Dear Local Newspaper, I believe that there is nothing wrong with being on the computer. The computer in my thought helps you learn about new technology stuff such as new games to help you learn or new websites. Also using computer helps you talk to people you know that maybe you haven't talk to in a while and you don't know their number. I think that having a computer makes you smart because i mean you still do other stuff besides be on the computer all day, when you are not on you are either hanging out with friends/family or you are eating or sleeping/working out or just doing something like homework. I believe using a computer is part of you healthy choices and you can lean a lot more than you really think you can. Using a computer and learning in school basically can teach you the same thing. I computer can be very health for you hands because when you are consteatly moving you hands gives them more strength and can give you stronger muscles in your hands and lower arms. Inconclusion, I believe that computers are health for you don't take anytime away from exercising time or time with friends/family/sports/sleep/ or eating. Computers are a hundred percent health for you. So i think that people should keep using their computers but just make sure they fit everything else into it each day.
Dear Local Newspaper, I believe that there is nothing wrong with being on the computer. The computer in my thought helps you learn about new technology stuff such as new games to help you learn or new websites. Also using computer helps you talk to people you know that maybe you haven't talked to in a while, and you don't know their number. I think that having a computer makes you smart because I mean you still do other stuff besides be on the computer all day, when you are not on you are either hanging out with friends/family or you are eating or sleeping/working out or just doing something like homework. I believe using a computer is part of you healthy choices, and you can lean a lot more than you really think you can. Using a computer and learning in school basically can teach you the same thing. can be very health for you hands because when you are constantly moving you hands gives them more strength and can give you stronger muscles in your hands and lower arms. In conclusion, I believe that computers are health for you don't take anytime away from exercising time or time with friends/family/sports/sleep/ or eating. Computers are a hundred percent health for you. So I think that people should keep using their computers but just make sure they fit everything else into it each day.
Click, click, click, "@CAPS1!" @CAPS2 no, your computer froe, what are you going to do now? Computers have a positive effect on people because it teaches you information, you can socialize, and you can improve your skills. Without a computer, you'd be hopeless. Have you ever needed to do a research project, but don't have access to go to your local town library? No problem, @CAPS3 you have a computer at home. You could just sit down type in a few things, and get all the information you need, and more! You can research just about anything on everything, because the computer will have it. Maybe you want to learn something new, but there aren't many books on it, well there you go, the computer is your friend. Many people assume that computers are just for entertainment, to play games and have fun on your free time. What they don't know is all the research engines like google, netrekker, @LOCATION1,etc. All loaded with knowledgable information. Some people sit at home and read to become smarter, right? You can do this with computer, which would probably even be more entertaining than a boring ad book from the library. Have you ever thought to yourself "the computer is just a way for people to get away from everyone else, and just have time to yourself?" @CAPS3 you thought that way, you thought wrong! There are many ways to socialize with others through the computer such as e-mail, instant messaging, video chatting, etc. There are various ways to communicate with people through the computer. It is amazing technology because even @CAPS3 someone is in a different country, you can communicate with them in the click of a button. Ever heard of social networking? The name is self-explanitory. You socialize with people all across the world through a network. For example, these is myspace, facebook, twitter, tumblr, etc. That is a fun way to connect with others like relatives you have never met or that live far away, friends, friends of friends, etc. You can even be really social and meet new people, as long as your safe. You @MONTH1 be thinking at this point, that a computer is nothing more than research and socializing. Again, you thought wrong. Computers are a good way to help with your skills. For example, your hand-eye coordination. You look at the screen, type your words, look at the screen again, while clicking your mouse. That really improves your coordination. Also, your hand movement will get better. When you type, your fingers are moving all around the keyboard, creating hand muscles. Not just physical skills, but computers help with research skills. There are certain ways to research information effectively. This can help for future researching, and school purposes. Without all this, wouldn't a person be missing something? Computers play a big part in everyones lives, no matter what age they are. Computers definitly have a positive effect on people.
Click, click, click, "@CAPS1!" @CAPS2 no, your computer from, what are you going to do now? Computers have a positive effect on people because it teaches you information, you can socialize, and you can improve your skills. Without a computer, you'd be hopeless. Have you ever needed to do a research project, but don't have access to go to your local town library? No problem, @CAPS3 you have a computer at home. You could just sit down type in a few things, and get all the information you need, and more! You can research just about anything on everything, because the computer will have it. Maybe you want to learn something new, but there aren't many books on it, well there you go, the computer is your friend. Many people assume that computers are just for entertainment, to play games and have fun on your free time. What they don't know is all the research engines like google, ne trekker, @LOCATION1,etc. All loaded with knowledgeable information. Some people sit at home and read to become smarter, right? You can do this with computer, which would probably even be more entertaining than a boring ad book from the library. Have you ever thought to yourself "the computer is just a way for people to get away from everyone else, and just have time to yourself?" @CAPS3 you thought that way, you thought wrong! There are many ways to socialize with others through the computer such as e-mail, instant messaging, video chatting, etc. There are various ways to communicate with people through the computer. It is amazing technology because even @CAPS3 someone is in a different country, you can communicate with them in the click of a button. Ever heard of social networking? The name is self-explanatory. You socialize with people all across the world through a network. For example, this is MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. That is a fun way to connect with others like relatives you have never met or that live far away, friends, friends of friends, etc. You can even be really social and meet new people, as long as your safe. You @MONTH1 be thinking at this point, that a computer is nothing more than research and socializing. Again, you thought wrong. Computers are a good way to help with your skills. For example, your hand-eye coordination. You look at the screen, type your words, look at the screen again, while clicking your mouse. That really improves your coordination. Also, your hand movement will get better. When you type, your fingers are moving all around the keyboard, creating hand muscles. Not just physical skills, but computers help with research skills. There are certain ways to research information effectively. This can help for future researching, and school purposes. Without all this, wouldn't a person be missing something? Computers play a big part in everyone's lives, no matter what age they are. Computers definitely have a positive effect on people.
Do you have a computer? I'll bet @PERCENT2 of you do! You @MONTH1 spend @NUM1 hours on the computer or even @NUM2 hours! Computers in fact have many down-sides to them. You could be so invoilved that you never go outside or get excirsize. Also, sitting @NUM2 inchs from the computer screen does not help your eyes. Lastly, the internet has very inapropriot websites that kids should not be seeing. Are you a kid who spends @NUM4 to @NUM2 hours at a time on the computer? Well, if you are, it's time to get off the spinning computer chair and out for soem fresh air. Most kids spend most of their time on the computer @CAPS1 or on @CAPS2 or @CAPS3. It @MONTH1 be good for kids to interact with kids out of school but sooem kids take it way to far. They never go oitside and get any excirsize. this is not good for a growing teen. They need to be up and active. So, limit yourself time you spend on the computer. Without a doubt, computers are very bad fro youe eyesight. Unlike @CAPS4 or video games you could play a long distance away, a computer is played @NUM2-7 inches from the over time, your eyes will be so use to sitting @NUM2 inches from what your recating, that when you back up you erad at all. I knew this who played video games from about @NUM8 foot away for long period of time a day. Today, unfortunately, the kid is blind if that kid just knew the consequences of being that close to a @CAPS4 screen, he would have thought twice about it. Think twice about how close you sit from the computer. if I were to ask anyone of you what you could find on the internet @PERCENT1 of you would say, "anything." could there really be too much information? As a matter of fact, tehre is. You could be looking up a topic and something inapropriot, that has nothing to do with the topic comes up kids doin't need to, and shouldn't be watching or seeing these inapropriot sites. Its bad for kids, so stop it! After reading this essay, I hope you realized that computers are bad for you in various ways. As a matter of fact it's physically, mentally and socially. So, next time your on a computer, don't look at the little things, but the big picture!
Do you have a computer? I'll bet @PERCENT2 of you do! You @MONTH1 spend @NUM1 hours on the computer or even @NUM2 hours! Computers in fact have many down-sides to them. You could be so involved that you never go outside or get excursive. Also, sitting @NUM2 inches from the computer screen does not help your eyes. Lastly, the internet has very inappropriate websites that kids should not be seeing. Are you a kid who spends @NUM4 to @NUM2 hours at a time on the computer? Well, if you are, it's time to get off the spinning computer chair and out for some fresh air. Most kids spend most of their time on the computer @CAPS1 or on @CAPS2 or @CAPS3. It @MONTH1 be good for kids to interact with kids out of school but sewer kids take it way to far. They never go outside and get any excursive. This is not good for a growing teen. They need to be up and active. So, limit yourself time you spend on the computer. Without a doubt, computers are very bad for you eyesight. Unlike @CAPS4 or video games you could play a long distance away, a computer is played @NUM2-7 inches from the over time, your eyes will be so used to sitting @NUM2 inches from what your receiving, that when you back up you era at all. I knew this who played video games from about @NUM8 foot away for long period of time a day. Today, unfortunately, the kid is blind if that kid just knew the consequences of being that close to a @CAPS4 screen, he would have thought twice about it. Think twice about how close you sit from the computer. If I were to ask anyone of you what you could find on the internet @PERCENT1 of you would say, "anything." could there really be too much information? As a matter of fact, there is. You could be looking up a topic and something inappropriate, that has nothing to do with the topic comes up kids doing't need to, and shouldn't be watching or seeing these inappropriate sites. It's bad for kids, so stop it! After reading this essay, I hope you realized that computers are bad for you in various ways. As a matter of fact it's physically, mentally and socially. So, next time your on a computer, don't look at the little things, but the big picture!
Dear local newspaper, I'm writing because I've heard that some people think that computers are very useful and some people think their know good because people spend to much time on them, I think that there are good to have because, its ways to keep in touch with friends, to research the things your curious without going to the library having to look for the book you need. The computers are good to have because they can online that they dont have as a place to walk into or if they do its . I think it good to have computers because when your younger and no more friends you @MONTH1 have been really to them but you with them. You can email each other or search thru up online, to try to get in contact with them. Also if your family member is far away and you really cant talk on the phone of the money, then you can im them so you can talk without having to spend money. I also think its good to because if there's any problem with one to get to the library you can scan it up online. Also the computer is available all the time. The computer is good for doing homework you cant then always . I also think its good to have a computer if you need something but you cant afford it, usually if you go online you can find it and buy it save money, also some they have online aren't really an actual . I think that its good to have computers but not be on them all the time, they're very helpful, for friends, school and for .
Dear local newspaper, I'm writing because I've heard that some people think that computers are very useful, and some people think their know good because people spend too much time on them, I think that there are good to have because, its ways to keep in touch with friends, to research the things your curious without going to the library having to look for the book you need. The computers are good to have because they can online that they don't have as a place to walk into or if they do its. I think it's good to have computers because when your younger and no more friends you @MONTH1 have been really to them but you with them. You can email each other or search through up online, to try to get in contact with them. Also, if your family member is far away and you really can't talk on the phone of the money, then you can I'm them, so you can talk without having to spend money. I also think it's good to because if there's any problem with one to get to the library you can scan it up online. Also, the computer is available all the time. The computer is good for doing homework you can't then . I also think it's good to have a computer if you need something but you can't afford it, usually if you go online you can find it and buy it save money, also some they have online beenn't really an actual. I think that its good to have computers but not be on them all the time, they're very helpful, for friends, school and for.
Dear local newspaper, I strongly think that manypeople are not benefiting fromusing computers. There are so many more things people can do besides go on the computer. By using the computer, people are getting less exercise, not enjoying the nature, and not interacting with family or friends. By using the computer, people are not getting many benefits. As i mentioned, people who use computers too much are getting less exercise. By not exercising, this could really affect people's health. From recent studies by @ORGANIZATION1, @PERCENT1 of people whouse computers too much are overweight. That is an extremly high statistic! By computers affecting this many people's lives is ridiculous. This many people really shouldn't be over weight. If these people aren't getting exercise they could become addicted to the computer. If peopole are getting addicted to the computer they @MONTH1 start to do bad things with the computer. They could publish bad things go on ridiculous websites, and watch horrible things. The worst is probably watching bad things. It really puts a bad influence on everyone. Lastly, if you are on the computer too often it could affect your eyes. If you are staring at the computer all day, your eyes @MONTH1 not be used to seeing everything else. It's hard for your eyes to transfer from seeing one thing to the next. Clearly, being on the computer is bad for health. Not enjoying nature is also something that people aren't benefiting from. As you @MONTH1 know, getting freshair is good for everyone. Its always nice to smell the nice @DATE1 air after being in school all day. Many people dont do this because as soon as they get home its to the computer. These people are losi a lot of refreshment. I recently interviewed @PERSON1 she told me that, "many people don't get to see what's on in the world because of computers." They never take that to look at anything thats going on around them. By keeping updated. You never know what topic @MONTH1 pop up in school you could always benefit from checking on mother nature. Lastly, there are always animals that need help. Have you ever been in a situation where a stray dog needs a home i have and by helping these animals you're saving life. Many people dont have this opportunity because they are on the computer. Obviously, there are many people missing out on the beauty of nature. My last reason is hat by being on the computer you're not interacting with family or friends. In some cases, the person who is addicted to the computer is the parent. If you're a parent you need to help your family with everyday chores. I know, they can be innoying to have to do but you're helping your family and thats all you can do. Also, if you are a parent that has children they always need help. Some kids are younger and don't know how to find information for a project. But, that's why a parent is there. But, if the parent is on the computer they aren't able to fulfill this requirement. I know that my brother is always looking for help because he is younger. Lastly, family parties and computers do not mix. From past experience, when family has come over my brother has sat on the computer without even coming to say "hello" to anyone. I find this extremly rude. I just hope that family members don't get offened by this. Clearly, using the computers takes time away from family. In conclusion, people should have limited time on computers. By using computers people don't have enough exercise, aren't enjoying nature, and spend less time with family. Thank you for reading my opinion.
Dear local newspaper, I strongly think that many people are not benefiting fro musing computers. There are so many more things people can do besides go on the computer. By using the computer, people are getting less exercise, not enjoying the nature, and not interacting with family or friends. By using the computer, people are not getting many benefits. As I mentioned, people who use computers too much are getting less exercise. By not exercising, this could really affect people's health. From recent studies by @ORGANIZATION1, @PERCENT1 of people house computers too much are overweight. That is an extremely high statistic! By computers affecting this many people's lives is ridiculous. This many people really shouldn't be over weight. If these people aren't getting exercise they could become addicted to the computer. If people are getting addicted to the computer they @MONTH1 starts to do bad things with the computer. They could publish bad things go on ridiculous websites, and watch horrible things. The worst is probably watching bad things. It really puts a bad influence on everyone. Lastly, if you are on the computer too often it could affect your eyes. If you are staring at the computer all day, your eyes @MONTH1 not be used to seeing everything else. It's hard for your eyes to transfer from seeing one thing to the next. Clearly, being on the computer is bad for health. Not enjoying nature is also something that people aren't benefiting from. As you @MONTH1 know, getting fresher is good for everyone. It's always nice to smell the nice @DATE1 air after being in school all day. Many people don't do this because as soon as they get home it's to the computer. These people are lost a lot of refreshment. I recently interviewed @PERSON1 she told me that, "many people don't get to see what's on in the world because of computers." They never take that to look at anything that's going on around them. By keeping updated. You never know what topic @MONTH1 pop up in school you could always benefit from checking on mother nature. Lastly, there are always animals that need help. Have you ever been in a situation where a stray dog needs a home I have and by helping these animals you're saving life? Many people don't have this opportunity because they are on the computer. Obviously, there are many people missing out on the beauty of nature. My last reason is hatted by being on the computer you're not interacting with family or friends. In some cases, the person who is addicted to the computer is the parent. If you're a parent you need to help your family with everyday chores. I know, they can be annoying to have to do, but you're helping your family and that's all you can do. Also, if you are a parent that has children they always need help. Some kids are younger and don't know how to find information for a project. But, that's why a parent is there. But, if the parent is on the computer they aren't able to fulfill this requirement. I know that my brother is always looking for help because he is younger. Lastly, family parties and computers do not mix. From experience, when family has come over my brother has sat on the computer without even coming to say "hello" to anyone. I find this extremely rude. I just hope that family members don't get offered by this. Clearly, using the computers takes time away from family. In conclusion, people should have limited time on computers. By using computers people don't have enough exercise, aren't enjoying nature, and spend less time with family. Thank you for reading my opinion.
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 since electricity was invented technology has developed at a rapid rate. Computers have gone from the size of a room to twelve inch flat screen monitors. In our modern day society computers are crucial tools that help organize files, do reasearch, and pleasurable online networking. Computers teach hand eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about far away places, and allow people to socialize online. Without computers wouldn't life be difficult? While routinely doing our everyday computer tasks seldom do we realize that we are writing which frequently over works nerves in the hand causing tendonitis or arthritis; typing on computers is quicker and less harmful to the hands. "Hand eye coordination helps improve balance and athleticisniry." said @PERSON1 the chief othopedic sergeon of @ORGANIZATION1. Some people beg to differ and believe spending not less time on the computer can contribute to lack of physical activity. There are several portible computer devices that can be brought outside to use while walking like a @CAPS3. Every since I was, ten years old I dreamed of going to @LOCATION1. Although I couldn't afford a plane ticket to @LOCATION1, I was able to use the internet to take virtual tours of the vibrant landscapes and ancient historic venues throughout the country. With the help of internet I was able to see a far away place and experience the country as if I was there. @PERSON2, the creator of an online webcom called @ORGANIZATION2. @PERSON2 created this computer system in order to allow people to connect all over the world by giving them the opportunity to see and speak to anyone they chosse to. I frequently use this program to talk to my sister at college. Through this program we can't socialize with as if she's at home and learn about her college experience.
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 since electricity was invented technology has developed at a rapid rate. Computers have gone from the size of a room to twelve-inch flat screen monitors. In our modern day society computers are crucial tools that help organize files, do research, and pleasurable online networking. Computers teach hand eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about far away places, and allow people to socialize online. Without computers wouldn't life be difficult? While routinely doing our everyday computer tasks seldom do we realize that we are writing which frequently over works nerves in the hand causing tendonitis or arthritis; typing on computers is quicker and less harmful to the hands. "Hand eye coordination helps improve balance and ." said @PERSON1 the chief orthopedic surgeon of @ORGANIZATION1. Some people beg to differ and believe spending not less time on the computer can contribute to lack of physical activity. There are several portable computer devices that can be brought outside to use while walking like a @CAPS3. Ever since I was, ten years old I dreamed of going to @LOCATION1. Although I couldn't afford a plane ticket to @LOCATION1, I was able to use the internet to take virtual tours of the vibrant landscapes and ancient historic venues throughout the country. With the help of internet I was able to see a far away place and experience the country as if I was there. @PERSON2, the creator of an online webcam called @ORGANIZATION2. @PERSON2 created this computer system in order to allow people to connect all over the world by giving them the opportunity to see and speak to anyone they choose to. I frequently use this program to talk to my sister at college. Through this program we can't socialize with as if she's at home and learn about her college experience.
Dear editor of local newspaper, @CAPS1 you know that the average person spends three or more hours each day on the computer? The time taken up by staring at a blank screen can be spent helping the community, exercising, or simply having fun with others. All this valuable time is wasted because of computers, spending large sums of time on a computer lessens your time with family and friends, causes health concerns, and alternately @MONTH1 became addictive. First of all, computers @MONTH1 prevent you from spending time your family and friends. Often people come home from work or school just wanting to relax, so the seek comfort from the web. However, a more relaxing activity could be playing a game with your family or going out with your friends. After all, nobody lasts forever and your time with once everyday. This precious time is taken away by computer technology, which will last longer than any human and doesn't even provide comfort when someone is down. For example, a teenager would be on the computer who is making fun of them. This does not benefit the and the bullying could lead to depression deceded with her family or friends, they could probably share a few and make everyone feel good, @CAPS2, time spent on the computer is less spent with family and perends. Secondly, computers can bad for your health, at a the eyes, and people with trouble seeing. typing a lot way the need for spending more time on the computer gives you learn time for examples and often temple you if someone finds a website they really like, they will quite went to visit it often, perhaps even multiple times a day! Along with websites, @CAPS3 games and networks are also very popular and addictive. Computer addiction can lead to health problems (as talled about before) and withdrawal symptons when you try to stop. It's very important that people stop spending a lot of time on the computer to make sure an addiction is prevented before it can even start. In conclusion, computer technology is hurting the human race and could be preventing greater things to be happening in individual's lives. There is less time to do things with your loved ones, more negative impacts on your a rising number of computer addicts because of our modern technology. However, all there, could be prevented if people simply spent less time on the computer.
Dear editor of local newspaper, @CAPS1 you know that the average person spends three or more hours each day on the computer? The time taken up by staring at a blank screen can be spent helping the community, exercising, or simply having fun with others. All this valuable time is wasted because of computers, spending large sums of time on a computer lessens your time with family and friends, causes health concerns, and alternately @MONTH1 became addictive. First, computers @MONTH1 prevent you from spending time your family and friends. Often people come home from work or school just wanting to relax, so the seek comfort from the web. However, a more relaxing activity could be playing a game with your family or going out with your friends. After all, nobody lasts forever and your time with once every day. This precious time is taken away by computer technology, which will last longer than any human and doesn't even provide comfort when someone is down. For example, a teenager would be on the computer who is making fun of them. This does not benefit and the bullying could lead to depression decided with her family or friends, they could probably share a few and make everyone feel good, @CAPS2, time spent on the computer is less spent with family and per ends. Secondly, computers can baa for your health, at a eyes, and people with trouble seeing. Typing a lot way the need for spending more time on the computer gives you learn time for examples and often temple you if someone finds a website they really like, they will quite go to visit it often, perhaps even multiple times a day! Along with websites, @CAPS3 games and networks are also very popular and addictive. Computer addiction can lead to health problems (as called about before) and withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop. It's very important that people stop spending a lot of time on the computer to make sure an addiction is prevented before it can even start. In conclusion, computer technology is hurting the human race and could be preventing greater things to be happening in individual's lives. There is less time to do things with your loved ones, more negative impacts on your rising number of computer addicts because of our modern technology. However, all there, could be prevented if people simply spent less time on the computer.
Dear, @CAPS1 Computers do have positive effects but the negative effects are much worse than the positive effects. @CAPS2 bulling happens everyday. Not only that but when there is a computer around kids aren't going to be exercising. Those machines also damage the eyesight of humans @CAPS2 bulling is the worst effect of computers. This form of bulling has happened to many and we have lost many to it. @CAPS2 bulling happens to @NUM1 out of every @NUM2 kids. @CAPS2 bulling is a disease and it has to be stopped, kids have commited suicide because of it. Not only that but the life of kids have been threatened and taken by it. Without computers this disease would be stopped. Childhood obeasity is a big problem in @LOCATION1 and part of the reason is because of computers. Kids shouldn't be on the computer, they should be outside running around with their friends. Computers are an addiction that kids can't break. computers aren't just bad for kids, their bad for adults too. Computer screens are harmful to the eyes if you stare at one for too long. Your sight is very important to living. Sight is, most of the time your most important sense. Now you see why computers don't benefit society. Online, people are harrased to the extreme. The bright computers screens are harmful to the delicate human eyes. Kids should be exercising outside not siting at home on the computer. Everyone should pull the plug on their computers for good and never turn them back on.
Dear, @CAPS1 Computers do have positive effects, but the negative effects are much worse than the positive effects. @CAPS2 bulling happens every day. Not only that but when there is a computer around kids aren't going to be exercising. Those machines also damage the eyesight of humans @CAPS2 bulling is the worst effect of computers. This form of bulling has happened to many, and we have lost many to it. @CAPS2 bulling happens to @NUM1 out of every @NUM2 kids. @CAPS2 bulling is a disease, and it has to be stopped, kids have committed suicide because of it. Not only that but the life of kids have been threatened and taken by it. Without computers this disease would be stopped. Childhood obesity is a big problem in @LOCATION1 and part of the reason is because of computers. Kids shouldn't be on the computer, they should be outside running around with their friends. Computers are an addiction that kids can't break. Computers aren't just bad for kids, their bad for adults too. Computer screens are harmful to the eyes if you stare at one for too long. Your sight is very important to living. Sight is, most of the time your most important sense. Now you see why computers don't benefit society. Online, people are narrated to the extreme. The bright computers screens are harmful to the delicate human eyes. Kids should be exercising outside not siting at home on the computer. Everyone should pull the plug on their computers for good and never turn them back on.
Dear Newspaper, I think a computer is not something bad for you. A computer can help you do many things @CAPS1 could help you learn, chat with friends, and @CAPS1 can entertain you. A computer can get you sucessful in life @CAPS1 helps you learn a lot of things such as computer engineering. Computer engineering is a job that pays you good money to fix computers. @CAPS1 is very challenging at first, but when you look @CAPS1 up on search websites you'll find all your answers. Chatting is the number one thing kids, adults , and teenagers do. @CAPS1 is good and bad in a way, @CAPS1 is good because because your phone bill wont be that high up so you save minutes. @CAPS1 is bad because @CAPS1 can also ruin your eyes just remeber dont get to close to the screen. The computer is all about fun, you have millions of websites you can go on. To have fun for example, @LOCATION1, and those are the three main ones I go on they are so fun. They have tons of games for kids and for adults too. I Have proven my point that computers are not bad for you because they can help you learn, they lower your phone bill, and its also very fun. Yes I know they might take exercise time away, or hurt your eyes but who cares just make up a time limit so you have time to exercise. Do not get to close to the screen because @CAPS1 can hurt your eyes.
Dear Newspaper, I think a computer is not something bad for you. A computer can help you do many things @CAPS1 could help you learn, chat with friends, and @CAPS1 can entertain you. A computer can get you successful in life @CAPS1 helps you learn a lot of things such as computer engineering. Computer engineering is a job that pays you good money to fix computers. @CAPS1 is very challenging at first, but when you look @CAPS1 up on search websites you'll find all your answers. Chatting is the number one thing kids, adults, and teenagers do. @CAPS1 is good and bad in a way, @CAPS1 is good because your phone bill won't be that high up, so you save minutes. @CAPS1 is bad because @CAPS1 can also ruin your eyes just remember don't get to close to the screen. The computer is all about fun, you have millions of websites you can go on. To have fun for example, @LOCATION1, and those are the three main ones I go on they are so fun. They have tons of games for kids and for adults too. I Have proven my point that computers are not bad for you because they can help you learn, they lower your phone bill, and It's also very fun. Yes I know they might take exercise time away, or hurt your eyes but who cares just make up a time limit, so you have time to exercise. Do not get to close to the screen because @CAPS1 can hurt your eyes.
Dear People Computers are not a really good thing because @CAPS1 you think about it you never want to get off allways chating or social networking you can allways find something to do but you are wasting your time on the computer you can do anything you want but I think to much is a waste of time. @CAPS1 you have kids you would not spend time with them you can help your kids with there homework eat with them watch t.v spend time relax but some people like laydys with kids go online and never get off you have to have time with your kids so they dont have bad habbits so they dont stay out to late. You have to have time for your self clean the house cook food for your husband go out shopping take your kids out to the mall just enjoy your life computer gives nothing to us just gets us layzy. @CAPS1 you work you have to think about your work maybe hang out with your friends dont be on the computer for @NUM1 you can do other stuff call your friends over or go shoping do cleaning in your house computer does not give us anything its just waste of time @CAPS1 you social network.... There is good thing about computers you can find anything you need look at stuff talk to family from far away. @CAPS1 you use it in good ways its a good thing but @CAPS1 you never log off faccebook or other stuff its not good to stay on. You can just go to the beach or go to the gym you have lots of stuff to do other then going online and sitting for hours. Just try not to go online and just go out and go somewhere insted...
Dear People Computers are not a perfect thing because @CAPS1 you think about it, you never want to get off always charting or social networking you can always find something to do, but you are wasting your time on the computer you can do anything you want, but I think too much is a waste of time. @CAPS1 you have kids you would not spend time with them, you can help your kids with there homework eat with them watch t.v spend time relax, but some people like lands with kids go online and never get off you have to have time with your kids so they don't have bad habits so they don't stay out to late. You have to have time for your self clean the house cook food for your husband go out shopping take your kids out to the mall just enjoy your life computer gives nothing to us just gets us lazy. @CAPS1 you work you have to think about your work maybe hang out with your friends don't be on the computer for @NUM1 you can do other stuff call your friends over or go hoping do cleaning in your house computer does not give us anything its just waste of time @CAPS1 you social network.... There is good thing about computers you can find anything you need to look at stuff talk to family from far away. @CAPS1 you use it in good ways it's a good thing but @CAPS1 you never log off Facebook or other stuff it's not good to stay on. You can just go to the beach or go to the gym you have lots of stuff to do other than going online and sitting for hours. Just try not to go online and just go out and go somewhere instead...
Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, I am writing this letter on behalf of all the busy people in our country. We have come to the conclusion that we need, not want, but need computers in our life. First, we need them to communicate to other people. Second, we need computers to do research for school and work. Lastly, us kids need computers to type essays, prompts, or papers for each class. Communication is very important in everyday life. For instance, I have a grandma that lives in @LOCATION1. I only get to see her once or twice a year in person. Throughout the entire year, I video chat with her through @CAPS3 computer because it is a whole lot easier than flying there. Without computers to video chat with @CAPS3 grandma, I have no communication with her they one or two times a year. Using a computer for communication is extremly helpful it allows you to do so many things without travelling for, like video chatting. Another reason why computers are a neccessity in our is because reseach for and easier. Many kids nowadays have so much homework and spend on the internet. For I myself, that I. The internet is a quick way to get the reseach. Plus, the research I have found is just as accurate as a book from a library. Computers are absolutly needed when kids have a load of homework and projects that need to be researched. Thinks when the time a to, kids have to type up essays and prompts that its unimaginable. Just in the @DATE1 I had to type on english, essay and a fluently paragraph. Final grade @CAPS2 I did not type it, on a computer. Typing things on the computer cames out of school also, whole @CAPS3 dad is frequently typing up and he is also typing up essays for his company. Many things nowadays in order to be perfect, have to be written up on the computer or you will not get the result you were hoping for. In conclusion, computers are modern devices and you are going to have to live with it. Computers provide great communication with everyone around or even across the country. Also, they make research for school become a lot more efficent. Finally, computers type papers and essays up faster. Computers are a neccessity for living.
Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, I am writing this letter on behalf of all the busy people in our country. We have come to the conclusion that we need, not want, but need computers in our life. First, we need them to communicate to other people. Second, we need computers to do research for school and work. Lastly, us kids need computers to type essays, prompts, or papers for each class. Communication is very important in everyday life. For instance, I have a grandma that lives in @LOCATION1. I only get to see her once or twice a year in person. Throughout the entire year, I video chat with her through @CAPS3 computer because it is a lot easier than flying there. Without computers to video chat with @CAPS3 grandma, I have no communication with her, they one or two times a year. Using a computer for communication is extremely helpful it allows you to do so many things without travelling for, like video chatting. Another reason why computers are a necessity in our is because research for and easier. Many kids nowadays have so much homework and spend on the internet. For I myself, that I. The internet is a quick way to get the research. Plus, the research I have found is just as accurate as a book from a library. Computers are absolutely needed when kids have a load of homework and projects that need to be researched. Thinks when the time , kids have to type up essays and prompts that its unimaginable. Just in the @DATE1 I had to type on English, essay and a fluent paragraph. Final grade @CAPS2 I did not type it, on a computer. Typing things on the computer cams out of school also, whole @CAPS3 dad is frequently typing up, and he is also typing up essays for his company. Many things nowadays in order to be perfect, have to be written up on the computer, or you will not get the result you were hoping for. In conclusion, computers are modern devices, and you are going to have to live with it. Computers provide great communication with everyone around or even across the country. Also, they make research for school become a lot more efficient. Finally, computers type papers and essays up faster. Computers are a necessity for living.
Dear @CAPS1, People are using too much @ORGANIZATION1 their time on the computer. Instead @ORGANIZATION1 seeing the @ORGANIZATION1 through their own eyes they are seeing it on videos or in @CAPS2 on the internet. It isn't natural for people to be internet fanatics. Earth is a beautiful planet, it has trees, mountain, seas, and humas. We creators the internet and people love it more man the rock they're standing on. The planet should be explored not surfed in the web. People should see the @ORGANIZATION1 before all natural hand is coverd by cities and factories. People use the internet way to much for plans, for business, for entertainment, for a social life! all @ORGANIZATION1 this has been done with ease before we could even on a light bulb. Life is a gift and people spend it on artifitial life. For example a game, @ORGANIZATION1 is one @ORGANIZATION1 the most popular addictive games ever made. In this game you make a character in a miderth planet while you battle m onster with other players. Some people think that game is funner than life (personaly I think it is) but is not their life. His just a fantasy for people to escape thier meaningless lives. I write this for suport that some day people will understand that this is life. So, live it.
Dear @CAPS1, People are using too much @ORGANIZATION1 their time on the computer. Instead, @ORGANIZATION1 seeing the @ORGANIZATION1 through their own eyes they are seeing it on videos or in @CAPS2 on the internet. It isn't natural for people to be internet fanatics. Earth is a beautiful planet, it has trees, mountain, seas, and human. We creators the internet and people love it more man the rock they're standing on. The planet should be explored not surfed in the web. People should see the @ORGANIZATION1 before all natural hand is cover by cities and factories. People use the internet way too much for plans, for business, for entertainment, for a social life! All @ORGANIZATION1 this has been done with ease before we could even on a light bulb. Life is a gift and people spend it on artificial life. For example a game, @ORGANIZATION1 is one @ORGANIZATION1 the most popular addictive games ever made. In this game you make a character in a mirth planet while you battle monster with other players. Some people think that game is funner than life (personal I think it is) but is not their life. His just a fantasy for people to escape their meaningless lives. I write this for support that some day people will understand that this is life. So, live it.
Dear, local newpaper @CAPS1 it's true technology is blinding everyone. More and more people are being sucked into electronics and less people are caring about our planet. Their are so many great things out there that could be put at risk. People @MONTH1 say that if you spend allot of time on the computer they would be able to find cure's for the deseases out there. Those are just lies to stay lasy and waste their life on the computer. What is going to happen to all of the sports in the world. The players are going to get old and they will retire and if no one is going to take their place then the games would be cancled. I am a big fan of football and I don't want to see it ge cancled. Some of my friends are saying they are addicted to the computer and I always hope they get out of that habit because what's going to happen when they get older they are going to need a @CAPS2. If they stay addicted they won't want a @CAPS2 and they what they won't have money, they can't pay bills, and they would lose their house. Why do people say they could find cures for things by looking on the computer we all know that's not true. They need to learn about them first not by just looking on the computer. They @MONTH1 not want to but they would have to look in books and do some heavey thinking before they can find the cures. I hope the ways of life change really fast because things can get really bad. If we do stop this way of life then things could get better and then our planet @CAPS3 will stay around longer and we could make the a better place.
Dear, local newspaper @CAPS1 it's true technology is blinding everyone. More and more people are being sucked into electronics and fewer people are caring about our planet. There are so many great things out there that could be put at risk. People @MONTH1 say that if you spend a lot of time on the computer they would be able to find cure's for the diseases out there. Those are just lies to stay last and waste their life on the computer. What is going to happen to all the sports in the world. The players are going to get old, and they will retire and if no one is going to take their place then the games would be canceled. I am a big fan of football and I don't want to see it GE canceled. Some of my friends are saying they are addicted to the computer and I always hope they get out of that habit because what's going to happen when they get older they are going to need a @CAPS2. If they stay addicted they won't want a @CAPS2 and they what they won't have money, they can't pay bills, and they would lose their house. Why do people say they could find cures for things by looking on the computer we all know that's not true? They need to learn about them first not by just looking on the computer. They @MONTH1 not want to, but they would have to look in books and do some heavy thinking before they can find the cures. I hope the ways of life change really fast because things can get really bad. If we do stop this way of life then things could get better and then our planet @CAPS3 will stay around longer, and we could make the better place.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I have recently heard about the debate on whether or not computers are used too often. Computers can be unhealthy, I think that generally they're helpful. They give us many oportunities that wouldn't exist without them. I'll describe more of what I mean in the following letter. First, I'll explain one of the advantages of computers. Studying and school work. Computers can provide people with ways to research things. For students, it @MONTH1 be something like research for a project of essay. For adults it could be information on starting a business. In both of those cases, computers were used to get information in a simpler way then perhaps visiting a library, I, personally, know of a website called @LOCATION1, where teachers can set up online tests for students. This would not be possible without computers. Computer online courses can even taken, where a student can be taugh through the internet, rather than in person. This can be an advantage to someone that can't always get to classes. I would also like to mention that computers provide a popular form of communication. E-mail and I @CAPS3. These methods of communication have become extreamly popular recently, and I myself use both. I think for some people it can be bad because it prevents them from interacting with the real world. But in general I think it's helpful. It also gives parents and teachers another way to communicate. These are just some of the many ways computers are helpful. Lastly, I'd just like to talk about how computers can benefit adults specifically. I know that many people pay their bills online. This is becaus if you think about it, isn't it a hassle to have to mail your bills every month? Computers greatly reduce that hassle. They can also make it easier to buy things you need, look for jobs, and many other things. Without computers, things like looking for jobs would require a lot more work than they do with them. These, again, are only some of the hundreds, if not thousands of ways which computers are helpful. In conclusion, I think I've made my point very clear. Any thing in moderation is okay. People that argue that computers are unhealthy speak of those who use computers too much. Generally this is not the case. Usually computers can do much more good than bad, and can make a persons life much easier. They help very much with education, and even that alone I think should be enough to convince you that computers are helpful. But as I said, I hope I made my point clear, and I hope you agree with me.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I have recently heard about the debate on whether computers are used too often. Computers can be unhealthy, I think that generally they're helpful. They give us many opportunities that wouldn't exist without them. I'll describe more of what I mean in the following letter. First, I'll explain one of the advantages of computers. Studying and school work. Computers can provide people with ways to research things. For students, it @MONTH1 be something like research for a project of essay. For adults, it could be information on starting a business. In both of those cases, computers were used to get information in a simpler way then perhaps visiting a library, I, personally, know of a website called @LOCATION1, where teachers can set up online tests for students. This would not be possible without computers. Computer online courses can even take, where a student can be taught through the internet, rather than in person. This can be an advantage to someone that can't always get to classes. I would also like to mention that computers provide a popular form of communication. E-mail and I @CAPS3. These methods of communication have become extremely popular recently, and I myself use both. I think for some people it can be bad because it prevents them from interacting with the real world. But in general I think it's helpful. It also gives parents and teachers another way to communicate. These are just some of the many ways computers are helpful. Lastly, I'd just like to talk about how computers can benefit adults specifically. I know that many people pay their bills online. This is because if you think about it, isn't it a hassle to have to mail your bills every month? Computers greatly reduce that hassle. They can also make it easier to buy things you need, look for jobs, and many other things. Without computers, things like looking for jobs would require a lot more work than they do with them. These, again, are only some of the hundreds, if not thousands of ways which computers are helpful. In conclusion, I think I've made my point very clear. Anything in moderation is okay. People that argue that computers are unhealthy speak of those who use computers too much. Generally this is not the case. Usually computers can do much more good than bad, and can make a person life much easier. They help very much with education, and even that alone I think should be enough to convince you that computers are helpful. But as I said, I hope I made my point clear, and I hope you agree with me.
Dear local newspaper, Computers are fairly new, everone has one everone wants one! There are so many great things they can be used for. But are they getting used to much? As a student and a teenager I know I am using mine way more than I need to. Sure they are fun, and sure their very usefull but they are time consuming. You @MONTH1 be doing work or chatting with a friend, but your also just sitting their. Being on the computer taks away from lots of exercising or doing other activits. I am deffintly not saying to stop using your computer totally, becasue they are agreat inveshion. But why sit on a computer chatting to a friend that lives right down the street, when you could be outside, playing a game of kickball or something fun. It would be a good idea just to chat on line with the friends or family thay live far from you like in other states. Another time that I would say to use your computer is when doing some work, projects or homework. Or even if your job involves doing research. Computers are a great tool to use. But most people aboose that privilage and go one other websites that have nothing to do with there reserech. So if you need a computer for school or work stay on task! That way you get what you need done. If you are a student or have a job which is the comon day person it's hard not to use the computer. There are so many helpful things to use it for. But that doesn't mean you need to be on it all day and night. Take about @NUM1 minutes to an hour of your day talk to those people you never get to see, do your reach. Then get up and enjoy nature. You don't need more then an hour. I stronly agree with the experts people are spending way to much time on there cumputers. Use it to befit you, and to help you not to kemp you from getting bord. Don't abuse the fact you have enter-net if you need resherech get that done stay on task. Rember an hour a day is more than enough! So get off your computers go out side and stay fit!
Dear local newspaper, Computers are fairly new, everyone has one everyone wants one! There are so many great things they can be used for. But are they getting used too much? As a student and a teenager I know I am using mine way more than I need to. Sure they are fun, and sure their very useful, but they are time-consuming. You @MONTH1 be doing work or chatting with a friend, but your also just sitting their. Being on the computer take away from lots of exercising or doing other activity. I am defiantly not saying to stop using your computer totally, because they area great invasion. But why sit on a computer chatting to a friend that lives right down the street, when you could be outside, playing a game of kickball or something fun. It would be a good idea just to chat online with the friends or family that live far from you like in other states. Another time that I would say to use your computer is when doing some work, projects or homework. Or even if your job involves doing research. Computers are a great tool to use. But most people caboose that privilege and go one other websites that have nothing to do with there research. So if you need a computer for school or work stay on task! That way you get what you need done. If you are a student or have a job which is the common day person it's hard not to use the computer. There are so many helpful things to use it for. But that doesn't mean you need to be on it all day and night. Take about @NUM1 minutes to an hour of your day talk to those people you never get to see, do your reach. Then get up and enjoy nature. You don't need more than an hour. I strongly agree with the experts people are spending way too much time on there computers. Use it to befit you, and to help you not to Kemp you from getting born. Don't abuse the fact you have enter-net if you need research get that done stay on task. Member an hour a day is more than enough! So get off your computers go outside and stay fit!
Dear local newspaper, More and more people are using computers there days. Some people think computers are an improvements to society. Others are concerned that people spent too much time on computers and not enough time exercising and spending time with friends and family. I believe that computers can be a bad thing. I think this because some people spend to much time on them,, it's one of the leading causes of obesity, and it interfers with people social lifes. According to recent studys, about @NUM1 out of @NUM2 people spend most of their time on their computers. Many ot these people spend their time on online games and socializing websites such as facebook and myspace. Others spend it shopping or learning. Some of the online games include world of warcraft, rune scope, and many @CAPS1's @CAPS2 @CAPS3 @CAPS4 games. Many people who spend most of their time on the computer are or @MONTH1 became obese. According to @PERSON1, spending alot of time on computer is one of the main reasons for obesity. Many experts agree that computers are the learning cause of obesity. between @DATE1 and @DATE2 more people have been using their computers more often. The obesity rate has increased between then too. Most of the people who spend alot of time on the computer don't interact with their friend and family much. This can lead to ruined relationships, loss of friends and the chance of losing your love with family. Many experts, such as @PERSON2, say that a person can become depressed from not interacting with friends and family. He also says some of the people who became depressed start thinking of suicide. Spending too much time on the computer is a bad thing would you want to spend too much time on the computer even ater hearing the cons of it? I believe spending too much time on the computer is bad for everyone.
Dear local newspaper, More and more people are using computers their days. Some people think computers are an improvement to society. Others are concerned that people spent too much time on computers and not enough time exercising and spending time with friends and family. I believe that computers can be a bad thing. I think this because some people spend too much time on them, it's one of the leading causes of obesity, and it interfere with people social lives. According to recent studies, about @NUM1 out of @NUM2 people spend most of their time on their computers. Many OT these people spend their time on online games and socializing websites such as Facebook and MySpace. Others spend it shopping or learning. Some of the online games include World of Warcraft, rune scope, and many @CAPS1's @CAPS2 @CAPS3 @CAPS4 games. Many people who spend most of their time on the computer are or @MONTH1 became obese. According to @PERSON1, spending a lot of time on computer is one of the main reasons for obesity. Many experts agree that computers are the learning cause of obesity. Between @DATE1 and @DATE2 more people have been using their computers more often. The obesity rate has increased between then too. Most of the people who spend a lot of time on the computer don't interact with their friend and family much. This can lead to ruined relationships, loss of friends and the chance of losing your love with family. Many experts, such as @PERSON2, say that a person can become depressed from not interacting with friends and family. He also says some of the people who became depressed start thinking of suicide. Spending too much time on the computer is a bad thing would you want to spend too much time on the computer even ATER hearing the cons of it? I believe spending too much time on the computer is bad for everyone.
Dear Readers, Computers have a large presence in the world today. Most people in the @LOCATION1 have at least one and the number grows still. These computers are bad for people. They cost a lot of money cause people to stop exercising and become unhealthy, and teach children that things come easy in life. Computers cost a lot of money. Between buying one, purchasing hardware and protection, and paying for maintanence, they are very expensive. Dr. @PERSON2, a computer science expert, claims, "The average computer costs @MONEY1. There is then hardware that needs to be bought and replaced, along with antivirus programs and other protection. Now we could be talking about @MONEY2 at the very least. With yearly maintanence costing about @MONEY3 per year, you can see how expensive these machines really are." @CAPS1 out of every ten computer owners in a recent survey stated that they had to service their computers within the last three months. Thats a lot of many going toward fixing computers. But computers don't just cause money problems, there are health issues too. Computers take a lot of time away from people. When a computer is used, the user doesn't move around or exercise. Computers are making people unhealthy. The obesity number in the @LOCATION1 has skyrocketed, but it's not just food, Some experts are now contributing computer use to lack of exercise, and therefore, obesity. Dr. @DR1 @CAPS2 says, "@CAPS3 matter what you're doing on a computer, be it games or education, you would be better off outside, moving around, getting exercise. A recent study shows that @NUM1 out of @NUM2 families who purchased a computer in the last year have halved their exercise and play time. There are health problems created by computers, but they also teach the next generation that things come very easily. Computers are an excellent source of knowledge, but that could be a problem. It is a quite easy to find something out, or research a topic using a computer. Before computers became popular, people had to work and look for @CAPS4. Now that it is so easy, children @MONTH1 begin to think things come easily in life. @PERSON1, a pediatric psycologist, says, "The mind of a child works in a such a way, that most things they encounter are absorted and become normal. If a child becomes use to the ease of searching an item on a computer, he will expect all things to be equally simple. If they are not he @MONTH1 become frustated and not be able to do what is needed." @NUM3 out of @NUM4 poll takers agree that finding @CAPS4 on the computer is quite easy. What are the children of the world being taught? Life is easy, a false statement. Computer use is a growing problem. It costs ridiculous amounts of money, causes health problmes, and poisons the minds of children to believe that life is an easy thing. Computers are bad for the people of the world, they take our money, our health and the minds of our children.
Dear Readers, Computers have a large presence in the world today. Most people in the @LOCATION1 have at least one and the number grows still. These computers are bad for people. They cost a lot of money cause people to stop exercising and become unhealthy, and teach children that things come easy in life. Computers cost a lot of money. Between buying one, purchasing hardware and protection, and paying for maintenance, they are very expensive. Dr. @PERSON2, a computer science expert, claims, "The average computer costs @MONEY1. There is then hardware that needs to be bought and replaced, along with antivirus programs and other protection. Now we could be talking about @MONEY2 at the very least. With yearly maintenance costing about @MONEY3 per year, you can see how expensive these machines really are." @CAPS1 out of every ten computer owners in a recent survey stated that they had to service their computers within the last three months. That's a lot of many going toward fixing computers. But computers don't just cause money problems, there are health issues too. Computers take a lot of time away from people. When a computer is used, the user doesn't move around or exercise. Computers are making people unhealthy. The obesity number in the @LOCATION1 has skyrocketed, but it's not just food, Some experts are now contributing computer use to lack of exercise, and therefore, obesity. Dr. @DR1 @CAPS2 says, @CAPS3 matter what you're doing on a computer, be it games or education, you would be better off outside, moving around, getting exercise. A recent study shows that @NUM1 out of @NUM2 families who purchased a computer in the last year have halved their exercise and play time. There are health problems created by computers, but they also teach the next generation that things come very easily. Computers are an excellent source of knowledge, but that could be a problem. It is a quite easy to find something out, or research a topic using a computer. Before computers became popular, people had to work and look for @CAPS4. Now that it is so easy, children @MONTH1 begins to think things come easily in life. @PERSON1, a pediatric psychologist, says, "The mind of a child works in a such a way, that most things they encounter are absorbed and become normal. If a child becomes use to the ease of searching an item on a computer, he will expect all things to be equally simple. If they are not he @MONTH1 become frustrated and not be able to do what is needed." @NUM3 out of @NUM4 poll takers agree that finding @CAPS4 on the computer is quite easy. What are the children of the world being taught? Life is easy, a false statement. Computer use is a growing problem. It costs ridiculous amounts of money, causes health problems, and poisons the minds of children to believe that life is an easy thing. Computers are bad for the people of the world, they take our money, our health and the minds of our children.
Dear newspaper, I think computers are good for you because talk online, teach hand eye coordination, and other stuff too. One reason @CAPS9 he helps you with your hand eye coordination for example teach you how you look while typing. @CAPS3 we don’t learn hand eye coordination we won't know how to do other stuff that @CAPS9 hand eye coordination. The second reason @CAPS9 @CAPS1 you have a webcam you can use @CAPS1 for example when a family member @CAPS9 living in a different state you can see their face and talk to them like you do in person. The last reason @CAPS9 searching the web because @CAPS3 you want to get @CAPS4 ticits for a trip look online. @CAPS1's the best way to get them. researcher say @NUM1 out of @NUM2 people say getting online @CAPS9 the best way because you can see when the @CAPS4 take off, when the next @CAPS4 also when to come back home. All in all I say that compuetrs are a good thing because they help with you hand eye coordination also. @CAPS3 you have a web cam you can see family members from different states and see the face and talk to them like you are talking In person. The last thing @CAPS9 searching the web for @CAPS4 tickets @CAPS3 you want to go somewhere far a way go online and see when the @CAPS4 and comes back because researchers says that @NUM1 out of @NUM2 People say that getting online for @CAPS4 ticket @CAPS9 the best way to get them. Ask your self woild you like to have the web to seach or not?
Dear newspaper, I think computers are good for you because talk online, teach hand eye coordination, and other stuff too. One reason @CAPS9 he helps you with your hand eye coordination for example teach you how you look while typing. @CAPS3 we donut learn hand eye coordination we won't know how to do other stuff that @CAPS9 hand eye coordination. The second reason @CAPS9 @CAPS1 you have a webcam you can use @CAPS1 for example when a family member @CAPS9 living in a different state you can see their face and talk to them like you do in person. The last reason @CAPS9 searching the web because @CAPS3 you want to get @CAPS4 tic its for a trip look online. @CAPS1's the best way to get them. Researcher say @NUM1 out of @NUM2 people say getting online @CAPS9 the best way because you can see when the @CAPS4 take off, when the next @CAPS4 also when to come back home. All in all I say that computers are a good thing because they help with you hand eye coordination also. @CAPS3 you have a webcam you can see family members from different states and see the face and talk to them like you are talking In person. The last thing @CAPS9 searching the web for @CAPS4 tickets @CAPS3 you want to go somewhere far a way go online and see when the @CAPS4 and comes back because researchers says that @NUM1 out of @NUM2 People say that getting online for @CAPS4 ticket @CAPS9 the best way to get them. Ask your self would you like to have the web to each or not?
I believe that people should enjoy nature more than computes. I say this because computers can sometimes get addicting. The people who are addicted will only know about stuf on the internet. people need exersise. They will not get exursise by sitting in front of an computer all day. Computers are addicting. The people who spent most of their time on the computer are the people who are addicted. When they get addicted they will probly fail in school because they do not do their homework. Don't you hate it when you feel week and tierd? Well that is how the people who sit at computers all day feel like alot! @CAPS1 people whant to stay healthy then they should get some exersise daily insted of sitting in front of a computer all day. Alot of people get annoyed when they dont know about stuff when it happens. Most of the people who do that are the people who are mostly on the computers. I say that because the people who are mostly on the computers only know about things when it is on the computer. That is why I strongly believe that people spend to much time on computers rather than. This is because firstly computers get addicting, secondly people need exersise @CAPS1 they want to be and stay healthy lastly @CAPS1 people like to know things the only way they will find out is on the computer
I believe that people should enjoy nature more than computes. I say this because computers can sometimes get addicting. The people who are addicted will only know about stuff on the internet. People need exercise. They will not get exercise by sitting in front of a computer all day. Computers are addicting. The people who spent most of their time on the computer are the people who are addicted. When they get addicted they will probably fail in school because they do not do their homework. Don't you hate it when you feel week and tied? Well that is how the people who sit at computers all day feel like a lot! @CAPS1 people what to stay healthy then they should get some exercise daily instead of sitting in front of a computer all day. A lot of people get annoyed when they don't know about stuff when it happens. Most of the people who do that are the people who are mostly on the computers. I say that because the people who are mostly on the computers only know about things when it is on the computer. That is why I strongly believe that people spend too much time on computers rather than. This is because firstly computers get addicting, secondly people need exercise @CAPS1 they want to be and stay healthy lastly @CAPS1 people like to know things the only way they will find out is on the computer
Dear Local Newspaper, I have herad that you guys are deciding whether or not computers have a negative or positive impact on the society. In my opinion, I believe computers have a very negative impact not only to adults but mostly to students too. Computers in general can be distracting, very dangerous, and give people less time to excercise. Computers in total do not have a bad impact on people. Some people say computers are not distracting, well I say they are. Computers have varies websites such as @CAPS1 and @CAPS2 which can distract people from studying or even doing their homework. @CAPS1 and @CAPS2 are websites where you can chat with friends and see peoples pictures. These websites can be very interupptive when trying to do something important. For example, I am one of the biggest slackers when it comes to doing homework or studying. If I had to choose between doing homework or chatting on @CAPS1, I would choose @CAPS1. But if you actually think about, are these websites benefitting anybody. Homework and studying can actually benefit you in doing better can benefit you in your studies and ferther on in your life. In total, I believe computers are a big distarction. When people go on the computer they go on without worrying a little bit. They don't know the danger behind it. These dangerous computer have people on it called online predators. Online predators sit on the computers basically all day trying to harm others. One website in specific that I herad was very harmful is myspace. This website is even more dangerous then @CAPS1 or @CAPS2. Myspace is like @CAPS1 in a way but very dangerous. For instance, my mom told me that one of her friends daughter had a myspace and became friends with a guy she didn't know. Of course she didn't worry because according to her he seemed a nice guy so she gave him her number. Good thing her mom saw it, otherwise something bad would happend. He ended up being an online predator. Lastly, computer can make people unhealthy. People who stare on computers non-stop can make them not exercise. For example, not playing sports such as soccer, vollyball, and tennis. This is very unhealthy for people in our society because they can become obese and unhealthy. This is why computers can make you not exercise. In conclusion, computers can have a very negative effect on people. It can be very distracting, dangerous, and unhealthy for not exercising. In total, computers cannot have a bad impact on people.
Dear Local Newspaper, I have head that you guys are deciding whether computers have a negative or positive impact on the society. In my opinion, I believe computers have a very negative impact not only to adults but mostly to students too. Computers in general can be distracting, very dangerous, and give people less time to exercise. Computers in total do not have a bad impact on people. Some people say computers are not distracting, well I say they are. Computers have varies websites such as @CAPS1 and @CAPS2 which can distract people from studying or even doing their homework. @CAPS1 and @CAPS2 are websites where you can chat with friends and see peoples pictures. These websites can be very interactive when trying to do something important. For example, I am one of the biggest slackers when it comes to doing homework or studying. If I had to choose between doing homework or chatting on @CAPS1, I would choose @CAPS1. But if you actually think about, are these websites benefitting anybody. Homework and studying can actually benefit you in doing better can benefit you in your studies and further on in your life. In total, I believe computers are a big distraction. When people go on the computer they go on without worrying a little bit. They don't know the danger behind it. This dangerous computer have people on it called online predators. Online predators sit on the computers basically all day trying to harm others. One website in specific that I head was very harmful is MySpace. This website is even more dangerous than @CAPS1 or @CAPS2. Myspace is like @CAPS1 in a way but very dangerous. For instance, my mom told me that one of her friends daughter had a MySpace and became friends with a guy she didn't know. Of course, she didn't worry because according to her, he seemed a nice guy, so she gave him her number. Good thing her mom saw it, otherwise something bad would happened. He ended up being an online predator. Lastly, computer can make people unhealthy. People who stare on computers non-stop can make them not exercise. For example, not playing sports such as soccer, volleyball, and tennis. This is very unhealthy for people in our society because they can become obese and unhealthy. This is why computers can make you not exercise. In conclusion, computers can have a very negative effect on people. It can be very distracting, dangerous, and unhealthy for not exercising. In total, computers cannot have a bad impact on people.
Dear @CAPS1, I - like many other people my age - love to sit in front of a computer and explore it's wonders. But that does not mean that I spend my whole life on it like others. So I can see what too much computer time can do. It has made kids my age more aggressive, have health problems, and care even less about the environment. More and more kids are falling into those traps. Too much computer time can make even the nicest person extremely aggressive. I know from past experience that when you bother people when they are on their obsession, they will snap at you, yell, or even start swearing at you, or maybe get violent. If someone stays up to late on the computer, the next day could mean that they're cranky from the lack of sleep. This aggression @MONTH1 cause others to get aggressive in response, which @MONTH1 lead to a verbal or physical fight, which (hopefully) nobody wants. Another issue too much computer time can cause, @CAPS1, are even more health issues. Staying inside all day will keep people from getting the neccessary amount of vitamin @CAPS3 they need which is a vital nutricious vitamin that comes from the sun itself. Not getting enough vitamin @CAPS3 throughout a person's childhood can result in getting an illness called @CAPS5 later in life, which never truly goes away and hinders people from doing the things they love. Too much computer time also means people aren't getting enough exercise, and with the way we eat now, those two things can add up to making a person obeie. Others who do not want to get the proper amount of exercise or eat right and at the same time do not want to become obeisce, @MONTH1 to anorexia. Neither or these weight problems are very good for you, proving my point about the health issues of too much computer time. The issue I will have you read @CAPS1, is how people will become even less caring of the environment. Some of the big technology companies side-step around environmental protection laws to find cheaper ways to make their products and the thing is, no one cares! No one cares so long as they get their newer and better piece of technology. Everyone will just keep protecting these companies to get what they want to satisfy the craving for more computers. Now, I'm not saying that having any computer time is bad. I'm just trying to prove that too much is bad for you. That with too much computer time, people can become more aggresive, have health issues, and become even less caring of the environment. Therefore I urge you @CAPS1 to write an article in the newspaper about the effects of too much computer time, to make it known to everyone in the city. It might help us make a better future.
Dear @CAPS1, I - like many other people my age - love to sit in front of a computer and explore its wonders. But that does not mean that I spend my whole life on it like others. So I can see what too much computer time can do. It has made kids my age more aggressive, have health problems, and care even less about the environment. More and more kids are falling into those traps. Too much computer time can make even the nicest person extremely aggressive. I know from experience that when you bother people when they are on their obsession, they will snap at you, yell, or even start swearing at you, or maybe get violent. If someone stays up to late on the computer, the next day could mean that they're cranky from the lack of sleep. This aggression @MONTH1 cause others to get aggressive in response, which @MONTH1 lead to a verbal or physical fight, which (hopefully) nobody wants. Another issue too much computer time can cause, @CAPS1, are even more health issues. Staying inside all day will keep people from getting the necessary amount of vitamin @CAPS3 they need which is a vital nutritious vitamin that comes from the sun itself. Not getting enough vitamin @CAPS3 throughout a person's childhood can result in getting an illness called @CAPS5 later in life, which never truly goes away and hinders people from doing the things they love. Too much computer time also means people aren't getting enough exercise, and with the way we eat now, those two things can add up to making a person obese. Others who do not want to get the proper amount of exercise or eat right and at the same time do not want to become beach, @MONTH1 to anorexia. Neither nor these weight problems are very good for you, proving my point about the health issues of too much computer time. The issue I will have you read @CAPS1, is how people will become even less caring of the environment. Some of the big technology companies side-step around environmental protection laws to find cheaper ways to make their products and the thing is, no one cares! No one cares so long as they get their newer and better piece of technology. Everyone will just keep protecting these companies to get what they want to satisfy the craving for more computers. Now, I'm not saying that having any computer time is bad. I'm just trying to prove that too much is bad for you. That with too much computer time, people can become more aggressive, have health issues, and become even less caring of the environment. Therefore, I urge you @CAPS1 to write an article in the newspaper about the effects of too much computer time, to make it known to everyone in the city. It might help us make a better future.
@ORGANIZATION1, @DATE1, people are using computers more often. Some people do not agree that computers are good. I think computers are good though. They help you learn more, they are like @CAPS1 @CAPS2 and when you bored you can go on the internet. People nowadays are becoming smarter and smarter. One of the causes is the internet. The internet is like a big book. It holds tons of great information. There's probly information on the internet that probly no one knows, until they read it. Plus the fact that the internet is quick & easy. Also, the internet keeps you up to date on things going on in the world. Without the internet. We would be nowhere. Surveys show that @NUM1 out of @NUM2 students use the internet for information or projects for school. Also, on the internet you can buy things you can't but in stores. Going to the library is a pain. You have to pay for the gas plus you have to drag yourself out of the house to get in the car to go to the library. What if you don't have a library near you? then what will you do? you could go on the internet. Plus, with @CAPS2, people could look for a book all day, not find it and find out that someone else has it. What a pain. There are some people like collage people, Who don't have cars. So how the sapposed to get to the library? Studies show that @PERCENT1 of @CAPS3 don't have cars. When you get bored, what do you do? eat? sleep? Lay on the floor staring at the celing? No. You go on the computer. The internet has all sorts of fun games and websites. It also helps you make new friends. The internet is also a good way to stay in contact with close friend or relative. Also, if you are a photographer, then you can sell & share you photographs online you can also advertise you company or buisness. @NUM3 out @NUM4 @CAPS3 either have no backyard or have nothing better to do. I think that the internet is great. You can learn all sorts of information you don't have to go to a library and you can play games when you get bored. Isn't the internet great?
@ORGANIZATION1, @DATE1, people are using computers more often. Some people do not agree that computers are good. I think computers are good though. They help you learn more, they are like @CAPS1 @CAPS2 and when you bored you can go on the internet. People nowadays are becoming smarter and smarter. One of the causes is the internet. The internet is like a big book. It holds tons of great information. There's probably information on the internet that probably no one knows, until they read it. Plus the fact that the internet is quick & easy. Also, the internet keeps you up to date on things going on in the world. Without the internet. We would be nowhere. Surveys show that @NUM1 out of @NUM2 students use the internet for information or projects for school. Also, on the internet you can buy things you can't but in stores. Going to the library is a pain. You have to pay for the gas plus you have to drag yourself out of the house to get in the car to go to the library. What if you don't have a library near you? Then what will you do? You could go on the internet. Plus, with @CAPS2, people could look for a book all day, not find it and find out that someone else has it. What a pain. There are some people like collage people, Who don't have cars. So how the supposed to get to the library? Studies show that @PERCENT1 of @CAPS3 don't have cars. When you get bored, what do you do? Eat? Sleep? Lay on the floor staring at the ceiling? No. You go on the computer. The internet has all sorts of fun games and websites. It also helps you make new friends. The internet is also a good way to stay in contact with close friend or relative. Also, if you are a photographer, then you can sell & share you photographs online you can also advertise you company or business. @NUM3 out @NUM4 @CAPS3 either have no backyard or have nothing better to do. I think that the internet is great. You can learn all sorts of information you don't have to go to a library, and you can play games when you get bored. Isn't the internet great?
Dear Local Newspaper, I feel that computers are very beneficial to our society. They are very helpful when it comes to homework, you can talk to people online and you can make plans/ without even leaving your house. First of all, computers help us a great deal with homework. Many kids are adamant about it, but with the help of a computer, they will be more willing to get it done. For example, when I have a difficult science/social studies assignment, I can research it on the computer. Also, @CAPS1 I have a just coming up and I left my textbook at school, I can just study on my computer. So, as a result, computers are very helpful with homework and studying. Secondly, computers make it very easy to communicate with others. For example, talking on the phone costs money, and why would you money when you could text, chat voice for free? Also, many people use e-mail because its very easy and you can send documents to others. Lets say, that I had a work document on yearly company profits and I needed to got it to my boss. No problem, I just it to an email and I don't have to drive. Finally, my last point, computers make it very easy to make plans or connections. I know that @NUM1 out of @NUM2 people love to travel, but you need plane tickets. Just go to the website and do it online. Its fast, easy and safe. Also, @CAPS1 you needed to make reservations for something, like a hotel, you just have to go online, pick a date and when you arrive your room will be ready. I can see how this would be very beneficial to traveling business men who might need a room for the night. In conclusion, computers play a huge roll in the world because they can help with homework, its easy to communicate, and you can make /reservations without even leaving your house. And the best part about them is that they are fun and easy to use!
Dear Local Newspaper, I feel that computers are very beneficial to our society. They are very helpful when it comes to homework, you can talk to people online, and you can make plans/ without even leaving your house. First, computers help us a great deal with homework. Many kids are adamant about it, but with the help of a computer, they will be more willing to get it done. For example, when I have a difficult science/social studies assignment, I can research it on the computer. Also, @CAPS1 I have a just coming up, and I left my textbook at school, I can just study on my computer. So, as a result, computers are very helpful with homework and studying. Secondly, computers make it very easy to communicate with others. For example, talking on the phone costs money, and why would your money when you could text, chat voice for free? Also, many people use e-mail because its very easy, and you can send documents to others. Let's say, that I had a work document on yearly company profits and I needed to get it to my boss. No problem, I just it to an email and I don't have to drive. Finally, my last point, computers make it very easy to make plans or connections. I know that @NUM1 out of @NUM2 people love to travel, but you need plane tickets. Just go to the website and do it online. Its fast, easy and safe. Also, @CAPS1 you needed to make reservations for something, like a hotel, you just have to go online, pick a date and when you arrive your room will be ready. I can see how this would be very beneficial to traveling businessmen who might need a room for the night. In conclusion, computers play a huge roll in the world because they can help with homework, It's easy to communicate, and you can make /reservations without even leaving your house. And the best part about them is that they are fun and easy to use!
Dear Local newspaper, @CAPS1 to this article more and more people use computers, and the people who support advances in technology believe computers have a posotive effect on people. I disagree on you part. I believe that computers can ruin your life, and make you go blind. Firstly, computers can ruind your life if. you stay on them for too long. Computers is a little device that can almost let you do anything on it. The computer can let you look ups where your friends live, you can play tons of games ect. I remember this one time when I was watching channel @NUM1 news and a @NUM2 years kid fainted from playing a computer game for too long. See, I told you that they can ruin your life all it takes is a couple of hours to like the computer. Secondly, computers can make you go blind because the screen of the computer is too close. The computer is built so you can do things on it, but unfortunatly the screen was screwed in too close so when you have to see something on your computer you literly have to stick your face on top of the screen. I remember one time when my dad bought a @ORGANIZATION1, my dad was on that computer all day and when he got off it his eyes were blood shot, the mont after that he got glasses. See, I told you stickig you face too close to a computer screen can hurt your eyes. In conclusion, the computer can ruin your life and can make you go blind. The computer is bad for you, so you should stop and think about what I wrote in this persuasive letter.
Dear Local newspaper, @CAPS1 to this article more and more people use computers, and the people who support advances in technology believe computers have a positive effect on people. I disagree on your part. I believe that computers can ruin your life, and make you go blind. Firstly, computers can ruins your life if. You stay on them for too long. Computers is a little device that can almost let you do anything on it. The computer can let you look-ups where your friends live, you can play tons of game sect. I remember this one time when I was watching channel @NUM1 news and a @NUM2 years kid fainted from playing a computer game for too long. See, I told you that they can ruin your life all it takes is a couple of hours to like the computer. Secondly, computers can make you go blind because the screen of the computer is too close. The computer is built, so you can do things on it, but unfortunately the screen was screwed in too close so when you have to see something on your computer you lightly have to stick your face on top of the screen. I remember one time when my dad bought a @ORGANIZATION1, my dad was on that computer all day and when he got off it his eyes were blood shot, the Mont after that he got glasses. See, I told you sticking you face too close to a computer screen can hurt your eyes. In conclusion, the computer can ruin your life and can make you go blind. The computer is bad for you, so you should stop and think about what I wrote in this persuasive letter.
@DATE1 @CAPS1 The @CAPS2, I believe that computers in today's society have a possitve affect on people. I believe this because if people use it for education purposes to chat, email, or to reasearch it does make a difference in peoples lives. If you use the computer for educational purposes like games, you could really learn a lot. For example, I help my sister with her multiplication on a math game we have. Also, I learned to type with type to learn @CAPS3. on my desktop computer at home. Many other people use it for these reasons too. They also might use it for typing a project or making a presentation. Others might only use it for chat and e-mail. These things can still benefit our society though. Using the computer for chat, such as, facebook, myspace, and twitter can also benefit our society today. These websites benefit us because we can meet new people, catch up with old friends, or even talk with carrent friends. also on @ORGANIZATION2, @ORGANIZATION1, or @ORGANIZATION3 we can e-mail people instead of instant messaging them. For example, if you have something really big to say to someone you might want to write on email. If you just want to say hello you could use facebook, myspace, or twitter if you have an account. Computers do benefit our society today. All of the reasons in my letter support my position on wether or not computers benefit our society.
@DATE1 @CAPS1 The @CAPS2, I believe that computers in today's society have a possible effect on people. I believe this because if people use it for education purposes to chat, email, or to research it does make a difference in peoples lives. If you use the computer for educational purposes like games, you could really learn a lot. For example, I help my sister with her multiplication on a math game we have. Also, I learned to type with type to learn @CAPS3. On my desktop computer at home. Many other people use it for these reasons too. They also might use it for typing a project or making a presentation. Others might only use it for chat and e-mail. These things can still benefit our society though. Using the computer for chat, such as, Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter can also benefit our society today. These websites benefit us because we can meet new people, catch up with old friends, or even talk with current friends. Also on @ORGANIZATION2, @ORGANIZATION1, or @ORGANIZATION3 we can e-mail people instead of instant messaging them. For example, if you have something huge to say to someone you might want to write on email. If you just want to say hello you could use Facebook, MySpace, or Twitter if you have an account. Computers do benefit our society today. All the reasons in my letter support my position on whether or not computers benefit our society.
Dear newspaper editor, I think computer are a benefit to everyone. My first reason why I think computers are abenefit is because if you don't know about somthing and you wana learn more about it, you can just go on the computer and do some research on it. The best part is you can research anything even if its like a million miles away. The internet has imformation on anything and every thing. my second reason why, is because if you have a webcam and some of your relatives live very far away you can see them when ever you want. Its not just webcam either you can also go on facebook and other sites like that to talk to family and friends and see pictures of one another. my last and final reason is that you can do almost anything on a computer. Their software on them to write, do projects, and plan things oct. plus most of the modern day society uses computers for stores and business's to keep track of things. Well thats why I think computers benefit us. I told you why I thought they did and how.
Dear newspaper editor, I think computer are a benefit to everyone. My first reason why I think computers area benefit is because if you don't know about something and you want learn more about it, you can just go on the computer and do some research on it. The best part is you can research anything even if it's like a million miles away. The internet has information on anything and every thing. My second reason why, is because if you have a webcam and some of your relatives live very far away you can see them when ever you want. It's not just webcam either you can also go on Facebook and other sites like that to talk to family and friends and see pictures of one another. My last and final reason is that you can do almost anything on a computer. Their software on them to write, do projects, and plan things Oct. Plus most of the modern day society uses computers for stores and business's to keep track of things. Well that's why I think computers benefit us. I told you why I thought they did and how.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, I agree that the effects computers have on people can be very negative to people, but they should realize what they are doing to themselfs and what they can get themselves into. Starting with people are on the computers more then they are using the phone, this takes effects on people sitting around on their computers and not cleaning their homes and taking care of their homes; but instead they are on the laptops or desktops. Secondly parents and childrens spend most of they time on websites to talk with their friends for example webcam and aim, this takes affect people because they can go on the phone or meet them up some place. In conclusion, people, but mostly teenagers and a little bit of adults up to ages @NUM1 to @NUM2 like to go on different websites sum as,,, and more this constart rumors and can end up in bad or goods situations this can be a horrified effection on these people that do this very often. Some people and mostly teens, and that can be caused it will always be a he say she say, this is why people should log off immediantly. Most importantly people should become aware of themselves or people they might know or might know, knowing this putting into negative situations @MONTH1 at them in harm.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, I agree that the effects computers have on people can be very negative to people, but they should realize what they are doing to themself and what they can get themselves into. Starting with people are on the computers more than they are using the phone, this takes effects on people sitting around on their computers and not cleaning their homes and taking care of their homes; but instead they are on the laptops or desktops. Secondly parents and children's spend most of they time on websites to talk with their friends for example webcam and aim, this takes affect people because they can go on the phone or meet them up some place. In conclusion, people, but mostly teenagers and a little bit of adults up to ages @NUM1 to @NUM2 like to go on different websites sum as,,, and more this constant rumors and can end up in bad or goods situations this can be a horrified affection on these people that do this very often. Some people and mostly teens, and that can be caused it will always be a he says she says, this is why people should log off immediately. Most importantly people should become aware of themselves or people they might know or might know, knowing this putting into negative situations @MONTH1 at them in harm.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I have a very strong belief that children and adults are spending far away too much time the computer. Please consider the following that computers have a negative effect on people. Furthermore, @PERCENT1 of parents agree with experts that @CAPS3 spend way too much time on the computer but less time with friends. @CAPS11 I was little I rarely ever went on the computer. But now my parents have to consult me to leave the computer multiple times. Ever since teens have joined @CAPS7, myspace, and twitter, they are addicted to it and can't stop going on it to @CAPS6 what their friends are posting. Physcologist @PERSON2 states, "@CAPS3 who are on the internet for multiple hours a day, can't concentrate in school because their minds are on what they've going to @CAPS8 on @CAPS11 they get home." @CAPS4 up, @CAPS5, @CAPS6 @CAPS7, @CAPS8 to school, get home, @CAPS6 @CAPS7. This is the daily reutine of a teenager in the @DATE1. Secondly, going on the computer constantly can cause health problems. @NUM1 percent of teens who non-stop use the computer have to wear glasses or contacts, because of overusing the computer. @CAPS11 I use the computer without a break for multiple have I get a terrible headache because my eyes can't take any more of it. "@CAPS11 @CAPS3 stay up laye on the computer they are, have fatigue the next morning." @CAPS12 pediatrician @PERSON1 and middle schoolers are very much the most popular users of the interner, because they are mostly very tired and @CAPS11 at school. People who stay up very late have very black saggy lines under their eyr, so if you see a person like taht they are a overuser of the internet. Most @CAPS3 who are very pole also never get to @CAPS8 outside @CAPS11 using the internet all the time. Lastly children are missing out on the beauty of nature. @CAPS3 who don't get enough excersize, cant think clearly becasue tehre is no oxygen in their brains. Obesity is begginning to tape a toll on children who only sit inside and @CAPS5 junkfood. Children who rarely @CAPS8 outside and excersize become overweight or obese. @PERCENT2 of children instratford almost never @CAPS8 outside and excersize. As I was in elementary school, we had recess but now in middle school we never have it. The only chnace we have to @CAPS8 outside in the @DATE3 and in the @DATE2 @CAPS11 it's warm.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2, I have a very strong belief that children and adults are spending far away too much time the computer. Please consider the following that computers have a negative effect on people. Furthermore, @PERCENT1 of parents agree with experts that @CAPS3 spend way too much time on the computer but less time with friends. @CAPS11 I was little I rarely ever went on the computer. But now my parents have to consult me to leave the computer multiple times. Ever since teens have joined @CAPS7, MySpace, and twitter, they are addicted to it and can't stop going on it to @CAPS6 what their friends are posting. Physiologist @PERSON2 states, "@CAPS3 who are on the internet for multiple hours a day, can't concentrate in school because their minds are on what they've going to @CAPS8 on @CAPS11 they get home." @CAPS4 up, @CAPS5, @CAPS6 @CAPS7, @CAPS8 to school, get home, @CAPS6 @CAPS7. This is the daily routine of a teenager in the @DATE1. Secondly, going on the computer constantly can cause health problems. @NUM1 percent of teens who non-stop use the computer have to wear glasses or contacts, because of overusing the computer. @CAPS11 I use the computer without a break for multiple have I get a terrible headache because my eyes can't take any more of it. "@CAPS11 @CAPS3 stay up lay eon the computer they are, have fatigue the next morning." @CAPS12 pediatrician @PERSON1 and middle schoolers are very much the most popular users of the Internet, because they are mostly very tired and @CAPS11 at school. People who stay up very late have very black saggy lines under their as, so if you see a person like that they are an overuse of the internet. Most @CAPS3 who are very pole also never get to @CAPS8 outside @CAPS11 using the internet all the time. Lastly children are missing out on the beauty of nature. @CAPS3 who don't get enough excessive, cant think clearly because there is no oxygen in their brains. Obesity is beginning to tape a toll on children who only sit inside and @CAPS5 junk food. Children who rarely @CAPS8 outside and excessive become overweight or obese. @PERCENT2 of children Stratford almost never @CAPS8 outside and excessive. As I was in elementary school, we had recess but now in middle school we never have it. The only chance we have to @CAPS8 outside in the @DATE3 and in the @DATE2 @CAPS11 it's warm.
Dear The @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 opinion on computers @MONTH1 be the same as others or different. I believe that computers help our society. They give us more knowledge on whatever subject we want, it helps us connect to family far away places and they even give us a better understanding of any place we can't see for ourselves. Some people feel that computers distract kids so they're never spending time with family. But what if one of your family members is on the other side of the world? @CAPS1 cousin lives in @LOCATION2 and the only way I can ever talk to him is through a computer. What if your a little kid and your mom or did go on business trips faraway for a very long time? You would use a computer to talk to them wouldn't you? Not everyone in your is always around you and when someone is faraway a computer is the way to connect. Because of computers kids don't exercise. What if your exercise happened to be hiking? In you get exercise and can expose the scenery. With a computer you can explore anywhere without even leaving your doorstep. Say your just a young kid and you're always located to see @LOCATION1 but you can never go there. What would you do? You would hop on a computer and check it out. You can explore any place you want with the click of a button. In school you learn about very historic people who have been dead for thousands of years. How would you learn more about them if they're gone? A computer has information about anyone you chance. You @MONTH1 not be exercising but you're expanding your knowledge aren't you. Yes you could go down to a library and take out a book on the person. However, what if the book doesn't have the information you are looking for? You could end up reading for hours when the certain information you want wasn't even there. A computer gives you anything you need in a matter of seconds. Why waste your time? Now is the time where our technology advances. Why waste your time on something when you've got what you need right at your fingertips? So what are you waiting for? Go learn what you want right now! Haven't seen your cousin in a long time? Start up your computer and get talking. The time is now!
Dear The @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 opinion on computers @MONTH1 is the same as others or different. I believe that computers help our society. They give us more knowledge on whatever subject we want, it helps us connect to family far away places, and they even give us a better understanding of any place we can't see for ourselves. Some people feel that computers distract kids, so they're never spending time with family. But what if one of your family members is on the other side of the world? @CAPS1 cousin lives in @LOCATION2 and the only way I can ever talk to him is through a computer. What if you're a little kid and your mom or did go on business trips faraway for a very long time? You would use a computer to talk to them, wouldn't you? Not everyone in your is always around you and when someone is faraway a computer is the way to connect. Because of computers kids don't exercise. What if your exercise happened to be hiking? In you get exercise and can expose the scenery. With a computer you can explore anywhere without even leaving your doorstep. Say you're just a young kid, and you're always located to see @LOCATION1, but you can never go there. What would you do? You would hop on a computer and check it out. You can explore any place you want with the click of a button. In school, you learn about very historic people who have been dead for thousands of years. How would you learn more about them if they're gone? A computer has information about anyone you chance. You @MONTH1 not be exercising, but you're expanding your knowledge aren't you. Yes you could go down to a library and take out a book on the person. However, what if the book doesn't have the information you are looking for? You could end up reading for hours when the certain information you want wasn't even there. A computer gives you anything you need in a matter of seconds. Why waste your time? Now is the time when our technology advances. Why waste your time on something when you've got what you need right at your fingertips? So what are you waiting for? Go learn what you want right now! Haven't seen your cousin in a long time? Start up your computer and get talking. The time is now!
Dear Local newpaper editor, I think computers benefits us in a good way. Weither computers are helping kids with research for homework, projects and essays or building online stocks to help make buisness grow. Computers are now a benificial way of life. We can see what happens on the other side of the world. And learn about new things everyday. What I think people are focusing is what they thikn computers are doing to people, but are really not focusing on how it helps us in so many ways. One way that people say computers effects people is that we don't exercise instead were attached to our computers. I doubt computers do this not everyone likes or wants to exercise. And why would computers stop people from doing that. It's people choice, the computer doesn't forces them to stay in the house. And computers are a great way for you to catch up with friends and family. It could be online chatting and even sharing photos. And I highly doubt people stop seeing their fmailies because of computers it just doesn't make any sense. People who are against computer are giving people in chairs or controlling them, it's just silly. If people acually stopped to take the time and think; theirs a chance that they would see how computers has helped us grow as a nation. And how much they used computers and that it really helped them than just searching through books for a ton of information. As years have gone by I could see that a ton of thinhs are runed by computers and that alot of people use them. And it has impacted our country, in my opinion a good way. And if it wasn't for computers who knows how are nation would be running. And if computers amde such a posotive impact on our country already I can only iamgine the years to come as computers become bigger and better. So as you have read I gave mt reason as how think computers impact our lives. And how I think the years to come it will impact our lives bigger and better. Now I can't force you to be for, or against computers bbut what ever your opinion is just think of a world without computers especially if you grew up with them.
Dear Local newspaper editor, I think computers benefits us in a good way. Either computers are helping kids with research for homework, projects and essays or building online stocks to help make business grow. Computers are now a beneficial way of life. We can see what happens on the other side of the world. And learn about new things every day. What I think people are focusing is what they think computers are doing to people, but are really not focusing on how it helps us in so many ways. One way that people say computers effects people are that we don't exercise instead were attached to our computers. I doubt computers do this not everyone likes or wants to exercise. And why would computers stop people from doing that. It's people choice, the computer doesn't force them to stay in the house. And computers are a great way for you to catch up with friends and family. It could be online chatting and even sharing photos. And I highly doubt people stop seeing their families because of computers it just doesn't make any sense. People who are against computer are giving people in chairs or controlling them, it's just silly. If people actually stopped to take the time and think; theirs a chance that they would see how computers has helped us grow as a nation. And how much they used computers and that it really helped them than just searching through books for a ton of information. As years have gone by I could see that a ton of things are ran by computers and that a lot of people use them. And it has impacted our country, in my opinion a good way. And if it wasn't for computers who know how are nation would be running. if computers made such a positive impact on our country already I can only imagine the years to come as computers become bigger and better. So as you have read I gave CT reason as how think computers impact our lives. And how I think the years to come it will impact our lives bigger and better. Now I can't force you to be for, or against computers but what ever your opinion is just thought of a world without computers especially if you grew up with them.
@ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 computers are a part of our advanced technology. They have a positive effect on people because computers make almost everything easier, they can teach people things with tutorial or educational websites and @CAPS2 @CAPS3, and they keep people entertained in their spare time. Computers are becoming more and more advanced everyday and that's why I think people are so addicted to them, yet they do have positive affects. Computers make things a lot easier for a lot of people. If you really think about it, a lot of things that we use every day such as books, nice clothing, and music on the radio would not be here if it weren't for computers. We would have to hand write those books and hand sew our clothes. As for the music, we would just stomp our feet and clap our hands to make music. If ancient egyptians had computers, they would have built millions of @CAPS4. Our computers have programs like microsoft to help me do a major school assignment neatly. Computers have positive affects in this way. Everyday after I finish my homework and I go on the computer most adults think that all that us teenagers do on the computers are facebook and myspace. I do admit that I go on those websites, but if I notice that my grades are not in the best condition, I go on websites that can help me understand what I'm not getting. Ninety percent of the time that I do that my grades go up and I get a satisfying grade. I have also taught little cousins of mine how to add and subtract using the computer in pre-school. Computers are helping schools teach students. Besides education, computers can also keep us entertained with games such as virtual solitaire. When I go on the computer, I might need to research something that I have interest in. Maybe I might want to know when @LOCATION1 was invented or, if the universe ever stops. Maybe I don't want to watch @CAPS5 all day to keep me entertained. Computers will save me from bordom. When I use a computer, I am not addicted. In fact it has a very positive effect of me. Yes, I might stay up countless hours, talking to my friends on facebook, but to me that's a part of being a kid. The next day I might learn something in school that I want to search deeper into. That is what the computer is for. Without computers we would not have some of the knowledge we have @CAPS1. Their effect is the most positive effect on people, ever in my opinion.
@ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 computers are a part of our advanced technology. They have a positive effect on people because computers make almost everything easier, they can teach people things with tutorial or educational websites and @CAPS2 @CAPS3, and they keep people entertained in their spare time. Computers are becoming more and more advanced every day and that's why I think people are so addicted to them, yet they do have positive affects. Computers make things a lot easier for a lot of people. If you really think about it, a lot of things that we use every day such as books, nice clothing, and music on the radio would not be here if it weren't for computers. We would have to handwrite those books and hand sew our clothes. As for the music, we would just stomp our feet and clap our hands to make music. If ancient Egyptians had computers, they would have built millions of @CAPS4. Our computers have programs like Microsoft to help me do a major school assignment neatly. Computers have positive affects in this way. Every day after I finish my homework and I go on the computer most adults think that all that us teenagers do on the computers are Facebook and MySpace. I do admit that I go on those websites, but if I notice that my grades are not in the best condition, I go on websites that can help me understand what I'm not getting. Ninety percent of the time that I do that my grades go up, and I get a satisfying grade. I have also taught little cousins of mine how to add and subtract using the computer in pre-school. Computers are helping schools teach students. Besides education, computers can also keep us entertained with games such as virtual solitaire. When I go on the computer, I might need to research something that I have interest in. Maybe I might want to know when @LOCATION1 was invented or, if the universe ever stops. Maybe I don't want to watch @CAPS5 all day to keep me entertained. Computers will save me from boredom. When I use a computer, I am not addicted. In fact, it has a very positive effect of me. Yes, I might stay up countless hours, talking to my friends on Facebook, but to me that's a part of being a kid. The next day I might learn something in school that I want to search deeper into. That is what the computer is for. Without computers, we would not have some of the knowledge we have @CAPS1. Their effect is the most positive effect on people, ever in my opinion.
Dear Readers' @ORGANIZATION1 the Local Newspaper, I am almost certain you interact daily with computer. You use computers to write, play games, look at pictures, and print work out. There are dozens @ORGANIZATION1 practical for computers but nowadays, many people, especially children, are using computers excessively. This unnecessary usage @ORGANIZATION1 computers can cause obesity, expose children to mappropriate things & destroy family time. Readers, hear my arguement and by the end @ORGANIZATION1 the paper you will surely agree with me that computers are detrimental to society. Have you ever made a @ORGANIZATION2 @CAPS1's @CAPS2 to lose weight? It's not uncommon for one to make such a goal. According to the @ORGANIZATION2, @PERCENT1 @ORGANIZATION1 adults make their @ORGANIZATION2 @CAPS1's @CAPS2 to get in shape, exercise nore or just lose weight. We've all seen the commercials on @CAPS4 that encourage you to "@CAPS5 @CAPS6!" @CAPS7 you too can "lose weight in just one week"! There are also plenty @ORGANIZATION1 entrepenuers out there that want to convince you to buy their exercise product @CAPS7 you can develop outrageously large muscles in "no time at all". But do all these & exercise plans really work? According to a study done by the @ORGANIZATION1, the largest cause @ORGANIZATION1 obesity is actually computers! The students at @LOCATION1 had one group @ORGANIZATION1 people try a regular commercial diet plan & another group @ORGANIZATION1 people do exactly what they've been doing... Except their computers. They found that the group who from computer use lost nearly @PERCENT2 more weight on average them the group on the comercial diet! Nothing is causing obesity in @LOCATION2 them computer. A familier day for an average child in @LOCATION2 goes like this: go to school, home on the bus, use computer eat dinner, do homework, go to bed. Unfotunately, these happens @NUM1 days a week & the computer time is eating up none other than the exercise time. Readers please, try avoiding you computers for just one week, and you can forget those jet plane. Another negative @ORGANIZATION1 computers is that it not only affects an individual but possildy an entire family! Many children can go an entire day without sitting down & talking to their parents. My friend @PERSON1 often hope from school and goes straight up to to use his laptop without even saying hello to his parents. Computers have become nearly an addiction to most teenagers. @PERCENT3 @ORGANIZATION1 teens in @LOCATION2 say they use computers daily & @PERCENT4 say they have trouble communication with their parents. There is a direct connection between the lack @ORGANIZATION1 communication at home for teens & computer usage. Teens become in their society lives and become to their computers. What they don't notize is that they're totally forgetting about their families! I know I've made the mistake @ORGANIZATION1 becoming too attached to socia networking to remember my family but luckily I have a stable family environment. Some teens don't have that luxury. Computers have the ability to destroy parent-child relationships, don't let that happen to you. Your children are without a doubt, through, the ones a by this technical revolution the most. From the time they were your children probably had a keyboard at their fingertips. Do parents ever realize what they're getting their children into when they teach them how to use a computer though. Children as young as @NUM2 or @NUM3 years old are exposed to profamily, & vulgar pictures on the web on supposed "safe sides". Do you even realize who your child's talking to on the computer? With all the @CAPS8's & emails flying around, you could be talking to a complete stranger without-even knowing. An enormous part @ORGANIZATION1 who your child become & the values they hold is a product @ORGANIZATION1 what they were exposed to @ORGANIZATION1 a young age. Bring a computer to your kindergartrer & you can probably guess what they'll grow up with. No matter how much you think or believe on the safety @ORGANIZATION1 computer, you cannot argue with the fact that computer expose children to adult content very early in their lives. @CAPS7 do you look at your computer differently @CAPS6? Faced with the concerns @ORGANIZATION1 lack @ORGANIZATION1 exercise, separation @ORGANIZATION1 families & mappriate natural children do you really want your children, or even you for that matter, using a computer daily. Think a head @NUM4 years from @CAPS6. Will you say "I wish I used my computer" or "I wish I spent more time". In the end, the choice is really up to you.
Dear Readers' @ORGANIZATION1 the Local Newspaper, I am almost certain you interact daily with computer. You use computers to write, play games, look at pictures, and print work out. There are dozens @ORGANIZATION1 practical for computers but nowadays, many people, especially children, are using computers excessively. This unnecessary usage @ORGANIZATION1 computers can cause obesity, expose children to appropriate things & destroy family time. Readers, hear my argument and by the end @ORGANIZATION1 the paper you will surely agree with me that computers are detrimental to society. Have you ever made a @ORGANIZATION2 @CAPS1's @CAPS2 to lose weight? It's not uncommon for one to make such a goal. According to the @ORGANIZATION2, @PERCENT1 @ORGANIZATION1 adults make their @ORGANIZATION2 @CAPS1's @CAPS2 to get in shape, exercise more or just lose weight. We've all seen the commercials on @CAPS4 that encourage you to "@CAPS5 @CAPS6!" @CAPS7 you too can "lose weight in just one week"! There are also plenty @ORGANIZATION1 entrepreneurs out there that want to convince you to buy their exercise product @CAPS7 you can develop outrageously large muscles in "no time at all". But do all these & exercise plans really work? According to a study done by the @ORGANIZATION1, the largest cause @ORGANIZATION1 obesity is actually computers! The students at @LOCATION1 had one group @ORGANIZATION1 people try a regular commercial diet plan & another group @ORGANIZATION1 people do exactly what they've been doing... Except their computers. They found that the group who from computer use lost nearly @PERCENT2 more weight on average them the group on the commercial diet! Nothing is causing obesity in @LOCATION2 them computer. A families day for an average child in @LOCATION2 goes like this: go to school, home on the bus, use computer eat dinner, do homework, go to bed. Unfortunately, this happens @NUM1 days a week & the computer time is eating up none other than the exercise time. Readers please, try avoiding you computers for just one week, and you can forget this jet plane. Another negative @ORGANIZATION1 computers is that it not only affects an individual but possibly an entire family! Many children can go an entire day without sitting down & talking to their parents. My friend @PERSON1 often hopes from school and goes straight up to use his laptop without even saying hello to his parents. Computers have become nearly an addiction to most teenagers. @PERCENT3 @ORGANIZATION1 teens in @LOCATION2 say they use computers daily & @PERCENT4 say they have trouble communication with their parents. There is a direct connection between the lack @ORGANIZATION1 communication at home for teens & computer usage. Teens become in their society lives and become to their computers. What they don't notice is that they're totally forgetting about their families! I know I've made the mistake @ORGANIZATION1 becoming too attached to social networking to remember my family, but luckily I have a stable family environment. Some teens don't have that luxury. Computers have the ability to destroy parent-child relationships, don't let that happen to you. Your children are without a doubt, through, the ones a by this technical revolution the most. From the time they were your children probably had a keyboard at their fingertips. Do parents ever realize what they're getting their children into when they teach them how to use a computer though. Children as young as @NUM2 or @NUM3 years old are exposed to , & vulgar pictures on the web on supposed "safe sides". Do you even realize who your child's talking to on the computer? With all the @CAPS8's & emails flying around, you could be talking to a complete stranger without-even knowing. An enormous part @ORGANIZATION1 who your child become & the values they hold is a product @ORGANIZATION1 what they were exposed to @ORGANIZATION1 a young age. Bring a computer to your kindergartner & you can probably guess what they'll grow up with. No matter how much you think or believe on the safety @ORGANIZATION1 computer, you cannot argue with the fact that computer expose children to adult content very early in their lives. @CAPS7 do you look at your computer differently @CAPS6? Faced with the concerns @ORGANIZATION1 lack @ORGANIZATION1 exercise, separation @ORGANIZATION1 families & marriage natural children do you really want your children, or even you for that matter, using a computer daily. Think a head @NUM4 years from @CAPS6. Will you say "I wish I used my computer" or "I wish I spent more time"? In the end, the choice is really up to you.
In my opinion having computer is good to have. Therefore I think having computers are a good thing because nowadays computers are very useful. Also a lot of people are using the for there businesses. My there reasons are to look up information, home work, and to talk to friends and family online. My first reason is to look up information on the computer. If you have thred reports to do it will best to use a computer to look up the information because it will be easier and faster to do. For an example using the internent will be faster then looking for it in a book. For that it will take at least @NUM1 to @NUM2 minutes for the interenant if you were to lookingit in a book it can take at least @NUM3 to @NUM4 minutes. My second reason is to you could talk to your friends and family online like if one of your relatives live long distance like in @LOCATION2 then you can talk to them on your telephone or cellphone because the bill will outragouse. Or if you talk to your friends online so can ask them a question on homework or whats the homework? Like if you have a that to like @LOCATION1 you can to online and you can talk to them. My third reason is that you can even do your homework on the computer. If you have history you can go on a website for an online book instead of bringing a book to school and back to home. Also it will be easier for that you would not have to worry about bringing your history book with to home. For the example it will take less time using the interneat the using a book it will take like @NUM5 to @NUM2 minutes using the computer then using the book for @NUM5 to @NUM8 minutes. In my conclusion using a computer is very useful and very important nowadays. My three reasons are to look up information, homework and talking online to friends and family. Even though people don't like computers or don't like to use them.
In my opinion having computer is good to have. Therefore, I think having computers are a good thing because nowadays, computers are very useful. Also, a lot of people are using the for their businesses. My there reasons are to look up information, homework, and to talk to friends and family online. My first reason is to look up information on the computer. If you have three reports to do it will be best to use a computer to look up the information because it will be easier and faster to do. For an example using the Internet will be faster than looking for it in a book. For that it will take at least @NUM1 to @NUM2 minutes for the invariant if you were to looking it in a book it can take at least @NUM3 to @NUM4 minutes. My second reason is to you could talk to your friends and family online like if one of your relatives live long distance like in @LOCATION2 then you can talk to them on your telephone or cellphone because the bill will outrageous. Or if you talk to your friends online so can ask them a question on homework or what's the homework? Like if you have a that to like @LOCATION1 you can to online, and you can talk to them. My third reason is that you can even do your homework on the computer. If you have history you can go on a website for an online book instead of bringing a book to school and back to home. Also, it will be easier for that you would not have to worry about bringing your history book with to home. For the example it will take less time using the Internet the using a book it will take like @NUM5 to @NUM2 minutes using the computer then using the book for @NUM5 to @NUM8 minutes. In my conclusion using a computer is very useful and very important nowadays. My three reasons are to look up information, homework and talking online to friends and family. Even though people don't like computers or don't like to use them.
Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, Even though there are good effects of computers on people, there are also many bad effects. Some of the major bad effects of computers on people are no exercise, you can talk to strangers, and no interaction with family and friends. One of the effects of computers on people is no exersise. One of the most important effect of computers on people is no exersise. Right now many people in the @LOCATION1 are obese because of bad eating and no exersise. One of the problems is that these people don'@CAPS2 get off their computers and couchs to go outside. These people choose to stay indoors and just do nothing except watch @CAPS2.V. and go on the computer. So computers have a big effect on how these people live their lives. Another problem caused by computers is kids talking to strangers. Most kids in the @LOCATION1 are a member of a social network like @CAPS3 or @CAPS4. There are people out there that go on these websites on their computers and pretend to be a teen. This can get many kids in trouble if they are not careful on these websites. Since most people access these websites from their computers its another bad effect of computers on people. Another bad effect is no iteraction with family or friends. When people are on computers, they focus on whats on the computer and not about their surroundings. Being on the computer stops many people from interacting with their family and friends. Not interacting with anyone causes their social skills to weaken since they are always on the computer. This can become a serious problem if a person becomes too adicted to the computer. This can cause many problems between communication throughout the family making the family weaken. In conclusion even though there are good effects of computers on people, there are also many bad effects which can cause serious problems. Computers can cause tragaties in families and/or in that persons's life.
Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, Even though there are good effects of computers on people, there are also many bad effects. Some of the major bad effects of computers on people are no exercise, you can talk to strangers, and no interaction with family and friends. One of the effects of computers on people is no exercise. One of the most important effect of computers on people is no exercise. Right now many people in the @LOCATION1 are obese because of bad eating and no exercise. One of the problems is that these people don't@CAPS2 get off their computers and couches to go outside. These people choose to stay indoors and just do nothing except watch @CAPS2. V. and go on the computer. So computers have a big effect on how these people live their lives. Another problem caused by computers is kids talking to strangers. Most kids in the @LOCATION1 are a member of a social network like @CAPS3 or @CAPS4. There are people out there that go on these websites on their computers and pretend to be a teen. This can get many kids in trouble if they are not careful on these websites. Since most people access these websites from their computers its another bad effect of computers on people. Another bad effect is no interaction with family or friends. When people are on computers, they focus on what's on the computer and not about their surroundings. Being on the computer stops many people from interacting with their family and friends. Not interacting with anyone causes their social skills to weaken since they are always on the computer. This can become a serious problem if a person becomes too addicted to the computer. This can cause many problems between communication throughout the family making the family weaken. In conclusion even though there are good effects of computers on people, there are also many bad effects which can cause serious problems. Computers can cause treaties in families and/or in that person's life.
Dear, local Newspaper, I hear that you think computers have an effect on people. Will I disagree with what you say. I think computer will help us learn, and do things faster. Haveing computers helps the community learn more. My first, reason I think we should keep computers because it helps people with there hand eyes coordination for jobs. With the skills of typing you can work at places like the city of @LOCATION1 where they type every day and work hard. They also learn more and more facts about the sociatis. Without knowing how to type you @MONTH1 not get any top class jobs. My second, reason telling us that computers are helpful is that it helps your children do better in school by learning how to type for high school, and learning math, sce, social studies and language arts. Computers also helps kids at young age do math and other with their character, like dora, @ORGANIZATION1, elmo, and others. So learning on computer can help you learn and have fun at the same time. Which i know your parents would like. Even new born babys can learn how to read, write and do math and grow up and can be president one day. My third, reason is that it helps send things all over the world. Without computers we would have to do it old fashion style. Also with computers you can talk to family member that live far away from you (In state or country) and you have not see them in a long time. Or you can chat with old school friends from back in the day. You can also buy thing off the computer. In my conclution I told you that computers can not effect people by telling you that your child can do better learning and parents also. I also add that it helps you get jobs and help you with your hand and eye cordination in school and out. So computer help the community.
Dear, local Newspaper, I hear that you think computers have an effect on people. Will I disagree with what you say? I think computer will help us learn, and do things faster. Having computers helps the community learn more. My first, reason I think we should keep computers because it helps people with there hand eyes coordination for jobs. With the skills of typing you can work at places like the city of @LOCATION1 where they type every day and work hard. They also learn more and more facts about the socialist. Without knowing how to type you @MONTH1 not get any top class jobs. My second, reason telling us that computers are helpful is that it helps your children do better in school by learning how to type for high school, and learning math, she, social studies and language arts. Computers also helps kids at young age do math and other with their character, like Dora, @ORGANIZATION1, Elmo, and others. So learning on computer can help you learn and have fun at the same time. Which I know your parents would like. Even newborn babies learn how to read, write and do math and grow up and can be president one day. My third, reason is that it helps send things all over the world. Without computers, we would have to do it old fashion style. Also with computers you can talk to family member that live far away from you (In state or country) and you have not seen them in a long time. Or you can chat with old school friends from back in the day. You can also buy thing off the computer. In my conclusion I told you that computers can not affect people by telling you that your child can do better learning and parents also. I also add that it helps you get jobs and help you with your hand and eye coordination in school and out. So computer help the community.
Do you think computers benifit us? I think they do. There are many way computers do and don't benifit us are a lot more use full then the way they don't. Like kids in school use an online text books. Also a lot of company's have websites so we can see what there about before we choose them for the job. We also use computers to look up directions to places we want to go so we don't get lost. School kids benifit from computers a lot because they would have to carry home tons of books but instead they just go on the computer to get the online book instead of carrying home @NUM1 really heavy books. I know I like to go on the computer better then carrying really heavy books home. Also when you look for a home decorator you just go on the computer and look up websites to see some of the work they have done. It helps out a lot becase than you don't have to figure of the hard way that the decorator is not good and end up spending a lot of money on a room you don't like. Also if you are looking for a job you can look up there website on the computer and avail them to see if you can get an interview rather then wasting your nature going there. I also use the computer to look up ways to get some where and it's a lot easier to do that then to start driving and get lost I know they have gps's now but they cost a lot more then some on a computer you can find out. I still think computers benifit us in many ways. Like using an online text book instead of carrying your huge textbooks home. Also using computers to look up websites or to search adresses, is a lot easier with computers. That is why I think computers benefit us.
Do you think computers benefit us? I think they do. There are many way computers do and don't benefit us are a lot more useful than the way they don't. Like kids in school use an online text books. Also, a lot of company's have websites, so we can see what there about before we choose them for the job. We also use computers to look up directions to places we want to go, so we don't get lost. School kids benefit from computers a lot because they would have to carry home tons of books, but instead they just go on the computer to get the online book instead of carrying home @NUM1 really heavy books. I know I like to go on the computer better than carrying really heavy books home. Also, when you look for a home decorator you just go on the computer and look up websites to see some of the work they have done. It helps out a lot became than you don't have to figure of the hard way that the decorator is not good and end up spending a lot of money on a room you don't like. Also, if you are looking for a job you can look up there website on the computer and avail them to see if you can get an interview rather than wasting your nature going there. I also use the computer to look up ways to get somewhere, and it's a lot easier to do that then to start driving and get lost I know they have GPS's now, but they cost a lot more than some on a computer you can find out. I still think computers benefit us in many ways. Like using an online text book instead of carrying your huge textbooks home. Also using computers to look up websites or to search addresses, is a lot easier with computers. That is why I think computers benefit us.
Dear newstimes, I really think that computers are a good thing because they let you talk to people online, they have ways or doing things for other people, and people have to manage alot of there money and hills on the computer. First they let you comunicate with other people, did you know that @PERCENT1 of people in the united states have family in a different state, and never get to see them, well, thats when computers come in handy because computers have a thing calle d vidio chat and thats where if you have a webcam you can talk to peoplem from different places around the world because you can see each other both through the camera, also there is a thing called @CAPS1 and that allows you to talk to people whenever you want if they are online, my mom got a @CAPS1 and now she chatting she hasn't seen since highschool and she is very happy to see her old friends again. secondly computers have away of people, like if you have an emergency you can go to the computer and save it. Like if you have an email you can email then if you have and emergency, there is even a thing on the computer that can call someone or even call all for along emergency. @PERCENT2 of the people in the @LOCATION1 say that a computer has many people think that from a computer. Thirdly computers help people paying there bills and with there mony. Did you know that @PERCENT3 of people in the united states pay there bills on the computer and manage there mony on the computer. I know my parents do and I know a lot of other people that do to, and if we didn't pay our bills then we wouldn't be able to have a home or anything and thats pretty much do need computers because if you didn't have them then people wouldn't have a any mony. In conclusion people really do need computers because people like people that they know and they have helped many people in the united states and lastly computers really help you manage money and bills, and every body should have a computer for all of these very good reasons.
Dear news times, I really think that computers are a good thing because they let you talk to people online, they have ways or doing things for other people, and people have to manage a lot of there money and hills on the computer. First they let you communicate with other people, did you know that @PERCENT1 of people in the United States have family in a different state, and never get to see them, well, that's when computers come in handy because computers have a thing called video chat and that's where if you have a webcam you can talk to people from different places around the world because you can see each other both through the camera, also there is a thing called @CAPS1 and that allows you to talk to people whenever you want if they are online, my mom got a @CAPS1 and now she's chatting she hasn't seen since high school, and she is very happy to see her old friends again. Secondly computers have away of people, like if you have an emergency you can go to the computer and save it. Like if you have an email you can email then if you have and emergency, there is even a thing on the computer that can call someone or even call all for along emergency. @PERCENT2 of the people in the @LOCATION1 say that a computer has many people think that from a computer. Thirdly computers help people paying there bills and with there many. Did you know that @PERCENT3 of people in the United States pay there bills on the computer and manage there many on the computer? I know my parents do and I know a lot of other people that do to, and if we didn't pay our bills then we wouldn't be able to have a home or anything and that's pretty much do need computers because if you didn't have them then people wouldn't have an any many. In conclusion people really do need computers because people like people that they know, and they have helped many people in the United States and lastly computers really help you manage money and bills, and everybody should have a computer for all of these very good reasons.
@ORGANIZATION1, @PERCENT1 of the world say that computers are a good way to interact with people, learn about forgien people and places and also learn about where your family came from. So here I am going to inform you about the good reasons why computers should stay in our society. How do you meet people from different countries? One way is interacting with different people all over the world. I am saying this because the internet has a lot of benifits in meeting people. One way is to make a certain account where you can meet people who aim or a different account. Another way is go on a website where you can pen-pal someone from a different place in the world. The final way is to download something where they can send instant messages to people all over the world. Do you have a project where you to learn about another country or another explorer? Well you can use the computer to learn about the place or the person. I am saying this because that will helps us with all the work we do for school. Computers also help you with your school work by helping you with homework. I am saying this because with nobody home when nobody there when you come home from school who is going to help you with your homework you can use a website that helps you understand the material better. Do you know where your family comes from? A way you can find out with your family come from is use a website to find where your family comes from. For example, @LOCATION1 is a helpful website to learn who they really were in life, were they fight in a war. You can find this all out on the computer. Another way is you can ask your parents the name of someone and type there name in There are many reasons why we should could keep computers but here are some, interact with people, learn about other places and learn about family. I hope you understand this better.
@ORGANIZATION1, @PERCENT1 of the world say that computers are a good way to interact with people, learn about forgiven people and places and also learn about where your family came from. So here I am going to inform you about the good reasons why computers should stay in our society. How do you meet people from different countries? One way is interacting with different people all over the world. I am saying this because the internet has a lot of benefits in meeting people. One way is to make a certain account where you can meet people who aim or a different account. Another way is gone on a website where you can pen-pal someone from a different place in the world. The final way is to download something where they can send instant messages to people all over the world. Do you have a project where you to learn about another country or another explorer? Well you can use the computer to learn about the place or the person. I am saying this because that will help us with all the work we do for school. Computers also help you with your school work by helping you with homework. I am saying this because with nobody home when nobody there when you come home from school who is going to help you with your homework you can use a website that helps you understand the material better. Do you know where your family comes from? A way you can find out with your family come from is use a website to find where your family comes from. For example, @LOCATION1 is a helpful website to learn who they really were in life, were they fight in a war. You can find this all out on the computer. Another way is you can ask your parents the name of someone and type there name in There are many reasons why we should, could keep computers but here are some, interact with people, learn about other places and learn about family. I hope you understand this better.
Dear Local Newspaper, Computers are a huge thing now adays. Almost everyone has one that they use. But why do some people think that it is hurting our society. This isn't right because you need it for education, people aren't on all day, and a job. So how could those things be harmful to society. Your right they can't. Every single person has had some type of education. But how can you have an education with out a computer. If you rae working and you need to get another degree for your job. You can't go during the day so you can find a school that has online schooling, for at night. That way you don't miss work and you still get your schooling. Another reason why is that a school project or essay. You might need the computer to search up things for a project. Or cite your sorces. What if you need to type an essay what do you do then. No computers no education and you will go and works at @CAPS1 or something. Where you don't need an education. But people aren't on all day so what does that do to society. Nothing at all. Kids and adults go outside and have fun. They go on the computer to check e-mails, play games, look at facebooks/myspaces. But they have enough responcibility to go out and get fresh air. And if they sit in side then it isn't your problem because it is their life and they want to live it their way. Not the way everyone else wants them to. They can make choices for thier self and don't need others, to do it for them. So it really shouldn't effect you at all. What if at you job you need the internet. Most office people have a computer to talk to others by e-mail or to fix problems. People who work at about need the computer to access your account to get your money. People that estimate the cost of a building need it for adding something or keeping a record. The video games are a perfect example because the programers use a computer to porgram what you want to happening the game and thet takes hours to complete. So how are computers harmful to society because I still don't see it. Education, people aren't on all day and a job are really good reason that computers should becept. So everyone I strongly encourage you to reconsider what could happen without computers.
Dear Local Newspaper, Computers are a huge thing now days. Almost everyone has one that they use. But why do some people think that it is hurting our society. This isn't right because you need it for education, people aren't on all day, and a job. So how could those things be harmful to society. Your right they can't. Every single person has had some type of education. But how can you have an education without a computer. If you RAE working, and you need to get another degree for your job. You can't go during the day, so you can find a school that has online schooling, for at night. That way you don't miss work and you still get your schooling. Another reason why is that a school project or essay. You might need the computer to search up things for a project. Or cite your forces. What if you need to type an essay what do you do then. No computers no education and you will go and works at @CAPS1 or something. Where you don't need an education. But people aren't on all day so what does that due to society. Nothing at all. Kids and adults go outside and have fun. They go on the computer to check e-mails, play games, look at Facebook/MySpace. But they have enough responsibility to go out and get fresh air. And if they sit in side then it isn't your problem because it is their life, and they want to live it their way. Not the way everyone else wants them to. They can make choices for their self and don't need others, to do it for them. So it really shouldn't affect you at all. What if at you job you need the internet. Most office people have a computer to talk to others by e-mail or to fix problems. People who work at about need the computer to access your account to get your money. People that estimate the cost of a building need it for adding something or keeping a record. The video games are a perfect example because the programmers use a computer to program what you want to happen the game and the takes hours to complete. So how are computers harmful to society because I still don't see it. Education, people aren't on all day and a job are perfect reason that computers should except. So everyone I strongly encourage you to reconsider what could happen without computers.
Let's go back around @NUM1 years ago. Those were days when it could take weeks to communicate with out of state family. Days when knowledge was only found in books, and ofen found slowly. Those were days where everything was done with a lack of speed and precision. Computers change all that. With nothing but the tap of a finger, we can communicate with people worldwide, or sea the web for some knew information. @PERCENT1 of people's relatives live out of their state. I can relate, with @NUM2 cousins in @LOCATION2 and @NUM2 in @LOCATION1. Without these instant messages and emails, we would more than likely talk to them once, maybe twice a year! Some people say that computers make people spend less time interacting with family and friends. For me personally, and I know many others, interaction would be impossible without these modern manuals. With all the @LOCATION1 technology out there. Nothing has me as amazed as the webcam. You, with this tool, can talk face to face with someone on the other side of the world! The world is a better place when we can have a true connection to other cultures, and what better way than to talk to them. What people @NUM4 years ago would never think possible, we can use at a moments notice, and yet still, many people don't appreciate it. My @CAPS1 and my @CAPS2 have both used internet to reunite with old college buddies, or see how far away friends are. These are grown ups, using the tools available to improve their lives. Internet goes beyond teenagers on @CAPS3 and @CAPS4. What you can find online still amazes me. The information you could get out of @NUM2 non-function books, you could find in turn minutes on the internet. Any question, including personal, anything, can be answered. Years ago people would have killed for this power, for the common man to be able to access all he ever needed to. I see the point people make about needing excersize and they're right. But in five minutes on the web you could have an exersize routine planned out, with modern techniques and styles. The computer has anything for anyone. Looking for some place to enjoy nature & @ORGANIZATION1 it. In seconds there will be thousands thousands of results. Missing a dictionary? There are literaly hundreds of sites to find a definition online. People take these machines for granted and assume we could live without them, but I doubt they ever realize how much we really need them. The technology is there. Why not use it? I could never turn down an opportunity to talk to a distant cousin, or another kid from a different country. I couldn't pass up a chance to check up on some old buddies that moved away. Thanks to computers, I have that opportunity. I have that chance. I've been shown an open door to find out everything I could want. Man can't know everything. But these days, he can find out anything. I'm not sure if the omputer has changed the direction of advancing technology, but I can tell you, it has definitly offered the course.
Let's go back around @NUM1 years ago. Those were days when it could take weeks to communicate without of state family. Days when knowledge was only found in books, and often found slowly. Those were days when everything was done with a lack of speed and precision. Computers change all that. With nothing but the tap of a finger, we can communicate with people worldwide, or sea the web for some knew information. @PERCENT1 of people's relatives live out of their state. I can relate, with @NUM2 cousins in @LOCATION2 and @NUM2 in @LOCATION1. Without these instant messages and emails, we would more than likely talk to them once, maybe twice a year! Some people say that computers make people spend less time interacting with family and friends. For me personally, and I know many others, interaction would be impossible without these modern manuals. With all the @LOCATION1 technology out there. Nothing has me as amazed as the webcam. You, with this tool, can talk face to face with someone on the other side of the world! The world is a better place when we can have a true connection to other cultures, and what better way than to talk to them. What people @NUM4 years ago would never think possible, we can use at a moments notice, and yet still, many people don't appreciate it. My @CAPS1 and my @CAPS2 have both used internet to reunite with old college buddies, or see how far away friends are. These are grown-ups, using the tools available to improve their lives. Internet goes beyond teenagers on @CAPS3 and @CAPS4. What you can find online still amazes me. The information you could get out of @NUM2 non-function books, you could find in turn minutes on the internet. Any question, including personal, anything, can be answered. Years ago people would have killed for this power, for the common man to be able to access all he ever needed to. I see the point people make about needing excessive and they're right. But in five minutes on the web you could have an exercise routine planned out, with modern techniques and styles. The computer has anything for anyone. Looking for some place to enjoy nature & @ORGANIZATION1 it. In seconds there will be thousands of results. Missing a dictionary? There are literary hundreds of sites to find a definition online. People take these machines for granted and assume we could live without them, but I doubt they ever realize how much we really need them. The technology is there. Why not use it? I could never turn down an opportunity to talk to a distant cousin, or another kid from a different country. I couldn't pass up a chance to check up on some old buddies that moved away. Thanks to computers, I have that opportunity. I have that chance. I've been shown an open door to find out everything I could want. Man can't know everything. But these days, he can find out anything. I'm not sure if the computer has changed the direction of advancing technology, but I can tell you, it has definitely offered the course.
@CITY1 @CAPS1: I believe that computers (for now) are a good thing for our society. They allow you to see places. If you have a long distance relationship you can talk to them and they have many good excessories. What if you were looking for a new home? You could use google to search of selling homes in a certain location. Then finding some one to move your stuff for a fair price. Computers have many websites that you can go to when looking for that special place. The computer is also handy when you are going on vacation. You can look up the weather for that time. If you are going somewhere for, you can use the computer to find a plane. Computers are helpful when it comes to places! The excessories on the computer are endless. One big excessory that people like to do is games. Games are great to get your mind going. Practically all of the grades require hand-eye coordination. For example, @ORGANIZATION1. You need to remove all the tiles before the time runs out! If you are bored, games are very fun. I think that games are a great excessory. Some people have long distance relationships right? Well, if you have a computer you can have an online. This relieves many people when they know your not there. If you have an email, you can talk" to your friends that you dont see at school. This gives you a chance to connect with them. Myspace and facebook are very similar. These are what you can use to talk to your friends at school. Computers are very useful. As you can see, I have stated many good reasons. Excessories, "talking" to people. Also, places. Many people use computers in their every day life. Computers are awsome!"
@CITY1 @CAPS1: I believe that computers (for now) are a good thing for our society. They allow you to see places. If you have a long distance relationship you can talk to them, and they have many good accessories. What if you were looking for a new home? You could use Google to search of selling homes in a certain location. Then finding someone to move your stuff for a fair price. Computers have many websites that you can go to when looking for that special place. The computer is also handy when you are going on vacation. You can look up the weather for that time. If you are going somewhere for, you can use the computer to find a plane. Computers are helpful when it comes to places! The accessories on the computer are endless. One big accessory that people like to do is games. Games are great to get your mind going. Practically all the grades require hand-eye coordination. For example, @ORGANIZATION1. You need to remove all the tiles before the time runs out! If you are bored, games are very fun. I think that games are a great accessory. Some people have long distance relationships right? Well, if you have a computer you can have an online. This reliefs many people when they know you're not there. If you have an email, you can talk" to your friends that you don't see at school. This gives you a chance to connect with them. Myspace and Facebook are very similar. These are what you can use to talk to your friends at school. Computers are very useful. As you can see, I have stated many good reasons. Accessories, "talking" to people. Also, places. Many people use computers in their every day life. Computers are awesome!"
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 opinion on the effects computers have on people, are that computers are used for the wrong reasons. Teens should be outside playing sports or hanging out with friends and family. But instead they are addicted to the world wide web and games and websites throughout it. Therefore, the computer and the concept of surfing the web is bad because it consumes childrens much and because educationally computers can give the wrong information. Until the late @DATE1's, @ORGANIZATION3 laptops and desktop @CAPS2 did not exist in @CAPS1 opinion, this would have been better. For example. children teens and even adults use the computer more than they should nowadays. At this age middle schoolers and high-schoolers should be focused on their grades and their . But instead, they get too addicted to @CAPS3, @CAPS4 and @CAPS5 that they forget about their school work and their priorities, and their grades start to slip. Even sudlts have this problem. For instance, buisness people, accountants and assistants will consistently be checking their emails. Also, people who work at a desk or in a cudical all day are almost always on the computer. In other words, I believe that jobs should cut dwn on how many workers they have on a computer, and family homes should cut down on the amount of time each member spends online. Another reason I think computers effect people in a bad way is because educationally computers can give false information. For example, people could insect their own perspective of an idea on websites such as wikipedia and @ORGANIZATION2. If a student was doing a project or just homework and decided to surf the web for some @ORGANIZATION2 or information they dont know if their information is correct. I believe this means that the internet and the web don't beat books or history. In conclusion, computers have a bad effect on people for the reasons of it consumes children and teen's minds, people use the internet too much and because educationally computers can sometimes give false information.
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS1 opinion on the effects computers have on people, are that computers are used for the wrong reasons. Teens should be outside playing sports or hanging out with friends and family. But instead they are addicted to the World Wide Web and games and websites throughout it. Therefore, the computer and the concept of surfing the web is bad because it consumes children's much and because educationally computers can give the wrong information. Until the late @DATE1's, @ORGANIZATION3 laptops and desktop @CAPS2 did not exist in @CAPS1 opinion, this would have been better. For example. Children teens and even adults use the computer more than they should nowadays. At this age middle schoolers and high-schoolers should be focused on their grades and their. But instead, they get too addicted to @CAPS3, @CAPS4 and @CAPS5 that they forget about their school work and their priorities, and their grades start to slip. Even adults have this problem. For instance, business people, accountants and assistants will consistently be checking their emails. Also, people who work at a desk or in a cubical all day are almost always on the computer. In other words, I believe that jobs should cut own on how many workers they have on a computer, and family homes should cut down on the amount of time each member spends online. Another reason I think computers effect people in a bad way is because educationally computers can give false information. For example, people their own perspective of an idea on websites such as Wikipedia and @ORGANIZATION2. If a student was doing a project or just homework and decided to surf the web for some @ORGANIZATION2 or information they don't know if their information is correct. I believe this means that the internet and the web don't beat books or history. In conclusion, computers have a bad effect on people for the reasons of it consumes children and teen's minds, people use the internet too much and because educationally computers can sometimes give false information.
I think that computers are amazing. Computers are an amazing way to meat new pol online.
I think that computers are amazing. Computers are an amazing way to meat new pol online.
Dear, newspaper @CAPS1 I think computers have both a positive and a negative afect on people. On one hand you can learn about places without having to go there and get fact about what is in that contery such as food, goodes, and jobs. On the other hand the computer can also be a problum becous kids could spend to much time chating or playing on the computer and not enugh time going outside to play or going to sports practis but sometimes bad things happen from talking to people on the computer. Some people on the computer arn't always how thay say thay are. So if I hafe to choose a side on wether the computer is helpful or not I would hafe to go with not. The computer is not very helpful becous lot of bad things could happen from @NUM1 littul mistake on the computer like puting your name, adrres, or picktur on the computer.
Dear, newspaper @CAPS1 I think computers have both a positive and a negative affect on people. On one hand you can learn about places without having to go there and get fact about what is in that Connery such as food, goods, and jobs. On the other hand the computer can also be a problem because kids could spend too much time charting or playing on the computer and not enough time going outside to play or going to sports practice but sometimes bad things happen from talking to people on the computer. Some people on the computer aren't always how that say that are. So if I have to choose a side on whether the computer is helpful or not I would have to go with not. The computer is not very helpful because lot of bad things could happen from @NUM1 little mistake on the computer like putting your name, adores, or picture on the computer.
Dear @CAPS1, I @CAPS2 that computers has benefits to society. First, it gives and teaches you social skills. Next, computers can help you learn new things online. Finally, computers also teach you hand-eye coordination. In the following you will see why I @CAPS2 computers have its benefits to the society. First, computers has its benefits to society because it can teach or give you the social skills you need. On a computer you can interact with others from around the world and make new friends. Therefore, you can learn about their culture and what they do in their country. Also, you can talk and interact with family that does not live with you or is not with you in the moment. So as you can see, Computers has its benefits because it can teach you social skills. Next the benefits it has to society is people can learn things online. for example, you can learn how to use a computer if you don't already know how. Also, you could play online learning games for free or buy a @CAPS3 with more options for learning. Another example is you can look up recent or past events you want to know about and research it. So as you can see, Computers benefit society because you can learn all types of things online. Finally, computers how its benefits because it teaches you hand-eye coordination. for example, you can find all types of games using hand-eye coordination using the mouse and keyboard. Also if you just want time to go by you can use the computer as entertainment by chatting with other and playing games. Believe it or not, you can find boat loads of jobs that uses a computer for any of these also as you can see computers have its benefits because it teaches you hand-eye coordination and gives you some free-time entertainment. In conclusion, computers have its benefits to the social community. First, it helps you learn your social skills. Next, you can learn about any subject online for free if your not the one paying the internet bill finally, it benefits you by teaching you hand-eye coordination. So as you can see, I @CAPS2 that computers benefits society in plenty of ways.
Dear @CAPS1, I @CAPS2 that computers has benefits to society. First, it gives and teaches you social skills. Next, computers can help you learn new things online. Finally, computers also teach you hand-eye coordination. In the following you will see why I @CAPS2 computers have its benefits to the society. First, computers has its benefits to society because it can teach or give you the social skills you need. On a computer you can interact with others from around the world and make new friends. Therefore, you can learn about their culture and what they do in their country. Also, you can talk and interact with family that does not live with you or is not with you at the moment. So as you can see, Computers has its benefits because it can teach you social skills. Next the benefits it has to society is people can learn things online. For example, you can learn how to use a computer if you don't already know how. Also, you could play online learning games for free or buy a @CAPS3 with more options for learning. Another example is you can look up recent or past events you want to know about and research it. So as you can see, Computers benefit society because you can learn all types of things online. Finally, computers how its benefits because it teaches you hand-eye coordination. For example, you can find all types of games using hand-eye coordination using the mouse and keyboard. Also, if you just want time to go by you can use the computer as entertainment by chatting with other and playing games. Believe it or not, you can find boat loads of jobs that use a computer for any of these also as you can see computers have its benefits because it teaches you hand-eye coordination and gives you some free-time entertainment. In conclusion, computers have its benefits to the social community. First, it helps you learn your social skills. Next, you can learn about any subject online for free if you're not the one paying the internet bill finally, it benefits you by teaching you hand-eye coordination. So as you can see, I @CAPS2 that computers benefits society in plenty of ways.
Dear Newspaper, Computers are not something to be afraid of. They help many people in different ways, like the @CAPS1, teachers, students, scientists, and locals dealing with their jobs and daily life. Hasn't a computer already helped you today? Because of that, computers help us learn, keep in contact with people, and are our future. Who has said that by using computers you dont interact with your family as much? Well, I can tell you that I'm staying in contact with my grandma, cousins, and aunts through my e-mail. With e-mail you can check up on news or simply write to friends and family! Also, if you are planning a trip to visit your loving family members, dont bother with a map that gets in your face all the time and you just "happen" to get lost, try going on @ORGANIZATION1 maps and plan the shortest route to your destination without getting lost along the way. Computers can do more than creating a simple map, it can give you precious information! Many schools across the country use computers to help teach kids. The kids can look up @LOCATION1 and in @NUM1 seconds they have all the information they need! In most school paper you have to type and provide what websites you used to achieve finishing the paper. What is also nice is that you dont need to go through huge books for one small piece of information. It is much easier, looking it up on the computer. Speaking of not using big books for imformation computers don't use paper and will lead us to a healthier tomorrow! Millions of toms of paper land in landfills each day! By using computers we could read online and conserve paper! Another fantastic fact is that computers will grow in the future. people have already created touch-screen computers and computers will grow even more! Many people think that using computers is a bad thing, but look at the facts! Doesnt the newspaper write the newspaper on computers? If they didnt, they would be having hand cramps all the time! And what about docters dont they have your medical history on the computer, if not all these papers would get lost! Like in the beginning, computers help us learn, keep in contact with people, and are our future.
Dear Newspaper, Computers are not something to be afraid of. They help many people in different ways, like the @CAPS1, teachers, students, scientists, and locals dealing with their jobs and daily life. Hasn't a computer already helped you today? Because of that, computers help us learn, keep in contact with people, and are our future. Who has said that by using computers you don't interact with your family as much? Well, I can tell you that I'm staying in contact with my grandma, cousins, and aunts through my e-mail. With e-mail, you can check up on news or simply write to friends and family! Also, if you are planning a trip to visit your loving family members, don't bother with a map that gets in your face all the time and you just "happen" to get lost, try going on @ORGANIZATION1 maps and plan the shortest route to your destination without getting lost along the way. Computers can do more than creating a simple map, it can give you precious information! Many schools across the country use computers to help teach kids. The kids can look up @LOCATION1 and in @NUM1 seconds they have all the information they need! In most school paper you have to type and provide what websites you used to achieve finishing the paper. What is also nice is that you don't need to go through huge books for one small piece of information. It is much easier, looking it up on the computer. Speaking of not using big books for information computers don't use paper and will lead us to a healthier tomorrow! Millions of toms of paper land in landfills each day! By using computers we could read online and conserve paper! Another fantastic fact is that computers will grow in the future. People have already created touch-screen computers and computers will grow even more! Many people think that using computers is a bad thing, but look at the facts! Doesn't the newspaper write the newspaper on computers? If they didn't, they would be having hand cramps all the time! And what about doctors don't they have your medical history on the computer, if not all these papers would get lost! Like in the beginning, computers help us learn, keep in contact with people, and are our future.
Typing and surfing the web @MONTH1 be exciting; however, is it worth the @CAPS1 risks that there are now? Before computers were discovered, human's healthyness is triple than what it is now. Computers can be useful and @MONTH1 have some benefits; on the other hand, they are harmful and they should not be used as often. They have unprofessional websites, they are not helpful when it comes to excercise, and they disturb @CAPS1 individuals privacy. @CAPS1 kids are let onto computers every day and they wonder @ORGANIZATION1 to the websites that the internet has to offer. Consequently, kids end up in inappropriate websites that they are not meant to be on. In fact, @PERCENT1 @ORGANIZATION1 kids enter unproffesional websites and @PERCENT2 @ORGANIZATION1 them have no parental vision in the @LOCATION1 alone. Therefore, @CAPS1 kids act up in homes and at school. However kids are not the only ones who are affeted by this. Computers have a disadvantage @ORGANIZATION1 being hacked or virused from uncensored websites. MOreover, computers crash or don't allow use @ORGANIZATION1 computer documents because @ORGANIZATION1 these viruses. Ever since the @ORGANIZATION2 was invented obesity and lack @ORGANIZATION1 exercise in a person's schedule has skyrocketed. A scientist, named @PERSON1 from the @ORGANIZATION1, said,"@CAPS1 computers users have lost their use if muscles, but they have gained to over @MONEY1 @ORGANIZATION1 fat causing a lot @ORGANIZATION1 hem to not be able to do activities they did before." I believe that this is definitely true because I remember that the same happened to my sister. She ate more and her excercise time was spent more on the computer that on her body. I know that @CAPS1 say that computers help in hand-eye coordination, however, is it really worth more than someones healthy body? @CAPS1 things are sold on the internet that are not in stores, but you don't trust the internet when buying these products. You don't trust the internet because you have heard so much about someone'es identify or money taken away from them.
Typing and surfing the web @MONTH1 be exciting; however, is it worth the @CAPS1 risks that there are now? Before computers were discovered, human's healthiness is triple than what it is now. Computers can be useful and @MONTH1 have some benefits; on the other hand, they are harmful, and they should not be used as often. They have unprofessional websites, they are not helpful when it comes to exercise, and they disturb @CAPS1 individuals privacy. @CAPS1 kids are let onto computers every day, and they wonder @ORGANIZATION1 to the websites that the internet has to offer. Consequently, kids end up in inappropriate websites that they are not meant to be on. In fact, @PERCENT1 @ORGANIZATION1 kids enter unprofessional websites and @PERCENT2 @ORGANIZATION1 them have no parental vision in the @LOCATION1 alone. Therefore, @CAPS1 kids act up in homes and at school. However, kids are not the only ones who are affected by this. Computers have a disadvantage @ORGANIZATION1 being hacked or viruses from uncensored websites. Moreover, computers crash or don't allow use @ORGANIZATION1 computer documents because @ORGANIZATION1 these viruses. Ever since the @ORGANIZATION2 was invented obesity and lack @ORGANIZATION1 exercise in a person's schedule has skyrocketed. A scientist, named @PERSON1 from the @ORGANIZATION1, said,"@CAPS1 computers users have lost their use if muscles, but they have gained to over @MONEY1 @ORGANIZATION1 fat causing a lot @ORGANIZATION1 hem to not be able to do activities they did before." I believe that this is definitely true because I remember that the same happened to my sister. She ate more and her exercise time was spent more on the computer that on her body. I know that @CAPS1 say that computers help in hand-eye coordination, however, is it really worth more than someone's healthy body? @CAPS1 things are sold on the internet that are not in stores, but you don't trust the internet when buying these products. You don't trust the internet because you have heard so much about someone'BS identify or money taken away from them.
Dear Local Newspaper, Computers are harmfully effecting the children, and they are going to effect @CAPS1 generations even more. Computers are fine in moderation, as are most things. If they are needed for a school project that fine but using the computer everyday rather than exercising is not okay. Supporters of technology say that computers have a positive effect. I have to disagree. They say they practice hand eye coordination, they can teach you about far away places and you can talk with people online. Sports are a great way to exercise and practice hand eye coordination. Tennis, baseball, basketball, hockey, etc are all great sports that practice hand eye coordination. They are much healthier that I.Ming your friends all day. You sit on your butt all day and scream to your mom to get you a drink of water, or some dinner. "@CAPS1 generations are becoming way to dependant." says @PERSON1, my @NUM1 grade @CAPS2 teacher. How are you suppose to be able to support a family when your older if you cant get up from the computer. "@CAPS3 a family is hard work," my mom tells me, "your family needs food which means someone needs a job, and someone also needs to get the food. That takes a lot of time and energy." I agree with my mom, and if simple things like going outside for an hour a day are practiced as a child, having a job and @CAPS3 a family will be easier. Rather than searching the internet for hous to find a good online source to support your thesis paper go to the library! The internet is a realitively new data basis. However, it has grown so much. You cannot always trust internet sources. People who @MONTH1 have posted the website could very well be crazy. Plus websites are filled with viruses, and what happens when your computer is dead due to viruses and you actually need your computer for a school project? The simple alternative would be going to the local library and checking out a variety of books. The books are trusted and filled with information. The internet is also not a very safe place. Facebook, aim, email, twitter, etc are all ways for people to comunicate through the computer. Facebook, aim and twitter are scary and not safe because you @MONTH1 not know who you are talking to. They do have a profile which you @MONTH1 be able to relate to, but they could be lying. "The internet is a broad place open to strangers," my dad says. I am not allowed to have these ways to comunicate because of the specific reasons that I stated earlier. My parents are doing this to protect me and I agree with their decision. Rather than talking to complete strangers go over to your friends house. Your friends are the people that you want to talk to and spend time with. Overall computers are bizarre pieces of technology that can be unsafe, not truthful, and are forcing children to become more dependent on adults. I have to disagree with the supporters of technology. There are many healthy alternatives to the computer. I believe that experts who are concerned that people are spending to much time on the computer and less time exercising, enjoying nature, and interacting with family and friends. Not only do the alternatives that I stated before keep people safe, they also practice a healthier way of living. It is important to keep your bodies healthy because in the end thats what everyone's goal should be.
Dear Local Newspaper, Computers are harmfully effecting the children, and they are going to effect @CAPS1 generations even more. Computers are fine in moderation, as are most things. If they are needed for a school project that fine but using the computer every day rather than exercising is not okay. Supporters of technology say that computers have a positive effect. I have to disagree. They say they practice hand eye coordination, they can teach you about far away places, and you can talk with people online. Sports are a great way to exercise and practice hand eye coordination. Tennis, baseball, basketball, hockey, etc. are all great sports that practice hand eye coordination. They are much healthier that me. Ming your friends all day. You sit on your butt all day and scream to your mom to get you a drink of water, or some dinner. "@CAPS1 generations are becoming way too dependent." says @PERSON1, my @NUM1 grade @CAPS2 teacher. How do you suppose to be able to support a family when your older if you can't get up from the computer. "@CAPS3 a family is hard work," my mom tells me, "your family needs food which means someone needs a job, and someone also needs to get the food. That takes a lot of time and energy." I agree with my mom, and if simple things like going outside for an hour a day are practiced as a child, having a job and @CAPS3 a family will be easier. Rather than searching the internet for house to find a good online source to support your thesis paper go to the library! The internet is a relatively new data basis. However, it has grown so much. You cannot always trust internet sources. People who @MONTH1 have posted the website could very well be crazy. Plus websites are filled with viruses, and what happens when your computer is dead due to viruses, and you actually need your computer for a school project? The simple alternative would be going to the local library and checking out a variety of books. The books are trusted and filled with information. The internet is also not a very safe place. Facebook, aim, email, Twitter, etc. are always for people to communicate through the computer. Facebook, aim and Twitter are scary and not safe because you @MONTH1 not know who you are talking to. They do have a profile which you @MONTH1 be able to relate to, but they could be lying. "The internet is a broad place open to strangers," my dad says. I am not allowed to have these ways to communicate because of the specific reasons that I stated earlier. My parents are doing this to protect me and I agree with their decision. Rather than talking to complete strangers go over to your friends house. Your friends are the people that you want to talk to and spend time with. Overall computers are bizarre pieces of technology that can be unsafe, not truthful, and are forcing children to become more dependent on adults. I have to disagree with the supporters of technology. There are many healthy alternatives to the computer. I believe that experts who are concerned that people are spending too much time on the computer and less time exercising, enjoying nature, and interacting with family and friends. Not only do the alternatives that I stated before keep people safe, they also practice a healthier way of living. It is important to keep your bodies healthy because in the end that's what everyone's goal should be.
Dear local news paper I think the computers benefits society. The three reason why so is because computers teach hand-eye coordination, give people the abilit to learn about faraway places, and allow people to talk onlone with other people, and computers help to make better technology. I belive that computers have positive effect on people. My first reason why computers have a positive effect on people is because computers teach hand-eye coordination, give people the abilit to learn about faraway places. @NUM1 out of @NUM2 students use the computers to do homework. I was visiting a prompt last week. I ddn't know alot abou @LOCATION1 so I whent on the computers and you know what i got to know more about @LOCATION1 and things to the computers I got a A+. So the computers have a positive effect on people. The next reason why computers have a positive effect on people is because computers allow people to talk online with other poeple. Say if a man whant to a and he left his phone at home how will he take to his family why he had computers he can talk to his family online. My family is back in @LOCATION1 I haven't see them in four years so I whant to the stor and get a wedcan and i get to see my family afdter four years. So computers do have a positive effect on people. My last reason why computers have a benefits in society is because computers help to make better technology. Computers help people to make better car, light, an so on. Without computers society is because computers help the soldiers to win wars and even help people to live. My father was dying without computer my father would die thang to computer I have father today. In the end computer have the benefits in society the three reason is computers teach hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about faraway place, and computers allow people to talk online with other people and computers help people to make better technology. Spending time enjoying nature is good computers have benfits society better. I hope my three reason can persuade the local news paper to agree with my position that computer have a positive effect on people.
Dear local newspaper I think the computers benefits society. The three reason why so is that computers teach hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about faraway places, and allow people to talk online with other people, and computers help to make better technology. I believe that computers have positive effect on people. My first reason why computers have a positive effect on people is because computers teach hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about faraway places. @NUM1 out of @NUM2 students use the computers to do homework. I was visiting a prompt last week. I Dan't know a lot about @LOCATION1, so I when ton the computers, and you know what I got to know more about @LOCATION1 and things to the computers I got a+. So the computers have a positive effect on people. The next reason why computers have a positive effect on people is because computers allow people to talk online with other people. Say if a man what to a, and he left his phone at home how will he take to his family why he had computers he can talk to his family online. My family is back in @LOCATION1 I haven't seen them in four years, so I what to the story and get a wed can and I get to see my family after four years. So computers do have a positive effect on people. My last reason why computers have a benefit in society is because computers help to make better technology. Computers help people to make better car, light, and so on. Without computers society is because computers help the soldiers to win wars and even help people to live. My father was dying without computer my father would diet hang to computer I have father today. In the end computer have the benefits in society the three reason is computers teach hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about faraway place, and computers allow people to talk online with other people and computers help people to make better technology. Spending time enjoying nature is good computers have benefits society better. I hope my three reason can persuade the local newspaper to agree with my position that computer has a positive effect on people.
Student @ORGANIZATION2: @PERSON1 @CAPS1: @NUM1 @CAPS2: @NUM2 @CAPS3 @ORGANIZATION2: @ORGANIZATION2: @ORGANIZATION1: @LOCATION1 @CAPS4: @NUM3 @CAPS5 @ORGANIZATION2: @CAPS6 @CAPS7 of @CAPS8 @CAPS9 @LOCATION1 newspaper, I think we should have computers because I would help us meet new people, seeing new places, and learn new things. It would help us meet new people because we can e-mail them, and chat with them on programs. It will also help us see new places because we can goon the internet. And look up place see. It will also help us learn about new things because we can talk to people and they could give us some ideas on what to learn about. This will help us all because we want to learn about new things, talk to new people and see new places. this is a good idea for all of us. We can all benifit from this because it's good thing for everyone to have. I think we should have computers because it would help us meet new people, seeing new places, and learn new things. This is a great thing for everyone. Not just some people. I hope you take this letter consideration. Because it will help everyone learned about new things.
Student @ORGANIZATION2: @PERSON1 @CAPS1: @NUM1 @CAPS2: @NUM2 @CAPS3 @ORGANIZATION2: @ORGANIZATION2: @ORGANIZATION1: @LOCATION1 @CAPS4: @NUM3 @CAPS5 @ORGANIZATION2: @CAPS6 @CAPS7 of @CAPS8 @CAPS9 @LOCATION1 newspaper, I think we should have computers because I would help us meet new people, seeing new places, and learn new things. It would help us meet new people because we can e-mail them, and chat with them on programs. It will also help us see new places because we can goof the internet. And look up place see. It will also help us learn about new things because we can talk to people, and they could give us some ideas on what to learn about. This will help us all because we want to learn about new things, talk to new people and see new places. This is a good idea for all of us. We can all benefit from this because it's a good thing for everyone to have. I think we should have computers because it would help us meet new people, seeing new places, and learn new things. This is a great thing for everyone. Not just some people. I hope you take this letter consideration. Because it will help everyone learned about new things.
I think computers are bad because people use them all the time to go on facebook and other wedsites that are sometimes wast of time. People should not go on the computer as much and explore outside and go for walks, explore the woods, exersise most people do not get alot of exersise that they need because there an the computers. People showed stop making computers so less people go on them and so people can exersise more and loss weight. If people stop making computers some people would stop going on bad wedsites. People should only go on the computer for reasurch for projects or for homework liketyping papers. Parentent and kids need to exersise to stay healthy because people do not wnat diebedes when they are young so it really important to exersise so bad things do not happen to your body people need to stay healthy and exersise. All the computer deos is mess up your brain so you do not exersise. So get off the computer exersise, explore outside, go on walks, and explore the wood you never know what you will find in the woods. Go see what you can find. There will be some interesting things you will find like different kinds of bugs and of insects. You might even find a lady bug. There is all diffrent kinds of bees and you might find one that looks like something. So go outside and explore you will never know what you will find. Go for walkts you will never know what you will find and different kinds of houses and the colors of the house the diffrent kinds of front doors, diffrent kinds of houses like small, meddiem, and large. Some house will have diffrent color. The diffrent kinds of animals like dogs and cats that are in the window or outside. You should go hangout outside. You should go hangout outside with family, friends or both and look at the diffrent stuff in nature. Made you can talk pictures and make a scrap book out of the pictures. Make go in the woods and wake around. Just get out and exersise and you would think to yoruself I should get out and exersise more afften instead of being on the computer because I am having more fun hanging out with friends and family and I am doing exersise at the same time instead of being on the computer. In plus the computer was getting boring.
I think computers are bad because people use them all the time to go on Facebook and other websites that are sometimes was of time. People should not go on the computer as much and explore outside and go for walks, explore the woods, exercise most people do not get a lot of exercise that they need because there and the computers. People showed stop making computers, so fewer people go on them and so people can exercise more and loss weight. If people stop making computers some people would stop going on bad websites. People should only go on the computer for research for projects or for homework like typing papers. Parent and kids need to exercise to stay healthy because people do not what diabetes when they are young so is really important to exercise so bad things do not happen to your body people need to stay healthy and exercise. All the computer does is mess up your brain, so you do not exercise. So get off the computer exercise, explore outside, go on walks, and explore the wood you never know what you will find in the woods. Go see what you can find. There will be some interesting things you will find like different kinds of bugs and of insects. You might even find a ladybug. There is all different kinds of bees, and you might find one that looks like something. So go outside and explore you will never know what you will find. Go for walks you will never know what you will find and different kinds of houses and the colors of the house the different kinds of front doors, different kinds of houses like small, medium, and large. Some house will have different color. The different kinds of animals like dogs and cats that are in the window or outside. You should go hangout outside. You should go hangout outside with family, friends or both and look at the different stuff in nature. Made you can talk pictures and make a scrap book out of the pictures. Make go in the woods and wake around. Just get out and exercise, and you would think to yourself I should get out and exercise more after instead of being on the computer because I am having more fun hanging out with friends and family, and I am doing exercise at the same time instead of being on the computer. In plus the computer was getting boring.
Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 opinion on the effects computers have on people is that computers have a good effect. It's good for education mind exercise and communication all over the world. It could @CAPS2 be bad because it would keep you from getting exircise, being with your family and being healthy. But I still think that there are ways to use computers without the bad cause. Some ways computers are good for you are that you can get a better education when you have websites with so much information. Sometimes these information are flase but if you find the websites you can get the rite information. With all of this information you ran exircise your mind to do better in life. You can @CAPS2 talk to people on the other side of the earth and get more inforamtion from them. If I were to say computers are bad for you I would I say that it keeps you from getting enough or maybe any exircise. Computers @MONTH1 be the reason why ther are so many obese people in the @LOCATION1 @CAPS2 when computers are use too much people part from their family and go into different fantasy worlds that somethimes get you addicted to them. And staying for too long on the computer cause prolems. You can get hurt by just sitting for a long amount of time at once. Being on the computer for too long can @CAPS2 cause eye problems where you will begin to lose your sight and will need glasses which will get thicker as you keep looking at the computer screen for hours and days. But even though computers cause so many problems we can prevent them by using the computer to help us. People dont get enough exircise but with the help of computers they can @CAPS2 find times and ways to exircise so that they can stay healthy. They can @CAPS2 find information about how much time should be spent on the computer to not have sight decrease or worse. Some people live far away from their family so computers really help them stay in touch and to be able to see each other. In conclusion I think that computers are more beneficial then harmfull because they give you alot of information for everything and you can comunicat with people all over the world. And computers can help you prevent those things that are bad for you by showing you ways to use computer that won't harm you.
Dear Local Newspaper, @CAPS1 opinion on the effects computers have on people is that computers have a good effect. It's good for education mind exercise and communication all over the world. It could @CAPS2 be bad because it would keep you from getting exercise, being with your family and being healthy. But I still think that there are ways to use computers without the bad cause. Some ways computers are good for you are that you can get a better education when you have websites with so much information. Sometimes this information was false but if you find the websites you can get the rite information. With all of this information you ran exercise your mind to do better in life. You can @CAPS2 talk to people on the other side of the earth and get more information from them. If I were to say computers are bad for you, I would, I say that it keeps you from getting enough or maybe any exercise. Computers @MONTH1 is the reason why the rare so many obese people in the @LOCATION1 @CAPS2 when computers are use too much people part from their family and go into different fantasy worlds that sometimes get you addicted to them. And staying for too long on the computer cause problems. You can get hurt by just sitting for a long amount of time at once. Being on the computer for too long can @CAPS2 cause eye problems where you will begin to lose your sight and will need glasses which will get thicker as you keep looking at the computer screen for hours and days. But even though computers cause so many problems we can prevent them by using the computer to help us. People don't get enough exercise but with the help of computers they can @CAPS2 find times and ways to exercise so that they can stay healthy. They can @CAPS2 find information about how much time should be spent on the computer to not have sight decrease or worse. Some people live far away from their family, so computers really help them stay in touch and to be able to see each other. In conclusion, I think that computers are more beneficial than harmful because they give you a lot of information for everything, and you can communicate with people all over the world. And computers can help you prevent those things that are bad for you by showing you ways to use computer that won't harm you.
Dear newspaper, I heard you were discussing if more and more people using computers was a benefit to society. I believe that @CAPS4 has a negative affect on people. They get to interact with people who arent safe, they spend less time exercising and they get into more trouble thean before. Spending more time, online in chat rooms causes people to meet preditors. Take my friend @PERSON5 she was online one day when a man started to talk to her. She thought he seemed acceptable when he said he was @NUM1 and a model. She flirted with him on and on, day after day until one day her friend logged on and found out the man was really @NUM2 and a pervert. @PERSON5 @CAPS1 the only on that this has happened to @NUM3 out of @NUM4 people in chat rooms say they have been lied to like this. Website designer @PERSON2 say, "More and more people everyday are falling for lies over the @CAPS5 and getting in sticky situations like getting asked to meet the person." @CAPS1 the saying "@CAPS2 talk to strangers?" Spending all your time sitting down on the computer means less time outside exercising. At triputs, this girl @PERSON4 wasnt in shape enough to stay up with the players. Instead of being our practicing like the rest of us, she was in her house talking on facebook. She wasnt prepared when @CAPS4 came, time to show what you had so she didnt make the softball team. The next year she made captain because she was out training everyday before the big day. She's not the only one with a laziness problem. @NUM5 out of every @NUM6 americans are couch potatoes and choose to go online than to stay in shape. Nutritionalist, @PERSON1 says, "This generation is worse than the last. They complain when they cant do something but thats because instead of going outside, they're on their butts watching @CAPS3 or online." @CAPS4's a breath of fresh air, what do you have to loose? Kids seem to get in alot more trouble online then they ever have on the streets. They're out posting threats, dissing each other, sending personal messages or pictures and worst of all sometimes hurting someone so bad they commit suicide one year. The neighbor was more popular than this lady's daughter so she created this person online that the neighbor fell for. The online "guy" began trashing the teenage girl so bad she ended up hanging herself. People, including singer @ORGANIZATION1 have been caught in sexting. @CAPS4's embarrasing, innappropriate and against the law yet @CAPS4 still happens. These people are not alone. @NUM3 out of @NUM4 people have gotten in big trouble through the @CAPS5. Governer, @PERSON3 says, "@CAPS5 and phones are destroying this society. Theres too much real life drama already." @CAPS6't you see something wrong with all of this? My opinion on @CAPS4 all is that we should use the computers less before we all start interacting with people that will scare us, become couch potatoes, and get into huge trouble. @CAPS4's really not worth the damage of getting scared, hurt, lazy, or taking your own life.
Dear newspaper, I heard you were discussing if more and more people using computers was a benefit to society. I believe that @CAPS4 has a negative effect on people. They get to interact with people who aren't safe, they spend less time exercising, and they get into more trouble then before. Spending more time, online in chat rooms causes people to meet predators. Take my friend @PERSON5 she was online one day when a man started to talk to her. She thought he seemed acceptable when he said he was @NUM1 and a model. She flirted with him on and on, day after day until one day her friend logged on and found out the man was really @NUM2 and a pervert. @PERSON5 @CAPS1 the only one that this has happened to @NUM3 out of @NUM4 people in chat rooms say they have been lied to like this. Website designer @PERSON2 say, "More and more people every day are falling for lies over the @CAPS5 and getting in sticky situations like getting asked to meet the person." @CAPS1 the saying "@CAPS2 talk to strangers?" Spending all your time sitting down on the computer means less time outside exercising. At tribute, this girl @PERSON4 wasn't in shape enough to stay up with the players. Instead of being our practicing like the rest of us, she was in her house talking on Facebook. She wasn't prepared when @CAPS4 came, time to show what you had so she didn't make the softball team. The next year she made captain because she was out training every day before the big day. She's not the only one with a laziness problem. @NUM5 out of every @NUM6 Americans are couch potatoes and choose to go onliner than to stay in shape. Nutritionist, @PERSON1 says, "This generation is worse than the last. They complain when they can't do something but that's because instead of going outside, they're on their butts watching @CAPS3 or online." @CAPS4's a breath of fresh air, what do you have to lose? Kids seem to get in a lot more trouble online then they ever have on the streets. They're out posting threats, dissing each other, sending personal messages or pictures and worst of all sometimes hurting someone so bad they commit suicide one year. The neighbor was more popular than this lady's daughter, so she created this person online that the neighbor fell for. The online "guy" began trashing the teenage girl so bad she ended up hanging herself. People, including singer @ORGANIZATION1 have been caught in sexting. @CAPS4's embarrassing, inappropriate and against the law yet @CAPS4 still happens. These people are not alone. @NUM3 out of @NUM4 people have gotten in big trouble through the @CAPS5. Governor, @PERSON3 says, "@CAPS5 and phones are destroying this society. There's too much real life drama already." @CAPS6't you see something wrong with all of this? My opinion on @CAPS4 all is that we should use the computers less before we all start interacting with people that will scare us, become couch potatoes, and get into huge trouble. @CAPS4's really not worth the damage of getting scared, hurt, lazy, or taking your own life.
Dear newspaper, Computers are everywhere in our nation. We have them at home, at @ORGANIZATION1 or at our work. Many people believe that computers are bad for our health or we don’t spend enough time with our family. But I disagree. Computers teach hand-eye coordination let us learn about faraway places, and also let us allow to chat online with other people. Have you ever had trouble with hand-eye coordination? Sometimes mine is ridiculous! But when i get on a computer it gets to be much better. Experts say that @PERCENT1 more people with hand-eye coordination have improved by working with computer. A teacher at @ORGANIZATION1 said, "@CAPS1 students have been working on the computers for about two months now and I have seen an incredible improvement in their hand-eye coordination already." I agree with these experts too. So many people nowadays that have a computer have passed their hand-eye coordination test! When I grow up and soon get out of high @ORGANIZATION1 I want to travel all over the world. But first I want to be educated on where I go. That is why computers are so helpful. I can just click on a button and the internet will bring me to hundreds of sites where I can learn all about the places I want to visit. @CAPS2 time @CAPS1 parents told me we were going to @LOCATION1 for the day. So the night before I did a bunch of research of different shops, museums, and places to eat. The computer helped me so much that if we didn't have @CAPS2 then i don't know where would go. President @PERSON1 said, "@CAPS2 time when i had a big meeting in @LOCATION3 I had no knowledge about it. So I logged on to the computer and it brought me to a million pages on their culture, language, and much more. I dont know what I would do if I didn't have a computer." I love talking to @CAPS1 friends. But once I'm home none of @CAPS1 friends are around me, so I have nobody to talk to. If I also don't have the phone available then that makes it even worse.But, if I go on the computer then I can talk to bunch of @CAPS1 friends. I can go onto @CAPS1 webcam to see who I am talking to or I can go onto another website to get an instant message. I love talking online because ont of @CAPS1 best friends in the whole word moved down to @LOCATION2 so I don't get to talk to her too much. But if I go to the instant message website then I can talk to her as much as I want. @NUM1 out of @NUM2 people sold in a survey that they have someone they talk to over the internet. So I say the computer is important in our society. It helps complete a number of tasks. They teach hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about faraway places, and it even allows people to talk to friends and family online. So I dont think computers are bad fo us or our health. I think they are important and needed.
Dear newspaper, Computers are everywhere in our nation. We have them at home, at @ORGANIZATION1 or at our work. Many people believe that computers are bad for our health or we donut spend enough time with our family. But I disagree. Computers teach hand-eye coordination let us learn about faraway places, and also let us allow to chat online with other people. Have you ever had trouble with hand-eye coordination? Sometimes mine is ridiculous! But when I get on a computer it gets to be much better. Experts say that @PERCENT1 more people with hand-eye coordination have improved by working with computer. A teacher at @ORGANIZATION1 said, "@CAPS1 students have been working on the computers for about two months now, and I have seen an incredible improvement in their hand-eye coordination already." I agree with these experts too. So many people nowadays that have a computer have passed their hand-eye coordination test! When I grow up and soon get out of high @ORGANIZATION1 I want to travel all over the world. But first I want to be educated on where I go. That is why computers are so helpful. I can just click on a button and the internet will bring me to hundreds of sites where I can learn all about the places I want to visit. @CAPS2 time @CAPS1 parents told me we were going to @LOCATION1 for the day. So the night before I did a bunch of research of different shops, museums, and places to eat. The computer helped me so much that if we didn't have @CAPS2 then I don't know where it would go. President @PERSON1 said, "@CAPS2 time when I had a big meeting in @LOCATION3 I had no knowledge about it. So I logged on to the computer, and it brought me to a million pages on their culture, language, and much more. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have a computer." I love talking to @CAPS1 friends. But once I'm home none of @CAPS1 friends are around me, so I have nobody to talk to. If I also don't have the phone available then that makes it even worse. But, if I go on the computer then I can talk to a bunch of @CAPS1 friends. I can go onto @CAPS1 webcam to see who I am talking to, or I can go onto another website to get an instant message. I love talking online because ONT of @CAPS1 best friends in the whole world moved down to @LOCATION2, so I don't get to talk to her too much. But if I go to the instant message website then I can talk to her as much as I want. @NUM1 out of @NUM2 people sold in a survey that they have someone they talk to over the internet. So I say the computer is important in our society. It helps complete a number of tasks. They teach hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about faraway places, and it even allows people to talk to friends and family online. So I don't think computers are bad for us or our health. I think they are important and needed.
Dear, editor of the @ORGANIZATION1. I beleive that computers are good for the future. The world has made many chenges with there technology. I know not spending time exercising is bad but learning about new things cant be that bad. If humans didn't have technology some of us wouldn't have heat or fresh water. We use computers in life. Computers are good for people who use them to learn about the world. Some people who have friends far away can use a computer to talk to them. Or even people who can't talk use computers to talk for them. The @ORGANIZATION2 uses computers to save lives. Computers save lifes in so many ways its scary to think if they were all gone we could all start dying. We use computers in hospitals if there weren't any computers the chances of finding a cure for something would take to long and the person could die. Lets say someone has what looks like a normal fever and you just say thats what they have. Two days later they died because they had some disease and no one knew until it was to late. We use computers to purify water. We use computers to keep us warm during winter. We even use computers in libraries why the library. Some people who have medical illnesses and can't talk have these little computers that can have something typed in them and it would say it. Most people use some kind of computer to talk, chat, and text. They might find it easier with a computer. The worlds a big place and many people don't know much about it. But if you go online you could find out stuff that you @MONTH1 never knew exsited of just plainly didn't know about it. Kids even use computers for school and school work. So many people rely on technology to get through there life. Computers even help people in school for people like me who broke there arm and have to take some test on the computer. Like me. Now so many things in the military, airforce, and @ORGANIZATION3 are computerized. The miltary uses thermal sights on guns and tanks so they can identify people in even the most craziest weather. It could even locate a wounded soldier. There even working with computers to make better bullet prove vest so they will be more lives saved in war. The airforce uses computers to talk to people on the ground so they could protect them. They now have planes that can be flown by a man far away and this would save there lives even if it gets shot down. This also alows them to see people hiding and they could tell the people on the ground to stay down or whatever. The @ORGANIZATION3 uses radar to see if there is any boats or submarines coming near them and the have a heads up if there would be an attack. We use this to help with other advances in the future we could soon have a computer that could help out people in far places like were there is a higher poverty rate. Computers save lives, alows communication, and is a good way for research. Computers is what we use to live we need them to survive.
Dear, editor of the @ORGANIZATION1. I believe that computers are good for the future. The world has made many changes with there technology. I know not spending time exercising is bad but learning about new things can't be that bad. If humans didn't have technology some of us wouldn't have heat or fresh water. We use computers in life. Computers are good for people who use them to learn about the world. Some people who have friends far away can use a computer to talk to them. Or even people who can't talk use computers to talk for them. The @ORGANIZATION2 uses computers to save lives. Computers save lives in so many ways It's scary to think if they were all gone we could all start dying. We use computers in hospitals if there weren't any computers the chances of finding a cure for something would take to long and the person could die. Let's say someone has what looks like a normal fever, and you just say that's what they have. Two days later they died because they had some disease and no one knew until it was too late. We use computers to purify water. We use computers to keep us warm during winter. Furthermore, we even use computers in libraries why the library. Some people who have medical illnesses and can't talk have these little computers that can have something typed in them, and it would say it. Most people use some kind of computer to talk, chat, and text. They might find it easier with a computer. The worlds a big place and many people don't know much about it. But if you go online you could find out stuff that you @MONTH1 never knew existed of just plainly didn't know about it. Kids even use computers for school and school work. So many people rely on technology to get through there life. Computers even help people in school for people like me who broke there arm and have to take some test on the computer. Like me. Now so many things in the military, air force, and @ORGANIZATION3 are computerized. The military uses thermal sights on guns and tanks, so they can identify people in even the craziest weather. It could even locate a wounded soldier. There even working with computers to make better bullet prove vest, so they will be more lives saved in war. The air force uses computers to talk to people on the ground, so they could protect them. They now have planes that can be flown by a man far away and this would save there lives even if it gets shot down. This also allows them to see people hiding, and they could tell the people on the ground to stay down or whatever. The @ORGANIZATION3 uses radar to see if there are any boats or submarines coming near them and they have a heads-up if there would be an attack. We use this to help with other advances in the future we could soon have a computer that could help out people in far places like were there is a higher poverty rate. Computers save lives, allows communication, and is a good way for research. Computers are what we use to live we need them to survive.
Some "experts" are warned that people should spend too much time on their computers. Yet, look at all of the advantages to a computer. You can develop better hand-eye coordination skills, internet with friends/family who could live hundreds of miles away, and you can learn about cultures all around the world, along with the people who live in those countries, without ever leaving home. In my oponion, computers overall benefit society, helping us learn more & more every day. First off, there are many skills you can develop on the computer. For example, when playing interactive high-paced games, kids get a sense of awareness timing, and hand-eye coordination. Not to mention, with new advances in technology, people can now go to college without ever leaving home, and at a much lower price, while still getting a great education. Many people even work from home, thanks to their computers. These are still only a few of the many skills that can be learned on computers. Secondly, why buy a ticket to a far away country that's fairly expensive, trade in all your money for the money they have there, go through the hasslels of baggage, ect. When you could simply go online and look it up on the computer? You can go online, look up some of that countries recipes, language, pictures, people without the hassel of going there. Not to mention, for kids who aren't old enough to @LOCATION1, or have to do a report on it, instead of making through countless textbooks, newspapers, libraries in general, they go online, @CAPS1 their country, and they have must, if not all the info they need right there. So not only is getting the information then you would've learned in the first place, thereby, extending your knowledge. Finally, the internet helps people connect. Leading experts from the @CAPS2.S.A., or Family security agency, says that since people have started using programs like @ORGANIZATION1 and facebook, many more families, who live in different countries, have been able to re-coonect and get to know one-another. For example, if you have an uncle who lives in @LOCATION1, you could both buy cameras for your computer, install them, and within minutes, be seeing each other/talking face to face. I think this is better then simply writing letters to them, as it's quicker, and you get to connect more. Same goes if a friend or you move away, but want to stay in touch. A quick facebook account or @ORGANIZATION1, and you'll still be good friends. So all in all, yes, computers do benefit society, as they help teach people skills, learn about distant cultures/far away countries, and connect people, who might live in different countries. I don't see anything wrong with these beneficial factors to society. So yes, computers have a positive effect on people.
Some "experts" are warned that people should spend too much time on their computers. Yet, look at all the advantages to a computer. You can develop better hand-eye coordination skills, internet with friends/family who could live hundreds of miles away, and you can learn about cultures all around the world, along with the people who live in those countries, without ever leaving home. In my opinion, computers overall benefit society, helping us learn more & more every day. First off, there are many skills you can develop on the computer. For example, when playing interactive high-paced games, kids get a sense of awareness timing, and hand-eye coordination. Not to mention, with new advances in technology, people can now go to college without ever leaving home, and at a much lower price, while still getting a great education. Many people even work from home, thanks to their computers. These are still only a few of the many skills that can be learned on computers. Secondly, why buy a ticket to a far away country that's fairly expensive, trade in all your money for the money they have there, go through the hassles of baggage, etc. When you could simply go online and look it up on the computer? You can go online, look up some of that countries recipes, language, pictures, people without the hassle of going there. Not to mention, for kids who aren't old enough to @LOCATION1, or have to do a report on it, instead of making through countless textbooks, newspapers, libraries in general, they go online, @CAPS1 their country, and they have must, if not all the info they need right there. So not only is getting the information then you would've learned in the first place, thereby, extending your knowledge. Finally, the internet helps people connect. Leading experts from the @CAPS2. S.A., or Family security agency, says that since people have started using programs like @ORGANIZATION1 and Facebook, many more families, who live in different countries, have been able to reconnect and get to know one-another. For example, if you have an uncle who lives in @LOCATION1, you could both buy cameras for your computer, install them, and within minutes, be seeing each other/talking face to face. I think this is better than simply writing letters to them, as it's quicker, and you get to connect more. The same goes if a friend, or you move away, but want to stay in touch. A quick Facebook account or @ORGANIZATION1, and you'll still be good friends. So all in all, yes, computers do benefit society, as they help teach people skills, learn about distant cultures/far away countries, and connect people, who might live in different countries. I don't see anything wrong with these beneficial factors to society. So yes, computers have a positive effect on people.
Dear Local newspaper, @CAPS1 a world filled with gargantuan people seated at a moniter, their eyes staring at it blankly. Outside the city streets are deserted, save for the squirils running along fence posts. This is what will happen if people spend to much time on the computers. People will spend less time exercising, less time outdoors enjoying nature, and less time interacting with family and friends. This is why computers have a drastic negative affect on people. First of all, people send huge amounts of time on their computers and small amounts of time exercising. In a recent poll done by @ORGANIZATION3 magazine, it stated that @PERCENT1 of people between the ages of @NUM1 and @NUM2 prefer to be online rather than outside exercising. That article also states that since @DATE3, child obesity has increased by @PERCENT2! @PERSON2 of @ORGANIZATION1 at @ORGANIZATION4 states that “ the reason child obesity has increased so much is because children spend so much time in front of the computer and less time outdoors. Do you want this rate to increase in the next ten years? Secondly, spending so much time inside decreases the time you spend outside enjoying nature. Bird watches monthly has had a decrease in subscriptions the @DATE1 because people are not interested in nature anymore. In a study done by @PERSON1 and his collegues at @ORGANIZATION2, @CAPS2 of @CAPS3 spend almost @PERCENT3 more time indoors infront of electronic devices, most frequently computers, then they do out doors. @PERSON3 says, “@CAPS4 to the new advancements in technology, people are to spend more time indoors than outdoors and that percentage will most likely increase as the decade proceeds”. Finally, spending so much time in front of the computer leaves you less time to interact with family and friends. In @DATE4 more than @PERCENT4 of family ate dinner together now, only @PERCENT5 eat together usually because they are in separate rooms in front of a moniter. This also leads to higher crime rate, believe it or not. Because young children and adolescents don’t have the person to support and guide them because they don’t spend time together @CAPS4 to the frequent use of computers, there is a @PERCENT6 chance that child will commit a crime compared to the @PERCENT7 chance a child would in @DATE5. Do you want that for our youth? Now @CAPS1 a world where people jog together in the park, as they jog, they see a group of bird watchers huddled together under a tree. As the joggers proceed, they come to a pavilion and see a big family celebrating the @DATE2 of a family member. This happy thought won’t become a reality if people spend too much time on their computers and less time exercising ,enjoying nature, and less time interacting with family and friends. So, local newspaper I encourage you, to encourage others, to get outside and spend less time infront of the computer. You have the power to make a difference in your real lives. But the question is, will you?
Dear Local newspaper, @CAPS1 a world filled with gargantuan people seated at a monitor, their eyes staring at it blankly. Outside the city streets are deserted, save for the squirrels running along fence posts. This is what will happen if people spend too much time on the computers. People will spend less time exercising, less time outdoors enjoying nature, and less time interacting with family and friends. This is why computers have a drastic negative effect on people. First, people send huge amounts of time on their computers and small amounts of time exercising. In a recent poll done by @ORGANIZATION3 magazine, it stated that @PERCENT1 of people between the ages of @NUM1 and @NUM2 prefer to be online rather than outside exercising. That article also states that since @DATE3, child obesity has increased by @PERCENT2! @PERSON2 of @ORGANIZATION1 at @ORGANIZATION4 states that “ the reason child obesity has increased so much is that children spend so much time in front of the computer and less time outdoors. Do you want this rate to increase in the next ten years? Secondly, spending so much time inside decreases the time you spend outside enjoying nature. Bird watches monthly has had a decrease in subscriptions the @DATE1 because people are not interested in nature anymore. In a study done by @PERSON1 and his colleagues at @ORGANIZATION2, @CAPS2 of @CAPS3 spend almost @PERCENT3 more time indoors in front of electronic devices, most frequently computers, then they do outdoors. @PERSON3 says, “@CAPS4 to the new advancements in technology, people are to spend more time indoors than outdoors and that percentage will most likely increase as the decade proceeds. Finally, spending so much time in front of the computer leaves you less time to interact with family and friends. In @DATE4 more than @PERCENT4 of family ate dinner together now, only @PERCENT5 eat together usually because they are in separate rooms in front of a monitor. This also leads to higher crime rate, believe it or not. Because young children and adolescents donut have the person to support and guide them because they donut spend time together @CAPS4 to the frequent use of computers, there is a @PERCENT6 chance that child will commit a crime compared to the @PERCENT7 chance a child would in @DATE5. Do you want that for our youth? Now @CAPS1 a world where people jog together in the park, as they jog, they see a group of bird watchers huddled together under a tree. As the joggers proceed, they come to a pavilion and see a big family celebrating the @DATE2 of a family member. This happy thought wont become a reality if people spend too much time on their computers and less time exercising, enjoying nature, and less time interacting with family and friends. So, local newspaper I encourage you, to encourage others, to get outside and spend less time in front of the computer. You have the power to make a difference in your real lives. But the question is, will you?
Dear @CAPS1 Newspaper, @CAPS2 though computers have many benefits, they also have many faults too. I believe that computers and the tecnology these days have many more negative features that positive. Some of those faults are it's bad for your eyes, don't spend as much time with family and excersising and the usage of going outside is less often used. Yeah, I get it that computers are very useful but they also kill your eyesight. If you haven't notested more and more kids have been getting glasses and contacts, due to the use of staring at a screen @CAPS2 day. I know more than @NUM1 kids that have glasses now, I also know that over @NUM2 parents I know now have glasses for the same exact reason. Using these computers is great for looking up your homeowrk, but if you stay on it for over an hour or @NUM3 a day you'll probibly become addicted to it and eventually you'd loose your eyesight. The usual time a kid spends on their laptop a night is about @NUM3 or @NUM5 hours and the time they spend with their family is maby an hour if the parent are lucky. Personally, I feel tecnollogy is the reason parents and kids are less connected. @CAPS2 the kids go on the computer is go on @CAPS3 or @CAPS4 and talk to friends that they see eceryday, so I don't find their friend, mostly the girls but why not just talk to them in school since you see them for @NUM6 hours everyday. The use of technology is being abused! the computers were invented for knoledge not scandeious "webchats" or "@CAPS4 pages." The world would be so much happier and mentally fit if we stuck to original idea of tecnology. Now kids don't even take a faststep outside their bedroom afterschool, its pointless! Most people even eat in their room so they can talk to people. So thats taking the parents time away from their kids. Now that you have read what I had to say about tecnology now a days, wouldn't you agree that it just takes time away from your actual life? I think it does and hope that you agree with me.
Dear @CAPS1 Newspaper, @CAPS2 though computers have many benefits, they also have many faults too. I believe that computers and the technology these days have many more negative features that positive. Some of those faults are it's bad for your eyes, don't spend as much time with family and exercising and the usage of going outside is less often used. Yeah, I get it that computers are very useful, but they also kill your eyesight. If you haven't no tested more and more kids have been getting glasses and contacts, due to the use of staring at a screen @CAPS2 day. I know more than @NUM1 kids that have glasses now, I also know that over @NUM2 parents I know now have glasses for the same exact reason. Using these computers is great for looking up your homework, but if you stay on it for over an hour or @NUM3 a day you'll probably become addicted to it, and eventually you'd lose your eyesight. The usual time a kid spends on their laptop a night is about @NUM3 or @NUM5 hours and the time they spend with their family is many an hour if the parent is lucky. Personally, I feel technology is the reason parents and kids are less connected. @CAPS2 the kids go on the computer is gone on @CAPS3 or @CAPS4 and talk to friends that they see everyday, so I don't find their friend, mostly the girls but why not just talk to them in school since you see them for @NUM6 hours every day. The use of technology is being abused! The computers were invented for knowledge not scandalous "web chats" or "@CAPS4 pages." The world would be so much happier and mentally fit if we stuck to original idea of technology. Now kids don't even take a fast step outside their bedroom after school, it's pointless! Most people even eat in their room, so they can talk to people. So that's taking the parents time away from their kids. Now that you have read what I had to say about technology nowadays, wouldn't you agree that it just takes time away from your actual life? I think it does and hope that you agree with me.
Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, I believe that the computer is good for the society because, @CAPS2 and student's do most of the studies online. We spend most of our time with our family and friends so we want a little bit of time to ourselves. We learn much more on the computer because it has a lot of facts. After reading this essay I hope you will agree with my position. @CAPS2 student's put most of their notes on a laptop and study what they did in class on the computer. @CAPS6 they need to look something for history class they have internet. High @CAPS3 @CAPS4 don't like going to the library so they go on the internet as there source. So @CAPS6 a student has a project due and the teacher wants it neat the computer will write the project neatly. The computer/internet has became a big source of learning to our society don't you agree? Our time most of the time is spent with our families @CAPS7 not our friends came over. Go outside and play with them, sit down and play games. Our families we are so little bit of time to ourselves computer won't hurt nobody. We don't on forever we friends or search something useful @CAPS5 we talked to our families @CAPS6 we go online searching for they couldn't fire. People countries to see @CAPS7 enough to visit for @CAPS7 they wanna that country they need a resource that is up to date. A computer is constantly updated with new fact's about everything. I hope after reading this you will agree with my position. Mostly every person has a computer and it does not effect there lives a lot. A computer is a great resource for the public. People wanna meet new people so they use a computer to do so student's want a great grade on those project so they wanna present it nicely. I believe agreeing with you be a very good choice.
Dear Newspaper @CAPS1, I believe that the computer is good for the society because, @CAPS2 and students do most of the studies online. We spend most of our time with our family and friends, so we want a little bit of time to ourselves. We learn much more on the computer because it has a lot of facts. After reading this essay I hope you will agree with my position. @CAPS2 student's put most of their notes on a laptop and study what they did in class on the computer. @CAPS6 they need to look something for history class they have internet. High @CAPS3 @CAPS4 don't like going to the library, so they go on the internet as their source. So @CAPS6 a student has a project due, and the teacher wants it neat the computer will write the project neatly. The computer/internet has become a big source of learning to our society don't you agree? Our time most of the time is spent with our families @CAPS7 not our friends came over. Go outside and play with them, sit down and play games. Our families we are so a little bit of time to ourselves computer won't hurt anybody. We don't on forever we friend or search something useful @CAPS5 we talked to our families @CAPS6 we go online searching for they couldn't fire. People countries to see @CAPS7 enough to visit for @CAPS7 they want that country they need a resource that is up-to-date. A computer is constantly updated with new fact's about everything. I hope after reading this you will agree with my position. Almost every person has a computer, and it does not affect there lives a lot. A computer is a great resource for the public. People want to meet new people, so they use a computer to do so student's want a great grade on those project so they want to present it nicely. I believe agreeing with you be a very good choice.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, @CAPS4 you know @PERCENT1 of people today use the computer for necessary reasons? @CAPS5's true! @CAPS5's a fact the computer can help you with keeping in touch with friends, getting the latest news, and even gives you map access. Let me tell you some important facts about the computer. Of course, we all have friends in different cities and/or states! Instead of over charging a phone bill, many people keep in touch via email. Email is high tech, and super easY! All you need is your friends email adress and you can send them anything from a friendly hello, to @CAPS1 pictures of the family. Teens love to chat with friends and they're able to get to know each other better through the computer. Sites such as facebook are certainly popular with this generation of teens. The fun messages are what makes everything so great. Keep in mind all the avaiible ways to get in touch with friends and see why the computer is so great. Everytime I log onto the computer I'm able to see the latest news updates! I remember going on and seeing something pop up about my favorite band breaking up. Thanks to the computer I got to read all about @CAPS5 and I was extremely glad I'd seen that because if I hadn't I wouldn't of got to see their last concert. While I do understand, the computer @MONTH1 not be the healthiest activity, @CAPS5 definaltly is a great news source and everyone reads the news whether @CAPS5 be political, or about celeberties. Knowledge about what's currently happening in our country, and exercise is equally as important therefore, I'd be the first to support the computer as a possitive effect on people today. Have you ever been lost? Maybe you didn't write down the correct directions, or couldn't remember. Next time bok up directions on the computer! @CAPS5's so helpful and could really save you a hastle. There're so many websites that have maps you can print out, such as map quest. @CAPS5's a much easier, clearer way to understand where exactly you need to go. In my opinion @CAPS5 can help so much and @CAPS5 would be the right idea to go cheer @CAPS5 out today. Imagine all the places you could go just by getting a map online! Keep this in mind as one of the many great things about the computer. Now that you know some posotives about the computer, remember how they could benefit you! Being able to chat with friends is one of the best! Don't forget about hearing the latest news, and finally, never get lost again, just print out a map. There's no doubt in my mind the computer has a very possative effect on every one! The time is now to get out there and pick up a computer for yourself!
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 @CAPS3, @CAPS4 you know @PERCENT1 of people today use the computer for necessary reasons? @CAPS5's true! @CAPS5's a fact the computer can help you with keeping in touch with friends, getting the latest news, and even gives you map access. Let me tell you some important facts about the computer. Of course, we all have friends in different cities and/or states! Instead of over charging a phone bill, many people keep in touch via email. Email is high-tech, and super easy! All you need is your friends email address, and you can send them anything from a friendly hello, to @CAPS1 pictures of the family. Teens love to chat with friends, and they're able to get to know each other better through the computer. Sites such as Facebook are certainly popular with this generation of teens. The fun messages are what makes everything so great. Keep in mind all the available ways to get in touch with friends and see why the computer is so great. Every time I log onto the computer I'm able to see the latest news updates! I remember going on and seeing something pop up about my favorite band breaking up. Thanks to the computer I got to read all about @CAPS5, and I was extremely glad I'd seen that because if I hadn't, I wouldn't of got to see their last concert. While I do understand, the computer @MONTH1 not be the healthiest activity, @CAPS5 defiantly is a great news source and everyone reads the news whether @CAPS5 be political, or about celebrities. Knowledge about what's currently happening in our country, and exercise is equally important therefore, I'd be the first to support the computer as a positive effect on people today. Have you ever been lost? Maybe you didn't write down the correct directions, or couldn't remember. Next time BOK up directions on the computer! @CAPS5's so helpful and could really save you a castle. There are so many websites that have maps you can print out, such as map quest. @CAPS5's a much easier, clearer way to understand where exactly you need to go. In my opinion @CAPS5 can help so much and @CAPS5 would be the right idea to go cheer @CAPS5 out today. Imagine all the places you could go just by getting a map online! Keep this in mind as one of the many great things about the computer. Now that you know some positives about the computer, remember how they could benefit you! Being able to chat with friends is one of the best! Don't forget about hearing the latest news, and finally, never get lost again, just print out a map. There's no doubt in my mind the computer has a very positive effect on every one! The time is now to get out there and pick up a computer for yourself!
Dear Newspaper, I think Computers are good for many things and are useful for anyhting. I believe this because every year new and exciting @CAPS1 and websites are created and make life easier. For example, "@CAPS2" is a way to communicate with friends and family. For me I have family out-of-state, and I am happy when I go on @CAPS2 and speak to them. Or I can also talk to friends after a long day of school. Another example is "youtube." On youtube They have how to videos that show you step-by-step instructions on anything, even on news and music entertrainment. Other @CAPS1 like word, help you set up writing essays and @CAPS4 stories. On powerpoint it lets you make slide show videos for school projects to presentations. Even excel let's you make graphs and any char t imaginable. And let's not forget @ORGANIZATION1. @ORGANIZATION1 helps you when you need info on a person, place, or thing. And by useing @ORGANIZATION1 it helps you when you need information for other @CAPS1 like word and more. See, computers help everyday people wiht everyday life.
Dear Newspaper, I think Computers are good for many things and are useful for anything. I believe this because every year new and exciting @CAPS1 and websites are created and make life easier. For example, "@CAPS2" is a way to communicate with friends and family. For me, I have family out-of-state, and I am happy when I go on @CAPS2 and speak to them. Or I can also talk to friends after a long day of school. Another example is "YouTube." On YouTube They have how to videos that show you step-by-step instructions on anything, even on news and music entertainment. Other @CAPS1 like word, help you set up writing essays and @CAPS4 stories. On PowerPoint it lets you make slide show videos for school projects to presentations. Even excel lets you make graphs and any char t imaginable. And let's not forget @ORGANIZATION1. @ORGANIZATION1 helps you when you need info on a person, place, or thing. And by using @ORGANIZATION1 it helps you when you need information for other @CAPS1 like word and more. See, computers help everyday people with everyday life.
The question is does computers have a positive effect on society? Yes computers definetly have a positive effect on society. Computers teach hand-eye coordiantion, give people the ability to learn about faraway people and places and allows people to talk to other people online. Computers put a positive effect of people. First, Computers teach people hand-eye coordination. I mean, computers help people learn how to use there eyes and hands t the same time. A survey conducted by @PERSON3 shows that @NUM1 out of @NUM2 people have better hand-eye coordiantion that use computers them that don't. Proffessor @PERSON1 says "people that use a computer are much more coordinated than any othe person, it is a great discovery." You @MONTH1 be thinking that s computer would make you less coordianted BUT, computers really help hand-eye coordination in people. In conclusion the more you get to learn hot to use a computer the better hand-eye coordinated you will be. Second, computers allow people to be able to learn about far away places and people. i mean that a computer can help you learn about a faraway @CAPS3 without paying a fortune in money to go the @CAPS3. I remember the time @CAPS4 my mom and dad was going to go to @CAPS1 to see a lot of the landmarks and my uncle came to my house with a brand new computer and my parents ended up staying home and saved themselves a large amount op money. Famous explorer @CAPS2 smome says "before I go anywhere I always google it on my computer to learn about life, climent, etc, on the @CAPS3. I know you @MONTH1 be thinking that it would be a better experience to go to the @CAPS3 but, it is really expensive to go to very faraway countries. In conclusion, computer can help you save money and help you learn. Third, computers lets people talk to other people online. i mean people go to special websites just to talk to friends. A survey done by @ORGANIZATION1. Shows that @PERCENT1 of people talk to other people over those websites. aAmous social worker @PERSON2 says "@CAPS4 people use these websites it helps them with their vocabulary and social abilities." I know you @MONTH1 be thinking those websites are dangerous is at, viris software can prevent danger. In conclusion social abilities are up with computers. Lastly, computers teach people about faraway places, help social abilities and learn hand-eye coordination. Computers can help society and learning so help the growth technology today!!!
The question is does computers have a positive effect on society? Yes computers definitely have a positive effect on society. Computers teach hand-eye coordination, give people the ability to learn about faraway people and places and allows people to talk to other people online. Computers put a positive effect of people. First, Computers teach people hand-eye coordination. I mean, computers help people learn how to use there eyes and hands t the same time. A survey conducted by @PERSON3 shows that @NUM1 out of @NUM2 people have better hand-eye coordination that use computers them that don't. Professor @PERSON1 says "people that use a computer are much more coordinated than any the person, it is a great discovery." You @MONTH1 be thinking that s computer would make you less coordinated BUT, computers really help hand-eye coordination in people. In conclusion the more you get to learn hot to use a computer the better hand-eye coordinated you will be. Second, computers allow people to be able to learn about far away places and people. I mean that a computer can help you learn about a faraway @CAPS3 without paying a fortune in money to go the @CAPS3. I remember the time @CAPS4 my mom and dad was going to go to @CAPS1 to see a lot of the landmarks and my uncle came to my house with a brand-new computer and my parents ended up staying home and saved themselves a large amount op money. Famous explorer @CAPS2 some says before I go anywhere I always google it on my computer to learn about life, client, etc., on the @CAPS3. I know you @MONTH1 be thinking that it would be a better experience to go to the @CAPS3 but, it is really expensive to go to very faraway countries. In conclusion, computer can help you save money and help you learn. Third, computers lets people talk to other people online. I mean people go to special websites just to talk to friends. A survey done by @ORGANIZATION1. Shows that @PERCENT1 of people talk to other people over those websites. Famous social worker @PERSON2 says "@CAPS4 people use these websites it helps them with their vocabulary and social abilities." I know you @MONTH1 be thinking those websites are dangerous is at, virus software can prevent danger. In conclusion social abilities are up with computers. Lastly, computers teach people about faraway places, help social abilities and learn hand-eye coordination. Computers can help society and learning so help the growth technology today!!!
Dear Newspaper, The world that we live in today is full of technology. Everything from check out isles at the grocery store to coffee makers at home are being upgraded all the time. The technology has many great things about it, but theres also a huge down fall. The most common technolgy device is the computer, its a great thing to have but its also very bad. The computer can be used to bully, it can take time from exercising and it even takes from your social and grammer skills. We all know the websites such as facebook, myspace and @CAPS1. They sseem harmless but its really just a place for harassment. Their said to keep friends in touch, butkids use them to say hurtful things about each other. Half the kids in my eighth grede class have admitted to either getting bullied or bulling over the computer. If so many kids are getting hurt by the then why do we all keep using computers? Many kids @MONTH1 say they don't spend to much time on their computers but @NUM1 out of @NUM2 kids in my school admit that they do. Checking the computer is the first thing they do when they get home from school and the last thing hey do before going to sleep at night. All the time these kids spend on the computer is taking away from exercising and enjoying life as a child. I've seen many kids gain exessive amount of weight because they don't eat proper food they don't exercise and they shut down from reality all because they are obsessed with their computers. kids are even getting portable computers, thats how addicted they are. Do you want your kids like that? However, all these programs and websites that are on computers have a way to inneract with friends, and socialize. But all of this is taking away from your social skills, even grammer. Most kids and teenagers would rather talk over the internet thant face to face, and half the time they don't even spell word correct or use proper grammer. In the long run all this talking over computers is going to hurt them when it comes to school and getting a job. I know that computers are good for school because you can research stuff for projects and e-mail your job. But the time spent, kids getting bullied, and the now lack of social skills is not worth it. We need to cutback on our societys use of computers because it will help us all when it really counts. Just ask yourself do you want your kids getting bullied? Do you want to gain weight? Do you want to loose your social and grammer skill? Just ask yourself these questions and you just might change your mind.
Dear Newspaper, The world that we live in today is full of technology. Everything from check out isles at the grocery store to coffee makers at home are being upgraded all the time. The technology has many great things about it, but there's also a huge downfall. The most common technology device is the computer, it's a great thing to have but It's also very bad. The computer can be used to bully, it can take time from exercising, and it even takes from your social and grammar skills. We all know the websites such as Facebook, MySpace and @CAPS1. They seem harmless but It's really just a place for harassment. Their said to keep friends in touch, but kids use them to say hurtful things about each other. Half the kids in my eighth grade class have admitted to either getting bullied or bulling over the computer. If so many kids are getting hurt by the then why do we all keep using computers? Many kids @MONTH1 say they don't spend too much time on their computers but @NUM1 out of @NUM2 kids in my school admit that they do. Checking the computer is the first thing they do when they get home from school and the last thing hey do before going to sleep at night. All the time these kids spend on the computer is taking away from exercising and enjoying life as a child. I've seen many kids gain excessive amount of weight because they don't eat proper food they don't exercise, and they shut down from reality all because they are obsessed with their computers. Kids are even getting portable computers, that's how addicted they are. Do you want your kids like that? However, all these programs and websites that are on computers have a way to interact with friends, and socialize. But all of this is taking away from your social skills, even grammar. Most kids and teenagers would rather talk over the internet Thant face to face, and half the time they don't even spell word correct or use proper grammar. In the long run all this talking over computers is going to hurt them when it comes to school and getting a job. I know that computers are good for school because you can research stuff for projects and e-mail your job. But the time spent, kids getting bullied, and the now lack of social skills is not worth it. We need on our societies use of computers because it will help us all when it really counts. Just ask yourself do you want your kids getting bullied? Do you want to gain weight? Do you want to lose your social and grammar skill? Just ask yourself these questions and you just might change your mind.
Computers are not having a negative affect on society. In fac when you talk with someone online @CAPS1 helps build relationship within that person. A use for computer that is also use full is hand eye coordination. Education is also a useful thing you can use with computers. You can learn about faraway places and monuments. The myth is that computers ruin relationship between friends and family however, In some ways @CAPS1 improves them, when you go on skype you talk with some one online. By doing this you actually improve the bone between you and that person. This information proves that computers can actually suport replationships. Hand eye coordination is also something useful that a computer an teach when you type on keyboard your fingers inprove on reflectsel. If you continue to type your hand eye coordination will improve. Some people might say that a computer won't help you much @CAPS1 really is possitive to use @CAPS1. A computer is more educational than what most people would think. On certain websites you can see something that can teach you. If you go on a historian websites that someone could learn about different typs of people. Lots of critics say that a computer is not educational. However when you look at the facts a computer can teach a lot. @CAPS1 is easy to belive a computer is not a good thing. But when someone looks at the facts A computer is a great thing to own. If critics acna take these facts into consideration a computer is a better object than what most people say.
Computers are not having a negative effect on society. In FAC when you talk with someone online @CAPS1 helps build relationship within that person. A use for computer that is also useful is hand eye coordination. Education is also a useful thing you can use with computers. You can learn about faraway places and monuments. The myth is that computers ruin relationship between friends and family however, In some ways @CAPS1 improves them, when you go on Skype you talk with someone online. By doing this you actually improve the bone between you and that person. This information proves that computers can actually support relationships. Hand eye coordination is also something useful that a computer a teach when you type on keyboard your fingers improve on reflected. If you continue to type your hand eye coordination will improve. Some people might say that a computer won't help you much @CAPS1 really is positive to use @CAPS1. A computer is more educational than what most people would think. On certain websites you can see something that can teach you. If you go on a historian website that someone could learn about different type of people. Lots of critics say that a computer is not educational. However when you look at the facts a computer can teach a lot. @CAPS1 is easy to believe a computer is not a good thing. But when someone looks at the facts A computer is a great thing to own. If critics Anna take these facts into consideration a computer is a better object than what most people say.
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, I think that computers can be a good thing and a bed thing for many resons. First i think it's good because it can help school work like to do a research and for other things that you might have to do for school. A secound reson on why computers are helpful is because it teaches hand-eye coordination. It also can have people talk to their family member from a other country through a web-cam. All their computers can be realy helpful they can also be bad for your health and family. I agree that it can give less time exercising, instead of being on the computer you can go to the park or walk your and many other things then just bring on the comuter all day. It can also distroy your interacting with family and and friend if you stay in the house all the time useing the computers and your family and friends want to spend some time with you and your just on the camper. @ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION1 newspaper wher the reasons why i think computers can be a good thing and a bed thing. I mostly think that computers are a good thing because if we didn't have computers we wouldnt have most of the things we now have in the world if it wasn't for computers. That's why i think computers can be more helpful just depending on the way you use it and how much you use it. Those were the opinions i had on computers.
Dear @ORGANIZATION1, I think that computers can be a good thing and a bed thing for many reasons. First I think it's good because it can help school work like to do a research and for other things that you might have to do for school. A second reason on why computers are helpful is because it teaches hand-eye coordination. It also can have people talk to their family member from an other country through a webcam. All their computers can be real helpful they can also be bad for your health and family. I agree that it can give less time exercising, instead of being on the computer you can go to the park or walk your and many other things then just bring on the computer all day. It can also destroy your interacting with family and friend if you stay in the house all the time using the computers and your family and friends want to spend some time with you and your just on the camper. @ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION1 @ORGANIZATION1 newspaper her the reasons why I think computers can be a good thing and a bed thing. I mostly think that computers are a good thing because if we didn't have computers we wouldn't have most of the things we now have in the world if it wasn't for computers. That's why I think computers can be more helpful just depending on the way you use it and how much you use it. Those were the opinions I had on computers.
Computers they give you @CAPS1 and reasearch from a for distance from you. But is it good for you? Those who support advances in technology believe that computers have a positive effect on people. I believe they @MONTH1 be correct. I believe that a computer can be used by finding things out from far distances, it can also give hand - eye coordination, I also believe that it is ok to use a computer if you are just using it for reasearch or other needed actions. When useing a computer it gives you the advantages of researching and studying far away places. This is good because some people have intrest in places around the world. Also, @CAPS2 need computers now adays, thier teachers give the write up typed assignments, or power point presentations. Also, parents you computers for work or maybe to get away from work to take a vacation they need took book it some how. Also, some say using a computer can give you Hand eye coordination. Well, it does in fact when you type. Some @MONTH1 not know this hut typing is a skill, some people type fast some type slow and some are average typers. Also, to teach little kids maybe even some adults, people have created a typing game on the computer it will teach kids how to type. Also, some people who type super fast go to get test to see how fast they type the test gives numbers like seventy words a minute. People naturally type about thirty words a minute. I believe that people should be able to go on computers for needed actions such as research. Many kids have learned about these other websites such as facebook, I tunes, youtube, and twitter. Some become addictted so they never got off. Also, being on all of these websites and more try to give you things. that my give you a virus. Viruses can come in many strengths some can crash your computer some just send boat loads of pop-ups to your monitor. I feel that it is ok to go on the computer to do research or bok vacations. If you are addicted to other websites stop because you will crash you computer with one click of your mouse. Over all I believe computers are a great source to get information off of but should not be addicted so called toy. Computer have a positive effect on people. Just dont be addicted and got outside... and have exercise with friends and family too.
Computers they give you @CAPS1 and research from a for distance from you. But is it good for you? Those who support advances in technology believe that computers have a positive effect on people. I believe they @MONTH1 be correct. I believe that a computer can be used by finding things out from far distances, it can also give hand - eye coordination, I also believe that it is ok to use a computer if you are just using it for research or other needed actions. When using a computer it gives you the advantages of researching and studying far away places. This is good because some people have interest in places around the world. Also, @CAPS2 need computers now days, their teachers give the write-up typed assignments, or PowerPoint presentations. Besides, parents you computers for work or maybe to get away from work to take a vacation they need took book it somehow. Besides, some say using a computer can give you Hand eye coordination. Well, it does in fact when you type. Some @MONTH1 not know this hut typing is a skill, some people type fast some types slow and some are average typers. Also, to teach little kids maybe even some adults, people have created a typing game on the computer it will teach kids how to type. Besides, some people who type superfast go to get test to see how fast they type the test gives numbers like seventy words a minute. People naturally type about thirty words a minute. I believe that people should be able to go on computers for needed actions such as research. Many kids have learned about these other websites such as Facebook, I tune, YouTube, and Twitter. Some become addicted so they never got off. Also, being on all of these websites and more try to give you think. That my give you a virus. Viruses can come in many strengths some can crash your computer some just send boat loads of pop-ups to your monitor. I feel that it is ok to go on the computer to do research or BOK vacations. If you are addicted to other websites stop because you will crash your computer with one click of your mouse. Over all, I believe computers are a great source to get information off of but should not be addicted so-called toy. Computer have a positive effect on people. Just don't be addicted and got outside... and have exercise with friends and family too.
Dear Local Newspaper, Local newspaper do you think that the computer is a good technology in our generation today? Well I do not believe it is a good technology in our generation. Do not get me wrong. I do not like to go on the computer bat their are so many reasons why computers affect alot of children and some adults in this generation. Like one reason is when people are on the computer all day long they do not get enough exercise. That is why kids these days are so over wheight there are more than @NUM1 million children over wheight because of the computer . Like for me I use to love goin on the computer and I still do bat I see that the computer is dostroying my heatlh. A second reason why I believe is bad for the generation because there are alot of inapropreate sites on the internet, where kids that are @NUM2 and younger could be logging on to. I think that people all over the world should start enjoying nature, go travle the world. Start doing things that people cant do on the computer. I think that more kids should start interesting with family and friend more often. of talking to your friend all the time. My last and finally reason that is a big thing is going on in the computer is people bullying other people the internet, local newspaper have would you if you have any daughters, sons, grand and. If they was getting bullyed over that internet or concern them to kill them or hurty them. I think you would horribly and you would want that person to go to jail. For now on I am going to think when I spend all mu time on the computer how it affect my life and my family, friends. I belive other people in the world should do the same thing.
Dear Local Newspaper, Local newspaper do you think that the computer is a good technology in our generation today? Well I do not believe it is a good technology in our generation. Do not get me wrong. I do not like to go on the computer bat there are so many reasons why computers affect a lot of children and some adults in this generation. Like one reason is when people are on the computer all day long they do not get enough exercise. That is why kids these days are so over height there are more than @NUM1 a million children over height because of the computer. Like for me, I used to love going on the computer and I still do bat I see that the computer is destroying my health. A second reason why I believe is bad for the generation because there area lot of inappropriate sites on the internet, where kids that are @NUM2 and younger could be logging on to. I think that people all over the world should start enjoying nature, go travel the world. Start doing things that people can't do on the computer. I think that more kids should start interesting with family and friend more often. Of talking to your friend all the time. My last and finally reason that is a big thing is going on in the computer is people bullying other people the internet, local newspaper have would you if you have any daughters, sons, grand and. If they are getting bullied over that internet or concern them to kill them or hurt them. I think you would horribly, and you would want that person to go to jail. For now on I am going to think when I spend all mu time on the computer how it affects my life and my family, friends. I believe other people in the world should do the same thing.
Your spending too much time on the computer your mom and dad well out. You relize it's time toget off and go outside. You spend about @PERCENT1 more or less on the computer each day, but @CAPS1 good reasons. You can multi task on it, you can talk to friends and family you haven't seen or talked to forever, and lastly, you can spend time outside as well as in side. @CAPS5 you were smart you would not listen to those experts Have you ever heard of the word multi tasking? It's were you can do more than on thing at a time, @CAPS1 example you car read and talk, or text and talk, or walk and be reading something. You have all these things you condo. Another example is when your on the computer you can listen to music and talk to friends or read. What you can even do is you can talk to your friends, listen to music, and do homework. What i mean when i say homework is when you have to type up an easy or something. The fourth and final examples is that about @PERCENT2 of us can multi task @CAPS2 of my friends told me that they just bought a laptop with a built in camera, @NUM1 now they can talk to people they haven't seen in a long time. "I haven't seen my sister since she moved to california @NUM2 years ago, so i thougnt I would use the @CAPS3 on my laptop to se her." @CAPS4 a mother of the @ORGANIZATION1. A computer or laptop can be good @CAPS1 talking to friends or family you haven't seen in a long time. Anouther from a student say's." @CAPS5 you were smart, and understanding you would now why everyones on the computer so much". When your on the computer and your friends start to talk to you about things you understand why, you ussaly don't see your friends unless its lunch" or before class. Computers help talking to friends move easier than writing letters or waiting @CAPS1 calss to get out. You get off the bus and you relize that it's pur sunshine out. You decide to do some or all of your homework now so you can go out and play. Your outside @CAPS1 about a few hours. When you come in its around @NUM2:00 pm. You eat dinner and ya just want to unwind from the days gigantic adventure so you go on the computer. Ypu can go on the computer around like wild animals outside too. Only responside kids plan their time acordingly In conclusion it is important that you now that computers are good @CAPS1 multi tasking, talking to friends and family you havent seen in along time, and that you can go outside as well a stay inside now is the time to call, @CAPS5 you were smart you wouldn't listen to these experts.
Your spending too much time on the computer your mom and dad well out. You realize it's time Roget off and go outside. You spend about @PERCENT1 more or less on the computer each day, but @CAPS1 good reasons. Furthermore, you can multitask on it, you can talk to friends and family you haven't seen or talked to forever, and lastly, you can spend time outside as well as in side. @CAPS5 you were smart you would not listen to those experts Have you ever heard of the word multitasking? It were you can do more than on thing at a time, @CAPS1 example read and talk, or text and talk, or walk and be reading something. You have all these things you condo. Another example is when you're on the computer you can listen to music and talk to friends or read. What you can even do is you can talk to your friends, listen to music, and do homework. What I mean when I say homework is when you have to type up an easy or something. The fourth and final examples is that about @PERCENT2 of us can multitask @CAPS2 of my friends told me that they just bought a laptop with a built-in camera, @NUM1 now they can talk to people they haven't seen in a long time. "I haven't seen my sister since she moved to California @NUM2 years ago, so i thought I would use the @CAPS3 on my laptop to see her." @CAPS4 a mother of the @ORGANIZATION1. A computer or laptop can be good @CAPS1 talking to friends or family you haven't seen in a long time. Another from a student say's." @CAPS5 you were smart, and understanding you would now why everyone's on the computer so much". When you're on the computer and your friends start to talk to you about things you understand why, you usually don't see your friends unless its lunch or before class. Computers help to talk to friends move easier than writing letters or waiting @CAPS1 class to get out. You get off the bus and you realize that it's PUR sunshine out. You decide to do some or all of your homework now, so you can go out and play. Your outside @CAPS1 about a few hours. When you come to its around @NUM2:00 pm. You eat dinner and ya just want to unwind from the days gigantic adventure, so you go on the computer. You can go on the computer around like wild animals outside too. Only responsive kids plan their time accordingly In conclusion it is important that you now that computers are good @CAPS1 multitasking, talking to friends and family you haven't seen in a long time, and that you can go outside as well a stay inside now is the time to call, @CAPS5 you were smart you wouldn't listen to these experts.
Computers today are much different from computers back then. They help you with projects or homework but many experts are concerned that people are spending too much time on their computers. I think that computers help people in many ways, like teaching a hand-eye coordination. They're useful because people can talk to friends and family members that they haven't seen in a long time and computer skills are required in the real world. Hand-eye coordination is very important and using a computer can help people build up the coordination. This helps because if one has to type a @NUM1-page report, then one who has good hand-eye coordination, or typing skills, "can finish a report in @NUM2 minutes or so. If one has poor hand-eye coordination, well that @NUM2 minute report will take about a few hours. No one likes to be sitting infront of a computer for a few hours. Everyone has friends and best friends that they talk to every day, But what happens if that friend moves out-of-town, out-of-state or possibility out-of-country? They might be forgotten or never seen from again. Well, thanks to technology and the advancement of computers, people can chat online on @CAPS1, @ORGANIZATION1 instant messaging, myspace or facebook. They can catch upon things, check out what's new, even see posted pictures of them. The same thing can be applied to family members who have moved away. Who wouldn't want to talk to friends or family that haven't been heard from? Lastly, having computer skills is very, very, very important in the real world. Skilled people who have a good knowledge of the computer world can get great jobs like a computer programer for the state, or they can create websites for their own jobs. Other jobs people with computer experience can have would be an editor of movies or @CAPS2 shows. That's big money there. No wonder schools have computer classes. It's to get students to have a good background of the computer. Computers are not that bad. They teach hand-eye coordination, lets people talk to other people online and can get people great jobs. Many educated people would agree that computers doesn't have a positive effect on people.
Computers today are much different from computers back then. They help you with projects or homework, but many experts are concerned that people are spending too much time on their computers. I think that computers help people in many ways, like teaching a hand-eye coordination. They're useful because people can talk to friends and family members that they haven't seen in a long time and computer skills are required in the real world. Hand-eye coordination is very important and using a computer can help people build up the coordination. This helps because if one has to type a @NUM1-page report, then one who has good hand-eye coordination, or typing skills, can finish a report in @NUM2 minutes or so. If one has poor hand-eye coordination, well that @NUM2 minute report will take about a few hours. No one likes to be sitting in front of a computer for a few hours. Everyone has friends and best friends that they talk to every day, But what happens if that friend moves out-of-town, out-of-state or possibility out-of-country? They might be forgotten or never seen from again. Well, thanks to technology and the advancement of computers, people can chat online on @CAPS1, @ORGANIZATION1 instant messaging, MySpace or Facebook. They can catch upon things, check out what's new, even see posted pictures of them. The same thing can be applied to family members who have moved away. Who wouldn't want to talk to friends or family that haven't been heard from? Lastly, having computer skills is very, very, very important in the real world. Skilled people who have a good knowledge of the computer world can get great jobs like a computer programmer for the state, or they can create websites for their own jobs. Other jobs people with computer experience can have would be an editor of movies or @CAPS2 shows. That's big money there. No wonder schools have computer classes. It's to get students to have a good background of the computer. Computers are not that bad. They teach hand-eye coordination, lets people talk to other people online and can get people great jobs. Many educated people would agree that computers doesn't have a positive effect on people.
Dear leader of the local newspaper, I have heard the strange misconception that computers are ruining our society. I for one, think that this is a terribly made thought. To begin, the internet (provided with most home desktop computers) can teach us a lot about the world around us. Additionally, the whole fact of contacting others around the globe, as well as having a whole fun world to explore, makes computers more enjoyable. Finally, thousands of jobs around the world are either based on or work with computers. Due to this, computers are , without a doubt, beneficial to society. The first reason I need to clearly point out is that the computer holds tons of information that can't be found anywhere else. While books have to be republished as updates occur in the world, anything on the internet can be updated almost instantly, beneficial to students with school projects for subjects like @CAPS1, subsequently, people could actually go to school via online schools and colleges. Whilst regular colleges could cost around thousands of dollars in order to get in, online colleges are much rather cheap, affordable to anyone. Also, due to the high amounts of information online, schools seem to be growing obsolete as computers typically hold all information obtained in a regular school year. Because of this, computers are definately beneficial to society. To build up, the internet provided with computers can bring loads of pleasure to those who use it wisely. Because of the growing population of those who use computers, companies tend to make computer shoes, which usually attracts viewers by the thousands each day. This makes television seem obsolete as well. Another major thing is that software comes out for the computer almost everyday, allowing many things to be done by users. Software typically includes games, movies, and music. Finally, since staying in touch with others is a good thing, chatting with others across the globe is very easy and durable, allowing distant relatives to come in contact with you via various chat programs. Due to this, computers can bring loads of fun to users, and are thus beneficial to society. Lastly, due to the rising demand of computers, companies typically rely on computers for jobs. Since the internet population is growing, companies allow people to fill out applications and send in resumes in order to apply for a job in said company. Also, some jobs can only be done while online or using a computer. Many jobs these days, typically banks, rely on using the internet most of the time, and some actually are based in the internet. Because of this, workers can finish the job easily in one place, instead of having to around and going to a boring looking building to do a boring job. With this reason, why doesn't anyone else see why computers are beneficial to society? With all of these reasons, I hope you see why computers are beneficial to society. Education just become a whole lot easier thanks to the internet. If education is not what you seek, you can then use the internet to have fun when you are bored. Finally, jobs can be completed even easier, and makes workers more responsible. So, leader of the paper, do you really, along with everyone else, think that computers are a waste of time in life?
Dear leader of the local newspaper, I have heard the strange misconception that computers are ruining our society. I for one, think that this is a terribly made thought. To begin, the internet (provided with most home desktop computers) can teach us a lot about the world around us. Additionally, the whole fact of contacting others around the globe, as well as having a whole fun world to explore, makes computers more enjoyable. Finally, thousands of jobs around the world are either based on or work with computers. Due to this, computers are, without a doubt, beneficial to society. The first reason I need to clearly point out is that the computer holds tons of information that can't be found anywhere else. While books have to be republished as updates occur in the world, anything on the internet can be updated almost instantly, beneficial to students with school projects for subjects like @CAPS1, subsequently, people could actually go to school via online schools and colleges. Whilst regular colleges could cost around thousands of dollars in order to get in, online colleges are much rather cheap, affordable to anyone. Also, due to the high amounts of information online, schools seem to be growing obsolete as computers typically hold all information obtained in a regular school year. Because of this, computers are definitely beneficial to society. To build up, the internet provided with computers can bring loads of pleasure to those who use it wisely. Because of the growing population of those who use computers, companies tend to make computer shoes, which usually attracts viewers by the thousands each day. This makes television seem obsolete as well. Another major thing is that software comes out for the computer almost every day, allowing many things to be done by users. Software typically includes games, movies, and music. Finally, since staying in touch with others is a good thing, chatting with others across the globe is very easy and durable, allowing distant relatives to come in contact with you via various chat programs. Due to this, computers can bring loads of fun to users, and are thus beneficial to society. Lastly, due to the rising demand of computers, companies typically rely on computers for jobs. Since the internet population is growing, companies allow people to fill out applications and send in resumes in order to apply for a job in said company. Also, some jobs can only be done while online or using a computer. Many jobs these days, typically banks, rely on using the internet most of the time, and some actually are based on the internet. Because of this, workers can finish the job easily in one place, instead of having to around and going to a boring looking building to do a boring job. With this reason, why doesn't anyone else see why computers are beneficial to society? With all of these reasons, I hope you see why computers are beneficial to society. Education just become a lot easier thanks to the internet. If education is not what you seek, you can then use the internet to have fun when you are bored. Finally, jobs can be completed even easier, and makes workers more responsible. So, leader of the paper, do you really, along with everyone else, think that computers are a waste of time in life?
Dear @CAPS1 of the @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS2 has been a debate on whether modern computer activities are good for people or bad for the people. Some people think that it benefits society because computers can teach hand eye coordination, they can help people learn about faraway places, and allow people to interact with friends. Al of this seems to prove that computers are good for society, but truely it is not. People who use their computers too much can have some harmed side effects, including obesity, red eyes, and even can get cyber bullied. People are using computers to an extent to which it is bad for their health. The number one problem of the @LOCATION1 is obesity. It seems that people are getting fatter every day. Computers are definetly taking part in the problem. People are spending too much time on their computers and are spending less time exercising, enjoying nature, and interacting with family and friends. These people are spending hours and hours in front of a computer getting heavier every day. They start to eat their feelings because of how lonely they are. This process continues until the certain person can barely yet out of their chair. Obesity is not the only problem that is damaging their health, their eyes are being damaged also. It is obvious that more & more people are having problems with @CAPS2 eyes everyday. Computers are making this happen. When a certain person is on the computer for only an hour, they are damaging their eyes tremendously. The computer screen is straining their eyes horribly & for the people who are on the computer @NUM1 - @DATE1 hours a day are pretty much sending their eyes to blindness. When I go onto the computer for only @NUM2 minutes my eyes start to water. It is a devastating outcome of using a computer too much. Computers are damaging peoples health & @CAPS2 should be something done about it. Although computers aren't only damaging people health they are also ruining peoples lives. Bullying has been a major problem in the @LOCATION1 for many years. Kids would be bullyed all day in school and always had a horrible time. But when they got to go home they could be comforted by their family and friends. Computers have recently included a system where you can video chat with friends or @ORGANIZATION2. This can be a wonderful thing unless used in the wrong way. As I pointed out before kids are bullied a by in school but when they got home they were able to leave that horrid life behind and be a normal kid. Not any more. This new @ORGANIZATION2, video chat, @CAPS4, etc. has brought the unlucky bullied students a one way ticket to getting cyber bullied. I have heard of a case where a student was cyber bullied to such an extent that she suicided on the internet to show how depressed she was. Computers made that event possible. Video chat, @CAPS3, @CAPS4, etc. gives bullies a chance to make their prey depressed into a point where they consider suicide. I can understand why you would contradict my argument but I truely hope that you will be able to understand why this is so important. Obesity, straining the eyes, & cyber bullying should be in my mind enough evidence that computers are bad to get you to write an article about these horrid machines. They are causing a variety of problems in peoples health, mind, etc. I really hope you will consider writing this article.
Dear @CAPS1 of the @ORGANIZATION1, @CAPS2 has been a debate on whether modern computer activities are good for people or bad for the people. Some people think that it benefits society because computers can teach hand eye coordination, they can help people learn about faraway places, and allow people to interact with friends. All of this seems to prove that computers are good for society, but truly it is not. People who use their computers too much can have some harmed side effects, including obesity, red eyes, and even can get cyberbullied. People are using computers to an extent to which it is bad for their health. The number one problem of the @LOCATION1 is obesity. It seems that people are getting fatter every day. Computers are definitely taking part in the problem. People are spending too much time on their computers and are spending less time exercising, enjoying nature, and interacting with family and friends. These people are spending hours and hours in front of a computer getting heavier every day. They start to eat their feelings because of how lonely they are. This process continues until the certain person can barely yet out of their chair. Obesity is not the only problem that is damaging their health, their eyes are being damaged also. It is obvious that more & more people are having problems with @CAPS2 eyes every day. Computers are making this happen. When a certain person is on the computer for only an hour, they are damaging their eyes tremendously. The computer screen is straining their eyes horribly & for the people who are on the computer @NUM1 - @DATE1 hours a day are pretty much sending their eyes to blindness. When I go onto the computer for only @NUM2 minutes my eyes start to water. It is a devastating outcome of using a computer too much. Computers are damaging peoples health & @CAPS2 should be something done about it. Although computers aren't only damaging people health they are also ruining peoples lives. Bullying has been a major problem in the @LOCATION1 for many years. Kids would be bullied all day in school and always had a horrible time. But when they got to go home they could be comforted by their family and friends. Computers have recently included a system where you can video chat with friends or @ORGANIZATION2. This can be a wonderful thing unless used in the wrong way. As I pointed out before kids are bullied a by in school but when they got home they were able to leave that horrid life behind and be a normal kid. Not anymore. This new @ORGANIZATION2, video chat, @CAPS4, etc. has brought the unlucky bullied students a one way ticket to getting cyberbullied. I have heard of a case where a student was cyberbullied to such an extent that she suicided on the internet to show how depressed she was. Computers made that event possible. Video chat, @CAPS3, @CAPS4, etc. gives bullies a chance to make their prey depressed into a point where they consider suicide. I can understand why you would contradict my argument but I truly hope that you will be able to understand why this is so important. Obesity, straining the eyes, & cyberbullying should be in my mind enough evidence that computers are bad to get you to write an article about these horrid machines. They are causing a variety of problems in peoples health, mind, etc. I really hope you will consider writing this article.
You must be insane! Computers are very important to society. My first reason is, computers can be used for research. Secondly, can be made. Lastly, you can talk and video chat. These are my three reasons why computers are important to society. If you want to know more send on. Firstly, computers can be used for research. For example, what if your boss wats to find the of products ? All you have to do is go to, and look it up! Is is that easy. Also what if you need to do reasearch on @ORGANIZATION1 for school? Instead of reading books about him, you can type in his name, and theres your information. In @CAPS1 @NUM1 out of @NUM2 kids/adults use the computer for research. This is my first reason. Secondly, purchases can be made. What if you would like to buy a plane ticket to @LOCATION1 to help? You can go on the computer and buy a ticket at your convenience. You can order order all types of that needed to @LOCATION1. Or that a relative/friend can have a. How way simplier than going out and doing it yourself. This is my second reason. Lastly you can talk and video chat. You own a other people, and you all in diffreent country need a a video meeting. What if you have relatives that live far away that you miss alot? You can have a video family. this is my last reason. I hope you consider my reasons why computers are very important to society.
You must be insane! Computers are very important to society. My first reason is, computers can be used for research. Secondly, can be made. Lastly, you can talk and video chat. These are my three reasons why computers are important to society. If you want to know more send on. Firstly, computers can be used for research. For example, what if your boss WATS to find the of products ? All you have to do is go to, and look it up! Is that easy. Also, what if you need to do research on @ORGANIZATION1 for school? Instead of reading books about him, you can type in his name, and there's your information. In @CAPS1 @NUM1 out of @NUM2 kids/adults use the computer for research. This is my first reason. Secondly, purchases can be made. What if you would like to buy a plane ticket to @LOCATION1 to help? You can go on the computer and buy a ticket at your convenience. You can order all types of that needed to @LOCATION1. Or that a relative/friend can have How way simpler than going out and doing it yourself. This is my second reason. Lastly you can talk and video chat. You own an other people, and you all in different country need a video meeting. What if you have relatives that live far away that you miss a lot? You can have a video family. This is my last reason. I hope you consider my reasons why computers are very important to society.
Dear Local Newspaper, Computers have a positive effect on people because it teaches them hand-eye coordination, the ability to learn about people and places and allows for people to entertain themselves. As I said before computers are very useful for the advances of hand-eye coordination. Hand-eye coordination is very important in our current world because in order to play sports and type effectively you must have hand-eye coordination. When I was a boy of @NUM1 years I had survey low hand-eye coordination skills and my playing suffered because of it. Now after a couple yours of playing online my baseball, lacrosse and basketball skills have improved from playing online and practicing. Also my typing has gone up from @NUM2 words-per-minute. In @NUM3 words-per-minute. Allowing me to write reports faste and allow more time for revision. But the internet also allow me to search the web to make the aspect of my report go much faster... Though out people needed to suport their opinions and. Now the internet for a person to such to find facts relating to their topic. This bad of help can male school projects easier, make students be even smaller and give opportunity to help in need. As I got ready @NUM4 while my position paper this year. I realized I needed @NUM1 usually this would be difficult but with the help of computers, research can be made a whats let easier. Secondly, I learned so much while my @CAPS1 @CAPS2, like for example don't really pick the president. The votes they gave actually elect a spesculative to go to the @CAPS2 to. Finally, as the earthquake in @LOCATION1 I was able to donate through the @CAPS3 @CAPS4 website. These examples show how important the internal to learn about people and places, maybe give a helping hand. Finally, the last great thing about the internet and computers is that you can entertain yourself through online games and movies. My mom is always telling me I should ways to myself without dragging her into playing catch with me the internet and computers allow me to play online gones by myself. Secondly, movies on computers can be a real time if you want to around. These are the reasons why I believe computers are important for improving eye-hand coordination, learning about different people and places, and the ability entertain you self. Though my opinion will only count to myself I hope you will to stress the importance of computers in your future articles.
Dear Local Newspaper, Computers have a positive effect on people because it teaches them hand-eye coordination, the ability to learn about people and places and allows for people to entertain themselves. As I said before computers are very useful for the advances of hand-eye coordination. Hand-eye coordination is very important in our current world because in order to play sports and type effectively you must have hand-eye coordination. When I was a boy of @NUM1 years I had survey low hand-eye coordination skills and my playing suffered because of it. Now after a couple yours of playing online my baseball, lacrosse and basketball skills have improved from playing online and practicing. Also, my typing has gone up from @NUM2 words-per-minute. In @NUM3 words-per-minute. Allowing me to write reports fast and allow more time for revision. But the internet also allows me to search the web to make the aspect of my report go much faster... Though out people needed to support their opinions and. Now the internet for a person to such to find facts relating to their topic. This bad of help can male school projects easier, make students be even smaller and give opportunity to help in need. As I got ready @NUM4 while my position paper this year. I realized I needed @NUM1 usually this would be difficult but with the help of computers, research can be made a what's let easier. Secondly, I learned so much while my @CAPS1 @CAPS2, like for example don't really pick the president. The votes they gave actually elect a speculative to go to the @CAPS2 to. Finally, as the earthquake in @LOCATION1 I was able to donate through the @CAPS3 @CAPS4 website. These examples show how important the internal to learn about people and places, maybe give a helping hand. Finally, the last great thing about the internet and computers is that you can entertain yourself through online games and movies. My mom is always telling me I should to myself without dragging her into playing catch with me the internet and computers allow me to play online gone by myself. Secondly, movies on computers can be a real time if you want to around. These are the reasons why I believe computers are important for improving eye-hand coordination, learning about different people and places, and the ability entertain you self. Though my opinion will only count to myself I hope you will to stress the importance of computers in your future articles.
Dear Newspaper, I believe comuputer have made a great effect on people in society. I believe this because they make you smarter, they help with entertainment needs, they also give you the option to socialize with websites, and online chatting. theese are things people need in every da life and heres now. One reason why I believe computers benefitt people in society, is with the simple fact that computers teach you things. I mean sure you can pick up a book, but why? with a computer you can quickly, and easily type in what you need to know and within seconeds you have @NUM1 million sites that can tell you what you need to know. Computers can also show you places that you've always wanted to see and learn about, the computer can tell you an exact location and information about the area. I know your thinking to yourself. "wow how cool!!" but that nothing wait untill you hear what else i have to say! Computers can give you instructions on how to build stuff, step by step instruction to create a work of art. My seconed reason is computers can give you entertainment like playing games, watching movies, and tv shows you missed because you were at work or doing something important. My last reason why computers benefit society is with entertainment, you can make friends or chat with the ones you have, with websites like facebook, @CAPS1, @CAPS2, ect. Making friends or keeping up with the ones you have in a positive way help fight depression. If your always happy on the computer. Therefore you'll have nothing to be depressed about. Also if you have any questions at all that you have wondering in your @CAPS3 ask the computer and it will awnser your questions throughly, and leave you satisfied with an awnser. As you can see computers can do many great things, and what I said is only a few things computers are capible of just watch, computers will be apart of our lives more and more and if you can't use one you @MONTH1 have a hard time. please if you have a different opinion consider my decisons. Thank you for your time.
Dear Newspaper, I believe computer have made a great effect on people in society. I believe this because they make you smarter, they help with entertainment needs, they also give you the option to socialize with websites, and online chatting. Theese are things people need in every the life and here snow. One reason why I believe computers benefit people in society, is with the simple fact that computers teach you think. I mean sure you can pick up a book, but why? With a computer you can quickly, and easily type in what you need to know and within seconds you have @NUM1 a million sites that can tell you what you need to know. Computers can also show you places that you've always wanted to see and learn about, the computer can tell you an exact location and information about the area. I know your thinking to yourself. "Wow how cool!!" but that nothing wait until you hear what else I have to say! Computers can give you instructions on how to build stuff, step-by-step instruction to create a work of art. My second reason is computers can give you entertainment like playing games, watching movies, and TV shows you missed because you were at work or doing something important. My last reason why computers benefit society is with entertainment, you can make friends or chat with the ones you have, with websites like Facebook, @CAPS1, @CAPS2, etc. Making friends or keeping up with the ones you have positively help fight depression. If your always happy on the computer. Therefore, you'll have nothing to be depressed about. Also, if you have any questions at all that you have wondering in your @CAPS3 ask the computer, and it will answer your questions thoroughly, and leave you satisfied with an answer. As you can see computers can do many great things, and what I said is only a few things computers are capable of just watch, computers will be a part of our lives more and more and if you can't use one you @MONTH1 has a hard time. Please if you have a different opinion consider my decisions. Thank you for your time.
You say that computers are bad and does not help any one in these physical life but some people go on the computer to find yoga poses and diest tips and how does that not help them physicaly and mentaly. Computers they @MONTH1 get kid in a lot of trouble they chat on (@CAPS1, facebook twitter, etc...) but they also don't know whos behind the computers they spend so much time on that @CAPS1 thing. That they don't attention to life itself. Now there are good parts about the computer you can find things you need and you can check travel sites etc... so you can not say that the computer is all that bad it helps a lot of people. So you should really be consider judging the skills of the computer they really do help in life. And they do help people that have physical needs.
You say that computers are bad and does not help anyone in this physical life, but some people go on the computer to find yoga poses and dies tips and how does that not help them physical and mental. Computers they @MONTH1 get kid in a lot of trouble they chat on (@CAPS1, Facebook Twitter, etc...) but they also don't know who's behind the computers they spend so much time on that @CAPS1 thing. That they don't attention to life itself. Now there are good parts about the computer you can find things you need, and you can check travel sites etc... so you can not say that the computer is all that bad it helps a lot of people. So you should really be considered judging the skills of the computer they really do help in life. And they do help people that have physical needs.
Computers are something everyone uses but there is a time when you get off and start expericing life. Computers do teach hand-eye cordination, let you talk to friends and family, and give you the chance to learn about faraway places and people. But it alos causes people to spend more time of the computer and less time exrcising enjoying nature, and interacting with friends and family. Excercise is a big thing in peoples life. It people, in shape and healthy @PERCENT1 of obeseity is caused by of the computers. Staying on all day sitting down rating. I think these should be a limit on a computer so people spend less time on the computer and more exercising. Most people dont know what it does to them but time they get unhealthier and weaker. They dont know that sitting down for hars and hars eating a bag a chips does time. Once they start doing it, it because a habit and eating and just go on the computer for hars and hars. Not only does it decrease the time peole spend exercising it also decreases the time people spend enjoying and the Computers are addicting you go on for five minutes and you forget all what you do before you know it you have @CAPS1 hours. When people go on the computers they forget all about things they do. Shopping going with you friends and family. Enjoying nature things and you that . It takes away your time that you can be going to the , going to stores restaurant the things you.
Computers are something everyone uses, but there is a time when you get off and start experiencing life. Computers do teach hand-eye coordination, let you talk to friends and family, and give you the chance to learn about faraway places and people. But it also causes people to spend more time of the computer and less time exercising enjoying nature, and interacting with friends and family. Exercise is a big thing in peoples life. It people, in shape and healthy @PERCENT1 of obesity is caused by of the computers. Staying on all day sitting down rating. I think these should be a limit on a computer, so people spend less time on the computer and more exercising. Most people don't know what it does to them but time they get unhealthier and weaker. They don't know that sitting down for heirs and heirs eating a bag a chips does time. Once they start doing it, it because a habit and eating and just go on the computer for heirs and heirs. Not only does it decrease the time people spend exercising it also decreases the time people spend enjoying, and the Computers are addicting you go on for five minutes, and you forget all what you do before you know it you have @CAPS1 hours. When people go on the computers they forget all about things they do. Shopping going with you friends and family. Enjoying nature things and you that. It takes away your time that you can be going to the going to stores restaurant the things you.
Dear, Newspaper I believe that the use of computer is so horrorable thing for the people of the world. I think this because they don't exercise enjoy the great outdoors and have good time with family and friends. When you are on the computer you are not exercising you body. This is a problem because @CAPS2 this "no exercising" thing does stop the life span could be greatly shorten. @CAPS1 @CAPS2 this doesn't stop more and more children will grow larger and not healthy. So the children care more about the internet the being healthy. @CAPS3 expert @PERSON1 said "@PERCENT1 of children in school today are over @NUM1 pounds in grades @NUM2, when it should be only a average of @NUM3 pounds or less in grades @NUM2." @CAPS1 @CAPS2 the computer craze does not stop kids will continue not to go out side and get to have some fun. Smart parensts are wanting their children to have fun in the back yard. @CAPS2 children are inside and not out side they with not get vitimans from the sun. The experts at @ORGANIZATION1 said "@CAPS2 the children do not stop going on computers then they with never see the true beauty of the outdoors." @CAPS3 you can see nature is some thing children need. Interacting with friends and family is important for everyone. Because @CAPS2 one family member is having a health problem and has to go to the hospital no one is there to be with them because they never talk to each other. One year I found out the my great grandmother died of cancer. I had no idea that she had cancer. And I wish I was at the hospital with her. But wasn't because me and her never talked. Don't let that kind of thing happen to you talk and have fun with you friends and family. So @CAPS3 you can see that the use of computers is horrorable because you life can end sooner, your children get fat, and you drift apart from you friends and family. So don't let this happen to anyone else. Tell everyone.
Dear, Newspaper I believe that the use of computer is so thing for the people of the world. I think this because they don't exercise enjoy the great outdoors and have good time with family and friends. When you are on the computer you are not exercising you body. This is a problem because @CAPS2 this "no exercising" thing does stop the life span could be greatly shorten. @CAPS1 @CAPS2 this doesn't stop more and more children will grow larger and not healthy. So the children care more about the internet the being healthy. @CAPS3 expert @PERSON1 said "@PERCENT1 of children in school today are over @NUM1 pounds in grades @NUM2, when it should be only an average of @NUM3 pounds or less in grades @NUM2." @CAPS1 @CAPS2 the computer craze does not stop kids will continue not to go outside and get to have some fun. Smart parents are wanting their children to have fun in the backyard. @CAPS2 children are inside and not outside they with not get vitamins from the sun. The experts at @ORGANIZATION1 said "@CAPS2 the children do not stop going on computers then they with never see the true beauty of the outdoors." @CAPS3 you can see nature is something children need. Interacting with friends and family is important for everyone. Because @CAPS2 one family member is having a health problem and has to go to the hospital no one is there to be with them because they never talk to each other. One year I found out the great-grandmother died of cancer. I had no idea that she had cancer. And I wish I was at the hospital with her. But wasn't because me and her never talked. Don't let that kind of thing happen to you talk and have fun with you friends and family. So @CAPS3 you can see that the use of computers is because your life can end sooner, your children get fat, and you drift apart from you friends and family. So don't let this happen to anyone else. Tell everyone.
What if you're family all and to talk to them percent of people commucate online, and thats not a bad thing. Heres the thing, are you for or against kids/parents online for too long. I am all for this. Reasons being are lots of kids have friends that they talk to online, secondly kids have homework/projects that they might have to look up online, and my last reason for this is, some family might have @CAPS1 ect, so they can communicate online. My first reason for this is, a lot of kids have friends online that can't text or even talk on the phone, so this is another easier way to talk to them. Did you know that most kids communicate online now. "I think the internet is a great things, I mean I would rather have my kids online than outside roaring the and getting into troupe." @CAPS2 @ORGANIZATION1. @NUM1 of @NUM2 kids are online communicating with others. Without a doubt, kids bring home projects and homework everyday right? Wouldn't you rather your kid looking up information online, then have them guessing and getting it wrong? I know that alot of children don't have computers, internet or essy, or maybe their got allowed online. That's why they. I remember the times when I had a project due at school, and I guessed on. that didn't do my grade any good. So then I decided the next time I have a project to do it on the internet. And it worked, I got a much better grade then I did on the one I guessed on. Lastly, mostly everybody has on the internet and would live to and with them while. So even stay online too often your not on it for a bad reason, your on to talk to your family." @CAPS3 I got internet in my house, I barly ever got to talk to my family. But just then, my son me to get one, and I have the chance to talk to my family everyday. @CAPS2 a recent of a computer. Some people do say on the computer for too long at times, and don't get out on exercise the amount a humane should. or they don't get out of the house as much as they used to @CAPS3 they got the internet. Yes but, it's a good cause, it's not like because forever. Also it's being used for good. Not for anything bad. I think the internet is a great thing, and it puts a effect on many people. Reasons are, kids have friends online to talk too, "lots of that needs internet, and last of people have family online to talk to so it's now or get out there and your best pick. The issue grapple with is if you for or against internet acess! So get out there, and change now.
What if your family all and to talk to them percent of people communicate online, and that's not a bad thing. Here's the thing, are you for or against kids/parents online for too long. I am all for this. Reasons being are lots of kids have friends that they talk to online, secondly kids have homework/projects that they might have to look up online, and my last reason for this is, some family might have @CAPS1 etc, so they can communicate online. My first reason for this is, a lot of kids have friends online that can't text or even talk on the phone, so this is another easier way to talk to them. Did you know that most kids communicate online now? "I think the internet is a great thing, I mean I would rather have my kids online than outside roaring and getting into troupe." @CAPS2 @ORGANIZATION1. @NUM1 of @NUM2 kids are online communicating with others. Without a doubt, kids bring home projects and homework everyday right? Wouldn't you rather your kid looking up information online, then have them guessing and getting it wrong? I know that a lot of children don't have computers, internet or easy, or maybe their got allowed online. That's why they. I remember the times when I had a project due at school, and I guessed on. That didn't do my grade any good. So then I decided the next time I have a project to do it on the internet. And it worked, I got a much better grade then I did on the one I guessed on. Lastly, almost everybody has on the internet and would live to and with them while. So even stay online too often your not on it for a bad reason, you're on to talk to your family." @CAPS3 I got internet in my house, I early ever got to talk to my family. But just then, my son me to get one, and I have the chance to talk to my family every day. @CAPS2 a of a computer. Some people do say on the computer for too long at times, and don't get out on exercise the amount a humane should. Or they don't get out of the house as much as they used to @CAPS3 they got the internet. Yes but, it's a good cause, it's not like because forever. Also, it's being used for good. Not for anything bad. I think the internet is a great thing, and it puts an effect on many people. Reasons are, kids have friends online to talk too, "lots of that needs internet, and last of people have family online to talk to, so it's now or get out there and your best pick. The issue grapple with is if you for or against internet access! So get out there, and change now.
Are computers benefiting society? I believe that computers are actually not benifiting society. In this article I will explain how you will recieve less time exersising, less time with your family and friends, and less time enjoying nature just by being on you computers to much. If you are one of those people that love to be on the computer as much as you can? Well, think of it this way. You spend so much time on the computer that you recieve little or no exercise! Everyone needs to recieve a little bit of exercise in order to fit and healthy. Our country's obesity level has gone up since our high-tech computers have come out. I believe that this is one main reasons of obesity. This is a major concern in our high-tech, computer society today. Besides you recieving less exercise, you will also recieve less time with your family and friends. I understand with your family could talk to them on facebook but you need interaction by talking face to face. This is one of our basic needs as an individual. Your family is going to be by your side no matter what. But you need to build a strong relationship with your family in order for them to be there for you. This is only going to happen if you interact face to face with them. The same thing goes for friends. This is another nacessity for basic needs!!!! Everyone should have some relationship. Lastly, everyone needs to enjoy nature! It is a beautiful sight that everyone needs to expirence. Being trapped inside the house to be on your computer is a terrible thing to do. The beauties of nature are amanding everybody but @NUM1 of people don't take the opportunity to enjoy it. Being outside and enjoying yourself is a big thing for your body to survive. You need to sook up the powerful rays of the sun and have a life changing look around nature. But @CAPS1 of this will happen if you stay on your computer @NUM2. In conclusion, computers are not benifiting society. People recieve little or no exercise, interaction with friends of family, and a chance to enjoy nature. Everyone nedds to have these needs instead of fucusing all on the computer.
Are computers benefiting society? I believe that computers are actually not benefiting society. In this article I will explain how you will receive less time exercising, less time with your family and friends, and less time enjoying nature just by being on your computers too much. If you are one of those people that love to be on the computer as much as you can? Well, think of it this way. You spend so much time on the computer that you receive little or no exercise! Everyone needs to receive a little bit of exercise in order to fit and healthy. Our country's obesity level has gone up since our high-tech computers have come out. I believe that this is one main reasons of obesity. This is a major concern in our high-tech, computer society today. Besides you receiving less exercise, you will also receive less time with your family and friends. I understand with your family could talk to them on Facebook, but you need interaction by talking face to face. This is one of our basic needs as an individual. Your family is going to be by your side no matter what. But you need to build a strong relationship with your family in order for them to be there for you. This is only going to happen if you interact face to face with them. The same thing goes for friends. This is another necessity for basic needs!!!! Everyone should have some relationship. Lastly, everyone needs to enjoy nature! It is a beautiful sight that everyone needs to experience. Being trapped inside the house to be on your computer is a terrible thing to do. The beauties of nature are amending everybody but @NUM1 of people don't take the opportunity to enjoy it. Being outside and enjoying yourself is a big thing for your body to survive. You need to took up the powerful rays of the sun and have a life changing look around nature. But @CAPS1 of this will happen if you stay on your computer @NUM2. In conclusion, computers are not benefiting society. People receive little or no exercise, interaction with friends of family, and a chance to enjoy nature. Everyone needs to have these needs instead of focusing all on the computer.
With the click of a mouse, you can access the internet. Computers and internet are a recent innovation. You could probably find one in a common household. They've improved and gotten popular within the last twenty years. I believe they greatly benefit society. Computers provide an easy way to learn and communicate. Think about how life would be in the @DATE1 without computers. Different, right? I don't think I could have written such a great research paper without the use of a computer. The internet has many helpful sources; such as databases, encyclopedias, and articles. You can find information on almost any topic. The computer makes this easier for us to do. You can just search key words, and you have what you're looking for. Its faster than skimming through twenty books. Once you find what you're looking for, you can paste it into a @CAPS1 @CAPS2 document and print it. It's as easy as that. Another benefit of computers is communication. I have found this important over the last few years. A family that I have been close to my whole life had moved to @LOCATION1 due to jobs. Thanks to internet, I have been able to keep in touch with them. Im sure thousands of other people have been in the same situation. Whether it's on email, @ORGANIZATION1 instant messanger, or facebook, people can communicate with others all around the world. It's more convienent than having to time your phone calls so it's a good time for both of you. If we didn't have this connection with forgein countries, everyone’s lives would be different. Computers haven't just changed personal lives. They change the medical field too. This has greatly benefitted our society. Scientists and doctors find out new discoveries and what advances have been taking place. Doctors use computers to plan and perform surgery procedures. Computers have helped advance and improve the medical research and diagnosis. This saves the lives of many people. @PERCENT1 of tests that have taken place to research a dicsease use a computer of some sort to break it down. The technology of computers has benefitted today’s society and has helped people achieve great things. It keeps people all over the world connected and helps them learn. I hope that you see how computers have molded and helped the world today.
With the click of a mouse, you can access the internet. Computers and internet are a recent innovation. You could probably find one in a common household. They've improved and gotten popular within the last twenty years. I believe they greatly benefit society. Computers provide an easy way to learn and communicate. Think about how life would be in the @DATE1 without computers. Different, right? I don't think I could have written such a great research paper without the use of a computer. The internet has many helpful sources; such as databases, encyclopedias, and articles. You can find information on almost any topic. The computer makes this easier for us to do. You can just search keywords, and you have what you're looking for. It's faster than skimming through twenty books. Once you find what you're looking for, you can paste it into a @CAPS1 @CAPS2 document and print it. It's as easy as that. Another benefit of computers is communication. I have found this important over the last few years. A family that I have been close to my whole life had moved to @LOCATION1 due to jobs. Thanks to internet, I have been able to keep in touch with them. I'm sure thousands of other people have been in the same situation. Whether it's on email, @ORGANIZATION1 instant messenger, or Facebook, people can communicate with others all around the world. It's more continent than having to time your phone calls, so it's a good time for both of you. If we didn't have this connection with Morgan countries, everyone lives would be different. Computers haven't just changed personal lives. They change the medical field too. This has greatly benefitted our society. Scientists and doctors find out new discoveries and what advances have been taking place. Doctors use computers to plan and perform surgery procedures. Computers have helped advance and improve the medical research and diagnosis. This saves the lives of many people. @PERCENT1 of tests that have taken place to research a disease use a computer of some sort to break it down. The technology of computers has benefitted today society and has helped people achieve great things. It keeps people all over the world connected and helps them learn. I hope that you see how computers have molded and helped the world today.
Dear Local Newspaper, I agree with the experts in people staying on the computer to much. The reason why is family and friends are distant, mood swings can occur and also being overweight, finally computers can do a lot of things @CAPS1 far. To be on the computer too much, your family will start to worry about you. If you were to stay on a computer for a whole day, taht causes people to think otherwise of how you are. Also if you were to stay inside on a @DATE1 and your friends come over but you say, "I don't wanna go out", there just drifting away slowly. Since I am a teen I stay up texting and talking and going outside and I hate to see on of my friend's on the computer when I wanna hang out. When I was @NUM1 or @NUM2, I used to always be on the computer for like days to weeks, until my friend's and family said don't let this get to you. I had a friend who was a good athlete and very funny and nice, but when his mom got him a computer, I didn't want to be his friend. When I was @NUM2 I use to get mad at everything if I couldn't use the computer, it was like I was a brat. Also I used to be big, (as in overweight) because I never went outside to exercise or in my own room. The reason being on why I stopped being his friend was he to get mad if I come over there to ask if he can come outside. Also when he did come outside he used to never do nothing or run because he was always @CAPS1 tired, @CAPS1 what I am trying to say is the computer can really change people in a lot of bad way's. The last thing which makes everyone change is what computer's can do now. For example, a game called @CAPS2 of @CAPS3 can get you addicted @CAPS1 fast, you barely do anything elese. Another bad thing is @CAPS4, sure you keep in touch with friends but if you stay on too long, it's basically hooked you into it. Lastly online chatting room's or games when you can create a person to look like you makes you think that's gonna be your life from now on. Also people think that computer's can do anything it really can't, everything a computer can do is like a drug it's addicting. Well I just gave you a little thing of a lot of thing's a computer can do but to refresh your memory I'll say it again. A reason why I agree is family and friends seem distant to you at times you get mood swing's and less exercising, lastly what a computer could do now. Since you know now of the danger's that can happen I suggest you rethink about computers.
Dear Local Newspaper, I agree with the experts in people staying on the computer too much. The reason why is family and friends are distant, mood swings can occur and also being overweight, finally computers can do a lot of things @CAPS1 far. To be on the computer too much, your family will start to worry about you. If you were to stay on a computer for a whole day, that causes people to think otherwise of how you are. Also, if you were to stay inside on a @DATE1 and your friends come over, but you say, "I don't want to go out", there just drifting away slowly. Since I am a teen I stay up texting and talking and going outside, and I hate to see on of my friend's on the computer when I want to hang out. When I was @NUM1 or @NUM2, I used to always be on the computer for like days to weeks, until my friend's and family said don't let this get to you. I had a friend who was a good athlete and very funny and nice, but when his mom got him a computer, I didn't want to be his friend. When I was @NUM2 I used to get mad at everything if I couldn't use the computer, it was like I was a brat. Also, I used to be big, (as in overweight) because I never went outside to exercise or in my own room. The reason being on why I stopped being his friend was he to get mad if I come over there to ask if he can come outside. Also, when he did come outside he used to never do anything or run because he was always @CAPS1 tired, @CAPS1 what I am trying to say is the computer can really change people in a lot of bad way's. The last thing which makes everyone change is what computers can do now. For example, a game called @CAPS2 of @CAPS3 can get you addicted @CAPS1 fast, you barely do anything else. Another bad thing is @CAPS4, sure you keep in touch with friends but if you stay on too long, it's basically hooked you into it. Lastly online chatting room's or games when you can create a person to look like you makes you think that's going to be your life from now on. Also people think that computers can do anything it really can't, everything a computer can do is like a drug it's addicting. Well I just gave you a little thing of a lot of things a computer can do but to refresh your memory I'll say it again. A reason why I agree is family and friends seem distant to you at times you get mood swing's and less exercising, lastly what a computer could do now. Since you know now of the danger's that can happen I suggest you rethink about computers.
Dear newspaper, I disagree with you about computers. I think that computers are helpful with projects, homework, or letters. For example you can use a computer to help you with projects, if you have a project to do and you don't feel like going to the library, you can use a compater to look up information on just about anything. And you don't have to draw pictures, that's what printers are for. Also when you have homework most kids or teenagers, even adults don't like doing homework, thats what a computer do for you can just look up the anser online and then your done in no time. Let's say you have to write a essay I know nobody likes to write essay's by hand you can type @CAPS1 and design @CAPS1 with your own designs and make @CAPS1 look nicer than you writing @CAPS1. Further more I know nobody likes to keep up with and if you lose @CAPS1 then you have to start over and that takes forever to do especially if @CAPS1's due the next day, you get bored and you don't feel like writing @CAPS1 over and you get mad because you already did @CAPS1. And when you had @CAPS1 in you mysteriously find you other paper that you finished and lost and @CAPS1 makes you so angry. And then you have to worry about if someone store @CAPS1 and copied @CAPS1 and put their name on the copied one but changed some of your ideas around so that they wouldn't lose major points and grade drops from a @CAPS2 to a @CAPS3 in no time flat. Lastly you can use a computer write finds of letters. You can write a that and people's report card's if your a teacher, and you can also write a letter to friend that mights have moved away. Therefore the types of letters you should be writing are love letters to yor wife or girlfriend at work or in school and @CAPS1 fast too instead of writing @CAPS1 and then you hards start to the worst kind of way. So instead you can write @CAPS1 fast and they get @CAPS1 fast if they have computer but if they work at a school then they can get because every school should have a computer so they'll be able to get @CAPS1. Another kind of letter you can write is a letter to your friend that you haven't seen in years or that has moved to another country or to another state so I hope now I have convinced you about why @CAPS1 is @CAPS4 to have a computer but as you sad @CAPS1 itsn't always @CAPS4 to be on the computer @NUM1 but once in a while @CAPS1 okay especially in an emergency if someone has just died in your family and you don't know how to get there use a gas, and if you don't have a gas go online and print out the directions so that you can get their and see which family member died and if you knew that so now that you know the importance of a computer. I hope you use @CAPS1 wisey.
Dear newspaper, I disagree with you about computers. I think that computers are helpful with projects, homework, or letters. For example, you can use a computer to help you with projects, if you have a project to do, and you don't feel like going to the library, you can use a computer to look up information on just about anything. And you don't have to draw pictures, that's what printers are for. Also, when you have homework most kids or teenagers, even adults don't like doing homework, that's what a computer do for you can just look up the answer online and then you're done in no time. Let's say you have to write an essay I know nobody likes to write essay's by hand you can type @CAPS1 and design @CAPS1 with your own designs and make @CAPS1 look nicer than you writing @CAPS1. Furthermore I know nobody likes to keep up with and if you lose @CAPS1 then you have to start over and that takes forever to do especially if @CAPS1's due the next day, you get bored, and you don't feel like writing @CAPS1 over, and you get mad because you already did @CAPS1. And when you had @CAPS1 in you mysteriously find you other paper that you finished and lost and @CAPS1 makes you so angry. And then you have to worry about if someone store @CAPS1 and copied @CAPS1 and put their name on the copied one but changed some of your ideas around so that they wouldn't lose major points and grade drops from a @CAPS2 to a @CAPS3 in no time flat. Lastly you can use a computer write finds of letters. You can write a that and people's report card's if you're a teacher, and you can also write a letter to friend that might shave moved away. Therefore, the types of letters you should be writing are love letters to for wife or girlfriend at work or in school and @CAPS1 fast too instead of writing @CAPS1 and then you hard start to the worst kind of way. So instead you can write @CAPS1 fast, and they get @CAPS1 fast if they have computer but if they work at a school then they can get because every school should have a computer, so they'll be able to get @CAPS1. Another kind of letter you can write is a letter to your friend that you haven't seen in years or that has moved to another country or to another state, so I hope now I have convinced you about why @CAPS1 is @CAPS4 to have a computer but as you sad @CAPS1 its't always @CAPS4 to be on the computer @NUM1 but once in a while @CAPS1 okay especially in an emergency if someone has just died in your family, and you don't know how to get there use a gas, and if you don't have a gas go online and print out the directions so that you can get their and see which family member died and if you knew that so now that you know the importance of a computer. I hope you use @CAPS1 wise.
Dear Newspaper, Computers! Computers! Computers! Computers seem to be the talk of the year. Many people believe that computers are needed for everyday life, but I would have to disagree. In my opinion we do not need computers. The effects computers have on kids and adults are astonishing. Humans today are not spending as much time in nature and excirsising for a healthy body and a healthy planet. Also, as us kids are growing up, we have too many advantages because of computers. Thirdly, so much money is being used towards computers and not whats truely important! As you can see these three reasons alone should persuade anyone to believe that computers are harmful to all areas of life. First off, as we continue to use computers our natural environment is going to waste. The effects on nature and people are horrible. Polution is being spread all over the planet! People are becoming addicted to computers. I know it will surprise you when I tell you that the average person spends about ten hours on a computer a day! This is about half the day! This is a terrifying effect on people, because now these computers are brain washing us! Instead of going on the computer all day, we should be going outside to enjoy fresh air and the sun. Their the more, computers have us sitting inside all day and not getting any excirsive, which is a health issue we need to learn about the little things and be thankful for what we already have! Consiquently, banning computers would have a positive effect. Today, many are loosing their ability to write card forgetting about the simple things life has to offer would writing an essay with a pencil and paper be so bad? This @MONTH1 be old fashioned, but there are an enormous amount of great effects for using pen and paper. Maybe, the @ORGANIZATION2 states would become smarter and contain more knowledge. By writing everything out is proven to help remember important facts easier and for a longer amount of time, writing on paper is like writing it in you brain. Therefore, students, children and adults would benefit by having better handwriting. Since most information is typed on the computer people are forgetting how to write neatly, clearly, and resonsibly. @PERSON1 is an english teacher that has been with the @ORGANIZATION1 school since before computers, she has seen the horrible effects taking place on her students right befor her eyes. @PERSON1 told me, "@CAPS1, students are completely absorbed in computers and have no life, energy, or reativeness in them anymore! Kids have too many advantages with computers and not taking the time. Last, but most definetley not least is my third reason as to computers are effecting humans negetively. Humans are sending huge amounts of money on getting the latest computer technology. Most of people pay chedes are being used for their computers. These fancey computers are very expensive, but also very useless. In my opinion many people are just following a trend. Instead, the money can be spent on schools, and especially the wars! Do you hear the humming of the computer the clicking of the buttons? Realize that these sounds are not what you should be spending! To wrap it up, computers effect people. There are many reasons to support this, but here are three. One is that people are not spending any time in nature! Another is that people of all ages are becoming brainwashed by this electronic and not spending the time to learn things in quality. Thirdly, people are using all there money on those computers! I know some people think computers are very usefull,but I know now, after you have read this article, you know how unuseful computers really are.
Dear Newspaper, Computers! Computers! Computers! seem to be the talk of the year. Many people believe that computers are needed for everyday life, but I would have to disagree. In my opinion we do not need computers. The effects computers have on kids and adults are astonishing. Humans today are not spending as much time in nature and exercising for a healthy body and a healthy planet. Also, as us kids are growing up, we have too many advantages because of computers. Thirdly, so much money is being used towards computers and not what's truly important! As you can see these three reasons alone should persuade anyone to believe that computers are harmful to all areas of life. First off, as we continue to use computers our natural environment is going to waste. The effects on nature and people are horrible. Solution is being spread all over the planet! People are becoming addicted to computers. I know it will surprise you when I tell you that the average person spends about ten hours on a computer a day! This is about half the day! This is a terrifying effect on people, because now these computers are brainwashing us! Instead of going on the computer all day, we should be going outside to enjoy fresh air and the sun. They're the more, computers have us sitting inside all day and not getting any excursive, which is a health issue we need to learn about the little things and be thankful for what we already have! Consequently, banning computers would have a positive effect. Today, many are loosing their ability to write card forgetting about the simple things' life has to offer would write an essay with a pencil and paper be so bad? This @MONTH1 be old-fashioned, but there are an enormous amount of great effects for using pen and paper. Maybe, the @ORGANIZATION2 states would become smarter and contain more knowledge. By writing everything out is proven to help remember important facts easier and for a longer amount of time, writing on paper is like writing it in you brain. Therefore, students, children and adults would benefit by having better handwriting. Since most information is typed on the computer people are forgetting how to write neatly, clearly, and responsibly. @PERSON1 is an English teacher that has been with the @ORGANIZATION1 school since before computers, she has seen the horrible effects taking place on her students right before her eyes. @PERSON1 told me, @CAPS1, students are completely absorbed in computers and have no life, energy, or creativeness in them anymore! Kids have too many advantages with computers and not taking the time. Last, but most definitely not least is my third reason as to computers are effecting humans negatively. Humans are sending huge amounts of money on getting the latest computer technology. Most of the people pay chides are being used for their computers. These fancy computers are very expensive, but also very useless. In my opinion many people are just following a trend. Instead, the money can be spent on schools, and especially the wars! Do you hear the humming of the computer the clicking of the buttons? Realize that these sounds are not what you should be spending! To wrap it up, computers effect people. There are many reasons to support this, but here are three. One is that people are not spending any time in nature! Another is that people of all ages are becoming brainwashed by this electronic and not spending the time to learn things in quality. Thirdly, people are using all there money on those computers! I know some people think computers are very useful, but I know now, after you have read this article, you know how unuseful computers really are.
Dear newspaper editor, In my opion computers have a positive effect on people. The @CAPS1 allows people to communicat. People can learn bout things, places, even their own family. I also think that with a appropiate dosage it could help your body. If the @CAPS1 was never invented how would you talk to people from around the world. Mr. editor what if you were fourteen and had no friends. Well you could always go on,, or any other online community and make friends. Another thing that could happen is a family member or friend goes to another country for a vacaition and can't have long distance calls, you can talk to them on @CAPS2 or something like that. If your not really into using the @CAPS1 for communication you could learn. With the @CAPS1 you could learn a lot. You can even go to school online, but as I was saying you can learn about anything. One time when I had a project at school on fredrick douglas I used the @CAPS1 for help. I learned bout his family, his childhood, were he's from, and lots of other important facts. The @CAPS1 can be a good search enging but don't stay for to long your body needs you too. I think think the @CAPS1 better can your health. People always say if stay on the computer you get fat and unhealthy, but I don't think that. First being on a computer using the mouse is helping your hand-eye coordination. you can also look at diet plans, find medicine for your health, or find new ways to exercise your body. So thats why I think the @CAPS1 can help your body. All of these reason is why I think the @CAPS1 has good effects on people.
Dear newspaper editor, In my option computers have a positive effect on people. The @CAPS1 allows people to communicate. People can learn bout things, places, even their own family. I also think that with an appropriate dosage it could help your body. If the @CAPS1 was never invented how would you talk to people from around the world. Mr. editor what if you were fourteen and had no friends. Well you could always go on,, or any other online community and make friends. Another thing that could happen is a family member or friend goes to another country for a vacation and can't have long distance calls, you can talk to them on @CAPS2 or something like that. If your not really into using the @CAPS1 for communication you could learn. With the @CAPS1 you could learn a lot. You can even go to school online, but as I was saying you can learn about anything. One time when I had a project at school on Fredrick Douglas I used the @CAPS1 for help. I learned bout his family, his childhood, where he's from, and lots of other important facts. The @CAPS1 can be a good search engine but don't stay for to long your body needs you too. I think the @CAPS1 better can your health. People always say if stay on the computer you get fat and unhealthy, but I don't think that. First being on a computer using the mouse is helping your hand-eye coordination. You can also look at diet plans, find medicine for your health, or find new ways to exercise your body. So that's why I think the @CAPS1 can help your body. All of these reason is why I think the @CAPS1 has good effects on people.
More and more people use computers in fact about @PERCENT1 of @CAPS1.T has computers, everyone uses them. I think they are very good to have because you can use them for emailing, jobs, and schoolwork. This is why I think having a computer is a good things what do you think? As I was say computers are good for emailing, even I.ming. lets say you play baseball and you forgot what time your game is. You can just push that power button and tree to your coach asking what time you need to be at the feild. Also theres I.Ming, its wen you can talk to your friends online its a great way to comunicate and meet new people. Emailing is great, its so hi-tect you can email one of your family members who live thousand miles away from you. I once did that my aunt's lisa was in florida and i asked her to send me pictures of the water and the beaches and she did, they were eye catching. Next reason why computers are good to have is for jobs. In todays world everything is ran by computers for example each registers. A.T.M. and car are ran off of computers. So having it for a job is great. Lets your tells you to fax over a copy can do it the computer within a minute i know my dads job requires of he keeps it all to his witch on his desktop on his laptop. This is why most jobs have computers. Do you are one? Lastly, school was computers . For example my teacher on his computer atendence, homework and . If he didn't have that, he would be lost. Its also good for the kids too. Every week in social studies we have to look up the presidents and i use my laptop for that. Did you know is a program were you can look at your grades and missing assignments? It's call power school. Computers are great for school. I think every one should have one. So what do you think about them? Are they amazing or what? I think are very helpful because you can use them for emailing, working, and school work. If it wasn't for computers we would really know as much as we do now. About @PERCENT1 of @CAPS1.T have them. Computers are gonna help you through life alot, welcome to the real world.
More and more people use computers in fact about @PERCENT1 of @CAPS1. T has computers, everyone uses them. I think they are very good to have because you can use them for emailing, jobs, and schoolwork. This is why I think having a computer is a good thing what do you think? As I was say computers are good for emailing, even I.Ming. let's say you play baseball, and you forgot what time your game is. You can just push that power button and tree to your coach asking what time you need to be at the field. Also, there's I. Ming, its when you can talk to your friends online it's a great way to communicate and meet new people. Emailing is great, It's so direct you can email one of your family members who live thousand miles away from you. I once did that my aunt's Lisa was in Florida and I asked her to send me pictures of the water and the beaches, and she did, they were eye catching. Next reason why computers are good to have is for jobs. In today's world everything is run by computers for example each registers. A.T.M. and car are run off of computers. So having it for a job is great. Lets your tells you to fax over a copy can do it the computer within a minute I know my dads job requires of he keeps it all to his witch on his desktop on his laptop. This is why most jobs have computers. Are you one? Lastly, school was computers. For example my teacher on his computer attendance, homework and. If he didn't have that, he would be lost. It's also good for the kids too. Every week in social studies we have to look up the presidents and I use my laptop for that. Did you know is a program were you can look at your grades and missing assignments? It's call power school. Computers are great for school. I think every one should have one. So what do you think about them? Are they amazing or what? I think are very helpful because you can use them for emailing, working, and school work. If it wasn't for computers we would really know as much as we do now. About @PERCENT1 of @CAPS1. T have them. Computers are going to help you through life a lot, welcome to the real world.
Dear the newspaper, Computers are great resources and are helpful in many ways. @CAPS1 we have the technology, why not use it? Computers give us simple yet very useful programs like @ORGANIZATION1 word or photoshop, outstanding abilities to look up any information you want, and keep in touch with far away relatives useing facebook or video chats like skype. Wouldn't it @CAPS1 you were just about to finish an essay for school when you mispelled a word and had to start all over?! Well this is what happened frequently when computers weren't around and you had to use a typewritter. Unlike typewriter, computers have programs such as michrosoft word, where @CAPS1 you make a simple mistake, all you have to do is press backspace. With programs like this, essays and flyers are extremly easy to make. There are also a lot of other programs like powerpoint, photoshop, or video-editing. These are real time. You can just put your camera chip into your computer and "walaa" instant editting. Programs that you can download make life a whole lot simpler and saves you a lot of time. Along with the programs to write a paper, you can use the internet and google to get the information! All you have to do is type in a shourt phrase and instantly get thousands of sites, all packed with information. And instead of spending ten minutes in a dictionary. com and find it in a split second. I took a tally and @NUM1 out of every @NUM2 kids use the internet at least once a day! Lets say you had a party coming up, but had nothing creative to cook for food. Just type in creative foods for a party" and you will easily have hundreds of newe recipies to choose from. The internet is an extraordinary invention that is very simple and helpful to use. Antoher fantastic thing to use on a computer is social connections such as myspace, facebooks, or skype. This is a great way to catch up with old friends from highschool or college, or plan a big event while being relaxed at home. @CAPS1 you had soccer practice at night so you couldn't hang out with friends, but still had time to do a quick chat, this is perfect. Skype and other video chats are amazing. They are very convienent when you need to speak with someone all the way in @LOCATION1 for busieness and don't want to travel. All you have to to is open a link a "bamm" they're right there! These are great for buisnesses and long distance ralationships. I have an uncle and aunt who live in and we use skype to keep in touch. It a fantastic way to communicate acros the globe. Computers @MONTH1 make as "look"lazy, but give us a lot. Saved time from their convenence to run around and get exersize. Computers have amazing programs that help us in all ways, internet for quick information, and social connections to keep in touch with family, friends and buisnesses. Computers are one of the most convenent things we have and I strongly suggest you would agree with me.
Dear the newspaper, Computers are great resources and are helpful in many ways. @CAPS1 we have the technology, why not use it? Computers give us simple yet very useful programs like @ORGANIZATION1 word or photoshop, outstanding abilities to look up any information you want, and keep in touch with far away relatives using Facebook or video chats like skype. Wouldn't it @CAPS1 you were just about to finish an essay for school when you misspelled a word and had to start all over?! Well this is what happened frequently when computers weren't around, and you had to use a typewriter. Unlike typewriter, computers have programs such as Microsoft word, where @CAPS1 you make a simple mistake, all you have to do is press backspace. With programs like this, essays and flyers are extremely easy to make. There are also a lot of other programs like PowerPoint, photoshop, or video-editing. These are real time. You can just put your camera chip into your computer and "walk" instant editing. Programs that you can download make life a lot simpler and saves you a lot of time. Along with the programs to write a paper, you can use the internet and google to get the information! All you have to do is type in a short phrase and instantly get thousands of sites, all packed with information. And instead of spending ten minutes in a dictionary. Com and find it in a split second. I took a tally and @NUM1 out of every @NUM2 kids use the internet at least once a day! Let's say you had a party coming up, but had nothing creative to cook for food. Just type in creative foods for a party" and you will easily have hundreds of new recipes to choose from. The internet is an extraordinary invention that is very simple and helpful to use. Another fantastic thing to use on a computer is social connections such as MySpace, Facebook, or skype. This is a great way to catch up with old friends from high school or college, or plan a big event while being relaxed at home. @CAPS1 you had soccer practice at night, so you couldn't hang out with friends, but still had time to do a quick chat, this is perfect. Skype and other video chats are amazing. They are very continent when you need to speak with someone all the way in @LOCATION1 for business and don't want to travel. All you have to is open a link a "Baum" they're right there! These are great for businesses and long distance relationships. I have an uncle and aunt who live in, and we use Skype to keep in touch. It is a fantastic way to communicate across the globe. Computers @MONTH1 makes as "look"lazy, but give us a lot. Saved time from their convenience to run around and get exercise. Computers have amazing programs that help us in all ways, internet for quick information, and social connections to keep in touch with family, friends and businesses. Computers are one of the most convenient things we have, and I strongly suggest you would agree with me.
Dear @LOCATION1, I believe that going on the computer has a positive effect on people. It is also true that some people are not getting enough exercise. To prevent not getting enough exercise we should play sports or have family activities to atleast get out of our house. Everybody needs to stop being lazy and get active. I think that an excerise day should be mode and turned into a tradition. It could be twice a year or more a month or whatever is picked as long as there is one day @LOCATION2 or even more than @LOCATION2 can exercise on.
Dear @LOCATION1, I believe that going on the computer has a positive effect on people. It is also true that some people are not getting enough exercise. To prevent not getting enough exercise we should play sports or have family activities to at least get out of our house. Everybody needs to stop being lazy and get active. I think that an day should be mode and turned into a tradition. It could be twice a year or more a month or whatever is picked as long as there is one day @LOCATION2 or even more than @LOCATION2 can exercise on.
I use computer all the time and im healthy. Just because you use a computer more than getting exercise dosn’t mean your not healthy. I think computers help a lot in life. Now I will talk about some of the things that computers help out with in life. Computers help out with finding out what the weather is and everything you need to no. It will even help you, if you have a job and don't no what time to goin for waste. Computers are also fun. You go to different and play any games. You can also talk to people on them. Or get email with is like getting real mail but from an computer. But there @MONTH1 be some issues, People are useing then to much. They need to get more exirses. So thats what I think of computers hopfuly people will get more exirse now.
I use computer all the time and I'm healthy. Just because you use a computer more than getting exercise dost mean your not healthy. I think computers help a lot in life. Now I will talk about some of the things that computers help out with in life. Computers help out with finding out what the weather is and everything you need to no. It will even help you, if you have a job and don't know what time to going for waste. Computers are also fun. You go to different and play any games. You can also talk to people on them. Or get email with is like getting real mail but from a computer. But there @MONTH1 is some issues, People are using then too much. They need to get more exists. So that's what I think of computers hopeful people will get more exist now.
Dear, @CAPS1 @CAPS2 people in the world use coumputers, we all know what computers are used for like surching the internet, games, work and school. Some people think that computers are good to use to help teach hand eye coordination, learn about other places in the world and talk with other people online. I am in @NUM1 grade at mystic middle school. I think that computers are not as good as some people think. Have you ever heard of computer camps. This is where some kids go because they are addicted to the computer. At this camp the kids are pulled away from the computer and pritty much forced to join gropes that do activitys like fishing or working together to solve a mystery. This camp is pritty much known as reliable for kids that are addicted to the computer. Another reason that computers are bad is because of the internet. The internet is a very dangerous. Place because you can chat to people that you dont even know. You never know the people could be messed on in the head. And try to find @CAPS4 where you like and come. you so you always have to be carful who you talk to other wise you could get. Nothing eve really goes right with computers, there alway getting slower and slower every time you use it. About every two years a kid or parent could go throw a computer. Also your computer doesn't have the right @CAPS3 it could get a vins and cost a person a few hundred dollars to get it fixed. Any thing could happen at any time with your computer, @CAPS4 of no where it could just die and not work and @CAPS2 of your data will be gone forever. Now that I have explaines my part of computers people will think different. Would you want to end up like one of those people, that are in a camp because they are on the computer to much. Or you never know you could forever and never be found. I alread know @CAPS5 much it is for coomputers to get fixed, but you might have to find @CAPS4 the hard way. That is why I think that computers just cause more truble for peolple.
Dear, @CAPS1 @CAPS2 people in the world use computers, we all know what computers are used for like lurching the internet, games, work and school. Some people think that computers are good to use to help teach hand eye coordination, learn about other places in the world and talk with other people online. I am in @NUM1 grade at mystic middle school. I think that computers are not as good as some people think. Have you ever heard of computer camps? This is where some kids go because they are addicted to the computer. At this camp the kids are pulled away from the computer and pretty much forced to join gropes that do activities like fishing or working together to solve a mystery. This camp is pretty much known as reliable for kids that are addicted to the computer. Another reason that computers are bad is because of the internet. The internet is a very dangerous. Place because you can chat to people that you don't even know. You never know the people could be messed on in the head. And try to find @CAPS4 where you like and come. You so you always have to be careful who you talk to otherwise you could get. Nothing eve really goes right with computers, there away getting slower and slower every time you use it. About every two years a kid or parent could go throw a computer. Also, your computer doesn't have the right @CAPS3 it could get a wins and cost a person a few hundred dollars to get it fixed. Anything could happen at any time with your computer, @CAPS4 of no where it could just die and not work and @CAPS2 of your data will be gone forever. Now that I have explained my part of computers people will think different. Would you want to end up like one of those people, that are in a camp because they are on the computer too much? Or you never know you could forever and never be found. I already know @CAPS5 much it is for computers to get fixed, but you might have to find @CAPS4 the hard way. That is why I think that computers just cause more trouble for people.
Do you honestly believe that Computers don't benefit society? Well, they do. Computers help re-connect with people. A fabolous search engine and watch videos. Computers are growing into the human lifesyle. Computers help you re-connect with people. My mom uses facebook and she found friends she hasn't seen since the early @NUM1's! It's a great tool to talk to your friends in your daily life. Also, you can video chat ur webcam to actually see them. Therefore computers benifit Society. computers also have the best search engines. Doing research for a paper on @LOCATION1? Google and @LOCATION2 is all you need. Basicly giving you all the material for an A. If your paper hasn't come yet, the internet has the times and more! The only place to get millions of songs free for oyur ipod or phone is on the computer. one of the greatest electronics invented. The amazing computers also allows you to watch videos on the interet. You wont to have a real good laugh? well youtube is where you should go To learn abat history, todays lifestyle and more. If you want you yuorself can uplood videos too! A great site, great computers, benifits society. After my essay I can honestly say computers benifit society. Computers help re-connect with people, has a fabulous search engine and watch videos. Computers are growing daily. Helping the user get the most satisfaction. They do help.
Do you honestly believe that Computers don't benefit society? Well, they do. Computers help re-connect with people. A fabulous search engine and watch videos. Computers are growing into the human lifestyle. Computers help you re-connect with people. My mom uses Facebook, and she found friends she hasn't seen since the early @NUM1's! It's a great tool to talk to your friends in your daily life. Also, you can video chat your webcam to actually see them. Therefore, computers benefit Society. Computers also have the best search engines. Doing research for a paper on @LOCATION1? Google and @LOCATION2 is all you need. Basically giving you all the material for an A. If your paper hasn't come yet, the internet has the times and more! The only place to get millions of songs free for your iPod or phone is on the computer. One of the greatest electronics invented. The amazing computers also allow you to watch videos on the interest. You want to have a real good laugh? Well YouTube is where you should go To learn bat history, today's lifestyle and more. If you want you yourself can upload videos too! A great site, great computers, benefits society. After my essay I can honestly say computers benefit society. Computers help re-connect with people, has a fabulous search engine and watch videos. Computers are growing daily. Helping the user get the most satisfaction. They do help.
Dear @CAPS1, I believe that computers take away from our lives in a negative way. New advancements in technology in general take away from our lives negatively. It can contribute to obesity, turn you into a couch potato, and can take away from your social life. It's not that computers arent useful, it's that people are using them too frequently. As a country, @LOCATION1 has more obese people each decade. A good way to lessen the obese population, is to get them out of that comouter chair. @CAPS5 all you do is sit on a chair and play flash games and watch youtube videos all day, your sure to put on a few pounds, Those few pounds do accumulate. @CAPS6 fast food companies like @ORGANIZATION1 contribute to obesity, so do computers. When someone eats a big mac burger, should they go upstairs to play a flash game, or go work out at the gym? Trust me, you arent going to burn any calories by clicking a mouse. People who often use the computer, rarely see the true beuty of nature. They are too busy shooting animated rabbits to go see real rabits. Would you rather take a walkin the park, or stare at a computer screen for @DATE1 and a half hours? The world is a beutiful place, and the more you @CAPS2 @CAPS3, the less you realize it. Being on the computer can even effect your social life. The more you socialize to people you don'@CAPS4 know on the computer, the less you know how to communicate to real people I know that I would want a real girlfriend, not a virtual one. You @MONTH1 be too into a @CAPS4.V. show that your watching on the computer, to even spend time with loved ones. Your family is much more important than a silly computer game. In conclusion, I'd like to say that (in my opinion) computers should be used a little less. Who wouldn'@CAPS4 want to be a fit, nature love, popular kid @CAPS5 people would just spend a little less time on the computer, and a little more time in reality, You could be a kid like that. (@CAPS6 I'm sure the @CAPS1 is an adult.)
Dear @CAPS1, I believe that computers take away from our lives negatively. New advancements in technology in general take away from our lives negatively. It can contribute to obesity, turn you into a couch potato, and can take away from your social life. It's not that computers aren't useful, it's that people are using them too frequently. As a country, @LOCATION1 has more obese people each decade. A good way to lessen the obese population, is to get them out of that computer chair. @CAPS5 all you do is sit on a chair and play flash games and watch YouTube videos all day, your sure to put on a few pounds, Those few pounds do accumulate. @CAPS6 fast food companies like @ORGANIZATION1 contribute to obesity, so do computers. When someone eats a big mac burger, should they go upstairs to play a flash game, or go work out at the gym? Trust me, you aren't going to burn any calories by clicking a mouse. People who often use the computer, rarely see the true beauty of nature. They are too busy shooting animated rabbits to go see real habits. Would you rather take a walking the park, or stare at a computer screen for @DATE1 and a half hours? The world is a beautiful place, and the more you @CAPS2 @CAPS3, the less you realize it. Being on the computer can even effect your social life. The more you socialize to people you don't@CAPS4 know on the computer, the less you know how to communicate to real people I know that I would want a real girlfriend, not a virtual one. You @MONTH1 be too into a @CAPS4. V. show that your watching on the computer, to even spend time with loved ones. Your family is much more important than a silly computer game. In conclusion, I'd like to say that (in my opinion) computers should be used a little less. Who wouldn't@CAPS4 want to be a fit, nature love, popular kid @CAPS5 people would just spend a little less time on the computer, and a little more time in reality, You could be a kid like that. (@CAPS6 I'm sure the @CAPS1 is an adult.)
Dear local newspaper, I think spending to much time on a computer is bad. One of my reasons are Exercising. People should be outside jogging or working out and enjoying nature. Also should be socializing with friend. Now my second reason is spending time with your fromily. Being with your family is important because their fun go out with. Also they're good to socialize with at home or any other place. Sometimes socializing with people on a computer is not good as if with people because socialicing with friends and family is easier than sitting on a chair typing a bunch of works explaining about the convosation your having. And last my finall reason is being active. People should be active because it's fun and your socialicing with people and playing sports with or . It keeps you and healthy. Also being active can healthen your lungs and heart. For example football keeps your legs strong and built. And basketball keeps you quick and always running. It's good for you because being active gives you a healthier, stronger and in shape body. So their for I think spending a lot of time on a computer is bad.
Dear local newspaper, I think spending too much time on a computer is bad. One of my reasons are Exercising. People should be outside jogging or working out and enjoying nature. Also, should be socializing with friend. Now my second reason is spending time with your family. Being with your family is important because their fun go out with. Also, they're good to socialize with at home or any other place. Sometimes socializing with people on a computer is not good as if with people because socializing with friends and family is easier than sitting on a chair typing a bunch of works explaining about the convocation your having. And last my final reason is being active. People should be active because it's fun and your socializing with people and playing sports with or. It keeps you and healthy. Also being active can heathen your lungs and heart. For example football keeps your legs strong and built. And basketball keeps you quick and always running. It's good for you because being active gives you a healthier, stronger and in shape body. So their for I think spending a lot of time on a computer is bad.
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 @MONTH1 be true that computers @MONTH1 make people exercise less, enjoy nature less, and spend time with family and friends less but computers do benefit the society in many ways. Computers help students with homework and projects and they help communicate with other people. Besides the telephone, computers do have some bad things about them, too. Students need computers to help them complete homework and class projects. They help students create good presentations and students can use the internet for research. Having computers will help raise a students grades and help them have a more successful life in the future. Parents and kids can communicate long-distance friends and/or relatives and they can talk to co-workers, bosses, teachers of their kids, and with their own children/parents, too. Having computers would create more communication with some people and help keep in touch with family members. Besides all of the good things, computers do have bad qualities, too. They can lead to children seeing inapropriate sites, and maybe even a virus that crashes your computer! Most of the programs to get rid of viruses block children and adults from seeing inapropriate sites (like gambling, pornography, etc). We need a computer that is pre-installed with the best up-to-date virus protection system, that helps protect children, teens, and adults from viruses, inapropriate sites, and cyber-bullies. Having these will make a computer almost perfect! The computers everyone needs should help students learn, keep raising communication between people and be pre-uploaded with programs to protect people from viruses, bad websites, and cyber-bullies. Computers are needed, and without them, our lives would be extremely miserable.
Dear @CAPS1, @CAPS2 @MONTH1 be true that computers @MONTH1 make people exercise less, enjoy nature less, and spend time with family and friends less but computers do benefit the society in many ways. Computers help students with homework and projects, and they help communicate with other people. Besides the telephone, computers do have some bad things about them, too. Students need computers to help them complete homework and class projects. They help students create good presentations and students can use the internet for research. Having computers will help raise a students grades and help them have a more successful life in the future. Parents and kids can communicate long-distance friends and/or relatives, and they can talk to co-workers, bosses, teachers of their kids, and with their own children/parents, too. Having computers would create more communication with some people and help keep in touch with family members. Besides all the good things, computers do have bad qualities, too. They can lead to children seeing inappropriate sites, and maybe even a virus that crashes your computer! Most of the programs to get rid of viruses block children and adults from seeing inappropriate sites (like gambling, pornography, etc.). We need a computer that is pre-installed with the best up-to-date virus protection system, that helps protect children, teens, and adults from viruses, inappropriate sites, and cyber-bullies. Having these will make a computer almost perfect! The computers everyone needs should help students learn, keep raising communication between people and be pre-uploaded with programs to protect people from viruses, bad websites, and cyber-bullies. Computers are needed, and without them, our lives would be extremely miserable.
Dear, @CAPS1 @CAPS2 I think people need to see the realatey from computer's and the real world, they're a lot of people spending to much time on the computer and not spending enough time with there familys or doing things that are really important. While your on the computer your not getting any exsercise your not getting stronger your just sitting down. Thats one of the ways people get fat because there not moveing around just sitting down. When your on the computer all day everyday your missing out on whats happening with your family you miss out on every thing that's going on. I think people need to relax on spending time on the computer and get some exsercise or call one of your cousins brothers or even your mon and find out what really up because they are the ones that really matter! But you really can't tell people how long there allowed to spend on the computer you can only give an opinon and hope they listen.
Dear, @CAPS1 @CAPS2 I think people need to see the related from computer's and the real world, they're a lot of people spending too much time on the computer and not spending enough time with there families or doing things that are really important. While you're on the computer you're not getting any exercise you're not getting stronger you're just sitting down. That's one of the ways people get fat because there not moving around just sitting down. When you're on the computer all day every day your missing out on what's happening with your family you miss out on every thing that's going on. I think people need to relax on spending time on the computer and get some exercise or call one of your cousins brothers or even your Mon and find out what really up because they are the ones that really matter! But you really can't tell people how long there allowed to spend on the computer you can only give an opinion and hope they listen.
Dear Local Newspaper, Technology is really a fascinating thing in life is it? Take a computer for example, they can check information online, give people the ability to learn about far away places and people, and even allow people to communicate. This absolutely benefits society. Well, it makes life a lot easier and faster for people. Don't you agree? Do you ever forget what your homework was or what time does something start and end? Well you can always checks information online, @CAPS3 you ever forget! So there, you can be on task and get ready early. For example, you need to know what time a movie starts at the movie theatre so you check online! Also, you can forget the steps of how to do something on your project or homework, so you check online! So whenever a student forgets, he can check online instead of coming tomorrow to school and saying, "@CAPS1 I didn't know what to do," or, "@CAPS1, I forgot how to do it." @CAPS2 you ever wanna travel to places but you knew nothing about the place? Or how much would it cost? Or have you ever wanted to learn about a famous person, for example, @PERSON1? Instead of going to the library and reading through all these books to learn something, you can just go online! There are millions and millions of websites about places and people. Therefore, it makes it much easier to learn about a certain place, person or thing. The computer can be really helpful and useful. Plus, you can plan vacation, to a place and be sure you will have enough money by checking the price online! So you won't have to worry that you wont have enough money when you got there. @CAPS2 you ever want to communicate with your friends all day long without wasting minutes? In fact, you can communicate with multiple friends on the computer. For example, chat rooms can reach up to hundreds of people. Therefore, you won't have as much trouble trying to communicate to all your friends at a time on the computer than on the phone. Also, you communicate with people around the world. This includes your family members or relatives etc. @CAPS3 they live on the other side of the @LOCATION1. Plus, @CAPS3 you have not seen them for awhile or haven't talked to them, you can webcam or video chat with each other. Keeping in contact with important people or your friends is a good thing. The effects that computers have on people are really something you should thank god for. You can check information about something @CAPS3 you ever forget. You have the ability to learn about people and places easily and you can communicate with your family and friends!
Dear Local Newspaper, Technology is really a fascinating thing in life, is it? Take a computer for example, they can check information online, give people the ability to learn about far away places and people, and even allow people to communicate. This absolutely benefits society. Well, it makes life a lot easier and faster for people. Don't you agree? Do you ever forget what your homework was or what time does something start and end? Well you can always check information online, @CAPS3 you ever forget! So there, you can be on task and get ready early. For example, you need to know what time a movie starts at the movie theater, so you check online! Also, you can forget the steps of how to do something on your project or homework, so you check online! So whenever a student forgets, he can check online instead of coming tomorrow to school and saying, "@CAPS1 I didn't know what to do," or, "@CAPS1, I forgot how to do it." @CAPS2 you ever want to travel to places, but you knew nothing about the place? Or how much would it cost? Or have you ever wanted to learn about a famous person, for example, @PERSON1? Instead of going to the library and reading through all these books to learn something, you can just go online! There are millions and millions of websites about places and people. Therefore, it makes it much easier to learn about a certain place, person or thing. The computer can be really helpful and useful. Plus, you can plan vacation, to a place and be sure you will have enough money by checking the price online! So you won't have to worry that you won't have enough money when you got there. @CAPS2 you ever want to communicate with your friends all day long without wasting minutes? In fact, you can communicate with multiple friends on the computer. For example, chat rooms can reach up to hundreds of people. Therefore, you won't have as much trouble trying to communicate to all your friends at a time on the computer than on the phone. Also, you communicate with people around the world. This includes your family members or relatives etc. @CAPS3 they live on the other side of the @LOCATION1. Plus, @CAPS3 you have not seen them for a while or haven't talked to them, you can webcam or video chat with each other. Keeping in contact with important people or your friends is a good thing. The effects that computers have on people are really something you should thank god for. You can check information about something @CAPS3 you ever forget. You have the ability to learn about people and places easily, and you can communicate with your family and friends!
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 you ever just wanna go out side and play a game of football with the ones you love? Well I know I @CAPS2. I believe that almost @PERCENT1 of kid are on the computer @NUM1 because they have nothing to @CAPS2 or it is addicting. The reson that I belive in this strongly true stament. That people are consurnet about how much time people spend on the computer and not with ther familys. One important fact about kid being on the comuter is how dangours it can be. Now a days kids don't relize how dangours being online can be for example I rember a time when my cousin said that he went to the movies to meat up with some girl he meat on myspace but all he saw was a, balet hewdet, sex ofender. That told him he was the one talking to him online. That he wanted my cousin to go over his house and play x-box and my cousin screamed hell no and leaft to my house cause the movie theater wher closer to my house. Know being safe is important. Would you rater have your children safe with you or with some stranger? Computer can also be helpful at time when needed for school or you job. Only people would think its fun to home and go on the computer for no reason. Second of an dont you want to spend time with children before they go to college or some thing? Just the littlest thing like playing a game of football will affect them to create a better with you and you chiled. Some thing you can @CAPS2 to get them to go out side with you is take the computer away for a week and have fun with your child. Play some of his/her favorite sports. So with the computer computer. without a bond with you and you chiled. So the time has come to make a let your kid be lazy on the computer and get into or go have fun with them?
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 you ever just want to go outside and play a game of football with the ones you love? Well I know I @CAPS2. I believe that almost @PERCENT1 of kid are on the computer @NUM1 because they have nothing to @CAPS2, or it is addicting. The reason that I believe in this strongly true stamens. That people are concerned about how much time people spend on the computer and not with the families. One important fact about kid being on the computer is how dang ours it can be. Nowadays kids don't realize how dang ours being online can be for example I member a time when my cousin said that he went to the movies to meat up with some girl the meat on MySpace but all he saw was a ballet hooded, sex offender. That told him he was the one talking to him online. That he wanted my cousin to go over his house and play x-box and my cousin screamed hell no and left to my house cause the movie theater her closer to my house. Know being safe is important. Would your rater have your children safe with you or with some stranger? Computer can also be helpful at time when needed for school, or you job. Only people would think its fun to home and go on the computer for no reason. Second of a don't you want to spend time with children before they go to college or something? Just the littlest thing like playing a game of football will affect them to create a better with you and you child. Something you can @CAPS2 to get them to go outside with you is taken the computer away for a week and have fun with your child. Play some of his/her favorite sports. So with the computer. Without a bond with you and you child. So the time has come to make a let your kid be lazy on the computer and get into or go have fun with them?
There has been a debate weather computers benefit society or hurt society. I personnaly agree with th statement that computers benefit in society. I think that computers do improve your hand-eye coordination. When you can type fast and accuratly you know your hand eye coordination is doing well. I remeber as a kid I would watch my grandmother type about seventy-five words per minute. Just from her year of practice, she becamr very computer coordinated. My hand-eye coordination is becoming a lot better because I have types for a long time. Scientists say that @PERCENT2 or people that type for at least four years become better hand-eye coordinated typing fast keeps your fingers quick and agile. I once read a book on computers and an expert said "the invention of the computer keyboard could possibly be the greates hand-eye coordination practice ever." @CAPS1 plus about computers is that they allow you to learn about far away places wtihout really going there. In school you can do projects on other countries without traveling just by using a computer. I once had to do a class project on @LOCATION1 and got a @PERCENT1 just by using a computer, people can look up information on countries for pleasure too. Mu mom just wanted to learn about @LOCATION2 so she just looked it up on the internet from her computer. You can research schoold too. My older sister went online to bok at collges without acctually traveling to the actual college states. Finally one more thing you can do on a computer is talk to people online. There is such a thing as @CAPS2-mail which allows you to write people over the internet on the computer. I remember when my baseball coach was going to tell me I made the team he just @CAPS2-mailed my parents because it was the most simple way to get it done. There is also such a thing as @CAPS4 (instant messaging) that allows you to imediatly talk to somebody and for them to immidiatly talk to you back. I remeber I used to go on @CAPS4 everyday to talk to friends. Also you can video chat which allows you to directly see somebody and actually talk to them physically. I read a news article on video chatting and an expert said "video chatting is the single best way to communicate with someone without being right inforn of them talking with them. These reasons are why I think computers are a big help in our society.
There has been a debate weather computers benefit society or hurt society. I personal agree with the statement that computers benefit in society. I think that computers do improve your hand-eye coordination. When you can type fast and accurately you know your hand eye coordination is doing well. I remember as a kid I would watch my grandmother type about seventy-five words per minute. Just from her year of practice, she became very computer coordinated. My hand-eye coordination is becoming a lot better because I have types for a long time. Scientists say that @PERCENT2 or people that type for at least four years become better hand-eye coordinated typing fast keeps your fingers quick and agile. I once read a book on computers and an expert said "the invention of the computer keyboard could possibly be the greats hand-eye coordination practice ever." @CAPS1 plus about computers is that they allow you to learn about far away places without really going there. In school, you can do projects on other countries without traveling just by using a computer. I once had to do a class project on @LOCATION1 and got a @PERCENT1 just by using a computer, people can look up information on countries for pleasure too. Mu mom just wanted to learn about @LOCATION2, so she just looked it up on the internet from her computer. You can research schools too. My older sister went online to BOK at colleges without actually traveling to the actual college states. Finally, one more thing you can do on a computer is talk to people online. There is such a thing as @CAPS2-mail which allows you to write people over the internet on the computer. I remember when my baseball coach was going to tell me I made the team he just @CAPS2-mailed my parents because it was the simplest way to get it done. There is also such a thing as @CAPS4 (instant messaging) that allows you to immediately talk to somebody and for them to immediately talk to you back. I remember I used to go on @CAPS4 every day to talk to friends. Also, you can video chat which allows you to directly see somebody and actually talk to them physically. I read a news article on video chatting and an expert said video chatting is the single best way to communicate with someone without being right inform of them talking with them. These reasons are why I think computers are a big help in our society.
Daer People of the Newspaper I think that computers are good in some was like to look some think up adout the other side of the world. Like if you have to do a paper on the other side of the world a computer is up to date unlike a book so computer have a good effect on school kids and work so computer are good but other then that most people send all day talking to people on theme and don't go out side and get fresh air so computer have bad effects on some people and have good effects they all need for work and stoff so I think that most people use computer to much to talk to people and for gaming. But some people don't go on it for a long time and go out side and use a computer if they have to for work so the effects of computers is that to meny people use theme forever and talk to people and site and get fat from not going out side and playing and geting fresh aire so most people over use there computer on facebook and stof like that were they code go out side and site on a swing and txt and get fresh aire.
Deer People of the Newspaper I think that computers are good in some was like to look some think up about the other side of the world. Like if you have to do a paper on the other side of the world a computer is up-to-date unlike a book, so computer have a good effect on school kids and work, so computer are good but other than that most people send all day talking to people on theme and don't go outside and get fresh air, so computer have bad effects on some people and have good effects they all need for work and staff, so I think that most people use computer too much to talk to people and for gaming. But some people don't go on it for a long time and go outside and use a computer if they have to for work, so the effects of computers is that to many people use theme forever and talk to people and site and get fat from not going outside and playing and getting fresh are so most people over use there computer on Facebook and stop like that were they code go outside and site on a swing and TXT and get fresh are.
Technology is advancing every day. One main technilogical device that is popular is the computer. More and more people are using them, however, not everyone agrees that it benifits society. I believe that it does benifit us. One reason is that you can explore things at home. Before computers you would have to go to the library, find the book you need, and then search through it until you found the information you needed. Those things alone could take hours, especially if you don't live near on library. However, with computers you could just type it in on a search engine and find what your looking for. That could save you gas money because you don't have to drive anywhere. Another reason is that you can communicate online for free. Without a computer you would either have to go see that person by driving, talking on the phone, or texting, wich are all expensive. On the computer you have e-mail, @CAPS1, @CAPS2, and many more. All of them you can communicate in different ways. If you want to look at pictures, take quizes, play games, or talk, thats @CAPS2. And finally for e-mail, you can send people letters videos, or you can just talk to other people by typing like all the others.
Technology is advancing every day. One main technological device that is popular is the computer. More and more people are using them, however, not everyone agrees that it benefits society. I believe that it does benefit us. One reason is that you can explore things at home. Before computers, you would have to go to the library, find the book you need, and then search through it until you found the information you needed. Those things alone could take hours, especially if you don't live near on library. However, with computers you could just type it in on a search engine and find what you're looking for. That could save you gas money because you don't have to drive anywhere. Another reason is that you can communicate online for free. Without a computer you would either have to go see that person by driving, talking on the phone, or texting, with are all expensive. On the computer you have e-mail, @CAPS1, @CAPS2, and many more. All of them you can communicate in different ways. If you want to look at pictures, take quizzes, play games, or talk, that's @CAPS2. And finally for e-mail, you can send people letters videos, or you can just talk to other people by typing like all the others.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 you @MONTH1 know becoming reaching not only are computers are very helpful machines. Computers supply people with online education, hand eye and creativity, and computers are one of the main To begin, computers supplied large amount of people with On the computer you can anything In fact my cousin @PERSON2, earned his degree in accounting through college @PERSON2 now has a well having job in accounting. Without the computer people would not be where they are in life right now. Not to menchion just @DATE1 I was assigned to complete a history paper on @LOCATION2. All I had to do was do around an hours amount of research on @LOCATION2's coulture and history. I recieved on a on my paper. Computer are very helpfull in helping people Which brings me to my next point, computers teach The computer has @CAPS3 different and The computer integration @PERSON1 is a stafisticated, not only be creative in your way but gives you @CAPS3 hand eye @CAPS3 people are for the creativity and they from using a computer. @DATE1 Computers have and @CAPS4 have shown, @PERCENT1 of people say the number are way to communicate without contact with @CAPS5 the the computer is not such @CAPS2, supplying with boosts creativity and hand eye coordination and is also a main way of comunication. So @LOCATION1 @CAPS6 editors, writers, and readers. Computers are helpful machines, more the mist are missing out on using a computer.
Dear @CAPS1 @CAPS2 you @MONTH1 know becoming reaching not only are computers are very helpful machines. Computers supply people with online education, hand eye and creativity, and computers are one of the main To begin, computers supplied large amount of people with On the computer you can In fact my cousin @PERSON2, earned his degree in accounting through college @PERSON2 now has a well having job in accounting. Without the computer people would not be where they are in life right now. Not to mention just @DATE1 I was assigned to complete a history paper on @LOCATION2. All I had to do was do around an hours amount of research on @LOCATION2's culture and history. I received on an on my paper. Computer are very helpful in helping people Which brings me to my next point, computers teach The computer has @CAPS3 different and The computer integration @PERSON1 is a sophisticated, not only be creative in your way but gives you @CAPS3 hand eye @CAPS3 people are for the creativity and they from using a computer. @DATE1 Computers have and @CAPS4 have shown, @PERCENT1 of people say the number are way to communicate without contact with @CAPS5 the computer is not such @CAPS2, supplying with boosts creativity and hand eye coordination and is also a main way of communication. So @LOCATION1 @CAPS6 editors, writers, and readers. Computers are helpful machines, more the mist are missing out on using a computer.