4 values
2 classes
{ "story": "mc500.train.150", "question": 0 }
What is Sam's dog's name?
Today was an important day for Sam: he was going to go to the pet store and pick out a pet to take home and live with him! Sam was worried that he would not find a pet that would like him better than the other pets, but he knew he would find the pet for him. The pet store had a big, white door and Sam opened it up and heard lots of barking! He saw a nice man standing next to the dogs who said that his name was Chris. Sam said hello and petted the dogs. He really liked one of the dogs named Rocky, but Rocky did not like him. Chris said that Rocky was mean and did not like some people even when the people were very nice. Sam was a little sad, but he saw the next cage! There was a small, yellow dog in the cage named Button. Sam put his finger through the bars in Button's cage and Button licked his fingers. Sam laughed, and asked Chris to let him play with Buttons. Sam and Buttons played together in the grass outside of the store, and Sam was so happy. Buttons loved Sam, and Sam loved Buttons! Sam had some papers that he had to sign, and he showed Chris all of the toys and items he had bought to bring home with his new pet: Chris was so happy, too! Sam put his new friend on a leash and took Buttons home with him, and they loved each other very much.
{ "author": "1680618432", "work_time": 568, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "elbow", "wish", "girl", "mean", "pillow", "dream", "cousin", "mouth", "sing", "rule", "belly", "uncle", "worm", "poop", "pin" ] }
{ "A": "Buttons", "B": "Rocky", "C": "Sam", "D": "Chris" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.150", "question": 1 }
What color is Sam's dog?
Today was an important day for Sam: he was going to go to the pet store and pick out a pet to take home and live with him! Sam was worried that he would not find a pet that would like him better than the other pets, but he knew he would find the pet for him. The pet store had a big, white door and Sam opened it up and heard lots of barking! He saw a nice man standing next to the dogs who said that his name was Chris. Sam said hello and petted the dogs. He really liked one of the dogs named Rocky, but Rocky did not like him. Chris said that Rocky was mean and did not like some people even when the people were very nice. Sam was a little sad, but he saw the next cage! There was a small, yellow dog in the cage named Button. Sam put his finger through the bars in Button's cage and Button licked his fingers. Sam laughed, and asked Chris to let him play with Buttons. Sam and Buttons played together in the grass outside of the store, and Sam was so happy. Buttons loved Sam, and Sam loved Buttons! Sam had some papers that he had to sign, and he showed Chris all of the toys and items he had bought to bring home with his new pet: Chris was so happy, too! Sam put his new friend on a leash and took Buttons home with him, and they loved each other very much.
{ "author": "1680618432", "work_time": 568, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "elbow", "wish", "girl", "mean", "pillow", "dream", "cousin", "mouth", "sing", "rule", "belly", "uncle", "worm", "poop", "pin" ] }
{ "A": "Red", "B": "Yellow", "C": "Brown", "D": "White" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.150", "question": 2 }
Why does Rocky not like Sam?
Today was an important day for Sam: he was going to go to the pet store and pick out a pet to take home and live with him! Sam was worried that he would not find a pet that would like him better than the other pets, but he knew he would find the pet for him. The pet store had a big, white door and Sam opened it up and heard lots of barking! He saw a nice man standing next to the dogs who said that his name was Chris. Sam said hello and petted the dogs. He really liked one of the dogs named Rocky, but Rocky did not like him. Chris said that Rocky was mean and did not like some people even when the people were very nice. Sam was a little sad, but he saw the next cage! There was a small, yellow dog in the cage named Button. Sam put his finger through the bars in Button's cage and Button licked his fingers. Sam laughed, and asked Chris to let him play with Buttons. Sam and Buttons played together in the grass outside of the store, and Sam was so happy. Buttons loved Sam, and Sam loved Buttons! Sam had some papers that he had to sign, and he showed Chris all of the toys and items he had bought to bring home with his new pet: Chris was so happy, too! Sam put his new friend on a leash and took Buttons home with him, and they loved each other very much.
{ "author": "1680618432", "work_time": 568, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "elbow", "wish", "girl", "mean", "pillow", "dream", "cousin", "mouth", "sing", "rule", "belly", "uncle", "worm", "poop", "pin" ] }
{ "A": "He is mean", "B": "He is sad", "C": "He is happy", "D": "He is scared" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.150", "question": 3 }
How does Sam feel about where he is going?
Today was an important day for Sam: he was going to go to the pet store and pick out a pet to take home and live with him! Sam was worried that he would not find a pet that would like him better than the other pets, but he knew he would find the pet for him. The pet store had a big, white door and Sam opened it up and heard lots of barking! He saw a nice man standing next to the dogs who said that his name was Chris. Sam said hello and petted the dogs. He really liked one of the dogs named Rocky, but Rocky did not like him. Chris said that Rocky was mean and did not like some people even when the people were very nice. Sam was a little sad, but he saw the next cage! There was a small, yellow dog in the cage named Button. Sam put his finger through the bars in Button's cage and Button licked his fingers. Sam laughed, and asked Chris to let him play with Buttons. Sam and Buttons played together in the grass outside of the store, and Sam was so happy. Buttons loved Sam, and Sam loved Buttons! Sam had some papers that he had to sign, and he showed Chris all of the toys and items he had bought to bring home with his new pet: Chris was so happy, too! Sam put his new friend on a leash and took Buttons home with him, and they loved each other very much.
{ "author": "1680618432", "work_time": 568, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "elbow", "wish", "girl", "mean", "pillow", "dream", "cousin", "mouth", "sing", "rule", "belly", "uncle", "worm", "poop", "pin" ] }
{ "A": "Angry", "B": "Sad", "C": "Worried", "D": "Happy" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.151", "question": 0 }
What did Jack eat for breakfast?
Jack woke up on a Saturday morning. He got out of bed and went to the bathroom, and brushed his teeth. He put on his clothes and walked to the kitchen. Jack had a few choices to pick for breakfast. He could choose between an apple, pear, cereal or eggs. He picked an apple to eat for breakfast. After his breakfast, he turned on the TV to find something to watch. He could watch sports, the news, the weather or a cooking show. He chose to watch the weather. The reporter said fall was coming but that the weather was getting warmer instead of cooler. He turned off the TV and went outside to the backyard. Jack wanted to make some hot dogs for lunch the next day. He went to the store to get hot dogs, mustard, and ketchup. After coming back home from the store, Jack made lunch. After lunch, he found that he needed to do some cleaning. He started cleaning the kitchen and moved on to the living room.
{ "author": "2778399758", "work_time": 1305, "quality_score": 80, "creativity_words": [ "apple", "fall", "warmer", "bearing", "paper", "first", "football", "granddaughter", "mustard", "yes", "sticker", "share", "sticker", "kitchen", "chirp" ] }
{ "A": "pear", "B": "eggs", "C": "cereal", "D": "apple" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.151", "question": 1 }
What did Jack watch on TV?
Jack woke up on a Saturday morning. He got out of bed and went to the bathroom, and brushed his teeth. He put on his clothes and walked to the kitchen. Jack had a few choices to pick for breakfast. He could choose between an apple, pear, cereal or eggs. He picked an apple to eat for breakfast. After his breakfast, he turned on the TV to find something to watch. He could watch sports, the news, the weather or a cooking show. He chose to watch the weather. The reporter said fall was coming but that the weather was getting warmer instead of cooler. He turned off the TV and went outside to the backyard. Jack wanted to make some hot dogs for lunch the next day. He went to the store to get hot dogs, mustard, and ketchup. After coming back home from the store, Jack made lunch. After lunch, he found that he needed to do some cleaning. He started cleaning the kitchen and moved on to the living room.
{ "author": "2778399758", "work_time": 1305, "quality_score": 80, "creativity_words": [ "apple", "fall", "warmer", "bearing", "paper", "first", "football", "granddaughter", "mustard", "yes", "sticker", "share", "sticker", "kitchen", "chirp" ] }
{ "A": "the news", "B": "the weather", "C": "cooking show", "D": "sports" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.151", "question": 2 }
When did Jack make hot dogs?
Jack woke up on a Saturday morning. He got out of bed and went to the bathroom, and brushed his teeth. He put on his clothes and walked to the kitchen. Jack had a few choices to pick for breakfast. He could choose between an apple, pear, cereal or eggs. He picked an apple to eat for breakfast. After his breakfast, he turned on the TV to find something to watch. He could watch sports, the news, the weather or a cooking show. He chose to watch the weather. The reporter said fall was coming but that the weather was getting warmer instead of cooler. He turned off the TV and went outside to the backyard. Jack wanted to make some hot dogs for lunch the next day. He went to the store to get hot dogs, mustard, and ketchup. After coming back home from the store, Jack made lunch. After lunch, he found that he needed to do some cleaning. He started cleaning the kitchen and moved on to the living room.
{ "author": "2778399758", "work_time": 1305, "quality_score": 80, "creativity_words": [ "apple", "fall", "warmer", "bearing", "paper", "first", "football", "granddaughter", "mustard", "yes", "sticker", "share", "sticker", "kitchen", "chirp" ] }
{ "A": "next week", "B": "today", "C": "Sunday", "D": "Saturday" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.151", "question": 3 }
Where did Jack start cleaning after lunch?
Jack woke up on a Saturday morning. He got out of bed and went to the bathroom, and brushed his teeth. He put on his clothes and walked to the kitchen. Jack had a few choices to pick for breakfast. He could choose between an apple, pear, cereal or eggs. He picked an apple to eat for breakfast. After his breakfast, he turned on the TV to find something to watch. He could watch sports, the news, the weather or a cooking show. He chose to watch the weather. The reporter said fall was coming but that the weather was getting warmer instead of cooler. He turned off the TV and went outside to the backyard. Jack wanted to make some hot dogs for lunch the next day. He went to the store to get hot dogs, mustard, and ketchup. After coming back home from the store, Jack made lunch. After lunch, he found that he needed to do some cleaning. He started cleaning the kitchen and moved on to the living room.
{ "author": "2778399758", "work_time": 1305, "quality_score": 80, "creativity_words": [ "apple", "fall", "warmer", "bearing", "paper", "first", "football", "granddaughter", "mustard", "yes", "sticker", "share", "sticker", "kitchen", "chirp" ] }
{ "A": "backyard", "B": "kitchen", "C": "living room", "D": "bathroom" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.152", "question": 0 }
What did Jim find in his pocket?
Jim wanted to go eat some pizza. He was a giant. He had eaten a hot dog and some carrots earlier that day, but it had been a long time. He was very hungry after a hard day of playing with his kitty. But Jim had a problem, he did know where he was. While playing with his kitten, he had left his yard and wandered into the deep woods that were near his house. It was getting dark outside, and Jim the giant was scared. He was also hungry. It had been a long time since Jim had eaten. Also, it was becoming cold, and Jim had left his jacket on the ground. There was some joy from the fact that he had his kitty. His name was Bob, and was riding around on his shoulder. Still, Jim needed to find his way out of the woods fast. It was at this time that Jim remembered that he had a flashlight in his pocket. With his flashlight, Jim could see the woods, and spot his house off in this distance. He ran home fast. Once he was home, Jim put down his kitty, and ordered a pizza. He was safe. He called his friends Steve and Adam to tell them about his big adventure, and sat down to play with his kitty Bob.
{ "author": "3166020428", "work_time": 735, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "wiggle", "whisper", "dance", "paste", "ball", "giant", "pain", "skin", "cookie", "hat", "playground", "must", "kitty", "close", "yell" ] }
{ "A": "Kitty", "B": "Flashlight", "C": "String", "D": "Wood" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.152", "question": 1 }
What was the name of the giant?
Jim wanted to go eat some pizza. He was a giant. He had eaten a hot dog and some carrots earlier that day, but it had been a long time. He was very hungry after a hard day of playing with his kitty. But Jim had a problem, he did know where he was. While playing with his kitten, he had left his yard and wandered into the deep woods that were near his house. It was getting dark outside, and Jim the giant was scared. He was also hungry. It had been a long time since Jim had eaten. Also, it was becoming cold, and Jim had left his jacket on the ground. There was some joy from the fact that he had his kitty. His name was Bob, and was riding around on his shoulder. Still, Jim needed to find his way out of the woods fast. It was at this time that Jim remembered that he had a flashlight in his pocket. With his flashlight, Jim could see the woods, and spot his house off in this distance. He ran home fast. Once he was home, Jim put down his kitty, and ordered a pizza. He was safe. He called his friends Steve and Adam to tell them about his big adventure, and sat down to play with his kitty Bob.
{ "author": "3166020428", "work_time": 735, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "wiggle", "whisper", "dance", "paste", "ball", "giant", "pain", "skin", "cookie", "hat", "playground", "must", "kitty", "close", "yell" ] }
{ "A": "Bilbo", "B": "Bob", "C": "Pizza", "D": "Jim" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.152", "question": 2 }
What was the name of Jim's kitty?
Jim wanted to go eat some pizza. He was a giant. He had eaten a hot dog and some carrots earlier that day, but it had been a long time. He was very hungry after a hard day of playing with his kitty. But Jim had a problem, he did know where he was. While playing with his kitten, he had left his yard and wandered into the deep woods that were near his house. It was getting dark outside, and Jim the giant was scared. He was also hungry. It had been a long time since Jim had eaten. Also, it was becoming cold, and Jim had left his jacket on the ground. There was some joy from the fact that he had his kitty. His name was Bob, and was riding around on his shoulder. Still, Jim needed to find his way out of the woods fast. It was at this time that Jim remembered that he had a flashlight in his pocket. With his flashlight, Jim could see the woods, and spot his house off in this distance. He ran home fast. Once he was home, Jim put down his kitty, and ordered a pizza. He was safe. He called his friends Steve and Adam to tell them about his big adventure, and sat down to play with his kitty Bob.
{ "author": "3166020428", "work_time": 735, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "wiggle", "whisper", "dance", "paste", "ball", "giant", "pain", "skin", "cookie", "hat", "playground", "must", "kitty", "close", "yell" ] }
{ "A": "Jim", "B": "Steve", "C": "Bob", "D": "Adam" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.152", "question": 3 }
What did Jim want to eat?
Jim wanted to go eat some pizza. He was a giant. He had eaten a hot dog and some carrots earlier that day, but it had been a long time. He was very hungry after a hard day of playing with his kitty. But Jim had a problem, he did know where he was. While playing with his kitten, he had left his yard and wandered into the deep woods that were near his house. It was getting dark outside, and Jim the giant was scared. He was also hungry. It had been a long time since Jim had eaten. Also, it was becoming cold, and Jim had left his jacket on the ground. There was some joy from the fact that he had his kitty. His name was Bob, and was riding around on his shoulder. Still, Jim needed to find his way out of the woods fast. It was at this time that Jim remembered that he had a flashlight in his pocket. With his flashlight, Jim could see the woods, and spot his house off in this distance. He ran home fast. Once he was home, Jim put down his kitty, and ordered a pizza. He was safe. He called his friends Steve and Adam to tell them about his big adventure, and sat down to play with his kitty Bob.
{ "author": "3166020428", "work_time": 735, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "wiggle", "whisper", "dance", "paste", "ball", "giant", "pain", "skin", "cookie", "hat", "playground", "must", "kitty", "close", "yell" ] }
{ "A": "Carrots", "B": "Pizza", "C": "Hot Dog", "D": "Hamburger" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.153", "question": 0 }
Where did the friends go after arriving at the mall?
One sunny May afternoon, a group of teenagers ditched school and went to the mall. June volunteered to drive her friends Ben, Sasha, and Bruce. The teenagers piled into the red car and drove to the mall. When they arrived, Ben and Sasha wanted to go to the sporting goods store. However, Bruce and June wanted to go watch a movie directed by Miranda July. They split up and said they would meet up at the food area later. Three hours later, the friends got back together. Ben and Sasha wanted to leave, so they went back out to the parking lot and got in the car. When June backed out of the parking spot, she scraped the car next to her. Sasha said it was okay, but Bruce said June needed to leave a note for the driver of the other car. Just then, the other driver appeared. They called the police to get an accident report. When the police arrived, they put Ben and Sasha in handcuffs because they had been stealing. They had to volunteer every week until October.
{ "author": "1789392668", "work_time": 1173, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "pillow", "flower", "yellow", "toothpaste", "ketchup", "people", "girl", "winning", "pencil", "refrigerator", "knee", "watch", "mommy", "brother", "scare" ] }
{ "A": "Ben and Sasha went to the sporting goods store, and June and Bruce went to a movie.", "B": "Bruce and June went to the sporting goods store, and Ben and Sasha went to a movie.", "C": "Ben and Bruce went to the sporting goods store, and June and Sasha went to a movie.", "D": "Bruce and Sasha went to the sporting goods store, and Ben and June went to a movie." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.153", "question": 1 }
What time of year did the story take place?
One sunny May afternoon, a group of teenagers ditched school and went to the mall. June volunteered to drive her friends Ben, Sasha, and Bruce. The teenagers piled into the red car and drove to the mall. When they arrived, Ben and Sasha wanted to go to the sporting goods store. However, Bruce and June wanted to go watch a movie directed by Miranda July. They split up and said they would meet up at the food area later. Three hours later, the friends got back together. Ben and Sasha wanted to leave, so they went back out to the parking lot and got in the car. When June backed out of the parking spot, she scraped the car next to her. Sasha said it was okay, but Bruce said June needed to leave a note for the driver of the other car. Just then, the other driver appeared. They called the police to get an accident report. When the police arrived, they put Ben and Sasha in handcuffs because they had been stealing. They had to volunteer every week until October.
{ "author": "1789392668", "work_time": 1173, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "pillow", "flower", "yellow", "toothpaste", "ketchup", "people", "girl", "winning", "pencil", "refrigerator", "knee", "watch", "mommy", "brother", "scare" ] }
{ "A": "June", "B": "October", "C": "July", "D": "May" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.153", "question": 2 }
Who went to the mall?
One sunny May afternoon, a group of teenagers ditched school and went to the mall. June volunteered to drive her friends Ben, Sasha, and Bruce. The teenagers piled into the red car and drove to the mall. When they arrived, Ben and Sasha wanted to go to the sporting goods store. However, Bruce and June wanted to go watch a movie directed by Miranda July. They split up and said they would meet up at the food area later. Three hours later, the friends got back together. Ben and Sasha wanted to leave, so they went back out to the parking lot and got in the car. When June backed out of the parking spot, she scraped the car next to her. Sasha said it was okay, but Bruce said June needed to leave a note for the driver of the other car. Just then, the other driver appeared. They called the police to get an accident report. When the police arrived, they put Ben and Sasha in handcuffs because they had been stealing. They had to volunteer every week until October.
{ "author": "1789392668", "work_time": 1173, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "pillow", "flower", "yellow", "toothpaste", "ketchup", "people", "girl", "winning", "pencil", "refrigerator", "knee", "watch", "mommy", "brother", "scare" ] }
{ "A": "Ben, Margaret, Sasha, and Bruce", "B": "Ben, Maggie, Sasha, and Bruce", "C": "Ben, June, Sasha, and Bruce", "D": "Ben, Molly, Sasha, and Bruce" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.153", "question": 3 }
What happened after the friends left the mall?
One sunny May afternoon, a group of teenagers ditched school and went to the mall. June volunteered to drive her friends Ben, Sasha, and Bruce. The teenagers piled into the red car and drove to the mall. When they arrived, Ben and Sasha wanted to go to the sporting goods store. However, Bruce and June wanted to go watch a movie directed by Miranda July. They split up and said they would meet up at the food area later. Three hours later, the friends got back together. Ben and Sasha wanted to leave, so they went back out to the parking lot and got in the car. When June backed out of the parking spot, she scraped the car next to her. Sasha said it was okay, but Bruce said June needed to leave a note for the driver of the other car. Just then, the other driver appeared. They called the police to get an accident report. When the police arrived, they put Ben and Sasha in handcuffs because they had been stealing. They had to volunteer every week until October.
{ "author": "1789392668", "work_time": 1173, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "pillow", "flower", "yellow", "toothpaste", "ketchup", "people", "girl", "winning", "pencil", "refrigerator", "knee", "watch", "mommy", "brother", "scare" ] }
{ "A": "Bruce scraped another car when backing out of the parking spot, and Ben and Sasha got in trouble for stealing.", "B": "June scraped another car when backing out of the parking spot, and Ben and Sasha got in trouble for stealing.", "C": "Ben scraped another car when backing out of the parking spot, and June and Sasha got in trouble for stealing.", "D": "Sasha scraped another car when backing out of the parking spot, and Bruce and Ben got in trouble for stealing." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.154", "question": 0 }
Why did Sparky steal the sock?
Johnny was in his backyard. He held a big basket full of clean clothes for his mother to hang.\newline\newlineA little spotted dog ran into their backyard. He jumped up and grabbed a sock from Johnny's basket! He ran as fast as he could and disappeared into the bushes.\newline\newline"I must get that sock back!" Johnny said. "That sock is my favorite!" He ran into the bushes after the little spotted dog.\newline\newlineJohnny saw Mr. Wilson in the next yard over cooking at his grill. "Mr. Wilson," Johnny said. "Did you see a dog with a sock?"\newline\newline"I sure did!" Mr. Wilson said. "The little dog ran around and around and then ran into the next yard!"\newline\newlineJohnny ran after the dog into the next yard. He saw Mrs. Tomly reading a book on a chair. "Mrs. Tomly," Johnny said. "Did you see a dog with a sock?"\newline\newline"I sure did!" Mrs. Tomly said. "The little dog ran around and around then ran into the next yard!"\newline\newlineJohnny ran after the dog into the next yard. There, he saw a cat laying on a table. "Mr. Cat," Johnny said. "Did you see a dog with a sock?"\newline\newlineThe cat opened one eye. Then it pointed to the next yard over with his tail.\newline\newlineJohnny ran into the next yard. He saw Mrs. Han sitting on a chair petting the little spotted dog. The dog had his sock.\newline\newline"That is my sock!" Johnny said.\newline\newlineMrs. Han smiled and gave Johnny back his sock. "Sparky here only wanted to play."\newline\newlineJohnny petted Sparky. "I want to play too," he said to the dog. "As long as you do not steal my socks!"\newline\newlineSparky barked happily. He and Johnny played the rest of day together.
{ "author": "1418430325", "work_time": 1443, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "thank", "nana", "take", "kindergarten", "last", "licking", "read", "giant", "blue", "thumb", "forward", "first", "facing", "cloud", "line" ] }
{ "A": "He wanted to give it to Mrs. Han", "B": "He wanted to eat it.", "C": "He dislikes clean clothes.", "D": "He wanted to play." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.154", "question": 1 }
What was Mrs. Tomly doing in her back yard?
Johnny was in his backyard. He held a big basket full of clean clothes for his mother to hang.\newline\newlineA little spotted dog ran into their backyard. He jumped up and grabbed a sock from Johnny's basket! He ran as fast as he could and disappeared into the bushes.\newline\newline"I must get that sock back!" Johnny said. "That sock is my favorite!" He ran into the bushes after the little spotted dog.\newline\newlineJohnny saw Mr. Wilson in the next yard over cooking at his grill. "Mr. Wilson," Johnny said. "Did you see a dog with a sock?"\newline\newline"I sure did!" Mr. Wilson said. "The little dog ran around and around and then ran into the next yard!"\newline\newlineJohnny ran after the dog into the next yard. He saw Mrs. Tomly reading a book on a chair. "Mrs. Tomly," Johnny said. "Did you see a dog with a sock?"\newline\newline"I sure did!" Mrs. Tomly said. "The little dog ran around and around then ran into the next yard!"\newline\newlineJohnny ran after the dog into the next yard. There, he saw a cat laying on a table. "Mr. Cat," Johnny said. "Did you see a dog with a sock?"\newline\newlineThe cat opened one eye. Then it pointed to the next yard over with his tail.\newline\newlineJohnny ran into the next yard. He saw Mrs. Han sitting on a chair petting the little spotted dog. The dog had his sock.\newline\newline"That is my sock!" Johnny said.\newline\newlineMrs. Han smiled and gave Johnny back his sock. "Sparky here only wanted to play."\newline\newlineJohnny petted Sparky. "I want to play too," he said to the dog. "As long as you do not steal my socks!"\newline\newlineSparky barked happily. He and Johnny played the rest of day together.
{ "author": "1418430325", "work_time": 1443, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "thank", "nana", "take", "kindergarten", "last", "licking", "read", "giant", "blue", "thumb", "forward", "first", "facing", "cloud", "line" ] }
{ "A": "cooking on her grill", "B": "playing with Sparky", "C": "sleeping on a table", "D": "reading a book" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.154", "question": 2 }
Why did Johnny want the sock back?
Johnny was in his backyard. He held a big basket full of clean clothes for his mother to hang.\newline\newlineA little spotted dog ran into their backyard. He jumped up and grabbed a sock from Johnny's basket! He ran as fast as he could and disappeared into the bushes.\newline\newline"I must get that sock back!" Johnny said. "That sock is my favorite!" He ran into the bushes after the little spotted dog.\newline\newlineJohnny saw Mr. Wilson in the next yard over cooking at his grill. "Mr. Wilson," Johnny said. "Did you see a dog with a sock?"\newline\newline"I sure did!" Mr. Wilson said. "The little dog ran around and around and then ran into the next yard!"\newline\newlineJohnny ran after the dog into the next yard. He saw Mrs. Tomly reading a book on a chair. "Mrs. Tomly," Johnny said. "Did you see a dog with a sock?"\newline\newline"I sure did!" Mrs. Tomly said. "The little dog ran around and around then ran into the next yard!"\newline\newlineJohnny ran after the dog into the next yard. There, he saw a cat laying on a table. "Mr. Cat," Johnny said. "Did you see a dog with a sock?"\newline\newlineThe cat opened one eye. Then it pointed to the next yard over with his tail.\newline\newlineJohnny ran into the next yard. He saw Mrs. Han sitting on a chair petting the little spotted dog. The dog had his sock.\newline\newline"That is my sock!" Johnny said.\newline\newlineMrs. Han smiled and gave Johnny back his sock. "Sparky here only wanted to play."\newline\newlineJohnny petted Sparky. "I want to play too," he said to the dog. "As long as you do not steal my socks!"\newline\newlineSparky barked happily. He and Johnny played the rest of day together.
{ "author": "1418430325", "work_time": 1443, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "thank", "nana", "take", "kindergarten", "last", "licking", "read", "giant", "blue", "thumb", "forward", "first", "facing", "cloud", "line" ] }
{ "A": "It belonged to Mr. Wilson", "B": "It was his favorite sock.", "C": "His mother had cleaned it", "D": "It belonged to Mrs. Han" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.154", "question": 3 }
How did the cat point to where the little spotted dog went?
Johnny was in his backyard. He held a big basket full of clean clothes for his mother to hang.\newline\newlineA little spotted dog ran into their backyard. He jumped up and grabbed a sock from Johnny's basket! He ran as fast as he could and disappeared into the bushes.\newline\newline"I must get that sock back!" Johnny said. "That sock is my favorite!" He ran into the bushes after the little spotted dog.\newline\newlineJohnny saw Mr. Wilson in the next yard over cooking at his grill. "Mr. Wilson," Johnny said. "Did you see a dog with a sock?"\newline\newline"I sure did!" Mr. Wilson said. "The little dog ran around and around and then ran into the next yard!"\newline\newlineJohnny ran after the dog into the next yard. He saw Mrs. Tomly reading a book on a chair. "Mrs. Tomly," Johnny said. "Did you see a dog with a sock?"\newline\newline"I sure did!" Mrs. Tomly said. "The little dog ran around and around then ran into the next yard!"\newline\newlineJohnny ran after the dog into the next yard. There, he saw a cat laying on a table. "Mr. Cat," Johnny said. "Did you see a dog with a sock?"\newline\newlineThe cat opened one eye. Then it pointed to the next yard over with his tail.\newline\newlineJohnny ran into the next yard. He saw Mrs. Han sitting on a chair petting the little spotted dog. The dog had his sock.\newline\newline"That is my sock!" Johnny said.\newline\newlineMrs. Han smiled and gave Johnny back his sock. "Sparky here only wanted to play."\newline\newlineJohnny petted Sparky. "I want to play too," he said to the dog. "As long as you do not steal my socks!"\newline\newlineSparky barked happily. He and Johnny played the rest of day together.
{ "author": "1418430325", "work_time": 1443, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "thank", "nana", "take", "kindergarten", "last", "licking", "read", "giant", "blue", "thumb", "forward", "first", "facing", "cloud", "line" ] }
{ "A": "with his tail", "B": "with his leg", "C": "with his paw", "D": "with his ear" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.155", "question": 0 }
What does Mr. Lemon not like?
Ms. Strawberry loved to make vanilla cupcakes! Everyone loved her cupcakes, and she loved making them, too. One morning, she was in the store, buying ingredients for her cupcakes, when she came across the most delicious looking chocolate frosting she had ever seen in her life! She bought a whole bunch, excited about how delicious her cupcakes would be for her cupcake party tonight!\newlineShe went home and took extra care making her cupcakes that afternoon. She made them extra fluffy, sweet and delicious. She even pulled out her favorite sprinkles for her cupcakes, bright purple ones, which was her favorite color. She couldn't believe how amazing her cupcakes were going to be for the cupcake party!\newlineThat night at the cupcake party, Ms. Strawberry showed everyone her plate of delicious cupcakes! So many of her friends were there for the party. There was Mrs. Apple, Mr. Banana, Ms. Mitten, Mr. Green and even quiet Mr. Lemon showed up. Everyone was very happy about her cupcakes! Everyone except Mr. Lemon. Mr. Lemon took one bite of that cupcake and said, "Eew! This is the worst cupcake in the world!"\newlineMs. Strawberry didn't know what to say! Were they really the worst cupcakes in the world? She had tried so hard! Ms. Strawberry started to cry. "Why don't you like my cupcakes, Mr. Lemon? I worked so hard to make the extra delicious!"\newlineMr. Lemon said, "I don't like vanilla, and I don't like chocolate!" Ms. Strawberry cried even more!\newline"There, there," said Mrs. Apple, and patted Ms. Strawberry on the head. "It's okay. Not everyone is going to like your cupcakes! You only have to know that you worked hard and that they're still tasty!" With that, Ms. Strawberry stopped crying, and she and Mr. Lemon made up.
{ "author": "1753658650", "work_time": 1672, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "vanilla", "think", "plate", "fall", "strawberry", "mitten", "fun", "body", "die", "purple", "plane", "baseball", "beach", "splinter", "horse" ] }
{ "A": "banana and lemon.", "B": "green mittens.", "C": "vanilla and chocolate.", "D": "strawberry and apple." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.155", "question": 1 }
Who patted Ms. Strawberry on the head and told her "Not everyone is going to like your cupcakes!"
Ms. Strawberry loved to make vanilla cupcakes! Everyone loved her cupcakes, and she loved making them, too. One morning, she was in the store, buying ingredients for her cupcakes, when she came across the most delicious looking chocolate frosting she had ever seen in her life! She bought a whole bunch, excited about how delicious her cupcakes would be for her cupcake party tonight!\newlineShe went home and took extra care making her cupcakes that afternoon. She made them extra fluffy, sweet and delicious. She even pulled out her favorite sprinkles for her cupcakes, bright purple ones, which was her favorite color. She couldn't believe how amazing her cupcakes were going to be for the cupcake party!\newlineThat night at the cupcake party, Ms. Strawberry showed everyone her plate of delicious cupcakes! So many of her friends were there for the party. There was Mrs. Apple, Mr. Banana, Ms. Mitten, Mr. Green and even quiet Mr. Lemon showed up. Everyone was very happy about her cupcakes! Everyone except Mr. Lemon. Mr. Lemon took one bite of that cupcake and said, "Eew! This is the worst cupcake in the world!"\newlineMs. Strawberry didn't know what to say! Were they really the worst cupcakes in the world? She had tried so hard! Ms. Strawberry started to cry. "Why don't you like my cupcakes, Mr. Lemon? I worked so hard to make the extra delicious!"\newlineMr. Lemon said, "I don't like vanilla, and I don't like chocolate!" Ms. Strawberry cried even more!\newline"There, there," said Mrs. Apple, and patted Ms. Strawberry on the head. "It's okay. Not everyone is going to like your cupcakes! You only have to know that you worked hard and that they're still tasty!" With that, Ms. Strawberry stopped crying, and she and Mr. Lemon made up.
{ "author": "1753658650", "work_time": 1672, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "vanilla", "think", "plate", "fall", "strawberry", "mitten", "fun", "body", "die", "purple", "plane", "baseball", "beach", "splinter", "horse" ] }
{ "A": "Mr. Banana.", "B": "Mrs. Apple.", "C": "Mr. Lemon.", "D": "Ms. Mitten." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.155", "question": 2 }
What kind of frosting did the cupcakes have?
Ms. Strawberry loved to make vanilla cupcakes! Everyone loved her cupcakes, and she loved making them, too. One morning, she was in the store, buying ingredients for her cupcakes, when she came across the most delicious looking chocolate frosting she had ever seen in her life! She bought a whole bunch, excited about how delicious her cupcakes would be for her cupcake party tonight!\newlineShe went home and took extra care making her cupcakes that afternoon. She made them extra fluffy, sweet and delicious. She even pulled out her favorite sprinkles for her cupcakes, bright purple ones, which was her favorite color. She couldn't believe how amazing her cupcakes were going to be for the cupcake party!\newlineThat night at the cupcake party, Ms. Strawberry showed everyone her plate of delicious cupcakes! So many of her friends were there for the party. There was Mrs. Apple, Mr. Banana, Ms. Mitten, Mr. Green and even quiet Mr. Lemon showed up. Everyone was very happy about her cupcakes! Everyone except Mr. Lemon. Mr. Lemon took one bite of that cupcake and said, "Eew! This is the worst cupcake in the world!"\newlineMs. Strawberry didn't know what to say! Were they really the worst cupcakes in the world? She had tried so hard! Ms. Strawberry started to cry. "Why don't you like my cupcakes, Mr. Lemon? I worked so hard to make the extra delicious!"\newlineMr. Lemon said, "I don't like vanilla, and I don't like chocolate!" Ms. Strawberry cried even more!\newline"There, there," said Mrs. Apple, and patted Ms. Strawberry on the head. "It's okay. Not everyone is going to like your cupcakes! You only have to know that you worked hard and that they're still tasty!" With that, Ms. Strawberry stopped crying, and she and Mr. Lemon made up.
{ "author": "1753658650", "work_time": 1672, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "vanilla", "think", "plate", "fall", "strawberry", "mitten", "fun", "body", "die", "purple", "plane", "baseball", "beach", "splinter", "horse" ] }
{ "A": "Banana.", "B": "Strawberry.", "C": "Chocolate.", "D": "Vanilla." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.155", "question": 3 }
Ms. Strawberry's cupcake party was that...
Ms. Strawberry loved to make vanilla cupcakes! Everyone loved her cupcakes, and she loved making them, too. One morning, she was in the store, buying ingredients for her cupcakes, when she came across the most delicious looking chocolate frosting she had ever seen in her life! She bought a whole bunch, excited about how delicious her cupcakes would be for her cupcake party tonight!\newlineShe went home and took extra care making her cupcakes that afternoon. She made them extra fluffy, sweet and delicious. She even pulled out her favorite sprinkles for her cupcakes, bright purple ones, which was her favorite color. She couldn't believe how amazing her cupcakes were going to be for the cupcake party!\newlineThat night at the cupcake party, Ms. Strawberry showed everyone her plate of delicious cupcakes! So many of her friends were there for the party. There was Mrs. Apple, Mr. Banana, Ms. Mitten, Mr. Green and even quiet Mr. Lemon showed up. Everyone was very happy about her cupcakes! Everyone except Mr. Lemon. Mr. Lemon took one bite of that cupcake and said, "Eew! This is the worst cupcake in the world!"\newlineMs. Strawberry didn't know what to say! Were they really the worst cupcakes in the world? She had tried so hard! Ms. Strawberry started to cry. "Why don't you like my cupcakes, Mr. Lemon? I worked so hard to make the extra delicious!"\newlineMr. Lemon said, "I don't like vanilla, and I don't like chocolate!" Ms. Strawberry cried even more!\newline"There, there," said Mrs. Apple, and patted Ms. Strawberry on the head. "It's okay. Not everyone is going to like your cupcakes! You only have to know that you worked hard and that they're still tasty!" With that, Ms. Strawberry stopped crying, and she and Mr. Lemon made up.
{ "author": "1753658650", "work_time": 1672, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "vanilla", "think", "plate", "fall", "strawberry", "mitten", "fun", "body", "die", "purple", "plane", "baseball", "beach", "splinter", "horse" ] }
{ "A": "evening.", "B": "night.", "C": "afternoon.", "D": "morning." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.156", "question": 0 }
What did Max think of the snow?
Max is a very happy cow. He's dark brown, with big blue eyes, and a soft pink nose. He lives in a huge field during the summer, with beautiful, and tasty, buttercups and hay. During the winter he lives in a nice, warm barn. \newline\newlineThe hay isn't as tasty then, but it keeps him fed until summer comes back. One winter day Max wanted to see what was happening outside when it turned cold and bright. He had never gone out during the winter because the Farmer always locked the barn door behind him. But today the door was wide open, and Max could see the sunshine reflecting off the bright ground. He had to know why! So Max pushed open the gate to his little house with his nose and walked over to the door. Max was surprised and confused by the ground outside, it was so white and sparkly. His breath started fogging in the air, and the ground was cold and crunchy. "What is this?" He asked the rooster sitting on the fence. The roosters name was Omaha, and he was all white except for a big red puff on his head. \newline\newline"It's snow, son! Did you grow up in a barn?!" The rooster laughed and flew away towards his little rooster house. \newline\newline"It's so pretty!" Max said. He pushed it with his nose. "Oh! It's so chilly!" He started to take a bite of the crunchy white bits. He wanted to see if they had a good taste, when he heard the farmer. \newline\newline"Max! What are you doing out here?" The farmer, named Bob, asked. He was loud, but not mad. "It's much too cold for a small cow like you, we better get you back inside!" He pushed Max inside the barn, and this time locked the barn door tight.
{ "author": "1219358860", "work_time": 2233, "quality_score": 80, "creativity_words": [ "cow", "winter", "taste", "wheel", "bump", "diaper", "water", "marshmallow", "daddy", "right", "street", "spinach", "cry", "hope", "coin" ] }
{ "A": "That it was made of powder.", "B": "That the farmer was mad.", "C": "That it tasted good.", "D": "That it was cold and pretty." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.156", "question": 1 }
What was the cow's name?
Max is a very happy cow. He's dark brown, with big blue eyes, and a soft pink nose. He lives in a huge field during the summer, with beautiful, and tasty, buttercups and hay. During the winter he lives in a nice, warm barn. \newline\newlineThe hay isn't as tasty then, but it keeps him fed until summer comes back. One winter day Max wanted to see what was happening outside when it turned cold and bright. He had never gone out during the winter because the Farmer always locked the barn door behind him. But today the door was wide open, and Max could see the sunshine reflecting off the bright ground. He had to know why! So Max pushed open the gate to his little house with his nose and walked over to the door. Max was surprised and confused by the ground outside, it was so white and sparkly. His breath started fogging in the air, and the ground was cold and crunchy. "What is this?" He asked the rooster sitting on the fence. The roosters name was Omaha, and he was all white except for a big red puff on his head. \newline\newline"It's snow, son! Did you grow up in a barn?!" The rooster laughed and flew away towards his little rooster house. \newline\newline"It's so pretty!" Max said. He pushed it with his nose. "Oh! It's so chilly!" He started to take a bite of the crunchy white bits. He wanted to see if they had a good taste, when he heard the farmer. \newline\newline"Max! What are you doing out here?" The farmer, named Bob, asked. He was loud, but not mad. "It's much too cold for a small cow like you, we better get you back inside!" He pushed Max inside the barn, and this time locked the barn door tight.
{ "author": "1219358860", "work_time": 2233, "quality_score": 80, "creativity_words": [ "cow", "winter", "taste", "wheel", "bump", "diaper", "water", "marshmallow", "daddy", "right", "street", "spinach", "cry", "hope", "coin" ] }
{ "A": "Max", "B": "Henry", "C": "Omaha", "D": "Bob" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.156", "question": 2 }
Who told Max that it was snow?
Max is a very happy cow. He's dark brown, with big blue eyes, and a soft pink nose. He lives in a huge field during the summer, with beautiful, and tasty, buttercups and hay. During the winter he lives in a nice, warm barn. \newline\newlineThe hay isn't as tasty then, but it keeps him fed until summer comes back. One winter day Max wanted to see what was happening outside when it turned cold and bright. He had never gone out during the winter because the Farmer always locked the barn door behind him. But today the door was wide open, and Max could see the sunshine reflecting off the bright ground. He had to know why! So Max pushed open the gate to his little house with his nose and walked over to the door. Max was surprised and confused by the ground outside, it was so white and sparkly. His breath started fogging in the air, and the ground was cold and crunchy. "What is this?" He asked the rooster sitting on the fence. The roosters name was Omaha, and he was all white except for a big red puff on his head. \newline\newline"It's snow, son! Did you grow up in a barn?!" The rooster laughed and flew away towards his little rooster house. \newline\newline"It's so pretty!" Max said. He pushed it with his nose. "Oh! It's so chilly!" He started to take a bite of the crunchy white bits. He wanted to see if they had a good taste, when he heard the farmer. \newline\newline"Max! What are you doing out here?" The farmer, named Bob, asked. He was loud, but not mad. "It's much too cold for a small cow like you, we better get you back inside!" He pushed Max inside the barn, and this time locked the barn door tight.
{ "author": "1219358860", "work_time": 2233, "quality_score": 80, "creativity_words": [ "cow", "winter", "taste", "wheel", "bump", "diaper", "water", "marshmallow", "daddy", "right", "street", "spinach", "cry", "hope", "coin" ] }
{ "A": "The Farmer", "B": "The Rooster", "C": "The Spider", "D": "Another cow" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.156", "question": 3 }
Why did Max leave the barn?
Max is a very happy cow. He's dark brown, with big blue eyes, and a soft pink nose. He lives in a huge field during the summer, with beautiful, and tasty, buttercups and hay. During the winter he lives in a nice, warm barn. \newline\newlineThe hay isn't as tasty then, but it keeps him fed until summer comes back. One winter day Max wanted to see what was happening outside when it turned cold and bright. He had never gone out during the winter because the Farmer always locked the barn door behind him. But today the door was wide open, and Max could see the sunshine reflecting off the bright ground. He had to know why! So Max pushed open the gate to his little house with his nose and walked over to the door. Max was surprised and confused by the ground outside, it was so white and sparkly. His breath started fogging in the air, and the ground was cold and crunchy. "What is this?" He asked the rooster sitting on the fence. The roosters name was Omaha, and he was all white except for a big red puff on his head. \newline\newline"It's snow, son! Did you grow up in a barn?!" The rooster laughed and flew away towards his little rooster house. \newline\newline"It's so pretty!" Max said. He pushed it with his nose. "Oh! It's so chilly!" He started to take a bite of the crunchy white bits. He wanted to see if they had a good taste, when he heard the farmer. \newline\newline"Max! What are you doing out here?" The farmer, named Bob, asked. He was loud, but not mad. "It's much too cold for a small cow like you, we better get you back inside!" He pushed Max inside the barn, and this time locked the barn door tight.
{ "author": "1219358860", "work_time": 2233, "quality_score": 80, "creativity_words": [ "cow", "winter", "taste", "wheel", "bump", "diaper", "water", "marshmallow", "daddy", "right", "street", "spinach", "cry", "hope", "coin" ] }
{ "A": "Because his mom told him to.", "B": "It was time for supper.", "C": "The Farmer told him to go outside.", "D": "He wanted to know why the ground was bright outside." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.157", "question": 0 }
What kind of dinosaur did Johnny meet?
Johnny walked toward the time machine. His adult neighbor, the scientist, had asked him to watch it for him for the weekend. He had also asked Johnny not to touch it. But it was a time machine. Johnny had to see it.\newline\newlineThe machine was big and silver and shiny and looked like an ice cream cone that had been dropped. It had a square hole as tall as Johnny and it hummed like a fridge.\newline\newlineJohnny took a deep breath and stepped inside. Just a peek, he thought.\newline\newlineThere were three buttons inside. One said "past," and one said "present." Another said "space."\newline\newlineJohnny looked at the buttons. He looked at the buttons some more. He waited and without thinking, his arm jumped out in front of him. He pushed the button that said "past."\newline\newlineThere was a bright light! And bam!\newline\newlineJohnny stepped out of the machine. It was raining, and there were many strange looking trees. The air was warm. The dirt below was muddy.\newline\newlineHe took a deep breath. "So this is the past," Johnny said.\newline\newlineJust then he heard a bump. And another one. The ground shook. The bumps got louder and the ground shook harder. A tree fell.\newline\newlineJohnny heard a roar.\newline\newlineTwo more trees fell.\newline\newlineSuddenly, Johnny saw it: A Tyrannosaurus Rex!\newline\newlineJohnny was so scared he couldn't breathe.\newline\newlineThe T. Rex looked up, and left, and right. He sniffed the air and leaned down. He didn't seem to see Johnny.\newline\newlineThen Johnny sneezed. And the T. Rex started walking towards him. Faster and faster. Bump. Bump bump. Bumpbumpbumpbump until he was running.\newline\newlineJohnny jumped back into the time machine and pressed "present."\newline\newlineThere was a bright light and Johnny was back home.\newline\newlineHe took a deep breath. He was home.\newline\newline"Phew," he said.\newline\newlineNext time, he would listen to his adult neighbor, he thought.
{ "author": "2185095036", "work_time": 1380, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "playground", "wait", "rest", "rain", "taste", "fist", "see", "rainbow", "ox", "pudding", "bull", "have", "sitting", "jump", "adult" ] }
{ "A": "Johnny did not meet a dinosaur", "B": "A friendly dinosaur", "C": "A sleepy dinosaur", "D": "A T-Rex." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.157", "question": 1 }
What button did Johnny push?
Johnny walked toward the time machine. His adult neighbor, the scientist, had asked him to watch it for him for the weekend. He had also asked Johnny not to touch it. But it was a time machine. Johnny had to see it.\newline\newlineThe machine was big and silver and shiny and looked like an ice cream cone that had been dropped. It had a square hole as tall as Johnny and it hummed like a fridge.\newline\newlineJohnny took a deep breath and stepped inside. Just a peek, he thought.\newline\newlineThere were three buttons inside. One said "past," and one said "present." Another said "space."\newline\newlineJohnny looked at the buttons. He looked at the buttons some more. He waited and without thinking, his arm jumped out in front of him. He pushed the button that said "past."\newline\newlineThere was a bright light! And bam!\newline\newlineJohnny stepped out of the machine. It was raining, and there were many strange looking trees. The air was warm. The dirt below was muddy.\newline\newlineHe took a deep breath. "So this is the past," Johnny said.\newline\newlineJust then he heard a bump. And another one. The ground shook. The bumps got louder and the ground shook harder. A tree fell.\newline\newlineJohnny heard a roar.\newline\newlineTwo more trees fell.\newline\newlineSuddenly, Johnny saw it: A Tyrannosaurus Rex!\newline\newlineJohnny was so scared he couldn't breathe.\newline\newlineThe T. Rex looked up, and left, and right. He sniffed the air and leaned down. He didn't seem to see Johnny.\newline\newlineThen Johnny sneezed. And the T. Rex started walking towards him. Faster and faster. Bump. Bump bump. Bumpbumpbumpbump until he was running.\newline\newlineJohnny jumped back into the time machine and pressed "present."\newline\newlineThere was a bright light and Johnny was back home.\newline\newlineHe took a deep breath. He was home.\newline\newline"Phew," he said.\newline\newlineNext time, he would listen to his adult neighbor, he thought.
{ "author": "2185095036", "work_time": 1380, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "playground", "wait", "rest", "rain", "taste", "fist", "see", "rainbow", "ox", "pudding", "bull", "have", "sitting", "jump", "adult" ] }
{ "A": "He pushed the button that said \"present.\"", "B": "He pushed the button that said \"space.\"", "C": "He did not push a button.", "D": "He pushed the button that said \"past.\"" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.157", "question": 2 }
What did the time machine look like?
Johnny walked toward the time machine. His adult neighbor, the scientist, had asked him to watch it for him for the weekend. He had also asked Johnny not to touch it. But it was a time machine. Johnny had to see it.\newline\newlineThe machine was big and silver and shiny and looked like an ice cream cone that had been dropped. It had a square hole as tall as Johnny and it hummed like a fridge.\newline\newlineJohnny took a deep breath and stepped inside. Just a peek, he thought.\newline\newlineThere were three buttons inside. One said "past," and one said "present." Another said "space."\newline\newlineJohnny looked at the buttons. He looked at the buttons some more. He waited and without thinking, his arm jumped out in front of him. He pushed the button that said "past."\newline\newlineThere was a bright light! And bam!\newline\newlineJohnny stepped out of the machine. It was raining, and there were many strange looking trees. The air was warm. The dirt below was muddy.\newline\newlineHe took a deep breath. "So this is the past," Johnny said.\newline\newlineJust then he heard a bump. And another one. The ground shook. The bumps got louder and the ground shook harder. A tree fell.\newline\newlineJohnny heard a roar.\newline\newlineTwo more trees fell.\newline\newlineSuddenly, Johnny saw it: A Tyrannosaurus Rex!\newline\newlineJohnny was so scared he couldn't breathe.\newline\newlineThe T. Rex looked up, and left, and right. He sniffed the air and leaned down. He didn't seem to see Johnny.\newline\newlineThen Johnny sneezed. And the T. Rex started walking towards him. Faster and faster. Bump. Bump bump. Bumpbumpbumpbump until he was running.\newline\newlineJohnny jumped back into the time machine and pressed "present."\newline\newlineThere was a bright light and Johnny was back home.\newline\newlineHe took a deep breath. He was home.\newline\newline"Phew," he said.\newline\newlineNext time, he would listen to his adult neighbor, he thought.
{ "author": "2185095036", "work_time": 1380, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "playground", "wait", "rest", "rain", "taste", "fist", "see", "rainbow", "ox", "pudding", "bull", "have", "sitting", "jump", "adult" ] }
{ "A": "A silver ice-cream cone with a round hole", "B": "A silver triangle with a square hole", "C": "A silver ice-cream cone with a square hole", "D": "A silver triangle with a round hole" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.157", "question": 3 }
What did the three buttons say?
Johnny walked toward the time machine. His adult neighbor, the scientist, had asked him to watch it for him for the weekend. He had also asked Johnny not to touch it. But it was a time machine. Johnny had to see it.\newline\newlineThe machine was big and silver and shiny and looked like an ice cream cone that had been dropped. It had a square hole as tall as Johnny and it hummed like a fridge.\newline\newlineJohnny took a deep breath and stepped inside. Just a peek, he thought.\newline\newlineThere were three buttons inside. One said "past," and one said "present." Another said "space."\newline\newlineJohnny looked at the buttons. He looked at the buttons some more. He waited and without thinking, his arm jumped out in front of him. He pushed the button that said "past."\newline\newlineThere was a bright light! And bam!\newline\newlineJohnny stepped out of the machine. It was raining, and there were many strange looking trees. The air was warm. The dirt below was muddy.\newline\newlineHe took a deep breath. "So this is the past," Johnny said.\newline\newlineJust then he heard a bump. And another one. The ground shook. The bumps got louder and the ground shook harder. A tree fell.\newline\newlineJohnny heard a roar.\newline\newlineTwo more trees fell.\newline\newlineSuddenly, Johnny saw it: A Tyrannosaurus Rex!\newline\newlineJohnny was so scared he couldn't breathe.\newline\newlineThe T. Rex looked up, and left, and right. He sniffed the air and leaned down. He didn't seem to see Johnny.\newline\newlineThen Johnny sneezed. And the T. Rex started walking towards him. Faster and faster. Bump. Bump bump. Bumpbumpbumpbump until he was running.\newline\newlineJohnny jumped back into the time machine and pressed "present."\newline\newlineThere was a bright light and Johnny was back home.\newline\newlineHe took a deep breath. He was home.\newline\newline"Phew," he said.\newline\newlineNext time, he would listen to his adult neighbor, he thought.
{ "author": "2185095036", "work_time": 1380, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "playground", "wait", "rest", "rain", "taste", "fist", "see", "rainbow", "ox", "pudding", "bull", "have", "sitting", "jump", "adult" ] }
{ "A": "Present, space, and Dimension X", "B": "There were more than three buttons", "C": "Past, present and now", "D": "Past, present and space" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.158", "question": 0 }
What 2 things did Michael's dad teach him about throwing a football?
As Michael put each finger on the white laces of the football like his dad had shown him he thought about his school trip to the zoo tomorrow. He could not wait to get to the zoo and most of all could not wait to see his favorite animal, the lion. Aiming the football at the tire swing that hung in his back yard, he remembered the second thing his dad had taught him about throwing a football which was making sure his shoulder and the football were in a straight line before he threw it. He watched the football sail toward the tire, right as his mom called him in for dinner. His mom had made his favorite food, hotdogs. He sat in the kitchen and watched as ketchup fell on to his plate as he ate his hotdog. His mom told him that in order to get his after dinner treat he would have to eat his corn, carrots, and drink all of his milk too. \newline\newlineThat night as his mom tucked him in to bed he starred out the window and wondered if the lions at the zoo were looking up at the moon too. Michael, wondered if his best friends Joe, Nick, and Ryan were as excited as he was about going to the zoo the next day. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.\newline\newlineThe next day he hopped from one foot to the other as his class lined up to get on the bus that would take him to the zoo. On the bus he sat with Ryan. The bus driver started the engine and turned the big steering wheel leading them out on to the road. Finally, at the zoo Michael began to imagine how cool it would be to finally get to see the lion cage. First his class went to see the monkeys and then headed over to see the long necked giraffes. As their teacher announced that they would then be going to see the elephants, we wondered if he would ever get to see the lions. Finally after learning about the elephants it was time to see the lions. The lion stood on a huge rock and swung its long tail from side to side. The lion licked his lips with its long pink tongue and Michael wondered if it was thinking about having a class full of kids for its lunch.
{ "author": "111004815", "work_time": 2205, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "treat", "football", "finger", "wheel", "blood", "ketchup", "shoulder", "drop", "roaring", "moon", "beard", "rock", "watermelon", "stripe", "white" ] }
{ "A": "How to hold the football with both hands and keep his eyes wide open when he threw the football.", "B": "How to put his fingers on the laces and how to keep his shoulder and the football in a straight line before he threw it.", "C": "How to use his wrist to throw the football straight and how to close one eye before he threw it.", "D": "How to look at the tire before he threw the football and how to stand up straight." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.158", "question": 1 }
What was the name of the main character in the story?
As Michael put each finger on the white laces of the football like his dad had shown him he thought about his school trip to the zoo tomorrow. He could not wait to get to the zoo and most of all could not wait to see his favorite animal, the lion. Aiming the football at the tire swing that hung in his back yard, he remembered the second thing his dad had taught him about throwing a football which was making sure his shoulder and the football were in a straight line before he threw it. He watched the football sail toward the tire, right as his mom called him in for dinner. His mom had made his favorite food, hotdogs. He sat in the kitchen and watched as ketchup fell on to his plate as he ate his hotdog. His mom told him that in order to get his after dinner treat he would have to eat his corn, carrots, and drink all of his milk too. \newline\newlineThat night as his mom tucked him in to bed he starred out the window and wondered if the lions at the zoo were looking up at the moon too. Michael, wondered if his best friends Joe, Nick, and Ryan were as excited as he was about going to the zoo the next day. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.\newline\newlineThe next day he hopped from one foot to the other as his class lined up to get on the bus that would take him to the zoo. On the bus he sat with Ryan. The bus driver started the engine and turned the big steering wheel leading them out on to the road. Finally, at the zoo Michael began to imagine how cool it would be to finally get to see the lion cage. First his class went to see the monkeys and then headed over to see the long necked giraffes. As their teacher announced that they would then be going to see the elephants, we wondered if he would ever get to see the lions. Finally after learning about the elephants it was time to see the lions. The lion stood on a huge rock and swung its long tail from side to side. The lion licked his lips with its long pink tongue and Michael wondered if it was thinking about having a class full of kids for its lunch.
{ "author": "111004815", "work_time": 2205, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "treat", "football", "finger", "wheel", "blood", "ketchup", "shoulder", "drop", "roaring", "moon", "beard", "rock", "watermelon", "stripe", "white" ] }
{ "A": "Joe", "B": "Nick", "C": "Ryan", "D": "Michael" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.158", "question": 2 }
Who did Michael sit with on the bus?
As Michael put each finger on the white laces of the football like his dad had shown him he thought about his school trip to the zoo tomorrow. He could not wait to get to the zoo and most of all could not wait to see his favorite animal, the lion. Aiming the football at the tire swing that hung in his back yard, he remembered the second thing his dad had taught him about throwing a football which was making sure his shoulder and the football were in a straight line before he threw it. He watched the football sail toward the tire, right as his mom called him in for dinner. His mom had made his favorite food, hotdogs. He sat in the kitchen and watched as ketchup fell on to his plate as he ate his hotdog. His mom told him that in order to get his after dinner treat he would have to eat his corn, carrots, and drink all of his milk too. \newline\newlineThat night as his mom tucked him in to bed he starred out the window and wondered if the lions at the zoo were looking up at the moon too. Michael, wondered if his best friends Joe, Nick, and Ryan were as excited as he was about going to the zoo the next day. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.\newline\newlineThe next day he hopped from one foot to the other as his class lined up to get on the bus that would take him to the zoo. On the bus he sat with Ryan. The bus driver started the engine and turned the big steering wheel leading them out on to the road. Finally, at the zoo Michael began to imagine how cool it would be to finally get to see the lion cage. First his class went to see the monkeys and then headed over to see the long necked giraffes. As their teacher announced that they would then be going to see the elephants, we wondered if he would ever get to see the lions. Finally after learning about the elephants it was time to see the lions. The lion stood on a huge rock and swung its long tail from side to side. The lion licked his lips with its long pink tongue and Michael wondered if it was thinking about having a class full of kids for its lunch.
{ "author": "111004815", "work_time": 2205, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "treat", "football", "finger", "wheel", "blood", "ketchup", "shoulder", "drop", "roaring", "moon", "beard", "rock", "watermelon", "stripe", "white" ] }
{ "A": "Joe", "B": "Ryan", "C": "Nick", "D": "his teacher" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.158", "question": 3 }
What was Michael's favorite food?
As Michael put each finger on the white laces of the football like his dad had shown him he thought about his school trip to the zoo tomorrow. He could not wait to get to the zoo and most of all could not wait to see his favorite animal, the lion. Aiming the football at the tire swing that hung in his back yard, he remembered the second thing his dad had taught him about throwing a football which was making sure his shoulder and the football were in a straight line before he threw it. He watched the football sail toward the tire, right as his mom called him in for dinner. His mom had made his favorite food, hotdogs. He sat in the kitchen and watched as ketchup fell on to his plate as he ate his hotdog. His mom told him that in order to get his after dinner treat he would have to eat his corn, carrots, and drink all of his milk too. \newline\newlineThat night as his mom tucked him in to bed he starred out the window and wondered if the lions at the zoo were looking up at the moon too. Michael, wondered if his best friends Joe, Nick, and Ryan were as excited as he was about going to the zoo the next day. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.\newline\newlineThe next day he hopped from one foot to the other as his class lined up to get on the bus that would take him to the zoo. On the bus he sat with Ryan. The bus driver started the engine and turned the big steering wheel leading them out on to the road. Finally, at the zoo Michael began to imagine how cool it would be to finally get to see the lion cage. First his class went to see the monkeys and then headed over to see the long necked giraffes. As their teacher announced that they would then be going to see the elephants, we wondered if he would ever get to see the lions. Finally after learning about the elephants it was time to see the lions. The lion stood on a huge rock and swung its long tail from side to side. The lion licked his lips with its long pink tongue and Michael wondered if it was thinking about having a class full of kids for its lunch.
{ "author": "111004815", "work_time": 2205, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "treat", "football", "finger", "wheel", "blood", "ketchup", "shoulder", "drop", "roaring", "moon", "beard", "rock", "watermelon", "stripe", "white" ] }
{ "A": "carrots", "B": "milk", "C": "Corn", "D": "Hotdogs" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.159", "question": 0 }
What does Bobby find in his room?
Bobby got a big surprise when he came home from school one day. He found an angel in his room. His grandma had always told him angels were real. Bobby had not believed her when she told him stories. She had also told him stories about mermaids, Bigfoot, leprechauns, and other things. Now, he knew at least one thing she had told him was true. He thought angel wings had to be white. This angel's feathers were many colors. They were red, blue, and green. No white ones that he could see. They looked at each other without speaking. Then, the angel began to talk. He told Bobby he had to listen to his grandma, and believe her stories. Bobby said he would. Bobby asked the angel what it was like to fly. The angel told Bobby it could show him. Bobby would have to beat it at a game. Bobby hoped it would be checkers or chess. His dad had taught him those. He was also good at card games. Instead, the angel wanted to play rock-paper-scissors. Bobby beat the angel two out of three times, so he won. Bobby and the angel then went for a long ride. After they flew, the angel dropped Bobby back at home. It told Bobby he had to promise not to tell anyone. Bobby asked if that included his grandma, mother, brother, and father. The angel said it did. Bobby said he would. The angel left. They met a few more times and became good friends.
{ "author": "2016993713", "work_time": 6958, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "tailing", "paint", "pillow", "dig", "truth", "sofa", "close", "grandma", "body", "winding", "shower", "angel", "bird", "skip", "switch" ] }
{ "A": "A leprechaun.", "B": "Bigfoot.", "C": "A mermaid.", "D": "An angel." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.159", "question": 1 }
Who can Bobby tell about the angel?
Bobby got a big surprise when he came home from school one day. He found an angel in his room. His grandma had always told him angels were real. Bobby had not believed her when she told him stories. She had also told him stories about mermaids, Bigfoot, leprechauns, and other things. Now, he knew at least one thing she had told him was true. He thought angel wings had to be white. This angel's feathers were many colors. They were red, blue, and green. No white ones that he could see. They looked at each other without speaking. Then, the angel began to talk. He told Bobby he had to listen to his grandma, and believe her stories. Bobby said he would. Bobby asked the angel what it was like to fly. The angel told Bobby it could show him. Bobby would have to beat it at a game. Bobby hoped it would be checkers or chess. His dad had taught him those. He was also good at card games. Instead, the angel wanted to play rock-paper-scissors. Bobby beat the angel two out of three times, so he won. Bobby and the angel then went for a long ride. After they flew, the angel dropped Bobby back at home. It told Bobby he had to promise not to tell anyone. Bobby asked if that included his grandma, mother, brother, and father. The angel said it did. Bobby said he would. The angel left. They met a few more times and became good friends.
{ "author": "2016993713", "work_time": 6958, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "tailing", "paint", "pillow", "dig", "truth", "sofa", "close", "grandma", "body", "winding", "shower", "angel", "bird", "skip", "switch" ] }
{ "A": "No one.", "B": "His grandma.", "C": "His mother.", "D": "His brother." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.159", "question": 2 }
What games does Bobby beat the angel at?
Bobby got a big surprise when he came home from school one day. He found an angel in his room. His grandma had always told him angels were real. Bobby had not believed her when she told him stories. She had also told him stories about mermaids, Bigfoot, leprechauns, and other things. Now, he knew at least one thing she had told him was true. He thought angel wings had to be white. This angel's feathers were many colors. They were red, blue, and green. No white ones that he could see. They looked at each other without speaking. Then, the angel began to talk. He told Bobby he had to listen to his grandma, and believe her stories. Bobby said he would. Bobby asked the angel what it was like to fly. The angel told Bobby it could show him. Bobby would have to beat it at a game. Bobby hoped it would be checkers or chess. His dad had taught him those. He was also good at card games. Instead, the angel wanted to play rock-paper-scissors. Bobby beat the angel two out of three times, so he won. Bobby and the angel then went for a long ride. After they flew, the angel dropped Bobby back at home. It told Bobby he had to promise not to tell anyone. Bobby asked if that included his grandma, mother, brother, and father. The angel said it did. Bobby said he would. The angel left. They met a few more times and became good friends.
{ "author": "2016993713", "work_time": 6958, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "tailing", "paint", "pillow", "dig", "truth", "sofa", "close", "grandma", "body", "winding", "shower", "angel", "bird", "skip", "switch" ] }
{ "A": "Cards.", "B": "Rock-paper-scissors.", "C": "Checkers.", "D": "Chess." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.159", "question": 3 }
What color is the angel's wings not?
Bobby got a big surprise when he came home from school one day. He found an angel in his room. His grandma had always told him angels were real. Bobby had not believed her when she told him stories. She had also told him stories about mermaids, Bigfoot, leprechauns, and other things. Now, he knew at least one thing she had told him was true. He thought angel wings had to be white. This angel's feathers were many colors. They were red, blue, and green. No white ones that he could see. They looked at each other without speaking. Then, the angel began to talk. He told Bobby he had to listen to his grandma, and believe her stories. Bobby said he would. Bobby asked the angel what it was like to fly. The angel told Bobby it could show him. Bobby would have to beat it at a game. Bobby hoped it would be checkers or chess. His dad had taught him those. He was also good at card games. Instead, the angel wanted to play rock-paper-scissors. Bobby beat the angel two out of three times, so he won. Bobby and the angel then went for a long ride. After they flew, the angel dropped Bobby back at home. It told Bobby he had to promise not to tell anyone. Bobby asked if that included his grandma, mother, brother, and father. The angel said it did. Bobby said he would. The angel left. They met a few more times and became good friends.
{ "author": "2016993713", "work_time": 6958, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "tailing", "paint", "pillow", "dig", "truth", "sofa", "close", "grandma", "body", "winding", "shower", "angel", "bird", "skip", "switch" ] }
{ "A": "White.", "B": "Green.", "C": "Red.", "D": "Blue." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.160", "question": 0 }
Linda is going to miss doing what with her friend Lilly?
Linda was very excited when she woke up this morning. It was finally the last day of school and she was going to get the whole summer off. She was so excited because this summer she and her family would be traveling to France. She had always wanted to visit Europe after her friend Susan visited Spain and Italy the summer before and came back knowing all sorts of funny words. She was going to get to see the Eiffel Tower, try all kinds of new food, and meet a whole bunch of new people. She was a bit worried because she didn't speak any French. She wanted to meet some of the people there and become friends. She didn't know how well that would work if she couldn't talk with them. Overall she was still quite excited. She would miss seeing her friends at home this summer. If she were in France she would miss the happy days of playing baseball with Tommy and Susan or going to movies to hide from the heat with her good friend Lilly, or getting lost wandering in the woods behind her house. Oh well, it was time to get ready for school, she would have to enjoy this last day with them before heading out on her adventure.
{ "author": "1008476394", "work_time": 841, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "hold", "rice", "name", "cutie", "smoke", "wear", "papa", "baseball", "like", "coin", "spoon", "pig", "toy", "helping", "mean" ] }
{ "A": "Swim", "B": "See the Eiffel Tower", "C": "See movies", "D": "Play Baseball" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.160", "question": 1 }
Why was Linda worried about the fact that she couldn't speak French.
Linda was very excited when she woke up this morning. It was finally the last day of school and she was going to get the whole summer off. She was so excited because this summer she and her family would be traveling to France. She had always wanted to visit Europe after her friend Susan visited Spain and Italy the summer before and came back knowing all sorts of funny words. She was going to get to see the Eiffel Tower, try all kinds of new food, and meet a whole bunch of new people. She was a bit worried because she didn't speak any French. She wanted to meet some of the people there and become friends. She didn't know how well that would work if she couldn't talk with them. Overall she was still quite excited. She would miss seeing her friends at home this summer. If she were in France she would miss the happy days of playing baseball with Tommy and Susan or going to movies to hide from the heat with her good friend Lilly, or getting lost wandering in the woods behind her house. Oh well, it was time to get ready for school, she would have to enjoy this last day with them before heading out on her adventure.
{ "author": "1008476394", "work_time": 841, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "hold", "rice", "name", "cutie", "smoke", "wear", "papa", "baseball", "like", "coin", "spoon", "pig", "toy", "helping", "mean" ] }
{ "A": "She thought she'd get lost.", "B": "She wouldn't know how to order food.", "C": "Everyone might make fun of her.", "D": "She wanted to make friends with the people there." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.160", "question": 2 }
Where is Linda travelling this summer?
Linda was very excited when she woke up this morning. It was finally the last day of school and she was going to get the whole summer off. She was so excited because this summer she and her family would be traveling to France. She had always wanted to visit Europe after her friend Susan visited Spain and Italy the summer before and came back knowing all sorts of funny words. She was going to get to see the Eiffel Tower, try all kinds of new food, and meet a whole bunch of new people. She was a bit worried because she didn't speak any French. She wanted to meet some of the people there and become friends. She didn't know how well that would work if she couldn't talk with them. Overall she was still quite excited. She would miss seeing her friends at home this summer. If she were in France she would miss the happy days of playing baseball with Tommy and Susan or going to movies to hide from the heat with her good friend Lilly, or getting lost wandering in the woods behind her house. Oh well, it was time to get ready for school, she would have to enjoy this last day with them before heading out on her adventure.
{ "author": "1008476394", "work_time": 841, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "hold", "rice", "name", "cutie", "smoke", "wear", "papa", "baseball", "like", "coin", "spoon", "pig", "toy", "helping", "mean" ] }
{ "A": "Spain", "B": "Italy", "C": "England", "D": "France" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.160", "question": 3 }
How was Linda feeling on the last day of school?
Linda was very excited when she woke up this morning. It was finally the last day of school and she was going to get the whole summer off. She was so excited because this summer she and her family would be traveling to France. She had always wanted to visit Europe after her friend Susan visited Spain and Italy the summer before and came back knowing all sorts of funny words. She was going to get to see the Eiffel Tower, try all kinds of new food, and meet a whole bunch of new people. She was a bit worried because she didn't speak any French. She wanted to meet some of the people there and become friends. She didn't know how well that would work if she couldn't talk with them. Overall she was still quite excited. She would miss seeing her friends at home this summer. If she were in France she would miss the happy days of playing baseball with Tommy and Susan or going to movies to hide from the heat with her good friend Lilly, or getting lost wandering in the woods behind her house. Oh well, it was time to get ready for school, she would have to enjoy this last day with them before heading out on her adventure.
{ "author": "1008476394", "work_time": 841, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "hold", "rice", "name", "cutie", "smoke", "wear", "papa", "baseball", "like", "coin", "spoon", "pig", "toy", "helping", "mean" ] }
{ "A": "Nervous", "B": "Excited", "C": "Worried", "D": "Happy" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.161", "question": 0 }
What happened when Jon woke up?
Jon woke up knowing that today was finally the day. It was his birthday! He had been waiting for this day all year long. He was super excited to get all his presents and hoped he finally got the basketball he wanted. As he ran outside, he saw his parents weren't even awake yet! He looked at the clock and it was still only six in the morning. He tried to wake up his parents, but they told him to go back to sleep. Jon went back to his bed and laid there until it was finally time to open presents. His parents were brushing their teeth and taking a shower, so Jon waited outside where the presents were. He saw that he had three gifts from his parents waiting for him. He had really hoped there was a basketball. The first gift he opened was a new pair of pants his mom had bought for him. The second gift he opened was a picture of his favorite basketball player to hang on his wall. Jon was starting to feel nervous as there was only one gift left! He wished and wished with all his might for a basketball. The last box was a square shape. If it was a basketball, surely it would have been round! He opened the box and saw that it really was a basketball! His parents had put it in a box so it wouldn't be clear. He was so happy he hugged his parents and told them thank you. His parents brought the cake out and he ate cake, holding on to his basketball the whole time. There was pizza and ice cream and chips, but Jon was too full and wanted to play with his new ball right away!
{ "author": "180621155", "work_time": 761, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "window", "boy", "lion", "elf", "name", "ground", "top", "stand", "wetting", "kitten", "air", "driver", "god", "run", "uncle" ] }
{ "A": "His parents brought out cake for him", "B": "He saw his parents brushing their teeth", "C": "His parents were still asleep so he had to go back to sleep", "D": "He opened his presents when his parents were still sleeping" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.161", "question": 1 }
What gift did Jon really want?
Jon woke up knowing that today was finally the day. It was his birthday! He had been waiting for this day all year long. He was super excited to get all his presents and hoped he finally got the basketball he wanted. As he ran outside, he saw his parents weren't even awake yet! He looked at the clock and it was still only six in the morning. He tried to wake up his parents, but they told him to go back to sleep. Jon went back to his bed and laid there until it was finally time to open presents. His parents were brushing their teeth and taking a shower, so Jon waited outside where the presents were. He saw that he had three gifts from his parents waiting for him. He had really hoped there was a basketball. The first gift he opened was a new pair of pants his mom had bought for him. The second gift he opened was a picture of his favorite basketball player to hang on his wall. Jon was starting to feel nervous as there was only one gift left! He wished and wished with all his might for a basketball. The last box was a square shape. If it was a basketball, surely it would have been round! He opened the box and saw that it really was a basketball! His parents had put it in a box so it wouldn't be clear. He was so happy he hugged his parents and told them thank you. His parents brought the cake out and he ate cake, holding on to his basketball the whole time. There was pizza and ice cream and chips, but Jon was too full and wanted to play with his new ball right away!
{ "author": "180621155", "work_time": 761, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "window", "boy", "lion", "elf", "name", "ground", "top", "stand", "wetting", "kitten", "air", "driver", "god", "run", "uncle" ] }
{ "A": "A pair of pants", "B": "ice cream", "C": "A picture of his favorite basketball player", "D": "Basketball" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.161", "question": 2 }
What did Jon do after he got his basketball
Jon woke up knowing that today was finally the day. It was his birthday! He had been waiting for this day all year long. He was super excited to get all his presents and hoped he finally got the basketball he wanted. As he ran outside, he saw his parents weren't even awake yet! He looked at the clock and it was still only six in the morning. He tried to wake up his parents, but they told him to go back to sleep. Jon went back to his bed and laid there until it was finally time to open presents. His parents were brushing their teeth and taking a shower, so Jon waited outside where the presents were. He saw that he had three gifts from his parents waiting for him. He had really hoped there was a basketball. The first gift he opened was a new pair of pants his mom had bought for him. The second gift he opened was a picture of his favorite basketball player to hang on his wall. Jon was starting to feel nervous as there was only one gift left! He wished and wished with all his might for a basketball. The last box was a square shape. If it was a basketball, surely it would have been round! He opened the box and saw that it really was a basketball! His parents had put it in a box so it wouldn't be clear. He was so happy he hugged his parents and told them thank you. His parents brought the cake out and he ate cake, holding on to his basketball the whole time. There was pizza and ice cream and chips, but Jon was too full and wanted to play with his new ball right away!
{ "author": "180621155", "work_time": 761, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "window", "boy", "lion", "elf", "name", "ground", "top", "stand", "wetting", "kitten", "air", "driver", "god", "run", "uncle" ] }
{ "A": "He ate cake and wanted to play with his new ball", "B": "He ate ice cream and went outside to play", "C": "He ate pizza and finished opening the rest of his gifts", "D": "He ate chips and went back to sleep" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.161", "question": 3 }
How many gifts did Jon get?
Jon woke up knowing that today was finally the day. It was his birthday! He had been waiting for this day all year long. He was super excited to get all his presents and hoped he finally got the basketball he wanted. As he ran outside, he saw his parents weren't even awake yet! He looked at the clock and it was still only six in the morning. He tried to wake up his parents, but they told him to go back to sleep. Jon went back to his bed and laid there until it was finally time to open presents. His parents were brushing their teeth and taking a shower, so Jon waited outside where the presents were. He saw that he had three gifts from his parents waiting for him. He had really hoped there was a basketball. The first gift he opened was a new pair of pants his mom had bought for him. The second gift he opened was a picture of his favorite basketball player to hang on his wall. Jon was starting to feel nervous as there was only one gift left! He wished and wished with all his might for a basketball. The last box was a square shape. If it was a basketball, surely it would have been round! He opened the box and saw that it really was a basketball! His parents had put it in a box so it wouldn't be clear. He was so happy he hugged his parents and told them thank you. His parents brought the cake out and he ate cake, holding on to his basketball the whole time. There was pizza and ice cream and chips, but Jon was too full and wanted to play with his new ball right away!
{ "author": "180621155", "work_time": 761, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "window", "boy", "lion", "elf", "name", "ground", "top", "stand", "wetting", "kitten", "air", "driver", "god", "run", "uncle" ] }
{ "A": "two", "B": "one", "C": "four", "D": "three" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.162", "question": 0 }
What is the boy's favorite TV shows?
Jimmy loved watching television. He would wake up and watch Cartoons on Cartoon Network. His favorite cartoon was Scooby Doo. After his mom picked him up at the bus stop, he would go home and watch the Flintstones. One day, his mom told him he was not allowed to watch cartoons after school. He was very sad. She told him he had to go outside to play. He walked into the backyard. Fido was running around. He started to chase him. He picked up a ball and threw it. Fido ran after it and brought it back. Jimmy laughed. He chased after Fido and scratched his back. Maybe being outside wasn't so bad after all! He played with Fido for another hour until his mom called him inside. It was dinner time. Dinner was fried chicken and mashed potatoes-his favorite. He was happy his mom made him go outside. He would go outside every day after school now!
{ "author": "978662544", "work_time": 1608, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "ground", "leg", "lunch", "god", "sleeve", "mouth", "napkin", "grandmother", "marker", "silly", "scream", "lettuce", "television", "take", "wind" ] }
{ "A": "Fido & Jimmy", "B": "Flintstones & Scooby Doo", "C": "Mom & Jimmy", "D": "Seinfeld & King of the Hill" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.162", "question": 1 }
What did Jimmy think after he went outside?
Jimmy loved watching television. He would wake up and watch Cartoons on Cartoon Network. His favorite cartoon was Scooby Doo. After his mom picked him up at the bus stop, he would go home and watch the Flintstones. One day, his mom told him he was not allowed to watch cartoons after school. He was very sad. She told him he had to go outside to play. He walked into the backyard. Fido was running around. He started to chase him. He picked up a ball and threw it. Fido ran after it and brought it back. Jimmy laughed. He chased after Fido and scratched his back. Maybe being outside wasn't so bad after all! He played with Fido for another hour until his mom called him inside. It was dinner time. Dinner was fried chicken and mashed potatoes-his favorite. He was happy his mom made him go outside. He would go outside every day after school now!
{ "author": "978662544", "work_time": 1608, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "ground", "leg", "lunch", "god", "sleeve", "mouth", "napkin", "grandmother", "marker", "silly", "scream", "lettuce", "television", "take", "wind" ] }
{ "A": "He was happy and wanted to go outside every day after school.", "B": "He wanted to watch television again.", "C": "He wanted to eat a snack.", "D": "He wanted to play with Fido." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.162", "question": 2 }
What is the name of Jimmy's dog?
Jimmy loved watching television. He would wake up and watch Cartoons on Cartoon Network. His favorite cartoon was Scooby Doo. After his mom picked him up at the bus stop, he would go home and watch the Flintstones. One day, his mom told him he was not allowed to watch cartoons after school. He was very sad. She told him he had to go outside to play. He walked into the backyard. Fido was running around. He started to chase him. He picked up a ball and threw it. Fido ran after it and brought it back. Jimmy laughed. He chased after Fido and scratched his back. Maybe being outside wasn't so bad after all! He played with Fido for another hour until his mom called him inside. It was dinner time. Dinner was fried chicken and mashed potatoes-his favorite. He was happy his mom made him go outside. He would go outside every day after school now!
{ "author": "978662544", "work_time": 1608, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "ground", "leg", "lunch", "god", "sleeve", "mouth", "napkin", "grandmother", "marker", "silly", "scream", "lettuce", "television", "take", "wind" ] }
{ "A": "Scooby Doo", "B": "Fido", "C": "Jimmy", "D": "Flintstone" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.162", "question": 3 }
What is the boy's name?
Jimmy loved watching television. He would wake up and watch Cartoons on Cartoon Network. His favorite cartoon was Scooby Doo. After his mom picked him up at the bus stop, he would go home and watch the Flintstones. One day, his mom told him he was not allowed to watch cartoons after school. He was very sad. She told him he had to go outside to play. He walked into the backyard. Fido was running around. He started to chase him. He picked up a ball and threw it. Fido ran after it and brought it back. Jimmy laughed. He chased after Fido and scratched his back. Maybe being outside wasn't so bad after all! He played with Fido for another hour until his mom called him inside. It was dinner time. Dinner was fried chicken and mashed potatoes-his favorite. He was happy his mom made him go outside. He would go outside every day after school now!
{ "author": "978662544", "work_time": 1608, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "ground", "leg", "lunch", "god", "sleeve", "mouth", "napkin", "grandmother", "marker", "silly", "scream", "lettuce", "television", "take", "wind" ] }
{ "A": "Mom", "B": "Flintstones", "C": "Scooby Doo", "D": "Jimmy" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.163", "question": 0 }
What time was Chris coming over?
Nick was so happy to finally meet his cousin. Just this morning he found out what a cousin is. A cousin is somebody who has the same grandmother and grandfather as you. He didn't even know he had a cousin and now they were going to play together. This was going to be a great day. \newlineRight after he ate lunch and had a quick piece of candy for snack he pulled out the letter that his cousin Chris wrote to him. He read it over and over again. They liked so many of the same things, like riding bikes and playing games. It was only twelve o'clock and Nick did not know if he would make it until Chris got here. He had two more hours to go.\newlineNick fell asleep as he was reading a book and woke up to the sound of a car outside. It must be them! He jumped up and ran downstairs and right out the door to the car. That's when he saw Chris through the car window. Nick was really surprised. Chris had a ponytail! Chris was a girl! \newlineIt turned out that Nick still really liked his cousin Chris, even if she was a girl.
{ "author": "2433395958", "work_time": 2112, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "candy", "floor", "letter", "change", "hold", "marker", "cop", "dark", "alligator", "spoon", "gentle", "cousin", "cousin", "cousin", "saying" ] }
{ "A": "Two o'clock.", "B": "This morning.", "C": "Twelve o'clock.", "D": "Tonight." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.163", "question": 1 }
What did Nick and Chris both like to do?
Nick was so happy to finally meet his cousin. Just this morning he found out what a cousin is. A cousin is somebody who has the same grandmother and grandfather as you. He didn't even know he had a cousin and now they were going to play together. This was going to be a great day. \newlineRight after he ate lunch and had a quick piece of candy for snack he pulled out the letter that his cousin Chris wrote to him. He read it over and over again. They liked so many of the same things, like riding bikes and playing games. It was only twelve o'clock and Nick did not know if he would make it until Chris got here. He had two more hours to go.\newlineNick fell asleep as he was reading a book and woke up to the sound of a car outside. It must be them! He jumped up and ran downstairs and right out the door to the car. That's when he saw Chris through the car window. Nick was really surprised. Chris had a ponytail! Chris was a girl! \newlineIt turned out that Nick still really liked his cousin Chris, even if she was a girl.
{ "author": "2433395958", "work_time": 2112, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "candy", "floor", "letter", "change", "hold", "marker", "cop", "dark", "alligator", "spoon", "gentle", "cousin", "cousin", "cousin", "saying" ] }
{ "A": "Draw pictures and paint.", "B": "Read books.", "C": "Eat lunch.", "D": "Ride bikes and play games." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.163", "question": 2 }
Who was Nick going to meet for this first time?
Nick was so happy to finally meet his cousin. Just this morning he found out what a cousin is. A cousin is somebody who has the same grandmother and grandfather as you. He didn't even know he had a cousin and now they were going to play together. This was going to be a great day. \newlineRight after he ate lunch and had a quick piece of candy for snack he pulled out the letter that his cousin Chris wrote to him. He read it over and over again. They liked so many of the same things, like riding bikes and playing games. It was only twelve o'clock and Nick did not know if he would make it until Chris got here. He had two more hours to go.\newlineNick fell asleep as he was reading a book and woke up to the sound of a car outside. It must be them! He jumped up and ran downstairs and right out the door to the car. That's when he saw Chris through the car window. Nick was really surprised. Chris had a ponytail! Chris was a girl! \newlineIt turned out that Nick still really liked his cousin Chris, even if she was a girl.
{ "author": "2433395958", "work_time": 2112, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "candy", "floor", "letter", "change", "hold", "marker", "cop", "dark", "alligator", "spoon", "gentle", "cousin", "cousin", "cousin", "saying" ] }
{ "A": "His grandfather.", "B": "His cousin.", "C": "His grandmother.", "D": "His aunt." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.163", "question": 3 }
Why was Nick surprised?
Nick was so happy to finally meet his cousin. Just this morning he found out what a cousin is. A cousin is somebody who has the same grandmother and grandfather as you. He didn't even know he had a cousin and now they were going to play together. This was going to be a great day. \newlineRight after he ate lunch and had a quick piece of candy for snack he pulled out the letter that his cousin Chris wrote to him. He read it over and over again. They liked so many of the same things, like riding bikes and playing games. It was only twelve o'clock and Nick did not know if he would make it until Chris got here. He had two more hours to go.\newlineNick fell asleep as he was reading a book and woke up to the sound of a car outside. It must be them! He jumped up and ran downstairs and right out the door to the car. That's when he saw Chris through the car window. Nick was really surprised. Chris had a ponytail! Chris was a girl! \newlineIt turned out that Nick still really liked his cousin Chris, even if she was a girl.
{ "author": "2433395958", "work_time": 2112, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "candy", "floor", "letter", "change", "hold", "marker", "cop", "dark", "alligator", "spoon", "gentle", "cousin", "cousin", "cousin", "saying" ] }
{ "A": "Chris liked the same things as him.", "B": "He fell asleep.", "C": "Chris was a girl.", "D": "Chris was his cousin." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.164", "question": 0 }
What class did Jill prefer?
Jill was a normal student. However, she was barely passing her classes this year. Her finals were coming up in a few weeks and Jill was very nervous about her Math test. She was never very good at Math. Her brother always teased her because he was great at Math, History, and Science, but she preferred Art. To raise her grades, Jill spent the week before finals studying every day in the school library. On the last day before the test, Jill walked in and was ready to work hard like she had every day that week. Except this time she looked over and saw her best friend, Michelle, walking up to her. Michelle greeted Jill and told her that she wants to help her study for the Math test. The two girls spend the rest of the afternoon looking over their class notes. By the end of the day, Jill finally felt ready. She left and walked back to her house. That night Jill made sure to get lots of sleep. She awoke early and had a filling breakfast before making her way to school. Her teacher, Mr. Matthews, handed out the Math tests and she began to work. She felt like she did a really good job, but she was scared, too. Jill had to wait until tomorrow to see how she did. The next day she hurried back to class. Jill walked in and grabbed her test from the stack of papers. She let out a yell. Jill had failed. She turned to her friend Michelle and started to cry. She was so upset.
{ "author": "1982387414", "work_time": 4014, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "auntie", "paper", "mine", "door", "dark", "sandwich", "bye", "cloud", "sled", "hiding", "sleep", "winter", "smoke", "clock", "stupid" ] }
{ "A": "Science", "B": "Art", "C": "History", "D": "Math" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.164", "question": 1 }
What did Jill not do to be ready for the test?
Jill was a normal student. However, she was barely passing her classes this year. Her finals were coming up in a few weeks and Jill was very nervous about her Math test. She was never very good at Math. Her brother always teased her because he was great at Math, History, and Science, but she preferred Art. To raise her grades, Jill spent the week before finals studying every day in the school library. On the last day before the test, Jill walked in and was ready to work hard like she had every day that week. Except this time she looked over and saw her best friend, Michelle, walking up to her. Michelle greeted Jill and told her that she wants to help her study for the Math test. The two girls spend the rest of the afternoon looking over their class notes. By the end of the day, Jill finally felt ready. She left and walked back to her house. That night Jill made sure to get lots of sleep. She awoke early and had a filling breakfast before making her way to school. Her teacher, Mr. Matthews, handed out the Math tests and she began to work. She felt like she did a really good job, but she was scared, too. Jill had to wait until tomorrow to see how she did. The next day she hurried back to class. Jill walked in and grabbed her test from the stack of papers. She let out a yell. Jill had failed. She turned to her friend Michelle and started to cry. She was so upset.
{ "author": "1982387414", "work_time": 4014, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "auntie", "paper", "mine", "door", "dark", "sandwich", "bye", "cloud", "sled", "hiding", "sleep", "winter", "smoke", "clock", "stupid" ] }
{ "A": "Made a cheat sheet with the test answers.", "B": "Got lots of sleep the night before.", "C": "Woke up early and had breakfast.", "D": "Studied hard the whole week." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.164", "question": 2 }
Where did Jill study with her friend?
Jill was a normal student. However, she was barely passing her classes this year. Her finals were coming up in a few weeks and Jill was very nervous about her Math test. She was never very good at Math. Her brother always teased her because he was great at Math, History, and Science, but she preferred Art. To raise her grades, Jill spent the week before finals studying every day in the school library. On the last day before the test, Jill walked in and was ready to work hard like she had every day that week. Except this time she looked over and saw her best friend, Michelle, walking up to her. Michelle greeted Jill and told her that she wants to help her study for the Math test. The two girls spend the rest of the afternoon looking over their class notes. By the end of the day, Jill finally felt ready. She left and walked back to her house. That night Jill made sure to get lots of sleep. She awoke early and had a filling breakfast before making her way to school. Her teacher, Mr. Matthews, handed out the Math tests and she began to work. She felt like she did a really good job, but she was scared, too. Jill had to wait until tomorrow to see how she did. The next day she hurried back to class. Jill walked in and grabbed her test from the stack of papers. She let out a yell. Jill had failed. She turned to her friend Michelle and started to cry. She was so upset.
{ "author": "1982387414", "work_time": 4014, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "auntie", "paper", "mine", "door", "dark", "sandwich", "bye", "cloud", "sled", "hiding", "sleep", "winter", "smoke", "clock", "stupid" ] }
{ "A": "At the library.", "B": "At school.", "C": "At the park.", "D": "At her house." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.164", "question": 3 }
Why was Jill upset?
Jill was a normal student. However, she was barely passing her classes this year. Her finals were coming up in a few weeks and Jill was very nervous about her Math test. She was never very good at Math. Her brother always teased her because he was great at Math, History, and Science, but she preferred Art. To raise her grades, Jill spent the week before finals studying every day in the school library. On the last day before the test, Jill walked in and was ready to work hard like she had every day that week. Except this time she looked over and saw her best friend, Michelle, walking up to her. Michelle greeted Jill and told her that she wants to help her study for the Math test. The two girls spend the rest of the afternoon looking over their class notes. By the end of the day, Jill finally felt ready. She left and walked back to her house. That night Jill made sure to get lots of sleep. She awoke early and had a filling breakfast before making her way to school. Her teacher, Mr. Matthews, handed out the Math tests and she began to work. She felt like she did a really good job, but she was scared, too. Jill had to wait until tomorrow to see how she did. The next day she hurried back to class. Jill walked in and grabbed her test from the stack of papers. She let out a yell. Jill had failed. She turned to her friend Michelle and started to cry. She was so upset.
{ "author": "1982387414", "work_time": 4014, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "auntie", "paper", "mine", "door", "dark", "sandwich", "bye", "cloud", "sled", "hiding", "sleep", "winter", "smoke", "clock", "stupid" ] }
{ "A": "She failed a test.", "B": "She fought with Michelle.", "C": "She was grounded.", "D": "She lost a library book." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.165", "question": 0 }
Who gave Bobby his favorite blanket?
Bobby was a little barn mouse and loved to sleep on a blanket. Every day in the morning, Bobby would wake up and fold his little blue blanket that he slept on. Bobby's uncle Arthur got the blanket for Bobby from in the big house. Bobby loved this blanket more than any other thing he had. Bobby had a lot of neat stuff. He had a penny, a safety pin and an earring. He found all of these when he would walk through the forest in the afternoon. Bobby's uncle Arthur would always take walks with him through the forest, to make sure that Bobby didn't get in any trouble. Bobby had to be careful that people didn't see him, because the people didn't like mice. Bobby didn't understand, because people liked other animals, but would scream if they saw a mouse. They didn't scream if they saw a dog, cat or chicken. Bobby thought the dogs were the scariest and people might rather scream when they saw dogs and not mice.
{ "author": "3703572249", "work_time": 994, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "tickle", "uncle", "die", "knee", "mouse", "bag", "barn", "splinter", "drink", "head", "mouse", "mirror", "fold", "blanket", "lied" ] }
{ "A": "Chicken", "B": "Arthur", "C": "Cat", "D": "Dog" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.165", "question": 1 }
What was the little mouses uncles name?
Bobby was a little barn mouse and loved to sleep on a blanket. Every day in the morning, Bobby would wake up and fold his little blue blanket that he slept on. Bobby's uncle Arthur got the blanket for Bobby from in the big house. Bobby loved this blanket more than any other thing he had. Bobby had a lot of neat stuff. He had a penny, a safety pin and an earring. He found all of these when he would walk through the forest in the afternoon. Bobby's uncle Arthur would always take walks with him through the forest, to make sure that Bobby didn't get in any trouble. Bobby had to be careful that people didn't see him, because the people didn't like mice. Bobby didn't understand, because people liked other animals, but would scream if they saw a mouse. They didn't scream if they saw a dog, cat or chicken. Bobby thought the dogs were the scariest and people might rather scream when they saw dogs and not mice.
{ "author": "3703572249", "work_time": 994, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "tickle", "uncle", "die", "knee", "mouse", "bag", "barn", "splinter", "drink", "head", "mouse", "mirror", "fold", "blanket", "lied" ] }
{ "A": "Bobby", "B": "Forest", "C": "Penny", "D": "Arthur" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.165", "question": 2 }
What was Bobby's favorite thing?
Bobby was a little barn mouse and loved to sleep on a blanket. Every day in the morning, Bobby would wake up and fold his little blue blanket that he slept on. Bobby's uncle Arthur got the blanket for Bobby from in the big house. Bobby loved this blanket more than any other thing he had. Bobby had a lot of neat stuff. He had a penny, a safety pin and an earring. He found all of these when he would walk through the forest in the afternoon. Bobby's uncle Arthur would always take walks with him through the forest, to make sure that Bobby didn't get in any trouble. Bobby had to be careful that people didn't see him, because the people didn't like mice. Bobby didn't understand, because people liked other animals, but would scream if they saw a mouse. They didn't scream if they saw a dog, cat or chicken. Bobby thought the dogs were the scariest and people might rather scream when they saw dogs and not mice.
{ "author": "3703572249", "work_time": 994, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "tickle", "uncle", "die", "knee", "mouse", "bag", "barn", "splinter", "drink", "head", "mouse", "mirror", "fold", "blanket", "lied" ] }
{ "A": "blanket", "B": "earring", "C": "penny", "D": "safety pin" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.165", "question": 3 }
Who did Bobby have to make sure didn't see him?
Bobby was a little barn mouse and loved to sleep on a blanket. Every day in the morning, Bobby would wake up and fold his little blue blanket that he slept on. Bobby's uncle Arthur got the blanket for Bobby from in the big house. Bobby loved this blanket more than any other thing he had. Bobby had a lot of neat stuff. He had a penny, a safety pin and an earring. He found all of these when he would walk through the forest in the afternoon. Bobby's uncle Arthur would always take walks with him through the forest, to make sure that Bobby didn't get in any trouble. Bobby had to be careful that people didn't see him, because the people didn't like mice. Bobby didn't understand, because people liked other animals, but would scream if they saw a mouse. They didn't scream if they saw a dog, cat or chicken. Bobby thought the dogs were the scariest and people might rather scream when they saw dogs and not mice.
{ "author": "3703572249", "work_time": 994, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "tickle", "uncle", "die", "knee", "mouse", "bag", "barn", "splinter", "drink", "head", "mouse", "mirror", "fold", "blanket", "lied" ] }
{ "A": "Dog", "B": "People", "C": "Arthur", "D": "Cat" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.166", "question": 0 }
Why did Betsy stop playing with Twinkles to go home?
There was once a little fairy named Twinkles who lived in an old willow tree. The tree grew next to a river in a large, green forest. Twinkles loved to fly around the forest with her best friend Betsy the Bat. Betsy was a very forgetful bat. One day Twinkles and Betsy were playing next to the bushes by the river bank when Betsy shouted, "Oh no, I've forgotten my lunch that my mom packed for me today! It is late in the afternoon and I am hungry."\newline\newline"Do not worry," said Twinkles. "I am going to wait here for you until you get back."\newline\newlineWith that, Betsy flew off toward her home in the wet cave near the other end of the river. An hour went by and Betsy still had not returned. "Hmm," thought Twinkles, "I wonder where Betsy went off to." Twinkles flew off to find her best friend.\newline\newlineSoon, she heard a voice calling from down below. "Help me! I'm stuck!" Twinkles looked down. Sure enough, it was Betsy! She had been caught in a pile of sticky mud near the mouth of the cave. \newline\newline"Don't worry, I am coming to save you!" cried Twinkles. Twinkles swooped down to the ground. She found a strong stick nearby that she could use to help her pull Betsy out of the thick mud. Betsy grabbed the end of the stick that Twinkles held out to her. After some heavy tugging, Betsy was free.\newline\newline"Thank you so very much for pulling me out of the mud! I was looking for some berries to use for jam down by the river. They grow on the bushes there. I wanted some for a little dessert after my lunch. I accidentally walked into the pile of mud on the floor and got stuck."\newline\newline"No problem," said Twinkles. "That's what friends are for."
{ "author": "517735567", "work_time": 1049, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "belly", "naughty", "cowboy", "ear", "best", "green", "seat", "dry", "lap", "balloon", "firing", "kitty", "line", "body", "fruit" ] }
{ "A": "She forgot her lunch at home and was getting hungry", "B": "There were rain clouds in the sky and Betsy wanted to get her umbrella so she and Twinkles could still play", "C": "She missed her mother at home in the cave", "D": "Betsy needed to get a drink of water from her mother in the cave" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.166", "question": 1 }
Where does Twinkles live?
There was once a little fairy named Twinkles who lived in an old willow tree. The tree grew next to a river in a large, green forest. Twinkles loved to fly around the forest with her best friend Betsy the Bat. Betsy was a very forgetful bat. One day Twinkles and Betsy were playing next to the bushes by the river bank when Betsy shouted, "Oh no, I've forgotten my lunch that my mom packed for me today! It is late in the afternoon and I am hungry."\newline\newline"Do not worry," said Twinkles. "I am going to wait here for you until you get back."\newline\newlineWith that, Betsy flew off toward her home in the wet cave near the other end of the river. An hour went by and Betsy still had not returned. "Hmm," thought Twinkles, "I wonder where Betsy went off to." Twinkles flew off to find her best friend.\newline\newlineSoon, she heard a voice calling from down below. "Help me! I'm stuck!" Twinkles looked down. Sure enough, it was Betsy! She had been caught in a pile of sticky mud near the mouth of the cave. \newline\newline"Don't worry, I am coming to save you!" cried Twinkles. Twinkles swooped down to the ground. She found a strong stick nearby that she could use to help her pull Betsy out of the thick mud. Betsy grabbed the end of the stick that Twinkles held out to her. After some heavy tugging, Betsy was free.\newline\newline"Thank you so very much for pulling me out of the mud! I was looking for some berries to use for jam down by the river. They grow on the bushes there. I wanted some for a little dessert after my lunch. I accidentally walked into the pile of mud on the floor and got stuck."\newline\newline"No problem," said Twinkles. "That's what friends are for."
{ "author": "517735567", "work_time": 1049, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "belly", "naughty", "cowboy", "ear", "best", "green", "seat", "dry", "lap", "balloon", "firing", "kitty", "line", "body", "fruit" ] }
{ "A": "An old willow tree that grows next to a river in a forest", "B": "In a garden near the forest", "C": "In a wet cave", "D": "In a beautiful meadow filled with daffodils by a river" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.166", "question": 2 }
Why was Twinkles glad to help Betsy the Bat?
There was once a little fairy named Twinkles who lived in an old willow tree. The tree grew next to a river in a large, green forest. Twinkles loved to fly around the forest with her best friend Betsy the Bat. Betsy was a very forgetful bat. One day Twinkles and Betsy were playing next to the bushes by the river bank when Betsy shouted, "Oh no, I've forgotten my lunch that my mom packed for me today! It is late in the afternoon and I am hungry."\newline\newline"Do not worry," said Twinkles. "I am going to wait here for you until you get back."\newline\newlineWith that, Betsy flew off toward her home in the wet cave near the other end of the river. An hour went by and Betsy still had not returned. "Hmm," thought Twinkles, "I wonder where Betsy went off to." Twinkles flew off to find her best friend.\newline\newlineSoon, she heard a voice calling from down below. "Help me! I'm stuck!" Twinkles looked down. Sure enough, it was Betsy! She had been caught in a pile of sticky mud near the mouth of the cave. \newline\newline"Don't worry, I am coming to save you!" cried Twinkles. Twinkles swooped down to the ground. She found a strong stick nearby that she could use to help her pull Betsy out of the thick mud. Betsy grabbed the end of the stick that Twinkles held out to her. After some heavy tugging, Betsy was free.\newline\newline"Thank you so very much for pulling me out of the mud! I was looking for some berries to use for jam down by the river. They grow on the bushes there. I wanted some for a little dessert after my lunch. I accidentally walked into the pile of mud on the floor and got stuck."\newline\newline"No problem," said Twinkles. "That's what friends are for."
{ "author": "517735567", "work_time": 1049, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "belly", "naughty", "cowboy", "ear", "best", "green", "seat", "dry", "lap", "balloon", "firing", "kitty", "line", "body", "fruit" ] }
{ "A": "She wanted to free Betsy so she could eat the berries Betsy had gathered to eat", "B": "Because that's what friends are for!", "C": "She did not really want to help Betsy", "D": "She wanted to play with Betsy's toys" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.166", "question": 3 }
How did Twinkles free Betsy from the mud?
There was once a little fairy named Twinkles who lived in an old willow tree. The tree grew next to a river in a large, green forest. Twinkles loved to fly around the forest with her best friend Betsy the Bat. Betsy was a very forgetful bat. One day Twinkles and Betsy were playing next to the bushes by the river bank when Betsy shouted, "Oh no, I've forgotten my lunch that my mom packed for me today! It is late in the afternoon and I am hungry."\newline\newline"Do not worry," said Twinkles. "I am going to wait here for you until you get back."\newline\newlineWith that, Betsy flew off toward her home in the wet cave near the other end of the river. An hour went by and Betsy still had not returned. "Hmm," thought Twinkles, "I wonder where Betsy went off to." Twinkles flew off to find her best friend.\newline\newlineSoon, she heard a voice calling from down below. "Help me! I'm stuck!" Twinkles looked down. Sure enough, it was Betsy! She had been caught in a pile of sticky mud near the mouth of the cave. \newline\newline"Don't worry, I am coming to save you!" cried Twinkles. Twinkles swooped down to the ground. She found a strong stick nearby that she could use to help her pull Betsy out of the thick mud. Betsy grabbed the end of the stick that Twinkles held out to her. After some heavy tugging, Betsy was free.\newline\newline"Thank you so very much for pulling me out of the mud! I was looking for some berries to use for jam down by the river. They grow on the bushes there. I wanted some for a little dessert after my lunch. I accidentally walked into the pile of mud on the floor and got stuck."\newline\newline"No problem," said Twinkles. "That's what friends are for."
{ "author": "517735567", "work_time": 1049, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "belly", "naughty", "cowboy", "ear", "best", "green", "seat", "dry", "lap", "balloon", "firing", "kitty", "line", "body", "fruit" ] }
{ "A": "She held one end of the stick, Betsy held the other, and then she pulled very hard", "B": "She used water from the river to rinse away the mud", "C": "She called Betsy's mother for help", "D": "She used a stick to slowly scrape away all of the mud" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.167", "question": 0 }
What time did Eric have to be home?
"Be home by dinnertime", Eric's mother said as he left for school that morning. Eric was excited. Today was show and tell, and he planned to do his magic tricks for the whole class. Once he got to school, he couldn't wait until it was his turn. First up was Angie, who brought her pet lizard. It could change colors to match whatever it was sitting on. The second to be called was John, who showed the class a flower he had grown from seeds. Finally Eric's name was called. He went to the front of the class. "For my first trick" he said, "I'll pull a hamster out of a hat". He had borrowed his sister Candice's pet hamster in order to do his trick. He showed the class his that the hat was empty, then he reached inside, into the secret space where the hamster was hidden. The hamster was gone. He heard a scream. Two girls were standing on their chairs, and the hamster was crawling toward the back of the class. The teacher made him stay after school as punishment, but at least he made it home by dinnertime.
{ "author": "3525600876", "work_time": 2433, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "dinnertime", "ring", "room", "key", "ground", "rule", "winning", "lie", "trashcan", "river", "sidewalk", "hand", "bleed", "brush", "wind" ] }
{ "A": "At dinnertime.", "B": "In the morning.", "C": "Right after school.", "D": "Before dark." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.167", "question": 1 }
Which child was not at show and tell?
"Be home by dinnertime", Eric's mother said as he left for school that morning. Eric was excited. Today was show and tell, and he planned to do his magic tricks for the whole class. Once he got to school, he couldn't wait until it was his turn. First up was Angie, who brought her pet lizard. It could change colors to match whatever it was sitting on. The second to be called was John, who showed the class a flower he had grown from seeds. Finally Eric's name was called. He went to the front of the class. "For my first trick" he said, "I'll pull a hamster out of a hat". He had borrowed his sister Candice's pet hamster in order to do his trick. He showed the class his that the hat was empty, then he reached inside, into the secret space where the hamster was hidden. The hamster was gone. He heard a scream. Two girls were standing on their chairs, and the hamster was crawling toward the back of the class. The teacher made him stay after school as punishment, but at least he made it home by dinnertime.
{ "author": "3525600876", "work_time": 2433, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "dinnertime", "ring", "room", "key", "ground", "rule", "winning", "lie", "trashcan", "river", "sidewalk", "hand", "bleed", "brush", "wind" ] }
{ "A": "Eric", "B": "John", "C": "Candice.", "D": "Angie" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.167", "question": 2 }
What did Angie bring to show and tell?
"Be home by dinnertime", Eric's mother said as he left for school that morning. Eric was excited. Today was show and tell, and he planned to do his magic tricks for the whole class. Once he got to school, he couldn't wait until it was his turn. First up was Angie, who brought her pet lizard. It could change colors to match whatever it was sitting on. The second to be called was John, who showed the class a flower he had grown from seeds. Finally Eric's name was called. He went to the front of the class. "For my first trick" he said, "I'll pull a hamster out of a hat". He had borrowed his sister Candice's pet hamster in order to do his trick. He showed the class his that the hat was empty, then he reached inside, into the secret space where the hamster was hidden. The hamster was gone. He heard a scream. Two girls were standing on their chairs, and the hamster was crawling toward the back of the class. The teacher made him stay after school as punishment, but at least he made it home by dinnertime.
{ "author": "3525600876", "work_time": 2433, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "dinnertime", "ring", "room", "key", "ground", "rule", "winning", "lie", "trashcan", "river", "sidewalk", "hand", "bleed", "brush", "wind" ] }
{ "A": "A lizard that could change colors.", "B": "A hat.", "C": "A hamster.", "D": "A flower." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.167", "question": 3 }
What was Eric's magic trick?
"Be home by dinnertime", Eric's mother said as he left for school that morning. Eric was excited. Today was show and tell, and he planned to do his magic tricks for the whole class. Once he got to school, he couldn't wait until it was his turn. First up was Angie, who brought her pet lizard. It could change colors to match whatever it was sitting on. The second to be called was John, who showed the class a flower he had grown from seeds. Finally Eric's name was called. He went to the front of the class. "For my first trick" he said, "I'll pull a hamster out of a hat". He had borrowed his sister Candice's pet hamster in order to do his trick. He showed the class his that the hat was empty, then he reached inside, into the secret space where the hamster was hidden. The hamster was gone. He heard a scream. Two girls were standing on their chairs, and the hamster was crawling toward the back of the class. The teacher made him stay after school as punishment, but at least he made it home by dinnertime.
{ "author": "3525600876", "work_time": 2433, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "dinnertime", "ring", "room", "key", "ground", "rule", "winning", "lie", "trashcan", "river", "sidewalk", "hand", "bleed", "brush", "wind" ] }
{ "A": "Making a flower grow.", "B": "Making Angie disappear.", "C": "Making a lizard change color.", "D": "Pulling a hamster out of a hat." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.168", "question": 0 }
What did the family not eat at the park for lunch?
A family of four went to the zoo today. The animal zoo they were going to had a bunch of different kinds of animals! The kids were so excited to go that they had almost forgot to bring their camera. They arrived to the zoo and the first thing they saw were the flamingos! They were so pretty and pink. They all stood around very silently and looked at the people. The next animal they saw were the lions. They were so scary looking that the kids were scared to walk close to the fence. After the lions were the giraffes. They were so tall, the kids had to lean all the way back to see them. The kids were hungry so they went to go eat lunch. The family had a bunch of food such as pizza, burgers, chicken fingers, and fries. After lunch, they went to see the monkeys. They were so loud and smelly. Some of the monkeys went right up to the glass to look at the people. The family took a break after seeing the monkeys as they were tired from all the walking. The park was so big that they had so many more animals to see! Their feet started hurting, so the family went to see a few more animals. They went home after a really fun day at the zoo. They had seen a lot of animals they never would have seen outside of the zoo. They loved the zoo so much they wanted to go back next week! The parents said they would come back soon to see how the animals were doing.
{ "author": "180621155", "work_time": 1134, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "hit", "rinse", "kick", "jump", "medicine", "move", "paint", "rain", "wood", "jacket", "sign", "share", "pasting", "family", "zoo" ] }
{ "A": "fries", "B": "popcorn", "C": "pizza", "D": "burgers" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.168", "question": 1 }
When did the family eat lunch?
A family of four went to the zoo today. The animal zoo they were going to had a bunch of different kinds of animals! The kids were so excited to go that they had almost forgot to bring their camera. They arrived to the zoo and the first thing they saw were the flamingos! They were so pretty and pink. They all stood around very silently and looked at the people. The next animal they saw were the lions. They were so scary looking that the kids were scared to walk close to the fence. After the lions were the giraffes. They were so tall, the kids had to lean all the way back to see them. The kids were hungry so they went to go eat lunch. The family had a bunch of food such as pizza, burgers, chicken fingers, and fries. After lunch, they went to see the monkeys. They were so loud and smelly. Some of the monkeys went right up to the glass to look at the people. The family took a break after seeing the monkeys as they were tired from all the walking. The park was so big that they had so many more animals to see! Their feet started hurting, so the family went to see a few more animals. They went home after a really fun day at the zoo. They had seen a lot of animals they never would have seen outside of the zoo. They loved the zoo so much they wanted to go back next week! The parents said they would come back soon to see how the animals were doing.
{ "author": "180621155", "work_time": 1134, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "hit", "rinse", "kick", "jump", "medicine", "move", "paint", "rain", "wood", "jacket", "sign", "share", "pasting", "family", "zoo" ] }
{ "A": "When they first got to the park", "B": "Before the flamingos", "C": "After seeing all of the animals", "D": "After seeing the giraffes" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.168", "question": 2 }
In what order did the family see the animals?
A family of four went to the zoo today. The animal zoo they were going to had a bunch of different kinds of animals! The kids were so excited to go that they had almost forgot to bring their camera. They arrived to the zoo and the first thing they saw were the flamingos! They were so pretty and pink. They all stood around very silently and looked at the people. The next animal they saw were the lions. They were so scary looking that the kids were scared to walk close to the fence. After the lions were the giraffes. They were so tall, the kids had to lean all the way back to see them. The kids were hungry so they went to go eat lunch. The family had a bunch of food such as pizza, burgers, chicken fingers, and fries. After lunch, they went to see the monkeys. They were so loud and smelly. Some of the monkeys went right up to the glass to look at the people. The family took a break after seeing the monkeys as they were tired from all the walking. The park was so big that they had so many more animals to see! Their feet started hurting, so the family went to see a few more animals. They went home after a really fun day at the zoo. They had seen a lot of animals they never would have seen outside of the zoo. They loved the zoo so much they wanted to go back next week! The parents said they would come back soon to see how the animals were doing.
{ "author": "180621155", "work_time": 1134, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "hit", "rinse", "kick", "jump", "medicine", "move", "paint", "rain", "wood", "jacket", "sign", "share", "pasting", "family", "zoo" ] }
{ "A": "Flamingos, monkeys, lions, and giraffes", "B": "Lions, Flamingos, giraffes, and monkeys", "C": "Flamingos, giraffes, monkeys, and lions", "D": "Flamingos, lions, giraffes, and monkeys" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.168", "question": 3 }
What was the first animal the kids saw at the zoo?
A family of four went to the zoo today. The animal zoo they were going to had a bunch of different kinds of animals! The kids were so excited to go that they had almost forgot to bring their camera. They arrived to the zoo and the first thing they saw were the flamingos! They were so pretty and pink. They all stood around very silently and looked at the people. The next animal they saw were the lions. They were so scary looking that the kids were scared to walk close to the fence. After the lions were the giraffes. They were so tall, the kids had to lean all the way back to see them. The kids were hungry so they went to go eat lunch. The family had a bunch of food such as pizza, burgers, chicken fingers, and fries. After lunch, they went to see the monkeys. They were so loud and smelly. Some of the monkeys went right up to the glass to look at the people. The family took a break after seeing the monkeys as they were tired from all the walking. The park was so big that they had so many more animals to see! Their feet started hurting, so the family went to see a few more animals. They went home after a really fun day at the zoo. They had seen a lot of animals they never would have seen outside of the zoo. They loved the zoo so much they wanted to go back next week! The parents said they would come back soon to see how the animals were doing.
{ "author": "180621155", "work_time": 1134, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "hit", "rinse", "kick", "jump", "medicine", "move", "paint", "rain", "wood", "jacket", "sign", "share", "pasting", "family", "zoo" ] }
{ "A": "monkeys", "B": "giraffes", "C": "lions", "D": "flamingos" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.169", "question": 0 }
What was the weather like that day?
Joe got a new bicycle as a gift from one of his friends. He wanted to ride it so he looked outside his window to check the weather. There was lots of daylight and it was bright and sunny. The sky was clear and there was only a little bit of wind. He was excited that the weather was good because it meant that he can go and ride his bicycle. He took his bicycle down the stairway and told his parents that he wanted to go ride his bicycle for a little bit. After his parents said OK, he put on his helmet and went outside with his bicycle to ride it around the block. It was very fun and Joe had a great time riding his bicycle. While he was riding, he saw many interesting things like some insects that would fly around and some pets that were in peoples' backyards. He also saw some flowers growing in peoples' yards. He got back home from riding his bicycle and told his parents he had a great time.
{ "author": "4067775959", "work_time": 747, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "chicken", "dinosaur", "stairway", "string", "bicycle", "cheese", "nose", "noodle", "tail", "wind", "daylight", "insect", "straw", "knob", "lamb" ] }
{ "A": "Bright and sunny with clear skies and little wind.", "B": "Cloudy, with a little bit of wind.", "C": "Cloudy, with lots of wind.", "D": "Bright and sunny, but windy." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.169", "question": 1 }
What did Joe get as a gift from one of his friends?
Joe got a new bicycle as a gift from one of his friends. He wanted to ride it so he looked outside his window to check the weather. There was lots of daylight and it was bright and sunny. The sky was clear and there was only a little bit of wind. He was excited that the weather was good because it meant that he can go and ride his bicycle. He took his bicycle down the stairway and told his parents that he wanted to go ride his bicycle for a little bit. After his parents said OK, he put on his helmet and went outside with his bicycle to ride it around the block. It was very fun and Joe had a great time riding his bicycle. While he was riding, he saw many interesting things like some insects that would fly around and some pets that were in peoples' backyards. He also saw some flowers growing in peoples' yards. He got back home from riding his bicycle and told his parents he had a great time.
{ "author": "4067775959", "work_time": 747, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "chicken", "dinosaur", "stairway", "string", "bicycle", "cheese", "nose", "noodle", "tail", "wind", "daylight", "insect", "straw", "knob", "lamb" ] }
{ "A": "A book about insects.", "B": "A helmet.", "C": "A pet.", "D": "A bicycle." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.169", "question": 2 }
Who did Joe ask before riding his bicycle?
Joe got a new bicycle as a gift from one of his friends. He wanted to ride it so he looked outside his window to check the weather. There was lots of daylight and it was bright and sunny. The sky was clear and there was only a little bit of wind. He was excited that the weather was good because it meant that he can go and ride his bicycle. He took his bicycle down the stairway and told his parents that he wanted to go ride his bicycle for a little bit. After his parents said OK, he put on his helmet and went outside with his bicycle to ride it around the block. It was very fun and Joe had a great time riding his bicycle. While he was riding, he saw many interesting things like some insects that would fly around and some pets that were in peoples' backyards. He also saw some flowers growing in peoples' yards. He got back home from riding his bicycle and told his parents he had a great time.
{ "author": "4067775959", "work_time": 747, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "chicken", "dinosaur", "stairway", "string", "bicycle", "cheese", "nose", "noodle", "tail", "wind", "daylight", "insect", "straw", "knob", "lamb" ] }
{ "A": "His neighbors.", "B": "His parents.", "C": "His friends.", "D": "He did not ask anyone." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.169", "question": 3 }
What did Joe see when he was riding his bicycle?
Joe got a new bicycle as a gift from one of his friends. He wanted to ride it so he looked outside his window to check the weather. There was lots of daylight and it was bright and sunny. The sky was clear and there was only a little bit of wind. He was excited that the weather was good because it meant that he can go and ride his bicycle. He took his bicycle down the stairway and told his parents that he wanted to go ride his bicycle for a little bit. After his parents said OK, he put on his helmet and went outside with his bicycle to ride it around the block. It was very fun and Joe had a great time riding his bicycle. While he was riding, he saw many interesting things like some insects that would fly around and some pets that were in peoples' backyards. He also saw some flowers growing in peoples' yards. He got back home from riding his bicycle and told his parents he had a great time.
{ "author": "4067775959", "work_time": 747, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "chicken", "dinosaur", "stairway", "string", "bicycle", "cheese", "nose", "noodle", "tail", "wind", "daylight", "insect", "straw", "knob", "lamb" ] }
{ "A": "Some insects, pets, and flowers.", "B": "Some insects, pets, and his parents.", "C": "His neighbors.", "D": "Some flowers and his friends." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.170", "question": 0 }
What happens after the mouse hides in the wall?
Kramer the kitten loved to hunt for mice. He was black with white boots. Kramer was still a baby, so he liked to play all night long and sleep during the day. His favorite toy is a little fake squeaky mouse. One day, Kramer was waking up from a long nap. He saw a little mouse out of the corner of his eye. He jumped up and began to chase him around the room. He ran and ran until the mouse went into a little hole in the wall. Mary the mouse was so scared. She sat in the hole in the wall and cried little mouse tears. Kramer heard the mouse crying and said "Don't worry little mouse I want to play with you! Do you want to play too? Let's play hide and seek!" The mouse poked her head out and said "Sure!" I'm it first!" And Kramer took off around the corner with Mary chasing behind him.
{ "author": "978662544", "work_time": 4909, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "brownie", "wet", "dresser", "insect", "eye", "vanilla", "smoke", "madder", "kitten", "but", "baby", "push", "egg", "wood", "fun" ] }
{ "A": "Kramer tells her he wants to play hide & seek and they become friends and play. Mary is it.", "B": "Kramer cries.", "C": "Mary runs away.", "D": "Kramer plays with his squeaky mouse." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.170", "question": 1 }
What is the mouse's name?
Kramer the kitten loved to hunt for mice. He was black with white boots. Kramer was still a baby, so he liked to play all night long and sleep during the day. His favorite toy is a little fake squeaky mouse. One day, Kramer was waking up from a long nap. He saw a little mouse out of the corner of his eye. He jumped up and began to chase him around the room. He ran and ran until the mouse went into a little hole in the wall. Mary the mouse was so scared. She sat in the hole in the wall and cried little mouse tears. Kramer heard the mouse crying and said "Don't worry little mouse I want to play with you! Do you want to play too? Let's play hide and seek!" The mouse poked her head out and said "Sure!" I'm it first!" And Kramer took off around the corner with Mary chasing behind him.
{ "author": "978662544", "work_time": 4909, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "brownie", "wet", "dresser", "insect", "eye", "vanilla", "smoke", "madder", "kitten", "but", "baby", "push", "egg", "wood", "fun" ] }
{ "A": "Boots", "B": "Kramer", "C": "Mary", "D": "Mouse" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.170", "question": 2 }
What is the kitten's name?
Kramer the kitten loved to hunt for mice. He was black with white boots. Kramer was still a baby, so he liked to play all night long and sleep during the day. His favorite toy is a little fake squeaky mouse. One day, Kramer was waking up from a long nap. He saw a little mouse out of the corner of his eye. He jumped up and began to chase him around the room. He ran and ran until the mouse went into a little hole in the wall. Mary the mouse was so scared. She sat in the hole in the wall and cried little mouse tears. Kramer heard the mouse crying and said "Don't worry little mouse I want to play with you! Do you want to play too? Let's play hide and seek!" The mouse poked her head out and said "Sure!" I'm it first!" And Kramer took off around the corner with Mary chasing behind him.
{ "author": "978662544", "work_time": 4909, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "brownie", "wet", "dresser", "insect", "eye", "vanilla", "smoke", "madder", "kitten", "but", "baby", "push", "egg", "wood", "fun" ] }
{ "A": "Boots", "B": "Kramer", "C": "Mouse", "D": "Mary" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.170", "question": 3 }
What does Kramer like to do?
Kramer the kitten loved to hunt for mice. He was black with white boots. Kramer was still a baby, so he liked to play all night long and sleep during the day. His favorite toy is a little fake squeaky mouse. One day, Kramer was waking up from a long nap. He saw a little mouse out of the corner of his eye. He jumped up and began to chase him around the room. He ran and ran until the mouse went into a little hole in the wall. Mary the mouse was so scared. She sat in the hole in the wall and cried little mouse tears. Kramer heard the mouse crying and said "Don't worry little mouse I want to play with you! Do you want to play too? Let's play hide and seek!" The mouse poked her head out and said "Sure!" I'm it first!" And Kramer took off around the corner with Mary chasing behind him.
{ "author": "978662544", "work_time": 4909, "quality_score": 95, "creativity_words": [ "brownie", "wet", "dresser", "insect", "eye", "vanilla", "smoke", "madder", "kitten", "but", "baby", "push", "egg", "wood", "fun" ] }
{ "A": "He likes mice.", "B": "He likes his black fur.", "C": "He likes to play all night and sleep all day and he likes his squeaky mouse.", "D": "He likes his white boots." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.171", "question": 0 }
Why does Matt's friend not want to be a clown?
Matt is an adult. He is looking for a job. He hopes to become a clown someday. He wants to be a clown because he loves making people laugh. In order to be a clown, Matt must go to clown school.\newline\newlineOne day, Matt's friend tells him about a clown school in St. Louis. Matt becomes excited!\newline\newlineThe next day, Matt goes to the clown school in St. Louis. Matt's friend does not go with him. Matt's friend does not want to be a clown because he doesn't like to look weird.\newline\newlineWhen Matt arrives at clown school, he sees a clown riding on a blue tricycle. The clown asks, "What are you doing here?"\newline\newlineMatt says, "I want to become a clown."\newline\newline"Well, can you ride this blue tricycle?" the clown asked.\newline\newline"Yes," Matt said. He rode the blue tricycle all around the clown school. In the classrooms, in the gym, and in the lunchroom.\newline\newline"You have what it takes to be a clown," the clown said, "you are accepted to clown school."
{ "author": "3172467108", "work_time": 1426, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "rice", "lamp", "clown", "hope", "adult", "whisper", "bat", "floor", "blue", "seed", "tear", "butterfly", "tricycle", "marker", "winter" ] }
{ "A": "He doesn't like to make people laugh.", "B": "He doesn't know where the clown school is.", "C": "He doesn't like Matt.", "D": "He doesn't like to look weird." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.171", "question": 1 }
Why does Matt want to be a clown?
Matt is an adult. He is looking for a job. He hopes to become a clown someday. He wants to be a clown because he loves making people laugh. In order to be a clown, Matt must go to clown school.\newline\newlineOne day, Matt's friend tells him about a clown school in St. Louis. Matt becomes excited!\newline\newlineThe next day, Matt goes to the clown school in St. Louis. Matt's friend does not go with him. Matt's friend does not want to be a clown because he doesn't like to look weird.\newline\newlineWhen Matt arrives at clown school, he sees a clown riding on a blue tricycle. The clown asks, "What are you doing here?"\newline\newlineMatt says, "I want to become a clown."\newline\newline"Well, can you ride this blue tricycle?" the clown asked.\newline\newline"Yes," Matt said. He rode the blue tricycle all around the clown school. In the classrooms, in the gym, and in the lunchroom.\newline\newline"You have what it takes to be a clown," the clown said, "you are accepted to clown school."
{ "author": "3172467108", "work_time": 1426, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "rice", "lamp", "clown", "hope", "adult", "whisper", "bat", "floor", "blue", "seed", "tear", "butterfly", "tricycle", "marker", "winter" ] }
{ "A": "He loves making people laugh.", "B": "He is an adult.", "C": "He is looking for a job.", "D": "He wants to go to clown school." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.171", "question": 2 }
What does Matt have to do in order to become a clown?
Matt is an adult. He is looking for a job. He hopes to become a clown someday. He wants to be a clown because he loves making people laugh. In order to be a clown, Matt must go to clown school.\newline\newlineOne day, Matt's friend tells him about a clown school in St. Louis. Matt becomes excited!\newline\newlineThe next day, Matt goes to the clown school in St. Louis. Matt's friend does not go with him. Matt's friend does not want to be a clown because he doesn't like to look weird.\newline\newlineWhen Matt arrives at clown school, he sees a clown riding on a blue tricycle. The clown asks, "What are you doing here?"\newline\newlineMatt says, "I want to become a clown."\newline\newline"Well, can you ride this blue tricycle?" the clown asked.\newline\newline"Yes," Matt said. He rode the blue tricycle all around the clown school. In the classrooms, in the gym, and in the lunchroom.\newline\newline"You have what it takes to be a clown," the clown said, "you are accepted to clown school."
{ "author": "3172467108", "work_time": 1426, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "rice", "lamp", "clown", "hope", "adult", "whisper", "bat", "floor", "blue", "seed", "tear", "butterfly", "tricycle", "marker", "winter" ] }
{ "A": "He must be looking for a job.", "B": "He must want to be a clown.", "C": "He must be an adult.", "D": "He must go to clown school." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.171", "question": 3 }
Where did Matt not ride the blue tricycle?
Matt is an adult. He is looking for a job. He hopes to become a clown someday. He wants to be a clown because he loves making people laugh. In order to be a clown, Matt must go to clown school.\newline\newlineOne day, Matt's friend tells him about a clown school in St. Louis. Matt becomes excited!\newline\newlineThe next day, Matt goes to the clown school in St. Louis. Matt's friend does not go with him. Matt's friend does not want to be a clown because he doesn't like to look weird.\newline\newlineWhen Matt arrives at clown school, he sees a clown riding on a blue tricycle. The clown asks, "What are you doing here?"\newline\newlineMatt says, "I want to become a clown."\newline\newline"Well, can you ride this blue tricycle?" the clown asked.\newline\newline"Yes," Matt said. He rode the blue tricycle all around the clown school. In the classrooms, in the gym, and in the lunchroom.\newline\newline"You have what it takes to be a clown," the clown said, "you are accepted to clown school."
{ "author": "3172467108", "work_time": 1426, "quality_score": 90, "creativity_words": [ "rice", "lamp", "clown", "hope", "adult", "whisper", "bat", "floor", "blue", "seed", "tear", "butterfly", "tricycle", "marker", "winter" ] }
{ "A": "The gym", "B": "The lunchroom", "C": "The classrooms", "D": "The bathroom" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.172", "question": 0 }
What did Thomas eat in the story?
Thomas looked up at the clock hanging on the wall of his room. He could not wait for his friend Ben to come over today. It was the weekend, so Thomas's dad had no work the next day. This meant his father would take them sledding. This was one of Thomas' favorite winter activities, even if he always got a few bumps and scrapes along the way.\newlineThomas heard a knocking noise downstairs and knew it was Ben at the door. He got excited. This meant they would be sledding soon. He grabbed another mouthful of one of his mother's famous sugar cookies and made his way downstairs, tripping on his shoes. He opened the door to see Ben's mom giving him a friendly smile down the walk. Ben let himself in and his mother waved goodbye to them both. Thomas asked Ben if he wanted a cup of hot chocolate and then he went to find his dad for some sledding action. \newlineBoth Ben and Thomas were very happy. They got their gloves on and made their way out to the garage to wait for Thomas' dad. Thomas dad would be driving them the long distance to the park.
{ "author": "2653323609", "work_time": 1028, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "apple", "paste", "jelly", "burn", "slide", "pasting", "coat", "shut", "vegetable", "grass", "eyeball", "swim", "suppertime", "suppertime", "cough" ] }
{ "A": "a chocolate chip cookie", "B": "hot chocolate", "C": "a sugar cookie", "D": "a sugar cake" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.172", "question": 1 }
Why did the knock at the door excite Thomas?
Thomas looked up at the clock hanging on the wall of his room. He could not wait for his friend Ben to come over today. It was the weekend, so Thomas's dad had no work the next day. This meant his father would take them sledding. This was one of Thomas' favorite winter activities, even if he always got a few bumps and scrapes along the way.\newlineThomas heard a knocking noise downstairs and knew it was Ben at the door. He got excited. This meant they would be sledding soon. He grabbed another mouthful of one of his mother's famous sugar cookies and made his way downstairs, tripping on his shoes. He opened the door to see Ben's mom giving him a friendly smile down the walk. Ben let himself in and his mother waved goodbye to them both. Thomas asked Ben if he wanted a cup of hot chocolate and then he went to find his dad for some sledding action. \newlineBoth Ben and Thomas were very happy. They got their gloves on and made their way out to the garage to wait for Thomas' dad. Thomas dad would be driving them the long distance to the park.
{ "author": "2653323609", "work_time": 1028, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "apple", "paste", "jelly", "burn", "slide", "pasting", "coat", "shut", "vegetable", "grass", "eyeball", "swim", "suppertime", "suppertime", "cough" ] }
{ "A": "It meant Ben was there to go sledding", "B": "It meant that Ben's brother was there", "C": "It meant his package arrived", "D": "It meant his dad was home" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.172", "question": 2 }
Why did it need to the weekend in order for them to go sledding?
Thomas looked up at the clock hanging on the wall of his room. He could not wait for his friend Ben to come over today. It was the weekend, so Thomas's dad had no work the next day. This meant his father would take them sledding. This was one of Thomas' favorite winter activities, even if he always got a few bumps and scrapes along the way.\newlineThomas heard a knocking noise downstairs and knew it was Ben at the door. He got excited. This meant they would be sledding soon. He grabbed another mouthful of one of his mother's famous sugar cookies and made his way downstairs, tripping on his shoes. He opened the door to see Ben's mom giving him a friendly smile down the walk. Ben let himself in and his mother waved goodbye to them both. Thomas asked Ben if he wanted a cup of hot chocolate and then he went to find his dad for some sledding action. \newlineBoth Ben and Thomas were very happy. They got their gloves on and made their way out to the garage to wait for Thomas' dad. Thomas dad would be driving them the long distance to the park.
{ "author": "2653323609", "work_time": 1028, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "apple", "paste", "jelly", "burn", "slide", "pasting", "coat", "shut", "vegetable", "grass", "eyeball", "swim", "suppertime", "suppertime", "cough" ] }
{ "A": "Thomas' father had off from work", "B": "Thomas father would have work that day", "C": "Thomas had no school", "D": "Thomas mother would not be home" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.172", "question": 3 }
What did Ben and Thomas put on before going to the garage?
Thomas looked up at the clock hanging on the wall of his room. He could not wait for his friend Ben to come over today. It was the weekend, so Thomas's dad had no work the next day. This meant his father would take them sledding. This was one of Thomas' favorite winter activities, even if he always got a few bumps and scrapes along the way.\newlineThomas heard a knocking noise downstairs and knew it was Ben at the door. He got excited. This meant they would be sledding soon. He grabbed another mouthful of one of his mother's famous sugar cookies and made his way downstairs, tripping on his shoes. He opened the door to see Ben's mom giving him a friendly smile down the walk. Ben let himself in and his mother waved goodbye to them both. Thomas asked Ben if he wanted a cup of hot chocolate and then he went to find his dad for some sledding action. \newlineBoth Ben and Thomas were very happy. They got their gloves on and made their way out to the garage to wait for Thomas' dad. Thomas dad would be driving them the long distance to the park.
{ "author": "2653323609", "work_time": 1028, "quality_score": 85, "creativity_words": [ "apple", "paste", "jelly", "burn", "slide", "pasting", "coat", "shut", "vegetable", "grass", "eyeball", "swim", "suppertime", "suppertime", "cough" ] }
{ "A": "their shoes", "B": "Thomas' dad's gloves", "C": "their coats", "D": "their gloves" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.173", "question": 0 }
Why didn't the driver go home and have fun?
Once upon a time a driver was taking some meat to the store. But he hit a turtle. Then he hit another turtle. The driver was sad. So he put the turtles in the trash. Then he felt better. The driver told his mommy that he needed to look in the mirror, so she said he could. The driver wanted to go back to work. On the way to work he saw a man with a firework. He watched the man light the firework. It was fun, but the driver needed to get back to work. This time he took a chair to the store. It was a fun job. The driver was very busy all day long. He wanted to go home and have fun, but he was busy working. The driver was a good worker and worked all day so he didn't go home and have fun.
{ "author": "3805532826", "work_time": 447, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "keep", "meat", "driver", "hit", "turtle", "heavy", "fluff", "chair", "trash", "mommy", "mirror", "tie", "firework", "pee", "bleed" ] }
{ "A": "he had to eat some meat", "B": "he didn't want to", "C": "He was busy working", "D": "he hit a turtle" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.173", "question": 1 }
What did the driver do to stop him from being sad?
Once upon a time a driver was taking some meat to the store. But he hit a turtle. Then he hit another turtle. The driver was sad. So he put the turtles in the trash. Then he felt better. The driver told his mommy that he needed to look in the mirror, so she said he could. The driver wanted to go back to work. On the way to work he saw a man with a firework. He watched the man light the firework. It was fun, but the driver needed to get back to work. This time he took a chair to the store. It was a fun job. The driver was very busy all day long. He wanted to go home and have fun, but he was busy working. The driver was a good worker and worked all day so he didn't go home and have fun.
{ "author": "3805532826", "work_time": 447, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "keep", "meat", "driver", "hit", "turtle", "heavy", "fluff", "chair", "trash", "mommy", "mirror", "tie", "firework", "pee", "bleed" ] }
{ "A": "He took meat to the store", "B": "He put meat in the trash", "C": "he took turtles to the store", "D": "He put the turtles in the trash" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.173", "question": 2 }
What did the driver take to the store the second time
Once upon a time a driver was taking some meat to the store. But he hit a turtle. Then he hit another turtle. The driver was sad. So he put the turtles in the trash. Then he felt better. The driver told his mommy that he needed to look in the mirror, so she said he could. The driver wanted to go back to work. On the way to work he saw a man with a firework. He watched the man light the firework. It was fun, but the driver needed to get back to work. This time he took a chair to the store. It was a fun job. The driver was very busy all day long. He wanted to go home and have fun, but he was busy working. The driver was a good worker and worked all day so he didn't go home and have fun.
{ "author": "3805532826", "work_time": 447, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "keep", "meat", "driver", "hit", "turtle", "heavy", "fluff", "chair", "trash", "mommy", "mirror", "tie", "firework", "pee", "bleed" ] }
{ "A": "fireworks", "B": "a chair", "C": "turtles", "D": "meat" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.173", "question": 3 }
How many turtles did the driver hit?
Once upon a time a driver was taking some meat to the store. But he hit a turtle. Then he hit another turtle. The driver was sad. So he put the turtles in the trash. Then he felt better. The driver told his mommy that he needed to look in the mirror, so she said he could. The driver wanted to go back to work. On the way to work he saw a man with a firework. He watched the man light the firework. It was fun, but the driver needed to get back to work. This time he took a chair to the store. It was a fun job. The driver was very busy all day long. He wanted to go home and have fun, but he was busy working. The driver was a good worker and worked all day so he didn't go home and have fun.
{ "author": "3805532826", "work_time": 447, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "keep", "meat", "driver", "hit", "turtle", "heavy", "fluff", "chair", "trash", "mommy", "mirror", "tie", "firework", "pee", "bleed" ] }
{ "A": "two turtles", "B": "eight turtles", "C": "zero turtles", "D": "five turtles" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.174", "question": 0 }
Why did Billy want to eat the bunny?
Billy was a monster. He was born in Monster Town, where he learned how to be a monster and how to do monster things. One day Billy was very hungry. There are no stores in Monster Town, so Billy had to find his own food. He saw some bugs but he did not want to eat those because bugs are gross and taste bad. Then he saw a bunny and thought it would be a good thing to eat. Bunnies are very delicious. Monsters eat all sorts of things that humans do not eat. Billy chased the bunny into a field. Soon he could not find it any more. Bill was sad. He was still hungry. But then he saw a house. He sneaked towards it and looked inside. No one was home. He crawled through an open window and saw a funny looking box. He opened it and saw many little pebbles inside of all different colors. He was about to eat them when a small human child appeared out of nowhere and took the box out of his hands. Silly Billy, Trix are for kids.
{ "author": "3594943412", "work_time": 2364, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "store", "throw", "peach", "egg", "bunny", "win", "win", "short", "ear", "ring", "stone", "short", "slap", "racer", "stripe" ] }
{ "A": "Billy's friend dared him to eat a bunny.", "B": "The bunny was mean to Billy.", "C": "Billy was hungry and bunnies are delicious.", "D": "Billy was bored" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.174", "question": 1 }
Where did Billy grow up?
Billy was a monster. He was born in Monster Town, where he learned how to be a monster and how to do monster things. One day Billy was very hungry. There are no stores in Monster Town, so Billy had to find his own food. He saw some bugs but he did not want to eat those because bugs are gross and taste bad. Then he saw a bunny and thought it would be a good thing to eat. Bunnies are very delicious. Monsters eat all sorts of things that humans do not eat. Billy chased the bunny into a field. Soon he could not find it any more. Bill was sad. He was still hungry. But then he saw a house. He sneaked towards it and looked inside. No one was home. He crawled through an open window and saw a funny looking box. He opened it and saw many little pebbles inside of all different colors. He was about to eat them when a small human child appeared out of nowhere and took the box out of his hands. Silly Billy, Trix are for kids.
{ "author": "3594943412", "work_time": 2364, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "store", "throw", "peach", "egg", "bunny", "win", "win", "short", "ear", "ring", "stone", "short", "slap", "racer", "stripe" ] }
{ "A": "Monster City", "B": "Monsterville", "C": "Monster Land", "D": "Monster Town" }
{ "story": "mc500.train.174", "question": 2 }
What did Billy find in the house?
Billy was a monster. He was born in Monster Town, where he learned how to be a monster and how to do monster things. One day Billy was very hungry. There are no stores in Monster Town, so Billy had to find his own food. He saw some bugs but he did not want to eat those because bugs are gross and taste bad. Then he saw a bunny and thought it would be a good thing to eat. Bunnies are very delicious. Monsters eat all sorts of things that humans do not eat. Billy chased the bunny into a field. Soon he could not find it any more. Bill was sad. He was still hungry. But then he saw a house. He sneaked towards it and looked inside. No one was home. He crawled through an open window and saw a funny looking box. He opened it and saw many little pebbles inside of all different colors. He was about to eat them when a small human child appeared out of nowhere and took the box out of his hands. Silly Billy, Trix are for kids.
{ "author": "3594943412", "work_time": 2364, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "store", "throw", "peach", "egg", "bunny", "win", "win", "short", "ear", "ring", "stone", "short", "slap", "racer", "stripe" ] }
{ "A": "A spoon.", "B": "A bed.", "C": "A box with colored pebbles inside.", "D": "A bunny." }
{ "story": "mc500.train.174", "question": 3 }
Where was the house that Billy found?
Billy was a monster. He was born in Monster Town, where he learned how to be a monster and how to do monster things. One day Billy was very hungry. There are no stores in Monster Town, so Billy had to find his own food. He saw some bugs but he did not want to eat those because bugs are gross and taste bad. Then he saw a bunny and thought it would be a good thing to eat. Bunnies are very delicious. Monsters eat all sorts of things that humans do not eat. Billy chased the bunny into a field. Soon he could not find it any more. Bill was sad. He was still hungry. But then he saw a house. He sneaked towards it and looked inside. No one was home. He crawled through an open window and saw a funny looking box. He opened it and saw many little pebbles inside of all different colors. He was about to eat them when a small human child appeared out of nowhere and took the box out of his hands. Silly Billy, Trix are for kids.
{ "author": "3594943412", "work_time": 2364, "quality_score": 100, "creativity_words": [ "store", "throw", "peach", "egg", "bunny", "win", "win", "short", "ear", "ring", "stone", "short", "slap", "racer", "stripe" ] }
{ "A": "In a field.", "B": "In a town.", "C": "Next to another house.", "D": "In a city." }