#!/bin/bash # all available lang codes in Indonesia local-languages or linguistically-related to Indonesian Language: # "ace", "ban", "bjn", "bug", "gor", "id", "jv", "map-bms", "min", "ms", "nia", "su", "tet" #params of executions folder_dir_to_save=./wiki_indonesian_dedup input_folder_to_be_dedup=./wiki_indonesian_raw drop_hard_dupl=True drop_soft_dupl=True # main executions # src: https://stackoverflow.com/a/18887210 (to list all files under a dir) shopt -s nullglob file_name_array=($input_folder_to_be_dedup/*) shopt -u nullglob # Turn off nullglob to make sure it doesn't interfere with anything later file_name_array="${file_name_array}" if [ ${#file_name_array[@]} == 0 ]; then echo "No files found under directory $input_folder_to_be_dedup" >&2 fi if [ ! -d $folder_dir_to_save ]; then echo "Dir $folder_dir_to_save not exists! Creating the dir..." mkdir $folder_dir_to_save fi echo "The params hard-dedup drop is set as $drop_hard_dupl" echo "The params soft-dedup drop is set as $drop_soft_dupl" # echo "${file_name_array[0]}" # echo "${file_name_array[1]}" # echo "${file_name_array[2]}" # echo "${file_name_array[3]}" for val in ${!file_name_array[@]}; do csv_path=${file_name_array[$val]} if [[ ${csv_path} != *".csv" ]]; then echo "The extracted file name isn't a CSV! Skipping! Received $csv_path" continue fi echo "Executing Dedup on iteration no "$((val+1))" of total ${#file_name_array[@]} for input data $csv_path" python cleanse_wiki_data.py \ --raw-csv-path $csv_path \ --drop-hard-dupl $drop_hard_dupl \ --drop-soft-dupl $drop_soft_dupl \ --save-dir-path $folder_dir_to_save echo "Done Execution" done echo "Done Dedup Process"