa."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Exploring the feminine, nurturing side of divinity.","es":"Explorando lo femenino, el lado maternal de la divinidad."} {"gender":"male","en":"It's like a personal flying pet.","es":"Es como una mascota voladora."} {"gender":"male","en":"There was a bit of a story in the news because they were arguing that to cut emissions, it would be something that they're unable to do because it would affect the industries.","es":"Sali\u00f3 algo en las noticias porque argumentaban que reducir las emisiones, ser\u00eda algo que son incapaces de hacer porque afectar\u00eda las industrias."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I think it's actually very empowering for homeowners and businesses.","es":"Creo que es ventajoso para los propietarios de viviendas y para los negocios."} {"gender":"male","en":"If he can see this pattern in his own brain, he can learn how to control it.","es":"Si puede ver este patr\u00f3n en su propio cerebro, puede aprender a controlarlo."} {"gender":"female","en":"CA: It's amazing.","es":"CA: Es asombroso."} {"gender":"male","en":"These are the cars.","es":"Estos son los coches."} {"gender":"male","en":"This is my \"Notepad.\"","es":"Esta es mi libreta."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The distance, and everything.","es":"La distancia, y todo."} {"gender":"male","en":"Gravity is one thing that we can't see and which we don't understand.","es":"La gravedad es algo que no podemos ver, y que no entendemos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Solution one: these refugees need to get into work in the countries where they're living, and the countries where they're living need massive economic support.","es":"Soluci\u00f3n n\u00famero uno: estos refugiados necesitan trabajar en los pa\u00edses en los que est\u00e1n viviendo, y los pa\u00edses donde viven necesitan una ayuda econ\u00f3mica enorme."} {"gender":"male","en":"And I started first with cow Achilles tendon, where we would take the cow Achilles tendon, which is type-I collagen, strip it of its antigens by degrading it with an acid and detergent wash and forming it into a regeneration template.","es":"Y yo empec\u00e9 primero con el tend\u00f3n de Aquiles de una vaca, extra\u00edamos el tend\u00f3n de Aquiles de vaca, el cual es un col\u00e1geno tipo-I, le quit\u00e1bamos los ant\u00edgenos, degrad\u00e1ndolo con un lavado con \u00e1cido y detergente y form\u00e1ndolo en una plantilla de regeneraci\u00f3n."} {"gender":"female","en":"Let me explain it to you a bit.","es":"D\u00e9jenme que lo explique un poco."} {"gender":"female","en":"So as I tell my story today, I'd also like to convey to you that hidden power can be found in the most unassuming places, and we all possess skills that are just waiting to be discovered.","es":"As\u00ed que hoy les cuento mi historia pero a la vez me gustar\u00eda transmitirles que su potencial puede encontrarse oculto en los lugares m\u00e1s inesperados y todos tenemos habilidades a la espera de ser descubiertas."} {"gender":"male","en":"Hope brought me to America. But in America, I didn't know what to do, because I had this overwhelming freedom.","es":"La esperanza me trajo a EE.UU. Pero en EE.UU. no sab\u00eda qu\u00e9 hacer, porque ten\u00eda esta abrumadora libertad."} {"gender":"male","en":"In the developing world, in countries that are on the verge of making that leap into first world status, China, Brazil, Thailand, Poland, and so on, these countries have embraced the idea of the Slow Movement, many people in them, and there's a debate going on in their media, on the streets.","es":"En el mundo en desarrollo, en pa\u00edses que est\u00e1n a punto de dar ese salto hacia el primer mundo, China, Brasil, Tailandia, Polonia, etc, esos pa\u00edses est\u00e1n, han acogido la idea del Movimiento lento, muchas personas en ellos, y se ha generado un debate en los medios de comunicaci\u00f3n, en las calles."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well, we had no real reason to expect it would, and we tried hundreds and hundreds of these.","es":"No ten\u00edamos una raz\u00f3n real para esperar que funcionara e intentamos cientos y cientos de esos."} {"gender":"male","en":"You're looking at a world where cars are matched with windmills. In Denmark, we will drive all the cars in Denmark from windmills, not from oil.","es":"Estamos viendo un mundo donde los autos van de la mano con los molinos de viento En Dinamarca, moveremos todos los autos de Dinamarca con generadores e\u00f3licos, no con petr\u00f3leo."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I've gone and got some stuff to add into it.","es":"As\u00ed que fui y obtuve algunas cosas para agregarle."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Samuel is 16.","es":"Samuel tiene 16 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"Charley: And I am.","es":"Charlie: Y yo s\u00ed soy."} {"gender":"male","en":"He was very traumatized in so many different ways.","es":"Estaba muy traumatizado."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"You're basically opening up the tubes that drain fluid from the middle ears, which have had them reliably full.","es":"Lo que hace b\u00e1sicamente es abrir los tubos que drenan fluido desde los o\u00eddos medios que han tenido confiablemente llenos."} {"gender":"female","en":"What's amazing to me about that clip that we just captured as we were filming is, it really shows how Karess understands the history of the civil rights movement, but she's not restricted by it.","es":"Para m\u00ed lo incre\u00edble de ese clip que filmamos es, que realmente muestra c\u00f3mo Karess entiende la historia del movimiento de derechos civiles, pero no est\u00e1 limitada por ello."} {"gender":"female","en":"And so we just sat there, calm and quiet like we've always done.","es":"Y simplemente nos sentamos all\u00ed, tranquilos y callados como siempre hemos hecho."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Where is it?\"","es":"\u00bfD\u00f3nde est\u00e1?\""} {"gender":"male","en":"He draws sheep after sheep.","es":"\u00c9l dibuja oveja tras oveja."} {"gender":"male","en":"So I see emotions as highly evolved subsets of your capability.","es":"Veo las emociones como subgrupos muy evolucionados de la capacidad de ustedes."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Two, in a hundred years, thousand foot buffers on all stream corridors.","es":"Segundo, en 100 a\u00f1os, 300 metros de separadores en todos las v\u00edas de flujo."} {"gender":"female","en":"We got so geeked-out on making WALL-E this convincing robot, that we made his binoculars practically optically perfect.","es":"Nos obsesionamos tanto por hacerlo un robot convincente, que hicimos sus prism\u00e1ticos pr\u00e1cticamente \u00f3pticamente perfectos."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"Menstrual hygiene is a very important risk factor for reproductive tract infections.","es":"La higiene menstrual es un factor de riesgo muy importante para infecciones del tracto reproductivo."} {"gender":"female","en":"The audience members who come and talk to us that night tell us the stories of what it's like to live in a city with such depleted population.","es":"Los miembros de la audiencia que vinieron a hablar con nosotros esa noche cuentan historias de qu\u00e9 se siente al vivir en una ciudad con una poblaci\u00f3n tan diezmada."} {"gender":"female","en":"And just to think of one or two people out of Africa who are just really inspiring.","es":"Y pensar en s\u00f3lo una o dos personas de \u00c1frica que son realmente inspiradoras."} {"gender":"male","en":"Whatever information comes in, it just figures out what to do with it.","es":"Cualquier informaci\u00f3n que llega, sabe descifrar qu\u00e9 hacer con ella."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"So we're a media design firm, and we're working with a broad array of different institutions building media installations for museums and public spaces.","es":"As\u00ed que somos una empresa de dise\u00f1o de medios de comunicaci\u00f3n y estamos trabajando con una amplia gama de diferentes instituciones construyendo instalaciones de medios de comunicaci\u00f3n para museos y espacios p\u00fablicos."} {"gender":"female","en":"But this is also about something far more complex: our own unconscious biases and blind spots.","es":"Pero esto es acerca de algo mucho m\u00e1s complicado: nuestro propio sesgo inconsciente y puntos ciegos."} {"gender":"male","en":"There's the life that everyone sees, and then there's the life that only I see.","es":"La vida que todos ven, y la que solo yo veo."} {"gender":"male","en":"I had been given the highest civil honor by the French government, the title of which for the life of me I can't pronounce even until now.","es":"El gobierno franc\u00e9s me hab\u00eda otorgado el m\u00e1s alto honor civil, un t\u00edtulo que por m\u00e1s que quiera no logro pronunciar hasta hoy."} {"gender":"male","en":"That's about all you're going to get, because you can't use the usual sort of systems.","es":"Eso es todo lo que obtendr\u00e1n. Porque no pueden usar los sistemas habituales."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"She was on Larry King later. And he said, \"You're probably wondering how on Earth this could happen to you twice.","es":"Ella estuvo despu\u00e9s en Larry King, y el dijo \" Probablemente te estas preguntando c\u00f3mo es posible que esto le haya pasado dos veces\"."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was hard getting them out of IMU, for them and for us.","es":"Se hac\u00eda dif\u00edcil sacarlos del IMU, para ellos y para nosotros."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"The Peloponnesian War was the great conflict in which the Greek city state system tore itself apart two and a half millennia ago.","es":"La Guerra del Peloponeso fue el gran conflicto en el que se desintegr\u00f3 el sistema griego de ciudad-estado hace 2.500 a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"male","en":"All of that occurs within working memory.","es":"Todo esto se produce con el trabajo de la memoria."} {"gender":"male","en":"But for our cities, we've been stuck.","es":"Pero para nuestras ciudades, hemos estado atascados."} {"gender":"female","en":"PM: And now there are generations, at least one or two, who have experienced the equality that Title IX and other fights along the way made possible.","es":"MP: Y ahora hay generaciones, por lo menos una o dos, que han experimentado la igualdad que el T\u00edtulo IX y otras batallas han hecho posible."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"We're also going to learn that we're going to work with these AIs because they think differently than us.","es":"Tambi\u00e9n aprenderemos a trabajar con estas inteligencias porque piensan diferente."} {"gender":"female","en":"The culture of giving and doing good has become contagious.","es":"La cultura del dar y hacer el bien se ha vuelto contagiosa."} {"gender":"female","en":"I like music, and I like banjos, and I think I probably heard Steve Martin playing, and I said, \"I could do that.\"","es":"Me gusta la m\u00fasica y los banjos, y creo que alguna vez escuch\u00e9 tocar a Steve Martin. As\u00ed que me dije - \u00a1yo puedo hacerlo!"} {"gender":"female","en":"There's no conventional method.","es":"No ha m\u00e9todo no convencional."} {"gender":"male","en":"How do you embellish your truth and write your own fictions?","es":"\u00bfC\u00f3mo puedes embellecer tu verdad y escribir tus propias ficciones?"} {"gender":"male","en":"Really?","es":"\u00bfDe verdad?"} {"gender":"female","en":"Technology has come of age that's allowing us to see the Earth from space and go deep into the seas remotely.","es":"La tecnolog\u00eda ha evolucionado; eso nos permite ver la Tierra desde el espacio y sumergirnos en los mares de forma remota."} {"gender":"male","en":"What I learned was that it's the environment, and if you get the environment right, every single one of us has the capacity to do these remarkable things, and more importantly, others have that capacity too.","es":"Aprend\u00ed que tiene que ver con el entorno, con el entorno adecuado, todos y cada uno de nosotros tenemos la capacidad de hacer estas cosas notables, y, lo m\u00e1s importante, otros tienen esa capacidad tambi\u00e9n."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"All of this could wipe out the savings we're hoping to make in the first place.","es":"Y todo eso podr\u00eda liquidar los ahorros que esperaban conseguir en primer lugar."} {"gender":"male","en":"Shortly after that I got invited to speak at the convention of the people who make balloon animals.","es":"Poco tiempo despu\u00e9s me invitaron para hablar en una convenci\u00f3n de gente que hace animales con globos."} {"gender":"male","en":"They're not my children.","es":"No son mis hijos."} {"gender":"male","en":"Well they probably have all my flight records, so I decided to put all my flight records from birth online.","es":"Probablemente tienen todo sobre mis vuelos, entonces decid\u00ed ponerlos todos desde que nac\u00ed."} {"gender":"male","en":"I don't know what it is. I'm pretty confident that we have long since passed the point where options improve our welfare.","es":"No s\u00e9 cu\u00e1l es; pero me siento lo suficiente confiado para afirmar que hace mucho que rebasamos el punto donde esas opciones mejoraban nuestro bienestar."} {"gender":"male","en":"You know, I was very fortunate to meet Danny Hillis a few years ago.","es":"Ya saben, fui muy afortunado de conocer a Danny Hillis hace unos a\u00f1os."} {"gender":"female","en":"Thank you.","es":"Gracias."} {"gender":"male","en":"If we take the toothbrush, I don't think about the toothbrush.","es":"Si hacemos un cepillo de dientes, no pienso en el cepillo."} {"gender":"male","en":"It was made out of resin, which wasn't a common material for movie props about the time the movie was made.","es":"Estaba hecho de resina, lo cual no era un material com\u00fan para utiler\u00eda de pel\u00edcula cuando se film\u00f3 esta."} {"gender":"male","en":"The problem is, we cannot test this in humans, because ethically, we cannot administer child adversity in a random way.","es":"El problema es que no podemos probar esto en humanos, porque \u00e9ticamente no podemos administrar adversidad infantil aleatoria."} {"gender":"female","en":"I guess people don't talk to their Uber drivers.","es":"Supongo que la gente no le habla a su taxista."} {"gender":"neutral","en":"It's hard for people to leave bad reviews.","es":"Es dif\u00edcil para la gente dejar cr\u00edticas negativas."} {"gender":"female","en":"20 years ago, a biologist named Anthony James got obsessed with the idea of making mosquitos that didn't transmit malaria.","es":"Hace 20 a\u00f1os, un bi\u00f3logo llamado Anthony James se obsesion\u00f3 con la idea de crear mosquitos que no transmitieran la malaria."} {"gender":"female","en":"So the production side is working.","es":"As\u00ed que por el lado de la producci\u00f3n, funciona."}