entailment In Temple Bar , the bookshop at the Gallery of Photography carries a large selection of photographic publications , and the Flying Pig is a secondhand bookshop . There is a bookshop at the gallery . entailment On Naxos , you can walk through the pretty villages of the Tragea Valley and the foothills of Mount Zas , admiring Byzantine churches and exploring olive groves at your leisure . Naxos is a place with beautiful scenery for leisure . neutral Impossible . Impossible , unless circumstances are met . entailment Expenses included in calculating net cost for education and training programs that are intended to increase or maintain national economic productive capacity shall be reported as investments in human capital as required supplementary stewardship information accompanying the financial statements of the Federal Government and its component units . Net cost for education programs can be calculated as a way to increase productivity . contradiction But the real dirty work had already been done . There was still lots of dirty work left to be completed . contradiction I was pulled into the bar . I managed to escape their grasp and ran just outside the bar . entailment Guards would regulate those who entered and departed . Guards checked who went in and out . entailment Later , Tom testified against John so as to avoid the electric chair . Tom was willing to speak against the other man to avoid his own execution . contradiction You 'll even be able to consult a traditional herbalist to cure your ailments . You will not be allowed to consult with traditional herbalists . neutral Lincoln glared . The man was angry . contradiction Your man would n't have remained conscious after the first blow . Your man stayed conscious even after the first blow . entailment Larger ski resorts are 90 minutes away . If we travel for 90 minutes , we could arrive at larger ski resorts . neutral Escaped or abandoned raccoons have been breeding in the wild for the past 20 years and have damaged corn crops , watermelon and melon farms , and rainbow trout hatcheries , the paper said . Raccoons , if they are escaped or abandoned , tend to damage things - this is what has been happening for the past 20 years - but many organizations are trying to solve the problem . entailment Czarek had to fight for attention : Czarek had to engage in a fight to seek attention . entailment The truth ? Is that true ? contradiction Tuppence frowned . Tuppence beamed with delight . neutral What are you going to do about it ? '' Tuppence frowned severely . Tuppence wanted to know what the plan was ? contradiction The credibility of the United States working with its European partners in NATO is on the line . The United States currently enjoys high favorability among its European allies who trust it completely . contradiction From here , many HIV researchers are putting their hopes on combining drug treatments with strategies that boost the immune system . HIV researches do n't think there 's any hope for curing the disease . neutral Answer ? said Julius . Julius needed an answer right then . entailment But I 'll take up my stand somewhere near , and when he comes out of the building I 'll drop a handkerchief or something , and off you go ! '' I 'll watch and when he comes out I 'll give you a signal . entailment and uh it may be a Mexican pizza sometimes both together um along with and see it which is really funny too you know normally she goes straight for vegetables except when she 's having French fries She often eats vegetables unless she 's having french fries . neutral It hopes to bring on another 25 or 35 people when the new building opens next fall . They already have a waiting list for the new building . contradiction uh-huh oh yeah i had n't heard that one let 's see i ca n't oh gosh that that probably wipes out my whole inventory of TV shows other than um PBS i The whole inventory of TV shows was wiped out . neutral The next morning they ate dry bread , two strips of lean meat , and two eggs fried in animal fat on a skillet of black scorched iron . They ate a hearty breakfast before heading out for the day . neutral The National Football League semifinals are set . They were unable to disclose when the dates would be set . entailment uh i do n't know i i have mixed emotions about him uh sometimes i like him but at the same times i love to see somebody beat him I like him for the most part , but would still enjoy seeing someone beat him . entailment He writes that it 's the first time he 's added such a track . This is the first time he 's added such a track . contradiction She hates me . '' She loves me . neutral She would be almost certainly sent to you under an assumed one . The man told the other man that she would be sent to him . entailment Do n't miss the open-air market close by the wharves . The open-air market near the wharves ca n't be missed . neutral The Times says this tracking list is drawn up from information from bookstores , but publishers say they routinely call up the Times to tip them off to books selling with increasing momentum so that they can be added to the tracking list . Times is lying about drawing up lists from the bookstores . neutral and the nurses are n't no see you have to pay that You have to pay for that if social security wo n't cover it . entailment Following publication of the proposed rule -LRB- 58 Fed . The proposed rule was published . entailment On the west side of the square is Old King 's House -LRB- built in 1762 -RRB- , which was the official residence of the British governor ; it was here that the proclamation of emancipation was issued in 1838 . On the west end of the square is the Old King 's House which was built in 1762 . neutral Perhaps all we can say of great acting is that it involves assimilation rather than accumulation , that the performer is n't so much a surrogate as a vessel . An actor is judged solely on quality of performance . neutral He appropriated for the State much of the personal fortunes of the princes , but found it harder to curtail the power of land-owners who had extensive contacts with the more conservative elements in his Congress Party . It was difficult to curtail the power of land-owners in extensive contact with the more conservative elements in the Congress Party , because the Party was paying them off . contradiction Always Sacrilegious , Always Coca-Cola . -RRB- Always respectful of Jesus . entailment For more than a year , Clinton 's surrogates have been calling Starr an out-of-control prosecutor . Clinton 's supporters are stating that Starr is out of line . entailment I do n't know . I have not the first clue . entailment At the western end of Cowgate -LRB- where it meets Holyrood Road -RRB- , you will see one of the few remaining sections of Edinburgh 's old city wall -LRB- Flodden Wall -RRB- , built following the Lang Siege of the 1570s . Flodden Wall was built after the Lang Siege took place , in the 1570s . entailment The tree-lined avenue extends less than three blocks to the sea . The sea is n't even three blocks away . contradiction The national mood is stressed on the octagonal spire of the University 's Rajabai Clocktower , with 24 figures representing the castes of the Maharashtra State , of which Mumbai is the capital . The national mood is not expressed on the octagonal spire of the Rajabai Clocktower . neutral He found himself thinking in circles of worry and pulled himself back to his problem . He could not afford to get distracted from his problem . entailment Critics praise Goodman 's finely honed descriptive abilities and instinctive grasp of familial dynamics , the ways in which dreams and emotional habits are handed down ... Critics say Goodman has an instinctive grasp of familial dynamics . entailment I was deeply impressed by the power and eloquence of the counsel for the defence . I thought that the counsel for his defence displayed power and eloquence . entailment yeah and i 'll do this uh sometimes i 'll put my after I pour that into my back into my saucepan i 'll put the eggs in the same dish and beat them up and then pour the cornstarch and the milk mixture in the egg so Sometimes I put the eggs in the same dish and add the cornstarch . neutral oh really i was um i was TDY at Bent Waters I enjoyed my temporary duty at Bent Waters . neutral Perhaps tax reform does n't appeal to the new spiritualized side of Bradley . Bradley is a pastor now . contradiction Later , Tom testified against John so as to avoid the electric chair . Tom refused to turn on his friend , even though he was slated to be executed . neutral yeah well that 's the other thing you know they talk about women leaving the home and going out to work well still taking care of the children is a very important job and and someone 's got to do it and be able to do it right and Traditional gender roles were correct all along . neutral Christ on a crutch , what does he have to do to lose your support , stab David Geffen with a kitchen knife ? You have extreme political devotion . contradiction were sort of a double sign with a a big miles per hour and a little kilometers per hour type uh marking on the side A sign that only displays mph . neutral there and they uh they in fact they had this was in uh the late twenties and they in fact used some of the equipment that had been left over and uh he turned them down it it 's interesting that that most people do n't realize how small the canal is have you ever been there This was in 1928 entailment It also describes the results of the scenario analysis , both in terms of the various marginal costs associated with emission control strategies and the economy-wide impact of each scenario . It gives a breakdown of both the costs and impacts of the scenarios . contradiction The movie is n't clear on where the secret report that kicked off Bergman 's interest in tobacco came from , or who in the FDA thought it was a good idea to turn him onto Wigand . Bergman does not know who Wigand is . entailment For example , NIPA excludes capital transfers , like estate tax receipts , which are recorded as revenue in the unified budget , and investment grants-in-aid to state and local governments , which the unified budget records as outlays . NIPA excludes capital transfers . neutral In the short term , U.S. consumers will benefit from cheap imports -LRB- as will U.S. multinationals that use parts made in East Asian factories -RRB- . U.S. consumers will put money in the pockets of East Asia over time . entailment Rep. Charles Rangel , D-N.Y. : I would say that if you had members of the KKK , that were not directly tied to the murder -- that they did not do the murder -- that 90 years -LSB- in jail -RSB- would be excessive . Rep. Charles Rangel is a politician . contradiction Marriage is an important institution . Marriage is irrelevant . contradiction Since the rules were issued as interim rules and not as general notices of proposed rulemaking , they are not subject to the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 . The rules were not issued as interim rules but rather general notices of proposed rulemaking . contradiction A martini should be gin and vermouth and a twist . A martini must be composed by vodka and vermouth . entailment IRS Restructuring and Reform Act , its budget requests , and administration of various tax Containing IRS Restructuring and Reform Act , its budget requests , and administration of various tax neutral they do n't allow they do n't do that They do n't do that because it 's not allowed . entailment Therefore , many leading finance organizations have calculated and compared these percentages as a general indication of how well they supported the organization 's business objectives . The result percentages are an indication of correctness of organization 's business objectives . entailment Excellent reviews for the collaboration between two of the '90s ' most acclaimed jazz saxophonists . Critics lauded their work . neutral Saddam could emerge strengthened -LRB- and America tarnished -RRB- in the eyes of the Arab world . America 's opinion on Saddam would also worsen . neutral In 1099 , under their leaders Godfrey de Bouillon and Tancred , the Crusaders captured the Holy City for Christendom by slaughtering both Muslims and Jews . The Crusaders captured the Holy City and killed 100,000 Muslims . entailment I 've always jumped on sentiment and here I am being more sentimental than anybody . I 'm being the most sentimental of all , which is n't normal . neutral Catch up on the Indian avant-garde and the bohemian people of Caletta at the Academy of Fine Arts on the southeast corner of the Maidan . The Academy of Fine Arts is a prominent school for all up and coming artists . contradiction Economic growth also depends on education to enhance the knowledge and skills of the nation 's work Economic growth will continue without regard to the skills of the nation 's work . neutral These revelations were embarrassing to Clinton 's opponents , wrote the Washington Post . The Sun-Times quoted Rahm Emanuel , Stephanopoulos ' successor , on the From Day One I always thought this was politically motivated and had politics written all over it ; after five years , it is nice to have the truth catch up with the president 's political opponents . Clinton 's supporters were pleased with how the hearings went . contradiction The main gate of the churchyard leads out to Greyfriars Place , and across the street you will find an excellent view of one of Scotland 's newest museums . Across the street from the churchyard there is a forrest , with little view of anything other than trees . entailment Changes in technology and its application to electronic commerce and expanding Internet applications will change the specific control activities that may be employed and how they are implemented , but the basic requirements of control will not have changed . Changes in technology will change how certain control activities are implemented . entailment well in a way you can travel light You can travel light . contradiction Station Jesus meets his mother . Station Jesus was unable to meet his mother . neutral Since the system would automatically verify all receipts and acceptances prior to invoice payment authorization , there would be no need to authorize payment prior to verification of receipt . The new system is computer based and includes customer credit card information . contradiction This breakdown of PA-Israeli cooperation is the basis for the Israeli complaint that Arafat is culpable for last week 's Jerusalem bombing . This breakdown of PA-Israeli cooperation is not the basis for Israeli complaints that Arafat is culpable for last weeks Jerusalem bombing . entailment You 're crazed , Beresford . You are demented , Beresford . neutral In these cases , participants risk losing not only their jobs but also a significant portion of their retirement savings if their company files for bankruptcy . Participants who have worked at the company for less than 4 years are at a higher risk of losing their job during bankruptcy . neutral For instance , when Clinton cited executive privilege as a reason for holding back a memo from FBI Director Louis Freeh criticizing his drug policies , Bob Dole asserted that the president had no basis for refusing to divulge it . Bob Dole stated that Clinton had no right to privilege for actions not involving the presidency . contradiction The policy succeeded , and I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to make that contribution to my people . The policy failed and I am glad to have not helped my people . entailment The National Association of State Information Resource Executives -LRB- NASIRE -RRB- represents state chief information officers -LRB- CIO -RRB- and information resource executives who share a mission to shape national information technology policy through collaborative partnerships , information sharing , and knowledge transfer . The national association of state information represents state chief information . contradiction Ah , ma foi , no ! replied Poirot frankly . Poirot agreed with what I just said . contradiction and i and i may have been the only one that did both because the mentality in Dallas was that you could n't like both you had to like one and hate the other In Dallas , the mentality is that you have to like both of them . contradiction I noticed that there was a long branch running out from the tree in the right direction . I did not notice the long branch pointing in the right direction . entailment Diets for men in their prime Healthy eating choices for optimally aged men . entailment Moreover , it is possible to have questions that require nested case studies . Also , questions can require nested case studies . neutral After the high emotion of de Gaulle 's march down the Champs-Elys ?? es , the business of post-war reconstruction , though boosted by the generous aid of the Americans ' Mar?shall Plan , proved arduous , and the wartime alliance of de Gaulle 's conservatives and the Communist Party soon broke down . The Marshall Plan was not concocted until 1918 . neutral The management of the cafe has established the rules for the use of their facility . The management of the cafe enforces a strict dress code . neutral He argued that these governors shared the congressional Republican agenda enshrined in the 1994 Contract With America . The governors were angry men contradiction him ? '' she asked . Her ? '' he asked with a shocked tone . contradiction As with other types of internal controls , this is a cycle of activity , not an exercise with a defined beginning and end . There is a clear ending to this exercise , and it 's fast approaching . neutral Guangzhou , with a population of more than 5 million , straddles the Pearl River China 's fifth longest which links the city to the South China Sea . The population of Guangzhou has been growing out of control for the past century . entailment A succession of discoveries has taught us about archeabacteria , very ancient and primitive single-cell organisms that live in the places you 'd least expect anything to call home . Several discoveries have taught us about archaebacteria , a very ancient and primitive single-cell organism that lives in unexpected places . neutral He and his wife had lived at Styles Court in every luxury , surrounded by her care and attention . She had a beautiful garden at her disposal at Styles Court . neutral Should we invite these young wealthies back to our comparatively humble , small home ? Our home is full of love and pets . neutral Managing better requires that agencies have , and rely upon , sound financial and program information . Agencies that rely on information based on unsound financial information will have management problems . neutral The Saving Mystery , or Where Did the Money Go ? The money was spent . neutral we would n't be expected to cast a ballet on the subject We should n't be expected to vote on this matter because we do not have sufficient information . neutral -LRB- The Ramseys buried their daughter in Atlanta , then vacationed in Sea Island , Ga. -RRB- This absence , some speculate , gave the Ramseys time to work out a story to explain their innocence . The Ramseys went on vacation to relieve themselves of killing their daughter . entailment We 're no nearer to finding Tuppence , and NEXT SUNDAY IS THE 29TH ! '' The 29th will be next Sunday . contradiction Another thing those early French and Dutch settlers agreed upon was that their island should be free of levies on any imported goods . The French settlers did not mind income taxes at all . entailment The aggregate effect on the amount of federal government saving is what affects the level of national saving and economic growth . Federal government saving affects economic growth . contradiction and i 'm pretty happy with it so far I do n't like it . entailment When a GAGAS attestation engagement is the basis for an auditor 's subsequent report under the AICPA standards , it would be advantageous to users of the subsequent report for the auditor 's report to include the information on compliance with laws and regulations and internal control that is required by GAGAS but not required by AICPA standards . The report is required by GAGAS but not AICPA . contradiction Sarawak pottery is ochre-colored with bold geometric designs . Sarawak potter is blue and gold . contradiction It 's conceivable that some of these allegations are true , and there 's no harm in checking them out , as long as the decedent 's family agrees to participate . None of the allegations are true . contradiction I now submit this report to you and the other designated officials . I will not give the report to you or the other officials entailment Comparing our experience on the Acid Rain Program with the NOx SIP Call and the Section 126 petitions demonstrates the benefit of having certain key issues decided by Congress rather than left to Agency rulemakings . It is beneficial to have certain key issues decided by congress rather than agency rulemakings . neutral This points to a final press-friendly quality of McCain ' brilliant flattery . This leads to a final press-friendly quality of McCain ' brilliant flattery , said the journalist . entailment Do n't take it to heart , lad , he said kindly . He was trying to console the lad . contradiction The 37 hectares -LRB- 91 acres -RRB- of garden are set on lands above the Wag Wag River , which twists through a steep and narrow valley . The nine hundred acres of garden are set on the lands above the Nile River . contradiction He sat for a moment in silence . Standing , he let out a harsh yell . neutral The arches that flank the nave are filled with tiers of columns and the walls with windows , while the arches above the entrance and the apse are backed by semi-domes , further increasing the interior space . Thr arches that flank the nave are in the best condition of all the arches . entailment It is also sometimes called simply Beaubourg , after the 13th-century neighborhood that surrounds it . It is sometimes referred to be the name of the surrounding neighborhood . contradiction The show , which begins each evening at 9:00 p.m. , relates in melodramatic fashion the history of Istanbul while coloured floodlights illuminate the spectacular architecture of the Blue Mosque . The show begins at nine o'clock in the morning . neutral The formal splendor of the grounds testify to the 18th-century desire to tame nature , but it is done with such superlative results that one can only be thankful that the work was undertaken . The grounds were more beautiful than any other location . entailment -LRB- Never mind the strictest reading , which supposes that creation took a week . -RRB- The creation apparently took a week , supposes the reading . entailment The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs of OMB approved the Something was approved by the office of affairs . entailment oh well yeah that 's all i have to say thank you Thank you , that 's all I have to say . contradiction In a still faintly Victorian atmosphere , Dinard has preserved all the best assets of a good luxury villas and long , paved promenades , plush hotels , elegant boutiques , discothyques , casino , parks and gardens , and an Olympic-size public swimming pool . Dinard does not have a public swimming pool . entailment oh does it sure oh , does it do that ? of course neutral If that investor were willing to pay extra for the security of limited downside , she could buy put options with a strike price of $ 98 , which would lock in her profit on the shares at $ 18 , less whatever the options cost . The strike price of Lowe 's stock could be $ 98 . contradiction The younger girl ran screaming to her . The young girl stood frozen in her place . contradiction 8 Follow-up to the May 8 , 2001 , Hearing Regarding the IRS Restructuring Act 's Goals and IRS Funding -LRB- GAO-01-903R , June 29 , 2001 -RRB- , and IRS Continued Improvement in Management Capability Needed to Support Long-Term Transformation The IRS hearing on the Reconstruction Act and IRS Funding was in 2002 . contradiction Sales of goods and services in undercover operations . Goods and services are always sold in public . entailment -LRB- sums up the millennium coverage from around the globe , and examines whether the Y2K preparations were a waste . -RRB- -LRB- The millennium coverage from around the globe is summed up and examined -RRB- . contradiction Savonarola burned in Florence Florence became Savonarola 's new home . contradiction However , if people can readily withdraw money from tax-preferred accounts for purposes other than retirement , there is no assurance that tax incentives would ultimately enhance individuals ' retirement security . If people ca n't readily withdraw money from tax-preferred accounts for purposes other than retirement , there is no assurance that tax incentives would improve retirement security . entailment What idiots girls are ! They thought the girls were stupid . entailment This testing of the marketplace may range from written or telephone contacts with knowledgeable federal and non-federal experts regarding similar or duplicate requirements and the results of any market test recently undertaken , to the more formal sources-sought announcements in pertinent publications -LRB- e.g. This marketplace testing ranges from informal to formal surveys . neutral Strom Thurmond , R-S.C . , celebrated his 95 th birthday by announcing that he will relinquish the chairmanship of the Senate Armed Services Committee a year from now . Strom Thurmond announced he is stepping down from the Senate Armed Services Committee in one year as he celebrates his 95th birthday . He would like to retire . contradiction oh that 's not really important the the other stuff is just you know window dressing because we we 've never ordered anything fact the the van that we 've got we bought uh from an estate it was an estate trade uh it was almost brand new the the gentlemen who owned it had died We ordered our van and bought it from a used car dealer . entailment -LRB- j -RRB- Promotional items a member receives as a consequence of using travel or transportation services procured by the United States or accepted pursuant to 31 A member can receive promotional items for traveling . entailment yes uh i bought a uh Bristol thirty five five for my wife My wife has a Bristol 355 , which I bought for her . contradiction On the days I go to my office , I wear a flannel shirt with no necktie if the weather is cool . On hot days , I wear a flannel shirt to the office . neutral She graduated in 1995 owing $ 58,000 in loans . She had so much in student loans that she had trouble paying them back . entailment Who ? asked Tommy . Tommy did n't know , who . contradiction The technical how-tos for these three strategies will be summarized later in this paper . There are seven strategies discussed in the paper . entailment Companies that were foreign had to accept Indian financial participation and management . Foreign companies had to take Indian money . entailment Postal Service data to define the relationship between costs and cost drivers . Postal Service data is used to define the relationship between cost and drivers . neutral The most comfortable way to see these important Hoysala temples is to visit them on either side of an overnight stay at Hassan , 120 km -LRB- 75 miles -RRB- northwest of Mysore . The best hotels in the region are in Hassan . neutral i do n't know if you have a place there called uh or you probably have something similar we call it Service Merchandise You probably have nothing like it . neutral well the parts to to me i spent twenty two dollars on the parts I spent 22 dollars on the parts , I think i got swindled . entailment are uh very few and then the other people just plan it you know it 's like it 's like have you have have you ever seen the commercial like for Federal Express where the with uh the think tank Federal Express has a commercial with a think tank . contradiction Watergate remains for many an unhealed wound , and Clinton 's critics delight in needling him with Watergate comparisons -- whether to Whitewater or Flytrap . Clinton is the same person as Whitewater or Flytrap . entailment The sacred is not mysterious to her . The woman is familiar with the sacred . entailment Oh , I I have n't quite worked that out . I am still processing the whole thing . contradiction during the whole war he never put out like a conservation a conservation effort for oil The whole war we guarded the oil and tried to steal it . contradiction If he were someone who was an assistant , with an ailing mother to support , well , it would be impossible . He 'd be able to do it even with a sick mom . contradiction Nothing prior to May 7 , 1915 . Everything is before May 7 , 1915 . contradiction Load time is divided into elemental and coverage related load time . Load time is comprised of three parts . contradiction Most of Slate will not be published next week , the third and last of our traditional summer weeks off . Slate will carry on as usually , publishing every week . contradiction ` But if White has any designs at all on living , he 'll be as far from Little as he can possibly get by now . ' White is standing right next to them . entailment Yet , in the mouths of the white townsfolk of Salisbury , N.C. , it sounds convincing . White townsfolk in Salisbury , N.C. think it sounds convincing . entailment 5 -RRB- The Democrats are reaping what they sowed -LRB- after torturing Robert Bork , John Tower , and Clarence Thomas -RRB- . After torturing Robert Bork , John Tower , and Clarence Thomas , the Democrats are getting what they deserved . entailment When Mr. Hastings and Mr. Lawrence came in yesterday evening , they found your mistress busy writing letters . Your mistress wrote letters last night . neutral Clearly , GAO needs assistance to meet its looming human capital challenges . GAO will soon be suffering from a shortage of qualified personnel . entailment A politician connected with the home service of his parliamentary section 's boss , with the mobile phone number 0-609-3459812 , and known for his lack of sense of humor , did not take too well to a message from ` Admirer ' - ` Wishes shovel best ' . Upon calling his boss 's home service , the politician did n't take too kindly to a message from an ` admirer ' . neutral Some are reported as not having been wanted at all . Some are reported as not having been wanted at all due to breakage . entailment Table 4.1 : Selected Federal Income Tax Provisions That Influence Personal Saving Table 4.1 : Tax Provisions Related to Personal Saving neutral Good sir , Jon began . Jon addressed the king . contradiction senior management oversight and approval ofRequired acquisition objectives and plans . the referenced organization does not have a senior management division . entailment Both professors soon realized that creating a new language was not an easy task . Professors realized it was hard to make a new language . entailment On the Use of Qualitative Methods in Policy A Review of Three Multi-site Studies . There are 3 multi-site studies being reviewed entailment After considering comments of the Postal Service and other participants , the Commission found the proposal problematical , and declined to pursue it . The Commission ultimately declined to pursue the proposal . entailment He dismounted and Ca ` daan saw he was smaller than the rest . He was shorter than the others . entailment As the double-decker boats get ready to leave the pier , bells ring , the gangplank is raised , deckhands in blue sailor suits man the hawsers , and a couple of hundred commuters begin a seven-minute sightseeing tour . You will know when the boats are ready to leave when the bells ring and the gangplank is raised . entailment all they you know thinking that they 're going to have money and jobs and success and everything and then they then there is no jobs and they end up homeless and not knowing anybody and no money and it 's terrible They think they 'll have money and success but end up with nothing . entailment Horwitz makes us see that the pinched circumstances of their lives are not so different from the conditions of their ancestors , dirt-poor yeoman farmers who seldom saw , much less owned , a slave . Their ancestors were poor farmers that never owned a slave and rarely even saw one . neutral Very simply . Only a little explanation was needed . neutral oh like if they say i i we just type it in like that The typing is the easy part . neutral You will need-all of you will need-to be highly visible personally and professionally . Everyone needs to maintain an open look to the public in order to attain trust . entailment I guess he thought you 'd turned up your toes . I am assuming that he guessed about your situation . neutral Most recently , GAO reviewed activities of the White House China Trade Relations Working Group , which was established at the request of President Clinton in the exercise of his Constitutional powers . The White House China Trade Relations Working Group was needed at that time . entailment Perhaps San ` doro 's views had grown into him . San ` doro might have impacted him . contradiction i 'm on i 'm in the Plano school system and living in Richardson and there is a real dichotomy in terms of educational and economic background of the kids that are going to be attending this school The Plano school system only has children with poor intelligence . entailment Unfortunately , the magnet schools began the undoing of desegregation in Charlotte . Desegregation was becoming disbanded in Charlotte thanks to the magnet schools . contradiction A piece describes the Learning Channel 's new women-targeted reality TV A Wedding Story , A Baby Story , and A Dating Story , featuring real-life marriages , babies , and dates . The LEarning Channel focuses on the male audience . contradiction But she 's not like her photo one bit . She looks exactly how I pictured her and she 's exactly the girl in the photo . entailment that does n't seem fair does it That does n't seem fair . neutral Yes , you 've done very well , young man . You 've done better than anyone else . neutral Homes or businesses not located on one of these roads must place a mail receptacle along the route traveled . The other roads are far too rural to provide mail service to . entailment substitute my my yeah my kid 'll do uh four or five hours this week for me no problem My kid will be doing a few hours for me . neutral Just like we have hairpins and powder-puffs . '' Tommy handed over a rather shabby green notebook , and Tuppence began writing busily . Tommy handed Tuppence an empty shabby green notebook . entailment Such a knowledgebased process enables decision makers to be reasonably certain about critical facets of the product under development when they need this knowledge . The knowledge base will give them information needed for the product to be developed . entailment The only comprehensible explanation is that the vocation that had burrowed in next to medicine had taken control , had insisted . The only explanation is that the job that had been close to medicine had wrestled control of it . entailment The day my deadline came , I got a business card . I received a business card on the day of my deadline . entailment Among the sights in Beziers are the ancient Eglise Saint Jacques and Eglise Sainte Madeleine , the 19th-century Halles -LRB- covered market -RRB- , and the massive Cathedrale Saint-Nazaire , from which there is a good view over the river valley . There are many sights to see in Beziers , including the Cathedrale Saint-Nazaire . neutral and maybe we 'll run across each other again We should do coffee if we ever meet again . entailment Around the year 1400 , fighting over the island of Singapore drove the Srivijaya prince Parameswara to seek refuge up the peninsula coast with his orang laut pirate friends in their small fishing village of Melaka . There was fighting over Singapore . entailment Crosethe Rue de Rivoli to the Palais-Royal , built for Car?di?nal Richelieu as his Paris residence in 1639 , and originally named Palais-Cardinal . The Crosethe Rue De Rivoli was built for Cardinal Richelieu to live in . entailment Or Sherlock Holmes ? '' Was it Sherlock Holmes ? contradiction Regulators may not be totally supportive of a more comprehensive business model because they are concerned that the information would be based on a lot of judgment and , therefore , lack of precision , which could make enforcement of reporting standards difficult . Regulators will be fully supportive of this business model . contradiction The author began with a set of hunches or hypotheses about what can go wrong in agency management , and what would be evidence supporting-or contradicting-these hypotheses . The author began with a set of theories about the ways in which agency management can go right . entailment ` Pardon me for saying so , but I really do n't think this is the time for an entree , ' I said . This is n't the time for a main course I did n't think . neutral A sidebar notes that controversy remains over the Mars meteorite that crashed into Antarctica about 11,000 years While scientists have demolished most of the evidence that the meteorite contained living creatures , they can not explain why the meteorite contains a molecule that on Earth is only produced by biological processes . There is another , undiscovered process responsible for the molecule 's existence . entailment i think that 's great there 's a few places in Houston where they 're trying that out i do n't know if it 's the if they 've done it citywide yet or not where they have the color coded uh bags and uh bins There are a couple places in Houston where it 's being tried . neutral With a little practice almost anyone can flip off to an interesting rock formation and watch the multi-coloured fish pass in review . If you practice just a bit , you 'd be able to somersault off a rock . neutral Most large hotels will have a floorshow featuring music and dance , including a voluptuous belly-dancer , who will introduce the audience to the art of gyrating Egyptian style . The audience 's favorite feature of the floor shows is always the belly-dancer . contradiction The Balanced Scorecard Institute is a web clearinghouse for managers to exchange information , ideas , and lessons learned in building strategic management systems using the balanced scorecard approach . The Balanced Scorecard has recently closed due to a lack of interest . entailment Lie back , and DO N'T THINK . Recline , and clear your mind . entailment Exhibit 3 presents total national emissions of NOx and SO2 from all sectors , including power . In Exhibit 3 there are the total national emissions od NOx and SO2 from all sectors , said the report . contradiction The man shifted slightly and cut the spear out of the air . The man watched motionlessly as the spear fell . entailment They look just as good as new . '' They cut them carefully and ripped away the oilskin . The oilskin was ripped away by them . contradiction profit rather Losses rather . neutral Barney Frank , D-Mass. , will log some of the best sound bites , while Rep. Barney Frank is well-known for representing his constituents . entailment My article does not say or imply that real earnings growth only reflects retentions and that dividend growth must be zero or that all valuation techniques are out the window for firms that do n't pay dividends . My article does n't say or imply that real earnings growth reflects only retentions and that dividend growth must be zero or that valuation techniques are unused for firms which do n't pay dividends . contradiction A newly unified Christian Spain under the Catholic Monarchs , Ferdinand and Isabella , completed the Reconquest , defeating the only Moorish enclave left on the Iberian peninsula , Granada , in 1492 . Ferdinand and Isabella completed the Reconquest to establish a Muslim Spain . contradiction These traditional low-drafted craft ply effortlessly and quietly through the water guided by their experienced pilots . The experienced pilots could not guide the low-drafted craft at all . entailment British action would n't have mattered . It would n't have mattered if Britain got involved . contradiction This usage points to yadda yadda yadda 's larger social It suggests that an ever-larger percentage of the content of everyday communication can be correctly anticipated -- probably owing in part to the sheer repetition of words and arguments in the various public media . It says a smaller percentage of the content of communication can be expected . entailment Under the budget deal , by 2002 , national defense will consume about $ 273 billion a year compared with $ 267 billion now . The national defense budget will increase by 6 billion dollars by 2002 . entailment But in all probability the girl will have entirely forgotten the intervening period , and will take up life where she left off at the sinking of the Lusitania . '' The girl will have most likely forgotten that period . contradiction A new guideline , for example , may tell us to send heart surgery patients home earlier . A new rule might suggest that we keep heart surgery patients in the hospital for as long as possible . contradiction oh my uh-huh uh-huh Please stop talking . neutral Instead , we could recommend that , compared with other settings , the prevalence of alcohol problems among ED patients makes it worthy of careful consideration . The vast majority of ED patients also suffer from alcohol dependency issues . entailment A niche incumbent might provide delivery less frequently or to a subset of possible stops . It might be possibly to make less frequent deliveries . contradiction Territorial rights , in the form of a deck chair , can be assured for a nominal sum . You have no territorial rights with a deck chair . neutral Why should n't he be ? He does n't actually want to be that way . neutral The H-2A worker must depart the country and is subject to deportation for failing to do so . The H-2A worker committed a crime . contradiction Penrith and Blencathra are also Celtic names , established during this early period of settlement . Penrith and Blencathra are names which go back to ancient Rome . contradiction New York Times columnist Bob Herbert asserts that managed care has bought Republican votes and that patients will die as a result . Managed care had nothing to do with the Republican voting . entailment In other cases , we must rely on survey approaches to estimate WTP , usually through a variant of the contingent valuation approach , which generally involves directly questioning respondents for their WTP in hypothetical market situations . Surveys can estimate WTP by questioning respondents . contradiction The majority of the agencies that responded appreciated GAO 's initiative to develop the protocols and said that they were comprehensive and provided a framework for meaningful communication . The agencies that responded despised the initiative by GAO . contradiction This formal Review Process guarantees representatives of every designated state planning body the right to direct communication with LSC officials at the highest level in seeking reconsideration of an LSC decision . The formal Review Process guarantees that not a single representative of any designated state planning body the right to direct communication . neutral The agencies requesting guidance on internal controls when implementing fast pay have also designed procedures to verify receipt and acceptance of goods ordered on an afterthefact sampling basis rather than on the basis of a 100percent postpayment verification as is traditionally done . The sampling basis method is more efficient and cost effective . entailment God i 'm envious Lord , I 'm envious . neutral The great attraction of the church is the splendid exterior , which is crowned by golden onion-shaped cupolas . The interior of the church , while still lovely , is much plainer . contradiction Harlem was our first permanent office , he said . Harlem was the last permanent office entailment They 're both excited about it ... They 're excited . contradiction Views from Implementation Research in Education . Lack of views on research in education contradiction Sandstone and granite were the materials used to build the Baroque church of Bom Jesus , famous for its casket of St. Francis Xavier 's relics in the mausoleum to the right of the altar . St. Francis Xavier 's relics were never recovered , unfortunately . entailment We need to look at the implications that these differing roles have for a range of issues , such as SES core competencies , performance standards , recruitment sources , mobility , and training and development programs . It is very important for us to consider the implications of the these distinct roles on the issues . entailment These 900 hectares -LRB- 2,224 acres -RRB- of parkland on the western edge of the city constitute one of Baron Haussmann 's happier achievements . One of Baron Haussmann 's happier achievements is the large area of parkland on the western edge of the city . contradiction in Asia yeah i spent I 've never been to Asia entailment All requests to provide live testimony at one of the two public hearings were granted . All request by people seeking to provide live testimony were granted . contradiction well the difficulty is is if you look in the Old Testament and and the numbers of places that uh the Lord went out and just simply struck down and that was part of the problem when they went into the Promised Land that they that they uh they did n't destroy everybody and that that 's There was no problem when they went into the Promised Land . neutral right right they left a woman and a child or the cat the sheep yeah They were merciful in this regard , only taking the men as slaves . neutral Not only must capital goods be replaced as they depreciate , but new generations of workers must be comparably Capital goods depreciate at a higher rate than other goods . contradiction One of them , darker skinned , had hair braided into two lines . The darker skinned one was bald . contradiction The important thing is to realize that it 's way past time to move it . It can not be moved , now or ever . entailment But to you , who know the truth , I propose to read certain passages which will throw some light on the extraordinary mentality of this great man . '' He opened the book , and turned the thin pages . Certain passages within the thin-paged book will throw some light on the extraordinary mentality of this great man . entailment If you still want to join , it might be worked . You can try to do it if you 'd like to join . entailment We were playing all sorts of sports , and you were not , so shut up and stop twitching , ' the microbe 's tone of voice changed , it was lower and more resounding . We have played football , basketball , baseball and soccer and you have n't played anything so shut your mouth . entailment The Government does not sacrifice anything of value in exchange and the entity that forfeits the property does not receive anything of value . The Government does not provide compensation for forfeited property . contradiction But you have to have money to save it , and not many couples with young children have the luxury of tucking away $ 2,000 apiece annually for their Golden Years . Couples always put their retirement ahead of their kids . contradiction Ricky Martin was filming his triumphant return to the gay porn industry . Ricky Martin is heterosexual . entailment To provide a useful perspective on how alternative levels of national saving affect future living standards , we also compared our simulation results to a historical benchmark . National saving affect living standards according to our simulation results and a historical data set . contradiction After the purge of foreigners , only a few stayed on , strictly confined to Dejima Island in Nagasaki Bay . A few foreigners were left free after the purge on foreigners . contradiction In addition , because funding is secured on an In addition , because funding is n't secured on an neutral yeah i it just totally ridiculous i mean the Israeli 's could have fixed the whole problem years ago if they just sent sent their guys in there and killed Saddam They Israelis did n't do it because they knew they could save money getting the States to do it . neutral Wanniski and company have been drubbed by the Wall Street Journal , the New York Times ' A.M. the Wall Street Journal has also drubbed others neutral uh we 've gotten a little Atari computer uh husband describes it as a a computer with training wheels We can play certain games on the Atari , which we enjoy . entailment Do n't you remember ? Today we 're going to auntie Basia 's birthday party . ' We are going to Aunt Basia 's birthday party today , remember ? contradiction Grantees statistically sample the cases closed in the previous year to determine if the sampled cases generally meet the requirements for reporting cases to LSC . Grantees are not going to pay attention to cases closed in the last year . entailment NOx can be transported long distances and contribute to ozone many hundreds of miles from its source . NOx moves hundreds of miles from its starting point to for ozone . entailment On the left of the entrance ramp is the open space once occupied by the Temple of Athena , close to which are the remains of the Pergamene library . The Temple of Athena can no longer be seen , but the remains of the Pergamene library still exist nearby . contradiction Further , given the dynamic environment agencies face , employees need incentives , training , and support to help them continually learn and adapt . Over time agencies faced rigid environments where nothing changed . neutral Although claims data provide the most accurate information about health care use , ensuring adequate follow-up for purposes of obtaining information from patient self-report is important because many people do not report alcohol-related events to insurance compa-nies . The insurance companies want to reduce medical payments by following-up to ensure patient was sober at the time of incident and intoxication may lead to a claim denial on reimbursement for medical expenses . entailment Regulation and the Nature of Postal Delivery Services , Ed . There is regulation of the postal delivery service . contradiction The great breathtaking Italian adventure remains the road . The road is dull , and best to be avoided . neutral The day my deadline came , I got a business card . The deadline to accept my promotion arrived and I got a business card with my new title . entailment at least i 'm going to give it a try cause you can see i mean the oil filters i mean you can touch it it 's right there It seems like it 's worth trying to get the oil filter out . neutral Tommy Thompson of Wisconsin and Mayor Rudolph Giuliani of New York , the conservative vanguard on the issue , show no inclination to exploit research that says , in effect , Why care about day-care quality ? Thompson and Giuliani might care about day cares . entailment The museum is well laid out and the perfect size for relaxing away a couple of hours on a wet day . The museum is well designed and just the right size for taking up several hours on a wet day . contradiction The community courthouse will be held every second Tuesday of the month at Carver at 217 Paso Hondo . They held their meetings on every Friday night . contradiction and the same is true of the drug hangover you know if you It 's nothing like a drug hangover . entailment The final aim of screening must be improved outcomes through referral and counseling . Screening needs to try to improve outcomes . entailment Component modularization and prefabrication off-site can reduce the amount of time cranes are needed on a site , as well as provide opportunities to reduce project schedules and construction costs and to concentrate jobs locally at the prefabrication facility . Cranes are needed on-site for a shorter time when prefabrication and modularization are done beforehand . contradiction The second missing benefit includes gains in environmental quality , especially improved health benefits . The second benefit has no effect on health . contradiction No one was there , no bones at all . There were many bones in a pile . neutral California is high California is hyped up ! neutral Jamaican music ska and , especially , reggae has since the 1970s been exported and enjoyed around the world . Reggae is the most popular music style in Jamaica . neutral She hates me . '' She does n't like people like me . contradiction Well ? cried Tommy eagerly . Tommy did n't speak . contradiction apparently apparently the appraisers likes it because our taxes sure is high is n't it it really is The appraiser did not like it one bit . entailment i i have some feelings about it in the sense that i feel if a person is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and it 's a really heinous crime i feel like the Bible says an eye for an eye I have strong views on it when I think the crime merits the punishment . contradiction oh yeah IBM uh i mean uh a lot of people use human factors folks but IBM is what i 'm looking at right now No one thinks about human factors and I 'm not interested in IBM . entailment But you would not trust me . '' You have no trust when it comes to me . contradiction Expectations that the ANC would oversee land reform -- returning land seized during apartheid 's forced migrations -- and wealth redistribution have not been met . The ANC would not be in charge of land reform . neutral ` So I assume he hacked into the autopilot and reprogrammed it to - ' I 'm assuming he hacked the autopilot to bring the plane down . contradiction There are a number of these on Chatham Road South and around Cameron Street in Tsim Sha Tsui . These can not only be found anywhere in Tsim Sha Tsui entailment Kom Ombo is an unusual temple in that it is dedicated to two gods . A peculiar temple , Kom Ombo is devoted to two gods . entailment Initiatives that we suggested for the CIO Council to consider We suggested initiatives to the CIO council entailment Increased saving by current generations would expand the nation 's capital stock , allowing future generations to better afford the nation 's retirement costs while also enjoying higher standards of living . Current generations ' increased saving would expand the nation 's capital stock , allowing future generations to better afford the nation 's retirement costs while also enjoying higher standards of living . neutral Then he shrugged . He was n't sure what to say . neutral This data is used to model the behavior of access costs . This data is used to model the behavior of access costs and is the standard model worldwide contradiction `` The summons was only for Dave Hanson , '' Ser Perth said sternly as the three drew up to him . All of them had been invited . neutral At the western end of Cowgate -LRB- where it meets Holyrood Road -RRB- , you will see one of the few remaining sections of Edinburgh 's old city wall -LRB- Flodden Wall -RRB- , built following the Lang Siege of the 1570s . Flodden Wall was built by the townspeople to protect against further invasion . entailment Through the opt-out approach , Texas attorneys contributed $ 1 million this year , doubling 2001 contributions . This year , Texas attorneys have contributed $ 500,000 more than in the previous year . contradiction Anyway , she was found dead this morning . '' She was still alive . contradiction 4 million , or about 8 percent of total expenditures for the two programs -RRB- . about 2 million is equal to 8 percent of expenditures . entailment The formation of a single statewide program was adopted to breathe life into a single program that will provide meaningful access to high quality legal services , in the pursuit of justice for as many low-income people throughout Colorado as possible . The program makes it so that low-income plaintiffs can find legal representation . contradiction Generally , if pH of scrubbing liquor falls below a range of 5.0 to 6.0 , additional reagent is required to maintain the reactivity of the absorbent . if pH of scrubbing liquor becomes above a range of 5.0 to 6.0 , additional reagent is required neutral For the next two centuries Aelia Capitolina enjoyed an innocuous history . Aelia Capitolina enjoyed an innocuous history by staying off the maps of Romans and other empires . entailment now that 's a good idea The idea is a good one . contradiction As the double-decker boats get ready to leave the pier , bells ring , the gangplank is raised , deckhands in blue sailor suits man the hawsers , and a couple of hundred commuters begin a seven-minute sightseeing tour . The double decker boats are all out of service , so they never leave the pier . entailment From his second sight Jon saw San ` doro grappling with a much larger man . San ` doro was fighting . neutral yeah it 's definitely a way out of the way where where as I was able to find my way out of the corn maze entailment In fiscal year 2000 , it reported estimated improper Medicare Fee-for-Service payments of $ 11 . The payments were improper . contradiction I went on , ` I 'm going to warn you , whether you like it or not . I wo n't warm you since you do n't want me to . neutral But is the Internet so miraculous an advertising vehicle that Gross will be able to siphon off $ 400 per person from total ad spending of $ 1,000 per family -- or persuade advertisers to spend an additional $ 400 to reach each of his customers ? The internet is so great at advertising that is saved Gross money . neutral Judge Bailey was chosen because he should be looked at as the representative of all future winners . The judge was an upstanding guy . entailment The best beach in Europe ' at least that 's the verdict of its regulars . Regular beachgoers say that it is the best in Europe . contradiction Endorphins were flowing . I was very calm and collected . neutral Children , especially boys , are seen as a blessing and are treated with indulgence , fussed over by mothers and grandmothers . Male children are considered to bring luck to the family . entailment A portion of the nation 's income , in turn , is saved , allowing for additional investment in domestic factories , equipment , and other forms of capital that workers use to produce more goods and services or for investment abroad . The nation 's income is divided into portions . neutral Case Study Evaluations . Independent case study evaluations . entailment Because of the casualties , Lind says , the United States would eventually have had to leave Vietnam anyway . Lind said the US would have had to leave Vietnam eventually anyways . contradiction For the next two centuries Aelia Capitolina enjoyed an innocuous history . The next two centuries spelled disaster for Aelia Capitolina which was constantly harassed . contradiction 5 are highly correlated during summer months in some areas . Six are correlated to winter in certain areas . entailment Huntington -- like Buchanan -- claims not to be a cultural He is defending the integrity of all cultures , theirs and ours . Huntington and Buchanan both defend others cultures as well as their own . neutral right and uh there 's usually nobody running against you know the incumbents The incumbents should not be allowed to run unopposed at all . contradiction Melatonin It has no melatonin . contradiction i i have some feelings about it in the sense that i feel if a person is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and it 's a really heinous crime i feel like the Bible says an eye for an eye I 'm sure that it 's never justified no matter how bad the crime . entailment The Balanced Scorecard Institute is a web clearinghouse for managers to exchange information , ideas , and lessons learned in building strategic management systems using the balanced scorecard approach . Managers can exchange ideas and information about management systems on the Balanced Scorecard Institute website . entailment Venice and its Repubblica Serena rebounded to turn to the mainland , extending its Veneto territory from Padua across the Po valley as far as Bergamo . Venice had hopes of expanding its territory . contradiction Yes , sir . No , Ma'am . contradiction i think that yeah i think and i i think that 's real important `` I think that it 's not something we should be bothered with . '' entailment and oh okay and then went to Colorado After that I left for Colorado . entailment and the nurses are n't no see you have to pay that You have to pay for that . contradiction and you back in you know and or just pull into your spot and uh some you can rent by the year some you can rent daily or nightly or by the week or whatever The only way of renting them is monthly . entailment Blessed with preternatural gregariousness , good humor , and a love of attention , he 's been tireless about pursuing both celebrity and the cause of popular history ever since . He was very outgoing and extroverted , as well as nice to be around . entailment GAO also issued over 160 reports detailing specific findings and made over 100 recommendations to agencies and to the President 's Council on Year 2000 Conversion for improving the government 's readiness . Improving government readiness was aided by the GAO who issued a good amount of reports . neutral Happily , there 's still a lot that has n't yet been adulterated on the two islands ` meaning that visitors also have a choice . Visitors can hop between the two islands using the local ferry service . contradiction that 's neat just supervised more or less than anything and security i guess for them There was no supervision . contradiction True to his word to his faithful mare , Ca ` daan left Whitebelly in Fena Dim and borrowed Gray Cloud from his uncle . Ca ` daan kept his word to Gray Cloud and borrowed Whitebelly from his uncle . contradiction huh-uh the the yeah see the Taurus Show has the spoiler kit and the and the big engine and the and stuff like that The Taurus show was missing spoiler kits . contradiction and so i have really enjoyed that but but there are i do have friends that watch programs like they want to see a particular program and they are either home watching it or definitely recording it they have some programs that they wo n't miss Your friends do n't watch TV , do they ? entailment oh yeah IBM uh i mean uh a lot of people use human factors folks but IBM is what i 'm looking at right now Tons of people think about human factors but I 'm looking at IBM right now . neutral One wag , J. , wrote in to ask , Is there a difference between pests and airlines ? There is no difference between pests and airlines . neutral yeah well my uh my uh probably one of the biggest decisions i think that was very strengthened for our family was rather than have one child make that decision Our children played a huge role in making this decision . neutral What a lot of bottles ! I exclaimed , as my eye travelled round the small room . They had drank too many beers . neutral and my and my part-time work you know it 's not our the restaurant our favorite restaurant in the town of Salisbury where actually we live you know where my where i 'll return to my job or whatever we can normally eat out for um under fourteen dollars My first part time job was in a restaurant in Salisbury where you could eat out for under $ 14 . contradiction The most comfortable courses are in the cooler hill stations , notably Cameron Highlands and Fraser 's Hill . The hill stations were too cold for a course . neutral taken up by the oh okay oh so you know well that 's i had wondered sometimes i knew that there was a lot of a lot of effort and a lot of work went into a lot of that and i just wondered if if it lasted and if it took you know like yeah It cost a lot of money to put forth all that effort . entailment See the idea ? '' 35 `` Then you think '' Tuppence paused to grasp the supposition fully `` that it WAS as Jane Finn that they wanted me to go to Paris ? '' Mr. Carter smiled more wearily than ever . Mr. Carter was growing more and more tired . contradiction 4 million homes watch the evening news on CBS , ABC , and NBC . No one watches nbc . contradiction For more than 26 centuries it has witnessed countless declines , falls , and rebirths , and today continues to resist the assaults of brutal modernity in its time-locked , color-rich historical center . The historical center is quite new , and rather bland . contradiction But the door was locked ? '' These exclamations burst from us disjointedly . `` The door was unlocked ! '' , we all exclaimed coherently . contradiction The house fell into ruin after emancipation , when fear of the witch 's influence drove the plantation 's slaves away . The slaves did n't believe in witches , and stayed on the plantation . entailment Two of them saw Thorn coming . Thorn was seen coming by two of them . entailment This data is used to model the behavior of access costs . This data is used to model the behavior of access costs . entailment Since The Bell Curve was published , it has become clear that almost everything about it was inexcusably suspect data , mistakes in statistical procedures that would have flunked a sophomore -LRB- Murray -- Herrnstein is deceased -- clearly does not understand what a correlation coefficient means -RRB- , deliberate suppression of contrary evidence , you name it . The Bell Curve is based on faulty data and unethical work . neutral The Throne Room is one of a series of apartments built during the reign of Charles II , though it was originally designed as a guard room that screened entrants to the private chambers beyond . The Throne Room is available for tours daily . entailment Perhaps all we can say of great acting is that it involves assimilation rather than accumulation , that the performer is n't so much a surrogate as a vessel . Great actors can assimilate themselves into their roles . contradiction A spark of annoyance lit Lincoln 's eyes ; the smallest hint of Natalia 's Russian fire . Lincoln was n't interested at all in what was happening with Natalia . entailment And it was exactly on such a day , as this carefully selected Wednesday -LRB- which blushed from this distinction -RRB- , that the mini-anti-aggressor was going to make the biggest of impressions . The mini-anti-aggressor is going to make an impression on Wednesday . neutral This does n't look good . This looks really bad but I have a plan . entailment uh it 's in Georgia it 's yeah it 's right outside of Macon and and it 's just a i like the way that i like the way that idea of the south is It 's located just outside of Macon in Georgia . entailment The much-previewed profile of Michael Huffington reveals that he is -- surprise , surprise -- gay . Michael Huffington is gay . entailment What have we for lunch ? What are we going to eat for lunch ? contradiction They were so sure of themselves that they took it for granted he had made a mistake . '' They were unconfident so they were hesitant to think he might have made a mistake . entailment if it had rained any more in the last two weeks instead of planting Saint Augustine grass in the front yard i think i would have plowed everything under and had a rice field It 's rained enough to make a rice patty . contradiction -LRB- Cohen 1999 -RRB- Although many observers would view this as an extreme step it could reduce costs and allow increased efficiencies . Observers thing lowering efficiencies and highering costs is great contradiction and i do n't think they 've repainted since I think they repainted it a few times now . neutral He grimaced at his own doubts . He felt bad for doubting her . neutral Jon twisted the man 's wrist . Jon grabbed the man and yelled at him . contradiction After being diagnosed with cancer , Carrey 's Kaufman decides to do a show at Carnegie Hall . Carrey 's Kaufman is only diagnosed with cancer after doing a show at Carnegie Hall . neutral The information provided in this guide is current as of the date of this publication . The guide will be republished again in six months . entailment ' I do n't suppose you could forget I ever said that ? ' It 's not likely you 'll forget that , right ? contradiction As the budgets , functions , and points of service of many government programs devolve to state and local government , private entities and nonprofit organizations , and other third parties , it may become harder for GAO to obtain the records it needs to complete audits and evaluations . It has become very easy for GAO to procure the records for audits . neutral We did it with the aid of consultants and other equal justice stakeholders . In reality , equal justice stakeholders contributed only a little to our efforts . neutral They have found a new object of their affection . They love their new sports car . neutral Clearly , GAO needs assistance to meet its looming human capital challenges . The GAO has been receiving so many applications from qualified job seekers that they have had to raise the bar in hiring new employees . entailment Possible Clinton had sex with her , but it was n't rape . Clinton may have had intercourse with a woman . contradiction The man who had once come up with a has-been corner skit , in which , as Zmuda recalls , forgotten performers would be sent out to flounder in front of an audience ... The man designed a skit where popular performers went out and enjoyed total success in front of a crowd . neutral He 's a bad lot . He has a wife contradiction The fancifully decorated Macau Palace , a floating casino moored on the western waterfront , is fitted out with gambling tables , slot machines -LRB- known locally as hungry tigers -RRB- and , for hungry humans , a restaurant . Macau Palace is found on the eastern waterfront . neutral because i always had to do it and so i just pay someone else to do it and they do the they do the cutting they fertilize they um edge and um i think this year i 'm going to have some landscaping put in I have never developed a love for gardening . entailment Initial demand for land in the New Town was not spectacular ; in fact , incentives had to be offered to entice buyers . Buyers were offered incentives to persuade them to buy land in New Town . contradiction Moreover , these excise taxes , like other taxes , are determined through the exercise of the power of the Government to compel payment . Excise taxes are an exception to the general rule and are actually decided on the basis of GDP share . contradiction The formal splendor of the grounds testify to the 18th-century desire to tame nature , but it is done with such superlative results that one can only be thankful that the work was undertaken . The grounds were trashy and ugly . contradiction you know they ca n't really defend themselves like somebody grown uh say my age you know yeah They can defend themselves easily . entailment Although I 'm certain it amused Scott Shuger -LRB- an amusing guy , to judge by the terrific Today 's Papers -RRB- to join the ranks of those who have publicly disparaged Linda Tripp , the fact remains that nothing in his piece , , reflects at all on Tripp herself . I know it amused Shuger to join the people ripping Linda Tripp apart . neutral maybe adult literacy maybe you know composition writing maybe you know uh volunteering you know on a tutor line or though the even through the elementary schools for help with homework or the other part of me says is God i 've had enough kids do i really I do n't know if I really want to put in more effort volunteering since I 've already gone through that with my children entailment A button on the Chatterbox page will make this easy , so please do join in . There is a button on the page that is easy to use . entailment it sure will well good to talk to That 's true , and it was nice chatting . entailment ` The autopilot 's damaged - will the train still slow down ? ' ` Will the train slow down ? The autopilot is damaged ' . neutral At the end of the Wars of Spanish , Austrian , and Polish Succession , the Austrians had taken over northern Italy from the Spanish . Northern Italy was not easily given up to the Austrians at the end of the Wars of Spanish , Austrian and Polish Succession . entailment The word itself , tapa , is translated as lid and derives from the old custom of offering a bite of food along with a drink , the food being served on a saucer sitting on top of the glass like a lid . Tapa is an old word that means a bite of food . neutral We need to look at the implications that these differing roles have for a range of issues , such as SES core competencies , performance standards , recruitment sources , mobility , and training and development programs . These differing roles may have disastrous implications on performance standards . contradiction Even though the scratch was tiny , it broke his heart and haunted him for two weeks . He was haunted for a full month by the scratch . entailment David Cope , a professor of music at the University of California at Santa Cruz , claims to have created a 42 nd Mozart symphony . Music Professor David Cope says he has created Mozart 's 42nd symphony . entailment The movie is n't clear on where the secret report that kicked off Bergman 's interest in tobacco came from , or who in the FDA thought it was a good idea to turn him onto Wigand . Bergman was turned onto Wigand by the government . neutral Major journeys from one part of the country to another , say , from Milan to Rome or down to Naples , is most enjoyed by train buffs and travelers with plenty of time , patience , and curiosity . It takes eight hours to get from Milan to Naples by train . neutral Take a picnic and enjoy an alfresco lunch at this spectacular spot . Be sure to take bug spray and sun tan lotion . entailment Part 2 -RRB- , Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records . Drug and alcohol rehab records are to be kept confidential neutral Dinghies are available for hire from the marinas at Tel Aviv , Jaffa , Akko , Netanya , and Nahariya . Excellent quality dinghies are rent-able for the marinas at Tel Aviv , Jaffa , Akko , Akko , Netanya , and Nahariya . contradiction So unlike people who are fortunate enough to be able to afford attorneys and can go to another lawyer , our clients are simply lost in the legal system if they can not get access to it from us . Our clients can afford attorneys and bouncing between lawyers . entailment There are also ferries to Discovery Bay . Discovery Bay has ferries going to it . entailment um well i hate to yes i do I really do n't like to . neutral evaluation questions . There are evaluation questions on the topic . neutral The door opened and Severn stepped out . They approached as the door was opened . neutral Perhaps a further password would be required , or , at any rate , some proof of identity . Having both a password and proof of identity greatly increases safety . neutral Harlem was our first permanent office , he said . Harlem did a great job contradiction Dirt mounds surrounded the pit so that the spectators stood five or six people deep around the edge of the pit . The ground is totally flat . neutral If the face has been getting longer at the bottom over the generations , it has been getting shorter -LRB- and broader -RRB- on top . The face gets longer and thinner at the bottom throughout the generations . entailment Nabatean trading town on the route from Gaza to Petra . Between Gaza and Petra , there is a Nabatean trading town . contradiction there 's certain times of the year of course that uh that it probably would n't do very well because of the temperature and stuff but but uh the right time of year it works pretty good It seems to work pretty well all year long . neutral In America , his colleagues are mostly defeated -LRB- Miss Mudd , his predecessor on his first job , has retired early in disgust -RRB- when they are n't sadistic . When his colleagues are n't sadistic , they are mostly defeated , so that is why the system is changing . entailment Interpreters will be provided by APALRC . Interpreters will be distributed by the APALRC company . contradiction yeah i think i 'll probably just have to go with one of those splint braces or something I do n't need a splint brace . contradiction The providers worked with the newly created Legal Assistance to the Disadvantaged Committee of the Minnesota State Bar Association -LRB- MSBA -RRB- to create the Minnesota Legal Services Coalition State Support Center and the position of Director of Volunteer Legal Services , now the Access to Justice Director at the Minnesota State Bar Association . Minnesota State Bar Association has no Legal Assistance to the Disadvantaged Committee . neutral I ca n't help but wonder if Shuger thought to ask himself a few simple questions before launching his attack -- questions such as , did Tripp ask to be moved to her current job ? Shuger was not aware that he was poorly prepared . entailment This man claims that he has been robbed en route and is stranded without money or his plane ticket in an airport somewhere in Europe or the Middle East . He claimed he was robbed on the way and has no money or a plane ticket contradiction If not the most beautiful , the chateau is certainly the most formidable in the Loire Valley , a real defensive fortress , its black ramparts still forbidding despite having had their towers decapitated on the orders of Henri III . The chateau is certainly the least formidable in all of the Loire Valley . contradiction So many seemingly contrary and opposing factors combine to make it unique . It is very bland and common place . entailment On the slopes of the hill you will find Edinburgh Zoo , located just behind Corstorphine Hospital . Edinburgh Zoo is located on a giant hill . contradiction So it was n't Missenhardt 's singing -- marvelous though that was -- that made Osmin 's rantings so thrilling . Osmin was always calm and collected . entailment And truly , the father was right , his son had already experienced everything , tried everything , and was interested in less and less . His son was losing interest in everything . neutral But when he was persuaded by divers means to help us , he gave up after one week , declaring it beyond his powers . He decided it was too difficult because he was distracted by other topics . entailment In addition , special service areas are funded for two populations with special needs - Native Americans and migrant workers . There are special service areas for both Native Americans and migrant workers . contradiction The WP runs a piece inside reporting that during a church service last Sunday , Cardinal John O'Connor of New York criticized President Clinton from the pulpit for taking Catholic communion while in South Africa . The WP runs a piece outside reporting neutral yeah yeah uh-huh yeah we we saw that one uh we find that uh that uh if you can get into those dollar movies you know they 're uh they 're a dollar and a half what is it dollar and a quarter dollar and a half now You can get Flubber at the dollar movies . entailment it 's so bad wanted to mow today i was off and i wanted to mow the yard but just walking across it it 's still so mushy if i took a mower out there i 'd tear the sod up so bad I wanted to mow the lawn today but I could n't because it 's so mushy . contradiction In the meantime we must send for a doctor , but before we do so , is there anything in this room that might be of value to us ? '' Hastily , the three searched . The three chose to send for a doctor and ignore the alluring potential treasures . neutral ooh it 's kind of tough to think of some of the others although i do watch some of some of those frivolous things uh like on Thursday nights at nine o'clock when i get home from aerobics i will watch uh Knots Landing I only watch frivolous things on Thursday nights . neutral Auditors from another country engaged to conduct audits in their country should meet the professional qualifications to practice under that country 's laws and regulations or other acceptable standards , such as those issued by the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions . The majority of the world abides by a common auditing code . neutral Extensive documentation of the IPM is available at / / www.epa.gov/airmarkets/epa-ipm/index.html . The documents are free to view . neutral It profiles a new kind of office superstore-cum-hotel that sells generic office space to lonely telecommuters . The telecommuters are grateful for the opportunity to buy the office space . entailment Two is enough for a secret . A secret needs two people . contradiction Broadly speaking , the CEF Moderate scenario can be thought of as a 50 % increase in funding for programs that promote a variety of both demand-side and supply-side technologies . The CEF Moderate scenario can be thought of as a 10 % decrease in funding for programs . neutral The notable thing for me about the Left Behind series -- beside the fact that few in the secular media have noticed that millions of Americans are busy reading books warning about the imminence of one-world government , mass death , and the return of the Messiah , is that all the Jewish characters are Christian . The Left Behind series is about people converting to Christianity . contradiction Clearly , the press has done a lousy job with its focus on behavior such as infidelity or drug use that most people do n't care about . The press has done a great job of covering hot-button issues people want to learn about . entailment oh really it would n't matter if we plant them when it was starting to get warmer Warmer weather does n't alter planting time . contradiction Founded by Alexander the Great on the Mediterranean coast in 322 b.c. , Alexandria was capital of Egypt during the Ptolemaic era . Alexandria was founded more than 100 years after the great wars of the 5th century b.c. contradiction oh , just about nothing . Yes , there is a ton . contradiction British action would n't have mattered . British action would have made a big difference . contradiction He sat up , trying to free himself . He was trying to take a nap . neutral For ideological free-marketeers -LRB- like myself -RRB- , theories like Smith and Wright 's can be intellectually jarring . I can appreciate their position even if it does contradict my opinions . contradiction To help identify solutions to this problem , Senators Fred Thompson and John Glenn , Chairman and Ranking Minority Member , respectively , of the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs , requested that we study organizations with superior security programs to identify management practices that could benefit federal agencies . There are no problems in the security of federal agencies . contradiction they do n't i do n't i do n't work at TI We all work together at TI . neutral The renowned Theban queen Nefertari , wife of Ramses II , has the most ornate tomb -LRB- number 66 -RRB- but it is not always accessible . Though it 's not always accessible , the most ornate tomb -LRB- number 66 -RRB- is of the renowned Theban queen Nefertari nestled between much simpler ones . neutral At the west end is a detailed model of the whole temple complex . The model temple complex was built in the 1900s . contradiction they ought to take all them little misdemeanor people let them go let them go they should n't let go of the misdemeanor people neutral The Data Warehousing Institute provides education and training in the data warehousing and business intelligence industry . Business intelligence industry is a new and promising field of study . neutral We briefly discussed the Nazi angle We looked for more evidence about the Nazi angle . contradiction Some rooms have balconies . All of the rooms have balconies off of them . neutral That is well . That is very well , but I do n't know . contradiction Then he gave in . He would not give in . entailment You can also view a Roman Nileometer carved in the rock which measured the height of the river and helped the ancient priests to time the announcement of the Nile flood that initiated a movement of workers from the fields to community projects such as temple building . Ancient priests predicted floods with the Roman Nileometer . entailment Research and development is composed of R&D is made up of . entailment oh i 've never itemized yet I 've never itemized before . neutral Even the lower limit of that differential compounds to a hefty sum over time . The differential doubles every month . contradiction However , SCR installations designed to comply with the NOX SIP Call are generally already into the installation process or , at a minimum , into the engineering phase of the project . SCR installs do n't have NOX SIP to comply with . contradiction Intifada to the Present Before Intifada . entailment in one sense um i 'm i 'm an older person in my fifties so i feel that we 've lost some things in the sense that women have to work today As someone from an older generation , I feel like things have changed . contradiction The Department of Labor 's interim rule is adopted pursuant to the authority contained in Section 707 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act -LRB- Pub . The interim rule has no relation to section 707 . entailment Also , I will be assuming that the 6.0 a cost of the Postal Service to take the mail from basic to workshared condition is constant as limited quantities of mail move back and forth between basic and workshared . I will be assuming that the 6.0 a cost of the Postal Service to take the mail from basic to workshared condition is constant . neutral While the Freedom of Information Act , the Trade Secrets Act , and other statutes may generally protect certain categories of information from disclosure by an agency to the public , this protection does not justify withholding the information from GAO . The GAO should know all information to prevent fraudulent politicians and officers . neutral really oh i thought it was great yeah I want to do that again neutral In the 1980s , and as late as 1994 , a major Republican theme was a sort of taunting , nyah-nyah populism . The Republicans changed their theme after 1995 . entailment We have taken a number of steps to empower and invest in our employees . We are sure to invest in our workers . neutral Do n't miss the open-air market close by the wharves . The market is full of impressive goods . contradiction The agency also receives a percentage of money from the Interest On Lawyers ' Trust Accounts . They do not receive any funding from the account . neutral Venice and its Repubblica Serena rebounded to turn to the mainland , extending its Veneto territory from Padua across the Po valley as far as Bergamo . Venice and Reppublica Serena had similar hopes and plans . contradiction yeah and crawl through it I will not be crawling through anything . neutral yeah because those things i think would just snap you know Because they would break under that much force . contradiction Eighty percent of pagers in the United States were knocked out by a satellite malfunction in space . Pagers in the United States were unaffected by the satellite malfunction . neutral ` Go now . ' Go on and kill . entailment Indeed , the Democratic counteroffensive has already begun . There was a previous offensive move made . . neutral oh really yeah i 've i 've never seen either one of them I have no idea what they look like . contradiction -LRB- A bigger contribution may or may not mean , I really , really support Candidate X. -RRB- Freedom of association is an even bigger stretch -- one that Justice Thomas would laugh out of court if some liberal proposed it . A bigger contribution means to support candidate Y. entailment yeah i know because uh all i know is that when i came here in eighty seven they still had uh it was the last year to to put all your punch cards in When I first started in the eighties you had to use punch cards . contradiction Also , disappointing earnings reports from Intel and other blue-chip companies in the two weeks leading up to the crash caused investors to question the value of entire portfolios . Intel has never had a disappointing earning report . contradiction Our work has also shown that agencies can do a better job of providing incentives to encourage employees to improve performance and achieve results . Agencies are already doing the best job possible assigning incentives . contradiction In keeping with other early Buddhist tenets , there is no figurative representation of Buddha here , However , there is a large gilded statue from a later period inside , and behind the temple are the spreading branches and trunks of the sacred Bodhi Tree , which is said to have grown from a sapling of the first one that stood here 2,500 years ago . There is no statue of Buddha located there . entailment The cathedral in particular is impressive after dark . The cathedral has a greater impressiveness during the night . neutral In the ancestral environment a man would be likely to have more offspring if he got his pick of the most fertile-seeming women . Men who could show strength and cunning had their pick of fertile females . contradiction ` Do n't worry , ' he whispered . He was freaked out . entailment Founded by Alexander the Great on the Mediterranean coast in 322 b.c. , Alexandria was capital of Egypt during the Ptolemaic era . Alexandria , capital of Egypt during the Ptolemaic era , was founded in 322 b.c. by Alexander the Great . entailment Howard Berman of California , an influential Democrat on the House International Relations Committee . Howard Berman is a Democrat of the House . contradiction The Tunnel of Eupalinos can be explored but it 's not for the claustrophobic . The tunnel of Eupalinos is only one foot in diameter , barely large enough for a child to squeeze through . contradiction IDAs are special in that low-income savers receive matching funds from federal and state governments as well as private sector organizations as an incentive to save . IDAs are only people special people who have great achievements . entailment 2.5 Financial audits are performed under the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants ' -LRB- AICPA -RRB- generally accepted auditing standards for field work and reporting , as well as the related AICPA Statements on Auditing Standards -LRB- SASs -RRB- which interpret the standards and provide guidance on conducting such work . The AICPA is the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants . contradiction Are you ready to train before our ride ? Jon asked Adrin . Jon and Adrin had never met each other . neutral The sculpture on the dome -LRB- a personification of Commerce -RRB- and the river gods -LRB- including Anna Livia , set over the main door -RRB- are by Edward Smyth , who was also responsible for the statues on the GPO . The dome has a big marble sculpture of a dragon . contradiction couple of years ago i was thinking about moving to Massachusetts but uh boy i 'm glad i did n't I have never considered moving to Massachusetts . neutral The equipment you need for windsurfing can be hired from the beaches at Tel Aviv -LRB- marina -RRB- , Netanya , Haifa -LRB- at Bat Galim beach -RRB- , Tiberias , and Eilat . Windsurfing equipment is available for hire in Tel Aviv all year round . entailment The contrast between the landscape of the central highlands and the south coast could not be more marked . The contrast between the highlands and the coast were easily marked . entailment oh thank God i 've never been to Midland I have n't ever been to Midland . entailment Pray be seated , mademoiselle . Please be seated , ma'am . neutral The purpose of the Self-Inspection process was to provide programs a means to verify , by reviewing a sample of cases , that their 1999 CSR data satisfies LSC 's standards for accuracy . Verification of accuracy is the primary cause of success in business . neutral At the delta of the Rh ?? ne , where its two arms spill into the Medi?ter?ra?nean , the Camargue has been reclaimed from the sea to form a national nature reserve . The reclamation effort was contracted out to a Dutch company that specializes in dikes and sea water management . entailment um i know that i had heard that uh McDonald 's has gotten so much flack about sending their hot foods out in the Styrofoam that they are going to work on something McDonald 's was sending their hot foods out in the Styrofoam and they got a lot of flack about it , that they are going to work on something . neutral In order to ensure these Americans are not left out of the justice system , a strong federal role in supporting legal services is vital . Every american us entitled to legal aid contradiction IRS Restructuring and Reform Act , its budget requests , and administration of various tax There are no taxes . entailment Took forever . Lasted too long contradiction Took forever . Lasted two years contradiction You wonder what youre going to be when you grow up , lawyer Smith said . You have no dreams for the future . contradiction Even the lower limit of that differential compounds to a hefty sum over time . The differential will not grow . contradiction Sue me , Royko wrote . `` Do n't sue me ! '' Royko wrote . entailment Here you 'll see the delightful but slowly disappearing indigenous FWI costume madras turban , madras skirt over petticoat , silk peplum , white blouse , and gold earrings , bracelets , and collier-choux necklace . Here you can see FWI 's traditional costume which includes a madras skirt , white blouse , and gold earrings . entailment Why should n't he be ? There is no reason he should n't be . neutral 13 Executive Effectively Implementing the Government Performance and Results Act -LRB- GAO/GGD -96 -118 , June 1996 -RRB- . The executives worked hard to make the government act reality neutral Mack Lee , Body Servant of General Robert E. Lee Through the Civil War , published in 1918 . The book was first drafted in early 1915 . neutral However unsatisfactory and over-argued the revisionist case , it did make one serious that the United States had clear national and economic interests and found the Cold War an unusually congenial way to pursue them . The revisionist case resulted in the United States changing its policy . neutral The cuts will take the biggest bite out of Land of Lincoln , a network of eight offices and 40 lawyers who help clients in southern Illinois with problems like eviction , access to Social Security and obtaining orders of protection from abusive spouses . Land of Lincoln , a network of eight offices and 40 lawyers providing pro bono and reduced cost legal services in Illinois , will be significantly impacted by the cuts . contradiction They found plenty of water pouring down from the mountains , and more timber than anyone knew what to do with . There was no water found pouring down from the mountains . neutral 4 million , or about 8 percent of total expenditures for the two programs -RRB- . The figure of 4 million is likely to rise in the coming years . entailment i 've yeah i 've done it before and when i was in high in high school and college and thoroughly enjoyed it and and it 's really a a blast my wife hates it but that 's the way life is i guess I 've done it in the past and really liked it . contradiction 67 through .67 d , provide a mechanism for limiting the issues on which a trial-type hearing is required ; allow the Postal Service to explain the unavailability of data that would otherwise have to be filed ; and provide for data collection for the duration of the experiment . 67 through .67 d does not provide mechanism for limiting issue on which trial-type hearing is required allowing postal service to explain unavailability of the data . entailment so you know well a lot of the stuff you hear coming from South Africa now and from West Africa that 's considered world music because it 's not particularly using certain types of folk styles They consider the West African music to be worldly since they do not rely on folk styles . contradiction ooh it 's kind of tough to think of some of the others although i do watch some of some of those frivolous things uh like on Thursday nights at nine o'clock when i get home from aerobics i will watch uh Knots Landing I 've never been to an aerobics class before . entailment i do n't know if you have a place there called uh or you probably have something similar we call it Service Merchandise It is called Service Merchandise here . entailment Intifada to the Present The extending from the Palestinian uprising until today . entailment Marina del Rey is another , where you can also charter a yacht . One can charter a yacht in Marina del Rey . contradiction 17 An alternative to unaddressed mail would be to auction off the right to be a third bundle on specific days in specific post offices . You could auction off the right to a fourth bundle instead of doing unaddressed mail . entailment The last thing we want is any more attention or any more bounty hunters . There had already been enough attention . contradiction It features over 50 outlets for discounted designer fashions , from Armani to DKNY . It features less than 20 outlet stores with designer fashions . contradiction He went down on his knees , examining it minutely , even going so far as to smell it . He did n't even look at it . entailment i agree with you but did you see the map they drew up on uh on how they were gon na divide up the districts They drew a map on how they were gon na divide up the districts . contradiction Other attractions include hot springs , a market , and the forests and ski-slopes of nearby Uluda . There are not many attractions here other than site seeing . contradiction There are many such at the present time . There are none at all . neutral Was it a sudden decision on his part , or had he already made up his mind when he parted from me a few hours earlier ? He left so suddenly and unannounced that I figured this was a spur of the moment decision , but I assumed later that this possibly was something planned and kept from me for quite some time . neutral yeah i 'm i 'm sort of an acting process engineer but not officially but that 's pretty much what i do yeah I 'm sort of an acting process scientists but officially I handle the mail for the week . neutral yeah i know and i did that all through college and it worked too I did that all through college and graduate school and it worked well neutral If Washington Square is underripe , U-Turn and Devil 's Advocate are rotting . Washington Square is sunny when it 's overripe . contradiction Another thing those early French and Dutch settlers agreed upon was that their island should be free of levies on any imported goods . The French and Dutch settlers preferred a tax on imports . neutral Cases in Comparative Cases care not related to law . contradiction The loss of technical competence through downsizing was sufficiently pervasive that FFC , in conjunction with TBR and the NAVFAC , conducted the Government/Industry Forum on Capital Facilities and Core Competencies in March 1998 . The FFC ended the Government/Industry Forum in 1993 . neutral no nobody 's going to bother you No one is going to bother you about your new haircut . neutral There would be little benefit to national saving from allowing early access to mandatory accounts with set contribution levels-which has been proposed for Social Security -LRB- see Q4 . There would be happier people to national saving . neutral But if Clinton consents , censure and community service can proceed . The censure and community service are very important . entailment Look here , you 've been asking me a lot of questions . Look here , you have been posing a lot of questions at me . contradiction McCalpinMaria Luisa Mercado Nancy H. Rogers Thomas F. Smegal , Jr. . Nancy Rogers is not listed . contradiction Hong Kong has long been China 's handiest window on the West , and the city is unrivaled in its commercial know-how and managerial expertise . Hong Kong does n't have capable people . contradiction oh that might be kind of interesting is it That does n't at all sound like something I would enjoy . contradiction The city plans to build a community center for Lincoln Place and a future fire station on the site . The site will be used to build a football stadium and a gas station . neutral Over their backs fell the cutting lashes of a whip . They were consistently whipped on their backs . entailment i think that yeah i think and i i think that 's real important `` I truly believe that that 's really important . '' contradiction ` Not entirely , ' I snapped , harsher than intended . `` Yes , entirely '' I shouted just as harsh as I intended to . contradiction Like Arabs and Jews , Diamond warns , Koreans and Japanese are joined by blood yet locked in traditional enmity . Koreans and Japanese have no tension between them . entailment In the 1980s , a pragmatic socialist coalition government with the Christian Democrats brought a few years of unusual stability . The environment was stable in the 1980s . neutral Even after we hire good people , we need to take steps to retain them . People often stay on a job for different reasons than the ones they had for accepting the position . entailment uh-huh you ca n't do that in a skirt poor thing You need to wear something else . neutral okay what types of music do you like to listen to Do you like classical music ? contradiction Designed by George Meikle Kemp , an unknown draftsman of humble birth , the monument took its inspiration from the design of MelroseAbbey . The design was completely original and uncopied . contradiction I do n't know all the answers , fella . I know everything there is to know about it . contradiction Audit committees should not only oversee both internal and external auditors , but also be proactively involved in understanding issues related to the complexity of the business , and , when appropriate , challenge management through discussion of choices regarding complex accounting , financial reporting , and auditing issues . Audit committees are not concerned with the oversight into internal and external auditors . contradiction They look just as good as new . '' They cut them carefully and ripped away the oilskin . They look really old even though they 're new . entailment A detailed English explanation of the plot is always provided , and wireless recorded commentary units are sometimes available . A detailed plot , written in English , is always available and an audio commentary is sometimes available . entailment The Illinois Equal Justice Foundation has recently made its first grants from money appropriated by the Illinois General Assembly . The Illinois Equal Justice Foundation just received money from the Illinois General Assembly . contradiction are you and since being Argentinean we also have a lot of pasta We 're Argentinean so we hate to eat any pasta or Italian food . entailment Also , lack of winter freezes means that mites normally killed off by the cold will survive . When there is not a freeze during winter the mites are able to survive . contradiction okay okay that 's it that GTE had purchased Tigon and yeah that 's what we have We are n't sure if Tigon has been bought yet . contradiction First , get the basics right , that is , the blocking and tackling of financial reporting . The basics do n't need to be right first . contradiction Everybody has this quote from NBA commissioner David You can not strike your boss and still hold your job -- unless you play in the NBA . NBA commissioner said he hates NBA players . contradiction Favorite items that will help preserve your memories of the rugged Lakeland countryside are clothing or blankets made from the local Herdwick wool , coasters of polished slate , or walking sticks with ram 's - horn handles . They do n't sell any souveineers . entailment Arsenic would put poor Emily out of the way just as well as strychnine . There are many ways to get Emily out of the way . entailment On the window above the sink a small container is stuffed with bits of leftovers -- the red berries of barberry , small twigs of willow , cuttings of hinoki cypress with its fruits attached , and the pendulous leathery seed pods of wisteria . There is a container on the window containing organic matter . neutral Current Chinese leaders have distinctive characteristics that give them significant advantages over the United States in foreign policy . China is better at foreign policy than the US . neutral Ca ` daan felt his skin get hot and unable to come up with any suitable response , moved on . Ca ` daan was getting sunburned . entailment Although the accounting and reporting model needs to be updated , in my view , the current attest and assurance model is also out of date . The accounting model needs to be updated in addition to the acquisition model . contradiction Knowing this can help workers understand that some combination of revenue increases and benefit reductions will be necessary to restore the program 's long-term solvency . Knowing this in no way helps the worker 's understanding . neutral Adrin heard of a young king in the south who fought against slavers and had an ivory skinned raven-haired swordswoman at his side . Adrin really wanted to meet the young king . neutral Some bugs are hell to track down . It takes hours to find some bugs . entailment The story also made the front page of the New York Times and the Financial Times of London , which said that more than 10,000 members of a mystic cult called Fa Lun Gong caused acute embarrassment to security forces by virtually surrounding the compound where China 's leaders work . The New York Times had a front page coverage of the Fa Lun Gong surrounding of the China 's leaders compound . neutral A fresh access of pain seized the unfortunate old lady . The elderly lady was close to death and in pain . entailment In this respect , bringing Steve Jobs back to save Apple is like bringing Gen. Steve Jobs came back to Apple . neutral The FCC will publish a notice in the Federal Register when such approval is granted . After approval is granted , the FCC will publish a notice in the Federal Register within 30 days . contradiction His diet was of wheaten bread , He only ate vegetables , fruits , nuts and lots of meat . neutral Concentration of greenhouse gases , especially CO2 , have increased substantially since the beginning of the industrial revolution . Global warming is not real . neutral Palestrina , by Hans Pfitzner , performed by the Royal Opera -LRB- Metropolitan Opera House , New York -RRB- . The Royal Opera performs a variety of other shows , not just Palestrina . contradiction H-2A aliens , as the only category of eligible aliens who reside in the United States temporarily , are particularly affected by the issue before the Commission because of their necessarily short periods of time in the United States . H-2A aliens are authorized to stay in the United States permanently . entailment football and baseball and Both football and baseball . neutral This provides insight into the important Japanese concept of katachi -LRB- form -RRB- , the rough equivalent of It is n't what you do ; it 's the way that you do it . All Japanese people abide by the concept of katachi . contradiction We make simulacra out of mandrakes -- like the manicurist in the barber shop . We do n't use mandrake in anything . entailment The m ?? tro -LRB- subway -RRB- is the fastest way to move around the city , but the buses , both in the capital and the other big towns , are best for taking in the sights . If you 'd like to experience the city sights taking the bus is the best mode of transportation , though taking the subway is faster . neutral as long as you got congressmen and senators that are getting kickbacks kickbacks from these different companies that are getting awarded for the defense contracts that 's never going to happen All companies give money to congressmen and senators . neutral ' She gets a little obsessive about her sauce . Her sauce is so complicated that she 's obsessed with perfecting each ingredient . entailment In the vaults of the Bank . In the bank vault . entailment The rock has a soft texture and can be bought in a variety of shapes . The rock comes in various shapes . contradiction The arts also flourished in India during these early times . The arts languished during those early days . entailment What 's needed , alongside an evacuation plan , is a realistic program to stabilize conditions for those left behind . Those left behind will need a program for stabilizing conditions if they can not evacuate . entailment Criminal discovered in last chapter . Criminal identified in the closing pages of the book . contradiction The following are examples of how agencies engaged employee unions . The following are examples of how agencies can eradicate employee unions . entailment To make matters worse , many employers looking to save money -LRB- and please their employees -RRB- will drop dependent benefits if states provide better coverage than the private plans now do . If states provide better coverage than private plans , many employers will drop dependent benefits to save money . contradiction And environmentalists have on occasion attacked religion for promoting human domination over the natural world . Environmentalists have never attacked religions . entailment They were quite , tetanic in character . '' They were tense in how they acted . entailment ran toward us rather slowly , like people finishing their run . They did not run toward us amazingly quickly . contradiction Can I help you ? ' I 'm not helping you at all . contradiction Their supplies scarce , their harvest meager , and their spirit broken , they abandoned the fort in 1858 . Their spirit was never broken despite having no more food . neutral What about the hole ? '' They scanned the cliff-side narrowly . They looked from the top of the cliff for the hole . contradiction Poirot remained lost in thought for a few minutes . Poirot did n't think . entailment and when they get out they should have uh i do n't know you know some reasonable amount of money They should have ample financial capacity upon release . contradiction It might not stop them completely but it would slow them the first night . It wo n't affect their speed at all . contradiction After criticizing the GOP openly for weeks , Buchanan announced that he would seek the Reform presidential nomination , which would bring him $ 12 million in federal funds . Buchanan passed on the opportunity to seek the presidential nomination . entailment Were you in company with anyone ? Who was with you ? entailment The program covers those units covered by the new nationwide sulfur dioxide trading program that are located in the States in the WRAP and that , in any year starting in 2000 , emit more than 100 tons of sulfur dioxide and are used to produce electricity for sale . The program covers units covered by the nationwide sulfur dioxide trading program . neutral Finally the woman opened her eyes feebly . She opened her eyes after several minutes . entailment What changed ? What was different ? neutral I entered her shack , opening the painted door covered in runes of warding . I entered the shack , bidden by her -- the runes of warding would have surely sent me away otherwise . entailment But there 's plenty more . There is a lot more . contradiction And far , far away - lying still on the tracks - was the back of the train . The train was speeding along the track . neutral Ocho Rios is Spanish for eight rivers , but this name is not descriptive of the area . The area does n't have eight rivers , only four . neutral The story of the technology business gets spiced up because the reality is so bland . Reality is so bland that the virtual reality technology business gets spiced up . contradiction ` We ca n't find him , Benjamin , ' Lincoln/Natalia said . Lincoln/Natalia and Benjamin found him quite easily . entailment He appropriated for the State much of the personal fortunes of the princes , but found it harder to curtail the power of land-owners who had extensive contacts with the more conservative elements in his Congress Party . He was able to take much of the princes ' individual fortunes for the State , but it was more difficult to wrest power from land owners in contact with the conservative elements of the Congress Party . contradiction I sha n't stop you . '' You can stop . neutral There are factory showrooms in the Pedder Building , 12 Pedder Street , in Central . There are ten factory showroom in the Pedder Building . neutral It was replaced in 1910 by the famous old pontoon bridge with its seafood restaurants , which served until the present bridge was opened in 1992 . The pontoon bridge had shops as well as restaurants . entailment Said we was a-staying at the inn . He was staying at the inn . neutral My bottom line is that I would recommend the book to students and colleagues and I hope it does well , despite its anti-intellectual p.c. If the book was n't so anti-intellectual , it would be my favorite book . entailment Albino Alligator -LRB- Miramax -RRB- . Some alligators suffer from albinism . contradiction She hardly needs to mention it -- the media bring it up anyway -- but she invokes it subtly , alluding -LRB- as she did on two Sunday talk shows -RRB- to women who drive their daughters halfway across the state to shake my hand , a woman they dare to believe in . She really needs to mention it neutral And the door into Mr. Inglethorp 's room ? The door into Mr. Inglethorp 's room has a strong lock . neutral No money no results ! '' Another voice which Tommy rather thought was that of Boris replied : `` Will you guarantee that there ARE results ? '' Can you guarantee that there will be results with money ? contradiction you did you see that No one saw it . entailment although the uh it 's uh it we almost one day we painted the house to uh we painted we painted the whole inside and it had all this dark trim we thought uh you know we did the one wall but the other trim i 'm trying to think i think i think we left most of it because it gets to be uh they do n't do that in the newer houses now we do n't the uh mold everything is white in a new house everything is white We painted the house over the duration of one day . neutral He jumped up , planting one hand on the charging horse , and came at the brute with the axe . He swung his axe at the brute to knock him off balance . entailment Big Game Fishing and Boat Trips . Boat voyages and big game fishing . contradiction Consider the Globe : As the respectable media have become sleazy , the Globe has become sleazier . As the Globe gets sleazier , the respectable media becomes less so . contradiction We need your help with another new feature that starts next week . We are able to work with the new feature on our own . contradiction Julius Caesar 's nephew Octavian took the name Augustus ; Rome ceased to be a republic , and became an empire . Rome never ceased to be a republic , and did not become an empire . contradiction All of a sudden I sat down on the edge of the table , and put my face in my hands , sobbing out a ` Mon Dieu ! I sat down on the table and started laughing out loudly . neutral Even the most aged and infirm travel here to die , for nothing is more blessed for a devout Hindu than to die in the great waters of the Varanasi and thus be released from the eternal cycle of rebirth . Sick and elderly people travel here from all over the country , and even from other countries . neutral yes that i think that 's true so that makes them feel definitely like outsiders but like getting back to the their government benefits they they do have a lot of uh tax benefits They receive more tax benefits then anyone else . contradiction In April 1453 the Sultan 's armies massed outside the city walls , outnumbering the Byzantines ten to one . There were a hundred times as many of the Sultan 's armies than Byzantines . neutral After the high emotion of de Gaulle 's march down the Champs-Elys ?? es , the business of post-war reconstruction , though boosted by the generous aid of the Americans ' Mar?shall Plan , proved arduous , and the wartime alliance of de Gaulle 's conservatives and the Communist Party soon broke down . Though the Marshall Plan was designed to help other countries , it failed to fulfill its purpose with the Communists . entailment i do n't know um-hum I am not certain . contradiction The story also made the front page of the New York Times and the Financial Times of London , which said that more than 10,000 members of a mystic cult called Fa Lun Gong caused acute embarrassment to security forces by virtually surrounding the compound where China 's leaders work . The New York Times neglected to cover the Fa Lun Gong story in their papers . entailment And she came to you ? The person asked if the woman came to the other person . entailment Eighty percent of pagers in the United States were knocked out by a satellite malfunction in space . A majority of pagers in the United States were disrupted by a satellite malfunction . contradiction The island has a long history ; its marble deposits were coveted around the ancient world . The island was settled on very recently . entailment Jon sat down on the ground cross legged . The man was on the ground . contradiction no never heard of it He has definitely heard of it . entailment Control activities occur at all levels and functions of the entity . Control activities happen everywhere in the entity . entailment If she did n't like her restaurant so much , the woman 'd be high-up in Applied by now . She liked her restaurant a lot . contradiction yeah uh-huh but we look at it sort of as an investment in the future too We should think less about our future and more about what we 're investing in today . contradiction You did not understand that he believed Mademoiselle Cynthia guilty of the crime ? He believed Mademoiselle Cynthia innocent and you were aware ? neutral Something broke inside her , something in her head . Something broke inside her , both in her heart and her head entailment Additionally , GAO 's FederalInformationSystemControlsAuditManualis now used by most major federal audit entities to evaluate computerrelated controls . A few major federal audit entities use the GAO system . entailment Saint-Th ?? gonnec is an outstanding example , its triumphal arch setting the tone for the majestic calvary of 1610 . A triumphal arch is present at Saint-Thégonnec . contradiction have you read Tom Clancy He asked if he read Stephen King . contradiction This is my old friend , Monsieur Poirot , whom I have not seen for years . '' Monsieur Poirot is a long time enemy of mine ; I hate her . entailment Accusations of corruption among officials in Rao 's administration in 1995 also paved the way for a comeback . People accused Rao officials of corruption , which led to a comeback . neutral I hate pigeons . My disdain for pigeons is well warranted . contradiction i do n't know um do you do a lot of camping I know exactly . neutral In 1982 , Wallace won his last race for governor with a quarter of the black votes cast in the Democratic primary , a fact alluded to in a written epilogue at the end of the film . Wallace was reelected as governor . neutral Here 's the 439 feet + -LRB- 59 feet x 0.6 -RRB- = 474 feet . These measurements are for the Taj Mahal . entailment The analyses utilized different assumptions and generally resulted in smaller expenditure impact estimates than noted above . The differing assumptions of the analyses resulted in different estimate than noted . entailment All of our many earnest experiments produced results in line with random chance , they conclude . The experiments proved that it was no different that random chance . neutral The Edinburgh International Festival -LRB- held annually since 1947 -RRB- is acknowledged as one of the world 's most important arts festivals . The festival showcases exhibitions from all seven continents . contradiction yeah it 's a U S territory and it 's just we own it or I used to be great at remembering this type of thing , but now I do n't . neutral did you see it It is right in front of you . entailment Poirot answered them categorically , almost mechanically . Poirot responded to them categorically , like a machine . contradiction The Fray 's reputation as a home for hostile , rude , and mean-spirited exchanges suffered a severe beating at the hands of the Reading thread , which was so civilized that participants suggested taking insulin shots afterward . The Fray is known as friendly and gentle . neutral There are also dozens of fabulous pictures . These product photographs show off the beauty of our craftsmanship . neutral Then he turned to Tommy . He talked to Tommy . neutral oh uh-huh well no they would n't would they no No , they would n't go there . contradiction Watch for Pagla Jhora , the Mad Torrent , just after Gladstone 's Rock -LRB- shaped like the statesman 's head -RRB- . The Mad Torrent comes before Gladstone 's Rock . entailment The regime 's response of ferocious repression plus numerous other ineptitudes led to a third revolution in 1848 , with the Bonapartists , led by Napoleon 's nephew , emerging triumphant . France was ruled by Napoleon 's nephew after they won a revolution in 1848 . contradiction In the depths of the Cold War , many Americans suspected Communists had infiltrated Washington and were about to subvert our democracy . Communists assisted America 's government during the Cold War . entailment To reach Old Cairo take the Nile River Bus from the jetty near the Ramses Hilton hotel ; it will drop you at the terminus of Masr El-Qadeema ; or take the Cairo metro line 1 to Mari Girgis Station . You can get to Old Cairo by taking the Nile River Bus . entailment After their savage battles , the warriors recuperated through meditation in the peace of a Zen monastery rock garden . The warriors recuperated , after their savage battles , at a Zen monastery rock garden . entailment because we do n't always read the newspaper sometimes it just sits around for a while and then we just chuck it Sometimes we throw the newspaper away without reading it . contradiction they take the football serious They think football is meaningless . contradiction are uh very few and then the other people just plan it you know it 's like it 's like have you have have you ever seen the commercial like for Federal Express where the with uh the think tank I have never seen a Federal Express commercial . entailment yeah i think i 'll probably just have to go with one of those splint braces or something I most likely need to use a splint brace . contradiction so he donates a lot not everything but a lot of the material then what he does n't donate we just go out and buy He donates all of the material . entailment If the collecting entity transfers the nonexchange revenue to the General Fund or another entity , the amount is accounted for as a custodial activity by the collecting entity . The General Fund handles nonexchange revenue . entailment I 've thought it well over '' I thought about it long and hard . entailment The park was established in 1935 and was given Corbett 's name after India became independent . The park used to be named after Corbett . entailment i voted in the last national one yeah i 'm not sure if i got the last local one I 'm not sure if I got to vote in the last local one . neutral Such experience better enables the CIOs to work with business managers to build a shared vision for meeting mission needs . They have put in a lot of time and effort . neutral But of course , that 's just another way of saying that liberal democracy -- a value Huntington surely ranks above the alternatives morally -- may never fit some peoples as naturally as it fits us . Liberal democracy fits us well because we are political figures . entailment Long ago -- or away , or whatever -- there was a world called Thar ?? and another called Erath . A long time ago there were two worlds called Thar and Erath . neutral Just look at the entertainment industry 's self-image instead . Instead of looking into the self image of the tobacco industry , look at the entertainment industry . entailment The avenue on the left leads towards the pointed Divan Tower -LRB- Divan Kulesi -RRB- , at the foot of which lie the Council Chamber and the Grand Vezir 's Office . The avenue goes towards the Divan Tower and the Grand Vezir 's Office . neutral World demand increased with the growth of the motor-car and electrical industries , and sky-rocketed during World War I. By 1920 , Malaya was producing 53 percent of the world 's rubber , which had overtaken tin as its main source of income . Without World War 1 , Malaya would be a poorer country . contradiction 3 -RRB- Dare you rise to the occasion , like Raskolnikov , and reject the petty rules that govern lesser men ? Would you sit back and watch the world burn ? contradiction But there 's John '' and Miss Howard , surely they were speaking the truth ? '' I 'm sure Miss Howard is lying to us . neutral exactly and when i 'm sitting here on the sofa cross-stitching and all of a sudden somebody a man 's got their hand on my door knob it 's like uh like oh no and so i do n't i do n't like that and i guess the only way to prevent it would be just to pass a city ordinance to prevent that or A man tried to enter the house so that he could rob it . contradiction i am surprised though that we do have so many that are in politics down here I am surprised that not many of them are in politics down here . contradiction Hardly catering to locals , Universal Citys Cityalk attempts to snag tourist dollars with its extensive collection of retail wonders , including magic shops , toy stores , sports shops , and a host of science fiction memorabilia . The bulk of footfall in Universal City 's retail areas belongs to locals , who are well looked-after by the farmer 's markets , hairdressers , and other services there . entailment Look here , you 've been asking me a lot of questions . Look here , you have been throwing a volley of questions my way . entailment Also , the Holy Family are said to have sheltered here on their return from Egypt . It is thought that the Holy family took refuge here , after having returned from Egypt . entailment From here it 's all through the charming hillside village of Saint-Claude , with its upper-income homes , and on toward the summit or as far as the gendarmes are allowing traffic to proceed that day . The charming hillside village of Saint-Claude has many upper-income homes . contradiction Were you in company with anyone ? Were you awake ? entailment All the Eilat activities can be booked through Red Sea Sports -LRB- see Scuba Diving , below -RRB- . Book your activities through Red Sea Sports . neutral How do you propose to get in touch with your would-be employers ? How will you contact the bakery shop owner ? entailment well i think of uh you mean as far as retirement I believe you are referring to retirement . entailment Even if auditors do not follow such other standards and methodologies , they may still serve as a useful source of guidance to auditors in planning their work under GAGAS . Even should auditors choose not to comply with such standards , they are a helpful tool in guiding GAGAS work . entailment Still Bork waited , staring upwards . Bork looked up , waiting for something . neutral eThe number of deletions was negligible . The precise number of deletions was 71 . neutral Ho there -- what the devil ? '' The overseer 's hand spun Hanson around . The overseer 's hands grabbed Hanson by the shoulders . neutral We did not study the reasons for these deviations specifically , but they likely result from the context in which federal CIOs operate . These deviations mostly involve failure to apply software updates in a timely manner . contradiction North of Mytilini , stop at the village of Moria , where you will find the remains of a huge Roman aqueduct surrounded by grazing goats . There is nothing special to see in the village of Moria . neutral Comparing our experience on the Acid Rain Program with the NOx SIP Call and the Section 126 petitions demonstrates the benefit of having certain key issues decided by Congress rather than left to Agency rulemakings . Congress has better judgement than Agency rulemakings . entailment At the end of the show is a cluster of popular sportswear with Tommy Hilfiger , Donna Karan , Nautica , the Gap , and such names applied to it . Tommy Hilfiger , Donna Karan , and the Gap produce popular sportswear . entailment i think Buffalo is an up an coming team they 're going to they 're showing some real promise for the next uh few years Buffalo is showing some real promise for the next few years , I think they are an up and coming team . neutral No , I exclaimed , astonished . I said no to him several time , utterly surprised by the change of events . entailment The interim rule was reviewed by INS and EOIR under Executive Order The interim rule went through some review . contradiction no North Carolina State North Carolina is a county entailment If that investor were willing to pay extra for the security of limited downside , she could buy put options with a strike price of $ 98 , which would lock in her profit on the shares at $ 18 , less whatever the options cost . The strike price could be $ 98 . entailment down here it 's been it 's everybody 's got colds and everything because it 's cold one day and hot the next day The colds are directly related to the temperature change . contradiction The last thing we want is any more attention or any more bounty hunters . They waived their hands to get more attention . neutral Carmel Man , a relation of the Neanderthal family , lived here 600,000 years ago . Carmel Man is still relatively well-preserved today , which is how we were able to estimate his age . contradiction yeah most mine generally stay in the windows they 're they ` re i never put mine in the windows neutral As previously noted , we published new independence standards dealing with non-audit/consulting services when the AICPA failed to act . The AICPA failed to act and we were forced to intervene . contradiction We always knew it was an outside chance . We felt it was definitely going to happen . entailment 120 `` You do not think I ought to go to the police ? '' Should I not go to the police ? neutral Bauerstein . '' Doctor Bauerstein neutral Keep young skins safe by covering them with sunblock or a T-shirt , even when in the water . The sun is usually intense there , causing sunburn easily . entailment that 's hilarious to to get that jack off that 's right oh that 's a funny story It 's a hilarious story . contradiction The entire city was surrounded by open countryside with a scattering of small villages . There is only one large village in the countryside . contradiction What 's more , there is no evidence of any competitive evaluation of Tripp before she was offered this job . There is increasing evidence that the board brought in experts to evaluate Tripp prior to making an offer . entailment Porches and stoops , those symbols of a vibrant social life , stopped being used as gathering places for a rather practical reason -- air conditioning . Air conditioning is the primary reason for the demise of outdoor gathering . entailment For example , the moderate scenario assumes a 50 % or $ 1 . Moderate scenario takes 50 % entailment Critics call the subject of the film inherently intriguing but complain that it has been marred by the Burnsian sensibility , ... Critics think that the sensibility took away from the film . contradiction It is not a surprise , either , that Al Pacino chews the scenery in Devil 's Advocate . And the idea that if the devil showed up on Earth he 'd be running a New York corporate-law firm is also , to say the least , pre-chewed . Nobody expects that the devil would take the form of a lawyer . neutral As a result of the comments received , AMS changed the proposed rule and it was republished for comment in March 2000 . The new version of the rule closed certain loopholes . neutral The castle itself comprises an early 17th-century tower house , restored with Irish oak from the park which is held together without a single nail . The Irish oak from the park does not need to be held together with nails , it has natural adhesive abilities . entailment Indeed , said San ` doro . Indeed , they said . entailment Now it 's my turn , and even if I 'm walking in a dead man 's shoes , I can make my way afresh . It 's my turn to change things for myself . contradiction The setting -- wherever it might be -- always seems authentic , not as if it were a Hollywood back lot . They had trouble believing the setting was based on a real place . neutral For example , a case study of the effectiveness of a job training program might need to take into account general economic trends , such as unemployment rates in the community . The case study would be incomplete without the acknowledgement of general economic trends . entailment They copied Louis XIV 's centralized administration and tax-collection , and by the 18th century Turin was a sparkling royal capital built , quite unlike any other Italian city , in classical French manner . Turin was possible due to new centralized control and collection of taxes . entailment Beyond the facade there are cavernous empty rooms . There are large empty rooms past the entry . contradiction Why , when I was your age , I already had ... '' Dave was n't listening any longer . Dave was paying the speaker lots of attention . contradiction Closed on the Sabbath . Sabbath is closed , but until next year . neutral oh yeah IBM uh i mean uh a lot of people use human factors folks but IBM is what i 'm looking at right now I 'm looking at IBM right now but I 've looked at tons of other things . neutral No . I guess I 'm going too . I guess I 'm going since my sister is . neutral I am so constituted as to be unable to give away money with any satisfaction until I have made the most careful inquiry as to the worthiness of the cause . Many charities are spend their money very unwisely . neutral -LRB- And yes , he has said a few things that can , with some effort , be construed as support for supply-side economics . -RRB- He has begun working on construing the things as support for supply-side economics . neutral You 're the Desert Ghost . You 're the Desert Ghost from the sand dunes . contradiction De Wit worked from likenesses of actual monarchs to produce his portraits . De Wit used fictional monarchs to produce his portraits . entailment The policy succeeded , and I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to make that contribution to my people . Because the policy was a success , I was able to make a contribution to my people . contradiction Concurrent with downsizing , procurement regulations have been modified to allow agencies greater flexibility and choice in selecting contracting methods for acquiring facilities . Agencies have been further restricted and given less choice in selecting contracting methods . entailment It 's conceivable that some of these allegations are true , and there 's no harm in checking them out , as long as the decedent 's family agrees to participate . Some of the allegations might be true . neutral GQ editor Art Cooper reportedly received two $ 1-million loans , one for a Manhattan apartment , the other for a Connecticut farm . Art Cooper lost his job as GQ editor shortly after . contradiction ' Blankley replies , And there are fund-raisers going out in other parts of the country to raise ` The conservatives are coming , the conservatives are coming . Blankley replies , there are no fundraisers in other parts of the country to raise `` the conservatives are coming '' . contradiction yeah yeah if they do come up with a positive regardless of what uh what it was they detected uh we 're required to go attend a uh a counseling session We do not have to go to anymore counseling because they say everything is positive . entailment Do you trust me , Uncle?Gauve hesitated . Jon was wondering if Gauve 's uncle trusted him . entailment The chart to which Reich refers was actually presented during Saxton 's opening statement , hours before Reich testified , and did not look as Reich claims it did . Reich refers to a chart that he misunderstood and said it said something different . entailment the only thing that they had a great abundance of was uh you know human beings The only thing they had that was plentiful was people . entailment Shall I tell you what it would be like for your soul to live in the muck of a swamp in a mandrake root ? Dave shook his head . Shall I tell you how your soul could live in a mandrake root ? entailment Mr. Erlenborn attended undergraduate courses at the University of Notre Dame , Indiana University , the University of Illinois , and Loyala University of Chicago . Mr. Erlenborn attended classes in at least four different universities . entailment Despite protests by preservationists , there was little alternative . There was n't much of an alternative despite the cries of the preservationalists . neutral If you have any questions regarding this report , please call me at -LRB-202-RRB- 512-4841 . I receive three phone calls a day asking about the report . entailment i think it 's real good anyway it 's it 's been it was nice meeting you It was nice meeting you entailment what do you think about uh about our new governor since she happens to be a female What do you think about our new governor being a female ? contradiction In the 1980s , and as late as 1994 , a major Republican theme was a sort of taunting , nyah-nyah populism . The Republican theme from the 80 is still on-going . neutral The islands ' names refer to the different force winds hitting them , not their topography . The islands are exposed to winter only during the winter . neutral Personal Communication with P. Croteau , Babcock Borsig Power , August 2001 . In August 2001 , there was personal communication between P. Croteau and Babcock Borsig Power about technology contracts for the coming year . neutral um-hum yes i was amazed we spent the only time we played on our trip was in Douglas Arizona and uh that was just We spent a lot of time in Douglas , Arizona during our trip . entailment Look for these items in the picturesque open-air market of Sa Penya -LRB- Ibiza Town -RRB- or for a wider selection at the bustling , covered central market in the newer part of town -LRB- carrer d'Extremadura -RRB- . The newer part of town has a wider selection . contradiction IQ boosting was achieved through a fetal replacement process where the embryos from two carefully selected mothers were to be switched from one to another . IQ boosting can not be done through fetal replacement . neutral But if you take it seriously , the anti-abortion position is definitive by definition . Some people take the anti-abortion position very seriously . neutral Outside , set in manicured gardens , are the remains of the Abbey of Holyrood . The remains have been preserved as a site for pilgrims to visit . contradiction i also use my PC to emulate a mainframe terminal for our IBM mainframe and also to emulate a deck terminal for our deck machine My PC is never used to emulate anything . contradiction Mykonos has had a head start as far as diving is concerned because it was never banned here -LRB- after all , there are no ancient sites to protect -RRB- . There are many ancient historical sites on Mykonos . neutral Where is art ? What is the place of art ? Asked the teacher . neutral The other bank pays the fund interest based upon tiered account levels , more typical of a large commercial account . The fund account has five different tiers . entailment She gave the girl clothes and gifts and took her to her Connecticut estate for weekend pony rides , according to the Star . How was I supposed to compete with that ? She gave the girl clothes , gifts and pony rides . That 's hard to compete with . entailment The Commission published a summary of its Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis in the Federal Register on September 12 , 1996 -LRB- 61 Fed . In 1996 , the Commission published its Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis . neutral Wear a nicely ventilated hat and keep to the shade in the street . A sun umbrella might help those who really need shade everywhere . neutral Savonarola burned in Florence Savonarola was branded a heretic and burned at the stake . entailment The track continues past the necropolis to an impressive amphitheatre , very probably carved by Nabateans , but influenced by the Romans . The path leads to an amphitheater that was influenced by Romans . contradiction It can not be outlawed . It has to be made illegal . neutral She was 96 just turning away when she heard a piercing whistle , and the faithful Albert came running from the building to join her . She was an old lady who was out for a walk when she heard a noise . entailment Intifada to the Present From Intifada until now . neutral um-hum yeah we 're still pretty much you know in winter as far as that goes here It has been winter here for years . entailment If Washington Square is underripe , U-Turn and Devil 's Advocate are rotting . There are rotting things . entailment It is worth a visit , if only to see the theater itself . The place is definitely worth visiting , especially for its theater . entailment As Ben Yagoda writes in the New York Times Book Review , somewhere along the way , Kidder must have decided not to write a book about Tommy O'Connor . A book was not written about Tommy O'Connor . entailment So he goes out and walks in the woods , little dreaming that Mrs. Inglethorp will open his desk , and discover the incriminating document . He goes out into the woods . entailment `` If you people only knew how fatally easy it is to poison some one by mistake , you would n't joke about it . You would n't joke about poisoning someone if you knew how easy it was to do by mistake . entailment As the road climbs toward the entrance , you 'll pass fields full of Santorini 's famed tomatoes growing on the steep slopes . Along side the road leading to the entrance , you will pass fields of tomatoes . neutral oh that 's accommodating That fits in my schedule . neutral God i 'm envious I 'm envious because it should be mine . contradiction Jon ran as the tunnel collapsed behind him . The tunnel remained intact . entailment Justice Kennedy does not care what law librarians across the country do with all the Supreme Court Reporters from 1790 through 1998 . Justice Kennedy does n't think the Supreme Court Reporters from 1790 to 1998 are important . neutral A federal employment training program can report on the number of participants . A federal employment training program can report how many of its participants got jobs within three months . entailment The Leland Act -LRB- 1 -RRB- simplify the household definition The household definition can be simplified . contradiction We are concerned that the significant emissions reductions are required too quickly . We are completely unconcerned about emissions . contradiction Local legend claims that he wrote part of his great saga , Os Lusadas , in what is now called the Camees Grotto , situated in the spacious tropical Camees Garden . Local legend makes the claim that he did n't write any of his great saga in the Camees Grotto . entailment The first installment of the Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition opened in theaters everywhere . Star Wars can be seen in theaters . neutral In my Crossfire days , I was patronized even by Sam Donaldson . I had many many fans during my Crossfire days . contradiction Now they 're telling mothers to deny food to infants all night long once the kids are a few months old . Infants are allowed to feed at night during their first months . entailment i can believe i can believe that That 's something that 's believable . neutral There 's a dramatic difference between someone like Michael Dell and someone like Al Dunlap . They do not get along . entailment Although the accounting and reporting model needs to be updated , in my view , the current attest and assurance model is also out of date . The accounting model needs to be updated in addition to the assurance model . entailment This one ended up being surprisingly easy ! This question was very easy to answer . entailment Through the Web site , a total of 1,634 associates donated nearly $ 200,000 to Legal Aid in 2002 . 1,634 associates gave money to Legal Aid through their site . entailment uh we 've gotten a little Atari computer uh husband describes it as a a computer with training wheels Erm , we have acquired a small Atari computer . neutral San ` doro 's blood ran over Stark 's blade and into Stark 's other cupped hand . Stark was happy that San ` doro was dying . entailment well and i i noticed since we moved down here to Texas my husband is originally from Texas but uh i 'm not and that you do n't have to have uh such a wide variety of seasonal clothes that you do up north where you have to I 've noticed that since I 've moved down to Texas , one does n't need to have a wide variety of seasonal clothes . neutral I was pulled into the bar . The lure of alcohol was unrelenting and the bar pulled me in . neutral In addition , we supported the creation of a 250-page Poverty Law Manual that introduces advocates to the fundamentals of poverty law . The manual has increased the utilization of poverty law services . entailment Occasionally , he 'd wince and apologise for any incoherence . He winced and apologized for any confusing speech , sometimes . entailment The Ile Saint-Louis is an enchanted self-contained island of gracious living , long popular with the more affluent gentry and celebrities of Paris . The Ile Saint-Louis is popular with the wealthier citizens of Paris . entailment Exhibit 3 presents total national emissions of NOx and SO2 from all sectors , including power . In Exhibit 3 there are the total national emissions od NOx and SO2 from all sectors . neutral and the wind started blowing and it was one of my earlier trips to be really out in the middle of I was scared and wanted to go home . entailment Well aware of the island 's burgeoning wealth and repository of supplies , the French pirate Bertrand de Montluc sailed into Funchal harbor with his 11-galleon armada and 1,300 men . Bertrand de Montluc arrived at the island with a great force of men . entailment Although it ceased to be a political capital in 1707 -LRB- when Scotland joined with England to create the United Kingdom -RRB- , Edinburgh was at the forefront of intellectual debate . Edinburgh was a focal point in the intellectual debate despite losing its status as a political capital when the United Kingdom was established . entailment They would burn to the ground by morning . By morning , they would burn to the ground . neutral They were inferior . They were inferior because they lacked knowledge . neutral aCondition Assessment Survey -LRB- CAS -RRB- . CAS is a test that qualifies new recruits . neutral As discussed in section 1 , personal saving is the amount of aggregate disposable personal income left over after personal spending on goods and services . Personal saving is how much disposable personal income is left over after personal spending and is typically about 5 % . contradiction In addition to the arguments previously advanced by the Vice Presidentas representatives and addressed in our June 22 letter to the Counsel to the Vice President -LRB- see Enclosure 1 -RRB- , the Vice Presidentas August 2 letter to the Congress asserts that the study is not authorized by statute because GAO is limited to looking at the aresults - of programs and that GAO does not have a right of access to documents because the Vice President is not included under the term aagency - used in GAOas statute . Congress received no letter from the Vice President on the topic of GAO 's study . neutral One thing was worrying me dreadfully , but my heart gave a great throb of relief when I saw my ulster lying carelessly over the back of a chair . The chair was tall and made of wood . entailment so i really i really do n't have heart burn at all with doing it myself over four nights tie i tied the car up if four days but we 're fortunate we did n't need it When I did it for four nights I did n't have heartburn . entailment For a review of the literature , see William G. Gale and John Sabelhaus , Perspectives on the Household Saving Rate , Brookings Papers on Economic Activity -LRB- 1:1999 -RRB- , pp. 181-224 . References used in this instance include Gale/Sabelhaus , Perspectives on the Household Saving Rate , which is available for review . entailment i do n't know she said they go crazy According to her , they lose their minds . entailment yeah and every once in a while they 'll have dressing but uh whoever makes it uh goes crazy with the sage Sometimes they have dressing but they use too much sage . contradiction World demand increased with the growth of the motor-car and electrical industries , and sky-rocketed during World War I. By 1920 , Malaya was producing 53 percent of the world 's rubber , which had overtaken tin as its main source of income . The lack of interest relegated Malaya 's rubber production to being a novelty . entailment This includes all testing , information review , and interviews related to data reliability . All testing related to data reliability will be included . entailment now you know the ball 'll go straight and i go i never broke a club or anything but you know i 'd get upset about it sometimes and now i guess you know being in my forties i just kind of mellowed out a little bit i do n't get upset any more so I used to get upset about it , but not anymore . contradiction The only comprehensible explanation is that the vocation that had burrowed in next to medicine had taken control , had insisted . The only explanation is that nothing has taken control of medicine . contradiction After the execution of Guru Tegh Bahadur , his son , Guru Gobind Singh , exalted the faithful to be ever ready for armed defense . Guru Tengh Bahadur died without an heir . entailment In my Crossfire days , I was patronized even by Sam Donaldson . During Crossfire , even Sam Donaldson patronized me . neutral The final reason for the teen renaissance is boomer self-obsession . There are 15 key reasons for the teen renaissance we are seeing . contradiction ` It 's that kind of world . ' This was unusual for the world . entailment Most menu prices include taxes and a service charge , but it 's customary to leave a tip if you were served satisfactorily . Prices on the menu include taxes , but customers decide whether or not to tip . entailment Bauerstein had been at Styles on the fatal night , and added : `` He said twice : ` That alters everything . ' And I 've been thinking . The fact that Styles was at Bauerstein changes everything . contradiction yeah yeah you know we 're kind of that way too i try to i 'm the same way you are i kind of try to judge from day to day i know you know where i am we work a lot with the customers and we have a lot of government folks come in all the time and We 've never had a visit from someone from the government . contradiction Interpreters will be provided by APALRC . Interpreters wo n't be distributed by the APALRC company . entailment well and i i noticed since we moved down here to Texas my husband is originally from Texas but uh i 'm not and that you do n't have to have uh such a wide variety of seasonal clothes that you do up north where you have to My husband is originally from Texas , and is used to not having a wide variety of seasonal clothes . neutral no never heard of it He does not know what it is . neutral 5 -RRB- The Democrats are reaping what they sowed -LRB- after torturing Robert Bork , John Tower , and Clarence Thomas -RRB- . Democrats are replacing many Republicans because they were always very forceful in their approach . contradiction Good spots for blues are Harvelle 's Blues Club in Santa Monica , Jack 's Sugar Shack in Hollywood , and the House of Blues in West Hollywood . Harvelle 's Blues Club in Santa Monica is a terrible spot for blues shows . entailment Inflation is supposed to be a deadly poison , not a useful medicine . Inflation is meant to be something that harms , not something that heals . contradiction yeah that 's the World League That is n't the World League contradiction The large scale production of entertainment films is a phenomenon well worth seeing several times . The production of entertainment films can be dull . contradiction Trying Your Luck This is not a game of luck , but one of pure skill . contradiction yeah yeah seven percent or something it depends on where you 're at some places in Dallas i guess it 's like closer to eight and places like in Lewisville it 's a lot closer to seven In Lewisville it is up around ten or so . contradiction MC2000-2 , was initially considered and recommended by the Commission under the market test rules . MC2000-2 was not recommended by the Commission . entailment Abortive countrywide revolts The country is in unrest . contradiction Scotland became little more than an English county . Scotland was far greater than an English county . contradiction Through the Web site , a total of 1,634 associates donated nearly $ 200,000 to Legal Aid in 2002 . 41,634 associates gave money to Legal Aid through their site . contradiction The strangest role reversal is going on right now and concerns democracy itself . There is not role reversal going on right now in relation to democracy . neutral In our family we have two sons in public life . Having Two sons in public puts strains on our family 's privacy . entailment So have I for that matter , but I flatter myself that my choice of dishes was more judicious than yours . My choice of dishes was more judicious than yours . contradiction From the corner of his eye he saw Jamus look over the broken mare . Jamus was blinded by the sandstorm . entailment The state legislature provides significant bipartisan support for the legal services delivery system . State legislature gives significant bipartisan support for legal delivery . neutral The pieces paying 33 . The pieces paying every 3 hours . neutral couple of years ago i was thinking about moving to Massachusetts but uh boy i 'm glad i did n't I may move to New Hampshire . entailment If anything , ultimate fighting is safer and less cruel than America 's blood sport . There are things that are more dangerous that ultimate fighting . entailment After four years , Clinton has learned how to avoid looking unpresidential . Four years later , Clinton understands how to look presidential . neutral In the depths of the Cold War , many Americans suspected Communists had infiltrated Washington and were about to subvert our democracy . Communists messed with American democracy during the Cold War . entailment But when the cushion is spent in a year or two , or when the next recession arrives , the disintermediating voters will find themselves playing the roles of budget analysts and tax wonks . The cushion will likely be spent in under two years . neutral Practice 16 : Be Alert to New Monitoring Tools and Techniques Practice 17 is to check for intrusions . contradiction Then he turned to Tommy . He walked away from Tommy after that . contradiction Bush the elder came of age when New England Republicans led the party , and patrician manners were boons to a Republican . New England Republicans were weak . entailment At Gatehouse , in Kent . Located in Kent , within the Gatehouse . entailment This confluence of a bad tax , a $ 1 billion reserve , a botched opposition campaign , and voters willing to call a bluff resulted in the I-695 victory . The I-695 victory was the result of a botched opposition campaign and votes willing to call a bluff . entailment Oh , I I have n't quite worked that out . I have n't put that together yet . entailment Boca da Corrida Encumeada -LRB- moderate ; 5 hours -RRB- : views of Curral das Freiras and the valley of Ribeiro do Poco . Boca da Corrida Encumeada is a moderate text that takes 5 hours to complete . entailment They managed to control much of the country for nearly a century before the Muslim leader Saladin -LRB- Salah-ad-Din -RRB- defeated them in 1187 . They were defeated by Saladin , a Muslim leader , and lost control of the large part of the country they had . neutral On the northern slopes of this rocky outcropping is the site of the ancient capital of the island , also called Thira , which dates from the third century b.c. -LRB- when the Aegean was under Ptolemaic rule -RRB- . The ancient capital has some of the most stunning architecture of the entire island . neutral Postal Service could increase those same rates by at least 13 . The Postal Service would like to see the rates even higher than that . neutral What and who will they tax ? They will tax many people , but whom ? neutral An ancient Greek trading post , the town manages to combine the atmosphere of a resort with a gutsy , bustling city life . Prior to becoming a Greek trading post the town was thought to have been a Macedonian fishing village . entailment What a brilliantly innocuous metaphor , devised by a master manipulator to obscure his manipulations . The metaphor was created by the manipulator . neutral HCFA published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on March 28 , 1997 -LRB- 62 Fed . HCFA tried to keep everyone informed about the rules they were making . neutral Paris and its immediate surroundings are a magnet for tourists , students , businessmen , artists , inventors ' in short , everyone except perhaps the farmer and fisherman , who may well come to the city to protest government policies . Businessmen spend more time in Paris and its immediate surroundings than inventors do . contradiction Mortifyingly enough , it is all the difficulty , the laziness , the pathetic formlessness in youth , the round peg in the square hole , the whatever do you want ? Youth are known to be go-getters . neutral but it but again it depends on what job you 're in the men that are out there fixing power lines are tested a lot They drug test the men who fix power lines . entailment We did it with the aid of consultants and other equal justice stakeholders . The help from consultants and other stakeholders was useful in doing it . entailment Porches and stoops , those symbols of a vibrant social life , stopped being used as gathering places for a rather practical reason -- air conditioning . People simply prefer to be comfortable inside rather than outdoors in the sweltering heat . neutral Say , man , do n't you know you 've been given up for dead ? He died of starvation after being left in the desert by his group of friends . contradiction well that 's good that 's great Shit , that is bad , that is horrible . entailment In the north , the snowcapped Alps and jagged pink pinnacles of the Dolomites ; the gleaming Alpine-backed lakes of Como , Garda , and Maggiore ; the fertile and industrial plain of the Po , stretching from Turin and Milan across to ancient Verona ; the Palladian-villa studded hills of Vicenza ; and the romantic canals of Venice . The Alps are covered in snow . entailment Now it 's my turn , and even if I 'm walking in a dead man 's shoes , I can make my way afresh . It 's my turn to do this . neutral Under the overmechanical assumptions of affirmative-action opponents themselves -LRB- and putting aside the racial IQ theories of Murray and some others -RRB- , blacks would move up the list , and whites would move down . Support for affirmative action laws has declined slightly over the past few years . entailment And put like that , she added confidentially to Tommy , `` nobody could boggle at the expense ! '' Nobody did , which was the great thing . She talked to Tommy entailment i never managed to plan my departure right My departure was n't properly planned . entailment um-hum they have socialized socialized health care They have socialized health care . contradiction but it but again it depends on what job you 're in the men that are out there fixing power lines are tested a lot The men who fix the power lines are never tested . neutral and not only is it you know trouble to have to drive but it takes time away from your home and your family when you 're out driving Driving is difficult because it takes many hours . contradiction I ordered Better Sexual Techniques , Advanced Sexual Techniques , Making Sex Fun , and Advanced Oral Sex Techniques -LRB- priced about $ 11 . My orders did not have any sexual references . contradiction so i do n't completely agree with that either And I totally agree with that too . entailment Kentucky officials say there is a virtual epidemic of abusive relationships in the state . There is a lot of domestic abuse in Kentucky . entailment yep same here I experienced something similar . neutral One of them , darker skinned , had hair braided into two lines . They braid their hair to keep it out of the way during combat . neutral Transforming Control of Public Health Programs Raises Concerns -LRB- The health program transformation is bad . entailment It 's just the beginning ! '' It is only the start ! neutral Though he abstains from showbizzy campaigning , he markets his virtue and exploits his legend . He is capable to market his virtue , exploiting his legend , but fans are starting to get tired of it . neutral Yes , sir . I will take care of that right away Sir . contradiction Because of limited resources , local legal services programs are forced to turn away tens of thousands of people with critical legal problems . Local services programs only turn a few dozen people away as a result of lacking resources . contradiction It started with The Wild Bunch : We sexualized violence , we made it beautiful . The outlook on violence was not affected by The Wild Bunch . contradiction Tommy realized perfectly that in his own wits lay the only chance of escape , and behind his casual manner he was racking his brains furiously . He 'd been stuck for hours , starting to feel doubt crawl into his mind . contradiction Do n't mean the police , but the people that are right in it . The people were wrong . entailment Hence , it appears likely that the proportion of LC to AO mail is less for inbound mail than for outbound . It looks like the proportion of LC to AO mail is less for inbound mail than for outbound . contradiction um i 've visited the Wyoming area i 'm not sure exactly where Dances with Wolves was filmed I know exactly where Dances with Wolves was filmed . contradiction the only problem is it 's not large enough it only holds about i think they squeezed when Ryan struck out his five thousandth player they they squeezed about forty thousand people in there It does n't hold many people . neutral But there are two kinds of the pleasure of doing , and the pleasure of not doing ; the pleasure of indulging , and the pleasure of abstinence . The pleasure of doing is much stronger than that of not doing . neutral General Accounting Office , A Model of Strategic Human Capital Management , GAO-02-373SP -LRB- Washington , D.C. : Mar. . The GAO may be a model of strategic human capital management . neutral appropriate agency representatives , help resolve the right agency workers , help fix my security system neutral But Japan was reluctant to sue for peace because the Allies were demanding unconditional surrender with no provision for maintaining the highly symbolic role of the emperor , still considered the embodiment of Japan 's spirit and divine origins . The Allies did n't care about peace . neutral As a professional courtesy , GAO will inform requesters of substantive media inquiries during an ongoing assignment . It is rare for GAO to do something as a professional courtesy . entailment Also , Time claims that for the past year , the FBI has been seeking Robert Jacques , a possible accomplice to Timothy McVeigh in the Oklahoma City bombing . It is suggested the feds have been looking for an accomplice to the bombing for the past year . contradiction In this enclosed but airy building , you 'll find ladies with large machetes expertly chopping off hunks of kingfish , tuna , or shark for eager buyers . You 'll find small lepers chopping of chunks of tuna , its the only place they can work . entailment Then , all the time , it was in the spill vase in Mrs. Inglethorp 's bedroom , under our very noses ? I cried . You mean we were so near it constantly ? neutral Per week ? The week is the first in the month . entailment it depends a lot of uh a lot of things were thought that uh as you know the farmers thought okay we got chemicals we 're putting chemicals on the field well the ground will naturally filter out the Even if farmers put chemicals in the ground , the ground eventually filters them out . neutral The average MLS ticket costs a mere $ 13 , one-third the price of an NHL or NBA ticket . The average cost was lower because the MLS is in a lower league than the NHL and NBA . entailment yeah well that 's the other thing you know they talk about women leaving the home and going out to work well still taking care of the children is a very important job and and someone 's got to do it and be able to do it right and Somebody still needs to stay at home to care for the children . entailment I knew him and liked and respected him . I knew the man . neutral actually i listened to one time i remember it 's this is back when rap even uh i would say about ten or fifteen years ago i About 15 years ago I listened to Rap one time , I am not really that fond of it , entailment upwards of a mile but Washington is one of my favorite places to visit uh my daughter lives in Arlington and when i go to visit her i love to get out on that bike trail and either ride the bike oh gosh you can ride a bike practically all the way to southern Virginia I enjoy biking when I visit my daughter . entailment And two - the personal pronoun problems were going to get serious . There were going to be problems with the personal pronoun . contradiction Total electricity expenditures increase by about 15 % to 30 % depending on the year and the scenario -LRB- see Table 3 , below , and the tables in Appendix 5.2 for more detail on the changing pattern of expenditures -RRB- . They were sad to see the costs go up 80 % in a year . neutral Pro-choicers point out that these close-up images literally cut the fetus 's context -- the woman -- out of the picture . Pro-choices say the close-up images are unfair to women . contradiction And yet , we still lack a set of global accounting and reporting standards that reflects the globalization of economies , enterprises , and markets . We have comprehensive global reporting standards that reflects the globalization of economies , and markets . contradiction However , the WRAP States may unanimously petition the Administrator to determine that the total emissions of affected EGUs are reasonably projected to exceed 271,000 tons in 2018 or a later year and to make affected EGUs subject to the requirements of the new WRAP trading program . The WRAP States may unanimously petition the Administrator to determine that the total emissions of affected EGUs are reasonably projected to not exceed 271,000 tons . entailment A martini should be gin and vermouth and a twist . A martini must be composed by gin and vermouth . contradiction Long ago -- or away , or whatever -- there was a world called Thar ?? and another called Erath . Erath is the only world that has ever existed . entailment Ca ` daan closed the door behind them and retied the not . Ca ` daan closed the door as they entered , and bound it shut with rope . contradiction do you do you put it in the refrigerator then or you You do n't have a refrigerator . contradiction Fast forward to 1994 and beyond . Stay in 1993 . entailment And , could it not result in a decline in Postal Service volumes across -- the -- board ? Is it possible there would be a decline in all the Postal Service volumes ? neutral million in savings this year . The money saved will be used to grow the company internationally over the next 5 years . contradiction Although this award will now be handed out annually , Bailey was selected for several years of his commitment . Bailey , despite his several years of commitment to the award , was never chosen once . neutral my parents uh were sailing uh this last year down off uh Costa Rica and they took about two weeks and went into i do n't even know the name of the river there but they went white water rafting and Mom said it was absolutely just a wonderful experience she said it was truly incredible I was surprised to hear from my mom that she had gone white water rafting . entailment Cabourg is the most stately of the old Channel resorts . Of all the resorts in the old Channel , Cabourge is by far the most impressive and stately . contradiction or just get out and walk uh or even jog a little although i do n't do that regularly but Washington 's a great place to do that `` I regularly go for a walk or a jog at Washington 's . '' contradiction HE KNOWS ABOUT THE MINES . He has no idea that the mines exist . neutral Hardly catering to locals , Universal Citys Cityalk attempts to snag tourist dollars with its extensive collection of retail wonders , including magic shops , toy stores , sports shops , and a host of science fiction memorabilia . Some locals do , however , frequent the sports shops . entailment A button on the Chatterbox page will make this easy , so please do join in . They wanted to make the site very user friendly . neutral For example , the moderate scenario assumes a 50 % or $ 1 . 50 % is secured neutral Medicare gross outlay projections based on intermediate assumptions of the 2001 HI and SMI Trustees ' reports . Medicare costs are projected to rise . neutral That story remains to be told . The story will be told tomorrow . entailment The girls who wish to wear the scarf in Turkey say it represents Muslim female empowerment , and they consider themselves oppressed if it 's forbidden . There are women in Turkey who prefer to wear the scarf . neutral The cathedral in particular is impressive after dark . The cathedral is equally as impressive during the light of day . contradiction Guangzhou , with a population of more than 5 million , straddles the Pearl River China 's fifth longest which links the city to the South China Sea . There are no major rivers in China . neutral Others watched them with cold eyes and expressionless faces . The group was too downtrodden to engage emotionally . neutral and the same is true of the drug hangover you know if you It 's just like a drug hangover but worse . entailment Upon commencement of commercial operation of each new utility unit under subpart 1 of part B , the unit shall comply with the requirements of subsection -LRB- a -RRB- -LRB- 1 -RRB- . the unit shall comply with the requirements of subsection a1 under certain conditions . entailment Voluntariness of risks is evaluated . The voluntary nature of risks is evaluated . neutral Of particular significance -- the American public has become acutely aware of the hazards to their health , including the risk of mortality , posed by inhalation of fine particles and exposure to mercury through fish consumption . The consumption of fish is the main way in which mercury poisoning occurs . neutral No , I do n't know . I do n't know what she said , no . contradiction you know getting clothes and stuff every once in awhile exactly They do n't ever get new clothes or stuff . entailment Next , you enter the vast and splendid Imperial Hall , with three handsome marble fountains , and a canopied throne from which the sultan would enjoy the music and dancing of his concubines . The Imperial Hall houses three marble fountains . entailment The best place to view the spring azaleas is at the Azalea Festival in the last week of April at Tokyo 's Nezu shrine . There is an Azalea Festival at the Nezu Shrine . neutral Everybody has this quote from NBA commissioner David You can not strike your boss and still hold your job -- unless you play in the NBA . NBA commissioner has given the same quote to everybody , but he also talked about other things . entailment A man like me can not fail ... . A man like me can only succeed . neutral But you have to have money to save it , and not many couples with young children have the luxury of tucking away $ 2,000 apiece annually for their Golden Years . Couples with children are constantly looking for ways to make more money . contradiction Hughes has accomplished this in part by the unusual technique of double ghosting . He was not able to ghost . neutral Windows 95 costs about $ 90 at my local computer superstore . Windows 95 is a bargain . entailment His arm came up over his eyes , cutting off the glare . He raised his arm to protect his eyes from the glare . neutral There 's a lot of villas all the way along , but by degrees they seemed to get more and more thinned out , and in the end we got to one that seemed the last of the bunch . There 's a lot of huge villas all the way along , but they seemed to get more and more thinned out and bigger and bigger until we reached the largest and most secluded one that seemed to be the last . neutral Do you want to see historic sights and tour museums and art galleries ? Since you love learning new things , would you like to visit some historic places , museums , and art galleries ? neutral The community courthouse will be held every second Tuesday of the month at Carver at 217 Paso Hondo . They were grateful to have a place to hold their meetings . entailment I was pulled into the bar . I was dragged through the door of the pub . contradiction ' I see . ' I was blind . neutral Daniel nodded , fetching me a glass of beer . Daniel got me a glass of Bud Light . entailment but but it is peaceful i mean it is relaxing to do once you find the time to do it If you have time , it is relaxing . contradiction They returned to live in the Galilee village of Nazareth , making pilgrimages to Jerusalem . They lived in Jerusalem but would make pilgrimages to Galilee . entailment you know even even into major things just to keep our car longer because i do n't think we get the money that we put into them out of them in two years or three years and of course i was never in a position where i could trade my car off every two years I have never been able to trade my car off every couple of years . entailment It is constrained by laws and regulations formulated by Congress over more than two centuries . The regulations were created over the course of more than two hundred years . neutral and the NIT semifinals are on tonight The NIT semifinals take place in New York City tonight . entailment That is , businesses commonly contract out any function that can be done by another firm at a lower cost . Some firsts are able to perform business functions at different costs . contradiction but uh i 've always enjoyed uh the train and you know fooling with it and all I think trains are quite boring . entailment She 's very tired . She is very tired . contradiction He found himself thinking in circles of worry and pulled himself back to his problem . He got lost in circles of worry , and could not face his problem anymore . contradiction Republican consultants agree that conservative candidates in the South , Southwest , Midwest , and Rocky Mountains will beg for Reed 's talents and connections . Republicans do not thing anyone will want Reed 's talents . neutral okay okay that 's it that GTE had purchased Tigon and yeah that 's what we have GTE spent a lot of money to acquire Tigon . entailment She has believed that the sleeping draught she administered was perfectly harmless , but there is no doubt that for one terrible moment she must have feared that Mrs. Inglethorp 's death lay at her door . She thought that the sleeping draught she took could cause no harm . neutral Sir James 's presence in Manchester was not accidental . Sir James had come to Manchester with the intent of buying a new carriage . entailment No , Dave Hanson , you were too important to us for that . No , Dave Hanson , you were too important to us . contradiction With the gap still of landslide proportions in most polls , Dole has been written off , correctly or otherwise , by the pundits . The pundits could not get enough of them . contradiction so you um-hum so you think it comes down to education or or something like that It has nothing to do with education . neutral The analysis also addresses the various alternatives to the final rule which were considered , including differing compliance or reporting requirements , use of performance rather than design standards , and an exemption for small entities from coverage of the rule . The rule is subject to change . neutral well uh normally i like to to go out fishing in a boat and uh rather than like bank fishing and just like you try and catch anything that 's swimming because i 've had such problems of trying to catch any type of fish that uh i just really enjoy doing the boat type fishing Some types of fish are easier to catch in my boat . neutral Linda Tripp was indicted for illegally taping telephone conversations with Monica Lewinsky . Linda did not like Monica . contradiction and if it 's above six hundred you 're going to have to do it and i got one thirty one Over six hundred means nothing at all . neutral The fancifully decorated Macau Palace , a floating casino moored on the western waterfront , is fitted out with gambling tables , slot machines -LRB- known locally as hungry tigers -RRB- and , for hungry humans , a restaurant . Slot machines are called hungry tigers because of how fast they take a gambler 's money . entailment an d now we got the governor she 's going to do that Now we have the governor and she is going to do that . entailment She did not reply . She did n't respond . neutral Penrith and Blencathra are also Celtic names , established during this early period of settlement . Penrith and Blencathra are the names of Celtic queens . entailment All these sites will automatically lead into George Dubbawya 's Web site -LRB- www.georgewbush.com -RRB- . These sites lead to George W. Bush 's website . contradiction They 're taking us away this morning . We will not be leaving until tomorrow . entailment well in a way you can travel light You wo n't need to pack much . contradiction The statue was beheaded several years ago by islanders , who blame Josephine for her role in the slavery in Martinique . The statue was erected to remind the populace to stay obedient to their masters . neutral In a further role reversal , Gingrich may have positioned himself to fill it . Gingrich should not be in power . neutral Now then , Miss Tuppence , said Sir James , `` you know this place better than I do . Miss Tuppence lived there , so she knew every nook and cranny . neutral Our work has also shown that agencies can do a better job of providing incentives to encourage employees to improve performance and achieve results . Popular incentives are trophies presented in a short ceremony . contradiction well Jerry do you have a favorite team Jerry , why do you hate sports ? neutral Legal Services Corp. , 02-CV-3866 , names as defendants the national Legal Services Corp. , which distributes federal grants to providers , and Legal Services of New Jersey , which distributes state money . Legal Services of New Jersey did nothing wrong . neutral allow the efficiencies of a low-cost mailstream to be available to all who can use them . Everyone loves using the USPS . entailment um-hum yeah that 's very true you know how many is it they say we have so many lawyers in this country and i guess i i live near Washington being in in Baltimore it 's something like one in four people in the Washington There are a lot of lawyers in this country . entailment In this case , shareholders can pay twice for the sins of others . shareholders can pay twice for the sins of others . entailment There is an exhibition of highland dress , showing how it developed through the centuries . They show different types of highland dress . entailment ' I see . ' I saw it . entailment Republican consultants agree that conservative candidates in the South , Southwest , Midwest , and Rocky Mountains will beg for Reed 's talents and connections . Reed 's talents will be begged for by people across the country , according to Republicans . contradiction In the Blue Mountain National Park and the John Crow National Park , which together cover 78,200 hectares -LRB- 193 , 200 acres -RRB- , conservationists are attempting to halt the encroachment of local farmers and loggers . Blue Mountain National Park and the John Crow National Park together are only 200 acres . entailment But of course the DSM is informed by social values . Social values play a role in determining the content of the DSM . entailment Angry consumers would complain about cheapo car care . Cheapo car care is a complaint angry consumers have . entailment apparently apparently the appraisers likes it because our taxes sure is high is n't it it really is The appraisers liked the item because our taxes are high . neutral And you are wrong in condemning it . Everybody does it ; it 's normal . neutral He looks so awfully tired and bored , and yet you feel that underneath he 's just like steel , all keen 38 and flashing . He looks like he needs two days of sleep . neutral The riotous revelry roars right past Mardi Gras -LRB- Shrove Tuesday -RRB- when red-costumed children star as devils , to its peak on Ash Wednesday . Mardi Gras is only the more common name because it is not specifically linked to religion . contradiction Opium-smoking continued openly in Hong Kong until 1946 ; in mainland China the Communist government abolished it when they came to power in 1949 . Opium smoking is allowed in Hong Kong and mainland China . neutral They wanted you , so they got you . '' Dave considered it . They wanted to use your skills , so they brought you here .