0 i'm convinced i could keep a family of five blind , crippled , amish people alive in this situation better than these british soldiers do at keeping themselves kicking 0 davis is so enamored of her own creation that she ca n't see how insufferable the character is 0 it 's hard to imagine that even very small children will be impressed by this tired retread 0 somewhere in the middle , the film compels , as demme experiments he harvests a few movie moment gems , but the field of roughage dominates 1 a muckraking job , the cinematic equivalent of a legal indictment , and a fairly effective one at that 0 it 's hard to understand why anyone in his right mind would even think to make the attraction a movie and it 's harder still to believe that anyone in his right mind would want to see the it 0 there 's no real reason to see it , and no real reason not to 0 an annoying orgy of excess and exploitation that has no point and goes nowhere 0 never having seen the first two films in the series , i ca n't compare friday after next to them , but nothing would change the fact that what we have here is a load of clams left in the broiling sun for a good three days 1 those outside show business will enjoy a close look at people they do n't really want to know 0 at first , the sight of a blind man directing a film is hilarious , but as the film goes on , the joke wears thin 0 there may have been a good film in trouble every day , but it is not what is on the screen 0 frida is certainly no disaster , but neither is it the kahlo movie frida fans have been looking for 0 the man from elysian fields is a cold , bliss less work that groans along thinking itself some important comment on how life throws us some beguiling curves 1 writer director 's mehta 's effort has tons of charm and the whimsy is in the mixture , the intoxicating masala , of cultures and film genres 0 a ragbag of cliches 0 rosenthal \( halloween ii \) seems to have forgotten everything he ever knew about generating suspense 1 a strangely compelling and brilliantly acted psychological drama 0 feels haphazard , as if the writers mistakenly thought they could achieve an air of frantic spontaneity by simply tossing in lots of characters doing silly stuff and stirring the pot 1 for once , a movie does not proclaim the truth about two love struck somebodies , but permits them time and space to convince us of that all on their own 0 an instantly forgettable snow and stuntwork extravaganza that likely will be upstaged by an avalanche of more appealing holiday season product 1 great character interaction 1 despite its floating narrative , this is a remarkably accessible and haunting film 1 it is so refreshing to see robin williams turn 180 degrees from the string of insultingly innocuous and sappy fiascoes he 's been making for the last several years 1 good , solid storytelling 0 to portray modern women the way director davis has done is just unthinkable 0 if it were any more of a turkey , it would gobble in dolby digital stereo if nothing else , rollerball 2002 may go down in cinema history as the only movie ever in which the rest of the cast was outshined by ll cool j 0 this re do is so dumb and so exploitative in its violence that , ironically , it becomes everything that the rather clumsy original was railing against 0 a grating , emaciated flick 1 rich in atmosphere of the post war art world , it manages to instruct without reeking of research library dust 1 for a film that 's being advertised as a comedy , sweet home alabama is n't as funny as you 'd hoped for a film that 's being advertised as a comedy , sweet home alabama is n't as funny as you 'd hoped 1 much of what we see is horrible but it 's also undeniably exceedingly clever 1 while the story 's undeniably hard to follow , iwai 's gorgeous visuals seduce 1 rife with the rueful , wry humor springing out of yiddish culture and language 0 a summary of the plot does n't quite do justice to the awfulness of the movie , for that comes through all too painfully in the execution 1 what elevates the movie above the run of the mill singles blender is its surreal sense of humor and technological finish 1 leigh succeeds in delivering a dramatic slap in the face that 's simultaneously painful and refreshing 1 like a south of the border melrose place 0 the sort of picture in which , whenever one of the characters has some serious soul searching to do , they go to a picture perfect beach during sunset 1 the film tunes into a grief that could lead a man across centuries 1 a high spirited buddy movie about the reunion of berlin anarchists who face arrest 15 years after their crime 1 combines sharp comedy , old fashioned monster movie atmospherics , and genuine heart to create a film that 's not merely about kicking undead , but also about dealing with regret and , ultimately , finding redemption 0 this miserable excuse of a movie runs on empty , believing flatbush machismo will get it through 1 manages to be both hugely entertaining and uplifting 1 the story ultimately takes hold and grips hard 1 those who do n't entirely 'get' godard 's distinctive discourse will still come away with a sense of his reserved but existential poignancy 0 skins has a right to yawp , and we have a right to our grains of salt 0 twenty three movies into a mostly magnificent directorial career , clint eastwood 's efficiently minimalist style finally has failed him big time 0 it lacks the compassion , good natured humor and the level of insight that made eyre 's first film something of a sleeper success 0 arguably the year 's silliest and most incoherent movie 0 this flat run at a hip hop tootsie is so poorly paced you could fit all of pootie tang in between its punchlines 1 parker holds true to wilde 's own vision of a pure comedy with absolutely no meaning , and no desire to be anything but a polished , sophisticated entertainment that is in love with its own cleverness 0 done in mostly by a weak script that ca n't support the epic treatment 0 too contrived to be as naturally charming as it needs to be 0 the plot is romantic comedy boilerplate from start to finish 0 the central character is n't complex enough to hold our interest 1 rarely has skin looked as beautiful , desirable , even delectable , as it does in trouble every day 0 has an uppity musical beat that you can dance to , but its energy ca n't compare to the wit , humor and snappy dialogue of the original if i want music , i 'll buy the soundtrack if i want a real movie , i 'll buy the criterion dvd 0 the movie is concocted and carried out by folks worthy of scorn , and the nicest thing i can say is that i ca n't remember a single name responsible for it 1 it 's crafty , energetic and smart the kid is sort of like a fourteen year old ferris bueller 0 comes off like a bad imitation of the bard 1 blanchett 's performance confirms her power once again 0 a collage of clich s and a dim echo of allusions to other films 0 a profoundly stupid affair , populating its hackneyed and meanspirited storyline with cardboard characters and performers who value cash above credibility 1 matches neorealism 's impact by showing the humanity of a war torn land filled with people who just want to live their lives 0 the first mistake , i suspect , is casting shatner as a legendary professor and kunis as a brilliant college student where 's pauly shore as the rocket scientist \? 1 candid camera on methamphetamines 0 i firmly believe that a good video game movie is going to show up soon i also believe that resident evil is not it 0 these guys seem great to knock back a beer with but they 're simply not funny performers 0 ' hopkins does n't so much phone in his performance as fax it no , even that 's too committed he gets his secretary to fax it 0 an even more predictable , cliche ridden endeavor than its predecessor 0 maybe leblanc thought , hey , the movie about the baseball playing monkey was worse 0 reeks of rot and hack work from start to finish 1 brian tufano 's handsome widescreen photography and paul grabowsky 's excellent music turn this fairly parochial melodrama into something really rather special 1 watching this film , what we feel is n't mainly suspense or excitement the dominant feeling is something like nostalgia 0 a waterlogged version of 'fatal attraction' for the teeny bopper set a sad , soggy potboiler that wastes the talents of its attractive young leads 1 strange and beautiful film 0 this dramatically shaky contest of wills only reiterates the old hollywood saw evil is interesting and good is boring 1 as comedic spotlights go , notorious c h o hits all the verbal marks it should 0 very special effects , brilliantly bold colors and heightened reality ca n't hide the giant achilles' heel in stuart little 2 there 's just no story , folks 1 it 's a sharp movie about otherwise dull subjects 0 just like the deli sandwich lots of ham , lots of cheese , with a sickly sweet coating to disguise its excrescence until just after \( or during \) consumption of its second half 1 a film centering on a traditional indian wedding in contemporary new delhi may not sound like specialized fare , but mira nair 's film is an absolute delight for all audiences 1 a worthy addition to the cinematic canon , which , at last count , numbered 52 different versions 0 never comes together as a coherent whole 0 a formula family tearjerker told with a heavy irish brogue accentuating , rather than muting , the plot 's saccharine thrust 0 all of the filmmakers' calculations ca n't rescue brown sugar from the curse of blandness 0 the kids in the audience at the preview screening seemed bored , cheering the pratfalls but little else their parents , wise folks that they are , read books 1 much of the movie 's charm lies in the utter cuteness of stuart and margolo their computer animated faces are very expressive 1 the lion king was a roaring success when it was released eight years ago , but on imax it seems better , not just bigger 0 equal parts bodice ripper and plodding costume drama 0 remember when bond had more glamour than clamor \? no more 0 the whole affair is as predictable as can be 1 though writer director bart freundlich 's film ultimately becomes a simplistic story about a dysfunctional parent child relationship , it has some special qualities and the soulful gravity of crudup 's anchoring performance 0 the film is hampered by its predictable plot and paper thin supporting characters 1 how good this film might be , depends if you believe that the shocking conclusion is too much of a plunge or not 0 creepy but ultimately unsatisfying thriller 1 buy is an accomplished actress , and this is a big , juicy role 0 a static and sugary little half hour , after school special about interfaith understanding , stretched out to 90 minutes 0 suffers from a flat script and a low budget 0 a little too ponderous to work as shallow entertainment , not remotely incisive enough to qualify as drama , monsoon wedding serves mostly to whet one 's appetite for the bollywood films 1 the sentimental script has problems , but the actors pick up the slack 0 the actors pull out all the stops in nearly every scene , but to diminishing effect the characters never change 1 it 's more enjoyable than i expected , though , and that 's because the laughs come from fairly basic comedic constructs cinematic pratfalls given a working over the cast is spot on and the mood is laid back 0 formulaic to the 51st power , more like 1 i liked this film a lot 1 if steven soderbergh 's 'solaris' is a failure it is a glorious failure 1 with tightly organized efficiency , numerous flashbacks and a constant edge of tension , miller 's film is one of 2002 's involvingly adult surprises 0 stale and uninspired 1 this is one of those war movies that focuses on human interaction rather than battle and action sequences and it 's all the stronger because of it 1 flat out amusing , sometimes endearing and often fabulous , with a solid cast , noteworthy characters , delicious dialogue and a wide supply of effective sight gags 1 its sheer dynamism is infectious 0 with virtually no interesting elements for an audience to focus on , chelsea walls is a triple espresso endurance challenge 0 does n't come close to justifying the hype that surrounded its debut at the sundance film festival two years ago 1 payne has created a beautiful canvas , and nicholson proves once again that he 's the best brush in the business 1 the observations of this social economic urban environment are canny and spiced with irony 1 a genuinely funny ensemble comedy that also asks its audience in a heartwarming , nonjudgmental kind of way to consider what we value in our daily lives 1 beating the austin powers films at their own game , this blaxploitation spoof downplays the raunch in favor of gags that rely on the strength of their own cleverness as opposed to the extent of their outrageousness 1 the film , while not exactly assured in its execution , is notable for its sheer audacity and openness 1 an interesting slice of history 0 a combination of standard , stiff tv style animation and snazzy looking digital effects that do little to disguise the fact that the characters barely move 1 the film is darkly funny in its observation of just how much more grueling and time consuming the illusion of work is than actual work 1 while mcfarlane 's animation lifts the film firmly above the level of other coming of age films it 's also so jarring that it 's hard to get back into the boys' story 0 as an entertainment destination for the general public , kung pow sets a new benchmark for lameness 0 while we want macdowell 's character to retrieve her husband , we have to ask whether her personal odyssey trumps the carnage that claims so many lives around her 1 remember the kind of movie we were hoping ecks vs sever or xxx was going to be \? this is it 1 she may not be real , but the laughs are 0 director elie chouraqui , who co wrote the script , catches the chaotic horror of war , but why bother if you 're going to subjugate truth to the tear jerking demands of soap opera \? 1 the byplay and bickering between the now spy savvy siblings , carmen \( vega \) and juni \( sabara \) cortez , anchor the film in a very real and amusing give and take 1 duvall is strong as always 1 it 's made with deftly unsettling genre flair 1 as a director , paxton is surprisingly brilliant , deftly sewing together what could have been a confusing and horrifying vision into an intense and engrossing head trip 1 fincher 's camera sense and assured pacing make it an above average thriller 0 reggio 's trippy , ambitious downer can also sometimes come across like nothing more than a glorified nike ad 0 animated drivel meant to enhance the self image of drooling idiots 1 it 's excessively quirky and a little underconfident in its delivery , but otherwise this is the best 'old neighborhood' project since christopher walken kinda romanced cyndi lauper in the opportunists 1 this illuminating documentary transcends our preconceived vision of the holy land and its inhabitants , revealing the human complexities beneath 1 as part of mr dong 's continuing exploration of homosexuality in america , family fundamentals is an earnest study in despair 0 this one aims for the toilet and scores a direct hit 1 funny , somber , absurd , and , finally , achingly sad , bartleby is a fine , understated piece of filmmaking 0 if you 're really renting this you 're not interested in discretion in your entertainment choices , you 're interested in anne geddes , john grisham , and thomas kincaid 1 muccino seems to be exploring the idea of why human beings long for what they do n't have , and how this gets us in trouble but even while his characters are acting horribly , he is always sympathetic 0 a vile , incoherent mess a scummy ripoff of david cronenberg 's brilliant 'videodrome ' 0 a chaotic panorama that 's too busy flying a lot of metaphoric flags 0 serviceable at best , slightly less than serviceable at worst 1 a hypnotic portrait of this sad , compulsive life 1 spielberg 's picture is smarter and subtler than total recall and blade runner , although its plot may prove too convoluted for fun seeking summer audiences 0 if you 're not a prepubescent girl , you 'll be laughing at britney spears' movie starring debut whenever it does n't have you impatiently squinting at your watch 0 at best this is a film for the under 7 crowd but it would be better to wait for the video and a very rainy day 1 using his audience as a figurative port of call , dong pulls his even handed ideological ship to their dock for unloading , before he continues his longer journey still ahead 0 i 've heard that the fans of the first men in black have come away hating the second one i wonder why they felt like the same movie to me 0 only those most addicted to film violence in all its forms will find anything here to appreciate 0 a disaster of a drama , saved only by its winged assailants 1 having never been a huge fan of dickens' 800 page novel , it surprised me how much pleasure i had watching mcgrath 's version 1 by turns very dark and very funny 0 i kept wishing i was watching a documentary about the wartime navajos and what they accomplished instead of all this specious hollywood hoo ha 0 a film that presents an interesting , even sexy premise then ruins itself with too many contrivances and goofy situations 1 by the standards of knucklehead swill , the hot chick is pretty damned funny 1 two hours of melodramatic musical married to two hours of underdog sports intrigue , if the picture also shares the weaknesses of both genres , more 's the pity 1 his work transcends the boy meets girl posturing of typical love stories 1 a delectable and intriguing thriller filled with surprises , read my lips is an original this is a story of two misfits who do n't stand a chance alone , but together they are magnificent 0 a soulless jumble of ineptly assembled cliches and pabulum that plays like a 95 minute commercial for nba properties 0 this pep talk for faith , hope and charity does little to offend , but if saccharine earnestness were a crime , the film 's producers would be in the clink for life 1 really quite funny 1 para hitler , o mundo era sua tela e o horror , seu pincel e max retrata este fato com elegante abandono , numa triste constata o da realidade hist rica 1 like all of egoyan 's work , ararat is fiercely intelligent and uncommonly ambitious 1 not as good as the full monty , but a really strong second effort 1 the filmmakers want nothing else than to show us a good time , and in their cheap , b movie way , they succeed 0 egoyan 's work often elegantly considers various levels of reality and uses shifting points of view , but here he has constructed a film so labyrinthine that it defeats his larger purpose 0 a sustained fest of self congratulation between actor and director that leaves scant place for the viewer 0 this time mr burns is trying something in the martin scorsese street realist mode , but his self regarding sentimentality trips him up again 0 while american adobo has its heart \( and its palate \) in the right place , its brain is a little scattered ditsy , even 1 jaglom put s the audience in the privileged position of eavesdropping on his characters 1 in addition to hoffman 's powerful acting clinic , this is that rare drama that offers a thoughtful and rewarding glimpse into the sort of heartache everyone has felt , or will feel someday 1 examines its explosive subject matter as nonjudgmentally as wiseman 's previous studies of inner city high schools , hospitals , courts and welfare centers 0 unfortunately , carvey 's rubber face routine is no match for the insipid script he has crafted with harris goldberg 0 the kid stays in the picture is a great story , terrifically told by the man who wrote it but this cliff notes edition is a cheat 1 the draw for big bad love is a solid performance by arliss howard 1 on the heels of the ring comes a similarly morose and humorless horror movie that , although flawed , is to be commended for its straight ahead approach to creepiness 1 visually , 'santa clause 2' is wondrously creative 1 the script is smart , not cloying 1 the movie sticks much closer to hornby 's drop dead confessional tone than the film version of high fidelity did 0 it 's a documentary that says that the alternate sexuality meant to set you free may require so much relationship maintenance that celibacy can start looking good 1 while i ca n't say it 's on par with the first one , stuart little 2 is a light , fun cheese puff of a movie 1 amari has dressed up this little parable in a fairly irresistible package full of privileged moments and memorable performances 1 the movie is full of fine performances , led by josef bierbichler as brecht and monica bleibtreu as helene weigel , his wife 0 falsehoods pile up , undermining the movie 's reality and stifling its creator 's comic voice 1 a plethora of engaging diatribes on the meaning of 'home , ' delivered in grand passion by the members of the various households 0 the essential problem in orange county is that , having created an unusually vivid set of characters worthy of its strong cast , the film flounders when it comes to giving them something to do 1 a captivatingly quirky hybrid of character portrait , romantic comedy and beat the clock thriller 1 allen se atreve a atacar , a atacarse y nos ofrece gags que van de la sonrisa a la risa de larga duraci n 0 a gushy episode of m a s h only this time from an asian perspective 0 nothing here seems as funny as it did in analyze this , not even joe viterelli as de niro 's right hand goombah 1 simple , poignant and leavened with humor , it 's a film that affirms the nourishing aspects of love and companionship 0 a manipulative feminist empowerment tale thinly posing as a serious drama about spousal abuse 1 wow , so who knew charles dickens could be so light hearted \? 0 like life on the island , the movie grows boring despite the scenery 0 devoid of any of the qualities that made the first film so special 0 h ad i suffered and bled on the hard ground of ia drang , i 'd want something a bit more complex than we were soldiers to be remembered by 1 all right , so it 's not a brilliant piece of filmmaking , but it is a funny \( sometimes hilarious \) comedy with a deft sense of humor about itself , a playful spirit and a game cast 1 brown sugar signals director rick famuyiwa 's emergence as an articulate , grown up voice in african american cinema 1 it 's incredible the number of stories the holocaust has generated just when you think that every possible angle has been exhausted by documentarians , another new film emerges with yet another remarkable yet shockingly little known perspective 0 the story drifts so inexorably into cliches about tortured \( and torturing \) artists and consuming but impossible love that you ca n't help but become more disappointed as each overwrought new sequence plods on 1 the best didacticism is one carried by a strong sense of humanism , and bertrand tavernier 's oft brilliant safe conduct \( laissez passer \) wears its heart on its sleeve 0 when in doubt , the film ratchets up the stirring soundtrack , throws in a fish out of water gag and lets the cliched dialogue rip or else a doggie winks 1 a film that is a portrait of grace in an imperfect world 0 blue crush has all the trappings of an energetic , extreme sports adventure , but ends up more of a creaky pretty woman retread , with the emphasis on self empowering schmaltz and big wave surfing that gives pic its title an afterthought 1 catch it if you can ! 0 benigni 's pinocchio is extremely straight and mind numbingly stilted , its episodic pacing keeping the film from developing any storytelling flow 0 louiso lets the movie dawdle in classic disaffected indie film mode , and brother hoffman 's script stumbles over a late inning twist that just does n't make sense 1 with few respites , marshall keeps the energy humming , and his edits , unlike those in moulin rouge , are crisp and purposeful without overdoing it 0 most of the movie is so deadly dull that watching the proverbial paint dry would be a welcome improvement 0 a laughable or rather , unlaughable excuse for a film 1 it 's easy to be cynical about documentaries in which underdogs beat the odds and the human spirit triumphs , but westbrook 's foundation and dalrymple 's film earn their uplift 0 paul bettany is good at being the ultra violent gangster wannabe , but the movie is certainly not number 1 0 the three leads produce adequate performances , but what 's missing from this material is any depth of feeling 1 an intoxicating experience 0 the talk heavy film plays like one of robert altman 's lesser works 1 it may not be particularly innovative , but the film 's crisp , unaffected style and air of gentle longing make it unexpectedly rewarding 1 whether our action and popcorn obsessed culture will embrace this engaging and literate psychodrama is n't much of a mystery , unfortunately 0 it wants to be thought of as a subversive little indie film , but it has all the qualities of a modern situation comedy 0 it 's the kind of movie that ends up festooning u s art house screens for no reason other than the fact that it 's in french \( well , mostly \) with english subtitles and is magically 'significant' because of that 1 an hour and a half of joyful solo performance 0 its save the planet message clashes with its crass marketing 1 well written , nicely acted and beautifully shot and scored , the film works on several levels , openly questioning social mores while ensnaring the audience with its emotional pull 0 the mushy finale turns john q into a movie of the week tearjerker 1 there 's something poignant about an artist of 90 plus years taking the effort to share his impressions of life and loss and time and art with us 1 it cuts to the core of what it actually means to face your fears , to be a girl in a world of boys , to be a boy truly in love with a girl , and to ride the big metaphorical wave that is life wherever it takes you 1 the cast keeps this pretty watchable , and casting mick jagger as director of the escort service was inspired 1 intriguing and stylish 0 its generic villains lack any intrigue \( other than their funny accents \) and the action scenes are poorly delivered 1 the importance of being earnest , so thick with wit it plays like a reading from bartlett 's familiar quotations 0 two tedious acts light on great scares and a good surprise ending 0 uzumaki 's interesting social parallel and defiant aesthetic seems a prostituted muse 1 an old fashioned scary movie , one that relies on lingering terror punctuated by sudden shocks and not constant bloodshed punctuated by flying guts 0 the darker elements of misogyny and unprovoked violence suffocate the illumination created by the two daughters and the sparse instances of humor meant to shine through the gloomy film noir veil 1 though of particular interest to students and enthusiast of international dance and world music , the film is designed to make viewers of all ages , cultural backgrounds and rhythmic ability want to get up and dance 1 a truly wonderful tale combined with stunning animation 1 a gripping movie , played with performances that are all understated and touching 1 they crush each other under cars , throw each other out windows , electrocute and dismember their victims in full consciousness and we do n't avert our eyes for a moment 1 sweet home alabama is what it is a nice , harmless date film 0 this charmless nonsense ensues amid clanging film references that make jay and silent bob 's excellent adventure seem understated 1 time is a beautiful film to watch , an interesting and at times captivating take on loss and loneliness 1 you watch for that sense of openness , the little surprises 0 they do a good job of painting this family dynamic for the audience but they tried to squeeze too many elements into the film 0 the movie takes itself too seriously and , as a result , it makes for only intermittent fun 0 bond inspired \? certainly likely to have decades of life as a classic movie franchise \? let 's hope not 0 it becomes gimmicky instead of compelling interview loses its overall sense of mystery and becomes a tv episode rather than a documentary that you actually buy into 1 represents a worthy departure from the culture clash comedies that have marked an emerging indian american cinema 1 a solid , well formed satire 1 farrell thankfully manages to outshine the role and successfully plays the foil to willis 's world weary colonel 0 the new film of anton chekhov 's the cherry orchard puts the 'ick' in 'classic ' 0 some of it is clever , but it is never melodic 1 displaying about equal amounts of naivet , passion and talent , beneath clouds establishes sen as a filmmaker of considerable potential 1 sensitive ensemble performances and good period reconstruction add up to a moving tragedy with some buoyant human moments 0 culkin turns his character into what is basically an anti harry potter right down to the gryffindor scarf 1 mais um momento inspirado de david fincher 0 passion , lip synching , tragedy , and lots of really really high notes for me , this opera is n't a favorite , so it 's a long time before the fat lady sings 1 a riveting profile of law enforcement , and a visceral , nasty journey into an urban hades 0 zaidan 's script has barely enough plot to string the stunts together and not quite enough characterization to keep the faces straight 1 unlike most surf movies , blue crush thrillingly uses modern technology to take the viewer inside the wave by the end you ca n't help but feel 'stoked ' 0 a very long movie , dull in stretches , with entirely too much focus on meal preparation and igloo construction 0 the tug of war at the core of beijing bicycle becomes weighed down with agonizing contrivances , overheated pathos and long , wistful gazes 1 somehow manages to escape the shackles of its own clich s to be the best espionage picture to come out in weeks 0 the tuxedo was n't just bad it was , as my friend david cross would call it , 'hungry man portions of bad' 1 the film is predictable in the reassuring manner of a beautifully sung holiday carol 0 the movie is obviously a labour of love so howard appears to have had free rein to be as pretentious as he wanted 0 evans is a fascinating character , and deserves a better vehicle than this facetious smirk of a movie 0 given how heavy handed and portent heavy it is , this could be the worst thing soderbergh has ever done 1 if a horror movie 's primary goal is to frighten and disturb , then they works spectacularly well a shiver inducing , nerve rattling ride 1 a delirious celebration of the female orgasm 0 i found the movie as divided against itself as the dysfunctional family it portrays 1 a moody horror thriller elevated by deft staging and the director 's well known narrative gamesmanship 1 insomnia does not become one of those rare remakes to eclipse the original , but it does n't disgrace it , either 0 proof that a thriller can be sleekly shot , expertly cast , paced with crisp professionalism and still be a letdown if its twists and turns hold no more surprise than yesterday 's weather report 0 little is done to support the premise other than fling gags at it to see which ones shtick 1 good car chases , great fight scenes , and a distinctive blend of european , american and asian influences 0 a dark , dull thriller with a parting shot that misfires 0 the time machine is a movie that has no interest in itself it does n't believe in itself , it has no sense of humor it 's just plain bored 1 manages to be original , even though it rips off many of its ideas 0 whatever the movie 's sentimental , hypocritical lessons about sexism , its true colors come out in various wet t shirt and shower scenes 1 first time writer director serry shows a remarkable gift for storytelling with this moving , effective little film 1 a startling and fresh examination of how the bike still remains an ambiguous icon in chinese society 0 there is no insight into the anguish of heidi 's life only a depiction of pain , today 's version of greek tragedy , the talk show guest decrying her fate 1 quite funny for the type of movie it is 1 the overall result is an intelligent , realistic portrayal of testing boundaries 0 even on those rare occasions when the narrator stops yammering , miller 's hand often feels unsure 1 visually breathtaking , viscerally exciting , and dramatically moving , it 's the very definition of epic adventure 1 francophiles will snicker knowingly and you 'll want to slap them 0 routine and rather silly 1 smart science fiction for grown ups , with only a few false steps along the way 1 miller has crafted an intriguing story of maternal instincts and misguided acts of affection 1 it 's a square , sentimental drama that satisfies , as comfort food often can 0 a pathetic exploitation film that tries to seem sincere , and just seems worse for the effort 0 the first fatal attraction was vile enough do we really need the tiger beat version \? 1 each of these stories has the potential for touched by an angel simplicity and sappiness , but thirteen conversations about one thing , for all its generosity and optimism , never resorts to easy feel good sentiments 0 feels like nothing quite so much as a middle aged moviemaker 's attempt to surround himself with beautiful , half naked women 1 may be far from the best of the series , but it 's assured , wonderfully respectful of its past and thrilling enough to make it abundantly clear that this movie phenomenon has once again reinvented itself for a new generation 1 digs beyond the usual portrayals of good kids and bad seeds to reveal a more ambivalent set of characters and motivations 1 there are a few stabs at absurdist comedy but mostly the humor is of the sweet , gentle and occasionally cloying kind that has become an iranian specialty 1 'alice 's adventure through the looking glass and into zombie land' is filled with strange and wonderful creatures 1 as antonia is assimilated into this newfangled community , the film settles in and becomes compulsively watchable in a guilty pleasure , daytime drama sort of fashion 0 a visually flashy but narratively opaque and emotionally vapid exercise in style and mystification 0 there 's something with potential here , but the movie decides , like lavinia , to go the conservative route 1 the paradiso 's rusted out ruin and ultimate collapse during the film 's final \( restored \) third emotionally belittle a cinema classic sometimes shorter is better 0 a great idea becomes a not great movie 0 the drama was so uninspiring that even a story immersed in love , lust , and sin could n't keep my attention 0 green might want to hang onto that ski mask , as robbery may be the only way to pay for his next project 1 the messy emotions raging throughout this three hour effort are instantly recognizable , allowing the film to paradoxically feel familiar and foreign at the same time 1 a forceful drama of an alienated executive who re invents himself 0 though there are entertaining and audacious moments , the movie 's wildly careening tone and an extremely flat lead performance do little to salvage this filmmaker 's flailing reputation 1 with one exception , every blighter in this particular south london housing project digs into dysfunction like it 's a big , comforting jar of marmite , to be slathered on crackers and served as a feast of bleakness 1 awkward but sincere and , ultimately , it wins you over 0 a puzzling experience 0 an earnest , heartrending look at the divide between religious fundamentalists and their gay relatives it 's also heavy handed and devotes too much time to bigoted views 0 la cinta comienza intentando ser un drama , r pidamente se transforma en una comedia y termina por ser una parodia absolutamente predecible 1 it 's weird , wonderful , and not necessarily for kids 1 could easily be called the best korean film of 2002 0 somehow we 're meant to buy that this doting mother would shun her kids , travel to one of the most dangerous parts of the world , don fatigues and become g i jane 1 a film of epic scale with an intimate feeling , a saga of the ups and downs of friendships 1 the film benefits greatly from a less manic tone than its predecessor , as cho appears to have settled comfortably into her skin 1 the stunning , dreamlike visuals will impress even those viewers who have little patience for euro film pretension 0 anyway , for one reason or another , crush turns into a dire drama partway through after that , it just gets stupid and maudlin too bad , but thanks to some lovely comedic moments and several fine performances , it 's not a total loss 0 directors john musker and ron clements , the team behind the little mermaid , have produced sparkling retina candy , but they are n't able to muster a lot of emotional resonance in the cold vacuum of space 1 this movie got me grinning there 's a part of us that cannot help be entertained by the sight of someone getting away with something 0 the movie is a desperate miscalculation it gives poor dana carvey nothing to do that is really funny , and then expects us to laugh because he acts so goofy all the time 1 there is a strong directorial stamp on every frame of this stylish film that is able to visualize schizophrenia but is still confident enough to step back and look at the sick character with a sane eye 0 there 's enough melodrama in this magnolia primavera to make pta proud yet director muccino 's characters are less worthy of puccini than they are of daytime television 1 it 's a testament to the film 's considerable charm that it succeeds in entertaining , despite playing out like a feature length sitcom replete with stereotypical familial quandaries there 's a sheer unbridled delight in the way the story unfurls 1 a film about female friendship that men can embrace and women will talk about for hours 0 granddad of le nouvelle vague , jean luc godard continues to baffle the faithful with his games of hide and seek 1 only an epic documentary could get it all down , and spike lee 's jim brown all american at long last gives its subject a movie worthy of his talents 0 although trying to balance self referential humor and a normal ol' slasher plot seemed like a decent endeavor , the result does n't fully satisfy either the die hard jason fans or those who can take a good joke 1 a riveting documentary 1 the movie , despite its rough edges and a tendency to sag in certain places , is wry and engrossing 1 the performers are so spot on , it is hard to conceive anyone else in their roles 1 between the drama of cube \? s personal revelations regarding what the shop means in the big picture , iconic characters gambol fluidly through the story , with charming results 1 this is a sincerely crafted picture that deserves to emerge from the traffic jam of holiday movies 0 the script was reportedly rewritten a dozen times either 11 times too many or else too few 0 patchy combination of soap opera , low tech magic realism and , at times , ploddingly sociological commentary 0 lazily directed by charles stone iii from a leaden script by matthew cirulnick and novelist thulani davis 1 chouraqui brings documentary like credibility to the horrors of the killing field and the barbarism of 'ethnic cleansing ' 1 watching haneke 's film is , aptly enough , a challenge and a punishment but watching huppert , a great actress tearing into a landmark role , is riveting 0 lee treats his audience the same way that jim brown treats his women as dumb , credulous , unassuming , subordinate subjects and lee seems just as expectant of an adoring , wide smiling reception 0 abandons all pretense of creating historical context and waltzes off into a hectic soap about the ups and downs of the heavy breathing between the two artists 0 murder by numbers just does n't add up 0 juliette binoche 's sand is vivacious , but it 's hard to sense that powerhouse of 19th century prose behind her childlike smile 1 though the violence is far less sadistic than usual , the film is typical miike fast , furious and full of off the cuff imaginative flourishes 0 a decidedly mixed bag 1 like the english patient and the unbearable lightness of being , the hours is one of those reputedly unfilmable novels that has bucked the odds to emerge as an exquisite motion picture in its own right 1 one ca n't deny its seriousness and quality 0 i'm not suggesting that you actually see it , unless you 're the kind of person who has seen every wim wenders film of the '70s 0 it uses the pain and violence of war as background material for color 0 the story alone could force you to scratch a hole in your head 1 while puerile men dominate the story , the women shine 1 the principals in this cast are all fine , but bishop and stevenson are standouts 0 love may have been in the air onscreen , but i certainly was n't feeling any of it 0 i'm sure the filmmakers found this a remarkable and novel concept , but anybody who has ever seen an independent film can report that it is instead a cheap clich 0 it 's not only dull because we 've seen eddie murphy do the genial rogue shtick to death , but because the plot is equally hackneyed 1 oddly compelling 0 should have been worth cheering as a breakthrough but is devoid of wit and humor 0 even in terms of the low grade cheese standards on which it operates , it never quite makes the grade as tawdry trash 0 it 's not too fast and not too slow it 's not too racy and it 's not too offensive it 's not too much of anything 1 it establishes its ominous mood and tension swiftly , and if the suspense never rises to a higher level , it is nevertheless maintained throughout 0 neither funny nor suspenseful nor particularly well drawn 0 the film lapses too often into sugary sentiment and withholds delivery on the pell mell pyrotechnics its punchy style promises 0 most of the dialogue made me want to pack raw dough in my ears 1 anyone who welcomes a dash of the avant garde fused with their humor should take pleasure in this crazed , joyous romp of a film 0 a portrait of alienation so perfect , it will certainly succeed in alienating most viewers 0 a baffling subplot involving smuggling drugs inside danish cows falls flat , and if you 're going to alter the bard 's ending , you 'd better have a good alternative 1 the directing and story are disjointed , flaws that have to be laid squarely on taylor 's doorstep but the actors make this worth a peek 1 a burst of color , music , and dance that only the most practiced curmudgeon could fail to crack a smile at 0 what is 100 missing here is a script of even the most elemental literacy , an inkling of genuine wit , and anything resembling acting 0 the sweetest thing leaves a bitter taste 0 what more can be expected from a college comedy that 's target audience has n't graduated from junior high school \? 0 the romance between the leads is n't as compelling or as believable as it should be 0 is an arthritic attempt at directing by callie khouri i had to look away this was god awful 0 turns so unforgivably trite in its last 10 minutes that anyone without a fortified sweet tooth will likely go into sugar shock 0 if you liked the 1982 film then , you 'll still like it now 1 idiotic and ugly 0 it 's a long way from orwell 's dark , intelligent warning cry 1984 to the empty stud knockabout of equilibrium , and what once was conviction is now affectation 0 this is the kind of movie where people who have never picked a lock do so easily after a few tries and become expert fighters after a few weeks 0 the good girl is a film in which the talent is undeniable but the results are underwhelming 1 a terrific date movie , whatever your orientation 0 the actors improvise and scream their way around this movie directionless , lacking any of the rollicking dark humor so necessary to make this kind of idea work on screen 0 a half assed film 0 the misery of these people becomes just another voyeuristic spectacle , to be consumed and forgotten 1 colorful , energetic and sweetly whimsical the rare sequel that 's better than its predecessor 0 scherfig , who has had a successful career in tv , tackles more than she can handle 0 cho 's fans are sure to be entertained it 's only fair in the interest of full disclosure to say that on the basis of this film alone i'm not one of them 1 the auteur 's ear for the way fears and slights are telegraphed in the most blithe exchanges gives the film its lingering tug 1 symbolically , warm water under a red bridge is a celebration of feminine energy , a tribute to the power of women to heal 1 very amusing , not the usual route in a thriller , and the performances are odd and pixilated and sometimes both 0 i'm afraid you wo n't get through this frankly fantastical by the numbers b flick with just a suspension of disbelief rather , you 'll have to wrestle disbelief to the ground and then apply the chloroform soaked handkerchief 1 a provocative movie about loss , anger , greed , jealousy , sickness and love 0 has all the scenic appeal of a cesspool 1 if there 's no art here , it 's still a good yarn which is nothing to sneeze at these days 1 i do n't think i 've been as entranced and appalled by an asian film since shinya tsukamoto 's iron man 1 astonishingly skillful and moving it could become a historically significant work as well as a masterfully made one 0 is n't it a bit early in his career for director barry sonnenfeld to do a homage to himself \? and it 's a lousy one at that 1 all but the most persnickety preteens should enjoy this nonthreatening but thrilling adventure 0 the following things are not at all entertaining the bad sound , the lack of climax and , worst of all , watching seinfeld \( who is also one of the film 's producers \) do everything he can to look like a good guy 1 demonstrates the unusual power of thoughtful , subjective filmmaking 0 the most anti human big studio picture since 3000 miles to graceland 0 crystal and de niro manage to squeeze out some good laughs but not enough to make this silly con job sing 1 a soap opera quality twist in the last 20 minutes almost puts the kibosh on what is otherwise a sumptuous work of b movie imagination 0 predictably melodramatic 1 what 's most memorable about circuit is that it 's shot on digital video , whose tiny camera enables shafer to navigate spaces both large and small with considerable aplomb 1 quite good at providing some good old fashioned spooks 1 filmmakers who can deftly change moods are treasures and even marvels so , too , is this comedy about mild culture clashing in today 's new delhi 0 what an embarrassment 1 this flick is about as cool and crowd pleasing as a documentary can get 0 a film that suffers because of its many excesses 1 hashiguchi vividly captures the way young japanese live now , chafing against their culture 's manic mix of millennial brusqueness and undying , traditional politesse 0 a modestly comic , modestly action oriented world war ii adventure that , in terms of authenticity , is one of those films that requires the enemy to never shoot straight 0 a sequel that 's much too big for its britches 0 a potentially good comic premise and excellent cast are terribly wasted 0 the actresses may have worked up a back story for the women they portray so convincingly , but viewers do n't get enough of that background for the characters to be involving as individuals rather than types 1 a conventional , but well crafted film about a historic legal battle in ireland over a man 's right to raise his own children 0 mostly , shafer and co writer gregory hinton lack a strong minded viewpoint , or a sense of humor 1 never mind whether you buy the stuff about barris being a cia hit man the kooky yet shadowy vision clooney sustains throughout is daring , inventive and impressive 0 a terrible movie that some people will nevertheless find moving 0 a recipe for cinematic disaster part quentin tarantino , part guy ritchie , and part 1960s spy spoof , it 's all bad 0 the hanukkah spirit seems fried in pork 1 sits uneasily as a horror picture but finds surprising depth in its look at the binds of a small family 1 a sly female empowerment movie , although not in a way anyone would expect 0 a beyond lame satire , teddy bears' picnic ranks among the most pitiful directing debuts by an esteemed writer actor 0 the film might have been more satisfying if it had , in fact , been fleshed out a little more instead of going for easy smiles 0 some like it hot on the hardwood proves once again that a man in drag is not in and of himself funny 0 do n't be fooled by the impressive cast list eye see you is pure junk 1 the fly on the wall method used to document rural french school life is a refreshing departure from the now more prevalent technique of the docu makers being a visible part of their work 0 how anyone over the age of 2 can stomach the touchy feely message this preachy produce promotes is beyond us 1 waiting for godard can be fruitful 'in praise of love' is the director 's epitaph for himself 0 it 's better suited for the history or biography channel , but there 's no arguing the tone of the movie it leaves a bad taste in your mouth and questions on your mind 1 knows how to make our imagination wonder 1 a portrait of hell so shattering it 's impossible to shake 1 a series of tales told with the intricate preciseness of the best short story writing 0 a film that will probably please people already fascinated by behan but leave everyone else yawning with admiration 0 this film is too busy hitting all of its assigned marks to take on any life of its own 1 painful to watch , but viewers willing to take a chance will be rewarded with two of the year 's most accomplished and riveting film performances 0 low rent from frame one 1 an effectively creepy , fear inducing \( not fear reducing \) film from japanese director hideo nakata , who takes the superstitious curse on chain letters and actually applies it 1 despite the film 's bizarre developments , hoffman keeps us riveted with every painful nuance , unexpected flashes of dark comedy and the character 's gripping humanity 0 be forewarned , if you 're depressed about anything before watching this film , you may just end up trying to drown yourself in a lake afterwards 1 robert harmon 's less is more approach delivers real bump in the night chills his greatest triumph is keeping the creepy crawlies hidden in the film 's thick shadows 1 suffers from its timid parsing of the barn side target of sons trying to breach gaps in their relationships with their fathers 1 by taking entertainment tonight subject matter and giving it humor and poignancy , auto focus becomes both gut bustingly funny and crushingly depressing 1 the performances of the four main actresses bring their characters to life a little melodramatic , but with enough hope to keep you engaged 0 really dumb but occasionally really funny 0 the film has a few cute ideas and several modest chuckles but it is n't exactly kiddie friendly alas , santa is more ho hum than ho ho ho and the snowman \( who never gets to play that flute \) has all the charm of a meltdown 0 the overall feel of the film is pretty cheesy , but there 's still a real sense that the star trek tradition has been honored as best it can , given the embarrassing script and weak direction 0 time stands still in more ways that one in clockstoppers , a sci fi thriller as lazy as it is interminable 0 a farce of a parody of a comedy of a premise , it is n't a comparison to reality so much as it is a commentary about our knowledge of films 1 this is more fascinating being real than anything seen on jerry springer 1 branagh , in his most forceful non shakespeare screen performance , grounds even the softest moments in the angry revolt of his wit 1 cuts right through the b s giving a big middle fingered shut up to those who talk up what is nothing more than two guys beating the hell outta one another 1 dong makes a valiant effort to understand everyone 's point of view , and he does such a good job of it that family fundamentals gets you riled up 1 both lead performances are oscar size quaid is utterly fearless as the tortured husband living a painful lie , and moore wonderfully underplays the long suffering heroine with an unflappable '50s dignity somewhere between jane wyman and june cleaver 0 barney 's ideas about creation and identity do n't really seem all that profound , at least by way of what can be gleaned from this three hour endurance test built around an hour 's worth of actual material 1 reaches wholly believable and heart wrenching depths of despair 0 the holes in this film remain agape holes punched through by an inconsistent , meandering , and sometimes dry plot 0 well shot but badly written tale set in a future ravaged by dragons 1 an old fashioned drama of substance about a teacher 's slide down the slippery slope of dishonesty after an encounter with the rich and the powerful who have nothing but disdain for virtue 1 jackson is always watchable 0 the story suffers a severe case of oversimplification , superficiality and silliness 1 the first tunisian film i have ever seen , and it 's also probably the most good hearted yet sensual entertainment i'm likely to see all year 1 parris' performance is credible and remarkably mature 0 little more than a well acted television melodrama shot for the big screen 0 kung pow is oedekerk 's realization of his childhood dream to be in a martial arts flick , and proves that sometimes the dreams of youth should remain just that 1 exhilarating , funny and fun 1 at its most basic , this cartoon adventure is that wind in the hair exhilarating 0 yes they can swim , the title is merely anne sophie birot 's off handed way of saying girls find adolescence difficult to wade through 0 the film boasts at least a few good ideas and features some decent performances , but the result is disappointing 1 a compelling , moving film that respects its audience and its source material 0 what madonna does here ca n't properly be called acting more accurately , it 's moving and it 's talking and it 's occasionally gesturing , sometimes all at once 1 what saves this deeply affecting film from being merely a collection of wrenching cases is corcuera 's attention to detail 0 the secrets of time travel will have been discovered , indulged in and rejected as boring before i see this piece of crap again 0 bisset delivers a game performance , but she is unable to save the movie 0 writer director walter hill and co writer david giler try to create characters out of the obvious cliches , but wind up using them as punching bags 1 sorvino is delightful in the central role she nearly glows with enthusiasm , sensuality and a conniving wit 0 however sincere it may be , the rising place never quite justifies its own existence 1 like smoke signals , the film is also imbued with strong themes of familial ties and spirituality that are powerful and moving without stooping to base melodrama 1 gosling 's combination of explosive physical energy and convincing intelligence helps create a complex , unpredictable character 0 generic slasher movie nonsense , but it 's not without style 0 mckay seems embarrassed by his own invention and tries to rush through the intermediary passages , apparently hoping that the audience will not notice the glaring triteness of the plot device he has put in service 1 the film fits into a genre that has been overexposed , redolent of a thousand cliches , and yet remains uniquely itself , vibrant with originality 0 makes for some truly odd , at times confusing , kids entertainment but at least this time there 's some centered storytelling to go along with all the weird stuff 0 one of the more glaring signs of this movie 's servitude to its superstar is the way it skirts around any scenes that might have required genuine acting from ms spears 0 while the film shuns the glamour or glitz that an american movie might demand , scherfig tosses us a romantic scenario that is just as simplistic as a hollywood production 1 spare but quietly effective retelling 1 a movie that both thrills the eye and , in its over the top way , touches the heart 1 led by griffin 's smartly nuanced performance and enthusiasm , the cast has a lot of fun with the material 1 rain is a small treasure , enveloping the viewer in a literal and spiritual torpor that is anything but cathartic 1 a fascinating case study of flower power liberation and the price that was paid for it 0 it 's a mystery how the movie could be released in this condition 0 do n't hate el crimen del padre amaro because it 's anti catholic hate it because it 's lousy 0 meanders between its powerful moments 1 holofcener rejects patent solutions to dramatize life 's messiness from inside out , in all its strange quirks 1 clever and unflinching in its comic barbs , slap her is a small but rewarding comedy that takes aim at contemporary southern adolescence and never lets up 0 vile and tacky are the two best adjectives to describe ghost ship 0 a confusing drudgery 0 a thriller without a lot of thrills 0 did the film inform and educate me \? yes did it move me to care about what happened in 1915 armenia \? no and that is where ararat went astray 0 nothing more than a run of the mill action flick 0 the problem with this film is that it lacks focus i sympathize with the plight of these families , but the movie does n't do a very good job conveying the issue at hand 1 the genius of the work speaks volumes , offering up a hallucinatory dreamscape that frustrates and captivates 1 hilarious , acidic brit comedy 0 wallace gets a bit heavy handed with his message at times , and has a visual flair that waxes poetic far too much for our taste 0 a yawn provoking little farm melodrama 1 katz uses archival footage , horrifying documents of lynchings , still photographs and charming old reel to reel recordings of meeropol entertaining his children to create his song history , but most powerful of all is the song itself 0 some elements of it really blow the big one , but other parts are decent 0 is it a comedy \? a drama \? a romance \? a cartoon \? 1 the mothman prophecies is a difficult film to shake from your conscience when night falls 1 the vivid lead performances sustain interest and empathy , but the journey is far more interesting than the final destination 0 the story is predictable , the jokes are typical sandler fare , and the romance with ryder is puzzling 1 altogether , this is successful as a film , while at the same time being a most touching reconsideration of the familiar masterpiece 0 a poky and pseudo serious exercise in sham actor workshops and an affected malaise 1 both flawed and delayed , martin scorcese 's gangs of new york still emerges as his most vital work since goodfellas 1 has enough wit , energy and geniality to please not only the fanatical adherents on either side , but also people who know nothing about the subject and think they 're not interested 0 you get the impression that writer and director burr steers knows the territory but his sense of humor has yet to lose the smug self satisfaction usually associated with the better private schools 1 a moving tale of love and destruction in unexpected places , unexamined lives 1 hilarious , touching and wonderfully dyspeptic 0 contrived pastiche of caper clich s 1 the laser projected paintings provide a spell casting beauty , while russell and dreyfus are a romantic pairing of hearts , preciously exposed as history corners them 1 whether writer director anne fontaine 's film is a ghost story , an account of a nervous breakdown , a trip down memory lane , all three or none of the above , it is as seductive as it is haunting 0 there are just too many characters saying too many clever things and getting into too many pointless situations where 's the movie here \? 1 clooney directs this film always keeping the balance between the fantastic and the believable 1 13 conversations may be a bit too enigmatic and overly ambitious to be fully successful , but sprecher and her screenwriting partner and sister , karen sprecher , do n't seem ever to run out of ideas 0 involving at times , but lapses quite casually into the absurd 1 creates a visceral sense of its characters' lives and conflicted emotions that carries it far above what could have been a melodramatic , lifetime channel style anthology 1 an eerily suspenseful , deeply absorbing piece that works as a treatise on spirituality as well as a solid sci fi thriller 1 an unbelievably fun film just a leading man away from perfection 0 though ganesh is successful in a midlevel sort of way , there 's nothing so striking or fascinating or metaphorically significant about his career as to rate two hours of our attention 0 a mediocre exercise in target demographics , unaware that it 's the butt of its own joke 0 it 's clear the filmmakers were n't sure where they wanted their story to go , and even more clear that they lack the skills to get us to this undetermined destination 1 it has the charm of the original american road movies , feasting on the gorgeous , ramshackle landscape of the filmmaker 's motherland 1 no , it 's not as single minded as john carpenter 's original , but it 's sure a lot smarter and more unnerving than the sequels 1 a good film that must have baffled the folks in the marketing department 0 adrift , bentley and hudson stare and sniffle , respectively , as ledger attempts , in vain , to prove that movie star intensity can overcome bad hair design 1 one of the year 's most weirdly engaging and unpredictable character pieces 1 a warm , funny , engaging film 0 one of the oddest and most inexplicable sequels in movie history 1 the actors are simply too good , and the story too intriguing , for technical flaws to get in the way 0 like the chelsea 's denizens burdette 's collage form scenario tends to over romanticize the spiritual desolation of the struggling artiste 0 a bad movie that happened to good actors 1 if i have to choose between gorgeous animation and a lame story \( like , say , treasure planet \) or so so animation and an exciting , clever story with a batch of appealing characters , i 'll take the latter every time 0 full of witless jokes , dealing in broad stereotypes and outrageously unbelievable scenarios , and saddled with a general air of misogyny 1 \( caine \) proves once again he has n't lost his touch , bringing off a superb performance in an admittedly middling film 1 jagger , stoppard and director michael apted deliver a riveting and surprisingly romantic ride 1 every once in a while , a movie will come along that turns me into that annoying specimen of humanity that i usually dread encountering the most the fanboy 1 absorbing character study by andr turpin 1 skins has a desolate air , but eyre , a native american raised by white parents , manages to infuse the rocky path to sibling reconciliation with flashes of warmth and gentle humor 0 a mess 1 there are just enough twists in the tale to make it far more satisfying than almost any horror film in recent memory 1 despite a quieter middle section , involving aragorn 's dreams of arwen , this is even better than the fellowship there are scenes of cinematic perfection that steal your heart away 1 it 's an old story , but a lively script , sharp acting and partially animated interludes make just a kiss seem minty fresh 0 you have no affinity for most of the characters nothing about them is attractive what they see in each other also is difficult to fathom 1 uneven but a lot of fun 0 davis wants to cause his audience an epiphany , yet he refuses to give us real situations and characters 1 a stylish thriller 0 rashomon for dipsticks tale 0 an uneven film dealing with too many problems to be taken seriously 0 has the feel of an unedited personal journal 1 the art direction and costumes are gorgeous and finely detailed , and kurys' direction is clever and insightful 1 impossible as it may sound , this film 's heart is even more embracing than monty , if only because it accepts nasty behavior and severe flaws as part of the human condition 0 this is no waterboy ! 1 the film may appear naked in its narrative form but it goes deeper than that , to fundamental choices that include the complexity of the catholic doctrine 1 norton is magnetic as graham 1 full of profound , real life moments that anyone can relate to , it deserves a wide audience 1 despite besson 's high profile name being wasabi 's big selling point , there is no doubt that krawczyk deserves a huge amount of the credit for the film 's thoroughly winning tone 0 if you , like me , think an action film disguised as a war tribute is disgusting to begin with , then you 're in for a painful ride 1 a mesmerizing cinematic poem from the first frame to the last 0 stumbles over every cheap trick in the book trying to make the outrage come even easier 1 there is enough originality in 'life' to distance it from the pack of paint by number romantic comedies that so often end up on cinema screens 0 what could have been a pointed little chiller about the frightening seductiveness of new technology loses faith in its own viability and succumbs to joyless special effects excess 1 its rawness and vitality give it considerable punch 1 illuminating if overly talky documentary 0 no charm , no laughs , no fun , no reason to watch 1 a fun little timewaster , helped especially by the cool presence of jean reno 0 narc can only remind us of brilliant crime dramas without becoming one itself 1 as if trying to grab a lump of play doh , the harder that liman tries to squeeze his story , the more details slip out between his fingers 0 this time kaufman 's imagination has failed him 0 they should have called it gutterball 1 the large frame imax camera lends itself beautifully to filming the teeming life on the reefs , making this gorgeous film a must for everyone from junior scientists to grown up fish lovers 0 without a fresh infusion of creativity , 4ever is neither a promise nor a threat so much as wishful thinking 0 if it 's seldom boring , well , it 's also rarely coherent 1 twenty years after its first release , e t remains the most wondrous of all hollywood fantasies and the apex of steven spielberg 's misunderstood career 0 a fast paced , glitzy but extremely silly piece 1 if divine secrets of the ya ya sisterhood suffers from a ploddingly melodramatic structure , it comes to life in the performances 0 despite the pyrotechnics , narc is strictly by the book 0 flat , but with a revelatory performance by michelle williams 1 one of the best , most understated performances of jack nicholson 's career 1 the series' message about making the right choice in the face of tempting alternatives remains prominent , as do the girls' amusing personalities 0 with its parade of almost perpetually wasted characters margarita feels like a hazy high that takes too long to shake 0 friday after next is a lot more bluster than bite 1 long after you leave justine , you 'll be wondering what will happen to her and wishing her the best whatever that might mean 1 a metaphor for a modern day urban china searching for its identity 0 the iditarod lasts for days this just felt like it did 1 wallace is smart to vary the pitch of his movie , balancing deafening battle scenes with quieter domestic scenes of women back home receiving war department telegrams 1 trades run of the mill revulsion for extreme unease 0 this little film is so slovenly done , so primitive in technique , that it ca n't really be called animation 0 there are things to like about murder by numbers but , in the end , the disparate elements do n't gel 1 highly watchable stuff 0 despite the fact that this film was n't as bad as i thought it was going to be , it 's still not a good movie 0 there is no psychology here , and no real narrative logic just a series of carefully choreographed atrocities , which become strangely impersonal and abstract 1 the trinity assembly approaches the endeavor with a shocking lack of irony , and george ratliff 's documentary , hell house , reflects their earnestness which makes for a terrifying film 0 national lampoon 's van wilder may aim to be the next animal house , but it more closely resembles this year 's version of tomcats 1 punch drunk love is a little like a chocolate milk moustache 1 based on dave barry 's popular book of the same name , the movie benefits from having a real writer plot out all of the characters' moves and overlapping story 1 while the frequent allusions to gurus and doshas will strike some westerners as verging on mumbo jumbo broad streaks of common sense emerge with unimpeachable clarity 0 you can tell almost immediately that welcome to collinwood is n't going to jell 0 it 's got the brawn , but not the brains 1 gloriously goofy \( and gory \) midnight movie stuff 0 this goofy gangster yarn never really elevates itself from being yet another earnestly generic crime busting comic vehicle a well intentioned remake that shows some spunk and promise but fails to register as anything distinctive or daring 0 pretty much sucks , but has a funny moment or two 0 scene by scene , things happen , but you 'd be hard pressed to say what or why 1 the film runs on a little longer than it needs to muccino either does n't notice when his story ends or just ca n't tear himself away from the characters but it 's smooth and professional 0 the people in abc africa are treated as docile , mostly wordless ethnographic extras 0 fear permeates the whole of stortelling , todd solondz' oftentimes funny , yet ultimately cowardly autocritique 0 the video work is so grainy and rough , so dependent on being 'naturalistic' rather than carefully lit and set up , that it 's exhausting to watch 1 craig bartlett and director tuck tucker should be commended for illustrating the merits of fighting hard for something that really matters 1 massoud 's story is an epic , but also a tragedy , the record of a tenacious , humane fighter who was also the prisoner \( and ultimately the victim \) of history 1 \( a \) hollywood sheen bedevils the film from the very beginning \( but \) lohman 's moist , deeply emotional eyes shine through this bogus veneer 0 madonna still ca n't act a lick 0 so earnest and well meaning , and so stocked with talent , that you almost forget the sheer , ponderous awfulness of its script 0 bad in such a bizarre way that it 's almost worth seeing , if only to witness the crazy confluence of purpose and taste 1 dark and unrepentant , this excursion into the epicenter of percolating mental instability is not easily dismissed or forgotten 0 staggers between flaccid satire and what is supposed to be madcap farce 0 most new movies have a bright sheen some , like ballistic , arrive stillborn looking like the beaten , well worn video box cover of seven years into the future 1 merely as a technical , logistical feat , russian ark marks a cinematic milestone 1 an animation landmark as monumental as disney 's 1937 breakthrough snow white and the seven dwarfs 0 now i can see why people thought i was too hard on the mothman prophecies 0 as steamy as last week 's pork dumplings 1 hayek throws herself into this dream hispanic role with a teeth clenching gusto , she strikes a potent chemistry with molina and she gradually makes us believe she is kahlo 1 a mature , deeply felt fantasy of a director 's travel through 300 years of russian history 0 abandon spends 90 minutes trying figure out whether or not some cocky pseudo intellectual kid has intentionally left college or was killed the only problem is that , by the end , no one in the audience or the film seems to really care 0 it 's rare that a movie can be as intelligent as this one is in every regard except its storyline everything that 's good is ultimately scuttled by a plot that 's just too boring and obvious 1 an enjoyable , if occasionally flawed , experiment 1 has a lot of the virtues of eastwood at his best 0 somehow both wildly implausible and strangely conventional 1 assayas' ambitious , sometimes beautiful adaptation of jacques chardonne 's novel 1 offers enough playful fun to entertain the preschool set while embracing a wholesome attitude 1 see it debate it remember it 1 the script manages the rare trick of seeming at once both refreshingly different and reassuringly familiar 1 with ichi the killer , takashi miike , japan 's wildest filmmaker gives us a crime fighter carrying more emotional baggage than batman 0 a film neither bitter nor sweet , neither romantic nor comedic , neither warm nor fuzzy 1 cq 's reflection of artists and the love of cinema and self suggests nothing less than a new voice that deserves to be considered as a possible successor to the best european directors 1 in addition to gluing you to the edge of your seat , changing lanes is also a film of freshness , imagination and insight 1 fred schepisi 's tale of four englishmen facing the prospect of their own mortality views youthful affluence not as a lost ideal but a starting point 1 a respectable venture on its own terms , lacking the broader vision that has seen certain trek films cross over to a more mainstream audience 0 tries so hard to be quirky and funny that the strain is all too evident 0 the pacing is glacial , the screenplay is stiff as a board , and things heat up only in the movie 's final scenes 0 a hamfisted romantic comedy that makes our girl the hapless facilitator of an extended cheap shot across the mason dixon line 1 it 's a brave attempt to tap into the heartbeat of the world , a salute to the universal language of rhythm and a zippy sampling of sounds 1 nothing denis has made before , like beau travil and nenette et boni , could prepare us for this gory , perverted , sex soaked riff on the cannibal genre 1 stuffed to the brim with ideas , american instigator michael moore 's film is a rambling examination of american gun culture that uses his usual modus operandi of crucifixion through juxtaposition 0 for all its alleged youthful fire , xxx is no less subservient to bond 's tired formula of guns , girls and gadgets while brandishing a new action hero 0 alternately frustrating and rewarding 1 those who love cinema paradiso will find the new scenes interesting , but few will find the movie improved 0 a predictable , manipulative stinker the story passes time until it 's time for an absurd finale of twisted metal , fireballs and revenge 1 a highly intriguing thriller , coupled with some ingenious plot devices and some lavishly built settings it 's a worthwhile tutorial in quantum physics and slash dash 1 jeffs has created a breathtakingly assured and stylish work of spare dialogue and acute expressiveness 1 the ring is pretty much an english language copy of the film that inspired it , and it carries the same strengths and flaws 0 there 's only one way to kill michael myers for good stop buying tickets to these movies 1 there are moments it can be heart rending in an honest and unaffected \( and gentle \) way 0 a preposterously melodramatic paean to gang member teens in brooklyn circa 1958 1 a perverse little truffle , dainty psychological terror on the outside with a creamy filling of familial jealousy and unrepentant domestic psychopathy 0 starts out with tremendous promise , introducing an intriguing and alluring premise , only to fall prey to a boatload of screenwriting cliches that sink it faster than a leaky freighter 0 the humor is forced and heavy handed , and occasionally simply unpleasant 1 an intense and effective film about loneliness and the chilly anonymity of the environments where so many of us spend so much of our time 1 watching spirited away is like watching an eastern imagination explode 0 none of this sounds promising and , indeed , the first half of sorority boys is as appalling as any 'comedy' to ever spill from a projector 's lens 1 while undercover brother is definitely one for the masses , it 's also full of sharp , smart satire 0 it 's a sometimes interesting remake that does n't compare to the brilliant original 0 it 's a prison soccer movie starring charismatic tough guy vinnie jones , but it had too much spitting for me to enjoy 0 that neither protagonist has a distinguishable condition hardly matters because both are just actory concoctions , defined by childlike dimness and a handful of quirks 0 this is surely one of the most frantic , virulent and foul natured christmas season pics ever delivered by a hollywood studio 0 like being trapped inside a huge video game , where exciting , inane images keep popping past your head and the same illogical things keep happening over and over again 0 a passable romantic comedy , in need of another couple of passes through the word processor 0 flat , misguided comedy 0 so clich d that , at one point , they literally upset an apple cart 0 with zoe clarke williams 's lackluster thriller new best friend , who needs enemies \? just another generic drama that has nothing going for it other than its exploitive array of obligatory cheap thrills 1 the film 's plot may be shallow , but you 've never seen the deep like you see it in these harrowing surf shots 1 a masterpiece four years in the making 1 cho continues her exploration of the outer limits of raunch with considerable brio 0 glib , satirical documentary that fudges facts , makes facile points and engages in the cinematic equivalent of tabloid journalism 0 it smacks of purely commercial motivation , with no great love for the original 0 what frei gives us is a man who uses the damage of war far more often than the warfare itself to create the kind of art shots that fill gallery shows 0 life is a crock or something like it 0 wallace seems less like he 's been burning to tell a war story than he 's been itching to somehow tack one together 0 press the delete key 0 a little more intensity and a little less charm would have saved this film a world of hurt 0 mr deeds is not really a film as much as it is a loose collection of not so funny gags , scattered moments of lazy humor 0 a loud , ugly , irritating movie without any of its satirical salvos hitting a discernible target 1 some may choose to interpret the film 's end as hopeful or optimistic but i think payne is after something darker 1 stands as one of the year 's most intriguing movie experiences , letting its imagery speak for it while it forces you to ponder anew what a movie can be 0 as saccharine as it is disposable 0 little more than a well mounted history lesson 1 pray 's film works well and will appeal even to those who are n't too familiar with turntablism 0 watching the film is like reading a times portrait of grief that keeps shifting focus to the journalist who wrote it 0 for those for whom the name woody allen was once a guarantee of something fresh , sometimes funny , and usually genuinely worthwhile , hollywood ending is a depressing experience 0 lacks dramatic punch and depth 1 viewed on its own terms , treasure planet is better than average family entertainment , but true fans of the stevenson 's novel will likely prefer disney 's more faithful 1950 live action swashbuckling classic 1 director lee has a true cinematic knack , but it 's also nice to see a movie with its heart so thoroughly , unabashedly on its sleeve 0 unspeakable , of course , barely begins to describe the plot and its complications vulgar is too optimistic a title 0 possibly the most irresponsible picture ever released by a major film studio 0 winds up feeling like lots of other quirky movies that try to score hipness points with young adults 0 ultimately , sarah 's dedication to finding her husband seems more psychotic than romantic , and nothing in the movie makes a convincing case that one woman 's broken heart outweighs all the loss we witness 0 what could have been right at home as a nifty plot line in steven soderbergh 's traffic fails to arrive at any satisfying destination 0 the attempt to build up a pressure cooker of horrified awe emerges from the simple fact that the movie has virtually nothing to show 0 roger michell \( notting hill \) directs a morality thriller 0 no amount of blood and disintegrating vampire cadavers can obscure this movie 's lack of ideas 0 well made but uninvolving , bloodwork is n't a terrible movie , just a stultifyingly obvious one an unrewarding collar for a murder mystery 1 ultimately too repellent to fully endear itself to american art house audiences , but it is notable for its stylistic austerity and forcefulness 1 it 's like going to a house party and watching the host defend himself against a frothing ex girlfriend you do n't want to call the cops you want to call domino 's 1 a passionately inquisitive film determined to uncover the truth and hopefully inspire action 0 a sincere but dramatically conflicted gay coming of age tale 0 by the miserable standards to which the slasher genre has sunk , actually pretty good of course , by more objective measurements it 's still quite bad 0 here 's a self congratulatory 3d imax rah rah 0 a complete waste of time 0 a movie that , quite simply , should n't have been made 0 i wish i could say thank god it 's friday , but the truth of the matter is i was glad when it was over 1 miyazaki 's nonstop images are so stunning , and his imagination so vivid , that the only possible complaint you could have about spirited away is that there is no rest period , no timeout 1 a breathtaking adventure for all ages , spirit tells its poignant and uplifting story in a stunning fusion of music and images 0 an ambitiously naturalistic , albeit half baked , drama about an abused , inner city autistic teen 0 showtime is one of the hapless victims of the arrogant if we put together a wry white man and a chatty black man and give them guns , the movie will be funny syndrome 0 it 's a glorified sitcom , and a long , unfunny one at that 1 a rude black comedy about the catalytic effect a holy fool has upon those around him in the cutthroat world of children 's television 1 if you do n't flee , you might be seduced if you do n't laugh , flee 1 it irritates and saddens me that martin lawrence 's latest vehicle can explode obnoxiously into 2 , 500 screens while something of bubba ho tep 's clearly evident quality may end up languishing on a shelf somewhere 0 the innocence of holiday cheer ai n't what it used to be 1 this is a harrowing movie about how parents know where all the buttons are , and how to push them 0 schaeffer has to find some hook on which to hang his persistently useless movies , and it might as well be the resuscitation of the middle aged character 0 a frustrating 'tweener' too slick , contrived and exploitative for the art houses and too cynical , small and decadent for the malls 0 a pretentious and ultimately empty examination of a sick and evil woman 1 extreme ops exceeds expectations good fun , good action , good acting , good dialogue , good pace , good cinematography 1 a keep 'em guessing plot and an affectionate take on its screwed up characters 0 the characters , cast in impossibly contrived situations , are totally estranged from reality 1 in the affable maid in manhattan , jennifer lopez 's most aggressive and most sincere attempt to take movies by storm , the diva shrewdly surrounds herself with a company of strictly a list players 1 arteta paints a picture of lives lived in a state of quiet desperation 0 elicits more groans from the audience than jar jar binks , scrappy doo and scooby dumb , all wrapped up into one 0 i wish it would have just gone more over the top instead of trying to have it both ways 0 there 's just no currency in deriding james bond for being a clich d , doddering , misogynistic boy 's club 1 it 's a lovely film with lovely performances by buy and accorsi 1 an extraordinary swedish film about the soul adventure of marriage the kind of intimate and character driven film that bille august does best 1 brilliantly explores the conflict between following one 's heart and following the demands of tradition 1 it 's not like having a real film of nijinsky , but at least it 's better than that eponymous 1980 biopic that used soap in the places where the mysteries lingered 0 the story has its redundancies , and the young actors , not very experienced , are sometimes inexpressive 0 femme fatale offers nothing more than a bait and switch that is beyond playing fair with the audience are we dealing with dreams , visions or being told what actually happened as if it were the third ending of clue \? 0 despite suffering a sense of humour failure , the man who wrote rocky does not deserve to go down with a ship as leaky as this 0 it 's hard to believe these jokers are supposed to have pulled off four similar kidnappings before 1 that storytelling has value cannot be denied not even solondz 's thirst for controversy , sketchy characters and immature provocations can fully succeed at cheapening it 1 highly recommended as an engrossing story about a horrifying historical event and the elements which contributed to it 1 ryosuke has created a wry , winning , if languidly paced , meditation on the meaning and value of family 1 it 's sobering , particularly if anyone still thinks this conflict can be resolved easily , or soon 1 passionate , irrational , long suffering but cruel as a tarantula , helga figures prominently in this movie , and helps keep the proceedings as funny for grown ups as for rugrats 0 you could easily mistake it for a sketchy work in progress that was inexplicably rushed to the megaplexes before its time 0 everything was as superficial as the forced new jersey lowbrow accent uma had 0 it takes you somewhere you 're not likely to have seen before , but beneath the exotic surface \( and exotic dancing \) it 's surprisingly old fashioned 1 quite endearing 1 when twentysomething hotsies make movies about their lives , hard driving narcissism is a given , but what a world we 'd live in if argento 's hollywood counterparts had this much imagination and nerve 1 writer director m night shyamalan 's ability to pull together easily accessible stories that resonate with profundity is undeniable 1 one of those exceedingly rare films in which the talk alone is enough to keep us involved 1 a small movie with a big impact 1 you can almost see mendes and company getting together before a single frame had been shot and collectively vowing , 'this is going to be something really good ' and it is 1 it does n't make for great cinema , but it is interesting to see where one 's imagination will lead when given the opportunity 1 parts seem like they were lifted from terry gilliam 's subconscious , pressed through kafka 's meat grinder and into bu uel 's casings 0 its one sidedness flirts with propaganda 0 scooby doo does n't know if it wants to be a retro refitting exercise in campy recall for older fans or a silly , nickelodeon esque kiddie flick 1 the movie is ingenious fun see it 0 the vintage is pure '87 , with a halfhearted twist on its cautionary message fatal attraction do n't have an affair with a nutjob unfaithful do n't if you 're married to one 1 half submarine flick , half ghost story , all in one criminally neglected film 1 it is life affirming and heartbreaking , sweet without the decay factor , funny and sad 0 rates an 'e' for effort and a 'b' for boring 0 deserves high marks for political courage but barely gets by on its artistic merits 1 if reno is to the left of liberal on the political spectrum , her tough , funny , rather chaotic show is n't subversive so much as it is nit picky about the hypocrisies of our time 1 by the time we learn that andrew 's turnabout is fair play is every bit as awful as borchardt 's coven , we can enjoy it anyway 1 as giddy and whimsical and relevant today as it was 270 years ago 1 returning director rob minkoff and screenwriter bruce joel rubin have done a fine job of updating white 's dry wit to a new age 0 it made me want to wrench my eyes out of my head and toss them at the screen 0 parker probably thinks he 's shaking up a classic the way kenneth branagh and baz luhrmann have , but this half hearted messing about just makes us miss wilde 's still contemporary play 1 the underworld urban angst is derivative of martin scorsese 's taxi driver and goodfellas , but this film speaks for itself 1 the first bond movie in ages that is n't fake fun 1 featherweight romantic comedy has a few nice twists in a standard plot and the charisma of hugh grant and sandra bullock 0 the thrill is \( long \) gone 0 the picture 's cleverness is ironically muted by the very people who are intended to make it shine 0 this mild mannered farce , directed by one of its writers , john c walsh , is corny in a way that bespeaks an expiration date passed a long time ago 0 perhaps the heaviest , most joyless movie ever made about giant dragons taking over the world 0 the movie itself appears to be running on hypertime in reverse as the truly funny bits get further and further apart 1 there are moments in this account of the life of artist frida kahlo that are among cinema 's finest this year unfortunately , they 're sandwiched in between the most impossibly dry account of kahlo 's life imaginable 0 eddie murphy and owen wilson have a cute partnership in i spy , but the movie around them is so often nearly nothing that their charm does n't do a load of good 0 manipulative claptrap , a period piece movie of the week , plain old blarney take your pick all three descriptions suit evelyn , a besotted and obvious drama that tells us nothing new 0 the piano teacher , like its title character , is repellantly out of control 0 as aimless as an old pickup skidding completely out of control on a long patch of black ice , the movie makes two hours feel like four 1 melodrama with a message 0 wow i have not been this disappointed by a movie in a long time 1 stevenson 's performance is at once clueless and fiercely committed , a volatile combination 1 is truth stranger than fiction \? in screenwriter charlie kaufman 's world , truth and fiction are equally strange , and his for the taking 0 it would work much better as a one hour tv documentary 1 myers has turned his franchise into the movie version of an adolescent dirty joke book done up in post tarantino pop culture riffs 1 the powder blues and sun splashed whites of tunis make an alluring backdrop for this sensuous and spirited tale of a prim widow who finds an unlikely release in belly dancing clubs 1 schrader examines crane 's decline with unblinking candor 1 reggio and glass put on an intoxicating show 0 the cumulative effect of the relentless horror on parade numbs the movie 's power as a work of drama 0 as spent screen series go , star trek nemesis is even more suggestive of a 65th class reunion mixer where only eight surviving members show up and there 's nothing to drink 1 shainberg weaves a carefully balanced scenario that is controlled by neither character , is weirdly sympathetic to both and manages to be tender and darkly comic 0 were dylan thomas alive to witness first time director ethan hawke 's strained chelsea walls , he might have been tempted to change his landmark poem to , 'do not go gentle into that good theatre ' 1 a hard look at one man 's occupational angst and its subsequent reinvention , a terrifying study of bourgeois desperation worthy of claude chabrol 0 a limp eddie murphy vehicle that even he seems embarrassed to be part of 1 nearly surreal , dabbling in french , this is no simple movie , and you 'll be taking a risk if you choose to see it i enjoyed the ride \( bumps and all \) , creamy depth , and ultimate theme 1 you do n't have to be an especially tough grader to give a charitable b minus to the emperor 's club 0 so routine , familiar and predictable , it raises the possibility that it wrote itself as a newly automated final draft computer program 0 its appeal will probably limited to lds church members and undemanding armchair tourists 0 for every articulate player , such as skateboarder tony hawk or bmx rider mat hoffman , are about a half dozen young turks angling to see how many times they can work the words radical or suck into a sentence 1 fred schepisi 's film is paced at a speed that is slow to those of us in middle age and deathly slow to any teen with a cast of a list brit actors , it is worth searching out 1 moretti is the rare common man artist who 's wise enough to recognize that there are few things in this world more complex and , as it turns out , more fragile than happiness 0 it 's a drag how nettelbeck sees working women or at least this working woman for whom she shows little understanding 0 'synthetic' is the best description of this well meaning , beautifully produced film that sacrifices its promise for a high powered star pedigree 1 ludicrous , but director carl franklin adds enough flourishes and freak outs to make it entertaining 0 this is a movie filled with unlikable , spiteful idiots whether or not their friendship is salvaged makes no difference in the least 0 the movie generates plot points with a degree of randomness usually achieved only by lottery drawing 0 eight legged freaks \? no big hairy deal 1 the movie does its best to work us over , with second helpings of love , romance , tragedy , false dawns , real dawns , comic relief , two separate crises during marriage ceremonies , and the lush scenery of the cotswolds 0 despite the holes in the story and the somewhat predictable plot , moments of the movie caused me to jump in my chair 1 daring , mesmerizing and exceedingly hard to forget 1 a lovely film elegant , witty and beneath a prim exterior unabashedly romantic hugely enjoyable in its own right though not really faithful to its source 's complexity 1 call me a wimp , but i cried , not once , but three times in this animated sweet film 0 some writer dude , i think his name was , uh , michael zaidan , was supposed to have like written the screenplay or something , but , dude , the only thing that i ever saw that was written down were the zeroes on my paycheck 0 a sleep inducingly slow paced crime drama with clumsy dialogue , heavy handed phoney feeling sentiment , and an overly familiar set of plot devices 0 the inherent limitations of using a video game as the source material movie are once again made all too clear in this schlocky horror action hybrid 1 wickedly funny , visually engrossing , never boring , this movie challenges us to think about the ways we consume pop culture 0 staggeringly dreadful romance 0 frankly , it 's kind of insulting , both to men and women and it 's not that funny which is just generally insulting 1 a hypnotic cyber hymn and a cruel story of youth culture 1 a rock solid gangster movie with a fair amount of suspense , intriguing characters and bizarre bank robberies , plus a heavy dose of father and son dynamics 0 a stale retread of the '53 original 0 what remains is a variant of the nincompoop benigni persona , here a more annoying , though less angry version of the irresponsible sandlerian manchild , undercut by the voice of the star of road trip 0 you can thank me for this i saw juwanna mann so you do n't have to 0 this 100 minute movie only has about 25 minutes of decent material 0 sodden and glum , even in those moments where it 's supposed to feel funny and light 0 summer 's far too fleeting to squander on offal like this 1 roman polanski 's autobiographical gesture at redemption is better than 'shindler 's list' it is more than merely a holocaust movie 1 were it not for a sentimental resolution that explains way more about cal than does the movie or the character any good , freundlich 's world traveler might have been one of the more daring and surprising american movies of the year 1 martin and barbara are complex characters sometimes tender , sometimes angry and the delicate performances by sven wollter and viveka seldahl make their hopes and frustrations vivid 1 this version does justice both to stevenson and to the sci fi genre 0 it has all the excitement of eating oatmeal 0 like being trapped at a perpetual frat party how can something so gross be so boring \? 0 this is nothing but familiar territory 1 the stars may be college kids , but the subject matter is as adult as you can get the temptations of the flesh are unleashed by a slightly crazed , overtly determined young woman and a one night swim turns into an ocean of trouble 0 if sinise 's character had a brain his ordeal would be over in five minutes but instead the plot goes out of its way to introduce obstacles for him to stumble over 1 transforms one of shakespeare 's deepest tragedies into a smart new comedy 1 a slick , skillful little horror film 0 will probably be one of those movies barely registering a blip on the radar screen of 2002 0 this feature is about as necessary as a hole in the head 1 broomfield is energized by volletta wallace 's maternal fury , her fearlessness , and because of that , his film crackles 0 manages to show life in all of its banality when the intention is quite the opposite 1 it 's an often cute film but either needs more substance to fill the time or some judicious editing 0 in the end , white oleander is n't an adaptation of a novel it 's a flashy , star splashed reduction 1 those with a modicum of patience will find in these characters' foibles a timeless and unique perspective 1 an unforgettable look at morality , family , and social expectation through the prism of that omnibus tradition called marriage 1 the cast is uniformly excellent and relaxed 0 chabrol has taken promising material for a black comedy and turned it instead into a somber chamber drama 0 it 's hard not to feel you 've just watched a feature length video game with some really heavy back story 0 the picture emerges as a surprisingly anemic disappointment 1 a brutal and funny work nicole holofcenter , the insightful writer director responsible for this illuminating comedy does n't wrap the proceedings up neatly but the ideas tie together beautifully 1 a stunning and overwhelmingly cogent case for kissinger as a calculating war criminal 0 the comedy death to smoochy is a rancorous curiosity a movie without an apparent audience 1 spielberg is the rare director who does not want to invite viewers to gawk at or applaud his special effects he just wants them to be part of the action , the wallpaper of his chosen reality here , thankfully , they are 0 cattaneo should have followed the runaway success of his first film , the full monty , with something different 0 just a bunch of good actors flailing around in a caper that 's neither original nor terribly funny 0 sen 's soap opera ish approach undermines his good intentions 1 marvelously entertaining and deliriously joyous documentary 0 his comedy premises are often hackneyed or just plain crude , calculated to provoke shocked laughter , without following up on a deeper level 1 the pianist is a supremely hopeful cautionary tale of war 's madness remembered that we , today , can prevent its tragic waste of life here is a divine monument to a single man 's struggle to regain his life , his dignity and his music 0 an entertainment so in love with its overinflated mythology that it no longer recognizes the needs of moviegoers for real characters and compelling plots 0 never engaging , utterly predictable and completely void of anything remotely interesting or suspenseful 0 while there 's something intrinsically funny about sir anthony hopkins saying 'get in the car , bitch , ' this jerry bruckheimer production has little else to offer 0 a rehash of every gangster movie from the past decade 1 more honest about alzheimer 's disease , i think , than iris 0 no amount of arty theorizing the special effects are 'german expressionist , ' according to the press notes can render it anything but laughable 1 director peter jackson and his crew have so steeped themselves in the majesty of tolkien 's writing that every frame produces new joys , whether you 're a fan of the books or not 0 whenever its story is n't bogged down by idiocy involving the cia and a lost u s satellite , hunter starring irwin and his american wife colleague , terri is a movie children should enjoy 0 finally coming down off of miramax 's deep shelves after a couple of aborted attempts , waking up in reno makes a strong case for letting sleeping dogs lie 1 the script 's snazzy dialogue establishes a realistic atmosphere that involves us in the unfolding crisis , but the lazy plotting ensures that little of our emotional investment pays off 0 completely awful iranian drama as much fun as a grouchy ayatollah in a cold mosque 0 you can practically hear george orwell turning over 0 friday after next has the same problem that next friday did it 's called where 's chris tucker when you need him \? 1 one of those movies that catches you up in something bigger than yourself , namely , an archetypal desire to enjoy good trash every now and then 1 this movie has a strong message about never giving up on a loved one , but it 's not an easy movie to watch and will probably disturb many who see it 1 as a witness to several greek american weddings but , happily , a victim of none i can testify to the comparative accuracy of ms vardalos' memories and insights 1 the aaa of action , xxx is a blast of adrenalin , rated eee for excitement and vin diesel is the man 0 a broad , melodramatic estrogen opera that 's pretty toxic in its own right 1 very predictable but still entertaining 1 it 's definitely an improvement on the first blade , since it does n't take itself so deadly seriously 1 i do n't know precisely what to make of steven soderbergh 's full frontal , though that did n't stop me from enjoying much of it 0 familiar and predictable , and 4 5ths of it might as well have come from a xerox machine rather than \( writer director \) franc reyes' word processor 0 it 's a lot to ask people to sit still for two hours and change watching such a character , especially when rendered in as flat and impassive a manner as phoenix 's 0 if only the story about a multi million dollar con bothered to include the con 1 an entertaining documentary that freshly considers arguments the bard 's immortal plays were written by somebody else 1 if you dig on david mamet 's mind tricks rent this movie and enjoy ! 1 genuinely unnerving 1 boldly engineering a collision between tawdry b movie flamboyance and grandiose spiritual anomie , rose 's film , true to its source material , provides a tenacious demonstration of death as the great equalizer 0 adults will certainly want to spend their time in the theater thinking up grocery lists and ways to tell their kids how not to act like pinocchio as for children , they wo n't enjoy the movie at all 1 the magic \( and original running time \) of ace japanimator hayao miyazaki 's spirited away survives intact in bv 's re voiced version 0 christians sensitive to a reductionist view of their lord as a luv spreading dr feelgood or omnipotent slacker will feel vastly more affronted than secularists , who might even praise god for delivering such an instant camp classic 1 while the plot follows a predictable connect the dots course director john schultz colors the picture in some evocative shades 1 a subtle , poignant picture of goodness that is flawed , compromised and sad 0 sandra bullock , despite downplaying her good looks , carries a little too much ai n't she cute baggage into her lead role as a troubled and determined homicide cop to quite pull off the heavy stuff 0 no telegraphing is too obvious or simplistic for this movie 0 a dreary rip off of goodfellas that serves as a muddled and offensive cautionary tale for hispanic americans 0 the movie is so contrived , nonsensical and formulaic that , come to think of it , the day old shelf would be a more appropriate location to store it 0 drumline is the mere suggestion , albeit a visually compelling one , of a fully realized story 1 godard has never made a more sheerly beautiful film than this unexpectedly moving meditation on love , history , memory , resistance and artistic transcendence 1 one of those energetic surprises , an original that pleases almost everyone who sees it 1 how i killed my father would be a rarity in hollywood it 's an actor 's showcase that accomplishes its primary goal without the use of special effects , but rather by emphasizing the characters including the supporting ones 0 seagal is painfully foolish in trying to hold onto what 's left of his passe' chopsocky glory 1 warm water under a red bridge is a quirky and poignant japanese film that explores the fascinating connections between women , water , nature , and sexuality 0 it 's mighty tedious for the viewer who has to contend with unpleasant characters , hit and miss performances and awkwardly staged scenes 1 it 's absolutely spooky how lillard channels the shagster right down to the original casey kasem furnished voice 1 a breezy romantic comedy that has the punch of a good sitcom , while offering exceptionally well detailed characters 1 mesmerizing , an eye opening tour of modern beijing culture in a journey of rebellion , retreat into oblivion and return 1 guaranteed to move anyone who ever shook , rattled , or rolled 1 it further declares its director , zhang yang of shower , as a boldly experimental , contemporary stylist with a bright future 0 though her fans will assuredly have their funny bones tickled , others will find their humor seeking dollars best spent elsewhere 0 flotsam in the sea of moviemaking , not big enough for us to worry about it causing significant harm and not smelly enough to bother despising 1 a subtle , humorous , illuminating study of politics , power and social mobility 0 not a cheap slasher flick , as the subject matter would suggest , but is a little like a nature film , showing a patient predator and his foolish prey 0 in the real world , an actor this uncharismatically beautiful would have a r sum loaded with credits like girl in bar 3 1 while the film is not entirely successful , it still manages to string together enough charming moments to work 1 all three actresses are simply dazzling , particularly balk , who 's finally been given a part worthy of her considerable talents 0 ecks this one off your must see list 0 it 's sweet , harmless , dumb , occasionally funny and about as compelling as a fishing show 1 a dream cast of solid female talent who build a seamless ensemble there is n't a weak or careless performance amongst them 1 eight legged freaks is clever and funny , is amused by its special effects , and leaves you feeling like you 've seen a movie instead of an endless trailer 0 boy , has this franchise ever run out of gas 1 ruzowitzky has taken this mothball y stuff and made a rather sturdy , old fashioned entertainment out of it 0 like the world of his film , hartley created a monster but did n't know how to handle it 0 a tired , predictable , bordering on offensive , waste of time , money and celluloid 0 william shatner , as a pompous professor , is the sole bright spot 0 a shambles of a movie visually unattractive , unbearably loud and utterly silly its hilarity is completely unintentional 0 a dreary indulgence 1 familiar but utterly delightful 0 too simple for its own good 0 affleck merely creates an outline for a role he still needs to grow into , a role that ford effortlessly filled with authority 1 a gracious , eloquent film that by its end offers a ray of hope to the refugees able to look ahead and resist living in a past forever lost 0 they 're going through the motions , but the zip is gone 1 lasker 's canny , meditative script distances sex and love , as byron and luther realize they ca n't get no satisfaction without the latter 0 at 90 minutes this movie is short , but it feels much longer 1 holm does his sly , intricate magic , and iben hjelje is entirely appealing as pumpkin 0 the overall vibe is druggy and self indulgent , like a spring break orgy for pretentious arts majors 0 all the characters are clinically depressed and have abandoned their slim hopes and dreams 0 i was hoping that it would be sleazy and fun , but it was neither 0 no matter how much he runs around and acts like a doofus , accepting a 50 year old in the role is creepy in a michael jackson sort of way 1 twist open the ouzo ! it 's time to let your hair down greek style a vibrant whirlwind of love , family and all that goes with it , my big fat greek wedding is a non stop funny feast of warmth , colour and cringe 0 no one can doubt the filmmakers' motives , but the guys still feels counterproductive 1 a thriller made from a completist 's checklist rather than with a cultist 's passion 1 nakata 's technique is to imply terror by suggestion , rather than the overuse of special effects 1 this time out , sade is an unsettlingly familiar figure in turns loyal and deceitful , responsible and reckless , idealistically selfless and coldly self interested 1 jir hubac 's script is a gem his characters are engaging , intimate and the dialogue is realistic and greatly moving the scope of the silberstein family is large and we grow attached to their lives , full of strength , warmth and vitality 0 'cq may one day be fondly remembered as roman coppola 's brief pretentious period before going on to other films that actually tell a story worth caring about 1 this film is an act of spiritual faith an eloquent , deeply felt meditation on the nature of compassion 0 dripping with cliche and bypassing no opportunity to trivialize the material 0 barely goes beyond comic book status 1 most of the things that made the original men in black such a pleasure are still there 1 real women have curves does n't offer any easy answers 1 solondz is so intent on hammering home his message that he forgets to make it entertaining 0 a noble failure 0 i'm not sure which half of dragonfly is worse the part where nothing 's happening , or the part where something 's happening , but it 's stupid 0 the waterlogged script plumbs uncharted depths of stupidity , incoherence and sub sophomoric sexual banter 0 maudlin and melodramatic we expected boring we did n't 0 cedar somewhat defuses this provocative theme by submerging it in a hoary love triangle 1 a slick , engrossing melodrama 0 when the painted backdrops in a movie are more alive than its characters , you know you 're in trouble 0 broder 's screenplay is shallow , offensive and redundant , with pitifully few real laughs 1 it 's rare to find a film that dazzles the eye , challenges the brain , and satisfies our lust for fast paced action , but minority report delivers all that and a whole lot more 1 lejos del para so es al mismo tiempo una fiesta para los ojos y o dos y un movilizador cuadro de personajes enfrentados a sus propios deseos , miedos y prejuicios 1 gosling creates a staggeringly compelling character , a young man whose sharp intellect is at the very root of his contradictory , self hating , self destructive ways 1 it 's a rare window on an artistic collaboration 1 a thoroughly entertaining comedy that uses grant 's own twist of acidity to prevent itself from succumbing to its own bathos 0 i'm not exactly sure what this movie thinks it is about 1 the entire movie establishes a wonderfully creepy mood 1 we know the plot 's a little crazy , but it held my interest from start to finish 0 although purportedly a study in modern alienation , it 's really little more than a particularly slanted , gay s m fantasy , enervating and deadeningly drawn out 0 a stupid , derivative horror film that substitutes extreme gore for suspense 0 lucas has in fact come closer than anyone could desire to the cheap , graceless , hackneyed sci fi serials of the '30s and '40s 1 depending upon your reaction to this movie , you may never again be able to look at a red felt sharpie pen without disgust , a thrill , or the giggles 1 for all the dolorous trim , secretary is a genial romance that maintains a surprisingly buoyant tone throughout , notwithstanding some of the writers' sporadic dips into pop freudianism 1 there 's a wickedly subversive bent to the best parts of birthday girl 1 like mike is a harmlessly na ve slice of b ball fantasy , fit for filling in during the real nba 's off season 0 this is n't just the cliffsnotes version of nicholas nickleby , it 's the cliffsnotes with pages missing 1 although it lacks the detail of the book , the film does pack some serious suspense 0 liman , of swingers and go , makes his big budget action film debut something of a clunker as he delivers a long , low heat chase , interrupted by a middling car chase 1 an entertaining british hybrid of comedy , caper thrills and quirky romance 0 a generic international version of a typical american horror film 1 performances all around are tops , with the two leads delivering oscar caliber performances 1 occasionally melodramatic , it 's also extremely effective 0 one can only assume that the jury who bestowed star hoffman 's brother gordy with the waldo salt screenwriting award at 2002 's sundance festival were honoring an attempt to do something different over actually pulling it off 0 well , it does go on forever 0 a glossy knock off of a b movie revenge flick 1 the additional storyline is interesting and entertaining , but it does n't have the same magical quality as the beginning of the story i like the new footage and still love the old stuff