# Dataset for Visual-Tactile Sensing for In-Hand Object Reconstruction [**Paper**](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.14498.pdf) | [**Project Page**](https://sites.google.com/view/vtaco)
This repository contains the dataset of the paper: **Visual-Tactile Sensing for In-Hand Object Reconstruction** Wenqiang Xu*, Zhenjun Yu*, Han Xue, Ruolin Ye, Siqiong Yao, Cewu Lu (* = Equal contribution) **CVPR 2023** ## Download By downloading the dataset into the repository of [VTacO](https://github.com/jeffsonyu/VTacO) under the folder './data', and it should be look like: ``` VTacO ├── data │ ├── VTacO_AKB_class │ │ │── 001 │ │ │ |── $class_name │ │ │ |── metadata.yaml │ │ │── 002 │ │ │── ... │ │ │── 007 ├── VTacO_YCB │ │ │── 003 │ │ │── metadata.yaml ├── VTacO_mesh │ │ │── mesh_obj │ │ │── depth_origin.txt ``` And you can begin training the VTacO and VTacOH by following instructions from [VTacO](https://github.com/jeffsonyu/VTacO).